
=== Varka_ is now known as Varka
nealmcb@schedule denver01:49
ubotuSchedule for America/Denver: 18 Dec 08:00: Server Team meeting | 20 Dec 07:00: Desktop Team Development | 21 Dec 05:00: MOTU meeting01:49
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=== ubotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Current meeting: Server Team meeting Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 20 Dec 14:00 UTC: Desktop Team Development | 21 Dec 12:00 UTC: MOTU meeting
=== ubotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 20 Dec 14:00 UTC: Desktop Team Development | 21 Dec 12:00 UTC: MOTU meeting
MootBotMeeting started at 16:00. The chair is soren.16:00
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]16:00
sorenWelcome to the Ubuntu Server community meeting.16:00
sorenFirst: Introduction round:16:00
sorenI'm Soren. I work for Canonical on the server team.16:00
sorenMathiaz in hiking around in Laos. dendrobates is busy.16:01
sorenTough crowd...16:01
sommerhey soren16:01
sorenAm I the only one here?16:01
pygino, I am here16:02
pygido we also have to introduce? :)16:02
sorenThat was the plan.16:02
pygiI'm Mario, I'm an upstream developer for various projects16:02
pygimost notable of them probably being Libburnia project16:02
sommerI'm Adam Sommer so far working moslty on the Server Guide documentation16:03
* nijaba thinks that sommer does a great job at it16:03
sorennijaba, jdstrand: We're just introducing ourselves...16:03
sommernijaba: thx man16:03
pygioh yes, I also wrote the Edubuntu Handbook :P16:04
sommerwe were just doing some intros16:04
nijabaSo I'm Nick Barcet, Ubuntu Server product manager16:04
jdstrandI am Jamie Strandboge and am an Ubuntu Security Engineer.  I help with Ubuntu Server wherever I can16:04
sorenOk, I think that's everyone?16:04
pygiyup, seems so16:04
sorenAgenda is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/Meeting16:05
soren[TOPIC] Review ACTION points from previous meeting.16:05
MootBotNew Topic:  Review ACTION points from previous meeting.16:05
sorenMeeting log:16:05
sorenACTION: nijaba will revise the minimum requirements to include tasksel tasks16:05
sorenHi, zul.16:06
* soren hugs nijaba 16:06
sorenThat's it, it seems :)16:06
* nijaba blushes16:06
soren[TOPIC] Review each section of the ServerTeam/Roadmap.16:06
MootBotNew Topic:  Review each section of the ServerTeam/Roadmap.16:06
sorenFor your clicky-clicky pleasure..16:06
sorenTriage openldap bugs16:07
sorenI've not looked this one bit, I'm afraid. Anyone?16:07
sorenNo? I blame the holidays.16:08
sorenTriage samba bugs16:08
sorenSame.. :(16:08
sorenmathiaz is our master bug triager :)16:08
sommerit does seem like things have slowed down... is that normal for this time of year16:08
* nijaba think that thaïland should be forbidden to ubuntu devs16:08
soren..and Laos.16:09
jdstrandsommer: kees and I triaged a couple CVEs ;)16:09
* soren ^5s jdstrand16:09
nijabaAnd I triagged a few JeOS issues16:09
* soren hugs nijaba again16:09
jdstrand(that was actual meant for soren -- little to quick on the tab)16:09
sorenOk, let's just leave those two items there, shall we?16:10
sorenPackager corner16:10
sorenMerge packages from Debian16:10
* jdstrand wonders how long he can blame his keyboard for his typing skills...16:10
sorenI think we managed to get to the bottom of these.16:10
sorenjdstrand: :)16:10
sorenImprove apache package16:11
sorenNot assigned to anyone..16:11
jdstrandas soren knows, he reviewed and uploaded the libnss-ldap and libpam-ldap merges of mine16:11
sorenjdstrand: Sure did. :)16:11
sorenHas anyone looked at "Default ssl configuration for apache"?16:11
* nijaba thinks it is his turn to hug someone... soren and jdstrand maybe ?16:12
* jdstrand always welcomes a hug, and hugs nijaba back :)16:12
sorenIt seems not. Any takers?16:12
soren(The "Default ssl configuration for apache" thing. Not the hugs)16:12
jdstrandsoren: there was a gutsy goal for bug #13562416:13
ubotuLaunchpad bug 135624 in php5 "libapache2-mod-php5 should provide LAMP test page" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/13562416:13
sorenjdstrand: Did that involve ssl?16:13
sommerso apache is going to inlcude ssl or will it be a seperate apache-ssl package?16:13
pygiseparate package, being pulled automatically is the way to go me things =)16:14
sorensommer: apache-ssl is a completely different thing.16:14
nijabathe main problem is that the script to generate the certificates is missing it seems16:14
* pygi hides16:14
jdstrandsoren: heh.  uh, no...16:14
sorennijaba: It's there. It's in ssl-cert.16:14
* jdstrand stops 'oh-ohing' and puts his hand down16:14
pyginijaba: because we used to have the script before, today you have to do it manually16:14
pygiwith openssl thingy16:14
sorenpygi: It's in ssl-cert?16:14
pygino idea, I didnt check16:14
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pygibut by default, it's not there :p16:14
soren$ dpkg -L ssl-cert | grep make-ssl-cert16:15
nijabasoren: it used to be in path, so it was easy16:15
soren/usr/sbin is in $PATH16:15
sommerdoesn't ssl-cert generate the snake-oil cert and key?16:15
sorensommer: Yes.16:15
sommergotcha, is the plan to use that for apache?16:15
sorensommer: I'd sure assume so.16:16
nijabaI am talking about apache2-ssl-certificate which used to be there and is still referenced in a few docs16:16
sorenThat's the right thing to do if you're not using proper certificates.16:16
sorennijaba: Ok. We should fix the docs then.16:16
sorennijaba: ..and make it all easier. I do remember it being quite a bit more tricky than necessary.16:16
nijabasoren: fine with me16:16
sorensommer: Will you look into this?16:17
sommersoren: sure16:17
sorensommer: You can try to document it, and I can do any code changes if you find something that should be obviously better.16:17
nijabaI would recommend adding a "apache2-ssl-certificate" page to the wiki that points to the new up to date procedure16:17
sommerI don't think the apache2-ssl-certificate is mentioned in the "official" docs, but I seem to remember it's in the wiki16:17
soren[ACTION]: sommer will look into documenting how to set up apache with ssl16:18
MootBotACTION received: : sommer will look into documenting how to set up apache with ssl16:18
sorenOk, next item..16:18
soren"Notify need to restart apache2 when installing a new module"16:19
sorenI belive I contested this last time.16:19
nijabagoogle 'apache2-ssl-certificate site:help.ubuntu.com'16:19
sorenWhich modules require a restart and don't do it?16:19
sorenYes, that's the answer I got last time, too.16:19
sommernijaba: cool not too many16:19
nijabasommer: still think that we should have a wiki explaining the change and the correct procedure16:20
sorenDoes anyone object to removing that item from the Roadmap? I've not seen any evidence that this issue exists?16:20
sommernijaba: yep, I'll create a page and link it to the main apache article16:20
sommersoren: no problem with me... I'd think there'd be more bugs related to the issue.16:21
sorensommer: If you see any, could you send me the link at some point?16:21
* jdstrand tentatively raises his hand, and asks soren if we can talk about bug #13562416:21
sorenOk, moving right along..16:21
ubotuLaunchpad bug 135624 in php5 "libapache2-mod-php5 should provide LAMP test page" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/13562416:21
sorenUm... Well, yes, I guess it's sort of related.16:22
jdstrandit is related in that its LAMP16:22
jdstrandit was something that was supposed to get into gutsy, but didn't16:22
sorenjdstrand: Right. What has Debian said about it?16:22
sorenNothing, it seems. :(16:22
jdstrandnothing-- a debdiff has been languishing in the BTS16:22
jdstrandsince it doesn't look like we will get it for free, maybe it should be added to the Roadmap16:23
jdstrandthe debdiff is easy-- there is one in the LP bug too16:23
sorenjdstrand: We've got both apache and php maintainers on staff. You should poke someone. :)16:23
* jdstrand goes off poking...16:24
jdstrandsoren: should it be added to the Roadmap?16:24
sorenjdstrand: We could do that.16:24
jdstrand(not the poking-- the task)16:24
soren:) Sure.16:25
sorenI'll do that when we're done here.16:25
jdstrandI think it'd be a good idea so it won't be forgotten16:25
jdstrandsoren: thanks! :)16:25
sorenOk. Next item: "Improve mysql package upgrade"16:25
sorenWho added this?16:25
sommermathiaz I think16:25
sorenDoes anyone what the issue is?16:25
sommerwasn't there something during UDS about that?16:26
sorenInsert "know" where appropriate.16:26
sorensommer: If there were, I forgot.16:26
krautschedule @berlin16:27
sommerya, I seem to remember some discussion about it... my not have been at UDS though16:27
sommermaybe there was a bug?16:27
sorenOk.. If noone knows what it's about, let's skip it for now.16:27
sorenI can't spot it.16:28
nijabasoren: please do skip^16:28
sorenNext item: "Improve php modules packages"16:28
sorenThe issue being that newly installed php modules should cause a restart of apache.16:28
sorenivoks was supposed to be working on ditching libapache2-mod-php5, so it becomes a php problem rather than an apache problem.16:29
soren...and it that case, I don't think it'll be much of a point of discussion. The problem so far has been that php should unconditionally restart apache as it wasn't sure that apache was even using php.16:30
sorenshouldn't unconditionally...16:30
sorenMan, typing *is* hard.16:31
sorenHmm... The ditching libapache2-mod-php5 should be on the roadmap, too.16:31
nijabaI agreed that it should be suggested, not forces16:31
sorenor "instead" rather.16:31
sorennijaba: What should?16:32
nijabareloading of apache16:32
sorennijaba: Right. When we ditch mod-php5, it seizes to be an issue.16:32
sorenAnything else about this?16:33
sorenOk, next item: "Integration of Dovecot SASL and Postfix"16:33
sorenI've been discussing this with ivoks a bit, but I'm not sure how far along he's come.16:33
nijabasoren: didn't I saw diffs he proposed?16:34
sorennijaba: Yes, but they were rejected.16:34
sorennijaba: By me.16:34
sorenI'll make a note of poking ivoks about it when he shows up again.16:35
nijabasoren: right...  so since he his not around today, let's skip16:35
sorenThe next few items, I'm not sure about.16:36
soren"Update Ubuntu ServerTeam wiki pages"16:36
sorenMathiaz is the assignee. I don't know the status, I'm afraid.16:36
soren(Holidays are annoying)16:36
soren"Write a How-To for Drupal on Ubuntu"16:36
sorenJimTarvid around?16:36
sorenGuess not.16:37
sommersoren: I haven't seen him since the 2nd or 3rd meeting16:37
sorenNext: "Track pages on help.ubuntu.com that need to be updated"16:37
sorensommer: status?16:37
sommerhaven't concentrated on that one too much lately16:38
sorensommer: Fair enough.16:38
sommerthere's a list of Samba pages that need cleaned up16:38
sommerthere's a lot of duplication, and I wasn't sure the best route to take16:38
sorenSomething you need/want to discuss here?16:39
sommerI'd hate to remove a page and get into some kind of flame war about it16:39
sommerprobably not a big deal, but some of the pages are rather long16:39
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sorenI say to aim for quality rather than quantity.  A lot of crap is still crap.16:40
sommertotally agree, I'll try to focus some on that this week16:40
sorensommer: If you're completely rewriting, just move the old page to somewhere else (Blah/Old).16:40
sorensommer: Great!16:41
sommersoren: good idea will do.16:41
sorenNext: "Update Server-Related Ubotu Factoids"16:41
sorenDid these get poked into ubotu yet?16:41
soren..some at least did.16:41
sommerI think nealmcb was testing them the other day16:42
sorenOk. Does anyone have any input about this in nealmcb's absence?16:42
sorenGuess not.16:43
soren"Review ServerGuide for Hardy"16:43
nijabasommer is doing a great job at it16:43
sorensommer: Do you want to talk about it?16:43
sorensommer: It's fine if not.16:44
sommersure, I was wondering if anyone could test the Backups section16:44
nijabaI take it16:44
sommerI sent a message to the server ml, but haven't had much of a response so far16:44
* sommer no longer has a tape drive16:44
* soren neither :(16:45
nijabaWill ask elmo to take a look as well16:45
sommernijaba: cool, I added an archive rotation section that I think covers your previous suggestions16:45
sommernijaba: I sent him an email as well, because I wasn't sure if he was on the server ml16:45
nijabanot sure he is either16:45
sommerreally no rush at this point16:46
sommerI'm also working on an eBox section, but wasn't sure of the status of it for Hardy?16:46
nijabaI think soren said that he will check with updstream in jan.16:47
sorensommer: I'm not really the one doing the work on it this time around. It's been "outsourced" to the eBox developers (upstream, I mean).16:47
sorenI'll be keeping an eye on it, though.16:47
sommerthat's cool, I started a wiki page on help.u.c16:47
sorensommer: eBox has a lot of documentation of its own, though.16:48
sorensommer: Good stuff, afair.16:48
sommerya, I'm working through it trying to document what's done so fare in Gutsy16:48
sorenBoth developer, user, and installation guides.16:48
nijabasoren: anything on developing specific plugin?16:48
nijabacool thankt16:48
nijabacool thanks16:48
sorennijaba: :)16:48
sorensommer: I honestly wouldn't bother.16:49
sorensommer: The eBox stuff in gutsy is not worth mentioning. Quite the contrary, actually.16:49
sommerheh... also for my own learning... thinking about deploying it at work16:49
sommerwith hardy that is16:49
sorensommer: If you do, don't bother with the Ubuntu packages :)16:50
sorensommer: Ah, ok.16:50
nijabasoren: you mean, for gutsy?16:50
sorennijaba: Yes.16:50
sorenOk, moving on...16:50
soren"Create Server GUI Wiki Page"16:50
sommerstill on my todo list16:51
sommerbut if anyone else wants to start thats cool... heh16:51
sorenNext: "Integrate AppArmor into Ubuntu"16:51
sorenThat's done, surely?16:51
sorenIt's installed by default even in gutsy.. Why is it on the roadmap?16:51
nijabaodd...  I guess it meant additional profiles16:52
sommerI also added an AppArmor section to the Server Guide.16:52
sorenPossibly. I'll ask mathiaz to update it.16:52
sorensommer: Cool!16:52
soren"Simplify storage management (RAID1 - LVM-on-RAID) during installation"16:52
sorenivoks is not here, so we'll skip.16:52
jdstrandsoren: I believe it is, at least in part, getting more profiles16:52
sorenjdstrand: Ok, cool.16:52
jdstrand(that was for apparmor)16:52
soren[TOPIC] ruby-on-rails (What is the status of this?)16:53
MootBotNew Topic:  ruby-on-rails (What is the status of this?)16:53
sommerI think dendrobates was going to check up on it... from the last meeting16:53
* nijaba grumbles about christmas16:53
sorenYeah, and he's not here, so we lose :)16:54
sorenMoving right along..16:54
soren[TOPIC] JeOS tutorial (shall we redirect users from wiki to linuxtoday.com ?)16:54
MootBotNew Topic:  JeOS tutorial (shall we redirect users from wiki to linuxtoday.com ?)16:54
sorennijaba: Go!16:54
nijabaThe editor from linuxtoday.com do not want to publish our JeOS tutorial if it is published on our wiki.16:54
nijabaA possible compromise would be to mofify our wiki so that it points to the rest of the article on linuxtoday.com for the 90days it will be published there.16:54
nijabaWe feel awkward about this and would love to have your opinion.16:54
nijabaOn one hand it would increase the visibility of JeOS a bit16:54
nijabaOn the other hand it would prevent us from editing (improve) it for a while.16:54
nijabaWhat do you think?16:55
sommerso the article is redirected for 90 days then replaced after their article is taken down?16:55
nijabayes, that's the idea16:55
sommerdoesn't seem too big a deal to me16:55
nijabaany other comments?16:56
* sommer votes to do it... seems like it will help in marketing and stuff16:56
jdstrandI would think we would want to be able to edit it, as this would put us into March, and hardy releases in april.  we want testers and the docs need to be up to date16:56
jdstrandwe could of course have updates point somewhere else, but it is a concern16:56
nijabajdstrand: what about putting it in bzr for the time?16:57
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* jdstrand thinks he didn't phrase any of that particularly well, but hopes his point got across anyway16:57
sorennijaba: That's an option.16:57
jdstrandnijaba: I have no problem with that, but prospective users/testers will need to be able to easily find it16:57
sommerhow is Jeos going to be documented long term?16:58
nijabaimproving that tuto?16:58
sommeris the documentation going to always be in the wiki or is something planned for the docbook docs?16:59
jdstrandnijaba: can the wiki page that points to the tutorial have an errata section (or something)?16:59
jdstrandnijaba: at least a pointer to it?16:59
nijabasommer: sure, I don't think that would be a problem16:59
sorensommer: I don't think we talked about it, really.16:59
sorenjdstrand: That sounds sensible.16:59
sommergotcha, I'm not even sure where it would fit, but just wondering16:59
jdstrandnijaba: I'd also like to point out that I am all for getting the information out there-- just want to make sure our testing doesn't suffer17:00
nijabaso I'll propose the editor that we have a redirection + an errata section there.17:00
jdstrand(and testers ;)17:00
sorenjdstrand: That was one of my concerns as well. Replacing the wiki page with a link to linuxtoday and errata and then put the one for hardy in bzr for 90 days?17:01
sorenIs that what we're doing?17:01
nijabasoren: is the future of JeOS, ubuntu-vm-builder, or will we still maintain a separate iso?17:01
nijabasoren: yes17:01
sorenStill a separate ISO, I would think17:01
soren[AGREED] Replace the Jeos tutorial wiki page with a link to linuxtoday and errata and then put the one for hardy in bzr for 90 days?17:02
MootBotAGREED received:  Replace the Jeos tutorial wiki page with a link to linuxtoday and errata and then put the one for hardy in bzr for 90 days?17:02
jdstrandsoren: I think that sounds reasonable17:02
sorenjdstrand: It has to be reasonable. I told MootBot we agreed on it.17:02
nijabasommer: could you create the place holder in bzr?  I'll update the wiki in due time17:02
jdstrandsoren: haha-- you just typed faster than I17:02
* jdstrand is trying to type more carefully after all17:03
sommernijaba: sure17:03
sorenOk, Last item:17:03
soren[TOPIC] Agree on next meeting date and time.17:03
MootBotNew Topic:  Agree on next meeting date and time.17:03
nijabathanks...  my bzr skills are still not perfect and I don't even know if I have the right to do the add.17:03
sorenI intend to at least pretend to not be working next week.17:03
sorennijaba: Everyone can create branches for every project on Launchpad.17:04
nijabaI'll be there until Wednesday....  then off to kenya for 12 days (until the 6th)17:04
sommer^^ I think that may be a better approach17:04
sorenI also think January 1st is going to be difficult.17:04
sommernijaba: a seperate bzr branch for the article I mean17:05
nijabasommer: right17:05
nijabathis I know how to do17:05
sorenSo next meeting on January 8th? That's quite a while, but then again, not much is going to happen in between.17:05
nijabasoren: I don't think that we have much choice...17:06
sommersoren: sounds good to me17:06
jdstrandsoren: me too17:06
soren[AGREED] Next meeting January 8th, same time same channel.17:06
MootBotAGREED received:  Next meeting January 8th, same time same channel.17:06
sorenAny other business?17:06
sorenGoing once...17:06
sorenthrice! Meeting adjourned17:07
MootBotMeeting finished at 17:07.17:07
sommercool thanks all17:07
nijabaHave a good one, everyone...  Adam: party on...17:07
sommerheh... party!17:07
jdstrandthanks soren!17:07
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sabdflhi all20:01
* slangasek waves20:01
mdzmjg59,Keybuk: ping20:01
mdzI think Keybuk is without network until tomorrow20:01
sabdflhey evand, slangasek20:02
sabdfllamont: ping?20:02
lamontsabdfl: ack20:03
* keescook waves too20:03
* somerville32 waves as well.20:04
MootBotMeeting started at 20:04. The chair is mdz.20:04
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]20:04
mdz[TOPIC] ubuntu-core-dev application by Steve Langasek20:05
MootBotNew Topic:  ubuntu-core-dev application by Steve Langasek20:05
mdz[LINK] https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/motu-council/2007-December/000615.html20:06
MootBotLINK received:  https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/motu-council/2007-December/000615.html20:06
* mdz glares at sabdfl20:06
slangasek(oops, sorry, will try to lean on my mouse in a different channel)20:06
mdzslangasek: I thought you were providing a convenient visual separator for the meeting log20:07
keescookslangasek: it was a good topic separator.  ;)20:07
sabdfli thought it was a reflection of the looooong pause20:07
sabdfltill i stated the obvious ;-)20:07
mdz[link] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SteveLangasek20:07
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SteveLangasek20:07
* sabdfl will curb enthusiasm in favour of a modulated approach before others, too, state the obvious20:08
mdzsabdfl: given that mjg59 and I both know slangasek reasonably well from Debian, perhaps you should lead the discussion :-)20:08
sabdflslangasek: what are your thoughts on keybuk's proposal to merge main and universe?20:09
slangaseksabdfl: I share the concerns Martin Pitt raised about the difficulty in keeping control of build-dependencies if there's no longer a separation at the apt level preventing wrong packages pulled in on the buildds20:10
sabdflagreed, and there are also social consequences if we make build/install dependencies mean more than just exactly what they say20:11
slangasekand I think the concerns you just raised is also valid, though it wasn't one that had occurred to me20:11
sabdflcould you comment further on the difference between -core-dev and -motu?20:12
mdzI want to find a way to make it work, but I'm a bit discouraged at all the holes we'd need to patch20:12
sabdflthere's definitely a nice element to having the people who care about a set of packages, say who gets to upload them20:13
slangasekhmm, I think the separation between -core-dev and -motu is a valuable one for a number of reasons.  Historically, Debian has only had one level of contributor, full DDs, which gave upload rights to everything; this had the effect of setting a very high bar for any contributions.  In comparison, MOTU is a useful way not of /excluding/ people from contributing to main, but of /including/ them as contributors to universe20:14
mdzinterestingly, Debian has recently invented another level of contributor20:15
sabdflwhat's that?20:15
mdzDebian Maintainer20:15
mdz[link] http://www.debian.org/vote/2007/vote_00320:16
MootBotLINK received:  http://www.debian.org/vote/2007/vote_00320:16
slangasekso certainly, any plan that reorganizes the main/universe split should keep in mind the importance of privilege separation in allowing contributors to bootstrap their way into the community20:16
mdzslangasek: based on your experience in the process, do you have any thoughts about how we might improve either the process or the team structure itself?20:17
slangasekmdz: by "process" you mean the process of becoming MOTU/core-dev?20:17
mdzslangasek: specifically, yes, and the general process of getting involved in the project20:17
mdzworking at Canonical, you've had a leg up on most folks who go through it because you have daily contact with a lot of other folks involved in the project, but I'm always interested in feedback about what it's like and how we can make things easier for those interested in contributing20:18
slangasekright; getting involved came easily for me, not just because it's part of my job but also because IRC is a natural medium for me20:19
slangasekso dropping into #ubuntu-motu and finding my way around was not hard at all20:20
slangasekI don't know how it would be for someone trying to approach the project on an email-and-forums-only basis20:20
mdzI wonder if the pervasiveness of IRC in Ubuntu is limiting for those who are not used to it20:20
slangasekI'm not sure how solvable that problem is - email is always more formal and higher latency than IRC20:21
sabdflare there many big decisions that are taken exclusively through irc?20:21
slangaseknot that I've seen20:21
mdzthere's no introductory document which says "lots happens on IRC, it's important to be there"20:21
mdzjust "hey, there's an IRC server, check it out"20:21
mdzsabdfl: it's not so much that as that the day-to-day heartbeat happens there20:22
mdzhow people know you're alive and can talk to you20:22
sabdflthe uds framework is still really good for folks working to a longer timescale20:22
sabdfl+1 from me, again :-)20:23
mdzbut someone who turned up at UDS and then didn't follow IRC or -changes or such after that would be lost20:23
mdzmjg59: any questions for slangasek?20:23
sabdfland for the record i'm really glad to see the debian maintainer proposal, looks like it will ease pressure on N-M and DAM20:23
somerville32mdz, I find that I have to stress to people who comes to me looking to get involved with Ubuntu the importance of being on IRC is to getting involved20:23
slangasekmdz: as far as process, another thing that was confusing to me initially was the "apply to MOTU" vs. "apply to core-dev directly" question, which seems to have been sorted out now since I first applied; that's good :)20:23
mdzslangasek: given your extensive Debian background, now that you've had a look from the other side, what do you think about our relationship with Debian?  the good, the bad, the weird?20:23
mdzsomerville32: maybe it's something we should add to UbuntuDevelopment20:24
mdzsomerville32: a quick, practical guide to getting in touch with other Ubuntu developers20:24
mdzthere's a Communication paragraph, but it's more or less a list of resources20:24
mjg59slangasek: Do you feel the balance of MOTU (in terms of not putting people off by putting too many barriers in their way, but still wanting to keep the quality of universe high) is about right at the moment?20:25
somerville32mdz, The same applies for the mailing list sometimes. Oddly, some people just expect to be able to get involved without attaching themselves to our main communication mediums.20:25
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slangasekmdz: in spite of the often high-profile complaints in Debian about Ubuntu, I've always felt that Ubuntu has led the way in terms of derivatives cooperating with Debian.  Ubuntu has taken heat because it's the visible target, not because it has a poor relationship with Debian20:26
slangasekmdz: there've been a few points in the past where on the Debian side I had concerns about Ubuntu's practices, and now that I've seen things from the other side these all seem to reduce to misunderstandings.  I think the best way to clear up such misunderstandings is with open communication20:27
mdzit's very difficult to have good cooperation between two projects which do their work in different places, but in some respects this is inherent in deriving a distribution20:28
mdzslangasek: what are the things we could help to communicate openly which weren't clear to you before you got involved with Ubuntu?20:29
mdzslangasek: (we can follow up on that thread offline if you prefer, we're limited in time here)20:29
mdzI would like to know though20:29
mdzin fact, we should definitely take it to email, as we have another applicant waiting20:29
slangasekmjg59: I haven't seen much that I thought was going wrong in MOTU to make me think the balance needs to move in either direction, so yes20:30
slangasekmdz: right, off-line it is20:30
mdz[action] slangasek to send some thoughts about things we need to communicate more openly with respect to Debian20:30
MootBotACTION received:  slangasek to send some thoughts about things we need to communicate more openly with respect to Debian20:30
mjg59slangasek: That's reassuring20:31
mdzif there are no objections to it, I'd like to call for a vote now, so that we can move on20:31
mjg59Works for me20:31
mdz[vote] slangasek for ubuntu-core-dev20:31
MootBotPlease vote on:  slangasek for ubuntu-core-dev.20:31
MootBotPublic votes can be registered by saying +1/-1/+0 in the channel, private votes by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0  to MootBot20:31
MootBotE.g. /msg MootBot +1 #ubuntu-meeting20:31
MootBot+1 received from sabdfl. 1 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 120:32
mdz+1 based on first-hand experience from Debian and excellent feedback so far in Ubuntu20:32
MootBot+1 received from mdz. 2 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 220:32
MootBot+1 received from mjg59. 3 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 320:33
MootBot+1 received from somerville32. 4 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 420:33
mdzoh yeah, that's broken20:33
somerville32Woot slangasek! :P20:34
mdzit's also broken, in this context, that votes are counted for anyone who happens to be in the channel ;-)20:34
mdzanyway, welcome slangasek!20:34
evandcongratulations slangasek!20:34
slangasekthanks :)20:34
sabdflwelcome, slangasek20:34
mdz[topic] ubuntu-core-dev application by Evan Dandrea20:34
MootBotVote is in progress. Finishing now.20:34
MootBotFinal result is 4 for, 0 against. 0 abstained. Total: 420:34
MootBotNew Topic:  ubuntu-core-dev application by Evan Dandrea20:34
mdz[link] https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/motu-council/2007-December/000652.html20:35
MootBotLINK received:  https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/motu-council/2007-December/000652.html20:35
mdz[link] http://wiki.ubuntu.com/EvanDandrea20:35
MootBotLINK received:  http://wiki.ubuntu.com/EvanDandrea20:35
mdzevand: the installer is a real nexus, so you've been exposed to a lot of processes very quickly (bzr, Debian merges, derivative distributions, the live CD, etc.)20:38
mdzevand: what was that like?20:38
evandIt's helped quite a bit.  I've been able to get a good feel for how to maintain packages in a variety of ways, how we interact with derivatives, how important it is to have all the core bits working in order to get solid development work done (the unionfs debacle), and much more.  It's also given me a preference for working with bzr rather than patches for merges.20:40
mdzevand: what were the most difficult bits to learn?  the obstacles?  what was poorly documented or overcomplicated?20:41
evandIt's hard to look back and find overly difficult tasks as I've always had people like cjwatson to lean on, but it's sometimes difficult to run through a merge if you werent the one who had done it in the past, as the reasoning for the delta is often not detailed well enough in the changelog.20:43
evandThe seeds are quite complicated, but that is somewhat unavoidable in their current form.20:44
sabdflwhich external components (other than uniquity) do you think will be affected by encrypted filesystems?20:44
evandAnything that touches partitioning at all.  We need to make sure that the userspace tools we have can manage LVM + luks, and that our documentation is updated to reflect the options and consequences that are now available to the users.20:46
evandThe latter being something that we really need to focus on for the installer as a whole.20:46
mdzevand: what about the process of specifying and implementing new features in Ubuntu (UDS, Launchpad blueprints etc.)?  do you think that process works well or not, and why?20:47
evandI think the workflow we have works extremely well, but I think we can do a better job of communicating to the community how it works simply and make sure that's placed somewhere very visible.  I tried to go out of my way to involve as many people as I could in the Gobuntu discussion by constantly posting updates on the UDS meeting to the ML, as I felt that the vast majority of them had no idea how the system worked.  I think there are some schedu20:49
mdzevand: sorry, you seem to have been cut off20:50
evandas I felt that the vast majority of them  had no idea how the system worked.  I think there are some scheduler bugs here as well as it's really tough to tell someone, "by the way, we're having a meeting on this in 10 minutes because  the scheduler was updated" because the topic wasn't on the core track.20:50
evanddoes that finish it off?20:50
evandI'd also like to have the public VoIP discussions at UDS archived, for those who could not attend and so we have more than just our notes to work off of.  A lot happens in meetings, there are side conversations, and everything doesn't always get written down.  I know there has been some opposition to this, but I think it's quite essential.20:51
mdzmjg59: questions for evand?20:52
mjg59I think I'm ok20:53
mdz#vote evand for ubuntu-core-dev20:55
mdzMootBot: :'-(20:55
mdznow I'll have to tabulate the votes by HAND!20:56
mdz[vote] evand for ubuntu-core-dev20:56
MootBotPlease vote on:  evand for ubuntu-core-dev.20:56
MootBotPublic votes can be registered by saying +1/-1/+0 in the channel, private votes by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0  to MootBot20:56
MootBotE.g. /msg MootBot +1 #ubuntu-meeting20:56
MootBot+1 received from sabdfl. 1 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 120:56
MootBot+1 received from mjg59. 2 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 220:57
mdz+1, substantial direct contributions to fundamental Ubuntu bits and demonstrated understanding of and experience with our development processes20:57
MootBot+1 received from mdz. 3 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 320:57
mdzevand: congratulations and welcome20:57
slangasekevand: 'grats!20:58
mdz[topic] aob20:58
MootBotVote is in progress. Finishing now.20:58
MootBotFinal result is 3 for, 0 against. 0 abstained. Total: 320:58
MootBotNew Topic:  aob20:58
evandthanks everyone!20:58
mdzanything further for the meeting?  I have 2 minutes before my next meeting20:58
Mithrandirmdz: lucky you :-)20:58
Mithrandirevand: congrats, well deserved.20:59
evandthanks Mithrandir !20:59
mdzok, thanks all20:59
MootBotMeeting finished at 20:59.20:59
evandthanks for your time, enjoy the rest of your evening20:59
slangasekcheers, folks21:01
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