
geniiHi ... does anyone know if Marvell IDE drivers are in Hardy yet?00:06
* genii sips a coffee and supposes no one knows00:11
scizzo-genii: ahamana hubbidi whati?00:13
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scizzo-bardyr: well installing a nvidia _beta_ driver does not sound like a good idea really01:29
scizzo-bardyr: even though the kernel itself is beta....01:29
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poningruhey guys I'm seeing a particular crash pattern02:30
poningruwith compiz on02:30
poningruif I right click on a link in xchat and open link in a browser it crashes02:31
poningruI think its only if the default browser is ff 3.002:31
crdlbhave you changed the window placement mode by any chance?02:32
Hobbseeinstall debug symbols, get a backtrace?02:32
poningrucrdlb: hmm dont think so02:33
poningruhold on let me double check02:33
crdlbit = compiz right?02:33
poningruits the put window thing right?02:33
crdlbPlace Windows02:34
poningrucrdlb: yeah compiz crashes02:34
poningruI have to kill x02:34
poningruthe funny thing is mouse can move02:34
poningrunothing else works02:34
crdlbthe reason I ask is that the Random mode used to have a crasher when a window opened that was larger than the width of the screen02:34
poningruok I do have that on02:35
poningruon smart02:35
poningruwith workarounds checked02:35
crdlbyou could test if the crash still happens with that plugin disabled entirely02:36
poningruHobbsee: debbugs?02:36
poningruhmm tru hold on02:36
poningruoh hmm02:36
poningruyeah that was it02:36
ubotuFor help debugging your program, please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingProcedures02:37
poningruno that wasnt it ...02:38
poningruit just an extra sec than normal to die02:38
=== Hobbsee_ is now known as Hobbsee
HobbseePici: found the problem.03:11
PiciHobbsee: Oh?  Was it by any chance firmare?03:18
HobbseePici: it appears i'm getting hit by http://bughost.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=120903:19
ubotubughost.org bug 1209 in RF-Kill "LED won't work" [Normal,Assigned]03:19
Hobbseeapparently 'no led' && 'rf_kill switch set to on in syslog' != no wifi03:20
PiciSo... its working... but you can't actually enable it?03:20
Hobbseeoh, it's working03:20
Hobbseeit's just not visual03:20
Hobbseenm says i'm using wifi, etc03:20
PiciOkay. I'll take a look when I reboot.03:20
Hobbseemy network cable fell out, and i happened to discover this, when i got reconnected03:20
PiciVery interesting.03:21
PiciI think I shall reboot now to test...03:21
ubotuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu+1!03:29
Hammy_lolz i havnt used Ubuntu for a while since all my work was on my laptop and i really had a lot of work to do03:30
Hammy_i have V 7.1003:30
compwiz187.10 is in #ubuntu, this is for 8.04 :)03:31
Hammy_for some reason when i enter the command to get the sources list it wont open...does any1 have any idea what im doing wronge? this is the command i enter [sudo vi /etc/apt/sources.list]03:31
compwiz18works fine for me, Hammy_03:31
Tm_THammy_: read topic03:32
Hammy_wow i didnt even know 8.04 came out...it doesn't say so on the website lolz...well i guess ill just update it03:32
Hobbseeit....hasn't come out.03:32
Hammy_i just realized that lolz03:32
compwiz188.04 comes out in april03:32
Hammy_well...whats wronge with my command?03:33
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about aolspeak - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi03:33
ubotuPlease don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks.03:33
HobbseeHammy_: no idea, but you're in the wrong room.03:33
Tm_THobbsee: you're welcome03:33
Hobbsee!aolspeak is <alias> lol03:33
ubotuI'll remember that, Hobbsee03:33
Hobbseethanks Tm_T03:33
Hammy_okay...cya bye03:34
Hobbseewow.  a good candidate to win the clueless and annoying award...03:34
* Hobbsee would suggest a) no vi or b) wrongly spelt, as he's managed to misspell a lot of other things03:35
DanaGHmm, has anybody released Firefox 3.0b2 debs somewhere?03:48
PiciHobbsee: FYI, it didn't 'just work' for me.  I now have 2 listed wifi adapters.  One as wlan0_rename, that works, and another as eth1 (which was what my wifi was in .22).  http://pastebin.com/f5818a9ec is the output from ifconfig03:50
DanaGdang, launchpad is down.03:53
DanaGThat interface naming thing is probably a matter of editing cat /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules03:54
HobbseePici: yeah, i have wlan0_rename03:55
nenolodis it just me, or is the compiz in hardy more crashprone than the one in gutsy?03:59
Hobbseenenolod: it's from git, so...03:59
Hobbseenenolod: which video card?03:59
nenolodHobbsee, nVidia GeForce 8600GTS03:59
crdlbthere seems to be a problem with the animation plugin that causes lockups for some people03:59
Hobbseeapparently animations does it04:00
crdlbI haven't had it04:00
nenolodwell it locks up when i switch windows; and i have to shell in and killall -9 compiz.real04:00
crdlbswitching windows indeed invokes animation04:00
nenolodthen it falls back to icky metacity which isn't great :P04:00
PiciBetter than completely taking everything with it04:00
* nenolod is only using compiz because it manages his windows better than metacity04:01
crdlbit will eventually be possible to run compiz without the bling ;)04:01
nenolodwell i like the compositing manager part of compiz :P04:01
PiciAlthough I personally like the eyecandy, it is a nice window manager.04:01
PiciI did say that correctly, didn't I?04:02
crdlbthe goal is to do the possible (be everything to everybody) :P04:02
crdlbway to completely change the meaning...04:02
posingaspopularhey all, does anyone know what kernel fiesty is running?04:22
DarkMageZposingaspopular, 2.6.22 or 2.6.24 depending on when you last updated.04:23
posingaspopularokay. as long as it 2.6+ i  know how to run it in a VM04:24
posingaspopularthanks DarkMageZ04:24
HobbseeSysinfo for 'LongPointyStick': Linux 2.6.24-2-generic running KDE 3.5.8, CPU: GenuineIntel(R)CPUT2250@1.73GHz at 1733 MHz (3458 bogomips), HD: 34/71GB, RAM: 1409/2018MB, 141 proc's, 2.45h up04:31
Hobbsee^ that04:31
Hobbseedarn, i missed04:31
DarkMageZHobbsee, only kde 3.5.8?04:47
HobbseeDarkMageZ: i'm running konvi on gnome.04:48
DarkMageZi was expecting you to be running kde 4 :p04:49
* DarkMageZ loads amarok 204:52
Hobbseeit's still being uplaoded every few days05:00
* DanaG can't install the 'kde4' metapackage.05:01
DanaGIt depends on kdeedu 4.something.05:02
bardyr!info nvidia-glx-new05:38
ubotunvidia-glx-new: NVIDIA binary XFree86 4.x/X.Org 'new' driver. In component restricted, is optional. Version 100.14.19+ (hardy), package size 4896 kB, installed size 14848 kB05:38
DrUnKnMuNkYhey anyone around? my apt is totally broken. i have the output for sudo apt-get install -yf at http://pastebin.ca/82483705:44
crimsunDrUnKnMuNkY: that looks like a disk or FS issue; have you tried simply --reinstall'ing?05:46
DrUnKnMuNkYcrimsun: not sure what you mean by that. reinstall the whole os?05:47
crimsunDrUnKnMuNkY: no, apt-get --reinstall install foo, or aptitude reinstall foo, ...05:47
DrUnKnMuNkYi'll give it a try05:47
DrUnKnMuNkYcrimsun: can't seem to get anything to work using that. i get this when i try sudo aptitude reinstall: E: I wasn't able to locate file for the x11-common package. This might mean you need to manually fix this package.05:53
crimsunsudo dpkg -i /path/to/x11-common...deb05:54
DrUnKnMuNkYcrimsun: i got a whole long list of errors like in the pastebin log followed by: E: I wasn't able to locate file for the x11-common package. This might mean you need to manually fix this package.05:56
DrUnKnMuNkYsorry wrong paste 1 sec05:56
DrUnKnMuNkYthis is the error at the end of that command:05:56
DrUnKnMuNkYPreparing to replace x11-common 1:7.3+7ubuntu3 (using .../x11-common_1%3a7.3+8ubuntu1_i386.deb) ...05:56
DrUnKnMuNkYUnpacking replacement x11-common ...05:56
DrUnKnMuNkYdpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/x11-common_1%3a7.3+8ubuntu1_i386.deb (--install):05:57
DrUnKnMuNkY unable to create updated files list file for package x11-common: No such file or directory05:57
DrUnKnMuNkYErrors were encountered while processing:05:57
DrUnKnMuNkY /var/cache/apt/archives/x11-common_1%3a7.3+8ubuntu1_i386.deb05:57
crimsunthere are parameters you can pass to dpkg to forcibly perform emergency maintenance operations05:58
stdinmake sure /var/lib/dpkg/info/ exists, it sounds like it's not finding it06:00
DrUnKnMuNkYstdin: it doesn't seem to. just create the folder?06:00
stdinyeah, give it a go06:01
crimsunthat really smells of a hardware or FS issue06:01
DrUnKnMuNkYit seems to be going now. trying an apt-get upgrade and it seems to be going through with no trouble now06:03
DrUnKnMuNkYsome weird stuff in general started happening when i tried booting with the 2.6.24-1 kernel. nothing worked properly so i went back to the 2.6.22-14 kernel but strange stuff like this and wireless problems popped up06:04
stdinI'd fsck the partitions for a start, directories don't just disappear for no reason06:04
DrUnKnMuNkYalright i'll do that tonight. thanks for the help06:05
=== ktogias_ is now known as ktogias
Tretleanything benificially different between hardy and gutsy yet?06:24
Tm_Tmore crashes!06:25
* Tm_T hides06:25
compwiz18um... it dies faster?06:25
DrUnKnMuNkYapt/various packages have broken on me pretty much daily06:25
DrUnKnMuNkYwireless died yesterday06:25
DanaGI allllllways make sure to read changelogs before installing updates.06:26
Tretlehmmmmmm..... nothing interesting yet then06:26
Tretletelepathy as default?06:27
DrUnKnMuNkYhardy's more of a stability release... not as many new features as gutsy06:27
DanaGNaah, I'd rather have telekinesis.06:27
Tretlehmmmm... what about the theme?06:28
DrUnKnMuNkYno idea.. mine's completely changed from the default06:28
* DanaG hasn't had apport offer any bug reports in over 6 months, despite having had plenty of crashes over that period.06:31
DanaGHeh, one would think a site about avant-window-navigator would work properly in Firefox.07:07
DanaGBut nope.07:07
LimCoreubuntu is fucking annoying07:12
LimCoreyet there is an easy way to fix it, how about it?07:12
stdin!language | LimCore07:12
ubotuLimCore: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.07:12
LimCore(disable PC speaker making %^&*( sounds from UI and from bash)07:13
=== Tomcat_` is now known as Tomcat_
DanaGblacklist pcspkr.07:23
DanaGThat's how you disable that beep.07:23
david__any one have web server08:10
david__can help me08:11
Richieask the question, if someone knows they'll reply08:11
david__i do apache when i do http://localhst is working08:11
david__i do port 80 on the linux server08:12
david__know what i need to do08:12
david__my domin name is08:12
Richiewel that depends, you can install php and mysql or you can just leave it as it is and put your webfiles in ya web root folder08:13
david__yes but why when i do www.davidtanti.com is not go to web page08:14
david__when i do www.davidtanti.com i go to my cisco router08:14
Richie its gone to the webpage for me08:14
david__you test from your site08:14
RichieApache/2.2.4 (Ubuntu) Server at davidtanti.com Port 8008:14
david__yes right08:14
Richiedomain works fine for me08:15
david__if you go to browser what do you have08:15
RichieIndex of /08:15
Richie[ICO]NameLast modifiedSizeDescription08:15
Richie[DIR]apache2-default/20-Nov-2004 21:16 -08:15
RichieApache/2.2.4 (Ubuntu) Server at davidtanti.com Port 8008:15
david__i see08:15
david__why i cant see from my site riche08:15
david__if i go to my web browsere i cant see it08:15
david__it ask me to lock to my cisco router08:16
Richieim not sure if it might be because your on the network of the router08:24
Richieim not sure how cisco routers work08:24
Richiebut perhaps accessing port 80 locally points to the router?08:24
pwnguinhow do i figure out why a package won't upgrade?08:31
Richienot sure if its the right way but...08:38
Richiei do sudo apt-get install <package name>08:38
Richieand it will tell you wht08:38
pwnguin  nvidia-glx-new: Depends: xserver-xorg-core (>= 1:0.99.0-1) but it is not going to be installed08:45
pwnguinim pretty sure i have a version newer than that08:46
Richieyeh you probably do...it is the same for me...but its happened for many packages...not sure why it does but it will let you update sooner or later08:47
pwnguini guess its being worked on08:47
pwnguinbug 17760908:47
ubotuLaunchpad bug 177609 in linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24 "nvidia-glx won't upgrade" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17760908:47
Richieim not updating my kernel until thats sorted out either way08:49
pwnguinit works08:51
pwnguinjust isnt the latest08:51
pwnguin10170 frames in 5.0 seconds = 2033.807 FPS08:51
pwnguinLinux jldugger-laptop 2.6.24-2-generic #1 SMP Fri Dec 14 00:02:38 GMT 2007 i686 GNU/Linux08:51
david__my problem is that when i do www.davidtanti.com is go to my router ask me for user name and password of router09:00
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ActySoftsis there any chance of getting OSSv4 in hardy?09:49
ActySoftsmaybe as a question by the installer, whether to install OSS or ALSA (for advanced users)09:50
ActySoftswell? is anybody alive here?09:53
Richieim dead too09:57
ActySoftsI see09:57
david__hello frends i am var www i need to delate a folder but i cant have the permasion what can i do10:30
david__i need to remove the apache logo to put my10:30
david__ any one can help10:34
Richieyou could type sudo nautilus to give the file browser root powers10:35
Richieor type chown <username> /var/www to make you there owner10:35
theunixgeekPersonally, this is my favorite theme design: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Incoming/Hardy/Alternate/Ubuntu_new11:22
Le-Chuck_ITAhi there, I have the following in /etc/apt/preferences:  http://pastebin.com/m5c669 , but no matter whatever change I do, when I do apt-get update; apt-get dist-upgrade apt wants to upgrade my whole system11:46
Le-Chuck_ITAI just want to keep the hardy source to install the new kernel and test it when I am asked to from bug reports11:46
Le-Chuck_ITAok I did that :)11:50
stone-unixis  it the day for alpha 2?11:53
=== bigon` is now known as bigon
bardyrhappy alpha2 release day :)15:43
bardyr!info nvidia-glx-new15:43
ubotunvidia-glx-new: NVIDIA binary XFree86 4.x/X.Org 'new' driver. In component restricted, is optional. Version 100.14.19+ (hardy), package size 4896 kB, installed size 14848 kB15:43
bardyrany ETA on the alpha 2 images?16:16
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chowmeinedalpha 2 released yet?17:16
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=== TuX is now known as TuX_Claudiu
=== Pici` is now known as Pici
atoponcehardy is not an lts release?19:48
atoponceor is this just kubuntu?19:49
naliothatoponce: ?19:53
atoponcenalioth: -ops19:53
PiciSo, kubuntu 8.04 will not be LTS.  Discuss.19:54
atoponcewhere does that put those who are running 6.06?19:54
atoponcewill they be out of support until the next lts?19:55
Pici"Users currently running Kubuntu 6.06 will be able to upgrade through19:55
Picithe usual path to Kubuntu 8.04, keeping to the KDE 3.5 release series,19:55
Piciand will receive the usual 18 months of support for that19:55
crdlbwell you'll at least get the next year19:55
Pici!paste > Pici19:55
atoponceahh. yeah. that makes sense. so they'll get 18 months.19:55
atoponcethat should be enough then to get them to the lts19:55
PiciWell.. That is if 8.10 is LTS.19:56
Picior 9.0419:56
tonyyarussoPici: Presumably though if they run LTS, they don't WANT 18 month releases...19:56
Picitonyyarusso: I agree 100%19:56
crdlbI really doubt kubuntu 8.10 would be19:56
PiciI hope Kubuntu won't move out of sync permanently with regards to LTS releases19:57
atoponcei thought canonical backed the kubuntu project. is this not the case?19:57
tonyyarussoWouldn't it have made more sense to leave KDE4 stuff in universe or whatever, make it an LTS, and then have KDE4 the only option but more solid and default for Hardy+1, like we normally do such things?19:57
atoponceor is the decision to not make kubuntu 8.04 lts based on kde 419:58
tonyyarussoatoponce: perhaps - it also looked at one time like they were going to be on track to more officially get behind Xubuntu, but now are backing away from that19:58
Piciatoponce: Looks like its kde4 thats pushing them to not make it LTS.19:58
atoponcedon't know if i like that decision19:59
tonyyarussoIf users have the option of 3.5 or 4, in some separated fashion, shouldn't 3.5 users still be considered an LTS?19:59
* tonyyarusso is a Gnome user, but this is weird19:59
PiciAlthough... What exactly differentiates an Ubuntu 8.04 system with kubuntu-desktop installed with a Kubuntu 8.04 system?  (besides one also having gnome)?19:59
atoponcePici: well, that's my question19:59
tonyyarussoI'm sure it would make things like phone support a lot harder for those who have contracts, but things like security updates should be the same.20:00
atoponceif i install ubuntu-desktop for 8.04, i get the lts, but what happens when i install kubuntu-desktop for 8.04?20:00
atoponceon the same system, that is?20:00
tonyyarussosomerville32: Seems your "inherently makes" assumption is wrong this time20:01
tonyyarussoatoponce: "that voids your warranty - you shouldn't have removed the sticker"20:01
atoponceseriously though. are they going to just support certain packages?20:02
atoponcethis is all too confusing20:02
somerville32tonyyarusso, Although Canonical might not be investing efforts to maintain Kubuntu as an LTS, they archive will still be "open" for ubuntu.20:02
nixternalKubuntu 8.04 will not be LTS, Ubuntu 8.04 will be20:02
enycnixternal: interesting20:03
atoponcenixternal: right. so what happens if i install ubuntu-desktop and kubuntu-desktop on the same machine?20:03
Picinixternal: What about Ubuntu with kubuntu-desktop installed? Or whatever the 8.04 metapackage will be called?20:03
atoponcedo i have lts or not?20:03
tonyyarussonixternal: we're trying to figure out how that doesn't just drop Kubuntu users on their face20:03
somerville32Pici, Canonical doesn't support all packages in main20:03
atoponceso many questions. :)20:03
* Pici picks up jaw from floor20:03
nixternalI don't do the support stuff, so that is up to Canonical to decide what they will do in those instances20:04
tonyyarussoWhy are you non-LTS even if you install the 3.5 option?20:04
nixternalremember that LTS is ONLY SECURITY FIXES!20:04
atoponcethat's all it is after freeze20:04
atoponcelts or not, no?20:04
tonyyarussoand SRU stuff for other major bugs20:04
nixternalif a security issue arises with KDE 3.5, you can be safe in assuming it will get fixed20:04
nixternalbut for crash bugs and what not, that is a different story20:05
somerville32Kubuntu might not get the LTS label but it'll still be possible to treat it as a LTS because Kubuntu shares the same repository as Ubuntu20:05
PiciI echo somerville32 but add a ? at the end20:05
atoponcei'm not a kde user, but i can't help but think most would rather wait on kde4 for 8.10 and get lts in 8.04. maybe not though.20:06
somerville32If they're still uploading to the hardy archives, they're not going to say "Oh sorry, we're not going to let you upload that security fix because that package has the letter K in it" :P20:06
somerville32So, who is saying Kubuntu isn't an LTS? The Kubuntu CC or Canonical?20:07
nixternalatoponce: if Kubuntu did that, then we would be light years behind the rest of the KDE distributions20:07
* Pici tries to put all the worms back in the can20:07
Yorokobinixternal, what about putting KDE4 into a seperate repository for 8.04 (ie, hardy-backports)20:08
atoponcenixternal: true. so would it be possible to push lts to 8.10 then?20:08
tonyyarussonixternal: meanwhile, what's up with your blog?20:08
PiciI think we killed it20:08
nixternalYorokobi: even then, with the limited amount of Kubuntu developers, we would still be light years behind20:08
hydrogenI sure hope that kde4 isn't default for 8.0420:08
* hydrogen just came in20:08
somerville32nixternal, So, who is saying Kubuntu isn't an LTS? The Kubuntu CC or Canonical?20:08
nixternalI am sure that Canonical did some testing and communicated with their partners, clients, and customers before reaching such a decision20:08
nixternalthe decision was made by them, not Kubuntu20:08
nixternalCanonical/Technical Board supposedly made the decision20:09
atoponcenixternal: who has kde4 now? is it even released?20:09
nixternal22 days20:09
atoponceonly the rolling distro though, like gentoo or foresight. fedora will be behind, as will the other frozen distros20:10
atoponceso technically, kubuntu wouldn't be that far behind20:10
atoponceit just wouldn't be first20:10
somerville32nixternal, Does the Kubuntu CC want it to be an LTS?20:10
nixternalsomerville32: we just got the news today, we haven't even had the chance to decypher everything20:11
nixternalwe would consider the 3.5 release as an LTS20:11
nixternalbut we wouldn't be able to push to both unless we had the support that Ubuntu has20:11
somerville32nixternal, Because really, The Kubuntu CC could declare it LTS themselves if they were willing to take up the responsibilities involved.20:11
nixternalthe funny thing is this, when we said we weren't going to do it, people complained, now that we say we are doing it, people complain20:12
PiciI dont know if they have the ability to do that20:12
nixternalthank you Pici20:12
Yorokobinixternal, yeah, but different people are complaining now :)20:12
PiciHeck, we dont even use KDE.20:13
nixternalthat's life20:13
* Yorokobi left the Live-on-the-bleeding-edge camp some time ago20:13
atoponcei'm not complaining, just curious about all the arguments20:13
nixternalKubuntu has been the "Live-on-the-bleeding-edge" distro for quite some time now, nothing new, except that the possibility of no 3 year support20:13
nixternalbut let me ask you, who is still using Kubuntu Dapper right now?20:14
nixternalwhy not use Edgy? Feisty? Gutsy?20:14
tonyyarussoI'm more vastly confused than complaining.20:15
YorokobiGutsy caused the HDDs to park heads all the time, Feisty and Edgy don't have problems. I would answer "Why not?" Dapper works for me.20:15
atoponcetonyyarusso: it's simple. run gnome, and you needent worry. :)20:16
* atoponce adornes his flame retardant suit20:16
tonyyarussoatoponce: That's what I do, actually.  Still though.20:16
* nalioth runs enlightenment-cvs-dr1720:22
=== ktogias__ is now known as ktogias
anonymous3420Apparently alpha 2 was supposed to be released today21:02
anonymous3420i cant find it21:02
askandWill hardy have firefox 3 as default?21:05
kaurIs there already a working download link for alpha 2 somewhere?21:20
ppsnothing on cdimage.ubuntu.com21:21
askandWill hardy have catalyst 7.11?21:33
theunixgeekWhen's alpha 2 coming? :(21:35
theunixgeekIt should've been out today! :(21:36
askandtheunixgeek:  maybe it is delayed :)21:36
theunixgeekaskand: it is!?21:36
askandtheunixgeek: I have no idea...has been before might be again21:37
connhi, has anyone noticed that gtk/gnome apps have become quite sluggish lately, especially noticeable when opening menu items? It's present on intel and nvidia graphics, so it doesn't seem to be a driver issue22:13

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