
hansoffateyea i am buying a new machine00:00
hexxingtonthere's no comparison, performancewise. if you're insistent on amd for some bizarre reason, you want am200:00
hansoffatenaa, just trying to make a good HD system, that will last for a while00:00
hansoffatedon't want to have to build a new one in 2 years when supposedly SD content dies00:01
MindandMetalin all the benchmarks I've read I would agree, go intel, but if you get a black edition amd then they can be overclocked and the difference between intel/amd narrows a lot00:01
hansoffateis that processor good enough00:01
hansoffatehow sad, my HTPC will be so much better then my PC that i actually use ....00:02
MindandMetallol, mines the same way00:02
hansoffatek thanks for the help guys, i guess i'll go with that processor00:03
tgm4883I couldn't tell you much about that processor versus my 6300, (other than the different FSB and core), but my fan barely runs, which is kinda nice00:04
hansoffatei see00:06
tgm4883get a good board though00:06
tgm4883maybe something that will allow a good upgrade path in the future00:07
hansoffatek, when i find a board i like, i'll paste it and ask for your/others opinions00:10
=== MindandMetal is now known as MindofMetal-away
MindofMetal-awayoff hand question. is it possible to use say the remote receiver that comes with the Hauppauge usb remote receiver with an all in one remote?  say through a custom lirc config or something?00:23
=== MindofMetal-away is now known as mindofmetal
hansoffatetgm4883: what do you think about this mobo?  http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E1681313104600:25
hansoffateor anyone else that wants to comment00:25
tgm4883hansoffate, you might want to check the linux compatibility of that board.  I seem to remember some problem with the P5L boards from asus00:28
famiconbored bored bored00:30
JThundleyplay in traffic00:31
famicongets old fast00:31
hansoffatetgm4883: supposedly fedora 8 got installed without a problem on that board00:32
tgm4883sorry, check ubuntu compatibility00:33
hexxington945g ought to be fine00:33
hansoffatek, i think it will work, i'll stick with this board00:34
hansoffatehttp://reviews.cnet.com/flat-panel-tvs/samsung-hpt4254/4507-6482_7-32399836.html?tag=specs  - thats the tv i will be hooking up this box too00:34
hansoffateshould i hook it up in the PC hookup or hook it up with a dvi -> hdmi to get the best resolution?00:35
hansoffateby pc hookup ... i mean VGA00:36
hexxingtongah, what is it with plasmas and silly resolutions00:36
hexxingtondoesn't matter how you hook it up, i suspect. go with vga for least pain, IME00:37
tgm4883are you planning on doing HD?00:37
hansoffatetgm4883:  now, i don't plan on recording HD, but i do plan to have HD Avi's  that i would like to play through mythvideo and would like to display the best00:39
hexxingtontgm4883, TECHNICALLY that screen gets itself an "hd ready" sticker in .uk - technically00:39
famiconuse hdmi00:39
hexxingtonfamicon, why?00:39
famiconplus no hassle with audio cables00:40
mindofmetaltheory says that the only difference between hdmi and dvi is that hdmi passes audio along with the video00:40
mindofmetalif you pump your sound out to an outside receiver, hdmi is a waste00:40
tgm4883is audio supported over hdmi in linux yet?00:40
famiconand you can allways hookup another pc tft in case you want to do some quick tweaks00:40
hexxingtonfamicon, easier how? it's a 1024x768 screen, most samsungs only allow proper HD resolutions via hdmi. so there's an extra layer of pointless scaling in there00:40
hexxingtonand probably the need for modelines00:41
famiconin that case dont buy that tv00:41
famiconit sucks00:41
hansoffatehahah too late00:41
mindofmetalI like dvi myself, but that's based on the copy protection crap that they want to pass via hdmi00:41
hansoffateso i should get a video card w/ dvi and hook it up with a dvi->hdmi cable  and run the audio with a 1/8" to RCA audio?00:42
mindofmetalbut then, I'm not sure I've got myself an HD picture here on my HDTV00:42
mindofmetalthat's what I would suggest.  some mobo's are coming now with hdmi out on them as well though, save yourself a slot if it's an nvidia based chipset00:43
hexxingtonmindframe-, DVI supports HDCP as well00:43
famiconwell erhm00:43
famiconisnt hdcp mandatory for some media00:43
hexxingtonmindofmetal, ^^00:43
famiconnot that i care00:43
hexxingtonfamicon, yes, if the disc demands it00:43
mindofmetalthey are trying to push it being maditory, and the new blu rays and such demand it.  if you don't have it they'll only play at a lower resolution00:43
famicongood reason not to buy the disc00:43
famiconand just download it00:43
hansoffatehahah agreed00:44
tgm4883well advocating piracy is a bad thing00:44
famiconpiracy is great00:44
mindofmetalbut I'll advocate playing your owned media any way you choose to without them sitting there telling you what you can play it on and how00:44
hansoffateso ... does dvi->hdmi cable with 1/8" to rca audio sound ok?00:45
famiconespecially when you get screwed over by the people who produce mediover stuff00:45
tgm4883and while bluray and HDDVD have it available, it's not forced00:45
famiconso what, piracy is awesome00:45
mindofmetaldvi to dvi input or through hdmi converted cable without 1/8th rca sounds good.  but if you want to go one step further, go with optical into a receiver capable of decoding DTS and such00:45
hansoffatemy reciever is shitty and is about 10 years old.00:46
famicontgm4883 we are dealing with people who think its "OK" to charge people multiple times for the same content simply because its stored on a different media00:46
hexxingtonmy receiver kicks your arse, and famicon's arse, and mindofmetal's arse00:47
hexxingtonit was expensive though :(00:47
mindofmetalI don't know, I've got a pretty nice receiver00:47
famiconhexxington what receiver?00:47
hexxingtononkyo tx-sr60500:47
famiconthat is quite nice00:48
mindofmetalYamaha HTR-5960 is what I'm running00:48
famiconI dont have one00:49
famicondont need it00:49
hexxingtoni have too many games consoles and not enough connectors on my tv00:50
hexxingtonmindofmetal, nice spec, retro connectivity00:50
tgm4883famicon, what they charge is not my area of interest.  The current laws of your country are.  The current policy on this channel and all other *buntu* channels is no talk of piracy.  This will be the only warning.00:50
famicontgm4883 in my country it is covered under fair use00:51
hexxingtonfamicon, downloading movies you don't own isn't fair use00:52
tgm4883famicon, that may be the case, but the policy of the channel is no talk.00:52
famiconoh dear00:52
mindofmetalso lets talk about remotes :P00:52
hansoffatehttp://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814127273 - is that video card good enough for my tv?  it supports the resolution i need00:53
hexxingtonhansoffate, yeah, fine00:53
hexxingtonhansoffate, i use the same chipset in my myth machine00:53
mindofmetalis it possible through a custom lirc config to use an all in one remote with a hauppauge usb remote receiver?00:53
famiconi dont see why not00:53
mindofmetaldamn, I just bought that graffics card 3 weeks ago for 70 dollars00:54
hexxingtonmindofmetal, HOW? it's a £25 card! has been for about 18 months!00:54
mindofmetalbah!  maybe not the exact card, exact chipset, the 7300LE pcie card, but mines not a silent card, it has a fan, but I bought it from one of the local hardware bigstores (Fry's)00:55
hexxingtonamp! http://www.eu.onkyo.com/products/product_en_5710611.html00:57
hansoffatesweet got my full system built now - 491.92    after mail in and combo packages it should be around 450.00:58
hansoffate500gb drive should be enough space for recordings .... right?  my old one that got fried had only 250 and it was fine00:59
hexxingtondepends how much recording you want to do!01:00
hexxingtonit's 2gb/hour for most of my stuff01:00
tgm4883500 should be fine, even for HD content01:00
hansoffatek, thanks for all the help on this build.  Now time to trouble shoot my grandpa's mythtv system.  I finally got almost everything working.  The only thing I need to get is mythmusic. For some reason, it isn't able to add the mp3s in the network share.  Even though mythvideo can add the avi/mpegs in the network share.01:03
hansoffateit's driving me crazy01:03
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hansoffatesamba - cifs01:04
hansoffategot his box shared  like   /Share/Musik (mp3s)   and /Share/Video (avi/mpegs)   mounted to /mnt/Share  where the Musik and Video folders display.   I can play the mp3s over the network with mplayer, but for some reason, mythmusic doesn't seem to find them01:06
alexvdtgm4883: i am still having nvidia driver issues since rolling back to 9631.  it seems to default back to the vesa driver01:10
hansoffateanyways, back to work on this, thanks for the help guys, if anyone has any ideas on what the issue may be, please let me know01:13
alexvdhansoffate is the music on a upnp box?01:16
hansoffateuniversal plug and play box?  i don't really understand what you are asking01:17
alexvdif the music is on a device that is a media server that serves up the music via upnp it wont work until .21.  Looking at your post it looks like you are using samba so I am guessing its a hard drive on another computer.  So it doesnt seem to apply01:18
alexvddid you set the permission properly on the folders01:19
=== mindofmetal-away is now known as mindofmetal
mindofmetalok, someone please throw me a bone for some guidance on my display.  I have geforce 7300LE working on nvidia's restricted drivers (version 100.14.19) passing through DVI to my 42in plasma. some channels have tearing, no channels fit right on the screen despite the aspect ration change (W in mythtv watch tv) and over all, just not sure I'm getting the picture I should be.01:32
alexvdmindofmetal you may have overscan unless your plasma does 1 to 1 pixel mapping01:33
mindofmetalhrm, I'm not sure if my plasma does... ok, I should find that out01:33
alexvdmindofmetal in setting tv playback you can adjust overscan.  as for tearing you need to enable opengl vsync and then go into nvidia-settings and disable vsync and blitter01:34
alexvdmindofmetal also run top from a terminal to make sure you are not pegging your processor and make sure you have "useevents" "true" in your xorg file01:35
mindofmetalforgive me if I'm a newb (I am) but will opengl give me my hidef picture?  I thought Xv was required for that.  or are those not different?01:35
alexvdxv is for a computer that has low processor power and wants to run hd if you have dualcore 3.3ghz and above you probably wont need it.  Your card and monitor should have passed EDID information but you may want to check what modeline you are running.  your plasma more than likely is 720p01:37
mindofmetalhow do I check the modeline?01:39
alexvdcheck your xorg file01:39
alexvdcat /etc/X11/xorg.conf01:39
mindofmetalok, I see my monitor listed as a generic monitor, and has several modes available.  I don't see it telling me what it's running at though.  through the nvidia configuration utility it says it's at  1024x768, I have a acuire edid button that allows me to save a edid.bin file.  do I need to merge that with my xorg.conf in some fashion?01:44
mindofmetaltv is supposed to be able to do 1080i, and I can when I have my ATSC antena hooked up to it (I think)01:45
alexvdok i am not familiar with plasma that much but if the native resolution is 1080i that is what you want to force.  you can do that by commenting out the 1024X768 and do 1920x1080i01:47
mindofmetalI have an entry in my xorg.conf "nvidia-auto-select" should I comment that out as well to force the 1920?  also, I have a mode listing for 1920x1080, but it doesn't have the "i".  still the same thing?01:50
alexvdyes that should be the way to go.  Hey before you change anything make a backup of this xorg file.  I would also suggest you go here and read first.  http://www.nvnews.net/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=8454501:53
alexvdmindofmetal please backup your xorg to xorg,old before you make changes01:54
mindofmetalyes, that is a wise idea01:57
mindofmetalok, well that was a mess.02:22
mindofmetalok, well trying to comment out resolutions didn't work out for me.02:25
mindofmetalif I acquire the edid through the nvidia driver utiltiy, how do I point my xorg.conf to it?02:34
mindofmetalor rather, have it included, or.... something.  I'm not even sure if I'm making sense02:34
javatexanhowdy all...I have mythbuntu setup...i think...it keeps wanting to go to autoconfig on network and getting the wrong address.  Anyways....I need to be able to login and run mythtv frontend as a window....how and where do I do this?04:07
javatexanis it in the mythtv control center somewhere?04:07
mindofmetalit's in setup, either the frontend or backend setup, can't remember which.  but there is an option to run the frontend in a window04:08
javatexanOkay...I will look again...thanks04:08
mindofmetalok, i'ts in the front end, setup, appearance, second screen gives the option to run in a window04:10
tazgodxanyone here actually set up the set top box motorolla DCT-2244?04:39
tazgodxor better question whats a good STB from comcast, and enables the firewire?04:43
mindofmetalok, not having any luck here at all getting my geforce 7300LE (connected via DVI) to 1080i on my 42" plasma04:53
mindofmetaltried many different xorg.conf changes, nothing seems to be working out here04:53
javatexancan you use xmltv in the US?  Or do you have to go with schedulesdirect?05:00
tazgodxhave to use SD05:00
mindofmetalI don't think he'd lie to you05:02
javatexandarn..;) just checkin05:03
javatexanthat could be why my be is not workin05:03
javatexanthe fe keeps saying something about not being able to find the be....I know I have days like this, but this is software...shouldn't be doing that...the only step I skipped was the SD part b/c I don't have an account yet....I am doing that now....  How do I fix the BE now...?05:06
tazgodxi think i might ahve to get a new STB05:11
tazgodxmaybe ill just get the motorola 620005:12
tazgodxi really need a new TV, definatly need HD TV soon05:12
mindofmetalhaven't used a set top box in forever myself.  to many channels, still nothing to watch.05:13
mindofmetalah, but an HD tv, love mine.  to bad I bought when prices were so much higher05:13
tazgodxi mostly watch normal cable, but i want to watch some G4 and HBO05:13
mindofmetalI'm lucky really, the only channel outside of what I can grab off air (ATSC) that I want to watch is the discovery channel.  and that comes in my basic cable package05:14
tazgodxi watch a lot of basic cable05:15
mindofmetalalthough it would be nice to have the extra science, discovery, and history channels05:15
tazgodxUSA, Spike, Cartoon Network05:15
tazgodxbut i watch a few digital cable channels05:15
mindofmetalif I had them, I'd probably find things to watch.  hence why I don't have them05:16
mindofmetalI'm about to through my #*&!!# tv out the window right now05:16
mindofmetalthrow, yes05:18
mindofmetalforgive me, mindofmetal is a bit rusty and frustrated tonight.05:18
mindofmetalcan't even type clearly05:18
tazgodxyou can't cuss more than this show im watching now05:22
mindofmetalI can cuss to make a sailor blush.05:22
mindofmetalI've had people tell me to "keep it down man, there are mechanics around"05:23
tazgodxever see the documentary aristocrats?05:23
mindofmetalno, haven't seen it05:23
tazgodxhaha, just watch it to see how much cussing goes on05:23
mindofmetalperhaps someday05:24
tazgodxi hate documentaries05:24
tazgodxbut this one keeps my interest05:24
tazgodxits all based around a joke called the aristocrats05:25
tazgodxwhich is said to be the "dirtiest joke ever!"05:25
mindofmetalone time show or a series?05:25
tazgodxits a documentary movie05:25
tazgodxonly one05:25
mindofmetalI'll have to check it out05:25
mindofmetalthe aristocrats?  with the comedians and such?  released in 2005ish?  k, just put it on my netflix queue05:29
tazgodxthats where i first saw it, netflix05:29
tazgodxsuperm1: you around?05:33
tazgodxyou just like to hide05:35
tazgodxok, can i record a HD channel through a motorola 6200 Firewire port, and watch on SD TV?05:36
superm1from the same cable box?05:39
mindofmetalsuperm1 any idea where I would start digging to figure out why I can't get my box to show 1080i on my HDTV?  and how to fix/force the issue05:40
superm1mindofmetal, turn up verbosity on your X log05:41
superm1and look at it05:41
superm1it tells you why it didn't like the EDID05:41
mindofmetalso, verbosity of maybe level 6?05:42
mindofmetaland, where do I change that?05:43
superm1change it in the /etc/gdm/gdm-cdd.conf05:45
tubetopbabyhowdy all!05:45
mindofmetalthanks superm1, howdy tubetop05:45
tubetopbabyI apparently completely dorked my BE...is there a way to go back to setit up again?05:46
tubetopbabythe FE cant apparently connect to BE and it is probably b/c I didnt have SchedulesDirect account yet... :)05:47
superm1launch mythtv-setup05:47
superm1to set it up again05:47
mindofmetaldon't think it's that tubetop, I don't have a schedulesdirect account and mine can't talk and play together05:47
tubetopbabyfrom terminal or gui?05:48
superm1doesnt matter05:48
tazgodxno superm1 i want to get a 6200 STB and plug it in with firwire into my mythbox, and output from my mythbox to my SDTV05:55
superm1yeah that should work fine05:56
mindofmetalok, I'm just not seeing the option to increase the verbosity in that gdm-cdd.conf file.  do I have to add a line?05:56
superm1you add a command line option to it05:56
superm1i dont know off hand what it is05:56
tubetopbabyokay;....when setting up the SA4250HDC firewire  how do I know which port or node?06:01
tubetopbabyit defaults to 1294 port 0 and Node:206:02
tubetopbabywhats the difference between connection type point to point and broadcast, in this situation?06:03
tubetopbabyi dont think the firewire is working.....I'll have to wait until I get the 3250HD tomorrow I guess....How do I finish the setup now?06:05
tubetopbabyI am at the mythbuntu main mythtv-setup screen with 1-5 listed....how do I exit and continue the process?06:06
tubetopbabyi don't want to loose these settings and I want the BE to be happy06:12
superm1hit esc06:13
superm1to quit06:13
superm1brb myself06:13
tubetopbabyyes...it is filling the db...thanks06:13
tubetopbabyi think its in an infinite loop06:17
tubetopbabynope...it is getting different info each time....sorry06:19
tubetopbabyI cant vnc to to work at all09:07
tubetopbabywhat process should be running with vnc4server?09:09
tubetopbabymythbuntu says the service is enabled...but I cant find the ps?09:11
tubetopbabymaybe if i restart?09:11
sebrocksuperm1: sorry, havnt had time to check on the codes for the imon pad yet. However, I'm getting some lag whenever I press the remote. Guessing the USB is sharing IRQ or something. Anyway, I'll check back after xmas. Happy Xmas everybody, and keep up the good work!12:51
javatexanhowdy all!!!17:52
javatexanhowdy yall!!!!17:52
javatexanmy BE keeps crashing and the FE complains if IP is setup right....doesnt seem to be starting on restart....any ideas on where to start hunting?17:54
javatexanhow do I tell if the backend is running?17:58
javatexanwhat is console-kit-dae process?18:00
pdragonnot sure what that is, but you can check the logs in /var/log/mythtv18:01
javatexanif i ps -lA i have like 5 mythfrontend.re.....is that normal?18:02
pdragononly see one on mine, so don't think so18:03
pdragoni'm not watching tv or anything now, tho, so dunno if more get started up then18:03
javatexanhow do i run the setup again for the be...I found the problem18:04
pdragonjust remoted into it now for IRC :)18:04
javatexanlol...thanks for the help...I am such a noooooooooob with this systme.....it seems so magical right now and I hate that feeling18:04
pdragonfrom the CLI, i'm not sure. you can get to it from the MCC18:04
rhpot1991mythtv-setup I think18:05
rhpot1991it requires x though18:05
javatexanthanks.....found the problem...I moved the recordings folder out from under its nose.....LOL oops18:07
javatexanit didnt like that ;)18:07
pdragonahh yeah, i've done that one18:07
rhpot1991javatexan: if you have mythweb setup you can often adjust things like that in there too18:08
rhpot1991gotta be careful though as there is no verification18:08
rhpot1991its a savior when you break things while you are at work18:09
javatexanok...thanks....didnt know that ... thanks.  I haven't tried the web interface yet18:09
pdragondon't think you can adjust folder locations over mythweb, can you?18:09
javatexanstill toooooooooo noooooooooooobish18:09
pdragonhrm... can't get to mythweb myself now for some reason18:10
rhpot1991pdragon: there is a settings section18:10
rhpot1991where you can modify pretty much anything18:10
pdragonguess i never really looked hard there. just remember going there and seeing settings, but not modifying them18:12
pdragonnow i have to wait til i get home to figure out why i can't get to it :/18:12
javatexani think I am going to restart the box.  I don't know why all these processes are running.....I have been pretty hard on it lately.  It wont be able to connect to STB though...I hope that doesnt make it too mad18:12
javatexanlol...i know the feeling18:13
javatexanshould I exit myth before I shutdown or restart or is it okay with getting shutdown from system?18:13
rhpot1991I normally don't18:14
javatexank...just checkin....you never know18:14
rhpot1991I would recommend enabling the mysql daily optimization though18:15
rhpot1991its on the last tab of MCC IIRC18:15
javatexank...i think i did set that18:15
javatexanso if I plop a .avi or a mpeg file into ...../mythtv/recordings.... what would happen?  Would that add it to my library or should i plop them in /mythtv/videos???18:23
rhpot1991nothing would happen18:23
rhpot1991it just sits there18:23
rhpot1991you can plop them into the videos directory18:24
rhpot1991and scan that with the video manager18:24
rhpot1991or you can plop them into recordings then create db entries for them18:24
rhpot1991there is a script to do that, let me check18:24
javatexanokay...ill try...my damn cable box's FIREWIRE is off, so I am dying to try SOMETHING!!!!!18:24
javatexanthanks for looking18:24
pdragonthe easiest thing is dropping it in the videos folder than going to the Setup Video Manager to scan it in18:25
pdragonthat's what i do18:25
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about orphan - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi18:25
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about orphaned - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi18:26
rhpot1991If your backup was out of date, you may have orphaned videos in your myth/tv folder. To make these videos available for viewing you'll need to download the source distribution of mythtv and run myth.rebuilddatabase.pl --dbhost=localhost, which is located in the contrib directory.  This adds the missing videos to the database.  You'll be prompted to enter names for the orphaned videos.18:28
rhpot1991is where thats located it18:28
javatexancool....not sure I can handle source distribution right now ;)  I barely got mythbuntu up and running....naw...just kidding....  Sure...I love doing opensource dev how do i set it up?  Is there a pretty good website to follow?18:30
rhpot1991nah, its just a script sitting there18:31
rhpot1991all you need to do is run it18:31
rhpot1991mythvideo may be easier from a UI standpoint though18:31
rhpot1991try both and see what you think18:31
rhpot1991I prefer to not have things in mythvideo, but to each his own18:32
javatexanhow do i find out the current version of my mythtv installation?18:36
javatexannot sure which svn trunk to get ;)18:36
rhpot1991wait wait18:36
rhpot1991what are you doing?18:36
rhpot1991that should exist on your system already18:36
rhpot1991contrib comes with the backend18:36
rhpot1991sorry, should read what I pasted from another site18:37
rhpot1991said words about downloading in there, didn't realize it18:37
javatexannp....I am gullable this morning....not enough sleep... ;P18:37
javatexancan avis live in recordings or do they have to be mpeg2 or mpeg4?18:38
javatexanmpeg2 and/or mpeg4 ...sorry18:39
rhpot1991should be ok18:41
IolausHey all, does anyone have any idea why scan displacement doesn't seem to be working for me?  I'm using a Hauppauge WinTV-PVR-USB2.18:41
rhpot1991as you can transcode your recordings to xvid18:41
javatexanman vnc is not perfect...kind of slow18:48
rhpot1991I prefer nx myself18:52
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javatexanrhpot1991: I am trying the script now...but I get:  Can't locate Date/Parse.pm in @INC (@INC contains: /etc/perl /usr/local/lib/perl/5.8.8 /usr/local/share/perl/5.8.8 /usr/lib/perl5 /usr/share/perl5 /us20:29
javatexanr/lib/perl/5.8 /usr/share/perl/5.8 /usr/local/lib/site_perl .) at myth.rebuilddatabase.pl line 54.20:29
javatexanBEGIN failed--compilation aborted at myth.rebuilddatabase.pl line 54.20:29
rhpot1991try to 'sudo apt-get build-dep mythtv'20:31
javatexanis it a CPAN addition20:31
rhpot1991you can prob get it on apt, see if that works20:31
javatexanwow....92 to install....20:32
rhpot1991you can try doing mythtv-backend instead of mythtv, but eh20:33
rhpot1991or you can pick out pm'20:33
javatexannp...got 300GB on that HD...20:33
rhpot1991pm's by hand if you are worried about it20:33
javatexanI wanted to get to the point of doing dev on mythtv anyways....I miss writing "real" software20:34
javatexanbeen a professor tooooooooo long.... ;)20:34
ubotuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu-mythtv!20:34
rhpot1991I would think being a professor would let you have some time to work on side projects during your office hours20:35
rhpot1991I guess it all depends on the college20:35
javatexanyeah...we actually take up and grade homework and programs...so that takes more time....20:36
javatexanusually that would be true tho20:36
rhpot1991I knew some professors who had students helping out teaching classes and doing some of that work20:36
javatexanwe've gotten really big on the research thing, so no one does what they couldn't get a paper out of20:37
javatexanyeah...we don't do that yet...we still dont have a phd...we have a really strong MS program tho20:37
javatexani worked on n tiered systems in industry for 10 years....i am pining to get back to some real code....over the summer to help ease the pining...I wrote a cheezy game for the Half-life2 engine...It was ugly, but it gave me a chance to drill down into a nontrivial system20:40
javatexannaw...i should really get a summer gig for this summer... I just hate to look  ;)20:41
javatexanthe money would be nice...:)20:42
rhpot1991could prob look for some freelance job that doesn't tie you to anything20:43
rhpot19912nd jobs suck though20:43
javatexani know...i did 2 jobs the first 2.5 years I was here.....good way to have a meltdown...LOL  I really need something laid back.  LOL as if you can find that... ;)20:44
javatexancan you find Date/Parse.pm for me on your system...?20:45
javatexanprolly a include path problem20:45
rhpot1991that didn't fix it?20:46
rhpot1991try 'sudo apt-get build-dep mythtv-backend' too20:46
rhpot1991see if that has any others20:46
hexxingtonit won't20:46
hexxingtonmythtv and mythtv-backend come from the same source package20:46
javatexansame error....now my  myth.rebuilddatabase.pl was actually in a myth.rebuilddatabase.pl.gz...I gunziped it...maybe it was supposed to be in there?20:46
hexxingtonbuild-dep resolves binary package names to the source package name20:46
rhpot1991no, its supposed to be extracted20:47
javatexanhmmmm i don't see a Date folder20:48
javatexanthis is the line that dies : use Date::Parse;20:49
javatexanlooks like a pretty normal perly kind of use.....something else is wrong.....maybe I don't have perl setup right....I installed mythbuntu, and the ubuntu desktop.  Maybe I should reinstall perl?20:50
rhpot1991shouldn't need to20:50
rhpot1991its just a missing pm, though apt isn't helping me locate which package to install20:51
javatexanfound it in CPAN20:53
javatexanGraham Barr >  TimeDate-1.1620:54
javatexanis that the right one20:54
javatexani just love google20:54
rhpot1991try that one20:54
rhpot1991sudo apt-get install libdate-manip-perl20:54
rhpot1991ya I found that on cpan, but its easier to install on apt if its there IMO20:55
javatexanalready there20:55
hexxingtonitems in contrib are NOT covered by build-dep20:55
hexxingtonand you want/need libtimedate-perl20:56
rhpot1991I think its libdatetime-perl20:56
javatexando i have to set the path myself?20:56
rhpot1991not timddate20:57
rhpot1991you shouldn't need to20:57
javatexanno worky20:57
rhpot1991actually there is a libtimedate and a libdatetime20:58
rhpot1991my bad20:58
rhpot1991you tried libtimedate-perl?20:58
rhpot1991that should be the cpan module20:58
javatexanhold on21:00
javatexanthat didn't work either.21:02
rhpot1991still erroring on the same line?21:03
rhpot1991run 'locate Parse.pm'21:04
rhpot1991I have a /usr/share/perl5/Date/Parse.pm21:04
javatexanthats it21:05
rhpot1991does yours have it?21:05
javatexani get /usr/share/perl5/HTML/Parse.pm21:06
rhpot1991I have those too21:07
rhpot1991hmmm, you definately did a 'sudo apt-get install libtimedate-perl' ?21:07
javatexanstrangely enough...if i cd into your dir....its there too....LMAO21:08
javatexanso it is a path issue...right?21:08
rhpot1991might be a path issue then21:08
rhpot1991package installed it, I just verified thats the package it came from21:08
javatexancool...I have it.....locate and perl cant find it21:09
javatexanwow that is odd21:10
rhpot1991run 'echo $PATH'21:10
rhpot1991wait no21:10
rhpot1991thats not right21:11
javatexanwhen I run perl on it i get: Can't locate Time/Format.pm in @INC (@INC contains: /etc/perl /usr/local/lib/perl/5.8.8 /usr/local/share/perl/5.8.8 /usr/lib/perl5 /usr/share/perl5 /u21:12
javatexansr/lib/perl/5.8 /usr/share/perl/5.8 /usr/local/lib/site_perl .) at myth.rebuilddatabase.pl line 55.21:12
rhpot1991alright good21:12
javatexancheck it out, it is looking at /usr/share/perl5......right?21:12
javatexanparse.pm is at /usr/share/perl5/Date/Parse.pm21:13
rhpot1991sudo apt-get install libtime-format-perl21:13
rhpot1991it should be21:13
javatexanits right were it thinks it should be....right?21:13
rhpot1991I think your date::parse is fixed now cause it moved on to time::format21:14
javatexanyup...works...now I get a usage21:15
rhpot1991there we go21:15
javatexanokay...what options do we want?21:15
rhpot1991IIRC you tell it where to look and it scans the files and looks for ones without db entries then prompts you for each one21:15
rhpot1991here is what I did21:17
rhpot1991copies that script to /usr/local/bin21:17
rhpot1991then I just ran myth.rebuild.database.pl --file <filename>21:17
rhpot1991from within my recordings dir21:17
rhpot1991you can leave it there and just point it to the absolute path of your recording if you wanted to21:17
javatexanon each file in recordings dir... right21:17
rhpot1991well that will do it for one file21:18
rhpot1991thats all I needed21:18
javatexancool...thanks bro...you are awesome21:18
rhpot1991you can try --try_default and see if it picks them all up21:18
javatexanill just write a little perl script to get all of them21:19
rhpot1991sure no problem, unfortunately thats about as far as I can get you so you might need to google how to do a whole bunch of files21:19
rhpot1991try out the default first, oh and back up your db for the heck of it21:19
javatexani have one just like it from the semester21:19
rhpot1991if you are gonna be trying something you aren't sure of21:19
javatexantrue...is there a script for that?21:19
rhpot1991backup now ask questions later21:19
ubotuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning21:20
rhpot1991I've always used the mysqldump in that21:20
javatexani was afraid you were going to say that....LOL ;)21:21
javatexanhey guys...what are all the video file endings that mythtv understands?  .avi, etc?22:58
hexxingtonanything that works with "ffplay"22:59
hexxingtonand the file extension is a windows simplification of the larger question - container formats23:00
hexxingtoncertainly in some shape or form, it should be able to demux any container in common use - avi, asf, mov, mpeg, rm, ogg, mkv23:00
javatexani am writing a perl script to find any supported file type23:02
javatexanjust not sure where to find the list23:02

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