
owhYesterday nealmcb told me that ubuntu-server was looking at ebox to do central management, but there is an approved blueprint using NetDirector here: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/enterprise-system-config-management, are we talking about solving two different things, or are there competing views?00:22
pschulz01Is it possible to have multiple 'up' commands in the /etc/network/interfaces file for an interface?00:39
pschulz01(eg. for setting up multiple static routes.)00:40
owhWhat are you trying to achieve?00:40
owhpschulz01: An interface is either up or down, making it up multiple times doesn't make sense, so what are you trying to do?00:43
pschulz01Bring up multiple routes.00:47
pschulz01eg. run multiple scripts/commands when the interface starts00:47
owhOn the same physical interface?00:47
owhRunning multiple scripts isn't the same as bringing up multiple routes.00:48
pschulz01owh: Otherwise.. is there somewhere else that static routes are put?00:48
pschulz01I'm just going to create a script //etc/network/add-static-routes00:48
pschulz01and put the commands in there and call that with 'up'..00:49
owhIf you put that script in /etc/network/if-up.d/ it will be called.00:49
owhExample here: http://www.pcbuyersguide.co.za/showthread.php?t=692700:49
owhI'm assuming you understand that you can also alias an interface?00:50
pschulz01owh: Yes.. as in eth0:0 ?00:52
pschulz01owh: Yes.. making very good use of that. Manchine IP on eth0, services on eth0:0 etc.00:53
owhpschulz01: That gave me an idea over here for something I'm doing, thanks!00:53
pschulz01owh: Just have to add some routes as we have a crazy openvpn setup to the box, which distributes some network routes which we need to add 'exceptions' for.00:54
owhLovely :|00:55
nealmcbowh: the status of that netdirector spec is "drafting", not approved.  it was accepted as a discussion item for UDS, but I haven't heard much more since then00:57
owhYeah, and since saying that I've been looking around and it seemed to all stop at the beginning of 2006. I've now downloaded the ebox-user-guide and I've found the section called eBox control centre, so I'm feeling a little more confident.00:58
nealmcbowh: what seemed to stop?  netdirector seemed active last month00:59
owhHmm, the downloads I've found are all from 2006, am I looking in the wrong spot?00:59
nealmcbowh: note that IIRC ebox is undergoing some pretty significant changes based on the UDS conversations01:00
nealmcbowh: as I recall one of the upstream netdirector guys was at UDS, so while I haven't looked at it I was assuming it was active01:01
owhHmm, netdirector 3.1.2 was February 200701:01
nealmcbit is also newly relicenced I think01:01
owhNo actual packages as such though.01:01
owhMy largest concern with eBox was that I couldn't manage multiple servers, but that seems to have been addressed, I'm sure I'll find snakes in the grass somewhere :(01:02
owhOMG, the "how to make this work" section is pretty fun :(01:04
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Ahmuckwhy would lspci list my nic, but ifconfig does not show it03:26
kgoetzits not configured03:26
frankenchristfrom a minimal install which package to install what used to be ubuntu-lamp ?03:36
Burgundaviafrankenchrist: you need tasksel03:37
frankenchristI am using debootstrap03:38
Burgundaviathe lamp option is not a package, but rather uses tasksel03:38
frankenchristIs there a preseed file then on the server cd which would hold the tasksel list?03:39
teddy233dhcp classes ... anyone know how to configure them?03:48
kgoetzdo you have a specific question? (no, is the answer to yours)03:51
teddy233i wont start explaining if no one in here has a clue about dhcp config03:52
* kgoetz wanders off03:53
teddy23396 vlans each wit a diff ip ... want all to use 1 dhcp server03:54
teddy233get proper ip range based on the switch/router that it came from03:54
teddy233any idea?03:55
kgoetzi suggest splitting into multiple config files for a start. just for ease of maintaincance03:56
teddy233just more stuff to manage03:58
teddy2331 file is find03:58
teddy233i can add comments then search for a comment to find location03:58
kgoetzjust checking one of my works configs, but it seemms to be stripped of comments :/03:58
teddy233the documentation is so poor04:00
kgoetzmmm. the documentation is almost just the example in the config file04:01
teddy233when u see something like this if substring (option vendor-class-identifier, 0, 4)04:02
teddy233what does the 0 and 4 mean ?04:02
kgoetzi'd guess two different types of sun gear04:04
teddy233bah, i'm going to bed04:05
teddy233pm me if u find anything04:05
teddy233i'll read in the morning04:05
nealmcbsoren ^ tasksel and debootstrap question05:21
kgoetzanyone else here logging more then simply error.log and access.log to /var/log/apache2/ ? i'm wondering if your logs get rotated or not05:50
kgoetzcan someone tell me how to get postfix/* to stop loggin into syslog? if that data is differnt to whats in mail.*, can i put it in a special postfix log? there so much postfix going through syslog i can't see whats going on :/06:41
kgoetzmy syslog foo is weak :(06:42
sorennealmcb: Er... where?08:18
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sorenWe've had this discussion before...11:59
zulyes thats why im allowing you to win this time11:59
sorenOh? Ok.11:59
soren"No, it's not!"12:00
zulyou're right...you win! you get a fish..12:01
zulor the mystery box12:02
sorenI've seen that one. I'll go with the fish.12:03
* soren chuckles12:04
zulyeah I love that movie12:04
* soren too12:04
* soren goes to lunch12:04
* _ruben just finished lunch12:18
_rubenhmm .. you'd expect a kernel compile to bring the cpu load up to 100% .. but it doesnt, odd12:36
lamontkgoetz: in /etc/syslog.conf, change the line to read: *.*;mail,auth,authpriv.none          -/var/log/syslog13:11
oly-anyone know a good place to get cheap rack servers, ie without os for running linux ?14:18
sorenoly-: Speak German?14:21
sorenoly-: Pity..14:21
oly-in uk :)14:22
sorenWEll, I'm in Denmark and I speak (some) German.14:22
oly-so preferably someone who ships there :p14:22
sorenOh, you want to host the servers yourself?14:22
sorenI thought you wanted colocation or something.14:22
oly-yeah want to purchase them, currently have a linux server but its running on a desktop fujitsu14:23
oly-we have a server rack, so if i can find one thats not to pricy i can replace the desktop machine14:23
oly-just thought someone here might have some recomendations :p14:24
xtoly-: HP Proliant ! :)14:28
oly-thxs for suggestion, looking at them, although the dell ones look good for the price14:31
xtdell ones are good too14:33
zuldell is also expension14:51
zulexpensive even14:51
oly-the dell ones seem to start at £300 which is not to bad most places seem to start around the £500 mark14:55
oly-depends what ya need, dont need anything to fancy at the moment14:56
nealmcbsoren: frankenchrist was asking about installing the lamp stack via debootstrap, which made me think of the same question for ubuntu-jeos.  how would we suggest that people install a task in ubuntu-jeos-builder?  he also asked "Is there a preseed file then on the server cd which would hold the tasksel list?"15:03
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Shadowhandin order to make my life easier for my (windows-desktop-enabled) boss, is there a web-based gui i can install on top of ubuntu server?15:58
Shadowhandparticularly for managing Samba15:58
sommerShadowhand: here's a link to instructions on installing a GUI: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-186298.html15:59
Shadowhandi don't want X1115:59
Shadowhandi want a web portal15:59
kirCould anybody shed the light on who is the maintainer of vzctl and vzquota packages in Ubuntu? Any package have a maintainer, right?15:59
sommerShadowhand: ah... woops didn't read your question close enough16:00
sommerShadowhand: SWAT is a good web based Samba config tool16:00
sommersee http://us1.samba.org/samba/docs/man/Samba-HOWTO-Collection/SWAT.html16:00
Shadowhandthanks sommer, i'll check it out16:01
sommernp, if you need a web based tool for other services eBox is going to be integrated into Hardy.16:02
Shadowhandsamba is really the only problem at the moment16:02
Shadowhandmy boss wants to be able to manage the users, since he handles the desktop integration stuff16:02
Shadowhandand i don't want to crash course him in using the *nix CLI16:03
dexemthen ebox is cool for that :)16:03
sommerShadowhand: SWAT should work fine for you then I'd think.  the Ubuntu package name is swat, should painless to install16:03
Shadowhandyah, i already got installed16:03
Shadowhandjust looking at the docs now16:03
Shadowhandhow do i actually access the page?16:05
Shadowhandip.xx.xx.xx:901 ?16:05
sommerShadowhand: I think so... I really haven't used SWAT much myself :)16:06
nealmcbsommer: good info - thanks!16:07
sommernealmcb: np16:07
Shadowhandoh nm16:07
Shadowhandsommer: sudo update-inetd --enable 'swat'16:07
Ahmuckis there a reason why the install would detect dhcp using the nic during installation but there is no nic upon reboot listed.  it is listed in lspci, but not in ifconfig16:08
Shadowhandthat was the missing step16:08
ShadowhandAhmuck: auto eth0 \ iface eth0 inet dhcp16:08
Shadowhandthat "\" is a newline16:08
Shadowhandverify that's in /etc/network/interfaces16:08
Ahmucki assume that auto is a command?16:10
Shadowhandit's all lines16:11
Shadowhandboth lines belong in /etc/network/interfaces16:11
Ahmuckah, ok, let me check16:11
Shadowhandyou should already have: auto lo \ iface lo inet loopback16:11
Shadowhandsommer: ok, here's a problem16:12
Shadowhandin order to configure smb with swat, i have to log in as root16:12
Ahmuckya, it's there #Primary network interface16:12
Ahmuckso now what?16:13
sommeroh he bailed... sigh16:17
Shadowhandhello again16:34
Shadowhandit looks like i can't add users with swat16:35
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Ahmuckubuntu jeos would be perfect for low end systems if everything worked16:35
Shadowhandebox requires gnome?16:36
Shadowhandyack, and pgsql16:36
sommerShadowhand: eBox may not be what you're looking for then.  Also, it's really not very integrated, but should be for Hardy16:41
Shadowhandbut why does a web-based tool require Gnome libs?16:41
Shadowhandthat's just moronic, thb16:41
sommernever heard of Gnome web 2.0?  :-)16:42
sommernot sure about the dependency thing16:42
sommerjust kidding about the gnome web 2.0... fyi, heh16:43
Shadowhandgconf2 gconf2-common16:43
Shadowhandlibgnome2-gconf-perl libhtml-mason-perl16:43
Shadowhandjust to list a few16:43
Shadowhandperl, gnome, and pgsql16:43
Shadowhand3 things i don't want my administration to be dependent on :P16:43
sommerI think it may be an icon thing, but I could be wrong, pgsql isn't gnome though is it?16:44
Shadowhandpgsql isn't gnome16:45
sommeryou could always whip up a cgi, php, python, script to manage passwd users :)16:46
sommerthen use swat to manage the Samba aspect16:46
sommerI admit that doesn't sound very "clean" though16:47
pteague_workanybody know which kernel ubuntu-server 7.04 attempts to install on a virtual machine?16:47
sommerpteague_work: same as a regular machine16:47
Shadowhandwell, my problem appears to be that the unix user accounts don't exist16:48
Shadowhandanyone know how i can run samba with a totally separate password file?16:48
Shadowhandi don't want my samba users to have unix accounts16:48
pteague_work2.6 kernel?16:48
Shadowhandpteague_work: 2.6.22-14-server16:49
Shadowhandis the kernel i got when i installed16:49
Shadowhand(that was yesterday)16:49
Ahmuckwell, i've managed to make my system non-bootable now16:49
sommerShadowhand: this might help you: http://us1.samba.org/samba/docs/man/Samba-HOWTO-Collection/passdb.html16:49
pteague_workk, it's failing when it's trying to select & install software & i'm not quite sure why :(16:49
Ahmuckpteague_work: hi there16:51
pteague_workos: linux 2.6 kernel, base memory: 512mb, video memory: 8mb...  8gb primary for / & 1gb secondary for swap16:51
pteague_workheya Ahmuck16:51
Ahmuckpteague_work: use ubuntu jeos16:51
Ahmuckit's written for vm16:52
Ahmucki'm trying to use it on a regular machine because of it's small footprint, but may have to give it up16:52
Ahmuckor switch out the kernel for a virtual kernel16:53
Ahmuckpteague_work: r u using jeos?16:59
pteague_workjust googled it... i think i'll grab it16:59
Shadowhandhooray for samba.org being 503'd17:00
pteague_workAhmuck> suggested ram for jeos? will be running apache, mysql, php at the least17:05
CarlFKpteague_work: I did all that on a 32mb box back in the 486 days :)17:07
Shadowhandis aptitude the only way to search for packages?17:08
Shadowhandno apt-get search?17:08
CarlFKapt-cache search17:09
Shadowhandfscking awesome17:09
pteague_workyeah... i guess part of it is looking at this beast of crappy code...  i'm not even thinking of optimizing code at this point... all i want to do is normalize & standardize... this is some of the worst spaghetti code i've seen17:09
* Shadowhand *hates* aptitude17:09
pteague_work1 directory has over 10k php files in it... that doesn't include any images, txt, etc files... just the php files17:10
pteague_work& about 99% of those are 1 liners... they basically set a variable or 2 & then include another file17:10
pteague_work1 of the other directories in backup had over 20k php files... currently under public_html it's a bit more manageable at 10k again17:11
Ahmuckpteague_work: i have jeos running on a vm with 64mb ram17:12
Ahmucknow, i don't know about apache, etc.  i installed xserver-xorg and e17 on top of it17:13
Ahmucki can only get this to run in a vm17:13
Ahmuck:-(.  can't get it to run a a real machine17:14
sommerAhmuck: I thing you're always going to be disappointed trying to run JeOS on real hardware.17:14
sommerAhmuck: the goal of JeOS is to only include the necessary drivers for a VM17:15
sommerso if your hardware doesn't match those of the vm... it's bad news17:15
sommerthe server edition is quite light weight and has a plethora of drivers... I'd suggest using that17:16
CarlFKI thought jeOS was for hosting VMs17:18
CarlFKno need to splian... now i get it17:19
Ahmuckah, that is my problem then17:19
Ahmuckit works except, the nic does not work17:19
Ahmuckso i would need to load a driver for the nic17:19
sommerCarlFK: according to this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/JeOS17:19
sommerit needs VMWare, Qemu, etc to run.17:20
Ahmuckis this because ubuntu server does not have support for vm and that is why ubuntu server would always give me an error - this os is to old for this machine?17:20
CarlFKI think I read it as  "only contains the base elements needed to run a virtualized environment."17:20
sommerAhmuck: correct, and possibly the video, sound, etc17:20
CarlFKum, os is to old ?17:21
Ahmuckyes, i could never get ubuntu server to boot up after installation on a vm.  something to do with some processor thingy.  let me search17:22
sommerAhmuck: you're probably getting that because the Server Edition is optimized for i686 while the desktop has i586 and i68617:22
Ahmuckbut ubuntu jeos did it just fine.  i was using virtual box17:22
pteague_workshould i be setting the hard drive in the vm to be static or expandable?  afaik my real disk is ext317:22
CarlFKu-s should run in any VM, jeos will just be better17:23
Ahmuckpteague_work: i use expandable17:24
pteague_workhmm...  my jeos download passed the md5sum, but checking the iso image when booting the vm off the iso image comes back as integrity test failed17:24
Ahmuckah, now i remember, it has something to do with PAE, and ubuntu server refused to boot after installation on virtual box17:25
Ahmuck"PANIC: CPU too old for this kernel."17:26
Ahmuckiirc it was not limited to virtual box, but there were some others as well17:27
CarlFKinstalling yesterday's hardy u-s, (on real box) no disk detected?17:29
pteague_workhmm... jeos - your network is probably not using the DHCP protocol.  Alternatively, the DHCP server may be slow or some network hardware is not working properly... ?17:34
emo_ninjahi, anyone know of an apache 1.3 repo for gutsy?17:35
pteague_workargh, don't tell me apache 1.3 isn't in gutsy ?17:36
emo_ninjathat is correct17:37
emo_ninjaphased out for apache 217:37
Ahmuckshould be in backports ?17:37
pteague_workdang... then i need your question answered as well =)17:37
emo_ninjawhich is fine, but there are still certain mod perl things that I'm not comfortable moving to 217:37
emo_ninjaI don't believe it is Ahmuck17:38
pteague_workthat means i need to go check & see if php4 & mysql4 are in there as well17:38
* pteague_work kills vm installs...17:39
emo_ninjahrm.. I just find it so odd that no one else seems to want apache 1.317:44
emo_ninjaah well, from source it is17:44
pteague_worki don't really want apache 1.3, but i'm trying to build a test server that duplicates the current server... so if i screw something up i'll know before it goes 'live'17:55
pteague_workhmm...  feisty has mysql-server-4.1, but it says it's a transitional package... i'm guessing that means it installs mysql-server-5... ?17:55
pteague_workhah, i may have to go install debian..17:57
zulchuck@homer:~$ uname -a18:02
zulLinux homer 2.6.24-rc4-xen #4 SMP Thu Dec 20 10:28:20 EST 2007 i686 GNU/Linux18:02
pteague_workgotta love it.... "the password isn't letting me get into the email account"... um, that account doesn't actually have a mailbox on the server, it's forwarded to a gmail account...18:05
Ahmuckpteague_work: why not build on apache2.  then convert over?18:08
CarlFK" that duplicates the current server"18:08
CarlFKupgrade teh current server!18:09
Ahmuckyes, but let's assume that heh can run everything he has on apache2.  wouldn't it be best to "move up"18:09
pteague_workwe're putting together a virtual server for all the new stuff... unfortunately i need to make some changes on the current server & the current server is running apache 1.3.37, php 4.4.4, & mysql 4.1.2218:10
* Ahmuck fires up vbox to see18:10
CarlFKif 1.3 is working fine, best not to mess with it18:10
pteague_worki need to make changes to the .htaccess file on the current server... i don't want to make modifications to the .htaccess on the live production server & discover it doesn't work...  that's why i'm trying to put a test environment together that matches the current production server...  the new servers we're working on will be apache2 & will have both php4 & php5 on them18:12
Ahmuckpteague_work: it should work the same on the vm with apache2 as it does on 1.318:16
Ahmuck.htacess that is18:16
CarlFK'should' :)18:17
pteague_worki understand that the utilization of .htaccess is the same, but i don't know if apache1.3 will exhibit the same behavior with the particular things i'm wanting to put into the .htaccess file including several php_value directives18:17
Ahmuckthere really isn't much to an .httaccess file18:17
Ahmuckso apache 1.3 has been taken from the fiesty repositories?18:18
CarlFKAhmuck: guessing it is still in 6.06 lts18:19
Ahmuckcouldn't one change the repositories or add the repositories to the apt file?18:20
Ahmuckand then get it18:20
pteague_workAhmuck> i think apache 1.3 is in feisty, but not the php4 for apache1.3 i think18:23
Ahmucki think i would just keep looking at old repositories, and then restrict your repository to that18:24
Ahmuckso, does anybody know how much lighter jeos is over server edition?  i'm looking for something very lightweight.  4g hard drive, 450mhz proc, and 64mb ram18:27
CarlFKAhmuck: no nic?18:34
AhmuckCarlFK: ?18:35
CarlFKi am guesing that is a likely problem trying to use jeos on real HW18:35
Ahmuckah, yes.  no drivers loaded18:36
Ahmuckso as a result it does not load 3c905x drivers18:36
CarlFKserver will run fine on 64mb18:36
Ahmuckwhich mean i would have to manually install them18:36
CarlFKserver + apache + mysql...18:36
* Ahmuck is trying to do server/xserver-xorg/e1718:36
pteague_workmaybe i'm doing something wrong with the network setup... how should i be setting up the network under vmware?18:37
ubotuJeOS (pronounced "Juice") is Just enough Operating System.  It is an efficient variant of the Ubuntu Server operating system, configured specifically for virtual appliances. See http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition/jeos for more information.18:37
nealmcbpteague_work: that last one is a tutorial18:38
AhmuckCarlFK: yes, i need a small footprint18:39
AhmuckCarlFK: so i can cram OO.o, scribus, gramps on oit18:39
nealmcbbut it would seem like a real pain to try to get the jeos iso booting on physical hardware - it is designed for use in a vm18:39
Ahmucknealmcb: yes, i've decided to try ubuntu server.  i could not get it to install initially because my bios was to old18:43
Ahmuckso i updated my bios and then tried ubuntu jeos, but i would have liked jeos to install.  just enough os to run18:44
CarlFKAhmuck: once you get it running, you will have u-server18:44
Ahmucki've used xubuntu, but in testing, e17 or elbunut works better then xubuntu18:44
Ahmuckand having used it, i like e1718:44
Ahmucka u-server?18:44
Ahmuckah, so what is the difference in ubuntu server and ubunter jeos?  i was under the impression that ubuntu server had a larger footprint once installed18:45
* Ahmuck should do two vm installs and compare disk size18:45
CarlFKAhmuck: it does.  but you are going to add to jeus and end up with a similar18:46
CarlFKAhmuck: have you installed -server and whatever you need on the 64mb box?18:47
Ahmuckworking on that now18:47
Ahmucki bought the boxes for 1.00  i initially thought i would use ltsp server in conjuction with kubuntu.  however the ltsp server setup is not as polished or i was not finding the right programs so i opted for an easier way out.  unfortunately i've been researching the jeos driver thingy for two days and have fallen back to ubuntu server agian18:52
CarlFKjeus is not the os you are looking for.,.18:55
CarlFKprobably worth looking into spending a few more $ to get 128m in them18:56
Ahmuckna, they would work great on ltsp server18:57
CarlFKwell then do that...18:57
Ahmuckbut i blew the psu in the box i was going to use for the ltsp server18:57
nealmcbAhmuck: the larger footprint in u-s is there to deal with the driver issues you need to deal with for real hardware.  you can always remove the stuff you don't want after install, or build your own kernel if you are so inclined for maximum speed.19:00
pteague_workdang... i'm not sure the 8gb for the vm is going to be enough...19:19
CarlFKpteague_work: what kinda system you trying to run?19:23
pteague_workthe public_html directory on the current system is about 7.8g19:23
CarlFKoh.. I thought you meant ram19:24
CarlFKcreate another 'disk'19:24
pteague_workgranted, some of that is extra crap, like roundcube for webmail & such so i can probably cut it down, but that still doesn't account for the mysql db...19:24
CarlFKwhat VM are you using?19:24
pteague_workthe free vmware server19:24
Ahmuckthere is ubuntu server, and on the alternate, ubuntu command line system, ubuntu oem ... are the installations on the alternate smaller?19:24
CarlFKpteague_work: iv been using qemu, but I think the syntax is similar: qemu -hda a.img -hdb b.img19:26
CarlFKthem mount hdb1 under /home19:26
CarlFKAhmuck: smaller or not, you should try them19:26
pteague_workis there a small install for edgy?19:27
CarlFKyes.  u-server19:27
zulwhats the launchpad url for jeos again?19:27
Ahmuckok, i have a question.  i just installed ubuntu-server on that machine, and lspci, it shows the ethernet card, but ifconfig does not show eth019:29
Ahmuckso i am right back where i started19:29
CarlFKAhmuck: what card?19:30
macdI'd like to see something similar to jeos, but for the VM base, like xenutils+kernel+binutils19:30
CarlFKmacd: is base host or guest ?19:30
Ahmuck3c905B [cyclone] rev3019:30
macdAhmuck, you use something like 'tree /dev/sys' to see what devices are what19:31
Ahmuckmaybee it's a bad nic19:31
pteague_worksuggestions for a fast mirror in north america?19:31
macdAhmuck, its very possible its eth1 or 2, but if its a single nic, it _should_ be eth019:31
macdAhmuck, also, does 'lsmod' show the 3c905 module?19:32
macdpteague_work, the osuosl mirror typically gets me over 1000K19:32
CarlFKmacd: whats wrong with u-server ?19:32
macdCarlFK, I think its basic footprint is still a bit bloated19:32
Ahmuckyes, ok i am going to ask a really dumb question.  do i need a cable plugged in for eth0 to show up?  i thought i only need the card in the machine19:33
Ahmuckthe module is there, yes19:33
macdCarlFK, I usually just debootstrap a base using ubuntu, and its ~120mb with no bloat ;)19:33
macdAhmuck, no, but the card won't :come up" either19:33
Ahmuckmacd: debootstrap a base?19:34
CarlFKmacd: that dosn't mean there is anything wrong with anything else19:34
macdCarlFK, not at all, I never said anything was wrong, I just see the need for another option19:34
CarlFKyou and Ahmuck should work on it :)19:35
* macd adds it to the list of things that won't get done ;)19:35
macdI've done it privately, but as far as community goes there so much red tape in the community19:36
macdjust getting the rails stack spec visible was a chore and a half19:36
pteague_workhmm... osuosl doesn't have edgy, has dapper & feisty :(19:37
macdpteague_work, its a mirror, it should have it _all_19:37
pteague_work6.06, 6.06.1, 7.04, 7.1019:37
pteague_workdapper, edubuntu, feisty, gutsy, kubuntu... then again i don't think edgy was a long term19:38
macdnor are 704 and 71019:39
pteague_workyeah, 6.06 is LTS to 2011, 6.10 isn't19:39
pteague_workguess i pull dapper & see if i can upgrade to edgy...  probably wouldn't matter much & would probably be better to stay with dapper anyways...19:39
* macd agrees with using dapper in critical places19:40
pteague_worknot really 'critical'... setting up a test server as close to production as i can (using ubuntu/debian instead of centos) so i can test some changes to the .htaccess file... have to have apache1.3 & php419:42
pteague_workhopefully by end of month we'll be rid of the current servers & on the new virtual servers... hopefully we can go with apache2 & php4 with those19:44
avatar_stil php4?19:45
pteague_worki can't get this code to work under php5 & i'm surprised it's even working on php419:45
pteague_work$session[username] ...19:45
CarlFKAhmuck: I just put a 3c905 in a u-server box, and ... it didn't work?!19:45
CarlFKAhmuck: but.. I do see something with ifconfig -a (eth2, but I think it is an isa nic.  taking that out now)19:46
pteague_workavatar_> heh, it looks like php3 tutorials slapped together19:46
macdpteague_work, keep in mind dapper doesnt have apache2 in the repos for it19:47
CarlFKer.  it was an isa sound/modem ... so the only nic got assigned eth2.  I thought this was a clien install, but it may be left over from some nutty wifi router I was trying to build19:48
pteague_workyeah... for the new stuff i think we're going to use quickbooks enterprise to deal with inventory & build off of there with php5... i'm hoping quickbooks will use mysql or postgresql19:49
macdpteague_work, it uses odbc, so your good there19:49
macdat least the newer version that is based on .net219:50
pteague_work.net2 ?  i was looking at the linux server version19:50
macdohh, I didnt even know there was one, I just assumed you were running it on windows-server and wanted to use a linux db box for a backend19:51
pteague_worki'm not sure what version tho...19:51
pteague_workthis is first pdf (converted to html) that i've seen on google for it -
pteague_workupgrading from linux database server manager release 7.0... so guessing it's 8.0 ?19:52
macdyeah I was just on their site19:52
macdThey show a linux db backend, but a windows client19:53
pteague_workyeah, that's fine... all the workstations in the warehouse currently have vista (ugh)...19:53
pteague_workrecommended ram - as much as possible19:54
pteague_workonly tested on open suse enterprise server 10.2 & fedora 6...19:55
pteague_workhmm... looks like we may have to have this as a local machine & have it connect remotely to the webserver/database19:58
pteague_workanybody have any ideas as to why a barcode in a pdf wouldn't be printing along with the rest of the pdf?  we've been having issues with the USPS click-n-ship pdfs20:25
Ahmuckfound my problem - bad nic20:26
Ahmuckchanged the nic, and now i have eth020:26
nealmcbAhmuck: cool!20:33
CarlFKpteague_work: i mess with barcodes and pdfs - is it something you could give me?20:38
CarlFKnot sure I have any advice, but im curious20:39
CarlFKanyone have todays http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-server/daily/current/hardy-server-i386.iso20:41
CarlFKI am wondering if the installer uses the same kernel as the alt cd20:42
pteague_workCarlFK> hmm... not sure20:46
pteague_workCarlFK> sure, /msg me your email address20:48
pteague_workor hmm...  at 153.4 kb i guess it's small enough to try to send via irc if you want?20:49
CarlFKdcc hardly works for me, but give it a shot20:50
CarlFK"receiving... 0%...."20:53
pteague_workyep, sent via email then20:53
sommerhere's a pickle I changed the hostname on my machine reboot and forgot to change /etc/hosts21:28
sommernow sudo says  unable to resolve host21:28
sommeris there a way to edit /etc/hosts without using a recovery cd?21:28
sommermeh nm... just needed to repeat the command 3 times before it worked21:39
Ahmuckhi again, up and running on that low end system22:03
Ahmuckmacd: u said you were boot straping?22:03
CarlFKAhmuck: you looking for automated install?22:07
Ahmuckwell, not really if i had instructions.  i could not help but see that he was doing a low mb install22:07
Ahmuckso i was hoping that with some work in a vm i could get the install down really small22:08
CarlFKwhat good would the VM do?22:10
nealmcbsommer: that's the second time i've heard of a sudo / hosts issue - is this some nasty pam interaction or what??  scary!22:10
AhmuckCarlFK: a vm would allow me to do multiple aptitude install/remove until i found the right configuration for a very small install22:16
Ahmuckmacd: i would be interested in knowing how you did you bootstrap of ubuntu-server, and/or docs on the web you found.  i would like to try this22:16
osmosiswhere can I download feisty server 386 iso ?22:17
* Ahmuck thinks there needs to be a ubuntu-base22:17
kgoetzlamont: thank you. i assume the '-' in front of the log name means 'dont put this in here'?22:39
* Ahmuck needs to find a wya to strip down ubuntu, then xserver-xorg install22:40
kgoetzAhmuck: has ubuntu-base disapeared?22:40
kgoetzand to strip it down, i recomend debfoster22:41
kgoetzlamont: sweet. thats got it. thanks :)22:43
sommernealmcb: I think it may have something to do with the !fqdn option in /etc/sudoers... I could very well be wrong though22:53
Ahmucki think there was a server type of install that allowed you to "choose" what type of server.  i remember using that install, but i can't seem to locate it now23:32
lamontkgoetz: the - in front of the log name says don't sync the log to disk every write.23:39
lamontsee 'man syslog.conf'23:39
kgoetzjust seeing it atm23:40
kgoetzask i understand it, i have to createa a local* facility logging to a file, then point bind to use that instead of <its default>23:42

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