
ari_stressmorning all :D02:01
kgoetzmorning :)02:03
ari_stresswazzup kgoetz02:10
kgoetztrying to fix a broken wiki at work :/02:11
kgoetzone of the not 100% successful bits of yesterdays upgrade02:11
ari_stresswhat wiki do you use?02:25
kgoetzcurrently php wiki, but we are aiming to migrate to mediawiki RSN. (amusing really, i hacve to get phpwiki working before i'm alowedd to get rid of it)02:28
=== freeflying_ is now known as freeflying
ScorpFromHellanybody tried DHCP/TFTP/preseeding apprach to mass install Ubuntu/Edubuntu? how does it compare to doing a disk image copying using tools like Norton Ghost or PartImage?03:55
* johnny guesses it is slower04:02
johnnyif you're using all sorts of different HDs tho04:03
johnnypreseeding would be the better way04:03
kgoetzdepends what your infrastructure is, and the plan for all the systems mid-long term04:03
ScorpFromHelljohnny, the HDs are similar, we have nearly 100 machines but with only 3-4 different types of configs04:06
ScorpFromHellkgoetz, the systems are old machines used in our org & are now to be donated to various NGOs who would further distribute them to schools04:07
ScorpFromHellcurrently trying out an option similar to http://www.debuntu.org/how-to-unattended-ubuntu-network-install using DHCP/TFTP/Preseed files04:08
johnnythat would work nicely04:08
ScorpFromHelljohnny, which one would work nicely? Preseed / disk image?04:09
* kgoetz is is havingn a total braindead on teh subjet of netinstalls04:10
ScorpFromHellit would be cool if we could have an idiot proof option for netinstalls :(04:11
johnnyisn't it?04:11
johnnyi mean.. there's onlly so low you can go04:12
ScorpFromHellthen we could go all out for world domination :D04:12
johnnyif it's preseeded, there shouldn't really be any options04:12
johnnyjust walk around and turn the PCs on04:12
johnnyyou can't get much more idiot proof than that04:12
kgoetzsettin up the infrastrcture is (can be) very error prone04:13
ScorpFromHelloh, that part is idiot proof, johnny04:13
kgoetzcollcting 100mac addresses an getting them into teh dhcp config for a start04:13
ScorpFromHellam stuck up in getting the infrastructure running, and am having to get it done remotely, like some 1000KM away :(04:13
ScorpFromHellkgoetz, yeah, agree, infrastructure is _the_ pain04:14
kgoetzScorpFromHell: i've done the cd image method, i did lots of readinag about teh netinstall method.04:15
kgoetzsorry about the spelling, somewhat lagged :(04:15
kgoetzchose to do cds, beecause it was easier for the people helping me04:15
ScorpFromHellkgoetz, did u put up a wiki/blog about it? the whole exercise & the experience I mean04:16
kgoetzScorpFromHell: no, we didnt :/ i planed to, but other things took over, and i havent thought about it recently. it was for ITShares PNG computer shipment04:17
ScorpFromHellah ... the ITShares folks ... `6og shared me their URL yesterday ... we are doing something on those lines ... but all for free ... http://scorpfromhell.blogspot.com04:18
* kgoetz is `6og 04:19
ScorpFromHellooops :D04:19
kgoetzitshare only startd charging after almost goign broke. (and the $20 fee isnt to hard methinks :p)04:19
ScorpFromHellwell ... actually, we are doing it for free as part of our CSR04:20
ScorpFromHellI let my wife know of this & she was, we can start something like that here too :)04:20
ScorpFromHellcsr= corporate social responsibility ... "suit" speak for social welfare activities04:21
kgoetzlike santos donating us their gear :)04:21
ScorpFromHellcsr is so that the "suits" all don't rot in hell ;)04:21
ScorpFromHellkgoetz, I also came across a thread suggesting using PartImage in the SystemRescueCD which is a LiveCD04:24
kgoetznot familr with tehm04:26
ScorpFromHellpartimage is something like norton ghost for linux ...04:26
ScorpFromHelllooked it up yesterday ... I have suggested to give a peep, lets see what the guys come up with04:27
ScorpFromHellalso, was wondering if we could include AptOnCD by default in the Server Add-on CD04:27
ScorpFromHellwhere should I suggest this? Blueprints on launchpad?04:27
kgoetzfilea  wishlist bug, and do a blueprint saying how you think it would work04:28
ScorpFromHelltx kgoetz, am coming back to all this irc, bug reporting stuff after almost 7 years! got to become a "suit" in the meantime :(04:29
kgoetz:/ welcome back, hope we can save you ;)04:29
ScorpFromHellyeah, I plan to win back my soul as yet :D lol04:33
ScorpFromHellkgoetz, gotta go to fix my wife's notebook, will be away04:37
ScorpFromHellbtw, what timezone are you in? me GMT+5.504:38
kgoetzThu Dec 20 15:08:36 CST 200704:38
kgoetzdate: unrecognized option `--gmt'04:38
kgoetzTry `date --help' for more information.04:38
kgoetzThu Dec 20 04:38:59 UTC 200704:39
kgoetzyes, 9.504:39
kgoetz(--utc, not --gmt)04:39
neil_dany ideas where I could find a user manual for a ga-pcv2 pc-1500 mini-itx motherboard07:38
ScorpFromHellis there anything that allows you to setup a netboot server that would copy disk images instead of using preseed files to setup systems?08:11
ScorpFromHellsomething like what Ghost does for Windows?08:11
johnnyuhmm.. partimage? doesn't it do that?08:12
johnnyplus there was ghost4linux08:12
johnnybut they had to rename it08:12
johnnyi forgot08:12
johnnybut i bet you can still find it08:12
ScorpFromHelljohnny, k let me check that up ... I found PING http://ping.windowsdream.com/ping/howto-2.01.html08:13
RichEdScorpFromHell: check this page see if it helps08:21
RichEdactually scrap that ... the netboot section isn't helpful08:22
ScorpFromHellthanks riched, am also following up http://www.sysresccd.org/Sysresccd-manual-en_PXE_network_booting based on johnny's clues08:23
RichEdthere is a help.ubuntu page but it says it does not work for gutsy :(08:24
somerville32RichEd, poke08:33
RichEdmr somerville32 :)08:34
somerville32RichEd, and updates? :)08:34
`6og<ScorpFromHell> is there anything that allows you to setup a netboot server that would copy disk images instead of using preseed files to setup systems?10:29
`6og^^ at LCA in sydney someone did 'ubuntu live' which was effectively that. dont remember who or how though :/10:29
ScorpFromHell`6og, Well this seems promising: http://www.sysresccd.org/Sysresccd-manual-en_PXE_network_booting10:31
ScorpFromHell`6og: only that this needs min 280MB RAM in the client m/cs ... so need to create a custom CD as per http://www.sysresccd.org/forums/viewtopic.php?t=176310:32
`6ogScorpFromHell, how much ram do you have?10:32
ScorpFromHell`6og: the steps to create the custom cd are here: http://www.sysresccd.org/Sysresccd-manual-en_How_to_personalize_SystemRescueCd10:32
ScorpFromHell`6og, some systems have 256, some have 51210:32
ScorpFromHellthis is a cross between the netinstall & disk image ... effectively providing a netboot using SystemRescueCD distro & using PartImage to create & copy disk-images10:34
`6oglooks likely. is it free software?10:34
ScorpFromHell`6og, yes ... its all open source10:45
=== `6og is now known as Kamping_Kaiser
=== [1]Netham45 is now known as Netham45
ian__hi, i've got a disklessworkstation 170 and i can't seem to figure out how to get it to work in ltsp5 (gutsy)23:05
ian__i have the 170 dvi model23:05

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