
boredandbloggingsomerville32: are you making changes to the UWN?02:28
somerville32boredandblogging, yes :P02:28
somerville32boredandblogging, Your lock timed out02:28
boredandbloggingsomerville32: let me know when you are done02:28
* somerville32 cries.02:40
somerville32I'm trying to rewrite the eeePC article and I'm sick and firefox just crashed :(02:41
boredandbloggingsomerville32: you want to send me your text?02:41
somerville32boredandblogging, you can do that?02:42
somerville32oh, I misread that02:42
boredandbloggingjust paste it here or email it to me02:42
somerville32I thought you were going to give me what I was writing but lost02:42
boredandbloggingwish I could02:42
boredandbloggingmaybe the wiki needs some auto-saving draft functionality02:43
boredandblogginga la gmail02:43
somerville32gmail is so slow these days :(02:43
boredandbloggingthe new version is pretty fast for me these days02:43
boredandbloggingi'm going to save my changes to the UWN02:43
boredandbloggingsomerville32: did you want to try to put your changes in again? I'm getting ready to release it02:45
somerville32I'm typing as fast as I can :P02:46
johnc4510-laptopboredandblogging: hey bud02:52
boredandbloggingjohnc4510-laptop: hey02:53
johnc4510-laptophow's it going02:53
boredandbloggingnot too shabby02:53
somerville32I think I got it02:54
somerville32Is it okay for me to save or should I send it to you otherwise?02:54
* johnc4510-laptop claps02:54
boredandbloggingsomerville32: go ahead and save02:54
johnc4510-laptopboredandblogging: MacGregor is a hot link in new members02:55
boredandbloggingjohnc4510-laptop: ok, I'll fix it after somerville32 is done02:57
boredandbloggingsomerville32: thanks02:57
* johnc4510-laptop waves at somerville3202:58
somerville32boredandblogging, there are still some edit conflicts I guess. You can fix them :P02:58
somerville32johnc4510-laptop, Hi 02:58
boredandbloggingplease digg: http://digg.com/linux_unix/Ubuntu_Weekly_Newsletter_7003:34

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