
Fujitsulamont: Looks like you could have hppa finished for Christmas.01:04
lamontFujitsu: queue is empty, it wants a full give-back of the anything not buit01:04
FujitsuThat's what I was meaning.01:05
FujitsuThat's a few hundred, IIRC.01:05
* Fujitsu has confirmed that LP isn't being stupid about the empty queue - all the stuff that is marked as superseded is, in fact, superseded.01:05
Rinchenhppa is always empty lamont  ;-)01:19
gsprIf I build a package for my PPA, I, like most people, find it convenient to add a ~ppaX to the package version. Can I do this without changing the changelog? It happens that I just grab a debian or hardy package and don't make any changes. Not that changing the changelog is a problem, but it sounds like the wrong way to do it01:43
FujitsuThere are other ways to do it, but they are nasty, improper and confusing, so won't be mentioned here.01:43
FujitsuAnd they might not even work.01:44
gsprheh, ok01:44
gsprI'm just looking to do things the right way01:45
gsprand I'm a bit confused: What decides which distribution version a package is built for?01:45
gsprI always thought it was the distribution field in the changelog01:45
gsprbut that would mean the changelog had to be changed for every package simply imported from debian, and that doesn't seem to be the case01:45
FujitsuIt is the distribution field in the .changes, which is derived from that in the changelog.01:45
FujitsuRight, the .changes are specially generated for syncs, or they're overridden internally.01:46
gspryeah OK01:46
FujitsuPPA has the suite override feature which allows you to do similar things.01:47
Fujitsu(add a /hardy or whatever to the upload URL, and the package will go to hardy)01:47
gsprso, not that it matters, but let's say I pull a package directly from debian and put it in my PPA. Should I make a changelog entry to change the version number to ~ppa1, or should I change the .changes?01:47
gsproh, right01:47
gsprthat's nice01:47
FujitsuA changelog entry is better.01:47
RinchenI'm off... have a happy next week folks01:48
FujitsuYou too, Rinchen.01:48
gsprFujitsu: That's what I thought at first. Again, not that it matters, but wouldn't this mean that every single package in ubuntu would have an -ubuntuX version attached to it?01:48
gsprif every import should be given a changelog entry01:48
FujitsuWe don't change the version, as ours are official packages.01:49
gsprthanks for the help01:50
FujitsuYou probably want to let your packages be upgraded to the official ones if they appear, so you need to make your version sort lower, by appending ~ppa1 or similar.01:50
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Hobbseei think soyuz exploded.12:29
Hobbseedoes someone have root access to the buildds?12:29
FujitsuHobbsee: Why?12:30
HobbseeFujitsu: because it appears that lots of stuff is failing, where it should be there, and we've suddenly lost about 500 needs-build12:30
Hobbseei'm not sure if they attempted to build, but failed due to deps, every 40 seconds...12:30
FujitsuWhich 500 and when?12:31
Hobbseewell, there were a whole stack for hppa12:31
Hobbseejust a couple of days ago12:31
FujitsuThey're done.12:31
Hobbseethey are?12:31
HobbseeFujitsu: and http://launchpadlibrarian.net/11030532/buildlog_ubuntu-hardy-i386.rhythmbox_0.11.4-0ubuntu1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz ?12:31
FujitsuI'm not sure how, but they're legitimately out of pending.12:31
FujitsuHobbsee: GNOME was broken for a while, perhaps.12:32
FujitsuThat's a fairly normal failure.12:32
HobbseeTotals by arch:12:32
Hobbsee    * sparc:61212:32
Hobbsee    * i386:62712:32
Hobbsee    * amd64:623 12:32
Hobbseeah, yup, you're right12:32
Hobbsee(main, failed to install packages)12:32
FujitsuFailed to build?12:32
Hobbseeno, no, install12:33
Hobbseeexploded the day after release, too.  heh12:33
Fujitsuhppa's queue was empty just after rollout due to a bug I filed, but that got fixed a few hours later, and they came back. They dissipated again after a couple of days, but a number of checks that I've performed say that they're now in other sane statuses.12:35
Hobbseeah, good12:35
FujitsuSo yes, Soyuz had its usual fatal bug just before release of a milestone, but it got fixed quickly :)12:38
Hobbseeno, i didn't think they could all build that quick.12:38
FujitsuI think it's broken because esound-common has gone away.12:41
FujitsuYes, that's it.12:41
FujitsuThat will have broken... a lot.12:41
Fujitsu... it got demoted, then repromoted 3 hours later.12:43
FujitsuThe esound-common binary seems to not exist in the archive.12:45
HobbseeFujitsu: soyuz probably got hungry.12:48
ubotuNew bug: #178102 in soyuz "(Quick) promotion and demotion can lose binaries" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17810213:20
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ubotuNew bug: #178107 in rosetta "Translation download requests not fulfilled" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17810713:50
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kikohow is everybody17:46
kikokinda quiet I can see :)17:47
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