
=== XwarlokX83 is now known as XwarlokX82
NullNameHey my wireless usb adaptor doesn't support WEP or WAP with linux.  I configured the router to only allow my mac address, and I wrote a script that checks constantly for new ip address's connected to the network.  Am I somewhat safe?  Can someone still packet sniff me without connecting to the network? I would imagine it's possible, but I'm not able to with any of my sniffers.01:01
skyfalcon866is reiserfs a joke01:02
bur[n]erNullName: just make sure your important stuff is ssl encrypted01:51
* bur[n]er is probably getting sniffed as he writes this01:51
* bur[n]er likes to share with the world though01:51
=== Catoptromancy` is now known as Catoptromancy
=== bur[n]er_ is now known as burner
Jokerhello :) what are the min specs for xubuntu?04:42
Jokerwoo xubuntu installing ^605:01
soldatsrad i hope you enjoy it05:03
Jokerslow instlal is slow05:04
Jokerspend the last 3hours trying to reinstall XP(didnt work) then ubuntu(didnt work) so im on this and its working i think05:04
soldatsi hope it works05:08
soldatswhat appened with ubuntu05:09
Jokerit was just really really slow05:10
Jokerand now this is stuck at 15% for the past 10 mins lol05:10
Jokerwith ubuntu it wouldnt even load the install thing05:11
soldatsdang did you do an md5 check on the install disk05:23
Jokerbut it had no problem on my pc05:26
Jokerlaptop is kinda old05:26
Joker1.3ghz 256mbram05:27
Jokernot great for ubuntu05:27
ZombieHello? Is this where to deal with Server and Client based Ubuntu operations?05:28
Jokerxubuntu just gets to %15 and freezes05:30
ZombieI have an issue with Ubuntu locking up when it can't find a Domain Controller.05:32
Jokertry the ubuntu  channel not xubuntu05:37
Jokerscrew it back to windows for me05:39
Pirateroi have a computer running xubuntu and for most apps, the cpu % is always at 10006:46
Piraterodoes that mean i have to recompile the kernel for specifically the cpu arch it has?06:46
Pirateroor would that be the case for all the apps that are installed?06:46
Catoptromancy`see whats using all the memory06:47
Pirateromemory isn't really the problem06:49
Piraterobut if that is what is also causing the cpu to be 100% -- then let me check06:49
Piraterofor now, it is sound-juicer that is taking up most of the cpu% and memory, 27m06:49
Catoptromancy`What does sound juicer do?06:53
Catoptromancy`A few programs really eat CPU06:53
The_Ma1hey can any one tell me how do i on system bus i mistacally off it from services06:56
The_Ma1hello please help its urgent06:56
The_Ma1i'm not able to ne thing06:56
Catoptromancy`Turn on system bus?06:59
Catoptromancy`I have no idea what you said06:59
The_Ma1but how06:59
The_Ma1ok let me try that...07:00
Catoptromancy`well I dont know07:00
Catoptromancy`reboot should work07:00
The_Ma1c u  in 5 min..07:00
The_Makit dint work...07:04
The_Makhow do i restart my system bus07:06
The_Makhow do i restart my system bus?????07:06
Piraterowhat's with all the ??????07:07
The_Maki mystically switch off the system bus from services....now i'm not able to c ne thing on my desktop so please ne body can help me..07:10
Catoptromancy`so you can cant open menus?07:13
The_Maknow i cant open Application>system>services it says you dont have a permission...can i open it through teminal07:16
The_Makwhat is command07:17
Catoptromancy`maybe /bin/sh07:17
The_Makok let me try07:17
The_Maki'm not able to type ne thing in teriminal07:18
=== ship is now known as elbing
gergo_nyhi all, I'm a beginer and have a problem10:11
gergo_nyI reconfigured my video card but I fucked up my keyboard settings10:12
gergo_nyhow can I reconfigure automaticly my keyboard settings?10:12
gergo_nypleashelp me10:12
solotimhi, all, is there Acer laptop user?13:15
solotimis there any Acer laptop user?13:34
gerroanyone know how to change the default login manager?14:20
thegeekeri think it is handled by gdm/kdm/xdm14:21
thegeekerif you mean the login screen14:21
gerrooh I had gdm but tried out slim.. hmm think I fixed it but have to restart x server so log out isn't working properly14:21
gerroyeah its pretty good, light on memory usage14:22
gerrobut I wanted a fancy gdm theme14:22
thegeekeranother ubuntu derivative?14:22
gerrono another login manager14:22
gerrog2g test it out14:23
ubotuHelp! somerville32, maxamillion, TheSheep, crimsun, Gloubiboulga, Nalioth, Seveas, tonyyarusso,  PuMpErNiCkLe, apokryphos or gnomefreak14:32
thegeekerubotu, what is your dilemma?14:33
skyfalcon866!op pici14:35
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about op pici - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi14:35
ubotuHelp! somerville32, maxamillion, TheSheep, crimsun, Gloubiboulga, Nalioth, Seveas, tonyyarusso,  PuMpErNiCkLe, apokryphos or gnomefreak14:35
thegeekerubotu, thanks my irc-fu is weak14:36
jditto hello,  i need some help with usb mass storage.  i want to prevent ubuntu from 1. suspending/standby for usb drive 2. ejecting/unmounting usb drive.  i want to do this because i want use this device to do unattended backups.15:39
vinzejditto, Ubuntu or Xubuntu?15:39
jdittovinze: just ubuntu i believe how do i tell the difference?  it's running gdm upon boot is that what your referring to?15:41
vinzejditto, well, Xubuntu says "Xubuntu" on bootup, Ubuntu says "Ubuntu" ;-)15:42
jdittolol just ubuntu15:42
vinzejditto, I suppose you consciously installed one of them?15:42
vinzejditto, but we're in #xubuntu here :)15:42
jdittoyeah, but maybe you guys can help,  is there really a difference as far as how usb is handled?15:43
vinzejditto, I think there's a difference in how you configure them15:43
jdittowell one of the issues i'm having is system automatically unmounts mass storage when i log out this is a pain but i can fix with a cron script to remount drive when i want to use it.  but the problem is will the drive be out of suspend when i do this?15:44
jdittoand i don't know where to look to change suspend usb settings15:44
vinzejditto, well, I wouldn't really know too, why don't you try in #ubuntu?15:45
jdittowell,  thanks anyway! i appreciate your help:)15:47
=== htownandafk_work is now known as codenamekt_work
ZombieAnyone familiar with lockup issues under Ubuntu Gutsy if LDAP is enabled in nsswitch?16:12
ZombieI just found out that was the culprit for yesterday's lockup.16:12
ZombieIf the LDAP Server is unreachable, Ubuntu Freezes16:12
=== zoredache_ is now known as zoredache
Silvister can you tell me how do shell providers for eggdrops work. they give installing rights. but their file system is also protected. and they make user confined to one directory only.. how?16:56
zoredachepossibly with a chroot enviroment?  Either that or some custom software...16:57
=== seisen is now known as girlsbikeseat
=== girlsbikeseat is now known as seisen
=== march is now known as billy_idle
smfenni'm having problems getting xubuntu to boot on my mac and was wondering if anyone could help.18:08
gerrosmfenn: what sort of mac you using?18:08
smfennan old g4 "digital audio" mac tower18:09
gerrosmfenn: you have the ppc install disc?18:10
smfenni used the PPC alternative install disk18:10
gerrohow much memory does it have? needs 192mb for live any less use alternate18:10
smfennit's got 51218:10
smfenni've managed to get it installed ok18:11
billy_idleYou pressed [c] while booting?18:11
gerroyeah isn't it ctrl c while booting to load from a cd?18:11
smfennbut once i've gotten it booted, the splash screen appears18:11
smfenni'm not loading from a CD18:11
gerroso you've already installed xubuntu or are booting from a flash drive?18:11
smfennit's installed onto my hard-drive.18:11
smfenni can get as far as the splashscreen18:12
gerroohh you installed it from another computer then put the hard-drive into this one?18:12
smfenni'm using another computer18:12
thegeekerI think he has xubuntu installed but it will not boot18:12
gerrocan you reach recovery mode? by pressing esc18:12
smfenni've got a g4 ibook, but i've got OS X on this.18:12
smfennok lemme try that18:13
gerroif you get a prompt then everything pretty much okay can figure out what's going on18:13
smfennok, i've pressed esc and i've gotten a yaboot prompt18:14
gerrodoes the loading bar under the xubuntu splash work? or does it freeze up? if so at about which point does it freeze?18:14
smfennthis time it didn't go to the spash screen.18:14
gerroyeah your root now on the system18:15
smfennalthough before the loading bar does seem to move at all18:15
gerronot at all?18:15
smfennand goes into a busybox prompt18:15
smfennafter a minute or two18:15
gerroumm wtf busybox? no clue there18:15
gerrowell you could disable splash screen go to /boot/grub/menu.lst18:15
gerrouse "nano /boot/grub/menu.lst"18:16
gerroscroll down where it mentions kernel version and on end it mentions splash remove that word and save the file18:16
thegeekerI find nano -w a little nicer for lines that wrap18:16
gerrothegeeker: so that's what -w means!18:16
gerroI just use the arrow keys :/18:17
thegeekernano likes to throw newlines in when i don't want it to, -w fixes that18:17
gerrosmfenn: once you edit that part of the file do command "shutdown -h 0" or "reboot" and see what gets output on boot18:19
smfenni can't seem to get into nano from the prompt i'm getting at startup.18:19
gerromight want to remove the "quiet" option in menu.lst too18:19
gerrosmfenn: busybox doesn't have nano I think18:20
gerroif you press esc when grub does its count down thing you get root prompt though18:20
thegeekerI think you get busybox if you get into rescue mode18:20
thegeekerit might have vi18:20
gerroyou don't use busybox from rescue mode18:20
gerrowhat version ubuntu he on?18:21
gerrosmfenn: the quad moded code testing text editor18:21
thegeekerI'm pretty sure I ended up in a very stripped down environment when I used rescue mode18:22
gerroif anything I'd say rescue mode is equal to or better than normal root prompt18:22
thegeekerWhether it was busybox or something like it18:22
smfennok, so after my splash freezes are moving one tiny bar, i get this prompt: Busybox v.1.1.3 (Debian 1:1.13-5ubuntu7) Built-in shell (ash) [line break] enter 'help' for list of built in commands. [line break] (initramfs)18:24
gerrodon't understand either why he can't just boot the livecd and have his way with that system >,>18:24
smfennthe live CD won't work in my mac.18:24
smfenni've tried it before, hence the reason i used the alternative disk.18:25
gerrois the bios like really old without newer boot options?18:25
gerrosorry never used a mac before18:25
smfenni have no idea.18:26
seisenI have had that happen before18:26
smfennhow did you fix it?18:26
seisenon x86 computers18:26
seisenI'm trying to remember what caused it its been a while18:27
smfennany help would be greatly appriecated, I've been wanting to get this machine to run linux for a while.18:28
gerroif you can't get a root prompt your pretty much out of luck and have to find some bogus commands to save your ass I suggest looking up review of someone with same hardware as you how they installed18:28
gerrosmfenn: what did you say it was a g4?18:28
gerrodude there this tv show I watch with same name18:29
seisenare you using gutsy18:29
thegeekersmfenn, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCKnownIssues18:30
seisenyou beat me to it thegeeker18:30
gerrosmfenn: mac osx right?18:30
thegeekersmfenn, it looks like the second suggestion on that page is what you want18:31
thegeekerseisen, my copy-paste fu is strong18:31
gerroI also found this but don't know if its relevant http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=2887410&postcount=418:31
smfennok cool, i'll give these a try first18:32
smfennhopefully i won't have to come back and waste more of your time18:32
smfennyou've all been very helpful, thank you :)18:32
gerroseisen: he just never reads it before he links :P18:32
seisenmust be it18:33
thegeekerthe clipboard is attached to my brainstem. i read it as it copies!18:33
=== billy_idle is now known as march
gerromarch: no... I c u.. O,o18:46
smfennseems like you smash one problem, another arises.18:49
seisenwhat problem popped up now smfenn18:50
thegeekersmfenn, You have now learned a Universal Truth about Life18:50
seisenso true18:50
thegeekerwelcome to level++18:50
smfenni'm now getting an xserver error that reads like this /etc/gdm/failsafeXServer: line47: [: too many arguments Warning: could not retrieve EDID becasue get-edid is not installed.18:51
gerroand no that's not the level with island of bikini clad women its more hard than 4th level of super mario bros :(18:51
gerrosmfenn: umm apt-get install get-edid?18:51
smfenni was about to say that.18:52
smfennalthough after going OK i can't get my prompt back.18:52
seisenmaybe those directions in the link to get x working on an imac 3g might work18:57
seisenits worth a try just backup your xorg.conf file before you change it18:57
smfennaye, but it loads into the error18:57
smfennand when i get ok18:57
smfenni don't get my prompt18:58
smfennso i can type in commands.18:58
smfennsorry, got it back :S18:59
smfennalthough how do i make a backup? is it just a case of saving the xorg file under a different name?19:00
gerrodo mv xorg.conf xorg.conf.gerrosaiddothis and there you go19:01
gerroits in /etc/X11/19:01
gerroif you do a generic rename most likely some bot app will do same19:02
ubotuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal19:05
gerromagic_ninja: working with symbolic links? just remember rm -f to delete them and ln -s /location /otherlocation to link them about all I know of them19:06
gerroKnightlust: yo19:06
Knightlusthi gerro!19:07
magic_ninjagerro: so its ln -s /directory /directory to point to?19:07
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magic_ninjagerro: its more of a workaround installing a game from isos because they are faster19:09
gerromagic_ninja: try gmount them19:10
gerroand brasero makes images of media too, that's how I play dvds on this box without a dvd drive19:10
magic_ninjawon't work its a multi disk game and i get device busy error19:10
gerroI had that happen before with ut200419:11
magic_ninjaso i'm thinking if i use a symlink and point it to different drives throughout the install19:11
gerrocopy the installer off the disc to a local directory then run it19:11
gerrothat way you can unmount the disc and not have to worry about it not finding the rest of the script19:11
smfennok so either the suggestions for the g3 problem worked19:14
smfennand according to apt-get there isn't a package called get-edid19:15
thegeekermaybe read-edid is what it wants19:20
gerroand a pony ^^19:20
thegeekermmm, pony19:20
* thegeeker drools19:21
gerropretty dry to eat that though most likely..19:21
gerromagic_ninja: did that solve your problem?19:23
magic_ninjagerro: that didn't work, so just copy the install.exe to a disk and then do the install from that19:24
gerroumm yeah19:27
gerrobut its a .exe?19:27
gerromight have to try that sym link thing you were thinking of :(19:28
gerroyou running it on wine? maybe someone got a few tips on #winehq I've never had that problem before though19:28
smfennthegeeker: it doesn't seem to recognize read-edid either.19:32
smfennE: couldn't find package read-edid19:33
thegeekerthat was the only edid package i saw19:33
gerrois it gdm or x server? if so why not try xgl or slim/kdm/xdm?19:33
gerroI'm sorry just don't understand the problem19:33
smfennit looks like an xserver problem.19:39
vinzeHey PsynoKhi019:40
smfenni ran xstart and got a different error about invalid framebuffers, i'm starting to get kinda confused by the whole thing.19:40
gerrosmfenn: so disable frame buffering?19:41
PsynoKhi0I have a fewissues with Xubuntu 7.10 I might need assistance with19:41
vinzePsynoKhi0, ask away :)19:42
PsynoKhi0alright, thanks!19:42
* gerro casts his assistance spell on PsynoKhiO19:42
PsynoKhi0not sure they're specific toXubuntu but that's what I'm running on that rig so... First is that I have a corrupt file I just can't get rid of19:43
gerro+40 cure :D ... *cough* I mean umm what you need help with?19:43
gerroPsynoKhiO: open up terminal sudo su enter password cd to where that file is and rm it19:43
seisenxubuntu users are weird me included19:43
PsynoKhi0I've tried rm, cp, chmod, chown, fsck, bootin on alternate/live CDs19:44
gerroas root right?19:44
gerro what about rm -Rf?19:44
PsynoKhi0ah that's a new one, let me check19:44
vinzeseisen, don't get me started ;-)19:45
gerrodelete recursibly and focibly even if its intangible file19:45
seisenwhy is tha vinze?19:45
vinzeseisen, because I'm weird too :P19:46
PsynoKhi0gerro: nopers, getting the "Operation Not Permitted" message as always19:47
gerrosudo su19:48
gerrohave to do it as root19:48
thegeekerwhat file are you trying to delete?19:48
PsynoKhi0you mean "sudo rm" isn't enough?19:49
PsynoKhi0thegeeker: -rw-r--r-- 1 2063532032 3721265152      0 Apr 14  2007 xfce4-clipman-plugin.mo19:50
PsynoKhi0that's the culprit's ls -l output19:50
PsynoKhi0gerro: still no-go19:51
gerrowhere is this file like on a tape drive or something?19:52
gerrounder system > users there is odd mention of some privileges held back for basic ubuntu accounts19:52
gerromight want to check there19:52
vinzeIsn't it a read-only filesystem or something? (/me not an expert)19:53
gerroyeah could be that might have to remount it with different permissions19:53
gerroPsynoKhi0: is it on the same disk as the operating system?19:54
PsynoKhi0gerro: yup, it's on the root partition19:54
gerrodid you do one of those crazy custom partitions so complex I need a pie chart to view?19:55
gerrocause I got no clue then :/19:55
gerroPsynoKhi0: have you remounted the disk at all? perhaps its an anomoly/glitch of some sort..19:56
PsynoKhi0yes I have remounted the disk19:57
PsynoKhi0I suspect this glitch happened when the 7.04 -> 7.10 upgrade borked19:57
gerromaybe find out what that file does? I don't know exactly myself19:58
PsynoKhi0it's part of the clip manager, xfce tools19:58
PsynoKhi0or xfce goodies, something like that19:58
gerroresize the disk and juggle your kept files to do a new reinstall or backup that's what I do19:59
PsynoKhi0in its current state, that prevents me from using other GUI languages, not a biggie really, still darn annoying19:59
gerrowhat languages do you use?20:00
PsynoKhi0well, to be precies, to have the clipboard manager running under another language (language pack fails to isnatll)20:00
PsynoKhi0as you can see I use Typo as my main language :D20:01
=== mez is now known as Mez
gerrotry like reinstalling that aspect of the system then or copying over files from the 7.10 cd maybe20:03
PsynoKhi0ermm could I access the files w/o mounting the harddrive?20:03
gerrosounds swappy but might work20:03
gerroyeah you have to mount it to access stuff20:03
gerrootherwise system is doing the mounting which is same thing20:03
PsynoKhi0gerro: tried reinstalling too, the package won't overwrite the file20:03
gerrodo a complete uninstall then reinstall?20:03
PsynoKhi0of the package or xubuntu?20:04
gerrothe package20:04
gerroor xubuntu which ever20:04
PsynoKhi0already tried20:04
PsynoKhi0well nnot of xubuntu20:04
thegeekerPsynoKhi0, reformat the partition20:04
PsynoKhi0oh well, case archived in the "screw it" folder I guess20:05
gerrowell if you want to backup some stuff I recommend that gparted live cd its pretty neat.20:05
gerrokind of sleepy though see you peeps later alright20:05
PsynoKhi0thankks for the help20:05
PsynoKhi0yay almost managed20:06
PsynoKhi0anyway; quirk nr 2, any taker? USB key won't hotplug20:06
thegeekeryou get nothing at all?20:07
PsynoKhi0so far I've managed to make it appear under the hal-device-manager with a modprobe trick, and then use mount -t usbfs none /proc/bus/usb so that usbviewer recognizes it20:08
PsynoKhi0other than that it's a brick20:09
thegeekerYou have already gone beyond my abilities20:11
PsynoKhi0if that helps, I've activated the USB ports only recently, after installing/upgrading Xubuntu20:11
thegeekerIt is interesting, but doesn't help me. I guess they may not be identified correctly because they were not present at intall?20:12
thegeekerBut that is just guessing out of my ass20:12
PsynoKhi0thegeeker: no way, I've merely copied/pasted stuff found on several forum threads and spitting the command lines to try and look knowledgeable (and cool)20:13
PsynoKhi0I mean, the deveice manager does see the USB ports, it doesn't update by itself when I plug the stick20:14
thegeekerMy solution would be to save /home somewhere and reinstall20:14
thegeekerIt may even be a problem similar to your corrupt file20:15
PsynoKhi0my /home folder is on a separate partition20:15
thegeekerSome other corrupt file dealing with USB stuff that you haven;t noticed20:15
thegeeker'Then it will only take an hour or so to reinstall. You will waste less time reinstalling than you will trying to figure out what is wrong. If it is still broken after reinstall then go looking for answers. That is what I would do.20:16
PsynoKhi0well I've run a FSlint search on my disk and nothing else but the clipman-plugin.mo thingy shows up20:16
PsynoKhi0I see20:21
PsynoKhi0Oh well, thanks for your time20:21
=== vinze is now known as vinze|brb
=== vinze|brb is now known as vinze
somerville32TheSheep, ping23:22

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