
PiciPriceChild: :D00:01
=== crd1b is now known as crdlb
LjLhave the turkish bots stopped? i didn't get a single hit01:22
tonyyarussoI don't have any in the last few hours myself01:23
ubotuJack_Sparrow called the ops in #ubuntu (cowlikk)02:42
Jack_Sparrow[18:43] <cowlikk> you guys all fucking suck dick . haha have a nice day02:44
Jack_Sparrow[18:43] [Whois] cowlikk is n=cowlikk@host-69-146-57-31.csp-wy.client.bresnan.net (purple)02:45
naliothJack_Sparrow: we don't need that in here  :(02:47
Jack_SparrowNp...  I called ops02:48
naliothwe saw it.02:48
ardchoilleHe came into #kubuntu saying they wouldn't help him in #ubuntu. Now I know why02:49
cowlikkhello i was foolish and i am needing to be unbanned can someone help me with thi03:13
Jack_SparrowYou were beyone foolish.. you were downright rude...03:15
cowlikki know i got carried away03:16
cowlikki just dont understand why caps are so offensive03:17
cowlikkso i guess no one here can help?03:18
Jack_SparrowI'll see if pici wants to review this.03:19
Picicowlikk: Let me take a look at the logs, hold on.03:19
cowlikkthey arent pretty03:20
ardchoilleI think there is more to it than the caps03:20
Jack_Sparrow18:43 actually03:20
cowlikkhow is everyone no what is going on already03:20
no0ticJack_Sparrow, in your TZ ;)03:20
cowlikki dont know what that means03:20
cowlikki have only had linux since about 11pm last night03:21
Jack_SparrowI can paste it but you wont like it03:21
cowlikknow i screwed up bigtime cause i cant get help cause i was a @ss hole03:21
somerville32cowlikk, There are other channels you can get help in03:22
cowlikkif only i new where03:22
cowlikki tried some03:23
Jack_Sparrowno0tic: I need to get some sleep.. see you in the morning03:23
cowlikkstill no go03:23
somerville32!irc | cowlikk03:23
ubotucowlikk: A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines03:23
no0ticJack_Sparrow, bye03:23
Jack_SparrowPici.. goodnight...03:23
PiciJack_Sparrow: later03:23
cowlikkam i still banned03:57
naliothcowlikk: and you're likely to stay that way for at least a few more hours03:58
cowlikkso come back when03:59
cowlikknow can i get unbanned04:22
Myrtti 04:30
Picihi Myrtti04:30
Myrttishower -->04:31
PiciMy shower is that way... how'd you guess?04:31
tonyyarussoPici: Myrtti doesn't guess.04:54
MyrttiI *know*04:55
tonyyarussoPici will never take a shower in peace again :P04:56
* Pici is frightened04:56
tonyyarussois it a bad thing if my first flickr post is kinda gross?04:56
naliothtonyyarusso: not again!05:00
tonyyarussohmm, I thought F-Spot was the default photo handler now.  Guess not.05:01
nalioththought we talked about you being gross :P05:01
* kitofhawaii smacks forehead08:37
elkbuntuwhat is he up to now?08:38
ardchoilleelkbuntu: What is required if one wishes to become a member of the community council?08:39
kitofhawaiioh he was fine :) but i caught the perfect moment to start talking to him about things, told him i was really concerned about his relationship with you guys, and the mutual mistrust, and that it was going to impede things for the team...he asked what to i mean...and the funniest thing happened08:42
kitofhawaiithe power went out =))08:42
kitofhawaiinot only did it go out, it went out twice in about three seconds. enough to brick my wireless router :-))08:42
kitofhawaiiplease tell me there's no channel op command to do that =)) /kickbanbrickrouterwithpoweroutage? :)08:44
=== LongPointyStick is now known as Hobbsee
elkbuntukitofhawaii, not that i know of, or i'd use it occasionally :Þ08:44
elkbuntuardchoille, you mean become an ubuntu member?08:45
ardchoilleelkbuntu: So all ubuntu members are also members of the community council?08:45
elkbuntuardchoille, no, members are recognised participants of the community, the community council, a very small select group of people, decide who becomes a member08:46
ardchoilleOk, that's what I wanted to know.08:46
ubotuWant to become an Ubuntu member? Look at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/processes/newmember08:47
Myrtti/me still isn't sure should she apply08:49
PriceChildOn tv, they are beat-boxing "silent night"...09:00
ardchoillePriceChild: That's blasphemy09:01
PriceChildIts worse than (c)rap.09:02
elkbuntuso it's rap(e) then?09:03
PriceChildNever heard or rap with the silent c?09:04
PriceChildAnd rape isn't funny. (shut up jdong)09:05
white_eaglehello, please take the ban off me at #ubuntu, I haven't done anything so bad to punish me for 1 day09:24
Garythis behaviour might not be helping with the lifting of any ban09:27
white_eaglebut what should I do09:27
white_eagleI didn't spam, I just told that Linux isn't an OS, that it is an kernel, and because of the "argument" that followed they banned me09:28
white_eaglea kernel*09:28
PriceChildwhite_eagle, please be patient.... let me read up.09:29
PriceChildwhite_eagle, I see you were given quite a bit of warning that your discussion was offtopic?09:32
white_eagle........I just said that09:32
white_eagleand then again09:32
PriceChild#ubuntu has over a thousand users... and can be very very hectic. Offtopic discussion can make giving support very hard.09:32
white_eagleand nothing else09:32
PriceChildno you didn't09:33
white_eaglewell what did I say09:33
PriceChildYou said that line.... !offtopic and !topic were called, you said it again09:33
white_eaglesee, I told that 2 times09:34
PriceChildyou continued offtopic talk09:34
white_eagle2 TIMES09:34
PriceChildYou were warned again.09:34
white_eagleah, nevermind09:34
white_eagledon't want to get another ban09:34
PriceChildand then you took pride a little..09:34
PriceChildand then you were removed and banned09:34
white_eagleah, and the others who joined the disc.09:35
white_eaglewhat about the09:35
Myrttithat's totally irrelevant to your case09:35
Myrttiyou are responsible for your own actions09:35
Myrttithey are for their own09:35
Myrttiif it was you who started it, then the responsibility is bigger for you09:36
PriceChild1. You're the one that started it. 2. How others behave is no excuse for your own actions. 3. How others are treated has nothing to do with you.09:36
white_eagleand they don't have the lightest responsibility09:36
Myrttiwhite_eagle: who said that?09:36
MyrttiI didn't09:36
white_eagleah, eitherways just moving to fedora09:37
somerville32And who said that people don't choose their distro based on the people who use it? :P09:37
PriceChildquick Myrtti pm him back to invite him back with full apologies.... we didn't mean to go as far as to drive ALL HIS VALUABLE CONTRIBUTIONS towards fedora.09:38
Myrttiwho cares ;-)09:38
Myrttithey all go upstream anyway, right ;-)09:38
somerville32In a perfect world :(09:38
somerville32But trust me, we don't live in a perfect world09:38
PriceChildwould've let him back in probably09:39
Myrttiyou pm him09:39
PriceChildlol no :)09:39
somerville32just unban him? :S09:39
PriceChildpfft no09:39
somerville32pfft. pfft.09:40
* elkbuntu waits for the esr-like email09:40
* somerville32 declares it past his bed time09:41
somerville32@now atlantic09:41
ubotuCurrent time in Canada/Atlantic: December 21 2007, 05:41:31 - Next meeting: MOTU meeting in 2 hours 18 minutes09:41
somerville32oh crap :/09:41
* somerville32 sets the alarm for 8am09:43
* PriceChild watches him set the alarm09:44
* elkbuntu watches PriceChild watch somerville32 set the alarm09:44
* PriceChild watches elky watch me09:44
* elkbuntu watches pricechild watching her09:44
* somerville32 goes to slee^H^H^H^H nap09:44
* PriceChild watches him to go sleep09:45
elkbuntuyeah, lets all watch somerville32 sleep09:45
* somerville32 closes the curtain on his monitor09:45
elkbuntuaww, he led us on :(09:45
white_eaglesorry for before10:01
white_eaglei was irritated10:01
ubotuwols_ called the ops in #ubuntu (botattack)10:50
ubotuIn ubotu, intelikey said: vgafb is vga= framebuffer modes can be found at http://marzenada.blogspot.com/2006/08/kernel-vga-parameters.html11:34
Mez!vgafb is vga= framebuffer modes can be found at http://marzenada.blogspot.com/2006/08/kernel-vga-parameters.html11:38
ubotuI'll remember that, Mez11:38
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about fb - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi12:24
ubotuIf you would like information on framebuffers, please visit: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FrameBuffer12:24
PiciHrmm... I think that !vgafb is only going to confuse people.12:26
PiciPlus its already in the !framebuffer factoid.12:26
Pici!fb is <alias> framebuffer12:40
ubotuI'll remember that, Pici12:40
Pici!no framebuffer is <reply> Information about changing your framebuffer modes in GRUB can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FrameBuffer#grub12:45
ubotuI'll remember that Pici12:45
Pici!no vgafb is <alias> framebuffer12:46
=== Hobbsee is now known as LongPointyStick
ubotu_ruben called the ops in #ubuntu ()13:23
PiciSparX_: Let me just bring up my logs again14:03
SparX_but i was just testing the flood bot...14:03
SparX_i consider i should be kicked first14:04
PiciCan I ask why you thought they needed testing?14:04
SparX_not immediatly banner14:04
SparX_cos on some channels it doesnt work14:04
* SparX_ is sorry.14:05
PiciSo.. you thought that instead of talking to an op about it, you'd just flood the channel and think that you'd just get away with it?14:05
SparX_i thought i would be kicked first14:05
PiciThe bot didnt kick you, I did.14:05
SparX_you banned me14:06
SparX_not kicked14:06
PiciYes, correct.14:06
SparX_i promise it wont happen again14:07
* SparX_ is telling the truth.14:07
PiciSee it from my side: You joined the channel, said nothing. Then 5 seconds later you tart spamming 1 blank line a second14:07
SparX_anyway, if you will accept my apology do it, if you will not, then dont14:08
PiciSparX_: I can't in good conscience remove the ban at this time.14:09
* Hobbsee suspects people with such intelligence, or lack of it, should not be on irc anyway.14:10
* SparX_ thinks Hobbsee is the only person here with lack of intelligence.14:11
* no0tic thinks SparX_ has gained a time extended ban14:13
* SparX_ says: "i dont care."14:14
PiciSparX_: If you have no further business here, we ask that you kindly depart.14:14
PiciI don't even have words for that.14:15
LjLok, let me point out that "testing the floodbots" is something that would always get you a very long ban.14:16
no0tictry spamming a blank line avery 5 seconds14:16
no0tichi LjL, good twilight14:16
LjLwhen i wrote them, i certainly didn't intend them to be an original new excuse for spamming and then having an excuse for it14:16
LjLno0tic: nah... 'tis morning14:16
Hobbseei wish id' stayed around.  could have kickbanned him from here myself.14:17
PiciThe only reason I can think of for testing the floodbots would be to know how to tune your bot attacks14:17
HobbseePici: make sure you comment him in the bantracker, please.14:17
PiciHobbsee: Will do.14:17
HobbseePici: comments such as "hobbsee thinks him a brainless git" are quite appropriate :P14:18
* MenZa snickers.14:18
LjLPici: that's one reason, another reason is to just annoy the channel and then saying "hey, i was trying to help you testing them!"14:18
* Hobbsee just hopes that it *never* becomes publically accessable again14:18
* Pici thinks that Mez needs to fix his ban scripts14:18
PiciHes setting nick, ident and realname bans... :/  Good if you dont want someone coming back ever, but not really needed.14:20
LjLyeah, the banlist is already bordering on full14:21
LjLand one needs to be careful, because some idents/realnames can be pretty generic and catch a lot of folks14:21
PiciRight... like chatzilla's14:22
* tonyyarusso hides14:23
tonyyarussothat never happened, of course14:23
LjLmeh, we all do mistakes like that once in a while, doing it consistently as a standard way of banning is another matter though14:24
Jack_Sparrowikonia: Knock knock15:06
LjLknock knock jokes are banned15:06
Jack_SparrowWant a joke.. was looking to see if he was around15:07
PiciI thought ikonia was a girl for a while <.<15:07
Jack_SparrowMorning pici15:07
LjLPici: seems if you stay in #u-o for a while, you end up thinking people are girls for some reason15:08
Jack_SparrowI think he asked about the game Sudoku, I wrote two versions, and I checked and both run under wine15:08
LjLi wrote a version for epoc32 :P15:08
ikoniaJack_Sparrow: you called15:12
ikoniaPici: I have good legs ;)15:12
Piciikonia: hah15:12
Jack_SparrowHi ikonia...  Were you the one that asked about the game Sudoku15:12
ikonianot me15:12
ikoniaI'm not clever enough for sudoku15:13
Jack_SparrowSorry then.... Whoever it was will need to find me again.. sorry for the ot15:13
ikoniamust dash. Time for more xray fun15:13
Jack_Sparrowtake care of that toe15:14
Hobbseeyay, sudoku!15:19
Jack_SparrowI wrote two cool version for ugh windows..15:19
Jack_Sparrowboth run under wine.. to my surprise15:19
jdong10:27 < sexypatty> wet pussy needs direction to cum, not here to play games if  you want to make me cum its just $5 for 24hrs and I will do  anything you want to see baby....15:27
jdongin #ubuntuforums, just kickbanned him/her15:28
jdongdunno if staffers want to take more action15:28
=== jpatrick_ is now known as jpatrick
Jack_Sparrowgizmorena was trying to pull users into pvt chat to give them help, I joined to see what he was up to and he is giving bad advice...15:47
PiciJack_Sparrow: Log?15:49
Jack_SparrowIt isnt terrible advice, I asked him about flash...15:50
PiciJack_Sparrow: well, what was the advice?15:51
Jack_SparrowSorry trying to paste it over.. but mostly add-remove and stuff that wont work...   then install manually.. he insists it will work with opera and other browsers15:54
ubotuIn #kubuntu, Minataku said: ubotu: !irda is way too old to be of any use16:35
LjLand what's more he wasn't even kidding.16:52
Picigo go gaget ban spam17:18
LjLPici: like finding the banlist full?17:19
Picigizmoarena: Howdy, how can we help you today?17:20
gizmoarenahi pici17:21
gizmoarenaim here to support you guys17:21
Seeker`that was...interesting17:24
LjL^ i don't know who set this, but bans like this are useless17:34
LjLto ban an ident, +b *!?=ident@*17:34
Amaranththat always trips me up17:37
Amaranthbut i didn't set that one :P17:37
PiciBantracker says its m-ez17:39
Picialso  *!gog123@*17:40
LjLplease everyone, when you have some time check your old bans and remove some. good servers to connect from are zelazny and simmons, which currently show the correct banner nicknames for bans since August17:42
PiciI usually just search on the bantracker for my name17:43
PiciBut yes17:44
LjLwow, client just froze solid17:49
LjLelporro: please change your ident to join #ubuntu17:56
ubotuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.17:56
=== elporro is now known as no_name
jpatrickelporro is also a bad nick17:58
Piciis it?17:58
PiciDidnt someone come in here before I recycled irc? i asked them if they needed help.17:59
* Pici needs a bad advice hammer17:59
no_nameit;s not really a bad name17:59
jpatrickit means the...like, a bad kind of cigarret in spanish17:59
Garyyeah, but they left Pici17:59
naliothno_name: not your nick, your ident17:59
no_nameit depends on the country of latin america18:00
PiciGary: Didnt ask anything?18:00
PiciOh well.18:00
Garywell gizmoarena> im here to support you guys18:00
Garythe left18:00
no_nameit can also mean a big stick like a club18:00
Picino_name: Do you understand what we mean by your ident?18:01
no_namenot really18:01
LjLno_name: well, it's the one that says "fuck".18:02
jpatrickthe n=fuck18:02
no_namewhat about now?18:03
PiciYou should be able to join #ubuntu now18:04
no_nameI don't really know why Mirc asks for email18:04
no_namethat's why I never take those fields seriously18:04
PiciSigh.. someone was walking someone else through installing a suse package on Ubuntu in #u.18:05
LjLno_name: type /whois no_name18:05
LjLthat's how you present yourself to other IRC users18:05
LjLPici: the webcam thing?18:05
PiciLjL: The snack thing.18:05
PiciI'm not sure what it was for, I just saw the link to a rpm package on suse's site.18:06
GaryPici, did you just write a blank like into #freenode ?  or are my fonts messed up?18:09
LjLhe wrote some character18:09
PiciGary: I was trying some ascii code, its probably some non-printable control character18:09
LjLotoh someone definitely pasted blank lines *again* into #ubuntu18:09
LjLmust be the blank-line-flood day today18:11
LjLbeing harsh on phusion.18:20
LjLi still believe he's a troll.18:20
ompaulspeaks to something18:22
FrancoGGhi. lexou in #ubuntu spammed me once, in a pm18:32
nalioththanks FrancoGG18:33
nixternal12:29:06 [     fueI] eeekleee msn kimseye Soyleme Caným ||| funda_esk2518:36
nixternalnalioth: ^^ get that prick..that ip has been messaging for the past couple of days that crap18:36
naliothnixternal: got an ip?18:37
nixternalhe isn't the only one, they have been coming in #ubuntu all week long doing this18:37
nixternalyou rock :)18:38
naliothnixternal: we know.18:38
naliothwe're trying to get a pattern on them18:38
naliothso we can keep them from connecting18:38
nixternalhrmm, haven't been paying much attention to the IP addresses18:39
naliothi just didn't understand the nick you pasted18:45
=== mc44_ is now known as mc44
sysdefwe (the #ubuntu-de* ops) want the lost channel #ubuntu-de-treffpunkt back for a forward to the new offtopic channel. who is the holder of the #ubuntu-* namespace? (aka the group contact)19:04
naliothyou are talking to them19:05
sysdefnalioth: heh, that's why i joined here ;D19:05
sysdefthat is needed to rescue(?) the channel?19:06
PiciTor still banned in #ubuntu/freenode?19:09
sysdefwe started a new channel because the channel #ubuntu-de-treffpunkt was lost to spammers. now we use a moderated offtopic channel since more than a half year and need a forward to #ubuntu-de-offtopic19:09
naliothPici: tor is always banned in #ubuntu*19:11
Picinalioth: What about users asking about tor? installing it?19:11
naliothPici: what about it? it is included in Ubuntu19:12
ubotuMany Ubuntu IRC channels prohibit access from !proxies such as !TOR due to a high level of abuse. You can however obtain a hostmask cloak: see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#cloaks19:12
ubotuAttention tor users.  You may think you are anonymous, but you are not.  Please visit http://tor.unixgu.ru/ and see for yourself.   Please evaluate your need to use tor here on irc.  If you wish anonymity, Freenode offers cloaks of many different types. http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#cloaks19:12
nalioth#tor exists19:12
sysdefthe group contact can come down to #ubuntu-de-op and meet us because i set +I *!*@ubuntu/member/*19:12
sysdefthanks for your help :)19:13
* tomaw wonders what LjL is doing20:32
* jussi01 is getting annoyed that it is almost impossible to use a n800 withirssi as there is no alt key20:49
LjLtomaw: doing nothing... my connection was acting up, i suppose.20:59
tomawYour quite reason was Excess Flood, so it's probably something other than your connection21:00
LjLtomaw: you say excess flood? but i've, uhm, some other clones connected. they're *all* doing that.21:37
Picistop cloning around21:40
LjLPici: meh, i'm just being a turk trap21:41
LjLand anyway, i'm pretty sure it's not the excessive amount of clones causing this21:41
tomawExcess Flood means your connection is sending too much data to the server too quickly21:42
tomawIf could be your large number of channels and a less than perfect client21:42
LjLtomaw, i'm in a large number of channels, but no CTCP requests were sent, and my client doesn't send anything else unless i tell it to21:43
LjLalso, the other clones i have connected are just in #ubuntu21:43
LjL(well, were, now they disconnected because they'd lost their nickname)21:43
LjLhey hey we're having exploit attempts... well concealed ones21:44
ubotuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (CTCP/NOTICE)21:44
ubotuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (CTCP/NOTICE)21:45
ubotuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (CTCP/NOTICE)21:45
Jordan_UJust making sure that someone noticed what just happened in #ubuntu21:46
PiciJordan_U: no, we're just twiddling our thumbs in here21:47
LjL-Mobilesee, i didn't even excess flood *now*21:48
LjL-Mobile(although the client is still trying to send ctcp replies)21:48
Piciwhy +mi ?21:49
Picioh, you turned it off21:49
LjL-MobilePici: because +rR wasn't enough. yeah, i turned it off after LjL turned it on - LjL tried to turn it on some 5 minutes ago... but it only went through now :)21:49
LjL-MobileLjL was and is kind of busy replying to those CTCP21:50
* LjL-Mobile on the other hand has mode +C set21:50
PiciI thought LjL-Mobile wasn't LjL for a second there.21:50
PriceChildDid they finally manage to cause some trouble?21:50
LjL-MobilePriceChild, you're surprised? today they were "testing the floodbots".21:50
Piciugh, don't remind me.21:51
PriceChildSame guys as the ones being D-lined the past few days?21:51
LjL-MobilePriceChild: no, those are just the turks21:51
PiciThese appear to be comcast bots, the other ones were turkish21:51
LjL-Mobilespammy, but mostly harmless21:51
Jack_SparrowArgh// is the correct pronuncuatuion22:01
LjLwe lost at least some 60-70 users anyway for the record22:02
LjL(which does at least about match the amount of people in -unregged)22:03
somerville32Alas, Deploy the search parties22:04
LjLone thing, did floodbot1 and floodbot3 also disconnect when i kept disconnecting with excess flood earlier?22:06
PiciLjL: Doesnt look like it22:11
LjLPici: weird, all my actual clients were disconnected :|22:12
LjLPici: see -unregged?22:12
LjLit's possible that some server is desynced. like last time.22:12
LjLalthough i doubt i will obtain from steel_lady the information i need *rolls eyes*22:12
LjLPici, are you on xchat? if so, please tell steel_lady how to do a whois on herself...22:14
PiciLjL: irssi here.22:14
=== mc44_ is now known as mc44
ubotuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)22:31
ubotuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)22:31
ubotuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)22:31
Picithor: Greetings, how can we help you?22:35
tritiumGood call, LjL22:36
* Pici makes sure that this is indeed -ops22:36
thorjust saw the reference to this channel in #ubuntu and thought I would see what it is all about. Was actually waiting for the referred individual to show up and see how you handled it <smile>22:36
LjLthor: i doubt he'll join.22:36
thorwell....I am fair to meddling with linux, but relatively new to irc....never messed with it til I started showing up to help the new kids22:37
thorI'll leave the godly chat to the gods and return to the unwashed masses <smile>22:38
nixternal16:37:38 [ kaskado__]   /msg SiLENT-021 XDCC SEND #122:38
LjLegoelf is a complete idiot22:38
nixternal#kubuntu - does this guy think he is getting warez or what? :)22:38
jdongask him if he has the season 3 finale of The Office US22:40
jdong(kidding :D)22:40
nixternalmaybe SiLENT-021 does22:40
nixternalman, that XDCC crap so brings back the 90s22:41
LjLpricechild: communist!22:43
LjLyou've given up your capitals.22:43
pricechildWha wha?!22:43
LjLsorry that was bad.22:43
=== pricechild is now known as PriceChild
PriceChildhehe :)22:44
Piciyou're certantly no ompaul22:44
LjLi wouldn't dare try :o)22:45
PiciSo, what happened with elfboy or whatever his name was?22:46
PiciI was cycling22:46
LjLPici: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/49224/22:47
PiciLjL: he definitly is a complete idiot22:51
LjLthey get on my nerves so much though, when we get an attack and then, while i think i've just finally finished dealing with it, they "attack" ops like that22:52
LjLas the other one too22:52
LjLPici: the "i know what i'm doing, trust me" one. "could you do it all in one command"?!?!22:54
LjLi'm trying to understand what the hell is going on with servers seemingly desynced22:54
ardchoilleLjL: Remember, growing old is compulsory, growing up is optional.. and some folks have opted out. Nothing you can do, it's not about you, it's about them.22:54
LjLand people bitch at me for doing two +o commands and four -rR?!22:54
PiciPeople have such nerve..22:54
LjLi'd like to be able to hit their head against a cactus repeatedly. honest.22:55
LjLardchoille: yes, i usually laugh about such things. but after an attack since i'm already kind of irritable, i lose my temper22:55
* LjL should just realize most of those people are probably *related* to the attack in the first place, and do it on purpose22:55
ompaulLjL, the spikes should be hard or soft?22:56
ardchoilleLjL: It's ok, you're doing your best.. and that's all that anyone can ask of you. I, for one, appreciate you and I'm sure I'm not alone.22:56
* Gary passes LjL a nice hot mug of hot chocolate22:57
PiciIts the 1 user that can ruin it, while the other 900 people in the channel are saying thanks (thankfully not out loud)22:57
ardchoillePici: Yeah22:57
* LjL did fine with a cigarette, but thank you gary22:58
LjLPici: yeah that's true pici, i wouldn't like to see all 1000 of them saying thanks, although sometimes a percentage do =)22:59
LjLompaul: uhm... soft, but only because i've calmed down a bit now22:59
LjLok so... now let's see if i can patch the bots so that they can find new ways to get around them.23:02
PiciDid we not detect the mass join?23:02
LjLPici: there was no mass join, i think (although i should check the logs). it wasn't very many of them, but they sent many CTCP - and they were registered.23:03
LjLPici: the bots did detect a CTCP flood (and then *maybe* they detected a mass join, i don't know, because they don't report *further* attacks after one was just done)23:03
LjLPici: then they set +rR, but that did very little to them, since they were registered. then they started banning them, but they were too slow at it, and about 70 people still managed to excess flood23:04
LjLPici: but the most interesting thing happened *before* the CTCP attack. there were a couple of DCC exploits23:04
PiciLjL: I still saw a bunch of people in unregged get k-lined23:04
LjLalthough i doubt anyone even noticed23:04
LjLPici: well, maybe some weren't registered. some certainly were, or they wouldn't have been able to keep CTCPing...23:05
LjLPici: did you notice the dcc exploits?23:05
PiciLjL: I didn;t23:05
LjL[Fri Dec 21 2007] [22:43:11] Part       igcynpiu has left this channel ("DCC CHAT startkeylogger").23:05
LjL[Fri Dec 21 2007] [22:43:13] Part       imrfbxpftlbd has left this channel ("DCC CHAT startkeylogger").23:05
LjL[Fri Dec 21 2007] [22:44:22] Part       igcynpiu has left this channel ("DCC CHAT startkeylogger").23:05
LjLonly kind of exploit the bots cannot detect.23:06
PiciDont scare me like that23:06
LjL(well, they will in about 10 minutes, but)23:06
LjLthe bots really didn't behave that bad.23:11
LjLit was the attack that was good.23:11
LjLthe first +rR was set way too late, though23:11
* Pici needs to look at his logs23:12
LjLPici: hold on, i'll get you something better23:16
ubotuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)23:24
ubotuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)23:24
ubotuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)23:24

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