
TorgotonI know this isn't a support room, but nobody in #ubuntu is able to help. I can't even get the installer to start, and I've been installing Linux for years. Is someone up for a challenge?01:25
TorgotonHere's the startup and nearly immediate crash log: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/48887/ (had to capture with serial console)01:26
finchx6anyone here??01:48
cjwatson_argh, Torgoton left again02:26
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cjwatsonI've helped him by /msg; he wanted the separate 386 build of the installer, http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/gutsy/main/installer-i386/current/images/netboot/386/mini.iso02:28
TorgotonShall I try again here?02:40
bluszczi've created dapper server install with new kernel 2.6.22, but installer shouts "lack of kernel modules". anyone can help me?07:24
cjwatsonbluszcz: porting dapper to 2.6.22 is very very hard. Unless you're already an installer expert (in which case you won't need help) I would strongly advise not attempting it.10:47
cjwatsonbluszcz: what is the hardware problem that is leading you to do this?10:47
thoreauputicI realise that this is not a support channel, but I have a rather developer-like issue and I'm wondering if anyone can point me at some docs. I have made a live CD based on 7.04 and am trying to create a simple install to hard disk option.11:00
thoreauputicGoogle is not helping me :) The wiki concentrates on graphical and usb installs, etc...11:01
thoreauputicWhat should I read?11:01
thoreauputicOh, the CD is withour X - http://inx.maincontent.net "INX IS Not X"11:03
cjwatsonfeisty's ubiquity didn't really have anything resembling a text mode11:05
cjwatsongutsy's is getting there, but whether you can run that on feisty ...11:06
thoreauputiccjwatson: hi11:06
cjwatsonyou could try starting by backporting gutsy's ubiquity, I gues11:06
thoreauputiccjwatson: I naively supposed that I could dump the loop mounted filesystem.squashfs onto the drive..11:06
cjwatsonwell, that's the core of ubiquity, but it kind of has to do some other stuff too :)11:07
thoreauputicthere'e an initrd mismatch or something of the sort?11:07
cjwatsonyou have to configure locales, timezones, username/password11:07
cjwatsonyou have to do partitioning11:07
cjwatsonyou have to remove the installer itself from the system after you've copied it11:07
cjwatsonbunch of stuff like that11:07
thoreauputiccjwatson: that's OK - first I just need it to boot :)11:07
cjwatsonI suspect that if you try, you'll end up reinventing ubiquity11:08
thoreauputicwhich is why I'm here :)11:08
cjwatsonI'm not interested in helping people reinvent ubiquity ;-)11:08
thoreauputicand I'm pleased that you are taking the time to talk to me, thanks11:08
cjwatsonlike I say, I would start by backporting gutsy's ubiquity, and work from there ...11:08
thoreauputicI don't want to reinvent anything!11:08
cjwatsonthere are likely to be a few issues like console-setup mismatch11:09
thoreauputicOK, so this is not trivial...11:09
thoreauputicobviously :)11:09
cjwatsonunfortunately not yet11:09
thoreauputicThe partitiobing I have working adequately11:10
cjwatsonoh, hmm, even in gutsy there's only a noninteractive frontend, bah11:10
cjwatsonI got confused11:10
cjwatsonI'd actually like somebody to write a decent text frontend11:10
thoreauputicThis CD is aimed at helping people become familiar with CLI11:11
thoreauputicplus have some fun with thr framebuffer ( mplayer etc)11:11
thoreauputichttp://inx.maincontent.net/album/1.png.html  <-- slideshow of the CD in action11:16
cjwatsonyeah, I'd really love to have a better answer here in ubiquity11:16
cjwatsonwe just don't really as yet11:16
thoreauputicwill ubiquity run on directfb ? :)11:17
cjwatsonhmm, just uses gtk, don't see why it shouldn't11:17
cjwatsonPaging the Man> haha11:18
thoreauputiccjwatson: so far all the doc I have read on directfb are either incomprehensible or impossible with the available Ubuntu packages11:18
thoreauputiccjwatson: I make heavy use of GNU Screen :)11:20
thoreauputicon INX11:20
cjwatsonI think you have to relink it against gtk+-directfb11:20
cjwatsonwhich might involve producing rebuilt versions of python-gtk and ubiquity11:20
thoreauputicOK I'm out of my depth, I fear11:20
thoreauputicSo, there's no relatively straightforward method for writing a shell script that puts a simple live CD without X onto the hard drive? I can do it from an ordnary install of course...11:22
cjwatsonso, you could certainly look at ubiquity/scripts/install.py and clone the bits that copy everything across11:23
cjwatsonif you're booting with casper, then the read-only part of the CD should be in /rofs11:23
thoreauputicBy the way, the Gutsy kernel is a pain to get working with framebuffer ( yes, ive read the bug)11:24
cjwatsonso using 'cp -a' on that should be a good start11:24
thoreauputiccjwatson: yes I already did that - also tried loop mounting the casper/filesystem.squashfs11:24
thoreauputicboth produce an apparently complete file system, but neither noots from hard drive11:25
thoreauputicwith grub pointing in the right direction, of course11:25
cjwatsonyou'll probably need to chroot /blah update-initramfs11:25
cjwatsonsee the configure_hardware function in ubiquity/scripts/install.py11:26
thoreauputicand how do I get grub to recognise the hard drive from the chroot?11:26
cjwatsonthat also has to fix up the kernel symlinks11:26
cjwatsonso do check the code, since it's not entirely trivial11:27
cjwatsonbind-mounting /proc and /dev into the chroot should do it11:27
thoreauputicOK - so the initrd and vmlinuz are not the right ones by default, correct?11:27
cjwatson(mount --bind /proc /target/proc etc.)11:27
thoreauputicOK thanks - I'' look at all that11:27
thoreauputic* I'll11:28
thoreauputicthe alternative ( not very nice for most users) is to use debootstrap and download the whole thing, followed by config etc.11:29
thoreauputiccjwatson: thanks for the pointers - I shall delve more deeply :)11:30
xivuloncjwatson you think you can merge the wubi patches after alpha2?11:33
xivulonI'd like to have everything ready for alpha3 if possible11:33
thoreauputiccjwatson: thanks for your help - I shall leave you in peace now :) Hope you have a good holiday!11:35
cjwatsonxivulon: I'll see what I can do, but I don't want to promise anything as for almost all of that time I'll be on holiday11:36
cjwatsonxivulon: evand might be around for some of that time, and he's core-dev now11:36
cjwatsonthoreauputic: if you do find that doing a text frontend for ubiquity is the right answer, we'd be more than happy to work on merging it11:36
thoreauputiccjwatson: So far I'm really only an amateur bash scripter - if I learn more I might actually become useful at some stage :)11:37
thoreauputicI have a couple of people looking at the installer project - obe of them might come up with something, you never know11:38
thoreauputiccjwatson: I've looked at "bootcd" and "debian-live", but neither of them are as useful as casper as far as i can see11:40
thoreauputicalthough I know debian-live used casper at some stage11:41
cjwatsondebian-live uses something called live-initramfs which is a fork of casper11:42
cjwatsonbut for Ubuntu it's better to use casper, I suspect11:42
cjwatsonthough somebody should work on merging back changes11:42
thoreauputicanyway, thanks again - I'm off to Google. :)11:43
xivuloncjwatson: sure, I'll bother evand11:49
CIA-22ubiquity: cjwatson * r2397 ubiquity/ (debian/changelog scripts/install.py ubiquity/osextras.py):11:55
CIA-22ubiquity: * udev 117 merged all udev tools into a single binary called udevadm.11:55
CIA-22ubiquity:  Check for this and use it instead of udevinfo if available.11:55
CIA-22grub-installer: cjwatson * r720 ubuntu/ (debian/changelog grub-installer):11:59
CIA-22grub-installer: * udev 117 merged all udev tools into a single binary called udevadm.11:59
CIA-22grub-installer:  Check for this and use it instead of udevinfo if available.11:59
CIA-22partman-basicfilesystems: cjwatson * r553 ubuntu/ (debian/changelog init.d/auto_mountpoints):12:01
CIA-22partman-basicfilesystems: * udev 117 merged all udev tools into a single binary called udevadm.12:01
CIA-22partman-basicfilesystems:  Check for this and use it instead of udevinfo if available.12:01
cjwatsonxivulon: for future reference, please use 'diff -u' when generating patches; diff's default output is not very good for most purposes12:33
xivuloncjwatson: np, let me know if you need me to regenerate the current diffs12:53
cjwatsonwouldn't hurt but probably isn't necessary12:54
xivulonI can do that tonight12:58
xivulonfor update-grub you can also diff against http://codebrowse.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-installer/lupin/hardy/annotate/ago%40nbago-20071212234211-5cirxnh5zfkgqvzh?file_id=updategrub-20071021190150-hexwoe8fo26l1f9b-1012:58
xivulonand for autopartition-loop http://codebrowse.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-installer/wubi/hardy/annotate/ago%40nbago-20071211014514-8sofvucs11hvdfwy?file_id=autopartitionloop-20071008002841-x6i7u2jcizw74pyu-713:00
xivulonupdate-grub above should address bug 17577213:01
ubotuLaunchpad bug 175772 in grub "Update-grub does not set kopt correctly in loopinstallations" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17577213:01
xivulonautopartition-loop bug 17601913:01
ubotuLaunchpad bug 176019 in partman-auto-loop "Disk images might be generated on the Windows side" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17601913:01
xivulonI would not put such patches onto alpha2 though13:02
xivulonlupin/hardy (casper+lupin-support) would also need to be used in the CD13:11
xivulonlupin-support should almost vanish after the patches are in13:12
cjwatsoncould you please add entries to debian/changelog when committing to lupin? Saves me having to write them after the fact for you :-)13:14
bluszczcjwatson: i manage it@13:21
bluszczi finally create my own dapper with new kernel13:21
bluszczcjwatson: some times ago i was debian maintainer ;)13:21
cjwatsondid you backport udev too?13:22
bluszczcjwatson: not yet, but actually parts needed by me works fine (installer with new kernel, udeb files)13:23
bluszczcjwatson: it wasn't hard13:24
bluszczcjwatson: tricky was, because some pkg-list/config has been changed in di13:24
cjwatsonthis is why I don't advise it to non-experts - you have to keep track of the changes there and get it just right13:27
xivuloncjwatson: sure, (slowly) getting up to speed with established procedures ;P13:46
xivulonwhen will 2.6.24 land on the daily builds?13:50
cjwatsonI think it's already there14:08
cjwatsonsubject to build failures14:08
cjwatsonAFAICS today's daily builds have it14:11
xivulonnice! wanted to check whether the hanging bugs are gone!14:14
cjwatsonI'm pretty sure these dailies are very raw so you may run into other issues14:17
CIA-22ubiquity: cjwatson * r2398 ubiquity/ (aclocal.m4 configure configure.ac): bump to 1.7.314:25
xivuloncjwatson, possibly the most urgent patches for me are the new lupin/casper hooks and update-grub14:26
xivulonwithout stable hook interface it's difficult to release anything, and update-grub is annoying to go around, all the rest I can keep overriding until the patches are upstream14:28
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CarlFKdoes the u-server installer use the same kernel as the alt cd installer?20:44
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nijabahello. anybody knows a way to add a source in a ks or preseed autoinstall (apart from doing it in the post-install)?22:41
=== cr3_ is now known as cr3
CarlFKnijaba: yeah... hang on23:04
* nijaba is hanging on23:05
cjwatsonnijaba: source as in sources.list? 'd-i apt-setup/local0/repository string http://example.com/ubuntu gutsy main'23:14
CarlFK# Additional repositories, local[0-9] available23:14
CarlFKd-i apt-setup/local0/repository string deb http://local.server/ubuntu feisty main23:14
nijabathanks to both of you23:14
cjwatsonthe quote CarlFK gives is from the installation guide but unfortunately contains a mistake (in the guide itself)23:14
cjwatsonyou have to omit the 'deb '23:14
cjwatsonthis has been corrected upstream23:14
cjwatsonCarlFK: same kernel> yes, during installation; it installs a different one though23:15
nijabawhich part of the installation guide?  I search for it before asking23:15
nijabafound it...23:16
nijabaTime to go to bed, it was in front of me !23:16
xivulonis it ok to edit the debian changelog manually?23:53
xivuloncjwatson for autopartition-loop I could commit to a new partman-auto-loop branch if you prefer23:57

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