
tonyyarussomneptok: I know it's not your department, but do you have any inkling when Canonical plans to start actually paying attention to LoCos again, particularly with regard to web hosting?00:02
mneptoktonyyarusso: you should ask Jono00:10
tonyyarussomneptok: I did.  He said he'd "look into it", a few weeks ago.00:11
tonyyarussoHopefully that means things might happen, but I'm getting a tad frustrating, as Canada has been working on getting a web site since January.00:11
mneptoktonyyarusso: MagicFab tells me a LoCo Council is in the offing00:11
tonyyarussomneptok: That'd be nice.00:12
mneptoktonyyarusso: where is ubuntu.ca now?00:12
tonyyarussomneptok: It's on Canonical servers now - but we can't edit it.  (Post content yes, edit the actual site no.  Note the broken links, which I keep having to field e-mails from users about.)00:13
tonyyarussoShoot, I'm going to be late for choir.  /me runs out00:14
ardchoilleDoes anyone remember seeing this ip in the ban list for #ubuntu ?00:18
LjLardchoille: nope, never been there00:19
PriceChildgah bantracker barfed00:19
LjLPriceChild: was probably me :)00:19
ardchoilleLjL: ok, thanks00:19
PriceChildLjL, does it have huge problems with multiple users then?00:19
* PriceChild never bothered to nose into the reason00:19
PiciPriceChild: the bantracker?00:20
LjLPriceChild, sqlite doesn't really handle concurrency. as i understand it, it waits 5 seconds to complete a query, and if it's not completed after that time, it barfs00:20
PiciProbably due to using sqlite instead of a real database, pgsql/mysql00:20
PriceChildPici, never seen the bantracker?00:20
Jack_SparrowIf people have 1 gig of ram are we telling them to not setup swap partitions.. I know they will most likely not be used...00:20
LjLJack_Sparrow: we're not00:20
PiciPriceChild: I mean are you re ferring to the bantracker.00:20
PriceChildJack_Sparrow, we're not suggesting that00:20
LjLJack_Sparrow: a swap partition *is* important to have.00:21
PiciAnd, I use it every day.00:21
PriceChildPici, yes :)00:21
Jack_Sparrowwols has suggested it repeatedly00:21
LjLJack_Sparrow: 1) no swap partition (or a swap partition smaller than the RAM) doesn't let hibernation work00:21
Jack_Sparrowincluding the person he is helping right now..00:21
PiciNot that hibernation is working anyway... but thats not the point.00:21
Jack_Sparrowagreed.. but he has jumped me a couple of times over the issue00:21
LjLJack_Sparrow: 2) even if you have enough RAM to fit all your applications, the kernel may rightfully decide that it prefers to cache a huge amount of files into RAM *and swap some programs out*. that's desired behavior.00:22
Jack_SparrowI always suggest it...   just pointing it out that some others are not00:22
ikoniaJack_Sparrow: I have a machine with 8 GB of ram and it uses swap well00:22
Jack_Sparrowread back with eagle and wols...00:22
ikoniawhat is wols on about00:23
ikoniathere is no need for iftab use udev00:23
LjLJack_Sparrow: my scrollback is short... but i see him talking about *swapfiles* over swap partitions00:23
ikoniaudev won't create /dev device nodes00:23
LjLwols_, we were chatting about the merits (or lack of) of having swap00:24
LjLwols_: i think as a rule, it shouldn't be recommended to deactivate swap, even if one has a quite big amount of RAM00:25
Jack_Sparrow[15:56] <Jack_Sparrow> Eagleray: Wont he need to make a swap partiton too.     [15:57] <Eagleray> Jack_Sparrow: only if he's lacking in ram00:25
LjL1) no swap partition (or a swap partition smaller than the RAM) doesn't let hibernation work   2) even if you have enough RAM to fit all your applications, the kernel may rightfully decide that it prefers to cache a huge amount of files into RAM *and swap some programs out*. that's desired behavior00:25
wols_I run fine without on this 256MB box. will soon need it if/when wine works as intended (some autoit program which gives me grief)00:25
wols_yes, but with 1GB depending what you do (video stuff?) you don't really need swap00:26
ikoniaI disagree00:26
* mneptok does, too00:26
LjLwols_, but then people complain that hibernation doesn't work, and you're left wondering why, until you realize they don't have swap because they've been recommended to disable it00:26
PiciI have 1gb of ram, not doing any media creation and routinely I see swap being used.00:27
LjLalso, ikonia noted earlier: I have a machine with 8 GB of ram and it uses swap well00:27
LjLit certainly does depend on what you do00:27
ikoniakswap is your friend :)00:27
mneptokdeactivating swap is a definite no-no. if it was unnecessary, the distro team wouldn't auto-create a partition at install time.00:27
LjLbut even on a "normal desktop system" (if such a thing exists), you can end up doing things, like, say, copying a large amount of files, which the kernel may judge will be helped by swapping out some processes00:27
wols_LjL: I agree. mine is a headless server. no hibernation.00:28
ikoniathats good memory managment00:28
wols_hibernation is a valid point on a notebook especially00:28
Jack_SparrowMy only prupose for bringing it up is to provide consistent information and support00:28
wols_LjL: what do you do in those 8GB?00:28
ikoniathats my machine00:29
mneptokwols_: it's not about what users do. it's about what the kernel wants to do.00:29
ikoniaand it will swap out stuff that's not being used00:29
ikoniaeven when it's not doing anything00:29
wols_Jack_Sparrow: essentially it's an extreme version of "how much swap should I use" with the infamous 1.5x your ram rule which is stupid in the age fo 2GB machines00:29
LjLwols_: yup, i see it may be a perfectly valid setup for you... i'm just talking about what should and shouldn't be recommended to users in #ubuntu - if they feel comfortable with deactivating swap, it's their prerogative, but they shouldn't be given the impression it's generally a good thing. if they know it works for them, then they'll do it without asking00:29
wols_ikonia: my (debian sid) desktop has swap. never seen it used00:29
mneptok!WFM | wols_00:30
ubotuwols_: Common Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should (and especially recommend to others). Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/worksforme/00:30
LjLwols_: that you should ask ikonia, it was his comment. but... 8GB is less than the size of any hard drive of today, so i think it's perfectly possible that the kernel may decide to fill up the RAM with cache00:30
Jack_SparrowI am happy to go with whatever is the official response....00:30
ikoniadepends how your machine is setup00:30
wols_LjL: as I said, swapfiles are (imho) fine00:30
ikoniaeverything has it's place00:30
ikoniaswapfiles for average joe/mass majority desktop users arn't a great call00:30
wols_but they're harder to setup of course00:30
Piciikonia: took the words right out of my mouth... or is it fingers?00:30
ikoniachooses not to progress that discussion00:31
LjLwols_, swapfiles may do i suppose, i've never really investigated them. i'd merely prefer it weren't recommended to attempt things like deactivating swap or, for that matter, using a swapfile, since i don't think it's officially "supported". if someone explicitly asks "how do i use a swap file instead of a partition", i suppose that's fine to answer them00:31
wols_LjL: supported by whom? the kernel once upon a time )2.2 or so) a bias against them but to the best of my knowledge not anymore00:32
Jack_SparrowSorry guys.. didn't mean to poke the bear.. again...00:32
LjLwols_: supported by Ubuntu itself, i.e. recommended by the kernel team for instance00:33
ikoniawols_: that was due to a limit with the gnu tools, not actually the kernel00:33
wols_ikonia: which tools?00:33
ikoniaoff the top of my head, no idea00:33
ikonia2.0 was a long time ago00:33
wols_Jack_Sparrow: discussions like that are what makes it interesting00:33
Jack_Sparrowguys..  my head is killing me.. I need to take some meds and go lay down.. cya tomorrow....00:33
wols_answer "dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" or "show me your xorg.log all day gets booooring00:34
Jack_Sparrowwols.. take care..  and thanks00:34
LjLwols_: i think i can understand that :)00:34
LjLgood night Jack_Sparrow00:34
mneptokthe default Ubuntu install creates a swap partition, not a swap file, and certainly no swap at all. users should not be encouraged to stray too far from default behaviors.00:34
wols_mneptok: you're right. for ubuntu a swappart by the installer is the best and only way00:35
ikoniait's mass majority over more advanced users00:35
ikoniaif your advanced to know the benifits of no swap over the draw backs, you won't be asking about it00:35
ikoniato an extent anyway00:35
LjLikonia: users who are advanced enough to do it, know how to do it ;)00:35
mneptokmore advanced users don't ask questions about basic partitioning schemas in Freenode's #ubuntu. trust me. ;)00:36
ikonia..............how do you do it ;)00:36
LjLalthough... i have no idea how to use a swap file. but i suppose google would help - or if i made it *very* clear in #ubuntu that i'm not confused, and that i *really* want a swap file, and know the advantages&drawbacks...00:36
ikoniaLjL: then you don't get "please give me the exact commands to type"00:37
mneptoki'd actually pull that convo to a PM or another channel at that point00:37
mneptokotherwise it's like talking about wolves at a deer convention00:37
ikoniathe danger is that someone reads it00:37
LjLperhaps. #ubuntu-classroom what the common choice at one point, but a desire has been expressed to keep it a bit more clean00:37
ikoniaand then thinks "he said it's better, I want it! I don't know why, but I want it!"00:37
mneptokikonia: that's usually when i say "homosexual sex is *awesome*"00:38
* ikonia craves00:38
ikoniaI don't know why00:38
ikoniabut I want it !00:38
mneptokomg. it's like he *knew*00:38
mneptokand HI GARY!00:38
LjLmneptok, that was a double violet highlight you know00:39
ikoniamneptok: Gary's ears where pricked up00:39
Garyknew what00:39
mneptokLjL: is "Situation: Double Violet" the new code term for "mnep just became active" ?00:39
ikoniait's like the shop keeper from Mr Ben, say "homosexual sex" 3 times and <someone> appears ;)00:39
LjLmneptok: no, just pretty convincing evidence00:40
mneptokfloodlet for Gazzypantaloons:00:40
ikoniaGary: I think "Mr Ben" is wasted on our USA friends00:40
mneptok19:34 < ikonia> and then thinks "he said it's better, I want it! I don't know why, but I want it!"00:40
mneptok19:34 <+mneptok> ikonia: that's usually when i say "homosexual sex is *awesome*"00:40
mneptok19:34 <+mneptok> >:)00:40
mneptok19:34  * ikonia craves00:40
mneptok19:34 < ikonia> I don't know why00:40
mneptok19:34 < ikonia> but I want it !00:40
mneptok19:34 -!- Gary [n=Gary@colchester-lug/pdpc.supporter.active.Gary] has joined #Ubuntu-Ops00:40
ikoniaI said Gary's key word00:40
ikonia"I want it"00:40
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pony - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi00:40
ikoniamneptok: how is your nick pronounced00:41
Garyikonia, w e i r d o00:41
LjLit's not, in most circumstances00:41
ikoniait's a typed one, rather than spoken one00:42
PiciI can honestly say, that I pronounce it completely wrong in my head.00:42
ikoniait always sounds like "menp tock" on my head00:42
ikoniaI know that's not how it's said00:42
TheSheepclick click click click click click click click00:42
Piciikonia: me too00:42
ikoniaPici: I feel less silly now00:43
PiciBut like I said, I knwow thats wrong.00:43
Garyif I ever talk and mention him, I say that weird geezer who works for canonical00:43
Garythen say, no, not mark, the other one :p00:43
* Gary hides00:43
LjLthe one with empty pockets00:44
ikoniaha ha ha00:44
Garythose pockets cannot be empty, as he is always playing with something in them...00:44
ikoniaright, I'm going back to playing with perl 5.1000:45
Garyprobably a good thing00:45
ikoniaas the conents of mneptok's pockets and his own busines00:45
somerville32And I'm going to go back to hacking on Python 2.6! :D00:45
wols_so how big should the swap be for a 1GB RAM machine. fast suggestions needed :)00:51
wols_is 1GB exact enough for hibernation?00:51
somerville321GB should be good for swap00:51
LjLwols_: i'd make it at least a bit in excess of 1GB, just to be sure, but yes00:52
LjLthere's certainly no need to follow any weird "2x RAM" or "2.5x RAM" rules00:52
wols_was thinking of 1.2. or is 1.1 enough?00:52
LjL1.1 should be fine00:52
LjLwols_: only, careful with GB vs GiB00:53
somerville32I read it should be 1x RAM00:53
LjLsomerville32: for hibernation to work, yes. but making it a little more than that won't hurt surely00:53
* somerville32 nods.00:54
LjLnow how much is a GB and how much is a GiB... /me gets calculator00:54
LjLyes, 1.1 "GB" should be OK even with decimal00:55
LjL1GiB is 1073741824 bytes, so 1100000000 bytes will fit it00:56
ubotusoundray called the ops in #ubuntu (fabio abusive)01:18
somerville32If someone sees gouki, can you let me know that some of the channels on stats don't seem to be getting rebuilt?02:43
somerville32Oh, he is online02:43
=== Hobbsee_ is now known as Hobbsee
Tm_TQMario: hi?03:25
Tm_Tdeuryte: hi how are you?03:37
ardchoilleWhat's the issue with deuryte ?03:38
Tm_Tardchoille: nickspam, trolling03:38
Tm_T0438.08 < Tm_T> 0419.06 -!- deuryte_ is now known as allah03:38
Tm_T0438.14 < Tm_T> 0428.04 -!- allah is now known as one_true_God03:38
ardchoilleHow silly03:39
Tm_Tjust for small example03:39
ardchoilleTm_T: Can you teach me how to ban+forward? I know how to ban. kick and +q03:40
Tm_Tardchoille: just !#channel to the end of banmask03:40
ardchoilleTm_T: Ah, thank you03:41
QMarioHello Tm_T.04:00
tonyyaru1sooh, not ID04:11
=== tonyyaru1so is now known as tonyyarusso
PiciInteresting place to stick a 104:12
tonyyarussoPici: Got confused about why I'd lost a channel access.04:12
* tonyyarusso blames comcast04:13
Tm_TQMario: may I ask your being here?04:24
QMarioTm_T, I automatically log in here.04:31
QMarioTm_T, I am not in trouble or anything.04:31
Tm_TQMario: you know this is not casual chat room?04:32
QMarioTm_T, I know.04:32
Tm_Tas in, if you don't need to be here, don't be here ;)04:32
QMarioThen I would never have met you, Tm_T. Okay, goodbye. Thank you for the chat.04:33
Tm_Tand welcome to ubuntu community04:33
PiciI thought he was an op somewhere...04:33
Tm_Tapparently not04:34
Tm_Twho knows04:34
PiciHmm... someone is #ubuntu is asking a question regarding a situation about the CoC...04:34
Tm_TPici: ?04:34
Picioh... /me reads -offtopic04:35
tonyyarussowho are they talking about Pici ?04:37
PiciHobbsee: if you're joining -offtopic because of my above comment, I asked the user to join here.04:37
Picitonyyarusso: kharytan (spelling?)04:37
Hobbseeyeah, and general sanity04:37
Hobbseehim again?04:37
Pici23:34:44 <kitofhawaii> bazhang: well...it's a lot more complicated than that...apparently the person that's helping me start a  loco has turned out to have a huge reputation as a troll04:37
* Hobbsee wonders how he even got in -offtopic then04:37
PiciIts a different person, this guy/gal just has a CoC question/issue.04:38
Hobbseeheya kitofhawaii04:38
kitofhawaiiHobbsee: hey there :)04:38
Hobbseekitofhawaii: what's up?04:39
kitofhawaiiPici: yah apparently everyone else knows about him...i'm kind of surprised and confused about the best thing to do about our team04:39
kitofhawaiishould i just be frank about it?04:39
Hobbseebased on the emails that i've had with him, do your team without him :)04:39
Hobbseekitofhawaii: unsure if you know this, but the person in question doesn't believe in authorities, and if they don't side with him, they're biased, and incredibly rude.04:40
kitofhawaiiwell he's pretty much cybersquatted much of the team...but part of the problem is more personal because he's moving here, and he's going to be living less than half a mile away04:40
Hobbseekitofhawaii: if he can't work as part of the team, and you guys know that, then cut him out for the good of the team.04:40
Hobbseeand i'd suggest not handing out your address :)04:41
kitofhawaiiHobbsee: i've gathered that quite a bit...quite a few times i've been accused that he feels i am taking over the team...but i mean, i was under the impression we were going to work together04:41
Hobbseekitofhawaii: bad idea.  don't do it04:41
kitofhawaiiHobbsee: oh he doesn't know beyond that i live down in the same town :)04:41
Picikitofhawaii: I'm not exactly sure how to say this.. but the comments that he has made in here regarding his situation leads me to believe that he is very paranoid.04:41
Hobbseekitofhawaii: his impression of "working together" means "workign together, as long as you agree with him on all issues"04:42
Hobbseeand i'm sad to have found this out, with recent emails04:42
kitofhawaiipici: i have gathered that...i mean i was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. he is really excited about this and i think he would be valuable if we were able to mentor him here04:42
kitofhawaiiHobbsee: yah, i know. i mean this process just started so i mean i didn't have any idea. most of the reason i was working with him on it was because he went and registered the irc team so he's owner currently04:43
Picinalioth (was going to avoid a ping, but oh well), was probing him the other day about his involvement in the hawaii loco team. I think he was kind of concerned that someone not living there was one of the co-leaders.  Or he could have just been curious.04:43
kitofhawaiinow it's like wow i mean if he's this odd towards me...there's been some odd things said (frankly very nasty) but i have an iron backbone. other team members probably won't04:44
Hobbseekitofhawaii: it wouldn't be hard to get hte irc council to hijack it to you04:44
tonyyarussoAargh, why are chocolate truffles so addicting..04:45
Hobbseekitofhawaii: i would expect the irc council to make a judgement on what's good for the hawaii team, and so hijack the channel, and give ownership to you04:45
kitofhawaiiPici: yah, he's fully aware what nalioth is in there for. today i made the decision i'm not going to talk to him about team activities outside of the irc channel, since he, as you said, is so paranoid about ops04:45
PiciHobbsee: I thought that 'we' were leaving irc stuff to the loco teams.04:46
Picier, loco team managment. Or I may be missing something.04:46
HobbseePici: unless there's a very good reason not to, yes.04:46
HobbseePici: however, the name *does* fall in our namespace, so it is hijackable.04:46
PiciHobbsee: Right, I see how this could be an extenuating circumstance.04:46
Hobbseekitofhawaii: are you the alternate team contact for the hawaii team?04:46
kitofhawaiiHobbsee: if that's what is best for the team, i'd consider it. but that's why i'm coming to you guys to ask about it :) i want to do what's right04:46
Hobbseewell, it's a bit hard, as the council isn't here right now, but..04:47
* tonyyarusso added UbuntuIrcCouncil to his team's access list to remove any doubt04:47
PiciFrom what I remember from the other day, theres a single gmail address as the contact which you both share?04:47
kitofhawaiiHobbsee: i believe so, kahrytan cybersquatted that and out of the interest of being polite i didn't complain...but i'm pretty sure it's been changed since then yes04:47
Hobbseetonyyarusso: access list != team ownership04:47
Hobbseekitofhawaii: *nod*04:47
kitofhawaiiPici: there is, yes, i finally have access to that account :)04:47
tonyyarussoHobbsee: Yeah, I know.  Helps for most normal things though, in the same sense as freenode/staff/*04:47
kitofhawaiiPici: but he didn't use that to list the team04:48
tonyyarussospeaking of addresses.../me pops to #launchpad04:48
* Hobbsee pokes elkbuntu04:48
kitofhawaiiPici: honestly i don't know 100% what he's done so far. he went on a mass registering/etc trip to pretty much get ownership of everything. at the time i just viewed it as someone being very helpful, but as of late i'm not so sure04:49
Hobbseeif it were me, i'd just get as much stuff transfered over to !him as possible, asap04:49
Hobbseewhich sovles a mass leadership debate later04:49
elkbuntuHobbsee, back, just walked in actually04:49
elkbuntureading backlog04:49
tonyyarussoMyrtti: plorrp04:50
Picikitofhawaii: I'm not sure what his intentions are either...04:50
Myrtti/me hugs everyone04:50
kitofhawaiiHobbsee: to !him?  :) to kahrytan?04:50
Picito him? or from him?04:51
no0tic/me hugs Myrtti04:51
elkbuntuwell, considering he is a troll and has proven he doesnt understand the CoC... something can be done, however since this goes beyond IRC, it needs more than just our mediation04:51
Hobbseekitofhawaii: to not kahrytan04:51
Hobbseekitofhawaii: didn't you ever do electronics?  :)04:51
PiciHobbsee: I thought it was some weird factoid reference.04:52
Hobbseeelkbuntu: no point shoving it to the CC, though04:52
kitofhawaiiHobbsee: oh...yes yes sorry i missed the reference =))04:52
Picielkbuntu: I honestly didn't know where else to send kitofhawaii..04:52
HobbseePici: nah.  boolean electronics04:52
kitofhawaiiHobbsee: i guess i'm just used to seeing !topic in regards to ubotu04:52
elkbuntuHobbsee, no, i know. i'm referring to the impending LoCo council which is still not established04:52
Hobbseeelkbuntu: ah right04:52
PiciAh, okay.04:52
Hobbseeelkbuntu: no point sending it there either, though04:52
elkbuntuHobbsee, which leaves us with Lord Bacon04:52
Hobbseeelkbuntu: well, okay, i guess there could be04:52
Hobbseeelkbuntu: he won't trust lord bacon either.04:53
elkbuntuwhich would probably incite him to get the LoCo Council finished off04:53
Hobbseeelkbuntu: still, for a hijack, kah...tan doesn't actually *need* to be happy with the end result, as he won't get the stuff back.04:53
tonyyarussoOh, the day Jono gets a title will be the end of England...04:53
* Hobbsee can never spell that nick04:53
PiciMe either.04:53
elkbuntuHobbsee, he's not going to trust the CC either, so we're at a no-win situation if you take that as a reason to not bother04:54
* tonyyarusso wouldn't mind having a hot coal under some people to get a LoCo Council up and running04:54
Hobbseeelkbuntu: was thinking of it from his POV only there04:54
Pici'he' = ktan?04:54
Hobbseewasn't exactly saying "he won't accept any of it.  therefore, do nothing"04:54
Hobbseei'm more saying04:55
* Pici is confused.04:55
elkbuntuHobbsee, then dont bother with what he will or will not accept04:55
Hobbsee"any of the reasonable bodies can do it, as he won't trust any of them regardless"04:55
kitofhawaiii'll follow whatever you guys recommend in this situation. maybe transferring everything to a third party of some sorts? i really have no concern about my personal ownership of anything, just incredibly concerned about his04:55
HobbseePici: yes04:55
PiciI was lost in a sea of pronouns.04:55
elkbuntukitofhawaii, as are we, hence the monitoring nal's been doing04:56
kitofhawaiielkbuntu: yah i'm really appreciative of all that has come out from this. :) regardless of him, the concern that's been shown has been really nice04:57
elkbuntukitofhawaii, he's a poisonous person, that's for sure04:58
elkbuntuwe just dont want him to make the loco into a troll recruiting ground04:58
PiciOr turn people away from Ubuntu for bad experiences in your loco team04:59
PiciSorry, Potentially bad experiences.04:59
kitofhawaiii agree fully with you both. i haven't recruited anyone to join up even though there's interest because of this situation05:00
kitofhawaiii'm really concerned about bringing people in and there being a flame-out in the channel05:00
kitofhawaiior his opinion about ops and whatnot being so negative telling other members what he thinks of you guys :) it's just not productive05:01
kitofhawaiii just wish he could keep his personal opinions about things to himself, but i discovered that he can flame up and just say some really nasty things when the wrong button is pushed05:03
naliothall of his actions re the hawaiin ubuntu team on LP and here are suspect after his behavioral history05:13
naliothhe has not shown any desire to help Ubuntu before he went and registered the hawaii parts of Ubuntu irc and launchpad....05:17
kitofhawaiiyes, i have learned that. at least at minimum i made a decision today to stop talking to him in pm regarding team affairs or in general and only communicate in the channel, since it gave him an avenue to say things that just didn't seem right.05:17
kitofhawaiiyeah. i didn't have a history with him so i didn't know what was going on. i just assumed he was doing his best to help and i still feel that's probably correct in his own way.05:19
Tm_THobbsee: what are those mails you did refer to?05:20
naliothkitofhawaii: have you seen the logs of this channel?05:20
HobbseeTm_T: i mailed him about his conduct, etc05:20
kitofhawaiiso like registering the channel and launchpad, it seemed like he was being ambitious (probably true) and i liked that about him. :) but his ambition isn't what concerns me so much as the part about having that power will do05:20
Tm_THobbsee: possibility to see his answers?05:21
tonyyarussoDoes Planet Ubuntu's config.ini have a way to specify the base URL of the site separately from the feed URL?  For instance, I want the feed of http://tonyyarusso.com/taxonomy/term/73/0/feed, but for my name to link to http://tonyyarusso.com/, not http://tonyyarusso.com/taxonomy/term/73/005:22
naliothyou may ask uncle google "kahrytan site:http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/" and get a eyefull, kitofhawaii05:23
kitofhawaiinalioth: i have not. i did want to give him the benefit of the doubt that he wouldn't repeat whatever past history was there05:23
naliothcheck out the logs, kitofhawaii05:24
kitofhawaiinalioth: ok :) *checking now*05:24
naliothpeople who are ignorant of history are doomed to repeat it and all that good stuff05:24
kitofhawaiinalioth: :) that is true. but if he was able to get over what he found out about my personal life and still work with me, i thought there was hope :)05:25
kitofhawaiinalioth: "clean slate" and whatnot. but that is still no justification for not looking you are right :)05:27
Tm_Tstdin: YAY!05:43
* Tm_T hides05:43
kitofhawaiinalioth: i guess uncle google's not helping me much tonight. :)05:44
naliothhttp://www.google.com/search?ie=UTF8&q=kahrytan+site%3Ahttp%3A%2F%2Firclogs.ubuntu.com%2F   kitofhawaii check out the logs from #ubuntu-ops05:49
kitofhawaiinalioth: i have checked them twice. but the only thing i saw was in one log about how he was a known troll re riotkittie, and him apologizing for being upset in here one time. after that, i don't see anything that would've brought this much attention on him. certainly indications something happened, but not what happened if that makes sense05:54
naliothit is unfortunate that most of his feelings have been made known in PM or other channels05:54
naliothall of the irc council has logs from him with this persecution complex evident05:55
kitofhawaiithat is true. i saw in forums he tried to ask about reporting irc ops05:56
kitofhawaiiso what you recommend i do with this now? it's really evident to me that you all are universally against him co-running/co-leading the loco and i agree with that. what should i do now?06:03
naliothwhatever _you_ do, is gonna put you on his 'bad list'06:05
naliotheven if you do nothing06:05
kitofhawaiilol that's a mighty big pickle yes :)06:08
kitofhawaiii don't have a problem being on his bad side. i have forced my opinion in certain cases with him, and i have managed worse in real life at work.06:09
Tm_Tkitofhawaii: problem is, if he is "leader", everyone is in his backside, and will suffer06:09
kitofhawaiiso i am willing to do whatever is necessary to see to the success of this team06:09
Tm_Twhen he is not in any leadership-kind of state, his backside cant hurt06:09
Tm_Tbackside/bad side06:10
kitofhawaiiyah :)06:10
Tm_Tthere will be damage, now its only matter of how much and for who06:10
kitofhawaiiit's now become a question so much of what to do but be able to abide by the CoC because i want to make things are done correct from the community's perspective06:11
kitofhawaiiand to be honest i have found the situation mildly humorous for many reasons :) so i'm not under a lot of stress about it, because i know it'll work out one path or another06:11
kitofhawaiii do have a thick skin :) and people like this, i do feel sorry for, and i definitely don't take it personally.06:12
kitofhawaiiafter all, i do represent so many things he is against. that he has worked with me at all has been impressive06:14
naliothfreenode staff had a helper back in the day that was one of the best users to be inducted into the staff06:15
nalioththe best most hard working staffer until he used his access to dump the network  :(06:16
Tm_Tnalioth: whatta...06:16
Tm_Toh yes, I think I'll go now, see you all later ->06:19
kitofhawaiiTm_T: bye :)06:20
kitofhawaiinalioth: he is really insistent about chatting in pm06:24
naliothkitofhawaii: i have adopted a rule for myself.  i don't discuss any #ubuntu* business outside of #ubuntu* channels06:25
nalioththis protects everyone, as there will be public logs06:26
kitofhawaiinalioth: that's what i'm telling him...it's going over like a lead brick but i will keep doing so06:26
naliothif he has nothing to hide, he should have no problem with that06:27
kitofhawaiihow do i block whois btw? he's been using that to track me...06:40
naliothkitofhawaii: /umode +i06:41
kitofhawaiii don't care about what people see me doing in channels or where..just he tends to get well...touchy about that :)06:41
nalioththere is no way to block a /whois, but +i will hide any channels you don't share with the inquisitor06:41
kitofhawaiinalioth: that's perfect thank you :)06:42
Myrtti/whois nick nick is even scarier ;-)06:42
no0ticMyrtti, what's the difference?06:44
Myrttiit tells you the idle time and away reason06:44
MyrttiI use it to stalk people too ;-)06:44
no0ticMyrtti, ;)06:44
Myrttithat and notify :-D06:44
no0ticnalioth, is it true that staffers can see whom is whois-ing them?06:45
naliothno0tic: not really, no06:45
jdongno0tic: can see _who_.07:02
Myrtti/me starts to rape nalioth07:04
Myrtti's wii07:04
Myrttibad typo07:05
MyrttiI've always hated the position of the ' -key in Finnish layout07:05
Myrttiit sucks.07:05
Myrttiand so does my laggy Internet connection too07:05
no0ticjdong, thanks for helping out with my bad english07:06
jdongMyrtti: haha :D07:06
jdongno0tic: lol I just like being a grammar nazi when I'm bored :)07:06
no0ticjdong, me too, and I hate doing errors07:07
Myrtti/me backs up to the excuse that I just moisturized my hands07:07
jdongMyrtti: is that related to the first statement at all? :D07:07
Myrtti/me backs away silently07:07
Myrttibuhbye :-P07:07
no0ticjdong, and I love grammar nazis (LjL sorry for the hilights)07:08
jdonghe has nazis on highlight?07:08
no0ticjdong, he had some days ago07:08
somerville32LjL is a guy? :P07:08
Myrtti/me facepalms07:09
jdongsomerville32: every geek has a little guy inside him07:09
jdongerr wait.... that phrasing was bad....07:09
no0ticjdong, something about some trolls around, "nazi" spamming #ubuntu channel07:09
somerville32I remember that07:09
somerville32They complained to every mailing list available, lol07:10
* somerville32 wishes ops didn't have to exist and everyone just simply got along nicely :(07:10
Myrttifat chance07:10
somerville32Not with an attitude like that :P07:10
Myrttieven the romans had operators in senate07:11
somerville32Btw, I was just wondering, is fubar taboo?07:12
jdongI wouldn't think so, it's a pretty common term used in speech that the (b)acronym is not all that obvious07:17
no0ticjdong, I'd like you to correct me whenever I'm wrong :)07:21
jdonghaha I will do so then :)07:22
jussi01morning all07:57
jussi01kitofhawaii: can we help you?07:58
somerville32kitofhawaii is cool07:58
jussi01oh ok07:58
naliothjussi01: kitofhawaii is a member of the hawaii loco team07:59
jussi01nalioth: ahhh ok.07:59
kitofhawaiijussi01: :) i was returning in after having dropped out :) apparently all i need to mention in this channel is kahrytan and everyone understands :)07:59
* jussi01 wishes more people who are supposed to be in here would have voices...08:00
jussi01kitofhawaii: hehe, yeah :)08:00
Garybut kitofhawaii you mentioned that nick in another channel and everyone there understood too :p08:04
kitofhawaiiGary: that's true :) honestly if he didn't cybersquat everything it would've been fine, but i had no idea. i was trying to organize this stuff in an orderly fashion and when he showed up it was like a fire drill honestly. :)08:06
somerville32I wonder if he'll ever read the things we say about him when he isn't logged in08:07
elkbuntukitofhawaii, he's trying to get status to spite us, and he's going it at the disregard of everyone else08:09
jussi01hmmm, is it only seveas who can give access to bt?08:09
Garyjussi01, yeah, :-(08:10
jussi01hmmm, anyone know when the great man is likely to drop  by?08:10
somerville32jussi01, e-mail is most likely a better idea08:11
kitofhawaiielkbuntu: i have come to understand that seriously. luckily he hasn't acted on things he's said at least for his sake08:11
somerville32jussi01, get him to transfer control to the IRC Council or something :P08:11
Garyor a flight over to ams?08:11
somerville32@now amsterdamn08:12
jussi01Gary: that would be nice :)08:12
* jussi01 goes off to email seveas...08:12
Garyjussi01, can you include me on the email?08:13
jussi01Gary: yeah, what do you want about you?08:13
Garya btlogin :p08:14
Myrttijussi01: and me?08:14
Myrttithough I haven't tried08:14
Garyyay failed :p08:14
jussi01ok, ok, anyone else want bantracker access? Ill send a big group email...08:14
Myrtti/me checks08:14
somerville32You can put my name in there.08:15
MyrttiIf I had access, how would ubotu act?08:15
jussi01ardchoille: Ill pop you in as well ;)08:15
Myrttiand how if not?08:15
jussi01Myrtti: if not, it will give authenticaion failed or similar08:15
somerville32Myrtti, if you did have access, it would not say: Error: Authntication failed08:15
ardchoillejussi01: Pop me in where?08:15
Myrttioh, then I have access to it08:15
GaryMyrtti, if it fails it pm's you ubotu> Error: Authntication failed (spelling mistakes FTW)08:15
Myrttithe site is just damn laggy08:15
somerville32Myrtti, check your pm08:15
jussi01ardchoille: the request for bt acccess08:15
Myrttiwaiting and waiting08:16
ubotuI don't recognize you.08:16
ardchoillejussi01: Ah, great. I was waiting for seveas to add me but he isn't here.08:16
ardchoillejussi01: Can you teach me how to use it?08:16
jussi01ardchoille: hehe... better you ask someone else ;)08:17
no0ticanyone could tell me how to add to our local supybot this fantastic bantracker plugin? :)08:17
ardchoillejussi01: Thank you muchly :)08:18
Garyno0tic, the bantracker is a custom written thingy which ties into a website08:18
Garyso I think it only works with ubuntu channels, but maybe seveas released the source?08:19
no0ticGary, I'm an #ubuntu-it op, so I'll need it to track ban on #ubuntu-it with our ubot-it :)08:19
no0ticGary, I'll ping seveas on that08:20
Garycould you get ubotu into -it?08:20
somerville32!search bot08:21
ubotuFound: etiquette-#ubuntu-offtopic, kernel, 11:57] <ubotu> strigi, ubotu, logs, etiquette, bot, meetings, thunderbird, ops-#kubuntu08:21
no0ticGary, we used another supybot because our foctoids are all in italian, just to not mess with yours08:21
somerville32What is "11:57] <ubotu> strigi"?08:21
somerville32!"11:57] <ubotu> strigi"08:21
jussi01could someone test if I need to whack our company's ISP? (check if www.navicron.com works...)08:22
jussi01!11:57] <ubotu> strigi08:22
Garyjussi01, forwards to navicron.fi and times out08:22
jussi01Gary: ok, thanks. Ill go kick someone08:22
jussi01Myrtti: ??08:32
MyrttiI hate having old bans around that are assigned to dynamic hostnames08:33
Myrttibut I'm not sure if it's wise to remove them either08:33
jussi01ahhh, yeah...08:34
jussi01hmmm, I am about to embarass myself im sure, but....08:34
jussi01why is unregged here: [10:33] [jussi01(+ei)] [7:freenode/#ubuntu(+JLcfntz 2,5 #ubuntu-unregged)] [Act: 2,8,11,12,13]08:34
GaryMyrtti, I leave them for a month, then remove08:35
ardchoillejussi01: same thing in #kubuntu for me08:37
no0ticjussi01, I advice you adv_windowslist.pl08:38
jussi01no0tic: I am ;)08:38
Myrttiwell, that about does it.08:38
jussi01no0tic: I still have that bar tho08:38
Myrttiremoved some really old bans08:38
* elkbuntu peers into -offtopic and notices it is like a borderline-troll party08:51
somerville32Quick. Shut the door before they get out :P08:51
* somerville32 groans - he just stubbed his toe on his computer08:51
ardchoillesomerville32: hahaha08:57
Myrttiheads are going to roll09:08
Tm_Tnot mine09:08
Tm_Tbut now I'm seriously away ->>09:09
somerville32Myrtti, I hope you're not really as stressed as you sound09:14
no0ticMyrtti, I was hoping to see some rolling heads...09:16
Myrttino0tic: I dislike kicking and removing09:17
no0ticsometimes it's enough becoming @09:18
* somerville32 shrugs09:18
no0ticto stop troll-parties09:18
somerville32It is just -offtopic anyhow09:18
Myrttiand a start a total nonsense discussion instead09:18
somerville32I love the word nonsensical :)09:19
Myrttisomerville32: I dislike sexist and sex related discussions there09:19
somerville32Myrtti, me too09:19
Myrttias on any #ubuntu- channel09:19
TheSheepthre shuld be a /nuke command ;)09:19
Myrttiso had to do something09:19
* somerville32 just had heart palpitations09:19
no0ticwhy does latest kernel update overwrite the old one? it can lead to big problems...09:26
Myrttiit does?09:27
no0ticMyrtti, yes, it terribly does09:27
no0ticMyrtti, same build version09:27
mc44because it's not got an ABI bump09:29
mc44which means lots of peoples binary drivers won't break, which is nice.09:30
no0ticmc44, I found an user with audio driver broke09:31
no0ticmc44, you're right, anyway. vmware just works, I didn't need to recompile kernel drivers for it09:33
MyrttiI just got a strange message10:51
elkbuntufrom who about what?10:51
Myrtti[12:45] <BaBY`17`> Hadi Bekliyorum msn de Ekle ||| cansu_senem18@hot10:51
elkbuntuspam, nice10:51
* jussi01 is loving having a dedicated irc server :)10:57
jussi01screen ftw!!10:57
Myrtti/me loves her myrtti.fi virtual server and domain <310:58
GaryMyrtti, just ignore it, they are being dealt with10:59
MyrttiGary: I am10:59
Garyummm bacon sarnie was nice10:59
jussi01hmmm, whats the plural of criteria ??11:13
Myrttithere is none I think11:14
Myrttiit's substance noun11:14
Myrtticheck on some native11:14
jussi01Myrtti: I am a native...11:14
Myrttithis is the first :-D11:14
MyrttiBut I think it's a substance noun like water or news11:15
Myrtticriteria sounds like a plural to me already11:16
Garyspam from <LxRooT> in #ubuntu11:16
Myrttiderivate from criterium or like in latin I think11:16
mc44criteria is the plural. Criterion is the singular11:16
jussi01and this is supposed to be part of my job... :P11:17
jussi01we need a factoid for sigh11:17
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sigh - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi11:17
Myrttijussi01: I don't know should I be proud for myself or... :-P11:18
jussi01Myrtti: I have an excuse... Im australian - we speak funny there - or so Ive been told11:19
jussi01and why is it that finns always use only about half of the "the and is a" that are required? :P11:21
Myrttijussi01: examples, plz11:21
Myrttibots incoming11:23
ubotuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join)11:23
ikonialooks like someone just did a router-style attack11:24
jussi01Myrtti: whats wrong with this sentence? For these reasons GTK+ was selected to be base of our software.11:24
elkbuntujussi01, it's lacking context for one11:25
Myrttito be the11:25
Mezwell I had fun getting to work today11:25
Myrttidid I pass the test?11:26
jussi01Myrtti: jeps :D11:26
Myrttimaybe the Finns in question haven't been infused with the English language as much as I've been11:27
jussi01Myrtti: yeah, irc'll do that to you :P11:27
Myrttiand sister living in the US for 12 years and telly11:28
Garyis shizuo worthy of a /remove for bot abuse?11:28
Garyahh, nm11:29
ubotuJuhaz called the ops in #ubuntu (atamer privspam)11:29
Myrttijussi01: I'd hardly call monitoring leet kids and idiots in IRC infusion11:29
ikoniaHmmm ubotu is lagging in here11:29
ikoniadoesn't appear to note someone has called the ops11:29
jussi01  ikonia ???11:36
jussi01[13:28] < ubotu> Juhaz called the ops in #ubuntu (atamer privspam)11:37
jussi01good morning PriceChild11:39
PriceChildMorning :)11:40
jussi01PriceChild: all yours... sigh...11:42
PriceChildjussi01, answer him 8-)11:43
jussi01PriceChild: I dont wanna say anything now... I might make him sad... :P11:44
jussi01Myrtti: could you grab me that union page for marketing people again? I seem to have lost it :(12:15
elkbuntubwahaha, email subject of an email that just hit my inbox: "**SPAM**  Now all best Medical Directory, anesthesiology,23k Hospitals, 17k physicians email"12:16
elkbuntui think this is the first spam i've noticed that even advertises that it is spam12:17
Myrttiyou've got a spam filter somewhere12:21
Myrttijussi01: http://tradenomi.fi/direct.aspx?area=page&prm1=5212:21
* jussi01 hugs Myrtti THANKS!!!!12:24
jussi01"bookmarked" :D12:24
Myrttijussi01: bookmark it ;-)12:24
jussi01hmmm, how do you see who has ops in a certain channel?12:40
Pici/msg chanserv access #channel list12:41
PiciOf course, you'll need to know what access number means what, but its a good start12:41
PriceChild/msg chanserv level #channel list12:44
PriceChildto sort that out12:44
PiciAh, /me looks12:46
jussi01Pici: + PriceChild thanks :D12:47
jussi01hmmm, ubotu doesnt like me today12:48
jussi01anyway, can someone add this ops factoid?12:48
jussi01  - !ops-#ubuntustudio is <reply>Help! jussi01, joejaxx, luisbg, tsmithe or _MMA_12:48
PriceChild!ops-#ubuntustudio is <reply>Help! jussi01, joejaxx, luisbg, tsmithe or _MMA_12:49
ubotuI'll remember that, PriceChild12:49
jussi01thanks PriceChild12:49
PiciHis name underlines on my client.12:49
jussi01Pici: whose?12:49
jussi01Pici: mine also12:50
Myrttiirssi <312:55
jussi01hmmm, I think we can take !website away now...13:00
ubotuYes, the www.ubuntu.com web site will be changing throughout the day as the webmasters prepare it for Gutsy release.  This is NOT in any way an indication that the release has happened.  See also !f513:03
jussi01and: ubuntu-restricted-extrasis <reply> ubuntu restricted extras13:04
jussi01!ubuntu-restricted-extrasis <reply> ubuntu restricted extras13:04
Pici!no ubuntu-restricted-extras is <alias> restricted13:05
ubotuI'll remember that Pici13:05
jussi01hmmm, there are many out dated factoids... maybe we should have a "factoid day" and clean them up sometime13:07
jussi01hehe, I love all of the ops factoids :P13:15
ubotupici is stuck in a factoid factory! Help!13:15
Myrtti/me feels vain13:17
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about myrtti - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi13:19
jussi01Myrtti: you need to have one!13:19
PriceChild!forget website13:34
ubotuI'll forget that, PriceChild13:34
ubotuRemember that every time you hit refresh, Canonical is wasting money, bandwidth, and CPU time serving your request instead of doing useful things like uploading the image or paying for ShipIt disks.  Please do so sparingly.13:34
PriceChildHi NeT_DeMoN_, how can I help?13:39
NeT_DeMoN_is there a way i can stick ubotu in a channel i created?13:40
PriceChildWhat channel is it?13:40
NeT_DeMoN_its registered13:40
PriceChildOk so its not any sort of Ubuntu channel.13:40
PriceChildubotu has limited resources and we have to be careful how much we tax it sorry.13:41
NeT_DeMoN_nope, its a private channel, so i guess thats a no then?13:41
PriceChildYou're welcome to get the source yourself and use that for whatever purposes.13:41
NeT_DeMoN_ok, thanks any ways13:41
NeT_DeMoN_i was just wandering for information purposes13:42
PriceChildwols, can I help you?13:42
NeT_DeMoN_are you all staff?13:43
NeT_DeMoN_oh, ok13:43
PriceChildAnyone with voice is an operator somewhere in ubuntu.13:43
PriceChildA few without voice are also.13:44
NeT_DeMoN_oh, ok13:44
NeT_DeMoN_is that what the green block is for?13:44
PriceChildprobably, on my client, voiced people have yellow circles13:44
PiciThey get plusses on mine13:45
jussi01and mine has little +'s13:45
NeT_DeMoN_i use konversation13:45
HobbseeNeT_DeMoN_: shift+f1, and click on the list of names13:45
NeT_DeMoN_Hobbsee: ah, ok, thanks13:46
NeT_DeMoN_well, i have no more questions so i guess i'll leave13:49
NeT_DeMoN_thanks for yalls help :)13:49
PriceChildHave fun.13:49
NeT_DeMoN_you too :)13:49
jussi01could someone please explain to me what auto_bleh.pl commands /aq /arn /amb and /at do?13:51
PiciPriceChild: I think wols is still in here from our discussion on swap files yesterday.13:51
PriceChildjussi01, remove, remove and name ban, something, 10 minute ban13:52
Myrttimute ban13:53
MyrttiI guess13:54
PriceChildthought that was /am13:54
* PriceChild finds the source13:54
PriceChildjussi01, arn is actually remove with a notice to them13:56
Hobbseedoes someone feel like doing some hacking on ubotu?13:57
PriceChildi think amb is ban with a message, not sure13:57
jussi01'Provides /ak /aq /ab /abr /abrn /arn /amb /amr /at'13:57
PriceChildjussi01, test it on me somewhere13:57
jussi01PriceChild: please join #dib5sn13:57
PriceChildhmm :/13:58
jussi01PriceChild: can you join again?14:00
jussi01ok, thats just weird14:03
jussi01ahh, now I think I fixed it...14:04
NeT_DeMoN_im sorry to bother you all again but i have a question14:22
jussi01NeT_DeMoN_: go ahead?14:22
NeT_DeMoN_i left my channel, still logged in but im not the operator anymore, is there a way i can become the ower again?14:23
LjLNeT_DeMoN_: that would be a question for #freenode - but anyway, did you register the channel?14:23
PriceChildIs it registered? (This is more of a #freenode question, this channel deals with ubuntu irc disputes)14:23
NeT_DeMoN_yes it is14:24
NeT_DeMoN_ok, i will go there the14:24
LjLthen what's the problem? ask chanserv to op you14:24
jussi01someone please keep an eye on #k-offtopic - kroatia14:24
ikoniajussi01: he's pain a pain in #ubuntu before14:32
jussi01ikonia: ok... I just redirected him from #kubuntu... sigh14:33
jussi01he was mildly talking piracy14:33
ikoniajussi01: he normally pushes the line in general on any topic14:34
ikonianot seen him in #ubuntu for a while14:34
jussi01hmmm, ok14:34
jussi01is there a command from here to add something to hilights? or do i need to do it manually (for irssi)14:35
ikonianot sure with irssi14:36
ikonia "/?" doesn't list anything14:36
jussi01hmmm, that gives me unknown command...14:36
ikoniait's /help14:37
ikoniasilly irssi14:37
jussi01heheehehe... its /hilight14:39
ikoniaooh thats handy14:44
Picihehe, a pain in the ubuntu.14:46
ikoniaPici: that's not leet14:49
ikoniait ubun214:49
* ikonia is not down with the l33t crews14:50
jussi01!1337 | ikonia14:50
ubotuikonia: 1337 i5 nigh-inc0mpr3h3n5ib13 70 u5 n00bs, 4nd n0b0dy c4r35 if UR 4 1337 h4x0r. Giv3 i7 4 r357.14:50
ikoniaone of the best factoids I've seen14:50
=== crd1b is now known as crdlb
PriceChildYay the card that I sent my grandma for her birthday just arrived.17:40
PriceChildThe card I sent from 3 1/2 hours drive away.... first week in December.17:40
jussi01PriceChild: LOL... it takes that long?17:49
jdongPriceChild: lol so your post service is no better than ours :)17:50
naliothjdong: it's christmas time17:51
jdongPriceChild: how many US Postal Service employees does it take to screw in a light bulb? 3. 1 to put it in a box, 1 to toss it into the warehouse, and 1 to open a query as to why it has not been screwed in.17:51
jussi01nalioth: so, its still on time here :P17:51
TheSheepsilly artifical bottleneck, come to think of it, they could spread it aover several months to make it more manageable18:04
TheSheeplike with birthdays18:04
jdongyeah likewise, I don't mind getting presents on ANY day of the year :)18:05
jdongugh the air is so dry in here18:07
* nalioth sends jdong an alien egg to moisten things up....18:07
* PriceChild thinks it best not to ask where nalioth got that from18:09
PriceChildHey Ariel_Eran, how can I  help?18:10
naliothhe is here to discuss irseeks presence in #ubuntu18:10
Ariel_EranHi PriceChild, we would like to talk to you and the other ops here about logging the #ubuntu channels18:11
ubotuChannel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ - Logs for LoCo channels are at http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/ - See also « /msg ubotu ircstats »18:11
naliothAriel_Eran: can you not parse this site?18:11
Ariel_Eranwe can if you prefer that we do that, however, we prefer, if possible, to have a common infrastructure to log channels. We've spoken to Christel and she's about to announce Freenode's support for our service18:12
jussi01hmmm, kroatia has just showed up in #k-ot if someone wants to keep an eye o him18:12
Ariel_Eran(following adjustments to our service)18:12
naliothAriel_Eran: for the most part, #ubuntu* channels are logged already.  we have our own log bot that publishes them.18:13
PriceChildseveral even18:14
PriceChildubuntulogbot, then the locobots18:14
naliothi suspect irseek would better utilize its resources on channels that do not have public logging (with those channels operators in agreement, of course)18:15
Ariel_Eranour service will hopefully log several other important channels and we'd like to have it under one umbrella, rather than have to parse multiple source types (our service allows active browsing of the content)18:15
PriceChildThis is for the irseeks site right? Why do you want to duplicate content?18:15
Ariel_EranYes, this is for IRSeek. We think that using our service, it would be easier to search through/browse the logs...18:16
Ariel_Eran(our bots will have distinct names, and will be quiet the entire time)18:16
naliothasking google "pricechild site:irclogs.ubuntu.com" gets all hits on pricechild in quite a few #ubuntu channels18:17
PriceChilda pretty obvious place to look if you want ubuntu help.... not the best, but more obvious than irseek18:17
PriceChildtbh, I'm ridiculously unconvinced about the usefulness of these logs...18:18
Ariel_EranThis query will result in very long flat text file, but we'd like to have a better approach to browsing/searching the content18:18
PriceChildIf I want an answer... trawling irc logs is painful :/18:19
ardchoilleI know I am new to ops, but may I add my input?18:20
Ariel_EranI think that in a sense you are right, and that is why we want to provide a different sort of service where the search/browse experience would be improved (and hopefully further improved down the line) so that it would be useful, rather than painful18:20
PriceChildardchoille, of course18:20
ardchoilleAriel_Eran: Just speaking as a community member, I feel that the Kubuntu/Ubuntu community is doing a great job of this already and in a way that is quite easy for people to use. I have come to trust the Kubuntu/Ubuntu community and I don't even know who IRSeek is.18:20
PriceChildAriel_Eran, like the system grepping to extract single conversations amid the chaos??18:21
naliothi don't get how your search will be more useful than googling 'enlightenment site:irclogs.ubuntu.com'18:21
naliothardchoille: ask Uncle Google about irseek18:21
Myrttiirseek could work as a "fallback"18:22
Ariel_EranPriceChild: had you had a chance to use our service before it was taken down?18:22
MyrttiI'm not saying I'm approving18:22
PriceChildAriel_Eran, no18:22
Myrttibut if irseek picks up and is used by people, they're bound to ask why we're not logged there too18:23
Ariel_Eranamong other things, it allows easy highlighting/removing messages from a certain nick in order to allow easy browsing of conversations18:23
PriceChildI'm of no opinion either way yet...18:23
PriceChildAriel_Eran, any eta to its return?18:23
Ariel_Eranhopefully, Christel will announce her support in the upcoming days and we will bring it back shortly after18:24
Ariel_Eranpart of the problem is that we need to bootstrap the service and we need important channels like the #ubuntu family18:24
Ariel_Eranonce we have a few important channels logged, it would be easier to understand the usefulness of the service that we're hoping to provide18:25
naliothAriel_Eran: there is no reason that we cannot wait a month or two after you restart the service.  that will give folks here a chance to see how it works and if it would benefit all concerned18:25
PriceChildHow could irseek logging us be bad for Ubuntu?18:25
PriceChildSo far I've only considered it to be near useless.18:26
ardchoilleAriel_Eran: Will your bots be able to distinguish between private and public conversation in channels?18:26
PriceChildardchoille, pardon?18:26
nalioththere are other large channels to be logged, on many networks18:26
Ariel_Erannalioth: that's exactly the bootstrap issue that we're referring to, we need to be able to log important channels so that the service attract further channels18:26
jdongcould anything bad happen from logging just #ubuntu for IRSeeK's bootstrap?18:27
Ariel_Erannalioth: true, and the #ubuntu channels are probably few of the most important ones so we're hoping to log those as a first priority by getting your support18:27
ardchoillePriceChild: I feel that private conversations shouldn't be logged and open to the public. Channels like #kubuntu are fine, but pm, to me anyway, means "somewhat private" and that is taken away when it is logged to a site open to the public.18:27
Jack_SparrowDid I read right that hotplug was removed from gutsy?18:27
PriceChildAriel_Eran, Ubuntu definitely doesn't gain anything from you logging. And I think its the same for any other channels. You can't attract us, this is a service purely for the user.18:27
somerville32Why can't they just parse the existing logs?18:27
PriceChildardchoille, you don't understand :)18:27
ardchoillePriceChild: Ah, ok.18:27
PriceChildardchoille, bots are just users... they can't read pms.18:27
PriceChildardchoille, not even freenode staff can read pms...... or can they? ;)18:28
PriceChildThey can't.18:28
jdongI mean, #ubuntu is already logged by us, it's not gonna hurt us in any way if #ubuntu is logged by IRSeek.18:28
PriceChildBut can they really?!</boosh>18:28
jdongI do think the logbot should be clearly distinguishable though and NOT under a tor connection18:28
Ariel_Eransomerville32: we can do that too, but it's better from our perspective to have a single source for our content rather than monitor multiple types of sources. It's easier and more reliable.18:28
PriceChildAriel_Eran, do your logs show join/part/mode changes?18:29
* PriceChild still hasn't had a reply from rt about that.18:29
somerville32Ariel_Eran, Why not just use the logs at irclogs.ubuntu.com - all channels of interested are logged there18:29
Ariel_Eranjdong: sure, we understand that now. That is part of what we've spoken to Christel about, and we're going to apply that in our new implementation.18:29
jdongsomerville32: that has already been answered18:29
Ariel_Eranpricechild: nope18:29
PriceChildAriel_Eran, grr :)18:29
jdongsomerville32: they would like one centralized source input for logs and not a million parsers for each project that has a log site18:29
somerville32jdong, Okay. I didn't understand the scope.18:30
PriceChildI don't see much benefit to this for "the user" or irseek, but also no bad side effects on Ubuntu.18:30
jdongI don't have any authority on this issue of course, but as a bystander and member of the community I don't see a major problem with allowing IRSeek to log one #ubuntu channel for now until we understand more about the service18:30
ardchoilleHmm.. christel seemed to be against irseek in the past. I wonder what made her change her mind.18:30
* PriceChild wonders if LjL or elkbuntu are awake18:31
PriceChildardchoille, no permission was asked18:31
PriceChildardchoille, they just appeared, tor'd, and logged.18:31
jdongardchoille: the bots came on under generic nicks and tor masks18:31
jdongardchoille: it was quite subversive the way it was done18:31
naliothardchoille: read the news that Uncle Google showed you18:31
jdongPriceChild: as far as end benefits, I think IRSeek might provided a cooler/more interactive log browsing interface than what we currently provide18:32
jdongPriceChild: at any rate neither of us has seen the service before.... so this is all speculation :)18:32
Ariel_Eranardchoille: we've spoken to Christel several times after we had taken the service down and she sees a lot of benefits to the user as long as we follow the rules that we've discussed, such as using easily identifiable bot names, opt-in, etc...18:32
naliothjdong: i _have_ seen the service.18:33
naliothAriel_Eran: i still do not see why you'd want to replicate what is already done.  i think your service and resources might be appreciated more by the smaller or less irc savvy projects18:34
Ariel_Eranwe better understand the concerns at this point and that is also the reason we have decided to take the site so quickly after people responded to it18:34
somerville32nalioth, I'm getting spammed :(18:34
somerville32[14:34] <BaBY`25`> Gelll msn yalnýzca sen gel ekle caným ||| melisa_sude28@hot18:35
jdongnalioth: regardless of whether or not we see value in the service, is there any reason why having #ubuntu logged by someone else is a problem?18:35
PriceChildgah not again18:35
PriceChildsomerville32, how long was that ago?18:35
somerville32Just now18:35
somerville32I got one earlier too18:35
jdongnalioth: I do, however, see the value in a centralized IRC logging engine... I mean it's like saying Google shouldn't index my site because I have a search engine feature built in to it.18:36
Ariel_Erannalioth: we are trying to improve the current search/browse experience by providing additional features, providing a more interactive approach to reading the logs. We think that both IRC and non-IRC users will find these logs much more accessible. We hope that the site will provide a centralized source for many IRC logs18:36
Ariel_Eranjdong: :)18:36
PriceChildEyes on #ubuntu please... they're back, being d-lined. I set a ban on most common username.18:37
PriceChildnalioth, there are still a few left... with n=sobetch18:38
nixternalGelll msn yalnýzca sen gel ekle caným ||| melisa_sude28@hot18:39
PriceChildAriel_Eran, There are 4 "leaders" to ubuntu-irc and currently only two are present. Would it be ok if you came back tomorrow after they, and other ops have had time to weigh in? (Many timezones)18:39
nixternalanyone know what that says?18:39
Garythis has been going on since 10am ish, ouch18:40
nixternalSeKeR^^ is pm'ing that stuff18:40
Ariel_EranPriceChild: sure, when would be a good time?18:40
nixternalthanks whoever klined him18:41
PriceChildnixternal, the guy is banned so can't disrupt the channel, not sure whether to remove them all or not.18:41
nixternalhe just got klined18:41
nixternalthat is ownage, god I love this country18:41
nixternalIRC country that is!18:41
PriceChildAriel_Eran, whenever is good for you, probably 24 plus a couple of hours from now is good?18:41
Ariel_EranIs there any chance they'll be online a few hours from now?18:42
PriceChildProbably. I think we would appreciate a day at least though to get everyone's thoughts on the matter.18:43
ardchoilleI just got spammed from caIvin  n=Guest597@
PriceChildI think most just left....18:45
Ariel_EranPriceChild: Ok, I'll do my best to log in tomorrow night (that is ~24 hours from now)18:45
PriceChildmaybe not with that d-line18:45
PriceChildThanks Ariel_Eran.18:45
Ariel_EranI must leave now, Thanks for your time.18:45
PriceChildRight I'm off climbing.18:47
=== Pici` is now known as Pici
LjL[20:21:39] <SeTam> Baksana Evde Yalnýzým Webcamda ne Gostercem Ekle msn Ye ||| sudenaz_camda_sx@hot19:22
PiciI dont even know what language that is19:23
naliothLjL: timestamp?19:24
naliothtonyyarusso: we're on 'em19:25
LjLnalioth: 19:21:39 UTC19:25
PiciUser's host is in turkey... which doesnt necessarily mean anything.19:26
LjLnalioth: they're not stupid. they target ljl-temp (they did the same yesterday, or the day before, or what it was), but never ljl19:26
naliothLjL: i'm seeing that19:27
LjLpossibly they /cs access list and ignore those19:27
LjLljl-temp is also identified as ubuntu/member/ljl, so i guess they go by nickname19:27
LjLand we do have nicknames in our access list19:27
PiciLjL: I was getting them yesterday... and I'm on the access list19:28
LjLPici: *shrug*... might be chance. today ljl-temp got two of them. but the other day it got 4... and ljl got none19:28
crdlb14:30 <banu19> Baksana Evde Yalnýzým Webcamda ne Gostercem Ekle msn Ye ||| sudenaz_camda_sx@hot19:31
PiciYou know.. if I wanted to look at their webcamdas, I'm not sure how I'd do that with that address.19:33
nixternal[   banu19] Baksana Evde Yalnýzým Webcamda ne Gostercem Ekle msn Ye ||| sudenaz_camda_sx@hot19:38
nixternallovely, another one19:38
Picinixternal: ping19:49
nixternalyo yo19:49
PiciHey, atoponce was just asking about your recent blog post about Kubuntu19:50
PiciJust to clarify, Kubuntu will not be LTS, but Ubuntu will, right?19:50
tonyyarussowait, what?19:51
* tonyyarusso hits the planet19:51
Picitonyyarusso: http://blog.nixternal.com/2007.12.20/kubuntu-804-featuring-kde-4/19:51
atoponcenixternal: see all the commotion you caused now with your post? :)19:52
tonyyarussoSo Kubuntu has to wait another two years for an LTS?19:52
atoponceway to go19:52
atoponcei thought canonical backed kubuntu. i guess not?19:52
nixternalthey never have, but I won't get into that19:53
tonyyarussoDoes that mean that Kubuntu 6.06 users will be completely out of luck?  (As I'm assuming we won't have another LTS before June of '09)19:53
Piciperhaps we should move this into +119:53
atoponceheh. and i just pointed nalioth to here from +1 :)19:54
tonyyarussoHow'd it get to be 2 already....  /me runs out to attempt that awful ordeal commonly known as "Christmas shopping"19:55
* nalioth hands tonyyarusso knee and elbow pads19:56
somerville32LTS doesn't really make a different for me anyhow. I certainly did use dapper long than I had to :P19:59
somerville32but you should know that if Ubuntu is LTS, Kubuntu, Xubuntu, etc. are inherently LTS too20:00
Picisomerville32: we're in +1 now ;)20:00
somerville32#ubuntu+1 ?20:00
tonyyarussonixternal: You seem to actually be happy about this.  Care to /j #ubuntu+1 and explain why this is a good thing?20:02
ubotuCurrent time in Etc/UTC: December 20 2007, 20:02:41 - Next meeting: MOTU meeting in 15 hours 57 minutes20:02
Jack_Sparrowtonyyarusso: One year I dressed like a hobo.. people cleared the isles trying to get away from me...  Just a ratty old jacket and some dirt on my sneekers...20:10
tonyyarussolol, that's a great idea20:11
Jack_SparrowSomeone called security..  I flashed em my gold card and ID.. they laughed and left me alone20:12
Jack_SparrowIt was the best $5 I ever spent in a thrift store.. and sorry for the ot......20:12
jdonglooks like Steve Ballmer's Cisco job application.20:29
ubotuPlease investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubotu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids.21:06
jussi01do we really need the last part of that?21:06
jussi01I mean really, only ops have access to add factoids...21:07
LjLjussi01: not really, people can still "add" them and they get forwarded to here21:07
LjLand we get quite a few garbage spit out21:07
jussi01LjL: perhaps we need to reword it or something?21:07
jussi01LjL: yeah, I cant remember how many times I have seen !foo is bar21:08
LjLjussi01, even the wiki page i think still says you can "add" factoids. it's true from the user's point of view - it's just a moderated system of adding21:08
jussi01I suppose.21:09
jussi01fukizzat: can we help you?21:20
LjLjussi01: by telling him how to change an ident21:20
jussi01LjL: heh..21:21
Myrttifukizzat: change your ident21:21
Garyor change your ident or else :p21:22
Myrttior I'll...21:23
Myrttipoke you with a pink fluffy pen!21:23
mneptoktinkle in your Pepsi!21:23
Garyoww, can I have that Myrtti ?21:23
MyrttiMINE! NOT YOURS!21:24
mneptokfukizzat: is there something you wanted?21:25
LjLnow *this* is weird21:30
LjLi'm seeing... UFO. 5 of them. christmas joke by someone who can send air balloons? :|21:30
mneptokLjL: maybe the horse-sized pills are kicking in21:31
Garythats a big pill21:31
LjLmneptok: no, and i can tell a plane from a weird object21:31
Garyaliens, arghh21:32
LjLwell i can be hardly the only one who's seen those, i guess i'll know in due time.21:32
mneptokR U N !21:33
GaryLjL, not been to a work xmas party?21:34
Garyor the bar?21:34
effie_jayxmneptok,  you got one of those new ipods?21:34
* effie_jayx hides21:34
effie_jayxthe attack of the killer DRM filled ipods...21:34
mneptokeffie_jayx: no, the implant and monitoring appartus scared me off21:35
mneptok"Now Playing: Fields Of The Nephilim - Blue Water   :::  Body Temperature Normal - Next Bowel Movement 20m37s"21:36
Garymneptok, haha21:36
LjLGary: no >:21:50
LjLdad reminded me it's winter solstice tonight21:50
LjLso, the easy explanation is someone being bored by fireworks and inventing something wittier21:50
Garyhelium filled glowy things?21:50
LjLor something like that, yeah21:50
naliothstdin: people ask quite often21:55
stdinnalioth: doing it in a channel full of staff requires a "special" kind of thought process21:56
naliothno, just a troll doing what they do21:57
BloodElfSorry :P22:42
ompaulBloodElf, not smart really22:42
ompaulgoing to give it a miss if I let you back in?22:42
ompaulguess not22:43
BloodElfIll be good22:43
ompaulpart here and join #ubuntu22:44
Jack_Sparrowompaul: I need some help in channel22:44
ompaulJack_Sparrow, was that it?22:44
ompaulBloodElf, I thought I had removed it22:44
ompauljust a sec22:44
ompaulBloodElf, done22:45
PriceChildhate typing after climbing22:49
PriceChildtook half a dozen attempts at my username/password22:49
ardchoillePriceChild: Lead or belay?22:49
PriceChildardchoille, indoor, so both and bouldering22:50
ardchoilleAh, ok22:50
GaryPriceChild, you should try concentrating when all you can hear is "have you seen the way to amarillo" playing from the party downstairs22:50
PriceChildGary, oh that'd be crazy22:50
Garyand now it is "just twist again, like we did last summer"23:09
mneptoklet's twist again, like we did last year23:13
mneptokremember when things were really hummin'?23:14
mneptoklet's twist again, omg lulz ph33r.23:14
* Pici is scared.. more than usual23:14
Garydancing queen now, I think I'm gonna jump out the window23:15
Jack_Sparrowpici  you here.. ubuntu needs you23:59

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