
famicon_Is there anyone "in charge" of mythbuntu?00:13
DavieyThe Mythbuntu team00:14
famicon_Can i get involved?00:14
famicon_I've built a small silent VIA based PVR00:15
famicon_And i'm hoping to turn it into a commercial product00:15
famicon_but I still need to work on the linux backend00:15
DavieySure, you can get involved - but you don't need to join the team for that to happen00:16
DavieyIf there is something that can be improved you can submit patches00:17
Davieyhelping in here and the forums is a *big* help00:17
famicon_hah, I'll be here from now on 24/7 if needed00:17
famicon_also, is there any possibillity of perhaps rolling out a different kernel for mythbuntu00:18
Davieyremember mythbuntu mimics kernel version of ubuntu00:19
famicon_support for certain PVR hardware and specific chipsets00:19
famicon_true true00:19
Davieywell hardy isn't that far away really00:19
DavieyWe are reluctant to push changes lke that mid-release00:20
famicon_How many more months/00:20
famicon_yeah i understand00:20
famicon_how much longer before upstream freeze?00:20
tgm4883_laptopi believe it already has00:20
famicon_I believe it did00:21
tgm4883Daviey, do you know when the repo freezes?00:22
Davieytimeline is on the wiki somewhere00:22
Davieybut we have a good amount of time left00:22
famicon_March 13th00:22
tgm4883is it the feature freeze or the beta freeze?00:22
tgm4883that would be Feb 14th then00:23
famicon_Eh, wouldnt know00:23
tgm4883yea, it's the feature freeze00:23
famicon_I have worked for a project before00:23
tgm4883did we get excemption for .21 yet?00:23
famicon_that got backported to i think feisty00:23
famicon_its pretty cool to see your own code inside the repos00:24
YutlinHey all, I'm working on getting a diskless Ubuntu system to network boot.  I've followed the guide online and the system now gets an IP and begins booting the provided kernel.  The problem is, during boot I get a kernel panic with the error message:  "Can't open /tmp/net-eth0.conf".  I've configured /tmp to be type tmpfs in fstab but there seems to be some problem.  Any suggestions?00:51
Yutlindiskless mythbuntu that is00:52
DavieyYutlin: i'd recommend NFS root (/)00:52
YutlinDaviey, I'm not following00:53
DavieyPXE boot for the kernel.. then the root filesystem is mounted via VFS00:53
YutlinDaviey, I do have the root specified as NFS in fstab00:54
Yutlinit seems somehow though, despite the fact that I've marked /tmp as tmpfs in the fstab that there is some trouble writing to /tmp/net-eth0.conf while booting00:55
Davieyno idea, sorry00:55
Davieyworked for me :(00:55
Yutlinbummer, I'm a bit stuck00:56
DavieyYutlin: if you find the solution can you let me know - just in case?01:01
YutlinDaviey, I found something about adding the network module to /etc/initramfs/modules01:06
Yutlinbut I'm not sure how I go about finding the module for my nic01:06
Yutlinhere's a link to someone with, what seems to be the same problem, and the proposed solution: http://www.mail-archive.com/ltsp-discuss@lists.sourceforge.net/msg32644.html01:07
YutlinAny idea how I can determine what module I need to add to the /etc/initramfs-tools/modules file?01:08
Yutlinmuahahahaha!  PXE Boot success!01:54
Yutlinhad to add a module for my network card and then had to overcome a bug with Network Manager trying to re-initialize the nic01:55
jumpkickwhere can I find the setting to tell XvMC off for Myth?02:33
jumpkickits seems to be the last thing the front end complains about before it crashes on my Nvida 760002:33
skwashdwhat would cause mythtv to have really low dvb-t signal < 25% ... while everything is fine with kaffeine?02:34
skwashdbtw i am using a winfast usb with right up to date mythbuntu02:35
tgm4883_laptopjumpkick, probably in the frontend playback settings02:49
tgm4883_laptopjumpkick, also, can we setup a torrent server on your server?02:49
tgm4883_laptopfor the mythbuntu release02:49
tgm4883_laptopsuperm1 was supposed to give me your contact info but never did, and I wasn't sure if he contacted you about this either02:49
Yutlincan anyone tell me if the taskbar is supposed to be showing on my front-end?03:41
Yutlinit seems to be pushing the mythtv front-end too low so the bottom of the app is cut off03:41
JThundleyfullscreen the frontend04:15
JThundleythere's an option in the setup, "run the frontend in a window" or some option04:16
YutlinI believe it is running in fullscreen, that is the strange thing05:00
YutlinI can't resize the window at all, but I do see the window's title bar as well as the task bar05:00
YutlinI was wrong, the window mode was enabled05:42
tazgodxhow does mythbuntu set up drives if i select guided use entire disk?06:20
superm1nothing different than standard ubuntu atm06:24
tazgodx?? MCC07:52
tazgodxdecided i would reinstall everything and couldn't figure out how to type that :)07:54
tazgodxyou truely are a great man superm107:56
tazgodxfinally decided to switch out my HDDs07:59
superm1whew that took you some time07:59
tazgodxsince then i havne't been using this box, live TV was driving me NUTS08:00
superm1well so is it all better now?08:01
tazgodxso far seems so08:02
tazgodxmy other tuner card is screwed up somehow08:02
tazgodxbut ill work on it tomorrow08:02
tazgodxand im gonna need to set up the serial IR Blaster for my digital cable08:03
tazgodxgod now that i look at this, i still have a lot of work :(08:03
tazgodxif i put a folder with a ripped DVD with all the .vob files in it in the videos dir, would it notice it as a DVD?08:08
superm1um.  i don't believe so08:09
tazgodxyeah didn't think so either08:10
tazgodxOHHH, and it does work...just FYI for ya :)08:22
firekoolhi my mythtv will not play dvd and it does have the correct items installed11:50
firekoolHi I am trying to get my soundlaster audigy SE card working I can not seam to get surround sound13:20
famiconfirekool did you load the driver14:09
firekoolthanks famicon for helping I duno14:10
famicon "soundblaster audigy se" "surround not working" "ubuntu"14:10
famicongoogle that14:10
firekoolI just did a fresh install this is driving me insane I tried going https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SurroundSound?highlight=%28surround%29%7C%28sound%29 and following directions http://www.halfgaar.net/surround-sound-in-linux but /etc/asound.conf: is not found14:10
directhex|bspfirekool, when you say "surround not working", how exactly are you testing it? how are your speakers connected?14:11
firekooldirecthex|speakers are connected correctly14:12
directhex|bspfirekool, connected using what?14:12
firekoolI only hear out of left and right they are connected regular audio jack14:12
firekoolit is a 5.1 speaker system14:12
directhex|bspthree 3.5mm stereo jacks?14:13
firekoolspeaker-test -Dplug:surround51 -c6 -l1 -twav is what I am using to test14:13
firekoolyes directhex|14:13
directhex|bspget rid of "-twav"14:14
directhex|bspyou should get static on each speaker in turn. when it says it's testing a rear speaker, do you get silence or sound from the front speakers?14:14
firekoolonly left and right front I hear sound14:15
directhex|bspso it's silent otherwise?14:15
directhex|bspdoes your card have any combination jacks (e.g. rear speakers double up as line-in)?14:16
firekoolI have a sound blaster audigy SE14:16
firekoolso I think I do14:16
firekoolyes i do directhex|14:18
firekooldirecthex| Do you think that buying a new sound card would be easyer and if so what one should I get14:19
directhex|bspi'm looking14:20
directhex|bspnot 100% sure what to suggest, i don't see any evidence suggesting known issues with surround on that card14:21
firekoolI got this card becouse the Via Chipset one was not working either14:22
firekoollol directhex| I found out what the problem was becouse my screen is cut off I could not find the mixer14:37
firekooli ran alsamixer turned up the volume and they all work now14:38
directhex|bspwell, that's some money saved14:38
directhex|bspit certaily seemed odd that it wasn't working O_o14:38
firekoolwhat is the command for the graphical mixer14:38
directhex|bspalsamixergui, i think14:39
directhex|bspor you can access all of alsamixer's functions via the gnome volume control if you know how14:39
firekoolthank you a bunch for your help14:39
firekoolwell i am in xfce14:39
directhex|bspxfce4-mixer ought to work14:40
firekoolya I need to ajust my resolution so I can see that part of the screen14:41
firekoolthank you a lot14:42
firekooldirecthex| would I need to add a command to acculy utalize my surround sound in mplayer14:50
directhex|bspmplayer? not sure, i use digital audio, so surround gets passed to my receiver14:53
firekoolhow much did the digital audio system cost ya14:53
directhex|bsptry adding "-channels 6" to the mplayer command14:53
directhex|bspit's a high-end amp, so £400 for that. plus cost of speakers14:54
firekooleww ya I am not that rich yet14:55
firekoolI just had a spare system laying around so i desided to put it to use14:55
firekoolhttp://alsa.opensrc.org/SurroundSound says put in  mplayer -channels 6 -ao alsa:mmap:noblock:device=hw=0.1  dvd://4 is all the rest of that nessesary14:56
directhex|bspwouldn't have though so15:01
directhex|bsptry without, to start with15:01
firekoolhow much extra configuration did you do to use your digital audio15:05
directhex|bspone tickbox in the myth config. i'm using the internal player for video, so no mplayer messing required15:06
firekoola internal player?15:06
firekoolwell I tried it both ways and they both do not work15:07
directhex|bspthe internal player. configure mythvideo to use "Internal" as the player command15:07
firekoolI will try that that is in dvd configuration right15:09
firekoolDVD player is set to internal15:10
firekoolif I am using surround sound do I need to configure anything for audio15:12
firekoolI think I am going to go check out some speakers becouse This is getting frustrating15:15
firekoolI am sure i can find some cheap ones that will safice15:18
YutlinHey all, can anyone help me get my ATI Remote Wonder working with Mythbuntu?15:53
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=== marcelcole is now known as marcelbkr
marcelbkranyone around?19:42
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)19:42
marcelbkrhaha ok19:43
marcelbkri'm trying to accomplish this..19:43
marcelbkri have windows vista with an lcd monitor and a hdmi connection to a lcd tv19:44
marcelbkrand i also have vmware workstation 6 with mythbuntu installed19:44
marcelbkrand will be using that as the media center for the lcd tv19:44
marcelbkrnow when I try to install vmware tools on mythbuntu it mounts the drive but all I get is jibberish in the file manager19:45
tgm4883wait a bit, people should come around and see your question19:53
marcelbkrok :)19:54
superm1i wouldn't use mythbuntu in that method20:05
superm1you won't get very good performance20:05
superm1you are better off with a dual boot20:06
marcelbkri want to run them simulatenously20:06
marcelbkrit seems to be performing fast20:06
marcelbkri have tried windows media center but it basically sucks20:08
marcelbkri have also tried gbpvr and mediaportal but they aren't that good either20:08
rhpot1991have a separate master backend that always runs and then just access that through the vm might run better20:12
marcelbkrhow do i do that?20:14
rhpot1991you would need the hardware first of all, and then its an option when installing mythbuntu where you select which roll the box will have20:17
marcelbkrwhat do i need for hardware20:17
rhpot1991another computer20:17
rhpot1991with all the parts you would need for any old backend20:17
marcelbkrall i want to use mythbuntu or any mediacenter program for is a center for playing music and videos i have on my hard drive and emulators20:18
marcelbkrnot for recording tv or anything20:18
rhpot1991but, if you are unhappy with media center why not just only boot mythbuntu20:18
rhpot1991just wire up to your tv and use itunes then20:19
marcelbkrthe only problem i have with windows media center is the focusing issue..if you know what i mean20:20
rhpot1991not really, never used it20:20
marcelbkri much prefer ubuntu in general over vista but its not practical for me yet20:20
tgm4883practical, whats practical20:21
rhpot1991I guess having a drm loaded OS is much more practical....20:22
marcelbkri mean certain programs are only available for windows, i have tried wine but its not developed far enough20:22
rhpot19912gb of ram to run an OS is practical too20:22
tgm4883what programs?20:22
tgm4883rhpot1991, I have 2GB of ram on my desktop20:22
tgm4883but then again, i run like 3 virtual machines at the same time20:23
marcelbkrsimply accounting 2008, autocad architecture, quicken 2008, newsleecher, msn messenger w/ msg-plus and a-patch20:23
rhpot1991ya, I'm saying you need 2gb of ram for vista to run decent, thats unnecessary20:23
marcelbkrvista is a hog for resources20:23
rhpot1991msn messanger == pidgin20:24
tgm4883it's almost like you went to find a list of programs that dont run20:24
rhpot1991quickern == gnucash20:24
tgm4883why do you run simply accounting 2008 and quicken 2008?20:24
marcelbkrfor my job20:24
tgm4883just because you have 2 doesn't mean it's an independant auditor20:24
marcelbkrif i could seamlessly run simply and quicken and newsleecher i would switch in the next ten minutes20:25
tgm4883what do you run for antivirus?20:26
superm1marcelbkr, perhaps it would make more sense to make mythbuntu the primary os however and having the windows apps you need running in your virtual machine20:26
superm1since then it gets access directly to your hardware (tuners et al)20:26
marcelbkri was thinking about that20:26
tgm4883yea, im not sure that runs well under wine either20:26
tgm4883although im not sure i'd run vista20:26
marcelbkri hate to say it but vista is running perfect for me with certain tweaks applied and multiple things disabled as well as having sp1 rc installed20:27
rhpot1991I was going to say that, but then I thought boy vista would run like crap in a VM20:27
marcelbkrif i were to run ubuntu with a windows vm the vm would probably be xp20:28
tgm4883well maybe not20:28
tgm4883how much ram would you have?20:28
* superm1 gets back to bug fixing20:28
rhpot1991ya xp should run fine there, wasn't sure if you had a license or anything20:28
tgm4883my XP VM runs fine with 512 ram20:28
rhpot1991marcelbkr: you don't have any old computers laying around?20:29
marcelbkrhmm i'm assuming that my ati radeon hd 2400 pro would run fine with ubuntu20:29
marcelbkrunfortunately i dont have any old computers around20:29
rhpot1991go buy a $200 one from walmart and make that a mythbox and just samba share your music to it20:30
rhpot1991might be easier than messing with vm's20:30
rhpot1991and get you what you want20:30
rhpot1991though I do hate walmart...20:30
marcelbkri was trying to avoid spending any money20:30
rhpot1991ok, just tossing it out there as an option20:30
tgm4883i'd go the VM route20:32
rhpot1991I wouldn't mess with mythbuntu just for music, but thats just me20:33
marcelbkrso how should I go about it if i want to run ubuntu as my main os with a guest xp vm but with mythbuntu on my second display20:33
marcelbkror maybe i should just go the simplest way and just have some shortcuts to where my music/videos/emulators and such is stored shown on the second display20:34
firekoolhello When I play avi files the video jumps and I have the codecs installed21:54
firekoolwhat might I need to do to fix this?21:54
beavisbuy a faster cpu?22:05
tgm4883firekool, what system specs22:06
tgm4883and what kind of avi file?22:06
firekoolit is a avi video files and how do i pull off the specs of the system22:07
firekoolit might be divix encoded avi file though22:07
tgm4883can you pastebin the outut of22:07
tgm4883cat /proc/cpuinfo22:07
tgm4883do you know any other info about the avi file?22:09
tgm4883your specs do seem a little low22:09
firekoolwhat do you mean any more info?22:09
tgm4883my guess is that your processor isn't beefy enough to decode mpeg422:09
firekooltgm4883: ya I am testing that out right now on another system22:10
firekoolit should be though it is a amd 240022:11
tgm4883you sure?22:12
tgm4883cpu MHz         : 1198.88722:12
tgm4883perhaps it's being clocked back22:13
firekoolthat is how amd's are22:13
firekoolit is a AMD 2400 running at 1.9mhz22:13
firekoolat least that is what I thought22:14
tgm4883according to what you posted, it's running at 1.2Ghz22:14
tgm4883not 1.922:14
firekoolsorry 1.222:14
firekoolso you think that system has just got too old22:15
tgm4883could be, although there are other factors to check22:16
tgm4883what video card?22:16
firekoolgeforce 6200 AGP22:16
tgm4883did you install the restricted driver?22:17
firekoolyes and I just tested it on a intel centrino system and same thing happened22:17
firekoolI think it is becouse it is a divix encoded avi22:17
tgm4883try a different file22:18
tgm4883sounds like that one is bad22:18
firekoolit plays in windows fine22:18
firekoolya I just checked and it is a divix encoded avi file22:20
firekooland divix is not installed22:20
Yutlin Anyone have an idea why a smb mount I added to my fstab doesn't seem to mount at boot but will mount fine with a "sudo mount -a" ??22:33
firekoolYutlin: is the mount passworded22:39
Yutlinfirekool: yes, it is22:56
YutlinI have the username and password specified in the the mount22:56
firekoolcan you mount it othereise22:56
Yutlinyea, when I execute "sudo mount -a", which in my undertanding just mounts everything in the fstab, it mounts fine22:57
Yutlinwhich is why I'm confused22:57

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