
Jack_SparrowalexbOrsova: I saw that.. great...   now write it up so we know what you did00:00
bruce89Ahmuck: I doubt it00:00
runemaste644how do i get it to run nvidia.ko? the error says no such device00:00
Jack_SparrowAhmuck: what exactly are you trying to do00:00
alexbOrsovaJack_Sparrow: right...00:00
Tux_TuXhola alguien sabe de algun editor para formulas es que con el que trae integrado el openofice me estoy tardando años gracias00:00
bruce89Ahmuck: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy00:00
FluxDIs there any other tool to mess with cellphones other than bitpim?00:01
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about cellphone - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi00:01
soccer_hawk10FluxD: what's wrong with bitpim00:01
ubotuLearn more about Ubuntu Mobile at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileAndEmbedded00:01
EaglerayAhmuck: syslinux can probably do it00:01
FluxDsoccer_hawk10: doesnt support my phone00:01
EaglerayAhmuck: although why you'd want to....00:01
soccer_hawk10fluxd: ah, that would be a problem, yes :)00:01
ubotuFor instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup00:02
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about phone - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi00:02
FluxDand no bluetooth support :)00:02
runemaste644how do i get it to run nvidia.ko? the error says no such device00:02
soccer_hawk10is it an old phone?00:02
bruce89runemaste644: what do you mean by run, it's a kernel module00:02
FluxDsoccer_hawk10: not really the features in it are really not that great00:02
vishal_hi, can someone help me please00:02
runemaste644yes, but it says no such device00:03
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)00:03
eugene1Is there a brainf*ck compiler? I can only find interpreters so far.00:03
FluxD!language | eugene100:03
ubotueugene1: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.00:03
bruce89it's a language, not swearing00:03
incognitoI love ubuntu00:03
osxdude|desktopand /ame should be used very sparingly, especially if you're in more than a two channels.00:04
soundrayeugene1: I think it's an interpreted language. No compilers that I know of.00:04
vishal_hi, can someone help me please, im trying to give a vmware machine my second HD but it doesnt take it00:04
eugene1Well I used an asterisk. How many is necessary to nto be swearing?00:04
eugene1soundray: ah ok00:04
Jack_Sparrowvishal_: try in #vmware00:04
bruce89eugene1: indeed00:05
vishal_Jack_Sparrow: thanks00:05
Eaglerayeugene1: it's an interpreted language - iirc the wikipedia entry for it is rather useful, although I've not looked at it for a while00:05
Jack_Sparrowvishal_: They will know more than we do00:05
seqizzhi, can i emulate leopard in linux (by qemu) , i have a legal way but i should know is wemu capable?00:05
crush_groovehow do I apply an emerald theme ?00:05
runemaste644can someone please help me with nvidia.ko00:05
runemaste644it complains about no such device00:05
mularusing sdparm --set=SCT = what number would I put in to make it spin down every 1 if not active?00:06
seqizzwemu = qemu00:06
slugonehow can  i find out my default network interface name00:06
soccer_hawk10can someone help me find the cause of ubuntu 7.10 randomly freezing? i don't know where to start00:06
runemaste644do i need to make it use the nvidia_new00:06
bruce89slugone: ifconfig00:06
EaglerayI am trying to enable SHMConfig for my touchpad, but it's not working. The entry in xorg.conf is correct. How can I enable this?00:06
seqizzbys :D everybody has problems.. no answer :D00:06
soundraymular: to spin down your hard disk(s), you should configure laptop-mode-tools00:06
slugoneu rule red typing ppl00:07
Jack_Sparrowsoccer_hawk10: Have you used NON-ubuntu repos...  what all have you installed.. is this a laptop or desktop etc00:07
maddashEagleray: confirm that your entry is working by checking out /var/log/Xorg.0.log00:07
soundraymular: edit /etc/laptop-mode/laptop-mode.conf00:07
RancidLMhey all can some one help me with a problem with mouseemu, i have a touchpad on my dell inspron1420 and when i install mouseemu my touchpad stops working.. the buttons work but no motion off the touchpad..any ideas any one?00:07
Jack_Sparrow!clone | jac00:07
ubotujac: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « dpkg --get-selections > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo dpkg --set-selections < my-packages && sudo apt-get dselect-upgrade » - See also !automate00:07
mularsoundray, see I have a my book premium and it is set to spin down defaultly every 10mins00:07
osxdude|desktopand /ame should be used very sparingly, especially if you're in more than a two channels.00:07
mularI want to make it an hour.. I just don't know what the timer is with sdparm --set=SCT00:07
soccer_hawk10jack_sparrow: as far as i know, everything i've installed is from ubuntu's repos... i feel like compiz is causing it but i don't know why i get this feeling.  this is a desktop pc00:08
mular-S <n>00:08
mular--set SCT=<m>00:08
mularStandby condition timer, <n> has 5 second units (roughly) while <m> has 100 ms units thats from the how to00:08
runemaste644how do i make xorg use nvidia_new.ko instead of nvidia.ko?00:08
mularbut I don't know what that means lol00:08
vishal_Jack_Sparrow: there is no-one replying there, I think its something to do with the permissions or something, can you help?00:08
=== poeloq_ is now known as poeloq
Jack_Sparrowsoccer_hawk10: have you tried turning off effects?00:08
ozzloyhey, if you get jinxed, are you still allowed  to type?00:08
Jack_Sparrowvishal_: no.. sorry I cant help with v-anything00:09
Eagleraymaddash: interesting - it's loading, but seems to think there is no synaptics touchpad in this laptop00:09
ozzloybecause it's still talking, kinda00:09
osxdudeUh...um..uh sorry...about that...um amsg that was of no use...um...yeah...ok...thats enugh of that00:09
Eagleraymaddash: then it unloads the module again00:09
runemaste644ozzloy: i guess so00:09
eugene1ozzloy: well I'm pretty sure you are allowed to write stuff.00:09
soccer_hawk10Jack_Sparrow: well, the trouble with that is that i can't guess when these things will freeze00:09
soundraymular: what's a "my book premium"?00:09
michael_alexb0rsova: no dice.  with and without noapic+rghb in recovery mode, running /etc/init.d/gdm start or just startx turns the screen permanently black (and i can't get the error msgs because i'm in runlevel S.)00:09
Eagleraymaddash: "cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log|grep -i synaptic" was the command00:09
rsfriendshow do i get AWN on, and how?00:09
Jack_Sparrowsoccer_hawk10: Worth your time to turn it off and wait then..00:09
ozzloyrunemaste644: eugene1 thanks!00:09
vishal_can anybody help me assign an entire disk to a vmware machine please?00:09
maddashEagleray: then you ought to change your "Driver ' synaptics ' " entry00:09
=== eugene1 is now known as eugman
maddashEagleray: er, try grepping -i for shm00:10
soccer_hawk10Jack_Sparrow: well, the thing is, i never had trouble until i changed my screen resolution...00:10
mularsoundray: its an external hard drive ;)00:10
mularusb connect00:10
soccer_hawk10Jack_Sparrow: i don't know if that's what caused it or what... and i really love compiz, i'd kill me to remove it00:10
Eagleraymaddash: change to what, it's a synaptics touchpad00:11
Jack_Sparrowsoccer_hawk10: those "Cute Effects" can cause a multitude of problems...00:11
=== maco_ is now known as macogw
soccer_hawk10Jack_Sparrow: do you use them?00:11
anathematichow do i go about removing apache2 off my ubuntu server?00:11
Eagleraymaddash: it's also complaining about the event device not existing (I don't have it compiled into this kernel), yet the touchpad works just fine00:11
=== Kin_Away is now known as KinPumpkinKing
AceazzaAnyone get an aircard working with Gutsy?00:11
runemaste644how do i make xorg use nvidia_new.ko instead of nvidia.ko?00:11
Jack_Sparrowsoccer_hawk10: Then I cant help you.. turn off the effects long enough to see if that is the problem...   But I seem to remember looking at your sources page and you have installed things from outside the repos00:11
Eagleraymaddash: grepping for shm says it's loading fine and has no problems00:11
soundraymular: you can't influence the spindown timer on those with sdparm.00:12
soccer_hawk10Jack_Sparrow: i don't think you've seen my sources page since i've never posted it...00:12
bruce89anathematic: sudo aptitude remove apache2 surely00:12
AceazzaLooks like the device is recognized. I just don't know where to go after I plug it in.00:12
Jack_Sparrowsoccer_hawk10: Must have been a similar nick..00:12
nettow0822_ Does gusty nfs default to udp or tcp?00:12
mularread on google that people have? hrm00:12
anathematicbruce89: what if it was complied from source?00:12
mularjust they wanted the spin down lowered =/00:12
maddashEagleray: then your shmconfig is working and something else is wrong. if you're curious as to what driver you have, look in /sys/class/input/00:12
runemaste644how do i make xorg use nvidia_new.ko instead of nvidia.ko?00:13
ddaddaany1 asleep ?00:13
bruce89anathematic: sudo make uninstall00:13
ddaddaneed help :)00:13
hueyhow do i actually boot into the os00:13
Jack_Sparrowsoccer_hawk10: with tens of thousands of lines in here per day... I sometimes get confused..00:13
maddashrunemaste644: do a 'mv' switcheroo?00:13
anathematicbruce89: sorry, where do i preform t hat command?00:13
bruce89hopefully you still have the source00:13
soccer_hawk10Jack_Sparrow: don't sweat it, i know you're just trying to help00:13
maddashoh dear.00:13
spideymanhas anyone had any success with sonix sn9c325 chipset usb webcam?00:13
bruce89anathematic: in the apache2's source directory00:13
* nickrud thought sparrows had excellent eyesight00:14
runemaste644maddash: not a good idea00:14
michael_hi, running gdm turns the monitor permanently black, i can no longer switch to tty1.  can still ssh, etc.  anyone know how to get graphics running?00:14
soundraymular: the scheme is described in man hdparm. You probably want to set 24200:14
Eagleraymaddash: doesn't tell me - I have entries for input0...input7, mice, mouse0 and mouse100:14
maddashrunemaste644: because...?00:14
anathematicbruce89: so /etc/apache2/ right? (sorry not too familiar with this)00:14
Eagleraymaddash: but nothing to indicate which driver it's trying to use00:14
biouserdoes anyone know what .xpt file is and what I might be able to open it with?00:14
Jack_Sparrownickrud: but poor memory.. so it seems00:14
soundraymular: but like I said, I'd be surprised if it works...00:14
runemaste644it could really screw stuff up00:14
bruce89anathematic: I assume you installed it with sudo make install00:14
Stormx2michael_: Checked the xorg log?00:14
Ahmucki want to create a boot floppy to boot ubuntu JeOS00:14
maddashEagleray: because you're not looking hard enough. Hint: 'cat driver' in the subfolders.00:14
nickrudmichael_, try sudo dpkg-reconfigure -pcritical xserver-xorg for a default setup00:14
ddaddaI installed devilspie  . what i want to do is when i open the gnome terminal it should always open at workspace 2 ! but there is a prob ! it says Warning workspace number 2 does not exist !00:15
michael_Stormx2: where's it located, please?00:15
anathematicbruce89: yes but a while ago00:15
Flare183!grub | Ahmuck00:15
ubotuAhmuck: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto00:15
bruce89anathematic: and I assume you still have the apache2 source00:15
maddashrunemaste644: then stop trying to use nvidia_new.ko.00:15
anathematicbruce89: probably not00:15
bruce89anathematic: if not, it's probably not possible00:15
Eagleraymaddash: oh... I'm an idiot, I assumed they were files... *bashes head on nearest brick wall*00:15
AhmuckFlare183: i have not lost grub00:15
ddaddaany solution to my prob?00:15
anathematicthanks =)00:15
bruce89anathematic: unless you redownload it00:15
Ahmuckdoes ubuntu have a directory where you can write a boot image for install?00:15
Flare183grub:> you can make boot floppy for grub00:15
biouserI think that it is a SAS file00:15
runemaste644maddash: thats like saying "well then stop trying to get xorg to work"00:15
Stormx2michael_, /var/log/Xorg.0.log00:15
bruce89anathematic: I've hardly compiled from source though, so I don't really know00:15
maddashLjL: a rogue op?00:15
* Flare183 says sorry00:15
uttywhats a good program to convert my mp3s on my ipod to a supported file type00:16
soundrayddadda: maybe it's called "Desk 2". Right click the workspace switcher, select Preferences and check00:16
michael_nickrud: i just installed gutsy gibbon and have this problem (had to do alternate install) - would your command still be of use?00:16
nickrudmichael_, what video card?00:16
michael_Stormx2: cat Xorg.0.log | grep '(EE)':00:16
ddaddasoundray i will thnx00:16
LjLmaddash: sorry, had to test something00:16
michael_Stormx2: (EE) intel(0): Cannot read V_BIOS (3)00:16
anathematicbruce89: it's no problem, i might just see if i can enable these modules not without compiling from source again00:16
nickrudmichael_, and to answer your question, probably not :)00:16
michael_Stormx2: (EE) AIGLX: Screen 0 is not DRI capable00:16
varsendaggerhey i downloaded the new sunbird calener from moz and it is a compiled binary... how do i install it so i can make a launcher...   i have a older version of sunbird installed allready sunbird installed allready...00:16
Stormx2michael_: This happened after you enabled restricted drivers I assume?00:16
maddashrunemaste644: that's like saying, "Don't expect to get anywhere without moving your legs."00:16
michael_nickrud: inherited this computer, has an aftermarket card probably for gaming (8 years ago), not sure what model or how to find out.00:16
Jack_Sparrowvarsendagger: I can help with that..00:17
Jack_Sparrowvarsendagger: one second please...00:17
Flare183I have no idea00:17
nickrudmichael_, lspci | grep -i vga should tell you something00:17
soundrayutty: mp3 is supported. You may have to install a codec for some programs to play mp3s.00:17
Eagleraymaddash: "2007-12-19 09:02 device -> ../../../../devices/platform/i8042/serio1" - I'm guessing that means it's using a serial driver?00:17
michael_Stormx2: no, i don't know what restricvted  drivers means.  I just installed with alternate CD since couldn't run graphical installer.00:17
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats00:17
biouseranyone got any idea about .xpt?00:17
Flare183biouser:> i have no idea00:17
=== ToastGuy is now known as ToastGuy_
michael_nickrud: Thanks!  3Dfx Interactive, Inc. Voodoo 3 (rev 01)00:17
soundrayvarsendagger: probably put it in /usr/local/bin/00:17
maddashEagleray: did I tell you to 'cat device'? i meant 'cat driver'00:17
ubotuXP, or "eXtreme Programming" is a style of programming, for more information see: http://www.extremeprogramming.org/00:17
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about xpt - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi00:17
nickrudmichael_, ah, I know that one well, ran it for several years.00:17
bruce89biouser: firefox extension surely00:17
kitchebiouser: I think it deals with firefox00:18
=== ToastGuy_ is now known as R0NPAUL
=== R0NPAUL is now known as ToastGuy
Jack_Sparrowvarsendagger: HEre is how I did that..  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/48782/00:18
SonicChaoIsn't that XPI, bruce89 and kitche?00:18
uttyyeah i want to play them on rythembox00:18
biouserit is an 'open with?' link00:18
Stormx2michael_: what does restricted-manager -l show?00:18
ddaddastill nothing ! i dont know what to do ! :(00:18
maddashEagleray: oh, I did tell you to 'cat driver'. the "device -> ...." just means that 'device' is a symlink -- don't worry about that.00:18
varsendaggercool thanks00:18
uttygot xmms it works fine00:18
Eagleraymaddash: you did say driver, but I have no 'driver' entry00:18
Stormx2yuk, xmms00:18
Jack_Sparrowvarsendagger: Let me know if you get stuck00:18
Eagleraymaddash: and yeah I know it's a symlink, as it's a device I can00:19
ifireballmichael_: it seems that xorg trying to use a video mode that is unsuitable to your monitor00:19
Eagleraymaddash: 't cat it and get any useful info00:19
Flare183biouser:> see this: http://filext.com/file-extension/xpt00:19
bruce89that file seems to be a load of text00:19
soundrayddadda: maybe change the workspace names to something that doesn't contain spaces00:19
maddashEagleray: for instance, cat event*/device/driver/description00:19
nickrudmichael_,  sudo nano /etc/11/xorg.conf , find the section "Device" , and change Driver to "tdfx"00:19
michael_Stormx2: about 10 lines of what look like a python trace... important-sounding line is: GDK_IS_SCREEN(screen) failed00:19
biouserSAS.XportTransportFile.701 %ProgramFiles%\SAS\SAS9~1.1\CORE\SASEXE\SASOACT.EXE action00:19
bruce89some kind of database00:19
biouserthat is the one00:20
maddashEagleray: cat /sys/class/input/event*/device/driver/description00:20
=== ToastGuy is now known as ToastGuy_
runemaste644i tried using 'nvidia_new' as the driver but it failed00:20
nickrudStormx2, the voodoo 3 is way too old for restricted manager00:20
Eagleraymaddash: possibly I'm being incredibly stupud here, but can you tell me *exactly* which file to cat (the touchpad is mouse0)00:20
=== ToastGuy_ is now known as PauI
biouserI have SAS remotely through citrix, Flare18300:20
bruce89XP_PRO is one of the things in that file00:20
Eagleraymaddash: I don't have the event input type compiled into my kernel00:20
ddaddasoundray cant change the name of the workspaces00:20
Stormx2nickrud: I figured it might be too new, not up to speed with this.00:20
Flare183biouser:> wow00:20
kitchebiouser: try opening it up in openoffice00:20
michael_ifireball: thanks, how did you infer that? (so i can learn)00:20
Stormx2michael_, I really don't know, sorry00:20
maddashEagleray: oh, sorry. mouse0/device/driver/description, possibly?00:20
=== PauI is now known as ToastGuy
michael_nickrud: made the change to that one line: do i need to reboot to try it out, since my screen is black on the computer?00:21
ifireballmichael_: experience :P00:21
soundrayddadda: why not?00:21
bruce89kitche: ain't going to work00:21
michael_Stormx2: thanks anyway for your help!00:21
michael_ifireball: eww :)00:21
ddaddachecked in preferences dont have anything except to put more or less collumns00:21
michael_nickrud: or can i just run startx from this ssh window and hope for the best?00:21
soundrayddadda: in the lower part of the dialog, does it say "Workspace names" and give you a list?00:21
Eagleraymaddash: much more like it ;-D - it's a PS/2 mouse driver according to that file00:21
maddashEagleray: the /sys directory makes for an interesting theme park with obvious filenames00:21
nickrudmichael_, run sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart from ssh00:22
michael_nickrud: doing now00:22
soundrayddadda: are you using dekstop effects?00:22
runemaste644and nv as the driver complains about a nonexistent tablet00:22
Eagleraymaddash: so I see... I don't normally have anything to do with /sys, have never really needed to go there before00:22
ifireballmichael_: essentially since non of the fallback mechanisms activates it means that xorg thinks everything is ok, because its not getting status from the screen correctly... you're using arather old CRT maybe?00:22
michael_nickrud: this caused my tty1 to suddenly show up!  and then every 2 seconds blink to black screen, then back again; about 5 times, then just showing the tty1 screen.00:22
michael_tty7 just has a blinking cursor.00:23
ddaddashould i try disabling them ?00:23
Eagleraymaddash: now that I know it's using a PS/2 driver, what exactly should I do with this info?00:23
ZPAnyone has any idea on how to recover (all or part of) the files in a reformated (fdisk), partially overwritten (8%), SATA disk ?00:23
nickrudmichael_, ok, next step is setting up your monitor for X correctly, I'll give you a link00:23
michael_ifireball: likely; it's an emachines that is similarly very old00:23
nickrud!fixres | michael_00:23
ubotumichael_: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto00:23
michael_nickrud: thanks!00:23
soundrayddadda: in that case I can't help you. I'm not even sure devilspie is compatible with desktop effects.00:23
maddashEagleray: it's dubious that your touchpad is using the ps/2 driver. try another folder.00:23
ddaddaahm ok thnx anyway00:23
nickrudmichael_, you need to define the horizontal and vertical refresh rates. If you want 3d accel, http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Voodoo3doesnotdo3d00:24
slugonehmm...how do i run a GUI program as Admin?00:24
DelvienAnyone running Feisty fawn here? i need something from your lists00:24
soundrayddadda: disabling effects is an option, of course00:24
michael_nickrud: thanks very much, i'll look at both links.00:24
Flare183!root | slugone00:24
ubotuslugone: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo00:24
ddaddaill try it  !00:24
ifireballmichael_: yeah the failsafe stuff in hardy is unfortunately not good with old hardware...00:24
Flare183!sudo | slugone00:24
ubotuslugone: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.00:24
outofrangeHow do I configure ssh-askpass to run when I log into my Gnome session?00:24
Eagleraymaddash: maddash only other mouse is mouse1, and that's registering as a USB HID device, which means it's the USB mouse I also have plugged in00:24
nickrudmichael_, it was a nice card in it's time, and will work great for you in 2d00:24
runemaste644how do i make it use nvidia new as the driver?00:25
michael_ifireball: i'm in gutsy, if it helps at all :D00:25
maddashslugone: try gksudo [gui cmd]00:25
DelvienNeed a user running feisty fawn pls00:25
Eagleraymaddash: so mouse0 has got to be the touchpad00:25
DelvienI need a pastebin of your sources.list00:25
maddashEagleray: ls -l /sys/class/input00:25
soundray!easysource | Delvien00:25
ubotuDelvien: source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic00:25
ifireballmichael_: I meant gusty... my bad00:25
michael_all: thank you for your help and support - this channel is great!  i plan to donate my own time [once i get the $@*% system up] to helping others here.00:25
slugone10-4 soo when i make the launcher i type.......!root | Wireshark & ??????? or just !root | wireshark00:25
c-masterhow can i type "|" on ubuntu :(00:26
maddashslugone: geez. didn't you get my msg? gksudo.00:26
maddashslugone: gksudo wireshark00:26
slugoneloll i got 2 messages :P thx00:26
ddaddasoundray man thnks a lot00:26
soundrayc-master: do you have a non-US keyboard?00:26
ddaddathe problem was the effects00:26
ddaddau rock00:26
Eagleraymaddash: http://pastebin.org/1210500:26
kitchec-master: if you have a us standard keyboard it's by the enter key00:27
c-mastersoundray: i have00:27
Delviensoundray hope that has the file my friend needs, helping him install and get compiz running :P00:27
maddashEagleray: like I said, /sys is a theme park. go exploring in input*00:27
=== ToastGuy is now known as PauI
soundrayc-master: I mean the keyboard layout00:27
=== PauI is now known as PauI_
=== PauI_ is now known as ToastGuy
TheMusicGuyWhy doesn't ubuntu have the arch command00:28
c-masteri couldn't do "glxinfo | grep rendering"00:28
LjLTheMusicGuy: the what?00:28
=== reconnect is now known as recon
TheMusicGuythe "arch" command00:28
Flare183c-master:> why not00:28
TheMusicGuyXAMPP needs it00:28
Eagleraymaddash: have already done so - mouse0 is a symlink to input5. cat input5/name gives me "SynPS/2 Synaptics TouchPad"00:29
slugoneWoOT U guys are Super Ultra Mega Moocho Grande HelpFull thanks00:29
Flare183c-master:> you have to do that in the terminal00:29
Eagleraymaddash: so I'd say it's a fair bet that mouse0 is in fact the touchpad00:29
maddashEagleray: congrats.00:29
mularits funny I am on google looking for a way to stop my drive from spinning down and theres website after website explaining how to prevent it from not spinning down =/00:29
LjLTheMusicGuy: never heard of it honestly00:29
Eagleraymaddash: apologies for being a bit slow here00:29
c-masteri try but00:29
fabio_hi people00:29
daryl_hey guys, how do I disable compiz and enable metacity?00:29
ianmcorvidaeTheMusicGuy: It's equivalent to 'uname -m'00:29
c-masteri couldn't type on terminal00:29
=== V99_is_GIUSEPPE is now known as VeRsiOn99
fabio_room emulator any one knows one better than xmame???00:30
c-masterin windows i use ctrl + alt + - keys00:30
TheMusicGuyIs it safe then to put a script in /usr/bin that runs uname -m?00:30
kitcheTheMusicGuy: I m pretty sure that is not a command00:30
LjLTheMusicGuy: better put it in /usr/local/bin00:30
Flare183daryl_:> metacity --replace00:30
Flare183c-master:> it's the "\" key00:30
daryl_Flare183, thats it?00:31
fabio_room emulator any one knows ??00:31
=== VeRsiOn99 is now known as `VeRsiOn99
ianmcorvidaeWhat's interesting is that I have that command on my feisty system; I'm wondering what provided it.00:31
Flare183daryl_:> yep00:31
=== `VeRsiOn99 is now known as ``
fabio_i want to plat jolly card00:31
ifireballTheMusicGuy: if it does so little you might wanna look into making it an alias00:31
nickrudmular, have you checked out hdparm -S option? Set to 0, I believe00:31
fabio_room emulator any one knows one better than xmame???00:31
anathematichow do i find out if apache2 was compiled from source or not on ubuntu server 7.04?00:31
Flare183c-master:> just press shift and then "\"00:31
=== `` is now known as V99
mularyeah hdparm doesn't work tells me invalid argument00:31
mularfrom what I read sdparm will work but I don't know how to read the timer00:32
TheMusicGuywhat would be the benefit of that over a script?00:32
soundraymular: try sdparm with 24200:32
Eagleraymaddash: so now that I know the touchpad is mouse0, what should I be doing to get shared mem working?00:32
TheMusicGuyother than one less file on my system :)00:32
maddashfabio_: firstly, the correct term is, "ROM," not, "room." secondly, posting repeatedly inside of two minutes won't help your situation.00:32
slugoneoh man if vista came with help like this lol............................................maybe it would only suck half as much00:32
PriceChildanathematic, it has to have been?00:32
livingdaylightanyone know how to restore Applications Menu?00:32
mularhow many minutes does that equal?00:32
PriceChildanathematic, binary's don't really just appear :/00:32
soundraymular: 6000:32
nickrudmular, sudo hdparm -S 0 /dev/hda worked just fine here00:33
Demonho-brhello, im sharing a folder , and when i try to open this shared folder Windows ask me for login, but i never typed any user name and password, what login could i try ?00:33
soccer_hawk10anybody know any eyecandy other than kibadock or avant?00:33
maddashEagleray: depends on whether there is a shm construct for your driver, and what you want to do with it.00:33
biouserSAS seems to be headlong against linux00:33
soccer_hawk10and of course, other than compiz/beryl00:33
nickrudmular, oh, sata, never mind me then00:33
soundraynickrud: mular has an external USB disk00:33
ifireballlivingdaylight: restore from what?00:33
soccer_hawk10jack_sparrow: i think i figured it out00:33
nickrudsoundray, picked up on that. slowly00:33
Eagleraymaddash: I'm wanting to be able to mess with my touchpad settings without restarting Xoeg every time, using something like ksynaptics00:33
mularya that works on my internal drive00:33
livingdaylightifireball, i've broken it addring the geubuntu packages00:33
fabio_maddash: Thanks a lot -.-00:34
soundrayc-master: still trying...00:34
livingdaylightmy applications menu is empty now00:34
Eagleraymaddash: the synaptic driver does support shared memory00:34
soccer_hawk10Jack_Sparrow: in my xorg.conf i didn't have the option "aiglx" "true" in there under serverlayout00:34
Flare183soundray:> he can't find the | key on his laptoo00:34
daryl_hey guys, how do I disable compiz and enable metacity? I removed all the compiz packages but now metacity doesn't launch when I start gnome00:34
soccer_hawk10daryl_: alt+f2 metacity --replace00:34
Eagleraymaddash: but as seen in the log before, for whatever reason Xorg is deciding that there is no synaptics touchpad and unloading the driver00:34
ifireballlivingdaylight: well, 1st you need to figure out if its broken just for your user or for the entire system, try making a new user and logging into it00:34
Flare183daryl_:> i told you00:34
c-masteri try00:35
soccer_hawk10Flare183: what does the > do?00:35
ifireballTheMusicGuy: it can also work ever so slightly faster00:35
livingdaylightifireball, its entire system bro00:35
c-masterbut always showing / or \ not |00:35
JosieCan anyone tell me how to mount smb shares?00:35
hueyim in text mode, whats the command to boot into the visual os00:35
daryl_Flare183, didn't work permenently00:35
soundrayc-master: hold down Ctrl-Alt, then press u c 700:35
ifireballlivingdaylight: you tested with another user?00:35
mularwell it didn't give me an error message00:35
Flare183daryl_: remove compiz00:35
Josielike I wanna mount \\server\share to \home\usr\share00:35
soundrayc-master: sorry, u 7 c00:36
daryl_Flare183, I did00:36
maddashEagleray: I don't really know what to do if Xorg is haphazardly ignoring SHMConfig; let me see your xorg.conf00:36
ifireballlivingdaylight: have you got .desktop files in "/usr/share/applications/" ?00:36
Flare183daryl_: emerald too?00:36
TheMusicGuytrue, but I think I'll use a script anyway; their slightly easier to maintain00:36
acetechi am attempting to install ubuntu on my machine with a 8600 GTS Nvidia video card.... Once X starts it will go to a blank screen.  Is there a paramater I need to pass for booting?00:37
c-mastersoundray: it effects as enter00:37
TheMusicGuyit worked...XAMPP isn't complaining anymore.00:37
TheMusicGuythanks! :D00:37
soundrayc-master: sorry, I made a mistake. It's Shift-Ctrl- u 7 c00:37
ifireballTheMusicGuy: your choice, but I think its a matter of taste, I rather have most such stuff concentrated in one .aliases file..00:37
daryl_Flare183, It launches metacity but when I kill X its disabled again00:37
JosieCan anyone help me with smb shares?00:37
Flare183daryl_: can't fix that00:37
varsendaggerOMG   i Created a symbolic link from  a file to /usr/bin/00:38
ubotusamba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT00:38
anathematichow do i check which modules are enabled on apache2 for ubuntu server 7.04?00:38
Flare183!omg | varsendagger00:38
ubotuvarsendagger: Please don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks.00:38
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto00:38
Eagleraymaddash: http://pastebin.org/1210700:38
livingdaylightifireball, /usr/share/application only has icons in it00:38
ubotu日本語の場合は #ubuntu-jp または #kubuntu-jp を参照して下さい00:38
varsendagger!!!   i Created a symbolic link from  a file to /usr/bin/00:38
varsendaggeris that bad00:39
c-mastersoundray: it ' s ok00:39
c-masterbut is not there any short cut00:39
doorknob60hey, i need help. My gnome won't start, just makes me glad I installed KDE a few days ago00:39
kitchevarsendagger: no not really just have to remember that you made that symlink :)00:39
Demonho-brFlannel, that is chinese00:39
acetechi am attempting to install ubuntu on my machine with a 8600 GTS Nvidia video card.... Once X starts it will go to a blank screen.  Is there a paramater I need to pass for booting?00:39
soundrayc-master: I think there is, but I wouldn't know where on a TR keyboard.00:40
c-masteri do shift + ctrl + (fn) + u 7 c00:40
varsendaggerkitche:  can i not delete that file?00:40
c-masterfor only |`00:40
kitcheDemonho-br: Flannel hasn't said anything for hours :)00:40
ubotuTurk ubuntu kullanicilari, turkce yardim yada geyik icin #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde.00:40
Flare183try that00:40
Demonho-brFlare183,  that is chinese00:40
Demonho-brkitche, ;)00:40
kitchevarsendagger: well when you delete the file that symlink won't work anymore00:40
Flare183tr is ?00:40
olpc`oxlaptop mofo00:41
S4N3 /msg nickserv set unfiltered on00:41
olpc`tinykeys weeeeeeee00:41
soundrayc-master: maybe the people in #ubuntu-tr will know.00:41
c-mastereverybody is sleeping now :D00:41
c-masternow here is midnight :)00:41
Flare183better run00:42
AutoMatriXhi folks, does someone know here if it si possible to stick different resolutions to different destktops ?00:42
r4wMUnt34qcan anyone help me please ?00:42
Flare183c-master: it's 7:42 pm here00:42
Flare183!ask | r4wMUnt34q00:42
ubotur4wMUnt34q: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)00:42
Fyda!cn | woxiguilin00:42
ubotuwoxiguilin: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk00:42
maddashEagleray: it looks fine00:42
FydaFlare183: That was not Japanese, that was Chinese :P00:42
maddashwhat about your Xorg.0.log?00:42
Eagleraymaddash: hang on, I'll pastebin it00:43
maddashEagleray: before you do that, what happens wheen you run qsynaptics?00:43
ifireballAutoMatriX: you mean to different virtual desktops or to different screens?00:43
billeniumhow can i get the latest libc?00:44
c-master!ask | |00:44
ubotu|: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)00:44
livingdaylightifireball, sorry00:44
AutoMatriXifireball, I mean having 640*800 on desktop 1, 1204*768 on desktop 2 and 1400*1050 on the third one00:44
livingdaylight/usr/share/applications doens't have .desktop00:45
Eagleraymaddash: http://pastebin.org/1210800:45
soundraybillenium: that question does not make sense on Ubuntu. Get a distribution that lets you be on the bleeding edge, like Debian Sid00:45
=== sea4ever is now known as puffy
AutoMatriXifireball, IRC, 2 is normal use and 3 is gps and other 'car' software00:45
=== puffy is now known as sea4ever
r4wMUnt34qSo, I was trying data projector. Then I tried different resolutions and tried to setup a secondary screen, but it always changed my primary also. And since I once restarted my pc, after ubuntu loads, the login screen and everything after is unreadable00:45
c-mastersoundray: what about paste's short cut :(00:45
r4wMUnt34qi can login only by memorying what ive done and what i wrote00:46
j1solutionshello all00:46
Eagleraymaddash: if I run ksynaptics (iirc the same program as a kcm shell) it gives me an error telling me to add the SHMConfig line to Xorg.conf - which I have already done00:46
soundrayc-master: sorry?00:46
DILis elementary, but How do i view the content of a file from the terminal ?00:46
j1solutionshas anyone had really flaky intermittent connectivity with both a hardwireed NIC and wireless adaptor in gutsy on a compaq laptop?00:46
ifireballAutoMatriX: I don't think you can do that, closest thing I can think of is running several X servers on the same machine with different configs00:46
c-masterctrl +v = paste in windows what about in ubuntu00:46
soundrayDIL: cat file00:46
kitcheDIL: either with cat or a n editor00:46
j1solutionsi'm hearing of issues with network-manager00:47
soundrayc-master: use the middle mouse button00:47
ifireballlivingdaylight: I meant files with a .desktop extension00:47
biouserI am going to try to wine MS IE unfortunately00:47
r4wMUnt34qso my question is, can I set resolution or something related to it in recovery mode as root ?00:47
nettow0822_Does gusty nfs version 3 default to tcp?00:47
soundray!ies4linux | biouser00:47
ubotubiouser: ies4linux is a script that quickly and effortlessly helps you install 3 versions of IE in Wine. Information can be found at http://www.tatanka.com.br/ies4linux/page/Main_Page including instructions specifically for Ubuntu. ies4linux is aimed at web designers and ie-only sites, so please, don’t use any of the IEs to navigate! Use Firefox!00:47
sysdefr4wMUnt34q: are you sure you don't typed your password into the nickname field?00:47
michael_Hi again, bad news - the screenres fixes still didn't get graphics up and running.  each restart of gdm still leaves the Alt-F7 screen with a blinking cursor.00:47
AutoMatriXifireball, that's somethng worth to check, but how does one swhitch servers ??? with a shortuct ?00:48
michael_at which i'm able to type, to no effect.00:48
kitchewow ion3 is a very old version00:48
soundraymichael_: try Alt-F900:48
biousersoundray, biouser@biouser-laptop:~/ies4linux-2.99.0$ ./ies4linux00:48
biouserYou need to install cabextract first!00:48
biouserDownload it here: http://www.kyz.uklinux.net/cabextract.php00:48
michael_the latest xorg log had an error that no screen with appropriate settings could be found.00:48
soundraybiouser: 'sudo apt-get install cabextract'00:48
michael_soundray: alt-f9 had the last two bootup OKs on it - Battery and one other.00:48
r4wMUnt34qsysdef: No, I logged in, my background changed00:48
zerovsioni'm trying to install the tundradraw ansi editor in ubuntu gutsy but when i type sudo dpkg --install tundradraw-0.5b1-1_i386.deb i get the error cannot access archive: No such file or directory, is there a software source i need to add somewhere?00:48
Flare183!paste | biouser00:48
michael_soundray: no i take that back, that was F800:48
ubotubiouser: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)00:48
michael_soundray: F9 was blank.00:48
Netham45http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=200185464950 < is this good RAM?00:48
biousersoundray, thanks man00:48
sysdefr4wMUnt34q: kk ;)00:49
ifireballAutoMatriX: essentially you run them on different virtual terminals, so you switch with ctrl+alt+fX00:49
biouserFlare183, ok00:49
soundraymichael_: sorry, was worth a try00:49
Flare183no problem00:49
Josiesmb4K is so much easier than editing fstab. I highly suggest that for anyone who wants to mount smb shares00:49
michael_soundray: sure, np00:49
RancidLMhow would i disable mouseemu from start up its in /etc/init.d   is there a way to disable it so i have to start it manually?00:49
=== Owner_ is now known as smmagic
kitche!offtopic | Netham4500:49
ubotuNetham45: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!00:49
r4wMUnt34qsysdef: i made a topic in the forum where it is more explained00:49
AutoMatriXifireball, that's not gonna to be easy with a stylus on a tablet-pc00:49
Eagleraymaddash: have just installed and tried qsynaptics, and it tells me to enable SHMConfig in Xorg.conf and install the synaptics driver00:49
michael_the specific error is: '(EE) Screen(s) found, but none have a usable configuration.00:49
livingdaylightifireball, sorry, i don't see any(had another look)00:49
Eagleraymaddash: however clearly the synaptics driver is already installed (as Xorg is loading it) and SHMConfig is already enabled in Xorg.conf00:50
qu1et_ubuFirst time ubuntu user here...00:50
michael_oh, and still: (EE) VESO(0): V_BIOS address 0x56a0 out of range00:50
r4wMUnt34qsysdef: Im glad I have a dualboot with XP, because by now my NTBK would be useless, though I like ubuntu a lot more00:50
qu1et_ubu...having trouble getting my installation to connect to the internet00:50
michael_anybody got ideas?00:50
ifireballlivingdaylight: you looking with a terminal or with some gui? (I gotta ask...)00:50
qu1et_ubuI checked the help documentation, and ifconfig eth1 fails00:51
ifireballAutoMatriX: indeed...00:51
silvertip257When using qemu to test a CD image, I get this message:  Could not open '/dev/kqemu' - QEMU acceleration layer not activated00:51
r4wMUnt34qI was trying data projector. Then I tried different resolutions and tried to setup a secondary screen, but it always changed my primary also. And since I once restarted my pc, after ubuntu loads, the login screen and everything after is unreadable. My question is, if I can do it as root in recovery mode somehow or I need to reinstall ubuntu :(00:51
livingdaylightifireball, with some gui00:51
qu1et_ububut ifconfig eth0 worked00:51
AutoMatriXifireball, thanks for ideas, anyway, it did no harm :D00:52
ifireballlivingdaylight: do it with the terminal: "ls /usr/share/applications"00:52
michael_ifireball: any other ideas for attacking my graphics issues, since the fixres documents didn't work?00:52
maddashEagleray: you compiled your kernel without events, right? does that mean that lsmod|grep evdev gives nothing?00:52
maddashEagleray: because I think you might need the evdev module00:52
vishal_hi, how do i add myself to the disk group?00:53
ifireballmichael_: do you have your screen's documentation by any chance?00:53
Eagleraymaddash: maddash I don't use modules - the only module loaded is the nvidia one, everything else is compiled into the kernel00:53
Eagleraymaddash: isis:/sys/class/input/input5# lsmod00:53
EaglerayModule                  Size  Used by00:53
Eagleraynvidia               7005796  2600:53
biouserui/pygtk/python-gtk.sh: line 6:  6761 Aborted00:53
michael_ifireball: nope, except that it's an eMachines eView 15w200:53
livingdaylightifireball, oh, yea! lots!00:53
qu1et_ubuhmmmmm....  Anyone interested in helping out a newbie?00:53
aehgtswhat can we do for you?00:53
r4wMUnt34qI was trying data projector. Then I tried different resolutions and tried to setup a secondary screen, but it always changed my primary also. And since I once restarted my pc, after ubuntu loads, the login screen and everything after is unreadable00:54
maddashEagleray: wow.00:54
Eagleraymaddash: I'll try recompiling with the events interface added, and see if that helps00:54
maddashEagleray: why do you do that?00:54
qu1et_ubuhaving trouble connecting to the internet00:54
vishal_can someone help please, how do i add myself to the disk group?00:54
Eagleraymaddash: I do it for speed and convenience00:54
ifireballlivingdaylight: as it should be, then its not what I thought...00:54
michael_qu1et_ubu: i'll try my best, any details?00:54
sub[t]rnlvishal_: sudo addgroup username groupname00:54
livingdaylightifireball, does that mean you can't help me restore Applications menu?00:55
qu1et_ubumichael - ifconfig eth1 fails00:55
Sparkizzyi downloaded and burned a ubuntu image. when i boot from it i get installation options, but i don't want to install it (yet). how can i use it without installing?00:55
vishal_sub[t]rnl: ty00:55
Eagleraymaddash: as I am starting from allnoconfig anyway, I may as well compile them in and avoid the overhead of module communication00:55
qu1et_ubumichael - but ifconfig eth0 works00:55
qu1et_ubumichael - ping fails00:55
michael_qu1et_ubu: do you have a second card?  or a wireless?00:55
qu1et_ubuno, just one card00:55
Eagleraymaddash: current kernel is vanilla 2.6.24-rc5, configured for this laptop from an allnoconfig00:55
ifireballmichael_: I think what you need to do is adjust the "Horizsync" and "Vertrefresh" in xorg.conf, try websearching to see what they need to be for your monitor00:55
r4wMUnt34qSparkizzy: Click on Run or install or whatever the first option is00:56
r4wMUnt34qthe system will load into your RAM00:56
bastianShort question00:56
ifireballmichael_: or you can do some trial and error, lowering the values00:56
bastiani added a new partition in /etc/fstab00:56
michael_ifireball: i tried this (it was in the help.ubuntu.org/community/video-problems page.00:56
Eagleraymaddash: anything else you suggest I add, seeing as I'm recompiling with event anyway?00:56
Sparkizzykthnx r4wMUnt34q00:56
=== Rabbitbu1ny is now known as Rabbitbunny
michael_ifireball: no difference.  also tried all the other suggestions on that page.00:56
vishal_sub[t]rnl: do you know why i get permission denied on this : dd if=/dev/sdb of=windowsxp.mbr bs=512 count=6300:56
bastianNow i've got autmatically an Icon on my desk00:56
r4wMUnt34qyou can install it when it is loaded if you want00:56
bastianhow can i prevent this00:56
maddashEagleray: nope.00:56
livingdaylightifireball, is that a no?00:57
michael_qu1et_ubu: that is, what does eth1 represent that you're trying to get up?00:57
ifireballmichael_: did that page also tell you how to disable the EDID registers?00:57
michael_ifireball: hmm, don't recall that, let me go look00:57
ifireballlivingdaylight: well, not without some research, I'm afraid I can't do it currently00:57
Eagleraymaddash: then I'll be back in 15-20 mins or so after recompile/reboot and recompiling the nvidia module00:57
aehgtsbastian: the icon usually appears when you don't have an entry in fstab. For me, once I added my partitions in and restarted the icons were gone.00:57
livingdaylightifireball, ok00:57
qu1et_ubumichael - The only reason I tried eth1, is b/c that's what the help documentation suggested00:57
bastiank, i'll try another restart thanks00:58
michael_ifireball: the only mention of edid on that page is when dealing with nvidia drivers which i'm not using - Option "UseEdidFreqs" False00:58
michael_qu1et_ubu: but you said eth0 works, correct?  can you get to the internet via eth0?00:58
qu1et_ubumichael - When that failed, I decided the try eth0 to see what happened00:58
aehgtsbastian: try ctrl-alt-backspace to restart gnome first00:58
qu1et_ubumichael - How do I configure linux to use eth0 ?00:59
ifireballmichael_: try that, I think it may be ignoring the manual "Horizsync" and "Vertrefresh" if EDID values are available00:59
aehgtsbastian: that'll log you out too though00:59
qu1et_ubuargh (phone)00:59
michael_qu1et_ubu: sorry, i thought that you had said that eth0 worked fine.  i don't know how to manually tell it what name to use for your network card.00:59
ifireballmichael_: also, try commenting out and ModeLines...00:59
woxiguilin Hello! I come from China! Makes a friend!00:59
woxiguilin Hello! I come from China! Makes a friend!00:59
pike_qu1et_ubu: gksu gedit /etc/mtab  perhaps00:59
woxiguilin Hello! I come from China! Makes a friend!01:00
Flare183!repeat | woxiguilin01:00
ubotuwoxiguilin: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience01:00
michael_ifireball: do i use UseEdid, or UseEdidFreq, or something else?01:00
livingdaylightanyone help fix my Applicataions Menu?01:00
pike_qu1et_ubu: wait01:00
r4wMUnt34qNow, when Ubuntu is done loading, the logging screen has a unreadabla graphics, I cant recognize my mouse, only the vertical position, and I can log in, but I still cant recognize whats on the screen without remembering what I have done and so on.01:00
ifireballmichael_: try setting useEdid to false01:00
SpookyETHas anyone used fuse with sshfs or fusesmb? Is it supposed to be ungodly slow?01:00
r4wMUnt34qNow, when Ubuntu is done loading, the logging screen has a unreadabla graphics, I cant recognize my mouse, only the vertical position, and I can log in, but I still cant recognize whats on the screen without remembering what I have done and so on. Is it repairable in the terminal ?01:01
michael_ifireball: just to make sure - my HorizSync and VertRefresh settings were added to the "MOnitor" section, but I should put "UseEdid false" into the "Screen" section - right?01:01
AquilaiI've accidentally mucked up my graphics driver thing so now I can only use the text interface instead of gnome gui.  The internet is also not connected in the CLI. How do I get that to connect?01:02
AquilaiI might need it to install my graphics driver again01:02
michael_Aquilai: does "sudo ifup eth0" work?01:02
gribouilledoes ubuntu use NetworkManager ?01:03
AquilaiI haven't tried because I'm new to linux :/01:03
ifireballmichael_: I think you put it in your device section, also comment out the "Option "DPMS"" line01:03
Aquilaibut presumably that's to connect to my network card then01:03
michael_Aquilai: no problem, try it and then type "ifconfig" and see if eth0 says UP or DOWN in its pile of information01:03
livingdaylightDoes someone know how to fix Applications Menu?01:03
fsckris OSS better than ALSA?  I have never used OSS01:03
michael_Aquilai: yes, sudo means "run this as root (administrator)", ifup means "turn on this interface", and "eth0" is usually the name of your wired internet card.01:03
gribouilledoes ubuntu use NetworkManager ?01:04
michael_ifireball: will put it in Device section; I saw nothing about ModeLines, which you mentioned above; and I'll comment out DPMS as well.01:04
Aquilaiokay cheers. also is there a text based IRC so that once I get the net working I can still ask for help?01:04
dadehooglivingdaylight: what's wrong with the Applications menu ?01:04
livingdaylightdadehoog, its empty01:04
Fjodorfsckr: OSS belong to the olden days. ALSA is it's successor01:05
ifireballmichael_: you don't have any "ModeLine" lines in your xorg.conf?01:05
dadehooglivingdaylight: what is in System->Preferences->Main Menu ?01:05
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP301:05
livingdaylightdadehoog, i was messing with geubuntu; added the packages but it didn't work out. coming back to gnome i find Applications Menu empty01:05
michael_ifireball: correct.01:05
DigitalNinjais there an easy way to download youtube videos?01:05
Aquilaiokay I'll just give it a try01:06
ifireballmichael_: well, one less thing to worry about... ;)01:06
michael_ifireball: with DPMS commented out and UseEdid=false in "Device" section, I restarted gdm; and now Alt-F7 gives me a blinking cursor instead of giving me nothing at all.01:06
fsckri think sound support is the only thing lacking in linux these days. You just about have to pull teeth in order to get 5.1 working and if you get it working its not true 5.1 :_01:06
michael_[nothing at all = refusing to switch from whatever tty i'm currently at.]01:06
livingdaylightdadehoog, like nothing01:06
FjodorDigitalNinja: Try freshmeat.net. Look for youtube-dl01:06
dadehooglivingdaylight: ok, open a terminal and run "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop" - that should put your system back to what it was when you first installed it01:06
DigitalNinjaFjodor: got it01:06
michael_ifireball: '(EE) Screen(s) found, but none have a usable configuration'01:07
dadehoogany new programs/config that you've done should be retained, but you'll have all the default stuff back again too01:07
mallockilxI have a server that just ran out of memmory. I have console access through a kvm, but i can't turn off the power reset it. What can I do? I have tried ctr-alt-delete a million times while it complains about having run out of memmory..01:07
liquidfirewohoo, finnaly i got oracle xe and oracle sql dev running o/01:07
michael_ifireball: even more helpful: '(WW) VESA: No matching Device section for instance (BusID PCI:1:11:0) found'01:07
livingdaylightdadehoog, this is what it looks like http://img255.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshotgp8.png01:07
ifireballmichael_: hmm... can you paste the whole file to pastebin01:07
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dadehooglivingdaylight: what is alacarte-made ?01:08
michael_ifireball: sorry, what's pastebin?  and, do you mean the Xorg log or xorg.conf?01:08
livingdaylightdadehoog, no idea01:08
ifireballmichael_: log01:08
NetLarIrvineI am on Ubuntu website, it says that requirments for Ubuntu desktop is 256 mg ram, that is right?01:08
ifireball!pastebin | michael_01:08
ubotumichael_: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)01:08
biouserThe program 'ies4linux-gtk.py' received an X Window System error.01:08
TeslaDaveI have a question, I was hoping someone can help me, its with regard to ssh and X forwarding, but using a windows X client and accessing from windows (32bit) my (64bit) ubuntu Gusty machine01:08
biouserdo y'all think it will still work?01:08
Amaranthdadehoog: it means alacarte made it but someone removed the metadata for it that shows the real name01:08
qu1et_ubumichael, pike -- OK, I'm back01:09
dadehooglivingdaylight, Amaranth, indeed01:09
r4wMUnt34qNow, when Ubuntu is done loading, the logging screen has a unreadabla graphics, I cant recognize my mouse, only the vertical position, and I can log in, but I still cant recognize whats on the screen without remembering what I have done and so on. Is it repairable in the terminal ?01:09
jack_what is the best program to copy dvds?01:09
qu1et_ubuI'm probably not understanding correctly:01:09
techqbertmy power supply only has two SATA connectors.  how mcuh do more adapters cost?01:09
michael_qu1et_ubu: work with pike, please - i'm attacking my own prob at the minute (and probably not able to help you anyway :( )01:09
pike_qu1et_ubu: i dont know where that config file went in gutsy if youre in feisty you should be able to edit it to associate mac with device01:09
livingdaylightdadehoog, anyway to restore to default?01:09
dadehooglivingdaylight: as I suggested above, open a terminal and type "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop" - that should bring the menu back to the default arrangement01:09
r4wMUnt34qNow, when Ubuntu is done loading, the logging screen has a unreadabla graphics, I cant recognize my mouse, only the vertical position, and I can log in, but I still cant recognize whats on the screen without remembering what I have done and so on. Is it repairable in the recovery mode ?01:09
Fjodorjack_: dd01:09
ifireballmichael_: also if you have "busid" line in your "Device" section you can disable it (assuming you only have one gfx card) and make sure you got the right driver01:10
livingdaylightdadehoog, ok, did that but it hasn't01:10
livingdaylightdadehoog, do i need to reboot?01:10
dadehooglivingdaylight: log out, and log in again01:10
jack_Fjodor: thanks :)01:10
livingdaylightdadehoog, Places and System is fine - its just the Applications Menu01:10
qu1et_ubupike_ OK01:10
TeslaDaveI am having problems getting X to forward to my windows machine when using a X client01:10
michael_ifireball: there's the old video card which seems to do nothing, even in win98 which i blew away, and then the new voodoo card... not sure if this matters.01:10
dadehooglivingdaylight: log out and log in again01:10
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michael_ifireball: no idea how to check if i have the right driver; all i know is that "intel" didn't work, but "tdfx" at least gives me a cursor!01:11
Fjodorjack_: dd if=/dev/dvd of=some-file-name.iso bs=819201:11
fairhonanthhey guys01:11
drew_chicagoanyone know of a easier way to whitelist senders in Evolution using spamassassin?01:11
livingdaylightAmaranth, i tried geubuntu but had troubles with applications menu in it and they at #geubuntu tried to help me and must have in the process removed the metadata01:11
ifireballmichael_: no that cursor is no good, it means X isn't loading01:11
dadehoogdrew_chicago: how are you doing it at the moment ?01:11
qu1et_ubupike_ Just to be clear:  ifconfig eth0 does work ... but apparently my network connection is configured to use eth101:11
drew_chicagodadehoog, I edit the userprefs01:11
michael_ifireball: i've commented out the BusID line.  What driver do you recommend I use, if not tdfx?01:11
michael_ifireball: or how to find out what to use?01:12
pike_qu1et_ubu: well you can change that by gksu gedit /etc/network/interfaces01:12
qu1et_ubuok cool01:12
dadehoogdrew_chicago: "Mark as Junk" not linked to spamassassin ?01:12
pike_qu1et_ubu: or in the gui but im not familiar with it01:12
_wretchedThe title bars are ultra small and I can barely hit the 'close' or 'maximize' buttons, how do I change the size in gnome?01:12
qu1et_ubuI prefer command line01:12
ifireballfind the card you want to use with lspci, make sure the numbers in the beginning of the ones are the same as in the busid line, don't comment it01:13
liquidfireewhatś the command to see the channel list with x-chat01:13
dadehoogdrew_chicago: you've got the Evolution spamassassin plug-in installed ?01:13
drew_chicagodadehoog, I have been marking them as Not Junk and it moves that one email to the infolder but next time I get another from that sender it goes to junk01:13
drew_chicagodadehoog, I do believe I have the plugin installed01:14
dadehoogdrew_chicago: ok, so spamassassin isn't learning from your input ?01:14
ifireballmichael_:  find the card you want to use with lspci, make sure the numbers in the beginning of the ones are the same as in the busid line, don't comment it01:14
drew_chicagodadehoog, right it doesn't learn01:14
ifireballmichael_: if its is a 3dfx card then you should use the tdfx driver, not sure the vesa driver will even work with it01:15
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about less - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi01:15
michael_ifireball: ah, i get you.  ok, lspci shows 2 cards, and the important one is 01:0b.0 VGA compatible controller: 3Dfx Interactive, Inc. Voodoo 3 (rev 01).01:15
michael_so i should have BusID "01:0b.0" under "Device"?01:15
ifireballmichael_: I think so01:15
ifireballmichael_: w801:15
michael_ifireball: or rather, PCI:01:0b.0 i'd guess01:15
livingdaylightdadehoog, no cigar01:16
michael_ifireball: waiting01:16
ifireballmichael_: yeah the 2nd one01:16
dadehooglivingdaylight: sorry, no more ideas from me ...01:16
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michael_ifireball: ok, now trying gdm restart01:16
gribouilledoes anyone know anything about NetworkManager ?01:16
livingdaylightAnyone else got any ideas on how to fix Applications Menu01:16
dadehoogdrew_chicago: ok, seems that evolution spam filtering is less than perfect ... quite a few bugs reported, I'm just having a look at them in Launchpad01:17
livingdaylightAmaranth, you seemed to know what is up01:17
michael_ifireball: i'm not getting any movement on Alt-F7 or F9, except for 1 short blackout followed by returning to the old blinking cursor screen.01:17
michael_ifireball: (after doing a gdm restart)01:17
michael_ifireball: anyway, now trying to figure out how to copy text into paste.ubuntu-nl.org from a Cygwin sshd window :)01:17
ifireballmichael_: take a look in the log file again, also paste it please01:17
drew_chicagodadehoog, I also can't find ANY gui interface for spamassassin. I know the plugin is installed but the configure button doesn't do anything01:18
ifireballmichael_: you might wanna try putty01:18
michael_ifireball: yes, thanks01:18
michael_ifireball: don't have it on this machine because cygwin feels even more like linux :)01:18
dadehoogdrew_chicago: could you try closing Evolution, then opening a terminal, and running "evolution" ? That way we'll get some extra information about what is and isn't happening ?01:18
drew_chicagodadehoog, will do01:19
ifireballmichael_: it doesn't mean you need to suffer that silly featureless cmd window... run an xterm in cygwin maybe?01:19
gribouillehey, are you sleeping or what ?01:19
drew_chicagodadehoog, ok I started it from terminal01:19
dadehoogdadehoog: okeydoke, now try an set something as Junk or Not Junk ... is there anything in the terminal ?01:20
michael_ifireball: ooh, that's a thought... although don't i have to have X running on my linux box in order to attach a remote xterm to it?01:20
ifireballmichael_: iv you've got cygwin you can run X on windows...01:21
michael_ifireball: oh sweet, i had no idea.01:21
michael_ifireball: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/48790/01:21
Eaglerayifireball: XMing is a better solution though - it runs faster, and you don't need cygwin installed for it01:21
dadehoogdrew_chicago: okeydoke, now try an set something as Junk or Not Junk ... is there anything in the terminal ? Also, try and use the "configure" button for spamassassin ?01:22
michael_ifireball: holy crap, X was just two keystrokes away and i hadn't known :)01:22
drew_chicagodadehoog, ok hold on01:22
livingdaylightAnyone know how to fix an Applications Menu?01:22
ifireballEagleray: no argument, but he already has cygwin...01:22
biouseris IE 6 in the XP era?01:23
dorwardvi have a bluetooth network adapter, a wireless network adapter and a PCI netword adapter.  each of these adapters connect to different network with different privileges, some websites are block when using one but not on the others, is there anyway to choose which connection i would like to be active without disabling other devices?01:23
michael_ifireball: i assume you saw the URL pasted for my Xorg.0.log output01:23
HoNgOuRuI am reinstalling grub from the live cd, why is that when doing "grub-install /dev/sda" sda is not found?????01:23
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HoNgOuRuI did chroot /media/ubuntu01:24
michael_biouser: yep01:24
drew_chicagodadehoog, first I flagged an amazon email as junk terminal posted "report junk?? Amazon.com"01:24
HoNgOuRuplseas help01:24
ifireballmichael_: yeah, it seems you're still using "vesa"01:24
dadehoogdrew_chicago: ok, that _sounds_ good ... but ..?01:24
HoNgOuRuI am reinstalling grub from the live cd, why is that when doing "grub-install /dev/sda" sda is not found?????01:25
HoNgOuRuplseas help01:25
drew_chicagodadehoog, next I tried configure the spamassassin plugin and that didn't do anything01:25
dadehoogdrew_chicago: right, nothing on the terminal at all ?01:25
fenrisi am trying to configure wlan on my new gutsy install, but i dont get any connection, and it keeps deleting my network key from the configuration dialog, whats wrong?01:25
HoNgOuRuneither sda or hda ---.....help please01:25
ifireballmichael_: lets do some cleanup, make sure you don't have any gdm org X processes running, then delete the logfile and try again01:25
drew_chicagoright nothing about the configure attempt in terminal at all01:25
michael_ifireball: got it01:25
HoNgOuRuI am reinstalling grub from the live cd, why is that when doing "grub-install /dev/sda" sda is not found?????01:25
drew_chicagodadehoog right nothing about the configure attempt in terminal at all01:25
livingdaylightCan someone give me their applications.menu in  /etc/xdg/menus please?01:26
HoNgOuRuneither sda or hda ---.....help please01:26
ifireballmichael_: e.g. gdm _or_ X processes01:26
dadehoogdrew_chicago: odd, hang on I'm just installing spamassassin here ...01:26
michael_ifireball: can i just do a ps gax | grep -i x, and look for things suspicious?01:26
michael_ifireball: or is there a better was?01:26
biousermichael_, I am having to do wine -age to do some things for work without using windows itself.... so i was wondering: if i am wine-ing IE6 I should get the XP version of plug-ins01:26
dadehoogdrew_chicago: does evolution report "Loading Spamassasin as the default junk plugin" when it is first started ?01:26
ifireballmichael_: thats ok, I use ps -ef though, but thats just an old IRIX habit...01:27
michael_biouser: sorry, out of my depth.  haven't used wine in years.01:27
drew_chicagodadehoog, never noticed that01:27
livingdaylightcan someone cd and tellme what their /etc/xdg/menus holds?01:27
abstraktI'm getting /bin/sh: can't access tty; job control turned off (initramfs) when trying to boot this Vostro 1500 with Ubuntu Feisty 7.x01:27
michael_ifireball: ok, i did /etc/init.d/gdm stop and ther seems to be nothing related to gdm or x in ps.  now cleaning the log.01:27
abstraktwhat gives?01:27
livingdaylightmy /etc/xdg/menus holds debian-menu.menu  gnomecc.menu  gnome-screensavers.menu  kde-applications.menu  preferences.menu  settings.menu01:27
livingdaylightcan someone tell me what i am missing and what is surplus?01:28
dadehoogdrew_chicago: ok, close evolution and re-open it (through the terminal again) and check that the message about SpamAssassin is there ...01:28
drew_chicagodadehoog, ok just restarted Evolution and yes it mentiions starting spamassassin01:28
michael_ifireball: log's clean, now running /etc/init.d/gdm start01:28
dadehoogdrew_chicago: good - 1 sec01:28
ifireballmichael_: it it still doesn't work paste both the log and the xorg.conf files please01:29
michael_ifireball: didn't work, will do.  thanks so much for the cycles you're putting into this!01:29
_3mend0re all01:29
EdwardXPI really wan to figure out how to detect my own devices,01:30
EdwardXPand update drivers on ubuntu01:30
ifireballmichael_: I just can't help thinking its one tiny thing we're missing here01:30
MasterShrekEdwardXP: what hardware? most, if not all, should be auto-detected01:30
dadehoogdrew_chicago: ok, I've tracked the issue down to a bug report ... it would appear that the Evolution plug-in isn't able to alter the spamassassin whitelist01:31
dadehoogdrew_chicago: https://bugs.launchpad.net/evolution/+bug/17243401:31
michael_ifireball: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/48792/ is error log01:31
dadehoogdrew_chicago: but ultimately, it's an issue with Evolution, which the GNOME developers are working on ...01:31
_3mend0sorry, doesn anybody knows how to restar sun java ?? I can't run mercury ... return the follow error: " axel@axel-laptop:~$ mercury01:31
_3mend0Mercury does not run on Blackdown Java.01:31
_3mend0Please, make sure to have the Sun Java version 1.5 or later installed.01:31
_3mend0what I can do ?01:31
drew_chicagodadehoog, ok so not much I can do then but keep editing the whitelist manually01:31
ader10Does anybody know how to install a current partition of windows on virtual box?01:31
livingdaylightCan someone help me with applications menu please!?01:31
michael_ifireball: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/48793/ is xorg.conf01:31
livingdaylightdadehoog, can you tell me what you have in /etc/xdg/menus?01:32
michael_ifireball: i sure would love it if it were one tiny thing.  yessir.01:32
drew_chicagodadehoog, thanks for your help01:32
_3mend0!mercury sun-java01:32
livingdaylightmy /etc/xdg/menus holds debian-menu.menu  gnomecc.menu  gnome-screensavers.menu  kde-applications.menu  preferences.menu  settings.menu01:32
dadehoogdrew_chicago: pretty much ... it may be possible to convince Evolution to output a list of your address book in the format required for spamassassin ....01:33
ProN00bcan ubuntu feisty (64bit) write to hfs+ ?01:33
backgenis it me or is facebook a lot slower on gibbon with firefox?01:33
dadehoogdrew_chicago: no worries - hope it helped ..01:33
drew_chicagodadehoog, thats a good idea. I'll investigate that. it'll save me some typing if nothing else01:34
livingdaylightdadehoog, can you help me bro?01:34
gribouilledoes anyone know anything about NetworkManager ?01:34
alex__hello... I need some help installing Ubuntu jeos 7.10 on vmware 601:34
backgenok so i know that windows is good for games...macs are good for video editing and graphics design...what is linux famous for?01:34
dadehooglivingdaylight: I've done what I can ...01:34
ader10Does anybody know how to install a current partition of windows on virtual box?01:34
winkmanbackgen: being free01:34
atoponceProN00b: yes, if you don't use journaling01:35
dadehooglivingdaylight: sorry01:35
livingdaylightbackgen, it is good for surfing the web01:35
EdwardXPwhats the command to see your open ports again?01:35
livingdaylightdadehoog, ok, then just continue to ignore me01:35
kelsinbackgen: those are all stereotypes that are rapidly changing01:35
livingdaylightdadehoog, seriously, you can't tell me what you have in /etc/xdg/menus?01:35
EdwardXPim tryin gto find out which port to allow in the router01:35
alex__Linux is famous for being good at anything and everything at the same time01:35
abstraktbackgen: yeah none of those stereotypes are really true any more01:35
Eyemeanhi does any one know why some fonts dont print properly in ubuntu01:35
ifireballmichael_: almost there: "PCI:*(1:11:0) 3Dfx Interactive, Inc..." so it seems you need to use decimal in xorg.conf rather then hex...01:35
ProN00batoponce, how do i turn that off ?01:36
brent1I need help getting ubuntu to work with my wiriless and ethernet cards01:36
Batma8is it normal to have a slight vertical tearing when you use your cube?01:36
ifireballmichael_:  so it should be BusID"PCI:01:11:0"01:36
atoponceProN00b: just mount the fs as hfs and not hfs+01:36
abstraktbackgen: the "stereotype" for linux though is being "good at running servers"01:36
ProN00batoponce, -t hfs ?01:36
backgenis there a kind of manual for ubuntu gutsy gibbon?01:36
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abstraktbackgen: the whole "macs are good for graphics/audio/video" is bullshit though01:36
alex__Excuse me, again: Linux is famous for being good at everything and nothing at the same time01:36
MasterShrekbackgen: ubuntuguide.org01:36
michael_ifireball: ok, i'm willing to try it :)01:36
abstraktbackgen: "windows is good for games" has a little merit though01:36
alex__anyone here has experience with Ubuntu 7.10 JeOS?01:37
cr4how do I surf in my share folder with nfs ?01:37
kelsinbackgen: there is an official ubuntu book that canical publishes. There is also many websites, and of course since ubuntu is made up of all open source software, the websites and books and manuals of the pieces of the system01:37
atoponceProN00b: yes. actually, it looks like 'hfsplus' is supported, so give that a try01:37
michael_ifireball: note that i had used PCI:01:0b.0, with a dot, not :0 with a colon.  shoudl i in fact use a colon?01:37
livingdaylightabstrakt, macs are excellent at video and graphics stuff, that's no bs01:37
Eyemeanthe lucida handwritng fonts just looks normal in openoffce01:37
brent1I have a dell inspiron 6000 and installed ubuntu onto it....sadly it refuses to use my wireless card and my ethernet port01:37
brent1any ideas?01:37
rewtorare there any "upgrades" to apps in LTS?01:37
ifireballmichael_: I think so01:37
winkmanbackgen: the official ubuntu book is very good, it's sitting right next to me... and will get you on your feet in no time!01:37
ProN00bdoes the live cd have any kinds of hard restrictions on writing to disks ?01:37
kelsinabstrakt: that's only cause developers love DirectX, if more games were programmed properly (like wow, warcraftIII, quake, unreal) linux would be more popular01:37
atoponceProN00b: nope. it's full fledged01:38
livingdaylightifireball, couldn't you check your /etc/xdg/menus?01:38
ProN00batoponce, well, if hfsplus is supported, why didn't it work when i tried01:38
ZiRo`i'm getting frustrated01:38
ZiRo`i thought linux was meant to wrok01:38
atoponceProN00b: what did you try?01:38
backgendoes anyone know how i can get my hands on the official ubuntu book?01:38
ZiRo`gftp doesnt01:38
cr4how do I surf in my share folder with nfs ?01:38
livingdaylightwinkman, that book is sooo outdated. i have it too and donated it to my library coz it's just obsolete01:38
ZiRo`it sucks, transfers "stall" without reason, the only way to recover is to restart the app01:38
winkmanbackgen: From a local library, or through the ubuntu store perhaps?01:38
michael_ifireball: k, i changed it, wiped the log, and am restarting gdm... cross your fingers.  F7 screen is currently blinking cursor plus some garbage i typed on it.01:38
ifireballlivingdaylight: it contains a bunch of *.menu files01:38
ZiRo`but there arent enough decent ftp clients out there accessible01:39
livingdaylightifireball, my /etc/xdg/menus holds debian-menu.menu  gnomecc.menu  gnome-screensavers.menu  kde-applications.menu  preferences.menu  settings.menu01:39
ProN00b"mkdir /media/sda1;mount /dev/sda1 /media/sda1" could read and list files correctly01:39
backgenahhh thanks01:39
winkmanlivingdaylight: Really? I"ve got the second edition... and it still seems pretty good01:39
ifireballlivingdaylight: hmm... I also got applications.menu...01:39
livingdaylightwinkman, ahhh.. you didn't say that. i got the first edition01:39
atoponceProN00b: well, that's you're problem. why are you trying to create a device?01:39
backgenalthough i doubt my library will have a book that talks about gibbon...but were there any breakthrough changes that came with it?01:39
livingdaylightifireball, yea, that's the one i need!01:39
ProN00batoponce, i even tried with -w, and mtab showed "rw"01:39
michael_ifireball: oh good, got a parse error, UseEdid not valid in "Device".  I'll try in "Screen".01:39
ProN00batoponce, trying to create a device ?01:39
ifireballmichael_: just comment it for no01:40
atoponceProN00b: mkdir /dev/sda1?01:40
livingdaylightifireball, can you paste that for me? so i can add it01:40
michael_ifireball: ok01:40
dadehoogZiRo`: why are you using gedit ? If you run Applications->Internet->Terminal Server Client and set up FTP connections as if they were local filesystems ...01:40
ProN00batoponce, read again01:40
winkmanbackgen: I'm not too sure, i think the second editiion only deals with 6.0601:40
atoponcemy bad01:40
ifireballlivingdaylight: try reinstalling the "gnome-menus" package01:40
ProN00batoponce, any idea what else could be wrong ?01:40
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats01:40
atoponceProN00b: you're sure that the hfs+ device is /dev/sda1?01:40
livingdaylightifireball, ok, will try that first and see what impact it has on /etc/xdg/menus01:40
ProN00byes, files show correctly01:40
ProN00bjust giving me a file system is read only error01:41
ifireballlivingdaylight: that's the package where the file came from01:41
atoponceProN00b: mount -t hfs /dev/sda1 /mnt01:41
atoponceProN00b: ^^ work?01:41
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about rpl - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi01:41
kitcheProN00b: is it hfs+ or just hfs?01:41
ProN00batoponce, yeah, going to try this when i reboot, anything else i could try in case this fails ?01:41
michael_ifireball: hm, a couple lines from end of log (it failed again btw) is '(WW) TDFX: No matching Device section for instance (BusID PCI:1:11:0) found'01:41
stdhow do I ripl-boot ubuntu01:42
atoponcekitche: hfs+01:42
michael_want the whole log pasted?01:42
ProN00bkitche, its hfs+, but i don't think it matters if i just need a file deleted quickly+01:42
Eyemeanif i have problems with openoffice not showing fonts properly is there another room i can go to?01:42
=== SonomaAway is now known as Mr_Sonoma
atoponceProN00b: specify the type. hfs for no journaling, hfsplus for journaling: mount -t hfsplus /dev/sda1 /mnt01:42
livingdaylightifireball, how about the others. Any of them extrenuous?01:42
stdhow do i ripl linux01:42
ifireballmichael_: lets try without the busid line01:42
atoponceProN00b: /mnt is a great tmp point for mounting devices01:42
livingdaylightifireball, my /etc/xdg/menus holds debian-menu.menu  gnomecc.menu  gnome-screensavers.menu  kde-applications.menu  preferences.menu  settings.menu01:42
dadehoogmichael_: "(WW)" means it's a warning, but not fatal to the execution. Look for "(EE)". That means error and failed to execute.01:43
backgenanybody have a link to some cool ubuntu backgrounds?01:43
livingdaylightifireball, all the others are there in your list too or should i eliminate any of them?01:43
michael_ifireball: erm, i seem to have used ".0" instead of ":0" in the xorg.conf BusID line.  Let's try this again, with :0...01:43
realshivahi guys, i want to resend my mails with fetchmail and sendmail, to an 3rd mailserver do someone know how to do this?01:43
stdhow do i ripl linux01:43
michael_dadehoog: yeah, i figured that, but it certainly pointed to a problem as I hadn't seen that before.  thanks.01:43
atoponcestd: what is 'rip1 linux'?01:43
ifireballlivingdaylight: I got all off those01:43
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about rip1 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi01:43
dadehoogrealshiva: a third mailserver ? or an mx host ?01:43
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ripl - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi01:43
SonicChaostd: what is ripl Linux?01:44
atoponcei don't either01:44
* michael_ hands ifireball a six pack of beer01:44
x9kriits pretty cool here now :)01:44
stdatoponce: Remote Initial Program Load01:44
livingdaylightifireball, having installed gnome-menus my /etc/xdg/menus is still missing applications menu... could you paste it so i can manually add it?01:44
* michael_ dances around the channel a bit01:44
realshivadadehoog mails are on googlemail.com. serv1.hostA.tdl fetches the mails and should resend it to yahoo.com01:44
atoponcestd: never heard of it. what does it do?01:45
dadehoogrealshiva: OK, BRB01:45
SonicChaostd, do you mean how do you start a program when you log in? Or how you make another user on your network launch a program?01:45
michael_ifireball: after a flash of garbage and i could swear seeing half of a "gentoo" graphic, it loaded just fine.01:45
stdatoponce: it is like pxe, but I tried pxelinux01:45
michael_ifireball: thank you SO MUCH for your help.  so, the only thing changed from the default Gutsy install was the BusID and the driver=tdfx?01:45
=== steven__ is now known as sayers
atoponcestd: so, you're trying to boot and install a machine via pxe?01:46
michael_ifireball: i can't remember all the steps tried :/01:46
stdatoponec: no01:46
ricaneliteI have steam already installed with Counter Strike on my Windows Partition how do I get it on my Ubuntu linux Partition?01:46
backgenok so now i know it's not a question...but does anyone have any links to some cool Ubuntu themed Wallpapers?01:46
Agiofwshow do i see the special graphics effects in ubutu 7.1001:46
calmHow safe is it to enable the "gutsy-propsed" repository?01:46
LjLcalm: not very01:46
Agiofwsis there any menu or something ?01:46
stdatoponce: no ripl is diffrent01:47
Lunar_Lampbackgen, try looking on www.gnome-look.org - there will be some there :-)01:47
NumBeastAgiofws: right click on the desktop, select properties01:47
calmLjL: What exactly goes in there?01:47
Agiofwswhats the key combination for the cube ?01:47
ifireballmichael_: essentially is was the busid and tdfx, since it kept trying to use the wrong card and driver...01:47
NumBeastAgiofws click the desktop effects tab01:47
atoponcestd: then i can't help you. for pxe, however, you may want to check out ubuntuforums.org or ubuntu-tutorials.com. both have help with pxe01:47
AgiofwsNumBeast,  where is that ?01:47
atoponcedon't know about ripl01:47
kitchecalm: it's fixes and such that need tested before they are moved to the main repo01:47
Agiofwsno properties option01:47
marioMi laptop gets stucked and I can't hit any key, not even ctrl alt f2 or f3. Help, please.01:47
calmkitche: Ah, thanks.01:47
fannagogannaare you using pxe to boot from the net?01:47
NumBeastAgiofws, sorry right click desktop, then select change background01:47
michael_ifireball: got it.  thanks again.01:48
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calmI'm learning new things every day. =)01:48
LjLcalm: packages with bugfixes that, if they don't show any problems during a testing period, eventually end up in gutsy-updates. if they *do* show problems though... sometimes they're serious problems.01:48
drgebwhat is steam ?01:48
NumBeastAgiofws then select visual effects tab01:48
livingdaylightifireball, ?01:48
SonicChaomario, sounds like a hardware problem.01:48
twobitsexcuse me, is there a webpage where I can see the hash codes for the various ubuntu installs01:48
ifireballmichael_: cheers, have a nice ubuntuing...01:48
AgiofwsNumBeast,  that only has 3 options01:48
fannagogannatwobits, you mean md5 sums?01:48
NumBeastAgoifws then you can choose what level of effects you want01:48
ifireballlivingdaylight: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/48795/ good luck!01:48
stdcan anyone else help me with ripling linux01:48
Agiofwsi need  to know the key combinations or what it does01:48
mariosonicchao: I don't think so01:48
backgenlunar lamp: thanks!01:49
NumBeastAgiofws if you want more options, install the compiz settings package01:49
SonicChaomario, Did it happen right after an Ubuntu install?01:49
shisohanxyb3r: welcome to #ubuntu01:49
mariosonicchao:how do I find the problem01:49
x9krihas code is not md501:49
NumBeastAgiofws: the cube is Ctrl+Alt+Left mouse button01:49
std 01:49
backgenhey does anyone know if i can download a program that rotates my wallpapers kind of like the setting you can put on Macs?01:49
std   01:49
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SonicChaomario, wait, it freezes /while/ you're using the computer or /as soon as you turn it on?01:49
twobitswell whatever code is applicable01:49
SonicChao!repeat | std01:49
ubotustd: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience01:49
NumBeaststd: stop spamming01:49
twobitsi have hashtabs open right now01:49
mariosinchchao: yes, before I had vista and never happened something like that01:49
livingdaylightifireball, when you said 'good luck' i suddenly got scared :)01:49
mariosonicchao: when I am using it01:50
shisohangsr: welcome to #ubuntu01:50
AgiofwsNumBeast,  youhave to have compiz ? to gethe cube effect ?01:50
ubotuYou can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.01:50
michael_backgen: there's a cmd line program to set your wallpaper, so it's very easy to write a script to do this [if you can't find one on the internet], if you're into that kind of thing.01:50
mariosonichchao: specially when Im gettin some files from my home network01:50
ifireballlivingdaylight: well, its a matter of trust then... you are taking a file from a stranger :P01:50
x9krii have the answer whait01:50
shisohanmaster_o1_master: welcome to #ubuntu01:50
shisohanbobbob1016: welcome to #ubuntu01:50
michael_backgen: sort of a while [ 1 ]: sleep a random amount, then pick a file from this directory and set it as wallpaper01:50
shisohanBlank_: welcome to #ubuntu01:50
dadehoogrealshiva: ok ... sorry, can you explain what you're trying to do ..? pull mail from Gmail to your local machine, and forward it automatically to your Yahoo account ?01:50
mariosonicchao: it is pretty weird and unpredictable01:50
NumBeastAgiofws, yes, you have to have compiz. But it comes default with 7.10, so you probably already have it01:50
backgenmicheal: eeek, i have no clue how to script write :(01:50
shisohananubis1337: welcome to #ubuntu01:50
=== Blank_ is now known as Blank__
NumBeastAgiofws: but you need to install compiz-settings to get the control panel01:51
SonicChaomario, hmm...how long has this been happening?01:51
stdcan anyone help me with ripling linux?01:51
SonicChaoDid you update your linux-image or another component before?01:51
michael_backgen: ok, then: i don't know of a program but i'd imagine a few minutes google searching for things like [ubuntu rotate wallpaper] will do it01:51
twobitsanother thing i'm curious about, is there any good, free backup software out there. For windows? (I want to back up before I install ubuntu). I'm wondering what other people have used to back up things like drivers etc.01:51
backgenmicheal: hmm alright i could give it a try....i guess it couldn't really screw up my computer if i mess up could it?01:51
shisohanjmdwyer: welcome to #ubuntu01:51
backgenmicheal: thanks01:51
michael_backgen: nope, it could not.01:51
shisohanreZo: welcome to #ubuntu01:51
livingdaylightifireball, i'm just not sure how to cp that into /etc/xdg/menus now? :s can you help me01:51
mariosonicchao, no, my computer is 3 months old and happens only in ubuntu01:51
michael_backgen: no problem, let me know if you find one, i'll use it too :)01:52
SonicChaoWhy is shisohan welcoming everyone? Is this really necessary?01:52
x9kriNumBeast: http://youtube.com/watch?v=2qxvTJksyuk01:52
Agiofwsok NumBeast  whats my  def.  window manager01:52
bobbob1016I just installed a new drive, I'm creating a partition and one option is "round to cylinders" that just means round the partitions to an even number of cylinders, right?01:52
Agiofwsi just killed it ?01:52
reZoshisohan: despite the fact i've been here for a few months, thank you hehe01:52
michael_backgen: hah- first hit on google:01:52
shisohanericvw: welcome to #ubuntu01:52
SonicChaomario, so you didn't update ubuntu before it started happening.01:52
reZoyour a bot?01:52
dadehoogmario and SonicChao: I've had similar problems, but they vanished when I disabled compiz effects ...01:52
Blank__i'd hate to be another person asking questions, but my friend's also had this problem: the bar at the top of every window is tiny...01:52
anubis1337im having some problems booting Ubuntu 7.10 so when someone gets a chance let me know and ill describe my problem01:52
NumBeastAgiofws: t's metacity, why01:52
SonicChaoreZo, it's a bot and I don't get what it's purpose is :|01:52
kitchereZo: shisohan is a bot it's doesn't look official though01:52
reZothought so hehe01:52
SonicChaomario, and dadehoog; I have to go. >: Good luck!01:52
mariodadehoog, thanks for the advice01:52
brent1i just installed ubuntu and it refuses to acknowledge my nic and wireless card.  they are both there though....any advice?01:53
mariosonicchao, thanks anyway01:53
mariodadehoog, what happened to you?01:53
slimjimflimdoes anyone know how set up ssl for apache on gutsy?01:53
ifireballlivingdaylight: download as text file, then use "sudo" and "cp" to copy it to the right place and don't forget to set the right permissions with "chmod", I really gtg for now01:53
AgiofwsReading state information... Done01:53
AgiofwsE: Couldn't find package compiz-settings01:53
crdlb!ccsm | Agiofws01:54
anubis1337has anyone here every experienced problems with ubuntu hanging up once gnome is started?01:54
dadehoogmario: no worries, it's not an awesome solution ... but ... System-> Preferences -> Appearance, click on the "Visual Effects" tab, and select "None".01:54
michael_anubis1337: yep01:54
anubis1337it just leaves a full-screen display of fading colors01:54
anubis1337i would really like to know what to do01:54
x9kriAgiofws: look at my mive  http://youtube.com/watch?v=2qxvTJksyuk01:54
michael_anubis1337: although mine was a blank screen01:54
SoskelCan I mirror a specific ISO, or must I mirror the entire package?01:54
livingdaylightifireball, can i not first create a text file applications.menu and then open it with gedit and past it in?01:54
Tm_Tshisohan: ping01:54
bobbob1016brent1, The nic should be auto-detected, but what is your wireless card, try googling "(wifi card name) ubuntu", such as "bcm4300 ubuntu"01:54
michael_anubis1337: can you hit Ctrl-Alt-F1 to get to a login prompt?01:54
livingdaylightcan someone tell me how to create a text file?01:55
dadehoogmario: I had random hard locks where I couldn't do anything, and they appeared to be video related - because they got a whole lot worse when I started using dual screens01:55
Soskellivingdaylight: gedit01:55
michael_anubis1337: if you boot in recovery mode, can you get to a prompt?01:55
staceyhow do i get a atheros card working on gutsy? t worked on fietsy01:55
anubis1337it just stops accessing the live cd altogether01:55
livingdaylightSoskel, say more?01:55
ubotuAgiofws: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy), install 'compizconfig-settings-manager'. A new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion01:55
pike_brent1: lspci -v will tell you the chipset of ether nic and wireless card id then suggest searching ubuntuforums.org for someone who had similar problem01:55
michael_anubis1337: ah, so you don't actually have it installed yet?01:55
NemesisDanyone know of a way in linux to tell if I have a vector PDF file or just a standard one?01:55
drew_chicagodadehoog, just a quick update on my spamassassin trouble. apparently you HAVE to LEAVE junk mail in the folder. If you empty it you lose all the learning. so I'll try that and see if it makes any difference01:55
anubis1337i want to get it working w/ the live cd before i go ahead and install01:55
Soskellivingdaylight: open terminal and type in 'gedit' without qutoes01:55
michael_anubis1337: luckily i *just* went thru this over the last 48 hours.  i'll be happy to give you some pointers.01:55
anubis1337i dont want a useless installation01:55
livingdaylightSoskel, ok01:55
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anubis1337ok thanks id appreciate it01:56
* Tm_T slaps amidaniel|away 01:56
SoskelCan I mirror a specific ISO, or must I mirror the entire package?01:56
dadehoogdrew_chicago: ah right ... that's odd ... does that mean that spamassassin runs through that Junk Mail directory _every time_ it runs ?01:56
pike_stacey: normally just works maybe sudo apt-get install linux-restricted-modules-$(uname -r)01:56
NumBeastAgiofws: sorry, that's not the real name, but in synaptic to name/description search for compiz settings01:56
calmHow do I downgrade packages? "Force Version" in synaptic doesn't always seem to work.01:56
backgenmicheal: ok so i think i've found a script to change my backgrounds...is the command prompt i enter it into just Terminal?01:56
drew_chicagodadehoog, thats my guess01:56
michael_anubis1337: well, you won't even be able to install if you can't get to the GUI; so what you'll have to do is get the Alternate Install CD, and use the text-only installer.  once that's done, you'll be able to log in and fix your xorg.conf file (which controls your graphics).01:56
livingdaylightSoskel, sweet...and when i hit save it will ask me where i want it saved?01:56
Soskellivingdaylight: yes01:56
mariodadehoog, how did you disable compiz, because that's what you did, right?01:56
staceylivingday go to cosole and use cat > filename.txt or nano or use gedit kate01:56
dadehoogdrew_chicago: that would likely be a bit of a performance hit ... but it's worth a try01:57
michael_backgen: what's the name of the script?01:57
michael_backgen (wondering if it's a python script, bash script, or executable, or what)01:57
backgenGnome background changer01:57
anubis1337just to make sure, does this have anything to do with what architecture ISO im using?01:57
drew_chicagodadehoog, I was manually clearing the junk folder because it was a pain to check for false junk when it had a bunch of emails. anyway its worth a try01:57
SoskelCan I mirror a specific ISO, or must I mirror the entire package?01:57
anubis1337cause i treid both the 64 bit and 32 bit one01:57
dadehoogmario: As I said earlier  dadehoog: mario: no worries, it's not an awesome solution ... but ... System-> Preferences -> Appearance, click on the "Visual Effects" tab, and select "None".01:57
anubis1337both produce exact same results01:57
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about group - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi01:57
Konamhey, i can't set a network between the pcs in my network01:57
dadehoogdrew_chicago: yeah, let me know how it goes eh ?01:58
mariodadehoog, i already have none there, but thanks01:58
Konamneither using samba or nfs01:58
Konamwith no aparent reason01:58
drew_chicagodadehoog, will do. thanks again01:58
michael_anubis1337: no, it doesn't.  when you download the image to burn form ubuntu.org, check the "I need the alternate install version" checkbox.01:58
Agiofwsdo i have to run compiz ?01:58
michael_anubis1337: you'll likely use the 32-bit i386 version.01:58
Agiofwsthats what i did and it killed metacity01:58
Agiofwswhats the compiz package settings name ?01:58
dadehoogdrew_chicago: no worries, good luck01:58
nickrudAgiofws, no you do not01:58
anubis1337ok thats what i thought as well01:58
Agiofwscompizconfig-settings-manager - Compiz configuration settings manager01:58
crdlbAgiofws: yes01:58
anubis1337ok ill try the alternate install then01:58
anubis1337thank you01:58
dadehoogmario: and you're still getting hard lock-ups ?01:58
michael_backgen: ok, normally i would set this up manually to make it run at every startup,01:58
hdevalencei need to burn a 167 MB netinst cd but i only have dvds01:58
michael_anubis1337: no problem, and good luck01:58
NumBeastAgiofws: compizconfig-settings-manager01:58
hdevalenceis that a waste?01:59
Agiofwsok NumBeast  no what ?01:59
mariodadehoog, sometimes01:59
backgenmicheal: ok so how do i do that?01:59
NumBeastAgiofwsL install it01:59
mariodadehoog, as i said is unpredictable01:59
nickrudAgiofws, if you don't want compiz, just system->prefs->appearance visual effects tab, and select none01:59
Agiofwsi installed it01:59
michael_backgen: but the blog i mentioned to you talks about using Gnome's session management instead.01:59
dadehoogmario: have you installed any restricted-drivers ? eg. nvidia, ati, etc ?01:59
NumBeastAgiofws: so exactly what do you want?01:59
michael_backgen: as it sounds like you're more comfortable with the GUI, i'd look into using that to control the file instead.01:59
michael_backgen: lemme go look into it - you do so as well and see if you find out how to use "Gnome Session Management" to make that script run when you start gnome.01:59
mariodadehoog, yes, my wireless02:00
nickrudmichael_, system->prefs->session , startup tab02:00
michael_nickrud: thanks :)02:00
mariodadehoog, but that's not the graphic stuff02:00
michael_backgen: you catch that?02:00
dadehoogmario: yeah, what is your wireless card/nic ? and what did you have to install ?02:00
backgenmicheal: eek not really, hahah i know this sounds pathetic but i don't even know where my Gnome is!02:01
michael_backgen: no problem.02:01
mariodadehoog, no i did not install that, is an intel prowireless 394502:01
michael_backgen: are you in a graphical environment that looks kinda like windows?  with a red power button icon at the top right?02:01
backgenmicheal: yep02:01
Agiofwsdo i have to restart X NumBeast  how do i set some effects ?02:02
michael_backgen: great.  THAT environment is "Gnome".  it's the name of the graphical window manager that you're running.02:02
backgenmicheal: ah....ok i see02:02
michael_backgen: it starts up when you turn on the computer.  So: click on the "System" menu at the top left, then Preferences, then Sessions02:02
NumBeastAgiofws: in the visual effects tab, have you tried selecting one?02:02
michael_go to the Startup tab, click "Add" to add a new program to run on startup of Gnome, and browse to find the file you downloaded.02:02
backgenmicheal: ok got it02:02
unitheorygnome is the desktop environment, not window manager02:03
michael_backgen: and apparently, this will start it up next time you log in.02:03
michael_unitheory: i've always been a little hazy on the distinction; is X the window manager, then?  and if so, what's an alternative?02:03
livingdaylightifireball, that worked!02:03
unitheorymichael_, probably compiz or metacity is the window manager depending on whether effects are enabled02:03
backgenmicheal: ok so do i add it as a startup program?02:03
michael_backgen: yep.02:04
kitchemichael_: X is the server that the graphical programs run on02:04
michael_unitheory: if i've just installed Gutsy, would metacity be the manager?02:04
Jack_Sparrowunitheory: gnome and kde are generally called window managers02:04
unitheorymichael_, yes, if you dont have effects enabled02:04
michael_kitche: ok, so if metacity is the Window Manager, and Gnome is the Desktop, what is X called?02:04
kitchemichael_: X02:04
nickrudmichael_, the window manager draws the borders and title bar, provides the mechanism that allows you to move them with the mouse02:04
michael_kitche: lol, right02:04
kitchemichael_: it's just the graphical server you can say02:05
=== sunogbaga is now known as slowlearner
michael_nickrud: thanks for the clarification.  While the desktop environment provides the menus, panels, desktop, trash, etc?02:05
backgenalrighty...so i just copy paste the entire script into the command line?02:05
nickrudmichael_, exactly02:05
michael_backgen: no, not quite02:05
unitheoryJack_Sparrow, so are desktop environment and window manager the same?02:05
=== etotheipi is now known as _etotheip
unitheoryi didnt think so02:06
backgenmicheal: haha thank god, that seemed a bit insane02:06
kitchemichael_: well a window manager can do panels and menus some can at least02:06
michael_backgen: have you downloaded the Gnome Background Changer script (or whatever it's called) as a file to your Desktop?02:06
Jack_SparrowYou are splitting hairs..02:06
michael_kitche/Jack_Sparrow: good enough description for me.02:06
backgenmicheal: yup02:07
nickrudis it dead, or lag?02:07
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs02:08
marioi don't want to have the ubuntu help every time i start ubuntu02:08
marioHELP, please02:08
michael_backgen: ok. the Gnome Background Changer webpage says to now put that program somewhere permanent.  I'd suggest putting it in /usr/local/bin, which is a folder.  if you have a command line available,02:08
arcnewussany good open source gui to recommend for postgresql02:08
staceypike u dont have internet, is there a way to do that from windows?02:08
nickrudJack_Sparrow, it is important to separate out the window manager, emerald vs metacity for exampel02:08
arcnewussi found pdaccess to be decent for my needs but cant find any doc02:09
michael_backgen: which you can get via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal,02:09
michael_backgen: you can type:02:09
kitchenickrud: emerald is not a window manager anyways it's just a window decorator02:09
Jack_Sparrownickrud: agreed...   but in general people misuse the term... wm for Desktop02:09
michael_sudo mv "~/Desktop/whateverTheFileWasNamed" /usr/local/bin02:09
nickrudkitche, then compiz is providing the window manager function as well as the compositing?02:10
yamanhello every one02:10
yamanplease i need help i keep gettin an error message saying that there is No space left on device when trying to use the make command, im using live cd on 7.0402:10
michael_this means "move the file into the /usr/local/bin directory, and since that directory is owned by the Administrator, i used "sudo" to gain Administrator priveleges for a minute.02:10
kitchenickrud: yeah02:10
mariohey guys, I know you can help me, how can I disable the ubuntu helo everytime i start the desktop?02:10
yamanand i cant make the install of ubuntu becausei need to update my graphics drivers so that im able to press the next buttons in the install02:10
nickrudkitche, ah, my first new thing for the night, thanks02:10
MasterShrekyaman: you might have better luck using the alternate installer cd02:10
backgenmicheal: ok let me give that a try02:10
MasterShrek!alternate | yaman02:11
ubotuyaman: The Alternate CD (available as of Dapper) is the classical text-mode installation CD. Use it if you wish to upgrade via CD, or for an "expert" mode install. For normal installs, use the Desktop CD, which is also a "Live" CD - See also !Minimal02:11
unitheorymario, you mean when you start firefox?02:11
mariounitheory, no, I mean when i log into ubuntu02:11
Jack_Sparrowmario: You want it to not ask for user name and pass when you boot up?02:11
MasterShrekyaman: also, if you hold alt and click and move your mouse, it should move the window around, so u should be able to get at the next buttons02:11
mariojack_sparrow, no, i already have that, thanks, I mean when i get to see the desktop the help just pops up02:12
drgebI have a strange blinking square on top left hand corner of my desktop how can I determine what program this is ??02:12
yamanMasterShrek: thank02:12
Jack_Sparrowmario: That doesnt happen for most of us so trying to figure out what is happeneing there02:12
michael_drgeb: a messy way is to do a ps output of all running programs then run 'xkill', click on the icon to kill it, then run ps again, and do a diff on the two outputs to see what has changed.02:13
michael_ps gax > fileOne02:13
backgenmicheal: hmm it says it's not recognizing the command02:13
michael_xkill [click on square]02:13
michael_ps gax > fileTwo02:13
michael_diff fileOne fileTwo02:13
ProN00batoponce, hfs mounting doesn't work02:13
mariojack_sparrow, I know is not big deal but i dont know how to stop it02:13
michael_backgen: which command?02:13
michael_backgen: sudo? mv?02:13
=== frosty is now known as el_tipico_chilen
el_tipico_chilenalguien habla español02:14
=== el_tipico_chilen is now known as tipical_chilean
pike_drg!es | el_tipico_chilen welcome :)02:14
arcnewussare there any gui recommend to run postgresql?02:14
unbeatablis SAS just a better version of SATA Harddrives?02:14
michael_el_tipico_chilen: hay otros channels en que se hablan espanol, este es solo para ingles02:14
tipical_chileanahora si02:14
Jack_Sparrowmario: You get the ubuntu help center every time you login?02:14
tipical_chileanquien habla español02:14
Jack_Sparrow!es | tipical_chilean02:14
ubotutipical_chilean: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.02:14
tipical_chileansuck my dick02:14
atoponceProN00b: have you tried hfsplus?02:14
mariojack_sparrow, yes, man that is the name02:14
backgenmicheal: i think its mv, because it asked me for my password for sudo02:14
mariojack_sparrow, how can i stop it?02:15
nickrud!language | tipical_chilean02:15
ubotutipical_chilean: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.02:15
michael_backgen: jfj!02:15
michael_backgen: i mean, "huh!"... sorry02:15
backgenwell i type the command in02:15
voltHeirhi: i've been searching the forum for a half hour to no avail.  how do I install the PEAR package?  i already have installed apache2/php5 with apt...  thanks in advance!02:15
backgenmicheal: then terminal says [sudo] password for (username)02:16
Jack_Sparrowmario: how long has it done this.. what was the last thing you installed when it started etc.02:16
michael_ok, um so you typed sudo mv "~/Desktop/gbchange" /usr/local/bin, and it prompted you for your password, and then it gave you an error?02:16
=== erwin is now known as slowlearner
nickrudvoltHeir, I believe you're looking for php-pear02:16
voltHeirok lemme try02:17
voltHeirnickrud: thanks!02:17
nickrudvoltHeir, take a look at it's description, many of the pear modules are already packaged02:17
mariojack_sparrow, i think since i installed it02:17
voltHeirnickrud: will do.  is there a synaptic package listing somewhere?02:17
nickrudvoltHeir, yes, you'll find it under php-pear :)02:17
backgenmicheal: yup except thats not the name of the file though...wait where did you get your script from?02:17
mariojack_sparrow, i think since i installed......i dont remember02:18
mariojack_sparrow, how can i tell02:18
michael_backgen: i assuemd you were using the one off the blogt that i sent you to.02:18
michael_can you copy and paste what you typed and what error it gave you?02:18
voltHeirnickrud: i mean more generally - like the name of packages that i can use apt to get, so i don't have to come to IRC to find the answer 'php-pear' :D02:18
Jack_Sparrowmario: If that is true you have a bad install as that is NOT what the rest of us have..  What about installing from repos other than Ubuntu official ones?02:18
backgenmicheal: i think i may have gone to a different one by mistake, can you send me the blog again please?02:18
countxhelp! me02:18
Museyou help me too02:19
countxok ok02:19
countxgo go go02:19
michael_backgen: sure.  and, my mistake - i just tried to run the command i todl you to run and i got an error as well.  stupid me.02:19
nickrudvoltHeir, lol, do aptitude search php5-* in a terminal, I think that will list them all02:19
dadehoogvoltHeir: it depends - on which repositories you have enabled - but for your setup, it should be listed in Synaptic (there's a search function, etc.)02:19
mariojack_sparrow, that didn't happen02:19
michael_anyway, here's the link:02:19
countxMuse: u first02:19
mariojack_sparrow, I install everything from the synaptic02:19
michael_but if you found another one, we can work with that one instead!02:19
countxMuse: i am guy02:19
Museok, help me wit something02:20
voltHeirnickrud, dadehoog - i am an ubuntu noob.  thanks to both of you!02:20
backgenmicheal: well thats strange...thats the same blog post i was using actually02:20
voltHeir also debian noob :)02:20
countxMuse: what?02:20
Jack_Sparrowmario: Good choice... but needed to ask..  as long as you dint alter or add special repos we can rule that out02:20
mariojack_sparrow, I know is not complicated to fix but how to find out? i'm rather a newbie here02:20
askandWhen I scan a port with ubuntu network tools it tells me the port is open, but when I check it with http://www.canyouseeme.org/ it seems to be closed..why?02:20
countxMuse: u go first then u help me02:20
Musecountx: I'm having problems with my external hard-disk... it doesn't show in windows or linux or any other system.. everytime it says "Cannot recognize this device"02:20
backgenwait how did you download the script then?02:20
michael_sorry backgen, disappeared for a second02:20
countxMuse: u try format?02:21
michael_backgen: what were you asking?02:21
Musecountx: computer doesn't see it. how can i format it02:21
eugohey has anyone used squirrelmail?!02:21
Musecountx: also there is good data in it, like 160gig of data, i dont want to loose those.02:21
countxMuse: in windoze there is 'computer management'02:21
backgenmicheal: how did you download the script then? because when i press on the download link at the bottom of the blog it brings me to another webpage with the entire script there02:21
nickrudvoltHeir, you really gotta get up on the apt commands, then, a fair start is https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto02:21
voltHeirthank you sir :)02:21
Musecountx: no usb device there.. i tried from different pcs. external hdd doesnt seem to work...02:22
livingdaylightguys how does one remove a directory?02:22
Jack_Sparrowmario: I dont have an answer...  have not seen that before and it is not part of the standard install..  You are not running inside any vm or anything right, normal hard drive install etc?02:22
countxMuse: it is new?02:22
michael_backgen: if you're using Firefox, right click the link and choose "Save File As".02:22
livingdaylighti have a uselss directory Thunar and Xfce4 in my /etc/xdg  but sudo rm wont' do it02:22
stunatralivingdaylight, "rmdir"02:22
voltHeirlivingdaylight rmdir02:22
livingdaylightthx guys02:22
michael_backgen: save it to your desktop as "gbchange".02:22
backgenmicheal: ok got it02:22
stunatralivingdaylight, make sure the directory is empty.02:22
countxMuse: maybe u are under warranty?02:23
backgenmicheal: i'll try the command prompt again then02:23
foolyvespaA music messaging session has been requested. Please click the MM icon to accept.02:23
michael_backgen: please spell my name "michael", as it will then be highlighted in my screen for easier finding your comments :)02:23
voltHeirlivingdaylight 'rm <your dir> -r' will work too.02:23
dadehoogis anyone aware of a good vocab testing tool and verb form testing tool ? ideally for french ... that _isn't_ reliant on KDE/Qt ?02:23
mariojack_sparrow, the only thing is i have been cpying files from another pc02:23
Museanyway, countx . you shoot02:23
backgenmichael: oh woops sorry02:23
livingdaylightstunatra, exactly, its just told me the directory is not empty... is ther not a way of just deleting it anyways?02:23
michael_backgen: the command i gave you earlier was crap, unfortunately - you'll need to do this instead:02:23
countxMuse: i broke my internet02:23
stunatralivingdaylight, I'm not sure. You could try deleting each file one by one.02:24
Jack_Sparrowmario: What files...  and have you been using root access to do it?02:24
countxMuse: laptop with gutsy cant connect to wired or wireless02:24
countxMuse: was working just a second ago, i tried restart...nothing02:24
michael_backgen: do this instead, at the terminal:02:24
mariojack_sparrow, no, i dont think so, just mp3s and documents and pictures02:24
michael_backgen: cd Desktop02:24
realshivadadehoog sry, yes i want to grap the mails from gmail and put it into yahoo account02:24
Jack_Sparrowmario: You also didnt answer my other question.. this is a regular hard drive install.. not vm, not wubi none of that..02:24
michael_backgen: sudo mv gbchange /usr/local/bin02:24
michael_backgen: that should work without errors :)02:25
livingdaylightstunatra, voltHeir 's method 'rm <your dir> -r takes care of it all at once02:25
livingdaylightvoltHeir, thx02:25
Musecountx: you need to pick the wireless router brand in the linux02:25
dadehoogrealshiva: can't you add a forward in your gmail web interface to forward to your yahoo email ?02:25
mariojack_sparrow, sorry, no no VMs02:25
stunatraGood to know, voltHeir, thanks.02:25
backgenmichael: ok let me try that right now02:25
Musecountx: in linux you dont have to restart to fix stuff, its not windows man. lol02:25
Musein linux you need to configure & fix, instead of restarting..02:26
countxMuse: when i click manual config, it opens a window with nothing in it but a white box02:26
Jack_Sparrowmario: I dont have an answer...02:26
livingdaylightstunatra, imagine having a directory with hundreds of stuff in it... having to delte one by one just so one can delete the directoy would be too much work02:27
countxMuse: ok after like 2 mins it just came up02:27
backgenmichael: ah ha...new problem now it says No such file or Directory02:27
Musecountx: there is somewhere I remember to pick the "Type" of wireless connection you got... and back then i picked one of them that worked for me, the other options didn't make my internet up.... That what i remember, now you go and ask an expert. i'm just a newbie hehe02:27
countxMuse: its acting very slow and everything is greyed out02:27
stunatralivingdaylight, Yeah I know. I was sure there was a command to delete all of the files and the dir, but wasn't sure what it was.02:27
michael_backgen: awesome :)  firefox may have saved it as "gbchange.htm" instead of "gbchange" just to be ornery.02:27
livingdaylightvoltHeir, why does the -r after dir name remove dire + all its contents02:27
michael_if you click on "Places -> Desktop", do you see any files in the window that comes up?02:28
countxMuse: i would use wired preferbly if it worked :(02:28
stunatralivingdaylight, thanks to voltHeir we both know :)02:28
realshivadadehoog thats not that what i want to do :-)02:28
michael_[the Gnome "Places" menu at the top of the screen]02:28
backgenmichael: yeh but i tried the .htm too and it told me the same thing02:28
livingdaylightstunatra, :D its great learning stuff eh!?02:28
realshivai took gmail and yahoo to explain you what i want to do02:28
stunatralivingdaylight, it sure is!02:28
michael_backgen: copy and paste this and see if it works:02:29
michael_cd Desktop02:29
michael_mv *gbchange* gbchange02:29
voltHeirstunatra, livingdaylight: the -r means 'recursive' - it will delete the directory's subcontents (including subdirectories and their contents), then the directory itself02:29
michael_sudo mv gbchange /usr/local/bin02:29
michael_[that's all]02:29
mariocesar_boHello all, I had some issues sharing a printer from fesity to gutsy. On gutsy I can see the printer on the feisty machine when I try to create a new printer, but when I check the conection I get a No Conection error.02:29
bobbob1016I have a new drive, and I formatted it via GParted.  I found the UUID, and I put it in my fstab, and no luck.  I added /dev/sdc1 which is it's location, is there anything I'm missing that way?02:29
stunatraahh voltHeir, thanks again. I will put that in my notes.02:29
voltHeirlivingdaylight, stunatra: you can add a '-f' to not get the delete prompt for each subcontent, but this is very *VERY* dangerous02:29
wacd-andydoes anyone know when is the Flash plugin going to be alright again...?02:30
michael_backgen: this is renaming the file to "gbchange" first, assuming it's got the word "gbchange" somewhere in the name currently.02:30
livingdaylightvoltHeir, recursive, right, good word, that will help me remember the command for future reference, thx bro02:30
countxMuse: having no internet on my laptop scares me02:30
Musecountx: haha.02:30
countxMuse: i upload new songs and internet break :((((02:31
ere4sibobbob1016, have you given it a mount point?02:31
Musecountx: live with it, or see what might cause the problem really... you can't go and say "My internet isn't working" You need to be more specific of what might cause this problem... sorry i couldn't be much of a help, but hopefuly an expert here will help you.02:31
Musecountx: as I said before, i'm just a newbie like you! :p02:31
countxMuse: waa D:02:31
backgenmicheal argh!!! it's still not working02:31
michael_backgen: ok, we'll figure it out.  what's the error?02:31
ubotuDoesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.02:32
backgenmichael: ok so i type in cd and cd Desktop and thats fine02:32
backgenmichael: but then i type in mv *gbgchange*gbgchange (and i've tried every version of the file name...with .htm and not)02:32
slugoneokay im installing GWF ..... the widget factory....i unpacked the tarball........im root right now .....and i type ./comfigure and it goes thro some stuff then says c compiler works, NO..... error creating executables02:32
bobbob1016ere4si, I gave it /media/HD3.  It doesn't show on the desktop though.02:32
askandWhen I scan a port with ubuntu network tools it tells me the port is open, but when I check it with http://www.canyouseeme.org/ it seems to be closed..why?02:33
voltHeirlivingdaylight, stunatra: "man rm" in the terminal ;)  this helps too =)02:33
michael_backgen: was there a space between the second star and the secfond "gbchange", like "*gbgchange* gbgchange"?02:33
stunatrathanks, voltHeir :)02:33
backgenmichael: and then it says "missing destination file operand after 'gbgchange*gbgchange'02:33
ere4sibobbob1016, try in terminal    sudo mount -v /media/HD302:33
livingdaylightvoltHeir, LOL i was just doing a 'man' on eclair but didn't have anything... gonna try man rm now02:33
dadehoogaskand: some ports will be open on the, and interfaces - but closed on others ...02:34
voltHeir:) man rocks da house02:34
backgenmichael: no...uh oh was there supposed to be?02:34
dadehoogaskand: and routers/firewalls in the interim may well be blocking the external access02:34
michael_backgen: yep.  what "mv *x* y" does is "move anything containing 'x' to be called 'y' instead."02:34
michael_however, backgen, i have some more bad news...02:34
ere4sibobbob1016,  that should have been   sudo mount -v /dev/sdc1 /media/HD302:34
michael_backgen: i am doing this concurrently with you to make sure things make sense, and i got a few steps ahead and the script is giving an error.  it looks like the author didn't test it very well.02:34
askanddadehoog: hrm ok... the strange thing is I opened two ports in my router..one for torrents and one for direct connect...the torrentport works but the direct connect port wont :/02:35
backgenoh no!!!02:35
bobbob1016ere4si, It mounts, I just don't see it on the desktop02:35
Ar3sIs any one alive ?02:35
Musecountx: aww02:35
michael_backgen: it just might work for you, but to save you time, how about instead:02:35
livingdaylightdadehoog, bro... i got my applications menu back... figured it out bro!02:35
backgenmichael: haha and i just typed in the full command with sudo and i think it worked too...02:35
dadehoogaskand: when you say "opened in your router" you mean enabled port forwarding to your Ubuntu machine ?02:35
michael_backgen: ok, well why not try the last couple steps and see if you get an error :)02:36
dadehooglivingdaylight: well done, what was the problem, and the solution ?02:36
askanddadehoog:  yes02:36
backgenmichael: alrighty then so what are those?02:36
michael_backgen: type this: sudo chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/gbchange [or whatever youc alled it!]02:36
jimmygoonIs libmtp integrated into gnome/nautilus?02:36
dadehoogaskand: what's "direct connect" exactly ?02:36
michael_this means "as Administrator, I want to say that gbchange is a program that can be run, not just a filel that can be read."02:36
jimmygoonbecasue somehow ubuntu is talking to my libmtp-only device02:36
countxMuse: no suggestion?02:36
livingdaylightdadehoog, /etc/xdg/menus was missing a applications.menu script Got someone to give /paste me their copy which i added and presto, bob's your uncle02:37
backgenmichael: ok just did, and it seems fine, no error messages02:37
countxMuse: it is still now working02:37
Ar3sIf anyone can help me, I am a student and I got to interview any one working in computers for a damn project a teacher gave me02:37
michael_backgen: great.  last thing to type is just: gbchange02:37
askanddadehoog: hmm in this case it is the linux dc++ client02:37
ere4sibobbob1016,  in config editor there is an option to show volumes on the desktop - is that checked?02:37
michael_backgen: likely it will vomit an error message02:37
backgenmichael: and how right you are...02:37
bobbob1016ere4si, I'd assume so, my other drives show up on the desktop.02:37
bobbob1016ere4si, I remember setting it a while ago.02:37
dadehoogaskand: right, you've double-checked your router configuration ?02:37
michael_backgen: ok, great :)  at least you've learned a little about the command line!  here's what i suggest:02:37
netdemonhow do you log into root?02:38
backgenmichael: Can;t locate Gnome 2 bla bla bla...02:38
=== netdemon is now known as NeT_DeMoN
macogwhey who has *just* installed and not changed anything that has to do with synaptic or software sources or anything like that?02:38
Himehello all02:38
backgenindeed i did!!! thanks alot02:38
michael_backgen: i'll go find one that DOES work, you sit tight, and i'll come back and walk you thru the install.  sound good?02:38
marioI don't want the Ubuntu help center to start everytime i log into ubuntu! Help, please02:38
macogwi want to know what a certain file looks like by default02:38
michael_backgen: (yeah that's the error I got too.)02:38
ere4sibobbob1016,  add the mount point to the /etc/fstab entry for the volume then02:38
backgenmichael: oh my goodness thank you so much!!!02:38
dadehoogaskand: what ports appear to be open (when coming from the external interface) ?02:38
askanddadehoog: yep..cant understand why it doesnt work..someone told me the isp might have blocked that port but I have tried several differen..02:38
michael_backgen: sure, i just got a ton of help from somebody else on this channel, it'll be good karma :)02:38
bobbob1016ere4si, It's already there02:38
Ar3sHelp me please :'(02:38
michael_backgen: sit tight, be right back02:38
Himeanyone how i can get the wireless internet working on my laptop?02:38
NeT_DeMoNhow do you log into root???02:38
backgenmichael: do you think if we suggest this to some people develloping the next upgrade for Ubuntu they'll intergrate it?02:39
dadehoogaskand: it's possible ...02:39
askanddadehoog: the port that appear ro be open is the port for deluge 688102:39
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.02:39
robdigNeT_DeMoN: you don't, use sudo instead02:39
dadehoogNeT_DeMoN: !sudo02:39
livingdaylightdadehoog, the fun with linux is if  you break it yoiu can fix it... although they do say if it aint' broke don't fix it, heh?02:39
Ar3sDoes AnyOne have some time to spend answering a few questions  about is job in computers ...02:39
mariohime: i have an hp pavilion, if you have that laptop maybe i can help you02:39
ere4sibobbob1016,  does the volume show up when you browse to it using nautilus?02:39
michael_backgen: maybe - anything to make the desktop experience more pleasant is a good candidate for getting included :)02:39
macogwNeT_DeMoN: ubuntu locks the root account.  cant brute force a computer without knowing the user's username too if the root account is locked :)02:39
Himemario: aww i have a acer02:39
macogwAr3s: whats up?  this isnt really the channel for that02:39
marioI don't want the Ubuntu help center to start everytime i log into ubuntu! Help, please!02:39
livingdaylightAr3s, is english your first language?02:40
dadehoogaskand: right, and is the service on the other port runnign ?02:40
countxMuse: im still getting nothing :(02:40
mariohime:sorry and good luck02:40
Ar3sWhich channel should I use ?02:40
livingdaylightmacogw, he's doing market research?02:40
Himemario: well can you tell me what you did on yours?02:40
bobbob1016ere4si, Yes, if I go to /media/HD3 manually, I can see it, add files and whatever.  It isn't on the desktop or sidebar though.02:40
atoponceAr3s: #ubuntu-offtopic02:40
macogwAr3s: ubuntu-offtopic02:40
askanddadehoog:  yep02:40
Ar3sty all ^^02:40
nickrudmario, set up the desktop the way you want it to boot, then system->prefs->session, sessions option tab02:40
mariohime: it was pretty simple02:40
macogwlivingdaylight: *shrug*02:40
ere4sibobbob1016,  brb02:40
Ar3sand sorry for bothering02:40
mariohime: i did not have to do anything02:40
dadehoogaskand: can you run a "netstat -a" from the terminal on your ubuntu machine and post the output to pastebin ?02:40
Himemario: oh :|02:41
macogwhas anyone here just installed and not changed anything in their system > administration > software sources yet?02:41
macogwi want to know what a certain config file looks like by default02:41
countxanyone help? i cant connect to the internet or LAN or my wireless on ubuntu gutsy02:41
livingdaylightAr3s, didn't bother me, but they're very strict about this and other matters in here.... purely business here my friend you know?02:41
bimmacogw: no, but I have a fair idea of what sources.list looks like before fiddling. What's your question?02:41
marionickrud: the ubuntu help center does not appear there to be unchecked02:41
reya276Does anyone know how to fix a user permissions on cedega, I can't install any games due to admin rights02:41
nickrudmario, like I said, set up the desktop the way you want it to start (ie, close the help center) then save the session02:42
Himeis there a program that can automatically detect wireless networks?02:42
askanddadehoog: http://pastebin.com/d77c2452f02:42
Ar3sYeah I understand no problem ^^02:42
macogwbim: well that's not the file i'm wondering about ;)  it's just that when popularity contest gets turned on, it's through there.  im wondering if the /etc/popularity-contest.conf 1) exists by default and 2) has the PARTICIPATE="no" line in by default02:42
bimhime: the network manager will do that by default.02:42
livingdaylightmacogw, which sources list?02:42
Ar3sBye all02:42
bimmacogw: oh, well, I fail that test.02:42
ubuntuTrying to get wireless going on an HP laptop with the Intel 4965 chipset. So far, no love02:42
marionickrud, that's the best idea i have heard about it, THANKS a lot, i should have guessed02:43
NeT_DeMoNcan any one help me with my sound driver problems????02:43
bimexcept that I doubt that I've changed mine ...02:43
livingdaylightmacogw, lol02:43
ere4sibobbob1016,  did you  chmod 777 /media/HD3   ?02:43
FezzlerAny ever chain one 4-port router to another with the first being connected to cable modem?  My laptop will not find IP for VPN when plugged into second router02:43
macogwbim: i know there's a default config in another dir, and then /etc/popularity-contest.conf overrides it, but i dont know if that file is *created* when you check the box, or if it already exists and just agrees with the default "no"02:43
livingdaylightLOL @ /etc/popularity-contest.conf02:43
bimmacocg: looks like the answers are 'yes' and 'yes'.02:43
askanddadehoog:  hrm it doesnt tell me the port is closed really..i get "I could not see your service, connection timed out"02:43
dadehoogaskand: sorry, it scrolled off your buffer ... could you do "netstat -tul" for me ?02:43
macogwbim: so before checking the box it exists and says no?02:44
dadehoogaskand: that should be a shorter output for pastebin02:44
bimright. I've never checked the box, and my file exists, and says no.02:44
macogwbim: thank you02:44
marionickrud, see ya dude, greetings from colombia02:44
bimmacogw: no problem. How can anyone follow a conversation in all this traffic?02:44
bobbob1016ere4si, Didn't work, I chmoded it, and no luck.02:44
* NeT_DeMoN stabs sound card with a virtual knife :P02:45
nickrudmario, greets from LA :)02:45
askanddadehoog: here it is, thanks for helping! http://pastebin.com/d280cdd8002:45
ere4sibobbob1016,  sudo chmod?02:45
bobbob1016ere4si, Yes.02:45
dadehoogaskand: no worries, right ... so which port is the second service supposed to be listening on ?02:45
r3n0chey random question, are there any other built in things like "fortune"02:45
biouserI'm going to install R and use it, anyone know how to?  or where?02:45
askanddadehoog: 444402:45
r3n0cya know how you can type "fortune" into terminal and it outputs a random saying02:45
r3n0care there any other hidden type things?02:46
ere4sibobbob1016,  try with sudo chmod -v   to find out why it doesn't work02:46
dadehoogaskand: well, it certainly seems to be listening on port 4444 (tcp) on all interfaces ...02:46
nickrudbim, what chat client are you running? If it's pidgin, replace it with irssi or xchat. They help a lot02:46
CThoI'm trying to compile something with -static, but it complains "/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lXaw"02:46
kitcher3n0c: hmm nope fortune is a program though not built into the shell02:46
bobbob1016ere4si, I mean it isn't working as in nothing on the desktop.  The chmod was fine.02:46
CThoit works if I leave out -static02:46
kaycekind of a wierd problem, more annoying then anything.. but, every time i restart my pc, my panels seem to always rearrange the icons to completely different then how i set them..  any idea how i can stop it?02:46
[Billy]how do u find a list of ur hardware through the terminal, ie graphics card (linux noob)02:46
ximpulr3n0c: ddate ;)02:46
capouaishi, noob question.  I know this is possible.  when I'm ssh'ed into a gutsy server (from a feisty desktop), how can I edit a file with gedit (for example)?  I don't know what terms to search for to figure it out on my own02:46
LjL[Billy]: lshw02:46
r3n0care there any other things that come packaged with ubuntu 7.10 like fortune?02:47
ere4sibobbob1016,  is it listed under places?02:47
dadehoogaskand: can you telnet to port 4444 from the ubuntu machine using the network interface ? eg. "telnet 4444"02:47
NeT_DeMoNbilly: lspci02:47
kitchecapouais: you can't check out nano though unless you setup X tunneling02:47
SpookyETWhy is ssh faster than SMB and FTP?02:47
ximpul[Billy]: try lspci02:47
roots_hello my friend's! (Y)02:47
bobbob1016ere4si, No.02:47
LjLNeT_DeMoN, ximpul: that just lists what's on the pci bus though. try lshw02:47
NeT_DeMoNljl: ok02:47
roots_this is ubuntu brasil?02:47
askanddadehoog:  that gets me connected02:47
LjL!br | roots_02:48
capouaiskitche: do I need to install X on the server for tunneling?02:48
uboturoots_: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.02:48
kitchecapouais: yeah02:48
michael_backgen: still looking...02:48
dadehoogdadehoog: ok ... it's looking more and more like a router/firewall issue02:48
roots_ok! thank's dude... greatz!02:48
roots_muito obrigado..02:48
dadehoogaskand: what's your network / internet setup look like ?02:48
livingdaylightdadehoog, you're welcome02:48
capouaiskitche: thanks, I'll do some research on tunneling02:48
biouseranyone help get me started with R statistical software in ubuntu02:48
askanddadehoog: laptop to a wireless router with adsl02:48
ximpulLjL: oh look at that, seems like my age is getting to me ;) tx02:48
backgenmichael: ok i'm looking to add the idea to the ideapool right now02:48
kitchecapouais: yeha you will have to anyways iscne I don't know how to do it myself without using freenx02:49
ere4sibobbob1016,  your fstab entry looks something like  /dev/sdc /media/HD3 ext3 defaults 0 0  ?02:49
LjLximpul: well, it's pretty ubuntu specific i think, while lspci is certainly to be found on most other distributions as well02:49
dadehoogaskand: yeah ... ubuntu seems correctly configured. It looks most likely to be an issue with your router ...02:49
bobbob1016ere4si, Yes.02:49
askanddadehoog: yep : /02:49
Sonjai'm considering making the switch from winxp to ubuntu, but i need programs for these tasks: convert an avi or other video file to a normal video dvd (like Nero), also need a good equivalent for Dreamweaver with a good code view, and also an equivalent of Winamp and mIrc02:50
ere4sibobbob1016,  I'm going of this  -  http://www.smorgasbord.net/2007/06/29/how-to-install-second-hard-drive-in-ubuntu-linux/02:50
dadehoogaskand: you've tried ports other than 4444 ?02:50
Sonjaso basically what's the best linux equivalent of Nero, Dreamweaver, winamp and mIrc?02:50
askanddadehoog: yea..can I have ports with 5 numbers in?02:50
askandlike 23412?02:50
kitcheSonja: xmms audiacous is pretty close to winamp as your going to get really02:50
LjL!equivalents > Sonja    (Sonja, see the private message from Ubotu)02:50
SpookyETis it possible to copy a file from one director to another, interrupt the process then resume?02:50
dadehoogaskand: yep, as long as they're less than around 6500002:51
alteregolioamarok/ or something02:51
CThohow can i build or install a static version of libxaw?02:51
NeT_DeMoNwhats the sudo command for the lshw command sudo | lshw???02:51
askanddadehoog:  ah ok...but if I would try to open another port, what would you recommend it to be? Or it doesnt matter?02:51
marx2kIs there no decent alternative to KLibido??02:51
LjLSonja: Nero, gnomebaker or something is what's installed by default, i believe. dreamweaver, check out kompozer. winamp, well there are many players, ask ubotu about !players. mirc... aren't you on it right now? ;) x-chat is pretty full featured02:51
dadehoogaskand: be selective in the port numbers you select, because 4444 is known as a likely trojan port - so ISPs may well filter traffic on some ports known to be potentially nasty02:52
ere4siSpookyET,  use "diff" in terminal02:52
dadehoogaskand: use the port recommended by the server program ... otherwise 8888 should be ok ...02:52
bobbob1016ere4si, Not working.  I tried on ubuntuguide.org, and that didn't work, which is why I asked here.02:52
askanddadehoog: oh ok.. ill try02:52
LjLmarx2k: pimppa?02:52
marx2kpimppa, eh? Let me search for that...02:52
LjL!info pimppa02:53
ubotupimppa: powerful tool to loot binaries from newsgroups smartly. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.5.8-0.1 (gutsy), package size 187 kB, installed size 800 kB02:53
dorwardvi have a bluetooth network adapter, a wireless network adapter and a PCI netword adapter.  each of these adapters connect to different network with different privileges, some websites are block when using one but not on the others, is there anyway to choose which connection i would like to be active without disabling other devices?02:53
KiD_ChAoShey guys what application opens .rar again?02:53
SpookyETere4si: diff?02:53
LjL!rar > KiD_ChAoS    (KiD_ChAoS, see the private message from Ubotu)02:53
ere4sibobbob1016,  can you in terminal   fdisk -l   and paste the result?02:53
marx2kLjL have you tried it and like it?02:53
LjLmarx2k: no, it's just the only one i can see for GNOME/GTK02:53
ere4siSpookyET,  type man diff in a terminal02:53
SpookyETdiff is or comparing 2 files02:53
SpookyETI want to resume a copy02:54
marx2koh ok hehehe (Im in KDE, but that's fine... Ill try it out. THanks!)02:54
zylmakhello, how do we change the screen resolution in ubuntu?02:54
LjLmarx2k: oh. i thought you were asking for an alternative to klibido as in, a non-kde equivalent02:54
askanddadehoog: in thedirectconnect client..it wants me to fill in three ports; TCP, UDP and TLS02:54
askanddadehoog: what would tls be?02:55
marx2kLjL: Well, Im asking for a KDE or Gnome KLibido equivalent that might have the features I am looking for02:55
xe4wv2the graphics redendered on my machine is pretty poor02:55
xe4wv2I am using fiesty..02:55
dadehoogTLS is a secure TCP equivalent02:55
xe4wv2Intel 865 chipset02:55
bobbob1016ere4si, sudo fdisk -l gives me http://pastebin.ca/823030 fdisk -l gives me nothing02:56
Filled-voidHi all Im going to install Ubuntu and Windows XP on my system again the problem s I have one IDE drive and one SATA drive could anyone recommend what would be the proper way to do this? Do I need a /boot partition?02:56
|_ockeok so i have my fglrx drivers working, but compiz says i have no composite extension, how can i fix that02:56
LjLmarx2k: well there aren't that many choices anyway, "apt-cache search newsgroup binar" will list them all. nzb is qt402:57
nickrud|_ocke, sudo aptitude install xserver-xgl, log out and back in02:57
ere4sibobbob1016,  where did you get the uuid for the volume?02:58
cafuegoblkid will tell you the uuid.02:58
bobbob1016ere4si, sudo vol_id -u /dev/sdc102:58
Murdoc650im new to linux in general and I need some help02:58
bobbob1016ere4si, sudo vol_id -u /dev/sdc gives me nothing02:58
cafuegobobbob1016: `blkid'02:59
LjLMurdoc650: ask02:59
Murdoc650just installed ubuntu 7.10 but everytime i install my graphics drivers and restart it wont boot02:59
marx2kLjL: pimppa does not start on my machine. crashes with a MySQL error :/02:59
Murdoc650it makes me reinstall everything all over again02:59
nickrudbobbob1016, ls /dev/disk-* , choose your poisong02:59
ere4sibobbob1016,  sdc is the disk - sdc1 is the partition02:59
nickrudbobbob1016, erm, that is, ls /dev/disk/by-*03:00
bobbob1016cafuego, The disk doesn't show up in the list when I do blkid03:00
LjLMurdoc650, how are you trying to install your graphics drivers?03:00
bobbob1016ere4si, I know sdc vs sdc1, sdc doesn't give me a UUID03:00
ere4sibobbob1016,  just saying you want to mount partitions not disks03:01
LjLMurdoc650: which card do you have and which packages did you attempt installing from synaptic?03:01
cafuegobobbob1016: Correct.03:01
nerbsi'm having trouble installing ubuntu 7.10 - the installer gets to where it's copying files (with the percent bar) and then it suddenly disappears off the screen without an error message03:01
marx2kheh nzb seems REALLY light03:01
marx2kIt seems like klibido is the best of them03:01
bobbob1016ere4si, I know, I am mounting sdc1, not sdc.  I said sdc didn't give me a result in the vol_id, sdc1 did.  I wasn't sure what you were asking.03:01
nerbslike it just quits copying.  it has happened anywhere from 30% to 90%03:02
nickrudnerbs, have you run the disk check routine in the start menu?03:02
ere4sibobbob1016,  does ls /media/HD3 give a result?03:03
backgenmichael: alright just added the idea to the idea pool forum...i hope it gets some support and we might just see it in heron!03:03
nerbsyeah.  it says it's okay.  i've tried re-burning it and using different media.  i checked the md5 sum of the iso matches the website.03:03
LjLMurdoc650, please speak in the channel... i might not be able to help, but other people might. so you're saying that you install the driver for your nvidia 7900GTX card from Synaptic, but when you reboot, you don't see a screen? One thing: why from Synaptic? shouldn't you be using the Restricted Drivers Manager?03:03
michael_backgen: great03:03
bobbob1016ere4si, Yes.  The drive mounts fine.  I can't get it to show on the desktop.03:03
michael_backgen: i spent 15 minutes tailoring a  script that turned out didn't work either...03:04
michael_still looking.03:04
nickrudnerbs, you might try the alternate cd, it seems to install on more hardware (I do hope that's not the one you're using :)03:04
Murdoc650as I said I'm new to linux in general03:04
Himei had one more question03:04
bobbob1016ere4si, I think it isn't showing up as a drive to Ubuntu, do you know why that would happen?03:04
ere4sibobbob1016,  if it mounted fine it would show in places03:04
theNewMehi all anyone know a current source for w32codec ?03:04
LjLMurdoc650: i'm trying to understand what's going on. as far as i know, you should be prompted automatically by the Restricted Manager to install drivers, without a need to use Synaptic03:05
LjL!medibuntu > theNewMe    (theNewMe, see the private message from Ubotu)03:05
ere4sibobbob1016,  what is the free space in /media/HD3?03:05
bobbob1016ere4si, I mean it mounted fine as in I can see it, and read/write it, I just can't see it on the desktop or anything.03:05
ogrei need to kill bonobo-activation-server how would i go about doing that?03:05
nerbsnickrud, does the alternate cd install everything the normal cd installs?03:05
friedtofuhelp with the application title bar  --- i enabled emerald theme - and when it enters, the Title is really small font - after using alt + ctrl + backspace, it becomes larger - img here http://i94.photobucket.com/albums/l105/reachthroughmist/image.png03:05
LjLnerbs: yes03:05
ere4sibobbob1016,  you could be just writing to a file in ubuntu03:05
nickrudnerbs, yes, it just doesn't have a live cd mode03:05
Himehow can i partition my haddrive so that half has ubuntu and half windows? and then choose at boot screen which i want to run03:05
Murdoc650it does if I try and change something with my desktop, but other then that it doesn't03:05
LjL!dualboot > Hime    (Hime, see the private message from Ubotu)03:06
nerbsthanks, i'll give it a try03:06
bobbob1016ere4si, The freespace is what it should be, it is a 500gig drive, and it is 435, my main drive has 3gig left, so I know this is the new drive.03:06
backgenmichael: you know what i think we should give up for now03:06
ubotuDual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MacBookPro https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot03:06
LjLMurdoc650: and if you just don't touch anything at all... what's wrong with the driver you get by default?03:06
michael_backgen: no we should not!  i just found "drapes", a Gnome progra mthat replaces the wallpaper controller but lets you rotate wallpaper.03:06
backgenmichael: hopefully, with any luck, the idea will be taken in and will be in the next upgrade!!03:06
HimeLjL: thanks :)03:06
michael_and best yet, it's installed with a single command.03:07
backgenmichael: oh ho!!! sounds promising...is it a download or scripting again?03:07
ubuntuTrying to dual boot. Installer insists on using the entire HD (VISTA). How can I change that?03:07
keith80403How many CD's does the 7.10 release use?  Is there a way to download all the ISO's for a complete 7.10 release so that a network is not needed?03:07
Murdoc650nothing anymore, but when I first intstalled it the screen was offset03:07
ere4sibobbob1016,  ok - it mounts - I'm a long way away and can't see properly from here :)03:07
ogrekeith80403,  it just uses 103:07
michael_give me another minute to verify, and i'll let you know.  it's a one line installation using a program called "apt-get" which Gnome uses to suck down and install packages for you.03:07
Murdoc650The problem really isn't drivers at this point03:07
csc`Does ndiswrapper use wlan0 as the device name by default in ubuntu?03:08
LjLMurdoc650: if it's a CRT screen, then you should simply adjust the controls03:08
keith80403ogre, So, one CD to get a basic system, and everything not on the install CD has to be downloaded, right?03:08
ere4sibobbob1016,  can you post your fstab pls03:08
Murdoc650the big problem is that when I turn off my comp and reboot it wont boot from disk and so it goes to the CD and then reinstalls Ubuntu03:08
=== monkey_ is now known as monTree
LjLMurdoc650... even if you remove the CD?03:09
DG19075keith80403, there is also a DVD image of Ubuntu...03:09
ogrekeith80403,  well its the complete system seperate packages can be downloaded as you need them03:09
nickrudkeith80403, there's a dvd release has most stuff http://torrent.ubuntu.com/releases/gutsy/release/dvd/03:09
michael_backgen: it works!  hooray!03:09
LjLMurdoc650: well, if it removes the CD, it can't go to the CD. so what happens exactly if you remove the CD and then reboot?03:09
backgenmichael: MARVELOUS!!03:09
keith80403ogre, DG19075, nickrud, OK thanks for the info, guys.03:09
csc`no answer?03:09
nickrudkeith80403, but be aware, a lot of packages have been updated, you'll still need a net to be up to date03:09
backgenmichael: ok i've found drapes, downloaded and extracted it...what next meistro?03:10
Murdoc650nothing. it will stay at my preboot screen asking me to put in the CD03:10
bobbob1016ere4si, http://pastebin.ca/823037 I've tried 0 0 and 0 2 and 0 1, none worked.03:10
keith80403nickrud, Got it - thanks.03:10
osxdudesee yalls03:10
Murdoc650I've set my boot priority to Hard Disk but it doesn't read anything on it03:10
robdigcsc`: what is your question?03:10
osxdudei'mma go now03:10
csc`<csc`> Does ndiswrapper use wlan0 as the device name by default in ubuntu?03:10
ogrenautilus is crshed on me i need to kill bonobo-activation-server how do i do that via terminal?03:10
michael_backgen: hah, you took the long route!  do this instead:03:11
michael_click on Applications -> Add/Remove.03:11
csc`ogre: kill -903:11
osxdudecsc`. No.03:11
michael_In the top right corner, choose Show: All available Applications.03:11
nickrudogre, killall bonobo-etc03:11
csc`that works too03:11
michael_backgen: then type "drapes" into the search box.  it should come up as the only hit.03:11
michael_backgen: good so far?03:11
nickrudone less step, no pid to discover03:11
csc`osxdude: that to me for the question i asked?03:11
ogrenickrud,  tyvm03:11
osxdudecsc`, if it's internal it'll use eth0 or something03:11
LjLMurdoc650, this might be a stupid question, but you *did* install Ubuntu? when you said "and then reinstalls Ubuntu"... you're aware that just putting the CD in the drive and then waiting until a desktop comes up does *not* mean Ubuntu is installed, right?03:12
osxdudeyes csc`03:12
backgenfantastic i'll do that just now03:12
csc`osxdude: so when ndiswrapper is installed, an alias isnt created to always make it wlan0, correct?03:12
backgenmichael: i'm in love with the add/remove thing in ubuntu03:12
Murdoc650yeah, I went through the install,03:12
ogrenickrud,  no luck03:12
cr4how do I mount nfs share folders ? I'm doing this but it doesn't works " /media/lp47 nfs rw,hard,intr00"03:12
ere4sibobbob1016,  your cd is /dev/sdc - your new disk will have to be /dev/sdd03:12
cr4why ?03:12
osxdudeI don't believe so, csc`03:12
michael_backgen: yeah, tell me about it.  it's the frontend to the command line "apt-get" which is FINALLY an easy-to-use linux installer :)03:13
osxdudeOk I gtg....see yalls03:13
nickrudogre, you didnt't type bonobo-etc , right :)03:13
csc`osxdude: well that just overcomplicates things :|03:13
bobbob1016ere4si, How would I change it to /dev/sdd?03:13
evan_i have some applications that just repeatedly crash03:13
backgenmichael: finally?? which version of Ubuntu did it come in?03:13
ere4sibobbob1016, I don't know - let me check03:13
ghostcubehi anyone frim with nvidia03:13
nickrudogre, ogre if it's still running after killall  bonobo-activation-server , try killall -1503:13
ghostcubegot gf 5700 le and a question03:13
michael_backgen: i've been playing with linux for several years; before apt-get, "rpm" (red hat package manager) was popular.  but it had issues.03:14
ghostcubeis the one working with 100xx dribver or only by 9xxx03:14
ogrenickrud, killall bonobo-etc03:14
michael_and then there was some other one starting with a "y" which i've tried to forget, i can't remember.  anyway, apt-get Just Works, which is great!03:14
nickrudogre, the etc was a placeholder for the full name, I didn't want to type the whole thing out ;03:14
OseIs there a way to mass delete files?03:14
ogreahh thanks03:15
LjLMurdoc650: it's really time to go to bed for me, and we'd need a pretty lengthy troubleshooting session i fear, as this seems a weird problem. remember though the question you really want to ask is: i have installed Ubuntu, but on rebooting, the BIOS refuses to boot from the HD, and just goes on trying to boot from CD. <- better way to phrase your question03:15
nickrudOse, rm *03:15
backgenmichael: hmm except in this case! the installation and everthing went fine but then i go to appplications - Graphics - Drapes and click on it nothing happens!03:15
LjLwhich you luck, you'll find me here again tomorrow03:15
bobbob1016ere4si, I think it might be that I have sata, is it possible the fstab is outdated?03:15
Murdoc650ok, thanks LjL03:15
michael_backgen: i thoguth so too at first - but is there a little screen icon near the top right corner of your monitor?03:15
michael_next to your clock?03:15
OseNickrud: So to remove all text files in a directory (And directories within it) rm /home/ose/*.txt?03:15
backgenmichael: no wait...erase what i just said it does!!!03:15
backgenmichael: haha yeh i just found it03:15
|_ockeok, so i have a ati radeon xpress 200, i've installed fglrx, and done all sorts of stuff to my xorg.conf following help on the web, and when i run compiz.real i get "compiz.real (core) - Fatal: GLX_EXT_texture_from_pixmap is missing", but glxinfo | grep "GLX_EXT_texture_from_pixmap" shows it to be there03:16
michael_backgen: great!  now right click it and choose Preferences, and tell it to start every time, and tell it where to find your files, and yo'ure set!03:16
|_ockeany ideas?03:16
ader10I logged in and all of my gnome menu bar applets will not load. Is this common?03:16
nickrudOse, that would get files, but not directories ending in *.txt . To get any dir, you would do rm -r *.txt  (-r means recursive)03:16
backgenmichael: hmm that's what i'm doing but the darn thing won't load my pictures...is it working for you?03:16
OseNickrud: I want to keep the directories. It's the files within the directories I want to remove.03:17
bobbob1016ere4si, I thought sdc1 was different than scd0 and scd103:17
ader10The error returned was "The panel encountered a problem while loading "OAFIID:GNOME_MixerApplet". Do you want to delete the applet from your configuration?03:17
ghostcube|_ocke: #compiz-fusion03:17
dadehoogaskand/askan1: any luck ?03:17
ere4sibobbob1016, just saw that03:17
nickrud|_ocke, i run that chip (crap) , how did you install fglrx ?03:17
michael_backgen: hm, not yet, though i don't have any pictures of my own.  gimme a sec.03:17
askan1dadehoog: yes! it is working now! dont know why really..:)03:17
backgenmichael: hmm it's working for one picture...but why not for the rest?03:17
dadehoogaskan1: which port did you end up using ?03:18
michael_backgen: like, it only displays one picture, and when you click the Drapes icon it doesn't change?03:18
ere4sibobbob1016,  add to fstab line -   utf8,umask=007,gid=4603:18
backgenno in the drapes thing when i click on add, it simply won't add my pictures into the little window...03:18
RioCunliffeHi, i hveing a huge problem, i accidently stoped my user from being admin (its my only user) is there a way i can change it back (as sudo wont let me)03:18
backgendo they need to be JPEG?03:18
askan1dadehoog: 8888 seemed to do the trick03:18
larson9999the office is great03:19
ader10I logged in and all of my gnome menu bar applets will not load. How do I fix it?03:19
dadehoogaskan1: yeah, it sounds as though 4444 was being blocked by your ISP ... 8888 is often used for proxies and webservers, so it's likely to be allowed.03:19
Tore676anyone here own a blackjack2?03:19
dadehoogGlad it's fixed.03:19
askan1dadehoog: thankyou :)03:19
dadehoogaskan1: no worries03:19
backgenmichael: i think thats the problem...they may need to be Jpegs...do you know how to convert pictures into JPG format?03:19
michael_backgen: not on Ubuntu yet, no03:20
|_ockenickrud, i just did sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-fglrx or whatever it was03:20
michael_backgen: i can't even get jpegs to work. did you just point Drapes to your pictures folder, and then click on Drapes and it worked?03:20
wyI want to unintall package A, and I remember when I installed it, I also installed lots of packages that A depends on. So now I want to remove them because they might not be needed by other pacakges. Is there a way to uninstall those packages together with A?03:20
RioCunliffebackgen: open them up with sothing like gimp, then save as jpeg03:20
|_ockein fact, the restricted manager installed it03:20
backgenmichael: hahaha this is so silly!03:20
nickrud|_ocke, then you logged out, and fglrinfo said you were running ati drivers, not mesa?03:21
michael_backgen: you'll find that a lot in Linux is...03:21
|_ockenickrud, yeah03:21
backgenmichael: all the images are JPEG's but since i renamed them they lost the .jpg at the end...03:21
|_ockefglrx-info shows it03:21
countxhow can i increase the size of my ubuntu partion, im out of space on the partition i installed ubuntu to and weird stuff is happening03:21
backgenmichael: all i had to do was rename them to add the .jpg and it's working fine now03:21
michael_backgen: hah!  good for you.03:21
nickrud|_ocke, then all you have to do is install xserver-xgl , and log back out and in. The ubuntu fglrx doesn't have aiglx, so you have to run that special server03:21
speeveswy: you could try something like : apt-cache showpkg links03:21
d|vanybody know what changed in the kernel from 2.6.22-14-generic to 2.6.20-16 with the latest kernel speed stepping is disabled with centrino dotham processors03:22
backgenmichael: well my quest is done....thank you so much for all your help michael03:22
michael_backgen: by the way, did you "Add" them via the main preferences tab, or did you choose "Monitor this folder" on the second prefercenees tab?03:22
RioCunliffeHi, im having a huge problem, i accidently stopped my user from being admin (its my only user) is there a way i can change it back (as sudo wont let me)03:22
DG19075got drapes working here too..awesome!!!!03:22
michael_backgen: you're very welcome, glad to help!03:22
nickrud|_ocke, then install compizconfig-settings-manager  and  emerald and you're good to go03:22
backgenmichael: are you a programmer or something?03:22
wyspeeves:  Can't this be automated?03:22
bobbob1016ere4si, It says wrong FS type, although it is ext3 in gparted03:22
backgenmichael: i added via the main one03:22
michael_backgen: how'd you guess ;)03:22
|_ockei have to run xgl too? oh, all these pages were saying that i shouldnt have to install xgl and that if i did it would negate the benefits of using fglrx03:23
backgenmichael: hahaha, do you code exclusively for linux or mac and windows too?03:23
FullMon-TAnybody know what dwhelper is?03:23
|_ockeis that way offbase?03:23
nickrud|_ocke, get rid of all those extra settings in xorg.conf, the glx , composite , overlay stuff03:23
michael_backgen: i worked for Google a couple jobs back, which you'd think would make me better at Linux... but at my last job it was Windows, so my linux is a little rusty.03:23
michael_I haven't done any Mac, though.03:23
|_ockeget rid of glx?03:23
Tore676can anyone get the blackjack2 modem to work with a laptop03:23
nickrud|_ocke, ubuntu runs 8.37 , I bet you were reading 8.42 or 8.43 driver instructions03:23
ere4sibobbob1016,  what says it is wrong file system type?03:23
|_ockeyeah i have 8.4203:24
|_ockeor something03:24
|_ockeor maybe i dont03:24
nickrud|_ocke, then you didn't install it from ubuntu03:24
|_ockei did install through ubuntu03:24
d|vsomething in the latest kernel killed stepping with the intel centrino dotham processors03:24
bobbob1016ere4si, When I mount the drive.03:24
d|vanybody know what was changed03:24
backgenmichael: Google?! wow, that's impressive!03:24
crdlbfglrx 8.42 is not in the repos03:24
nickrud|_ocke, fglrxinfo will tell you for certain03:24
michael_backgen: thank you! :)03:24
ere4sibobbob1016,  in fstab cal it ext2 and see if that works03:24
michael_backgen: what do you do?03:24
=== Wing is now known as Weng
|_ockenickrud, it doesnt tell me a version03:25
RioCunliffeHi, im having a huge problem, i accidently stopped my user from being admin (its my only user) is there a way i can change it back (as sudo wont let me)03:25
backgenmichael: ah i'm a measly student at the moment03:25
speeveswy: there probably is, but I don't know it off the top of my head03:25
|_ockek now xgl will be started automatically on next login apparently03:25
nickrud|_ocke, I get OpenGL renderer string: ATI Radeon Xpress Series, OpenGL version string: 2.0.6473 (8.37.6)03:25
werswow. kernel upgrade :)03:25
tritiumbackgen, michael_: can you please stay on topic?  You can /query or /j #ubuntu-offtopic to continue03:25
michael_tritium: good point, thanks for the reprimand!03:26
=== Weng is now known as Weng_
michael_backgen: it's been lovely playing with you.  have a nice night :)03:26
backgentritium: alright my apologises03:26
tritiummichael_: no, it's a kind reminder. Thanks!  :)03:26
tritiumno worries, backgen03:26
sllinessanyone here know how to clear a disc on module?03:26
michael_tritium: yep, no problem!03:26
backgenmichael: same to you micheal03:26
|_ockeoh lemme see03:26
d|vtry sudo su03:26
d|vto give yourself root access03:26
bobbob1016ere4si, "wrong fs type, bad superblock" when I do mount -a, which is how I understand it is done on boot, but mount /dev/sdc1 /media/HD3 works fine, nothing on the desktop though03:26
* nickrud notices no one messes with unstable hydrogen03:26
d|vthen change the user settings03:27
Filled-voidI need to install WIndows XP and Ubuntu on an IDE and SATA drive respectively. Whats the right way to do this. Cause I cant get them to work both with the drives correctly without going into the bios and modifying the menu.lst each boot03:27
|_ockenow it does03:27
* michael_ messes with deuterium, if that counts for anything03:27
backgenhey has anyone ever had trouble with You Tube videos? suddenly they only play for 5 seconds and with no sound and then they stop...03:27
|_ockeshould i get rid of glx and dri in xorg.conf?03:27
RioCunliffed|v: i have i get no response03:27
Osenickrud: I get "No such file or directory" when I try to use the asterisk in removing files.03:28
ere4sibobbob1016,  try   mount -afv03:28
|_ockeso i just swapped a celeron 420 1.6ghz 64bit with 512MB DDR2 and onboard intel 950 for a 3.33ghz celeron D with 512 DDR and onboard radeon xpress 20003:28
nickrud|_ocke, yes; the simplest way to fix that would be sudo dpkg-reconfigure -pcritical xserver-xorg , then edit to add the fglrx driver back03:29
|_ockedid i just screw myself?03:29
cleverhow would i go about finding the difference between linux-image-2.6.20-16-386 and linux-image-2.6.22-14-386 within certain files?03:29
|_ockethe 1.6 ran REALLY smooth03:29
cr4how can I mount NFS on fstab ?03:29
|_ockebut i saw the 3.33 on this and though OOH I NEED IT GAAHHHH03:29
cr4how can I mount NFS on fstab ?03:29
FullMon-TAnybody know what dwhelper is?03:29
RioCunliffeHi, im having a huge problem, i accidently stopped my user from being admin (its my only user) is there a way i can change it back (as sudo wont let me)03:29
nickrudOse, rm *.txt works , it's a standard file glob03:29
bazhang!nfs | cr403:30
ubotucr4: nfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.03:30
wyspeeves:  got it! it's apt-get autoremove03:30
cleverRioCunliffe: boot into the recovery console and you can easily readd it(if you know the cmd to do it over cli)03:30
tritiumRioCunliffe: boot into single-user (recovery) mode03:30
nickrud|_ocke, from my perspective, it was a definite drop in video (I run the 200)03:30
|_ockewell the video i know03:30
|_ockeim having doubts because of the bs im having to go through to get compiz working on this thing03:30
RioCunliffetritium: Sure, but how?03:30
FullMon-TAnybody know what dwhelper is, and why it keeps popping up on my desktop?03:31
|_ockebut thats not really my main concern03:31
Osenickrud: I'm typing  rm /home/ose/testdisk-6.8/linux/*.txt  and it gives the error. And yes, I can CD to that directory. There are no texts directly there though, just in folders beneath it.03:31
|_ockedid i get screwed on the rest03:31
cr4bazhang, yes, I can mount manualy, but whan I try to mount automatically with fstab it doesn't mount the shared folder03:31
cr4bazhang, I have this " /media/lp47 nfs rw,hard,intr00"03:31
tritiumRioCunliffe: at boot, hit Esc to get to the grub menu, then select it03:31
|_ockeshould i have took the ghz hit to get a 64bit celeron 420 instead of D, and DDR2 instead of DDR03:31
|_ockethat one had a 800Mhz FSB, this one is 53303:31
bazhangcr4: that was the limit of my knowledge :}03:31
|_ockeis FSB more important than GHz?03:32
RioCunliffetritium, ive tried this, it dosent seem to work (ie grub menu dosent come up) when *exactly* do i press esc03:32
|_ockethis one is literally twice the processor speed03:32
|_ockei hope that was the right choice03:32
|_ockei really liked the RAM performance on that one though03:32
|_ockeit was silky smooth03:32
tritiumRioCunliffe: right after the machine posts03:32
crazyrkfsb = 400, ghz = 3  is better than fsb=533, ghz = 203:32
nickrud0se -r is for directories, not recursing down thru the tree, removing files ending in txt03:32
cr4bazhang, :O couls you help me ?03:32
|_ockei never saw a slight stutter the whole time i had it03:33
|_ocke2 days03:33
tritium-2 days?  Wow, negative time...03:33
RioCunliffetritium: What as it says "Starting up"??03:33
|_ockei paid $50 for the 1.6, and I paid $100 for this 3.303:33
|_ockenono 2 days03:33
|_ockei gotta restart03:33
nickrud|_ocke, not sure, I'm not hardware03:33
|_ockehaha you should really make a user root03:34
Osenickrud: I tried rm -r /home/ose/testdisk-6.8/linux/*.txt and still doesn't find a file or directory.03:34
tritium|_ocke: no, he should not03:34
bobbob1016ere4si, That doesn't work, it said not mounted the first time, then the second it said mounted, but nothing is in that folder03:34
nickrudOse, if the dir is text.txt for example, it would remove that dir and any dirs under it03:34
tritiumRioCunliffe: depends on what your machine displays at boot03:34
ere4sibobbob1016, this link shows how to recover the superblock - http://edseek.com/archives/2004/02/25/ext3-filesystem-bad-superblock-recovery/03:34
|_ockeI have compiz fusion!03:34
tritiumRioCunliffe: there really should be something that tells you to hit Esc to get to grub menu03:35
|_ockeand its pretty darn smooth too03:35
Osenickrud: Ah, well I want it to remove any texts in the directories (Which aren't named that, but there are like.. Hundreds of directories all under /linux/ How would that be done?03:35
tritium!enter |_ocke03:35
ubotu_ocke: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!03:35
|_ockei need to push it to see if its better than the last one03:35
RioCunliffetritium: cheers for your help, im going to look the grub menu up further on google :) cya03:35
nickrudOse, find . -iname *.txt -exec rm {} \; will recurse down thru dirs, removing files ending in txt03:35
nickrudOse, or Txt , the iname makes it case insensitive03:36
FullMon-THi, is there a linux equivalent to KillBox?03:36
mrdinklesAttempting to install gnash-- Not sure how to get it to work with Mozilla-- anyone seen the same thing?03:37
Osenickrud: There it goes! Thanks.03:37
Linuturkis there a way to move the tabs to the bottom on gnome-terminal?03:38
Linuturklike Konsole03:38
nickrudOse, yw03:38
wols_mrdinkles: what thing?03:38
* nickrud has finally conquered find, after 7 years :)03:39
Osenickrud: Is there a way to have it report on how many it's deleted thus far? It's kinda deleting uh... 150,000 text files. Haha.03:39
ronnieanybody know "finch"03:39
bobbob1016ere4si, I'm a bit confused as to what this is doing.  I am making a virtual FS with DD at /tmp/foo?03:39
ronniethat is a textmode software03:40
ronnieIM software03:40
nickrudOse, not sure, find pushes back hard every time I claim I know it :)03:40
mrdinkleswols_: had the same problem-- Can't get gnash to install in mozilla-- attempting to view some videos03:40
mneptok!info finch03:40
ubotufinch: text-based multi-protocol instant messaging client. In component main, is optional. Version 1:2.2.1-1ubuntu4.1 (gutsy), package size 285 kB, installed size 620 kB03:40
wols_mrdinkles: I wouldn't use gnash yet but that's just me03:40
Osenickrud: Haha. Well, this will do. I had the GUI deleting them earlier.. After 6 hours it wasn't done. When I stopped it nothing was removed.. Figured terminal would be faster. I'll just let this go all night, thanks.03:41
mneptokmrdinkles: a majority percentage of Flash content does not work with Gnash03:41
DG19075mrdinkles: better to get flash...it can be installed with sudo apt-get install flashplayer nonfree03:42
bobbob1016ere4si, Or not, it said full / partition.  I did rm /tmp/foo, to get rid of the file.  That site doesn't explain much.03:42
mneptokDG19075: incorrect command :)03:43
mneptokDG19075: (hint: package names never have spaces)03:43
bobbob1016ere4si, Should I replace /dev/zero with sdc1 or /tmp/foo with sdc1?03:43
t2hello :)03:43
bazhanghi t203:43
hueyi have a question, what is the difference between linux alternate and linux live?03:43
wols_bobbob1016: you cannot replace /dev/zero with anything03:43
hueyexcuse me ubuntu live03:43
d|v Launchpad bug 132271 in linux-source-2.6.22 "[GUTSY] cpu freq scaling not working anymore" [Low,Won't fix]03:43
d|vthat isn't good03:44
JasonBournewhy would someone use both windows and ubuntu?  why not use just one that fits your needs better an avoid having to switch all the time?03:44
ader10The panel encountered a problem while loading "OAFIID:GNOME_MixerApplet". How do I fix this?03:44
bazhangJasonBourne: gaming mostly03:44
ere4sibobbob1016,  the bottom part  of that link is what I'd use03:44
d|vyeah linux screws you with gaming03:44
bazhanghuey: the live cd and the alternate cd? is that your question?03:44
t2run linux use vmware o virtualbox to run winblows03:44
mrdinklessays couldnt find flashplayer03:45
biouseranyone run citrix?03:45
bobbob1016ere4si, /tmp/foo should be /dev/sdc right?  or /dev/sdc1?03:45
mrdinklesDG19075: says couldnt find flashplayer03:45
hueybazhang: that is my question, whats the difference?03:45
wols_!flash | mrdinkles03:45
ubotumrdinkles: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash03:45
ericvwIs there a way so that when I invoke "rm" that I will be prompted for removing a file?03:46
DG19075use rm -i03:46
wols_bobbob1016: /tmp is rarely a full partition. what is the problem you want to solve?03:46
ericvwDG19075: I want it to be automatic though03:46
mrdinklesubotu: and if im using 7.1003:46
t2looking gkismet deb pack.. anyone03:46
AngryElfother than dell, what are some ubuntu pc manufacturers?03:46
ere4sibobbob1016,  no - /tmp/foo is a place to store the backup superblock #'s - the line further down uses that to repair the file system03:47
jribAngryElf: system76 is one03:47
mneptokericvw: echo alias rm='rm -i' >> .profile03:47
cr4help me mounting a NFS in fstab please !03:47
biouseranyone know of good channels/forums for R?03:47
bobbob1016wols_, A new drive I put in isn't mounting.  I formatted it via gparted, and it won't mount on the desktop or places or sidebar in nautilus.03:47
bazhanghuey: several differences--the live lets you use a graphical installer, the alternate is text-based; the alternate will also do when the live fails (in certain situations), that is it in a small nutshell--there are other differences03:47
ader10The panel encountered a problem while loading "OAFIID:GNOME_MixerApplet". How do I fix this?03:47
DG19075mrdinkles: try sudo apt-get install flashplayer-nonfree03:47
hodgsonHow do I reset all of my gconf menu options to the factory-default, I remember there being an undocumented option something like gconf-editor --reset-defaults /location/in/gconf and I just need some help, thanks.03:48
wols_bobbob1016: fdisk -l03:48
DG19075that should do it for you03:48
mneptokmrdinkles: please do not try that command today03:48
ericvwmneptok: thanks03:48
mneptokmrdinkles: see /topic03:48
wols_bobbob1016: you won't need to recreate a superblock and all that stuff then03:48
t2peace out see ya later03:48
TeslaDaveI'm having a problem with X forwarding over ssh, i received the following error message   user444@mygusty:~$ gimp03:48
TeslaDaveXlib: connection to "localhost:10.0" refused by server03:48
TeslaDaveXlib: Invalid MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 key03:48
TeslaDavecannot open display:03:48
hueybazhang: would you recommend trying to install live first or the alternate? I am on a newer laptop03:48
mneptok!paste > TeslaDave03:49
jribbiouser:  #R for one03:49
bazhanghuey: which laptop?03:49
bobbob1016wols_, http://pastebin.ca/82303003:49
hueysony vaio FZ140E03:49
bobbob1016wols_, sdc is the new one03:49
wols_bobbob1016: what is the mount command you tried?03:49
hueybazhang: c2d, 2 gigs, intel x1300 onboard03:49
ader10The panel encountered a problem while loading "OAFIID:GNOME_MixerApplet". How do I fix this? I've searched Google and none of the answers work for me. Help!03:49
bazhanghuey: will this be a dual boot or wipe the windows partition03:50
bobbob1016wols_, sudo mount -a03:50
hueywell, dual03:50
bigalwhats the code that teels you how ur com is runing03:50
wols_bobbob1016: is sdc1 mentined in your /etc/fstab then and if so, what is the line?03:50
mneptokhuey: run the live CD to ensure your hardware is supported03:50
cr4help me mounting a NFS in fstab please !03:50
mneptokhuey: no point in installing if no network adapters function03:50
poningruader10: what happens when you put in a new audio applet?03:50
bobbob1016wols_, http://pastebin.ca/82303703:50
wols_!ask | cr403:51
poningruas in right click on the panel03:51
ubotucr4: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)03:51
hueybazhang: i am pretty sure it is not. I have looked on the net for 7.04, and it was not supported link=http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-524907.html03:51
ader10poningru: I'll give you the error message 1 second03:51
poningruand just add a volume panel03:51
bazhanghuey: try the live and see if it can recognize all your system (without installing), and if it does well--especially with video and wireless then try it out--might be a good idea to have the alternate on hand though03:51
ader10The panel encountered a problem while loading "OAFIID:GNOME_MixerApplet".03:51
ader10poningru: The panel encountered a problem while loading "OAFIID:GNOME_MixerApplet".03:51
jon_any word on when flash will be fixed?03:51
wols_bobbob1016: did you comment out all your normal partitons?03:51
Cpudan80jon_: Fixed?03:52
bazhangjon_: there is a workaround now, should be very shortly03:52
cr4wols, I can mount a nfs shared folder but I whena I try to fstab mount that automatically it faild03:52
poningruader10: hmm that is weird03:52
Cpudan80jon_: When did it break?03:52
hueybazhang: I did the alternate first, and i am having troubles. I will try the live now :) Thanks a bunch. Is there a command that boots into the graphical interface of the OS?03:52
cr4wols_, could you help me ?03:52
poningruader10: it happens everytime on restart?03:52
ader10poningru: Yes03:52
bobbob1016wols_, No, those were like that automatically, the UUID is how they are mounted, the commented part is the location03:52
poningrudoes sound work?03:52
Osehuey: gdm03:52
compwiz18!pastebin > compwiz1803:52
wols_bobbob1016: sry, my bad03:52
jon_I don't know when the break happened but I just did a fresh install today so my flash stopped working03:52
wols_bobbob1016: what does sudo mount /dev/sdc1 say?03:53
wols_bobbob1016: and you did a mkfs on the /dev/sdc1 right?03:53
bazhanghuey: is this gutsy or feisty you plan on using?03:53
FullMon-TI have no sound. http://pastebin.ca/82256003:53
BigToneI had fiesty fawn. I changed to gutsy, and I've been having problems ever since!03:53
bobbob1016wols_, I formatted it via gparted, which I'm pretty sure did mkfs03:53
bazhanghuey: any reason not to try gutsy?03:53
wols_cr4: read the catoid ubotu gave you again, until you get it03:53
FullMon-TBigTone: try hardy. YEESH!03:54
wols_bobbob1016: "pretty sure" means you don't know :)03:54
hueybazhang: None whatsoever, what seperates the two?03:54
bobbob1016wols_, I looked at the details and it said it was mkfs-ing03:54
wols_bobbob1016: again, what does the mount command say?03:54
jon_could one of you link me to the flash workaround?03:54
FjodorFullMon-T, BigTone: Hardy is still alpha. Do not try unless properly warned...03:54
bobbob1016wols_, Mounting it that way worked, it didn't before, but I think some combo of what ere4si told me to do and what we did worked.03:55
FullMon-TFjodor: I went in with the best of intentions- "alpha" sounded sexy.03:55
bazhanghuey: more support for modern hardware, faster, more stable (at least here), a number of other features--the livecd means that it will allow you to try before you buy (so to speak), using without installing, you know?03:55
ere4sicr4: try this - http://www.ubuntugeek.com/nfs-server-and-client-configuration-in-ubuntu.html03:55
wols_bobbob1016: if it worked, congrats, then it should work when rebooting too considering the options you put in03:55
ader10The panel encountered a problem while loading "OAFIID:GNOME_MixerApplet". How do I fix this? I've searched Google and none of the answers work for me. Help!03:56
poningruader10: does sound work?03:56
bobbob1016wols_, ere4si everyone who helped me, thanks.03:56
FjodorFullMon-T: And good luck with that, but in my opinion it's bad to recommend alpha software to anyone not specifically requesting alpha...03:56
wols_bobbob1016: ere4si did the work, not me03:56
ader10poningru: Yes03:56
bobbob1016wols_, One last thing, there is a lost&found folder, do I need it, or no?03:56
poningruhmm that is weird03:57
bobbob1016wols, that is why I thanked you both03:57
Condoulowhat is the artwork channel again03:57
bigalhow do you inatale games or programes03:57
hueybazhang: ah yes I understand. So gutsy has more support for modern hardware? I will be trying all of this soon. This is the first time I have ever fiddled with linux :)03:57
hueyThanks a lot!03:57
bobbob1016ere4si, Thanks for the help03:57
poningrucan you try going into a terminal and running 'alsa-mixer' or something like that03:57
FullMon-TFjodor: Aside from the massive sex appeal, /fail, I did learn a lot from the experience.03:57
wols_bobbob1016: you do need it and you cannot remove it ever when you use ext2/303:57
JoshooaHey I am having network issues. Network Manager is not connecting to my network at boot, and it seems my Latency keeps shooting up INCREDIBLY high! How can I force network manager to connect on boot without replacing network manager with Wicd or something, and where can I look more in depth to network settings besides network-admin?03:57
ere4sibobbob1016,  if you remove it the system will make it again03:57
rainwalkerbazhang: actually the weird thing about the live cd with me was that effects didn't work when I tried it but then they did after I actually installed03:57
wols_bobbob1016: it's where it stores the files it repeaired when doing a fsck for example03:57
bazhanghuey: and hardy heron (slated for release next april) will be a lts release (long term support) so it will be better even still in that department03:58
ader10poningru: well, seeing that I don't have alsa mixer installed, nothing will happen :P03:58
FjodorFullMon-T: Indeed. Are you willing to accept responsibility for getting a less experienced user into that sort of trouble?03:58
poningruader10: that explains it03:58
ader10poningru: But my sound works fine.03:58
bazhangrainwalker: aha--the 3d effects? just say no :}03:58
=== Ashfire is now known as Ashfire908
poningrudo a sudo aptitude install alsamixer03:58
rainwalkerbazhang: heheh, too late, I've been in love with 'em since Edgy03:58
ader10poningru: MPD is working fine, youtube is working fine, the problem is the gnome applets, they all crash03:58
bobbob1016Thanks again, rebooting now.03:59
ader10poningru: I have tried to reinstall them about 7 times in the last 30 minutes03:59
FullMon-Tbigal: use the add/remove programs03:59
bazhangrainwalker: there is a 12 step program for that... :}03:59
hueybazhang: sounds great im tired of having to deal with the BS of new Windows os releases03:59
rainwalkerbazhang: NO! I'm not going back...03:59
dapimp532Are there any Limewire like programs for Ubuntu?04:00
bazhanghuey: you may want to try a number of different distros and see which suits your needs best--for many it is ubuntu, but there are tons of others--you can check at www.distrowatch.com04:00
ubotufrostwire is a totally open source version of Limewire.  For installation help, please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FrostWire04:00
bazhangrainwalker: haha04:00
bigali need to instal a game04:00
dapimp532Thanks Jack_Sparrow04:00
bazhangbigal: which game04:00
cr4If I create a folder in /home, it appears in on desktop and if I create a file on the desktop it apears in the home directory, why shoul I do ?04:00
Jack_Sparrowbigal: any game in particular04:00
hueybazhang: I have heard of other bistros, but ubuntu seems to be the most common bistro?04:01
ubotuswap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info04:01
bigalworld of war craft04:01
Tux360i am building a new system that will run Ubuntu 7.10 and i have found that for 59.99 i can either get a Pentium D dual core 3.0GHZ or an AMD athlon X2 3600+ at 2.0GHZ which one will perform better on ubuntu?04:01
JoshooaCan anybody help me manually set up my network without having to use network manager cause I have to go to a terminal and setup my essid and do dhclient every boot anyway04:01
Jack_Sparrowhuey: the big difference is in the support you get in here..04:01
compwiz18I have a drive that works immediately after I plug it in for a while, then stops: dmesg output is here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/48806/ Drive is USB, used to work fine.  Any ideas?04:01
poningruader10: they all crash?04:02
wols_Tux360: I'd get the athlon. P4 are bad, the electricity bill alone compared to the athlon04:02
bazhanghuey: distro, but it does have the best community; there are many others but this one has the best support, channel, documentation and info out there04:02
reaperubuntu is the best!04:02
Tux360ok thanks04:02
ader10poningru: all04:02
Jack_SparrowTux360: I like the pentium myself, and I think it may have a bit of an edge04:02
* nickrud thinks gentoo has the best docs, but that's just him04:02
cr4If I create a folder in /home, it appears in desktop and if I create a file on the desktop it apears in the home directory, why shoul I do ?04:02
evan_id go athlon04:03
poningruader10: it sounds like you uninstalled a bunch of stuff04:03
bazhangwell outside of gentoo huey :}04:03
Tux360i cant seem to find a performance chart comparing the two anywhere04:03
poningrucan you do a sudo aptitude install ubuntu-desktop04:03
Jasnationwhat should I do if my swap is not being utilized?04:03
dapimp532This is for my wife but are there any clones of the AOL software for Ubuntu04:03
hueybazhang: haha, distro, my apologies, any sugestions before the install?04:03
bigalit says cant find mount my not have media drive04:03
poningruJasnation: reduce your computers memory?04:03
Jack_SparrowJasnation: it is a good thing...04:03
poningruI know right04:03
dapimp532If I can get that for her I will be able to get rid of stupid Microsoft on this computer!04:03
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about aol - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi04:03
JasnationI have 500 firefoxes and openoffices open and it still isn't using it?04:04
Jack_Sparrow!pidgin | dapimp532:04:04
bazhanghuey: just try to live cd first; if it seems nice, then reboot into windows and back up everything important (you never know) ;}04:04
poningrudapimp532: what do you mean aol?04:04
dapimp532Jack_Sparrow: that is the messanger. She wants the full AOL04:04
poningruaol is an internet service provider04:04
nickrudcr4, gconf-editor /apps/nautilus/preferences/desktop_is_home_dir , unset that key04:04
ubotudapimp532:: pidgin is the new name for Gaim forced by AOL's legal dept. It is available in Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy), but not previous versions. See http://www.pidgin.im/index.php for more info. To install Pidgin please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallPidgin2.004:04
rainwalkerdapimp532: when you say the AOL software, do you mean the browser?04:04
evan_question: how to make deluge the default application for torrent files?04:04
cr4nick thank's04:05
nickrudcr4, or leave it that way, some people prefer it04:05
Jack_Sparrowdapimp532: YOU can login to AOL with Firefox right?04:05
poningruright click on a .torrent file04:05
poningruand go to properties04:05
poningruand under open with04:05
dapimp532she wants the full thing with the channels and everything... not aol instant messanger.... She pays for service every month04:05
david__poningru: All that does is install ubuntu-desktop and gimp-print, nothing else04:05
evan_easy thanks04:05
hueybazhang: that is what i figured. I have already managed to wipeout my 30gigs of music by formatting a portion of the partion. Good thing it is backed up.04:05
poningrudavid__: huh?04:05
david__poningru: <--ader1004:05
david__sorry about the confusion04:05
bazhanghuey: and we will be here if there any linux related disasters :}04:06
david__I thought I changed my nick to ader10_04:06
poningrudavid__: ok well install ubuntu-desktop and gimp-print04:06
cr4nickrud, it doen't works :(04:06
poningruand do a sudo aptitude update and then sudo aptitude upgrade04:06
dapimp532you know the Welcome You've Got Mail thing04:06
poningruerr safe-upgrade04:06
hueybazhang: Thanks again. I appreciate the extremely educating and helpfull support. Wish me luck04:06
evan_how would I go about completely disabling the motherboard speak?  (jeez that thing is annoying)04:06
poningrudapimp532: you are not going to find crap like that on linux04:06
bazhanghuey: bonne chance! :}04:07
Fjodorevan_: sudo rmmod pcspkr04:07
nickrudcr4, you'll have to do alt-f2 killall nautilus (it'll restart automatically) Those keys are supposed to be instant apply, I guess that one isn't04:07
rainwalkerdapimp532: what is it about the AOL browser that she likes?04:07
=== j_ack_ is now known as j_ack
Fjodorand adding pcspkr to /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist04:07
cr4nickrud, ok04:07
dapimp532bummer.... I thought it I could find her that I could get rid of Microsoft. She likes that its all in one. her buddy list, mail, and the channels I guess04:08
Jack_Sparrowdapimp532: FYI many of us dual boot.....04:08
Sonjadoes k3b work on ubuntu, or would it be better on kubuntu?04:08
evan_ok thanks04:08
jon_I can't open any nautilus windows for some reason04:08
Jack_SparrowSonja: k3b is fine04:08
Jasnationwhat should I do if ubuntu isn't using the swap?04:08
dapimp532I don't like Microsoft. I like unix/linux but unfortunatly my wife has to use the computer too04:08
Jack_SparrowSonja: remember to add the mp3 addon for k3b if you want to burn those04:09
nickruddapimp532, and you could run windows in vmware or virtualbox, have the best of both worlds04:09
evan_another one: why does gpart crash after rescanning devices?04:09
nickrudor the best and worst of this world04:09
Sonjadapimp532 get a dual boot?04:09
OseIs there a command to show the pid of processes?04:09
FjodorOse: ps?04:09
david__Ok, this is terrible. I've ctrl-alt-backspace'd out of X and logged in, now I only have a white screen w/ a mouse04:09
rainwalkerdapimp532: you could either dual boot or run windows with vmware/virtualbox04:09
nickrudOse, ps -A04:09
SonjaJack_Sparrow does k3b support all kinds of various video files and codecs?04:09
houmalaonce i got my wife to u7.10 she wont go back to MS04:09
Osenickrud/Fjodor: Thanks.04:10
Sonjawhat are the most userfriendly irc clients for linux?04:10
Jack_SparrowSonja: k3b is a burning program. it will not remaster dvd's etc...04:10
FjodorOse: Np04:10
wols_Sonja: irssi. but I'm biased :)04:10
david__I'm not getting any help here :<04:10
Sonjawhat do you mean by it won't remaster?04:10
dapimp532the only thing that hangs her up is the AOL thing. I don't know why we even have it. We pay good money for the Comcast Cable internet but we also have to pay for AOL. LOL04:10
nickrudSonja, xchat for gnome, konversation for kde are very popular04:10
wols_Sonja: most people use x-chat04:10
ubotuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose among a number of different applications, depending on your preferences, the features you require, and other factors.04:10
ubotuswap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info04:10
wols_!patience | david__04:11
Sonjaif i have an avi in some weird codec, and i want to burn it to a normal dvd i can play in a normal dvd player04:11
ubotudavid__: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines04:11
Sonjai need more than k3b?04:11
Jasnation!swap partition04:11
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about swap partition - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi04:11
Quianehey everyone04:11
Jack_SparrowSonja: If you want to clone dvd's use k9copy04:11
Quianei've got a torrent question to pose to anyone listening04:11
Sonjawhat does "clone" mean?04:11
Jack_SparrowSonja: copy04:11
TtechHow do I set the path for the screenshot app built in Ubuntu?04:11
david__wols_: the !patience command implies that I'm being rude :S04:11
TtechI want it to go to a specific folder?04:11
dapimp532hmmm. The frostwire installed but its not opening04:12
wols_david__: no it implies that answers are not always available. since we are volunteers we alos don't know answers to everything04:12
Sonjai want to convert a bunch of different video files (various codecs) as a normal dvd video, with a little menu so you can pick which one you want to watch, with a nice GUI. is that k3b? or do i need other tools too?04:12
Jack_Sparrowdavid__: what did you do before restarting x04:12
Quianeokay....here is the deal..i'm running gutsy...and deluge.  ports have been forwarded..no firewall is running...i get about 30k/s download..but i should be getting up to 500k04:12
Jack_SparrowSonja: that is remastering and not a feature of k3b04:13
david__Jack_Sparrow: I did something like sudo aptitude reinstall gnome-applets gnome-applet-data04:13
Quianei've read all about port forwarding..i think it's an update of gutsy...04:13
verb3kQuiane, it depends on the number of seeds and peers04:13
david__Jack_Sparrow: and then pressed ctrl-alt-backspace04:13
Quianebut i can't nail it down...04:13
wols_Sonja: you need something to transcode the clips to mpeg2, then you need something to create a dvd menu and possibly the dvd ISO file.those things are not done in k3b04:13
FjodorSonja: Try scouring fresmeat.net. There are dosens of apps that do just that04:13
Sonjaso i need a program for remastering, then import the result of that to k3b?04:13
Quianeyeah..i've got too ratio's04:13
Sonjain windows i just use Nero and it does everything for you really nicely04:13
Quianeon the same torrent i was getting speeds of 90+ kps...04:13
Sonjai assume something similar exists for linuxes04:13
Jack_Sparrowdavid__: some people.. myself included avoid ctrl-alt-backspace....    I prefer to exit fully04:13
Quianethen i restarted04:13
FjodorSonja: Mostly frontends for transcode or mplayer04:14
verb3kQuiane, if there are 100 seeds and 500 peers, it won't be that fast04:14
Quianecan't break the 40k04:14
Quiane10 seeds, 28 peers 24kps04:14
Sonjaa nice gui to create a menu and remaster the files to make the package ready to be burned onto a dvd04:14
david__Jack_Sparrow: Yes, I logged out the first 5 times instead of the panic key combo04:14
bazhang!info devede04:14
verb3kQuiane, should be slow XD04:14
ubotudevede: program to create video DVDs. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 2.13-0.0 (gutsy), package size 741 kB, installed size 1700 kB04:14
david__Jack_Sparrow: But since that didn't help I figured that ctrl-alt-backspace couldn't hurt04:14
bazhangSonja: try devede04:15
wols_Sonja: k3b is a simply a burning program. it burns stuff to cd. can up to a point master them but afaik not DVDs04:15
Quianehmm..nothing? i know about torrents...these are not the speeds i should be getting04:15
verb3kQuiane, to know if the problem is from that file or not, try downloading ubuntu torrent and see the difference04:15
bazhangofftopic Quiane04:15
evan_screen refresh rate is being set incorrectly to 50Hz, should be 60 Hz, I've already tried changing it in graphical properties and Xorg, not sure what to do04:15
Sonjadevede eh04:15
=== netdemon is now known as NeT_DeMoN
Quianeubuntu torrent? like the default bittorrent client?04:15
Jack_Sparrowdavid__: I am heading to bed...  someone should be able to help..  sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg  probably wont do any good04:15
bazhangtorrent speeds Quiane04:15
Quianei've tried azerus, ktorrent and deluge04:15
wols_evan_: pastebin your xorg.conf and your xorg logs04:15
nickrudevan_, if it's an nvidia, I've heard that installing nvidia-settings will help04:16
david__Jack_Sparrow: Is there any waty to reconfigure gnome applets?04:16
NeT_DeMoNquestion, what could have happend if half your system and pidgin logs disappear???04:16
verb3kQuiane, no no ...I mean download the ubuntu ISO from the official torrent04:16
bazhanglearn about port forwarding and NAT Quiane04:16
wols_evan_: also, is your monitor a LCD screen?04:16
evan_yea, its a quadro.  I was also wondering if the quadro can be used to do double buffering of windows and such04:16
evan_yes, a laptop screen04:16
bazhangQuiane: that is a router issue, not an ubuntu one04:16
wols_evan_: then 50Hz is normal and you cannot change it nor you'd want to04:17
Quianei have learned about port forwarding and nat..as far as i can tell it's all forwarded..iptables is disabled...the port is open04:17
Quianeupnp is running04:17
evan_wols_: Iim not sure what "pastebin" is04:17
Quianeby all accounts i should have good speeds..that's why i'm in here04:17
evan_no, 60 Hz is normal04:17
NeT_DeMoNany one??04:17
wols_evan_: no need anymore. you cannot go above 50Hz on a LCD04:17
wols_evan_: LCDs have one exact refresh rate and that's it. usually 50 or 60Hz04:17
bazhangQuiane: what client?04:17
verb3kQuiane, just try and see http://releases.ubuntu.com04:17
evan_all computer lcds afaik have 60 hz refresh rates04:18
Quianei'm getting 880kps04:18
evan_thats what it is in windows too04:18
SpookyETHas anyone played with powertop? It tells you how much electricity an app uses. It also allows you to turn off stuff. good for laptops04:18
Quianedialed back to 200 now04:18
wols_evan_: not everyhwhere. and I told you, you cannot set any refresh rate with LCDs. just not possible due to the way their work04:18
wols_evan_: what windosw tells you and what it uses are possibly different things.04:18
Quianestaying steady between 190-20004:19
evan_wols_: ok, I guess i should be happy its even working, buy I know full well about refresh rates on both lcds and crts04:19
dapimp532how can I adjust how many lines it scrolls down when I use my touchpad mouse? It is doing like 5-7 lines and I would like it to be about 304:19
wersi forgot the password I set for daap. how do I reset it?04:19
evan_wols_:thanks though, sounds like I shouldn't mess with it04:20
evan_or cant, even04:20
boddah82can someone help me please, i downloaded the 7.1 CD  & burned it and nothing happened, windows says its size is 0bytes, tried burning it at slower speed (as low as 8x) and still the same results04:20
NeT_DeMoNok, maybe a different question, why is my mozilla slow when my messenger and here is fast ???04:20
wols_evan_: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Refresh_rate#LCD_displays04:21
bazhangNITA: this is an English channel04:21
wols_NeT_DeMoN: "slow" in what way? could it be you are low on memory?04:21
crush_grooveboddah82,  what program u burn with ?04:21
david__Where is the "Xclient Script" located?04:21
NeT_DeMoNwols_: i have nothing on my computer except all the updates04:21
wols_david__: do you mean xsession?04:21
NeT_DeMoNwols_: it wont load anything04:22
wols_NeT_DeMoN: that's not what I spoke about04:22
boddah82i have tried with both Isorecorder and infrarecorder04:22
medberrynoisy channel....04:22
david__WHatever that thing is called where you login in gdm04:22
=== crd1b is now known as crdlb
NeT_DeMoNwols_: yeah but i should have plenty of memory04:22
wols_NeT_DeMoN: how much memory do you have and I asked "slow" how?04:22
* sysRPL running a live CD here04:23
bazhangNITA: please stop04:23
Pici!id | NITA04:23
ubotuNITA: join ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia04:23
crush_grooveboddah82,  sum1 else in here may have a diff solutionm /. But I had a great deal of trouble getting my cd burned to only program I was able to burn it with was "alkohol"..04:23
=== NITA is now known as NeT_NITA
david__wols_: No, I mean Xclient04:23
TigranGHey. Is there any way to get different wallpapers on each workspace?04:23
boddah82ah, ok ill try downloading that, thanks :)04:23
NeT_DeMoNwols_: it takes forever to load a page and quits responding all the time and how do i check memory on ubuntu??04:23
Quianehow much ram do you have net_demon?04:24
david__wols_: When you log in there's a "sessions" thing and if you click it you can have a option of selections04:24
* verb3k is wondering if sysRPL is having a problem and using the liveCD to get backup :)04:24
=== krAsh is now known as nomaS
crush_grooveNeT_DeMoN,  open a terminal and type "top"04:24
wols_david__: that's not the sessions "thing" I spoke about04:24
NeT_DeMoNam i able to boot people for mimiking my name?04:24
bazhangthat is your ghost NeT_DeMoN04:25
sysRPLhey, could i please get some help? i downloaded and burned a live Cd to extract some data from a windows install that won't boot. since the windows drive shutdown incorrectly i can't mount it, and attempting to mount from terminal using "-o force" i get an error saying "failed to access mount point" ... could someone help me mount this windows drive so i can recover files?04:25
wols_NeT_NITA: either stop or you will be removed. talk english ONLY please and stop harrassing others04:25
bazhangNeT_NITA: stop04:25
wols_!id | NeT_NITA04:25
ubotuNeT_NITA: join ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia04:25
rainwalkerbazhang: I think he's talking about NeT_NITA04:25
NeT_DeMoNbazhang: ghost?04:25
wersin what folder are the settings for rhythmbox located?04:25
bazhangoh I see NeT_DeMoN04:25
dapimp532how can I adjust how many lines it scrolls down when I use my touchpad mouse? It is doing like 5-7 lines and I would like it to be about 304:26
MyrttiI just had the remove ready04:26
PiciMyrtti: me too ;)04:26
nickrudwers, they're kept in the gconf registry , run gconf-editor and navigate the tree to apps/rhythmbox04:26
Sonjadoes linux use ttf fonts?04:26
wols_sysRPL: needs to be clean first04:26
wols_Sonja: yes04:26
TigranG Is there any way to get different wallpapers on each workspace?04:27
NeT_DeMoNwols_: i have over 170,000k memory left04:27
Sonjayay fontiness!04:27
wols_NeT_DeMoN: try another browser, try wget04:27
Quianeanyone have any ideas for me regarding slow torrent downloads?04:27
NeT_DeMoNwols_: ok04:27
nickrudTigranG, there are hacks that try to, but I've never seen one work reliably04:27
wols_NeT_DeMoN: could be a mandatory proxy for example that's slow04:27
Quianeports have been forwarded..upnp is running04:27
Quianebit torrent is encrypting the traffic04:27
joegilliamI need some help...my graphis are really slow.  I have an integrated video card (SIS), and I know I can't get 3-d acceleration, but I'd like to at least play a game like neverball04:27
Quianei'm connected to all peers04:27
NeT_DeMoNwols_: ok04:28
sysRPLwols: i can't boot to it, shouldn't the force option allow me to mount it even though it wasn;t shutdown correctly? if not how can i "clean" it?04:28
TigranGnickrud: Why isn't this built into gnome tho? Like KDE04:28
Quianecan't break 30-40kps04:28
wols_joegilliam: you using VESA right now? maybe change it to the sis driver04:28
nickrudTigranG, good question, I've missed it since enlightenment04:28
nickrudor sawfihs04:28
joegilliamwols_: how do I check to see what driver I'm using?04:28
sysRPLwols_: ?04:28
wols_sysRPL: there is a ntfs fsck program in ntfsprogs or such. but be wary, night not work very well. ntfs isn't well supported in linux at all04:28
wols_joegilliam: grep Driver /etc/X11/xorg.conf04:29
david__What's the difference between "GNOME" and "Failsafe GNOME"?04:29
TigranGnickrud: I really want it :P ...been slaving over this all day, nothing works04:29
boddah82quiane: surely the fact that the ubuntu torrent downloaded at avg speed of 200k shows its that particular torrent thats slow?04:29
nickrudTigranG, it's been a wish list bug in nautilus since forever ;(04:29
sysRPLwols_: isn't there some why to force it to mount? what about the "-o force" option? i don't know much about linux and i figured i typed the command wrong04:29
joegilliamwols_: I'm using sis driver now04:29
bazhangQuiane: this is the ubuntu torrent?04:29
wols_joegilliam: that's all you can do besides getting new hardare then I guess04:30
NeT_DeMoNwols_: where do i get wget from??04:30
TigranGnickrud: guess what04:30
Quianeit shouldn't be downloaded at 28kps consistantly...i usually get over 100k..i typically have to limit my bandwidth to be able to browse04:30
TigranGnickrud: I think Im gonna burst out laughing04:30
wols_sysRPL: you didn't tell us what command exactly but imho you're mostly out of luck. use a windows BartPE disk04:30
Quianethe ubuntu torrent is getting 200k04:30
TigranGnickrud: I just got it hahaha. it works.04:30
joegilliamwols_: when I ran winblows on this computer graphics were fine04:30
Quianemy bit torrent client can't pass 40k04:30
Quiane28up 28 down04:31
bazhangQuiane: contact your isp--not an ubuntu issue04:31
Quianeit's got to be04:31
sysRPLwols_: the command was "mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sda1 /media/disk -o force"04:31
jon_anyone in here use hellanzb?04:31
wols_Quiane: you are lying: the ubuntu torrent ran at 200 as you yourself said. proving it's not your end that is the problem04:31
Quianei have contacted the isp...it's not on their end04:31
TigranGnickrud: I was trying to do it with the Cube settings and patched nautilus, but I just tried it with the Wallpaper plugin. works perfectly :)04:31
Quianei'm lying? lol04:31
wols_sysRPL: don't use ntfs-3g, use ntfs and mount it read only04:31
Quiane200 k is about half of my transfer capability...04:31
nickrudTigranG, wallpaper plugin? New to me, point me in the right direction, please04:32
bazhangofftopic Quiane04:32
wols_Quiane: stop whining about OT things which are wrong anyways please04:32
Quianerealistically it should be transfering faster than 200 k...but..that aside..04:32
nickrudTigranG, ah, you mean in ccm04:32
evan_Quiane: you dont always get max speed out of torrents04:32
TigranGnickrud: Yea. Plugin for compiz04:32
sysRPLwols_: okay, but anyhow the return of the command i last pasted was "fuse: failed to access mountpoint /media/disk: No such file or directory"04:32
david__:'S Nobody's going to help me.04:32
boddah82it still shows that you can go well above 28k, and the bad thing about torrents is speed can fluctuate dramatically04:32
wols_sysRPL: does /media/disk exist?04:32
evan_Quiane: if you havent already, try limiting your upload speed to ~75% of your max UL speed04:33
Quianei know, but i can't pass 40k....with gutsy, before i updated, i was consistanly getting 90 - 200 on the torrents04:33
wols_david__: if you keep up the whining I sure hope no one does04:33
sysRPLwols_: i don't know that much about linux to tell you :(04:33
bazhang!piracy | Quiane04:33
ubotuQuiane: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o04:33
wols_sysRPL: then check?04:33
david__wols_: You're not helping. Keep your mean comments to yourself.04:33
sysRPLwols_: i wouldn04:33
Quianei'm not talking about piracy04:33
NeT_DeMoNi have bittorrent but it doesnt show up on my apps04:33
joegilliamwols_: there must be some kind of way to get decent graphics, when I ran windows on this computer the graphics were fine04:33
novacan anyone help me a resolution problem i am experiencing04:33
Quianethnx evan04:33
Quianei'm trying it now04:33
jekastencan somebody tell how to connect to another machine on the network using name and password only?04:33
khelllhow can i configure my wireless via console ?04:33
tsukasa__hi guys04:34
sysRPLwols_: "ls /media" lists nothing04:34
wols_khelll: with wireless tools and editing /etc/network/interfaces04:34
crush_groovenova be specific04:34
bazhangkhelll: iwconfig04:34
wols_sysRPL: that's the problem04:34
sysRPLwols_: i wouldn't know where the mount point would be though04:34
kelsinkhelll: iwconfig to set the essid "sudo iwconfig <interface> essid <essid>" then dhclient to get an ip (if you use dhcp) "sudo dhclient <interface>"04:34
wols_khelll: wireless-tools rather04:34
tsukasa__im looking for some way of getting ssh access entirely via the web - a web based java client wont do it it needs to be something like a html submit04:34
wols_sysRPL: it's at /media/disk. at least that's what you specified04:34
jon_Torrents aren't of questionable practice and I didn't see a link to anything questionable? It is off-topic though04:34
tsukasa__is there a service i can run that does that?04:34
bazhangand spam04:35
joegilliamQuiane: search google for bittorrent over ssh to avoid isp bandwidth throttling.04:35
novacrush_groove: ok heres my prob, for some reason gutsy will not remember my res, every time i log off my 1920x1200@60 reverts back to 1280x1024@5204:35
Quianethere is a topic in here?04:35
wols_tsukasa__: there are some that work via cgi. they are awful. truly aweful04:35
sysRPLwols_: well ... what would be a valid mount point name?04:35
boddah82:D alcohol seemed to work, thanks :)04:35
novacursh_groove: i have tried many things to try and solve it but to no avail04:35
TigranGnickrud: If you want it, I mostly followed this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=60090904:35
jekastencan somebody tell how to connect to another machine on the network using name and password only?04:35
crush_grooveanytime boddah8204:35
tsukasa__wols_, well i need some way of sshing with using html ports so04:35
NeT_DeMoNok, even bigger problem, i cant download anything, it starts but then quits, like my download manager freezes04:35
wols_sysRPL: /media/disk for example. any empty directory will do04:35
TigranGnickrud: and I have to go, hope it works for you too, bye04:35
tsukasa__wols_, it might be filtered by packet type too, not sure04:35
kelsinjekasten: another linux machine? And what do you mean connect exactly?04:35
wols_tsukasa__: then let ssh listen on port 80 or 44304:36
sysRPLwols_: that did it04:36
sysRPLwols_: thank you04:36
sysRPLwols_: oh, one other thing04:37
kelsintsukasa__: you're trying to connect to a machine that's behind this firewall?04:37
khelllwols_ how to run the wireless-tools ?04:37
sysRPLwols_: my windows\system32\winlogin.exe file is corrupt preventing windows from starting in any sort of mode04:37
tsukasa__kelsin, the problem is the internet connection im trying to connect from has massive firewalls / security / etc and they block ssh04:37
wols_khelll: /usr/share/doc/wireless-tools/04:37
kelsintsukasa__: do you have access to this machine at all, the one that's behind this massive firewall?04:38
sysRPLwols_: how dangerous is to to mount a windows volume in read-write mode?04:38
tsukasa__kelsin, yeah its the machine im sshing from04:38
wols_khelll: while you can run iwconfig (part of the wireless tools) for longtime configuration you want to edit your interfaces file or you have to run the commands after every bootup04:38
kelsintsukasa__: wow they block outbound?04:38
tsukasa__kelsin, the machine im sshing to i can control completely04:38
khelllwols_ can u guide me what to do exactly04:38
wols_sysRPL: no one knows. haven't really heard of fs corruption due to it yet but it is reverse engineered so no one will ever give you any guarantees04:39
wols_khelll: no04:39
Flughafendoes anyone know of a good program for converting video files?04:39
jekastenwell the pc is part of a laser machine with linux  i would like to log in and change some files there. i cant  find a way to see the OS the only thing it provides are network folders tnx04:39
jon_sysRPL. I have been mounting ntfs partitions in r\w for a long time without problems04:39
kelsintsukasa__: wow.... blocking ssh outbound sucks, yeah I would make your ssh server run on port 80 on your machine, then run "ssh -p 80 blah@blah.com" when you connect04:39
wols_kelsin: many companies block outbound except http04:39
tsukasa__kelsin, okay ill try that04:40
kelsinwols_: glad I don't work for one of those :)04:40
novaanyone know how to make gutsy remember my resolution, every time i log off it reverts back to a lower res04:40
bazhangFlughafen: converting what to what04:40
sysRPLwols_: i guess i will copy my files to a usb thumb drive from linux first, then try and write a new winloging.exe to the windows\system32 directory04:40
induhi all04:40
indufor a package to be displayed in the update manager for upgrade, is higher version alone is enough or anything else need to be done in the deb package ?04:40
Flughafenanything to anything, like .avi to mpeg04:40
wols_Jesus|Freak: use samba to mount those shares04:40
sysRPLwols_: thanks for all the help! i really appreciated it04:40
tsukasa__yeah isnt the point of security to prevent the outside from getting in rather then preventing the inside to getting out04:40
Flughafenbazhang, anything to anything, like .avi to mpeg04:40
wols_indu: it needs to be in the repos04:40
NeT_DeMoNany one know what could be wrong if every time i try to download something my download manager quits responding??04:40
khelllkelsin i run sudo iwconfig ath0 essid extreme net   and i got : Error for wireless request "Set ESSID" (8B1A) :04:41
khelll    SET failed on device ath0 ; No such device.04:41
aeonixI was wondering if some one could tell me how i can install this SecondLife_i686_1_18_5_3.tar.bz204:41
wols_khelll: ifconfig -a. is there a ath0?04:41
jon_ffmpeg for converting videos...04:41
kelsinkhelll: sounds like something isn't right with your wireless driver? any other messages in dmesg about that?04:41
Flughafenjon_ where can i get ffmpeg?04:41
eljefe_can anyone tell me how to fix compiz on edubuntu?  the apps always start blank04:42
jon_Flughafen: its in the repos but you may want to compile it so you get more (any) codecs04:42
bazhang!compiz | eljefe_04:42
ubotueljefe_: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion04:42
NeT_DeMoNelfefe: #compiz-fusion04:42
Flughafenjon_ thanks04:42
DerangedDingoout of curiosity, how do you uninstall the version of Gecko that "wine iexplore" installed?04:42
khelllwols_ where shall i post the output of that command04:42
khelllso that u check it ?04:42
jon_!info ffmpeg | Flughafen04:42
ubotuflughafen: ffmpeg: multimedia player, server and encoder. In component universe, is optional. Version 3:0.cvs20070307-5ubuntu4 (gutsy), package size 184 kB, installed size 652 kB04:42
eljefe_thanks NeT_DeMoN04:42
OseI keep getting "Unable to save" errors (Says probably because disk is full). It was full but it's not anymore and I still get the errors.04:42
wols_khelll: just tell me is there an ath0 shown?04:42
NeT_DeMoNeljefe: dont thak me, bazhang beat me to it :P04:43
narothepharohhow do i install mp3 for k3b?04:43
bazhanghaha ubotu beat us both NeT_DeMoN04:43
NeT_DeMoNbazhang: lol04:43
khelllthere r both eth0 and eth1 i dont know which of them is the wireless04:43
NeT_DeMoNbazhang: well you made it04:44
wols_khelll: if you use madwifi: none of them is04:44
bazhangeth1 most likely khelll04:44
kelsinkhelll: run "iwconfig" alone, it will tell you, or should04:44
NeT_DeMoNbazhang: so technically you beat me :P04:44
rkjI'm trying to interface my iPod to my Ubuntu machine and get functionality comparable to iTunes - automatic updating of podcasts, audiobooks, etc.  Any suggestions on the best approach?04:44
khellleth1      unassociated  ESSID:off/any04:44
aeonixI was wondering if some one could tell me how i can install this SecondLife_i686_1_18_5_3.tar.bz2 i seemed to forgot the command to install stuff04:44
wols_aeonix: unpack it04:45
narothepharohhow do i install mp3 for k3b?04:45
wols_aeonix: with tar04:45
khelllok again : sudo iwconfig ath1 essid extreme net04:45
khelllError for wireless request "Set ESSID" (8B1A) :04:45
khelll    SET failed on device ath1 ; No such device.04:45
khelll 04:45
NeT_DeMoNbazhang: do you work here or something???, your always in here04:45
aeonixwols_how do i get tar?04:45
wols_khelll: ath1 is NOT eth104:45
wols_aeonix: you already have it04:45
Myrtti!paste | khelll04:45
ubotukhelll: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)04:45
aeonixwols_ how do i unpack it then?04:46
SpookyETHas anyone got a deb of the Gutsy kernel with SLAB instead of SLUB enabled in order for suspend to work with fglrx?04:46
rkjgrL: hello04:46
wols_aeonix: with tar04:46
khelllok wols_ what is supposed to happen if i do that ?04:47
wols_khelll: do _what_?04:47
grLhow r u04:47
khelllsudo iwconfig eth1 essid "extreme net"04:47
bazhanggrL: this is a support channel04:47
MyrttigrL: ubuntu related question?04:47
aeonixwols_ i cant find tar04:47
bigdoganyone installed hardy on an MSI 790FX AMD motherboard?04:47
Quianewith 8 seeds and no peers what types of speeds should i be expecting?04:47
kawarazuCould anyone help me try to download the driver for Intel Extreme Graphics 2??04:47
kawarazuI don't understand what to do.04:47
wols_aeonix: open a termina, "tar --help". there you have it04:48
NeT_DeMoNgrl: try #offtopic04:48
induwols_, i placed the package in the repos,04:48
CrossKelIs there a way to map individual keyboard keys, without having to change the entire keyboard map? (for example, changing the Windows key to ctrl+shift+u)04:48
wols_indu: I kinda doubt it. where did you put it? in what repo?04:49
=== Ashfire is now known as Ashfire908
jon_Flughafen: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/iPodVideoEncoding is a good resource04:49
induwols_, I have my local repo here, to which i freq connect and install my packages04:50
wols_CrossKel: setxkbmap04:50
NeT_DeMoNbazhang: dude, every time i try to download something my dowload manager quits responding, do you know what could be wrong??04:50
induwols_, in synaptic the package is marked for upgrade04:50
indubut in update-manager, its not showing that particular package04:50
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats04:50
bazhangNeT_DeMoN: not sure--what are you trying to download? what download manager are you talking about?04:50
phaedraCrossKel, Try System>Preferences>Keyboard shortcuts...04:51
NeT_DeMoNbazhang: anything and my package manager and my mozilla download manager04:51
bazhangNeT_DeMoN: synaptic? and firefox?04:51
khelll_wols_ is there a gui to pick a the wireless network instead of doing that manaualy04:52
NeT_DeMoNbazhang: add/remove programs and firefox04:52
NeT_DeMoNbazhang: i havent tried synaptic04:52
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CrossKelphaedra: Unfortunately, Keyboard shortcuts doesn't seem to offer that (or I've not fully figured it out yet). wols_: thank you. I've not heard of that before; I'm looking into that now.04:52
aeonixwols_ i dont get it tar isnt unziping it04:52
bazhangNeT_DeMoN: what are you trying to install from add/remove? the command line is much easier and will give you some error messages as well04:52
khelll_how to install windows fonts ?04:53
kelsinkhelll_: install the msttcorefonts package04:53
mintSo, I need to stop tinkering with my linux install. I have to reinstall every few weeks.04:53
NeT_DeMoNbazhang: the wireless assistant and some other stuff like other web browsers04:53
bazhangkhelll_: install ubuntu-restricted-extras04:53
HelloWorldhi all - any suggestions for getting the following hardware bits going?  1) launch buttons (media, mail ,internet) 2) hardware powersaving mode (half speed for processors... turns off the fan if possible) 3) volume control with a wheel04:53
bazhangNeT_DeMoN: more info please--which web browsers?04:53
NeT_DeMoNbazhang: at first i thought it was my mozilla so i tried to download another browser04:54
HelloWorldand function key combos for adjusting brightness, volume levels etc04:54
=== lumpy__ is now known as zzZlumpZzz
NeT_DeMoNbazhang: opera, and ice something04:54
khelll_bazhang what is that?04:54
NeT_DeMoNbazhang: iceweasel04:54
mintbazhang: I would go with Opera, if you had to choose one.04:55
HelloWorldnevermind i found some... of it in key shortcuts04:55
bazhangmint: not for me but thanks :}04:55
kelsinHelloWorld: hopefully for the media keys you can just goto the keyboard shortcuts app in System -> Prefs and set them04:55
HelloWorldwill ask again in a bit if i can't find the rest04:55
HelloWorldkelsin thanks realized that right before you responded :)04:55
kelsinHelloWorld: :)04:55
khelll_kelsin msttcorefonts : package is not avaliable04:56
mintIs there any program that will like, set the system state, so when I decide  to tinker with my box, I can revert it, when I break something.04:56
bazhangNeT_DeMoN: where do you want to install this from? the repos are the best bet--for opera I believe you have to enable the non-free repos in synaptic04:56
bazhang!info opera04:56
ubotuPackage opera does not exist in gutsy04:56
AmbienNODis it possible to password protect a folder on04:56
AmbienNODis it possible to password protect a folder04:56
mintAmbienNOD: Yea.04:56
mintAmbienNOD: Truecrypt.04:56
CoasterMasterAmbienNOD, yeah, I think there are a few ways....you can use Truecrypt or GnuPG for example04:56
mintAmbienNOD: Good for protecting your porn folder.04:57
NeT_DeMoNbazhang: add/remove programs under apps, ok, can you tell me how?04:57
mintI mean... >_>04:57
AmbienNODawsome thanx i'll try them out04:57
* NeT_DeMoN is about to just throw this computer away to start with and get a new one :P04:57
needhelpinstallican anyone help me with installing Gutsy Gibbon off a LiveCD?04:57
mintneedhelpinstalli: Just click install.04:58
compwiz18needhelpinstalli: whats the problem?04:58
mintWhat part do you need help with?04:58
Hirvinen!opera | bazhang04:58
ubotubazhang: opera is an advanced and free (only as in price) web browser.  Install it via Applications->Add/Remove..., making sure that "Show commercial applications" (dapper only) is checked. For more info on opera please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OperaBrowser04:58
Jesus|FreakHow do you recover a lost password.  I can't ID my nick04:58
needhelpinstalliI'm trying to install it to a 2GB CF card that is my computer's primary hard drive04:58
aeonixhow do i unpack a .tar.bz2?04:58
HelloWorldkelsin the lauch buttons was able to configure, thanks04:58
needhelpinstallithe installer says it needs minimums 2GB04:58
bazhangNeT_DeMoN: synaptic, not add/remove--you need to enable the non-free repositories04:59
needhelpinstallibut then it is dying at 73% without a popup04:59
needhelpinstallisaying disk full04:59
HelloWorldfor the audio wheel, no luck same with the low power/noise mode04:59
needhelpinstalliand then t installer just disappears04:59
NeT_DeMoNbazhang: ok04:59
compwiz18needhelpinstalli: is the disk actually full?04:59
bazhangHirvinen: haha--that is not for me :}04:59
khelll_kelsin : Package msttcorefonts is not available, but is referred to by another package.04:59
khelll_This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or04:59
khelll_is only available from another source04:59
chanswhy time command does not accept format argument? =/04:59
needhelpinstalliI did a search online04:59
Flughafenjon_, now this is gonna sound like a dumb question. ffmpeg is installed and compiled.  How do i use it? I cant find it04:59
needhelpinstalliand came up with a bugtracker report04:59
needhelpinstallithat says that GG does not handle full disks gracefully05:00
needhelpinstalliand the installer just dies05:00
compwiz18needhelpinstalli: you can try using the server install cd05:00
compwiz18needhelpinstalli: do you need a gui?05:00
Jesus|Freaknick J_F05:00
needhelpinstallion earlier versions it seems like you coudl use the command archive-copier/copy=false05:00
needhelpinstallito save space on installation05:00
needhelpinstallibut now is it only gui install?05:00
needhelpinstallii coudl live without gui05:00
chanstime -f "\t%U user,\t%S system,\t%x status" > -f ?05:00
Goodrowi have a problem!05:01
EaglerayGoodrow: what's the problem?05:01
NeT_DeMoNgoodrow: you and everybody else ;)05:01
needhelpinstalliis the server install going to get me a usable desktop install?05:01
Goodrowhaha i know05:01
compwiz18needhelpinstalli: you can use the server install, then install ubuntu-desktop05:01
Flughafenanyone here know how to use ffmpeg?05:01
osmosis help, when I run  # /etc/cron.daily/logrotate   it says05:01
Goodrowwell, i posted on the forums but didnt get a response, you can read it all there: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=3977388#post397738805:01
osmosis error: error accessing /var/log/ntop: No such file or directory05:01
osmosis error: ntop:1 glob failed for /var/log/ntop/*.log05:01
SajesThere's a command to see if 3D acceleration is running correctly. it was something | grep something. Anyone know?05:01
compwiz18needhelpinstalli: at least then you can clean out the package archives05:01
needhelpinstalliis there any way for me to use the archive-copier/copy=false command anymore?05:01
osmosiswhy is it want an ntop directory?05:01
EaglerayGoodrow: I don't have web access at the moment (at work), you'll have to count me out I'm afraid05:02
joegilliamhow do I turn on direct rendering05:02
osmosis/etc/logrotate.d/ntop  found it.05:02
EaglerayGoodrow: actually.... I might be able to get it - hang on05:02
Flughafendoes anyone here know how to use ffmpeg?05:02
Goodrowwell, i can simplify it: windows can connect to a low wireless signal but ubuntu cannot. ubuntu either loops trying to connect, or doesnt show the network05:02
crush_groovewhat is "rendering"?? making ?05:03
GoodrowEagleray: it does, however, connect when the signal is strong05:03
cr4how can I restart nautilus since installation ?05:03
EaglerayGoodrow: which wireless chipset/driver are you using?05:03
=== Jesus|Freak is now known as J_F
crush_groovecr4 isnt in panel ?05:03
=== amidaniel|away is now known as amidaniel
Goodrowbroadcom, and one i found online through ubuntu support05:04
joegilliamhow do I turn on direct rendering so I can run opengl games?05:04
J_FHow do you recover a lost password for a nick?  Sendpass does not work.05:04
Goodrowi couldnt get bwcutter working (looking back because i didnt have the developer essentials), so i grabbed one offline05:04
[gquit]bombadiljoegilliam: what kind of video card do you have?05:04
cr4crush_groove, I have some problems with gnome all the folders on home appears in desktop05:04
jribJ_F: reset it05:04
cr4crush_groove, I have move some thing in gconf-editor but it doen't works05:05
J_FHow do you do that05:05
cr4crush_groove, what shoul I do ?05:05
EaglerayGoodrow: which kernel do you have, and which broadcom driver? There are two, one for the new stack and one for the old stack05:05
joegilliam[gquit]bombadil: i have an sis integrated video adapter05:05
jribJ_F: do you have access to an account that can sudo?05:05
crush_groovecr4 "cd /bin/usr ./nautilus"05:05
thyraxIs there an upto date guide for installing USHARE or FUPPES? for ps3 and xbox360???05:05
EaglerayGoodrow: 'uname -r' will tell you your kernel05:05
needhelpinstalliare you still there?05:05
[gquit]bombadilyou'll have to check to make sure opengl is supported in linux with that driver05:05
GoodrowEagleray: not on linux right now05:05
[gquit]bombadilyou may have to install a different driver05:05
Goodrowi'm using gutsy though05:05
[gquit]bombadilor get a different video card05:06
joegilliam[gquit]bombadil: vesa?05:06
[gquit]bombadilvesa is the default driver05:06
[gquit]bombadilthat doesnt support opengl05:06
jribJ_F: reboot, select "recovery mode" from the grub menu, do the following command: passwd USER.  Where "USER" is your actual username.05:06
EaglerayGoodrow: I have no idea which kernel gutsy is supposed to have at the mo - I use debian, not ubuntu, and I usually do my own kernels anyway05:06
cr4crush_groove, it says that it couldn't find urs in bin05:06
jrib!who | J_F05:06
ubotuJ_F: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)05:06
[gquit]bombadiljoegilliam: you'll need to get one more specific to your videocard05:06
EaglerayDoes anyone know which kernel version gutsy uses by default?05:06
joegilliam[gquit]bombadil: I have the sis driver installed, don't know much about it though05:06
J_Fno I lost my nick password in irc05:07
Flughafendoes anyone here know how to use ffmpeg?05:07
crush_groovecd /bin/usr then type ./nautilus05:07
needhelpinstalliDoes anyone know how I can follow this advice using a 7.10 install CD, "On your next install, you can try passing the following argument:05:07
needhelpinstalliThis argument tells the archive-copier to not copy all the packages onto the hard-drive."05:07
TtechFlughafen, Not a clue, I just know it works. :)05:07
needhelpinstalliit seems like I can only install via a GUI?05:07
FlughafenTtech, have you ever used it?05:07
joegilliam[gquit]bombadil: it's an sis video adapter  (silicon integrated systems)  its integrated into the motherboard05:07
Goodrowcould the driver be the issue? wouldn't it not work at all with the driver for the wrong stack?05:07
JonathonAnyone know how to get the NetworkManager to recognise ppp0 as a viable pptp tunnel interface?05:07
jribJ_F: then you need to speak with a freenode staff member.  See freenode's faq on how to contact one05:07
NeT_DeMoNbazhang: my synaptic quit responding now05:07
FlughafenTtech, I installed it and cant find it05:07
EaglerayFlughafen: A lot of people know how to use ffmpeg, but until you describe your problem no-one knows if they can help you. Can you explain in more detail please?05:07
CrossKelwols_ : setxkbmap looks like it is what I have been looking for, once I understand it. Thank you very much!05:08
[gquit]bombadiljoegilliam: that's what i figured, it seems that the driver you have installed doesnt support opengl05:08
The_Doctor2Flughafen, I'm not sure if that exact thing, but it would probbably be a commadn line app. I know I needed it to decode or help decode dvd's in ubuntu. Or somemthing liek that. :)05:08
EaglerayGoodrow: possibly, and the linux broadcom driver also doesn't have fully implemented noise filtering yet05:08
FlughafenI installed ffmpeg and can not find it.  I must be an idiot but i dont know what to do05:08
[gquit]bombadiljoegilliam: you'll have to either find one or figure out a different answer05:08
crush_groovecr4 Im very sorry  its /usr/bin05:08
joegilliam[gquit]bombadil: ok, thanks05:08
Goodrowahhh that might be the issue... any other recommendations?05:08
crush_groovedyslexia kicked in05:09
cr4crush_groove, np05:09
TtechFlughafen, If you haven't already guessed The_Doctor2 and Ttech is the same person. :P05:09
EaglerayFlughafen: how are you trying to run it? Are you aware that ffmpeg is a commandline program?05:09
FlughafenEagleray, no i was not aware05:09
NeT_DeMoNcan any one help me with my download problems, i cant download anything05:09
FlughafenEagleray, is there a tutorial or something showing me the commands05:09
EaglerayFlughafen: it doesn't have a GUI and won't appear on your menu - it's a commandline transcoding tool05:09
FlughafenEagleray, yea, thanks05:09
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ffmpeg - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi05:09
Goodrownet, using a browser? a specific program?05:10
EaglerayFlughafen: hang on, I'll see if I can find you a tutorial - the work people just enabled my net access :D05:10
ahjiei have a question05:10
FlughafenEagleray, hah thanks05:10
NeT_DeMoNgoodrow: anything, synaptic, mozilla, updates05:10
bitsbam_hello all05:10
staceyok i asked this twice but my pidgn doesnt seam to follow on so i lost the reply05:10
EaglerayGoodrow: just have a play with your driver; if you can, disable powersave mode05:10
crush_grooveahjie,  just state the question05:10
dbuZeri have problems with the qemu... the error is... FLOPPY ERROR: fdctrl_write_data: unknown command: 0x2e05:10
Goodroweagle, ill try that05:11
EaglerayGoodrow: also please address your messages, otherwise I miss them05:11
ahjiei am a new user of ubuntu..and I have installed 6.06. However i do not know is ubutntu6.06 is known as debian ?05:11
GoodrowEagleray: haha will do, my mirc exploded so im using cgi irc. lemme go toy with the driver a bit05:11
dbuZerwhen i booting win98, the terminal give me this error end freeze...05:11
crush_grooveahjie,  yes05:11
needhelpinstalliis there any way for me to delete some files, such as unnecessary software, before installing 7.10 from the LiveCD?  I'm running out of disk space in the installer05:11
cr4crush_groove, ok I have done but I maked a restar and that folders still there, I mean in desktop05:11
staceyatheros card worked in feisty but broke in gutsy, i have no alternate internet how do i get it to work?05:11
ahjiehow bout Fedora ?05:11
cr4crush_groove, that are the same files enside of /home :(05:12
ahjiewhat is the differences05:12
Ttechahjie, this us Ubntu05:12
dbuZerhow can i disable the floppy access in qemu?05:12
crush_grooveahjie,  no05:12
dbuZerhow can i disable the floppy access in qemu? (maybe in the bios)05:12
Ttechahjie, this us Ubuntu not Fedora.05:12
staceyneedhelpinstalli: i dont think so, use alternate?05:12
EaglerayFlughafen: take a look at http://swoolley.org/man.cgi/1/ffmpeg (the ffmpeg manpage)05:12
TtechdbuZer, I think its sa commadn line option for quemu05:12
FlughafenEagleray, thanks05:12
ahjieis it totally different OS?05:12
dbuZerTtech: how can i do this?05:12
EaglerayFlughafen: you can also access this on your system by going to #ffmpeg in konqueror, or typing 'man ffmpeg' into a terminal05:12
OseIs there a way to delete all files under a certain size?05:13
bazhangahjie: ubuntu is based on debian, it is not debian05:13
bitsbam_did something happen to flash in ubuntu? flashplugin-nonfree isn't that good anymore05:13
crush_groovecr4 /home/usrname will have the  some of the stuff on your desktop and vice versa . thats normal05:13
FlughafenEagleray, i dont use kubuntu, i dont have konqueror05:13
jribOse: you can use the 'find' command05:13
dbuZerTtech: i cant inicialize win98 in the qemu... always give-me this error and freeze...05:13
Pici!debian | ahjie05:13
ubotuahjie: Ubuntu and Debian are closely related. Ubuntu builds on the foundations of Debian architecture and infrastructure, with a different community and release process. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/relationship - Remember, !repositories meant for Debian should NOT be used on Ubuntu!05:13
needhelpinstallistacey: if I use alternate is it going to be di fficult to get the install into a state that I can use as a desktop without a lot of linux experience?05:13
NeT_DeMoNbazhang: my synaptic quit respondig when i did that05:13
EaglerayFlughafen: then you can view it through the terminal, or online via the link I gave you05:13
ahjiebcoz i came across an installer which is for Fedora05:14
cr4crush_groove, no, two ahour ago it was different05:14
dbuZercan someone help-me with qemu?05:14
Osejrib: I'm using the find to look for all files in subsequent directories.. That could be adapted to also find them of a certain size? Less than a size, actually.05:14
cr4crush_groove, I have had my ubuntu runing really cool 6 months :(05:14
ahjiewhen i try to go google. it returns me debian05:14
ahjieand i thought it refers to same thniog05:14
jribOse: yes05:14
FlughafenEagleray, thanks05:14
dbuZeri cant run win98 in the qemu... the install finished ok, but this don't start... always fail when try to access a floppy05:14
crush_groove cr4 . that is al I know to do . maybe sum1 else here can help.05:14
bazhangahjie: www.ubuntu.com vs. www.debian.org05:15
jsilvermani love ubuntu05:15
jsilvermanpraise ubuntu05:15
TtechFlughafen, all *buntu apps are compatible you can install Konquer in Ubuntu, and X* apps in ubuntu vise versa05:15
needhelpinstalliis there any difference between server install and desktop install other than the lack of GUI at first?05:15
cr4crush_groove, ok thank's05:15
TtechdbuZer, Hmm, I don't know, I use VMWare server which is free and a lot nice. :P05:15
TtechIts just not open source05:15
bazhangjsilverman: nice to know you have a support question?05:15
Osejrib: ANy idea what the command w*ould look like?05:15
cr4sum1 could you help me ?05:15
staceyneedhelpinstalli: i think its doable but ull be missing useful apps, just apt-get *buntu-desktop should give basics but it will give you most of the livecd stuff anyway05:15
EagleraydbuZer: have you actually specified the floppy image or device?05:15
EagleraydbuZer: what are you trying to do?05:16
needhelpinstalliis there any way to install from the desktop livecd from the command line so I can pass it options?05:16
induwols_, sorry, i was away from my system for a while05:16
jsilvermanbazhang: hell no. i run Shaivist Ubuntu... sm0kin'05:16
=== NoorIslam is now known as NoorulIslaam
induwols_, in synaptic the package is marked for upgrade, but in update manager the package is not shown for upgradation05:16
dbuZerEagleray: i have a img file... that call win98... i use this to run: #qemu win9805:16
bazhangofftopic jsilverman05:16
=== voltHeir is now known as voltHeir_afk
induwols_, anything else to be done for my package during the build time ?05:16
EagleraydbuZer: you need to specify your floppy there too05:17
staceymy atheros card worked in feisty but broke in gutsy, i have no alternate internet how do i get it to work?05:17
jsilvermani'm making a ubuntu distro that is about smokin weed05:17
jribOse: I would have to read the man page.  Just search for "size":  /size<ENTER>  then tap 'n' until you find something interesting05:17
EagleraydbuZer: for example, '# qemu -fda /dev/fda win98.img05:17
NeT_DeMoNjsilverman: try #offtopic05:17
dbuZerEagleray: i think the problem is with the floopy, when qemu try to access the floopy in the so, this fail and freeze the screen... theres a way to disable floopy emulation?05:17
Osejrib: I'm taking a look at the manual right now. THanks.05:17
dbuZerEagleray: ok... i will see here.. wait05:17
stacey jsilverman try using rodent killer05:18
rkjI need to buy an external hard drive for my Ubuntu laptop. What do I need to do to get it working with my machine?05:18
GogHenriquesome help, please: how I install the dssi-vst? I was install wine, and donwload dssi-vst, but, how I install it?05:18
NeT_DeMoNmy god my computer is pissing me off05:18
staceyrkj very few modles dont work with ubuntu05:18
NeT_DeMoNtoo many damn problems05:18
NeT_DeMoNexcuse my language please05:18
jsilvermanNeT_DeMoN: what could b wrong05:18
FlughafenEagleray, so, how would i convert a .avi to theora?05:19
rkjstacey thanks but don't they usually come preformatted as ntfs or something?05:19
FlughafenEagleray, im having trouble understanding this tutorial05:19
NeT_DeMoNjsilverman: what do you mean?05:19
dbuZerEagleray: when booting win98 the terminal show this and stop emulation: FLOPPY ERROR: fdctrl_write_data: unknown command: 0x2e05:19
joegilliamis there a package that I can install that has the c compiler and other things commonly needed when building from source?05:19
dbuZerEagleray: i just tried with this -fda parameter and this has seem my floopy, but the same problem happen05:20
bazhangbuild-essential joegilliam05:20
joegilliambazhang: thanks05:20
staceyrkj you can reformat, and ubuntu can reed and write (in the latest anyway)05:20
induany solution for my problem ?05:20
GogHenriquesome help, please: how do I install the dssi-vst? I was install wine, and donwload dssi-vst, but, how do I install it?05:21
rkjstacey Would I need to reformat with the ext3 filesystem?05:21
dbuZerEagleray: in the ctrl + alt + 2 there some option that i can disable the floppy? did you know that?05:21
NeT_DeMoNbazhang: what are the commands to download stuff through the terminal, like so i dont have to come in and ask yall for a certian command everytime i try05:21
bazhanghttp://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Gutsy NeT_DeMoN05:21
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about wf - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi05:21
NeT_DeMoNbazhang: thanks05:22
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs05:22
CrevilOhow can I reset the sound driver? I'm getting crackly stuff, not unexpected, the computer's been on for ages and I left a flash audio player open05:22
dbuZerhow can i disable emulate access to floppy diskete in the qemu???05:22
dbuZerits possible?05:22
rkjstacey did you mean ubuntu can read and write ntfs? I read that is only in 7.10, I have 7.04 installed.  from what I've read, it can read but not write to ntfs.05:23
dbuZerCrevilO: try to unload the modules05:23
dbuZerCrevilO: with the rmmod05:24
CrevilOdbuZer: thanks05:24
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE05:24
dbuZerCrevilO: rmmod -f may help better05:25
=== crush_groove is now known as crushin[A]
bitsbam_sorry, anyone know if the flashplugin-nonfree installs a kinda old version of flash ?05:25
CrevilOdbuZer: I'm getting "Resource temporarily unavailable"05:25
staceyrkj any pre 7.10 install needs apt-get ntfs-3g but if youll only use the drive n ubuntu reformat to ext3/fat (wndows can read that)05:25
ubotuntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions05:26
dbuZerCrevilO: kill all process that uses your sound card (kill -9), after, search for the modules for you card (lsmod), and unload... after all, reload then05:26
CrevilOdbuZer: ok05:26
alteregolioi looking for a banastic gui network config, where i can enter more than just 1 ip adress05:26
NeT_DeMoNwhats a site where i can download login screens from??05:26
Al2O3hello, 6 gigs ok for a VM HD for install of 7.10 GG?05:27
rkjstacey can you point me in the right direction to learn how to reformat the drive as ext3? (seems like the easiest option)05:27
mikefoo1Hey guys, im looking to have an ubuntu machine connected to my tv via the vga port, how would I remote into the machine to control the display, to play a movie for instance.05:28
dbuZersomebody here know how to solve this problem?  FLOPPY ERROR: fdctrl_write_data: unknown command: 0x2e05:28
dbuZerin the qemu05:28
dbuZersomebody here know how to solve this problem in the qemu?  FLOPPY ERROR: fdctrl_write_data: unknown command: 0x2e05:28
SpookyETHas anyone got a deb of the gutsy kernel with SLAB?05:28
alteregolioheh how can i move from ext3 to reiser4 without format?05:28
ubotuGParted is a !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted-livecd.tuxfamily.org/05:28
staceyrkj im not in my install atm cant rember the command but you could use parted or gparted05:29
sunogbaga!gparted | rkj05:29
uboturkj: please see above05:29
NeT_DeMoN!repeat | dbuzer05:29
ubotudbuzer: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience05:29
cryosphe1is there a reason iwlist doesn't show link quality05:29
cryosphe1and iwconfig for that matter05:29
dbuZerubotu: yes, i waiting for...05:29
bazhangdbuZer: he is a bot :}05:30
ZenerekAl2O3 yeah that should be fine as long as you don't go downloading big torrents n stuff, i have not a vm install before myself, but you should at least 4 and a half gigs probably five or more left05:30
dbuZerbazhang: heheheh05:30
bulmercryosphe1-> because the driver for your chip does not support such feature?05:30
dbuZercan someone help-me05:31
dbuZercan someone help-me with qemu??? i need tips that that i cant find in google... :(05:31
jga23is there a basic smtp server for ubuntu that I can use for just sending me emails from my box?05:31
Zenerekanyway i just dropped in real quick to test the irc in opera05:31
ubotuqemu is an emulator you can use to run another operating system - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsXPUnderQemuHowTo05:31
dbuZerjga23: posix, sendmail ?05:32
alteregolioyeah i need qemu to compile crap for my dreambox05:32
NeT_DeMoN!qemu | dbuzer05:32
ubotudbuzer: qemu is an emulator you can use to run another operating system - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsXPUnderQemuHowTo05:32
nownotok i have a hd that i believe has a bad sector is there a linux tool that i can use to scan it and fix it?05:32
alteregolioi use a DOS tool for this05:32
dbuZernownot: use a zero filling tool05:32
nownothow do i do that. well how do i know if the hd is actually being read by the os?05:33
Bugsy969lol free to try to help me out?05:33
raddyHello Everybody05:33
EaglerayFlughafen: it's not a tutorial, it's a manual page with options05:33
MAHEhey people05:33
MAHEdo u know how to enable file sharing?>05:34
raddyI am going to reinstall 7.1005:34
EaglerayFlughafen: as far as converting specific files with it, I'm not too good - I don't really use it I'm afraid05:34
NeT_DeMoNbugsy969: whats your problem?05:34
PhusionMAHE, like, with a windows box?05:34
MAHEif i have a router and 2 pc's?05:34
raddyIs it possible to avoid redownloading updates?05:34
FlughafenEagleray, whatever it was it confused and scared me05:34
dbuZerthanks anyway... :(05:34
MAHEboth ubuntu and windows here05:34
PhusionMAHE, do you have a shared drive on the windows machine?05:34
nownotdbuzer: how do i do that. well how do i know if the hd is actually being read by the os?05:34
MAHEi mean i have shared it05:34
MAHEby right click05:34
PhusionMAHE, right, on the windows machine, right?05:34
FlughafenEagleray, i just want to take a few .avi files and make them into something else, anything else05:34
MAHEcan i share it?05:34
sunogbaganownot: fdisk -l05:35
EagleraydbuZer: sorry for vanishing there - work called05:35
Bugsy969just wondering about the Wine sofware.. i went through everything to make sure i have the right drivers for my Radeon 9600 which was a huge pain.. but still, a simple game like starcraft is running exstreamly choppy05:35
PhusionMAHE, do you know the IP address of the windows machine?05:35
NeT_DeMoN!wine | bugsy69605:35
ubotubugsy696: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.05:35
EaglerayFlughafen: then try re-asking your quesion here, or on the forums, or googling for a howto05:35
MAHEyeah both of them--- and .505:35
nownotsunogbaga: i did that and i only saw one hard drive and its not the one im having a problem with05:35
MAHEand i want to share files05:35
MAHEbw them05:35
MAHEhow do i?05:35
PhusionMAHE, ok, well you should be able to go to Places05:35
EaglerayFlughafen: don't be too fixed on ffmpeg either - there are other solutions05:35
Phusionand I think it's.... browse to server05:36
MAHEnetwork places?05:36
FlughafenEagleray, ive looked at a few how to's i didnt find anything to helpful05:36
EaglerayFlughafen: VLC can do this quite nicely with a GUI05:36
FlughafenEagleray, what other programs are there?05:36
NeT_DeMoNjust noticed that05:36
FlughafenEagleray, how do you do it with VLC?05:36
EaglerayFlughafen: does VLC sound more like what you're after05:36
sunogbaganownot: means os wasn't able to read it05:36
Bugsy969thanks i'll check out the form05:36
PhusionMAHE, or Network?05:36
rubydiamond2whenever I opend my rapidsvn from gui shortcut.. and I update.. it says .. permission denied error but when I open it from terminal using sudo rapidsvn.. it does update... how can I make my gui shortcut to work with sudo credentials... ???05:36
FlughafenEagleray, i use VLC for playing, i didnt know it could do that05:36
NeT_DeMoN!wine | bugsy96905:36
ubotubugsy969: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.05:36
alteregoliostill this crappy atl_xmit frame0 blah error05:36
Zenereknownot and other guys who don't know what too to use for what, when in doubt use the apropos command to search what available apps are on your ubuntu box, you will find there are many things at your fingers tips to handle many things05:37
MAHEi dont get u mr phusion05:37
EaglerayFlughafen: VLC can do a lot of transcoding stuff too - look in the 'open file' dialog for the GUI to do this05:37
nownotshit something else i can try05:37
MAHEthere is a network places folder in windows05:37
MAHEshud i go to ubuntu05:37
EaglerayFlughafen: it's in the same section as streaming, only you want to stream to a file rather than over a network05:37
PhusionMAHE, you know on the Ubuntu desktop, there's buttons called Applications and there's one called Places05:37
sunogbaganownot: well did bios recognize ur hd?05:37
MAHEi know05:37
FlughafenEagleray, awesome thanks05:37
nownotyes it did05:37
PhusionMAHE, yous hould be able to browse your network from there05:37
EaglerayFlughafen: no problem, hope it was helpful05:38
MAHEok...no setup needed after conecting the pc's?05:38
PhusionMAHE, you may need to install samba05:38
PhusionMAHE, from the command line type sudo apt-get install samba05:38
MAHEand how to get the ip adrress and all?05:38
MAHEand to enable sharing 4 a folder?05:38
Phusionwell from windows command line you can type ipconfig to see your ip05:39
nownotsunogbaga: yes it did05:39
sunogbagaMAHE: u don't need the ip addresses05:39
Phusionyou need to install samba to share w/ windows05:39
FlughafenEagleray, yea it was05:39
Phusionbut you should be able to just access any shares on your windows machine05:39
Phusionfrom linux05:39
MAHEwell, phusion, i want to share 2 pc's both with ubuntu05:39
Zenerekwell bye this but a test or opera's irc ability...05:39
MAHEwill it work?05:39
PhusionI asked before and you said one was windows :/05:39
sunogbaganownot: perhaps the more knowledgable people here can help you..05:39
MAHEboth having both05:40
MAHEi just need to transfer files05:40
MAHEon any os05:40
MAHEi have got an adsl 2+ router05:40
PhusionI guess NFS would do it.05:40
bulmer!enter | MAHE05:40
Phusionone second05:40
ubotuMAHE: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!05:40
MAHEok sorry mr ubotu05:40
MAHEwhats nfs?05:40
FluxDnetwork file storage05:40
EaglerayMAHE: ubotu is a bot, not a person05:41
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots05:41
sanguisdexI have a dell e1505 laptop and every time I try to use a mic the program running crashes is there any one here who can help me?05:41
FluxDI mean system not sotage05:41
sunogbagaMAHE: u just need samba05:41
Phusionnetwork file system I think, but at any rate05:41
Phusiondid you issue that command MAHE? sudo apt-get install samba05:41
MAHEhey can u help me a bit more, i dont know what is samba and all05:41
PhusionI'm still here heh05:41
MAHEleme boot into ubuntu05:42
FluxD!samba | MAHE05:42
ubotuMAHE: samba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT05:42
EaglerayMAHE: samba is a suite of linux apps for sharing files with Windows over the smb/cifs protocols05:42
MAHEi dont need to cooperaTE WITH  windows05:42
ubotuMAHE: samba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT05:42
MAHEubuntu to ubuntu only05:42
FluxDEagleray: how do u share with between ubuntu to ubuntu05:42
PhusionMAHE, that link will help you05:42
EaglerayFluxD: I use NFS05:42
MAHEfor ubuntu to ubuntu transfer>05:43
DILand all this time i thoght sanba was a dance05:43
FluxDEagleray: how do u set it up?05:43
EaglerayMAHE: how often are you wanting to transfer files - a one-off, or repeatedly?05:43
nickrudMAHE, lots of people use samba to share between linux boxes, it supports more than just file sharing05:43
EaglerayFluxD: see what I just asked MAHE05:43
MAHEhey eagerlay, one off05:43
nownoti have a hd that i think has a bad sector. bios will reconize it but when i do fdisk-l its not there. i want to scan it for bad sectors and repair. is there a linux tool i can use?05:43
FluxDEagleray: repeatedly05:43
MAHEjust a big file05:43
MAHEand music05:43
EaglerayMAHE: then use SCP, it's easier05:43
MAHEwhats that?05:44
EaglerayFluxD: then use NFS or samba05:44
MAHEin ubuntu rite?05:44
EaglerayMAHE: scp = secure copy05:44
MAHEis it a software?05:44
FluxDEagleray: link on how to sset it up05:44
ubotuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/05:44
ubotuMAHE: SCP is a secure way of copying files across networks using !SSH. Usage: scp filename user@host:filename - WinSCP is a client for Windows, available at http://winscp.net/05:44
jonesis there a way to automatically id3 tag all my mp3's? maybe getting the info from the net or something? thanks everyone05:44
FluxDjones: I think amarok has a plugin for that05:45
EaglerayFluxD: install nfs-kernel-server on the system sharing files, and nfs-common and portmap on both05:45
Phusionjones: there are apps that will do it based ont he file name05:45
Phusionyeah amarok is a good bet.05:45
EaglerayFluxD: then edit /etc/exports to define your shares, and restart nfs-kernel-server05:45
MAHEhey eagerlay, is there a similar way for one off transfer in windows?05:45
FluxDEagleray: and using samba?05:45
EaglerayFluxD: Once you have done that, just mount them on the client machine05:45
jonesfluxd: have u found that amarok s better than a standalone prog?05:45
jonesphusion: any recommendations?05:45
sunogbagaMAHE: you can also use sftp05:45
EaglerayFluxD: The instructions I gave you were for NFS. Samba is considerably more complex05:45
MAHEin windows?05:46
FluxDjones: theres a program called picard which is standalone I think it also has a linux version05:46
Phusionjones: amarok05:46
Phusionfrom google: "You can right click on an artist/album/track (anything) in the collection view. There will be an option to Edit Metadata or Edit Artist Information or something along those lines (not near Amarok currently). There will be a checkbox for "Per Track" at the bottom left of the dialog that appears."05:46
sunogbagaMAHE: i thought ubuntu->ubuntu only..05:46
EaglerayMAHE: you can use SCP/SFTP in windows if you want, via a program called 'WinSCP'05:46
MAHEubuntu > ubuntu will b better05:46
sunogbagaMAHE: then just use sftp05:47
Phusionjones, http://easytag.sourceforge.net/05:47
EaglerayMAHE: SCP can do ubuntu->ubuntu quite nicely05:47
jonesfluxd/phusion: thanks i am looking into it now05:47
MAHEokay..is it prerinstalled?05:47
EaglerayMAHE: yes05:47
nownotso nobody knows a way to format a hd that isnt reconized in ubuntu but is in the bios?05:47
DILMAHE, i have my network set with samba - The manner in which Phusion was guiding will get you there05:47
FluxDEagleray: is there an scp client for ubuntu?05:47
Phusionnownot, tried a boot cd?05:47
rencore_how can i run emerald themes without beryl05:47
EaglerayFluxD: yes, it's part of ssh05:47
nownotphusion: dont see how that will help05:48
FluxDEagleray: I mean GUI05:48
EaglerayFluxD: comandline client called 'scp'05:48
jahlinhello, im having some trouble following this guide : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=574501 ... when i run the command  "sudo modprobe ndiswrapper"     my computer freezes completely05:48
Phusionnownot, well, you could try using for instance Hiren's Boot CD that has many utilities on it for hard drive management05:48
EaglerayFluxD: not sure to be honest - I assume there is, but I do most tasks like that in a terminal05:48
sunogbagaMAHE: yes05:48
Phusionor you could google hard drive utility boot disc05:48
Phusionor something along those lines05:48
nownothmm will try05:48
nickrudFluxD, gftp does ssh graphically05:48
nickrudFluxD, or places->connect to server05:49
FluxDnickrud: scp = ftp over ssh right ?05:49
EaglerayFluxD: no05:49
nickrudFluxD, no, secure copy, sftp is secure ftp05:49
MAHEthe ubuntu on one of pc's has  a problem05:49
FluxDwhat eactly is secure copy?05:49
wols_nickrud: sftp and scp is the same05:49
nickrud!language | MAHE05:49
ubotuMAHE: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.05:49
EaglerayFluxD: it's a file copy method that uses ssh as a transport to copy files between machines05:50
nickrudwols_, at the base? thanks05:50
MAHEhey..can i just download winscp and then just start transferring files in windows?05:50
EaglerayFluxD: you use it in almost exactly the same way as you'd use cp (copy)05:50
wols_sftp is the same protcol as scp: transferring files over ssh05:50
nickrudwols_, never used sftp, scp has been good enough for me :)05:50
EaglerayMAHE: yes05:50
MAHEwithout clicking on share folder and bla bla?05:50
MAHEand other settings?05:50
Eagleraywols_: it's not, SFTP is a similar protocol and usually looks the same to the end user, but it's not the same as scp05:51
sunogbagaMAHE: yes of course you can05:51
SunmanXIIhello im having an issue after i reinstalled to gutsy - for some reason when i try to switch screen resolution absolutely nothing happens - the resolution stays the same05:51
FluxDEagleray: and what is ftp over ssh called?05:51
MAHEso far i just know that ping command is succesful05:51
wols_Eagleray: then what is the difference?05:51
MAHEbut the computers dont show each other in network places05:51
EaglerayFluxD: it's called FTP over ssh - there's not really any such thing05:51
darobstaim havin sex05:51
* nickrud bows out of this network talk, he knows he's an imbecile here05:51
wols_FluxD: there is ftp with ssl, not ssh05:51
EaglerayFluxD: SFTP looks and acts like FTP, but it's not really FTP at all05:51
sunogbagaMAHE: please use the nick to address who you are talking to05:52
wols_Eagleray: what is the difference between sftp and scp then?05:52
SunmanXIIcan anyone help me with my screen resolution problem?05:52
Ttechdarobsta, Nothing like a little spamming? Hmm?05:52
=== chesty is now known as apt
Eagleraywols_: SFTP contains a whole pile of junk for folder creation & manipulation etc, listing, things like that05:52
MAHEsunogbaga: like this?05:52
speeddemon8803Example "Wols_ I think Ubuntu rocks!"05:52
jahlinhas anyone ever managed to get a dlink dwa-552 working using ndiswrapper and have a moment to spare ?05:52
MAHEit doesnt change color05:52
Eagleraywols_: SCP is a simple copy usility - basically cp on steroids05:52
sunogbagaMAHE: exactly05:52
Phusionits like cp for remote resources05:52
MAHEbut u can change color when u address me...i can't?05:53
Eagleraywols_: *utility05:53
EaglerayMAHE: to address someone, just type their name in front of your message05:53
speeddemon8803When they address you it changes colors because it's a notification flag :)05:53
sunogbagaMAHE: depends on your irc client05:53
nickrudMAHE, when you address us, it changes color here05:53
speeddemon8803its built into your irc client.05:53
MAHEnickrud: Does it change color ?05:53
nickrudMAHE, bright red :)05:54
MAHEi have installed winscp on one of the pc's05:54
speeddemon8803If you address me, I will see it in the color that I have chosen for notifications, but nobody else will see it like that.05:54
nickrudSunmanXII, when you change resolution how?05:54
MAHEPhusion: Shud i do it on next ?05:54
PhusionMAHE, english please05:54
jahlinis anyone pretty familiar with ndiswrapper ?05:54
bazhang!u | MAHE05:55
ubotuMAHE: Unless you're Dutch or Flemish, or a government officier, the letter 'U' is not a pronoun.  If you want to be taken more seriously, please bother to type out the extra letters in "you".  The same goes for "why", "because", "anyone", and so on..05:55
MAHEerr, i thought i always speak english, cz i know that only05:55
* Phusion cries05:55
Phusion<--- cursed05:55
Phusionso, anyway05:55
PhusionI'm confuised, winscp is windows app05:55
Phusionyou keep changing05:55
Phusiondo you have two windows machines, or two ubuntu machines or what05:55
EaglerayPhusion: WinSCP is an SFTP and SCP client for windows05:55
Phusionyou need to have winSCP on whatever windows computer needs to talk to an ubuntu one05:56
MAHE2 windows...now05:56
PhusionI know!05:56
MAHEoh no05:56
sunogbagaMAHE: please use the nicks when addressing05:56
Phusionok, two windows.05:56
MAHEsunobaga: Ok05:56
EaglerayPhusion: it's designed to access *nix systems, and windows servers that happen to be running an SFTP service05:56
Phusionyou don't need SCP for two windows05:56
derrleyI have an install of ubuntu server and I need to add xwin and gtk for an application I want to run. Is there an easy way to do that ?05:56
Phusionplease stop telling me what WinSCP is05:56
wols_derrley: yes. just install it05:56
MAHEPhusion: Can u just tell me HOW can i transfer files.......?05:56
nickrudSunmanXII, first, could you answer the question? What method of changing the resolution that doesn't work?05:56
datakid_hola, how can I change my firefox plugins so that the ogg Mime type is processed by totem instead of mplayer? when I go here: http://theorasea.org/ is says mplayer is being used, when I do about:plugins in fx, it says both totem and mplayer are set to go on ogg05:57
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PhusionMAHE, sure, if we're just clear on some things, you want to know how to share files between two Windows PCs on a router, correct?05:57
sunogbagaMAHE: have you tried anything yet?05:57
wols_MAHE: run a ssh server on ubuntu and a sftp client like filezilla on windows05:57
FluxDEagleray: whats the difference between sftp and ftp over ssh ?05:57
EaglerayPhusion: oops, sorry - I thought you were asking05:57
Phusionok, so ubuntu is no longer in the  equasion.05:57
derrleywols_: do I just need to install the libgtk package or is there a more straightforward way to fetch all the xwindows stuff? (like in opensuse they have "patterns")05:57
datakid_but I don't know how to ctually change it05:57
PhusionEagleray, nope, not at all05:57
wacd-andyexcuse me...does anyone know when will flash package be back on...?05:57
wols_derrley: install xorg05:57
jahlincould anyone give me a hand with ndiswrapper when they get the chance ?05:57
MAHEoh this is ubuntu forum05:57
EaglerayFluxD: STFP is an FTP-like protocol that runs over the SSH stdin/stdout data channels05:58
MAHEso u wont answer it , right?05:58
wols_derrley: that is if you actually want a x server. if you only need clients install xbase-clients05:58
FluxDjahlin: what u need help with?05:58
Phusionwell, this isn't the place to ask.05:58
nickruddatakid_, I just remove totem-mozilla  and use mplayer exclusively05:58
EaglerayFluxD: FTP over ssh is FTP running through an SSH tunnel05:58
ownlinuxlove ubuntu as love myself05:58
datakid_I'm in settings->content->mime types but locate totem turns up a bunch of things, and I've no idea which is the plugin05:58
MAHEPhusion: I have been trying to connect them for past 15 hrs05:58
bazhanggo to ##windows MAHE05:58
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Phusionwell you've been asking for help in the wrong place05:58
evan_MAHE: easy answer: buy a crossover cat5 ethernet cable, connect ethernet port to ethernet port05:58
FluxDEagleray: oh thx05:58
datakid_nickrud: cheers, but I'm actually doing testing to see what works05:58
wols_MAHE: both windows PCs have an IP right? also you have a sharename?05:58
datakid_cortado similarly doesn't work05:58
derrleywols_: the server is the one doing the rendering, right? (And the client is where the program is running?) or is it the other way around. I always forget.05:58
KiD_ChAoSi've been selling ubuntu for fun and profit... what charges do i face?05:58
Phusioncertain death.05:59
jahlinfluxd : im trying to install the latest version of ndiswrapper, v1.5105:59
bazhangofftopic KiD_ChAoS05:59
KiD_ChAoSPhusion, lol05:59
nickruddatakid_, never could get that setting to work, tried many times. I adapted :)05:59
wols_derrley: correct. servre diplays on screen, client is where the app actually runs05:59
FluxDjahlin: I always compile from source05:59
MAHEpeople in windows forum don't know a thing05:59
jahlinFluxD: i extracted the source , i'm in the dir05:59
MAHEi tried already05:59
wols_MAHE: \\ip\sharename05:59
=== speeddemon8803 is now known as speeddemon
MAHEwols_: in run?05:59
PhusionMAHE, you can put that in the start -> run box05:59
wols_MAHE: and just cuase they don't know, this is not the place to ask for such a question05:59
EaglerayMAHE: yes, in run05:59
jahlinFluxD: sorry you'l have to forgive me i type 1 line @ a time.... i run make distclean then make then sudo make install06:00
FluxDjahlin: I used the wiki article let me find it for you06:00
jahlinFluxD: everything seems to go ok, but when i do ndiswrapper -v it shows version 1.4506:00
MAHEEagleray: It doesnt work06:00
sanguisdexwhy would trying to use a mic crash a program06:00
FluxDjahlin: u downloaded or compiled 1.45 ?06:00
KiD_ChAoShas anyone encountered spyware on ubuntu06:00
MAHEPhusion: I don't think i will ever be able to transfer the file06:00
MAHEthanks anyway06:01
EaglerayMAHE: what doesn't work exactly? You are asking about so many things it's hard to be sure what you actually want06:01
Phusionwe can't help when you're all over the place06:01
=== speeddemon is now known as speed_demon
PhusionMAHE, try this http://www.homenethelp.com/web/howto/net.asp06:01
bazhangfirst it was two ubuntu boxes, then they were windows boxes..06:01
jahlinFluxD: nope06:01
sunogbagaMAHE: can we  start all over again?06:01
MAHEEagleray: I have 2 windows pc's with ubuntu, of which one of the ubuntu is not working06:01
jahlini might've had it running before, but removed it06:01
FluxDjahlin: first step is to find the old ndiswrapper filed and remove it06:02
MAHEsunogbaga: Okay06:02
Johnsonhey does anyone know why i would be restricted frm acessing my keyring it doesnt even prompt me for a password06:02
jahlinFluxD: may i pm you ?06:02
FluxDjahlin: sure06:02
SunmanXIIhello? can anyone help me?06:02
EaglerayMAHE: so you want to transfer a file from a system that is CURRENTLY RUNNING ubuntu to a system CURRENTLY RUNNING windows?06:02
wols_MAHE: a windows pc is not ubuntu. so you have one ubuntu PC and one windows PCs?06:02
Phusionif you ask a question someone can SunmanXII06:02
sunogbagaMAHE: we are going to use sftp okay?06:02
bazhang!resolution | SunmanXII06:03
ubotuSunmanXII: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto06:03
Phusionsunogbaga, not on windows06:03
=== speed_demon is now known as speeddemon8803
MAHEeveryone: I just came to know u cannot acces windows rive on an ubuntu06:03
bazhangSunmanXII: read that link and then come back06:03
Phusionyes you can!06:03
wols_Phusion: sure. ssh on ubuntu, filezilla or such one windows (and there is openssh for windows too if you want)06:03
MAHEso i have to use windows on both06:03
EaglerayMAHE: you can access them just fine06:03
nickrudSunmanXII, or answer a question so people can help you troubleshoot06:03
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about audacity - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi06:03
Phusionwols_, yeah but thats just silly :)06:03
ownlinuxhave a rest   bye  everyone06:03
MAHEi have windows ruuning on both now06:03
MoreAllLess!find audacity06:03
ubotuFound: audacity06:03
sunogbagaMAHE: first of all what os'es are we really gonna use?06:04
wols_MAHE: then you are wrong here and should ask on ##windows. good day06:04
nickrud!info audacity | MoreAllLess06:04
ubotumoreallless: audacity: A fast, cross-platform audio editor. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.3.3-1build1 (gutsy), package size 2321 kB, installed size 6832 kB06:04
EaglerayMAHE: then fine a FAQ on windows networking06:04
sunogbagaMAHE: then you should't ask the question here06:04
derrleywols_: so to be clear, because I'm not too bright ;), installing xbase-clients will let me ssh -X to this box and run windowed applications?06:04
MAHEwols_:people in windows forum r stupid06:04
EaglerayMAHE: copying windows->windows is a windows problem and doesn't belong here06:04
wols_sunogbaga, Eagleray, Phusion: he runs windows, no ubuntu to be seen anywhere. the is OT. if you want to help him please do it in ##windows06:04
bazhangMAHE: not our problem06:04
MAHEand i have been googling these things06:04
MAHEwithout success06:04
MoreAllLessnickrud: Thanks for correcting me!06:04
Phusionyeah I told him that06:04
wols_MAHE: I could say something but then someone said !ohmy or such. so I won't. but you are not supposed to ask windows questions here. please leave06:05
nickrudMoreAllLess, not correcting, helping :)06:05
Moulti am trying to download the torrent for Ubuntu, but it is extremely slow. any ideas as to why?06:05
MAHEokay if i install ubuntu on one pc again, and have vista on another...can u help me?06:05
MoreAllLessnickrud: right, thanks!06:05
wols_MAHE: yes06:05
tsukasa__Moult, getting throttled?06:05
sunogbagaMAHE: yes06:05
nownotphusion: where do i download hirens boot cd?06:05
tsukasa__Moult, or just slow on ubuntu06:05
Phusionbut for chrissake install XP if you have it06:05
KiD_ChAoSim pretty impressed with wine, so far everything i've thrown at it works like a charm. is there anything this wonder program can't do?06:05
speeddemon8803Mahe:If you have ubuntu on any computer and ask ubuntu related questions we can help you, otherwise, no...06:06
nickrudvista >> xp06:06
* nickrud runs for exit06:06
wols_Phusion: everybody can install the toxic waste he wants. not much difference between pest and cholera here, vista or xp06:06
tsukasa__KiD_ChAoS, play crysis?06:06
Phusionoh but it's more like the flu and ebola06:06
tsukasa__or anything dx1006:06
twiztrHey, what program is the little calender that pops up when you click the date link too?06:06
raddyIs it possible preserve updates, i am going to reinstall ubuntu06:06
nickrudtwiztr, that's the clock applet06:06
Eaglerayraddy: copy the contents of /var/cache/apt06:07
bazhang!aptoncd | raddy06:07
uboturaddy: APTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers06:07
Phusionnownot, hirens is illegal I think, has some pirated software, check out the knoppix cd, or use the ubuntu cd's livecd06:07
KiD_ChAoSi've even installed microsoft exchange 2008 on wine and it works fine06:07
bazhangKiD_ChAoS: nice, but offtopic06:07
DragonSpiritHi, I was wondering if there was a way to toggle off the starting of a service at boot, although it is not listed in the services under System>Administration>Services06:08
twiztrnickrud: I mean, I know when you click on it, and see the calender, it can show you all the appointments you have made, but I don't know what program you have to save the appointments in.06:08
Moulttsukasa__: sorry i don't understand06:08
wols_DragonSpirit: yes. /etc/rc0.d /etc/rc2.d/ or /etc/rcS.d/ has a symlink to it. delete it06:08
nickrudDragonSpirit, install sysv-rc-conf , you can run it from the terminal06:09
Moulti'm just tyring to download the torrent, and i have a stunning 2kb per second download speed06:09
EaglerayDragonSpirit: for a normal-mode startup, the symlinks wols_ mentioned will be in /etc/rc2.d/06:09
nickrudtwiztr, oh, that's saved in evolution, the mail/calender app06:09
KiD_ChAoSsomeone has just installed a sinister LKM on my machine what do i do.... i already punched em'06:09
twiztrMoult: Probably because your ISP throttles it.06:09
twiztrMoult: What internet do you use?06:09
wols_KiD_ChAoS: LKM?06:10
DragonSpiritwols_, nickrud, & Eagleray: thanks, I will give it a look06:10
nickrudKiD_ChAoS, pass me the password06:10
Moultinternet? you mean my ISP?06:10
KiD_ChAoSloadable kernel module06:10
wols_KiD_ChAoS: reinstall06:10
twiztrMoult: Yea.06:10
wols_this machine is compromised forever06:10
twiztrMoult: What other internet can I be talking about?06:10
Moultuh, TMNet06:10
KiD_ChAoSok wols_06:10
nickrudKiD_ChAoS, if you're serious, don't trust your data even06:10
Moultit's a malaysian internet06:10
coheteNmap is listing open ports, but only gives the number of filtered/closed ports. How can I get it to list filtered ports individually?06:10
twiztrGoogle TMNet torrent throttling.06:10
DragonSpiritubuntu really has a nice irc channel, I almost expected a "rtfm" or something, thank you for being nice06:10
KiD_ChAoSno nickrud not serious06:11
MAHEwols_: iam on create partition disk of ubuntu installation06:11
ubotuAcronyms or statements like  noob, jfgi, stfu or rtfm are not welcome in this channel. Period.06:11
MAHEhow do go about now?06:11
wols_cohete:   |grep filtered. but: if it's your own machine you run nmap on, nmap is useless. use netstat06:11
wols_MAHE: create one06:11
bazhang!install | MAHE06:11
ubotuMAHE: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate06:11
DragonSpiritnickrud: my mistake if I broke a channel rule by typing it06:11
cohetewols_: I'm running scans on a remote server I'm setting up06:11
mohamedWow I use ubuntu now on virtual machine and it's working so blazing fast06:12
nickrudDragonSpirit, no, no, that's the proper use of it :)06:12
wols_cohete: you have root on that server. so nmap is still the wrong tool. use netstat06:12
cohetewols_: the problem is that only open ports are listed individually. So I can't grep since the data isn't even there06:12
mohamedis there any way I can use the 3d desktop on unbuntu on VM06:12
wols_cohete: and besides: why do you run a firewall? what for?06:13
FluxDmohamed: no06:13
wols_mohamed: no06:13
mohamedthanks for answer06:13
cohetewols_: i believe in redundant security06:13
VinnoAnyone know how to get the 2nd window of gimp opened again? i accidentally closed it and dunno how to bring that window up again06:13
mohamedI'm just amazed how ubuntu that fast on vm06:13
wols_cohete: I believe in closed ports06:13
nickrudcohete, try installing nmapfe , it's a gui that will let you set options like that easily. But as wols implies, netstat is going to tell you the important stuff06:13
cohetewols_: i don't understand. aren't filtered ports more secure than closed ports, which could be opened by a new process?06:14
wols_cohete: if a process opens a port there is already malware running on the system in which case yoU#ve already lost06:15
purpleposeidonHello, I'm havnig problems getting grub to boot windows06:15
wols_cohete: and due to firewalls, most malware uses things like port80 anyways to not have troubles with firewalls and the like. port80 rarely is filtered...06:15
DragonSpiritanyone know of a mind numbingly addictive game written for X on linux, my girlfriend sometimes is at home before I am home from work and she likes simple addictive games to pass the time06:16
bazhang!grub | purpleposeidon06:16
ubotupurpleposeidon: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto06:16
bijuHow do i prevent andale32.exe from trying to install itself each time I run a apt-get install ?06:16
purpleposeidonExcept I installed windows, installed ubuntu gutsy, and there isn't a boot menu or anything...06:16
nickrudVinno, file->dialogs-> create new doc06:16
wols_biju: something does not compute. apt-get doesn't install .exe programs...06:16
wols_purpleposeidon: what do you have then?06:17
bijuwols_, Its trying to install msttcorefonts each time06:17
wols_biju: then you tried to install mssttcorefonts some day and didn't properly do the install06:17
wols_biju: pastebin the full output06:17
nickrudDragonSpirit, frozenbubble06:17
themoebiushey is there some easy way I can switch from dual screen with nvidia twinview to single screen for playing games without having to edit xorg.conf and logout and back in?06:17
purpleposeidonwols_: I just have ubuntu, I have windows on (hd0,4)06:18
bazhangDragonSpirit: lbreakout06:18
purpleposeidon*I just have ubuntu on menu.lst06:18
wols_purpleposeidon: do you have a grub menu, yes or no?06:18
SunmanXIIhi, i just asked about my resolution problem on this channel and got a link to06:18
wols_purpleposeidon: sudo update-grub might help. if not: pastebin your menu.lst06:18
purpleposeidonwols_: Will do...06:18
DragonSpiritnickrud: thanks, I was thinking that one too, I had not played it since my days of using mandrake, when it used to be called that, maybe it will be even nicer06:18
bijuwols_, http://pastebin.com/m5dae8206 is the output of installing drivel06:19
wols_purpleposeidon: did you have a primary partition before installing ubuntu? cause windows boot drive on a extended partition is kinda strange IIRC06:19
VinnoNickrud, oh, talkinga bout the window dialog that starts with gimp, like it has layers and all that in it06:19
SunmanXIIhowever, when i did the first instructions the xserver went into low graphics mode and now i can only use one resolution. i can post my xorg.conf if youw ant to06:19
nickrudDragonSpirit, I've wasted much office time on that one :)06:19
nickrudVinno, yes, that's the one.06:20
wols_biju: dpkg -r msttcorefonts06:20
nickrudSunmanXII, yes, do that, plus /var/log/Xorg.0.log , and the output of lspci | grep -i vga06:21
wols_SunmanXII: sure,. do it06:21
bijuwols_, Same thing it trys to install the package again06:21
SunmanXIIpost the xorg.conf?06:21
wols_SunmanXII: all what nickrud said06:21
=== ktogias_ is now known as ktogias
SunmanXII# xorg.conf (xorg X Window System server configuration file)06:22
SunmanXII# This file was generated by failsafeDexconf, using06:22
SunmanXII# values from the debconf database and some overrides to use vesa mode.06:22
nickrudoh, no06:22
bijuwols_, On the bright side it is getting some data this time06:22
nickrudwell, I guess floodbots work06:22
wols_biju: problem was the sf.net server it tried was down06:22
bijuwols_, Ah so IM not technically doing anything wrong :D06:23
SunmanXIIi think i got kicked off for that06:23
nickrudSunmanXII, put it up on http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org06:23
wols_SunmanXII: pasting in channel is a dumb thing to do. I hope you've learned that now :)06:23
SunmanXIIyea sorry my bad.06:24
sunogbagawols_: can i setup a proxy server out of a ws with only 1 nic and a router?06:24
anakin_Is beagle a better replacement for trackerd? I've read that its in alpha and mostly unusable06:24
wols_sunogbaga: proxy what and how exactly?06:24
nickrudSunmanXII, we need the /var/log/Xorg.0.log and output of lspci | grep -i vga as well06:24
wols_you could set up a proxy on localhost if you wish (e.g. privoxy and tor)06:25
=== biju is now known as FIlled-VOid
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neptunepinkroot (hd0,4)\nchainloader +1 just hangs at "Starting up ..."06:25
cre8torxanyone have a good job06:25
=== neptunepink is now known as purpleposeidon
purpleposeidonwols_: root (hd0,4)\nchainloader +1 just hangs at "Starting up ..."06:26
SunmanXIIxorg.0.log: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/48812/06:26
nickrudSunmanXII, first thing, do sudo dpkg-reconfigure -pcritical xserver-xorg to get a default xorg.conf06:26
sunogbagawols_: i want my ubuntu to be a proxy server however it only has one nic.. i was just thinking if its possibe to connect it to the router and act as a proxy for all the other ws connected to the same router06:26
nickrudSunmanXII, log out and back in06:26
SunmanXIInickrud: i tried and it went into the same thing06:26
KagarWhat are some cool applications for Ubuntu? -- just whatever06:27
wols_purpleposeidon http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/48813/06:27
nickrudSunmanXII, that's not a standard ubuntu xorg.conf ...06:27
wols_purpleposeidon: if you enter them in the proxy settings of the browsers: yes. will work fine06:28
nickrudSunmanXII, and we also need that lspci | grep -i vga , it should be one line you can paste here06:28
SunmanXIInickrud: i know before it went into the failsafe mode it looked fifferent06:28
wols_sunogbaga: that proxy talk above is for you of course06:29
SunmanXIInickrud: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/48814/ - does this look normal for xorg.conf06:31
Old_GreggSo if I installed World of Warcraft with crossover, where would I find it to unzip my add-ons?  Like, what is C:/Program Files to ubuntu?06:31
andrukwhats the deal with flash and md5sums?06:32
zero__can i upgrade straight from 6.06 to 7.10 by changing dapper to gutsy in the repos?06:32
SunmanXIInickrud: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/48815/06:32
Flannelzero__: no06:32
Flannelzero__: To go from dapper to gutsy, you need to go dapper edgy feisty gutsy.  Or just wait for 8.04 and upgrade straight there06:32
SunmanXIInickrud: thats the lspci | grep -i vga output06:32
Old_GreggI'm at a complete loss as to where that would be (newbie at Linux).06:33
wols_Old_Gregg: depends on your wine configuarion. it could be anywhere, probably under you  ~ tho somewhere under .wine06:33
zero__can i upgrade using CD?06:33
vbI have a spare PC at home running ubuntu, I have assigned it a static ip, but after some time it tends to find another ip by itself <via DHCP I assume> , which config file is doing this?06:33
nickrudSunmanXII, looks much better. Where'd the refresh rates come from, you add them?06:33
MiccIs there some way I can upgrade to 7.10 when my boot drive is too small? Can I extend it somehow then remove the old kernel before I reboot?06:33
wols_zero__: yes06:33
Old_Greggwols_:  Forgive me, I don't really understand that.  Under me?06:33
Flannelzero__: Yes, but again you need to upgrade dapper > edgy > feisty > gutsy.  Just like downloading, but without the internet06:33
wols_vb: /etc/network/interfaces or gnome-network-manager06:33
Flannelzero__: Your other alternative is to just reinstall.  Or again, wait until hardy, and upgrade dapper > hardy06:33
wols_Old_Gregg: ~ is shorthand for your home directory06:34
zero__flannel: why can i upgrade to 8.04 when is out, but not straight to 7.1006:34
FlannelMicc: Your /boot only as enough room for one kernel?06:34
Old_GreggI've looked in /home/greg/  but I don't see anything but desktop.06:34
MiccFlannel, yeah I don't know why I was so stupid.06:34
wols_zero__: cause 8.04 is a LTS vresion like dapper is06:34
SunmanXIInickrud: i dont think so.i did reconfigure xserver-xorg with the default06:34
Flannelzero__: because 6.06 > 8.04 is designed to be done, LTS to LTS upgrade, that is.06:34
atpa8ahow do i tell update-grub to configure another kernel in menu.lst?06:34
SunmanXIInickrud: should I do it again?06:34
wols_Old_Gregg: it's probably a dotfile. starting with a dot -> hidden from normal view06:34
zero__ah, any idea on when 806:34
nickrudSunmanXII, your ati card isn't supported by the default ubuntu driver, you need to hit alt-f2 , run  restricted-manager , and select the restricted ati driver. Then reboot.06:34
zero__8.04 comes out?>06:34
Flannelzero__: april of 0806:35
wols_ubotu: as the name says: april 200806:35
jahlincould anyone tell me why this is missing from my ifconfig ?06:35
zero__thank you06:35
sunogbagaOld_Gregg:  ~/.wine/drive_c/06:35
wols_jahlin: WHAT is missing?06:35
SunmanXIInickrud: ok, but it worked fine before i tried to reconfigure.06:35
vbwols_:  I only have one ethernet card on the other pc, named eth0 , which I have assigned it as static on /etc/network/interfaces, however I am also seeing eth1, eth2, ath0 and wlan0 being assigned dhcp06:35
wols_SunmanXII: there is a backup of the old xorg.conf in the /etc/X11/ directory06:35
jahlinwols well im trying to make that nic usable, i installed ndiswrapper and followed the wikki06:36
MiccFlannel 1k-blocks: 35424 used 17569, available 15965 used 53% /boot06:36
Old_Greggsunogbaga:  Thanks.  Next question:  How do I navigate there?  Do I need to use a terminal or can i do it in Firefox?06:36
wols_vb: only if those interfaces actually exist06:36
jahlinbut it doesn't seem to make a wlan0 upon reboot06:36
SunmanXIInickrud: i enabled the driver for the ATI card and im going to restart now... brb06:36
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FlannelMicc: and you have no old versions of the kernel in there?06:36
vbwols_: how can I make sure they exist?06:36
wols_Old_Gregg: firefox is a webbrowser. not a filemanager06:36
Flannel!away > amidaniel|away06:36
Old_Greggwols_:  What is the equivalent of Windows Explorer in Ubuntu?06:36
scguy318Old_Gregg: Nautilus on GNOME06:36
wols_Old_Gregg: nautilus06:37
amidaniel|awayOh, shush06:37
sunogbagaOld_Gregg: you can use nautilus.. click places->home press CTRL+H to show hidden files06:37
MiccFlannel: theres a initrd.bak in there06:37
nickrudOld_Gregg, firefox06:37
wols_amidaniel|away: please respect the channel rules. Flannel is right06:37
nickrudOld_Gregg, never mind me, I just read back06:37
sunogbaganickrud: that's internet explorers equiv06:37
jahlincan anyone help me get my network controller working ? i see it in lspci but i can't use it06:37
FlannelMicc: No older kernel versions? wow.  You really did choose a tiny /boot.  Well, you could move /boot off its own partition (back ot your /) to do the upgrade06:37
wols_jahlin: what controller is it?06:38
jahlinwols_:  see above06:38
nickrudsunogbaga, I almost never hear windows users say internet explorer :)06:38
Old_Greggnickrud:  Sorry for my newbness, but I'm not seeing Nautilus.  How do I open it?06:38
wols_jahlin: answer my question please06:38
simimiI'm having a problem and I am in need of ideas on fixing it. Recently my notebook became so slow that it is unusable. I am doing this from a live cd. No matter what I boot into, Gnome or Openbox, it is so slow that typing or mouse movement lags behind. I can not run the memtest from the grub menu, my system shuts down on me. It seems to work ok if I boot into recovery mode, or use a live cd, but my actual run is quite slow. I can not think of any other way t06:38
nickrudOld_Gregg, places->home will start it up for you06:38
jahlinwols_: sorry, exec didn't output to chan sec06:38
jahlin00:0a.0 Network controller: Atheros Communications, Inc. AR5416 802.11a/b/g/n Wireless PCI Adapter (rev 01)06:39
MiccFlannel: can I do that while its running?06:39
jahlin00:0a.0 Network controller: Atheros Communications, Inc. AR5416 802.11a/b/g/n Wireless PCI Adapter (rev 01)06:39
Old_Greggnickrud:  Just noticed the other guy pointed me there.  I'm in it now.  :D  Thanks06:39
sunogbaganickrud: my mistake also when i said firefox is internet explorers equiv.. :D06:39
wols_jahlin: and madwifi explicitly doesn't support that chip?06:39
nickrudsunogbaga, rflol06:39
jahlinwols_: pardon me ?06:39
MiccFlannel, I mean, don't I need to be in single user mode?06:39
wols_jahlin: the driver for atheros cards is madwifi. while you can use ndiswrapper, you shouldn't06:39
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jahlinso remove ndiswrapper and get the madwifi driver ?06:40
wols_!madwifi | jahlin06:40
ubotujahlin: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs06:40
Old_Greggnickrud:  I don't have anything in here like .wine06:40
wols_jahlin: pretty much06:40
FlannelMicc: Um, hmm.  I guess I've never thought about it.  Probably not, but its certainly worth a try.  A liveCD is what I'd choose.  Don't delete /boot, just remove it from fstab, and then copy the stuff (cpio method, not cp) to /boot06:40
=== gradin_ is now known as gradin
nickrudOld_Gregg, the rest of the other guys post said how to see it, press ctl-H with the mouse over the window06:40
simimiany ideas?06:40
Eyemeanhi, does anyone know why lucida handwriting font does not look right in openoffce?06:41
nickrudOld_Gregg, or, View->Hidden Files06:41
wols_simimi: P4 laptop?06:41
Old_Greggnickrud:  I did that.  I have like .gnome .gnome2, etc. but no .wine or .crossover06:41
simimiHPdv 200006:41
nickrudOld_Gregg, that means you haven't run winecfg yet06:41
rhzHow come there is not /usr/include/GL/glut.h on my ubuntu hard drive?06:41
vbwols_:  I am trying to connect the spare pc to this laptop that has internet connection, I am able to ping www.google.com from the spare pc, but I am getting almost 50% packet loss, consequently the page does not load up on firefox, and it is stuck at waiting for www.google.com06:41
wols_simimi: does it use a P4, yes or no?06:41
nickrudOld_Gregg, according to my very limited knowledge of wine, for more wine questions you'll need someone else :)06:41
sunogbagaOld_Gregg: run winecfg first06:41
Old_Greggnickrud:  I have a .nautilus but I went in there and there's nothing there.  And I run Crossover.  I've installed it and used it to install WoW06:41
riaalCan I limit ssh login to only the home folder? Like chroot in an ftp program06:42
wols_vb: ifconfig -a06:42
Old_Greggnickrud:  Thanks for the help just the same.  :)06:42
nickrudOld_Gregg, wow runs fine on crossover?06:42
simimiwols_:  a P4? I am not sure what you are asking for... I do not think so, but then again06:42
Old_Greggnickrud: Yessir.06:42
* nickrud files that away06:42
wols_simimi: what kind of cpu. it could be it is overheating06:42
SunmanXIInickrud, wols_: everything worked, i can change my resolution now. thanks a lot guys!06:42
osqayMy Ubuntu doesnot detect my embedded webcam, Sonix, on my laptop..anyone can help me..06:43
Old_Greggsunogbaga: Any idea where this directory is?  Where did WoW get installed?  Is there a way I can run a search for it?06:43
simimiwols_: AMD Turion 64x206:43
vbwols_:  I dont know why eth0 ip address is changing by itself, I made it static in /etc/network/interfaces and removed other eth's06:43
wols_simimi: possibly the old mainstay of acpi troubles06:43
wols_vb: gnome network manager?06:43
nickrudSunmanXII, good to hear. If you're interested in running compiz for the pretty desktop, install xserver-xgl and emerald and compizconfig-settings-manager , then log out and back in again06:43
Old_GreggFound it!06:43
sunogbagaOld_Gregg: yes of course... run updatedb first then run find <what you need to find>06:43
Old_GreggChecked the properties of the desktop icon06:43
simimiThe notebook has worked fine for a while but suddenly nothing, it even has a cooling mat... acpi really? Wow I never would have guessed that... but acpi is turned off on kernel boot, boot with noacpi06:44
Moultheh: Bit Torrent Clients are usually the fastest, most affordable and most convenient way to share files among many users. Most Bit Torrent P2P users can find plenty of files available and download them with ease. With the explosion of broadband, you can easily find and download files of any size, from mp3's to large multi gigabyte video files.06:44
Moultseems extremely slow for me06:44
wols_vb: just uninstall you dhclient. no more dhcp :)06:44
riaalanyone know if I can limit ssh access to only the root folder?06:44
riaaluser root folder, ofc06:44
vbwols_: how to uninstall ?06:44
Moultdownloading the ubuntu .iso at 0.9kb per second06:44
Old_GreggFOR THOSE USING CROSSOVER:   .cxoffice is where it defaults to as your "C:"06:44
wols_vb: like you uninstall everything else06:44
jahlinwols_:  should i just just run make disclean then make then sudo make install ?06:44
randy\join #pida06:45
sunogbagaMoult: that maybe a router/NAT/Firewall issue06:45
wols_vb:  dpkg -l|grep -i dhcp06:45
wols_jahlin: no06:45
Moultsunogbaga: any ideas how i can identify and fix whatever problem there might be?06:45
macogwjahlin: might have to ./configure again after make distclean, not sure06:45
scguy318Old_Gregg: it's not find, locate :P06:45
wols_jahlin: you should never use make when the software is already in ubuntu06:46
sunogbagaMoult: usually it should easily get fixed by port forwarding06:46
dadehoogEagleray: if you haven't changed it, run "uname -a" in a terminal06:46
VinnoIs there any programs that can convert a ntfs partition into like a linux partition without deleteing the stuff on it06:46
sunogbagascguy318: that would be my mistake.. :P06:46
jahlinwols_: so just apt-get madwifi ?06:46
bazhangVinno: formatting it?06:46
nickrudVinno, no06:46
Moultsunogbaga: an yes, the thing said that the port was not available or something06:47
simimihere is the link to my forum thread, it at least contains a dmesg output06:47
jahlinsorrry install*06:47
Moultsunogbaga: yes it says that the port could not be forwarded...however i don't know how to fix it06:48
nickrudsimimi, installing a really light environment would tell you if it's gnome slowing you down. A simple check06:48
zoexiihello!  I have a question, it is this: I've just started using pidgin, and I realize this: when I am paying attention to chats, noises drive me nuts, if I turn them off however, I neglect my conversations with friends.  is it possible to make a script that would make a noise when a message containing a certian string is received?  This functionality seems to be available for chat (chimes on detecting username) but not for IM.06:49
simiminickrud: I ran with Openbox only and it is the same, even the boot is long06:49
nickrudsimimi, ah, misread what you wrote then. Over my head really. Sorry06:50
sunogbagaMoult: see http://portforward.com/06:50
macogwzoexii: umm you could install pidgin-libnotify and then you can set it to give little pop ups for different events, like sign on or sign off, or just to show the messages you're receiving as you get them06:51
simiminickrud:  no worries, I'll keep looking/guessing I suppose06:51
nickrudsimimi, ask here off and on, real devs sneak through now and then06:51
simiminickrud:  okies06:51
_Casey_i just installed the new 7.10 from a cd and im having tons of problems06:51
riaalplease? can I limit user ssh access only to the users home-folder?06:52
zoexiimacogw: will that work with a compiled version?  (the one in packages wasn't compatible with my employer's jabber service)06:52
ohsnapi love me some ubuntu :O06:52
_Casey_i only love ubuntu when it works correctly06:53
ZippidyDoowhoops didn't want to join this evil channel06:53
_Casey_i cant install alot of stuff06:53
_Casey_andrew why did you join ;x06:53
ohsnapyeah, i wish i could get photoshop working :x06:53
nickrud_Casey_, like what?06:53
simimiso any other ideas anyone? Did anyone see anything odd in the dmesg?06:53
macogwzoexii: umm....you can do "apt-get source pidgin-libnotify" and then compile that.  because no, the binary wouldnt recognize your compiled one06:54
Miccmy apt is out of date. I can't install or remove anything.06:54
_Casey_i cant get xchat or konversation or my alsa driver or kwifimanager06:54
Miccand I've tried install -f and it dies on lib32asound206:54
_Casey_bunch of stuff not working06:54
zebginenhello. i'm using gutsy and having a weird problem with my second hard drive. the main hard drive is SATA, but because of space and cabling issues the secondary (IDE) hard drive is slave to the dvd burner (i'm saying this cuz i suspect it may be the root of the problem). i'm dual booting vista/gutsy and everytime i boot to gutsy my hard drives switch from sda to sdb (ie: sometimes the primary is sda, sometimes is sdb). this is rea06:54
zebginenlly annoying because i have to rewrite fstab by had each time and remount. does anyone have any clue as to why this is happening?06:54
nickrud_Casey_, try system->admin->software sources, make sure the first four are ticked, and the cdrom is not06:54
_Casey_well no, like i see them but they wont install06:55
nickrudMicc, could you put the complete output of sudo apt-get -f install on http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org06:55
Moultcan i pause the torrent download, reboot my router, then change the port on my torrent client then resume the download...and will it be faster after that?06:55
nickrud_Casey_, could you do the same with sudo apt-get install xchat06:55
Caseyhighlights suck :\06:55
rencore_are the repos slow tonight?06:56
macogwzebginen: i wouldnt be surprised if you're right about the slave-to-dvd thing being the trouble.  you can get a IDE->SATA converter, i think, to hook up your IDE drive as a slave on the SATA cable06:56
zoexiiMoult: what client are you using? most support restarting torrents.06:56
_Casey_E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)06:56
_Casey_E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?06:56
simimiwonder if a reinstall would fix it06:56
macogw_Casey_: it's either in use right now (auto-updater checking for updates) or you didnt sudo06:56
nickrud_Casey_, close synaptic and/or update-manager06:56
_Casey_ah ty06:57
simimithank everyone! Thanks wols_06:57
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Moultzoexii: uTorrent06:57
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about hda - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi06:57
ubotuFor fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto06:57
lonejackhi, I need an advice, I'm a php developer what is the better choice to install tools for deveolpment, xampp or apache-mysql-php separated?06:57
zoexiiMoult: ?? really? on wine? yes, uTorrent can restart downloads.06:57
zebginenmacogw: hmmm. i'll give that a try.06:58
nickrudlonejack, stick with the ubuntu stuff, you'll be happier.06:58
_Casey_oh now it works :/06:58
Moultzoexii: no i'm on windows...i'm trying to download ubuntu06:58
jahlinwols_:  wlanconfig ath0 create wlandev wifi0 wlanmode sta gives me error icotl no such device after installing madwifi06:59
vbwols_:  ok, the internet is working now on the spare pc too07:00
vbwols_:  but still it is too slow ! , compared to what is on my laptop07:00
CreationistCould someone please help me figure out why I can't add items to "Sessions" to make them autostart when I login.  I can add them, but when I re-login, the programs don't start and they're no longer listed in "sessions"07:01
newbiemehello! im looking for linux-compatible server/desktop motherboard. any suggestions? preferrably on Intel or Asus boards. thanks in advance!07:01
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zebginenmacogw: thank you.07:02
nickrudCreationist, if my memory is right, you have to hit the save session button on the last tab. Could be wrong though, it's been a while07:02
Creationistnickrud: Well, that will automatically start whichever programs are currently running when I click that button.07:02
lonejacknickrud, so what ubuntu component can I install... Oh,... excuse me, this is my first day on ubuntu07:03
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nickrudCreationist, yes, trying to remember...07:03
noidtluomok testing port now07:03
NeT_DeMoNcan any one help me with my sound problems??07:03
=== Icarus is now known as DarkW0lf
nickrudlonejack, apache2 , php5 , mysql-server-5.007:04
henu_Creationist, you have the "enabled" box ticked right? :)07:04
DarkW0lfNeT_DeMoN: what is it now?? :P07:04
NeT_DeMoNdarkw0lf: still the same, just seeing if some one can help me further07:04
nickrudCreationist, heh07:04
noidtluomhmmm the port still doesn't forward07:05
nickrudCreationist, been a while since I played with sessions07:05
DarkW0lfNeT_DeMoN: what's the problem?07:05
NeT_DeMoNdarkw0lf: it just wont work07:05
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NeT_DeMoNdarkw0lf: i just dont know why07:05
Creationisthenu_: Of course.  But the entries are completely removed when I log out.07:05
riaalCan I restrict an ssh user to only its homefolder?07:05
NeT_DeMoNdarkw0lf: bazhang said it could be a wireing problem07:05
KiD_ChAoShey everytime i hit ctrl-alt-F12 my computer does something wierd07:05
CreationistKiD_ChAoS: Then stop hitting that.07:06
cerealkillerwhy is it i cant run office 2003 using wine, it runs but it prompts that it is not installed for the current user07:06
DarkW0lfKiD_ChAoS: don't worry about it07:06
amidanielriaal: You can restrict them to a secure bash shell, which won't let them leave their home folder.07:06
riaalamidaniel: great, what to google for?07:06
lonejacknickrud, I'll do that, last thing, with add/remove option from menu isn't possible direct installation, have I to do apt-get apache2 and so on?07:07
NeT_DeMoNkid_chaos: its supposed to07:07
KiD_ChAoSa shortcut key for radmin in running in wine but radmin doesn't grab it, the OS does07:07
amidanielriaal: No need :) Try http://www.felipecruz.com/blog_restricte-linux-users-to-their-home.php07:07
schmicckKiD_ChAoS, just hit ctrl-alt F7 to get back to X07:07
KiD_ChAoSdo you know what its doing07:07
nickrudlonejack, you can do that, with all on the same line. Also, there's system->admin->synaptic , add/remove is a brain dead version of synaptic07:07
noidtluomcan anybody here help me get this port forward on my uTorrent?07:07
DarkW0lfKiD_ChAoS: there are 7 different window types of things07:07
staykovmarinhi i am trying to update my system  from a cd, to gutsy but i think i broke something. when i do the update, it tells me that it can only do a partial update now07:08
DarkW0lfif you hit ctrl+alt+F1 you get one of the command line windows07:08
bobbyctrl alt f7 gets you back tyo the gui07:08
NeT_DeMoNdo i have to type the ID just like they have it to come up red on their screen?07:08
KiD_ChAoSDarkW0lf, ok ic07:08
lonejacknickrud, thank you!!! And great community07:08
DarkW0lfthere are 6 of those, and then there's ctrl+alt+F7 which brings back to the runlevel 5 (X)07:08
schmicckCtrl-Alt F1-F6 are normal Text login consoles.... F7 is the X.. F8 kinda logs stuff.07:08
IndyGunFreakstaykovmarin: any particular reason you can't just download the upgrade?07:08
staykovmarinIndyGunFreak: i am on dial up07:09
henu_NeT_DeMoN, yes, but you can type only part of it and hit tab07:09
DarkW0lfthere you go you get a whole bunch of answers :P07:09
IndyGunFreakstaykovmarin: ok...07:09
NeT_DeMoNhenu_: ok thanks07:09
nickrudlonejack, one wierd thing: the last time I installed those three, firefox refused to run php, wanted to download it. Tried several times, then in frustration told it to download the file. Boom, it started working.07:09
atpa8aa lil problem...07:09
IndyGunFreakstaykovmarin: i've saw that problem mentioned here before, but don't know the solution,07:09
atpa8ajust installed ubuntu-server and it always boots me into grub prompt07:10
staykovmarinokay i will look it up07:10
steven3454hello everybody07:10
KiD_ChAoShello steven345407:10
DarkW0lfatpa8a: it'll do that07:10
atpa8awhen i try to run grub-install it says: The file /boot/grub/stage1 not read correctly.07:10
IndyGunFreakatpa8a: are you sure its not a CLI command prompt, and not a grub prompt?07:10
atpa8ait's a grub shell prompt07:11
JeahHello everyone.  I'm having problems with the physical eject button on my DVD ROM drive.  It doesn't eject when there's a disc in, despite the fact that it works all the time in Windows and BIOS, and in Ubuntu without a disc.  I've read up and posted in the forums (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=637590), and it seems like 1) this is supposed to be enabled, but 2) there are other people having this problem as well, and it seems to07:11
steven3454I just reinstalled ubuntu on a virtual machine and I'm using it simultaneously with windows....and im LOVING IT!!!!!!07:11
nickrudsteven3454, you are going about things backwards you know07:12
schmicckJeah, did you try to EJECT it from Nautilus?07:12
steven3454how so ( i have a feeling what you mean)07:12
atpa8aany cure?07:12
IndyGunFreaksteven3454: thats kinda like putting a lawn mower engine in a corvette07:12
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DarkW0lfJeah: you have to unmount the disc first07:12
NeT_DeMoNcan any one help me with my borders disappearing?07:12
Jeahschmicck: Don't know if I've tried Nautilus, but I can definitely do it in a terminal.  I'd just like for the actual button to work.07:13
nickrudNeT_DeMoN, weren't we talking about frozen windows last night?07:13
noidtluomargh it keeps on saying that the port isn't open...any help to open a port for uTorrent?07:13
schmicckAfter mounting  it, the physical eject button is disabled .. cd must be ... Ejected or unmounted.... try with 'sudo umount /cdrom' (omit quotes)07:13
kayceHello, how do i set boot 'noapic'07:13
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NeT_DeMoNnickrud: i think, but no one told me how to solve it, it did it again today07:13
tubetopbabyhowdy All!!!07:13
steven3454well whenever i tried using ubuntu alone without windows, I would always go back to windows due to the ease and availability of software made for it, yet I love the stability of ubuntu and all the other cliche things about it. So i fugre this is a good half-way point07:14
josiahw_I use DVDFab Platinum to rip my dvd's to avi divx on my windows machine... what would be a good app to use in ubuntu?07:14
nickrudNeT_DeMoN, in ccsm, there's an option under window management, move windows. Make sure it's ticked. One possible answer07:14
JeahDarkW0lf: Yeah, I know, but it seems like there should be a way to have the eject button automatically umount and eject.  Isn't that what Windows, etc is doing?  Plus people seem to be saying that this has been the default behavior since Dapper or Edgy or something.  But for some reason it's not doing it with my DVD ROM.07:14
lonejacknickrud, thx, precious advices, have you a good day07:14
NeT_DeMoNnickrud: thanks07:14
nickrudlonejack, yw, see you about07:14
tubetopbabyI am trying to setup vnc...but I dont have System > Preferences > Remote Desktop ....but vino is installed in the synaptic07:14
schmicckJeah, no way to make the button eject the disk. Theoreticaly, the button could run a script to eject it, but havn't seen such.07:15
DarkW0lfJeah: windows doesn't reall "mount" things as such07:15
kaycewhat is the file and where is it to set boot to 'noapic' please?07:15
tubetopbabyis there a cmmand line way to start that configuration?07:15
DarkW0lfthe disc seems to just co-exist with windows :P07:15
Old_GreggWhat's the command to make all files in my current directory readable/writable/removable?07:16
tubetopbabyyou mean chmod07:16
schmicckchmod 666 ... for everyone07:16
Old_Greggchmod 666?07:16
=== di[a]fic is now known as diafic
tubetopbabyif you want x it would be 77707:16
nickrudtubetopbaby, right click the application menu, and select edit menus. Make sure remote desktop is enabled07:17
NeT_DeMoNnickrud: it is but it still does it07:17
josiahw_anybody know of any good dvd ripping software?07:17
Old_GreggSo I would type chmod 777 and then I can copy over any files in the directory?07:17
nickrudNeT_DeMoN, oh, well, I ran across that while reading up on compiz and wondered ...07:17
schmicckthats executable also.. 666.. read write... 777 r/w/x07:17
NeT_DeMoNnickrud: thanks any ways though07:17
kaycedoes anyone know?  i really need to set boot to noapic07:17
tubetopbabyi dont see it at all07:18
atpa8aso what's up with this grub?07:18
Old_GreggDidn't work.  What's the equivalent of *.* in ubuntu?07:18
Jeahschmicck: Well, I just tried it with my CD burner (which I don't use as much because it's crazy loud) and it ejected with the button.  Seems to be limited to DVD drives, and I can't imagine that's the way it's supposed to be.07:18
Old_Gregglike "chmod 777 *.*"07:18
=== casey_ is now known as _Casey_
compwiz18how do you check for bad sectors on a hard drive in Ubuntu?07:18
JeahDarkW0lf: Well, I just tried it with my CD burner (which I don't use as much because it's crazy loud) and it ejected with the button.  Seems to be limited to DVD drives, and I can't imagine that's the way it's supposed to be.07:18
tubetopbabydo you want to do allthe files under a directory?07:18
afabianIt'd be neat if Ubuntu had something like OpenSUSE's deltarpm.  It saves a ton of bandwidth downloading updates.07:18
NeT_DeMoNnickrud: your the only one whos attempted to help me at all besides darkw0lf07:18
Old_Greggtubetopbaby:  Yes07:18
nickrudtubetopbaby, try running vino-preferences in a terminal07:19
tubetopbabyit would be chmod -R 777 /mydir07:19
FlannelDon't do that.  (Recursive chmod)07:19
rkjNewbie question: I've downloaded a file castget-1.0.1.tar.gz - how do I install it?07:19
tubetopbabythe -R is recursive07:19
kaycenevermind, found it07:19
compwiz18chmod 777 mydir/* would chmod all files in mydir, but not recurively07:19
lucian_if i install an application with aptitude, and then remove that application wtih apptitude will it ALSO remove all the dependencies that it installed for that single application?07:19
afabiancompwiz18: Hmm.  That's tricky.  A lot of modern drives detect bad sectors and try to remap accesses to them.  You'd .. hm.  You'd probably want a diagnostic utility from the drive manufacturer, if you can get it.  Maybe from their site.07:20
tubetopbabymake sure you don't do it for /07:20
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NeT_DeMoNany one know why everytime i try to download something it stops?07:20
nickrudlucian_, that is aptitude's strength, although with apt-get auto-remove apt-get is getting closer07:20
tubetopbabyjust a single folder with some files in it...can cause major issues with everybody...cause they can mess with ya07:20
ericvwIs there a way to diff a local directory and a remote (ssh) directory?07:20
compwiz18afabian: ok. I've got a drive that randomly has IO errors, so I'm thinking thats what I want? I've checked the fs and stuff07:20
schmiccklucian, yes, if there is no other app that depends on it.... use 'sudo apt-get autoclean' to clean stuff up after install/uninstall07:21
lucian_nickrud: thanks... im installing a one-time use and i dont want all its dependencies remaining installed07:21
Old_GreggWhat's the command to delete files?07:21
FlannelOld_Gregg: rm07:21
schmicckOld_Gregg: rm07:21
NeT_DeMoNi cant even download updates07:21
NeT_DeMoNit stops by itself07:21
nickrudschmicck, autoclean clears out the download cache, not the installed packages07:22
Old_Greggcommand for deleting an entire directory?07:22
Old_Greggand thanks so far guys07:22
bazhangsudo apt-get install packagename NeT_DeMoN in the terminal and tell me what error it gives you07:22
WettoadOld_Gregg: rm -rf dirname07:22
WettoadOld_Gregg: man rm07:22
WettoadOld_Gregg: q to quit man07:22
compwiz18Old_Gregg: read the rm man page first :)07:22
JeahDoes anyone know why the eject button on my DVD ROM doesn't work in Ubuntu with a disc in when the one on my CD burner does?07:23
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DarkW0lfOld_Gregg: you could try rm -rf / if you feel game :P07:23
schmiccknickrud: yep, I just mention it as cleaning stuff up after the install.. :P07:23
nickrudJeah, sounds like a hardware issue07:23
WettoadJeah: if the disk is mounted, the eject key will be locked in linux07:23
Old_GreggGar!  What's the command to drop back one directory?  I hit cd.. and nothing.  so I just hit cd and I'm all the way back.  :(07:23
afabiancompwiz18: Hmm.  I don't know, really.  I/O errors are bad.  Oddly, I don't know of any Linux programs, or even any modern Windows programs, that attempt to detect bad sectors on a drive.  Probably because of the thing I just described, with the drives trying to remap them anyway.07:23
FlannelDarkW0lf: Things like that are liable to get you kicked07:23
amidanielOld_Gregg: cd ..07:23
stdinOld_Gregg: "cd -"07:23
Flannel!cli | Old_Gregg07:24
ubotuOld_Gregg: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal07:24
NeT_DeMoNbazhang: ok07:24
compwiz18afabian: the drive sounds fine, but it isn't working so I'm kinda at a dead end07:24
schmicckOld_Gregg: cd ..   don't forget the space between07:24
DarkW0lfFlannel: ok I'll stop :P07:24
afabiancompwiz18: Hmm.  Well, about all I can really think of is a little silly.. but, say, if you have a backup...07:24
* nickrud thinks that's about the most zero tolerance thing there is07:24
Old_GreggOkay, so Keep setting chmod to 777 for a directory and then when I try to extract over top of it, it keeps giving me errors07:24
afabianBoot into a Live CD environment, cat /dev/zero > /dev/sda or whatever the drive is... and then...07:24
Jeahnickrud: It works in BIOS, Windows, and Ubuntu (without a disc in), so I'm a little hesitant to blame the hardware.  I also posted in the forums, and several other people said they had the same problem with DVD ROM's.07:24
afabiancmp /dev/zero /dev/sda07:24
bazhangNeT_DeMoN: packagename is not what you install; put the name of the package there--then tell me the error message in a pastebin07:25
JeahWettoad: Yeah, but for my CD burner it automatically ejects (even with a mounted disc).07:25
afabianIf you can't dump zeros to the block device and read them all back out, that's a pretty fair indication that the drive is bad.07:25
compwiz18afabian: and the weird part is it works for a while, and things like fsck have no issues, but mounting and using the fs kills it quickly (and yes, I have backups ... :)07:25
nickrudJeah, do they all talk about the same brand and or model?07:25
DarkW0lfI did rm -rf / in a damn small linux virtual box just for fun. I stopped it half way through and tried any command and it said "You don't exist. Go away..."07:25
WettoadJeah: check if its in /etc/fstab, one may have user permissions and the other not07:25
afabiancompwiz18: You might also check the drive's SMART info.  A lot of modern drives have that, too.  But, it doesn't always tell you you have a problem.07:25
bazhangJeah: what about eject device from the burner app? is it k3b or what?07:26
compwiz18afabian: good idea, I'd forgotten about that07:26
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Jeahnickrud: That didn't come up.  Maybe I should post and see if I can get responses to that.07:26
rkjhow do you install a <...>.tar.gz application?07:26
nickrudbutton should work, mine all do now under gnome07:26
afabiancompwiz18: ext3 file system?07:26
Jeahnickrud: The drive is Toshiba, I believe...07:27
Wettoadrkj: is it source code, or a binary?07:27
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Old_GreggIs there a way to do a wildcard on rm -rf?  Like, I want to remove all directories that start with CT.  Do I go rm -rf CT*  ?07:27
afabianI tried XFS once.  That was a good time.  Strange, strange things happened.  Heh.07:27
NeT_DeMoNbazhang: what do you mean??07:27
NetLarIrvinewhat is the main difference between Xubuntu and Ubuntu??07:27
compwiz18afabian: jfs07:27
rkjWettoad: I think it's a binary07:27
FlannelNetLarIrvine: Ubuntu uses gnome, Xubuntu, XFCE07:27
WettoadOld_Gregg: * is a wildcard ? is a wildcard, there are lots of them07:27
NeT_DeMoNbazhang: oh, never mind, i get what you mean now07:27
WettoadOld_Gregg: you can even use the output of ther commands07:27
NetLarIrvineSo it is just the interface??07:27
afabiancompwiz18: Hmm.  Well, I can't say much about jfs, but my XFS experience taught me to... expect weird things from high-end file systems on my lowly desktop machine.07:27
JeahWettoad: /dev/hdc /media/cdrom0 udf,iso9660 user,noauto 0 007:27
Jeah/dev/hdd /media/cdrom1 udf,iso9660 user,noauto 0 007:27
FlannelNetLarIrvine: That is Ubuntu and Xubuntu the flavors, they are both flavors of Ubuntu (the distro)07:27
bazhangNeT_DeMoN: open up the terminal07:28
schmicckrkj: extract it first with 'tar xvf <filename>' the extracted files should have a README with instructions.07:28
NeT_DeMoNE: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)07:28
NeT_DeMoNE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?07:28
NetLarIrvineStill the same Linux underneath Flannel?07:28
afabianI just stick to ext3 these days.07:28
FlannelNetLarIrvine: Yes.  They both are the same except for the GUI they come default with.  They use the same repos, and you can actualy turn one into the other by just adding/removing packages.07:28
WettoadJeah: has one of them been mounted by root07:28
FlannelNetLarIrvine: Identical07:28
DrMitcheverytime i try to start mysql, i get an error about "debian-maint-sys" not having the right PW. so i went in and changed the password to match the one in /etc/mysql/debian.cnf, but still doesn't work...any clue what's up?07:28
compwiz18afabian: this drive has always been funny (its a seagate freeagent external drive w/ usb) but its usually worked ok07:28
Jeahbazhang: Yeah, I can eject from the terminal, but I'd love to get the button working, and can't imagine it would be designed to work automatically for everything BUT dvd rom's.07:28
bazhangNeT_DeMoN: you need to check the !aptfix command07:28
NeT_DeMoNbazhang: ok07:29
schmicckNeT_DeMoN: Close Synaptic07:29
NetLarIrvineI have an older machine that I want to set up as file/web server, but still want the gui interface07:29
bazhangJeah: you are burning from the command line?07:29
afabiancompwiz18: any recent configuration changes that might've coincided with the new errors?07:29
DarkW0lfI was thinking of installing Kubuntu but I realised it uses Kde and I stopped using that a while ago in favour of Gnome07:29
FlannelNetLarIrvine: You could use xubuntu, or you could install some other WM, like fluxbox, which is even more lightweight07:29
compwiz18afabian: nope, the only thing being it was recently in an airplane....07:29
JeahWettoad: Interesting question.  I'm not sure.  They're both automounted, but the DVD drive had the disc in from startup, whereas the burner had the disc inserted later.  Would that make a difference?07:30
NetLarIrvineWhich is better?07:30
compwiz18afabian: but I've never had issues with that before07:30
WettoadOld_Gregg: you can also download mc, it does lots of file management things07:30
bazhang!aptfix | NeT_DeMoN07:30
ubotuNeT_DeMoN: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »07:30
_Casey_I have a built-in "Chicony USB 2.0 Camera" as it is called, how do i make it work.07:30
Jeahbazhang: The burner is actually the one that's working right.  The DVD ROM is the one that won't eject for whatever reason.07:30
afabiancompwiz18: Hmm.  Well, one other idea that comes to mind.. and, a manufacturer's utility disk can usually do this... you could .. ah, yes.07:30
WettoadJeah: you can eject it as root and then try again07:30
macogwbazhang: O_o thats the weirdest command ive ever seen07:30
FlannelNetLarIrvine: they all suit different purposes.  One of the nice (and sometimes worse) things about FOSS is usually nothing is "best" they just all serve different needs.07:30
afabiancompwiz18: This is probably what you will want to do.  Use the manufacturer's utility disk to do a low-level reformat of the drive.  I'm not exactly sure what it is, but it's below the filesystem level.07:31
bazhangmacogw: haha--that is nothing compared to kde4broken07:31
JeahWettoad: actually, I don't have to sudo to eject it, so maybe that indicates it's not the problem.  but it's definitely worth trying.  One sec.07:31
FlannelNetLarIrvine: fluxbox, for instance, is more light weight, but you lose some prettiness and some functionality, which you may or may not want07:31
afabiancompwiz18: if any process is designed to detect / correct physical read/write errors, that process will do it.  It might flag some sectors as bad.07:31
NetLarIrvineI have always liked Ubuntu, they seem more user friendly07:31
cre8torxwhat graphix cards do you people recommend07:31
Old_GreggThanks again for your help everyone.  I'm gonna go check it and make sure it worked.  :D07:31
* nickrud goes off to see what fuser is doing, he just deleted that lock07:31
_Casey_get an nvidia07:31
_Casey_880 GTX07:31
macogwbazhang: it looks like you're telling the terminal "f whatever user has locked it.  i want it!"07:31
Wettoadcre8torx: I prefer nvidia, because we do a lot of multithreaded opengl07:31
compwiz18afabian: ok. The only problem is it has more data on it then the other drives I have, but thats what rm is for... :)07:32
NetLarIrvineI have 256 mg RAM on a 500 mgz machine07:32
schmicckStay away from ATI.. Nvidia stuff is great.. (I got an ATI.. sniff... )07:32
_Casey_NVIDIA 8800 GTX is the top of the line PCI-e graphics card07:32
afabiancompwiz18:  Yeah.  I know how it is.  I was just converting an external USB harddrive from NTFS to ext3 today.  Ooof.07:32
Old_GreggOh hey, what do you guys suggest for a top of the line sound card that has Linux 32-bit support?07:32
_Casey_if your looking for AGP try the 7900 i think07:32
lucian_Remastersys is a wonderful OS backup program for *buntus, but is there an alternative that doesn't use casper & ubiquity on the backup cd?07:32
bazhangmacogw: yeah, it is kinda funny07:32
NetLarIrvineThat should be enough for Xubuntu right Flannel?07:32
JeahWettoad: Dang, that didnt' help.  I thought we were onto something there.07:32
nickrudschmicck, we need a club. One everyone fights to get out of07:32
lucian_and still maintain livecd07:32
macogwWettoad: i also recommend nvidia if you want very nice graphics.  intel and older ati cards, like the radeon 9250 have very good support and open source drivers though07:32
piratepenguinwhat the hell am I supposed to do now since Ubuntu screwed up it's edgy -> feisty upgrade!?07:33
compwiz18afabian: yeah, and I've been wanting to switch it to ext3 anyway, jfs is weird sometimes07:33
schmiccknickrud: .. yea man.07:33
_Casey_mine did too07:33
piratepenguinI cannot bloody believe Ubuntu07:33
Wettoadmacogw: yeah that is the basic choice, open source happy conscience, or good 3D support with multithreaded GL07:33
_Casey_I have a built-in "Chicony USB 2.0 Camera" as it is called, how do i make it work.07:33
NeT_DeMoNbazhang: ok, if i download through the terminal, do i need to take out the sace on the program names?07:33
Stevethepiratepiratepenguin: ahoy :P07:33
piratepenguinlol steve07:34
Jeahpiratepenguin: Well, this might not be super helpful, but there will be an update from Edgy to Hardy since they're both the LTS releases, right?07:34
macogwWettoad: well i dont need multithreaded GL.  if it has good enough 3D and GL to handle Compiz and Frets on Fire, it's good enough for me07:34
bazhangNeT_DeMoN: can you give an example? there should be a dash between the parts of a name if that is what you mean07:34
StevethepirateJeah: but that will be in like...07:34
Stevethepiratehow long?07:34
MasterShrekJeah: dapper to hardy, edgy wasnt lts afaik07:34
JeahShould be in April.07:34
StevethepirateJeah: sigh..07:34
JeahOh, whoops.07:35
Stevethepiratemacogw: whats ur budget?07:35
JeahMaybe it was Dapper.07:35
atpa8aso how do install that grub into the MBR?07:35
MasterShrekyes hardy is scheduled for april07:35
piratepenguinJeah: actually, I'm not too sure about the code names.. or the version nums.. lol.. I want the latest, I HAD the 2nd-latest (installed in June)07:35
NeT_DeMoNbazhang: like for the "wireless assistant" program07:35
ubotuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server.07:35
MasterShrekwell he could at least tell the lts versions07:35
ubotuUbuntu 6.06 LTS (Dapper Drake) was the fourth release of Ubuntu. See !lts for more details.07:35
Stevethepiratepiratepenguin: probably dapper.07:35
bazhangNeT_DeMoN: sudo apt-get install package-name07:35
afabiancompwiz18: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disk_formatting#Disk_Reinitialization   Apparently, low-level formatting is a concept in the right ball-park.07:35
macogwStevethepirate: im not shopping.  i use intel graphics on my laptop, and im getting a radeon 9000 from a friend to replace my mom's dying intel graphics07:35
ubotuInstructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras07:35
marvxxxwhat i miss for workstations in companys (where i think to use ubuntu) is a easy to use ldap authentication...07:36
StevethepirateWhich radeon 9000?07:36
josiahw_what do you do about a frozen application? No close is available when right clicking.... ctrl+alt+del doesnt do anything (obviously)07:36
piratepenguincan I not just get synaptic to install all the failed installations (they didn't actually fail I think, one simply did) and upgrade the failed upgrades?07:36
_Casey_if the webcam is built-in to the laptop how do you get it installed?07:36
Stevethepiratepiratepenguin: rather spam "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade"07:36
schmicckLow level Format : Hard format done at factory. Defines disk geometry. High level format actualy just "checks" if the LLF is OK.07:36
bazhangpiratepenguin: just try to sudo apt-get update then sudo apt-get upgrade from the terminal again07:37
NeT_DeMoNbazhang: ok, im downloading the one of the updates through my terminal, do i have to download them one by one??07:37
Wettoad_Casey_: depending on your kernel it probably already is installed, that is if the webcam is supported07:37
Wettoad_Casey_: jsut google for it07:37
bazhangNeT_DeMoN: did you follow the aptfix instructions?07:37
piratepenguinbazhang: that doesn't go for the new installs, apparently. it's got nothing07:37
atpa8ajust installed ubuntu-server and it always boots me into grub shell07:37
_Casey_its a chicony usb 2.0, i havnt found anything07:37
_Casey_ive been searching for weeks07:38
atpa8awhen i try to run grub-install it says: The file /boot/grub/stage1 not read correctly.07:38
NeT_DeMoNbazhang: i must have been in another tab, let me scroll up07:38
atpa8aany clues?07:38
_Casey_how do i find the device-id of it07:38
piratepenguinor could I reinstall ubuntu-desktop and ALL its dependencies?07:38
Wettoadatpa8a: what wwas the root file system?07:38
JeahAnybody else have any ideas why the eject button on my Toshiba DVD ROM wouldn't work with a disc in while the eject button on my CD burner does?  (I think I've done a pretty thorough job ruling out a hardware problem.)07:38
Wettoadatpa8a: grub doesn't like xfs sometimes07:38
piratepenguinthis is the most evil thing my computer has done to me since Windows FFS!07:39
BloodyScumI have been running ubuntu for about 3 weeks now, its been running great, with no problems whatsoever, but now, ubuntu comes up for about 3-5 min and the interface and window manager crash, i have to hold the power button down to restart.. i cant figure out whats doing it, i get no error messages, and no warning, its just like everything stops...07:39
_Casey_ok whats video4linux07:39
_Casey_its under capablities for my device07:39
schmicckBloodyScum:  did you check /var/crash ?07:40
bazhangpiratepenguin: no error messages from the terminal? there was a problem with one of the security servers timing out earlier07:40
mikefoo1Hey guys, im looking to have an ubuntu machine connected to my tv via the vga port, how would I remote into the machine to control the display, to play a movie for instance.07:40
marvxxxBloodyScum, you can switch into the console?07:40
marvxxxBloodyScum, or was it a complete freeze?07:40
compwiz18afabian: thanks for your help! one more question, though: I'm running badblocks right now, and it found a couple. is there a way to tell it not to use those, or should it do it automatically or something?07:40
schmicckmikefoo1: use LIRC07:40
BloodyScumi dont know how to switch into console other than open the term program07:41
ere4siBloodyScum,  I had a similar thing and it was a loose heatsink on the cpu letting things get hot07:41
bthomsonthank you for ubuntu, i feel like i have come home07:41
BloodyScumno, i checked the heatsync07:41
piratepenguinbazhang: hmm there's a 'apt-get -qq update' command running according to ps..07:41
Wettoad_Casey_: v4l is a common API to use cameras and video devices07:41
piratepenguinwait its finished07:41
NeT_DeMoNbazhang: i did what you had the bot tell me, i tried to do the other commands my terminal tells me but it wont let me07:41
JeahAnybody else have any ideas why the eject button on my Toshiba DVD ROM wouldn't work with a disc in while the eject button on my CD burner does?  (I think I've done a pretty thorough job ruling out a hardware problem.)07:42
mikefoo1schmicck: hmm maybe you read wrong?  thats not going to help me..07:42
mikefoo1or how is it...?07:42
BloodyScumhow do i switch to the console?07:42
Wettoad_Casey_: if its a device that supports mpeg you can just run cat /dev/CAMERANAME > test.mpeg07:42
schmicck_Casey_: type 'dmesg | grep video' see if there is any line mentioning your cam.07:42
bazhangNeT_DeMoN: there were two commands--did you do them both? the sudo dpkg --configure -a ?07:42
piratepenguinbazhang: no errors07:42
MasterShrekJeah: your user may not have permissions for the latter, try chmodding the /dev/xxxx device, or adding your user to the cdrom group and logging out and back in07:43
NeT_DeMoNbazhang:  oh, it just said type dpkg07:43
simplyubuntuhello all07:43
bazhangpiratepenguin: update and then try to upgrade again oh ok--then you are up to date07:43
simplyubuntuanyone have any suggestions on how to achieve this? http://www.zimmertech.com/images/kubuntu_full.jpg07:43
ere4siBloodyScum,  ctrl-alt-f2  -  alt-f7 to get back07:43
bazhangNeT_DeMoN: oy you really need to learn to scroll up :]07:43
hueybazhang: Ive finished the install :)07:44
afabiancompwiz18: hm.  interesting.  I hadn't heard of this badblocks program.  Anyway... I was just looking at the man page, and it recommends running it with mke2fs or e2fsck... so, my *guess* is that badblocks doesn't do anything but identify bad blocks, and you need these other utilities to modify the filesystem so that the bad blocks are avoided.07:44
piratepenguinbazhang: is that right? fuck, thats not so bad then! *gets installing stuff he needs to get again*07:44
NeT_DeMoNbazhang: sorry, im like doing 12 things at once07:44
BloodyScumere4si thx07:44
stdin!language | piratepenguin07:44
ubotupiratepenguin: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.07:44
StevethepirateNeT_DeMoN: what about 13 things at once?07:44
afabiancompwiz18: I'd try e2fsck -c rather than invoking badblocks directly.07:44
bazhangpiratepenguin: nice, but please watch the language07:44
vbI am trying to setup a wireless network at my home, between a ubuntu and vista laptops, I am on ubuntu laptop and will create the wireless network, vista laptop will connect to it, I followed this tutorial and followed the manual instructions, but I am only able to achieve a local only wireless network, vista cannot access the internet07:45
compwiz18afabian: ok07:45
NeT_DeMoNStevethepirate: lol07:45
bazhangNeT_DeMoN: if you want help, then you need to pay attention :}07:45
NeT_DeMoNbazhang: ok, i closed the other apps07:45
piratepenguinbazhang: whoops, sorry i let that slip.. well thanks for the help anyhow07:45
bazhangno worries07:45
kinghow do i get a famserver?07:45
JeahMasterShrek: There's only one account on the system, and it's in the admin group, obviously.  Could that still be the problem?07:46
BloodyScumschmicck there is one crash report for wine but i looked at the date in the file, and its 3 days ago, thats the only file in /var/crash07:46
NeT_DeMoNbazhang: ok, when i dod that command you gae me, it just gave me a new command line and didnt say anything07:46
MasterShrekJeah: put it in the cdrom group as well07:46
simplyubuntuokay okay.... THIS! http://cybernetnews.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/07/compiz3.jpg07:46
Tylerathomescreen is a wonderful program07:46
MasterShrekJeah: and theres actually many accounts on the system, you just dont know about them :)07:46
kinghow do i get a famserver???07:46
WettoadJeah: look at /proc/sys/dev/cdrom07:46
bazhangNeT_DeMoN: both commands?07:47
WettoadJeah: there is a lock file which you can probably echo 0 or 1 to07:47
NeT_DeMoNbazhang: scrolling up, that was two commands?07:47
schmicckBloodyScum: take a look in /var/log/syslog07:47
_Casey_my cam says "Cannot connect to video device /dev/video0"07:47
_Casey_do i need to mount it07:47
Wettoad_Casey_: only file systems are mounted07:48
Wettoad_Casey_: and a camera is ot a filesystem07:48
_Casey_well hold on07:48
WettoadJeah: did you see the message above?07:48
hueycan anyone suggest to me a good irc client for linux?07:48
_Casey_it shows up as a video device for video4linux under Device Manager07:49
JeahWettoad: yeah, sorry, checking out MasterShrek's suggestion real quck07:49
lucian_huey: irssi07:49
Wettoadhuey: I live xchat07:49
Tylerathomexchat is pretty good07:49
Tylerathomei'm using bitchx with screen right now07:49
ere4sihuey, I second xchat07:49
atpa8awtf?... the drive ids jump on each reboot07:49
tubetopbabyanyone know how to get a login on a windows/mac box into my ubuntu over the internet using ssh... a new session with the gnome login, gdm and everything07:49
hueyhaha xchat it is :) thanks all07:49
NeT_DeMoNbazhang: ok, i dont understand a thing this says07:49
_Casey_the cam is built in and supposedly has drivers already installed07:49
kinghow do i get a famserver???07:49
_Casey_is there a way to get the cam on video007:49
GetMoney[b]good luck07:50
kinghow do i get a famserver???07:50
ere4siking: what's a famserver?07:50
Wettoad_Casey_: if the drivers are there then udev should have creted the device for you... which programs like qcam can use07:50
BloodyScumschmicck says there is no such directory07:50
JeahMasterShrek: It doesn't look like root iis even in a cdrom group, from System->Administration->Users and Groups -> Manage Groups.  But my user does have "Use CD-ROM drives" enabled in Properties->User Privileges.07:50
schmicckBloodyScum: that's a file.. not a directory07:51
kr00lcan anyone help me Copy a DVD using ubuntu?07:51
kingits home server07:51
JeahWettoad: Ok, yeah, I see it's there.  How do I read what it's currently set to?  And how do I change it?07:51
WettoadJeah: root does not have to be explicityly added to groups07:51
BloodyScumschmicck lol, ok oops07:51
bazhangk9copy kr00l07:51
WettoadJeah: cat the lock file in a terminal07:51
schmicckBloodyScum: type 'less /var/log/syslog'07:51
MasterShrekJeah: well root can do all, so that shouldnt matter, i would add the user to the group anyway, i dont know exactly if that gnome option to "Use CD-ROM Drives" is going to work for both or not07:51
JeahWettoad: yeah, but I dont' even see a cdrom group anywyere.07:51
ere4siking: a brand - or format?07:51
Wettoadand to change the values you echo "1" > lock07:51
Wettoador echo "0" > lock07:51
kr00lbazhang: I have that now but i don't know how to use it. I don't see how to get the dvd selected so i can copy/burn07:51
ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs07:52
JeahWettoad: how do I know which drive that's for?  Or would it apply to all "CD" drives?07:52
JeahWettoad: meaning optical drives, I guess.07:52
WettoadJeah: it may have 2 listings, I only have one drive, so i am not sure of the format for 207:52
kr00lCan anyone help me configure k9copy?07:53
* schmicck thinks he's never seen this type of colaboration on a M$ channel.. lol07:53
WettoadJeah: so when you "cat" it waht does it say?07:53
lumpy^hey. i want to backup all my system and do a mirror copy of the whole ubuntu , so in case of crash i will able to make a restore to the good point. i did ghost 4 linux but its screwed my system ... i wonder if i can just do a "tar" of / and then apply it on system crash and it will do the work?07:53
JeahWettoad: "1"07:53
_Casey_xawtv turns on my cam for like 1 second then turns it off, step in the right direction07:53
Wettoad_Casey_: yes07:53
tubetopbabywhat are some chat programs for ubuntu?07:53
WettoadJeah: that means it locks07:53
brubelsab1using debmirror results in: "Failed to download files (51 errors)!" using the rsync protocol and various mirrors, and several reruns?07:53
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sfv - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi07:53
schmicck_Casey_:  excelent!..07:53
WettoadJeah: as root: echo "0" > /proc/sys/dev/cdrom07:54
tubetopbabyi hate chatzilla@@!!!07:54
_Casey_but thats all it does07:54
JeahWettoad: /lock, right?07:54
rjohnThunderbird looks like it is fading into oblivion07:54
Wettoad_Casey_: xawtv is really meant for TV devices and not web cams07:54
rjohnI like it07:54
lucian_lumpy^: remastersys is a third-party app that back's up your current install to a live cd with the option to re-install at a later point.. but its not guarenteed to work.. im actually backing up mine with it right now07:55
tubetopbabyI saw that too07:55
_Casey_i tried camorama and it does nothing07:55
Wettoad_Casey_: whatever gnomemeeting is now called should work, its like netmeeting for gnome, but got renamed07:55
rjohnlumpy^: what's you question07:55
_Casey_lemme look07:55
kingmy cam do not work it did be for  on kopet07:55
bazhanghttp://linuxappfinder.com/blog/ripping_dvds_to_mpeg4_with_k9copy kr00l07:55
lumpy^hey. i want to backup all my system and do a mirror copy of the whole ubuntu , so in case of crash i will able to make a restore to the good point. i did ghost 4 linux but its screwed my system ... i wonder if i can just do a "tar" of / and then apply it on system crash and it will do the work?07:55
NeT_DeMoNbazhang: the commands the terminal gave me wont work07:55
WettoadJeah: correct07:55
lucian_lumpy^: i just answered that07:55
BloodyScumDec 19 02:49:07 steven-ub kernel: [   44.278228] sdd: rw=0, want=2024051, limit=201407907:55
BloodyScumDec 19 02:49:07 steven-ub kernel: [   44.278230] attempt to access beyond end of device07:55
kingno  it says  I cannot find the Magick convert program.07:55
kingconvert is required to render the Latex formulas.07:55
kingPlease go to www.imagemagick.org or to your distribution site and get the right package.07:55
=== |rly| is now known as dhude
BloodyScumwhats that mean in syslog?07:55
bazhangNeT_DeMoN: you still here?07:55
NeT_DeMoNbazhang: yeah07:56
rjohnlumpy^: try dd.  Or something like partimage or mondo archive07:56
lumpy^there is somthing that work?07:56
bazhangNeT_DeMoN: try this:07:56
JeahWettoad: "bash: lock: Permission denied" even when I sudo'd it.  Huh?07:56
rjohnthey do some nice compression07:56
riaalIsn't there some easy way to restrict a user to just one folder? Like there home?07:56
lumpy^i want to copy the image to DVD07:56
rjohnthough tar shoujld work07:56
ere4silumpy^: check out the apps -  mindi & mondo07:56
bazhang!aptfix | NeT_DeMoN07:56
ubotuNeT_DeMoN: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »07:56
rjohnmondo archivce is pretty  good07:56
NeT_DeMoNbazhang: just trying to figure out this jiberish :P07:56
WettoadJeah: su to root07:56
afabianlumpy^: It's a little more complicated than that.  Well, depending on how you look at it.  I always have trouble with it.  So, tar is the right kind of tool for doing such a thing... but, you have to be careful to use the right switches, like preserving ownership (-p).  And, you also .. hm.  See, this is where it gets tricky.  I lost track around the udev days.  I'm not sure what you should do about /dev.  You would want to e07:56
afabianxclude /proc.  And then, you need to save your partition table, and make sure you have a way to restore the boot sector.  tar can back up the data, but... there are just more steps and a lot of gotchas.  :/07:56
NeT_DeMoNbazhang: i did07:56
WettoadBloodyScum: something tried to write past the end of you scsi disk d07:56
tubetopbabyanyone know how to get a login on a windows/mac box into my ubuntu over the internet using ssh... a new session with the gnome login, gdm and everything....the vnc stuff, I cant get to work...it has me add a file in xinetd.d/ called vnc....then it has me go to change a file called initd.d/xinetd....but no such puppy!!!07:57
bazhangNeT_DeMoN: sudo etc etc, then sudo etc etc07:57
WettoadJeah: then do it07:57
_Casey_i dont see it07:57
NeT_DeMoNbazhang: ahhh, ok07:57
bazhangNeT_DeMoN: did them both?07:57
WettoadJeah: echo "0" > /proc/sys/dev/cdrom/lock07:57
cerealkillerwhy is it i cant run office 2003 using wine, it runs but it prompts that it is not installed for the current user07:57
bazhangNeT_DeMoN: still with me?07:57
rjohntubetopbaby: do you want to log from windows to linux?07:58
lumpy^what program do a image copy of my hd directly to DVD ?07:58
bazhanglumpy^: what size hdd?07:58
JeahWettoad: Uh, I can't su?  "su: Authentication failure"?  Can one not su in Ubuntu?  and why wouldn't sudo work?07:58
schmicckBloodyScum: there is something wrong with your scsi drive.. might be a bad partition geometry...07:58
Wettoadlumpy^: you can dd it, if you're using xfs you can xfs dump a disk image07:58
WettoadJeah: sorry i use debian07:58
tubetopbabyyeah..my ubuntu box is in the closet on the other side of the house.... LOL.....I am having to stand infront of it...my feet hurt ;(07:58
WettoadJeah: try sudo07:58
rjohnWettoad: you can't sudo?07:58
WettoadJeah: i don't like sudo07:59
NeT_DeMoNbazhang: yeah07:59
Wettoadrjohn: sorry that was for you, I don't like sudo07:59
rjohnyou can get arond the ubuntu non root situation with sudo passwd for root07:59
NeT_DeMoNbazhang: my computer wont let me copy now07:59
kinghow do u ues root?07:59
bazhangNeT_DeMoN: you did both those commands?07:59
lucian_king: by using sudo07:59
WorkingOnWis1afabian: I'm a little late to this party, but is there a way to make a dd image and break it up at say 4.6gb pieces and burn it to dvd's? Would dd preserve permissions and such, and partition tables and boot sectors?07:59
|Dylan|Jeah: by default there is no root password set, so su fails.  i dont know why your sudo would not work but to set a root password (NOT recommended) use `sudo passwd root` or to access su on an individual basis use `sudo su -` to get to a root prompt07:59
MasterShrek!sudo | king07:59
ubotuking: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.07:59
NeT_DeMoNim about to just throw this piece of shit out the window07:59
NeT_DeMoNexcuse my language please07:59
NeT_DeMoNbazhang: yeah08:00
MasterShrekNeT_DeMoN: do you have permissions to the destination?08:00
WettoadJeah: any luck?08:00
JeahWettoad: "sudo echo "0" > /proc/sys/dev/cdrom/lock" and I got "bash: /proc/sys/dev/cdrom/lock: Permission denied" again...08:00
BloodyScumi had a little trouble out of the partition manager when installing to begin with..   is there any way to fix my partitions? i have a windows partition, a filesystem partition, and a swap partition..08:00
NeT_DeMoNMasterShrek: yes, im admin08:00
tubetopbabyrjohn:  yes...my ubuntu box is on the other side of the house in a closet...I have to stand in front of it now....ouch my feet hurt :)08:00
bazhangNeT_DeMoN: now try installing stuff using either the command line or synaptic08:00
JeahWettoad: I have no idea how/why it would deny a sudo command...08:00
WettoadJeah: hemm... that is the problem i suspect08:00
MasterShrekNeT_DeMoN: is it on a different mounted medium, that is mounted read-only?08:00
rjohnJeah: I agree wtih |Dylan| that root not recommended, but if you are learning, I think it's good and argulably recommended.08:00
rjohnBut it can develop bad habits.08:00
NeT_DeMoNbazhang: ok08:00
staykovmarinhi, i am trying to upgrade using the Gutsy cd. First everything went smoothly, it detected my cd when i put it in as a source to update from. then it just crashed, posting an error. now when i put in the cd it wont do anything08:01
|Dylan|Morning all.  I have a question regarding disk partitioning.  I have the following partitions: primary NTFS, 2xExtended NTFS, linux-swap, primary ext3, linux-swap (which i just made) and about 40GB on which I'm trying to create a primary ext3 to install Kubuntu (currently running Ubuntu on the first ext3).  Both Kubuntu's installer and GParted report that there are already 4 primary partitions - they both say I can't create more than 08:01
rjohnetc/sudoers will tell you who has sudo rights. It's a pretty readabl efile08:01
Jeah|Dylan|: Thanks.08:01
Jeahrjohn: I can sudo everything else...08:01
|Dylan|Jeah: no problem, hope it helps08:01
Jeahrjohn, this is my only user...08:01
rjohn|Dylan|: you can't, for historical reasons. You need to crate Exteneded partition08:01
afabianWorkingOnWis1: Hm.  well, if you have the space to put the file somewhere, you can use "split" on it.  And... dd has the switches so that you *could* do just what you're saying, if you figure out the magic numbers.08:02
schmicckBloodyScum: I fixed a bad partition on a windows box with partition magic... you might want to try that.08:02
WettoadJeah: sudo "echo \"0\" > lock"08:02
tubetopbabyrjohn: i found this...but it doesnt work https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNC08:02
kingi dont know how 2 get in  2 root and  whats the pass for  root?08:02
rjohntubetopbaby: what did you find that didn't work,08:02
lumpy^do i need to install on debian PARTIMAGE or i just need to download the rescue cd and do the image?08:02
|Dylan|rjohn: i know theres a hard limit of 4, its just frustrating because i dont actually have 4 primaries, i have 2 and 2 extended08:02
tubetopbabythis part doesnt work: Step 208:02
lucian_king: root is disabled by default08:02
tubetopbabyCreate the following file /etc/xinetd.d/vnc08:02
schmicckking: root is disabled by default.. enable it with 'sudo passwd root'08:02
tubetopbaby$> sudo pico /etc/xinetd.d/vnc08:02
NeT_DeMoNbazhang: dude thanks, it works!!!!!! :D08:02
tubetopbabyservice vnc08:02
JeahWettoad: "sudo: echo "0" > lock: command not found"08:02
tubetopbaby        disable = no08:02
tubetopbaby        socket_type = stream08:02
WorkingOnWis1afabian: what are the magic numbers?08:02
tubetopbaby        protocol = tcp08:02
tubetopbaby        wait = no08:02
tubetopbaby        user = nobody08:03
lucian_king: sudo -i -u root08:03
tubetopbaby        server = /usr/bin/Xvnc08:03
rjohn|Dylan|: sorry, I missed that. hmmmm, dunno08:03
tubetopbaby        server_args = -inetd :1 -query localhost -broadcast -once -fp /usr/share/X11/fonts/misc/ -securitytypes=none -desktop=vnc://MyDesktop/08:03
afabianWorkingOnWis1: dd isn't a very "smart" utility.  It doesn't know anything about your filesystems, or boot sectors.  It preserves them, and ... if you're not "careful", it'll also faithfully save the empty space on your disk.  It'd probably be easier to dig up some utility designed to do what you want to do, though I don't know what they would be.08:03
tubetopbaby    *08:03
tubetopbabywe don't have xinetd.d setup in init.d08:03
_Casey_hey i got my webcam working on ekiga08:03
ere4si|Dylan|, you only need one swap - kubuntu will use the one for ubuntu - you can't boot both at once :)08:03
staykovmarinso no ideas?08:03
bazhangNeT_DeMoN: remember to install stuff mostly from the repos in the future and you should be fine :} enjoy!08:03
schmicckWell done _Casey_08:03
NeT_DeMoNbazhang: thanks man, everything will download now, hell yeah :)08:03
rjohnAnyone using wpa supplicant successfully.  does it now support wpa108:04
_Casey_but i want my webcam to work with the stickam.com services as well08:04
rjohnwpa2 I meant08:04
=== Neskaya is now known as hugglehug-gone
lumpy^anyone used partimage?08:04
_Casey_none of my friends use ekiga08:04
bazhangrjohn: if your card supports it yes08:04
rjohnlumpy^: YES, PARTIMAGE IS GOOD08:04
WettoadJeah: this works for me08:04
|Dylan|ere4si: if ubuntu crashes for some reason, or kubuntu for that matter, there will be junk left over and ill have to reboot to that before i can reboot to the other, or at least thats my understanding08:04
rjohnbazhang: THANKS08:04
WettoadJeah: sudo echo "1" > lock08:04
evan_how can I get a readout of basic display settings (resolution, refresh rate, bit depth, etc.) via terminal?08:04
WorkingOnWis1afabian: i think I like dd for that very reason..it will do exactly what I ask, and not try to outsmart me  :)08:04
|Dylan|ere4si: also, that wont solve the problem :-/08:04
felipecdoes the latest ubuntu have glibc 2.4?08:05
WettoadJeah: sorry that was a lie08:05
bazhang!info glibc08:05
ubotuPackage glibc does not exist in gutsy08:05
JeahWettoad: haha08:05
bazhang!find glibc08:05
rjohnfelipec: do you mean 7.1008:05
ubotuFound: libg++, libstdc++2.10-glibc2.2, glibc-doc, libc6, libc6-pic08:05
afabianWorkingOnWis1: Well, tar is a venerable unix utility.  it's designed to do these sorts of backups.  But, yeah, it *is* a little tricky.  I always liked BSD's dump.  There's an ext3 dump....08:05
WettoadJeah: sudo with some editor and edit the file, change the 1 to a zero and save it08:05
felipec!info libc608:06
ubotulibc6: GNU C Library: Shared libraries. In component main, is required. Version 2.6.1-1ubuntu10 (gutsy), package size 4085 kB, installed size 10120 kB08:06
afabianIt's just a *tad* more intelligent than dd, but less so than tar -- it preserves your ext3 filesystem exactly, working below the file level and directly at the filesystem level.08:06
WettoadJeah: the problem with sudo is the redirect stdout to a file doesn't work and I am not familar with the workings of sudo well enough to know what to do08:06
rjohnemacs or vi....................just kidding :)08:06
tubetopbabyrjohn: this part of the guide doesnt work for 7.10 Step 2: Create the following file /etc/xinetd.d/vnc and Step 4 Stop and restart Xinetd $> sudo /etc/init.d/xinetd restart since we dont have Xinetd setup in initd.d08:06
JeahWettoad: I can't see any contents to the file in an editor.08:06
WettoadJeah: don't worry about that08:06
cerealkillerwhy is it i cant run office 2003 using wine, it runs but it prompts that it is not installed for the current user08:06
WettoadJeah: type 0 then save it and ext08:07
Wettoadthe cat it08:07
_Casey_what would be a way to get my webcam working with the stickam.com services, which use flash, it detects my cam but doesnt show it08:07
tubetopbabyrjohn: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNC  here is the guide08:07
afabianWorkingOnWis1: After that, your partition table and MBR are in the first 512 bytes of the disk.  So, if you're using a filesystem that supports it, a "dump" utility is really better than a dd.  But, dd ... yeah, it DOES work, if you have jobs of space.  But all of the empty space on your disk looks just like good data to dd, and that can be a lot of overhead for a not very full partition.08:07
ubotuInstructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras08:08
afabianjobs?  gobs.08:08
KoffExcuse me, when i tried to install a .rpm package it told me to read the "readme.debian" anyone know where i can find it?08:08
Jeah"Could not save the file /proc/sys/dev/cdrom/lock. Unexpected error: Invalid parameters"08:08
NeT_DeMoNwhy is my processor much slower with linux?08:08
JeahWettoad: "Could not save the file /proc/sys/dev/cdrom/lock. Unexpected error: Invalid parameters"08:08
JeahWettoad: is it actually a text file or just a bit or something?08:09
WettoadJeah: swell, this is a joke "you should use a real os like debian, not some cheap imitation"08:09
|Dylan|thank you, everyone who helped, and ty ere4si, i didnt realize swap was primary *reboots with tail between legs*08:09
WettoadJeah: the proc filessytem is actually variables in tke running kernel08:09
=== GazzaK is now known as Gary
rjohntubetopbaby: I looked at the link.  I have successful VNC form Windows to Linux. I'm afraid I can't help08:09
WettoadJeah: you are actually modifiying a driver08:09
JeahWettoad: Haha.08:09
WettoadOK I am out08:10
JeahWettoad: If stuff like this stumps me so bad, I don't even want to try something more advanced :)08:10
WettoadJeah: you need to find a way to get  a0 in that file08:10
rjohnWettoad: Debian's politicis make the UN look simple :)  Solid for sure.  But so slow to get out08:10
JeahWettoad: Ok, well thanks for all the help.  If I do manage to change it, will it probably only change the behavior for hte session or will it persist?08:10
WettoadJeah: i would recommend setting up the root user, it may not be the ubuntu way but it is the unix way, then su to root and echo a 008:10
tubetopbabyrjohn: how does yours work, which vncserver did you use?08:10
rjohnMurdock is very irritated at the whole Debian direction08:10
WettoadJeah: it will last unitl reboot08:10
riaalIsn't there some easy way to restrict a user to just one folder? Like there /home?08:11
JeahWettoad: Is there something I can change that will persist?  Somewhere that that lock variable is being generated?08:11
rjohntubetopbaby: the native server with Kubuntu 6.06. vncd I think08:11
Wettoadrjohn: yeah i know it has its problems, thats why i precluded that with this is a joke as not to incite flame08:11
JeahWettoad: sorry, short answer is fine.  I appreciate the help and don't want to hold you up.08:11
WettoadJeah: you can make an /etc/init.d/ startup script that echos a 0 there08:11
staykovmarinhi, i am trying to upgrade using the Gutsy cd. First everything went smoothly, it detected my cd when i put it in as a source to update from. then it just crashed, posting an error. now when i put in the cd it wont do anything08:11
tubetopbabyrjohn: does it do sessions or do you have to be logged out?08:11
rjohnWettoad: ya, but the real question is...emacs or vi....:)  just kidding08:11
MasterShrekriaal: well they wouldnt be able to do anything then, the binarys (commands) that they can run are in /bin and /usr/bin and stuff08:12
JeahWettoad: Ok, well thanks.  have a good night or day or whatever it is wherever you are.08:12
GFreeI'm getting massive tearing in flash plugin 9.0.115, horrible compared to windows, any know what to do?08:12
MasterShrekriaal: they dont have write access to anything outside their home directory, unless they have sudo or your explicitly change permissions08:12
NeT_DeMoNisnt the hardware channel ##hardware??08:12
GFreetears massively regardless of compiz is on or not08:12
rjohntubetopbaby: I have to be logged in on the remote box. As such, ihave moved to X forwarding via ssh -X08:12
rjohnI don't always want remote control, often just run one app in window08:12
riaalMasterShrek: I know, but they still can poke around08:12
NeT_DeMoN##hardware   ????^^08:12
kingiam un a ubuntu 7.10 need 2 get in to root   and need 2 do it with out sudo08:13
rjohntubetopbaby: my VNC client is real vnc08:13
kr00lcan anyone help me with k9copy?08:13
ere4siking: sudo -s root08:14
rjohnAnyone ever had success with cygwin and Cyg/X.  I want to run Gvim in my cygwin08:14
bazhanghttp://linuxappfinder.com/blog/ripping_dvds_to_mpeg4_with_k9copy kr00l08:14
rjohnSorry, that is off topic08:14
kingya how 2 get in it08:14
=== joerlend__ is now known as XiXaQ
NeT_DeMoNis there a way to change .php files to .jpg files??08:14
staykovmarinhi, i am trying to upgrade using the Gutsy cd. First everything went smoothly, it detected my cd when i put it in as a source to update from. then it just crashed, posting an error. now when i put in the cd it wont do anything08:14
ere4siking: you don't know the passwords?08:15
StevethepirateNeT_DeMoN: thats illogical...08:15
rjohnWhat's best way to get skype running without dependency hell? apt package from skype.08:15
kingnot  for root  or how 2 get in08:15
rjohnstaykovmarin: is upgrade absolutely essential08:15
ere4sirjohn: that's in medibuntu isn't it?08:15
rjohnCan you save off dpkg list, home directory, etc. and reinstall\08:16
afabianNeT_DeMoN: .jpg is a graphics format.  .php is usually filled with text.  So, you could open the php file in a text editor, take a screenshot, and then... well, I don't think this is what you mean to ask. ;)08:16
rjohnere4si: hmmm, I'll check. Is that a distro?08:16
Stevethepiratewell. normally the .jpg part is stored outside of .php08:16
staykovmarinrjohn: no. but i would really like to update it, since i want to use xmms2 with last.fm scrobbler. why?08:16
Belisarivshi all08:16
kingits ubuntu08:16
ubotumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org08:16
Stevethepirateand its normally linked.08:16
Schmickking: type 'sudo passwd root' then type YOUR password... then follow instructions on setting a root password.08:16
BelisarivsMay I ask you to help me?08:16
NeT_DeMoNafabian: i have a photo that is .php if thats what you mean08:16
bazhangask away Belisarivs08:17
rjohnthanks to the bot.  yes, that's the type of stuff the linux Mint has included. Linux mint is pretty nice, although a little on the ehtical OSS edge08:17
kingso i got 2 log out? 2 do it?08:17
rjohnEnds justfiy means maybe?  I've got a few freinds turned onto Linux Mint08:17
BelisarivsOK. Y have problem with libgnomebreakpad.so. What is it? Gnome apps ask for it but apt-file cannot find it08:18
SchmickNeT_DeMoN: php is a scripting extension... unless you saved a jpeg with a php extension..08:18
rjohnAnyone read LInux User and Developer. I really like it. But not monthly like LFX08:18
NeT_DeMoNSchmick: i right clicked and saved the photo from a site08:18
rjohnAny opinions on quad-console for KDE.  Looks very useful for my work.  Can it support more than 4 consoles?08:19
ere4sirjohn: you can enable a medibuntu repository and have those apps as you need them08:19
_Casey_heh i found my webcam problem08:19
rjohnere4si: ya, I think I will stick it in sources.list08:19
staykovmarinis there just a way to reset the update process?08:19
staykovmarinso its NOT partia:08:19
Belisarivs<NeT_DeMoN>Isn't it from kde-look?08:19
_Casey_macromedia flash player 9 only supports video4linux v1 and not v2 i think08:19
havoc_I'm trying to install WOW and I'm having problems  any advice?08:19
staykovmarinand have it start over08:19
rjohnI'll feel a little guilty.  Hey, consistency is hobgoblin of small minds.08:19
_Casey_use wine ;x08:19
NeT_DeMoNBelisarivs: no, im not allowed to give you the site here08:20
havoc_I have wine but I don't know how to use it08:20
ere4sihavoc_, or /j #wine08:20
Stevethepiratesa,e thing..08:20
Stevethepirate#wine redirects08:20
rjohnhavoc_: We use wine at work, with CrossX support contrac .35 bucks a year. Well worth it.08:20
staykovmarinANY ideas?08:21
rjohnhavoc_: I might have Cross X worng.  I think it is cross over office.  They support it. Like Canonical for Ubuntu08:21
rjohnstaykovmarin: about what, sorry I missed the thread08:21
kingok i got it butit ask for paas  and  did not work08:21
detectiveinspektmsg nickserv fuckyoucunt08:22
rjohndetectiveinspekt: thank ou08:22
BelisarivsCould you help, please?08:22
Kagar!ops } detectiveinspekt08:22
rjohnBelisarivs: what's the prob08:22
detectiveinspektaw ooops SORRY!08:22
staykovmarinrjohn: about updgrading to gutsy08:22
havoc_when I try to start the installer it says I cant08:22
staykovmarinit seems to be stuck at partial update08:22
BelisarivsI have problem with libgnomebreakpad.so. What is it? Gnome apps ask for it but apt-file cannot find it08:22
rjohnstaykovmarin: ya08:22
staykovmarinand its not doing anything when i put the cd08:22
staykovmarinis there a way to just roll it back with whatever i did install before it crashed08:23
rjohnare you sure you burned it correctly08:23
BelisarivsAny clue?08:23
rjohnlike not just an iso image.... as I have done so many times08:23
rjohnstaykovmarin: also,help me out, is gutsy 7.1008:23
staykovmarinrjohn: yes it boots from it okay08:23
=== Rabbitbu1ny is now known as Rabbitbunny
rjohnstaykovmarin: ok08:23
havoc_can any one run me through it08:24
rjohnsometimes CD are funny.  I just had a 7.04 that looked ok, then weird errors.08:24
riaalhow do I kicka user in ubuntu?08:24
riaalkick a user *08:24
rjohnriaal: kick a user off?08:24
riaalyes, forgot to log out at home08:24
staykovmarincan someone just tell me how to roll it back so its not stuck at partial?08:24
riaalhave root access08:24
rjohnYaquake is a nice little tool08:25
rjohnAnyone have a favorit GTD tool, like ikog?08:25
kingiam trying 2  get on root it says this    -K | -L | -V | -h | -k | -l | -v08:26
kingusage: sudo [-HPSb] [-p prompt] [-u username|#uid]08:26
king            { -e file [...] | -i | -s | <command> }08:26
king now what?08:26
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.08:26
dadehoogking: you don't need to be root, you can use sudo08:26
_Casey_sudo passwd08:26
_Casey_then follow the prompts08:26
_Casey_then type su08:26
rjohnWhere are my dpkgs store? /var/lib something?08:27
havoc_joshooa was helping me earlyer had problems with my CD Drive it works now the image is on my desktop I need to know what to do from there08:27
calmHi all! In Feisty, you used to be able to see the contents of the window while resizing. How do I get this behavior in Gutsy? Thanks!08:27
ctroncosoriaal:  us ps to find that user's bash... then kill it.08:27
dadehoogcalm: I have that functionality in Gutsy, by default08:27
rjohnctroncoso: then dsable, or change passwd08:28
calm(By default, Gutsy just gives me a semitransparent blue rectangle when I resize.)08:28
rjohnctroncoso: or in /etc/passwd, dont' give them a shell.08:28
dadehoogcalm: compiz ? I've disabled it ...08:28
staykovmarinokay so the cd worked when i first put it in08:28
staykovmarinis there a reason it would stop working?08:28
rjohnAny QA engineers out there08:28
havoc_how do I install WOW with Wine?08:28
calmdadehoog: Is there a way to keep compiz on, and still keep that behavior?08:28
rjohnLookin for good tools to obtain max tcp sessions of a firewall appliance08:29
dadehoogcalm: I'm sure there is, alas I don't know it.08:29
dadehoogcalm: or could it be the theme that you're using in your window manager ?08:29
_Casey_i forgot what i was going to say, umm08:29
_Casey_you should be able to do a runas or something08:29
_Casey_and chose wine08:29
calmdadehoog: I'm just using the default theme that came straight out of the Gutsy install.08:29
_Casey_or double click install.exe08:29
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about evolution - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi08:29
_Casey_and it will open in wine08:29
rjohnis it easy for me to tell evoltuiont to KEEP all my mail on server.08:30
rjohnMy fear is I suck it off the server08:30
ctroncosorjohn: it's only a friend that left a shell opened.. anyway.. I'd disable the account o change passwrd as well.. lol..08:30
kingi raed it  and not working sudo08:30
dadehoogrjohn: there's a checkbox in the configuration "Leave messages on server". Check it.08:30
rjohnctroncoso: hey, have more fun.  give a motd about how their credit card info has been compormoise.  Fun casue it's a frind.  In another context, not fun at all08:31
_Casey_you want to be root in the terminal right?08:31
dadehoogking: why ?08:31
rjohndadehoog: ok, I get  a DOH for that one.  thanks08:31
user11_011why doesn't evolution sit as an icon in notification area ????08:31
=== ctroncoso is now known as Schmick
rjohnAnyone using mutt for email?08:31
_Casey_type "sudo passwd" and follow the prompts to create a root password if not already done. then type "su" and use the password to login as root08:31
rjohnit seems quirky enought that I'd liek to do it.  Just because08:32
kingneed  to  setup a thing08:32
_Casey_noone in the flash channel wants to help me with my webcam problem08:32
Schmickyea rjohn.. .. took me a while to find out the motd.tail thing.. lol..08:32
kingme 2 webcam08:32
dadehoogking and _Casey_: I think king only needs sudo - but isn't yet aware of it08:33
chinmayzenneed help, anyone?08:33
* Schmick is away.08:33
havoc_its not loading when I choose open with wine08:33
rjohnI've got a printer that keeps putting out a 2 inch top margin. way too big.  Do you think I need another ppd? it's a phaser 855008:33
_Casey_idk lol i was helping08:33
rjohnOtherwise, the printing works.  I grabbbed the ppd from Xerox site.08:33
rjohnI've dug around Cups, but don't see anytinhg obvious08:34
chinmayzeni installed linux (ubuntu 7.10) and now  i have linux and windows on my laptop.. and none of them can detect the DVD drive08:34
dadehoogrjohn: checked the margins and paper size ?08:34
_Casey_read this.08:34
_Casey_ It has been stated on the Adobe website that only Video4Linux v.1 is supported.08:34
_Casey_However, v.1 was deprecated in June of 2006 and now all Linux kernels are running v.2 with compatibility API for v.1. We have not been able to get Flash Player 9 for Linux to recognize a web-cam using the v.1 compatibility that v.2 of video4Linux has with it.08:34
_Casey_stupid adobe :/08:34
rjohndocgnome - ya, I did08:34
* noidtluom needs help to make his port open for uTorrent08:34
rjohnI had a similar issue with a differnt printer.08:34
dadehoognoidtluom: do you have a router ?08:35
havoc_any one here play wow on Linux?08:35
noidtluomdadehoog: yes08:35
dadehoognoidtluom: because you probably need to set up port forwarding to your ubuntu machine08:35
_Casey_try winehq.org08:35
rjohndon't know much about cups, except how to get to the web sever via port 631, and that ppd files matter08:35
_Casey_and look under the apps08:35
_Casey_they have screenshots of it working08:35
noidtluomdadehoog: i'm on windows. i am tyring to download ubuntu08:36
rjohnnoidtluom: what's the problem08:36
noidtluomdadehoog: i have followed this guide http://www.portforward.com/english/routers/port_forwarding/Prolink/H9200P/Utorrent.htm08:36
rjohnAre you using a good mirror?08:36
noidtluombut it still doesn't work08:36
blubbsecurity.ubuntu.com is down?08:36
dadehoognoidtluom: this isn't a windows help channel ... but it's likely to be either your router, or a 'firewall' software package08:36
noidtluomyes i have tried several mirrors close to me08:36
_Casey_are you on a wireless router08:36
noidtluomi have no firewall up08:36
noidtluomi am not on a wireless router08:36
_Casey_what kind of router do you have08:37
noidtluom(see above link)08:37
_Casey_ok nvm lol08:37
_Casey_i only do linksys08:37
noidtluomi just don't know where to go for hlep08:37
soulwarphardware firewall?08:37
dadehoogblubb: up for me ... but the AU mirror has been slow all day08:37
rjohnIs Konqeror still under devleopment.  I prefer Firefox, probably cuase I'm much more familiar with it.  But Konqueror doesn't seem to havfe the plugins08:37
rjohnNot looking for religious war.  Is Konqeror still under active development. Or is it in Thunderbird land.08:38
noidtluomi've waited half an hour and i've only downloaded 10mb08:38
ce_siplahviena codot08:38
dadehoogKonqueror development probably started about the same time as firefox ...08:38
chinmayzeni installed linux (ubuntu 7.10) and now i have linux and windows on my laptop.. and none of them can detect the DVD drive08:38
noidtluommore than half an hour i think08:38
dadehoogkonqueror is under very active development - KDE 4.0 was released yesterday08:38
rjohnchinmayzen: what does dmesg say08:38
_Casey_dont use torrents then08:38
rjohnchinmayzen: what does lsmod say?08:38
_Casey_i downloaded the iso in under an hour08:38
chinmayzenwhat? is all that?08:38
chinmayzeni'm a n00b08:38
_Casey_go to the terminal under linux08:39
_Casey_type in "lsmod"08:39
noidtluomdownloading not using torrent usually just stops randomly after about 100mb08:39
chinmayzenokay.. hang on08:39
soulwarpnoidtluom you could try the torrent08:39
rjohnchinmayzen: dmesg tells you what you kernel saw on boot up.  so you can run dmesg|grep dvd08:39
rjohnYou might see what kernel identified08:39
kingthe links do not work08:39
dadehoognoidtluom: sounds like your whole connection is flakey08:39
rjohnlsmod will tell you what module is loaded for dvd08:39
macogwchinmayzen: paste it into pastebin.ca and give the link if you're not sure08:39
mamepoops wrong link.. whatever anyone tried to fixed intel 82801g audio driver?08:40
rjohnKernal has concept of loadable modules, instead of having to include all dirvers for everthing in module.08:40
_Casey_try !hdaintel08:40
ubotuFor fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto08:40
_Casey_that worked for me08:40
soulwarpnoidtluom i know if i download either torrent or direct i get roughly 800kb-1mb/s08:40
mamep_Casey_ i can get sound but it's too low quality :(08:40
soulwarpnoidtluom sounds like your connection08:41
_Casey_oh i see08:41
_Casey_what does alsamixer say08:41
calmIn Gutsy, when I open Firefox by clicking the icon on the panel, it opens pointing to my home page, like it should. However, when I use a keyboard shortcut (I use ctrl-alt-f) to open Firefox, it opens pointing to "file:///home/myusername". This did not occur in Feisty. How can I fix this?08:41
mamepfounds the device08:41
rjohnmamep: you could lower your audion standards :)08:41
_Casey_you have the alc268?08:41
ubotuInstructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras08:41
ifireballdid anyone notice what kind of update did we get on gusty today? I just noticed its asking for a reboot and I wanna know what was updated08:42
noidtluommy connection averave is about 10kbps08:42
marvxxxi guess after reading this some times now i have to check my old webcam at home ;-)08:42
soulwarpnoidtluom are you using dialup?08:43
_Casey_does skype on linux not do video?08:43
EvanRskype on linux is complete trash08:43
_Casey_well i need something for video ;x08:44
rjohnEvanR: OK, I think I jus twon't use it. sounds like a time sync. When will it get beter?08:44
poppy75can someone help me with this error08:44
EvanRrjohn: skype? probably never, its closed source and the company doesnt give a ****08:44
EvanRjust look at the forum and youll see08:45
EvanR_Casey_: try ekiga?08:45
_Casey_i have no friends that use ekiga08:45
_Casey_but it works08:45
_Casey_whats that msn one08:45
EvanRare they really your friends?08:45
_Casey_yes they are08:45
_Casey_but whats the msn video one for linux ;p08:46
rjohnEvan Is Ekiga a SIP client?  or H32308:46
EvanRrjohn: it does both08:46
_Casey_its SIP08:46
poppy75rjohn i think both08:46
EvanRskype is neither though08:46
rjohnI thought SIP.. I'll check it out.  WEuse it to tst08:46
rjohnKDE of Gnome......Jus kidding :)08:47
EvanR_Casey_: http://www.amsn-project.net/08:47
EvanRwebcam support08:47
_Casey_yes i saw that, im installing08:48
EvanRgaim doesnt have video?08:48
rjohnAnyone know where dkpgs go after download.  /var/something08:48
rjohnIs locate generally now a symlink to slocate for security reasons08:49
_Casey_idk does it08:49
_Casey_im on pidgin, which is gaim08:49
rjohnIs there a lsmod type functionality for X, so I can see what modules are loaded there.08:49
chinmayokay guys i'm the DVD - not - working problem guy08:49
_Casey_amsn isnt logging in08:50
rjohnchinmay vinyl is making a comeback :)08:50
chinmayrjohn - ?08:50
rjohnchinmay sorry, I'm punchy. vinyl as in LPs.08:50
rjohnI may be dating myself08:51
_Casey_gaim has no video that i can see08:51
rjohnI don't mean to make light of your frustrations wtih DVDs, I have had my share08:51
soulwarpchinmay i've had good luck playing my DVDs with VLC08:51
chinmayguys i'm stumped08:51
vbI am creating a wireless adhoc network from ubuntu , and vista laptop is trying to connect to it, but vista is showing limited connectivity for this network, any help08:51
thyrax_afkIs there an easy to install DLNA/upnp server for Ubuntu?08:51
soulwarpchinmay sudo apt-get install vlc08:51
chinmaythis thing doesnt detect the drive after booting08:51
chinmayit's not about vlc08:52
havoc_I'm new sorry I just got linux installed today08:52
rjohnvb: what are the power settings.  check wtih iwconfig or iwpriv08:52
rjohnhavoc_: how did it go08:52
rjohnhavoc_: what did you install?08:52
thyrax_afkIs there a dlna/upnp server for ubuntu?08:52
thyrax_afkone that works with gutsy or am I better off usuing windows?08:53
vbrjohn: Tx-Power = 20 dBm08:53
chinmayrjohn: dmesg : http://pastebin.ca/82333208:53
rjohnvb: seems good08:53
havoc_I got the newest version of wine08:53
kingam I better off usuing windows?08:53
vbrjohn: why is there a limited connectivity, I cannot even ping each other08:54
_Casey_ok amsn works for webcam08:54
EvanRking: maybe08:54
rjohnvb: it's ad hoc net?08:54
_Casey_but i want flash to work with webcam now :/08:54
thyrax_afkIs there a dlna/upnp server for ubuntu?08:54
vbrjohn: yes08:54
thyrax_afkone that works with gutsy or am I better off usuing windows?08:54
rjohnchinmayzen: I assume they both have ips on the same lan segment. ifconfig08:55
havoc_can any one run me through what to do to get wine to work for me08:55
EvanRthyrax_afk: did you search the repository08:55
EvanRhavoc_: install wine08:55
havoc_I did08:55
soulwarphavoc_ right click the program then select run with wine emulator08:56
havoc_I did that and nothing happend08:56
thyrax_afkEvanR: how do I do that? I have tried mediatomb, fuppes, and Ushare08:56
kingkopete is the only im that works on cam08:56
chinmayokay guys.. i know there's a lot of people here, but can anyone please help me, i installed ubuntu and now the dvd drive is not getting detected..08:57
thyrax_afkeach one is a no go even after following multiple tutorials I spent all day on this08:57
chinmaythis is dmesg and lsmod : http://pastebin.ca/82333208:57
soulwarphavoc_ then wine may not be able to run it, check winehq.org for computability08:57
EvanRthyrax_afk: how to search? press search and type your search terms08:57
kingwhat ubuntu cd?08:57
thyrax_afkdo you mean in the add remove applications?08:57
EvanRhavoc_: you have to run your program with wine08:58
EvanRhavoc_: did you try that08:58
Curs0rso why doesn't the flash plugin work for a fresh gutsy install anymore?08:58
EvanRCurs0r: something about the url it uses to download the plugin is now invalid08:58
havoc_-I'm running gutsy08:59
havoc_7.10 right08:59
Curs0rEvanR, flashplugin-nonfree doesn't work either08:59
thyrax_afkEvanR: it says failed to check for installed and available applications08:59
dgjonesCurs0r, have you looked at the topic for the channel,that explains the problem08:59
havoc_I have Wine and I'm trying to start up the WOW installer08:59
EvanRthyrax_afk: ..? type-->  wine myprog.exe08:59
EvanRwine setup.exe08:59
EvanRmake sure you are in the same dir as the setup.exe09:00
Curs0rhavoc_, I just ended up installing it under windows then moving the game files over to linux09:00
soulwarphavoc_ look at the winehq.org for installation instructions09:00
EvanRsetting up WOW has been done09:00
EvanRthere are some extra steps i believe09:00
EvanRcheck the website, winehq09:00
soulwarphavoc_ some games don't run out of the box09:00
thyrax_afkEvanR: what does typing that do? what is wine?09:00
EvanRthyrax_afk: arent you trying to use wine to run windows programs?09:01
_Casey_WoW runs on linux09:01
_Casey_check winehq.com09:01
JasonBourneguys all im sayin is09:01
JasonBourneif u are paying for windows xp then ubuntu has no point09:01
Curs0rWoW runs under ubuntu on every system in my house09:01
JasonBournecuz ur not even supportin them09:01
ronnieCurs0r: what software were you installed09:01
JasonBourneur supportin the ppl who will buy out ubunutu09:01
JasonBournean close them down09:02
thyrax_afkEvanR: no I am not09:02
EvanRthyrax_afk: oh?09:02
Curs0rronnie, um, what?09:02
Kalamansihello how to uninstall squid?09:02
thyrax_afkEvanR: I am trying to find dlna/upnp server app09:02
EvanRthyrax_afk: sorry! :P09:02
EvanRmixed up, crazy channel09:02
thyrax_afkbut it says my source.list is screwed up and to check with synaptic how do I do that?09:02
Curs0rWell the topic gives an excuse but I wouldn't say that it explains the problem09:02
ronnieCurs0r: nothing .... regardless me..09:03
EvanRthyrax_afk: try to update09:03
EvanRJasonBourne: then dont use ubuntu09:03
JasonBourneu dont see09:03
JasonBournei didnt buy winxp09:04
thyrax_afkEvanR: by typing sudo apt-get update?09:04
thyrax_afkI did that09:04
EvanRthyrax_afk: hmm if your sources are messup... you gotta fix them before you can use the repo09:04
JasonBourneso i can use ubunutu09:04
thyrax_afkhow do I fix them?09:04
EvanRthyrax_afk: there is a file which contains the url for the sources, you must find it and you must put the correct sources in there09:05
EvanRthyrax_afk: im not sure the details, but its on the web09:05
thyrax_afkdo you mean /etc/apt/source.list ?09:05
=== GazzaK is now known as Gary
JasonBournewhat happened09:05
_Casey_wtf with floods09:05
thyrax_afkdo you mean /etc/apt/sources.list ?09:05
_Casey_WTF was that09:06
evan_server split09:06
EvanR_Casey_: netsplit09:06
JasonBourneare floodbots ok?09:06
_Casey_that was nuts09:06
kahrytanThey are anti-flood bots09:06
Kalamansihello how to know if squid is running?09:06
Kalamansiubuntu 7.10 desktop09:06
EvanRKalamansi: use ps ax09:06
JasonBourneguys all im sayin is dont support windows09:06
JasonBournecuz they are the ones who will shut ubununtu down09:06
JasonBourneso u shouldnt buy it09:07
EvanRJasonBourne: ok, i wont09:07
Curs0rJasonBourne, if you look at the real numbers win32 is losing ground to open source every day09:07
evan_can anyone tell me how to get a basic display information from xserver?09:07
evan_via terminal09:07
DarkW0lfwow I come back and there's been a netsplit09:07
ifireballKalamansi: one way is to look for a squid process09:08
KalamansiEvanR: ifireball: how to install squid?thanks09:08
ifireballKalamansi: another is to check for listening ports with netstat and see which process listens to the proxy port09:09
EvanRKalamansi: your first question was how to uninstall09:09
ifireballKalamansi: if you ask me that I don't think you should be installing squid before you do some more research09:10
ifireballKalamansi: though its a simple matter of selecting it in synaptic09:10
havoc_i'm copying the files from the disc to the wine "program files" folder would that help?09:10
EvanRhavoc_: no09:10
EvanRhavoc_: the installer should do that for you09:11
EvanRhavoc_: and after that, you should read the guide for installing wow under wine09:11
Curs0rand you get to experience wine's less than admirable disc changing during install09:11
havoc_man I feel retarded09:11
EvanRhavoc_: yes, now look for one of infinite wow guides on the forum or on google09:12
Curs0rhavoc_, that's why I keep a disc with the installed fileset09:12
EvanRor winehq09:12
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graulichhow does one use a .patch file to fix a perl script?09:17
eckesicleI have a file which I used split on to put it on cds and transfer it to another computer, but now im having trouble concatenating the files. It appears as if cat file1 file2 file3 concatenates the file but adds newlines?09:17
calmHow do you do the equivalent of "Repair connection" in Ubuntu (as in, renew the DHCP lease)?09:17
SimNIXHi all09:18
EvanRcalm: its not really necessary, usually09:18
EvanRcalm: but you can kill and rerun dhclient if you want09:18
EvanRtheres also a network control thingy in the menu09:19
eckesicleooops my mistake09:19
derrleyI need to run a vncserver on my ubuntu machine. i installed the tightvncserver package, but Xvnc instances seem to crap out when I launch them09:19
calmAnd what's the difference between checking and unchecking "Enable Networking" in the network applet (nm-applet), and checking and unchecking the box next to "Wired connection" in network settings?09:19
ifireballcalm: sudo ifdown <ethX> (where ethX is your network interface) and then sudo ifup <ethX>09:19
calmEvanR: i see09:19
calmifireball: Is one of the two things I named the GUI equivalent of ifdown/ifup?09:21
EvanRcalm: network manager makes it so you dont have to do any of this09:21
user11_011which is the best email client for ubuntu09:21
EvanRit handles the whole thing for you09:21
EvanRits automagic09:21
ifireballcalm: I don't really know09:21
evan_network manager is horrible09:21
EvanRuser11_011: trying to start a flamewar?09:21
EvanRnetwork manager is good for wireless networks09:22
macogwcalm: ifdown disables networking, ifup enables it09:22
ifireballevan_: I guess its ok for laptops and wifi09:22
user11_011EvanR: not intending. but i want something which sits like a icon on panel.09:22
macogwevan_: so you have a wireless card with a driver that doesnt use wext, eh?09:22
hobojohn3hello all09:22
evan_ifireball: sadly, it is not so on my computer09:23
hobojohn3im having a problem switching betwen workspaces09:23
hobojohn3it just isnt working09:23
evan_macogw: not sure, and I dont have a wireless connection setup to test it right now09:23
ifireballuser11_011: thunderbird can do that with a plugin, Evolution as well09:23
ifireballevan_: I hear you, same here...09:23
hobojohn3im tryin to click on it or use the shorcut keys but nothing09:23
macogwuser11_011: ubuntu comes with evolution and that's accessible by clicking the clock.  i used thunderbird when i only had imap access at one point, but there's no tray icon extension for it.  i used alltray (install it then type "alltray thunderbird") to put it in the tray09:23
evan_i've tried to set it up with my uni's wireless network that uses leap authentication and wpa09:24
calmThanks for your help, everyone!09:24
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EvanRuser11_011: kmail09:25
evan_sporadic server they have over there09:25
EvanRuser11_011: kmail has a tray checkboy in its config09:25
ifireballyeah, really shaky today09:25
livingdaylightGreetings Ubunteros!09:25
user11_011EvanR: cool09:26
user11_011whats the flood here09:26
EvanRuser11_011: netsplit09:26
hobojohn3last night they went out of service for a bit09:26
user11_011ah ok09:26
livingdaylightifireball, yea, that applications menu you pasted restored my Menu list...09:26
macogwevan_: not so sure that was another netsplit...it happpened at the same time someone came in...there are ways to attack people on irc...09:26
EvanRmacogw: Netsplit kornbluth.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: mcp, CarlFK,  allbert, GodTodd, ladynikon, cdavis, darrend, ak__, SimNIX, CaBa\,  (+64  more, use /NETSPLIT to show all of them)09:26
EvanRmacogw: irssi disagrees :)09:27
livingdaylightifireball, a leap of faith that paid off09:27
ifireballlivingdaylight: I'm glad to hear that09:27
macogwEvanR: oh ok. i didnt see a bunch disappear on #ubuntu-offtopic09:27
EvanRmacogw: not many are disappearing in my other channels either just here09:27
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macogwEvanR: how does irssi know when its a netsplit?09:27
EvanRit be smart09:28
hobojohn3im having a problem switching betwen workspaces, i cant seem to do it any way i know of to try09:28
ifireballmacogw: you thing someone is flooding? doesn't seem so09:28
livingdaylightguys: i have one thing out of sorts in my menu list... firefox is in the 'other' folder opposed to its native 'internet' folder in the applicaitons menu... how can i restore that?09:28
EvanRlivingdaylight: you can rearrange the menu all you want, theres a menu config utility in the menu somewhere09:28
macogwifireball: i thought maybe it was a DCC attack.  i remember over the summer one day i was told to change my connection port because i had a DCC exploit available through my router and that they knew because i was one of the people who disconnected when someone did a DCC attack on the whole channel09:29
livingdaylightEvanR, not sure how it changed over to the 'other' folder and lost its icon... its just a white box now09:29
derrleyis there anything special I need to do after I install the tightvncserver package to be able to run a vncserver? mine isn't working.09:29
freak124I'm looking for a free music notation program on ubuntu, but I want it to a graphic program and not something text-based like lilypond09:30
macogwlivingdaylight: just right click the menu and modify it09:30
EvanRlivingdaylight: firefox icon is kinda flakey, i always keep a backup in my home dir somewhere09:30
hobojohn3is there a way to play wma?09:30
EvanRhobojohn3: yep09:30
hobojohn3evanR:which player works best?09:30
ifireballmacogw: hmm... saved by firewall... interesting, anyone care to setup some kind of honeypot to verify that?09:30
EvanRhobojohn3: i recommend mplayer09:31
EvanRbut its also possible to get totem to play them09:31
eckesiclehobojohn3, vlc09:31
livingdaylightmacogw, delete the firefox launcher in 'other' folder and create a new one in Internet where it belongs? this wont affect my firefox(that is what i'm afraid of)09:31
freak124hobojohn3: download: gstreamer0.10-plugins-good,bad and ugly and you can play wma09:31
macogwlivingdaylight: right.  thatll be fine.  launchers have no effect on the actual program09:32
EvanRlivingdaylight: changing shortcuts does not affect the actual program09:32
livingdaylightthx guys09:32
hobojohn3ok which one ha a better auto search function so i dont have to import files 1 by 1?09:32
EvanRhobojohn3: heh.... you want an entertainment center thing? :)09:32
macogwifireball: i connect to freenode on port 8001 because its non-standard but still supported by freenode, so attacks on that port are less likely09:32
hobojohn3the equivilant to winamp or something would be nice09:33
EvanRhobojohn3: i just click on the movie i want to watch and it plays09:33
macogwEvanR: wma isnt a movie format09:33
macogwEvanR: Windows Media Audio09:33
hobojohn3i have alot of music on an external hard drive and i dont want to have to go thru and click every song or even every folder if i dont have to09:33
macogwEvanR: you're thinking of wmv09:33
ifireballmacogw: if its a DCC attack it doesn't matter on which port _you_ connect, it matters if your own DCC port is open09:34
EvanRhobojohn3: amarok...09:34
macogwhobojohn3: just use rhythmbox.  it probably works with wma since it uses gstreamer, and you can point it at a directory and itll find all the songs in there and in all the ones under it...so just point it at the Music folder and tell it to watch for new files09:34
hobojohn3k thnx09:35
stdinifireball: nope, some routers are buggy and freak when they get an invalid dcc request so force a connection reset09:35
EvanRhobojohn3: youll need the gstreamer or xine codecs which do wma, they are restricted if i remember correctly09:35
macogwhobojohn3: get the ubuntu-restricted-codecs package from applications > add/remove, and you should be good09:36
hobojohn3im working on getting them in synaptec09:36
ifireballstdin: still, it doesn't matter which port you use to connect to the IRC server, unless that makes the router not use it's DCC connection tracking (you know it simply using the ip_conntrac_dcc module right?)09:37
jhaigWhere can I find details about the bugs fixed in a particular update?  I'm thinking specifically of the NFS bug fixed in today's kernel update.09:38
macogwifireball: PriceChild said to connect on port 8001 and then it wouldn't work if someone does that then go to #ubuntu-ops to test it.  after connecting on that port, it passed09:38
ifireballmacogw: funny, they may be exploiting some netfilter bug in routers, though using that port may mean DCC won't work for you09:39
stdinifireball: basically the router thinks "I received this DDC request on port 6667 (the default IRC port) so I'll open the ports needed to use DCC", but with an invalid request it freaks out and resets the connection. if you don't connect on 6667 then the router doesn't try to be helpful and open ports09:39
macogwifireball: so?  dcc never worked for me before anyway.  at least, any time i tried to send a file to a friend over irc, they never got any notification to accept it09:40
hobojohn345 packages over a poor wireless conection = me going to loooooong time09:40
hobojohn3anybody know how to get multiple workspaces running09:41
hobojohn3mines all messed up09:41
livingdaylighthobojohn3, heh09:41
macogwjhaig: https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.2209:41
jhaigmacogw: Thanks.09:41
ifireballstdin: yeah I get it, funny... I hope that bug was fixed otherwise my own homemade router may also be vulnerable... though if they tried it on me now, it didn't seem to effect my Edimax here09:41
livingdaylighthobojohn3, right-click --> properties --> configure away09:41
stdinifireball: it's a bug in firmware, some vendors fix it, others don't09:42
hobojohn3livingdaylight its not letting me do anything other than adding more or less rows/columns i cant change between any of them tho09:42
ifireballstdin: you know that firmware is usually Linux with netfilter right?09:43
livingdaylighthobojohn3, what do you mean you can't change between any of them?09:43
stdinifireball: it's not just netfilter routers, it's effects many different routers09:43
stdinlinksys for instance09:43
hobojohn3livingdaylight i cant change from workspace to workspace if i click on another one or if i use the shorcut keys nothings working09:43
livingdaylighthobojohn3, yikes...09:44
macogwhobojohn3: are you using a cube on compiz?09:44
livingdaylighthobojohn3, so, you're stuck with one workspace?09:44
ifireballstdin: linksys uses Linux afaik, y'know, openWRT n'stuff...09:45
hobojohn3maco=no livingdaylight=yes09:45
king webcam help plz09:45
macogwifireball: they used to use linux.  they dont anymore, and they made the roms smaller since they got smaller non-linux firmware so you cant fit dd-wrt and openwrt on anymore either09:45
stdinifireball: only the open version, the proprietary versions are effected too (and other vendors)09:45
macogwifireball: ok i think stdin is right that they do have 1 model that's specifically open source09:46
livingdaylightmacogw, <hobojohn3> maco=no09:46
macogwall the 'normal' one's though, no09:46
macogwlivingdaylight: i saw it.  my "turn on rotate cube" suggestion is invalid09:46
ifireballstdin, macogw : ok, but I do have to wonder if this was a bug in netfilter at some point and wither it was fixed09:47
livingdaylighthobojohn3, sorry, i can't help you further... i'd be interested to know how you resolve it though09:47
hobojohn3i cant try using the cube let me check09:47
Ahmuckwhre is the ubuntu splash screen logo at?  i would like to replace it with a custom splash screen09:47
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stdinifireball: it may be, I don't know. if you are worried just connect to freenode on port 8001 instead09:47
hobojohn3ok i just had to turn on desktopplane09:47
ifireballmacogw, stdin : that is, considering that I did go into the trouble of making ip_conntrack_irc work...09:47
livingdaylightmacogw, sorry... just thought coz he didn't auto-complete your name properly you might have missed it... coz i figured you'd know otherwise the solution, being an ubuntu guru yourself :)09:48
hobojohn3i dont have the greates graphics card so cube is last option09:48
hobojohn3goodnight all09:48
livingdaylighthobojohn3, :/09:48
macogwlivingdaylight: haha im not a guru09:48
ghostlinesis anyone here running ubuntu 64bit with netbeans 6?09:49
livingdaylightmacogw, heh... i thought you attained sat-guru status?09:49
livingdaylightutmost enlightenment09:49
ghostlinesi noticed that it hogs about 400mb's of memory on my system09:49
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EvanRghostlines: welcome to bloatware?09:50
EvanR'throw more memory at the problem'09:50
ghostlineslol strange enough my friend runs ubuntu 32bit and it runs fine09:51
EvanRruns fine but im sure its not easier on memory09:51
ifireballghostlines: I've yet to see a version of java that runs properly on x86_6409:51
ghostlinesyep it uses 98 intstead of 400mb09:52
macogwghostlines: theoretically, 64bit will use 2x as much memory as 32bit because word size is doubled.09:52
EvanRthats stilly09:52
ifireballmacogw: you'd wish intel tech was that clean and simple...09:52
macogwifireball: i said theoretically.  there's probably some optimizations in there to make 64bit not waste so much memory on small operations09:53
hallois there any solution to make public network communicate with education network  faster?09:53
EvanRmacogw: memory is still in 4byte integers09:54
ifireballmacogw: also a bunch of ugly hacks to make it backward compatible with 32bit...09:54
ima-n00bhey all.... does anyone know about php and ldap09:54
macogwEvanR: really? that seems odd.  how are they using 1/2 words?09:54
EvanRmacogw: the same way you can use short ints in 32bit09:54
ifireballima-n00b: what is the problem09:54
ima-n00bi was wondering if (when setting up gutsy as a lamp server) whether it has pre-compiled ldap support09:54
macogwifireball & evanr: havent gotten to computer architectures 2 yet :)  until i realized today that i have a B, not a C, in comp archs 1, i was thinking i wouldnt take it at all09:55
ima-n00btrying to use ldap with mrbs (booking system)09:55
macogwEvanR: do they just put 0's in the empty bits?09:55
EvanRno that would suck09:55
ifireballima-n00b: you can install the "php5-ldap" package09:55
macogwEvanR: so they split it mid-word?09:55
EvanRmacogw: this is all the job of the c library, and the instructions allow for using both sides of the word09:56
ifireballima-n00b: assuming you're using php509:56
ima-n00bifireball: cool... and that will enable ldap support (i mean... i wont have to recompile php with the enable ldap switch)09:56
ima-n00bifireball: yeah.. php509:56
tyler_dplease help apache2 wont start...?09:56
macogwEvanR: addressing would be weird like that.  you'd have 2 pieces of data in the same address, wouldnt you?09:56
macogwtyler_d: try starting it manually?09:57
hallois there any solution to make public network communicate with education network  faster?i am in public network,when i surf on edution web,speed is painfully slow?09:57
tyler_dmacogw: yes /etc/init.d/apache2 start09:57
EvanRmacogw: man, i forgot all this.. :(09:57
ifireballima-n00b: yes, take a look in synaptic, there is a whole bunch of packages named php-XXXX or php5-XXX to enable various things09:57
macogwhallo: yeah, get the kids on the school's network to stop torrenting09:57
tyler_dmacogw: ps -ef | grep -i apache shows apache but no apache209:57
macogwEvanR: heh im forgetting too.  that was beginning of the semester stuff, so i'm a little fuzzy09:58
EvanRmacogw: we never see the physical addresses anyway09:58
ima-n00bifireball: thanks... i always forget the little things lol.. and to think they let me use linux ;)09:58
hallohehe , you must be kidding...macogw09:58
hobojohn3i just lost my title bars and i cant figure out how to get them back help please09:58
tyler_dmacogw: usr/local/bin shows nothing in there... although it is refrences from ./apache2 in init.d09:58
ifireballima-n00b: its very rare that you need to manually compile stuff in things as common as the LAMP stack09:58
sd32_help, when i try to use the visual effects i get a "the composite extension is not available" error message, how do i fix this problem?09:58
macogwhallo: of course.  but that's part of why the school's like to kick the p2p and high-bandwidth kids.  they slow the rest of the network down09:58
macogwsd32_: graphics card?09:58
ima-n00bifireball: thanks heaps :)09:59
sd32_nacogw,radeon 9600 pro09:59
macogwhobojohn3: emerald --replace09:59
ghostlinesso nobody here is running ubuntu 64bit with netbeans 6?09:59
ghostlinesand has a memory prob?09:59
macogwsd32_: lsmod | grep fglrx09:59
earlmredanybody want to send me some more hard drives?09:59
earlmredFilesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on09:59
earlmred/dev/sda1             448G  7.3G  418G   2% /09:59
earlmred/dev/md0              1.4T   12G  1.4T   1% /home09:59
ifireballghostlines: that narrows it down... :P09:59
sd32_macogw, thanks10:00
macogwsd32_: no, tell me what it says.10:00
hobojohn3that scared me bad10:00
hallowhat you mean,earlmred10:00
ifireballghostlines: anyway did you try to look at the startup parameters it passes to java?10:00
sd32_macogw, just a sec10:00
ima-n00bearlmred: u've only managed to fill 1.4T to 12G o_010:00
earlmredima-n00b, fresh install.10:00
EvanRearlmred: holy ****10:00
ima-n00bearlmred: lol kk... was just thinkin... all that space... its like ownin a farm and lookin out on an empty field and thinkin... i could so use some water slides10:01
macogwyou have 1 partition....no way.  LVM?10:01
tyler_dmacogw:  doesn't produce anything though... when I try and start it, not returning any values :(10:01
earlmredima-n00b, believe me, i'll be filling my 15Mbit pipe soon.10:01
ifireballearlmred: nice, how many actual drives do you have under that md0 ?10:01
macogwtyler_d: and if you go to in firefox you see nothing?10:02
earlmredima-n00b, windows managed to lose me about 700GB on that array, so it got nuked and moved to the ubuntu rig.10:02
ifireballmacogw: notice the "md0"10:02
macogwifireball: i dont know what that means10:02
tyler_dmacogw: I have the default apache 1.2 screen10:02
macogwifireball: ive never seen it before10:02
tyler_dmacogw: but thats it10:02
ima-n00bearlmred: 15Mbit pipe... 0_0 ... i have 1.5 mbit.. shared between the other users10:02
macogwtyler_d: then its working10:02
ifireballmacogw: MD is the Linux software raid, it came before LVM10:02
tyler_dmacogw: if it were working it would be listed in ps -ef10:02
tyler_dmacogw: no10:03
sd32_macogw,fglrx                 656352  1510:03
sd32_agpgart                35016  2 fglrx,intel_agp10:03
ima-n00bearlmred: so how are u finding the difference between os's and handling the raid?10:03
kinghelp with web cam?10:03
macogwtyler_d: oo wait youre seeing 1.2 ...do you have both installed?10:03
earlmredima-n00b, doesn't eat my cpu nearly as much, atleast not as noticeably.10:03
macogwsd32_: ok the right driver is loaded10:03
macogwsd32_: do you have xgl enabled?10:04
tyler_dmacogw: need 1.2 to have 2.0 running don't you?10:04
sd32_macogw, how do i check?10:04
macogwtyler_d: no.  just install apache2.  only one or the other can be on your localhost10:04
ima-n00bearlmred: lol cool.. i have one ubuntu box sitting as a file server at work.. raid5 4x 200 gig drives... hasnt had a problem yet :)10:04
ima-n00bits that old its still running dapper10:04
tyler_dmacogw: ok10:04
tyler_dgimme 2 seconds10:05
macogwsd32_: youre using gutsy, right?10:05
Ahmuckow, that's not kewl.  ubuntu jeos installs a virtual kernel10:05
earlmredoh lame10:05
earlmredmy gmail mount wasn't mounted.10:05
sd32_macogw, yes10:05
earlmredit's unfortunate mount.gmailfs doesn't support df -h10:05
ifireballima-n00b: and you call yourself a n00b...10:06
macogwsd32_: install xserver-xgl if you dont have it already10:06
sluimersHello, my cdrom is actng all weird. I put in a cd-rw and the moment I start a CD-burner the CD starts rotating like crazy and I can't get it out.10:07
earlmredhmm strange10:07
earlmreddf works on gmailfs10:07
macogwsluimers: sounds broken.  physically.10:07
earlmredbut not df -h10:07
sluimersThe cdrom?10:07
macogwsluimers: i say that because i *know* mine is physically broken and it does the same thing.  the drive.10:07
earlmredpython                 6.2G    50M   6.1G   1% /media/gmail10:07
earlmredhaha nice.10:07
sluimersah, okay10:08
sluimersBut also only when you start burner application?10:08
sluimersotherwise they work just fine?10:08
macogwsluimers: for the last year ive watched as my drive went from able to read dvds to stopping midway through and refusing to read (needed reboot), to not always opening and spinning up when ripping but being able to play, to always not-opening and always spinning up during ripping10:09
sd32_macogw,ok done10:09
macogwsluimers: er, stopping midway is on dvds.  the spinning up on rip and the abillity to play are in regards to cds10:09
macogwsd32_: try now?10:09
sd32_oktanouc, thanks10:10
sd32_macogw, ok thanks10:10
sluimersmacogw, ah okay... I'll try an external dvd-writer then10:10
macogwsluimers: the trouble i had with it not reading all the way is, one where it doesnt move along the track right (i think).  it seems the lens is having trouble now though.10:10
ghostknifeWhenever I set my time, it doesn't set the hardware clock. So I restart and the clock is wrong again. How can I sync the software and hardware clock?10:10
macogwsluimers: cd drives spin up when they cant read the disk right.  the assumption is that higher speeds will stabilize and level out the disk to get an easier read10:10
Flannelghostknife: How far off are they?10:11
macogwghostknife: set the hardware clock before you boot, in the BIOS10:11
sluimersmacogw: thanks, so it means I should use an external dvd-writer and that would just work fine, ne?10:11
macogwsluimers: yep10:11
sluimersmacogw, okay, see ya then, gonna reboot.10:11
tyler_dmacogw: no love10:12
macogwtyler_d: you got rid of apache 1 so you only have 2, then restarted 2?10:12
tyler_dmacogw: 2 won't start, same as before10:12
dissonansare there known problems with gutsy and hda intel soundchip?10:12
dissonansI only get crackles on this asus laptop10:13
sd32_macogw, it says desktop effects could not be launched10:13
macogwtyler_d: so nothing's there when you go to now?10:13
macogwsd32_: are you using the system > preferences > appearance thing?  ive never actually gotten that thing to work.  try running "compiz --replace" in the terminal10:14
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ghostknifeFlannel: exactly two hours (timezone)10:14
sd32_macogw, ok10:14
macogwghostknife: shut down, go into your BIOS, and set the system time.10:14
Flannelghostknife: So, your hardware clock is set to UTC, it sounds like?  Or is it UTC + offset10:15
Flannelghostknife: Do you dualboot with windows?10:15
ghostknifeI set the clock in BIOS initially, but then Linux applied the timezone. There is a way to sync the hardware clock though. Gentoo runs a certain command, can't remember what though10:15
SuvaHey, is there a way to somehow "loop" motions of a rig or whatever in a scene10:15
ghostknifeFlannel: no10:15
tyler_dmacogw: you got it10:15
SuvaBleh, wrong channel :S10:15
macogwghostknife: the BIOS clock is supposed to be set to UTC, not local time10:15
macogwghostknife: ntp syncs with internet time servers10:15
ghostknifemacogw: I figured that10:15
Flannelghostknife: And your system clock is right, it just sets the HW clock wrong?  Or your system clock is wrong too?10:16
macogwghostknife: if you right click on the clock in ubuntu you can install it and set it to sync10:16
sd32_macogw,Starting gtk-window-decorator10:16
sd32_/usr/bin/compiz.real (core) - Fatal: Support for non power of two textures missing10:16
sd32_/usr/bin/compiz.real (core) - Error: Failed to manage screen: 010:16
sd32_/usr/bin/compiz.real (core) - Fatal: No manageable screens found on display :1.010:16
sd32_Window manager warning: "" found in configuration database is not a valid value for keybinding "toggle_shaded"10:16
ghostknifeFlannel: macogw: nm, i checked the gentoo init script: hwclock --systohc10:16
sd32_sorry, should have used pastebin10:17
ima-n00bifireball: lol... yeah.... i know enough to be  dangerous... and in comparison to some of you guys.. i probably dont know much at all.. i mean.. it took me a few days to figure active directory authentication out so it would link into the windows domain10:17
tdnCan anyone help me get my encrypted swap working automatically after boot? For some reason the mapper device is not created on boot.10:17
havoc_i'm downloading  wow "trial version" this should work better with wine than using the DVD CD right?10:17
macogwsd32_: it appears to dislike your settings10:17
ikoniahavoc_: not really10:17
ikoniahavoc_: it's the same software10:17
ghostknifeFlannel: I set my HW clock to Localtime, and now a timezone is applied. I was supposed to set it two hours into the past (which is UTC from here)10:17
ikoniahavoc_: so why would it work better ?10:18
macogwima-n00b: ive never even tried that.  i wouldnt really want to either though10:18
Flannelhavoc_: You followed the howto on the wiki for wine, right?10:18
ifireballima-n00b: that not a trivial thing to figure out at all... you can be proud of yourself10:18
_Casey_garlic - A visualization program for biomolecules10:18
Flannelghostknife: If you *really* want your HW clock to be set to localtime, you can do that, you just need to tell linux that you're doing so.10:18
ghostknifeFlannel: no, it's fine. I travel alot, so I need the timezone thing10:18
havoc_having problems with instalation mainly10:18
ghostknifeFlannel: but it's fine. the /sbin/hwclock command did the trick10:18
Flannelghostknife: So, why are you setting your HW to localtime then?10:18
Ahmuckwhy does ubuntu jeos need reiserfs programs?10:18
ikoniahavoc_: you'll find much more experienced wine support in #winehq10:19
sd32_macogw, it also scrambled  some icons10:19
ghostknifeFlannel: I didn't know it at the time10:19
ima-n00bmacogw: it was either linux running it or windows... kinda had no choice lol10:19
macogwima-n00b: that kinda fall under the category of "things most sysadmins dont want to try" and is kinda the reason if you're migrating a setup from windows to linux, you do the servers first10:19
Flannelghostknife: Ah, you got it all figured out now?  sounds good.10:19
phiqtionhow can i make DNS change permanent?10:19
ghostknifeFlannel: I was confused and just set it to mu current time. didn't think further10:19
macogwsd32_: scrambled icons?10:19
ima-n00bifireball: ill be proud when i can get gutsy to do it10:19
havoc_thats where I got this Idea WOW forum on wine10:19
ikoniapvt_harv: do you run dns servers ?10:19
ima-n00bifireball: for some reason gutsy doesnt work the same as feisty, edgy and dapper10:19
ikoniahavoc_: can we stop chatting about wow10:19
Flannelhavoc_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WorldofWarcraft10:20
ubotuDNS is an acronym for Domain Name System, and is an internet system used to translate names into IP Address.10:20
phiqtionhow can i make DNS change permanent?10:20
ikoniaphiqtion: do you run your own dns servers ?10:20
havoc_Sorry I'm not the only person who has problems installing the game10:20
ghostknifephiqtion: what do you mean permanent?10:20
ikoniahavoc_: so ?10:20
sd32_macgow, the trash icon is scrambled and the sound icon is unidentifiable10:20
phiqtionikonia: no10:20
ikoniahavoc_: you'r not actually trying to do anything you just keep chatting10:20
macogwphiqtion: what do you mean by dns change? you want to tell the computer where to find a specific website or you want to set a different nameserver as your default?10:20
ima-n00bmacogw: my ideal would be to have one windows server handling authentication and group policy for clients and linux handling all the intranet/file/dhcp/whatever else i can throw into it serving10:21
ikoniaphiqtion: then YOU can't make changes perm, you need to speak to who ever runs your game10:21
ikoniaruns your dns server sorry10:21
phiqtionghostknife: like saying, i use OPENDNS dns servers instead of being "automatic" which relays to my ISP.10:21
ikoniaima-n00b: thats very do-able10:21
ifireballima-n00b: many ways to walk that path, and many different end results, I do wish for once to hear someone trying to auth windows into an openldap domain and not the other way around10:21
hobojohn3can anybody guide me to a way to create an emerald theme from scratch?10:21
sd32_macogw, on the top and bottom panels10:21
ikoniahobojohn3: not reallly, thats nothing to do with ubuntu10:21
macogwphiqtion: those go in /etc/hosts10:21
havoc_Forgive me because I have been trying to learn alot of stuff in one day10:21
macogwphiqtion: i mean /etc/resolv.conf10:22
ima-n00bifireball: lol... when i have enough time to figure it out it will be done... only prob is im not sure how it will handle group policy10:22
macogwphiqtion: sorry, easy to mixup10:22
ownlinuxhobojohn3:  google can guide u10:22
ghostknifephiqtion: what do you want to achieve?10:22
phiqtionmacogw: thx10:22
sd32_macogw, guess ill have to revert?10:22
ima-n00bifireball: its... kinda nice to lock all users down lol (or should that be mwahahahahaha)10:22
hobojohn3ikonia im waiting for a response in the #compiz-fusion channel10:22
ikoniahobojohn3: so ? that doesn't mean join other random channels and ask10:22
hobojohn3and google isnt helping me much at the moment but im still looking10:22
macogwhobojohn3: i dont think you can start blank.  have to hit edit on one, but then just change everything about it in the edit thing, and then save it with a new name10:23
ikoniahobojohn3: compiz-fusion is also nothing to do with creating emerald themes10:23
Chriswaterguyif I want to make a really long post to ubuntuforums (pasting the output from strace firefox - cuz firefox keeps crashing) is there somewhere I should put the output and just link to it?10:23
havoc_never messed  with linux  untill today10:23
ima-n00bikonia: i just gotta get the time to do it10:23
macogwsd32_: metacity --replace will take you back10:23
ifireballima-n00b: I say to hell with group policy, everything it does can be achieved with some startup scripts, or maybe someone ported puppet already10:23
macogwsd32_: it seems you have some settings that it dislikes.  have you already run it and now it stopped working?10:23
sd32_macogw, ok thanks10:23
phiqtionmacogw: # generated by NetworkManager, do not edit!10:23
ima-n00bifireball: puppet???10:23
ikoniaChriswaterguy: I'd be concerned at why firefox is crashing with a really long post10:23
Jordan_Uima-n00b, What are you trying to do ?10:24
macogwphiqtion: yeah i know it says that.  you can try editing it anyway.  idk if it might be overwritten by NM, but you can try putting it in and see what happens.  just put it at the top of the list10:24
sd32_macogw, yeah plus the refresh rates have slowed to a crawl10:24
ifireballima-n00b: google it, thats the best thing to happen in UNIX sysadmin (imo...)10:24
tyler_danyone else with a suggestion on why apache2 will not start?10:24
macogwsd32_: fglrx shouldnt be that bad....10:24
phiqtionwhen is KDE4 released?10:24
ikoniatyler_d: apache2ctl configtest10:24
SuvaAbout the same time as DNF10:24
ikoniaphiqtion: join #kde10:25
ghostknifephiqtion: oh. I'm late but now I get what you meant. You wanted your DNS to not be automatically set by the ISP when you dial up. Hah! I'm slow :/10:25
sd32_macogw, i havent reverted yet10:25
ifireballima-n00b: http://ifireball.wordpress.com/2007/11/20/excited-about-puppet/10:25
macogwsd32_: i mean fglrx shouldnt be that slow at rendering composited window managers10:25
macogwsd32_: fglrx is your graphics driver10:25
ghostknifeHow is Kubuntu compared to Ubuntu? Also have proper GUIs for configuring and package management. For a desktop machine the terminal can get quite frustrating, but Gnome aswell10:25
Chriswaterguyikonia: what I mean is, the background issue is that Firefox keeps crashing. Hugely unstable. The immediate issue is I want to paste the strace output to ubuntuforums, and see if someone can help me find out what the problem is with Firefox. that's very long, so maybe I shouldn't just paste it into a regular post...?10:25
TheGateKeeperphiqtion: I think they are looking to release sometime in Jan 200810:26
phiqtionghostknife: lol10:26
ikoniaChriswaterguy: just upload the file10:26
phiqtionis there a website showing off the new KDE features?10:26
ifireballima-n00b: don't the ususal pam-ldap/pam-kreberos/winbind tricks work with gusty?10:26
ikoniaChriswaterguy: rather than cut and paste it10:26
ikoniaphiqtion: kde.org10:26
staykovmarinhi i would like to ask, how is it possible that a drive gets formatted when you tell the partitioner to resize?10:26
macogwChriswaterguy: pastebin?10:26
=== schueler is now known as benpicco
macogwChriswaterguy: or attach it to the post10:26
ikoniastaykovmarin: you made a wrong move10:26
tyler_dikonia: could not open httpd.conf10:26
ikoniastaykovmarin: resizing can corrupt a file system also10:26
ikoniatyler_d: does httpd.conf exist ?10:27
macogwstaykovmarin: and if it's ntfs, there are crazy things windows couldve done to it before10:27
Chriswaterguyok, thanks... (looking up pastebin)10:27
staykovmarinikonia: any idea how i can recover that? since this fucking community has been completely useless to me up to this point10:27
Jowighostknife, kubuntu can also use synaptic package manager. you can have both kubuntu and ubuntu installed at the same time. simply install package kubuntu-desktop10:27
ikoniastaykovmarin: well your language is uncalled for - so no10:27
ikoniastaykovmarin: not until you learn how to chat10:27
Flannelghostknife: Kubuntu has adept as its GUI package manager10:27
macogwstaykovmarin: should always defrag ntfs before partitioning, and if the partitioner warns you it could be inconsistent, do as it says and chkdsk /f from windows twice10:27
Jordan_Ustaykovmarin, It shouldn't get "reformatted" if you just tell it to resize, it will however re-write the partition table, but that is not reformatting10:27
sd32_macogw, uh oh, when i run metacity it gives me a "dave@mypc:~$ metacity --replace10:28
sd32_Window manager warning: "" found in configuration database is not a valid value for keybinding "toggle_shaded"10:28
ChriswaterguyThanks people! (signing off)10:28
macogwsd32_: weird.10:28
staykovmarini am sorry about my language. i just lost 2 years of information while trying to update to 7.10, and receiving no clues from the 1100+ people here.10:29
Jordan_Ughostknife, You can use synaptic in KDE, it just won't fit in well with the look of KDE, and will require loading of GTK libraries ( which is done automatically but takes more memory than using *only* qt applications )10:29
ikoniastaykovmarin: that doesn't excuse your language10:29
tyler_dikonia: messed up, didn't create it... foolish of me... vi'd the file, still no starting though10:29
earlmredstaykovmarin, you didn't back up first?10:29
ikoniastaykovmarin: and this is community support - not paid for support so you don't HAVE to get an answer10:29
sijmenI have installed a whole bunch of gnustep packages, now how do I get a gnustep desktop?10:29
macogwstaykovmarin: there's actually like 3 knowledgeable people and 7 newbies in here right now.10:30
sd32_macogw, should i go through a xserver reconfigure?10:30
macogwsd32_: no. your xserver is fine.  it's xgl that's sucky10:30
earlmredstaykovmarin, what's the problem.10:30
staykovmarinearlmred: yes i did back up, to a partition that is now gone.10:30
|ima-n00b|ifireball: puppet???? (sorry.. net got disconnected)10:30
staykovmarinikonia: i appologise.10:30
macogwsd32_: i know xgl is slower than aiglx, but bleh.10:30
ikoniastaykovmarin: resizing a partition has risks with it10:30
sijmenstaykovmarin: needless to say, you should -always- have external backups10:30
ikoniastaykovmarin: thats ust a fact of lie10:30
cristihello everybody10:31
Jordan_Ustaykovmarin, Yikes, you might try "testdisk", but if the partition really was formatted over then most if not all your data is gone :(10:31
staykovmarinokay, so are you aware of any way to bring it back?10:31
earlmredstaykovmarin, okay, so did you overwrite that partition? or?10:31
ifireball<ifireball> ima-n00b: google it, thats the best thing to happen in UNIX sysadmin (imo...)10:31
ifireball<ifireball> ima-n00b: http://ifireball.wordpress.com/2007/11/20/excited-about-puppet/10:31
macogwstaykovmarin: what format was the partition?10:31
cristican anybody help me make suspend / hibernate work on gutsy using fglrx?10:31
earlmrednah, the data can still be there even if it was written over, well, some of it.10:31
ifireball<ifireball> ima-n00b: don't the ususal pam-ldap/pam-kerberos/winbind tricks work with gusty?10:31
earlmreddepending on the file system.10:31
staykovmarinmacogw: it was fat3210:31
Jordan_Ustaykovmarin, Firstly, what makes you think that your windows partition is gone?10:31
macogwstaykovmarin: there are diagnostic tools on Helix (Knoppix based forensics distro that runs from cd) that you can use for recovery10:31
ikoniacristi: that seems to be a common issue with the ati drivers10:31
staykovmarinJordan_U: the windows one is there, its the fat32 that i used to backup all my files that is gone10:32
cristiikonia: i know, but everybody seems to solve it using SLAB, except me10:32
macogwearlmred: usually the data's there.  the trouble with ext3 is that the node that pointed to it gets the address cleared from it (not trouble if you're into privacy though).  ext2 didnt clear the inode/pointer so you could just look at it and get the address of the file no prob.10:32
|ima-n00b|ifireball: wasnt using ldap.. was only using kerberos and winbind... what worked for feisty edgy and dapper no longer works for gutsy... cant figure out y10:33
Jordan_Ustaykovmarin, What makes you think that it is gone?10:33
tyler_dok so now when I stop it it comes back with pid not found.... and no errors when I start it10:33
tarelerulzany one else had this problem with amarok.  I download a bunch of album cover .  Now it keep trying ot updating my collection and it get to 86% and does that forever and run really slow10:33
viking09G'day. I am currently upgrading to 7.10. The upgrade has frozen during configuration of libpam0g. As my lptp resolution is poor, I can not see the last terminal commands :( ANy ideas what to do next?10:33
staykovmarini cant find it from windows or from linux. both say its 200gb partitions, both empty10:33
ikoniatyler_d: thats because it's not running10:33
ikoniatyler_d: the pid not found = not started10:33
earlmredstaykovmarin, recovermyfiles is what i used to use when i worked tech support ... you'll need to mount the drive in another machine though10:33
ownlinuxwww.ownlinux.cn  welcome every1, ownlinux.cn is blog about ubuntu linux,written by many student who love ubuntu.10:33
FFighterWhat do you use as a backup solution for you projects (svn reps, working copies, etc)? Shell scripts and ftping to another server maybe?10:33
earlmredmacogw, i can't exactly recover my filesystems ... reiser.10:33
sd32_macogw,would a restart help?10:33
macogwearlmred: does reiser zero-out the blocks when you delete?10:34
macogwsd32_: cant hurt10:34
Jordan_Uviking09, What do you mean you can't see the last terminal commands? Is this in a window? If so you can hold alt and drag the window up.10:34
earlmredmacogw, there's just no rfs recovery tools.10:34
ifireball|ima-n00b|: well, can't really help there, I don't have an AD around here to play with10:34
sd32_macogw, ill try that and see10:34
macogwearlmred: oh.  yuck.10:34
|ima-n00b|ifireball: lol.. thanks for the thought but its ok... its on one of my lists of things to figure out when i get the time... (or cut the phone cable to stop the users calls)10:35
cristihas anybody been able to make suspend / hibernate work in gutsy with fglrx?10:35
Jordan_Ustaykovmarin, Still here?10:36
earlmredstaykovmarin, http://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/TestDisk10:36
staykovmarinyes i am here10:36
Jordan_Ustaykovmarin, Testdisk is available through synaptic/ apt on Ubuntu BTW, in case you don't know how to install software yet.10:37
macogwcristi: you have to blacklist it10:37
soroushi have downloaded a package in ubuntu using synaptic package manager10:37
dissonansso, snd_hda_intel working for everybody else??10:37
soroushwhere is the file now10:37
Jordan_Ustaykovmarin, Can you pastebin the output of "sudo fdisk -l" ?10:37
earlmredstaykovmarin, yeah, boot off the live cd, and then apt-get install testdisk10:37
dissonansfunny thing is it worked in my previous install ...10:38
senorpedroi have a little problem with the xorg.conf http://tinyurl.com/yw97ry does anybody know what is wrong?10:38
soroushi only downloaded the package10:38
macogwcristi: gksu gedit /etc/default/acpi-support10:38
SimNIXearlmred: usefull link - tnx10:38
|ima-n00b|i gtg all.. thanks for the help :)10:38
macogwcristi: put fglrx inside the quotes on line 17 (the one that says MODULES="")10:38
staykovmarinearlmred: does it matter which live cd? i dont have a 7.10 live cd, but i do for 7.410:38
sijmenokay, I have been searching around but still cannot find info:10:38
sijmenhow to use gworkspace as desktop manager?10:38
Jordan_Ustaykovmarin, If you install testdisk from the liveCD you will need to enable the universe repository first10:38
macogwstaykovmarin: any will do10:39
mEck0Hi! I'm thinking of which of two TFT's I'll buy, the one has pivot and heightadjustable stand, while the other doesn't. I has never used pivot and wonder if there is a benefit when you read, write and programming a lot? which I'10:39
cristimacogw: how will this work10:39
sijmenit is not an option in the login screen10:39
cristimacogw: i mean, can the module be remove while X is running?10:39
ikonia!offtopic >mEck010:39
Jordan_Ustaykovmarin, testdisk is available for both, but 7.10 will have a newer version10:39
macogwcristi: itll unload the driver when you suspend or hibernate, then when you re-awaken the computer, it'll reload the module10:39
macogwcristi: i dont think X keeps running when you're suspended, and i know it doesnt when you hibernate10:40
cristimacogw: okey, thanks, i'm trying it now10:40
staykovmarinJordan_U: i cant get online with that machine. can i install it using a different source?10:40
macogwcristi: nothing really keeps running (except your power supply & ram with suspend).  the contents of the memory are just frozen (suspend) or copied to disk (hibernate)10:40
soroush:-( where can i find downloaded package?10:40
lokpesthelp! I Switched my screen resulotion, now I cant switch back...10:40
=== cool is now known as cwe_skaGP
macogwsoroush: from using apt, you mean?  /var/cache/apt/archives/10:41
TyczekDo you know how to change channel of alsa in smplayer? And 2 question: I don't have icon after install frostwire...10:41
Jordan_Ustaykovmarin, Yes, you can download the .deb before hand and put it on a USB drive or something10:41
soroushmacogw, no. i used synaptic package manager but i told it just to download the package10:42
staykovmarinJordan_U: can i somehow get it off the 7.10 cd? i dont have a pen drive10:42
macogwlokpest: hit ctrl alt f1, and (write this down) type in "sudo dpkg-reconfigure --phigh xserver-xorg"10:42
tarelerulzis there  a place in ubuntu 7.10 that you can see all the program you have install and lib I guess too .10:42
ikoniatarelerulz: nautalius10:42
macogwsoroush: synaptic is just a front-end to apt.  well it would, if you downloaded command line, go wherever you did it from.  im gonna guess it either went to your home drive, /tmp, or the archives i said10:43
ifireballtarelerulz: synaptic package manager10:43
macogwtarelerulz: synaptic10:43
Jordan_Ustaykovmarin, Testdisk does not come on the Ubuntu LiveCD, you will need to download it separately or connect to the internet from  the LiveCD ( or use a data recovery distribution that has it installed on the CD itself ).10:43
macogwtarelerulz: if you want them in a text file, "dpkg --get-selections>installed.txt"10:43
tarelerulzI thought synaptic  thought is for see what you have if you know what your looking for not just gernelly tell what you have10:44
staykovmarinJordan_U: can i somehow use the 7.10 applications cd? i though i can use that as a repo?10:44
macogwstaykovmarin: if you have two optical drives10:44
macogwtarelerulz: sort by installed status10:44
soroushmacogw, it is not in tmp or home . where is the archive10:44
soroushi want to have package for future use10:44
macogwsoroush: /var/cache/apt/archives/ (everything you install is in there)10:45
soroushit is my sound card driver10:45
elturco33hi all10:45
elturco33anyone wanna care to chat with me..?10:45
macogw!ask > elturco3310:45
Jordan_Ustaykovmarin, It is only a repository for the default applications, and the DVD only contains the main repository, testdisk is in universe ( I think it would take at least 6 DVD's full of compressed packages to hold all of the packages in universe )10:45
viking09Jordan_U: Ta, that worked. It stopped with prompt for 'Services to restart for PAM library upgrade:' What to do?10:45
soroushmacogw, how long will they stay there?10:46
tarelerulzThanks all I can't believe I did not think of such ,but I did not . thank for the help10:46
macogwsoroush: until you empty them10:46
Jordan_Uviking09, Take a screenshot ( for a bug report as this should prompt you that is interactive ), submit a bug report then just hit return and the upgrade should continue :)10:47
Jordan_U!bugs | viking0910:47
ubotuviking09: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.ubuntu.com/  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/products/ubuntu-bots10:47
soroushmacogw, thanks a lot10:47
macogwsoroush: there's a setting in synaptic to make it not keep them at all, but it's not on by default.10:47
macogwsoroush: if you start to run out of hard drive space, first thing to do is "sudo apt-get clean" to empty that out ;)10:47
Jordan_Uviking09, Not that it is a malfunction per se, just that that package should use debconf which would have presented you with a nice user friendly window rather than just stopping and expecting you to know what to do10:48
Vinnoknow any command line program that can encryption a file with a key?10:48
tyler_dgiant step backwards, apache won't install now... errors installing, returned error code 1 :()10:48
macogwVinno: gpg10:48
tarelerulzmacogw, What do you mean by what I have install in a text file ? is that the location or the text file with that information or command to run ?10:49
soroushmacogw, thanks again10:49
Kalamansihow to install dhcp server?10:49
ikoniaKalamansi: the package is called dhcp-server and it's in the ubuntu repo's10:49
tyler_dhow do I force a dpkg to re-write all configs?10:50
ikoniatyler_d: re-install10:50
Jordan_Utyler_d, reinstall --purge10:50
Jordan_Utyler_d, from apt10:50
macogwtarelerulz: say you have just gotten a computer all set up with everything you need installed and you need to do the same thing to 20 computers.  you dont want to go through and pick them all individually, so you do "sudo dpkg --get-selections >installed.txt" and that makes a list of packages that you have as a text file.  on the others, just copy in that text file and run "sudo dpkg --set-selections >installed.txt && sudo apt-get dselect-upgrade"10:51
JacobSinghHow can I totally replace vi with wim?10:51
JacobSinghI removed /usr/bin/vi10:51
JacobSinghand symlinked it to vim10:51
macogwJacobSingh: install vim.10:51
JacobSinghand when I type vi now, Vim loads, but it acts like ci10:51
speedis this a english cannal?10:51
JacobSinghsorry like vi10:51
macogwJacobSingh: ubuntu doesnt come with proper vim10:51
JacobSinghbut when I run vim10:51
JacobSinghit works fine10:51
Slartspeed: yes10:51
Slartspeed: any particular language you were looking for?10:51
JacobSinghmacele: What is up with that?10:52
JacobSinghI'm not crazy10:52
Jordan_UJacobSingh, vim has a vi compatibility mode, that is called when you use 'vi'10:52
macogwJacobSingh: it comes with tiny vim or something silly10:52
Jordan_U!de | speed10:52
ubotuspeed: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de10:52
JacobSinghso if you call it with the command "vi" it auto goes into compat mode?10:52
sd32_macogw, oops I was in gnome when I made those changes but was using kde desktop environment10:52
JacobSinghthat is retarded...10:52
speedou thanks10:52
Jordan_UJacobSingh, You asked for vi :)10:52
macogwJacobSingh: set nocompatible10:52
macogwJacobSingh: put that in your .vimrc to snap it back out10:52
Jordan_UJacobSingh, Just like you shouldn't expect bash when you ask for /bin/sh10:53
sd32_macogw, back in kde now and the refresh rates are better10:53
Kalamansiso meaning : it is installed then? im using ubuntu desktop 7.1010:53
Kalamansiikonia : so meaning it is installed already in ubuntu desktop 7.10?10:53
JacobSinghmacogw: Sweet, thanks10:53
ikoniaKalamansi: dhcp-server is not installed on the desktop10:54
Kalamansiikonia : so i will install ubuntu server 7.10 you mean?10:54
pa3dscdag winkeltje10:54
ikoniaKalamansi: no ????10:55
tyler_dty, but still recieved sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg error code 110:55
ikoniaKalamansi: look - what do you want to do10:55
CroXDoesn anyone else have a weird blinking marker in some apps? In FF, for example, my marker seems to have an extra line to the right, close to the top of it.10:55
macogwKalamansi: server install is command line only.  probably not what you want. just go system > admin > synaptic and click somewhere in the left part with the names and start typing dhcp and itll scroll down.  check the box for dhcp-server and hit apply10:55
NoorulIslaamCroX, its probably indicating which direction you are typing in10:56
tyler_dsay yay for me.... remove purge | rm all files from within | install10:56
CroXNoorulIslaam: Ahh, that must be it.10:56
tyler_dnow for apache210:56
Kalamansimacogw : installing it now.10:57
Kalamansiikonia : macogw : how to install iptables?10:57
ikoniaKalamansi: come on.........10:57
ikoniaKalamansi: macogw has just told you how to install a package10:57
ikoniaKalamansi: how do you think you install it10:58
tyler_dso why won't apache2 start?? any suggestions10:58
ikoniatyler_d: apache2ctl configtest10:58
Kalamansiikonia : sorry been sleep less for 4 days now10:58
ikoniaKalamansi: so  ?10:59
macogwKalamansi: iptables cant be not installed.  nothing really works without it.  it's what routes everything to do with everything.10:59
ikoniaKalamansi: if your too tired to be able to communicate then stop work, log off and come back when you are awake10:59
=== GazzaK is now known as Gary
Kalamansiim not good in console thats why i prefer to use ubuntu 7.10 desktop with x window10:59
ikoniaKalamansi: your using the desktop version10:59
ikoniaKalamansi: so there is no problem10:59
Kalamansiikonia : no..i really need ubuntu server running because i want to block all video streaming , youtube etc..and monitor my workstations..what website they are visiting if its illegal ill block it..and monitor the logs11:00
=== schueler is now known as benpicco
ikoniaKalamansi: you don't need a serer to that11:00
ikoniaKalamansi: you don't need the server install to do that11:00
sd32_macogw,what was the revert command again?11:00
dev_taralI m trying to install cervisia CVS software but during installation I am getting the error of dependency of kammoddo and gettext files ... So what i have to do?11:01
Kalamansiikonia : do i need to install iptables.dev?11:01
macogwsd32_: its not a revert command.  you just put whatever window manager you want to run fullowed by --replace11:01
Kalamansidone installing iptables11:01
ikoniaKalamansi: no11:01
macogwsd32_: default for gnome is metacity, default for kde is kwin, the compositing one is compiz11:01
Kalamansican you teach me ikonia how to block youtube?11:01
speedI have a prblem with my ATI Readdon graphics card11:01
Kalamansiand monitor the logs of my workstation11:01
sd32_macogw, thanks again11:01
Kalamansiso that i could block illegal websites they are visiting11:02
Tyczekspeed: what card, and what problem. I had one too...11:02
Kalamansiand block irc too11:02
macogwKalamansi: for irc, block outbound port 666711:02
tyler_dhrmm.. ok, so I have joomla installed on here with everything else, when I browse to the correct path, I am asked to download a file? shouldn't be so... the file is a phtml file? any suggestions?11:02
macogwKalamansi: install firestarter11:02
Kalamansimacogw: its already installed firestarter11:02
lokpestmacogw: "Unknown option: phigh"11:03
Kalamansiwhat else macogw ?11:03
ikoniatyler_d: you need to install php11:03
macogwKalamansi: and you can configure it.  set the outbound setting to block all, then if you watch it, you can see what traffic inside your network is trying to get out.  what you want to let out, allow11:03
macogwlokpest: --phigh ?  did you remember the --?11:03
tyler_dikonia: have 5 installed, maybe I will get 4 just to see?11:03
macogwlokpest: er wait maybe it's 1 -11:03
Kalamansimacogw : by looking in graphical firestarter config?i can see the logs?11:03
ikoniatyler_d: why get 4 ?11:03
ikoniatyler_d: if you have 5 instralled11:03
tyler_dikonia: ok11:03
macogwlokpest: sorry, it's only 1 dash11:04
macogwKalamansi: you can see firewall logs, yes11:04
lokpestwait it seem that i might have a backup after all..11:04
macogwKalamansi: every time someone tries to get in or out, firestarter shows it11:04
Kalamansimacogw: okay.so do i need to install squid too?11:05
speedTyczek : I have a readdon x800 graphics card but if I limited the driver does enable the 3d support is still not11:05
Kalamansimacogw: or just firestarter?11:05
macogwKalamansi: you cant see past ones, just whats happening now11:05
macogwKalamansi: firestarter is just for blocking ports, so you can block irc port 666711:05
Tyczekspeed, you're using Ati binary drivers?11:05
macogwKalamansi: squid would let you do stuff like block youtube but allow other sites, i believe, but i dont know how to configure it.  youd have to check the internet11:05
Kalamansimacogw : how about blocking torrents and youtube and other illegal websites?11:05
macogwKalamansi: youtube's not illegal...11:06
speedTyczek : I did not know that!11:06
macogwKalamansi: torrents use all kinds of different ports.  you cant block them individually.  thats why i said set firestarter to block *everything* then just open up what is absolutely necessary11:06
Kalamansiits illegal macogw here.i have 4mbps connection.and 40 users who use internet..i dont want other users to view youtube coz it down speed our internet11:06
Tyczekspeed: install binary (if from repo didn't support your card) you have to install from site...11:07
dev_taralI m trying to install cervisia CVS software but during installation I am getting the error of dependency of kammoddo and gettext files ... So what i have to do?11:07
Kalamansimacogw : like what port of torrents?like utorrent11:07
TyczekI installed and typed in terminal aticonfig --initiall11:07
macogwKalamansi: ok that'd be "against policy" not illegal...unless you're in...idk....i cant even think of a country that would ban it11:07
Tyczekthen restarted11:07
macogwKalamansi: utorrent? thats just a client11:07
Kalamansimacogw: our connection will slow if 5 to 7 users will view toutube =/11:07
macogwKalamansi: torrents use any old port in a high range, basically.  close all ports.  all of them.  then open only what is needed11:07
Tyczekspeed, do u know how to do that?11:08
Kalamansimacogw : like what "all ports" start with what port?11:08
macogwKalamansi: firestarter has an option called "whitelist" for outbound11:08
marvxxxi changed my monitor settings on my thinkpad to have a second monitor...now it freezes if i want to set it back...anything i could try?11:08
macogwKalamansi: every single port there is, from 0 to infinity.11:08
tyler_dikonia: still I feel this has to do with that apache2 will not run11:08
ikoniatyler_d: for the love of god11:08
marvxxxi thought there is a graphic safe mode or something11:09
ikoniatyler_d: how many times11:09
macogwKalamansi: i dont know how high the numbers go.  if you use whitelist, then all outbound traffic is blocked except what you explicitly allow11:09
ikoniatyler_d: 1.) is apache running11:09
ikoniatyler_d: 2.) do you have php5 installed11:09
tyler_dapache1 is running... php5 is installed11:09
=== Tyczek is now known as Tyczek|afk
ikoniatyler_d: right - so why is this to do with "apache not running"11:09
tyler_dapache2 is not running....11:09
livingdaylightbrasero or gnomebaker??? what's the deal?11:09
macogwikonia: he wants apache2 not 111:09
ownlinuxwhich firewall is most popular now????11:10
ikoniatyler_d: I JUST asked you if apache 2 was running and you said yes11:10
ikoniamacogw: I know11:10
viking09Jordan_U: Bug report #177434 logged. Not sure how to attach the screenshot though :(11:10
macogwownlinux: there's only one on linux. iptables.11:10
speedTyczek : Ok, the graphics card works. Thank you11:10
tyler_dI just told you that apache was running... not apache211:10
ikoniatyler_d: you've got both installed ?11:10
ikoniatyler_d: why do you have both installed11:10
rcomalta___any one here run ubuntu server11:10
ownlinux Guarddog??11:10
Kalamansimacogw : done installing firestarter.thats all?no more script to add? (tho im not good in script)11:10
macogwikonia: what i asked11:10
ikoniarcomalta___: yes11:10
macogwownlinux: not a firewall. just a gui to configure iptables11:10
ownlinux Guarddog is a firewall too11:10
Tyczek|afkspeed, excellent :]11:11
rcomalta___ikonia can i do ubuntu server with icons11:11
macogwownlinux: no it's not11:11
ikoniarcomalta___: do you mean have a desktop on it ?11:11
ownlinuxoh~~~  thank for telling me11:11
livingdaylightbrasero or gnomebaker? is there a clear winner?11:11
ikoniarcomalta___: you can, but it quite defeats the object11:11
tyler_dI didn't intentionally install apache1, I did however attempt to install and run apache211:11
ownlinuxmacogw:  thank you11:11
tyler_dapache2 will not run11:11
ikoniatyler_d: if apache is running apache2 cannot start11:11
macogwownlinux: when you use guarddog, it generates a set of iptables rules based on what you choose11:11
tyler_dikonia: will it not show any errors?11:12
rcomalta___ikonia what sens quite defeats the objects11:12
ownlinuxhow about KMyFirewall?11:12
ikoniatyler_d: how are you tryinng to start it11:12
ikoniarcomalta___: why do you want a gui environment11:12
fatihhi , i m a ubutu rookie, how can i install full rkward ?11:13
ownlinuxmacogw: im a stundent i love ubuntu very much,11:13
tyler_detc/init.d/apache2 start11:13
rcomalta___ikonia becouse i am rely biginer on text only i need gui11:13
ikoniatyler_d: sudo /etc/init.d/apache stop11:13
rcomalta___i do 15 years work over windows server11:13
ikoniatyler_d: sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 start11:13
tyler_dI am already root11:13
ikoniatyler_d: why/how are you root11:13
macogwownlinux: also just configures iptables. same with firestarter.  they all just configure iptables.  firestarter's the easiest to use11:14
ikoniatyler_d: ssh is nothing to do with root11:14
ownlinuxmacogw:  get it ~~~thank you so much11:14
Jordan_Uviking09, Ahh, I thought you were using update-manager, that is at least more reasonable of a prompt given that you were using apt-get11:14
tyler_dikonia: you asked how I was root.... I am ssh'd into the box and sudo -s 'd11:14
ikoniatyler_d: it seems like your just doing your own thing11:15
viking09Jordan_U, just carry on?11:15
ikoniatyler_d: look, stop apache1 - start apache211:15
ikoniatyler_d: php5 is installed into apache2 -11:15
Jordan_Uviking09, Also, why did you paste the output that you did? The error you posted is just because you have / had another package manager running11:15
ikoniarcomalta___: yes11:15
rcomalta___i need to dawnlod 2 ver to make it gui11:15
lokpestmacogw: "xserver-xorg postinst warning: overwriting possibly-customised configuration11:15
lokpest   file; backup in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.20071219120351"11:15
tyler_dikonia: I have stopped apache111:16
tyler_dps -ef confirmed stopped11:16
tyler_dikonia: ./apache2 start produces nothing, and does not start11:16
marvxxxis there a way to boot in graphic safe mode even on a installed ubuntu?11:16
viking09Jordan_U, saw some feedback on a previous bug, output requested (#154125 - closed, not enough information)11:16
macogwlokpest: is that from running the reconfigure command?  it's supposed to overwrite that with the changes you made11:16
* viking09 NooB11:16
ownlinuxmacogw: www.ownlinux.cn   that is my blog about ubuntu linux,would u tell some good website that i can get the info about ubuntu at first11:17
lokpestmacogw: well, I put that into a terminal11:17
Jordan_Uviking09, Ok, were you using update-manager when you had this problem or were you using apt-get directly from a terminal?11:17
lokpestmabye i have to ctrl alt f1?11:17
viking09Jornda_U: update manager11:17
macogwlokpest: i mean the dpkg-reconfigure.... command i gave you overwrites xorg.conf to give you the config you picked, so yeah its fine to let it overwrite.  you want it to.  log out and log back in agian to see changes11:18
ownlinuxmacogw:  could u tell me ???thanks11:18
lokpestok, here goes nothing11:18
marvxxxis there a way to boot into graphic safe mode on boot?11:19
macogwownlinux: wiki.ubuntu.com11:19
ownlinuxi mean news about ubuntu linux11:19
chazcoHi... the topic says flash is broken... Is it possible to install it manually?11:19
ikoniaapologies, I had to just go to anwer the phone11:19
ikoniarcomalta___: I missed your question11:19
rcomalta___i am dawloding server ver11:20
ikoniatyler_d: do you understand the solution I gave you  ?11:20
ikoniarcomalta___: ok11:20
rcomalta___to make gui i need to dawnlod the desktop ver allsaw11:20
ikoniarcomalta___: no, you'll need to install the Xorg/Desktop package through the package managment11:20
tyler_dthat php5 only runs on apache2 and apache2 and one cannot be running at the same time11:20
ikoniatyler_d: correct, excellent11:20
Jordan_Uviking09, OK, you should make that clear, you should also clarify that you gave that output since it was requested of the person who filed the previous bug report ( you possibly should have actually just replied to that bug report ) and you should re-post the output of that command AFTER you close update-manager or any other package managers ( if you have closed all other package managers you should not get the error that yo11:21
Jordan_Uu did )11:21
erUSULrcomalta___: you can install a gui in the server edition with apt11:21
tyler_dapache2 will not start....11:21
ikoniatyler_d: not while apache1 is running11:21
tyler_dapache1 is not running11:21
ikoniatyler_d: apache2ctl configtest11:21
viking09Jordan_U: Fair enough, will do better next time. Thanks.11:22
Jordan_Uviking09, Thank you for helping make Ubuntu better by reporting bugs :)11:22
tyler_dreturns that /etc/apache2/apache2.conf is not accessable11:22
macogwownlinux: oh news? umm....idk if you just look on linux.com you're bound to see some11:22
ikoniatyler_d: so - thats an error, and it's telling you the problem11:23
ikoniatyler_d: what part is not clear11:23
ownlinuxit update is not fast11:23
tyler_dq: apt-get remove --purge apache211:24
tyler_dthen apt-get install apache2 -- will that recreate the defaults?11:24
ikoniatyler_d: why do you want the defaults11:24
ikoniatyler_d: what have you done to the others11:24
tyler_dI have only copied one directory into the others11:25
ikoniatyler_d: which directory and why ?11:25
staykovmarini am running testdisk, and it finds the damaged fat32 partition (it doesnt let me view any of the files, it says its damaged)11:25
tyler_djoomla into /var/www/11:25
staykovmarinwhat is the best way to go about fixing it11:25
ikoniatyler_d: then thats nothing to do with the conf file it's complaining about11:25
tyler_dno more errors, still will not start11:27
Slartstaykovmarin: just out of curiosity.. did you install testdisk from the 7.04 live cd? or the package dvd?11:27
ikoniatyler_d: what does apache2ctl configtest give you11:27
ikoniatyler_d: start reporting things properly, you've said no more errors about 5 times and yet there are still errors11:28
staykovmarinSlart: i downloaded, and transfered it using my mp3 player11:28
tyler_dusing for Servername Syntax OK11:28
Slartstaykovmarin: ok, thanks11:28
ikoniatyler_d: ok - so it's binding to 127 only11:28
ikoniatyler_d: how are you viewing your site11:28
tyler_dikonia: which is fine for initial configuration11:29
ikoniatyler_d: how are you viewing your site11:29
marvxxxi changed my graphic card settings on my laptop now its a low resolution and it freezes when i try to access the graphic card settings11:29
ikoniatyler_d: and what do you get when you visit
marvxxxis there a way to start into the save graphic mode?11:30
tyler_dikonia: if it won't start ie. not listed in ps -ef then obviously nothing is showing in
ikoniatyler_d: why do you think it won't start11:30
tyler_dikonia: b/c if it started it would be listed as a process11:30
ikoniatyler_d: apache2ctl stop11:30
Slartstaykovmarin: there seems to some info here http://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/TestDisk11:30
tyler_dikonia: and if I stopped it it wouln't come back with no pid11:30
ikoniatyler_d: apache2ctl stop11:31
Slartstaykovmarin: they even have recovery examples on that wiki11:31
tyler_dhttpd (no pid file) not running11:31
ikoniatyler_d: ok - apache2ctl start11:31
marvxxxalways when i want to start the graphic card config it freezes11:32
marvxxxit cant be that i have to reinstall my whole laptop because of this11:32
tyler_dnow that gave some errors11:32
ikoniatyler_d: right, what are they11:32
tyler_dno listening sockets available?11:32
ikoniatyler_d: apache1 is still running11:33
staykovmarinSlart: yeah i am looking at it, i just dont really know which one is my problem even11:33
ikoniatyler_d: it has to be, or another webserver, or something listening on port 8011:33
Slartstaykovmarin: you upgraded and the partition is gone, right?11:33
tyler_dnetstat -an | grep ":80"11:33
tyler_dnothing returned11:33
ikoniatyler_d: http has a port named !11:34
staykovmarinSlart: yes11:34
ikoniatyler_d: that will never return anything11:34
ikoniatyler_d: netstat -a | grep http11:34
staykovmarini think it might have been resized11:34
staykovmarinSlart: i see a fat32 partition in there, and i cant list the files, it says partition damaged11:34
tyler_dnothing returned by http either11:35
Slartstaykovmarin: resized? you chose this during the upgrade? or it did it by itself?11:35
ikoniatyler_d: have you looked in the apache2 log files for more details on the error11:36
ikoniatyler_d: I'd also remove apache1 to remove any confussion or issues at autostart boot time11:36
staykovmarinSlart: i chose it during upgrade, 200 gigs to my new partition and the other information to be resized to the other 200 gigs of the drive11:36
staykovmarinduring install* sorry11:37
ikoniatyler_d: I have to leave now, but for future, make sure you report errors factually, and report the situation not what you think11:37
tyler_don a final note, how do I force the dpkg to rebuild the structure11:37
Slartstaykovmarin: ah.. so you did a new install.. not an upgrade.. and created a new partition by moving the existing partitions towards the end of the drive.. and this somehow killed one of the partitions?11:38
staykovmarinyes i think so11:38
ScorpFromHellI need to install edubuntu on 100 machines of same config, can I use Ghost to copy the disk image to all the machines once I install it on one machine?11:38
Slartstaykovmarin: strange.. I've always thought the ubuntu installer was pretty good with these things.. never had it mess up like this.11:38
staykovmarini think the exsisting partition is in the begging of the drive though11:39
Jay-Oh-EnScorpFromHell: lol use a OEM disc11:39
Jay-Oh-EnScorpFromHell: i mean use alternate disc11:39
staykovmarini am thinking of trying to recover it by removing the new partition. do you think that will work?11:39
Slartstaykovmarin: ok.. were you able to run testdisk? did it create a log? could you pastebin the log?11:39
Jay-Oh-EnScorpFromHell: then select the11:40
ScorpFromHellJay-On-En, what does that do? OEM? Am sorry, never tried it.11:40
tyler_dikonia: in the future I appreciate the help, however the questions asked are whats important, not where you feel like treasure hunting, the fact still remains that I have talked to you for 30 minutes and still have exactly the same problem as when I started.11:40
staykovmarinSlart: where is the log stored?11:41
staykovmarinnvm i found it11:41
brobostigongood morning linux enthusiasts11:41
Slartgood morning11:42
ScorpFromHellJay-Oh-En, what does that do? OEM? Am sorry, never tried it. :(11:42
brobostigoni just updated to this kernel (2.6.22-14-powerpc)and i think it changed the drivers for y zd1211rw, because before update i had to disconnect and recconect so it would work, this time it worked straight without having to disconnect and reconnect.11:44
ScorpFromHellJay-On-En, Edubuntu does not have a OEM option :(11:45
rglafter rebooting my network card changed its name from eth0 to eth1, how can I rename it to eth0?11:45
Jay-Oh-EnScorpFromHell: you enter in the settings you want and it saves them so you can use them over and over11:45
Slartrgl: I think it's in one of the udev-rules11:45
IgorSobreirahey guys...anybody knows how can i "install" a new splash screen? i get this strange error..... http://dpaste.com/28528/11:46
staykovmarinSlart: http://www.pastebin.org/1213111:47
Slartrgl: check /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules, it's a text file owned by root.. so gksudo gedit /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules should do it11:47
Jay-Oh-EnScorpFromHell: http://edubuntu.com/gettingstarted read that11:47
Moulti am looking for somebody to guide me through the creation and running of a live CD for ubuntu11:47
rglSlart, thats it.  thx! :-)11:47
Slartrgl: you're welcome11:48
Jay-Oh-EnMoult: what OS are you on11:48
_rubenhaving troubles compiling klips support into the kernel .. make-kpkg is acting strangely .. any ideas? .. http://pastebin.ca/82345611:48
ScorpFromHellJoy-Oh-En, Edubuntu does not have oem option, I have checked the link11:49
Jay-Oh-EnMoult: im going to pm you11:49
Jay-Oh-EnScorpFromHell: just to let you know you can auto complete my name using tab11:49
Moultjay_oh_en: i haven't received anything, i don't know why some people have problems pmming me. try joining #moult11:49
Jay-Oh-EnScorpFromHell: did you read everything there11:49
Jay-Oh-EnMoult: did you get that pm11:50
ScorpFromHellJay-Oh-En, I guess I did read that :(11:50
Jay-Oh-EnScorpFromHell: hmmm hold on11:50
Slartstaykovmarin: did you try listing the files in the found fat32 partition using testdisk?11:53
staykovmarinthat said that it was currup11:53
staykovmarinNo file found, filesystem damaged11:53
Slartstaykovmarin: it didn't offer any other options after that?11:53
ScorpFromHellJay-Oh-En, I guess OEM doesn't suit me here :( I need to install Edubuntu on a 100 machines!11:53
ScorpFromHellJay-Oh-En, I just finished reading https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Ubuntu_OEM_Installer_Overview11:54
Jay-Oh-Enhave you been to channel #edubuntu11:54
Slartstaykovmarin: well.. I don't think I can do you any good.. I don't see any obvious solutions.. is the data lost valuable enough to send the drive to one of those data-rescue-companies?11:55
staykovmarinits pretty valuable, but i cant afford that11:56
david__ /quit11:57
ricanelite757anyone here have a ipod? Because I'm trying to figure out what when I use Banshee the app see's my Ipod but when i try to remove any songs or Podcasts from the ipod it when I disconnect it and use it the tracks are still there.11:58
drumlineAnyone know of a good off-site internet-based backup service?11:58
Guillemhello, I've just bought a small adaptor to convert PS2 to USB, so I can use an old PS2 keyboard in my laptop. However the keyboard does not work. Also if I use a ps2 mouse, the mouse gets light (optical mouse) but does not work either. The keyboard does not even show the lights of locks. What am I missing?11:58
Guillemdmesg says nothing11:59
dadehoogGuillem: what does the x.org log say ?11:59
Guillemdadehoog, I've not restarted X.org...12:00
dadehoogI've had that combination working perfectly in the past (without issue and with a KVM switch in the middle)12:00
Guillem KVM?12:00
dadehoogGuillem: give that a whirl ... just to give it a(nother) chance to re-detect the change in hardware ... or does dmesg indicate that the usb device hasn't been found ?12:00
kauerhullo everyone. How can I find out what process is causing GDM (or more probably X itself) to crash? What log file? More detailed description follows.12:00
Guillemdadehoog, dmesg does not say absolutely anything12:01
dadehoogkauer: ~.xerrors and /var/log/x.org.log12:01
dadehoogGuillem: try and restart X, if it's not recognising a USB hotplug, then maybe it needs to use the psaux driver - but doesn't know it yet ..?12:02
erUSULGuillem: well it should acknowledge when you plug a working usb device such as the usb<>ps2 thing12:02
kauerI start Feisty, get to the greeter screen, put in my name and password. The startup screen happens, I am prompted form my keyring password and my ssh passphrase, then the screen clears to my background colour. If I do nothing, that is about it. The grey task bars, minus their icons, is as far as it gets. Then one of two things happens. Either it stays they, unchanging, with a visible, movable mouse cursor that is otherwise unresponsive, OR it returns to t12:03
Guillemdadehoog, erUSUL ; it does recognize the USB mouse when I plug unplug it, and I see messages in dmesg. But when the mouse is a ps2 with the adaptor it does not12:03
Guillemdadehoog, erUSUL it is like being the real hardware PS2, the usb system does not work...12:03
dadehoogGuillem: and you've not used a PS2 device with the system before ? just try restarting X, if no joy, we'll think again ...12:05
dadehoogkauer: have you recently installed any updates ?12:05
dadehoogkauer: it might be worth checking your repositories, and then checking that the ubuntu-desktop package is _completely_ installed ...12:06
Guillemdadehoog, I restarted X and the system with the keyboard, It did not work. Even does not work at the bios stage....12:06
godchaserhello, whats the scoop on ubuntu 7.1012:06
dadehoogGuillem: very odd ... are you sure that a) the keyboard/mouse work, and b) the adapter works ?12:07
Guillemdadehoog, I don't know if the adapter works.12:07
alainhi... im running gutsy now.. and im planing to reformat my windows xp.. how can i install the grub back or install lilo after reformating windows12:07
Guillemdadehoog, the mouse works because I used it yesterday at a PS2 computer.12:07
erUSUL!grub | alain12:07
antitabdoes anyone know what technology Dell is using to allow DVD playback in the new Ubuntu desktops?12:07
ubotualain: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto12:07
Guillemdadehoog, the keyboard worked months ago and has not had any kind of accident I am aware of12:07
corruptionoflulzquick question, is intel core 2 duo cpu 64 bit?  i mostly have AMD cpus..12:08
antitabcorruptionoflulz: C2D is 64 bit12:08
Guillemcorruptionoflulz, core2 duo is 64bit12:08
Guillemcorruptionoflulz, core duo not afaik12:08
antitabthe old Core Duo isn't12:08
dadehoogantitab: I'd imagine, they've paid commercial (ie. exhorbitant) rates to get license keys ... (the same thing that libdvdcss does - only they paid for it)12:08
corruptionoflulzthanks, that explains why my friend was having problems, wrong iso xD12:08
rcomalta___i put ubutun server but is not boot up why12:09
antitabdadehoog: yes, but they must be using a custom proprietary library12:09
=== dsl_ is now known as lukewarm
antitabI'm wondering if tehre12:09
dadehoogGuillem: if it's not working before GRUB, it sounds like a hardware issue ... perhaps check that the BIOS will assign irqs to PS2 devices ?12:09
* lukewarm looks into the distance12:09
antitabthere's any further info*12:09
dadehoogantitab: yes, purchased at vast cost - the same way as all windows-based players12:09
godchaserhello does beryl exist anymore?12:09
ubotuBeryl has been merged with Compiz to form Compiz-Fusion.  New Beryl installs are discouraged. See also !compiz12:09
Guillemdadehoog, any pointer to this "assign irqs to PS2 devices" ? I don't really know what I should look for...12:09
antitabdadehoog: I'm just wondering where they got it12:10
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion12:10
dadehoogGuillem: as long as the BIOS seems to be managing IRQ assignments ... it should be ok ...12:10
antitabnot only the descrambling software, but the MPEG-2 and AC-3 decoding software would have to be custom too12:10
antitabthey can't use free software libraries to do that sort of thing12:11
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godchasercan anyone say that upgrading to ubuntu 7.10 is suggested or not?12:11
dadehoogantitab: indeed ... it's obviously been in the pipes for a while ...12:11
dadehooggodchaser: if you've got the time and inclination it is worth doing, otherwise if you've got a stable system - I wouldn't feel compelled.12:12
dadehooggodchaser: that said, I think Hardy will be worth the upgrade (in April 2008)12:12
Guillemdadehoog, OK, the adapter works: using a usb mouse with the adapter and the other adapter (ps2->usb) works.12:12
Guillemdadehoog, I'm getting crazy with this chain of adapters :P12:12
dadehoogGuillem: sorry, say that again ? how many adapters have we got now ? 2 ?12:12
Guillemdadehoog, now 2 to check it works12:13
`LePGeL[BoY]why does my nautilus hangs when mounting drives?12:13
liquidfireAnyone know got oracle installed ?12:13
godchaserdadehoog: what do u mean, in april 08?12:13
kauerdadehoog: thanks for the log file names. They sadly contain only current data. I will take copies and reboot to see if I can see any likely differences. As to updates, many, many! I rarely reboot, but accept most offered updates (only the dud vmware one is still pending, it can pend for ever as far as I am concerned :-).  When for some reason I had to reboot - maybe a kernel update? Can't remember) suddenly this problem was there. I have made no changes t12:13
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Guillemdadehoog, I had an adapter which converts USB to PS2 which came with the USB mouse. So I can use the mouse elsewhere12:13
dadehoogusb mouse -> (usb->ps2 converter) (ps2->usb converter) -> machine ?12:13
`LePGeL[BoY]why does my nautilus hangs when mounting drives?12:13
Guillemdadehoog, yes12:14
Guillemdadehoog, and works12:14
dadehoogGuillem: hah ! that's a monster ... ok, X tries to detect PS2 input devices by default, doesn't it ?12:14
Jay-Oh-En`LePGeL[BoY]: dont you hate when people dont answer you isnt it a shame12:14
`LePGeL[BoY]<Jay-Oh-En>: that just means no one knows12:15
godchaserdoes anyone know: does compiz-fusion work with emerald or something different, and xmms conpadable with 7.10?12:15
Guillemdadehoog, I don't really know... but my opinion is that the USB mouse can dialog with the USB system at computer. And the PS2 does not12:15
Jay-Oh-En`LePGeL[BoY]: keep lying to yourself12:15
NeT_DeMoNwhats a messenger i can recieve files on for yahoo because pidgin wont let me accept file transfers12:15
bazhangJay-Oh-En: got an issue?12:16
dadehoogGuillem: well, PS2 devices don't use the USB system ...12:16
simplyubuntuwhat do you guys recommend for backing up an entire computer so that one can restore it in the event of a wipeout?12:16
godchaserdoes anyone know: does compiz-fusion work with emerald or something different, and xmms conpadable with 7.10?12:16
Guillemdadehoog, so I guess I should some how tell the USB system that something is there...12:16
dadehoogGuillem: technically, they don't _do_ hotplugging ...12:16
Jay-Oh-Enbazhang: lol no12:16
bazhang`LePGeL[BoY]: what drive are you trying to mount? ntfs? fat32? other?12:16
dadehoogGuillem: they have to be loaded at boot for them to work ...12:16
erUSULsimplyubuntu: partimage?12:16
NeT_DeMoNgodchaser: try #compiz-fusion12:16
`LePGeL[BoY]<Jay-Oh-En>: im not.. well you can find answers googling.. this is just the easiest alternative12:16
Jay-Oh-Enbazhang: i knew you would come to his rescue12:16
erUSUL!info partimage | simplyubuntu12:16
ubotusimplyubuntu: partimage: backup partitions into a compressed image file. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6.4-17 (gutsy), package size 268 kB, installed size 944 kB12:16
Guillemdadehoog, I think that there are more advanced adaptors that do this, and the one I've bought is not "active": just "passive"12:17
Slart`LePGeL[BoY]: you could add some info.. can you mount drives using the command line? are there any errors in syslog? does it hang forever or does it just take extra long to finish?12:17
`LePGeL[BoY]<bazhang>: removable.. cdroms and etc12:17
simplyubuntuwill try12:17
bazhangJay-Oh-En: how about taking the chitchat to #ubuntu-offtopic12:17
simplyubuntudoes it offer any compression?12:17
Jay-Oh-Enbazhang: ill just leave since you dont want me here meany12:17
bazhang`LePGeL[BoY]: it crashes everytime? even just opening it to your home folder?12:17
dadehoogGuillem: I've just had a look around for mine, and I can't find it ... but I think you're right. but you've rebooted the machine with the adapter in place, booted Ubuntu, and no good, correct ?12:17
`LePGeL[BoY]<Slart>: its when i see zombie process in my systems monitor.. thats when it hangs.. and it only happens when mounting drives12:18
Guillemdadehoog, for the case of the Keyboard.12:18
ubotuFor Irish whiskey and ubuntu support, visit #ubuntu-ie, Ta an uisce beatha agus cuidiú Ubuntu ar #ubuntu-ie, Béag fáilte ort12:18
dadehoogyes ... mice should be able to plug in and 'work' - but not very well.12:18
NeT_DeMoNany one know a messenger i can recieve file transfers on yahoo from???12:18
tim167how do I burn an Audio CD ?12:18
Slart`LePGeL[BoY]: try answering the rest of the questions12:18
preaction!fishing | axisys12:18
ubotuaxisys: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubotu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids.12:18
`LePGeL[BoY]<bazhang>: not at the most.. but crashes when opening and closing simultaneously12:19
erUSUL`LePGeL[BoY]: check the dmesg maybe your optical drive(s) are failing?12:19
erUSUL!info serpentine | tim16712:19
ubotutim167: serpentine: An application for creating audio CDs. In component main, is optional. Version 0.9-0ubuntu2 (gutsy), package size 87 kB, installed size 720 kB12:19
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axisyspreaction: sorry about that12:19
Pici!bot ies4linux axisys12:19
preactionaxisys, also you want "ies4linux", google12:19
Guillemdadehoog, I'm going to completely stop the computer and restart it ....12:19
Pici!ies4linux > axisys (Please see the private messsage from ubotu)12:19
bazhangtim167: you can use one of the gnome apps, or k3b though that will pull in some kde stuff12:19
Guillemsee you.........12:19
dadehoogGuillem: ok, good luck ...12:19
axisyspreaction: cool thnx12:19
baboI take some of my music files off my ipod/usb - then I try to put them back on and it tells me that 'there isn't enough room on the usb' or whatever12:20
Moulthmm i disconnected12:20
tim167erUSUL bazhang, i inserted an empty CDrom and it asked if i want to create an audio cd, i confirmed that, but nothing happens, no browser window opens...12:20
bazhang`LePGeL[BoY]: what about what Slart said; mounting things from the command line? any error messages there?12:20
babothey are the exact same files that came off the usb. I've even trimmed them down a bit12:20
dadehoogbabo: have you tried emptying the trash ?12:20
babodadehoog, on the usb ?12:21
NeT_DeMoNany one know which messenger(if any) i can recieve file transfers on yahoo on??12:21
bazhangtim167: perhaps open up gnomebaker or serpentine or whatever and try that way?12:21
brobostigonNeT_DeMoN: pidgin12:21
Moulthi, im looking for somebody to guide me through the making and running of a live CD for ubuntu.12:21
babodadehoog, there's no trash folder on the usb - it's completely blank12:21
erUSULtim167: afaik you have to have serpentine installed for that to work (it will lounch serpentine)12:21
dadehoogbabo: "the trash" on your desktop - you'll likely find that they're there, and the USB has been told to reserve space for them if you remove them from the USB12:21
NeT_DeMoNbrobostigon: it wont let me12:21
Slartdadehoog: when you delete stuff they are moved to a .Trash folder on the same drive12:21
`LePGeL[BoY]<bazhang>: the error only occurs randomly..12:21
brobostigoni9 think??12:21
babodadehoog, ah, thanks12:21
Filled-VoidNeT_DeMoN, I was able to use Pidgin to send some phots through file transfer to some Y! Buds12:21
StFShello... does anyone know if there is a changelog somewhere for the kernel image packages in ubuntu... my system just upgraded from 2.6.22-14.46 to 2.6.22-14.47 and I'd like to see what changes were made12:21
`LePGeL[BoY]<bazhang>: no errors on terminal mounting12:21
dadehoogSlart: indeed12:21
SlartStFS: kernel.org?12:22
tim167erUSUL, bazhang: ok thanks i'll figure it out12:22
PiciStFS: packages.ubuntu.com should have the changes for that package.12:22
bazhang`LePGeL[BoY]: if you do it from the command line, then we'll get the error messages--try some of the things that it has crashed on12:22
erUSULtim167: sudo apt-get install serpentine12:22
NeT_DeMoNFilled-Void: pidgin wont let me, some one told me i needed to port forward but i dont know how to do that so eh12:22
simplyubuntuerUSUL i want to back up my '/' problem is it wants me to unmount it.12:22
StFSSlart: as I understand this this wasn't an actual kernel version update... just a packaging update12:22
dadehoogStFS: /usr/share/doc/linux-image-X.X.XX-XX-generic/changelog.Debian :)12:22
simplyubuntuhow is that possible?12:22
`LePGeL[BoY]<bazhang>: im trying to locate the nautilus-debud file12:22
bazhangwww.portforward.com NeT_DeMoN12:22
Filled-VoidNeT_DeMoN, Dont know anything abuot that sorry :(12:22
StFSdadehoog, Pici: thanks12:23
bazhang`LePGeL[BoY]: okay12:23
NeT_DeMoNbazhang: thanks12:23
babohow do I empty the trash as root ?12:23
SlartStFS: oh.. then I don't know.. try pici's suggestion12:23
erUSULsimplyubuntu: use a livecd (there's even a special livecd on the partimage web site)12:23
NeT_DeMoNbut question, how would port forwardig help me recieve file transfers12:23
BB88Can anybody help me with ndiswrapper and RTL8187 please?12:23
MenZababo, remove your ~/.Trash folder with sudo rm -rf ~/.Trash12:23
bazhangsimplyubuntu: you want to master your own cd?12:23
Slartbabo: I usually "sudo rm" the files manually if I've got root-only deleted styff12:23
`LePGeL[BoY]<bazhang>: any significane on "debug dumped due to signal 11"?12:23
simplyubuntuah forget it12:23
bazhang`LePGeL[BoY]: let me check...12:24
Moulthi, im looking for somebody to guide me through the making and running of a live CD for ubuntu.12:24
simplyubuntuhow about just making an image of my home partition12:24
simplyubuntuis it safe to unmount the home partition, erUSUL?12:24
SlartMoult: I can start you off with creating the live CD12:24
erUSUL!backup | simplyubuntu12:24
ubotusimplyubuntu: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning12:24
Filled-VoidDo files in var/cache/apt/archives/ get removed after a certain amount of time?12:24
* NeT_DeMoN is cold, needs his hoodie :)12:24
jussi01Moult: there is a good guide on the wiki12:24
SlartMoult: start by downloading the iso file you want12:24
`LePGeL[BoY]<bazhang>: ok..12:24
pawanhow to play 3d chess12:24
Moultslart: i have done that12:24
Kalamansihello my pc2 cannot internet...im using pc1 (ubuntu server 7.10) and i can internet... modem ---> server ubuntu ---Switch---workstation (pc2)12:25
SlartMoult: ok, burn the image to a CD12:25
NeT_DeMoNpawan: wrong channel for that12:25
Filled-Voidpawan, You could try brutal chess or install the 3d packages required for gnuchess12:25
Slartpawan: you have to install some python opengl extensions for 3d chess to work12:25
Filled-Voidpawan, Brutal chess logic is not up to the mark12:25
erUSULKalamansi: is the pc1 configured to share internet?12:25
pawanhow to install12:26
Moultslart: hmmm well i also heard that some other packages were needed12:26
Slart!who | pawan12:26
ubotupawan: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)12:26
KalamansierUSUL: how?12:26
NeT_DeMoNpawan: forgive me i misunderstood12:26
SlartMoult: packages? what for?12:26
Moultslart: i have absolutly no idea.12:26
NeT_DeMoNpawan: i use add/remove programs for that12:27
Moultslart: right now i'm having trouble just opening my computer12:27
KalamansierUSUL : pc1 have internet now (im using it now) but pc have no internet (dhcp obtain)12:27
SlartMoult: ok.. don't worry about the extra packages then.. just burn the image to a cd12:27
NeT_DeMoNpawan: its the first program under apps12:27
KalamansierUSUL: rj45 is working well12:27
Moultslart: do i need special software?12:27
bazhanghttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nautilus/+bug/153382 `LePGeL[BoY] this is a bug that has been filed; not sure when the fix will come through--best to kill the running nautilus processes when it happens though12:27
erUSULKalamansi: there are many how to's out there basically enable ip forwarding look here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing12:27
SlartMoult: ok.. let's start at the beginning.. you have a working computer, right? with a cd-burner? with windows?12:28
Moultslart: yes12:28
`LePGeL[BoY]bazhang: that was what im wondering.. an ubuntu nautilus bug.. thanx..12:28
NeT_DeMoNbazhang: on the port forwarding thing, what if you dont actually "own" the router12:28
pawanits the plain chess12:28
SlartMoult: ok.. what version of windows? xp? 2000? vista?12:28
dadehoogNeT_DeMoN: talk nicely to the administrator12:29
bazhangNeT_DeMoN: then you are sol12:29
Moultslart: xp12:29
simplyubuntuerUSUL how about Simple Backup Suite?12:29
NeT_DeMoNdadehoog: what do you mean?12:29
SlartMoult: do you have some kind of cd burning software? nero perhaps?12:29
NeT_DeMoNbazhang: ok, thanks for trying12:29
dadehoogif it's not your router and you can't configure it, talk nicely to the admin - maybe they will set it up for you ?12:29
bazhangNeT_DeMoN: no worries :}12:30
Moultslart: i shall have to check, right now the windows explorer is behaving nastily weird12:30
KalamansierUSUL: how to know if im using th01 or etho0?12:30
Filled-Voidpawan, If Brutalchess is fine then you can install it by using the command sudo apt-get install brutalchess12:30
NeT_DeMoNdadehoog: ahh, ide rather just download another messenger because the owners dont even have control, they lost the disc before they flashed their hard drive12:30
kauerdadehoog (or anyone) do the other symptoms suggest anything? Are there any other ways to find out what is killing X?12:30
Moultslart: yes i have nero12:30
PiciMoult: You can burn ISO images (which is how the Ubuntu download is formatted) with this tool in Windows XP: http://isorecorder.alexfeinman.com/isorecorder.htm12:30
PiciMoult: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto , scroll down to XP / Server 2003 / Vista: ISO Recorder12:31
SlartMoult: ok... in nero there is an option somewhere to "burn image".. Use that to burn the iso-image of ubuntu to a cd12:31
SlartPici: that should be in a factoid, imho =)12:32
simplyubuntuerUSUL ive decided just to make an archive of my home folder12:32
simplyubuntuwhat format do you recommend?12:32
NeT_DeMoNbazhang: are you an admin here or something, you are always here and know like everything12:33
PiciSlart: its in the !burning one, I just pulled out the stuff I wanted.12:33
Moultslart: there is burn image to disc12:33
dadehoogNeT_DeMoN: (functional) routers usually have their own firmware and a web interface ... if it's working, the owner should be able to reconfigure it regardless of the state of their hard disk drive12:33
SlartMoult: ok, make sure there is a empty cd in the drive, select the ubuntu iso and burn away12:33
NeT_DeMoNdadehoog: even if the routers not installed on their computer??12:33
JasonBourneive never met anyone in real life who used ubuntu12:33
bazhanghi JasonBourne12:34
bazhangNeT_DeMoN: haha I wish :}12:34
dadehoogNeT_DeMoN: computers do "routing" and lots of other stuff, routers ONLY do "routing" and are usually separate little boxes12:34
NeT_DeMoNJasonBourne: well every one here uses it :)12:34
simplyubuntuhello anyone?12:34
Slartsimplyubuntu: hello12:34
brobostigoni am the only person i have met in real life that uses ubuntu too.12:34
NeT_DeMoNdadehoog: ok12:34
simplyubuntuwhats the best format for archiving large files?12:34
bazhangJasonBourne: start passing out those ubuntu cd's :}12:35
simplyubuntuecho hello slart12:35
NeT_DeMoNbazhang: lol12:35
Slartsimplyubuntu: bzip? gzip? tar.zip? rar? 7zip?12:35
bazhangsimplyubuntu: how large?12:35
simplyubuntubazhang hold it12:35
simplyubuntuim just checking12:35
simplyubuntu15.1 gb12:35
billyhey guys12:35
bazhanghey billy12:35
billywhat is the terminal command to find the specs of the computer?12:35
NeT_DeMoNare there any admins for this place?12:35
Slartbilly: lspci, lsusb, lshw (needs install)12:36
PiciNeT_DeMoN: Yes, there are.12:36
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bazhangyes simplyubuntu12:36
NeT_DeMoNPici: know who they are??12:36
simplyubuntuthe file size is 15.1 gb bazhang...12:36
simplyubuntui know thats huge....12:36
dadehoogNeT_DeMoN: I imagine he does ...12:36
bazhangNeT_DeMoN: he is one.. :}12:37
PiciNeT_DeMoN: I'm an operator here, do you have a question?12:37
NeT_DeMoNoh wow12:37
ark34anyone here use ibm lpar's?12:37
dadehoogark34: lpar's ?12:37
Slartsimplyubuntu: I'd go with multi-file rar.. for that warez-look we all want =)12:37
bazhangsimplyubuntu: not at all--how are you going to get it over? burn it to dvd's? mount a hdd? usbkey?12:37
NeT_DeMoNPici: would you happen to be able to help me with my sound problems or do i need another channel??12:38
NeT_DeMoNPici: its the driver itself12:38
khelll_how to install java?12:38
billyahhh why is it so hard to install linux and get all the drivers working :'(!!12:38
erUSULKalamansi: you will have to guess; you can check the conf of both nicks of the server... the one attached to the modem will be fully configured...12:38
bazhangbilly: which ones?12:38
Slartbilly: mostly because of nasty hardware manufacturers.. but most of the stuff just works out of the box12:38
bazhang!java | khelll_12:38
ubotukhelll_: To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre12:38
billyim struggling to get my fujitsu amilo li 1705 display driver to function properly12:38
simplyubuntubazhang im archiving it directly to a backup partition of 40gb12:39
billyi dont even know the exact make/model/manufacturer of my graphics card which doesnt help, and to add to that im a complete linux noob12:39
HiHi2021hallo ?12:39
NeT_DeMoNPici: and another thing, is ikiona an admin because she acts like it?12:39
HiHi2021<-------- need help with Xchat12:40
RoBz18Me too12:40
HiHi2021<-------- pls qry for help me with Xchat ;)12:40
Slartbilly: try lspci and see if there is a graphics card in there.. that will give you some more info12:40
Myrttidoes anyone use network-manager-pptp to create vpn connection in Ubuntu Gutsy?12:40
simplyubuntubazhang did you get that?12:40
bazhangbilly: is that a laptop or a desktop? the driver is the video driver, yes?12:40
erUSUL!ask | HiHi202112:40
ubotuHiHi2021: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)12:40
PiciNeT_DeMoN: Sorry, little busy here...12:40
bazhangsimplyubuntu: yup12:40
dadehoogMyrtti: I have done ...12:40
NeT_DeMoNPici: no worries12:40
simplyubuntumultifile rar eh?12:40
erUSUL!sound | NeT_DeMoN12:40
ubotuNeT_DeMoN: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP312:40
simplyubuntuarent those a bit confusing?12:41
billyunknown device :(12:41
Moultyay i just burnt the iso...now what?12:41
NeT_DeMoNerUSUL: that wont help, already tried :)12:41
Myrttidadehoog: do you remember the plugin or vpn altogether been updated since release of gutsy?12:41
simplyubuntucant i just tar (or something like that) it to one big archive?12:41
simplyubuntucause space is not an issue12:41
bazhangbilly: is ubuntu installed on it now? the latest 7.10 or earlier?12:41
Slartsimplyubuntu: confusing? I don't know how they are confusing.. but sure.. use zip/bzip/gzip with tar then..12:41
RoBz18What should I do when Add/Remove applications is giving me this error: This application conflicts with other installed software. To install 'xchat' the conflicting software must be removed first.12:41
RoBz18Switch to the 'synaptic' package manager to resolve this conflict.12:41
erUSUL!intelhda | NeT_DeMoN12:41
ubotuNeT_DeMoN: For fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto12:41
dadehoogMyrtti: sorry ? I only tried it after Gutsy was released, but it all worked at that point ...12:42
SlartMoult: ok, leave the cd in the drive and restart the computer12:42
billybazhang,  7.04, i couldnt get the graphics card to work at all on anything higher12:42
simplyubuntuok Slart. ill try that. will let you guys know.12:42
SlartMoult: make sure it's set to boot from the cd drive12:42
erUSULRoBz18: go to System>Admin>synaptic12:42
__rcomalta___any one on ubutu run web server and ftp server12:42
Slart__rcomalta___: yup12:42
bazhangbilly: so you are on it now? what does lspci say in the terminal about that card (just tell me don't paste it here)12:42
__rcomalta___hi slart on wich ver ubutu server or desctop12:42
Moultslart: uh, make sure it's set to boot from cd...isn't that auto?12:42
NeT_DeMoNerUSUL: tried that too12:42
Myrttidadehoog: okay, there seems to be something broken here, all the settings seem to be fine, but the vpn account is grayed out on network-manager when using mobile dialup...12:42
Slart__rcomalta___: desktop, 64bit12:42
JowiRoBz18, there's two versions of xchat. xchat and xchat-gnome. Run the synaptic package manager to install the version of xchat you want.12:43
crushin[A]Jowi: do you know main difference between those 2 xchats ?12:43
billybazhang,  im assuming its the VGA controller, says VIA technologies, unknown device12:43
SlartMoult: you can set it in bios.. usually it's already set to boot from cd.. give it a try.. if it isn't set you'll just be back in windows12:43
simplyubuntuby the way. what does 'slashdotted' mean?12:43
Moultslart: ok restarting...i hope i don't mess up the computer12:44
Jowicrushin[A], xchat is what I use and like. xchat-gnome has gnome integration and looks different (different menus and options mostly)12:44
Myrttisimplyubuntu: linked to a really popular site that creates so much traffic the server/network can't handle it12:44
bazhangbilly: it's a fujitsu 1710 desktop? sorry I wasn't paying attention12:44
Slartsimplyubuntu: that an article with a link to a site is published on slashdot.. and then 500 million geeks look at that link and then the server for that site dies12:44
dadehoogMyrtti: I think that's a pretty common issue ...12:44
mameI am having no luck getting the Framebuffer to work on Ubuntu does anyone know anything about this kind of thing?12:44
billybazhang, a fujitsu amilo li 1705 notebook12:44
Jowicrushin[A], they are quite similar but for some reason xchat-gnome annoys me to death.12:44
dadehoogMyrtti: with a simple solution ... but I can't remember it off-hand ...12:44
simplyubuntui see12:44
simplyubuntubut why would a server die?12:45
dadehoogMyrtti: hand on a tick ...12:45
erUSULNeT_DeMoN: what sound card do you have?12:45
simplyubuntui mean... why?12:45
Myrttidadehoog: seems that the dialup even isn't the only reason12:45
Moultslart: ok, now how do i start from the live CD? i don't want to install to my HD yet12:45
Jowisimplyubuntu, see it as a traffic-jam12:45
Slartjowi, crushin[A]: xchat-gnome has for some reason hidden lots of the advanced settings.. but the gui is nicer..12:45
Myrttidadehoog: sure12:45
RoBz18erUSUL: Tried using synaptics, gives me this error: The following packages have unresolvable dependencies....12:45
Moultslart: i am at a menu which says start or install ubuntu, start ubuntu in safe graphics mode, etc12:45
NeT_DeMoNerUSUL: Intel Corporation 82801G (ICH7 Family) High Definition Audio Controller (rev 02)12:45
SlartMoult: it starts from the live cd automatically..nothing will be installed unless you want it to12:45
erUSULRoBz18: what are those packages?...12:45
RoBz18 Depends: tcl8.4 (>=8.4.5) but it is not installable12:46
SlartMoult: press start/install.. it will just start the ubuntu live cd12:46
erUSULNeT_DeMoN: alsamixer on terminal works?12:46
simplyubuntuSlart, i get this error with tar.bz2 http://pastebin.com/m6f712b3412:46
Moultslart: ok loading12:46
Moultslart: quite slow but probably because i'm running from the CD12:46
NeT_DeMoNerUSUL: tried, their all turned up12:46
SlartMoult: this step will take a while.. it reads stuff into memory etc12:46
erUSULRoBz18: check on System>Admin>Software sources tha all boxes are checked on the first tab12:47
SlartMoult: it's faster if it's installed to the hard drive12:47
NeT_DeMoNerUSUL: i've had numerous people attempt to help me12:47
dadehoogMyrtti: I just got it working on my laptop - that quickly ... anything in the pptp client FAQ ?12:47
Moultslart: i'm at a screen with a logo ubuntu and a bouncing orange bar12:47
billybazhang, i think my card is (from research) a VIA VN89612:47
erUSULNeT_DeMoN: :S12:47
Slartsimplyubuntu: what command did you run?12:47
simplyubuntuno command12:47
SlartMoult: that's the loading screen12:47
Moultslart: i guessed lol12:47
simplyubuntujust right clicked on the folder etc12:47
SlartMoult =)12:48
simplyubuntui know the command to use but have no faith in myself as i screw shit up all the time12:48
Moultslart: it's my first time trying out a distro that isn't 50mb in size i'm just a bit jumpy12:48
Slartsimplyubuntu: ok.. what did you paste from? and what did you do before you those errors occured? must have done something..12:48
KalamansierUSUL : after this, how to restart?12:48
NeT_DeMoNerUSUL: im about to take bazhangs advice and call geeksquad to come look at it, no one knows what it could be, most think its a wireing problem but i just wanted to make sure so i dont end up wasting money if its a simple combination of commands i can do12:48
dmacnuttwell hey now12:48
SlartMoult: no worries.. it's just running from memory so far.. if you reboot and remove the cd you'll be back in windows again12:49
KalamansierUSUL : i still cant connect.... =/12:49
bazhangbilly: there is a thread at ubuntuforums on this notebook; do you (or can you) get a command line during the boot up? you could then try this:12:49
Moultslart: ok uh now i'm at a peachycoloured screen with the mouse (ican move it) but withnot12:49
Moultslart: nvm :)12:49
simplyubuntufrom an error message i got12:49
simplyubuntuwant a screenshot?12:49
RoBz18Thanks a lot erUSUL, you're a lifesaver :)12:49
Slartsimplyubuntu: yes, please12:49
erUSULKalamansi: can you ping pc1 from pc2?12:49
NeT_DeMoNdmacnutt: whats wrong with geeksquad??12:49
billyoh, bazhang , im already on ubuntu... i've been able to install, but the highest resolution is 800x60012:50
erUSULRoBz18: no problem12:50
bazhangbilly: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg follow the steps and get the correct 1280x800 resolution12:50
* Moult screams SEXY12:50
erUSUL!fixres | billy12:50
ubotubilly: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto12:50
dmacnuttNeT_DeMoN: nothing specific, I often recommend it to people who can't get out of their own way when it comes to computers :)12:50
Slartyes.. some people like that brownish colour.. some like a lot it seems =)12:50
dadehoogMyrtti: is the connection that you're using (over which you want use the pptp tunnel) configured by NetworkManager ?12:50
NeT_DeMoNdmacnutt: ah, ok12:50
Moultslart: my fav colour is orange12:50
Myrttidadehoog: yes12:50
* NeT_DeMoN sighs12:51
KalamansierUSUL ping to console?12:51
Moultslart: ok where should i play around with first?12:51
SlartMoult: well.. you have an "applications menu".. look through it..12:51
dadehoogKalamansi: 64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=55.7 ms12:51
Kalamansidesktop:~$ ping
KalamansiPING ( 56(84) bytes of data.12:51
SlartMoult: you can install stuff, I think.. try browsing with firefox.. perhaps a game of solitaire .. =)12:51
Kalamansino result =/12:51
Kalamansii followed this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing12:52
SlartMoult: openoffice is in there...12:52
ubotuTo compile modules and drivers that are not bundled with the standard !kernel, install the relevant package, usually called "<modulename>-source", and run « sudo module-assistant » (you will have to do this again after kernel updates). To prevent specific modules from loading, see !blacklist12:52
bazhangbilly: you can try that (what I told you) or the fixres link ubotu gave you12:52
ubotuTo blacklist a module, edit /etc/modprobe.d/my_blacklist and add « blacklist <modulename> » to the end of that list - To explicitly load modules in a specific order, list them in /etc/initramfs-tools/modules and type « sudo update-initramfs -u »12:52
bazhanghttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=579801&page=2 this is the thread billy12:52
dadehoogMyrtti: have you restarted NetworkManager since configuring the VPN connection ?12:52
Moultslart: thanks a lot! i will definitely enjoy this12:53
Myrttidadehoog: plenty of times12:53
billythanks bazhang12:53
billyim working on it now12:53
simplyubuntuSlart http://www.speedyshare.com/464643353.html12:53
dadehoogMyrtti: I've found one reference which indicates that use of the ppp0 interface makes it problematic12:53
SlartMoult: you're welcome.. remember.. nothing will be saved... don't click the "install"-icon on the desktop unless you want to install ubuntu to your hard drive12:53
Kalamansii need help with internet sharing please...pc1 can connect internet (ubuntu server).. but pc2 cannot connect to the internet...modem ---> server ubuntu ---switch ---pc212:54
Myrttidadehoog: okey, so that's not going to work anyway then, I wonder what's up with the rest of the vpn problems12:55
Slartsimplyubuntu: ah.. so it's the error message you got when trying to archive a lot of files using fileroller or something.. right?12:55
simplyubuntuyep i guess, Slart12:55
Slartsimplyubuntu: what did you try to archive?12:55
simplyubuntumy home folder :P12:55
dadehoogMyrtti: what have your other VPN issues been ?12:56
Slartsimplyubuntu: ok, it can't open .Xautority.. that doesn't sound so bad.. might be in use.. might be owned by root.. who knows, but it's just one file12:56
sorousheach time i reboot it takes more than 5minutes becuase it wants to check all my disks12:56
RatThingKalamansi, I would install firestarter first.12:57
Slartsimplyubuntu: but the other one... cannot stat .bz2 .. I recognize that... hang on12:57
simplyubuntuclicking ok closes the window btw12:57
simplyubuntuok hanging :P12:57
Moultslart: can i access my windows files on this?12:57
bazhangKalamansi: there is a long thread at ubuntuforums: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=9137012:57
SlartMoult: you should be able to12:57
kauerdadehoog (or anyone) if you have any other ideas on what might be causing X to restart or on how I might work out what is killing X, please post to the ubuntu-users mailing list. I've posted there too.. Gotta go. Thanks!12:57
SlartMoult: check the places-menu.. isn't there a "my computer" or something there?12:58
* lukewarm looks into the distance12:58
SlartMoult: or there might be hard drives on the desktop.. try doubleclicking on those12:58
bazhanglukewarm: you got an issue?12:58
Moultslart: yep thanks!12:59
ZikitiHola everyone12:59
KalamansiRatThing: firestarter is already installed13:00
MenZaHow would one go about installing Ubuntu on a laptop with an external optical drive, which Ubuntu doesn't recognise?13:00
ZikitiAnyone can give me an idea why hibernate/sleep comes back up with X all messed up?13:00
simplyubuntuZikiti i get that too... lets see if someone can help out...13:01
Zikitithe threads mostly speak abou some ati issue but I have an intel vid card13:01
RatThingKalamansi if you run the wizard of firestarter you can tell it to share your internet connection.13:01
bazhangback in a moment..13:01
Moultslart: hmm i accidentally clicked on the install, a window opened up, i told it to go to next screen but5 then soon after pressed cancel. now i have two screens open i cannot do anything about. how do i close them?13:02
Moultslart: is there a sort of kill?13:02
ZikitiSimplyubuntu: what type of video card do you have?13:02
ZikitiAnd has shutting off compiz made any difference if you tried it?13:02
simplyubuntuZikiti i have an nvidia geforce 550013:03
Slartsimplyubuntu: I'm googling around.. go get a coffee or something =)13:03
simplyubuntui like coffee13:03
SlartMoult: well.. yes.. open a termincal and type xkill.. then click on the window you want to kill13:04
sorousheach time i reboot it takes more than 5minutes becuase it wants to check all my disks. my /etc/fstab is http://rafb.net/p/Va0lZP31.html ? how should i change it to prevent running fsck13:04
simplyubuntuSlart check this out http://pastebin.com/m1ff8693813:04
simplyubuntuwith tar.gz13:05
ZikitiNo lo puedo hacer pendejo!13:05
Moultslart: thanks13:05
ZikitiSorry wrong window13:05
Filled-VoidI just installed flash in Ubuntu and see that youtube is not working. Just noticed that the package is broken as stated in the topic in the channel. Anyway around that?13:05
dORSYhi can anyone tell me plz which package i should install? configure: error: You need to have the libstdc++ headers installed13:05
dORSYusing 7.1013:06
soroushany idea about changing fstab to prevent fsck13:06
Zikitidorsy: dev package for libstdc...13:06
dORSYall the devs are installed...13:06
simplyubuntuSlart i might've hit something13:06
Zikiticheck the version13:06
Slartsimplyubuntu: what happens if you just select a couple of files from your home folder?13:06
simplyubuntumv not being able to stat is PROBABLY just because the backup drive was not writable (i.e wasnt 777)13:07
simplyubuntulets see13:07
simplyubuntuim running it again13:07
ZikitiDorsy: check the required version and if it requires a different one... you can force install the required one13:07
soroush each time i reboot it takes more than 5minutes becuase it wants to check all my disks. my /etc/fstab is http://rafb.net/p/Va0lZP31.html ? how should i change it to prevent running fsck???13:07
Slartsimplyubuntu: that might be it.. it probably creates the archive in /tmp and then moves it13:07
Slartsoroush: how do you reboot?13:08
soroushi reboot by using start menu13:08
simplyubuntunow i cant get past that bloody Xauth shit. maybe just go in the home folder and select everything BUT it?13:08
Slartsoroush: it shouldn't be checking your drives every time.. unless sometihng is wrong13:08
Pici!language | simplyubuntu13:08
ubotusimplyubuntu: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.13:08
soroushSlart, i had this problem on other linux distros13:08
dORSY <fn'Zikiti> : i dunno which is needed :(13:09
poeloqDoes anybody know if it is possible to download a Ubuntu screenshot for VirtualBox or do I have to install it myself13:09
ZikitiDorsy... what are you trying to install?13:09
Slartsoroush: hmm.. something weird with the harddrive perhaps?13:09
simplyubuntuapologies Pici13:10
dORSYfrom source...cause it does not connect if i use the repo version13:10
soroushSlart, windows is wiser in that way13:10
Kalamans1i still cannot connect the pc2 to the internet.....13:10
soroushand linux has this problem with vfat drives13:10
crushin[A]soroush this thread I think will help you  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=32623513:10
simplyubuntuSlart what command could i use to sudo the whole thing and then i can archive all files? like sudo tar foo moo?13:10
sammyFsince today's update my webcam doesn't work anymore. It waorked VERY fine yesterday. Any idea?13:11
rsfriendshow can i install a tar-gz filen from termina?13:11
WinterWeaverhow can I know if the samba daemon is running?13:11
dadehoogWinterWeaver: ps aux |grep smbd13:11
WinterWeaverty dadehoog13:11
dORSYrsfriends: tar -xvvf ...13:11
Slartsimplyubuntu: sudo tar something sounds good to me.. read the man page for tar to get all the switches right13:12
soroushcrushin[A], looking13:12
ZikitiDorsy: check out irc://irc.freenode.net/#centerim13:12
RatThingKalamans1 are you using firestarter or was that problematic?13:12
Zikitithey might be able to be more specific13:12
dORSYzikizi: thx :)13:12
Slartsoroush: well.. I don't know.. all I know is that ubuntu shouldn't be checking the drives every reboot unless it finds something that is wrong13:12
m3gach33zyhello guys, i just tried to install ubuntu and i get the error: your cpu doesnt support long mode.  use a 32 bit distribution13:13
soroushSlart, it says something obvious13:13
soroushit says my bootsector doesn't match the last one13:13
m3gach33zyanyone mind giving me a hand?13:13
soroushand it shouldn't becuase ubuntu wasn't installed then13:14
sammyFsince today's update my webcam doesn't work anymore. It worked VERY fine yesterday. Any idea? It's a Philips SPC 60013:14
crushin[A]m3gach33zy, ask your question13:14
rsfriendswhen i type nano, and write the code how can i save it?13:14
Zikitim3gach33zy: do you have a 64 bit system?13:14
m3gach33zyi need to know why ubuntu wont install now13:14
m3gach33zyyeah intel duo core13:14
crushin[A]rsfriends,   ctrl O13:14
Slartsoroush: is that some kind of bios-check?13:14
Mechdavem3gach33zy: Try installing a 32 bit version of Ubuntu, not the 64 bit version13:14
Picirsfriends: ctrl-o to save, ctrl-x to save and quit13:14
m3gach33zytried the 32 and it wont even let me load it up13:14
TwinkletoesI need to install 'libcurl4-openssl-dev' in Feisty, to get xrdp to work.   It's not in the repos, how can I get hold of it?13:15
m3gach33zythe 64 version acutally responded more than the 32 versioned one13:15
soroushSlart, do you know where boot messages are saved so i can show you them13:15
m3gach33zythe 64 version is telling me to use the 32 that didnt work13:15
Mechdavewhat is your hardware spec?13:15
Guillemdadehoog, OK, it does not work. And now I have googled a lot and I know why: the adaptor is passive (not smart). So only will work Keyboards/mouses aware of being plugged via USB even when they have ps2 connectors (guess there are very few of these)13:15
m3gach33zylemme pull up cpuz13:15
Slartsoroush: dmesg13:15
Filled-VoidGot flash to work from one of the deb files posted on launchpad for 64 bit :)13:15
Guillemdadehoog, that's why the two adapters test succeeded13:16
dadehoogGuillem: bummer. thanks for letting me know ...13:16
Guillemdadehoog, but this adaptor is useless for me13:16
crushin[A]Twinkletoes,  http://packages.debian.org/sid/libcurl4-openssl-dev13:16
simplyubuntuslart its happening!13:16
soroushgedit /etc/dmesg Slart?13:16
Guillemdadehoog, there are more expensive adaptors witch circuits inside which work (or at least should)13:16
Slartsoroush: no... just dmesg.. it's a command13:16
simplyubuntui used this command. "sudo tar /media/bups/backup.tar ." sound ok?13:16
Twinkletoescrushin[A]: Thanks, I'll try that....13:16
Moultcan anybody here helpme get pidgin to work?13:17
crushin[A]yw Twinkletoes13:17
Slartsoroush: I guess dmesg | gedit might work though13:17
simplyubuntumake that "sudo tar -cvf /media/bups/backup.tar ."13:17
m3gach33zyMechdave i have an intel cor duo t230013:17
Guillemdadehoog, you where lucky if you had that working :)13:17
Guillemdadehoog, were13:17
m3gach33zyMechdave not sure what other specs you need13:18
khelll_how to install  pygtk ?13:19
sammyFkhelll_: over synaptic13:19
corruptionoflulzkhelll_: i'd try opening synaptic and searching for it13:19
sammyFkhelll_: it's in there13:19
tyler_dwhats the AddType ???? .php line in apache2.conf..... missing it?13:19
sammyFsince today's update my webcam doesn't work anymore. It worked VERY fine yesterday. Any idea? It's a Philips SPC 60013:19
corruptionoflulzkhelll_: system -> administration -> synaptic package manager13:20
Twinkletoescrushin[A]: I'm getting errors trying to instlal the package, what would the correct syntax be to install the .deb?13:20
m3gach33zyNeed some help installing ubuntu.  downloaded the 64 bit version and its telling me to use the 32 bit version which doesnt work13:20
crushin[A] Twinkletoes  I am uncertain  I am not fluent enough to guide you correctly sum1 else will help you13:21
Mechdavem3gach33zy: Hang on mate doing some research13:21
Twinkletoescrushin[A]: Thanks man, I'll post the report on pastebin or somewhere and ask the question ;)13:21
m3gach33zyokay thanks Mechdave13:21
TwinkletoesIs anyone able to tell me why I can't install this package?  Log posted here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/48830/ (10 lines)13:22
helpmei have been using windows and xubuntu in one pc for quite awhile, and have had problems with neither of them concerning my broadband. However just a few moments ago, xubuntu wouldn't connect to the net but Microsoft worked fine. can anyone help?13:23
Javidare you using a router? what ISP?13:24
Javid"the internet" is vague13:24
helpmeit's wireless broadband called Smart Bro13:24
Zikitiheh... was thinking the same thing13:24
helpmebased in the Philippines13:24
JavidGod only knows what they use13:24
m3gach33zythey used 3rd rate tech lol13:25
khelll_there is a lock, how to remove it13:25
Javidrouter? modem? hub?13:25
=== Zikiti is now known as Gato_Malo
Javiddoes it connect to the router/lan?13:25
Mechdavem3gach33zy: I can see no reason why the 32 bit version will not work!13:26
Javidwhat error does it give when you try and get online?13:26
khelll_am trying apt-get , bt there is a lock somewhere , how to release the lock??13:26
Mechdavem3gach33zy: what is the error message you are getting?13:26
Javidkhelll_, is the update manager running already13:26
m3gach33zyMechdave: this was the error message i was getting before i downloaded the 64 bit version13:26
Picikhelll_: You either need to run it with sudo, or you already have a package manager open.13:26
helpmeits basically the same thing when i try to browse without an internet connection13:27
m3gach33zyloading isolinux: disk error 80, ax:4200, drive 9f13:27
helpmethis is the first time this has hapened13:27
vbhello, I am trying access my ubuntu files from vista, both ubuntu and vista computers are connected to the router, and I am able to access Vista files from ubuntu though. I am able to ping my ubuntu ip, thought when I try \\<ip of ubuntu> , I get network path not found13:27
khelll_pici, i forced the update to close... and thus the lock is still there13:27
=== tyczek_ is now known as Tyczek
KalamansiRatThing : Problematic man..i did what erUSUL said...pc2 cannot connect to the internet..modem is
Mechdavem3gach33zy: can you mount the image as a loop filesystem?13:27
Javidhelpme, are your DNS settings all kosher?13:28
m3gach33zyMechdave: not sure i'm using ultraiso let me try13:28
Picikhelll_: How did you force it? and what step was it on?13:28
helpmei suppose so, the ISP told me to choose automatic settings by default13:28
khelll_the window freezed... so i killed it13:28
Mechdavem3gach33zy: are you in window$ at the moment?13:28
m3gach33zyMechdave: yes windows xp13:28
Javiddid you actually just spell windows with an $13:28
khelll_(pici it was doing nothing... just freezed)13:29
KalamansiRatThing : i did this.. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing ...how to redo?i think i type some wrong typos in the console...how to go back from original setting?13:29
Picikhelll_: Which program? Synaptic? apt-get?13:29
Javidbecause if you did you should off yourself13:29
m3gach33zyMechdave: i'm not sure if it makes a difference but i'm on a laptop..13:29
khelll_am using kubuntu adept manager it's like synaptic13:29
Mechdavem3gach33zy: Ok sounds like you may have a dodgy iso, or maybe a dodgy burn13:29
corruptionoflulzJavid: i see nothing wrong with spelling micro$oft window$ with $'s13:30
m3gach33zyMechdave: not sure what a doggy of anything of that sort is13:30
RatThingpurple lol13:30
Picikhelll_: can you do a `ps aux | grep adept` in a terminal and tell me if it gives you anything back besides 'grep adept'?13:30
Javidnothing wrong with it except it makes you look like a moron13:30
crushin[A]m3gach33zy, this thread solves your error problem > http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=19268913:30
Pici!windows | Javid corruptionoflulz13:30
ubotuJavid corruptionoflulz: For discussion and help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and !equivalents13:30
Javid!lol > pici13:31
crushin[A] m3gach33zy  you need to update your firmware13:31
m3gach33zycrushin[A]: have done so already13:31
m3gach33zycrushin[A]: downloaded it right from the hp website the other day13:31
TwinkletoesHow do I import a key for this site?  http://packages.debian.org/sid/i386/13:32
PiciTwinkletoes: you don't.13:32
TwinkletoesPici Synaptic doesn't want to download list of packages13:32
khelll_pici ya there r 3 process13:32
PiciTwinkletoes: Debian packages and repositories are NOT meant to be instaleld on Ubuntu.13:33
RatThingpurple If you just entered those commands exactly as on that web page you are going to run into problems because your ip values are: 192.168.1.n and the webpage is using 192.168.0.n13:33
Mechdavem3gach33zy: dodgy = not working13:33
TwinkletoesPici: Ah, ok *ponders*13:33
Picikhelll_: sudo killall adept13:33
JavidHow do I effectively express to apt-get that I don't give two shits about GPG keys on my sources and to quit giving me errors about it?13:33
Picikhelll_: then try again.13:33
Pici!language | Javid13:33
ubotuJavid: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.13:33
bazhangJavid: please stop13:33
JavidThat's an actual question, it's been bugging the crap out of me13:33
m3gach33zyMechdave: oh lol thanks... and well the 64 bit version was more responsive than the 32 bit i downloaded.. but the 64 is referring me to the not working 32 lol... dunno why the 32 isnt working at all13:34
bazhangJavid: you can ask it in a less hostile manner though13:34
Javidit's more the fault of the repos maintainer, but eh13:34
brobostigonjavid: no need for bad language13:34
m3gach33zyI will try reinstalling new bios and see what happens13:34
khelll_it's ok pici , deep thanks13:34
JavidIf you guys put as much effort into answering the question as you did debating my choice of words we'd be moved on by now13:35
wols_Twinkletoes: then your sources.list entry for it is wrong13:35
dadehoogJavid: we have moved on.13:35
bazhangJavid: no one wants to help people with that kind of attitude13:35
Mechdavem3gach33zy: No worries, sorry I could not be more helpful13:35
=== voltHeir_afk is now known as voltHeir
TwinkletoesIs there any reason to be using Feisty and not Gutsy?13:35
NallepIs there a version of wall for Xwindows, to send a message to xwindow users that the system needs a reboot?13:35
wols_Javid: thanks to you outstanding behaviour we will simply ignore you. solve your own problems from now on. good day13:35
brobostigonjavid: under ubuntu use the ubuntu repos insted of the debian ones.13:35
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto13:36
wols_Twinkletoes: no thanks for the useless PM13:36
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about fixrez - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi13:36
wols_!fixres | Almostdvs13:36
JavidI'm using the ubuntu ones. the one giving me errors is a third-party one, hence why I blame them and not the program :p13:36
m3gach33zyMechdave: no worries, thanks for the try i'll have to try to update more hardware stuff to see if that works13:36
ubotuAlmostdvs: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto13:36
Moulthello, i have made a live CD, and i can run it fine on my laptop13:37
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Moulthowever on my desktop i've got another linux distro, and i've made a grub bootup thing so i can choose between windows and that linux distro13:37
brobostigonjavid: what third party repo is it, have a talk to the admin maintainer of it.13:37
dmacnuttJavid: --no-checksig13:37
Moulthowever, the computer does not automatically run from the CD now. how do i fix this so that when the ubuntu CD is in, it runs>13:38
Javiddownload.tuxfamily.org, I think it's for wine or something13:38
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about almostdvs - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi13:38
corruptionoflulzMoult: in your motherboard BIOS13:38
younganybody running ubuntu on an ibm laptop13:38
Moultcorruptionoflulz: sorry i'm a beginner can you guide me as to how?13:38
Javidyoung: I am13:38
corruptionoflulzMoult: as you boot, you probably will have to hit delete or f2, and then it will bring you into your bios screen13:38
Javidyoung: pre-lenovo thinkpads are the jesus13:38
dadehoogyoung: indeed.13:38
magnetronyoung: check thinkwiki.org , they have some good info13:39
crushin[A]whatis almostdvs ? not on factoid page'13:39
wols_crushin[A]: it's a nick in here13:39
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corruptionoflulzMoult: i'm sorry, i'm a bit preoccupied, so you might have to google for a bit more info, multi tasking a few too many things right now13:39
Moultcorruptionoflulz: then? oh by the way, it also says cannot load from ATP CD rom or something like that13:39
crushin[A] haha13:39
Altair82hello, please can you help me?13:39
icedwaterAnyone use webcams on Ubuntu here?13:39
dadehoog!question Altair8213:39
ZikitiNo one has solution for suspend/hibernate issue yet?13:39
wols_!anyone | icedwater13:39
ubotuicedwater: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?13:39
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youngdo you have the same problem, every twenty minutes the screensaver turns on, and I can't config it13:39
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dadehoog!question | Altair8213:40
ubotuAltair82: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)13:40
Zikitianyone know of a dell/linux issues irc channel?13:41
NallepI need to restart a remote computer, how can I send a message to the users x windows that the system is being rebooted, and they need to save all their work?13:41
icedwaterI need a driver for my webcam, but it's not a prominent model I think... any place to find it?13:41
dadehoogyoung: no ... all is fine here ... have you looked at the settings in System->Preferences->Screen Saver, and System->Preferences->Power Management?13:41
Altair82thanks, sorry about my bad english, my problem is: when i install ubuntu 7.10 first hours is all ok but after, all programs give me core dumped errors13:41
wols_!webcam | icedwater13:41
ubotuicedwater: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras13:41
wols_icedwater: it also helps to find out what chip your cam uses13:42
Moultanybody got any ideas why it doesn't boot from the CD automatically? (i have got GRUB installed which allows me to choose between windows and another linux distro i previously installed...i also get a short message saying failed to load from atapi cd rom...somehting like that - but i knwo the cd isn't hte problem because it worked on another computer with only windows on it)13:42
icedwaterNallep: Maybe you could read shutdown --help.13:42
Altair82can be hardware problem?13:42
wols_Moult: BIOS issue. not a #ubuntu one13:42
icedwaterwols_: Thanks! :)13:42
young<Altair82>: maybe after you have updated some packages, I have  experience alike13:43
Moultwols_: how do i fix it?13:43
Nallepicedwater: I did, but it doesn't send a message to the users desktop that the system is being rebooted.13:43
wols_Altair82: do a memtest for a few hours or overnight13:43
bazhangMoult: adjust the bios--although your bios may not allow it--in which case you might have to borrow one13:43
wols_Moult: by fixing your BIOS or CD or drive or whatever. it's not a ubuntu issue13:43
wols_Moult: and therefore OT here13:43
Moultwols_: any ideas what i should look for?13:43
wols_Moult: yes another channel13:43
slimaqhi everybody13:43
dadehoogwols_: lol13:44
=== ilovebeauty is now known as ilovesexymm
ere4siMoult: something like bgoot order in the bios13:44
slimaqmy ubuntu reset every 10 minutes what is wrong?13:44
Almostdvshow would i go about finding what type of monitor my presario x1200 has (laptop)  and what should i suggest ubuntu to use in the screen preferences13:44
wols_slimaq: "reset" how?13:44
gonzzorAny suggestions if iec958 doesn't show up in aply -l ?13:44
Moultere4si: so you think it can be fixed just within the BIOS?13:45
Nallepicedwater: If the user has a console open, they will see the message, but if they don't, I want a dialog box to open up on the users desktop notifying them that they need to save work.13:45
slimaqi burning cd screen is black and next i see logon screen13:45
ere4siMoult: if the cd won't boot13:45
Almostdvshow would i go about finding what type of monitor my presario x1200 has (laptop) and what should i suggest ubuntu to use in the screen preferences13:46
fred_elisegros probleme de son13:46
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wols_Almostdvs: 800 x 60013:46
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young<Altair82>: check if you have updated this package: libcairo213:46
bazhang!fr | fred_elise13:46
ubotufred_elise: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.13:46
ubotuSi busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.13:47
Almostdvswols: im supposed to be running 1280x80013:47
wols_Almostdvs: compaq presario is supposedly to be a 475 K6-2 cpu13:47
icedwater!de | icedwater13:47
ARhello, I'm just trying out Ubuntu Linux for the first time (in my life)13:47
wols_Almostdvs: unless they recycled the numbers13:48
wols_and if you know what res you have, set it by reconfiguring your xserver13:48
ARgetting sick from windows, but how can I login in my root account by the Konsole?13:48
Pici!sudo | AR13:48
ubotuAR: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.13:48
wols_!root | AR13:48
ubotuAR: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo13:48
Zikitidell_lin: you have a dell? Any suspend/hibernate issues with your machine?13:48
Almostdvswols: what does 475 K6-2 cpu mean?13:48
ekim|dt-linuxwho here uses rhthmbox  ?13:48
wols_Almostdvs: it's the cpu which google says is in x120013:48
wols_Almostdvs: probably ca. 1997 or so13:49
ekim|dt-linuxI really like it , but there is one thing starting to bug me13:49
DShepherdekim|dt-linux, I13:49
dadehoogAlmostdvs: it means it's a doorstop-sized heater from the late 90s !13:49
ekim|dt-linuxwith rhythmbox on my laptop ... I have a ratings column13:49
ekim|dt-linuxbut  on my desktop I don't13:49
wols_ekim|dt-linux: the misuse of your enter key is bugging me too. please don't do it13:49
ekim|dt-linuxI can't seem to figure out how to get it , sorry about the enter key :)13:49
Almostdvswols: hmm... i'm pretty sure it's not.  it has bluetooth for goodness sakes13:50
DShepherdekim|dt-linux, Edit-Prefrences and select the columns you want13:50
Almostdvsi don't think that was common in 9713:50
wols_Almostdvs: then they recycled the model numbers. and to fix your problem your run dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg13:51
Almostdvsplus it's made for xp13:51
ekim|dt-linuxwhat's made for xp /13:51
Almostdvsk ty13:51
wols_ekim|dt-linux: a notebook13:51
m3gach33zyOkay I have here 3 different ubuntu cd's 2 of them are 32 bit and 1 is 64 bit.  each have a different error message the first cd is I/O error Error reading boot cd loading isolinux:disk error 80, ax=4200 drive 9f disc #2 I/O Error error reading boot cd 8042009f disc #3 64 bit your cpu doesnt support long mode. use a 32 bit distribution.  what is going on here?13:51
ekim|dt-linuxalso...can you guys believe those new seagate drives , that are "windows only"13:51
ekim|dt-linuxand are actually crippled on linux13:51
ekim|dt-linuxIt was on slashdot a few weeks ago13:51
ekim|dt-linuxNot funny , stupid!13:52
XLVm3gach33zy, the option to check install media for defects, have you tried that?13:52
wols_m3gach33zy: what cpu do you have? and have you downloaded the CD ISO for i386 again and burnt it a low speeds?13:52
bazhangekim|dt-linux: offtopic, and already been fixed13:52
wols_ekim|dt-linux: it is OT.13:52
ekim|dt-linuxhow is that offtopic ?13:52
ekim|dt-linuxOhh...sorry...I forgot I was in the ubuntu channel :)13:52
wols_ekim|dt-linux: do you have an ubuntu question?13:52
Piciekim|dt-linux: This is a support channel, general linux chat in #ubuntu-offtopic13:52
ekim|dt-linuxI am in ##linux too13:52
bazhangthis is a support channel ekim|dt-linux13:52
m3gach33zyxlv: the 2 32 bit's i cant do anything with them besides getting that error when i try to install all other options dont work13:53
ekim|dt-linuxsorry about that ... also...sorry about the enter key thing too...13:53
m3gach33zywols_: i have 2 i386 and they are burnt at 4x13:53
wols_m3gach33zy: have you downloaded the ISO again before burning it a 2nd time?13:53
Picim3gach33zy: Have you verified the cd image?13:53
m3gach33zywols_: also i have intel centrio duo13:54
XLVm3gach33zy, when in ubuntu cd install screen, press escape, then in boot prompt, write install or expert, and try to install in text mode13:54
m3gach33zypici: not sure how to verify the image13:54
Pici!verify | m3gach33zy13:54
ubotum3gach33zy: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows13:54
wols_m3gach33zy: m3gach33zy those aren't 64bit cpus so that's ok with the 64bit version error message13:54
wols_XLV: considering the CD won't boot, not a working suggestion for him...13:55
m3gach33zyshould I just download and burn i386 1 more time? at 4x13:56
Picim3gach33zy: I suggest you try the links that ubotu sent you about verifying the image13:56
XLVm3gach33zy, here http://ftp.ntua.gr/pub/linux/ubuntu-releases/7.10/MD5SUMS or in any other mirror, you will find md5 sums of install media, get a md5 sum calculator, and verify media image before burning13:56
m3gach33zywill do thanks all13:57
XLVm3gach33zy, for windows http://www.slavasoft.com/hashcalc/index.htm eg, for linux md5sum command13:57
dadehooga question on encrypted partitions ... apart from network configuration information (eg. WEP keys, IPs, etc) is there anything in the system not stored in /home or /var that should really be stored on an encrypted partition ?13:57
simplyubuntuSlart! its done!13:57
jaggz-I tried to install python2.4... slightly newer than the 2.4 I had on this old hoary system13:57
jaggz-and now all the dependencies are broken13:57
dadehoog /var because it houses logfiles, mysql dbs, and webpages ... (for example)13:58
simplyubuntuonly compressed it by .8 gb though13:58
jaggz-how can I make the package system forget that I tried to install this?13:58
wols_dadehoog: your user passwords13:58
mavi-dadehoog: swap is nice to have crypted13:58
mavi-else you just rip the data from there13:58
wols_jaggz-: how did you install it? the dependency errors wouldn't have let you13:58
mavi-dadehoog: but home, etc, var, tmp is nice to keep crypted in the filesystem13:59
mavi-if you dont want it all crypted13:59
dadehoogmavi- and wols_: yeah, /etc makes a lot more sense ... as does tmp and swap ... the rest is all standard stuff though14:00
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dadehooginterestingly my swap partition ...14:00
dadehoog/exec -o cat /proc/swaps14:00
jaggz-wols, I tried to install python2.4-dev with aptitude but it was all strange.. (sorry, I don't exactly remember what the red Bp or something else was)..  so I downloaded the slightly newer package set from http://old-releases.ubuntu....   and used dpkg -i on it14:00
dadehoogFilename                                Type            Size    Used    Priority14:00
dadehoog/dev/sda2                               partition       1558296 0       -114:00
freepenguinhello men14:01
jaggz-so dpkg -i python2.4 python2.4-dev python2.4-minimal14:01
dadehoogcontains no data ... so is unlikely to be a source for unencrypted data recovery ...14:01
jaggz-but none of them went in fully .. in fact I think I might have my earlier versions on the system -- which i can't find in the package repository14:01
Almostdvscould someone please help me fix this http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2033/2122077779_3ebda75901.jpg?v=014:01
jaggz-it won't install them saying it also requires libc6-newer-than-mine, but some other one would be messed up14:02
* jaggz- shakes his head.14:02
wols_jaggz-: just use dpkg -r then14:02
wols_jaggz-: pastebin your errors14:03
simplyubuntuhey guys. is there anyway to monitor all the traffic that goes through my router and at the end of a definite interval, find out how much i d/l and u/l?14:03
jaggz-but I don't want to remove the actually present python2.4 (if it's here still) do I?  I'll pastebin them14:04
Almostdvscould someone please help me fix this http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2033/2122077779_3ebda75901.jpg?v=014:04
wols_ipac-ng for example14:04
wols_simplyubuntu: ifconfig also shows but can only count to 4GB until it overflows14:05
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simplyubuntuthats cool cause my limit is 2 gb14:05
Kalamansihello guys pc2 cannot connect to the internet...but pc1 ubuntu server can connect...any idea?14:05
simplyubuntuhow would i go about that?14:05
wols_Alf115: what driver, what set resolution?14:05
wols_Kalamansi: output of ifconfig, route and cat /etc/resolv.conf from both14:06
Alf115wols_: talking to me ?14:06
thorsimplyubuntu you want to install snmp and learn how to use the stats from there...or if you want to get fancy install something like big brother14:06
wols_Alf115: unfortunately due to an accident. sorry14:06
Alf115no worries14:06
wols_the one this was addressed to quit14:06
simplyubuntuno thor its my own connection i just want to see how much of my limit i use every month, and then figure out how much more i can download without overflowing14:07
wols_Kalamansi: permission denied14:07
simplyubuntubut whats smnp?14:08
Kalamansiwols_ what do you mean by this "output of ifconfig, route and cat /etc/resolv.conf from both"14:08
Slartsimplyubuntu: the backup thingy worked? nice14:08
wols_Kalamansi: the output of those commands14:08
simplyubuntuyep Slart. flawless14:08
wols_simplyubuntu: snmp14:08
Kalamansiwols_ i have two NIC... modem ---> server ubuntu -- > switch --- pc214:08
wols_thor: does ubuntu provide snmp data?14:08
simplyubuntuexcept it only compressed .8 gb14:08
mattwalstonHow can I inspect the content of a .deb's scripts without installing?  I used alien and want to make sure the post and pre are safe.14:08
jaggz-calc pastebin14:08
simplyubuntuso not much compression but what the hey!14:08
Kalamansiwols_ still problematic issue..cant get it "those commands"14:08
jaggz-hmm.. this one is broken :)14:09
simplyubuntu!info snmp14:09
ubotusnmp: NET SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) Apps. In component main, is optional. Version 5.3.1-6ubuntu2 (gutsy), package size 968 kB, installed size 1348 kB14:09
wols_Kalamansi: the ubuntu one has internet and and PC2 doesn't?14:09
jaggz-something's wrong with my system too.. seamonkey locks up.14:09
thorwols_ snmp is a package that you can install and it is the only way to keep additive stats...ifconfig will only count packets/data since bootup...snmp can keep running totals14:09
simplyubuntuthor how would i go about implementing snmp14:09
Kalamansiwols _ yup... modem --- > server ubuntu pc1 --->switch---> pc214:10
simplyubuntubut does that mean i would have to leave my computer on?14:10
simplyubuntuof course i would doh!14:10
wols_Kalamansi: install ipmasq and dnsmasq14:10
simplyubuntuthen i wouldnt be using any bandwidth14:10
simplyubuntustupid me!14:10
Kalamansiwols_: sudo apt-get install ipmasq?14:10
thorsimplyubuntu install the snmp package and then either keep manual totals using commands like snmpget or install something like big brother to collect the data for you14:10
simplyubuntuok you lost me at install...14:11
thorsimplyubuntu there are a number of front ends to snmp data....nagios, big brother, big sister,14:11
simplyubuntuoh cool14:11
simplyubuntuso i should just search synaptic for big brother?14:11
Kalamansiwols_ after this? (im done installing ipmasq / dnsmasq)14:12
wols_Kalamansi: set the PC2's configuration to connect to PC114:12
MacTheMadhello... trying to configue 2nd ethernet card (eth1) and unsure of how... anyone have experience with this?14:12
thorsimplyubuntu snmp installs a bunch of counters and such that work at a low level monitoring system operation...collect all sorts of data. Then you need some sort of front end to collect all that data and arrange it so you can understand it.14:12
wols_Kalamansi: what IP does the network card connecting to the switch for PC1 have?14:12
simplyubuntuok makes a lot more sense now14:13
jaggz-rafb.net is the pastebin14:13
simplyubuntusounds like the right way to do it14:13
simplyubuntuso where do i get big bro from?14:13
Indiadev_TechieHappy Christmas all of u ....14:14
B_166-ER-Xwhy is 'Trackerd' is eating my cpu alive ?    does anyone know about this14:15
MacTheMadcan anyone help with ethernet settings?14:15
titusgDoes anyone know about setting up the local latex environment? I followed instructions on ubuntu wiki but it doesn't work for me...14:15
SlartB_166-ER-X: yes.. did that to me too.. I disabled it14:15
The_MachineAnyone have any luck using an LG phone with bitpim?14:15
thorsimplyubuntu big brother is at http://freshmeat.net/projects/bigbrother/14:15
thorsome info about nagios....http://www.logix.cz/michal/devel/nagios/14:15
SlartB_166-ER-X: it's the background daemon for indexing files14:15
PiciB_166-ER-X: Its an indexer that makes searching for your files easier.14:15
srobertswhere can i get the pynumeric library, i can't seem to find it on google? i can find people talking about it, but nothing to download it or whatever, and i'm not finding a package in apt-cache14:15
PiciB_166-ER-X: There are preferences on the System menu somewhere, sorry I don't remember the exact entry name.14:15
B_166-ER-Xand why 1: its emnabled by default 2: eating the cpu14:15
thorsnmp is here http://net-snmp.sourceforge.net/14:15
Slart!find pynumeric14:15
PiciB_166-ER-X: You can tell it to not use a lot of CPU there.14:16
ubotuPackage/file pynumeric does not exist in gutsy14:16
SlartB_166-ER-X: 1. because it's a good thing, or so they say. 2. because it's broken.. or so they say =)14:16
titusgwhere's the best place to ask questions about latex on ubuntu?14:16
Kalamansiwols_ reboot14:16
wols_!info python-numeric14:16
ubotupython-numeric: Numerical (matrix-oriented) Mathematics for Python. In component main, is optional. Version 24.2-8 (gutsy), package size 178 kB, installed size 660 kB14:16
simplyubuntuthor do i have to pay for big brother?14:16
wols_Kalamansi: why would you?14:16
wols_Kalamansi: reboot is not necessary14:16
srobertsah, thanks14:17
jaggz-wow.. why are you working with latex?14:17
Slartwhy not?14:17
mavi-whats wrong with latex? =)14:17
thorsimplyubuntu I think all the stuff I listed is no charge. Start at the snmp page and follow some of their links to see what options you have....there are tons of free alternatives14:17
jaggz-wols_: http://rafb.net/p/2qR7oJ57.html14:17
Picititusg: Here is okay, whats the question?14:17
titusgjaggz-, writing papers at uni14:17
jaggz-nothing's wrong.. just wondering why14:17
titusgPici, I need to set up the local env so that I can use a custom .sty file14:18
jaggz-I've had to fiddle with some things.. but never ended up actually having to use it..14:18
jaggz-like, why not use a word processor or desktop publishing app?14:18
wols_jaggz-: so? you can't install those. either create a backport or upgrade14:18
Drazgohi everyone, got a question about a printer i want to install.  where can i find an OKI B4525 driver?14:18
wols_Drazgo: check to what other printer it is compatible14:19
wols_Drazgo: possibly check linuxprinting.org14:19
jaggz-wols, I can't upgrade to these newer versions either14:19
titusgI read the wiki at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LaTeX14:19
Picititusg: Well... I'm not sure what kind of environement setting would need to be changed.  Perhaps this channel isn't specific enough to help you. Looks like #latex exists too.14:19
TyczekDo you know how to force toshiba a210-psael to change brightness/14:19
Picititusg: /me looks14:19
jaggz-apt-get is saying:    python2.4: Depends: libc6 (>= 2.3.4-1) but 2.3.2.ds1-20ubuntu15 is to be installed14:19
Drazgoi already checked that site, but i just can't find that model of printer wols :s14:19
Slartjaggz-: because latex is better at math14:19
wols_jaggz-: I meant upgrade your ubuntu, not python alone14:19
fiXXXerMetHow can I have the Avant Window Navigator automatically start on login?14:20
titusgPici, thanks, I'll keep looking14:20
wols_Drazgo: then check your manual to see what printer language it uses14:20
Pici!startup | fiXXXerMet14:20
ubotufiXXXerMet: To add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot14:20
jaggz-I would really like to be at a recent version of ubuntu .. this is a 2.5 year old install14:20
Drazgoyou mean the manual of the printer right?14:20
wols_jaggz-: whet version is it?14:20
jaggz-I never moved past hoary on this system.. but I'm working on a project..14:20
wols_Drazgo: yes14:20
jaggz-and I didn't want the downtime :(14:20
LjLhoary is not even supported anymore14:20
Drazgothanks, i'll have a look and come back to you when i found it :)14:20
MacTheMadhello... this is where u go 4 ubuntu help right? anyone know anything about ethernet settings?14:21
jaggz-LjL, I know.. I'm actually having to use http://old-releases.ubuntu...14:21
LjL!anyone | MacTheMad14:21
ubotuMacTheMad: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?14:21
fiXXXerMetPici: perfect!  Thanks.14:21
bazhanglikely yes MacTheMad14:21
jaggz-!ask | macthe mad14:21
ubotumacthe mad: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)14:21
jaggz-just testing14:21
simplyubuntuthor when i search for smnp i get billions of results14:22
MacTheMadok, just getting frustrated here... if this was windows I've had it configured days ago14:22
wols_simplyubuntu: there is only one snmp package14:22
simplyubuntui cant seem to find an official command page for it14:22
boris_how do i restart ubuntu with console command ?14:22
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about shutdown - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi14:22
Piciboris_: sudo reboot now14:22
wols_boris_: shutdown -r now14:22
LjLboris_: sudo reboot14:22
thorsimplyubuntu right...start at http://net-snmp.sourceforge.net/14:22
simplyubuntuno wols_ i mean on google :P14:22
mavi-simplyubuntu: snmp is a protocol more then a command, you need to find an implementation and then find docs for that one14:22
LjLPici: nice portmanteau :P14:22
wols_simplyubuntu: "linux snmp howto" in google14:23
MacTheMadso can anyone tell me settings for ethernet (eth1)]14:23
thorsimplyubuntu when I google something like that I always google for the homepage....'snmp homepage'14:23
LjLMacTheMad: *which* settings? to do what? we can't read your mind, or guess things about your network14:23
PiciLjL: its habit ;)14:23
pike_MacTheMad: what to you mean by settings?14:23
LjLPici: but does it even actually work? it's not in the manpage14:23
SlartMacTheMad: ifconfig eth1 will give you some info14:23
PiciLjL: Yep, it has always worked for me.14:24
pike_MacTheMad: you can connect once using a few commands if you need to automatically at boot then you can use the gui tool or gksu gedit /etc/network/interfaces  and edit the file yourself though there is no need with the gui there14:24
mohamedi need help14:24
LjLPici: uhm it's probably because, in reality, it calls 'shutdown', so it probably passes the arguments to it. still, it's not a correct command really, just fyi14:25
Paavi2_0MacTheMad: there are howtos about setting up sharing network through eth1 in the web14:25
pike_mohamed: whats up?14:25
Slartmohamed: what's the problem?14:25
mohamedhi pike14:25
MacTheMadLjL... ok I've 2 ethernet cards in computer... 1st is set to my static ip, gateway, etc... how do I configure 2nd to send dhcp/dns info 2 other computers on my intranet?14:25
simplyubuntuwols i was just about to do that :P14:25
Drazgomols:could it be the language is PCL 6?14:25
simplyubuntuthor, tanks for the advice14:25
SlartMacTheMad: so, you want to run a dhcp serverlistening on eth2?14:25
wols_MacTheMad: simply configure it statically too in the same subnet, install dnsmasq and configure the dhcp part of it by editing /etc/dnsmasq.conf14:25
mohamedi want to setup apache server how ?14:25
mohamedon my ubuntu14:26
wols_!lamp | mohamed14:26
ubotumohamed: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)14:26
pike_MacTheMad: id suggest a google search like site:help.ubuntu.com connection sharing   <-- or whatever you need to find14:26
LjLMacTheMad: https://help.ubuntu.com/7.10/server/C/dhcp.html14:26
boguhhi, is it possible to extract an email signature from thunderbird?14:26
simplyubuntuthor, is it possible that my router keeps a log of all data transmitted?14:27
=== be is now known as bentob0x
thorboguh what do you mean by 'extract'? you can just cut and paste it into an editor14:27
MacTheMadslart if by that u mean do I want to use this machine as a kind of router... yes14:27
Drazgo@ wols_: could it be the language of my printer is PCL 6?14:27
wols_simplyubuntu: unlikely14:27
pike_mohamed: that link should help you may have questions if you havent used apache much. if you do feel free to ask em here or in #apache14:27
wols_Drazgo: possibly, not sure14:27
thorsimplyubuntu not by default. Is it a wifi router you are talking about?14:27
Drazgoso what do i have to do to find that driver?14:27
wols_Drazgo: PCL6 is a printer language designed by HP14:27
simplyubuntuyeah cause that would be a huge log14:27
simplyubuntuyep thor14:28
thorsimplyubuntu then no....I would be surprised if the router even supports snmp...most wifi hubs are pretty dumb14:28
wols_simplyubuntu: consumer routers don't support SNMP14:28
boguhthor its with html. if i cut and paste is i get only text in my signature but no html14:28
gilsterafter the last headers update a few minutes ago, gutsy no longer sees my Atheros wifi card any help?14:28
SlartMacTheMad: I'm guessing here.. you want "internet connection sharing" or whatever the windows people call it.. you want it to act as a router, you want to run a dhcp server and you might want to run a dns server, possibly just a forwarding dns server..14:28
wols_boguh: view the source of the html14:28
Drazgofrom the manual:14:29
DrazgoFile format: Image : TIFF-F for black/white documents and JPEG14:29
Drazgo             for color documents14:29
Drazgo             - PDF : monochrome et color14:29
Drazgo             - PCL® 6 Emulation (A)14:29
Drazgo             SG Script (PostScript® level 2 language emulation14:29
Drazgo             and PostScript® level 3 language emulation with14:29
LjLMacTheMad: for DNS, i use "dnsmasq". a little proxy DNS server, probably not very secure, but works14:29
Drazgo             configuration file)(B)14:29
bazhangMacTheMad: install firestarter to begin with14:29
dgjonessimplyubuntu, just a thought, i know my ips keeps a record of downloads/uploads which i can check if i log into my account at my isp, maybe your's does the same?14:29
wols_Drobo: you have a normal PS printer14:29
thorsimplyubuntu I have heard for at least one router there is a linux based sw you can install, and that would possibly give you snmp...but I haven't looked into it to see any of the details14:29
simplyubuntuok then how about i implement the thing at my computer so it only tracks data in and out of my comp14:29
SlartMacTheMad: look at the links that the others sent you.. it's a very common setup .. there are probably hundreds of howtos on the net.. it's more work than it would be on a windows box but it's all really straight forward14:29
wols_simplyubuntu: you've already been told, several times what to use there14:30
thorsimplyubuntu that you can do...I have never noticed any appreciable impact on performance by installing snmp.14:30
thorsimplyubuntu you could do simple bookkeeping on the data...wouldn't need to install anything special. And you might enjoy learning about snmp in the process...a very handy tool14:31
simplyubuntusorry wols_ im a bit thick at times14:31
Drazgo@wols_: this is from the manual: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/48846/14:31
simplyubuntuok so use big brother or an equivalent or use snmpget to track manually...14:32
profanephobiawhat number would be global read-only permissions?14:32
Drazgoso according to that, the printer uses PCL right?14:32
Drazgoso where can i find a driver for it?14:32
thorsimplyubuntu I use mbrowse for collecting the data. The snmp website mentions tksnmp also...both little 'editor' style data fetchers14:32
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thorsimplyubuntu you will be surprised at how much data is available.14:33
Picisimplyubuntu: as always, check the ubuntu repositories for software before installing them from 3rd party sites.  Just an fyi ;)14:33
Slartsimplyubuntu: if you want pretty graphs I can recommend cacti.. it collects snmp data, and other kinds, and makes graphs etc14:33
mohamedpike_ thanks for help regarding apacke am in the prograss of installing LAMP..... i will see what will happen14:33
thorSlart now there's one I haven't heard of before <smile>14:34
Freakazoid1337can someone recommend a german ubuntu or linux chatroom?14:34
Pici!de | Freakazoid133714:34
ubotuFreakazoid1337: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de14:34
simplyubuntuwow thats alot of info guys14:34
Slartthor: oh.. it was mentioned already? sorry... I didn't read all the previous chat..14:34
Freakazoid1337thanks to you14:34
simplyubuntubut thanks14:35
simplyubuntucacti sounds good14:35
srobertssimplyubuntu: with stuff like MRTG and netFlow you can also track and graph router traffic.14:35
Jack_SparrowPici: Good morning... on top of things as usual eh..14:35
thorSlart no no....I mentioned several, but have never heard of cacti before. That is why I lurk around here...learn something new every day <smile>14:35
srobertssimplyubuntu: i don't know what you're wanting, but i just thought i'd throw that out there14:35
PiciJack_Sparrow: of course, good morning as well ;)14:35
simplyubuntui know sroberts was looking that up14:35
simplyubuntuthanks ;)14:35
siebencompiling takes so long14:35
simplyubuntui love community support14:35
srobertsmuch better than commercial :P14:36
Slartthor: oh.. the <smile> threw me off there.. cacti is very much like mrtg.. but with a nicer interface imho14:36
Slartsieben: large projects take a while to compile, yes..14:36
simplyubuntuthor how does this sound? http://www.debian-administration.org/articles/36614:36
Picithor: Slart: smokeping is also nice, but it only tracks latency related stuff.14:37
* Slart googles for smokeping14:37
thorsimplyubuntu there should be tons of howtos on snmp on the web...but that is a good a place to start as any14:37
simplyubuntuSlart do you think cacti will work out of the box?14:38
Slartsimplyubuntu: you'll have to setup the snmp stuff first.. and in cacti you'll have to setup what kind of graphs etc you want.. but it's not that hard.. it's point and click14:38
xLEhow do i remove a package14:39
thorPici that looks interesting from their homepage...I will have to file it in my list of tools. Thanks14:39
SlartxLE: apt-get remove packagename14:39
simplyubuntutaking that road then14:39
SlartxLE: sorry.. sudo apt-get remove packagename14:39
Picithor: The ajax stuff isnt yet in the gutsy packages, but its there for hardy.14:39
Jeruvydoes apt-get keep a log of activity?14:39
Slartsimplyubuntu: hmm.. perhaps I should mention that you need a mysql server too.. =)14:39
thorPici I'm not above picking up the source and compiling it myself. Starting to return to that as the repos are usually too out of date14:40
webbosshi all... just come to compile new ver of clamAV and it complains that the GCC ver on 6.06 has an unresolved bug...  GCC Bugzilla Bug 28045 which shows as fixed back in 2006.... anyone got any ideas with this ??14:40
gilsteris anyone having problems with the latest headers update....14:41
Jack_Sparrowwebboss: No idea other than why you are bothering with an antiviru to begin with...14:41
mohamedguys i have a small problem regarding LAMP installition..... the prograss bar stuck at 0% any ideas ?14:42
gilstermy wireless card (atheros) suddenly stopped working...14:42
webbossjack_sparrow: its a samba server... with lots of windoze users hanging off it... hence need for AV14:42
Jack_Sparrowwebboss: Windoze... Good enough reason14:43
linky33webboss: does the samba drive have execute permissions?14:44
simplyubuntuWHAT Slart! seriously?14:44
Slartsimplyubuntu: the cacti installer installs it for you if you don't have it14:44
thorsimplyubuntu back to manual collection <smile>14:44
Slartsimplyubuntu: take a deep breath.. say to yourself.. databases aren't scary.. databases aren't scary.. =)14:45
thorSlart and I thought you were here on planet earth14:45
webbosslinky33: no... but AV is not to protect box... is to prevent users re-infecting from home dirs14:45
TwinkletoesContrary to what I Was told earlier... if I'm downloading .deb packages from the 'packages.ubuntu.com' I guess they're ok to use?14:46
grim_hi, i am every day on p2p, and there i can reg my nick, can i do it here?14:46
simplyubuntuaargh you guys are scaring me14:46
Slart!register | grim_14:46
ubotugrim_: By default, only registered users can send private messages - Information about  registering your Freenode nick can be found at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration14:46
Picigrim_: read what ubotu said above.14:46
simplyubuntucan i be fairly sure that apt-get install cacti wont screw up my system?14:46
webbossanyway issue is why gcc 4.x in the 606 tree still has a buggy build against an issue which was fixed by gcc back in 2006.... especially as we are nearly in 200814:47
Slartsimplyubuntu: yes.. it won't kill your system14:47
thorsimplyubuntu spend a little time checking around the web. There should be something 'not too complex' that will serve for your purposes14:47
* simplyubuntu wipes sweat off brow14:47
Piciwebboss: let me take a look at that bug number, give me a few.14:47
grim_!register | grim_14:47
magnetron!msgthebot > grim_14:47
thorsimplyubuntu I would suggest you first install the snmp package, then a small browser like mbrowse or tksnmp and just take a look at what it is all about14:47
Slartgrim_:  go to the url http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration14:48
webbosspici: checking for gcc bug PR27603... ok, bug not present14:48
webbosschecking for gcc bug PR28045... configure: error: your compiler has gcc PR28045 bug, use a different compiler, see http://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=2804514:48
grim_Slart: thx14:48
thorsimplyubuntu you can install it all on your computer there just to check it out....it won't hurt anything and you can always remove it later14:48
antimatter2msi recently installed ubuntu-gutsy, and it installed emacs, but did not install the emacs-lisp-source-code,14:48
khelllmsg nickserv identify trytis14:49
webbosspici: also quoted elsewhere - http://www.gossamer-threads.com/lists/clamav/users/3492414:49
grim_thor: is possible, that i know you ?14:49
thorgrim_ doubt it, I have devoted my life to anonymity14:49
antimatter2msi can get emacs from gnu, but would rather like to know how to apt-get it from the ubuntu channels...14:49
simplyubuntuok getting mbrowse as we speak. shall check it out14:49
dgjoneskhelll, time for you to change your password14:49
webbosspici: unable to downgrade to a 3.x compiler due to other stuff on this box14:50
thorsimplyubuntu I am remoted to my server now...it runs ubuntu14:50
thorsimplyubuntu the first two packages are snmp and snmpd, they will get you started.14:51
pike_antimatter2ms: apt-cache search emacs   then sudo apt-get install packagename14:51
erUSULkhelll: better change the password we all have seen it clear text14:51
thorsimplyubuntu nagios is also available as nagios214:51
antimatter2msthanx, pike_ will try...14:52
erUSULantimatter2ms: fire up synaptic and install it yourself14:52
pike_antimatter2ms: did you want some dev package or the actual source?14:52
pike_antimatter2ms: you can apt-get either14:52
xLEhow can i search for a file using the terminal14:52
simplyubuntuwhat whats nagios?14:52
thorsimplyubuntu and mbrowse is also in the repos14:52
erUSULxLE: man find14:52
simplyubuntuyeah i got mbrowse14:53
xLEsifn't give me an example./14:53
simplyubuntucan make head or tail of it14:53
thorsimplyubuntu mbrowse is a one at a time browser for snmp data. Nagios on the other hand will collect data over periods of time, construct graphs, reports, etc14:53
thorsimplyubuntu have you installed snmp and snmpd?14:53
erUSULxLE: example «find /dir/where/to/look -name 'whatever'14:53
simplyubuntuyes i have14:53
simplyubuntunext step?14:54
antimatter2mspike_, it worked, I havent used apt-get, apt-xxx very much, will have to rtfm, thanks the help14:54
thorsimplyubuntu ok...then just a sec while I collect my thoughts and make sure I don't mislead you.14:54
thorsimplyubuntu installing it all on my server now...give me a sec14:54
simplyubuntuthor thanks again. this is a real help14:54
thorsimplyubuntu slow server...433 mhz pentium laptop sitting in a closet in Texas <smile>14:55
xLEreturns nothing14:55
Slartthor: don't you have to setup public access and such in snmpd first?14:55
yusuohi I was wondering if there was anyway to save all downloadable items from a webpage14:55
thorsimplyubuntu yup...it runs my website...searcher.myvnc.com...and gives me something to play with while I am out and around14:55
thorSlart yes and no...there are some things that work out of the box14:56
webbossyusuo: wget14:56
Slartthor, ah, ok14:56
erUSULxLE: then it hasn't find anything that matches the criterya you used14:56
retro83does anybody know how to get OSX's xserver to work with Ubuntu's xserver remotely - the keyboard does not work correctly14:56
thorsimplyubuntu and you guys have to give me a break here...haven't worked with this stuff for about five years <smile>14:57
thorsimplyubuntu ok...you ready? (this will be fun)14:57
yusuowhat w.get and the website address will save all .zip files from a webpage14:57
simplyubuntuyep ready14:57
simplyubuntuhaha you're scaring me thor...14:58
Piciwebboss: I don't see any record of that in launchpad, nor on the gcc-4.0 changelogs for dapper.  That bug wasn't even logged until right about when Dapper was released too.14:58
thorsimplyubuntu and remember...I am working remotely from VA to TX...so I may be slow (I really am slow....but this is a good excuse)14:58
thorsimplyubuntu open a terminal and type 'mbrowse &' (you can create a menu item later)14:58
simplyubuntuhaha ok  thor L)14:58
Piciwebboss: And although Dapper was LTS, that only ensures that security updates will be loaded, not bugs/features.14:58
simplyubuntudone thor14:58
thorsimplyubuntu the MIB browser will open and you should see a tree with three items...ccitt, iso, anc joint-iso-ccitt. Click on the + for iso and it will expand14:59
simplyubuntuthor ok14:59
simplyubuntugo into org?15:00
thorsimplyubuntu then click org, dod, internet, mgmt, and mib-2 (you are working your way down the tree)15:00
webbosspici: indeed I realse the implications but thought It might find its way back into the tree... if nothing else via backports15:00
simplyubuntuyeah im there15:00
thorsimplyubuntu almost everything you will ever need is in mib-2, but remember this spec was set up by the govt15:00
thorsimplyubuntu under mib-2 click system15:01
tilcarahello, when i try to remove software ubuntu wants to remove what he thinks has been installed automatically when i installed the package that i want to remove now. how to make him NOT  remove what he wants to with autoremove (how the hell could they put this as a default?)? =@. this is ubuntu 7.10. thanks!15:01
Piciwebboss: I surprised that theres nothing in Launchpad about it, even a 'wont fix'15:01
thorsimplyubuntu here is where all your system info is stored. You can change this with snmp commands so you can identify the system from a remote location.15:01
webbosspici: it will mean that everyone who manually compiles clam on 606 is going to be in same boat about now... especially if like us cannot roll back to earlier gcc15:01
simplyubuntuthor what does that mean (MAN im stupid)15:01
jribtilcara: what program are you using to remove it?15:02
tilcarawhat else O.o?15:02
thorsimplyubuntu now...we are not yet connected to a computer, so there will be no data. But for instance...sysDescr you could set up to say 'my server at ip xxx.x.x.x running ubuntu' or some such15:02
jribtilcara: try explicitly installing the package it wants to remove.  (There are many other package managers)15:02
thorsimplyubuntu syscontact you would usually put your email address in there15:02
tilcarawhich other package managers?15:03
jrib!who | tilcara15:03
ubotutilcara: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)15:03
thorsimplyubuntu but these are not things you need right now.....15:03
jribtilcara: aptitude, add/remove, synaptic, ...15:03
thorsimplyubuntu going back one level, click on interfaces15:03
tilcaraoh yes, those are apt-get GUIS, jrib15:03
simplyubuntuexactly thor. you are aware that im simply trying to monitor the traffic going through my comp while sitting at home, right?15:03
=== StoneApple is now known as StoneNewt
jribtilcara: not really, but it doesn't matter15:04
tilcarahow not? then i must be VERY confused, jrib15:04
thorsimplyubuntu right...want to go right to it? Click on ip...there will be two items...ipindelivers and ipoutrequests. If you were connected to a computer and fetching data those two would show numbers when you click on them15:05
Picitilcara: What packages are we talking about here?15:05
tilcarai m talking about wanting to remove for example libsmbclient and autoremove trying to remove among others liavcodec15:05
simplyubuntuthor i only have ipinhdrerrors and ipinadderrors15:06
simplyubuntuand i have ipoutrequest15:06
simplyubuntuah found it15:06
pteague_workanybody know of a good svn gui for linux that has some of the features of tortoiseSVN (such as being able to select which files you want to commit) ?15:06
Picitilcara: Well, a lot of packages depend on that package which in turn may depend on liavcodec.15:06
tilcarathat's not thrue! grrr15:07
simplyubuntuok thor but what was the interfaces thing?15:07
PiciKeanuReeves: Do you have anything constructive to contribute here?15:07
tilcarawell, doesn't matter, i will figure it out15:07
Picitilcara: Why not? `apt-cache rdepends libsmbclient` lists mplayer for me, which woudlnt surprise me if it depended on a codec package.15:08
ikoniaPici: makes perfect sense, no point having a player without a codec, or a codec without a player15:08
simplyubuntuthor, you there?15:09
=== hugglehug-gone is now known as Neskaya
neozenhi there all, how would one manually remove a package who's post remove script fails for no apparent reason?15:12
AlexJTannerfor some reason my external hard drive has decided to become read only15:12
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots15:12
simplyubuntuthor you still there?15:13
lumpy^hey. i got a folder witch it /var/www/ , and i want that once i go to /home/user12/www it will follow to the /var/www/ ... i think the command is ln -s somthing.. anyone can tell me what is the correct syntax?15:13
jribneozen: what package?  pastebin the full output you get and the command you used please15:13
jriblumpy^: ln -s TARGET NAME15:13
BriixDo u guys have any good tips to style linux ?15:13
jribBriix: have you been to gnome-look.org?15:14
lumpy^im now in the shell at /15:14
neozenlumpy^: ln -s [original-name] [name you wish it to be called]15:14
Slartlumpy^: you want to create a symbolic link.. ln -s is the right command.. "cd ~" then "ln -s /var/www www"15:14
AlexJTannerhow do I set the file system on a hard drive read writable15:14
jshrivertrying to do a mv dir/* /another/dir and getting "too many files"15:14
jshriverknow there is an xargs trick anyone know ?15:14
jshriverhow to mv files when there are to many for mv?15:14
Briixjrib - Yea.. but i meant things like Awn15:14
Slartlumpy^: oh.. sorry.. cd ~/user12/15:14
zenwrylyI can't get "aptitude unhold foo" to work.  "aptitude search foo" still shows "ih" after.  Any tips?15:14
neozenjrib db2exc latest deb off ibm's site15:14
marcioapfhow can i get rmvb to play on ubuntu?15:15
jribmarcioapf: have you tried using mplayer with w32codecs?15:15
Hotkey_Help - 7.10 installed, get sounds (sometimes) when logging in but no system sounds once logged in!??15:15
marcioapfjrib no..15:15
erUSULjshriver: find /dir/ | xargs mv /anotherÇ15:15
jribmarcioapf: try that15:15
marcioapfjrib how?15:15
jrib!w32codecs > marcioapf (read the private message from ubotu)15:16
erUSULjshriver: find /dir/ | xargs mv /another/dir/ the last slash is pretty important!!!15:16
jribmarcioapf: and mplayer is in the multiverse repository, use your favorite package manager to install15:16
gilsterwill someone give me a hand with my wifi card (atheros). it worked perfectly until i just did some kernel header updates, now i am not getting gutsy to pick up the card at all15:16
marcioapfjrib thx =D15:16
erUSULjshriver: please try it first in a dummy case or use cp and rm the source thir after the copy just in case15:16
erUSULjshriver: find + xargs can be dangerous15:17
jriberUSUL: find will still list /dir/ as the output there I think15:17
osfameronerUSUL: I disagree!  find + xargs + another command is what's destructive :-)15:17
erUSULjrib: i'm thinking that -exec would be the right answer in this case15:18
thorsimplyubuntu hang on....got an interruption to handle15:18
simplyubuntuno probs thor15:18
ZipfWeiss jemand ob man in KMail ein komlettes subdirectory auslagen kann, auf Platte. Oder wie man das auf die Platte bekommt? Nicht jede mail einzeln speichen, meine ich.15:18
cyrax_hello citizens of the www. I am using xubuntu on a P4 2.8GHz + 512 MB + 16 S3 Savage card. This is definitely above the min requirements but I notice that my system is pathetically slow. Any ideas? This is a default install btw.15:18
jriberUSUL: /me thinks recompiling the kernel and not bothering with xargs anymore is the nicest solution :)15:19
neozenjrib: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/48858/15:19
jshriverthanks :)15:20
neozenjrib: deb is db2exc_9.5.0-1_i386.deb15:20
cyrax_This is slower than XP btw. That is what surprised me.15:20
neozenjrib: thanks for taking an interest btw...15:20
erUSULjshriver: find /dir/ -exec mv {} /another/dir/   ??15:20
bazhangZipf: german? go to #ubuntu-de if you wish :}15:21
jribneozen: ah, unofficial deb...  pastebin /var/lib/dpkg/info/db2exc.*15:21
erUSULjrib: running 2.6.24-rc5 here so i do not have this problem ;)15:21
slizehallo, I'd need some help  import my certificate into cisco vpn client15:22
slizethe client won't accept my certificate15:22
erUSULcyrax_: maybe some stray process is eating cpu? try top on a terminal15:22
ricanelitehas anyone installed Counter Strike 1.6 (Steam) on there Linux Machine?15:23
bazhang!fr | kuun-laan15:23
ubotukuun-laan: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.15:23
cyrax_erUSUL, I saw top already. 97% idle.15:23
cyrax_and when I run Firefox... oh boy! I know firefox consumes quite a bit of memory but 512 ought to be enough.15:24
neozenjrib: another coworker tried to force removal of this package using the --force-remove-reinstall flag to dpkg and now... his system can't install any packages period15:24
neozenjrib: anyway... I'll snag that info you were looking for15:24
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jribneozen: yep, we'll read what the script actually tries and see if we can figure out why it is failing15:25
MacTheMadcan anyone assist me with settings for eth1? I'm guessing it should be set to static ip... the ip address should be something like (I would like to use which should be possible), I know the subnet is but what do I put for the gateway? the loopback
galaxy_what do i have to do to turn on the desktop cube?15:26
ubotuTo enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy), install 'compizconfig-settings-manager'. A new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion15:26
galaxy_i turned it on in the advanced settings packagei installed15:26
dr_willisgalaxy_:  use the ccsm tool to enable 4 desktops also15:26
galaxy_ok thanks15:27
erUSULcyrax_: then i dunno... :S15:27
neozenJjrib: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/48862/15:27
neozenjrib: guess I should start testing all debs I get from ibm in the future15:27
The_Machinehow to resize an animated gif file in linux?15:27
cyrax_erUSUL, thank you for trying to help. I know. It is a vague question and funny situation to be in.15:27
erUSULMacTheMad: gatyeaway is the machine that has acces to other networks other than the lan15:27
erUSULMacTheMad: you are in15:28
ricanelitehey tilcara can you help me out?15:28
neozenjrib: seemed like a fair assumption that they wouldn't post broken debs15:28
znejkHello, what is libcommon? where can i get it?15:29
neozenjrib: much obliged15:29
MacTheMaderusus it's the 2nd card in machine... I don't think I want to set it to the same gateway as the card which carries my internet connection do I?15:29
ricanelitei have a issue where by mistake on the video settings in counter strike i out D3D which now makes the game unplayable when I had it on OpenGL option it worked fine. I need to find out a way so I could get OpenGL back on. But I cannot get into the Counter Strike video settings15:29
jribneozen: see lines 30-35 in your paste?  Make sure those commands are not failing.  So make sure the files exist and the directories are empty.  Or just comment those lines and resolve that stuff manually15:29
neozenjrib: ok....15:30
gilstercould some please help me fix a madwifi atheros card connection.....it worked flawlessly till todays updates?15:30
neozenjrib: ok...15:31
Tyczekgilster, you have to recompile it15:31
TyczekI had today too...15:31
neozenjrib: checking....15:31
gilsterTyczek: recompile what?15:31
Tyczekuninstall and install madwifi again15:31
neozenjrib: yeah... they aren't in the filesystem.... I'll comment those out...15:32
gilsterTyczek: how do i uninstall it15:32
Piciricanelite: This isnt really ubuntu related at all, but you should have some sort of settings ini file in your CS directory that you can remove, it should revert to the default settings.  You can look at the steampowered.com forums for more information if you need help finding the exact file.15:32
thorsimplyubuntu ok...trying to get my boat/home repaired without getting screwed <smile> You still there?15:32
MacTheMaderusul I didn't follow u... is the loopback the correct address to use for the gateway on the 2nd card?15:32
Tyczekgilster, go to your madwifi source folder... than go to scripts... unload modules... and then make and make install15:33
pteague_workdoes ubuntu use inetd or xinetd?15:34
neozenjrib: commented...15:34
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jribneozen: k, see if removing fails again.  If it does, check lines 37 and 3815:35
neozenjrib: yep... still erroring out....15:36
_rubenpteague_work: both are available15:36
jribneozen: k, execute 37 and 38 yourself and make sure they are taken care of, then just comment again15:36
MacTheMadcan anyone tell me if the loopback ( is the correct setting for the gateway address for the 2nd ethernet card in my machine (eth1) this is the card to which I would like to connect other machines to this server15:37
mavi-MacTheMad: dont set a gw for the second card15:37
wols_MacTheMad: wrong15:37
mavi-MacTheMad: just for the card you "reach internet" with15:37
MacTheMadmavi I should just leave it blank?15:37
mavi-MacTheMad: yeah15:37
wols_the loopback is not
neozenjrib: 37 exec'd with np15:37
erUSULMacTheMad: it depends on the configuration of the LAN you are connected to. For example my LAN is only my pc and a router for me the router is the default gateaway for the router it is some machine on my isp network15:37
MacTheMadmavi ty15:38
mavi-wols_: 127.0 is the loopback network, 127.1 is the host, so 127.0 is technically a loopback =)15:38
wols_MacTheMad: all the internal interface needs is IP and netmask15:38
neozenjrib: 38 was the problem15:38
MacTheMaderusul this machine will be the router15:38
neozenjrib: file didn't exist15:38
wols_mavi-: it's not15:38
neozenjrib: commenting15:38
MacTheMadwols ty15:38
gilsterTyczek: sorry bro. walk me by the hand here. i have never had to recompile madwifi drivers in gutsy...15:38
Tyczekgilster, allright then...15:39
mavi-wols_: it is, its the loopback networks broadcast address15:39
Tyczekgilster, did you installed it by repositon or by source code (compiling) previously?15:40
wols_mavi-: neither a network nor a broadcase is a host. and why would the loopsback need a broadcast anyways? or a network?15:40
aj_Hi, dont know if anyone recalls me - but I was here a couple of days back with problems running the nvidia binary drivers. I figured it out, and thought I should mention it here. It seems certain kernel boot options does not work well with the binary driver and thats what was causing me a problem previously15:40
messjuhi, how do I prevent this usbdev stuff in gutsy from autoloading usblp when connecting a printer?15:40
gilsterTyczek: no need...it always worked out of the box using restricted atheros drivers15:40
wols_mavi-: just set your loopback to this IP and have fun if you're so convinced of it15:40
Tyczekgilster, hmmm15:41
wols_gilster: do you have a custom kernel? what kernel do you have?15:41
messjuI got a forum post mentioning /etc/hotplug/blacklist - but that did not work for me15:41
Slartaj_: what did you find out.. what did you have to change to make it work?15:41
Jack_Sparrowaj_: Specifically which option..15:41
Tyczektoday was the update...15:41
wols_messju: /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.local15:41
gilsterTyczek: Standard. today in the morning there were some header updates and then it all stoped workig15:41
neozenjrib: whee.... now its uninstalled!15:41
neozenjrib: thankee15:41
wols_messju: there is no hotplug anymore in ubuntu15:41
jribneozen: no problem15:42
Tyczekgilster, you're right... I had to install madwifi again...15:42
wols_gilster: if headers update, so did the kernel15:42
gilsterTyczek: yes i understand.15:42
gilsterTyczek: so can i install it from the repositories15:42
simplyubuntuthor i'm back15:43
simplyubuntusorry about that15:43
BriixHow do I install E16 ?15:43
ricanelitehow can i check to see if I have the latest Nvidia Drivers?15:44
mavi-wols_: the loopback needs a broadcast because its a net not a host.. try ping 127.2 or 127.3 =)15:44
messjuwols_: ah - many thanks15:44
Slartricanelite: glxgears | grep -i GL_VERSION15:44
Konami'm having problems setting up NFS between my 2 ubuntu PCs15:44
Tyczekgilster, I lost confidence about it...15:44
ricanelitethank you Slart15:44
aj_Slart. i used to boot my laptop with acpi=off, cos the stock install will hang on bootup. i removed that, and i added noapic -- that allows me to boot up / run the binary drivers15:44
messjuwols_: what would be a good source to get informed about such architectural changes?15:44
Tyczekgilster, I don't want to wrong guide you... maybe someone else will help ;)15:45
aj_nobody here mentioned anything about checking the boot options when i had problems. I experimented on it later15:45
Jack_Sparrowaj_: Thanks...15:45
aj_welcome :)15:45
erUSULaj_: congrats! witout noapic what fails the boot or the binary drivers?15:45
Slartaj_: ah.. ok... I don't use acpi=off.. haven't had any troubles with it.. but it's good to know.. thanks15:45
gilsterTyczek: no its oke15:45
ricanelitewhat is a good FPS to get in glxgears?15:45
Jack_Sparrowaj_: I use noapic so I didnt have the problem15:45
Slartricanelite: glxgears isn't a benchmark15:45
aj_erUSUL:  without noapic a stock fresh install can't boot (no binary drivers / other things loaded)15:45
Slartricanelite: but something like 2000-1500015:45
gilsterTyczek: just tell me how you did it...i know how to compile i have just never had to use it for madwifi15:45
ricanelitegot you15:45
TyczekI stepped by it: http://madwifi.org/wiki/UserDocs/FirstTimeHowTo15:46
erUSULglxgears is not a benchmark it only can tell the difference between software render or hw render (orders of magnitude)15:46
Jack_Sparrowaj_: I have had to use that one on several boxes.15:46
erUSULaj_: maybe you can file a bug report on launchpad about it against the linux-image15:46
aj_i guess the hardware on the tx1000 hp tablet pc is different / weird / something, lol15:46
BriixHow do I install E16 ?15:46
erUSUL!bugs | aj_15:46
ubotuaj_: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.ubuntu.com/  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/products/ubuntu-bots15:46
aj_ok, guess I will go send the bug in15:47
gilsterTyczek:ok thanks15:47
Tyczekit should works i think15:47
Jack_SparrowBriix: You should have a readme in the download or help on the site where you got it.. personally, I dont care for elive or any of the enlightenments15:47
aj_Anyway. just wanted to let you folks know. Thanks for trying to help me the other day15:47
celciuz_hi everybody!15:48
aj_Seeya and good luck :)15:48
BriixJack_Sparrow: What u mean ? Don't care ?15:48
=== neozen is now known as neozen-work
Jack_SparrowBriix: I didnt like the product or the support (lack of it)15:48
BriixAah ok..15:48
koko_tud itt valaki magyarul is? :-)15:48
Slart!hu | koko_15:48
celciuz_sorry, somebody knows about the laptop's battery?15:48
ubotukoko_: Magyar nyelvű segítséget az #ubuntu-hu csatornán talál15:48
BriixU know some good program to syle Linux ?15:48
Slartyou're welcome15:49
tomaustin_hi, i am wanting to edit the .profile of the root user and add a string to the PATH. could someone tell me how to do it?15:49
Jack_SparrowBriix: If you want themes.. try gnome-look.org15:49
celciuz_gnome-look have the best themes! very good job15:49
BriixJack_Sparrow: Any special theme ? something cool15:49
sysdef'make menuconfig' is a good program to style linux15:50
Jack_SparrowBriix: Way too many to count...  check them out then ask some questions15:50
LjLsysdef: ...15:50
BriixOk, thx15:50
neozen-worksysdef: ...that's not nice.....15:50
darksideruhm, could someone help me with a wireless problem i am having? im very new to this whole linux stuff15:50
celciuz_darksider what is your problem?15:51
__rcomalta___in terminal what can i do to see what ip i have , in windows we do ipconfig and in linux15:51
bazhangBriix: you in gutsy?15:51
LjLtomaustin_, for normal users, that should be done in the .bash_profile file - i guess the same would apply for root15:51
celciuz_ifconfig -a15:51
Pici__rcomalta___: ifconfig15:51
darksiderok, i was using the wireless manager that came with my ubuntu installatin15:51
BriixBazhang: Of course :p why ?15:51
darksiderand i changed to kwifimanager15:51
erUSULLjL: ~/.profle on fresh gutsy15:51
bazhangBriix: you can install enlightenment from the repos you know15:51
darksiderbecause it was really unreliable and i thought kwifi would be better15:51
neozen-workdarksider: and it wasn't...15:52
celciuz_but, you have KDE installed?15:52
darksiderand then i deleted the other manager. now my wireless wont work15:52
BriixBazhang : Really ? Just search on Enlightenment ?15:52
Jack_SparrowBriix: You would be surprised, but that is not a stupid question...  it involves effects - emerald etc...15:52
LjLerUSUL: i see. mine is not very fresh, more like an Edgy upgrade15:52
neozen-workdarkmatter: how did you 'delete' the other manager?15:52
darksideruninstalled it15:52
marcioapfhow can i play .rm and .rmvb files on ubuntu?15:52
bazhangBriix: and there are some e16 editors in there as well apt-cache search enlightenment in the terminal15:52
jribmarcioapf: yes?  did it work?15:52
neozen-workdarkmatter: and which one did you delete? network-manager or network-manager-gnome?15:52
Jack_Sparrow!find enlightenment15:52
ubotuFound: enlightenment, enlightenment-data, enlightenment-theme-bluesteel, enlightenment-theme-brushedmetal, enlightenment-theme-ganymede (and 1 others)15:52
LjL!real > marcioapf    (marcioapf, see the private message from Ubotu)15:52
wols_marcioapf: realplayer, helix player15:52
BriixJack_Sparrow : Yea.. thats right, but I'm always up to date15:53
Slartmarcioapf: you can install realplayer.. it's not as bad in linux as in windows15:53
darksideri dont know15:53
BriixBazhang : Thx, i'll try that15:53
darksiderthe exact name15:53
ubotuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)15:53
darksiderthe icon was two pc monitors15:53
Slart!who | pici =)15:53
ubotupici =): please see above15:53
neozen-workdarkmatter: reinstall network-manager15:53
erUSULLjL: well i've upgraded from warty beta all the way to feisty but for gutsy i changed to 64 bits and i was bitten for the: wtf!! where is .bash_profile ?? XD15:53
neozen-work*darsider: reinstall network-manager15:53
MacTheMadcan anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong... have ethernet cards setup finally but windows box connected is telling me it's not connected even tho it is15:54
neozen-workgah.... fingers all wonky today15:54
celciuz_neozen, you know about battery's problem?(in laptop)15:54
wols_erUSUL: how can you change from 32bit to 64 by upgrading?15:54
darksideroh..well dont i just feel like the idiot =p15:54
celciuz_haha dont worry darksider : )15:54
LjLerUSUL: in ~. although i don't have it by default for /root. but i guess with a fresh Gutsy, it might not be there at all, .profile being used instead15:54
soroushhow can i add ubuntu dvd to its reposetories?15:54
wols_marcioapf: static IPs or DHCP on windows?15:54
erUSULwols_: that's the point for gutsy i was forced to do a fresh install15:54
sysdefneozen-work: i think put the linux kernel, gnome, gnu all together in a jug and mix them is not nice :| just my point of view15:54
darksideruhm..when im trying to re-install network-manager i get an error15:55
soroushi don't want other downloaded reposetories to be deleted15:55
neozen-workdarksider: heheeh15:55
neozen-worksysdef: still....15:55
wols_MacTheMad: static IPs or DHCP on windows?15:55
MacTheMadwols was static but I just changed it to dhcp15:55
marcioapfwols_ can't understand15:55
neozen-workdarksider: oh... what error?15:55
celciuz_neozen-work: you know something about battery problems?15:55
darksiderE: /var/cache/apt/archives/network-manager-gnome_0.6.2-0ubuntu7_i386.deb: trying to overwrite `/usr/share/gnome-vpn-properties/nm-vpn-properties.glade', which is also in package network-manager15:55
wols_marcioapf: pastebin output of ifconfig on ubunte and uoutput of ipconfig and route print on windows15:55
soroushi want installation of packages from dvd to get available\15:55
celciuz_because i have a hp laptop, and i dont see the icon =s15:56
Slartsoroush: system, administration, software sources.. there's a button for a cd there15:56
wols_soroush: edit your sources.list. you need deb-cdrom lines for the DVD15:56
neozen-workcelciuz_: sorry. you'll need to be more specific about what you mean by "battery problems"15:56
Jack_Sparrowsoroush: cant you just add it like it was a cd in your sources/list15:56
wols_MacTheMad: pastebin output of ifconfig on ubunte and uoutput of ipconfig and route print on windows15:56
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Picisoroush: I believe the System>Administration>Software sources tool can help you add your cd.15:56
wols_marcioapf: sorry for the wrong tab ocmpletes15:56
=== capital is now known as oh_capital
soroushSlart, i'm frightened15:56
celciuz_yes, sorry.. i dont see the battery settings :S15:56
MacTheMadwols I have no idea what you're telling me to do15:56
soroushthe current downloaded reposetories to be deleted15:57
wols_MacTheMad: to put the output of those commands in a pastebin15:57
neozen-workcelciuz_: if you mean battery life.... well, the linux kernel and many other programs are getting better about battery usage.... but still have a bit to go....15:57
soroushwon't it ?15:57
wols_!paste | MacTheMad15:57
ubotuMacTheMad: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)15:57
Slartsoroush: they won't be.. the cd will be added15:57
celciuz_what programs i can use?15:57
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about glade - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi15:57
soroushand won't it get them from internet eigther?15:57
bazhangdarksider: sorry, what was your question?15:57
neozen-workcelciuz_: to do what?15:57
Jack_Sparrowsoroush: You can burn your already downloaded to hard drive files to a dvd which will be in /var/cache/apt/archives15:57
celciuz_to check the battery and this stuffs15:57
erUSUL!aptoncd | soroush15:58
ubotusoroush: APTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers15:58
neozen-workcelciuz_: you mean see how much time your battery has left?15:58
Slartsoroush: you can easily remove the cd from the sources later if you find it doesn't work15:58
neozen-workcelciuz_: that kind of thing?15:58
darksiderwhen trying to re-install netwrk-manager i get the follwing error15:58
neozen-workcelciuz_: should be one already in ubuntu15:58
MacTheMadok and just what am I pasting there?15:58
Jack_Sparrowsoroush: and see above aptoncd is very cool..15:58
neozen-workcelciuz_: check out your system tray15:58
celciuz_but the ubuntu program dont work15:58
erUSULcelciuz_: there a battery applet... right click on the panel and choose add to pannel15:58
darksiderE: /var/cache/apt/archives/network-manager-gnome_0.6.2-0ubuntu7_i386.deb: trying to overwrite `/usr/share/gnome-vpn-properties/nm-vpn-properties.glade', which is also in package network-manager15:58
MacTheMadwols what am I supposed to paste there?15:59
soroushthanks a lot15:59
celciuz_yes, erusul but this dont work15:59
bazhangdarksider: what are you trying to do there?15:59
neozen-workcelciuz_: does your system have acpi support?15:59
celciuz_how i can check the acpi support?15:59
darksiderre-install network manager because i installed kwifi and then removed network-manager and now my wireless doesnt work15:59
neozen-workcelciuz_: in a terminal, run acpi15:59
_NiCAnyone got an idea what's wrong when I have my apache2 running, it's listening on port 80, but doesn't accept any connections? There are no firewalls-rules active, and when I telnet to port 80 it hangs at "Trying". :(15:59
celciuz_let me see15:59
neozen-workcelciuz_: tell me what you see15:59
wols_MacTheMad: the output of ifconfig on ubuntu and the output if ipconfig and route print from windows15:59
Jack_Sparrowsoroush: If you run this it will make a copy of your current sources list..   cp /etc/apt/sources.list ~/Desktop/sources.list.$(date +%m-%d-%Y-%T)15:59
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about glade - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi15:59
bazhangdarksider: for roaming, a home network or what?16:00
darksidera home network16:00
Hotkey_Can someone help with sound question please? I have sound when i log on and Gutsy install plays mp3s but I don't get any other system sounds.  In Sound Pref I have several events associated with sounds and the test works for all of them but I never hear anything when just normal tasks.16:00
darksiderusing intel proset wireless 3945ABG16:00
celciuz_neozen-work:  Battery 1: charging, 78%, 00:22:39 until charged16:00
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bazhangdarksider: why not just use the cli? it's much easier :}16:00
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neozen-workcelciuz_: well... there you go...16:00
neozen-workcelciuz_: your system has acpi support....16:00
darksidercan u walk me thru getting the cli up and running?16:01
bazhangdarksider is it an encrypted network? if so with what--wep, wpa, wpa216:01
celciuz_perfect, but why i cant see the battery icon? (i have xubuntu)16:01
neozen-workcelciuz_: ahhh16:01
ubotuWEP is totally insecure, don't use it, the full Wireless Documentation for Ubuntu can be found at:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs16:01
neozen-workcelciuz_: that's different then16:01
neozen-workcelciuz_: xubuntu doesn't come with gnome-power-manager16:01
toxicfum1hi all16:01
neozen-workcelciuz_: there's a battery applet though16:01
darksiderbazhang: i use WEP,16:02
neozen-workcelciuz_: right click your panel16:02
bazhangdarksider: wep is not very secure, but better than nothing I guess :}16:02
celciuz_yes, and this battery applet dont work16:02
gilsterTyczek: you still here?16:02
neozen-workcelciuz_: define... don't work16:02
darksiderbazhang:  where i stay it doesnt matter nobody knows enugh to mess with it16:02
BriixWhen i have installed Enlightenment - Shall i just restart my computer ?16:02
gilsterTyczek: anyways thanks for the info. compiled it and it works great16:02
bazhangdarksider: open up a terminal and type ifconfig16:02
neozen-workcelciuz_: doesn't show up.... has invalid info... what?16:02
celciuz_well, i cant see when my battery have little charge16:02
wols_Briix: unless you change kernels or hardware you nevre meed to reboot16:02
toxicfum1i'm using an Atheros based pci WIFI card in my computer but i need to find out what driver i'm using, how do i find that out? from what I know it's madwifi or madwifi_ng, but i can't find any of those in lsmod or dmesg, can someone please help me here?16:02
celciuz_doesnt show up16:02
bazhangBriix: no, just log out and then in sessions choose enlightenment16:03
darksiderbazhang: ok done that16:03
BriixBanzhang . Ok16:03
wols_toxicfum1: what is in your lsmod output then?16:03
neozen-workcelciuz_: you mean it doesn't show when your battery is critical?16:03
toxicfum1wols_: it's so many lines..but i dont see madwifi anywhere16:03
wols_toxicfum1: pastebin it16:03
bazhangdarksider: does it show your wireless card? should be something like eth1, wlan0 ath0 or like that16:03
neozen-workcelciuz_: right click the applet and go to Properties16:03
toxicfum1wols_: okay please wait16:03
Benji1Ubuntu install keeps freezing on step 4/7, anyone got any ideas?16:03
KonamI'm having problems to reach my nfs-server, even though i can ping it and all16:03
Hotkey_Can someone help with sound question please? I have sound when i log on and Gutsy install plays mp3s but I don't get any other system sounds.  In Sound Pref I have several events associated with sounds and the test works for all of them but I never hear anything when just normal tasks.16:03
darksiderbazhang:  its called eth1 and....yeah its there16:04
erUSUL!dmix | Hotkey_16:04
ubotuHotkey_: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP316:04
bazhangBenji1: you may want to try the alternate cd--that can do the trick when the live cd chokes16:04
celciuz_when click in properties the panel show "separator or spacing"16:04
bazhangdarksider: try this: sudo dhclient eth116:04
Benji1bazhang: What is the difference on the alternate cd?16:04
Benji1is it just install?16:04
pike_Benji1: yes just the install method plus you have option of just server install16:05
Benji1ok thanks16:05
toxicfum1wols_: here it is: http://pastebin.com/m1c6ca99f16:05
Benji1will get that16:05
bazhangBenji1: it's text based and install only, among other differences16:05
darksiderbazhang:  ok what now?16:05
soroushsynaptic package manager wants me to add cdrom16:05
Benji1will I still get x windows etc etc?16:05
wols_toxicfum1: rt2500                180836  0 is a WLAN driver...16:05
Benji1like gdm etc?16:05
soroushi try to do it16:05
pike_Benji1: default install will be the same on both16:05
wols_rt2500pci              19072  0 is too16:05
bazhangdarksider: are you getting messages (don't paste them here, just tell me) about dhcp discover, etc.?16:06
toxicfum1wols_: that's a different card, that's a linksys rt2500 based card, but i have one more netgear atheros based card that i'm using16:06
soroushrunning apt-cdrom add /media/sda6/dvds/ubuntu-7.10-dvd-i386.iso16:06
soroushapt-cdrom add /media/sda6/dvds/ubuntu-7.10-dvd-i386.iso16:06
wols_toxicfum1: ath_pci                98336  0 is atheros madwifi driver. what chip do you actually have? check lspci16:06
erUSULtoxicfum1:  tree /sys/devices | grep -n10 eth1 and see what the driver file pints to16:06
soroushbut it says it can't mount it16:06
darksiderbazhang: yeah im getting dhcp discover/poffer/request/pack16:06
toxicfum1wols_: i have a linksys wmp54g and a netgear wpn311 (atheros based)16:06
bazhangdarksider: and finally no offers, sleeping?16:07
darksiderbazhang:  what?16:07
wols_soroush: your apt-cdrom line is wrong16:07
soroushand when i address apt-cdrom <a dir which the dvd is mounted on it says the same )16:07
neozen-workcelciuz_: you have to actually right click the battery.....16:07
bazhangdarksider: did you get any offers/lease, or did it say no dhcpoffers, sleeping (something like that)?16:07
soroushwols_, how should i add it16:07
wols_soroush: that apt-cdrom line is also wrong. just run apt-cdrom add16:07
celciuz_no, i dont have any battery in the panel16:08
Hotkey_erUSUL I have some sounds and what I'm really trying to determine is if I should get sound when I open an ap?  Close an ap?  Minimize, Maximize, etc?16:08
celciuz_this is the problem16:08
neozen-workcelciuz_: probably a graph...16:08
celciuz_nothing =s16:08
erUSULHotkey_: i do not get them i only get sound on boot and on login16:08
bazhangdarksider: still with me?16:08
celciuz_neozen: u want a screenshot?16:08
erUSULHotkey_: i haven't touched the conf about system sounds16:08
neozen-workcelciuz_: by default, should show percentage16:08
toxicfum1erUSUL: it says n10 and eth1 folders not found16:09
differentrealitydo usb devices appear in /dev/ like hard disks?   I want to access a hard disk connected via usb through terminal16:09
darksiderbazhang:  i PMd u everything it returned16:09
neozen-workcelciuz_: of battery remaining16:09
neozen-workcelciuz_: sure... screenshot would be fine16:09
bazhangdarksider: are you registered?16:09
toxicfum1wols_: got any solution for me?16:09
celciuz_yes, i know.. the firsts days this works fine..  but no now16:09
darksiderbazhang:  no :/16:09
neozen-workcelciuz_: (sorry this is taking so long)16:09
erUSULtoxicfum1: you have misstyped the command i guess16:09
MacTheMadwols... sorry, had 2 take a call... anyway I know what ipconfig is on windows but no idea where to find it on this linux box... what specifically do you need to know... I know how to do all this stuff on a windows box16:09
bazhangdarksider: no need to pm--did you get an offer and lease, or did it just say no offers, sleeping?16:10
celciuz_neozen give me 2 seconds16:10
wols_toxicfum1: I told you what the madwifi driver's module is long ago16:10
Hotkey_erUSUL - OK that helps - its odd though that there are sounds (in the Sound Pref panel) associated with different tasks like "choose menu item" or "select check box"16:10
neozen-workcelciuz_: np16:10
PiciMacTheMad: ifconfig16:10
darksiderbazhang: i got DHCPOFFER from
toxicfum1erUSUL: tree /sys/devices/ | grep - n10 eth116:10
toxicfum1grep: n10: No such file or directory16:10
toxicfum1grep: eth1: No such file or directory16:10
Pici!paste | toxicfum116:10
ubotutoxicfum1: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)16:10
erUSULtoxicfum1:  try « tree /sys/devices | grep -n10 eth1 » and see what the driver file points to16:10
wols_MacTheMad: I didn't say you should run ipconfig on windows. I told you to run ifconfig on ubuntu and ipconfig and route print on windows. please read more carefully16:10
soroushwols_, it worked16:10
erUSULtoxicfum1: there is no space between - and n1016:10
Picitoxicfum1: no space between - and n1016:10
toxicfum1ohh i see, sorry about that16:10
bazhangdarksider: and then something about a lease, will renew in n number of seconds?16:10
soroushbut now i see another error16:11
xcsthey i want to improve the look of my ubuntu, any suggestions?16:11
Hotkey_erUSUL Actually I dont recall hearing anything at log off - only log on and mp3 tunes.16:11
darksiderbazhang:  i got " renewal in 41686 seconds."16:11
bazhanggnome-look.org xcst16:11
Hotkey_erUSUL I'll log off and see what I get....... thanks.16:11
toxicfum1erUSUL, wols_, Pici: thansk guys, i got it :) ath_pci was indeed right16:11
bazhangdarksider: then you are connected! bravo16:11
MacTheMadok well I don't know what route print is... never had to use that before ever & I've been doing this for years16:11
erUSULHotkey_: in my con f i only got sound for login and log out16:11
wols_MacTheMad: it's a command like ipconfig16:11
darksiderbazhang: yeah but when i disconnect my ethernet cable (eth0) im not connected16:11
erUSULtoxicfum1: no problem16:12
soroushit says http://rafb.net/p/7m413v60.html16:12
dell_linis there any setting to confiure wget ttl (time to live setting ) for say i had bad /dailup connection break and connect again so i can resume downloading16:12
orbitizeHello, when I try to access network shares on my windows box I get an Autorization Dialog, requesting user and password. Anyone know how I can fix this?16:12
sorousheach step means a new error to me :((16:12
wols_MacTheMad: if you've done this for years you've learnt preciously little16:12
gilsterhas everyone here that uses madwifi, needed to recompile the modules into the new kernel16:12
neozen-workcelciuz_: still there?16:12
Tyczekgilster,  great that it worked16:12
bazhangdarksider: wait a minute; you are trying to connect wirelessly and wired at the same time? don't think that is going to fly :}16:12
BriixHow do i get into my file manager in Enlightenment ?16:12
darksiderbazhang:  no its just i hav no internet connection withut the ethernet cable16:13
Hotkey_erUSUL no sound on logoff!   only login and mp3 files........... very odd.16:13
wols_orbitize: is the share on ubuntu or on windows?16:13
bazhangBriix: the menu editor? just type it in the terminal16:13
Tyczekgilster, yeah it says that madwifi needs recompile after update16:13
BriixBazhang : What do i have to type ?16:13
gilsterTyczek: oh no problems. thanks a lot. i didnt mean to make it seem like i didnt know how to compile i just never had to do that for madwifi16:14
erUSULBriix: what file manager do you want to use? is already installed?16:14
orbitizewols_: the share is on windows, I am on a linux box trying to access it16:14
Konamno one can help me with my NFS issue?16:14
neozen-workcelciuz_: k16:14
soroushwhy does ubuntu say me http://rafb.net/p/7m413v60.html16:14
wols_orbitize: you can use guest for example. depends what the windows box wants for user/pass16:14
bazhangBriix: did you install the editor?  e16menuedit is the name16:14
celciuz_uploading the pic...16:14
Tyczekgilster, :D16:14
BriixerUSUL : I dunno how to open up my picture folder f .ex16:14
BriixBazhang : Yea, i did16:14
soroushwhen i've mounted a cdrom drive16:15
neozen-workcelciuz_: I see16:15
celciuz_neozen-work: http://img124.imageshack.us/img124/7232/87616320rs6.png16:15
bazhangtype that name in the terminal Briix16:15
soroushwhat might be wrong?16:15
orbitizewols_: I am unable to log in, i have no idea what the user name/pw could be. Tried my ubuntu user/pass and windows user/pass, no luck16:15
wols_soroush: did you use sudo?16:15
BriixBazhang : Ok16:15
acehello ubuntu, I have a shell script and I want to add an icon on this script, is it possible?16:15
gilsterTyczek: where does it say that?16:15
bazhangdarksider: you want to connect to a home wireless network? you said home network you meant something else?16:15
Lunar_Lampace, you mean you want to execute the shell script by clicking an icon?16:15
BriixIt didn't work16:16
aceLunar_Lamp: I would like, when I open the folder where the script is, to see the script with a specific icon instead of the default one16:16
neozen-workcelciuz_: see the time just to the left of the system tray..... what do you see when you mouseover it?16:17
mollitzsomeone knows how to change the registry of an installed windows ( i. g. 2000) from a live cd16:17
TyczekIn every module like ndiswrapper od madwifi you need to recompile it again16:17
Lunar_LampHmm, ace I'm not sure about that.  If right-clicking doesn't allow you to change the properties of it I'm not sure how I'm afraid. I don't have Gnome on this machine to test either.16:17
TyczekIn every how to it is says...16:17
bazhangBriix: how about e16menuedit2 ? did you install that--might be worth a go16:17
TyczekI just red about it16:17
aceLunar_Lamp: sad, it s to realease a program16:17
BriixBazhang : Ok, i'll try that16:17
neozen-workcelciuz_: or is this your local time (12:10)?16:17
bazhangdarksider: you still around?16:17
soroushwols_ , after using sudo it still says:16:17
wormzI can't seem to work out how to get movies on my ipod video through linux (without using ipod-linux), anyone know? Amarok can't seem to do it16:17
celciuz_yes, the local time16:17
neozen-workcelciuz_: drat16:17
celciuz_nothing more16:17
wormzor even put pictures on it16:18
soroushsoroush@soroush-laptop:/media/tmpdvd$ sudo apt-cdrom add16:18
soroush[sudo] password for soroush:16:18
soroushUsing CD-ROM mount point /cdrom/16:18
soroushUnmounting CD-ROM16:18
soroushWaiting for disc...16:18
soroushPlease insert a Disc in the drive and press enter16:18
soroushMounting CD-ROM...16:18
BriixBazhang : That worked, thx16:18
neozen-workcelciuz_: can you re-add the battery panel applet?16:18
gilsterTyczek: no thats not what i meant. I have never had to recompile madwifi after any kernel updates. this is the first time. thats what i was asking. are people aware of this?16:18
Invert314ubuntu won't boot for me16:18
celciuz_i do this, but dont work16:18
Invert314i forget what i did that broke startup16:18
celciuz_in the two panels dont work.16:18
Invert314full error message here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=64481016:18
neozen-workcelciuz_: you mean it doesn't appear upon restart16:18
BriixBazhang : What do i have to do then ?16:18
celciuz_yes, :)16:19
neozen-workcelciuz_: how are you shutting down your machine?16:19
celciuz_ehm, in the terminal neozen16:19
neozen-workcelciuz_: yeah16:19
neozen-workcelciuz_: I noticed my first week, when I shut down the system from the terminal, it doesn't remember changes I made to the panel16:19
sandyi am using  pidgin package and i am not able to make calls from my gmail account can anyone help16:19
PiciInvert314: Did you originally have to compile anything to get your network to work?16:20
neozen-workcelciuz_: must not give the panel time to update its configuration16:20
neozen-workcelciuz_: or something16:20
Invert314Pici: no16:20
neozen-workcelciuz_: if you shut down via the gui16:20
neozen-workcelciuz_: panel changes stick16:20
celciuz_i see16:20
neozen-workcelciuz_: /me nods16:20
neozen-workcelciuz_: anything else I can help you with?16:20
PiciInvert314: Er. I mean video? or are you using a third party non-ubuntu driver? Like from ati or nvidia's website?16:21
sandycan anyone tell me make to make calls from my gmail account in ubuntu16:21
celciuz_ehm, is normal sometimes the laptop are frized?16:21
bazhangBriix: you want me to design *your* desktop? you might not like it :}16:21
Tyczekgilster, umm I didtn't know about it at first :}16:21
neozen-workcelciuz_: frized....? that a technical term ::grin::16:21
Invert314Pici, i'm using the nvidia driver provided in the ubuntu repo16:21
BriixBazhang : No, actually I liked to open up my picture folder .. But i can't :/16:21
mollitzsomeone knows how to change the registry of an installed windows ( i. g. 2000) from a live cd16:21
celciuz_wait neozen, i need go the badri]]]16:21
bazhangdarksider: you might consider going up to wpa2 if your router can handle it--here is a thread on that:http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=31853916:22
celciuz_wait me :)16:22
neozen-workcelciuz_: ...ok16:22
BriixBazhang : Nvm, found out16:22
neozen-workcelciuz_: time to reboot anyway.... new kernel (grins) .. brb16:22
PiciInvert314: Is this Gutsy?16:22
zOaphow do I set the path to java on firefox?16:22
sandycan anyone tell me make to make calls from my gmail account in ubuntu16:23
Invert314Pici, yes16:23
PiciInvert314: Okay, can you login to a virtual terminal on that? ctrl-alt-f1?16:23
Invert314Pici, no16:23
Invert314i tried as normal user and root/super user16:23
sandycan anyone tell me make to make calls from my gmail account in ubuntu16:24
Invert314no luck16:24
Benji1sandy: Dont think you can16:24
PiciInvert314: What about picking an older kernel version? We just had an update that I think might be missing a package on your computer.16:24
RatThingzOap sudo apt-get install sun-java6-plugin   should install java in firefox for you.16:24
ekim|linuxhey again16:25
zOapRatThing, I have installed. it's the path that is wrong16:25
ekim|linuxisn't there a gui livecd builder for linux16:25
ekim|linuxI remember seeing it somewhere16:25
Invert314Pici, uhm, yeah actually16:25
ekim|linuxit looked really cool , but I ignored it because I was using windows at the time16:25
Invert314i don't have an old kernel, but there is that alternate boot mode16:25
sandy<Benji1> from pidgin16:25
Invert314where i get root user16:25
celciuz_sudo passwd root inver31416:26
Invert314i can't startx tho16:26
ekim|linuxdo you guys know what I am talking about ?16:26
jaggz-how can I make all these packages upgrade to whatever's needed ?16:26
Invert314when i type exit i get the error, Pici16:26
Pici!noroot | celciuz_16:26
ubotucelciuz_: Regardless of your choice: Please do not advise against user security policy and create a root password, please see !rootsudo16:26
neozencelciuz_: ...back16:26
celciuz_yes neozen16:26
celciuz_me too16:26
celciuz_sorry ubotu16:26
Invert314i'm on a live cd because htis is my only PC and i need access to xchat and firefox16:26
PiciInvert314: Can you do a `sudo aptitude update` and then a `sudo aptitude  full-upgrade` ?16:26
neozencelciuz_: ubotu ....is a bot16:27
=== arnath01 is now known as bakarat
Invert314not on my livecd16:27
Invert314i can try16:27
Invert314should i?16:27
staceymy Atheros Communications, Inc. AR2413 802.11bg NIC (rev 01) worked in feisty but doesnt in gutsy, sound is also gone after update, my only way to get to a network is wirelessly, is there any way to fix all this from vista? download pacakges and install/ chroot?16:27
Pici!enter | Invert31416:27
ubotuInvert314: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!16:27
celciuz_look, the other problem is when i open the firefox, pidgin and this programs the laptop have 3 or 5 seconds "frized"16:27
PiciInvert314: I understand that you can't do it right this second.16:27
dwxreaper15 * * * * /etc/snort/sqlattacks16:27
celciuz_ah neozen hahaha16:27
dwxreaperwhen will that run, once an hour at *:15 right?16:27
staceycelciuz_: how much ram do you have?16:27
PiciInvert314: I suspect that the linux-restricted-modules package wasn't installed16:27
neozencelciuz_: ah... you mean frozen...16:27
neozencelciuz_: gotcha...16:28
celciuz_yes, sorry for my english :16:28
hendrixskihow do I switch the Gnome desktop calendar to not use Evolution's calendar, but to use Sunbird instead?16:28
celciuz_i have 256mb ram, : (. but something is something16:28
neozencelciuz_: np... coworkers are italian... am pretty used to adapting16:28
hendrixskiI remember having heard about someone doing this, but googling it for a few minutes gave ZERO meaningful results16:28
Jack_Sparrowhendrixski: That is something of interest to me too.. let me know how you do with it16:29
staceycelciuz_: i have a similar setup try using a frefox nightly it has less memory problems, or turn off compiz16:29
hendrixskiJack_Sparrow, aye16:29
neozencelciuz_: firefox is a LARGE program... loads many things.... if your system is not amazing... it'll take a bit to boot16:29
neozencelciuz_: also... don't run compiz....16:29
celciuz_no, i dont have compiz actived,16:29
neozencelciuz_: you're in xubuntu...16:29
celciuz_hm yes, but the compiz effects are down16:30
fannagogannahi, how do i get Ubuntu 7.10 to not start up the X server in the beginning bootup sequence? I think the initial X server borks because it does not recognize my screen16:30
neozencelciuz_: wasn't even away you could install compiz from the repos in xubuntu and have it work16:30
simplyubuntuthor you done?16:30
fannagogannaso for instance, have the text bootup as done in failsafe mode16:30
verb3kguys I am using the recently released flash player and it really really slow, can't I get the older version instead?16:30
neozencelciuz_: there's a built-in compositor in xfce anyway16:30
Invert314i can Pici i'll reboot and enter those commands16:30
Invert314i'll report back in a few minutes16:31
celciuz_oh right16:31
Invert314so you know, i added your advice to my forum thread16:31
neozencelciuz_: settings -> window manager tweaks16:31
hendrixskiJack_Sparrow, I think the problem with Google is that they keep ancient forum posts around for too long.  Like every google result was "I heard sunbird is going to come out, and it'll work with Google cal which is coming out soon"16:31
Invert314ty ty Pici =D16:31
neozencelciuz_: compositor tab..16:31
Jack_Sparrowhendrixski: You got sunbird symlinked and in the meun etc correct?16:31
celciuz_yes, i know.. thanks :)16:32
neozencelciuz_: its not compiz by any stretch of the imagination..... but it works... and is plenty pretty in its own way imho16:32
celciuz_in my other pc i have compiz16:32
hendrixskiJack_Sparrow, by symlinked you mean it's in my Applications menu?  yes.16:32
neozencelciuz_: firefox is huge.... takes ~2secs to load on my 1.6ghz t41 thinkpad16:33
celciuz_yes, hm you know one navegator more "little"?16:33
neozencelciuz_: there are other browsers you can run if the startup time is an issue for you16:33
celciuz_i have installed opera16:33
neozencelciuz_: there are many...16:33
jaggz-what's a good standard backup solution which handles incremental backups?16:33
neozencelciuz_: there's a command-line one.... w3m16:34
neozencelciuz_: installed by default16:34
neozencelciuz_: supports mouse16:34
hendrixskineozen, if firefox is too big for you try opera (used in embeded devices, like your phone) or konqeror(used in Apples Safari browser)16:34
celciuz_or links : )16:34
adamski84how do i open/install a .sh file extension?16:34
neozenhendrixski: not for me....16:34
neozenhendrixski: is for celciuz_16:34
adamski84i am trying to install swiftfox16:34
gary_inNYCactually, firefox can be installed on a thumbdrive as well16:34
hendrixskineozen, oh. sorry.16:34
neozenadamski84: that's a shellscript16:34
celciuz_let me restart for check the battery16:35
adamski84.sh stands for a shell script>?16:35
neozenadamski84: well... no16:35
der|kunstlerif you make it executable, yes16:35
neozenadamski84: just an indicator that its can be opened by a shell16:35
der|kunstleryou got it... :)16:35
adamski84shell means open by terminal?16:35
neozenadamski84: yep16:36
der|kunstlera terminal is like a shell interpreter16:36
gary_inNYCanyone here use kaid by any chance?16:36
adamski84ok,when i enter the it says file could not be opened???16:36
der|kunstlerbecause maybe it's not executable16:36
neozenadamski84: chmod +x nameoffilehere16:36
staceyhendrixski: konqueror isnt used in safari, an old khtml was taken and then they forked16:36
der|kunstleradamski84: verify that in the first line of the file says #! /bin/bash  or #! /bin/sh16:36
neozenadamski84: and put ./ in the front of it16:37
der|kunstleradamski84: and you can do     < sh nameoffile.sh > if the file is not executable16:37
neozenadamski84: (unlike dos, the current path is NOT searched for commands by default)16:37
adamski84ha sorted thank you16:37
neozenadamski84: as this could be a security risk16:38
neozenwb celciuz16:39
der|kunstlerhow do I know if a program has been compiled for amd64 ?16:39
adamski84neo zen do you have time to tell me some of the linux basics16:39
neozenadamski84: no16:39
celciuzhi neozen16:39
der|kunstlerbesides the help>about16:39
hendrixskistacey, same engine... the forking made people a little bitter... but for all intents and purposes, you can say that safar uses konquerors rendering engine16:39
celciuzthe gui restart dont work :S16:39
neozenadamski84: but I can pass you a good tutorial16:39
der|kunstleradamski84: priv msg me16:39
neozencelciuz: oh?16:39
neozencelciuz: BAH16:39
verb3kguys I am using the recently released flash player and it is really really slow, can't I get the older version instead?16:40
celciuzyes, i know  but dont worry.. with the acpi command i can check.16:40
neozenadamski84: http://help.ubuntu.com/16:40
hendrixskiJack_Sparrow, here's *a* workaround that I found... which is not ideal: http://www.michaelwood.me.uk/wordpress/2006/09/04/gnome-clock-applet-using-ics-calendar/16:40
neozenadamski84: there's a basic guide there that's pretty good16:40
celciuzim fine with this, but you dont know other program for check battery settings?.. xD16:40
celciuzmaybe the other work16:41
neozenadamski84: a good terminal guide to get you started is located here: http://www.linuxcommand.org/16:41
neozenadamski84: will help get you interacting with your linux machine through the terminal instead of the gui16:42
neozenadamski84: which tends to be more usable across different distros of linux16:42
neozenadamski84: and unix in general16:42
Pici!enter | neozen16:42
ubotuneozen: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!16:42
neozenPici: lol... sorry16:43
neozencelciuz: not for xfce...16:43
neozencelciuz: there is a panel applet that repeatedly runs a command16:43
neozencelciuz: and displays the results16:43
celciuzwell, thanks16:44
neozencelciuz: you could use this to run acpi over an interval16:44
celciuzah other thing16:44
neozencelciuz: and get a consistant update on your battery that way16:44
celciuzwhen restart the laptop, the laptop make one a little sound.. (just when restart xubuntu) in slax and XP dont do this16:44
neozencelciuz: might be set to beep upon shutdown16:45
neozencelciuz: don't know how to change that16:45
celciuzbut is normal?16:45
neozencelciuz: or could be a disk clicking etc16:45
neozencelciuz: well, mine beeps on shutdown16:45
verb3kThe flash plugin is broken and I finally got the recently released flash player but it is really really slow, is there a way to get the previous version?16:46
neozencelciuz: could be your fan firing up....16:46
celciuzhm, i think is the hard disk drive :S16:46
celciuzi think ubuntu have problems with laptop hdd :s,16:47
=== Siggi is now known as Alcolol
bazhang!flashissues | verb3k16:48
ubotuverb3k: The Flash plugin installation is currently broken. This is due to adobe changing the tar file that the package downloads.16:48
chmoderi was just looking up flash stuff for my friends16:48
verb3kbazhang, I got the new one but it is slow, I want the old one16:48
chmoderi just went into the mozilla directory and am going to put it where the profile wants it16:48
Geoffrey2anyone remember the disable command you stick in grub boot list to get around the linux kernel's clock bug?16:48
chmoderr u sure u installed it right?16:49
neozencelciuz: haven't had a problem with it working with mine yet...16:49
chmoderI dont know Geoffrey216:49
celciuzok neozen, thanks for all16:49
Geoffrey2the latest updates overwrote the grub file, and I forgot to write it down.....sigh...16:49
Jack_SparrowGeoffrey2: HAve you looked to see if there is a backup in that folder16:50
Invert314Pici, you there?16:50
PiciInvert314: Yes sir.16:50
PiciInvert314: Still not working I take it.16:51
Invert314i entered the update command as root user and it upgraded the kernel16:51
Geoffrey2Jack_Sparrow, the bug prevents the computer from booting at all, and there's no workaround except this disable command you stick in the kernel line at boot time16:51
Invert314and updated a few other things16:51
Invert314but same error message16:51
Jack_SparrowGeoffrey2: Run livecd?  look from there etc..16:51
PiciInvert314: I'm not sure then, sorry :/16:51
chmoderidk either pici16:51
verb3kbazhang, do you know a qay to get the older flash?16:51
PiciInvert314: Perhaps the rest of the channel might have an idea, be patient thogh.16:52
sashabncan someone help me16:52
sashabni have problems with bash16:52
Invert314ok ty Pici16:52
chmoderyou can use google verb 3k16:52
sashabni have problems like this one16:52
bazhangverb3k: the plugin or the player? to see youtube or to play swf/flv files one?16:52
neozencelciuz: np16:52
SpookyETIs there a better program than Picasa? It's confusing the hell out of me. It's hard to navigate.16:52
Invert314for those who don't know what me and Pici are talking about, Ubuntu won't boot.  full error message at this link: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=64481016:53
verb3kbazhang, the plugin for firefox16:53
ProN00bsomehow on my external fat disk only current user gets permissions, how can i change that to all ?16:53
neozenwell all... its time to get back to work... take care16:53
Geoffrey2actually, I probably should see if I still have the previous version liveCD sitting around here...if not I'll have to try and re-download it, the current LiveCD won't even boot up because of the bug16:53
sasha_hi , on ubuntu7.10 (qt4 installed from repository) i need to export the qtdir environment variable,can you suggest me its path ?16:53
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cptmorganhow do you make changes to the boot options in grub permanent ?16:53
bazhangverb3k: not sure without going out of my depth of knowledge--I can google it up if you wish :}16:53
chmoderSpookyET i think that fspot is pretty cool16:54
sashabnsomeone want to help me16:54
pike_sasha_: that is odd. can you do a uname -r in terminal? does it work?16:54
verb3kbazhang, no thanks, that's my homework16:54
verb3kbazhang, :)16:54
pike_sashabn: ^^16:54
chmodersashabn wats yor problem16:54
hdevalencesasha: it's somewhere in /usr/share/ 1 min16:54
bazhangverb3k: okay :}16:54
sashabnmy bash is doesnot work16:54
bazhanghi rgl16:54
pike_sashabn: can you do uname -r in terminal? does it work16:54
Jack_SparrowGeoffrey2: Is the command you want acpi=off16:54
sashabni have problem like this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=26576716:54
chmoderkk thanks16:55
rglfor some reason my server rebooted itself, and now the raid1 software is in this weird state: md3 : inactive sda7[0](S)  you guys known how to fix this?16:55
SpookyETchmoder: You can't organise using folders at all. I like both tags and folders. It also makes it impossible to navigate your photos using Nautilus.16:55
hdevalencesasha_: qt4 is in /usr/share/qt416:55
bazhangrgl: ubuntu-server? if you don't get an answer here you might try in #ubuntu-server16:55
rglthx bazhang16:56
bazhangnp rgl16:56
chmoderReally SpookyET?  I dont remember using any other photo managers16:56
chmoderhave you looked?16:56
sasha_ok so i can use :  set export QTDIR=/usr/share/qt4 ;   export QTDIR   ,  right ?16:56
diagonok, I've got a desktop computer with no internet access, and a fresh install of ubuntu 6.06... I'm on my laptop here, with internet access, and what I'd like is to get a bunch of extra packages onto the desktop computer via a CD16:56
SpookyETchmoder: Vista has a pretty good one.16:56
sasha_*  set  QTDIR=/usr/share/qt4 ; export QTDIR16:56
chmodersashabn: this is kinda beond my level i think.  i have never seen that kindo f an error16:56
diagonI'm trying to figure out the best way to do that.16:56
chmoderwell.  i mean.16:56
chmoderin ubuntu16:57
sashabni cant16:57
ar30067ihave a laptop(inspiron 1520) idont have sound help plz16:57
bazhangdiagon: what packages? stuff for wireless etc?16:57
cyziehow to check in a system if an application is using too much memory (possibel of memory leakage) ?16:57
hdevalencesasha_: yeah. But i think that will only work for that terminal16:57
sashabnits says the program "uname" is curently not installed16:57
diagonbazhang: no, stuff like j2re and flash16:57
Jack_Sparrowsashabn: I dont have an answer but as a novice it looks like you got your permissions messed up.  Done much while logged in as root user?16:57
chmoderwhat did you do!?  sashabn16:57
diagonas well as dependency packages16:57
chmoderit sound like your bash got uninstalled.  can you get into runlevel 3?16:58
hdevalencesasha_: you might want to add that to your ~/.bashrc16:58
sasha_ok :-D16:58
hdevalencesasha: also if you are having problems with qmake, it could be you're using qmake-qt316:58
sashabnwhen i was in recovery mode i can type commands16:58
sashabnas root user16:58
ar30067hi sin16:58
pike_sashabn: that is very odd.  what does ls -l /bin/uname say -rwxr-xr-x ??16:59
bazhangdiagon: you might be able to do that--though it would be tricky; is this an older desktop? any reason not to use gutsy? also, why not get an extra ethernet cable or take the one from the desktop to do it?16:59
chmoderSashabn your computer is retarded...  Format and start over :)16:59
Picichmoder: Thats not a solution.16:59
sashabnoh no :D16:59
Jack_Sparrowsashabn: Which points to my question about how much you have done as root user or have you also run sudo for gui apps16:59
sashabni have slow internet16:59
hdevalenceqmake is a symlink to somewhere16:59
Picichmoder: And I'd appreciate that you not suggest things if you aren't sure that its going to work.16:59
Georgeif there's a typo in the help of openoffice how can we report it to be fixed?16:59
Jack_Sparrowchmoder: that is not constructive..16:59
chmoderit always works for me16:59
pike_sashabn: its like youve chmod'd -R or something. fixing will be messy16:59
bazhangchmoder: stop it16:59
hdevalencesasha_: i thinnk it's to /etc/alternatives17:00
sashabni was working as root user17:00
sashabnlike this : sudo -s17:00
chmoderwow i didnt think people would get mad at me for trying to help17:00
Jack_Sparrowpike_: I agree...17:00
diagonbazhang: I think the reason was that I couldn't find it on torrent maybe :/17:00
Picichmoder: You aren't helping though.17:00
sashabnnow i cant enter as root user17:00
LunksAfter last kernel update Ubuntu is freezing up. :(17:00
bazhangdiagon: could you answer all my questions please17:00
sashabnbashrc is owned by korisnik user17:01
Picisashabn: Do you remeber what you were doing as root before you had this problem?17:01
sashabnand thats me17:01
ubotuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)17:01
diagonbazhang: it's slightly older, and I can't think of any reason, and I don't have an ethernet cable (nor any money. selling the desktop to make rent.) :/17:01
sashabnyes i know17:01
Pici!who | sashabn17:01
ubotusashabn: please see above17:01
sashabni was add alias in bashrc17:01
Picisashabn: as root?17:01
sashabnand add system vireable in /etc/env...17:01
sinthetekchmoder: in foss circles, people generaly frown on spoonfeeding/easy solutions. typically they only mask the true problem and tempt people into ignoring the true problem/solution17:01
Picisashabn: please use my name or the username that you are talking to when you are responding.17:02
RoAkSoAx!who > sashabn17:02
bazhangdiagon: so could you turn off the desktop and use that connection for the laptop?17:02
sinthetek(often times making them worse etc)17:02
bazhangdiagon: that would be the fastest solution--least headaches17:02
diagonbazhang: er.. the laptop has the wireless card, the desktop is internetless17:02
diagonbazhang: it's also not my wireless :/17:02
Picisashabn: Can you pastebin the contents of both your users's bashrc and root's bashrc.. and /etc/environment ?17:02
diagonso I can't take it from the wall17:02
Pici!paste | sashabn17:02
ubotusashabn: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)17:02
bazhangdiagon: how are you connecting right now? :}17:02
adamski84whats the best internet browser,fire fox wont play flash files or install adobe flash player17:03
sashabnPici: i cant17:03
diagonbazhang: neighbor's wireless17:03
Picisashabn: Why not?17:03
sashabnPici: i dont have ssh now17:03
chmoder!tab sinthetek: I dont know if i did that right... this is the second time i have been in this room.  and the third time i have used irc17:03
diagonbazhang: but anyhow, okay. gutsy will be the solution probably17:03
sashabnpici: installed on my system17:03
Jack_Sparrowadamski84: flash is broken at the moment17:03
sashabnPici: can i do from recovery mode17:03
bazhangdiagon: will the computer without the internet ever get internet--or will it be a home media center type of deal17:04
sashabnpici: i am now on diferente computer17:04
sinthetekchmoder: type first 3 letters of nick then hit 'tab' key17:04
sinthetekchmoder :P17:04
chmoderSinistral_, cool17:04
sinthetekpress it twice in this case, hah17:04
chmoderSinistral_, does that work?17:04
Picisashabn: if you can get on the internet from recovery mode, you can use the pastebinit command, its in the pastebinit package, in the repos.17:04
sinthetek3 times i guess, hah17:04
LunksAfter last kernel update Ubuntu is freezing up. :(17:04
LunksWhat to do?17:04
diagonbazhang: thanks for the help, I think I'll just bring it to 7.10 and leave a note on the desktop on how to use synaptic17:05
adamski84flash is broken what u mean?17:05
sinthetekchmoder: type a letter or two, then hit tab ac ouple of times, it will list matching nicks, then just add another letter and hit tab again17:05
chmodersinthetek, oh it tabs throug "sin"x""17:05
Jack_Sparrowadamski84: See the topic...17:05
sashabni have with default instalation on kubuntu 7.0417:05
sinthetekchmoder: usually it works after 1-3 letters but sometimes it takes a few more17:05
sashabnPici:i have with default instalation on kubuntu 7.04 ?17:05
bazhangdiagon if you need further assistance we'll be here :]17:05
Picisashabn: No, its in the repositories though.17:06
chmoderanywhooo i should not have tried to help sashabn.  i dont know that much.  i wish i did though.  especially when ive been using linux (in general) for like5 years17:06
arthur_hi there everybody, do we have a powerpc channel for ubuntu?17:06
DrAk0why dpkg-reconfigure locales is not poping the menu just generating all the locales its want17:06
Jack_Sparrowadamski84: There is a way to get it going for Firefox.. BUT.... it may come back to bite you once they get flash fixed and you update it17:06
Jack_Sparrow!topic | adamski8417:06
ubotuadamski84: Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic17:06
bazhangarthur_: thisis what you get :}17:06
arthur_I see :)17:06
[chr0n0s]anyone knows how do i download whole directory using wget ?17:06
adamski84ok thanks17:07
arthur_bazhang: tks17:07
Jack_Sparrowadamski84: sorry it wasnt a GOOD answer17:07
bazhangarthur_: ask away17:07
sashabnPici: now i am run apt-update and i will install it, but as i say i have slow internet connection :S17:08
Slart[chr0n0s]: check man wget.. there are tons of switches.. and wget isn't for getting webpages.. curl is more for general downloading I think17:08
knoppixhello everybody17:08
bazhanghi knoppix17:08
[chr0n0s]Slart, could not understand which switch to use.. that's why asking if anyone knows..17:08
Slart[chr0n0s]: you have -r .. or is it -R.. for recursive downloading.. you can set how many levels down you want to go.. but it mostly depends on the structure you're working with17:09
FullMon-TAnybody use Personas with Firfox?17:09
Picisashabn: its not a large package, so it shouldnt be too long17:09
arthur_I am having troubles booting Gutsy on a imac ppc. After trying live-nosplash-powerpc video=ofonly I get the busybox and, finally "Target filesystem doesn't have sbin/init"17:09
[chr0n0s]Slart, it's just single DIR with multiple files.. that's it.. nothing recursive17:09
knoppixanybody use knoppix with apple macbook pro?17:09
arthur_any ideas?17:09
[chr0n0s]ok, i have an idea.. i'll put them all in a txt file17:09
Piciknoppix: Perhaps try asking not in the Ubuntu support channel ;)17:09
HeGogplease, i need a help: how do i install dssi-vst in my ubuntu 7.10? i was install wine and download dssi-vst-0.5 ... and now?17:09
bazhangknoppix: try #knoppix :}17:09
Slart[chr0n0s]: hmm.. do you have some kind of html-file with links to all the files?17:10
knoppixthanks a lot!17:10
Slart[chr0n0s]: or can you get a list of the files in your browser?17:10
[chr0n0s]Slart, i don't, but wget has a spider option.. lets c if it gives me that file17:10
bazhangarthur_: have you been to ubuntuforums? they have a whole section for ppc users there--if no one here can answer they might have one17:10
sashabnPici: i was add new user and i was have same errors17:11
arthur_bazhang: yes mate, of course I did17:11
brobostigongood afternoon17:11
bazhangarthur_: is there an alternate cd for the ppc?17:11
DrAk0why dpkg-reconfigure locales is not poping the menu just generating all the locales its want17:11
arthur_bazhang: I guess so but it works fine on the ibook and so did the older versions. Gutsy has been a considerable regression17:12
HeGogplease, i need a help: how do i install dssi-vst in my ubuntu 7.10? i was install wine and download dssi-vst-0.5 ... and now?17:12
LunksAfter last kernel update Ubuntu is freezing up. :(17:13
LunksWhat to do?17:13
bazhangarthur_: not sure how to help--I generally keep osx on my older macs :}17:13
saintz0ri recently installed rtorrent, i've managed to set it up pretty nicely but everytime i close my PC all the torrents i added in it dissapear when i start it up again. how can i maintain them?17:13
Jack_SparrowLunks: Just for our information.  Have you used repos outside of official ones and or compiled your own programs.17:13
arthur_bazhang: looks like the feature is a macintel but, basically I do the same. Who needs Linux when you have OSX?.. :D17:14
bazhangarthur_: I think that feisty, or even edgy might be the best bet--I tried those without worries on a powerbook17:14
arthur_bazhang: feisty and edgy are fine on the imac but I wanted the thrill of compiz :)17:15
Stwangeanyone know if Western Digital external drives are ubuntu compatible?17:15
LunksJack_Sparrow: Yes, I have. Compiz Fusion only. I have only Wine from Wine repo.17:15
bazhangarthur_: well on an iMac that would be slow going for sure :]17:15
turbocuecayes they are17:15
luis_hello all17:15
HeGogplease, i need a help: how do i install dssi-vst in my ubuntu 7.10? i was install wine and download dssi-vst-0.5 ... and now?17:15
turbocuecacalm down17:15
bazhangStwange: the ones that come ntfs formatted out of the box?17:15
luis_I have a problem with Ubuntu, whenever I log into it everything on the screen is zoomed in and IDK why that is, it's driving me crazy, anyone know what's going on?17:16
arthur_bazhang: the sspeed of Ubuntu on a mac is a myth. Xorg is far behind Quartz17:16
RioCunliffeHeyy ive got a realy big problem and im not getting any answers on the forum - heres my problem: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=64486017:16
bazhangarthur_: but way offtopic here :]17:16
Stwangebazhang, I'm not sure, but I figured that if they were I could always reformat into EXT-3.... although NTFS might be a better idea in case I ever want to listen to my legally downloaded music on windows...17:16
arthur_bazhang: you are right sorry.. :(17:17
turbocuecaI had a WD formatted with fat32, no problems on gutsy17:17
bazhangStwange: there was a story on slashdot a few days ago about a linux unfriendly drive, but it has already been solved--you might want to check their stories in the last week or so for details17:17
apettahello everybody!17:17
[chr0n0s]Slart, this seems to be working -> wget -cr http://www.tinyos.net/dist-1.1.0/tools/source/17:18
luis_I have a problem with Ubuntu, whenever I log into it everything on the screen is zoomed in and IDK why that is, it's driving me crazy, anyone know what's going on?17:18
bazhangarthur_: no worries :}17:18
Slart[chr0n0s]: looks ok to me.. don't remember what the -c switch did17:18
apettais someone on a apple?17:18
RioCunliffeluis_: do you have compiz installed?17:18
Jack_SparrowLunks: Thanks.. that info will help if we have others in the same situation17:18
jasonagoWhat will happen if I install the xfce desktop on my kubuntu/ubuntu? will xfce be my default desktop or I will be the one to choose? How about my desktop shortcuts, programs, and the nvidia drivers that I've setup? will that be affected?17:18
luis_sorry, but was is compiz? lol17:18
bazhangapetta: intel mac--you want to dual boot ubuntu?17:18
sjkwizardanyone can suggest me a podcast catcher with GUI?17:18
mw-homehi -- how do i check the return code for a program i just ran at the command line? It is one of those $! things.17:18
RioCunliffeluis_: dont worry you would know if you did lol17:19
Jack_SparrowLunks: Does it work if you select the earlier kernel from grub list17:19
luis_ohhh ok, then I don't have one installed.17:19
Stwangebazhang, found it, seagate, thanks :)17:19
=== tyczek_ is now known as Tyczek
apettai need triple boot17:19
[chr0n0s]Slart, -c to continue incomplete files (i just use it as a safety switch)17:19
LunksJack_Sparrow: Hmm haven't tried yet, but will try it17:19
pike_mw-home: echo $?17:19
DrAk0why dpkg-reconfigure locales is not poping the menu just generating all the locales its want17:19
RioCunliffeHeyy ive got a realy big problem and im not getting any answers on the forum - heres my problem: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=64486017:19
Jack_SparrowLunks: Just a thought17:19
Slart[chr0n0s]: ahh. ok17:19
luis_so, what the freak is going on? it's driving me nuts17:19
bazhangapetta: what is your question?17:19
luis_everything is zoomed in!17:19
LunksJack_Sparrow: thanks for sharing them. :D17:19
apettabazhang: but is possible to try a live in macbook17:20
Lunkshopefully back on linux without hanging up =)17:20
adeliehow do you reset a windows password from an ubuntu rescue cd?17:20
RioCunliffei've got a realy big problem and im not getting any answers on the forum - heres my problem: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=64486017:20
bazhangapetta: not sure--have you visited ubuntuforums? they have a whole section on that17:20
Jack_Sparrowadelie: there is a bootable cd I use to reset windows passwords...17:20
JonathanDadelie: does it have to be from an ubuntu CD?17:20
RioCunliffecan anyone help????17:21
JonathanDadelie: or is any bootable media acceptbale?17:21
bazhangRioCunliffe: please be patient17:21
luis_riocunlife, look check this out, screenshot of how things are zoomed in on Ubuntu: http://i38.photobucket.com/albums/e150/blindsidedude/werwtf.png17:21
JonathanDacceptable, even17:21
apetta<bazhang>: now i'm on a knoppix17:21
Jack_SparrowJonathanD: We are probably thinking the same thing17:21
apetta<bazhang>: but there aren't all drivers17:21
bazhangapetta: and you want to add ubuntu to knoppix and osx on a macbook?17:21
JonathanDI don't see any incentive in using an ubuntu bootable for this :)17:21
jasonagoWhat will happen if I install the xfce desktop on my kubuntu/ubuntu? will xfce be my default desktop or I will be the one to choose? How about my desktop shortcuts, programs, and the nvidia drivers that I've setup? will that be affected?17:22
Jack_SparrowJonathanD: not when there is a much easier solution17:22
adelieJack_Sparrow: JonathanD: I don't have any other boot media. I just can't remember off hand where the shadow files are kept17:22
JonathanDadelie: see this: http://home.eunet.no/pnordahl/ntpasswd/17:22
apetta<bazhang>: i need osx, win and ubuntu, now i'm trying a live knoppix17:22
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=== di[a]fic is now known as diafic
RioCunliffeluis_: looks like you have a realy small screen...17:22
bazhangapetta: you booted the live knoppix on the macbook? then the live ubuntu will likely work as well17:23
luis_LOL dude, I don't, it's a 19 inch, but IDK why the hell Ubuntu shows up like that.17:23
Piciadelie: Next time, try ##windows, this really isnt an Ubuntu question, even though you think it is.17:23
lonranwhats the main diference between metacity and emerald?17:23
JonathanDadelie: you are unable to burn other media?17:23
RioCunliffeluis_: is there black surrounding it?17:23
bazhanglonran: default and eyecandy17:23
apetta<bazhang>: tankyou very much! now i'm going to download17:23
adeliePici: but windows is yucky... thanks for the advice. I just knew peeps here are smarter17:24
luis_no, there isn't.17:24
Piciadelie: Yet, its still offtopic.17:24
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bazhangapetta: probably will work--don't hold me accountable :}17:24
RioCunliffeluis_: what is there then?17:24
JonathanDadelie: most of the peeps in ##windows are also linux users.17:24
RioCunliffeluis_: what resolution are you on?17:24
apetta<bazhang> ;-)17:24
luis_1280 * 1024 res/17:25
lonranbazhang, but there are many popular themes that are similar for both, is there any important funcional diference?17:25
TorgotonI'm trying to install Ubuntu from the mini ISO and it's crashing.  Log of boot and crash is here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/48887/17:25
adelieJonathanD: On freenode? ok, that would make sense. I think I can make my way from here with that site. Thank you much17:25
morphlesskype isint in list of supported packages?17:25
bazhanglonran: one is much easier to customize than the other (metacity).17:25
JonathanDadelie: just /join ##windows17:25
bazhangmorphles: at www.medibuntu.org17:25
RioCunliffeluis_: did you edit anything before this happend?17:25
doofy`when i first start transferring music to my ipod with rhythmbox it goes really quickly... but after about 60 songs it starts going REALLY slow... as in its taken all night and its still going to get the 12k songs on there. Any ideas?17:25
Piciadelie: This is freenode ;)17:25
JonathanDyou don't need to go t oa site, it's the same server.17:26
apettahi all17:26
lonranbazhang, but considering i am able to configure both withouth problem?17:26
luis_no, I didn't, I just logged in and the log in screen was all messed up and I was like "WTF?"17:26
morphlesi need to ad to list of repositore or how ?17:26
luis_just turned on the PC and Ubuntu showed up like that.17:26
bazhanglonran: define 'without problems' :}17:26
RioCunliffedoofy`: get amaroK :)17:26
SpookyETHi. I'm having trouble with Transmission. Downloads are slow. Something is blocking the port. I know it's not the router since it's forwarded properly. Could it be IPTables? How do I check?17:26
doofy`RioCunliffe, don't they both use libgpod?17:26
RioCunliffeluis_: not sure if i can help then, ill have a think17:27
lonranbazhang, i mean i'm not a newbie17:27
luis_It's happened before, but normally I turn off the PC and then turn it back on and it's all back to normal, but this time it keeps on showing up like that.17:27
RioCunliffedoofy`: yes they do however i always find that amaroK is faster anyways..17:27
morphlesbazhang: i shoud add that url in some list of package sources?17:27
bazhanglonran: not suggesting you were--just that many have complained about customizing emerald--myself included17:27
bazhangmorphles: if you want to get skype, then yes--the instructions are on the site on how to do so17:28
fosohey guys, put the live cd on my dads comp to try to get him to try it, now it wont start up like it should, it keeps stopping while the xp logo is showing and the progress bar just stops17:28
RioCunliffedoofy`: you could always open rhythmbox up in terminal and see whats going on when it starts going slow..17:28
doofy`RioCunliffe, okay ill get it for transferring to my ipod... not a big fan of the interface though, I find it hard to navigate my music17:28
RioCunliffedoofy`: i know what you mean :)17:28
bazhangfoso: the xp logo should not be showing--you may need to tell your bios to boot from the cd17:28
adelieTorgoton: In general, with problems with the live CD, a common fix that covers many issues is to reset bios to factory default, attempt boot, and if that doesn't work try adding the kernel argument "noapic", just in case you hadn't tried that. That resolves most of my problems with installs. OR, get an alternate cd.17:29
mrtimdogHi, anyone know of a C# mode for emacs?17:29
fosobazhang it already booted from the cd, im trying to put it back to normal now17:29
r3n0chey, i'm having a problem with update manager17:29
RioCunliffeHeyy ive got a realy big problem and im not getting any answers on the forum - heres my problem: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=64486017:29
pike_foso: id depends on the computer toshibas alot of them you can just hold down c but youll need to change the boot order in bios to 1 cdrom 2 hd or something prob17:29
chazcoHi... anyone able to help with http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=608760 ?17:30
doofy`RioCunliffe, do any of there programs support syncing? I dont like click and drag with 12k songs and an always expanding collection17:30
r3n0cwhen i click install, for the updates...... it just stalls17:30
fosopike_ i already booted from the cd, trying to get back to normal now17:30
pike_RioCunliffe: problem is you need to specify all groups with that command right now you changes all your groups to only -g thisgroup17:30
Torgotonadelie: Thanks, but I'm not really booting from the CD. I've got the files on a partition and am using LILO to start it. This machine has no CD drive, but does have Woody installed, and a network card. In addition, one of the log lines is "No local APIC present or hardware disabled" Is that good enough, or should I try adding that boot param?17:30
pike_RioCunliffe: like group1,group2,group317:31
sashabncan someone help me with bash17:31
RioCunliffedoofy`: im not sure, ive never used it for that many before17:31
melkorEvery time I update my kernel I have to reinstall my wireless card drivers.  Now that there is a new update is there anyway I can and still have my wireless card work?17:31
sashabnmy bash does not work17:31
jahlinsudo lshw -C network. shows my wifi card17:31
mjtuneslo i just installed ubuntu and trying to install wine but getting a error17:31
RioCunliffepike_: so how can i do that?17:31
jahlinbut i can't seem to use it17:31
spideymanRioCunliffe have you tried sudo -s17:32
mitchellpmj are you using apt?17:32
mitchellpwhat error17:32
sashabni have problems with bashrc17:32
RioCunliffespideyman: ill try it now17:32
sashabni think17:32
Torgotonadelie: perhaps my lilo command is incorrect? looking for it...17:32
fluxyHello. Is there a way to install themes in such a way that it is accessible to all users?17:32
r3n0canybody know if there is a way to check if update manager is still working?17:32
r3n0cbecause it looks like it has gotten stuck17:32
RioCunliffespideyman: it just ignores me...17:32
bazhangfoso: not sure what you mean: put it back to normal? did you install anything or just use the live cd? restart the computer and take out the cd and xp will startup again17:33
mjtunesdidnt wont paste in here17:33
jahlinlshw -C network. shows my wifi card, but it says "UNCLAIMED" next to it ... any pointers on getting this up and running ?17:33
spideymanRioCunliffe ive been through that but it was a long time ago17:33
[chr0n0s]i want my OS backkk.. xubuntu live CD removed it :(17:33
mitchellpmj did you add the wine repositories like it says on the website?17:34
RioCunliffespideyman: if you can find me another way into the grub menu i could do it from there...17:34
doofy`[chr0n0s], did you click install?17:34
fleahiya, im searching the threads with no luck, trying to find the thread with the 'module' conf fix for speaker mute while headphones are present17:34
r3n0chow do i kill update manager?17:34
mjtunesE: Unmet dependencies. Try ‘apt-get -f install’ with no packages17:34
r3n0cthe window is getting stuck and i can't close it17:34
flear3n0c: xkill17:34
mitchellpdid you try that?17:34
mjtunesand got dpkg: parse error, in file `/var/lib/dpkg/status' near line 22346 package `fuse-utils':17:35
r3n0ci don't wanna have to restart x tho17:35
mjtunes `Depends' field, reference to `sed': version contains ` '17:35
mjtunesE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (2)17:35
amitprakashhow do i set up my own ubuntu repository for lan??17:35
spideymanRioCunliffe like they told you you should be able to hit delete at boot but if it doesnt give you that option i dont know what to say17:35
mitchellpouch, that's a bit over my head17:35
aladdinsaneIs it possible to make the background of a panel transparent? I would like to make the panel in my top left corner transparent:17:35
mitchellpsounds like an apt config file got corrupted17:35
[chr0n0s]r3n0c, press CTRL + ALT + ESC and your cursor will change, then click on the window which is stuck17:36
RioCunliffespideyman: is there a way into recovery mode??17:36
spideymanthats it17:36
oliver_g1what's the "official" way to remove some kernel module before suspend, and load it again after suspend?17:36
RioCunliffespideyman: or a back up root user?17:36
acidityHi. I want to recursively rename all HTM files in a folder to PHP. Anything easier then this: http://mamchenkov.net/wordpress/2005/09/26/recursively-renaming-files-in-linux/17:37
oliver_g1... because I have installed ndiswrapper but now suspend no longer works when nbdiswrpper is loaded17:37
mjtunesguessing need reinstall en17:37
fosobazhang: dad started out on dos, then moved on to windows, still using xp, so i put the live cd in to show him ubuntu, just trying to get him to mess with it, took it out, tried to restart and it keeps freezing up17:37
jaggz-how can I make the pkg system forget that I tried up upgrade python2.4?17:37
spideymanRioCunliffe when you boot do you see the text saying starting grub17:37
wols_oliver_g1: can you run a script before suspend?17:37
brobostigonoliver_g1: no idea17:37
[chr0n0s]oliver_g1, try rmmod <modulename>17:37
jaggz-it didn't install it.. but how can I make it forget that I tried?17:37
oliver_g1well I thought there is some config file where to add the module17:37
RioCunliffespideyman: no... thats why i tired to edit the config file.. :/17:37
jaggz-if I try to -r it, it wants to delete a WHOLE bunch of dependencies17:37
mitchellpmj that would definately fix it, though i don't know if that takes more effort than fixing it manually17:37
fleahiya, im searching the threads with no luck, trying to find the thread with the 'module' conf fix for speaker mute while headphones are present17:37
oliver_g1(i don't want to open a terminal whenever I want to suspend :)17:37
mitchellpdepends what files you need to backup17:37
wols_chronosx: never use rmmod17:38
amitprakashhow do i set up my own ubuntu repository for lan??17:38
mjtunesnone realy17:38
spideymanRioCunliffe its a downward spiral isnt it17:38
mitchellpthen yea I would just do that17:38
Jack_Sparrow!aptoncd | amitprakash17:38
ubotuamitprakash: APTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers17:38
[chr0n0s]wols_, why so ?17:38
bazhangfoso: windows keeps freezing? and you did not install anything? hmmm. might be a windows problem17:38
fleawols_: please, do elaborate17:38
wols_oliver_g1: you need to shut down the ndiswrapper network interface, modprobe -r ndiswrapper17:38
amitprakashJack_Sparrow, i want it via lan/internet and not on cds17:38
RioCunliffespideyman: yeah... i could just re-install ubuntu... but i have tonnes of programs installed...17:38
wols_rmmod doesn't do dependency checking at all. it's obsoleted now17:39
spideymanRioCunliffe i dont want to say reinstall but it is an option17:39
oliver_g1wols_: yes, but where can I add commands (or whatever) to execute automatically before suspend?17:39
[chr0n0s]wols_, he needs to do it automatically too..17:39
fleawols_: in the same context, it wont remove modules (unless -f) that are dependant17:39
[chr0n0s]i'll like to know that too17:39
RioCunliffespideyman: not an option that i want to be forced into though...17:39
Jack_Sparrowamitprakash: would you not just mount the iso and have your network look for it there.17:39
spideymanRioCunliffe i know i just did it a day ago17:39
jaggz-how can I make the pkg system forget that I tried up upgrade python2.4?  It didn't actually install it, but I want it to forget that I tried.  if I try to -r it, it wants to delete a WHOLE bunch of dependencies (none of which did I attempt to upgrade)17:40
wols_oliver_g1: that's why I asked if you could execute a script before suspend17:40
amitprakashwell thats one way.... but then everytime i update i have to remake the iso17:40
spideymanRioCunliffe do you have 2 drives17:40
oliver_g1wols_: heh17:40
[chr0n0s]jaggz-, try sudo apt-get install -f17:40
RioCunliffespideyman: no...17:40
wols_jaggz-: force install the version you actually want17:40
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Jack_Sparrowamitprakash: what about just setting up a shared of /var/cache/apt/archives17:41
jaggz-wols, I don't have a copy of it..   I'm trying to avoid upgrading my entire system at the very moment.. maybe I shouldn't.. .just get a nice complete backup and get myself a new version in here ...17:41
spideymanRioCunliffe i was lucky enough to be able to move my files to a 2nd drive then reinstall17:41
Jack_Sparrowamitprakash: Just tossing out a few ideas17:41
pike_RioCunliffe: 1) boot into recovery  2) usermod -G admin rio,adm,dialout,cdrom,floppy,audio,dip,video,plugdev,scanner,admin,powerdev,lpadmin,rio rio  or somesuch17:41
jaggz-but it's a last ditch effort to be responsible with this project's deadline :)17:41
amitprakashJack_Sparrow, well those are alternates.. and they work too :) but a repo seems more convinient :)17:41
RioCunliffespideyman: YES! somone replyed, i can use my live cd!!17:41
wols_jaggz-: what would fix it if you removed python and not give it a replacement? then all the python dependencies would be very useless anyways17:41
jaggz-oh, if you could explain this:    python2.4: Depends: libc6 (>= 2.3.4-1) but 2.3.2.ds1-20ubuntu15 is to be installed17:41
Konamcan someone, please, help me with my nfs-server issue, i've read several tutorials and nothing helps17:41
aladdinsaneIs it possible to make the background of a panel transparent? I would like to make the panel in my top left corner transparent:17:42
pike_RioCunliffe: i left the first comma off itd be like admin,adm,etc.17:42
wols_jaggz-: it means you cannot fulfil the dependencies for python 2.517:42
wols_*python 2,417:42
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jaggz-but I don't think I ever installed the updated 2.4.. I had a 2.4 of a particular version on the system, and I tried to update it, but the dependencies failed17:42
wols_jaggz-: get the python2.4 source and create a bakcport17:42
wols_jaggz-: dpkg -l |grep python. what version shows up (it will show manay pages but it will show the python interpreter too)17:43
spideymanRioCunliffe give it a wirl17:43
spideymanRioCunliffe cant hurt17:43
RioCunliffespideyman: ill report back soon lol17:43
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andrew33i search a program to save quicktime streams, is this possible with  vlc?17:45
jalshow do i put a series of commands in a file and run them all by calling the file17:45
jalsis that what a bash script is?17:45
ikoniajals: correcty17:45
ikoniajals: correct17:45
oliver_g1hmm... there are scripts for this in /etc/acpi/suspend.d and resume.d17:45
oliver_g1and apparently ndiswrapper should be unloaded automatically already17:46
jalsso i just put them in "script.bash" and then how do i run it?17:46
* oliver_g1 gets out the debugging gloves17:46
ikoniajals: make it executable with chmod then execute it like any comment17:46
jalsoh ok, neat17:46
jalsthanks ikonia17:46
bazhanghi ikonia17:47
goranI have problem with Beryl, some times I got a black screen?!17:47
Jack_Sparrow!beryl | goran17:48
amitprakashJack_Sparrow, say, what if i have an app compiled for ubuntu that i want to share will everyone ?17:48
ubotugoran: Beryl has been merged with Compiz to form Compiz-Fusion.  New Beryl installs are discouraged. See also !compiz17:48
ikoniagoran: what version of ubuntu ?17:48
Jack_Sparrowamitprakash: Everyone here or everyone in on your lan17:48
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goranultimate ubuntu 1.617:48
amitprakashJack_Sparrow, everyone everywhere17:48
ikoniagoran: ultimate ubuntu is not an official ubuntu product and is not supported here17:49
goranWhy not, How come ?17:49
ikoniagoran: because it's not made by ubuntu17:49
Jack_Sparrowamitprakash: There is a room for people packaging software for Ubuntu... someone will know it...  as long as you include the source..  should not be a problem17:50
ikoniaamitprakash: #ubuntu-motu17:50
javatexanlol trying a new client17:50
amitprakashikonia, thanks17:50
ikoniaMasters of the universe17:50
fosobazhang thats what i figured17:50
CoasterMasterAhhh, the package people17:50
amitprakashikonia, master of the universe :O17:50
Torgotonmessage of the microsecond17:51
oliver_g1wols_, [chr0n0s]: just FYI, indeed /etc/acpi/suspend.d/ and resume.d/ contain scripts that are executed on suspend/resume17:51
oliver_g1and ndiswrapper is automatically unloaded, but!17:51
wols_oliver_g1: gl then17:51
[chr0n0s]thanks oliver_g1 that will be great..17:51
wols_oliver_g1: but what?17:52
bazhangfoso: it's kind of offtopic to talk about windows problems here (actually waaaay offtopic); perhaps you can convince him that this is why you should use ub untu? :}17:52
oliver_g1there's the trick that ndiswrapper is immediately re-loaded when running "modprobe -r"17:52
fosobazhang i came here to see if it was a common problem17:52
fosoor if someone had had it before17:52
oliver_g1which comes apparently from the entry in /etc/modprobe.d/ndiswrapper17:52
fosobazhang hes convinced that ubuntu broke it, so....17:53
oliver_g1removing that entry makes suspend work again...17:53
oliver_g1now I have no idea on what package to file that bug :-)17:53
ian__is there a nice way to tell aptitude to override all the existing config files for a package?17:53
ikoniaian__: what config files ? can you give us an example17:53
mussonmy computer has been freezing randomly, also I'm noticing that it takes about 2 mins to login to my machine.17:54
bazhangfoso: try to boot from the ubuntu live cd again--it may be a hardware problem; if not then it may be that the windows box is completely compromised--a not uncommon occurrence17:55
ian__ikonia: samba has some config files in /etc/samba or something and i modified them.. when i purge the package, they don't go away. when i reinstalled it, the defaults didn't clobber mine (which is what i want to know how to do)17:55
Jack_Sparrowfoso: HE may have tried to install it.. accidentally...    but fdisk /mbr  of fixmbr should erase any grub entry unless he wiped his hd with the install..  but it is not just from running livecd17:55
apocnHello Im using Ubuntu 7.10 on my laptop HP 530, when I plug the headphone, I hear the sound in the headphone and also in the speaker. And in the volume control preferences I only see Master,PCM, Ext. mic and Int Mic. No other option to mute the speakers.17:55
apocnany help?17:55
mussonThis issue of freezing is independent of whether I have an existing SSH connection into the box.17:55
ikoniaian__: just remove/move yours17:55
shadowbladeHello, I installed the recent kernel updates and now grub gives me error 17 for everything.17:55
protolocohttp://img140.imageshack.us/my.php?image=cactiiiieth0mk7.jpg  <-- what does it means the high outbound ?17:56
ikoniashadowblade: what version of ubuntu are you using17:56
ikoniashadowblade: what else changed17:56
ian__ikonia: is there a nice way to list all the config files of a package that are to behave that way?17:56
ikoniashadowblade: as the kernel update doesn't break grub17:56
BreetaiHey all quick question. Afterstep dock apps, on afterstep they run in the warf. There is an area for them in fluxbox. In KDE you can enable the slit. What about for gnome?17:56
ikoniaian__: behave what way ?17:56
ian__ikonia: seems like it should say, pre-existing config file.. skipping or something17:56
ikoniaian__: not really17:56
shadowbladeikonia: gusty - i don't know what all else was updated17:56
ikoniashadowblade: have you done anything to your disks....at all17:57
Jack_Sparrowshadowblade: can you select the previous kernel in grub and get it to boot.17:57
mussonmy computer has been freezing randomly, also I'm noticing that it takes about 2 mins to login to my machine. Where should i be looking?17:57
shadowbladeikonia: not recently, its booted several times since then17:57
shadowbladeJack_sparrow: i don't think so17:57
ian__ikonia: dpkg -L samba doesn't list the /etc/samba files either.. seems annoying17:57
ikoniaJack_Sparrow: something more has happened17:57
Jack_Sparrowshadowblade: eITHER YOU HAVE TRIED IT OR NOT17:58
ikoniaian__: dpkg -l lists the packages17:58
fosoJack_Sparrow i only had it in for a few minutes, he didnt mess with it at all17:58
apocnHello Im using Ubuntu 7.10 on my laptop HP 530, when I plug the headphone, I hear the sound in the headphone and also in the speaker. And in the volume control preferences I only see Master,PCM, Ext. mic and Int Mic. No other option to mute the speakers. any help?17:58
bazhangmusson: how much ram?17:58
shadowbladeJack_sparrow: there's only the usual option there, the ubuntu option, recovery mode, memtest and my other OS'es17:58
fosobazhang, something is messed up with the computer already, it randomly shuts down, what would cause that?17:59
ian__ikonia: -L lists the files of a package17:59
Jack_Sparrowfoso: The live cd could not do anything like that...  so try my suggestions...17:59
ikoniaooh -L17:59
ikoniasorry my mistake17:59
bazhangfoso: hardware issues17:59
mussonit used to login quickly, now it is slowing down and taking longer.17:59
bazhanghi balzac17:59
balzacI'm having trouble with the default lamp install17:59
david__server irc://irc.emuparadise.org17:59
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Xbehavewhen i try and install anything i get E: The package lupin-target needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it.18:00
fosoJack_Sparrow unless it autmatically installs now theres no possibility of it having been installed, and im not comp literate enough to have any idea what you told me to do sorry18:00
balzacphpmyadmin doesn't come ready for use18:00
bazhangmusson: that is very odd--did you customize it any way; add packages from outside of the repositories, run compiz-fusion for extended periods of time?18:00
fosobazhang anything in particular?18:00
amitprakashJack_Sparrow, ikonia : http://nerdica.com/?p=4318:00
mussonbazhang, no i havent.18:00
bazhangfoso: probably best ask in ##windows18:00
bazhangmusson: no compiz at all? open up a terminal and type top to see what is slowing it down18:01
TorgotonWould this be the best place for a problem with the Mini ISO crashing, or would another room be better?18:01
Jack_Sparrowfoso: go to windows and tell them you need to fdisk /mbr18:01
bazhangTorgoton: we are all you get :}18:01
ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!18:02
TorgotonOK, I'll try again. I'm using the Mini ISO on an old laptop. It seems to start OK, but crashes. Here's the output of the boot: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/48887/18:02
Symmetriahey all18:02
Pici!pl | HELLFIRE18:03
ubotuHELLFIRE: Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl18:03
brobostigontheres no mini ubuntu iso, only a live and alternate cd as far as i know18:03
Picibrobostigon: There is a minimal install CD.18:03
HELLFIREale ja siedze na ogame necie glownie18:03
PiciHELLFIRE: /j #ubuntu-pl18:04
HELLFIREtu tylko okazyjnie18:04
PiciHELLFIRE: English only here.18:04
Torgotonbrobostigon: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD18:04
HELLFIREznam komendy irca :P18:04
fosoJack_Sparrow how to i connect to that channel?18:04
wolflordMorning all18:04
HELLFIREtylko mIRc lepszy od xchata18:04
Jack_Sparrowfoso:  /j #windows18:04
HELLFIREmusze mIrc znaleźć sobie18:04
adamski84so whats the best distro of linux then?18:05
AyabaraBought an iPod nano today. What's the preferred app for talking to it on Ubuntu?18:05
Piciadamski84: Do you think youll get a non biased answer in here?18:05
Jack_Sparrow!best | adamski8418:05
ubotuadamski84: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose among a number of different applications, depending on your preferences, the features you require, and other factors.18:05
HELLFIREza co mnie wywaliłeś18:06
wolflordquick questions, I am trying to follow some instructions on setting up a back up using a gnome program called sbackup18:06
tonyyarussoAyabara: There's actually a pretty wide range of possibilities.  I'll try to break it down for you in a second here.18:06
tonyyarusso!pl | HELLFIRE18:06
ubotuHELLFIRE: Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl18:06
TyczekHellfire- go to polish channel18:06
Ayabaratonyyarusso, thanks. I've used amarok in the past18:06
HELLFIREjak będę potrzebował wejde18:06
Tyczekprzestań gadać po polsku18:06
Ayabarabut would like to know if there's something better equipped for handling photos and movies as well18:06
bazhangTorgoton: that is like two months old--what computer are you running it on?18:06
wolflordand it says this " To install sbackup you need to install the sbackup package from the Universe Repository"18:06
wolflordwhat do they mean by Universe Repository ??18:07
Torgotonbazhang: a ThinkPad 750P: 33MHz 486 with 36MB RAM and no CD drive.18:07
Slart!ipod | Ayabara18:07
ubotuAyabara: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto See !rockbox for information on liberating your iPod18:07
bazhangAyabara: you got an iPod? amarok and rhythmbox will both do the trick18:07
mussonbazhang, top seems to be reporting fine.18:07
bazhangTorgoton: no wonder--that little ram wont get gutsy going18:07
AyabaraSlart, bazhang, thanks18:07
mussonis there anywhere in the top program i should be looking, under cpu% it seems to be reflecting 0's18:08
tonyyarussoAyabara: Rhythmbox (the default music player in Ubuntu) can play stuff on an iPod, but can't transfer to it.  Banshee and Exaile are both excellent apps that can do two-way transfer, with reasonably similar capabilities to Amarok.  Note that Exaile is pretty basic GTK and also available on Windows, while Banshee is Gnome-oriented.18:08
Ayabarabazhang, you were the one helping me with mtp for rhythmbox, right?18:08
Torgotonbazhang: it should get a command-line install going. Don't need X or GUI.18:08
bazhangAyabara: yup :}18:08
Torgotonbazhang: Ubuntu is supposed to install on 32MB RAM and work on a 486.18:08
Jack_SparrowTorgoton: since when18:08
wolflordanyone know of a good gnome for backup ??18:08
bazhangTorgoton: this is for a server?18:08
Ayabarabazhang, now I have an iPod, that sum it up? ;-)18:08
tonyyarussoAyabara: Additionally, GPixPod is a nice little app for transferring photos to your nano.  Hipo also seems like a nice Management-only interface, although I don't have a lot of experience with it yet.18:09
erUSUL!sbackup | wolflord18:09
ubotuwolflord: sbackup is a tool to create complete and/or incremental backups (which can be scheduled to be automatic, and can be done over a network). It is available in !Universe18:09
erUSUL!backup | wolflord18:09
ubotuwolflord: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning18:09
Torgotonbazhang: It's just to get it to run. Maybe it'll run a print server.18:09
notvhas anyone tried the new madwifi driver with an atheros ar5007eg wireless card?18:09
Xbehaveim on a clean wubi 7.04 install do i need to dist-upgrade before i upgrade to gutsy?18:09
wolflordok erUSUL how do I get it18:09
tonyyarussoAyabara: I know nothing about movies and iPods myself unfortunately.18:09
Ayabarabazhang, I figured out why I couldn't enable the plugin in R. After I built libmtp from source I had to build rhythmbox as well. then it worked out, but I still switched it for a nano :-)18:09
bazhangTorgoton: I'd recommend a little lighter for that amount of ram and cpu speed18:09
wolflorderUSUL I see that as a choice but how do I download it18:10
Ayabaratonyyarusso, thanks a lot :-D18:10
erUSULwolflord: Applications>Add Remove ??18:10
Jack_SparrowXbehave: Clean and Wubi... sort of like military intelligence  dont belong in the same sentence18:10
wolflordhumm ok18:10
TorgotonJack_Sparrow: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/LowMemorySystems18:10
wolflordlet me check here18:10
bazhangAyabara: well they are not that expensive :] nice work with the compiling though18:10
Torgotonbazhang: Lighter than a kernel and bash? 36MB RAM should be plenty.18:10
=== di[a]fic is now known as diafic
fosobazhang booting from the cd and restarting after that fixed it, Jack_Sparrow, going to the windows thing to see if they can help me stop it from happening again thanks guys18:10
Torgotonbazhang: BTW, Woody runs pretty well on this.18:11
melleryhi, how do i keep the "tracker search and indexing service" from running at startup, its recently started running even though i have it not indexing anything in system>search preferences? thanks18:11
bazhangfoso: glad to hear18:11
elektronik123jak wlaczyc w ubuntu serwer x ?18:12
Torgotonbazhang: Care to look at what happens when I try? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/48887/18:12
bazhangTorgoton: I would stick with whatever can run it--gutsy is just way too much for that imo (and officially as well iirc)18:12
wolflorderUSUL I dont see it18:12
* elektronik123 pierdzi18:12
Jack_Sparrowfoso: np18:12
Picielektronik123: #ubuntu-pl18:12
bazhangTorgoton: I have that open before me :]18:12
Torgotonbazhang: Alternate install (and I would hope the same is true of the Mini ISO) requires 32MB RAM. and excellent.18:12
Jack_SparrowTorgoton: thanks for that link...  i could not fathom taking 4+ hours to install18:13
bazhangTorgoton: then try the alternate, not sure how to help you there18:13
fosoi wish windows people were as helpful and smart as yall, this would make fixing dads comp easier18:13
TorgotonThanks guys. I gather no one here has tried the Mini ISO. Oh well.18:13
erUSULwolflord: go to System>Admin>Software Sources and check all the boxes from the first tab18:14
wolflorderUSUL the instructions said something about Universe Repository18:14
bazhangfoso: time to switch hehe18:14
fosohes old and set in his ways....18:14
adamski84can any one help me with setting up a partition for dual boot windows and linux?18:14
foso(my dad not the comp)18:14
erUSUL!dualboot | adamski8418:14
XbehaveJack_Sparrow: id heard good things about wubi, for a mate it seamed the best way to get her onto ubuntu from vsta but its hell i mean i cant ever update without errors!18:14
ubotuadamski84: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MacBookPro https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot18:14
bazhangadamski84: which installed first?18:14
bazhangnice--ubotu has a link for macbook pros now ;}18:15
mario_Hi to all18:15
erUSUL!hi | mario_18:15
ubotumario_: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!18:15
adamski84bazhang,ubuntu on at the moment18:15
mario_Hi ,thanks for the welcome. I want gnome-help not to start every time I turn on my pc.18:16
bazhangadamski84: you want to install xp or vista second?18:16
wolflorderUSUL ok it said it was out of date , we will see if that will fix it18:16
elektronik123 18:16
elektronik123 18:16
elektronik123 18:16
elektronik123 18:16
elektronik123 18:16
elektronik123  18:16
elektronik123 18:16
elektronik123 18:16
mario_If anyone can help me, it would be very muvh appreciated18:16
elektronik123 18:16
wolflorderUSUL THANKS FOR THE HELP !!18:16
erUSULelektronik123: ??18:16
erUSULwolflord: no problem18:16
brobostigondual boot = windows first/ second linux18:17
erUSUL!ask | mario_18:17
ubotumario_: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)18:17
warlinkconnect /Freenode18:17
mario_I want gnome-help not to start every time I turn on my pc. How can I stop it?18:17
bazhangadamski84: you want some help?18:17
Piciwarlink: This is freenode fyi.18:17
erUSULmario_: maybe somehow it ended up on your sesion configuration Check on System>Preferences>Sesion18:18
Picimario_: Are you on an install or are you talking about the LiveCD?18:18
ActySoftswhen trying to boot ubuntu, when the progress bar is almost filled I get loads and loads of messages saying that networkmanager cannot schedule something and that dcbdca (or something like that) wasn't found18:20
jaggz-Okay, so I have python2.4-2.4.1 source installed, compiled, and now how do I put this in as a package?18:20
ricaneliteis envy fine to use? to install ati or nvidia drivers?18:20
ubotuenvy is not needed or supported. Use the Resticted Manager to install binary drivers and see « /msg ubotu binarydriver »18:20
ikoniatut tut18:22
erUSUL!info python2.4 | jaggz-18:22
ubotujaggz-: python2.4: An interactive high-level object-oriented language (version 2.4). In component main, is optional. Version 2.4.4-6ubuntu4 (gutsy), package size 2733 kB, installed size 9304 kB18:22
mario_My Ubuntu just got freezed and I have had this problem several times18:22
mario_it is awful18:22
bazhangActySofts: does it hang, what happens at that point?18:22
ActySoftsdoes anyone know why I get loads of messages about networkmanager when booting gutsy?18:22
mario_can anyone help me to solve it?18:22
Picijaggz-: Python 2.4 is in the repositories already, why would you need to compile your own?18:23
jaggz-I'm just not sure what the process is for getting it to become a .deb18:23
ActySoftsit ouputs the same messages again and again....18:23
ActySoftsso fast that the whole screen flashes18:23
KonamI love how ubuntu/canonical demean some useful projects like envy or automatix (in its moments)18:23
jaggz-pici, I messed up my dependencies and the version I need is no longer available.. but the new version can't go in because of too many other dependencies.. so I compiled this one up as it's not reliant on those things18:23
bazhangActySofts: it's not resolving the internet connection most likely--are you able to reach the login screen?18:23
jaggz-it's all because I'm stuck at an old distro (hoary) that's no longer supported18:23
adamski84bazhang i want to install xp18:23
PiciKonam: Because those programs can break your system.18:23
ActySoftsKonam: there are guides how to set the drivers up in the wiki...18:23
Jack_SparrowKonam: those are useless junk..18:23
ActySoftsbazhang: no18:24
erUSULActySofts: i do not have this problem... maybe the msgs got logged on /var/log/messages or /var/log/syslog knowing the exact wording is helpfull18:24
PiciKonam: And many people have come here seeking help with their broken systems.18:24
ikoniaKonam: this is a support channel, find a different channel to rubbish ubuntu's stance18:24
erUSULActySofts: you can google the error msg too18:24
ActySoftsI tought ubuntu didn't need to connect to the internet18:24
KonamI admit that there aren't needed _anymore_ but come'on, envy stope being needed like about one release ago18:24
mario_0x81e6998 2007/12/18 22:36:27.2430 (USER): debug log dumped due to signal 1118:24
mario_what in the world is that18:24
Ayabaraanyone with a 3g iPod Nano around?18:24
PiciKonam: #ubuntu-offtopic please.18:25
mario_0x81e6998 2007/12/18 22:36:27.2430 (USER): debug log dumped due to signal 1118:25
ikoniaKonam: again, this is a support channel only18:25
bazhangadamski84: are you familiar with any search engines? if you type xp ubuntu dual boot, the fourth or fifth link will be for that--want me to find it for you?18:25
ActySoftsI would if I could read them all...they're sent so fast again & again that I can barely read it18:25
ironfootCan I get some help installing and using rails?18:25
Picijaggz-: Have you tried to resolve your dependency issues?18:25
mario_ayabra, i have a 1g nano18:25
mario_0x81e6998 2007/12/18 22:36:27.2430 (USER): debug log dumped due to signal 1118:25
mario_please help18:25
_Casey_i installed frostwire and java but it isnt openening18:25
KonamPici ikonia calm down, that was just a comment18:25
bazhangActySofts: so it just hangs at nearly full loading (that progress bar)?18:26
erUSUL!frostwire > _Casey_18:26
Chris|_Casey_ do you have compiz running?18:26
Konamand how it was offtopic Pici?18:26
ActySoftsbazhang: yes18:26
ikoniaKonam: this is a SUPPORT channel for ubuntu18:26
ikoniaKonam: your chatting about how you think tools are good/bad18:26
r4wMUnt34qHow can I change my screen resolution in recovery mode in text ui please ? Is it somewhere on the net ?18:26
bazhangKonam: offtopic is fun! come on in18:26
PiciKonam: We'd be more than happy to explain why we dont support those things in #ubuntu-offtopic, just not here.18:26
vbcan Bansee embed the cover art in mp3 in the form of id3 tags?18:26
Tyczekif we are at frostwire: w?hy it isn't adding icon after install18:26
pike_ironfoot: there is a #ruby-lang channel that might be more help18:27
_Casey_whats compiz18:27
mahrellonevening all18:27
pike_ironfoot: well the install part should be easy18:27
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion18:27
ActySofts!compiz > _Casey_18:27
melkorCan I install kde 4 using apt-get install ?18:27
ironfootpike_: thanx18:27
julian_hi anyone knows where to set the tripple buffer to on for a ASUS / Ati graphiccard?18:27
Jack_Sparrowmelkor: no18:27
_Casey_oh i just read in the manager18:27
_Casey_its installed18:27
ActySoftsmeljor: I suggest using aptitude, else it'd be hard to remove all of it if you dedice to get rid of it18:27
r4wMUnt34qHow can I change my screen resolution in recovery mode in text ui please ? Is it somewhere on the net ?18:28
erUSULjulian_: maybe on the Device section on xorg.conf18:28
Phusionr4wMUnt34q: from the command line sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg18:28
erUSULr4wMUnt34q: try 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg'18:28
Jack_Sparrow!find kde418:28
ubotuFound: kde4-style-qtcurve, kde4accessibility, kde4accessibility-data, kde4addons, kde4addons-data (and 34 others)18:28
Phusionr4wMUnt34q: that will go through a script to configure your x server18:28
_Casey_how do i know if compiz is running18:28
KonamPici I know why you don't and i understand that stand is just that you (canonical, ubuntu members) demean some of those projects, there's no need of it, time ago they were useful and needed, they deserve some respect at least18:28
r4wMUnt34qerUSUL: I tried that already I think, but I may try it again18:29
PiciKonam: Please, join me in #ubuntu-offtopic18:29
BarracudaHi IAm running ubuntu in text mode does anyone know the command I can use to adjust the volume on a text mode ubuntu machine????18:29
ikoniaKonam: what part of "this is not an appropriate channel to discuss in" is not being clear ?18:29
erUSUL_Casey_: if you enabled desktop effects on System>Preferences>Appearance18:29
Jack_SparrowKonam: what part of OFFTOPI do you not understand...   they have never worked or been useful18:29
julian_erUSUL, can you tell me how or a site where i can read about it?18:29
r4wMUnt34qPhusion: What script ?18:29
bazhangActySofts: have you tried the alternate cd? although it might be an issue with the cd, that is unlikely--try booting again without the ethernet connected18:29
melkorActysofts is aptitude uses the same database as synaptic? its all the apt packages?18:29
MacTheMadcan anyone tell me to connect another machine thru this one on 2nd ethernet card do I need to 1st go thru a switch or hub or in other words  to connect 2nd machine do I need a crossover cable?18:29
pike_Barracuda: alsamixer? or you can just use alsa commands i guess18:29
Chris|system > administration > system monitor > processes (look for compiz in the list) _Casey_18:29
erUSULjulian_: the man page of the driver you are using should list the option it supports18:29
KonamJack_Sparrow join me in offtopic18:29
Phusionr4wMUnt34q: if you want to change your resolution without editing config files by hand, you can issue that command18:29
ActySoftsbazhang: I'm booting from my ubuntu install, not a CD, though I'll try with the cable out18:30
BarracudaPike_: Thanks I got in18:30
BarracudaPike_: Thanks I got in18:30
julian_im using the propreitary driver or my ati which i just set on through the main menu on ubuntu :)18:30
erUSULjulian_: /etc/X11/xorg.conf can be edited with any text editor make a backup copy before editing it18:30
r4wMUnt34qPhusion: Is there a way it can detect the sttings automaticly ?18:30
Phusionr4wMUnt34q: no, thats more of a Windows kind of thing.18:30
bazhangActySofts: that might do it--I have had that happen before, an issue with resolving the internet connection18:30
Phusionr4wMUnt34q: it asks you a series of questions, most of the default answers will do18:30
_Casey_yes compiz is running18:30
ActySoftsmelkor: yes, but aptitude can easily remove dependencies of meta-packages (for example, if you install kubuntu-desktop with apt-get, then wanna get rid of it, you got to remove ALL it's packages one by one...with aptitude you remove kubuntu-desktop and it's deps are out as well)18:31
julian_ive done both of it.. and just reading the conf. but im using the driver fglrx and cant find a man for it18:31
_Casey_i did the tutorial on the ubuntu page for frostwire but my jre is invalid18:31
ActySoftsbazhang: ok, thanks, I'l try that18:31
erUSUL_Casey_: some java ups do not work well on compiz18:31
biebI have received approval from the wife to purchase a laptop for christmas.. I am looking at this model from Gateway (saw it at Best Buy) http://support.gateway.com/s/Mobile/2007/SonicC/1014612R/1014612Rnv.shtml    anything that stands out that will be a problem to run Ubuntu on?18:31
r4wMUnt34qPhusion: Okay, thanx a lot, I will try18:31
Phusionyah mon.18:31
_Casey_how do i disable it18:32
erUSUL_Casey_: maybe you need 'sudo update-alternative --config java' and make sure the sun jre is the default one18:32
Phusionbieb: I have an Acer Aspire 5100 and it works well w/ ubuntu, it has some wifi issues, but thats kind of a general issue18:32
staticfishhi all. small question, ive searched but cant get an answer anywhere: my standby doesn't work when i updated the ATI driver to FGLRX. i have a 9700 and nforce 318:32
_Casey_i get this error when i did that18:32
staticfishanything i can do?18:32
_Casey_There is only 1 program which provides java18:32
_Casey_(/usr/bin/gij-4.2). Nothing to configure.18:32
bazhangactysofts well still be here :]18:32
erUSUL!java | _Casey_18:33
ubotu_Casey_: To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre18:33
biebPhusion: what I like is the 17" display and sub $800 price tag18:33
erUSUL_Casey_: install sun-java6-jre18:33
Phusionbieb: my aspire is 15.4" and $499, 64 bit cpu and ati xpress 1100 gfx18:33
Phusionbut this is kinda offtopic18:33
Phusionbut acer = good price/performance18:33
_Casey_i just installed something, hold on18:34
* Phusion gasps18:34
staticfishdamn anyone? please!18:34
Filled-VoidANyone know why gdesklets wont start I have installed Pyhton2.4 right now however that doesnt fix it .18:34
Tyczekstaticfish, did you use drivers from repo?18:35
biebIf I take a Ubuntu Cd to test the laptop.. what should I look at? what tests to run? I don't think they have a wireless connection for me to attempt to connect to18:35
staticfishyes, from the repo18:35
staticfishusing restricted modules18:35
Tyczekdid you type aticonfig --initiall ?18:35
staticfishuuh no i didn't!18:35
staticfishi thought restricted drivers would have done all the configuration18:36
timandtomI have Ubuntu 7.10, and my computer sometimes automatically joins my neighbors unsecured wireless network(which I accidentally clicked instead of MY network once) instead of my secured one. How can I make it NOT automatically connect to the neighbors?18:36
staticfishdan@deepthought:~$ aticonfig --initial18:36
staticfishFound fglrx primary device section18:36
staticfishNothing to do, terminating.18:36
Tyczek try it maybe it'll work18:36
Tyczekaticonfig -f --initiall18:36
bazhangbieb: does it run fairly smoothly--does the system recognize your wireless card,etc?18:36
dinesh86evolution command line options ?18:37
staticfishrighto cheers Tyzec18:37
* RatThing converts $499 to UK money... Thats: £1.5018:37
staticfishwell it did something18:37
biebbazhang: just look in the network settings once booted? or should I use dmesg or something like that18:37
Tyczekrestart then18:37
staticfishbut i guess i'll have to restart x18:37
staticfishstandby *should* work ok with fglrx right?18:38
MarcC-backroomwhere does XScreenSaver load its photos from?18:38
bazhangbieb: do the restricted driver manager show the card driver?18:38
bazhangerr does18:38
brobostigonstaticfish: have you read hitchhikers guide to the galaxy, you have named your computer after the computer that calculated the asnwer to the meaning of life the universe and averything, i know this is oftopic, but its great that you have.18:38
staticfishi know :) cheers brobostigon18:39
biebbazhang: I haven't purchased the laptop yet. I want to try to test it at the store before purchase18:39
staticfishi like it18:39
brobostigoni like the book too.18:39
K`Tetchbrobostigon - what, earth?18:39
chazcoIs there any way to use 7.04's networking abilitys instead of 7.10's (on 7.10)?18:39
K`Tetchoh no, earth was the question18:39
daithi86hi everyone18:39
bazhangbieb: best to google and check ubuntuforums as well linux on laptops website first then18:39
brobostigonk'tetch: look uo hitchhikers quide to the galaxy on wikipedia, that will explain18:40
chazcoTrying to fix this issue: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=608760 - which renders 7.10 unsuable by itself for me...18:40
daithi86im just new to ubuntu today. its really cool.18:41
biebbazhang: thanks18:41
Andy---hi, I'm having problems unmounting smb volumes. When I click unmount in the right click menu it tells me I must be a super user to umount. unmounting with sudo works fine. I've tried to modify my fstab to get this working. Can anyone help me out?18:41
timandtomHow do I change it so that my computer automatically connects to MY wireless network instead of my neighbors(Which I accidentally clicked on once)18:41
_Casey_ok frostwire works18:41
jaggz-yay.. compiling and installing from src worked18:41
jaggz-I just used checkinstall though18:41
jaggz-crap.. aptitude is still screwed.18:41
Phusionbrobostigon: my friend that introduced me to Linux in 1996 named his first machine Deepthought and that has influenced everyone's workgroup names and pc names since (Deepnet)18:41
jaggz-my dependencies are shot still18:41
K`Tetchbrobostigon - i would rather use a reliable source, not wrongipedia18:42
bazhangbieb: no worries :}18:42
K`Tetchand i know the books damned well, and the tv series, and the radio series, and the games18:42
erUSUL_Casey_: congrats18:43
brobostigonthanks Phusion thats interesting18:43
chazcoOr does anyone know where i can find out what changed between 7.04 and 7.10 in the networking area? Duel-booting isnt any good, need to get this to work18:43
* K`Tetch calls his lintilla18:43
Phusiontimandtom: there's a utility called wifi-radar that helps you pick your wireless network18:43
jaggz-is wikipedia that unreliable?18:43
jaggz-I still think it's a really good reference..18:44
Phusionits pretty accurite most of the time, but not good for real world facts18:44
_Casey_i want more login screens18:44
gupta_sumesh63goodnight all of you18:44
Chris|_Casey_ www.gnome-look.org18:44
jaggz-I think it's a very nice organized way to get most of what you want -- and for more serious things or other details you go from there18:44
K`Tetchwikipedia's sooo good at researching, they hired a convicted felon (for passing false cheques no less) to run the foundation18:44
Chris|your welcome18:44
jrib!offtopic | K`Tetch18:44
ubotuK`Tetch: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!18:44
Chris|_Casey_ go to GDM page18:44
TwinkletoesIf I don't want to mount a password protected SMB share in fstab, where else can I mount it?  Or should I just get rid of world-read permissions on fstab?18:44
jaggz-well.. lame irony aside18:45
Jack_Sparrow_Casey_: gdm themes at gnome-look.org18:45
timandtomPhusion: I can pick my wireless network fine, I just want to change which ones my computer is allowed to automatically connect too, preferably without installing a new app if I can18:45
Phusiontimandtom: well....  wifi-radar is compact and easy to use18:45
_Casey_ok i clicked it18:45
K`Tetchspoilsport, jrib :-P18:45
jaggz-noone said the organization is one of research.. the project itself is one of the better uses of the internet, and the mechanisms/tools provided for the usage of the system, imo, are pretty nice too18:45
Phusiondon't see why you don't want to install something new, unless you're on a 6GB drive18:45
_Casey_ahh cool thanks18:45
Chris|yw _Casey_18:46
jribjaggz-: drop it please18:46
Phusiontimandtom: I'm pretty sure that lets you pick a default wireless network18:46
jaggz-jrib, be more patient please18:46
harpaGood Day,  Is there someone who is familiar with dual booting out there?  If there is might you know a good source of documentation regarding the subject?18:46
Phusiontimandtom: you can manually edit a config file with your WEP/WPA key in it so you always connect to that one18:46
chazcoCan i use the 7.10 hardware support on 7.04 then until 7.10 is fixed?18:46
erUSUL!dualboot | harpa18:46
ubotuharpa: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MacBookPro https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot18:46
Phusiontimandtom: I'm in winblows right now, might wanna google or ubuntuforums?18:46
Jack_Sparrowharpa: what is exactly the problem.. many of us dual boot18:46
bazhangjaggz-: offtopic18:47
kelsinTwinkletoes: http://www.justlinux.com/nhf/Filesystems/Mounting_smbfs_Shares_Permanently.html that page talks about how to use a credentials file, prevents the password from appearing on the commdn line for the mount command too18:47
erUSULchazco: what is the problem?18:47
Twinkletoeskelsin: Thank you :)18:47
timandtomPhusion: Ah, ok, thanks. I'll try that18:47
jaggz-bazhang, nod.18:47
harpaubuto: thanks for the quick response.  Merry Christmas!18:47
jaggz-you should see Idiocracy18:47
chazcoI cant view a webpage on 7.10... works on every other OS/browser combo... http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=608760 has more details18:47
Andy---hi, I'm having problems unmounting smb volumes. When I click unmount in the right click menu it tells me I must be a super user to umount. unmounting with sudo works fine. I've tried to modify my fstab to get this working. Can anyone help me out?18:48
somerville32What do you do when Ubuntu detects the cd drive as cd-rw but fails to detect the _medium_ (ie. the disc) as a cd-r/rw :]18:48
bazhangjaggz-: come to #ubuntu-offtopic :}18:48
bthorntonI just updated my kernel this morning because of a Ubuntu security update (Gutsy, i386) and I think that has broken NFS support.  How can I "roll back" that update?  Or else just reinstall the previous kernel?18:48
somerville32!bot | HashBox18:48
ubotuHashBox: I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots18:48
Chris|chazco some websites only let IE6 and 7 view them18:48
somerville32oops :/18:48
DrMitchso after a fresh install, anytime i there is a lot of disk activity, my computer freezes (100% frozen- mouse doesn't move, numlocks doesn't even turn on) anyone know what could be causing this?18:48
=== devin_ is now known as tao
chazcoChris| - works on 7.04 + Firefox18:48
taohey everyone18:48
AyabaraI'm installing some packages from " https://launchpad.net/~ipod-touch/+archive " to get support for my iPod. How can I make apt replace the gtkpod version I have installed with the one from this repo?18:48
bodhi_zazen"lo ubuntu !!!!18:48
AyabaraI think they have the same version number18:49
chazcoChris| - Its just 7.10 that it wont work on... or any virtual machine running under 7.10...18:49
bazhangchazco: using firefox? you can get user agent switcher that lets you spoof ie7/vista for firefox18:49
Chris|thats odd, dunno18:49
chazcobazhang - its not firefox, works fine on 7.04 + Firefox18:49
=== mahrellon is now known as Mahr_Afk
chazcoIts made 7.10 unusable, so i've had to duel-boot Vista just for one webpage...18:50
bazhangchazco: you are in gutsy?18:50
chazcoyes (and its not ipv6)18:50
Jack_Sparrowbthornton: does your boot/grub/menu/lst show the previous kernel?18:50
bazhangchazco: then why not try that? it is just a firefox plugin, and it really is amazing18:50
=== EvanR is now known as hondje
erUSULchazco: try «sudo sh -c "echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_window_scaling" » then try to load the page18:51
chazcobazhang - I've tried it, it wasnt that18:51
nano__what up?18:51
chazcoerUSUL - think i tried something liket hat before18:51
=== macd_ is now known as macd
taoQuestion: I symlinked an application in /usr/bin and I then wanted to open a file on my desktop using this link as my custom command.  I entered the app name: "prism -webapp " and clicked "Open", but nothing happens, it wont work.  What's wrong here?18:51
bazhangchazco: you have that plugin enabled?18:51
chazcoTried it, didnt work... and its not user agent issues18:51
=== hondje is now known as EvanR
Kernelchazco: clear all cookies and cache in the browser..ive had similer issues.18:51
Kernelalso is it all browsers in 7.10?18:52
fosois this the best channel for getting help in gimp? or is there a channel for that?18:52
Chris|tao did you enter the command?18:52
chazcoKernel - its on 2 machines and survived several reinstalls, and gets the liveCD18:52
elliotjhughi all - anyone know how to disable the message you get telling you to reboot after you install an updated kernel through update manager? When I do that I know that if I want to use it I need to reboot - and it gets annoying18:52
taoChris|: yeah it works from the command line when I type that exact command.18:52
taobut it wont work from the desktop18:52
Kernelchazco: try to clear all private data...restart the browser and try again.18:52
Chris|tao - go to your desktop right click, new launder, type the name, then type the command18:52
chazcoKernel - it really isnt that, it gets a fresh live CD as well18:52
Kernelor try diff browsers....ie firefox konqueror or opera18:52
Chris|that should work fine18:52
Ax3hey guys, trying to start 'gedit' from terminal, i get: "cannot open display"18:53
Kerneloh ok. just blurting out ideas18:53
chazcoGets every broswer ive tried on 7.10 Kernel, even ones under Virtualbox....18:53
Kernelwhat site?18:53
taoChris|: That's not really an option for me, these are *.webapp applications, and I want to open them always with my custom command.  Why wont the custom command work?18:53
chazcoIts my uni timetable (and passworded)18:53
Kernel...i kinda just jumped in this half sorry.18:53
Kernel*half way18:53
bazhangchazco: then that page is not w3c compliant--not an ubuntu issue18:54
bthorntonJack_Sparrow: No; I was actually somewhat surprised to find that both kernels have the exact same "build number" (?): 2.6.22-1418:54
chazcoerUSUL - I think that fixed it!!! But it may be a fluke, it does occasioanlly work anyway...18:54
Chris|i cant help with that18:54
chazcobazhang - the page is compliant, downloaded it on another PC and ran it througjh the W3C checker18:54
Symmetriaok, some stupid questions from me about ubuntu, I need a module that is NOT enabled by default, do I have to build it from the kernel source myself, or is there a way to enable it (I.E does it come already built but not enabled, and how do I find out if it does)18:54
Jack_Sparrowbthornton: two listings.. one regular one recovery would be normal...18:54
bazhangchazco: yet only you can check it?18:55
bthorntonMaybe they don't increment those numbers for a security updates (which is what this was labeled as)?18:55
chazcoerUSUL - going to try another PC to check if that really does fix it18:55
erUSULchazco: ;) the probelm is a non standar conformant router between you and the web page18:55
chazcobazhang - Well, the uni can18:55
erUSULchazco: you can put the command on /etc/rc.local18:55
chazcoerUSUL - sounds vaugly likely... any more details? May be able to get it fixed totally18:55
bthorntonJack_Sparrow: Yeah, that's all I've got are those two.  I guess the point is that the kernel version was the same before and after the update.18:55
bazhangchazco: and they know ubuntu I bet18:55
elliotjhugSymmetria: to enable a module thats already there you can just modprobe it from the command prompt - if its not installed you probably have to recompile18:55
TiredGuyhey all .. i'm on HP Pavilion dv6448se. and every 30 boots a scan is inforced on my linux system. but the problem is that the scanning process freezes everytime (and i have to fix it by running fsck through the boot disc) .. does any1 know what should i do about this ?18:55
chazcobazhang - Uni staff can check it, works on 7.04 (they support Linux... ish)18:55
DetrOiD /join #(ND)tron18:56
erUSULchazco: no; sorry you can chaek the linux kernel archives search for tcp window scaling18:56
chazcook, will read up18:56
lirakisi have a general question.  I am looking for a scanner that has good linux support and is fast.  I dont care so much about high resolution as i do speed.  Can any one reccomend one?18:56
DetrOiD[21:53:51] <DetrOiD>  /join #(ND)tron18:56
DetrOiD[21:53:51] <DetrOiD>  /join #(ND)tron18:56
Symmetriawhats the question about window scaling?18:56
lirakisSANE's supported device list doesnt show anything about statistucs18:57
* Symmetria does that constantly :)18:57
=== Aleph0 is now known as AlephNull
erUSUL!hardware | lirakis18:57
ubotulirakis: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection18:57
=== AlephNull is now known as AlephX
elliotjhuglirakis: Any scanner I've ever used tends to work fine with xsane - but look at the SANE list18:57
lirakiserUSUL: !looking for supported devices18:57
apex`my xmms dont play flac files18:57
apex`how to solve this18:58
ASTX813Apparently php-dbx was removed from php4 to php5.  Anyone know how I can add this to 5 so I don't have to downgrade?18:58
Buubihowcome irssi is not in ubuntus add programs -> internet list18:58
lirakiserUSUL: looking for personal experience on speed reccomendations.. i can read the SANE supported devices list18:58
TiredGuythe inforced system scan freezes every time (when i boot). when can i do ?18:58
DetrOiDFloodBot1, tu moderator18:58
TiredGuydoes any1 have an idea ?18:58
erUSULlirakis: then i can not help you... maybe others can18:58
lirakiselliotjhug: .. again i know whats on SANE.. but i want a FAST scanner.. not just a supported scanner18:58
Ayabaraanyone? how can I force a package to be chosen from a given repo?18:58
Snuffethello help me to start the VNC servser18:59
chazcoerUSUL - it fixed it on the laptop as well... its still slow, but it works... Thank you, thank you, thank you :) :) :) :)18:59
elliotjhuglirakis: ah well - then you're better off looking at a hardware review site for what they recommend and then checking back against the list18:59
erUSULchazco: no problem XD make sure you put the trick on the forums too ;)18:59
lirakiselliotjhug: ive been doing that.. but its a long list..18:59
robdigAyabara: disable the repos you don't want to use, install it, then turn the other repos back on18:59
chazcoerUSUL - about to... Seriously, you've no idea how much ive tried to fix this19:00
Ayabararobdig, thanks19:00
Pici!pining | Ayabara19:00
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pining - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi19:00
Pici!pinning | Ayabara19:00
ubotuAyabara: pinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto19:00
elliotjhuglirakis: Well - I'm using an all in one at the moment so I can't suggest anything. How fast do you consider fast?19:00
TiredGuycan someone help me ? the system scan freezes every time it is inforced (on a boot) !!!19:00
chazcoerUSUL - mind if i give you credit on the forum for it?19:00
TiredGuyit makes no sense for me to have to fix the system every 30 boots :S19:00
Jack_SparrowTiredGuy: the fsck fails on boot...?19:01
lirakiselliotjhug: i dont know.. 5 seconds fora  page? .. i just want to scan for OCR and doc storage.. so i need it fast and flatbed.. not sheet feed.19:01
chazcoTiredGuy - look at autofsck i think helps you skip it19:01
erUSULchazco: that's what i was hoping for ;) my ego needs some care ;P19:01
TiredGuyyes jack_ sparrow19:01
TiredGuyJack_Sparrow, you know the sysme inforces a scan every 30 boots .. and it just freezes19:01
Law506I installed the kde-core and just uninstalled it.. but the program icons are still in the Applications menu, how do you remove all of those??19:01
Moleratso im looking for a channel that could help me with some GNU make basics - specifically using VPATH and/or vpath19:02
TiredGuyso every 30 boots i have to use the boot disc to run fsck manually19:02
RioCunliffeHow can i make a user an admin in terminal??19:02
r4wMUnt34qthanx Phusion everything is ok now19:02
lirakiselliotjhug: ive heard stuff like 30 sec. for a picture with a canoscan lide 30 ... thats way slow.  i want to scan in a manual or some thing .. and i dont want it to take 30x#pgs.19:02
Phusionyou're quite welcome19:02
* Phusion shakes his fist at the sky19:02
Jack_SparrowTiredGuy: Use tune2fs -c or -i to override   the scans.. but I would not disable them as they are needed19:02
=== FullMon-T is now known as FullMon-T_work
lirakiselliotjhug: how fast is your all in one?19:03
RioCunliffeHow can i make a *new* user that is a admin in terminal??19:03
TiredGuybut i really don't understand why it freezes. it shouldnt19:03
_Casey_how do you install splash screens19:03
elliotjhuglirakis: mine can be about 20s for a page if I use xsane to do a really low res up to about a minute if I set it to very high-res - probably not the kind of thing you're after.19:03
ASTX813What are pear & pecl?  Do they work together or do they overlap functions?19:03
chazcoCan anyone running Ubuntu 7.04 give me the contents of their /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_window_scaling ?19:04
MacTheMadcan anyone tell me to connect another machine to connection sharing on eth1 do I need a crossover cable or have to go thru a switch/hub 1st?19:04
geniiRioCunliffe: sudo usermod -G adm <username>19:04
PhusionRioCunliffe: you just use sudo to become the super user, you put in the user's password as the root password after you add them to the /etc/sudoers file19:04
Jack_SparrowTiredGuy: Does it show any error.. or just takes a long time to scan.. how big is the drive19:04
lirakiselliotjhug: yeah .. okay.. thanks19:04
TiredGuyJack_Sparrow, it doesn't show anything . it just freezes. and the linux system drive is about 50 GB19:05
erUSULPhusion: the simplest way is to add the user to the *admin* group19:05
RioCunliffePhusion: sorry im a bit of a noob, what exactly would i type?19:05
PhusionRioCunliffe: erUSUL is correct19:05
=== dzano_boy is now known as arlekin
geniiPhusion: If you add them instead to the adm group the existing /etc/sudoers is fine and they have same sudo rights as the existing first ubuntu user19:06
* Symmetria sighs and waits for the kernel modules to rebuild19:06
Moleratspeaking of sudo, i was doing some configuring to set up compiz and it was having me use gksudo. just curious as to what the difference is there19:06
Symmetriathey need to enable that module by default19:06
TiredGuyJack_Sparrow, i tried leaving it for some time .. but the process bar didn't move any farther. i shut down my laptop manyally. and next time the scan starts it freezes even faster19:06
Moleratjust got Ubuntu installed a couple days ago :-)19:06
chazcoerUSUL - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=3980837#post3980837 :)19:06
PhusionMolerat: gksudo is the gnome sudo19:06
Jack_SparrowTiredGuy: NExt time.. walk away and see if it gets through...19:07
RioCunliffeMolerat: gksudo is for guis (i think)19:07
Moleratah makes sense19:07
Phusionyeah it's the GUI sudo19:07
ubotuIf you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)19:07
Jack_SparrowTiredGuy: MIne stops for more than a couple minutes every now and then....19:07
TiredGuylol Jack_Sparrow . i thought jogging would do it but it didn't19:07
erUSULchazco: thanks ;)19:07
FullMon-T_workHow would I go about fixing a white noise issue?19:07
Molerathmm interesting ! gives bot commands?19:07
RioCunliffePhusion: what exactly would i type if i wanted to make a brand new user that is a admin?19:07
TiredGuywell Jack_Sparrow i left it for like 15 minutes19:07
PhusionRioCunliffe: well, if I was doing it19:08
PhusionRioCunliffe: sudo adduser username19:08
steve__what distro is ubuntu <slackware or debian?19:08
PhusionRioCunliffe: sudo passwd username19:08
PhusionRioCunliffe: sudo nano /etc/sudoers19:08
geniiRioCunliffe: At any rate, to add an existing user into the admin group (which has sudo rights in the /etc/sudoer file) put what i typed before:   sudo usermod -G adm <theirnamehere>19:08
PhusionRioCunliffe: and copy the entry thats there, but w/ the new user, (ALL) (ALL)19:08
vbI just updated id3 tags of songs that did not have cover art, and embedded the cover art in them using it, but banshee is not showing them :(19:09
Phusionthat works fine too19:09
Phusionjust telling you how I'd do it.19:09
geniiRioCunliffe: There is no need to hand edit files etc etc19:09
TiredGuyi just guess dv6448se is a bad laptop to have linux to run on (having problems with Ubuntu .. couldn't even get suse to install..)19:09
spepshey can somebody suggest me a good free secure private svn hosting server?THANKS19:09
PhusionRioCunliffe: yeah, if you're inexperienced I suggest genii's method.19:09
RioCunliffePhusion, genii: thankyou very much19:09
* Phusion tips his hat19:10
SpecPhusion: for future reference....19:10
somerville32speps, Why not try bazaar instead? :)19:10
Phusionyeah, shoot Spec19:10
SpecPhusion: there's a utility called "visudo" which should be used to manually edit /etc/sudoers, as it does syntax checking.19:10
somerville32Spec, You can get free hosting from launchpad (http://launchpad.net)19:10
Specand it respects $EDITOR19:10
Phusionoh yes, I remember that19:10
Turkishturkish people?19:10
Specsomerville32: err, ok?19:10
Phusionthanks Spec.19:11
JoeThomasHi, when i add vga=791 to menu.lst, I reboot and then the screen is just black after grub.19:11
somerville32Spec, Why would you want to the sudoers file?19:11
vbI just updated id3 tags of songs that did not have cover art, and embedded the cover art in them using it, but banshee is not showing them :(19:11
somerville32Spec, wrong highlight :P19:11
MacTheMadwould someone please just say yes or no... I've been trying to get internet connection sharing to work with great difficulty however I think I solved my own problem... can someone confirm to connect another machine to eth1 do I need to use a switch/hub or a crossover cable?19:11
somerville32Spec, (re launchpad)19:11
Specsomerville32: 'k ;)19:11
SpecJoeThomas: have you tried vga=ask ?19:11
somerville32But why would you ever want to edit the sudoers file for most cases?19:11
Specsomerville32: so i can add someone to the sudoers file?19:11
JoeThomasSpec: will do.19:11
somerville32Spec, Why not just add them to the admin group?19:11
ASTX813MacTheMad You should be able to connect two machines directly with a crossover, but you'll have to hardcode IPs unless one of them is a DHCP server19:11
SpecJoeThomas: when it boots, type "scan"19:11
Specsomerville32: because some of my debian systems don't have an admin group19:12
erUSULMacTheMad: if there is no hub/switch/router you need crossover19:12
JoeThomasSpec: you want me to add vga=ask to menu.lst first or just go to grub and type scan19:12
somerville32Spec, Right but we're giving advice for Ubuntu atm, right?19:12
Specsomerville32: ....i didn't suggest editing sudo, i just said if you were going to , use visudo19:12
MacTheMadthanks astx813... I do need to use a crossover cable if I don't use a switch/hub19:12
SpecJoeThomas: if you know how to use grub, just go to grub and add "vga=ask" to the end of the kernel boot line and boot, then type 'scan' when it asks you a question19:12
SpecJoeThomas: it'll show you the supported modes of your video card19:13
vassersomehow the nvidia driver stopped working for m19:13
JoeThomasSpec: okay thanks.19:13
vasserits driving me nuts19:13
vasserone time it worked, now it doesn't19:13
robdigTurkish: are you looking for the turkish channel? if so it's #ubuntu-tr19:13
TiredGuyhow can i know what was the last system update that was applied ?19:13
geniiIf an admin/adm group doesn't exist I would suggest then creating a group just to add users into which would have an /etc/sudoers entry separate from root's.19:13
TiredGuyi mean .. what packages ..19:14
wols_TiredGuy: in your dpkg.log19:14
TiredGuythanks wols_ :)19:14
* Symmetria is impressed, heh ubuntu found all my hardware except for one piece that I had to go manually compile the module in the kernel for cause its disabled19:14
JoeThomasSpec: thanks works now.19:15
TiredGuywols_, do u have any idea why is it that sometimes when i boot my system i can't get the earfones output to work ?!19:16
chazcoI can finally use just Ubuntu now (PocketPC still has some issues, but otherwise everything works) :)19:16
TiredGuythe audio mixer has no control fot eh earfones output .. which seems weird19:16
Turkishcan i ask some question19:16
robdigTurkish: go ahead and ask19:16
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about asj - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi19:16
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)19:16
Turkishi defecate too much.  what should i do?19:17
RainCTMy printer is ignoring me (lol), any idea what the problem could be? It's an auto-detected HP Photosmart C3180, and since somewhat around a month sometimes it prints and sometimes no.. :S19:17
ttt--how can i give a user rwx access to a directory? should i make it the owner?19:17
Turkishi m sorry19:17
Turkishi was jocking19:17
PiciTurkish: This is a support channel, please stop.19:17
Turkishi am sorry19:17
Jack_Sparrow!enter | Turkish19:17
ubotuTurkish: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!19:17
Turkishi am going now19:17
Turkishtake care good peoples19:17
Turkishi love u all19:17
Turkishnobody say me bye19:18
Turkisham i bad boy?19:18
Turkishor no?19:18
Jack_SparrowBoot this clown19:18
ASTX813If I could.19:19
zeroflaghow can I change the default application for a filetype in nautilus? it keeps opening avi with totem.19:19
PiciTurkish: Goodbye.19:19
vassergrub doesn't auto-complete when i press <tab>19:19
vassernot even in console19:19
BuubiJack_sparrow from muro?19:19
ASTX813vasser I didn't think grub has that functionality19:19
linux4mehi guys, can you recommend a decent program to burn dvd's with for ubuntu 7.1019:20
erUSULzeroflag: right click on an avi file go to propertes19:20
FullMon-T_workAny suggestible p2p programs?19:20
zeroflagerUSUL: right, thanks.19:20
vasserASTX813: it used to have that ability19:20
cschneidwhat are the packages that will install the dev tools and the kernel headers?  (I need make and the kernel headers) - on 6.0619:20
ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)19:20
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about food - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi19:21
zeroflagnow nautilus is crashing...19:21
cschneidthanks Jack_Sparrow19:21
Jack_Sparrowcschneid: also see build-essential19:21
cschneidyeah, trying to setup an ubuntu vmware guest.  Can't do any real programming on windows19:22
cschneidbut it needs to compile the kernel module19:22
ASTX813cschneid: I just installed vmware on this box.19:22
=== vxd_ is now known as vxd25
ASTX813You'll need ubuntu-headers-(whichever your running, see output of uname -r)19:22
=== vxd25 is now known as vxd83
cschneidASTX813, ubuntu as a guest os?  It seems like I'm getting the kernel headers w/ the build-essentials package19:23
ASTX813vmware-config.pl doesn't look in the right place for the headers once you've installed the package, but I think everything else goes ok if you've got the right headers package and the build-essential19:23
ASTX813Ubuntu as a guest of an Ubuntu host :)  sandbox.19:24
nano__how do I play .rm video files? I've installed all the gstreamer packages I could find19:24
Jack_Sparrow!info realmedia19:24
ubotuPackage realmedia does not exist in gutsy19:24
Jack_Sparrow!find realmedia19:24
ubotuPackage/file realmedia does not exist in gutsy19:24
erUSULnano__: install helix player from Application>Add Remoce ??19:25
ASTX813cschneid Are you trying to install the vmware tools in a guest or the vmware server in a host?19:25
RioCunliffegenii: heyy again, you command dosent seem to be working :/19:26
cschneidASTX813, vmware tools inside the guest.  Ubuntu guest, WinXP host19:26
nano__erUSUL: I will try that19:26
Jack_Sparrow!restrictedformats > nano__19:26
ASTX813cschneid what's the output of uname -r19:27
cschneidASTX813, where do the headers get put?19:27
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)19:27
quanglehey guys my shitty laptop can't handle windoze anymore. i've 40Gig c drive partition which has 20GB free. and a 40GB data d drive. when I install ubuntu will it give me the option to repartition the c drive to make space for itself?19:27
mgimquangle yes19:28
cschneidASTX813, uname -r => 2.6.15-26-38619:28
Slartquangle: yes.. but make a backup of any important data first19:28
ubotuScreenlets are little widgets for your !desktop. Note you must have !Compiz Fusion, !Beryl, xcompmgr, or KWin to run them. You can get them at http://www.screenlets.org/19:28
quangleSlart: ok doing that now.19:28
ASTX813cschneid tell the vmware script to look in /usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.15-26-38619:29
vbI just updated id3 tags of songs that did not have cover art, and embedded the cover art in them using it, but banshee is not showing them19:29
quanglecan initiate install from windows, or usb drive? i'd rather not burn a cd...19:29
ASTX813If I remember correctly, whenever you upgrade your kernel, you'll have to rerun the script.19:29
Slartvb: does banshee support cover art embedded in id3-tags?19:29
tininHi, anyone uses Quattro's compiz-fusion-git repository?19:30
Slartquangle: I think there's a windows installer.. wubi or something19:30
ae88925what's a good socket AM2 motherboard that is fully supported by Ubuntu (sound, network, usb, etc...)19:30
ubotuwubi is an unofficial Ubuntu installer for Windows users - more info is at http://www.cutlersoftware.com/ubuntusetup/wubi/en-US/index.html19:30
vbSlart: I read somewhere it was correct some time ago19:30
RioCunliffeHow can i add a new user with admin capabilitys?19:30
nickwebcoukoki need some help booting th edvd guys and gals. The dvd boots and installsfine on my latop, but when i try to use it on my main pc (HP DC7100 - P4HT - 2GB Ram) it just dosent want to play nice. It'll oad up, and then when it looks like its about to boot x, it crashes and the system stops responding. Any ideas on command line boot options I can use to get it working? N19:30
Slartae88925: I'm on a asus crossfire motherboard.. works nicely19:31
quanglethanks. i've dealt with fedora before and they had an internet install option. does ubuntu have something similar?19:31
ae88925RioCunliffe: add them to the wheel group19:31
MasterShreknickwebcoukok: change the driver in the xorg.conf to vesa maybe, or use the alternate installer19:31
RioCunliffeae88925: how?19:31
ae88925wait, I think I'm wrong19:31
Slartae88925: just make sure you get supported memory.. it's a bit touchy about that19:31
MasterShrekae88925: i think its the admin group now19:31
ae88925Yes admin19:32
MasterShrekused to be wheel...19:32
cs02rm0has anyone worked out how to enable usb suspend in gutsy?19:32
=== nuu is now known as nu
=== nu is now known as nuu
vbSlart: " Added new metadata service providers which include support for fetching cover art from your iPod, covers embedded in music files, downloading from MusicBrainz/Amazon.com, and Rhapsody " this is for 0.11.3, we are now in 0.13.319:32
ASTX813cschneid BRB, gotta go plug in a monitor for one of my users.  pm me and let me know if you get it going or need help19:32
nickwebcoukokMasterShrek: i just want to get the live dvd working first :(19:32
robdigRioCunliffe: system->administration->users and groups, fill out first tab, on second tab select Administer the System19:32
RioCunliffeI have been using 'sudo usermod -G adm <name>' to add admins but it dosent seem to work ....19:33
Symmetriahrm :( modprobe ixgb installs my driver, can see it in dmesg, but system still isnt seeing the network card19:33
palantoranyone knowlegable anout the kernel, motherboard with builtin intel agp graphics, adding a pci nvidia card saying agp=off on the boot and the kernel still panics on the boot19:33
ae88925-G admin19:33
Slartvb: ok.. sounds like it should work then19:33
RioCunliffetired it19:33
MasterShreknickwebcoukok: change the driver to vesa19:33
MasterShrekRioCunliffe: you have to log out and back in for that to take effect19:33
nickwebcoukokis there a boot option for that MasterShrek ?19:33
MasterShreknickwebcoukok: no, in the xorg.conf19:33
RioCunliffeMasterShrek: i have done...19:34
vbSlart: it does fetch mp3 I download that had embedded cover art, some of them now I added using EasyTag and those are not being fetched up :(19:34
ae88925Rio: What version of Ubuntu19:34
ae88925Rio: grep admin /etc/group to see if the users are listed there19:34
RioCunliffeokay one sec19:35
Slartvb: I don't really know how to fix it.. I use amarok myself and it uses normal image-files as covers.19:35
Phusionboris: look, is moose and squirrel!19:35
ericvwfor multiple users; how can i restrict sudo priveleges from them?19:35
borisdoes anyone here have ATI HD 2600 ?19:35
Phusionericvw: the sudoers file I believe..  /etc/sudoers19:35
boris(AGP version)19:35
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.19:36
pike_ericvw: they already are you just add or remove them from admin group19:36
nickwebcoukokgunna try the text based installer first19:36
ae88925ericvw: use the visudo command, but make a backup19:36
nickwebcoukokgod - i love screwing things up :D19:36
kelsinericvw: always edit that file with "visudo", and read the man page for sudoers first19:36
ae88925ericvw: make the backup /before/ you edit the file19:36
ericvwthanks everyone19:36
ae88925sudoers is kinda easy to screw up19:36
RioCunliffeae88925: cant find that folder...19:36
MasterShreknickwebcoukok: is there an option to boot the livecd in safe graphics mode?19:37
ae88925Rio: It's a file  'grep admin /etc/group'  if that command fails, you got problems19:37
FlibberdyHi all, I'm installing ubuntu 7.10 via PXE on an HP Compaq NC4010 (laptop).19:37
Buubihow can I boot to windows XP? it was previously installed before ubuntu 7.1019:37
OldSpiceHey guys, can anyone help me set up my partitions? I'm trying to make a jump today from Windows XP to Ubuntu19:38
FlibberdyThe installer can't detect the hard drives apparently, does anyone have any idea how to get it to detect the hd?19:38
Moleratare you wanting to dual boot or just install Ubuntu?19:38
OldSpicedual boot19:38
ubotuaudacious is included in !Feisty. A !repository also exists for !Edgy: see http://audacious-media-player.org/Downloads19:38
MoleratOldSpice: i just did that a couple days ago myself :-)19:38
RioCunliffeae88925: i get this back: grep admin /etc/group19:38
OldSpicei read up stuff on /home and /et3 but I'm completely lost19:38
RioCunliffeno i mean19:39
adelieI am doing some multicore benchmarking, and my script is printing a notification each time it backgrounds a task. Is that STDERR? How can I get it to just not print that stuff?19:39
MoleratOldSpice: look into getting the latest version of Ubuntu from the website and burn the .iso to a cd19:39
ae88925Rio: the admin:x:110: line should say: admin:x:110:user1,user2,user319:39
ae88925where user1, user2, and user3 are valid usernames19:39
adelieBuubi: you need to `update-grub'19:40
MoleratOldSpice: then when you insert it you will want to run a program called GParted that comes on the cd so you can make whatever partitions you need19:40
RioCunliffei mean19:40
RioCunliffebash: admin:x:110:: command not found19:40
MoleratOldSpice: just make sure you have all ur stuff backed up19:40
ae88925Rio: that means your admin group is empty19:40
Buubiadelia, is it on add/remove programs?19:40
adelieFlibberty: are the drives in a raid configeration?19:40
OldSpiceMolerat, do i insert the cd and reboot or insert the cd while i have windows running?19:40
nickwebcoukokMasterShrek: yeah - tried that and it didnt work either..19:40
UbuntuFireis't possible to get audacious to minimize into a tray, similar to a option in winamp?19:40
RioCunliffeRIght so how do i make my account a admin???19:40
nickwebcoukokresizing partitions in text mode now..19:40
MoleratOldSpice: reboot and boot from cd19:41
ae88925You can use the "Users and Groups" gui tool to modify (System->Administation->Users and Groups)19:41
Buubiok, thanks19:41
RioCunliffei cant as im not a admin19:41
OldSpiceokay, let me see how this goes. thank you19:41
ae88925or use a text editor to edit /etc/group (make  a backup first)19:41
RioCunliffeit dosent show up under system...19:41
MoleratOldSpice: if it is not letting you boot from cd and just loading windows then you need to configure the bios settings to change the boot order19:41
Andronicusis there a way to automatically update programs to current releases with the synaptic package manager? (i.e. updating pidgin automatically upon new release?)19:41
Noiano_does anybody has some problem with latest kernel patch?my system just doen't start....19:41
MasterShrekAndronicus: yes, but i dont recommend it19:41
Noiano_how do I revert to the prevous patch level?19:41
OldSpiceMolerat: well i have a question on partitioning my harddrive, what is this /home and /et3 stuff?19:41
Andronicuswhy is it not recommended?19:42
adelieHow do you flush STDERR so it is never printed, at least for the duration of a script?19:42
MoleratOldSpice: usually just press F2 (or whatever key it tells you on your load screen / or motherboard manual) to get into bios if you need to19:42
combiniois this possible to download files with P2M technology under kubuntu ??19:42
MasterShrek!latest | Andronicus19:42
ubotuAndronicus: Common Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should. Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability.19:42
Andronicusi don't aim for stability, so that's not a problem19:42
MasterShrekdo waht u gotta do, its in the update manager somewhere, i really dont know where, i dont use ubuntu19:43
Andronicushow would such a thing be accomplished19:43
MasterShrekmaybe system > admin > update manager or somethign19:43
* MasterShrek is going to crash his xserver...brb19:43
RioCunliffeHow can i make a user a admin in terminal??????19:43
shadowbladeHello, my sound doesn't work on my dell laptop19:43
Moleratso with these large rooms my screen gets flooded with entering and exiting users, is there a way to squelch that output?19:44
Flibberdyadelie, no, it's just a single IDE drive on an ALI M5229 controller19:44
UbuntuFiresomeone that can explain what ATH_HAL is used for?19:44
vbdoes anyone use banshee?19:44
igorguevb: I19:44
igorguevb: me19:44
monkeyBoxHi all.  I'm trying to set up a VPN connection using network-manager-pptp. I've just set up my connection,  but I don't see the connection option in the "VPN Connections" list.  I only see "Configure VPN..." and "Disconnect VPN...".  Any ideas?19:45
ASTX813Isn't there a command for aptitude to search for what package provides a command?19:45
ae88925RioCunliffe: To alter /etc/group, you need to be root.  If you aren't root, you can'19:45
ae88925can't alter /etc/group19:45
Cyrus25801how do i download flash videos from a website19:45
vbigorgue: my banshee is not fetching the cover arts for mp3 in which I just embedded the art using EasyTag19:45
RioCunliffeae88925: i can go into recovery though so its all good19:45
ae88925Rio: Yes19:45
geniiRioCunliffe: Didn't we just go through this earlier?19:45
OldSpiceCan anyone help me partition my harddrive for unbuntu? I loaded up the live CD and im confused on how to split it up. I read up on options concerning /home and /et3.19:45
igorguevb: banshee doesn't work like that19:46
robdigadelie: yourscript 2>/dev/null will throw away all output from stderr19:46
RioCunliffegenii: yes however your command does not seem to be working :/19:46
RioCunliffegenii: it seems to ignore it19:46
igorguevb: attach that image to the folder with the albumname.jpg name like19:46
Andronicushow do you set pidgin to update automatically with the synaptic package manager?19:46
devdemonIs there a problem with mysql5 on ubuntu server?19:46
devdemonit doesn't want to start19:46
geniiRioCunliffe: It will add them to the admin group. You need to execute the command as a user that has sudo or admin rights already however19:47
vbigorgue: but it is fetching the cover art for older mp3's that I did not update today19:47
ae88925genii: his "admin" group is empty19:47
RioCunliffegenii: will it work in recovery?19:47
SlartAndronicus: I think it does19:47
vbigorgue: I have all mp3's in one folder, irrespective of the album, so the suggestion would not help in my case19:47
Cyrus25801how do i download flash videos from a website19:47
SlartAndronicus: there's no way to set it.. that's what apt-get does19:47
vbCyrus25801: www.keepvid.com19:48
taconeOldSpice: what do you want to do ?19:48
igorguevb: it does it automatically19:48
Andronicusso if I apt-get pidgin it will update?19:48
taconeformat everything ?19:48
SlartAndronicus: yes19:48
TurgonCyrus25801 : If you use Firefox, you could also try the "DownloadHelper" addon19:48
geniiRioCunliffe: Since hd is mounted readonly in recovery, you need to remount it with r/w but yes19:48
Cyrus25801vb: cool thanx19:48
shadowbladeCan someone help me get my sound working?19:48
igorguevb: banshee can create a library tree for you :)19:48
OldSpiceTacone: I want to split my harddrive so i can dual boot ubuntu as well as windows xp.19:48
Jefo(ot) anyone here from canada? i would like to know if you would adress someone in HR with their first name if they address you by first name. or is this a boss/(young) intern thing an shouldnt be used?19:48
SlartAndronicus: update to *the latest version in the repos*.... but the latest version in the repos might not be the latest from the creators19:48
Jefosame may be in us19:48
RioCunliffegenii: you need to remount it with r/w... How?19:48
vbigorgue: so there is no way it will fetch me the embedded cover art?19:49
nnoeonnHiya guys ^^19:49
taconeOldSpice: i am not an expert, anyway. you just need to create another partition for linux and a little one for swap19:49
geniiRioCunliffe: mount -o rw remount /19:49
RioCunliffegenii: thanks ill tryy it19:49
OldSpicetacone: do you reccomend how to split my partitions? i have 160gb hd and i have 33gb left.19:49
nnoeonnMasterShrek, hiya man ^^19:50
Andronicusmmmm where is the repository?19:50
geniiRioCunliffe: Then:    usermod -G admin <theirnamehere>19:50
taconeOldSpice: 33 gb 4 ubuntu are enough for quite a lot time19:50
MasterShrekargh, whats kde's window manager? kwin?19:50
nnoeonnThnx for the other day man, really help me out ;)19:50
taconeOldSpice: how much ram do you have ?19:50
geniiRioCunliffe: Since in single user no sudo required19:50
OldSpicetacone: i have 512mb ram19:50
Slart!repos | Andronicus19:50
ubotuAndronicus: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource19:51
vbigorgue: can I drop album cover somewhere in banshee for that song ?19:51
zed_hello, i am trying to copy a file from the Internal hard drive to an External Drive. , i get an error in the middle of the copy - File size limit exceeded (core dumped) any ideas ??19:51
steel_ladyhello, please I can not connect wirelessly in ubuntu with the new router. i didn't have any problems with the old router and with the new one I don't have problems in windows either. it has to be settings but I don't understand!19:51
OldSpicetacone: i want to be able to have windows on 1 partition, all my files (music/videos) on other, and ubuntu on the last. this way i can share files from windows/linux19:51
SlartAndronicus: the repositories are main site where all the ubuntu packages are kept.. like a big ftp-site19:51
* genii sips a coffee19:51
Chousukegenii: -G is not really good, since it removes the user from any group not listed19:51
taconeoldspiece i've done the same thing you want to do19:51
taconebut i don't think it's that useful19:52
taconei'd keep my files on win partition or ubuntu partition19:52
ASTX813OldSpice Ubuntu can access the windows partition if you just want to leave your music there.  That's how I'm doing it at work, actually19:52
taconeOldSpice: i agree with ASTX19:52
Chousukegenii: adduser user group is nicer.19:52
OldSpiceastx813: i heard ubuntu can't write on ntfs files, and only read them. is this true?19:52
taconeOldSpice: last version writes by default :-)19:53
ae88925I always keep my files on a separate partition from any OS19:53
SlartOldSpice: not any more.. with ntfs-3g it's read and write19:53
guccihello experts19:53
DrJohnstonAnyone here running TFTP successfully?19:53
geniiChousuke: Ah, good point19:53
gogzmerHow can I tell what my IP address is from the command line?19:53
ASTX813gucci Always goo to start with some sucking up ;)19:53
guccii needhelp on gconf-editor pls19:53
geniiChousuke: Thanks for catching that19:53
OldSpicetacone: slart: oh wow that is cool! so i guess i just have to make 1 partition just for linux. but what is this "swap, home, et3" stuff?19:53
ae88925gogzmer: ifconfig19:54
PhusionOldSpice: thats the kind of filesystem19:54
Vad1How can I tell what's been grinding my harddrive for the last half hour? Its just not stopping.19:54
taconeOldSpice: give the most space you can to / partition, and make a swap of 1gb19:54
PhusionOldSpice: you need a partition for linux and a partition for linux-swap19:54
taconeleave other blank19:54
ASTX813gucci Don't need to ask to ask, just ask you question.19:54
DrJohnstonCan anyone give me any hints how i can troubleshoot TFTP?  I see it's listening  in netstat, but the connection always times out when trying to connect locally or otherwise19:54
DrJohnstonudp        0      0 *:tftp                  *:*19:54
geniiChousuke: Should have been -a switch not -G for usermod in this case19:54
SlartOldSpice: hmm.. swap is a partition for swap... home is like documents and settings. (I'm guessing you're a windows guy).. etc is where all the configuration files are kept19:54
PhusionOldSpice: swap is like Windows's page file, its where your stuff goes when physical RAM is depleted19:54
Chousukegenii: yeah19:54
taconeOldSpice: you actual *can* mount /home (and so on) on other partitions, but you don't need to19:54
guccigconf doesnt save my settings19:55
tacone(and as a home user, you normally don't want to)19:55
gogzmerae88925: Thank You19:55
DrJohnstonI need a networking or TFTP ninja19:55
vbigorgue: can you help me create the tree then?19:55
OldSpicetacone: so i just make two partitions? two separate ones for swap and the new OS?19:55
row_Anyone know of a skype 64bit deb?19:55
SlartOldSpice: here's some good documentation on all this, http://tldp.org/HOWTO/Partition/requirements.html19:55
Chousuketacone: actually you do. it makes it easier to do a re-install if needed.19:55
ae88925DrJohnston: Check your iptables rules19:55
DrJohnstonhow do i do that?19:55
taconeOldSpice: yes.19:56
OldSpiceslart: thanks! i'll be sure to read up on this!19:56
ae88925this will list the rules: sudo iptables -nvL       but it will not teach you how to read them19:56
Ayabarawhen I click a movie file in nautilus, I want the default action to be "open a terminal and run mplayer <filename>". is this possible to do?19:56
harm_i get some weird output error when trying to rm -rf a folder; harm@harm-desktop:/media/disk$ rm -rf MUSIC/19:56
harm_rm: cannot lstat `MUSIC//VA - 538 Dance Smash Hits 2005 Vol 2/D\034\bñ╔╖5ê.░0▌': Input/output error << Now what?19:56
OldSpicetacone: okay i think i get what to do now, but just to verify, this is what my partions should look like when i view "my computer"... Windows XP (C:), Ubuntu (D:), Swap (F:)... correct?19:57
ASTX813harm_ You try doing a disk check?  Sounds like a corrupted file/name19:57
Andronicuswhat version of pidgin is current in ubuntu?19:57
ChousukeOldSpice: you won't see the ubuntu partitions in XP at all19:57
Slart!info pidgin19:57
ae88925Pidgin 2.2.119:57
igorguevb: create a new directory and then go to Menu->Preferences, choose your dir and your settings19:57
ubotupidgin: graphical multi-protocol instant messaging client for X. In component main, is optional. Version 1:2.2.1-1ubuntu4.1 (gutsy), package size 589 kB, installed size 1720 kB19:57
Andronicus!info pidgin19:58
ae88925on gutsy19:58
ASTX813OldSpice Windows can't create linux partitions.19:58
gucciwhy doesnt Gconf-editor save my settings????19:58
Andronicusinfo pidgin19:58
taconeOldSpice:  yes, the order is correct19:58
Andronicuswhat is "!info pidgin" ?19:58
harm_ASTX813: i think its corrupted yes.. so how to remove?19:58
Invert314Ubuntu won't boot.  complete error messages found here: http://ubuntuforums.org/newreply.php?do=newreply&noquote=1&p=397976919:58
taconeOldSpice: what are you using to partition ?19:58
SymmetriaI found a driver that works19:58
Symmetria[23730.640000] ixgbe: eth2: ixgbe_probe: Intel(R) 10 Gigabit Network Connection19:58
DrJohnstonae88925 - it looks like my iptables are 'empty'19:58
OldSpicetacone: uhm partition magic by norton19:58
Andronicuswhat is the standard keyboard shortcut for opening a terminal?19:59
ASTX813gucci I don't know, so that's why I haven't answered you.  If someone else does, they might speak up.19:59
Jack_SparrowOldSpice: that will do it.. ver 8 or higher if I remember19:59
taconeOldSpice: you're likely no needing that19:59
taconeubuntu installation cd would do that.19:59
OldSpicetacone: i loaded up my live cd and its really difficult to do using manual mode, and there isn't an auto mode19:59
Jack_SparrowOldSpice: I prefer the gparted livecd19:59
devdemonhow can i determine which ports are being used?19:59
ASTX813harm_ if you do a disk check with fsck, that should solve the problem.  It'll probably rename the file or remove it.19:59
guccianyone encountered this problem ?gconf-editor not saves20:00
taconewhat do you mean for auto mode / manual mode ?20:00
Jack_Sparrow!gparted > OldSpice:20:00
tacone!gparted | OldSpice20:00
fransome channel in spanish?20:00
ubotuOldSpice: GParted is a !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted-livecd.tuxfamily.org/20:00
Jack_Sparrow!es | fran20:00
ubotufran: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.20:00
robdiggucci: are you using gksudo when you start it? see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GConfEditor20:00
SlartAndronicus: I don't think there is one.. or.. at least I don't know of one20:00
Andronicuswhat is "!" for? is that a command?20:00
Jack_SparrowAccess the bot info20:01
ironfootcan someone explain to me how to get registered on irc?20:01
Pici!register | ironfoot20:01
ubotuironfoot: By default, only registered users can send private messages - Information about  registering your Freenode nick can be found at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration20:01
gucciyes absolutely robdig20:01
SlartAndronicus: that's for talking to the bot20:01
Andronicusi figured it out with keyboard shortcuts20:01
Jack_Sparrowhi pici20:01
PiciJack_Sparrow: just lurking ;)20:01
guccisudo and gksudo20:01
Slart!hello | Andronicus20:01
ubotuAndronicus: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!20:01
Jack_SparrowSO I see20:01
ubotuGParted is a !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted-livecd.tuxfamily.org/20:01
Andronicushow do you talk to the bot? is a a pm or something?20:01
SlartAndronicus: oh.. what was the shortcut for the terminal?20:01
harm_ASTX813: some files on my PSP mem card are screwed20:01
shadowbladeCan someone please help me get my sound working?20:02
ironfoot!register | ironfoot20:02
SlartAndronicus: pm works to.. try /msg ubotu ati20:02
robdiggucci: then i don't know either...sorry...perhaps someone else does...20:02
Jack_SparrowOldSpice: I do like the stand alone gparted...  HAve you defragged your windows install.. twice...20:02
brobostigonshadowblade: we can all help, but cant do any thing unless we know the details??20:02
OldSpicetacone: ubotu: is gparted in the live cd from the .iso i created when i dled ubuntu?20:02
OldSpicejack_sparrow: i defragged once.20:03
jon_Is there anyway to remove the link to my hard drive that is on my desktop without unmounting the drive?20:03
shadowbladebrobostigon: it just doesn't work at all, the system beep works, thats it20:03
Jack_SparrowOldSpice: gparted is on the livecd... but I prefer the stand alone version from the earlier link20:03
Andronicuswhat irc client do you people use? xchat? pidgin?20:03
erUSULAndronicus: irssi20:03
Slartjon_: it's either all hard drives.. or no hard drives, I think20:03
Phusionirssi if yer l33t ;)20:03
* Slart uses xchat-gnome20:03
jon_irssi most of the time but xchat right now20:04
PhusionI irc w/ my mind20:04
brobostigon!sound | shadowblade (have yolu tried the info here)20:04
ubotushadowblade (have yolu tried the info here): If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP320:04
OldSpicejack_sparrow: do i run the standalone gparted in windows or after i boot the live cd?20:04
jon_Slart; none would be fine20:04
Jack_SparrowOldSpice: It boots like the ubuntu livecd... all on its own20:04
Slartjon_: ok, start gconfeditor in a terminal20:04
taconeOldSpice: the installation gparted was fine enough for me.20:04
Slartjon_: sorry.. gconf-editor20:05
DrJohnstonHow can i figure out why TFTP connections are working if the service is running, there are no iptables rules?20:05
DrJohnstonThis is driving me nuts.....20:05
ASTX813Is there a command for dd that will give me some feedback so I can see how progress is going?  Other than occasionally sending a kill -USR1?20:05
DrJohnstonThe connection just times out20:05
jon_Slart: K20:05
DrJohnstonMy hosts.allow / hosts.deny are setup to allow all20:06
vegananarchisti Screwed something up and now none of my applications show in the notification area20:06
Jack_SparrowOldSpice: I would also suggest you add at least one extra ext3 partition ... one for root   /    one for /home  plus the swap20:06
Slartjon_:  go to applications, nautilus, desktop20:06
DrJohnstonSo i'm not sure why it's being blocked if the service is running and showing in netstat as well20:06
vegananarchistcan someone help me fix it?20:06
Slartjon_: sorry.. apps, nautilus, desktop20:06
OldSpicejack_sparrow: that's what im stuck on, i get almost everything else20:06
taconeJack_Sparrow: I guess he doesn't need that to start20:06
jon_Slart: K20:06
jon_Slart: got it20:06
vegananarchisti Screwed something up and now none of my applications show in the notification area20:06
ae88925DrJohnston: it might be helpful to read the manpage for tftpd.  Some daemons have an option to run in foreground with debug messages.20:07
Jack_Sparrowtacone: He can do it with one ext3 plus the swap.. but better to have an extra made now....20:07
OldSpicejack_sparrow: Do I just right click on the c drive and make 1 partition for the ubuntu os, 1 for root, and the swap and home are in the same partition?20:07
=== Bubulle is now known as leagris
Slartjon_: there might be some other way of changing that.. but this is the one I know20:07
ader10How do I change the "menu bar"?20:07
jon_Slart: now I have to restart nautilus before it takes effect right20:07
ae88925DrJohnston: In the past (years ago) I've seen tftpd problems with directory permissions20:07
Slartjon_: you shouldn't have to20:07
Jack_SparrowOldSpice: nope.. one for root      one for /home   and 2 gig or so for swap20:07
ader10I'd like to move the System menu into the Applications menu20:07
Slartjon_: at least mine reacts immediately20:07
Jack_SparrowOldSpice: three partitions20:07
vegananarchistcan someone help me?20:07
taconeJack_Sparrow: he doesn't need 2gb swap20:08
jon_Slart: let me try again20:08
Slartader10: isn't there a menu editor in one if the menus20:08
taconehe has 512mb of ram.20:08
DrJohnstonae88925 - The directory setup is 77720:08
taconemore than twice is not useful, is it ?20:08
DrJohnstonso anyone should be able to access it20:08
jon_Slart: ah I was root in the terminal that would do it20:08
ader10Slart: Yes, but that doesn't edit the menu bar. that only edits the menus inside20:08
OldSpicejack_sparrow: sorry for flooding you with questions, but is root where ubuntu is being installed? and what exactly is /home? where i store documents?20:09
harm_How do i make it deleteable? rm: cannot remove `VA - 538 Dance Smash Hits 2005 Vol 2': Read-only file system20:09
Jack_SparrowOldSpice: 2 gig or so is based on your ram... 512 would normally be 1 gig swap.. but as you may in the future add some ram... if you can afford to lose 1 gig I would suggest 2 gig swap..20:09
jon_Slart: ok it worked thanks20:09
Andronicusdoes sudo make it an admin command or something?20:09
ubotuYour home folder is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For mounting your home folder on a separate partition, please see: http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/separatehome20:09
vegananarchisti Screwed something up and now none of my applications show in the notification area20:09
ChousukeDrJohnston: some apps refuse to access directories that have too lax permissions20:09
Jack_SparrowOldSpice: Home is where you will keep your programs and all your stuff.. making a reinstall much easier...20:09
vegananarchistcan someone help20:09
Slartader10: hmm.. you're right.. then I don't know how, sorry20:09
ChousukeDrJohnston: 777 is never really a good choice.20:09
Slartjon_: you're welcome20:10
ASTX813OldSpice /home is kinda like c:\documents and settings.  You'll have a folder in there for your account20:10
hotmonkeyluvwhat's the cli command to rename something?20:10
DrJohnstonyea just for testing...20:10
Chousukehotmonkeyluv: most people just use mv20:10
DrJohnstonIf i feel lucky i choose 77720:10
ader10Slart: Thanks for at least letting me know that I'm not ignored here :)20:10
ader10Anybody else have an idea on how to customize the "menu bar"?20:10
OldSpicejack_sparrow: so if i make a partition called /root, ubuntu will automatically install on that partition correct?20:10
Slartader10: people are rarely ignored here.. sometimes people just don't know the answer, that's all20:10
brobostigonno, /root is roots account folder20:11
vegananarchistI guess that's my case20:11
hotmonkeyluvchousuke: how so? like: sudo mv /folder/file1 /folder/file220:11
Jack_SparrowOldSpice: you dont make it root.. during the install it is designated with simply  /20:11
vegananarchistBecause no one is getting to me and my question20:11
Chousukehotmonkeyluv: yes. except that you only need sudo if you don't own the file.20:11
Jack_SparrowOldSpice: likewise during the install you make the other /home20:11
vegananarchistI'll be back i'm going to try a restart20:11
Chousukehotmonkeyluv: always try without sudo first.20:11
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Jack_SparrowOldSpice: the installer will have you format both of those ... again..20:11
Slartvegananarchist: yes.. sounds like it.. someone will come along that knows the answer20:11
hotmonkeyluvchousuke: yeah, i kinda messed up my /etc/X11/xorg.conf file on a different partition....20:12
jon_OldSpice: its my understanding that you need a / partition to install ubuntu on but you may make different partitions for /root or /home20:12
Chousukehotmonkeyluv: I see.20:12
hotmonkeyluvbut I made a backup!20:12
hotmonkeyluvthank god20:12
Chousukebackups are good for you20:12
Phusionlike vitamin c20:12
Jack_Sparrowjon_: correct...   I also have one for /var  which holds all of my upgrades and downloads20:12
OldSpicejack_sparrow: so the partition i would just name the /root, "/" and inside the root do i make another partition? or would i just make another partition off my C:?20:13
Jack_Sparrowjon_: But I have room to burn on this drive20:13
Raff7someone had problem while the last kernel upgrade?20:13
Jack_SparrowOldSpice: nope20:13
PhusionOldSpice: C: is a designation of a partition by Windows20:13
Raff7cos i had some issues with depmod20:13
taconeOldSpice: you'd better partition from the life cd, not from windows20:13
Jack_SparrowOldSpice: Are you in windows now.. partition magic?20:13
OldSpicejack_sparrow: yes im in windows, partition magic20:14
Jack_Sparrowhave you already shrunk your ntfs or fat32?20:14
jon_Jack_Sparrow: on my BSD box I have a separate /tmp partition so I am guessing you could do that in Ubuntu as well20:14
Raff7http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/48907/ this is the log (maybe the problem is about the ati drivers)20:14
Jack_Sparrowjon_: correct...20:14
OldSpicejack_sparrow: there is an option in partition magic to "install another os"20:14
slugoneafternoon all20:15
amitprakashanyone knows how to get a dell inspiron in built mic to work in ubuntu20:15
Jack_SparrowNo, but it will allow you to create ext3 's and linux swap partitions20:15
banzaihi, i'm trying to add a program to ubuntu's program menu and i keep getting errors. i can run the program fine through terminal when i type in the name 'xmaple' (an alias i created). thanks20:15
Jack_SparrowOldSpice: yes...  that is the new version then..20:15
hotmonkeyluvchousuke: thanks for the help. Is there a rename command, or is mv easier/faster/safer?20:15
=== Vegabondlx is now known as Vegabondmx
Chousukehotmonkeyluv: mv is just a "move" command20:16
OldSpicejack_sparrow: so i will be able to install ubuntu using partiton magic correct? the gui seems way easier than the live cd20:16
hotmonkeyluvi know20:16
Chousukehotmonkeyluv: there are more advanced rename commands available though.20:16
hotmonkeyluvsuch as?20:16
Chousukesuch as the "rename" perl script20:16
Chousukeshould be installable from APT20:16
Chousuke!info rename20:16
Jack_SparrowOldSpice: You want to create two ext3's  and a swap...   note you have a limit of 4 primary partitons and if you have other partitons you may need to create an extended partition and put logicals in there20:16
ubotuPackage rename does not exist in gutsy20:16
SpookyETWhat's the difference between a GTK engine and a GTK theme?20:16
Chousukehmm :/20:17
jon_OldSpice: Partition Magic works to create different partitions under windows but I would not recommend it for most users I think its scary. If you can try to use Gparted. It can all of the things you will need to get up and running20:17
Chousukewell I'm sure you'll find it somewhere :)20:17
EtteSBim doing ./configure for making a file (there isn't a .deb for it) and i get "configure: error: **** SDL version  not found !" anyone know whats wrong?20:17
Jack_SparrowOldSpice: No, you will not be using windows to install ubuntu.. only use it for creating the partitions...20:17
shadowbladebrobostigon: i can't seem to get it working using that20:17
amitprakashanyone knows how to get a dell inspiron in built mic to work in ubuntu20:17
user1was the realtek high def sound issue fixed on the latest kernel update?20:17
Jack_SparrowOldSpice: or use the gparted livecd  50 meg download or something like that20:18
Phusion!sound > amitprakash20:18
RioCunliffegenii: the command 'mount -o rw remount /' (and variations) didnt work20:18
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taconeOldSpice: ubuntu installer is not that difficult, come on.20:18
Raff7!sound | amitprakash20:18
ubotuamitprakash: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP320:18
erUSULSpookyET: in a gtk engine there is some programming involved and changes are deeper on a theme you only change colors some shapes etc20:18
brobostigoni dont know then shadowblade, sorry20:18
Raff7Phusion: ^^20:18
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Phusiontanx Raff720:18
robdigbanzai: think you need to use the actual path not an alias20:18
OldSpicejack_sparrow: tacone: okay i'll defrag one more time and i'll try running the live cd again. this is about my 5th time so i want to do this right. i make three partitions. one for root, and two more for swap and home.20:19
Jack_SparrowOldSpice: when you run live and get to step 4 you will go into manual partitioning and setup the partitions there20:19
banzairobdig: but maple has an issue (displays blank screen)20:19
Jack_SparrowOldSpice: yes.. using whatever tools work for you20:19
banzairobdig: so i created an alias xmaple that does 'export AWT_TOOLKIT=MToolkit && /.../xmaple'20:19
OldSpicejack_sparrow: and just another quickie, what is et3? et2?20:19
mistermochahay y'all20:20
ubotuext3 is the default filesystem on Ubuntu, and the most popular on Linux. You can read/write from Windows to ext3 via http://www.fs-driver.org20:20
xShadowCallxhey, my friend installed gentoo (Dualbooted with vista) on my laptop. I feel completely lost as it is my first time using linux. I think Ubuntu would suite me better but i dont know how to install with dualboot so i keep vista20:20
xShadowCallxi have a LiveCD20:20
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ext2 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi20:20
erUSULOldSpice: is the name of the filesystem used in ubuntu ext2 is the old one without journaling20:20
Raff7nobody had the same problem with E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)20:20
Jack_SparrowOldSpice: partition formats.. like ntfs or fat32   ext3 has journeling as the main difference...  (something like that)20:20
taconeOldSpice: use ext320:20
mistermocha!dual boot20:20
ubotuDual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MacBookPro https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot20:20
Raff7while installing the last kernel ?20:20
OldSpicetacone: for all 3 partitions?20:20
Jack_SparrowOldSpice: nope for root and home   swap is just swap20:21
taconeOldSpice: no, swap is just swap20:21
erUSULOldSpice: swap does not have a filesystem20:21
robdigbanzai: but i don't think that aliases get set up for X...been a while but think .bashrc, .profile and friends only get executed by the shell...20:21
Jack_SparrowerUSUL: Keep an eye on him... brb20:21
mistermochadoes anyone know how to remap the scrollbar on a touchpad?20:21
erUSULJack_Sparrow: i will ;)20:22
OldSpiceOkay thanks everyone! I hope this works!20:22
banzairobdig: ok, i tried adding that entire command entirely to the menu and it gives error saying can't find command export ...20:22
ASTX813erUSUL how come he isn't just letting it do guided partitioning?20:22
EtteSBim doing ./configure for making a file (there isn't a .deb for it) and i get "configure: error: **** SDL version  not found !" anyone know whats wrong?20:22
robdigbanzai: export is a shell command...try writing a shell script to do this for you and it should work20:23
SlartEtteSB: you might have to install SDL20:23
erUSULASTX813: dunno; i jumped in late in the game. Maybe he just want to know what is exactly going on20:23
DesolatorSDL, the -dev package, forgot how it was exactly called, just search for libsdl in synaptic20:23
banzairobdig, ok, i'll give it a try20:24
robdigbanzai: don't forget to chmod +x yourscript       otherwise it won't execute...20:24
Desolatoractually chmod u+x20:25
kingacehi all20:25
EtteSBDesolator: so i take the libsdl1.2-dev if im taking the dev one?20:25
DesolatorEtteSB: yes, that one20:25
banzairobdig: haha, ok2. when you mention shell script, that's a good keyword for me to start researching. thanks much. :)20:25
robdigDesolator: thanks20:25
EtteSBdesolator: thanks20:25
RioCunliffeHow can i make  an account admin in recovery mode?20:25
kingacei just installed gusty x86 on my comp, it worked fine but when i start up it says "Starting up..." and then the splash screen never comes up and theres a blank screen20:25
Desolatorrodbig, EtteSB: no problem20:25
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)20:26
kingacei tried booting into recovery mode, which worked, and i changed my video driver around but radeon\ati\vesa all had the same affect20:26
LattywareHey all, is there a problem with a samba dependency at the moment?20:26
kingaceand by same affect i mean, no change20:26
Flare183Is there an application for kde that like firefox that accepts the addons but still is a kde application20:26
DesolatorOK, I was to lunch, well I've had the problem that networkmanager couldn't connect when booting, so I popped out the enthernet cable, but now it says it has found a new usb device (actually it's my printer), and then ubuntu hangs, without displaying the log-in screen20:26
Desolatorany iseas why?20:26
erUSULRioCunliffe: adduser existting_user admin20:27
notvcan i get some help installing flash? im using gutsy. the terminal is telling me my x86_64 is not supported by the installer20:27
kbrosnanFlare183: if you mean by accept addons, you mean firefox addons. then the answer is no20:27
Slartnotv: look at topic20:27
RioCunliffeerUSUL dont i have to specify a name?20:27
Desolatorcurrently I can only boot in the recovery console because of that, I thought ubuntu doesn't need an internet connection to boot...I'm running gutsy (7.10) btw20:28
erUSULnotv: see the topic20:28
erUSULRioCunliffe: existting_user has to be an existing username20:28
OldSpicejack_sparrow: i think i got a problem, where should i place my swap?20:28
RioCunliffeerusul: cheers20:28
docgnomeis anyone else having sound problems with Mozilla Thunderbird?20:28
pivhello everyone !20:28
KartiHi all, could someone recommend a linux tool that would work along the lines of Magic Iso, and allow the creation of iso's and the addition of files to already created iso files. Many thanks20:28
DesolatorOldSpice: anywhere, I personally make it a logical partition20:29
erUSULnotv: currently flash installation is no working you will have to wait for a fixed package20:29
ae88925notv: look into ns plugin wrapper, there's no x86_64 version of Adobe Flash20:29
notvslart: what topic?20:29
OldSpicedesolator: logical partition? is that another type of drive format?20:29
maxoIs anyone able to get full-screen mode with the flash plugin on ubuntu?20:29
ASTX813Is the phpinfo() function for some reason disabled in the php.ini-recommended?  I just made that one my php.ini and now I can't load up the phpinfo.php page20:29
devdemondoes anyone use mysql on the ubuntu server?20:29
pivnotv: sorry just popped in, flash is hosed right? the flashplugin-nonfree?20:29
erUSULnotv: once a fixed package is out you willl only have to go to youtube and accept the flash activation wizard20:29
Slart!topic | notv20:29
ubotunotv: Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic20:29
notvae88925 would i have been better off installing the 32 bit kernel?20:29
devdemonit's failing on me, and I can't figure out why (when trying to start mysql)20:30
DesolatorOldSpice: sort of. there are primary partitions from which you can boot (there's a workaround, but I won't go into details) and logical ones, which are stored in an EXTENDED partition (that takes a primary slot)20:30
ASTX813devdemon Yes, but I'm not really great with it yet.  What'ss up?20:30
pivdevdemon, i use mysql20:30
hat0hi everybody.  i'm having a problem with the video player (xubuntu, intel video drivers on xorg) - it crashes with an "X Window System error," BadAlloc20:30
pivwhats wrong20:30
devdemonCool, I give it the command /etc/init.d/mysql start20:30
maxoI can't get full-screen mode with flash on linux. Any ideas why?20:30
devdemonit gives me Starting mysql blah blah ...fail!20:30
erUSULOldSpice: yes; a hd can only have 4 primary partitions so as work around you create one extended partition that can contain many logical partitions inside20:30
devdemonlike fail needs the explanation point20:31
DesolatorOldSpice: so as swap isn't used for installnig an OS on it, you should make it extended, it'll be at the end of the hard-disk, leaving room to resize partitions20:31
ASTX813devdemon that blah blah probably includes an error that might help you out.20:31
banzairobdig, sweet! it works. i love you man. :) thanks a lot20:31
ae88925notv: I run the 32 bit on x86_64 hardware because it's easier and I don't notice a performance difference with casual use20:31
pivdevdemon, you have to start the daemon as root ,  use sudo /etc/init.d/mysql start20:31
SpamInaCanhow do i access the cups web interface on my server?, do i need to install cups first or does it come standard with ubuntu desktop install?20:31
robdigbanzai: np20:31
devdemon* Starting MySQL database server mysqld ...fail!20:31
ubotuA/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2120:31
devdemonthat's the full message20:31
devdemonpiv: I'm doing that20:31
Desolator<Desolator> OK, I was to lunch, well I've had the problem that networkmanager couldn't connect when booting, so I popped out the enthernet cable, but now it says it has found a new usb device (actually it's my printer), and then ubuntu hangs, without displaying the log-in screen20:31
genericI thinlk that one of my scripts is in error or incomplete:  /usr/share/initramfs-tools/scripts/init-bottom/udev20:31
devdemonJust opened the syslog20:31
OldSpicedesolator: erusul: okay thanks! so i can just make a logical partition off, lets say the "root" and place the swap there as well?20:32
devdemongot a bunch of stuff20:32
pivdevdemon: sorry20:32
erUSULSpamInaCan: point a webbrowser to server_ip:63120:32
SpamInaCanerUSUL i tried :(, didn't work lol20:32
SpamInaCanirefox can't establish a connection to the server at :(20:32
genericPlease see:  http://pastebin.ca/82413420:32
Raff7cannot update the kernel cos of an error20:32
DesolatorOLdSpice: well once you select the FS of the partition to swap, you won't be able to specify a mount point, since...it's used to simulate RAM, you can't put files in it20:32
ASTX813devdemon check /var/log/messages and /var/log/mysql.err20:33
pivdevdemon: can you log in? i mean is the daemon already running? /etc/init.d/mysql restart20:33
devdemonthat's my errors20:33
RioCunliffewhen i click on volume control i get the error: No volume control Gstreamer plugins and/or devices found.20:33
banzaiwhat's is "export AWT_TOOLKIT=MToolkit" and what is it doing?20:33
RioCunliffewhat do i do?20:33
notvae88925: do you think running 32 bit on x86_64 hardware would have any affect on digital recording using ardour and a firewire device?20:33
erUSULSpamInaCan: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PrintingCupsWebInterface20:33
small_stripesdoes ubuntu take up more resources if im running it thru wubi?20:33
devdemonit always tells me that it stops20:33
EtteSBwhat do you do after ./configure again? (im new to compiling myself)20:33
devdemonbut can't start20:33
small_stripesthe live cd seem more stable20:33
EtteSBi have a makefile20:33
rashett: make20:33
ae88925notv: I have no idea20:33
erUSULSpamInaCan: also you may need to enable other host to access cups interface20:33
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP320:33
EtteSBrash: thanks20:33
ae88925notv: my guess is 'yes'20:34
OldSpicedesolator: I see! Thank you very much for your help. I guess the default partitioner no the live cd does this automatically correct? Not giving the option where to place the swap?20:34
ASTX813devdemon Yeah, it looks like you already have a running instance.  Or something else is already listening on :330620:34
RioCunliffewhen i click on volume control i get the error: No volume control Gstreamer plugins and/or devices found.20:34
devdemonhow can I check what's listening on that port?20:34
robdigbanzai: it is setting up an environment variable, that the program references for some purpose of its own20:34
satan_hey guys20:34
RioCunliffehelp plz20:34
ubotuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!20:34
bulmerdevdemon-> man lsof   then lsof -i20:34
erUSULSpamInaCan: see /etc/cups/cupsd.conf20:34
ricanelite757i have a crazy and funny problem, I was just playing Counter Strike on steam perfectly fine. I decided to boot into my Windows partition and just grap some images I had and put them in my USB Stick. So then I rebooted again but into ubuntu gusty. Then went back onto Counter Strike and now the ran runs slow20:34
RioCunliffeubotu is gay :P20:34
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about is gay :p - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi20:34
ASTX813devdemon not sure...  do ps waux | grep sql20:35
banzairobdig: ah ok20:35
ricanelite757Before it was running perfect no issues at all20:35
banzairobdig: thx20:35
ASTX813does anything show up?20:35
=== lukewarm is now known as the_greeter
erUSULSpamInaCan: by default you can only access the interface from localhost20:35
EtteSB!foo is bar20:35
ricanelite757What can be the problem? all the settings are fine and the same as I left it20:35
DesolatorI've had a problem with networkmanager, it couldn't connect when booting, so I popped out the enthernet cable, but now it says it has found a new usb device (actually it's my printer), and then ubuntu hangs, without displaying the log-in screen. I'm running gutsy, and I'm in Windows right now (since it's the only other OS I have installed).20:35
RioCunliffewhen i click on volume control i get the error: No volume control Gstreamer plugins and/or devices found.20:35
devdemonyeah 2 things,20:35
devdemonone is my tail of the mysql.err20:35
devdemonsecond is sql20:35
FractureHey, im trying to dualboot Ubuntu with vista but when i click next after sorting my partitions it doesnt see Vista20:36
Fracturethis is in the Ubuntu install20:36
ASTX813might you have a different sql server installed?  try killing that process.20:36
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bulmerDesolator-> thats common when you get an i/o hang, as in either serial port, ethernet port, wifi or even hd i/o20:36
erUSULDesolator: does ubuntu boot if you unplug you printer?20:36
DesolatorI'll try20:36
satan_can somone tell me how to change thems in ubuntu20:36
erUSULsatan_: system>preferences>appearance20:37
RioCunliffeFracture: i suggest getting rid of vista, it sucks :P20:37
Fracturelol i know20:37
RioCunliffewhen i click on volume control i get the error: No volume control Gstreamer plugins and/or devices found.20:37
the_greeterFracture: no problem, its not hard to configure grub to boot vista manually.20:37
Fracturethats why im isntalling Ubuntu20:37
Fracturebut ive got some stuff i NEED20:37
Fractureo yes20:37
RioCunliffewhen i click on volume control i get the error: No volume control Gstreamer plugins and/or devices found.20:37
SpamInaCani restarted cups...., still cant connect.......20:37
Fracturethe boot drive is the drive that the operating system will get installed onto yes?20:38
SlartFracture: not necessarily20:38
satan_where can i download new better looking thems20:38
FractureSo if Sda1 and 2 are ntfs (vista) then my sda6 and sda7 can be my swap and boot drive ?20:38
bulmerSpamInaCan-> does your pc have an ip address? verify via ifconfig or ip a and also does it have a route table?20:38
SlartFracture: but usually20:38
BHPhi how can I disable dma on kubuntu live cd20:38
jp30where can I find .htaccess in ubuntu?20:39
devdemonASTX813: I'm getting no such process20:39
devdemonmatt      6875  0.0  0.2   2972   748 pts/0    R+   15:38   0:00 grep sql20:39
devdemonI might have mis-read that20:39
devdemonI did20:39
bulmerjp30-> none of that is created automatically, you have to create one for your apache20:39
small_stripesdoes ubuntu take up more resources if im running it thru wubi?20:39
devdemonno other mysql running20:39
Raff7while upgrading the kernel i get a bus error, core dumped from depmod, how may i fix?20:39
ASTX813jp30 you create it yourself, usually in /etc/apache220:39
Lattywarejp30: .htaccess files can be put anywhere that apache can read them.20:39
ASTX813htpasswd -c /etc/apache2/.htpasswd <username>20:40
kemal /msg nickserv set unfiltered on20:40
taconeOldSpice: are you there ?20:40
ASTX813devdemon so only the one process?20:40
BHPcan any one help - need to disable dma on live cd kubuntu or ubuntu20:40
OldSpicetacone: yes20:40
taconeOldSpice: how it's going ?20:40
taconeciao Francesco.20:40
jp30o.k., I have /etc/apache2   so, can I just create it  with VIM?20:40
poeloq!topic | tacone20:40
ubotutacone: Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic20:40
devdemonASTX813:  That's the only thing it give me after the ps waux | grep sql20:40
ASTX813Hmm.  I dunno.  It's gotta be something blocking that port or something, I'd think.20:41
OldSpicetacone: well im defragging it on windows right now. if this instalation goes smoothly on my laptop, i'll also be doing th is on my PC as well.20:41
taconepoeloq: ?20:41
jp30Does anyone know how to create custom error messages in apache2?20:41
slugoneis there an easy way to change the font color of my menu's without changing the font color of my desktop icon names ? ? ? ? ?20:41
taconeOldSpice: ok, nice.20:41
bulmerjp30 there is a #apache channel for specific assistance20:41
ASTX813jp30 .htpaswd has encrypted data in it, so you don't want to make any changes in vi.20:41
poeloqtacone: Stay on topic - i.e request or give help. No personal chat. :)20:42
OldSpicetacone: just a quick question, this is where i got stuck before. how would i make partitions using this screenshot as a guide? (not mine) http://i.cmpnet.com/infoweek/galleries/automated/24/ubuntu_install_full.jpg20:42
SpamInaCanhow come .htpasswd the passwords never rehash into the same thing....20:42
BHPneed kernel boot options for kubuntu - where to find20:42
bulmerBHP-> did you google for it?20:42
taconepoeloq: what do you refer ? i am giving (little) support to oldspice20:42
BHPyes very much20:43
taconepoeloq: ok, anyway, i will try :-)20:43
poeloqtacone: cool :) Have fun.20:43
BHPbulmer: yes very much that is why i am asking on this forum20:43
=== francesco is now known as doogers
bulmerBHP-> then read them.. :)20:43
notvjust curious, was flash available for 64 bit architecture before adobe decided to change up the tarball?20:44
BHPbulmer: but the answer evaded me20:44
slugoneIs there an easy way to change the menu, font COLOUR ??20:44
Slartnotv: in a roundabout way20:44
Slart!caps | satan_20:44
satan_ops sry caps20:44
ubotusatan_: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.20:44
poeloq!caps | satan_20:44
nickwebsatan_: gnome-look.org20:44
taconeOldSpice: i guess you are worrying in advance. once you are in the installation process, everything will feel easy20:45
devdemonwill netstat allow me to pass in a port parameter?20:45
BHPDoes any one understand kernel boot options?20:45
slugonesatan GET the artmanager20:45
OldSpicetacone: i hope so. the partitoner on the live cd is very confusing :[20:45
robdig!themes | satan_20:46
Siersatan? loll20:46
ubotusatan_: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy20:46
slugoneapparently satan is a windows user :P20:46
taconeOldSpice: i have PMed you.20:46
satan_ok thanks20:46
OldSpicetacone: i do not see the PM20:46
Phusionslugone: hahaha20:47
robdigslugone: makes sense, always heard that the devils in the details :)20:47
slugonehow can i change the font color.........for my panel to green ......eg where it says applications, Places, system.......but i dont wanna change the font color on my desktop shortcuts20:47
taconeOldSpice: while you are installing, you can use gaim to connect here and ask for help.20:47
=== administrador is now known as hueviland
OldSpicetacone: okay thank you. i'm going to try this out now!20:48
notvwill pidgin connect here too?20:48
the_greeterBHP : http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-9988.html20:48
Phusionhe'll be back.20:48
notvi never thought of doing that20:48
RedRumim having trouble installing ubuntu on a VirtualPC20:49
RedRumafter loading the linux kernel, the screen goes black20:49
slugonehehe 5 dollars says satan is gonna download the linsta theme20:49
RedRumany suggestions?20:49
brobostigonwhats the linsta theme, is it based on *indows??20:51
Jezz1 question, what does the 4gb version has what the live cd doesnt have?20:51
robdigslugone: does this help? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=51167720:51
slugoneanyone know a link that will show me how to change the color of my desktop fonts.....to green....only for the menu's20:51
henrique_Does ubuntu have socket connection limit?20:51
slugonethx mate20:51
SlartJezz: lots of packages20:51
SlartJezz: good for offline installations20:51
tthe_greeerBHP: did you get that?20:51
Jezzoh, but you cant update them manualy?20:51
taconeanyone: does any web irc-gateway to this channel exist ?20:51
RedRumcan someone help me install ubuntu in virtual PC? it hangs after loading the linux kernel.20:52
kazolRedRum: Try ##linux or something20:52
=== tthe_greeer is now known as the_greeter_
RedRumtacone: google cgi:irc freenode20:52
henrique_Does ubuntu have socket connection limit?20:52
SlartJezz: huh? you usually install stuff using a network connection.. but if you're not online.. you can bring a dvd to install packages from20:52
BHPtthe_greeer: yes. it seems that we tried that already but it didn't work. We are going to try once more before saying that it doesn't work, Just one minute20:52
Slarthenrique_: don't think so20:52
Jezzok then i just install the live cd20:52
SlartJezz: do that.. that's what most people do20:53
BloodyScumhenrique_ i have never came accrost one20:53
Jezzwhats the latest stable version?20:53
ActySoftsalright, I'm in ubuntu now, thanks20:53
slugoneokay about that thread....my desktop theme doesnt allow me to change colors do i got any options from the cli???20:53
henrique_Slart, when i open about 100 sockets, i can't open anymore, it drops the connection automatically20:53
ActySoftsnow, ALSA seems to have gone wacky overnight and I can't change anything regarding volume, and PCM is muted20:53
ActySoftsany ideas?20:53
henrique_And it's not my connection.20:54
blizzkidI know it's not a Ubuntu question, but I didn't know a better starting point. I'm trying to establish an ssh tunnel from work to home. At work, only outgoing traffic on port 443 is allowed. At home, the ISP blocks traffic at ports below 1024, so I'll have to set up a portfowrward on my router from eg 8443 to 22 internal. But I need a step somewhere between that, to route traffic from port 443 to 8443. Does such a service exist?20:54
slugonewow support like this would cost atleast 199$ a month from ms...LOL20:54
* TiredGuy is away: killing my neighbor's hamster !!20:54
BloodyScumhenrique_ your ISP is most likely doing that20:54
Slarthenrique_: hmm.. sounds weird..  your own software does the opening?20:54
BloodyScumhenrique_ comcast used to do that to me, but i found a way arround20:54
the_greeter_!hi > luciash20:55
bulmerBHP-> http://mepislovers.org/forums/archive/index.php/t-1871.html20:55
henrique_Yeah Slart, and when i try to open a telnet, the connection is refused20:55
k3ksHi, i've got problems with my bluetooth adapter in my notebook20:55
luciashanyone using kdenlive 0.5 in ubuntu/kubuntu ?20:55
k3ksit doesn't find any device20:55
* TiredGuy is back (gone 00:01:37)20:56
henrique_BloodyScum, I'm sure isn't the isp, because i'm on lan and don't have this problems on the other pcs20:56
MasterShrekTiredGuy: please turn that away message off20:56
shawn34I have a second hd mounted at boot. when I delete something from it it tells me its "unable to move file to trash, do you want to delete permanently?" why?20:56
Phusionshawn34: is the second drive ntfs?20:56
luciashi have trouble to get nice result while exporting (rendering) the timeline - it is always "choppy" video while there are some horizontally moving shots20:56
k3ksi tried to find my mobile with a bluetooth dongle and it worked, but with the buld in adapter it doesn't20:56
TiredGuywhy is that MasterShrek ?20:56
shawn34Phusion, no20:56
BloodyScumhenrique_ I dont know then, i can go well above 100 without any problem.20:57
bulmerhenrique_-> am sure a system has limits including the number of sockets allowed, remember sockets are like file descriptors, so fd table has to be modified to allow more?20:57
shawn34Phusion, i don't think so at least, let me check20:57
JoshooaHey I'm running Ubuntu with Gnome and I want to try KDE again, is there a way to install KDE WITHOUT having it install all it's crap into my Gnome menus?20:57
MasterShrek!away | TiredGuy20:57
slugoneim converting my friend to ubuntu.....when i boot live it doesnt recognize the internet as being plugged in.....if i install  ubuntu could the internet possibly work then ? ...or if live doesnt detect it am i "hooped"20:57
ubotuTiredGuy: You should avoid changing your nick in a busy channel like #ubuntu - it causes unrequired scrolling which is unfair on new users. The same goes for using noisy away messages : use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently - See also !Guidelines20:57
Jezzum what is gnome, and what is kde?20:57
Slarthenrique_: here's someone else with the same problem.. http://osdir.com/ml/network.poptop/2005-11/msg00037.html20:57
MasterShrekJezz: they are desktop environments20:57
Jezzgonna install it when it finished, is it not too hard?20:58
Jezzoh ok20:58
Phusionshawn34: well, if its a windows drive, or you formatted it w/ windows, its gunna be fat32 or ntfs20:58
Joshooaslugone: There's a good chance you can get it working after the install, depends what drivers and stuff you can get.20:58
TiredGuyahhh .. point taken MasterShrek :)20:58
blizzkidI know it's not a Ubuntu question, but I didn't know a better starting point. I'm trying to establish an ssh tunnel from work to home. At work, only outgoing traffic on port 443 is allowed. At home, the ISP blocks traffic at ports below 1024, so I'll have to set up a portfowrward on my router from eg 8443 to 22 internal. But I need a step somewhere between that, to route traffic from port 443 to 8443. Does such a service exist?20:58
luciashoh i see it's very busy channel here, i'll try more specific one20:58
ironfoot---   /msg nickserv identify c3po5923   ----20:58
slugonetank joshua...ooa .....joshooa20:58
k3ksHi, does anyone has expirience with bluetooth and ubunut?20:58
luciashbye bye !20:58
Myrttiironfoot: gj20:58
Joshooaslugone: Is it wireless or wired?20:59
shawn34Phusion, its ext320:59
ubotuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines20:59
Phusionshawn34: well, I'm not sure why it's giving you that error, not sure why you can't move to trash, it may be a permissions related issue20:59
Slarthenrique_: you're not using something else between you and the network? firewalls? proxies? etc21:00
kitsuneofdoomOkay, I'm trying to hook up to a local DC++ server, but I can only connect on passive21:00
shawn34Phusion, this is my fstab: /dev/sdb1/var/local/storageext3user,auto0221:00
henrique_Slart The router.21:00
Phusionshawn34: do you get the error as root? or sudo'd?21:00
Phusionshawn34: I gotta take a lunch, bbiab21:00
shawn34lets see21:00
Phusionsomeone here can surely help.21:00
henrique_Slart But i think it would block the other computers too, and it doesn't.21:00
Slarthenrique_: yes... I agree21:01
piedownjoehey can anybody help me with this problem...my font sizes are gigantic on the title bars and the login screen, but since i installed ubuntustudio, not even editing /etc/gdm/gdm.conf is working. does ubuntustudio use a different gdm config file that i can edit? detailed explanation at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=620413 (see last post)21:01
k3kshi, is anybody familiar with bluetooth and ubunut? i can't find anydevices with my build in adapter21:01
Slarthenrique_: how do you create the first 100 connections? a script of some kind? torrents?21:01
ubotuFor instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup21:01
henrique_Slart, a scanner.21:02
dkulchenkoi'm trying to write an automated script that creates a Ubuntu Menu Entry. how do i edit the applications.menu file non-interactively?21:02
kitsuneofdoomOkay, I'm trying to hook up to a local DC++ server, but I can only connect on passive21:02
=== tthe_greeer is now known as the_greeter_
slugoneJoshooa its wired that i tried.....its a Averatec centrino notebook21:02
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about menu - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:02
Jezzcan i use all those 3d effects in vmware?21:03
henrique_Slart, it connects in many hosts at the same port...21:03
henrique_I can connect on websites21:03
LjorringIm trying to reinstall 'VirtualBox' by running a downloadet .deb file. It gives me this error: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/48924/21:03
henrique_But can't connect on another port21:03
dkulchenkois there a shell script that edits the applications.menu file?21:03
henrique_When the sockets is up21:03
Ljorringcan someone pls take a look at it?21:03
Jack_Sparrowdkulchenko: Here is how I do it manually... YOu can probably bash script it..   http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/48925/21:03
Jezzbut uh im sure linux is good coz its kinda popular, but it isnt compitable with my external ntsf drive?21:03
Jezzcant game?21:03
seanpr@kitsuneofdoom: passive usually means you are behind a firewall or don't have correct ports opened in a router21:03
PriceChildJezz, the external drive should work fine.21:04
Slarthenrique_: mm.. I can't find anything good using google...21:04
kitsuneofdoomseanpr: I not behind a firewall or router, though.21:04
Jezzoh ok21:04
henrique_Me neither.21:04
shawn34I can't move files to trash on my storage hd, this is my fstab: /dev/sdb1/var/local/storageext3user,auto02, any idea?21:04
bthorntonWhere the actual packages (*.deb) for official Ubuntu updates live?  I'm currently poking around in http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/gutsy-updates/main/binary-i386/ , but I can't find any actual packages...21:05
cylenceany idea on how I could determine which version of apache2 I have?21:05
seanpr@kitsuneofdoom: are you connecting from an open connection (like home) or is it a private one (college, work, coffee shop)21:05
cylenceit was installed using apt-get, I believe21:05
piedownjoehey can anybody help me with this problem...my font sizes are gigantic on the title bars and the login screen, but since i installed ubuntustudio, not even editing /etc/gdm/gdm.conf is working. does ubuntustudio use a different gdm config file that i can edit? detailed explanation at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=620413 (see last post) (sorry for repeat, it got pushed out of the way pretty quickly though)21:05
brobostigonpiedownjoe: i have no idea, sorry. whats ubuntustudio??21:06
boriswhen i do 'sudo shutdown now' i get 'rc1 main process terminated' or something like that, and shutdown aborts21:06
bthorntonAll I can find are the files "Packages.bz2", "Packages.gz", and "Release" in every mirror I check.21:06
kitsuneofdoomseanpr: It's a private connection, however, the hub is on the network. I'm pretty sure it's either a problem with my network settings on the machine, or LinuxDC++21:06
Jack_Sparrowpiedownjoe: Try asking in #Ubuntustudio  that variant is not supported here21:06
kitsuneofdoomseanpr: as my friends using their windows boxen on the same network don't have this issue21:06
ubotuThe following are some examples of Ubuntu derived distributions that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes, please consult their websites for more information: Linux Mint, LinuxMCE, Ubuntu Ultimate.21:06
OldSpicetacone: i'm on the live cd and using pidgen. im stuck on partioning my drive... yet again.21:06
dkulchenkoJack_Sparrow: the panel not auto-restarting for some reason21:07
ader10How do I get keyTouch to work?21:07
robdigcylence: apache2 -v21:07
crdlbJack_Sparrow: ubuntustudio isn't really a variant21:07
Slarthenrique_: I've found some posts that say that linux handles up to 20k concurrent tcp connections..21:07
ader10I've got my keyboard all set up21:07
taconeOldSpice: what's the problem ?21:07
cylencerobdig: ah, really? lol, thanks!21:07
Jack_SparrowOldSpice: I am back as welll.... what is the prob.21:07
ader10but when I press "Apply" the keys remain the same.21:07
seanpr@kitsuneofdoom: hmm, whenever I had that problem all I had to do was open ports.  I can look around online for information21:07
Jack_Sparrowcrdlb: it isnt supported here..21:07
cylencerobdig: oh man, that's terrible lol, thanks again21:07
kitsuneofdoomseanpr: How do you open a port?21:07
robdigcylence: np21:07
hottisis apic bug (https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.22/+bug/54621) fixed in 2.6.22-14.47?21:07
kitsuneofdoomseanpr: I know which port it is.21:08
piedownjoejack_sparrow: thanks, but ubuntustudio is supposedly supported by mainstream ubuntu support. besides, there's only 40 some people in there and nobody's talking at all. my problem is getting stale21:08
henrique_Slart, 1sec.21:08
Ayabarawhere should I go to get help with shell scripts?21:08
OldSpicetacone: jack_sparrow: the problem is, i have two partitons from windows. C: and D: and i can't seem to make any more partitions without editing the ones i already have21:08
Jack_Sparrowpiedownjoe:  All the more reason to go with a version that is supported21:08
borisi got a friend that keeps bothering me about buying something, how do i do something bad to his comp, like make and send a script to him that rotates the screen ? (hes got windoze)21:08
seanpr@kitsuneofdoom: for me it was through a wireless router in my home.  I'm not sure what it would be for you21:08
taconeOldSpice: how much space free you have ?21:09
Jack_SparrowOldSpice: I covered that earlier.. remember extended partitions.. limit of 4 primary etc21:09
piedownjoetrue, i guess21:09
shawn34I can't move files to trash on my storage hd, this is my fstab: /dev/sdb1/var/local/storageext3user,auto02, any idea?21:09
Lunar_Lampboris, you don't. And you definitely don't ask in here if you don't want to be banned.21:09
OldSpicetacone: i have around 30gb left21:09
Myrtti!offtopic | boris21:09
ubotuboris: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!21:09
seanpr@kitsuneofdoom: try taking a look at this link - http://www.b.ali.btinternet.co.uk/DCPlusPlus/advancedUsage.html21:09
kitsuneofdoomseanpr: Oh. As I said, I'm almost positive the problem lies in the OS/app level, I could reboot to windows and try from there. Pretty sure it'd work, though.21:09
Jack_SparrowOldSpice: It should let you create an extended partition21:09
borisLunar_Lamp: im really really angry at him !21:09
taconeOldSpice: then probably jack is right. doesn't it lets you to create an exended ?21:09
OldSpicejack_sparrow: tacone: uhm i see three "devices"21:10
borisLunar_Lamp: he crashes my tremulous at least 10 times21:10
seanpr@kitsuneofdoom: I'm not sure of ways ubuntu (or whatever os) would restrict internet connections like windows would21:10
verb3kboris, who?21:10
Myrttiboris: that's offtopic.21:10
OldSpicejack_sparrow: tacone: these are the ones i see, "/dev/hda" "/dev/hda1" /dev/hda2"21:10
borisverb3k: you dont know him for sure21:10
borisok ok,21:10
borisill stop21:10
Jack_SparrowOldSpice: It should let you create an extended partition21:11
borisverb3k: just for note : he doesnt speak english21:11
OldSpicejack_sparrow: tacone: i dont see any option to create an extended partition from any of the three.21:11
jUSTmtrying to install intel-isubh101008-10.1.008 and the ./iccvars.sh won't execute21:11
verb3kboris, should that be a puzzle or something?21:11
Jack_SparrowOldSpice: not from any of those three...21:11
borisverb3k: no21:11
dkulchenkoJack_Sparrow: it's not there. i think it's becauseyou also need to edit the applications.menu file21:11
nickwebokies - my wlan0 interface isnt appearing.. I've just tried following https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/mrv8k and it all looks installed ok - i cant scan tho (at the end of the documtn) - but under manage connections, wlan0 isnt listed.. any ideas?21:11
MasterShrekjUSTm: tried using sudo?21:11
jUSTmi did21:12
jon_justm: check the permissions21:12
OldSpicejack_sparrow: however i do see the option for "new partition table" which clears my windows xp OS21:12
Jack_SparrowOldSpice: Do you have unallocated space available?21:12
mgimany xorg gurus? having problem with a card that seems to be in 8 bit mode21:12
jUSTmi tried sudo ./iccvars.sh21:12
OldSpicejack_sparrow: unallocated? meaning free space on my hard drive?21:12
jon_justm: a "chmod +x" may do the trick21:12
Jack_SparrowOldSpice: yes.. space not allocated to a partition21:13
jUSTmi did that too21:13
jUSTmnot found21:13
marko-_-ok so here's a problem... what would you do if you had windows and suddenly someting is fucked up ( you don't know if the disk is dead ) my friends want's to access the partition on the disk with kubuntu but he doesn't know how... any ideas ?21:13
dissectHi, I installed Cedega but when I try to play a game, the window just shows up for a split second and disappears... How do I fix this21:13
jon_justm: did you use sudo on the chmod?21:13
BloodyScumhenrique_ u in here?21:13
OldSpicejack_sparrow: uhm i don't think so. i have all 160 gigs on either C: or D:. 150gb on C and 10gb on D. however on the C: drive i have about 30 gb left21:13
Flare183Should I have 3 kernels install at one time21:13
=== reconnect is now known as recon
PriceChilddissect, get suppose from transgaming.org21:13
BloodyScumhenrique_ k i have over 700 open right now21:14
jUSTmi keep trying every trick21:14
PriceChildFlare183, yes, older ones stay installed which you can fall back on if things go wrong.21:14
jUSTmi heard of21:14
henrique_On different ips and same port?21:14
marko-_-it's an emergency if anyone knows...21:14
Flare183PriceChild:> thanks21:14
PriceChilddissect, *support* sorry, not suppose21:14
taconeyou have windows data on d: ?21:14
LjL!language | marko-_-21:14
ubotumarko-_-: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.21:14
LjLmarko-_-, first thing is, try from a live CD « sudo mount /dev/whatever /some/temporary/directory » where /dev/whatever is the Windows partition21:14
Jack_SparrowOldSpice: You have one drive ... with windows on the first partition21:14
shawn34PriceChild, I can't move files to trash on my storage hd, this is my fstab: /dev/sdb1/var/local/storageext3user,auto02, any idea?21:14
OldSpicetacone: nope, windows data all on C: along with my documents. D: is for recovery and i can't even open up that drive.21:15
ironfootregister c3po592321:15
jon_justm: don't know what to tell you. you could open the script in an editor and look to see if there is a problem with it21:15
henrique_BloodyScum, On different ips and same port?21:15
jUSTmi'll be back21:15
Jack_SparrowOldSpice: under devices top right you should show /dev/hda21:15
nickwebokies - my wlan0 interface isnt appearing.. I've just tried following https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/mrv8k and it all looks installed ok - i cant scan tho (at the end of the documtn) - but under manage connections, wlan0 isnt listed.. any ideas?21:15
tomg_hi all, im trying to map some keyboard keys with xmodmap, but they arent picked up by xev, is there another way i can try?21:15
OldSpicejack_sparrow: yes i see /dev/hda under devices21:15
taconerecovery ? preinstalled laptop manufactorers BS :-)21:15
BloodyScumhenrique_ yes21:15
Flare183nickweb:> it could be eth121:16
OldSpicetacone: haha but it saved me a bunch of times when reformatting. it also saves keeping track of recovery disks.21:16
Flare183nickweb: instead of wlan021:16
Jack_SparrowOldSpice: and you say you have 30 unallocated on C not in use by windows?   One physical drive or two?21:16
henrique_So why the hell is this happening?21:16
nickwebeth1 is listed as a wirless connection (i have a wired port on the computer)21:16
whabohow do i open up ZIP files anyone??? what programs are there are unpacking and packing zip / rar / etc ??? anyone? thx21:17
Jack_Sparrow!ohmy | henrique_21:17
marko-_-LjL, thanks21:17
ubotuhenrique_: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.21:17
Flare183nickweb:> oh21:17
OldSpicejack_sparrow: i have only 1 hard drive. it is split into two partitions as of now. C: and D:. D: can't be touched because it is for recovery.  On drive C: i have 30 gb left that is not occupied21:17
PriceChildwhabo, double click it to see what's inside21:17
Slarthenrique_: are you sure iptables isn't running? perhaps you installed firestarter a long time ago?21:17
erUSULwhabo: file roller yu need to install the rar or unrar program21:17
erUSUL!rar | whabo21:17
ubotuwhabo: rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free21:17
Jack_SparrowOldSpice: not occupied.. as in free space on your windows C   or unallocated.. there is a difference21:18
whaboPriceChild = it gives me an error whern i do that21:18
taconeJack_Sparrow: i guess it's free space, not unallocated :-)21:18
henrique_Slart, it's not running.21:18
jaggz-how do I get vnc (server) to only be accessible via certain hosts?  does it use hosts.allow/deny or do I have to use firewalling?21:18
juanchoaqui se habla español, ingles o ambos??21:18
MasterShrek!es | juancho21:18
erUSUL!es | juancho21:18
ubotujuancho: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.21:18
OldSpicejack_sparrow: free space on windows C. I'm not that computer savy :[21:18
EnderTheThirdjust a heads up:  homemade break is awesome!21:18
Jack_SparrowOldSpice: So you didnt shrink your ntfs with partition magic?21:18
PriceChildwhabo, the error might be handy...21:19
whaboerUSUL: i cant get file roller to download... why? i mena i keep getting an error file not found when i try to on synaptic .. HElp please21:19
juanchooh, sorry, I just wanted to know the official languaje here...21:19
jaggz-breaking bread?21:19
OldSpicejack_sparrow: no i did not. i just jumped straight to gparted21:19
jaggz-what's "ambos"?21:19
MasterShrekjuancho: ingles :)21:19
EnderTheThirdthere was a recipe on digg a couple months ago.  finally got around to making some last night.  awesome21:19
erUSULwhabo: go to Aplication>Add Remove21:19
Jack_SparrowOldSpice: ok  so click on your c drive in gparted then go up and umount-unmount it21:19
Slartjaggz-: firewalling I think.. that's what I use21:19
whaboerUSUL: okay thx ill try there21:20
jaggz-how do we firewall nowadays?21:20
ubotuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).21:20
Slartjaggz-: you can restrict it to only listen on a certain interface.. but for anytihng finer you'll have to use a firewall I think21:20
jaggz-okay, still using iptables.  Jjjjjjjjjust making suuuuuuuuuure :)21:20
Jack_SparrowOldSpice: FYI running out of free space on windows is not a good thing.....21:20
jaggz-my kb repeat is weird :/21:20
juanchoi've just installed the x-chat.... it is to get support or something??21:20
Slartjaggz-: same as 10 years ago I guess. iptables.. firestarter or similar if you want to21:20
ActySoftsI'm having some serious problems with ALSA, the volume is locked at 100% for everything and so it PCM, locked on mute, and I can't change them at all...help?21:20
erUSULjuancho: is an irc client21:20
jaggz-slart,                 hmm.. ok, thanks.21:21
OldSpicejack_sparrow: im using the built in gparted. i don't see a option to unmount C. and if i do unmount it, wil i lose my data?21:21
jaggz-slart, i use          ibtables I think for some things21:21
jaggz-regarding some bridge code patch I haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad to put into a system a long time ago21:21
morphleshow come fluxbox is installed wit super shi***y configuration without even a root menu?21:21
taconeOldSpice: unmounting won't harm data.21:21
juanchoirc client?? what does it means??21:21
jaggz-this is not typical kb repeat ratttttttttte by the way.. there's something wrong with this system21:21
erUSULjuancho: a program to acces channels like this one is like mirc in windows21:22
ActySoftsjuancho: it's what you're using currently to chat with us21:22
ubotuA list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines21:22
=== LEAVEMEALONE is now known as mustafa
juanchoah, all right....21:22
* arashOio is back (gone 04:02:44)21:22
Jack_SparrowOldSpice: since you dont have much room free....  I would not bother with the extra partitions and all that...    back out of the installer and use the installer option to shrink your ntfs and automatic install...  I hate to see people working at this level without any sort of backup.21:22
Martin_Nilssonhi there, any1 here know about a page for F/OSS bounties?21:22
ActySoftsI'm having some serious problems with ALSA, the volume is locked at 100% for everything and so it PCM, locked on mute, and I can't change them at all...help?21:22
juanchoso, Can I get support or give support here, right??21:22
ActySoftsjuancho: right, if it's about something related to ubuntu21:23
erUSULjuancho: yes you can... and in #ubuntu-es you can do so in spanish21:23
jaggz-juancho, both have to be possible though I think.21:23
OldSpice firsttacone: jack_sparrow: well i have 30 gb left on my C drive and that's all the space i have. I think it would be best if i put all my files on my external hd to clear up space than try this again. I'm not really familiar with unmounting and unallocated spaces.21:23
juanchooh... I love it... hahaha21:23
EnderTheThirdAnyone know of a better mp3 streamer than gnump3d?  I'd rather it be able to act as though the MP3's were local so I could use Portable Winamp to browse my music while at work and whatnot21:23
juanchoit is what i was looking for!!!!21:24
erUSULActySofts: alsamixer on console doesn't work ?21:24
mustafahi, i've problem on my gutsy i can not use compiz21:24
ActySoftserUSUL: no21:24
mustafamy graphics card is GeForce 7300 LE TC21:24
MasterShrekEnderTheThird: is it over a samba share?21:24
Flare183!compiz | mustafa21:24
ubotumustafa: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion21:24
erUSULActySofts: are you on the audio group ?? run id on a console21:24
jon_wow I am lagging in IRC but I am getting 42582k/s on this download I don't get it21:24
OldSpicejack_sparrow: i'm going to boot up in windows and use partition magic.21:24
taconeOldSpice: i guess you should do that just as a safety measure21:24
Jack_SparrowOldSpice: I would hate to see you try to use all available space on C  .. if you have options for backing up some files to an external or wherever.  I would use them21:24
ActySoftserUSUL: of course I am, it worked before21:24
EnderTheThirdMasterShrek: No, it's not within my LAN.  For my LAN, I just mount the media HDD over the network.21:25
juanchoIm kinda new at Linux, at Ubuntu, actually.... so... I was never heard about this x-chat... It's grate....21:25
ActySoftsFlare183: try to use '>' instead of '|' with ubotu so you won't clutter up the channel21:25
MasterShrekoh i see now that i read it again EnderTheThird, im not really sure though...21:25
Flare183ActySofts: ok21:25
OldSpicejack_sparrow: tacone: okay thanks. well it looks like i have to battle ubuntu later after i make some unallocated space.21:25
void^EnderTheThird: try sshfs21:26
EnderTheThirdMasterShrek:  yeah.  Gnump3d is functional, but manually setting up playlists through the web interface kinda sucks when you're used to Exaile and the like.21:26
Jack_SparrowOldSpice: We are here to help.. and want to help you avoid a problem at this point21:26
taconeOldSpice: is not that hard. but given the situation, better not risk to loose data21:26
ActySoftsOldSpice: don't forget to defragment first!21:26
EnderTheThirdvoid^:  I'm in Windows at work.  That matter?21:26
taconejust for the logs: i was fine for a while with a 10gb ubuntu installation21:26
void^EnderTheThird: oh. no idea.21:26
taconefine and happy :-)21:27
juanchoActySofts: I know that ext3, the filesystem ubuntu uses, doesn't need to defragment....21:27
ActySoftstacone: I have about 7 gigs dedicated to ubuntu21:27
juanchoit is right??21:27
ActySoftsjuancho: I mean to defrag your window partition21:27
juanchoActySofts: ah, all right... I had that little doubt...21:28
EnderTheThirdvoid^:  heh, alright.  thanks for trying though.  I left Deluge running at home anyway, so my MP3's are streaming like crap right now anyway.  I wish I could pause those downloads through ssh.  Though I suppose I could just kill the process and restart the program later (should auto-resume, i think)21:28
ActySoftsI'm having some serious problems with ALSA, the volume is locked at 100% for everything and so it PCM, locked on mute, and I can't change them at all...help?21:28
Jack_Sparrowjuancho: HE was talking to a specific user where we were talking about a windows partition.... and needed to shrink it before installing ubuntu...21:28
kingaceyo, i get a blank screen when i boot ubuntu with fglrx21:29
juanchoJack_Sparrow: ok, thanks, and sorry for disturbing, hehehe21:29
nano__how is azureus pronounced?21:29
void^EnderTheThird: i suppose you could setup a vpn tunnel to access samba securely21:29
kingaceany ideas as to how i could fix that?21:29
DrAk0why dpkg-reconfigure locales is not poping the menu just generating all the locales its want21:29
Jack_Sparrowtacone: Yes, 30 would be fine.. but... I am more concerned about him having nothing left in windows...21:29
EnderTheThirdvoid^:  sounds like a lot of work, heh21:30
ActySoftsnano__: this is the support channel, we don't handle that stuff, go to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Azureus for that21:30
jUSTmEwhat is the command icc ?21:30
ActySoftsI'm having some serious problems with ALSA, the volume is locked at 100% for everything and so it PCM, locked on mute, and I can't change them at all...help?21:30
juanchoActySofts: wich computer do you have??21:30
Jack_Sparrow!patience | ActySofts21:30
ubotuActySofts: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines21:30
ActySoftsjuancho: what do you mean?21:30
taconeJack_Sparrow: he could have done a 15 gb install, but you're right. better for him to backup his data first. I do have a coscience :-)21:30
rsfriendswhen i try to start awn, i dont star, what can the problem be?21:30
jUSTmEicc version21:30
ActySoftssorry jack,21:30
mrdinklesHow can i install Flashplayer-- Is the plugin still down?21:31
juanchomodel, factory21:31
jUSTmEicc -- version21:31
the_greeter_jUSTmE: see man page?21:31
void^EnderTheThird: definitely a lot of work, yes ;)21:31
jUSTmEnone listed21:31
juanchoActySofts: model, mark21:31
jUSTmEno icc21:31
erUSULmrdinkles: yes still down21:31
crush_grooveis there a hardware chan ?21:31
jUSTmEhow do i check a version for a software21:31
Jack_Sparrowtacone: at 15 gig for ubuntu he would have less than 10% free in his windows install which is too close for me to call.21:31
mrdinkleserUSUL: is there an alternative, what about gnash?21:31
ActySoftsjuancho: an old dell desktop, p3 600 mhz, 256 megs of sdram, 13 gigs hdd (maxtor i believe), ati rage 3d pro x2 with 8 megs21:31
OldSpicejack_sparrow: how much space do you recommend to leave on windows and make for unallocated spaces?21:32
erUSULjUSTmE: apt-cache policy package21:32
EnderTheThirdvoid^:  I guess Gnump3d will work just fine for now, ha.21:32
rsfriendswhen i try to start awn, i dont star, what can the problem be?21:32
erUSULmrdinkles: never used it. i have flash instaled (did it before the breakage)21:32
Jack_SparrowOldSpice: I try to keep a minimum of 10%21:32
juanchoActySofts: so, your problem is you cant up or down the volume,isn't it??21:32
dn4http://www.verifiedvotingfoundation.org/article.php?id=6529  <--- Hax on Texas Voting mAchines possible21:33
the_greeter_jUSTmE :http://chautauqua.bu.edu/computation/linuxcluster/manpages/icc.html21:33
ActySoftsjuancho: yes, all is locked up21:33
melkorwow kde 4 is not cool21:33
ActySoftsif I turn it down, it goes back up21:33
Slartmrdinkles: last time I tried gnash it only worked on the simpler flash applets.. the annoying ads mostly =/21:33
OldSpicejack_sparrow: 10% of the total amount of hd space for ubuntu or free space?21:33
mustafaFlare183: well my problem is when i activate aestetical graphics my system reboots and after my graphics driver switching to VESA21:33
ActySoftsif I try to unmute PCM, it stays muted21:33
taconeOldSpice: 10% of total win partition.21:33
juanchoActySofts: demn!!! try to do it in a term....21:33
wols_mustafa: what driver do you use?21:33
Jack_SparrowOldSpice: 10% of the space you use for windows should be free... but that is my personal choice21:33
ericvwIs there a way to limit home directory space for addtional user accounts in ubuntu?21:34
Flare183mustafa: well then i would at least try the mesa driver if that doesn't work then ask the compiz people21:34
mustafawols_: hello, i'm using ubuntus own which cames with install21:34
erUSULericvw: disk quotas21:34
ActySoftsSlart: it works fine even on youtube vids, however, it's alpha, thus the movie is kinda laggy, and the interface of it is broken, but in the end it works ok21:34
Jack_SparrowOldSpice: so if your total windows install is 150 gig... add 15 gig for free for a total of 165 for that partition21:34
shamasdoes anybody know why all of a sudden the icons in the toolbars of open office would change to text???21:34
wols_mustafa: ubuntu comes with more than a dozen drivers for videocards. which one do you use?21:34
ActySoftsjuancho: alsamixer doesn't work as well21:34
juanchoericvw: make a partition with mount point in /home21:34
SlartActySofts: oh? they have improved it then.. good to know21:34
ActySoftsyeah, it's getting better, still alpha though21:35
Jack_SparrowOldSpice: It may just be my opinion, but anything less is cutting it too close21:35
ericvwjuancho: I don't want to do it based on partitions though21:35
mustafawols_: i selected GeForce 7series from Graphics Settings and also install nvidia glx (new)21:35
Bouncedoes anybody know something about nic bonding with gutsy x64 ?21:35
juanchoericvw: hahah sorry...21:35
Jack_SparrowOldSpice: You can also ask in #windows what they feel should be free space on that drive21:35
Ademandoes anyone know how to "focus" on the gtk menu bar with just the keyboard?21:35
juanchoericvw: so, I don't have any idea to do that... sorry...21:36
ericvwjuancho: Thanks though21:36
OldSpicejack_sparrow: okay thanks a lot!21:36
juanchoActySofts, what do you men??21:36
mustafawols_: brb i downloaded nvidias own driver from their site i need to exit from Xwin21:36
juanchoericvw, your wellcome....21:36
Jack_SparrowOldSpice: we would love to see you up and running.. but We would rather you have both working fine for the long run21:36
ActySoftsjuancho: I mean alsamixer can't change the volume or unmute anything21:37
maddashActySofts: are you kiding?21:37
OldSpicejack_sparrow: haha ya same here. would you recommend making a 1 partition for windows, 1 for documents, and the other for ubuntu?21:37
juanchoActySofts, so, why don't you try to control it in a terminal??21:37
Phusionthats exactly what alsa does21:37
mrdinklesWhats the command i use for when Flashplayer is back up and working?21:37
ActySoftsI wish I could record a video but my card is very weak21:37
jUSTmEthere is a  icc.cfg21:37
ActySoftsjuancho: I am from a terminal...21:37
maddashActySofts: that was rhetorical. you obviously don't know what alsamixer does. :)21:38
juanchoActySofts, or you have??21:38
Tilllinuxheya guys :) I've got some problems with totem. Whenever I open *any* kind of file with totem, processor usage goes up to 100% and ma ram is also filled with... umm I don't have a clue ;)21:38
erUSULBounce: i guess it is the same as in any other ubuntu/debian system... http://www.howtoforge.com/nic_bonding21:38
juanchoah, ok.....21:38
juanchoActySofts, wich ubuntu version u have??21:38
jUSTmEicc.cfg it was installed in the intel directory21:38
the_greeter_ericvw: http://www.debianadmin.com/implement-and-manage-disk-quotas-in-linux.html21:38
Jack_SparrowOldSpice: primary for windows.. extended with logical partitions for docs and stuff,  ext3 for root  ext3 for home plus swap and wherever your restore partion ends up is fine21:38
tacone!ext3 | tacone21:38
ActySoftsmaddash: I know exactly, I've used it lots of times before, now it just doesn't work at all ,how hard is it to understand?21:38
ActySoftsjuancho: I'm using gutsy21:38
BounceI have tried that i actualy found a link aggretation document on the forums21:39
maddashActySofts: oh, sorry. you were describing your problem (I thought you were making an assertion)21:39
juanchoActySofts, before you change to gutsy, it used to work as well??21:39
maddashActySofts: so the recording volume is too low?21:39
ActySoftsjuancho: I installed gutsy directly21:39
MasterShrekTilllinux: install xine and see if the problem persists21:39
OldSpicejack_sparrow: so that would be a total of 4 partitions correct?21:39
Jack_SparrowOldSpice: 5 with swap21:40
Bouncebut I have to create an conf file in the directory modutils21:40
Bouncewhich I cannot find21:40
ActySoftsmaddash: everything is at 100%, but PCM is muted, and everything is locked, I can't change the vol of ANYTHING and I can't mure/unmute anything21:40
wols_Bounce: look in /etc21:40
OldSpicejack_sparrow: but swap and home can share a partition correct?21:40
MasterShrekActySofts: open a terminal and type: sudo alsamixer21:41
Jack_Sparrowswap is its own partition21:41
BounceWols I know but there is no modutils21:41
morphlesmaybe stupid question but: wtf with sudo requiering user and not a root passwd????21:41
OldSpicebut it can be on a logical so it will be an extension?21:41
wols_Jack_Sparrow: if you use a swapfile...21:41
LjL!root > morphles    (morphles, see the private message from Ubotu)21:41
macdBounce,  /etc/modutils/ is on every ubuntu system.21:41
juanchoActySofts, you know?? I think this realese is not estable at all....21:41
Jack_Sparrowwols_: yes... IF you use a swap...21:41
ActySoftsMasterShrek: nope, still the same21:41
Bouncenope not on the server version21:41
maddashActySofts: pastebin /var/lib/alsa/asound.state21:41
macdBounce, if for some reason its not, "sudo mkdir /etc/modutils"21:41
stinkyfoothow do i run xorgcfg from cli?21:41
wols_morphles: sudo requring would make sudo moot21:41
morphleswols_: what?21:42
Bouncedoes modutils not correspond with some utils ?21:42
wols_stinkyfoot: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg21:42
Slartmorphles: I think it's just a setting.. the user is allowed to do stuff.. he must prove that he is that user... I don't think a root password would make it any different21:42
MasterShrekstinkyfoot: sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg21:42
morphlesroot is root21:42
ActySoftsoops: bash: /var/lib/alsa/asound.state: No such file or directory21:42
maddashActySofts: try again.21:42
dkulchenkoJack_Sparrow: well, i managed to get it to work21:42
Phusionstinkyfoot: probably a sudo in front of that command21:42
stinkyfootwols_ that doesn't autoconfigure21:42
wols_morphles: it would mean there is no reason for sudo21:42
juanchoActySofts, why don't u try with the 6.06 relese?? Is the more stable.....21:42
morphlesyes indeed21:42
ActySoftsjauncho: it's too old21:42
stinkyfooti don't know most of the specs for my graphics gard21:42
macdBounce, just create the directory, create the config file from within it.21:42
morphlesyou su when you want to install...21:42
ActySoftsand I'm not very keep of installing ubuntu again21:42
Jack_Sparrowdkulchenko: glad to hear it.. sorry I got a bit busy there. Hope that page helped21:42
stinkyfoothow do i get xserver to autoconfigure?21:42
Phusionstinkyfoot: you don't21:42
OldSpicejack_sparrow: so i now have 80gb free space. i just took off all my videos off and install files. would this be enough for adding some unallocated space?21:43
maddashActySofts: as root, 'alsactl store', then 'ls -l /var/lib/alsa/asound.state'21:43
PriceChild!xconfig | stinkyfoot21:43
wols_stinkyfoot: remove your xorg.conf. I doubt you like the results. have fun21:43
ubotustinkyfoot: To reconfigure your X server, open a console and type « sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg » - To configure only the driver and resolution, type « sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh » - See also !FixRes21:43
Slartmorphles: with the current setting different users can have different kinds of root access.. one can be allowed to run gparted.. one can be allowed to run ping -f.. with a single root password it's all or nothing21:43
Phusionstinkyfoot: this is linux, you do things the hard way with linux :)21:43
PriceChildstinkyfoot, the second command21:43
Jack_SparrowOldSpice: plenty21:43
OldSpicejack_sparrow: i can leave 40 gb for windows and the other 40 for ubuntu correcT?21:43
morphlesis there a way to change whis sudo behaiwour?21:43
xzasedHowdy. How can I tar a folder?21:43
BounceI have done that but no effect, in this file I need the command probeall21:43
stinkyfootlies xorg.com says xorgconfig autoconfigures21:43
nickrud<MasterShrek> stinkyfoot: sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg21:43
Jack_SparrowI need to go, work calls21:43
morphlesno way21:43
dkulchenkoJack_Sparrow: it did, thanks!21:43
maddashxzased: kerosene21:43
ActySofts-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 7841 2007-12-19 23:43 /var/lib/alsa/asound.state21:43
morphlesthere is such thing as groups21:43
Bouncebut I cannot run it21:43
wols_morphles: no. as I said then sudo had no point existing21:43
morphlesas i recall21:43
OldSpicejack_sparrow: okay, thank you for all your help21:43
maddashxzased: otherwise, 'man tar'21:43
Slartmorphles: check man sudo.. might be something in the conf-file21:43
BounceWait I will check the document21:43
linuxrookieHow do I remove flux from within the terminal21:43
maddashActySofts: great, go pastebin it21:43
juanchoActySofts, but is the most estable!!!! but... wherever... I just have the gutsy because is the only one which have the driver for my wlan....21:44
Phusionlinuxrookie: I'd imagine sudo apt-get remove flux21:44
wols_linuxrookie: flux being fluxbox? apt-get remove <stuff>21:44
ActySoftsmaddash: what to pastebin?21:44
stinkyfooti need to completely reconfigure my graphics setup automatically21:44
maddashActySofts: the file I told you before21:44
stinkyfoothow do i do this?21:44
linuxrookiegot it thanks.. Rookie here trying to figure this stuff out21:44
ActySoftsjuancho: stop insisting, if we don't solve this then it will remain buggy21:44
stinkyfootobviously there is a way since upon install ubuntu does it21:44
ActySoftsmaddash: ok21:44
Slartmorphles: plus.. sudo makes it harder to just walk by someones workstation and do rm -f / | echo y or something21:44
nickrudstinkyfoot, the newest X is supposed to, not the one in ubuntu. those commands given, the ones with -phigh (or replace with -pcritical) will autoconfig21:45
PriceChildSlart, please never put that command in here ever again21:45
morphleswell just dont leave the root chell21:45
SlartPriceChild: I know.. I didn't even do it right21:45
Linuxrookiesorry I booted myself21:45
stinkyfootnickrud i ran the first one, without phigh, and it didn't autoconfigure21:45
juanchoActySofts, ok, ok... I'll stop... why don't u try changing the sound controller... use the other (I don't remmember the name) instead alsa....21:45
nickrudstinkyfoot, true21:45
morphlesand when sudo requires user passwd then whats the point? ir someone knows user pass they can do anything21:45
ActySoftsmaddash: estate.CMI8738MC6 {21:45
ActySoftscontrol.1 {21:45
ActySoftscomment.access 'read write'21:45
ActySoftscomment.type INTEGER21:45
ActySoftscomment.count 221:45
ActySoftscomment.range '0 - 31'21:45
ActySoftsiface MIXER21:46
stinkyfootit asked me a bunch of stuff and hwen i realized it wasn't autoconfiguring i just enetered anything21:46
ActySoftsname 'Master Playback Volume'21:46
ActySoftsvalue.0 3121:46
maddashActySofts: jesus21:46
ActySoftscomment.count 121:46
ubotuactysofts: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)21:46
ActySoftsiface MIXER21:46
ActySoftsname '3D Control - Switch'21:46
robdig!paste | ActySofts21:46
ubotuActySofts: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)21:46
PriceChild!sudo > morphles (please read the pm from ubotu)21:46
ActySoftsvalue true21:46
maddashPriceChild: ?21:46
ActySoftscontrol.3 {21:46
Slartmorphles: yes.. that would be the downside.. I still think it's a fair compromise21:46
ActySoftscomment.access 'read write'21:46
ubotuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok or Pici!21:46
ActySoftscomment.type INTEGER21:46
OldSpiceMay I ask for some assistance on making unallocated space?21:46
nickrudstinkyfoot, if you hit enter on every suggested option there, you will end up with what -pcritical would give you. not including the option lets you review or change to taste21:46
=== ForeverZero is now known as sea4ever
PriceChildmaddash_, I am here. There was little ned for that.21:46
the_greeter_OldSpice: yes, of course21:46
morphlesim seriousle considering ill could be going back to gentoo....21:46
wols_PriceChild: you took your sweet time tho...21:47
maddash_maddash_: and I've got a tiny term21:47
maddash_PriceChild: ^^21:47
stinkyfootnickrud this might sound stupid but it tells me video card is in pci.1.0.0 is that the agp slot?21:47
wols_stinkyfoot: if lspci agrees, then yes21:47
OldSpicethe_greeter_: thank you, i'm going to be using partiton magic to do this, do you know how much space i should make? I have a 160 gb hard drive and it is all being occupied by windows. i have 80gb free space left.21:47
nickrudstinkyfoot, see wols21:48
stinkyfootyea this isn't working because it's not telling me how much ram is in the card21:48
maddashmaddash_: remain still next time21:48
wols_stinkyfoot: that is irrelveant both RAM size and PCI bus can be left blank without any problem21:48
nickrudstinkyfoot, doesn't need to, X will determing that at run time21:48
tacone!ask | OldSpice21:48
ubotuOldSpice: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)21:48
OldSpicelol okay.21:49
stinkyfootanyone; should i write default files section to the configuration file in xserver-xorg configure?21:49
Phusionstinkyfoot: yes21:49
the_greeter_OldSpice: I've never used partition magic before, but I think half for windows and half for ubuntu sounds fine. You may want a swap partition for ubuntu depending on how much ram you have.21:50
PhusionOldSpice: you definitely want swap space21:50
LjLActySofts: you did this *three* times in a row after being kicked... be a little careful please :|21:50
OldSpicephusion: yes i do, i was planning 2gb of swap21:50
LjL[22:50:16] <ActySofts> here it is: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/48936/21:50
stinkyfootok how do i launch my gui now?21:50
PhusionOldSpice: thats good, a bit much, but yeah21:50
stinkyfootto see if all of this workeD?21:50
Phusionstinkyfoot: startx21:50
taconeOldSpice: 1gb should suffice.21:50
OldSpiceso would 30gb for ubuntu, 2gb for swap be good?21:50
Phusionyeah OldSpice, just use 1GB though 1024MB21:51
OldSpicepusion: tacone: alright.21:51
TilllinuxMasterShrek: thanks, worked ;)21:51
stinkyfootk i guess configuration worked fine but im in a different user name21:51
stinkyfootshould i just restart21:51
Phusionstinkyfoot: yah21:51
lImItaOanyone with a nokia 6120 working on Ubuntu??21:51
MasterShreknp Tilllinux21:52
Phusionstinkyfoot: actually ctrl + alt + backspace will restart you to login screen21:52
OldSpicethe problem is i need to make some unallocated space first so i can install ubuntu. im aware of i need to make a /root partition, /home partition, and a swap right?21:52
stinkyfootthanks much21:52
Phusionhow'd that work out for ya Linuxrookie21:52
stinkyfootanyone know a good beginners linux book?21:52
PhusionOldSpice: you need to shrink your current partition21:52
Linuxrookiehow do I know if I have the best repos to date? someone told me earlier to update my repos?21:52
Phusionstinkyfoot: O'Reilly's "Running Linux" is good for a general linux perspective21:52
MasterShrekOldSpice: the /home isnt nessicary, but you can make it if you want to21:52
Phusionstinkyfoot: but isn't Debian or Ubuntu based21:52
ActySoftsLjL: I know, once I got banned from my own channel (on another IRC server) when Firefox didn't copy a link properly to the clipboard and I still had a 400+ lines long text file in the clipboard, and got my bot to ban me, I had to kill it21:52
OldSpicematershrek: /home is for documents correct?21:53
stinkyfoothow about an online resource?21:53
taconestinkyfoot: ubuntu specific books should also be available21:53
PriceChildLinuxrookie, by default, ubuntu will ensure that it is updated fine.21:53
Phusionstinkyfoot: ubuntuforums.org21:53
stinkyfootyes yes21:53
MasterShrekOldSpice: its for user settings, and documents and whatnot21:53
stinkyfootbut i want from the ground up21:53
LinuxrookiePriceChild: Thank you21:53
LinuxrookiePriceChild: I wasn't sure, like the name says I'm a rookie21:53
OldSpicephusion: how would i shrink my current partition? you mean create unallocated space?21:53
ActySoftsOldSpice: you should read this: https://help.ubuntu.com/7.10/windows/C/21:53
PhusionOldSpice: you're in windows w/ partition magic?21:53
nickrudLinuxrookie, and if you have any doubt, system->admin->synaptic , reload button21:54
OldSpicephusion: yea21:54
PhusionOldSpice: one partition? just one big hard drive?21:54
OldSpicephusion: yes21:54
PhusionOldSpice: you need to smallerize the partition21:54
Linuxrookienickrud: Ok thanks21:54
Phusionwhich will leave unallocated space21:54
OldSpicephusion: okay thank you, and actysofts i'll read that thank you.21:54
MasterShreklol "smallerize"21:54
PhusionOldSpice: got it? you're using all your space now, you need to make your NTFS partition smaller to allow for Ubuntu21:54
dominikhi all21:54
ubotuNOTICE - There is a lot of traffic in this channel at the moment. Please try to keep your sentences into a single message, avoid repeating the same question multiple times, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org for pasting, remember to mention the nickname of the person you're addressing, and join #ubuntu-offtopic for anything that is not Ubuntu support. Thank you for understanding!21:54
taconegood night|day|whatever to all. bye21:55
LinuxrookieI recently switched over from Microcrap to linux and I like to do webdesigns is quantis the closest thing to dreamweaver?21:55
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=== Drew_ is now known as Druciferre
learninglinuxhere's an odd question - i'm trying to run a headless server,  but occasionally i lose the ability to ssh or vnc into it.  when i hook up a keyboard/mouse/monitor -it's still running, but without internet.  when i open a terminal locally, and ping google, it works.  then i can access it remotely again.  it is possible that the ethernet port is falling asleep? if so, how to keep awake?21:55
OldSpicephusion: okie dokie! do you advice making 1 partition just for 1 windows, and another for ubuntu, and one big document partition in fat32 so ubuntu and windows can both share it?21:55
dominiki have installed on my gibbon: compiz and xgl-server, after restart i see only wallpaper and cursor, what i need to do??21:55
the_greeter_stinkyfoot: have a look at slackbook.org ("If you learn RedHat/Fedora/Suse/Mandriva, you know RedHat/Fedora/Suse/Mandriva. If you learn Slackware you know Linux")21:55
ActySoftswell, back to my problem, has anyone read my paste?21:55
MasterShrekslackware ftw!21:56
Druciferrehello, can someone help me with a wireless problem ?21:56
PhusionOldSpice: I'm not sure what you just said right now, but what you need to do is make your current partition smaller, then you can do the rest of the partitioning within the linux installer21:56
jpetermanCan someone tell me the difference between "Desktop User, Administrator, and Limited" is for users?21:56
PhusionOldSpice: the ubuntu installer will ask you if you want to manually edit your partitions, you can do that, create an ext3 partition, then a swap21:56
LjLActySofts: yes, but i don't know what the problem is, i missed that part21:56
PhusionOldSpice: you'll be fine21:56
PhusionOldSpice: use that extra space you made in Windows, you'll see it as UNUSED SPACE or some such nonsense21:57
geniijpeterman: Thats a question for ##windows not here21:57
OldSpicephusion: and if i decide to make a /home partition too, should i also make it as a ext3?21:57
BruuttusHow can i get Ntfs working in ubuntu. Or can i?21:57
ActySoftsLjL: ok, if I try to use any piece of software to change the volume or mute/unmute any channels, I can't, because the volume is locked at 100% for everything ad PCM is muted (and locked), thus I have no sound21:57
PhusionOldSpice: yes.21:57
LjL!ntfs > Bruuttus    (Bruuttus, see the private message from Ubotu)21:57
ActySoftsLjL: I'm using Gutsy21:57
the_greeter_!ntfs > the_greeter_21:58
DruciferreBruutus: NTFS support is supposed to work in 7.10 Gutsy perfectly fine21:58
wibhi there. i can't get my mic to work. in the sound settings dialogue, i get "Failed to construct test pipeline for 'gconfaudiosrc ...". (feitsy)21:58
h40If i am dual-booting windows/unbutu and delete my ubuntu partition, will I still be able to boot windows?21:58
Druciferreh40, yes21:58
Phusionh40: yeah, in theory, the boot loader is loaded into MBR, not hard drive21:58
Druciferreassuming you have Grub or LILO installed21:58
h40will ubuntu still be an entry on my MBR?21:58
Phusion  ^^^^^^21:58
Phusionh40: GRUB or Lilo will, yes.21:59
ActySoftsh40: yes21:59
MasterShrek!ntfs-3g | Bruuttus (see the private message from ubotu)21:59
ubotuBruuttus (see the private message from ubotu): ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions21:59
MasterShreknvm, no pm lol21:59
h40if i re-install ubuntu will it create another MBR entry or use the existing one?21:59
ActySoftsh40: plug in your windows cd, use the recovery console and type "fixmbr"21:59
Druciferreh40: create a new one,21:59
h40ok thanks alot guyts21:59
geniih40: If you want to revert to what windows was using boot to it's install cd and the recovery console and use the fixmbr command from there. You can ask in ##windows channel for more help if need be22:00
DruciferreCan anyone help me with a wireless problem ?22:00
geniibah lag22:00
* genii sips a coffee22:00
* brobostigon sips a gin and tonic22:01
MasterShrek!someone | Druciferre22:01
ubotuDruciferre: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?22:01
adamhello all22:01
adamive got a problem with gutsy22:01
the_greeter_!hi > adam22:01
adami just isntalled it on my computer22:01
brobostigonadam: whats the problem??22:02
ActySoftsbump to my problem22:02
abrancheshello everyone22:02
lomezSorry, i got booted off my wifi network22:02
the_greeter_!hi > abranches22:02
adamand when the video driver is ati it boots with no usplash, but when its fglrx radeon or anything it just hangs on a blank screen where usplash should be22:02
ActySoftshmm, where has !hi gone?22:02
lomezCan someone tell me the difference between "Desktop User, Administrator, and Limited" is for users?22:02
macogwthe_greeter_: you just sit around waiting for people to say that, so you can send the bot at them?22:02
alecwhI'm using Ubuntu 7.10 with my laptop [Dell Latitude D630], and I cannot get WPA wireless to work. Can someone help me get it working? I don't know where to start.22:02
macogwActySofts: > makes it PM the perso22:02
the_greeter_macogw : im very alone22:03
ActySoftsoh, I forgot, lol22:03
PriceChildadam, the driver isn't loaded until a long time after usplash.22:03
abrancheshow can I change my themes back to metacity themes? I tried compiz and now I can't have the effects and the default ubuntu theme at the same time22:03
DruciferreI can connect to wireless networks, however, after viewing a page internet access seems to die, but all indicators say i'm still connected the to network. I've used Sabayon, Ubuntu, and tested both on my desktop and laptop, and I tested the laptop on two different networks.22:03
PriceChildabranches, are you missing window borders completely?22:03
Druciferrethe problem is the same in every situation22:03
ubotuFUSE (Filesystem in Userspace) is a !kernel driver that allows non-root users to create their own filesystems. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_in_Userspace for more on FUSE.  Some examples of filesystems that use FUSE are !ntfs-3g, sshfs and isofs. A full list of Filesystems that use FUSE is here:  http://fuse.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/FileSystems22:03
savvis00abranches you used the emerald?22:04
adamPriceChild: well when it's ati it eventually boots into ubuntu, but when its fglrx it eventually brings up gdm, albeit without usplash22:04
lomezCan someone tell me the difference between "Desktop User, Administrator, and Limited" is for users?22:04
abranchesPriceChild: no I don't. I simply have the compiz/emerald themes instead of the default themes22:04
jorgpI just purchased a new 17" LCD widescreen, using ubuntu 7.10 how do I tell it to use the 1440x900 resolution, its not in the list22:05
docgnomeis there a app for ubuntu that is like stickies on os x?22:05
PriceChildadam, not effected by the X driver.22:05
adamPriceChild: well then waht could it be?22:05
ActySoftsdocgnome: Tomboy Notes?22:05
brobostigoniomez: its obvious, desktop use has limited permissions, admin can do anything, and limited is the same as desktop.22:05
PriceChildabranches, the default uses gtk-window-decorator which displays the gtk themes...22:05
morphleshow do i make that when i change keyboard input language it changes for ALL windoes not only for current?22:05
PriceChildadam, I don't know.22:05
Styleewhy does the cursor of the mose desapear in dosbox? I know I gt the mose back in X with ctrl f1022:05
docgnomeActySofts: thanks22:06
dominikhello, i have installed on my gibbon: compiz and xgl-server, after restart i see only wallpaper and cursor, what i need to do??22:06
ActySoftsIf I try to use any piece of software to change the volume or mute/unmute any channels, I can't, because the volume is locked at 100% for everything ad PCM is muted (and locked), thus I have no sound; I'm using Gutsy22:06
adamPriceChild: but why is it that with different X drivers i get different results22:06
adamas in, wtih one it eventually boots and witht he other it freezes22:06
jorgpor better yet, have i redetect my monitor22:06
savvis00abranches try to uninstall emerald, remove the .emerald (and .compiz i think) folder from your home folder, and then reinstall compiz. after that reboot your machine, that should do it22:06
PriceChildadam, I don't believe you.22:06
Jasnationubuntu isn't recognizing my swap partition. it says there is 4gb free swap space, but it won't utilize it, and it won't hibernate(it just crashes). what should I do?22:07
dominikthanks savvis0022:07
Flare183How can I remove a place off of the "Remote Places" on Konqueror22:07
PhusionJasnation: tried looking at swap file w/ livecd?22:07
dominiksavvis00: will try22:07
adampricechild, i dont mean differnet results in general; i mean in relation to my problem, since u said it doesnt make any difference22:07
savvis00dominik it wasn't for you, it was for abranches :)22:07
abranchesPriceChild, I typed "gtk-window-decorator --replace" in the terminal and now I have the GTK themes. Thanks!22:08
DruciferreJasnation: there is a command to turn on swap space,i believe it's "swapon /dev/hda2" where /dev/hda2 is your swap partition22:08
Jasnationphusion: I don't have a live cd22:08
dominiksavvis00: will be something for me?? :)22:08
brophatcan I buy any wireless nic?22:08
brobostigonflare183: try #kubuntu22:08
PhusionJasnation: do you have an Ubuntu install cd?22:08
Mazonhow do I install ubuntu without installing the mono stuff ?22:08
* PriceChild highfives abranches 22:08
PhusionJasnation: cuz thats a livecd22:08
Flare183brobostigon: i have no answer22:08
abranchessavvis00, that's not necessary anymoe I have found the solution :)22:08
Jasnationdruciferre: what can I use to see my partitions22:08
Flare183brobostigon: their just talking about nonsense22:08
mikebotCan someone here help me get Starcraft running on ubuntu?22:08
Druciferrethe command "parted" is really nice, or you can use GParted22:08
Jasnationphusion: I did a while ago, I think I gave it to a friend22:08
brobostigonflare183: we specialise here ubuntu, you are in kde, sp you need #kubuntu22:09
savvis00dominik, no idea, i just turn on the advanced effects in gutsy gibbon to activate compiz-fusion :)22:09
ActySoftsmikebot: install wine, put your starcraft cd in and install as in windows22:09
PhusionJasnation: well, that sure would help.22:09
KiD_ChAoSwhat program do you guys use to burn data cd's22:09
hdevalence__what's a really fast filesystem?22:09
PhusionKiD_ChAoS: NeroLINUX22:09
KiD_ChAoSPhusion, ok22:10
dominiksavvis00: i can`t :) only wallpaper i see22:10
MasterShrekKiD_ChAoS: is that a reference to californication with david duchovny?22:10
Jasnationphusion: how can I view all the partions on my harddrive from ubuntu (just to see their names)?22:10
adamwhy is fglrx freezing my startup on gutsy?22:10
brobostigonflare183: there mat be a #kde you can try??22:10
ActySoftshdevalence: XFS for big files, ext2 for general use (no journaling- watch out)22:10
dominiksavvis00: and xchat, than i runed22:10
MasterShrek(your nick)22:10
Phusionhdevalence__: ext2 is super fast22:10
Flare183brobostigon:> ok22:10
Phusionhdevalence__: its non journalized like ext3, so it's quicker22:10
dominiksavvis00: sorry for my english22:10
Phusionhdevalence__: that criminal Reizer says his fs is the fastest, but I dont think so22:10
hdevalence__XFS is better for big files?22:11
PriceChildPhusion, that really isn't needed.22:11
savvis00dominik: press alt+F2 does it pop up the run window?22:11
hdevalence__Phusion: hasn't been proven22:11
PhusionPriceChild: he ASKED what was the fastest22:11
dominiksavvis00: it is22:11
Phusionhdevalence__: nor disproven, but thats offtopic.22:11
* Phusion hides22:11
mikebotActySofts: I did that, but I get some video resolution error.22:11
savvis00dominik: try this: killall gnome-panel22:11
PriceChildPhusion, You know exactly what I'm talking about, no more.22:11
dominiksavvis00: kl22:11
dominiksavvis00: k22:12
ActySoftsmikebot: just a sec, lemme run winecfg, and you should, too22:12
rhalffwow ubuntu is unstable22:12
dominiksavvis00: add this to autorun?? ;p22:12
savvis00wow so is vista22:12
ASTX813rhalff I'm gonna have to disagree with you on that one22:12
KiD_ChAoSwow im unstable22:12
savvis00dominik, no it should be fixed afterwards22:12
mikebotActySofts: OK, I'll try that.22:12
ActySoftsmikebot: run winecfg, go to graphics, check the "emulate a virtual desktop" and introduce a resolution, doesn't matter22:13
Phusionrhalff: out of the box, with supported hardware, I've found that not to be the case.22:13
dominiksavvis00: ok :)22:13
rhalffuhm, how come I'm still able to do anything with all those amd64 packages installed running an intel dual core... :)22:13
savvis00dominik log off and restart it, see what happens22:13
mikebotActySofts: OK, and now try running it?22:13
groutI have a gutsy desktop and gutsy server on the same network.  I can see the comp but I cant see any directories.  Do i have to setup samba or something?22:13
ActySoftsit'll be windowed, however22:13
dominiksavvis00: ok, i will back i few moments22:13
Phusiongrout: yes22:13
savvis00dominik ok waiting :)22:13
brobostigonubuntu is not always unstable, it depends on many factors, for some people its unstable for some people its very stable.22:13
Phusiongrout: sudo apt-get install samba or just search samba in synaptic22:13
Mazonanyone know how to install ubuntu without the mono dependencies ?22:14
ActySoftsIf I try to use any piece of software to change the volume or mute/unmute any channels, I can't, because the volume is locked at 100% for everything ad PCM is muted (and locked), thus I have no sound (http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/48936/); I'm using Gutsy22:14
groutphusion: i have to setup a custom config file right?22:14
Phusiongrout: yeah, I think there's a trigger for that22:14
Phusion!samba | grout22:14
ubotugrout: samba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT22:14
brophatare most wireless nics supported?22:14
Flare183!samba > grout22:14
=== genii is now known as supercalifragili
Phusiongod, I love pipes :)22:14
rhalffbrobostigon: no it's very stable, I just replaced my motherboard and cpu, and the old one was an amd system, with an amd64 ubuntu, or shouldn't that matter ? :)22:14
=== supercalifragili is now known as genii
rhalffnow it's an intel22:14
Flare183well i was told not to use the "|" but to use the ">"s22:15
PhusionI'd imagine the 64 arch is similar enough22:15
Phusionwell the >'s didn't work for me.22:15
=== Snuxoll is now known as S
ActySofts">"'s pm the user22:15
rhalffPhusion: ah22:15
mikebotActySofts: Perfect, thanks!22:15
ActySoftsmikebot: no problem22:15
brobostigonrhalff: he different platforms do have differences, but in my experinece they are fairly the same.22:15
Flare183!spam > dORSY22:16
ricanelite757does Ubuntu 7.10 Gusty have Bittorrent?22:16
dORSYi did want to paste it elsewhere...22:17
Phusionricanelite757: yes22:17
pike_ricanelite757: there are several torrent apps available many many22:17
ActySoftsyes, though the client is kinda old, I recommend azureus or beluge22:17
brobostigonricanelite757: it does, yes22:17
savvis00ricanelite757 yeah, you have bittorrent, deluge-torrent, azureus, etc.22:17
dominiksavvis00: still the same22:17
Cpudan80ricanelite757: Yes it does - but the built in client isnt great22:17
ActySoftsyou guys re really fast LOL22:17
ricanelite757what is a good bittorrent?22:17
ricanelite757for real22:17
dORSYtransmission is cool too22:17
LinuxrookieHow do I remove borders from my windows in gnome?22:17
ActySoftsdeluge, azureus, utorrent (on wine)22:17
the_greeter_!hi kafar22:17
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about hi kafar - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi22:18
the_greeter_!hi > kafar22:18
ActySofts!hi > kafar22:18
ricanelite757that why i love coming here to the chat22:18
Phusionricanelite757: I started using qtorrent recently, its cool, kinda like utorrent22:18
pike_ricanelite757: deluge or ktorrent or transmission or utorrent+wine are my picks or rtorrent if you dont want a gui22:18
brobostigongood night22:18
kafaris enybody there :P22:18
Phusionmaybe it was gtorrent22:18
ActySoftswe need a !bye22:18
Phusionyeah, gtorrent, its a gnome torrent client22:18
filo86web pages load very slowly (better: slowly as hell)22:18
Linuxrookiericanelite757:Limewire has a linux version available22:18
savvis00dominik hm.. did you just install ubuntu? have you updated it yet?22:19
=== danub1 is now known as usdy
=== usdy is now known as danub1
Phusionmy eyelid is twitching22:19
dominiksavvis00: fresh update and few restarts22:19
bugmanx2000i'm running ubuntu 6.06 and having a bit of trouble getting sound to work.  i highly suspect flash on firefox is using the sound device but i cannot close firefox because other users are on the machine.  is there a way i find out what processes are using the sound device?22:19
ActySoftsfilo86: browser, ubuntu version ?22:19
filo86that is my general linux problem22:19
filo86firefox ubuntu f-f22:19
pike_!ipv6 | filo8622:20
ubotufilo86: To disable ipv6 read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv422:20
pike_filo86: also cat /etc/resolv.conf and make sure only 1 nameserver is present22:20
ConstyXIVwhat is vbetool and why is it using half my CPU?22:20
Phusionbugmanx2000: you can kill the firefox process22:20
kafarare here pepole from poland22:20
LinuxrookieDoes anyone know if it is possible to remove borders and frames from windows on the gnome desktop?22:20
ubotuMozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl22:20
PhusionConstyXIV: it seems its a video app of some kind22:20
dominikyes kafar22:20
savvis00dominik you could report a bug at http://bugs.ubuntu.com - it could help clear out the problem, just explain what were you doing the last time when you first saw this happening22:20
PhusionConstyXIV: vbetool uses lrmi in order to run code from the video BIOS. Currently, it is able to alter DPMS states, save/restore video card state and attempt to initialize the video card from scratch.22:21
pike_Linuxrookie: kill the window manager :)22:21
dominiksavvis00: thanks for help :)22:21
kafarfrom wahta town22:21
dominikkafar: Tczew22:21
PhusionConstyXIV: does it eat up your CPU on every boot?22:21
savvis00dominik and add it in the sessions, maybe it will help you temporarily :)22:21
dominikkafar: a Ty?22:21
Linuxrookiepike_: ? Kill the window manager? won't that shutdown the system?22:21
PhusionConstyXIV: also, google = good.22:21
PriceChild!offtopic | kafar dominik22:21
ubotukafar dominik: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!22:21
kafarwąłsnie sie bawie:)22:21
dominiksavvis00: ok i will22:21
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)22:22
ConstyXIVi just noticed it now since my fan was going into overdrive for no good reason22:22
al1_Hi, I've set up /etc/network/interfaces to have wifi in WPA2 but when I boot the interface is not set up. I have to /etc/init.d/network restart to get it.22:22
dominikkafar: chodz na priv22:22
crush_groove does sysmontools have a gui or is it term based?22:23
jorgpI am using ubuntu 7.10 and nvidia driver, but it seems with a fresh boot, windows dont seem to appear normal, no toolbar at the top of windows, when I open a terminal it has no toolbar or menu at the top and does not seem to do anything other then open a single white window22:23
dominikjorgp: i have the same, but i see only wallpaper :)22:24
jorgpdominik: I see the wallpaper also22:25
ActySoftsIf I try to use any piece of software to change the volume or mute/unmute any channels, I can't, because the volume is locked at 100% for everything ad PCM is muted (and locked), thus I have no sound (http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/48936/); I'm using Gutsy22:25
dominikjorgp: only ;)22:25
backgenhello can someone help me i'm trying to install Ubuntu onto a partition that i created with Gparted but when i go into the installer it doesn't recognize it22:25
jorgpdominik: no22:25
savvis00jorgp you have a problem with your compiz22:25
jorgpsavvis00: suggested fixes?22:26
dominikjorgp: did You install gibbon then updates and then compiz and xgl??22:26
jorgpI just install gibbon then updates, I never told it to install compiz or xgl22:26
EtheraelHey guys, quick question, apache2 doesn't seem to want to install on a base gutsy install, apt-get install apache2 returns  dependencies for libapr1 libaprutil1 libpq5 and apache2.2-common but none of these packages are installable.22:26
savvis00jorgp: well.. disable the desktop effects from the System > Preferences > appearance for now22:26
EtheraelI googled but could find nothing about this.22:27
Etheraeland I haven't seen it before.22:27
Etheraelonly weird thing about the setup is it's on a virtualbox.22:27
crdlbdominik: he clearly don't have Xgl22:27
crdlbif he did, he wouldn't have that bug :)22:27
jorgpno I have nvidia22:28
crdlbjorgp: if you want to use compiz, join #compiz-fusion and I'll give you a command to fix that bug22:28
backgendoes anyone know how to create a partition with Gparted that the Live CD installer will recognize?22:28
crdlbhe clearly doesn't*22:28
crush_groovejorgp compiz is installed with gutsy22:28
* crdlb kills self22:28
* crush_groove sends morgue for crdlb 22:28
kafarhave you got any drivers for d-link dwl 510 ++22:28
eythianDoes the kernel update break grub? I no longer have a /boot/grub directory, and I'm pretty sure it was there previously22:28
the_greeter_!ping > crdlb22:28
ActySoftsok guys & gals, I'll come tomorrow (well...today over here) to try to find a way to fix my alsa problem22:28
jorgpcrush_groove: yes I see that22:28
ActySoftsgood night22:28
jorgpcrdlb: ok22:29
pike_eythian: thats kinda important22:29
savvis00eythian: try this: sudo update-grub22:29
eythianpike_: I know. That's why I'm kinda concerned22:29
eythiansavvis00: it fails as I have no /boot/grub...22:30
dominikcrdlb: ok22:30
savvis00eythian: mkdir /boot/grub :P22:30
=== Alcolol` is now known as Alcolol
tonnyjahi to all))22:30
savvis00don't forget the sudo :)22:30
the_greeter_!hi > tonnyja22:30
eythiansavvis00: hmm. First, seeing if I had a /boot partition on this machine that has failed to mount or something22:31
eythianbecause /boot only contains the latest kernel22:31
Etheraelnoone knows why apache2 won't install on a basic gutsy?22:31
tonnyjaLOL... I'm a lammer in Ubuntu..)))22:31
backgenanybody know about installing Ubuntu from live CD onto partition created by Gparted?22:31
LinuxrookieSorry for the interruption, I am having problems removing programs from ubuntu. Can nyone help me out?22:31
PriceChildEtherael, pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list please22:31
Phusionbackgen: should just be able to select the partition you made22:31
Flare183Linuxrookie: yes22:31
PhusionLinuxrookie: there are a lot of apps that are tied into ubuntu-base and gnome-core that you can't remove22:32
tonnyjaа по-русски тут кто-то щпрехает?))22:32
corpse__да но нельзя22:32
magnetron!ru > tonnyja22:32
tonnyjaрускояза чего?22:32
corpse__english only22:32
tonnyjaа почему?22:32
savvis00tonnyja #ubuntu-rs22:32
corpse__russian fpesdu22:32
PriceChildsavvis00, ru22:32
EtheraelPriceChild: http://www.pastebin.org/1222522:32
savvis00#ubuntu-ru :)22:33
LinuxrookieFlare183: I try using dpkg --remove whatever and every time I get this--> Errors were encountered while processing: fluxbuntu-default-settings, then it says Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)22:33
tonnyjaувидел маты, значит есть свои))22:33
backgenphusion: well when i select it, and click "forward" it says that "No root file system is define"22:33
backgenphusion: and it wont let me proceed22:33
Phusionbackgen: you need to define the root partition :) you need to put a / in the mount point22:33
Flare183Linuxrookie: try sudo apt-get remove (app name)22:33
tonnyjaесть кто с киева?22:34
Phusionbackgen: / is the root partition, so you need to edit it w/ the livecd22:34
savvis00eythian: you can check your mounted partitions by typing: sudo mount22:34
Phusiontonnyja: ENGLISH only please22:34
LinuxrookieFLare183 same error and all I tried to remove that time was Galeon22:34
tonnyjaфак ю)22:34
eythiansavvis00: I know :)22:34
backgenPhusion: ok so how do i do that?22:34
savvis00ah alrighty then!22:34
Phusionbackgen: in the installer, you can select manual partition editing, for the "Mount Point" field, type in a  /22:34
PriceChildEtherael, remove the "#" from line 5.22:34
PriceChildEtherael, you will need to use "sudo" or "gksudo" to edit the file.22:35
PriceChildEtherael, once done, sudo apt-get update22:35
backgenPhusion: ok so just a "/" and nothing else?22:35
Phusionunder mount point, yes22:35
Phusionits pretty straight forward22:35
EtheraelPriceChild: I assume you mean line 6 cause line 5 is just a comment? done and processing.22:36
backgenPhusion: alrighty then, let me give it a whirl...now i have another partition that's NTFS and that has my windows on it...none of this should affect it right?22:36
tonnyjasuwestvuet li analog windows Punto Switcher v Linux?22:36
alecwhHow do I upgrade Firefox to the Firefox 3 Beta 2 in Ubuntu?22:36
Linuxrookiehow do I mount my win partition?22:36
Phusionbackgen: as long as you select manual partition editing, and you don't edit your NTFS partitions, you're fine22:36
anthonyCan anyone help me with a display problem?22:36
EtheraelPriceChild: You're a champion, it appears to have fixed the problem, thanks very much. :)22:36
savvis00Linuxrookie www.ubuntuguide.org22:36
Flare183Linuxrookie: then try sudo apt-get --force-yes remove (app-name)22:36
LinuxrookiesavvisOO thanks22:36
backgenPhusion: ok i just got a warning saying this: File system doesn't have expected sizes for Windows to like it. Cluster size is 2k (1k expected); number of clusters is 24026 (47959 expected); size of FATs is 94 sectors (188 expected).....will this do any damage to my computer?22:37
|adrian|what do i nead to play tv streams in mozilla22:37
|adrian|what plugin22:37
savvis00Linuxrookie n/p :) it has a lot of answered questions there22:37
Phusionholy hell22:37
Phusionbackgen: what's telling you that?22:37
EtheraelDoes anybody know if there is a seperate package for mod_rewrite module in apache or if that's included in the base apache install?22:37
LinuxrookieFlare183: Still nothing22:37
PriceChildEtherael, no problem, have fun.22:37
KeoxyHow do i change the visual effects of ubuntu 7.10? I have set it to extra, but is it possible to change the effects of 'extra'? (like the control panel of compiz-fusion)22:37
backgenPhusion: eek! the Ubuntu installer22:37
|adrian|i have installed ubuntu minimal first and then apt-get update kdebase xserver-xorg  sa iti minimal22:37
PriceChildEtherael, I can answer this one too ;)22:37
Phusionbackgen: yikes, well, I don't want to be responsible for any lost data, not sure how you should procede22:38
kbrosnanalecwh: the recommended way is to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion22:38
EtheraelPriceChild: Eeexcellent.. :)22:38
backgenDoes anyone else know how File system doesn't have expected sizes for Windows to like it. Cluster size is 2k (1k expected); number of clusters is 24026 (47959 expected); size of FATs is 94 sectors (188 expected). will affect my computer?22:38
Jack_SparrowPhusion: I would suggest backing out of that partitioning asap22:38
cyrano_keoxy: you have to install compizconfig-settings-manager22:38
PriceChildEtherael, $ apt-file search mod_rewrite.so, returns "apache2.2-common: usr/lib/apache2/modules/mod_rewrite.so"22:38
Flare183i'm back22:39
=== CAP2559 is now known as OncrAckz
PriceChildEtherael, that means that it is in the apache2.2-common package22:39
cyrano_then you will get a custom menu in apearances22:39
mrdinkleslooking for a music filesharing or an equivalent to Sharazaa for linux 7.1022:39
LinuxrookieFLare183: Tried what you said with the --force, I got the same result as before.22:39
backgenjack_sparrow: theres nothing on that partition though, i created out of free space from my NTFS partition with Windows on it22:39
Keoxyhow to login as root?22:39
EtheraelPriceChild: Which as I recall from the dependency problems with apache2, is included, soo, already there, awesome, thanks :)22:39
Keoxyi cant use apt-get22:39
jrib!root > keoxy (read the private message from ubotu)22:39
crush_groovemrdinkles,  limewire22:39
PriceChild!piracy | mrdinkles22:39
savvis00Keoxy: sudo command22:39
Jack_Sparrowbackgen: I would bail out and not write anything.. something is wrong...22:39
ubotumrdinkles: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o22:39
timbouncebackmrdinkles, try frostwire22:39
savvis00Keoxy: or sudo -s22:40
* crush_groove hides in the shadows22:40
Keoxyi ment that, thanks22:40
backgenJack_sparrow: ok thanks...could it have to do with the format of the partition? I made it ext322:40
Flare183Linuxrookie: if needed then try removing it manually22:40
Phusionmrdinkles: frostwire = open source limewire22:40
anthonyCan anyone help me with a problem booting into ubuntu?22:40
Phusionjust ask question, not if you can ask a question anthony22:40
Flare183!p2p > mrdinkles22:40
Jack_Sparrowbackgen: That should not be an issue...  I just came in... not sure where you are at.. but that is not a good error22:40
Flare183!ask > anthony22:41
LinuxrookieFlare183: Thanks for the help, really don't understand what is going on with this thing. I'll get it figured out though...LOL!22:41
PhusionJack_Sparrow: yeah, I dont wanna fudge this guy's disk22:41
Jack_Sparrowbackgen: I would back out of the partitioner..   the from terminal   sudo fdisk -l22:41
* Flare183 says I love the bot22:41
steel_lady_please help I am really desperate, I can not connect to my wifi. everythong works in win but not in ubuntu!!!22:41
Flare183Linuxrookie: ok22:41
* youve been disconnected from the server. Please quit your client and reconnect.22:41
PhusionJack_Sparrow: seems like it had issues with detecting his ntfs/fat partitions22:41
Jack_SparrowPhusion: not a problem...   best to be safe22:41
backgenJack_Sparrow: ok well basically, i'm trying to install Ubuntu onto a partition i created from free space from my NTFS partition with Windows on it22:41
mrdinklessorry guys =/22:41
Phusionyouve: not funny22:41
mrdinklesfor those that gave options-- Thanks22:41
Flare183!spam > youve22:41
youveim just seeing if it works22:41
youvebash says so22:41
PhusionI got banned for less22:41
ikoniaPhusion: thats uncalled for22:42
anthonyI can't get ubuntu to display-- brand new install v.7.10. It shows boot logo, but then right after it's finished loading it goes to what I can only describe as random RGB garbage all over my screen. Anyone know what thats all about?22:42
ikoniaPhusion: don't call people names22:42
Jack_Sparrowbackgen: I just thought you should back out... and see what fdisk shows for your partitions.22:42
Phusionalright, thats fine with me, but he just tried to cause grief for no reason22:42
savvis00steel_lady_ blame the manufacturer of your wifi for not providing drivers for gnu/linux :)22:42
Phusiontried to trick people into parting.22:42
ikoniaPhusion: two wrongs don't make a right22:42
helluvaCSMajorwhat is a good tutorial to guide me through installing wine in ubuntu 7.04 feisty fawn? i am a somewhat new linux user, thanks22:42
PriceChildPhusion, who/where?22:42
PhusionhelluvaCSMajor: it's quite simple, sudo apt-get install wine22:42
PhusionPriceChild: youve22:43
ikonia!wine > helluvaCSMajor22:43
PhusionPriceChild: * youve been disconnected from the server. Please quit your client and reconnect.22:43
Jack_SparrowPriceChild: youve22:43
backgenJack_Sparrow: ok so, should i close the installer, and type that into Terminal?22:43
helluvaCSMajorthere isnt a lot of configuration required?22:43
Flare183thank you22:43
PriceChildPhusion, got it. Lets please not call people jerks, just call !ops if something like that happens.22:43
anthonyI assume it's a display issue, probably somthing to do with drivers? I've got a a Nvidia GeForce 6800 XT?22:43
* Phusion claps22:43
steel_lady_savvis00, it doesn't have anything to do wit drivers. to connect to wifi, you don't have to know enything about the emitting device22:43
savvis00anthony during the installation it was ok?22:43
Phusiongot it.22:43
Jack_Sparrowbackgen: yes22:43
adamhi all, any thoughts on this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=64510622:43
ikoniahelluvaCSMajor: depends on your setup, read the link ubotu sent you22:43
PhusionhelluvaCSMajor: no22:43
Jack_Sparrowbackgen: You can always go back in but trying to fix it would be far harder to do22:43
Phusion!wine | helluvaCSMajor22:44
ubotuhelluvaCSMajor: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.22:44
anthonysavvis00: yes, the installation worked fine in text only mode22:44
PhusionI got it working helluvaCSMajor, it can't be too hard.22:44
backgenJack_Sparrow: ok so what do i type in Terminal exactly?22:44
anthonysavvis00: If its worth knowing, It's actually ubuntu studio-- but no one on that channel seemed to be interested in helping me out.22:44
Fracturehey i just installed compiz-fusion but when i go system > preferences > CompizConfig SEttings Manager and click it nothing happens22:44
helluvaCSMajorok, thanks, it is just, i could never get it working last time i tried with kubuntu 6.something, ill try it now with ubuntu 7.0422:45
Jack_Sparrowbackgen: sudo fdisk -l                      last character is L22:45
savvis00anthony did you use the desktop or the alternate iso cd?22:45
timbouncebackFracture - try running it from the command line22:45
|adrian|how can i install just one aplications from backports ... apt-get -b ???22:45
backgenJack_Sparrow: ok it just gave me a whole bunch of information...what should i be looking for?22:45
crush_grooveFracture, yes22:46
timbouncebackFracture: i think so22:46
luis_hello all, I have a problem with my ubuntu being zoomed in, check it out...22:46
Jack_Sparrowbackgen: If you want to have a copy on your desktop for reference.. copy and shift paste this into terminal    sudo fdisk -l > ~/Desktop/Partition.Layout.$(date +%m-%d-%Y-%T).txt22:46
Bjor1Anyone here who got experience installing ORacle on ubuntu 7.10, I got it installed but I have no clue how to start it at all. I would love to know how to actualy to start the DB so I can connect to it22:46
anthonysavvis00: UbuntuStudio alternate CD I believe...22:46
Fracturenothing happens22:46
mrdinklestimbounceback: You know the terminal code for get the Frost**** =)22:46
jrib|adrian|: download the deb and double-click on it22:46
Jack_Sparrowbackgen: It should show your drive information etc.. you can paste it into the pastebin and give us the link if you are unsure of anything22:46
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)22:46
FractureAttributeError: 'compizconfig.Plugin' object has no attribute 'Initialized'22:46
savvis00anthony well.. i can help you get to the command line if it's any help, just press ctrl-alt-f1 for the console screen and ctrl-alt-f7 for the desktop manager22:46
luis_IDK what caused Ubuntu to come out this way, every time I log into Ubuntu it comes out like this http://i38.photobucket.com/albums/e150/blindsidedude/werwtf.png22:46
luis_anyone know how to fix this?22:46
crush_grooveFracture,  compiz --replace ccp22:47
backgenJack_Sparrow: Disk /dev/sda: 120.0 GB, 120034123776 bytes22:47
backgen255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 14593 cylinders22:47
backgenUnits = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes22:47
backgenDisk identifier: 0xe686f01622:47
backgen   Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System22:47
backgen/dev/sda1               1           6       48163+  de  Dell Utility22:47
timbouncebackMrdinkles - see here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=30533722:47
backgen/dev/sda2               7        9371    75224362+   7  HPFS/NTFS22:47
backgen/dev/sda3   *        9372       14593    41945715    b  W95 FAT3222:47
ikonia!pastebin > backgen22:47
Flare183!paste > backgen22:47
Jack_Sparrowbackgen: bad boy....22:47
anthonysavvis00: That's probably a good start, but I really don't know what to do from there to get it to display properly.22:47
Fracturestill nothing22:47
anthonysavvis00: is there any way for me to be able to check the status of my drivers? or update them?22:48
crush_groovehave you done metacity ?22:48
Jack_Sparrowbackgen: Your boot is sda3   a fat32?22:48
diago1ok, I don't know if I can clearly ask this22:48
crush_grooveFracture, metacity --replace22:48
Fracturenow i have no windowborders22:48
Fractureand cant type22:48
savvis00anthony graphics drivers?22:48
diago1in firefox, say.. when I go to save something22:48
crush_grooverestart x\22:48
timbouncebackMrdinkles, this might actually be easier... https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FrostWire22:48
Flare183Fracture: rum gtk-window-decorator --replace22:49
=== io_ is now known as meccanico
diago1it brings up a dialog box... what is *that* made by? it's not firefox dependent22:49
ShizuoI am here to troll22:49
anthonysavvis00: yeah. thats what I'm guessing it is. I have a Nvidia GeForce 6800 XT card22:49
anthonyand it doesn't seem to like it.22:49
diago1and my secondary question is can I use something else, or tweak it? because I really really hate it.22:49
crdlbFracture: you have trevinho's repo installed. You need to fix that22:49
LjL-TempShizuo: it's nice of you to tell us in advance22:49
savvis00anthony try: sudo apt-get update22:49
backgenJack_sparrow: ok here's the link: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/48939/22:49
savvis00anthony then: sudo apt-get upgrade22:49
crdlbFracture: join #compiz-fusion22:49
backgensorry about earlier22:49
ShizuoLjL-Temp: Agreed22:49
fwaokdasomeone have a tutorial here on how to get the latest ubuntu onto a 1gb flash drive?22:50
fwaokdabtw i dont have any cds to burn the program too22:50
anthonysavvis00: will do-- I'll be back in a few minutes.22:50
savvis00ok anthony22:50
timbouncebackfwaokda: here http://www.pendrivelinux.com/2007/09/28/usb-ubuntu-710-gutsy-gibbon-install/22:50
luis_anyone know how to fix them problem of Ubuntu coming up zoomed in like this http://i38.photobucket.com/albums/e150/blindsidedude/werwtf.png   ?22:50
savvis00fwaokda i think you need more than 1 gb for ubuntu22:50
fwaokdaty timbounceback is that the latest?22:51
timbouncebackyep (7.10)22:51
carljoin #ubuntu-es22:51
fwaokdathanks alot :D22:51
ShizuoLjL-Temp: Are you here to troll too?22:51
SiLOXWhenever I try to look at a video - the colors looks really "washed out" too bright/light - hard to explain - but its not fun to watch anything on this computer anymore... Any ideas what could be the cause of this?22:51
luis_anyone know how to fix them problem of Ubuntu coming up zoomed in like this http://i38.photobucket.com/albums/e150/blindsidedude/werwtf.png   ?22:52
backgenok so here's the status of my partitions...http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/48939/....does that look good or bad?22:52
Jack_Sparrowbackgen: Would you mind pulling the livecd and trying to boot your windows install....   then you can run live and report back... I want to err on the side of safety and make sure we dont compuound the problem22:52
Flare183!repeat > luis_22:52
LjL-TempShizuo: no, i don't feel like trolling today. perhaps you could troll in #ubuntu-offtopic instead?22:52
luis_anyone know how to fix them problem of Ubuntu coming up zoomed in like this http://i38.photobucket.com/albums/e150/blindsidedude/werwtf.png   ?22:52
EruditeHermithi, is this patch already in a gutsy package? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.22/+bug/15396322:52
mneptokbackgen: what are you trying to do?22:52
sfielderHey I'm having a display problem and I need help22:52
Bjor1Anyone here who got experience installing ORacle on ubuntu 7.10, I got it installed but I have no clue how to start it at all. I would love to know how to actualy to start the DB so I can connect to it22:52
backgenJack_sparrow: my windows install? Do you mean just to boot up windows to see if it works?22:52
EaglerayHi, I am having issues with hotplugging USB devices - udev sees them bring removed, but it can't see them being plugged in. The problem only occurs on a custom kernel, not on a debian stock kernel. Any ideas what might be wrong?22:52
ShizuoLjL-Temp: That (joining the appropriate channel) would not be compatible with trolling22:52
luis_sfielder, does Ubuntu show up super zoomed in?22:53
Phusionbackgen: looks like you have NTFS and FAT32 partitions, with a restore partition by dell22:53
ikoniaBjor1: thats nothing to do with ubuntu, join #oracle, but I doubt you'll get much help22:53
PriceChild!offtopic | LjL-Temp Shizuo22:53
ubotuLjL-Temp Shizuo: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!22:53
Jack_Sparrowbackgen: yes... and fyi you can trust mneptok too22:53
backgenPhusion: yeah and i want to install Ubuntu in the FAT32 partition22:53
simion314hi, i have a laptop and i have this trouble with the touchpad, i want to move it on a document but it scrools that document,  i do not know what i am idoing to make this happen or if i can stop this feature in Gnome, can you HELP me?22:53
Phusionbackgen: you mean you want to delete it and install linux there?22:53
jorgpbackgen: why?22:53
ikoniabackgen: thats not advisable.22:53
Flare183backgen: not really a good idea you should format the partition22:53
nickrud!synaptics | simion31422:54
ubotusimion314: For a comprehensive Synaptics Touchpad guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad22:54
mneptokbackgen: are you trying to create a dual-boot machine?22:54
Phusionhe just doesn't know what he's asking22:54
ShizuoLjL-Temp: Why is there a greeter (ubotu) flooding me?22:54
ikoniabackgen: use linux native file systems.22:54
backgenmneptok: just trying to install Ubuntu onto the FAT32 parition but when i did i got a horrible warning message22:54
backgenmneptok: yep22:54
ikoniaBjor1: yes ?22:54
Phusionbackgen: you dont install to the fat partition, you install an ext3 partition in its place for linux22:54
LjL-TempShizuo: it's not flooding you, it's telling what what this channel is for.22:54
sfielderno mine is completely separate see http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=64291322:54
Bjor1I just came from there, and thats all suse/redhat oriented help so they said come here22:54
luis_so no one knows how to fix the problem of Ubuntu coming up zoomed in like this http://i38.photobucket.com/albums/e150/blindsidedude/werwtf.png   ?22:54
Jack_Sparrowmneptok: I came in late and he was trying to change partitons and got a bunch of errors so I took over and had him back out..  fdisk -l to see what his partitions looked like... and now asked him to boot his windows install to make sure it is still wiorking22:54
mneptokbackgen: you don't install Ubuntu to FAT32. you make free space and partition it22:54
magnetronShizuo: try reading the messages, it's not flooding you22:54
Bjor1Because its a ubuntu specefic problem -_-22:54
nickrudluis_, what kind of video card do you have22:54
backgenmneptok: i've done it before although sadly the partition was only 3GB, so i ran out of space and now i'm trying to redo it onto a much bigger one22:54
sfielderbasically my laptop is detecting a display that is not connected22:54
ikoniaBjor1: starting/managing oracle (Oracle isn't supported by either ubuntu or oracle on ubuntu" is not really anything to do with this channel22:54
Shizuomagnetron: It is greeting me like 4x a minute22:55
Jack_Sparrowmneptok: I think phusion was helping him when I saw the problem22:55
mneptokbackgen: first thing, as Jack_Sparrow said, is to make sure you can still boot Windows.22:55
luis_nickrud, IDK dude, is there anyway to check here in Ubuntu>22:55
Bjor1ikonia, okay22:55
ikoniaBjor1: testing basic dba commands is also not really anything to do with ubuntu, so it's a bit of a tough situation22:55
magnetronShizuo: what does it say?22:55
Jack_Sparrowmneptok: thanks22:55
Shizuomagnetron: That the_greeter_ is greeting me22:55
Phusionmneptok: he was in the ubuntu installer and got an error regarding his FAT or NTFS partition, I didn't want to continue and risk zorching the drive22:55
Bjor1Well, I'll do my dba stuff on windows then =/22:55
nickrudluis_, in a terminal, type  lspci | grep -i vga , that will kick out your video chip info22:55
In_Silicoman, I am about to smash my damn machine22:55
ikoniaBjor1: sounds good22:55
backgenmneptok: ok so i'll boot up windows and see if that still works, and if it does i should come back...delete my FAT32 partition and what then?22:56
SiLOXWhenever I try to look at a video - the colors looks really "washed out" too bright/light - hard to explain - but its not fun to watch anything on this computer anymore... Any ideas what could be the cause of this?22:56
somerville32Bjor1, Whats your problem?22:56
mneptokbackgen: boot Windows so that Jack_Sparrow can breathe again, then report back22:56
EaglerayIn_Silico: what's the problem?22:56
Flare183!language > In_Silico22:56
Jack_Sparrowmneptok: exactly22:56
Bjor1sommerville32, I installed Oracle on ubuntu everything went a okay But i want to use it now22:56
SpookyETIs there a  good photo management app for gnome? F-Spot is so damn slow and weird. gThumb isn't spectacular. Picasa on Linux sucks.22:56
Bjor1And I dont know how to start it22:56
In_Silicoanyone have any idea why I would have an icon on my desktop which I downloaded with lynx, and extracted there, with a red lock on it, that I can't delete no matter what?22:56
luis_it says I have a  Intel Corporation 82915G/GV/910GL Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 04)22:56
backgenmneptok: ok be right back, thanks for all the help so far guys22:56
PhusionSpookyET: Picasaa22:56
In_Silicocan't even delete with SU in terminal22:56
somerville32Bjor1, Please see #ubuntu-server22:56
Flare183SpookyET: use f-spot22:56
Jack_Sparrowbackgen: once back here with verified windows working we can walk you through it again22:56
FlibberdyHi all, I just installed XUbuntu via a PXE install, my laptop's wireless card doesn't show up as a network connection22:56
ShizuoThis channel is weird22:56
SpookyETFlare183: It's weird and slow.22:56
CountXShizuo: yeah it is...22:57
scguy318Flibberdy: what chipset is the card? see the !wireless docs22:57
Flibberdyit's an Intel 2200BG and should be supported out of the box22:57
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs22:57
luis_nickrud, it says I have a  Intel Corporation 82915G/GV/910GL Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 04)22:57
magnetronSpookyET: check in application > add/remove > graphics22:57
Flare183SpookyET: oh well22:57
In_SilicoFlibberdy, just use ndiswrapper22:57
In_Silicoif you have a disc22:57
nickrudluis_, ok, what does system->prefs->screen resolution say your max res is22:57
FlibberdyIn_Silico, intel's drivers are open source22:57
Jack_SparrowPhusion: Sorry if I stepped on your toes....  Nothing personal22:57
In_Silicogood stuff then22:57
Phusionno problemo22:57
SpookyETFlare183: there's nothing there22:57
PhusionJack_Sparrow: I'm not entirely sure what he wants to do anyway22:58
tonyyarussoFlibberdy: Is the radio turned on?22:58
luis_640 * 480 ......wtf?22:58
luis_it says 640* 48022:58
Shizuoluis_: It's 30720022:58
In_SilicoI still have phantom files I can't delete and it's driving me nuts22:58
=== Martinp24 is now known as Martinp23
Flare183In_Silico: force it with sudo22:58
luis_what do you mean it's 307200?22:58
Flare183In_Silico: I guess22:58
mrdinklestimbounceback: Aight thanks, ill have to dl it when i get home, servers at work wont let me access =/ but thanks anyhow22:58
Shizuoluis_: 640 * 48022:59
In_SilicoFlare, I tried22:59
In_Silicodoes nothing22:59
nickrudluis_, next, grep -i driver /etc/X11/xorg.conf , there will be several lines, don't paste them here :) do you see vesa or i810 or intel?22:59
luis_ohhh ok, well then it's that22:59
carlhow can I have rox as predetermitated navigator ?22:59
luis_lol, sorry, I'm a newbie.22:59
Jack_SparrowFlare183: It might be more prudent to identify the phantom files before forcing them from root22:59
Shizuocarl: I love you22:59
mrdinklesWhat does the term dpkg refer to and the term aptitude refer too?22:59
Flare183Jack_Sparrow: yeah that's what i was thinking22:59
In_Silicoit's a downloaded and unpacked Apache 2.0.50 archive22:59
luis_Still, before Ubuntu didn't show up zoomed in like it does now and it's driving me crazy22:59
Flibberdyscguy318, iwconfig doesn't even show a wlan connection..22:59
LjL!dpkg > mrdinkles    (mrdinkles, see the private message from Ubotu)22:59
LjL!aptitude > mrdinkles    (mrdinkles, see the private message from Ubotu)22:59
carlShizuo, it flies22:59
In_Silicoit's not system files22:59
Eagleray!dpkg > mrdinkles22:59
Jack_SparrowIn_Silico: what directory are they in?23:00
In_Silicoon the flippin' desktop23:00
In_Silicothat's why i'm confused23:00
ubotudpkg is the Debian package maintenance system, which together with apt forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit.23:00
Flare183In_Silico:  now that's weird23:00
luis_anyone know how to change the res. because my monitors res. should be at 1280 *102423:00
Jack_Sparrow!enter | luis_23:01
ubotuluis_: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!23:01
EaglerayIn_Silico: can you paste the exact command you are using to delete it with?23:01
Flare183In_Silico:  shouldn't they be in /srv or in /usr23:01
=== LEAVEMEALONE is now known as mustafa
Jack_Sparrow!res | luis_23:01
ubotuluis_: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto23:01
nickrudluis_, one step at a time, answer the question about your driver23:01
magnetron!fixres > luis_23:01
mneptokIn_Silico: what command are you using to delete this stuff?23:01
mustafawols_: hey i solved my problem by install nvidia's own driver ty for help23:01
AmbienNODim currently running fedora, i need to make a switch, cananyone give me a pros and cons for mandriva and ubuntu?23:01
bcardarellaI noticed that my system was running slow so I checked out the System Monitor. 'evolution-data-server-1.12' seems to be constantly consuming 30 - 45% of the CPU. What is it dong? Is this normal? How do I shut it off?23:01
In_Silicoyeah, no kidding. I used lynx to download the package, and it opened automatically with some package program, but there was some Gnome error and it wouldn't let me save anywhere but the root drive, so I saved a copy of the archive as to my home folder, and unpacked to the desktop - now it has a red lock and I can't even SU it away23:01
sfielderluis_: no mine is completely separate see http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=64291323:01
Flare183bcardarella: use sudo kill (program id)23:02
EaglerayIn_Silico: ok - can you paste the command you are using when you try to delete it please?23:02
Jack_SparrowAmbienNOD: Try #ubuntu-oftopic for discussion and opinions23:02
bcardarellaFlare183: I know how to kill the program... how is it running this way?23:02
In_Silicosure, lemme find it in the log23:02
nickrudsfielder, you're running the right chip, I only know that one academically. You wanna help luis get it up and running properly while waiting :)23:02
In_SilicoEagleray: sudo rm httpd-2.0.5023:03
Flare183bcardarella: i have no idea23:03
AmbienNODjack your movies suck23:03
mneptokIn_Silico: you'll want -r23:03
rencore_once i install emerald how can i switch between emerald and metacity23:03
mneptokIn_Silico: correct23:04
EaglerayIn_Silico: can you pastebin the result of `ls -l ~/Desktop` please?23:04
mneptokIn_Silico: requisiste when deleting directories23:04
crdlbrencore_: you mean emerald and gtk-window-decorator I think23:04
Flare183rencore_: run emerald --replace or metacity --replace23:04
NeymexaHi! Please, tell me, how can I start 2 programs at once from console?23:04
In_Silicooh man, you guys rock...still learning all the flags23:04
KernelNeymexa: command1;command2;command323:04
kane77Neymexa, program1; program223:04
undeclaredxHey, I was just wondering -- is it me or did the Live DVD just go away? I don't see one for 7.1023:04
In_SilicoI don't know why that didn't show up in any of the docs I found online23:04
rencore_Flannel, do u know how to stop emerald from starting on login?23:04
crdlbrencore_: emerald is just a decorator for compiz (as is gtk-window-decorator), metacity is an entirely different window manager23:04
mneptokundeclaredx: there's only ever been 1 DVD image23:05
Phusionundeclaredx: I think they only have torrents of the DVDs23:05
Neymexa Kernel, kane77: Thanks a lot!23:05
EaglerayIn_Silico: you may want -f as well, depending on how many files are in that dir - otherwise you'll be confiming it all day23:05
Jack_Sparrow!download | undeclaredx23:05
ubotuundeclaredx: Ubuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://nl.releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Archive - PLEASE use the !torrents to download Gutsy, and help keeping the servers' load low!23:05
undeclaredxmneptok: which ver is that?23:05
Kernelnp :-)23:05
In_Silicoit didn't ask once Eagleray, but thanks23:05
undeclaredxI just wouldn't wanna waste a DVD on a CD ver, if at all possible, heh.23:05
rencore_crdlb, gtk-window-decorator uses metacity doesnt it23:05
undeclaredxPhusion: I'll check torrents, thanks23:05
Phusionundeclaredx: yeah, np23:05
undeclaredxI liked the Live DVD for 6.10 I believe was the ver23:05
crdlbrencore_: it uses metacity's theme yes23:05
PhusionI'm gunna boot into ubuntu, brb23:05
In_Siliconow I get to figure out how to get Apache running - I tried to use apt-get(aptitude) but I couldn't find any of the necessary conf files or directories23:06
magnetronJack_Sparrow: try to use !factoid > person  please23:06
EaglerayHi, I am having issues with hotplugging USB devices - udev sees them bring removed, but it can't see them being plugged in. The problem only occurs on a custom kernel, not on a debian stock kernel. Any ideas what the problem could be?23:06
crdlbrencore_: but it's completely independent of metacity23:06
crdlbit emulates it essentially23:06
mneptokundeclaredx: the DVD contains install candidates for desktop/alternate/server etc23:06
Jack_Sparrowmagnetron: I hit the bang out of habit.. sorry23:06
undeclaredxmneptok: All the better -- I'm thinking about going server, but desktop for now23:06
psycho666hello world23:07
EaglerayIn_Silico: why are you installing apache from a downloaded package anyway? Installing apache2 via apt/synaptic/adept etc is usually a better approach23:07
undeclaredxSide computer I want to use as a server23:07
kane77so, I want to buy wireless mouse/keyboard, but how does it work under linux? (they all say 100%Windows compatible, but none of them says anything about linux)23:07
undeclaredxkane77: I would think it's the same for linux23:07
EaglerayIn_Silico: config files usually live in /etc/apache223:07
mneptokundeclaredx: the DVD is all any Ubuntu user needs. well, that and food. maybe underpants.23:07
skarjokoI installed another linux OS on my sda7 partition, but decided not to install grub, as I don't want to override ubuntu's grub. However, I don't know how to add it to my menu.lst file, so that I can boot. Can anyone help me?23:07
undeclaredxalthough I've only ever used 2 wireless keyboards, but both worked in ubuntu23:07
undeclaredxmneptok: food and underpants... sounds like they're seriously catering to the average user23:07
High_YieldHi all - what room should I go into for a Samba issue ?  I'm a IRC noob...23:08
Eaglerayskarjoko: sure23:08
rencore_is emerald even good?23:08
mneptokundeclaredx: thanks for the "and" rather than "is" ;)23:08
In_SilicoI found them thanks to some help from #apache23:08
In_Silicoit was all whackjobed out23:08
Eaglerayskarjoko: you will need to add a line for title, kernel, root, and possibly ramdisk23:08
kane77High_Yield, I'd say #samba, or you can ask here...23:08
undeclaredxkane77: actually my microsoft wireless keyboard was recognized before I was even in any GUI, which seriously surprised me..23:09
backgenok guys...now i'm freaking out...i tried to reboot into Windows, and it says Grubb loading 1.5...then something like Loading failed: Error 2223:09
High_Yieldheh - thanks - #samba is logical but I'll ask here23:09
skarjokoEagleray, That's what i'm having trouble with. I'm not sure exactly what to put for the root line.23:09
Eaglerayskarjoko: take a look at the lines for your existing linux install - you can copy them verbatim and then edit the lines if it makes life easier23:09
Eaglerayskarjoko: "root (hd0,6)" is probably correct for sda723:09
High_YieldI can connect fine to my Qnap NAS but wierd things happen after that - will list in order...23:09
backgenand at first i thought it was because i had switched the boot flags from my NTFS (windows) partition to my FAT32 partition (which has no OS on it), so i switched the flags back...but i got the same error23:09
kane77undeclaredx, well I was thinking about that... does it work when the computer is booting up (bios and stuff)?23:09
skarjokoEagleray, Ah, I see. And the kernel line should be the same as ubuntu's?23:10
undeclaredxkane77: yup23:10
undeclaredxit has for me anyway23:10
Eaglerayskarjoko: no, the kernel line should match whatever kernel you have installed on the other OS23:10
Eaglerayskarjoko: it's just a filename23:10
Jack_Sparrowbackgen: ok.. it is fixable so take a breath23:10
errpast1When I run route command, it only returns 1 line23:10
backgenjack_sparrow: oh thank goodness!! phew23:10
errpast1I can't ping anything except localhost23:10
High_Yield1) I navigate to a NAS folder and open a file with a .txt extension and GEdit asks if I want to "View" or "Run" the file...23:10
undeclaredxkane77: but unlike in windows, I could actually see how much power it had and the hotkeys worked23:10
Jack_Sparrowbackgen: do you have a windows cd23:10
erat123does anyone know if there's an alternative to microsoft's exchange server in ubuntu?23:10
Eaglerayskarjoko: look in /boot to see what you should be pointing it at - the file you need will usually be called "vmlinuz-2.2.something"23:11
Jack_Sparrowbackgen: A boot floppy with fdisk /mbr on it would do as well23:11
backgenJack_Sparrow: I have the CD's that came with my Dell...and i think one of them is a Window's recovery one23:11
High_Yield2) I then choose View and it opens23:11
kane77undeclaredx, heh.. that kind of suprises me.. but then it should work anywhere (if it works under bios it doesn't need any drivers)...23:11
undeclaredxerat123: there's tons of mail servers?23:11
errpast1How do I mount a windows share?23:11
Eaglerayskarjoko: "vmlinuz-2.6.something" sorry23:11
undeclaredxkane77: I suppose, and hope so.23:11
skarjokoEagleray, Ahhh I see. Thanks, I'll get back to you in a sec.23:11
Jack_Sparrowbackgen: that wont do much good.23:11
Eaglerayskarjoko: good luck23:11
kane77undeclaredx, I'm buying some :)23:11
Jack_Sparrowbackgen: I hate my dell cd's...23:11
In_Silicoso, just out of curiosity how hard or wise would it be to enable nopasswd?23:11
erat123undeclaredx: i mean something that's been declared as the best alternative?23:11
backgenJack_Sparrow: oh crud...well i dislike dell as well...but what do i do now!23:11
High_Yield3) I edit the file and click save and I get an error that the file does not exist - which - for some reason it does not - GEdit has deleted my file. AHHHHHH23:11
Jack_Sparrowbackgen: can you access your email account from live ?23:12
backgenJack_Sparrow: does this mean that ALL the stuff i had on my Windows is now gone?23:12
undeclaredxerrpast1: first, figure out what your hard drive is called.. First of all, do you know what type of partition(s) your hard drive has?23:12
skarjokoEagleray, Oh wait, one more thing, in my kernel line currently (for the other OS), it says /vmlinuz26 root=/dev/hda3 ro. What should I do with the root part?23:12
backgenJack_Sparrow: yep i use gmail and i've done it before23:12
undeclaredxerrpast1: and is it the same hard drive, or another one23:12
Jack_Sparrowbackgen: it just means the mbr was overwritten23:12
errpast1undeclaredx, ext323:12
backgenJack_Sparrow: oh thank god...23:12
Eaglerayskarjoko: it should say root=/dev/hda7, assuming you have installed it on /dev/hda723:12
luis_success , my screen res. is now fixed, thanks to all that helped, greatly appreciate it!23:12
In_Silicobackgen: you should be able to boot if you burn a livecd or an alt cd and just choose "Boot from the First Hard Drive"23:12
undeclaredxerrpast1: so you have another hard drive, it's ext3?23:12
High_YieldSo - I've read that the "View or Run" issue is related to rights, but I'm the sole admin - I'm lost - any thoughts ?23:13
Eaglerayskarjoko: basically that bit tells the linux kernel where the root filesystem lives23:13
undeclaredxerrpast1: first thing to check -- look in /media23:13
Jack_Sparrowbackgen: Please give me your email in /j #Voyager  so I can send you an image of a dos floppy with fdisk23:13
undeclaredxit may be already mounted, which I forgot to say as the first step ;p23:13
skarjokoEagleray, Ah alright, thanks alot.23:13
sfielderanyone able to help with another display issue?23:13
CodenutOn my shell I just hit a ' and enter and I got a >23:13
Eaglerayskarjoko: before you reboot, does the file /vmlinuz26' exist?23:13
CodenutWhat is that?23:13
astro76High_Yield, it's because the files have the executable bit set, which is most likely because your NAS uses ntfs or fat3223:13
Eaglerayskarjoko: (on /dev/hda7)23:13
backgenIn_Silico: if i choose Boot from First Hard Drive it'll boot up my Windows? Jack_Sparrow is this basically what you were going to try with the floppy?23:13
astro76High_Yield, which don't support unix permissions23:13
errpast1undeclaredx, ok23:14
no_frickli i wana try the new ubuntu, but i am afraid that i have there frickl (stupid work) to get it running.23:14
undeclaredxerrpast1: is it there?23:14
High_YieldIt's a Qnap NAS using Linux and is ext223:14
errpast1I am trying to mount a shared drive23:14
Eaglerayskarjoko: that is a slightly weird location23:14
no_fricklis everything running out of the box there?23:14
Jack_Sparrowbackgen: YEs you can get into windows that way.. but we need to fix the mbr so you can start over23:14
errpast1undeclaredx, is what there?  No, not the windows drive23:14
errpast1I can ping the server with the share on it23:14
astro76High_Yield, ah right, but what is the network protocol, samba?23:14
In_Silicoanyone here used the no-ip DNAS service much?23:14
errpast1I think I need a SMB client23:14
High_Yieldyep - not NFS23:14
backgenJack_Sparrow: ok sounds good...but whats an mbr...and what do you mean start over??23:14
EaglerayIn_Silico: I used to use it - it's usually pretty good23:14
In_Silicobackgen, the MBR is the Master Boot Record23:14
skarjokoEagleray, Hmm, a file named vmlinuz26 does exist, i'll check if its /dev/hda7 right now.23:15
Jack_Sparrowbackgen: My fear is that if you try to do the install now that grub will not see the boot to windows correctly23:15
Jack_Sparrow!mbr > backgen23:15
In_SilicoEagleray, any idea where I configure it after installing from aptitude?23:15
no_fricklis everything in the newst version of ubuntu running out of the box? or m ust the user frickl to run it?23:15
undeclaredxerrpast1: if its a windows drive, it can't be ext3.. you're not explaining yourself very well.  Let me get this straight - you have a hard drive (or partition) that is NTFS/FAT32 (NTFS more likely), and it's on the same PC? Or another one?23:15
Jasnationwhat is the default install directory of programs?23:15
skarjokoEagleray, That's weird...my linux OS is located in /dev/disk.23:15
Jack_Sparrowbackgen: Start the install of Ubuntu over23:15
High_YieldThe scary thing is that is DELETED my file - my wife would FREAK if she knew this23:15
In_Silicolol @ no_frickl23:15
melkorI'm trying to get bluetooth on my laptop to work.  It says that it is enabled in the bios, but "hcitool dev" doesn't find anything23:15
EaglerayIn_Silico: where you configure the no-ip client? Not sure, when I used it it wasn't available as a package and needed compiling - this was a good few years back23:15
EaglerayIn_Silico: it's likely to be in /etc/no-ip* somewhere though23:16
In_Silicoit should run out of the box if you have common hardware and the latest distro23:16
atomkarincano_frickl: you can check whether your hardware will work or not here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport23:16
no_fricklIn_Silico: you never now..:)23:16
In_Silicok, thanks, I'll look around23:16
errpast1undeclaredx, hi.  I have a known working windows server at work, which I can "map network drive" if I'm on windows23:16
backgenJack_Sparrow: start the Ubuntu installer?23:16
EaglerayIn_Silico: when in boubd, look in /etc/ or /etc/default/ - that's where most config files for this kind of thing live23:16
errpast1I want to do the equivalent of "map network drive" from a linux box23:16
undeclaredxahhhhh gotcha23:16
errpast1Sorry, I was doing three things at once!23:16
undeclaredxI was under the impression you had another hard drive or partition you wanted to mount23:16
John_Rhad to reboot today for the ernel update. there goes my danged 170 day uptime23:16
In_Silicobackgen, I would load the installer disc, but don't install ubuntu - just choose 'Boot from the First Hard Drive' instead of install23:17
In_Silicoit should see any LiLo or GRUB loaders and give you a windows option23:17
Eaglerayskarjoko: can you pastebin the output of 'sudo fdisk -l /dev/hda' please?23:17
undeclaredxso you wanna do something like \\\C23:17
undeclaredxbut in ubuntu23:17
High_YieldBy the way - if you have an NVidia card - use the compiz addin and you will be AMAZED at the performance - best GUI I have ever seen X 1023:17
no_fricklatomkarinca: thx 4 the link23:17
atomkarincano problem23:17
In_SilicoHigh Yield, what compiz addin?23:17
errpast1with KDE I used to use lisa23:17
High_YieldI will find the link I used last night - hang on a sec23:18
skarjokoEagleray, Disk /dev/sda: 30.0 GB, 30005821440 bytes23:18
skarjoko255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 3648 cylinders23:18
skarjokoUnits = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes23:18
skarjokoDisk identifier: 0x1d2b1d2a23:18
skarjoko   Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System23:18
skarjoko/dev/sda1   *           1        3648    29302528+   5  Extended23:18
skarjoko/dev/sda5               1         255     2048224+  82  Linux swap / Solaris23:18
skarjoko/dev/sda6             256         892     5116671   83  Linux23:18
backgenuh oh23:18
skarjoko/dev/sda7             893        1529     5116671   83  Linux23:18
Eagleray!pastebin skarjoko23:18
skarjoko/dev/sda8            1530        3648    17020836    7  HPFS/NTFS23:18
errpast1I'll google it now23:18
undeclaredxerrpast1: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently23:18
In_SilicoEverytime I try to use compiz it kills my performance, and I've tried the Nvidia and NV drivers...23:18
backgenlast time i did that i got booted23:18
errpast1thanks.  Sorry for being lazy.  Long day!! ttys23:18
undeclaredxerrpast1: took roughly 1 minute of google23:18
MasterShrekbackgen: consider yourself lucky =P23:19
skarjokoEagleray, heh sorry, i'm pretty new to IRC...do I do !pastebin Eagleray and paste it?23:19
undeclaredxif you'd learn to become a google "master" you'd never have to ask a lot of questions23:19
Eaglerayskarjoko: go to http://pastebin.org/ and put it there23:19
nickrudproblem is, ya gotta know what questions to ask google23:19
Eaglerayskarjoko: then paste the url here23:19
slugonegoogle is goin way down hill23:19
skarjokoEagleray, ahhh, alright, one sec23:19
In_Siliconickrud: google ignores a lot of pronouns and articles anyway, just type in the keywords23:19
undeclaredxdoes ubuntu server open up ports initially? like ftp, sshd, etc?23:19
nickrudIn_Silico, I'm a google god :)23:20
SuperQnickrud: lol23:20
EaglerayHi, I am having issues with hotplugging USB devices - udev sees them bring removed, but it can't see them being plugged in. The problem only occurs on a custom kernel, not on a debian stock kernel. Any ideas what the problem could be?23:20
skarjokoEagleray, http://pastebin.org/1222823:20
Jasnationhow do I install shockwave player?23:20
High_YieldOK try this - my UI acts truly just like an IPhone - it as AMAZING: http://ubuntu-utah.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=580960&highlight=iphone&page=223:21
nickrudJasnation, adobe hasn't released shockwave for linux, you can only get flashplayer23:21
Eaglerayskarjoko: aah - this means your root line in menu.lst should be "root (hd0,3)" for starters23:21
In_Silicohow do I get a drive to automatically mount at startup if it is not currently doing so?23:21
High_YieldYou still there astro76 ?23:21
nickrud!flash | Jasnation23:21
ubotuJasnation: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash23:21
Eaglerayskarjoko: can you also mount /dev/sda7 someplace where you can examine the contents?23:21
Jasnationnickrud: I tried installing form here, but it didn't work- http://www.adobe.com/shockwave/download/alternates/23:22
EaglerayIn_Silico: add a line to /etc/fstab for it23:22
skarjokoEagleray, Ahh I see. I'll mount it now, one sec.23:22
undeclaredxIn_Silico: if I understand it correctly, see /etc/fstab23:22
Eagleray!fstab | In_Silico23:22
ubotuIn_Silico: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions23:22
In_Silicok, thanks23:22
High_YieldAstro76 - still there ?23:22
Jasnationnickrud: they have a linux version, but I wasn't sure what directory I should install it to23:22
John_Ranybody know how to get that annoying window to stop popping up in gmail-notify?23:22
In_SilicoDon't use Gmail notify?23:23
nickrudJasnation, see that link I gave you, it has instructions23:23
astro76High_Yield, yes?23:23
High_YieldMy name now shows as Billy23:23
SimNIXJohr: in lates Thunderbird = gmail acount support - with it no ned for notify ...23:23
undeclaredxJohn_R: haha, funny story.. this guy goes to europe on vacation, brings his iPhone, his iPhone checks his e-mail every 5 minutes for his whole trip.. he comes home, gets an $85,000 bill23:23
High_YieldWas High_Yield23:23
undeclaredxsimilar to "gmail notify"23:23
High_YieldAny more thoughts on the samba issue ?23:24
Phusionalright, so, I asked this the other day, in Gutsy they implemented a migration tool that copies your documents and pictures if you have a Windows install when installing ubuntu. it didn't find my documents folder on install, is there a way to run that program from within the OS?23:24
kitcheJasnation: well if you count flashplayer as shockwave but that url you posted doesn't have Linux version of shockwave23:24
Eaglerayundeclaredx: sadly that one was a true story too, and the iphone was doing automated checking23:24
astro76High_Yield, not sure what you mean by gedit is deleting the file23:24
In_Silicohow do I get permissions to modify var/www? do I have to login as root, or is there a root-permed file manager option?23:25
undeclaredxEagleray: I know man, its terrible23:25
John_Rundelcredx: that is hilarious23:25
skarjokoEagleray, Alright, its mounted.23:25
kitcheIn_Silico: www-data i believe is the group the user needs to be in23:25
undeclaredxEagleray: but seriously, they'd have to sue my ass to get the money23:25
EaglerayIn_Silico: gksu nautilus23:25
High_YieldI click "save" and I get an error saying I can;t save because it does not exist - and it doesn;t - GEdit has deleted my file23:25
PhusionIn_Silico: sudo before the command23:25
docgnomeIs there a way to set the Weather Report accessory in gnome to use a location other than the ones in the location list?23:25
Eaglerayskarjoko: where did you mount it?23:25
erat123In_Silico: or you can use chmod in bash23:25
In_Silicosweet, thanks eagleray23:25
skarjokoEagleray, /media/archlinux23:25
High_YieldI open - edit - then save - and GEdit deleted the file23:25
In_Silicochmod won't even let me modify directories with the -r option23:25
nickrudIn_Silico, you should use the terminal to work in that dir, but if you must, alt-f2 gksudo nautilus (and be extremely careful, running a gui as root is potentially catastrophic)23:25
Eaglerayskarjoko: does the file /media/archlinux/vmlinuz26 exist?23:25
jorgpis there an app that will look inside a torrent file and give you directory structure23:26
skarjokoEagleray, it exists in /media/archlinux/boot23:26
pontifcationooooo  arch23:26
High_YieldI need to move on soon - son waking up from nap23:26
kitcheskarjoko: are you asking for archlinux help in ubuntu?23:26
skarjokokitche, Not really, just help with the grub file.23:26
Eaglerayskarjoko: then your kernel line should read "/boot/vmlinuz26 root=/dev/sda7 ro" or something similar23:26
undeclaredxjorgp: im not sure about that, but most torrent programs can23:27
In_Silicohere's my dilemma, if I'm writing HTML in gedit and I want to save to var/www how do I give it perms?23:27
undeclaredxjust click cancel before it adds23:27
skarjokoEagleray, Ah, awesome. Thanks for your help!23:27
undeclaredxIn_Silico: sudo gedit?23:27
LjLIn_Silico: start gedit with gksudo23:27
High_YieldI'll try the #samba channel later - thanks for the time astro.  Note that it is a serious issue.23:27
Jack_SparrowIn_Silico: gksudo gedit23:27
In_Silicoheh, never thought of that23:27
LjL!gksudo | In_Silico, undeclaredx23:27
ubotuIn_Silico, undeclaredx: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)23:27
SyntaxError55pontifcation: If you're asking for help with Arch Linux, I checked, it's #archlinux23:27
Eaglerayskarjoko: is there an 'initrd.img' file in /media/archlinux/boot also?23:27
jorgpundeclaredx: ok, I was hoping for a command line util tough23:27
undeclaredxI had no idea about gksudo23:27
Eaglerayskarjoko: if so you'll need another line in menu.lst too23:27
undeclaredxso using that now =/23:27
EtteSBim trying to change my default program to open videos (like .wmv .mkv and the like) anyone know where i can do it?23:28
kitcheSyntaxError55: it seems to be skarjoko23:28
skarjokoEagleray, Nope. There is a kernel26.img though23:28
white_eagleI can't join ubuntu off-topic23:28
LjL!default > EtteSB    (EtteSB, see the private message from Ubotu)23:28
hendrixskiif someone just wants to set up a website with a log-in so that only certain users see certain content... what kind of tool is best suitable for that?  A CMS? or is there a more specific name for that?23:28
white_eagleIt doesn't say I'm banned23:28
LjLwhite_eagle: ask in #ubuntu-ops23:28
undeclaredxhendrixski: CMS is right.  Content-management system.23:28
skarjokoI'm just asking for help with the grub file.23:28
In_Silicoas stupid as the question may be, what is the GKsudo command? Graphic kernel?23:28
Jack_Sparrow!ot | white_eagle23:28
ubotuwhite_eagle: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!23:28
Eaglerayskarjoko: that's probably it then - add this line also: "initrd /boot/kernel26.img"23:28
nickrud!default > nickrud23:28
undeclaredxhendrixski: but try in a more webdesign oriented channel23:28
EtteSBLjL: thanks23:28
skarjokoEagleray, Ooh. Alright, will do.23:29
GhoneI need help.  Someone who knbows Linux/Debian/Ubuntu security...... A potentially malicious individual has had direct physical assess to my computer all day while ligged in to an account with admin privelages and I don't know if any settings have been changed.23:29
Eaglerayskarjoko: then save the file and have a go at booting it; see if it works23:29
undeclaredxIn_Silico: sudo = run something as root, gksudo = graphical version of sudo23:29
hendrixskiundeclaredx, does every CMS have a way of maintaining different users and log-in access, or just certain ones?23:29
skarjokoEagleray, Alright. Thanks a lot for all your help!23:29
GhonePlus, I just found out my wife is cheating on me and I'm drunk.23:29
Eaglerayskarjoko: no worries, good luck23:29
hendrixskiundeclaredx, which channel would be better for that?23:29
undeclaredxhendrixski: it can maintain all users.. or whatever you would want23:29
undeclaredxhendrixski: I can link you to a good script, if you know php?23:29
r00723r0hi, i restarted my computer and now my audio doesn't work23:29
astro76hendrixski, err just see? then a simple .htaccess and .htpasswd file, editing also? then a wiki or cms23:29
undeclaredx.htaccess and .htpasswd are also good23:29
backgenJack_Sparrow: well Jack...bad news....i tried the boot from hard drive thing from the Live CD...and i got the GRUB loading failed: Error 22 message again23:29
r00723r0what do i do?23:29
hendrixskiundeclaredx, yep, can do PHP23:29
undeclaredxhendreixski: just use .htaccess and .htpasswd and remmeber to chmod them properly23:30
undeclaredxthat'd be fine23:30
Bilandbonjour tout le monde23:30
r00723r0anyone know?23:30
undeclaredxmuch easier than going to a CMS heh23:30
Jack_Sparrowbackgen: thinking..one sec...23:30
undeclaredxif you don't chmod them properly, somenoe can download and grab the passwords23:30
hendrixskiastro76, I'll google the .htaccess and .htpasswd thing23:30
EtteSB!default > EtteSB23:30
undeclaredxbut as long as you do, its no problem23:30
jetteroI have an old toshiba laptop and when the screenblanking kicks in the screen turns white instead of black...23:30
backgenJack_Sparrow: can i do the fdisk /mbr thing in Terminal?23:30
Jack_Sparrowbackgen: I can create the dos boot cd with fdisk.. but not in a timely manner...23:30
b1n0ryi'm having some issues installing ubuntu. can someone help me out?23:30
Jack_Sparrowbackgen: different fdisk23:30
astro76hendrixski, let me know if you can't find anything, but info is all over ;)23:31
backgenJack_Sparrow: what do you mean the dos boot cd?23:31
undeclaredxyeah, .htpasswd and .htaccess have been around since like the beginning of the web.. I'd be more surprised if he couldn't find it than if he did.23:31
Jack_Sparrowbackgen: Like the floppy we were going to use.. but in cd format since you dont have a floppy drive23:31
backgenJack_Sparrow: oh...but that would take a while eh?23:31
=== dangan` is now known as dangan
Jack_Sparrowbackgen: I would want to test it before giving it out.. not a quick solution...23:32
Jack_Sparrowbackgen: You set the boot partition back to where it was correct?23:32
Eagleraybackgen: one way to fix that is to boot from a livecd, chroot into your linux install and then run 'grub-install /dev/sda' (assuming sda contains your mbr), the error is caused by the MBR part of grub being unable to fid the boot partition where the rest of grub lives23:32
backgenJack_Sparrow: yup the boot partition is on the NTFS23:32
s3phirothi'm trying to install ubuntu on a sony vaio vgn-cr21 s with an intel media accelerator x3100 and i can't get graphics not even in safe graphics mode. do i have to use the alternate install cd ?!23:32
astro76Ghone, pretty hard to tell after the fact if not already running an intrusion detection system... probably best to backup and reinstall23:32
Eagleraybackgen: *'unable to find' sorry23:33
Jack_SparrowEagleray: agreed... but earlier he had the boot flag on the wrong partition23:33
b1n0ryi'm trying to install ubuntu on my laptop. when i try to use the live cd, the system takes about 40 minutes to go from question 1 to question 2 (when it's going through the 7 questions). so i downloaded the alternate cd. when i select "install in text mode" it says "starting linux kernel" looks like it's starting, then the screen just goes black and the cd spins down.23:33
EaglerayJack_Sparrow: grub doesn't usually care if the boot flag is set or not, it obeys its config23:33
backgenJack_Sparrow: ok so should i follow what Eagleray said?23:33
EaglerayJack_Sparrow: it's windows that cares about the boot flag23:33
In_Silicook, it's giving me more trouble: when I try to save my file from sudo instance of gedit, it doesn't give me any places to save other than root23:34
white_eaglehello, I know GEarth is proprietary software, but I haven't found anything similar on the net: when I try to run Google Earth the splash screen shows up and stays there as long as I don't end that procces via proc. manager, I also use the proprietary drivers from ATI for my graphics card and compiz-fusion works23:34
astro76Ghone, even then it's all out the window with physical admin access, just reinstall23:34
hendrixskiastro76, undeclaredx ah... so just modifying the .htaccess file on Apache can limit which users see which content, the users being the ones specified in the htpasswd file23:34
Jack_SparrowEagleray: The problem he had earlier went way deeper than that, gparted had all kinds of errors and problems.23:34
hendrixskiastro76, undeclaredx so then the only thing that a PHP script needs to do is maintain those files? Sweet!!!23:34
* hendrixski is glad he asked23:34
EaglerayJack_Sparrow: Ummm.... might leave this one to you to salvage then, seeing as you know the background to the situation and I do not23:34
astro76hendrixski, indeed, there's an htpasswd command to create the file and add/modify entries23:34
GhoneThanks astro.23:35
EaglerayJack_Sparrow: apologies for interrupting23:35
astro76hendrixski, the .htpasswd file23:35
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto23:35
s3phirothi can access the cli through ctrl+alt+f1. is there a way i can install ubuntu like this with the regular cd ?23:35
backgenEagleray: thanks for the help though!23:35
Jack_SparrowEagleray: you and I agree on where we were heading... take over for me.......  I need a quick break to try annd make a cd23:35
In_Silicosure s3phiroth - use the alternate cd23:35
Phusions3phiroth: you want a text based install?23:35
Toba_The network manager doesn't seem to offer WPA... why is that?23:35
s3phirothoh wait...i think i have some image now23:35
white_eagle!repeat > white_eagle23:35
EaglerayJack_Sparrow: ok, sure - will do23:35
PhusionToba_: sudo apt-get install wpasupplicant23:35
s3phirothfor some reason the cd failed to show me X the first times23:35
In_Silicoor you can just install the base debian distro23:35
Toba_Phusion: will that automatically integrate?23:35
PhusionToba_: I think that will do it... you may have to type it in after install23:35
hendrixskiastro76, undeclaredx ... now... does this work only on Apache, I'm not sure if my friends didn't do something stupid like use IIS ... this script wouldn't work there, eh?23:35
Toba_I've set up wpa supplicant on gentoo before23:36
Eagleraybackgen: can you give me a description of your problem and what you have done so far?23:36
Toba_alright, I'll try that.23:36
s3phirothnevermind what i said :)23:36
PhusionI dont know what "automatically integrate" means, but it will install the wpasupplicant package23:36
Jack_Sparrowbackgen: I agree that repairing grub.. even though you dont have an installed linux is the next choice23:36
In_Silicos3phiroth, you're saying that it always boots to only cli and not the gdm?23:36
astro76hendrixski, never touched IIS thankfully ;)23:36
Toba_I mean, will wpa support appear in the gui network manager23:36
s3phirothIn_Silico: it booted into gdm now, but not before. i don't know what happened23:36
Toba_this is for my sister who doesn't really know much console stuff23:36
PhusionToba_: you may have to type it in23:36
astro76hendrixski, so dunno, sorry23:36
Toba_I want her to just be able to use it23:36
Jack_Sparrowbackgen: do you still have the link for your fdisk -l ?23:36
Toba_oh well, I'll see what I can do.23:36
undeclaredxhendrixski: it's pretty universal23:36
In_Silicodid it give you a message when it said "Starting up..." that it couldn't find something?23:36
Phusionwell, hehe yeah I understand that23:36
s3phirothbtw, i haven't been much updated on hardware issues. how's the support with the x3100 ?23:37
Phusionits not that easy, I never got wifi to work23:37
hamadooohey i just installed ubuntu congr .. for all of us23:37
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=== di[a]fic is now known as diafic
undeclaredxundeclaredx: but would it be secure in IIS? I am not sure23:37
Jack_SparrowEagleray: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/48939/     is his fdisk -l23:37
Toba_it works with wep at her school, she figured that out herself23:37
EaglerayJack_Sparrow: thanks23:37
nickrudJack_Sparrow, I may be missing something, but wouldn't freedos have an fdisk you could use?23:37
In_Silicoanyone know why 'sudo gedit' won't allow me to save anywhere but the 'root' directory?23:37
Jack_Sparrowprior to him fixing the boot flag23:37
b1n0ryi'm trying to install ubuntu on my laptop. when i try to use the live cd, the system takes about 40 minutes to go from question 1 to question 2 (when it's going through the 7 questions). so i downloaded the alternate cd. when i select "install in text mode" it says "starting linux kernel" looks like it's starting, then the screen just goes black and the cd spins down.23:37
posingaspopularhey all im having trouble opening a signed ubuntu CoC. anyone around to help?23:37
astro76In_Silico, you should use gksudo with gui apps23:37
Jack_SparrowIn_Silico: DOnt do sudo gedit... we said gksudo gedit23:37
gonzoismdoes dvd::rip just make a bunch of individual .avi files ?  or does it make one big file ?23:37
Toba_I think it can do either gonzoism23:38
hamadoooi use the xchat as an irc client .. and i hate the color in it . i can't see clear23:38
hendrixskiundeclaredx, astro76,  That's some really useful information ... now someone said they had an existing such script which they would recommend?23:38
Phusiongonzoism: well DVD video isn't AVI, so I'd imagine it will make .VOB files23:38
Toba_I never used it much23:38
pontifcationit makes a steamy pile23:38
pontifcationof .vob23:38
r00723r0my sound stopped working after i rebooted, can i get some help?23:38
Toba_hamadooo: you can customize the colors, go to settings -> preferences23:38
pontifcationreboot again23:38
white_eaglehello, I know GEarth is proprietary software, but I haven't found anything similar on the net: when I try to run Google Earth the splash screen shows up and stays there as long as I don't end that procces via proc. manager, I also use the proprietary drivers from ATI for my graphics card and compiz-fusion works23:38
EaglerayJack_Sparrow: what is supposed to be on each partition? Dell recovery makes sense, what is on the other two? I don't see a linux partition there...23:38
In_Silicoheh, I must be high - I didn't even realize it was a gui app23:38
TtechGoogle earth works23:38
Ttechon Ubuntu23:38
Toba_you need glx23:38
LjLwhite_eagle: how did you obtain google earth?23:38
Jack_Sparrownickrud: last time I checked they didnt have one with fdisk on it.23:38
Toba_for geearth23:38
white_eaglevia google.com/earth23:39
steel_ladyPlease, I am trying to get simple help in list 5 hours! I know what is the problem but I don't know how to resolve it. please help me to connect to my wireless23:39
Toba_r00723r0: :/23:39
TtechYou use the Medubu downlod23:39
r00723r0Toba_, ?23:39
LjLwhite_eagle: bad idea. i'd rather use the package in Medibuntu.23:39
pontifcationr00723r0:  reboot again23:39
EaglerayJack_Sparrow: brb, client23:39
LjLwhich Works For Me23:39
Toba_yeah, reboot again23:39
TtechI coun't not get the Google earth download to wrok. L+23:39
gonzoismPhusion no. it is using transcode and mplayer to convert23:39
r00723r0pontifcation, will this work?23:39
TtechThats waht I was saying LjL. :P23:39
Jack_Sparrownickrud: and the ones they have are not images you can recreate from linux... I took the disk and created a dd image of it so it could be recrerated in linux23:39
pontifcationr00723r0:  reboot again then turn on speakers23:39
Phusiongonzoism: ok, well, now I know that23:39
r00723r0pontifcation, i have a headset23:39
white_eagleand none with the similar problem like me?23:39
steel_ladydoes somebody know advanced wireless managing?23:39
backgenEagleray: sure...ok so it all started when i tried to install Ubuntu from Live CD onto a partition that i had just made with Gparted...when i got to install it, i got a warning message, so then before doing anything else i tried to reboot the comp to see if my windows on my NTFS partition still worked, but i got a message saying Grub 1.5 loading...failed to load....error 22, so then i realised that i had switched the boot flag from my NTFS to my 23:40
gonzoismPhusion i like it a lot, but it is making a lot of little .avi files, one for each chapter.  and isn't joining them or anything.23:40
pontifcationr00723r0:  what areyou running 7.10 /23:40
r00723r0pontifcation, yes23:40
hendrixskisteel_lady, you're not the only one who feels their life slipping away from faulty wireless.  I've learned to just not bother with it if it doesn't work, but that's just me23:40
nickrudJack_Sparrow, so I did miss something :)23:40
Phusiongonzoism: probably an option in the app, check out google, probably plenty of help23:40
gonzoismPhusion i couldn't find an option to make just one.  maybe i have to rip it differently, into one single file and then transcode it ?23:40
ubotumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org23:40
Phusiongonzoism: sounds right to me23:40
astro76hendrixski, this is the basic minimal entry http://pastebin.com/d1c43f02523:40
pontifcationr00723r0:  onboard ?23:41
r00723r0pontifcation, no23:41
gonzoismPhusion  yeah.  i'm afraid i'll have spend and hour or two on google.23:41
Jack_Sparrownickrud: Nope.....  did you understand what I did with dd'ing the dos disk?23:41
steel_ladyhendrixcki, I live in a rented flat where I can not pass the wire in the only room I have rented so I depend on it23:41
Phusiongonzoism: such is life23:41
gonzoismPhusion i don't believe you.23:41
hendrixskiastro76, rock on!  and this is just a shell script?23:41
astro76hendrixski, just a text file which apache reads23:41
Phusiongonzoism: hahah well dude, I don't know if anyone here is a video guru, I'm not familiar with that particular app--23:42
hendrixskisteel_lady, oh.  :-(23:42
pontifcationr00723r0:  i had conflict with pci and onbaord  ..selecting default alsa ect ..23:42
b1n0ryalright, thanks for the help...23:42
undeclaredxhaha, hot-babe  0.2.2-3medibuntu1+b1 -- yes very serious stuff23:42
r00723r0pontifcation, ...23:42
b1n0rycatch you guys later23:42
r00723r0my sound worked before i rebooted23:42
hendrixskiastro76, ah, cool.   thanks a TON23:42
r00723r0e.g. it was working perfectly23:42
In_Silicoany ideas why I can't see the var directory with even gksudo?23:42
nickrudJack_Sparrow, sure, a bit for bit image of the dos disk.23:42
hendrixskisteel_lady, did it work at one point but stopped working? or just never worked?23:42
steel_ladyhendrixski, I discovered why does it not work23:42
Jack_Sparrownickrud: One that didnt need windows to recreate.23:43
astro76hendrixski, two points: you can place them in multiple directories; and they apply to subdirectories23:43
pontifcationr00723r0:  try restarting soud daemon ... orjust restart again .. see if there iserror23:43
hendrixskisteel_lady, why is that?23:43
astro76hendrixski, though I typically maintain one .htpasswd file23:43
r00723r0pontifcation, nobody uses sound daemons23:43
nickrudJack_Sparrow yes, like I said, I came in late enough to miss your intent23:43
Jack_Sparrownickrud: I have been meaning to make a bootable cd of the floppy image just for this.23:43
r00723r0(they are deprecated)23:43
Jack_Sparrownickrud: Not a prob...23:43
nickrudI have no floppy, thank the gods23:43
steel_ladyhendrikski, it worked perfectly with another router. but they sent me a new one for the house here and the problem is that I have to put wpa encription in order for it to work. and ubuntu that i have handles only wep23:44
backgenJack_Sparrow: thank you so much Jack...so we're going to try the boot CD first and then Eagleray's idea after?23:44
pontifcationr00723r0: have you tried kicking the case or yelling at it/23:44
hendrixskiastro76, yeah, I'm browsing through some documentation on how to implement the htaccess stuff.  I'm convinced that it's better than what I was gonna try to do (have PHP code to log users in, and sessions with only dynamcally generated pages, and crap like that)23:44
r00723r0pontifcation, no...23:44
In_Silicoso I am at the 'Save As...' dialog in 'gksudo gedit' and it's giving me only my home folder and 'root' as options for where to save, but when I select root it doesn't contain any of the necessary directories like usr var etc and the rest23:44
Jack_Sparrowbackgen: GREAT....23:44
pontifcationr00723r0: its od that it would just stop23:45
Jack_Sparrowbackgen: Uh... no boot the livecd and go after grub repair23:45
hendrixskisteel_lady, oh, ouch.  umm.  can you exchange the router for one that either doesn't require encryption, or that uses WEP?23:45
pontifcationr00723r0: try modprobing23:45
nickrudIn_Silico, use the Browse other  option23:45
astro76In_Silico, that's /root, root's home directory, you should be able to navigate anywhere23:45
backgenJack_Sparrow: ok how do i go after grub repair?23:45
steel_ladyhendrixski, they sent me this one from the operator, so all router that they have are the same23:46
qwazWould anyone mind helping me troubleshoot online video with firefox?  For example, all I see here is a grey box...http://www.break.com/index/amazing-choreographed-fight-scene.html23:46
hamadoooi want to reduce the brithness in my laptop with ubuntu23:46
In_SilicoI'm talking about within the Browse Other window area - it shows /root, but there are no /var /local /etc directories or anything, just the hidden files.23:46
Jack_Sparrowbackgen: I am going to jump into a different box to try and make that cd... I have been putting it off too long23:46
r00723r0pontifcation, module's already loaded23:46
EaglerayJack_Sparrow: backgen: sorry about vanishing like that, hang on while I read the backscroll23:46
hamadooohelp plz23:46
Jack_Sparrowbackgen: Eagle will try to do grub repair, even though you have no linux install to get you into windows23:46
astro76qwaz, have you installed flash?23:47
kbrosnanqwaz: uses a flash player23:47
backgenJack_Sparrow: ok sounds good...so i'll follow instructions from him now?23:47
Jack_Sparrowbackgen: I will go work on making a bootcd with dos fdisk on it23:47
hendrixskisteel_lady, hhhmmm. I'm asking, because I _never_ got WPA working on anything, except a Mac.23:47
astro76qwaz, install flashplugin-nonfree using synaptic23:47
qwazastro76: yes i can view flash elsewhere23:47
Jack_Sparrowbackgen: yes, follow eagle...23:47
steel_ladysomebody knows how to make ubuntu work with WPA please???23:47
oggieis there anyone that can help me with eggdrop?23:47
scragardoes anyone know(without having to test it) if the default disk copy option in 7.10 uses css2 to copy encrypted DVDs, or will I have to install something else?(already have CSS2)23:47
backgenJack_Sparrow: ok thanks! good luck23:47
qwazastro76: it's installed23:47
TBotNik_uAll: tying to install/re-install S3 driver from xorg.  Downloaded driver .tar and docs .tar and extracted.  Ran ./configure on each (Ubuntu/Debian).  Still see no change.  Tried "make" and "make install" but nothing.  What next?23:47
astro76qwaz, ahh, yeah it works here with gutsy23:47
pontifcationcheck your boot log and restart agian ... then look at what its using to ouput ..sometime changing pci slot works .. could try to boot live and see if itworks23:47
nickrudIn_Silico, hit the button to the left of root , just above the places window23:47
Eagleraybackgen: ok, did you attempt to install ubuntu onto the fat32 partition?23:47
pontifcation------------    check your boot log and restart agian ... then look at what its using to ouput ..sometime changing pci slot works .. could try to boot live and see if itworks23:48
backgenEagleray: yep and thats when i got the warning message so i didn't go any further23:48
astro76!pm | LillBirdy23:48
ubotuLillBirdy: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit AND help you. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude.23:48
steel_ladyhendrixcki, wpa works for me perfectly on win with the same router23:48
hendrixskisteel_lady, wish I could help you more.  I think that it may be worth it to call Ubuntu Tech support on this one.  for $25 per case they can work miracles.  :-)23:48
hamadooohelp help plz23:48
qwazastro76: yeah, not sure how else i can troubleshoot this23:48
flibberdyhi all, I have just installed xubuntu 7.10, my wireless card isn't showing up. I'd like to compile the kernel modules required, but make fails23:48
groutI cant get samba working.  can someone send me there smb.conf?23:48
Jack_SparrowEagleray: I came in where he had a bunch of errors and had him back out of the partitioner23:48
hamadoooi want to change the brightness in ubuntu23:48
fwaokdaim trying do the USB ubuntu. i've got a tutorial but its for linux and im on windows anyone know of another tutorial?23:48
steel_ladyhendrixski, I am illegal in the country and they cancelled my credit cards23:49
Eagleraybackgen: in order to use grub you will need a working /boot setup, which you currently don't have. To get that, you will need to install ubuntu. To install ubuntu, you will need to format that partition as something other than fat32, as you can't run linux on a fat32 filesystem. I recommend reiserfs, or if you want to access it form windows use ext323:49
Jack_Sparrowbackgen: FYI... you cant put ubuntu on a fa3223:49
Eagleraybackgen: the first step is to boot the ubuntu livecd and reformat that partition as something usable23:49
backgenEagleray: ok i'll do that right now then23:49
TBotNik_uAll: tying to install/re-install S3 driver from xorg.  Downloaded driver .tar and docs .tar and extracted.  Ran ./configure on each (Ubuntu/Debian).  Still see no change.  Tried "make" and "make install" but nothing.  What next?23:50
backgenJack_Sparrow: hahaha ok thanks...i was fiddling around...which is something i will never do again23:50
Jack_SparrowEagleray: that was where I was more concerned about getting him working windows then dealing with the partitions and installing ubuntu23:50
flibberdyhttp://rafb.net/p/Tenp6G28.html is the output if i try and compile my kernel23:50
TBotNik_uAll: Can't even see the help docs.23:50
soundrayTBotNik_u: why aren't you using the packaged s3 driver?23:50
hamadooobackgen i need your help plz23:50
backgenEagleray: ok i'm already on the LiveCD so here it goes23:51
EaglerayJack_Sparrow: you won't get windows to work without wither a windows MBR or grub; to fix the windows MBR you need a windows CD to run fixmbr from23:51
Jack_SparrowEagleray: I didnt want to write anything to that drive until we identified what all was going on23:51
fwaokdaanyone have a tutorial for windows on getting Ubuntu on a Flash drive?23:51
hendrixskisteel_lady, :-) have a friend do it through theirs... or your minister or something.   I've helped a few undocumented workes with tech in my church.  I'm sure that's not unique23:51
backgenhamadoo: i really doubt i could help you lol...i'm very very inexperiened with linux but shoot anyways23:51
EaglerayJack_Sparrow: what were the errors you were getting?23:51
Jack_SparrowEagleray: exactly what I have23:51
hamadooolol oh ok sorry23:51
hamadooolet's try eagleray23:51
qwazWould anyone mind helping me troubleshoot online video with firefox?  For example, all I see here is a grey box...http://www.break.com/index/amazing-choreographed-fight-scene.html23:51
EaglerayJack_Sparrow: I assumed they were errors about installing linux on fat32, but were they something more sinister?23:52
Jack_SparrowEagleray: I was going to give him an image of a dos disk with fdisk so he could fdisk /mbr    but he didnt have a floppy23:52
TBotNik_usoundray: Because somehow the packaged s3 driver puts nvidia "glx" into the config string and causes Xwin to go "black/blank" screen, with "EE" error on load.23:52
flibberdyanyone know how to change my keyboard config to british in xubuntu?23:52
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backgenhamadoo: just type in your question in general, someone is bound to help you23:52
oggieis there a chan where i can get help with my eggdrop?23:52
Eaglerayhamadooo: is there are reason you are addressing me directly rather than the whole channel?23:52
soundrayTBotNik_u: what config string are you talking about?23:52
Jack_SparrowEagleray: At the time I wasnt sure and wanted to err on the side of safety and got him to list his existing partition then fix the boot flag and was working forom there23:52
wols_flibberdy: X or console?23:52
cabrioleurflibberdy, edit xorg.conf23:52
hamadoooeagleray .. yeah i think you can help me23:53
Slartqwaz: that's a flash movie.. you  need flash installed but it's broken at the moment (see topic)23:53
TBotNik_usoundray: Xwin guru, said I needed to rebuild the S3 driver and the modules in /usr/lib/xorg/modules//23:53
scragardoes anyone know the the default "copy disk" option when rightclicking uses/can use libDVDcss2 to copy protected DVDs?23:53
qwazSlart: Oh, ok.  Thank you.23:53
soundrayTBotNik_u: Xwin guru has no idea about ubuntu23:53
EaglerayJack_Sparrow: if he has a windows CD (which I noted before he says he doesn't have) then that would also be my first step, however noting he doesn't I'd say the most logical thing to do is get a working grub, unless you think messing with a dos cd would be easier?23:53
Slartqwaz: you'll have to live without flash until they fix the flash package23:53
flibberdywols in a terminal emulator, not tried pure console23:54
hamadooook i want to reduce the brithness of my laptop23:54
OldSpicejack_sparrow: i dont have te 80 gigs i thought i would have, instead i have 50gigs of free space. is it still enough to install ubuntu and get some unallocated space?23:54
hamadooohow can i do that in ubuntu23:54
qwazSlart: has flash not been working for a while now?  This install is about 2 weeks old...23:54
Jack_SparrowEagleray: I plan on making a dd image of a bootable cd with fdisk so a linux user without windows could make a cd that would do the job...23:54
Slartscragar: I don't know if you can do that.. there are applications for copying dvd's.. k9copy for example23:54
TBotNik_usoundray: Let me PB his email to me, so you can verify and help!23:54
qwazSlart: I have version 8.0.9923:54
Jack_SparrowEagleray: he dosent have the WIndows cd he has that darn Dell recovery cd23:54
backgenEagleray: ok so i'm about to install Ubuntu onto the FAT32 partition (which is now an ext3 partition) however i am getting this warning message again "File system doesn't have expected sizes for Windows to like it. Cluster size is 2k (1k expected); number of clusters is 24026 (47959 expected); size of FATs is 94 sectors (188 expected)."23:54
BarracudaHi I have a wav file in my ubuntu machine. Does any one know which command to use to run the wav file....?23:54
Eaglerayhamadooo: you misunderstand me - why are you telling ME the problem rather than the channel?23:54
Slartqwaz: well.. it's been in the topic for some time.. and it probably took a couple of days before they caught it23:54
Jack_SparrowOldSpice: yes..that is plenty23:54
eventualbuddhais there a good way to detect whether a shell script is running in ubuntu?23:54
Slartqwaz: of flash?.. hang on23:54
=== joe_ is now known as rencore
hanzomon4wav is an audio file extension23:55
qwazSlart: aye23:55
hamadoooi don't could you help me plz23:55
ubotuInkscape is a powerful vector graphics drawing application - see http://www.inkscape.org/ for more23:55
soundrayeventualbuddha: 'ps aux | grep scriptname'23:55
rencorehow can i stop emerald from starting on startup23:55
SyntaxError55!info inkscape23:55
ubotuinkscape: vector-based drawing program. In component main, is optional. Version 0.45.1-1ubuntu5 (gutsy), package size 10495 kB, installed size 45936 kB23:55
Eagleraybackgen: sounds like the partition type is wrong - can you pastebin the output of fdisk -l for me?23:55
SyntaxError55how do I update inkscape on dapper?23:55
scragarSlart: I know, but I was hoping to install the minimum possible, and before testing it myself thought I should ask if anyone else knows. :P23:55
hamadoooi just say you help some people23:55
qwazBarracuda: You can use any audio playing software to play audio files, like wavs23:55
In_Silicosorry, I was afk - I'm still stuck at this window saving a file - if I click the button to the left of root it does nothing23:55
PirateHeadIs there a repo that would allow me to download the latest Rhythmbox release?23:55
hamadoooi though you can help me23:55
eventualbuddhasoundray: sorry, i meant whether the script itself can determine that the OS it is running on is Ubuntu23:55
hamadooobut it's ok if you don't want23:55
Jack_SparrowEagleray: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/48939/     is his fdisk -l23:55
BarracudaOH I am running ubuntu in text mode23:56
flibberdycabrioleur: where is xorg.conf? /etc/X11/xorg.conf is empty23:56
Slartscragar: ah.. ok23:56
PirateHeadeventualbuddha: Scripts can tell fairly easily which operating system they are running on, and even which kernel version and release number and so on.23:56
backgencan someone give me a link to paste bin please?23:56
Eagleraybackgen: partition type should be 8323:56
TBotNik_usoundray: PB at: http://pastebin.ca/82445923:56
eventualbuddhaPirateHead: i know, but i don't know how :)23:56
backgenJack_Sparrow: thats the old one though Jack i just changed some stuff around23:56
soundrayeventualbuddha: you can source /etc/lsb-release and check the variables that it sets23:56
wols_flibberdy: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg23:56
Jack_SparrowEagleray: his fat32 is empty and should just be deleted...23:56
EaglerayJack_Sparrow: I know, I need a newer one23:56
Barracudaand wondering if there is anything I can quilkly try23:56
Slartqwaz: try this page http://www.adobe.com/flashon/ .. see if that works for you23:56
EaglerayJack_Sparrow: no reason to delete it, just format as ext3 and change the type to 8323:56
nickrudIn_Silico, then in the Name box, just type /var/www <enter>23:56
LillBirdywhen I browse for files in ubuntu I have to choose the files I want from weird libraries without finding the home/desktop/documents directory where my real files are I get instead to share/user/lib (where my files aren't)23:56
qwazSlart: I see it23:56
Jack_SparrowEagleray: Wont he need to make a swap partiton too.23:57
In_Silicosweet, didn't know if that would work, but it did23:57
Slartqwaz: hmm. why don't that fighting video work then... odd23:57
PirateHeadeventualbuddha: For kernal info, you can use uname -a23:57
EaglerayJack_Sparrow: only if he's lacking in ram23:57
Slartqwaz: if you right click in that movie.. what version of flash do you have?23:57
qwazSlart: I can't figure it out for the life of me...23:57
Eagleraybackgen: how much ram do you have?23:57
Jack_SparrowEagleray: Force of habit23:57
qwazSlart: the /flashon movie?23:57
PirateHeadeventualbuddha: That would be, kernel info.23:57
eventualbuddhasoundray: cool, that helps. know anything about OS X? i want to have the same .zshrc on Ubuntu, Fedora, and OS X, but they each need some small modifications23:57
EaglerayJack_Sparrow: yeah,,, I know the feeling23:57
Slartqwaz: yes23:57
wols_Jack_Sparrow: by now swapfiles aren't bad anymore, you kn0w23:57
nickrudLillBirdy, are you making a statement, or asking a question?23:58
backgenEagleray: hmm the fdisk -l command isn't working in Terminal...and i have 1GB of Ram23:58
LillBirdynickrud: asking a question23:58
nickrudLillBirdy, and the question is?23:58
OldSpicejack_sparrow: also i decided to not make a /home. i'm going to make another partition for all my documents, windows and ubuntu, so should i make this fat32 or ntfs?23:58
qwazSlart: Gnash? based on GameSWF? it says <unknown> 0.8.123:58
wols_backgen: where do you get the warnings? in ubuntu or in windows?23:58
LillBirdyHow do you find the document/home folder23:58
scragar1 more question before I can see if it worked or not, why won't totem play my ISO files? it used to on 6.0623:58
Eagleraybackgen: on ubuntu you will need to use 'sudo fdisk -l /dev/hda' or similar23:58
eventualbuddhasoundray: actually.. i think i'll just source a local file. easier. thanks anyway23:58
Slartqwaz: ag.. gnash.. that's still in alpha I think.. no wonder it works only sometimes23:58
Jack_SparrowOldSpice: if you use large files you will need ntfs23:59
nickrudLillBirdy, places->home will open nautilus in your home directory23:59
PirateHeadIs there a repo that would allow me to download the latest Rhythmbox release?23:59
Eagleraybackgen: are you likely to do tasks that will use up 1GB of ram?23:59
TBotNik_usoundray: No offense, but this guy is the best I've found on Xorg.  This monitor causes real problems and he helped me sort them out on my Gentoo box, and now is trying to assist here.  If what he wrote make good sense and we can interpret into Ubuntu/Debian, then I can get it fixed.  Tired of 800x600, I hate big font and not seeing my entire desktop.23:59
OldSpicejack_sparrow: when you say large, do you mean files up to 1gb?23:59
qwazSlart: ahh...so wait for adobe to fix flash?23:59
Slartqwaz: you'll have to switch that to adobe flash 9.0 to get the full experience of online ads and such =)23:59
backgenEagleray: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/48949/ there you go23:59
Jack_SparrowOldSpice: more like videos.. ripping 4+gig etc23:59
sfieldernickrud: have time to help troubleshoot my display issue?23:59
Slartqwaz: yes.. when they fix the flash ubuntu package23:59
Eagleraybackgen: thanks23:59
backgenEagleray: goodness no...what kind of tasks could possibly use that much?23:59

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