
=== ktetch is now known as K`Tetch
neil_dhow much memory does a client need ?01:34
kgoetzclient== thin client?01:36
kgoetz64mb memory iirc01:36
neil_dkgoetz: yes it does, thanks01:41
* kgoetz uses 128, but thats because i had 128's handy01:49
carbon_unitHi all!01:49
carbon_unitI have an edubuntu question.01:50
HedgeMagecarbon_unit:  ask it and we might have an answer01:50
carbon_unitCan edubuntu be setup so that someone on the internet with a windows client can login to it?01:51
carbon_unitLike I can go home and login with a windows machine?01:51
kgoetzVNC of some sort?01:54
neil_dcarbon_unit: I don't know, but one way is to make the home dual boot linux.01:54
carbon_unitWell I run Linux at home but the students may not have that option.01:55
carbon_unitBut they can terminal serve in from the internet?01:56
kgoetzterminal service in your mind being...?01:56
carbon_unitfrom the internet they can get a login prompt and log into their account on the edubuntu server seeing their edubuntu desktop.01:57
carbon_unitor what can they do?01:57
kgoetzif you make the system available to the internet, and install something like vnc on it, they can01:57
kgoetzafk. putting our new work server in :)01:57
kgoetzback in a few hours01:58
carbon_unitSo I don't really need LTSP to do this, VNC will work instead?01:59
kgoetzwhat your asking requires something other then ltsp02:00
kgoetzbug really gone now ;)02:00
carbon_unitCool. Thanks!02:00
neil_dis there a url that explains how to setup the server to run 64bit and the client 32bit ?02:07
eljefe_can anyone tell me how to fix compiz on edubuntu?  the apps always start blank04:39
eljefe_i think it needs something added in /etc/X11/xorg.conf but i don't know what04:41
neil_dseen the artigo at www.mini-itx.com make a good ltsp terminal06:54
lnsneil_d, for $358 USD?? Damn expensive thin client! =)07:04
lnsit does look very slick though07:04
Goosemoosewhat are the stats on it?07:35
BurgundaviaRichEd: finally getting around to adding your stuff to the fridge07:50
RichEdthanks Burgundavia ... much obliged07:59
Burgundaviano worries, sorry about the crazy delay08:05
neil_dlns: didn't say cheap08:11
killsaladhello i've got bit problem with ubuntu7.10 ltsp and local device access - on thin client everything is ok and server has all required software,  but there's no directory with device content11:13
ScorpFromHellI need to install edubuntu on 100 machines of same config, can I use Ghost to copy the disk image to all the machines once I install it on one machine?11:39
ScorpFromHellIs there an OEM option for installing Edubuntu?11:45
RichEdScorpFromHell: ghost should work fine11:47
ScorpFromHellThanks RichEd11:48
RichEd( try one before you do the whole batch :)11:48
ScorpFromHellRichEd, ofcourse :) NEver thought I would run into this problem this soon!!!11:51
Jay-Oh-Encan anybody here help my friend ScorpFromHell install edubuntu on 100 pc's12:01
ScorpFromHellJAy-Oh-En, I tried asking here too :) RichEd let me know that Ghost can be tried out.12:02
Jay-Oh-Enok kool12:02
`6ogor mondo, or preseeding12:02
RichEdScorpFromHell: there is also an open source ghost equivalent ... if you want to go pure and side-step licence fees rather than avoid them12:02
* `6og cant remember the name of the mass netinstall tools12:03
ScorpFromHellRichEd, we have Ghost licenses, thats why I wanted to know if we could use that. We plan to donate our old machines to some schools :)12:04
RichEdScorpFromHell: okay :)12:04
RichEd== channel note = there will not be an edubuntu meeting today ==12:05
RichEd( due to ogra not being available & RichEd on a half day and wrapping up for leave )12:05
`6ogScorpFromHell, you should check out mondo too, just so if the schools ask you, you can give them an option12:06
ScorpFromHell`6og, let me check out mondo12:06
`6ogScorpFromHell, the version in dapper has nagware in it, but the later versions are all "clean"12:07
ScorpFromHellbtw, may be I should give a background about my group first :)12:08
`6ogplease do :)12:08
ScorpFromHellhttp://groups.yahoo.com/group/linux-bangalore-non-tech/message/6991 has some deets12:08
ScorpFromHellin short, based in India, multiple locations12:09
ScorpFromHellaim to bring cheap ICT to schools12:09
`6ogsimilar to what ITShare SA do ( http://www.itshare.org.au )12:10
ScorpFromHellWow!! That's a cool idea ... but not applicable in India :D people do not have much computers in the first place to donate in viable numbers12:11
ScorpFromHellstill, I guess I could start something on those lines to get donations from the IT companies12:12
`6ogits taken us almost a decade to get to where we are, but its finally starting to get bigger12:12
Jay-Oh-Enyou guys are amazing12:20
Jay-Oh-Eni wish i could do that here in vegas12:20
ScorpFromHell`6og, sorry ... got dc12:36
ScorpFromHellhad a short blackout :( its the darn rains maybe12:37
`6ogScorpFromHell, no worries12:37
pips1isn't there supposed to be a meeting now?12:47
pips1did i miss it?12:48
`6og<RichEd> == channel note = there will not be an edubuntu meeting today ==12:51
`6og<RichEd> ( due to ogra not being available & RichEd on a half day and wrapping up for leave )12:51
ScorpFromHellWhen do the meetings happen? And what happens in those meetings?12:51
pips1`6og: thanks12:51
`6ogpips1, np12:52
pips1ScorpFromHell: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Edubuntu/Community/MeetingAgenda12:53
pips1in the first half we talk about ongoing development, in the second meeting half we talk about issues relevant to users of edubuntu12:54
pips1got to run..12:55
ScorpFromHell`6og, gotta go too ... will keep peeping in time to time :)13:01
`6ogScorpFromHell, look forward to seeing you again :)13:02
skipperCan someone help me with a problem?18:39
ScorpFromHell`6og, found a possible answer for my 100 m/c install issue ... http://www.debuntu.org/how-to-unattended-ubuntu-network-install19:19
Goosemoosehas there been any progress on the integration with AD that's happening in hardy?22:45
johnnyAD integration already works in linux for the most part i think22:46
johnnyi assume that they are just going to make it a bit easier..22:46
stgraberIIRC Ubuntu has a spec about using alternative authentication modules (ldap/ad/nis/...) and some tools are now there to make that easier to configure22:47
johnnyhmm.. no idea..22:47
stgrabermainly by creating profiles, then being able to switch between profiles22:47
`6ogiirc there was a bug in libpam re AD22:47
stgraberauth-client-config and authtool that's (from a quick apt-cache search)22:48
Goosemoosei have ad integration setup by manually editing a bunch of conf files22:59
Goosemoosebut there's an integration going into hardy that was making it a one liner22:59
Goosemoosei forget who was working on it now23:00
Dante123Looking for some programmers  http://sourceforge.net/projects/spellinator23:00
Dante123looking for some programmers  http://sourceforge.net/projects/spellinator23:00
johnnyDante123, for how much?23:34
Dante123this is open source....gratis23:38
Dante123but you'll sleep easy at night knowing you've done your part for literacy!23:38
johnnyi get paid for open source23:44
johnnyi work on the system level already.. to make the overall platform better23:45
johnnyas well as various web apps23:45
Dante123well, that's good.  This is basically a program that teachers/parents would use with elementary school children...23:45
johnnyi'm suprised edubuntu doesn't already have something like that23:46
Dante123The original was made on an old mac using Hypercard.....I'd like to see the basic idea revived....23:46
johnnyyeah.. i'm just wondering if something already exists23:46
Dante123I'm new to using sourceforge....so I put up there what I could.....no nothing quite like it exists.  There are programs/sites that will give you activities similar to some of these....but not all of them...and they are canned...in other words you have to work with the words they give you.23:47
Dante123The difference here is the control is put back into the teacher/parents hand....23:48
johnnymaybe you can get folks who are already working on edu apps to do it23:49
johnnylike kde edu23:49
Dante123So if you were doing a unit in a different subject- say social studies, you could pick words related to that....or if you want to focus on a prefix or suffix....there are word lists that come up and give you lists of words that fit the pattern....you select the ones you want.23:49
Dante123I will try there.  Thanks.23:49
Dante123any other irc chat channels you think I should look into?23:50
johnnyi don't know where the gnome edu folks hang out23:50
johnnyor you could try building the app in the application called glom23:50
johnnyit's sorta like MS access23:50

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