
_Sebulba_i had no end of probs with adept00:00
david__For example I just change a title, saved and everything was fine.00:00
_Sebulba_I use synaptic because it works00:00
david__Don't like adept either I also use synaptic but update uses adept.00:00
_Sebulba_it dont need to00:00
_Sebulba_u can use synaptic00:00
=== rjb is now known as drbobb
_Sebulba_run synaptic, and do an update00:01
_Sebulba_it'll give u an error00:01
limacvzduch: it says: The source can't be read.00:01
limacMaybe you don't have enough rights for this, or source doesn't contain data (e.g: no disc in drive). (Error reading NAV packet.)00:01
david__no I mean auto update00:01
_Sebulba_it'll give u a dpg command00:01
drbobbdamn, it looks like flash in konqueror is bound to stay broken for the foreseeable future:(00:01
_Sebulba_i know, u need to do a couple of things first00:02
david__drbobb I just went through they same thing. Had to switch to firefox.00:02
_Sebulba_copy and paste that dpg command into a terminal with sudo in front of it00:02
_Sebulba_that unlocks the packages from adept I belive00:02
_Sebulba_after that, run synaptic again and update00:03
vzduchlimac: did it pop up a window as,before you tried to play it?00:03
_Sebulba_it'll now have access to the database00:03
vzduch*asking you what to do with it00:03
limacvzduch: yes00:03
vzduchdo you have libdvdcss installed?00:03
drbobbdowngrading to an older version of the flash plugin is probably still an option, though00:03
david___Sebulba_ I don't see the cmd?00:03
limachold on let me see00:03
limacvzduch ^00:03
_Sebulba_u just need to remember when u see a "you have updates" icon in your system tray, dont click on it as it';; open adept, instead open synaptic and let it handle it00:04
_Sebulba_u get an error message from synaptic?00:04
david___Sebulba_ I don't see an update option in synaptic gui. You mean cmd line?00:05
limacvzduch: from adept?00:05
_Sebulba_i cant remember the command offhand, it's a one off thing thats not needed after its run00:05
_Sebulba_the synaptic gui ....look for reload00:06
_Sebulba_that syncs your packages with the repositries00:06
vzduchlimac: it's available e.g. in the Medibuntu repo00:06
vzduchbut beware, you might break the law by installing it if you're in the US00:06
limacI am in th US00:07
david___Sebulba_ I did a synaptic --update-at-startup. no error.00:07
_Sebulba_it may give an error first time since adept has control of the package database and synaptic wants to control it00:07
_Sebulba_so it reloads ok then00:07
_Sebulba_k, now click mark all upgrades00:07
david__yes, but what about automatic updates?00:08
david__update notifier00:08
_Sebulba_the list down the left column, theres one called upgradable00:08
david__at the moment my system is complete up to date.00:08
drbobbgoddammit flash should die00:09
_Sebulba_I'm not sure how to tell it u want synaptic to handle the auto updates, but all clicking the update icon does is jump forward a couple of steps00:09
_Sebulba_with adept00:09
_Sebulba_what I'm getting at is using synaptic instead of adept for updates, but it does involve a couple of extra steps00:10
_Sebulba_when u see the "updates are avalable" open synaptic, reload, then mark all upgrades00:10
david__I use it for manual updates already ;)00:10
_Sebulba_after u do, the "updates are available" icon disappears, because it tracks they have been updated00:11
BluesKaj_Sebulba_, synaptic has a fix broken pkgs option , which adept/apt lack00:11
_Sebulba_it does00:11
Rudd-Ohi guise00:12
OilR0ckapt-get install -f fixes packages. and adept works fine imo00:12
giuseppehi to everyone00:12
giuseppecan I ask for a question?00:12
Rudd-Ogo ahead00:12
david__ok, back to my original problem. why isn't kmenuedit saving my changes?00:12
BluesKajadept reads the first letters in the search whereas synaptic looks at the wholw word/phrase and spits out more options00:13
Rudd-Ouhmmm... hmmmm00:13
david__AFTER I press save00:13
giuseppewell, I'm a new user of Linux00:13
Rudd-OBluesKaj: in the search?  i thought adept searched in the whole package name00:13
Rudd-Ogiuseppe: welcome to the wonderful world of linux then00:13
limacvzduch: so wat can i do to play the dvd??00:13
giuseppeoh, thanks00:13
OilR0ckdavid__: can you write to  your homedirectory? if you create a new user and login to kde with that user, does kmenu work?00:13
giuseppeso I was successfull to connect my mobile phone to internet00:13
vzduchlimac: if you want to comply w/ the law, use a DVD player00:14
Rudd-Ogiuseppe: yes, please create a new user, just for testing, and try to use kmenuedit there, to see if we can separate your user configuration from kmenuedit bugs00:14
david__yes I can write to my own home dir. Where is kmenu saved OilR0ck00:14
Rudd-OI know it's a tall order to try that crap out, but it certainly helps in identify ing the cause00:14
giuseppewell, ok00:14
vzduchwe in Europe don't have these problems00:14
giuseppebut I try to explain my problem00:14
BluesKajRudd-O, try the first 3-4 letters of an app and see what comes up in adept vs synaptic00:14
giuseppebe patience00:14
Rudd-OBluesKaj: thanks for the tip00:14
limacvzduch: so i can't play the dvd using my computer!00:14
Rudd-Ogiuseppe: we'll try ;-)00:14
giuseppenow I'm connected here using my mobile phone00:15
Rudd-Ogiuseppe: awesome00:15
giuseppeso, I'm sure it's working00:15
vzduchafaik that's not allowed over there00:15
limacbut with vista I could play dvd's00:15
JuJuBeeI just upgraded to 7.10 and have onboard audio (VIA 8237), but only get sound out of 1 speaker.  The speakers are fine, they both work under windows.  Any suggestions?00:15
limac! and not with linux?00:15
giuseppethe problem is that when I launch konqueror web vrowser, I'm not able to surf on internet00:16
giuseppewas I just clear about my problem?00:16
_Sebulba_limac, its licencing with codecs, with vista part of the cost went to the licnece00:16
Rudd-Ogiuseppe: what error do you geT?00:16
_Sebulba_u can play dvds in linux, it's just kinda illegal in most countries00:16
giuseppefor example00:16
limacall right then00:16
Rudd-OJuJuBee: one speaker?  maybe you have connected the gear to the wrong output, because that usually happens when you connect it to the center one00:16
giuseppewhen I try to connect to www.google.it00:17
giuseppeit says: Could not connect to host http://www.google.it/.00:17
_Sebulba_if u wanna stay legal the short answer is you cant play dvds in linux00:17
JuJuBeeNo, only have one output on audio card.00:17
Rudd-Ocould not connect?00:17
Rudd-Obut it doesnt say unknown host ?00:17
Rudd-Othen you probably need to talk to your cell phone company ask them why you can't connect00:17
_Sebulba_chances are it's not going to be checked, so if u wanna risk it then you can00:17
giuseppeit only says:00:18
giuseppeAn error occurred while loading http://www.google.it/:00:18
giuseppeCould not connect to host http://www.google.it/.00:18
giuseppeso, I have no idea00:18
giuseppeI'm trying for many hours00:18
Rudd-Otry from a console the follwoing command00:18
_Sebulba_its libdvdcss I believe00:18
Rudd-Oping www.google.it00:18
Rudd-Osee if there is any response00:18
giuseppejust a second00:18
giuseppeyes, I see many responses00:19
limac_Sebulba: libdvdcss is not avaible in adept, i can't find it!00:20
giuseppesomething like this00:20
giuseppe64 bytes from nf-........................google.com (xxxxxxxxxxxxx)....................64ms00:20
Rudd-Ooh, its ok00:21
Rudd-Onow try telnet www.google.it00:21
giuseppethen I ran ctrc+c00:21
Rudd-Oif it doesn't connect, then you need to talk to your isp00:21
giuseppeto stop it00:21
giuseppeI wrote your suggested command00:22
giuseppeit says:  trying
_Sebulba_I'm not sure where to get libdvdcss sorry00:22
_Sebulba_google it00:22
vzduch!medibuntu | _Sebulba_, limac00:23
ubotu_Sebulba_, limac: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org00:23
JuJuBeeRudd-O : only 1 port  to connect speakers to (green jack).  Other is blue and other is red.00:23
Rudd-Ocheck the balance in the mixer?00:23
_Sebulba_ubotu the bot just explained why its not in the repos00:23
Rudd-Otweak it?00:23
JuJuBeeI did, the right channel is down00:24
giuseppeSo Rudd-0 any idea?00:24
Rudd-Ogiuseppe: you probably need a proxy from your ISP00:24
JuJuBeeWhen I go to right side, nothing, in center and left OK00:24
drbobboops, it's not very easy to locate an older version of the linux flash plugin00:24
Rudd-Obecause the host is responsive but the ISP is blocking connections to the web server00:24
giuseppeexcuse me for my ignorance00:24
giuseppebut what have I to do?00:24
Rudd-Ogiuseppe: you od not need to excuse yourself00:24
Rudd-Ogiuseppe: talk to your cellphone company00:24
Rudd-Othey will probably know what to do00:24
giuseppeso, what I have to ask for?00:25
vzduchDNS server, I suppose00:26
drbobbhey maybe one of you guys has a flash plugin old enough to still work under konqueror?00:26
Rudd-Ogiuseppe: proxy server address00:26
vzduchdrbobb: the works00:26
JuJuBeeRudd-O : just played with the levels in kmix, raised one up then down now I have both channels.  Weird..00:26
Rudd-OJuJuBee: jujuuuuu!00:26
drbobbthat would be the case if you hadn't upgraded since late november, roughly00:27
JuJuBeeWas the PCM00:27
Rudd-OPCM: Pulse Crap modulation00:27
giuseppewell, but I have to say that I selected direct connection without proxy server in konqueror00:27
drbobbvzduch: knowing the numbers doesn't help00:27
JuJuBeeNice ;)00:27
flaccidmy flash plugin works in konq and i have the latest00:27
giuseppecan be it the problem?00:27
flaccidwell apparently00:27
vzduchdrbobb: I had the myself, but downgraded because it didn't work00:27
JuJuBeeGlad to have both channels back, music was crappy with only 1.00:27
drbobbquestion is where do you find a copy of the old one00:28
vzduchno idea00:28
flaccidwhat is the package installed currently for flash plugin?00:28
vzduchI fetched mine from Adobe directly (Fedora 8)00:28
Rudd-OJuJuBee: indeed00:28
drbobbthe adobe installer not having a version number in the filename doesn't help00:28
flaccidi have this in my system and flash works in konq fine: ii  flashplugin-nonfree                         Adobe Flash Player plugin installer00:29
drbobbadobe apparently provides the current version only00:29
JuJuBeeWell, gotta fly, Nigh all...00:29
vzduchflaccid: apt-cache showpkg flashplugin-nonfree00:29
vzduchshould tell you where it came from00:29
flaccidisn't there a switch to ignore the mismatch00:29
drbobbflaccid: then you could help me00:29
flaccidcan you paste the error please00:30
vzduchflaccid: there's no pasting errors afaik.. nspluginwrapper crashes & no playing of local swf files00:31
giuseppeRudd-0: thanks a lot for your availability00:31
drbobbyou probably have adobe's package in /var/cache/flashplugin-nonfree/00:31
flaccidoh ok so its installed00:31
drbobbthe version that still works00:31
flaccidbut you played with 3rd party install so you probably borked it00:31
giuseppeI will ask to my company... by the way I hope to find you another time because don't think they will be able to halp me00:31
flaccidi have this: http://pastebin.ca/82778700:32
flaccidgiuseppe: sorry i missed it, what was the problem00:32
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giuseppewhere I wrote to Root-0, by the way I can ask you the same00:33
giuseppeI'm connected here using my mobile phone00:33
Rudd-Othey must be able to help you00:33
david_ok update on my kmenu problem. I think I've been here before this seems vaguely familiar. I can delete and reorder no problem but I can't add a new item00:33
giuseppeflaccid: but I'm not able to surf using konqueror00:33
flaccidgiuseppe: another browser works?00:34
drbobbflaccid: the flash issue is adobe's fault afaik00:34
david_can someone just walk through quick short steps of adding a item to the menu?00:34
giuseppeflaccid: I just install kubuntu00:34
flacciddrbobb: im trying to work out what the flash issue actually is...00:34
drbobbtheir most recent release breaks in konq & opera00:34
giuseppeflaccid: so I didn't try...00:34
flacciddavid_: right click the k and goto menu editor00:34
flaccidgiuseppe: try another browser and come back00:35
_Sebulba_right click on the group u want to add something into, then add item00:35
OilR0ckdavid_: I _think_ your menu edits should be stored in ~/.config/menus00:35
david_btw drbobb: the flash problem is a known problem. Adobe changed the way 9.0.x works.00:35
david_OilR0ck I found that.00:36
giuseppeflaccid: sorry can you help me about installation of another browser?00:36
Rudd-Ogiuseppe: it's not the browser00:36
Rudd-Ogiuseppe: we confimed that with TELNET00:36
drbobbdavid_: yes i know, i already discovered that. knowing it does not help much.00:36
drbobbRudd-O: what did you do w/telnet, i missed that00:37
giuseppeflaccid: rudd-0 says the problem is proxy server address00:37
david_I understand. but unless you are a programmer (which you could be, I don't know) you can't do anything to make that work. You can still use previous versions but of course you'll have problems with 9.x swf's00:37
Rudd-Ogiuseppe: it does not connect to the server00:37
giuseppeflaccid: he was very able to check it00:37
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david_drbobb ^00:38
flaccidgiuseppe: do you require a proxy server with your isp?00:38
drbobbdavid_: earlier releases of 9.x did work, so i'm looking for a copy of an earlier release00:38
giuseppeRudd-O: yes you are right, but flaccid seemed to know my problem :-)00:38
_Sebulba_gotta go00:38
flaccidi don't know anything yet00:38
giuseppesorry, but ISP is?00:39
flaccidthe people that give your internet account00:39
drbobbdavid_: telnet www.google.it would not work no matter what00:39
drbobbyou wanted 'telnet www.google.it 80'00:40
Rudd-Odrbobb: telnet to port 23 would never work00:40
david_someone else. My problem is with the menu00:40
Rudd-Othey dont run telnet daemons00:40
OilR0ckso what happens when you add a menu item00:41
drbobbtelnet defaults to port 2300:41
giuseppeflaccid: well, I can say that when I use "windows" and firefox I use direct connection without proxy server...00:41
OilR0ckcan you touch ~/.config/menus/test00:41
flaccidgiuseppe: test another browser then come back00:41
david_drbobb. Just in case you don't already know. You just need the .so file00:41
flacciddavid_: did you try the menu editor as advised?00:41
goplay\linOzor91WRAARRRR!!! I'm the Tomato Monstahhhhh! WRAARRRR!!!00:42
giuseppedrbobb: thanks, I used telnet www.google.it 8000:42
drbobbdavid_: yes i know that. which makes little difference as long as i don;t have it00:42
david_I can delete, move existing items fine.00:42
giuseppedrbobb: it says:00:42
giuseppeConnected to www.l.google.com.00:42
giuseppeEscape character is '^]'.00:42
giuseppeConnection closed by foreign host.00:42
giuseppedrbobb: any more idea?00:42
flaccidgiuseppe: how did you go with testing a different browser00:43
david_drbobb. just trying to make life a little easier. try googling "index of" flash(whatever).so00:43
flaccidi can only help if you listen00:43
OilR0ckdo you have .config/menus/applications-kmenuedit.menu00:43
david_look for an old date.00:43
drbobbgiuseppe: does it close the connection right away, without you doing anything?00:43
david_flaccid is that meant for me?00:43
flaccidnah giuseppe00:43
giuseppedrbobb: correct00:43
* flaccid waits for people to do things00:44
giuseppeflaccid: I would try another browser... but how to install for example mozilla?00:44
drbobbwell all i can say is that's wrong, it's not what sould happen00:44
david_giuseppe that is all that will happen when you telnet into a website.00:44
drbobbshould even00:44
flaccidgiuseppe: install the package mozilla with your favourite package editor00:44
david_flaccid ;)00:45
flaccidyou can telnet anything...00:45
flaccidwell nearly anything, it does raw ascii through the terminal00:45
david_flaccid while your wait. humour by walking one step at a time at adding a menu item to kmenu. you stopped at right click edit menu00:45
maxidesqacHi, i am new and i have a problem00:45
DownixHi new!!00:45
maxidesqacThere isn t sound!!!00:46
OilR0ckdavid_: do you have .config/menus/applications-kmenuedit.menu ? If not, create it and then try00:46
flacciddavid_: this is not a holding hand service. im sure you can work it out from there, menu editor could be used by a 6 year old00:46
OilR0ckthen remove it and recreate it and try00:46
david_Listen. Just looking for something missing from system like an apply button or something.00:46
drbobbgiuseppe: after the telnet the connection should hang around for a while00:47
drbobbgiving you enough time to type in something like00:47
maxidesqacI need sound on my kubuntu00:47
david_I've been using linux for over a year. Please humour me.00:47
drbobbHEAD / HTTP/1.000:47
drbobb(+ hit enter twice)00:47
david_I know that kde has problems with sudo so I just wonder if that is my problem.00:47
drbobbthat ought to get a response00:48
giuseppedrbobb: well I wrote "ciao"00:48
flacciddavid_: i thought i did :)00:48
drbobbah so00:48
OilR0cksudo has nothing to do with kmenuedit. you are editing for your user,, not all users00:48
flaccidwhy are you using sudo, sorry i don't know what your problem actually is00:48
drbobbi guess your net connection is working correctly then00:48
giuseppedrbobb: and then appear many chars and connection closed by foreignhost00:48
david_OilR0ck grovey!!! a helpful piece of info.00:48
david_not using sudo00:48
maxidesqac  Guys, I have a problem, I have no sound00:49
flaccidare you trolling david_? it sounds like it00:49
david_I really want to fix this.00:49
OilR0ckplease do what i suggested, remove applications-kmenuedit.menu as your user and then try00:49
david_I just went back to kde today after one year on gnome/ubuntu00:49
flacciddavid_: so what is your actual problem with the kmenu?00:49
maxidesqac<OilR0ck> for me'00:49
OilR0ckmaxidesqac: no sorry00:50
david_OilR0ck I did, it didn't make any difference00:50
vzduchdavid_: the menu editor has a menu where you can choose 'File → Save'00:50
giuseppedrbobb: so...?00:50
OilR0ckdavid_: so if you remove it, then try to edit the menu, does that file get created?00:50
david_Ok once again... I can delete items and the go away, I can reorder items and that saves. I can't add.00:50
flaccidso when you go to add in menu editor what happens david_00:51
OilR0ckits likely a permission issue00:51
david_vzduch I tried file>save and the save icon.00:51
flacciddavid_:  so a sudo chown -R `whoami` ~/.kde00:51
tehm0nkwhats with my sound... it worked in the live cd but not now00:51
david_OilR0ck no00:51
drbobbgiuseppe: sorry i wasn't following your problem from the start00:51
OilR0ckno just ~/.kde, ~/.config00:51
flacciddavid_: and what happens when you try to save......00:51
drbobbis it that you can't browse the web?00:52
tehm0nkDoes Xinerama break DRI?00:52
OilR0ck.config/menus/applications-kmenuedit.menu is the file that kmenuedit modifies00:52
vzduchdavid_: yes, you can --> File → New element00:52
giuseppedrbobb: correct00:52
flaccidgiuseppe: instead of continuing to go on about it, can you please try another browser...00:52
david_vzduch yes I did that file - New Item.00:52
drbobbkonqueror can't connect to any site?00:52
giuseppeany site00:53
david_vzduch it asks for an item name00:53
david_flaccid I did the chmod00:53
david_but that wasn't it.00:53
vzduchdavid_: then give it one00:53
OilR0ckdid you do it for ~/.config?00:53
flacciddavid_: you are yet to explain any actual behavour. sounds like a troller00:53
giuseppedrbobb: the problem is that I'm not able to install immediataly another browser00:53
ubotuDoesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.00:54
flaccidplease read above00:54
david_vzduch it's now sitting with a blank entry.00:54
giuseppedrbobb: and then Robb-O told me the problem is ISP and not web browser00:54
flaccidwe need a specific problem as telepathy is not available00:54
drbobbgiuseppe: will your connection get dropped if you log out and log back in?00:54
david_(flaccid) sorry I'm going to have to ignore you for a minute.00:54
flaccidgiuseppe: we are yet to work that out because you won't try another browser00:54
OilR0ckgiuseppe: at a command prompt type: sudo apt-get install firefox00:54
flaccideveryone ignore david_00:54
david_vzduch... can you please continue?00:54
david_vzduch what is the min I need to enter now.00:55
david_just a name and a command?00:55
flaccidi thought you had been using linux for over a year now00:55
david_flaccid I know you think I'm kidding around but I'm really not.00:55
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flaccidwell you speak many contradictions, so its hard to believe you00:56
vzduchthis thing is rather self-explanatory00:56
david_I'm sitting at a blank entry for a new item.00:56
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david_listen it we walk through to the end I'm sure it will become clear what is wrong.00:56
vzduchyou still have the mask as a guide, even if it's grayed out00:56
giuseppeflaccid: what I have to download to install firefox?00:56
flacciddavid_: press f1 in menu editor all the help is there for this process00:57
tehm0nkany dualhead gurus around?00:57
OilR0ckgiuseppe: at a command prompt type: sudo apt-get install firefox00:57
OilR0ckdo you guys not read00:57
drbobbyeah most don;t00:57
drbobbdon't even00:57
flaccidgiuseppe: [11:57] <OilR0ck> giuseppe: at a command prompt type: sudo apt-get install firefox . please listen00:57
giuseppeflaccid: done, but it says "no package"00:58
flaccidsometimes its like you are talking to a brick wall lol00:58
david_flaccid just looked it's very basic not step by step just what the options are00:58
flaccidgiuseppe: learn package management first00:58
flaccid!info firefox | giuseppe00:58
ubotugiuseppe: firefox: lightweight web browser based on Mozilla. In component main, is optional. Version (gutsy), package size 8969 kB, installed size 26024 kB00:58
flaccid!adept | giuseppe00:58
ubotugiuseppe: adept is the Kubuntu package manager. Howto: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AdeptHowto00:58
flacciddavid_: ah well sorry. i guess nobody wants to hold your hand.00:59
drbobblike when i was asking for help with the flash plugin issue00:59
flaccidwhen need a specific error/unexpected behaviour othewise we can't really help00:59
drbobbseveral folks said things that are true, and known to me, but completely unhelpful00:59
flaccidi think im still waiting for your error, drbobb00:59
drbobbflaccid: it is well known what the error is01:00
flaccidwell know by who?01:00
drbobband the only workaround that can be used today is reverting to an older flash plugin01:00
david_vzduch - I have filed in Name, Description, and Command - now when I press the save icon (which I haven't done yet) it says saving and then doesn't save.01:01
flacciddavid_: try #kde01:01
drbobbknown to kde devs for instance, they have blogged about it01:01
flacciddrbobb: then there is nothing else we can do for you.01:01
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OilR0ckwhat is the error? I'm using flashplugin-nonfree, seems to work fine..01:01
flaccidOilR0ck: apparently its well known01:01
drbobbwell that't what i meant about folks not reading01:02
flaccidif i missed your error im sorry, but i cannot find it in my log01:02
limacwhenever i switch from one videos to another and then another and so on, but after a while, the firefox window gets frozen and i have to terminate it and that's how it goes, it only happens in the cases of games and youtube vidoes? what's wrong?01:02
drbobbOilR0ck: as soon as you upgrade it will stop working01:02
timI cant isntall NVidia driver on kubuntu 8.04 ? can u plz help me?01:03
drbobbyou are just lucky to still have an out of date version01:03
david_flaccid _ i just put up a request but just one more thing. after I have enter the info is there something I should do before I press the save icon (the first icon)01:03
flaccidlimac: i've had that a lot, not sure what it is, not really something easilty worked out. you could submit a !bugs01:03
OilR0ckits is the version in the kubuntu repos...01:03
OilR0ckso you could try reverting to that01:03
drbobbno it does not work that way01:03
limacflaccid: can it be because i have a celeron proc essor?01:04
drbobbthe flashplugin package does not contain the flash plugin01:04
timCan i plz help me to isntall nvidia for Kubutnu 8.04 ?01:04
flacciddavid_: not according to the help file walk-through01:04
OilR0ckyeah, you download it, so there is a new version that gets downloaded is what your are saying?01:04
flaccidlimac: doubt it. more likely the problem is flash or the flash object01:04
drbobbit's a script that downloads the plugin from adobe and installs it on your system01:04
limactim: kubuntu 8.04 isn't at all stable yet01:04
tehm0nkanyone know about nvidia onboard sound drivers?01:05
timlimac: Exactly so how do i isntall nvidia ?01:05
drbobband the version currently provided by adobe does not work with konq or opera01:05
flacciddrbobb: please pastebin the error from apt-get install . i might be able to find a switch to allow it to install...01:05
limactim: try envy01:05
drbobbflaccid: there is no error from apt-get install01:05
timlimac it does not work on Kubuntu01:05
OilR0ckdrbobb: i get it, thats sucks01:05
flacciddrbobb: well until you let me know exactly what happens...01:06
drbobbi described the issue quite precisely above, just read01:06
timlimac:  envy does not work in Kubuntu at leat not in 8.0401:06
limactim: but it works in 7.1001:06
david_flaccid - ok I just found the walkthrough in ch 2.01:06
drbobbnspluginviewer segfaults on any page that contains flash01:06
OilR0cki'd look at filing or check bug reports on that, as a specific version is specified in the kubuntu package. if you are downloading a different one, at the very least the package version should be changed01:06
flacciddrbobb: so are you saying it installs successfully?01:06
drbobbif that helps you01:06
timAnd when i try to isntall it from the reepos it gives me message giving the lsit of confilicted repos and saying that i need to delete kubuntu-desktop before isntalling nvidia-glx01:06
limactim ; what graphics card do u have01:06
timlimac: Geforce 5700Le01:07
flaccidhoooray, i know what happens now! can't help with a segfault but you could try to find an older version as you said. repeating in here won't help01:07
flaccidtim: install the package kubuntu-desktop01:07
limactim: so u are trying to installing the nvidia drivers01:07
flaccidthen install the package restricted-manager-kde to install the nv driver01:07
timit says that i need to unisntall it , in order to isntall nvidia driver01:08
timlimac: yes01:08
flaccidtim: pastebin the whole output01:08
limactim: are your restricted drivers enabled?01:08
david_flaccid - ok here is something interesting. I am doing exactly what is shown. But after I enter firefox and press enter everything is blank including the new entry.01:08
drbobbok forget it. no help to be found here.01:08
limacall of them?01:08
david_flaccid (2nd step)01:09
flacciddavid_: yeah i don't know what is causing your bug if the perms are fine on the config file(s)..01:09
flacciddrbobb: users can't help segfaults only developers01:09
flaccidkubuntu has many bugs :)01:10
drbobbboy are you bright01:10
drbobbwhen did i say i was asking someone to debug a segfault01:10
flacciddrbobb: and you are sarcastic.01:10
flacciddrbobb: how did you expect us to help with a segfault sorry?01:10
drbobbi asked a couple of times for help with locating an older version01:10
timI am getting this message when it try to install nvidia-glx in Kubuntu http://img529.imageshack.us/my.php?image=snapshot1iu9.png01:10
david_drbobb !!! I just remembered. My wife's computer has kubuntu fiesty on it. I think I have the older .so. brb01:11
drbobbwhich many people here still happen to have on their systems01:11
flacciddrbobb: yeah and i don't know where to get that01:11
flaccidyou want my pkg drbobb?01:11
drbobbyeah i expect that would work.01:11
limacflaccid: people before me are working on them01:12
drbobbas you know libflashplayer.so is enough01:12
flaccidlimac: working on what sorry?01:12
timflaccid:  do u know what to do?01:12
flacciddrbobb: install_flash_player_9_linux.tar.gz this will do ?01:12
flaccidtim: with what01:13
flaccidoh sorry looking now tim01:13
tim       I am getting this message when it try to install nvidia-glx in    http://img529.imageshack.us/my.php?image=snapshot1iu9.png01:13
drbobbnow to explain myself in full, the problem with googling for it is that every one of a hundred or so versions of this file released by adobe/macromedia has the exact same file name01:13
david_drbobb this is your lucky day it's v 9.0r4801:13
david_I'll zip it up if you want01:13
drbobbno need to it's already compressed01:13
flaccidam i sending or is david_?01:14
limacflaccid: other people already REPORTED that bug before me! :D01:14
drbobbi'll be happy to have it, it's dr.bobik@gmail.com01:14
flaccidlimac: i don't know what you are talking about ah well01:14
timSo does any one know how to install ? nvidia-glx ?01:14
david_sorry I must have missed something I've been back and forth between two machines brb01:14
limacflaccid: you know the firefox crashing bugs01:16
flaccidtim: do what it says. kubuntu-desktop is only a meta package, but it worries me that it wan'ts to remove xorg.... you might wanna check your repos. also we don't support synaptic here.01:16
dor0hello guys, any reasons why "nosplash" is working and "spalsh" isnt in grub?01:16
flaccidlimac: oh there are hundreds of those. we all suffer it01:16
timflaccid:  should I do what it says?01:16
flaccidtim: if you are on gutsy just do what i said before...01:16
flaccidtim: like i said before use restricted-manager-kde01:17
timshould i try to downlaod it now?01:17
fsckrtim, just enable it :)01:17
flaccidtim: just install the package restricted-manager-kde and then run kdesu restricted-manager-kde and then enable the nv restricted driver and reboot01:17
flaccidi don't know why synaptic wants to remove xorg and i don't know what you requested in synaptic to do that..01:18
fsckroops sorry flaccid i jumped in that01:18
OrionFyre<- Newbie with a backup question01:18
timflaccid:  I think last time i tried to do this in kubuntu 8.04 it gave me message that some dependecies can not be resolved tyhefore can not be installed01:18
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flaccidwell one can only try01:19
nitro4ceis there a way to check a password i stored in kwallet?01:19
nitro4cei completely forgot t01:19
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flaccidtim: which version of ubuntu are you doing this on?01:20
OrionFyrebefore installing Kubuntu i want to back up a 1:1 of my hard drive should i decide in the rare chance i want to return to vistacrap01:20
timflaccid:  kubuntu 8.0401:20
flaccidtim:  is that the next ubuntu ? because thats supported in #ubuntu+1 not here01:21
fsckris that the alpha?01:21
david_drbobb ok. there is actually 2 files so I gz'd them together. Originally it was installed to /lib/flashplugin-nonfree with symlinks to the plugins /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins dir and other plugins dirs.01:22
david_drobobb the question is what is the best way to send it to you?01:22
flacciddrbobb: email sent01:22
timyes alpha 201:22
flaccidtim: goto #ubuntu+1 . we can't support that here sorry01:23
skarfacedo I need to add apt sources for kde4 as the website says? it looks like kde4base is there already.01:23
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DarkJimmyhello all, I've installed kubuntu on my laptop and when I close the screen it messes up01:24
DarkJimmyhttp://img176.imageshack.us/img176/1513/22122007002cv2.jpg [hi-res]01:24
flaccidDarkJimmy: which card and driver for video are you using?01:25
DarkJimmyer, help!01:25
DarkJimmynvidia geforce 4 go01:25
DarkJimmydefault driver01:26
flaccidand which driver?01:26
flaccidok is this on gutsy?01:26
OilR0ckskarface: yes you do01:26
DarkJimmyhavn't installed any01:26
tehm0nkit dumbfounds me that non of you are on Nforce onboard sound...01:26
flaccidDarkJimmy: change to the nv restricted driver via restricted-manager-kde01:26
DarkJimmycan you translate to linux-noob speak, please?01:27
flaccidi got an m audio firewire 410 pro sound card, pitty no linux driver :(01:27
OrionFyrecan someone point me in the direction of how to back up my drive pre-install? thx01:27
flaccidDarkJimmy: install the package restricted-manager-kde and then run kdesudo restricted-manager-kde01:27
flaccidwhat is a drive pre-install ?01:28
fsckrflaccid, its already installed01:28
flaccidfsckr: what is?01:28
fsckrDarkJimmy, click on the k bottom left01:28
OilR0ckOrionFyre: where do you plan on backing it up to?01:28
fsckrsystem settings01:28
OrionFyreflaccid: i want ot back up my drive before i install kubuntu01:28
fsckrthen the advanced tab01:28
OrionFyrei have a USB drive01:28
flaccid!backup | OrionFyre01:29
ubotuOrionFyre: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning01:29
DarkJimmythanks, fsckr01:29
flaccidfsckr: you don't need to install the optional package to get it in the system settings?01:29
fsckryou just have to enable it via system settings then reboot01:29
flaccidthat doesn't make sense are they the same program. is this a duplication ?01:29
veraxusI am trying to get the desktop cube in kbuntu...can someone help me?01:29
fsckryou can't just restart x either01:29
fsckrsame thing01:30
DarkJimmynow I just check the components?01:30
fsckrworks for me all the time01:30
fsckrDarkJimmy, it should tell you to restart after you enable it01:30
veraxusI am up to having the "Advanced Desktop Effects" in my menu and I have desktop cube checked but it doesn't seem to be working.01:30
flaccidthen they have duplicated in the distro, not a good thing01:30
flaccidunless the restricted-manager-kde is just a wrapper for a kcmshell call..01:30
OilR0ckOrionFyre: you could use the 'dd' command, do a search on its usage. Your better off just backing up your docs and stuff, and reinstalling windows if you want to go back01:31
veraxuswants a reboot, brb.01:31
flaccidveraxus: #ubuntu-effects01:31
veraxusThanks. :)01:31
DarkJimmyI get an error after enabling the driver..01:31
DarkJimmynvidia-glx   is not enabled01:31
OrionFyreflaccid: your help is much appreciated, thank you kindly.01:31
OrionFyrethank OilRock01:31
flaccidafter you enable the driver it requires a reboot01:31
DarkJimmyreboot's on its way01:32
flacciddrbobb: im not sure if this helps at all either http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=636397 or http://www.google.com/search?client=opera&rls=en&q=ignore+md5sum+mismatch+apt&sourceid=opera&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-801:33
drbobbthanks, the workaround is working for me01:33
flaccidcool. we can blame adobe on this right? :)01:33
flaccidi mean it would help if they realised that people on linux want to use their product lol01:34
OilR0cki totally blame adobe01:34
drbobbthey have made progress though01:34
DarkJimmyflaccid: rebooted, drivers are still not in use01:34
drbobbthey seem to care about linux users01:34
timWhat driver i download for geforce fx5700le driver ??01:35
OilR0ckthey do?01:35
ardchoille!nvidia | tim01:35
ubotutim: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto01:35
drbobbbut only as long as they use 32 bit mozilla / firefox01:35
flaccidDarkJimmy: pastebin /etc/X11/xorg.conf and we see what they did. also dpkg -l | grep nvidia01:35
Downixdrbobb: on x8601:35
Downixdrbobb: leaving us SPARC folk in the lurch....01:35
flacciddrbobb: yeah but they don't give a shiz about us bsd users... :(01:35
drbobbamd64? konqueror? opera? sparc? --> out of luck01:35
DarkJimmyflaccid: totally confused just there01:36
flaccidfreebsd user totally out of luck01:36
timHow do i install package NVIDIA-Linux-x86-169.07-pkg1.run ?01:36
flaccid!pastebin | DarkJimmy01:36
ubotuDarkJimmy: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)01:36
DownixGIVE ME OPEN SOURCED CPU'S OR GIVE ME.... ooo pie!  8)01:36
flaccidtim: if you really want to do that then you should do a chmod +x ./NVIDIA-Linux-x86-169.07-pkg1.run; ./NVIDIA-Linux-x86-169.07-pkg1.run01:36
flaccidpie please01:36
drbobbwell too bad 99% or so of embedded video content on webpages is currently flash video01:38
drbobbbut at least it's not drm'ed wmv01:39
hdevalencedrbobb: what is keeping them from releasing for amd64?01:39
flaccidyeah that doesn't really mean much. its not a standard so yeah.... most people use IE and windows so hehe yeah01:39
drbobbdunno, ask them01:39
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about nforce - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi01:40
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto01:40
hdevalencedrbobb: is it really that much effort to recompile?01:40
flaccidprobably skills and care01:40
drbobbloads of people have asked i'm sure01:40
drbobbhdevalence: how would i know01:40
drbobbbut it's usually much more than a matter of recompiling01:40
teinituherowhy does kubuntu crash 24/7 and ubuntu doesn't01:40
drbobb(assuming the software is not very well written)01:41
flaccidteinituhero: it drinks a lot more01:41
drbobbteinituhero: the kubuntu box in my office runs 24/701:41
flaccidi mean if it was crashing for everyone, we would'nt be using it would we01:41
drbobbi don't think it has crashed more than once in the past year01:41
flaccidi certainly wouldn't be using it if it crashed more than gnome lol01:42
drbobbbtw that was a pretty weird crash and i have no idea why it happens01:42
DarkJimmyflaccid: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/49237/01:43
teinituherowell i've been running ubuntu on my pc and now i installed kubuntu on my sister's pc just to test it and well...i'd definately go with ubuntu with gnome01:43
drbobbteinituhero: so do that if it suits you01:43
drbobbi don't think anyone will mind01:43
kub^whatever floats yer boat teinituhero01:43
flaccidchoice is um choice :)01:43
flaccidDarkJimmy: that looks fine to me. i would probably uncomment the refresh rates if you still have a problem and if you still have a problem maybe the monitor is the issue or something, hard to work out. you could check the log /var/log/Xorg.0.log for clues01:45
drbobb(cool youtube works again, ;-)01:45
flaccidsweet. i have to wait till 24th to be unshaped to watch youtube dang01:45
teinituherohave u watched 2girls1cup :D01:45
flaccidnegative but sounds interesting01:46
teinituherohahaha 2girls1cup.com01:46
teinituheroenjoy :D01:46
DarkJimmyflaccid: thanks for your help01:47
drbobbok, c.u.01:48
uoaphyshey guys01:50
uoaphysanyone having DHCP problems in clean installs of kubuntu 7.10?01:51
uoaphysknetworkmanager reports no network after i manually ifup ifdown my eth0 interface01:51
uoaphysand thats the only way that the network works01:51
uoaphysby default, the check box for "activate on startup" was disabled, and DHCP mode was not selected.. that seems like a weird default setting as well01:52
flacciduoaphys: pastebin your /etc/network/interfaces01:52
uoaphysoh man I don't have the system with me.. I'll come back when I get back to that computer01:54
uoaphysit had eth0 and lo were the only 2 i saw tho01:54
uoaphysi just found out about this channel01:54
flaccidwell generally knetworkmanager only likes localhost in the interfaces file so it can do wired or wireless via user in knetworkmanager01:55
flaccidso thats what i would do first01:55
flaccidi only have 3 stanzas in mine which are for localhost. nothing else.01:55
tehm0nkIs anyone good with nforce drivers?01:55
uoaphysright on01:55
tehm0nkspecifically for sound...?01:56
uoaphysflaccid: is it worth reporting the problems to the kubuntu bug racker? i thought it was rather silly that a supported system did not dhcp by default01:56
tehm0nki'm getting burnt on this linux stuff .... all i do is try to fix it01:56
uoaphysshouldn't need network configuration unless dhcp is not used01:56
tehm0nkand i fix one thing then the next goes01:56
uoaphystehm0nk: yea man, thats what i run into01:57
flacciduoaphys: we have not identified any problems yet...you need a POC for that01:58
uoaphyswhat is a POC?01:58
timWhat was the beta  channel ubuntu-1??01:58
flaccidproof of concept01:58
flaccidtim: as i said before #ubuntu+101:58
uoaphysPOC just for DHCP to be enabled by deafult? on the GNOME version of ubuntu dhcp works on first bootup no configuration01:59
flacciduoaphys: you have not even looked at logs. the problem could still be the user at this point. we have not pinpointed anything yet you are just guessing02:00
uoaphysI'm glad I know about this chan tho so i can come back in here when im in front of the system02:00
uoaphysi spent all day on forums before and didn't get anywhere02:00
flaccidthe problem could be the dhcp server and then we would be wasting the devs time in launchpad02:00
uoaphysI see ok sounds good man02:01
flaccidthere are some pretty savvy people here02:01
david_very interesting. I fixed my problem with kmenu flaccid just to show you I was trolling.02:01
david_sorry I mean wasn't trolling02:01
flacciddavid_: what was the problem?02:01
hamadooomy laptop fans woek all the time .. how can i control them02:01
gonzaloi have problems installing my sound card drivers02:02
david_It was my fault thought didn't think. I made a change in kmenuedit with sudo and it changed permissions02:02
david_on .local/share/applications.02:02
david_in my home which is kinda wierd.02:03
flacciddavid_: yeah as we advised from the *start* you do not run kmenuedit under sudo, its for the current user :)02:03
david_but at least I know what happend.02:03
flaccidyep sweet :)02:03
david_Yes but by that time the damage was done02:03
flaccidwhich is why i advised the chown to fix it at the start as well :)02:03
david_I think it only would happen the first time.02:03
david_yes but wrong dir.02:03
flaccidno correct dir02:04
flaccidhow was it wrong?02:04
david_no ~/.kde02:04
flaccidoh the generic menu02:04
david_but anyway thanks for the help02:04
flaccidthat as well...02:04
david_no he says.02:04
flaccidmy bad on that i didn't know why yo used sudo to begin with02:04
* tehm0nk dies.02:05
flaccidhey its not our fault if you use sudo for no reason02:05
OilR0ckyeah you advised .kde, and i advised .config . Anyway, knew it was a permission problem02:05
david_I wanted to make global menu changes02:05
david_but doesn't work like that.02:05
OilR0ckgame time, go oilers02:05
flaccidwell david_ it all depends on what you stuff up with sudo my friend02:05
flaccidOilR0ck: yeah both were advised by us :)02:06
david_I thought so as well but it was driving me nuts. I only found it by ctl-alt-f6 and renaming my home dir and creating another.02:06
david_;) go on have a good laugh at my expense! ;)02:06
flaccidwell not really02:06
david_That's also how you learn as well.02:06
flaccidim not like that02:06
limacwhat's you guys' views on intel vs amd processors?02:06
david_I've actually been using linux off and on for over 15 years.02:07
david_started with Red Hat 4.002:07
=== paulj1 is now known as pauljw_
uoaphysflaccid: do you know of a package/configurator/wizard for kubuntu or ubuntu that lets you configure people to login using ldap or windows domains?02:07
uoaphysso users on the domain can login to the system just like they do with windows02:07
limacintel vs amd?02:07
david_Microsoft doesn't like amd limac but I not so with linux02:07
flacciduoaphys: nothing off the shelf. i do that stuff manually as its a sysadmin's job.02:08
flaccidcreating a domain controller in mixed environment is not simple job02:08
flaccidyou can google that uoaphys im sure02:09
flaccidlike you can hook it up to samba which acts as a domain controller and also can integrate into ldap02:09
david_did drbobb get his flash fixed?02:09
flaccidthere is lots on google and even the ubuntu wiki and forums on this02:10
flacciddavid_: yeah02:10
david_good I'm off to bed. It's 3am where I live.02:10
uoaphysflaccid: we have a domain here at my uni and we all join our personal systems to the domain so we can use our domain ID's to login to our systems, just wondered if that were easy to do on a linux machine02:10
uoaphysin windows you just tell it which domain to join and click reboot and it auto-joins02:11
flacciduoaphys: yeah its easy to do, but i don't have time to walk you through it. there does seem to be some decent articles out there if you search02:11
flaccid!find ebox02:12
ubotuFound: ebox, ebox-all, ebox-ca, ebox-firewall, ebox-network (and 7 others)02:12
flaccid!info ebox02:12
ubotuebox: eBox - Base framework. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.3-0ubuntu9 (gutsy), package size 127 kB, installed size 1220 kB02:12
uoaphysflaccid: right on man, thx02:12
flacciduoaphys: np. the links here might help http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-322608.html02:13
uoaphysflaccid: is it supported using KDM login screen?02:13
flacciduoaphys: a search like this: http://www.google.com/search?client=opera&rls=en&q=ubuntu+authenticate+against+windows+server&sourceid=opera&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-802:13
flacciduoaphys: yeah you can use any login manager iirc, well at least kdm and gdm02:13
=== pauljw_ is now known as pauljw
tehm0nkok this is driving me Crazy02:15
tehm0nkthe sound worked on the live CD now it Doesn't02:15
tehm0nkSomeone please help me figure this out?02:16
flaccidhmm wish i could tehm0nk, not my forte :(02:16
tehm0nkit's drivers tho :(02:16
tehm0nki mean02:16
tehm0nkwhere would settings for sound card drivers be?02:16
tehm0nklike where it says hey this is there and this is there...02:16
tehm0nki mean the xorg.conf file doesn't have stuff like that and i can't find anything on adept, and yeah right if i'm gonna try to compile drivers02:17
tehm0nkand kill everything02:17
flaccidwell things were simple in the days of OSS and then ALSA and ARTS came along and stuffed it all up. on systems like freebsd you just load the kernel mod and be done with it. linux has poor sound doco etc.02:18
flaccidso is your driver a kernel mod?02:18
tehm0nkProbably or something but the deal is it WORKED on the live cd02:19
tehm0nkwhy didn't it just throw those same settings agh02:19
flaccidyeah not sure02:19
flaccidtried killing or restart artsd ?02:19
flaccidalso what does aplay -l return ?02:19
tehm0nkand i mean i've rebooted... and all kinds of stuff for days02:20
flaccidyeah like killall artsd or check in ps aux | grep arts02:20
flaccidanyway what does aplay -l return02:20
tehm0nkthats interesting02:21
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)02:22
tehm0nkok so it sees it now why isn't it using it right?02:22
flaccidok what does aplay /usr/share/sounds/alsa/Side_Left.wav return and does it play the file ?02:23
tehm0nkPlaying WAVE '/usr/share/sounds/alsa/Side_Left.wav' : Signed 16 bit Little Endian, Rate 48000 Hz, Mono02:24
tehm0nkand no sound02:24
tehm0nkyes everything is plugged in.02:24
flaccidok check alsamixer and make sure the channels are turned up and not muted02:24
flaccidtehm0nk: see http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=385257 and http://www.google.com/search?client=opera&rls=en&q=AD198x+Analog+ubuntu&sourceid=opera&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8 <-- could be of help02:25
nevilleThis is probably the wrong place to ask, but is it possible to have kooldock sitting at the bottom constantly, without it disappearing?02:25
nevilleOh, nevermind02:26
nevilleFound it02:26
tehm0nkThere we go lol02:26
flaccidtehm0nk: is this gutsy?02:26
flaccidyou fix?02:26
tehm0nki think it is gutsy02:26
flaccidor you talking bout neville?02:26
Minatakuflaccid: ALSA is wonderful.02:27
MinatakuIt also provides OSS emulation.02:27
MinatakuIt's the abstractions that suck02:27
flaccidMinataku: it also is linux centric only02:27
gonzaloi have troubles installing my sound card drivers02:27
flaccidim a freebsd user...02:27
gonzaloi got a copy off the error02:27
MinatakuWell of course, but as I said, it provides an emulation layer for OSS02:27
flaccidmaybe alsa could make some decent doco so people can use it or troubleshoot02:27
MinatakuSo if you develop across platforms, just use OSS instead02:28
flaccidMinataku: yeah i know what it provides. im an OSS guy, there is no reason for alsa even though they will argue it was started because of licensing restrictions..02:28
flaccidyeah exactly ..02:28
MinatakuI've never had a problem with it02:29
flaccidso that means no other users would ever have a problem right ?02:29
MinatakuDon't put words in my mouth02:29
flaccidwell those statements are not great to hear02:29
MinatakuThere's an anime channel here?02:30
flaccidand yeah i always have locks on the card with alsa kind of defeats the point02:30
danielejust trying...........................................02:31
MinatakuActually, I'd like to know, now02:31
MinatakuIt may be a fun place to visit02:31
alaskanGreets, everyone...02:33
alaskanAnyone have any experience fixing wireless issues with an Intel chipset? It completely stopped working with the latest kernel upgrade. I already tried downgrading the kernel, no joy.02:34
flaccidalaskan: pastebin your /etc/network/interfaces please02:34
timCan u pgrade kernel in Ubuntu 7.08 ??02:35
stdintim: 7.08?02:36
timu mean the latest stable one02:37
stdinthen 7.1002:38
timhow do u upgrade kernel in it?02:38
stdinjust keep updated with adept to get all the updates available02:38
alaskanIt upgrades with everything else automatically.02:38
timwhat version does it give u?02:38
timafter u update?02:39
timhow do u upgrade to 2.6.24 ?02:39
uoaphysi read to uninstall adept and install synaptic, even if using kubuntu02:39
stdinuoaphys: don't be silly02:39
timor why can't u keeo both of em?02:39
alaskanstdin: ?02:39
alaskanSynaptic >> Adept02:39
stdintim: 2.6.24 isn't in 7.10, it will be in 8.0402:39
stdinalaskan: in _your_ opinion02:40
timNo way u can make it ibn 7.10 ?02:40
maybeway36Adept is ok02:40
maybeway36but I like aptitude (i'm geeky)02:40
alaskanstdin: In everyone's opinion that I've talked to about it. :-)02:40
=== serge is now known as sea4ever
stdinalaskan: and that means that you "need to uninstall adept and install synaptic"?02:41
maybeway36i actually prefer adept over synaptic02:41
alaskanWho said anything about *needing* to?02:41
maybeway36dont ask me why02:41
stdintim: you could add the deb-src line from hardy to your sources.list, then "sudo apt-get -b source linux-source-2.6.24"02:41
alaskanuoaphys: Install Synaptic and see how you like it. If you prefer it over Adept, get rid of Adept.02:41
timbut is it safe???02:42
maybeway36ditto alaskan02:42
stdintim: it will make some .debs, so you can always remove the packages if it doesn't work02:42
timbut usually is it safe?02:43
MinatakuDepending on what OS I'm using, I prefer either Portage or pkg_add02:43
MinatakuBut I use Gentoo and NetBSD02:43
timin ubuntu02:43
stdintim: safe enough, it won't remove the kernel you have now just add another entry to the grub list02:43
Tomi-idlemeh, anyone else noticing the kubuntu kde4 rc packages are not quite there?02:44
timwill new kernel be faster ??02:44
stdinTomi-idle: describe "aren't quite there"02:44
Tomi-idletim: depends on a lot of things, maybe :D02:44
stdintim: maybe, you can't tell unless you try02:44
Tomi-idlestdin: the packages seem to get the configs sorted in a shape no human could possibly fix02:45
Tomi-idlestdin: a bit overexaggerated02:45
flaccidalaskan: remove everything below netmask then do a sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart then restart knetworkmanager then you should be right02:45
maybeway36i'll go get a dog02:45
stdinTomi-idle: what do you mean exactly?02:45
alaskanflaccid: I think I already tried that, but I'll give it another shot. BRB02:47
Tomi-idlestdin: the way the plasma desktop handles isn't really a pleasure, nothing gets docked on the dock-widget, when rotating/scaling widgets everything loses their coordinates on desktops space02:47
alaskanflaccid: And you mean "comment out", not "remove", right? :-P02:47
stdinTomi-idle: that's nothing to do with the packages, that upstream02:48
Tomi-idlestdin: and a few really weird problems.. i'll try it on 32bit when 8.04 is released and see if things are improved. :)02:48
flaccidalaskan: i would remove myself as the implementation is to let users control network ad hoc02:48
Tomi-idlestdin: what's the latest on whether to have LTS or kde4?02:49
stdinTomi-idle: there will be no kubuntu LTS02:49
flaccidTomi-idle: http://blog.nixternal.com/2007.12.20/kubuntu-804-featuring-kde-4/02:50
flaccidlts was a load of &&^* in the first place heh02:50
tehm0nklol installing wow to see how it'll run on linux :-x02:50
flaccidits a marketing term is you ask me02:50
flaccidlike the ironic thing is say a corp stays on dapper for LTS, they call support find out their problem is dapper and the solution is to upgrade release/version. thats irony...02:52
Tomi-idlestdin: flaccid: thx :D02:52
flaccidbecause bugs are fixed in the next release, LTS is security related and relies on devs to fix things02:52
alaskanflaccid: No dice, thanks anyway though02:53
flaccidalaskan: are you trying wired or wireless interface?02:53
alaskanhttp://www.pastebin.ca/827922 After that, no connection at all.02:53
flaccidum yes you restart knetworkmanager and select the connection there. there will be no connection by default.02:53
flaccidif you are using wired only you could see if the dhcp server responds by doing a sudo dhclient eth002:54
alaskanagh... one sec...02:54
flaccidlol 8.04 is indexed in google as LTS heh02:55
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alaskan_Brilliant. My mistake, flaccid. Thanks a lot. :-)02:57
alaskan_I'm off. Thanks again. Peace.02:58
flaccidnp my friend03:00
arrrghhhhey all, i can't get alsamixer to save my settings... i've tried the alsactl restore on startup to no effect.  every time i restart the machine (or window manager) i have to re-run alsamixer and crank the volume back up.03:01
flaccidarrrghhh: use kmix and right click on it and assign the master channel to pcm. select the desired volume. log out then log back in to test. if kmix doesn't keep the sound level and master channel could be a perm problem03:03
flaccidperms i mean03:03
arrrghhhkmix?  ok.03:04
arrrghhhERROR: Communication problem with kmix, it probably crashed.03:04
arrrghhhi've never used kmix before...03:05
arrrghhhbrb, i'm gonna test something03:06
flaccidsounds like something is a miss03:06
arrrghhhflaccid: i was trying to run kmix from the terminal, that was probably the issue... but everything i've seen suggested hasn't worked for me thus far03:08
flaccidwell kmix should work if it doesn't something is wrong03:09
flaccidits the speaker icon in the tray03:10
arrrghhhyea, i got it open03:10
flaccidhave you assigned the master channel via right click03:10
arrrghhhuh, no... but i'm not sure what to do i already have a master volume slider03:11
flaccidso right click select master channel03:11
flaccidif you have it on master and when you reduce the master from the icon , it doesn't reduce volume then you need to assign it to pcm channel03:12
Zabulusok, need some help with getting side mouse buttons to work03:12
arrrghhhZabulus: unless there's drivers for linux for the mouse, i doubt it03:13
arrrghhhflaccid: i'm confused, how do i assign the pcm channel as the master?03:13
flaccidZabulus: you can do that with xmodmap iirc03:14
flaccidright click kmix and select master channel with kmix, arrrghhh03:14
arrrghhhoh i was trying to right click in the program itself... d'oh.03:15
DarkJimmyis synaptics in kubuntu 7.10?03:15
flaccidZabulus: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManyButtonsMouseHowto03:15
arrrghhhok let's see how this works03:15
hypernewbieDarkJimmy: no, but adept package manager is03:15
arrrghhhDarkJimmy: kde uses adept03:15
flaccid!find synaptics03:15
ubotuFound: xserver-xorg-input-synaptics, gsynaptics, ksynaptics, libsynaptics-dev, libsynaptics0 (and 2 others)03:15
flaccid!info ksynaptics | DarkJimmy03:15
ubotudarkjimmy: ksynaptics: Synaptics TouchPad configuration tool for KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.3.3-2ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 228 kB, installed size 1156 kB (Only available for alpha amd64 arm armeb armel hppa i386 ia64 m68k mips mipsel powerpc sparc)03:15
flaccidi guess you mean the package manager, DarkJimmy03:15
DarkJimmyfor some reason adept won't allow downloading new drivers because they are propietary..03:16
arrrghhhyea i was referring to the package manager03:16
flaccidDarkJimmy: could be blacklisted03:16
hypernewbieDarkJimmy: or try download these in System Settings03:16
arrrghhhcurious, what driver DarkJimmy?03:16
hypernewbieK->system settings->advanced->restricted drivers03:16
DarkJimmyhypernewbie that's where I'm trying03:17
DarkJimmyarrrghhh: for nvidia geforce 4 go03:17
flaccidDarkJimmy: juse use what hypernewbie suggested and adept for packages normally03:17
arrrghhhDarkJimmy: i'd recommend downloading drivers directly from nvidia and compiling from source.03:17
flaccidrestricted manager is all that is needed for restricted drivers such as nvidia and ati03:18
arrrghhhthat's how i had to do to get my nvidia card.  the restricted drivers manager didn't work at all.03:18
DarkJimmyflaccid: doesn't work03:18
hypernewbierestricted drivers manager worked for me03:18
hypernewbieDarkJimmy: whats wrong? does it complain when downloading?03:18
flaccidwhat exactly does it say DarkJimmy03:18
DarkJimmywhen I enable the driver: The software source for the package nvidia-glx is not enabled03:19
flaccid!info nvidia-glx03:19
ubotunvidia-glx: NVIDIA binary XFree86 4.x/X.Org driver. In component restricted, is optional. Version 1:1.0.9639+ (gutsy), package size 4387 kB, installed size 13352 kB03:19
flaccidneed to enable restricted03:19
arrrghhhflaccid: so that was easy... sheesh.03:19
flaccidgoto manage repos in menu and enable03:19
DarkJimmywhat menu?03:20
flaccidin adept_manager DarkJimmy03:20
flaccid!adept | DarkJimmy03:20
ubotuDarkJimmy: adept is the Kubuntu package manager. Howto: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AdeptHowto03:20
flaccidum synaptic is available in gutsy, but kubuntu uses adept and it is what we support here03:20
arrrghhhyou can use synaptic in kubuntu... i use it because i prefer it to adept03:21
flaccidits a gnome application and not part of kubuntu base. most of use are used to adept.03:21
flaccidchoise is great but03:22
flacciderr choice03:22
arrrghhhflaccid: true, but i personnally (and others i'm sure too) prefer it to adept.03:22
arrrghhhi don't really like adept, but i use it to update the system because as you said it's what kde uses.03:22
flaccidwhich is totally cool, a lot of us just don't know it very well03:22
arrrghhhyea, true.03:22
flaccidits simple, i mean people say they don't like it but never give a reason why..03:22
hypernewbieDarkJimmy: u need to enable repositories, K->System->Adept Manager->Adept(menu item)->MAnage repositories->Download from the internet->tick everything but source code->close->03:23
hypernewbieDarkJimmy: close adept -> go to restricted manager thing->try again03:23
arrrghhhflaccid: i honestly don't like how it looks when you start it up... searching seems easier in synaptic... but i'm probably biased coming from xfce which has a lot of gnome apps (like synaptic)03:23
hypernewbieDarkJimmy: close adept->open terminal->type in apt-get update->close terminal ->restricted manager thing->download the restricted03:23
DarkJimmyflaccid: what do I enable?03:24
flaccidarrrghhh: maybe. it looks fine to me and it has a search box that works dynamically. ah well :)03:24
hypernewbieDarkJimmy: read ^03:24
flaccidDarkJimmy: as per hypernewbie's advice03:24
DarkJimmyrestricted was already enabled03:24
DarkJimmythat's the problem03:24
flaccidrestricted needs to be enabled. then fetch updates then search and request install on the package then apply03:25
arrrghhhflaccid: yea, it's probably just my bias... it's what i started with, and it's familiar.03:25
flaccidarrrghhh: i'd love it if there was qt version :)03:25
hypernewbieDarkJimmy: did u go sudo apt-get update?03:25
DarkJimmyhypernewbie: yes, but it did not update03:26
flaccidwhy did it not update?03:26
arrrghhhi didn't find any drivers for the geforce 4 go on nvidia website... that sucks.03:26
DarkJimmyarrrghhh: you won't find them03:26
hypernewbieDarkJimmy: why did it not update?03:26
flaccidarrrghhh: you install via restricted-manager not nvidia website03:26
DarkJimmyhypernewbie: I don't know..03:26
arrrghhhwhy won't i find them?03:26
DarkJimmyarrrghhh: well, those cards usualy ship with laptops03:27
arrrghhhflaccid: restricted-manager wouldn't work... i HAD to compile the nvidia drivers off their website (only after closing any wm.)03:27
flaccidDarkJimmy: do the sudo apt-get update command from konsole and pastebin output03:27
arrrghhhyea i know, i have a geforce 6 go.03:27
DarkJimmyit's the manufacturer's job to make those drivers03:27
flaccidarrrghhh: why did it not work03:27
DarkJimmynvidia doesn't give a crap after that so...03:27
DarkJimmyno more updated drivers03:27
arrrghhhDarkJimmy: be glad you don't have an ati card then...03:28
DarkJimmyI hate ati03:28
arrrghhhflaccid: it wouldn't recognize my 2nd monitor, and the screen resolution wouldn't go full.03:28
flaccidim on ati and nvidia and i can usually solve all problems, but we need to see the problem to be able to identify and solve03:28
DarkJimmywww.guru3d.com ftw!03:28
arrrghhhbut after i dled the official nvidia drivers, it worked.03:28
flaccidarrrghhh: did you use xrandr ?03:28
arrrghhhno.. never heard of it.03:28
flaccidyes and the official drivers are done via restricted-manager / ubuntu repos not nvidia's site03:29
deadsoulshow can i have a text_field that when submitted doesn't actually submit anything, but runs a javascript function?03:29
flaccidarrrghhh: thats what you use...03:29
DarkJimmyI had to get hacked windows drivers for my gf4 go03:29
flacciddeadsouls: maybe try #web03:29
DarkJimmythey worked better than the digitally signed ones03:29
hypernewbieDarkJimmy: wow, nvidia drivers sound promising :P03:30
arrrghhhwell after i did a ctrl-alt-f1, stopped all window managers and ran the nvidia official installer, and restarted the window manager03:30
DarkJimmyhypernewbie: I think they suck, but they are the ones that suck less that the rest..03:30
flaccidwhat you do is look at the log and startx manually after killing kdm. this is how you find out what the actual problem is...03:30
hypernewbieDarkJimmy: ati is perfectly fine until u get openGL'ed03:31
deadsoulsflaccid, oops wrong channel :)03:31
arrrghhhit worked... recognized my 2nd monitor (at 1920x1080) and my first (at 1280x1024) and the restricted drivers manager didn't do shit... although i've never tried the restricted driver manager in kde...03:31
hypernewbieDarkJimmy: anyway can u paste the output of apt-get update?03:31
flaccidrestricted manager is not going to help you set up multiple displays...03:31
DarkJimmyYES! it works!!03:31
* flaccid beats himself in the head03:31
DarkJimmyalways the damn stupid defaults03:32
arrrghhhflaccid: i didn't expect it to... i just wanted it to let me configure it.  the only time it worked is when i did the official installer, trust me.  it took for freakin ever to get that damned video card to work in linux.  it was almost a deal-breaker.03:32
hypernewbieDarkJimmy: it worked?03:33
flaccidthere is zero configuration with restricted manager. still you have no idea why it wasn't working because you didn't check logs.03:33
DarkJimmyhypernewbie: let me boot it up03:33
flaccidanybody got a new problem03:33
DarkJimmya whole pile03:33
hypernewbieDarkJimmy: huh?03:34
DarkJimmywell, next up is grub03:34
DarkJimmydon't even know where to start03:34
hypernewbieDarkJimmy: what do you mean?03:34
DarkJimmywell forget about grub03:35
DarkJimmynew and more important problem03:35
DarkJimmyi can't see anything03:35
arrrghhhflaccid: yea, how about a Malformed URL error03:35
hypernewbiedid nvidia drivers install03:35
dthackerHi any recommendations for an ogg encoder to work with kaudiocreator?03:35
DarkJimmyhypernewbie: yes03:36
DarkJimmyasked for a reboot03:36
DarkJimmysaid yes03:36
hypernewbieu rebooted and now u cant see a thing03:36
hypernewbieis the hd working03:36
hypernewbiewait a while03:36
hypernewbieis that a laptop by any chance03:37
DarkJimmyit is03:37
hypernewbiewait a while, see of the hd light is working03:37
DarkJimmyit is03:37
hypernewbieif you see your login screen, then its an easy fix from that on03:37
hypernewbieif you can't see your login screen and your comp has been idle for ages, then i'm outta ideas :(03:38
DarkJimmyno login screen :<03:38
flaccidarrrghhh: yeah that one is the kde profile. #kde would help better with that. thats a pain03:38
hypernewbieis hd light wokring03:38
hypernewbielet it do random stuff then03:38
DarkJimmysound works too03:38
flaccidDarkJimmy: goto a tty and kill kdm by sudo /etc/init.d/kdm stop03:39
hypernewbiesounds working?03:39
flaccidthen run startx manual to see what the problem is. this is if its booted but no X..03:39
arrrghhhthis came outta nowhere... sometimes linux pisses me off.  i didn't do anything that should've caused this, it just happened.03:39
hypernewbieflaccid: thats if his tty shows03:39
flaccidarrrghhh: i've had your problem about 5 times. i agree with  you entirely03:39
timGUYS!! plz tell me how to upgrade to 2.6.24 kernel ?03:39
hypernewbiearrrghhh: lol, at least ubuntu doesnt randomly show up in 320x200 16 colors anymore :P03:40
arrrghhhhypernewbie: true that.  just reminds me of being microshafted when stuff changes like that03:40
flaccid!kernel | tim03:40
ubotutim: The core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - For more: /msg ubotu stages03:40
flaccidyou are on +1 tim, if so #ubuntu+103:41
arrrghhhtim: that's not stable, isn't it?03:41
timMy question is how to upgrade to it?03:41
flaccidtim: simply via adept if its in your repos..03:41
flaccidor apt-get update03:41
timit is not I have add a line03:41
flaccidi mean sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade;03:41
timI have to add a line to my repos to upgrde to it03:41
timwhat line ?03:42
arrrghhhif it's not stable, then you probably have to compile it yourself tim03:42
timsombody jsut told me that but i fogot03:42
flaccidno tim, the kernel must be in your repos03:42
arrrghhham i wrong?03:42
flaccidin one of the sources03:42
timit is allready compiled03:42
timi just need to install it03:42
timtell me plz how to do it03:42
flaccidi already have tim03:42
arrrghhhuse google?03:43
flaccidyou might wanna check the latest kernel in the repos03:43
biovorehow to build a kernel on ubuntu http://www.howtoforge.com/kernel_compilation_ubuntu03:43
timit is not03:43
* DarkJimmy cries in vain03:43
flaccidtim: you can't upgrade a kernel if its not available. we support the current version of kubuntu here03:43
timflaccid,  plz tell me how do i get it?03:43
flaccidtim: already have man. quit it03:43
alesanwhat is the preferred way to set that when I click a link in konversation it must open it with firefox?03:44
timit is ok jsut tell me how do upgrade it u dont have to support it for me03:44
arrrghhhtim: what's wrong with the stable kernel?03:44
timjust tell me how do i get it?03:44
flaccidyou could download the .deb for the kernel and install manual, but i have not used ubuntu+103:44
hydrogentim: google kernel upgrade ubuntu03:44
sterilegenieif you want the latest kernel go to kernel.org and roll your own?03:44
alesannot that I don't like konqueror but I prefer to have firefox for this03:44
hydrogentheres a "ubuntu way" to make your own kernel03:44
timnothing wrong jsut simply tell me what line to I add to get a newer kerenl03:44
ubotuCommon Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should. Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability.03:44
hydrogentim: google it.03:44
timi tried can't find it03:44
biovoreubuntu way to make a kernel -> http://www.howtoforge.com/kernel_compilation_ubuntu03:44
timall i need is to find what line do i get03:44
arrrghhhtim: it's there... guaranteed.03:44
flaccidtim: try listening to what i say03:44
DarkJimmyhow can I revert my graphics driver to its previous state?03:45
timit is not their03:45
flaccidtim: incorrect there is no line. we don't know the repos if there is a dedicated one for the kernel..03:45
hypernewbieDarkJimmy: whats wrong03:45
ubotuThe core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - For more: /msg ubotu stages03:45
hypernewbieDarkJimmy: do you get a console screen at all03:45
timplz help me to find the dedicated one for it?03:45
hydrogentim: there isn't one.03:45
DarkJimmyhypernewbie: yeah03:45
flaccidtim: stop it.03:45
hypernewbieDarkJimmy: yes to console screen?03:45
sterilegeniesudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf03:45
DarkJimmystopped kdm03:46
biovoretim: what are you changing from the stock kernel.. what you need thats not in it?03:46
hypernewbieDarkJimmy: now type startx and give us the error it spits03:46
DarkJimmystarted it too, and still blank03:46
hypernewbieDarkJimmy: oh03:46
arrrghhhdoes anyone happen to know where system menu stores the links to those items?03:46
hypernewbieDarkJimmy: would a dpg-reconfigure work here guys? i'm a bit flat here03:46
biovoreDarkJimmy: apt-get install xterm and then run xterm and see what it complains about..03:46
timi just wanna try it03:46
hydrogen /usr/share/services is  aplace to start arrrghhh03:46
sterilegeniedarkjimmy........... sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf03:46
timplz help me to find what line do I add to the repos ?03:47
arrrghhhthanks hydrogen03:47
flaccidum can we please see the output, no need to edit a config yet for DArkj03:47
arrrghhhhypernewbie: yes, dpkg-reconfigure xorg-xserver -phigh03:47
arrrghhhi think...03:47
flaccidarrrghhh: ~/.local/share/application and there is one for kde somewhere in ~/.kde03:47
hypernewbieyeah but will it help...03:47
arrrghhhit's been a while since i had to fiddle with my vid card.03:47
flaccidwhy reconfigure when we don't know the problem to begin with. always find the problem first. don't assume03:48
timcan u plz help me with it?03:48
timor no?03:48
hypernewbiewell, u can open xorg.conf and see if its trying to set your res to like 1600x1200 or something03:48
timand why not?03:48
timif yes plz help me03:48
flaccidtim: no. we don't support the next version of ubuntu here, period.03:48
hydrogentim: asked and answered.03:48
hydrogenand mixing two versions of ubuntu isn't supported *anywhere*03:49
flaccidwe gave all the additional info you require dtim03:49
timi am not trying to get a next verson of Ubuntu all i ask is what line do i add?03:49
timcan u plz help me with that?03:49
hypernewbietim: u dont add anything03:49
arrrghhhtim: it's stupid to support unstable stuff.03:49
sterilegeniewhat do i need to install to have quicktime playback in fireefox03:49
hypernewbietim: you uncomment deb http://whatever lines03:49
arrrghhhi don't see what the problem with stable.03:49
hydrogenI'd suggest not giving him any suggestions03:50
hydrogeneverything thus far03:50
DarkJimmyI need to let the laptop cool of for a while..03:50
timcan u plz tell me what axact lines?03:50
hydrogenis going to lead to a pretty unreliable system03:50
flaccidcan someone tell tim to stop or leave03:50
hydrogentim: we've already told you the "proper way" to make your own 2.6.24 kernel for gutsy03:50
hydrogenthats the only smart thing you can do03:50
flaccidhes not on gutsy..03:50
hydrogenand even thats of questionable merit03:50
hydrogenyes he is03:51
hydrogenhe wants 2.6.24 for "stable kubuntu"03:51
timIt is all ready made. all i need to do is to find it and download it03:51
flaccidis he well thats even worse03:51
hydrogenwhich is gutsy03:51
flaccidmy gutsy is03:51
timjust plz help me to find it03:51
hydrogentim: no, you need to make it. there is no 2.6.24 kernel for gutsy03:51
timyes there is03:51
timjust need to find it03:51
flaccidtim: then where is it?03:51
biovoretim: make modules install?03:51
flaccidhahahah there isn't its not in the repos03:51
hypernewbieDarkJimmy: yeah, it could be nvidia drivers completely owned up ur x server, it could be just something much mroe trivial03:51
biovorebut your kernel needs initrd probably..03:51
hypernewbieDarkJimmy: like it trying to go to a resolution ur monitor doesnt have03:52
* hydrogen has a 2.6.23 for gutsy but its been customized for his system03:52
timit is not int he repos but u can add it03:52
flaccid!info linux-generic03:52
ubotulinux-generic: Complete Generic Linux kernel. In component restricted, is optional. Version (gutsy), package size 24 kB, installed size 52 kB03:52
sterilegenietim why dont you look for it with the whereis command03:52
flaccidsee tim..03:52
arrrghhhtim i'm on gutsy, and it's 2.6.22-1403:52
timu can add a line to ur repos and upgrade to 2.6.2403:52
timall u need to know is what line03:53
hydrogenthen do it.03:53
timthats it03:53
biovore2.6.24 dosn't exsist03:53
flaccidtim: we don't suppor that.03:53
timi am not asking u to support it .. just plz tell me what line do i add03:53
biovore2.6.24 you have to build from source and install manualy03:53
arrrghhhtim: we're not going to help you.  google is your friend.  end of story.03:53
biovoreits not a repo03:53
flaccidso please lay the topic to rest tim03:53
flaccidtim: no. do you understand that?03:53
hydrogenthere is no line you can add to get a 2.6.24 for gutsy03:53
arrrghhhDarkJimmy: did you try that dpkg-reconfigure command?03:53
sterilegenietim linux is a bit of work stop expecting everyoone to do it for you03:53
hydrogenlets move on03:53
timhydrogen,  yes there is one...03:53
arrrghhhi had to use it a lot when i had problems with my vid card.03:53
hydrogenthis horse has some fairly large gashes in it03:54
hydrogenand has been dead for a while03:54
hypernewbiearrrghhh: nah, dont reconfigure, might stuff him up more03:54
DarkJimmyignora that :P03:54
flaccidDarkJimmy: how did you go pastebin /var/log/Xorg.0.log or at least looking at it03:54
DarkJimmymy laptop is like an oven right now, needs to cool down a bit03:55
DarkJimmyold pentium 4's are like that03:55
sterilegenieTIM------- go here --->>>> http://www.kernel.org/03:55
sterilegenietheres your kernel03:55
hypernewbiesounds overclocked03:55
DarkJimmynot at all03:55
DarkJimmyjust.. old03:55
flaccidDarkJimmy: i would check to see whats going hectic, otherwise maybe tis the vid card doing the heat03:56
arrrghhhyea my p4 3.06 ghz laptop from 2003 ran REAL hot.03:56
flaccidthen again p4 is a desktop chip in a notebook that requires a lot of cooling03:56
DarkJimmyit's completely normal03:56
flaccidno processes going 100% in top03:56
flaccidp4 notebook = hot pot03:57
hypernewbieheh, sitting here with lappy amp sempron03:57
hypernewbiecool as ice :P03:57
flaccidinteresting. im on a pentium m 1.7 - asus w1000na n/b03:58
arrrghhhit's a sempron, that's why lol03:58
DarkJimmyyeah let's brag!03:58
flaccidmine is probably older than yours heh03:58
arrrghhhsweet.  i use a 286.03:59
hypernewbieyeah lets brag, i have Windows Vista muhahhahaa-no i dont03:59
timi think i found it http://kernel-archive.buildserver.net/debian-kernel/pool/main/l/linux-2.6/03:59
arrrghhhit's a router that browses the web lol.03:59
timon google03:59
Zabulusim just getting confused trying to get my side buttons working right for firefox03:59
arrrghhhtim: i thought it didn't exist?03:59
flaccidtim: good luck04:00
hypernewbietim: good luck then, playing russian roulette with ur installation :P04:00
timi gonna reboot and try it04:00
hydrogenwho wants to help tim reinstall ?04:01
flaccidkernel and userland go together and future kernel for an older userland probably not stable04:01
flaccidhehe yeah04:01
DarkJimmytim, http://www.justfuckinggoogleit.com should have been your first try before asking here..04:01
hydrogenthe userland is actually a lot separate from the kernel04:01
hydrogenyou can upgrade one without the other04:01
hydrogenbut there are a number of kernel-esque packages04:01
hydrogenubuntu breaks modules out fex04:01
ardchoille!language | DarkJimmy04:01
ubotuDarkJimmy: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.04:01
flaccidyeah but changes in kernel for userland code thats specific to kernel..04:02
DarkJimmyardchoille: that's actually an url04:02
flaccidim not sure if what i said made sense but yeah04:02
hydrogenmost of it goes through glibc04:02
hydrogenand the kernel is backwards compatabile04:02
hydrogenit shouldn't be a problem04:02
ardchoilleDarkJimmy: But the language is not acceptable here.04:02
timi though i are more proffesional and can google it better04:03
flaccidwe are forgetting about bug fixes in kernel and userlands04:03
flacciddifferent if you have a reason to upgrade kernel to address something like a bug04:03
hydrogenits still backwards compatabile04:03
hydrogenyou can upgrade your kernel and kernel modules without affecting the rest of your system04:04
hydrogenobviously packages that ship with kernel modules (vm software fex) will break if you don't build the modules against the new version04:04
flaccidyes but we both know in the programming world a change of variables. when things are designed backwards compatible doesn't guarantee04:04
hydrogenthat still doesn't change the fact04:04
hydrogenthat you can upgrade your kernel04:04
hydrogenand your userland will not break04:05
flaccidit won't break. it will run, im say its not ideal although in theory it is04:05
hydrogenthe only thing you might miss out on is new features in the new kernel04:05
hydrogenthat aid userland apps04:05
hydrogeninotify fex04:05
flaccida lot can be the fault of the developers of the application in userland with their kernel specific code if any04:06
hydrogenyou are not making any sense04:06
flaccidthis happened more in the past and prior to generic kernels04:06
flaccidyeah im not really, im not great at explaining. would be easier if i find an example04:06
hypernewbieironic this argument is taking place in a kubuntu irc channel of all linux places04:07
flaccidnot really an argument im in agreeance, just can't explain this one04:07
flaccidnot sure how to search on google for this one. anyway i'll let you know if i can find something04:08
hypernewbieheh, tim won't be back for at least 55 mins, 10 mins to realise hes stuffed up, 45 to reinstall04:09
flaccidyeah and in that time i will try to find something for hydrogen so i don't look like a wang04:10
xehnidaexcuse me, what can i do to fix segmentation fault for firefox04:10
* hydrogen doesn't answer that04:11
flaccidwho me hydrogen?04:11
flaccidanyway i bbs04:12
timok i just installed the new kernel and booted into it04:13
timand it works fine04:13
flaccidsweet as04:14
timu can find it at http://kernel-archive.buildserver.net/debian-kernel/pool/main/l/linux-2.6/04:14
timu still have option to choose between ur old kernel during the boot up?04:14
flacciddid you recompile all your kernel dependent mods04:14
flaccidyeah if you put it in grub04:14
timnot i just cliked with kpackage on deb and installed it04:15
timand it was put to grub automaticl;y04:16
flaccidyeah its separate04:16
timyes of course it is separate04:16
timdon't feel anything different though04:18
arrrghhhfood time.  keep it real kubuntu kids.04:18
flaccidi dont' see how you would feel anything different04:18
timI told it exists ..... And u told me it does not exist !04:19
flaccidits a point release of the linux kernel04:19
flaccidnot within the scope of the support04:19
hydrogenno one told you it didn't exist04:19
hydrogenwe told you there was no one line for you to add04:19
flaccidof course linux kernels exist for download you gave you many links for that. the one you used is one archive04:19
timi bet there is a line if u look for it...04:19
timu can find anything on google04:19
flaccidtim: you can make your own line from that URL..04:19
flaccidstill the question remains why you needed to upgrade the kernel04:20
timjust of having nothign else to do04:21
flaccidi think you mentioned something about stability before , not testing04:21
Zabuluscan someone help me figure out how to get the side buttons on my mouse to work for going back/forward web pages in firefox?04:29
misslissa_in amarok i get an error message that there is no suitable dumax program04:32
misslissa_and no decoder04:32
misslissa_what should i do04:32
nixternalZabulus: http://www.overclock.net/linux-unix-mac/193927-faq-getting-mouse-side-buttons-work.html04:32
nixternalZabulus: that worked for one of my mice, but not another iirc04:32
nixternalmisslissa_: are you trying to play a stream?04:32
misslissa_radio station04:33
misslissa_is that stream? :)04:33
nixternalwhich radio station, see if it happens to me04:33
nixternalmisslissa_: that would be a stream, yet :)04:33
nixternalerr, yes :)04:33
misslissa_DnbRadio [Drum and Bass]\04:33
nixternalI can spell, really I can04:33
* nixternal looks04:33
misslissa_kinda new04:33
misslissa_very teachable04:33
misslissa_I am a IT student 1 year into my AA for Computer Support Specialist04:34
nixternalok, it is working for me...so you are probably missing a codec04:34
misslissa_I just downloaded kubuntu as a dual boot04:34
nixternalmisslissa_: did you install kubuntu-restricted-extras04:34
misslissa_doin updates right now maybe it will catch it04:34
misslissa_no yet04:35
nixternalif not, try that and restart amarok, that should help you out04:35
misslissa_do you remember the apt-get command for restricted drivers possible04:35
nixternalsudo apt-get install kubuntu-restricted-extras04:35
misslissa_thanks you have been very helpfull04:35
misslissa_I really apprecieate you takin the time04:36
nixternalno problem, glad I could help04:36
misslissa_I have thousands of questions all the time04:36
misslissa_I want to learn a little bit of this and that04:36
nixternalwell, as long as someone is around, we try to answer them all04:36
nixternaland before you know it, you will be answering others :)04:36
nixternalit is one big happy circle04:37
misslissa_thats my goal04:37
misslissa_career wise04:37
misslissa_but got to gain knowledge first04:37
misslissa_right now im working on file sharing04:37
misslissa_between windows and kubuntu04:37
misslissa_I tried wine thinkin samba will work better04:38
nixternalthat one either works with no problems, or causes you to rip out hair04:38
nixternalsamba is the way to go on that one04:38
nixternalonce you have samba setup, you pretty much share your files/directories the same way you do in Windows04:38
ubotusamba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT04:38
nixternalthere you go, that should help you out as well with samba04:39
misslissa_I cant tell you how much it means to me to finally get some answers04:39
misslissa_some of the IRC stations people are so mean04:39
nixternalwe can be mean too, but it is the holidays :)04:39
misslissa_they keep telling me to go some where else like im not good enough for there site04:39
nixternaljust kidding, only a few of us are mean04:39
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flaccidmisslissa_: that is a bug in xine. if you keep pressing play it should eventually work as long as the codec is installed04:45
flaccidas in the amarok no demux problem04:46
flaccidgone heh04:46
flakecan anyone recommend a good somewhat cheap usb power backup04:49
flakeoops not usb but UPS04:51
flaketripplite is namebrand04:51
cameron_hello um well this is a pretty simple question i found amsn in adept manager and i clicked request install but how do i actually get it to start installing??04:55
stdinclick apply04:55
cameron_apply changes is greyed out04:56
stdinthen make sure you have selected "request install" on the package04:56
DarkJimmyok, got my laptop running again04:57
cameron_i did it says  package amsn status not installed request install ??04:57
DarkJimmydid a sudo nano /etc/x11/xorg.conf, it is empty04:57
cameron_well stdin wat u think?04:58
cameron_maybe im not root?04:58
cameron_ how do i check if im running it as root?04:58
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stdincameron_: it should have told you that you wern't root when you started adept05:00
cameron_i just run it threw system then adept05:00
stdindid it ask for your password?05:01
W1ZrDCould someone help me with: http://pastebin.com/d62010154 ?05:01
cameron_it didnt05:01
cameron_ ok um05:01
cameron_ i dunno but i re ran and now its working sorry05:01
W1ZrDfglrx messing about05:02
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cameron_how do i get it so it only shows the app that are on the workspace i am currently in?05:03
stdinW1ZrD: you need to remove fglrx-6-8-0 first05:03
stdincameron_: right click kicker -> configure panel -> taskbar, 1st option05:04
W1ZrDand it would be enough to simply remove it from /usr/bin, or is there something else?05:05
stdinno, you need to remove it with apt or dpkg05:05
W1ZrDthat I have forgotten since long how to do :)05:06
stdin"sudo apt-get remove fglrx-6-8-0" or "dpkg --remove fglrx-6-8-0"05:06
stdinerm, with "sudo" before "dpkg"05:06
W1ZrDthanks, I'll give it a go05:06
W1ZrDdoes it matter that I did depmod -a before?05:07
W1ZrD(during the installation that failed)05:07
stdinshouldn't matter05:08
DarkJimmyhow can I go back on a driver change?05:08
W1ZrDshould I purge after remove, or just leave it?05:10
stdinW1ZrD: no need to purge05:11
Zabulusok, still need help with extra mouse buttons, for some reason it seeing the button that should be up the same as the right button05:12
Zabulussimilar problem with what should be the page back, its acting the same as scrollwheel button05:13
biovoreZabulus: what mouse you have?05:14
flaccidDarkJimmy: its case sensitive /etc/X11/xorg.conf05:15
Zabuluslogitech mx40005:15
biovorein your xorg.conf in the mouse section...05:16
biovoreOption      "Protocol"     "ExplorerPS/2"05:16
Zabulusdid that05:16
biovoreOption      "Buttons"      "7"05:16
biovoreOption      "ZAxisMapping" "4 5"05:16
biovoreOption      "ButtonMapping" "1 2 3 6 7 8"05:17
biovoreOption      "Emulate3Buttons" "false" <-- may or maynot want that one..05:17
K`zanHi Folks, got a problem with nfs mounts not mounting at boot, but can mount them manually with no problem.  Anyone see anything wrong with these fstab entries:05:17
K`zanNimitzIP:/home/vw/    /home/vw/zvsh       nfs     defaults        0 005:17
K`zanNimitzIP:/nettmp  /nettmp                 nfs     defaults        0 005:17
Zabulusdont bother trying to get the tilt buttons to work?05:17
spawn57K'zan, lemme check my fstab, one sec05:18
K`zanspawn57: Thanks05:18
=== ubuntu is now known as Tokmol
spawn57I didn't use defaults, I used #kishore:/home/share /media/share       nfs     rw,mountvers=3,nfsvers=3,hard,intr      0       005:19
K`zanspawn57: THanks, will give that a go and see what happens.  FWIW, those worked fine in gentoo and fedora ?!?05:21
spawn57i used ubuntu and debian here..05:21
spawn57didja check dmesg for errors?05:21
K`zanspawn57: I am getting smarter :-).05:21
spawn57you and me both brutha lol05:22
K`zanspawn57: Err, duhh, no I didn't <blush> too busy running around in circles ATM :-(.05:22
Zabuluschanging from 9 to 7 didnt work05:22
K`zanStill not sure about ubuntu, but deb stuff is kind of ancient for some things :-/.05:22
nixternaley? how is it ancient? it is well aged, like a great wine :)05:23
Zabulusits aging like milk05:24
K`zannixternal: No arguments there, just some apps are a bit creaky for my needs :)05:24
Zabulussorry, was just watching jeff dunham05:24
K`zanDecided to try fedora, over that in reasonably short order :-).05:24
nixternalok, the packages are a bit creaky or the package managers are?05:24
K`zanLast ubuntu I tried had LOTS of USB problems here, but this version doesn't have those.05:25
nixternalbecause rpm is not better than deb by a long shot05:25
nixternalwell that isn't a .deb issue, that is your fault :p05:25
K`zannixternal: No arguments about rpms, rech :-)05:25
DarkJimmyflaccid: ok, got it05:25
spawn57K`zan: I didn't have many problems at all05:25
K`zannixternal: Possibly, I guess there are more current respositories, I was just leary of mixing and matching.05:26
DarkJimmymode is at 1024x76805:26
nixternalya, I don't blame you there05:26
K`zanI sure did, I think it has to do with this not quite so common motherboard.05:26
K`zanI was quite pleased that the n800 is running a version of deb :-)!05:26
DarkJimmywill dpkg-reconfigure xorg.conf revert the configuration back to how it was?05:28
K`zanGonna try rebooting and see what happens, bbiaf.05:29
Tokmolj ilocos05:29
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flaccidDarkJimmy: do an ls -l /etc/X11 | grep xorg.conf and see the last file you used you have to rename it to xorg.conf05:32
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DarkJimmyit's xorg.conf already..05:34
K`zannixternal: Nope, still not mounting and only thing out of dmesg related to nfs seems to be:05:36
K`zan[   26.648000] Installing knfsd (copyright (C) 1996 okir@monad.swb.de).05:36
K`zan[   26.760000] NFSD: Using /var/lib/nfs/v4recovery as the NFSv4 state recovery directory05:36
K`zan[   26.768000] NFSD: starting 90-second grace period05:36
nixternalhrmm, you sure you meant me on that one :)05:37
K`zanAh, yes :-).  Everything before ( all HD parts) and after those mount fine.05:38
K`zanAha!  Manual mount no longer works, get: mount.nfs: mount to NFS server 'xxx.xxx.xxx.xx' failed: RPC Error: Program/version mismatch05:40
K`zanTake this out: mountvers=3,nfsvers=3, and I can manually mount.  Lemme reboot again and see what happens.05:41
VagarockJust so I'm absolutely sure on this:  If I install KDE4 (per http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde4-rc2.php), and have no previous KDE4 installation sitting around, there's no known case for me breaking things?05:43
VagarockI know it's supposed to install to it's separate dir and theoretically not break anything, but experience tells me it's better to ask someone who's tried.05:44
K`zanNope, sigh....05:44
K`zanGuess I'll need to put something in rc.local to do it.05:45
K`zanThe plot thickens, putting it in rc.local and executing it tells me it is mounted, but it doesn't show up in df.05:47
* K`zan puzzled.05:47
K`zan{~} $ /etc/rc.local05:48
K`zanmount.nfs: /nettmp is already mounted or busy05:48
K`zannfs is mounted, but not the other one. WTF?!?!?05:48
K`zanerr, /nettmp is mounted, but not the other one. WTF?!?!?05:50
ubotuKubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion05:51
tehm0nkin the command window05:52
tehm0nkmetacity --replace05:52
tehm0nkdont close that window tho...05:52
tehm0nkthen alt+f205:52
tehm0nkenable window decoration05:52
tehm0nkalt-f2 CCDM05:53
tehm0nkomg can't type05:53
tehm0nkthen click window decoration05:53
tehm0nkand in command put "emerald --replace"05:53
K`zannope, not mounting from rc.local either.  Guess I'll just have to do it manually.05:53
tehm0nkenable it05:53
K`zanSure would be nice if the whole boot process was logged, guess I'd need to get a hardcopy terminal to do that.05:54
tehm0nkthen open another alt+f2, then close your terminal05:54
tehm0nkand in the alt+f2 do a "compiz --replace"05:54
tehm0nkthat worked for me05:54
K`zan /nettmp seems to be mounted but it doesn't show up in df.  I'm really confused.05:55
K`zanbut still had to manually mount the other...05:55
K`zanOut of ideas.05:55
DarkJimmybye all, thanks for the help05:56
OilR0ckVagarock: its really not worth install kde4 yet. it tries not to break things, but sometimes a url in a kde3 app will try to open the kde4 counterpart05:58
OilR0cknot really a rc release imo... and the kubuntu packages for it aren't great.. I'd suggest you try a livecd first05:58
K`zanSeems that it is a ubuntu bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/sysvinit/+bug/4584205:59
K`zanOh well :-).05:59
VagarockYeah, I was considering it, but I'm out of RW-cds and hate to waste them for something I'll only use once :/05:59
VagarockThanks, though.05:59
OilR0ckmetacity.. emerald replace? this is kubuntu. it should be compiz --replace and kwin --replace only06:00
naknomikWhere is the KDE Control Center?06:00
OilR0ckyes, compiz comes with kubuntu.. outdated bot?06:00
ganjamaniacsomeone has tried to patch the kernel with 6pack.diff ?06:01
OilR0cknaknomik: systemsettings06:01
ganjamaniaci got a TNC2 on SERIAL Port06:01
Vagarocknaknomik: Or invoke it manually with 'kcontrol'06:01
OilR0ckand get used to it, cuz kde4 has switched to systemsettings06:01
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naknomikhumm... is KDE4 RC2 usable on kubuntu 7.10?06:02
OilR0ckno, not really06:02
OilR0ckplan on close to a year to replace your kde3 functionality06:03
naknomikhummm. Is compiz available for Kubuntu?06:04
ubotuKubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion06:04
OilR0ckapt-cache search compiz06:04
OilR0ckor put compiz in the adept search06:04
naknomikI started with Ubuntu system, then did a apt-get install kubuntu-desktop to get to kde. I'm happy with KDE and I want to get rid of Gnome, is that possible?06:05
Dr_willis_id say keep gnome. thers a lot of nice gnome tools06:05
Dr_willis_and its a hassle removing all the bits. :)06:05
Dr_willis_Unless You are really really short o hd space.06:06
naknomikBut my menus are all clutterred now.06:06
naknomikDr_willis_: nah, not short of HDD, I've 300G06:06
felix__hello all. how do i fix my apt-get update , i get a error saying Could not connect to localhost:4001 (
Dr_willis_somehoe you got apt set to use a proxy it seems.06:07
wordi'm trying to compile gmediaserver from source and it's saying "configure: error: libmagic library or magic_open function not found" even though i have libmagic-dev and libmagic1 installed..any ideas?06:07
felix__can i fix it...06:07
naknomikI got this machine upgraded to support Vista (which I got for free!), and just for fun tried Ubuntu, now I haven't logged into Vista for a month.06:07
OilR0ckwhy does the bot say compix isn't shipped with kubuntu when it is in the kubuntu repos for gutsy?06:08
wordi think its saying it isn't installed by default OilR0ck06:09
OilR0cknaknomik: great to hear ;)06:10
BicubicHi. I downloaded the kubuntu 7.10 dvd today. When it boots, my screen goes all garbled. I think its an issue with the graphics card (nv geforce 6600 agp). What can I do about it?06:11
naknomikI got really addicted to the compiz eyecandy in Gnome desktop, but I don't like Gnome, it's too dumbed down. I am a former FVWM user and I like power :-D06:12
koryBicubic: you try booting into safe graphics mode?06:12
Bicubichow would I do that?06:12
BicubicI don't get any prompts or anything06:12
Dr_willis_You may want to try the alternative install ce. the nvidia cards should be very well supported06:13
Bicubicfrom some googling I found this to be an issue http://www.nvnews.net/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=7249006:14
BicubicI'm just not sure how to follow any of those instructions as I can't get in at all06:14
OilR0cknaknomik: for compiz i have this installed: compiz-core,compiz-fusion-plugins-extra compiz-fusion-plugins-main, compiz-kde, compiz-plugins, compizconfig-settings-manager,emarld, libcompizconfig-backend-kconfig, libcompizconfig0,libdecoration0,libemeraldengine0,python-compizconfig06:15
OilR0ckat that point, assuming you have nvidia and aiglx, you should be able to run compiz --replace and then ccsm06:16
hydrogenyou don't need aiglx with nvidia06:16
OilR0ckbecause aiglx is in the nvidia driver?06:17
OilR0ckwhat you don't want is glx06:17
hydrogenthe nvidia-drivers come with their own extensions06:18
hydrogenthat make aiglx unnecessary06:18
* hydrogen just uses kwin from kde4 and is happy06:18
hydrogenbut i'll sleep06:19
OilR0ckkde4 kwin was very slow for me... and not as much eyecandy06:19
hydrogenits gotten a whole lot faster06:19
hydrogenand I'm more impressed with the funcionality than the eyecandy06:20
hydrogenbut thats just me!06:20
OilR0cki mean unix/linux is about separate programs doing their thing. why is kde reinventing the wheel here when compiz is much farther ahead06:20
OilR0ckand i tried kde4 rc2 kwin06:20
OilR0ckimo, they would be better server devoting that time to kde, not copy catting what compiz is doing06:21
zenohow do i disable touchpad click06:25
Dr_willis_!find gsynaptics06:25
ubotuFound: gsynaptics06:25
Dr_willis_!info ksynaptics06:25
ubotuksynaptics: Synaptics TouchPad configuration tool for KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.3.3-2ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 228 kB, installed size 1156 kB (Only available for alpha amd64 arm armeb armel hppa i386 ia64 m68k mips mipsel powerpc sparc)06:25
Dr_willis_Thats one way.06:25
fignewg nonesense ;)06:26
felix__any idea how to fix my apt-get06:26
=== philip is now known as phipster
Dr_willis_felix__,  if its trying to access port 4100 - Some how you enavbled the proxy settings for it.06:27
Dr_willis_I saw some other guy that had that issue befor.. but i am not sure how he did that.06:27
felix__yes its got me stuffed... i checked the network setting , it is set to direct conection...06:28
Dr_willis_You dident install any proxys lately?06:29
Dr_willis_I would say check the kubuntu/ubuntu forums.06:29
felix__not that i know of...06:29
etfbJust found a show-stopper bug in FireFTP, the Firefox extension that I use for FTP.  Wondering if anyone can suggest a good FTP or SFTP GUI client in KDE?06:29
Dr_willis_I never did find that setting, or how it was getting enabled.06:29
surgyhow do i unpack an alchohol 120% clone in kubuntu?06:29
Dr_willis_The kde file manager can do ftp. and i think theres also a sftp kioslave06:30
Dr_willis_!find mdf06:30
ubotuFound: mdf2iso06:30
Dr_willis_if its mdf you can convert it to iso. but dont expect copyprotected games to work06:30
etfbDr_willis: the KDE file manager?  You mean Konqueror?06:30
surgyDr_willis_: but the image seams to be compressed into like 46 parts per image, do i have to uncompress every image?06:30
Dr_willis_surgy,  whats the exact file name? a bunch of rars ?06:31
Dr_willis_etfb,  dolphin may also have that feature, or ya can use mc. or any of a dozen other ftp clients. :) depends on your needs.06:31
fignewKonq. does it06:31
surgyDr_willis_: the first cd is a series of "pic1.001" "pic1.002" and so on,06:32
surgythe second cd is "pic2.001" etc06:32
Dr_willis_surgy,  never seen/heard of  alchol 120 doing it that way.. may be some funky format only they use06:32
Dr_willis_could do a 'file whatever.001' and see what file sayx it is.06:33
naknomikWhat's the keystroke to switch between keyboard layouts?06:33
surgyDr_willis_: but dolphin is identifying them as rar archives, so it must be like pic1.001.rar right?06:33
Dr_willis_surgy,  that would be my guess.06:34
Dr_willis_try unraring the first one and see if it works.06:34
surgyand it has a weird file for each cd called "pic.sfv" and it has everypart listed with a number that looks like  an offset to me06:34
etfbDr_willis_: I've used a few FTP clients in KDE before and hated them all.  Unless Konq is considerably better than plain Firefox, it's not what I need either.  I'd love something like Filezilla, but it's Windows only (the Linux port is woefully underpowered and bugridden).06:35
surgy"pic1.001 b286d85d"06:35
naknomikअरे काय चाल्लाय काय ते तरी सांगा मला.06:35
Dr_willis_etfb,  No idea. I dont mess with ftp much any more.  You may want to test out the ftp fuse tools.06:35
naknomikoops wrong window.06:35
sigma_kubuntui use the linux filezilla. works perfectly 4me06:36
sonoftheclayrHey guys, I'm having some trouble loading glx. When i run 'startx' it tries to load /usr/lib/xorg/modules//libglx.so I think it is the double slash that is the problem. Does anybody have any solutions?06:36
etfbDr_willis_: What do you use instead of FTP?06:36
Dr_willis_naknomik,  soo purty.. :)06:36
naknomikWhat is the shortcut to change keyboard layouts.06:36
Dr_willis_etfb,  i never need to ftp stuff around. I use ssh/scp to copy things from one machine to others.06:36
etfbsigma_kubuntu: It's awfully clunky, though.  Not a patch on the original Windows version, and I don't say something like that often.06:36
sigma_kubuntudoes anyone here know xrandr pretty well?06:37
etfbDr_willis_: OK, I'll look into scp, because my host supports and recommends ssh and scp over ftp.06:37
etfbBTW: Thanks for the tip about kioslaves.  This article <http://liquidweather.net/howto/index.php?id=76> looks very interesting!06:37
surgy!virtual cd06:38
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about virtual cd - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi06:38
surgy!virtual cdrom06:38
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about virtual cdrom - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi06:38
surgyDr_willis_: any suggestions on a virtual cd rom ?06:38
fignewsigma_kubuntu: what's up?06:38
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about virtual - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi06:39
etfbsonoftheclayr: I'm guessing theres a config file containing <<something_or_other=/usr/lib/.../modules/>> when it should contain <<something_or_other=/usr/lib/.../modules>>.  Stupid problem - programmers should be more careful than that06:39
sigma_kubuntuetfb: yeah but thats because its a gtk app. the only thing it did weird 4me was reupload a few files dat were already uploaded successfuly da first time. but the windows version was worse. it used to half upload files and not tell me06:39
etfbsigma_kubuntu: I can't remember why I hated it, but hate it I did, and I'm not going back until the Linux port is well out of beta.06:40
sigma_kubuntufignew: how do u move the screen a bit to the left? im outputing to a tv and the screen is a bit too to the right- the trash can gets cut off06:41
sonoftheclayretfb: that's what i'm thinking. I just have to find it. Would it be an X or nvidia config problem?06:41
sigma_kubuntuetfb: it would help if it was in the qt language06:42
etfbsonoftheclayr: I think the trick is to look in any file with the name [thing]rc or [thing].conf, including invisible files, and search for that string.06:43
etfbAnyone know the find syntax for egrepping inside multiple files?  I always forget, and the man page is a pain...06:43
etfbsigma_kubuntu: qt language???06:43
sigma_kubuntuetfb: what kde is programmed in. gnome uses gtk06:45
etfbsigma_kubuntu: Oh, ok - not so much a language as a library.  Gotcha.  But I think the problem I encountered was general lack of testing, and lots of missing features.  Menus that did nothing, overrideable defaults that didn't save, stuff like that.  Too irritating for more than casual use.06:47
sigma_kubuntui didnt know openoffice was gtk :(06:50
sigma_kubuntui wish koffice was as good as it because then id switch06:51
etfbDr_willis_: SUCCESS!  The trick is: type fish://USERNAME@SFTPSERVER into Konqy or the Alt+F2 dialog, put in your password and Voila!  Remote file manager, no worries.  Thanks for the tip!  This'll probably change how I work with Linux.06:51
flaccidyou can always google grep tutorials there are many06:51
flaccidetfb: checkout krusader :)06:51
etfbsigma_kubuntu: Use MS Word for something beyond writing a suicide note and you'll quickly discover how good OOo is.06:51
naknomikI have compiz, and set to use cube, but I only got 2 desktops, instead of 4, how?06:52
etfbflaccid: Yeah, I know - I was hoping to save time by wasting someone else's.  Isn't that what IRC is for?06:52
etfbflaccid: I'll look at Krusader, but the solution Dr_willis helped me find is surprising useful, so I'll check it out first.06:52
etfbnaknomik: This is just a guess, but: do you have your system set up to have four desktops?  I believe the Gutsy default is now two.  That might be why you're not seeing the others: they're not there!06:53
etfbnaknomik: Go to settings:/Desktop/ and click on Multiple Desktops06:54
naknomikIt shows, I have single desktop.06:55
naknomikBut in the Pager I see 1 and 206:55
sigma_kubuntuetfb: i use openoffice. but u can feel that its slower on kde. i think theres way too much java in it06:55
etfbnaknomik: What happens if you set the number of desktops to 4?06:57
naknomikI get 806:57
etfbnaknomik: Congratulations: that is officially WEIRD.06:57
naknomikhee hee... and no solution to my weird desktop?06:57
etfbnaknomik: I've never touched compiz, so I can't help you there.06:58
etfbI'm tempted to try Compiz,but I have a 1.6GHz Toshiba with 1.5Gb RAM and a Centrino Duo (pretend dual-core) processor.  Will it run like a slug?06:59
=== ubuntu is now known as Bicubic
Bicubicwoo, I'm in the preinstall livecd06:59
Bicubicis there a partition manager I can use?06:59
* etfb is frightened to think that the above specs could constitute "insufficiently powerful". My first PC had 32K and an 80 col green screen!06:59
sigma_kubuntui think u can use the one in the installer07:00
etfbsigma_kubuntu: Yeah, Java is a dog, but processor power is improving all the time.  It's due to become minimally usable in about 2030, if you can wait...07:01
Bicubicits not really a manager. About all it allows to do is delete, sigma_kubuntu07:01
sigma_kubuntuetfb: lol duno if im that patient07:02
Bicubicjava is a terror07:02
sigma_kubuntuBicubic: theres a manager in the ubuntu cd07:02
Bicubicafter being forced to use it for 6 months, I'm more certain than ever07:02
Bicubicsigma_kubuntu, name?07:03
sigma_kubuntuwhy did that have to go java! well does anyone know when openoffice 3 wil b out?07:03
sigma_kubuntuBicubic: think its gparted. its on one of the menus07:04
OilR0cketfb: lol, that was funny07:04
OilR0ckand so true07:04
larryhi, i need help to configure a  ethernet image scanner, someone can help me?07:04
flaccidetfb: irc is for what google can't provide. was just showing you a nice file manager that is more powerful than konqueror :)07:05
OilR0cklarry: ethernet image scanner?07:05
OilR0ckethernet scanner = wireshark07:06
larryhi OilROck07:06
larryI have a multifunction epson CX540007:06
larryi connectec it to a multifunction printers server07:07
OilR0cksorry then, the best help I can give is: http://www.sane-project.org/07:07
larrythe printer work but kooda don't see the scanner07:08
sigma_kubuntugee they sure did fix alot in kde4 rc2. i like the how the taskbar isnt the full width of the screen07:08
larrythank, they send me to the #sane channel07:08
noobuntuis the next kubuntu going to have kde4?07:09
OilR0cknoobuntu: i believe it will be an option to use 3 or 407:09
larrybut 07:09
larryI did not have answers from anyone07:09
etfbflaccid: The fish:// kioslave is pretty clever though - streets ahead of what I'm used to.  But I'll give Krusader a look-over too, since I seem to recall you haven't steered me wrong yet...07:10
noobuntuOilR0ck: why do you believe that07:10
OilR0cki read a wikki entry i think... saying they will both be supported, 3 default, 4 an option07:10
etfbOilR0ck: I'd heard KDE4 would be standard, but it makes sense to give people the option.  It's a very Debianish thing to do, making allowances for luddi^H^H^H^H^H people who are cautious.07:11
OilR0ckmyself, i think 4 will be hard pressed to deliver the same functionality as 3 for the next release07:11
sigma_kubuntui heard it will be a seperate cd :(07:12
OilR0ckit will be awesome, but has a long way to go07:12
etfbOilR0ck: Why?  It's evolution, not revolution.  Have they scrapped THAT much of KDE3?07:12
OilR0ckthey have07:12
etfbOilR0ck: You're sure you're not just seeing the beta versions with some functionality deliberately switched off while they debug?07:12
OilR0ckyes, i'm sure07:13
OilR0ckits a whole new ball game07:13
etfbOilR0ck: Disturbing.  Got any pointers to reviews/analyses?07:13
sigma_kubuntuthey stold our system settings menu. lol. i stil prefer kcontrol tho07:13
etfbsigma_kubuntu: That's why God^H^H^HMark Shuttleworth gave us Alt+F2!07:14
OilR0ckits not disturbing, because the break/change is good imo. just gonna take awhile07:14
kristjan_how to release shell in konsole? (e.g. if you run kwin --replace in konsole it won't give you a chance to type there anything else)07:14
Dr_willis_Bash job controll basics..07:14
Dr_willis_use ctrl-z then the 'bg' command07:14
OilR0ckthey basically replaced kicker, pannels, desktop with superkaramabe07:14
etfbOilR0ck: I'd only heard good things about KDE4, but any time you throw out good code you run risks.  Ask Joel Spolsky.07:14
OilR0ckwell i don't know.. but they say it wasn't good code they threw out07:15
OilR0ckit was apparently cryptic, unreadable, unmaintable07:15
etfbkristjan_: If you know you'll be suffering that, run <<myprogram &>> instead of <<myprogram>> and it will run in the background.  (The << >> are quote marks; don't type them!)07:15
OilR0ckbut i'm not a kde devel, so07:15
sigma_kubuntuetfb: yeah i know that but will kcontrol even exist in kde 407:15
etfbOilR0ck: Yeah, but every programmer says that.  Maintenance is 1000x harder than writing new stuff.07:16
etfbsigma_kubuntu: Good point...07:16
kristjan_Dr_willis: pressing ctrl-z  freezed my kde07:16
etfbkristjan_: Within the konsole?07:16
OilR0cki wish they would have touted kde4.0 as a tech preview , which it is, but add that to the naming07:17
kristjan_etfb: yes, I pressed it after I run "kwin --replace"07:17
OilR0ckbecause ppl will get pumped on kde4.0 when really kde4.0 should be a year away07:17
OilR0ckwhich they'll call 4.107:17
OilR0ckand i'm a huge kde fanboy... just think they could have gone about it in a better way07:17
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about fanboy - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi07:18
OilR0ckand i get the whole, release early, often, get devel working on it07:18
etfbkristjan_: I guess backgrounding a window manager isn't the way to go then.  Sorry, I know nothing more.07:18
kristjan_such a stupid word07:18
etfbkristjan_: Be glad you're not among science fiction fans, some of whom insist that the plural of "fan" is "fen", and get huffy if you get it wrong...07:19
Dr_willis_kristjan_,  or run the commands with & after them07:19
kristjan_Dr_willis_: like "kwin -- replace &&"?07:19
Dr_willis_you just need 107:20
Dr_willis_Bash Job controll basics, :)07:20
etfbAnyhow, I only came here to ask one question, and got sidetracked (surprise, surprise!).  Better get back to work...07:20
kristjan_Dr_willis_: this won't work either, now I got no window decorations07:20
Dr_willis_I dont mess with compiz.  You have follwed the !compiz wiki page?07:21
ubotuKubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion07:21
=== tehm0nk is now known as tehm0nk-g0ne
MilhousePunkRockHello everyone! Is there an easy way to get Amarok 1.4.8 on Feisty?07:37
voidmageuse the kubuntu repos?07:37
voidmageMilhousePunkRock: actually, it's in backports07:38
MilhousePunkRockvoidmage: Well, for Feisty there is only 1.4.7, the newest release is only in the Gutsy backports...07:38
voidmageoh, feisty.07:38
sigma_what does "HDIO_GETGEO failed: Inappropriate ioctl for device" mean for a dvd writer?07:38
MilhousePunkRockvoidmage: Yes, my desktop, which is the music listening machine, is still on Feisty, because I am in the middle of my thesis and I can not risk anything going wrong with the update...07:39
voidmageanything change that much with 1.4.8?07:39
voidmagebecause i can't find any way to get it on feisty07:39
MilhousePunkRockvoidmage: Well... No really drastic changes, I was suprised they released a new version before 2.0 anyway, but I still like to be bleeding edge in some respects...07:40
=== tehm0nk_ is now known as tehm0nk
voidmageif you REALLY want to you could compile07:41
voidmagebut other than that i can't see any way to do it in feisty07:42
MilhousePunkRock voidmage: Actually I am considering doing that... Because there is a patch that is probably not included which interests me a lot07:42
MilhousePunkRockvoidmage: On the other hand, I could as well use the holidays to update to Gutsy... The newer kernel tempts me, I could finally use hibernate on my desktop...07:46
jtmoneystrange problem: i created a simple script that contains lines such as this: mount -t smbfs //zeus/C$ /mnt/zeus/c -o username=James,password=somepassword ... whenever i run the script (with sudo), it gives me this error: 15835: session setup failed: ERRDOS - ERRnoaccess (Access denied.) ... but if run that command manually, from within a shell, it mounts the windows share without problem07:48
OilR0ckMilhousePunkRock: i might be missing something, but why use hibernate on a desktop?07:49
MilhousePunkRockOilR0ck: Resumes faster than a fresh boot. I love it so much on my laptop, that I can continue from where I left. And it saves energy to not have the pc running when I don't use it07:50
MilhousePunkRockOilR0ck: Suspend will also be nice, when I leave the computer for a short while.07:51
OilR0ckoh, i totally see it on a laptop. for a desktop, mine never turns off07:51
snarkstercan anyone suggest a trancoder to change wmv to something more linux friendly.07:52
snarksterim trying to look at a Eve Online movie and I just get sound07:52
flakeinstead of using an audio switch or splitter between my windows and ubuntu pc, can i run ubuntu as an audio server to play any windows sounds through it, so it acts like a mixer?07:53
MilhousePunkRockOilR0ck: We only have a two room appartment, so the desktop is in the bedroom. As it's nowhere near being silent, it has to be turned off...07:54
OilR0cksnarkster: there is mencoder and ffmpeg, and a gui: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=567016&highlight=convertit07:55
MilhousePunkRockOilR0ck: Since you are northern american in the widest sense, I see you don't care about saving energy ;)07:55
MilhousePunkRockMy point of view is, when the PC is idle, it does not have to be running. But I am too lazy to shut it down and boot it up again all the time, that's where suspend and hibernate come into play...07:56
OilR0ckyeah, thats cool, just never tried it myself...07:58
MilhousePunkRockit will only work properly with a kernel newer than feisty's... In fact I have another desktop which runs mythbuntu gutsy and it hibernates fine (after some tweaking)07:59
MilhousePunkRockfeisty will come back up with dead usb, which is pretty bad if you have a usb mouse like I do...07:59
OilR0ckso just upgrade to gutsy08:00
OilR0ckit will be fine ;)08:00
jtmoneycan someone explain uid/gid to me, or find me a web site that does? :)08:00
OilR0ckuser id and group id08:01
MilhousePunkRockI am actually considering doing this now that hardy will not be LTS anyway08:01
OilR0ckoh, i thought the next release was LTS?08:01
MilhousePunkRockOilR0ck: Not for Kubuntu, since they will focus on KDE 4... According to a discussion on kubuntu-devel https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/kubuntu-devel/2007-December/002066.html08:03
OilR0ckjtmoney: what do you need to know?08:03
jtmoneyi have no what idea what they mean, except that UID=0?08:03
jtmoneyso, i'm not sure what UID=1000 means?08:03
snarksterthat your users id number08:04
jtmoneyall users can read/write to mounted shares if i specify that as part of the options for a mount command?08:04
OilR0ckuid=0 is root08:04
OilR0ckuid=1000, is a particular user id08:04
stdineach user has a user ID (a number) assigned to it08:04
jtmoney1000 = my user id08:04
jtmoneyaccording to /etc/passwd08:04
OilR0ckand you'll prob see 1000:100008:04
jtmoneyso, basically, only i have read/write permissions?08:04
OilR0ckthe second is your group it08:04
OilR0ckcat /etc/group08:04
jtmoneyokay, thus the g in gid? :)08:05
MilhousePunkRockjtmoney: Look here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User_identifier_(Unix)08:05
stdin"id -u" shows your user id and "id -g" shows group id08:05
jtmoneythanks, guys08:05
snarksterit is a beautiful thing08:05
jtmoneyout of curiosity, where is the unshadowed password file in ubuntu?08:06
MilhousePunkRockjtmoney: And, who would have guessed it, GUID is here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Group_identifier_(Unix)08:06
jtmoneyahh, /etc/shadow08:07
jtmoneycan i just say, i bought this toshiba on sale for $55008:08
jtmoneycame with vista basic, and it ran like absolute crap08:08
jtmoneydoubled the memory... still ran like absolute crap08:08
jtmoneythrew kubuntu on here and i never looked back08:08
jtmoneyit would have taken more time (if possible at all) to locate all the appropriate drivers for this lappy under xp08:08
jtmoneyubuntu is so solid08:08
jtmoneyi think i'm going to move my mom over to it08:09
MilhousePunkRockjtmoney: I tried that too, her printer does not work in Linux... :/08:09
jtmoney"all i need is the web and email" and she already users firefox and thunderbird... i don't see why i shouldn't08:09
jtmoneyohh, hahahaha forgot about that08:10
romunovi managed to get compiz working on kubuntu 7.1008:10
jtmoneyexcept the mfc she has is a brother which generally have good linux support from what i recal08:10
romunovthe trick is to not use the glx version :)08:10
jtmoneyromunov: what kind of video card do you have?08:10
OilR0ckyes, you don't want glx with nvidia08:10
MilhousePunkRockjtmoney: That's what she gets for not asking advice when shopping for a new printer... Now she'll get Windows 98 and I will get a T-Shirt saying "No, I will not fix your Windows"08:10
jtmoneyMilhousePunkRock: hahahaha those shirts are money08:11
jtmoneyactually, i bought it for her on a whim on black friday08:11
jtmoneyi've been through epsons, hps, lexmarks, etc.08:11
jtmoneythe only one i thought was truly solid was a brother08:11
jtmoneyor, as i like to call them, "mah niggas" :-X08:11
MilhousePunkRockjtmoney: We'ce had a Lexmark before, that worked pretty well. Was on Gentoo though08:11
OilR0ckyeah my brother mfc works good08:11
OilR0cknow anyway08:12
Daisuke_Idolexmark is possibly the worst printer manufacturer ever.  their printers are almost literally disposable, as it's almost cheaper to buy a new printer than ink for the old one.08:12
jtmoneyokay, now i wish there was a way to congfigure knetworkmanager to launch the little script i wrote to mount windows shares when it connects to the wireless network in my house (and not, say, whenever i'm on campus... don't really feel secure sending out l/p requests in a classroom full of CS nerds)08:13
jtmoneyDaisuke_Ido: yeah, if i had more room, i would just buy a laser printer and keep the brother for scanning/color printing08:13
Daisuke_Idoif i buy a laser, it'll be an HP08:14
Daisuke_Idonot sure what brother's reliability is like for laser printers08:14
OilR0ckwhat i need is AVCHD support08:14
jtmoneyDaisuke_Ido: at my old job, we had lots of HP lasers... they were absolute tanks08:15
Daisuke_Idothe old ones are, yeah, but the new ones...  not so much, from what i've heard08:15
jtmoneyyeah, this was five years ago or so... and they had them when i started working there08:16
jtmoneyi'll give brother a go08:16
jtmoneyteh sexy: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E1682811316508:17
MilhousePunkRockjtmoney: I have a Samsung ML-2010 now, it's been really  cheap and prints like it should. Hooked up to Debian NSLU2 even my girlfriend can print from her Windows laptop08:19
Daisuke_Idothat is pretty nice08:19
OilR0ckmaybe check here before you buy: http://openprinting.org/printer_list.cgi08:20
Daisuke_Idohttp://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16828113212 <- i'd spring the extra for that one just for duplexing alone08:21
jtmoneyyeah, i think having a network interface is where it's at08:23
MilhousePunkRockjtmoney: Mine is networked without a NIC08:25
Daisuke_Idofrom the reviews i'm seeing the construction is lightweight and there's a lot of page curl...  maybe i'll go with an HP after all08:26
jtmoneyblah, now i just have to get c&c generals working with wine or cedega08:32
=== jo_ is now known as sexy_noob
dsmith_how about cnc 308:36
snarksterneed to make sure you have opengl to play cnc Gens08:54
snarksterI could really use mach64 DRI but kubuntu doesnt have it anymore08:55
snarksterwhen i run glxgears the gears hardly move.08:55
snarksterwhen i have mach64 DRI installed then move just fine08:56
=== sorin is now known as sorin32
sorinhi all09:01
sonoftheclayrWhat does everybody think about using envy to install the nvidia drivers?09:02
ubotuenvy is not needed or supported. Use the Resticted Manager to install binary drivers and see « /msg ubotu binarydriver »09:03
stdinthat's what I think ^09:03
sonoftheclayrOh yeah. What if the driver that the restriced manager installs won't load glx?09:03
stdinif the packaged version doesn't, then it's not likely the version envy pulls will09:05
snarksterwhere would I find the kde restricted mangar gui09:08
snarksteri thought system but not there09:08
snarksteror what is the command to start it?09:09
snarksteroh another thing my control center is empty as well as my info center, how do i put things from lost and found in the right on the kmenu09:11
berkesis anyone else experiencing problems with nspluginviewer on konqueror qfter recent upgrades (last week)09:13
jussi01!flashissues | berkes09:13
ubotuberkes: The Flash plugin installation is currently broken. This is due to adobe changing the tar file that the package downloads.09:13
jussi01berkes: also see /topic -you should read it every time you come in here09:14
berkesjussi01: I ususally do. sorry09:14
berkesI have been looking for the launchpad entry on this today. Do you have an issue number or url?09:15
poison--mornin guys09:16
snarksterWB poison09:16
sigma_guys i think something has attacked my pc, the name of the trash can in kontact has changed from "trash" to "Deleted Items" and when i click on the trash can in the taskbar it says "Empty Deleted Items folder" instead of "Empty Trash Bin" - any idea how i can change it back?09:20
snarksterattacked?? come on man your in a tank..09:21
snarksterthe penguin tank09:21
snarksterdid you install a theme?09:21
poison--pretty sure he did09:22
snarksteroh bit of news.. if you install rc2 live cd and decide to go back to 3.5.8 dont forget to install kubuntu-desktop or some things wont work right09:22
sigma_lol ok thats a bit of a over reaction, nope didnt change the theme, i did change the locale from USA to south africa09:22
stdinsigma_: that's why then09:22
snarksterhmm could that have changed the name of trach can09:23
stdindifferent locals have different names for ir09:23
snarksteri dont even have a trashcan on my desktop09:23
snarksterhow do you make one?09:23
stdinmake a link to url, and have the url as "trash:/"09:23
snarksterthank you very much09:24
sigma_ah that solved it, was a bit worried there for a moment!09:24
sigma_you can install kde 4 rc2 from the live cd as a seperate installation?09:25
snarksteranyone know anything about superkaramba09:25
snarksternah I dumped the whole computer09:25
sigma_kind of, what do u wanna know?09:25
snarksterIm trying to use the Yahoo Avatar theme for superkaramba but it does nothing09:25
snarkstervery little documentation about that theme09:26
sigma_ok wouldn't know about that but alot of the themes don't work for some reason09:26
snarksterwould you mind giving it a try?09:27
snarksterif you have a yahoo account i mean09:27
snarksternah nv.. to invasive..09:27
sigma_nope dont have one, im a google supporter:)09:27
romunov_has anyone got a good tutorial on how to install a nice docker?09:28
max__does anyone know how to use gtalk on kubuntu KDE 7.009:28
jtmoneyromunov_: like awn?09:28
romunov_jtmoney: anything will do09:29
max__thats d desktop i am using09:29
berkestimewarped from the future?09:29
jussi01romunov_: go google avant window navigator - there is a good tutorial on their site09:30
stdinmax__: http://wiki.kde.org/tiki-index.php?page=Google+Talk+support09:30
max__avant k................thnx dude09:30
berkesoh, max_ prolly means he's running kubuntu 7.0 (and not KDE 7.0).09:30
jussi01berkes: there is no 7.009:30
Pantsum ... I need help setting up my screen.  before, I'd had no problem getting a good resolution with a generic "Plug and Play" monitor driver, but then I installed a whole bunch of updates and now my only choices are 800 by 600 and 640 by 48009:30
sigma_will kubuntu hardy work properly with 5.1 creative sound cards? i found a script to make it work but it only works sometimes and jams alsa completely other times09:31
jussi01berkes: 7.04 and 7.1009:31
romunov_jussi01: thanks, i'll do that09:31
jussi01romunov_: :)09:31
berkesjussi01: sorry, type, I wanted to type 7.10 =)09:31
jussi01berkes: ;)09:31
max__its working with my philips 5.109:31
jussi01Pants: nvidia pr ati graphics?09:31
sigma_stdin: is there any way to move my screen slightly to the left? when i output to the tv its a bit too much to the right (gets cut off)09:32
Pantsjussi01, nvidia09:32
stdinsigma_: I wouldn't know, I never use TV output09:32
sigma_max__: which version of kubuntu does it work on?09:32
jussi01Pants: just go and reinstall the nvidia driver09:32
jussi01!nvidia | Pants09:32
ubotuPants: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto09:32
=== romunov_ is now known as romunov
=== ubuntu_ is now known as Bicubic
max__i am using 709:33
sigma_stdin: well do you know of any command for a monitor in general, windows has that gui where you click the arrows but theres nothing like that in linux09:33
Pantsthank you, jussi01!09:33
Bicubicuh.. I'm installing right now and the process seems to have hung at configuring apt "scanning the mirror". What the shi?09:34
jtmoneyPants: i would recommend using envy09:34
jtmoneylest headache that way09:34
stdinsigma_: not really, no09:34
Pantswhat's envy?09:34
ubotuenvy is not needed or supported. Use the Resticted Manager to install binary drivers and see « /msg ubotu binarydriver »09:34
=== icewater1an is now known as icewaterman
jussi01jtmoney: no need for ewnvy09:35
sigma_which version of kde is on the hardy alpha2 cd?09:36
stdinsame as in gutsy09:36
jussi01sigma_: #ubuntu+1 for hardy q's09:37
romunovhum, do i really need glx to run awn?09:37
romunovi've had really bad experience with it09:37
jussi01romunov: to run awn you need compiz09:38
sigma_is that kde 4 rc2 cd on the kubuntu site just a live cd or also a installer cd?09:38
snarkstersmoke break09:39
romunovjussi01: check!09:39
jussi01romunov: ??09:39
jtmoneyromunov: which video card do you have?09:39
sigma_its rather small though, are alot of the apps missing?09:39
romunovi use radeon 9600SE09:41
romunovi have compiz running (with emerald)09:42
jtmoneyromunov: i installed the latest ati binary and it allows for compiz to run without xgl09:42
jtmoneywell, i updated to 8.4.3 and now it doens't work, heh09:43
jtmoneybut it worked for 8.4.209:43
romunovi have compiz running on "defaults"09:44
romunovi did a fresh install yesterday (i somehow managed to wreck the system) and installed compiz+emerald over that09:44
jtmoneyromunov: i usually don't install emerald... i just use kde-window-decorator09:45
jtmoneybrb, gotta reboot09:45
jtmoneyfux0ring with envy as we speak09:46
snarksterwhere do I send request for xorg-driver-mach to?09:46
romunovwell, i gotta run to the store and hit the showers before a friend arrives09:47
PantsI'm reconfiguring the xserver-xorg package ... do I need the framebuffer device interface enabled?09:48
ubotuInformation about changing your framebuffer modes in GRUB can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FrameBuffer#grub09:48
vzduchPants: framebuffer is for mostly mobile devices that don't run on a regular X server09:49
romunovsnarkster: you don't have to be so snarkastric :)09:50
Pantsokay, thanks, vzduch09:50
snarksterwell its almost 3am here..09:50
vzduchwell, it's almost 11 a.m. here09:50
romunovis there a way to "save" my current settings and everything - so i can revert to this at a latter time?09:51
vzduchthe nicest sunshine, but shivery cold09:51
sivajiis there any tool to check my speaker and mic status ?09:51
vzduchromunov: what settings?09:51
romunovmy kubuntu *.*09:51
romunoveverything... if you know what i mean09:51
ubotuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning09:52
romunovif i mess anything up, i can revert to this setting...09:52
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about recorder - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi09:52
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP309:52
sivajiis there any tool to check my speaker and mic working condition ?09:53
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snarkster!driver requests09:55
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about driver requests - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi09:55
stdinsnarkster: file a bug report for it09:56
snarksterbug report for what a new driver?09:56
snarksterive never ever done a bug report. Have no clue as to what to put or where to go09:57
stdinif it exists, then request it to be packaged09:57
ubotuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.ubuntu.com/  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/products/ubuntu-bots09:57
snarksterit does exist and where do i go to post such a request.09:57
stdinsnarkster: the 1st link ubotu posted09:57
snarksterthank you09:57
stdinthen click the big red "Report a bug" button09:58
sivajistdin is there any tool to check my speaker and mic working condition ?09:58
stdinspeakers: system settings -> sound system -> test sound09:59
stdinfor mic I guess you can try plugging it in and turning up the volume in kmix09:59
jpatrick!ot > desti10:16
* membrive saluda10:40
jpatrickmembrive: wrong channel / canal incorrecto ;)10:41
romunovis anyone experiencing compiz/openoffice-presentation conflicts?10:41
romunovmake that openoffice-*.*10:42
membrivejpatrick, was just an /ame ;)10:43
phenixhello all10:44
paghey phenix :)10:44
phenixmmm how many nixoidow10:45
ristois there any vim like in mac ?10:49
blackflagI want to use ntpdate in  a script10:51
blackflagbut ntpdate is executable by root10:51
blackflaghow can I execute ntpdate in a script?10:52
blackflagcan someone help?10:52
kingoftherootssudo the script10:52
blackflagyes okay, but I want to execute it via cron10:53
sigma_How do i reset my firewall to the default settings?10:53
kingoftherootsso put it in roots cron tab10:53
blackflagahh,okay :)10:53
dhudecan I install mce on ubuntu?10:56
romunovdhude: have you tried a package manager?10:59
Riddell** Kubuntu meeting in #ubuntu-meeting10:59
sigma_Riddell: right now?11:00
dhuderomunov: I tried synaptic11:00
Riddellsigma_: yes11:00
romunovstill having trouble with compiz and title bars...11:00
romunovRiddell: what's the meeting about? can anyone participate?11:00
snarksterwow getting a different drm to work is hard.11:00
ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!11:02
Riddellromunov: about kubuntu, all welcome11:03
snarksterood night11:04
davfAnyone here?11:12
bjwebbanyone konw if its possible to get a keyboard volume control working with linux11:16
bjwebband how?11:16
ristoany quanta pros here ?11:16
ristohow i get my main toolbar back if i lost it ???11:17
se7en_sombody use kmobiletool and know what kmobile (returning error) >>>AT+CPMS=MT means11:23
Hamraa week ago, i did a clean install of gutsy, but i had problems on startup with fsck, iyt kept hanging on "checking filesystems", so i booted the liveCD and opened fstab, and put zeroes in the last column of my drives, does that remove them from the bad shutdown check as well ?11:27
olivierBonjour à tous11:27
Hamra!fr | olivier11:27
ubotuolivier: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.11:27
eshathey,.. flashplayer on x64 does not work anymore ,...11:33
JohnFluxmark shuttleworth is on bbc news now!11:36
bjwebbo rly?11:36
bjwebbwhich channel11:36
JohnFluxdunno, i'm watching it online :-D11:37
JohnFluxhe's gone now heh11:37
JohnFluxthey are talking about connecting villages that are around 2KM apart11:37
bjwebbyeah, click11:38
bjwebbits bestof11:38
bjwebbso i think i saw that interview11:38
=== bjwebb_ is now known as bjwebb
eshatWHY doesn't my FlashPlayer work anymore,... i am on x6411:42
Dekanshow did you manager it to work ?11:43
eshatwhen i try to reinstall i get a "11:44
eshatmd5sum mismatch install_flash_player_9_linux.tar.gz11:44
eshatThe Flash plugin is NOT installed.11:44
eshatretrying doesn't solve this11:45
Dekansflashfplugin is a "é bits binary11:45
eshati found the soloution in ubuntu forums11:46
ubotuThe Flash plugin installation is currently broken. This is due to adobe changing the tar file that the package downloads.11:46
eshatreason is that adobe updated there flash player but the md5 mismatches with ubuntu reps11:46
ubotuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Broadcom43xx11:48
andy_123hi all11:54
lufthanzahow do I get the rss feed applet in kubuntu?11:54
crazy_bussomething strange has happened.  Everything seems to be working except for 2 things.  One nothing appears in my dvd drives folder.  And two kaffeine doesn't open and leaves no error message.  Any ideas why?11:54
lufthanzaandy_123: hi11:54
andy_123can anyone tell me where to download kernel packages? in need to downgrade, last update killed some drivers :-(11:54
lufthanzacrazy_bus: have you tried opening kaffeine through the command line?11:55
crazy_buslufthanza: yes.  It outputs nothing.  It just goes back to the commandline without doing anything11:55
lufthanzaandy_123: what drivers?11:55
lufthanzacrazy_bus: that's very strane11:55
crazy_busI also reinstalled while keeping my home directory and it didn't fix the problem11:56
eshatwhat are good programs to pimp my kde desktop11:57
lufthanzacrazy_bus: I dunno if this will help, but have you tried "sudo apt-get remove kaffeine --purge"11:57
lufthanzaeshat: yakuake11:58
lufthanzaeshat: also, knewsticker12:01
eshatyakuake looks great12:09
eshatare there any other programs ,... for example to show sysinfos on kde desktop ?12:10
eshateverybody idle here ???12:13
eshatmust be because of christmas time12:13
andy_123hi, i had to downgrade kernel and now my sound is gone, can anyone tellme which package needs to be reinstalled?12:22
sourcemakerI have a kernel panic with my WLAN card (Realtek) after I have upgraded my system to gusty. I have found some posts... that there is a kernel problem... this problem should be fixed in kernel how can I update? This kernel is not in apt?12:22
ScottGdoesn't appear to be people here right now who's know the answers.. I'm relatively new to Kubuntu..12:24
ScottGI meant people who know the answer12:24
sourcemakerandy_123: there is no need to reinstall packages after downgrade your kernel... there are only some problems with graphics card like nvidia...12:26
sourcemakerandy_123: but then your X-Server will crashed... when the version is not compatible12:26
=== ohasswhy is now known as blink
=== blink is now known as petal
_cjhi anyone running kde4?13:04
messiahhola qué hay13:05
messiahalguien me podría echar una pequeña mano? ayer me instalé el Kubuntu, y tenía acceso a las particiones NTFS y ahora no13:06
messiahno he tocado nada, que yo sepa, qué puedo hacer? alguien me podría ayduar?13:06
angasule!es | messiah13:06
ubotumessiah: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.13:06
messiahah, gracias13:06
ubotuSi busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.13:07
messiahthis channel is for english speakers?13:07
messiahwell, i will try to explain myself13:08
messiahyesterday i installed kubuntu and i could access to my HD "ntfs" or the windows files system13:08
messiahand i turn-ed on today and i couldn't access to them, i think i didn't change anything13:08
messiahcan anyone help me please?13:09
bazhang!ntfs | messiah13:12
ubotumessiah: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE13:12
redlexhi people13:14
bazhanghi redlex13:14
sigma_kubuntuim so thankful they finally sorted out the system tray problem in kde413:17
_cjwhat problem?13:18
redlexim have some problems with kb layouts in kde13:18
sigma_kubuntunow it actually goes in2 the taskbar! and i see most of the icon issues have been sorted out13:18
_cjredlex: setxkbmap13:19
_cjsigma_kubuntu: you running PPA packages?13:19
sigma_kubuntu_cj: it was floating around 4a while now u can put it in the taskbar13:19
nosrednaekimsigma_kubuntu: nice eh ? :D13:20
sigma_kubuntu_cj: na i tested the first kde4 live cd. and saw screenshots of rc2. some major improvements indeed13:21
redlexno no, i can set russian layout but can't set english back13:21
sigma_kubuntunosrednaekim: yes indeed! can you right click the taskbar to modify it like kde 3?13:22
nosrednaekimsigma_kubuntu: unfortunately not...but I'll bet it'll get there soon..13:22
Xerosswith the live cd my wireless network usb stick works but then i install kubuntu and boot from my computer and then it sais13:23
Xerossis disabled and when i enable it disables again in 1 second13:23
redlexi want to set layouts by pressing alt_shift13:25
sigma_kubuntunosrednaekim: in that rc2 screenshot theres a battery monitor in the taskbar. i remember from earlier that you cud only have that monitor on the desktop. has it now been permanentely added there?13:25
nosrednaekimsigma_kubuntu: nope, you can drag from the widgets box to the panel13:25
nosrednaekimthough not from the desktop to the panel (yet)13:25
hungrymousewhy does kopete crash whenever it tries to display LaTeX?13:26
jpatrickLaTeX is too good for it13:26
hungrymouse(well, it doesnt crash. it hangs indefinitely and stops responding)13:26
sigma_kubuntunosrednaekim: ah i see what you are saying. so its kinda like those applets in kde 3 where you could drag and drop them on the taskbar. another thing i noticed- whats the reason for the taskbar not being the full length of the desktop?13:28
redlexкак сделать чтобы переключать раскладки нажатием фде-ыршае13:28
nosrednaekimsigma_kubuntu: what do you mean? it is for me.... though it can do funky things when you add and remove applets(until a re-login)13:29
jpatrick!ru | redlex13:29
uboturedlex: Пожалуйста войдите в #ubuntu-ru для помощи на русском языке  /  Pozhalujsta vojdite v #ubuntu-ru dlq pomoshchi na russkom qzyke13:29
sigma_kubuntunosrednaekim: if u look at the screenshots at kde.org you will see it. looks rather nice if u ask me13:31
nosrednaekimsigma_kubuntu: well, with some config file hacking, you can make it do that ;)13:31
sigma_kubuntunosrednaekim: lol. hopefully it will be a feature soon! how buggy is it to you?13:33
sigma_kubuntuthe desktop on the whole13:33
nosrednaekimsigma_kubuntu: *no* crashes for 2 weeks.13:33
nosrednaekimof course, some apps crash, but the main desktop is rock solid13:34
nosrednaekimeven Kwin-compositing13:34
sigma_kubuntuwell thats comforting to hear. i only use standard apps. nothing too fancy. but my pc is a webserver so perhaps i should test the final one on my laptop. hope it comes with a live installer cd13:37
=== _czessi is now known as Czessi
nosrednaekimsigma_kubuntu: yup... it will.13:40
kubuntuheiss :>13:43
jpatrick!de | kubuntu13:43
ubotukubuntu: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de13:43
nosrednaekimhi kubuntu13:43
kubuntuhi :D13:43
kubuntuwhat's up?13:43
jpatrick!ot > kubuntu13:44
kubuntugues whos birthday is today? :>13:46
kubuntuargh, you people are booring13:48
etfbkubuntu: Martin Opitz von Boberfeld?13:48
bazhangkubuntu: this is a support channel13:48
etfbkubuntu: Joseph Smith Jr?13:48
jpatrickkubuntu: this is a support channell13:48
Downixetfb: isn't he dead?13:49
etfbMaybe he needed help finding the Wikipedia article on today's date...13:49
kubuntui can't understand anything. what is going on?13:49
etfbDownix: Given that they were born in 1597 and 1805 respectively, I'd say so.13:49
etfbkubuntu: What do you mean?13:49
Downix*sighs at OpenBSD*13:49
kubuntudoes anybody speak finnish?13:50
jpatrick!fi | kubuntu13:50
ubotukubuntu: Suomenkielinen keskustelu (K)Ubuntusta kanavilla #ubuntu-fi ja #kubuntu-fi13:50
kubuntuäää. mä en tajuu mitään.13:50
kubuntubyebye. i'm leaving.13:51
sigma_123nosraenadkim: sorry about that. what did you say about how performance on kde4 compares to kde3 on your pc?13:52
rinaldi_anyone running linux mce on kubunu 7.04? its just im having installation issues and noone is answering in #linuxmce13:53
nosrednaekimsigma_123: didn't say aything about it.... but both feel fairly quick and snappy, its a fairly modern computer, so everything runs pretty snappy(even vista without aero)13:53
sigma_123ah ok. well i did manage running vista with aero. just worried if it will cope on my dell d600. im only geting 1000 fps in glx gears13:55
sigma_123is that a bad thing?13:56
rinaldi_anyone running linux mce on kubunu 7.04? its just im having installation issues and noone is answering in #linuxmce13:59
sigma_123isnt that software a bit buggy?14:00
rinaldi_sigma_123: whats this regarding?, my problem?14:02
nosrednaekimsigma_123: kde4 will do fine w/ that.... my computer only gets 120 in glxgears(fullscreen)14:03
rinaldi_sigma_123: well are there other recomendations for similar software?14:03
sigma_123i didnt know u can run glx gears in full screen!14:03
nosrednaekimsigma_123: well.. I just resized the window14:04
sigma_123mythtv perhaps or mythbuntu?14:04
nosrednaekimrinaldi_: does it use the standard kubuntu installer?14:04
rinaldi_i installed a fresh ubuntu 7.04 and then followed the wiki on the site, all went well until i restarted14:05
sigma_123i thought it was designed for kubuntu14:05
rinaldi_nosrednaekim: there are two ways of installing, that way and the quick dvd which installs kubuntu and linux mce all in one, i might have to try that one14:05
nosrednaekimrinaldi_: thats defunately reccomended... I've never heard of this other method14:06
rinaldi_nosrednaekim: well apparently the quick install is even more buggy than the original way, but il try anyway14:07
jussi01!variant | rinaldi_14:07
uboturinaldi_: The following are some examples of Ubuntu derived distributions that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes, please consult their websites for more information: Linux Mint, LinuxMCE, Ubuntu Ultimate.14:07
sigma_123nosrednaekim: ok this is just depressing. lol. i only get 83fps in fullscreen glx. is that capable of kde 4?14:07
sigma_123glx gears i mean14:08
nosrednaekimsigma_123: maybe some minimal effects.14:08
nosrednaekimsigma_123: like transparency.14:09
nosrednaekimand expose14:09
mith__hi all!14:10
sigma_123well i dont plan to actually use any effects on the laptop. wil it run ok with all effects turned off?14:10
mith__Are there anybody who tried HommV with Cedega?14:10
bazhanghi mith__14:10
nosrednaekimsigma_123: it'll run fine, what processor is that?a  low 1.xghz celeron?14:11
tycaleCompiz est pas inclu de base dans kubuntu ?14:11
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.14:11
tycaleOu plutôt, il faut allé où pour l'activer ?14:11
mith__hi bazhang14:11
tycaleWhere can I activer Compiz in Kubuntu ?14:12
ubotuKubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion14:12
tycaleho, ok14:12
tycalethanks you14:12
mith__bazhang: what is the first 3 letters mean in your name?14:13
sigma_123nosrednaekim: its a intel centrino 1.6ghz14:13
bazhangmith__: this is a support channel14:13
nosrednaekimsigma_123: that'l be PLENTY14:13
mith__oaky i know14:14
mith__Are there anybody who tried HommV with Cedega?14:14
sigma_123il be back14:14
tycaleI've got a problem. Look my sysinfo14:16
tycaleSysinfo for 'tycale-desktop': Linux 2.6.22-14-generic running KDE 3.5.8, CPU: AMDAthlon64X2DualCore4200+ at 1000 MHz (2010 bogomips), , RAM: 1841/2026MB, 138 proc's, 1.44h up14:16
tycale1000MHz ?? Oo14:16
nosrednaekimtycale: frequency scaling.14:16
tycaleYes, but i'm not at 1000 MHz14:16
joheyHow can I see the user configured avatars in KDM? I've tried K->System Settings->Advanced->Login Manager->User Image Source->User, but that does not help. I only see the default avatar for all users.14:16
mith__where are the wine's log files?14:17
nosrednaekimtycale: Linux scales your processor down when you aren't using it.14:17
nosrednaekimtycale: start up a game or movie though, and that number will go way up14:19
Strahlung-Alphahi there, i got a problem with amarok. i adde my mp3s to the collection and now i got every mp3 twice. once in the orignial folder and once in a folder created by amarok14:19
sigma_nosrednaekim: im back, yeah it may be centrino but the graphics are still hopeless! i get some jerking when navigating around, however movies and dvds play fine14:19
nosrednaekimsigma_: anything that runs kde3 will run kde4... thats pretty much the line.14:20
nosrednaekimStrahlung-Alpha: thats weird,might want to talk to #amarok about that14:21
Strahlung-Alphaok, thanks.14:21
Hamrahow much approximatly do i need to download to get KDE4?14:21
sigma_nosrednaekim: fair enough. do you know a website where i can get updates on status of development of the opensource ati driver?14:21
nosrednaekimHamra: probably about 200-300MB14:21
mith__Are there anybody who tried Heroes of might and magic V with Cedega?14:22
nosrednaekimsigma_: phoronix.org14:22
jussi01mith__: there is a native linux version of 3 - possibly of 5?14:22
mith__I have tried with 6.0.3 and 5.2.914:23
Dr_willismith__,  with a lot of games - i find i need a 'nocd' crack for them to work right with wine.14:24
mith__the menu starts everything looks like ok...but when i start a reaal game it exits14:24
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mith__Dr_willis: it's starts so i don't know what's the problem, when i tried to run it from terminal...It says:14:25
mith__No arguments found, but required14:25
mith__wine: Unhandled exception, starting debugger..14:25
Dr_willissounds like wine just 'crashed' :)14:25
Dr_willisMay want to check the wine app database.14:26
ubotuThe Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org14:26
Hamrai guess i'll have to wait till it comes by default with kubuntu, taht would be in automn right? i heard Hardy won't be using kde 4?14:26
jussi01Hamra: hardy will include the choice for kde414:27
giuseppeHI,  how can I set my konqueror to surf on internet?14:27
mith__im searching now :D14:27
sigma_jussi01: will that choice be on the live cd that canonical sends via shipit?14:28
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nosrednaekimjussi01: do to recent developments, kde4 is going to be the focus of Hardy..14:29
nosrednaekimsorry, that was for Hamra14:29
sigma_nosrednaekim: recent developments?14:30
nosrednaekimsigma_: mmhm14:30
jussi01nosrednaekim: yes, I know - however kde3 will sttill be on the disk also14:31
bazhangsooper sekrit14:31
nosrednaekimjussi01: separate disk14:31
nosrednaekimbazhang: state sekrit14:32
jpatricksigma_: shipit will have kde414:32
jussi01sigma_: go read nixternals blog14:32
bazhangnosrednaekim: haha14:32
jpatricksigma_: iirc14:32
bazhang!nixternal | sigma_14:32
ubotusigma_: Oh no!  The pointy-clicky Vista lover has arrived!  He's rumoured to be giving out free money, too!14:32
giuseppeis there anyone can help me? :)14:33
jussi01!ask | giuseppe14:33
ubotugiuseppe: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)14:33
bazhangask away giuseppe14:33
nosrednaekimgiuseppe: and the problem is...14:33
giuseppejussi: I have problem on surfing on internet14:33
giuseppewell, I'm not able to see any web page14:34
giuseppeI'm only able to use this IRC service14:34
nosrednaekimgiuseppe: can you ping google? "ping www.google.com"14:34
jussi01!tab | giuseppe14:34
giuseppeIf I run ping www.google.com14:34
ubotugiuseppe: You can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.14:34
giuseppei have trasmitted bytes14:35
nosrednaekimgiuseppe: ok... do you use wireless?14:35
giuseppejussi01: but for other web pages, all data are lost14:35
giuseppenosrednaekim: I use my mobile phone14:35
giuseppeubotu: thank a lot for tab key :)14:36
nosrednaekimgiuseppe: I see, kill knetworkmanager.14:37
giuseppenosrednaekim: how can I do it?14:37
nosrednaekimgiuseppe: on the taskbar, there is a little icon for it... find it, right click on it, and click close14:37
giuseppenosrednaekim: done... and now14:39
nosrednaekimand now...14:40
giuseppenosrednaekim: grande!!!! you were right!!!!!14:40
nosrednaekimgiuseppe: :D14:40
giuseppenosrednaekim: GREAT GREAT!!!! but what does it mean?14:40
nosrednaekimgiuseppe: it means stupid knetworkmanager thought it was too smart and told all other kde apps that it wasn't connected to the internet, and couldn't detect that you simply by-passed it.14:41
Dr_willisThe Joys of 'user friendly' apps :)14:41
nosrednaekimya... that has got to be mymomst hated "feature"14:41
nosrednaekim*my most14:41
* Dr_willis is reminded of IE saying its 'off line' all the time.14:41
* Dr_willis is reminded of Firefox not wanting to run more then 1 instance...14:42
* Dr_willis shuts up now.14:42
giuseppenosrednaekim: ok, I see... thanks thanks a lot, really! It was long time I tried to solve it! THANKS!!!!14:42
nosrednaekimgiuseppe: no problem...14:43
giuseppenosrednaekim: well, now I wanna solve another little problem about mp3 files14:43
giuseppenosrednaekim: I'm using Kubuntu 7.1014:43
nosrednaekimgiuseppe: mmhm, and it is..14:43
nosrednaekimgiuseppe: hope thats not the problem ;)14:44
giuseppenosrednaekim: and I know that for licence problems, it's not able to reproduce them14:44
ubotuTo install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto14:45
nosrednaekimgiuseppe: you can if you want..14:45
jussi01!mp3 | giuseppe14:46
ubotugiuseppe: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats14:46
giuseppenosrednaekim: when I run amarok it says: install mp314:47
giuseppenosrednaekim: I say yes14:47
giuseppenosrednaekim: but nothing14:47
nosrednaekimgiuseppe: you need to install the package "kubuntu-restricted-extras"14:47
nosrednaekimgiuseppe: and possibly enable the restricted repository14:47
giuseppenosrednaekim: correct, but how can I do it?14:47
giuseppejussi01: what is "!mp3 giuseppe"???14:48
nosrednaekimgiuseppe: on the command line, run "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-restricted-extras"14:48
nosrednaekimgiuseppe: thats a bot command, to give the tip that ubotu gave just following that14:48
giuseppenosrednaekim: done, but I read: impossible to find kubuntu-restricted-extras14:49
MaximLevitskyI updated now to hardy helon14:50
MaximLevitskyThe system14:50
MaximLevitskyAnd I have small, but unpleasent problem14:50
giuseppenosrednaekim: what does it means???14:50
nosrednaekimgiuseppe: ah ok... go into adept, go tot he "adept"menu, click "manage repositories" and enable all of them. then click the "reload" button on the main window14:50
MaximLevitskyActually this problem was partially present in gutsy too14:50
jussi01MaximLevitsky: #ubuntu+1 for hardy issues :)14:51
MaximLevitskyAll gtk programs show up some default, and qute unpleasent widget style14:51
nosrednaekimMaximLevitsky: install the qt-gtk themeing....14:51
MaximLevitskyI use kubuntu, but still has to use few gtk programs14:51
sourcemakercan I install the googleearth package or is this a spyware software?14:51
jussi01!medibuntu | sourcemaker14:52
ubotusourcemaker: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org14:52
MaximLevitskyThis problem was present in gutsy too :-)14:52
MaximLevitskyAnd I did install gtk-qt theme14:52
nosrednaekimMaximLevitsky: or you can go into kcontrol (just run that) and find the gtk theme configuration14:52
MaximLevitskySome programs were ok there, and some weren't14:53
MaximLevitskyI did that14:53
MaximLevitskyNothing helps14:54
giuseppenosrednaekim: it's downloading many packages... I'm waiting for14:54
MaximLevitskyI even installed gnome-control-center14:54
MaximLevitskyAnd set gtk theme there14:54
nosrednaekimgiuseppe: do you have slow internet?14:54
giuseppelike first generation ADSL14:54
nosrednaekimMaximLevitsky: are these apps that look bad run with "kdesudo" do ALL gtk apps look bad? and in addition, are you using kde4?14:54
giuseppenosrednaekim: like first generation ADSL, why?14:55
MaximLevitskyAnd I got funny results: the program itself that change the theme got new widget style, but others don't14:55
nosrednaekimgiuseppe: oh.,. ok14:55
MaximLevitskyKDE, and promlem exists on both nrma and root apps14:55
nosrednaekimgiuseppe: just wondering. if you were on dial-up it could take a while14:56
Dr_willisHmm... ok.. which of the 4 conectors on the back is my mic.. heh.. anyone else ever have that problem reaching around trying to find the right port14:57
nosrednaekimDr_willis: pink I think14:57
Dr_willisI think all of mine are 'gold' :)  lets see....14:57
nosrednaekimoh.... thats helpful14:58
Dr_willisaha.. once i got a light back there.. they had color stripes  around the ports.14:59
Dr_willisTrying to get Skype Going.15:00
Dr_willisit aint recording. :(15:00
nosrednaekimMaximLevitsky: yeah, I have no clue,15:00
rothchildDr_willis: is the input enabled in kmix15:01
Dr_willisThats what im chcking now. :)15:01
Dr_willisGot an audigy 2zs i got so many sliders and switches it spans both monitors15:02
andreas_hello i have a quuestion15:02
Dr_willisaha.. Input. Mic. Slider was all the way down15:02
andreas_i have installed an application15:02
andreas_but i don't know how to uninstall  it15:02
andreas_so how do i go about it?15:03
Dr_willisthen on output - i need to slide the mic all the way down.. so i dont hear myself.15:03
* nosrednaekim goes to test koffice4 if its going into Hardy15:03
Dr_willissudoapt-get remove whateverthethingis15:03
Dr_willissudo apt-get remove whateverthethingis15:03
rothchildDr_willis: turn off 'what you hear' if you have that option15:03
nosrednaekimDr_willis: it says "package not found???? how to fix???"15:03
andreas_ok i will try it15:03
Dr_willisnosrednaekim,  whats saying that? check your spelling?15:04
ubotuFont installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer15:04
nosrednaekimDr_willis: never mind... it was a joke ;)15:04
Dr_willisapt-get install coffe_its_early15:05
MaximLevitskyProblem solved :-) :15:05
MaximLevitskyThe following packages have unmet dependencies:  gconf: Depends: libgconf11 (>= 1.0.7) but it is not going to be installed         Depends: libglib1.2 (>= 1.2.0) but it is not going to be installedE: Broken packages15:05
giuseppenosrednaekim: done, and now what I have to do?15:05
MaximLevitskyAnyway, will wait for upload on new packages15:06
andreas_Dr_willis: thanks it worked :)15:06
nosrednaekimgiuseppe: now install "kubuntu-restricted-extras"15:06
andreas_but is there a more graphical way of doing so, because sometimes you won't know what the name of the package is exctly15:06
giuseppenosrednaekim: So, I opened adept manager->adept->manage repositories15:07
nosrednaekimgiuseppe:ok, and enabled all repositories?15:07
giuseppenosrednaekim: and I check alldownloadable from internet15:07
nosrednaekimexcept for source code..15:07
giuseppenosrednaekim: kubuntu software tab, tight?15:07
nosrednaekimgiuseppe: yes15:07
Dr_willisHmm.. With kmix - the red button at the source.. is red light on ENABLED  or Muted?15:08
giuseppenosrednaekim: well, and now sudo apt -get install...?15:08
nosrednaekimgiuseppe: you have to press the "reload" button in adept first15:09
rothchildI assume enabled infact looking at kmix again it looks like you should have the red light on and the green off (input enabled output disabled)15:09
giuseppenosrednaekim: well, another problem: impossible obtain /var/lib/dpkg/lock15:09
nosrednaekimgiuseppe: are you runing a "apt-get" command anywhere? are you running two windows of adept?15:10
giuseppenosrednaekim: reload button is different from fetch button, right?15:11
nosrednaekimgiuseppe: yes15:11
giuseppenosrednaekim: done...15:11
jhutchinsDr_willis: red means "live", "recording", "on".15:12
nosrednaekimgiuseppe: sorry, the label is actually "fetch updates" I was thinking of synaptic...15:12
giuseppenosrednaekim: nevermind... but same error15:12
ubotuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »15:12
nosrednaekimgiuseppe: ok, close adept, and do what ubotu just said15:13
giuseppenosrednaekim:  from shell I have:15:14
giuseppeE: Impossibile ottenere il lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)15:14
giuseppeE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?15:14
nosrednaekimgiuseppe: what command did you just run?15:14
giuseppeE: Impossibile ottenere il lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)15:14
giuseppeE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?15:14
nosrednaekimgiuseppe: yes, run "sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a"15:15
giuseppenosrednaekim: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-restricted-extras15:15
nosrednaekimgiuseppe: do you still have adept open?15:15
giuseppenosrednaekim: yes15:15
giuseppenosrednaekim: it say if I wanna kill process 738215:16
nosrednaekimgiuseppe: you know, adept and "apt-get" are both package managers, you can install restricted-extras from within adept..15:16
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nosrednaekimgiuseppe: don't kill it15:16
giuseppenosrednaekim: not killed15:17
giuseppenosrednaekim: so I choose "no"?15:17
al-mestarpls programme kubuntu15:17
nosrednaekimgiuseppe: yes15:17
giuseppenosrednaekim: so what I have to do?15:18
nosrednaekimgiuseppe: search for "kubuntu-restricted-extras" in adept, then install there.15:18
al-mestari want au LUNIX program15:18
nosrednaekimal-mestar: to do what?15:18
nosrednaekimhi DarkJimmy15:18
al-mestarany one15:19
nosrednaekimal-mestar: install the divx codecs15:19
nico3dfxis there an italian channel?15:19
ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!15:19
giuseppenico3dfx: ciao nico15:20
romunovhow can i give write permissions to all users of a certain directory, its files nad subfolders?15:20
romunovchmod +something something?15:20
nosrednaekimromunov: itseasy in konqeuror, right click on the folder, properties, permissions15:21
romunovit's greyed out (in dolphin)15:21
DarkJimmygot this problem after reinstalling kubuntu, adept updater crashes when applying updates :<15:21
rothchildromunov: is it a system folder?15:21
romunovit's a mounted hard drive15:22
romunovthat i hooked up after i reinstalled kubuntu15:22
romunovand now the permissions are all fuzzy15:22
nosrednaekimromunov: run "kdesudo dolphin"15:22
nosrednaekimDarkJimmy: you can update on the command line "sudo apt-get update"15:22
Dr_willisthis is a ext2/3 filesystem external drive>15:23
rothchildsorry OTish but are people actually using dolphin? I ditched it almost immediately15:23
nosrednaekimrothchild: i'm on KDE4, so yes the kde4 dolpin rocks.15:23
romunovDr_willis: : it's a fat32 internal hd15:24
nosrednaekimbut the kde3 dolphin is terrible15:24
nosrednaekimromunov: FAT doesn't have permissions.15:24
Dr_willisuse the umask/uid options in fstab to 'fake' the permissions15:24
romunovwell, it worked yesterday :D15:24
giuseppenosrednaekim: well, now when I try to open adept manager15:24
giuseppenosrednaekim: it says: another process in using it15:24
romunovDr_willis: can you decimate that statement? fstab? :>15:24
nosrednaekimgiuseppe: do you have adept manager already running?15:24
giuseppenosrednaekim: sorry, but what can I do?15:24
giuseppenosrednaekim: well I closed it...15:25
ubotuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions15:25
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE15:25
romunovi tried to open the directory "as root", but it will tell me that i don't have enough permission to change the permissions15:25
giuseppenosrednaekim: can I kill it from shell?15:25
romunovDr_willis: thanks15:25
Dr_willisOpening a directory is not changing the permissions15:25
rothchildnosrednaekim: does it have tabs and a terminal like konqueror?15:25
=== warlock is now known as warlock_x64
nosrednaekimgiuseppe: yes.... "sudo killall adept_manager"15:26
nosrednaekimrothchild: terminal, yes. tabs, no. split screen, yes.15:26
warlock_x64ello ppl15:27
warlock_x64need some help here plz15:27
nosrednaekimhey warlock_x6415:27
nosrednaekimwhats the problem15:27
giuseppenosrednaekim: well, I selected it and push on install request15:28
nosrednaekimgiuseppe: and...15:28
giuseppenosrednaekim: then, Apply changes15:28
giuseppenosrednaekim: and now it's waiting for headers15:28
giuseppenosrednaekim: right?15:28
giuseppenosrednaekim: but it seems it's waiting for...don't know what15:29
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nosrednaekimgiuseppe: I guess...15:29
giuseppenosrednaekim: well well15:29
giuseppenosrednaekim: now it's downloading15:29
giuseppenosrednaekim: :)15:29
=== warlock_x64 is now known as warlock
rothchildDr_willis: did you get your mic working?15:30
Dr_willisTrying to get it working under kde first. I think skype may be the isssue. :)15:31
Dr_willisI can hear my own voice echo now...15:31
Dr_willisbut not recording it.15:31
giuseppenosrednaekim: sorry... do u know if it' big package?15:31
nosrednaekimgiuseppe: shouldn;t be15:31
rothchildwhat are you trying to record with?15:31
andreashello i have a question. what  does it mean when a file ends with .sh?15:31
giuseppenosrednaekim: ok, thanks... now I'll be waiting for :-)15:32
=== warlock is now known as osacie
nosrednaekimandreas: its a shell script15:32
andreasa shell script?15:32
romunovthere's gotta be an easier way to change permissions :D15:32
andreasnot a programm just a shell script?15:32
nosrednaekimandreas: a series of shell commands that are run when you run the file15:33
andreasok now i get it15:33
andreasso does the later commands in that file count on the previous one?15:34
nosrednaekimandreas: they CAN15:34
andreasok thanks...15:35
BluesKajinteresting , I compiled FF 3 Beta 2 , but there are no configure or make files and the only way to launch the browser is from with the shell or run the shellscript from the folder . There are no icons available for the desktop, unless I setup a symlink , which to me is a pita :(15:35
Dr_willisheh - got that going.. Now i need to record the grandbaby saying "Grandma! Answer the Phone!" so she can have a ringtone of the kid for her phone. :P15:35
jhutchinsBluesKaj: did you make insatall?15:35
nosrednaekimBluesKaj: you got the precomiled binary15:35
BluesKajyup, jhutchins15:35
Dr_willisromunov,  unmount the filesystem. put the proper optuions in fstab. remount it.15:35
rothchildDr_willis: you need the 'capture' channel enabled in kmix too15:36
BluesKajit's a tarfile15:36
jhutchinsBluesKaj: Looks like you need to build a deb that creates/installs menu entries, desktop icons, and file associations.15:36
andreasnosrednaekim: what is the relevant of .exe files in windows for linux?15:36
Dr_willisandreas,  chmod +x whatever  ----> its now an executable15:36
jhutchinsBluesKaj: That doesn't mean anything.  I can make a tarball out of a deb.15:36
andreasi don't get it15:37
BluesKajjhutchins, hmm, never got my feet wet on building a deb15:37
jhutchinsandreas: or sh <file> and it'll run.15:37
nosrednaekimandreas: there is no direct corrollary.... but .sh and .run come close in most respects15:37
jhutchins.sh & .bat maybe.15:37
andreasif a make a C programm and compile and link it, what is the result i will get?15:37
andreasIn windows is a .exe15:38
andreasin linux?15:38
jpatrickandreas: same, a binary15:38
jhutchinsandreas: Persumably it's a binary executable with whatever name you choose to give it.15:38
nosrednaekimandreas: i'm not a C guy... but I THINK you get a file with no suffix15:38
jhutchinsandreas: Linux doesn't care about extensions, although it can use them.15:38
jhutchinsnosrednaekim: Depends entirely what name you specify.15:38
k4everhi all, i just tried kubuntu last night.  i like the distro.  my question is how do you guys get the icons to throb (expand) when you click on them?15:38
andreasbut a binary is just a .o object15:38
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jhutchinsk4ever: desktop configuration/effects.15:39
andreasok so say i got just a file with now extension15:39
jpatrickandreas: gcc -o <nameYouWantForExe> source.c15:39
nosrednaekimk4ever: its a standard kde effect15:39
jhutchinsandreas: binary executable - not binary object file.15:39
andreasto run it i just click on it15:39
jhutchinsandreas: You'll probably have to make it executable (chmod +x).15:39
jpatrickandreas: from terminal: ./nameOfExe15:39
andreasjhutchins: but gcc made it executable for me15:40
andreasso why we have chmod?15:40
jhutchinsandreas: How nice.  Go for it.15:40
k4everjhutchins: where do i find it in kcontrol?15:40
jhutchinsandreas: to change the mode of a file.15:40
osaciehavin probz with via S3 Unichrome drivers15:40
jhutchinsk4ever: I just right click the desktop.15:41
jhutchinsl8r, bkfst.15:41
jpatrickandreas: just run it: ./exe15:41
andreasok so in linux programs don't have specific extension like in windows15:42
osacielinux doesnt use exe files15:42
andreasyeah a program can have any extension you want15:42
jpatrickandreas: yep15:43
andreasand is there a good reason why you would want to make a .sh file?15:44
k4everjhutchins:  i don't see an "effects" option when i right click on the desktop.15:44
kgfixandreas: yeah.. Linux identifies files by its attributes and contents rather than their extensions unlike windows, that first needs the correct extension to work at all..15:44
romunovmy fstab reads like so: /dev/hda1 /data auto user,atime,auto,rw,nodev,noexec,nosuid 0 015:44
andreaskgfix: that makes things cleaner thx :)15:44
romunovam i missing something, but the option "user" should allow the mounted point to be read by everyone?15:44
Dr_willisandreas,  linux is Case Se3nestive and in most cases does not need 'extensions'15:45
romunovthis is not my case15:45
romunovi still cna't access it15:45
Dr_willisromunov,  thjats not a proper fstab entry. Im suprised its even mounting15:45
romunovit read "nouser" - i changed it to user15:45
andreasok... thanks guys :)15:45
kgfixandreas: try removing extensions from some jpeg or png images, Linux would still identify them correctly as jpeg and png images respectively :)15:46
romunovand you are right, i can't see the directory structure15:46
jpatrickromunov: use Filesystem's in System Settings for fstab editing15:46
andreasok thx bye now15:46
Dr_willisromunov,  /dev/hda1 /mnt/filesystem -t vfat  uid=1000,gid=100 0 015:47
Dr_williswould mount it at boot. for a specific user.15:47
romunovDr_willis: will mount it in /mnt/filesystem? i would like to to be /data...15:48
Dr_willisromunov,  im stealing soem exaplpes i googled from --> http://gentoo-wiki.com/HOWTO_Mount_MS_Windows_partitions_(FAT,NTFS)15:48
Dr_willisromunov,  then change it. :) this is linux...15:48
Dr_willischange what you want.15:48
Dr_willisthe mount point directory MUST MUST exist beforhand..15:48
romunovmkay, let's try Dr_willis' order15:49
Dr_willishttp://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/mounting-windows-partition-onto-ubuntu-linux/  has some good examples also.15:49
marco__hi, is it normal that I go in system settings -> network settings, admin mode, change gateway and dns, then I exit (there is no "save" or "appy" enabled button) then everything returns to the badly configured setup15:50
marco__I had to manually edit /etc files related with networking15:50
DarkJimmythat happens to me too15:50
marco__DarkJimmy: very frustrating, isn't it? fortunatly I'm enough expert to do by hand, but since I often suggest kubuntu to novice, I'm scared15:51
BluesKajso where can I find a titorial for building .deb files which will install specifically on (k)ubuntu , not debain ?15:52
marco__and seems something that should have been fixed asap, while is in this 8.04 apha too15:52
nosrednaekimmarco__: it doesn't save it? always worked for me15:52
BluesKajerr tutorial15:52
nosrednaekimBluesKaj: ask on #ubuntu-motu15:52
Dr_willisI recall some service changing those networking files on me ages ago..15:52
jpatrick!packguide | BluesKaj15:52
BluesKajok nosrednaekim , thx15:52
Dr_willisbut i forget what was doing it.15:52
DarkJimmymy gateway doesn't get saved and I can't update..15:52
marco__nosrednaekim: no, it does15:52
ubotuBluesKaj: The packaging guide is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment - See also !backports15:52
jpatrickBluesKaj: or read the logs at KubuntuTutorialsDay15:52
giuseppenosrednaekim: sorry, downloading is around 50%... but if I should disconnect now... next time I will only download remaining part or from beginning?15:54
nosrednaekimremaining part.... this is odd though thats downloading all of that.... must be alot of updates.15:55
giuseppenosrednaekim: yeah... a lot of updates15:55
marco__what should I install to manage my wifi connection?15:55
Dr_willisdepends on your wireless card also marco__15:56
marco__would love to have something that simplifies the ethernet - wifi usage, like in windows where multiple "profiles" are allowed and automatically managed15:56
Dr_willisI can never get that working under windows either. :)15:56
marco__oh, I see... I remember that wireless is hard to support15:57
kgfixDarkJimmy: remove the gateway entirely, then Apply, might work! worked for me. :)15:57
giuseppenosrednaekim: so, downloades package should be downloaded and not necessary to re-download... right?15:57
nosrednaekimgiuseppe: yes.15:58
giuseppenosrednaekim: ok, thanks :)15:58
jhutchinsWhat linux uses to identify a file is the "magic word" the first data word of a file.  It also allows file associations, but that's arbitrary.  Traditionally, linux executables don't have extensions.16:00
jhutchins.sh should specifically be a script meant to run in the sh shell (as opposed to bash, dash, and a dozen other shells).16:01
nosrednaekimall of which are capable of running .sh's though16:01
DarkJimmykgfix: wth it works?16:01
jhutchinsWhat really determines what it runs in though is the opening characters "#! /bin/sh".16:01
kgfixDarkJimmy: well you using kubuntu? and trying to apply the network settings?16:02
jhutchins...or perhaps "#! /bin/bash" or even "#! /usr/bin/perl"16:02
hungrymousehow can i get the LaTeX plugin for Kopete to work? currently it makes kopete hang indefinitely when it tries to parse LaTeX.16:03
romunovDr_willis: i've inserted the line you suggested, and i get this message when i try to remount: mount: can't find /dev/hda1 in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab16:03
kgfixDarkJimmy: whats the default gateway addr shown in your settings?16:03
DarkJimmybut it's downloading updates now16:03
kgfixcheck when you are done with the download and when you changed some settings..16:04
DarkJimmyI've already destroyed two kubuntu installations in less than 24 hours, I think I should leave it be16:05
hungrymouseDarkjimmy, join the club. i managed 3 in my first 24 hours ><16:09
bazhangDarkJimmy: new kubuntu user?16:11
ubotuKDE 4 is the next major release of the K Desktop Environment. For more information see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KDE_4 - The Release Schedule is available at http://techbase.kde.org/Schedules/KDE4/4.0_Release_Schedule - RC 2 packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde4-rc2.php16:11
Hamra!info kde416:12
ubotuPackage kde4 does not exist in gutsy16:12
DarkJimmybazhang: yes16:12
Hamracan someone point me to a page with a step-by-step or detailed intructions on how to install kde4?16:13
DarkJimmyhungrymouse: I'm still on time for a third too16:13
bazhangDarkJimmy: dont give up hope; when I started a year ago, I went through a bunch of Suse installs (forgot the number) :}16:13
hungrymouseDarkjimmy, what are you actually trying to DO?16:13
DarkJimmyinstall kubuntu, update it, and USE IT16:13
DarkJimmylinux hates me16:14
hungrymouseDarkJimmy, you've obviously managed to get internet. so adept should have found a load of updates you need, and stuck a thing in your system tray about it.16:15
bazhangDarkJimmy: not so serious--the first few weeks are rough for *everybody*16:15
hungrymouseDarkJimmy, have you let it download those?16:15
DarkJimmyits upgrading the lot16:15
DarkJimmyI still have the laptop display problem tho16:16
kgfixhey, does adept resume downloads like apt-get does?16:16
nosrednaekimkgfix: yes16:16
gapshi peoples16:17
kgfixnosrednaekim: does it require some arguments to do so?16:17
nosrednaekimkgfix: does so automatically16:17
kgfixasking because mine didn't resume by default!16:17
kgfixso i started using apt-get instead16:17
nosrednaekimkgfix: huh, odd, maybe you unchecked that setting adept_manager16:18
kgfixwell i tried the front-end that comes with Kubuntu Gutsy16:18
kgfixDidn't change any settings. I am sure.16:18
benpiccomay reiserfs mess with my data? I noticed some strage artifacts in music files I ripped some month ago - so i´m a little concerned...16:19
marco__if I install kde4 metapackage, will I be able to choose what kde use at login?16:19
nosrednaekimmarco__: yes16:20
marco__cool, thanks16:20
joshuahello all16:20
gapsgerman people here16:21
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de16:21
gapsah sehr gut16:21
joshua: )16:21
gapsdas ist immer gut, probleme hab ich "momentan keine" mein kubuntu läuft auch erst s std16:22
gaps2 std16:22
kregerjoa meins auch :-D16:22
bazhangguys, this is an English channel16:22
ubotuThe packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu16:22
Hamra!de | gaps16:23
ubotugaps: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de16:23
gapstreiber loadet gerade16:23
gapsich habs gecheckt16:23
jhutchinsgaps: Not enough of us speak germen here.16:23
gapsi understand you16:23
jhutchinsWhich is good of you, but my german is old and rusty, and to the rest here it's just noise.16:24
gapsits ok! im speack english, too!16:24
jhutchinsgaps: Great.  60 people in the german channel, though, you're very welcome there as well.16:24
marco__adept tells  me that kde4 "Breaks", but don't understand what or why... is adept the same as aptitude? I mean, do they use the same index base so I can safely use one or the other?16:24
marco__I feel more confortable with command line for system administration...16:25
nosrednaekimmarco__: did you add the correct repositories?16:25
marco__nosrednaekim: I'm using the default ones that come with 8.04... (italian mirror, of course)16:25
marco__ok, better fix wireless connection installation first :)16:28
marco__this is my first laptop.. I do hate laptops and their keyboard, home that I will  become used to it soon16:29
marco__any chance to become root? I'm very irritated by the sudo thing16:30
benpiccosudo -s16:30
onishidatomarco__: you can't be root16:30
kgfixmarco__: su -16:31
onishidatomarco__: it's safer for you16:31
marco__thanks a lot benpicco!16:31
jhutchins!sudo | marco__16:31
ubotumarco__: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.16:31
jhutchins!kdesu | marco16:31
ubotumarco: In KDE, use « kdesudo <program> » (Gutsy) or « kdesu <program> » (Feisty and earlier) to run graphical applications with root privileges when you have to. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)16:31
jhutchinsmarco__: It takes some getting used to, but it's a good system.16:31
marco__jhutchins: good for normal usage, not at the beginning setup phase of a new pc16:32
jhutchinsmarco__: There are ways to get around it, but try getting used to it first.16:32
marco__I have to run a lot of commands / edit config with root privileges now16:32
jhutchinsmarco__: that first link will tell you the options.16:32
marco__thanks a lot16:32
onishidatohey guys, i can't open the device option of kopete, when i try to reach it, kopete will become frozen. how can i fix this?16:32
jhutchinsonishidato: Use pidgin instead?16:34
onishidatoi use kopete to use webcam16:35
onishidatopidgin doesn't hvae16:35
jhutchins!webcam | onishidato16:36
ubotuonishidato: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras16:36
jhutchinsonishidato: Might be good to check those out first, make sure it's working.16:36
DarkJimmyby any chance, does anyone know if dell has an irc channel?16:38
bazhangDarkJimmy: if they do, they wont be very helpful :]16:38
bazhang!irc | DarkJimmy16:38
ubotuDarkJimmy: A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines16:38
LynoureI'm pretty sure there is no official irc channel for Dell.16:38
DarkJimmyI hate these money-hungry corporations..16:39
LynoureI would not do official support on irc either, for technical reasons.16:40
Lynoureand my 'corporation' is just 1 person entrepreneurship. :)16:41
DarkJimmywoot! beneath a steel sky!!16:45
bazhangDarkJimmy: get dosbox16:46
DarkJimmybazhang: dosbox is teh suck16:46
bazhangDarkJimmy: zsnes16:46
DarkJimmyvmware with windows 3.1 ftw!16:47
marco__AR5418 wifi chipset, wondering if the "macc info" that I find in google can be safely followed... anyone here that has the same chipset, and can address me to the right module?16:48
marco__mmm looks like is not very "free software friendly" or stable :(16:51
PennycookHey guys, is there any graphical utility for dealing with drive formats?  I've got an NTFS drive (currently mounted and left over from when I switched to Kubu from Windows) and I'm looking to format it in ext316:53
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about parted - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi16:54
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about qpart - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi16:54
bazhang!info qtparted16:55
ubotuqtparted: A parted frontend using QT. In component main, is optional. Version 0.4.5-2ubuntu12 (gutsy), package size 206 kB, installed size 720 kB16:55
bazhangPennycook: see above16:55
bazhangno worries16:56
ubotuSi busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.16:58
=== ubiq__ is now known as ubiq_
PennycookOkay, that didn't go so well17:02
FredskyAny one know how I can increase the size of fonts on KDE?17:05
kingoftherootsin kcontrol17:05
benpicco_in System Settings->Appeance17:05
FredskyThat works for the applications but just a little for KDE17:06
FredskyThe apps are fine it's kde that is to small to read17:07
Dr_willisHmm.. the 6 yr old. just tossed the wii contrller behind the tv...17:07
Dr_willisPeople donbt relize you DONT have to swing hard with the things...17:07
Pennycookqtparted doesn't seem to be doing anything; if I click "format" it claims to have done it, but nothing happens17:07
Dr_willisPennycook,  theres an apply/do the tasks button i belibve17:08
Dr_willisyou set up th layout how ya want.. hit the apply, and it does all the needed tasks.17:08
PennycookOkay, thanks17:09
Dr_willisits called 'commit' :) for some.. well.. reason17:09
DarkJimmygah! adept keeps crashing!17:09
Dr_willisThat way you can undo/quit and not trash the drive by mistake17:10
bazhangDarkJimmy: use the command line instead--much easier17:10
DarkJimmyhow do I use the command line?17:10
Dr_willisapt-get install abs-guide17:11
ubotuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal17:11
Dr_willisor similer :) is how ya use the command line to install things17:11
jussi01DarkJimmy: ^17:11
=== jalbert is now known as Colonel_Panic
Dr_williswith a sudo of course. :)17:11
DarkJimmyyeah, what I meant is what do I type17:11
bazhangDarkJimmy: to install something sudo apt-get install packagename to update sudo apt-get update to upgrade sudo apt-get upgrade; the advantage to this is if there is a problem you can read the error messages17:12
=== Colonel_Panic is now known as Colonel-Panic
ubotuAPT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)17:12
=== Colonel-Panic is now known as jalbert
DarkJimmyok thanks17:13
bazhangno worries17:13
PennycookDr_willis: I did as you said, and qtparted reported it was completed successfully... But the Disk & Filesystems menu still reports it as being NTFS17:14
PennycookOr will it not have recognised the change?17:15
Dr_willisPennycook,  you may need to reboot for the kernel to see the changes17:15
Dr_willisdo a  'sudo fdisk -l' perhaps  to see what the disks are..17:15
ubunturosI can't get a user defined API to run in Java, even after specifying the classpath. (Asked in ##java - no response)17:16
PennycookOh, wait, just checked terminal output, it says "Error: File system has an incompatible feature enabled"17:16
PennycookAnd fdisk says it's NTFS too17:16
Dr_williswhat are you trying to do exactly?17:16
PennycookThis was a Windows PC and I installed Kubu onto it.  Now I'm trying to convert all the NTFS drives to ext3 ones.17:17
kirk_could anyone enlighten me on how to make a external usb hard drive show up automatically when i boot up the system. i'm running kubuntu 7.1017:17
bazhangkirk_: what format?17:17
LjLuhm, didn't KTorrent have a display where you could see a graph of the completed parts of a torrent, and a list of files with their completion status? am i completely confused?17:18
Dr_willisTheres plugins for ktorrent that are not enabled by default17:18
LjLDr_willis: oh. that was it. suppose it was enabled by default in some older release... or i had enabled it but didn't remember :)17:19
Downixman, porting is harder than I thought17:20
PennycookDr_willis: Any suggestions?  Running qtparted again brings up the same error in the terminal as it opens17:20
DarkJimmydo the packages automatically create links int he K menu, or it depends of the package?17:20
jussi01DarkJimmy: it depends on the package - most do,but some dont17:21
PennycookOh no, only upon clicking sdc117:21
jussi01DarkJimmy: which package are you referring to?17:21
kirk_could anyone enlighten me on how to make a external usb hard drive (ext3) show up automatically when i boot up the system. i'm running kubuntu 7.1017:22
jussi01kirk_: how do you mount it now?17:23
kingoftherootskirk_, mkfs.ext3 /dev/sdxy17:23
PennycookIs there any easier way to create one big partition out of sdc and make sure it's ext3?17:23
jussi01linuxmce: ??17:23
linuxmceI have a hagpauge (sp?) 150 pvr doesn't seem to be recognized17:23
jussi01linuxmce: on kubuntu?17:24
linuxmceees borked!17:24
kirk_it isnt mounted now. i just upgraded to 7.1017:24
wolf0129cannot get online on other box. know it is trying to access the internet but is not succeeding17:24
wolf0129windows tower is displaying message ip conflict17:24
Dr_willisi got a Hauppage 150 - works good with MythTV. You do need to configure the Mythtv to use the card. It dosent auto-see it , and has the wrong thing in one of the pull down menus.17:25
kirk_it used to be something in the fstab i think.... some line u put in there to make it automount17:25
wolf0129can some one help me17:26
bazhangwolf0129: what system on the other box?17:27
jussi01!fstab | kirk_17:27
ubotukirk_: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions17:27
bazhangwolf0129: wired or wireless?17:27
bazhangwolf0129: can you access the machine now?17:28
wolf0129no but i have information in front of me17:28
wolf0129i know it is a ip settin17:28
wolf0129windows recognises the IP conflict17:29
DarkJimmy:< this still happens http://img176.imageshack.us/img176/1513/22122007002cv2.jpg17:29
wolf0129windows tower recognizes the IP conflict17:29
bazhangwolf0129: you talking to me? I may miss it if you dont use my nick in your response as I am in other channels17:29
wolf0129bazhang i know that it is a problem in the IP settings17:30
kingoftherootsset new ip17:30
bazhangwolf0129: if you know then why do you ask? It may be something else17:30
maurihow to have a clean 7.1017:31
wolf0129bazhang The windows tower displays an IP conflict17:31
florianrI am burning an audio CD with K3B ... But I want an autmatic Gap between each title ... Is that possible with k3b? Perhaps I need a plugin?17:31
mauriadept still continue to give me eror17:31
bazhangwolf0129: problem with a windows machine? ask in ##windows; if you can access the machine using ubuntu/kubuntu then it may be fixed here--provided you give enough info17:32
wolf0129bazhang the kubuntu is where my problem is17:33
anakin_when i try to rdesktop hostname, i am getting this message saying that local policy does not allow login. checked all the windows configuration i know of, just need to make sure i've not overlooked some rdesktop setting. have I?17:33
bazhangwolf0129: you have said you know the problem--why ask here?17:33
wolf0129bazhang because i was hoping some might be able to tell me how to set up the ip so that there is no conflict17:34
wolf0129bazhang i have the IP info in front of me17:34
DarkJimmythanks for the help, bye!17:34
kingoftherootswolf0129, dhclient3 eth017:35
bazhangwolf0129: if you know the problem then you can fix it; if you want to be sure that is the real problem, then you need access to the machine17:35
wolf0129bazhang but how can i fix the IP conflict17:36
bazhangwolf0129: if you want help--I'll say this again--you need access to the machine; no idea otherwise17:37
wolf0129bazhang thanks17:37
PennycookOkya, kernel reboot fixed my issue, but now I'm not allowed to write to it because it's mounted as root/root.. Is it safe to mount a drive as my user, or would it be better off me creating a folder inside that one that I had write access for?  This is my first time messing around with mountpoints really, so I'm a little concerned17:38
ubuntu_i installed a pre release of gutsy on a machine17:38
ubuntu_will apt-get update bring me up to the stable version?17:38
bazhangubuntu_:  a pre-release?17:38
ubuntu_s/update/& upgrade/17:38
ubuntu_bazhang: a beta17:38
bazhangokay ubuntu, and?17:39
ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!17:39
ubuntu_like i said - will my system be the same as a stable release once i've apt-get upgraded? or will there be cruft to remove?17:39
bazhangoh I see17:39
wolf0129kub^ are you available17:39
bazhangubuntu_: do you have a ton of stuff to back up?17:40
ubuntu_bazhang: no, all my personal stuff is on NFS17:40
bazhangubuntu_: you should be okay--that is what I did as well, and no problems so far--though some will swear by a clean install :}17:41
bazhanghi althair17:41
ubuntu_bazhang: cheers. have you tried kde4 rc2?17:41
kingoftherootsclean install is prob best17:41
bazhangubuntu_: no; waiting for kde4.5 :}17:42
cumulusCould someone tell me how I can remove gnome and it's programs from my computer? I though the packet was ubuntu-desktop, but it is marked as not installed17:42
ubuntu_cumulus: apt-cache search gnome | cut -d' ' -f 1 | xargs apt-get remove17:42
althairdoes someone know if selecting processor famili (586/K5/5x86/6x86/6x86MX) in the kernel configurarion is ok to use a Core2 Duo?17:43
ubuntu_rc2 was screwed up on my machine - titlebars had essence of hung X17:43
ubuntu_and apt seemed to barf over file collisions17:44
bazhangalthair: 32bit or 64 bit is what you are wanting?17:44
ubuntu_althair: x86 - prescott afaik17:45
=== marco__ is now known as markit2
althairhum... no because i herd about using 64bits with core2, wich arent "real" 64 bits and you can have problems17:45
althairbut I have seen in a webpage how configurate a debian kernel to use a core217:45
kingoftherootsalthair what kernel.? if i remember 2.6.23-11 has an option only for core duo's.. but 6x86 should work17:45
althairand you have the option: intel core 2 duo17:45
althairI am using config-2.6.22-14-generic17:46
jumpkickis there somewhere to adjust the bass on KDE sound settings?17:46
PennycookAnybody?  I've mounted my new ext3 drive at /music, the owner is coming up as root root (as with the ext3 partition I have mounted as /) but I can't seem to write it; how do I enable writing to the drive?17:46
althairI am surprised cause I havent that option17:46
ubuntu_Pennycook: man chmod17:47
bazhangjumpkick for which app?17:47
cumulusTo login as root, it's "su | password" right? =S17:47
althairand in the webpage says that from 2.6.20 in advance, the kernell has an option for core2 duo17:47
althairan specific option17:48
Pennycookubuntu_: When I do that, the GUI properties window doesn't update.  Or is it not supposed to?  I'm just worried it'll automount as 755 everytime instead of as 77717:48
DownixOk, I cannot find which package has sdl in it17:48
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ubuntu_Pennycook: no idea, i don't use the gui17:49
markit2how on earth can it  be that they have choosen a gray icon for the "apply" button even when is enabled??17:49
Pennycookubuntu_: Okay.  If I chmod 777 /dev/sdc1 then, that should work?17:50
* genii pries his eyes open and pours a coffee17:50
kingoftherootsalthair, you should have a kernel with MCORE2 enabled not any of 586/K5/5x86/6x86/6x86MX b|cos they are for amd cpus17:51
PennycookOkay, didn't work17:52
althairand now, what should I do?17:53
althairinstall a new kernell? the one for 64bit processors is only for amd17:53
Taiponsomeone german here_17:53
kingoftherootsalthair, zcat /proc/config.gz  |grep MCORE217:54
kingoftherootsnot set?17:54
Taiponanyone german here?17:55
althairkingoftheroots: there are not such file (config.gz) :S17:55
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de17:56
kingoftherootsohk.. you kernel dosent support it then17:56
althairbut when I downloaded the 7.10 kubuntu I only had 2 options, pc (intel x86) or 64(AMD64)17:57
kingoftherootsintel was your choice then since you got a intel cpu17:57
althairshall I search for a normal ubuntu kernel?17:57
kingoftherootsi would build my own17:57
althairyes, I installed that intel version17:57
kingoftherootswith make oldconfig17:57
althairthis is what i was doing17:58
althairbut I hadnt found an specific option for core2 duo17:58
kingoftherootsbefore make you must edit .config and set MCORE217:58
althaironly the 586/K5/5x86/6x86/6x86MX17:58
kingoftherootsin the kernel source dur17:58
kingoftherootsno thouse are for amd and cyrix cpu's17:59
althairreplacing "# CONFIG_MCORE2 is not set" by "CONFIG_MCORE2=y"?18:01
kingoftherootsalthair, .. get the newest kernel form kenel.org. extract it to /usr/src . cd to that path. run make oldconfig then make gconfig and make nessesary changes. then  make bzImage and make modules ; make modules_istall18:01
althairok kingoftheroots, thanks a lot!18:02
markit2anyone can tell me how to make bluetooth work? dmesg tells that a bluetooth device has been found, but kbluetooth tells that nothing is available as bluetoot interface18:04
markit2(no bluetooth adapter)18:05
markit2any idea?18:05
kingoftherootsturn on you phone :p18:09
markit2kingoftheroots: seems that is a toshiba problem, and I have to use toothset :(18:11
eshatwhat is a good kde programm to make a screencase or to record my desktop ???18:11
eshat* screencase=screencast18:11
kingoftherootshmm. normaly its autodetected with you etc  turn on bluetooth on your phone18:12
rothchildmarkit2:  is kdebluetoothd started?18:12
markit2rothchild: yes, but I'm googling and seems that toshiba has it disabled by default, and you need toshet to enable it, but I've tried and complains about required kernel toshiba support now18:13
XBehavewhat do you need to do a post test?18:16
=== uilas is now known as lagranele
darxhi folks, I need to install kde4 rc2. I'm currently running xubuntu. how can i install it? the kde 4 rc2 page at kubuntu says that kde4 rc2 packages are available for kubuntu 7.10. does that mean I'll have to install kubuntu destop before installing kde4?18:21
darxanybody home?18:21
jpatrickdarx: installing kde4 directly should be fine18:21
=== ForeverZero is now known as sea4ever
sigma_123anyone here from south africa?18:27
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about za - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi18:28
sigma_123huh? wanted to know if anyone can send the kde4 rc2 live cd 2me18:28
sigma_123dont hav da bandwidth to dload it18:29
LjLsigma_123: there is a channel #ubuntu-za18:29
=== lagranele is now known as MaestroYoda
JabapythIve got an sd card that says its read-only... the "lock" tab isnt in place, but It still wont let me write. :(. Does anyone know whats wrong?18:32
=== MaestroYoda is now known as granELE
XBehaveJabapyth: what format is the car? it might be mounted wrong18:41
Jabapythdefault....i havnt changed it.18:41
=== fido is now known as fiddd
kirk_hey ppl18:47
kirk_no media players will play ANY type of video... any suggestions?18:48
Downixdo you have any video codecs installed?18:48
kirk_i believe18:49
kirk_the ones off of Automatix18:49
Downixno idea then18:49
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about iwl - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi18:51
kirk_this is horriblwe18:51
kirk_switching to 7.10 was stupid18:51
hydrogenif you used automatix.. then yes, it was18:52
kirk_worked fine on 7.0418:52
kirk_played any media18:52
kirk_it will play, but the picture is all scrambled up18:53
kirk_audio works fine18:53
kamilosHi guys, I updated to kubuntu 7.10. My notebook multimeda keys (volume up/down) does not work. In 7.4 it worked. Do you know what is wrong?18:53
kirk_probably the "updated to kubuntu 7.10" part is where u f'd up18:54
hydrogenkirk_: in your case, automatix is, and never has been, supported, because it does all sorts of bad things18:55
kamilosmaybe.. but it is done... now I need to solve it :(18:55
hydrogenkamilos: I've not had problems using them in gutsy.. have you checked launchpad to see if there is any bugs reported for your notebook?18:56
kamiloshydrogen: launchpad... what is it?18:56
kirk_Ummmmmmm.... it didnt work before i used automatix.18:57
kirk_which was why i installed the codecs...18:57
hydrogen!launchpad | kamilos18:57
ubotukamilos: Launchpad is a collection of development services for Open Source projects. It's Ubuntu's bug tracker, and much more; see https://launchpad.net/18:57
hydrogen!bugs | kamilos18:57
ubotukamilos: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.ubuntu.com/  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/products/ubuntu-bots18:57
kamilosthank.. I will check the links18:58
=== miguel is now known as Qaldune
nosrednaekimmighty quiet around here19:05
PennycookOk, this is a mighty stupid question... How possible is it to undo a shift-delete?19:06
JabapythPennycook: very hard....youll probably need costly software19:08
=== ubuntu is now known as M3t4ls0nic
ardchoillePennycook: Once a file is really deleted, it's gone.19:08
ardchoillePennycook: Daily backups?19:08
PennycookSo there's no recovery utility in kubu?19:08
=== wytry is now known as administrator
=== ubuntu is now known as chemicalvamp
chemicalvampi need a hand with two things. One setting up a partition table. and the other is a refresher on the command "#grub -install --root-directory=/boot /dev/hda"19:16
nosrednaekimchemicalvamp: ok.... what about the partition table?19:19
chemicalvampwell i basicly need a setup like this 100mb boot.. 100gb windows and 60gb backupspace19:21
chemicalvampmy linux install is on my USB flash drive19:21
nosrednaekimchemicalvamp: why do you need a separate /boot? MBR works fine19:21
chemicalvampto install grub to19:21
snarkstercould someone point me to an easy manual for installing a different drm?19:21
jussi01snarkster: drm?19:22
snarksteryah I have mach64 chipset and I need to get mach64 support to have alittle 3d acceleration support19:23
nosrednaekimchemicalvamp: you can put grub on the MBR19:23
DarkLegacyI love the .deb system19:24
DarkLegacyIt's even easier to use than Windows installers19:24
chemicalvampwhere will menu.lst and all that be kept?19:24
DarkLegacyThere's no stupid license agreements19:24
DarkLegacyNo repetitive hitting of the next button19:24
DarkLegacyJust, enter password, OK, DONE.19:24
jussi01snarkster: what does that have to do with drm? (digital right management?)19:24
=== paolo is now known as faLUCE
jussi01!enter | DarkLegacy19:24
ubotuDarkLegacy: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!19:24
nosrednaekimchemicalvamp: oh... true... never mind you are right :D19:25
DarkLegacySorry. :(19:25
jussi01DarkLegacy: :)19:25
nosrednaekimchemicalvamp: you could have them on your flash drive19:25
snarksterDRM in linux world is Direct Resolution Management19:25
snarksteri think19:25
jussi01snarkster: ahh...19:25
snarkster3d support19:25
chemicalvampide like them on my harddrive19:26
nosrednaekimDirect rendering Management19:26
snarksteryes thank you I havent had coffey yet.19:26
nosrednaekimchemicalvamp: ok, well, thats definately possible19:26
chemicalvampyeah i have it set up on my old harddrive.. just got a new one today19:28
romunovDr_willis: i found the right setting: /dev/hda7 /mnt/WINME vfat auto,umask=0000 0 019:29
chemicalvampso whats the command for partitioner?19:29
nosrednaekimchemicalvamp: grab qtparted19:30
faLUCEhi. given myfile.wav , how can i split it in part1.wav, part2.wav and part3.wav  (with starting times = 0 seconds for part1, 3 minutes and 5 seconds for part2, 5 minutes for part3) ? thnks19:31
chemicalvampnosrednaekim i have it19:31
theunixgeekHow do I install libqt.so.1 on Ubuntu?19:32
snarksterapt-get install libqt19:32
nosrednaekimchemicalvamp: run it..19:32
theunixgeeksnarkster: thanks; I'll try that19:33
theunixgeeksnarkster: there's no such thing as libqt.19:33
snarksterhold please19:33
jussi01theunixgeek: libqt-mt iirc19:34
theunixgeekjussi01: sudo apt-get install libqt-mt iirc19:34
jussi01theunixgeek: leave the iirc of ;)19:34
nickname00000hi all19:35
snarksterim searching to verify in synaptic19:35
theunixgeekjussi01: doesn't exist19:35
jussi01theunixgeek: IIRC - if i remember correctly ;)19:35
theunixgeekjussi01: what's iirc?19:35
jussi01theunixgeek: ^^19:35
jussi01if i remember correctly19:35
nickname00000i'd like to try kde 4.0 : what do you suggest me, to download kubuntu 7.10 kde4.0 live cd or kubuntu 8.04 and install kde 4.0 there?19:35
jussi01!kde4 | nickname0000019:36
ubotunickname00000: KDE 4 is the next major release of the K Desktop Environment. For more information see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KDE_4 - The Release Schedule is available at http://techbase.kde.org/Schedules/KDE4/4.0_Release_Schedule - RC 2 packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde4-rc2.php19:36
messiahoh... i thought the last kubuntu was 7.1019:36
jussi01have a look at the last link19:36
theunixgeekmessiah: it is.... :P19:36
jussi01messiah: it is - 8.04 is not released yet19:36
messiahok ok, thank you ^19:36
surgyi need a program that will convert avi and divx to smv, can anyone help?19:37
nickname000008.04 is on alpha 2 right now19:37
jussi01!find libqt.so.119:37
ubotuPackage/file libqt.so.1 does not exist in gutsy19:37
messiaham new here, i have just installed 7.10 yesterday, what i have to do in order to listen mp3 and view avi for example?19:37
nickname00000what do you suggest me? to try alpha 2 of kubuntu 8.04 and install there kde4rc2?19:37
jussi01!mp3 | messiah19:37
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about smv - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi19:37
ubotumessiah: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats19:37
romunovmessiah: you probably have amarok installed - just run it. it will ask you to install mp3 support19:37
snarkstertheunixgeek: are you running kde or console19:37
theunixgeekmessiah: what's your main language?19:37
jussi01!es | messiah19:38
ubotumessiah: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.19:38
theunixgeeksnarkster: I'm using GNOME, but I know QT is kde-related19:38
messiaharigatou gozaimas :D19:38
nosrednaekimmessiah: install "kubuntu-restricted-extras"19:38
snarksteryuck gnome19:38
jussi01!info libqt-mt19:38
ubotuPackage libqt-mt does not exist in gutsy19:38
theunixgeeksnarkster: I like both19:38
theunixgeekjussi01: did it use to exist?19:38
theunixgeeksurgy: what?19:38
snarksterapt-get install libqt3-mt19:38
jussi01theunixgeek: ^19:39
theunixgeekI'll try that19:39
jussi01theunixgeek: I always forget the  3 ;)19:39
surgyi need a converter to convert avi and divx into smv format19:39
theunixgeekit says it's already installed and the newest version. :(19:39
theunixgeeksurgy: VLC plays all video formats you can think of19:39
surgyyeah but in order for me to move them onto my mp3 player it needs to be in smv format19:40
snarkstertheunixgeek: what version of qt do you want to install?19:40
theunixgeeksnarkster: 3 or later19:40
snarksterok then try apt-get install libqt4-core19:41
theunixgeekit's installing! :D19:41
theunixgeeknope :(19:42
theunixgeekstill doesn't work19:42
jussi01theunixgeek: what are you trying to do exactly?19:42
wraithmagianyone know of a way to force the system tray applet use 2 rows of icons instead of one?19:42
snarksterget rid of gnome and oinstall kde. :D19:42
Artimuswraithmagi: Try making the panel taller...19:42
theunixgeekjussi01: run a program that says "cannot open shared object file"19:43
Artimuswraithmagi: I had the same problem, I set it to a custom size of 48pixels19:43
theunixgeek"error while loading shared libraries: libqt.so.1: cannot open share object file"19:43
Artimus(right click on panel, configure panel)19:43
theunixgeeksnarkster: do you think that'll work?19:43
jussi01theunixgeek: which program...19:43
theunixgeekjussi01: mek19:43
theunixgeekjussi01: http://www.linux-france.org/prj/mek/19:43
ziutekpojebalo was oO?19:43
snarkstertheunixgeek: no i have no idea really. :)19:43
theunixgeekjussi01: hopefully you speak French :P19:43
wraithmagiconfigure panel doesn't give that option... just which to show/hide etc....19:43
jussi01theunixgeek: nope...19:44
theunixgeeksnarkster: well, the website says that in KDE the library is already on the system....19:44
theunixgeekI'll try that.19:44
Artimuswraithmagi: Set the size to Custom19:44
wraithmagialready have done.19:44
Artimuswraithmagi: You're on the Arrangement tab, right?19:44
wraithmagihave length set to 95% tho.19:45
wraithmagihang about.19:45
ArtimusShouldn't matter19:45
ArtimusI'm set to 99%19:45
surgyso noone can help me convert a file from avi to smv?19:45
ArtimusNot sure what to tell you.  I had issues when I had my panel size set to normal.  That's when I switched to a custom size of 48 pixels.  Now I've got two rows19:45
wraithmagiyeah... doesn't matter.19:46
wraithmagihang on...19:46
nosrednaekimmake your taskbar font smaller19:46
=== daedalus__ is now known as DaDaedalus
romunovsurgy: have you tried googling "avi 2 smv" or something similar?19:47
surgyall i find is windows tools19:47
surgyand i cant seam to find anything for linux19:47
theunixgeekdoes kubuntu-desktop have the normal Kubuntu apps?19:47
Artimustheunixgeek: It's a meta package, yes19:47
theunixgeekyay :)19:47
nosrednaekimtheunixgeek: yeah19:48
gon!frost wire19:49
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about frost wire - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi19:49
wraithmagiguess I'll work on it later.... thx any way artimus.19:49
vzduch!info frostwire19:49
ubotuPackage frostwire does not exist in gutsy19:49
ubotufrostwire is a totally open source version of Limewire.  For installation help, please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FrostWire19:49
Artimuswraithmagi: Have you tried setting it taller than 48 pixels?19:49
theunixgeekwhat's that one website that gives you a list of all the sudo apt-get remove's that you need to keep a pure KDE desktop and completely remove GNOME since removing ubuntu-desktop doesn't remove all the GNOME apps?19:50
vzduchI say, use gtk-gnutella19:50
nosrednaekimtheunixgeek: I think that if you use apt0tude it will remove the dependencies19:50
jussi01!purekde | theunixgeek19:51
ubotutheunixgeek: purekde is If you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureKDE »19:51
surgy!smv converter19:51
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about smv converter - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi19:51
surgyfuck it19:53
ubotuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.19:53
jussi01a little late  nosrednaekim  ;p19:53
ed__Hi people!!!19:54
=== ForeverZero is now known as sea4ever
theunixgeekwhy didn't surgy just google it :P19:54
theunixgeeked__: Hi ed__!19:54
awen_anybody else here using kubuntu hardy on a laptop?19:54
theunixgeekawen_: #kubuntu+1 I think19:54
ed__Please help me19:55
jussi01awen_: #ubuntu+1 for hardy stuff19:55
jussi01!ask | ed__19:55
ubotued__: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)19:55
theunixgeek!ask | ed__19:55
theunixgeekwoops :P19:55
awen_nosrednaekim: thx19:55
theunixgeeked__: what do you need help with?19:55
Flare183!language >surgy19:55
theunixgeekawen_: yah, #ubuntu+119:55
Flare183!language > surgy19:55
theunixgeekFlare183: he's gone19:55
ed__I cen't connect to ICQ(copete)19:55
* Flare183 says crap19:55
theunixgeeked__: Kopete19:56
theunixgeeknot Copete19:56
* Flare183 says wrong person/channel19:56
theunixgeeklol almost all KDE things begin with K19:56
awen_yep... the #kubuntu+1 looked so empty :)19:56
ed__O i'm sory. I litle speek ing19:57
theunixgeekawen_: did you ask your question there anyway? ;)19:57
jussi01ed__: your language?19:57
jussi01!ru | ed__19:57
ubotued__: Пожалуйста войдите в #ubuntu-ru для помощи на русском языке  /  Pozhalujsta vojdite v #ubuntu-ru dlq pomoshchi na russkom qzyke19:57
awen_theunixgeek: no :P19:57
theunixgeek!russian | ed__19:57
theunixgeekawen_: do it anyway; they're quite helpful there :)19:57
jussi01awen_: #ubuntu+1 covers both19:57
ed__Thanks for help!19:58
awen_theunixgeek: i know... i'm very helpful :)19:58
osacieello ppl19:59
nosrednaekimhey osacie19:59
voonteI'm about to try Kubuntu Hardy Alpha 2 out (with KDE4). Which is the easiest way to get Kubuntu installed without a CD or USB?19:59
benpiccoHi,i´m wondering what to to to avoid the taskbar displaying all windows on all desktops when compiz is enabled19:59
nosrednaekimvoonte: with vmware from within windows19:59
osaciegreat news....new updates r available for Kununtu 7.10 - KDE 4.5 patch19:59
jussi01!netinstall | voonte20:00
ubotuvoonte: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues20:00
nosrednaekimbenpicco: you need the compiz-kicker app.20:00
jussi01osacie: no, kde 4,5 does not exist20:00
nosrednaekimbenpicco: but there isn't a package for it.20:00
voonteWow, thanks :)20:00
jpatricknosrednaekim: in backport's NEW20:00
nosrednaekimjpatrick: awesome :D20:01
benpiccoi´ve already installed kicker-compiz from kde-look and switched to compiz windowbar and compiz desktopmanager nosrednaekim20:02
nosrednaekimbenpicco: you need to add kicker compiz as the taskbar applet20:02
sat_I can't find the shutdown icon, but i can see hibernate, logout, etc. In ubuntu, I installed kubuntu package.20:02
jpatrickbenpicco: yep, they're both in Hardy and stuck in gutsy-backports NEW till someone pulls them out from there20:02
small_stripesctrl + alt + backspace20:03
sat_How can I get shutdownd icon. I can't find the shutdown icon, but i can see hibernate, logout, etc. In ubuntu, I installed kubuntu package.20:05
nosrednaekimsat_: did you modify your kdm settings? make sure all users have permission to shut down20:07
sat_i didn't modify kdm seetings. currenlty, to shutdown: I logout and then shutdown. It's a 2 step process. I'm trying to get back the shutdown button20:08
sat_nosrednaekim:   i didn't modify kdm seetings. currenlty, to shutdown: I logout and then shutdown. It's a 2 step process. I'm trying to get back the shutdown button20:08
nosrednaekimsat_: same thing happened to me infact....it fixed itself with some update..20:10
jussi01sat_: you need to make kde the default window manager20:10
benpicconosrednaekim: i´ve installed the .deb file from http://www.kde-apps.org/content/show.php?content=46021 again, there are both the desktop switcher and the taskbar compiz apps active, i can't find an app called kicker-compiz20:11
nosrednaekimbenpicco: you may need to configure the taskbar to only show tasks from the active desktop?20:11
sat_jussi01:  i think it's kde is the default. How can i check that, pls?20:12
ardchoillesat_: is "offer shutdown options" checked in your session manager? system settings > Advanced > Session Manager20:12
nosrednaekimardchoille: ah thanks.. thats what I was thinking of. I forgot where it was though ;)20:12
benpicconosrednaekim: there is no such option avaliable as there is only one real virtual desktop, the other ones are managed by compiz20:12
ardchoillenosrednaekim: yw20:12
nosrednaekimbenpicco: yeah, I think what you need to do is set the #of desktops in compiz to 4(or whatever # you have)20:13
sat_ardchoille:  how can i go to system seetings. i'm trying to find that.20:14
jussi01sat_: bottom of the kmenu20:14
jussi01or top..20:14
nosrednaekimim not talking about horizontal desktop size, I'm talking about the setting for # of desktops that in the same tab in the dialog20:14
ardchoillesat_: I'm not sure where it is in the menus, but you can alt+f2 and ype in systemsettings20:15
benpicconosrednaekim: than 1 get Nr.*Nr_Horz20:15
benpiccothe total amout of desktops20:16
nosrednaekimwhat happens?20:16
benpiccoi have 3 horozontal desktops as a prism, iif i set the total size to , i get 920:17
benpiccoto 320:17
sat_ardchoille: i checked. "offer shutdown option" is checked.20:17
ardchoillesat_: Ok, now you should have more options when you log out20:18
nosrednaekimbenpicco: oh.... so what if you set horizontal to 1 and total to 3?20:19
benpicconosrednaekim: than the desktops don't act as a prism anymore, if i switch between them, all windows are like minimized on the current and faded in on the other desktop20:20
nosrednaekimbenpicco: I have no idea... it worked on my system20:21
jussi01benpicco: try #compiz-fusion20:21
sat_ardchoille:    it was already cheked. so, i don't difference - still shutdown is missing.20:21
ActionParsniphey all20:23
joseihola hola20:25
joseique tal20:25
jussi01!es | josei20:25
ubotujosei: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.20:25
romunovgreat, title bars disappeared again20:32
romunovdamn it, compiz20:32
nosrednaekimromunov: alt+f2 "kwin --replace"20:32
=== adam is now known as ArtVandelay
=== ArtVandelay is now known as ArtVandelay300
ArtVandelay300hello everyone20:33
nosrednaekimhello ArtVandelay30020:33
ArtVandelay300im usre this happens all the time but i was wondering if anyone would be kind enough to help me with a small issue20:34
nosrednaekimArtVandelay300: ask away.20:34
ArtVandelay300related to dmraid and my ntfs drive20:34
nosrednaekimthe more common it is, the easier :D20:34
ArtVandelay300hahah i bet20:34
nosrednaekimoh... I don't do raid....20:34
* nosrednaekim believes in hardware raid.20:34
ArtVandelay300i know i wish i had the money for it20:35
nosrednaekimyeah well, ask anyway, someone else might know20:35
ArtVandelay300i can see the array using dmraid  -r20:35
ArtVandelay300i go into disk & file systems and try to mount/enable and i get an error20:36
ArtVandelay300The system reported: $MFT has invalid magic.20:36
ArtVandelay300theres more but i dont want to spam the channel20:36
nosrednaekim!pastebin | ArtVandelay30020:37
ubotuArtVandelay300: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)20:37
ArtVandelay300wow thanks20:37
=== wolf0129 is now known as new2linux
ArtVandelay300An error occurred while loading http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org:20:39
=== new2linux is now known as new2KDE
nosrednaekimArtVandelay300: and if noone can help you here ( holidays is making some people scarce) you can always post on the ubuntu forums20:40
ArtVandelay300yeah ill do that20:40
jussi01ArtVandelay300: it works fine here - maybe remove the trailing : ??20:41
ArtVandelay300i enjoy chat as it can be a little more personal.  I found forum topic like my issue but all of them have deal with actually installing on the raid...i just need to get access to the array as a storage drive.  Kubuntu is already installed on my ide drive just fine20:41
jussi01!raid | ArtVandelay30020:41
ubotuArtVandelay300: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto20:41
=== ubuntu is now known as hdevalence
numpyhola people20:44
jussi01!es | numpy20:45
ubotunumpy: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.20:45
ArtVandelay300anyone know how to get audio over hdmi?20:45
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about hdmi - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi20:46
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about spdif - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi20:47
benpiccoi don't know if the latest fglrx driver supports it20:47
ArtVandelay300yeah thats what i was thinking20:47
jussi01ArtVandelay300: are you talking about adding a audio track to a hdmi moviie?20:47
benpiccois there such a device in alsamixer?20:47
jussi01benpicco: there is a program yes20:48
jussi01benpicco: just type that in terminal20:48
pizzicato`good evening20:48
benpiccohi pizzicato`20:48
benpiccojussi01: ?20:49
pizzicato`unable to save bookmarks in /home/pizzicato/.kde/share/apps/d3lphin/bookmarks.xmll Report error was : permession denied"20:49
jussi01pizzicato`: its a known bug20:49
* nosrednaekim shudders20:49
mgdmIs http://www.kubuntu.org/announcements/kde4-rc1.php still the best way to install KDE4?20:49
ArtVandelay300ive decided that ubuntu hates my g chipset20:49
pizzicato`how can I fix?20:49
ArtVandelay300ive decided that ubuntu hates my 690g chipset20:49
jussi01mgdm: no20:49
jussi01!kde4 | mgdm20:50
ubotumgdm: KDE 4 is the next major release of the K Desktop Environment. For more information see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KDE_4 - The Release Schedule is available at http://techbase.kde.org/Schedules/KDE4/4.0_Release_Schedule - RC 2 packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde4-rc2.php20:50
mgdmjussi01: thanks very much20:50
pizzicato`jussi01: do u have idea how can I fix this bug?20:50
jussi01pizzicato`: just either remove the file (lose any bookmarks for dolphin) or change the file bact your owner ship20:51
jussi01Trevinho: hi20:51
pizzicato`ok thanks20:51
jussi01pizzicato`: it is caused by using the "open as root" button in dolphin20:54
pizzicato`ok thanks.. now I have another problem.. I can't do apt-get ... it find an error20:54
jussi01pizzicato`: what is the error?20:55
pizzicato`when I run sudo apt-get update linux says me "E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.""20:55
pizzicato`:) thanks jussi0120:56
jussi01pizzicato`: so run sudo dpkg --configure -a20:56
rysiek|pl|afkhi guys20:56
rysiek|pl|afkI am trying to build kmobiletools, but those need an "rfcommsocketdevice.h" file - it ought to be in the "kdebluetooth-dev" package, but there is no such package20:57
rysiek|pl|afkI tried searching packages.ubuntu.com, no luck. found a launchpad entry about the package bein added, but... it hasn't, as it would seem. any ideas?20:58
jussi01!info kmobiletools20:58
ubotukmobiletools: KDE application for controlling your mobile phone. In component universe, is optional. Version (gutsy), package size 128 kB, installed size 484 kB20:58
jussi01rysiek|pl|afk: its in the repos, why compile?20:59
rysiek|pl|afkjussi01: yeah, but 4.3.3 does not work (fully) with my nokia20:59
daedalus__!info kismet20:59
ubotukismet: Wireless 802.11b monitoring tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 2007-01-R1b-1.1 (gutsy), package size 950 kB, installed size 2452 kB20:59
rysiek|pl|afkjussi01: it seems it needs the gammu engine support, and that was added in 0.5.x series20:59
al-mestarpls i need codec video21:04
rysiek|pl|afkal-mestar: no. you need a video codec21:04
rysiek|pl|afkal-mestar: sudo aptitude install kubuntu-restricted-extras21:04
rysiek|pl|afkal-mestar: or google for mplayer codecs21:04
biomanmplayer codec: http://www.mplayerhq.hu/design7/dload.html21:05
t00naI just upgraded to Gutsy21:11
t00naI just wiped my HD, reinstalled with a Gutsy CD.21:12
t00naoh, there's my problem21:12
t00nathis isn't Gutsy...21:12
SSJ_GZthat was easy21:12
awag22that was semi funny21:12
t00naoh, yeah it is.21:13
awag22welcome back21:13
thomasups...its english21:13
rysiek|pl|afkt00na: cat /etc/issue21:13
thomasis here someone from germany?21:13
XBehavethats gutsy21:13
Hirvinen!de | thomas21:13
ubotuthomas: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de21:13
ubotuMozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl21:14
t00naso I just installed.21:14
t00naFresh install/21:14
t00naBooted up, logged in fine. Then it was like, "Hey! there are restricted drivers! You can has!!!"21:14
t00naSo I was like "Can has?" and it installed them for me.21:15
t00narebooted 'cause it said to.21:15
noppedoes ubuntu patch wine or package vanilla-wine?21:16
t00naThen it was like "Hey! You have a bunch of updates! Do you want?" so I went through the little updatey thingy in the tray icon, told it to install, then left for lunch.21:16
t00naCame back, and it said "Couldn't commit changes... breaking packages"21:16
rysiek|pl|afknoppe: wine, imho, why?21:16
t00naSo I tried again, same thing.21:16
t00naThen it told me there was a distro upgrade available.21:16
rysiek|pl|afkt00na: known bug, unfortunately21:17
=== ForeverZero is now known as sea4ever
rysiek|pl|afkt00na: in konsole: sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude upgrade21:17
rysiek|pl|afkt00na: YRLY21:17
t00naO, KTHX21:17
XBehavenoppe: wine have a ubuntu repo IIRC and i dont think ubuntu patch the 1 in our repos21:18
rysiek|pl|afkt00na: knopbai21:18
t00naOH NOES21:18
rysiek|pl|afkwurs meh buckit21:18
t00na$ sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude upgrade21:19
ubotuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.21:19
noppemmh, okay. and rysiek|pl|afk, because the application I'd like to use with wine on a different distro apparently runs fine on ubuntu, according to the wine's appdb .21:19
t00naHit http://us.archive.ubuntu.com gutsy-updates/multiverse Sources21:19
t00naFetched 3B in 1s (2B/s)21:19
t00naE: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)21:19
t00naE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?21:19
t00naE: Couldn't rebuild package cache21:19
t00naoh, duh!21:19
rysiek|pl|afkt00na: don't do that21:19
rysiek|pl|afkt00na: don't flood21:19
rysiek|pl|afkt00na: use a pastebin21:19
jussi01!paste | t00na21:19
ubotut00na: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)21:19
t00nasorry, i thought it would be small enough that no one would mine...21:20
jhutchinst00na: 1) Close other programs/windows dealing with packages,21:20
jhutchins!aptfix | t00na 2)21:20
ubotut00na 2): If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »21:20
t00najhutchins: yeah, i just noticed I still had the updatey thing open :P21:20
jhutchinst00na: That'll do it.21:20
* t00na must wrap presents with mother, BRB if apt fails :)21:21
padeycan anyone help me with kopete? damn msn doesn't seem to work :( it errors on me and crashes as soon as I log in :/ wtf? yahoo seems to work just fine21:21
jussi01padey: new install?21:21
jussi01padey: its a known bug - it will go away once you update21:22
padeymoved from suse to kubuntu yesterday21:22
jhutchinspadey: There are other msn programs too.21:22
jhutchinspadey: BTW please keep the language family friendly.21:22
padeyyeah but don't want to use a whole program only for msn, it would be an honour :O21:22
mgdmHmm, I've got dependency problems here21:23
jussi01padey: hehe, well just do your updates and all is good :)21:23
jussi01mgdm: ?21:23
padeythanks :)21:23
* rysiek|pl|afk has updates! w00t21:24
t00naokay, now something funny happened21:24
mgdmjussi01: I'm just pastebinning the output21:24
t00napaste coming, three lines...21:24
t00naConfiguration file `/etc/qt3/qt_plugins_3.3rc'21:24
t00na ==> File on system created by you or by a script.21:24
t00na ==> File also in package provided by package maintaine21:24
rysiek|pl|afkt00na: Y21:24
rysiek|pl|afkt00na: install new version21:24
=== mistagee is now known as MistaGee
rysiek|pl|afkseriously, guys, we *have* to get adept to be able to handle config diffs21:25
t00nait workey!21:25
* jussi01 sighs...21:26
rysiek|pl|afkgosh, I would *love* to see that t00na got near a real true lolcat21:26
=== rysiek|pl|afk is now known as rysiek|p
=== rysiek|p is now known as rysiek|pl
jussi01!away | rysiek|pl21:27
uboturysiek|pl: You should avoid changing your nick in a busy channel like #ubuntu - it causes unrequired scrolling which is unfair on new users. The same goes for using noisy away messages : use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently - See also !Guidelines21:27
rysiek|pljussi01: yeah, sorry about that21:27
mgdmjussi01: I try to install, and I get http://pastebin.ca/828988, then if I do apt-get -f install, I get http://pastebin.ca/82898621:27
mgdm(I uploaded them in reverse order, for some weird reason :)21:27
jussi01mgdm: you need to remove the old kde4 packages first iirc21:29
mgdmjussi01: Hmm, I wasn't aware that I had any installed, maybe I did and forgot21:29
jussi01mgdm: as the first line says: Remove previous KDE 4 packages, they are not compatible (apt-get remove kdelibs5 kde4base-data kde4libs-data)21:29
padey"kopete is already the newest version." :O still crashes21:30
=== MistaGee is now known as mistagee
mgdmjussi01: Ok, will do, but I haven't installed KDE4 before, to my knowledge21:31
jussi01padey: hmmm, got updates repo turned on?21:31
padeyupdates repo? :S21:32
rysiek|plpadey: paste on a pastebin what you get from: cat /etc/apt/sources.list21:33
jussi01padey: go to adept - manage repositories - check its on there - also try fetch updates button in adept21:33
ax1skopete is not letting me specify webcam port21:36
ax1seven if i change it for my account, it still wants to use 68xx21:36
padeyjussi01: I turned all of the repo's on, still nothing :P21:38
jhutchins!info kopete21:38
padeywhat is the latest version of kopete?21:38
ubotukopete: instant messenger for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 4:3.5.8-0ubuntu2 (gutsy), package size 7140 kB, installed size 19708 kB21:38
ax1show do i check which version is with feisty21:39
ax1sit seems this bug only happnes after upgrading to gutsy21:39
DragnslcrVersion of Kopete in the repository is 0.12.721:39
jussi01!info kopete feisty21:39
padeythat is what I have21:39
assilvacorpKing> !es21:40
assilva<ubotu> Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.21:40
assilva* vicpaolo saiu (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))21:40
assilva<jughead> Hi, What software should I use in Kubuntu for managing partitions?  I just added a hard drive to my fileserver and I need to make a couple of ext3 partitions on it.21:40
assilva 21:40
ax1spadey: are yu having issues?21:40
assilva* Loaded log from Mon Dec 10 21:42:26 200721:40
assilva 21:40
assilva* A conversar em #kubuntu21:40
assilva* Tópico para #kubuntu é: Topic for #kubuntu:  Official Kubuntu support | FAQ: http://wiki.kubuntu.org/CommonQuestions | Kubuntu CDs! https://shipit.kubuntu.org | Pastes: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org | Offtopic in #kubuntu-offtopic please | KDE 4.0 RC2 Package & LiveCD http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde4-rc2.php | Tutorials Day logs at https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuTutorialsDay | The Flash plugin installation is currently broken.21:40
assilva* Tópico para #kubuntu colocado por jussi01 a Mon Dec 17 19:48:04 200721:40
assilva* murchadh` (n=user@ptr-65-249.btm.cpe.ip.airwire.ie) entrou em #kubuntu21:40
assilva<ax1s> how do i check which version is with feisty21:40
assilva* vit___ (n=vit@ entrou em #kubuntu21:40
assilva<ax1s> it seems this bug only happnes after upgrading to gutsy21:40
ubotukopete: instant messenger for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 4:3.5.6-0ubuntu9 (feisty), package size 7108 kB, installed size 19632 kB21:40
assilva* Janko_25 saiu (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))21:40
padeyyeah, msn doesn't work at all21:40
ax1shrm vs
jussi01padey: its not kopete that needs updating - its one of the other packages - make sure your system is fully updated and it will work!21:41
ax1spadey: installed libjasper-runtime ?21:42
assilvajussi01, vai se fusder filha da puta21:42
jussi01!en | assilva21:42
ubotuassilva: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are english only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat21:42
mgdmjussi01: works now, ta21:43
assilvajussi01, fodasse21:43
rysiek|pl!es | assilva21:43
ubotuassilva: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.21:43
jussi01mgdm: :)21:43
padeyinstalled it, didn't help :(21:43
ax1snobody else has tried changing default webcam port with gutsy?21:43
padeyyeah, I updated a couple of times now21:44
jussi01padey: is your system completely up to date?21:44
ax1spadey: run it from the console kopete --nofork21:44
ax1spadey: and see what it says when it quits21:44
jussi01padey I had the issue myself21:44
ax1shw can i force the old version of kopete to install?21:45
padeykopete: ERROR: : couldn't create slave : Unable to create io-slave:21:45
padeyklauncher said: Unknown protocol ''21:45
ax1sand your sources.list have repos enabled, not just cdrm?21:46
jussi01padey: got to adept - file - manage repositories - third tab (updates) make sure first 2 boxes are clicked21:47
ax1si dunno man.. gutsy has broken just about evernthing for me21:48
XBehavehow do i find out the ip of a computer on a local network?21:48
XBehavei can see its samba share in dolphin21:48
padeyyupp, all of them are already ticked21:48
jussi01padey: ok, try updating from the terminal - sudo apt-get update21:49
ax1sXBehave: ifconfig in terminal21:49
padeydone that to :D21:49
jussi01padey: do you now have the little package box on the taskbar?21:50
jussi01orange one21:50
DragnslcrXBehave- you could try just pinging it21:50
=== ForeverZero is now known as sea4ever
XBehaveDragnslcr: pinging what? the name?21:51
DragnslcrXBehave- yeah21:51
benpicco_hi, how to find out what caused a kernel panic?21:51
padeyI only have kwallet that almost looks like a package :/ nothing else, except soundmixer21:51
ax1s0.12.4 vs 0.12.721:52
rysiek|plpadey: in konsole: sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude upgrade21:52
ax1show do i revert to the older version of kopete21:53
XBehavedidnt work but thanks21:53
jussi01ax1s: grab the old deb, then sudo dpkg -i olddeb.deb21:53
padeyhehe, that totally did stuff but still didn't help21:55
ax1sjussi01:  thx ..21:55
jussi01padey: you may need to log out and in / restart for it to take... I think it was one of the kio packages21:55
padeythanks, I'll do that :)21:56
ax1show do i force the package not to upgrade21:57
jussi01ax1s: man apt-get21:57
jussi01ax1s: there is info in there abbout it21:58
jussi01!pin | ax1s21:59
ubotuax1s: pinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto21:59
Olof[M]Hello. I have a problem. Kubuntu isn't installing updates correctly (which has led me to other problems)21:59
jussi01Olof[M]: what exactly does it tell you?22:00
ax1spinning.. thx g22:00
Olof[M]it tells me the latest update is installed, but they're all outdated22:00
ax1sgonna see if the old version lets me change ports, before installing feisty again and checking that22:00
ax1sthx jussi22:00
jussi01Olof[M]: outdated? what do you mean?22:00
Olof[M]jussi01: I think it's called Package handler or similar?22:01
jussi01Olof[M]: adept?22:01
Olof[M]anyways, it tells me the latest update is installed22:01
Olof[M]amarok for an example22:02
Olof[M]It's at 1.4.3, even though 1.4.8 just was released.22:02
jussi01!info amarok22:02
ubotuamarok: versatile and easy to use audio player for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 2:1.4.7-0ubuntu3 (gutsy), package size 9618 kB, installed size 31020 kB22:02
jussi01!info amarok feisty22:02
ubotuamarok: versatile and easy to use audio player for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 2:1.4.5-0ubuntu7 (feisty), package size 14853 kB, installed size 33992 kB22:02
jussi01Olof[M]: what version of kubuntu are you using?22:03
Olof[M]I am not sure, how can I see that?22:03
ubotuTo find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell22:03
Olof[M](it's not  my computer. but I'm forced to use it as for now)22:03
Olof[M]konsole said: No LSB modules are available.22:04
jussi01Olof[M]: ok, give me: uname -a22:04
Olof[M]Linux Gammal 2.6.17-12-generic #2 SMP Mon Jul 16 19:37:58 UTC 2007 i686 GNU/Linux22:04
Olof[M]does that mean it hasn't been updated since july 16th?22:06
jussi01Olof[M]: that seems to be an older version of ubuntu22:06
Olof[M]older than what?22:06
jussi01Olof[M]: mine is: Linux jussi 2.6.22-14-generic #1 SMP Tue Dec 18 08:02:57 UTC 2007 i686 GNU/Linux22:06
jussi01!gutsy | Olof[M]22:07
ubotuOlof[M]: Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy Gibbon) is the latest version of Ubuntu. Upgrading to Gutsy:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GutsyUpgrades - Downloading: http://www.ubuntu.com/download - New Features: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/710tour - Please use bittorrent to download if possible, see !torrents22:07
Olof[M]jussi01: installing this. does it mean I have to format? do I have to burn a boot-cd?22:07
blekoshi, i'd like an explanation on the following matter. I messed up me pc. I reinstalled Kubuntu [only the root, the home remained intact]. Then I copied from my external HD an old back to my pc. Finally I installed the backup on my pc (that is I tried to do a full restore from the linux on the linux)22:07
jussi01!upgrade | Olof[M]22:08
Olof[M]I'm not used to using linux at all.22:08
ubotuOlof[M]: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes22:08
HirvinenSounds like edgy. 2.6.17-12 I mean.22:08
blekoswhy dont I see any changes? Should the back up be on a different partition/ hd than the one doing restore?22:08
jussi01Hirvinen: yeah, I ws thinking that also22:08
jussi01!info amarok edgy22:08
ubotuamarok: versatile and easy to use audio player for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 2:1.4.3-0ubuntu10 (edgy), package size 14370 kB, installed size 31288 kB22:08
jussi01yep, edgy22:08
HirvinenIt' the same as on my edgy box.22:09
jussi01Olof[M]: you need to upgrade through the versions one at a time, or back up and install all over again.22:09
Olof[M]jussi01: ok, but since I can't see what LSB I'm using, should I install from the first? 4.** whatever?22:10
Olof[M]LTS, not lbs.22:10
jussi01Olof[M]: no - you are on edgy22:10
whodatsay I've downloaded kdelirc and mythbuntu-lirc-generator via adept manager.  How would i go about running on of these programs if they don't appear in my application menu?22:10
jussi01Olof[M]: I would recommend a clean install of gutsy if backing up is not a problem.22:10
Olof[M]backing up is a problem :(22:11
jussi01!install | Olof[M]22:11
ubotuOlof[M]: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate22:11
Olof[M]no external devices, only broken harddrives.22:11
whodatI'm missing a fundamental concept on how to run programs that don't add themselves to application menus22:11
jussi01Olof[M]: oh, ouch. well I dont recommend doing much with out backing up first22:11
whodatand don't "tell noobs" what commands to use inside a terminal22:12
jussi01Olof[M]: try turning on backports repository - it has some newer versions of programs22:12
ubotuIf new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging22:12
jussi01Olof[M]: in the package manager , go to the menu and choose manage repositories, then go to the updates tab and make sure they are all ticked22:13
steffHello, somebody knows how to run a script automatically when coming out from hibernation?22:13
blekoscould someone inform me if it is neccessary the file to restore a back up should be on a different partition than the one making the restore to?22:14
ubotuVMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player"), and http://www.easyvmx.com/easyvmx.shtml can create VMs for it. For VMWare Server, instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware - See also !virtualizers22:14
jussi01ok, IM off to bed. night all!22:15
jhutchinsblekos: No.22:15
Olof[M]I can't find any tabs in "manage repositories"22:15
jhutchinsblekos: Simplest example is config files, you copy the file to config.bak, make a change, decide you don't like it, copy config.bak back to config.22:16
nandoalguien habla español22:16
jhutchins!es blekos22:16
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about es blekos - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi22:16
jhutchins!es | blekos22:16
ubotublekos: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.22:16
=== nando is now known as nandolinuxmaniac
blekoswell I had made a backup with simple backup but when I did a restore from terminal didnt see my old progrs etc22:17
jhutchins!easysources | Olof[M] See if this helps22:17
ubotuOlof[M] See if this helps: source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic22:17
Olof[M]you've lost me though. am I still supposed to install the latest updates? (edgy to feisty to gutsy)22:18
Olof[M]or will that help me in some other way?22:18
=== administrator is now known as iwm75
al-mestarpls audio codec22:19
romunoval-mestar: to play mp3s or...?22:23
jpatrick!mp3 | al-mestar22:24
ubotual-mestar: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats22:24
jpatrickhi jamster54522:26
jamster545i just pgraded to gutsy and now GRUB shows 3 different ubuntu selections22:26
jpatrickprobably just different kernels22:27
jamster545yes but i am not quite sure which one to use. i had two before because i used the wrong button in adept and it gave me both of them as 7.04, but now all are 7.10 with different numbers after the version22:28
romunovjpatrick: thanks for the help with the mp3 issue :>22:28
romunovi was away22:28
jpatrickjamster545: the top one should be just fine22:29
jpatrickromunov: no problem22:29
jamster545jpatrick: i think one has 7.10.xx-12 one is 7.10.xx-16 and another is 7.10.xx-15 note the xx is the number ithat i dont remember22:30
romunovjamster545: search the ubuntu package manager?22:30
jamster545romunov: i have it installed already22:30
jamster545i just have 3 of them showing up in GRUB22:31
romunovai, sorry, i'm not following 100% - ok then :)22:32
jpatrickjamster545: the one I have is Ubuntu 7.10, kernel 2.6.22-14-generic22:33
jpatrickjamster545: make sure it's a linux-image package you've installed22:33
jamster545ok. should i use the one with the highest (7.10.xx-16) then?22:34
jamster545jpatrick: is that ok? and then i know there is a way, i cant remember how, to edit the GRUB menu and remove the others22:35
=== artie is now known as artie__
jpatrickjamster545: removing their packages22:35
jpatrickjamster545: I have a linux-image_2.
=== artie__ is now known as artie
jamster545isnt their also a file i can open in Kate and kill it? jpatrick22:36
messiahhi, hello22:36
artiemoin moin22:36
jamster545i meant remove the name from the list22:36
messiahcan i use Skype at Kubuntun? i don't find anything at the PAcket manager22:36
jamster545messiah: try installing WINE anduse it to run Skype22:37
artiecan I hide the programs in the menu but dont remove them?22:37
jpatrickmessiah: just install the deb on their site22:37
jpatrickjamster545: kdesudo kate /boot/grub/menu.lst22:37
ubotuSi busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.22:37
jamster545brb while i try this22:38
artiecan I hide the programms in the start menu but dont remove them?22:38
jthomHi. glxconfig tells me "direct rending: No". Any ideas on how to make it say "Yes"? Kubuntu 7.10, using nvidia driver, installed via adept, not Envy.22:38
gauss_Does anyone here know how to use k3b to burn an audio CD so that there are no delays between tracks?22:38
artiecan someone help me?22:38
jthomOh, and not using compiz (not even installed)22:39
jamster545jpatrick: what is that paste thingy on the Ubuntu site so i can show you my menu.lst file?22:40
romunovartie: at the first glance, i can't find any option that would suit your need, sorry22:41
jpatrick!paste | jamster54522:42
ubotujamster545: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)22:42
jamster545ty ubotu22:42
jamster545jpatrick: please tell me which one to keep. the pastebin is http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/49362/22:44
jpatrickjamster545: depends, what does 'uname -r' give22:44
jpatrickjamster545: that's the one you're using right now22:45
jamster545ummm i dont know. i think the one at the top of the menu.lst which i pasted for you (as a .txt file) is the right one but please look22:45
jamster545no it isnt22:45
jamster545i used the middle one22:45
jamster545i believe it is the one you said you used22:46
jamster545jpatrick: thanks for the help, i think i am using a slightly older kernel. 2.60.20-16 is the one i am using22:47
jpatrickjamster545: looks like it22:47
jamster545i will boot te 2.60.22-14 like you are using22:47
jamster545i have it22:48
tolecnalHello there. I was wondering what package i kubuntu 7.10 was used for the the on screen gui for the multimedia buttons on my laptop/keyboard by default? I thought it might be lineak(d), but that isn't even installed. Thanks in advance22:54
jthomtolecnal: I haven't used linEAK but I do see it in the list of available software in Adept Manager.  Have you tried installing it?22:56
Linux_Galoretolecnal: I use keytouch22:56
artieCan I hide the buttonsin the Apllication Menu?22:57
sp1nnI neeed help installing compiz fusion on my kubuntu can anyone help me?22:57
tolecnaljthom: the thing is, the special keys on keyboard works perfectly out of the box. I was just curious what package is used to intercept the keypresses. I used lineakd and klineakconfig under debian for the same purpose, but I see that this isn't used here22:57
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ompiz - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi22:57
ubotuKubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion22:58
artieCan I hide the buttons in the Apllication Menu?22:58
alesanhi, do you have an idea how can I access a microsoft VPN??22:58
alesanso that I can join the network in the office.22:58
artieCan I hide the buttons in the Apllication Menu?22:58
Linux_GaloreI would wait for Hardie and KDE 4's release before stuffing around with compiz22:58
jthomtolecnal: okay, I'm clueless then, I'll duck and let someone else have a go22:58
artieCan I hide the buttons in the Apllication Menu?22:58
tolecnaljthom: thanks anyway :)22:58
artieCan I hide the buttons in the Apllication Menu?22:59
tolecnalartie: there is no need to endlessly repeat your question. if someone knows, they'll tell you22:59
artieOkay, thx23:00
Linux_Galoreartie: what application menu23:00
artiethe start menu23:00
tolecnalLinux_Galore: hmmm, it's not keytouch either. it's something that installed by default in 7.10 that takes care of the multimedia buttons on this keyboard, and I'm curious as to which program it is. Not being keytocuh, nor lineak23:02
Linux_Galoreartie: mouse over to the far left of the start menu then right click -> menu editor23:02
artieyes but then i just can remove them not hide23:02
Linux_Galoretolecnal: that would be HAL23:02
sp1nnI have A problem wwhen i type this in ko sole sudo apt-get update it asks me for the password but it doesnt let me write it!!23:03
Linux_Galoretolecnal: its just using defaults23:03
tolecnalLinux_Galore: HAL does the GUI stuff too? *scratches his head*23:03
sp1nnI have A problem wwhen i type this in ko sole sudo apt-get update it asks me for the password but it doesnt let me write it!!23:03
Linux_Galoretolecnal: no kde has all that built in23:03
sp1nnLinux_Galore: Do you know howw to solve it?23:04
artiegalore... If i do this, i only can remove the entries, not hide.23:04
Linux_Galoretolecnal: you can tamper with the settings in kcontrol  look in the Region and Accessibility section23:05
tolecnalLinux_Galore: cause my real problem is this; as I said, it works. but whenever I use headphones, the volume isn't being adjusted seeing it uses the master volume instead of adjusting the PCM volume. I'd like to change that, but couldn't figure out where the settings where or what program controlled it23:05
Linux_Galoretolecnal: kmix is for audio23:06
sp1nnI have A problem wwhen i type this in ko sole sudo apt-get update it asks me for the password but it doesnt let me write it!!23:06
* jessy_james ciao a tutti23:07
sp1nnI have A problem when i type this in konsole "sudo apt-get update" it asks me for the password but it doesnt let me write it or paste it!!!!23:07
Linux_Galoretolecnal: you should have the kmix icon in your system tray, works the same as the one in windows23:07
tolecnalLinux_Galore: yes, that I know. But seeing as I have special keys for adjusting this without opening a mixer window, it would be nice to have KDE adjust the PCM volume instead of the master volume. hence the reason I'm looking for the settings for the keys :)23:07
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE23:07
Linux_Galoretolecnal: media keys are not part of the audio setup,  I use keytouch to manage that23:08
tolecnalLinux_Galore: I remember you saying that, but again, seeing as KDE apparently handles this itself out of the box, just not the way I want it when I have headphones connected, it would be nice to fix this by the appropiate settings. Sorry for being a real nit picker23:10
Linux_Galoretolecnal: kde doesnt thats the problem23:10
Linux_Galoretolecnal: its just using defaults23:10
Linux_Galorethats why you use keytouch that allows you to redefine the media keys23:11
khelllhow shall i know if my laptop bluetooth is working?23:11
ubotukeyboard shortcuts can be set in K -> System Settings -> Keyboard & Mouse. Try also "Input Actions" in KControl. If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try the 'keytouch' package, explained at https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KDEMultimediaKeys - See !Keyboard for changing layouts23:13
ronnie_hi all, any know where I can find a default install for (Snack) a program needed by (amsn), ?23:14
tolecnalhmmm, keytouch also adjusts the _master_ volume instead of the PCM volume.. i'm just as far :/23:14
tolecnalLinux_Galore: anyway, thanks for your time and effort23:14
Linux_Galoretolecnal: you can define what keytouch adjusts in it config file23:15
tolecnalLinux_Galore: I'll just write two small bash scripts, that uses amixer and adjust the PCM volume instead of the master volume and have keytouch trigger those scripts respectivly on the key presses23:16
markit_2hi, I've installed flashplugin-nonfree, but if I visit youtube site with firefox, it complains that the plugin has not been installed... any idea?23:17
Linux_Galoretolecnal: or use dcop ie dcop kmix Mixer023:17
markit_2(btw, firefox 3.0beta1)23:18
Linux_Galoretolecnal: dcop allows you command line access the kde apps23:18
tolecnalmarkit_2: the plugin version used when writing the installer script has changed after release, thus the MD5 checksum fails. you need to install it manually23:18
markit_2fabolous :( any howto about it?23:19
tolecnalmarkit_2: wget http://fpdownload.macromedia.com/get/flashplayer/current/install_flash_player_9_linux.tar.gz23:19
tolecnalmarkit_2: tar zxf install_flash_player_9_linux23:19
markit_2btw, I've kubuntu 8.04 and doing with aptitude install shows no error in the console23:19
tolecnalmarkit_2: cd install_flash_player_923:19
tolecnalmarkit_2: sudo ./flashplayer_installer23:20
tolecnalmarkit_2: answer the questions, and done :)23:20
markit_2tolecnal: thanks a lot23:21
tolecnalthe lib location btw is /usr/lib/firefox, not /usr/lib/mozilla23:22
ronnie_any here use amsn?, for kubuntu 7.10, is the Snack program needed in the software choices?23:22
Linux_Galoreronnie_: why dont you just use pidgin/gaim23:22
ronnie_I couldnt find a web cam option on it23:23
Linux_Galorelol @ webcams23:23
markit_2tolecnal: I've 3 furefox dir, lol.. firefox, furefix-3-0-3 and firefox-plugin... maybe the latter is better23:24
Linux_GaloreI wonder if skype has the webcam stuff working yet23:24
khelllhow shall i know if my laptop bluetooth is working?23:24
markit_2sorry, firefox-addon, so is wrong23:25
tolecnalhmmm, even when I define a custom keyboard with keytouch, KDE still takes priority23:29
batis610i intalled apache2, libapache2-mod-php5, mysql-server, and when i try to open a file with an index.php firefox asks to download....what's wrong?23:29
ardchoillebatis610: Did you start the apache server?23:30
ubotuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)23:30
ThingusSo, I need a mencoder script that will convert all of my videos to standard Xvid/MP3 600xVAR, variable bitrate, NTSC.23:31
ThingusThat way I can back everything up and it will work.23:31
* jamster545 needs help saving and then exiting a file being edited in NANO through Konsole23:34
Linux_GaloreLinux Apache MySQL Perl/PHP/Python23:35
tolecnalLinux_Galore: I found an option under keytouch that makes it use PCM, but even applying that didn't work :/23:35
batis610ardchoille: yes23:35
ardchoillebatis610: Restart firefox and try again23:35
voonteI just finished installing Kubuntu (Hardy) and it works great so far.23:35
jamster545helpz me23:36
voonteI have one question. Is the recommended way to install KDE4 (latest trunk) in Kubuntu as written on http://techbase.kde.org/Getting_Started/Build/KDE4#Kubuntu_and_Debian ?23:36
* jamster545 needs to know how to save and exit a file he is editing in NANO through Konsole23:36
Linux_Galoretolecnal: Im looking at dcop for kmix and there is no PCM option23:37
batis610ardchoille: no change23:37
voontejamster545: Ctrl+X ?23:37
jamster545voonte: TYVFM!!!!!23:37
Linux_Galoretolecnal: type dcop kmix Mixer0  then hit [TAB] and you will see what I mean23:38
tolecnalLinux_Galore: I'm thinking about keytouch, under preferences; you have an option there to change the mixer channel it's supposed to change/alter23:38
Linux_Galoretolecnal: keytouch is just a front end to dcop really23:38
tolecnalLinux_Galore: and yes, I can see that PCM isn't listed there.23:39
ardchoillebatis610: There are testing and troubleshooting instructions at: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP23:39
tolecnalLinux_Galore: but what really puzzles me, is the fact that when I specify keytouch to run a manual command, in this case; 'amixer -c 0 set PCM 2dB-' it doesn't even run when the key is pressed23:41
tolecnalLinux_Galore: and this is on a keybourd which has manually been edited using 'keytouch-editor'23:41
tungAnyone know how to view flash in opera?23:42
tolecnalLinux_Galore: you would believe that the command would be run, but it isn't23:42
tolecnalLinux_Galore: and yes, the command has been tested manually from a console and has been found working23:42
tolecnalLinux_Galore: seems like KDE still takes care of the buttons, and disregards keytouch23:42
tolecnalLinux_Galore: and yes, keytouchd is running :)23:42
=== mistagee is now known as MistaGee
Linux_Galoretolecnal: make sure keytouchd is running23:44
Linux_Galoretolecnal: keytouch uses a daemon to capture the input23:44
tolecnalLinux_Galore: as I said, I made sure it was running :)23:44
pros922Question: For some reason I was banned from #ubuntu. Any way to find out why?23:45
Linux_Galoretolecnal: I found you can use kcontrol to initiate dcop command via the keyboard, ie Regional & Access -> Input Actions23:46
intelikeypros922 /info channel  ?23:47
intelikeyoh sorry.  may only work for staff23:47
Linux_Galoretolecnal: use different keys to adjust the PCM setting23:47
intelikeypros922 /j #ubuntu-opps  and ask ?23:48
Linux_Galoretolecnal: ie ctrl Volume +   etc23:48
=== MistaGee is now known as mistagee
=== tehm0nk_ is now known as tehm0nk
LimCore how to pimp up my amd64/nvidia ubuntu 64bit with beryl/etc?23:54
ubotuBeryl has been merged with Compiz to form Compiz-Fusion.  New Beryl installs are discouraged. See also !compiz23:55
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about comiz - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi23:56
ardchoilleMaybe I should have done !spell_checker, lol23:56
ubotuKubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion23:56
=== nuu is now known as nu
=== nu is now known as nuu
sourcemakerardchoille: is it a good idea... to change the value vm.swappiness=20 to vm.swappiness=5 in /etc/sysctl.conf? Have a read... that this will increase the performance of kubuntu?23:59

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