
ubotuNew bug: #177582 in launchpad "launchpad karma go down if i commit in PPA" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17758200:00
=== mthaddon changed the topic of #launchpad to: Launchpad is going down in at approx 01:00 UTC for a code update. Estimated downtime is approx 120 mins | Translation exports are temporarily delayed | https://launchpad.net/ | Next developer meeting: Thu 10 Jan 2008, 1400UTC #launchpad-meeting | List: launchpad-users@lists.canonical.com | Support: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad | Help: https://help.launchpad.net | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Join the beta team: ht
pochumthaddon: ^ :-)00:38
jmleverybody loves a release00:39
pochuOh, is there a topic length limit?00:46
jmlpochu: it's entirely possible00:46
pochuAnd do you know when the mailing lists will go beta?00:46
* Fujitsu thought they were on staging already.00:48
pochuReally? That's nice to hear.00:48
=== mthaddon changed the topic of #launchpad to: Launchpad is going down in at approx 02:00 UTC for a code update. Estimated downtime is approx 120 mins | Translation exports are temporarily delayed | https://launchpad.net/ | Next developer meeting: Thu 10 Jan 2008, 1400UTC #launchpad-meeting | List: launchpad-users@lists.canonical.com | Support: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad | Help: https://help.launchpad.net | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Join the beta team: ht
pochuFujitsu: do you know of an url where I can see it? I can't find anything there...01:05
somerville32mthaddon, Is Launchpad still processing uploads?01:34
mthaddonsomerville32, it will be for another 30 mins or so 01:34
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harrisony1 minute till launchpad goes down :D02:13
* somerville32 prays for launchpad.02:18
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FujitsuYay, it's back.04:03
harrisonyyay, party04:03
FujitsuAha, so we can finally delete upstream links!04:08
FujitsuThough the UI is ugly.04:08
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=== mthaddon changed the topic of #launchpad to: Translation exports are temporarily delayed | https://launchpad.net/ | Next developer meeting: Thu 10 Jan 2008, 1400UTC #launchpad-meeting | List: launchpad-users@lists.canonical.com | Support: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad | Help: https://help.launchpad.net | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Join the beta team: ht
lamonthrm... looks like the build-queue-depth got cleaned up, too.04:33
lamontalthough it still isn't a link to the actual dump of missing builds04:33
* lamont wonders if he should worry that all 3 hppa buildds are idle, expects it's just queue-builder running again04:34
Fujitsulamont: It could well be that various Soyuz bits haven't started yet.04:34
* Fujitsu thought we had the fixed queue-builder now.04:35
FujitsuSo it's a bit less completely insane.04:35
lamontsomething like that04:35
FujitsuOh, bleh, that didn't make it.04:36
lamont2007/354/04 98.8315 98.8886 98.0103 87.6458 97.4733 97.3818 97.014504:36
lamontnicer numbers.04:36
FujitsuNot bad, not bad.04:36
* lamont can't be bothered to remember which is which other than where i386 and hppa land. :-)04:36
lamonti386 first, hppa is the low one. 04:36
FujitsuIt will be good when I'm not sure which is hppa.04:36
lamontin decreasing order, those are amd64, i386, powerpc, ia64, sparc, lpia, hppa04:37
lamontso i386 amd64 ppc (duh... first 3 architectues and such), then came the hppa and ia64 architectures, then sparc and lpia04:38
lamontiz chronological. :-)04:38
lamonttoo much work to rearrange history when I add another column.04:39
tonyyarussoHey, quick question: I was wondering if teams could have address redirection like users.  As in, ubuntu-ca@ubuntu.com would forward to the default contact for the Ubuntu Canada team, etc., so that teams could have a more consistent contact address.04:49
elmotonyyarusso: launchpad doesn't run ubuntu.com email, so that's not really a launchpad question04:51
elmotonyyarusso: but it's a reasonable idea, but bear in mind CDC hosted loco teams are welcome to have aliases (that they can control), so you guys could standardize on contact@ubuntu-$CC.org too04:51
tonyyarussoelmo: Really?  Hmm, okay.  What handles the Ubuntu member stuff then?  I was under the impression it was a side thing of LP.04:51
elmotonyyarusso: the data's pulled out of LP, ubuntu.com email itself is otherwise independent04:52
tonyyarussoelmo: That actually would probably be nicer - IF we could actually control our hosting, which raises another question entirely... (See the RT queue for entries from myself and Brian Burger)04:52
elmotonyyarusso: err04:54
elmotonyyarusso: I'm not really sure what you mean by control your hosting.  but in any event, I only see a ticket from you in the queue, not Brian04:54
tonyyarussoo rly?04:54
* tonyyarusso goes to look for updates04:54
elmotonyyarusso: I'll try to respond to it tomorrow, 'cos it's almost 5am here04:55
tonyyarussoelmo: Here's Brian's - https://rt.ubuntu.com/Ticket/Display.html?id=20704:55
elmoI didn't recognise blurdesign@ as Brian04:56
elmo(i was visually scanning the email addresseS)04:56
tonyyarussoYeah, it hides pretty well.04:56
elmoso anyway, I'll try and look at you and his.  sorry for the delay in responding, we've just been a bit swamped, but it's slowly getting better04:57
tonyyarussoThat part's not LP-related of course, but if you could see what you can do to speed up the RT turnaround in general that would be _much_ appreciated.  :)04:57
tonyyarussoBut for now...good grief go to bed you silly goose.04:57
slangasekis anyone about who can help me understand why udev 117-3 hasn't reached the Ubuntu accepted queue yet despite having been uploaded >1h ago?05:10
slangasekbinary packages seem to be making it to the accepted queue just fine, I don't see any source packages there and udev in particular seems to be abnormally delayed05:10
bdmurrayIs codebrowse.launchpad.net not working?06:52
stdinbdmurray: works here06:53
bdmurrayI'm getting 500s for python-launchpad-bugs and bughelper06:54
spivmwhudson: ^06:54
bdmurraylike this url06:54
stdinyeah, I get 500 with revision/54 but not from http://codebrowse.launchpad.net/~bughelper-dev/python-launchpad-bugs/main/files06:56
spivI cannot view a revision on any branch I've tried.06:58
FujitsuErm, Soyuz seems to have eaten many hundreds of builds.07:41
FujitsuThe ~450 needs-build on hppa have evaporated.07:41
FujitsuIn fact, I can't see any Ubuntu needs-build builds.07:42
FujitsuAll needs-build (at the time of the rollout) build records seem to have entirely ceased to be. This is probably a bit of a problem.07:48
Fujitsulamont: Soyuz has brought hppa up-to-date for you.07:49
PengWell that's a way more efficient way to cut through the queue than actually building everything and stuff...07:50
ubotuNew bug: #177621 in soyuz "Hundreds of builds incorrectly marked as superseded" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17762108:10
mwhudsonwhat on earth08:32
StevenHarperUKDoes anyone know when the translation exports are due back?08:45
kiko-zzzStevenHarperUK, jtv should have them fixed by tomorrow08:46
StevenHarperUKwow that long -its been 3 days already,  they must have been *really broken08:46
jtvStevenHarperUK: They were...08:46
jtvStevenHarperUK: I have the fix, it just takes a lot of time to make _really sure_ it's the right one08:47
kiko-zzzwhat happened was that with the DB refactoring the distribution series opening process became broken08:47
StevenHarperUKOk thanks for  the info - ill check back tommorrow08:47
kiko-zzzand a side-effect of us running a broken import was exports breaking08:47
kiko-zzzjtv, do you think the cleanup itself will take a long time to run?08:48
StevenHarperUKAh a DB change that breaks data is not a nice job to clean up - I don't envy that job08:48
jtvkiko-zzz: it may...  I've got a test run that takes forever--but may be livelocked with another long-running query.08:50
mwhudsonhuh, codebrowse seems to be working again, after not much more significant than a bunch of restarts :/09:07
FujitsuIt's TurboGears. It can do what it wants.09:07
mwhudsondamn right09:08
mwhudsonanyways, means i can go and have breakfast09:08
* Fujitsu wonders who destroyed *.ppa10:11
FujitsuNice descriptive errors from PPA buildds: <Fault 8002: 'error'>10:15
kiko-zzzFujitsu, all of them?10:25
mwhudsonyay xml-rpc10:27
Fujitsukiko-zzz: They were all missing (no route to host or so) for a while, then some came back, some with the 'error' Fault, but I think they're all back now.10:27
FujitsuSoyuz hasn't regurgitated the builds it ate earlier, though :(10:27
FujitsuOh, the PPA buildds are gone again.10:28
* kiko-zzz frowns10:40
bigjoolsoof - cprov/infinity were doing something with them10:42
cprovFujitsu: infinity is upgrading the PPA builders 10:42
cprovFujitsu: they will be back in a bit (20 minutes or so)10:42
Fujitsucprov: Was the upgrade meant to destroy all needs-build builds and mark them superseded?10:43
cprovFujitsu: no10:44
FujitsuWell, it appears to have.10:44
kiko-zzzcprov, hmmmm. wonder if that has to do with the patch that bigjools put in last10:44
bigjoolsmy patch didn't touch builds10:45
kiko-zzzit didn't?10:45
FujitsuMaking lots and lots of builds vanish is probably inadvisable.10:45
bigjoolsyou're talking about the obsolescence thing?10:45
kiko-zzzbigjools, the patch we reviewed together. the candidate/elected patch.10:45
FujitsuSee bug #177621, /+builds with the lack of hppa backlog, https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/hardy/+source/koffice2/ for an example...10:46
ubotuLaunchpad bug 177621 in soyuz "Hundreds of builds incorrectly marked as superseded" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17762110:46
bigjoolsoh that patch10:46
TeTeTquick thumbs up for the PPA help, it's really excellent. I wanted to upload a package, forgot all of the syntax for dput and got it working within 5 mins with help of LP->PPA->Help->PPAQuickStart.12:03
=== Kmos_ is now known as Kmos
=== bigon` is now known as bigon
mtaylorany launchpad admins around who can help me out with a hosted bzr branch? 13:08
mtaylorI'm trying to do this: 13:08
mtaylorbzr upgrade --dirstate-tags bzr+ssh://monty@bazaar.launchpad.net/%7Endb-connectors/ndb-connectors/devel13:08
mtaylorwhich isn't working13:08
mtaylorso then I tried it with sftp13:09
mtaylorand then that aborted :(13:09
mtaylorso now I can't restart the sftp bit, because I get13:09
mtaylorbzr: ERROR: File exists: '/~ndb-connectors/ndb-connectors/devel/.bzr.backup': mkdir failed: unable to mkdir13:09
mtaylorso I'm guessing someone might actually have to do it there on the machine? 13:09
mtaylorit would also be great if the same upgrade could be run on /~ndb-connectors/ndb-connectors/telco-6.3, too...13:10
lamontkewl. build queue depth now seems to match hardy/needs-build for at least hppa13:16
mwhudsonmtaylor: let me grub around on the filesystem for you13:23
mtaylormwhudson: thanks13:24
mwhudsonmtaylor: the branch you want to upgrade is at revision 379?13:26
mwhudsonmtaylor: "Added tags and updated update_from_swigsvn to use them."13:26
mtaylormwhudson: sound about right13:26
mwhudsonmtaylor: done, though you'll need to make some change to the branch to trigger mirroring before you'll be able to see the difference over http:13:28
mtaylormwhudson: cool. well I've got some changes I wanted to push that it wasn't letting me... 13:28
mtaylorso let's see if it'll work now13:28
mwhudsonmtaylor: you want me to do ndb-connectors/ndb-connectors/telco-6.3 too?13:29
mtaylormwhudson: please. 13:29
mtaylorpush worked13:29
* Hobbsee waves13:30
mwhudsontelco-6.3 done too13:30
mtaylormwhudson: thanks a ton13:33
ubotuNew bug: #177653 in launchpad "Oops in new account creation" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17765313:36
ubotuNew bug: #177657 in launchpad "OOPS confirming an non validated email address using the +editemails page" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17765713:50
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-lunch
stdinplatinum buildd seems to have died14:28
kiko-zzzlook at that14:44
=== kiko-zzz is now known as kiko
kikomilestones in bug listings14:45
kikothe future is here14:45
Kmosalso rhenium builld is dead14:47
Kmosinfinity is updating them14:48
Hobbseewell then.  no need to look at why they've died.  good!14:49
kikogood ole infinity14:51
Hobbseehe even fixed one of the bugs.  woo!14:51
elmoI don't think infinity is updating them...15:08
pochuI'm getting timeouts in https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu15:43
Kmoselmo: lamont told me that15:47
lamontelmo: late my time last night there was a comment that cprov/infinity were doing some update-like activity15:48
lamont<cprov> Fujitsu: infinity is upgrading the PPA builders 15:49
lamont1042 UTC15:49
cprovlamont: nah, they are marked as 'timed out'15:50
lamontyeah - that'd be different15:50
lamontalthough, if one didn't let LP know one was managing them, ISTR they timeout... or was that connect-fail15:50
lamontthe more context-full version of things is that Kmos asked me in /query what was up, and I told him that at one point infinity was apparently updating them or something, and that, in any case, he should ask infinity, not me about them.15:51
lamont<lamont> istr infinity was upgrading them.  and launchpad gets pissy when they don't respond because they're offline...15:52
lamontadmittedly, "was" is not exactly precise.15:52
* lamont makes a note to not provide guesses about such things in the future. :(15:53
cprovlamont: Kmos: NOT OK builders rescued.15:57
cprovlamont: btw, isn't build-farm clearly faster now ?15:58
kalibhey guys...15:59
kalibI downloaded the kubuntu 8.04 with a hope...but it didn't work.. :/16:00
=== matsubara-lunch is now known as matsubara
kalibuntil 6.10 my sound was pretty cool... but when i tried the 7.10 my sound was not working...and i saw it with so many people on google who has the same problem with notebooks...16:01
kalibi was trieng the 8.04...but it's still not working... :/16:01
h4x0r7h1sfor the past like hour, TIMEOUT ERROR16:01
h4x0r7h1ssee OOPS 719F82916:01
kalibok...thanks i'll report it16:01
h4x0r7h1sI can actually go to home, then to the ubuntu project16:02
h4x0r7h1shitting bugs makes it tell me to FOAD16:02
mwhudsonh4x0r7h1s: i'm trying to get the attention of the bugs developers 16:03
mwhudsonh4x0r7h1s: ah, they know about it16:04
kalibanyone of you guys know what's goin on about this bug?? So many notebooks with ATI sound are not working...i saw so many people on google with the same problem...16:06
kikokalib, try #ubuntu16:06
kalibyou know... for a distro like (k)ubuntu, that says "the best desktop distro.." is a bad new.. :/16:06
pochukalib: 1) this is not the right place, 2) 8.04 is supposed to eat your cat, 3) file a bug.16:07
kalibkiko but...here is the place to talk about bugs, or not??16:07
pochukalib: nope.16:07
pochuThat's bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu16:07
kalibpochu i'm not talking only about 8.04... i said before... i was using 7.1016:07
kikokalib, this is the place to talk about launchpad16:07
pochukalib: #ubuntu-bugs is the right place. Let's move to there.16:08
kalibok..thanks... sorry... :/16:08
kikocprov, does bigjools know how to rescue builders himself if he needs to?16:16
cprovkiko: any buildd-admins can do it via UI ($builder/+admin)16:16
kikocprov, is he a buildd admin?16:16
kikocprov, I suggest you start documenting these things somewhere16:17
cprovkiko: uhm, let me check16:17
cprovkiko: suggestion accepted.16:17
lamontkiko: click on the name of the builder, click on 'administer buildd'16:18
lamontcprov: "Trusted  (Required)"  That should change to reflect the true meaning in the PPA-world.16:19
kikoyeah, known bug16:19
* cprov nods16:19
lamontI figured it was... it's just one of those things that anyone who goes to +admin needs to know before they update a builder... I was fortunate enough to have cprov shoulder-surfing the first time I went tehre.16:20
lamontfor a ppa buildd, taht is16:20
cprovkiko: btw, julian is a lp-buildd-admin via https://edge.launchpad.net/~soyuz-team membership16:21
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Spadsbigjools: hey, could you queue a package on dogfood to see if amd64 builds okay?18:18
bigjoolsSpads: is the amd64 dogfood builder there?  last time I looked the box had been nicked :)18:19
Spadsbigjools: yes, I nicked it18:20
bigjoolsyou put it back?18:20
kikolike magic18:20
SpadsI need to test it18:20
bigjoolsok, I'll fire off some builds, hang on18:20
* Spads nods18:20
Spadsyou won't be able to reset it18:20
Spadsbut it should be listening for builds18:21
bigjoolsmissing chroots18:21
Spadsbigjools: the builder is?18:24
bigjoolsno, dogfood18:24
bigjoolsSpads: ok selenium just got a build18:29
Spadslooking good so far...18:30
Spadshooray, it has log output now18:31
ubotuNew bug: #177717 in launchpad "+editemails needs to work when there is no preferred email" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17771718:41
kikobigjools, Spads: I can smell the dog food reheating 18:43
Spadswell, this is not even close to being in the state it once was18:44
Spadsbut the builder seems to be doing something!18:44
bdmurraykiko: hey there18:48
kikobdmurray! my god that's a ong time18:49
kikosince I've spoken to you18:52
bdmurrayah, right18:52
bdmurrayI posted this question to the launchpad users mailing list a bit ago18:52
bdmurrayand I'm trying setup the upstream relationship between "linux" and the linux kernel but I forget what I did in August18:53
bdmurraySo I'm a bit stuck it seems18:54
ubotuNew bug: #177721 in launchpad "Test suite doesn't clean up it's own tmp files" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17772118:55
ubotuNew bug: #177724 in launchpad "File upload form should give an error message before you upload a file bigger than 60MB" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17772419:05
kikobdmurray, hmmm19:07
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ubotuNew bug: #177755 in launchpad "OOPS resetting password using the open id workflow" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17775521:11
bdmurrayDoes anybody know where this bug expiry report is?22:26
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cr3_I interrupted a bzr push onto launchpad because my network connection went down and the progress was stalled. now, it seems I have a dead branch in my code section23:57
cr3_when I try to republish, I get: bzr: ERROR: Can't rename /srv/sm-ng/push-branches/00/00/1e/db/.bzr/repository/lock/pending.298gv5cps463cc3u2ko0.tmp to /srv/sm-ng/push-branches/00/00/1e/db/.bzr/repository/lock/held: /srv/sm-ng/push-branches/00/00/1e/db/.bzr/repository/lock/held already exists23:58

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