
nosrednaekimhah... no docs for the compiz python bindings.. the suggestion was "look at CCSM"00:01
Nightrosenixternal: :( why was it a waste of time?00:02
JmanfooHey folks, it's been a while00:02
cheguevaranosrednaekim, ouch00:03
JmanfooI've got an installation guide that I've written for Kubuntu, which I emailed to Jonathan Riddell, and he suggested it be included in the documentation on the live CD00:03
Jmanfoohowever i'm not sure how to go about integrating it into that, beyond adjusting the visual elements to match00:04
nosrednaekimcheguevara: yeah......00:04
Jmanfooespecially since I don't primarily use kubuntu :P00:04
Jmanfoonot anymore anyway00:05
cheguevaraJmanfoo, ping Riddell00:05
Riddellhi Jmanfoo00:05
cheguevaranm :P00:05
JmanfooRiddell:  hi :)00:05
RiddellJmanfoo: I think the thing to do would be to branch the docs and add your changes to the About Kubuntu guide00:05
Riddellit's in bzr00:05
Riddelland written in docbook00:05
nixternalNightrose: 1 person shows up, and the person who set up the event, he decided to sleep in and not show up00:06
Nightrosenixternal: ouch that s*cks00:06
nixternalI am going to change my concentration from the LoCos back to Kubuntu00:06
nixternalya it does00:06
JmanfooRiddell: looking at it now00:07
cheguevarathis is pretty crappy00:30
cheguevaraeither kde 4 or java 700:30
cheguevaracan't install both....00:30
yuriythere's a java 7? :O00:30
cheguevaralibgif4 vs libungif400:31
yuriyis it GPL?00:31
nixternalcheguevara: I noticed that yesterday00:31
yuriycause if it is i think it should be included by default00:31
nixternalI purged libgif4 and said screw icedtea00:31
cheguevarayeah i had to do the same00:32
cheguevarayuriy, its still alpha00:32
nixternalit is getting better as well00:32
Riddellcheguevara: that's a job for someone to do, recompile everything that uses libungif against libgif00:32
Riddellcheguevara: it needs talking to tech board about first though00:32
nixternalI was unable to build svn kde4 with libgif4 as well00:33
Riddellhmm, really?00:34
cheguevaraRiddell, oh right, well i could do recompiles/tests/debdiffs but then you will have to do the talking to tech board :P00:34
Riddelllibungif is dead upstream00:34
nixternalRiddell: ya, I had all kinds of trouble00:34
nixternalas soon as I removed libgif4 and went back to libungif4 it went back to building nicely00:34
cheguevarathen failures should be reported upstream00:34
nixternalI haven't had a chance to look into it00:34
cheguevaraRiddell, do you want me to start trying kde 4 with libgif and see what fails00:35
nixternalRiddell: have you had any problems building kdepim-kde4 at all with mysql support?00:35
nixternalit seems to only be an amd64 issue00:35
nixternalit works fine on my lappy, but my desktop I had to build kdepim for kde4 w/o mysql support00:36
nixternaldesktop == amd6400:36
Riddellcheguevara: sure, can do00:37
Riddellnixternal: I've had linker errors with mysql before on amd6400:37
Riddell-fPIC complaints I think00:37
Riddellkoffice2 possibly00:37
nixternalkoffice2 had no problem, kontact was an issue for me00:37
Riddellmostly I just removed the mysql build dep for lack of time to look at it00:37
nixternalerr, kdepim00:37
Riddellmaybe it was kdepim00:37
nixternalsomeone in kde4-devel said it needs to be reported upstream00:38
cheguevaraw00t i fount a bug in adept :P00:38
nixternalcheguevara: just one? :p00:38
Riddellcheguevara: shuely shome mishtake00:38
cheguevaraif you select say libungif4g it tries to get the changelog from /changelogs/pool/main/l/libungif4/libungif4_4.1.4-5/changelog when its in /changelogs/pool/main/libu/libungif4/00:39
* cheguevara wants a medal00:39
cheguevaralol j/k00:39
Riddelloh the changelog thing is problematic00:39
Riddellit can be a bit random about what it shows00:39
cheguevarawhats the QT 4 package manager00:46
cheguevarakeep forgetting thename00:46
nosrednaekimdon'tthink there is one.00:46
nixternalit doesn't work w/o some backend...can't remember off the top of my head00:47
Riddelldoesn't have a qt frontend that I know of00:48
Riddellstdin: comments added to kfax-kde4 and kopete-cryto00:49
Riddellcheguevara: comments added to kcolouredit00:49
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cheguevaraRiddell, thx, but the last 2 comments mean that 2 packages that are in the new queue got the same problem00:53
cheguevarathe wrapper one00:53
Riddellcheguevara: are they your packages?00:54
Riddellcheguevara: I can reject them from New if you want and you can get versions with that added uploaded00:54
cheguevarayeah Riddell can you please00:55
cheguevaraforgot we now want kde4 apps visible in kde 300:55
cheguevaraits ktorrent and kmldonkey00:55
RiddellRejecting ktorrent-kde400:55
RiddellRejecting kmldonkey-kde400:55
Riddellcheguevara: when you add that scripting stuff make sure it works for both indep builds and arch only builds (do  debuild -B for arch only testing)00:56
Riddellif it's just one binary in the package then it should be fine00:56
cheguevarawill do00:56
cheguevaraRiddell, install/kfax-kde4:: <-- the scripting stuff under there right?00:59
Riddellcheguevara: that's the wone01:00
Riddellyou need to change the rule target of course01:01
* Riddell sleeps01:01
cheguevarayeah of course01:01
cheguevaragood night01:01
stdinRiddell: for kfax-kde4 some files are GPL v2 only, I've emailed the authors about this and had 2 replies. Bernd Wuebben says it's OK to re-license to GPLv2+ but Helge Deller says that the files were intentionally GPL2 only01:03
nixternalk'nite Riddell01:05
cheguevarahmmm gentoo doesn't even have libungif01:10
nixternalprobably why people are complaining they are having kde4 build issues with it :)01:12
cheguevarai've built it on gentoo before01:13
cheguevaraworked fine01:13
cheguevaraboth 3 and 401:13
cheguevaragentoo was too much compiling for me to use at home01:13
cheguevarathough its still on my servers :P01:13
cheguevarathings compile very nicely on a quad core with 4 gigs of ram01:15
cheguevarastdin, are you gonna do more extragear? just so we don't end up doing the same thing01:16
stdincheguevara: I may, it's just finding the time :p if you want I'll put up a wiki page with the apps on extragear and you just put your name next to the package you're packaging?01:17
cheguevarayeah that'll be great01:18
cheguevaraand we can check off which ones are done01:18
cheguevaraand also stdin does kdesdk build for you01:19
stdinthe RC2 one ?01:20
stdinwell I haven't built it here, but it builds on the PPAs (except for lpia but that's no surprise)01:21
cheguevaraFTBFS for me with pdebuild01:21
stdindoes your pbuilder have the PPA repositories?01:22
cheguevarado i need them in hardy?01:22
stdinno, but I think just about everything is broken in hardy :p01:22
cheguevarathats nice lol01:23
cheguevara<cheguevara> CMake Error: This project requires some variables to be set,01:24
cheguevara<cheguevara> and cmake can not find them.01:24
cheguevara<cheguevara> Please set the following variables:01:24
cheguevara<cheguevara> KICKER_WORKSPACE_LIBRARY01:24
cheguevarais what i got01:24
stdintry updating the pbuilder base.tgz, it may be using an older package list01:25
cheguevarastdin: as in "pbuilder update"01:26
cheguevaradone it just before i built it :P01:26
cheguevarawonder what the hell that var is supposed to do01:27
Jmanfoois bazaar slow or are these docs just huge?01:31
nixternalJmanfoo: which docs?01:38
nixternalkubuntu-docs are fairly large, but bzr is very slow as well01:39
nixternalyou could probably updated 4 windows machines before that bzr checkout finishes :)01:39
Jmanfoomaybe, but who would want to :P01:39
nixternaland if you work on any of the docs, make sure you send me your diffs so I can look at them and see about uploading them01:39
nixternalalso if you have some ideas, toss them my way and we can see what we can do01:40
Jmanfooi'm going to see about converting http://www.opensourcesociety.org/2007/12/14/the-easiest-installation-guide-ever/ to docbook format and putting it in the docs01:40
nixternalI will have to look it over, an install guide would probably be best suited for a wiki, as we have switched over to a more topic-based system01:41
ardchoilleFound something very interesting: http://pastebin.ca/81956401:41
stdincheguevara: ok, go ahead and edit https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/ExtragearPackaging01:44
cheguevarastdin, kk01:49
Jmanfooheh, a wiki certainly would be quicker02:10
cheguevaranixternal, god i shoul've just asked you or wait for tomorrow (see #ubuntu-motu) lol02:12
jjesseevening :)02:24
cheguevarastdin, I think by the time we get all of these actually packaged and pass revu + new RC 3 will be out lol02:35
stdinwhat RC3 ?02:35
cheguevarakde 402:36
stdinI don't think there is an RC3 coming, it'll be released in less than a month02:36
nixternalthere is not going to be an RC 3 last I heard02:36
cheguevaraoh are we not having another RC02:36
cheguevarahuh thats weird I remember reading somewhere that they decided to do 102:37
cheguevarameh bad move imho02:37
cheguevara4.0 will be buggy :P02:37
stdinthey decided to do an RC2 (that wan't going to happen)02:37
cheguevaraoh yeah you are right02:38
cheguevaraheh she didn't stay long02:38
cheguevarahey Hobbsee02:43
cheguevarahow is it going02:44
Hobbseegoing OK02:45
Hobbseeswitched back to hardy for a bit02:45
Hobbseethen remembered about switching back to metacity :)02:45
cheguevaraewww gnome :P02:45
* Hobbsee shrugs02:46
Hobbseeit's got some nice stuff with it02:46
Hobbseeand doesnt' get uploaded every day, too...02:46
jjessehello Hobbsee02:46
Hobbseeheya jjesse!02:46
cheguevaraHobbsee, meh name one02:46
cheguevaraoh yeah and Riddell wanted you to give back kde packages02:46
Hobbseeyou can drag adn drop the applications on the equivalent-kicker.02:47
cheguevarabut you are right about uploaded every day lol02:47
cheguevarabut let me know Hobbsee when gnome can restore things from the recycle bin :P02:48
Hobbseeah yes, it appears that you still have to drag and drop things02:49
* Hobbsee also misses the move to / copy to dialogs02:49
Hobbseeer, menus02:49
cheguevaraand actually being able to configure stuff :P02:49
Hobbseeactually, gnome has gotten better in configuration - it's not as confusing as it once was02:51
* Hobbsee rather likes the split panels, etc, too02:51
Hobbseeand the update-manager is nice02:51
cheguevaraguess its a taste thing02:51
cheguevaragnome just drives me crazy02:51
cheguevarai honestly rather use windows then gnome02:51
crimsunwhich version of Windows?02:52
* Hobbsee has made the windeco look like polyester :P02:52
crimsunI'd much rather use GNOME than any version of Windows.  Not that it matters.  :-)02:52
cheguevaraprobably xp and above02:53
cheguevarai might choose gnome if it was over it and ME02:53
cheguevaraHobbsee, you got time for some REVU ?02:54
* Hobbsee stomps on pidgin02:55
Hobbseecheguevara: not really02:55
* Hobbsee probably shouldn't review :P02:55
cheguevaraaww :(02:55
cheguevarawhats the command to see what packages depend on a certain package02:58
stdinapt-cache rdepends <package>02:59
jjesseJmanfoo: what are you working on?03:13
jjesseJmanfoo: is it something with the docteam?03:14
JmanfooYeah, converting an article I did on my blog into a section for the docbook03:25
jjesseas a part of kubuntu-docs?03:25
jjessedo you have access to commit to the bzr branch?03:25
cheguevarahmmm where are the font hinting configuration on kde 403:25
Jmanfoono, Riddell told me to make my own branch03:26
jjessewe don't use seperate individual branches, we all commit to the same branch03:26
Jmanfooin that case no I don't have access03:26
jjesseso to get it uploaded, need to email ubuntu-doc mailing list03:26
jjessethe .diff file03:26
Jmanfooheh ok let me start from the beginning, i wrote an article for my blog, intended to be an installation guide for Kubuntu that anyone with basic typing skills could follow03:34
jjesseok sounds useful03:34
jjessewould it best found on the wiki or on within the docs?03:34
Jmanfooi sent an email to Jonathan Riddell suggesting he might want to add a link to it from the kubuntu site, and he wrote back saying i should get it included in the docs that are n the LiveCD03:34
Jmanfoowell personally i think it should be on the wiki, but i'm worried someone might not have access to it during an actual installation that way03:35
jjessei understand, i wonder if this is something that should be addressed within the doc team?  ubuntu-doc@lists.ubuntu.com03:36
JmanfooOk, should I just send a link to the original article and say "hey I thought this might be useful somewhere?" heh03:37
jjesseyeah i think so03:38
Jmanfooexcellent, thanks for your help jjesse :)03:38
jjessemention Riddell wanted it to be included in a link fomr about kubuntu03:38
jjesseJmanfoo: no problem, just want to make sure things are done in the correct way :)03:38
cheguevaradamn rebuilding kdelibs takes so long03:55
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cheguevarastdin, you still around?04:46
cheguevaraat this time? :P04:46
cheguevaraanywas was gonna say i just re-compiled kdelibs5 against giflib, seems to compile fine04:46
stdinmy sleep rhythm is off because I'm ill :(04:46
cheguevaraheh i slept at day time, now don't want to go to sleep04:47
cheguevaralet me file a bug with the debdiff04:47
cheguevarastdin, do you happen to remember is kde4libs the only one that links with ungif out of kde 404:52
stdinfrom the debian/control files, it is04:54
cheguevaraah good04:56
cheguevarastdin, http://launchpadlibrarian.net/10931090/debdiff << looks sane?05:08
stdinare you sure that nothing actually needs libungif and libgif is ok?05:10
cheguevarapretty sure05:10
cheguevarabecause other distros link against it05:10
cheguevarathe kde's cmake configures both05:11
cheguevarakde's cmake configure accepts both05:11
cheguevaraand the fact that they are really the same thing, just one can't save compressed gifs :P05:12
stdinthe diff looks good to me05:12
cheguevarai'll show Riddell tomorrow we'll see what he says05:13
stdinI take it that bug 126266 won't be an issue here?05:15
ubotuLaunchpad bug 126266 in kde4libs "depends on wrong giflib" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/12626605:15
cheguevaraso it did depend on libgif before05:17
cheguevarasec looking at rdepends05:17
stdinand installing libgif4 wants to remove quite a bit... http://stdin.pastebin.com/d3ee9a6db05:18
cheguevarawell most of it is kde stuff05:19
cheguevarathat piles up because libs is built against ungif05:19
cheguevaramplayer seems to be built against ungif though05:20
stdinffmpeg too05:21
stdinseems like quite a large rebuild of a sources to have a smooth transition to libgif05:21
cheguevaraits gotta be done sooner or later (imagine there's a security bug tomorrow)05:22
cheguevarabut yeah its not a kubuntu only issue05:23
cheguevarabut new packages like icedtea are built against libgif05:23
stdinbut a big rebuild like that is never done inside a release, it'd have to be done for hardy05:23
stdinand in that case it may not be done until after kde4 release anyway05:24
cheguevarathere's a bigger issue as well05:24
cheguevaralibgif is in universe05:24
cheguevarawhen ungif is in main05:24
cheguevaraso it'll probably have to go through a main inclusion process05:25
stdinwell that sux :p05:25
stdinso yeah, it'll be a long process for all that to happen05:25
cheguevaraand its up to techboard anyway05:25
cheguevararight i think on this note i can go to sleep05:26
stdinsleep is for the week, caffeine is for the strong :)05:27
cheguevaragot to wake up at around 1105:27
cheguevarawhich is only like 6 and a half hours...05:27
nixternalstdin: I would love to sleep for a week :)05:28
nixternalI am just looking at finishing out the next 3 days of class strong, and then getting back to Kooooooboooooontooooooo05:28
cheguevaragood night05:29
* stdin hits nixternal over the head with a book called "Why Windows Sux" and sends him into a week long coma05:29
nixternalI read that as "My Windows Sux"05:29
stdinwell, yours too :)05:29
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ubiqWhy does debsign skip my secret key?08:02
ubiqIt works with the -k flag, and I have the .bashrc global variables set.08:02
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ubiqnever mind. I just discovered the DEBSIGN_KEYID variable!08:31
LureRiddell: what is going on with apt transition (adept+kubuntu-desktop would be removed with dist-upgrade)08:58
hadsLure: I discovered that /usr/bin/kmail will segfault here if kdepim-kde4 is installed (in case you were interested from the other day).09:03
Lurehads: that is bad :-( Does kdepim-kde4 installs something on regular dirs (not separeated from kde3)?09:04
hadsNope, everything is below /usr/lib/kde4 or /usr/share/doc/09:05
hadsAh, I get it. It's because of LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/kde4/lib09:09
Lurehads: yep, if you start kde3 apps in kde4 session, you need to ensure that it is run with proper LD_LIBRARY_PATH and KDEHOME09:10
hadsYeah, sorry for the noise. I should have figured that out earlier.09:11
Lurehads: this is what kde4 developers suggest for your .bashrc: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/48517/09:11
LureRiddell: ^^^ how should this work properly (coexistance of kde3 and kde409:12
hadsIn this KDE4 session kmail points to /usr/lib/kde4/bin/kmail if it's installed but I can't start that at the moment (undefined symbol: _ZN15KConfigSkeleton11setDefaultsEv) so I was trying to use KDE3 kmail.09:13
hadsThanks for the .bashrc tip09:13
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Tonio_hi all11:37
Tonio_Riddell: I'll release kdesudo toonight, didn't have time this we for this...11:37
Tonio_Riddell: december is generally a hard month at work, so sorry for the delay11:37
RiddellTonio_: tonight is all good11:38
Tonio_Riddell: great, I'll have a lot of contrib days to take in the next weeks, which is a good point11:39
Tonio_Riddell: but atm, I'm busy about 100h a week.... hard to be there in case of problems11:39
Tonio_Riddell: fyi, adept is broken due to new libapt relased :)11:40
RiddellTonio_: yeah, I know, discussing with mvo and enrico11:41
Tonio_Riddell: oki11:41
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Riddellhi cheguevara, I see the motus were giving you a hard time last night :)11:49
cheguevarano kidding lol11:49
cheguevaragot 3 packages in revu now11:49
cheguevaradid you see the libgif conversation i had with stdin yesterday Riddell11:50
RiddellLure: I'm not sure why kontact wouldn't work with LD-LIBRARY_PATh set11:51
LureRiddell: I think it loads some plugins dynamically and therefore from kde4 path instead of kde311:52
LureRiddell: when do we set LD_LIBRARY_PATH for kde4 session? globally for session or individually (in desktop files or soo)?11:52
RiddellLure: globally in /usr/lib/kde4/bin/startkde11:53
LureRiddell: I do not understand how this is supposed to work together11:53
RiddellLure: libraries should be versioned11:53
LureRiddell: yes, but if you  start kde3 app then, they will use KDEHOME for !/.kde411:53
LureRiddell: yes, but if you  start kde3 app then, they will use KDEHOME for ~/.kde411:54
RiddellLure: we don't set KDEHOME11:54
LureRiddell: libraries yes, but what about plugins (.desktop files)?11:54
LureRiddell: so kde4 writes config to ~/.kde? Isn't that a bit dangeourus?11:55
RiddellLure: no kde 4 apps use ~/.kde411:55
Riddellthat's set in kdelibs11:55
LureRiddell: when do we set KDEHOME then?11:55
Lureok, right11:55
Riddellplugins, hmm, yes11:56
LureRiddell: is it possible that both kde3 and kde4 pim install plugins in /usr/share/services/11:56
LureRiddell: check dpkg -L kontact and you will see what is installed11:57
LureRiddell: then check kde4 package11:57
LureRiddell: on the other hand: why do we care about kde4pim at all - it will not be released in 4.0.011:57
* Lure has to run11:57
cheguevaraRiddell, basically kde4libs rebuilt against libgif perfectly fine, debdiff at bug #176836, but this needs to be decided by ubuntu core dev probably, since you can't have both libraries and most things are still compiled against ungif12:05
ubotuLaunchpad bug 176836 in kde4libs "Rebuild kde4libs against libgif instead of libungif" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17683612:05
cheguevaraplus ungif is in main and gif is in universe12:05
cheguevaraicedtea is about the only thing that is built against libgif (don't know why doko did that)12:07
cheguevaraoff to work cya12:17
nixternalwooo, c++ final today13:08
Riddellnixternal: have you memorised this? http://jriddell.org/const-in-cpp.html13:09
nixternalyay const :)13:18
nixternalthere will definitely be pointers and const on this test no doubt13:20
nixternalas well as stacks, queues, linked lists, and vectors13:20
tyfonconst int*const mymethod(const int*const&)const13:20
nixternaljust remembering which one uses push_back(), push_front(), push(), pop(), top(), back(), and so on is waking me up13:21
nixternaleasy stuff13:21
RiddellLure: do you know anything that uses qt4 dbus?14:22
LureRiddell: kde4? ;-)14:23
tyfonskype afaik14:23
RiddellLure: python qt4 dbus I ment14:24
nixternalwhat about guidance? is that going to be ported to qt4? if so, wouldn't that use it?14:30
Riddellooh, I think I have something working14:38
Riddellnixternal: it's not ported yet14:38
nixternalok, wasn't sure14:38
LureRiddell: there is powermanager qt4 port somewhere in kde svn14:55
LureRiddell: ask sebas14:55
fdovingnice, kde4 is actually usable.15:21
Riddellrock on printer setup http://muse.19inch.net/~jr/tmp/printer-setup.png15:22
LureRiddell: when is your archive day? ;-) it would be good to get digikam/kipi-plugins rc/beta in next Hardy Alpha15:32
RiddellLure: do they just need syncing?15:32
LureRiddell: yes, sync bugs are in LP15:33
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stdinI missed writing code, so I wrote the simplest LAN messenger ever :) http://stdin.me.uk/code/qmessenger/16:38
iRonstdin: write qt backend for libpurple (pidgin) ;-)17:03
stdinheh, I doubt I'd be able to do anything like that17:04
iRonstdin: i want to have a skinnable contact list.. like in Adium on OSX. Kopete doesn't provide this feature :(17:11
stdiniRon: well that little app I made is about the limit of my coding ability right now, so hacking on kopete is a bit beyond me :p17:13
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iRonstdin: nice messenger :) works like public chat..17:20
stdinyep, very simple. just broadcasts a UDP message17:21
Riddellcheguevara: you win most talkative :)  http://ubuntuircstats.org/kubuntu-devel.html17:40
stdinRiddell: but you win most used word :p17:42
Riddellnew printer configuration goodness https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-members/system-config-printer/kde-port17:45
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apacheloggercheguevara: why did ktorrent get rejected?17:51
cheguevaraapachelogger, it didn't get rejected17:54
cheguevarai requested Riddell to reject it17:54
cheguevarabecause I forgot that we need to install icons for kde 317:54
cheguevaraso thats the only change17:54
apacheloggerwhy? :P17:54
cheguevara+ an added watch17:54
apacheloggerplease always state such reasons in the revu upload17:54
cheguevaraoh sorry, i stated on kmldonkey17:55
cheguevarabut forget on ktorrent17:55
apacheloggerwatch file is missing a new line at the end17:55
apacheloggerget-orig-source doesn't work http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/2814/17:55
cheguevarameh shouldn't have even bothered with it17:56
apacheloggermy laptops kde4 is br0ken17:57
cheguevaracongrats :P17:57
apacheloggerhence I can't log in17:57
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apacheloggerhence can't pbuild ktorrent17:57
apacheloggerhence can't advocate :P17:57
apacheloggercheguevara: oh, well, I totally agree on the not bothering part :P17:57
cheguevarayeah well persia made me :P17:57
cheguevaraapachelogger, you don't really need a kde 4 env to build/run it17:57
apacheloggernah but a gui :P17:58
cheguevarayeah true that lol17:58
apacheloggercheguevara: there is no point in doing a get-orig for _one_ release17:58
cheguevarayeah thats what i was saying17:58
apacheloggersame for the addition to copying17:58
apacheloggercheguevara: MOTUs aren't always right ;-)17:59
apacheloggerjust mostly17:59
cheguevarai think i'll just bug people around here to advocate in the future, because you guys know about kde 4 specifics, etc17:59
naliothhi y'all18:00
apacheloggerwe have a lower latency anyway :P18:00
apacheloggerahoy nalioth18:00
cheguevarayeah true18:00
cheguevarapersia told me to do the watch file, then after i re uploaded he didn't even check it again lol18:00
naliothi'd like to offer a powerpc machine for building kde4 packages, if anyone is interested18:00
apacheloggercheguevara: well, persia usually does revus on revu-day (i.e. monday)18:01
apacheloggerthe rest of the week he just gives feedback to have good packages to revu18:01
cheguevaraoh i see18:02
apacheloggernow my X went wocka as well -.-18:03
* cheguevara smells a re-install18:05
cheguevaraRiddell, you got long to go to catch up with me :P18:05
cheguevaraok i just b0rked my system as well18:07
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cheguevaralinux-restricted-modules-2.6.24 FTBFS again18:15
Riddellanyone encountering bug #11597018:17
ubotuLaunchpad bug 115970 in qt4-x11 "qtconfig-qt4 doesn't start" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/11597018:17
Riddellit all seems to work for me18:17
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apacheloggerso only my user is b0rked18:39
apacheloggerkde-devel is working just fine18:39
fdovinghey apachelogger, got some secs to give me an compile-amarok-from-svn hint?18:40
fdovingwhen trying to compile amarok 2 from svn cmake says : Please set the following variables: TAGLIB_INCLUDES, any hints?18:40
apacheloggerinstall libtag1-dev18:40
fdovingi have taglib from svn.18:40
fdovingbut i have also tried libtag1-dev18:40
fdovingno difference.18:40
apacheloggerfdoving: somehow it doesn't show up in your include paths I'd say18:42
apacheloggerfdoving: maybe this helps: http://amarok.kde.org/wiki/2.0_Development_HowTo18:42
fdovingit does find taglib, -- Taglib found: -L/home/frode/kde4/lib -ltag, atleast the shared object.18:43
cheguevaraRiddell, min, i'll check18:48
stdinqtconfig-qt4 works fine for me18:51
Riddellstdin: turns out it's in gutsy18:52
Riddellbut I still can't recreate it18:52
stdinI'm in gutsy now18:52
Riddellstdin: do you have -updates installed?18:52
Riddellok, so neither of us can recreate it18:53
* stdin runs dist-upgrade to check18:53
Riddellbut it's being reported by multiple people18:53
stdinyep, fully up-to-date18:53
Riddellstdin: can you try lastfm from their sources? http://www.last.fm/download/?showplatform=Linux18:57
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Riddelltheir binary rather18:57
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stdinRiddell: seems to work fine19:00
stdinalthough, I'm not sure what a bunny has to do with it http://apt.last.fm/19:05
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apacheloggerstdin: kfax: debian/changelog: bug fix should be LP: #xxxxx  the # is important ... also you should merge the closes line with the intial release - Initial release (LP: #xxx)19:15
apacheloggerfor KDE4 isn't exactly true, it's more like for hardy really ;-)19:15
apacheloggerI'd just drump that part19:15
apacheloggerstdin: has COPYING COPYING.LIB also be added to upstream SVN? if so, please mention that you changed the tarball cause the files have been added upstream. if not, you shouldn't edit the tarball.19:17
stdinthey have, and I'll mention that19:17
apacheloggerstdin: by mention I mean a note in debian/changelog btw ;-)19:17
stdinyeah, I got that :p19:18
nixternal2 finals down, 2 to go!19:18
* apachelogger ships more luck over to nixternal19:18
nixternalthe c++ test was a pita, who uses binary trees anyways?19:19
apacheloggerstdin: also please state that viewfax.h is LGPL in debian/copyright + short version of license19:19
mhbnixternal: the whole mathematics department here, I'm sure.19:19
stdinapachelogger: the kde3 package description is "G3/G4 fax viewer for KDE" so I just slapped a 4 on the end19:19
mhbnixternal: at least the folks researching graph theory.19:19
cheguevarabrb reboot19:20
nixternalwell, I never plan on researching that stuff19:20
apacheloggerstdin: should be enough for now19:20
nixternaland I never plan on writing a calculator, so postfix, prefix, and infix is all a blur now :)19:20
* apachelogger needs a nu kate19:20
apacheloggercan't revu without it's revu features :P19:21
mhbnixternal: well, if your life consisted only of the stuff you can make use of...19:21
mhbthat'd be pretty boring, wouldn't it? :o)19:21
apacheloggerstdin: are you a debian qt/kde maintainer?19:22
stdinapachelogger: nope19:22
apacheloggerstdin: then the xsbc-original-maintainer needs to be changed :P19:22
apacheloggera watch file would be nice19:23
stdinlet's see if I can remember how to make one ;)19:24
apacheloggerstdin: you can pretty much use the one from ktorrent-kde419:25
apacheloggerjust change the app name and add a newline at the end of the file19:25
apacheloggerstdin: please don't exceed 80 characters in Build-Depends19:25
stdinapachelogger: I changed that already because I knew you'd say that :)19:26
apacheloggerdebian/copyright: line32: GNU/GPL should be GNU GPL19:26
apacheloggerstdin: okay ;-)19:26
stdinand that :)19:26
apacheloggerwe are getting somewhere19:26
=== kblizzzek is now known as blizzzek
* apachelogger updates pbuilder19:27
stdinand you'll have a new kfax to look at in about 2 mins19:28
apacheloggersweet :D19:28
cheguevarayay for making iwl3945 work with 2.6.2419:33
cheguevaraapachelogger, so what do you think is best, just get rid of the watch file or fix it up19:35
apacheloggercheguevara: get rid of get-orig-source, fix the watch file :P19:35
apacheloggerlatter just needs a nu line19:36
cheguevarakk min19:36
apacheloggerstdin: why did you change the description from KDE4 to KDE?19:36
cheguevarai'll keep the copyright notice to make the nazis happy :P19:36
apacheloggercheguevara: we decided to not use the term nazi anymore, we are now talking about pedantic motus :P19:36
cheguevarayeah sounds more politically correct :P19:37
jpatrickcheguevara: kmldonkey-kde4 got rejected, no idea why19:37
apacheloggerjpatrick: requested by him19:37
jpatrickah right19:38
apacheloggershould be good to advocate again19:38
stdinapachelogger: bah, I accidentally removed the description so I just copy+paste from the kde3 version19:38
cheguevaraits all a plot :P19:38
apacheloggergotta check kfax fist though19:38
cheguevarahold on with kmldonkey 'cause I added the damn get-orig-source to there as well I think19:38
apacheloggerstdin: just readd, I'm doing finally check right now19:38
apacheloggerstdin: some issue with the tarball19:39
apacheloggerCOPYINGs seem to have a 1970's timestamp19:39
apacheloggerplease investigate19:39
stdinheh, that's odd19:39
apacheloggerstdin: debian/changelog: line3: bug should be (LP: #xxxxx) it doesn't get marked as fixed automagically without the #19:40
stdinI thought I added that19:40
apacheloggermaybe ye forgot to save19:40
apacheloggeror maybe it got lost in the time travel from 1970 to $today :P19:41
apacheloggerstdin: debian/copyright: line63 missing ` at the very end of the URL quote19:42
apacheloggerapart from that it is advocatable19:42
apacheloggercheguevara: I guess you just copied the install/ktorrent-kde4:: bit?19:43
cheguevarayeah from stdin's kfax19:44
apacheloggerstdin: I guess you just copied as well?19:44
cheguevaraouch kmldonkey says ktorrent eh19:44
stdinapachelogger: yeah, from kdebase-kde4 :)19:44
apacheloggerokay, was a theoretical question anyway, since kfax's files look good ;-)19:45
apacheloggercheguevara: you might also add a watch file to kmldonkey19:45
cheguevarayep oing it now :P19:45
apacheloggerstdin: please also adapt kopete-crypt to latest knowledge ;-)19:47
* apachelogger checks ktorrent meanwhile19:47
cheguevarathere's a new one in incoming/19:47
* apachelogger starts with the color thing then19:48
cheguevarahold on with that also19:48
cheguevaralet me get rid of the get-orig-source19:48
apacheloggermeh -.-19:49
* apachelogger goes for a cigarette19:49
apacheloggercheguevara: btw, date string in copyright and changelog of the color thingy don't match :P19:50
cheguevarayou just had to tell me that right after i pressed enter to dput19:50
cheguevarakmldonkey and ktorrent up for review19:51
* cheguevara pokes jpatrick also :P19:52
jpatrickcheguevara: have to do some other stuff first, but I'll poke it later19:53
cheguevarathanks :P19:53
apacheloggercheguevara: Description: BitTorrent client for KDE4 <-- four!!! :P19:57
cheguevaraapachelogger, s/KDE4/KDE 4/ ?19:58
cheguevaraoh right19:58
apacheloggeralso remove DEBIAN_DIR from rules19:58
apacheloggerisn't needed anymore19:58
cheguevaraoh crap19:58
cheguevaraanything else in ktorrent19:59
apacheloggerDescription: KDE GUI for MLDonkey <- also a four missing there20:00
=== mez is now known as Mez
* apachelogger builds kmldonkey20:01
apacheloggercheguevara: copyright's and changelog's date string still don't match20:02
apacheloggerremove DEBIAN_DIR from it's debian/rules20:03
cheguevaramust've not saved something20:03
cheguevaranice all 3 of my packages are in incoming20:06
cheguevaraapachelogger, in which package datest dont match20:07
apacheloggerI'd say20:07
apacheloggercheguevara: kcolorthingy20:07
cheguevarayeah thats in incoming20:07
cheguevaraquickly added a 4 there as well20:08
cheguevarabefore you complain :P20:08
cheguevarastdin, i am taking kphotoalbum next btw20:08
* apachelogger notes that cheguevara already has 1 package more than stdin :P20:08
apacheloggercheguevara: maybe get something from kde-apps ;-)20:09
cheguevaramight as well finish extragear20:09
stdinapachelogger: you forget the rest of kde4 :p20:09
cheguevarathen at least when the final is out all we have to do is bump20:10
apacheloggertha real geeks use an hourly compiled  source :P20:10
cheguevaraall 3 packages out of incoming btw20:10
nixternalshoot, up until a week or so ago, I had my desktop svn up and go through the directories and build every day20:12
apacheloggerwho is going to log me in?20:12
nixternalI have since stopped that20:13
apacheloggermy kwallet on kde3 somehow won't start -.-20:13
apacheloggernixternal: this really should be automated and put in a cron ;-)20:13
nixternalthat is how I had it20:13
cheguevarai wonder why i suddenly have no sound in kde 420:13
apacheloggereverything is b0rked20:14
cheguevarado we have kmixer for kde 420:14
apacheloggerthere is my password20:14
* apachelogger logs in20:14
apacheloggercheguevara: should be in kdemultimedia20:14
apacheloggercheguevara: ktorrent advocated20:15
cheguevarawhy the hell would i want a comic strip on my desktop....20:15
cheguevarathanks apachelogger20:15
apacheloggercheguevara: for reading maybe :P20:15
cheguevarayeah but out of all the useful plasmoids that should take priority, they code a comic strip...20:16
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apacheloggercheguevara: which plasmoids would that be?20:17
cheguevarai knew that was coming20:17
apacheloggerbtw, any plasmoid is a good code example :P20:17
apacheloggerkmldonkey +1 aswell20:17
cheguevara"i can has desktop iconz?"20:18
* jpatrick dislikes desktop icons20:18
apacheloggerkcolor -> debian/control: line15 exceeds 80 characters20:18
cheguevaraoh noes20:18
cheguevaraso close :p20:19
cheguevaraapachelogger, second line of description right?20:19
apacheloggerwe call it long description :P20:20
apacheloggerwhich doesn't necessarily mean the line has to be long20:20
cheguevarayeah yeah :P20:20
apacheloggerstdin: note about changed orig.tar.gz missing in kopete-crypt20:21
* apachelogger is wondering why it build-deps on kdepim-kde420:22
stdindon't know, but cmake told me it needed it when I ran it through pbuild20:22
jpatrickit needs a kopete header file thingy?20:22
apacheloggerjpatrick: why would that be in kdepim?20:23
apacheloggerstdin: kopete-crypt also got the 1970's issue20:23
jpatrickapachelogger: maybe intergation with something20:23
apacheloggeroh, with the kleopatra thingy maybe20:24
* apachelogger checks20:24
apacheloggervery strange, but may it be20:27
apacheloggerstdin: btw, very good work on the desktopfile/wrapper script, I didn't even think about that :)20:27
stdinwell this is a GPG plugin, that does sound like it's in the realm of pim20:28
stdinthanks :)20:28
ScottKstdin: What are you building?20:28
stdinkopete-cryptography from extragear20:29
apacheloggerthere is probably just a conspiracy between kopete and kdepim to promote each other's software :P20:29
ScottKIIRC Kleopatra is just used for S/MIME, so there should be no need for that.20:30
cheguevarafixed kcoloredit up20:30
apacheloggerScottK: nope, cmake doesn't want to build without kdepim20:30
ScottKapachelogger: I'm not disgreeing, I just don't think Kleopatra would be the reason.20:31
ScottKOf course I've just looked at KDE3, so mabe the KDE4 version does more.  Dunno.20:31
apacheloggerwell there is at least some gpg interaction thingy in kdepim20:31
apacheloggerused for kmail20:31
iRonIs there any guide/policy how to create proper patch files? I've done with user disk mounting.. So, this is not all what I need to do, but you could start testing it.. ;-)20:35
jpatrickiRon: I'd upload it somewhere and poke Riddell about it :)20:36
iRonjpatrick: so, i need just to do diff.. ?20:37
stdin"diff -u orig new"20:38
jpatrickdiff -Nurp orig.file new.file20:38
stdinif you want to be complicated :p20:39
apacheloggerstdin: there are also lgpl files20:41
stdinin kopete-cryptography or kfax?20:41
apacheloggerstdin: ok, please add20:41
cheguevaraapachelogger, you got kde svn commit access?20:43
cheguevaraoh yeah amarok20:44
cheguevaranm :P20:44
apacheloggercheguevara: I'm probably more active in downstream than I am here :P20:44
* apachelogger also could use some sleep20:44
cheguevaracheck "color thingy" (tm) first :P20:45
apacheloggerI'm at kfax right now :P20:45
apacheloggerstdin: kfax advocated20:49
stdinnew kopete-cryptography should be there in a min too :)20:49
iRonjpatrick: Files that I've changed already has some debian patches. So, what do you mean by "orig"? One with applied debian patch, or one from original kdebase sources?20:51
stdindang, copying and copying.doc are still from the '70s20:51
apacheloggercheguevara: color thingy advocated20:51
apacheloggerstdin: strange, I think your filesystem is b0rked :P20:51
stdinapachelogger: nah, it's because I used konqueror's svn:/ ioslave to get them20:52
cheguevaraapachelogger, thank you20:52
jpatrickiRon: hmm, well, just see if they apply and deapply properly together and it should be fine20:52
apacheloggerstdin: touch COPYING COPYING.DOC20:52
apacheloggerstdin: +cryptography_export.h - GNU GPL version 2 or later20:52
apacheloggerforgot the L ;-)20:52
apacheloggerthe L Word :P20:53
apacheloggerstdin: oh and touch COPYING.LIB I guess20:53
apacheloggermhb: I never pointed that out20:53
* mhb wonders which one he likes better.20:53
nosrednaekimmhb: I think you Love Latex..20:53
nosrednaekimummm yeah, wait... that sounded. wrong.20:54
apacheloggerstdin: you added the COPYING.LIB to the diff not to the orig.tar20:54
stdinapachelogger: yeah I've fixed that and uploaded20:55
jpatrickiRon: put your patch in debian/patches and from the source package root do: "debian/rules apply-patches" and "debian/rules reverse-patches" and that should be enough to test21:00
doc__hi there21:00
iRonjpatrick: will do, thanks!21:00
jpatrickiRon: another thing is that it works in binary later :)21:01
jpatrickwhat's up doc__ ?21:01
apacheloggerstdin: kopete-crypt advocated21:04
apacheloggerno more kde4 packages to revu :D21:05
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stdin:D wooh21:11
nixternalisn't that a JR thing21:11
nixternalthe awooga21:14
nosrednaekimhmmm should we use the kconfig backend for compiz? the flat file one seems a lot easier21:14
jpatricknixternal: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=awooga hmmm21:16
nixternaloh man, you are about as bad as matt east with that urban dictionary21:17
nixternalI call everyone a home skillet, and he freakin' found it in that21:17
nixternalI thought I was original21:17
nixternalnope, just a fake, nothing new to see here people, move along21:17
cheguevara_damn wifi21:36
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ilia_khi, cheguevara21:40
CheGuevarahey ilia_k21:40
CheGuevarahow is it going21:40
stdindon't you just hate it when *every* PC in the house decides to go wrong at the same time, and you're the *only* person that can fix them...21:40
ilia_kyou know, several bug I've reported to KDE was already fixed in SVN21:41
CheGuevarailia_k, like which ones21:41
ilia_kCheGuevara: I'm checking...21:42
CheGuevaralinux-restricted-modules-2.6.24 2.3 FTBFS again21:44
iRonMy patch works fine with debian/rules apply-patch/reverse-patch.. Where could I upload it? I've no personal http/ftp server yet :)21:46
CheGuevarai'll upload it for you21:47
stdinreport a bug and attach it21:47
CheGuevaraor that21:47
jpatrickiRon: file a bug at Launchpad and attach it21:47
iRonjpatrick: ok.. i guess i need to read KubuntuTutorialsDay logs :)21:48
ilia_kCheGuevara, these are duplicates:21:49
ilia_kkde bug 15409321:49
ilia_kkde bug 15414421:49
ilia_kBut these still not fixed:21:49
ilia_kkde bug 15409821:49
ilia_kkde bug 15409521:49
ubotuKDE bug 154093 in general ""enable flow control using Ctrl+S, Ctrl+Q" option does not work" [Normal,Resolved: duplicate] http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=15409321:49
ubotuKDE bug 154144 in general "Ctrl+Shift+Insert no longer works in Konsole" [Normal,Resolved: fixed] http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=15414421:49
ubotuKDE bug 154098 in ftp "bugs in ftp protocol handler, when using proxy" [Normal,Unconfirmed] http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=15409821:49
ubotuKDE bug 154095 in http ""Could not connect to host Proxy  at port -1" message is displayed when proxy is not defined for HTTPS" [Normal,Unconfirmed] http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=15409521:49
ilia_kgood boy, ubotu ::)21:49
ilia_kCheGuevara:  I thought, is it possible to build locally packages for SVN version?21:50
ilia_kso I won't report alredy fixed things21:51
CheGuevarayeah you can build from svn, there are instructions on kde tech wiki for that21:51
CheGuevarathis might be useful21:51
ilia_kKDE4Daily looks interesting, I'll try it21:53
ilia_kyou know, installing kde4 from PPA break my KDE3 :(21:53
ilia_kall things, which are related to MIME21:53
ilia_kfor example, Kopete just crashed :(21:55
ilia_k(it not MIME related, though)21:55
ilia_kIs there a way to fix MIME types for KDE3 without removing KDE4?21:56
CheGuevarailia_k, i am not really sure, because I don't have any problems with kde 322:07
CheGuevarabut i use hardy22:07
CheGuevarastdin might be able to tell you more22:07
ilia_kCheGuevara:  in any case, I'll try KDE4daily, it may be a workaround22:08
stdinmake sure you've installed the updates22:09
stdinI uploaded the fix the other day and packages have been out for a while22:09
iRonjpatrick: #17703622:26
wolfgerbug #17703622:27
Tm_Tubotu: bug22:27
Tm_Toh boy22:27
ubotuLaunchpad bug 177036 in kdebase "unable to mount hard disks which are not already mounted" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17703622:27
ubotuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.ubuntu.com/  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/products/ubuntu-bots22:27
jpatrickconsidering the number of channels it's on...22:28
ubotuYou have lag, I don't have lag22:28
* stdin hugs ubotu22:28
jpatrickiRon: nice, now wait for Riddell to review22:30
iRonif he confirms, i'll need to finish it..22:31
iRonoh, and what to do with i18n? there is some text messages in code..22:32
iRonis there any policy for such things?22:33
jpatricki18n("string") - i think22:33
iRonwhat about "message freezes" like in http://techbase.kde.org/Development/Tutorials/Localization/i18n_Challenges22:36
iRondo i need to report to translation teams?22:36
jpatrickiRon: we still have some time for ours: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/HardyReleaseSchedule - and LP should pick up the translations itself22:37
Tm_Tkay: welcome22:52
kayhello, is someone in here who can trigger rebuild of adept?22:53
Tm_Tyes here is someone22:53
kaydue to some upgrade of apt, adept and therefore kubuntu-desktop are broken in hardy alpha right now22:54
cheguevara_yeah we know22:54
cheguevara_it can't be rebuilt until new libept is there22:54
cheguevara_and it FTBFS right now22:54
cheguevara_fails to build from source22:55
Tm_TFailed To Build From Source22:55
kayah ...22:55
kayok, justed wanted to know somebody is aware of this22:56
Tm_Tkay: thanks :)22:56
cheguevara_thanks :)22:56
mhbhmm, KDE4 still not good enough to my liking.22:58
kaywhy is libept broken?22:58
mhbit couldn't even place the desktop icons right.22:58
cheguevara_because it fails tests22:58
cheguevara_see http://launchpadlibrarian.net/10901016/buildlog_ubuntu-hardy-i386.libept_0.5.11ubuntu1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz22:58
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yuriywhat's a desktop icon? :P23:02
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kaythanks for the response, bye23:05
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blizzzekwhat can i do to get the keyboard shortcuts back in kde4 (from ppa kubuntu-member-kde4)? somehow every profile is empty, but i cannot imagine which change lead to that :-/23:38

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