
bersaceHi everyone14:32
bersaceis it planned to ship a kind of "Dark Ubuntu" ?14:32
bersaceSome people do like such theme especially since it's less tiring for the eyes14:33
andreasnhey bersace14:37
andreasnI would like to ship a dark theme in gnome-themes14:37
bersacesounds good14:37
andreasnwe currently have darklooks in gnome-themes-extras, but it would be nice to have something in gnome-themes14:38
andreasnand that worked really14:38
andreasnjimmac even suggested we should do it out of the box in upstream gnome :)14:39
andreasnas the default14:39
andreasnanyway, have any good candidates? (bonus points if it's using the clearlooks engine)14:40
bersaceno candidate15:07
andreasnkwwii: ping16:40
kwwiihi andreasn17:10
kwwiihey man17:10
kwwiijust stopping in shortly before going to band practice17:11
andreasna dude just came into #gnome-art asking for some help with getting his custom usplash working17:11
andreasnknow any better guide than https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto ?17:11
kwwiihrm, probably the same person who sent an email to the entire usplash list17:11
kwwiinope, and not all of that information is totally correct I guess17:12
andreasnkomputes? some canadian guy?17:12
kwwiilol, he is apparently a canonical employee17:13
andreasnanyway, I asked him to try to contact you, I forgot like 90% of how I last did it :)17:13
kwwiitalking to him on the canonical chat atm17:13
andreasnah, good17:13
kwwiiyeah, it is not exactly staright forward17:13
andreasnanyway, see you later!17:14
andreasngood luck with the band practice17:14
kwwiiyeah, see you around17:14
kwwiiI'll be online tomorrow answering all my emails and such before leaving for america on friday17:14
kwwiispent the last couple days trying to relax before christmas starts17:15
* komputes is back from lunch19:27
komputeskwwii: let me know if you are back and have a few minutes so that we can work on updating the usplash19:56
troy_skomputes: There is one person who knows more about usplash than anyone in here by a long mile -- his name is Tonic.  You can track him down via the forums.20:11
komputestroy_s: thanks for the tip20:12
troy_skomputes: If you are looking to update documentation etc, he is the defacto person to chat with as he has stretched usplash well beyond anything out there.20:13
komputestroy_s: thank you, I contacted him on the forums20:28
zniavrehello / bonjour21:40
zniavrehow to remove the line around toolbar please? im using murrine engine?21:41
somerville32kwwii, ping.21:45
kwwiisomerville32: pong21:47
somerville32kwwii, sitrep21:47
kwwiisomerville32: ???21:48
somerville32situation report :P21:48
kwwiiwell, did you look into adding the wallpaper?21:49
somerville32kwwii, Yes, thats what we did the last time we talked21:50
kwwiiok, did you add it to the bzr repo?21:50
somerville32kwwii, no, I was waiting to hear back from you.21:50
kwwiiyou can go ahead and change things without worry, if there is a problem we can always revert21:51
somerville32kwwii, Do you it uploaded for Alpha 2?21:52
kwwiisomerville32: yes please :-)21:53
somerville32I'll have to violate the freeze but I should get authorization21:54
kwwiilet me know and I can poke the right people as well21:54
kwwiionce you have commited the bzr repo and uploaded I'll tell seb or pitti to include it21:55
kwwiialthough I am still on vacation I'll be going through my mail tomorrow and taking care of a few things before I leave for america21:56
somerville32You guys should make a nice little icon for the u-a-p team :)21:59
somerville32It currently has no branding21:59
kwwiiI for one have always wondered what the point is behind creating an icon for every different team22:05
somerville32To make people like me feel special :)22:05
kwwiihehe, right22:05
somerville32I also found the package were the default filename is stored22:05
kwwiiwe could just use a really small picture of you ;-)22:06
kwwiitroy_s: what has tonic done with the usplash that others have not?22:12
kwwiiI would like to see good instructions on using a throbber instead of a progress bar or so22:12
somerville32kwwii, uploading23:30
kwwiisomerville32: excellent, so the changes went into gutsy-wallpapers?23:45
kwwiiI will ping seb tomorrow and make sure it gets included23:45
somerville32They went into ubuntu-wallpapers23:45
kwwiiexcellent, thanks23:46
kwwiiwe'll need to do a debuild on the package23:47
somerville32I'm pretty sure they have a script for that :P23:48
somerville32I already tested it, it builds23:48
kwwiicool, that is what is important23:49
kwwiiusually they ask me to run debuild on it and poke them with the results23:49

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