
owhFigured out why the examples don't all work, /bin/sh is symlinked to dash which doesn't support the bash extension 'source'. That helps :)00:21
nealmcbowh: the gui direction for hardy and beyond is ebox - web-based00:35
owhI suppose it allows for remote admin.00:36
owhHmm, it means that I'm going to have to rethink my setup though.00:37
owhThanks nealmcb.00:37
nealmcband avoids the huge security, support and bloat issues with x11 etc00:37
owhFair enough.00:37
dantalizingis btmp/lastb disabled somehow on server?00:37
owhAt this point I've been working along different lines, that is, hardware is so powerful these days, running an idle GUI isn't really an issue.00:38
nealmcbowh: I assume you've seen gadmintools etc?00:38
owhYeah, I liked the notion of the dhcp admin tool, right until I actually had to use it. Then I nearly threw up.00:38
owhTalk about an abomination in user interface interaction :(00:39
nealmcbowh: also, no need to constrain servers to be hot desktop-capable machines....00:39
nealmcbI haven't tried it - just noticed it00:39
owhYeah, that's fair enough, though low end servers while required and useful are the least of my problems :)00:40
nealmcbmost servers in the world are tiny boxes after all - like routers that already do web-based admin00:40
owhI was trying to cobble together a GUI for the ubuntu-jeos-build script for a system administrator.00:41
owhYeah, don't you just love the web-based admin tools :)00:41
nealmcbso jump in and connect with the upstream ebox folks - we could use the help!00:41
owhI'll give it a look :)00:42
owh'm assuming you're one of those?00:42
nealmcbhave enough on my plate as it is!00:43
owhROTFL, don't we all?00:43
nealmcbwe == server team00:43
nealmcbyeah - but it is great to share the burden with others who have similar goals :-)00:43
owhSure is, now if only I had enough hours in the day to achieve all that I wanted to, wouldn't that be grand :)00:44
owhebox is looking pretty nice I must confess.00:47
owhNot sure if I really want to install it onto each jeos vm though. It seems I may have no choice.00:54
=== joerlend__ is now known as XiXaQ
ScottKnealmcb: I hope you meant that reply to go to the list ...01:57
nealmcbScottK: oops - yup - thanks03:29
stiv2kdoes anyone know of a good guide / howto for setting up an OpenVPN server?  I have NO experience with VPN whatsoever....04:10
stiv2ki basically just want to be able to access my music shares on my server from anywhere in the world and someone told me OpenVPN can do that....04:10
antdedyetsoren: missed kvm 56 and got kvm 57, had to manually move /usr/src/modules/kvm out of the way before that package extracted properly though04:20
antdedyetabout to test more ...04:20
antdedyetsoren: er, before that package extracted properly = before m-a would build the new source, possibly --force would have helped here.04:30
* nealmcb finishes reading the meeting transcript from this morning04:43
nealmcblooks good.  sorry to miss you all04:43
* lamont struggles to understand why gutsy/ia64 doesn't configure raid-root devices04:59
lamontother than the fact that the initramfs hooks all got ripped out04:59
lamontwhich seems to point at udev not getting events for stuff or some such05:00
lamonthrm... maybe having raid modules in the initramfs would help05:01
rodpodwhy is the path for update-grub changing05:11
rodpodwhats the point..05:12
=== ScottK2 is now known as ScottK
stiv2kanyone here???05:36
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)05:48
nealmcbstiv2k: ^05:49
stiv2kah yes06:02
stiv2knealmcb: i'm well aware of that rule... though i've always contested that there's no use in asking a question when nobody's around to answer it ;)06:03
stiv2knealmcb: do you have any experience / knowledge of OpenVPN ?06:03
stiv2koh yes06:06
stiv2knealmcb: also, if you'll scroll up, you'll notice that I actually did ask my question earlier, instead of asking to ask :)06:06
nealmcbstiv2k: the problem is, without context, there isn't any basis for people to offer to help.  I now see your query above, but forgot that you were the one that asked it.  and I don't have an answer.   bother.06:17
stiv2knealmcb: hehe how about this one (although unrelated to this channel), have you ever seen or used a Mac Book Pro ?06:18
stiv2kmy cousin has one and its sitting here on the coffee table06:18
stiv2ki'm quite confused because I can't seem to find a CD drive on the thing06:19
stiv2kfurthermore it doesn't seem to hav _any_ ventilation / cooling fans06:19
stiv2kis that unusual for a notebook or what?06:19
nealmcbthis isn't a good channel to find laptop insights....06:19
stiv2kyeah it just popped into my head06:20
stiv2kdoes freenode have some sort of #mac channel or something06:20
nealmcbSeriously good guide to asking questions on IRC: http://www.sabi.co.uk/Notes/linuxHelpAsk.html || Guide on asking questions that get answered: http://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html06:21
nealmcbreally - they'll help you get great answers :-)06:21
stiv2kmaybe after i have a cigarette...06:23
* stiv2k is fiending06:23
=== joerlend__ is now known as XiXaQ
Ahmuckhi, why does ubuntu jeos need reiserfs programs?10:19
Ahmuckor ppp?10:19
_rubenhmm .. the limited (debian) docs shipped with openswan-modules-source package contains not-working desciptions on how to build a klips kernel module :(10:42
_rubenguess i'll try the alternative road: recompile kernel with klips support, would involve nat-t support as 'free' bonus10:43
_rubengrr .. that aint working either .. time for lunch11:07
antdedyet_ruben: is it something you could use openvpn for instead?11:15
* antdedyet hasn't use S/WAN since FreeS/WAN 11:20
_rubenantdedyet: we use openvpn for roadwarriors and openswan for site-to-site currently (on suse)11:42
_rubeni havent used make-kpkg in years so i have no idea what might be causing this: http://pastebin.ca/82345611:44
antdedyet_ruben: you might try running make-kpkg with --config menuconfig and then saving the config on exit without changing any config options, but that's purely a guess as I've never had problems running make-kpkg that way instead of with the default config target (--config oldconfig is implied according to the man page)11:54
_rubenantdedyet: same thing :(12:01
_rubennow it does work .. i think .. odd12:03
antdedyet_ruben: ah. :)12:06
_rubencompiling kernel under vmware .. see you next week :p12:06
_rubenjust curious .. why is there a linux-patch-openswan package to build your own klips-enabled kernel, but no precompiled klips-enabled kernel?12:41
_rubenbah .. kernel build bailed out with an error13:21
Bouncehi all14:45
Bouncedoes someone know something about nic bonding ?14:46
_rubena little14:47
BounceHi Ruben14:47
_rubendont have much experience with it, yet, but do have a few boxes use it14:49
_rubennot on ubuntu (yet), though14:49
Bouncedo you use ubuntu gutsy with it ?14:49
Bouncewhich OS do you use ?14:50
_rubenwhat is your actual problem/question? it might not be ubuntu specific14:50
_rubenwindows and suse14:50
Bouncemy win2k3 server it works fine14:50
Bouncebut i've got also 1x openfiler san14:51
Bounceand a ubuntu vmware server14:51
Bouncerunning on gutsy amd6414:51
Bounceboth are HP proliants with 2 nics14:52
Bouncethe problems i found a link for arrgeration14:52
Bouncebut I cannot the modutils14:53
Bouncethe link/document says that I have to modifie the document /etc/modutils/actions14:53
Bouncebut it doesn't exists in gutsy server AMD6414:54
BounceI've tried to install the modutils, but I cannot install it.14:55
_rubenlets check on x86 (playing with 2 vmware instances of it now)14:55
Bounceit's driving me insain14:55
_rubennot present here either14:56
KyleS-workI have a question regarding Ubuntu server...is it any good?14:56
_rubenKyleS-work: is what any good?14:57
KyleS-workUbuntu Server14:57
KyleS-workI was thinking about installing it, but I wasn't sure how well it performed14:57
_rubenBounce: im guessing you tried skipping that step?14:57
_rubenKyleS-work: i doubt you'd find any negative answers here .. im only experimenting with it yet (planning on migrating from suse to ubuntu), and im rather fond of it so far14:57
BounceI use it here in production14:58
KyleS-workI use Ubuntu Desktop, and Debian server right now on my older computer14:58
KyleS-workbut I'm getting a new server in the mail soon14:58
Bouncemy vmware servers are ubuntu server amd6414:58
KyleS-workAnd I was thinking of migrating to Ubuntu as it's more updated14:58
BounceI had no choice14:58
KyleS-workWhy's that?14:59
BounceI wanted VMware infrastructure14:59
Bouncebut for now it's to expensice14:59
Bounceso I build it on ubuntu (with amd64 support)(14:59
Bounceworks very good15:00
KyleS-workI'll try it then :P15:00
Bouncegot 7 production machines on one vmware server15:00
KyleS-workI was debating between Gentoo, Cent OS and Ubuntu Server15:00
Bounceme to15:00
Bounceopenfiler is based on Cent OS15:00
BounceI use it as my test san15:01
Bouncemy only problem is to speed up15:01
BounceI have to go for now15:01
Bouncemy wife (and my sons) are waiting15:01
Bouncesee u tonight15:01
dantalizingif anyone is awake, i have a raid question15:23
dantalizingi uploaded a dapper server to feisty, and went through the raid verification process15:24
dantalizingbut mkconf gives me different UIDs from what is in my /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf15:24
dantalizingmdrun works fine with my existing UIDs15:25
_rubeni always mdadm to work with my raid confings15:25
dantalizingthe verification process suggests using mkconf to verify existing settings, but doesnt suggest what to do if they differ :(15:26
_rubennever used those commands, so cant really help out here15:26
dantalizingthis is a data partition, so not that big of a deal, but just wondering if i should not trust mkconf, or if its possible mdrun is working _in spite_ of my existing settings15:26
_rubenis there a way to recreate /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf? if so i'd just make backup of that file, and recreate it15:27
_rubenmaybe even run a diff on those to see if there might be any obvious discrepencies15:27
dantalizingwell my current mdadm.conf is hand made, so doesnt have all the comments...but the big thing is the disk UIDs are different15:28
dantalizingi can make a backup and try15:28
dantalizingbut mainly wondering why mkconf is telling me something different from what is currently working15:29
_rubendifferent as in completely different, or just in a diff order?15:30
dantalizingdiffernt uids15:31
dantalizinggenerated by mkconf: ARRAY /dev/md0 level=raid10 num-devices=4 UUID=5d418565:6b3cb3b3:459da527:187157b715:31
dantalizingexisiting in my mdadm.conf: ARRAY /dev/.static/dev/md0 level=raid10 num-devices=4 UUID=5d418565:6b3cb3b3:7559ceb6:c7f89e2215:31
_ruben2 are identical .. 2 differ .. very odd15:32
dantalizingnever noticed the .static until i just pasted it15:32
_rubenthe only thing i can think of (and i know its rather far-fetched) is that there's some hashing algo involved which changed slightly15:33
_rubenor smth in the drivers15:33
_rubeneither way, its a strange problem15:33
rglfor some reason my server rebooted itself, and now the raid1 software is in this weird state: md3 : inactive sda7[0](S)  you guys known how to fix this?16:56
rglit should have two partitions, sda7 and sdb7, but for some reason only one is in there :/16:56
=== ScottK2 is now known as ScottK
martin___Hi. Does anyone know a 3rd part yrepository offering a threaded version of apache with php5 or more precisely, offering a php5 version that does not depend on the prefork mpm?17:55
=== martin___ is now known as pisi
pisiI'm about to compile php by hand but I'd like to apt-get install instead.17:57
ScottKleonel: Debian just released a security update for Etch that may help you finding patches for Feisty/Gutsy.18:07
leonelScottK:  according to  the changelogs  we are up to date  with  feisty and gutsy18:13
leonelScottK2:   according to  the changelogs  we are up to date  with  feisty and gutsy18:32
ScottK2leonel: You looked at http://security.debian.org/pool/updates/main/c/clamav/clamav_0.90.1-3etch8.dsc18:34
ScottK2It may be we are up to date, but I want to make sure...18:34
leonelhttp://packages.debian.org/search?keywords=clamav&searchon=names&suite=stable&section=all  <-- just this  no  etch818:36
ScottK2Etch8 was just release.  Get that package and check there.18:39
ScottK2dget http://security.debian.org/pool/updates/main/c/clamav/clamav_0.90.1-3etch8.dsc should do it.18:39
=== ScottK2 is now known as ScottK
leonelwow  dget ... nice ..18:40
Ahmuckhi.  it appeared that ubuntu-server jeos found my nic and configured dhcp, however upon reboot, not eth* is listed18:50
Ahmuckwhat should i do?18:50
ivokscheck /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules18:50
=== macd_ is now known as macd
Ahmuckdrivers ?*18:56
Ahmuckis that the problem?18:56
Ahmuckiirc, it started the nic with pc card services18:56
ivoksdid you check the file i told you?18:57
ivoksit should have mac address followed by the name of interface18:57
ivokssomething like this:18:57
ivoksSUBSYSTEM=="net", DRIVERS=="?*", ATTRS{address}=="00:0e:7b:4d:54:e6", NAME="eth0"18:58
Ahmuckyes, it says that exactly with the exception of the address19:00
leonelScottK: CVE-2007-6336  and  CVE-2007-6335   need patch for gutsy ..  patching ..    after  I'll chek  feisty19:00
ubotu** RESERVED ** This candidate has been reserved by an organization or individual that will use it when announcing a new security problem.  When the candidate has been publicized, the details for this candidate will be provided. (http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2007-6336)19:00
ubotu** RESERVED ** This candidate has been reserved by an organization or individual that will use it when announcing a new security problem.  When the candidate has been publicized, the details for this candidate will be provided. (http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2007-6335)19:01
ivoksAhmuck: is the mac address correct?19:01
Ahmuckcould it be because of the "virtual kernel" jeos uses?19:01
Ahmucklet me check19:01
ScottKleonel: Great.19:02
ivoksi never used jeos19:03
Ahmuckk, NAME= should be NAME== ?19:04
Ahmucklooking at yours, mine is identical with the exception of the mac address19:05
CarlFKwhere is the u-server version of http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/hardy/main/installer-i386/current/images/netboot/19:49
CarlFKI am trying to find where I can wget the installer kernel/initrd19:50
Bouncehi all21:30
Bounceall ubuntu admins are here ?21:33
somerville32Bounce, What do you mean by Ubuntu Admins? :)21:35
BounceI having a little problem with networkbonding21:36
BounceI hope someone could help me21:36
BounceI am an win admin21:37
macdBounce, just ask your question, someone who knows will answer.21:37
Bounceand I started with ubuntu in my production environment, everything works fine online the nic bonding21:38
Bjor1Hey guys, Im using the Ubuntu-desktop version. And I installed Oracle 11g using the http://www.dizwell.com/prod/node/929 guide. However I have no clue how to start it. Could anyone help me with that?22:58
ikoniaBjor1: Oracle is not supported on ubuntu by either Oracle or Ubuntu22:59
somerville32Bjor1, One second.23:00
Bjor1ikonia, well obv people got it running so why cant I ask other USERS.23:00
ikoniawho has it running ?23:00
Bjor1http://www.supinfo-projects.com/en/2006/oracle_on_ubuntu/ this guy for example23:01
ikoniait's not supported23:01
ikoniathere are some issues23:01
Bjor1really weird sinds debian is supported :o23:02
ikoniawhere does it say debian is supported ?23:03
ikoniaI know there is a package in a debian repo23:03
somerville32Bjor1, By the sounds of the tutorial you followed, Oracle should have started after installation23:04
ikoniathere are some incompatabilities between ubuntu and oracle 10 and 1123:05
ikoniamore so with some of the "G"  functionalities23:05
somerville32Bjor1, Is there any reason you want to use Oracle anyhow?23:05
Bjor1somerville32, yes I need it badly for my education "software engineering", and I can run all my tools needed on Linux but oracle db software isn't working.23:09
somerville32Bjor1, You need Oracle for a course? You might want to consider using it on a support platform then so you don't get inconsistencies that might affect your mark or something? ;]23:10
ikoniasurly not what I said in the first place23:10
somerville32Bjor1, However, the tutorial says you should just be able to use good ol' SQL*Plus after installation23:10
somerville32Bjor1, Have you tried that?23:10
Bjor1not yet23:12
Bjor1but im in contact, with the writer of the guide23:12
Bjor1otherwise iĺl install a v.small extra linux distro or use windows.23:13
Bjor1Need to use it for crapsis, to finish a other project anyway23:13
Bjor1crapsis = acces ;)23:13

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