
hamadooookik i will try00:00
sd132is there a list of bot commands anywhere?00:01
mempmani have hp laptop, are there any good programs out there to change touchpad sensitivty settings?00:01
steveireandreas__: What is the problem you're having? Is it just configuration?00:01
andreas__about what?00:01
andreas__the brightness?00:02
NickPresta!bot > sd13200:02
sd132NickPresta: thanks00:02
posingaspopularhey all, im having trouble importing my signed CoC into LP. it gives me 'no data' every single time00:02
tekteenposingaspopular: coc?00:03
cheguevara_not really kubuntu related that00:03
steveireandreas__: Using your p2p00:03
=== squeezed is now known as Squeezed
cheguevara_code of conduct00:03
tekteenwhat is a coc00:03
andreas__i have installed dc_gui but i can't get it to connect to dchub://toffe1.the-internationals.com:133700:04
staceyi have the following dependancey error, what should i do  smbclient: Depends: samba-common (= 3.0.26a-1ubuntu2) but 3.0.26a-1ubuntu2.3 is installed.00:04
cheguevara_posingaspopular: #launchpad00:04
Squeezedi have a grat problem with kubuntu00:04
Squeezedwith konqueror00:04
Squeezedand kopete00:05
Squeezedi'm connected with a 56k modem now00:05
posingaspopularthanks all00:05
bluemanwhy do i keep getting booted out of here periodically?00:05
bluemanit is sooo frustrating00:05
Squeezedbut i can't surf the web with konqueror00:05
NickPrestablueman, what message are you kicked with?00:06
Squeezedcan someone help me?00:06
steveireDoes anyone have qt demos installed or want to be really helpful and apt-get install libqt4-doc?00:06
bluemannick: it just says connection timed out00:06
NickPrestablueman, then you aren't being booted out of here. Your connection is timing out =)00:07
ardchoilleblueman: You weren't kicked, your connection timed out.. nothing we can do about that00:07
tehm0nksup people00:07
hamadoooblueman .. i think you can adjuste the brightness with ctrl and F600:08
hamadoootry it00:08
Squeezedi don't know how to help you00:08
cheguevara_steveire, yeah i'll do it00:08
andreas__i am using Apollon right now and it is taking so long to connect!!00:09
andreas__actually it can NOT connect00:09
steveirecheguevara_: Cool.00:09
Squeezedis someone using a 56k here?00:09
steveireActually, apt-get source qt4-dev instead.00:09
hamadoooi have a question now ... i have to languages in ubuntu how can i swich between them by using ctrl and alt just like the windows00:09
tehm0nkany gamers here?00:10
cheguevara_probably got qt4-dev already00:10
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cheguevara_what are the steps to reproduce00:10
steveirecheguevara_: Yeah, but if you apt-get source libqt4-dev you get some demo applications :)00:10
cheguevara_oh source00:11
cheguevara_didn't notice that00:11
hamadoooi have a question now ... i have to languages in ubuntu how can i swich between them by using ctrl and alt just like the windows00:11
cheguevara_hamadooo, its in kde's control panel soewhere00:11
steveirecheguevara_: Yeah, sorry I'm being confusing i know. That stops now.00:11
hamadooowell im using ubuntu00:11
hamadooowhere i can find this control panel00:11
cheguevara_hamadooo, ubuntu or kubuntu?00:12
cheguevara_steveire, give me 5 minutes to get the source00:12
cheguevara_hamadooo, so why are you asking your questions in a kubuntu support channel00:12
hamadooothey don't help me there00:12
hamadooono one asnswers me00:13
cheguevara_well we don't have gnome to help you :P00:13
jack12hamadoo: what is your question00:13
ardchoillehamadooo: This channel is for Kubuntu support, many of the apps used by these folks won't be available in gnome unless you install them.00:13
hamadoooi have tow languages in my ubuntu .. i want to swich between them by ctrl and alt just like the windows00:13
jack12if my connection times out one more time, i am gonna flllliiippp00:14
hamadooook ardchille00:14
hamadoooi think there are almost the same .. ubuntu and kubuntu00:14
hamadooothat's why i asked here00:14
bazhangwhat languages hamadooo00:15
cheguevara_hamadooo, the core is the same but the GUI is not00:15
hamadoooi have arabic and english and i want to swich between them via keyboard00:15
andreas__Hello? I am having troubles with Apollon.. Anybody to help00:15
jack12y is it that some programs (i.e. wmbattery) install into /usr/bin and also in /usr/bin/X1100:15
bazhangskim hamadooo read up on it, then go to #ubuntu00:15
hamadooowhat skim means00:16
cheguevara_hamadooo, try  System -> Preferences -> Input languages00:16
cheguevara_or something along those lines00:16
bazhangskim hamadooo read up on it--did you do that already?00:16
hamadooowhere can i read about it00:16
bazhangthen first do so hamadooo--are you familiar with any search engines?00:17
hamadoooyes google00:17
bazhangthere you go00:17
hamadooobut let me use what cheguevara sayid first00:17
cheguevara_System (top 3rd place)00:17
cheguevara_Preferences (top in list)00:17
cheguevara_Keyboard (5th in list)00:17
cheguevara_Layouts (2nd tab)00:17
cheguevara_try that00:17
hamadoooyes i did that .. and i already have the tow language in my ubuntu .. but i can swich between them with my keyboard like i always do in windows00:18
hamadoooctrl + alt00:18
ardchoillehamadooo: are you using gnome or kde?00:19
jack12maybe i should switch from kubuntu and ubuntu.....?00:19
jack12perhaps...any thoughts?00:19
bazhanghamadooo: I already answered that: skim--read about it, then go to #ubuntu00:19
cheguevara_hamadooo, there where i told u to go00:19
cheguevara_will be options00:19
hamadooook guy's just don't be angry00:19
cheguevara_to set the keys to switch00:19
hamadoooi will00:19
cheguevara_just look harder00:19
bazhangharder heh00:19
hamadooook i don't need this now ... i have another question00:20
hamadooowhat is the best msn client00:20
cheguevara_go on :P00:20
bazhangjack12: no idea--the support for other distros is not very good00:20
hamadoooi want it to be like the windows00:20
bazhanghamadooo: then go to ##windows00:20
hamadoooamsn good but doesnt support arabic .. only english00:20
cheguevara_why switch to linux if you want things to be like windows :P00:21
cheguevara_especially to a gnome distro :P00:21
hamadooocuz last night i got virus un my windows00:21
hamadoooi hate it ;/00:21
tekteenhamadooo: try kubuntu00:21
cheguevara_amsn doesn't only supports english00:21
tekteenhamadooo: it is "more like windows"00:21
cheguevara_i am not entirely sure about arabic00:21
bazhanghamadooo: listen to tekteen :} then we can help you00:21
cheguevara_steveire, got the source00:22
steveirecheguevara_: Great cd qt4-x11-4.3.2/demos/textedit00:22
hamadoooi don't have the cd for kubuntu .. and ubuntu looks better cuz its the first one of them00:22
steveireor use konqi. Doesn't matter00:22
cheguevara_i prefer terminal :P00:22
ardchoillehamadooo: Please go to #ubuntu for gnome support. This channel is for Kubuntu support.00:22
cheguevara_hamadooo, then seek support in #ubuntu00:22
bazhangthen go to the correct channel hamadooo00:23
steveirecool, then ./textedit00:23
hamadooono help there00:23
hamadoooi went there and no one talks to me00:23
cheguevara_hamadooo, then forums or come back later00:23
bazhangno help for that here00:23
tekteenhamadooo: I found the fonts00:23
steveireselect a word, like widget or something, and click ctrl+u00:23
cheguevara_steveire, need to compile it first right00:23
hamadoooyou guy's look helpful00:23
hamadooowht fonts00:23
steveirecheguevara_: Oh yeah.00:23
cheguevara_hamadooo, but we can't help you with something we don't use00:23
tekteenhamadooo: sudo apt-get install ttf-arabeyes00:23
cheguevara_steveire, remind me the comand00:24
steveirecheguevara_: cd demos00:24
tekteenthat is arabic fonts00:24
steveirethen qmake -project; qmake; make00:24
hamadoooi have arabic fonts .. but amsn doesn't suport arabic not ubuntu00:24
hamadoooi can right arabic here00:24
hamadoooanyways it's ok00:24
hamadoooi fine without msn :P00:24
hamadooonow plz let's talk about mirc00:25
hamadoooi use xchat00:25
ardchoillehamadooo: Please go to #ubuntu for gnome support. This channel is for Kubuntu support. This is your last warning.00:25
hamadoooit seems good .. but i hate the colors00:25
cheguevara_steveire, your sure thats the comand00:25
cheguevara_i get an error00:25
tekteenhamadooo: want to get kubuntu?00:25
hamadoooi leave now00:25
andreas__Konversation is a very good client00:25
steveirecheguevara_: Could you pastebin the error?00:26
andreas__it came with Kubuntu00:26
tekteenhamadooo: in the terminal type00:26
steveireqmake-qt4; make00:26
steveiretry that instead00:26
hamadooocan i download it in ubuntu00:26
tekteenhamadooo: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop00:26
andreas__well you might find in in adept manager00:26
hamadoootakteen i don't want kubuntu i like ubuntu00:26
hamadooook andreas thanx00:26
hamadooothanx all of u for help00:27
tehm0nkwhat do i need to install to see FLV videos? like youtube?00:27
ardchoillehamadooo: You can install kubuntu as tekteen suggested or you can download it from here: http://www.kubuntu.com/download.php00:27
hamadoooi will leave now before they kick me out00:27
cheguevara_cheguevara@cheguevara-laptop:~/del/qt4-x11-4.3.3/demos$ qmake-qt4 -project00:27
cheguevara_Failure to open file: /home/cheguevara/del/qt4-x11-4.3.3/demos//demos.pro00:27
hamadooook thanx00:27
nosrednaekimtehm0nk: hey... hows the monitors going?00:27
jack12does anybody know of any good programs for laptop touchpad sensitivity controls??00:27
tehm0nkthey're okay00:27
tekteentehm0nk: flash00:27
wimpiesHI all, my firefox does not want to load flash 9 although it is installed00:27
tehm0nkkinda weird tho00:27
tehm0nktekteen: do you know the package name?00:27
nosrednaekimjack12: ksynaptics00:27
steveirecheguevara_: OK, forget the -project switch for the minute and just do qmake-qt400:27
nosrednaekimtehm0nk: but they are both finally workning?00:28
tekteentehm0nk: 64 bit or 32?00:28
cheguevara_steveire, i know that won't work 'cause there's no Makefile :P00:28
tehm0nkyeah both are working but it's weird00:28
nosrednaekimtehm0nk: flashplugin-nonfree00:28
jack12nosrednaekim: does that work for hp laptops or anything?00:28
steveirecheguevara_: Try it00:28
nosrednaekim!info flashplugin-nonfree00:28
ubotuflashplugin-nonfree: Adobe Flash Player plugin installer. In component multiverse, is optional. Version (gutsy), package size 17 kB, installed size 156 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 lpia)00:28
nosrednaekimcheguevara_: is it cmake?00:28
tekteennosrednaekim: it does not work00:28
tekteennosrednaekim: it gives an error00:28
nosrednaekimtekteen: ah... thats right.. I forgot.00:29
cheguevara_steveire, Failure to open file: /home/cheguevara/del/qt4-x11-4.3.3/demos/Makefile00:29
tekteenI will give u a link00:29
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cheguevara_nosrednaekim, nah its uk it doesn't use cmake00:29
Xbehaveon a toshiba laptop i only get sound though my headphones00:29
nosrednaekimtehm0nk: never mind me.. are you using konqueror or firefox?00:29
nosrednaekimcheguevara_: does it have a README or INSTALL file?00:30
wimpiesnosrednaekim : I have that (even a higher) version installed : and the libs.  It also seems firefox is loading them (lsof shows lib) but when I enter a site with flash 9 I get the request to download the flash 900:30
steveirecheguevara_: I'm having some network issues. I'll be back in a minute. have a look at ownership and permissions on those files.00:30
cheguevara_ah acutally you are right00:30
nosrednaekimwimpies: try it in konqueror.00:30
cheguevara_i fetched the files as root00:30
wimpiesnosrednaekim : same problem00:30
Pete_^It seems they've changed the flash plugin00:30
steveirecheguevara_: :)00:30
tekteennew update :-D00:31
nosrednaekimtehm0nk: then visit any site that has flash and it should prompt you to install the plugin.00:31
Pete_^flashplugin-nonfree is broken, along with konqueror auto install00:31
Pete_^nosrednaekim: Its broken there too.00:31
nosrednaekimPete_^: Adobe changed it?00:31
tehm0nkok got it00:31
nosrednaekimoh... wow.00:31
wimpiesPete_^ : indeed I downloaded the tar.gz version extracted the lib, copied all to no avail00:31
ardchoilleflashplugin-nonfree is not broken for me in Gutsy00:32
wimpiesI run feisty00:32
Pete_^nosrednaekim: I believe so00:32
tekteenThey need to update it00:32
tekteenI will find a bug on it00:32
Pete_^ardchoille: not sure what you are doing ;)00:32
ardchoillePete_^: Oh, you mean for new installs?00:33
steveirecheguevara_: sudo chown -R cheguevara_:cheguevara_ qt4-x11-4.3.3 so00:33
nosrednaekimtehm0nk: seems flash is kinda broken, you may not want to install right now... if you can wait a few days it should be fixed.00:33
Pete_^the md5sum of the file has changed, pretty simple. Unless the package has been updated really recently00:33
ardchoilleAh, ok00:33
Pete_^ardchoille: Yes00:33
cheguevara_yeah steveire i know that :P00:33
nosrednaekimcheguevara_: what are you doing that for? its in the repositories..00:33
steveire:-) cool. Is it working this time?00:34
cheguevara_nosrednaekim: yeah I know, steveire wants to show me some bug though :P00:34
wimpiesnosrednaekim : I find it strange since the lib *is* there (I used the tar.gz file at adobe's) but even that does not work.  So is the Adobe version broken ?00:34
cheguevara_steveire, yeah got textedit started00:34
cheguevara_whats the bug then00:34
Pete_^They've changed the version they are hosting recently00:34
nosrednaekimcheguevara_: oh00:34
nosrednaekimwimpies: that seems to be the case00:34
wimpiesnosrednaekim : and will that be fixed in a few days ?00:35
cheguevara_nosrednaekim: never compiled qt or any qt project by hand before, so sound n00b lol00:35
nosrednaekimwimpies: hopefully00:35
steveirecheguevara_: select a word and ctrl+u to toggle underline a few times. The bug is that the first time it underlines the word without toggling the button, second time it toggles the button, and third time it toggles off normally.00:35
nosrednaekimcheguevara_: heh00:36
cheguevara_unlikely that flash will be fixed soon00:36
cheguevara_the patch is not ready yet and the size of it is not stable material00:36
billybobomy boot screen isn't working anymore00:36
nosrednaekimbillybobo: what about it is not working.00:37
cheguevara_steveire, toggled for me from the first time00:37
billybobowhen i buut it used to read, "Kubuntu", and had a progress bar.  Now its just black00:37
billybobo\\when i *boot*...00:37
nosrednaekimbillybobo: did you just swap videocards?00:37
billybobointel card00:37
nosrednaekimor from onboard to PCI-X?00:38
billyboboi've tried dpkg-reconfigure usplash and tried dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg00:38
steveirecheguevara_: Hmmm... That's interesting. It must mean something's wrong with my box. Bad for me, but probably means kjots4 is ok.00:38
billybobonope same card00:38
steveirecheguevara_: Have a look at the qt tutorial and examples while you have it. Qt's powerful and easy.00:38
nosrednaekimbillybobo: odd, the people who most often report that is those who either have two monitor outputs, or two video cards00:38
Pete_^for people wondering about flash : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/feisty/+source/flashplugin-nonfree/+bug/17389000:39
cheguevara_steveire, which qt version you got?00:39
Pete_^I believe its the same in Gusty too00:39
cheguevara_steveire, qt might be easy C++ is not :P00:39
* nosrednaekim <3 QT00:39
billyboboany suggestions on how to fix it?00:39
steveirecheguevara_: 4.3.2 from kubuntu repos00:39
cheguevara_mine is 4.3.300:39
nosrednaekimpyqt! :D00:39
cheguevara_might be something there00:39
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steveirecheguevara_: Are you sure? Is that what it says in help > about QT?00:40
cheguevara_nosrednaekim, phpqt, FTW :P00:40
steveirecheguevara_: Where did you get it from? A PPA?00:40
andreas__is kubuntu a kind of Debian?00:40
nosrednaekim4.3.2 from gutsy repos..00:40
ardchoille!away > grycAFK00:40
cheguevara_steveire, hardy :P00:40
steveirecheguevara_: Ah right00:40
nosrednaekimandreas__: yes, it is based on debian00:41
steveirenosrednaekim: Any chance you have qt demos or kde4 installed?00:41
billyboboi've also lost all of my screensavers in KDE!! :(00:41
steveire(And using gutsy :))00:41
andreas__so why do people stick to kubuntu/ubuntu instead of debian?00:41
nosrednaekimsteveire: using KDE4, yes00:42
nosrednaekimbillybobo: yeah, look at the bugs, I heard about that one before00:42
nosrednaekimandreas__: because its simpler and easier00:42
steveirenosrednaekim: Could you check out kjots from svn and confirm a bug for me?00:42
andreas__so it just took the philosophy of debian and made it more approachable00:43
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billybobook but nothing on the usplash during startup or shutdown?00:43
nosrednaekimsteveire: probably not... i'm on dial-up,and i'd have to get the -dev's as well00:43
steveirenosrednaekim: Ah right00:43
nosrednaekimbillybobo: not that I kow of... you could try booting a different kernel00:43
billybobothis computer is a gift, to be given tonight... and Kubuntu is falling apart on me :(00:44
nosrednaekimsteveire: sorry...00:44
billybobothere is no other kernel listed, even though it installed a new one this morning00:44
nosrednaekimsteveire: is this a kde bug?00:44
nosrednaekimbillybobo: ok, well, nothing seems to be seriously broken, a missing splash is really nothing to be worried about.00:45
tekteenbillybobo: u may want to reinstall00:45
billyboboeh, but a black screen for 45 seconds isn't promising00:45
nosrednaekimbut the screensavers..... hmm00:45
steveirenosrednaekim: It's from qt, but I don't know if it's something wrong with my box's config/qt4.3.2 bug/kubuntu packages... Trying to track it down00:45
billyboboi've spent hours getting it to this state, not going to do that before tonight... aka in 30m00:45
tekteenbillybobo: click alt+F1 during boot00:45
nosrednaekimbillybobo: take "splash" off the grub line and see text instead :D00:45
nosrednaekimsteveire: oh ok... don't want to look dumb when you report it as a bug? :D00:46
tehm0nkhow do i kill a program that isn't responding?00:46
tehm0nkadept manager freaked out on me...00:46
nosrednaekimtehm0nk: "ctrl+esc"00:47
Pete_^tehm0nk: Ksysguard ctrl-etc00:47
nosrednaekimtehm0nk: use synaptic... its generally stabler00:47
steveirenosrednaekim: If it's fixed in4.3.3 I don't think it's worth reporting :)00:47
Pete_^Xkill is good too ;)00:47
Pete_^You have to take more care with that though.00:47
nosrednaekimsteveire: well, it is, because kde4 depends on >=4.3.2 right now, so they will probably want to be aware of it00:47
tehm0nk"Insufficient permissions to kill process #"00:47
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Pete_^tehm0nk: be careful, press ctrl-alt-esc and click on the locked window00:48
nosrednaekimtehm0nk: heh, run this on the command line then "sudo killall -9 adept_manager"00:48
nosrednaekimand then you will have to run a !adeptfix00:48
ubotuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »00:48
tehm0nkok all better00:50
tehm0nkwhere does synaptic install to?00:51
nosrednaekimtehm0nk: what do you mean?00:51
tehm0nki can't find it in my menu00:51
nosrednaekimoh... system I think.00:51
nosrednaekimtehm0nk: or "kdesudo synaptic" on the command line'00:52
tehm0nkare any of you gamers?00:53
tehm0nkor better yet, play wow?00:53
tehm0nkdid you install wow in kubuntu?00:53
bazhangnot wow--wii00:53
Pete_^I just built a new gaming machine yesterday, but I don't play WoW.00:53
tehm0nkbah, just wondered if i should install wow in vista or here00:54
* nosrednaekim playes Bzflag... and thats about it00:54
nosrednaekimtehm0nk: its possible to do it within wine00:54
nosrednaekimand its been done many many times00:54
tehm0nkand is it better to have an extended to 2nd screen setup with dual monitors or 2 X screens?00:55
ubotuInformation about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php00:55
bazhangvery good under wine iirc tehm0nk00:55
Pete_^tehm0nk: Depends what you want to do00:55
nosrednaekimtehm0nk: extended is harder to set up usually00:55
tehm0nkso is dual X screens00:55
tehm0nkfor some reason the second one is like... weird00:55
nosrednaekimlike how?00:55
tehm0nkthe menubar is super basic00:55
tehm0nkdoesn't look like the other one00:56
nosrednaekimmenubar for what.00:56
Pete_^I remember that00:56
tehm0nkand my other one lost stuff00:56
tehm0nknosrednaekim: at the bottom of the screen00:56
tehm0nkthe taskbar i guess00:56
Pete_^I personally prefer twinview or xinerama00:56
nosrednaekimtehm0nk: oh.... kicker and two desktops...00:56
tehm0nkif you maximize something does it go BOTH screens or just the one?00:56
nosrednaekimtehm0nk: yeah, i've never messed with dual monitors.. projector is as far as I've gotten.00:57
Pete_^tehm0nk: Depends how you set it up00:57
Pete_^I like it to maximise to one screen00:57
tehm0nkright same with me00:57
tehm0nkbut i dont know what to do to make it setup right...00:57
ubotuInformation about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama00:57
tehm0nki'd Like to be able to drag things to the other screen00:57
Pete_^Twinview is good if you have one nvidia card outputting to two screens, xinerama is good if you have a more complicated setup but 3d acceleration across multiple screens isn't such of an issue00:58
nosrednaekimso its really running two whole xservers?00:58
tehm0nknosrednaekim: Duh been there :-P00:58
nosrednaekimtehm0nk: figures ;)00:58
tehm0nkwell i have 2 videocards :-x00:58
Pete_^I don't know if theres an ATI driver based solution00:58
tehm0nk1 monitor on each00:58
tehm0nkPete_^: you good witht he xorg.conf file?00:59
Pete_^tehm0nk: I wouldn't say good, but if needed I can have a look I suppose00:59
tehm0nki could pastebin mine and you tell me what to change to make it the way i'd like?00:59
Pete_^tehm0nk: I'll give it a shot01:00
tehm0nkok cool01:00
tehm0nklemme get the current one and pastebin...01:00
nosrednaekimtehm0nk: have you tried messing in the monitor and display section of systemsettings?01:00
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tehm0nkcan i do something like "sudo kate blabblah" to open it01:00
Pete_^if you are reading kate /etc/X11/xorg.conf will do fine01:01
tehm0nknosrednaekim: that for my setup is what cause SO many problems01:01
nosrednaekimtehm0nk: ah...01:01
tehm0nki use "kdesudo nvidia-settings"01:01
Pete_^to write use kdesudo01:01
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)01:01
tehm0nkArgh if i click a link...01:02
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tehm0nkit just sits there and does nothing.01:02
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nosrednaekimtehm0nk: what just sits there.01:02
tehm0nkit opens a window that says "loading progress"01:03
nosrednaekimtehm0nk: oh.....01:03
Pete_^So you have two 8600 gt's?01:03
tehm0nkand 2 of the same LCD monitors01:03
nosrednaekimthat makes things easier I would think01:04
Pete_^It helps I suppose, but it doesn't really matter01:04
Pete_^Just a question, are these cards in a SLi configuration?01:05
tehm0nkthe connector is connected but no it's not enabled01:05
nosrednaekimyou can do SLI and dualhead at the same time?01:05
tehm0nkthat is enabled through drivers anyways01:05
Pete_^I don't think so?01:05
tehm0nknosrednaekim: No.01:05
nosrednaekimtehm0nk: I'd remve the cable....01:06
tehm0nki didn't know that till i had installed it...01:06
Pete_^sadly you can't use twinview (so thats proper acceleration down the drain..)01:06
tehm0nknosrednaekim: dont need to, Drivers enable it01:06
tehm0nkpete what do you mean?01:06
tehm0nkif i use xinerama can i still?01:06
Pete_^twinview works with the binary nvidia driver, and one card01:06
Pete_^You can with xinerama, but performance is degraded01:07
tehm0nkbut i mean compiz works on the other monitor too01:07
tehm0nkbut the biggest thing is i'd like to be able to Drag things to the other monitor01:07
Pete_^You will be able to with xinerama01:08
tehm0nkbut if i lose all kinds of performance... i'll just open the other stuff over there lol01:08
tehm0nkpete do you use that kdesudo nvidia-settings method?01:10
Pete_^tehm0nk: I have a pretty complicated setup, two graphics cards, three monitors, so no.01:11
Pete_^Try this config: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/48963/01:11
Pete_^make sure to have a copy of the working one01:11
Pete_^sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.working01:11
Pete_^in a terminal01:11
tehm0nkright i have a copy already01:11
tehm0nkis that extra monitor in there neccessary?01:12
tehm0nk"Generic Monitor"01:12
tehm0nkand "Default Screen"01:12
Pete_^I think you could remove the monitor identifed by "Generic Monitor", although I think you may be missing a section Screen001:13
Pete_^Infact I'm talking rubbish01:14
Pete_^Its there, I just didn't see it for some reason01:14
tehm0nkok lemme restart X01:14
Pete_^remember how to fix it if X doesn't start01:14
Pete_^too late..01:14
Downix_SPARCanyone familiar with adding new options to a configure script?01:15
nosrednaekimPete_^: uhh oh.... taking a while...01:16
Pete_^I was thinking the same01:17
Pete_^I should have explained how to copy it BACK too01:17
Pete_^hopefully he has another machine at his disposal01:17
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nosrednaekimPete_^: I think he does from my previous experience w/him01:18
Pete_^Thats something atleast01:18
Pete_^tehm0nk: I take it that didn't work.01:19
tehm0nkit worked01:20
tehm0nki dont know what you changed? lol01:20
tehm0nkand i have this weird thing happening...01:20
tehm0nkthere is this weird adept updater thing popping up sorta when i login01:20
Pete_^are your windows meant to have that funky boarder?01:21
tehm0nkthat icon is Normally on the taskbar on the bottom right...01:21
Pete_^shadow kinda thing.01:21
nosrednaekimtehm0nk: you using compiz?01:21
* nosrednaekim didn't look at the SS01:21
Pete_^Sure looks like it to me01:21
tehm0nki dont know if it's supposed to be Blue like that completely01:21
tehm0nkyes Compiz01:21
Pete_^I didn't even know Compiz was working with Xinerama yet, last I checked it totally died01:22
Pete_^It did work a long long time ago01:22
tehm0nkright now xinerama is enabled01:22
tehm0nki've got two x screens still...01:22
Pete_^and you are unable to move stuff between them?01:22
tehm0nknope lol01:23
tehm0nkOh but i'm still lost on that adept notifier, and why it's there...01:23
tehm0nknot on the bar...01:23
Pete_^I think Compiz is to blame01:24
Downix_SPARCATI or nVidia?01:24
nosrednaekimyeah... thats certain;y a compoz problem01:24
ubotuKubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion01:24
sub[t]rnltry restarting the kicker01:24
sub[t]rnlto fix those icons01:24
Pete_^Do you have a Wacom tablet or am I free to remove them?01:24
Downix_SPARCit looks like the same error I got with an older ATI driver01:25
Pete_^"dcop kicker kicker restart" for reference01:25
Downix_SPARCwas a mix-up between the driver and DRI turned out01:25
sub[t]rnlalso I've noticed if you start another app that uses the system tray, when its icon pops up, the others will go in place01:25
tehm0nkremove them01:25
sub[t]rnllike kwalletmanager or something01:25
Pete_^(I do have a Wacom tablet, so they came in handy infact ;) )01:25
tehm0nki just turned Off Compiz :(01:25
tehm0nkhow do i make it Not startup with login tho?01:26
sub[t]rnlcompiz? remove it from the ~/.kde/Autostart/ directory01:27
tehm0nksub[t]rnl: where is that?01:28
nosrednaekimtehm0nk: onless you messed with your .xsession01:28
Pete_^Another revision01:28
nosrednaekimtehm0nk: how did you get it to autostart?01:28
sub[t]rnltehm0nk➜ your home dir01:28
sub[t]rnlcd ~/.kde/Autostart/01:28
sub[t]rnlthat is if you created a startup script in there01:29
sub[t]rnlif your session is just reloading it, go to system settings -> advanced -> session manager and turn it off01:29
tehm0nkwhats the command to delete something?01:30
sigmahas anyone here used filezilla in kubuntu?01:30
tehm0nkok got that gone lemme paste that pastebin lol01:30
Pete_^remember, if you get stuck hit ctrl-alt-f1, login, sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf.working /etc/X11/xorg.conf01:31
Pete_^I just got worried last time ;)01:31
tehm0nksame thing01:34
tehm0nkbut it fixed that stupid adept notifier thing01:34
tehm0nkmaybe cause compiz is gone but still01:34
Pete_^My cpu seems to sit around 30-35°C with just a case fan, with a fan on the cooler it drops to around 20°C, I can't decide if its worth it. It would let me run the case fan a bit slower..01:34
Pete_^Yes, it will be because compiz is gone01:34
tehm0nkwhich i think that problem is fixable01:35
tehm0nkbut still can't drag things across screen01:35
Pete_^It should be01:35
nosrednaekimPete_^: what CPU us that?01:35
sigmaPete_^: the cooler the better:)01:35
tehm0nktwo servers still01:35
sigmaPete_^: yeah what cpu is that, its extremely cool01:36
Pete_^can you pastebin your Xorg.0.log please, its un /var/log/.01:36
Pete_^Intel Q6600.01:36
nosrednaekimPete_^: underclocked?01:36
Pete_^Just a massive cooler01:36
sigmaPete_^: is that new or old?01:36
nosrednaekimsigma: very new01:37
Pete_^New(ish), 2.4ghz quad core01:37
Pete_^New to me, yesterday01:37
lovedeatmin terminal i typed in mount /media/sda1 /dev/sda/ and i get specify filesystem type how do i do this properly?01:37
Pete_^lovedeatm: -t filesystem01:37
sigmaPete_^: how on earth did u manage that temperature!01:37
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)01:37
nosrednaekimlovedeatm: #1... you have the two options witched01:37
sigmaintels are known for overheating01:37
nosrednaekimlovedeatm: #2, you have to say "/dev/sda2"01:37
Pete_^sigma: with one of these : thermaltake ifx-1401:38
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nosrednaekimsigma: I think you are thinking of pentium fours01:38
lovedeatmpete_^, could you show me how to type it peroperly01:38
sigmayeah but whats the diff with the new ones?01:38
nosrednaekimsigma: big difference.01:38
Pete_^lovedeatm: mount -t xxxx /dev/sda1 /mount/point01:38
Pete_^what format is the disk you are trying to mount? Is it windows?01:39
sigmatime for me to go to another intel conference, seems alot has changed01:39
lovedeatmpete_^, xxx being the file type01:39
Pete_^Huge difference with core 201:39
nosrednaekimPete_^: probably no need for the -t stuff, he had the options in the wrong order, and wasn't pointing to an actual partition01:39
Pete_^well, more core01:39
sigmaPete_^: but do the quad cores work properly in kubuntu?01:39
nosrednaekimsigma: course!01:40
Pete_^mount -t ntfs /dev/sda1 /mount/point  to create the mountpoint do sudo mkdir /mount/point -p   (Where the mount point is where you wish to create it!)01:40
Pete_^As said, you might not need -t ntfs01:40
Pete_^Yes, it seems to be working fine01:40
Pete_^I'd rather have gone for one of the Phenoms, but with the TLB bug I had to pass sadly01:41
Pete_^(As I was not waiting any longer for a new system)01:41
sigma4 proc's in one, thats just too tempting! a bit out of my price range though, suppose my amd64 will have to do for now01:41
nosrednaekimPete_^: just need a patched kernel ;)01:41
sigmaPete_^: Phenoms?01:41
nosrednaekimsigma: quad-core AMDs01:41
tehm0nkbrb again...01:42
Pete_^sigma: The new AMD processors, not on performance par with the latest intels, but the 9600 is with the q6600, and its a true quad core01:42
tehm0nkis there a command for terminal to restart X?01:42
Pete_^tehm0nk: /etc/init.d/kdm restart01:42
sigmanosrednaekim: yea i heard about them, apparently amd changed the socket completely01:42
Pete_^although that won't work if the terminal is inside X01:42
Jay-Oh-Ennosrednaekim: i saw one online for 4000 what a rip! i could build my own for cheaper01:42
nosrednaekimsigma: nope, still AM201:42
Pete_^AM2+ processors will work in AM2 motherboards, just not to their full extent01:43
nosrednaekimJay-Oh-En: yeah... high end gaming is best home-built01:43
sigmanosrednaekim: yea that one, i thought they were still on 93901:43
Jay-Oh-Ennosrednaekim: thats what i do :[ but not anymore since i run linux01:43
Pete_^I just made a big mistake with the motherboard01:43
Jay-Oh-Ensigma: thats the chipset01:44
sigmabut amd always has been winning the heat war and especially where i live its important to have a cool cpu01:44
Pete_^Haha, look at the latest FX CPU;s01:44
sigmaPete_^: What did u do?01:44
Pete_^sigma: I got a P35 chipset'd board, I hadn't realised you needed a nforce chipset board to do SLi..01:45
tehm0nkOK... got xinerama working01:45
tehm0nkand one big desktop01:45
EroickHow do I get my widescreen working and the res higher in KDE? I think taht the vesa driver isnt cutting it. my card is an ATI Radion Xpress 20001:45
tehm0nkbut theyre backwards! lol01:45
Pete_^tehm0nk: Great! What did you change?01:45
nosrednaekimhaha... FX's :D01:45
Jay-Oh-EnEroick: your on a compaq?01:45
EroickJay-Oh-En: acer.01:45
Pete_^tehm0nk: Change the line like "Screen0" leftOf "Screen1"01:45
nosrednaekimPete_^: supposedly nuveau will allow you to do SLI on any chipset01:45
Jay-Oh-EnEroick: oh ok01:45
Pete_^to either be the other way round, or change leftOf to rightOf01:46
EroickJay-Oh-En: is compaq even around anymore?01:46
Pete_^nosrednaekim: I'll have to take a look01:46
nosrednaekimEroick: what model?01:46
nosrednaekimEroick: I have an acer.01:46
Eroicknosrednaekim: Of acer? Aspire something01:46
nosrednaekimPete_^: well, it can't do it yet. but its planned.01:46
tehm0nkbrb again lol01:47
nosrednaekimEroick: ok, well, you will probably need the fglrx driver, get it with the restricted-manager tool01:47
Pete_^I have to use the nvidia beta driver anyway, the G92's aren't supported under the latest stable yet01:47
Pete_^nosrednaekim: Ah, ok.01:47
tehm0nkOK must go get food with gf01:48
tehm0nkdont ever get between women and food...01:48
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nosrednaekimtehm0nk: so its working?01:48
tehm0nk-g0neit's working jus fine01:49
tehm0nk-g0nebrb tho01:49
nosrednaekim!helpersnack | Pete_^01:49
ubotuPete_^: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!01:49
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Pete_^I will have to keep an eye on nouveau01:49
Eroickwhy doesn't kubuntu have the Restricted Driver manager built in?01:51
ardchoilleEroick: Are you running Gutsy?01:51
Pete_^It does, but only in Gusty01:51
ardchoilleEroick: It's new in Gutsy01:51
Eroickwhich is 8.?01:52
nosrednaekimEroick: get the ubuntu version, works fine "sudo apt-get install restricted-manager"01:52
ardchoilleno, 7.1001:52
Pete_^Curent stable release01:52
ardchoillePete_^: It comes with a spellchecker too01:52
* ardchoille ducks01:52
Eroickah, this was installed with Wubi01:53
Pete_^Its turned off by default in Kopete though, and breaks if you turn it on as it tries to replace the html code ;)01:53
Eroickanyway, ive gotta restart x now, bye01:54
BluesKajRestricted Driver Manger can be found in Add Remove Programs01:55
BluesKajerr Manager ...guess i've got Christmas Nativity scenes on my mind :)01:56
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Eroickanyway, i tried that driver01:57
Pete_^http://www.thermalright.com/a_images/pic/ifx-14.jpg there is the CPU cooler if anyone is interested01:57
Eroickbut it creates a black screen with some black bars (slightly brighter) that jump around01:57
Eroickand i have to CTRL-ALT-BACKSPACE out01:58
Jay-Oh-Ensub[t]rnl: !!!!01:58
Pete_^(So its not thermaltake as I said earlier, its thermalright, thermaltake makes thermal paste, my bad.)01:58
Pete_^I'm still wrong there01:59
Eroickok, now i get a crosshatching patter01:59
Pete_^Thermaltake made my last cpu cooler, just ignore me.01:59
nosrednaekimEroick: ok... no kde though?02:00
nosrednaekimEroick: did you reboot?02:00
Eroickjust did an x restart02:01
Eroickah, its a kernel thing02:01
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sMonkIs there a way to install RealPlayer?02:20
ardchoille!realplayer | sMonk02:22
ubotusMonk: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats02:22
BluesKajsMonk, at the realplayer site there's a download for linux02:22
Tm_Tgood morning/day/evening ardchoille BluesKaj and others02:24
nosrednaekimhey Tm_T02:24
sMonkyeah, it's a .bin .. I never have luck installing them02:25
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sMonkIf I could get some help installing the .bin file, then that'd be ok02:27
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bazhangsMonk: there are instructions at the site02:28
BluesKajhi Tm_T...sorry was getting some juice02:32
BluesKajsMonk,in the terminal , cd to the file dir , then ./filename.bin02:34
Downix_SPARCdoes anyone know what bin format Ubuntu SPARC is in?02:34
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sMonkBluesKaj: Yeah I did that once, and it put the install dir on my Desktop02:42
BluesKajsMonk, normally installs go to your /home/yourusername dir if you leave it as default02:46
BluesKajerr downloads , not installs02:47
deroHow do you cut something out with the path tool in gimp?02:49
deroAnyone in here?02:49
DDRWe're here, we just have no idea how to do what you want to do.02:59
Downix_SPARCI'm just trying to figure out how to add another CPU target to a configure script03:01
bazhanghttp://www.gimp.org/tutorials/Drawing_Shapes/ dero03:01
sMonkOK, I installed the .bin file for RealPayer, AKA Helix, but every time I try to play a movie, it tells me a "Bad Transport" error03:01
flaccidthink deror went to get some methyl03:01
flaccidsMonk: did you google that error?03:02
bazhangjoins/exits not visible here ;}03:02
Downix_SPARCthis is perplexing03:04
Downix_SPARCI've mirrored the other CPU's in the list, yet it still cannot figure out a SPARC03:05
flaccidnot sure if anyone here can help on that Downix_SPARC03:05
flaccideven i don't compile much03:05
Downix_SPARCnot enough apps compiled for SPARC, so need to roll my own03:06
flaccidwhat sort of device is it, a desktop computer?03:07
CrankymonkyWhat is a good CPU speed and temp applet for KDE?03:07
nosrednaekimCrankymonky: ksysgaurd will do it fine03:07
Downix_SPARCflaccid:  low level workstation.03:08
Crankymonkynosrednaekim, Thanks03:08
Downix_SPARCflaccid: also have a desktop and a server model handy as well, but using the ws for the port03:08
nosrednaekimCrankymonky: cept' a spelled that wrong03:08
sMonkhow do I make sure that FireFox is trying to use the correct plugin?03:09
sMonkfor RealPlayer03:09
sMonkI went through something sim with MPlayer,03:09
flaccidcooolio. i bbs03:10
Crankymonkynosrednaekim: that's cool.  Any good dictionary applet for KDE?  That was by far the coolest thing ever in gnome.03:10
nosrednaekimCrankymonky: probably.03:11
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Downix_SPARC./configure: line 8604: syntax error near unexpected token `('03:12
Downix_SPARC./configure: line 8604: `  echo $ECHO_N "(cached) $ECHO_C" >&6'03:12
Downix_SPARCThe line:03:13
Downix_SPARC./configure: line 8604: syntax error near unexpected token `('03:13
Downix_SPARC./configure: line 8604: `  echo $ECHO_N "(cached) $ECHO_C" >&6'03:13
Downix_SPARCThe line:  { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: $MMAKE" >&503:13
nosrednaekimDownix_SPARC: people at #linux might know more03:13
Downix_SPARCgood point03:13
Xbehaveive installed through wubi, and only about half my boots leave me in a workable enviroment, the rest leave me with a useless x and ttys that die if i switch out of them03:13
Tm_TXbehave: wubi?03:14
nosrednaekimXbehave: yeah, well, Wubi isn't officialy supported AFAIK03:15
cloneyinI have a question03:15
nosrednaekimTm_T: installation from within windows03:15
nosrednaekimcloneyin: ask :D03:15
Tm_TI thought so03:15
Tm_Tnosrednaekim: it isn't supported03:15
Xbehaveonce im in kubuntu its like a kubuntu system tho. how do i go about finding the cause of problems?03:17
cloneyinI have HD,its a sata and the filesystem is Fat 32 but no OS installed just data and movies I ripped, the hard drive is from WD and the eclosure i got for it is called Nexstar 3 and able to just pkug in the system on USB ports, but when iplug it in my ubuntu system ,italunches the pop-up window to open in another windows but it never does, do i need filesystem uspport for it installed support for fat3203:18
Tm_Tit's supported03:18
cloneyinthe window never comes up03:19
cloneyinlike my sony 4gb flash drive03:19
cloneyin i plug into the usb port, it works03:19
Tm_Tcloneyin: open konqueror and go media:/03:19
cloneyinbut never does with the hard drive03:19
cloneyinok, let me try that03:19
alcorhelp!!! use eeePC???03:20
Tm_T!helpme | alcor03:20
ubotualcor: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !patience03:20
cloneyinnothing in the media, only cdrom003:20
sMonkThanks all, got RealPlayer workign03:20
nosrednaekimgreat sMonk!03:20
Tm_Tcloneyin: and HD is plugged in?03:20
cloneyinyeah , the HD is plugged in03:21
Tm_Tcloneyin: interesting03:21
cloneyinon usb port03:21
alcorPlease,help me03:21
sMonkI found my problem.. I didn't sudo ./RealPlayer I just ./RealPayer.. so I needed to install as root03:21
Tm_Tcloneyin: unplug, open Konsole, plugin and run dmesg03:21
nosrednaekimcloneyin: what does "dmesg tail 10" say?03:21
cloneyinI tell you, it launches the pop-up window saying eopn it onanother window andafew other choices03:21
cloneyinok,let me try that03:21
Tm_Tnosrednaekim: heh, like to "take him" ?03:21
Crankymonkynosrednaekim: Is there an option I'm missing that let's the CPU temp be shown in the applet of ksysguard03:21
Tm_Tnosrednaekim: I'm bit busy03:21
nosrednaekimTm_T: fo shizzle03:22
hydrogenthats not englishizzle03:22
nosrednaekim!sensors | Crankymonky03:22
ubotuCrankymonky: You might find something useful at: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SensorInstallHowto03:22
Tm_Tnosrednaekim: I take that as yes, soo, thanks ;)03:22
alcorPlease,help me how to use KDE4 RC2 .iso03:22
Crankymonkynosrednaekim: Much appreciated03:22
cloneyinwhen IM pkug into the usb port, it ask me to open in new window or open with digikam or do nothing03:22
Crankymonkyalcor, burn the iso03:23
nosrednaekimalcor: on a eeepc? do you have an external cd drive?03:23
Tm_Talcor: don't yell "help me", just state your issue clearly, and wait.03:23
Crankymonkyburn the image contained in the iso03:23
nosrednaekimcloneyin: and what do you say?03:23
alcori en not good!03:23
cloneyin[ 4147.908487] SCSI device sdb: 976773168 512-byte hdwr sectors (500108 MB)03:24
cloneyinI get that on dmesg03:24
alcornosrednaekim, i not cd drive03:24
cloneyin[ 4147.908487] SCSI device sdb: 976773168 512-byte hdwr sectors (500108 MB)03:24
nosrednaekimalcor: then its going to be very very difficult03:24
ardchoillealcor: What is your native language?03:24
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cloneyinTm_T, that is what I got03:24
cloneyinshould i mount it?03:24
BluesKajsacktime , nite all03:24
cloneyinor its mounted already03:24
alcorardchoille, i use cn03:24
ubotuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk03:25
nosrednaekimcloneyin: thats it?nothing above that... no its not mounted if thats all.03:25
hdevalencecloneyin: if dmesg is giving you rapidshare URLS there's something wrong with your computer :P03:25
hamadoooguy's in windows i used to use a program calls ares for downloading files and songs03:25
hamadoooi want to do that in ubuntu is there any program like that plz03:25
alcorubotu, that nobody use KDE403:25
cloneyinhd, sorry the one I pasted was myprevious thing in the clipboard03:25
ardchoille!bot | alcor03:25
ubotualcor: I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots03:25
cloneyin[ 4147.908487] SCSI device sdb: 976773168 512-byte hdwr sectors (500108 MB)03:26
ardchoillehamadooo: kget is a nice download manager03:26
hamadoooard .. download manger like kaza and ares ????03:26
nosrednaekimhamadooo: are you talking torrents?03:26
ubotupiracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o03:26
hamadooono no .... ares and kaza are different from torrent03:26
ardchoillehamadooo: You need to remember, this is Linux, it's a whole different world. You may need to change some of the things you've done in the past.03:26
alcorardchoille, i want run iso bat install it03:27
ardchoillealcor: You need to burn the iso file as an image to a blank cd then boot fro it.03:27
hamadoooyeah i know ard .. but it must be any program like that03:27
cloneyin[ 4147.908487] SCSI device sdb: 976773168 512-byte hdwr sectors (500108 MB)03:27
dsmithWhere is a good place to start for whle disk encryption for Linux?03:27
hamadooodownloading like kaza03:27
Tm_Thamadooo: see what ubotu said03:27
cloneyinhow do i mount this?03:27
hamadooothey ignore me all the time03:27
hdevalencealcor: since the eeePC has no CD drive, you need to use a USB key03:27
Tm_T!warez | hamadooo03:28
ubotuhamadooo: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o03:28
hamadoooi did change the brightness of my laptop and that's cool03:28
cloneyin[ 4147.925693] sd 3:0:0:0: Attached scsi disk sdb03:28
cloneyin[ 4147.925753] sd 3:0:0:0: Attached scsi generic sg1 type 003:28
hamadooooh ok03:28
nosrednaekimcloneyin: could you pastebin the last 100 or so lines of dmesg?03:28
ardchoillehamadooo: How long did it take you to install kubuntu?03:28
cloneyinhow can i mount this?03:28
Tm_Tcloneyin: no need to repeat :-P03:28
hamadoooi didn't download kubuntu i still use ubuntu03:29
ardchoillehamadooo: Then you really need to be in #ubuntu03:29
alcorhdevalence, yes i have one 1G usb key.but i not how to do!03:29
Theverantanyone here Avidemux?  I want to import multiple images and I need a way to do many at once, instead of one at a time.  Any ideas?03:29
hamadoooi don't know what's wrong with them they keep ignore me03:29
hamadoooanyways thanx03:29
flaccidcloneyin: hal should pop up and ask you03:30
flaccidotherwise do sudo fdisk -l to see the device name for the partition in questin and then see !fstab and !ntfs on how to mount manually03:30
cloneyinit does,I chose Open inNew         window  but it never opens it03:30
cloneyinI amstill waiting03:30
hdevalencealcor: let me look into it03:30
flaccidmight be something wrong with that part/fs. see if it is mounted in mount03:30
nosrednaekimcloneyin: pastebin your dmesg please..03:31
cloneyin  Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System03:31
cloneyin/dev/sdb1               1       60801   488384001    7  HPFS/NTFS03:31
cloneyinit sees it03:31
cloneyin 4147.908487] SCSI device sdb: 976773168 512-byte hdwr sectors (500108 MB)03:32
flaccidpastebin | cloneyin03:32
cloneyin[ 4147.910734] sdb: Write Protect is off03:32
cloneyin[ 4147.910740] sdb: Mode Sense: 38 00 00 0003:32
cloneyin[ 4147.910744] sdb: assuming drive cache: write through03:32
flaccid!pastebin > cloneyin03:32
hdevalencealcor: http://trenteee.blogspot.com/2007/12/howto-install-ubuntu-on-eee-pc-with_10.html03:32
cloneyin[ 4147.911733] SCSI device sdb: 976773168 512-byte hdwr sectors (500108 MB)03:32
flaccidplease learn pastebin first cloneyin03:32
alcorhdevalence, i can open it03:33
alcorhdevalence, i can't open it03:33
XbehaveTm_T: torrent and kaza arnt neciserilly warez they can be used to exchange data thatslegl too03:37
alcorhdevalence, i can't open http://trenteee.blogspot.com/2007/12/howto-install-ubuntu-on-eee-pc-with_10.html03:37
Tm_TXbehave: I know03:37
Tm_TXbehave: I didn't say he is talking about anything illegal, did I?03:37
hitmanWillykubu does releases via torrents03:38
hdevalencealcor:it works for me. are you in mainland china?03:38
alcorhdevalence, mainlan china?03:39
flaccidi wonder what those eee are like. is that the asus one is it?03:39
Tm_Tasus yes03:40
hdevalencealcor: is it possible it could be blocked by the chinese government?03:40
alcorhdevalence, what is mainland china?03:40
Kubuntu_Mneed help here03:40
flaccidanybody what03:41
Tm_T!helpme | Kubuntu_M03:41
ubotuKubuntu_M: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !patience03:41
hdevalencealcor: all of china except for hong kong03:41
Tm_T!patience | Kubuntu_M03:41
ubotuKubuntu_M: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines03:41
cloneyinok I already pastebin the dmesg03:41
cloneyincan someone please check03:41
flaccidthats not what i asked cloneyin03:41
somekoolHi there.03:41
somekoolI am now getting this error on boot... anyone have any idea why ... http://blog.somekool.net/images/img_4232.jpg03:41
nosrednaekimcloneyin: sorry! I have to go!03:42
Kubuntu_Mwhat apt can you suggest to record a video online?03:42
flaccidcheck mount and see if its mounted or not03:42
Kubuntu_Mthat works like a snapshot03:42
alcorhdevalence, maybe03:43
cloneyin ityped mount and it does not show sdb03:43
hdevalencealcor: the chinese government blocks stuff like blogs. maybe that is why it does not open03:43
Kubuntu_Mcloneyin: try using ntfs-3g03:44
ubotuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com  http://wiki.ubuntu.com http://www.ubuntuforums.org or http://www.kubuntuforums.net while you wait. Also see !patience03:44
=== stacey is now known as Xbehave
Kubuntu_Mwhat apt can you suggest to record a playing video that works like a snapshot?03:45
alcorhdevalence, how to do whit me?03:45
Tm_TKubuntu_M: you are repeating, you notice?03:46
flaccidcloneyin: i don't know what your problem is. mount it manual.03:46
Kubuntu_Mim sorry03:46
cloneyinhow to mount it03:46
flaccidi showed you before03:47
flaccid[14:30] <flaccid> otherwise do sudo fdisk -l to see the device name for the partition in questin and then see !fstab and !ntfs on how to mount manually03:47
cloneyinit sees the drive by fdisk03:47
flaccidyou can read the guides to learn how to mount in fstab03:47
ubotuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions03:48
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE03:48
flaccidthats a better guide03:48
hdevalencealcor: I can email you the instructions03:49
alcorhdevalence, my email :alcor_yy@hoymail.com03:54
sMonkOk, how do I chage FireFox to use the mplayer instead of VLC?03:58
hdevalencealcor: did you get the email03:59
alcorhdevalence, seeing04:00
hdevalencealcor: I have to go, sorry. I hope the thing I gave you helps.04:03
OseIn Dolphin I keep getting "Unable to save bookmarks... Permission denied" Says most likely cause is a full HD but I have plenty of free space.04:05
FatalErrormaybe the permissions/ownership are wrong on your config files/directory?04:06
OseWhen I first got the error, it was completely full, if that makes a difference.04:06
sub[t]rnlOse➜ try sudo chown yourusername .kde/shares/apss/d3lphin/bookmarks04:07
sub[t]rnltry sudo chown yourusername .kde/shares/apss/d3lphin/bookmarks.xml04:07
OseYay! Thanks.04:08
flaccidor sudo chown -R `whoami` ~/.kde/shares/apps/d3lphin04:09
OseAh I know who I am :P Not *that* new.04:09
flaccidhehe. i guess it just makes it a nice generic command :p04:09
OseMm. How about transparency.. Is it supposed to only show the background through the window?04:10
hydrogenits supposed to make the window transparent04:12
hydrogenallowing anything behind it to show through04:12
OseThat's what I thought.. It just shows the background. Windows are hidden.04:13
hydrogenare the windows behind it or are they minimized?04:13
OseThey're straight behind it.04:14
cloneyinflaccid, from konqueror  desktop ,  i clicked on /mnt folder it says i  have no permission04:16
cloneyinIsuccessfully mounted it04:16
cloneyinbut not allowing sudo04:16
cloneyinonly root04:16
cloneyinso i did su04:16
cloneyinthen go to /mnt04:16
cloneyinand I can access the hd but only interminal04:17
cloneyinhow can I change to root from konquesror04:17
flacciddid you read the doc properly. show me your fstab entry04:18
=== ubuntu is now known as snowdonkey
snowdonkeyHi.  How can I see the make and model of my motherboard and video card?04:25
alcorwwbwwb, 你好!04:26
wwbwwb你好,没想到还有懂中文的 呵呵04:26
bazhang!cn | wwbwwb04:27
ubotuwwbwwb: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk04:27
wwbwwbthanks ubotu04:28
bazhangsnowdonkey: lspci for video card04:28
cloneyinflaccid, it does not show on fstab04:31
cloneyinhowever i did mtab andit shows there04:32
sub[t]rnlsnowdonkey➜ maybe kinfocenter in the kmenu for your motherboard04:32
sub[t]rnlsnowdonkey➜ or sudo dmidecode04:32
snowdonkeybazhang: Thanks, I found it that way.04:32
flaccidcloneyin: read the guide!!04:32
cloneyinflaccid, on mtab /dev/sdb /mnt ntfs rw 0 004:32
flaccidit tells you how to do it in fstab04:32
flaccidyeah sdb is the drive not the partition...04:33
snowdonkeysub[t]rnl: Ok, looking through dmidecode now04:33
flaccidso maybe you want /dev/sdb1 /mnt/mountpoint ntfs rw 0 004:33
flaccidyou don't want to mount to /mnt either...04:33
flaccidyou need to create a mount point04:33
flaccidyou might also want user mount. /dev/sdb1 /mnt/mountpoint ntfs user,rw 0 004:34
cloneyinalso shows this /dev/sdb /mnt/sdb1 ntfs rw 0 004:34
flaccidthats not going to work either. delete them.04:34
cloneyinon mtab04:34
cloneyinbut I can connect to it as su04:34
flacciddelete them from mtab and do it properly in fstab as per the guides and what i said04:34
cloneyinI am copying movies now04:34
flaccidthats because you need the user option, cloneyin to do user mounts.. also the mountpoint needs perms suffice for the user04:35
snowdonkeysub[t]rnl: Would the motherboard be "Base Board Information"?04:35
flaccidlearning to user mount is far better than just doing root.04:35
cloneyinok, need to elarn this one04:35
sub[t]rnlsnowdonkey➜ yup04:35
snowdonkeysub[t]rnl: Awesome, thanks a lot.04:35
cloneyincat /etc/fstab04:36
se7eni need help how do i fix this ... kdebase-runtime-bin: Depends: kdebase-runtime-bin-kde4 (= 4:3.97.0-1ubuntu5~gutsy1~ppa1) but it is not installed04:39
se7ensomebody know how to fix unmet dependencies04:41
sub[t]rnlsudo apt-get install -f04:42
se7ensub[t]rnl: i tried that ... E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)04:45
sub[t]rnlse7en: sudo dpkg --configure -a && sudo apt-get install -f04:46
se7enthanks sub[t]rnl that worked04:46
Xbehavei have a blacklisted ati driver should i try using compiz anyway?04:52
dr_willisI would say No.04:53
sub[t]rnlhehe, you can un blacklist it04:54
sub[t]rnland try04:54
Xbehaveis it that bad worse than beryl days?04:54
sub[t]rnlnot sure what you mean by bad worse04:55
sub[t]rnledit /usr/bin/compiz and add ati to WHITELIST=04:55
sub[t]rnlGreetings lukosanthropos, Welcome to #Kubuntu04:57
lukosanthroposI was wondering if anyone could tell me where i can go to set file associations04:57
Tm_TKonqueror has them in its settings04:57
Tm_Tother place is kcontrol atleast04:58
sub[t]rnlkcontrol -> KDE components -> file association04:58
sub[t]rnlor as Tm_T said, settings:/ in konq04:58
Xbehavehow do i find out my driver version?05:01
lukosanthroposI prefer the kcontrol method I knew it was there i couldnt remember its name coz its 5am05:01
lordofthepigshello! Is there any way to install ubuntu on a machine that has no CD player, no floppy drive, cannot boot from USB, has no network adapter but already has windows on it?05:02
lordofthepigsIt sound a bit hard to me, but I was wondering anyway05:02
devinusis there a kde ogg theora converter?05:02
lordofthepigsI was thinking of not using the ntloader but rather something like grub4dos05:03
alcorhdevalence, r u here?05:03
hdevalencealcor: yeah, but I have to go to bed in about 5 minutes.05:05
ubotuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate05:07
sparrim trying to run an app with mono, its complaining about System.Drawing being missing, then throwing a sigsegv.  I have libgdiplus installed.  Help?05:07
hdevalenceis there a kubuntu netinst cd?05:08
alcorhdevalence, now?05:08
dr_willishdevalence:  i think there is.  But ive never really looked into it. :)05:08
alcorhdevalence, i send email to you05:08
hdevalencealcor: Can I help you tomorrow?05:09
alcorhdevalence, ok! you can send email to me05:10
Crankymonky!sensors | Crankymonky05:10
hdevalencealcor:thanks, I have to go to bed.05:10
cloneyinhow can I initiate my fstab without a reboot?05:16
sub[t]rnlsudo mount -a05:17
cloneyinI just modified my fstab and need to test it without a reboot05:18
cloneyinis that it?05:18
cloneyin I still do not have access rights to which I  mounted05:19
cloneyinshoud I include uams ot fstab?05:20
sub[t]rnlmake sure you have rights to the mount points05:20
flaccidyou want to user mount05:21
flaccidso its just mount /mnt/point05:21
flaccidif you get an error, show me05:21
cloneyini used /home/cloneyin as my mount point05:21
cloneyinis that bad?05:21
flaccidas i said make sure you have ownership/rights on the mount point05:21
flaccidno its not bad05:21
flaccidso when you do mount /home/cloneyin05:22
flaccidwhat is the result05:22
cloneyinactially /home/cloneyin/Desktop05:22
flaccidand also show me the fstab entry for that mount point05:22
cloneyinIsee theusb icon05:22
cloneyinonthe desktop05:22
flacciddo not mount to your desktop!05:22
cloneyinbut it is licked05:22
cloneyinlet me try again05:22
cloneyinso with desktop is bad05:23
flaccidthe icon on your desktop is usually a shortcut..05:23
cloneyinok, let me do it again05:23
flaccidyes you create a mount point and change its perms as i advised earlier05:23
cloneyindamn I am actually learnign fstab now05:23
cloneyinthansk to you flaccid05:23
flaccidits important, because linux/hal is still not reliable and user mounts are only done by hal in that respect by default05:23
dr_willisfstab and how things mount - is a top 10 to learn item :)05:24
dr_willisI still need to make that list.. someday05:24
dr_willisGrub, Mounting items,  lets see what else.. how to manully check filesystems..05:25
flaccidyeah and in my opinion there should be frontends to these in the distro05:25
flaccidthere still isn't05:25
cloneyini see05:25
flaccidnothing that is smoothly integrated/in base05:26
dr_willisactually i thought there was one.. but i always edit my fstab with vi.  So its no matter to me.05:26
cloneyinyou are also right flaccid05:26
cloneyinI clicked on that usb icon, it just shows my desktop with konqueror05:26
cloneyinit became a shortcut after I unmonted it05:27
flaccidhal attempts most of it but is not consistant i guess05:27
flaccidcloneyin: you might wanna do what i suggested05:27
flaccidthat usually helps05:27
sub[t]rnlfstab is the front end!05:27
flaccidfstab is the configuration file. a frontend abstracts the user from it05:28
sub[t]rnlconfiguration files = linux05:28
staceyhow do i completly disable the system buser05:28
flaccidstacey: what is the system buser?05:28
sub[t]rnlhe's the fat guy who picks up and drops off processes05:29
sub[t]rnland is always late05:29
flaccidoh that dude05:29
sub[t]rnl+1 bad joke05:29
dr_willisI thought he cleard the tables and picked up the tips.05:29
flaccidhes pretty fat05:29
sub[t]rnldr_willis➜ lol, +2 for you05:30
flaccidnah thats called a pissed dbadmin05:30
staceyerm the beep noise that gets triggerd by system bell (i disabled it in kde but compiz likes using it)05:31
flaccidis this in konsole, stacey?05:31
staceyno compiz uses it whenever you do something wrong05:32
flaccidif so goto settings | bell and choose your desired option05:32
flaccidoh really05:32
flaccidum. in that case perhaps you can mute it in kmix or alsamixer. not sure why its doing that. is it pc speaker or the soundcard?05:32
flaccidyou can change sound/schemes in kcontrol if its the scheme doing it with a wav05:33
staceyits the internal speaker not anythng alsa uses05:33
staceynvm kde had changed a setting but left a checkbox unticked05:35
flaccidok cool05:37
dr_willisxset b 0 0 0      - will also kill off a lot of  beeps in xterm, and other apps.05:38
dr_willisthere may be some other xset command that does the same thing. :) i jsut rember 0 0 0 because its 3 #'s that set the freq/duration/Pitch or somthing.. of the bell. :)05:39
staceythx thats what i was looking for05:39
TerminalVelocityi've just upgraded to kubuntu 7.10 and really like what i see...however, i'm trying to change the hostname of my box and running into some trouble05:41
TerminalVelocityi'm unable to change the hostname of the box without kde freezing up on me during initialization...i think it has to do with my Nvidia card settings05:42
TerminalVelocityanybody had this problem?05:42
cloneyinflaccid, i did it with umask=000005:51
cloneyinas an option on fstab05:51
cloneyinflaccid, thanks05:52
cloneyinso when mounting a hd, you need to mount the partition or depends on mtab after you connect the hd on usb05:53
cloneyinand I can use konqueror to open it05:55
cloneyindamn this is awesome05:55
cloneyinwhat's next?05:56
cloneyinwhat is the command line to monitor cpu usage?06:05
=== stacey is now known as Xbehave
* genii sips06:10
XceIIhey gen06:10
=== zakame__ is now known as zakame
Xbehavewhy is ccsm being awkward with my super key06:10
Tm_Thi genii and XceII06:11
XceIIhey T06:11
geniiHi XceII and Tm_t06:11
geniisorry to sip n run but need reboot :)06:13
OseI broke Amarok.. It'll open and play the current playlist, but if I try to restore it (To see it) it'll crash.06:18
cumulusDoes anyone know what would cause my sound to not work?06:20
cumulusI have just installed Kubunt 7.10 Gutsy Giben, with the CD, but my sound is not working06:20
posingaspopular!sound | cumulus06:20
ubotucumulus: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP306:20
cumulusIt was working on the LiveCD though06:20
=== narg_ is now known as narg
posingaspopularcloneyin: top06:21
posingaspopularor htop06:21
OseCumulus: If that doesn't work, install alsa-utils.06:21
posingaspopularfor cpu usage06:21
cumulusI should read the websites first? (sound system is checked)06:22
cloneyinposingaspopular, thanks06:23
cloneyinhtop is better than top06:23
zenobiusany reason why servicemenus are only providing said menu for the actual desktop file that defines said service menu ?06:23
cloneyinthanks Xcell06:23
cloneyinI apprecite the help06:23
cloneyin# kubuntu rocks!!!06:24
zenobiusi am referring to the service menu on kdelook for encfs06:24
ardchoilleHow do I open a new tab in konsole from the keyboard?06:24
zenobiussame thing is happening with the ffmpeg conversion service menu....infact any custom service menu i define in ~/.kde/apps/konqueror/servicemenus/06:25
posingaspopularardchoille: ctrl+shift N06:25
zenobiusctrl + t06:25
=== scott_ is now known as HiddenBek
ardchoilleposingaspopular , zenobius Neither of those work here06:25
sub[t]rnlfn + right arrow?06:26
sub[t]rnlnot sure if mine is custom06:26
zenobiusits actuallydefines in yiour shortcuts dialoge for konsole06:26
zenobiusalt + ctrl + n06:26
ardchoillesub[t]rnl: fn?06:26
sub[t]rnlthe "window" key thing06:26
ardchoillealt + ctrl + n did it, thank you zenobius06:27
zenobiusardchoille: you can change it in the menus there06:27
ardchoillesub[t]rnl: Tore that silly thing off my kb long ago :)06:27
zenobiusi used tuprs on it06:27
sub[t]rnlardchoille➜ its usefull as hell, another key to map shortcuts too, without using a two key combination06:27
sub[t]rnlardchoille➜ plus, compiz uses it everywhere06:28
zenobiusso anyone been able to make custom service menus that *work*06:28
ardchoillezenobius: D'oh, I feel stoopid now, it's in Settings > Configure Shortcuts06:28
sub[t]rnlnewp! but I installed some customs that work nice06:28
ardchoilleDon't get me started on compiz, lol06:29
zenobiusthe ones im dropping in ~/.kde/apps/konqueror/servicemenus/ will only show up in my right click menu if i right click on the actual .desktop file that defines the service menu06:29
ardchoillezenobius: I write service menus06:29
ardchoillezenobius: pastebin the service menu and I'll take a look.06:31
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)06:31
cumulusWoohoo, It is solve now, thank you Ose and posingaspopular06:32
zenobiusima using pastebinit from the repos06:32
posingaspopularnp cumulus06:33
posingaspopularenjoy your kubuntu install06:33
sub[t]rnlreal handy if you like to burn dvd's06:33
cumulusI'll enjoy even more my sound :D06:33
posingaspopularardchoille: in konsole? i tried it and that that worked06:33
ardchoilleposingaspopular: Tried what?06:34
zenobiusardchoille: http://pastebin.ca/82490606:35
ardchoillesub[t]rnl: Did you write that yourself?06:36
sub[t]rnlnot sure where it came from, I've had it for a while06:36
* sub[t]rnl sucks on his teeth06:37
ardchoillezenobius: pastebin.ca won't open06:37
zenobiusardchoille: ahh ctrl shift n just made me a new console session ....very odd06:37
OseAmarok keeps crashing the moment I load it (Only after I added my large collection)06:37
zenobiusose: proly some file is not standard format06:37
zenobiusose : which may be causing it to trip over06:38
zenobiusose: just awild guess06:38
Osezenobius: It's handled these before. I added them all, had it organize them, and moved them. Then changed the collection directory and.. This.06:38
zenobiusose: not sure, im very keen on listen06:39
ardchoillezenobius: You have ServiceTypes=inode/directory so that should only work on directories06:39
zenobiusthis is what i want06:39
zenobiusardchoille: but tit doesnt even do that06:39
Osezenobius: Hmm. I'll try to get foobarclone working again. Never liked it much, anyway.06:39
zenobiusose: i just like using folders to organise my stuff, rather tahn double handling with itunes style dbase and metadata tags06:40
ardchoillezenobius: So it doesn't show up when you right click a directory?06:40
zenobiusardchoille: npe06:40
zenobiusoddly, it only appears in the right click menu on the tat one file..06:40
Osezenobius: I had that, but accidentally partitioned over these. When recovered they all had number-names.. Thankfully my ID3 tags allowed me to resort them.06:40
zenobiusardchoille: here is the servicemenu for my ffmpeg too,, same problems06:41
zenobiusardchoille:  http://pastebin.ca/82491106:41
ardchoillezenobius: Try taking out the submenu instruction and try.. some service menu items don't play well with X-KDE-Submenu=blah06:42
Xbehaveemerald came with no themes :(06:43
zenobiusXbehave: its in another package mon06:43
zenobiusXbehave: most proly emerald-themes06:43
zenobiusXbehave: can grab heaps more from gnome-look.org or kdelook.org06:44
zenobiusardchoille: removing that submenu bit didnt changes things06:44
Xbehavein gutsy there is no emerald-themes06:45
zenobiusthe submenu did work when i  right click on the .desktop file but now  that i have removed the submenu definition line, as expected the submenu is not there anymore, and the two subitems are now on the top level action tier06:46
ardchoillezenobius: Try adding this line just above the Submenu line:  X-KDE-Priority=TopLevel06:46
zenobiusbut this only occurs on the desktop file that defnies the entry for encfs06:46
ardchoillezenobius: iirc, if you use Submenu you have to also use X-KDE-Priority=TopLevel06:46
zenobiusstill nothing06:48
zenobiusany packages i might have missed maybe?06:48
zenobiusthis was a gnome desktop to start with then i apt-get install kdedesktop06:49
ardchoilleNot if your other service menus work06:49
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about emerald - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi06:49
zenobiusnone of my customs ones do06:49
posingaspopularardchoille: i was refering to alt+shift+n for konsole06:49
ardchoillezenobius: Wait, you installed kdedesktop and not kubuntu-desktop?06:49
ubotuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy06:49
zenobiusardchoille: mmmm maybe it needs to go in the dolphin folder too?06:49
ardchoilleposingaspopular: only ctrl+alt+n works here.. weird06:50
ardchoillezenobius: Are you using dolphin?06:50
zenobiusardchoille: i used the all encompassing meta package06:50
sub[t]rnl!info emerald-themes06:50
ubotuPackage emerald-themes does not exist in gutsy06:50
sub[t]rnl!find emerald-themes06:50
ardchoillezenobius: That was kubuntu-desktop06:50
ubotuPackage/file emerald-themes does not exist in gutsy06:50
zenobiusardchoille: just konqueror at the momento06:50
stdinsub[t]rnl: it's not in ubuntu, you have to get it via svn06:50
sub[t]rnlhrm, well its in my repo's06:50
zenobiusardchoille: so im good with packages and all06:50
ardchoillezenobius: What is the path to your custom service menus?06:51
zenobiusardchoille: /home/zenobius/.kde/apps/konqueror/servicemenus/06:51
zenobiusardchoille: in there i have two files, ffmpeg-convert.desktop & 57086-encfs.desktop06:52
ardchoillezenobius: That's not the correct path, they should be in /home/zenobius/.kde/share/apps/konqueror/servicemenus  you've left out the "share"06:52
cloneyini have 4gb of memory installed, does ati radeon X800 256M accumulating my memory?06:52
zenobiusardchoille: well... this maybe easier than i thought06:53
ardchoillecloneyin: It should be using the memory on the vid card itself06:53
cloneyin damn about 1gb?06:53
ardchoillecloneyin: That's the point of drivers, to take the load off the CPU06:53
cloneyinis htop just new?06:53
zenobiusbeen round loooong time06:53
cloneyini remember top is what I use06:53
romunovi've installed compiz and open office is causing "problems" :/06:53
cloneyini like htop better than top06:54
romunovhas anyone had any experience with compiz/emerald?06:54
zenobiusi use screen then i run jnettop and htop and bmon06:54
cloneyinnot I should use this06:54
cloneyinif i have 16-way, it will show 16 procs,right?06:54
XceIIwhat is jnettop06:54
zenobiusi use screen becuase those others are run on remote server, i only wnat to ssh once06:54
ardchoille!compiz | romunov06:54
uboturomunov: Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion06:54
zenobiusits like htop but for net traffic06:54
cloneyinnow quad-core isout06:54
cloneyinit shoudl show 32 procs06:55
XceIIah think ill take a look/ tx06:55
cloneyinXcell, looking06:56
cloneyinactually fetching it from the server now06:56
XceIIme 206:56
intelikeycloneyin the memory usage is probably not what you think.      actual used memory      free | grep -- -/+ | cut -b20-3006:56
ardchoillezenobius: They working now?06:56
zenobiusmost excellent06:56
* zenobius does a jig06:56
cloneyinjnettop, you need the hwaddress06:56
zenobiussudo jnettop -i eth006:57
cloneyinlet me try that06:57
zenobiusi like cli for monitoring apps that also feed out data logs i can use with timeplot from mit06:57
cloneyinguys, jnettop is kool06:57
cloneyinthanks zenobius06:58
ardchoilleNow you got me interested in jnettop06:58
cloneyindoes red hat distro or fedora or centos or even suse have this utility?06:58
zenobiusif your suing it on remote machines, aka via ssh...have a look at using screen...its like workspaces for the cli without having to login mulitple times06:58
XceIINow thats cool.06:59
ardchoillecloneyin: Most likely06:59
cloneyindamn, does not even know this06:59
cloneyinI am getting into linux06:59
zenobiusjnettop has been round since warty i think06:59
XceIIthx Z06:59
ardchoillezenobius: screen+irssi+mutt+elinks+mc rocks06:59
cloneyinbeen playing around with rhl4 as 64-bit06:59
cloneyinand suse 9es 64-bit06:59
cloneyinmy employer sell barebone stuff and wants me to engage in linux07:00
XceIIdo it07:00
XceIIRob bill gates07:00
cloneyinso now i am trying to learn openmpi07:00
zenobiusif anyone like rtorrent, and wants a script to read the session data into a status html page, then rtorstats is the way to go07:00
cloneyinwell we sell HPC systems07:00
cloneyinand univ and gov usually the biggest customer07:01
cloneyinso  I learned linapck,HPLbenchmark07:01
zenobiusbill has xbox, so even if weindows goes under....07:01
lufthanzacan anyone help me with flash in konqueror?07:01
cloneyinand all the good benchmarks07:01
XceIIDont forget the key loggers on the govs stuff07:01
ardchoilleXceII: lol07:01
cloneyinwell my job is to make sure the system runs those07:01
zenobiuslufthanza: have you installed any flash player yet?07:01
cloneyinbig problems are ths amd architectures and bios07:02
lufthanzazenobius: I installed flashplayer manually, and it runs in firefox07:02
zenobiuslufthanza: ok, at this point you want to open the config for konqueror07:02
intelikeydoes gparted do ntfs ?   i mean can you create ntfs with it ?07:02
cloneyini did flash intallation manually through firefox laso07:02
zenobiusintelikey: you would not want to count on it07:02
zenobiuslufthanza: then got tplugins07:03
lufthanzaproblem is, in konqueror, nsplugin will crash and burn when it comes into contact with swf content07:03
intelikeyzenobius but it can make ntfs ?07:03
zenobiuslufthanza: and click the 'scan for plugins' button07:03
cloneyinamd architecture for HPC so far, the manufacturer implimentations are two so far07:03
zenobiusintelikey: proly, but i think you will want ntfs-3g package07:03
cloneyineither ladder design or cross design07:03
* LimCore bitchalps kde for making annoying sounds07:03
cloneyinand bios is hard to map the nodes and the apic support07:04
zenobiuslufthanza: oh, sorry my ability ends here07:04
lufthanzazenobius: well, thanks anyway07:04
cloneyinso sometimes, when  i run linpack, it only assign jobs to certain nodes07:04
cloneyinthen customer complains07:04
cloneyinso .....07:04
cloneyinnow i am damn learning linux07:05
XceIIYou will be better off07:05
cloneyinI can give you ssh access to the machine07:05
cloneyinI have to set it up07:05
cloneyinits an 8-way mahchine but installed dual-cores so total of 32 cores07:06
cloneyinand supports 256Gb of memory07:06
cloneyinits a cool mchine07:06
XceIII want 1..07:06
XceIIno 207:06
cloneyinbut mostly tax apyers buys them like University07:06
cloneyinits selling for 5k but re-seller install or config it with so much max out config and sell it for 45k07:07
cloneyinbasrebone is 5k price07:07
cloneyinif you are re-seller07:07
lufthanzaflash spits out this error when trying to load stuff in konqueror: "Adobe Flash Player: gtk_clipboard_get(GDK_SELECTION_PRIMARY); failed. Trying to call gtk_init(0,0);"07:07
cloneyinyou can configure it with quad-cores, highest speed available ,4 Gb modules per slot total of 256, SAS and infiniband07:08
cloneyinyou can sell it for 55k tops07:08
cloneyinand configure linux with vmware installed07:08
=== nite613_1 is now known as nite613
cloneyintaht is it,customer just install thier apps07:09
LimCoreis ubuntu by nerds for nerds?  or do we aim to make user friendly system?07:09
cloneyinlike Gaussian or X-Riemann or charmm07:09
cloneyinirhgt now we are developing 4 boards, dual-socket Intel07:10
cloneyintotal of 32 cores also07:10
cloneyinall SMP through software07:10
cloneyinconnected on infiniband internal switch board07:10
ere4si!ot | cloneyin07:10
ubotucloneyin: #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!07:10
cloneyinsorry about  that07:11
cloneyingot carried away07:11
lufthanzais there a way to pull an older version of a package from apt? or can you only get the newest version?07:14
cloneyinwhich is the best linux utility to monitor the io of hard drives?07:14
cloneyinthe b/w actually07:15
stdinlufthanza: "sudo apt-get install <package>=version"07:15
LimCorecloneyin: well  xmon something works07:15
intelikeylufthanza you can specify the version in the name07:15
lufthanzastdin: thanks07:15
LimCoreor was it  xos07:15
cloneyinlet me check07:15
* intelikey tips hat to stdin07:15
ardchoillecloneyin: I use gkrellm for that07:15
cloneyinthanks LimCore07:15
* stdin waves back to intelikey07:15
cloneyinthanks ardchoille07:15
LimCorecloneyin: that app is primitive;  but u can also check the sources07:15
cloneyinthanks LimCore07:16
lufthanzastdin: how do I list the available package versions?07:17
Xbehavecompiz-fusion isnt using my super key shortcuts, any ideas how to fix this|07:17
stdinlufthanza: you can have a look at "apt-cache policy <package>" but that only shows versions from different repositories. other than that you'll just have to look in the archive (http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu )07:18
ardchoillecloneyin: http://img520.imageshack.us/my.php?image=gkrellmdz8.png07:18
cloneyinardchoille, never version I suppose07:23
ardchoillecloneyin: never version?07:23
fsckrwhat is in the DVD version of Kubuntu?07:23
ardchoilleAh, it';s the one from the gutsy repos07:23
ardchoillefsckr: the dvd is a compilation of the alternate install cd, the desktop live cd and the server cd07:24
Xbehavedont suppose anybody knows where i can get snow textures for compiz-fussion07:24
fsckroh ok thx ardchoille07:24
fsckrXbehave, i found some by searching the ubuntuforums.org07:24
zenobiuscloneyin: nice graphing thing for use in webpages : http://simile.mit.edu/timeplot/docs/07:25
fsckrim going back to bed have a good night07:25
ardchoilleXbehave: http://gnome-look.org/  has a nice compiz theme section07:25
cloneyinzenobius, this is nice07:25
cloneyinXcell, goodnight07:26
cloneyinsee ya soon07:26
zenobiushaving used gnomes metacity for while, then aso compiz..i was quite surprised at waht kwin can do with out compositing07:26
XceIInot me  fsckr.lll07:26
cloneyinoh fsckr, goodnight07:27
cloneyinsorry about that07:27
cloneyinI like the timeplot though07:27
zenobiusjust need to start sorting out some cronjobs that output compatibale data logs07:27
ardchoillezenobius: You need to have a website and put all your tips & tricks there07:27
posingaspopularhow do I remove the chan. topic from the top of konversation?07:27
XceIII vote 4 that.07:27
ardchoilleposingaspopular: drag it up07:28
ardchoilleI only know that because I did it accidentally once, lol07:28
zenobiusahh it drags up to the last line then 'resists' till about 10px from the line07:29
zenobiusre: chan topic in knoversation07:29
zenobiustimeplot with kdewebdesktop would be the way to go i think07:30
zenobiusas an alternative to grellkrem...07:31
zenobiusnot as nice on cpu though07:31
ardchoilleThe thing I like about gkrellm is I rarely see my desktop, too many windows open, and you can drag gkrellm around07:32
zenobiusyeah lightwieght impact is the highest priority07:32
zenobiusnothing like monitoring the weight of an ant whilst standing on the scales07:33
intelikeyspeaking of.   how to get thermal to work on a pentium coper mine ?07:33
cloneyintrying to install real player and it outputs to this07:34
cloneyin./realplay- error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++.so.5: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory07:34
cloneyinintelikey, what do u mean thermal?07:34
cloneyinshould I install glibc-devel?07:35
intelikeycloneyin the core temp info.  the kenrel module "thermal" is inserted but the info is not in /proc07:35
intelikeycat: /proc/acpi/thermal_zone/THRM/temperature: No such file or directory <<<07:36
cloneyincoretemp module07:36
unix_infidelcan anyone point me to the path of least resistance for using 2 screens with an ATI card without having to setup ATI drivers?07:36
intelikeyhmm looks like acpi is the missing dir07:36
intelikeyi'm going to guess i need acpi support07:37
cloneyincould be07:37
zenobiusunix_infidel:  it really depends on your video card07:38
zenobiusunix_infidel: mine is a ati radeon 9600, rv35007:38
unix_infidelzenobius: it's an ati card.07:38
unix_infidelits a 9600 mobile.07:38
zenobiusunix_infidel: can you pastebin your /etc/X11/xorg.conf please07:39
cloneyinwhich package do I need to install Real player07:39
cloneyin./realplay- error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++.so.5: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory07:39
zenobiusunix_infidel: and the results of : lspci07:39
unix_infidelzenobius: i'm not on that box right now.07:39
ardchoille!realplayer | cloneyin07:39
ubotucloneyin: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats07:39
zenobiusunix_infidel: k, i'll dig up the wiki page i used07:40
zenobiusunix_infidel: and i m using fesity not gutsy07:40
unix_infidelzenobius: how long did it take, from t007:40
unix_infidelzenobius: i'm guessing their going to be similar.07:40
zenobiusunix_infidel: waht you will be doing is duplicating the device, screen, monitor sections to define your second output chain07:41
zenobiusand inserting some flags theat turn on the xinerama abilities of our cards07:41
zenobiusunix_infidel: and im not using binary drivers either ....at least im pretty sure im not07:42
unix_infidelzenobius: so about an hour :-P07:42
zenobiusunix_infidel: on the outside, if things dont get exotic07:43
zenobiusunix_infidel: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo07:43
intelikeycan a coper mine even report the temp ?07:45
ardchoilleintelikey: Perhaps google would know?07:46
intelikeyardchoille i'd try it if i had too   ;/07:46
* intelikey grumbles and opens another console "sense nobody knows"...07:46
intelikeyhmmm i've inserted everything in the acpi coloumn and still /proc/acpi/thermal_zone/ is empty07:58
wesleyhello need to fix adept08:04
komputernerdwhats wrong with it?08:04
wesleydatabase closef08:04
emilsedgh!adeptfix | wesley08:04
ubotuwesley: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »08:04
komputernerdcheck out the big brain on brad08:04
posingaspopularhey all im trying to install virtualbox in kubuntu gutsy and I keep getting this error in my /var/log/virtualbox-install.log file about a kernel module not compiling correctly: Makefile:68: *** Error: unable to find the sources of your current Linux kernel. Specify KERN_DIR=<directory> and run Make again..  Stop.08:07
komputernerdcurious .. why virtualbox over vmware?08:07
posingaspopularvmware was a pain to install08:07
wesleywheres compiz fusion to?08:07
intelikeyinstall the kernel source   or at least the kernel headers08:07
posingaspopularbut then again, so was virtualbox08:08
posingaspopularintelikey: the linux source 2.6.22?08:08
posingaspopulari already did08:08
intelikeyheaders ?08:08
posingaspopularthat im not so sure08:08
posingaspopularone sec while i check08:09
cowlikkcan anyone help me08:10
intelikeybuild-essential should pull in the linux-headers   but it may not.     "should is an openion"08:10
intelikeycowlikk yes  the restroom is >>> over there08:10
sigmahas anyone tried the asus eee pc on kubuntu?08:10
komputernerdreally .. i always thought vmware was easy to install08:10
komputernerdwell .. unless you were on x86_6408:11
komputernerdthen it was a pain until you knew what you were doing08:11
cowlikki cant get my resolution to change after installing nvidia driver08:11
posingaspopularyea he headers are installed. build-essential is also installed08:11
cowlikkanyone up for the challenge08:11
komputernerdsudo nvidia-settings08:11
wesleycan someone tell me where compiz fusion is ? its not more in adept08:11
intelikeyposingaspopular hmmm.    you did untar the linux source didn't you ?   check in /usr/src and see08:12
intelikey!find compiz08:13
ubotuFound: compiz-bcop, compiz-fusion-plugins-extra, compiz-fusion-plugins-main, libcompizconfig-backend-gconf, libcompizconfig0 (and 15 others)08:13
cowlikk640x480 is still as high as it will go08:14
intelikeysudo tar -xjf /usr/src/linux-source-2.6.22.tar.bz208:15
sub[t]rnlcowlikk➜ tried using nvidia-settings?08:17
sub[t]rnlcowlikk➜ or sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg08:17
sub[t]rnlbe sure to backup your /etc/xorg.conf08:17
posingaspopularokay now it's just kind of sitting in the terminal, not doing anything08:17
cowlikki still will have the nvidia driver right cause i want the 3d effects is the whole reason behind all this08:18
sub[t]rnlcowlikk➜ yes, the -phigh just sets resolutions in your xorg.conf, it wont query you to change anything else08:18
posingaspopularokay right intelikey, now the file is untarred08:18
intelikeyposingaspopular so run the "make" again like it sujested08:20
intelikeysub[t]rnl -phigh doesn't restrict what the command does.  it restricts the priority of question the user is trubbled with.08:22
intelikeyi.e.  -plow will ask the user many questions and -phigh will ask few  but both will adjust all the settings.08:23
sub[t]rnlintelikey➜ ah, thanks08:23
sub[t]rnlI thought it simply set resolutions, thats it08:23
TheFallenOnei am having some trouble with my wifi on Kubuntu 7.10. I can see the network and connect but i cannot access any web pages. I have a Linksys WMP54G wifi card (chipset RaLink RT2561/RT61)08:23
TheFallenOnecan anyone help08:23
posingaspopularwell... Makefile:68: *** Error: unable to find the sources of your current Linux kernel. Specify KERN_DIR=<directory> and run Make again..  Stop.08:24
TheFallenOneI have taken some screen shots of the browser and ifconfig as well as the interfaces file08:24
TheFallenOneto help08:24
posingaspopularTheFallenOne: what have you done after you connect?08:24
posingaspopularjust ifconfig?08:24
posingaspopulartry 'sudo dhclient'08:24
posingaspopularthat's usually what i do when im having connection issues08:24
cowlikkstill cant get higher than 640x48008:25
intelikeyposingaspopular hmmm  try telling it the dir you unpacked in ?    but i thought that /usr/src was about as default as you could get in linux....         you might look more closely at the output and make sure that something else is not failing first     i have seen that happen a few times.    with not so well written makefiles08:26
ActionParsniphi all08:26
sub[t]rnlcowlikk➜ pastebin your /etc/X11/xorg.conf08:26
sub[t]rnlgreets AP08:26
posingaspopularhey ActionParsnip08:26
cowlikkhaha how do i do that08:27
ActionParsniphey sub[t]rnl posingaspopular08:27
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)08:27
TheFallenOnehey! ActionParsnip08:28
ActionParsniphey TheFallenOne08:28
intelikeyif i want to delete the files in a dir that is too full,  what would be the "easy way" ?08:30
AzAelheres one..... i just aquired one of those dell usb hub keyboards however my usb key is ignored when i plug it in. lsusb lists the device but fstab -l does not08:30
posingaspopularhmm intelikey, you're talking above my pay grade ;p08:30
ActionParsnipintelikey, do you want to delete the entire folder?08:30
posingaspopularrf the directory i think08:31
sub[t]rnlrm -r dir/ will remove the directory and all the files in it.08:31
posingaspopularbut I that's a dangerous command08:31
intelikeyActionParsnip no just the normal files   not subdirs08:31
intelikeysub[t]rnl not subdirs08:31
ActionParsnipintelikey, you can use sudo rm <folder name>08:31
cowlikkmaybee i need to restart08:31
cowlikki pasted it08:32
intelikeyif it wasn't to full i'd just use   rm /path/*08:32
ActionParsnipintelikey, it wil remove the files and leave the folder structure08:32
AzAelso is dd if=/dev/null of=/dev/hda.....dangerous command that is08:32
intelikeyActionParsnip no it's too full08:32
posingaspopularokay hmmm08:32
intelikeybash: /bin/rm: Argument list too long08:32
posingaspopularim going to try just rebooting and see if that changes my VM in any way, shape or form08:32
ActionParsnipintelikey, you could use sudo rm -rf <folder>; mkdir <folder>08:32
intelikeyAzAel not if you intend to wipe the hard drive08:32
sub[t]rnlintelikey➜ rm -r removes subdirectories too08:33
TheFallenOneok i'm still having the wifi issues. i've tried adding auto wlan0 to the interfaces and restarting but no go.08:33
ActionParsnipintelikey, remove, recursive and force. it will also remove the folder08:33
intelikeyActionParsnip that would lose the subdirs and their content08:33
ActionParsnipintelikey, so recreate afterwards08:33
TheFallenOnemakes no since why i can connect to the router with 80% siganl but can't get to the web08:33
AzAelintelikey: the poor kid that wanted to wipe his usbkey and wiped his hdd08:33
ActionParsnipintelikey, you could always use konqueror08:33
TheFallenOnemy buddy right next to me is on his laptop and accessing the net through wifi just fine (windows xp for him)08:34
intelikeyActionParsnip not desirable.   the content of the subdirs stays.08:34
ardchoilleAzAel: ouch!08:34
TheFallenOneno firewalls or any security on router so i'm stumped08:34
ActionParsnipintelikey, so you want to keep the folders but not the files?08:34
AzAelsda, sdb.....whatever LOL08:34
intelikeyActionParsnip that's what i first specified08:34
ActionParsnipintelikey, just clarifying. rm -r * should be fine. you can always create a seperate folder and use touch to create some files08:35
ActionParsnipintelikey, then try the command08:35
ActionParsnipintelikey, ;)08:35
AzAelanyways how can i mount a usb storage device if its not detected by fstab -l08:36
AzAelbut detected by lsusb08:36
ActionParsnipAzAel, what do you get from fdisk -l08:36
intelikeyActionParsnip lol   create empty files to replace 3g of data  no thanks.08:37
AzAelonly output relating to internal sata and ide drives08:37
ActionParsnipintelikey, you misunderstand08:37
ActionParsnipintelikey, if you create a folder with subfolders and some files in all the folders (create using touch)08:37
=== fignew` is now known as fignew
ActionParsnipintelikey, you can run any commands you like to test08:38
ActionParsnipintelikey, once you are happy with what is happening you can execute it on the actual folder08:38
intelikey"rm -r * should be fine"  will remove data i don't want removed.   nothing to misunderstand about that.08:38
ActionParsnipintelikey, think of it like a test08:38
AzAelintelikey:  usbkey automounts when plugged into any other port except for the ones on this KB08:39
ActionParsnipintelikey, just a suggestion :)08:39
AzAelthat was directed at ActionParsnip08:39
ActionParsnipAzAel, pastebin your fdisk -l please08:40
intelikeywell the easy answer seems to be a loop   for Q in /path/* ;do rm $Q ;done       in that loop bash is not limited like the rm command to a shortened commandline  and it will do what    rm /path/*    can't.08:40
intelikeyif anyone wants to take notes  ^08:41
AzAelActionParsnip: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/49000/08:42
AzAelnice number hehehe08:42
intelikeytwo pata disks ?08:44
AzAel1xpata 1xsata08:44
intelikeyhmmm and scsi emulation08:44
AzAeli believe my problem has to do with the dell usb hub keyboard :(08:45
intelikeywhat does unpluging and repluging the usb drive say in dmesg ?08:45
ActionParsnipAzAel, yeah i'd go with that too08:45
ActionParsnipAzAel, what model is the keyboard08:45
posingaspopularhmm im still getting this error: Makefile:68: *** Error: unable to find the sources of your current Linux kernel. Specify KERN_DIR=<directory> and run Make again..  Stop.08:46
posingaspopularhow would i run Make again?08:47
ActionParsnipposingaspopular, sudo apt-get install kernel-source08:47
intelikeyhow did you run it that time ?08:47
AzAelActionParsnip: sk-8135 and this is in dmesg ->>> 1210.322805] usb 2-1.2: rejected 1 configuration due to insufficient available bus power08:47
ActionParsnipposingaspopular, sudo apt-get install linux-headers-2.6.12-1008:47
intelikeyAzAel ah  ha.   you is correct08:48
ActionParsnipAzAel, do you have it plugged in via usb or PS/2?08:48
intelikeyAzAel system says  'no sir'  at the new usb device.08:48
posingaspopularsudo aptitute install virtualbox-> setup VM with iso for hardy-> launch vm-> get error telling me that the vm module isn't compiled.-> nano /var/log/vbox-install.log08:49
posingaspopularwhich gives me that error08:49
intelikeysudo dpkg --configure -a08:50
intelikeyshould rerun it then08:50
posingaspopularrerun what now?08:50
AzAelActionParsnip: kb is plugged into usb sunshine......usbkey plugged into kb.....and i can remember how to tail dmesg properly08:51
posingaspopularkernel source and linux-headers-2.6.12-10 as packages are not found when i try to apt-get them08:51
ActionParsnipAzAel, cat /proc/bus/input/devices <- can we have a paste of that with the key in and out08:51
intelikeyposingaspopular the preinst or postinst script in /var/lib/dpbk/info/ for that package is running the make on the software.     WOW 2.6.12 ???08:52
intelikeyis that a typo ?08:52
intelikeyuname -r08:52
=== towlie_ is now known as towlie
intelikeyi'm thinking you mean  2.6.21*08:53
* intelikey wonders is posingaspopular's dislexia just caught up wif him08:54
AzAelActionParsnip: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/49001/08:54
posingaspopular12? ah darnit08:54
posingaspopularE: Couldn't find package linux-headers-2.6.21-1008:55
ActionParsnipAzAel, got another pc to test it on?08:56
posingaspopularintelikey: dpbk?08:56
posingaspopularif i try to nano that file, it shows up empty08:56
AzAellaptop brb08:57
ActionParsnipintelikey, can you suggest for AzAel?08:57
intelikeydrop the -1008:57
intelikeylet me look08:57
cowlikkcan someone help me with when i log out and log back in i just get a peach screen and nothing ever loads. i have to reboot08:58
ActionParsnipintelikey, there appears to be 2 entries for the keyboard which is weird08:58
ActionParsnipintelikey, lines 34 to 5208:58
posingaspopularE: Couldn't find package linux-headers-2.6.2108:59
posingaspopularstill not working08:59
intelikeyAzAel if possable plug the drive into another port dirrectly on the box.08:59
intelikeyActionParsnip yea i saw that08:59
intelikeyposingaspopular when in doubt    apt-cache search linux-headers09:00
AzAelintelikey: the challenge is to get the usb key working on the builtin ports on the kb, specificly the reason why i got this particular keyboard09:00
ActionParsnipintelikey, it works in a normal usb port (not on the keyboard). Ive got him plugging it into another system to see if its the keyboard thats faulty09:00
AzAel[ 3407.577619] usb 2-1.3: rejected 1 configuration due to insufficient available bus power................There is my problem09:01
intelikeyAzAel ok.  then you'll have to boost the power to the keyboard09:01
AzAelnot enough cheese in the tube09:01
posingaspopularokay well it seems that i already havet he linux-headers-2.6.22-14 installed09:01
ActionParsnipintelikey, ooh do tell how09:01
* ActionParsnip listens intently09:01
posingaspopulari just have no idea what im supposed to be doing to fix this VM09:01
intelikeyActionParsnip i didn't say i could do that.    but without boosting the power that isn't going to work.09:02
ActionParsnipAzAel, how does the keyboard connect to the system? Is there a usb hub involved?09:03
intelikeyposingaspopular normally the error messages "when not viewed as criptic" are very helpful in trubbleshooting a problem.09:03
intelikeya powered hub would be good.    but i don't recall ever seeing one.09:04
intelikeyposingaspopular do a uname -r for me please09:04
ActionParsnipAzAel, do you have a powered usb hub?09:05
posingaspopularummm sure if you can give the exact command. im wayy in over my head here ;p09:05
intelikeyuname -r09:06
intelikeyto list the running kernel version09:06
intelikeyto make sure it matches   2.6.22-1409:06
AzAelthis bizarre i tried a differnt usb storage device and it didnt work however on one occasion it picked it up and mounted it automagicly09:07
intelikeywell  2.6.22-14* to be exact09:07
intelikeyAzAel it would every time if the power lever was a little higher at the port your are plugging into09:07
posingaspopularwhich doesn't match ;/09:08
intelikeyposingaspopular there you go   and that's where all your problem has been09:08
intelikeyyou need the 2.6.17-12 headers09:08
intelikeyand possably the  source09:09
ActionParsnipposingaspopular, id sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade09:09
AzAelActionParsnip: intelikey: connections attempted, kb plugged into onboard usb, unpowered usb hub and alternate usb ports on mobo only had success once with an alternate storage device09:09
posingaspopularupgrade? im already in gutsy09:09
ActionParsnipposingaspopular, it'll upgrade individual packages from the sources09:10
intelikeyupgrade for the newer kernel version, yes.   and changing kernels will require a reboot too.09:10
intelikeyor install the kernel headers for that kernel and go09:10
cowlikkwhy when i log out and back in it wont load anything but a peach color screen09:11
ActionParsnipAzAel, unpowered usb hub will not give juice to your keyboard which it needs09:11
intelikeycowlikk drop to a console and see what's hanging it up09:11
cowlikk:-D im not that smart intelikey09:12
AzAelActionParsnip: only tried it because i had forgotten id lost the powersupply09:12
posingaspopularhmm how do i get the source and headers for 2.6.17-1209:12
cowlikkthis is like my first 5 hours on linux09:12
AzAelhaving fun yet cowlikk??09:12
cowlikkand it aint been a good 5 hours09:13
cowlikklots of freakin thinking09:13
ActionParsnipAzAel, so got a different usb key to work or was it a hdd with external power?09:13
cowlikkand typing09:13
cowlikkmy fingers are sore09:13
ActionParsnipcowlikk, indeed for now. soon it will work beautifully :)09:13
AzAelActionParsnip: cheap generic mp3 player09:13
cowlikki know that is why i keep at it09:13
ActionParsnipAzAel, with batteries in ?09:14
AzAelcowlikk: you will look back on it fondly one day09:14
cowlikki used to think i was very good with computers.... well thats windows i guess09:14
AzAelActionParsnip: no batteries09:14
intelikeycowlikk ok let me explain how to switch tty's in linux   first of all the default tty for the xserver is tty7   now to switch ttys you press ctrl+alt+f# where the # is the tty number you want.  normally 1 through 6 are login tty's    you can login and run         ps ax       the last few lines of info will be the last processes to start up.  one will be your login shell.  but just above that should be the last thing that x st09:14
posingaspopularcowlikk: that's a whole different ballgame. ;p09:14
ActionParsnipAzAel, well it will have some form of power source09:14
cowlikkyeah im learning that09:14
AzAelonly worked temporarily09:15
cowlikkso how do i figure out why it wont log back in after loging out09:15
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posingaspopulari wish i knew how to install those header files/source :(09:15
ActionParsnipAzAel, id borrow or steal a powered usb hub and try that. it should work from your onboard though which is weird09:15
ActionParsnipposingaspopular, get the updates09:15
intelikeycowlikk you find what is hanging it and ask in here probably.09:15
TheFallenOnei think i've run out of options09:15
cowlikkhow do i find what is hanging it though09:16
AzAelthe usb key does work onboard it also works in the unpowered usb hub09:16
ActionParsnipTheFallenOne, get googling sir09:16
posingaspopulari did09:16
intelikeycowlikk read my long post again  ^09:16
cowlikkahh it sliped by me thanks09:16
ActionParsnipAzAel, does the keyboard work wih the usb key when its plugged into the onboard?09:16
mariachat spain¿09:17
TheFallenOnelol the only thing else i know to do that was suggested was dowloading seamonkey drivers but since i can't put a lan line on that box anytime soon i can't just update it and use the packages09:17
AzAelkeyboard always works09:17
TheFallenOneand manual install is a killer with dependencies09:17
TheFallenOneso i guess i'll just wait till i can get a hard line on it09:17
AzAelwhere ever i plug it09:17
ActionParsnipAzAel, indeed. but thats not the issue right now09:17
ActionParsnipAzAel, is the kb plugged into the usb hub?09:18
AzAeljust cant get a usb storage device to work off the kb09:18
AzAelActionParsnip: now...no only plugged it in there to test09:18
TheFallenOnewell thanks for everyones help. later.09:19
ActionParsnipAzAel, ok let me google a bit.09:19
ActionParsnipAzAel, got anything else usb?09:20
ActionParsnipAzAel, like a bluetooth dongle etc09:20
intelikeyAzAel it's like the little boy sitting on the sidewalk and sturing in a pile of dung, when the sargent walked by and asked him. "son what are you doing?" he said "im making a privet" the sargent asked "why don't you make a sargent?" he replied "cause i don't have enough shit for that"     that's the problem you are having with the key.  not enough ....09:20
posingaspopularActionParsnip: what do i do after i get the updates/09:20
ActionParsnipposingaspopular, reboot is a good choice09:21
intelikeyafter the upgrade   not the update09:22
posingaspopularafter i sudo apt-get update and sudo apt-get upgrade?09:22
intelikeyyes after both09:22
intelikeyor should i say when you have dont both of them.09:22
* intelikey hates to point at the reset button any more than need be.09:23
intelikeyah man sounds like a fire fight.    gota go.09:24
AzAelActionParsnip: ha ha09:29
andrea_hello guys, i just installed ubuntu on my desktop09:29
andrea_but I am not getting any audio..09:29
andrea_Usually audio worked smoothly09:29
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP309:29
andrea_can somebody tell me what should I try out?09:29
AzAelActionParsnip: i have also been googleing but all i get is stuff about the volume knob09:29
cowlikkintelikey still here?09:30
posingaspopularokay rebooted09:30
posingaspopular!sound | andrea_09:30
ubotuandrea_: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP309:30
cowlikkanyone help me with login probs09:30
cowlikkhanging on gnome-screensaver09:30
ActionParsnipcowlikk, wassup09:30
andrea_thanks, I will check it09:31
cowlikkafter logging off then back on  i just get a peach screen09:31
posingaspopularokay ActionParsnip, i got the upgrade, update and reboot down09:31
posingaspopularnow what do i do to get the relevant heard/source files?09:31
cowlikkso intelikey said to see the last ps ax stuff and the last one was gnome-screensaver09:32
ActionParsnipposingaspopular, sudo apt-get install linux-hea <press tab>09:32
ActionParsnipcowlikk, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=20712309:33
ActionParsnipcowlikk, i'm not the best person to hel pas I disabled mine and I just turn off my monitor :)09:34
ActionParsnippower saver > screen saver09:34
posingaspopularActionParsnip: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/49004/09:34
posingaspopulari think i need the source first?09:35
cowlikkhaha thanks for the link i will try what they say brb to let you know09:35
ActionParsnipposingaspopular, try using adept and search for source09:35
=== icewater1an is now known as icewaterman
posingaspopularim seeing the linux source for 2.6.22-1409:43
posingaspopularand that's it09:43
AzAelheheheh ok forget that for now, im off to load puppy dsl and hirens on my usb key oh and parted magic09:45
mosiacanyone here know much about the restricted video drivers for nvidia cards?09:45
cowlikkcomputer hangs on -bash anyone help me?09:45
AzAelcowlikk start from scratch ???09:47
cowlikkwhys that09:48
XceIItry booting cd..let run take cd out reboot09:50
AzAeli was asking if it was an option?09:51
=== gutsy is now known as gutsy_
=== gutsy_ is now known as gutsy
posingaspopularActionParsnip: you still around?09:56
ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs10:03
ActionParsnipposingaspopular, sorry10:04
posingaspopulari did, and all i found was the linux-source for 2.6.2210:04
ubuntuhello! I'm on the livecd gutsy amd64 and the installation program won't move after I've selected the keyboard layout10:07
=== ubuntu is now known as kalchas
ActionParsnipposingaspopular, what kernel you on?10:07
posingaspopular2.6.17-12 generic10:07
ActionParsnipposingaspopular, sudo apt-get install linux-source-2.6.1710:08
wesleywhere do in get compiz fusion icon?10:08
ActionParsnipposingaspopular, http://packages.ubuntu.com/edgy/source/linux-source-2.6.1710:08
posingaspopularE: Package linux-source-2.6.17 has no installation candidate10:10
posingaspopularshould i check my sources.list? i think the edgy source are commented our10:10
ActionParsnipposingaspopular, i'd try find some additional gutsy repos :)10:11
posingaspopulari give up and and im going to try vmware again10:12
posingaspopularthanks for all the help attempts ActionParsnip ;p10:14
ratpoisonhello! If I install ATI 's new fglrx drivers w/ AIGLX support, will I have problems in gutsy?10:16
ratpoisonsorry, badly formed question10:17
ActionParsnipposingaspopular, if you get some more repositorys added to your sources.list10:17
ratpoisonhello! If I install ATI 's new fglrx drivers w/ AIGLX support, will I have problems upgrading from gutsy to hardy?10:17
ActionParsnipposingaspopular, you might be able to get the headers10:17
ratpoisonsame question applies for KDE 410:17
posingaspopularim not sure which repos though10:18
posingaspopulari can show you my sources.list10:18
wesleycan someone give me the adept fix10:18
ActionParsnipposingaspopular, I'll get you some more repos10:18
wesleyadept is crased and repo is closed please help10:20
ActionParsnipposingaspopular, here is a world of repos. some have links to their authentication keys too :)10:21
ActionParsnipposingaspopular, http://graymalkin.wordpress.com/2007/09/25/gutsy-repository/10:21
wesley adept is crased and repo is closed please help10:21
ActionParsnipwesley, if you do ps -ef | grep adept do you get anything?10:22
wesleydont know that not the commando i usual get10:22
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about rae - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi10:23
wesley adept is crased and repo is closed please help10:23
ActionParsnipwesley, you need to type that in the console10:23
wesleybut i get from ubotu always a other code10:24
ActionParsnipwesley, the command i told you will see if adept is still running so we can kill it if it is10:24
ActionParsnipwesley, what output do you get?10:26
wesleydont know10:27
ActionParsnipwesley, well did you type it in console and hit enter?10:27
wesleyi need the code that uboyu always gives if adept is crased10:27
ubotuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »10:28
ActionParsnip!adeptcrash | wesley10:28
ubotuwesley: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »10:28
wesleythanks again XD10:29
ActionParsnipwesley, np, you can do those yourself if you know the words to put after the !10:29
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Riddell** testers needed of amarok in  deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-members-kde4/ubuntu {hardy,gutsy} main10:46
Oleanderhelp: am creating new parition on free space on my hdd for kunbuntu install. what do i pick for location od the new partition (beginning or end?) and use as: ??   mount point: ???10:54
christianp_hi all10:55
posingaspopulardoes anyone have a clue as to which directory the C header files for the gcc compiler in kubuntu gutsy are located?10:56
christianp_i'm a newbye with kde; i'm used to have ubuntu and this is my first kubuntu experience10:56
posingaspopularhttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/49007/ this msg in vmware in particular10:56
christianp_is there an applet to mount/unmount devices (i used it in ubuntu)?10:58
posingaspopularchristianp_: i think the storage media applet might do it10:59
posingaspopularnot too sure though10:59
christianp_thenks posingaspopular... it's not in the default's one?10:59
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* gukk_devel is back.10:59
posingaspopularumm well it should do it automiatically..11:00
posingaspopularim not sure what applet you are refering to in ubuntu specifically11:01
OleanderAm in kubuntu installation - partition.   it says no root file system is defined. i dont see where i define this. anyone lend me a hand ?11:03
rabby_was könnte ich dazu verwenden, ein video vom screen zu "drehen"?11:04
rabby_oh, english chan...11:05
sivajiOleander if you are not sure about these thing then i will suggest you to go for automatic partition11:05
rabby_which app may i use to capture screen (X)?11:05
sivajirabby_ press print screen key11:05
rabby_want to make a little video, not only a screenshot11:05
sivajirabby_ then use istanbul11:06
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about istanbul - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi11:06
Oleandersivaji: ok i'll do that. under guided i selected 30.3gb so does that mean it automatically put linux on that size parition or on the remaindeR?11:07
sivajiyes i will create a root partition of size 30GB11:08
Oleanderok thanks11:08
sivajiOleander do you have any other OS11:08
sivajiin your HD11:08
Oleanderyeh windows11:10
Oleanderon separate hdd11:10
sivajiOleander ok fine but in future dont install windows after installed linux11:10
sivajiOleander if such situation comes11:11
sivajiOleander because windows bootstrap loader will remove grub loader11:12
Oleandereven tho the two os's are on two physically separate hdds?11:13
kde4input problem on kubuntu gusty, the keyboad sometimes freezes for some windows, that is cannot input in the firefox address bar while ok in konsole.11:16
kde4and sometimes ok in firefox  but not in konsole and dolphin.11:17
INFOEXCLUDEDhow do i make an usb pen kde4 install ?11:18
=== Mabo is now known as Mabo81
Mabo81ciao a tutti, vorrei registrare il nick mabo ma è occupato ed in disuso chi posso contattare?11:27
ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!11:28
posingaspopular!register | Mabo8111:28
ubotuMabo81: By default, only registered users can send private messages - Information about  registering your Freenode nick can be found at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration11:28
somekoolI am now getting this error on boot... anyone have any idea why ... http://blog.somekool.net/images/img_4232.jpg11:29
przychodnia1anyone from poland here ?11:35
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jussi01!pl | przychodnia111:35
ubotuprzychodnia1: Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl11:35
Maboho i pallini della connessione che continuaano a girare, come li fermo?11:42
Oleanderhelp: just installed kubuntu, got the end of install and it said restart and take out Live cd, so restarted took out cd and nothing it happening. am getting like 4 loud beeps with nothing on screen...any idea whats the problem?11:42
visofis firefox better than konqueror??11:49
podr0znikof all websites I regularly use, 50% doesn't open properly in Konqueror11:50
podr0znikso basically I didn't see a worse browser than Konqueror in a looooong time :)11:50
pagof all websites I regularly use 95% work perfectly in Konq. ;)11:51
pagsome of Web2.0 stuff doesn't work though.11:51
visofevery one vote11:52
podr0znikwell, for me nothing goes above ff, but obviously other people have other experiences/opinions :)11:56
podr0znikand that is good, because then those poor people are not making browsers for nothing ;)11:57
stdinif the site doesn't work in konqueror, then the site is broken11:57
stdinkonqueror is 100% standards compliant (unlike most websites)11:58
Oleanderstdin: can u help me please, just installed kubuntu, got the end of install and it said restart and take out Live cd, so restarted took out cd and nothing it happening. am getting like 4 loud beeps with nothing on screen...any idea whats the problem?11:58
stdindo you see the grub screen?11:59
Oleanderi see nothing complete black on screen, even lcd is on standby (orange light)11:59
podr0znikI had also sth "funny" here12:03
podr0znikkubuntu suggested me yesterday to update some components - fine, I thought, let's do it12:03
Oleanderstdin any ideas?12:04
podr0znikthen I tried to reboot: "Kernel panic, root cannot be mounted... bla bla" something like that12:04
podr0znikso... /me did a clean install of kubuntu again12:04
podr0znikOleander, if your monitor is not going from standby, it could be something with bios I suppose12:04
stdinOleander: well if grub doesn't even show it looks like it wasn't installed right12:05
=== stacey is now known as Xbehave
Xbehavehmm ive been trying to get a systme setup for a friend for 12hrs now so sorry if ive missed something really simple but, how do i get compiz to start early or fix all the apps jumping out of the system tray12:06
somekoolI am now getting this error on boot... anyone have any idea why ... http://blog.somekool.net/images/img_4232.jpg12:07
ActionParsniphi all12:07
stdinXbehave: if there isn't a X server running on :0, then remove /tmp/.X0-lock and /tmp/.X11-unix/X012:09
Oleanderhey ActionParsnip12:09
* Jucato redirects stdin to somekool12:09
stdinwoah, Jucato's here!12:09
Jucatono I'm not. please ignore :)12:10
=== xerri_ is now known as xerri__
podr0znikdoes anybody have problems here with the auto update function of kubuntu 7.10?12:11
emilsedghguess who's back! Jucato !12:11
Oleanderstdin: got it to show startup screen, but saying primary drive not found. went into bios and in my boot sequence the C drive is number 1, and i cant seem to change it to my linux drive. by the way c drive isnt plugged in to mobo12:11
Jucatoemilsedgh: who?12:12
Jucatoanyway... gone again :P12:12
Oleanderstdin: in bios under drive config primary master drive is being regonizsed as the linux drive tho12:12
podr0znikOleander, if C drive is not plugged in to mobo, it cannot be found in BIOS12:12
stdinOleander: then you need to boot into the live CD and reinstall grub12:12
PoliticianNEWa general question: is it possible to "halt" Programs so that they do NOT exit but just do nothing (no input, no output, no internal processing of anything) - like they would not get any cpu any longer for a certain period12:13
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto12:13
stdinOleander: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows12:13
stdinPoliticianNEW: with apps started from the command line yes, you press Ctrl-Z12:13
stdinPoliticianNEW: or "kill -STOP (PID)" (I think it's STOP)12:14
stdinuse kill -CONT to restart it12:14
emilsedghJucato: you ;)12:14
stdinand "fg" for command line apps you stopped12:15
posingaspopularJucato: YOU!12:15
JucatoPoliticianNEW: you can right-click on the process in the ProcessTable (Ctrl+Esc) and send the signals that stdin mentioned (SIGSTOP and SIGCONT)12:15
Jucato(if those are the right ones)12:15
Jucatohheeh hi emilsedgh, hi posingaspopular. (congrats posingaspopular)12:16
Jucatobut gtg :P12:16
emilsedghJucato: come back soon12:16
Jucatoyeah, just going to scavenge for some mt.dew-induced sanity. I'll be back :)12:16
posingaspopularIf i have 3 applications open on the panel, and want to send ALL of them to a different desktop, can I do that? if so, how/12:18
Oleanderstdin: got it to work damn dell mobo peice of crap12:18
OleanderActionParsnip: i finally installed kubuntu. yay12:22
ActionParsnipOleander, sweet move dude12:25
ActionParsnipOleander, is it firing on all cylinders?12:25
Oleandernot yet i wanna get the beryl thing u were talking about the other day12:26
ActionParsnipOleander, thats good fun12:26
podr0znikif a normal system update (recommended by Adept updater) is making my system crash completely, is this then a hardware compatibility problem? (what I cannot imagine actually)12:27
Oleanderdamn...i partitioned my 120gb hdd in the install to 30gb thinking thats what the linux would install on but its installed on the remaining 86gb12:28
ActionParsnipOleander, http://ohioloco.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=59158012:28
ActionParsnipOleander, easiest way is to leave the space unpartitioned at install time12:28
podr0znikor let me rephrase my question12:29
Oleanderi tried doing it the manual way but someone on here suggested doing it the guided way.12:30
podr0znikafter a clean install, there are immediately 76 updated packages available12:30
podr0znikI guess it should be normally safe to follow those suggestions and to install them?12:30
OleanderActionParsnip: what do u recommend berly or compiz?12:31
ActionParsnipOleander, guided is best but if the space is unpartitioned the installer will see it and offer to use it for the system drives12:32
ActionParsnipOleander, I use beryl personally but others prefer compiz12:32
ActionParsnippodr0znik, I'd get them12:32
podr0znikActionParsnip, ok, but yesterday evening my system completely crashed after doing so (not booting anymore, some error about "Kernel panic")12:33
podr0znikso I'm trying to figure out what I did wrong and how to do it better ;)12:33
somekoolJucato: ???12:35
somekoolI am now getting this error on boot... anyone have any idea why ... http://blog.somekool.net/images/img_4232.jpg12:35
jussi01Oleander: beryl doesnt exist anymore - it merged with compiz...12:35
Oleanderoh ok12:36
jussi01Oleander: so unless you are using feisty or older...12:36
jussi01!compiz | Oleander12:36
ubotuOleander: Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion12:36
podr0znikActionParsnip, any idea about that error?12:41
ActionParsnippodr0znik, what packages need updating?12:41
podr0znikwell, I must admit that usually I don't look at that12:42
podr0znikwhen Adept suggest an update, I just execute it12:42
podr0znikthe same yesterday evening, but then it didn't boot anymore and was complaining about Kernel panic, that root couldn't mounted or sth like that12:42
podr0znikI didn't write down the complete error12:43
ActionParsnipiexecute the updates too12:43
podr0znikthen I have no idea what I'm doing wrong12:44
ActionParsniplet me google12:44
ActionParsnipwhat kernel you on at the moment?12:44
ActionParsnipuname -r12:44
podr0znikthe one supplied with 7.1012:45
podr0znik'cause I did clean install12:45
podr0znikand no updates yet12:45
TimSAnyone here use AcidRip? It always gives me a file where the audio is arround 20ms out from the video, how could I fix this?12:46
akramhow to install compiz?12:47
ubotuKubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion12:47
ActionParsnippodr0znik, you could try updating just the kernel (?)12:49
ActionParsnippodr0znik, or update individual things and reboot inbetween12:50
ActionParsnippodr0znik, see whats making it die12:50
=== neville is now known as neville__
etfbpodr0znik: did you say that -14 is the latest kernel?  There's a discussion on #ubuntu right now that touches on that.  Wasn't there an upgrade a day or so ago?12:56
=== schiste_ is now known as schiste
etfbI just noticed: Ctrl+Shift+W doesn't close Firefox any more - it used to, but it hasn't since I upgraded to Gutsy.  Has something changed?13:00
posingaspopularalt+f4 closes firefox...13:05
FatalErroretfb, isn't it usually just ctrl+w ?13:05
posingaspopularctrl+w closes the tab...13:05
Pete_^etfb: Not sure why its changed, but if I hit ctrl-w with only one tab open, it quits13:05
Pete_^ctrl-w quits the last one too.13:05
Pete_^(With Konqueror I'm used to ctrl-q for quit, and ctrl-w to close tabs)13:06
etfbPete_^: I hated that option, so I switched it off13:07
ActionParsnipPete_^, thats cos you closed ALL thetabs. It does it on mine too13:08
lucky_lucasHi any qt4 libs is needed for a proper kubuntu ?13:13
lucky_lucasOr can I remove libqt4-core without any trouble13:13
Jucatolucky_lucas: I think only the Kubuntu Hardware Database and/or Speedcrunch depend on qt413:14
lucky_lucasJucato: arf I don't want to mess up the current default install of qt413:15
ActionParsniplucky_lucas, kde4 uses it too :D13:15
moofoohello, i've configured a luks with cryptosetup, but /etc/init.d/cryptdisks does not ask for a password on startup (i tried the patch from 62751 though I'm running gutsy but this still don't help) any idea why this does not work? one remark: the drive is attached via usb... and manually starting cryptdisks from console later on works fine13:15
JucatoActionParsnip: but that hardly qualifies as "proper Kubuntu" :D13:15
lucky_lucasI want to use the qt-copy for building kde4 from svn13:15
Jucatolucky_lucas: sure no problem w/ that13:16
Jucatolucky_lucas: following the guide on techbase.kde.org, it won't mess w/ any system installed packages (qt3/4 or kde3)... but using qt-copy would be redundant13:16
lucky_lucasYes but while building kdesdk, cmake take my libqtxml from /usr/lib instead of home kde-devel qt-copy13:16
lucky_lucasJucato: the guide on techbase isn't that up to date about the mess about qt413:17
Jucatolucky_lucas: which mess?13:17
lucky_lucasCmake would take the unpatched packages version of qt4 instead of using qt-copy13:18
Jucatolucky_lucas: theoretically, kde4 should be able to build with no problem using a vanilla qt 4.3.2... if it doesn't, that's a major bug. so it really shouldn't matter which qt4 you use13:18
Jucatohm... that's strange...13:18
tattersI have lost my toolbar somehow ,,what do I need to type in" run " to bring up the preferences so I can un-check auto hide13:19
Jucatotatters: kcontrol13:19
Jucatothen go to Desktop -> Panels13:19
lucky_lucasmy $qtdir env  points to home kde-devel but while building kdesdk, cmake complains about /usr/whatever libqtxml13:19
Jucatoif by "toolbar" you mean "panel"13:19
lucky_lucasinstead of the qt-copy one13:20
tattersk,thnx , yes it the panel that contains kmenu and systray13:20
Jucatotatters: yep. then kcontrol it is13:21
Jucatolucky_lucas: hm... strange indeed... can you try asking in #kde4-devel about this?13:21
tattersJucato: thans that did the trick13:21
lucky_lucasOk it's for sure a mess in my env since i cleaned qt several time etc... but I will go there13:22
Jucatolucky_lucas: it might also be specific to kdesdk only13:22
Jucatohm... gtg...13:22
lucky_lucasJucato: runing cmakekde on kdesdk tells me  Found Qt-Version 4.3.3 (using /home/kde-devel/qt-copy/bin/qmake)13:23
lucky_lucasIt tells me it tries to build /usr/lib/libqtxml.so, but there is no target13:24
=== hagabaka` is now known as hagabaka
[ExCluSiVe_v2]Êòî ïîäñêàæåò êàê íàñòðîèòü SOCKS13:27
jussi01!en | [ExCluSiVe_v2]13:28
ubotu[ExCluSiVe_v2]: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are english only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat13:28
tattersIn remote places / samba shares I get error  "cannot find any groups maybe because a firewall is enabled" however if I use konqueror and type smb://192.etc.etc I can see all the shares, I would have thought they both sing from the same hymn sheet?13:31
=== paolo is now known as faLUCE
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto13:39
sigmathe repo versions are easier to install13:39
LopinAnyone know how to do updates on a PC that's not on the internet?13:44
zakameapt-cacher, etc?13:46
sigmai never update personally, too scared it will break something13:47
LopinI'm trying to work on a computer for one of my cousins, but my aunt refuses to have internet access, so how would I update/ install new packages while offline?13:47
sigmai think it would be a mission because ul have to download all the packages13:48
ActionParsnipLopin, do it at your place every now and again13:50
FatalErrorsounds like a job for RFC 114913:51
LopinI'm only here temporarily...  I'm here for about a month, so I'm using th neighbors wifi to get on the internet as is...13:51
tattersI built a vm with diskless remote boot linux  installs ubuntu using pxe it also caches latest packages using apt-cacher so basically I can plug the ethernet into any pxe capable network card and it automatically installs latest ubuntu + updates13:52
ActionParsnipLopin, just get them to do it whenever they can13:52
LopinThe computer I'm working on is older, and doesn't have a wireless card...13:52
Lopintatters: What?13:52
tattersthe target pc requires no internet13:52
ActionParsnipLopin, you can buy them for real cheap13:52
LopinPurchasing Hardware is out of the question...13:52
Lopintatters: You'll have to explain this to me...13:53
tatterslook into DRBL13:53
Lopintatters: Like, how to pull it off...13:53
ActionParsnipLopin, if you are there only a month how are future updates going occur?13:53
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ActionParsnipLopin, USB wifi is about 10 quid13:53
=== proud_kubuntu_us is now known as proud_kubuntu
proud_kubuntuhello peoples...13:54
ActionParsniphi proud_kubuntu13:54
proud_kubuntuyou're all KDE user's?13:54
ActionParsnipproud_kubuntu, I do yes13:54
=== proud_kubuntu is now known as kroatia
tattersLopin http://drbl.sourceforge.net/13:55
kroatiahow 'r' u13:55
ActionParsnipkroatia, not too bad, you ok?13:55
kroatiausing Konversaation for the first time...13:56
kroatiaand i like it13:56
ScottGI'm an Xchat fan myself..13:57
kroatiawell, i just installed Kubuntu (not the first time), didn't get time to install it13:58
ScottGI see.. yeah.. I've used Xchat on every Linux distro up to now so it's one of the first things I add..13:58
ActionParsniphydrairc for my XP lappy at work. Konversation for me too13:58
ScottGI like Kubuntu.. the first sign that everything works is getting bored with it, which I am..13:59
ActionParsnipScottG, i'm like that]13:59
kroatianah, I first install important updates from my CD (i don't want to download 300mb every 12 days :))13:59
ScottGadded ubuntu-desktop last night just to play with it..13:59
tattersThat like saying you getting bored with the plate your food is served on14:00
sigmahey isn't the next beta of hardy due out tomorrow?14:00
kroatiai've been on Ubuntu 4 a long time, but  when i saw the functions of Kubuntu, i switched immediately14:00
kroatiai like Edit KDE Menu best14:01
ScottGtatters: more like getting bored with the surroundings while eating.. the amiance maybe?14:01
neville__ambience =]14:02
kroatiai have that weird habit, i just like installing OS over and over (habit from XP)14:02
neville__i was like that14:03
ScottGwell.. I turned off spell check in xchat.. I'm normally great at spelling but I don't use the word ambience much :)14:03
neville__so i just made another computer with which to do it =]14:03
kroatiaso, any of you guys from Balkan?14:03
ScottGyeah.. I have PCLinuxOS and Kubuntu on this main PC, that's it..14:03
ScottGI'm in the US.14:03
tattersVm took care of that addiction for me14:03
ActionParsnipkroatia, I used to do slipstream installs and use nlite. see how far i could hack it. but with kubuntu i can just work14:03
ScottGI use virtualbox for some things like testing hardy..14:04
kroatiai live in Croatia, but i really like hanging out on english forums/blogs/chats ect.14:04
=== lepetak is now known as lepetak__
ScottGso how is the weather in Croatia this time of year?14:05
kroatiait's very cold14:05
kroatiait's so cold, that i have a cold :)14:05
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ScottGit's about -2 C here14:06
jussi01!ot | kroatia  ScottG14:06
ubotukroatia  ScottG: #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!14:06
ActionParsnipis there a plugin for autocomplete in firefox so I don't have to have the googletoolbar showing?14:06
kroatiawow... -2?14:06
ScottGok.. was not aware of the off topic channel..14:06
kroatiaanyway, which browser do u use on Kubuntu?14:07
kroatiai'm pretty much satisfied with konqueror, but i don't nov how to enlarge f'ckin photos14:07
jussi01kroatia: please dont swear - even with the '14:08
kroatia'k, wont do it again, sorry14:08
kroatiaafter using ubuntu for few HOURS my friend was like "HEY, THIS ISN'T WINDOWS! I CAN'T PLAY NFS:PRO STREET ON THIS THING!"14:10
kroatiahe just liked the effects14:11
ScottGsome people (who play games) are meant for dual boot or Windows..14:11
Zombiekroatia: Did he consider trying to run it under Wine?14:11
ActionParsnipkroatia, if you got a little cash, cedega is a great gaming platform app :D14:12
DownixI run my Windows games on Linux using Cedega14:13
tattersElse run window and ubuntu in Vware to save duel boot14:13
kroatiayeah... he would lose nerves by booting XP then Linux, and over and over... @Zombie- yes, but he didnt wanted to type "wine play.exe" every time...14:13
kroatiaCedega isn't free..14:13
tattersNative window +Vmware with ubuntu =no issues14:13
kroatiaof course, you can download it from phazeddl.com...14:14
jussi01nor is windows...14:14
ZombieI'm planning an X-mas Day Linux LAN war.14:14
DownixKroatia:  With WINE I just install it, then it's added to my KDE menu like any other app14:14
kroatiasome of them aren't, dont know why :S14:14
DownixDid you install them using WINE?14:14
kroatiaoh, your saying for Kubuntu14:15
ActionParsnipkroatia, i know its not free. thats why i said if yu got some spare cash. Its cheaper than windows14:15
jussi01kroatia: you can make a new entry quite simpl14:15
Downixkroatia: Yes, as this *is* the Kubuntu channel....14:15
kroatiahe don't want do do it, when he can do it in 2mins on Win14:15
Downix2 mins on Win, really?14:15
DownixThat's amazing, NFL:PRO took over 15 minutes to install for me14:15
Downixunder Windows14:15
Downix(don't like the game, waste of money for me)14:16
kroatiano, i mean creating a shortcut, cracking the game and playing it :)14:16
ubotupiracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o14:16
kroatiai just said that he cracks it...14:17
ActionParsnipkroatia, cedega is $15 USD. I'd pay it hapily14:17
Downixcracking is illegal by copyright law, as it breaks the EULA which is enforced by copyright law14:17
kroatiain croatia that is..46$14:17
kroatiai don't do it... i have originals14:18
kroatiaand 46$ is a lot around here... it's 300kuna's14:18
jussi01Ok, please keep this on topic - Kubuntu support14:19
Downixwhich reminds me, does Kubuntu on SPARC run in 32 or 64-bit mode userland?14:19
moope1hullo, does anyone know how to create a zip file with dolphin. When I actually select the files. all the compression options disappear. The zip option is not there anyhow :(14:20
kroatiais there any off-topic Kubuntu room?14:20
kroatiamoope1- which files do you want to compress?14:20
Downixyes #kubuntu-offtopic14:20
jussi01!ot | kroatia14:20
ubotukroatia: #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!14:20
Jucatomoope1: does your selection include both files and folders?14:21
kroatiajust wanted to ask that14:21
ActionParsnipmoope1, use zip zipfile.zip file1 file2 file314:21
lg188i am shearing14:21
Jucatoor use Ark, or use Konqueror :)14:21
ActionParsnip!zip | moope114:22
ubotumoope1: Files with extensions .tar, .gz, .tgz, .zip, .bz2, .7z, .ace and other archive file formats can be opened with ark - also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression14:22
moope1Jucato: yes14:22
moope1ActionParsnip: Im not asking how to do it with command line14:22
Jucatomoope1: it's a known bug with D3lphin14:22
moope1ActionParsnip: I know how to do that14:22
lg188for some dj proggy but i don't find the right one :(14:22
ActionParsnipmoope1, sorry, its all i know14:22
moope1Jucato: Thanks. I think its a bit better than konqueror tho14:23
moope1ActionParsnip: Yeah Me too. but everyone says I must get into these new guis14:23
Jucatouse what you need/want to use... not what someone tells you to :)14:23
Jucatoand I'm telling you to use Konqueror instead :P14:24
ActionParsnipmoope1, why, the CLI is universal. why learn several GUIs14:24
DownixI tried to get Opera installed, wouldn't work14:24
moope1ActionParsnip, Users14:24
moope1I got a bad case of the users man14:25
ActionParsnipmoope1, doesnt ark click in with dolphin?14:25
lg188 i search for a Dj program and who  is the best ?14:26
ActionParsnipmoope1, try peazip14:29
lg188its o so quit its o so still14:30
lg188i mean talk14:31
lg188lest talk about .... i dont know if there ar children so i dont sing it14:32
ActionParsnipanyone got kde on an eee pc?14:32
ActionParsnipits late (for me)14:32
* Jucato is not lucky enough to have one14:32
lg188eee ?14:32
ActionParsniplg188, the asustek eee pc14:32
lg188i have kubuntundapper on a pc14:32
lg188ooh no14:33
* ActionParsnip wants one14:33
Jucatolg188: Asus Eee PC. different thing14:33
lg188ActionParsnip: sorry i don't have it14:33
JucatoActionParsnip: someone has installed Ubuntu, so I guess it's not so far from Kubuntu14:33
Jucatoalthough I would be more worried about stuff on the kernel/driver level... like wireless and power management14:34
ActionParsnipJucato, www.efficientpc.co.uk will installand check it for 20 quid :D14:34
sgmÏðèâåò âñåì14:36
* lg188 sings *its o so quit its o so still*14:36
ActionParsnipwhats everyones latest kubuntu project?14:36
sgmÊòî ïîäñêàæåò êàê Socks fcnhjbnm14:37
sgmÊòî ïîäñêàæåò êàê Socks íàñòðîèòü14:37
bazhangActionParsnip: I got an eeepc and use kubuntu, just not together; does that count?14:37
Jucatosgm: English please14:37
bazhangsgm: this is an English channel14:37
Jucatoor are you just spamming :)14:37
Pete_^I think so14:37
* lg188 eat some cookies14:38
sgm=|[::Jucato::]|=> Ðîññèÿ14:38
lg188!spam | sgm14:38
ubotusgm: Unsure how you should behave on this channel? See (in a private message with the bot, /msg ubotu <keyword>): !AskTheBot, !CoC, !Guidelines, !Offtopic, !Language, !Attitude, !Repeat, !Enter, !Paste, !NickSpam - and most importantly, use common sense...14:38
Jucatosgm: last warning. English only14:38
sgmÙÿ ïåðåâîä÷èê ïîñòàâëþ14:39
lg188oooh auto operator from chanserv :)14:39
* lg188 sings *its o so quit its o so still*14:41
Pete_^o so quit? ;)14:41
DownixOk, I hate how hard it id to get through google tech support14:42
ActionParsnipDownix, why you calling em?14:44
lg188for those Belgian people here : music for life rules really listen to stubru14:44
DownixActionParsnip: We haven't had any adsence reporting since Dec 4th, on all 3000+ of our domains14:46
ActionParsnipwow thats really bad14:47
Downixrather perplexed as to the cause14:47
Downixwe check every 1st and 15th, so we just spotted it14:47
* lg188 sings *its o so quiet its o so still* "awake people of Linux "and eat from his coockie14:49
stdinlg188: slightly ironic you used !spam on sgm, isn't it...14:49
lg188kk i got it :)14:50
sgmRegard ,who can help to adjust Socks14:50
ActionParsnipsudo apt-get install hands; pullup /dev/leftsock; pullup rightsock14:51
lg188stdin: i at least spam in English14:51
sgmI from russia I bad write in english14:51
jussi01!ru | sgm14:52
ubotusgm: Пожалуйста войдите в #ubuntu-ru для помощи на русском языке  /  Pozhalujsta vojdite v #ubuntu-ru dlq pomoshchi na russkom qzyke14:52
ActionParsniplibhands also installs scratch and grab. it also adds extra functionality to touch ;)14:52
pteague_workhmm... now to try to get firefox's url to stop on certain characters...  anybody have any ideas?14:53
jussi01!hi | loucas15:00
ubotuloucas: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!15:00
loucasmy nightmare return15:00
lg188loucas:  what are your talking about ?15:00
loucasi dont have any sound on kubuntu15:00
loucasi have migrated from ubuntu15:01
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP315:01
lg188aiih you have speakers ?15:01
loucasno is an ibm levono thinkcenter ....no sepakers15:02
lg188sepaker ?????15:02
loucasspeaker :)15:03
lg188what means a purple thing before a name15:03
* lg188 sings *its o so quiet its o so still* "awake people of Linux "and i eat from my cookie15:05
intExDKI have a problem with my XMMS. When I added a track to my playlist, it displayed wrong title and artist. I clicked "File Info" and changed Title and Artist. Even after doing that, it still displays the original name in the playlist. I have tried removing it and adding it again. No change. Anybody have a clue?15:06
lg188i don't think so ...15:08
* lg188 sings *its o so quiet its o so still* "awake people of Linux "and i eat from my cookie15:10
intExDKFound a solution. Started Dolphin with kdesu, and changed the title in meta info instead.15:11
=== Gunirus_ is now known as Gunirus
onishidatohow can we get one's ip?15:17
BluesKajHowdy folks : )15:18
onishidato!hello | BluesKaj15:19
ubotuBluesKaj: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!15:19
BluesKajhehe , Hi onishidato, lg18815:19
lg188BluesKaj:  onishidato ?15:20
onishidatoBluesKaj: do you know how to get someone IP?15:20
onishidatolg188: it's me15:20
Hamrahi, i asked yesterday for a solution to the low resolution in the login screen, sombody told me to "sudo apt-get remove --purge kdm" and then install it again, but this didnt help! any ideas?15:20
Hamraonishidato: you mean in a local network?15:21
BluesKajonishidato, someone in the the chat here ?15:21
pteague_workanybody have any ideas on how to get firefox's urlbar to stop on certain characters?  like on windows if the urlbar has http://phpfi.com/284070 & i double click anywhere in the 284070 it selects only that instead of the entire url - not only that, but i can use CTRL+arrow key to navigate through segments of text in the urlbar... i.e. it will stop on /, =, &, ?, etc15:21
onishidatoBluesKaj, Hamra: some one who chat with me throught Kopete15:22
Hamrasorry, no idea15:23
lg188onishidato left ?15:25
BluesKajI think he could use traceroute or xtraceroute, but some IP addys are hidden15:25
BluesKajDNS lookup, but I never used it15:25
onishidatoBluesKaj: do you know how to do?15:31
=== moope1 is now known as mooper
BluesKajno onishidato , but check this site : http://linux.die.net/man/1/host15:33
onishidatoBluesKaj: thks s much15:35
BluesKajdo you know the whois command onishidato , dunno if it works in kopete15:35
onishidatoBluesKaj: i have try15:35
onishidatoBluesKaj: nothing happened15:35
onishidatoBluesKaj: ping also15:36
BluesKajonishidato, I think this is better : http://linux.die.net/man/1/dig15:36
pteague_worki figured out my firefox issue...  layout.word_select.stop_at_punctuation ... it's turned off by default seemingly on everything except windows15:36
BluesKajonishidato, sometimes just doing a ' whois ' will give an IP address15:37
onishidatoBluesKaj: sometimes like Pidgin has15:38
=== ubuntu is now known as ||[Neo]||
=== usuario_ is now known as Alberto
virniki got cosmetic problem here15:39
virnikI am using Kubuntu Gutsy, and Xchat15:39
virnikbut Xchat dock icon sometimes shows up too big15:39
virnikcan somebody tell me hot to make it tiny, like other icons in dock?15:40
onishidatovinik: in tray icon?15:41
onishidatovirnik: in tray icon?15:41
virnikonishidato: near hours...15:42
virnikor clock15:42
virnikso, classic icon dock, where you got kmix icon...15:42
onishidatovirnik: got it15:42
virnikso this icon sometimes shows up good...tinz15:42
virnikbut in most cases, it is much more larger15:43
virnikand ugly15:43
virnikor can i switch it off? i can use kdocker...it looks the same15:43
virnikbut this is really ugly15:43
PsySineI'm running gutsy and need the realplay package, should i add the feisty-commercial repo or is there anything better suited?15:44
the_ruDoes anyone know how to get a Radeon R300 working properly?15:45
BluesKajPsySine, try the helix player , if you repos are all open like medibuntu , it's the linux version of realplayer15:46
the_ruI dunno what's wrong... It gets into the right resolution, but the picture is squashed15:46
the_ruand xvidtune doesn't want to help out :-(15:47
trappistBluesKaj: maybe I'm mistaken, but I don't think that's exactly true.  I'm pretty sure helix lacks a lot of functionality of realplayer, which does have a linux version, and is separate from helix15:47
PsySineBluesKaj: i think helix player can't play real media. i think is has no proprietary codecs at all15:47
BluesKajwell, i guess you answered your own question then PsySine ...try the proprietary realplayer for linux.15:50
PsySinei installed realplay from feisty-commercial and it seems to work fine :)15:50
BluesKajRealPlayer10GOLD.bin ?15:51
=== Deviance is now known as TimS
PsySineBluesKaj: the realplay package in deb http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu feisty-commercial main15:52
BluesKajoh , i keep thinking in terms of ' Gutsy '15:53
itsjustmeHi all... How in kdeubuntu do you see all the harddrives on a sys.. As fedora, it shows the drive icons on the desktop...   thx15:55
jslis there a way to specify what screen a [firefox] windows should open, when launched from command line?15:57
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trappistjsl: can you rephrase that?15:57
itsjustmehow do I see all the hd's on my sys15:58
trappistoh, you want to specify which monitor, on a multi-display system, to open a window on?15:58
jslI'm using a laptop with a docking station. when I'm a work I've a lcd panel connected to the docking station that I use with the internal lcd (dual head). when I reboot at home, with only the internal lcd, and lauches firefox, it tries to open at hte other monitor...15:59
jsland then dies15:59
trappistjsl: I think it depends on *how* you do multiple monitors.  I imagine you have them arranged like a single desktop, so the only way I know to do that is if the app allows you to specify coordinates (usually a geometry option) on the command line16:00
jslthing is, the last thing I do before logging out at work, is to replace xorg.conf with another that's only got one monitor (I haven't found a way to properly set it up:/ )16:01
jslso there shouldn't be another screen to place it on16:02
trappistjsl: ok so maybe firefox is remembering the coordinates it last opened at, and now those coordinates don't exist and it can't handle it16:03
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jslhmmm... I've got the option to extend the desktop to 3360x1050 (which is what I do at work, two panels at 1680x1050)16:04
jslbut I'm using 1680x105016:04
jslI tried renaming the profile directory, that didn't do anything16:04
jslnor purging and reinstalling firefox16:05
blamanguys does anyone knows if there is a way to keep track of a specific applications cpu usage?16:05
jslbut when I'll get back to work, and launch firefox, it will open fine - at the other monitor16:05
trappisttry renaming the whole ~/.mozilla - if that doesn't work it's probably not firefox that's keeping the geometry info16:05
trappistblaman: top16:05
jsltrappist: I've done that, that doesnt do anything16:06
jslI think its kde that screws up16:06
trappistjsl: I'm starting to think the same thing16:06
blamantrappist oh i know top but i am more interested in something like a graph like the ones in ksysguard exept than i want to monotor a specific application and not like cpu usage in general16:07
jslhmm.. there is a --display option in the command line, how do I find out what this display is called?16:07
trappistjsl: echo $DISPLAY16:07
BluesKajitsjustme, you have the option of copying and pasting or linking the drives in storage media to the desktop16:07
sigma_kubuntucan i write a script that executes 3 xrandr commands one after the other?16:09
jslfirefox --display=:0 -g-fatal-warnings <--- that does nothing16:09
trappistjsl: I wonder if you can kill kwin and start firefox - it won't have window decorations, but we might learn something, and then you could restart kwin16:10
jsltwo secs16:10
jslthat did nothing16:12
jsl(had to switch to tty1 to restart kwin, after I killed it I couldnt set focus to any windows :P)16:13
jsluse a for loop?16:15
jslor just write the command on three lines after each other?16:15
sigma_kubuntuok and i mark the file as executable?16:16
Jucatosigma_kubuntu: in your bash script, put "command1 && command2 && command3"16:16
jslnow firefox lauches just fine :P16:16
jslsigma_kubuntu: chmod +x filename.sh16:16
Jucatothat would execute the commands one after the other *only if* the previous command finished executing16:16
Jucato(otherwise use & instead of &&)16:16
Jucatofor more info about bash scripting, I think there's a #bash channel...16:17
jslhmm.. wonder what made firefox start lauching at the right display...16:18
Lacrymologyis there an easy way of getting my machine specifications?16:18
Lacrymologylike, processor, RAM, OS, etc16:18
jslLacrymology: lspci16:19
jsland lshw16:19
jslthen you have lsusb and lspcmcia16:21
BluesKajLacrymology, there's a utility called 'system info' , if I recall, works fine on kde , it might already be installed by default16:22
BluesKajactually  "Sysinfo"16:23
trappistyeah I don't think lspci shows processor, ram or OS16:24
itsjustmehow can I see my hd's in kde,,,, I tried konqouer and i still don't see the drives16:25
BluesKajitsjustme, you have the option of copying and pasting or linking the drives in storage media to the desktop16:26
jslkinfocenter is nice too16:26
suppamana friend installed kubuntu 7.10 but his bootloader is messed up, is there a kde too with a wizard for grub ?16:26
virnikcan somebody know how to force Xchat to show normal icon in docker?16:27
virnikcos it shows sometime really huge icon at the clock bar16:27
virnikit is ugly16:27
BluesKajitsjustme, look in the panel , choose System Menu/Storage Media16:27
itsjustmei see it but cant access it              hal-storage-fixed-mount-all-options refused uid 100016:29
jslbtw: adept installer hangs for like 30 secs and more when selecting > 10 programs to install... wouldn't it be better to do another thread for dependency solving and keeping the interface snappy?16:31
itsjustmeits my windows ntfs file hd... I can't see in it16:32
jslitsjustme: you need to either start it with kdesu or give your user access to the filesys (?) group (hang on - I'll check what the group is called)16:32
itsjustmecool thanks but I wouldn't know what to do with it16:32
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jslI'll tell you16:33
jsljust a sec16:33
jsl(this is btw another thing in kubuntu that's "broken" by design - it should give some "I need elevated privelidges to continue - enter password or cansel" thingie instead of showing that useless error message)16:34
jslitsjustme: your going to add yourself to the "disk" group. to do this, go K-->System Settings-->User Management-->Enter Administrator mode-->Select yourself-->Click Modify-->Secondary Groups-->Select-->find "disk" in the left coumnlum and click add16:37
jslthen ok/apply your way out of the thing16:38
itsjustmek, ill try it16:39
itsjustmedidn't work,, Do I have to reboot?16:40
FatalErroryou have to log out and back in for group changes to take a effect, utually16:40
itsjustmeok, ill seeys i n aa bit16:41
itsjustmehal-storage-fixed-mount-all-options refused uid 100016:42
FatalErrorif you run "id" does it show the group you added?16:43
jslitsjustme: did you reboot / restart x?16:44
itsjustmeI logged out16:44
FatalErroritsjustme, open a terminal and run id16:45
itsjustmeall kinds a stuff in there16:46
jsl but is disk there?16:46
FatalErrordo you see the group you added?16:46
jsl,6(disk), <--- that's what "id" tells me16:46
itsjustmey  disk is added or at least it is there16:47
itsjustmei can only access my linux hard drive16:48
FatalErrordid you look in /media?16:48
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itsjustmeim going to konquerer and looking in the storage media link16:49
itsjustmeI see the icons for all the drives but can only access my ubuntu drive16:50
itsjustmecant get into windoz... now I know that "that's ok" but there is some stuffs I need on there..lol16:50
jslremembered something: sudo aptitude install ntfs-config16:50
Hamrawell, im not i "disk" group, but im mounting everything well, maybe its something in mount options? like read write access given to root only?16:50
FatalErrorwhen you click on the windows drive you got "permission denied"?16:51
jslthen just add your drive with the ntfs-tool on the system menu16:51
itsjustmeFatalError this is what I get... Im working on something jsl is suggesting hal-storage-fixed-mount-all-options refused uid 100016:53
JuJuBeeI would like to add yp-auth support to my existing squid installation.  How do I do this?16:53
itsjustmejsl kind of name do I add??16:54
itsjustmeset a mount point it says16:55
jslsudo mkdir /media/windows16:56
itsjustmeJ S L    u the man16:56
jslthen enter "windows!16:56
itsjustmedone and works16:56
jslwithout the !16:56
cloneyinhello, how do i enable ssh on my box?16:56
itsjustmeNow   is anyone up to the real challenge..16:56
jsldunno why this is made so "hard"16:56
rothchildevenin' all16:57
Hamraitsjustme, go to system settings/advanced/disks and filesystems, double-click the partition you want, and check the mount point, and the security in the bottom16:57
itsjustmeIts not hard,, Just be patient.. there is plenty of knoledgeable people here to help16:57
jussi01!ssh | cloneyin16:57
ubotucloneyin: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/16:57
itsjustmeDoes anyone else have a toshiba laptop A205-s4707???   Massive problems with getting sound!16:58
jussi01itsjustme: what kind of sound card does it have?16:58
jslwell.... it should "just work".. they install ntfs-3g by default - then there should be a way for anyone to use it16:58
itsjustmeI think it a hda intel16:59
jussi01!intelhda | itsjustme16:59
ubotuitsjustme: For fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto16:59
cloneyinhow can i allow it?16:59
itsjustmeyea but it didnt work the last time I tried it////  dont know how to move the files around to the dest folder\\16:59
cloneyinhow can i allow ssh17:00
itsjustmeI have the files on the sys\17:00
jussi01cloneyin: read the link the bot gave you!17:00
cloneyini have no time17:01
cloneyin i gotta go to work now17:01
cloneyinplease tell me shoudl be one simple command17:01
Dr_willisinstall the sshd server.17:01
jussi01itsjustme: if you need to move files as root, press super + r and type: kdesu dolphin17:01
Dr_willis!find ssh17:01
itsjustmeI was working with  a guy last week on this issue and we got almost all the way and he had to leave.. Is there some other brake sole willing to walk me through the install of sound on my laptop?17:01
ubotuFound: openssh-client, openssh-server, ssh, ssh-askpass-gnome, aolserver4-nssha1 (and 28 others)17:01
jussi01cloneyin: sudo apt-get install ssh17:02
cloneyinok wait17:02
* Dr_willis alsays finds it amuseing when people ask him to 'wait' on IRC.17:02
rothchildisitjustme where did you get to and what is left to do?17:02
cloneyinso by default ssh is not installed17:03
itsjustmenot knowing what I wass doing, he left and I ended up reinstalling the os17:03
itsjustmebecause it ended up worst than it started17:03
rothchildok, so you've a fresh install with no sound?17:04
cloneyinhpw about remote desktop?17:05
itsjustmeI have the files downloaded already and am flashing them to the laptop now if someone could walk me through the install17:05
Dr_williscloneyin,  that is often done with the 'vncserver' program . I reccomend  the 'vnc4server' package.17:05
cloneyinso by default its not installed ,correct?17:05
Dr_williscloneyin,  and correct. SSH server is not installed by default. Ubuntu tries to not install any services by default.17:05
Dr_willisWhen in doubt - take the most secure option. :)17:06
rothchilditsjustme I'll try but I don't know how much use I'll be :-)17:06
itsjustmelast attempt we removed the mods and I ended up with no sound in both the ubuntu (which had non anyway) and my windows too.. So I got the win up and reinstalled its sound but I still have no sound on my fresh install of ubuntu17:06
Dr_willisthe gnome and kde desktops have a vnc/shareing feature. thats using the vnc protocal. but thats not the same as the vnc4server.17:06
cloneyinthanks all,     i appreciate the help17:07
rothchildchanging linux drivers wouldn't break the windows one, that stopped because the first instruction on that page is to turn off sound in the BIOS17:07
flaviettocloneyin: try nomachine nx17:07
flaviettomuch better than vnc17:07
itsjustmewell, it looked like a pretty complicated procedure so If any knoledgeable people can help me out I would apprec. it..  :)17:08
Dr_willisitsjustme,  Hmm.. anything you do in ubuntu shouldent be affecting windows at all.. You must be really good at breaking things. :)17:08
itsjustmehahahahah   I guess so because thats what happeded17:09
rothchildit's not as bad as it look (I don't think)17:09
itsjustmeIm ready if you r17:09
itsjustmeshould we go private17:09
rothchildNah it's ok, firstly have you tested your new install completely?17:10
itsjustmehow to test an install\17:11
rothchildie system settings /sounds / test sounds (+make sure it's all sensible settings?)17:11
itsjustmeI have been there last week... Ill look at it again now17:11
rothchildput a cd in etc (it's always better to start with the simple stuff!)17:11
itsjustmeno sound on test...  sound is enabled17:12
Dr_willisif you try to play a sound in the media player does it seem to be playing and you just get no output?17:12
itsjustmeI looked at the setting in sound and when done i clicked ok and it says restarting sound sys.... but it is taking forever17:15
itsjustme0 to 95% over and over17:15
itsjustmeput a cd in but nothing is happening17:15
itsjustmeopened konquer storage media... nothing is listed17:16
rothchildI think that's a different issue to the sound not working17:17
itsjustmeok,,,  using   ksCD and it looks working but no sound17:17
itsjustmethe kscd is playing the cd without sound and there is an error17:18
itsjustmeit is Error getting freedb entry17:18
itsjustmethere is vol on the taskbar17:19
rothchildok cool, there's another guide to getting it all working here http://taufanlubis.wordpress.com/2007/11/26/fix-no-sound-for-ubuntu-in-toshiba-satellite-a205-s4707/17:19
itsjustmeTHATS the one we used but this guy that helped me last week said there are a few needed changes that need to be made to that install17:20
itsjustmeDo you want to try walking through it with me?17:20
rothchildif you've been there maybe we're better off with the official ubuntu guide17:21
itsjustmeok thx...  I guess I was having issues getting the files from the desktop to the correct dir17:23
rothchildjust start at the top and let us know where you get stuck, the guide looks pretty comprehensive17:23
itsjustme 17:23
rothchildyou need to put them in /src which a system folder so you'll need a bunch of sudo17:24
Dr_willisi always install mc. and use it to do my root needing file managing needs. :)17:24
itsjustmehhmmmnnn  that website isnt working17:24
rothchildwhich one?17:25
itsjustmethe taufan one17:25
itsjustmeill try the other17:25
rothchilddon't bother just stick with the ubuntu one, it's the same info17:25
itsjustmek.. thx17:25
pteague_workis there a way to get kate to apply a particular syntax coloring to a file without having to save the file first?17:29
itsjustmeFunny, since I made the changes to the hard drive thing I cant go online... Rebooting17:29
lenaalguien que quiera tocar el tema de linux?17:29
ardchoille!es | lena17:30
ubotulena: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.17:30
lenagracias ubotu17:30
itsjustmeworking now... Ill try that site17:30
jussi01!thanks | lena17:30
ubotulena: You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)17:31
FatalErrorpteague_work, Tools->Highlighting17:31
tzdneed help with fast desktop (using shortcuts to change virtual desktop) switching please.17:31
jussi01tzd: ctrl + alt + arrow17:32
rothchilditsjustme cool, let us know how you get on17:32
pteague_workFatalError> awesome, thanks! :)17:33
tzdjussi01:  doesn't work, which is fine... although i would like to have F1 for desktop 1 and F2 for desktop 217:33
tzdjussi01:  im currently using compiz fusion as well in case that matters17:33
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itsjustmerothchild   OK getting my 1st error...  after getting the latest drivers    line 2 executed says...  cp: missing distination file operand17:37
itsjustmei am in usr/src/alsa noow17:38
itsjustmei need that folder17:39
Dr_williswas it one you make? or one that the source made?17:40
itsjustmeI guess I need to make the folder17:40
Dr_willis~ implies that its in your home dir.. Soundst o me like the docs said to Download stuff to /home/Whatever/download17:40
itsjustmethe files are on my flash17:40
Dr_willisthen use the path to your flash drive. :()17:40
Dr_willisand NO i dont know what that is. :) /media/SOMTHING17:41
itsjustmeyes that wass the next q? lol17:41
itsjustmeill try drag17:41
Dr_willisrember when i said learning to use 'mc' is handy? :) its a decnt file manager to use as root.17:42
Dr_willisof course learning to use the shell is handy also.17:42
itsjustmecould not read17:42
Dr_willisdo you even see the files on the flash drive?17:42
itsjustmeok,,,  they r on the desktop17:43
itsjustmesudo mkdir ~/downloads17:44
itsjustmeis that how I make a dir17:44
itsjustmefor downloads17:44
tzdneed help with fast desktop (using shortcuts to change virtual desktop) switching please.17:45
Dr_willistzd,  you may want to clarify your problem a little more.17:45
Dr_willisitsjustme,  thers no need to use 'sudo' to make a dir in the users home dir.17:45
Dr_willisyou proberly can just cp the things from where they are at using cp /home/USERNAME/Desktop/whatever /whever/it/said/to/copy/them/to17:46
Dr_willisyou proberly will need a 'sudo' for that. :) depending on the where...17:47
tzdDr_willis: sure thing :) I would like to have desktop 1 on my F1 key and desktop 2 on my F2 key. So when i press F1 the desktop should switch to the virtual desktop 1 etc.17:47
itsjustmeso how do I get all 3 files from the desktop to the usr/src/alsa folder?17:47
itsjustmeI am in alsa now\17:47
Dr_willisitsjustme,  sudo cp /path/to/the/files /usr/src/alsa17:47
Dr_willistzd,  You have exlored the kde shortcut  features? it may not be doable without a metakey. sicne a lot of those Fkeys are allready being used by the window manager.17:48
itsjustmeso,  sudo cp/desktop (the file name there r 3 ) /usr/src/alsa??17:48
Dr_willistzd,  Unless of coyurse you are using Compiz17:48
tzdDr_willis:  i am indeed using compiz fusion17:48
Dr_willisitsjustme,  the full path to the files is best to use17:48
Dr_willistzd,  then you need to exlore the ccsm tool. Good Luck. :)17:49
* Dr_willis dosent TOUCH compiz17:49
tzdDr_willis: and there's a setting in there that suppose to change it although it wont work... it worked on ubuntu but now when im running kubuntu it wont work for some reason17:49
itsjustmethere are 3 LONG files... is there a way to just move all the files from the desktop (which is just the ones I need ) to the dest folder?17:49
tzdDr_willis:  fair enough :)17:49
Dr_willisI would guess that some how kde is grabbing the keys befor compiz is.17:50
tzdill just try setting it in KDE directly instead of using compiz then17:50
Dr_willisI just set up the mouse wheel to change desktops. :)17:50
Dr_willismouse over the desktop0-pager, scroll the wheel :)17:50
tzdyeah ive got that as well with the scroll... although im pretty addicted to my beloved function keys17:50
Dr_willisI cant imagine HOW you started using the Fkeys directroy for the desktops..17:51
tzdmaxthon webbrowser ;P17:51
Dr_willisnever heard of it.17:51
Dr_williscompiz is soo nice in that it has 100000000000000000+ keyboard combos to do everything.. heh17:51
Dr_willisnow if only they had a way to print out what keys are doing what.17:51
tzdit's huge... in china ;P well, in that u can assign any key for any web page... started to bind a lot of sites and that's how it started17:51
Dr_willisYou may want to check out Opera and its fast-site feature, actually firefox has a similer extension17:52
hydrogenpretty much17:52
hydrogenif you want to use firefox17:52
hydrogenyou need to install all the extensions people wrote to mimic opera17:53
hydrogenand even then you have to deal with gecko17:53
jussi01!enter | hydrogen17:53
ubotuhydrogen: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!17:53
hydrogen!space | jussi0117:53
Dr_willisI dont use speed dial much however.17:53
hydrogenit was worth a try17:53
jussi01hydrogen: be good ;)17:53
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about space - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi17:53
tzdyeah i'm using FF in linux... apparently FF have all these things maxthon has... i jsut have to be bothered dl and installing all those add ons ;) Maxthon uses less memory though, a lot less than FF... shame it's on windows only17:53
W8TAHhi folks - i need some help -- ive been fighting for about 2 hours now trying to get my laptop to use the wireless connection more or less automatically -- in my mind when there is no wired connection present, it should automagickly connect via wireless if possible - but it wont -- it takes 10 mins of messing with configs and stuff to get it to connect - -HEEEEELLLLLPPPPP17:54
itsjustmeok, I have tried every kind of copy line I can think of and still cant get these files from /home/harry/desktop to the /usr/src/alsa folder... What am I missing17:54
Dr_willisHmm.. maxthon is a super-modded ie? or is it using firefox as its base?17:55
Dr_willissince its windows only.. im guessing IE based.17:55
jussi01!ot | Dr_willis:17:55
ubotuDr_willis:: #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!17:55
tzdyep IE based17:55
jussi01itsjustme: sudo cp /path/to/files /path/to/destination17:56
rothchilditsjustme if you're struggling manipulating files with the cli you can use kdesu konqueror17:56
Dr_willisIt might of been FF based.. then that was sort of linux related. :)17:56
Dr_willisLike flock.17:56
Dr_willisitsjustme,  You may want to spend an hr or 2 reading some bash tutorials.. OR YOU may want to check out 'mc' :)17:56
itsjustmeguess so17:57
jussi01Dr_willis: mc?17:57
Dr_willisIt pays to learn to tie flys  befor you try to fish for Marlin. :)17:57
Dr_willis!info mc17:57
ubotumc: midnight commander - a powerful file manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:4.6.1-7ubuntu2 (gutsy), package size 2058 kB, installed size 5944 kB17:57
Dr_willissudo mc :) i find that safer then running konqueror as root.17:58
itsjustmei am using konquer but get permission errors17:58
Dr_willisitsjustme,  thats because you are trying to copy stuffot a system type dir. You MUST be using the root user/permissions to do so17:58
=== neversfelde_ is now known as neversfelde
Dr_willisthats what 'sudo' does in the cp command.17:58
Dr_willisitsjustme,  lets try again.. exactly what files are you trying to copy? and where to?17:59
itsjustmethe latest alsa driver files    they are on the desktop and need to go to /usr/src/alsa17:59
itsjustmethere r 3 files..  driver lib and utils...    alsa-driver-1.0.15rc3...18:00
jussi01W8TAH: what sort of wireless do you have?18:01
Dr_willissudo cp /home/YOURUSERNAME/Desktop/WHATEVERTHEFILENAMEIS /usr/src/alsa18:01
Dr_willisdo that command for each file. changing the proper  names.18:01
Dr_willisnote you can use <tab> to complete filenames18:01
itsjustmeand    alsa-utils-1.0.15.tar.bz218:02
podr0znikHello all18:02
itsjustmeusing konquer      " you cannot drop any items in a directory in which you do not have write permission18:05
itsjustmewhen trying to drag and drop18:05
pagitsjustme, well *do* you have write permission in that dir?18:05
podr0znikitsjustme: I think that's not only with Konqueror ;)18:05
rothchilditsjustme if you use alt f2 and use kdesu konqueror you will have write permissions18:06
itsjustmeI dont know and sorry but I am getting frustrated18:06
rothchildbut be carefull18:06
itsjustmethank you18:07
Dr_willisitsjustme,  to use the file manager that way you MUST MUS TMUST start a konqueror session with kdesudo konqueror18:07
itsjustmefinally Thankyou all for the help in getting those damn files there.. hahah18:08
Dr_willisand that konqueror 'window' can then write/change anything...18:08
W8TAHjussi01: hi -- sorry - -its bcm43xxx18:08
Dr_willisand that window can also really screw up things if forget that its a 'root' konqueror window18:08
=== dominik_ is now known as Kroatia
W8TAHjussi01: the card is valid18:08
W8TAHand working18:08
jussi01W8TAH: so its all working fine?18:08
itsjustmeok doc18:08
jussi01!tab | itsjustme18:09
ubotuitsjustme: You can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.18:09
itsjustmeNow I have another issue18:09
W8TAHjussi01: it works fine but i cant get good connection18:09
Dr_willisIm not suprised. :) heh heh18:09
jussi01W8TAH: and network manager doesnt recognise it?18:09
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itsjustmeoh boy18:09
W8TAHjussi01: network manager sees it but everythign tries to run through wireed even if no connection18:09
itsjustmeI think I need a break18:09
Dr_willisif you need to uncompress the files. i suggest installign the 'unp' command.18:09
Dr_willis!info unp | itsjustme18:09
ubotuitsjustme: unp: unpack (almost) everything with one command. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.12 (gutsy), package size 9 kB, installed size 72 kB18:09
Dr_willisYou would cd to /usr/src/alsa and use 'unp whateverarchivenameis'18:10
jussi01W8TAH: so when there are wireless networks around can you select one with network manager?18:10
* Dr_willis is guessing thats the next step in the howto18:10
W8TAHjussi01: no problem there at all18:10
W8TAHit still wont ping out or anything18:10
W8TAHthe same card, same laptop, same ap works fine in windows18:10
W8TAHand occasionally i can get it to work under kubuntu but its a lot lot lot of fiddling18:11
W8TAHim on wired at the moment to get some help18:11
itsjustmeIm trying to stay by the directions on the help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto but I have a newer driver18:11
rothchildDr_willis:  we're working from this with itsjustme https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto18:11
itsjustmeand it is inconsistant with the directions18:12
jussi01W8TAH: hmmm, I have no issues with it. are you using the ubuntu modules or ndiswrapper?18:12
W8TAHthe bcmfwcutter thingy18:12
rothchilditsjustme: you can also press f9 in konqueror and get  a prompt for the folder you are in18:12
W8TAHwhen i get it going it works fine18:12
itsjustmeIm in the wrong dir...  SORRY18:12
guest_hi there, i made a new password for my main account yesterday and log off18:13
guest_but today, for the life of me i cant remember what it was18:13
itsjustmeok,,,,   worked18:13
guest_how can i change my pass from a guest account?18:13
jussi01W8TAH: I suggets you try with ndiswrapper - the fw cutter thing doesnt work for me18:13
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W8TAHahhh -- ok18:13
W8TAHany input how to kill fwcutter?18:13
podr0znikguest_: I'm not a professional, but I guess you can only do that from root account18:14
W8TAHim on gusty18:14
jussi01!broadcomm | W8TAH18:14
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about broadcomm - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi18:14
jussi01!broadcom | W8TAH18:14
ubotuW8TAH: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Broadcom43xx18:14
W8TAHthanks jussi0118:14
jussi01np's )18:14
guest_podr0znik: unfortunately, my guest account doesn't have root priveledges18:14
podr0znikas usual with guest accounts18:14
TuX_Claudiucan anyone tell me how to install xmms-perl-0.12 ?18:14
itsjustmeIm getting a corrupted file error18:14
Dr_willisitsjustme,  they seem rather clear to me. :) you are at the sudo tar xjf alsa-driver*.bz218:15
Dr_willispart now18:15
itsjustmewhen doing the tar lib file18:15
itsjustmecopy paste18:15
Dr_willisitsjustme,  you realize you can sect/copy/paste the commands in the blue into a shell and it will do them?18:15
guest_does anyone else have any suggestions for getting my password, or making a new one?18:16
itsjustmeThat is what I did18:16
W8TAHjussi01: im pretty sure its not a driver issue - - the card is properly recognized etc and i have gotten it to work the problem is much more like the system keeps trying to send the stuff over eth0 (copper) instead of eth118:16
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itsjustmegot  "  bzip2 Compressed file ends unexpectedly;18:16
Dr_willisof course if the latest archives are not .tar.bz2 you would ahve to change the options to tar18:16
Dr_willisitsjustme,  sounfs to me like the download was bad18:16
=== ForeverZero is now known as sea4ever
itsjustmeperhaps it is corrupted?  *Possible reason followa18:17
itsjustmeill try again18:17
W8TAHjussi01: i have to go do break duty -- i'll be back later18:17
Dr_williswhich file was bad? the first one?18:17
itsjustme1st seemed ok18:17
itsjustmeit was .lib18:18
itsjustmebut I am using a version   1.0.1518:18
itsjustmeI think the site uses 1.0.1418:18
Dr_willisYou could do a                 cd /usr/src/alsa18:18
Dr_willisthen 'sudo wget ftp://ftp.alsa-project.org/pub/lib/alsa-lib-1.0.15rc3.tar.bz2'18:19
Dr_willis That removes the cp step :)18:19
itsjustmeYEA  anything to eliminate that step:)18:19
itsjustmeY E S i can...18:21
itsjustmeOk   it is there18:22
itsjustmelooks like it may have worked18:22
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itsjustmegot a bad third utils file too18:23
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Dr_willisif you cant understand a basic 'cp' operation. :) well..  ask santa for a 'using bash' book by orially  and Co. :P18:23
claybarnesThere's a unique one...18:23
Dr_williswget ftp://ftp.alsa-project.org/pub/utils/alsa-utils-1.0.15rc1.tar.bz218:24
itsjustmecool worked         SANTA!!!18:24
claybarnesNow, I am having issues gettingg m4a support for amarok.  I installed ^libm4a.* but I still get an unsupported format error.  Does xine have a package I need to get, too?18:25
=== guest_ is now known as foibles
foiblescan someone please help me get my password or change my password?18:25
foiblesim dumb and forgot it18:25
itsjustmenext step     i get no such file18:26
foiblesim in a guest account with no root priveledges18:26
itsjustmeIm using cd to 1.0.1518:26
Dr_willisfoibles,  boot live cd, chroot to the installed system,  run 'passwd username' and set a new password.18:26
Dr_willisitsjustme,  filename may be wrong. or typed18:26
foiblesDr_willis: ill try it18:26
Dr_willisitsjustme,  which step exactly?18:26
itsjustmecompile    1st step18:27
itsjustmecd alsa-driver-1.0.1418:27
Dr_willisitsjustme,  ok... stand back.. take a breath.. and think..18:27
itsjustmebut I changed it to cd alsa-driver-1.0.1518:27
Dr_willisuse the 'ls' command. :) see whats there18:27
Dr_willisYou are in the /usr/src/alsa dir allready?18:28
podr0znikwould anybody like to assist me with the Adept Updater pls?18:28
itsjustmeok..its there  but i didnt enclude the entire file name...   but a copy paste wouldnt either18:28
Dr_williscd alsa-driver<TABKEY>18:29
Dr_williswill auto-complete the name18:29
itsjustmeI think that is what the other guy was saying last week when the directions were flaued18:29
Dr_willisor they changed the name of the source dir.18:29
Dr_willissince the docs are for 1.0.14 they may be correct. for that version.18:29
itsjustmei see18:30
jackcyi am going through the python-kde4 tutorials and can't run the hola2-kde.py There is alwasy the ImportError: No module named PyKDE4.kdecore error. Can anyone tell me how to come around this? python-kde4 was not installable because of dependencies. thx18:30
W8TAHjussi01: im back18:30
rothchildhats off to Dr Willis! itsjustme keep going you're about to 'get it'18:30
itsjustmeshe's makin18:30
Dr_willisWith the proper wget commands, that whole howto could be one big script.18:30
itsjustme:)  Hats off is rite...  1st Drink is on me18:31
jpatrickjackcy: install python-kde418:31
Dr_willisI gotta help my friend at work do this howto sometime...18:31
Dr_willisHis laptop has no sound.18:31
itsjustmeU   B   THE MAN18:31
claybarneswell, then.  I suppose my question isn't interesting enough.18:31
itsjustmeand he'll buy ya a drink 218:32
Dr_willisi dident even notice clay ask somthing...18:32
itsjustmealsa modules were successfully compiled18:32
jackcyi would have, but there are dependency problems with kdebase-runtime-bin-kde418:33
jackcySo the package is not configured and removed if i install it via repositories18:33
itsjustmeDr_willis   I am at the compile and install alsa-lib step18:33
itsjustmedo I need to18:33
Dr_willismost likely - yes. :)18:34
itsjustmeand how would I word it?18:34
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itsjustmeim using the 1518:34
itsjustmejust as before I amagine18:34
Dr_williscd ../alsa-lib-<TAB> to make the shell put int he right name. :)18:34
Dr_willisBash Fundamentals.18:35
itsjustmehhuummm     not a directory18:35
Dr_willisyou did uncompress it first?18:35
Dr_willisuse ls and see whats there. You proberly compneted the ARCHIVE name, not the dir name.18:35
Dr_willishit tab a few times it should  go through them18:36
itsjustmethere are 2321 of them18:36
Dr_willisYou are NOT in the proper dir.18:36
podr0znikif I open Adept Updater ('cause there are 76 packages to be updated), can I also select the packages I want to be updated, or can I only just choose for everything?18:36
Dr_willisnote the cd .. bit? that says "look UP one dir level"18:37
Dr_willisyou cd do a cd .. to move up one dir. to the /usr/src/alsa dir18:37
itsjustmeok   I am at /usr/src/alsa-driver-1.0.15rc318:37
Dr_willisyou have managed to be one dir out of sync.18:38
itsjustmeim at alsa18:38
Dr_williscd /usr/src/alsa SHOULD be the dir with the archives and so forth From what i am reading.18:38
[ifr0g]Any one uses xawtv here ?18:39
Dr_willisbut that may not matter.18:39
itsjustmeoh be nice18:39
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about xawtv - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi18:39
itsjustmeok looking at the compile and install alsa-lib step18:39
[ifr0g]Shame on the bot !18:40
Dr_willisit also may be an issue that you are using .15 for some, and .15rc3 for the other..  may not be a problem.18:40
ardchoille!info xawtv | [ifr0g]18:40
ubotu[ifr0g]: xawtv: X11 TV application. In component universe, is extra. Version 3.95.dfsg.1-6ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 241 kB, installed size 704 kB18:40
itsjustmenot sure what to do at this point    i need to be at   cd../alsa-lib18:41
Dr_willisYou need to  just cd to the right dir.18:41
nixonрусскоязычные есть ?18:41
Dr_williscd  /usr/src/alsa-lib<TAB>   or it may be /usr/src/alsa/alsa-lib<TAB>18:41
itsjustmegiving me no such file18:42
itsjustmebut i am typing it as i see it from an ls18:42
itsjustmehit tab and nothing happens to complete the file18:44
itsjustmeit is there  in green18:44
[ifr0g]Where does scantv store the config file :( ????18:45
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itsjustmei am in /usr/src/alsa18:45
Dr_willisitsjustme,  looke to me like you dident uncompress that alsa-lib file then18:46
itsjustmedoing an la I show only the 3filesin green and 1 in blue...18:46
itsjustmethat is what I am attempting to do18:46
podr0znikanybody an idea here what's the difference between "Request removal" and "Request purging" (in Adept Updater)?18:46
Paddy_EIREHey guys.. would anyone know how I would get X to restart on logging out18:46
kub^Paddy_EIRE: theres a drop down menu on the login page where you can choose to restart x18:47
Paddy_EIREpodr0znik, purging completely removes it and config fies18:48
Paddy_EIREkub^, I know.. I want it to restart upon logging out18:48
podr0znikso it's more drastical than just "removal"18:48
podr0znikactually I'm still wondering if I can select a number of packages to update in Updater18:48
kub^Paddy_EIRE: oh sorry, thought that question was a bit easy ^^18:48
podr0znikinstead of just updating everything at once (and probably getting an error, which happened every time so far)18:48
Paddy_EIREpodr0znik, you are best working through those errors and updating everything as its the proper way18:49
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itsjustmesure looks like I did a lot...   I got to the "WARNING!!! The mixer channels for the alsa driver are muted by default you would use some alsa or oss mixer to set the appropriate volume18:50
Paddy_EIREpodr0znik, provide the errors and maybe someone can help you work through it18:50
Dr_willisitsjustme, you needed to uncompress all 3 of the archives that would make 3 dirs. you would then have 3 files, and 3 dirs18:50
itsjustmeok, but i thought i did18:51
Dr_willisI undid thenm all at once with 'unp *.bz2'18:51
itsjustmehahaha   funny guy18:51
itsjustmeim not sure where i should even be now18:52
BluesKajitsjustme, you can install alsa with adept ,namely alsa-base & alsa-utils18:52
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itsjustmesudo ./configure --with-cards ???\18:52
itsjustmeIs that with synaptic?18:53
BluesKajadept or synaptic. no difference18:53
itsjustmebut thats 1.0.1418:54
BluesKajadept, apt and synaptic all use the sources.list repositories18:54
podr0znikPaddy_EIRE: ok then, let's go for it *shiver* :)18:55
Dr_willisitsjustme,  No.. thats configuring the source to use the specific driver for yopur cards18:56
Dr_willissudo ./configure --with-cards=hda-intel18:56
BluesKaj!repositories | itsjustme18:56
ubotuitsjustme: The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu18:56
Dr_willismeans compile IN intel-hda spport18:56
itsjustmeok....   downloaded and installed18:56
ardchoilleDr_willis: Could have used:  for i in *; do tar xf $i; done   ?18:56
foiblesDr_willis: I did a grub edit18:57
itsjustmeok,  so now what have I done by installing these files??   what step do I continue with??18:57
foiblesworked like a charm18:57
foiblesgot my pass back18:57
ksalcan somebody tell me where I can configure Adept?18:57
podr0znikPaddy_EIRE: For now no errors yet, it first needs to download 180M ;)18:57
ksalI once found it, but I cannot this time18:58
ksalczesc podr0znik :D18:58
Dr_willisardchoille,  i found 'unp *.bz2' eaier for some odd reasin. :)18:58
podr0znikwitam :)18:58
ardchoilleDr_willis: :)18:58
Dr_willisitsjustme,  you compuile all 3 of the pacakges  and inztall them like the docs say18:58
Dr_willisthen you reboot.. and pray18:58
podr0znikksal: heh, I'm just fighting with Adept right now18:59
Dr_willisitsjustme,  BOOKMARK THIS -------->  http://pastebin.com/m415f416418:59
ksalDr_willis: I know that feeling ;)18:59
podr0znikupdating 76 packages18:59
Dr_willisitsjustme,  thats a fast script i made that i think may automate this all.18:59
BluesKajitsjustme, Selecting ALSA in System settings' k-menu/system settings/sound system/enable sound system,then choose hardware tab/select the audio device/Advanced Linux Sound Architecture, click apply18:59
ksalpodr0znik: hmm, i think it sucks abit18:59
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about utf8 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi18:59
ksalIMO synaptic is a bit better18:59
podr0znikwell, until now I got an error every time when doing those updates18:59
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about cp850 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi18:59
podr0znikI don't know if it's because of Adept or because of sth else18:59
ksalpodr0znik: you just installed kubuntu?  have you been updating system before?19:00
DexterFok: CD burnt in Windows, file name contains german umlauts, example "cd für alex".19:00
BluesKajuhoh, I'll back off ...too many ALSA cooks here :)19:00
podr0znikksal: I have kubuntu running already for some time, but yesterday evening I had a not so funny situation19:00
* genii slides BluesKaj a coffee19:00
Dr_willisitsjustme,  my script seems to work for me at least.. :)19:00
jackcyPlease give me a hint where to fetch python-kde4 because the "deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-members-kde4/ubuntu/ gutsy main" repo has dependency problems.19:00
podr0znikdid some update (again: suggested by Adept), rebooted, forgot to pray and there's my punishment19:00
BluesKajthx genii : )19:00
itsjustmeok....  Ill try it19:00
DexterFnow openoffice wont open it, I guess because of the garbled char - ideas what to do? I'd remount with cp options, but it's for a dummy user19:00
podr0zniksome "Kernel stressed" error, root couldn't be mounted anymore19:00
geniiBluesKaj: Anytime :)19:01
itsjustmeBluesKaj....restarting sound system never stops....  Tring the docs suggestion19:01
ksalso, anybody know where to configure adept search for updates frequency?19:01
ZardoZwhats the ideal filesystem to use for an install?19:01
ZardoZive always used ext3, but i see there are others19:02
ksali want it so search once for a week19:02
ksalhydrogen: you mean reiser :)19:02
podr0znikI also don't see the use of updating every 2nd day19:02
t3hwiz0rddoes anyone here have familiarity with avant window navigator?19:02
Dr_willisbye all.. work time for me.. back in 8 hrs or so19:03
t3hwiz0rdbecause the stupid application WONT uninstall now19:03
ksalpodr0znik: yeah, i once found the configuration dialog and i changed the frequency to every 2nd day, but now i see it was mistake and it's still too much.19:03
ksali think once per month would be optimal choice :)19:04
podr0znikksal: I'm happy to see already that there IS a configuration dialog19:04
podr0znikI didn't know that19:04
ksalbut it depends on what connection speed do you have19:04
DexterFwho automounts cdroms in kubuntu? KDE's HAL? or Kubuntu itself?19:05
ksalpodr0znik: yeah, i can't remember where19:05
ksalDexterF: i thought it's always HAL's job19:05
acee1234im running kde and the sound sounds like a skipping record and new programs open really slow idea?19:05
podr0znikprobably it's in this settings thingy19:06
podr0znikbut don't remember also19:06
podr0znikyou know, not system settings, but the more advanced toy19:06
itsjustmeline 17  needs not sudo19:06
itsjustmeline 18 working19:06
ZardoZt3hwiz0rd, i dont19:07
t3hwiz0rdthe program simply wont uninstall19:07
acee1234if no one knows here might someone suggest a channel to go to?19:08
ksalt3hwiz0rd: but why?19:08
itsjustmelooks like you r gettin me there Doc..  on line 2019:08
itsjustmehahahaha   unp19:08
* jackcy closes the lid and prays19:08
ksalacee1234: i'm sorry. i think no one here can help you19:08
podr0znikhello sigma ;)19:10
sigma_kubuntuis there a way to control amarok with my windows mobile smartphone?19:10
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sigma_kubuntuhello podz0nik19:10
ksalsigma_kubuntu: woah, how did you even get this idea?! XD19:10
hydrogensigma_kubuntu: if you can ssh with it then sure19:11
t3hwiz0rdthe problem is that the damn thing wont uninstall19:11
t3hwiz0rdand apt keeps giving me repetative stupid errors19:11
t3hwiz0rdand NO ONE seems to understand how to help remove the app19:11
sigma_kubuntuhydrogen: its a htc s310 with win mobile 5. how do i knw if it supports ssh?19:12
itsjustmeDr_willis   S T U C K on 3919:12
rec53t3hwiz0rd: You could pastebin the errors that apt is giving19:12
itsjustmeNo such file or directory19:12
t3hwiz0rdrec53: http://pastebin.ca/82568919:13
hydrogenno clue sigma_kubuntu19:13
=== ZardoZ is now known as foibles
t3hwiz0rdrec53: i just want to get rid of the stupid thing and all of its associated crap but it doesn't seem to be working19:16
sigma_kubuntuksal: theres alot of bluetooth apps out there for phones that run on java. so i was just wondering19:16
t3hwiz0rdi've removed every directory and file imaginable manually and im at the point of rm -r /'ing and going back to windows19:16
rec53t3hwiz0rd: Try:   sudo apt-get remove avant-* awn-core-applets-bzr libawn-bzr python-libawn-bzr19:16
itsjustmeOh NO!   Dr_willis is gone and I am left again unfinished...  Can someone get me through the last hurdle  I am stuck at line 39 at     http://pastebin.com/m415f4164        im getting no such file or directory  H E L P :)19:16
rec53It sounds like awn- and libawn- things are related to awn, so removing them as well might allow you to remove it.19:17
t3hwiz0rdrec53: thank you, you just saved me from screaming till someones head popped19:17
profobofucho hello, how can i disable autoremove? WHY can't I decide what to do with my packages?, if something is goin to brake, then let it brake, give then the possibility of autoremoving it as a separate feature....!!!!19:17
rec53t3hwiz0rd: How did you install it, it doesn't appear to be in the standard repos, so your sources.list may like a tidy up now19:18
t3hwiz0rdrec53: i followed a guide19:18
BluesKajitsjustme, delete the #, in front of sudo make install19:18
rec53t3hwiz0rd: Just to satisfy my curiosity, would you mind pastbinning your sources.list ( cat /etc/apt/sources.list ) :)19:19
t3hwiz0rdrec53: well, i already removed the repo for it rec5319:20
t3hwiz0rdits back to the default sources.list that comeso ut of the box :-P19:20
rec53t3hwiz0rd: Ah, rightio, don't worry then :)19:20
t3hwiz0rdi *typically* know what im doing19:20
t3hwiz0rdfrom time to time, not so much19:20
BluesKaj!source-o-matic | t3hwiz0rd19:21
ubotut3hwiz0rd: source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic19:21
t3hwiz0rdBluesKaj: i always manage my sources list to the point that i seperate my additional repos from repos defaulted19:21
t3hwiz0rdthey're spaced out and everything is perfectly labeled in my src.list19:21
t3hwiz0rdso if something doesn't go over well.. removal is all i need, then i clean up the sources.list19:22
BluesKajneatness is nice but it doesn't help anything :)19:22
t3hwiz0rdwell it does if you know what is and isn't needed19:22
BluesKajI keep a backup copy on gmail in case of emergency19:23
BluesKajt3hwiz0rd, ?19:23
BluesKajwel , I keep the necessary media repos , that's about the only extras required for my doings19:26
acee1234can someone help me figure out my my system when not running anything is eating 800mb of ram?19:28
acee1234why my*19:28
DarthWaror firefox19:29
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about caching - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi19:29
DarthWar!memory leak19:29
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about memory leak - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi19:29
lg188can the telephone destroi the inet ?19:29
podr0znikPaddy_EIRE: Got my error :/19:29
podr0znikfirst it downloads all packages (at least I guess so), then it starts installing them19:30
podr0znikwhen at 62% it's "preparing to configure new version of libqt3-mt..."19:30
podr0znikthere it stops19:30
acee1234rudihawk: also the throuput on the ram is maxed19:30
podr0znik"There was an error commiting changes. Possibly there was a problem downloading some packages or the commit would break packages."19:30
podr0znikwhen I close that dialog box, it stops installing the rest of the updates, so don't know if they are actually installed or not19:31
podr0znikcannot find any log or whatever19:31
rec53podr0znik: Can you run  sudo aptitude safe-upgrade  from the command line instead, then you can copy and paste the error?19:32
podr0znikit looks like from command line it will try doing where Adept stopped19:35
podr0znikit says "Setting up libqt3-mt (3:3.3.8really3.3.7-0ubuntu11.1)..."19:35
podr0znikand then asks what I want to do, 'cause the file already exists basically19:36
podr0znikif I want to install the package maintainer's version or keep my currently-installed version (default)19:36
podr0znikI can also look at the differences19:36
itsjustmeBluesKaj....ok I have completed the whole thing and rebooted,,  I now have a red circle white x on my speaker...  Cursur over it and i get Mixer not found??19:37
podr0znikfollow the default or install the other one?19:37
acee1234  anyone know how to fix a caching issue?19:37
hadsDoes anyone know what's up with libxine1 in gutsy-backports?19:38
rec53podr0znik: I'd look at the differences if I was you (I don't know what I should say to do otherwise), you might as well.19:38
acee1234nvm battery is going to die19:38
podr0znikdone already19:38
itsjustmesynaptic,,,     kmix installing19:39
podr0znikI chose to install it19:39
podr0znikno smoke coming out of computer yet19:39
Paddy_EIREhey guys I am faced with a blank screen of uselessness upon logging out of kde and I have to either power off or REISUB :S  What I did when using gnome/gdm was to tick the box in the login manager that says "Restart X with each logout" anything similar in kde/kdm19:39
KohlrabiPaddy_EIRE: the easy solution would be using gdm, sorry I don't know@kdm19:40
Paddy_EIREyeah I thought that19:41
Paddy_EIREthx anyhow :)19:41
itsjustmestill no good...  The speaker is on the taskbar with muted button on it...  Cant unmute it19:41
tid-wavehello. after upgrading the packages with adept upgrade tool, amarok no longer starts. I get no error. what should I do?(Kubuntu 7.10)19:45
fdovingtid-wave: open a konsole, then try to run 'amarok', does it give any error messages?19:46
tid-wavefdoving: http://rafb.net/p/iu1HRK94.html19:47
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fdovingtid-wave: hmm.. maybe you should try #amarok - i'm out of ideas.19:50
tid-wavefdoving: thanks for answering me. I'll try #amarok19:50
anakin_Can someone please tell me how to delete all kde4 system settings? i was trying to see how my VIA chrome card reacts to desktop effects and it now gives me a blank white screen everytime i login to kde4.19:55
anakin_tried running kde4-system settings from within gnome. doesnt seem to work19:55
Hamradoes anybody know of a dictionary program i can use offline?19:55
anakin_Hamra:  dictd19:56
llutzHamra: ding19:56
anakin_for a server- and then you can use any dictionary lookup client to point to it.19:56
=== Extrapan100^BNC is now known as Pezet
Hamrai'll try that too19:56
hadsanakin_: If you don't care about any setting then you could remove ~/.kde419:56
hads(or just move it out of the way)19:57
itsjustmeWell, after another half a day trying to configure this laptop for sound the only changes are that I have a muted volume button with "Mixer cannot be found" and I now cannot go online with the laptop.. N I C E19:58
=== Pupeno- is now known as Pupeno
maratanyone using KDE 4?20:00
=== ubuntu_ is now known as cn28h
cn28hIs it possible to mount a vfat partition from a Gutsy livecd?20:02
cn28hI'm getting that it's an unknown filesystem20:03
nosrednaekimcn28h: should be.20:03
maratany armenians here around?20:03
cn28hnosrednaekim: suggestions as to how?20:04
nosrednaekimcn28h: not if it gives you that error20:04
cn28hhrm, odd that a livecd wouldn't have support for fat32 filesystems20:04
Hamrabut the kubuntu installer did detect my fat32 file systems! and with the gutsy live CD!20:07
cn28hI'm not talking aboout if I can see the partition types.. fdisk knows what they are.  I'm talking about actually mounting them20:08
itsjustmeCan someone help me get my  wireless internet back]20:09
cn28hhrm, there's even mkfs.vfat.. I can make a fat32 filesystem, just not actually use it20:11
Hamracn28h, are you sure your partition isnt corrupted?20:13
cn28hHamra: yes20:13
Ax-Axis there any lyrics script for amarok  that searches darklyrics.com? (i'm to bad to do my own)20:13
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cn28hHamra: being corrupted wouldn't make it say that vfat is an unknown fs type though, anyway :/20:13
hydrogencheck kde-apps.org Ax-Ax20:13
cn28hI think for some reason vfat mounting support is just not included20:14
Hamradid you use dynamic disks in windows?20:14
cn28hI didn't use it in windows20:14
cn28hit's an external HDD and I'm just trying to image a disk on this machine20:14
cn28hwell, it does have ext3 support, guess I'll just move the disk image to my ext3 partition20:16
Ax-Axhydrogen, thanks20:16
JortmansI think I've got a bit of a problem20:17
Ax-Axbut i need to install qtruby, tkruby or somethingotherruby20:17
nosrednaekimJortmans: what is it?20:17
VilleViciousI think I've messed up the computer I'm using really bad, I was trying to set up a kubuntu partition for my self on my parent's computer but now the only system I can get up and running is the Kububtu, and even that is with some hocus-pokus20:18
Jortmansseveral program suddenly shut down20:18
VilleViciousso How do I wipe out all the linux elements so I can re-install the windows?20:18
nosrednaekimVilleVicious: messed up grub?20:18
nosrednaekimVilleVicious: windows will wipe the linux elements20:19
VilleViciousok, so I don't have to do enything about the ext3 partition?20:19
Hamrawindows wipes everything, no respect to any other OS!20:20
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VilleViciouswell, why am I not really uprised about that20:20
Hamrathe windows installation will say its an unknown partition, you can format it ntfs, or delete or partitions and recreate them!20:21
the-ermI have a weird question ... when I run mplayer I usually can mplayer partialFilename<tab> and it'll complete, however it doesn't do this with .m4v files, but mplayer plays m4v fine.  Where/how would you associate the file with mplayer?20:21
itsjustmecan someone help me get my wireless internet back?20:21
the-ermFor the record file association in konqueror doesn't do it.20:21
Jortmansnosrednaekim: several programms suddenly shutdown, without warning. and sometimes I am automaticaly logged out20:22
VilleViciousMy Current situtation is: the only way I can currently get to the OS selection is by booting from a windowscd then exit the installer when it restarts I get to the selection and the only option that works is Kubuntu20:22
cn28hthe-erm: see /etc/bash_completion20:23
the-ermthanks cn28h20:23
itsjustmeI have a new laptop toshiba and earlier I was tring to get sound on it... we went to great lenths and unfortunetly failed to get the desired result.. Also after rebooting now I have no internet on my laptop...Can someone please help me get it back20:23
Jortmanscould somebody help me, several programms suddenly shutdown, without warning. and sometimes I am automaticaly logged out20:24
nosrednaekimJortmans: overheating?20:24
VilleViciousSo I think its safest ( as in the only thing I can do with reasonable hope of success) is the re-installing windows20:24
Code_Man65Hey, anyone here able to tell me if the Ubuntu Wiki page on the g15 keyboard is still the proper steps to follow?20:24
nosrednaekimitsjustme: what does "iwlist <net dev> scan" say?20:25
Hamrayou can boot windows cd, and click R, do a fixboot, and fixmbr20:25
Jortmansno, it sometimes gives an error but not everytime and I'm just logged out the pc doesn't shut down20:25
VilleViciousHamra: was that directed at me?20:25
nosrednaekimJortmans: take a look at "dmesg" when that happens,20:26
itsjustmelooks like it didnt detect anything20:27
DjDarkmanhello, how can I debug dpkg? there`s a KDM that just won`t install and doesn`t give a clue about the problem20:28
Hamrafixmbr deletes grub20:28
itsjustmetheres a ton of confusing stuff\20:28
itsjustmequality 31/10020:28
VilleViciousok, thanks for the advice20:29
podr0znikhow do I go to the configuration window, to set up default applications for some action???20:29
nosrednaekimitsjustme: seems it detected it then20:31
DjDarkmanSetting up kdm (4:3.5.8-2ubuntu3~gutsy1~ppa1) ...20:31
DjDarkmandpkg: error processing kdm (--configure):20:31
DjDarkman subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 120:31
itsjustmeso now what20:31
DjDarkmanwhat does this mean?20:31
nosrednaekimitsjustme: try a "sudo dhclient <net dev>"20:31
SSJ_GZWoah - http://digg.com/linux_unix/Kubuntu_8_04_will_have_KDE_4_will_NOT_be_LTS20:31
itsjustmedo I type the <net dev>also20:31
nosrednaekimitsjustme: it will be either eth1 orath020:32
podr0znikcould anybody remind me of the command to get to this configuration page???20:32
itsjustmelooks like its seeing etho0 and 120:33
nosrednaekimitsjustme: try 120:33
nosrednaekimSSJ_GZ: woah!20:33
SSJ_GZnosrednaekim: Quite a surprise :)20:33
nosrednaekimitsjustme: "sudo dhclient eth1"20:34
SSJ_GZnosrednaekim: Still a little unclear on the details, though.20:34
itsjustmewhat do you mean try 1?20:34
nosrednaekimSSJ_GZ: yeah, I'd try to confirm that with Riddel20:34
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de20:34
BluesKajnosrednaekim, any experience with the new firefox3 offering ?20:35
itsjustmeno such device20:35
nosrednaekimBluesKaj: nope20:35
nosrednaekimitsjustme: do a "iwconfig"20:35
nosrednaekimand see which device it is20:35
itsjustmeunassociated essid   it sees it20:36
itsjustmelink quality 0  signal level 0 noise 020:36
itsjustmeno wireless extentions20:37
itsjustmeits etho 120:37
nosrednaekimitsjustme: ok, but what interface is it?20:37
itsjustmei think so20:38
itsjustmeits sees my router on 120:38
blekosis there a special channel for kde 4?20:38
itsjustmeno wireless on 020:38
Kroatiahello... how to register my nickname?20:38
itsjustmeno wireless extentions on etho 020:38
BluesKaj!register | Kroatia20:39
ubotuKroatia: By default, only registered users can send private messages - Information about  registering your Freenode nick can be found at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration20:39
nosrednaekimitsjustme: ok.... do you have encryption on your router?20:39
nosrednaekimitsjustme: ok, it seems nothing is wrong with your wireless... do you have internet on that computer?wired?20:40
itsjustmeIm talking to you20:40
itsjustmefrom the wired20:41
nosrednaekimitsjustme: another computer possible20:41
itsjustmethe laptop is wireless20:41
nosrednaekimitsjustme: ok. then get the application "wlassistant"20:41
itsjustmeill flash drive it20:41
nosrednaekimitsjustme: thought you were on wired.20:41
=== Kroatia is now known as kroatia
itsjustmei am  but how will that help my wireless20:42
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nosrednaekimitsjustme: it will, its probably just aproblem with knetworkmanager20:42
=== Sparxy is now known as croat
LjL!nickspam | croat20:43
ubotucroat: You should avoid changing your nick in a busy channel like #ubuntu - it causes unrequired scrolling which is unfair on new users. The same goes for using noisy away messages : use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently - See also !Guidelines20:43
itsjustmeno useable wireless devices found20:43
=== croat is now known as it_is_sparx
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Hamrait doesnt seem that this sparx croat whatever is paying attention20:45
itsjustmenow what20:45
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sparX_irc_1i am setting up account20:46
itsjustmeI clicked on knetwork manager and nothing came up..  looked in add remove and it reports there20:46
=== dominik_ is now known as cr4x
=== cr4x is now known as hight_3
hight_3how many server messages...20:47
itsjustmenosrednaekim   any ideas?20:48
nosrednaekimitsjustme: yeah20:50
nosrednaekimitsjustme: I havetago... sorry20:50
podr0znikcould anybody remind me of the command to get to this configuration page???20:50
Lacrymologypretty please with sugar on top, can someone help me setting up my audio drivers?20:50
Lacrymologylshw says this:20:50
Lacrymology     *-multimedia UNCLAIMED20:51
Lacrymology          description: Audio device20:51
Lacrymology          product: MCP55 High Definition Audio20:51
Lacrymologyand goes on20:51
LacrymologyI can't find the drivers20:51
hight_3did you tried google?20:51
podr0znikI am searching for this configuration program, the more advanced version than System Settings in KDE20:51
podr0znikwasn't it something like kconfig?20:51
Lacrymologyhight_3: yes I have20:52
ardchoillepodr0znik: kcontrol20:52
Lacrymologyhight_3: I'm at it, actually20:52
podr0znikyeah, that's the one, thanks :)20:52
itsjustmeyea   thanks anyway20:52
ardchoillepodr0znik: fyi, kcontrol is gone in kde4, so we ned to get used to system settings20:52
podr0znikardchoille: all nice, but kcontrol has many more possibilities, hasn't it?20:54
Lacrymology2.6.20 worked fine, but gutsy won't let me go down20:54
ardchoillepodr0znik: The reasoning is that system settings won't be duplicating config which can be found elsewhere , ie konqueror > settings > configure konqueror20:55
hungrymousewhy do settings i change in ksynaptics not stay changed when i restart X?20:56
blekosanyone using kde4?20:57
ubotuCD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus cd burner (Gnome), gtoaster, xcdroast, cdrecord (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto20:57
hight_3i will be20:58
hight_3for...21 days :)20:58
hight_3exactly 3 weeks from now..20:58
DjDarkmancan someone help me solve an apt/dpgk issue?20:58
hight_3and that is..?20:59
podr0znikardchoille: Well, I suppose there will still be a place to change settings which are not available in the basic system settings20:59
podr0znikI'm trying to download pictures from a digital camera for a friend, and it looks like I need to download drivers somehow20:59
podr0znikmy own camera is recognized perfectly well, but this friend's one doesn't work20:59
DjDarkmanSetting up kdm (4:3.5.8-2ubuntu3~gutsy1~ppa1) ...20:59
DjDarkmandpkg: error processing kdm (--configure):20:59
DjDarkman subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 120:59
DjDarkmanhow can I get more msg out of this?20:59
hight_3i think you can't do that... i haved the same problem when istalled x64..20:59
hight_3apt you say?21:00
hight_3let me see21:00
DjDarkmansomething terminating with exit status 1 doesn`t give me a clue21:00
gonzaloin need help to configure my sound card21:00
ardchoillepodr0znik: That's the idea21:00
hight_3i dont know either... try to geet another copy...something is obviously wrong with the script...21:01
gonzaloim a newie user21:02
ardchoille!sound | gonzalo21:02
ubotugonzalo: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP321:02
hight_3which sound card do you have?21:02
gonzalote sound is on :P21:02
hight_3i have it too. works just fine21:02
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ksynaptics - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:02
gonzalobut it dosent sound21:02
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ksynaptic - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:03
hight_3did you tried turn on the speakers? :D21:03
ubotuYum! Err, I mean, APT!21:03
hight_3just kidding21:03
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots21:03
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about snack - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:03
LacrymologyI have my computer set up with the x86 kernels because I needed a 32b enviroment, long story21:03
Lacrymologyhow hard would it be?21:03
ubotuYum! Err, I mean, APT!21:03
Lacrymologyto make it a X6421:04
hight_3you can't just "make" it...21:04
hight_3look, my camera didint worked on x64...21:04
ubotulife is something very few people know about in this channel - and anyway, it's probably offtopic, perhaps you want to try #ubuntu-offtopic21:04
hight_3but id did on x8621:04
Lacrymologyhight_3: will need to reinstall, won't I?21:04
hungrymousethis bot is great :P21:04
hight_3Lacry: yes..21:04
DjDarkmanhow can I specify a version when I`m trying to remove something with apt?21:05
jussi01!botabuse | hungrymouse hight_321:05
ubotuhungrymouse hight_3: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubotu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids.21:05
hungrymousejussi01: thanks.21:05
Lacrymologyhight_3: what if I change to the -generic kernels?21:05
DjDarkmanI want to remove KDM 4:3.5.8-2ubuntu3~gutsy1~ppa121:05
hight_3i dont know21:05
hight_3to remove?21:05
hight_3sudo apt-get --r kdm21:05
hight_3try it21:06
DjDarkmanyes but I want to remove this version, I want to specify it21:06
hight_3i dunno, try something else... go to ubuntuforums..21:07
ubotuBy default, only registered users can send private messages - Information about  registering your Freenode nick can be found at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration21:07
jussi01DjDarkman: man apt-get ;)21:08
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about login - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:08
DjDarkmanthat`s what I`m doing, but taught that I can get a faster answer here jussi0121:08
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jussi01DjDarkman: We have limited help in here as it is - and you learn more by reading the man pages.21:10
hight_3have to go, bye21:10
DjDarkmanyeah but some man pages don`t contain much needed information, because the author assumes that the reader already knows that21:10
podr0znikthis is naughty :(21:12
podr0znikapparently I must install drivers to get pictures from my friend's camera21:12
podr0znikbut I can't just find them21:12
podr0znikanybody wants to help?21:12
limacI downlaodded a background for my desktop from firefox (intenet) and after restart the picture is gone! how can i fix this21:13
jussi01podr0znik: are you suggesting we help you with something illegal?21:13
podr0znikjussi01: I have a camera of my friend here and she asked me to get the pictures to the computer and then online. Don't know what's illegal there :)21:13
cn28hlimac: where did you save it?21:14
jussi01podr0znik: ok. you just said it was naughty21:14
limacin home folder21:14
podr0znikjussi01: Yeah, naughty of Panasonic not to simply offer drivers on their website21:14
limaccn28h ^21:14
cn28hyou're running off an installed kubuntu, not a livecd, right?21:14
jussi01podr0znik: ahhh21:14
podr0znikso I checked panasonic.com and google and still not any further :/21:15
jussi01podr0znik: have you tried just plugging it in?21:15
* lombra_ esta fora: Saindo por enquanto.21:16
=== DarthWar is now known as [WarMage]
jussi01podr0znik: often they mount like a usb stick21:16
podr0znikmy camera does indeed21:16
podr0znikno problem at all21:16
podr0znikbut this camera doesn't want21:16
=== lombra_ is now known as fora
podr0znikthey are offering full instructions about the camera on their site21:17
podr0znikthat's so kind of them :)21:17
podr0znikbut no drivers21:18
=== [WarMage] is now known as DarthWar
uakkerii'm getting a crash report when using konquerer "the application unknown (nspluginviewer) crashed... SIGSEGV..."21:18
podr0znikDolphin even said - "loading camera drivers from /usr/lib"21:18
podr0znikbut obviously it didn't find any drivers there21:18
jussi01podr0znik: and it doesnt show up in /media ?21:19
=== DarthWar is now known as [WarMage]
podr0znikjussi01: It does (after some time) but without any files21:22
podr0znikbut there is an error21:22
podr0znik"Unknown error code 50", "Unspecified error", "Please send a full bug report at http://bugs.kde.org."21:22
jussi01podr0znik: hmmm21:22
podr0znikI hope there's not such thing as a camera which is only compatible with windows? ;)21:24
Hamrapodr0znik, i hope you watch what you are saying, hardware people might start getting ideas :P21:25
podr0znikthe damn machine IS recognized as USB mass storage device21:25
podr0znikand it even has an icon of a camera21:25
podr0znikbut does not want to open21:25
podr0znikHamra: I would feel guilty until my last days if my suggestion would be picked up by the big guys...21:26
steveirepodr0znik: Can you access it as root?21:26
fairmanHi, how to create new wifi network?21:26
Hamrai once had a similar problem with a USB flash disk formatted as NTFS, it kept crashing "disks and filesystems"21:27
lovedeatmMy flash drive wont pickup. it not visible in fstab or mtab21:27
podr0zniksteveire: trying21:27
lovedeatmMy flash drive wont pickup. it not visible in fstab or mtab it shows up in the disk and file system21:29
cap601Is there anyway to make Kopete only start after connecting to my wireless network?21:33
podr0znikI think I'm getting crazy21:34
podr0zniktrying to login as root from command line (su)21:34
lovedeatmMy flash drive wont pickup. it not visible in fstab or mtab it shows up in the disk and file system21:34
podr0znikAuthentication failure :)21:34
podr0znikbut I remember my password pretty well21:34
Lacrymologypodr0znik: your password's not root's password21:35
Lacrymologypodr0znik: not in ubuntu anyways21:35
Lacrymologypodr0znik: do 'sudo bash"21:35
Lacrymologypodr0znik: and then forget that it was me who suggested that21:35
trappistew.  I'd rather sudo su -21:35
Lacrymologytrappist: but you don't know root's passowrd21:35
trappistLacrymology: that's why I use sudo21:35
trappisttry it21:36
Hamradont type "su", use "sudo su"21:36
podr0znikwith the command somebody suggested (don't remember who) I go as root with my own password?21:36
trappistsudo su -21:36
trappistbut mostly, don't do that21:36
Lacrymologytrappist: that's nice21:36
trappistjust do sudo <command>21:36
itsjustmewhat gets added before the http when updating the repository sites?21:36
Lacrymologytrappist: that's a pain sometimes. There's times you need to be root for a while21:37
trappistLacrymology: yeah, that's why I said 'mostly' :)21:37
Lacrymologyso, has anybody else have their sound die with gutsy/2.6.22 kernel?21:38
podr0znikin /media I only see cdrom and floppy21:38
trappistLacrymology: if you have an intel hda soundcard, yeah21:38
Lacrymologytrappist: I have an ASUS nVidia chipset soundcard21:39
Lacrymologytrappist: mobo, I mean21:39
Lacrymologywith an nVidia soundcard21:39
podr0znikmedia:/camera I don't find21:39
itsjustmewhat gets added before the http when updating the repository sites?  i think its dev something21:39
trappistnvidia soundcard?  I don't think so... try lspci | grep -i audio21:39
trappistitsjustme: deb21:40
Lacrymologytrappist: 00:06.1 Audio device: nVidia Corporation MCP55 High Definition Audio (rev a2)21:40
Lacrymologytrappist: 00:06.1 Audio device: *nVidia* Corporation MCP55 High Definition Audio (rev a2)21:40
trappistLacrymology: ok ok :)21:40
Lacrymologyit won't work21:40
trappistLacrymology: I *think* that's an intel chipset, but I'm not positive21:40
Lacrymologyanyways, I'm out of options21:41
LacrymologyI don't know what to do anymore21:41
trappistLacrymology: at any rate, your best bet is to google up that chipset and see what other people have found21:41
trappistLacrymology: like, google 'gutsy nvidia mcp55'21:42
ubuntu_Is there a tool that will inspect the system hardware to determine what everything is? (sorta like WinInfo32 on Windows)21:42
trappistubuntu_: try lshw21:42
ubuntu_cool; exactly what I needed; thanks, trappist21:43
podr0znikI give up :)21:44
podr0znikfriend should buy another camera21:44
lovedeatmtrappist,what the delete command21:44
trappistlovedeatm: rm21:44
trappistlovedeatm: man intro21:44
megatog615Does anyone know how I can get konqueror to wait for all FTP connections to end before doing another?21:47
megatog615Like forcing it to keep one connection21:47
megatog615My web host (godaddy) has a max connections of 121:47
megatog615Which is extremely annoying since konqueror seems to want more than one connection21:47
=== Tonio__ is now known as Tonio_
* Hamra is going to sleep21:50
Lacrymologyok, is there any way of compiling the kernel myself under this distro?21:55
stdin!kernel | Lacrymology21:58
ubotuLacrymology: The core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - For more: /msg ubotu stages21:58
=== [WarMage] is now known as HappyHollys
cap601Is there anyway to make Kopete only start after connecting to my wireless network?22:02
sigma_kubuntudont think so22:02
sigma_kubuntudoes it make a difference when it starts?22:03
vzduchyou can write a script22:03
cap601The main problem is that I need to tell it to manually connect if the internet is not connected when it starts22:05
cap601This also has a tendancy to need multiple attempts22:05
msemtd_I'm trying to upgrade feisty to gutsy but I'm getting dpkg errors22:07
msemtd_invoke-rc.d: initscript acpid, action "start" failed.22:07
msemtd_followed by a bunch of dependency errors22:08
msemtd_I'm all out of ideas22:08
ubotuAPT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)22:08
ubotuaptitude is another terminal-based front-end to APT. Like other APT front-ends, it can install/remove packages and their dependencies (on Dapper and earlier, however, only aptitude keeps track of unused dependencies). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptitudeSurvivalGuide22:09
boblenyHi, could someone tell me what an ACM device is?22:10
steveirebobleny: Syncing your phone?22:12
lovedeatmMy flash drive wont pickup. it not visible in fstab or mtab it shows up in the disk and file system HELP!!22:13
boblenyTrying to..... But I think I have the wrong ACM device, there is no /dev/ttyACM....22:13
steveirebobleny: I'm not sure what it is. What are you using? kitchensync?22:14
boblenystevire: Moto4lin22:15
helloyohey, guys. i just had to reinstall XP which has written over GRUB, i am running off the CD now, can i restore grub?22:15
ardchoille!grub | helloyo22:15
ubotuhelloyo: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto22:15
helloyothanks ardchoille22:15
limaci just installed a theme for emerald thru kde-looks.org and i don't know how to apply it. if i double click it, it doesn't work!22:18
trappistlimac: you install it through emerald-theme-manager22:19
limaci did!22:19
limaci mean like the windows border22:19
=== [1]Netham45 is now known as Netham45
limacit's not changing thru emerald22:20
trappistOH I misunderstood the question.  actually I have the same problem :)22:20
ubuntu_Wow Kubuntu has changed since 6.1022:21
ubuntu_Detected few things automaticly :D22:21
limacso how can i change it?22:22
trappistlimac: I dunno, it hasn't bothered me enough to try to solve it yet22:22
trappistlimac: but now that you know you're not the only one, there's a good chance google knows about it22:22
limacnm i figured it out,  click on the border and then configure windows behavior, and then edit the windowes decoration22:23
trappistthere ya go :)22:24
limacbut how can we add some decorations22:26
Skippy07how do i go about dual booting vista and kubutu on seperate drives i can't find a guide anywhere22:30
ubotuDual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MacBookPro https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot22:30
ubotudpkg is the Debian package maintenance system, which together with apt forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit.22:31
=== rjb is now known as drbobb
drbobbhow is it that java is always set to off in my new konqueror windows/tabs22:34
Skippy07Thanks ubotu22:34
drbobbanyone else seeing that?22:34
=== ubuntu__ is now known as Newbie1
nosrednaekimdrbobb: can you enable it in those tabs? or is it limited to one tab/window?22:35
Newbie1I have a Microsoft Wireless Laser Mouse 5000 the side buttons do not seem to work22:35
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mounse - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi22:35
ubotuEnabling extra mouse buttons: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManyButtonsMouseHowto  - Enabling serial mouse: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialMouseHowto22:35
drbobbyes i can enable it via tools/html settings, and it works22:35
drbobbbut any time i create a new window or tab, it has java set to off again22:36
nosrednaekimdrbobb: thats probably a bug22:36
drbobbi do have java set to enabled globally in konqueror setings22:37
Newbie1 How can I make the TASKBAR just 1 line?22:37
nosrednaekimNewbie1: makde the panel thinner22:38
Newbie1I figured it out22:38
drbobbnosrednaekim: maybe, but i can't put my finger on it because it doesn't seem to happen on other kubuntu machines22:38
nosrednaekimdrbobb: oh.. hm22:38
nosrednaekimNewbie1: :D22:39
drbobbi can't find the way to reproduce it22:39
nosrednaekimI don't use java so I can't22:39
drbobbor to get rid of the nuisance on my laptop, for that matter22:39
drbobbit's not a matter of you using java but of sites that you use using it22:40
Newbie1Last I tried was Ubuntu 6.10, Kubuntu  has more eye candy and it seems my devices work, I will need to get the printer to work as well22:40
Newbie1That might be the most problematic22:40
nosrednaekimNewbie1: is it an HP?22:40
drbobbyou might not even be aware of java being in use22:40
Newbie1Brother DCP 330C22:41
nosrednaekimNewbie1: ok... let me take a look22:41
Newbie1The problem will be the fact it can print photos (I mean proper ones) as well as normal A4 paper22:41
nosrednaekimNewbie1: usually  the drivers have support for different trays22:42
drbobbok another one i meant to ask: where to start loooking for reasons that suspend mode is failing22:43
nosrednaekimdrbobb: are you using the fglrx driver?22:44
Newbie1Can I share the Printer from my Desktop using Linux to other XP computers?22:44
drbobbi have a SiS integrated vga22:44
nosrednaekimNewbie1: yes.22:44
sigma_kubuntui think u can through cups22:44
nosrednaekimdrbobb: well, I think there is a suspend dbug.22:44
nosrednaekimsigma_kubuntu: thats only for Vista22:45
Newbie1I will need to figure out how to do that as well22:45
nosrednaekimXP needs smba22:45
drbobbok let me clarify what i mean by failing22:45
drbobbmachine seems to suspend to ram ok, and seems to come back up too22:45
drbobbbut a minute or two after coming back up, the system freezes22:45
sigma_kubuntuoh yeah i forgot about samba :)22:46
nosrednaekimdrbobb: can you quickly run a top or something like that to see whatis runnning when it freezes?22:46
Newbie1Well thanks, I might install Kubuntu now22:46
drbobbi did and i fail to see any runaway process22:46
nosrednaekimdrbobb: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=306640422:47
nosrednaekimdrbobb: could be a USB problem..22:47
nosrednaekimdrbobb: maybe running out of memory aswell?22:47
drbobbno, memory is ok22:48
drbobbbtw suspend to disk works 100% correctly22:48
drbobbthe reverse of what it used to be under feisty22:48
whitedaI am getting a Size mismatch error trying to upgrade to amarok 2:1.4.8 and amarok-xine 2:1.4.8 using sudo apt-get upgrade.  Should I just wait and try later/tomorrow?22:49
drbobbi have a system monitor in my kicker all the time22:49
drbobband i can see that just before the freeze there is no cpu activity in particular, and plenty of free swap22:50
nosrednaekimdrbobb: thats wierd.... anything in the syslogs at all?22:50
sigma_kubuntuhow do i change the program that a multimedia key on my keyboard opens?22:50
drbobbhmm well i do have issues with my ethernet driver22:51
drbobbirq 3: nobody cared (try booting with the "irqpoll" option)22:52
usr002Hi mates22:52
drbobbis the kernel message22:52
usr002i need some help here22:52
usr002can anyone22:52
nosrednaekimdrbobb: did you try booting with that?22:52
drbobboh and the driver is eth0: SiS 900 PCI Fast Ethernet at 0x1800, IRQ 322:53
nosrednaekimusr002: whats the problem22:53
drbobbnosrednaekim: well i am using that boot option22:53
drbobbseems to make no difference though22:53
drbobbthe ethernet does not work reliably at all22:53
drbobbluckily i rarely need to use it, i'm on wireless mostly22:54
usr002i got this plugin problem22:55
usr002i can install mp3 support for amarok22:55
usr002i've tried the normal repositories22:56
nosrednaekimusr002: you can install it?22:56
usr002no ..22:56
usr002amarok says that is installed22:56
usr002but when i try to play mp3's they won't22:56
limachow can i make my ternimal transparent22:57
usr002ask me to install again22:57
root_OMG. its the same base topic as I have to ask about22:57
white_eaglehello, I have a slow connection (problems with my ISP), it's 12 pm at me and I have downloaded a half of the kubuntu-desktop package, can I cancel it, and continue from the place where I stopped?22:57
=== root_ is now known as franklin
abcdDo you have any problems with playing broadband movies on websites. I have no problem with playing them on Windows XP with Windows Media Player. When i switch to Ubuntu the same multimedia are buffering every one minute. I use kmplayer with xine (or sometimes mplayer engine). Any advices?22:57
nosrednaekimusr002: ok  install "kubuntu-restricted-extras"22:57
nosrednaekimwhite_eagle: yes22:57
white_eaglei have 2.30 hours left22:57
nosrednaekimwhite_eagle: you can cancle and restart at any time22:58
white_eaglenosrednaekim: and it will surely continue tommorw?22:58
=== franklin is now known as munition
usr002nosred ... kubuntu restricted-extras ...22:58
nosrednaekimwhite_eagle: yes22:58
nosrednaekim!info kubuntu-restricted-extras22:58
ubotukubuntu-restricted-extras: Commonly used restricted packages. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 10 (gutsy), package size 3 kB, installed size 32 kB22:58
white_eaglenosrednaekim: thanks22:58
usr002istalling it22:59
usr002* installing22:59
munitionhello, I seem to  have no repositories installed, other than the CD it was born with22:59
munitioncan anyone help me, please?23:00
ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic23:00
munitionwow. that may hopefully resolve this. that took moments to respond. ty23:01
limacanyone? how can i make konsole transparent?23:01
nosrednaekimlimac: its simple, change the schema to transparent linux colors23:02
drbobbaah that's another q i had23:02
usr002same problem23:03
limacthnks nosrednaekim23:03
nosrednaekimusr002: you sure they aren't encrypted mp3?23:03
drbobbwhat determines the default schema for new konsole tabs?23:03
nosrednaekimdrbobb: you need to save it as the deafult schema23:03
drbobbwell i do that as many times as i want23:04
drbobbbut the setting seems not to stick23:04
nosrednaekimdrbobb: doesn't save it?23:04
nosrednaekimdrbobb: my brother had the same exact problem! I can't reproduce it though23:04
drbobbwell it gets weirder23:04
drbobbright now i created a new tab and it did get the schema i had set23:05
usr002nosred: have i got to restart the machine23:05
drbobbbut i bet that after the next rebboot it won; work again23:05
nosrednaekimusr002: no23:05
nosrednaekimusr002: are they drmed? where did you get them from?23:05
nosrednaekimusr002: you do need to restart amarok...23:06
drbobbi've been struggling with this issue across several kde versions now23:06
usr002via samba ... from my windows machine23:06
drbobbok struggling is too big a word, it's a minor nuisance23:06
nosrednaekimusr002: did you get them from itunes?23:06
nosrednaekimdrbobb: :D23:06
drbobba less minor nuisance is the flash breakage23:07
=== nuu is now known as nu
=== nu is now known as nuu
nosrednaekimusr002: try playing a local mp323:07
usr002i've got this mp3 a long time23:07
usr002i got this songs in this machine23:08
usr002i got them via samba23:08
nosrednaekimusr002: do they play?23:08
drbobbright now i need firefox to access any flash site, konq doesn't work23:08
usr002in the windows machine they do play23:08
nosrednaekimusr002: did you restart amarok?23:08
usr002i'll try to reboot the machine23:09
usr002what can i do23:09
nosrednaekimusr002: no no... that won't fix a thing23:09
=== ubuntu_ is now known as Newbie1
=== Newbie1 is now known as Newbie11
usr002maybe if uninstall amarok23:10
usr002and i reeinstall it23:10
nosrednaekimusr002: no no...what error does it give when you try to play your mp3?23:10
usr002nosred .. wasn't possible to play some media (not suported)23:11
usr002or so23:11
usr002i got this in portuguese23:11
usr002so the translation may be diferent23:12
nosrednaekimusr002: you CERTAIN its an mp3?23:12
usr002oh yeah23:12
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mpg123 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi23:12
nosrednaekim!info mpg12323:12
ubotumpg123: MPEG layer 1/2/3 audio player. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.66-1 (gutsy), package size 141 kB, installed size 344 kB23:12
nosrednaekimusr002: get that package^^23:13
Downix_SPARCyou know, autoconf is a real pain23:13
nosrednaekimusr002: and run it like so "mpg123 <location of file>"23:13
usr002ok thank you23:13
usr002i'll try it23:13
nosrednaekimusr002: just to see what the problem is23:13
usr002The Tokens - The Lion Sleeps Tonight.mp323:14
usr002for instance23:15
nosrednaekimusr002: if you are in it dir and put quotes around it23:15
nosrednaekimlike ----- mpg123 "The Tokens - The Lions Sleeps Tonight.mp3"23:16
nosrednaekimthe quote are neccesary since there are spaces23:16
gregDon't suppose anyone could help me with an apt / Adept Manager problem ?23:17
nosrednaekimgreg: whats the problem?23:18
gregnosrednaekim: Basically it was configured by a friend to run on my college network and now that i'm at home with a direct connection I can't get it to connect ?23:18
Downix_SPARCIs anyone here good at autoconfig setup?23:19
olimpicoHow can i install Kubuntu completely remote on another computer?23:19
nosrednaekimgreg: proxy?23:20
olimpicoCould someone give me an idea?23:20
usr002xine-engine cannot play MP3s23:20
Downix_SPARColimpico: Do you have a network bios?23:20
nosrednaekimusr002: hmm <_<23:20
gregnosrednaekim: Yeah, it's set to run through the college proxy, but I can't see any signs of the settings in apt.conf23:21
olimpicoSomeone has a gentoo system running, and i want to install kubuntu instead. I can login to the gentoo system, is it possible to install kubuntu?23:21
nosrednaekimgreg: you'd really need to ask your freind23:21
usr002and now what can i do ??23:21
nosrednaekimolimpico: maybe chroot it...23:21
usr002get another xine engine23:21
Downix_SPARColimpico: You'd have to install Ubuntu over Gentoo really, which in all likelyhood will erase the system.23:21
nosrednaekimusr002: eight cylinder one this time ;)23:21
nosrednaekimusr002: one moment..23:22
gregnosrednaekim: I don't really have anyway of contacting him :( thanks for the help anyway ^_^23:22
usr002ok thank u23:22
olimpicoThere are two hardrives, I can leave gentoo, installed, that's not the problem23:22
ubotuapt-proxy is a program that acts as a local apt repository server for a LAN, only fetching from the internet when required. To set it up see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptProxy23:22
Downix_SPARColimpico: So you want to install to the other drive?23:22
olimpicoDownix_SPARC: What is network bios?23:22
Downix_SPARColimpico: Do you have access to a CD-ROM on the system?23:22
olimpicoDownix_SPARC: yes, just in case it doesn't work all right, I don't want to delete gentoo.23:23
Downix_SPARColimpico: Ability to boot a machine w/o any OS on it at all, instead fetching the OS over the network.   That's how I installed Kubuntu on my SPARC23:23
Downix_SPARColimpico: Easiest way then would be to put in a Ubuntu CD, and unplug your gentoo HD23:23
olimpicoDownix_SPARC: Yes, my mother(who doesn't have a clue) can access the computer23:23
nosrednaekimusr002: run this command "apt-cache policy libxine1-ffmpeg"23:23
drbobbgreg: try grepping for proxy around /etc/apt perhaps?23:24
usr002none installed23:24
gregdrbobb: I'll give it a go.23:24
olimpicoDownix_SPARC: But apparently kubuntu is not able to start the graphical system23:24
nosrednaekimusr002: try installing it..23:24
nosrednaekimusr002: "sudo apt-get install libxine1-ffmpeg"23:25
olimpicoI inteneded to connect through krfb.23:25
olimpicoDownix_SPARC: I intended to connect through krfb.23:25
usr002can't install23:26
olimpicoDownix_SPARC: I can't unplugg the gentoo HD, my mother doesn't know how to do this23:26
usr002libxine1-ffmpeg ain't available23:26
usr002but has references to another package23:26
nosrednaekimusr002: you need to enable the restricted repository23:27
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats23:27
nosrednaekimusr002: never mind... you using gutsy?23:27
olimpicoDownix_SPARC: I was thinking that there is maybe a way to install it through the console.23:27
olimpicoAnybody can tell me how to install kubuntu though the console?23:28
nosrednaekimusr002: ok, go into adept->adept->amange repositories and enable all of them (except source code) then  click the reload button on the main page.23:29
gregdrbobb: No results for proxy...23:29
* podr0znik back23:30
=== ForeverZero is now known as sea4ever
podr0znikproblem with camera has been solved23:30
podr0znikjust had to go to a bloody Windows computer23:30
DragnslcrAnyone know how to get Amarok to sync to a Cowon media player?23:31
usr002and now23:32
usr002install libxine23:32
drbobbgreg: before you give up, try case-insensitive search23:32
nosrednaekimusr002: libxine-ffmpeg23:33
gregdrbobb: -i ?23:33
nosrednaekimusr002: sweet23:34
usr002u'r the man23:34
usr002or woman23:34
usr002thank u23:34
nosrednaekimman.. YW23:34
drbobbgreg: umm btw what error message(s) do you get from apt-get23:34
usr002my wife can listen to all the mp323:34
usr002and stream them to the soundbridge in the living room23:35
usr002btw what media server23:36
gregdrbobb: No error as such, it just sits at '[Connecting to franc.cc.strath.ac.uk (ip address)]23:36
gregdrbobb: And by sit I mean it keeps on trying.23:37
drbobbgreg: so just replace the sources.list with a standard one?23:37
gregdrbobb: Never thought of that :P Where do you suppose i'd get a standard one ?23:38
drbobbyou're probably trying to connect to servers that aren't available from outside23:38
drbobbumm maybe you could reinstall apt23:39
ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic23:39
client2i'm pushing neh23:39
gregSweet !23:39
Downix_SPARCcan someone recommend a good tutorial for configure?  I'm trying to add SPARC to a configure with little luck23:40
gregdrbobb:nosrednaekim: I'll give the source-o-matic a shot, hopefully that'll sort it.23:41
client2host unknown while i connect the network/internet23:41
client2help me23:41
client2if ping ip address i can it23:42
client2but browse with domain name i can't23:43
BluesKajgive us an example23:43
savageonehey guys23:50
savageoneif I were to apt-get the linux restricted modules, and a different nvidia driver (called legacy) and my machine didn't boot up afterwards anyone know how I could solve it?  It starts to boot and sticks at the splash screen.23:51
nosrednaekimsavageone: can you go to Alt+f2?23:51
NeoFaxsavageone: Use a rescue cd and remove the deb package23:52
savageoneyou mean control/alt f2?23:52
savageoneto get to another console23:52
savageoneI've never tried just alt-f223:52
savageoneneofax:  I'm not sure how to that's my thing23:52
savageoneI can get into rescue mode...23:52
nosrednaekimsavageone: yeah...23:52
=== tehm0nk-food is now known as tehm0nk
savageonecan I do that from there23:53
rablefor some reason openoffice is showing most of my menu items in some kind of greek cyrillic gibberish instead of english. is there something I can do to fix this?23:53
savageoneunfortuantely, I'm not skilled enough to be looking for debs hehe23:53
savageoneI'm pretty well versed in linux, but not a lot in trouble shooting etc just in usage and stuff23:53
NeoFaxThen create a directory under temp then mount your / directory to that folder.  Then chroot to that folder.  Make sure if you have seprate mount points in your fstab to make directories for them under the one in the tmp directory then chroot23:53
gregdrbobb: No luck with just replacing the sources, the proxy info must be stored somewhere else..23:53
nosrednaekimsavageone: take a look at the /var/Xorg.0.log23:54
savageonegood idea23:54
savageoneit's an nvidia card23:54
savageoneit all stems from me getting this weird split screen thing happening23:54
savageoneothers reported it23:54
savageoneI read about doing an apt get for the legacyt driver23:54
savageoneand it screwed me23:54
drbobbgreg: that's really weird23:54
gregdrbobb: Almost concerning :P23:55
NeoFaxsavageone: What nvidia card do you have?23:55
drbobbare you sure you replaced /etc/apt/sources.list?23:55
gregdrbobb: pretty sure, although I did glance at the old one before replacing it and saw no proxy information.23:56
Downix_SPARCsavageone: I had that issue when I initially did the install.  I had to swap drivers23:56
savageonedownix: yeah, that's what I was trying to do!! How did you "swap em"23:57
drbobbbut does the site in the message when apt-get is run match what's in the sources.list?23:57
drbobbor not?23:57
gregdrbobb: I'll give you a read out of what's going on..23:57
Downix_SPARCsavageone: I used the LiveCD to change the startx to stock VGA, un-apt'ed it, then re-downloaded it23:57
savageoneso how do you UNAPT something23:57
savageonebecause I'd like to do that w/ the stuff I apted23:58
savageonemy problem is, the system is a linuxmce system23:58
gregsudo apt-get update23:58
gregErr http://security.ubuntu.com gutsy-security Release.gpg23:58
greg  Could not connect to franc.cc.strath.ac.uk:8080 ( - connect (113 No route to host)23:58
savageonewhich as you know runs on kubuntu, and it's acting as my rtouter23:58
savageoneand I through out my other router23:58
nosrednaekimsavageone: "apt-get remove whatever"23:58
savageoneso I can't get online at home23:58
savageoneI'm sitting here trying to figure out what the hell to do before I go home23:58
savageoneif I go into rescue mode23:58
drbobbgreg: hmm23:58
savageonecan I still run apt-get23:58
drbobbwait a few mins23:59
gregdrbobb: np23:59
NeoFaxsavageone: Do you know exactly what NVIDIA card you have?23:59
savageoneno unfortunately23:59
savageoneit's a newer pci express one23:59
NeoFaxOK, do lspci and let me know what the NVIDIA line says23:59
savageoneI can't dude23:59

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