
=== mw is now known as mw|out
mrbigIs there any mechanism for handling hook script in bzr? For example: I want bzr send me a email when somebody commits his change. ( same function as CVSROOT/loginfo or commitinfo)02:14
beunomrbig, there is a plugin that does that in: http://bazaar-vcs.org/BzrPlugins02:15
mrbigbeuno: thx, I check it now02:16
beunomrbig, :D02:16
* igc lunch & some xmas shopping - bbl02:59
bacmrbig: hi nhan!03:19
mrbigHi bac04:01
bacmrbig: i just came here to find an answer for you but saw you had already done so.  i hope one of those plugins works for you.04:01
mrbigbac: I'm playing with this04:02
mrbigbac: bzr is really cool04:02
bacmrbig: great!  i hope it works out for you!04:03
mrbigbac: yeah, I've told my team try to use it already. We'll have a small internal presentation about bzr tomorror04:05
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bacmrbig: i look forward to hearing how that goes.  will you be at the LUG dinner tomorrow night?04:06
mrbigbac: I don't know about it, it's a weekly cafe I guess04:08
mrbigbac: ah just got email, sure I'll come04:11
ubotuNew bug: #177592 in bzr "Commit fails after reconfiguring from light- to heavy-checkout" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17759204:16
pooliehi bac05:12
poolieretro r us05:12
jmlquick, publish it!05:13
ubotuNew bug: #177605 in bzr-cvsps-import "module help too bare bones" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17760506:01
ubotuNew bug: #177606 in bzr-cvsps-import "no install guide" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17760606:01
ubotuNew bug: #177607 in bzr-cvsps-import "no setup.py" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17760706:06
thumpercan someone tell me a more friendly name for branch format: Bazaar Knit Repository Format 4?06:45
bacpoolie: hi06:45
abentleythumper: It's the repository format used in "rich-root".06:47
thumperabentley: ah, thanks, is this provided through a plug-in?06:48
abentleyNo, it's in Bazaar 1.006:48
spivthumper: no, it's part of 1.006:48
* thumper expects LP errors to go away then06:49
thumperabentley: isn't it almost 2am for you?06:49
abentleyYep.  Just off to bed.06:50
ubotuNew bug: #177613 in bzr "Crash when merging" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17761307:15
poolieok, i'm going away for a while07:19
pooliesee you later07:19
bacpoolie: hi...07:20
bacpoolie: give me a shout when you get back. i see you pinged when i was out for lunch07:20
poolienot that i remember07:21
pooliei'm leaving for the holidays tomorrow07:21
pooliehave a good holiday07:21
bacpoolie: 00:12:39 hi bac07:21
pooliei was just saying hello07:21
bacah, ok.  hello and good bye.  :)07:22
igcpoolie: if you're still online, have a good holiday, xmas and New Year.09:02
* igc dinner09:02
* quicksilver thinks everyone should have a good holiday xmas and new year, including but not restricted to poolie 09:14
fullermdSorry, there's only one good holiday to go around this year, and it's already been assigned to poolie...09:15
quicksilverah well, I'm off to poolie house to bask in reflected happiness, then09:17
mwhudsondo tracebacks like09:39
mwhudson  File "<string>", line 4, in set_last_revision_info_write_locked09:39
mwhudson  File "/srv/sm-ng/production/launchpad/sourcecode/bzr/bzrlib/branch.py", line 1412, in set_last_revision_info09:39
mwhudson    assert len(history) == revno, '%d != %d' % (len(history), revno)09:39
mwhudsonAssertionError: 1368 != 137009:39
mwhudsonlook familiar to anyone here?09:39
jelmerI've seen it before, yes09:40
jelmernot sure what causes it though09:40
mwhudsonit is currently screwed up mirrored branches on launchpad09:42
spivjelmer: I can reproduce it with: http://pastebin.com/m189c0ec910:59
jelmerthat branch may have been modified by .dev versions of bzr11:00
spivReconciling the local copy and reconciling the source to pull --overwrite from doesn't fix it.11:02
spivUpgrading the local branch to rich-root format fixes the problem.11:05
=== `6og is now known as Kamping_Kaiser
mwhudsonspiv: upgrading to dirstate-tags is enough11:10
mwhudsoni really think it must be revision-history vs last-revision11:10
mwhudsonand so it's probably not as bad as i thought: it's only breaking mirroring of all dirstate branches on lp11:11
* spiv wonders why _lefthand_history is disagreeing with revision_history11:14
mwhudsonoh, it's not even that bad11:14
spivjelmer@samba.org-20051106183643-4864eee4ce83e874 is the revision it's omitting.11:14
mwhudsonalthough there are 2278 failures today11:14
mwhudsonit is actually only 13 branches that are failing11:15
mwhudsonfor some reason they are not being marked as failing, and are being attempted every time the puller runs11:16
spiv$ bzr revno11:21
spiv$ bzr revision-history | wc -l11:21
mwhudsonwell, that looks bad11:21
spivThat's after upgrading to dirstate-tags.11:22
mwhudsoni suspect that we're hitting an old, maybe unreleased, bzr bug that's lead to bogus data11:22
spivIf I leave it in the original format, they're both 37.11:22
mwhudsondoes 'bzr check' pass in both branches?11:22
spivThe disagreement is basically that jelmer@samba.org-20051106183643-4864eee4ce83e874 is sometimes in the revision-history, and it shouldn't be, because it's not a mainline revision I think.11:23
spivmwhudson: it does in the original11:24
spivIt also passes in the dirstate-tags branch11:24
spiv(despite "45 inconsistent parents", which reconcile can fix)11:24
spivjelmer: deleting jelmer@samba.org-20051106183643-4864eee4ce83e874 from your .bzr/branch/revision-history corrects the problem11:32
spivjelmer: I think...11:32
spivjelmer: I'm fairly sure that's correct.11:32
spivCurrent bzr probably ought to give a better error than an assert for this case.11:33
spivmwhudson: I need to stop for the night, can you file a bug and make sure jam knows about it11:34
spivmwhudson: maybe even mail the list.11:34
spivjelmer: Please keep a copy of the branch as is, though :)11:34
jelmerok, I'll just leave ti for now11:34
spivjelmer: thanks!11:34
jammwhudson: bzr pull --overwrite . should fix it11:35
jamWhat is happening is that history was not normalized on one side11:35
spivWe should make "bzr check" check that .bzr/branch/{revision-history,last-revision} is correct11:35
spivjam: great timing11:35
jamspiv: you pinged my name :)11:36
mwhudsonhello jam!11:36
spivjam: it's amazing what technology can do :)11:36
jamIt used to happen in bzr pre 0.8 or so11:36
jamand it just sort of stayed there for a long time11:36
mwhudson'bzr.dev pull --overwrite .' crashes too11:36
spiv(And we should make "bzr reconcile" fix it)11:36
jamwell, internally it is11:37
jamb = bzrlib.branch.Branch.open('.')11:37
spivAnyway, that's it for me for the night.11:37
jamspiv: good night11:38
jammwhudson: it happened in a recent patch to just call "set_last_revision"11:38
spivjam: sounds like an easy thing to teach bzr check/reconcile... ;)11:38
jamspiv: should be fairly trivial11:39
* spiv -> zzz11:39
jampart of the problem is that we are trusting the source branch to have the correct revno and last revision11:39
jamBut there seem to be a lot of Branch5 out there with incorrect revision-history11:40
mwhudsonanyway, the problem is nowhere near as bad as i feared11:40
jamyeah, we just used to allow you to pick any path through history you wanted11:40
jambut we moved away from that11:40
jammwhudson: are you willing to put together a patch for check & reconcile?11:41
mwhudsonjam: not right now11:41
fullermdSpeaking of reconcile, there's something there that bugs me...11:41
fullermdIt seems like 'reconcile' always takes longer than 'check', even when there's nothing to do.11:41
mwhudsonjam: i want to fix the two problems that made this so scary for me11:41
jamfullermd: really? in what repository format?11:45
jamI've always found "check" to take longer11:45
jambecause it checks all texts match their sha1sum11:45
fullermdAll knit, probably.11:46
jamreconcile doesn't, because at the moment, there isn't really anything you can do if there is a mismatch11:46
fullermdDon't remember runs back in weave days.11:46
fullermd(And I've not had the time/adventuresomeness to try pack)11:49
lifelessknit reconcile << pack reconcile. pack reconcile is very fast, according to the intel users.11:49
lifelessnight all11:49
* fullermd gets whiplash watching the drive-by.11:49
PengKnit and pack reconcile both do the same thing, right?11:50
fullermdThe end result is the same, presumably, but the mechanics are probably a lot different.11:51
jamPeng: they work very differently11:55
jamIIRC knit reconcile is a bit more brute force11:55
PengIs that good or bad?11:56
jamPeng: well it makes knits slower11:57
jamknits extract all inventories and work out what files have changed, etc.11:57
jampacks do a similar action, but without having to extract all fulltexts11:57
PengIf I'm converting from knits to packs, would it be a good idea to reconcile both, just to be careful?12:00
ubotuNew bug: #177643 in bzr "http auth pycurl is broken" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17764312:11
jamPeng: you could, though I don't think the final effect is any different12:30
TeTeTis there a way to purge a version of a file from a repository? I hold some sample media files in bzr and would like to keep the version overhead small12:34
TeTeTI'm aware that this goal conflicts with having a file under version control at all12:35
TeTeTuse case here would be 'I'd like to have the latest 3 versions of this audio files available, but not all of them'12:36
jamTeTeT: generally, no12:39
jamfor referential integrity we don't yet allow removing nodes12:39
TeTeTjam: ok12:39
jamTeTeT: you might be able to put something together with 'rebase' but it would get pretty clumsy12:40
jamYou can also look forward to12:40
jamwhich should allow people to do partial downloads12:40
jamsorry the correct link is: http://bazaar-vcs.org/HistoryHorizon12:40
jamI expect them to be finish in the first quarter next year12:40
TeTeTfor projects like the desktop training where graphics go through 2-4 versions each easily I guess it's best to split the media files from the text files12:41
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wharpCan someone give me some pointers.  I'm getting an error when I do bzr launchpad-login username15:45
wharpspecifically bzr: ERROR: Connection error: curl connection error (problem with the SSL CA cert (path? access rights?))15:46
mwhudsonwharp: are you a launchpad beta tester?15:46
mwhudson(very random guess)15:46
wharpdon't think so15:46
wharpis it possibly a problem with my key?15:46
fullermdNo, it's pycurl not being able to verify the chain to LP's cert.15:47
mwhudsonno, it sounds like pycurl being a pain15:47
wharpwell from what i can tell I don't have pycurl15:47
wharpor is it not a package?15:48
fullermdIt's just hiding 'cuz it knows you're pissed.15:48
mwhudsonpython -c 'import pycurl'15:48
wharpWhere's my trout.15:48
wharptried that, still nothing15:49
wharpdo I possibly need to remove curl?  I did install that15:49
mwhudsonif that didn't fail, then you have pycurl installed15:50
wharpit didn't fail15:50
wharpat least, it didn't return anything15:51
wharpis there a way to test?15:51
mwhudsondo you have the 'ca-certificates' package installed?15:51
wharpi do now15:51
mwhudsondoes it help?15:51
wharpyep, sure does15:52
wharpthanks, nothing I'd read mentioned that15:52
mwhudsonjust another piece of random knowledge floating around15:52
wharpjust out of curiosity, should I have known I needed that?15:52
mwhudsonwharp: probably not15:52
mwhudsonwell, put another way: yes, but it's our fault not yours that you didn't :)15:53
wharpI'll blame it on Mr. Shuttleworth15:53
fullermdIf only we had a FAQ where we could list such things...15:54
wharpI really didn't see that error mentioned anywhere.15:54
wharpIs the FAQ a wiki?15:54
wharpAnother question.  It's adding bazar.launchpad.net, etc to the host....should it do something after that or will that take a while?15:55
mwhudsonembarrassingly, given this is my area of the code, i don't really know what it does15:56
mwhudsonbut basically it just sets a configuration option, it shouldn't take very long15:57
wharpyeah, palintheus is getting a timeout so I think there might be an issue network wise15:58
PalintheusIm geting: ssh: connect to host bazaar.launchpad.net port 53000: Connection timed out15:58
mwhudsonport 53000 ??15:59
Palintheusthats what Isaid15:59
* Palintheus double checks /etc/ssh/ssh_config16:00
mwhudsonwell, that makes sense on one level:16:00
mwhudsonthere's nothing listening on bazaar.launchpad.net:5300016:00
wharpnow when it's pulling something down, is there a progress bar or anything?16:03
Palintheusgah! had remnants of an old work-around I needed, now its just sitting there, hope its working16:11
zekelIs there a way to get `bzr st` relative to your current directory? I.e., not show anything in parent folders, and show all paths relative to the current directory?17:39
mwhudsonbzr st . ?17:39
zekelThat shows all the changes in the whole tree.17:39
zekelAnd all paths are relative to the top most directory.17:39
mwhudsoner no17:40
mwhudsonit show only changes below the cwd17:40
mwhudsonbut it does show paths relative to the root17:40
mwhudsonwhich is a bug, i guess17:40
zekelIt makes it really tough to look down the st list and type the paths.17:41
vilawhat pycurl version is running on pam ? I have a test involving http proxy failing in a rather strange way17:42
vilas/pam/pqm/ ghaa17:42
mwhudsonvila: whatever's in dapper i'd guess17:44
vilawow, how do I find what version of pycurl is in dapper ? ;-)17:45
mwhudsonpackages.ubuntu.com ?17:45
vilaexcellent, thanks17:46
mwhudsonvila: yes, 7.15.0-1ubuntu1 according to the sysadmins17:51
orospakrwill bazaar look into shipping some of the more popular plugins, like git, svn, and bisect along with the standard source distribution?18:17
orospakrbecause that would be pretty awesome.18:17
radixrebase is tooootally confusing.18:37
mgedminbzr: ERROR: dirstate: inconsistent delta, with tree 0. 'fbreader/qvfb/fbreader.desktop' 'fbreader.desktop-20071220183852-09pyx75ogdtn8vpl-6' :(18:42
* mgedmin has the ability to break software18:42
mgedminwhat I did: took my old bzr repositories (that could very well have internal inconsistencies in their data structures), ran bzr upgrade, then tried to remove, replace and add some files18:43
mgedminthe old repositories were created with an ancient version of bzr that didn't support symlinks, and my source tree had symlinks18:43
* mgedmin wonders if "101 inconsistent parents" in the output of bzr check is bad18:45
* mgedmin assumes that BzrCheckError: Internal check failed: Mismatched basis inventory content. is bad18:46
luksto fix the dirstate you can try 'bzr branch broken new'18:47
luksbut I have no idea about the output from bzr check18:47
* mgedmin should probably just rm the old history18:48
fullermdThat check error is probably from the broken dirstate.18:51
mgedminno, that's in a different repo18:52
mgedminer. branc18:52
vilamwhudson: thanks for the confirmation (was dining)19:10
brilliantnutHi, deepjoy and myself are trying to integrate WebDAV with a bzr centralized server.. Could we get some help?19:17
jelmerbrilliantnut, using the webdav plugin?19:18
brilliantnutyes, or trying to.. :)19:19
jelmervila is the person you'd want to talk to19:19
vilabrilliantnut: what bzr version are you using ?19:20
vilaAre you server's admins ?19:21
vilause bzr+http then ;-)19:21
deepjoyWe have an ldap server we set up for other authentication19:22
vilathe plugin doesn't support bzr-1.0 until one bug is fixed and you'll get far better results with smart server anyway19:22
deepjoyso Apache is able to authenticate against it for other use19:22
deepjoywe're running a smart server right now19:22
viladeepjoy: you can still use that19:22
deepjoyperformance seems good19:22
vilawith the webdav plugin ?!?!?19:23
vilasry, miss one line19:23
brilliantnutno, we haven't been able to integrate the webdav plugin yet.19:23
brilliantnutwe've set up the bzr:// smart server, and its working cool for us.19:23
brilliantnutNever mind webdav, could you point us to some documentation for setting up bzr+http19:24
brilliantnutusing ldap?19:24
vilabzr+http with use http authentication, if your Apache is configured to use ldap, there should be nothing to do19:25
deepjoyso we put the bzr repository directory to be authenticated against19:25
vilaI think so19:25
deepjoyand the the bzr client should work with the bzr+http:// protocol?19:26
vilathat's the idea ;)19:26
deepjoywe'll give it a try19:26
deepjoy:-) thanks a ton19:26
brilliantnutthanks vila19:26
vilahave you read doc/en/user-guide/http_smart_server.txt19:26
viladeepjoy, brilliantnut: happy to help (TM)(jam)19:27
jamwell, modulo spiv's recent patch to make it all work smoothly19:27
vilajam: I can't remember if it was server-side client-side or both ?19:29
jamI see a change to SmartClient19:29
jamand one to SmartWSGIApp19:29
jamso it looks like both19:29
jamvila: I'll try to get them reviewed today19:30
jamwhich would mean they get merged for 1.119:30
vilaok, thks for that19:30
phanaticjelmer: hey, could you have a look at bzr-gtk bundlebuggy? i get a 503 http error...19:32
jelmerphanatic, sure, will do19:32
jelmerabentley: Any specific reason rich-root-pack is still marked as experimental ?19:33
phanaticjelmer: thanks. i'd like to go through the pending stuff...19:33
jelmerphanatic: fixed19:35
phanaticjelmer: cool, thanks :)19:35
CardinalFangHi.  I'm having trouble writing a plugin hook, or rather, I have a plugin written and I think I found a bug.19:42
jelmerphanatic: can you also merge the two requests you've just approved?19:42
jelmerhi CardinalFang19:43
CardinalFang"""bzrlib.errors.UnknownHook: The Hooks hook 'post_commit' is unknown in this version of bzrlib."""19:43
phanaticjelmer: sure19:43
jelmerphanatic, I think it would be nice to maintain the same policy as core bzr: if the original author is a team member, they do the merge, if the original author isn't, the second approver does19:44
jelmerCardinalFang: What are you calling to install the hook?19:45
phanaticjelmer: okay :)19:45
CardinalFangjelmer,   hooks = bzrlib.branch.Hooks(); hooks.install_hook("post_commit", foo)19:49
jelmerCardinalFang, You don't have to create an instance of hooks19:50
jelmerjust something like this should do:19:50
jelmerBranch.hooks.install_hook('post_commit', branch_commit_hook)19:50
CardinalFangjelmer, TypeError: unbound method install_hook() must be called with Hooks instance as first argument (got str instance instead)19:51
jelmerCardinalFang: What are you calling exactly now?19:53
jelmernote that hooks is with a lowercase h19:53
CardinalFangjelmer, Yes.  install_hooks() is a method of a Hooks class.  Calling it as a class method causes that error.19:55
CardinalFang(My first way was where I roamed after this error message.)19:55
jelmerCardinalFang: sorry, I should've been a bit clearer19:55
jelmerthere's no need to create your own instance of hooks19:56
jelmerrather, use the one in the Branch class19:56
jelmersee my example19:56
CardinalFangjelmer, I think I know the problem.  I was testing my code my running it standalone.   $ python .bazaar/plugins/foo.py19:57
CardinalFang"by running"19:57
jelmerno, standalone should work as well19:58
phanaticjelmer: patches applied...19:58
jelmeryep, does here19:58
jelmerphanatic, Thanks!19:58
brilliantnuthi vila, this is brilliantnut, and deepjoy, back with some questions.20:39
vilabrilliantnut: pong20:40
brilliantnutin bzr-smart.py, what should we set the root and prefix parameters to?20:40
brilliantnutsmart_server_app = wsgi.make_app(20:41
brilliantnut    root='/srv/example.com/code',20:41
brilliantnut    prefix='/code/',20:41
brilliantnutso, our repository is rooted at /home/vcs/bzr/ , and the trunk  is at /home/vcs/bzr/branches/HEAD20:42
brilliantnutso, what do we set root and prefix in this configuration to, and what is the significance..20:42
brilliantnutBTW, we have apache 2.2, and the <Location> is /bzr20:43
brilliantnutand we don't have any rewrite rules defined.. is that required?20:43
vila /bzr points to /home/vcs/bzr/ ?20:44
deepjoyin the file-system or in the apache conf?20:45
vila:) Whatever20:45
deepjoyI guess I'll try both20:46
vilaI'd say root='/bzr' prefix='/bzr' but you may be hitting bugs recently fixed by spiv, in which case you'll need to update to bzr.dev or wait for bzr 1.120:47
vilahave you read doc/en/user-guide/http_smart_server.txt20:48
brilliantnutyes, I was quoting that earlier.20:48
vilaok, just making sure, in the urls mentioned by jam earlier, spiv said: This, combined with the small change to fix the client-side path calculations20:49
vilaI've posted separately, makes bzr+http actually work in non-trivial situations.20:49
jambrilliantnut: I think before Andrew's patches, you have to set "root = /path/to/repo" and that must line up with "http://host/"20:50
vilaspiv is the definitive reference on these problems anyway20:50
jamIn other words, you set root to the location that is the root of public space20:51
vilaspiv == Andrew20:51
jamAfter spiv's patches land (I'm just finishing a review of one)20:51
brilliantnutIs he here?20:51
jambrilliantnut: he is, but is in Australia20:51
jamso we won't be online for at least another hour20:51
jamanyway, after spiv's patches land, you can do:20:51
jamroot = /path/to/repo20:51
jamprefix = '/repo/'20:52
jamAnd have that exported as20:52
jambrilliantnut: am I making sense?20:52
brilliantnutyou are, but would this also require some special handling in httpd.conf?20:52
brilliantnutor a blind redirect for everything in the /bzr context to the bzr-smart.py would do?20:53
brilliantnutthe latter is what we have set up.20:53
jambrilliantnut: I *think* a blind redirect works20:53
CardinalFangI can't manage to get hooks to work.  Can someone give me a dummy "pass" example?20:54
brilliantnutjam: before Andrew's patches, (i.e. on 1.0), if we set root = /path/to/repo, what should we set prefix to?20:55
jamIt has been a *long* time since I set that up, give me a sec20:55
jamCardinalFang: what hook20:55
jam(just to give you an example you want)20:55
deepjoyFYI we keep getting20:57
deepjoybzr: ERROR: Not a branch: "bzr+http://user%40comain.com@dev.domain.com/bzr/branches/HEAD/"20:57
brilliantnutwhen we try a checkout or a branch or a bind to that url20:57
jambrilliantnut: so I set it up to be20:58
deepjoyif we add or subtract from the URL we get 404's20:58
jamroot = '/home/jameinel/dev/bzr'20:58
jamand in http.conf20:58
jamI have20:58
jamAlias /bzr /home/jameinel/dev/bzr20:58
CardinalFang$ cat dummy.py20:59
CardinalFangdef notify_list(local, master, old_revno, old_revid, new_revno, new_revid): pass20:59
CardinalFangimport bzrlib.branch20:59
CardinalFangbzrlib.branch.hooks.install_hook("post_commit", dummy)20:59
CardinalFang$ bzr plugins20:59
CardinalFangUnable to load plugin 'dummy' from '/home/cmiller/.bazaar/plugins'20:59
jambrilliantnut: do you have "GET" and "POST" installed21:00
jamCardinalFang: check ~/.bzr.log21:01
jamit should explain why it is failing21:01
jambut you should do21:01
jamis a module21:01
jamis the class21:01
jambrilliantnut: make sure this works21:01
jamecho "hello" | POST http://localhost/path/.bzr/smart21:01
jamIt should return something like "ok2"21:01
jamTechnically, it returns21:02
jamwell, ok\0x012\n21:02
jamdepending on how you want to escape "\001"21:02
jambrilliantnut: also, at least the way I configured apache, I can browse to: 'http://localhost/bzr/'21:04
jamjust to make sure my Alias is correct21:04
deepjoyhttp://localhost/bzr returns a blank page21:04
deepjoythere are no errors in the apache logs21:05
jamdeepjoy: not an index?21:05
jamdeepjoy: try http://localhost/bzr/.bzr21:07
brilliantnuterrorincomplete request21:07
jamI assume deepjoy and brilliantnut  are working together?21:07
brilliantnutoh yes, we are.21:07
deepjoyyes we are. I repeat we did not set up Apache with a rewrite rule.21:07
brilliantnutin fact, we're sitting in the same cubicle currently.21:07
jamdeepjoy: I think you need to...21:08
deepjoy<Location /bzr>21:08
deepjoy   SetHandler mod_python21:08
deepjoy   PythonInterpreter main_interpreter21:08
deepjoy   PythonHandler bzrlib.bzr-smart21:08
deepjoy   AuthType Basic21:08
deepjoy   AuthName "Bazaar"21:08
deepjoy   AuthBasicProvider ldap21:08
deepjoy   Order Allow,Deny21:08
deepjoy   Allow from All21:08
deepjoy   AuthLDAPURL "ldap://localhost:389/ou=People,dc=domain,dc=com?mail"21:08
deepjoy   AuthzLDAPAuthoritative off21:08
deepjoy   Require valid-user21:08
deepjoyinside a virtual host21:08
jamdeepjoy: http://rafb.net/p/H0rAE268.html21:09
jamis my configuration21:09
jamthat said, echo "hello" | ... works21:09
jambut "bzr log http://localhost/path" does not21:09
jamit gives me21:09
jambzr: ERROR: Not a branch: "bzr+http://localhost/".21:09
jam(And I can't help but notice it is using the root path, and not the localhost/path)21:10
CardinalFangjam, that was it, module/class .21:10
jam"bzr log http://localhost/path" works21:10
jambut that is because of our default (non-smart) code21:10
brilliantnutjam: We'll try out your configuration and get back?21:11
jamI'll be around for a bit21:11
jamI could have sworn my config used to work, and I obviously can see the smart server21:12
jamit may just need Andrews patches, I might play with it in a second21:12
brilliantnutI'm hoping to find a solution without requiring to move to bzr.dev, because it will be harder to sell to the team.. :( deepjoy and myself are already struggling hard against organizational inertia.21:14
jambrilliantnut: would it be sufficient to have bzr.dev on the server?21:14
jamAnd 1.1 should be out Jan 4 or so21:14
brilliantnutyeah, that might work, we just won't tell anybody about the server  ;)21:15
brilliantnutbut no clients21:15
jam... unfortunately my quick test shows that both patches are needed ...21:18
jamIf I have them both, "bzr log bzr+http://localhost/bzr/bzr.dev" works21:18
jaminteresting, it almost seems like only the client patch is needed21:19
brilliantnutright, so when can we try out the client patch?21:21
brilliantnutalternatively, could you suggest alternatives to add an authentication layer on top of bzr://21:22
brilliantnutthats where we started the day..21:23
jambrilliantnut: bzr+ssh:// possibly using 'bzr_access' on the server to use a single logon with multiple ssh-keys21:23
jambrilliantnut: what was the reason not to use bzr+ssh?21:24
deepjoywe have to eventually auth against ldap21:24
brilliantnutwe have sshd running separately on the server21:24
deepjoyand since it's a remote machine we'd have to set up a chrooted ssh server with PAM against ldap21:25
deepjoyso we thought we'd give this a try :-)21:25
brilliantnutactually, we first arrived on #bzr looking for assistance with the WebDAV plugin :)21:25
brilliantnutand vila deflected us onto this21:26
deepjoydidn't think of doing what you just suggested21:26
deepjoybut makes a lot of sense21:26
brilliantnutbut we didn't consider ssh-keys, maybe we'll look into that option..21:26
deepjoythanks a ton guys but it's 3 am in India we gtg get some sleep before a 9 am21:27
jamdeepjoy: sleep well, though spiv should be on in about 1 hour :)21:27
deepjoybtw BZR is amazing21:27
brilliantnutgnite.. and thanks for all the fish.21:27
abadger1999Anyone tested out bzrweb against pack repos?21:31
abadger1999bazaar-webserve tracebacks and I wanted to see if it was a general problem or something specific.21:32
jamabadger1999: it sounds like a case of a function not calling "branch.lock_read()" when it should21:37
jamKnit repositories had a few more "automatic lock" functions21:37
abadger1999That sounds right.21:37
jamBut they are actually usually a bit harmful because people don't realize that all caches are thrown away at unlock time.21:38
abadger1999jam: Is it safe to call lock_read() and unlock() even if it's a knit repository?  Or do I need to test for that first21:53
jamabadger1999: it is always safe21:53
jameven for weaves21:53
abadger1999Cool.  Thanks21:53
i386lifeless: ping22:12
jami386: he may show up, but he is technically still on vacation22:16
i386jam: ahh22:18
i386Im having dinner with him tonight :)22:18
i386So I wanted to see if it was all still happening22:18
jamWell, I couldn't tell you that :)22:19
jamHe just sent an email to the ML, so I believe he is awake.22:19
SolarionI think bzr horked my svn repo22:20
Solarionsvn: 'Field/.svn/tmp/text-base/makefile.svn-base' has unsupported special file type ''22:20
jelmerSolarion, is this using bzr-svn?22:22
jelmeror plain bzr?22:22
Solarionjelmer: sorry, bzr-svn, to my knowledge22:22
SolarionI didn't knwo that bzr had builtin svn support22:22
SolarionI mean, this is using bzr {push,pull}22:23
lifelessi386: hi22:23
jelmerSolarion: It doesn't, but you may've simply "bzr add"-ed a .svn directory22:23
jelmerSolarion: Please file a bug22:23
Solarionjelmer: I sent the stacktrace from trying to pull it to bazaar@lists.ubuntu.com like a good buy22:23
Solarionuntil then, I need to figure out how to unhork the repo so I can use it.  :)22:24
jelmerSolarion, the error suggests this is a working copy, not a repository22:24
Solarionjelmer: what do you mean?22:25
jelmerSolarion: You say there is corruption in the svn repository, but the path (.svn/tmp/text-base/...) is a working copy path.22:26
Solarionjelmer: this is from a straight svn checkout, with nothing existing.22:27
jelmerSolarion, What were you doing before this error occurred?22:27
Solarionjelmer: I had bzr push'ed it from a different computer (sitll ubuntu gutsy)22:27
jelmerSolarion, How do you mean? You ran bzr push /to/ the svn working copy?22:30
Solarionjelmer: I have an svn repo at svn+ssh://host/dir22:30
SolarionI used bzr pull to get it on my notebook (having bzr push'ed it from the workstation).22:30
SolarionI made huge changes, then push'ed them back up from the laptop.22:31
SolarionI now cannot check out from the repository using either bzr nor using svn.22:31
Solarionbzr gives me a backtrace; svn gives me the error I mentioned here.22:31
jelmerSolarion: something like "svn co svn+ssh://host/dir" breaks?22:31
Solarionwith the error I specified.22:32
jelmerSolarion: Please post the backtrace of "bzr co" as well22:32
Solarionjelmer: I've sent it to the bazaar list; are you a moderator on it?22:32
Solarionit's awaiting moderation, since I'm not on the list22:32
jelmerSolarion: what version of bzr-svn/bzr?22:33
Solarionwhatever's in ubuntu gutsy (bzr 0.90.0, bzr-svn 0.4.1-122:34
jelmerah, looks like it breaks on a symlink22:35
SolarionI told the boss man that he should use bzr, but he wanted to stay with svn because it's better supported by Apple22:35
Solarion(though he's not opposed to bzr)22:36
jelmerPlease try running bzr pull again, but with the BZR_PDB=1 environment variable set22:36
jelmerthat should get you into a debugger22:36
jelmerplease print the contents of the following variables:22:36
Solarionwhat is the syntax for printing the variables?22:36
jelmerprint lines22:37
jelmerprint path22:37
Solarion(Pdb) print lines22:37
Solarion(Pdb) print path22:37
Solarionjelmer: are you the bzr-svn guy?22:38
jelmerSolarion: yup, I'm the main author22:38
Solarionjelmer: congrats; it's awesome stuff22:38
jelmerdid you add a file called "Field/makefile" from bazaar that is a symlink?22:38
Solarionnot knowingly, but possibly; I did a bulk add22:38
jelmerSolarion, in the original tree, what does Field/makefile link to?22:40
SolarionI dunno; I'm not on my notebook atm22:40
* Solarion starts up his notebook22:41
Solarionok, it is a symlink to makefile.subdir22:45
Solarionwhat do I need to do?22:46
Solarionjelmer: still there22:52
jelmeryeah, I'm just checking how this bug could ever occur22:53
Solarionjelmer: it's a symlink to a file in the parent directory, if that's any help22:54
Solarionmakefile is a symlink to ../makefile.subdir22:55
igcmorning all22:58
jelmerSolarion: has the type ever changed? I.e. was Field/makefile ever a regular file?22:59
Solarionjelmer: don't think so23:01
jelmerwhat were the changes to this file as reported by `svn log' ?23:05
jelmerIn particular "svn diff -c <rev> svn+ssh://host/../Field/makefile" may be interesting23:05
SolarionI can't get a full checkout because of this problem23:06
jelmerSolarion, You can run svn log and svn diff directly against the repository23:06
Solarionlog says "Added non-object files.23:07
Solarionwhich is true23:07
jelmerSolarion: and diff for that particular file?23:08
Solarionsvn diff -r 5:6 svn+ssh://host/path/to/file states nothing23:09
Solarionbefore 5, it says "Unable to find <file> in revision <revisions>'23:10
Solarionbzr (in the copy I pushed from) says "=== Added symlink Field/makefile\n=== Target is ../makefile.subdir"23:12
Solarionnotebook has same versions of bzr and bzr-svn23:13
SolarionI tried to push a new version with the symlink blown away, and I was able to but it still chokes23:15
jelmerboth svn and bzr?23:16
Solarionwell, sorta23:18
Solarionapparently, with the file gone, svn only chokes *after* everything's been checked out23:19
jelmerwhat error?23:19
Solarionactually, hold on.23:19
Solarionif I remove the symlink, svn no longer chokes there.23:20
Solarionyes, svn no longer chokes now that I've removed the symlinks23:21
Solarionbzr, however, still chokes23:21
Solarioneven when doing a fresh branch23:22
Solarionjelmer: any idea what's going on yet?23:23
jelmerSolarion: I'm still not sure why it's setting the symlink correctly23:24
jelmerIt's easy to make the error on bzr go away23:24
vilawow, lp is making use of --fix lp:nnnn !!23:24
vilacongrats to lp guys :)23:24
jelmerbut I'd rather fix the problem that's causing it23:24
jelmervila: how?23:24
Solarionyes, me too, since it prvents others from checking things out.23:25
vilalook at bug #17664323:25
ubotuLaunchpad bug 176643 in ubuntu "SoundBlater 5.1 digital soundcard doesn't work all the time" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17664323:25
vilaerrr bug #177643 ;-)23:25
ubotuLaunchpad bug 177643 in bzr "http auth pycurl is broken" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17764323:25
Solarionjelmer: it's definitely in the symlink adding code; I cannot add a symlink from bzr and push it to svn and have svn not ide.23:25
SolarionI just tried, and now things are horked again23:25
spivvila: I think jml is the one to thank for that23:28
vilajml: very nice Christmas gift, thanks :)23:29
jmlmy pleasure23:29
jelmerSolarion, I'm trying to reproduce it here23:30
Solarionjelmer: are you sure you're looking at verion 0.41?23:30
Solarion0.4.1, rather23:30
jelmerno, I'm at 0.4.623:32
jelmerbut I don't recal fixing it23:32
Solarionif you can't reproduce it in 0.4.6...  :)23:33
Solariondoes 0.4.6 work iwth bzr 0.90?23:35
jelmeryep, I can reproduce it23:38
jelmerSolarion, no, it requires 1.023:38
Solarionmaybe i should re-install bzr-svn then.  :)23:39
Solarionjelmer: so we're halfway there, eh?23:40
Solarionanything I can help with?23:41
jelmernope, just need a few minutes to write a testcase and get this fixed23:42
jelmerit should be fairly trivial23:42
Solarionfound the bug?23:42
Solariontrivially-fixed bugs are the best oens23:43
Solarionhey jamesh23:46
* Solarion wonders if jelmer is still around. :)23:56
Solarionright, I'm off then.  :)23:57

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