
AnAirMagicas the driver00:00
enoteeok i see ipw2200 so00:01
enoteewhen i configure airsnort what type driver do i specify00:02
AnAirMagicthat's the driver being used for the wireless card00:02
=== giuseppe is now known as gV99
=== gV99 is now known as V99
arriespbye all00:04
AnAirMagicenotee: not sure at all00:05
=== V99 is now known as L64yhf_G--
=== L64yhf_G-- is now known as It4|ia_KubUntU__
=== It4|ia_KubUntU__ is now known as kUbUntU_1991
enoteecan anyone help to configure airsnort00:07
=== kUbUntU_1991 is now known as v99
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about airsnort - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi00:11
enoteek thanks00:12
ardchoille!info airsnort00:12
ubotuairsnort: WLAN sniffer. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.2.7e-3 (gutsy), package size 50 kB, installed size 184 kB00:12
=== v99 is now known as V99_is_GIUSEPPE
ardchoille!nickspam > V99_is_GIUSEPPE00:13
maninderhow do i install a a setup that i downloaded fromthe internet00:18
maninderdo i use adept to install it00:18
ardchoillemaninder: Which app is it?00:18
posingaspopularmaninder: a deb file you downloaded from the internet?00:19
maninderits a ati-driver-installer-8.28.8.run00:19
ardchoillemaninder: One should always check the repos first when searching for an app. It's likely to be there00:19
ardchoille!ati | maninder00:19
maninderso what00:19
manindershould i type00:19
maninderto run it00:19
ubotumaninder: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto00:19
maninderi tires00:20
manindertired that00:20
maninderdoesnt work00:20
maninderi already downloaded the setup file00:20
maninderi just need to install it00:20
maninderhow do i do it00:20
Kohlrabimaninder: If you really can't use the above method (which I highly doubt), you can try using envy, which is not advised, though.00:22
kristjan_hi is there more up-to-date repo for kde4 packages?00:22
ubotuYou should avoid changing your nick in a busy channel like #ubuntu - it causes unrequired scrolling which is unfair on new users. The same goes for using noisy away messages : use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently - See also !Guidelines00:23
=== opdensteinen is now known as Gogoacquan
Gogoacquani want to install vlc player but it doesnt work with the adept manager:((((00:23
Flare183sudo apt-get vlc00:23
Gogoacquanmaybe anyone have a solution^^00:23
cn28hwhat error do you get?00:23
ubotuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs00:24
KohlrabiGogoacquan: Maybe look for a .deb package on the videolan site.00:25
Gogoacquan{\fonttbl{\f0\froman\fprq2\fcharset0 Nimbus Roman No9 L{\*\falt Times New Roman};}{\f1\fnil\fprq2\fcharset0 DejaVuSans;}{\f2\fnil\fprq2\fcharset0 Tahoma;}}00:25
Gogoacquan{\stylesheet{\s1\rtlch\afs24\lang1023\ltrch\dbch\langfe1023\hich\fs24\lang1023\loch\fs24\lang1023\snext1 Normal;}00:25
Flare183!paste| Gogoacquan00:25
ubotuGogoacquan: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)00:25
Flare183ardchoille:> why would someone do that?00:26
ardchoilleFlare183: Do what?00:26
Flare183ardchoille:> paste like that00:26
ardchoilleFlare183: No idea00:26
Flare183ardchoille:> esp on the channel00:26
chipymy amule close momentany00:27
chipywhat is it00:27
V99_is_GIUSEPPEmy amule go fast :)00:27
=== V99_is_GIUSEPPE is now known as VeRsiOn99
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about fixapt - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi00:30
ubotuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »00:30
=== VeRsiOn99 is now known as `VeRsiOn99
=== `VeRsiOn99 is now known as ``
=== `` is now known as V99
ardchoilleV99: You've been warned about nickspam. Please refrain from doing that. Last warning00:32
=== pc01 is now known as pc01_
NickPrestaI have a game that insists on playing full screen. Is there any way to make this game "windowed" or at least play on one of my displays, instead of spanning two?00:44
tininNickPresta tri configuring that from the game while runing00:45
=== sea4ever is now known as puffy
=== puffy is now known as sea4ever
tininmaybe press "F"00:45
tininor run it from a console and try --help to see if it has a windowed option00:46
sub[t]rnlsetup meta modes in your xorg.conf00:46
sub[t]rnllike 1024x768,null00:46
sub[t]rnlOption "metamodes" "1280x1024,1280x1024; 1280x1024,NULL"00:48
=== ubuntu is now known as tehm0nk-LX
tehm0nk-LXDoes anyone know a terminal command to list partitions on a raid setup and see what size they are?00:49
Flare183tehm0nk-LX: df00:50
Flare183i think00:50
tehm0nk-LXFlare183: that doesn't work for me :-/ i'm on the live cd00:50
Flare183that's weird it's supposed to be a core component00:51
Flare183might want to report that00:51
tehm0nk-LXcore for me right now i think is... all in the ram or something right now00:51
sub[t]rnlGreetings Gogoacquan, Welcome to #Kubuntu00:51
tehm0nk-LXwould fdisk show anything?00:52
arael82hola, quien tiene un manual de gambas???01:00
ardchoille!es | arael8201:00
ubotuarael82: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.01:00
tehm0nk-LXhas been for days?01:01
tehm0nk-LXanyone know a fair amount about paritioning?01:01
tehm0nk-LXhopefully with Raid knowledge?01:01
blackwaltzI would say I know a fair amount01:01
=== opdensteinen is now known as Gogoacquan
blackwaltzand even a little bit about raid01:01
Jay-Oh-Enhow do i change the background color of konqueror01:02
ardchoillehi Gogoacquan01:02
tehm0nk-LXblackwaltz: can i have your attention for awhile? i've been having Issues... Dual-booting kubuntu & vista...01:02
kristjan_is there some way to follow only once process memory usage? (like top but only follow one app)01:02
blackwaltztehm0nk-LX: sure01:02
kristjan_Jay-Oh-En: view> configure background01:03
blackwaltzkristjan_: could use ksysguard and type the app name in the filter box if that will work for you01:03
ardchoillekristjan_: have a look at htop, it has more features and easier to manage for some.01:03
kristjan_blackwaltz: oh nice, but I was thinking of something in konsole and one line01:03
=== litbang is now known as riefzu
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto01:06
tehm0nk-LXblackwaltz: you getting my PMs?01:07
Jay-Oh-Enkristjan_: thanks01:07
kristjan_ardchoille: anyway I found the answer by reading the top man page :-) [top -p "PID number of the process, e.g. 14876" ]01:08
ardchoillekristjan_: Good job :)01:09
tehm0nk-LXIn Konversation is there a way to DCC-CHAT so that pasting large text doesn't end in a kline or something?01:10
stdinwhy not use pastebin?01:11
tehm0nk-LXhow do you paste with it tho?01:12
=== capricori is now known as caprikori
tehm0nk-LXor do you have to make the person click a link?01:12
ardchoilletehm0nk-LX: You paste in a block of text, click "send" and it will give you a new url that you can give to the recipient where they cna see what you pasted01:13
tehm0nk-LXardchoille: right... so i have to have them click a link :-01:14
ardchoilletehm0nk-LX: tbh clicking a link is not that difficult01:15
=== ktetch is now known as K`Tetch
stdinhaving someone click a link is better than flooding them in /msg or in a dcc chat, I know the one I'd rather have01:19
blackwaltzstdin: unless you're impatient or have a slow internet connection .. in which case being flooded in /msg isn't so bad01:32
stdinblackwaltz: it's annoying for one, and if your client makes a noise when you get a /msg it's even worse01:32
blackwaltzstdin: matter of personal tastes I think ... it can take me up to a minute or two to get to things in a pastebin sometimes01:33
stdinand what if you need/want to show more than one person?01:34
blackwaltzThat's another story.01:34
* flaccid wakes up01:36
=== SonomaAway is now known as Mr_Sonoma
Jay-Oh-Enhey flaccid01:43
blackwaltzThis room seems awfully dead this evening01:44
=== blackwaltz is now known as dwidmann
ardchoille!away > Mr_Sonoma01:44
synthif I've switched to kubuntu, how can I remove all the gnome stuff etc? ubuntu-desktop isn't in place..01:49
=== evil_ is now known as evil_6969
ubotupurekde is If you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureKDE »01:50
* flaccid makes coffee01:50
evil_6969any one here with kubuntu on a presario C500?01:51
t3ch13Anybody here with Kubuntu using the Realtek Sound?01:53
synthah love coffee01:53
evil_6969t3 you haveing sound issues?01:53
t3ch13Yes the icon shows as sound on but no sound01:54
evil_6969hang on i think i have the info in my bookmarks01:54
tekteenevil_6969: what is the issue? I doubt that a person with your model will be on01:54
evil_6969tek .i have sond but my hedphones won't mute my speakers01:55
flaccidgoto kmix and alsamixer and make sure the relevant channels are unmuted and turne dup01:55
tekteenevil_6969: I had the same problem01:56
tekteenlet me find the quide01:56
evil_6969cool thaniks01:56
t3ch13Alsamixer shows the volume at 89 but kmix won't load01:58
tekteenevil_6969: found it!01:58
tekteenOnly follow the sound card info01:58
evil_6969sweet i will try it02:00
=== evil_ is now known as evil_6969
tekteenhey evil_696902:11
tekteendid it work?02:11
evil_6969hey  thanks....nope  but thats ok02:11
evil_6969can i get the link so i nac pass it on it may work for some one else02:12
tekteennot sure what u r asking02:13
evil_6969the info you sent me about the speakers02:13
evil_6969can i get it from you again02:13
evil_6969cool thanks02:14
evil_6969ok i have to go i will be back on later thanks for the help02:16
maninderwhats that object doc called for linux02:19
flaccidwhat is an object doc02:20
maninderits like an apple os doc02:20
flaccidwhat is an apple os doc02:20
maninderthat start menu 3d one02:20
flaccidi don't know what you are talking about sorry02:21
maninderits like short cuts02:21
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about symlinks - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi02:21
flaccidunix has symbolic links02:21
flaccidjust like os x02:21
maninderi want that for linux02:22
manindera short cut dock02:22
strtokuh huh02:23
maninderhow do i get that02:23
maninderfor linux02:23
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dock - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi02:23
ardchoillemaninder: You can do that with your current kicker02:24
=== hadawie is now known as bambam
ardchoillemaninder: Your kde panel02:24
bambamhello everyone,02:25
bambamI have a problem with KONTACT02:25
bambamit can smoothly receive my inbox, yet IT CANT CONNECT TO MY MAIL SERVER TO SEND MAILS!!!02:25
bambamanyone met such an issue??02:26
cuking_1Once I had a problem with the mail server I was using to send out on not letting me connect.02:27
ubotuPLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.02:27
bambamno worries, i was only highlighting my issue, another thing to add is that i still can log to my web mail interface to send emails, and its also responding when i try to ping it02:29
tehm0nkis it better to get the drivers from Nvidia or use the nvidia-glx-new drivers?02:34
cuking_1tehm0nk I have had good success with the glx drivers.02:34
tehm0nkcuking are you on dual monitors?02:35
cuking_1hmmm nope.02:35
cuking_1I have seen it done but I have trouble enough keeping up with the info on one part of one screen :)02:35
tehm0nkthat is where my problems start is when i try to get both monitors working02:36
cuking_1I wish I could help I would probably give more misinformation on that issue than help :02:36
flaccidxrandr is great for dualling on gutsy with right drivers for card02:41
flaccidtehm0nk: try xrandr02:47
flaccidyou want dual?02:48
flaccidcheck xrandr -q and see if there are two displays02:48
flaccidif there is then you should be able to control them02:48
flaccidfor example i do xrandr --output VGA-0 --mode 1920x1200 --right-of LVDS02:48
unix_infidelok, ubuntu really went the crapper since i last used it.02:49
unix_infideli'm getting hangs during install, kernel panics during boot, wireless not working automatically.02:50
unix_infideland this is ON OLD HARDWARE!02:50
stdin!caps | unix_infidel02:50
ubotuunix_infidel: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.02:50
unix_infidellol, where linux shines :-)02:50
flaccidsounds like there is a problem02:50
unix_infidelflaccid: first problem: CPU too old for this kernel.02:50
flaccidi can help with the last one. the middle one you should google and if it hangs...02:50
flaccidhow do you know that02:51
unix_infidelwent a head and rebooted to the install disk , chrooted, installed linux-generic.02:51
unix_infidelflaccid: it was the error during boot.02:51
tehm0nkflaccid: is it possible to have 2 desktops?02:51
tehm0nklike 1 virtual desktop showing on each monitor?02:51
flaccidyeah you are usually given 2 or 4 by default02:51
flaccidah yeah thats what dual display is i guess or what is known as twinview for nv02:52
unix_infidelthe problem with the linux-386 and linux-generic kernels are that the ipw2200 support is bad.02:52
flaccidthere needs to be more dual dvi notebooks out there...02:52
flaccidunix_infidel: really. its actually really good. i use ipw2200 and since they finished the support after dapper its been good02:53
flaccidi use it unix_infidel, so maybe i can help with your issue..02:53
unix_infidelflaccid: which version you running?02:54
tehm0nkflaccid: in my Nvidia X Server Settings, there is no monitor for the second videocard...02:54
flaccidim on gutsy02:55
tehm0nkit wants me to "Acquire EDID" any ideas?02:55
flaccidLinux lister 2.6.22-14-generic #1 SMP Sun Oct 14 23:05:12 GMT 2007 i686 GNU/Linux02:55
unix_infidelflaccid: which computer, dell?02:55
flaccidtehm0nk: im not sure what you are referring to. you do not require it with xrandr in xorg.conf. usually just a virtual size like                 Virtual         3360 105002:56
flaccidits an asus w1000na02:56
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE02:56
ubotuntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions02:57
evjunior09I was wondering... can the iPod Touch work with Amarok?02:57
flaccidi think so evjunior09 but the guys in #amarok should be able to confirm02:57
flaccidright my new setup is complete with my new monitor. now i need to install windows on the notebook and desktop aaarg!02:59
marx2kWhy would you want to go and do a thing like that ;)03:03
GerrySlyso I got a windows network called mshome, and I got a kubuntu desktop that I want to connect to that network, anybody got some suggestions how I would go about that?03:06
yotuxhave a question I use ubuntu gnome but I have installed k3b to burn cds k3b will not load03:07
dwidmannyotux, try opening it from a shell and see if it spits out any error messages.03:08
yotuxis there a flag to get debugging data03:08
unix_infideldoes ndiswrapper do wep/wpa?03:08
flaccidmarx2k: ableton live03:09
flaccid!samba | GerrySly03:09
ubotuGerrySly: samba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT03:09
yotuxI started k3b in shell no error code yes03:10
yotuxno errors yet03:11
unix_infidelanyone ndiswrapper + wpa / wep?03:11
yotuxI have done it in the past I think03:11
flaccidum i think so unix_infidel. it also depends on the card and driver03:12
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs03:12
yotuxdwidmann:  I notice that k3b is sleeping with ids of 7793, and 799403:12
dwidmannyotux, try killing those before trying again03:13
nandoalguien habla español aqui?03:14
yotuxdwidmann:  I also have some kdeinit that are sleeping03:14
dwidmannHmm, yotux, perhaps the easiest way to do it would be to log out, restart the xserver, then try again ..... that's the only thing I can think of that would be surefire...ish03:15
=== nando is now known as nandolinuxmaniac
yotuxdwidmann: I like kde but don't like kmail,  I have started to use evolution quite a bit could I install kubuntu and install evolution in kde?03:16
yotuxThinking that getting away form gnome would help03:16
dwidmannyotux, should be able to03:16
Jay-Oh-Enflaccid: you find out how to fix kdmtheme03:17
flaccidnah im not going to bother03:18
flaccidkdmtheme is fine, the problem is what ubuntu has done to not include the overrides. i don't feel like fighting with the devs because they probably won't wanna fix03:18
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)03:20
Jay-Oh-Enflaccid: prolly not since they are working onkde 403:21
Jay-Oh-Enflaccid: whats the dev channel03:21
flaccidum nothing to do with that, i just remember going there in the past..03:21
flaccidi'd see jriddell or Jucato might wanna help. but the procedure is to do launchpad (!bugs)03:22
Jay-Oh-Enflaccid: where can i file a bug at03:25
ubotuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.ubuntu.com/  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/products/ubuntu-bots03:25
nandolinuxmaniacalguien puede decirme cual es la sala en español?03:33
ubotuSi busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.03:33
tehm0nkanyone amazing with xorg.conf files?03:33
tehm0nkfor dual monitors?03:33
tehm0nktrying to make sure NOT to make a mistake...03:34
tehm0nki have a pastebin of it03:34
Jay-Oh-Entehm0nk: werent you here three days ago03:36
tehm0nkJay-Oh-En: Yes.03:38
tehm0nkand i'm Finally getting somewhere thats to dwidmann heh...03:38
flaccidtehm0nk: i can help with xrandr but not xinerama03:46
tehm0nkflaccid: no need03:47
tehm0nkOMG it's working.03:47
tehm0nki see 2 monitors ON03:47
tehm0nkand 2 desktops03:47
tehm0nk(what i wanted.)03:47
crazy_busI'm trying to use Find Files/Folders but it seems to find nothing.  Even when I type in a keywoard from a file on my desktop.  It's set to look in my home folder and check subfolders is selected.  What is happening?03:47
tehm0nkdwidmann: tytytytytytytytytytytytytyytytytytytytyty03:47
flaccidwell just to let you know you can do it dynamicly now with xrandr so you dont need to config xorg.conf or restart x03:48
ubotuKubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion03:48
flaccid!info krandrtray03:49
ubotuPackage krandrtray does not exist in gutsy03:49
tehm0nknow it's time to make it look cool!03:49
flaccid!find krandrtray03:49
ubotuFile krandrtray found in kcontrol, kdebase-dbg, kdebase-workspace03:49
flaccidah comes in kcontrol03:49
tehm0nkis there a shortcut key to open a windowed terminal?03:50
flaccidnot by default03:50
flaccidi dont think03:50
flaccidi use yakuake for that03:50
flaccid!info yakuake03:50
ubotuyakuake: a Quake-style terminal emulator based on KDE Konsole technology. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.8-0ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 167 kB, installed size 1048 kB03:50
flaccidyou just press f12 and it pops down03:50
DragnslcrYou can set a keyboard shortcut for anything in the KMenu03:53
tehm0nkif i press CTL+ALT+F2 how do i get out of it?03:53
flaccidpress escape03:53
tehm0nkwow i feel stupid03:53
tehm0nki got stuck in there the other day03:53
flaccidactually jump out the window!03:53
flaccidexcuse the pun there03:54
tehm0nkment to press alt+f2 dunnoy why i added the CTL03:54
stdintehm0nk: ctrl+alt+f7 to go back to X03:54
flaccidoh yeah hehe03:54
tehm0nkthats weird...03:54
tehm0nki can drag my mouse across the screen... to the other x window03:55
tehm0nkbut not a program03:55
flaccidthey are called ttys or virtual terminals03:55
tehm0nk...interesting lol03:55
flaccidyou need to make the program not maximised03:55
tehm0nkit's not...03:55
flaccidthe you can drag it over, then it maximise will only max on that screen03:55
tehm0nkbut i guess it's a separate x server?03:55
flaccidoh um dang then03:55
flaccidno its not03:55
flaccidwell i can't remember with xinerama03:55
tehm0nki'm not in Xinerama03:56
tehm0nkand i'm not in TwinView either...03:56
tehm0nkack no! i forgot that command ....03:56
tehm0nkkdesudo nvidia-settings03:56
tehm0nki think03:56
flaccidi thought that was what you had in xorg.conf..03:56
flaccidtehm0nk: if you pastebin me the output of xrandr -q i'll see if you can do this with xrandr dynamically03:57
tehm0nki almost dont wanna mess with it anymore lol03:58
tehm0nkcause... it's working for once lol03:58
flaccidwell xrandr doesn't mess with anything heh03:58
flaccidwell its not working if you can't drag over03:58
pastorhola a todos!03:58
pastoralguien habla español???03:59
flaccid!es | pastor03:59
ubotupastor: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.03:59
tehm0nkWoah this is really weird03:59
tehm0nkmy left monitor has nothing about the programs... like the Titlebar or the _  and X buttons... not there lol04:00
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)04:00
flaccidok so you are using the prop. drivers?04:01
flaccidthe proprietry driver04:01
flaccidbinary (blob)04:02
tehm0nkthe others wont work04:02
flaccidyeah dang some cards don't work with xrandr for some reason with that04:02
=== adam is now known as simpleton
flaccidhmm i've never gotten dual to go on that same card before tehm0nk04:03
flaccidits dual dvi card?04:03
tehm0nkBoth of them are Dual DVI...04:04
Jay-Oh-Enflaccid: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kubuntu-default-settings/+bug/13272304:04
tehm0nkbut only 1 monitor is connected to each04:04
flaccidah yeah04:04
flaccidi could never get a viewsonic widescreen to go with that card in dual04:04
flaccidnice one Jay-Oh-En04:05
flaccidif it gets fixed awesome, people can actually change themes heh04:06
flaccidyay i pinpointed the exact same thing they did04:06
Jay-Oh-Enflaccid: lol04:12
Jay-Oh-Enflaccid: its not really broken you can do it manually but not everybody knows how to do that i know i didnt know04:13
flaccidthats how i have it set atm04:15
flaccidthe point is that its always been like this and renders kdmtheme useless to the user04:16
sub[t]rnlnot if you knew how to hack it up.04:16
flaccidyeah we did that last night..04:17
flaccidim using that true-nature one04:17
* sub[t]rnl nods04:18
sub[t]rnli wrote up a little diddy in case anyone asks again04:18
flaccidnice man04:18
ardchoillesub[t]rnl: KDM theme how to?!04:19
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kdmtheme - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi04:19
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kdm - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi04:19
flaccidjust need it on wiki and go in there :p04:19
ardchoilleYes, I was going to ask sub[t]rnl to add it to the wiki too04:19
ardchoillesub[t]rnl: Gotta have it :)04:20
sub[t]rnl10 404:20
Jay-Oh-Enflaccid: i just downloaded this one http://kde-look.org/content/show.php/Weird+KDM++-+1280x1024?content=56466 its really nice04:20
flaccidi need 1920x1200 :p04:21
ardchoillesub[t]rnl: Once a good wiki page about it is up, someone (I will if noone else) can request a bot factoid for it.04:21
Jay-Oh-Ensub[t]rnl: i like your webpage your good at html and photoshop/gimp im guessing04:21
flaccidcept needs to get rid of table layout :p04:22
flaccidthe kdm theming is pretty easy to make your own.. good for corporations to make their own company login screen w/ corporate logo04:24
Toma-Anyone know how I can findout what actions are taken when 'Safely remove' is selected from konqeror?04:25
flaccidgood question04:25
ardchoilleToma-: I thought it was just a umount04:26
ardchoille(as user)04:26
Toma-ardchoille➜ nope.04:26
Toma-pretty sure it goes through hal04:26
ardchoilleAh, ok04:26
flaccidunmount is first then some hal stuff04:26
Jay-Oh-Ensub[t]rnl: who made your website and whose hosting it04:30
Toma-found it. it uses hal to run a pumount then an eject.04:34
Toma-thanks anyway :)04:34
dfolkshi, can someone help me install compriz on kubuntu, i tried to install via the terminal only to get an error message04:35
ardchoille!compiz | dfolks04:35
ubotudfolks: Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion04:35
dfolksi'll give it a try04:36
Jay-Oh-Ensub[t]rnl: your kid is cute04:36
ubotuxinerama is an extension to !X to use two or more physical displays as one large virtual display. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo - See also !DualHead04:36
Jay-Oh-Ensub[t]rnl: you have a good looking family04:37
sub[t]rnlJay-Oh-En: I made it, and I'm hosting it, its under my desk right now, thanks by the way04:39
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Jay-Oh-Ensub[t]rnl: kool anyways04:39
Jay-Oh-Ensub[t]rnl: whats the name of that system monitor04:39
Jay-Oh-Ensub[t]rnl: is it using karamba04:39
Jay-Oh-Ensub[t]rnl: i would like that on my desktop :]04:40
sub[t]rnlreal handy04:40
sub[t]rnl!info conky04:40
ubotuconky: highly configurable system monitor for X based on torsmo. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.4.7-0ubuntu2 (gutsy), package size 140 kB, installed size 472 kB04:40
Jay-Oh-Enhow do i install04:43
Jay-Oh-Eni know how to install04:43
Jay-Oh-Eni mean how do i konfigure it04:43
sub[t]rnlhrm, gotta tinker with it04:43
sub[t]rnlthe .conkyrc has some comments to help you out04:43
Jay-Oh-Ensub[t]rnl: wheres that located?04:44
sub[t]rnlhome dir04:44
Jay-Oh-Enbash: /home/jon/.conkyrc: No such file or directory04:47
sub[t]rnlhrm, can't remember where the example rc was that I moved over..04:47
Jay-Oh-Enwould it be in the .kde folder04:48
sub[t]rnl /usr/share/doc/conky/examples/conkyrc.sample.gz04:49
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sub[t]rnl<3 dpkg -L04:50
Jay-Oh-Ensudo dpkg -L  /usr/share/doc/conky/examples/conkyrc.sample.gz?04:51
sub[t]rnlnegatory, sudo gzip -d it04:52
tehm0nkanyone else here using dual monitors?04:56
Jay-Oh-Ensub[t]rnl: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=20586504:57
Jay-Oh-Enhow do i add conky to startup?04:59
ubotuTo make programs autostart with your KDE session, you can make a link to it in ~/.kde/Autostart. The package 'kcontrol-autostart' makes a kcontrol item for handling items in that directory.04:59
Jay-Oh-EnThank you!05:01
Jay-Oh-Enwhen i click add do i just type conky?05:03
yurimxpxmanI'm running gutsy x86_64. Amarok won't play my OGG files I ripped via konqueror. Any ideas? I have libxine1-ffmpeg installed..05:03
Jay-Oh-Ensub[t]rnl: is executable?05:04
sub[t]rnlyurimxpxman: can you launch the files from inside konqueror with amarok?05:05
yurimxpxmansub[t]rnl: when I double click it, it opens with amarok, but amarok says there's no suitable codec for it. It's able to play mp3s just fine05:06
eljefeis there a kids theme for kubuntu?05:06
bazhangedubuntu has some iirc eljefe05:07
ubotuKubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion05:08
sub[t]rnlhrm, don't know yurimxpxman05:10
Jay-Oh-Ensub[t]rnl: http://pastebin.com/m286f105d05:10
Jay-Oh-Ensub[t]rnl: how can i fix that05:10
posingaspopulari duno, sudo apt-get purge foresight maybe?05:12
Jay-Oh-Ensub[t]rnl: and how can i make it transparent05:12
Jay-Oh-Enposingaspopular: ?05:12
posingaspopularask someone who actually uses the distro, i haven't gotten it to work in VM properly05:12
sub[t]rnlI had to use "feh" to set my default wallpaper, which allowed conky to do transparency with compiz fusion05:13
Jay-Oh-Enposingaspopular: this is kubuntu channel im guessing everyody in here uses kde05:13
yurimxpxmansub[t]rnl: is there any way to use gstreamer or mplayer as the engine instead of xine?05:13
sub[t]rnlJay-Oh-En: read that link you gave me a few moments ago, go through it all, it will tell you05:13
Jay-Oh-Ensub[t]rnl: ight05:13
sub[t]rnlyurimxpxman: not that I'm aware of05:14
* posingaspopular grumbles and leaves05:14
sub[t]rnlI think the devs have it locked on the xine engine as of now05:14
sub[t]rnlgoogle around, bbiab05:14
Jay-Oh-Ensub[t]rnl: ok well i have arial font installed BUT it says cants load font arial05:15
eljefeany kde apps that can turn off keys on a keyboard?05:22
tehm0nkanyone here happen to play wow?05:26
maduserI know people who do05:27
Jay-Oh-Engod its ugly05:33
Jay-Oh-Ensub[t]rnl: i cant get it to look good no matter what i do05:33
Jay-Oh-Enhttp://i154.photobucket.com/albums/s272/pronege/mydekstop1.png thats what it looks like and it changes size everytime it refreshes itself sub[t]rnl05:38
dwidmannHmm, anybody know of a cd ripper that can cope with multiple instances (such that I can do two at once with two drives)?05:39
Jay-Oh-Encant k3b05:39
dwidmannNot as far as I could tell05:40
sub[t]rnlJay-Oh-En: want my .conkyrc?05:40
Roy_MJay-Oh-En, is that a pic of the new KDE?05:41
Jay-Oh-Ensub[t]rnl: YES!! :]05:41
Jay-Oh-EnRoy_M: nope05:41
sub[t]rnlJay-Oh-En: you use compiz?05:42
Jay-Oh-Ensub[t]rnl: nope05:42
sub[t]rnlif it isn't transparent, hollar at me05:44
Jay-Oh-Enit isnt05:44
Jay-Oh-Enand its kinda in the way of stuff05:44
sub[t]rnldo this real quick05:45
sub[t]rnlsudo apt-get install feh05:45
dwidmannJay-Oh-En: Looks like my best option is ripit, presuming that this test goes successfully, though it's got one sore spot I've spotted so far, but other than that it's looking good05:45
sub[t]rnlthen sudo killall conky05:45
sub[t]rnlfeh --bg-scale `dcop kdesktop KBackgroundIface currentWallpaper 1`05:45
sub[t]rnlthen start up conky05:45
sub[t]rnlsee if that helps05:45
Jay-Oh-En will it use feh everytime tho?05:46
sub[t]rnlyeah, we'll make a little bash script that does the feh, then starts conky05:46
sub[t]rnlsee if it helps you first05:46
Jay-Oh-Enit did05:46
Jay-Oh-Enbut it moves around everytime it refreshes and it flickers05:47
sigma_kubuntuwhats conky05:50
epimethhi guys05:52
epimethwhere can I get information on updates that I install?05:52
epimethfor exmple, I just got the latest kernel update... I would like to know what has been changed/fixed/added ?05:53
epimethspecifically, if my wireless card is *finally* supported :-)05:53
epimethbut really, I want to know everything....05:53
epimethalso noticed that the smb libs and client were updated...05:54
Jay-Oh-Ensigma_kubuntu: it shows your cpu temp and stuff05:54
nachoall chanels05:57
bazhang!irc | nacho05:57
ubotunacho: A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines05:57
dwidmannhmmmmmmmmm, this seems to do the trick well, and it's fast! """ripit -d /dev/hda -c 1 -q 7 -u --dirtemplate '"$artist/$album"' --nointeraction --tracktemplate '"$tracknum - $trackname"' -p 0"""05:58
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ubotujoin ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia06:03
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foiblesdoes kubuntu gutsy support wpa wireless?06:12
bazhangyes foibles, depending on if your card supports it06:13
foiblesbazhang: alright06:13
eljefeor on if gutsy supports your card06:13
foiblesbazhang: I just get confused because kwireless never says "wpa", always wep06:13
bazhangknetwork-manager should do if you have it setup right and your card supports it foibles06:14
foiblesbazhang: ill tweak around, thanks06:15
bazhangyour welcome foibles :}06:15
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=== richard__ is now known as techgeek40
eljefehow can i allow a second user the right to run kdesudo (root) applications?  still requiring the root password of course06:17
techgeek40Hello all06:17
dwidmanneljefe, add them to the admin group06:17
eljefethat user is in it :(06:17
techgeek40I need to get a few things installed on the Kubuntu - java (current) and adobe flash and shockwave - but seem to be running into a problem06:17
techgeek40The current version of java is jre-6u3-linux-i586.bin06:18
techgeek40I tried the sudo apt-get install-sun java jre-6u3-linux-i586 but I think I goofed06:18
techgeek40I even tried (according to java's web site) the chmod but that was a no go too06:19
dwidmanneljefe: weird ...06:20
ubotuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre. Please don't use Adept to install Java if you are on Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy) or earlier.06:20
backuppis it possible to make an iso of my current kubuntu into cd, and boot it on another system with same settings and dupe it over?06:21
techgeek40I'm on 7.1006:21
bazhang!aptoncd | backupp06:21
ubotubackupp: APTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers06:21
eljefedwidmann: this is from an edubuntu install to Kubuntu...06:21
level1Hi, I have skim installed.  I want to remove it, but last time I tried, every window with a text box in it went nuts06:21
backuppthat's not what i want06:21
backuppi want a duplication of my os on another computer06:21
backuppnot packages on cd06:22
eljefebackupp: http://www.howtoforge.com/ubuntu-linux-mint-livecd-with-remastersys06:22
ubotuChinese, Japanese, Korean Language input. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SCIM06:23
unix_infideldoes ubuntu get it's kernels from debian or compile them itself?06:24
sub[t]rnlbackupp: thats going to be as pain free as it gets really.  You'll probably run into permission problems if your trying to image your entire drive06:24
unix_infideland / or use highly similar compilation flags.06:24
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backuppsub[t]rnl: using remastersys?06:26
sub[t]rnlerr, thats unix06:28
sub[t]rnlthere we go06:28
techgeek40I do apologize, I06:30
dennisterhey channel...been having a lot of problems playing my /dev/video0 (tuner with any form of mplayer lately...now it won't play at all...any ideas?06:30
techgeek40I'm "windows" based geek - not linux - so this is still new to me06:31
techgeek40I did the software sources but don't see anything about backports06:31
dennisteror, should say, mplayer works with local videos and recorded tv, but not to play live tv06:31
techgeek40I do however have checked the multiverse06:31
techgeek40I'm lost at trying to get the Java (that first - the other's later) installed -06:32
techgeek40Is it possible to get the latest version of java install in the temrinal window *ubuntu 7.10* using the sudo apt-get?06:32
ubotuIf new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging06:33
sub[t]rnlsudo apt-get install kubuntu-restricted-extras06:33
level1techgeek40: the java package some name like "sun-java6.0-nonfree" or some such06:34
level1techgeek40: what you do, is type "apt-cache search java" (doesn't have to be sudo)06:34
level1techgeek40: apt-cache search java sun will get you exactly what you want06:35
ubotuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre. Please don't use Adept to install Java if you are on Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy) or earlier.06:35
level1java 6 is the newest version, it should be out by now... ubotu may be a little out of date06:36
dennistertechgeek40: yes, installing sun's java is real easy now with its better licensing and the howtos^^^06:36
level1don't know about that "edgy" disclaimer06:36
dennisteranybody got any ideas why new mplayers won't play my live tv tuner feed?...was working ok untuil the upgrades got installed :(06:37
dennisteror, was working ok after a reboot, then I'd quit the tv feed, and would have to restartx before "mplayer /dev/video0" would work again...not it doesn't work even after a reboot06:39
dennisteri start the line above in terminal, I get the typical complaints i expect (no lirc or joystick installed yet), then it says "Playing /dev/video0" and nothing else06:42
dennisterk...guess we don't have any tuner people in the channel at the moment...will reboot into gentoo...works there06:44
foiblesman, christmas shopping online is so easy06:44
XceIISends Ubuntu a christmas donation in thanks for a cool operating system.06:52
XceIIUninstalls bill gates for lying and spying and wasting my money.06:53
dfolkswhat is usually talked about here and are there other rooms, new to irc06:54
nevilleI already sent money ($100) to the Wine people, K/Ubuntu can wait =P06:54
bazhang!irc | dfolks06:55
ubotudfolks: A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines06:55
dfolksok cool, i'll check it out06:56
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ardchoilleAnyone else having trouble with "apt-get upgrade" being slow?07:06
bazhangmany folks in the other channel ardchoille07:07
ardchoillebazhang: Ah, ok.07:08
ardchoilleYeah, seems security.bubuntu.com is slow right now.07:08
bazhangI got it on hardy as well, but that is offtopic :}07:09
ardchoilleI'll fetch updates later :)07:09
bazhangand it was kde-libs no less :}07:10
foiblesif wpa is in knetworkmanager, why dont i see it under the settings07:18
foiblesi just see wep, then hex/ascii07:18
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foiblesinstead of wpa tkip/aes07:18
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=== Daemon- is now known as Daemon^
techgeek40Thank you all for the help - have a good night07:19
techgeek40And thanks to Level 1 - he was a big help too07:19
sub[t]rnlfoibles: right click on knetworkmanager, then connect to other wireless network, wpa is listed there07:20
foiblessub[t]rnl: ah, i see07:22
foiblessub[t]rnl: i have it setup to manual, and i dont know how to get it back to where it nicely lists all the networks in range07:22
sub[t]rnlyeah, knetworkmanager can be a little screwy07:23
sub[t]rnli find the bars are off at times too, showing signal strength07:24
sub[t]rnlits getting better though07:24
sub[t]rnliwlist wlan0(or whatever) scan <- is what I use07:24
* sub[t]rnl shrugs07:24
foiblessub[t]rnl: yeah, i gave up playing guesswork with it a long time ago07:30
foiblesit works and does what it wants on its own whims07:30
* flaccid gets back from shops07:33
rjohnmy touchpad mouse skates and is unusable.  It flies all over screen07:39
muni have problem in kbuntu07:39
rjohnDo I need some synaptic driver07:39
rjohnIt's driving me crazy07:39
munit didn't detect my wireless07:39
munanyone genous07:39
sigma__rjohn: that driver is already present in linux, check your xorg.conf07:40
munkbuntu expert07:40
sigma__mun: where did u check for detection?07:40
muni am using ethernet07:40
munits working07:40
munbut not wirless07:40
muni have hp pavillion dv620507:40
sub[t]rnl!wireless | mun07:41
ubotumun: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs07:41
munit was Vista07:41
sigma__mun: run kcontrol in the run dialog, then go to Internet & network07:41
sigma__then click on network settings07:41
rjohnyes, it's in my xorg.conf07:42
sigma__tell me what devices it lists?07:42
rjohncould i have wrong or outdated driver?07:42
sigma__mun: is there no wlan0?07:42
rjohnIt's a X driver, not a .ko, correct?07:42
sigma__rjohn: which laptop are u using? works perfect with my dell d60007:42
rjohnI'll run a locate on a .so for synaptic07:42
sigma__mun: how old is that laptop model?07:43
muni just bought recently07:43
munwith Vista intall07:43
sigma__mun: im guessing its a brand new model?07:43
muni guess07:43
Stevethepiratesigma_: hi.. i'm getting a dell inspiron.. is ubuntu rather capable with ur dell?07:44
munhp pavillion dv6205us07:44
rjohndell latitude07:44
rjohnSometimes it works fine07:44
rjohnThen it just goes flaky07:44
rjohnlet me go run dmesg07:44
sigma__mun: that means theres prob no support for your wireless chipset currently because its new, did u try googling it?07:44
flaccidbest linux support is on dell..07:45
sigma__Stevethepirate: yeah and now with the new opensource ati driver even the tv out works!07:45
flaccidthere is a dell inspiron next to me07:45
Stevethepiratesigma_: Nvidia 8600gt :P07:45
flaccidyeah pitty its not for all ati cards :(07:45
munso whats your suggestion07:45
sigma__Stevethepirate: lol are u buying direct from dell?07:45
gameufoHi everyone07:45
rjohnAnd I tried installing ksynaptic, but had dependency issues .I'm on 6.0607:46
sigma__flaccid: i would think it was07:46
flaccidif i do non-custom computer, server or desktop, i always get dell07:46
rjohnThe mouse has a mind of its own07:46
Stevethepirateflaccid: i'm getting a " Intel® Next-Gen Wireless-N Mini-Card" on it.. but the thing is... google can't help me07:46
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flaccidsigma__: its not :(07:46
rjohnIt's steady now, but will go crazy soon.07:46
rjohnMaybe my07:46
rjohnSHM line in Xorg is wrong07:46
flaccidwell N is not ratified yet i don't think07:46
sigma__flaccid: yeah dell rocks, but in south sfrica the new units are pricey07:46
munSigma: so what should i do07:46
flaccidi will have a look07:46
Stevethepiratesigma_: also from RSA?07:46
rjohnflaccid: N is not yet ratified07:47
sigma__flaccid: we tend to use refurbs only which are just as good07:47
Stevethepirateflaccid: yeah.. its still draft.07:47
rjohnThat doesn't keep the chip makers from making the chips07:47
flaccidyeah totally07:47
sigma__Stevethepirate: yup, you too?07:47
Stevethepiratesigma_: indeed.. durbs for me07:47
Stevethepiratebut uni in cape town07:47
StevethepirateBut the thing is, like, for now I only need 802.11a/b/g features...07:47
sigma__Stevethepirate: yup same here, but uni in durbs07:47
flaccidhave you seen this Stevethepirate http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=51524207:48
Stevethepiratesigma__: you play dota by any chance?07:48
rjohnLooks like Thunderbird is going to die on the vine07:48
rjohntoo bad.  I like it.07:48
StevethepirateI don't mind waiting for n-support07:48
sigma__Stevethepirate: apparently the inspiron is alot like the latitude series07:48
rjohnStevethepirate: N has huge promise.  I'm in the industry.  Big pent up demand07:48
sigma__Stevethepirate: no not really the gamer type, i hear its rather addictive!07:48
flaccidshould be able to get it going Stevethepirate: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-449354.html07:49
munAnyone Help in wireless detection problem07:49
flaccidndiswrapper at this stage i belive07:49
Stevethepiratesigma__: oh, it's just I know a dude called "Sigma" on the SA battlenet server07:49
rjohnmun: shoot07:49
sigma__mun: well post a topic @ubuntuforums.org , theres more people there07:49
rjohniwconfig and iwpriv are a good start07:49
flaccidmun: pastebin your /etc/network/interfaces07:49
rjohnmun: whats the issue07:49
sigma__Stevethepirate: lol thats the first word in my business name07:50
rjohnflaccid: ya, good idea.  i've seen a lot where ssid is wrong.07:50
flaccidwell the interfaces file seems to need only localhost in it for user knetworkmanager to scan07:50
Stevethepiratesigma__: i'm also grabbing [on the Dell i'm ordering], "ntegrated Sound Blaster Audigy ADVANCED HD Audio ", that should work right?07:50
sigma__mun: are you sure no one has had the same problem? usually they solve those probs really quickly07:51
muni looked in but07:51
muni didn't found the soution07:51
rjohnKDE4 seems like huge advance, based on mags.  I don't notice huge diff erencces yet07:51
sigma__Stevethepirate: ouch, one of our pc's has a creative audigy 5.1, it has to stay on windows:(07:51
flaccidmany reasons with ubuntu networking.... pastebin of interfaces will tell07:51
sigma__Stevethepirate: what OS are u telling dell to install on the pc?07:52
Stevethepiratesigma__: i.e. it doesn't work on ubuntu?07:52
Stevethepiratesigma__: i'm asking [phoned them yesterday] if they could install ubuntu07:52
Stevethepiratehoping they'd give me like R800 back or so07:52
flaccidaudigy is *usually* fine07:52
Stevethepirateso i can grab another gig of ram [up to 3 gigs] or another 85Whr battery07:52
Stevethepirateflaccid: hopefully :P07:52
sigma__Stevethepirate: well i had to use this script that runs at boot, problem is it only works sometimes and when it doesn't all the media players jam07:53
Stevethepiratesigma__: well, i'll be dual booting xp-corporate and ubuntu07:53
flaccidi got my new dell monitor yesterday w00t07:53
Stevethepiratebut dell think it'll only be ubuntu :P07:53
sigma__Stevethepirate: try get ubuntu pre-installed, they should give u free support on it07:53
StevethepirateYeah, they actually don't know if they -can- do ubuntu in SA07:53
sigma__Stevethepirate: I know they do that in america07:54
StevethepirateI spoke to the head of some department yesterday.07:54
Stevethepiratesigma__: yeah, thats what I said07:54
flacciddepends on model etc.07:54
Stevethepiratesurely if they do it in the USA07:54
Stevethepirateand -all- the stock comes from ireland07:54
Stevethepiratethen they can spam some <3 and put on ubuntu07:54
flaccidwell no, each country will have a different regime07:54
Stevethepirateflaccid: agreed, they have different "regimes"07:55
sigma__Stevethepirate: but the support here is pretty limited, i think they only have a office in cape town. but at least they have a pick up and return warranty:)07:55
Stevethepiratesigma__: yeah 011-709-7777 :p07:55
omar_I have a problem07:55
Stevethepirate!ask > omar07:55
flaccidcall it what you want, of course its going to be different in each country07:55
omar_Adebt installer does not allow me to install new stuff07:55
flaccidi just waited 5 weeks for my dell lcd monitor in australia :p07:56
Stevethepirateflaccid: yeah, but there is surely no difference if the SA dude says to the Irish dude "please install ubuntu, not vista"07:56
Stevethepiratesigma__, flaccid: whats the delivery time on a dell laptop to liek South Africa?07:57
sigma__Stevethepirate: i have that script i had to use, thing is the stereo sound worked fine but i was using a 5.1 system so it sounded off if the bass didnt go directly to the subwoofer07:57
flaccidif thats even possible then sweet, if its not then you can't do much i would assume07:57
sigma__Stevethepirate: I would think they have local stock07:57
flaccidno idea, i don't know anything about dell SA07:57
Stevethepiratesigma__: i have a DSP already.. i just need HD stero.07:57
sigma__Stevethepirate: i see07:57
omar_Adebt installer does not allow me to install new stuff07:57
flaccidplease don't repeat07:58
Stevethepiratesigma__: of a Inspiron 1720, 2 gigs RAM, 2.4ghz core 2 duo, 200 gig SATA 7200, 8600m GT?07:58
flaccid!doesntwork | omar_07:58
ubotuomar_: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.07:58
StevethepirateI doubt they have that lying around.07:58
Stevethepiratesigma__: how long for that to arrive?07:58
StevethepirateI though all non-peripherals come from Ireland?07:58
sigma__Stevethepirate: surely they dont have to build it at a factory07:58
sigma__Stevethepirate: i have never ordered from dell because i only bought refurb stuff07:59
Stevethepiratesigma__: i was under the impression it was07:59
omar_When I use Adebt installer I can't install new programms, because all the programs are not selectable07:59
sigma__Stevethepirate: shouldn't be that long i guess, they are a service orientated company after all07:59
sigma__omar_: just use dpkg -i08:00
Stevethepiratesigma__: well, if i order now.. i'd like it around 20th Jan08:00
omar_sigma: what's that?08:00
sigma__omar_: and download packages from packages.ubuntu.com08:00
StevethepirateSo that when i go back to uni, I can update [we have a local mirror leg.uct.ac.za :P]08:00
coolyHello and Please help *g* After ATI-Driver-Installation (Envy)... Segmentation fault (core dumped)08:00
sigma__Stevethepirate: remember the corporates close 4 xmas08:01
Stevethepiratesigma__: so? If i order -now- like today, it should be fine?08:01
sigma__Stevethepirate: hows the internet speed at uct? ours is hopeless, u can only violate it during the holidays08:01
omar_sigma: what is dpkg -i?08:01
=== jbjbjb is now known as jbjbjb_
omar_sigma: how do I use it?08:02
flaccidcooly: we don't support it08:02
Stevethepirateomar_: its like double clicking on a exe08:02
sigma__Stevethepirate: are they even open? the sales wing that is. i know most of my suppliers have closed or stopped taking orders08:02
Stevethepiratesigma__: i phoned yesterday and seemed to get through.08:02
sigma__omar_: or u can use apt-get08:02
omar_sigma: oh..ok08:02
Stevethepiratesigma__: I get 9meg/sec off the leg server... [for updates]08:02
coolyflaccid.. It's always a Difference between Support and Helping *g*08:03
omar_sigma: but how do I use adebt installer?08:03
StevethepirateAnd i use a multitude of tinyproxies to tunnel normal internet traffic through .. so get about 400k/sec at night08:03
sigma__Stevethepirate: i wish our ubuntu mirror was updated, its stuck in edgy:(08:03
flaccidthe difference is irrelevant. look at the topic. there is a reason why we do not support it.08:03
ubotuenvy is not needed or supported. Use the Resticted Manager to install binary drivers and see « /msg ubotu binarydriver »08:03
sigma__envy is dodgy stuff08:03
Stevethepirate400k/sec is not bad08:04
sigma__when dealing with such important components in your pc, always use official ubuntu supported software08:04
Stevethepirateremember that we have an internal resnet.. about 25-30TB08:04
coolyok @ flaccid.. but.. If I installed the ATI-Driver on my Own or use the Kubuntu-Driver.. It's the same fault *g*08:04
flaccidcooly: so you have used restricted-manager-kde ?08:05
sigma__Stevethepirate: dam, yeah i read about the uct internet uplinks somewhere, pretty impressive stuff08:05
flaccidfile a bug, what else can you do with a seg fault...08:05
Stevethepiratesigma__: i'm running the main UCT hub next year.. hope the MPAA don't raid me..08:05
=== jbjbjb_ is now known as jbjbjb
sigma__omar_: to be honest ive never used it, i download packages manually to install08:05
omar_sigma: oh.. alright then.. :)08:06
sigma__oh yes the notorious segmentation fault08:06
StevethepirateI get seg faults on DC++ client08:06
Stevethepiratesuch failure08:06
sigma__Stevethepirate: MPAA?08:06
StevethepirateLike the BSA08:06
Stevethepirateof movies08:06
Stevethepiratemotion picture association08:06
Stevethepirateor whatever08:06
Stevethepirateif they raided UCT08:07
Stevethepiratethey would make R1.2 billion in fines08:07
Stevethepirateat least08:07
sigma__i used to get a segmentation fault in Konversation when i wanted to join a new channel. but it disapeared08:07
sigma__Stevethepirate: yeah but thats not illegal in SA, selling movies is08:07
Stevethepiratesigma__: i'm trying to set up NAT so that my 4 PC's can all connect through a single PC through a single network point .. such a mission to get DC working..08:07
coolyok.. bye08:07
Stevethepiratesigma__: its not illegal to own pirated material?08:07
Stevethepirateis this a sick joke or something?08:08
ubotupiracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o08:08
Stevethepiratestdin: we are not talking like we "wish to pirate materials"08:08
sigma__Stevethepirate: ok well thats the end of that discussion08:08
Stevethepiratei.e. transferring pirated materials.08:08
stdinStevethepirate: didn't say you were08:08
Stevethepiratestdin: okay :P08:09
Stevethepiratesigma__: so scp me those illegal files08:09
Stevethepiratejust joking08:09
sigma__stdin: yeah we were discussing more the laws related to it, in our country there are huge holes in it08:09
Stevethepiratesigma__: carry on the discussion...08:09
stdinsigma__: then I should have done !ot ?08:09
stdineither way, don't :)08:09
omar_#deb cdrom:[Kubuntu 7.10 _Gutsy Gibbon_ - Release i386 (20071016.1)]/ gutsy main restricted08:10
omar_# See http://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes for how to upgrade to08:10
omar_# newer versions of the distribution.08:10
omar_deb http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ gutsy main restricted08:10
omar_deb-src http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ gutsy main restricted08:10
Stevethepiratestdin: sighs.. the purpose of off-topic is quite random.08:10
Stevethepirateto be honest, if people wanna talk about random stuff, and its not interferring with the main chat.08:10
stdin!paste | omar_08:10
ubotuomar_: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)08:10
Stevethepiratei rate let it fly by.08:10
omar_sorry by mistake..08:10
stdinStevethepirate: the purpose of off-topic may be quite random, but the purpose of this channel is not ;)08:11
Stevethepiratesigma__: so, u're saying that I can have 1000 movies, and as long as i don't sell them, i'm fine? [this is all hypotheical]08:11
Stevethepiratestdin: yeah..08:11
Stevethepiratebut #kubuntu is a good disguise for illegal chatz :P08:11
Stevethepiratestdin: thanks for that KDE4 guide..08:11
Stevethepirateit actually wasn't as hard as expected08:12
sigma__Stevethepirate: well according to that law yeah08:12
omar_When I tried to install firefox using the terminal, the following error appeared:08:12
sigma__Stevethepirate: but lets be honest, police in this country have more important things to do08:12
Stevethepiratestdin: like. where would you recommend I get nice widgets/ theme's etc for kde4?08:12
Stevethepiratesigma__: i know 3 people in JHB and 1 in CPT that have been raided for ADSL cap theft.08:13
stdinStevethepirate: there aren't really any yet, kde4 isn't even released yet08:13
Stevethepirate3 of them [1 CPT  + 2 JHB ] got fined..08:13
sigma__Stevethepirate: whats ADSL cap theft?08:14
flaccidomar_: its an invalid line in the sources.list08:14
Stevethepiratestdin: had a slight problem.. when i started a widget, it was like -stuck- in the middle of the screen08:14
Stevethepiratecouldn't move it.. only close it.08:14
omar_flaccid: how do I fix it?08:14
Stevethepiratesigma__: when you use another dude's ADSL account and basically his cap.08:14
flaccidremove the line in question from /etc/apt/sources.list08:14
stdin*Notice* To all users of KDE4 packages, you may notice some updates for your KDE4 packages in a few hours. This fixes a couple of issues with starting KDE4 applications from the KMenu and from the Run Dialog, nothing to worry about08:15
Stevethepiratestdin: had a slight problem.. when i started a widget, it was like -stuck- in the middle of the screen.. widgets were stuck.08:15
DjDarkmanhello I have two machines, with kubuntu, both have ext3 partitions, I copied files containing special charecters like úóüöéá, and when I want to play those music files amarok complains that it can`t open them, but I can copy them back to this laptop and it works, why is this, how can I solve this?08:15
omar_flaccid: the sources list is empty08:16
stdinStevethepirate: I don't see that, I can move plasmoids fine. best place for kde4 support is #kde4-devel08:16
sigma__Stevethepirate: well thats illegal in any case! i know a guy who works for a isp that does that. well it seems the law has changed a bit - http://mybroadband.co.za/news/General/644.html  however as that law expert says, proving it is rather hard08:16
flaccidomar_: use adept, re-manager your repos, fetch updates then do what you need08:17
Stevethepiratestdin: yeah, when i have my KDE4 pc here at work again i'll try it out...08:17
DjDarkmananyone have an idea? if it help I copied the files trough sftp08:17
flaccidomar_: your error message says its not empty08:17
sigma__stdin: did they eventually fix the kde4 taskbar?08:17
stdinsigma__: fix what about it?08:18
flaccidDjDarkman: i don't know. but unusual characters don't extend between filesystems for a start little lone protocols08:18
sigma__stdin: i couldn't right click it08:18
flaccidi mean let alone protocols08:18
sigma__Stevethepirate: did u check that link out?08:18
Stevethepiratesigma__: yeah, basically, they have to prove you are downloading something, to get a court order to get proof that you are downloading something...08:18
stdinsigma__: there still aren't any options for it, so no right click08:18
omar_flaccid: yeah I know, I wasn't, but when I veiwed the list I deleted everything and, then tried again but the same error appeared08:19
omar_flaccid: It* wasn't08:19
sigma__stdin: i would think that was one of the first options they would have built, kinda arb to leave it to the end08:20
sigma__Stevethepirate: and the studio has to do it, not any 3rd party representative body08:20
stdinsigma__: it's mostly just a container plasmoid, not much about it to configure08:20
Stevethepiratesigma__: so, basically... GO RSA!08:21
Stevethepiratesigma__: i g2g.. bbl.08:21
sigma__Stevethepirate: lol08:21
sigma__Stevethepirate: check u08:21
sigma__stdin: but what about the trashcan, taskbar and shortcuts? i hate that taskbar that is in the top corner of the screen, but on the plus side the live cd does run pretty quickly on my pc08:23
sigma__compared to kde308:23
stdinall those things will either be plasmoids or "button" plasmoids08:24
purpleposeidonhmmm, is 20 kb/s usual? :o08:24
purpleposeidonfor updates?08:24
sigma__interesting, looking forward to it, pity you can't order kde4 from shipit08:24
stdinsigma__: one day :)08:25
sigma__stdin: when do you think kde4.1 will be out?08:25
flaccid_it would help if it was finished08:25
stdinsigma__: "when it's ready"08:25
stdinshould be in time for 8.10 release (can't see that not happening)08:25
omar_When I start adebt manager the following message appears:08:26
sigma__stdin: lol, it amazes me that the new releases run faster than their predecessors, with windows its the extreme opposite, my laptop barely manages to load vista08:26
flaccid_omar_: do what it says08:26
flaccid_if that fails i think your apt db is fuxed08:27
omar_I did what is says, but the same old poblem appeared again.08:29
DjDarkmanhow can I 'tanslate' a KDE completely, witch was installed english?08:29
flaccid_omar_: does cat /etc/apt/sources.list return anything?08:29
flaccid_DjDarkman: your question might be better answered in #kde08:30
Jay-Oh-Enflaccid_: what happen to flaccid08:30
purpleposeidonThere was this one thing online, where you could download self-contained programs, does anybody remember what it is called? It had it's own protocol:/ thing08:30
flaccid_i got hard :p08:30
sigma__prob got disconnected08:30
DjDarkmanflaccid_: I think that some packagees that I need are kubuntu specific, or am I wrong?08:31
omar_flaccid: it returns:08:31
flaccid_DjDarkman: i don't know what you going on about sorry. i cant help.08:31
sigma__purpleposeidon: define self contained?08:31
sigma__DjDarkman: what exactly are you trying to do?08:31
SyntraHey uhh, anyone have a clue why there isn't any option to boot to Kubuntu after installing Windows?08:32
purpleposeidonsigma__: Uh, like you downloaded a .iso, and it mounted it, and it had everything you needed to run a program08:32
flaccid_omar_: thats a borked sources. please overwrite it08:33
flaccid_!source-o-matic | omar_08:33
ubotuomar_: source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic08:33
DjDarkmansigma__: I gave a PC of mine to my father, it has a kubuntu gutsy installed english, but my father doesn`t understand english, and I want to make it hungarian, without reinstalling it08:33
sigma__DjDarkman: oh yeah then #kde would be the place to ask08:33
flaccid_DjDarkman: please ask in #kde, im sure its not hard08:34
DjDarkmanok, hope they can tell me08:34
sigma__DjDarkman: i pretty sure the kde team deals with translations, not the kubuntu team08:34
sigma__DjDarkman: im pretty sure they can08:34
omar_still the same problem..08:36
sigma__why does canonical never reply to my email requesting to use the ubuntu family logos on my website?08:36
sigma__omar_: reinstall perhaps?08:36
flaccid_we can't speak for canonical..08:36
blubbsecurity.ubuntu.com is down?08:36
purpleposeidonblubb: Going veerrry slow for me08:37
omar_sigma_: reinstall kubuntu????08:37
whitedablubb, not working for me either08:38
sigma__omar_: yup08:38
omar_sigma_: oh man!08:39
omar_sigma_: this sucks!08:39
sigma__guys you know what we need in kubuntu, a repair feature like whats on that xp cd. where it flushes the system files and re-installs them but keeps data in tact08:39
sigma__omar_: dont worry ive had my fair share, its all part of learning linux08:40
omar_sigma_: yeah that's true..08:40
sigma__omar_: what pc are u using?08:40
Lynouresigma__: there is dpkg-reconfigure08:40
OleanderI want to change from win to linux and am not sure whether to go with ubuntu or kubuntu...what are the differneces anyways. i read that one is on gnome while the other on kde..at the end of the day what should a newbie to linux install?08:40
mitchells00erm hi.. i have a.. not really a problem more an annoyance... i'm running Kubuntu and when i play variable bitrate mp3's they speed up and slow down.. and tear...08:41
sigma__Lynoure: what does it do?08:41
mitchells00Kde is more like windows..08:41
Lynouremitchells00: not really08:41
sigma__Oleander: gnome just looks very ugly (but thats to me)08:41
mitchells00the feel is.. to me anyway..08:41
omar_sigma_: and you know what? there's a festival that will be held in my country about LINUX soon, I must attend it..! :D08:41
Oleanderah ok08:41
mitchells00gnome to me looks prettier, but i like the option of switching between the 2.. whatever i feel like today is what i use..08:42
Lynouresigma__: it reconfigures the packages specified, so if you have messed up some configuration files, it sets them to default.08:42
Oleanderdoes kubuntu do the transparency on the windows like ubuntu?08:42
sigma__Oleander: well theres no harm in trying both, not like u have to pay for them:)08:42
mitchells00now there's an idea.. random DE every boot! xD08:42
Oleandersigma: true point08:42
sigma__Oleander: yeah sort of, better stuff is coming in kde4 in jan08:42
Lynouresigma__: reinstalling packages can also do similar things, in the cases where you have messed up/removed files.08:43
Oleandermitchells00: so u have all ur apps on both os? and u boot from the one u feel like using that day?08:43
sigma__Lynoure: ok im gonna try that on my mock pc but first i need to try mess it up:)08:43
mitchells00no that's why i'm not a huge fan of ubuntu.. you can't choose to have both..08:43
sigma__Lynoure: so its not like windows where one glitch means game over08:43
mitchells00i mainly use Sabayon but i'm on kubuntu to try out LinuxMCE08:43
sigma__mitchells00: i thought u could use both08:44
mitchells00woah fildo same connection, same exchange..08:44
Oleanderkubuntu has a media center?08:44
Lynouresigma__: certainly not. Even if you cannot get X to run, there is always the console.  and even if it does not boot, there is possibility from booting from a rescue cd or somesuch and fixing from there.08:45
mitchells00google LinuxMCE08:45
sigma__Oleander: depends wat u define a media centre08:45
mitchells00At the moment it's looking like a POS but meh..08:45
mitchells00fildo.. do i know you....? xD'08:46
sigma__mitchells00: can u run LinuxMCE on kubuntu? and how is it?08:46
mitchells00it can only run on kubuntu08:46
mitchells00and so far i can't get it to run...08:46
mitchells00it takes a LONG time to install08:46
sigma__Lynoure: well thats comforting to hear08:46
sigma__mitchells00: isnt it still in beta?08:46
mitchells00i don't know08:47
DonalRfinger DonalR08:47
mitchells00i think the NEW version is08:47
sigma__Lynoure: is it possible to access a flashdrive from konsole?  does it auto-mount08:47
Lynouresigma__: yes, normally they do.08:48
Oleanderdoes ubuntu have a media center? or does it too need linuxMCE?08:48
sigma__Lynoure: how would u open them?08:48
mitchells00i know this'll sound weird but i think sabayon is far better for absolute beginners, it has all the programs they would ever want, it's quite easy to use and install and lets face it.. i just installed Kubuntu.. it didn't even have firefox.. that's just appauling...08:48
sigma__Oleander: what do u need the media center to do?08:48
Lynouresigma__: and even if it does not, you can manually mount it from command line, too (unless there is something seriously wrong with something)08:48
mitchells00i know the last word is spelt wrong but i'm tired..08:49
mitchells00 xD08:49
mitchells00Ubuntu has almost nothing in it..08:49
mitchells00they're like windows..08:49
sigma__mitchells00: u can just install firefox, i use flock, its way better espm in looks08:49
Oleanderso you'd recommend sabayon08:49
mitchells00over ubuntu any day..08:49
Oleanderu use that now?08:49
mitchells00it's a DVD size rather than CD size08:50
sigma__wats so good in sabayon?08:50
mitchells00the live DVD is even fast enough for me08:50
Oleandergoogling it now08:50
mitchells00it comes with CRAPLOADS of programs built in08:50
sigma__kubuntu also has a dvd08:50
mitchells00anything you want08:50
Oleanderwhat kinda progs were on there u use heaps08:51
sigma__the reason kubuntu is on cd mainly is because most of its users don't have truckloads of bandwidth08:51
mitchells00and installing more is easy.. it has (i don't know what it's called but it lists all the programs that you want, you tick them and press ok and they auto download and install)08:51
sigma__its just designed to give u the base system, not all the packages08:51
mitchells00well i have to say a live DVD is nicer with packages built in...08:51
sigma__but yes a dvd that auto installed all your desired programs would be goodf08:52
mitchells00rather than installing every time..08:52
sigma__but hey for office use the cd version is perfect08:52
mitchells00plus sabayon can look FANTASTIC when you have a good video card..08:52
mitchells00i forget what it's called but it has alot of optional visual effects like vista but.. alot more customizable..08:53
Lynouresigma__: if it is konsole you talk about, just   cd /media  then do   ls   to look around,  cd to whatever is the name of you flashdrive. There you are. :)  For plain command line you'll need to mount it yourself, but that's not hard either08:53
mitchells00just if people want.. xD08:53
Oleanderwhat kind of visual effects?08:53
mitchells001st and my favourate.. the desktop cube..08:54
mitchells00control and flick your mouse and you're on another desktop xD08:54
Oleanderso u can have 6 desktops going ?08:54
mitchells00you can have like 20 but not on the cube..08:55
=== _Daemon-- is now known as Daemon--
Oleanderi was thinking top and bottom also :)08:55
mitchells00no but you can put different wallpapers for them :)08:55
Oleanderawsome. does vista have that08:55
Oleanderdoes mac?08:55
Oleanderlooking at screenshots now of the cube08:56
sigma__Oleander: i found something really cool with the cube - u can play 4 movies simultaneoulsly (one on each screen) and it runs perfectly08:56
Oleanderhahah awsome08:56
sd132so  the  cube spins on one axis only?08:57
Oleanderis sabayon the only one with cube effect?08:57
sigma__nope i did that in kubuntu08:58
sigma__with compiz-fusion08:58
Lynouresigma__: and you found some way to actually follow all of them 100%? :)08:58
Stevethepiratesigma__: 10-14 business days delivery...08:58
Stevethepirateon my dell.08:58
Oleandercompiz-fusion? that a add-on?08:58
=== icewater1an is now known as icewaterman
sigma__Stevethepirate: well thats pretty good service!08:59
sigma__Stevethepirate: how much is it altogether?09:00
mitchells00_how much is what?09:00
sigma__his laptop09:00
mitchells00_oohh :P09:00
mitchells00_i'm just about to get a new laptop :D09:00
Oleandersigma: whats this berly thing? on youtube looking at cube on kubuntu and it says kubuntu beryl09:01
Oleanderberyl sorry09:01
mitchells00_a Dell (yeah i know eww but cheap) Vostro 1500 with 2 GB ram and 128 dedicated video memory :)09:01
stdin!beryl | Oleander09:01
ubotuOleander: Beryl has been merged with Compiz to form Compiz-Fusion.  New Beryl installs are discouraged. See also !compiz09:01
mitchells00_sabayon has beryl in it..09:01
mitchells00_that's the cube thing... :P09:02
Oleanderah ok09:02
Oleanderwhats considered a decent vid card to run cube well09:02
sigma__Lynoure: lol well 4 sound streams was a bit of a mission to decode:) just did it to see how powerful compiz actually was09:03
Oleanderlike 128mb dedicated?09:03
mitchells00_yeah that's fine..09:03
mitchells00_as long as you don't put on too many effects..09:03
mitchells00_like HUGE flame effects every time you move the window09:03
Oleanderah ok09:03
mitchells00_that will LAG you like hell09:03
mitchells00_trust me.. i've tried :)09:03
mitchells00_i made them rainbow too :D09:04
Oleanderyeh this utube vid has like water ripples its cool09:04
mitchells00_they're fine..09:04
Stevethepiratesigma__: it will be rather cool.09:04
StevethepirateIf it arrives like on the 3/4 Decemebrr09:04
sigma__Lynoure: but im waiting for the effects in kde4, compiz still looks out of place in kde09:05
Oleanderam so installing this toniught09:05
StevethepirateLike, what are official holidays for us?09:05
sigma__Stevethepirate: yes indeed, how much altogether was your laptop?09:05
StevethepirateLike.. i.e. non-working days.09:05
StevethepirateR15.1k + VAT09:05
sigma__Stevethepirate: ouch09:05
mitchells00_shit netsplit...09:05
stdin!language | mitchells0009:05
ubotumitchells00: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.09:05
Stevethepiratesigma__: hi.09:06
mitchells00_sorry :(09:06
sigma__Stevethepirate: thats quite the pricetag!09:06
mitchells00_ok :)09:07
StevethepirateSouth African Rand09:07
Stevethepiratesigma__: thing is, getting thru dad's company.. so not VAT09:07
StevethepirateSo, for R15k, that will beat any other laptop in its range09:07
StevethepirateFujitsu-siemens had one for R15k.. only hada 8600GS...09:08
mitchells00_i can't get pluto to install in LinuxMCE... this is annoying09:08
mitchells00_it doesen't even work...09:08
Stevethepirate8600GT > 8600GS..09:08
sigma__Stevethepirate: fujitsu is hopeless!09:08
mitchells00_i'n just gonna go back to sabayon..09:08
mitchells00_but first dinner :D09:08
mitchells00_bubaiiz ^^09:08
ubotuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.09:08
Hamrais there a channel for wine?09:09
sigma__think its #wine or #wine-hq09:09
Stevethepiratesigma__: i have a f-s lifebook.. its been really good.09:09
Stevethepirateits #winehq09:09
Stevethepirate#wine redirects to #winehq09:10
sigma__Stevethepirate: i heard they were pretty bad quality09:10
Oleanderso beryl is part of kubuntu installation yeh?09:10
Oleandercompiz-fuzion is part of kubuntu install?09:11
sigma__no it isnt09:11
ubotuKubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion09:11
StevethepirateThought i was in #ubuntu for a sec09:11
Stevethepiratesigma__: they have good and bad batches09:11
Stevethepiratesigma__: like, had that lifebook p3 for like 4 years, no problems09:12
Stevethepiratebut people complain a lot about their desktops09:12
sigma__Stevethepirate: ok ya that is pretty long09:12
Oleanderok so after i install kubuntu i have to install compiz...right?09:12
StevethepirateShould push out 4k on 3d marks 0609:12
sigma__Stevethepirate: lol all the ones that makro sells:)09:12
stdinOleander: yes, the link ubotu gave has instructions09:13
Oleandercool thanks09:13
Oleanderunderstasnd now09:13
Stevethepiratesigma__: you know theres wireless internet at the airports...09:13
sigma__Stevethepirate: yeah but dont u hav to pay mweb to use it?09:13
stdin!ot | Stevethepirate, sigma__09:13
ubotuStevethepirate, sigma__: #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!09:13
Stevethepiratestdin: i'm about to ask him something about kubuntu related to the wireless there stdin09:14
sigma__Stevethepirate: lets just move it to offtopic09:14
Stevethepiratesigma__: pm?09:15
sigma__Stevethepirate: join #kubuntu-offtopic , i can't pm09:15
Oleandersigma: going from windows to kubuntu do i just need to download Download Kubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy) ? or do i need to install linux first...09:28
stdinOleander: Kubuntu is a linux distribution09:29
Oleanderstdin: what does that mean?09:29
nevilleKubuntu is Linux =]09:29
stdinwell, no, it's not linux. the kernel is linux09:29
nevilleYou just download Kubuntu, burn the image, slap the disk into the drive, reset, and off you go09:29
nevilleIt's a generalisation09:30
Oleanderah ok. cuz my friend couldnt believe how it can onlt be 700mb for it, when linux is like 6 cds09:30
nevilleIf he got things that mixed up, it would be best to keep things vague for starters09:30
stdinOleander: all those other CDs are just packages, not "linux"09:30
Oleanderah ok09:30
Oleanderso theyre a heap of packages for kubuntu?09:31
stdinin my package list I have 31843 packages available, and that's with no non-official repositories09:33
Hamranow that you mentioned it, what does kubuntu DVD have more than the CD? is it also a bunch of unnecessary packages?09:34
stdinHamra: has most of main on it too, it also includes the alternate and OEM installer09:34
ubotuKDE 4 is the next major release of the K Desktop Environment. For more information see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KDE_4 - The Release Schedule is available at http://techbase.kde.org/Schedules/KDE4/4.0_Release_Schedule - RC 2 packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde4-rc2.php09:34
Oleanderwhat site has a list of all the packaged for kubuntu:?09:36
Hamrai guess it will prove useful then, thnx09:37
Oleanderdoes the cd install of kubuntu come with the basics or do u have to straight away get a few of the pacakages09:38
stdinOleander: comes with a browser, office suit, graphics view, media player and a few other things09:40
ActionParsniphi all09:40
ActionParsniphi stdin09:40
Oleanderstdin: ability to network also?09:41
stdinyeah :)09:41
ActionParsnipdoes either kubuntu or Ubuntu have a smaller install footprint?09:42
stdinthey are about the same09:42
stdinthere's no real difference in size at all09:43
ActionParsnipis Xubuntu smaller?09:43
ActionParsnipI wanna bang it on an eee so I'm chasing small footprint09:43
stdinxubuntu has a smaller memory footprint09:44
=== opdensteinen is now known as Gogoacquan
Gogoacquancan anyone help me with kate plzz?09:44
stdinhelps if you say what's wrong09:44
Oleanderstdin: do i need virus protection of kubuntu or ubuntu?09:45
ActionParsnipGogoacquan, give her a slap09:45
ActionParsnipOleander, no and don't try running norton through WINE09:45
Gogoacquani want to change my driver from ati to radeon into the xorg.conf with kate09:45
stdinOleander: virus? what's that? :p09:45
Oleanderha cool09:45
ActionParsnip!wine | Oleander09:45
ubotuOleander: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.09:45
Gogoacquanbut i dont have the sudo rights. HOw can i get them in kate???09:46
Oleanderwhen u run appls through WINE does that slow the app down?09:46
ActionParsnipGogoacquan, kdesu kate <file>09:46
stdinGogoacquan: if you can't use sudo then you can't do it, get the user with sudo access to do it09:46
ActionParsnipOleander, it can, they run well though09:46
ActionParsnipOleander, wine ./theme.exe ;) I LOVE THEME PARK09:47
OleanderActionParsnip: so if i find an app that only has a win and mac installer does that mean id have to run it through wine?09:47
ActionParsnipOleander, yes or Cedega which you pay for09:47
=== tackat__ is now known as tackat
ActionParsnip!cedega | Oleander09:47
ubotuOleander: cedega is a project based on WINE, aimed at running Windows games on Linux. For more info, see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Cedega09:47
stdinGogoacquan: does your user have sudo access?09:48
ActionParsnipOleander, http://e-bergi.com/2007/Haziran/resim/csc.jpg09:48
OleanderActionParsnip: out of all the apps u run do like 50% run through wine?09:48
ActionParsnipOleander, I don't use windows apps at all09:48
Gogoacquanyes he does09:48
nevilleActionParsnip: wine theme.exe* =]09:49
ActionParsnipexcept that09:49
nevilleOr, better yet09:49
Oleanderha cool09:49
Oleanderwhat web browser u use?09:49
nevillewine /path/to/theme/theme.exe =]09:49
ActionParsnipoh please tell me theres an open source theme park09:49
stdinGogoacquan: then just go to KMenu -> Run Command... and type in "kdesu kate /etc/X11/xorg.conf" (without quotes) and you can edit the file09:49
ActionParsnipOleander, firefox09:49
ActionParsnipOleander, gimp = photoshop, amsn = msn messenger09:50
stdinkopete is better than amsn IMO09:50
ActionParsnipstdin, I like the amsn look :D09:50
stdinActionParsnip: that's exactly what I don't like about it :p09:51
nevilleThen skin it09:51
ActionParsnipstdin, horses for courses eh09:51
stdinbut kopete-kde4 is so nice :)09:51
ActionParsnipstdin, got a screenshot?09:52
Gogoacquanits so great it works:)09:52
Gogoacquanwhat is the kdesu command09:52
Hamrawill hardy use KDE 4 by default? or will still come with 3.x?09:52
ActionParsnipGogoacquan, if you are running apps that use gui use kdesu09:52
Gogoacquanah ok09:53
ActionParsnipGogoacquan, if you are using comand line (like cp, mv etc) use sudo09:53
stdinActionParsnip: I can probably make one09:53
Gogoacquando i have to reboot my system now for making the changes running???09:53
emilsedghHamra: no, Hardy will have KDE 3.5.x09:53
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kdesi - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi09:53
ubotuIn KDE, use « kdesudo <program> » (Gutsy) or « kdesu <program> » (Feisty and earlier) to run graphical applications with root privileges when you have to. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)09:53
ActionParsnipGogoacquan, it cant hurt :)09:53
Gogoacquan:) kk thx09:54
ActionParsnipstdin, can you use kdesu for CLIs?09:54
stdinyeah you can09:54
Oleanderwhats AiXgl ?09:54
ActionParsnipstdin: might just use it all the time and never sudo09:55
=== Extrapan100^BNC is now known as Extrapan100
ubotuntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions09:57
FSHeroHi all: is it safe to use ntfs-3g to write to an NTFS partition to which Windows Vista Home Premium is installed?09:58
=== opdensteinen is now known as Gogoacquan
ActionParsnipFSHero, NTFS is NTFS as far as I'm aware09:58
FSHeroActionParsnip: thanks. I've used ntfs-3g for months on a different computer which has Windows XP installed, and no problems there...10:00
FSHero... so I think I shall try with Vista10:00
FSHeroIs there some KDE gui to configure ntfs-3g?10:01
stdinActionParsnip: simple screenshot http://img182.imageshack.us/img182/1350/kopete1bl0.png10:01
ActionParsnipstdin: looks pretty cool man10:02
stdinFSHero: nope, but there is ntfs-config which is GTK+10:02
ActionParsnipstdin:  cheers for the shot10:02
FSHerostdin: thanks. I'll try it now :)10:03
Hamrawhat is the package for the c libraries? nvidia installer need them, libc?10:03
stdinHamra: use the packages10:03
Oleanderstdin: not sure if i asked u this ealier or not but would u recommend i install unbuntu or kubuntu. Side note i love all the cool visual effects so which ever one is better with that side of thigs10:04
stdinOleander: I hate Gnome and love KDE, but try both and see what you like10:05
Hamrai like kde too10:05
Oleanderok thanks10:05
stdinOleander: see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GNOME and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KDE for a quick glimpse10:06
stdinyou can run KDE applications on Gnome and Gnome applications on KDE too, so the desktop environment is purely a matter of personal taste10:07
Gogoacquani installed the gatos package and tried to watch cable tv over kaffeine but it cant identify the socket for my graca10:08
Gogoacquanthats so sad:(10:08
Oleandercan KDE be customized to look like Mac OS X Leopard like GNOME?10:08
stdinit can look like whatever you want it to look like10:09
ActionParsnipOleander, http://www.tuaw.com/2005/12/28/make-kde-look-like-os-x/10:10
ActionParsnipOleander, np :)10:10
stdinOleander: my (current) desktop :) http://img212.imageshack.us/img212/1708/currentsy4.jpg10:10
Oleandercoool, nice a clean. i like10:11
ActionParsnipstdin: you have updates :)10:11
stdinActionParsnip: yeah, kde4 packages from my LAN repo ;)10:12
ActionParsnipOleander, mine is similar to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WgFJmSp9VQg10:12
ActionParsnipI got bored and wanted to see how recordmydesktop would run :)10:12
ActionParsnipIts pretty boring but it was late10:12
Oleandersweet supermario kart10:13
ActionParsnipOleander, best driving game ever!10:13
Oleanderi grew up on that game10:13
Oleanderwhats those raindrops...a screensaver?10:13
emilsedghstdin: CrystalSVG Icons? i excepted a more customized desktop10:14
ActionParsnipits part of beryl10:14
stdinemilsedgh: I like that iconset10:14
ActionParsnipOleander, you can press a key combo and it happens10:14
emilsedghstdin: well, i did like it too, but im tired of it...10:14
emilsedghstdin: did you try nuovext ?10:14
stdinemilsedgh: I do have my background change every 10 mins ;)10:15
stdinnouvext, nope10:15
OleanderActionParsnip: whats XGL>10:16
emilsedghstdin: i was changing it too, but im now using the wallpaper that oxygen team created,,,the Blue one (not from the wallpaper contest)10:16
ubotuKubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion10:16
stdinXGL is a replacement to the standard X server that takes over Direct Rendering and lets you use 3D effects when your graphics driver doesn't support it (basically)10:18
ActionParsnipOleander, gives 3d stuff10:18
Oleanderah ok does that come with compiz package?10:18
omarGuys can someone tell me how 'Ubuntu' exactly pronounced?10:19
stdinomar: something like 'oooh-boooon-toooooo'10:19
Hamraooboontoo i think10:19
stdinjust call it "the brown one"10:19
Hamrathe ubuntu website have its speeling on the first page10:20
omarLOL stdin :D10:20
stdinOleander: no, you only need it when your graphics driver dosen't support 3D effects10:20
ActionParsnipomar, i say yu-bun-tu but i know its wrong10:20
Oleanderah ok10:20
omarActionParsnip: Yeah me too :D10:21
stdinI say oo-bun-two10:21
stdinand ku-bun-to10:21
stdindon't forget zoo-bun-two10:22
Lynoureomar: Watch the sample ogg video that comes with ubuntu/kubuntu, that will tell you, with voice.10:22
ActionParsnipand flux-bun-too10:22
omaruh-huh.. thanx :)10:23
stdinpronunciations in linux don't matter, as long as you can spell it :p10:24
ActionParsnipstdin, or autocomplete with tab ;)10:24
Hamrai have no idea how i survived that long with dos and windoze without the tab autocompletion :P10:26
stdinmy tab-key is starting to ware out...10:26
stdinand the backspace :p10:26
ActionParsnipHamra, XP does it too but XP doesnt really use command line for much10:27
ActionParsniplog in to xp. 1 hand on mouse, i hand in pocket10:27
senorpedroups, sorry wrong channel10:27
ActionParsnipwith such widespread use of ubuntu, do you think there will be viri made for it?10:29
Hamrawell yeah, its good to use xp in winter, keeps my hand warm in pocket, lol, or make it work hand on linux, which will keep it warm nevertheless :P10:29
Hamrawhat's viri?10:30
stdinActionParsnip: not much point, a virus could only effect one user10:30
stdinHamra: plural for virus10:30
Hamrasooner or later, yes10:30
senorpedroi have a little problem with the xorg.conf http://tinyurl.com/yw97ry does anybody know what is wrong?10:30
stdinno, virus is latin, so the plural is viri10:31
ActionParsnipstdin: true and as long as the app affected isnt superuser then it should be ok10:31
Hamrai dont think though that opensourced systems can be any use for malware makers, it will spread for a small time only, before a solution would be in the repos !10:33
stdinhmm, did I not ban that guy too, shame on me10:33
ActionParsnipHamra, its just that all windows systems are similar at an OS level and there are lots. Ubuntu seems to be taking off hugely and so there will be a similar core of librarys10:34
ActionParsniptrue the security of running as a restricted user is groovy10:35
ActionParsnipbut i think its an interesting idea10:35
stdinthere already are, ubuntu uses debian and debian uses GNU10:35
ActionParsnipcan you see what im saying though?10:35
stdinyep, and for the most part I agree with you too :)10:36
ActionParsnipcool as long as i'm not crazy10:36
Hamrai agree too10:36
Hamrado you know a tool that checks to see which ports are opened? i suspect my ISP has all ports closed :S10:39
ActionParsnipHamra, netstat -a10:39
stdinyou ISP doesn't control what ports your PC has open10:39
ActionParsnipHamra, http://www.computerhope.com/unix/unetstat.htm10:40
stdinor just man:/netstat in konqueror10:40
=== ubuntu is now known as hungrymouse
ActionParsnipwhats the standard file manager in xubuntu (e.g konqueror)?10:41
stdindon't think so, xubuntu is GTK based10:42
hungrymousewhen i try and boot to kubuntu, it either says "image not found, booting normally" then gives me my login and password prompt in a console format, and never loads desktop, or it stops halfway through loading everything (still before loading desktop) and nothing more happens. how can i resolve this problem?10:42
ActionParsnipstdin: it uses Thunar10:43
stdinActionParsnip: yep, GTK based10:44
sd132macogw, i was in gnome when i made those changes, went back into kde and the refresh rates are back up10:48
emilsedghstdin: any news from Jucato? when he will be back?10:48
stdinemilsedgh: not really, I haven't heard much from him recently10:50
emilsedghstdin: he plans to come back?10:51
TheFallenOnei need help with a wifi issue on Kubuntu 7.10. I think it's simple but I can't find a straight forward answer on the forums10:53
ActionParsnipTheFallenOne, has it ever worked?10:54
TheFallenOneI am using a Linksys WMP54G wifi card (chipset is RT2561/RT61) i've notice alot of people having issues with this card and my issue is Kubuntu regocnizes it and I can even connect to the router at 80% but i can't resolve any web pages10:54
TheFallenOnethis is a new install since i'm new to Kubuntu and linux for that matter10:55
ActionParsnipTheFallenOne, can you ping web pages?10:55
ActionParsnipTheFallenOne, can you ping your router?10:55
TheFallenOneshows it as active and everything picks up both wifi locations in the office10:55
TheFallenOneand i can connect to each of them10:56
TheFallenOneone sec10:56
OleanderActionParsnip> does kubuntu Gutsy Gibbon have compiz fusion already in it?10:56
ActionParsnipOleander, no you need to install it10:57
ActionParsnipOleander, get googling :)10:57
Oleanderok, yeh was looking on wikipedia and it said it had compiz fusion in Gutsy Gibbon...werid10:57
TheFallenOnei can ping the router ( and getting ping times of about 15 to 25ms10:57
sdlnxgkTheFallenOne, have you added the wireless device to a list of mac address that can access the router? I know I had that problem with mine, after adding it to the list logged on right away10:58
ActionParsnipTheFallenOne, ok can we have a paste of your ifconfig10:58
TheFallenOnethe router is completely open no security no mac address filtering10:58
TheFallenOneaction Parsnip one sec and i will post that10:59
TheFallenOnein a .txt file or straight paste10:59
hungrymousedoes anyone have a solution to my problem of kubuntu not starting or should i just reinstall?10:59
ActionParsnipOleander, can you run glxgears ok?10:59
sdlnxgkhungrymouse, what do you mean will not start?? no gui or you just get a cli ??10:59
ActionParsniphungrymouse, log in as normal and try running startx10:59
hungrymouseActionParsnip: so when it gives me the command line login i should log in there and then type startx? or is there more to it?11:00
ActionParsnipOleander, run it from konsole11:00
ActionParsniphungrymouse, you got it11:00
hungrymouseActionParsnip: cool thanks. i'll try that.11:00
ActionParsnipOleander, if it runs you have 3d acceleration which you need for compiz :)11:01
ActionParsnipOleander, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=64290611:01
Oleanderi can test this on win?11:01
Oleanderi havent installed kubuntu yet11:01
ActionParsnipOleander, no you need to do it on your linux box11:01
SagaciousKJBTheFallenOne: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/11:01
ActionParsnipTheFallenOne, going well?11:03
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto11:04
SagaciousKJBIs there a list of those triggers?11:04
SagaciousKJBI've been sitting here stalking the channel for hours just to see simple trigger words like that.11:05
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about triggers - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi11:05
ActionParsnipSagaciousKJB, no idea sorry :(11:06
TheFallenOnesorry about that actionParsnip I'm a night-time NOC for a computer company so I was momentarily occupid. One sec and I will paste results in the link SagaciousKJB gave11:06
ActionParsnipTheFallenOne, me too but my servers are in the states and I'm UK :D11:06
GreatBritaini need to remove an NVidia package from my pc - i installed it to test my friends card.. but now its slowing down my GFX output..11:07
GreatBritainwhere can i tell which debs are installed11:07
Hamragreatbritain: there is an unofficial tool called envy, you can try it11:08
GreatBritainif they were installed with dpkg11:08
ActionParsnipGreatBritain, did you use sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx11:08
GreatBritainaparantly thats not installed..11:08
GreatBritainaccording to apt11:09
ActionParsnipGreatBritain, install that and you should be ok11:09
GreatBritaini want to remove support - not install it..11:09
GreatBritaini don't have NVidia on this pc11:09
ActionParsnipGreatBritain, use add/remove programs to remove it11:10
GreatBritainits not installed11:10
GreatBritainbut 3d games are sayting there is an issue with GLX support11:10
TheFallenOneActionParnip http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/48827/11:11
GreatBritainSDL error: Couldn't find matching GLX visual11:11
ActionParsnipTheFallenOne, in konsole tpe: add default gw <ip of router>11:12
hungrymouseArrowParsnip: it now wont even get as far as the login thing. it just stops halfway through loading whatever it loads.11:12
OleanderActionParsnip: do i need a seperate hdd to install kubuntu on or can i partition one of my drives?11:13
ActionParsnipTheFallenOne, well sudo route add default gw <ip>11:13
hungrymouse*actionparsnip i mean >< lol i didnt bother to read.11:13
ActionParsnipOleander, you can resize but its risky.11:14
ActionParsnipstdin, can you help please man11:14
Oleandercuz of the file system?11:14
TheFallenOneActionParsnip, Let me try that and I'll tell you results11:14
hungrymouseActionParsnip: it now wont even get as far as the login thing. it just stops halfway through loading whatever it loads.11:15
ActionParsnipOleander, you have no where to put the data when you install11:16
ActionParsnipOleander, and if you resize you may corrupt data11:16
OleanderActionParsnip>: okies11:16
ActionParsniphungrymouse, try booting to "safemode". use F1 at boot to bring up the linux boot menu11:17
hungrymouseActionParsnip: and then use xstart?11:17
TheFallenOneActionParsnip, I typed "sudo route add default fw" and i was given "SIOCADDRT: No such Process"11:18
ActionParsniphungrymouse, you should be able to boot to an earlier config11:18
ActionParsnipTheFallenOne, can we have a paste of you /etc/network/interfaces please11:18
TheFallenOneActionParsnip, yes, one sec11:19
hungrymouseActionParsnip: i'll try that then11:19
TheFallenOneActionParsnip, is this a screenshot of the contents of that folder or ls from within /interfaces?11:20
OleanderActionParsnip: how big a hdd will i need?11:20
ActionParsnipOleander, at least 5GB for a basic install11:21
TheFallenOneActionParsnip, Also be aware this is from LiveCD should I install ubuntu before trying to troubleshot this?11:21
ActionParsnipTheFallenOne, interfaces is an ASCII text file. open it with your favourite text editor (kate, kwrite etc)11:21
TheFallenOneActionParsnip, Where would that be located if using livecd11:22
ActionParsnipTheFallenOne, kinda as when you reboot the changes will not stay11:22
ActionParsnipTheFallenOne, same place11:22
TheFallenOneall it says in there is "auto lo" and then next line is "iface lo inet loopback"11:23
Oleanderthanks ActionParsnip11:23
TheFallenOnei went through root/etc/network/interfaces11:24
ActionParsnipTheFallenOne, edit it as root (kdesu kate /etc/network/interfaces)11:25
ActionParsnipTheFallenOne, and add auto wlan011:26
ActionParsnipTheFallenOne, iface wlan0 inet dhcp11:26
TheFallenOneActionParsnip just add it to the line below the other to or erase whats in there and replace it with the new info11:27
ActionParsnipTheFallenOne, wireless-essid <your essid here>11:27
ActionParsnipTheFallenOne, just add it11:27
ActionParsnipTheFallenOne, https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/617211:27
ActionParsnipTheFallenOne, theres a sample of what you should have11:27
hungrymouseActionParsnip: it doesnt seem to work.11:28
ActionParsniphungrymouse, I'm not so sure then. stdin is really good at this11:30
hungrymouseActionParsnip: i think i'll just reinstall. there's not really anything important on my ext3 partition; i only installed kubuntu yesterday evening. i'll pester stdin if it happens agen :P11:31
OleanderActionParsnip: i have 3 hdds, one with win os and the other two with media...music and video. I was thinking of dumping about 40gb of one of those media hdds on a ext and then using it for kubuntu which is 120gb hhh. my friend said thats a waste u agree?11:31
ActionParsniphungrymouse, cool man11:31
ActionParsnipOleander, sounds fine Kubuntu will mount your Win partitions too :)11:32
Oleander<ActionParsnip: cool11:33
TheFallenOneActionParsnip, When ever I add those lines it doesn't connect and it no longer shows any available wifi spots. when i remove the lines and save it the wifi spots come back11:33
Oleanderso linux will see the win paritions yeh?11:33
ActionParsnipOleander, yeah shoulddo11:34
ActionParsnipTheFallenOne, you should restart after adding the lines11:34
OleanderActionParsnip>: can i copy say a movie from one of my win hdds and put it on my kubuntu hdd?11:35
SagaciousKJBCan't you restart it by donig sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart?11:35
ActionParsnipOleander, indeed11:35
TheFallenOneActionParsnip, But if I restart won't I lose those lines since I'm livecd, Also I only added those 3 lines you mentioned. "auto wlan0", "iface wlan0 inet dhcp" and wireless-essid <myID> is that correct11:36
ActionParsnipSagaciousKJB, i just have them restart. its easier but yes that works too11:36
ActionParsnipTheFallenOne, yes :( good spot :). do what SagaciousKJB said11:36
SagaciousKJBAll right, not that I was trying to be smart, I was trying to do it that way earlier and it didn't seem to work.  I think I didn't have the interfaces file configured correctly, so I just made a boot script with ifconfig and route.11:36
TheFallenOneActionParsnip, Lol no prob. one sec11:37
SagaciousKJBI find it sort of odd that I was just dealing with this the other day.11:37
ActionParsnipSagaciousKJB, always more than one way to skin a cat11:37
GreatBritainrunning Apache and MySQL wouldn't slow down the graphics refresh on a game would it?11:37
ActionParsnipSagaciousKJB, good idea though :)11:37
GreatBritaini only have 512mb11:37
OleanderActionParsnip: so all the music and vid ive dumped on my ext while i installed kubuntu can be put back on that new linux drive?11:38
ActionParsnipOleander, yes indeed11:39
ActionParsnipOleander, Ubuntu can read MANY filesystems11:41
hungrymouseActionParsnip: for future reference, how do i mount hdds onto the live cd version of kubuntu?11:41
ActionParsniphungrymouse, are they internal?11:41
hungrymouseActionParsnip yep. when i try and access them it gets all paranoid and gives me this error: hal-storage-fixed-mount-all-options refused uid 99911:42
ActionParsniphungrymouse, what command / method are you mounting with?11:43
hungrymouseActionParsnip: i click the mount button on the sidebar in dolphin.11:43
hungrymouseActionParsnip: and a friend of mine who uses kubuntu tried something else in Konsole to mount them, and that didnt work either.11:44
TheFallenOneActionParsnip, Here is a paste of my results. It wouldn't let me use the Kubuntu paste again cause it said i was spaming and needed to JS on but here is the snip11:44
TheFallenOneit ran it together but hopefully it's not complete mush11:44
OleanderActionParsnip: will win be able to see my linux drive then?11:45
ActionParsnipOleander, you can get an app to copy stuff. not sure about read11:45
TheFallenOnetry that instead ActionParsnip11:45
TheFallenOnesays unkown file type but just change ext to .txt11:46
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OleanderActionParsnip: ok cool. from what ive seen i hope to make kubuntu my main desktop anyways11:46
hungrymouseActionParsnip: as far as i know that program allows you to read as well. but dont hold me to that :P11:46
ActionParsnipTheFallenOne, remove the entrys in /etc/network/interfaces for wlan0 except the line auto wlan011:47
ActionParsnipTheFallenOne, then do the network restart11:48
ActionParsnipTheFallenOne, then use the scanner like a reg user11:48
TheFallenOneok i will try that. my shift is over now so i will let you know later if it worked out11:49
TheFallenOnethanks so much for the help11:49
soona little of topic: dead simple, Im sure - but check this site: www.rygambulatoriet.dk ... source code is here http://pastebin.com/d2e004e911:51
soonI want the table to fill the whole screen (i.e half green and half white) - how to do that ?11:51
soonei yourself :-)11:59
Jay-Oh-Ensoon: haha12:00
intelikeyis there any way to power down an scsi hdd ?12:03
=== _Daemon-- is now known as Daemon--
ewigergerthow can i disable my webcam? because the LED is on, all the time.12:07
tekteenintelikey: unmount it. then unplug it12:07
intelikeytekteen can't umount /12:08
tekteenthe scsi is the root filesystem?12:08
tekteenintelikey: in that case the only way is to reboot12:09
tekteenyou can not run without the root filesystem12:09
intelikeytekteen like duh12:10
intelikeybut the disk doesn't "need" to spin for the 14hours not in use either.12:10
noki7somebody knoe12:10
noki7somebody know how to change the taskbar in kde412:11
BluesKajHowdy all : )12:12
intelikeyit's no problem to power down an ide disk,  but i haven't found any way to do that with this scsi drive12:13
intelikeysata != scsi12:13
soonintelikey there is a way I believe ... and if I can just remember it .... hang on12:15
Jay-Oh-Enintelikey: there it i can power down mine lol12:16
tomaz_(sata <> scsi) and (sata != scsi) && (sata not equal scsi) ^ (sata isnot scsi)12:16
intelikeyJay-Oh-En what controler card ?12:16
tomaz_why there's so many diferent simbols for the same thing in diferent language styles? damn those computer scientst language makers.12:17
Jay-Oh-Enwhat do you mean by that raid?12:17
soonintelikey .. sorry I was thinking of hdparm which apparently doesnt work for scsi - try googling12:17
intelikeysoon yeah that's what i came up with too.12:18
intelikeythe fact that it's commit interval is like 10 seconds has something to do with it...    there might be a way, IF one can also disable the continueous write cycle.     but i haven't found it yet.     probably require a kernel hack...12:20
intelikeyit's just that i know that a disk spinning at that high of an rpm non-stop will eventually 'just ware out'  and there is no good reason for it to spin when not in use  i.e. no read/write activity.12:22
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=== gismo_ is now known as gismo
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Sp1nNany 1 know a good tutorial for begginers with shells?12:23
Jay-Oh-EnSp1nN: running live cd?12:23
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=== gismo_ is now known as gismo
Sp1nNhow do u know?12:23
intelikey!cli | Sp1nN12:24
ubotuSp1nN: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal12:24
intelikeyanything that you can type into the command line you can put in a script.12:24
Sp1nNhmm ok12:24
Sp1nNim a fast learner ^12:25
gnuteredhey all, I'm having trouble getting sound to work in pidgin on Kubuntu 7.10.  Worked on 7.04, but now all I can get is the console beep.  I tried stracing to see if it was trying to access /dev/snd or some such, but that didn't show anything12:25
gnuteredcan anyone offer advice?12:26
intelikeyecho -e '#!/bin/sh \n\necho "hello world @ $USER" ' > my_first_script ;chmod 755 my_first_script12:26
intelikeygnutered    ^^^12:27
Jay-Oh-EnSp1nN: me too12:27
gnuteredintelikey: huh?12:27
intelikeyrun that command.12:27
Sp1nNi just started trying linux yesterday12:28
intelikeygnutered sorry not you.12:28
intelikeySp1nN @ you12:28
gnuteredintelikey: k12:28
Sp1nNu want me to run tha echo thing?12:28
Sp1nNin the command line?12:29
intelikeyit will write the script   my_first_script   in your $PWD and make it executable12:29
hungrymouseanyone know how to turn off a laptop mousepad's touch-to-click feature on kubuntu?12:29
intelikeyit's the most basic of all scripts.   says     hello world @ <what ever user runs it>12:30
Sp1nNok i did it12:31
intelikeyfor that you can get the basic idea of several things.   one. streem redirrection  the  > put stdout into a file      two. the way that linux identifies files.  the first line has the  #!/bin/sh  telling the system to use /bin/sh to run the file.    three. the use of variables  $USER  is normally always set to the users login name.12:32
Sp1nNhuhuh ok12:33
Sp1nNiĺl have to study a bit12:33
intelikeyand like i said,  anything you can do on the command line you can do in a script.12:33
Sp1nNim an advanced user in windows but im a noob @ linux :P12:33
Sp1nNthats why i want to learn to use the most powerfull OS12:34
intelikeySp1nN at least you know the differance.  that's leaps and bounds ahead of some.12:34
Sp1nNyea ^^12:34
KohlrabiSolaris ?!12:34
Sp1nNm8 gotta go12:34
opdensteinen_does anyone know how i can copy commands from a wiki into a terminal???12:34
intelikeyKohlrabi :)12:34
zorglu_q. when i connect a box with ssh and dont use it for a while, sometime it get stuck, unable to type anything. im forced to kill the ssh client in order to get the terminal back. anyway to make it deconnect or not getting stuck (i control the client and server)12:35
intelikeyopdensteinen_ gpm12:35
Jay-Oh-Enintelikey: whats gpm12:35
BluesKajopdensteinen_, copy & paste12:35
Sp1nNintelikey cya12:35
Sp1nNcya jay-oh12:35
intelikeyopdensteinen_ oh. terminal    with in the gui... try left click highlight   dubble click paste12:35
intelikeydubble/both/middle    if you have three buttons.12:36
opdensteinen_and how do i paste it at the terminal?12:36
BluesKajor ctrl+c , then ctrl+v12:37
intelikeyopdensteinen_ both mouse buttons.12:37
opdensteinen_kk i did always change with alt f1 buttom thx12:37
intelikeyBluesKaj that is gui specific.  i.e. doesn't work in all guis12:37
BluesKajrightclick in the terminal , paste12:38
intelikeythat is too12:38
intelikeymiddle click is not.   it's at the xorg level12:38
BluesKajwell, I have not encountered any situations where it hasn't worked . intelikey12:39
intelikeybut can be overriden by the de...12:39
intelikeyBluesKaj twm for one.12:39
intelikey!info twm12:40
ubotutwm: Tab window manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:1.0.3-2 (gutsy), package size 105 kB, installed size 372 kB12:40
BluesKajnever use it12:40
ewigergerthow to run a script in a terminal?12:40
intelikeyewigergert sh path/to/filename12:40
intelikeyor if it's not a shell script     <entrupreter> <path/to/filename>12:41
ewigergertty, but i want to click on the script and then a terminal should open12:41
intelikeyperl myfile.pl12:42
zorglu_q. how to generate entropy for /dev/random on a remove server ? (btw would be nice to fix /dev/random one day :)12:42
intelikeyewigergert then right click it and set it executable12:42
intelikeyewigergert and the right click context menu will avail much useful functionality in kde12:42
intelikeyzorglu_ /dev/urandom   ?12:43
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zorglu_intelikey: like ln -sf /dev/urandom /dev/random ?12:43
zorglu_intelikey: this is my current fix12:43
ewigergertok, i did it, but now the script is running and i cant stop it, because i cant use strg+c like i can if it is running in a terminal12:44
zorglu_intelikey: i would like a cleaner one if possible. is there any ?12:44
intelikeyzorglu_ but i think there is an init script  /etc/init.d/urandom start12:44
ActionParsniplo all12:44
ubotuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning12:44
intelikeyzorglu_ you can look into that script and parse out the commands you want12:45
zorglu_intelikey: ok looking12:45
zorglu_cat /dev/urandom > /dev/urandom <- trying this :)12:46
zorglu_lets hope one day ted tso will fix this thing :)12:47
ActionParsnipcat yes > /dev/null12:47
zorglu_sudo: timestamp too far in the future: Dec 19 19:52:46 2007 <- i changed the date on my box and now i got this msg when i use sudo. anybody know how i can fix it ?12:48
intelikeywait an hour ?12:49
ActionParsnipzorglu_, is the date in your bios correct?12:49
ActionParsnipzorglu_, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=17350512:50
intelikeyzorglu_ or reboot ?    but i don't like to adcise that.  this is not M$ reboot OS12:50
ActionParsnipzorglu_, sudo -K12:50
zorglu_ok trying sudo -K12:51
onishidatowhat's that?12:51
intelikeyActionParsnip umm yeah.   that should work.    i was thinking that he had to have sudoers permisison to fix it...12:51
onishidatosudo -K, what's that used for?12:52
intelikeyclear the sudo key12:52
onishidatogot it12:52
intelikeyso the user has to reinter the passwd12:52
zorglu_well in theory it remove the timestamp of sudo )12:53
zorglu_note the in theory :)12:53
zorglu_i tried sudo -k and sudo -K as root.12:53
intelikeyactually i think it does an rm ~/.sudo_successful   or some such12:53
intelikeyzorglu_ yeah as root wont help.    try   ls ~/\.*    and remove the file with sudo in the name12:54
zorglu_rm .sudo_as_admin_successful <- i did this one but still get the msg :)12:54
intelikeyzorglu_ heh.  ok. i'm back to my origenal answer then.12:55
zorglu_intelikey: ok i will try to reboot12:55
zorglu_lets hope it works, this is a rented server far from me :)12:55
intelikeyid just wait....12:56
zorglu_well i got work to do :)12:56
intelikeydo something else that doesn't require sudo12:56
zorglu_intelikey: ok reboot worked. thanks :)12:57
intelikeyzorglu_ welcome.12:57
intelikeyi'm went.12:58
kregerhi all!13:05
jussi01!hi | kreger13:05
ubotukreger: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!13:05
BluesKajodd how ppl join and leave without any apparent rerason13:08
JuJuBeeAnybody here use webmin?13:10
BluesKajJuJuBee, someone was mentioning that webmin was no longer supported on gutsy13:11
JuJuBeeReally, that sucks.13:12
flaccid__webmin is p0013:12
Jay-Oh-Enwhat is webmin13:14
JuJuBeeWell, to someone that is somewhat a noob, it helps me configure things.  It has enabled me to start using CLI more to configure, but some things are just still a bit foreign to me.13:14
ubotuwebmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system13:15
BluesKajJuJuBee, there must be an alternative /replacement that works better , otherwise why would it be dropped ?13:15
Jay-Oh-En!info webmin13:15
ubotuPackage webmin does not exist in gutsy13:15
flaccid__it was dropped because of above13:15
JuJuBeeThansk BluesKaj, I will look for one.13:15
BluesKajyeah, I see it13:15
Jay-Oh-EnBluesKaj: but what was webmin nobody answer my question13:16
flaccid__its web frontend to system admin13:17
Jay-Oh-Enand can somebody help me with this i cp my stuff into my /var/www/ dir but nothing gives ive made a dir usng mkdir i made Pictures dir and i try cping to that and nothing gives so what do i do13:17
Jay-Oh-Enflaccid__: know it all13:17
BluesKajJay-Oh-En, just google it in google-linux and you'll have your answer13:17
JuJuBeeOK, well then. I have an iptables question.  I have my rules set up, but wish to modify them.  When I made a change, using webmin, the URL's suddenly turned to IP's.  Now it is difficult for me to look at a rule and remember exactly what it does since I don't make a  habit of memorizing the IP of websites.  Any ideas?13:17
Jay-Oh-Engoogle.com/linux will never fail13:17
flaccid__ubuntu doesn't support webmin13:18
Jay-Oh-EnJuJuBee: use firestarter13:18
JuJuBeeflaccid_ : im not using Gutsy.13:18
flaccid__it wasn't supported before gutsy13:19
JuJuBeeThanks Jay-Oh-En, I will look at it.13:19
JuJuBeeflaccid_, seems to work fine with Feisty.13:19
Jay-Oh-EnJuJuBee: just cause it isnt supported doesnt mean it wont work13:19
JuJuBeeI know.13:19
flaccid__ok so i guess that means the ubuntu and debians teams were wrong ah well13:19
BluesKajWebmin is a web-based interface for system administration for Unix. Using any browser that supports tables and forms, you can setup user accounts, internet services, DNS, file sharing and so on13:20
Jay-Oh-Enflaccid__: lol13:20
Jay-Oh-Enflaccid__: your mother must have abused you13:22
flaccid__gee thats a bit harsh13:22
Jay-Oh-Eni was just kidding13:22
flaccid__its a pretty crap joke13:22
Jay-Oh-Enthats a little harsh isnt it13:23
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flaccid__im not offended13:23
* flaccid__ goes to pack a bj0ng13:23
Jay-Oh-Enflaccid__: fasho13:23
Jay-Oh-Enflaccid__: what kind of green you got13:24
Jay-Oh-Enwhite widow?13:24
BluesKajJay-Oh-En, he's in oz , they have different "stuff" there13:26
Jay-Oh-Enlike what13:26
techgeek40Question: Nvidia has a new driver (NVIDIA-Linux-x86-100.14.19-pkgl.run) so I type sudo aptitude install NVIDIA-Linux-x86-100.14.19-pkgl.run13:27
techgeek40But it won't install13:27
Jay-Oh-Enand can somebody help me with this i cp my stuff into my /var/www/ dir but nothing gives ive made a dir usng mkdir i made Pictures dir and i try cping to that and nothing gives so what do i do13:27
techgeek40I'm on Ubuntu (Kubuntu) 7.1013:27
flaccid__um hydro13:27
Jay-Oh-Enthats some bomb stuff13:27
carwash^techgeek40: i think thats the driver that comes with kubuntu13:28
Jay-Oh-Enwe only get that here in vegas from time to time13:28
BluesKajtechgeek40, wrong command , just do ./NVIDIA-Linux-x86-100.14.19-pkgl.run13:28
flaccid__sydney 'hydge'13:28
BluesKajmostly BC bud , here13:28
techgeek40Carwash: I'm just downloading and intalling so I can get use to doing it - i'm still very new to ubuntu13:29
Jay-Oh-Enmost of the time i smoke stress its horrible bud but its cheap and gets me stoned13:29
techgeek40Blueskaj: so I basically save the file to a folder (like documents) and in terminal window type ./NVIDIA-Linux-x86-100.14.19-pkgl.run13:30
BluesKaj<---doesn't smoke13:30
Jay-Oh-Enso nobody can hewlp me with my problem since its such a simple task13:30
carwash^techgeek40: when you first start kubuntu it will ask you if you want to install restricted drivers to make your system work better, answer yes and they'll isntall automatically. its a "better" way of doing it with regard to future updates and so on13:30
Jay-Oh-EnBluesKaj: why not?13:30
DjDarkmanhello, I`m trying to install kde4 rc2 here is what I get: ""13:30
DjDarkmanSetting up kdm (4:3.5.8-2ubuntu3~gutsy1~ppa1) ...13:30
DjDarkmandpkg: error processing kdm (--configure):13:30
DjDarkman subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 113:30
DjDarkmanhow do I figure out what`s the problem?13:31
flaccid__Jay-Oh-En: whats the output from the command what command are you using13:32
Jay-Oh-Enomitting blah blah blah13:32
BluesKajtechgeek40, your download default dir is prolly /home/yourusername, open the terminal/konsole (it defaults to that dir) and type the ./nameofnvidiadriverfile.run , then follow the instructions13:32
techgeek40The file downloaded to desktop actually13:33
Jay-Oh-Enthen do cd ~/Desktop13:33
Jay-Oh-Enthen do the command he said13:33
BluesKajJay-Oh-En, cuz I quit smoking 10yrs ago13:33
Jay-Oh-EnBluesKaj: i dont smoek cigs cause they are bad for you but marijane will never hurt me13:34
noki7somebody know a l33t translator program for linux13:34
BluesKajwanna bet13:34
Jay-Oh-Enhmmm what will it do to me13:34
BluesKajmore tar in mj than tabac13:34
Jay-Oh-Enno way13:34
Jay-Oh-Enmore thc but not tar13:34
* flaccid__ waits13:34
=== flaccid__ is now known as flaccid
Jay-Oh-Enflaccid__: omitting blah blah blah13:35
Jay-Oh-Enflaccid: hold on13:35
* BluesKaj doesn't preach , lets ppl learn from their own mistakes13:35
Jay-Oh-Encp: omitting directory `/home/jon/My.Pictures/'13:35
techgeek40The reason I'm looking about new drivers - The "desktop" I'm running is the Kubuntu - and the screen saver doesn't work13:35
techgeek40I set the timer for 1 minute just to see - I get no preview and no screen saver13:35
Jay-Oh-Eni dont think drivers are your problem13:36
Jay-Oh-Enflaccid: cp: omitting directory `/home/jon/My.Pictures/'13:36
BluesKajdid you choose a scrnsvr file ?13:36
flaccidJay-Oh-En: use the -R switch for recursive with the cp command13:36
Jay-Oh-Enflaccid: ok13:36
techgeek40Yes, I did13:37
Jay-Oh-Enflaccid: it isnt moving13:37
Jay-Oh-Enflaccid: its like stuck after i hit enter13:37
Jay-Oh-Enit went down a line and is blank13:37
flaccidits still doing it...13:38
techgeek40Hell, it won't even let me do setup. I have the GForce (FX) 520013:38
Jay-Oh-Enoh really?13:38
flaccidcheck the command top in another konsole and see...13:38
techgeek40Crappy card, but I'm replacing that with the new DX10 card (512 on board ddr ram) come Jan 0813:38
flaccidyou can also use the -v switch for verbose to see each file copy/move13:38
flaccidam i still abused?13:39
RurouniJonesDon't suppose there is a guide out there on how to install windows having already installed linux and filled up the HDD (so reziing ext3 partitions, installing windows then fixing grub)13:39
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Jay-Oh-Enflaccid: ok it transfered but into the wrong folder13:39
flaccidok command was wrong then13:40
Jay-Oh-Enflaccid: i was only joking when i said that13:40
flaccidmake a decent joke next time13:40
Jay-Oh-Enflaccid: i want to delete that dir with all the files in it and i want to recopy it to the write folder13:40
Jay-Oh-Enflaccid: ok well anyways i know how to copy it to the right dir but i dont know how to delete the dir and the files in it13:41
flaccidif you delete that dir then you can't recopy it because it will be deleted13:41
techgeek40Rurounijones: I actually had to redo my system - but made it easier on myself by backing up my stuff and then partition out three partitons (one for XP - Vista and then Linux)13:41
Jay-Oh-Eni meant the dir in /var/www/13:41
flaccidjust do this rm -R /path/to/the/dir13:41
techgeek40All three are over 70 gigs apiece13:41
flaccidrm -R /var/www/dir13:41
onishidatoi want to use the webcam on Kopete. how can i do now?13:41
Jay-Oh-Enok thanks13:42
RurouniJonestechgeek40: I thought about that but don't relish having to reinstall two operating systems if I can get away with it13:42
onishidatothey say i must have the jasper converter program13:42
onishidatobut i can't download it13:42
techgeek40Rurounijones: neither did I - but actually in the long run - it saved a lot of headace, and actually allowed me to clean up the system due to system clutter (and I'm a tech lol I should know better)13:42
RurouniJonesYea, spose so.13:43
onishidatoi want to use the webcam on Kopete. how can i do now?13:44
techgeek40Ruroun: but generally once the partitions are in place, they are in place; especially for a filled hard drive - it will be hard to get the space you need for a windows install13:44
Jay-Oh-Enflaccid: how do i go into verbose13:44
flaccidprobably -v13:44
flaccidrm -Rv13:44
carwash^onishidato: plugg it in, and it should work. if you plan on using msn the webcam support in amsn is musch better than in kopete13:44
flaccidand -f for force13:44
Jay-Oh-Enhow do i do -v13:44
flaccidum rm -Rf /var/www/dir13:45
flaccidsee man rm13:45
techgeek40Onishidate: a web site for it is here: http://wiki.kde.org/tiki-index.php?page=Kopete%20Webcam%20Support&comzone=showhttp://wiki.kde.org/tiki-index.php?page=Kopete%20Webcam%20Support&comzone=show13:45
* flaccid gets abused by his mum13:45
RurouniJonesThe partition isn't full, I have tons of space, just allocated the entire HD. I think I'll go with the windows first / linux second approach13:45
onishidatocarwash: but they say i must have a jasper program13:45
Jay-Oh-Eni did all this already obviously i overread somthing13:45
RurouniJonesAt least it is familiar ground....(eugh)13:45
techgeek40Sadly, I did a web search for a util for partitions under linux and what I found wasn't a lot of help - so I just bit the bullet on it13:46
carwash^onishidato: ive never heard of a jasper program13:46
flaccidwhats your prob techgeek4013:46
BluesKajRurouniJones, yes that's the right way , always install windows first then linux , but make the partitions for each OS first13:46
onishidatocarwash: ok, thanks anyway13:46
techgeek40Flaccid: nothing - just waiting to see if the new nvidia driver installs13:47
flaccidyou want partition program for shell?13:47
Jay-Oh-Enflaccid: i feel smarter now that ive forced my self to use cli13:47
techgeek40Flaccid: did I step over the line? Sorry - just trying to help13:47
hungrymousedolphin cant seem to find my windows NTFS partition... is there a konsole command that will work?13:47
flaccidnah all good br013:47
carwash^onishidato: you need to do sudo apt-get install libjasper1 libjasper-runtime13:47
flaccidcli rules13:47
carwash^to install your jasper-stuff (I'm guessing)13:47
BluesKajhungrymouse, look in system menu/staorage media13:48
techgeek40Flaccid: I wanted to install Linux (Ubuntu) first - but found it was more headaches to get it working right and editing the menu.lst13:48
Jay-Oh-Entechgeek40: same with me13:48
techgeek40BrB - reboot time for my system :<13:48
flaccidoh yeah i gotta do that tonight myself13:48
Jay-Oh-Enflaccid: what?13:49
flaccidset up a dual boot13:49
BluesKaj!dual boot13:49
ubotuDual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MacBookPro https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot13:49
Jay-Oh-Enwhat are you going to be dual booting13:49
hungrymouseBluesKaj: i have. its not there13:49
onishidatocarwash: i have install t13:49
flaccidxp and gutsy13:49
Jay-Oh-Enok thats kool13:50
onishidatocarwash: but ii stall can't work13:50
BluesKajhungrymouse, install ntfs-3g13:50
flaccidjust so i can use ableton live13:50
Jay-Oh-Enflaccid: why using xp again?13:50
hungrymouseBluesKaj: i got it already.13:50
astanhrm. anyone been having problems with knetworkmanager and ipw3945 under gutsy? it used to work fine, but now right-clicking knetworkmanager applet shows nothing about my wifi card :/13:50
onishidatoBluesKaj: how can i use x?? the ntfs-3g13:51
Jay-Oh-Enif i ever used windows again it would be to play americas army and use howard stern on my desktop13:51
astan(even though it's visible with ifconfig/iwconfig).13:51
BluesKajhungrymouse, can you see the partition in sys settings/advanced/disk&filesystems ?13:51
flaccidastan: please pastebin /etc/network/interfaces13:51
Jay-Oh-Enastan: somebody in here yesterday had the same problem13:51
flaccidyeah could be the same i helped that other dude with13:51
Jay-Oh-Enflaccid: yeah your the guy that was helping him13:52
hungrymouseBluesKaj: yes i can, but it says disabled. that is probably the problem. thanks.13:52
Jay-Oh-Enheck your the guy that was helping me with kdmtheme13:52
flaccidhaha i help most people13:52
Jay-Oh-Eni didnt start seeing you til recently13:53
astanflaccid: alright, hold on.. problem is i don't have net access on the machine until wifi is up ;)13:53
flaccidi didn't realise we were going out13:53
BluesKajsometimes installing ntfs-cofig works as well, hungrymouse , onishidato..it gives read write permissions/access13:53
hungrymouseBluesKaj: how do i enable the partition?13:53
BluesKajerr ntfs-config13:53
Jay-Oh-Enflaccid: lol i meant like in this channel13:53
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techgeek40I have a very stupid question13:54
Jay-Oh-Enno question is stupid13:54
BluesKajhungrymouse, install ntfs-config , then you'll get access...13:54
techgeek40I'm using the FireFox browser that came with the install - but when I get to a page the requires the flash plug in - I do the "install" yet the plug in is not working - how do I get around that?13:55
hungrymousei like that logic, jay-oh-en.13:55
Jay-Oh-Enhungrymouse: <313:55
hungrymouseBluesKaj: installing it.13:55
onishidatoBluesKaj: ntfs-cinfig: they say that the program need to be run as root, what's wrong?13:55
ubotuThe Flash plugin installation is currently broken. This is due to adobe changing the tar file that the package downloads.13:55
techgeek40Is there a way around that?13:55
astanflaccid: damn. left my usbstick at home, got an example of how a wifi interface should be properly configured in /etc/network/interfaces ? and i can check for any errors..13:55
BluesKajuse your password , onishidato ...nothings wrong ..it's a security device13:55
techgeek40And still no screen saver with :<13:56
techgeek40<---bangs head on desk about five times -13:56
astanflaccid: maybe i can get wifi working manually with iwconfig/dhclient et.c. just a moment.13:56
* Jay-Oh-En is helping techgeek40 bang his head on the desk13:57
techgeek40LOL Thank you :>13:57
techgeek40I just can't figure out why no screen saver -13:57
BluesKajonishidato, you'll only need to enter it once , cuz afterwards it's linked to your login pw , whenever you logon to kubuntu13:57
techgeek40Graphics adapter is a NVidia FX 520013:57
hungrymouseBluesKaj: ntfs-config doesnt want to run. do i need to reboot?13:58
flaccidastan: um just pastebin it to me and i'll edit it to make it what it should be so it works with knetworkmanager13:59
onishidatoBluesKaj: do we have sudo?13:59
flaccidits a bit more effort in cli if you have to do wpa13:59
Jay-Oh-EnBluesKaj: dude theres already a ntfs driver on gutsy13:59
BluesKajrelogin, hungrymouse13:59
onishidatoBluesKaj: ** (ntfs-config:7355): WARNING **: Error : This programm need to be run as root. <== it's like this13:59
Jay-Oh-EnBluesKaj: he just has to select it when hes enabling the device13:59
BluesKajJay-Oh-En, in some cases it's not working14:00
techgeek40I've got the Kubuntu desktop - I'm trying to get it so --- how to explain - when I move things around - the applications "waves" I ran into that one time on a first install and liked it14:00
Jay-Oh-Enfor me it is14:00
flacciduse sudo or kdesudo or kdesu depending on what type of program it is14:00
ubotuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo14:00
BluesKajwell, we're not worried about you Jay-Oh-En , other ppl are having a problem , ok ?14:00
astanflaccid: yea. it's just that i don't have net access on the laptop, and left my usbstick at home.. but i'll get the file to you, just might take a little while ;)14:00
Jay-Oh-EnBluesKaj: ooooo having a bad day?14:01
hungrymouseBluesKaj: its ok, something seems to be working now, cos im getting an error message about the partition. apparently windows still has it reserved, so i'll have to boot windows *groan* and shut down properly.14:01
flaccidastan: well put it this way, take out all interfaces but localhost and it will probably work again...14:01
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techgeek40Well, I'm outta here - my 5yr old is having her school function (she is getting an award) so I have to go and be the proud daddy (which I am :>)14:02
LacrymologyI've just upgraded to 7.1014:02
techgeek40Thanks for the help, folks. ENjoy your day14:02
techgeek40I'm sure I'll be back :>14:02
Lacrymologyand I wasnt able to boot anymore14:02
LacrymologyI tried installing the new kernel and removing the old ones14:02
Lacrymologybut I only have memtest at grub14:02
BluesKajJay-Oh-En, when trying to help others the "works for me " attitude without offering how to make things work , isn't any help to anyone .14:02
Lacrymologyso now I'm logged and chrooted from an ubuntu CD14:02
onishidatoBluesKaj: when i try to browse the ntfs partrition. they say " hal-storage-fixed-mount refused uid 1000". what can i do now?14:03
BluesKaj!works for me14:03
ubotuCommon Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should. Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability.14:03
Lacrymologyand.. I would really like to have a kernel installed, and stuff, you know? can someone help me?14:03
BluesKajonishidato, reboot14:03
flaccid!fixgrub | Lacrymology14:03
ubotuLacrymology: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto14:03
Jay-Oh-EnBluesKaj: i was just saying (it wasnt an attitude) sorry yeesh i didnt know it would get your panties all up in a bunch14:03
Lacrymologyflaccid: that's not what happened14:04
Lacrymologyflaccid: grub is there, the kernel image isn't14:04
Lacrymologyroot@ubuntu:/# ls boot/14:04
Lacrymologygrub  memtest86+.bin14:04
flaccidyeah but there is a procedure in there to rebuild grub with what kernels you have in /boot14:04
flaccidok 1 sec14:04
Lacrymologyflaccid: no kernels14:04
flaccidare you in single user mode atm Lacrymology?14:05
flaccidhow you get to shell14:05
astanflaccid: the line for my wifi interface reads: iface eth1 inet dhcp14:05
astanflaccid: eth1 should not really be listed at all, should it?14:06
astanflaccid: if it's to be managed by networkmanager..14:06
flaccidastan: remove it. then do a sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart . then restart knetworkmanager then you should be able to right click and select a network14:06
Lacrymologyflaccid: I'm logged in from the ubuntu CD and chrooted14:07
astanflaccid: alright. weird that it has a line there.. must have been since i've been fiddling with the settings for eth0 in the kde network settings.. thanks, will try now.14:07
onishidatoBluesKaj: i havew just rebott, but it still not working14:07
Lacrymologyflaccid: I just did apt-get linux-image-etc, that may work14:07
flaccidoh right. i guess it would if you changed the root. im not sure sorry..14:07
flaccidastan: yep thats annoying..14:08
onishidatoBluesKaj: how can i do now?14:08
hungrymouseBluesKaj: the problem was that i was lazy last time i used windows and got sick of it taking 10 mins to shut down, so i did a forced power off. so it still had the partition reserved.14:08
astanflaccid: ah, talking from my lappy now ;) thanks.14:08
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BluesKajsorry onishidato ...dunno how else to help you ...perhaps some other more knowledgable person can help14:08
flaccidok coolio14:08
onishidatoBluesKaj: ok, thls14:08
onishidatohungrymouse: maybe we have the same problems, how can you fix it?14:09
hungrymouseonishidato: what exactly is your problem?14:09
IppatsuManDid anyone tried KDE 4 rc2 installing the .debs on kubuntu.org? Apart from being a beta version, does it coesxist nicely with KDE 3 or will it break something?14:10
onishidatohungrymouse: my winxp has virus, and i can't get in to take my data. so i use Linux to take it out14:10
carwash^IppatsuMan: i found it didnt break anything. you can choose to log in to kde3 or 4 in kdm14:10
hungrymouseonishidato: are you using live CD or an installation of linux?14:11
Jay-Oh-Enare there any web devel apps in kubuntu14:11
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about development - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi14:11
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about devel - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi14:11
Jay-Oh-Enhtml ?14:11
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about webdev - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi14:11
onishidatohungrymouse: i have 2 hard disk, one for linux, one for Xp14:12
ubotuhtml is HyperText Markup Language, used to build web pages.  Editors in Ubuntu: Bluefish, Quanta+, Screem, and KompoZer(Nvu).  For howto on HTML coding, see: http://www.w3schools.com/14:12
flaccidsorry. um depends what you want Jay-Oh-En14:12
flaccidthere it is14:12
Jay-Oh-Enflaccid: thats it14:12
IppatsuMancarwash^: thanks - I did a aptitude -s install and I noticed that the new repository wants to update konqueror, but if it works on KDE 3 too that isn't a problem14:12
hungrymouseonishidato: and you cant access the winxp hdd from linux?14:12
onishidatohungrymouse: yes14:12
Lacrymologyok, now I'm logged from my kernel, but kdm isn't starting14:12
LacrymologyI just upgraded to 7.10, might that have something to do?14:13
carwash^IppatsuMan: theres a konqueror and a konqueror-kde414:13
hungrymouseonishidato: is the drive actually visible in system menu > storage media14:13
carwash^the kde4install doesnt overwrite anything of your kde3 isntall14:13
flaccidLacrymology: do a sudo /etc/init.d/kdm stop from a tty then run kdm or starx manually14:13
onishidatohungrymouse: sure, they are FAT32 and NTFS14:13
flaccidLacrymology: possible video driver update required14:13
hungrymouseLacrymology: i had that exact problem earlier. i ended up reinstalling kubuntu ><14:13
IppatsuMancarwash^: that's exactly what I wanted to hear :) Thank you very much14:13
Lacrymologyflaccid: yeah, aptitud told me that nvidia-kernel's gonna go14:14
hungrymouseonishidato: what happens when you click on the drive then?14:14
flaccidyeah so driver is kernel dependent14:14
Lacrymologyhungrymouse: the cool thing about linux is that you dont need to REINSTALL14:14
onishidatohungrymouse: they said "hal-storage-fixed-mount refused uid 1000" and i reboot, but the same thing happened14:15
hungrymouseLacrymology: i know. but i reckoned that it was quicker to reinstall than to wait for an answer, since i only installed yesterday and i dont have anything important yet.14:15
Jay-Oh-EnLacrymology: depends... you dont ever NEED to but if its the easiest way out most people DO14:15
hungrymouseonishidato: i was getting that same error, except with uid 999, when i was trying to access my hdd from a live cd. but i didnt have that problem when i'd installed linux. i never found a solution for it when i was using the live CD.14:16
BluesKajonishidato, the fstab file prolly needs editing ...flaccid , can you advise ?14:16
onishidatohungrymouse: i don't use live cd. :D14:16
hungrymouseonishidato: sorry, i dont know how to solve that problem ><14:17
hungrymousemuch less do i actually know what the error message means xD14:17
gnyffelDoes anyone know how long it will be before amarok 1.4.8 is in the backports repo?14:17
onishidatoflaccid: can you help me?14:17
BluesKajor carwash^ ?14:18
Lacrymologyaptitude shows a bunch of broken packages14:18
Lacrymologyamong them kde14:19
LacrymologyI think I might just have broken a lot of stuff14:19
carwash^or me what?14:19
onishidatocarwash^: help me with our problems14:19
BluesKajcarwash^, help onishidato ; hal-storage-fixed-mount refused uid 1000"14:19
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carwash^i dunno, probably a wrong setting in fstab or something14:21
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onishidatocarwash^: how can i know there is a wrong setting14:22
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BluesKajgenii_, available  for a few mins ?14:23
bucatoamanoi can t find my personal files how can update the database ?14:24
hungrymouseLacrymology: if you cant get kde working, how are you using IRC?14:25
BluesKajbucatoamano, sudo updatedb14:25
bucatoamanoBluesKaj: thank !!14:25
Lacrymologyhungrymouse: irssi?14:25
hungrymouseLacrymology: huh?14:25
Lacrymologyhungrymouse: irssi14:26
ubotuIrssi is a terminal based IRC client. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Irssi for help.14:26
Jay-Oh-Enin conky what does ram 24% mean does that mean only 28% is in use or 28% of the mem is being used14:26
hungrymousethanks, BluesKaj.14:26
Lacrymologyhungrymouse: the funny thing is that changing the video drivers and startx-ing started kde, but aptitude says kde isn't installed14:26
bazhanghttp://conky.sourceforge.net/faq.html Jay-Oh-En14:26
BluesKajhungrymouse, it's very useful when X or kdm fails14:26
=== Lacrymol1gy is now known as lacrymology
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BluesKajlacrymology, maybe kubuntu-desktop needs installing14:27
LacrymologyBluesKaj: should I stop the installing of kde?14:28
hungrymouseBluesKaj: i can believe it. earlier on i kept having to boot from a live cd.14:28
LacrymologyBluesKaj: well, I did anyways, kubuntu-desktop is installing it14:28
Lacrymologynow things look better14:28
BluesKajit's very cool , hungrymouse14:28
Lacrymologyexcept for all the stuff I uninstalled.. it'll take me forever to have a working system again14:29
elisianoI have a question about konversation: when there is a #channel on the chat and I click on it, konversation joins \channel and not #channel... how do I prevent this?14:29
Lacrymologyhungrymouse: I only chat from irssi14:29
Lacrymologyeven when in kde, I chat from irssi from a terminal14:29
Lacrymologyit's great14:29
elisianoLacrymology: tried weechat?14:29
flaccidonishidato: is there an entry in fstab for the drive?14:29
Lacrymologyelisiano: nopes, what is it?14:29
flaccidyes a line for the hard disk14:30
BluesKajelisiano, type the text /join #channel in the server text box , not the channel14:30
elisianoLacrymology: apt-cache show weechat14:30
onishidatoflaccid: hal-storage-fixed-mount refused uid 100014:30
elisianoBluesKaj: I know, I kust wanted to click it14:30
flaccidwhat are you pluggin in?14:30
Lacrymologyelisiano: doesn't look that different from irssi14:31
BluesKajLacrymology, 'konversation' is a nice client14:31
LacrymologyBluesKaj: anything with a K i avoid while possible. I don't really like KDE applications that much. Why am I running kubuntu instead of ubuntu is a mystery for myself14:32
BluesKajhehe :)14:32
LacrymologyBluesKaj: plus I like terminal programs better than GUI almost always14:32
Lacrymologyexception is aptitude14:32
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onishidatoflaccid: huh?14:33
BluesKajLacrymology, Purist! :)14:33
LacrymologyI even do btclient-launchmany and the such14:33
onishidatoflaccid: explain14:33
flaccidaptitude is a tui14:33
* genii sips a coffee14:33
* genii hands BluesKaj a coffee14:33
flaccidonishidato: what are you trying to do14:33
Lacrymologyflaccid: that's what I meant. I like adept better than aptitude14:33
BluesKajgenii, we nedd yer expertise14:33
hungrymousegenii, surely you mean koffee?14:33
LacrymologyBluesKaj: I just like my RAM being used in the really important stuff14:33
BluesKajerr need14:33
bazhangno jucato these many days14:33
Lacrymologylike playing music14:33
onishidatoflaccid: just wanna browe it, and get the data base14:34
geniiBluesKaj: I'm back and forth from computer to working but i'll give it a go :)14:34
flaccidbrowse what and get what database?14:34
BluesKajonishidato, has aproblem access his ntfs partition, message is :  hal-storage-fixed-mount refused uid 1000"14:34
geniiBluesKaj: Ah,OK14:34
flaccidhave a look at sudo fdisk -l14:34
flaccidwhat is the /dev/? for the hard disk?14:35
geniionishidato: You have which version, gutsy?14:35
BluesKajonishidato, you around ?14:35
onishidatoflaccid: /dev/sda714:35
onishidatoBluesKaj: i'm her14:35
onishidatoBluesKaj: i'm here14:36
flaccidok cool14:36
hungrymouseonishidato: how many partitions have you GOT xD14:36
flaccidonishidato: pastebin your /etc/fstab please14:36
onishidatogenii: 7.1014:36
BluesKajonishidato, good :)14:36
geniiBluesKaj: Looks like they are getting assistance :)14:36
onishidatoflaccid: pastebin?14:36
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)14:36
hungrymouseanyone know how i can stop this stupid tap-to-click thing for my mousepad?14:38
Daisuke_Idodon't tap so hard :)14:38
onishidatohungrymouse: for xp i have 4 partritions, pof linux, i have 114:39
flaccidonishidato: sorry i meant please pastebin the contents of /etc/fstab14:40
hungrymouseonishidato: are ALL of your XP partitions infected then?14:40
flaccidyou probably want something like /dev/sda7/media/ntfsntfsuser,rw,auto0014:40
onishidatohungrymouse: yes, all of them14:40
onishidatoflaccid: i don't know14:41
onishidatoflaccid: :)14:41
flaccidah well14:41
hungrymouseDaisuke_Ido: REALLY helpful xD14:41
flaccidonishidato:  so in fstab: /dev/sda7  /media/ntfs  ntfs  user,rw,auto  0 014:41
flaccidmake sure you do a sudo mkdir /media/ntfs; sudo chown `whoami` /media/ntfs; sudo chmod 774 /media/ntfs14:42
flaccidyes /etc/fstab14:42
flaccid!ntfs | onishidato14:43
ubotuonishidato: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE14:43
flaccid!ntfs-3g | onishidato14:43
ubotuonishidato: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions14:43
onishidatoflaccid: i havew install ntfs-3g14:46
flaccidwhich release are you on14:46
onishidatothe newest one14:46
flaccidno need to install14:47
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onishidatohow can i do now?14:49
flacciddo you know how to edit stuff using sudo or kdesu ?14:50
flaccidok so do alt + f214:51
flaccidthen kdesu kate /etc/fstab14:51
flaccidenter root password. if you do not have one, you will need to see !root14:51
* genii returns coffee in hand14:51
flaccidthen add the entry like i specified14:51
hungrymouseit occurs to me that us kubuntu users would be stuffed if our K key on the keyboard broke.14:52
flaccidand runt he command i specified before too to make the dir and assign perms for user14:52
geniino root password, just your usual password will do in this case, to enable the sudo14:52
hungrymousegenii, you remind me of my GCSE history teacher. he always drank LOADS of coffee :P14:52
geniihungrymouse: I basically live on it. that and pizza14:53
flaccidgenii: does it try kdesudo using kdesu ?14:53
flaccidyeah just do kdesudo kate /etc/fstab14:53
geniiflaccid: kdesu just usually uses the regular password14:53
flaccidserious. hmm i never realised then14:54
onishidatoi will show you my fstab14:54
Jay-Oh-Engenii: good mornin14:54
geniiJay-Oh-En: Hiya14:54
Jay-Oh-Enim gonna go get some coffee too14:55
geniiHe has ntfs-3g and ntfs-config packages?14:55
jussi01hmmm, anyone know the package for the tun/tap drivers for vpn?14:55
Jay-Oh-Enand some bagels14:55
onishidatoi have14:55
hungrymouseJay-oh-en, stop making us hungry. i'll need to go eat lunch again.14:55
onishidatohow hungry you are14:55
* genii hands out bagels14:56
flaccidis it sda1 or sda7 ?14:56
hungrymouseno pun intended, onishidato :S14:56
hungrymousew00t! bagels!14:56
hile__Руццкие иесть?)14:57
onishidatoi think14:57
flaccidonishidato: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/48853/14:59
flaccidnote the addition of the user option14:59
onishidatorewrite like that?14:59
geniiI wonder if policykit package has been backported from hardy yet14:59
flaccidyeah i just changed the line at the bottom14:59
onishidatoi c nothing change15:01
hungrymouseonishidato: he's changed stuff on the bottom line.15:01
=== hungrymouse is now known as hungrymouse[food
onishidatogot it15:03
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flaccidso make sure your perms are right on the mountpoint so you own it and can write to it, then mount it15:04
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* BluesKaj finishes breakfast , eggs & toast 15:04
onishidatostil can't15:04
ubotuDoesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.15:05
dr_willisi can honestly say that my wife '!dosentwork'15:05
flaccidwhy can't you15:05
flaccidif you have ntfs-3g installed and use that fstab entry you should be able to do mount /media/Air15:06
onishidatoi rewrite the fstab15:06
onishidatoand save it15:06
onishidatoafter that15:06
onishidatoi open media/sd5 again15:06
onishidatostill can't15:06
flaccidyou said sda7 first15:07
flaccidthen you said sda115:07
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flaccidnow whats this media/sd5 ?15:07
flaccidcan't meansn othing15:07
flaccidwtf happens15:07
flaccidwhen you do mount /media/Air15:07
flaccidthis is in konsole15:08
onishidatolet me find it my self15:08
hungrymouseflaccid: i get an almost identical error to what onishidato is getting when i use a live CD; only difference is i get uid 999 insted of uid 1000. should i boot with my liveCD and try it for you?15:09
flaccidthe user option is usually what is missing..15:09
hungrymousei'll remember that for future reference :P15:09
pteague_workanybody know of a good svn gui for linux that has some of the features of tortoiseSVN (such as being able to select which files you want to commit) ?15:10
flaccidkdesvn pteague_work15:10
flaccidnot sure if it has all those features but15:10
ubotusvn is Subversion: an open-source revision control system, which aims to be a compelling replacement for CVS. See http://subversion.tigris.org/15:10
pteague_workany idea how to get the diff tool in kdesvn to display the entire file? not just the changed parts?15:11
pteague_workor am i just going to have to set it up with kdiff3 ?15:11
Jay-Oh-Enflaccid: whats your desktop look like15:11
flaccidum i dual. and use about 3 desktops at once too15:12
flaccidbut its all pretty boring15:12
onishidatocool desktop15:12
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dr_willismy desktop looks like Windows vista.. because I am using window vista, and i just use xming to get to the linux box. :)15:14
Jay-Oh-Endr_willis: oh thats what mine looked like before15:14
flaccidi kind of use this notebook and desktop mainly and switch a lot but its all to be able to multi task a lot of different stuff15:15
eshatcan someone do me a favour and look what command exactly is started when i click on "System Settings" in KDE Menue,... i changed it and don't know how to reset...15:15
dr_willisisent that the kcontrol ?15:16
eshatdr_willis: no15:16
dr_willisor make a new user and look at their menu items.15:16
Jay-Oh-Enthis is what mine looks like http://i154.photobucket.com/albums/s272/pronege/mydekstop2.png15:16
hungrymouseanyone know how i can stop this stupid tap-to-click thing for my mousepad?15:17
eshatJay-Oh-En: woow,... what kde version do you use ?15:17
Jay-Oh-Enlol thats what everybody says15:17
eshatc'mon tell me15:18
eshatwhich icon set is that ?15:18
Jay-Oh-Encrystal project15:18
Jay-Oh-Enthey have their own website15:19
Jay-Oh-Entype that into google15:19
eshatcan't find it15:19
dr_willisTheres a touchpad config tool thats not installed by default. ksynaptics or somthing like that15:20
dr_willis!find synaptics15:20
ubotuFound: xserver-xorg-input-synaptics, gsynaptics, ksynaptics, libsynaptics-dev, libsynaptics0 (and 2 others)15:20
hungrymouseah, thanks dr_willis15:20
hungrymousemine is a synaptics touchpad, so that'll work.15:20
eshatJay-Oh-En: what's that programm that shows all the sys inf o?15:20
Jay-Oh-Eneshat: sudo apt-get install sysinfo15:21
Jay-Oh-Enor in here type /sysinfo15:21
Jay-Oh-EnSysinfo for 'Scrap-me': Linux 2.6.22-14-generic running KDE 3.5.8, CPU: AMDAthlon643000+ at 2100 MHz (4204 bogomips), , RAM: 994/1011MB, 118 proc's, 3.44h up15:21
eshatJay-Oh-En: is that the standard KDE Panel on your desktop ?15:21
Jay-Oh-Eneshat: yep15:22
OleanderHelp: downloaded kubuntu iso, burnt it to disk, booted from it and now am getting ubuntu@ubuntu:~$15:22
Oleanderdont know what to do fomr there15:22
bazhangOleander: this is in the livecd correct?15:22
hungrymouseOleander: its not loading kde, by the sounds of it.15:22
Oleanderits asking "to run command as adminstrator (user "root), use "sudo <command>". see "man sudo_root" for detaiks15:23
Jay-Oh-Eneshat: show me your desktop15:24
Oleanderi downloaded the iso from the kubuntu site15:24
eshatJay-Oh-En: ohh it looks boring man ,... ;)15:24
Jay-Oh-Enlet me see15:25
eshatJay-Oh-En: it#s the standard kde desktop15:25
Jay-Oh-Enwhy havent you changed it15:25
eshatno time ,... i am a student and haven't got a lot of time for this15:25
dr_willisOleander:  thjere are 2 kinds of the cd's one is a live-cd. the other is the 'alternative' installer cd.  Most likely you have the live cd.15:25
dr_willisOleander:  it seems that the x configuration is some how getting confused with your system, thus no desktop. What is your video card?15:26
Oleanderdr_willis: i downloaded the Live CD yes15:26
Oleanderati raedon 128mb PCI15:26
Jay-Oh-Endr_willis: why are you on vista15:26
Oleanderi have a on-board vid card too15:26
Jay-Oh-Enim betting its trying to choose one vid card over the other15:27
dr_willisJay-Oh-En:  because the linux hd i had in this box died.15:27
Jay-Oh-Endr_willis: :(15:27
hungrymousedr_willis: when running that ksynaptics thing i get a message telling me to add an option to a config file. how should i actually go about adding it?15:27
dr_williswaiting for the 1tb sata drives to get cheap.15:27
waylandbilllets say I want to record from my microphone and have an mp3 be output. Is there a program to do that in one step or do I have to make a wav or pcm and encode it?15:27
Jay-Oh-Endr_willis: you dont even need that much they are like 300 around here15:28
dr_willishungrymouse:  edit the xorg.conf file with a text editor as root. BACKING UP YOUR ORIGINAL FIRST.  then restart the X server.15:28
Oleanderdr_willis: is this more likely cuz its the live cd or cuz of video card?15:28
Jay-Oh-Enhungrymouse: do you knwo how to backup your xorg?15:28
dr_willisOleander:  hard to tell. I would totally disable the onboard video card in the bios. its POSSIBLE that X is running on the onboard card you just cant see it.15:28
hungrymousedr_willis: where, and in what format, should i put the new line?15:28
Oleanderok ill disable vid card in bios. hang a sec15:29
hungrymousejay-oh-en: presumably make a copy somewhere?15:29
dr_willishungrymouse:  not sure. I bet its mentioned int he forums :)15:29
The_Machinehow to resize an animated gif file in kubuntu?15:29
Jay-Oh-Enhungrymouse: im guessing your not a newbie15:29
Jay-Oh-EnThe_Machine: this isnt a search engine15:29
dr_willisi did that edit befor. a long time ago but not lately.15:29
nosrednaekimThe_Machine: use GIMP15:29
dr_willisGimp can make animated gif's correct. It may not be totally 'idiot-friendly' however. :)15:30
hungrymouseJay-Oh-En: to linux i am. been using it since yesterday, and already broken it twice xD15:30
dr_willisTheres also tools that can take a series of .gif's and make them into a animated gif I recall.15:30
Jay-Oh-Enhungrymouse: so do you know how to make a copy of the xorg or no?15:30
hungrymouseJay-Oh-En copy-paste?15:30
Oleanderdr_willis: where in bios do u disable devices?15:30
Jay-Oh-Enhungrymouse: nope15:30
dr_willisOleander:  no idea. its your bios. :) explore it.. and see..  ive seen it under pci devices befor in the bios settings15:31
Jay-Oh-Endr_willis: wheres xorg located15:31
hungrymouseJay-Oh-En: i dont know then ><15:31
Jay-Oh-Enhungrymouse: hold on one sec15:31
dr_willis - /etc/X11/xorg.conf is the file location.15:31
dr_williswell im off to the store. good luck,15:31
Oleanderdr_willis: found primary video controller on auto ? that must be it i guess15:32
Oleanderhas two settings auto/onboard15:32
Jay-Oh-Enhungrymouse: sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.BACKUP15:33
hungrymouseJay-Oh-En thanks. presumably cp means copy?15:33
Jay-Oh-Enand rm means remove15:34
Jay-Oh-Ennow feel free to edit your xorg15:34
hungrymousei know rm lol15:34
hungrymousesomeone said to never do any command given to you with rm in it cos it'll probably break your system.15:35
Oleanderdr_willis: changed vid card to onboard and plugged lcd into onboard vid15:35
hungrymouseJay-Oh-En: im really not sure what format to put the option in as. the box says: Please add the option 'SHMConfig "on"' into the touch pad section of /etc/X11/xorg.conf15:36
hungrymouseJay-Oh-En: but i dont know how to arrange it.15:37
Oleanderdr_willis: sweet it worked. good thinking mate15:37
Jay-Oh-EnOleander: he isnt here anymore15:37
Oleanderoh haha15:37
Oleanderwell thanks to you also for the help15:37
OleanderJay-Oh-En: when i get kubuntu up and running can i disable onbaord graphics card and run my lcds through my pci just like i do on win?15:39
nosrednaekimOleander: certainly.15:40
Jay-Oh-EnOleander: yeah15:40
Jay-Oh-Ennosrednaekim: darn you beat me to it15:40
nosrednaekimJay-Oh-En: I have the fastest guns in...... IRC XD15:41
Jay-Oh-Ennosrednaekim: :)15:41
OleanderJay-Oh-En: werid the install froze or something on keyboard layout. i cant clikc nack or next only cancel15:42
Jay-Oh-EnOleander: weird15:43
Oleanderi aborted install, will try again15:43
Jay-Oh-EnOleander: ok15:44
OleanderJay-Oh-En: with open office can u open ms documents with it and vice versa?15:45
seeledoes anyone know where the keyboard shortcuts to control function keys are configured?15:45
waylandbillOleander: as long as you save in a ms office format.15:46
seeleeg: Fn+volume Fn+brightness15:46
nosrednaekimseele: for volume, its in kmix15:48
nosrednaekimseele: brightness, i'm not sure since on my laptop brightness is hardware controlled15:49
seelenosrednaekim: the brightness control broke in gutsy but i didnt notice until the other day15:52
seelenosrednaekim: thanks for the info15:52
OleanderJay-Oh-En: stuck on keyboard layout again...werid15:52
nosrednaekimseele: I believe that is a known bug.15:52
Oleandermaybe i should partition to drive b4, but i figured i could do that in the install15:52
pwncityWhy is Ubuntu working when Kubuntu writes this http://kortlink.dk/4mdt15:52
geniiOleander: Is this some Asus motherboard ?15:52
Oleandernope dell15:53
jpatrickseele: yep.. I have that problem too15:53
OleanderI only downloaded it tonight off the kubuntu site 7.1015:54
seelejpatrick: it's a big problem for me, because the monitor dims when it goes to sleep.  without the control, i can't brighten my screen on resume15:54
nosrednaekimseele: I think you can actually change it from the command line with xset.15:54
geniiOleander: I would suggest to try the alternate install cd and use text install. If it halts during that you can check console 4 of the installer for clues15:55
jpatrickseele: I can understand that point. I sometimes want to dim when it's late, and one day they just stopped working on Gutsy15:55
flaccidi think i might get some zzz15:56
Oleandergenii: ok thanks15:56
geniiseele: Did you check the laptop testing wiki ?15:56
hungrymouseksynaptics needs me to modify my xorg.conf file, and i have no idea what i need to change. i need to add an option 'SHMConfig "on"' to the touch pad section, but thats as much as i know. can someone tell me how i need to enter this line? i've screwed up the system once already ><15:56
seelegenii: not yet.. hitting IRC before i waste too much time at work :)15:56
Lacrymologyok, I'm still working on fixing what the 7.10 upgrade broke.. now, on the KDE panel, there's no buttons of the running applications, any ideas?15:57
geniiseele: Aaaaaah15:57
seelegenii: since it used to work and doesnt any more, i just figured it was reset configuration file or something15:57
geniiseele: Likely something with xmodmap or such15:57
geniiwork wants me again, /away15:58
Oleanderperhaps this is some werid memory problem. as i aborted install and decided to look into system settings ands its taking forvever to open a window. i have 1.5gb ram15:58
LacrymologyOleander: cat /proc/meminfo and check the swap15:59
LacrymologyOleander: cat /proc/meminfo and check, anyways15:59
OleanderLacrymology: have no idea what u just said sorry15:59
LacrymologyOleander: open a terminal, and type 'cat /proc/meminfo' [ENTER]16:00
Oleanderonce its unfrozen will do16:00
hungrymouseoh yeah, that reminds me. what do i press to get that next click kills thing for programs?16:00
=== zakame_ is now known as zakame
LacrymologyOleander: it will give you memory info, how much system mem is there in your system, plus how much swap you have, etc16:03
OleanderLacrymology: ok ran command am looking now at it16:03
OleandermemFree 865144 kB16:03
Lacrymologywhat about swapTotal?16:03
OleanderSwapTotal 0kB16:03
Lacrymologyyou have no swap16:04
OleanderswapFree 0kB16:04
Oleanderwhat does that mean?16:04
Lacrymologythat you have no virtual memory, and your system's dying a slow painful death (well, not really, but you'll get old waiting for stuff to happen)16:04
LacrymologyOleander: do you know what your swap device is supposed to be?16:04
Oleanderno, i dont even know what u mean by swap device ;P16:05
Lacrymologyif not cat /etc/fstab and look for the word "swap"16:05
LacrymologyOleander: swap is virtual memory. Is a partition in your hard drive linux uses as extra RAM16:05
LacrymologyOleander: ubuntu should've created a swap partition at install time16:06
Lacrymologyso run "cat /etc/fstab" and look for something like this:16:06
BluesKajOleander, swap is a partition on your hard drive dedicated to virtual memory16:06
OleanderLacrymology: i havent installed it yet tho just put in live cd16:06
cn28hor you could just "grep swap /etc/fstab"16:07
cn28hunless you like being human grep :)16:07
LacrymologyOleander: ohh16:07
Oleanderyeh it was freezing up on the install16:07
LacrymologyOleander: then you dont have any swap16:07
Lacrymologyhow much does MemTotal say you have?16:07
Oleanderi would get to keyboard layout and couldnt continue16:07
hungrymouseLacrymology: live CD doesnt need swap.16:08
hungrymouseOleander: you have to wait quite a long time after clicking next on keyboard layout16:08
Oleanderoh really thats normal then? cool16:08
cn28hOleander, you can create a swap now, though16:08
Lacrymologydoes anyone have any clues why aren't my open apps appearing on the KDE bar?16:09
hungrymousecn28h: trust me. he doesnt want to.16:09
cn28hwhat? why not?16:09
Oleanderok restarted install again16:09
BluesKajOleander, when you decide to install the partitoner will ask you how much (usually twice your RAM isa sufficient or a 1Gig minimum) and where the swap partition is to be located16:09
=== shaka is now known as shaka_
cn28hoh, it was a fubar'd install16:09
cn28hyeah, better just reinstall then16:09
=== shaka_ is now known as shaka
hungrymousecn28h: creating a swap partition is enough to make you want to break down and cry. letting it do the partitioning for you is less traumatic.16:09
Oleanderusually how long does keybaord layout take?16:09
cn28hhungrymouse, doesn't have to be a partition16:10
Lacrymologycn28h: making swap files is even more of a pain ;)16:10
cn28hhungrymouse, mkswap can make it in a file, and you can use swapon to enable it16:10
hungrymouseOleander: i think the longest it took me yesterday with dual core 2.88GHz, and 2GiB RAM, was about a minute or so.16:10
shakahow do i stop Update Manager, Apt or Aptitude to install OpenLieroX beta 3???16:10
hungrymousecn28h: oh? i stand corrected.16:10
Oleander*fingers crossed*16:11
=== Lacrymol1gy is now known as Lacrymology
=== shaka is now known as Shaka
Jay-Oh-Enhungrymouse: thats horrible for dual core16:12
Shakahow do i stop Update Manager, Apt or Aptitude to install OpenLieroX beta 3???16:12
=== ubuntu_ is now known as Sp1nN`-`
Oleanderwhen i finish the install i want to put on the beryl? for the visual effects. is that an iso image also or?16:12
hungrymouseJay-Oh-En, i know. but my processor is dusty.16:12
Sp1nN`-`hi again^^16:12
Jay-Oh-Enhey Sp1nN`-` :]16:12
Sp1nN`-`how ya doing^^16:12
cn28hAnyone who uses a broadcom wifi, do you know if Gutsy still has bcm43xx by default or if they've included b43?16:13
Shakahow do i stop Update Manager, Apt or Aptitude to install OpenLieroX beta 3???16:13
Oleanderhungrymouse: am still on k/b layout...this normal?16:13
hungrymouseOleander: probably not.16:13
Jay-Oh-En!patience | Shaka16:14
hungrymouseOleander: you got the right word length version of kubuntu?16:14
=== willy is now known as Hamra
ubotuShaka: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines16:14
Sp1nN`-`where are u from?16:14
=== Shaka is now known as Staticboy4491
Oleanderhungrymouse: word length?16:14
Jay-Oh-EnSp1nN`-`:  las vegas16:14
hungrymouseOleander, 32bit vs 64bit16:14
Sp1nN`-`im from spain16:14
Jay-Oh-EnSp1nN`-`: kool16:15
Staticboy4491im not screaming it at you guys16:15
Staticboy4491just asking new ppl who come in16:15
hungrymouseJay-Oh-En, that patience trigger is good :P16:15
Oleanderhungrymouse: i got PC (Intel x86) desktop CD16:15
OleanderKubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy Gibbon)16:15
Jay-Oh-Enhungrymouse: altho i hate when people used to do that to me NOW i see why16:15
hungrymouseJay-Oh-En, yeah.16:16
hungrymouseOleander: i'll assume you got the right word length. um. what did you use to burn the ISO?16:16
hungrymouseOleander: it might have mucked it up. im not sure.16:17
Oleandermounted it with daemon tools then burnt with nero16:17
Jay-Oh-EnOleander: good job with the nero i used that every time and it worked perfecly16:17
Jay-Oh-EnOleander: why not just use infrarecorder16:17
Oleanderhavent heard of that16:18
hungrymouseOleander: i used that one and it was fine.16:18
Jay-Oh-Endo you still have windows?16:18
Jay-Oh-Encan you burn a new disc?16:18
Oleanderyup. but i dont have an cds left only dvds16:18
Jay-Oh-Enthat will work16:18
Oleanderok cool16:19
Oleanderwill try that then16:19
hungrymouseOleander: on the boot menu for kubuntu, it has an option to check the CD16:19
hungrymousetry that first16:19
Jay-Oh-EnOleander: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/iso16:19
Jay-Oh-EnOleander: yeah try the cd check thing first16:19
hungrymouseoh, by the way, Jay-Oh-En, thanks for telling me to make that backup. I would have broken my system without it.16:19
Jay-Oh-Enhungrymouse: your welcome16:20
Oleanderok checking cd now16:20
hungrymouseJay-Oh-En do i need to restart after modifying xorg?16:20
Jay-Oh-Enno actualy16:20
Jay-Oh-Enyou can do this16:20
Jay-Oh-Enctrl alt backspace16:20
hungrymouseah, i thought there'd be a quicker way. thanks.16:21
Staticboy4491what does that shortcut do?16:21
Jay-Oh-Enrestarts X server16:21
Staticboy4491ah k16:21
orbitizeHello. When I try to access my windows shares from my linux box, it's asking for a username and password, even tho I havn't set any in windows. Any idea what I can do?16:22
rjuneset a username/password in windows?16:22
Jay-Oh-Enhungrymouse: work?16:22
Staticboy4491did you try not typing in a pass/user and just hitting enter if there isnt one?16:23
orbitizethere is no username/pw set in windows. i have also tried with my windows login/pw, but with no luck16:23
Oleanderhungrymouse: checked cd no errors found16:23
Jay-Oh-EnOleander: well then it isnt the cd16:23
hungrymouseJay-Oh-En, yep thanks :p16:23
hungrymouseOleander, sorry, i dont know what to do then ><16:24
Jay-Oh-Enhungrymouse: what are you trying to do on your xorg.conf16:24
Oleanderam doing them memory test now16:24
orbitizeStaticboy4491: doesn't work, dialog doesnt go away when I hit enter16:24
Oleanderhungrymouse: thats ok, i apprechiate u help though16:24
Staticboy4491go set a sharing in windows, maybe?16:24
Staticboy4491sharing pass*16:25
Hamrai changed my resolution to a higher a one, it is working good, but the login screen is still using the smaller resolution with huge words, how to fix this?16:25
Jay-Oh-EnOleander: how long did it take you to download the iso16:25
Oleander10 mins16:25
Oleanderthe disk i'm using to sinatll it on has heaps of crap on it. but i figured during the kubuntu install i could delete/create parition. u think this maybe the problem?16:26
staceymy Atheros Communications, Inc. AR2413 802.11bg NIC (rev 01) worked in feisty but doesnt in gutsy, sound is also gone after update, my only way to get to a network is wirelessly, is there any way to fix all this from vista? download pacakges and install/ chroot?16:26
geniiHamra: sudo apt-get remove --purge kdm;sudo apt-get install kdm            will make the login screen adopt new default reolution16:27
Oleandershould i do an oem install?16:28
Staticboy4491if you know the manufacturer info16:28
Staticboy4491but its best not to16:28
Oleanderwhats install with driver update cd?16:28
geniistacey: install the windows ext driver and then you can drop the packages from vista into the linux /var/cache/apt/archives directory16:28
staceythx, any idea what packages i need to use to fix the problem16:30
hungrymouseJay-Oh-En, i was trying to get ksynaptics to work so i can disable tapping.16:30
Oleanderbrb - smoke break16:30
geniistacey: No idea what packages may be needed in your case, atheros drivers are not usually in restricted drivers16:31
=== Lacrymol1gy is now known as Lacrymology
Lacrymologyok, now I'm having sound driver problems..16:34
TimSHow can I get Stage6 working without media center connectivity, is there a different addon I could use?16:35
cn28hhm, this has been bothering me for a while -- I somehow turned off the location bar and browser buttons in konqueror and can't seem t ofind the setting to turn them back on.  An ideas?16:35
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about stage6 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi16:35
Lacrymologyxmms says "couldn't open audio" "please check that your soundcard is configured properly you have the correct output plugin selected no other program is blocking the soundcard"16:35
hungrymouseyour computer doesnt like you it seems, Lacrymology ><16:35
cn28hLacrymology, do you have xmms set to use ALSA or OSS?16:35
Lacrymologyhungrymouse: the argentinian kubuntu servers died a while ago, and dist-upgrade did bad things16:36
Lacrymologycn28h: alsa16:38
Hamrahow can i see the ip addresses of the PCs connected by LAN with me?16:38
cn28hLacrymology, ok, so I take it soound doesnt work in any other app either?16:38
Lacrymologycn28h: yesh16:38
cn28hLacrymology, does your sound driver show in lsmod?16:38
lorddarkpat_hi ppl16:39
cn28hHamra, netstat ? not sure exactly what you are asking16:39
goonienetstat -a16:39
Lacrymologycn28h: no16:39
lorddarkpat_what's Hamra? heard of it sumwer16:40
cn28hLacrymology, hm, yeah that's not good ;P does it show up in modprobe -l ?16:40
=== ubuntu_ is now known as Sp1nN`-`
=== george__ is now known as Nataly
genii!info ndiswrapper16:41
ubotuPackage ndiswrapper does not exist in gutsy16:41
Hamraits my last name, and means red in arabic, and the name of a street in Beirut. there is 4 PCs linked by a hub, i want to know their IPs16:41
Staticboy4491you have to install ndiswrapper16:41
Lacrymologycn28h: soundwave@Optimus ~ $ modprobe -l | grep alsa16:42
Sp1nN`-`hi again?16:42
geniiHamra: Do you have physical access to the other machines?16:42
cn28hHamra, if you know their subnet nmap -sP may help16:43
cn28hLacrymology, no, not alsa, the name of your specific sound driver16:43
DownixHmm, can ubuntu read Solaris UFS drives?16:43
geniiDownix: Yes16:43
Hamrawell yes, but they are currently occupied by people, i'll try the command cn28h gave16:43
Lacrymologycn28h: and how the hell should I know that?16:43
cn28hLacrymology, yes, lspci then find the name of the driver for your card16:44
geniiHamra: Yes, that will probe the entire range and report back.16:44
geniiHamra: You need nmap, instead you may want to install knmap since it is the KDE gui to it16:44
Lacrymologycn28h: it says 00:06.1 Audio device: nVidia Corporation MCP55 High Definition Audio (rev a2)16:44
Lacrymologybut then again everything says "MCP55" something16:45
Downixgenii:  read-only or read-write?16:45
Hamrathnx all for your help16:45
geniiDownix: I can mount UFS drives created by FreeBSD read-write but Solaris may have some idiosyncrasies16:46
cn28hLacrymology, ok, google around and see if you can find the name of the driver it uses on linux16:46
Downixoh fun16:46
Downixhave a Solaris box here w/o a clue what the root pw is.  Thought to blank it out16:46
Staticboy4491try you login pass for your user account16:47
cn28hDownix, boot in single user mode16:47
geniiDownix: No need, interrupt boot then put -s switch for single user mode, no pw needed16:47
Downixcn28h:  hm, didn't know that16:47
Downixsolaris is still new to me16:47
cn28hI know this because I've had to do it before for the same reason, haha16:48
Lacrymologywhat's the audio device supposed to be?16:48
Lacrymologyis it /dev/what¿16:49
cn28husually /dev/dsp16:49
cn28hfor me at least16:49
Lacrymologydoesn't exist16:49
DownixI have Kubuntu on my other SPARC16:49
cn28hcat /dev/urandom > /dev/dsp # <-- should play static16:49
Lacrymologysoundwave@Optimus ~ $ aplay16:49
Lacrymologyaplay: main:545: audio open error: No such device16:50
Lacrymologylots of errors, actually16:50
Downixtrying now, just boot -s?16:54
Staticboy4491has anyone installed OpenLieroX?16:54
FunnyLookinHatAnyone here use Kubuntu on a macbook?16:57
Downixok, still in multiuser mode16:57
cn28hDownix, are you using openboot?16:57
cn28hboot -s should do it then, hrm16:58
Downixtyped in boot -s, it asked for the root password or hit enter for normal boot16:58
cn28hwhich version of solaris?16:58
BluesKajLacrymology, if you need to setup your soundcard : cat /proc/asound/cards , then choose the name of your soundcard thus: sudo asoundconf set-default-card "name of soundcard". After that i suggest you investigate this site :http://alsa.opensrc.org/Main_Page16:58
cn28hoh, it could have changed16:58
cn28hI did it with Solaris 716:58
Sp1nN`-`I have a question with the live cd i press install and when it comes to the partitionb section itś in blank!!!16:59
cn28hsounds like it wants a root password for single user mode now.. that seems kind of silly16:59
Downixmaybe this box will wind up with Ubuntu as well16:59
BluesKajSp1nN`-`, what's blank ?17:00
Sp1nN`-`the window content17:00
cn28hI ended up installing NetBSD on my Sun box17:00
Sp1nN`-`blank mean empty i mean17:00
cn28hI don't know if ubuntu even has a SPARC version :)17:01
DownixI have it on my other Ultra17:01
cn28hof course, mine has no keyboard, video, or mouse17:02
LacrymologyBluesKaj: there's no /proc/asound directory17:02
Sp1nN`-`any ideas?17:02
cn28hand when I say that, I mean no hardware support for them, heheh17:02
Downixall of my hw is supported thankfully17:03
Downixnot the fastest, mind you....17:03
Sp1nN`-`I have a question with the live cd i press install and when it comes to the partitionb section itś in blank!!!17:03
cn28hno, I mean my box literally has no keyboard, mouse, or video -- i.e. physically absent ;P17:03
cn28hit's a server box17:03
cn28hshouldn't be surprising :)17:03
DownixI want to use my SPARCStation as my server, but OS support for it is... eh17:04
cn28hah, mine's a Netra17:04
DownixI have an SS10 and two Ultra 10's17:04
Downixalso a SPARC Classic17:04
DownixI get a lot of grief from Solaris guys over the age of my gear17:04
BluesKajLacrymology, does ' lspci ' list an "audio controller" ?17:05
DownixI say if it gets the job done, who cares?17:05
cn28hheheh, well, my box was manf in 199817:05
cn28hat which time the price tag was > $17,50017:05
DownixSS in 1990, everything else 199417:05
LacrymologyBluesKaj: it lists an "Audio device"...17:05
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Downixnever got the SPARC's audio to work tho17:06
BluesKajLacrymology, then choose that audio device name in the command : sudo asoundconf set-default-card "name of soundcard"17:06
cn28hah, well, mine doesn't have audio either... hell when I got it it didn't even have any removable media drives haha17:06
BluesKajthat command creates the asoundconf file17:08
LacrymologyBluesKaj: like this? Optimus ~ # asoundconf set-default-card "nVidia Corporation MCP55 High Definition Audio (rev a2)"17:08
LacrymologyBluesKaj: still no /proc/asound17:08
LacrymologyOptimus ~ # asoundconf set-default-card "nVidia Corporation MCP55 High Definition Audio (rev a2)"17:08
LacrymologyPlease note that you are attempting to run asoundconf as a privileged superuser, which may have unintended consequences.17:08
BluesKajLacrymology, no worries ...that's ok17:09
BluesKajas long as you're the only user17:09
Lacrymologyanyways, still no /proc/asound directory17:09
Downixwait, wait, I got the password!!!!17:09
Downixgot it from the previous owner17:10
Lacrymologybut there's a ~/.asound/asoundconf17:10
BluesKajLacrymology, now this : k-menu/system settings/sound system/enable sound system,then choose hardware tab/select the audio device/Advanced Linux Sound Architecture, click apply '17:11
boguhhi, since the last update of the kubuntu kde4 packages, kde4 is not running anymore17:12
FSHeroHello everyone: I'm having trouble mounting my Windows Vista NTFS partition using ntfs-3g. I can read from /media/sda2 but cannot write to /media/sda217:12
FSHeroI used ntfs-config... but it isn't working. What should I do?17:12
LacrymologyBluesKaj: ok...?17:14
FSHeroHmm... according to this: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/widows-ntfs-partitions-readwrite-support-made-easy-in-ubuntu-feisty.html I should get a window listing available NTFS partitions... but I didn't get one.17:16
Bandit12my previously fine wifi seems to have had a bit of a burp, it will no longer automatically connect to my router. just shows a wired connection inn the bottom right corner instaed of the wifi strength meter. Any ideas (intel 2915a/b/g)l17:16
BluesKajLacrymology, do you have a speaker icon in the panel ?17:17
DownixFSHero: which OS made the partition you're trying to mount?17:17
BluesKajFSHero, looks like you might have a grubloader problem ...is vista showing up in the bootmenu ?17:19
sadfasdfasdfasdfhello i downloaded a game frets on fire now to run it i have to open the terminal, cd to the directoy and type ./fretsonfire. ow can i create an icon in my desktop to open it when i double click it (i dont know the name of this things in english its "enlace" in spanish ^^)17:19
FSHeroErr... Basically Vista came preinstalled :(  and Vista does show up in the boot menu  - I can run Vista fine.17:20
FSHeroOn another computer, I can write to my Windows XP partition fine from Ubuntu Feisty i386.17:20
FSHero(This vista comp. of mine, I'm running Kubuntu Gutsy amd64)17:20
FSHero(sorry, the XP comp has Kubuntu Feisty i386)17:21
FSHeroSay I try to create a text file in /media/sda2/Users/SomeUser/My Documents/ - it comes up with:17:22
FSHero"Could not write to /media/sda2/Users/SomeUser/My Documents/temp.txt" (in Dolphin)17:22
FSHeroIf i run sudo touch temp.txt in that same directory, it says:17:23
FSHero"touch: cannot touch `temp.txt': Operation not supported"17:23
hungrymousei cant believe im asking this, but is it possible to set it up so that focus switches to a window when you click ANYWHERE on it (as opposed to only on the title bar)17:24
BluesKajLacrymology, now you have to configure kmix : open kmix and enable Master & PCM on the output tab , then CD & IEC playback (if listed) in the Input tab , next make sure Mix & IEC958 are enabled in the Switches tab , then click on Settings/Configure Kmix and apply17:24
hungrymouseLacrymology, how you doing with repairing your computer?17:25
posingaspopularhow do I get my icon for sound back up?17:26
posingaspopularit used to be on the lower right hand side of my panel17:26
BluesKajSetting Alsamixer in the Terminal ,in the terminal type ' alsamixer ', make sure the Master, PCM, Line & CD are all unmuted ,by using the "M" key17:26
BluesKajposingaspopular, right click in the panel. choose Add applet to panel17:27
posingaspopularah that's the one I wanted BluesKaj17:30
posingaspopularthanks, i forgot i locked my panel17:30
staceyi tred using adept then  it gave me an error now i cant update/upgrade even by console17:31
hungrymousestacey, what does the konsole give as its error message?17:32
ubotuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »17:32
LacrymologyBluesKaj: I don't have a speaker icon in the panel, I'm looking into that kmix thing right now, and hungrymouse: I'm still not having sound17:32
staceyE: I wasn't able to locate file for the lupin-target package. This might mean you need to manually fix this package. E: Couldn't lock list directory..are you root?17:32
LacrymologyBluesKaj: there's no mixers listed in kmix, so no output bar17:33
melkorAre you guys supporting kde4?17:33
BluesKajLacrymology, alsamixer in the terminal ...see what comes up17:33
staceyaptitude gives that, apt-get just gives E: The package lupin-target needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it.17:33
LacrymologyBluesKaj: alsa is still not finding my soundcard17:34
hungrymousestacey, were you root?17:34
Lacrymologysoundwave@Optimus ~ $ alsamixer17:34
LacrymologyALSA lib confmisc.c:1286:(snd_func_refer) Unable to find definition 'defaults.ctl.card'17:34
Lacrymologyand some more of the same kind17:34
staceyi used sudo17:34
BluesKajLacrymology, 'aplay' in the terminal17:35
LacrymologyBluesKaj: very similar output17:35
melkorWhenever I update my kernel I have to reinstall my wireless drivers, is there a way to do this without going through the complete process again?17:35
hungrymousetry CTRL-ALT-BKSPACE (lazy person's version of reboot) and try agen? thats the best I can suggest ><17:35
bazhangmelkor: using ndiswrapper?17:36
melkorbazhang yes17:36
Lacrymologyhungrymouse: CTRL-ALT-BKSPACE doesn't reboot. Just restarts X.. it doesn't reload the kernel, and stuff17:36
bazhangmelkor: what wireless card17:36
melkora dell something or other.17:36
BluesKajLacrymology, methinks a soundcard driver needs to be installed ...you should find one on the nVidia site17:37
hungrymouseLacrymology: which has much the same effect.17:37
hungrymousemelkor: intel by any chance?17:37
bazhangmelkor: okay, but without more info, my advice will be like do thisthat something or other--please be more precise17:37
LacrymologyBluesKaj: yeah, that's what I thought, except for the alsa site says it has support for my sound driver17:38
melkorbazhang well it works fine right now, but when I update the kernel I need to reinstall the drivers17:38
BluesKajsure , but if it isn't installed , there's no support :)17:38
sub[t]rnlew, repos are a little sluggish today...17:38
melkorI almost think I can get away with just copying a directory17:39
hungrymouseis it possible to set it up so that focus switches to a window when you click ANYWHERE on it (as opposed to only on the title bar)17:39
omar_Hello people, I'm finding trouble installing flash player17:39
bazhangmelkor: either you want help or you dont--my question was what card--I need that info to help you17:39
hungrymouseomar_, for which browser?17:39
melkorbazhang one sec Ill find it.17:39
omar_hungrymouse: For firefox17:39
sub[t]rnlhungrymouse➜ using compiz?17:40
hungrymouseomar_, go to a page that uses flash and then let it install itself.17:40
hungrymousesub[t]rnl nope. i got it installed, but i dont use it.17:40
bazhang!flashissues | omar17:40
ubotuomar: The Flash plugin installation is currently broken. This is due to adobe changing the tar file that the package downloads.17:40
hungrymousebazhang, the flash install worked fine for me about 2 hours ago.17:40
sub[t]rnlhungrymouse➜kcontrol -> window behavior17:41
omar_I did that, but it only gave me page with many choices (tar.gz, rpm.. etc)17:41
BluesKajLacrymology, your soundcard driver would have been recognized if it was supported.Therefore I think it may need upgrading17:41
bazhanghungrymouse: how did you install it? from adobe or from the repos?17:42
BluesKajbazhang, does the flashplugin-nonfree from feisty work ?17:42
omar_hungrymouse: it gives me this page, http://www.adobe.com/shockwave/download/download.cgi?P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash17:42
hungrymousesub[t]rnl, where do i find kcontrol17:42
sub[t]rnlhungrymouse➜ alt +f2 then kcontrol, or run it from konsole17:43
Hamraomar_: you mean you're in adobe's website? if so, you dont need this since firefox automatically download and install the plugin17:43
hungrymouseomar_ i just cliked the "you have missing plugins" thing and let it install itself. it didnt take me to a page17:43
bazhangBluesKaj: I thought it was in backports17:43
melkorDell Wireless 1395 802.1117:43
melkorbazhang my wireless card is Dell Wireless 1395 802.1117:43
omar_hungrymouse: It doesn't appear here17:44
bazhangmelkor: are you using it now?17:44
melkorbazhang no I am using a cable17:44
melkorbazhang but I could use it.17:44
bazhangmelkor: sorry; are you using that computer now?17:45
melkorbazhang yes17:45
* gukk_devel is away: Zur Zeit nicht da.17:45
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bazhangmelkor: open up Konsole and type lspci17:45
hungrymousesub[t]rnl: i cant find anything in window behaviour that works ><17:45
bazhangmelkor: but dont paste it here--just tell me the wireless card name and number17:45
melkor Broadcom Corporation BCM94311MCG wlan17:46
omar_hungrymouse: how do I install rpm packages?17:47
ubotuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Broadcom43xx17:47
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about flashfix - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi17:47
ubotuRPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous)17:47
sigma_kubuntuu need the drivers. i think u can use ndiswrapper17:47
hungrymouseomar_ um... no idea ><17:47
bazhangmelkor: have you read that wiki?17:47
FSHeroHow can I make ntfs-3g write to my Vista's NTFS partition? I cannot seem to do this atm, even though I used ntfs-config.17:47
omar_What about tar.gz packages??17:48
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sigma_kubuntuperhaps switch entirely to kubuntu:)17:48
Xbehaveive got no sound, anyideas how i go about fixing it?17:49
sub[t]rnlomar_➜tar -zxvf file.tar.gz17:49
sub[t]rnl!sound > Xbehave17:49
sigma_kubuntuFSHero: its supposed 2b built in support. did u check the disks and file systems page in kcontrol?17:50
sub[t]rnl!sound | Xbehave17:50
ubotuXbehave: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP317:50
melkorbazang I don't think I've read 'that' one.  At a glance it says how to use the BC43XX drivers instead of disabling them an dusing ndis?17:50
LacrymologyBluesKaj: shouldn't a drivers list appear in adept?17:51
LacrymologyI can't see anything..17:51
sigma_kubuntuFSHero: the writable box should be checked for the hdd17:51
melkorbazhang are you familiar with using this technique.  I think I have the BC43XX driver blacklisted.?17:52
de84ttoli dont how to install program in kubuntu17:52
FSHerosigma_kubuntu: thanks for the reply; I was daydreaming in Firefox. Let me check...17:53
sub[t]rnl!adept | de84ttol17:53
ubotude84ttol: adept is the Kubuntu package manager. Howto: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AdeptHowto17:53
de84ttolmy pc dun have even the mp3 codecs17:53
sigma_kubuntuFSHero: lol17:53
jussi01!mp3 | de84ttol17:53
ubotude84ttol: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats17:53
bazhangmelkor: that wiki may be uptodate (not sure) but the ubuntuforums surely are--tons of links on how to do that--even a walkthrough that you could likely printout17:53
BluesKajLacrymology, go directly to the nvidia driver website and download the driver required for your card to /home/yourusername17:54
sigma_kubuntude84ttol: u wont find that in prob any distro. due to legal issues involved17:54
de84ttolwell im just using window before17:55
melkorbazhang, You see my wireless works fine its just everytime I update the kernel I get the same thing.  Ill try this firmware method and see if it changes.17:55
jussi01!compile > omar_17:55
de84ttoland get bored with window17:55
FSHerosigma_kubuntu: It lists my two devices: /dev/sda1 and /dev/sda2. Neither of them are mounted: when I double-click sda2, the mount-point box has "<mount point>" in it.17:55
FSHeroLet me try to set up a pastebin17:56
bazhangmelkor: well just hold back on updating the kernel :}17:56
BluesKajFSHero, make sure you have FUSE installed17:56
melkorbazhang, I agree whats the use of going from 2.22.xx.44 to 2.22.xx.4517:56
sigma_kubuntuBluesKaj: whats Fuse?17:56
bazhangmelkor: exactly--and there are apparent problems with some users in the latest update--if it's not broke... :}17:57
FSHerocrap, I can't find a way to upload pics to Ubuntu's pastebin. NM...17:57
FSHeroBluesKaj: I think I have FUSE installed: when I run "lsmod |grep fuse" it comes up with:17:57
FSHerofuse                   52528  517:57
marx2kHow do I find out what's new with the latest kernel upgrade?17:57
BluesKajsigma_kubuntu, http://www.ntfs-3g.org/17:57
* ScorpKing jumps up and down and wave to everyone.. ;)17:58
sigma_kubuntuBluesKaj: doesnt that come standard with gutsy?17:58
FSHeroI'm just thinking... maybe I should put enter a mount point (e.g. /media/windows) into that Kcontrol box17:58
ScorpKingmarx2k: look at the changelog on the website17:59
marx2kyes but where on the website17:59
sigma_kubuntuFSHero: if none of ur hdds are mounted where is kubuntu running from?17:59
acidityHi. what would the easiest way to recursively traverse a directory and change all .htm files to .php files?17:59
BluesKajsigma_kubuntu, some of the std gutsy apps aren't working in some setups ...they maybe installed but require helper apps in some cases17:59
aciditymv *.htm *.php, dosnt work :(17:59
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sigma_kubuntuFshero: yeah u cud try that18:00
ScorpKingmarx2k: http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v2.6/ChangeLog- for that kernel18:00
FSHerosigma_kubuntu: only my ntfs partitions are not mounted! I'm running it on /dev/sda4, an ext3 partition18:00
BluesKajBBL ..lunch18:00
FSHeroactually... perhaps I should say that I was mucking around with umount and mount -a earlier. If I have a 'fresh' reboot, I can access the files on these drives read-only.18:01
FSHeroAny, to kcontrol I go.18:01
LacrymologyBluesKaj: they don't have it.. for real18:01
ScorpKingFSHero: if you have read-only access change the permissions18:01
sigma_kubuntuFSHero: i see . wel create a mount point (try put it in your home folder) and try mount it18:02
sigma_kubuntuFSHero: ive never tried writing 2ntfs. use with caution. it may cause data loss18:03
FSHeroScorpKing: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/48895/ is the output of mount18:03
FSHerosigma_kubuntu: I've used ntfs-3g with Kubuntu Feisty i386 on an XP partition: it's been okay for months, so I'm going to risk it here ;)18:04
acee1234im running 7.10 kubuntu and when i start the system and everything is autmatically opening froma previous session everything loads quickly but after its done and after i enter passwords for everything if i try to open any new program or window the screen darkens for a bit then opens the program taking considerably longer than normal. any ideas?18:04
sigma_kubuntuok well at least u used it successfuly before!18:05
ScorpKingFSHero: like i said, change the permissions if it's a problem. mount options won't solve it18:05
seezersigma_kubuntu: ntfs has complete write support "now"18:05
FSHeroScorpKing: sorry, I have the output of ls -l at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/48896/18:05
ScorpKinghehe. looking..18:05
FSHeroIt's drwxrwxrwx for sda218:05
FSHerowindows (I just mounted /dev/sda2 there)18:05
ScorpKingFSHero: it's owned by root18:06
FSHeroScorpKing: is that normal?18:06
sigma_kubuntutry get it 2b owned by u.18:06
FSHeroerr... okay18:06
ScorpKingFSHero: sometimes. run sudo chown 1000:1000 -R /<mountpoint> to change it18:07
FSHerois it just chown fshero:fshero /media/windows?18:07
sigma_kubuntuu can use that applet in kcontrol. say any user can enable or disable18:07
FSHeroScorpKing: oh ok18:07
sigma_kubuntuthat shud work18:07
FSHerowoah... hard disk is drumming!18:08
FSHerowhat does 1000:1000 mean?18:08
ScorpKingFSHero: fshero and 1000 should be the same thing if you're the only user18:08
FSHeroI am the first user on this computer. There are other users too... will they be able to write to the partition too?18:09
ScorpKingFSHero: the first user's UID is 1000. if you want others to write then you'll have to change the permissions18:10
ubotuAn explanation of how files and directories are organized on Ubuntu, and how they can be manipulated, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxFilesystemTreeOverview18:10
ubotuSi busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.18:12
FSHeroScorpKing: no dice. I went to Kate, typed some garbage, and this message comes up:18:12
acee1234any ideas? should i restate question?18:12
sigma_kubuntuanyone using quasar accounting here?18:12
FSHeroThe doucment could be saved, as it was not possible to write to file:///media/windows/Users/Minesh/My%20Documents/testing.txt. Check that you have write access to this file or that enough disk space is available.18:12
acee1234im running 7.10 kubuntu and when i start the system and everything is autmatically opening froma previous session everything loads quickly but after its done and after i enter passwords for everything if i try to open any new program or window the screen darkens for a bit then opens the program taking considerably longer than normal. any ideas?18:13
FSHeroalso, output of ls -l in /media still shows /media/windows being owned by root:root18:13
Lacrymologyis there any way to check what driver modules are there installed?18:13
ScorpKingFSHero: what does ls -l /media/windows say? i think it has to be mounted with ntfs-3g option as well btw18:13
sigma_kubuntuFSHero: what do u need windows for?18:14
sub[t]rnlLacrymology➜ lsmod18:14
ScorpKingFSHero: sudo chown fshero:fshero -R /media/windows18:14
FSHerosigma_kubuntu: Family need it. Also, it turns out I will probably need it to run my Driving Theory cdrom :P18:14
k335i installed kubuntu yesterday and have a little problem with my mp3 support18:15
sigma_kubuntuacee1234: dont leave programs running when you shut down to flush the cache18:15
ScorpKing!mp3 > k33518:15
FSHeroScorpKing: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/48898/18:15
FSHeroScorpKing: shall I do the sudo chown now?18:16
ScorpKingFSHero: yes - sudo chown fshero:fshero -R /media/windows18:16
k335wow that was fast thanks^18:16
ScorpKingyou're welcome18:16
FSHerobtw, thanks everyone for helping: I recognise some of you before :)18:16
FSHero*from before18:16
FSHeronope, windows is still owned by root:root18:17
ScorpKingheh :(18:17
FSHeroBut it shouldn't matter anyway, right? because permissions are drwxrwxrwx?18:17
sigma_kubuntuif only windows co-operated with linux. with a unified filesystem18:17
FSHerosigma_kubuntu: Yeah, I know what you mean... :'(18:17
k335the adept manager wont let me the mp3 support. it says it could break packages18:18
ScorpKingFSHero: it might. /dev/sda2 on /media/windows type fuseblk (rw,.. fuseblk should be ntfs-3g i think18:18
FSHeroI can't believe how difficult this is proving this time round, to get ntfs-3g working.18:18
ScorpKingFSHero: pastebin /etc/fstab18:18
FSHeroDoes it matter that /dev/sda2 is mounted on both /media/sda2 and /media/windows? Because that's what "mount" reveals.18:19
ScorpKingah. rather link /media/sda2 to /media/windows18:20
sigma_kubuntuFSHero: i switched completely because my sound doesnt work in xp or vista 4 sum reason. but the lack of activesync doesnt help much when u hav a windows mobile phone!18:20
FSHerosigma_kubuntu: I've heard that (predictably) Windows mobile phones don't work will with Linux. Unlucky...18:21
FSHero... also what is activesync?18:21
FSHeroScorpKing: what do you mean by that?18:21
sigma_kubuntuFSHero: apparently theres a miracle coming with hardy heron. one can only wait!18:22
FSHerosigma_kubuntu: good luck! Fingers crossed X18:22
sigma_kubuntuFSHero: activesync syncs ur phone with outlook. updates contacts calendar etc18:23
sigma_kubuntui want something 2sync 2 kontact with18:23
FSHerosigma_kubuntu: by "sync", you mean synchronise your appointments and address book to/from computer to phone?18:24
ScorpKingFSHero: if you link the two dirs you can mount it on one and still have all the files in both dirs18:24
sigma_kubuntuFSHero: yeah18:25
=== sivaji is now known as ksivaji
FSHeroScorpKing: okay... but I both show exactly the same things anyway.18:26
FSHero* "but both show..."18:26
=== Pupeno_ is now known as Pupeno
ScorpKingFSHero: mounting one device on two mountpoins might cause the problems you have. didn't know it was even possible18:27
ksivajiScorpKing hi18:27
ScorpKinghiya ksivaji18:27
FSHeroScorpKing; Okay... I unmounted /media/windows and successfully chmod-ed it so I (fshero) own it.18:27
ksivajiScorpKing top command will list cpu , mem and other stuffs right18:27
melkorCAn I install kde4 by using apt-get install?18:27
FSHeroI'll unmount /media/sda2 too18:28
ScorpKingksivaji: yes18:28
ScorpKingFSHero: righto18:28
ksivajiScorpKing i need only cpu and memory usgae to be displayed how to do that ?18:28
ScorpKing!ntfs | FSHero: look at this as well -18:28
ubotuFSHero: look at this as well -: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE18:28
ksivajiScorpKing can you get me ?18:29
ScorpKingksivaji: i do it with superkaramba18:29
FSHeroScorpKing: okay, I don't think /dev/sda2 is mounted on either /media/windows or /media/sda218:29
FSHeroShall I try to mount /dev/sda2 again?18:30
ScorpKingFSHero: no idea. still waiting for your /etc/fstab18:30
FSHerooh, I thought I did it already. Sorry ============>18:30
ScorpKinghehe. np18:30
FSHeroScorpKing: /etc/fstab is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/48901/18:31
FSHeroIt looks that fstab will load the "default" settings for sda2 (and sda1)... maybe that means read-only?18:32
ScorpKingright. looks ok but i'll change auto to ntfs-3g for /dev/sda218:32
kiizpls any idea on how to network kubuntu to use a windows internet connection18:32
hdevalenceis it just me or has kubuntu benn kinda stagnant recently?18:33
ScorpKingFSHero: no wait.. remove the last /dev/sda2 entry18:33
ksivajiScorpKing that good18:33
FSHeroHold on: that /media/windows line (last line) wasn't there earlier18:33
hdevalenceor is that b/c everyone's working on kde4?18:33
FSHero(... I checked it earlier.)18:33
ScorpKing!samba | kiiz18:33
ubotukiiz: samba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT18:33
FSHeroScorpKing: lol! I shall remove it.18:33
ksivajiScorpKing i need that cpu , memory usage of each processes how to do that ?18:33
sub[t]rnlkitz: how is the windows machine hooked up to the internet? cable modem?18:34
ScorpKingheh. not samba kiiz. sorry18:35
FSHeroScorpKing: okay, I removed that last line. I think that the ntfs-3g now looks like it's always been. Should I do anything else?18:35
ScorpKingyeah, test it18:35
FSHeroScorpKing: do I do "mount -a"?18:36
ScorpKingksivaji: why not just use top?18:37
FSHeroScorpKing:okay. (btw, should I have chown-ed /media/sda2 folder so that I own it? because I didn't)18:37
ScorpKingyou can do it after it's mounted if it's a problem18:37
sub[t]rnlgreets ardchoille18:38
FSHeroScorpKing: okay, what should I do now? try to save a file using Kate onto some folder in /media/sda2?18:38
ardchoillesub[t]rnl: :)18:38
ScorpKingFSHero: or touch /media/sda2/testfile18:38
ScorpKinghi ardchoille :)18:39
ardchoillehi ScorpKing18:39
FSHerook 1 second18:39
ScorpKingksivaji: press <CTRL>+<ESC> that will show you all the info in KDE18:41
sourcemakerwhy is the kernel 2.6.23 not in apt?18:41
hydrogenbecause it was not stable when gutsy was released18:41
FSHeroomg I think it worked!18:42
hydrogenand kernels don't get backported18:42
sourcemakerhydrogen: ok... nice to know... thanks18:42
FSHeroOmg I'm so stupid... It can write okay to the /media/sda2, but any My Documents directory seems out of bounds.18:43
FSHeroLet me confirm that -- brb18:44
kopwhat do you mean whith out of bounds?18:44
DexterFis there an easy way to tell kub "no I don't wanna upgrade this package (really), and please dont ask me again"?18:45
FSHeroScorpKing: I think that all subfolders of /media/sda2 are read only. But I was able to write to /media/sda2. Also, I was successfully able to make a folder called "kubuntu" and was able to write to /media/sda2/kubuntu18:46
sub[t]rnlDexterF➜ echo "application hold" | dpkg --set-selectons18:46
sub[t]rnlwhere application is the name of the package you don't want upgraded18:46
ScorpKingFSHero: that is what the -R option was for18:46
kopFSHero, try this: sudo chmod 777 -R /media/sda218:46
FSHeroScorpKing: Maybe all the Windows-created folders are out-of-bounds. But note: the folder kubuntu is still owned by root, and I was able to write to it as user fshero using Kate.18:47
FSHeroScorpKing: I can also write to the "download" folder.18:48
kopFSHero, have you tried : sudo chmod 777 -R /media/sda2 ?18:48
FSHerokop: no... I shall do it now18:48
ScorpKingFSHero: sudo chown fshero:fshero -R /media/sda2 -  don't forget -R18:48
FSHeroScorpKing: okay, chown is running now.18:49
kopchown? what does that does?18:49
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FSHeroScorpKing: Thanks for helping... I might have wasted your time. I was probably able to write to /dev/sda2 all along, but not to the /media/sda2/Users/Minesh/My Documents folder.18:50
ardchoillekop: man chown18:50
FSHerokop: I believe chown changes the ownership of a file to another user.18:50
kiizpls can i get my CDMA phone to work with kubuntu18:50
FSHeroShould I do chmod as well?18:50
FSHeroScorpKing: btw, I was also able to write to /media/sda2/Users before the chown command18:51
* ScorpKing is back in a sec..18:51
FSHerookay, chown is done now. Shall I try writing to "/media/sda2/Users/Minesh/My Documents" ?18:51
ardchoilleFSHero: You'll need to escape spaces: /media/sda2/Users/Minesh/My\ Documents18:52
cn28hor you could just use quotes18:52
ardchoilleYeah, quoting works too18:52
ScorpKingFSHero: you might need to run chmod 755 -R /media/sda2 as well18:52
FSHeroardchoille: thanks. But in what context? I was going to use Kate18:52
FSHeroScorpKing: okay I shall do that now.18:53
ardchoilleFSHero: Oh, sorry, thought you meant in a fm18:53
FSHeroardchoille: np :)18:53
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ardchoille!nickspam > pibblydibbly18:54
FSHeroScorpKing: okay, "ls -l /media/sda2" still shows every folder, including the "kubuntu" I made earlier, owned by root18:55
FSHeroScorpKing: but let me try writing to various folders again.18:55
ScorpKingthat suck. one sec..18:55
FSHeroScorpKing: don't worry.18:55
FSHeroScorpKing: I think I shall just put all my documents, music and downloads into /media/sda2/kubuntu: and I know it will work!18:56
pibblydibbly!nickspam > ardchoille18:56
ScorpKingFSHero: that won't teach either of us anything. hehe. just taking a look at the mount options18:56
FSHeroScorpKing: now that is the mark of an intelligent person! Solve the problem no matter what!18:57
ScorpKingnope, that's just me. hehe18:57
FSHeroScorpKing: me too at times; I can spend hours setting up stuff in Linux/Kubuntu (and before that Window$ and M$-DOS (a bit)) :D18:58
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ScorpKingFSHero: this should help - http://www.linux-faqs.com/faq/misc/ntfs.php#4.1018:59
FSHeroIn fact, (/media/sda2 shall be referred to simply as A), I can write to A/Users, A/Users/Minesh but not A/Users/Minesh/My Documents18:59
ScorpKingFSHero: just use ntfs-3g instead of ntfs for the mount options18:59
FSHeroI can also write to A/Users/Minesh/Documents19:00
FSHeroI think it is just one accursed folder that is putting a proverbial spanner in the works.19:00
ScorpKingFSHero: it might be the spaces in there. try sudo chown fshero:fshero -R /media/sda2/Users/Minesh/My\ Documents19:01
BluesKajFSHero, check out this site , there are some commands that may help you : http://www.ntfs-3g.org/19:01
FSHeroScorpKing: Oh yeah... but that seems so primitive!19:02
ScorpKingwelcome back BluesKaj. ;)19:02
FSHeroScorpKing: I can also write to "/media/sda2/Users/Public/Recorded TV/" (copied straight from the Open File dialogue box)19:03
BluesKajhis ScorpKing , thx  : )19:03
BluesKajerr hi ScorpKing :)19:04
ScorpKingFSHero: to be honest i've not seen ntfs give so much problems before. i'm only using linux so not much ntfs experience for me.19:04
ScorpKingher BluesKaj. hehe19:04
FSHeroScorpKing: maybe "A/Users/Minesh/My Documents" is an encrypted folder. apparently ntfs-3g cannot write to encrypted folders.19:04
ScorpKingcould be19:05
FSHeroScorpKing: Thanks very much!19:05
BluesKajuhm FSHero yeah, that would be it alright :)19:05
ScorpKingFSHero: you're welcome. one more thing..19:05
ScorpKingFSHero: run - ls -lR /media/sda2 | grep root | less - and see if there's more folders that's still owned by root19:06
FSHeroScorpKing: brb in a few minutes19:09
ScorpKingFSHero: i'm going to bed now anyway19:09
ScorpKinghope your disk behave. good luck.19:09
ScorpKingnite guys19:09
kiizpls pls pls does anybody know about CDMA internet acess on kubuntu19:17
kopi don't even know waht a cdma is jaja19:17
sigma_kubuntukiiz: what is cdma?19:19
chandruI have a problem with kopete.  It sends an extra space along with each message on Jabber.19:24
sigma_kubuntuis that realy a big problem?19:26
chandruit shows one empty space for each msg19:28
chandruso the receiver's msg window (on Pidgin and kopete) scrolls too fast19:28
chandruOne workaround is to remove formatting completely19:29
chandrubut is there no way to retain formatting and still remove ht line?19:29
kalibhey guys...anyone here is already using Kubuntu 8.04 ?19:30
sigma_kubuntuperhaps report a kde bug?19:30
kopjaja 8.04 teh 7.10 is already unstable and you want someone to use 8.04!!??19:32
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kopi don't want to think how many bugs would that have......19:32
sigma_kubuntugutsy isnt unstable19:33
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bucatoamanoi have a folder with some files i would like with chmod set folder and files as writable from  everyone19:36
bucatoamanook soleved19:37
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto19:39
kalibi just wanna know if that problem with notebooks ATI sound is ok now on this version... cause on 7.10 is terrible... :/19:39
combiniois this possible to download files with P2M technology under kubuntu ??19:40
combiniocuz p2m programs don't work under wine :/19:41
BluesKajcombinio, look in google linux for an answer19:45
combinioBluesKaj: kk, thanks :)19:45
trappistI dunno what p2m is, but I bet some of em would work in wine, and I bet there are linux implementations19:45
BluesKajencrypted email trappist19:45
ardchoilleBluesKaj: Encrypted email? enigmail works in thunderbird19:46
trappisthe wants to "download files with {encrypted email} technology"?19:46
trappistand gpg works with kmail19:46
ardchoilleMaybe he meant Point-To-Many (protocol)19:46
trappistmaybe he meant p2p19:47
trappistbut it's a secret!19:47
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ubotuAPT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)19:47
ubotudpkg is the Debian package maintenance system, which together with apt forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit.19:48
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about apt-broken - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi19:49
ardchoillemick__: What's up?19:49
kalibhas anyone like (k)ubuntu 7.10??19:49
mick__ardchoille: trying to patch up a borked dist-upgrade19:49
kalibit's so full of bugs... :/19:49
kalibi was a big kubuntu fan until 6.10... but after i tried now 7.10... i was disapointed19:50
ardchoillekalib: I use it on 11 machines and haven't seen any problems yet. If you ask a specific question maybe someone can help19:50
mick__ardchoille: I know there's a tip that ubotu spits out but can't remember what it is19:50
Dean_So wait until KDE 4.0 kalib!19:50
chandruI have reported the bug at http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=15130119:51
chandruif someone is intersted in fixing it, it will be gr819:51
ardchoille!adeptfix | mick__19:51
ubotumick__: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »19:51
mick__ardchoille: thx but the db is not locked - dpkg --configure -a fails with a shedload of errors19:52
kalibardchoille yeah...in desktops it's ok...but in notebooks... if you try, you will see so many bugs...19:52
BluesKajkalib, be more specific about your disappointment. How else can ppl help correct it ?19:53
mick__kalib: i use 7.10 on a notebook - no problems here19:53
ardchoillemick__: Can you pastebin the errors? Maybe someone can help you fix them.19:53
mick__kalib: ...not to say there aren't any :)19:53
ardchoille!pastebin | mick__19:53
ubotumick__: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)19:53
kalibfor example...the boot screem... is a dark screen in many notebooks...19:55
mick__ardchoille: just waiting for the next lot of errors19:55
mick__ardchoille: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/48906/19:55
kaliband another example... the sound...the sound is not working in many notebooks... with ATI for example19:55
ardchoillemick__: Can you pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list please?19:56
BluesKajkalib, that's not the fault of Kubuntu 7.10 , that's ati's poor support for notebook sound & graphics drivers19:56
kalibBluesKaj not really...cause i always used this notebook with kubuntu.. ;]  until 6.10...but i installed the 7.10 and now my sound is not working...19:59
kaliband i saw on google so many people with the same problem..not only with ATI..19:59
kalibyou can search on google... "sound not working on K(U)buntu.."19:59
Ayabarawhen I click a movie file in a konqueror/nautilus, I want the default action to be "open a terminal and run mplayer <filename>". is this possible to do?19:59
kalibAyabara yeah...you should click on it with the right bottom and select "open with"20:00
kaliband you can choose an application and set as default20:00
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BluesKajkalib , i have the same onboard sound as most ati notebooks , i just reset everything the wat it was on 7.04 and it works fine20:01
Ayabarakalib, yep, but I don't want the gui mplayer. I want to first open a terminal and then input mplayer filename20:01
BluesKajit also worked fine on 6.10 BTW20:01
BluesKajkalib,, when upgrading to 7.10 one's sound and graphics settings are reset to defaults, then one has to reset everything again, that's all20:03
kalibBluesKaj my sound was working on kubuntu 6.10... but now, on 7.10 is not...that's a fact... so the problem is not my notebook... I'll try to download and check it on Kubuntu 8.0420:03
BluesKajgawd... /p20:04
kalibBluesKaj I didn't upgraded...i formmated and had install it again... from zero20:04
BluesKajwell, that's still the default settings at work which have to be reconfigged20:04
mick__ardchoille: sources.list http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/48910/20:06
kalibBluesKaj how can i do that?20:06
BluesKajkalib,  k-menu/system settings/sound system/enable sound system,then choose hardware tab/select the audio device/Advanced Linux Sound Architecture, click apply20:07
ardchoillemick__: Ok, I see some edgy repos in there but they're commented. Did you happen to replace edgy with gutsy and then do a dist-upgrade to to go from edgy to gutsy (bypassing Feisty)?20:08
mick__nope - they're just residual from a previous dist-upgrade20:08
mick__I don't tidy up very often!20:08
ardchoillemick__: Did you go from edgy to gutsy with a dist-upgrade?20:08
mick__nope edgy - feisty some time back20:09
mick__now feisty - gutsy20:09
BluesKajkalib, then : in the terminal type ' alsamixer ', make sure the Master, PCM, Line & CD are all unmuted ,by using the "M" key'...unmuted has "00" in the box20:09
kalibBluesKaj it's already like that20:11
BluesKajok kalib , open kmix and enable Master & PCM on the output tab , then CD & IEC playback (if listed) in the Input tab , next make sure Mix & IEC958 are enabled in the Switches tab , then click on Settings/Configure Kmix and apply20:12
kalibit didn't work...i've already tried before..20:12
kalibthanks anyway..i got go now20:12
kalibtake care20:12
BluesKajyou missed a step20:13
ardchoillekalib: Even if you tried something before, try it again when someone suggests it because any output/errors may help them help you.20:13
BluesKajardchoille, he does have a point tho, the sound setup is really pretty chaotic on kubuntu 7.10, hope things change on the next offereing20:15
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ardchoilleBluesKaj: Yeah, I've only seen each release get better.. I'm still quite impressed.20:16
Hamrato start compiz i usually type "compiz --replace", how can i go back to normal screen without compiz?20:16
BluesKajardchoille, 3 different configurations required to get the sound working ...what windows users would stand for that ? :)20:16
jussi01Hamra: kwin --replace20:17
kiizpls pls pls does anybody know about CDMA internet acess on kubuntu20:18
RogueJediXHow do I find out why Kopete's auto away won't work and why the screensaver doesn't turn on? I usupect the problems are related20:18
dreamcodercan someone tell me a good ftp server for kubuntu pls something that is very easy to use i only need to use it once20:19
jussi01kiiz: which device?20:19
ubotuFTP clients: !Nautilus, !gFTP (for !GNOME) - !Konqueror, !Kasablanca, !KFTPGrabber (for !KDE) - See also !FTPd20:20
jussi01!ftpd | dreamcoder20:20
ubotudreamcoder: FTP servers: ftpd, proftpd, pure-ftpd, twoftpd, vsftpd, MuddleFTPd, wzdftpd - Graphical front-ends: PureAdmin, GProftpd (for GNOME), KcmPureftpd (for !KDE) - See also !FTP20:20
dreamcoderthank you20:20
oobeapt-get install bum20:23
BluesKaj!cdma | kiiz20:24
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about cdma - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi20:24
sourcemakerwhat's the best way to upgrade drapper to gusty?20:24
ubotuBoot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto20:24
ubotuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes20:24
BluesKajsourcemaker, a clean live cd install is really the only way to jump 3 upgrades20:25
jussi01BluesKaj: alternate cd would do just as well... ;)20:26
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small_stripesmay i know how to check the version of linux im running?20:28
ardchoillesmall_stripes: lsb_release -a20:29
ardchoillesmall_stripes: Oh, sorry, you said Linux: uname -a20:29
small_stripesLinux ubuntu 2.6.20-16-generic #2 SMP Sun Sep 23 19:50:39 UTC 2007 i686 GNU/Linux <--this is 7.10 rite?20:30
KartiHi all, could someone recommend a linux tool that would work along the lines of Magic Iso, and allow the creation of iso's and the addition of files to already created iso files. Many thanks20:30
small_stripescos the update tells me theres a new distribution to be downloaded..which confuses me20:30
jussi01small_stripes: there is a bug in gutsy about that20:31
ardchoillesmall_stripes: If you want to know the versio of kubuntu you are using: lsb_release -a20:31
small_stripesi installed thru wubi20:31
small_stripesNo LSB modules are available.20:32
small_stripesDistributor ID: Ubuntu20:32
small_stripesDescription:    Ubuntu 7.0420:32
small_stripesRelease:        7.0420:32
small_stripesCodename:       feisty20:32
small_stripeson dear20:32
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)20:32
jussi01small_stripes: please dont do that20:32
small_stripesyea sorry20:32
ardchoilleKarti: Perhaps look at kiso20:32
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genericI think  that one of my scripts is in error or is incomplete:  http://pastebin.ca/82413420:33
BluesKajKarti, acetoneiso is the poweriso equivalent on linux20:34
Kartiardchoille:  Many thanks20:34
genericThe script in question is: /usr/share/initramfs-tools/scripts/init-bottom/udev20:34
KartiBluesKaj: Many thanks...just looking at them all now20:34
genericCan someone look at it and mayb compare it to your   own?20:35
jussi01generic: heres mine: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/48919/20:39
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small_stripesdoesnt Wubi-7.04.04 installed ubuntu 7.10?20:48
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enrygood night!21:00
luciashanyone using kdenlive 0.5 ?21:03
luciashi have trouble to get nice result while exporting (rendering) the timeline - it is always "choppy" video while there are some horizontally moving shots21:03
luciashit's not that bad, but it is noticeable on those shots21:04
luciashso it is annoying and i cound find any recommended export format/combination of parameters to avoid that :-/21:04
luciashany idea what could avoid this problem ?21:05
luciashi just need to confirm the problem is not just here so i can decide to compile mlt/ffmpeg by myself or find some other solution21:05
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hungrymousehow do you make KTorrent (or other programs, for that matter) run on login?21:22
Flare183hungrymouse: put a link to it in your autostart folder21:23
jussi01!autostart | hungrymouse21:23
ubotuhungrymouse: To make programs autostart with your KDE session, you can make a link to it in ~/.kde/Autostart. The package 'kcontrol-autostart' makes a kcontrol item for handling items in that directory.21:23
brmassaGuys, i read somewhere that Hardy will still use KDE3. Is that true?21:40
sigmacan someone explain to me why internet on linux feels faster than internet on windows?21:40
sigmabrmassa: thats true21:41
Tm_Tsigma: it's all about not having spaghetti code21:41
SSJ_GZbrmassa: Yes..21:41
hungrymousesigma, linux the OS is less laggy, so the same speed internet doesnt get lagged by the OS.21:41
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brmassasigma and SSJ_GZ: why is that?21:41
sigmabrmassa: its because kde4 will only be considered stable by the kubuntu dev's when it reaches 4.121:41
Tm_Tsigma: negative21:41
nosrednaekimsigma: not true...21:41
sigmabrmassa: trust me its better that way21:42
sigmabut didnt they say that when it goes 4.1 its going to be the default desktop?21:42
Tm_Tbrmassa: it's because Hardy is LTS, it is meant to be _really_ stable, and KDE4 as default could be bit risky21:42
sigmawith 8.10?21:42
nosrednaekimhardy is a LTS release, it would not be good to include a brand-new desktop in such a release21:42
Tm_Tsigma: two different things21:42
sigmai see21:42
hungrymousewhy does ksynaptics not implement its settings on startup? it keeps them saved, but i actually have to go into it and apply them.21:42
brmassasigma: strange thought. KDE guys would only launch a final product when it would be ready right?21:42
nosrednaekimsigma: its planned for 8.10, yes21:42
sigmaok well that makes more sense21:43
brmassaTm_T: ohhh... true. i forgot about it21:43
Tm_Tbrmassa: 4.0 isn't fully ready, it can't be, as in sense of functionality21:43
nosrednaekimbrmassa: 4.0 is not supposed to be a "final product"21:43
sigmabrmassa: well its always going to have bugs because remember not everyone tests kde 421:43
sigmawhen its beta21:43
sigmaso a "final" version must be released for more people to test it21:44
brmassabut they will create a ready to go KDE4 for K8.04 right?21:44
trappistnosrednaekim: it is supposed to be a release candidate, and my impression is more like early beta.21:44
Tm_Tbrmassa: yes21:44
nosrednaekimbrmassa: certainly... there is a one already.21:44
Tm_Tbrmassa: but it's not default21:44
sigmabrmassa: yeah i spoke to JRiddell, the head dev guy, he said there will be a cd with kde4 available for download21:45
nosrednaekimtrappist: eh, hasn't crashed on me once.21:45
brmassaTm_T: gotcha. thanks21:45
brmassasigma: thats good news.21:45
Tm_Tsigma: you did? ;)21:45
trappistnosrednaekim: me either, but kontact crashes regularly, I can't configure the panel, there's a lot of missing functionality, etc.21:45
sigmaTm_T: lol yeah a few days ago21:45
jussi01Tm_T: I beleive thats caórrect, it will be included but not default21:45
Tm_Tjussi01: it is correct21:46
Tm_Tno believing in that21:46
nosrednaekimtrappist: yeah, the new kontact is NOT ready at all, I use the kde3 one still. The panel is not as functional, but it DOES work.21:46
Tm_Tsigma: ;)21:46
sigmathe last kde 4 that i tested had half the icons missing, it looked pretty bad!21:46
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trappistnosrednaekim: my biggest complaint is that installing kde4 screwed up my kde3 installation, so I'm kinda stuck with kde4 until I have time to fix what's broke21:47
nosrednaekimtrappist: what did it do?21:47
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sigmatrappist: should just use the live cd, its the safer option:)21:48
trappistnosrednaekim: right-clicking the desktop does nothing, alt-f2 does nothing, alt-space does nothing, kicker only wraps around 3 sides of my compiz cube, and so on21:48
ardchoilletrappist: ouch21:48
ArtimusIs there anyway I can regenerate the /dev/disk/by-uuid folder symlinks?  I just formatted a partition and would like to make sure it'll mount before I reboot and get a message about not being able to mount a volume...21:48
sigmabut i did notice that during the tutorial Riddell was using Kde4 which is good news, because if the devs are playing with it now, by the time 8.10 gets released it will be pretty stable21:49
nosrednaekimtrappist: hmm same exact thing happened to me... I think its actually a problem with compiz..because the people I have heard complain about it were all running compiz-by-default21:49
sigmadon't think kde4 likes compiz! doesn't it have its own composite manager now?21:50
ardchoillesigma: kde 3.5.7 has its own composite manager21:50
nosrednaekimsigma: yeah... but there is somthing about kde4+kde3+compiz.. that really messes up kde321:50
sigmaardchoille: it has pretty hopeless effects though:)21:51
sigmaardchoille: but a good start none the less21:51
ardchoillesigma: drop shadows, transparency, some effects.. it was sufficient for my needs.21:51
ardchoilleIndeed, a good start21:51
sigmai just want that cube21:52
sub[t]rnltrappist➜ I backed up my home dir, clean installed kde4 to play around.  I reverted everything back when I was done just using apt.21:52
sigmaits the coolest thing ever21:52
nosrednaekimyeah, the best option is to use it with a new user.21:52
hungrymousewhy does ksynaptics not implement its settings on startup? it keeps them saved, but i actually have to go into it and apply them.21:52
trappistnosrednaekim: yeah I was thinking that too, but I can no longer live without compiz :)21:55
pjfloydadept keeps crashing/complaining that something else is using the db (newbie question) - what can I do?21:57
ubotuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »21:57
nosrednaekimpjfloyd: that is one of the most commonly asked questions :D21:58
pjfloydin my short experience, adept crashes a lot21:58
sigmathats y i dont use it! i use kpackage, the only thing i ever used adept for was to switch off updates21:59
nosrednaekimpjfloyd: use synaptic, its less buggy.21:59
sigmawhy was adept created? if synaptic was so much better to start off with22:01
jussi01sigma: synaptic is gtk22:02
sigmai just dont get why kde and gnome couldn't both use kde22:02
sigmaqt i mean22:02
sigmawould solve the whole gtk dilemma22:03
jussi01sigma: go google kde v gnome22:03
pjfloyda question of politics22:03
sigmayeah i know theres friendly rivalry amongst them22:03
Flare183How to i remove a place off of my "Remote Places"?22:04
sigmabut imagine what a machine of a desktop it would be if they joined forces22:04
Tm_Tsigma: and we would have lost large variety22:04
* pjfloyd is mainly a Solaris user == GNOME :-(22:04
Tm_Tanyway, that's offtopic ;)22:04
sigmabut honestly gnome is hopeless on the looks side!22:05
pjfloydKDE/Qt wasn't GPLitically correct22:05
pjfloydsigma: a ton of work has gone into polishing that turd, it isn't so bad now22:05
ubotu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!22:05
pjfloydfair enough22:06
sigmaanyway i have a question, when kubuntu boots up it tries to mount a hard drive that i removed from my pc and always says "failed", how do i stop it from doing this?22:07
sub[t]rnldid you leave it in /etc/fstab?22:08
Artimussigma: Edit the file /etc/fstab as root and remove the line(s) for those partitions...22:08
pjfloydboot still succeeds? delete it from /etc/fstab22:08
Pete_^has the konqueror flash auto-install stopped working recently? I'm getting an error about ".....install_flash_player_9_linux/flashplayer.xpt does not exist."22:08
Artimussigma: If you need an explanation of that, let us know...22:08
ArtimusPete_^: It's very broken on my box as well.22:09
sigmaok i found it, will delete it22:09
Pete_^Artimus: I guess Adobe has changed something in the tarball22:09
sigmathe line that is22:09
sigmaok, question 2, on my laptop in the "Storage Media" window theres a whole lot of NFS shortcuts that I dont use anymore, how do i remove them?22:11
pjfloydis there a problem with bash completion? esc-esc completion doesn't do anything until I hit another key22:12
=== genii is now known as supercalifragili
=== supercalifragili is now known as genii
lascarbest kubuntu book available?22:19
ubotuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose among a number of different applications, depending on your preferences, the features you require, and other factors.22:19
DragnslcrI probably don't want to ask why someone would need a Kubuntu book22:20
ardchoillelascar: I've seen several and had a hard tme choosing which was the "best" for me.22:20
lascarok, which one did you like best of that selection?22:20
ardchoilleDragnslcr: For those who like to learn and explore versus simply being a user, a book would be quite handy.22:21
* lascar chuckles22:21
ardchoillelascar: I was torn between the official ubuntu book and the ubuntu linux bible22:21
lascarardchoille: what were the best features of these two books?22:22
lascarardchoille: much obliged.  I'll look them up.22:24
BrOSsi want to unistall kubuntu.. and reinstall it from liveCD, how can I unistall it?22:31
BrOSsardchoille: are  u there? hehe22:31
Pete_^BrOSs: You can just reinstall over the top, formatting the neccessary partitions during install22:32
BrOSswell.. I don't know in which partition is exactly installed22:33
BrOSsbesides.. kubuntu is not the only os installed22:33
BrOSsi also have Vista, XP.. and old versions of kubuntu22:33
BrOSshaha is a real mess22:34
BrOSsi just want to keep Vista..22:34
BrOSsin order to reintall kubuntu22:34
Pete_^sounds like quite a mess22:40
hungrymousehow do you unlock the adminstration folder after adept crashes?22:40
ardchoilleBrOSs: I'm here22:42
hydrogen!fixapt | hungrymouse22:42
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about fixapt - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi22:42
hydrogen!fixadept | hungrymouse22:42
ubotuhungrymouse: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »22:42
hungrymousethanks hydrogen22:43
BrOSsardchoille: i're always here ^^22:44
BrOSsardchoille: well, if u can read uppage.. u'll notice my problem22:44
lovrehi all22:45
lovrewhy doesnt Koffeine display my subtitles properly, i have tried everything. It doesnt show localized chars22:46
hungrymouseBrOSs: the kubuntu partition will be the one in ext3 file system22:47
BrOSshungrymouse: i gotta go.. later i'll come back22:49
BrOSshungrymouse: thks man x)22:49
sd132help, i keep getting a "couldnt commit getting changes" error everytime i try to download a package22:53
sd132how do i fix this?22:54
hungrymousehow do i get kaffeine to play mkvs?22:55
sub[t]rnlsd132: sudo dpkg --configure -a && sudo apt-get install -f22:55
sd132sub[t]rnl: thanks22:55
hungrymousesub[t]rnl: you beat me to it ><22:55
hungrymousei had an answer half written22:56
sub[t]rnli just wrote up some bash scripts for konversation for the frequent questions22:56
* sub[t]rnl shrugs22:56
sub[t]rnlhungrymouse: sudo dpkg --configure -a && sudo apt-get install -f22:56
sub[t]rnlsd132➜ hrm, not sure with kaffeine.  I know mplayer or vlc will play them fine22:58
sd132sub[t]rnl: do i want to keep my current version of qt_plugins_3.3rc?22:58
sub[t]rnlsd132➜ i would yeah22:59
pteague_worki'm looking at putting a new box together... should i go with the intel e6750 or the e6600 duo ?22:59
sd132sub[t]rnl: do i need to relog or restart?22:59
sub[t]rnlsd132➜ newp22:59
sd132sub[t]rnl: thanks again23:00
oobehow does one type ➜23:00
hungrymouseyou seemed to manage it xD23:00
sub[t]rnljust like that!23:00
oobei copied and pasted it23:00
Pete_^ΩŁE® I only recently realised holding down the alt gr key + typing on characters gave alternate ones.23:01
Pete_^I don't think its from there23:01
Pete_^(I'm aware of alt + numpad combination on windows.)23:01
oobealt + gr?23:02
oobewhat is a gr key23:02
Pete_^no, the "Alt gr" key ;)23:02
Pete_^hold down "alt gr" and press some characters elsewhere on the keyboard. (IRC may not be the best place for it)23:03
_michaelHello I'm trying to set up voice commands and how would I get a usb microphone to accept input when it is not the default audio device. Is there a command to specify input device?23:04
oobei dont seem to have alt gr23:04
hydrogenalt gr is usually right alt23:04
Pete_^oobe: look to the right of your space bar23:04
hydrogenwith the right keyboard layout23:04
Pete_^unless you have some non-standard compact keyboard (possibly a laptop)(23:04
Pete_^On some keyboards its just labeled "Alt" I believe23:05
Pete_^Although I don't know if it sends a different keycode or not, never looked into it, but some of my keyboards show "Alt" where others show "Alt Gr" anyway.23:06
oobealt doesnt do anything for me23:07
sd132great, my kstars is broken23:10
=== Ghone[fark] is now known as Ghone
Dean_What could be the reason (and fix) if alt+F2 doesn't bring up Run Command?23:11
jussi01Dean_: beacuase its mapped to super + r ?23:12
jack11so how come ubuntu 7.10 doesn't have the /etc/iftab file?23:12
jussi01neville: ?23:12
spinachexcuse me¿23:13
jack11what version of kubuntu are you guys running?23:13
spinachurm anyone using firefox in gnome right now¿23:13
Dean_jussi01: How would one go about mapping it to alt+f2 ?23:13
nevillewhy did you waste your time trying to start trouble in #macosx23:13
spinachthey pretend to be gay23:14
ubotu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!23:14
ardchoilleneville: Please take that to another channel23:14
spinachbut are not really gay23:14
Dean_spinach: I have fx and gnome installed and frequently use them together, does that count?23:14
jussi01spinach: please dont or you will be removed.23:14
jack11anybody using kubuntu 7.1023:14
spinachOH no23:14
Pete_^bad bad link..23:14
jack11kubuntu 7.10 doesn't have /etc/iftab file23:15
jack11does anybody know where i can find/get this from?23:15
LjLthe link spinach posted is malicious, please don't click on it23:15
melkorI have a laptop with bluetooth, but when I use "hctool dev" I cannot see anydevices.  Does this mean my bluetooth is not properly working?23:16
awen-jack11: what do you need /etc/iftab for?23:16
Dean_Ya, it's sort of a hassle><'23:16
sd132how do i turn off the join leave notifications in konversation?23:17
krwlng_merhaba bana yardımcı olabiliecek bi arkadaş varmı23:18
sub[t]rnljack11➜ /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules23:19
fignewsd132: hmm, I would guess settings --> behavior --> ignore23:19
fignewthough I wouldn't know what to put in :)23:19
hydrogenLjL: it wasn't really malicious.. just an adventure!23:20
LjLhydrogen: i suppose you could see it that way... i don't, though :P23:20
Pete_^Hah, I guess he has his client set to insert that in place of some other character after auto completion of names23:20
bluemanso how come ubuntu 7.10 doesn't have the /etc/iftab file?23:21
sd132fignew: please dont guess23:21
bluemancan anybody help?23:21
fignewsd132: screw you too buddy :)23:22
ubotuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.23:22
Pete_^blueman: It looks like it is replaced with /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules in Gusty.23:22
sd132fignew: you were WRONG23:22
bluemando you know why they did that?23:23
mikyالسلام عليكم23:23
fignewsd132: Oh NOES!!!!23:23
Pete_^blueman: I have no idea, sorry23:23
LjL!sa | miky23:23
ubotumiky: For the Arabic language or Saudi Arabia you are invited to join للغة العربية رجاء انظم #ubuntu-sa23:23
LjLsd132, fignew: fight in a private query if you have to fight, please23:23
awen-blueman: was it there in feisty ? i thought it wasn't in debian + derivates at all23:24
fignewLjL: Sorry, some people have no respect. I'm just here to help :)23:24
bluemanPete: I'm looking at this file but its completely diferent format that what im used to in iftab23:24
LjLfignew, sd132: anyway, Settings / Configure Konversation / Behavior / Chat Window / Hide join/part/nick events23:24
posingaspopularI'm trying to sign the CoC and LP keeps telling me there is no text input, when there clearly is23:25
posingaspopularcan anyone help?23:25
Pete_^blueman: Sorry, I don't know much about it either, and I have to go now for a bit! Hope someone can help, or you can try searching online in the meantime with knowledge of which file you need to edit.23:25
mempmany do i keep getting booted from this room.ahhh23:30
SyntaxError55How do I add icons to my KDE Desktop?23:30
mempmanSyntax: simply right click on the icon you want to add and then select send to desktop23:30
SyntaxError55mempman: Right click on the program's name in the KMenu?23:30
mempmanor yyes23:31
SyntaxError55ok thanks23:31
mempmanwhat happened to blueman23:32
mempmani guess he's not here anymore23:32
mempmanalright, so what about "iftab" in kubuntu23:32
mempmandoes anybody know if "iftab" existed in feisty???23:32
ardchoillemempman: You are blueman23:32
mempmanyes, yes i am23:32
SyntaxError55Oh, thanks mempman :)23:34
mempmanno prob23:34
posingaspopulardoes anyone know how why opening a signed Ubuntu CoC would be so ahrd to open?23:36
Tm_Tnever noticed difficulties23:37
hydrogeni've never touched ubuntu's CoC23:37
* hydrogen couldn't resist :(23:37
mempmananybody running ubuntu on a laptop???23:40
* tekteen uses kubuntu on an hp laptop23:40
mempmani recently installed kubuntu on my laptop and i find it annoying to not have power controls23:40
tekteendon't u have a battery monitor?23:41
mempmanfor example, i downloaded and installed wmbattery but i would really like some good power controls23:41
tekteenit comes with kde23:41
mempmanwhat is it called?23:41
mempmang2g does not exist23:42
mempmani have kubuntu 7.1023:42
ardchoillemempman: superkaramba? gkrellm?23:42
mempmani have none of those23:43
mempmani have fired up adept and i can't find g2g23:43
Eyelesshow do i do persistent changes to grub.conf? (so that it doesnt get changed back when i update my kernel etc)23:43
mempmang2g doesn't even exist according to adept23:44
tekteeng2g=im for got to go23:45
mempmanoh whopps23:46
hydrogenif #kubuntu had a quote board23:46
hydrogenyou'd just make the top23:46
mempmanofcourse i knew what it meant, i was only pretending...23:46
tekteenI do not know what it is called though23:46
hydrogenthat still was almost quote board worthy23:46
mempmanim getting gkrellem-ibam23:49
steveireAnyone here have qt demos and want to confirma bug for me?23:51
steveireandreas__: Hi23:52
andreas__Can anybody help me?23:52
andreas__Have you used Dc_gui?23:52
steveireNope. What is it?23:53
andreas__It is a file sharing program23:53
andreas__but i don't know how to work with it23:53
steveireandreas__: Is it part of kubuntu?23:54
andreas__no but you can find it in Adept Manager :)23:54
andreas__it's a Direct Connect client23:55
andreas__So apart from that what file sharing programs can you use in Linux?23:55
Flare183!p2p > andreas__23:56
ubotuPeer-to-peer filesharing clients are available for several networks/protocols, including !BitTorrent, !Gnutella, !eDonkey, !DirectConnect, !SoulSeek - Multi-protocol engines include !MLDonkey and !giFT - See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/P2PFileSharing for general information23:56
steveireandreas__: On kubuntu apollon is good23:57
steveireHow Do you edit the responses of ubotu?23:57
hamadoooneed help plz23:57
steveireandreas__: Yep. Look in adept23:57
andreas__how come i didn't come across to it23:57
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)23:57
NickPrestasteveire, /msg ubotu bot23:58
andreas__i will have a  look23:58
hamadoooi want to change the brithness in my laptop23:58
hamadooohow can i do that in ubuntu23:58
NickPrestahamadooo, this is the Kubuntu channel. If you have Ubuntu, you should go to #ubuntu23:58
hamadooothey didn't help me there23:59
andreas__hamadoo i want to do the exact same thing in my Dell!23:59
hamadoooand i thini is the same23:59
hamadoooandreas yes but i have toshiba23:59
NickPrestahamadooo, well, Kubuntu (by default) uses KDE. Ubuntu (by default) uses GNOME. The GUI way of changing brightness is different23:59
hamadooooh ok23:59
mempmani have hp laptop, are there any good programs out there to change touchpad sensitivty settings?23:59
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about apollon - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi23:59
andreas__well i can't do that in either windows or linux23:59
NickPrestahamadooo, if you aren't getting any help in #ubuntu, try searching "monitor brightness ubuntu" on Google23:59

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