
* cheguevara kindly asks for review of http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?package=kcoloredit-kde400:01
imbrandoncheguevara: have you looked at the lintian and linda warnings ?00:05
cheguevaraall bogus00:05
imbrandonnewer-standards-version 3.7.3 (current is 3.7.2)  <-- isnt exactly bogus00:05
imbrandoni havent verified the rest00:06
imbrandonahh wait00:06
cheguevarathe server is wrong :P00:06
imbrandoni read that backwords00:06
imbrandonright i thought you had .200:06
imbrandonis there a reason you have cdbs makefiles in the debian/tree ?00:07
cheguevaraits how all kde4 packages are I believe00:08
cheguevaraRiddell would know better00:08
imbrandonno, *some* where in gutsy because it wasent in cdbs in gutsy yet, but hardy includes those00:08
imbrandonand you also have some in the debian/cdbs tree that arent even used, looks like you only use kde.ml00:09
Riddellthe kde 4 kde.mk file isn't in cdbs00:09
=== ember_ is now known as ember
persiaimbrandon: hardy doesn't have all of them yet (but it does have kde.mk)00:09
imbrandonRiddell: it looks like its the old one /m looks00:09
cheguevaraimbrandon, cmake.mk should be used as well00:10
imbrandonright i see its refrenced in the kde.mk00:10
imbrandoncmake and kde are both in cdbs, Riddell is that a diffrent kde.mk and cmake.mk ?00:12
Riddellimbrandon: yes00:12
Riddellkde 4 has an entirely different build system to kde 300:13
imbrandonhrm seems like they should be renamed to debian/cdbs/kde4.mk then to avoid confusion00:13
imbrandonRiddell: i know that00:13
imbrandonbut i thought the mk file was smart enough00:13
Riddellwe don't want to rename it, that would be unnecessary diff from debian00:14
imbrandonahh it was -0ubuntu1 i assumed it wasent in debian00:14
cheguevarabut main ones are00:14
cheguevaramain kde 4 packages that is00:14
cheguevarain experimental00:15
imbrandoncheguevara: is this package in debian ?00:15
imbrandonumm then ..... /me is confused00:15
imbrandonhow would it be a diff from debian if its not in debian ?00:16
cheguevarakdebase, kdelibs, etc are in debian though00:16
cheguevaraand its kinda strange to use diff names for .mks across different kde 4 packages00:16
Riddellbecause the packaging he's using comes from our main kde 4 packages, and that comes from debian00:16
imbrandonahh i see now00:16
imbrandoncool ok other than that looks good to me, let me poke one last thing then i'll advocate00:18
imbrandoncheguevara: ^^00:18
cheguevaraimbrandon, cool, thanks00:18
cbx33ping nixternal00:21
nixternalyo yo pete00:22
cbx33howz it going00:22
cbx33so just saw your blog about kde400:22
cbx33can i try rc2 on gutsy?00:22
nixternalworking on a java project that is whooopin' my arse00:22
cbx33is it easy?00:22
nixternalyes you can use rc2 on gutsy00:22
cbx33howto anywhere00:22
cbx33it's 0:22 and I'm a little beat00:22
nixternalunder the release announcement00:23
nixternalshould be one of the top stories if it isn't the top story00:23
cbx33got it00:25
cbx33just been writing a howto on maemo and scratchbox00:25
cbx33does that get dolphin too?00:29
harrisonyIm packaging a python program and is pysupport better than pycentral or it doesnt really matter or the other way around00:46
somerville32I prefer pysupport00:50
LaserJockI like pycentral00:50
LaserJockI think it really doesn't matter so much which you choose00:51
txwikingeranybody ever tried to use pbuilder on a mounted drive?00:51
harrisonyHmm, guess its pycentral, as pysupport is not working :)00:51
somerville32txwikinger, You kind of have to :P00:52
txwikingersomerville32: :P00:54
persiaharrisony: The only useful argument I've ever seen between the two is that pycentral allows you to specifically exclude some directories from byte-compilation at install-time (but this was in the past, so pysupport may have caught up)00:54
txwikingerI get an error when Iuse it on a sshfs mounted drive00:54
somerville32pysupport is cleaner in my mind00:54
harrisonypysupport works now, so i guess its that :)00:56
=== DarkMageZ_ is now known as DarkMageZ
harrisonywhat do you add to debuild -S to make it include the orig.tar.gz01:02
pwnguinwoa. tracker config applet01:09
harrisonycan i get someone to look at this and tell me why pbuilder isnt building me a deb i used debuild -S -sa and then pbuilder-dist hardy ../*.dsc01:16
LaserJockharrisony: it looks like it worked01:17
LaserJockharrisony: where are you looking for the .deb01:17
harrisonyls .. that has the orig.tar.gz and the changes files but no deb01:17
harrisonyOh wait01:17
harrisonystupid me01:17
harrisonysorry for got to look in ~/pbuilder01:18
harrisonyThere it is hehe01:18
* harrisony makes first revu upload01:24
harrisonyoops, uploaded the wrong version of the package01:31
persiaharrisony: parcellite?01:31
harrisonypersia: yep01:32
persiaharrisony: Are you a member of contributors to Ubuntu universe?01:32
cheguevaraimbrandon, you still around01:33
harrisonypersia: yep01:33
persiaharrisony: Odd.  The package got rejected.  Usually that's a keyring issue.01:33
harrisonypersia: i did change my gpg key 2 days ago01:34
persiaharrisony: That might be it.  Is the new key in LP?01:34
harrisonypersia: yea01:34
* persia syncs the keyring, just in case01:35
LaserJockpersia: did you go to bed?01:36
persiaLaserJock: For a bit: I needed to retrieve my Zaurus.01:36
persiaharrisony: 3A161F13?01:40
harrisonypersia: yep01:40
persiaharrisony: Imported.  Unfortunately, I don't seem to be cool enough to delete your packages from the incoming directory, so it might need someone else before you can upload.01:51
harrisonypersia: thanks, and ahh, i see01:51
imbrandoncheguevara: yea01:52
imbrandoncheguevara: i had to reboot01:52
cheguevaraimbrandon, cool, just wanted to say i uploaded a new revision01:52
persiaimbrandon: Can you delete from /srv/uploads on revu?01:52
cheguevara'cause Riddell fount some stuff01:52
imbrandonpersia: yea, why ?01:52
persiaimbrandon: parcellite needs to die01:53
imbrandonk one sec01:53
harrisonyDIE!!! I TELL YOU DIE!!!!!!!!01:53
persiacheguevara: You'll get the best quality package if you have lots of different reviewers.  Best to ask for someone new, rather than checking back with the person who reviewed the package last time.01:53
cheguevarapersia: just trying to get people that know about kde packaging most of the time, ie Riddel 'cause some kde related things01:54
imbrandonpersia: done01:54
persiacheguevara: Understood,  Still, more eyes is better, and there's bunches of things that aren't KDE that are easy to miss :)01:54
persiaimbrandon: Thanks.01:54
persiaharrisony: Try uploading now.01:55
imbrandoncheguevara: then ScottK hobbsee and others as well as myself are kde people :)01:55
imbrandonharrisony: be sure to rm *.upload localy first too01:55
persiacheguevara: apachelogger also, and a very active reviewer.01:55
cheguevarayep i always get apachelogger to review my uploads01:55
harrisonypersia and imbrandon: thanks01:55
harrisonydidnt apachelogger have surgery01:56
harrisonyor something and was in hospital01:56
imbrandonbbiab , videocard issues <detaches>01:56
cheguevarabut yeah kcoloredit-kde4 is there for review :)01:56
persiacheguevara: You've modified the upstream tarball without a get-orig-source rule.  This means it's hard to reconstruct.  Please add such a rule.01:58
LaserJockhmm, and why is the upstream tarball modified?01:59
persiaLaserJock: licensing from SVN.  Unfortunately necessary.01:59
persiaLaserJock: Why?  Better than a SVN snapshot, no?02:00
LaserJockyeah, but messing around with licensing isn't nice02:01
cheguevarapersia, do you have an example rule please02:01
cheguevaraor is it just a @wget02:01
persiacheguevara: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/Basic#ChangingOrigTarball has a few examples for repacks.  Add additional steps as required.  In your case, I'd recommend adding a watch file, and starting with a uscan call.02:03
cheguevarapersia, is it really worth the effort? because RC 2 of all KDE will be out pretty soon and tarball won't have to modified anymore02:03
cheguevarai mean RC 302:04
persiacheguevara: depends on whether you think it will get through revu before RC 3 is out.  Not many will advocate without checking your upstream tarball, and if it's known modified, without at least some description of the process to create it.02:04
somerville32Is anyone working on the u-u-s queue?02:04
persiasomerville32: Several people.  Why?02:05
cheguevarapersia, i already got one package through revu  with the same thing (a COPYING file) added + plus Riddell said it was fine to just modify it02:06
cheguevaraI don't mind doing it though, if you think its a good idea :)02:06
somerville32persia, More specifically, is anyone working on the u-u-s queue at the moment? If there are, I'd stay up a bit incase they get to my items and if not then I'll go to bed.02:06
persiacheguevara: You got lucky, and Riddell would be one of the "Not many" mentioned above.02:06
persiasomerville32: Go to bed.  The queue is currently at around 9 hours since the bug was last touched.02:07
LaserJockcheguevara: you should at least document it somewhere, at a minimum02:07
cheguevaraits in the debian/changelog02:07
somerville32cheguevara, Put a note in readme.debian or smething02:08
cheguevara  * Upstream tarball modified to include copyright files from svn02:08
somerville32cheguevara, Yes but the changelog will get populated and that note might be harder to spot later on.02:08
persiacheguevara: That you modified it is in debian/changelog.  Policy says that modified orig.tar.gz must be described in debian/copyright, and that packagers may optionally provide a get-orig-source rule rather than a shell script in debian/copyright.  Whether you have get-orig-source or not, you want a watch file.02:09
LaserJockand you should say specifically what files where changed02:09
cheguevaraso add a watch file and put the changed files in copyright?02:11
persiacheguevara: That's the quick & dirty way to be policy compliant.02:12
persia(which might be fine, given that RC 3 is out soon).02:12
cheguevarais there good example of a watch file somehwere as well02:13
cheguevaraor is it just version=x and url on the next line02:14
cheguevaraplus the stuff from ChangingOrigTarball02:15
persiacheguevara: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/Recipes/DebianWatch is an overview.  man uscan for details02:15
cheguevaraalso got http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?package=kmldonkey-kde402:16
goukiimbrandon: pong02:33
cheguevarapersia, re-uploaded kcoloredit02:38
imbrandongouki: heya02:46
* Hobbsee waves02:47
* Fujitsu waves.02:47
bddebianHello Hobbsee :-)02:47
FujitsuHi bddebian, imbrandon, Hobbsee.02:48
bddebianHeya Fujitsu :)02:48
Hobbseeheya Fujitsu, bddebian, imbrandon02:48
harrisonyhey /names02:48
imbrandonheya all02:49
LaserJockhi Hobbsee02:49
Hobbseeheya LaserJock!02:49
LaserJockhmm, Georgia?03:14
LaserJockimbrandon said he changed his font to Georgia03:15
imbrandonyea all but my mono spaced font is georgia now03:15
imbrandoni love that font, and my mono spaced one is Dejvu Sans03:16
crimsunI use Calibri for all but the fixed width, which is Consolas03:16
FujitsuThose are Vista core fonts, aren't they?03:17
imbrandonnot that i'm aware03:17
imbrandonthey are probably msttfonts because i use them both on windows too though03:18
FujitsuCalibri would be the Office 2k7 interface font.03:18
imbrandonahh i thought you ment mine03:18
crimsunyes, they are core Vista fonts AFAICT03:19
jcastrocrimsun: I do the exact fonts03:19
jcastrocalibri is quite awesome03:19
harrisonyIf only pbuilder told me how much it needed to download left before i can build this package03:20
StevenKjcastro: But it isn't free to distribute?03:20
crimsunI don't believe it's Free.03:20
jcastroStevenK: I am pretty sure it is not.03:20
jcastroI am actually kicking the tires on the Liberation ones right now03:21
StevenKjcastro: Tut tut. :-P03:21
crimsunLiberation is pretty nice.03:21
jcastroyeah, they're not bad at all03:21
crimsunI've been digging through fonts ever since Kees's post03:22
* imbrandon dident see kees post03:22
imbrandonblog or ML ?03:22
* imbrandon looks03:22
LaserJockcrimsun: that kinda messed me up03:22
LaserJockI must have done something wrong03:23
FujitsuLaserJock: The code just doesn't like the lack of ponies, sorry.03:23
imbrandonreally i just love the numerals in the MS TT Core font Georgia, if i could have another font for the letters and the numerals Georgia it would rock03:23
cheguevaraimbrandon, the "W" is a bit funy03:34
imbrandonStevenK / jcastro / crimsun : see how it blurs real bad in the blogpost ( but not most anywhere else where georgia or mono is used )03:34
imbrandonlike the words "hinting" and "lines" on the last sentance in the blogpost03:35
imbrandoncheguevara: heh thats Georgia ( I assume you mean the "W" on the program interfaces )03:36
cheguevarayeah :)03:36
LaserJockimbrandon: hmm, but you like the serif font everywhere?03:46
LaserJockinteresting, just saw an OLPC commercial on TV04:24
StevenKLaserJock: Ponies!04:25
BurgundaviaLaserJock: http://www.youtube.com/OLPCFoundation04:27
harrisonyHmm, im trying to build a package for this python application but it wont run and i think its a bug in the program04:28
harrisonycan i get someone try install the program and tell me if its a bug in the program or me04:28
=== asac_ is now known as asac
LaserJockhmm, I wonder if this laptop harddrive Load_Cycle thing is really an issue04:46
persiaLaserJock: Yes and no.  Depends on the specific hardware.  It's a moving part, so can wear out.04:47
jdongLaserJock: yeah it definitely shortens disk life, but to what extent, I don't know.04:48
LaserJockin Ubuntu Daemon's blog it says I shouldn't have more than like 90-160 cycles/day04:48
jdongLaserJock: I have a mobile terminal (laptop in a high-shock environment) that I put on -B 1 and it has 4.5 million load cycles04:48
LaserJockmy laptop is getting 3k04:48
jdongLaserJock: it's "supposed" to last 600,000 load cycles04:48
jdongLaserJock: yet it still works. Be the judge :-/04:48
LaserJockjdong: what do you mean by -B 104:49
persiaIt's a MTBF sort of thing.  Due to the number of DOA devices, the tail is fairly long.  Backups are good.04:49
jdongLaserJock: most aggressive power mgmt setting04:49
jdongLaserJock: basically park the head as soon as activity is done04:49
jdongwhat the blog article complains about04:50
persiajdong: Do you also have aggressive caching, or do you restart whenever anything happens?04:50
jdongpersia: just generic laptop-mode, it doesn't feel terribly aggressively cached04:51
persiajdong: Ah, so maximum park frequency :)04:52
jdongyeah, because I'm too lazy to tune it04:53
jdongmy rationale is, the parking makes the data safer when the machine gets bumped, which happens a lot04:53
minghuaWell, my Load_Cycle is at 634,000 mark, and my smartctl tests now fails. :-(04:53
jdongminghua: I've had 5 maxtors fail on me within 4 months of purchase, none of which were subjected to any power management settings :)04:53
jdongI don't think there's a strong load_cycle to disk death correlation04:53
minghuajdong: I know, I know, I've had horror stories with IBM Caviar disks as well.04:54
minghuaI'm not saying my Load_Cycle count is the reason of the test failure, but I suspect they are related.04:55
persiaWell, I'd suggest that the higher the load_cycle, the higher the chance that the little arm breaks, but the chance may remain completely miniscule.04:55
jdongit might be a small contributing factor...04:55
minghua(I have been running Debian on that laptop, by the way.)04:55
minghuaHmm.  I wonder what else is wrong with my harddrive, then.04:56
jdongrandom chance....04:57
minghuaIt's an uneasy feeling to know you laptop hard disk can fail anytime.04:57
LaserJockI'm up to 46705904:57
LaserJockand a short scan worked fine, but the indepth one seemed to fail04:58
LaserJockI suppose compiling a lot will affect it04:58
minghuaLike persia said, backup is always good. :-)04:59
LaserJockI've been doing that more often lately05:00
LaserJockI hope it doesn't die during christmas, I'd be upset05:00
persiaLaserJock: Add a heap of RAM and compile in cache :)05:00
LaserJockalthough with no sales tax in Montana it might be a good time to pick up a harddrive05:00
=== harrison1 is now known as harrisony
minghuaA 90% sale would offset the sales tax, so it's never a factor to consider for me.05:03
LaserJockis it worth getting a 7200rpm hard drive for laptops?05:06
crimsunwell, what's important to you?05:07
crimsunfrankly, battery life is to me, so I don't care if it's slower05:07
LaserJockwell, a  pbuilder *not* taking over 1min to unpack would be cool05:07
StevenKLaserJock: Use sbuild, then05:08
harrisonycowbuilder pbuilder with copy on write05:08
persiaLaserJock: sbuild helps.  more RAM helps (bad for battery).  Solid-state disk helps.05:08
StevenKI've never managed to get cowbuilder working to my satisfaction.05:09
StevenKsbuild with keescook's lovely script just works05:09
LaserJockStevenK: doesn't that take LVM?05:10
StevenKIn fact, slangasek, keescook and I were having a talk about improving the script at AllHands05:10
StevenKLaserJock: Right. But you don't have to set your whole machine up as LVM05:10
persiaLaserJock: Yes, but you can do a fair bit with LVM only for that.  I have all my sbuild stuff in a 20GB VG, and can run two simultaneous builds against sid, hardy, or gutsy.05:11
persia(mind you, I can't build wxwidgets2.8)05:11
StevenKI have one 250Gb VG, but my machine uses LVM for everything05:12
harrisonywould be nice if pbuilder-uml was fixed, has a broken dep. on rootstrap05:13
harrisonybecause pbuilder-uml sounds neat05:13
persiaCould anyone suggest why "ftp://ftp.gnome.org/pub/GNOME/sources/gopersist/0.1/gopersist-?_?([\d+\.]+|\d+)\.tar.* debian uupdate" is failing to match in a watch file?05:25
minghuapersia: What does ?_? mean?05:33
persiaminghua: I believe "-?_?" means zero or one '-' characters followed by zero or one '_' characters.05:34
minghuapersia: I see now.  That a rather complicated regex...05:35
emberit's appears almost to be a sf.net regex for watch files05:36
Flannelits gopersist with - and/or _ followed by zero or more numbers with decimals, followed by a number, followed by .tar with anything afterwards.05:36
FlannelWhere "number" is any number of digits05:36
minghuapersia: Can you enlighten me about [\d+\.]+ as well?  I don't understand why + is in the middle.05:37
persiaFlannel: Right.  Somehow it isn't matching anything on ftp://ftp.gnome.org/pub/GNOME/sources/gopersist/0.1 , and I don't understand why.05:37
Flannelpersia: thats because / isnt _ or -05:37
persiaminghua: One or more sets of digits and decimals, followed by one or more digits.05:37
emberisn't enough?05:37
persiaember: .* is not a good idea in perl05:37
minghuapersia: Why are they in the [] brackets then?05:37
FlannelOh, right, [ ] isn't right05:38
StevenK.* in Perl is greedy by default05:38
StevenKIt's better to use a character class05:38
persiaminghua: [baz] means any of 'b', 'a', or 'z'05:38
Flannelwhat those brackets should be is [0-9.]05:38
persiaFlannel: Surely you mean \.05:39
StevenKHeh heh05:39
persiaAnyway, why is "0-9" better than "\d"?05:39
minghuaI don't think you need to escape . in [].05:39
StevenKpersia: It isn't05:39
Flannelpersia: \d can't be used inside of []05:39
persiaFlannel: Works for all my other watch files :)05:39
minghuaBut then again, RegExp is not my native language... :-P05:39
Flannelember: [\d.] isn't right05:39
Flannelwould be what that is properly05:40
Flannelor rather (\d+|.)05:40
FlannelStevenK: Escaping inside of square brackets?05:40
persiaStevenK: So just drop the final [\d]+ ?05:40
StevenKI'm digging through perlre05:41
FlannelThere is no escaping inside of square brackets05:41
emberregex is evil05:41
persiaFlannel: Yes.  It needs escaping there too.05:41
Flannelboth of those \ are literal \s05:41
persiaember: Only because there are so many flavours05:41
minghuaSo debian/watch uses the Perl version?05:41
StevenKFlannel: No, they aren't. I have perlre in front of me now05:41
persiaFlannel: I know \d inside square brackets works, so I'm sure I don't agree with that.05:42
Flannel. isnt05:42
Flannel\d works05:42
persiaminghua: Yes.  Debian watch is interpreted by uscan, which is in perl.  Amusingly enough, you can execute almost anything in a watch file if you are careful.05:43
Flannelspecial characters inside of [ are \ ] ^(when at the beginning) and -05:43
Flannel. isnt, nor is *, etc05:43
StevenKsteven@liquified:~% echo 0000 | perl -ne 'if (/[\d]+/) { print "Flannel is wrong\n"; }'05:43
StevenKFlannel is wrong05:43
Flannel\d works . doesnt05:43
Flannelyou dont escape . inside of square brackets05:43
* persia does, successfully05:44
Flannelof course [\.] will work, but it'll also match \05:44
persiaFlannel: But [.(that other thing) doesn't work.05:44
Flannel\. thats ecaping the ., but its a regular ., so it may still work, but I wouldnt bet on it working everywhere05:45
persiaFlannel: Sure.  I only expect it to work that way in perl.05:45
FlannelPOSIX has \ not being a special character inside of square brackets05:45
Flannelso it depends on whether youre using POSIX or PCRE05:46
persiaFlannel: Right.  For sed, awk, etc.  You'd have been correct, except we should have been using \( and \) for the match string :)05:46
minghuapersia: The "+" in bracket in your original pattern still doesn't make any sense to me.05:46
Flannelminghua: Thats because it shouldnt.  He meant one or more of \d, but its inside of brackets, so it doesnt work like that05:47
persiaminghua: I believe it is a literal '+'.  I'm not sure.  That regex was generated by watchwiz.05:47
minghuapersia: I read it as a literal +, too.05:47
FlannelIts treated as a literal, whether thats what you want or not...05:48
persiaFlannel: It oughtn't break anything, right?05:48
Flannelpersia: it'll only give you a false positive05:49
* persia would be happy with any positive match, even false05:49
FlannelWhat are you trying to match on?05:50
persia(or whichever version they put there tomorrow)05:50
Flannelthat's how I'd write it05:51
minghuaIf you don't mind false positive, what is wrong with ([\d.]+)05:52
persiaFlannel: That doesn't match 0.1.105:52
Flannelpersia: Why not?05:52
persiaFlannel: Well, it does, but it matches in three chunks.  I need a single chunk (as I'm not writing the perl code that uses it)05:52
persiaminghua: I might try that (with the missing \ restored05:53
FlannelOh, you need to match the whole file number as $1?05:54
persia"ftp://ftp.gnome.org/pub/GNOME/sources/gopersist/0.1/gopersist-([\d\.]*)\.tar.*" doesn't work either :(05:54
persiaFlannel: Yep.05:54
Flannelpersia: So, well, you could do this:05:54
* persia tries escaping the / characters05:55
minghuapersia: Curious.05:55
FlannelThat'll put the whole thing in $1, then you'll have $2, $3, $4 ... for the pieces05:55
persiaFlannel: I'm writing for interpretation by uscan.  I'm not able to do cool nifty thngs, unfortunately (despite you being mostly correct).  Further, I think you meant gopersist[-_]((\d+\.?)+)\.tar\.gz05:56
FlannelIsnt that what I... oh, no its not, but yes, thats what I meant05:57
LaserJockpersia: and you want watch files for everything? ;-)05:58
persiaAlthough this would be useless for the intended purpose, "ftp://ftp.gnome.org/pub/GNOME/sources/gopersist/0.1/gopersist-(.*)" doesn't match either, which I find very odd.05:58
persiaLaserJock: Yes, so we can keep track.  Most just work.  This one is annoying for some reason.05:59
FlannelBut yeah, I'd just move to character classes.06:00
Flannelpersia: Do you need to escape anything?06:00
FlannelAs in, escape for the parser06:00
persiaFlannel: I tried escaping the '/' characters, but then it couldn't figure out the protocol.06:00
* persia goes off to read uscan source06:00
minghuapersia: Maybe try http:// protocol?06:03
persiaminghua: Interesting idea.  Doesn't match debian/copyright (but that can be fixed).  Also means I can separate the URL from the regex, making it easier.  Thanks.06:04
warp10Hi all!07:12
=== \sh_away is now known as \sh
LaserJockwoah, crimsun's got a lot of uploads07:23
LaserJock10x as many as I do07:23
StevenKWay cool, I'm still in the top ten07:24
TheMusowrong tab07:24
LaserJockshesh, dholbach's got 40 times as many as me07:25
persiaLaserJock: For big counts, chase NBS, watch files, or source-maintainer-mangling.  Usually pretty fast (although I like to make the watch-files also lintian/linda clean)07:25
StevenKLaserJock: Is that ever, or Hardy?07:26
persiaFor hardy, I think TheMuso has the lead07:27
StevenKLaserJock: Then I suspect I have a lot more than you do as well07:27
TheMusopersia: Not for long though.07:27
LaserJockI'm doing some -changes greping07:27
TheMusoAnd really, I don't care about upload stats.07:27
LaserJockStevenK: umm, yeah ...07:27
persiaTheMuso: You're high enough you might make top-ten for hardy: seems to be a big gap between around 100 and around 250.07:27
TheMusoYeah, if I keep up contributions top ten is possible, but again, I don't care.07:28
TheMusoIts not how many uploads one does, but the quality of those uploads.07:28
LaserJockif only we had a good metric for quality07:29
LaserJocknot included Hardy, doko has 5073 uploads07:30
persiaTheMuso: I'd agree with that.  In some ways, lots of uploads might well mean uploading the same thing over and over to get it right.07:30
TheMusopersia: Yeah, and the only reason I lead is due to the libglib1.2 transition.07:31
persiaTheMuso: That's a good reason.  NBS is something we should all do more to fix.07:32
superm1persia, well it can also mean lots of bug fixing on the same thing though too07:32
TheMusoIts actually scary just how many packages use that dated library.07:32
persiasuperm1: If I test something, and fix all the bugs, and it takes me three weeks, then I only need to upload once.  If the changelog tends to have batches of three or four uploads every day or two for a while, that indicates weak testing (see some of the changelogs of the top 10 updated packages).  Note that in many cases, it's easier to test with an upload than to test locally (especially for odd-arch things).07:33
* TheMuso finally managed to get hardy synced today. I now have a full gutsy+hardy i386+powerpc+source local mirror.07:34
superm1persia, ah i see.  the way i've been doing things (with my limited time this cycle at least) has been going through and picking a selection of bugs to fix for a given package, say mplayer.  fix those 5-10 bugs, test and upload.  i don't know for sure when i'll get back to more bug fixing, so i see it as better to upload them at that point07:34
persiasuperm1: I can understand that workflow, and think it's good if there is uncertainty as to when you get back to it, but I suspect those uploads are of lower quality than if you fixed and tested all in one session (assuming you had the time)07:35
superm1LaserJock, well developing a metric wouldn't be very difficult I suspect though.  Assuming everyone is properly putting in (LP: #XXXX) in their bugs, parsing changelogs to find out how many launchpad bugs are closed could be a good metric07:37
persiasuperm1: Skews for people without upload access, who always get an extra bug closure.07:39
superm1well if people would consistently accredit [ Name ] in their changelogs that can be adjusted could it not?07:40
Hobbseepersia: prevents people working in tandem, or with the updated sourc,e though07:40
Hobbseepersia: isn;'t that the reverse idea of bzr?07:40
dholbachgood morning07:41
TheMusoHey dholbach.07:42
superm1Hobbsee, well that would depend on how long that "one session" was i'd have to say07:42
superm1Hobbsee, and how religiously items are committed to bzr (eg commit for every bug fix or what not)07:42
superm1morning dholbach07:42
dholbachhey TheMuso, hey superm1!07:42
Hobbseesuperm1: well, of course07:43
* persia notes that with more attention, Hobbsee would have been advised that it depends on what one is doing: in the case of a BZR like-system, makes sense for everyone to commit their changes and decree it good before someone uploads to the archive. In the case of lonely universe packages, maybe it doesn't matter.07:50
persia(more attention on my part)07:50
\shhey dholbach07:50
dholbachheya \sh, hey persia07:51
persiaHi dholbach07:51
=== jussi__ is now known as jussi01
\shoh well, all my christmas present are already delivered.....new job, money, new kitchen ;)08:04
gouki\sh: Congratulations :)08:06
\shgouki, thx :)08:07
\shfrom the 1st of February I can call myself a senior it systemadministrator...FUN !08:07
goukiUnix administrator, \sh ?08:09
slytherinHi. I want to add watch file for an application which is hosted on sourceforge. Can anyone provide sample watch file?08:13
warp10slytherin: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/Recipes/DebianWatch08:15
slytherinwarp10: Thanks. :-)08:26
=== LucidFox is now known as Sikon_Stargate
\shgouki, yepp and cisco stuff08:45
=== Sikon_Stargate is now known as LucidFox
TheMusoCould anybody point me to the logs from the session that persia ran about reading stack traces?09:23
FlannelWhy am I getting X11 errors when trying to prevu libode back to dapper?  All of the sudden it tries to grab x11 packages, and I can't see why on earth it wants them.09:30
huatsdear motus good morning09:33
dholbachhey huats09:34
huatshey dholbach09:34
BugMaNdholbach: hi :)09:35
dholbachheya BugMaN09:35
txwikinger2hi dholbach09:36
dholbachheya txwikinger209:37
dholbachhow are y'all doing?09:37
txwikinger2I am working on this dependency issue for hardy09:37
txwikinger2and the source does not even compile and is >14 month old09:37
txwikinger2ans cvs09:37
dholbachdependency issue for hardy?09:37
txwikinger2well a package09:37
txwikinger2attal or soemthing like that09:38
dholbachah I see09:38
txwikinger2there is a new rc on the homepage09:38
txwikinger2which actually compiles09:38
txwikinger2shouldn't we use that instead?09:38
txwikinger2It is a game .. beta-version as it seems09:39
txwikinger2hehe debians version is even older than ours :)09:43
txwikinger2I would put this new version on revu, right?09:44
* persia has lost context, but is this is an updated package, an interdiff in a bug is preferred,09:44
txwikinger2ok.. can do that09:45
txwikinger2I will do some testing of the game itself first though09:45
txwikinger2or better I let my son do that :D09:46
persiaThat's always good.  Which game?09:46
txwikinger2Have to first check if it is age-appropriate though09:46
LucidFoxKDE applications can't be under GPLv3 or later, can they?09:49
TheMusopersia: Was there ever a log made of that session about reading stack traces? Or did that session not occur?09:50
persiaTheMuso: There was a log, but only on irclogs.ubuntu.com.09:50
persiaTheMuso: Are you chasing one now, and want another pair of eyes?09:50
TheMusopersia: No, I'd like to read the log to see what was covered in the session.09:51
TheMusoAs I wasn't there, and would like to have a read.09:51
txwikinger2We made should have a references from the Debugging Page or the MOTU School to it09:52
persiaAh.  I'll dig it up then.  At a quick overview, I introduced what stacktraces were (badly).  We walked through one until most people had some idea where the problem was.  We then looked at a couple more (which had no clear solution) to experiment with the techniques and see what we could discover.09:53
* txwikinger2 thought the session was very helpful09:53
TheMusopersia: ah ok09:53
txwikinger2.. and still thinks so09:54
persiaTheMuso: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2007/11/17/%23ubuntu-classroom.html starting from the top.  For value, you'll want to also be looking at the mentioned traces, and walking through the code.09:55
persiatxwikinger2: Have you successfully debugged a crash using those techniques?09:56
txwikinger2persia: I haven't really found a suitable bug afterwards09:56
persiatxwikinger2: Are you a member of crash bug triagers for universe?09:56
TheMusopersia: Yeah I thought so, but wanted somewhere to start, to learn more about them. Thanks.09:56
txwikinger2THe ones I saw didn't have the trace created yet when I looked at them09:57
persiatxwikinger2: The trick is to subscribe to the bug, and hit the trace when it comes :)09:57
txwikinger2However, I feel comfortable they I know what to do when I see one :)09:57
txwikinger2persia: ok.. I will do that from now on09:57
persiaTheMuso: I'd be happy to walk you through one that is happening in your code (or a pet bug) if you like.09:57
persia(takes about an hour to track one down, usually)09:57
persiatxwikinger2: Good luck :)09:58
TheMusopersia: There is one that would be good, let me dig it up after I'm off the phone.09:58
txwikinger2I think I do some paid work for a change... four days left09:58
persiaTheMuso: Sure.09:58
TheMusopersia: bug 147969  is a crash bug that I reported via apport a while back, and would like to investigate.10:25
ubotuBug 147969 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/147969 is private10:25
TheMusodidn't notice that10:26
TheMusoOk. bug 14796910:29
ubotuLaunchpad bug 147969 in speech-dispatcher "sd_espeak crashed with SIGSEGV in snd_pcm_state()" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/14796910:29
=== mez is now known as Mez
persiaTheMuso: OK.  Looking now.10:30
persiaFirst, does anyone mind if TheMuso and I trace this bug in-channel?10:31
* persia takes silence for assent10:32
persiaOK.  We'll start with Stacktrace (retraced), which tends to be most informative.10:32
persiaThis is a pretty simple one, with only 9 frames.  Each frame represents a point on the stack, so the program called #9, which called #8, etc. until the crash at #0.10:33
persiaI usually like to start about #3 or #4 to build some context.  This is the espeak package?10:33
TheMusoNo, a package that uses espeak. The executable links libespeak10:34
TheMusoso sd_espeak links against libespeak.so.110:34
persiaTheMuso: OK.  So which is likely to be the relevant source to start?  The top looks like alsa, so I think we want to start around #6 or #7.10:35
TheMusopersia: THis problem lies within the speech-dispatcher code.10:35
persiaOK.Let's start at #7 then (espeak.c:615)10:36
persiaSo, the starting point should be far enough back that you're sure you're not in a library, and far enough forward to understand what is happening.  YOu might be able to start further up, but please have patience for my unfamiliarity with the code.10:38
persiaSo, when starting, one tries to understand the context of what is happening.  In this case, we're calling a stop_or_pause, and will want to check under what conditions this is called.10:38
persiaespeak.c:615 is the point from which we call the listed function.10:39
persiaErr.. I seem to have the wrong version of the code :(  Hold on a bit...10:40
TheMusopull gutsy's10:40
TheMusoand its src/modules/espeak.c10:40
TheMusoTHis problem has not been fixed since then, I am certain of that.10:41
persiaThe newer code looks different enough that I was having trouble following, so I think you are correct.10:41
TheMusoTHere are some patches in the speech-dispatcher package but they don't go anywhere near that code10:42
persiaSo to me it looks like we're polling a lock every 5milliseconds to see if the audio stopped properly, and we're passing the ID that we want to stop.  Does that match your understanding of this bit?10:43
=== nuu is now known as nu
=== nu is now known as nuu
persiaOK.  That's a nice safe place to be: not a lot of conditions.  Looking back at the stacktrace, we can see that espeak_audio_id was null (0x0) for the call that crashed.10:44
persiaSo, moving to #6, let's look at spd_audio.c10:45
* persia applies all the patches, just in case10:45
TheMusoI can't find espeak_audio_id in the trace10:45
slicerToday is revu day, right?10:47
persiaThe trace says "_espeak_stop_or_pause (nothing=0x0)", which means that the function was called with the arguments in the parentheses.  At the time of passing, it's anonymous (pass by value), but we know it was espeak_audio_id from espeak.c:615, as that was what it was called.10:47
persiaslicer: Yep.10:47
TheMusopersia: ah ok.10:47
persiaSo, looking at spd_audio_stop (src/audio/spd_audio.c:234), it's a fairly simple function.10:48
persiaSince we're told it's line 234, and #5 is alsa_stop, it's probably safe to say it is the ->stop call that causes the problem.  In this case, we're passing an id, which is probably a pointer to the new value for espeak_audio_id.10:50
persiaNow one of the things we look for when we move through the stack is branches and conditionals to build context.  In this case, we know it means the minimal interface, so somehow (0x0)->function->stop has been instantiated.  Perhaps through the nature of the AudioID type.10:51
persiaWe'll keep in mind that AudioID when initialised with null becomes 0x8087500 (taken from the stacktrace), and look at it later if we think the initialisation routines might be the issue.10:53
persiaSo, do you want to lead us into #5, od shall I do another first?10:53
TheMusopersia: Another please, I still don't quite get the hang of this.10:54
persiaSure.  You're with it so far for #6 right?10:54
TheMusoAll I can tell from 5 is that the same id gets passed to alsa_stop10:54
persiaThat's as much as the stacktrace tells us about #5 :)  We'll want to look at the code to figure out what is happening.10:55
persiaSo, `find . -name alsa.c -print` from the package directory tells me we can find alsa.c in ./src/audio/alsa.c, and the stack trace tells me we want to be looking around lije 73810:56
TheMusoyep I gathered that much as well10:57
persiaSo, opening that source, we read the alsa_stop function to see what is happening.  The stacktrace reports buf = 42, and we can see that in the code, so we've entered the if statement.10:58
persiaLine 738 is actually a MSG, which is likely a log note of some sort, and #4 tells us that the problem is in snd_pcm_state().  The address tells us that id->alsa_pcm is a pointer to 0x80a03d0.11:00
persiaThere's still not much branching or anything that could be a clear issue (our data is valid, we're using it, etc.).  So, we move to #4.  Give it a shot.11:00
persiaErr.  My apologies: this is maybe a hard boundary to try.  We'll need to pull a different source :)11:02
TheMusoalsa-lib I presume.11:02
persiaSounds like a good candidate11:02
slicerOh, the horror.11:02
persiaslicer: Which?11:03
slicerpersia: alsa-lib.11:03
* persia is not doing very well at avoiding alsa today11:03
TheMusook got it up here11:03
persiaTheMuso: Yep.  ./src/pcm/pcm.c in alsa-lib (1.0.14)11:03
persiaSo tell me about it.  What can we learn from here?11:05
slytherinideally what should be name of .orig.tar.gz if it is a beta version?11:06
TheMusothat something is being returned to the calling function, which is alsa_stop in speech-dispatcher, something to do with fast ops.11:06
TheMusoso far I can't work out more than that without digging deeper11:06
persiaslytherin: I like goodstuff_7.2.8~beta1.orig.tar.gz11:06
slytherinpersia: thanks11:07
TheMusopersia: So snd_pcm_state is being given the alsa client id I presume it is.11:07
persiaTheMuso: Right.  One of the key skills with reading stacktraces is not to care what things mean too much, as long as you can make a guess.  When you find the crash, then you start understanding the pieces you need.  Otherwise, one has to learn the whole body of source.11:07
TheMusoWhich gets assigned by alsa-lib when things are initialized.11:08
persiaThe only thing to note is that espeak_audio_id->alsa_pcm->fast_op_arg is 0xb5e0046811:09
persia(just to keep track of our variable)11:09
persiaSo, let's go to #3: your lead.11:10
TheMusoOk. in pcm_rate.c:1117 snd_pcm_rate_state is being passed a value I don't know about...11:13
persiaTheMuso: OK.  Let's look at the function step-by-step.  First, we initialize snd_pcm_t = espeak_audio_id->alsa_pcm->fast_op_arg (0xb5e00468)11:14
persiaErr, that shoud be "pcm = espeak_audio_id->alsa_pcm->fast_op_arg (0xb5e00468)"11:14
persiaThen, we set rate = pcm->priivate_data which is espeak_audio_id->alsa_pcm->fast_op_arg->private_data11:15
persiaThen we check to see if it is in a pending state, and it's not (or we would have been bounced back to #4 from line 1116)11:15
TheMusoRight. Sorry, got slightly confused that we were dealing with function pointers.11:16
persiaThen we call snd_pcm_state with espeak_audio_id->alsa_pcm->fast_op_arg->private_data->gen.slave11:16
persiaAnd that pushes us to #2 (as we're now in a new function call)11:17
TheMusoyep gathered that11:17
persiaIt's the same call we saw before that told us almost nothing, except that we now have the extremely ungainly espeak_audio_id->alsa_pcm->fast_op_arg->private_data->gen.slave->fast_op_arg (0xb5e00810)11:19
persiaAnd that sends us to #1.  You again.11:19
* TheMuso finds his head start to spin with all these function pointers.11:21
dfilonipersia: if I do a package for a single pidgin plugin do you know if the package will be add to the repository?11:21
persiaTheMuso: Yep.  As you've just seen, we're further building the stack, and bounce back to snd_pcm_state where we finally die, perhaps from having too much recursion :)11:22
persiadfiloni: I'd suggest asking in #ubuntu-desktop.  They may have good advice about how to bundle the plugin to get it accepted to the repository.11:22
TheMusoso we add generic-slave to that long stack11:22
dfilonipersia: ok thanks11:23
persiaWell, generic is pcm->private_data, so we get ...->private_data->slave, and then pass that back to the calling function.11:23
TheMusoerr generic->slave11:23
TheMusoah right11:24
persiaRight.  generic->slave == pcm->private_data->slave == espeak...11:24
persia(= 0xb5300710)11:24
persiaSo, now we get the fun part: deciding where to fix it.11:25
TheMusoI guess thats why I'm still slightly confused as to what the problem actually is.11:25
TheMusobesides a null id being in #611:26
persiaIt looks to me like ALSA is hopelessly confused by the object at 0x80a03d0, which likely means something wrong with espeak_audio_id (0x8087500)11:26
TheMuso#7 even11:26
persiaWell, we had a value by #6, so I'm guessing that the AudioID initialiser set that somehow.11:26
TheMusoWhats even more interestnig though, is that this is a rare crash. I don't have apport on to ensure this at the moment, but the ods of it happening are low.11:26
persiaI expect so, yes.11:26
persiaWhen it's an easily reproduced crash, the solution usually leaps out before one gets this deep, often a set before use, or parsing failure or bad size assumption or something.11:27
persiaIn this case, I think we have three choices: 1) wade into ALSA and somehow force it to provide useful error messages instead of segfaulting when given data that causes annoying recursion.11:28
TheMusoyeah I thought as much.11:28
persia2) Hunt down the AudioID initialisation routines and add more safety checks to make sure we only generate a useful value that ALSA can handle,11:28
TheMuso2) in alsa?11:29
persiaor 3) (my favorite) add an exception handler to alsa_stop that catches the segfault, and warns the user that the device could not be stopped.11:29
persia2) in speech-dispatcher11:29
persia(also 3) in speech-dispatcher)11:30
albert23persia: thread 2 also works on the same pcm value: #3  0xb7bf0a92 in snd_pcm_close (pcm=0xb5e00810) at pcm.c:710 Could that be a problem?11:30
* persia notes that albert23 is reading http://launchpadlibrarian.net/9669460/ThreadStacktrace.txt11:31
albert23especially since the crash occurs random, could that be a race condition?11:32
persiaalbert23: I do believe you're right.11:32
TheMusoThats what I thought as well.11:32
persiaIn that case, maybe the exception handler should just trap the segfault, wait 5 milliseconds, and try again?11:33
persia(in alsa_stop)11:34
TheMusoYeah that could be done, now I'm just working out where the exception would go, and in what form.11:35
persiaOr would the exception handler properly belong in espeak_stop_or_pause, so as to keep sending null IDs until one works?11:36
TheMusopersia: The things is, this race condition is likely to be a problem for all drivers that speech-dispatcher has that use the alsa_stop function.11:36
TheMusoIf we fix it in alsa_stop, it benefits at least 3 drivers.11:37
persiaTheMuso: Quite possibly true.11:37
persiaTheMuso: before you get all arms deep in the code developing the solution, do you have any questions about reading a stacktrace?11:38
TheMusopersia: At this point no. I've a log of the channel and the stacktrace file, I just got a little lost with the pointers, but it makes sense. If I was to read it again along with the channel log, it will be clearer.11:39
persiaTheMuso: don't worry too much about the pointers.  We went down a rabbit hole :)  As long as you now understand the frames, and how to trace them, I'm happy.  Feel free to ask me again if you have any troubles in the future.11:40
TheMusopersia: Ok thanks for your help, and yes, I now understand the frames.11:40
TheMusoI guess the only question I do have is, whats the point in having the other threads traced above this one? WOuld have they been useful in tracking this down?11:41
TheMusoI am guessing they're there for cross-threading issues that could be a problem.11:41
persiaGenerally I find that the thread that generates the segfault usually has the error, but the ones I find that I can do anything about are always coding mistakes.11:41
persiaFor a race condition, or other cross-threading issue, the other threads can provide clues (as albert23 found the same address being used by the other thread in this example)11:42
LucidFoxTheMuso, what's the status of bug #175937?11:43
ubotuLaunchpad bug 175937 in qink "Please sync qink 0.3.4-1 from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17593711:43
TheMusoLucidFox: I'll get to it right away. At the time, I wasn't sure whether the autosyncer would get run another time before DIF.11:44
* persia encourages bug comments to communicate this type of information.11:45
TheMusoYeah, I should have done that, but I wasn't even sure whether DIF had kicked in etc, and I asked in here about it and got no response. Then I got sidetracked.11:45
TheMusopersia: WOuld I be checking for a NULL value for id->alsa_pcm?11:47
persiaTheMuso: Depends on how you want to handle it.11:47
TheMusopersia: I was thinking about within alsa_stop.11:48
persiaMethod 1 is proscriptive: make sure everything is set correctly before you pass the data.11:48
persiaMethod 2 is reactive: as you know this call might get a segfault, trap it and do something else when it happens.11:48
_rubenquestion.. openswan is currently at 2.4.6 in gutsy, the latest openswan release is 2.4.11 .. the 2.4.x tree contains only bugfixes .. any chance newer versions will be made available for gutsy? or does this also fall outside the scope of 'no version changes within releases'?11:48
persiaI tend to code in Method 1 for simple stuff (do I exist?  am I the right type?), and Method 2 for tricky stuff (this sometimes breaks: I don't know why, therefore I'll just expect it to break sometimes and handle it gracefully)11:50
TheMusoI'll dig deeper into the code then. I've found where the audio_id gets initialized, so will have a poke.11:51
TheMusopersia: Thanks again.11:51
persia_ruben: That would fall under "no version changes within releases".  However, each of the individual bugs fixed by the newer versions may be considered for application to the version released in Gutsy.  Someone would need to document the bugfixes, work with the sru team to determine which are appropriate for a stable release, and prepare a patch containing those fixes to be applied to 2.4.6 in gutsy (wcich would still be 2.4.6)11:51
persiaTheMuso: I'm very happy to share: more people reading stacktraces means more people chasing apport bugs means better quality code.  Maybe enough will happen that my system won't crash anymore :)11:52
TheMusoheh yeah11:53
_rubenpersia: hmm ok.. 2.4.x is concidered stable by both dev'ers and users of openswan, so i guess they (the dev'ers) would say all changes between versions are candidates for inclusion in stable releases .. guess i'll go bug the dev'ers as well .. their debian/ dir got stuck at 2.4.0 :p11:54
TheMusoHrm no. I am still thinking within alsa_stop may be better, since its an alsa recursion craziness issue, as espeak_audio_id gets opened at the start of the session, and remains current till the process is killed.11:54
TheMuso...or segfaults. :p11:54
TheMusoLucidFox: Just test-building qink now.11:56
persia_ruben: It's not about being considered stable, it's about maintaining the same interface and changing as little as possible to avoid introducing any new bugs.  IF upstream is maintaining as a stable release, then it's likely that some of the upstream bugs may meet the critera of "data loss, severe regression, or security issue" that is required for an update to an Ubuntu stable release.11:56
persiaTheMuso: That makes sense to me.  I didn't look at the AudioID initialisation code, but I think we would have seen a more significant issue earlier up in the stack if the initialisation failed.11:57
TheMusopersia: yeah11:57
persia_ruben: Just to expand on that a little, Ubuntu does have a backports repository.  If 2.4.11 gets into hardy, and someone can verify it builds & works on gutsy, and submits a bug to the backport team, and the backporting process gets several testers from the official backport build, it can go into the gutsy-backports repository, which tends to contain as much of the newest versions that have been requested for backporting.12:00
TheMusopersia: You said earlier that it could perhaps trap the segfault, wait 5 seconds, and try again. What form would the try again take? Since it is multi-threaded, is it that the variable will likely have a value in it due to another thread's activities?12:01
persia!backports | _ruben12:01
ubotu_ruben: If new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging12:01
TheMusoSo that would be tried12:01
_rubenpersia: ah ok, but that'd take a while i guess? even the "if 2.4.11 gets into hardy" part ..12:01
persiaTheMuso: Remember at the beginning where we were in a loop polling every 5 milliseconds for the stop?  I was just thinking to repeat that lower in the stack if we only got part way.  I didn't really analyse it too deeply.12:02
TheMusopersia: ah ok.12:03
persiaA basic "try again" would be something like "Try this catch segfault sleep 5000 try this exit".12:03
persiaAn alternate way to do it would be to catch the segfault, and return a value such that the earlier loop repeated again.  This allows different drivers to handle the polling in different ways.12:04
persia_ruben: Takes a couple weeks if there are testers willing to verify the application.12:04
* TheMuso looks at alsa_stop again, noticing that it only ever returns 0.12:05
* persia thinks "0" means "success" in this context12:05
TheMusoYet the ret is checked for anon-zero value in espeak.c, and one will never ever come.12:05
TheMusoYes it does, but there is no other value returned in the event of any failure.12:05
TheMusoIts like they don't think it will ever fail12:05
persiaTheMuso: in which case espeak.c is written properly, and alsa_stop should trap the segfault and return a non-zero value (42?)12:06
_rubenpersia: an alternative would be to roll my own package (im aware of the risks), that is: take existing package and "upgrade" it to newer version .. any hints/tips/urls on best-practices in that area?12:06
TheMusoAnyway, this is a task for tomorrow. Night folks, and persia, thanks once again for your assistance. Much appreciated.12:06
persia_ruben: There's a page on the wiki describing the process.  I'd suggest submitting the result for sponsors review, which helps you learn, reduces the risk of danger, and is part of the path towards a backport.12:07
_rubenpersia: i'll have a look, thanks12:08
persiaWere I doing it, I'd rather cherrypick the SRU-worthy bugs from 2.4.11 and apply them to 2.4.6 than try to manage the new upstream.  Helps millions of people that way.12:08
persiaTheMuso: Could I ask you one small question about speech-dispatcher before you go?  Specifically, how to you maintain speech when using JACK?12:09
* persia currently stops speech-dispatcher, does JACK stuff, restarts speech-dispatcher12:09
TheMusopersia: Well since I don't use jack very often, I don't worry about it. Secondly, I've a large monitor, so any jack stuff is done without speech, and 3rdly, I've more than one card. I use my onboard card for speech, and my envy24-based cards for jack.12:10
persiaTheMuso: Ah.  It's probably the third part I want then :)  Thanks.12:10
TheMusoI actually hope to get speech-dispatcher to replace gnome-speech in Ubuntu in the future, as its more flexible.12:10
persiaTheMuso: is gnome-speech the thing I've been hearing about that locks /dev/dsp exclusively?12:11
TheMusopersia: Its more portaudio v18 and espeak. V19 has alsa issues.12:11
TheMusoGnome-speech doesn't deal with sound cards, it lets the synth drivers do what the hell they want.12:12
persiaAh.  Right.  Portaudio18.12:12
TheMusoAnd so far, wrapping it in padsp has not yielded very good results.12:13
* persia hasn't tried gnome-speech: speech-dispatcher just looked like the right thing.12:13
TheMusopersia: THe only drawback for the gutsy version at least, is that it has to run system wide.12:13
TheMusoHowever, for 0.6.5, they have added options to run it per user.12:14
TheMusoI plan to more tightly integrate it with a user's session.12:14
TheMusoand use its pulseaudio backend.12:14
TheMusothat it now has.12:14
persiaTheMuso: That will be interesting.  Not important to me (I don't share), but I suspect it suddenly makes it possible to support e.g. LTSP.12:14
TheMusoAnd luckily, all Linux synths, whether open source or proprietary, allow passing audio back to the calling application in their callback.12:15
persiaAnd given the plans for pulse & JACK, things should work semi-smoothly for hardy (although I should probably also use the onboard for speech).12:15
TheMusopersia: What pulse and jack plans?12:15
mruizhi all12:15
persiaTheMuso: A special whitelist of apps like JACK, skype, etc. that could circumvent pulse trapping to access HW directly, without needing to manually intermediate which devices have what sort of access to the card.12:16
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TheMusopersia: But as it is, I still think speech-dispatcher long term is more flexible, and provides several audio backends. Once a few things are sorted with orca, I'm going to push it to replace gnome-speech, maybe not for hardy, but hardy+1.12:17
persiaNo big rush.  By the way, does the new orca that just went in fix the does-not-install issue?12:18
TheMusoNo, that is waiting on brltty, specifically python-brlapi12:18
TheMusobut that will be sorted in the next day or so I'd say, it needs to be binary newed.12:19
persiaAh.  Too bad.12:19
persiaOh.  That's easy then :)12:19
TheMusobut brltty has been uploaded as well12:19
TheMusobinary newed, and placed in main.12:19
TheMusoAnyway, really out of here now.12:20
persiaGood night, and thanks for the advice about speech + jack.12:23
TheMusopersia: np12:25
zulfreaking snow12:57
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txwikinger2I want some12:59
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* persia is also experiencing a snow shortage: please throw it back up, so it has a chance to get a little further around the globe13:00
txwikinger2If we get snow now, we will get early holidays13:00
zulsure you can have 31cm of what we got last night13:01
txwikinger2I take it13:02
zuloh sorry 37cm of snow13:02
txwikinger2take that too :)13:03
txwikinger2No snow in the forecast here ;(13:04
txwikinger2Well, I guess this means 3.5 more working days13:05
ScottKGood morning all.13:06
txwikinger2Hi ScottK13:06
ScottKIf anyone is looking for an easy merge to do (or perhaps one for their mentee), peercast is available...13:06
ScottKHello txwikinger213:06
txwikinger2cool... we might have a withe christmas13:07
txwikinger2white even13:08
=== imthefac1 is now known as imtheface
* dholbach hugs the MOTU Heroes13:49
imbrandonmoins dholbach ScottK txwikinger2 zul persia and *13:51
imbrandon( wow everyone got hilighted )13:51
DaveMorriswould appear son13:51
ScottKheya imbrandon.  How's the snow?13:51
imbrandonnone new comming, we dident get as much as expected13:52
imbrandonand still cold as h*ll so its staying on the ground13:52
imbrandonbut good news is its only 2 or 3 inches and no mroe comming ( soon )13:52
ScottKWe're heading that way on Thursday and our 13 year old is really hoping for a white Christmas.13:53
ScottKThat should be enough if it stays cold.13:53
imbrandonyup, it should still be here thursday13:53
imbrandonthe roads are all cleared off now but everywhere else its sticking arround13:53
effie_jayxok I am back from my trip and I need a little help13:54
ScottKWell we're leaving Thursday.  It's a ~21 hour drive, so we'll be there on Friday...13:54
effie_jayxI want to learn how to read reports from merges13:54
effie_jayxI was trying to merge mgetty but It got done13:54
imbrandonScottK: if your in town for a few days and have time we should grab that coffee/beer while your here13:54
effie_jayxI have read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/School/Merging-and-Syncing13:54
effie_jayxand I get stuck in the part where they start reading the changes13:55
* imbrandon 's birthday is wednesday13:55
ScottKimbrandon: Definitely.  Gate Bar-q-que13:55
imbrandonyup yup13:55
effie_jayxhttp://merges.ubuntu.com/m/mgetty/REPORT no problems where encountered during the merge13:56
ScottKeffie_jayx: Do you want an easy one that still needs doing?13:56
effie_jayxnow If I understand this well I must test the merger by generating a patch and applying it and seeing if it works?13:56
effie_jayxScottK,  mmmkeyy13:57
imbrandonScottK: heh wife just looked over my shoulder and said "Tell Him Jack Stack is better"13:57
ScottKYou must also review each of the changes and make sure they are still needed.13:57
effie_jayxbut let me  see if I understand how I go about them13:57
zulsnow sucks13:57
ScottKimbrandon: Jack Stack seems very corporate to me.  Personally, I like Arthur Bryant's the best, but it's on the other side of town.13:58
ScottKzul: Either get over it or move.13:58
imbrandonScottK: yea jack stack was great when it was just "smoke stack" in martin city, but i havent been lately13:58
zulScottK: oh i wish i could move13:58
ScottKeffie_jayx: peercast needs doing and only has one small Ubuntu change.13:59
imbrandonzul: come to KC :)13:59
zulimbrandon: not from what I seen on "Cops" ;)13:59
imbrandonzul: there is plenty of jobs here for your field, i could hook you up with some13:59
effie_jayxScottK,  ok.13:59
imbrandonzul: hahah13:59
ScottKimbrandon: My actual favorite is a small place in Kansas City, KS called "The Hickory Log".  You won't have heard of it.  I lived near there growing up and we used to go regularly.14:00
imbrandonahh yea, no idea about that one14:00
ScottKzul: You wouldn't want life to be to boring.14:00
ScottKzul: Oh, wait.  You're Canadian.  ;-)14:00
zulScottK: its a national past time to complain about the amount of snow14:00
imbrandonmy actualy fav resturant here in town is Buldogs, its like applebys+bbq but good14:01
ScottKWhere is that?14:01
imbrandon18th and Main14:01
ScottKAh.  I haven't been there.14:02
imbrandon( few blocks from where i work hehe )14:02
imbrandonso we go quite a bit14:02
ScottKI see.  That makes it easier.14:02
imbrandoni work just off 20th and broadway, next to the orig Herferd House14:02
imbrandonand all that stuff14:03
ScottKRight.  I know just where that is.14:03
ScottKMy Dad's company (when I was growing up) was just across the river in Riverside, MO.14:03
imbrandonbtw where are you now? i thought you were closer than 21 hours away14:04
ScottKOutside Baltimore, MD.14:04
effie_jayxScottK,  this is the bit I am trying to figure out "You should compare the generated patch against the patch for the Ubuntu version given above and ensure that there are no unexpected changes..." <---- debdiff?   "...You should also sanity check the source package. ..."14:04
imbrandonfor some reason i thought you were on the far side of KC14:05
imbrandonerr kS14:05
ScottKimbrandon: Heading west we just take turns driving, hand the children to the Grandparents when we arrive, and then go crash.14:05
imbrandonheh yup14:05
ScottKeffie_jayx: Debdiff is a good way to do it.14:06
ScottKeffie_jayx: Also then look at the updated package from Debian and see if there are any obvious problems with then (generally not).14:06
imbrandonScottK: btw i just got done talking to pitti about flash, looks like i'll be doing a modified version of your sugestion, and the current stuff in -porposed just got removed14:08
imbrandonScottK: e.g. do the 60mb thing for dapper to gutsy, and new stuff for hardy14:08
imbrandonnot new for hardy + gutsy14:08
imbrandoni'm actualy working on the script now to do that14:09
imbrandonbtw before i whip up a shell script anyone know of a cli mass id3 tagger based on filename ?14:12
imbrandone.g. where i have the files in "%artist - %song.mp3" and want it to mass remove existing tags and update based on filenames14:13
_rubenhmm .. wonder what im (obviously) missing here .. i cant get pbuilder to install stuff from universe14:15
imbrandon_ruben: you have to enable universe in the chroot something similar to ... "pbuilder login --save-after-login" and edit the /etc/apt/sources.list and apt-get update, then exit14:16
_rubenimbrandon: lets give that a try14:16
_rubenimbrandon: worked like charm, thanks14:19
imbrandon( probably want to do multiverse too if you dident , and $dist-updates )14:20
effie_jayxScottK, when I read  the REPORT file... and it reads http://merges.ubuntu.com/p/peercast/REPORT14:20
effie_jayxI get a little lost reading the report and that is bad14:20
imbrandon$dist-updates only if you are working on a release thats not hardy14:20
effie_jayxI should compare the generated patch ="generated: 0.1217.toots.20060314-5ubuntu1"14:22
effie_jayxthe ubuntu version prior to that "0.1217.toots.20060314-4ubuntu1"14:22
effie_jayxam I right?14:22
ScottKeffie_jayx: Yes.  Also look at -4 to -4ubuntu1 to make sure nothing bad got added by the merge scripts.14:25
effie_jayxScottK,  and I should look at -5 as wel?14:27
ScottKeffie_jayx: Sorry.  I meant -5 to -5ubuntu1.14:28
ScottKGot lost in my revisions there.14:28
mruizhi all. I need a review for the bug 176714, please ...14:28
ubotuLaunchpad bug 176714 in vpnc "Please merge vpnc 0.5.1r254-1 (universe) from Debian (unstable)" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17671414:28
effie_jayxScottK, then I generate one debdiff between patches the old and the new14:30
effie_jayxwhen you say check... you man generate a debdiff to see any things added in the debian package that is not in the patch?14:31
ScottKeffie_jayx: Yes.  Look at the debdiff and make sure you understand what changes are there and why (for the Debian changes it's enough to make sure they are documented in debian/changelog).14:35
effie_jayxScottK,  fine...14:35
ScottKeffie_jayx: You might also look at the change that caused an Ubuntu unique package and see about filing a bug in Debian about it.14:39
ScottKThe goal being to get rid of the diff and go back to being able to use the Debian package unmodified.14:40
effie_jayxScottK, debdiffs are long14:41
effie_jayxmost of the changes refer to changes in directories...14:41
effie_jayxand some depend libs14:41
ScottKeffie_jayx: Even the -5 to -5ubuntu1 diff?14:41
* effie_jayx thinks14:41
effie_jayxScottK,  no... just old package to new package14:41
ScottKeffie_jayx: Look at the debian/changelog entry and see if it makes sense.  From reading the changelog, I suspect it does.14:42
effie_jayxScottK,  I can see changes done to debian/rules so I guess the -5ubuntu must contain the postrm script...14:47
effie_jayxshould I unpack to check the change in rule?14:47
effie_jayxthe rest of the changes are there14:48
ScottKSounds reasonable.14:48
effie_jayxdependency change14:48
effie_jayxand the change of standards14:48
effie_jayxScottK,  so unpack and check?14:48
hippuhippu, could someone review my patch to bug #176736?15:04
ubotuLaunchpad bug 176736 in tuxguitar "Tuxguitar isn't building, missing dependency" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17673615:04
hippuugh, i meant hi instead of my own nick15:05
brettaltonhave I come to the right place for information on how to make my own repository?15:31
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effie_jayxScottK2,  I saw the diference in the patches ... everything is there... all changes in the debian/control from the debian source15:46
nxvl_workRiddell: around?15:46
Riddellhi nxvl_work15:47
nxvl_workRiddell: hi, i have a problem with qt4-x1115:47
nxvl_workRiddell: i have seen it's reported on LP but not worked15:47
nxvl_workbug #11597015:48
ubotuLaunchpad bug 115970 in qt4-x11 "qtconfig-qt4 doesn't start" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/11597015:48
Riddellnxvl_work: yep, looks like a problem15:50
RiddellI'm a bit busy for it currently15:50
nxvl_workRiddell: that ok, did have any idea where the problem can be, so i can check it?15:52
ScottKeffie_jayx: Then I'd say test the new revision, prepare a debdiff, and attach it to a bug.15:52
effie_jayxScottK,  cool15:53
Riddellnxvl_work: could try reverting to an older version of qt415:54
nxvl_workRiddell: i mean on the source15:55
effie_jayxScottK,  ok.. I am building a package16:02
effie_jayxScottK,  there is no major bug fix in this one... shall I just report a sync from debian kinda stuff?16:03
ScottKDoes the Debian package have the change that we made in Ubuntu?  If not it's still a merge.16:05
effie_jayxScottK,  I tried looking into the change that generated the merges16:09
effie_jayxbut It was only the epiphany sugest16:09
effie_jayxfor epiphany-browser16:10
ScottKeffie_jayx: Yes.  That's the change.  So your debdiff for the merge would include that and the debian/changelog entries.16:10
pochuHey MOTUs and MOTU padawans! :)16:18
huatshey pochu16:18
mruizhey pochu :-)16:19
pochuhey huats and mruiz16:19
RainCThi pochu16:19
slicerIf anyone can do a review update of http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?package=mumble , I'm around for the next few hours.16:20
pochuheya RainCT :)16:20
bddebianHeya gang16:22
pochuhowdy bddebian16:24
=== \sh is now known as \sh_away
bddebianHi pochu16:28
mruizbye all16:42
effie_jayxScottK, should I add my name to the changelog then?16:43
effie_jayxnew upstream version and that's it?16:44
effie_jayxScottK,  just checked debian/control and the epiphany change is there now16:45
ScottKeffie_jayx: It's not a new upstream version, just a new Debian revision and yes, your name should be in debian/changelog16:49
effie_jayxScottK,  so... what do I write in the changelog entry.. do I specify all the debian changes...16:50
pochueffie_jayx: All the changes you have done.16:51
pochueffie_jayx: do you know dch? :)16:51
effie_jayxpochu,  I did nothing16:51
effie_jayxjust test16:51
effie_jayxthe debian mantainer made a lot of changes... I did nothing16:51
pochuThen it's a sync, isn't it?16:52
* pochu reads backwards16:52
effie_jayxpochu,  yes16:52
effie_jayxit was a merge but now the change that originated the merging has been reflected on debian16:52
ScottKeffie_jayx: Did the Debian Maintainer make the dependency change (I don't see it in his debian/changelog)?16:52
pochueffie_jayx: is the epyphany suggest included in the debian package?16:52
effie_jayxpochu,  it is not16:53
effie_jayxthere isn't a suggests line16:53
effie_jayxScottK,  there isn't a suggests line16:53
pochueffie_jayx: then you need to add it, and document it in debian/changelog16:53
pochueffie_jayx: for modifying debian/changelog, use the dch tool. It's in the devscripts package.16:54
effie_jayxpochu,  got it16:54
effie_jayxpochu,  I know it16:54
pochuCool :)16:54
effie_jayxso let me see...16:54
leonelscottK hello !  new clamav 0.92.0  Looks like  it's not a  security  update17:00
ScottKleonel: Thanks for checking.  I looked for you when I got the message.17:01
ScottKleonel: I agree from looking at the Changelog.  I'm updating the package now.17:01
leonelScottK upgrading for hardy ?17:02
ScottKWe'll let it settle a bit and then do a backport in a few weeks I'd think.17:02
leonelscottK if you need to test it  just let me know17:03
ScottKleonel: Will do.17:03
leonelscottK and not only  for clamav  if there's a package  I can test  just let me know17:04
effie_jayxScottK,  the suggests: is in peercast-handlers where in what file do I add the change17:14
ScottKeffie_jayx: debian/control.  Have a look at the current Ubuntu package to see exactly how.17:15
=== czessi_ is now known as Czessi
Kopfgeldjaegerwhen i specify a command that deletes a folder in a postrm file (because its not removed automatically), the folder is not there after a reinstall of the package17:26
effie_jayxScottK,  I saw it... :D17:34
effie_jayxScottK,  sorry... the change is there17:35
effie_jayxpochu,  the hange is there...17:37
* effie_jayx was looking in the wrong pacage in debian/control17:38
effie_jayxis there a need for my changelog entry still17:38
pochuIf all the changes are included in Debian now, then not. You should request a sync instead.17:39
pochueffie_jayx: ^17:39
effie_jayxpochu, ok17:40
effie_jayxpochu,  should I test the package first?17:40
pochueffie_jayx: a test-build would be nice. If you can test it too the better :)17:41
effie_jayxpochu,  I'll do both17:42
effie_jayxthanks ScottK  and pochu ... I learned lots17:45
Ubulettegood, i've fixed my "internal error, failed to initialize HAL!".  no more reboot for a month, at least :)17:52
leonelscottK just warming up  ..  when I builded  clamav 0.92rc2 no problems now  we got libclamav.so.317:55
leonelscottK should all be named  libclamav3 ?17:55
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ScottKleonel: Probably.  Urgh.18:12
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\shok...now my homedatacenter is ready to rumble....18:14
\sh/dev/sda6             322G  3,4G  318G   2% /home18:14
\sh/dev/sdb1             466G  544K  466G   1% /mnt18:15
\sh I think that should be enough for hosting some ubuntu archives18:15
warp10Hi all!18:17
Ubuletteyesterday, i had a dedicated 320G filled with mostly mozilla builds18:18
ScottK\sh: Have you had a chance to look at the newer WINE package on REVU?18:18
\shScottK, nope...I thought scott ritchie is valuable enough for not having any review at all....18:19
\shlooks really like that I have to reapply for motuship and push those stuff in18:19
Riddellnxvl_work: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qt4-x11/+bug/115970/comments/218:19
ubotuLaunchpad bug 115970 in qt4-x11 "qtconfig-qt4 doesn't start" [Undecided,Confirmed]18:19
ScottK\sh: OK.  Please do.18:19
* ScottK hasn't had a lot of time to look at stuff recently.18:19
nxvl_workRiddell: replied, i think it's maybe a depend problem18:21
* RainCT wonders wheter there is a way to filter bugs about crashes to see only those for Python applications18:24
tsmitheanyone want to review a package for me? mscore (music notation program a la sibelius) is welcome for some love: http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=mscore18:27
joumetalI have a question about motu-security.18:29
\shok...debmirror --nosource --method=rsync dapper, edgy,feisty gutsy --section=* --arch=i386,amd64 and go18:30
\shjoumetal, fire18:30
joumetalthere is one bug comment about dapper that says one program has vulnerable version in dapper.18:32
joumetalI could give number or any information.18:32
\shjoumetal, which one?18:32
joumetalbug 11739518:34
ubotuLaunchpad bug 117395 in alsaplayer "Alsaplayer crashes" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/11739518:34
\shjoumetal, so , do you have any CVE IDs for those security issues? if there are security fixes for it, we can fix this, but no new upstream version for dapper, sorry18:35
Riddellnxvl_work: that's old versions of qt, upgrade to the newest18:36
ubotuBuffer overflow in the vorbis_stream_info function in input/vorbis/vorbis_engine.c (aka the vorbis input plugin) in AlsaPlayer before 0.99.80-rc3 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via a .OGG file with long comments. (http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2007-5301)18:38
nxvl_workRiddell: i have my system up to date18:38
nxvl_workRiddell: i'm using gutsy18:38
joumetalsmart bot :)18:39
\shjoumetal, please add this information to the bug report (link CVE) and subscribe motu-swat thx18:39
\shjoumetal, and please set the report to a security bug report via set privacy/security...18:41
joumetalok done that.18:43
Riddellnxvl_work: oh, hrm18:43
\shjoumetal, thx18:43
leonelscottK many  many  references to libclamav2   those should be changed to  libclamav3  right ??18:48
ScottKleonel: I haven't had time to really look into it, but I believe that's the case.18:50
=== RainC1 is now known as RianCT
=== RianCT is now known as RainCT
leonelI know  just  guessing  ...18:51
leoneland tryng to make the new deb  ..  let's see how it goes ..18:51
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\shhmkmm...does anyone see this,too ? apt-get install linux32 and then it tries to remove ubuntu-minimal?19:07
ScottKleonel: Because of the soname bump, I'm not going to upload this one right away.  I'm going to wait for Debian to upload it to make sure we don't get cross-threaded.19:07
slangasekScottK: which is coming soon, http://lists.debian.org/debian-release/2007/12/msg00113.html19:09
slangasek(it's already in Debian new queue)19:09
ScottKslangasek: Thanks.19:09
ScottKslangasek: I can tell you for one item on that list (klamav), then Debian version in Sid/Lenny is already hopelessly broken so there's no need to even bother with a rebuild.19:10
ScottKslangasek: Do you know the Klamav maintainer: Florent Bayle http://packages.qa.debian.org/k/klamav.html - he seems to have lost interest in Klamav.19:13
Adri2000Hippuu: around?19:13
slangasekScottK: can't say that I do, no19:15
ScottKslangasek: OK.  I'll see if I can generate some interest around maintaining our package in Debian and if he's willing to give it up.19:16
Adri2000Hippuu: I don't know if you were seeking sponsoring for the tuxguitar bug (as u-u-s is not subscribed), but I anyway added a comment about your debdiff19:17
leonelscottK  clamav 0.92  debs  done  :)  My  first  big update  i mean   changing things in   debian/*   let's see if it installs  and  works  ...19:28
sommerhey all, is there going to be a qa session on friday?19:47
gesersommer: iirc will dholbach hold them every friday19:48
sommergeser: cool just wanted to make sure... with x-mas and all19:48
gesersommer: try asking dholbach (here during the european day)19:49
sommergeser: okay, will do19:49
johnnyis the channel meant to be used to just packaging for ubuntu upstream? or also for those who might need help making custom packages until fixed upstream versions are released?19:50
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ScottKRainCT: I'm not sure about the maintainer thing.  I'd send a mail to devel-discuss asking.20:25
poOrBOonEverything works :D20:26
poOrBOonI want my ubuntu look like vista, I just mean the transparent window borders20:26
poOrBOondo I need emerald?? people don't recommend it20:27
gesercompiz should be enough20:27
poOrBOonI have compiz.. but do you know a theme that makes my windows look like vista??20:28
poOrBOonThere is none that has transparency20:28
geserfor transparency in the window borders you need emerald20:28
leonelScottK there's a new  lib  for   libclamunrar    for clamav   should I :  1  include in  libclamav3.install  or   2  do a   libclamunrar3.install and add  it to debian/rules  ??20:28
poOrBOonpeople in #compiz-fusion don't recommend it20:29
geserhave they a better suggestion?20:29
ScottKleonel: The new Clamav is in Debian NEW right now.  I'd suggest we just wait for it.20:29
leonelscottK PLOP   ok  but for learning  thing .. what should be better ?20:30
leonelScottK the package build now and installs but needs   libclamunrar  that gets generated with the new clamav ...20:30
ScottKleonel: Dunno.  I think I'd include it in libclamav3.install.20:30
leonelscottK OK20:30
poOrBOonNo the didn't say anything20:31
johnnyisnt' this the wrong channel for questions about making ubuntu look like vista?20:31
johnnyconsidering more relevant questions are not being answered20:32
poOrBOonmotu? I thought you know everything :D20:32
pochuWe know.20:32
_MMA_poOrBOon: Search Ubuntu Forums or Gnome-Look. You should find all yo uneed.20:32
pochuWell not me, but MOTUs :-)20:32
poOrBOonI searched gnome-look, that why I am here dudes20:32
leonelScottK if this package works like  debian's   will be  a great step for me   thank you20:32
poOrBOononly the emerald themes look good20:32
_MMA_poOrBOon: This isnt a support channel. ;)20:33
poOrBOonbut, I heard emerald and compiz hate each other.. not recommended20:33
Kopfgeldjaegerto whom should i assign a bug like "xy outdated" ?20:33
pochuKopfgeldjaeger: tag it as 'upgrade'20:33
Kopfgeldjaegerok, thx20:33
gesernobody unless you have a new package for sponsoring20:33
RainCTpoOrBOon: emerald works good here20:34
Kopfgeldjaegerthere is a package on revu (by me, and anyother by somebody else), geser20:35
poOrBOonwith compiz-fusion??20:35
poOrBOon@RainCT I don't want to f*** my supa os by doing stupid things. that's why I ask the MOTUs. if installing a+b ist dumb or absoluteley ok a=compiz ; b=emerald20:36
_MMA_poOrBOon: Please take it to a support channel or a PM. This isn't a support channel.20:37
poOrBOonok ok20:37
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harrisonyIf a package has a missing reccomeded dependency would I create a debdiff and upload it to the report and then assign the bug to a team?20:45
imbrandonnever assign anyone20:55
Nafalloimbrandon: yourself?20:55
imbrandonsubscribe possibly, NEVER assign20:55
imbrandonNafallo: bah20:55
Nafalloimbrandon: I assign myself anyway :-)20:55
* pochu lols at http://ubuntuircstats.org/ubuntu-motu.html21:05
pochuMost used words wordoccurrences21:05
pochupersia: told you :P21:05
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ikoniaI'd appriciate an update on bug https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-hawaii/+members21:09
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pochubug 17389021:09
ubotuLaunchpad bug 173890 in flashplugin-nonfree "flashplugin-nonfree fails to install... new version?" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17389021:09
ikoniaimbrandon has put in a lot of effort but I'd like to understand the current development brandon is working on21:09
ikoniapochu: yes, I've read the bug report21:09
pochuikonia: It was for me and others :)21:10
imbrandonikonia: i put an update on it, and refrenced a devel thread21:10
johnnyso, would you say this is a channel that supports ubuntu packagers21:10
imbrandonexplaining the sate and an eta21:10
johnnybut does it also support those who are learning to build ubuntu packages for personal usage until proper patches are submitted upstream?21:10
ikoniaimbrandon: yeah, I read the update, seems reasonable I'm trying to understand the failures in konqueror and opera21:10
ikoniaimbrandon: I assume you read my comments on the bug about seperating the checksum issue and the functionality issues21:11
imbrandonthey are explained in the devel mail, they dont support XEmbed21:11
imbrandonikonia: yea i read it, its not fesable21:11
ikoniayes, I picked up on that, but they do actually install sucssesfully21:11
ikoniaimbrandon: ok, perfect, thank you21:11
johnnyyes or no? so i can start asking questions or go somewhere else21:11
imbrandonyes it installes, but i cant push an update that segfaults on those browsers21:12
johnnyand hopefully help others21:12
johnnyhere that is21:12
ikoniaimbrandon that was where I was going21:12
ikoniaimbrandon: as the origional bug was the checksum failure, the actual plugin issues are a different issue21:12
imbrandonjohnny: you can ask here but we wont support anything thats not the proper way21:12
ikoniaimbrandon: but I of course will assist and follow your suggestion21:12
johnnythe "proper way"21:13
johnnywhat's that?21:13
imbrandonikonia: right but as part of the sru team i refuse to knowingly break the others21:13
ikoniaimbrandon: and I support that21:13
ikoniaimbrandon: my only query on that was it's currently broke anyway21:13
imbrandonso the bugs have to both be fixed21:13
ikoniaok, fair enough, if thats the root you want to take, sounds good21:13
imbrandonikonia: and it will stay that way untill i prepare the new solution as stated in the bug and devel ml21:13
ikoniaok, no problem21:13
imbrandonikonia: its not just what i want, its the only way21:14
ikoniaI'm catching up on the mailing archives21:14
ikoniaimbrandon: bad choice of wording21:14
imbrandonjohnny: as in the way it would need to be to go into the archive21:14
ikoniaimbrandon: also that should be route, not root21:14
johnnyi'm more interested in interacting with upstream21:16
johnnyrather than just packaging upstream21:16
johnnyto make it possible that the patch can be integrated into the archives21:16
johnnyerr package21:16
leonelscottK  clamav 0.92 builded  installed and working  now  here ..   now let's check  debian's package21:17
johnnyfor example21:17
johnnyi have some issues with sabayon , and i'm trying to interact with upstream, but i need to know how to use ubuntu packaging to be able to test it21:17
johnnyand then the ubuntu packagers can take a tested deb and just use it21:17
imbrandonyour definition of "upstream" is not clear enough for me to tell what you mean, upstream can mean many things, upstream as in debian?21:18
johnnyno.. upstream upstream21:18
johnnythe real package upstream21:18
imbrandonpackage != upstream21:19
johnnyapplication upstream21:19
johnnyapplication/library/script, etc21:19
imbrandonterminoligy conflict here, ok go back to basics and tell me exactly what you want even with programs names and i'll atleaste get you pointed in the right direction21:19
johnnywell, the package can vary, since i'm using lots of applications inrelation to ltsp21:20
johnnyso, that's gnome, ltsp, and other random supporting programs21:20
imbrandonok right, but as an example you have libfoo on sourceforge21:20
imbrandonstart there21:20
johnnyi know how to talk to devs :)21:20
imbrandonok talk to me21:21
johnnyi have spoken to federico for example21:21
johnnywho maintains sabayon21:21
johnnyhe told me that he will accepted my tested patches21:21
johnnyso, i need to know how to properly use the ubuntu packaging env , so i can deploy and test the fixed packages21:21
johnnyafter which, the patches will be accepted21:22
ikoniajohnny: there is a great guide on https://help.ubuntu.com21:22
imbrandonok so why not take it the last step if your going that far ( monhs of work ) and just upload it to the dev release21:22
johnnyi will be21:22
johnnyoh wait21:22
johnnydev release?21:22
johnnywhich dev release? :)21:22
imbrandone.g hardy, we do just exactly what you are wanting21:23
johnnybut hardy is not in my env21:23
imbrandonits our job as motu21:23
johnnyand won't be21:23
johnnyhardy will get the fixed upstream eventually i'm sure21:23
johnnyeither through debian or not21:23
imbrandonok then why mess with the deb packages just work pure upstream21:23
johnnybecause i need to deploy it in my ubuntu env21:24
johnnyso i can test the packages21:24
imbrandonthen you need to be working in a hardy env21:24
imbrandonthats the only way really21:24
johnnymy packages will be gutsy, but the patches will make it upstream, and then to hardy i'm sure21:24
ajmitchbut being able to test out patches in a real environment is also rather useful21:24
johnnyi will not be distributing the packages21:24
johnnyoutside of my env21:24
imbrandonjohnny: ok then ... your kinda going about it backwords but ...21:25
johnnyonly due the fact that hardy is currently undeployable21:25
johnnybut when it is.. you guys will already be working on something else :)21:25
johnnyand i know the patches will be too big to make it into gutsy itself21:26
imbrandoni'm on hardy right now , what do you mean undeployable? use in a stable env yes, but your not going to be in a stable env your going to be applying untested patches21:26
johnnysure.. but that's only for one application21:26
johnnyinstead of the entire env21:26
imbrandonhrm ok anyhow it matters not if you arent going to pass them out, the exact same proceedures apply21:27
imbrandonjust look at the hardy process and aply it to gutsy21:27
johnnyif i end up having to deploy more things,i will try to do the leg work to get it accepted for hardy21:27
johnnybut first i have to know what i'm doing :)21:27
imbrandonhowever you want to look at it21:28
johnnyi had quite a time just learning to run pbuilder and friends21:28
johnnyi cme from a slightly different process background when it comes to deployment21:28
johnnyi've been using gentoo for 5 years.. and packaging for it is dead simple21:29
johnnyebuilds are much easier than running all the pbuilder stuff21:29
johnnyand apt-get source etc21:29
imbrandonright all the more reason to learn the development way , but if you just want to hack then there is no reason to even make debs21:29
johnnybecause that's the way to get me started in learning to package other ubuntu apps21:29
johnnylike our point of sale program21:29
imbrandonjust hack the source, install and pass patches21:29
johnnyour point of sale program is currenly unpackaged21:30
imbrandonlearing to package on a stable release is not recomeneded, thats what i'm trying to explain21:30
imbrandonlater you can apply those same ideas to stable21:30
johnnysure, but i need fixes in my stable release :)21:30
johnnysabayon is completely busted in stable21:30
johnnyif you use it for even longer than few minutes21:31
johnnybut that's not due to ubuntu tho21:31
johnnythat's gnome itself21:31
johnnyupstream gnome bugs prevent the application from working even after a few changes21:31
johnnysave your profile, don't kow which files not apply, and bam.. it'll crash21:32
johnnywhen you reopen it21:32
johnnyso folks who do use gutsy and require sabayon, might want something that does work21:32
johnnybut i do know gutsy devs will never accept it21:32
johnnyso i will want it fixed in hardy for sure :)21:33
imbrandonjohnny: sure but i've tried to explain to you the way to acheve that is fix it in the dev release and have it backported21:33
imbrandonwe are all the same devs21:33
johnnyaha.. backports.. i meant to ask about that21:33
johnnyis there a list of what is acceptible to backport?21:33
johnnyvs what can be pushed idrectly into a stable release?21:34
imbrandonwhat is in the dv release can be considered for backport21:34
imbrandonand stable updtaes only gets major regression fixes21:34
johnnyhow about a feature that was explitly mentioned as working in the uhmm "press release" but doesn't21:35
johnnylike autologin in the edubuntu press release21:35
imbrandondepends on how invasive the fix is21:35
johnnyaha.. good to know21:35
johnnythanks for your time imbrandon , trying to reconcile a no real "release" distro vs this situation was kinda difficult21:36
johnnyi think i have a better handle on it21:36
imbrandonand nothing gets pushed directly into stable releases, it all goes into the dev release and then -proposed then backports or -updates21:36
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johnnyi'll try to get a hardy setup going at some point in virtualbox21:36
johnnywhen i make my own hacked debs21:36
imbrandongood call :)21:37
imbrandonyou could also make a hardy pbuilder on gutsy21:37
imbrandonthat will do most of that for you21:37
johnnythere are almost too many cross purpose tools in .deb creation/maintenence21:38
johnnyat least some of them are just frontends for others21:38
johnnybut it is confusing for n00bs21:38
johnnyeven experienced linux users21:38
johnnybut are just n00bs to debian packaging21:39
effie_jayxScottK,  the package worked ok21:50
effie_jayxScottK,  I am requesting a sync since the change is already in debian21:50
effie_jayxit is missing the browser bit21:52
somerville32Should I remove Vcs- fields from debian?21:53
* effie_jayx is not being carefull enough21:57
dx9s_workhave a simple question .. (sort of) ... but I expect a more complicated answer?22:32
dx9s_workactually a list of questions...22:33
dx9s_workis there a way to automatically install the "-dev" packages (aka the headers files) in any way based on some list or criteria or system wide?22:34
dx9s_work(that was #1)22:34
dx9s_work#2) is there a way to rebuild a list of packages from source?22:34
dx9s_workand #3) get a list off all things installed that depend on a particular library22:34
dx9s_workwhat I want to do is rebuild everything from source that depends on a library I've manually updated to a newer library (and headers)... in this case libjack22:35
dx9s_work(my complaint with "debian" packages is that it normally doesn't install the headers files for a library... this is different from what I am used to with slackware packages... which always installs the header files with a "dependable" package22:36
gilirHi :)22:37
giliris there someone available and very nice to review awn-extras-applets on REVU ? :)22:39
Fujitsudx9s_work: That is ugly, not a development question, and will not be supported here.22:43
dx9s_workFujitsu, what tools are used for scripting the build process (for .debs) ... curious It is really easy with SlackBuild (DL the slackbuild files and run the build script).22:44
dx9s_workI am sure somebody in the ubuntu world has automated this.. I just want access to those files!22:44
dx9s_workand the tools22:44
Fujitsudx9s_work: It is particularly evil because you have left the package system.22:44
dx9s_workIf I could get the package for libjack.. I would update it first22:44
geserdx9s_work: the buildds use the published debs to build/compile a package22:44
TheMusodx9s_work: Slack build scripts do not in any way check for failure to build from source.22:45
TheMusodx9s_work: Debian/Ubuntu package building has strong error checking, so if a part of a apckage build fails, the package does not get built.22:46
dx9s_workright .. I am an old slackware guy.. about 6 month w/ ubuntu.. and there are things I like and dislike..22:46
TheMusodx9s_work: I used slackware for 3 years.22:46
TheMusodx9s_work: Some of that time was spent maintaining a slackware package repository.22:46
dx9s_work(well since 0.99rX days go me)22:46
dx9s_workfor me that is22:46
TheMusoOnce I got involved with Ubuntu development afterwards, I was amazed at how poor the general quality of building slackware packages was, especially when it came to 3rd-party packages.22:47
dx9s_workI am interested in the scripting used w/ ubuntu for maintaining the repo... if I have to make my own and then upgrade to newer stuff -- but interested in getting changes done within the .deb system22:47
TheMusoPat's packages were ok, and the build scripts were written with the assumption that the package would build successfully.22:47
TheMuso!packagingguide | dx9s_work22:48
ubotudx9s_work: packagingguide is The packaging guide is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment - See also !backports22:48
TheMusodx9s_work: Will show you how its done22:48
dx9s_workthere are "okay" getslack tools . .but yeah I like the depos for .deb and ubuntu .. but still yearn for the days of having my own customized repos...22:48
StevenKCreating your own repository for binary and source packages is fairly simple22:49
TheMusodx9s_work: Well its more complex than just throwing tarballs in a directory.22:49
dx9s_workis there any short cuts... like instead of building .deb ... going directly from some "deb-src" to installing?22:49
TheMusoSince you have to take care of metadata and dependencies22:49
FujitsuTheMuso: Not much more.22:49
TheMusoFujitsu: Yeah I know. But it depends on how much like the main repos you want your personal one to be.22:50
dx9s_workI'd be happy installing from source via some semi-structure dependency thing... more like Gentoo's process when installing from source but not as overkill!22:50
dx9s_workno "command -blah libjack" to cause the system to download the source and recompile against a new library22:51
dx9s_workrecompile and install (skipping .deb)22:51
StevenKSkipping .deb? How else do you install it?22:51
dx9s_workinside or outside a packaging system.. outside .. ./configure ... or scons .. or whatever22:52
FujitsuEw. Why?22:52
StevenKWhat Fujitsu said22:52
FujitsuWe have a packaging system for a reason.22:52
dx9s_workdirectly from source.. but the packaging system never learns you updated a dependency and MAY want to recompile against new headers/libs22:52
dx9s_workI am curious.. there is NO way to install from some "deb-src" .. you hafta make a .deb?! (or temporarily make one and discard post install)22:53
StevenKEr, if you don't update the Debian packaging the automatically generated Depends won't get updated22:53
TheMusodx9s_work: No, its not like slackware where all the "package tracking system" does is keeps a record of what files belong to what package.22:53
StevenKIf you bump ABI and don't change shlibs, things might break22:54
dx9s_workexactly.. I am sure... the way the dependencies are done.. that a little change in updating one library will / can? cause a ripple effect and automatically recompile other stuff. I wanna USE those scripts and processing within the .deb system... I will read the packaging system .. but was wondering if there is way to install from deb-src directly (skipping .deb files all together while updating the database of installed stuff)22:54
* Fujitsu is confused. The source packages exist to build the debs.22:55
TheMusodx9s_work: No, thers not.,22:55
dx9s_workwhat.. people have to manually update each .deb from deb-src?22:55
Fujitsu... yes.22:55
dx9s_workthen what good is a packaging system?22:55
StevenKIt makes certain that those .deb's will work together with some semblance of sanity?22:56
FujitsuRight, you've thoroughly confused me now.22:56
* TheMuso laughs out loud. This is exactly why I left slackware.22:56
TheMusoWell, one of the reasons.22:56
FujitsuTheMuso: You have recovered well.22:57
dx9s_workwith slackware it doesn't attempt to match depends .. and often things work just fine...22:57
FujitsuWith a sane packaging system like Debian's, it *will* work just fine.22:57
dx9s_workbut when it doesn't take much (ldd for example is a wonderful tool) to figure out what you are missing22:57
TheMusonxvl_work: And often they don't.22:57
TheMusodx9s_work: Sorry, ^^22:58
dx9s_workwell not.. I've had issues with .deb .. having to manually fight it..22:58
dx9s_workI am not here to flame a which is better22:58
TheMusonxvl_work: I spent half a day once trying to work out why cups didn't work, having to crank up debug logs just to get can't find shared library errors.22:58
dx9s_workstop that22:58
dx9s_workI am wanting to know the process22:58
dx9s_workfor .deb from src22:58
Fujitsudpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot22:58
nxvl_workTheMuso: ah!?22:58
TheMusonxvl_work: Sorry, wrong person.22:58
nxvl_workTheMuso: heh, k22:58
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dx9s_workokay.. how does the package system know (or not) to update other things?22:59
* StevenK moves TheMuso's gun barrel to point at dx9s_work 22:59
FujitsuTheMuso: Are you using inverse tab completion, or something.22:59
Fujitsudx9s_work: You do it manually.22:59
TheMusoFujitsu: No, slight confusion as to the two starting letters of the nick.22:59
dx9s_workokay so still some manual work like in slackware .. -k-22:59
FujitsuTheMuso: Remarkably similar suffixes.22:59
TheMusoFujitsu: Yes.22:59
TheMusoBut that day with slackware and cups was just about the final straw for me22:59
StevenKdx9s_work: Yes, but if you do the work, no one else has to.22:59
dx9s_workI was hoping the system had SOME automation...22:59
TheMusoDependency hell indeed.23:00
Fujitsudx9s_work: It is not a normal use case to bump a library ABI on a local system.23:00
dx9s_workwell getting a list of all things that *CAN* depend on a .deb (library) and then further seeing what's currently installed is a simple task23:00
dx9s_workwell libjack 0.103.0 is flaky.. updating to ~0.107.7 (in my case) solved a lot of things.. just wanna grab all the sources that depend on the 0.103.0 and recompile them23:01
FujitsuDoes it change ABI?23:01
dx9s_workthere is a break in backwards compatibility between 0.102.20 and 0.103.0 if that is what you are asking23:02
dx9s_workfor example the latest version of "0.100.0" is 0.102.2023:02
dx9s_work(like a virtual thing)23:02
slangasekno, it's not a virtual thing, it's an soname23:03
slangasekthe latest version of libjack0.100.0-0 in Ubuntu is version 0.103.023:03
slangasekthey're forwards-compatible, or so say the upstream build rules23:04
dx9s_workyeah.. well once you jump to 0.103.0+ (until they change the headers and calls significantly).. ... bins that depend on the "soname" 0.100.0 will not work.. have to go to 0.103.00 . and no they DON'T work ... old bins old libbs.. new bins new libs... there is a break at 0.103.023:04
slangasek./usr/lib/libjack-0.100.0.so.0 -> libjack.so.023:04
* StevenK blinks.23:04
slangasekthat's in the Ubuntu package23:04
StevenKParse error23:04
FujitsuWe would have bumped the SONAME if that was the case.23:05
slangasekso actually, it looks to me like upstream changed the soname gratuitously23:05
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TheMusoOr Debian would have.23:05
Fujitsuslangasek: Aha.23:05
slangasekand the Debian maintainer corrected for it23:05
slangasek(possibly at my advising, for all I know)23:05
dx9s_workI know that programs compiled against the headers/libs in 0.100.0-0.102.20 cannot enumarate some calls correctly.. and visa versa .. programs compiled against newer headers/libs cannot used older libs23:06
dx9s_workbut the latter makes more sense23:06
slangasekheh, no, not me in this case but Mario Lang23:06
dx9s_workthe first one doesn't .. you would think compiling against older libs means newer ones should be fine..23:06
dx9s_workin any case23:06
dx9s_workI'll read the package guide.. I was hopeing for a shortcut23:06
TheMusoslangasek: He really knows his stuff.23:07
slangasekyes, we have a packaging system, therefore programs compiled against newer headers/libs being run against older libs are not an issue23:07
slangasekdx9s_work: "versioned dependencies"23:07
dx9s_workyou mean program compiled against older headers/libs should work with newer libs .. that is normally true.. except libjack 0.103.0 has backwards problems23:08
slangasekit doesn't23:08
dx9s_workyes it does23:08
slangaseknot when packaged correctly. :)23:08
dx9s_workI've upgraded the libjack to 0.103.0 and a distro ardour2 STOPPED being able to enumerate.. jack-rack complain about no pcm ins/outs.. etc.. it's an issue with the library not being completely backwards compatibale with older bins23:09
dx9s_workthat is why I am using a few things from source.. because what's in the depos are a bit old and flaky!23:10
dx9s_workI'd like to figure out how to get the deb-src.. update them and the meta data with newer stuff and make newer .debs but23:10
dx9s_worktalking offical ubuntu repo . (depos is a term from HP-UX I accidentally slipped on that .. sorry)23:11
slangasekdx9s_work: "using a few things from source" - it would be nice if you would also submit bug reports against the packages, if you have evidence that they're broken. :)23:12
slangasekthe enumeration error is only an ABI problem if rebuilding the app fixes it, though; it could just be breakage in the library, not backwards-incompatibility23:13
dx9s_workwell I've spoken with some of the ardour folks as well and it's not just me .. most have no problems working from source... I was curious as to the scripting process for making .deb's from deb-src .. I've many times have grab (in slackware world) the slackbuilds and just updated the source and changed (enabled different compile-time options) then pushed out the .tgz to several servers.23:13
slangasekwell, you were already given the answer for making .debs, dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot23:14
dx9s_workjust now need to learn a few other tools to get a list of all things that depend on libjack (it's in there someplace :P )23:15
* TheMuso bets a million bucks that very few people in the slackware community kow what a chroot is.23:15
TheMusoin relation to building packages23:15
dx9s_workuse it many times to fix  unbootable machines23:15
dx9s_workfrom a recovery cd23:15
StevenK"in relation to building packages"23:16
TheMusodx9s_work: sudo apt-get build-dep jack-audio-connection-kit23:16
TheMusoWill get you jack's build dependencies.23:16
FujitsuNote that you'd best properly package the new jack libs first.23:17
slangasekI think what he's asking for is "apt-cache rdepends libjack0" or "apt-cache rdepends libjack0.100.0"23:17
TheMusoStevenK: Well people may know what chroots are in terms of chroot jails etc, and for installing systems, but not how useful t hey are for package building, and making sure you have the dependencies just right, but oh thats right, slackware frees you from dependency hell.23:17
dx9s_workseen them used in rpmbuilds and a few slackbuild scripts .. (a few)23:17
dx9s_workthe biggie thing I saw was building QT ... it's done in place because how QT is path sensitive.. but they installed to "QT" then /usr/lib/qt then move to /usr/lib/qt* with sym link so the link controls what version23:19
dx9s_work(that was when I looked at the slackbuilds for qt, was a learning process)23:19
* TheMuso decides to refrain from making any more slackware comments, pointing out that if people haven't got it already, he is very bitter about slackware.23:20
dx9s_workI don't care really what distro... in the end.. gimme the source... and I'll be happy... packaging systems have a learning curve all their own!23:21
* Fujitsu points dx9s_work at LFS.23:21
TheMusough that should be for mutt23:22
dx9s_workI know about linux from source! heh.. I've actually made stuff a long time ago run from USB drive that didn't like too!23:22
dx9s_workremember I started with slackware back in the 0.99rX days23:22
dx9s_workI've been using .deb's for close to 6 months now and like most of them and see many advantages over slackware's tgz's23:23
dx9s_workI just wish there was some system flag I could set to have it automatically install the "*-dev"'s23:24
dx9s_workapt-get install libblah.... then try to compile against that library... and oops.. forgot.. apt-get install libblah-dev..23:24
slangasekdx9s_work: I've just installed the hardy ardour package here; how would I reproduce this problem you're describing?  where would I see the enumeration?23:24
slangasekdx9s_work: that system is called apt-get build-dep23:25
dx9s_workyou installed all from current? (7.10) Gutsy?23:25
slangasekno, I installed from hardy.  If I need the gutsy version of ardour to reproduce the problem I can do that, but please tell me what I'm looking for first23:26
dx9s_worknot up to hardy yet.. .but post 7.10 "fresh" works .. upgrading has problems.. it leaves bins compiled against older libjack ..23:27
dx9s_worktry to run a binary that requires >=0.100.0 against libjack 0.103.0 ... make sure the program was compiled again (say 0.102.20) .. if the depends list >= 0.103.0 then you will not have a problem.. it is in those older binaries that claim >= 0.100.0 .. they need to be a range >= 0.100.0 and < 0.103.023:30
slangasekyes, and if I have the problem, what does it /look/ like?23:30
dx9s_workwell the dependent program will not be able to enumerate the PCM channels the jack daemon has to offer23:31
dx9s_workrun a jackd (0.103.0) w/ libjack 0.103.0 and a program compiled against older libjack (and headers) and it can't enumerate the pcm channels23:32
dx9s_workif you installed from anything current you won't be able to reproduce because the current stuff is compiled against newer headers23:32
slangasekhow do I run jackd, and where in ardour would I see that it can't enumerate the PCM channels?23:34
slangasekI'm a library guy, not a sound guy23:34
dx9s_workthe first place I noticed was running older qjackctl (gui for jackd) but23:34
dx9s_workjackd -R -d alsa23:34
dx9s_workwill start up standard server w/ conservative settings against the "default" alsa sound card23:35
slangasekas root?23:35
slangasek(wants realtime scheduling)23:35
dx9s_workleave -R off23:35
dx9s_workif you have security settings in /etc/security/limits.conf to allow realtime for a group .. sorry23:36
FujitsuHey zul.23:36
zulHey Fujitsu how goes it?23:37
FujitsuFairly good Yourself?23:37
dx9s_workslangasek, it's not really a library issue (that you can fix aside from possibly flaging somehow the 0.102.20<->0.103.0 break in protocol support in the dependency database)... it's the newer librarys don't support older protocols (jackd -V) well..23:38
dx9s_workI am interested in the build process for ubuntu.. so I'll have more questions.. eventually.. perhaps I might even get into unoffical .debs for people (not bleeding edge, but wanting newer src to fix problems -- like http://tracker.ardour.org/view.php?id=1928 )23:45
TheMusodx9s_work: We have a backport repository.23:45
dx9s_work(still new .. I can guess that means porting things back from / or forward to some "release")23:46
TheMusoPorting things bac from the development release to the stable release.23:46
dx9s_workwell I am not a developer, but a loose tester and finder of bugs for the ardour project (closely related to jack) ... however I have submitted one feature patch to the group23:48
dx9s_workanyways.. i have some serious reading to do and experimentation/testing .. thanks for your help and direction23:52
dx9s_workwas hoping there might be a way to update the dependency database to reflect some break so older bins don't run with newer libs (at the aforementioned 0.102.20<->0.103.0)23:52
slangasekby not listing the library under the same package name23:54
Fujitsuslangasek: Can you see anything wrong with a mass-giveback in the near future?23:57
slangasekFujitsu: no23:57
FujitsuThere are less than 200 on !(lpia|hppa), so it shouldn't be too bad.23:58

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