
PiciYou're about 4 months eary.00:00
telexiconthe alpha 2 release...00:01
telexiconits up00:03
DarkMageZit's not ready... it lacks the latest fglrx & nvidia drivers :(00:04
DanaGFontconfig warning: "/etc/fonts/conf.d/100-legacy-subpixel.conf", line 5: invalid constant used : legacy00:05
DanaGgaack, does that mean I won't be able to use the legacy LCD filter?00:06
timHi how do i install nvidia driver for Kubuntu in 8.04 ??01:21
h3sp4wntim: There is a few different ways how you could - some more effort than others01:23
timwhat is the easiest way?01:26
timhow do i do it?01:27
h3sp4wnNo interest in that way - use the nvidia.com installer same as it always is01:31
timWhat driver i download for geforce fx5700le driver ?01:34
timHow do i install package NVIDIA-Linux-x86-169.07-pkg1.run ?01:36
void^(why are you running 8.04?)01:38
timYou appear to be running an X server; please exit X before01:44
tim         installing.  For further details, please see the section INSTALLING01:44
tim         THE NVIDIA DRIVER in the README available on the Linux driver01:44
tim         download page at www.nvidia.com.01:44
timDo u guys have the some problems installing nvidia driver In kubuntu as me??01:59
timDo u guys have the some problems installing nvidia driver In kubuntu 8.04 as me??01:59
Hobbseetim: you don't want to run hardy02:05
timwhy ?02:29
timany one here?02:34
timany livign ppl here?02:40
DanaGFontconfig warning: "/etc/fonts/conf.d/100-legacy-subpixel.conf", line 5: invalid constant used : legacy02:40
bigdogcongratulations to the team for releasing alpha202:43
bigdogthank you for your efforts02:43
bigdogespecially in the holiday season02:44
timae u real ?02:45
DanaGGaack, that fontconfig thing is a big regression.  Now my fonts look all cleartype-ey.02:46
DanaGoh wait, I was looking at Firefox.  Firefox has always looked crappy.02:46
timSo how do i install nvidia driver in alpha 2?02:46
timeh ?02:47
telexiconyou dont02:48
telexiconits impossible02:48
timor is it?02:49
timwhat about this article ??? http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=945&num=102:49
timHow what do u say about that ??!!02:51
timu giveu p now?02:52
timu afk ?02:52
telexiconi give up02:53
bderrlyhe left02:53
DanaGAnyway, nvidia on 2.6.24 IS possible..... it's just a really hideous hack.02:53
DanaGYou have to edit the nvidia source files to #undef CONFIG_PARAVIRT_OPS (I think it is) before the imports.02:54
* telexicon hopes nouveau will come out with something usable soon02:54
bderrlywhat was changed in the kernel that makes the nvidia driver such a pain?02:59
telexiconis madwifi working in this kernel? I wasnt able to compile it myself for .24 a few weeks ago03:00
timHi how do I upgrade kernel to 2.6.24 in stable ubuntu ?03:43
hydrogenyou don't/.03:43
timplz tell me how do i do it?03:45
timplz tell me how do i do it?03:47
IdleOnedo what?03:47
timHi how do I upgrade kernel to 2.6.24 in stable ubunt03:48
IdleOnedownload the deb and install it I guess03:49
timplz help me to find it03:49
IdleOnelook here packages.ubuntu.com/hardy/newpkg_main03:51
hydrogenthats very likely03:52
hydrogento cause a horribly broken system03:52
IdleOnetim: you can try installing that kernel but if you are installing it on a previous version of ubuntu you probably will break your system bad like hydrogen said03:57
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IdleOne!info webfs04:12
ubotuwebfs: lightweight http server for static content. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.21-5 (hardy), package size 45 kB, installed size 164 kB04:13
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* BaD-Laptop looks at the topic and tries to find the "discussion" in here...05:25
DanaGgaack, why does Firefox's font rendering suck so badly?06:21
DanaGAnd why is the 'legacy' LCD filter no longer working?06:22
ubotuLaunchpad bug 159434 in libcairo "Unable to set legacy subpixel rendering" [Undecided,Invalid]06:35
assasukassehi everyone08:44
assasukassei noticed that sl modem source doesn't compile08:44
assasukasseeither using the gutsy or the hardy version08:44
assasukassei also read there are a few miles long bugs from tribe 2...08:45
assasukasseseems that the package maintainer is not caring at all08:45
assasukassewould you please remove him from his task and put someone else?^08:45
assasukassehe might be busy at the moment with other things.08:45
assasukassei consider MUCH more important to be able to connect by modem in emergencies than to have all those bullshit of moving jello compiz winodws..08:46
assasukassei think is needed to really think what is important and what is superfluos08:46
DarkMageZassasukasse, which package?09:00
stdinassasukasse: what makes you think it won't compile?09:06
assasukasseitsimply doesnt09:06
DarkMageZany particular error output?09:06
ubotuLaunchpad bug 103072 in sl-modem "[Feisty & Gutsy Tribe] sl-modem module doesn't compile" [Medium,Confirmed]09:08
assasukassethis one the same exactly09:08
DarkMageZyou poor linmodem users... even worse you poor dial-up users... i don't think any of the ubuntu dev's particularly care about dial-up. feel free to write a patch tho.09:11
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sigma_will hardy support creative 5.1 soundcards?09:39
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=== bigon is now known as bigon`
=== bigon` is now known as bigon
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vincenzI am having issues upgrading from feisty to gutsy15:26
Hobbseevincenz: and trouble reading the /topic, it apperas15:27
rothchildvincenz: you need #ubuntu15:27
michalskiubuntu+1 is for the new beta were making15:27
* vincenz nods15:27
bazhangalpha actually15:50
tumbleweed__The World Is On Fire (8:21)16:22
tumbleweed__by Strawberry Alarm Clock16:22
tumbleweed__Incense and Peppermints - Track 0116:22
hydrogenthat is kind of annoying.17:04
bazhangsure is17:05
bazhangmusic spam17:14
ArelisIs it safe to use packages from Hardy on Gutsy? like xmonad and "awesome"17:32
pvandewyngaerdeits not safe to use a computer17:36
Arelishydrogen: not a single package?17:37
Arelis(not the repo's)17:37
hydrogenthe entire reason there is a hardy17:38
hydrogenis because17:38
hydrogenthe packages are not safe to put into gutsy17:38
hydrogendue to changes in the toolchain17:38
Arelishmm.. and i almost installed xmonad from there.17:38
Lilacorhi folks18:41
Lilacorhow do I add another HDD to make it be my cache without LVM?18:42
LilacorI've filled up my 4GB partition and I added another 8GB but I'm not using LVM so I can't dynamically increase the root partition.... :(18:42
Danis alpha 2 available?19:11
Dannvm, found it19:12
tumbleweed__I'm having problems with dbus19:50
tumbleweed__it says it's already started, but apps that depend on it are acting wonky, like the trash19:50
tumbleweed__tumbleweed@tumbleweed:~$ update-manager -d19:51
tumbleweed__warning: could not initiate dbus19:51
tumbleweed__Failed to connect to the Trash: Failed to connect to socjet /tmp/dbus-NNSZc19wEg: Connection refused19:51
tumbleweed__similarly, battery monitoring and the like is also broken19:52
awen_anyone else here running kubuntu hardy on a laptop?19:55
nickname00000has kubuntu hardy alpha 2 kde 4.0 included?19:56
tumbleweed__I am19:56
awen_tumbleweed__: do your battery monitor also show 2 batteries and 2 processors (even though you only have one?)19:57
tumbleweed__actually, my battery monitor is broken, and I DO have two processors :P19:57
tumbleweed__nickname00000 : https://wiki.kubuntu.org/HardyHeron/Alpha2/Kubuntu#head-016b4fbb5e6c07096dc7d802c99c44af7fcbfc6919:58
awen_tumbleweed__: have you made a bug report about it?19:59
nickname00000is it installed by default? or should I install it?19:59
tumbleweed__it's installed by default19:59
ArtimusIs there a wiki setup or anything handling current "show stopping" Hardy issues?  Seems like it might be something kind of useful...19:59
tumbleweed__awen_ : not as of yet19:59
nickname00000ok thanks19:59
tumbleweed__Artimus : that would be the bugs page on launchpad19:59
ArtimusI suppose...19:59
awen_tumbleweed__: okay... is it something that just happened? my battery monitor startet acting strange within the last 2 days?20:00
tumbleweed__awen_ : probably, versions of programs are changing constantly, and it's to be expected, as this is an alpha20:00
tumbleweed__awen_ : I've had similar problems, it probably has to do with dbus acting funky, but I have no clue20:01
awen_tumbleweed__: exactly... i'am wondering which package i should actually file a bug against20:01
tumbleweed__I should think dbus, hald, or something related to battery monitoring, depending on the bug20:02
awen_tumbleweed__: the funny thing is that i've got a second cpu together with the second battery (and yes, neither of them exists in real life :) )20:03
* tumbleweed__ shrugs20:03
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tretleare the nvidia drivers still being held back?21:01
tretlejust incase anyone was wondering.... nvidia drivers are no longer held back22:31
rainwalkeris there a set release when hardy's new theme will be used?23:50
crimsunasking in ubuntu-artwork may yield better results.23:51
rainwalkerahh, alright, thanks :)23:51

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