
=== clever is now known as clever[rev]
=== clever[rev] is now known as clever
=== chuck__ is now known as zul
cleverzul: want to help me debug a kernel panic?00:11
zulcant right now00:11
cleverwhy not?00:12
zulbecause im busy right now00:13
=== TheMuso_ is now known as TheMuso
Keybuksdhci, mmc_core, etc. are loaded03:09
Keybukbut nothing happens when I insert an SD card03:09
=== asac__ is now known as asac
cleverKeybuk: depends on your reader03:16
cleversome readers may just emulate a plain usb disk and hide the SD/mmc layer03:16
Keybuknothing from udev or in dmesg03:17
Keybuk(other than the things that made it load those modules in the first place)03:18
=== asac_ is now known as asac
=== reynaldo_ is now known as reynaldo
bluszczi've created dapper server install with new kernel 2.6.22, but installer shouts "lack of kernel modules". anyone can help me?07:24
dade`the linux-source apt-packages should contain all patches for xen kernel build too ?14:43
dade`'cause i'm using a 2.6.22-12 kernel and I can't see *XEN* in .config14:43
cleveri dont beleive the proper config comes in the source package14:52
cleveryou need to take a config from /boot/14:52
cleverthen make oldconfig14:53
dade`i did that14:53
dade`but there is nothing about xen in the config14:53
dade`so i was wandering which source generates the -xen image14:53
cleverand you took the config for the xen image?14:53
clever/boot/config-2.6.15-29-386 would give the config for linux-image-2.6.15-29-38614:54
cleveryou may want /boot/config-2.6.22-12-xen14:54
cleverwhich you will probly only get when the linux-image-2.6.22-12-xen is installed14:55
dade`hm you're right14:55
dade`but there is not -12-xen package aviable14:55
cleverfind a older -xen image14:55
dade`hm ok14:55
cleverand home the old config keeps working on newer source14:55
clevermost code should work with older config14:56
cleverbut newer additions may not be enabled14:56
dade`i can review 'em14:56
=== casey_zzz is now known as elcasey
elcaseyI'm having trouble with the "usbhid" module...it's either not installed or something seems wrong with it. Anyone willing to help out?15:42
mjg59elcasey: You need separate modprobe commands for each module15:49
mjg59usbhid is included with the kernel images15:50
elcaseymjg59: so I can't modprobe multiple modules on a single line?16:02
mjg59elcasey: Correct16:03
elcaseythis may have worked16:03
* elcasey checks16:03
elcaseydo I need to do a depmod now or somethign?16:03
elcaseywell I did three separate lines for joydev, usbhid and xpad and it doesn't seem to have worked16:04
elcaseythree modprobes, that is16:04
elcaseyi'll check the tutorial again and do it with separate lines instead of all on one16:05
elcaseybugger...I still get no such device for /dev/input/js016:06
elcaseythe guy who wrote the howto claims you need to reboot, but that doesn't seem right to me16:07
zdzichuBGecryptfs in 2.6.24-1-generic is broken? AES is unavailable...17:54
=== chuck__ is now known as zul
tseliotBenC: I have added a new section to the wiki:18:01
tseliotthe section is titled: Possible Solutions to the problems between Envy and the LRM18:01
zulBenC: ping18:01
BenCtseliot: ok, cool18:01
BenCzul: ?18:01
zulBenC, chuck@homer:~$ uname -a18:02
zulLinux homer 2.6.24-rc4-xen #4 SMP Thu Dec 20 10:28:20 EST 2007 i686 GNU/Linux18:02
BenCgood deal18:02
zulnow just to do rc518:03
tseliotif you agree with the changes I suggested there then I will start making patches for lrm18:03
tseliotBenC: of course when you have the time.18:04
tjaaltonBenC: did you notice my questions yesterday on #u-d / read the mail about l-r-m on u-d?19:28
=== asac_ is now known as asac

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