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dholbachgood morning07:28
MithrandirStevenK: did you get anywhere with the EINVAL from mount when trying to mount squashfs?11:08
StevenKMithrandir: Yup11:10
StevenKMithrandir: New mksquashfs using LZMA, and a kernel that didn't support it11:10
StevenKMithrandir: See my mail to mobile11:11
MithrandirStevenK: d'oh, ok thanks.  That's ever so slightly unfortunate.11:13
StevenKMithrandir: Indeed.11:14
StevenKMithrandir: I wish the news were different11:14
Mithrandiryou mailed the list and said you stumbled on an unionfs bug?11:14
StevenKRight. I sent photos of the "kernel BUG" message to Amit and he said, "Argh! unionfs!"11:15
Mithrandirand that was with .24?11:15
StevenKThat was with the kernel you built11:15
Mithrandirdoes the kernel even support lzma yet?11:16
mjg59There's an external patch for it11:16
StevenKsquashfs 3.3 says it does, and pkl merged it in11:16
mjg59Orly? Excellent.11:16
loolStevenK: It seems you can pass -nolzma to newer mksquashfs for now  :-/11:16
mjg59If we use that for the livecd, we potentially get win11:16
StevenKlool: Right. I hacked m-i-c to do so11:17
StevenKmjg59: LZMA looks to be the default for squashfs-tools 3.3, so let's see what Alpha2 gives us11:17
StevenKMithrandir: I was going to keep pitti happy and look at the promotion problems next11:30
MithrandirStevenK: makes sense.  I'd liked us to have something we could give intel to start porting their graphics driver on, but it doesn't look too good then. :-/11:31
StevenKMithrandir: I discovered when I maintained ALSA that I'm not smart enough to work on the kernel11:35
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amitk_StevenK: Did pkl confirm that he merged LZMA support into LUM?12:14
StevenKHe didn't confirm, but I read the changelog of 3.3, and that's what was pulled into l-u-m12:15
amitk_StevenK: and you used the updated LUM too, right?12:15
amitk_StevenK: ^^^12:31
StevenKI used 2.212:34
StevenKMithrandir: What do you think about the latest e-mail on u-m?13:59
Mithrandirthe one about UME X startup?  Just replied.14:04
smagounIs there a good way to add a diversion (via dpkg-divert) to a package that's already installed? The moblin guys and I have both run into problems because diversions are only supposed to happen on install, not upgrade.15:12
smagounFor example: A is installed. I want to add a file F to A'. F is already installed as package B. I want users upgrading from A to A' to get the the A' version of F.15:14
smagounMithrandir: lool StevenK  ^^^^^15:21
loolsmagoun: You should be able to call dpkg-divert during upgrade in the very same way15:24
loolMake sure you test properly when to call it and think of all cases where you should remove it15:24
loolsmagoun: How is your current problematic code looking like?15:25
smagounlool: That's what I hoped, but this debian policy manual indicates I shouldn't check for upgrade: http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ap-pkg-diversions.html15:25
loolsmagoun: Oh right, I understand the limitation now15:25
smagounlool: What I'm interested in right now is moblin's xf86-video-psb driver, which blindly copies a library on top of another one becuase diversion doesn't work in the upgrade case: http://moblin.org/repos/projects/xf86-video-psb.git/15:26
loolsmagoun: What the policy page says is that you should only call dpkg-divert once15:26
loolsmagoun: If you simply call dpkg-divert without checking for $1 = install, it will run for upgrade, and other cases15:27
smagounlool: right. So presumably I could check to see if the diversion's already been done by dpkg-diver --list?15:27
loolsmagoun: The best thing to do is this indeed15:27
loolI'm checking whether I can hand a good example15:28
smagounOk, I think I understand. Since I'm only ever installing or upgrading that particular package version once, it's ok to divert in both the install and upgrade cases and I can skip the '$1 = install'15:28
loolsmagoun: But basically your preinst should be something among the lines of: if install or upgrade and diversion_not_installed; then divert; fi15:29
loolif ( install or upgrade ) and diversion_not_installed15:29
loolInterestingly, I can only find examples contradicting policy :)15:30
loolif [ "$1" = install ] || [ "$1" = upgrade ]15:30
lool    dpkg-divert --add --package perl-doc --rename \15:30
lool        --divert /usr/bin/perldoc.stub /usr/bin/perldoc15:30
smagounlool: thanks. I'll try that approach.15:32
MithrandirStevenK: if you're still awake, prod me, I have a kernel I'd like you to try on your CB.16:53
loolHow does one rebuild the amd64 kernel image?17:59
lool(From the git tree)17:59
loolStevenK: You had the command line for lpia?  O:-)17:59
Mithrandirlool: debuild -e CONCURRENCY_LEVEL=13 -e PATH=/usr/lib/ccache:$PATH -uc -us -B is what I used18:08
Mithrandirthat concurrency level was fine with an 8 core machine, adjust as appropriate for your setup18:11
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