
mdaleswhat's the last moment I can have a job stop on shutdown on an ubuntu system? would it be on stopped rc0?12:53
quittehi. is upstart usable without sysvinit compatibility? is there a way to shutdown or reboot the system without sysvinit compatibility?14:05
quittecouldsomeone hit me with a cluebat? I'm looking at /etc/rc0.d/S90halt. I thought that S meant start the script. but for start this script is a noop?15:01
mdalesquitte: read http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-opersys.html#s-sysvinit15:03
mdalesIIRC all scripts in rc0.d are sent stop, not matter what their name15:03
quitteright. thanks. I fail to see why that is done,though.15:06
quittedoes ubuntu have any more scripts in event.d than the ones directly linked from the upstart.ubuntu.com page?15:07
mdalesquitte: pass15:10
mdalesquitte: I'm new to it all too, I just thought you mgiht find that info helpful15:11
quitteyes. it definately was. I'm new to it myself. as it seems to be quite easy to write event scripts and found upstart in experimental I thought I might finally giveit a try.15:12
mdalesmorning Keybuk 15:12
quitteof course I immediately got stuck. Are there any plans about handling filesystems? It'd be nice if upstart were looking for both the device and the mountpoint. and as soon as both exist mounts the filesystem.  15:17
Keybukquitte: we're still working on a lot of the ideas for that kind of thing15:21
KeybukUpstart is still very much in development15:22
mdalesbut is already pretty spiffy15:22
quitteyes. the ideas are great. unfortunately it sounds as if it wasn'T complete eough to be a full sysvinit replacemet even for embedded devices with a very limit set of services15:24
Keybukit can replace sysvinit15:24
Keybukbut it can't yet replace sysv-rc15:24
quittebut I bet I'd have equal trouble with launchd15:24
Keybukmany people confuse the two15:24
quitteah. I did, too15:25
Keybukit has all of the features of the sysv init daemon15:25
Keybukbut does not yet have the ability to order the starting of tasks and services15:25
Keybukso you still need something like sysv-rc15:25
Keybuk(ie the /etc/rc?.d directories)15:25
quittemeh. well I guess I could use a single eventfile for every filesystem until you guyscome up with a solution.15:27
quitteare subdirectories supported to group the files?15:28
Keybukyou could always help with the solution ;)15:29
quitteI could make it print hello world on the screen and even make it as for your name15:31
quittehmm. waiting for a file to exist isn't possible, yet?15:51
quitte:( I shouldn'T have watched the launchd techtalk. 15:58
KeybukI haven't seen that?16:08
Keybukis it new?16:08
quitteno. 20.7.16:11
AlexExtreme<Keybuk> 15:25:33> +but does not yet have the ability to order the starting of tasks and services << i've done it ;)16:23
AlexExtremealthough in a pretty hackish way16:24
AlexExtremeand no event based mounting/networking etc16:24
Keybukhow did you do it?16:24
AlexExtremewait, do you mean just convert to a native upstart bootup without sysvinit scripts, or something else?16:25
AlexExtremeyes to which one?16:26
Keybukthe first one16:26
AlexExtremedidn't you see what I did for frugalware?16:26
Keybukor I did, and I forgot16:26
AlexExtremelet me find it16:27
AlexExtremethat's the base jobs, there's some stuff elsewhere for other packages like dbus and friends, which I can't find16:28
Keybukyou're using a single mount script?16:41
AlexExtremeyes, as far as I can tell there isn't a good way to do it better, atm16:42
AlexExtremewhich is why I said it's a bit hackish16:42
AlexExtremebut, i probably won't work on that anymore, seeing as I no longer develop for frugalware ;)16:48
Keybukoh, how comes?16:49
AlexExtremeyou forget stuff, i told you a while ago16:50
AlexExtremei wanted to work on my own projects a bit more, plus I have a lot of school work these days, so I don't get a lot of time for other stuff16:50
AlexExtremeplus it annoyed me a little that they were so concerned about dumb little things like how the output of the bootup looked (that dodgy "initmsg" stuff in the jobs I linked before)16:53
AlexExtremei mean, it's ok to make it look "friendly", but they were more concerned about it than it actually working...16:54
AlexExtremeanyway, </rant> ;)16:54
=== Keybuk_ is now known as Keybuk
quitteKeybuk: I just read th states blueprint and I may have a suggstion. wouldn't it make sense to have every event result in a state? for example events.d/hostname was successfully executed resultsin a state hostname is set?19:18
quittealso if changing /etc/hostname caused an event that events.d/hostname registered for the hostname could be changed by just changing the file 19:20

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