
neur1if the setting for video card was changed from 24 to 16 would that basicly inop my video player or do i need to adjust that too?00:11
evil_techi take it you mean color depth?00:12
neur1opps i guess00:12
evil_techshouldnt make you unable to play movies00:12
neur1so i'm missing something still00:13
neur1k, thanks00:13
evil_techlibdvdcss2, libdvdnav4, libdvdread300:14
neur1it's not listed , only ubuntu's00:14
evil_techyou need to get the medibuntu repos00:14
MacongaI just burned "xubuntu-7.10-desktop-i386" its on the cd, I insert it into a computer and it does not work00:19
evil_techdefine does not work00:20
Piraterowell, first of all00:22
Piraterodid you reboot the computer?00:22
Piraterosecond, did you run md5 to check if the iso isn't corrupted?00:22
Piraterohow did you burn the file?00:22
zoredachedid you actually burn it as an image?00:22
MacongaInserted xunbunto cd into cd-rom tray of a computer, turned on the computer, HP blue screen turns on, the i get the "Operating System Not Found", I set the computer too read the CD first00:22
Pirateroyou've must of burned the cd wrong then...00:23
Pirateroeither that or that iso is corrupted00:23
evil_techdo you have more than one cdrom?00:23
evil_techtry the other drive00:23
evil_techsome computers will only boot from the master cd rom drive00:23
Macongadoing that right now00:25
Piraterogood luck00:25
MacongaSame message, Operating System not found00:26
evil_techmust have burnt is wrong, or the image was corrupt00:26
Macongaimage is fine... I can see the file on neibors computer00:27
zoredachewhat do you mean you can see the file on a neighbors computer?00:27
evil_techwhat do you mean see the file? you shouldnt see just one file on the disc00:28
Macongawhat should i see ? all i see is xubuntu-7.10-desktop-i386.iso on the cd00:28
evil_techyou didnt burn it as a disc image00:29
zoredacheyou should see lots of directoies and files00:29
Macongao ok.... I see what i did wrong....00:29
MacongaHow do i Burn the write way on my Windows XP ?00:30
evil_techwhat application you using?00:31
MacongaI dont know, Right Click, Burn too CD00:31
evil_techyou cant burn iso's in windows00:31
zoredacheMaconga: generally I use a program called isorecorder (http://isorecorder.alexfeinman.com/isorecorder.htm)00:32
evil_techyou need to download ImgBurn (it's free)00:32
Macongaok, ill try it00:32
evil_techyou get it working neur1?00:57
neur1still working on it00:57
neur1put the same setup (xubuntu) in two computers but this one's (ibm) not giving in yet01:00
evil_techtrying to play dvd?01:03
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CyberMadat my xubuntu, the workspace (4 squares at left bottom) are gone, maybe someone delete it.. how to restore it?02:12
TheSheepCyberMad: right-click where you want it. select 'add item' and select 'pager' from the list02:16
CyberMadi'm gonna try it..02:16
CyberMadTheSheep how to make each pager different?02:31
CyberMadi trying add 4 pagers, but all show the same workspace02:32
TheSheepCyberMad: you only need one02:32
TheSheepCyberMad: go to settings->workspaces and margins and increase the number of workspaces02:34
CyberMadi see02:34
lockeI straight ubuntu to run VNC i just add the "LOAD VNC" module to xorg.conf and set the passwd with vncpasswd?  This isn't working with xubuntu.  "no password configured for VNC auth" is the error.  can anyone land a hand?02:39
CyberMadTheSheep just curious.. if you have 3 workspaces, then you open mozilla firefox on 1st workspace, so there is Mozilla Firefox on 1st workspace taskbar, then if you open mozilla thunderbird on 2nd workspace, does the mozilla firefox on taskbar at 2nd workspace should gone? because at my computer all taskbar still visible.. i think the correct one is the mozilla firefox on taskbar should gone when i use the 2nd workspace02:43
CyberMadi mean when you open 1st workspace, i can see the all applications: mozilla firefox & mozilla thunderbird02:44
CyberMadsame like 2nd workspace all applications on taskbar are visible02:44
CyberMadany idea for this case?02:49
=== X|Ooot is now known as XwarlokX82
bigali was need the code to the gears03:44
bigalit teels you what ur com runs03:46
bigalfor the graphics card03:47
XwarlokX82open up a terminal and type glxgears into that window.03:49
bigalhow would you instale world of war craft03:52
bigalit says it cant mount my not have media in drive03:55
Dan_SRSomeone know if the HSP 56AMR modem works on Xubuntu?04:38
CyberMadi have problem with sharing folder on xubuntu, so i can access it from windows.. i already setup the "Shared Folder" so at /etc/samba/smb.conf the config: [share]   path = /home/user/Desktop/share   comment = ADM Share   public = yes   read only = no   writable = yes   guest ok = yes   browsable = yes04:40
mean-jeanCan anyone explain to me why Nvidia graphics card drivers are restricted? Given, this is an old computer...and when I do enable them i can only run 800x60004:41
CyberMadbut still from windows i can not access it.. it said: // is not accessible. You might not have permission to access this network resources.04:42
CyberMadok, now it's work04:48
CyberMadhow to create shortcut on desktop to folder / path: /home/user/share  ??04:49
CyberMad[/home/user/Desktop]: ln -s /home/user/share ??04:50
thyraxanyone have a dlna server installed???05:05
scizzo-anyone that knows if it is possible to get .debs of 4.4.2 for gutsy at the moment or do I have to wait for hardy?05:13
Jayzon11What is the link for the xubuntu DVD05:58
CyberMadthere is sub menu called "Other" on Applications menu, maybe the user install software from wine and create that sub folder, how to delete it?06:11
benpiccoHi, how can I make a programm start after on a certain desktop?10:28
=== schueler is now known as benpicco
benpiccoAny ideas how to get a program started after login on a certain desktop?11:13
TheSheepbenpicco: just start it and save your session on logout11:16
benpiccohm, but i'd like it to start automatically, i prophaly don't always remember to run it before logout11:17
TheSheepbenpicco: save the session only once11:20
benpiccoah, and how to clear the session if i don't want to use it again?11:21
TheSheepbenpicco: remove the files in ~/.cache/sessions11:40
benpiccook, thx TheSheep11:41
gerroanyone know where I can find an odt icon?11:53
gerromy current icon theme lists odt documents as tiny gray slabs11:53
gerroit looks sort of like this http://ubuntuforums.org/attachment.php?attachmentid=24654&d=1170772648 only smaller and uglier11:55
TwinkletoesI need to install 'libcurl4-openssl-dev' in Feisty, to get xrdp to work.   It's not in the repos, how can I get hold of it?13:16
zenroxenable universe and multiverse in your /etc/apt/sources.list13:20
zenroxand maby backports13:21
leszekcan someon tell me the adress of the svn of xfce :)14:01
thegeekerHas anyone tried Galeon? I just tried it today and it seems awesome14:37
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about icewm - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi14:43
AstroFoohello how would run alsaconf? I have base and utils already installed but when trying sudo alsaconf it won't find the command14:49
TheSheep!alsa | AstroFoo14:50
ubotuAstroFoo: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP314:50
TheSheepAstroFoo: as far as I know, alsaconf is not used anymore14:50
AstroFooah thanks14:51
garuhhhhi! i installed icewm from a base sysstem install of xubuntu...then installed xorg and icewm...15:01
garuhhhwhat's the best preference manager for icewm?15:01
thegeekergaruhhh, you probably won't get much help in here since Xubuntu uses xfce415:09
thegeekerand xfwm415:09
garuhhhthegeeker: oh..i see..15:10
garuhhhthegeeker: how does xfwm4 compare with icewm in terms of resource usage?15:10
thegeekerthere is a #icewm15:10
thegeekerI really don't know about the resource usage15:10
garuhhhthegeeker: okthanks! i'll try #icewm15:11
=== neozen is now known as neozen-work
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nikolamhi do i uninstall xfce 4.4.2 that i installed with installer?17:02
nikolamI want to go back to default Xubuntu Xfce in 7.1017:02
TheSheepnikolam: you have 'force version' in the menu17:03
neozen-worknikolam: might I ask why?17:04
neozen-worknikolam: something wrong w/ the latest xfce?17:04
nikolamI cant change keyboard layouts17:04
neozen-worknikolam: (was debating installing it myself)17:04
nikolamI cant use suspend/resume/hibernate/switch user17:04
nikolamI cant use archive plugin for thunar17:05
neozen-worknikolam: geep! I like that one!17:05
nikolamThunar is still buggy and dies too often17:05
neozen-worknikolam: bummer17:05
neozen-worknikolam: guess that means I'll be holding off for a bit17:05
neozen-worknikolam: ::grins::17:05
nikolamanyway, major unfortunate thing is missing keyboard layout option in keyboard preferences17:06
nikolami installd with Installer for 4.4.2 that compiles it.17:06
nikolamin my case amd6417:06
nikolamAnd force version don`t work17:07
nikolamIt is greyed beacouse it is the only installed, if you ask synaptic17:08
nikolamSynaptic dont know a thing about that installer17:08
aladdinsaneIs it possible to make the background of a panel transparent? I would like to make the panel in my top left corner transparent:17:34
ciro314hello. how could i install deluge-torrent on dapper ¿? thanks in advance17:45
CatoptromancyI dont think there are deluge packages17:46
Catoptromancymaybe there, but you can compile17:46
ciro314catoptromancy. how could i compile it ¿? i have down. source -tar.gz-17:48
Catoptromancyread the readme17:48
Catoptromancyor install17:48
Catoptromancythe text files in it17:48
manchickenSo, anybody know how to get laptop buttons to control volume?18:45
manchickenIs it possible to just run the GNOME program that does that?18:46
manchickenI'd prefer to have that function just like with GNOME.18:46
somerville32manchicken, Applications > Settings > Keyboard18:51
CatoptromancyMy keyboard has no volume buttons18:52
somerville32Catoptromancy, Poor you :(18:53
CatoptromancyI used Applications > Settings > Keyboard  to set Windows key and + and -  keys to adjust volume18:53
Catoptromancy= )18:53
somerville32Thats cool! :)18:53
Catoptromancyno need for extra buttons18:53
manchickenYes, I'm aware of manually configuring this, but I'm wondering if it's possible to just run the GNOME program so that you can also get the feedback and such.18:53
Catoptromancycan set a key combo to run that gnome app?18:54
manchickenNo, just run the app so that it manages the key combos for me.18:55
manchickenAnd gives the OSD feedback.18:55
manchickenAnybody know why the xfce volume control thing would not be working?19:07
manchickenI try to put it into the panel, and nothing happens.19:07
somerville32manchicken, run the xfce4-volstatus-plugin19:08
somerville32no not that plugin19:08
somerville32the volume mixer one :P19:08
manchickenNothing happens.19:10
manchickenxfce4-volstatus-icon does nothning19:10
manchickennothing even19:10
AlbatuxHello, is dis i'm german forum?19:14
somerville32!german | Albatux19:15
Albatuxshit question! ;-)19:15
ubotuAlbatux: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de19:15
AlbatuxHallo Somerville32, der Kanal #xubuntu, wenn ich diesen betrete, besteht nur aus mir (dem Sheriff)...19:16
AlbatuxÄhm, meinte: #xubuntu-de!19:17
AlbatuxJetzt sind andere Leute da, vielen Dank für die Info und schönen Abend noch!19:18
hat0hi all.  i've got a problem where totem crashes as soon as i try to play any video.  vlc does, too.20:04
manchickenSo does anybody have any idea why I can't get the volume control applet to show up on the panel?20:12
martynApologies if this is off topic - I have three nm-applet icons every time I boot xubuntu. I have removed from APPS > SETTINGS > AUTOSTARTED... but still they are all appearing. Any advice would be welcomed.20:22
vinzemartyn, did you check "Save session for future logins" when loggin out? Anytime?20:23
martynQuite possibly - is that worth investigating?20:23
martyn<-- new to linux / xubuntu20:24
vinzemartyn, well, if you don't need it there's a way to reset to the default session, but I'll have to look it up, if you have a sec20:24
martynYes, I would really appreciate this - I am on a steep learning curve (just read up how to use IRC).20:25
vinzemartyn, you know that there's an excellent desktop guide available? That's a very good introduction to Xubuntu which IMHO does not receive enough attention20:26
martynYes - any advice will be gratefully received.20:27
martynGoogled to it - I'll be reading that..20:32
vinzemartyn, to what?20:32
martynI'm reading the Xubuntu Desktop guide.20:32
vinzeO ok20:33
martynlooking for autostarting programs20:33
vinzemartyn, oh, this problem isn't going to be in there, but it's just great for getting started with Xubuntu20:34
martynvinze. right-o. Thanks for taking the time... it is appreciated.20:34
vinzemartyn, I think I've found the location of the file that restores your session20:34
martynOK - listening.20:35
vinzemartyn, if you open your home directory, you can select View->Show Hidden Files20:35
vinzemartyn, you can then browse to .cache20:35
vinzemartyn, and in there, the folder "sessions"20:35
martynyes - about to do this...20:35
martynyes - there.20:36
vinzeThen there's a file that starts with "xfwm4"20:36
martynyes - followed by lots of numbers...20:36
vinzeTry renaming that (e.g. put a ~ at the end of the name - that indicates backups), then try logging out (with "Save session for future logins" unchecked) and logging in again20:37
martynWill do that.... this is a pretty old laptop so might take a few seconds...20:38
vinzeOK, I'll wait :)20:38
martynvinze - if you are still here then this has worked perfectly. Thank you thank you.20:45
vinzemartyn, no problem :)20:45
vinzeYou don't happen to be Dutch, do you?20:46
martynNope - I from the UK. Why do you ask?20:46
vinzeBecause your name sounds like it could be Dutch ;-)20:46
martynOh... blame my parents then! I am trying to get into Linux and spent some time with a few different distros. before settling on Ubuntu and it's children (i.e. Xubuntu for slower machines).20:48
vinzeCool :)20:48
martynVery inexperienced but learning... slowly.20:48
vinzeYou'll get there, I'm sure :)20:50
martynSettled on Ubuntu because they don't have 'Enterprise' editions - or at least they make every version available to everyone. Very ethical in my eyes!20:50
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vinzeRight as it should be :)20:51
martynYes. Well - thank you again for your advice and maybe one day I will be able to help someone else....20:52
=== Tom|smokingkates is now known as Tom__
martynSee you.20:52
=== Tom__ is now known as The-Kernel
manchickenSo anybody know how to make a window not change its desktop when it tries to take focus?22:24
zoredachesettings/windows manager tweaks -> focus -> check activate focus stealing prevention22:27
zoredachetry that22:28
rizenineI have a nVidia Corporation GeForce Go 7900 GS (rev a1). When I install the drivers it's makes everything look big. xvidtune and nvidia-settings says it's at the correct res 1920x1200. I'm on a laptop Dell 9400, anyone know what's causing this?22:37
rizenineIt's like it makes everything 25% bigger. Even some sites have fonts that overlap stuff.22:40
somerville32weird :/22:41
rizenineya, the nv looks great.22:43
rizenineI guess I'll try and let nvidia-config make a new xorg.conf.22:43
rizenineI just wondered if others have had this issue.22:44
somerville32I haven't22:45
somerville32I have an ATI Technologies Inc 3D Rage Pro AGP 1X/2X22:46
rizenineWell I guess I'll shutdown and try to fix it. I posted on the forum, so if anyone knows let me know. Thanks.22:47
manchickenzoredache: I've got that in there, but it's not helping.22:57
SantaClausurm hello¿23:23
martynHi Santa23:25
SantaClausu r using firefox¿23:25
zoredachecheck your list, am I a good or a bad boy?23:26
TheSheep!u | SantaClaus23:26
ubotuSantaClaus: Unless you're Dutch or Flemish, or a government officier, the letter 'U' is not a pronoun.  If you want to be taken more seriously, please bother to type out the extra letters in "you".  The same goes for "why", "because", "anyone", and so on..23:26
SantaClauswill get no presets this year23:26
SantaClausU suck my son23:26
SoManyQuestionsI have 6.06 installed here on a test PC, I'd like to upgrade to a later version, but would like a little advice (sorta noob!)23:29
TheSheepdon't click that link, by the way, if anyone needs to know that :)23:29
Lisa345 omg23:29
SoManyQuestionswas ir pr0n?23:29
Lisa345what the fark is that link¿23:29
zoredachejust an annoying javascript thing23:29
Lisa345OHSheet its endless23:29
SoManyQuestionsglad i resisted the urge, then23:29
scizzo-Lisa345: it was you who posted the link23:30
zoredachekillall firefox-bin made it go away quickly23:30
scizzo-23:27 (%) SantaClaus n=SantaCla@P8acd.p.pppool.de has quit []23:30
scizzo-23:28 (%) Lisa345 [n=lisa@P8acd.p.pppool.de] has joined #xubuntu23:30
scizzo-its not hard to do a new nick change and realname change23:30
Lisa345ugga agga23:31
Lisa345nobuntu is kuhl23:31
TheSheepthank you23:31
TheSheepI hate it :(23:32
* scizzo- pads TheSheep on the shoulder23:32
zoredachehate what?  having to deal with trolls?23:32
TheSheepzoredache: having to make decissions23:33
* SoManyQuestions decides to make no decisions23:34
scizzo-TheSheep: well with all do respect it was actually called for from him/it/her/thingy23:34
zoredachejust give out ops to everyone, (or just me) and we will make all the decisions for you... :p23:34
TheSheepzoredache: it's beyound my competentions23:36
martynI was thinking of asking a OS question - is that appropriate?!23:36
scizzo-btw...I am tried out doing a dist-upgrade from 7.10 before....however new kernel needs the bloody thingy restricted drivers for me to test the nvidia stuff23:36
zoredachemartyn: fire away23:36
TheSheepmartyn: more than apropriate, it's actually what this channel is for!23:36
* SoManyQuestions hoped so23:37
scizzo-if you mena OS in operating system and not OS in Olympic Sports (or so)23:37
SoManyQuestionsOrdnance Survey?23:37
martynNope - not olympics or ordnance... thankfully.23:38
martynWell, I have already gone thro' the help files on Ubuntu and there is reference to it... but I cannot get the sound on this laptop to work. I am a complete noob.23:38
TheSheepSoManyQuestions: what advice did you want exactly?23:38
somerville32martyn, What sound card do you have?23:38
TheSheepmartyn: what is the laptop model?23:38
SoManyQuestionsit got lost in the troll wars, let me back pedal23:38
martynOK - laptop is Acer Travelmate 2201LC - running Xubuntu 7.10. Sound card is ... (hang on)...23:39
SoManyQuestionsI have 6.06 installed here on a test PC, I'd like to upgrade to a later version, but would like a little advice (sorta noob!) - a couple of things I'd like: separate /home partition, whereas I don't have one just now, and exporting settings from aMule, which was tricky to set up23:40
scizzo-SoManyQuestions: well the settings for mule you have to save on to a CD or USB memory I would say23:40
scizzo-SoManyQuestions: same with home you have now23:41
martyn Multimedia audio controller: ATI Technologies Inc IXP150 AC'97 Audio Controller (rev 01)23:41
TheSheepSoManyQuestions: do you have free space on the disk you have at the moment?23:41
scizzo-SoManyQuestions: if you have a USB-Memory you could actually save the whole /home to it and then recover it later...23:41
TheSheepSoManyQuestions: or any unused partition other than the one you already use?23:41
SoManyQuestionshmm, yes, or i have external usb HDD23:41
somerville32martyn, Did you try the sound help wiki page?23:41
somerville32!sound | martyn23:42
ubotumartyn: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP323:42
zoredacheSoManyQuestions: if you want doan upgrade you have to go one step at a top 6.06-6.10-7.04-.7.10.  a straight upgrade from 6.06 - 7.10 is likely to break23:42
martynYes to Wiki - pretty sure it is module related (does that sound right, excuse the pun).23:42
zoredacheit might be easier to just make a good backup of /etc, /home, and any other data dirs and then do a reinstall23:42
somerville32SoManyQuestions, If you wait, upgrading from 6.06 to 8.04 will be supported.23:42
SoManyQuestionsi didn't realise i could actually 'upgrade', as such; I had assumed it would need wipe/repartition/resintall23:42
evil_techthats the best way personally23:43
scizzo-SoManyQuestions: depends on how you want to setup the system23:43
SoManyQuestionsdont mind doing it either way, this is just a spare pc23:43
scizzo-I would have done what zoredache said to backup /etc and /home23:44
SoManyQuestionspreference: whatever's easiest and quickest!23:44
scizzo-to a external drive or so....23:44
scizzo-then wipe it all with a new CD image and setup the /, /home on different partitions and install23:45
scizzo-after that check the settings23:45
SoManyQuestionscopying /etc, that'll catch aMule settings?23:45
scizzo-well to make sure both /etc and /home23:46
zoredacheSoManyQuestions: aMule a ubuntu package, or something you installed on your own.  generally settings are in /etc/ or /home though23:46
SoManyQuestionsok, thanks.  i'll probably check out further during the break.23:47
somerville32martyn, Is xfce4-mixer detecting your sound card?23:47
SoManyQuestionshave enjoyed using xubuntu, first Linux installation where most stuff has worked, with a little coaxing23:48
martynI believe so - I will check23:48
somerville32martyn, Maybe you just need to turn up the volume :)23:50
martynsomerville32 - Yes - draws a nice box and all volume settings are at the top.23:50
somerville32Ask crimsun :)23:50
somerville32He is the sound guy23:50
martynshould be being deafened here!23:50
martynPutting an audio CD appears to play but no sounds come out - same with any sound files on the system.23:50
SoManyQuestions=-O turn that racket down!23:50
martynIf only!23:51
SoManyQuestionsjust out of interest, what sound card or chip is it?23:51
scizzo-martyn: hmmmm what happens if you turn off the sounddeamon?23:51
martynHow would I find out? (Sorry)23:52
martynAC97 - does that mean something?23:52
SoManyQuestionsif you were asking me, i'd do a physical check: open the pc23:53
scizzo-martyn: how are you trying to play the CDs?23:53
scizzo-martyn: in Xfmedia?23:53
martynscizzo - Amorak - had to check.23:53
scizzo-martyn: hmmm try to start xfmedia in a terminal23:54
martynUsed to work when I ran Mandriva (just rest of system was like an 'asthmatic ant', to quote Blackadder.23:54
martynscizzo Will try that23:54
scizzo-martyn: after that....play the CD in xfmedia23:54
gerroI got this flash drive device and the file system is all corrupted http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/48946/ I don't know what it means by partition table 4?23:54
SoManyQuestionsi may be wrong, but i think AC97 is like a standard for audio, that many chipsets meet.  it probably means it's an onboard chip, rather than an actual card.23:55
scizzo-gerro: hmmm trying to mount it or something?23:55
scizzo-gerro: seems like the drive does not have a valid filesystem or simular23:56
SoManyQuestionsi also have a usb stick that is also 'corrupt', i was wondering about at least seeing what was on it, even if it's not recoverable.23:56
martynSMQ - it will be onboard because this is a laptop. ATI IXP150. Does that sound more like a card/chip?23:57
scizzo-martyn: if there is a error playing the sound then maybe the terminal will show a error23:57
gerroyeah that pastebin is the output of fdisk I tried formatting a file system on it23:57
SoManyQuestionsit's a 2gb device, and i don't think it likes Linux; a test install of Zenwalk seems to have killed it23:58
SoManyQuestionsoh, a laptop, well, built-in chip for sure.23:58
gerroSoManyQuestions: you tried fdisk or gparted?23:58
SoManyQuestionshaven't tried anything so far, i could have a go with fdisk now, i guess23:59
martynSMQ/Scizzo - downloading XFmedia now - will let you know. Maybe it doesn't like OMD?!!23:59

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