
jembougeyoyo > view->change background  :p00:01
yoyoI expected it to be in Configure Konqueror00:02
* yoyo runs away00:02
martalliI have a problem with flash not working in firefox or konqueror.  I am using an uptodate verison of gutsy kubuntu with ubuntu-restricted-extras (no automatix)00:05
martalliI wonder - should I be using ubufox or not in kubuntu?  Would that matter in this case?00:05
martalliWhen I try to run flash things, it says flash is not installed, but then discovers it is installed sduring the installation process00:06
CheGuevaramartalli, how did you install it00:06
martallithrough adept00:06
vzduch!automatix | martalli00:06
ubotumartalli: automatix is not recommended, supported or needed. See http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html and « /msg ubotu WorksForMe »00:06
martalliwell, maybe I installed it through apt-get install kubuntu-restricted-extras00:07
vzduchah, I misread..00:07
martalliI agree about automatix.  No automatix (isn't that what I said?)00:07
vzduchmartalli: as I said, my mistake00:07
martalliI don't think there was any need for automatix after dapper (if there was really any use for it in the first place)00:08
martallino problem00:08
vzduchI used it for my first Feisty install.. for the 2nd I just added the repo because the software available there can at times be useful00:08
vzduchbut it installs all fine just using apt-get00:09
CheGuevaranewest flash (the one in proposed) doesn't work with konq00:09
vzduchCheGuevara: which version?00:09
martalliHmmm....but I have the same problem in firefox00:09
jkdmtheme dosent work00:09
* vzduch knows that doesn't work.. offered in the regular Fedora repo00:10
vzduchso I downgraded to, that works fine in Konq00:10
CheGuevarayeah doesn't work00:11
martalliCan I downgrade using adept?00:13
martallior apt-get?00:13
vzduchdunno where you get it from in *buntu these days..00:13
jhow to get in konq00:13
vzduchfor Fedora there's a rpm available from Adobe00:13
CheGuevarahow do they do that?00:14
CheGuevarathats illegal00:14
vzduchno, it's not00:14
Daisuke_Idowhat's illegal?00:15
vzduchit's an Adobe repo, not a Fedora repo00:15
CheGuevaradistributing flash00:15
CheGuevaranever mind :P00:15
vzduchapart from that it's nowhere to be found in the default install00:15
vzduchso nothing illegal there00:15
Daisuke_Idolooks like this mtp issue is a bug00:15
Daisuke_Idoand a particularly annoying one, as this is the pc i transfer my music with00:16
f00fI tried to remove kde4 from my system00:16
f00fand broke all my kde packages!00:16
Daisuke_Idothen you removed the wrong thing.00:16
Daisuke_Idoi *can* use MSC mode (standard USB drive), but the sansa e260's firmware doesn't do id3 v2.4 tags, and that's how *everything* i have is tagged, so it's all sorted as "unknown artist - unknown album"00:17
f00fwhen I try to reinstall them, it keeps referring to packages on the http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-members-kde4/ubuntu source :(00:20
f00fI just want to get my system back to vanilla 7.1000:20
CheGuevaraf00f, did you remove the repo from /etc/apt/sources.list?00:21
f00fCheGuevara: yeah00:22
vzduchproposal: get rid of the KDE4 repo, then 'sudo apt-get install --reinstall kubuntu-desktop'00:22
f00fkdebase-bin (= 4:3.5.8-2ubuntu3~gutsy1~ppa1) but it is not going to be installed00:23
f00fok.. it gives me unmet dependencies now, when I try to remove something!00:26
f00fgreat.. now I did whan apt said, and it wants to remove kdm00:28
f00fI'll just do what apt says, and see where that leads me lol...00:28
f00fif it goes in the gutter, at least I have my install disk right next to me00:29
vzduchno need as long as you don't end up w/ an unbootable system.. everything it removes you can reinstall00:30
f00fI'm just going to remove everything KDE00:31
f00fand reinstall00:31
ubotuAmarok is an audio player for Linux with an intuitive interface. The latest version is 1.4.7 (1.4.3 for Dapper LTS). Packages are  available for Kubuntu at www.kubuntu.org See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Amarok00:32
f00famarok is great.00:33
vzduchwell, not quite yet00:33
angasuleyeah, but for some reason it won't work00:33
angasuleit must have broken in one of the updates00:33
vzduchdefine "won't work"00:33
angasuleit will complain about not being able to play all sorts of sound files, as if codecs were missing00:34
f00fis amarok-xine installed?00:34
Daisuke_Idoso install the codecs.00:34
angasuleonly, they aren't missing, and it complains even about audio CDs00:34
angasuleDaisuke_Ido: "as if", they are not missing00:34
angasulef00f: yes, it is00:35
angasuleshould I attempt a reinstall of amarok-xine or what?00:35
f00foh great.. installing kde4 zapped my collection in amarok..  stupid kde4 T_T00:36
f00fangasule: it'd be worth a try..00:37
f00fif that dosen't work, make a bug report, like the 5000th time kde4 fails to recognize my soundcard (grrr....)00:38
angasulewhy would kde4 have to recognise your soundcard? isn't that alsa's job?00:38
f00fangasule: kde4 has this sound architecture that wraps around alsa, that is super buggy.00:39
f00fit keeps failing to recognize that my sound card actually works, whereas non-kde4 apps play just fine.00:39
f00fand I have an emu10k1 based card which supports hardware mixing through the linux driver, so I know that no other app can grab it.00:39
angasule"No suitable demux plugin. This often means that the file format is not supported."00:40
angasulefunny, .ogg files play just fine00:42
f00fahh.. maybe you need xine-ffmpeg or something like that00:42
f00fodd.. amorok plays mp3s just fine here00:43
jnp3134anybody know how to reinstall hda-intel sound drivers on kubuntu?00:43
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP300:43
angasuleit also won't play an audio CD, which is VERY weird00:44
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats00:44
crimsunjnp3134: depends what you've done.  Normally erasing sound/ and reinstalling linux-image-$(uname -r) suffices00:44
f00fangasule: yeah that's weird00:44
angasuleI installed ffmpeg, didn't change a thing00:44
f00fI'd apt-get purge amarok and amarox-xine and start over00:44
postgwhicj command is right? apt-get auto remove00:46
postgis it?00:46
jnp3134here's what I did - I had the drivers working for the hda-intel (onboard sound) and I tried to install the drivers for an echo mia sound card (pci).  Now the mia works, but the onboard sound does not00:46
crimsunjnp3134: the drivers for the mia are included by default...00:47
peterpan_i cant mount a partition...00:47
peterpan_any help?00:47
f00fpeterpan_: be more specific, file system of the partition?00:47
peterpan_f00f fat3200:47
angasuleit didn't help00:47
f00fhave you tried entering media:/ in the run dialog, and clicking on it to mount it?00:48
f00fsometimes it just works that way00:48
jnp3134peterpan_: I'm new here, but have you tried going to K Menu>System Settings>>Advanced (Tab)>Disk & Filesystems?00:49
angasulethis blows00:49
angasulebut dinner is ready, so good night00:49
peterpan_The system reported: mount: special device /dev/disk/by-label/Work does not exist00:50
peterpan_jnp3134 ^00:50
jnp3134what is under the "Device" column of the partition you want to mount?00:52
jnp3134peterpan_: for one of my partitions, it lists something like "/dev/sed1"00:53
peterpan_jnp3134  its   /dev/sda600:53
jnp3134peterpan_: sorry - that's "/dev/sde1"00:53
peterpan_mine is sdA00:54
Daisuke_Idoyeah, it should be sda00:54
jnp3134peterpan_: sda is fine. Is anything listed under the "Mount Point" column?00:54
f00fthere we go.. just had to restart kded00:54
f00fand wham! everythings back to normal! thank you everyone for helping me through this nightmare!00:55
peterpan_jnp3134 i tried to mount it previously in /media/sda6Work ....    it was ntfs . i changed it to fat32 . and now its not mounting..00:55
peterpan_theres nothing there right now00:56
f00fpeterpan_: is the drive ntfs though?00:56
peterpan_f00f it was.. not any more00:56
* Daisuke_Ido smacks forehead.00:56
peterpan_should i delete the existed /media/sda6work and remount it again?00:57
Daisuke_Idowhat's in your fstab, fat32?00:57
f00f0_o you reformatted it? I hope you backed everything up......00:57
peterpan_Daisuke_Ido its still ntfs00:57
Daisuke_Idodid you reformat the drive?00:57
peterpan_f00f no. i used a utility in windows that changes file formate without formating00:57
peterpan_Daisuke_Ido ^00:57
peterpan_yup :)00:57
Daisuke_Idookay, that's set00:58
jnp3134peterpan_: you could try mounting it with "Automatic" selected instead of ntfs or fat3200:58
tehm0nkdoes partitionmagic have a boot disk util?00:58
Daisuke_Idofat32 isn't a valid filesystem type though.00:58
Daisuke_Idotry vfat instead00:58
Daisuke_Ido(same thing)00:58
peterpan_it choosed vfat in linux00:58
f00fyeah, vfat == fat32.. for the most part I think.00:58
peterpan_one thing. theres a /media/sda6work folder still lying. should i delete it first and then again remount ?00:58
philipcan someone help me. i can't get tomboy notes to work01:00
peterpan_f00f Daisuke_Ido jnp3134 one thing. theres a /media/sda6work folder still lying. should i delete it first and then again remount ?01:00
tuxwulf_What can I do about Kubuntu 7.10 not allowing me to change IP on my eth0?01:01
peterpan_f00f Daisuke_Ido jnp3134         helo01:01
bobesponjaanybody knows how to make tv-out working with i810 driver?01:01
jnp3134peterpan_: I don't think you should have to delete the /media/sda6work folder, but it wouldn't hurt to do it if it is empty.01:01
peterpan_its not beeing deleted01:03
peterpan_f00f Daisuke_Ido jnp3134         what now?01:04
f00fis it mounting?01:04
jnp3134peterpan_: try opening the media folder as root (right click on itfrom Dolphin (if you have it) and select Actions>Open as Root).  then you should be able to delete the sda6work folder01:06
Tm_Tvit_____: hi01:06
flaccidanyone using ftpfs ?01:07
jnp3134peterpan_: gtg for a few minutes - I will be back soon01:07
peterpan_The system reported: mount: special device /dev/disk/by-label/Work does not exist01:14
carlosdisculpen, laguien sabe como borrar la ventana desplegable de google01:15
ubotuSi busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.01:15
* unix_lappy is dreading reinstalling.01:16
peterpan_f00f Daisuke_Ido    what now?01:16
jnp3134anybody have a woking system with 2 sound cards, 1 of which is an echoaudio card, under gutsy?01:26
andersinjnp3134: I have 2 sound cards, what is the problem?01:29
Big_Loveim a windows user, what version of kubuntu should i run?01:36
Tm_TBig_Love: Kubuntu is not "for" Windows but replaces it (if you like) so for that matter, any01:37
Big_Loveah that, whould use ubuntu or kubuntu?01:38
Tm_TI'd say try both01:38
Big_Lovethanks bra01:39
Tm_TBig_Love: difference is only in interface mostly, but you can have both01:39
Tm_Tso try and use the one suits you best01:39
Big_Lovewhich one would u recommend for a newbie though01:40
Big_Loveor are they both the same dificulty01:40
Tm_Tthe one they find suitable more ;)01:40
Tm_Tthey are different01:40
Tm_Tbut so are newbies01:40
jnp3134adersin: I had the first (onboard) sound card working, and I installed the drivers for my 2nd sound card (PCI).  Now only the 2nd sound card works and Kubuntu won't detect the 1st (onboard)01:41
Tm_TBig_Love: KDE (Kubuntu) has more configurations and so on, so might be too "messy" or not01:41
Aresilekwhere does one look for drivers for kubuntu, in particular graphics drivers for a intel 950 gma for a dell 6400 inspiron laptop?01:41
Tm_T!intel | Aresilek01:41
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about intel - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi01:41
Tm_TBig_Love: GNOME (Ubuntu) is more "simplified" but might be too "just that" if you don't like its way of work and look01:42
Big_Lovei c01:44
DragnslcrAresilek- the package name is xserver-xorg-video-intel01:44
CheGuevaraand if you like to restore files from the recycle bin01:44
Tm_TBig_Love: this is how I define it, some other might put it other way01:44
jumpkickdoes anyone know a work around for dpkg-reconfigure locales causing kernel panics on AMD64?01:47
Tm_Tjumpkick: is there bug filed in launchpad related to it?01:47
=== andreas_ is now known as tester
=== tester is now known as testeraladfa
jumpkickTm_T: I'm not sure...   I can't seem to search the bugs DB with any effectivess01:48
testeraladfahello people01:49
jumpkickI get all kinds of results that don't look like they are related, maybe there's an advanced search form somewhere?01:49
Tm_Tno idea01:49
jumpkickor maybe I should search against the locales package instead of against ubuntu01:49
Tm_Tthat perhaps01:49
testeraladfahello i have  a question01:55
testeraladfahow can i know the server of the channel that i want to go to?01:55
Tm_Ttesteraladfa: what you mean exactly?01:56
testeraladfaSay i want to join #italy, how can i add the server on Konversation here in linux?01:56
Tm_Ttesteraladfa: isn't there the serverlist on menu?01:57
Big_Lovedoes anyone here know any programs for a mac that is good for cracking WEP?01:57
Tm_Tsorry I don't use Konvi so...01:57
LjLtesteraladfa: #italy would be a channel, not a server01:57
Big_Lovecause i just got a new mac01:57
Big_Lovei heard Kismac is good01:57
Big_Lovebut are there any other ones?01:57
testeraladfayes i know its a channel01:57
Tm_TBig_Love: you know that any illegal activities aren't for freenode?01:57
LjLtesteraladfa: how do you know the server it's on... well how could we know? :) the same channel could be on many different servers (networks, actually)01:57
testeraladfabut do join it i have to type in the server01:57
testeraladfai don't know i just guess as i am new01:58
* flaccid coughs01:58
LjLtesteraladfa, well how do you know about that channel, to begin with?01:58
testeraladfai know about it because i used to go there in windows01:58
testeraladfanow i am on linux01:58
LjLtesteraladfa: well, you need to go back to windows and find out what network you were connecting to01:59
flaccidyou can add servers by pressing f2 in konv01:59
LjLthere's probably an #italy channel on... just about every IRC network on earth01:59
LjLexcept possibly this one01:59
testeraladfait was under Undernet02:01
flaccidyou can google that to get server addresses..02:01
testeraladfai also found a channel List here in Konversation02:01
testeraladfabut it doesn't let me specify the server02:01
flaccida channel list != server list02:01
LjLtesteraladfa: then google for "undernet servers", pick a server, and hit F2, "Add", add it as new network02:01
flaccidas LjL was saying different networks have different channels02:01
testeraladfaso i want the chanel list of that server02:01
LjLtesteraladfa: uh, no, i don't think02:02
flaccidonce you are connected to a server you can use /list to see current channels on server02:02
LjLyou want the server list of Undernet02:02
LjLtesteraladfa: http://www.undernet.org/servers.php pick the closest to you02:02
testeraladfayeah but how do i get the server name in numbers?02:06
testeraladfai mean not just the name of the minor, not the domain name, the actual server02:06
flaccidi dont think that makes sense sorry testeraladfa02:08
flacciddo you not have dns ?02:08
CheGuevarasame way as on windows02:09
flaccidwell no02:10
flacciduse host or dig02:10
CheGuevarawhats wrong with using nslookup02:10
flaccidbut you can use nslookup02:10
testeraladfaok i added a server now02:10
flaccidhmm i take that back sorry CheGuevara02:10
testeraladfalets see if i can see the channels of that server...02:10
DragnslcrI think nslookup is deprecated in favor of host/dig02:11
flaccidyeah thats what i thought02:11
flaccidbut i guess it doesn't matter02:11
flaccidtesteraladfa: once you are connected to the server. do /list02:11
DragnslcrI vaguely remember a message about it when using nslookup, but I don't get one now02:11
DragnslcrMaybe it wasn't on Ubuntu02:11
testeraladfai found the server02:12
testeraladfai connected to the server02:12
testeraladfabut i can#t log in!02:13
testeraladfai try to connect to another Undernet server now02:15
testeraladfawhat is the command to connect to a channel so that i don#t have to browse all those channels in the channel list every time?02:16
Dragnslcrtesteraladfa- /join #channel02:17
jac0bI am triying to setup a samba share to my winxp box. I can see and access the share but its not writable. can anyone tell me how to fix that02:17
Dragnslcrtesteraladfa- Konversation also has a spot where you can put in channels to automatically join when you connect to a network02:17
testeraladfayiap !02:19
testeraladfathanks a lot guys i got it to work!02:19
testeraladfais there a way for someone to remotely connect to my PC now that i am in linux02:21
mrdigitaltesteraladfa: i wanna remote connect to a Windows box from linux?02:21
mrdigitalor linux to linux or windows ot linux?02:21
testeraladfabecause before some years on windows someone literaly HACKED into my PC and screw me02:21
jac0btesteralafa: ultravnc singleclick02:22
jac0bwell for windows to linux02:22
testeraladfai don't think you got what i meant02:23
jac0blinux to windows you gonna need a vnc server on the linux box and a vnc client on the win box02:23
jac0byou want to remote in right02:23
testeraladfais it possible for someone to get my IP and all that stuff and hack me>?02:23
jac0bsure it is02:23
Dragnslcrtesteraladfa- it depends entirely on what you have running that's listening to incoming connections02:24
Dragnslcrtesteraladfa- you can also use a firewall and/or router to block incoming connections02:24
testeraladfayeah but now that i am on linux i am supposed to be safe... isn't it?02:24
Dragnslcrtesteraladfa- not if you do something stupid02:24
DragnslcrNothing can stop a user from installing a program that does nasty stuff02:25
testeraladfayeah but the 'll probably try to install a windows program02:25
testeraladfabut it wont work cause i am on linux02:25
testeraladfaso they can't do anything..02:26
jac0bhow do make a samba share writable02:26
testeraladfaso am i right02:27
=== stylus_ is now known as stylus
XceIIdeu  go to politics,bye.02:41
sagaciousHi, anyone around?02:44
sagaciousWell, I need someone to help me with a problem I'm having installing programs.02:45
maduserwith what the distro?02:45
Tm_Tsagacious: you should tell more about the problem02:46
maduserI got the cds and did a clean install02:46
maduserthe distro upgrade did not work for me02:46
crwebis there a reason Cut & Paste still leaves the file in the original place ?  (Clean install, just updated) ?02:46
sagaciousTrying to clean up the error so it doesn't line spam02:46
Tm_T!pastebin | sagacious02:46
ubotusagacious: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)02:46
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pastbin - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi02:47
Tm_Tmaduser: heads up02:47
LjLdidn't you notice that !pastebin thing was just called a moment ago?02:47
maduserI spelled it wrong02:47
sagaciousWell, this is what it says "Package w32codecs is not available, but is referred to by another package. This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or is only available from another source"02:47
sagaciousIt gives me this error for essentially any package.02:47
LjLit had been called a moment before nonetheless.02:47
Tm_Tmaduser: look more up ;)02:47
sagaciousI've made sure that multiverse and unviverse are in the respositories, but for some reason it just keeps saying that for just about anything.02:48
LjLsagacious, w32codecs is neither in universe or multiverse, and i suppose the packages you're trying to install somehow depend on it02:49
crwebsagacious: last i remember its not in the repo02:49
crwebsagacious: you have to get it from metabuntu if you want to apt get it02:49
sagaciousWas following this guide02:49
unix_infidelanyone here use mozbackup?02:49
sagaciousIn any case, forget about w32codecs02:49
sagaciousIt has done this for several packages02:49
crwebsagacious: like libdvdcss2, which also is not in the repo's02:49
sagaciouslibapache2-mod-php5, libdvdcss, and several others I cannot pick off hand.02:50
crwebsagacious: you have to download it separately02:50
sagaciousWell, what happened to them?02:50
crwebsagacious: they are illegal to distribute in some countries.  They've never been in the repo02:50
sagaciousWhy do I keep finding guides that seem to imply that they are02:50
Dragnslcrlibapache2-mod-php5 has absolutely nothing to do with w32codecs02:51
crwebsagacious: it doesn't02:51
sagaciousOf course it doesn't02:51
crwebsagacious: read better :)02:51
sagaciousMy problem iswn't with w32codecs02:51
sagaciousI'm having a problem with apt02:51
crwebsagacious: its right there in the doc, you need to enable metabuntu02:51
crweberr, medibuntu02:51
sagaciousForget that doc, please02:52
sagaciousI keep getting this for a LOT of stuff other than this.02:52
sagaciousIs wine in the respository?02:52
sagaciousBecause it does it for wine as well.02:52
crwebjust saying, if you want those packages you have to enable other things02:52
crwebsagacious: apt-get install wine  doesn't work?02:52
sagaciousNo, it gives me the same error it did with w32codecs, but for wine02:53
crwebsagacious: did you apt-get update with universe enabled?02:53
crwebsagacious: run,  apt-cache search wine02:54
sagaciousYeah, it shows up when I do that, but when I try to install it, it still gives me that error.02:55
DragnslcrExactly what is the error message?02:57
sagacious"Package wine is not available, but is referred to by another package. This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or is only available from another source"02:57
sagaciousTHough you can essentially apply that error to any package.02:57
sagaciousWould there be anything else other than the multi-verse and universe I'd need enabled in my respositories?02:58
crwebsagacious: then your repo lines are incorrect probably02:58
sagaciousHold on, I'll pastebin my sources file02:59
crwebprobably simple typo02:59
Law506how do you enable compiz?  I tried opening a console and typed in compiz and it did some weird things, but didnt really enable.03:00
crwebsagacious: pastebin output of apt-get update03:01
NickPrestaLaw506, http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager03:01
crwebsagacious:  now try apt-get -f install  and then apt-get install wine03:06
sagaciousHmm, all right, seems to be working now.  What happened?03:07
crwebsagacious: .. you updated the db03:08
sagaciousI was sure that I had already done that, though.03:08
crwebheh, i dunno. maybe they failed03:08
crwebmaybe forgot. dunno.  it happens03:08
sagaciousWell, it was mighty confusing, that's for sure.03:09
sagaciousWell, seems to be working. libapache2-mod-php5 installed.  Though it doesn't seem to be working yet... At least that's not an issue with apt. :D03:10
somekoolhello, my ubuntu is now trying to start a second X on tty8 and it can't ... any idea why?03:10
jrsimsAnyone know why my screen is blurry?03:14
jrsimsWhat causes this? It's like I will sign in one time, and everything will be sharp. I restart and fonts and graphics get all fuzzy. This is stupid.03:15
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neulhey you guys03:21
NickPrestahi, neul03:21
neulis there a way I can watch wmv and rm videos on kubuntu03:22
ardchoille!restrictedformats | neul03:22
ubotuneul: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats03:22
neulhi nickpresta03:23
neuli tried all that but it doesn't work03:24
NickPrestaneul, "doesn't work" doesn't help us. What doesn't work? The installation? You still can't play the files?03:24
neulyeah sorry that is a vague answer03:25
neuli used apt-get and obtained a lot of files to support kubuntu but it still won't play03:27
flaccidwhat happens03:27
flaccidwhat does it say, is there an error, did it eat too much hungry jacks?03:27
neul"can't play play file, codecs missing"03:28
flaccidand which codec package do you have installed and which file format is this with?03:29
neulwell I'm running feisty fawn03:29
flaccidalso which version/release of kubuntu are you using03:29
flaccidhave you installed the codecs as per what ubotu said?03:30
ardchoilleneul: Which type of file doesn't work?03:30
neulwmv, rmv03:30
bazhangreal player for rmvb neul03:31
flacciddid you install ubuntu-restricted-extras ?03:31
flaccidor kubuntu-restirected-extras ?03:31
neultons of files03:31
flaccidwhich player are you trying it in?03:31
flaccidok, so no wmv or rmv plays?03:32
neulyep that's right03:32
flaccidyou might need https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu03:32
flaccidSome external codecs may be needed in order to play certain proprietary formats such as Apple Quicktime or RealVideo. These external codecs are available in the third-party repository of Medibuntu.03:33
bazhangvlc may play wmv, depending on the version03:33
flaccidkaffeine should play a normal wmv03:33
bazhangdefine normal03:33
flaccidnot one that uses an extra 3rd party codec or container03:34
neulthese are videos on a pay channel :)03:34
arrrghhhso i get a really strange error from the system menu - "malformed url media:/."03:34
bazhangwindows media player cannot play some wmv's03:34
flaccidarrrghhh: hmm several possibles on that. you can google it03:34
arrrghhhflaccid: i have... and the only real solution i found was renaming "/home/<username>/.kde" to "/home/<username>/.kde_bad" - and they referred to that as a 'file' that it's recreating... yea i don't like that solution03:35
arrrghhhfound a lot of bugs for it listed in suse03:36
flaccidwell something in your profile is refering to the malformed URI03:36
bazhangsounds risky03:36
flaccidthis is typical kde kind of stuff03:36
su-hoens`rZanyone know what the max number of files rm allows is? I got this error that i've never gotten before: -bash: /bin/rm: Argument list too long03:37
neulis the problem that you can't watch realmedia and windowsmedia video on Linux?03:37
flaccidneul: nope03:37
bazhangneul: nah03:37
Tm_TI can watch them just fine03:37
neulthat's my question03:38
arrrghhhthis is typical kde stuff... so then it should be an easy answer, yes?03:38
bazhangneul: you just need to get the right codecs and the best player for you and it will play03:38
neultell me how03:38
arrrghhhneul: most wmv's if not all play on linux... realmedia is the only one i know of that isn't supported well03:38
arrrghhhuse vlc03:38
bazhangI thought flaccid already did neul03:38
Tm_Tvlc isn't answer for everything, remind you03:38
arrrghhhbut it is one of the best i've found... only a couple of times did i fall back to xine or mplayer03:39
neulwhat player do you recommend03:39
Tm_TI recommend to try xine, mplayer, gstreamer and vlc03:39
sagaciousIn the past, I have instttalllled the K-Lite Mega Codec pack on winnne, which comes with Media Player Classic, terrific for playing real media.03:39
* Tm_T uses KMplayer and Kaffeine mostly03:39
arrrghhhgstreamer is used as a backend for a lot of different programs...03:40
NickPrestasu-hoens`rZ, the error you're seeing is actually the kernel's E2BIG error code returned when the execve function is not able to fit the supplied argument list and environment into the 128K buffer. You can use find to pipe each file to `rm` one by one.03:40
sagaciousDarn wirless keyboard, dying batteries. :/03:40
su-hoens`rZthat's silly03:40
arrrghhhand i've never used kmplayer.  kaffeine was alright, never gave it much chance tho03:40
neullet's assume I am stupid03:40
su-hoens`rZsilly silly shell03:40
arrrghhhneul: i swear vlc.03:40
neulwhat is that03:40
arrrghhhgoogle it03:40
bazhangneul: did you read those links provided?03:41
NickPrestasu-hoens`rZ, check out: http://www.moundalexis.com/archives/000035.php for some more information03:41
sagaciousDoes anybody by chance know of a standalone .flv player for linux?03:41
bazhangneul: or look through ubuntuforums?03:41
neulyes, and installed everything03:41
bazhangsagacious: miro03:41
arrrghhhso what's the typical fix for malformed urls in kde?03:41
BluesKajquite sure vlc will flv files03:41
bazhangit will03:42
arrrghhhvlc says it does, but it doesn't always03:42
sagaciousIn windows, but never has for me in linux03:42
arrrghhhyea it did flv better in windows...03:42
arrrghhhi'm beginning to not like flash in linux.03:42
BluesKajgotta choose it in the file asociations in vlc03:42
bazhangright clikc open with vlc03:42
neulyou guys are way over my head03:43
NickPrestaarrrghhh, no one likes Flash outside of Windows :)03:43
arrrghhhuh i know how to do that03:43
NickPrestaand mplayer plays Flash Video just fine :)03:43
arrrghhhlol i guess so.03:43
BluesKajflash is broken on some later setups on kde03:43
arrrghhhmplayer, i didn't think about that for flash.03:43
sagaciousThere are a ton of standalone flash players in the respos that just segfaulted whenever I tried them.03:43
sagaciousWow, how did you get mplayer to play flash?03:43
sagaciousIt doesn't for me.03:43
neuli just want to watch some movies03:43
NickPrestasagacious, standard mplayer from the repos should play FLVs just fine03:43
arrrghhhneul: did you even look at vlc?03:43
sagacious.flvs and .swfs, or just one?03:44
neulnot yet but thanx for the advice03:44
BluesKajthe flashplugin-nonfree used to be the one that did it all for web media like youtube , but i hear that's no longer the case03:44
sagaciousI was trying to use mplayer to play a collectiong of .swfs I had, never seemed to work.  Maybe I had an older version...03:44
NickPrestasagacious, mplayer can't play SWFs AFAIK (it isn't a _real_ video format, IIRC) but FLVs are fine03:44
sagaciousAhh, i see03:44
sagaciousThat's too bad, mplaye rwould've been perfect for it.03:45
neulvlc, OK03:45
NickPrestasagacious, well, I lie. mplayer can play swfs with videos in them (using the lavf swf demuxer) but it doesn't always work03:45
arrrghhhneed ffmpeg codecs for mplayer to play flvs03:45
arrrghhhyea that one.03:46
neulwhat is the best way to get "vlc"03:46
NickPrestaneul, sudo apt-get install vlc03:46
su-hoens`rZso i tried using that find thign and i still can't delete the files03:46
arrrghhhlol videolan.org03:46
arrrghhhjust to spice things up03:47
sagaciousYeah, that sounds over my head anyway, I generally have a hard time just selecting the right audio family for mplayer.03:47
NickPrestasu-hoens`rZ, what exactly did you do? Even a simple `ls | xargs rm` in that directory should work03:47
arrrghhhsu-hoens`rZ: you've tried it from the command line?03:47
neulyou guys are scary03:47
su-hoens`rZi'm sshed in03:47
su-hoens`rZNickPresta that didn't work03:47
arrrghhhyou're scarry.  su-hoens`rZ, oh i'm sorry.03:47
NickPrestasu-hoens`rZ, same error?03:47
arrrghhhscary.  you're right.03:48
su-hoens`rZi got it03:48
NickPrestasu-hoens`rZ, what was the solution?03:48
su-hoens`rZi used find to remove files bit by bit03:48
neuli am unqualified for this channel :)03:48
su-hoens`rZuntil i got enough of them to rm them all03:48
NickPrestasu-hoens`rZ, ah okay03:48
arrrghhhshoot i was hopin my problem would be an easy fix.03:49
su-hoens`rZi dunno tho03:49
bazhangneul: usually google and ubuntuforums can solve 90% of your problems--this is for really intractable problems03:49
su-hoens`rZit seems like there should be a better way to do it03:49
BluesKajsu-hoens`rZ, removing files not installed by package managers : sudo rm -rf /folder/where/file/was/installed03:50
neulthanx bazhang.... I came on here once and the channel op said I was "stupid"03:51
arrrghhhthat makes people want to use linux, calling the new converts stupid.03:51
bazhangneul: nah, just new is all--vlc and the proper codecs will do it most of the time, mplayer and kaffeine for the rest03:52
neulthat hurt my feelings03:52
BluesKajnever seen any ops in here call anyone stupid especially anewb03:52
bazhangneul: you have to experiment with what works best for your setup--a bit of trial and error--and then stick with that; and it will vary with what hardware you are using03:53
neulOK "vlc" and the proper codecs03:54
bazhangyeah, I wonder if they were an op, that sounds really un-coc-ish03:54
arrrghhhthe best part about linux is it gives you many options so if one doesn't work there's others that might03:54
bazhangso true03:54
arrrghhhvlc by itself should be fine i think... i guess it depends on what you're playing.03:54
bazhangunlike the itunes for everything method03:54
neulhow does one obtain the codecs03:54
sagaciousHey, I think I have a bit of a problem.  In Kubuntu, when I go to System Settings, Network Connections, and into adminstrator mode, I stilll can't edit any of the settings for my NIC.  Is this because it's configured from DHCP, or is System Settings menu broken?03:54
sagaciousI've been having to set my values by hand with route and ifconfig, but they always reset and it's beginning to become annoying.03:55
arrrghhhi always just use network-admin03:56
bazhangneul: get the win32codecs from medibuntu.org ; there are instructions there how to do it--you may want to get libdvdcss2 as well to play dvd's in your box, and then install the kubuntu-restricted-extras; that should set you up, though you may want to install realplayer as well03:56
BluesKajbazhang, we'vbe had ppl in here showing off their linux chops and bragging about how they've done this nad that but aren't very helpful to ppl in need ...maybe one of those types appeared to be an op but was just grandstanding.03:56
bazhangso true BluesKaj03:56
sagaciousWell, before I tended to use Webmin, but lately it seems to be breaking things or just not properly configuring them, maybe they have a new UI I don't understand.  In any case, I've been trying to figure out how to set up my NIC at boot with the /etc/networking/interfaces file, but I can't find any help files for it.03:57
neulwhat is the fourth over middle C?03:58
bazhangnot sure what you mean neul--sounds like a musical question :}03:58
neulsee? you don't know03:59
neulwe all have our areas of expertize03:59
sagaciousG flat?03:59
* sagacious stabs at the dark03:59
arrrghhhsagacious: man interfaces03:59
bazhangman middle c04:00
sagaciousAhhh, thanks a bunch, arrrghhh04:00
sagaciousYou know what I can't help but be amused by?04:00
sagaciousman date and man mount04:00
sagaciousCall me immature04:00
sagaciousBut I can't help but chuckle whenever I need to referrence those commands.  :P04:00
arrrghhhi didn't create it!04:00
arrrghhhit's a great system, c'mon.04:00
sagaciousI've always wished "man at tee" would work04:01
arrrghhhi remember reading some strange ubuntu easter eggs, and then i found out they were only gnome04:01
neulwhat is the leading tone in the key of C?04:01
arrrghhhlike there was some cli command that would make fish swim across the screen, crap like that.04:01
bazhangneul: offtopic04:02
neulyou don't know04:02
sagaciousneul: Generally, "I hate pointers!"04:02
neulno I'm cool04:03
bazhangneul: any more questions? if not, take it to #kubuntu-offtopic04:03
arrrghhhi still have a question about a malformed url when i open most system menu items.04:03
neulI'm just saying, you're not the only guys who know things04:03
neuland thanks for the help04:05
sagaciousI'm so confused now.  I could swear I've installed webmin out of the respositories every time I've done it, and now it's telling me it's not there again.04:05
ubotuwebmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system04:06
neuli'm just bitter because I can't see my gf's video :(04:06
sagaciousWell, that explains a lot lately.04:07
sagaciousThat's also very disappointing, I really liked webmin.04:07
sagaciousWell, I've been noticing lately that every time I do something in webmin, it doesn't do what I expected.  So I'm begining to think maybe it's just not working correctly with Gutsy anymore, and that seems to support it. :(04:08
neulthanks for the advice, I will try this "vlc"04:08
neulyou guys be good04:09
asdfw13245i guess my old nickname is still in use...04:18
asdfw13245how lame.04:18
Hobbsee!ghost | asdfw1324504:20
ubotuasdfw13245: On IRC, if you own a nick that is currently being used, you can make it quit by typing: /msg nickserv GHOST <username> <password>04:20
=== dany_ is now known as BrOSs
=== BrOSs is now known as BrOSs-
asdfw13245it's been a while since i've used irc...04:24
BrOSs-hi.. i need some help04:25
=== asdfw13245 is now known as arrrghhh
arrrghhhHobbsee: thanks04:25
bazhangask BrOSs-04:25
BrOSs-bazhang: i want to change the name of my domain04:26
bazhangBrOSs-: and what is your question? :}04:27
arrrghhhuh i don't think that's a question related to kubuntu.04:27
arrrghhheven remotely04:27
BrOSs-haha wait me.. i'm looking for something04:27
BluesKajsacktime for me folks ...nite all04:27
BrOSs-my hostname starts with a "-" so.. that made some troubles with sudo04:28
BrOSs-and sudo doesnt works04:28
BrOSs-this error appears when I try to type any command with sudo04:29
BrOSs-sudo: unable to lookup via gethostbyname()04:29
arrrghhhyou can't put the command in quotes?04:29
BrOSs-they gave me this answer..04:30
BrOSs-Edit both files and remove the "-" (dash) from in front of "laptop". It isn't a valid character in a hostname. (at least it causes a lot of trouble) You will need to start your editor with sudo in order to have permission to save your changes. Once you have finished with your edits, you will need to logout and reboot.04:30
BrOSs-my hostmname is "-laptop"04:30
BrOSs-so my questions is how to remove the dash04:30
arrrghhhi dunno i guess.04:30
arrrghhhall my ideas would be ones that are not tested04:31
BrOSs-bazhang: any idea?04:31
BrOSs-ardchoille: could u help me?04:32
bazhangBrOSs-: not really sure there04:33
ardchoilleBrOSs-: Help with what?04:33
ardchoilleBrOSs-: Oh, hostname? Have a look at  /etc/hosts  and  /etc/hostname04:34
BrOSs-up page I explain the thing.. if u want to I say the history again x)04:34
BrOSs-how can I edit that If I don't have root privilage04:35
ardchoilleI suppose you could boot into the livecd, mount the internal hd, then edit from the livecd04:36
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BrOSs-something like re-install kubuntu?04:37
BrOSs-I remember when I installed.. it asked me for the hostname04:37
BrOSs-may be that is a good way to solve this04:38
BrOSs-thks man04:38
=== oem is now known as SonMUSTANG
bazhangyou have a question SonMUSTANG?04:39
SonMUSTANGHave any one in Vietnam??04:39
SonMUSTANGI just install Kubuntu04:40
=== kamal is now known as kamalx
bazhanggreat SonMUSTANG, what is your question? do you want a channel in vietnamese?04:42
SonMUSTANGCan U help me??04:45
SonMUSTANGHave any channel for Vietnamese??04:46
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about vn - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi04:46
SonMUSTANGI will04:46
SonMUSTANGNo, there isn't04:47
SonMUSTANGAlthought, Thanks for help04:47
bazhangSonMUSTANG: well you can ask in englsih if you wish04:47
SonMUSTANGI afraid of my English skill04:48
SonMUSTANGso U can't understand!!04:48
bazhangdo your best SonMUSTANG04:49
SonMUSTANGI'll try!!04:49
SonMUSTANGIn Konqueror04:49
bazhangwhat is the issue SonMUSTANG04:49
SonMUSTANGWeb browser04:49
SonMUSTANGI lost my Menu04:50
SonMUSTANGWhere can I find it??04:50
bazhangSonMUSTANG: there is a vietnamese channel after all: #ubuntu-vn you can go there, and see if they can help, or continue here, or both--your choice :}04:51
Tm_TSonMUSTANG: ctrl-m ?04:52
Tm_TSonMUSTANG: and your english is good04:53
SonMUSTANGthanks U very much04:53
SonMUSTANGSee ya!!04:53
arrrghhhso... anyone ever had the malformed url error when opening any of the system menu items?04:59
=== nicholas is now known as mcskinny
hydrogenwrong channel05:00
arrrghhhwell the only solution i found was to rename /home/<username>/.kde to ./.kde_old or whatever and let it rewrite all of that...05:01
hydrogenbut it's habit :/05:01
Tm_Thydrogen: I was so about to mute you ;)05:01
Tm_Tarrrghhh: humm, let me look at it05:01
arrrghhhhttp://arrrghhh.gotdns.com/snapshot3.jpg if that helps really...05:01
scooter_i cant watch any flash video's... how can i make it so i can?05:01
arrrghhhscooter_: goto adobe.com and get the flash player05:02
scooter_i tried but idk how to install it05:02
ardchoille!flash | scooter_05:02
ubotuscooter_: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash05:02
scooter_thank you05:02
ubuntu__hay alguien que hable español?05:03
=== ubuntu__ is now known as Linuxmaniac
ubotuSi busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.05:03
arrrghhhi really hope gnash gets better... cuz i found it wasn't any better.05:03
Linuxmaniaco... gracias...05:03
=== asdfasdf is now known as asdfasdfasd
asdfasdfasdhello i created a dir at /home/my_user/Documentos and im trying to mount a partition dere to save all my music and stuff. now i succesfully mounted it (/dev/hda4) but i need root permissions to write. how can i change the permissions?05:06
arrrghhhasdfasdfasd: sudo chmod 700 /home/<user>/05:07
ardchoilleasdfasdfasd: change the ownership of the mountpoint05:07
arrrghhhi guess i should say chmod05:07
arrrghhhjust look at man chmod asdfasdfasd05:07
asdfasdfasdarrrghhh: i want my amule to download stuff there so if i type that i wont have to run "sudo amule" everytime?05:07
flaccidwhy does amule command not work under user?05:09
asdfasdfasdarrrghhh: i typed that and it still says me "permission denied"05:09
asdfasdfasd(i tried makin a dir "hello")05:10
flaccidum you might want do do a ls -lahR /home/user | more to see what is wrong ownership/perms05:10
flaccidcheck the amule dir05:11
Jahootywhat's a cyan listing under Konsole mean?  is it a symbolic link?05:11
flaccidif the problem is writing to the disk where you download to with amule, see !ntfs to mount it correcty under so user can write05:12
flaccidJahooty: do a file /path/to/file to see05:12
francisAnyone know how I can get usb speakers detected by alsa?05:12
earl_sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree returns the following error message: http://pastebin.com/m6db9ecce05:12
Jahootythanks heaps05:12
earl_i'm on 32-bit, for the record05:12
earl_how can i fix it05:12
Dr_willisJahooty,  try ls -l to see a long listing  it may tell ya also05:13
asdfasdfasdnope flaccid im trying to mount a partiotion (/dev/hda4) so i created a directory /home/my_user/Documentos and i want to put there music. now i mounted it editing fstab but when i tried to modify something eg. creating a dir hello i need root permission05:13
arrrghhhasdfasdfasd: well you could just chmod it to 77705:13
flaccid!ntfs | asdfasdfasd05:14
ubotuasdfasdfasd: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE05:14
flacciddid you read that?05:14
flaccidfor example, i this is one i use: /dev/sda6       /media/dump     vfat    user,rw,auto,fmask=0111,dmask=0000      0       105:14
asdfasdfasdits ext305:14
asdfasdfasdand solved! thanks guys05:14
flaccidthe fstab options are relevant for the different filesystem types05:15
flaccidok np05:15
scooter_konsole says my arcitecture is not supported by the adobe flash player installer05:15
scooter_what do i do05:15
Dr_williswhat archtecture ya using?05:15
scooter_i dont know05:15
scooter_how do i find out05:15
scooter_sorry im new at this05:15
flacciduname -a05:16
ardchoillescooter_: uname -a05:16
flaccidwell uname -m05:16
flaccidyou need 64bit flash, is it available?05:17
ardchoille!find flash6405:17
ubotuPackage/file flash64 does not exist in gutsy05:17
scooter_so does that mean i cant use flash?05:17
flaccidscooter_: this might be a solution: http://www.lockergnome.com/linux/2007/09/22/installing-flash-9-on-64-bit-ubuntu/05:17
ubotuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash05:17
flaccidi'm not sure if that helps at all ^05:18
asdfasdfasdoh another doubt to mount the partition i typed "sudo mount /home/my_user/Documentos" now if i reboot will i have to mount it again or it will be done automatically?05:18
flaccidscooter_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash#head-38245bd46a3334b4cc11601e161ddaa63439d2db05:18
flaccidasdfasdfasd: that depends if you specified the noauto option in fstab or not05:19
flaccidasdfasdfasd: you should do user mount, not root05:19
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Dr_willisasdfasdfasd,  fstab entrys get scanned at boot and mounted.05:19
asdfasdfasdi typed this "/dev/hda4  /home/nico/Documentos ext3 defaults 0 1"05:20
asdfasdfasdin fstab05:20
scottman_I need help with kopete05:20
scottman_is this the right place?05:20
Dr_willisasdfasdfasd,  unmount th thing, and try 'sudo mount -a' see if it mounts05:20
flaccidsee man fstab for defaults..05:20
scottman_anyone here know kopete stuff?05:21
flaccidwhat is kopete stuff05:21
Dr_willis for a hard drive mount like that. I always make a directory on the filesystem (ie on hda4) named like /media/hda4/THEUSERSNAMESTORAGE05:22
asdfasdfasdyeah it mounted Dr_willis05:22
posingaspopularhttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/48625/ anyone know how to fix this virtualbox issue in kubuntu gutsy?05:22
Dr_willisthen just link that dir to the users home someplace.05:22
bazhangscottman_: one of the developers is here sometimes, so yes05:22
scottman_kopete is the instant messenger for kde.05:22
Dr_williswhen mounting a whole filesystem that way. I am not sure how you make the 'root' of the filesystem owned by the user.05:22
flaccidasdfasdfasd: if you specify the user option, you don't need to use sudo05:22
flaccidscottman_: i was reffering to the 'stuff'05:22
Dr_willisOf coruse my way also keeps the lost+found dir out of the users dir. :)05:22
scottman_well, here is the issue.05:23
scottman_I'd like to use the webcam and sound.05:23
flaccidDr_willis: you just specify user option and chown the mount point and optionally specify mask options05:23
scottman_is that supported in kopoete?05:23
flaccidyes scottman_05:23
flaccidit of course depends on the support of the webcam and sound devices05:23
scottman_when I plug in the webcam and test it, I get a blue screen.05:23
flaccid!webcam | scottman_05:23
ubotuscottman_: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras05:23
flaccidcheck the support ^05:23
scottman_oooh.  cool.05:24
Dr_willisflaccid,  you SURE that works?  i know for vfat/ntfs you can/have to set that stuff.. BUT for ext3..it does support owner/permissions.05:24
flaccidit differs depending on the filesystem05:24
flaccidntfs of course is dif masks as well05:25
flaccidfor vfat and ext* its straight forward05:25
earl_trying to install flash. when i do sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree i get the following error message: http://pastebin.com/m6db9ecce05:25
scooter_ok this is still not working05:25
scooter_it says i cant mkdir05:25
Dr_willisi dont recall chmoding  the mount point ever doing anything. :) but i havent tried lately.05:25
scooter_and the binary it says to save says its corrupt05:26
flaccidshow us the entry in fstab and the entry int the output of mount and ls -l /mount/point05:26
flaccidDr_willis: user option required, nouser is default05:26
Dr_willisof coruse if the ect3 partition is to be mounted at boot time.. whats the need for the user option?05:26
Dr_willisor is it a removeable drive?05:27
flaccidyeah possibly is for the user only like that05:27
earl_no one has any idea...?05:27
flaccidcould even be for a system user that runs a daemon on some external device that is mounted. lots of special applications05:27
Dr_willisI recall issues in the past moving ext3 filesystems/disks from disrto to disrto or machien to machine. :) in that the permissions/ownerships often get messed up.05:27
earl_if i apt-get remove it and repeat it just does the same thing...05:27
Dr_willisflash has some issues here lately.05:28
flaccidDr_willis: yeah hopefully tar or cpio don't do that05:28
dev_nullI have feisty and i'm trying to mount a linux NFS system.  I am getting an error of 'eth0: no IPv6 routers present'.  What could I be missing?05:29
Dr_willisthats just a warning isent it about the ipv6?05:29
Dr_willisNot an actual error? I recall seeing that also. but never had issues with it.05:29
flacciddid you follow the !nfs05:30
dev_nullmount: special device //<ip>:<path> does not exist05:30
dev_nullis the error message05:30
dev_nullwhats !nfs05:31
Dr_willisHmm.. whats the exact line you are using to mount it?05:31
ubotunfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.05:31
dev_nullsudo mount -t nfs <ip>:<path> /mnti05:32
=== narg_ is now known as narg
Dr_willisYou are using the actual Ip# and path?05:32
dev_nulli removed them to post them here05:32
Dr_willisyou would NOT belive the times ive seen people not understand the use of   mount /example/thing/here :)05:33
dev_nullsudo mount -t nfs /mnt/yeti05:34
Dr_willisThe mount point does exist dont it?05:34
Dr_willis /mnt/yeti  does exist?05:34
dev_nulli think the problem may be in that link you posted05:35
dev_nullI am installing portmap now05:35
Dr_willisYep - portmap is needed I recall :)05:35
dev_null./mnt/yeti does exist as a dir05:35
sn00zerwhenever i use the kde sound system for anything (login sound, konqueror sound preview) there is a long delay and in konqueror the window goes grey for a few seconds, this only started with a recent reboot, another reboot didn't fix it, does anyone know what causes this?05:35
Dr_willisthats one of the better done howto's ive seen :)05:35
dev_nullI have gotten further now, I may be able to get it from there05:36
dev_nulllet me try thuis05:36
arrrghhhsn00zer: you probably have a hardware issue, check dmesg and see.05:38
sn00zerarrrghhh: what should i be looking for exactly? i haven't changed anything05:39
arrrghhhsn00zer: this just started happening out of nowhere?  you didn't add any new hardware, change how sound is rendered, etc?  i'm assuming you're still using alsa?05:40
sn00zerarrrghhh: i installed an app or two, changed some volume levels in alsaconfig, but its the same hardware, just shut it down, moved from dorm room to home, booted up and now sound previews and login sound lags horribly, and yes, using alsa05:42
arrrghhhso when you go to system settings -> sound system, hardware tab what is selected for "select the audio device"?05:43
sn00zerarrrghhh: advanced linux sound architecture05:44
dev_nullis there a parm so I can pass a username and password to mount?05:44
dev_nulli don't see one in man05:44
sn00zerarrrghhh: it was auto-detect but i switched it to alsa to see if it helped05:44
Tm_Tdev_null: it's mounted as user its mounted05:44
arrrghhhhrm.  and you don't have any weird settings on that page?  i have autodetect and nothing else filled out except for the midi section.05:45
sn00zerarrrghhh: none of the boxes are checked05:45
arrrghhhhave you tried disabling the sound system or did you change any settings like process priority or auto-suspend?05:45
sn00zerarrrghhh: no, would i need to reboot if i disable and re-enable?05:46
arrrghhhuhm i don't know... at least an x-server restart but you might need to restart the whole system to really test it...05:47
dev_nullso I can't mount it with different credentials05:47
sn00zerarrrghhh: ok, i'll try that real quick05:48
dev_null failed, reason given by server: Permission denied05:48
arrrghhhso anyone know much about malformed url errors within kde?05:48
hagabakawhat about them?05:49
arrrghhhsomeone said it was a 'common issue' but i haven't found a fix other than renaming the .kde directory and letting kde regenerate a new one... i don't like that solution05:49
arrrghhhwell when i click on the system menu to anything except 'home' i get a malformed url error05:49
arrrghhhsnapshot2 should work now if you don't understand what menu i'm clicking on!05:51
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arrrghhhyea i don't get it.  just started happening out of the blue.  one thing that pisses me off about linux, random little things that break that don't make sense.  like klipper... and this.05:54
Tm_Tarrrghhh: atleast these can be debugged (usually)05:55
arrrghhhi'd love to figure out how to get some terminal output or log from this!05:55
ardchoillearrrghhh: Try this in a terminal and see if there is anyting: kfmclient exec .local/share/applications/kde-kate.desktop05:57
arrrghhhdoes not exist05:58
ardchoillearrrghhh: ok try: kfmclient exec .local/share/applications/kde-konqbrowser.desktop05:58
sn00zerarrrghhh: just now heard login sound05:59
arrrghhhsn00zer: is it still wonky?05:59
sn00zerarrrghhh: yes05:59
arrrghhhand the sound is off05:59
sn00zerarrrghhh: no, back to auto detect06:00
arrrghhhsn00zer: you might have a look at your dmesg output.. i'm not an expert on that stuff tho.06:00
ardchoillearrrghhh: DO you have anything in ~/.local/share/applications ?06:00
sn00zerarrrghhh: should i increase the sound system priority?06:01
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sn00zerarrrghhh: i looked at dmesg | tail and theres nothing relevant there06:02
arrrghhhsn00zer: what is it at now06:02
arrrghhhardchoille: yes, very little.  defaults.list, kde-knotes.desktop Swiftweasel.dkesotp vlc.desktop06:02
sn00zerarrrghhh 232 milliseconds 10 fragments with 4096 bytes06:03
arrrghhhoh and a wine folder06:03
ardchoillearrrghhh: ok try: kfmclient exec .local/share/applications/kde-knotes.desktop06:03
arrrghhhsn00zer: seems like the default, that's what mine's set at... what about the auto-suspend?06:03
sn00zerarrrghhh if idle after 60 seconds06:03
arrrghhhardchoille: it opened a blank new note in knotes which was already running.06:04
ardchoillearrrghhh: No errors?06:04
arrrghhhsn00zer: beats me... that's very strange.  there's gotta be a way to disable it.06:04
arrrghhhardchoille: it went to the next line with no output whatsoever...06:05
sn00zerarrrghhh ok, thanks, i'll spend some more time with google06:05
ardchoillearrrghhh: Ok, that was a test hoping for something related to your malformed url problem.06:05
arrrghhhsn00zer: just curious, what happens when you click 'test sound' on that system settings page06:05
arrrghhhardchoille: the only time i can reproduce it is when i go to that system menu.06:06
ardchoilleAh, ok06:06
sn00zerarrrghhh: nothing06:06
sn00zerwait, there it is06:06
arrrghhhit just took a while?06:07
sn00zerarrrghhh: there's about 20 seconds of delay06:07
arrrghhhardchoille: do you know where that system menu references the location to go to?  that seems to be the issue.06:10
arrrghhhsn00zer: that's a strange problem... with nothing in dmesg i don't know.  i'd analyze what has changed since the sound last worked.06:11
sn00zerarrrghhh: ok, thanks06:12
ardchoillearrrghhh: No, I wish I knew.06:12
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arrrghhhwell it's bedtime06:29
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oneeyedelf1how do I execute a command at boot, such as a dyndns command06:45
oneeyedelf1well a script to update dyndns06:45
sub[t]rnlyou'll want to add the script to /etc/init.d/scriptname06:46
sub[t]rnlthen sudo update-rc.d scriptname defaults06:46
oneeyedelf1sub[t]rnl: but doesnt it need to be in the special init format?06:46
sub[t]rnloneeyedelf1: http://chase.homeunix.com/EXAMPLE-init.d-script06:50
llutz /etc/init.d/skeleton is an examaple06:51
oneeyedelf1thanks sub[t]rnl , thanks llutz  but sub[t]rnl is much easier for me to use06:52
oneeyedelf1what user does it run as?06:53
greenman1itchHello. I have an Atheros wifi card and upon booting Ubuntu for the first time it displayed my network but it won't connect to it06:54
greenman1itchthere are no error messages06:54
sigma_whats a good kde / linux substitute to daemon tools? i just need something to mount cd/dvd images. im sick of having to use my windows pc to do it07:18
ussersigma_: eh?07:19
ussersigma_: iso images?07:19
llutzsigma_: just to browse contents? krusader07:19
ussersigma_: mount command does that07:20
ardchoillesigma_: There are lots of service menu items that can do that07:22
ardchoillesigma_: http://www.kde-look.org/index.php?xcontentmode=287&PHPSESSID=62162b097ced1b119b4bf8df6b1f40b307:22
sigma_thanks guys07:29
sigma_llutz: yeah sometimes i need to copy items out of the iso's07:30
llutzsigma_: then krusader should work fine, just press enter on an .iso to open07:31
sigma_ardchoille: which service menu is it at that link?07:31
sigma_llutz: ok let me give it a try07:31
sigma_llutz: ok thats a rather big download, is there anything that integrates into konqueror? i see krusader is a file manager on its own07:32
llutzsigma_: just use mount -o loop ...07:33
sigma_so the command would be "mount -o isoname.iso" ?07:34
llutzsigma_: like" mount -o loop your.iso /mnt "07:34
llutzwith sudo07:34
Eldariasigma_: perhaps this one? http://kde-apps.org/content/show.php?content=1157707:36
sigma_Eldaria: thanks, downloading it now07:38
sigma_Eldaria: how do i install it?07:38
Eldariano clue, i just searched google for 'daemon tools kde' saw an archived forum post, and a bit down was a link to this. :-)07:39
sigma_ok that doesnt work in this version of kde, its rather old:)07:40
ninjagambitI was downloading a file on k torrent and then my mb downloaded started going backwards07:41
ninjagambitwhat would cause this07:41
Eldariasigma: well there is also the "hard way", https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountIso?highlight=%28iso%20%29%7C%28mount%29 although i think that only works with .iso files.07:41
sigma_ktorrent bug perhaps07:41
=== Eldaria is now known as Eldaria_away
* kamalx wrestles with the clock in kubuntu.. :(07:43
kamalxcan someone help please..07:43
Tm_TEldaria_away: noooooooo07:44
sub[t]rnlninjagambit: You see each chunk has a hash, so ktorrent can verify if the data is correct. You need the whole chunk to verify this hash. When a chunk is downloading ktorrent adds those bytes to the number downloaded. So when ktorrent detects that the hash doesn't match, ktorrent has to subtract the size of the chunk from the downloaded amount.07:44
sub[t]rnlvia google07:44
Tm_Tkamalx: no if you don't ask a real question?07:44
kamalxok.. sorry for that..07:45
Tm_Tkamalx: no problems, its not easy to make right questions ;)07:45
kamalxi set the clock to IST in kubuntu07:45
kamalxand the timezone to asia/calcutta07:45
kamalxand i have a dual boot with ubuntu feisty.. well actually I was trying out kubuntu gutsy07:46
kamalxso when i set the clock in kubuntu it sets the system clock off by 5 hrs 30 mins07:46
kamalxand the ubuntu clock that was rightly set the same timezone goes off by 5 hrs 30 mins too..07:47
kamalxand if i correct it in ubuntu feisty or i the bios.. it again shows an offset of -5.30 hrs in kubuntu..07:48
ninjagambitok because i have firestarter and that thing was going crazy with the red lightning bolt07:48
kamalxwell this time i set it in kubuntu again.. to the correct IST time right now and got another peculiar problem07:48
kamalxTm_T: any sudo command doesnt run; gives an error saying -- timestamp too far in future!07:49
llutzkamalx: sudo -K07:49
kamalxhow should i set it right?07:49
llutzthen try again07:49
kamalxllutz: do i need to use the -K option everytime?07:50
llutzkamalx: no, just once that error appears07:51
kamalxok.. i did that.. but it still shows the error07:51
kamalx$ sudo -K07:51
kamalxsudo: timestamp too far in the future: Dec 18 15:30:36 200707:51
llutzkamalx:try  sudo -k07:51
kamalxstill same error! :(07:52
ubotuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »07:52
kamalxllutz: OMG.. tried ubotu's trick.. even that doesn't work! :(07:53
llutzkamalx: aah, sry not that wasn't for you07:53
danyare u there?07:54
kamalxok.. oops! :P07:54
llutzkamalx: whats you local time now?07:54
kamalx15.23 hrs07:54
llutzso wait 7 minutes :)07:54
kamalxtimezone: asia/calcutta07:54
Stevethepirate"Intel® Next-Gen Wireless-N Mini-Card" <-- this (k)ubuntu compatible?07:56
Tm_TStevethepirate: what chip?07:57
StevethepirateTm_T: No clue.. its on a dell inspiron 1720 I'm looking at..07:58
StevethepirateIt doesn't give me details like that :P07:58
Tm_TStevethepirate: it does ;(07:58
StevethepirateWhen you say chip..07:58
Stevethepirateyou mean chipset?07:59
Tm_TI mean wlan chip07:59
StevethepirateNo. It doesn't say.07:59
Stevethepiratelet me click on "more info" again07:59
Tm_TStevethepirate: anyway, have you tried Kubuntu livecd?07:59
StevethepirateNo, I'm about to order this laptop...07:59
Tm_Taha, I see08:00
StevethepirateIntel®  Next-Gen Wireless-N08:00
StevethepirateDell Wireless 1505 Wireless-N08:00
StevethepirateThere we go.08:00
StevethepirateI think thats it.08:00
anakin_Ok, so its time to see what the buzz is abotu kde4 that everyone is raving about. been ages since i've used kde :)08:00
Tm_TStevethepirate: now, hmm08:00
Tm_Tanakin_: there's not much to see yet08:00
kamalxTm_T: its 15.30 here..08:00
danyI have a question08:01
kamalxshould i run sudo -K again?08:01
Tm_Tdany: I too, what is your question?08:01
llutzkamalx: should work without now08:01
danyTm_T: i want my desktop to be 3D, my kubuntu version is 6.0608:02
danywith this command do I update the OS ?08:02
danysudo update-manager -c -d ?08:02
Tm_Tdany: urrrgh08:02
ubotuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes08:02
anakin_Tm_T: oh? well, whats this then? more than the eye candy, I am hoping that the usability is better with KDE since the last time I used it.08:02
Tm_Tanakin_: 4.0 doesn't bring all goodness to the users yet08:02
Tm_Tanakin_: but sure, try08:03
kamalxTm_T: not workin yet! its showing the same error msg...08:03
Tm_Tanakin_: I'm interested to heat what usability issues you have with KDE3, msg me if interested to look them more closely08:03
Tm_Tkamalx: hmm, evilish08:03
danyTm_T:  that page ruls.. thks08:04
kamalxTm_T: yeah.. quite so.. :(08:04
kamalxmanually adding 5.30 to know the current time wasnt that bad.. :(08:04
Tm_Tkamalx: you might try #ubuntu too with your issue08:05
llutzkamalx: and post the answer here plz, had some more people with that issue in the last days08:05
kamalxllutz: ok.. will try..08:06
StevethepirateTm_T: any solution?08:06
Tm_TStevethepirate: umm, no, sorry, I don't know much about wlan, does googling with that type help?08:07
danyTm_T: that page only helps me with ubuntu.. I have kubuntu08:07
Tm_Tdany: mmmgh08:07
Tm_Tsorry, I don't know08:07
anakin_Tm_T:  is there a meta-package to install kde4 or do I need to install 'em separately?08:08
ubotuKDE 4 is the next major release of the K Desktop Environment. For more information see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KDE_4 - The Release Schedule is available at http://techbase.kde.org/Schedules/KDE4/4.0_Release_Schedule - RC 2 packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde4-rc2.php08:08
anakin_thanks jussi0108:09
ardchoilledany: I'm here. What's up?08:16
ninjagambitseems like if apple was going to put a video up to promote a product they would allow you to download it faster than 5kbs08:16
ninjagambitsence it is a 381MB file08:17
Lynoureninjagambit: Are you suspecting some problem in your connection then?08:18
ninjagambitnothing wrong with it08:18
ninjagambiteverything else is working fine08:19
Lynoureok, just checking if you needed support :)08:19
ninjagambityou could tell me what all the hits on firestarter mean08:19
sub[t]rnlin events?08:20
sub[t]rnlthe red icon shows up when firestarter has blocked something08:20
Lynoureninjagambit: sure, give a bit more detail on what kind of hits you are getting. I normally use plain iptables, myself08:21
ninjagambiti get that every few seconds08:23
ninjagambitexept it turns red and the events list is full of random ip with destination
ninjagambitis that normal08:24
sub[t]rnlwhat ports?08:25
danyardchoille: I find out reading how to upgrade my kubuntu 6.06 to 7.04 but im not sure if what Im doing is correct.. haha08:26
danymay I tell u what I did?08:26
danydo you know the process?08:26
ninjagambit55393 , 41799 , 44288 , 35769,08:26
ninjagambitand alot more08:26
ninjagambitbut most in those ranges08:26
sub[t]rnlninjagambit: welcome to the internet08:28
Lynoureninjagambit: those are the ports on your system or the ports on the remote systems? Or are both the source and destination in those ranges?08:29
StevethepirateTm_T: any solutions?08:30
Stevethepirateor results?08:30
ninjagambitdosnt say08:31
ninjagambitports on mine that are blocked08:31
ninjagambiti guess08:31
ardchoille!upgrade | dany You should read this08:32
ubotudany You should read this: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes08:32
kamalllutz: did not get an answer at #ubuntu.. a friend suggested me to reboot and set a root password in recovery mode and use that to set back the time.. couldn't get into recovery mode but just a restart solved the timestamp problem..08:32
danyardchoille: I already did08:33
danyardchoille: there is just about ubuntu08:33
=== kamal is now known as kamalx
ninjagambitlike what  does mean08:34
Lynoureninjagambit: Could be pretty much anything then.08:34
ninjagambitthey trying to  attack my pc08:34
Lynoureninjagambit: that's a hostname.08:34
ardchoilledany: Hmm.. I was sure there were Kuubntu instructions there. I don't do upgrades, so I can' thelp much with it.08:35
Lynoureninjagambit: What makes you think it's a targeted attack? What are they doing?08:35
ninjagambitnothing firestarter keeps poping up  with all of this08:35
ninjagambitit might be from ktorrent08:36
ninjagambitbut the ports are  wrong08:36
ninjagambitam i correct08:36
danyardchoille: no problem..08:36
Lynoureninjagambit: if is your local range ip, and you have a full forward to that from your natted public address (which keeps on changing), you can get stuff that looks scary, though actually it was just something legal meant for the previous holder of that ip08:36
danyardchoille: if my theory doesn't works.. i'll come back for ur help08:37
jussi01dany: there are kubuntu notes here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GutsyUpgrades#head-3692aaaed415e3427f54ec62dd8659474516b52508:37
ninjagambitok i thought i had a  whole group of unrully hackers after my pc08:38
ninjagambitthey wouldnt get much08:38
ardchoilledany: I don't think I'll be much help because I've never done any upgrades08:38
Lynoureninjagambit: well, in a way there is, after any ip, much of the time.08:38
Lynoureninjagambit: most tools go after c-net at a time.08:39
danyardchoille: i mean.. i'll need ur help in order to reinstall my system if something goes wrong08:40
ardchoilledany: Oh, ok.08:40
danyardchoille: haha08:40
Lynoureninjagambit: there is so much random knocking that the only thing getting alerted every time does is raises you blood pressure.08:40
StevethepirateTm_T: any progress/ solutions for my wifi card?08:40
ninjagambitim ok with hackers as long as they dont destroy my  pc08:41
Tm_TStevethepirate: nope, sorry, I don't have time currently to investigate it08:41
StevethepirateLol, np08:41
Lynoureninjagambit: that's a pity.08:41
ActionParsniphey all08:42
* ActionParsnip waves08:42
ninjagambitlynoure: whats a pity08:42
Lynoureninjagambit: I'd wish people would not want others to use their connections for attacking yet more machines.08:42
ninjagambitthey use my connection08:43
ninjagambiti dont know much about hackers08:43
Lynoureninjagambit: that's what they commonly want to do: use your connection for attacking others or spamming people08:43
=== pastry_ is now known as pastryness
ninjagambiti just like to surf the net in peace and watch cool vids08:43
ActionParsnipme too ninjagambit, hence linux :D08:44
Lynoureninjagambit: Then don't worry too much, and keep your system up to date, and you'll probably be fine :)08:44
ninjagambitbut recently i am dabbling with a little xhtml and css08:44
sub[t]rnlgreets ActionParsnip08:44
ActionParsniplo sub[t]rnl08:44
ninjagambitso i am more interested in security08:44
ninnghizidhahow to block join/left-messages in xchat?08:44
ninjagambitjust for educational purposes08:44
ActionParsnipninjagambit, not sure. let me google08:45
=== blargit is now known as billytwowilly
ActionParsnip"/SET irc_conf_mode 108:46
ActionParsnipwithout the "08:46
Lynoureninjagambit: That's good. :)08:47
ninjagambitif anyone wants can they go to the apple store then go to mac os x tour and download the large video to see what speed  it is downloading08:47
ActionParsnipapple is overpriced08:48
ninjagambiti would like to know if im crippled08:48
ninjagambitcompaired  to?08:49
ActionParsnipspeed per dollar08:49
ninjagambitfrom what i can tell not much more than simular build of xps08:50
ActionParsnipthe OS is nice but the hardware is really pricey08:50
ubotu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!08:50
ninjagambitand had better hardware08:50
ninjagambitbut the xps had a few  feature i realy liked like dual hdd with raid08:51
ninjagambitnice for a laptop08:51
ninjagambitnot for most08:51
ActionParsnipubuntu on eee pc is tasty and cheaper08:51
Stevethepirate"Intel® Next-Gen Wireless-N Mini-Card" <-- this (k)ubuntu compatible?08:51
ninjagambiti will check out the eee i have heard alot about  it08:52
ardchoilleStevethepirate: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport08:52
ActionParsnipStevethepirate, what chip is on it?08:52
ActionParsnipninjagambit, its a 130 quid lappy weighing less than a pound08:52
ninjagambitbut  kinda got my heart set on overpriced over built for my needs macbook pro08:52
ActionParsnipmykrisuser, wassup?08:52
ninjagambitlesss than a pound08:53
ardchoilleninjagambit: Please take the OS price/comparison to #kubuntu-offtopic08:53
ActionParsnipninjagambit, save cash and you can buy beer :D08:53
ActionParsnipmykrisuser, what's your issue?08:53
ninjagambitsmaller than my sell  phone08:54
ninjagambitsorry its late08:54
ninjagambitmy fingers going faster than my mind08:54
StevethepirateActionParsnip: thats the problem08:55
Stevethepirateits on a dell08:55
Stevethepirateso i have NFC what the chipset is08:55
ActionParsnipStevethepirate, what dell you got?08:55
StevethepirateOn order.08:55
ninjagambitim sorry ardchoille wasnt trying to get into a os price/comparison08:55
StevethepirateActionParsnip: about to order a Inspiron 172008:55
ActionParsnipStevethepirate, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=62161708:56
ActionParsnipStevethepirate, looks ok to me08:56
ninjagambitbut just so you know whatever system i get i will be booting in kubuntu  too08:57
StevethepirateActionParsnip: as in. it should work?08:57
StevethepirateActionParsnip: thats not my wireless08:57
StevethepirateI'm getting Intel® Next-Gen Wireless-N Mini-Card08:57
ActionParsnipStevethepirate, Intel is the manufacturer, thats all dell will tell you cos usually dell people dont care what is in their systems08:59
StevethepirateYeah, but -will that work- with ubuntu wireles?09:00
ActionParsnipStevethepirate, just found one with Intel Wireless WiFi Link 4965AGN09:00
ActionParsnipStevethepirate, i'd say so yes. either that or just use ndiswrapper and it will be fine09:01
ActionParsnipStevethepirate, dell do a ubuntu option anyway now. Get them to supply it09:01
StevethepirateNot in SA09:01
ActionParsnipStevethepirate, save you paying for winslows09:01
StevethepirateNo Ubuntu option here :(09:02
ActionParsnipStevethepirate, if you dig further you may find it09:02
Cold_InzHi, when installing nvidia drivers and updating kernel and blabla, the kernel images starts to add up on the grub bootscreen, how do I remove the unused ones ? just simply delete them from /boot ?09:02
StevethepirateActionParsnip: i've asked them..09:02
Stevethepirateto tech support09:02
jrsimsso when are thinkpads shipping with linux?09:02
ActionParsnipStevethepirate, bah09:02
ActionParsnipjrsims, they do in the uk if you ask nicely. Its a pain tofind09:03
StevethepirateI was talking to a semi-retarded dude.09:03
StevethepirateLet me ask them..09:03
ninjagambitwhy dont you defrag your hard  drive in linux09:03
StevethepirateServer Error in '/LT' Application.09:03
StevethepirateThe resource cannot be found.09:03
StevethepirateDescription: HTTP 404. The resource you are looking for (or one of its dependencies) could have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable. Please review the following URL and make sure that it is spelled correctly.09:03
StevethepirateRequested Url: /lt/(S(oh0g0245fh2vkwrv3vm4g555))/lt.aspx09:04
StevethepirateMy bad09:04
Stevethepirate!paste > Stevethepirate09:04
Stevethepiratesoz peeps09:04
StevethepirateActionParsnip: that link fails.09:04
StevethepirateGoogle cache ++09:05
ActionParsnipStevethepirate, http://www.dell.com/content/topics/segtopic.aspx/ubuntu?c=us&cs=19&l=en&s=dhs09:05
ActionParsnipStevethepirate, any better09:05
StevethepirateI have to phone09:05
StevethepirateWatch them give me the whole "3d world country" bs.09:06
ActionParsnipStevethepirate, just google for dell linux, hit i'm feeling lucky. then dell and ubuntu at the left09:06
StevethepirateI know about that09:06
StevethepirateBut I'm ordering into South Africa.09:07
StevethepirateSo its like09:07
Cold_InzHi, when installing nvidia drivers and updating kernel and blabla, the kernel images starts to add up on the grub bootscreen, how do I remove the unused ones ? just simply delete them from /boot ?09:07
Stevethepiratesudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst09:08
StevethepirateRather comment them out09:08
Stevethepiratethan delete09:08
ardchoilleCold_Inz: Dont simply delete old kernels.. use the package manager to remove them, but it's a good idea to keep the last two.09:09
ActionParsnipStevethepirate, dont use sudo to gedit. use gksu09:09
ActionParsniphahah the owner of dell uses ubuntu on his dell lappy09:10
StevethepirateActionParsnip: if off commandline09:10
Stevethepiratemichael dell.. indeed09:10
ardchoilleStevethepirate: Use gksu or kdesu to launch a gui app regardless of launching fro cli or a gui09:10
ActionParsnipStevethepirate, if you are running gui apps (gedit etc) use gksu09:11
ubotuIf you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)09:11
ActionParsnipStevethepirate, if you are running CLI commands (like cp, mv etc) use sudo09:11
StevethepirateWhat environment screw ups can it make?09:11
ardchoilleStevethepirate: http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo09:12
StevethepirateWill do.09:12
ActionParsnipStevethepirate, permissions on files etc09:12
StevethepirateActionParsnip: did you hear about the n00b that tried to wine Norton?09:12
Stevethepiratewas such luls09:12
ActionParsnipStevethepirate, you are kidding!!09:13
StevethepirateActionParsnip: naught.09:13
Stevethepiratehe asked if anyone could help him..09:14
Stevethepiratefor about 3 hours09:14
Stevethepirateon another server.09:14
StevethepirateWas the first time i'd ever seen someone get kicked off a linux channel.09:14
StevethepirateFor a non-direct-against-the-rules offence09:14
ActionParsnipthats hilarious man09:14
LynoureI hope they explained he did not need it, and didn't just kick him.09:15
StevethepirateThey did09:15
Stevethepiratebut he was -so- adamant that he wanted Norton09:15
* ActionParsnip laughs so hard he crys09:16
LynoureI can see reasons for wanting to run Norton on Wine, by the way. E.g. if one wants to support it for Windows user but does not get any closer to Windows than absolutely necessary09:16
ActionParsnipStevethepirate, http://www1.euro.dell.com/content/topics/topic.aspx/emea/segments/gen/client/en/ubuntu_landing?c=uk&l=en&s=dhs09:16
* Stevethepirate clicks09:17
ActionParsnipStevethepirate, does that work?09:17
StevethepirateYEah, read that off google cache a while ago09:17
StevethepirateI told you so.09:17
ActionParsnipStevethepirate, 329 quid for a smart lappy, not bad09:19
helloyoanyone know how to improve video playback? i think the issue is with X09:19
StevethepirateActionParsnip: its R15k here.. ZAR09:19
ActionParsnipStevethepirate, is that good?09:19
StevethepirateFor our market its not bad09:20
ActionParsnipStevethepirate, you considered an EEE PC?09:20
StevethepirateI mean. Core 2 Duo, 2.4ghz, 3 gigs DDR2 667RAM, 2x160 gig HDD, dvd writer, 8600m gt.09:20
mikkaelthe kdesudo part in systemsettings/kcontrol is broken in haredy (which is already reported in launchpad). i need to access the kdm settings, what would be the kcmshell command to launch this with kdesu ?09:20
LynoureNo Ubuntu option in Finnish Dell yet :/09:21
StevethepirateNo option here in SA>09:21
StevethepirateAlthough.. i can see why09:21
ardchoillemikkael: Try asking in #ubuntu+109:21
ActionParsniphow come the uk is so small but we get stuff like that before you guys?09:21
StevethepirateSome idiot will buy a Dell with ubuntu to save like R1500 and will be pissed09:21
Stevethepirateso they might have disabled that option.09:21
ActionParsnipStevethepirate, depends what you wanna use your pc for09:21
StevethepirateYeah, but for the average person...09:22
Stevethepirateubuntu is > them09:22
Stevethepiratewhen you recommeneded a eee, you mean the asus eee?09:22
ActionParsnipStevethepirate, how so?09:22
ActionParsnipStevethepirate, yeah if you just wanna chat and browse09:22
mikkaelwell how is the module called where i can set kdm settings ?09:22
StevethepirateFor most people. In our country especially.09:22
ardchoilleActionParsnip , Stevethepirate I fail to understand how this conversation is a kubuntu issue.09:23
ardchoille!info kdmtheme hardy09:23
ubotukdmtheme: theme manager for KDM. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2.1-0ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 37 kB, installed size 184 kB09:23
Stevethepirateardchoille: we'll ching-chong-cha you if we can stay? :P09:23
mikkaelnevermind, its just called kdm .. kcmshell --list ;)09:24
ardchoilleStevethepirate: You can stay here, but the ot chat should go to #kubuntu-offtopic09:24
ninjagambithey steve open that up anyways ill chat about some off topic stuff09:25
ninjagambitwith ya09:25
r33dHey guys I was messing around with trying to resize my linux ext3 partition, it messed up grub (i dual boot ubuntu + win xp) and made grubh pop up an error, I used a live cd to mount the drive and fix the config i basically ran grub-install again, and that made the grub menu pop up on boot and made win xp bootable but the linux partition now says Error: 17 cannot mount selected partition i believe this is because the partition letters have changed / was09:25
ninjagambitim just waiting on a download to finish09:25
ninjagambitand reading the chat09:25
ninjagambiti wana talk some more about the mac09:25
StevethepirateActionParsnip: pm09:25
Stevethepirateardchoille: yeah it was a joke.09:25
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=== vg is now known as PyTBEH
PyTBEHHi to all!09:34
=== zeEez is now known as joek
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lukehi, how do I burn a CD image to a DVD?09:35
lukewith K3b :)09:35
=== knoppix is now known as oobe
omar_Hello ppl?09:35
omar_I have a problem with my kubuntu09:35
lukeomar: what is wrong?09:36
omar_I just installed it but the adept installer doesn't work properly.09:36
lukeif you want to install stuff the safest way is to use apt-get in terminal09:37
omar_Only selected (installed) stuff are selectable09:38
lukerun konsole, type sudo apt-get -f install09:38
lukeif it's dependency problems that usually fixes it09:38
omar_and how do I add new software sources?09:39
omar_what sources should I add?09:39
lukeedit sources.list09:39
lukeyou only really need the ones you already have, but some of them are probably commented out09:40
lukedo you want my sources.list?09:40
lukelet me just pastebin it...09:40
lukesorry, I didn't select it all, lol09:41
sagaciousCan anyone reccomend me a channel for setting up my linux box as a router?09:49
finekno it will be spam ;p09:50
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emilsedghsagacious: #linux ?09:52
=== JohnFlux2 is now known as JohnFlux
CrypTomHi all: I would like to use java 2 micro edition on kubuntu. I've already installed the sun-java6 packages. Is there a deb package for microedition?09:56
finekCrypTom: maybe in multiverse09:58
CrypTomfinek: I've added the multiverse repo, but theres no sign of the micro edition... at least, its not called sun-java6-me or similar09:58
Tm_TCrypTom: micro edition is...09:59
finekso there is no microedition09:59
acemoi accidently formatted the wrong partition with windows setup, this quick format doesnt removes the data, it just marks it as being empty.. is there any way to tell the partition to be ext3 withouth formatting it?10:00
CrypTomTm_T: ?10:00
Tm_TCrypTom: what is this "micro edition" exactly?10:01
CrypTomTm_T: java edition for mobile phone programming10:01
CrypTomTm_T: also called j2me (instead of j2se)10:01
Tm_TCrypTom: no, it's not there, except for perhaps in sdk package10:02
zorglu_q. what is the package to install to get all the usual compilation stuff ? i remember there is one, but dont remember the name10:03
ardchoillezorglu_: build-essential10:04
zorglu_ardchoille: thanks10:04
Jay-Oh-Endoes anybody know how to make every startup use text instead of image loading10:05
CrypTomTm_T, finek: so, is it possible to combine the downloaded (from java.sun.com) binary with the installed sun-java6-sdk package?10:05
Tm_Tno idea10:06
Jay-Oh-Enlike instead of kubuntu image with loading bar10:06
Jay-Oh-Eni want text10:06
finektry it10:06
Tm_TCrypTom: but should be I assume10:06
Tm_TJay-Oh-En: sure, /boot/grub/menu.list10:06
CrypTomJay-Oh-En: edit /boot/grub/menu.list and remove "quiet" and "splash"10:07
ardchoilleJay-Oh-En: Edit /boot/grub/menu.lst with  "kdesu kate /boot/grub/menu.lst"  and remove the word "splash" from your kernel line.10:07
Tm_TJay-Oh-En: edit entries and defaults for future enteries10:07
Tm_Tguys, I started, don't interfere my sentences10:07
Jay-Oh-Enardchoille: thanks10:08
Jay-Oh-EnCrypTom: thanks10:08
Tm_Tardchoille: also, your turn to be overseer ;)10:08
ardchoilleJay-Oh-En: Also, remove "splash" from : # defoptions=quiet splash10:09
Jay-Oh-Enardchoille: ill edit it and ill upload it and you can tell me if i did it correctly10:10
ardchoilleJay-Oh-En: ok10:11
Jay-Oh-Enardchoille: what about queit?10:11
ardchoilleJay-Oh-En: You can remove quiet, but it will give you lots and lots of info. Some find that annoying, but you can try it and see10:12
Jay-Oh-Enard nah ill try this one first10:12
noaXesshi all10:14
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE10:14
Tm_T!ubotu | noaXess10:15
ubotunoaXess: I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots10:15
FSHeroHi all: i'm trying to allow any user on my Windows Vista computer access the windows partition of my Kubuntu Feisty computer: can anyone point me to a good how-to?10:17
jussi01!ntfs-3g | FSHero10:17
Jay-Oh-Enardchoille: http://pastebin.com/m6ebb12b9 look towards the bottom and tell me what i should delete cause those last three kernel entries aren't there anymore i removed that harddrive10:17
ubotuFSHero: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions10:17
jussi01oh, hangg on10:17
FSHerojussi01: Hehe, thanks, but I already know how to do that :)10:18
jussi01FSHero: you need to get it mounted like that, then use !samba to give him access to the mount point.10:18
ubotusamba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT10:18
Jay-Oh-Enjussi01: whats he trying to do10:18
ActionParsniphey all10:18
jussi01Jay-Oh-En: share the windows partition on his kubuntu machine with another machine with vista10:19
Jay-Oh-Enoh dang10:19
Jay-Oh-Enardchoille: did you read it10:20
ardchoilleJay-Oh-En: You've removed the splash, good job. Are you sure your /dev/sda1 device is no longer in the machine?10:20
Jay-Oh-Eni took the sata out and cause it was 200gb10:21
Jay-Oh-Enthen i put in a 500gb ide10:21
Jay-Oh-Enim going to put in the sata again to use it for extra storage for movies10:21
ardchoilleJay-Oh-En: Then you can remove lines 154 - 18010:22
Jay-Oh-Eni made a backup of my old grub with this command10:23
FSHeroThe link: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently describes mounting Windows shares into Kubuntu. How do I do this the other way round? I.e. export a folder in Kubuntu to my Windows Vista computer so that any user in Vista can read/write to the folder?10:24
Jay-Oh-Ensudo cp /the/place/where/grubs/loacted.lst /the/place/where/grubs/loacted.backup10:24
Jay-Oh-Enis that right (but with the right location)10:24
ardchoilleJay-Oh-En: That made a backup, but I feel it's best to keep the filename.ext: sudo cp /boot/grub/menu.lst /boot/grub/menu.lst.backup10:25
Jay-Oh-Enthat is exactly the commands i did ardchoille10:26
ardchoilleGood job :)10:26
Jay-Oh-Enwhat if i wanted to bring the backup back sudo cp /boot/grub/menu.backup /boot/grub/menu.lst10:26
Jay-Oh-Enand can i remove other operating systems from grub also10:27
ardchoilleJay-Oh-En: You'd first want to move the current menu.lst out of the way: sudo mv /boot/grub/menu.lst /boot/grub/menu.lst.temp && sudo cp /boot/grub/menu.lst.backup sudo cp /boot/grub/menu.lst10:28
ardchoilleJay-Oh-En: You'd first want to move the current menu.lst out of the way: sudo mv /boot/grub/menu.lst /boot/grub/menu.lst.temp && sudo cp /boot/grub/menu.lst.backup /boot/grub/menu.lst10:30
Jay-Oh-Enok so ide make a temp10:30
Jay-Oh-Enof the first one10:30
Jay-Oh-Ena backup10:30
Jay-Oh-Enand the current one10:30
Jay-Oh-Enok thanks10:30
ardchoilleJay-Oh-En: You just want to make sure you don't lose anything. you can always delete files later when everything is the way you want it.10:30
Jay-Oh-Enok well im restarting10:30
sigma_kubuntudoes anyone have problems using kaffeine on a laptop?10:33
Jay-Oh-Enworks but it was a bit ugly like the text was too big and there wasnt any color :[10:33
gnagsuatonDoes anyone know, how i can reinstall the WLAN-module again? The Problem is, that i tried to patch the driver for my ipw2915. The patch removed some of the original modulefiles and so my wireless card is not recognized anymore... :(10:33
Tm_Tsigma_kubuntu: what kind of problems?10:33
sigma_kubuntuTim_T: wel lets say im watching a dvd in kaffeine and i open the drive while its playing. if i close kaffeine it wil neva open again and the display in ksysguard shows weird memory use numbers10:36
Tm_Tmmmmgh, who's Tim?10:36
botchdo you know where this setting can be reset? pressing my shift key two times make something similar to capslock10:41
gnagsuatonActionParsnip, it doesnt work for me. http://paste.uni.cc/1783710:41
botchi don't like that behaviour. yesterday some dialog popped up and asked me something about that - i think i read to lazy through it an pressed OK10:41
ActionParsnipbotch: read screens ALWAYS10:41
ActionParsnipbotch, ok, is your kb layout ok?10:41
ActionParsnipbotch, you just get this shift button behaviour?10:41
ActionParsnipok so when you press shift a few times you get caps10:42
botchi think this dialog popped up while i kept the shift button pressed for a longer period...10:42
gnagsuatoni found it... :)10:42
botchbut a can't find anything suspicious in /etc/X11/*10:43
botchso i think it's something in my ~/.kde10:43
botchbut a "grep shift -R .kde/*" didn't bring any hints10:44
sigma_kubuntuJay-Oh-En: are u stil there?10:44
botchalso a grep for "lock"10:44
Jay-Oh-Ensigma_kubuntu: oops sorry lol but anyways i tried and tried all night couldnt get the darn thing working10:45
Jay-Oh-Ensigma_kubuntu: but it was the same laptop10:45
sigma_kubuntuJay-Oh-En: its a dell d600. how did u fix it?10:45
ActionParsnipbotch, just googling now10:45
sigma_kubuntuis it possible thats a kaffeine bug? so another media player should work10:46
Jay-Oh-Ensigma_kubuntu: really yeah i think it is try installing amarok its the best ive used10:47
Jay-Oh-Ensudo apt-get install amarok10:47
Jay-Oh-Enand there is another one i like its futuristic looking10:47
ActionParsnipbotch, i cant find anything. maybe someone else has seen this :(10:47
botchActionParsnip: thank you anyway10:48
Jay-Oh-Ensudo apt-get install audacious10:48
Jay-Oh-Ensigma_kubuntu: read those what i just said10:48
sigma_kubuntuJay-Oh-Eh: i use amarok but what do u recommend for video?10:49
=== rjb is now known as drbobb
drbobbhas anyone else noticed the flash plugin is broken recently in gutsy for konqueror10:51
drbobbor could it be a problem with my setup?10:52
=== Extrapan100^BNC is now known as Extrapan100
BrOSsardchoille: man still there?10:52
BrOSsI need some help10:52
ubotuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes10:53
ardchoilleBrOSs: I'm still here. what's up?10:53
BrOSsardchoille: I'm dany.. remember?10:53
BrOSswell.. something is wrong10:54
BrOSsI wish i can't explain myself with my bad english but I will try10:54
FSHeroHello everyone: I was following the instructions on http://www.arsgeek.com/?p=510 to share a folder from a Kubuntu computer to a Windows computer. However, when I try to access \\kubuntu-comp\MyShare it asks for a username and password.10:54
BrOSsthe thing is.. that when the updates finished to be downloaded  i rebooted my system10:54
FSHeroWhat do I type in?10:55
BrOSsand it logs like console mode10:55
BrOSsi cant log in like graphic interface10:55
BrOSsis stock in the console mode10:56
ardchoilleBrOSs: Sounds to me like a problem with xorg. But, as I mentioned before, I don't do upgrades so I cannot effectively help you with it.10:56
flakekde4 is out?10:56
botchflake: no10:57
ardchoille!kde4 | flake10:57
ubotuflake: KDE 4 is the next major release of the K Desktop Environment. For more information see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KDE_4 - The Release Schedule is available at http://techbase.kde.org/Schedules/KDE4/4.0_Release_Schedule - RC 2 packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde4-rc2.php10:57
botchrelease candidate 210:57
flakeoh, sorry10:57
BrOSswell im going to read something about it.. I still have a winxp running machine10:57
drbobbwell, no comments re: the flash plugin?10:59
BrOSsMost of the times a reconfiguration of the xserver-xorg package will be enough. To do so issue the following command:11:00
BrOSs  sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg11:00
BrOSsardchoille: I found an answer !.. thks man11:00
FSHeroI'm looking at /etc/samba/smb.conf; are lines with a semicolon in front commented-out lines?11:01
jussi01drbobb: read /topic ?11:05
jussi01!flashissues | drbobb11:05
ubotudrbobb: The Flash plugin installation is currently broken. This is due to adobe changing the tar file that the package downloads.11:05
=== Extrapan100 is now known as Extrapan100^BNC
johan__any1 here?11:23
johan__complete ubuntu noob, can any1 give some advice pls11:23
johan__that a yes?11:24
finekdont tell everyone tht ur noob11:24
johan__had mu usb wifi and sound working hundreds but now both stopped 4 no reason, and im confused11:25
johan__im not computer noob, gotta bsc in it, but used 2 windoze11:25
johan__not even showin wireless network in knetworkmanager11:26
johan__surely there another way :[11:26
flacciddo they come up in sudo iwconfig eth1 list11:27
flaccidif eth1 is your iface name for example11:28
johan__eth1 works fine11:28
flaccideth1 is the wireless?11:28
johan__no wlan0 was11:28
flaccidsudo iwlist wlan eth1 scanning11:29
flaccidsorry thats what you want11:29
johan__yeah i wanna get wlan0 up and runnung again11:29
flaccidif you can scan with that, you probably have done something explicit in /etc/network/interfaces11:29
flaccidpastebin that please11:29
johan__wait, passte wat?11:30
johan__ok, did sudo iwlist wlan0 scanning and got:11:32
johan__wlan0     Scan completed :11:33
johan__          Cell 01 - Address: 00:13:F7:28:A1:F011:33
johan__                    ESSID:"SMC"11:33
johan__                    Mode:Master11:33
johan__                    Channel:611:33
johan__                    Frequency:2.437 GHz11:33
johan__                    Signal level=-44 dBm11:33
johan__                    Encryption key:off11:33
johan__                    Bit Rates:1 Mb/s; 2 Mb/s; 5.5 Mb/s; 11 Mb/s; 6 Mb/s11:33
johan__                              12 Mb/s; 24 Mb/s; 36 Mb/s; 9 Mb/s; 18 Mb/s11:33
johan__                              48 Mb/s; 54 Mb/s11:33
johan__                    Extra:tsf=0000000d1921186511:33
johan__does that help11:33
flaccidyes but you must use pastebin11:34
flaccid!pastebin | johan__11:34
ubotujohan__: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)11:34
flaccidi would like you to pastebin the /etc/network/interfaces file11:34
johan__ok gimme a mo11:36
johan__pastebin gives me: You appear to be spamming the pastebin. I hate spammers so I won't let you. If you're not attempting to spam, please enable javascript so you can pass the antispam check11:37
johan__and now?11:38
johan__hi jari11:38
flaccidenable javascript in your browser johan or use a dif pastebin that doesn't need it11:38
jarihow can I release the program that is using the sound card so that no other program can use it?11:38
johan__under komqueror configure i got javascript enabled globally11:39
flacciduse a diff pastebin, maybe pastebin.ca will work for you there are many in google11:40
Jay-Oh-Enhow come everytime i move a icon my desktop icons blink?11:42
johan__pastebin.ca is blank.... feelin rather stupid here..lol11:43
flaccidgoogle another pastebin11:44
johan__thats what im doin11:44
flaccidsounds like you have problems but. at least with konq..11:44
johan__its very slow but11:44
=== ashaszin__ is now known as ashaszin
johan__ok, my scanning on http://pastebin.com/m2e4b669411:49
Jay-Oh-Enhow come everytime i move a icon my desktop icons blink?11:49
StevethepirateSomeone has put on a flipping irritating theme?11:50
johan__interfaces on: http://pastebin.com/m5cafd63211:51
johan__flaccid, that helps?11:51
drbobbre flash: the plugin install was broken for a while, failing with a md5 mismatch for the package d/l'd from adobe11:52
johan__any ideas?11:53
drbobbbut now it's different, the plugin does install but it fails to run11:53
johan__wlan0 not even showing up11:53
drbobbi get a nspluginviewer segfault on every page that has flash embedded11:54
johan__can any1 help me sort out my wifi in kubuntu?11:54
ActionParsnipjohan__, what wifi card do you have?11:55
johan__canyon usb11:55
johan__it worked fine then just stopped11:56
johan__not even showing up in knetworkmanager anymore!11:56
ActionParsnipjohan__, what do you get from ifconfig?11:56
johan__and im stumped!11:57
ActionParsnipjohan__, can you paste the output from ifconfig11:57
johan__action: pasted on http://pastebin.com/m5450fdf11:59
ActionParsnipjohan__, ok so its detected. What is in /etc/networking/interfaces12:00
=== _Daemon-- is now known as Daemon--
Jay-Oh-Enjohan__: just so you know you can type "action" then press tab and his name will pop up12:00
johan__thx Jay-Oh-En12:01
ActionParsnipJay-Oh-En, I love autocomplete :D12:01
Jay-Oh-EnActionParsnip: me too12:01
ubotuFor information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto See !rockbox for information on liberating your iPod12:01
johan__ActionParsnip: interfaces on http://pastebin.com/m5cafd63212:01
Jay-Oh-Enjohan__: use sudo kate /etc/networking/interfaces12:01
Jay-Oh-Enim guessing your not a newbie12:02
johan__Jay-Oh-En: im a semi ;)12:02
Jay-Oh-Enjohan__: your like me im 3 or 4 mounths using linux12:03
johan__exactly. gotta B.Sc in computers but that was windoze12:03
ActionParsnipJay-Oh-En, use kdesu for gui apps12:03
ActionParsnipjohan__, me to in Computer communications :D12:03
johan__ActionParsnip: u noticed anythin there yet?12:04
Jay-Oh-EnActionParsnip: but thats not gui12:04
johan__i did programming12:04
Jay-Oh-Enjohan__: here ill take a look to12:04
ActionParsnipJay-Oh-En, kate uses the gui12:04
johan__Jay-Oh-En: paste it here? :-{12:04
ActionParsnipJay-Oh-En, commands like cp, apt etc do notr12:04
Jay-Oh-EnActionParsnip: well what would it hurt to use sudo12:05
ActionParsnipjohan__, if you add your wifi info in that file you can config it that way :)12:05
johan__ActionParsnip: gonna need ur help there! :'(12:05
ActionParsnipjohan__, i'd move the auto wlan0 to above iface wlan0 inet dhcp12:05
StevethepirateActionParsnip :does ubuntu support turbocache?12:05
ActionParsnipjohan__, do you use wep / wpa at all?12:05
johan__mo wep or wap no12:06
ActionParsnipStevethepirate, no idea man, sorry12:06
Jay-Oh-Enbtw where do you guys live12:06
johan__me durbs12:06
ActionParsnipJay-Oh-En, UK, Leeds, West Yorkshire12:06
Jay-Oh-EnActionParsnip: i live in las vegas12:06
johan__ActionParsnip: so copy the wlan block ahead of eth1?12:06
johan__durban, south africa12:07
ActionParsnipjohan__, yeah12:07
Jay-Oh-Enjohan__: whooo far from me12:07
ActionParsnipjohan__, and add wireless-mode managed12:07
johan__lemme givit a shot12:07
Jay-Oh-Enalot of africans use linux. is its because its free?12:07
johan__ActionParsnip: take it slowly here lol.. add it where?12:07
ActionParsnipjohan__, wireless-essid XXXXXXX12:08
ActionParsnipjohan__, add it below the inet wlan0 stuff12:08
johan__i run dualboot vista(aarrgh!) and ubuntu, just to learn it12:08
ActionParsnipjohan__, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1204512:08
Jay-Oh-Enjohan__: lol i was jk12:08
* ActionParsnip hates vista12:08
flaccidsorry johan looking now12:08
johan__and i suppose my ssid (SMC) goes in place of the XXXXXXX ?12:09
StevethepirateAlthough DX10 is not possibly native for linux, can one get HD output from a HD movie on linux ?12:09
ActionParsnipjohan__, yeah12:09
flaccidjohan__: take out last two lines, reboot and you will have user knetworkmanager back12:09
ActionParsnipjohan__, if you look at that site you'll get a flavour of what you should have12:09
johan__johan__ hates windoze12:09
ActionParsnipjohan__, once you've added it all save and exit then reboot12:09
johan__ok wait, gettin conflicting info here, flaccid say remove, ActionParsnip say add... confused12:10
ActionParsnipjohan__, I'm getting you to manually config your wifi12:10
johan__can i use a lifeline?12:11
ActionParsnipjohan__, if this doesnt work we'll remove the lines12:11
flaccidthe scanning will come back in knetworkmanager after you have done what i suggested12:11
ActionParsnipjohan__, but manual config seems to make stuff work :D12:11
flaccidyou may not need to reboot if you restart network/manager12:11
flaccidnah its because wpa_supplicant & networkmanager12:11
ActionParsnipflaccid, just makes it easier than ifup / ifdown for newsb12:11
johan__ok, lets do the "may not resboot" one first.....12:12
ActionParsnipflaccid, is that what that is?12:12
flaccidno manual configuration is required ActionParsnip with knetworkmanager. the last two lines are taking out the scanning12:12
johan__remove the last 2 lines of which one?12:12
* ActionParsnip hands over to flaccid12:12
ActionParsnipI just prefer to manually configure so I know its right :)12:13
flaccidsee /etc/network/interfaces is a bit more complex for wpa and takes out your scanning12:13
flaccidwell you know its right with secure wireless if you get to the ip config stage of knetworkmanager12:13
johan__take out last 2 lines of interfaces?12:13
flaccidlast 2 stanzas in /etc/network/interfaces johan__12:13
* Jay-Oh-En likes to manually configure also since his static ip setup doesn't work very well with knetworkmanager12:13
ActionParsnipflaccid, he has no security :)12:14
flaccidtake out iface wlan0 inet dhcp and auto wlan012:14
flaccidthats only 1 access point12:14
johan__ActionParsnip: dont need security on wireless at the mo12:14
flaccidand no security is not a good practice12:14
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Jay-Oh-Enjohan__: how far does your neighbor live from you12:15
flaccidbut this is not about that. you need to do this to get scanning back12:15
=== poopoopoo is now known as oobe
flaccidregardless of what ap wanted to connect to12:15
ActionParsnipflaccid, its ok if you hide ssid and mac filter ;)12:15
johan__Jay-Oh-En: bout a kilometre12:15
bin4ryhey together12:15
Jay-Oh-Enjohan__: thats why you dont need security12:15
flaccidnot really, they made wpa for a reason12:15
johan__exactly, and hes got no computer12:15
bin4rysome1 gotta help me with enlightenment desktop (e17), i just cant figure out in which category firefox is located?!?12:16
flaccidwardriving *cough*12:16
johan__its bad practise i know, but hey12:16
* johan__ gonna remove 2 lines now12:16
flaccidanyway you can /etc/init.d/networking restart after that12:16
johan__ok, no permission 2 change. where i change 2 give write permission?12:18
flacciddo a kdesu kate /etc/network/interfaces12:18
flaccidor sudo pico /etc/network/interfaces12:18
johan__ok managed 2 change, now?12:20
flaccid[23:16] <flaccid> anyway you can /etc/init.d/networking restart after that12:21
johan__command in terminal?12:21
flaccid//etc/init.d/networking restart12:21
flaccid/etc/init.d/networking restart12:21
ActionParsnipflaccid, does that require sudo?12:21
flaccidsudo /etc/init.d/networking restart12:22
ActionParsnipflaccid, i got your back man12:22
flaccidthanks mate12:22
* ActionParsnip smiles12:22
johan__thats what i thought.. right, so i will be disconnected 4 a while right?12:22
* genii wanders in and puts on a pot of coffee12:22
johan__lets c12:22
ActionParsnipgenii, can I have a cup please12:22
Jay-Oh-Engenii: everytime i see you writing something its about coffee12:23
johan__Ignoring unknown interface wlan0=wlan0. ??????12:23
geniiJay-Oh-En: I drink quite a lot of it12:23
johan__thats what i got12:23
* ActionParsnip looks cute and makes a "wants coffee noise"12:23
* genii slides ActionParsnip a large strong coffee12:23
* ActionParsnip looks mega happy12:23
* Jay-Oh-En dumps sugar in it12:23
flaccidthat might right12:23
johan__so now?12:24
ActionParsnipcat grats > /usr/genii12:24
flaccidmight be right. now restart knetworkmanager12:24
geniiunknown interface means it's not in the /etc/network/interfaces file12:24
johan__in gui?12:24
flaccidright click on it and see if it can see the networks now12:24
johan__it does!12:24
Jay-Oh-Enjohan__: shhh youll wake the sleeping people12:25
* genii jolts awake and sips his coffee12:25
flaccidso, do i win?12:25
Jay-Oh-Enflaccid: only a little12:25
* ActionParsnip still thinks manual config is better12:25
Jay-Oh-Enflaccid: jk12:25
* Jay-Oh-En thinks ActionParsnip12:25
flaccida manual config would defeat the whole purpose of the networking implementation by ubuntu12:26
Jay-Oh-Enis right12:26
Jay-Oh-Enflaccid: then can you help me?12:26
ActionParsnipflaccid, the implementation is simple but the actual file itself is so easy to manually edit. I can see your point though12:26
Jay-Oh-Enflaccid: ah never mind ill stick to my manual setup12:26
Johan___ok, this is on wifi12:27
Jay-Oh-EnJohan___: nice12:27
flaccidwell wireless is a user thing not a root thing usually... particularl when its a notebook for example12:27
Johan___thanks alot...... but what wouldve caused thar?12:27
flaccidthose two lines12:27
flaccidits a long story why...12:28
Johan___yeah i know, but which app put them there?12:28
* Jay-Oh-En needs some coffee and sugar and milk :]12:28
flaccidcould of been the manual config in kde or system settings or kcontrol or wherever...12:28
* genii puts a dab of coffee into Jay-Oh-En's milk and sugar and hands it to him12:28
Johan___which brings me 2 my second prob.. sound disappeared!!! :'(12:29
flaccidthe reason why it doesn't scan is because its been set explicit in the network interfaces, but wireless requires association so it can't get to the ip config stage. there is a few other reasons too. imo it should still scan and overide if user has perms to the iface12:29
Jay-Oh-Enhow do i install a theme for theme manager and how do i install a login screen12:30
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP312:30
ubotuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy12:31
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about theme-manager - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi12:31
Jay-Oh-EnI'm gonna go make a gallon of cinnamon coffee12:32
Johan___my sound WAS workin tho12:32
Jay-Oh-EnJohan___: try restarting your comp12:33
Johan___tried that be412:33
flaccidrestart artsd12:33
flaccidor kill it perhaps12:33
Jay-Oh-Enstab yourself in the leg then12:33
Johan___restart artsd?12:33
Jay-Oh-Ensystem settigns12:33
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Johan___Jay-Oh-En:  pass the knife12:34
Johan___k-menu then?12:34
Jay-Oh-Enflaccid: help him im trying to do my own thigns12:34
* Johan___ blushes12:34
flaccidyeah um i think need to send it a sighup as its not a system service12:35
flaccidJohan do a killall artsd12:35
flaccidafter closing all apps that use sound12:35
Johan___alrighty done12:36
Johan___gettin m ylinux book back again tonite.. woohoo!12:36
flaccidnow try sound in app12:36
Johan___no sound stil12:37
Johan___typed killall artsd in console12:37
Johan___played flv file that worked be412:38
Jay-Oh-Entry playing a mp3 first12:38
flaccidor wav12:38
Jay-Oh-Enhordly anybody uses wav anymore12:38
finekno dziala12:39
flaccidlol thats not true.12:39
Jay-Oh-Enatleast i know i dont12:39
flaccidyou also need a codec for mp3 which is restricted. another variable to test12:39
flaccidtest from command line using aplay /path/to/file.wav12:39
flaccideg. aplay /usr/share/firefox/res/samples/test.wav12:39
flaccidi guess we could all do aplay /usr/share/sounds/KDE_Notify.wav12:41
flaccidor aplay /usr/share/sounds/alsa/Noise.wav12:41
flaccidok but it works right?12:41
Johan___yep, says playing but hear nothing12:42
=== sb is now known as d0zer
flaccidok now check alsamixer and kmix that the required channels or not muted and turned up12:42
d0zercan someone tell me how i can get python 2.5 on kubuntu ?12:42
flaccidi think 2.5x is in gutsy12:43
flaccid!info python2.512:43
ubotupython2.5: An interactive high-level object-oriented language (version 2.5). In component main, is important. Version 2.5.1-5ubuntu5 (gutsy), package size 2801 kB, installed size 10092 kB12:43
d0zerhmm.. how can i install it ?12:43
flacciddo you know how to install a package?12:43
flaccidinstall the package python2.512:44
d0zerdpkg --purge right ?12:44
d0zerits not on the list12:44
d0zeri only get 2.4 packages12:44
flaccidhowever see above how it is important.. its is probably already installed12:44
flaccidwhich version of ubuntu you on12:44
d0zerkubuntu.. 7.10 gutsy12:45
d0zerwhen i try to install envy i get errors saying it miss python 2.512:45
flaccidyou might need to update your repos12:45
flaccidsudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install python2.512:45
d0zerits a fresh install12:45
ubotuenvy is not needed or supported. Use the Resticted Manager to install binary drivers and see « /msg ubotu binarydriver »12:45
flaccidyou get restricted-manager-kde so you don't need it anyway12:46
Johan___if i mute/unmute in kmix i can hear it in soeaker, but nothing playin12:46
blackflagcan someone tell me what is "RAW- IP"12:47
Johan___what can cause that?12:48
flaccidnot sure12:49
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about raw-ip - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi12:49
Johan___gonns try a restart12:50
d0zerweird.. i dont have the restricted driver manager in kde it seems12:51
khaije1anyone know if there is a way to add normalization to my music collection?12:54
Jay-Oh-End0zer: its should be in advenced tab12:54
khaije1i've heard of replaygain, but never used it... anyone?12:54
flaccidd0zer: kdesu restricted-manager-kde12:57
johan__ok restart sorted out sound13:00
d0zerflaccid : "Command 'restricted-manager-kde' not found." :/13:00
flaccid!info restricted-manager-kde13:01
uboturestricted-manager-kde: manage non-free hardware drivers - KDE frontend. In component restricted, is optional. Version 0.33.1 (gutsy), package size 64 kB, installed size 288 kB13:01
flaccidsorry its optional, you can install it13:01
johan__had the wrong master channel in kmix *blush*13:02
johan__such a noob error13:02
flaccidah yep usually have to set that to pcm or something13:02
d0zerflaccid : weird part is it cant find the restricted-manager-kde package13:03
flaccidneed to enable restricted13:03
flacciduse adept_manager or do it manual13:03
johan__ok, somethin that REALLy confuses an (EX!!!!) windoze man is this..... how do u install programs? (sorry, if theres a gd site maybe)13:03
ubotuadept is the Kubuntu package manager. Howto: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AdeptHowto13:04
flaccid!software | johan__13:05
ubotujohan__: A general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents13:05
d0zerflaccid : http://packages.ubuntu.com/gutsy/admin/restricted-manager13:10
d0zerbut i dont have it in my package list, which is weird13:10
d0zerdo i have to enable to repository or something ?13:10
flaccidyes enable restricted13:10
d0zermy sources.list has it uncommented.. i give up soon13:11
flaccidok then issue a sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install restricted-manager-kde13:12
d0zermy list is uptodate.. its sad13:13
Jay-Oh-Enflaccid: wouldnt he have to upgrade also13:13
flaccidjust try that command and see what it says at the bottom13:13
flaccidthe package is not installed so can't upgrade it yet13:13
dfaurehmm, on feisty, librdf0-dev needs libdb4.3-dev but libsvn-dev needs libdb4.4-dev ... this means I have no way of installing both librdf0-dev and libsvn-dev ??13:14
bucatoamanokommander works in 64 bit system =13:14
d0zerCouldnt find package restricted-manager-kde13:14
flaccidpastebin your sources.list please d0zer13:15
Jay-Oh-Enhow come i cant install new kdm themes13:17
d0zerflaccid : http://pastebin.com/m131f81da13:17
Jay-Oh-Enwhats the command to start the kdm login manager13:17
flaccidJay-Oh-En: sudo /etc/init.d/kdm start13:18
flaccidhmm thats a wierd one d0zer. i'll make a new one13:18
d0zeri foundt out.. somehow it was using the dapper mirrors13:19
Jay-Oh-Enits running already13:19
d0zerbut my distro is gutsy..13:19
Jay-Oh-Eni meant like open the control for it13:19
Jay-Oh-Enin terminal13:19
flaccidd0zer: you have dapper in your repos...13:19
flaccidthats why. you might want to do this13:19
Jay-Oh-Enso i can see the error when i try to install new kdm theme13:19
flaccid!source-o-matic | d0zer13:19
ubotud0zer: source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic13:19
flaccidi don't know what you mean Jay-Oh-En13:20
Jay-Oh-Enwhen i try to install a kde theme from kcontrol at the systems and admin tab it just flashes then it doesnt show the new theme just installed flaccid thats what i mean13:21
flaccidah ok. unfortunately i don't know about themes sorry13:21
Jay-Oh-Enwell its a login theme13:21
Jay-Oh-En!kdm login manager13:22
flaccidin that case what you do is log out to kdm. then goto say alt+f2 then login, then issue sudo /etc/init.d/kdm stop to stop the service then go back to tty then start it manually like this: /usr/bin/kdm -config /var/run/kdm/kdmrc13:23
dfaurectrl+alt+f2, otherwise all you get with alt+f2 is minicli :)13:23
flaccidoh yeah13:23
flaccidleft out the ctrl13:23
flaccidthanks dfaure13:23
Jay-Oh-Enhow am i gonna remember that13:23
d0zerflaccid : how weird is it that i downloaded the newest kubuntu distro from their website today and the adept mirrors was set to dapper.. ?!?!?13:23
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kdmtheme - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi13:24
flaccidd0zer: i don't know what touched your sources.list but it doesn't look nice13:24
d0zernow alot of packages are broken after updating .. :/13:24
Jay-Oh-End0zer: backup your files and start fresh :]13:24
flaccidyeah using wrong sources is not going to be good if you have done and package changes13:25
* sub[t]rnl huddles coffee13:25
flaccidJay-Oh-En: show me what you want to install and i'll do it too. im a smarty pants heh13:26
sub[t]rnlrunning kdmtheme from konsole Jay-Oh-En?13:26
Jay-Oh-Ensub[t]rnl: lol i just ran that right when you said that13:26
sub[t]rnldid it work?13:27
Jay-Oh-Enbut the command didnt work13:27
sub[t]rnltry kcmshell kdmtheme13:27
Jay-Oh-Enthat did tha trick13:27
Jay-Oh-Eni think what i have to do is untar it before installing13:29
Jay-Oh-Enbut whatever13:29
flaccidlink me Jay-Oh-En13:29
Jay-Oh-Enflaccid: ok13:29
sub[t]rnlI had to install my kdm theme by hand, check kde-look.org, go to kdmtheme's and read the installation howto13:29
ubotuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy13:30
ubotuTo change gnome themes: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy.  Kubuntu themes: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CustomizeKubuntu. Xubuntu users should /msg ubotu xfce-themes13:30
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flaccidbut yeah show me and i'll work it out heh13:30
Jay-Oh-Eni never have to enter root password?13:31
sub[t]rnlnewp, shouldn't13:32
Jay-Oh-Enflaccid: are you trying13:33
Jay-Oh-Enflaccid: i could tsend you all the theme files i downloaded13:33
flaccidyou on gutsy ?13:33
flaccidi got it13:34
flaccidjust give me a few13:34
Jay-Oh-Enyes im on gutsy13:34
Jay-Oh-Enare you going tyo accept those or no?13:36
flaccidno. i don't need them.13:36
Jay-Oh-Enill abort then13:36
flaccidi have a kdm them that you linked me to first13:36
flaccidok im going to test this login theme now13:40
flaccidjust going to test this theme Jay-Oh-En brb13:41
flaccidall you do is this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=3413113:41
flaccidthat didn't work for me...13:43
robewald|workhi, when i (require 'pycomlete) in my emacs i get Pymacs helper did not start within 30 seconds. What can I do?13:43
Jay-Oh-Enflaccid:install kde-kdm-themes13:44
Jay-Oh-Enflaccid: and try to use true nature theme IT DOESNT WORK13:44
Jay-Oh-Engod that makes me mad13:44
flaccidi kind of remember that ubuntu has bodged this13:45
Jay-Oh-Enflaccid: should i purge and reinstall13:46
Jay-Oh-Enif so whats the command13:46
flaccidno its to do with how they implemented kdm and gdm together and don't use the normal configs13:46
Jay-Oh-Enso what do i do13:46
Jay-Oh-Encause i have no login screen13:46
Jay-Oh-Enits just a box with a blue background13:47
flaccidi can't remember13:47
flaccidbut i've been in the same situation13:47
Jay-Oh-Enugh i wish you knew13:47
flaccidi just remember that they have done it non standard13:48
Jay-Oh-Enautoremove isnt a command anymore?13:49
Jay-Oh-Eni tried sudo autoremove kdmtheme13:49
Jay-Oh-Enit said this sudo: autoremove: command not found13:49
sub[t]rnlsudo apt-get autoremove kdmtheme13:50
Jay-Oh-Encompletely forgot im so tired13:50
sub[t]rnlthat will get rid of dependencies and everything.13:50
sub[t]rnlwhat happened? why you ditching it?13:50
flaccidi don't see a point in giving up yet heh13:50
Jay-Oh-Eni installed legit themes and it doesnt work13:51
sub[t]rnlhow are you installing them?13:51
Jay-Oh-Ennot even the regular old themes13:51
flaccidreport it as a bug and see what they do13:51
Jay-Oh-Ensudo apt-get install kde-kdm-themes13:51
sub[t]rnlkdmthemes and kubuntu is a little tricky13:51
Jay-Oh-Enall i have is a blue background and a box for me to login with13:52
sub[t]rnlif you find a theme you like, download it and untar it in your /usr/share/apps/kdm/themes direcotry13:52
sub[t]rnlthen you can go into kcontrol -> kdmtheme and it will be there for selection13:52
flaccidim just going to restart x to try that13:52
flaccidi've untarred the theme and i manually changed  the standard config file and it didn't do anything..13:52
Jay-Oh-Ensub[t]rnl: still doesnt work13:53
Jay-Oh-Eni tried that before13:53
flaccidum so i restarted x after installing the kdethemes package and its not in kcontrol13:54
flaccidkdmthemes i mean13:55
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about info - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi13:55
flaccid!info kde-kdm-themes13:55
ubotukde-kdm-themes: Themes for the K Display Manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 2007.01-1 (gutsy), package size 2359 kB, installed size 2636 kB13:55
flaccidhmm thats not the manager i guess13:56
flaccidwhats the package for the kcmshell module ?13:56
flaccidKDM Theme Manager13:56
sub[t]rnlkcmshell is kdelibs4c2a13:57
sub[t]rnlmight be the package your after13:57
Jay-Oh-En!info kdmtheme13:57
ubotukdmtheme: theme manager for KDM. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2-0ubuntu2 (gutsy), package size 47 kB, installed size 200 kB13:57
flaccidoh my bad13:58
sub[t]rnlI didn't get the theme to work either.  Its strange cause I am using the finger print scan login/ksplash screen, and have no idea how I got it to work13:58
flaccidthanks y013:58
peterpan_how to make a partition access rights as only root can change or delete its contents. (wirte permision) and all others including me as username "log1" can only view the contents.13:58
flaccidi think ubuntu borked it..13:58
flaccidi remember going through this in the past13:58
sub[t]rnlyeah, I remember I had to do the run around to get it installed13:58
sub[t]rnlshould have wrote down what I did13:58
flaccidok it looks like its because they use override files for a start13:59
W8TAHhi folks - -having trouble with gusty -- it does not want to show the splash screen during startup -- can someone point me in the right direction?14:00
flaccidcould be debian entirely - please read : /usr/share/doc/kdm/README.Debian14:00
flaccidthat will show us how to fix the override14:01
Jay-Oh-Enflaccid: i dont feel like reading right now im tired and i have to go to school at 10:00am and its 6:01am i want to try to atleast get a nappy in14:01
Jay-Oh-Enhold on restarting X14:02
sachakhi room14:02
Jay-Oh-Enit was working before i know that14:03
Jay-Oh-Enbut all of a sudden it isnt :[14:03
sachaki have a question for anyone that can help.14:03
sub[t]rnlin your kdmrc14:03
sub[t]rnlthat hasta go :p14:03
Jay-Oh-Ensub[t]rnl: what do i do?14:03
sub[t]rnlchange it to Theme=/usr/share/apps/kdm/themes14:03
sub[t]rnlor whatever direcotry that was14:03
Jay-Oh-Enbut i still dont know what file to open14:04
flaccidso UseTheme=true and Theme=/usr/share/apps/kdm/themes/sweden_kdm in /etc/kde3/kdm/kdmrc14:04
W8TAHsachak: just ask - -we'll help if we can14:04
sachakI have installed kubuntu 7.0.4 and i'm using a windows network in my office. I can see all the machines on the network but they can't see me ..wat can i do for them to see my kubuntu machine?14:04
sub[t]rnlflaccid: yeah I think that might do it14:04
flaccidmake sure not commented out14:04
Jay-Oh-Enflaccid: so what do i do to fix this14:05
flaccidi just said it14:05
Jay-Oh-Enbut i still dont know what to do :p14:06
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pure - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi14:06
flaccidok kdetheme created me a /etc/default/kdm.d/30_kubuntu_default_settings14:06
Jay-Oh-En!pure kubuntu14:06
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pure kubuntu - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi14:06
DjDarkmanhello, how can I turn on the booting to be fully verbose?14:06
flaccidok i will restart X again14:06
peterpan_how to make a partition access rights as only root can change or delete its contents. (wirte permision) and all others including me as username "log1" can only view the contents.14:06
sachaki have installed samba nad nfs as required to enable me to share my files and folders14:07
Jay-Oh-EnDjDarkman: should install startup manager14:07
DjDarkmanJay-Oh-En: package?14:07
Jay-Oh-EnDjDarkman: sudo apt-get install startup-manager14:07
DjDarkmanthanks Jay-Oh-En14:08
Jay-Oh-Enor if that doesnt work do a aptitude search startup14:08
ubotuGTK is the !GIMP toolkit, which forms the base of !GNOME and is used by many applications to provide a !GUI14:08
sub[t]rnlthat worked for me14:08
sachakW8TAH i have installed samba nad nfs as required to enable me to share my files and folders14:09
W8TAHsachak: im no good at that -- prehaps others will be able to help more14:09
Jay-Oh-Ensub[t]rnl: you guys know what to do but i dont and IM THE ONE with the problem14:09
flaccidstill no luck. i'll remove the lower metric default overrides14:09
W8TAHive not managed to get that functionality working myself14:10
sub[t]rnlJay-Oh-En: ok, did you download a theme you want?14:10
sachakW8TAH i have installed samba nad nfs as required to enable me to share my files and folders14:10
Jay-Oh-Enkdmtheme isnt working for me altogether14:10
sachaki have installed samba nad nfs as required to enable me to share my files and folders14:10
flaccidok one more try14:10
sachakanyone out here that can help me14:10
sub[t]rnlJay-Oh-En: well, how can I help you if you wont answer me? heh?14:10
W8TAHfolks for some resaon, when i boot up, after grub, the screen goes blank untill KDM starts -- i know there is to be a splash screen there -- how do i make it appear?14:11
Jay-Oh-Ensub[t]rnl: kdmtheme isnt working for me altogether14:11
sub[t]rnlJay-Oh-En: yes, I know14:11
sub[t]rnlJay-Oh-En: I'll tell you how to get it to work, have you downloaded a theme that you want to use?14:11
sub[t]rnlJay-Oh-En: from kde-look.org14:11
Jay-Oh-Ensub[t]rnl: yes14:11
sub[t]rnlJay-Oh-En: ok, do this, sudo cp themename.tar /usr/share/apps/kdm/themes/14:12
sub[t]rnlJay-Oh-En: then -> cd /usr/share/apps/kdm/themes/ && sudo tar xvf themename.tar14:13
Jay-Oh-Encp: cannot stat `LoveKDE_KDM': No such file or directory14:13
Jay-Oh-Encp: cannot stat `Theme-0.1.tar.bz2': No such file or directory14:13
Jay-Oh-Encp: cannot stat `LoveKDE_KDM': No such file or directory14:14
Jay-Oh-Encp: cannot stat `Theme-0.1.tar.bz2': No such file or directory14:14
Jay-Oh-Ensudo cp LoveKDE_KDM Theme-0.1.tar.bz2 /usr/share/apps/kdm/themes/14:14
Jay-Oh-Enthats what i typed14:14
sub[t]rnlwhy do you have a space there?14:14
sub[t]rnlin LoveKDE_KDM and Theme-0.1.tar.bz214:14
sub[t]rnlis that all one file?14:14
Jay-Oh-Ensudo cp ~/Desktop/LoveKDE.tar.bz2 /usr/share/apps/kdm/themes/14:15
sub[t]rnlok, now go into the themes dir14:15
Jay-Oh-Enthat worked14:15
sub[t]rnlcd /usr/share/apps/kdm/themes14:15
sub[t]rnlthen sudo tar -jxvf LoveKDE.tar.bz214:16
Jay-Oh-Enkdm login manager isnt working for me at all i cant even use the default theme14:16
* sub[t]rnl sighs14:16
sub[t]rnlwe're not done yet14:16
Jay-Oh-Eni did that14:16
sub[t]rnldid you unzip? ok14:16
Jay-Oh-Enshould i show you everything it untared14:17
sub[t]rnlnow, sudo kate /etc/kde3/kdm/kdmrc14:17
sub[t]rnltell me when you have it opened14:17
Jay-Oh-Eni have it open14:17
sub[t]rnlok, scroll down to the [X Greeter] tag or whatever14:18
sub[t]rnland go down to Theme=@@14:18
flaccidi got it working14:18
sub[t]rnlyour going to put Theme=/usr/share/apps/kdm/themes/LoveKDE/14:18
flaccidby manual. not sure exactly how. how to specify the xml file in the kdm config and not just the dir i think...14:18
flaccidi mean i had to specify xml config file explicitly, not the theme dir14:19
sub[t]rnlhrm, it worked for me just using the dir14:19
flaccidi started kdm manual going to see if it works with init.d now14:19
flaccidi think it could be this sweden theme maybe14:19
Jay-Oh-Enlet me restart X14:19
sub[t]rnlJay-Oh-En: no14:19
Jay-Oh-Endidnt work14:20
Jay-Oh-Ensub[t]rnl: didnt work14:20
sub[t]rnlyeah cause we weren't done14:20
Jay-Oh-Enoh hehe14:20
Jay-Oh-Enok open file again?14:20
sub[t]rnlyou need to add in -> UseTheme=True under the Theme=/usr/share/apps/kdm/themes/whateverthemedir/14:21
Jay-Oh-Ennow restart X14:22
flaccidok that works. so now the test is to see if the overrides work again by changing to a dif theme with kdmtheme14:22
sub[t]rnlJay-Oh-En: yup14:22
Jay-Oh-Enit couldnt open the theme14:23
Jay-Oh-Enor dir14:23
sub[t]rnlmake sure you gave it the correct directory14:23
sub[t]rnlin kdmrc14:23
Jay-Oh-Enlets start over14:24
Jay-Oh-Enwith thise file newtux.tar.gz14:24
flaccidok restart x more time. if it goes back to original kubuntu theme then the overrides in /etc/default/kdm.d fail..14:25
Jay-Oh-Enhow do you rename in console14:26
Jay-Oh-Endidnt work14:27
Jay-Oh-Ensub[t]rnl: this is the name of the folder LoveKDE_KDM Theme-0.114:29
Jay-Oh-Enhow do i rename that14:29
sub[t]rnlthats the name of the folder in /usr/share/apps/kdm/themes/ ?14:29
Jay-Oh-Eni did cd to that dir14:29
Jay-Oh-Enno what14:29
sub[t]rnlsudo mv LoveKDE(then hit tab) nameitwhatever14:30
flaccidok so doing it explicit in the config file works, the overrides fail!14:31
flaccidi guess we could research why that is because it means that kdmtheme doesn't work - it doesn't load /etc/defaults/kdm.d/*14:31
flaccidbut i can't be bothered to find out or look at log/output14:32
Jay-Oh-EnIT WORKED14:32
flaccidyerp, but its stupid that the overrides fail.14:33
* sub[t]rnl nods14:33
flaccidhow annoying14:33
sub[t]rnlflaccid: we should just redo kdmtheme sometime14:33
sub[t]rnlone weekend14:33
flaccidkdmtheme is fine14:33
flaccidit creates the correct config file /etc/defaults/kdm.d14:33
flaccidin there14:33
flaccidbut they are not included...14:33
flaccidcould be a case of ubuntu breaking debian..14:34
Jay-Oh-Enthe background in konqueror is black how do i change to white14:35
sub[t]rnlflaccid: hrm, yeah.  I see the kdm.d settings changing as expected14:35
Jay-Oh-Enand how do i untar a .tar.gz14:36
flaccidyeah its sad14:36
sub[t]rnltar zxvf14:36
sub[t]rnlflaccid: agreed14:36
Jay-Oh-Enso what are they going to do to fix it14:36
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sub[t]rnlblack magic!14:36
flaccidthat true-nature kdm theme is nice14:36
sub[t]rnlthats what!14:36
flaccidwell you can submit a bug on launchpad and then that will probably be cross-referenced with another bug report or something14:37
* sub[t]rnl nods14:38
sub[t]rnli use ichigo as a backdrop to my login theme.  Then it goes to the finger print scan ksplash14:38
sub[t]rnlok, i need some coffee after this madness that is login themes...14:40
flaccidim dual display with new dell 24in widescreen and notebook and desktop14:40
Jay-Oh-Eni wish the kdmtheme tool worked so i didnt have to change them like this everytime14:40
sub[t]rnlflaccid: oh nice14:40
sub[t]rnlflaccid: what resolution do you use on the 24 inch?14:40
Jay-Oh-Enim dual display with two 42 inch screen tvs14:40
flaccidJay-Oh-En: you can use the kdem theme to install new themes from tar i think then just edit the main kdmrc Theme directive14:40
* sub[t]rnl whistles14:40
sub[t]rnlvid card?14:41
Jay-Oh-Ensub[t]rnl: jk14:41
Jay-Oh-Enthat would be AMAZING tho14:41
flaccidum nvidia 8400 i think14:41
Jay-Oh-Enand my eyes wouldnt be able to handel it14:41
sub[t]rnlflaccid: cool, using twinview for extended desktop?14:41
sub[t]rnlJay-Oh-En: lol14:41
flaccidnah xrandr14:41
flaccidcan do on open source drivers..14:42
sub[t]rnlI use a 12" monitor14:42
sub[t]rnlits actually a bright lite i just rigged up...14:42
sub[t]rnlI use duals with it14:43
flaccidi use this command to enable the dual: xrandr --output VGA-0 --mode 1920x1200 --right-of LVDS14:43
sub[t]rnlbright light + etcha sketch14:43
flaccidits sweet as14:43
sub[t]rnlits tight14:43
flaccidi use the dvi for the desktop and switch. this lcd can take all video inputs as well14:44
* sub[t]rnl nods14:44
sub[t]rnlI just have two crt's on my desk, and a laptop off to the side.14:44
flaccidmy 1tb NAS is configured to. so now i need to get back to work one day heh14:44
sub[t]rnlI actually run my main monitor off my laptop14:45
sub[t]rnland thats what I'm on now14:45
flaccidouchy. yeah crts hurt my eyes too much14:45
Jay-Oh-Ensub[t]rnl: im just going to use the true-nature one it looks the best14:45
sub[t]rnlSysinfo for 'bangarang': Linux 2.6.22-14-generic running KDE 3.5.8, CPU: Intel(R) Core 2 CPU         T5500  @ 1.66GHz at 1000 MHz (3325 bogomips), HD: 19/102GB, RAM: 840/1001MB, 144 proc's, 15.29h up14:45
sub[t]rnlJay-Oh-En: ok you hippy14:45
flaccidthats similar to my desktop i think14:45
Tm_TJay-Oh-En: its good :)14:45
Jay-Oh-Enwhats the command in terminal for all system info14:46
flaccidthere is none14:46
flaccidthere are things like lshw14:47
Jay-Oh-Enwell i just found one i think14:47
flaccidcat /proc/cpuinfo14:47
flaccidwhat is it Jay-Oh-En14:47
Jay-Oh-Enbasically i have all raid devices14:47
flaccidalso lsb_release -a14:47
Jay-Oh-Enflaccid: sound it out14:48
Jay-Oh-Enflaccid: and see what those letters spell14:48
Jay-Oh-Enoops i missread what you said14:48
flaccidah ok14:48
Jay-Oh-Eni thought you said what is Jay-Oh-En14:48
Jay-Oh-Entry sysinfo14:48
flaccidw0a a lot of deps14:49
Jay-Oh-Enand the gives alot of specs14:49
Jay-Oh-Enyou just have to install it14:49
Jay-Oh-EnAMD Athlon(tm) 64 Processor 3000+14:49
Jay-Oh-En2100.186 MHz14:50
Jay-Oh-Enomg this gives you EVERYTHING14:50
flaccidwhat about sex14:50
opdensteinenname /Gogoacquan14:50
Jay-Oh-Enflaccid: hump your computer then and only then it will give you sex14:51
Jay-Oh-Enbut it will feel horrible14:52
Jay-Oh-Enthe fan ochey14:52
Jay-Oh-Enbye guys and thanks for all your help sub[t]rnl and flaccid PEACE!!!14:52
opdensteinenhow do i change my name again?:)14:53
flaccidon irc you type /nick newnickname14:53
=== opdensteinen is now known as Gogoacquan
Gogoacquandoes anyone know where i can find the latest version of my kernel?14:55
flaccidwell your kernel is its latest version Gogoacquan14:57
flacciddo you want to upgrade the kernel?14:57
flaccidjust do an update via adept14:58
flaccidfetch updates then install any. if there is a new kernel for your release it will let you d/l it14:58
Gogoacquanbecause it doesnt work with the gotas project14:58
flaccidwhat is gotas project and what is its requirement for kernel?14:59
flaccid!find gatos14:59
ubotuFound: gatos, libgatos-dev, libgatos014:59
flaccid!info gatos14:59
ubotugatos: ATI All-in-Wonder TV capture software. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.0.5-16ubuntu2 (gutsy), package size 134 kB, installed size 580 kB (Only available for i386)14:59
Gogoacquanthats it14:59
flaccidjust install the package gatos15:00
Gogoacquanover the adept manager15:00
flaccidyep its in universe15:00
Gogoacquanok thx15:01
* Eldaria_away is back.15:04
=== Eldaria_away is now known as Eldaria
hdevalencewhere would I get a non-customized version of KDE?15:05
hdevalencei mean, what distro does the least amount of disto-specific customization?15:06
flaccidthats a subjective question, im not sure anyone could answer15:06
bazhanghdevalence: linux from scratch15:07
hungrymouseI've tried to partition an NTFS partiton using QTParted; after I'd set the new sizes the graphical representation of that partition went red and the "space used" field changed to N/A. Will this destroy my data?15:08
bucatoamanohello where are the entries for the menu bar ?15:10
ardchoillebucatoamano: You mean "Applications System Places" ?15:13
bucatoamanoardchoille: no the .desktop file,15:14
ardchoillebucatoamano: ~/.local/share/applications15:14
pteague_workis there a keyboard shortcut for changing tabs in konsole?15:14
ardchoillebucatoamano: system-wide would be /usr/share/applications15:15
sub[t]rnlshift + direction arrows15:15
bsanderpteague_work: <Shift>left/right15:15
pteague_workah, there we go, thanks much :)15:15
bucatoamanoardchoille: :) thanks15:17
RichEdRiddell: ping15:19
=== georg_ is now known as amorakProblem
frojndhello there15:23
frojndHow can I check what interface for wifi do I have ?15:23
frojndthanx sub[t]rnl15:23
maninderwere would i get my ati graphics card driver15:26
nosrednaekimmaninder: from the restricted-manager-kde15:26
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto15:26
nosrednaekimthanks bazhang15:27
maninderwill adept work15:27
maninderto search for them15:27
bazhangnosrednaekim: hi!15:27
bazhangmaninder: did you read that link?15:28
nosrednaekimmaninder: yes, but its better to use the restricted-manager because it will configure your Xorg for you.15:28
maninderokay thanks15:28
maninderbut i got kubuntu15:29
maninderwould it be same file name15:29
Tm_TUbuntu is Kubuntu15:29
manindermy kubuntu is acting weird15:31
maninderi installed compiz and when i restart the settings done save15:31
maninderand the number of desktops doesnt work i pit it as pne but i see 415:31
maninderyou think i should reinstall kubuntu15:31
bazhangmaninder: best ask in #compiz-fusion15:31
=== georg_ is now known as amorakProb
amorakProbI have a problem wiht Amarok and I would feel great, if someone could help me: in wich way I can make it possible, that amarok does not connect any database at the internet for extra/meta-information of music?15:37
jhutchinsamorakProb: I think you can just delete the CDDB server from the configuration (under engine) and it won't try to connect (or will at least fail quickly), but you can also ask in #amarok.15:40
amorakProbthanks for help, i am asking there now15:41
BluesKajHowdy all15:44
Tm_TBluesKaj: !!115:44
BluesKajHi Tm_T :)15:44
Tm_Tfunny hat for you sir15:44
poisonhi guys15:50
Tm_Tpoison: I said so?15:50
=== schiste_ is now known as schiste
ubuntu_anybody out there?15:51
sub[t]rnlGreetings ubuntu_, Welcome to #Kubuntu15:52
nosrednaekimthats with a CAPITAL K!15:52
=== luke_ is now known as TheFuzzball
=== david__ is now known as adamB
livingdaylighthola kubunteros!15:56
livingdaylighthow is kde4 coming along?15:57
adamBdoes anyone know of a good (QT/KDE based is posible) real time guitar effects program?15:57
adamBif possible*15:57
nosrednaekimlivingdaylight: quite well, i'm using it regularly15:58
nosrednaekimadamB: yeah.... forgot its name tho... started with a C15:58
nosrednaekim!info creox15:58
ubotucreox: real-time guitar effects. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.2.2rc2-3ubuntu3 (gutsy), package size 285 kB, installed size 792 kB15:58
nosrednaekimthere ya go15:58
trappistI'm using kde4 daily, because the install broke my kde3 :/15:58
adamBah thank you!15:58
livingdaylightnosrednaekim, is final release still expected for December?15:59
nosrednaekimtrappist: how so?15:59
peterpan_i am using kubuntu. i cant setup my tv tuner. alpha tv tuner. i went to linuxtv.com and installled the dvb . i used kdetv and mythtv. i cant make it work. any help?15:59
nosrednaekimlivingdaylight: January15:59
livingdaylightok, its been moved forward it seems15:59
nosrednaekim!hardware | peterpan_15:59
ubotupeterpan_: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection15:59
hungrymouseI've tried to partition an NTFS partiton using QTParted; after I'd set the new sizes the graphical representation of that partition went red and the "space used" field changed to N/A. Will this destroy my data?15:59
trappistnosrednaekim: I can't right-click the desktop, alt-f2 and alt-space doesn't work, and kicker's kinda broke15:59
nosrednaekimtrappist: interesting.... same thing happened to me, but I thout it was compiz.16:00
nosrednaekimtrappist: kde4 doesn't work though?16:00
loonyxpHello, I have a problem with konqueror, it does not load https sites anymore. Firefox does. Normal sites work though. What could be the problem? Any help appreciated!16:00
trappistnosrednaekim: it may be compiz, I use it too.  kde4 works, but it has a ways to go before I'm happy with it16:01
peterpan_nosrednaekim - iam new. i just know i have alpha tv tuner card.16:02
nosrednaekimpeterpan_: yeah, well, read that page and see if anyone else has gotten it working, and how.16:03
frojndFor wlan-ng and orinoco_cs     based nics, monitor mode is entered automatically when the ’Start’ button     is clicked to initiate a capture session. Other card types must be put     into monitor mode outside of airsnort, prior to clicking Start.  Well I have other card broadcom and how can I put my card into monitor outside the arisnort ??16:03
peterpan_nosrednaekim how to know at which port is my tv tuner connected? and is enabled. i mean i installed the driver "dvb" from linuxtv.com    .. is it installed good ?16:04
nosrednaekimfrojnd: wasn't aware that broadcoms even support monitor16:04
=== kde4 is now known as TheFuzzball
frojndsorry nosrednaekim  I have ndiswrapper :S16:05
nosrednaekimfrojnd: ndiswrapper doesn't support monitor AFAIK16:05
nosrednaekimpeterpan_: the driver is probably in the kernel by default.16:05
frojndnosrednaekim, hm .. :S16:06
artur_what could i do to make my Firefox 3.0 (Gran Paradiso) recognize the jre plugin? I've already installed it, but the browser always show me a message about downloading and istalling this.16:07
adamBok i have creox but i can't work out how to use it, i'm using a analog to usb thing and can record me playing in kwave but i can't get creox to see the guitar :S16:07
adamBdo i have to do something in jack?16:07
nosrednaekimadamB: you need a rela-time kernel and all of the jack toolkits. I never did get it working, but I really never tried either.16:08
peterpan_nosrednaekim how do i know which port is my tv tuner on. and can it be accessible by the right app?16:08
sub[t]rnlfrojnd: try setting sudo iwconfig device mode Monitor16:08
nosrednaekimpeterpan_: take a look at "sudo lshw"16:09
adamBnosrednaekim: hmmm, the jack control thing seems to see the guitar when i start plucking strings, i think i'll play arounf with jack and see if i can get this working :P16:11
nosrednaekimadamB: k16:11
frojndsub[t]rnl, and thos command: iwconfig device mode Monitor  will do what ?16:11
sub[t]rnlif the driver is capable, yeah it will put it in monitor mode16:12
frojndError for wireless request "Set Mode" (8B06) :16:13
frojnd    SET failed on device device ; No such device.16:13
frojndnah :S16:13
sub[t]rnlchange "device" to your device16:14
sub[t]rnllike, eth0 or wlan0 or whatever your wireless device is16:14
frojndsub[t]rnl, and if I sucess how can I set that my device won't be monitor any more but as it was before ?16:14
sub[t]rnlsudo iwconfig eth0 mode Managed16:15
sub[t]rnlor whatever the interface is16:15
sub[t]rnl(ps leave your neighbors WEP key alone)16:15
* sub[t]rnl chuckles16:15
frojndsub[t]rnl, do u know maybe how can I check what interface I'm at now16:15
frojndu know what they say, fight fire with fire..16:16
sub[t]rnlooer, so you are engaging in naughtiness.16:16
sub[t]rnlcan't help you now, or i'll hear it from Tm_T16:16
Tm_Tfrojnd: what exactly you're trying to do?16:17
sub[t]rnlI'm guessing trying to get his wireless card in monitor mode to collect iv's using airodump on wifi traffic16:19
sub[t]rnlbut i've been wrong before16:19
frojndTm_T, yep16:19
frojndTm_T, Notice: you must place your card into monitor mode manually. Channel scan may not be available16:19
someon1j #legion16:20
awagcan someone give me a hand with xvid?16:35
awagi have it installed, and i can watch xvid videos16:35
ubotuAvoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !patience16:35
awagbut when i try to build ffmpeg with xvid encoding support16:36
awagit says i don't have xvid16:36
ubotuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com  http://wiki.ubuntu.com http://www.ubuntuforums.org or http://www.kubuntuforums.net while you wait. Also see !patience16:36
Tm_Tawag: you have what issue exactly? tried what, also what have you installed?16:36
Tm_T!bot > droom16:36
Tm_Tdroom: no need to be sorry :)16:37
=== Delvien_ is now known as Delvien
Tm_Tawag: yes?16:37
wraithmagianyone know if ati driver is ever going to have full support for radeon xpress 200m?16:38
awagbasically, i want to convert some files to xvid mpeg4 for my ipod using a script that i have that uses ffmpeg, but I need to recompile ffmpeg with xvid encoding support enabled, but when i try to do that, it complains i don't have xvid installed16:38
Tm_Twraithmagi: hopefully, but who knows16:38
awagi have installed libxvidcore416:38
Tm_T!medibuntu | awag16:39
ubotuawag: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org16:39
sub[t]rnl!find divx16:39
ubotuFound: divxcomp, avifile-divx-plugin16:39
Tm_Tthat might save a lot of trouble for you awag16:39
awagok i'll take a look at those16:39
wraithmagiseems like cutting off your nose to spite your face to me...16:39
wraithmagire: ati drivers...16:39
Tm_Twraithmagi: ?16:40
wraithmagijust that there's so many laptops and other desktop boxes that use that IGP...16:40
wraithmaginot providing a complete linux driver seems stupid...16:40
Tm_Twraithmagi: from ati, yes16:41
Tm_Twraithmagi: let them hear your opinion, with reasonable arguments ;)16:41
wraithmagiyeah... just venting... have to run compiz-fusion thru xgl... but desktop has nvidia card so I can run native...16:42
wraithmagiif all xpress 200m owners did that then it might help...16:44
Tm_Twraithmagi: one is better than none ;)16:44
Tm_Tsub[t]rnl: erm, ok, interesting :)16:46
sub[t]rnlTm_T: lol16:46
dmIs there a way to have konversation join the channels automatically, I havent found anything16:47
sub[t]rnlhit f2, then edit your server to add auto join channels16:47
Delviengenius, thanks16:48
bazhangsub[t]rnl: thanks! I've been wondering that forever16:50
=== adam_ is now known as adamB
sub[t]rnlyeah, i actually wrote a ruby script to auto join channels, when it was right in front of me the whole time16:50
adamBhow do i get a low latencey kernel in kubuntu gutsy?16:50
ubotuThe RT kernel is the Ubuntu kernel with a realtime preemption patch applied. It is included in Ubuntu Studio by default. For more information please see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RealTime/Gutsy16:51
Tm_Tthis one?16:51
dm_Ok, what about getting konversation to shopw up in the notification tray in Gnome ? :)16:51
anakin_Hello all, I am working on a freshly installed gutsy. for some reason, when i sign into my msn-im account, Kopete crashes.16:52
SSJ_GZanakin_: Have you updated yet?16:53
anakin_yep, if by update you mean apt-get update and installing everything upgradeable, yes.16:54
anakin_at first i thought it could have been due to my previous attempt to install kde4-rc. but after a few dependency failures i removed the libs. no other app seem to be giving problem except kopete.16:56
=== anakin_ is now known as ColonelKlink
SSJ_GZanakin_: That's odd.  That exact problem was in the initial version of Gutsy, but was fixed by a later upgrade.16:57
Tm_Tandrej_: what problem?16:57
Tm_TColonelKlink: even16:57
Tm_Tandrej_: sorry about my hilight, carry on :)16:57
ColonelKlinkwell, SSJ_GZ- even more odd. when i said, apt-get update, actually i was running synaptic update. and there werent any upgradeable packages after the i hit reload. however, adept seems to have found new upgradeable packages...hopefully this will fix it16:59
SSJ_GZColonelKlink: Hopefully - let us know how it goes!17:00
x-demonhow i can configure 5-button mouse in ubuntu?17:01
mabociao kulibunti che non siet altro17:08
BluesKaj!it | mabo17:09
ubotumabo: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!17:09
maboda quando ?17:09
maboI didn.t know17:09
jussi01mabo: :)17:10
maboI'm writing from ubuntu 7.1017:10
jussi01mabo: how can we help?17:10
maboseems work fine17:10
mabojussi01 I juts wanna chat from my ubuntu17:11
jussi01!ot | mabo17:11
ubotumabo: #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!17:11
anakin_can anyone point me to a help page thats a sure fire way to install kde4. so far, the guides i've followed failed :(17:12
BluesKajmabo, Kubuntu IRC chat client is Konverstion17:12
BluesKajerr Konversation17:13
jussi01anakin_: the one in /topic is the best!17:13
anakin_lets see...17:13
jussi01!kde4 > anakin_17:14
=== Extrapan100^BNC is now known as Extrapan100
BluesKajjussi01, are you running kde4 ?17:17
anakin_jussi01: yeah, thats the one i followed earlier. I guess it failed because I'd not fully updated all packages after initial installation.17:17
jussi01BluesKaj: I have it installed an can run it BluesKaj17:20
jussi01BluesKaj: Im not on it atm17:20
BluesKajok jussi01, was just curious if it installed without probs , cuz my 2 tries weren't successful :P17:24
jussi01weird that everyone is having problems - went fine here.17:24
BluesKajhas to do with hardware recognition I think17:24
maninderhow do i get ati drivers17:28
maninderi tried reading of the ubuntu site its not the same for kubuntu17:28
Tm_T!ati | maninder17:29
ubotumaninder: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto17:29
maninderits not the same17:29
BluesKajmaninder, goto the ati site17:29
maninderi tries reading it17:29
Tm_TBluesKaj: whatta?17:29
Tm_Tmaninder: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI17:30
Tm_TBluesKaj: care to explain? I'm interested :)17:30
=== nuu is now known as nu
=== nu is now known as nuu
BluesKajTm_T, the ati site has the right drivers for those cards that aren't using the restricted driver17:30
Tm_TBluesKaj: yes but we don't know it yet?17:31
BluesKajsome work some don't17:31
Tm_Ttrue :)17:31
Tm_TBluesKaj: (un)fortunately we should endorse "official" methods that are supported17:31
Tm_Tif those fails, then others17:32
Dr_willisabout the only diff. should be the name of the package manger, or the restricted-manager tool.17:34
Dr_willisBut i havent kept up with the latest ati developments. just for my old ati cards.17:35
underdog5004I'm trying to compile firefox, and as a dependency, I ended up compiling gnome-desktop-2.20.1...which subsequently failed. I've googled around, but I haven't found anything...here's the pastebin: http://pastebin.com/m3b9467d217:35
underdog5004Thank you!17:35
jussi01underdog5004: why are you trying to compile it??? o.O17:36
hydrogenwhy are you trying to do anything with it is the more appropriate question :)17:36
underdog5004jussi01: why wouldn't I?17:36
underdog5004:) @ hydrogen17:36
jussi01underdog5004: it in the repos...17:36
Dr_willisVery little gained. and a lot of hassles17:37
BluesKajDr_willis, the ATI recomended drivers don't provide 3D & DRI for some cards , so the kubuntu default restricted drivers are better17:37
underdog5004oh crap, sorry, wrong channel...thought I was in #gentoo!17:37
Dr_willisSo the state of ATi drivers under linux - is still a bit of a disaster. :)17:37
jussi01underdog5004: :)17:37
underdog5004thanks anyway17:38
MinatakuYeah, AMD didn't really release any USEFUL details on their crappy cards17:39
MinatakuAnd they're still not making useful drivers for them, either17:39
ChousukeMinataku: They're supposed to release more soon'ish17:40
sean__I don't seem able to launch firefox at all17:40
sean__really annoying17:40
Dr_willisAti alwyas seem to be saying that.17:40
Minatakusean__: Check it's not already running but stuck17:40
sean__it's not running - ps aux | grep fire17:40
Chousukethe 3d specs are probably an order of magnitude more complicated and more encumbered than the 2d specs17:40
Dr_willisfirefox seems weird how it handles its own crashes.. "cant load it.. another session is loaded.. ect"17:41
Chousukeand who knows how long AMD prepared those 2d specs, too :/17:41
MinatakuChousuke: Despite the fact that nobody really cares about the 2D specs since those are pretty much all reverse engineered to a useful state17:41
sean__I'm not getting any error messages even launching from command line17:41
sean__it seems to start to launch then stops17:41
efondhi , where i can put some programme to auto start , i don`t see sesions like in ubuntu?17:41
BluesKajI'm still using the 8.37 driver cuz the 8.43 recomended driver doesn't do Google Earth etc17:41
ChousukeMinataku: well they can't just go and dump the documentation on the internet.17:42
sean__I've ven tried uninstalling and reinstalling17:42
ChousukeMinataku: they'd probably accidentally break agreements and NDAs and whatnot.17:42
MinatakuThey could at least put more steam into writing a good Linux driver17:43
Dr_willissean__,  try renaming/moving your .firefox dir. and under a new user. is a better test then trying the 'windows way' of 'uninstalling/reinstalling/praying'17:43
MinatakuWhich, so far, they still haven't.17:43
ChousukeMinataku: maybe they're waiting after they get the 3d specs cleared and out17:43
Dr_willisor is it the .mozilla dir. i forget.17:43
=== ubuntu_ is now known as ntu_
efondcan u help me please17:45
efondhi , where i can put some programme to auto start , i don`t see sesions like in ubuntu?17:45
sean__I'm not sure how much use that would be, although all my data is that folder that doesn't appear to be where firefox is launched from as they are no executable files in that directory!17:45
pag!autostart | efond17:46
ubotuefond: To make programs autostart with your KDE session, you can make a link to it in ~/.kde/Autostart. The package 'kcontrol-autostart' makes a kcontrol item for handling items in that directory.17:46
billytwowillyany idea what could cause all computers on my network to not be able to ping a web address that all the network ping websites can ping?17:47
billytwowillythe dns resolves to the same ip too.17:47
sean__I think I'll back up reinstall and use my laptop in the meantime17:47
sean__how long would it take to copy 50GB to a usb drive17:49
Dr_willisHmm. Someone at work asked me how to grab these online flash games for playing offline. (at work of course) Would that httrack (?) program be able to do that?17:49
BluesKaj!autostart | efond17:50
ubotuefond: To make programs autostart with your KDE session, you can make a link to it in ~/.kde/Autostart. The package 'kcontrol-autostart' makes a kcontrol item for handling items in that directory.17:50
jussi01BluesKaj: lol17:50
BluesKajjussi01, actually I use  /usr/share/autostart17:52
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=== bucatoamano is now known as Sbucat
* johan__ waves17:54
rothchilddoes anyone have a work around to get compiz started earlier in the boot process so i don't have to watch kwin get loaded and then replaced?17:54
rothchildlol watch kwin get loaded and then replaced sounds like an amy winehouse song ;-)17:55
johan__does anyone know of a gui program in kubuntu that will convert flvs to mp3s?17:55
sub[t]rnlrothchild: yup17:55
Dr_willisHmm.. isent a flv like a video?17:55
emilsedghjohan__: soundkonverter17:56
Dr_willisor am i confused again.17:56
johan__flv is flash video17:56
johan__emilsedgh: thanks alot17:56
Dr_willisso you want just the sound from it? or is there some sort of mp3 video  i am confused about?17:56
rothchildis that yup work around or yup winehouse?17:56
* Dr_willis is soooo confused.17:56
emilsedghjohan__: one thing17:56
white_eagleKDE 4, when?17:57
emilsedghjohan__: i dunno that if it works with flv's17:57
sub[t]rnlrothchild: echo export KDEWM="compiz --replace" >> ~/.bashrc17:57
emilsedghjohan__: you could use ffmpeg too, ffmpeg -i input.flv out.mp317:57
sub[t]rnlit won't touch kwin that way17:57
sinthetek i recently upgraded my sister's system to gutsy and i notice that sshd takes a lot longer to respond now17:58
rothchildgentleman and a scholar, thank you17:58
peterpan_how to use my tv card (alpha tv tuner card) ? http://pastebin.ca/82225617:58
sinthetekis there a new config setting to make sshd wait an extra few seconds to establish connection or something?17:59
jpatrick!pt | denis17:59
ubotudenis: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.17:59
ubotuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal18:00
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto18:00
sinthetekseems to take equally long (like 5 sec) to be prompted for password and the only devices between systems is a voip router that has always worked fine wiht same config18:00
sintheteki think mysqld is taking a little longer to respond too but not sure18:00
johan__im just lookin 4 a converter 4 the audio to stop my fiance nagging so she can do it windoze like :]18:00
rothchildecho export KDEWM="compiz --replace" >> ~/.bashrc hmm not sure it worked, is the syntax right?18:00
* peterpan_ needs help18:01
sinthetekcertainly seems like it... all of pages on my site that call mysql from it are taking longer to load18:01
rothchildon restarting x I got: bash: export: `--replace': not a valid identifier18:01
johan__soundkonverter only converts 2 wav not mp3 :(18:01
johan__and does not take flvs :(((18:01
sub[t]rnlrothchild: edit your ~/.bashrc and add the line in at the bottom18:01
sinthetekis it possible one of these 500 extra modules could be impeding my network stack somehow?18:01
bazhangpeterpan_: try the ubuntuforums or searching the web while you wait for an answer18:01
peterpan_bazhang ok18:02
johan__i need a kubuntu app that will take flvs and just extract the audio to mp318:03
ubotuHardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu18:03
white_eaglehow to install KDE 4 RC218:03
peterpan_bazhang i think you advised me for chmod thing. when i asked    how to make a directory readonly to all users and writable/deletable to only root ?           how exactly to do that... ?18:03
Tm_T!kde4 | white_eagle18:03
LjLwhite_eagle: type /topic18:03
ubotuwhite_eagle: KDE 4 is the next major release of the K Desktop Environment. For more information see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KDE_4 - The Release Schedule is available at http://techbase.kde.org/Schedules/KDE4/4.0_Release_Schedule - RC 2 packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde4-rc2.php18:03
johan__does any1 know an app like that on kubuntu?18:04
=== nat_ is now known as Downix
Dr_willisIf you can get it to wav. theres other tools that can convert wav to mp318:07
johan__Dr_willis: yeah, but soundkonverter does not even accept flvs18:07
=== eeanm is now known as eean
Dr_willisim not suprised at that :)18:08
johan__yeah true18:08
johan__but stil, isit possible?18:08
johan__i know in windoze u can use super18:08
BluesKajwhat about streaming the audio thru VLC to file  ..haven't done it myself but I've heard that it can be done18:09
johan__now imagine explaining that 2 my fiance......... :-{18:09
johan__i need an easy point/click wait, done solution18:10
johan__windoze lik,e18:10
sinthetek(note the ~4.9 sec delay between when first packet is detected and when sshd finally prompts for pass)18:11
Lynourejohan__: When the need is great enough, the solution will appear. That's how it tends to go.18:11
johan__Lynoure: true that, but i kinda imagined the need is there18:11
johan__im googling at the mo, if i find i will let ya know18:12
Dr_willisif you can stand to use super. :) ya could set up vmware and windows xp/95 and use super I guess..   i found super so.... well - i wont go there.. :)18:12
rothchildhave you tried running 'super' under WINE?18:12
Dr_willissuper was so.. 'weirdly' written - Id be suprised if it worked with wine. I think i tried that ocne.18:12
johan__super is crappy, but as far as conversion goes, it was the only prog i found that does all converstions in 118:13
sinthetekhm... actually it looks like client system is causing the delay...18:13
rothchildI don't know the app but I have observed that WINE keeps getting better18:13
rothchildthere's been a couple of things it's run for me where I thought 'no way!'18:14
Dr_willisI think SUper last i looked at it. broke some bits of the GPL also. :)18:14
johan__was pretty cool, flv to mp3,3gp,wmv, u name it. it can do a lot, but crappy written i think18:14
johan__gave me this weird white window with just an OK button i had 2 click before it loads!18:15
Dr_willisI think super is doing a lot of that with backend tools.18:15
rothchildsorry I was a bit late to the party are we trying to rip audio from flash videos?18:15
johan__rothchild: yeah, lookin 4 kde converter from flv 2 mp318:16
johan__u know any 4 kubuntu?18:16
bazhang!u | johan__18:16
ubotujohan__: Unless you're Dutch or Flemish, or a government officier, the letter 'U' is not a pronoun.  If you want to be taken more seriously, please bother to type out the extra letters in "you".  The same goes for "why", "because", "anyone", and so on..18:16
BluesKajjohan__, don't use numbers in place of words , it's confusing to us old guys18:17
Lynourejohan__: flv to ogg is done, that to mp3 is easy, too... put all in a shell script and it's simple one-step process18:17
Dr_willisPerhaps he IS dutch@! :018:17
Dr_willisheh heh18:17
johan__im afrikaans..... thats close enough to dutch i suppose.. does that count?18:17
Dr_willisOnly 'Prince' is allowed to to that. :)18:17
rothchildhaven't tried it though18:18
BluesKajjohan__, I Repeat ! don't use numbers in place of words , it's confusing to us old guys18:18
Dr_willisIm glad i got some of these PopCap Games workign with wine. :) Bookworm adveutres is fun.18:18
johan__um.... i did not use a number there, did i?18:18
BluesKaj<johan__> rothchild: yeah, lookin 4 kde converter from flv 2 mp318:19
johan__afrikaans pretty much is dutch.... sigh.. o well18:19
johan__the numbers come automatically..... will concentrate more...18:19
BluesKajthis is an english chat, not dutch or afrikaans18:19
* johan__ bashes his head against the wall18:20
BluesKajok, maybe that will help :)18:20
johan__so perl audio converter should work in kubuntu?18:21
rothchildthere's a .deb in that link i posted I'm just playing with it now18:21
=== ubuntu_ is now known as xeross
BluesKajwell, I'm having problems with K3B not burning on DVD+RWs ...it's real slow and freezes up 50% of the time18:22
johan__will check myself as well18:22
johan__under the deb link which one do you download?18:24
Dr_willisBlueDevil,  i had some odd crash that made k3b do that th eother day.. rebooted and it was fine18:25
rothchildit's the most recent non beta18:25
ronald__alguien me puede ayudar tengo un problema en  kubuntu18:25
ubotuSi busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.18:25
ronald_tengo un problema con wine alguien me podria ayuda??18:27
BluesKajDr_willis, i presume that entry was directed at me , i reinstalled K3B , but it's still really slow even burning virgin DVD+R disks18:27
johan__sweet, lets see how it works.. busy downloading now18:27
Dr_willisget away from this 'reinstall' line of thinking.....18:27
Dr_willisreinstalling rarely does anything in linux. :)18:27
ronald_hello johan18:28
bazhangronald this an english channel go to #kubuntu-es18:28
fairmanHi, i have problem: i installed KDE 4 RC 2 packages to my Kubuntu (i can use it in login dialog - select session) and after it (i think) Amarok is not able to use collection. Does anybody have same problem?18:28
Dr_willisBluesKaj,  does it burn other disks at normal speeds?18:28
Dr_willisare we talking 3x speed? 8x speed? 1x speed?18:28
ronald_how do i go to the kubuntu es forum18:29
johan__busy installing it at the moment18:29
Dr_willis  /join #CHANNELNAME18:29
bazhangronald click on the blue link18:30
ubotuSi busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.18:30
Dr_willisi can right click on the #whatever in the chat and join also.18:30
* johan__ wonders.. do other languages also confuse the older folks :]18:31
Dr_willisonly this new fangled leet speech18:31
Dr_willis10-4 good buddy!18:31
BluesKajDr_willis, no it's burning a dvd+r disk right now at 4x whereas normally it would do so at 16x18:33
johan__so other languages are okay just not "new fangled leet speech"?18:33
hydrogenmaybe we need a #u|}u|\| +u18:36
BluesKajanother thing that bothers me is that ghetto spelling crap, like somefin (something), and axe (ask) ...it's stupid and ppl who think it's cool...well, they just aren't18:36
bazhangand aight for alright18:36
johan__hear hear BluesKaj18:36
hydrogenaight, I c what u mean18:37
BluesKajright on ! :)18:37
BluesKajthe OT cops will be here soon18:37
johan__like when my niece sms me. sometime have to phone her back to translate18:37
Dr_willisdont make me stop this car!18:37
Dr_willis:) send her back a msg saying "WTF!"18:38
suppamanis there a package to install flash player on 7.10 i386 ?18:38
johan__now im getting errors installing perl converter18:38
ardchoille!flash | suppaman18:38
ubotusuppaman: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash18:38
Dr_willisive never understood this.. people buy cell phones to send messages.. but then they voice chat on AIM/MSN/Yahoo.....18:38
BluesKajjohan__, which version did you DL ?18:38
tommyangelohello, is there a way to revert to the default gutsy (ie having removed extra lines in my sources.list)?18:38
johan__Dr_willis: because its free maybe18:39
suppamanardchoille: thanks, it's for a friend18:39
rothchildjohan__ here too18:39
johan__i will pastebin in, let me know what you think18:39
johan__i think its got something to do with permissions18:40
johan__but please let me know what you think18:40
rothchildseems happier running from dpkg at the console, gdebi really choked on it18:41
johan__rothchild: take a look at http://pastebin.com/m6ed1c3418:41
intelikeyhmmm gdebi   ?       a py script ?18:42
johan__i have uninstalled soundkonverter alreads18:42
ardchoillejohan__: Where did you get that .debpackage?18:42
tommyangelointelikey: ok the problem is I don't have an X server anymore18:42
johan__from linuxappfinder.com18:43
vit___mira pana como hago para instalar counter strike18:43
johan__any suggestions?18:43
intelikeytommyangelo perhaps you meant someone else ?      not having X doesn't seem like a problem to me ;/18:43
ardchoillejohan__: Was that .deb made for ubuntu?18:43
Dr_willisjohan__, but messeging in the phone is extra.18:43
* Dr_willis goes back to his CB radio18:43
Dr_williswife want me to setup a program for her where she could talk.. and it would then type into Yahoo Messanger for her..     Shes too shy to actually voice chat.18:43
Dr_willisshe confuses me at times.. IS there a voice to text program for linux? ive never seen one of those yet.18:44
vit___cuando me dice abrir como a que le doy18:44
rothchildno it's a debian .deb18:44
johan__its the debian package18:44
johan__ok.. can i ask a stupid question.....18:44
rothchildhere: http://www.kde-apps.org/content/show.php?content=25766&forumpage=318:44
tommyangelointelikey: I thought you were talking to me when you said gdebi18:44
* johan__ look around scared18:44
ardchoillejohan__: You shouldn't be using debian .deb packages because it can cause problems.. which you have just seen ;)18:44
rothchildmine's working ok18:44
johan__ardchoille: thanks hehe18:44
intelikeytommyangelo sorry.  no.18:45
tommyangelointelikey: never mind then :-D18:45
johan__rothchild: how do you know if its an ubuntu one?18:45
intelikeytommyangelo i "might" be able to help, if you explain the issue.   i did just arrive18:45
ardchoillerothchild: Let's hope it didn't do something that will cause problems later on down the road18:45
=== vit___ is now known as venezuela_
venezuela_que mas18:46
tommyangelointelikey: briefly I installed kde4 to test, updated a few times and now my pc won't get past kdm (X crashes immediately after login)18:46
johan__so which one on http://www.kde-apps.org/content/show.php/Perl+Audio+Converter?content=25766&PHPSESSID=78e0fb75da1e55febcccb685cf1ed000 is the ubuntu one?18:46
ubotuPor favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.18:46
rothchildyeah we'll see, it's only a computer I like making them work hard for me ;-)18:46
tommyangeloso I figured I could remove the kde4 line in sources.list and downgrade18:46
tommyangelobut I can't work out how18:47
rothchildthere isn't an 'official' ubuntu one18:47
johan__yeah i know, but which one will work?18:47
rothchildif you're nervey about using the package compile it from sources18:47
rothchildI used this one: http://linuxappfinder.com/debian/pool/main/p/pacpl/pacpl_4.0.0-1_i386.deb18:48
ardchoillerothchild: The safe way to handle software is to install from the repos, if you can't do that find an ubuntu .deb, if you can't do that compile it yourself, if you can't do that.. look for a different app to do that job.18:48
tommyangelointelikey: any ideas?18:48
intelikeytommyangelo ok. that can be several different things.    one   disk full.    two  bug in kde4.    three  an issue with the runtime configuration files in your home dir.      if you are intent on a downgrade of kde  may i just sujest installing fluxbox or blackbox or even twm   to have a login g18:49
intelikeygui to work from18:49
ardchoillerothchild: It's not a good idea to use debian /deb's or convert a package that is meant for another distro18:49
rothchildthanks ardchoille, I think this .deb is a bit of a calcultated gamble18:49
tommyangelointelikey: why didn't I think of that? thx brb18:49
johan__is binary probably the best route then?18:49
intelikeytommyangelo :)18:49
rothchildjohan__ yes probably take the sources and compile them18:50
rothchildthis one I guess: http://linuxappfinder.com/debian/pool/main/p/pacpl/pacpl_4.0.0-1.tar.gz18:50
johan__okay, let me try the binary18:50
rothchildoops no hold on18:51
kerimaranızda türk var mı?,18:51
ardchoillejohan__: If you're going to compile from source, you'll need to install build-essential if you haven't already18:51
johan__rothchild: the tar.gz one?18:55
* intelikey wonders if computers are actually good for anything....18:55
hydrogenindustry, that is18:55
* johan__ buys intelikey a book...18:55
intelikeyhydrogen i said good. not evil...18:56
rothchildI guess, I'm not sure as the .deb worked for me18:56
johan__let me try the gz18:57
* genii strings tinsel on his computer and puts gifts under it18:57
rothchildyeah there's a script in there called doinst.sh18:58
BonesolTeraDyneOw... My poor ears... I hit the wrong button and sent the volume through the roof...18:58
jonathanwhy does kopete crash whenever i try to connect to msn?18:58
ardchoilleBonesolTeraDyne: lol18:58
BonesolTeraDyneOh, speaking of which, is there a way to limit volume levels in the mixer? I need to know so I can help a friend set up Kubuntu for his kid.18:59
ardchoillejonathan: Known bug, try: sudo apt-get upgrade18:59
rothchildBonesolTeraDyne get smaller speakers ;-)19:00
=== ubuntu_ is now known as Luszyn
tommyangelointelikey: thx that solved the prob (as it turned out it was disk space - silly me backed up a mates pc the other day and forgot about it)19:00
Luszynhi all19:00
soonthe 64 bit version of kubuntu works with both AMD and Intel processesor, correct ?19:00
Luszyni have problem19:00
jonathanthanks ardchoille, i'll try that.19:00
Luszyni must log to xorg19:00
Luszyni am on live cd kubuntu19:00
Luszynsomeone can help me?19:00
BonesolTeraDynerothchild: My comp is connected to a home theatre system.19:01
Luszynsome polish are hire?19:01
ubotuMozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl19:01
Luszynthanks :)19:02
jonathanardchoille: tried that. nothing to upgrade.19:02
soonLuszyn - should be : 'Are there any Polacs here?' (Im not though :-)19:02
ardchoillejonathan: Are you on Gutsy?19:02
jonathanarchoille: yes.19:02
Luszyngutsy is good ;p19:02
ardchoillejonathan: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade19:02
intelikeytommyangelo yeah. that kind of thing happens.   welcome19:03
jonathanardchoille: nothing new.19:03
ardchoillejonathan: kopete 0.12.7 ?19:03
rothchildBonesolTeraDyne, there's your problem - I am only half joking but there's no point limiting the output level of your computer if the amplifier it's plugged in to can be turned up further because if the computer make a loud noise (cos you press a wrong button) you will end up even deafer! Turn the amp down and turn the computer up19:04
BonesolTeraDynerothchild: Heh, good point. I'm honestly surprised that I didn't think of that. I really need sleep....19:05
rothchildlol sweet dreams!19:06
BonesolTeraDynerothchild: nah, I can't. I'm having to watch over my grandmother until the rest of my family get's back.19:06
rothchildok, good luck19:08
* intelikey still wonders if computers are actually good for anything....19:13
SajesHow do I change my computers name? I typod and made it "daktoa-desktop" instead of "dakota-desktop".19:14
intelikeyedit /etc/hostname  ?19:14
Sajesintelikey: Thanks. I'll try that.19:15
intelikeythere is a gui way19:15
intelikeyi just don't know it.19:15
Sajesintelikey: Editing that file seems simpler. Now I assume a reboot is necessary to complete the change?19:15
intelikeySajes if you do edit that file better check /etc/hosts too19:15
intelikeyand you can rerun /etc/init.d/host* restart19:16
jonathanardchoille: sorry about the long delay. yes, it is version 0.12.719:16
johan__ok, im gonna sound very stupid here, but how do you install that tar.gz?19:16
Sajesintelikey: Thanks much :)19:16
sub[t]rnlsudo hostname whatever19:16
intelikeySajes np.19:16
ardchoillejonathan: weird, the upgrade took care of that problem on 11 boxes here.19:17
intelikey!b-e | johan__19:17
ubotujohan__: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)19:17
johan__i extracted the tar.gz fine.. now what?19:17
jonathanardchoille: would you suggest i uninstall it and then get the package afresh?19:17
khelllhellos, where can i find the wireless networks nearby19:18
ardchoillejonathan: That's worth a try19:18
Sajeskhelll: Do you have a wireless card in your computer?19:18
khelllyes in my laptop19:18
Sajeskhelll: If it's supported on kubuntu there should be a little connection icon in the bottom right corner. Left click it once and it'll come up with all available connections.19:18
Sajesright click it*19:19
khellli dont c that thing19:19
Sajeskhelll: Strange. Hold on, I'll find out the command to start it.19:19
=== kamal is now known as kamalx
sub[t]rnlsudo iwlist interface scan19:20
Sarashttp://agui.myminicity.es/ind/ jpg ex girlfriend join in19:21
Sarashttp://agui.myminicity.es/ind/ jpg ex girlfriend join in19:21
Sajessub[t]rnl: I didn't know that command :) Guess that helps him.19:21
Sarashttp://agui.myminicity.es/ind/ jpg ex girlfriend join in19:21
sub[t]rnlput your wireless interface in for "interface".  You can see it from "iwconfig"19:21
Sarashttp://agui.myminicity.es/ind/ jpg ex girlfriend join in19:21
khelllinterface  Interface doesn't support scanning.19:21
sub[t]rnlkhelll: ^^ see above19:21
sub[t]rnlexample: sudo iwlist wlan0 scan19:22
jonathanardchoille: still crashing.19:22
SajesI found the command. press alt+f2 and run the command "knetworkmanager".19:22
khelllSaras i c the network but how can i set it ?19:23
rothchildhow you getting on johan__19:23
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jonathanardchoille: if it helps, the crash handler says that it has caused signal 11 (SIGSEGV)19:26
ardchoillejonathan: ok19:27
khelllthere is new kde console , i forgot it's name, it starts with ya***19:32
Sajeskhelll: yakuake?19:33
khelllthat's it19:33
khelllhow to find it?19:33
Sajeskhelll: go into Konsole and type "sudo apt-get install yakuake"19:34
ardchoillekhelll: apt-cache search yaquake19:34
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khelllgot nothing19:34
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Sajeskhelll: Did you enable the repositories?19:35
khelllwhere to ?19:35
Sajeskhelll: Open adept and click "adept" and then click "manage repositories".19:35
khelllwhat is adept ???19:36
Sajeskhelll: a graphical package manager.19:37
intelikeyis there an inbeded terminal for kde ?19:37
Tm_Tintelikey: Konsole?19:37
khelllyes i found it19:37
Sajesintelikey: If you mean something like yakuake, then yakuake.  There's another alternative but I forgot the name.19:37
intelikeyTm_T no.  something that runs in the kde itself19:37
Tm_Tintelikey: elaborate19:38
khelllSajes , what to do there ?19:38
rothchildintelikey F8 in konqueror19:38
Sajeskhelll: Are you in the "Manage Repositories" screen?19:38
intelikeyTm_T like the displays of kurumba19:38
intelikeyTm_T the desktop being the actual term19:38
Tm_Tintelikey: you mean "in background" ?19:39
Sajeskhelll: Enable the "Community-maintained Open Source software (universe)" one.19:39
Tm_Tintelikey: Eterm perhaps, that's what I do use19:39
Sajesintelikey: Yakuake does that. It leaves a little bar at the top and you click on it and it drops down with a terminal.19:39
Tm_TSajes: no it doesn't19:39
macdreI need some help with ushare in 7.1019:39
intelikeySajes that's not what i mean19:39
SajesTm_T: Are you sure? Then maybe the other one did that. I'll check.19:39
Tm_TSajes: nope19:40
intelikeySajes it would have no handle at all but rather be the desktop background19:40
Sajesintelikey: I see. That'd be neat.19:40
Tm_Tintelikey: Eterm and aterm can be embedded to background19:40
intelikeyTm_T k thanks i'll give a look.19:40
SajesTm_T: Oh, I see. You have to open and close it with F12. (yakuake). There was another where you clicked a panel and it dropped down.19:41
Tm_TSajes: still not what intelikey is looking for, it's not "in background" but rather "in front"19:42
SajesTm_T: I know. I'm going to find a guide on that so I can do it too. That'd be cool.19:42
intelikeymps turn the gain down.19:43
lonejackhi all, problem when I shutdown some usb devices remain switched in on. Any suggestion? Thank you,19:44
SajesI can't seem to find any guides how to do that.19:45
Sajeslonejack: "sudo umount -a" should unmount any unused devices.19:45
zekixca va ?19:49
lonejackSajes, I'm using a wacom pen tablet, every time I have to shutdown it's necessary to do that operation ?19:49
zekixqui as macbook?19:49
=== Lurkan is now known as llamale
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.19:50
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Sajeslonejack: No. Shutting down should automatically unmount all devices. I don't know why your computer isn't.19:50
lonejackSajes, I try to see my bios set up. Thank you19:53
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johan__rothchild: i installed the deb file, now WHERE do i find it under kubuntu?19:54
johan__for perl converter19:55
cn28hIs there a good network manager for wireless networks other than knetworkmanager?20:05
johan__has anybody installed the perl converter on kubuntu?20:05
cn28hperl converter?20:05
johan__to convert flv to mp320:06
johan__i installed the deb file now cant find it in kubuntu :e20:06
ardchoillejohan__: What was the filename of the .deb file?20:06
johan__its  pacpl_4.0.0-1_i386.deb20:07
intelikeyif i remove ssh-agent  can kde not start ?20:08
ardchoillejohan__: Try to launch it in a terminal: pacpl20:08
intelikeywhich pacpl20:08
johan__from which directory20:08
intelikeytype.    which pacpl20:09
intelikeyif there is an executable by that name in your path it will show you.20:09
blekoshi, is there away to find out my laptop HD brand in order to search for it's load cycle life?20:09
intelikeyblekos lshw | less20:10
johan__im pretty new to kubuntu and little unsure bout konsole stil20:10
ardchoilleintelikey: On a fresh install, I usually comment out ssh-agent in /etc/X11/Xsession.options and my kde starts fine20:10
johan__surely in kde it should be under multimedia20:11
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intelikeyjohan__ general rule,  if you don't do it as root it wont break the system.      that's is a little over simplified but for the most part safe.20:11
khelllis there a place where i can c the wireless indicator20:11
intelikeyardchoille k.20:11
ardchoillejohan__: Sometimes when installing a non ubuntu .deb, the menu item is not installed in the proper location so it may not show in the menu.20:11
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rothchildjohan__ it's a context menu in konqueror20:11
rothchildnot a standalone app20:12
intelikeyinstalling "menu" should give you the debian menu20:12
johan__ok rothchild you gonna need to explain there a little pls20:12
rothchildfind a media file and left click on it under 'actions' yo ushould see pacpl convert and bunch of output options20:13
ardchoillejohan__: When you right click on something in konqueror, you get a menu, that is the context menu. There might be pacpl under the Actions section of the context menu20:13
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johan__ok so lets try that.... here goes20:13
khelllis there a place where i can c the wireless indicator20:16
rothchildjohan__ what are you using to download .flv's with?20:16
intelikeykhelll what/which wireless indicator ?20:17
intelikeyand you can c or c++ just about anything in kate :)20:17
khelllin ubuntu u can the c a wireless connection (signal strength) indicator20:18
khelllhow shall i know if am being connected to a wireless network or not20:19
Iradigalesckhelll: I think knetworkmanager does the same in KDE20:19
cn28hanyone know what knetwork uses internally? It likes to get stuck at "Activation step.. configureing device (28%)" which isn't very informative of what is wrong..20:20
cn28hknetworkmanager, even20:20
nico_I have a small, silly problem: I removed the "trash" icon on my Kubuntu out of dolphin, it also disappered from the desktop20:20
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intelikeykhelll ah.  um there should be a way to run that within kde if you know the name of the applet.   but there is also the ksysguard that can monitor things like that.20:20
sub[t]rnlnicoduck: you can add it to the k panel as an applet20:20
roobhello all. when using adept to update it says it cant dl the Release.gpg20:20
roobany kinda fix?20:20
rooband its just waiting on"waiting for headers" been stuck here about 2 mins.20:21
khellli dont know the name of the applet and also when i click knetworkmanger, nothing happens20:21
roobah there it goes...it just went to the net screen.20:21
nicoduckand how can is readd it to dolphin? adding trash:/ did not solve the problem is a proper way20:22
athos_Hello folks. I have a problem, maybe with my microphone, when I'm using Skype. When I try the Skype Call Test Service, I can hear the voice of the person, but when is the time of recording my voice and i say something, after this, in the time that i'd be supposed to hear my own voice, nothing is played. Does anyone here has already faced this kind of problem. Should i install some extra ALSA package with the apt ??20:22
johan__rothchild: i see you can only convert to ogg not mp3 :(20:22
rothchildyou'll need to install lame or extracodecs or w32 codecs or sommit20:22
sub[t]rnlnicoduck: cp /usr/share/apps/kdesktop/unused/directory.trash ~/Desktop then open that with dolphin20:23
johan__ok, so where will i get THOSE?20:23
johan__sorry, im on a steep learning curve here20:23
rothchildno  worries20:23
nicoduckgreat, thanks20:23
johan__can i sudo apt lame?20:24
nicoduckanother questen: how big is the risk of an damage to my data if I change the size of an volume?20:24
Sajesnicoduck: If you mean resizing a ntfs partition, you should defragment it first.20:25
rothchildyou need to enable extra repositories and make sure you have all the relevant audio and video codecs20:25
khelllhow shall i c the ntfs partition i have ?20:25
nicoduckok, because my xp/ntfs partition has 30gb and kubuntu has 10 and i want to do 20/2020:26
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Sajesnicoduck: Yeah. I did that once without defragging it. It killed my XP installation so I swore off linux until I found out it was my own stupidity :P20:27
johan__okay, a quick guide on that pls?20:27
nicoducki had an similar experience a few years ago20:27
dreamcoderis there any way to get flash etc working in firefox on 64 kubuntu?20:27
rothchildjohan__ check the link it's a quick guide ;-)20:28
nicoduckhas anyone got some experience with option globetrotter gprs cads?20:28
nicoduckI have a problem with the pppd, it quits without me expecting it to do so20:29
nicoduckthe log just says that it seems that it got its own echo and then it receives a kil signal20:30
romunovwhat's the ecommand to check your ip address?20:30
rothchildromunov ifconfig20:30
romunovi see that it shows my local address20:31
romunovhow can i check my router ip?20:31
nicoducknormally with some scripts on the net20:31
nicoduckhttp://vthadden.de/host.php for example20:32
nicoduckafter the "hallo" (german for hello)20:32
blekosis it normal to have 1 load cycle every 5minutes?20:36
Fraggy4how do you access the xserver or xorg configuration setup thingy?20:37
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=== sava_ is now known as sava
tekteenFraggy4: from the konsole?20:37
Fraggy4tekteen: yes20:37
tekteenFraggy4: sudo nano -w /etc/X11/xorg.conf20:38
Fraggy4I have weird vertical lines on my screen and I've fixed it before, but all I remember doing is preferences in xserver or sorg20:38
Fraggy4tekteen: I remebr that there was some gui when I did it, and that it was similar to the original kubuntu installation screen20:42
tekteenFraggy4: What r u trying to do?20:43
Fraggy4Get rid of the little vertical lines20:43
Fraggy4I'll take a screencap of it and show you20:43
tekteenFraggy4: I know nothing about that20:43
nicoduckhas anyone got an compay evo n610c notebook or experienc with xorg config on notebooks?20:44
nicoduckafter activating the monitor out in the settings, xorg stopps working and refuses to start20:44
johan__ok i give up, i dont know where to get the codec so that perl converter can convert to mp3 as well.. pls help20:45
soonIMPORTANT QUESTION: my mate wants to run Kubuntu on his 64bit Intel based system .... i386x or AMD64 ????20:46
johan__rothchild: little bit more help on this pls20:46
tekteensoon: i38620:46
tekteensoon: if u want java or flash :-D20:47
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tekteenand dont want to have to work too hard20:47
johan__its 11pm here in South Africa and my fiance wants to convert tomorrow and im at work. any help appreciated20:47
soonYou kan get flash and java anyway ... not ahrd20:47
soonbut will the 64bit version run on the intel processor?20:47
tekteensoon: how?20:47
tekteenno idea20:48
Fraggy4I want to get rid of those little lines at the bottom20:48
tekteenI use i386 anyway20:48
soonyou install the 32bit java and flash thing with mozilla ... hang on for link20:48
tekteenI know how to do that20:48
ubotuYou can run Flash, Real, and Java plugins in AMD64 bit computers with Firefox. see the steps to follow at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava20:48
rothchildhey johan__20:48
johan__hey rothchild20:49
rothchildwhere are you up to?20:49
johan__i can convert the standard stuff but it will not give me the option to convert to mp320:49
johan__can do ogg, but thats not what i want :(20:49
rothchilddid you install the extra codecs etc?20:50
johan__thats the problem20:50
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soontekteen: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=117443520:50
bg111i have a problem with kmail. i configured a mail account and during sending mails via smtp the server refuses the message with "RCPT TO must precede DATA"20:50
senorpedrohi folks20:50
tekteenok soon20:50
bg111is there anything i can debug that or configure kmail propely?20:50
soonStill I'm none the wiser though - will the AMD64 version run on 64bit Intel hardware?20:50
johan__they under packet manager>20:51
Fraggy4tekteen: http://img137.imageshack.us/my.php?image=snapshot1vr5.png20:51
senorpedroi build 2 ide hdds into my computer. when trying to mount them via mount /dev/hda1 .... it doesnt work because the device doesnt exist. how can i see under which device i have to access the hdds?20:51
rothchildtry installing lame20:51
johan__lame does not convert from flv to mp3 right?20:52
johan__i know its possible for perl converter to do it, and its gonna bug me until i find it20:52
tekteenFraggy4: is that a problem with kde?20:52
rothchildor try this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu20:52
johan__where do i find the codecs for perl converter?20:53
rothchildyeah the perl thing is just calling apps, but if the apps and the codecs aren't installed they wont be available20:53
Fraggy4tekteen: It's a problem with KDE, and GNOME.  I have both of them installed.  On GNOME, however, instead of little blue lines, it has little yellow lines that show up whenever I click and drag something with the mouse20:53
johan__okay, so can i find the codecs/apps under packet manager?20:53
tekteenFraggy4: what driver are u using20:54
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rothchildyou need to add the medibuntu repository to your software sources and install w32codecs + all the other relevant looking stuff20:54
Fraggy4tekteen: Ineomagic20:55
tekteenFraggy4: is it open or restricted?20:55
Fraggy4I don't know20:55
Fraggy4How could I tell?20:55
tekteenFraggy4: did u install it with the restricted drivers manager?20:56
tekteenr u using gutsy?20:56
tekteento both questions?20:56
bg111is there anything i can do about this mailserver message: Valid RCPT TO must precede DATA20:56
Fraggy4yes to the second one20:56
Fraggy4no to the first20:56
Fraggy4I think20:56
tekteenopen up system settings20:57
tekteengoto the advanced tab20:57
tekteenthen click on the restricted drivers manager20:57
Fraggy4It says your hardware doesn't need any restricted drivers20:58
tekteenis there a driver to download?20:58
tekteenI do not know the answer. sorry :-(20:58
Fraggy4Oh well20:58
Fraggy4I can live with it for now20:58
Fraggy4thanks anyway20:58
soonI'm trying to install grace - but I'm getting errors about : dpkg: error with gconf2-common (--configure)21:00
rothchildjohan__ there's a really kludgy workaround if you can export to ogg you can probably open the file in audacity and save it as an mp3 from there (and if not it might tell you what to do), double convert and an extra app is ugly but it you're in a hurry and struggling21:00
soonis there a way to install Grace and force it to-reinstall dependencies21:00
=== JohnFlux_ is now known as JohnFlux
angasulehas anyone else had any trouble with amarok lately?21:05
ubuntuspeck romanian ?21:05
ubuntuhow do i macke my mp3 worck ?21:05
ubuntumy englesh bad :|21:05
ubuntuenibody here ?21:06
angasuleubuntu: where are you from?21:06
angasule!ro | ubuntu21:06
ubotuubuntu: Daca doriti ajutor sau doriti sa discutati despre Ubuntu/Kubuntu/Xubuntu, intrati pe #ubuntu-ro21:06
=== lorddarkpat is now known as lorddarkpat_
johan___wow im confused21:08
lascarnspluginviewer keeps crashing everytime a plugin (duh) tries to load on konqueror.  You know, at sites like youtube (or any other site employing flash).  Reasons?21:08
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about nspluginviewer - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:10
khelllhow shall i run the bluetooth on my laptop?21:13
senorpedrohow can i easily run xvid videos on kubuntu?21:17
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats21:17
moriancumerto install KDE4 along side with KDE3 I'm following these instructions http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde4-rc2.php21:24
moriancumerwhen I use sudo aptitude install kdebase-bin, The following packages are BROKEN: kdebase-dev kdesktop kdm21:25
moriancumerIs this right?21:25
moriancumeraptitude - Remove the following packages: kdebase-dev kdm kubuntu-desktop21:27
moriancumerIs this going to mess up my KDE3x install?21:27
romunovi saw a very neat gnome desktop today21:36
romunovfully animated and everything21:36
romunovcan that be done in kde?21:36
trappistromunov: depends on what you mean by "that", but it sounds like you're talking about compiz, in which case yes.21:38
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BluesKajanyone using K3B in KDE4 ...just wonder whether it's as buggy on 4 as it is on 321:41
hydrogenits the same product21:42
hydrogenmost likely21:42
hydrogenk3b hasn't been ported21:42
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BluesKajjust made another frisbee on k3b ...guess i should try something else , the same back end is used by all the other burning apps as well so I'm reluctant to try any of them either21:44
moriancumerhow do I update updated kdebase-bin21:45
angasuleBluesKaj: are you burning something funky? I've never heard of issues with it21:48
* angasule curses amarok21:48
ardchoilleI've never had issues with k3b either21:49
larssomebody knows how to find the user setup file for administrating groups?21:49
khelllknetworkmanger is not functioning at all ! nothing happens when i click on it21:51
romunovtrappist: do you know if that's possible on radeon graphic cards?21:52
trappistromunov: yes21:52
trappistromunov: but it won't work out of the box.  you'll need to install either the new ATI drivers or the xserver-xgl package.21:52
ubotuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash21:52
romunovaha aha21:53
romunovi'll keep that in mind21:53
danyI need some help x)21:53
trappistactually come to think of it I've never set it up with an ati card, only intel and nvidia.  but it does work with ati.21:53
tekteen!ask | dany21:54
ubotudany: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)21:54
danyi was updating to 7.10 and I stopped the update manager 'cause it was too slow.. but now that i want to restart the process i can't use adept21:55
senorpedrois it possible to change from dolpin to konqueror as the default file manager?21:55
senorpedroand if yes, how?21:55
hydrogen!dolphin | senorpedro21:56
moriancumerCan someone help me install KDE4 along side KDE3?21:56
hydrogenmoriancumer: follow the instructions in the topic21:56
ubotusenorpedro: Dolphin, or more properly D3lphin, is the new default file manager for Kubuntu 7.10 Gutsy Gibbon. If you would like to make Konqueror your default file manager again, go to Konqueror - Settings menu - Configure Konqueror - File Associations and change the association for inode/directory and inode/system_directory to Konqueror at the top rather than Dolphin.21:56
tekteenhi guys21:59
tekteenI am trying to install firefox3221:59
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senorpedroomg they develop very fast ;)21:59
senorpedrook i see21:59
ardchoilletekteen: sudo apt-get install firefox22:00
roob_hello all. i haved a dell inspiron 5100 and im trying to get the wireless to work on it. it used the restricted drive bcm43xx and i have a wlan0...but i cant get it to connect to my network. if i use dhcp i get some random ip that isnt even part of my lan(lan is 192.x.x.x i get a 169.x.x.x) but i do see some traffic on the wlan0 device(very very small amount..but packets where sent/received)22:00
tekteenI have a 64 bit computer22:00
trappisttekteen: did you install a 64bit ubuntu?22:00
danyardchoille: i know that u don't do updates but.. i'm sure u know more than I, so i was updating to 7.10 and I stopped the update manager 'cause it was too slow.. but now that i want to restart the process i can't use adept22:00
roob_and if i assign a ip manualy it gets the ip..but i cant ping anything..including the router with the dhcp22:01
vazhaпревед кубунцам22:01
roob_so....solmething is wrong....any ideas?22:01
tekteentrappist: I get this error message ...22:01
tekteenCannot find mozilla runtime directory. Exiting.22:01
ardchoille!ru | vazha22:01
ubotuvazha: Пожалуйста войдите в #ubuntu-ru для помощи на русском языке  /  Pozhalujsta vojdite v #ubuntu-ru dlq pomoshchi na russkom qzyke22:01
sub[t]rnl!wireless | roob_22:01
uboturoob_: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs22:01
roob_i currently have it plugged in using ethernet..but its only temporary...i need to use wireless22:01
ardchoilledany: I can't help with adept, I only use comand line tools for package management.22:02
tekteentrappist: I looked and found that one of the programs it relies on is pango3222:02
tekteentrappist: which is missing its modules22:03
tekteen(I think)22:03
roob_hmm is there a way to have ping use a certain interface? so i can test ping the wireless connection?22:03
moriancumerhydrogen: where can I ask questions about the instructions22:03
sub[t]rnlroob_: more specific to your exact card -> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=40599022:04
trappistroob_: you mean ping *through* an interface?22:04
roob_yea trappist22:04
danyardchoille: do u recommend to change the sources.list the edgy for the gusty and do the update in console mode?22:04
roob_and thanks sub[t]rnl reading it now22:04
tekteendany: NO!!!22:04
trappistroob_: you'd just set that device as your gatway, using route22:05
johan___rothchild: stupid me, of course u can use k3b to burn audio cds as well from ogg files, no need for mp3s22:05
tekteendany: use the upgrade script22:05
ardchoilledany: If yo upgrade that way, you will end up missing some apps that are new to the nest release but weren't i the old release.22:05
senorpedrohow can i see the temperature of the cpu?22:05
roob_trappist: i was more hoping for a ping -d(just example) wlan022:05
senorpedrowith which programm?22:05
ardchoillesenorpedro: ksensors22:05
tekteen!upgrade | dany22:05
ubotudany: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes22:05
roob_i know how to set the routes22:05
sub[t]rnlsenorpedro: and conky22:05
danyshit.. I aready did for dapper to edgy22:06
trappistroob_: if you just ping, the kernel will route it through your default gateway22:06
ardchoilledany: If you're coming fro Dapper, I feel it's quicker and easier to just download the Gutsy livecd and do a fresh install.22:06
trappistor, through the gateway for the ip you're pinging22:06
=== Larry_Lovebone is now known as ashaszin
trappistso you could just set a route for the ap, without changing your default gateway22:07
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danyardchoille: ahaha thats happend when u're noob =P22:08
=== Astr is now known as Astronzo
danyardchoille: i'll download da livecd22:08
ardchoilledany: Remember to backup all your personal stuff before the install :)22:09
larswhats the name of the file "system configuration/user adminsitration"22:09
danyardchoille: thks x)22:09
purpleposeidonHallo, I have a windows partition somewhere, how do I get grub to boot off it?22:10
roob_in those wireless docs it says if you cant connect...install wicd..but i dont have that package on 71022:11
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roob_and thats the prob i need to solve...i have the drivers for my wireless installed. i have the wireless interface...22:11
larssomeone knows how to get access to "system config/user admin" when the button doesn't work?22:12
dsl_sorry to disurbe - this is a test -please ignore me ;-)22:12
Tm_Tdsl_: what is a test?22:12
jthomaslars can you clarify?22:12
ardchoilledsl_: You can do stuff like that in #dsl_22:13
dsl_ermmmmmm i said please ignore me. kindly comply.22:13
Tm_Tdsl_: we are not allowed to ignore :(22:13
dsl_"we"? goodness, how many of you are there??22:14
larsjthomas: my button in systemconfiguration/user administration has stop working since I change my own user name to root group22:14
dsl_anyway, this is distracting from the topic.22:14
jthomaslars that means you are probably already root and therefor don't use that button... prob not a good change tho22:14
Tm_Tdsl_: agreed, see what ardchoille said earlier ;)22:15
larsdoes it means I have to reinstall or something?22:15
jthomasno... can you undo the change for the root group?22:15
larsno, cant do anything in that menu22:16
jembougehi every one22:16
roob_hmm i can even see my network by using iwlist scanning22:16
=== opdensteinen is now known as Gogoacquan
tekteen!flash64 > tekteen22:17
roob_but if i do dhclient eth1 it doesnt get a ip22:17
jthomaslars sorry i am not sure what you mean and am not on a Kubuntu system right now...22:17
Tm_Ttekteen: you can /msg ubotu too ;)22:17
jthomasroob_: look into iwconfig, or try using netstumbler22:17
jthomasman iwconfig22:17
larsok thanks anyway. I have to take a long thought of it I guess22:18
roob_hmm ok jthomas....i tried using the network set up under system settings..but it didnt work....22:18
jthomaslars other people may know, or a posting at Ubuntu Forums might get you answers (or even a search there or on Google)22:18
roob_and i dont seem to have a net stumbler22:19
jthomasyou would have to install it22:19
larsI'll try that. Thanks22:20
cn28hthere's a linux netstumbler?22:20
jthomasthere is another, non-Linux netstumbler??22:20
roob_im not sure22:20
roob_...i can see the network using "iwlist eth1 scanning"22:21
roob_it lists my wireless network....but it wont connect...22:21
cn28hI've used a program on windows that calls itself netsumbler22:21
cn28hnetstumbler, even22:21
jthomasin linux try Kismet, i guess its the same idea but better, but i am not sure22:22
roob_when i use the network set up under system settings....and select dhcp....i get a weird ip...22:22
roob_and there is only one wireless network in the area.22:22
roob_hmm ok jthomas ill give it a look.22:22
jthomasIMHO the kubuntu wireless is half-baked at best.  All of the KDE part of *buntu needs attention.22:25
cn28hyeah, I've run into a problem in knetworkmanager which seems to be fairly common :/22:26
roob_hmm...i just dont get why it can see the network but not connect....22:26
* Tm_T doesn't use any "networkmanager"22:26
roob_its there...link sees it..22:26
cn28hwhat do you use?22:26
roob_but wont connect....22:26
roob_the correct netowork22:26
* jthomas thinks Tm_T should tell us all what he uses, and help roob_ a bit22:26
Tm_Tsorry, I don't use wireless22:26
roob_iwlist eth1 scanning     shows my network.22:27
Tm_Twhen I do, I just use iwconfig22:27
roob_but when it uses dhcp it gets a weird ip....22:27
jthomasdefine 'wierd ip'22:27
romunovi'm having trouble finding compiz-fusion-plugins-unofficial22:27
Gogoacquani tried to install thunderbird22:27
roob_a 169.x.x.x ip..when my network uses 192.x.x.x22:27
Gogoacquanbut it doesnt work over the pakage manager does anyone know something about it??^^22:28
jthomasroob_: it may be a part of an internal network thing that *buntu sets up... i've had that IP before and its an Avahi/ZeroConf thing i think.22:28
roob_how do i disable it?22:28
jthomaswhen you have that 169.x.x.x IP, can you get on the web?22:29
roob_cant ping anything22:29
roob_i just unchecked all zeroconf things..22:30
cn28hI think the 169.x.x.x is an invalid IP22:30
trappist169. is a zeroconf ip.  I think that happens when dhcp fails.22:31
=== Sbucat is now known as Sbucat_Music
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about cpu_temperature - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi22:37
roobw00t fixed it22:37
bobitohey all, I recently installed kubuntu gutsy.  When I had feisty my external hard drive was automatically detected.  Now it doesn't.  Is this a change in the distributions and I have to play around with the mount command, or is something wrong?22:38
roobi restrict axx to the wireless network...and i had added the wrong wireless interface(this lappy has 2).....got it added now and boom works like a charm.22:38
roobvery nice22:38
jthomasroob happy to hear it22:39
Doctor_Nickhow do i change my default file manager from dolphin to konqueror?22:40
cn28hbobito, are you able to mount it manually?22:41
stdin!dolphin | Doctor_Nick22:41
ubotuDoctor_Nick: Dolphin, or more properly D3lphin, is the new default file manager for Kubuntu 7.10 Gutsy Gibbon. If you would like to make Konqueror your default file manager again, go to Konqueror - Settings menu - Configure Konqueror - File Associations and change the association for inode/directory and inode/system_directory to Konqueror at the top rather than Dolphin.22:41
bobitocn28h: I'm playing around with that now, I've never needed to mount in ubuntu, so im still trying to figure out how22:44
cn28hbobito, do you know which device is your hdd / partitions?22:45
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bobitocn28h: I just ran udevmonitor, and when i unplugged the external, it went a little crazy, so im thinking its detected, just not obviously22:45
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cn28hplug it in, the check dmesg22:45
bobitocn28h: via udev i found it to be under /dev/sdb1 how do i mount it then?22:48
jussi01!es | ubuntu22:48
ubotuubuntu: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.22:48
bobitonevermind, i got it22:49
romunovi've managed to install compiz, but i don't have all the goodies mentioned on this page (i followed those instructions): http://www.freesoftwaremagazine.com/articles/installing_compiz_fusion?page=0%2C122:49
bobitothanks anyway22:49
romunovand i can't enter the compiz manager22:49
romunovany thoughts?22:49
romunovi ran "compiz" from the console22:51
romunovand everything started to work a lot faster22:51
romunovthe windows out of focus don't dim, but they minimize in a nice, animated manner22:51
romunovwindows still don't wobble when i move them, though22:51
=== FT-Laptop is now known as FreeTrav2
anakin_Hello all, i've been using instructions found here-->>http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde4-rc2.php  to try and install rc2. it ends up breaking existing KDE installation while trying to resolve dependencies for oxygen stuff.22:53
anakin_Any ideas why this may be so?22:53
stdinanakin_: have you installed an older version of kde4 before?22:54
anakin_stdin: yeah, tried to22:55
stdinanakin_: make sure you remove all the packages of the old install before trying to install the new one22:55
stdinanakin_: post the apt-get output to pastebin if you still can't get it to install and I'll have a look22:56
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)22:56
anakin_stdin: yeah, but it won't matter if the packages themselves are still in cache, right?22:56
stdinanakin_: it doesn't matter if they are or not22:57
maninderwhats the compiz chat room23:05
=== awen_ is now known as awen
roobhello all. how can i tell what package provided what? i need wlanctl-ng ..but dont know what provides this package23:18
roobapt-cache search returns nothing23:18
stdinroob: go to http://packages.ubuntu.com that provides a search for files in packages23:19
roobk thanks stdin23:19
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manindermy drivers wont update23:20
maninderfor linux23:20
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=== awen- is now known as awen_
anakin_stdin: everything seems to have worked fine after in removed kdelibs5 and reinstalled kde4. except that, there's no kdm4 in the login manager.23:21
stdinanakin_: you installed kdebase-workspace, kdebase-kde4 and kdebase-runtime ?23:22
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anakin_oops. missed one.23:25
maninderhow do i update drivers23:25
maninderfor kubuntu23:25
anakin_gah, i just removed the clock from the panel and its now sort of shrunk :/23:31
anakin_and there seems to be no way of resizing the panel.23:32
sub[t]rnltried right clicking on it, and configuring?23:34
anakin_won't work, found the kde4menu edit though23:35
sub[t]rnloh, kde423:36
sub[t]rnlyeah, configuration is still something to be desired23:36
sub[t]rnlright now the devs are happy it runs23:36
=== Scotty_ is now known as Scotty
enoteehow do i check what driver type my wireless card is using23:53
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cn28henotee, what wireless card are you using?23:54
enoteeonboard intel on my laptop pro/wireless 2200bg23:56
cn28hok, did you check lsmod?23:56
enoteeno i didn't .. how do i do that?23:57
cn28hopen a terminal and type "lsmod"23:57
cn28hlook through the list23:57
cn28hif your wireless is working, you should see either ndiswrapper or your native linux driver23:58
enoteeok looking now23:58
AnAirMagicyou should see ipw220023:59

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