
theunixgeekWhen's the next meeting?00:53
ubotuSchedule for Etc/UTC: 20 Dec 14:00: Desktop Team Development | 21 Dec 12:00: MOTU meeting | 02 Jan 12:00: Edubuntu meeting | 09 Jan 20:00: Edubuntu meeting | 10 Jan 14:00: Desktop Team Development | 16 Jan 12:00: Edubuntu meeting00:54
theunixgeekwhat's the current UTC time?00:54
The-KernelI think00:56
The-Kernelnot sure00:56
somerville32Pretty sure it is 00:5800:57
ubotuCurrent time in Etc/UTC: December 20 2007, 01:00:31 - Next meeting: Desktop Team Development in 12 hours 59 minutes01:00
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=== ubotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Current meeting: Desktop Team Development Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 21 Dec 12:00 UTC: MOTU meeting | 02 Jan 12:00 UTC: Edubuntu meeting | 09 Jan 20:00 UTC: Edubuntu meeting | 10 Jan 14:00 UTC: Desktop Team Development | 16 Jan 12:00 UTC: Edubuntu meeting
Keybuktedg: morning13:56
tedgKeybuk: good afternoon.13:57
Keybukmvo_, Riddell: ping14:00
Riddellhi Keybuk14:00
pittiargh, sorry14:02
Keybukok, let's get going14:03
Keybukmvo's client is here, but no life there yet14:03
Keybukdid I miss any agenda items?14:04
KeybukI didn't see any14:04
pittiI read the reports so far, didn't see any either14:04
MacSlowsame here14:05
Keybukdoes anyone have anything they want to discuss? :)14:05
pittiwe still have some merges left14:05
Keybukpitti: there's always some left ;)14:06
pittibut they are all pretty platformish14:06
KeybukDebian won't stop changing things14:06
Keybukin that case, let me just wish you all a happy holidays14:07
pittihey seb12814:07
MacSlowhi seb12814:07
Keybukthere's a button on your computer you may not have used before14:07
seb128oh, was a short meeting apparently? ;-)14:07
Keybukit's marked "OFF" or maybe "Power"14:07
pittiseb128: do you know whether the remaining 20 merges have an assignee, or are they fair game?14:07
seb128pitti: let me look to the list14:07
Keybukpitti: we're after freeze now, so they need RM approval, no?14:07
pittiKeybuk: no, why that?14:08
pittiwe can continue merging and introduce new versions until FF14:08
tedgOh, from people commenting on "exit-strategy" I know that no one uses that button, they expect them all to be in menus ;)14:08
seb128pitti: not sure about all of those, libgnomemm2.6 has been synced, libbtctl has a sync request open I think, python-distutils-extra should not be listed14:08
KeybukJust a brief note to remind you all that the DebianImportFreeze[1] for Hardy14:08
Keybukis two days away[2].  This is the deadline for initial merges of packages14:08
Keybukfor Hardy; after Thursday, December 13, merging packages is a freeze14:08
Keybukexception, so please have your remaining merges for hardy finished before14:08
Keybukthis point.14:08
seb128not sure about the other ones14:08
pittihm, that's not our usual definition of DIF14:08
pitti'deadline for initial merges' is correct, of course14:09
pittibut DIF is just about stopping the autosyncs14:09
Keybukit may be that steve is trying something different14:09
seb128tedg: hi, will you do the gnome-power-manager 2.21.1 update?14:09
pittiKeybuk: hm, we better ask him about that then; https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DebianImportFreeze should be updated if there are policy changes14:10
tedgseb128: Yes.  I was going to do 2.20.2 also, or no point?14:10
seb128pitti: when is UVF now? at the same time as UVF or DIF?14:10
seb128tedg: no point, we can have only 1 version in hardy14:10
seb128tedg: and we don't do GNOME 2.20.2 updates to gutsy14:10
pittiseb128: UVF doesn't exist any more; it's just FF now14:11
tedgseb128: Okay.14:11
seb128pitti: right, I would not have asked otherwise :-P Ok, my question was "can we still upload new version", and you replied, thanks ;-)14:11
tedgThere's an odd battery problem that bdmurray and others are reporting.  Apparently HAL is reporting on more batteries now, I think they might be BIOS batteries.14:11
seb128pitti: this page is confusing because nothing mention "no new version"14:12
pittiseb128: deliberately14:12
seb128pitti: which means there is no point we stop updates or need an approval?14:12
pittiseb128: in fact new upstream versions are ok until release freeze as long as they just fix bugs14:12
pittiseb128: well, it is ok according to the currently documented policy14:13
pittiif Steve wants to change that, we should talk to him about announcing it and changing the docs14:13
seb128I'm fine with that14:13
seb128less work for me -;)14:13
Keybuktedg: it also reports on batteries of things like mice and phones14:13
Keybukwhen I connect to my phone with gnome-phone-manager, gnome-power-manager tells me what it's battery state is14:14
Keybuk(arguably these should be different icons, but meh -> Ubuntu 10.04)14:14
tedgYeah, but it's a little odd that gutsy wouldn't have it and hardy would.14:15
Keybukgutsy did that too, no?14:16
Keybukanyway, let's officially adjourn the meeting and carry on conversations if we want ;)14:16
tedgGutsy did it, but the bug report is that people had one battery in gutsy and two in hardy.14:16
* mvo_ coughs14:17
pittitedg: since our hal didn't change significantly, this might be due to the new kernel now reporting those batteries in /sys, too?14:17
tedgpitti: Good to know, they're not in /proc under ACPI.  So I'm thinking they're hiding somewhere else.14:18
pittioh, or /proc; not sure14:18
tedgI think it's funny, I don't know why people are complaining about us adding batteries for them ;)14:19
cjwatsonKeybuk: I checked with Steve about that DIF mail14:20
cjwatsonhe misspoke14:20
cjwatsonhe didn't intend to change the existing practice; read it as "merging packages that have not been merged yet is a freeze exception"14:20
cjwatsonpitti,seb128: ^--14:20
Keybukcjwatson: ah, thanks for the clarification14:21
* mvo_ appologizes for not responding at the start of the meeting, he was reshuffling his harddisks in the upgrade test machine for better cooling14:21
cjwatson"Yes, sorry for failing to convey this nuance.  I'm not meaning to propose14:21
cjwatsonany changes to this policy.14:21
pitticjwatson: so merging one the first time is an exception, and a further merge isn't?14:21
Keybuktedg: the extra battery status is a new feature, no? :)14:21
cjwatsonpitti: as before14:21
cjwatsonpitti: otherwise "all initial merges must be completed by DIF" would have no force :)14:21
pittiit just doesn't seem to be encouraging to finish them off14:22
pittibut good to know, I wasn't aware of that interpretation14:22
cjwatsonthey should have been finished before the deadline; if they aren't done, then we need to consider whether it's worthwhile to bother14:22
cjwatson-> freeze exception14:22
cjwatsonKeybuk: turning off the computer during holidays would interfere with playing nethack14:23
Keybukplaying nethack would interfere with your marriage ;)14:23
cjwatson(mind you, hasn't done that much yet)14:24
mhbhello, it is a bit silent now, could I please ask a question? I have heard about a decision on Kubuntu not being a LTS. Who did make such a decision and are we going to read any official information about this? Sorry if I am bothering.14:27
MacSlowmhb, really? If that's true, I did miss that.14:30
MacSlowmhb, Riddell should know I think14:31
mhbMacSlow: he suggested me to ask here. He does not have much information either, it seems.14:31
MacSlowmhb, that question seemed to have "killed" the meeting :)14:35
* mvo_ has no idea about this14:35
=== mvo_ is now known as mvo
seb128I know there was some discussions about KDE414:36
seb128it'll not be lts quality14:36
seb128but I don't know if they decided anything there14:36
mvoI will try to make sure that dapper->hardy upgrades (with text/gtk frontend) will work for kubuntu14:37
mvobut I guess that is not really related :)14:37
mhbseb128: we have not planned to ship KDE4 as default.14:38
mhbmvo: it is not really related, but definitely appreciated!14:39
pittiKeybuk: do you know something about the LTSishness decision?14:41
KeybukI know lots of things14:41
Keybukwhich thing that I know would you like to know?14:42
Keybukah, Kubuntu LTS14:42
KeybukRiddell: have you announced anything there yet?14:42
RiddellI have not14:43
Keybukok; when are you planning on sending something out?14:43
* Hobbsee thinks people have already found out14:44
RiddellKeybuk: I have no plans14:45
KeybukRiddell: since people are asking, soon might be a good time :-)14:45
RiddellKeybuk: I don't really have anything to say14:46
HobbseeRiddell: it's therefore the kubuntu council's decision on where to go from here, w.r.t kubuntu hardy, then?14:47
* Hobbsee would ahve thought that was worth saying14:47
=== ubotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 21 Dec 12:00 UTC: MOTU meeting | 02 Jan 12:00 UTC: Edubuntu meeting | 09 Jan 20:00 UTC: Edubuntu meeting | 10 Jan 14:00 UTC: Desktop Team Development | 16 Jan 12:00 UTC: Edubuntu meeting | 17 Jan 12:00 UTC: Edubuntu meeting
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ubotuCurrent time in Etc/UTC: December 20 2007, 21:35:18 - Next meeting: MOTU meeting in 14 hours 24 minutes21:35
theunixgeekWhy is every meeting in a bad time for me :(21:35
theunixgeeklol just kidding21:35
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