
=== ember_ is now known as ember
=== Admiral_laptop is now known as posingaspopular
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ekimushello I just created https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxMandatoryPreferences could some native english speaker have a quick readthru for mistakes/things that aren't understandable, the steps do work on at least 7.10.... thanks.15:28
=== seisen is now known as girlsbikeseat
=== girlsbikeseat is now known as seisen
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seisenis bzr always this slow23:16
dsasseisen: yes.23:17
seisenjust wondering23:17
dsasseisen: are you doing a full branch or a lightweight checkout?23:17
seisenfull branch I think23:18
seisenfor xubuntu documentation23:18
dsasseisen: Yeah, that can take ages then. apparently bzr 1.0 is faster.23:18
seisenI was wondering because its slow as molassas and I have a fast connection23:21
dsasseisen: it took me ages to do it as well. once you've done it once, it's fast enough to keep it updated though.23:22

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