
=== jpetso is now known as jpetso_away
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stdincheguevara: are you about?00:43
cheguevarastdin, aye00:44
cheguevarawhats up00:44
elisianogood night guys00:44
cheguevaranigh elisiano00:44
stdinyou know that section in debian/rules that made a wrapper script?00:44
stdin...well it doesn't exactly work00:44
stdinbut I have a fix you should apply to your packages00:45
cheguevarahmm really? i tested it, it seemed to work00:45
cheguevarawhat was wrong?00:45
stdinit doesn't pass arguments to the executable00:45
stdin" sed -i 's/$$@/$\\$@/' debian/rules " from the source dir should fix it00:46
cheguevaradoubt any of my packages accept any arguments anyway00:46
cheguevarabut i'll go fix it00:46
cheguevarathanks stdin00:46
stdinI'm making debdiffs for all the other kde4 modules at the moment00:47
cheguevarathere goes our 1 advocate again :P00:47
stdinwell it teaches you to test your patches ;)00:48
cheguevaraheh true :P00:50
ScottKHooray.  New Dell laptop up and running on Kubuntu and "No proprietary drivers are in use on this system".01:14
ardchoilleNice :)01:14
ScottKD430 for anyone who's interested.01:15
stdinhmm, are kdepim-kde4, kdeedu-kde4, kdeutils-kde4, kdesdk-kde4, kdewebdev-kde4, kdeartwork-kde4, kdetoys-kde4, kdeaccessibility-kde4, kdegames-kde4, kdeadmin-kde4, kdenetwork-kde4, kdegraphics-kde4 and kdemultimedia-kde4 supposed to be using "Standards-Version: 3.7.2" ?01:16
cheguevaraas opped to 3.7.3 ?01:19
stdinrunning debuild on all the packages I saw lintian complain quite a few times01:20
cheguevaracan probably bump it01:20
stdinyeah, but I only looked *after* I build all the .diffs... :p01:21
stdinso that's another 18 I need to make01:21
cheguevaraouch :P01:21
stdinwell, 16 actually01:22
stdinas the kdebase* packages are ok at least01:22
cheguevarastill quiet a lot01:22
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stdinright, it's taken about an hour but all debdiffs done :)01:52
cheguevaranice :)01:56
stdinRiddell: more debdiffs at http://stdin.me.uk/diffs/01:58
stdinas I can't be bothered making a bug report for each source package...01:59
cheguevarais there any way to adjust font hinting in kde 402:12
stdincheck in system settings ?02:13
cheguevaraunder fonts you can only change the fonts02:13
cheguevarabut the hinting options seem to have vanished02:14
cheguevaraand it don't seem to be hinted by default as well02:14
* cheguevara wants an svn snapshot02:15
stdinso go build one, it's fun :)02:16
Hobbseestdin: any more fixes to make at the same time?02:16
stdinHobbsee: no, that's everything02:16
cheguevaraI bet Hobbsee is thinking "when the **** are they gonna stop rebuilding things every other day"02:17
cheguevarahey look at restricted modules02:18
cheguevara5 uploads02:18
cheguevaraand still no binaries :P02:19
stdinto be honest, the only reason kde4 needs rebuilding this time is because I didn't test the patch very well (but don't tell Hobbsee, shell poke me to death)02:20
* Hobbsee pokes stdin02:20
* stdin dies of "pokeage"02:20
cheguevaraat least we don't do weekly snapshots like suse02:20
cheguevaracould do it in a ppa though :P02:21
Hobbseewell, actually02:21
Hobbseeas long as it got sent ot the bottom on stuff like hppa, etc, it's probably OK02:22
cheguevarahey! there are people out there that want to run kde 4 snapshots on hppas, lpias and sparcs02:23
stdinso, there are people out there than want a pony, we don't all get what we want :p02:24
cheguevarahmm i wonder though how hard it would be to package svn snapshots02:25
cheguevarathough there is really not much point now02:25
stdinas a general rule, it's slightly more complicated than however complicated you think it is02:26
cheguevarai got a strong urge to get latest svn for myself though02:26
cheguevarathough i am scared what its gonna do to kubuntu kde 4 packages02:27
stdinif you install to another prefix, nothing02:27
Hobbseeimbrandon: ping02:27
imbrandonHobbsee: pong02:27
cheguevarawell yeah true02:27
Hobbseeimbrandon: can you install cdbs on aurora please?02:27
Hobbseeimbrandon: and also, can i have my password for the machine?02:28
Hobbseeoh, kit's now orko02:28
Hobbseebut responds to aurora.ubuntuwire02:28
cheguevaraoh yeah imbrandon that suse patch for konq seems to be a bit buggy02:28
imbrandonahh ok, orko dosnt have build tools02:28
imbrandonits people.uw.c02:28
imbrandonsparky is the only build box atm02:29
imbrandonbut that will soon change, i have 3 more "in the works" before new years02:29
imbrandonfast fast boxen02:29
Hobbseeimbrandon: i thought you had a build box with a local mirror attached.02:30
Hobbseeor that's not public anymore.02:30
imbrandonits not public anymore ( the isp went under ) but thast one of the 302:31
imbrandonwill be a local mirror for them all02:31
* Hobbsee starts uploading them02:31
cheguevarastdin, right, i think i might try it after all :P02:32
stdincheguevara: if you follow the guide http://techbase.kde.org/Getting_Started/Build/KDE4 it's quite easy02:35
cheguevarayeah thats what i was gonna follow02:36
cheguevarajust gotta get .bashrc right to not mess up stuff02:36
stdinsetup another user for it, it'll save you some trouble02:37
cheguevarayep did that also :P02:38
cheguevaraexport KDEDIR=$HOME/kde02:38
cheguevaraah it installs it all into home02:38
cheguevaravery useful :P02:38
stdinexactly :p02:39
Hobbseebash?  bah humbug.02:39
cheguevarastdin, any idea if cmake supports -jx02:40
cheguevaranice make -j2 && \02:40
cheguevaraguess it does02:40
* cheguevara changes to -j302:41
stdincmake is just like ./configure, it still uses make to run the compilation tools02:41
stdinwell, it's not "just like ./configure", but you know what I mean02:41
cheguevaraoh yeah you are right02:42
cheguevarajust made a fool of myself there02:42
* cheguevara hides02:42
Hobbseestdin: kdeartwork seems like a waste of time02:44
stdinit is :p but that's there because I made the .debdiffs with a for loop02:45
Hobbseeare any others like that?02:46
* Hobbsee writes a loop to download the sources02:46
stdinnope, that's the only onw02:47
stdinHobbsee: have you uploaded them yet?02:55
Hobbseestdin: some02:55
Hobbseestdin: i'm australian.  give it time.02:55
Hobbseeslow connections, big sources.02:55
stdinhold on for a min, I should check some of the .debs (that just built)02:56
cheguevaralow traffic limits :P02:56
Hobbseecheguevara: it's not my connection.  i'm ssh'd elsewhere02:57
stdinstill didn't work right02:57
cheguevaragood thing i didn't change my revu packages yet02:57
stdinthis is confusing....02:57
* Hobbsee lets the sources build anyway02:57
cheguevarai think i'll just leave the revu ones as they are, none of them need arguments02:58
cheguevaraHobbsee, when is the next core dev meeting03:01
cheguevaraif you do those any more03:02
Hobbseemethinks you're confused03:02
Hobbseewhat do they do at these so called "core dev" meetings?03:02
cheguevarayeah wrong naming sorry03:04
cheguevarameant devel team meeting03:04
stdinHobbsee: which ones did you upload ?03:05
Hobbseestdin: kdea*03:06
Hobbseecheguevara: i'm not a canonical person, so i don't have to go.  they're on once a month.  fridge might tell you03:06
stdinok, then I only have to bump 2 package versions03:06
cheguevarayeah, but I'm sure i've seen your name in most of the logs during gutsy dev :P03:07
Hobbseecheguevara: some of them, yeah, if i happen to be around for them03:07
cheguevarabut anyway there's a reason why i asked03:07
cheguevarawanted to suggest to bring up a libungif -> libgif transition some time in the future03:08
cheguevarasince libungif is dead upstream03:08
cheguevaraand most distros use libgif only03:08
Hobbseebring it up on ubuntu-devel@03:10
cheguevarathe gif patents are expired all over the world now03:11
ubotuDebian bug 401287 in libgif4 "libungif to libgif transition" [Wishlist,Open]03:14
cheguevaraits ongoing in debian03:14
Hobbseeeven better03:14
Hobbseebut do it after the tribe 203:14
cheguevaraHobbsee, is there a point of me raising it on ubuntu-devel if its already ongoing in debian?03:15
cheguevaralibgif will have to be promoted to main as well03:17
Hobbseecheguevara: as a "warning, this is happening", yes, i think so03:19
Hobbseealso ubuntu-motu@03:19
Hobbseeas dif has finished03:19
Hobbseeer, as DIF is in place03:19
cheguevarakk Hobbsee will do after tribe 2 then03:20
stdinHobbsee: diffs have been updated again, and there's also koffice2 in there now03:26
cheguevaraapparently kdebase needs xine 1.1.904:06
cheguevarawhen we got 1.1.8 in repos04:06
Hobbseespeak to siretart04:07
cheguevarameh xine 1.1.9 is not even out04:07
cheguevaraw00t kdebase failed04:27
nixternalwhich kdebase needs a xine higher than we have?04:33
stdinI think that's the svn version04:35
cheguevara+ Xine: xine-lib v1.1.8 was found on your system. This version is known to have problems when playing short sounds. Consider upgrading to version 1.1.9 or above. <http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=9655&package_id=9732>04:35
* stdin notices just how cold it is at 04:37 *shiver*04:37
nixternalinteresting...I just updated earlier and didn't have a problem04:45
cheguevaraisn't xine 1.2.0 the next release anyway04:50
nixternalhave no idea04:50
cheguevaraguess thats some opengl headers missing04:52
* nixternal tests and update right now04:55
stdinHobbsee: have you started uploading the diffs yet? (nothing wrong with them, just asking this time)05:08
nixternalcheguevara: what % did kdebase crash out on you?05:31
nixternalI am at 18% right now05:31
=== ScottK2 is now known as ScottK
apachelogger_Tm_T: your oxygen port is waaaayyy too old05:49
apachelogger_meh, the helicopter to school is waiting05:59
nixternalcheguevara: I just completed the kdebase update w/o any problems from svn06:04
_StefanS_Riddell: sent you the patch for videodvd:/ kio in k3b08:46
mhbhello to all the silent thinkers12:06
Riddellmust be christmas, Jesus is reporting bugs https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/17744212:35
ubotuLaunchpad bug 177442 in ubiquity "DebconfError" [Undecided,New]12:35
mhbhe's fixing them, too!12:36
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iRonRiddell: have you checked user disk mount with kdesu?13:43
RiddelliRon: no, is it on the same bug?13:52
RiddelliRon: I see it, looks nice13:54
RiddelliRon: the patch is missing halbackend.h ?13:55
iRonpatch only for halbackend.cpp13:56
iRonthere were no need to add methods to class declaration13:56
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Riddellhmm, ok14:02
RiddelliRon: anything stopping me from just uploading this14:02
Riddellit might (or might not) get into Alpha 214:02
iRonRiddell: no problem for me ;-)14:02
Riddellgroovy, let's try it14:03
iRonRiddell: i'm working now on bullet-proof-x task..14:04
RiddelliRon: do you have a real name to credit this to?14:06
iRonEugene Tretyak14:07
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Lureapachelogger: I want QLandkarte for Xmas ;-)15:29
Lureapachelogger: http://qlandkarte.sourceforge.net/15:29
* Nightrose wants worls peace and love for all - can you package that santa apachelogger? ;-)15:29
Lureapachelogger: would need to talk to upstream to improve their release naming15:30
Lureapachelogger: but they are good in terms of licensing and copyrights in files15:30
Lureapachelogger: there is getdeb package, but questionable quality15:30
apacheloggerLure: as usual :S15:31
apacheloggerNightrose: well, isn't that KDE?!15:31
Nightroseapachelogger: hmmmm maybe - we will see ;-)15:31
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mhbhow's everyone?16:53
iRoni got karma 12 :)16:55
mhbjust 1604 left to beat me :o)16:56
iRonit's my first points.. so..16:57
mhbiRon: congratulations then.16:58
iRonthanks! :)16:59
jpatrickiRon: and great work on the patch17:02
MaximLevitskyI have question about usplash, is it still the default splash system for ubuntu/kubuntu?17:16
RiddellMaximLevitsky: yes, but #ubuntu-devel will know more than we do17:16
RiddelliRon: have you looked at how bullet proof X works?17:16
Riddellin gnome I mean17:17
MaximLevitskyI have kubuntu feisty running here, and usplash giving me lots of trouble17:17
MaximLevitskySome cosmetic, and some not17:17
MaximLevitskyFirst, who invented the idea of starting usplash by kdm17:17
MaximLevitskyFirst, sometimes rc6 scripts run before kdm starts usplash on powerdown, thus I see the console messages, and usplash trying to write over them17:19
Riddellthe usplash developers17:20
MaximLevitskyI know :-)17:20
Riddellyes, it's not perfect17:20
MaximLevitskyAnd while the above is cosmetic17:20
MaximLevitskyThere is another problem17:20
MaximLevitskyIf I conneect to the system via XDMCP (think Xnest), and close connection17:21
MaximLevitskyThen suddenly the splash is shown on screen17:21
MaximLevitskyAnd if I stop kdm the splash is shown too17:22
MaximLevitskyI "fixed" this by renaming "usplash_down" to "usplash_down_117:22
mhbRiddell: it seems jesus also finally installed Drupal for us.17:23
MaximLevitskyand calling it in /etc/init.d/usplash17:23
Riddellmhb: hmm?17:23
Riddellmhb: where's this?17:23
MaximLevitskyWorks perfectly17:23
RiddellMaximLevitsky: there's no good place for kdm to start usplash, fixes to the patch are welcome17:24
MaximLevitskyExactly, but I first need to check whenever this got fixed in gutsy17:24
RiddellMaximLevitsky: I doubt it, it didn't change17:25
MaximLevitskyAnd this why I asked about usplash, maybe ubuntu switched to splashy17:25
MaximLevitskyAnother very non-cosmetic thing is that uswsusp hangs on resume due to usplash (without splash turned in it)17:26
MaximLevitskyAnd if I enable splash in uswsusp, then I get nice progress bar (yay!) on suspend/resume, but a messed screen if I power up the system normally17:28
MaximLevitskyQute lot of troubels17:28
MaximLevitskyBtw, I someday will risc updating the system to gutsy, and thus I want to ask, whenever kubunty feisty has automated tools for doing so17:31
MaximLevitskyI wish thre were no released at all, I could just update the packages when they got released17:32
mhbryanakca, nixternal: ping17:33
iRonRiddell: yep, i've looked at gnome implementation of bullet-proof-x. i'm already started with kdm patching.. :)17:34
RiddelliRon: excellent17:35
RiddellScottK2: do you know if it's possible/sensible to backport a library with a changed ABI?  apachelogger is wanting the new libgpod17:44
ScottK2Riddell: Generically speaking you have to then either backport upgrades or rebuilds of all the redepends.17:44
ScottK2So it's a question of how badly you want it.17:45
RiddellScottK2: yeah, not nice17:45
ScottK2apachelogger: If you want practice on this, help me transition clamav to libclamav3 and then backport the rdepends for libclamav to gutsy/feisty.17:45
ScottK2Riddell: Depending on complexity and what changed, it might be easier to do a source backport with the old ABI grafted onto the new version.17:46
ScottK2Riddell: FYI, I got a new Dell Latitude D430 laptop yesterday and Kubuntu 7.10 just flat worked out of the box.17:47
ScottK2I had to do the restricted formats stuff by hand, but that was the only bit that wouldn't have been trivial for a less experienced user.17:47
RiddellScottK2: excellent17:48
RiddellScottK2: well hopefully restricted formats will be easier in hardy17:48
ScottK2One nice thing about this is the Intel video and wireless are supported with no restricted drivers needed at all.17:48
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Riddellyay, lovely intel17:53
MaximLevitskyBut no support for O/B sensors on my DG965RY motherboard :-)17:55
RiddellO/B sensors?17:55
MaximLevitskyThermal/voltage sensors17:55
MaximLevitskyFan speeds17:55
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ubotuYou should avoid changing your nick in a busy channel like #ubuntu - it causes unrequired scrolling which is unfair on new users. The same goes for using noisy away messages : use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently - See also !Guidelines18:10
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MaximLevitsky"Removed kubuntu_55_kdm_usplash_down.diff, usplash is now launched18:23
MaximLevitsky    via the kdm.init script, modified to launch usplash_down"18:23
MaximLevitskyFixed in gutsy18:23
mhbnow it's official, GNOME (planet member) is bonkers.18:36
mhbyou really "know" that word in English?18:36
apacheloggerScottK2: pling pling18:37
=== ScottK2 is now known as ScottK
Riddellmhb: can't say I've ever heard of it18:39
apacheloggerScottK: do you have time to help us find a solution for libgpod backport?18:40
ScottKI have a little time for advice.  Not really to work on it.18:40
ScottKFirst question is why is it important to backport?18:40
apacheloggerwell, we just need a possible path to solution ;-)18:41
apacheloggerScottK: libgpod 0.6 provides support for new ipods and most important the iphone18:41
apacheloggerand since amarok 1.4.8 can use this functionallity it would make sense to have this available for gutsy18:41
apacheloggeralso considering that it still is quite some time until hardy gets out18:41
ScottKSounds good, but there's the question of the ABI change then.18:42
apacheloggerI made a wicked minded graphic showing a possible solution without breaking ABI: http://ubuntuwire.com/~apachelogger/wickedgpod.png18:42
* ScottK looks18:42
ScottKFirst issue is we can only backport from an Ubuntu release, so whatever goes in gutsy-backports needs to go in hardy first.18:43
apacheloggerhm, would it be possible to make all the packages reflect the soversion?18:45
Nightroseyou also have to consider that judging from the forums people do a lot of silly things just to get their iphone working - so it would be a good idea (TM) to have an official way18:45
apacheloggerI think this would also help if we need such an action in future again18:45
apacheloggerNightrose: well, I think we could theoretically backport the packages which depend on libgpod as well18:47
apacheloggerbut I really don't think that's all that good working for something like rythmbox18:47
Nightroseyea I don´t know a solution just saying that it would be a very good idea to do it ;-)18:47
ScottKActually this may not be so bad.18:47
ScottKI only see 9 rdepends.18:48
ScottKAnd that includes libgpod-dev18:48
apacheloggerScottK: can we just take the gutsy version and rebuild it so it fits into -backports?18:49
apacheloggere.g. rythmbox probably depends quite much on the latest version18:49
ScottKI would think so.18:50
ScottKWe'd also want to make sure the backported libgpod conflicted with the non-updated dependencies so people didn't mess up by just installing libgdpod from the repositories.18:51
nixternalmhb: pong?18:52
ScottKSo what would need to be done is to build a Gutsy version of the new libgpod, rebuild all the gutsy versions of the dependencies against that, and then test them.18:53
apacheloggerthough, backporting gtkpod would be a good idea as well18:53
RiddellScottK: it's not strictly true that you can only backport from hardy, it is possible to upload directly to -backports18:54
ScottKRiddell: You can, but it's against the backports policy to do so.18:55
Tm_Tapachelogger: I know, but I like it18:55
ScottKYes, we can do a source backport, but it needs to be a modification of something in Hardy already.18:55
apacheloggerTm_T: ok, just in case I have a recent backport :P18:55
RiddellScottK: in this case it seems the sensible thing to do though18:56
Tm_Tapachelogger: those new black arrows aren't cool ;(18:56
=== apachelogger_ is now known as apachelogger
apacheloggercrappy connection :|19:00
apacheloggerScottK: shall I create a bug report explaining the plan?19:01
ScottKapachelogger: Sure.  Make sure to file it under gutsy-backports and not the affected packages.19:02
apacheloggerof course :)19:02
apacheloggerScottK: thanks for the consult ;-)19:03
ScottKNo problem.19:03
ScottKapachelogger: I notice that in Gutsy there's a new libgpod-nogtk.  Do we want to rebuild amarok against that?19:03
apacheloggerwe want, but doesn't make much difference19:04
apacheloggerScottK: 1.4.8 is going to be released tomorrow19:04
apacheloggerso I think we should just backport it to the gutsy libgpod19:05
apacheloggerand once we have the new one in gutsy-backports just rebuild/rebackport19:05
ScottKapachelogger:  OK.19:06
apacheloggerRiddell: btw, you can get the build machine going already19:07
Riddellapachelogger: the what?19:07
apacheloggerRiddell: the "we-want-amarok-148-for-gutsy-process"19:07
apacheloggerman, I need more sleep19:07
apacheloggerRiddell: get the packages built/backported/built19:08
nixternalsanta apachelogger, can you package me up a new car?19:10
Riddellapachelogger: I'm about to go out19:10
apacheloggernixternal: puh, now that is going to be some work -.-19:10
Riddellmaybe someone else could do it19:11
apacheloggerwho can? :)19:11
steveireAnyone know why libxine depends on gnome now?19:11
apacheloggersteveire: packaging bug I'd say19:11
nixternalsteveire: it didn't depend on it the other day when we were working on it19:11
nixternaldid another version get into the repos I wonder19:11
nixternalif anything, I thought we removed a gnome dep19:12
steveireI think libxine1 depends on libxine1-gnome19:13
steveireOh, I'm on gutsy btw19:13
apacheloggersteveire: that makes it even more weird :P19:14
apacheloggernixternal: do ye have upload rights in m-a-i-n?19:14
steveirehttp://packages.ubuntu.com/gutsy/libs/libxine1-plugins Sorry, that's where the gnome dep comes in19:15
nixternallibxine1-all-plugins is the only one that depends on libxine1-gnome19:15
nixternalmore than likely some of the plugins are for gnome19:16
steveirehttp://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy/libs/libxine1-plugins depends on libxone1-gnome too19:16
nixternallibxine1-plugins in hardy doesn't dep on gnome, only the all-plugins19:16
nixternallibxine1-plugins only suggest gnome19:16
steveireah right, so I see. Missed that19:17
steveireWould that package be backported to gutsy?19:17
Riddellsteveire: shouldn't do any more, it only Suggests the gnome stuff19:18
steveireRiddell: Not on gutsy though19:18
RiddellNightrose: are you still booking rooms for fosdem?19:19
NightroseRiddell: I am19:19
Nightroseyou coming too?19:19
RiddellNightrose: I am, are you able to book a room for me still19:20
NightroseRiddell: cool19:20
NightroseRiddell: we have not yet booked anything19:20
RiddellNightrose: where are you booking them?19:20
Nightroseand will probably do it after christmas19:20
Nightrosenot sure yet19:20
Nightrosewe are still looking19:20
Nightroseany sugestions or wishes?19:21
* Nightrose is really looking forward to fosdem :)19:21
Nightrosewill be fun19:21
NightroseRiddell: so I will put you on the list as well and get back to you as soon as we have found something we like - probably shortly after christmas - is that ok for you?19:24
RiddellNightrose: yes, great, thanks19:24
NightroseRiddell: and if you know any good hotel/house/.. please tell me ;-)19:24
RiddellNightrose: Kenny Duffus (sealne) would also like to have a bed booked19:27
Riddellon fri+sat+sun if possible he says19:27
NightroseRiddell: ok19:27
* apachelogger is wondering19:27
apacheloggerNightrose: am I going to FOSDEM as well? :P19:27
Nightroseapachelogger: not yet - you want to come as well?19:28
apacheloggerI dunno, that's why I'm asking :P19:28
Riddellapachelogger: you're not down on http://wiki.kde.org/tiki-index.php?page=FOSDEM200819:28
* apachelogger asks the mighty google calendar19:28
Nightroseapachelogger: ;-) well we are already a lot but you are always welcome - you know that19:28
apacheloggerNightrose: honey I'm the most important guy amarok has right now :P19:29
Nightrose*g* I know19:29
Riddellapachelogger: imbrandon has done amarok in the past19:30
apacheloggerto my very surprise it actually seems I have time19:30
apacheloggerimbrandon: pling pling19:30
apacheloggerway to go19:31
apacheloggerNightrose: I'm attending as well I guess19:31
Nightroseapachelogger: wohoooo19:31
Nightroseapachelogger: I will add you to the wikis19:31
apacheloggerI have holidays the week before19:31
apacheloggermeh wiki_s_ -.-19:31
apacheloggerNightrose: how many are there?19:32
Nightroserokymotion and kde19:32
NightroseI try to keep as much as possible in kde wiki19:32
Nightrosefor fosdem19:32
apacheloggerwell, I can add myself then :P19:32
apacheloggerjust toss the urls over19:32
mhbnixternal: still interested in the new Kubuntu site?19:33
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nixternallet me rephrase that, 'SIR YES SIR!'19:33
Nightroseapachelogger: http://wiki.kde.org/tiki-index.php?page=FOSDEM2008 and http://rokymotion.pwsp.net/wiki/Events19:33
* apachelogger just hopes he doesn't kill the tiki19:34
nixternalI need to do some type of coding now that all of my coding classes are complete, otherwise I might just blow up19:34
apacheloggerthat thing is super vragile :S19:34
mhbnixternal: unless our Riddelly friend objects, I can get you an account to the Drupal site the admins finally set up.19:34
mhbso we can migrate content as well as the theme (which is mostly done now)19:34
RiddellI'd entirely encourage it19:35
nixternalmhb: so Riddell is our friend again? :p  he came back, so I guess all is well :)19:35
nixternalthat was still funny the other night19:35
nixternalthe gullability of this channel was high :)19:36
mhbhe's still alive and kicking the ball for us.19:36
nixternalhehe, I still get a giggle every now and then though thinking about it...he was in all of his channels but this one, so people really believed it19:37
nixternalglad we stopped it before it ended up on OSNews, /., or Digg19:37
apacheloggerNightrose: yay, I broke it -.-19:37
Nightroseapachelogger: *g* seen it already19:37
* apachelogger repairs19:37
apacheloggerbah, I hate tiki19:37
Nightroseapachelogger: don´t forget to add yourself to the list at the bottom for rooms19:37
nixternalapachelogger: you can create some pretty damn good packages, but you can't manipulate the wiki all that well...disturbing :p19:38
Nightrosenixternal: hehe yea - that would have been fun19:38
apacheloggernixternal: I can't create crap packages either :P19:40
apacheloggerNightrose: bettha?19:40
Nightrosehoney what do you want from me? *g*19:40
apacheloggerNightrose: Does the page, I just broke, look better now, or is it even more broken?19:41
iRonRiddell: found a bug with user disk mounting.. i have a ntfs partition with files in cp1251 encoding. when i mount partition with `mount' command -- i could see this files. but when i mount with `dbus-send' -- i'm not.19:41
Nightroseapachelogger: ahhhh lemme check19:41
Nightroseapachelogger: yes better19:41
iRoni guess it is a HAL issue?19:41
Nightroseapachelogger: you also want to stay sunday night?19:41
RiddelliRon: possibly, you'd need to try it in nautilus to see if that has the same problem19:41
iRonRiddell: ok19:42
apacheloggerNightrose: meh, lemme check the flights first :P19:42
Nightroseapachelogger: ok19:42
* apachelogger gives Nightrose a cookie while she's waiting19:42
apacheloggerwhere is fosdem anyway? :P19:43
Nightroseas you can read at the top of the wiki page ;-)19:43
Riddellapachelogger: you havn't been?  it's like the bestest free software do ever19:43
nixternalcan we move fosdem up a couple of months so I am totally out of school by then? :)19:43
Nightrosenixternal: sure - for you we can do that ;-)19:44
nixternalwooohooo :)19:44
* Nightrose calls the fosdem people19:44
Tm_TNightrose: you are already totally out19:44
nixternalhahaha, prepare for them to laugh in your face for that one19:44
Tm_Tnixternal: even19:44
apacheloggerRiddell: nope, when I started off with visiting events with the akademy last year, I got kinda afraid19:44
apacheloggerso much beer19:44
nixternalya, or you can move fosdem up to next week...actually that won't work...gotta update my passport19:45
nixternalwhich means I have to pay off a lot of parking tickets first19:45
nixternalya, didn't know they would deny your passport update if you owe more than $1000 :)19:46
mhbRiddell: any news about the next UDS?19:46
nixternalmhb: top secret, if he tell you, well you know what comes next19:46
Nightrosenixternal: outch19:46
mhbwell I am a terrorist, he can tell me.19:46
* apachelogger is wondering whether he gets discounts for UDS19:47
nixternalapachelogger: $2 off any meal19:47
apacheloggerI knew there was something special about being a motu19:47
Riddellmhb: nothing yet19:47
mhbnixternal: I wanted to know the location ... North Korea or Iran would be lovely19:47
Nightroseapachelogger: now that you are attending fosdem you can order that ubuntu merch for me and bring it with you ;-)19:47
apacheloggerNightrose: pfff19:48
apacheloggerdo I actually have to take clothes with me?19:48
nixternalno, fosdem is the secret name of a free software "nudist camp"19:48
nixternalno clothes allowed19:48
nixternalas long as stallman isn't there, everything should be fine19:49
Nightrosehaha wasn´t the amarok channel party already supposed to be that?19:49
apacheloggerNightrose: I only had 2 shirts!19:49
Nightroseapachelogger: so? bring two for fosdem as well ;-)19:50
apacheloggertoo much19:50
apacheloggerfor the channel party I only had to go by train19:50
Nightrosetwo is fin19:50
apacheloggerfor fosdem I have to go by train, bus and plane19:50
apacheloggerjust imagine how much work that would be with 2 shirts!19:50
NightroseoO honey!!!19:50
* apachelogger notes that he hates going to vienna for flying19:51
Riddellapachelogger: get a train19:51
Riddellsave the planet19:51
* nixternal notes he hates flying in general19:51
apacheloggerRiddell: I usually let someone plan trees when I fly19:52
apachelogger<-- hates traveling in general19:52
apacheloggerwhy can't we just do fosdem in my basement?19:52
nixternalI love traveling, but not by way of the friendly skies19:52
nixternalit isn't the sky that worries me, its the ground :p19:52
* Nightrose loves traveling by train first class - just rarely get to do it :(19:53
nixternalI have taken the Amtrak a couple of times on trips, and it is kind of fun, only when I get one of their super duper rooms though19:54
apacheloggerRiddell: do I have a budget for traveling as a MOTU?19:54
nixternalI swear, one of my trips, the room on the train I stayed in was bigger than my flat at the time19:54
nixternalapachelogger: you can get sponsored19:54
apacheloggereven first class? ;-)19:54
nixternaltypically only once19:55
nixternalno, you get ride with the luggage and when you arrive at uds they give you a box19:55
apacheloggerin my whole life? Oo19:55
nixternalor a home19:55
apacheloggerbox ftw!19:55
nixternalya, but make sure you request a refrigerator box, otherwise you will get an AMD processor box, which might be a tight fit19:56
apachelogger9:31 in a train19:56
apacheloggersuicide might be more fun19:56
apacheloggerthat is the fastest one actually19:56
apacheloggeraverage is around 10:3019:56
apacheloggersome even 15:3019:56
nixternalone of our neighbors tried suicide the other night, and was very unsuccessful, and stupid at the same time19:57
nixternalhis garage is fitted with O2 sensors, so when the O2 is depleted, the garage door opens automatically19:57
nixternalsucks to be rich, you can't even kill yourself19:57
mhbhow can you deplete oxygen like this?19:57
nixternalrunning the auto in the garage19:58
nixternalforgot to add that part didn't I19:58
mhboh, filling it with gases19:58
apacheloggerpretty obvious :P19:58
nixternalapachelogger: maybe for the experienced :p19:58
mhbI guess not for me.19:59
mhbI don't have a car, I don't have a driver's license and I don't plan one. A good car is a shiny car for me.19:59
apacheloggermeh, suffocate (is that actually a word?) isn't exactly fun19:59
nixternalsuffocate is a word, not it isn't fun...they put us in gas chambers in military boot camp to see how we hold up...that sucked20:00
nixternalespecially in the dead of winter, because it gets all of your upper body fluids, mainly in your nose, running20:00
nixternaland when you come out, it freezes and hurts20:01
apacheloggerI always knew military is good for something :S20:01
nixternalya, it is paying my way through college20:02
apacheloggerhum, wtf http://www.doomsdayhq.com/20:03
nixternaloh man, doom in 3d20:03
nixternalwhy did you show that to me?20:03
apacheloggerI did nothing20:04
apacheloggerit was20:04
* apachelogger hides behind Nightrose20:04
Nightrosei knew you would say that20:04
Nightrosenixternal: he is behind me20:04
Nightroseget him!20:04
apacheloggerI have a doomsday device!20:04
apacheloggerdon't come near me!20:05
apacheloggerdidn't someone actually work on iFolder packages for ubuntu?20:06
* apachelogger notes that his display is loosing balance due to all the packaging wishes20:07
Nightrosehehe apachelogger: how many replies did you get yet to that blog?20:07
apacheloggerso, I have to choose between 7 hours by plane or 9.5 hours by train20:08
apacheloggerNightrose: too many20:08
apacheloggerthe plane thing actually has the advantage that I'm not in the same environment very much20:08
apachelogger2 hours train, 2 hours flight, 0.5 hours bus to the airport and the rest is @airport20:09
=== \sh_away is now known as \sh
apacheloggerNightrose: eitherway, I have to stay fr,sa,su20:11
Nightroseheya \sh :)20:12
apacheloggerre \sh20:12
apachelogger\sh: 9.5 hours train or 7 hours train,bus,plane?20:13
\shapachelogger, depends where do you want to go :)20:13
apacheloggerbut I can't really decide what to use20:14
\shapachelogger, what's cheaper?20:14
apacheloggerreally, I assume the train is like 300 bucks20:15
apacheloggerplane is 150 tops20:15
\shso plane20:15
* apachelogger thanks the far too wise \sh20:16
NightroseOMG http://icanhascheezburger.com/2007/12/19/i-cant-respond-to-any-emails-today-something-has-crashed-on-my-computer/ - I am soooo going to use that ;-)20:18
* \sh needs a bigger case for his computer20:19
\shthere are some drives, which don't fit anymore...a 150GB WD raptor and two more 500GB drives :(20:20
=== uga is now known as uga|away
mhbes kommen härtere Tage.20:59
\shdie auch :)21:00
=== pbm is now known as pbm_djt
cheguevara_heh never knew you spoke Russian Igorot21:01
cheguevara_from Kiev?21:01
iRoncheguevara_: Zaporozhye21:01
cheguevara_ah gotcha21:02
cheguevara_got no Russian letters on my laptop and can't blind type :(21:02
mhbbonus points for the poet name.21:03
mhbiRon: hello to you too.21:03
ardchoilleCan't do russian chars here.21:06
ardchoilleBut, privet. kak dela?21:06
ardchoilleRiddell: Myself and four others here highly enjoyed the Kubuntu tutorials day. Will that be a regular thing?21:07
* ardchoille crosses fingers21:07
nosrednaekimwhere is that setting for the default KDEWM?21:08
ardchoillesystem settings > appearance > window decorations?21:08
jpatrickardchoille: if you can think of new ideas, yes21:08
ardchoillejpatrick: I will try21:09
ardchoillejpatrick: However, the first one did hit the best topics :)21:09
nosrednaekimardchoille: I mean the actual file....i'm writing the compiz-configuration program21:09
jpatrickardchoille: yes, that was delibate to get everyone hyper21:10
nosrednaekimnever mind... it was in the wiki ;)21:10
ardchoillejpatrick: hehe21:10
ardchoillenosrednaekim: ~/.kde/share/config/kwinrc ?21:11
ardchoillejpatrick: I'm very good with documentation.. perhaps a docs tutorial? I'm not sure if the docs need to be in text or latex or what. Can they be in html?21:11
ardchoilleI know that documentation is a cery important thing, at least I feel that way. But when I unpack some of the docs, they are in several diff formats sometimes. Is there a standard?21:12
jpatrickardchoille: they're in docbook/xml, you best poke nixternal for that21:12
ardchoilleIf there were a standard, I'd learn it and start writing as many docs as I could.21:12
ardchoilleAh, ok21:12
ardchoilleSo, I need to learn docbook/xml21:12
jpatrickbut, yes LaTeX and DocBook rock21:12
mhbthey totally do.21:13
mhbdocumentation is something of a mystery to me.21:13
ardchoilleOk, are there gui's for those? Or do I just need to learn all the tags and use kate?21:13
ardchoilleWow, lots of tags tolearn21:14
mhbyou should generate a ton of paper describing stuff that nobody will read.21:14
jpatrickI used Kate in my doc writing days..21:14
ardchoillemhb: There seems to be too many people doing that already, don't think they need help :)21:14
* jpatrick <3 kate21:14
ardchoilleYeah, kate rocks21:14
mhbuser documentation makes no sense to me.21:15
mhbshort, to the point API descriptions rock.21:15
jpatrickmhb: not everyone is telepathic21:15
jpatrickerr, that too^21:15
mhbjpatrick: do you read the TV manual often?21:15
jpatrickmhb: don't watch TV21:16
mhbjpatrick: microwave?21:16
ardchoilleRecently I was trying to write a doc for an app but found that docs already written, they were just in the wrong location and didn't appear in khelpcenter until I moved them to the proper location21:16
jpatrickmhb: ain't got a microwave21:16
jpatrickardchoille: let me guess.. katapult21:16
imbrandonapachelogger: pong21:16
ardchoillejpatrick: I believe it was kommander21:17
jpatrickah, right21:17
mhbjpatrick: hmm, do you own anything besides a computer? :o)21:18
jpatrickmhb: well... no21:18
nixternalardchoille: kubuntu-docs uses docbook/xml, and we use the .xml filetype...kde-docs are docbook/xml and use the .docbook filetype21:18
jpatricknot that I need anything else21:19
nixternal.docbook files can be read and parsed in khelpcenter. .xml files need to be built to HTML first before they can be read in khc21:19
ardchoillenixternal: Any advice on writing docs as far as the tags? I don't think it would be productive to learn all the tags. Is there a template somewhere?21:19
nixternalnot really...you can go through the docs and see which tags we typically use21:20
ardchoilleAh, ok.. that works21:20
nixternalwe use quite a bit of the tags, but you can see there is a repetive use of certain tags21:21
mhbjpatrick: software should be so simple that you don't need a manual.21:22
mhbtips & tricks on making it work better, could be.21:22
mhbbut definitely no manual.21:22
mhbyou should know right away what to do.21:23
mhbI dare to say that community contributions into documentation (the "old-school" one) are easily wasted.21:25
mhbnixternal and the friends rewrite the Kubuntu documentation quite a lot for just a few dozens of people (my estimates)21:26
mhbI really appreciate what they are doing21:29
mhbbut we should think of ways to make apps more accessible, easy and fun to use instead .o)21:29
nixternalmhb: that would be fine if our audience were all equal, but they are not, so you have to cater to all21:33
mhbit's kind of hard to do that.21:36
mhbever considered the IKEA solution?21:36
nixternalthe ikea solution?21:38
nixternalit would be impossible to write something like KDE and not have documentation for it21:38
nixternalw/o docs you are telling the user to figure it out21:39
ardchoilleI, for one, rely heavily on docs21:39
mhbardchoille: do you? that's good to hear.21:39
ardchoilleAnd I have an 8 year old neice who does too21:39
ardchoilleShe has been using Linux for a couple years and she wouldn't be where she is without the docs21:40
nixternaland so do a ton of others who love filing bugs against the documentation21:40
=== gryc_ is now known as gryc
* manchicken +1's docs.22:13
Tm_Tdocs <322:14
Tm_Twriting </322:14
manchickenIt'd be kinda silly to abandon either the goal of making your application instantly usable by any user without docs, or the goal of having enough documentation to help users figure things out.22:15
Tm_Tboth goals are good22:16
Tm_Tand should be parallel22:16
Tm_Tnot opposite sides22:16
manchickenBecause my mother-in-law wants to be able to have the app be so simple that it slaps her in the face with simplicity, but my father-in-law wants to read about it for a couple hours before using it.22:17
manchickenAnd both are equally valid perspectives.22:17
manchickenExcept when my father-in-law starts asking me Windows questions.  Then we've gone too far.22:17
manchickenThe old RTFM certainly has its place, especially for folks who don't have access to the internet.22:18
Tm_Talso Manuals are <322:19
manchickenThey can be.22:19
manchickenEspecially if they're well done.22:19
* cheguevara_ reminds jpatrick to poke revu uploads22:19
* jpatrick fetchs the LongPointyStick for cheguevara_'s request22:20
* cheguevara_ reminds jpatrick that only Hobbse is allowed to use that22:20
ryanakcamhb: pong22:23
Tm_Tmanchicken: http://www.tm-travolta.net/tekstit/annoying-user.txt22:23
manchickenTm_T: Wow.  Sounds like someone's off their medication.22:25
Tm_Tmanchicken: how so?22:26
manchickenTm_T: Calling you an annoying user guy... heh22:26
Tm_Tmanchicken: ah, it's a joke :))22:26
Tm_Talso old one22:27
jpatrickcheguevara_: ktorrent-kde4 approved and uploaded22:27
* cheguevara_ wonders how long it'll now be sitting in the New queue22:30
Tm_TRiddell: you are on?22:31
Tm_Tmanchicken: you have any pokings to KDE websites?22:32
manchickenTm_T: What you mean?22:32
Tm_Tmanchicken: I should find out what licence is with pics in kde.org site22:32
jpatrickcheguevara_: same with kmldonkey-kde422:33
cheguevara_jpatrick, thanks!22:33
manchickenTm_T: Why's that?22:34
Tm_Tmanchicken: if I use em in blogpost, I might not be able use some licence with my post entirely if pics needs different22:34
* txwikinger wonders how missing icons in KDE menus should be handled when the icons in gnome are bundled in some artwork package22:36
manchickenTm_T: In the US we have a thing called "Fair Use," where if someone is using content for purpose of discussing something (e.g. using a video game logo to discuss a video game) whether good or bad, they have certain rights to do so.22:39
manchickenTm_T: I would think most countries that respect freedom of speech would have something similar.22:39
Tm_Tmanchicken: roger, we figured out that we just mention the source, that's it22:40
manchickenFair enough.22:41
manchickenI rarely source my images because most of the ones I use are found on so many sites it would be impossible to source them all :)22:41
jpatrickcheguevara_: I'll 'poke' the rest tomorrow22:41
cheguevara_kk cool jpatrick, don't forget stdin's ones as well :P22:42
jpatrickcheguevara_: of course, it's just that is's late right now ;)22:43
cheguevara_yeah cool22:44
cheguevara_thanks a lot :)22:44
jpatrickno, thank you :)22:45
cheguevara_i am too scared of people in #ubuntu-motu22:46
cheguevara_persia will start telling me to add watch files just for one release and what not :P22:46
jpatrickthat's policy22:48
* jpatrick hides22:48
cheguevara_yeah but in some cases its just not feasible22:49
cheguevara_one thing is when you modify the tarball for-ever to say strip non dfsg parts22:49
cheguevara_another thing when you know there's gonna be a fixed tarball in like 2 weeks :P22:49
=== \sh is now known as \sh_away
Riddellapachelogger: did anyone look at amarok?23:32
NightroseRiddell: he already went to bed23:32
RiddellNightrose: do you know what time the amarok release is expected?23:33
Nightrosesome time tomorrow - i´d say around 12 utc but that is not fixed23:34
Nightrosewhenever harald finds the time to do it and we have everything ready23:34
nixternalooh, new amarok release! new features, anything super cool to look forward to?23:35
Nightrosenixternal: mainly bugfixes and if we get it done a fix for the new ipods23:35
Nightrosebut it´s not easy to get into kubuntu it seems23:36
nixternalwhy is that?23:36
Nightroselibgpod needs an update with ABI changes23:36
Riddellin gutsy she means23:36
nixternalwho uses gutsy anyways :p23:37
* Nightrose does :P23:37
Nightroseoh and skipping in last.fm streams should work again IIRC (don´t use them myself)23:40
nixternalahh, I do and that was annoying23:41
nixternalI just noticed the other day actually23:41
nixternalI listen to my neighbors radio stream on last.fm...people have some different tastes in music that's for sure23:41
Nightrosehehe yea23:42
Riddelloh nixternal, do you have time for an alpha 2 page?23:42
nixternalooh, I am going to go see River Dancers on Saturday23:42
nixternalRiddell: when I get home I will pimp it out...already in the works :)23:42
Riddellnixternal: you're my hero23:45
nixternalas you are mine :)23:45
Riddellnixternal: iron's user hard disk mounting should have got in23:45
nixternalroger that23:45
Nightrosehehe so many heroes here ;-)23:45
Nightrosenice to be around them *g*23:46
nixternalI am far from a hero, but I will take the compliment :)23:46
* Nightrose feels safe23:46
steveireDoes anyone here have the qt demo apps? I've got a qtextedit bug, but I don't know if it's qt4.3.2 or kubuntu. Does kubuntu patch qt much?23:49

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