
LjLstdin: note that ubotwo doesn't have all the abilities ubotu has, though. bugsnarfer doesn't work, !info doesn't work (though !find does work, i'm not sure why !info doesn't but i haven't investigated)02:09
Invert314ah crap02:10
Invert314i did it again02:10
stdinLjL: yeah, I've found !info and !find to be strange things to get working. but there is packages.u.c for that02:10
LjLInvert314: afraid you did yea02:10
Invert314i just changed my quit message02:11
Invert314i'll demonstrate:02:11
LjLstdin: that's true, my older hack told people "package searching is not available, try p.u.c instead", but i deleted my hacked version by mistake some time ago02:11
LjLrm *is* evil02:11
LjLInvert314:  ok, i'll unban you, but please don't let it happen a third time02:11
Invert314i promise it won't happen again02:12
ubotuIn #ubuntu, redd0t said: ubotu: if you look he is downloading linux distros02:37
ubotuIn #kubuntu-devel, nixternal said: !kubuntu-bugs is Major Kubuntu desktop bugs can be found at https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-team/+packagebugs04:07
nixternaldamnit, can I please get my bot editing power back...hobbsee isn't around, so quick :)04:08
elkbuntu_!kubuntu-bugs is Major Kubuntu desktop bugs can be found at https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-team/+packagebugs04:10
ubotuIn #ubuntu-ops, elkbuntu_ said: !kubuntu-bugs is Major Kubuntu desktop bugs can be found at https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-team/+packagebugs04:10
=== elkbuntu_ is now known as elkbuntu
elkbuntu!kubuntu-bugs is Major Kubuntu desktop bugs can be found at https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-team/+packagebugs04:10
ubotuI'll remember that, elkbuntu04:10
elkbuntuthere we go04:10
ubotukubuntu-bugs is Major Kubuntu desktop bugs can be found at https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-team/+packagebugs04:15
nixternalwhy thank you04:15
nixternalI hate searching for that link :)04:15
ubotuIn #kubuntu-devel, nixternal said: !no kubuntu-bugs is <reply> Major Kubuntu desktop bugs can be found at https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-team/+packagebugs04:53
nixternalI HATE YOU BOT!04:53
=== rob1 is now known as rob
=== rob1 is now known as rob
cowlikkhello i was wondering if i can get unbanned05:48
naliothhave you read the Code of Conduct and the guidelines, cowlikk ?05:48
cowlikkyes i have since read the code of conduct05:49
cowlikki was just being rude and am soory for what i said05:50
nalioththen rejoin #ubuntu and take care  :)05:50
cowlikkthank you very much i will be much more considerate next time05:51
naliothit doesn't cost anything  ;)05:51
cowlikkwhy am i banned from #kubuntu still?05:53
cowlikkoh workin now thanks05:54
kitofhawaiiheya all06:23
kitofhawaiii have news06:24
kitofhawaiikahrytan's giving me control of the group06:24
kitofhawaiior rather agreeing to let me take control06:25
kitofhawaiiif that makes sense at least :) we came to an amicable resolution and we're working out the details now06:26
kitofhawaiiis there anything specific you want him to do?06:26
naliothabide by the CoC ?06:27
kitofhawaiilol well i'll have him go sign it :) we'll see how well that works out...:)06:30
kitofhawaiisince i'm unfamiliar with it, how does he go about turning over the IRC channel to me? maybe i should ask in #freenode...:)06:32
nalioth  /msg chanserv set #ubuntu-us-hi contact kitofhawaii  < press enter key >06:34
naliothkitofhawaii: you can ask anything in here that you'd ask in #freenode06:35
kitofhawaiinalioth: thank you :)06:35
kitofhawaiihe needs to do that right?06:35
naliothif he wants you to have the channel06:36
kitofhawaii<kahrytan> doh06:40
kitofhawaii Communal06:40
kitofhawaii<kitofhawaii> communal?06:40
kitofhawaii<kahrytan> I tried /msg chanserv set #ubuntu-us-hi contact kitofhawaii06:40
kitofhawaii didnt work06:40
kitofhawaiisorry about that...06:40
nalioth  /msg chanserv help identify06:41
kitofhawaiioh didn't realize he hadn't identified yet :) thanks :)06:44
kitofhawaiicontact changed :)06:49
ubotuIn ubotu, nikoPSK said: !life is Sometimes, we need some fresh air, bear with us for a bit.07:05
ubotuIn ubotu, nikoPSK said: !fool is <reply> a silly person07:06
ubotuIn ubotu, nikoPSK said: !binary is Binary is system of numbers using only 0 and 1. If you want to translate binary please look here: http://www.paulschou.com/tools/xlate/07:09
ubotuEADG called the ops in #ubuntu ()07:12
=== no0tic__ is now known as no0tic
jussi01morning all08:45
jussi01elkbuntu: ping08:45
jussi01Gary: you around?08:48
elkbuntujussi01, pong?08:50
jussi01elkbuntu: I received a message back from seveas.08:51
jussi01basically ubotu is set so if anyone is added to the ubuntu-irc team a cron job is run and they are added to ubotu's bits and peices08:52
ardchoilleIn that case, I'd like to be added to the ubuntu-irc team please.08:54
ardchoilleI've joined the ubuntu-irc team but subscription request pending approval08:57
Garyjussi01, and me too then09:40
jussi01Gary: and you too?09:41
Garyre: ubotu & team09:41
jussi01ahh... havent you been on that list for application to that team for a while?09:43
Garyyeah :p09:44
jussi01all 3 of us are on the list for the team, its about whether the cc decides to trust us....09:44
GaryI had a bit of away time from irc in the middle09:44
=== Hobbsee_ is now known as Hobbsee
robany irc-council types around at the moment?13:09
PriceChildrob, is it ok if i get back in 5 mins?13:14
robPriceChild, yes, riddle just requested jpatrick be added to a Kubuntu channel access list13:15
PriceChildrob, He's already on, and riddell can do that kind of thing himself13:15
rob<Riddell> hi, could you up jpatrick's access level on #kubuntu-es to 4913:16
jpatrickyes, #kubuntu-es13:16
PriceChildahhh #kubuntu-es...13:16
PriceChildthought you meant #kubuntu :)13:16
robheh sorry :)13:16
PriceChildWhat has happenned to TiMiDo?13:17
jpatrickhe's only around every once in a while13:17
jpatrickhardly know and memoing him, takes weeks to reply13:18
* Hobbsee often takes weeks to reply to memos13:18
Hobbseeactually, i suspect he got quieter once i told him no for ops in #Kubuntu13:18
PriceChildrob, I'm not sure if you want to treat me as an ubuntu contact as the gcf hasn't gone through freenode yet. nalioth ​has always suggested we go through him so he's the one that gets in trouble13:20
PriceChildI'll be back in 5 mins.13:20
* rob leaves it to nalioth then13:20
Hobbseerob: afaik, riddell's still the de-facto channel contact for anything #kubuntu*. j ust do it.13:22
robseeing as he already has ops there is no rush13:24
ubotuIdleOne called the ops in #ubuntu ()13:40
ubotuastro76 called the ops in #ubuntu (koolaid)13:41
Gary* koolaid (n=omgyea@pool-72-71-64-2.atl01.dsl-w.verizon.net) has joined #ubuntu13:42
Garyneeds a ban13:42
ubotuIn ubotu, kubuntu said: tell me, what is that link?13:48
* Gary passes ompaul a nice mince pie and coffee13:57
ompaulcoffee +113:57
ompaulmince pie .... -27 allergy :P13:57
* Gary steals mince pie13:58
jussi01hello all14:15
Garyhello jussi0114:16
jussi01gday gary!14:16
* ompaul wonders who all is14:16
* jussi01 throws eggs at ompaul 14:16
* ompaul hands jussi01 a command to run "/me misses"14:17
* jussi01 misses but the eggs ricochet off the chair and hit ompaul in the back of the head 14:18
jpatrickrob: cheers14:46
* nalioth waves14:46
jpatrickah thank you :)14:47
naliothde nada14:47
=== jpatrick_ is now known as jpatrick
LjLu_: sorry, please type /join #ubuntu and then /part #ubuntu-ops. my mistake.15:16
ubotuIn #ubuntu, underdawg said: !lexmark is http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=4971415:53
LjL!lexmark is <alias> printers15:56
ubotuI'll remember that, LjL15:56
ubotuIn ubotu, underdawg said: !lexmark is http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=4971415:57
underdawghi i just had a recommendation15:58
underdawgfor the ubotu bot15:59
LjLunderdawg: when there is an official Ubuntu wiki guide, and in this case there is one, it should be preferred over forum posts or anything15:59
underdawgI see15:59
underdawgI'll keep that in mind when trying to help the bot next time15:59
LjLif the guide is incomplete, i guess you can help improving it - it's a wiki after all15:59
LjLconsult the people in #ubuntu-doc if you want to do that15:59
underdawgI will16:00
underdawgsorry for any nuisance16:00
underdawgI'll head out now16:00
ubotuThe Flash plugin installation is currently broken. This is due to Adobe changing the tar file that the package downloads. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=636397 if you need to fix this immediately, but it's recommended to wait for an official fix.16:41
ubotuMany Ubuntu IRC channels prohibit access from !proxies such as !TOR due to a high level of abuse. You can however obtain a hostmask cloak: see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#cloaks16:56
ubotuAttention tor users.  You may think you are anonymous, but you are not.  Please visit http://tor.unixgu.ru/ and see for yourself.   Please evaluate your need to use tor here on irc.  If you wish anonymity, Freenode offers cloaks of many different types. http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#cloaks16:57
LjLPici: that's tor-#ubuntu-ops17:02
PiciLjL: http://tor.unixgu.ru/ is down... not sure what was supposed to be there17:03
LjLPici: i changed that factoid, but i guess !tor-#ubuntu-ops wasn't an alias but a copy17:06
LjL!search unixgu17:06
ubotuFound: tor-#ubuntu-ops-also17:06
LjL!forget tor-#ubuntu-ops-also17:06
ubotuI'll forget that, LjL17:06
ubotuMany Ubuntu IRC channels prohibit access from !proxies such as !TOR due to a high level of abuse. You can however obtain a hostmask cloak: see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#cloaks17:06
PiciInteresting, I did not know about -also17:07
LjLPici: not very useful mostly. it has been useful in some specific instances - for example, !flash should and does alias to !restricted, however when flash 9 wasn't yet in the main repos, there was a !flash-also that mentioned backports17:08
LjLthe drawback is even more spam from the bot, if that's used in channels17:08
jussi01does anyone have any clue as to when the next community council meeting will be?17:16
PiciDid you check the fridge?17:17
jussi01Pici: no, but i did check the agenda...17:17
naliothPici: join #ubuntu-read-topic  and !tor there17:31
Picioops, wrong button17:32
Picisome weird screen command17:34
jdongI love those17:38
jdongcd /srv/share17:38
LjLhey look, there's some fool who actually has /srv!17:49
jdongLjL: lol considering I'm using it for illegal purposes wink wink it's nothing to be proud of :D17:50
LjLi should ban you now y'know17:50
jdongLjL: then I might actually be productive!17:51
LjLoh, i'm afraid i would have to ban you from a couple of other channels too for that to happen17:52
jdonglol my productivity is uncurable.17:52
Jack_SparrowBounce allhaver in ubuntu18:02
LjL!flash-also is <alias> flashissues18:08
ubotuI'll remember that, LjL18:08
LjLsee, it comes useful again18:08
ubotuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash18:08
ubotuThe Flash plugin installation is currently broken. This is due to Adobe changing the tar file that the package downloads. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=636397 if you need to fix this immediately, but it's recommended to wait for an official fix.18:08
LjLalthough uhm, !flash isn't an alias to !restricted anymore anyway18:08
ikoniais the second factoid auto triggered from the first18:29
LjLikonia: yes18:31
ikoniaLjL: thats excellent, thank you18:32
=== no0tic_ is now known as no0tic
PriceChildDid that irseek guy ever come back?19:52
tomawYeah, we've been talking to him on and off for a while now19:54
PriceChildAnything been decided?19:57
LjLkonversation segfaulting... this is new20:12
* PriceChild mutters something about kde crack20:12
* jussi01 mutters about PriceChild 20:13
LjLPriceChild: konversation never crashed while idle before. the worst it ever did (an svn version i was using) was crash at startup if i minimized it before it connected to irc20:17
PriceChildI was just joking :)20:17
* LjL mutters something about kde 4 crack rather20:18
jussi01LjL: hehe... maybe its trying to use incorrect libs? (ie. kde4 ones?)20:20
LjLi hope not20:20
jdongjussi01: or he's trying to use incorrect client?20:20
LjLalthough i haven't quite been able to remove the kde4 stuff20:20
jussi01sombody kick him....20:20
jdongjussi01: some friend you are :P20:21
LjLjdong: yeah, for instance when i try to send messages, sometimes people with nicknames starting with j get kicked instead20:21
jussi01jdong: btw, did you get a mark?20:21
jdongjussi01: no :(20:21
jdongjussi01: really sucks....20:21
jdongjussi01: probably going to have to wait till after new year20:21
jdongthey aren't required to turn em in until like the 17th20:21
jdongand it seems like all of the TA's have gone on holiday20:21
jussi01jdong: at least you got a letter grade20:21
jdongcouldn't get any clarification of what the Letter Grade row means in grade management20:22
jdongjussi01: lol but I don't know what that letter grade is for :D20:22
jdongA D+ averaged with a C is.... tight at best20:22
LjLD++ or C--, that is the question20:23
jussi01PriceChild: can you define "sustained positive contribution" needed for the ubuntu-irc team?20:24
LjLyou need to not piss off pricechild for a couple of months20:24
jussi01LjL: heheeh...20:24
J-_you guys are crazy playing tricks like that with me. /me facepalms.20:25
LjLsome people *are* emotional.20:25
LjLjussi01: he was sneakingly opped in -offtopic by someone20:25
jussi01does irssi log by default?20:26
LjLit lags by default20:26
LjLabout logging, i dunno20:26
PriceChildjussi01, op for a couple of months in a channel half the council watches in is probably good enough if we think you're sound of judgement20:26
LjLwhich is quite an assumption20:27
jussi01PriceChild: ok. thanks very much.20:27
PriceChildjussi01, at the end of the day "it depends"20:27
jussi01PriceChild: I expected that. ;) just wanted a general idea, which you provided. :)20:28
ubotuIn ubotu, boxemall said: what is  !automate?20:30
LjL!bot > boxemall    (boxemall, see the private message from Ubotu)20:30
PriceChildFor some reason I can never remember when Christmas day is.21:08
PriceChildIts that damn christmas eve that confuses me.21:08
PriceChildand planet doesn't help with someone in another country claiming the 24th21:09
LjLi think i've known when christmas day was the very day i learned the date system.21:10
PriceChildbirthdays, anniversaries I'm fine with21:11
LjLwell it's a birthday in a sense :P21:12
PriceChildI've never been a fan of religion though :P21:12
jussi01!o4o | PriceChild21:13
ubotuPriceChild: Some things are inappropriate for #ubuntu-ops. Controversial topics, which always turn into flamewars: war, race, religion, politics (unless related to software licencing), gender, sexuality, drugs, questionable legal activities, removing of oneself from the planet (except by space or time travel) are not for here, perhaps #off-topic or ##politics. Microsoft software in ##windows (Please note Freenode Policy) - Thanks.21:13
PriceChildwell... sunday school was fine for a little21:13
LjLPriceChild: well that that person existed is hardly a matter of religion, that they were born on 25 december (yes, that's it) i wouldn't swear upon21:13
jussi01whoops, Im supposed to be nice to PriceChild :P21:15
PriceChildjussi01, ;)21:15
jussi01PriceChild: but back on your topic, you are not alone - I never remember it either...21:17
jussi01whats the lolcats factoid again?21:18
jussi01(see #kubuntu)21:18
PriceChildt00na... hmm21:19
jussi01do we even have one? I know !133721:19
jussi01hmmm, closest i can find is !u21:21
ubotuPlease don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks.21:30
jussi01LjL: not really good for this guy...21:30
naliothjussi01: it does not log by default21:30
jussi01nalioth: ok, so to turn on logging?21:30
LjL!lolcats is <reply> i iz so bored of lolcats. speek english!21:31
ubotuI'll remember that, LjL21:31
* jussi01 hugs LjL 21:32
naliothjussi01: have you visited irssi.org  and looked at their very very very complete documention?21:35
naliothjussi01: there is a section there marked "getting started"21:35
* jussi01 hugs nalioth 21:35
PriceChildvery.... very complete21:37
PriceChildw00di and TRINFIL joining and saying same thing...21:54
ubotuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)22:49
ubotuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)22:49
ubotuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)22:49
PriceChildLjL, FloodBot3 didn't detect the exploit and deopped another floodbot.22:50
ubotuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)22:52
ubotuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)22:52
PriceChildanother one for the k train there, trying to be clever22:52
Picibanned for now /me shrugs22:53
PriceChildPici, i think nal will probably have got it... he killed the other.22:53
PiciPriceChild: LjL said that nal's script doesnt detect those22:53
naliothboth got klined (the kill is the hors d'ouvre22:53
naliothdoesn't detect what?22:54
Picinalioth: do you autodetect those quit messages?22:54
naliothyes, they make me crazy22:54
PriceChildPici, I think that was fixed ;)22:54
Piciand k-line them?22:54
naliothi hate them, because the script get's em, but the don't highlight me22:54
PiciI was misinformed then22:54
naliothdid you talk directly to the horse?22:55
no0ticwhat quit message?22:55
PiciThats not a nice way to talk about LjL22:55
naliothno0tic: a dcc expoit22:55
no0ticah wow22:55
PriceChildLjL, floodbot3 did it again during the second exploit22:56
PriceChildnalioth, 3 is yours isn't it?22:56
Spreckmay i be tested?22:57
naliothi have no clue who the little red-headed stepchildren belong to23:01
naliothPriceChild: 2 is mine (currently)23:02
PriceChildnalioth, I was just wondering if your code was behind.... maybe not :P23:02
Sprecki was sent to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixDCCExploit..  i changed my port number..  can anyone here help me get back into #ubuntu?23:04
naliothSpreck: buckle up23:06
PriceChildSpreck, last time, did you not restart the irc connection before asking for a test?23:06
naliothSpreck: thanks for your patience, you can rejoin #ubuntu now23:06
Spreckyeah.. i didn't restart pidgin23:07
Spreckthanks though23:07
=== no0tic_ is now known as no0tic

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