
R_MI have a question. So I don't have to retype it all here, it's at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=3994582 . I brought it up here the other day and people asked if I was sure that the wireless card worked and that the PCI slot worked. I tested both, and they both did.02:06
soldatsdoes bios detect it on the celeron02:13
soldatserr oops wrong screen02:14
R_MIt's really frustrating. If anyone can offer any other advice where to look for what's wrong, I'd love to hear it.02:22
thruxtonR_M: do you know what chipset the card uses?03:16
thruxtonR_M: try this http://kmuto.jp/debian/hcl/03:17
ransomanyone out there?03:23
soldatshello :)03:24
ransomhow are you this evening?03:24
R_Mthruxton: It's a Dynex DX-WGDTC card. According to the info I've found about it online, it works right out of the box with Linux.03:25
soldatsbored i was supposed to go out but i havent heard from some people yet03:25
R_MAs in fact it doeswith my newer Linux box.03:25
ransomi have a question:  i'm having trouble getting xubuntu up and running on my Core 1 Duo iMac.  I think i grabbed the right version, i burned it to a cd, and i tried to load the disc from startup but it didn't work...03:26
ransomi got the live disc, so it should have loaded the operating system when i restarted and held down the "d" key03:27
ransombut it just froze up03:27
ransomany suggestions?03:27
R_MYou sure the disc burned properly?03:27
ransomyeah, it verified and i can look at all the contents on the finder03:28
ransomdoes it make a difference that i used a CD and not a DVD?03:28
ransomi haven't tried it on a non-mac x86 computer 'cause i don't have one handy, but do you know if there are any issues with running it on an intel mac?03:29
soldatsits harder to do03:30
soldatsnot to be shove you away but i think i remembe a few people in #ubuntu who have done it03:30
ransomwell, i've had kubuntu up and running on this thing before03:31
soldatsthis channel is slow and its more populated over there03:31
ransomworked fine03:31
soldatsdid you do a md5 check on the disk03:31
ransomafter it didn't work the first time, i did anyway ;-)03:32
ransommd5 came out fine03:32
ransomthe file i got was "xubuntu-7.10-desktop-i386.iso"03:33
ransomthat's the right one, yeah?03:33
soldatsbrowse through this03:34
ransomi think i might try it03:37
ransomthanks alot! have a good night!03:37
werswhat aestheticall pleasing window border can you recommend? :D04:17
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=== rob1 is now known as rob
KtronIs there a way to disable the screen going black after 10 minutes of inactivity?05:43
KtronEven if I kill the xscreensaver daemon something else is turning my laptop screen off, and its not a BIOS option05:43
node_6I believe the command is    xset s off05:43
node_6read   man xset   for details05:44
eddyHow do I set a program to startup when I boot?06:41
newbieehey i just run compiz --replace but my window is not moving and even i'm not able to minimize the window..........what should i do now?07:07
newbieehello any one is there to help07:09
ere4sihello newbie07:11
newbieeere4si: what should i type? its something xfwm --replace07:14
ere4sijust got here newbiee - what are you trying to do?07:14
the_nakaiienybody here08:07
ubotupong is an old atari game. It's fun!08:12
the_nakaiixubuntu rulz08:28
the_nakaiixubuntu ppc08:28
the_nakaiipong is the sound mah dick makes when ah remove it from yo mommas pussie08:29
the_nakaiibitch niggah08:29
marchmoin scizzo- :)09:49
MegaVolthi, i just set up my new xubuntu 7.10 system but flash (youtube and so on) doesnt work ... i got the macromedia flash mazilla plugin11:25
MegaVoltdo i need something else?11:25
graabeinmerry xmas :-)11:36
MegaVolta little eary ,)11:36
graabeinyes... how come firefox won't start? i'm on a clean 7.10 install and terminal start gives no message11:38
MegaVoltwhy terminal start?#11:40
MegaVoltin my clean install it works11:40
MegaVoltboth via terminal and the icon11:41
graabeinnothing happens when i start firefox from the menu so i figured a terminal start would show a reason why11:41
MegaVoltany console output?11:41
MegaVoltstrange ... sorry, no idea11:41
graabeini tried to reinstall xfce4 meta package... maybe that will help?11:41
MegaVoltis there a flag to get more verbose output when starting firefox?11:42
graabeintried --g-fatal-warnings and -jsconsole with the same result11:44
scizzo-graabein: ps -ef |grep firefox11:46
scizzo-graabein: if there is a firefox.bin process running kill it11:46
scizzo-MegaVolt: in firefox type: about:plugins11:47
scizzo-MegaVolt: see if flash and so on is there11:47
scizzo-graabein: whereis firefox11:47
scizzo-graabein: type that11:47
graabeinfirefox: /usr/bin/firefox /etc/firefox /usr/lib/firefox /usr/share/firefox /usr/share/man/man1/firefox.1.gz11:48
scizzo-or: dpkg -l | grep firefox11:48
MegaVoltscizzo-: no plugins are installed11:48
scizzo-MegaVolt: restarted the browser after installing the plugins?11:48
graabeinii  firefox                              lightweight web browser based on Mozilla11:48
graabeinii  mozilla-firefox-locale-en-gb                  Mozilla Firefox English language/region pack11:48
graabeinii  ubufox                                     0.4~beta1-0ubuntu3             modifications for ubuntu firefox (default) i11:48
MegaVolti used the packet manager for the plugins11:48
scizzo-graabein: what happens if you do: # /usr/bin/firfox11:48
MegaVoltthat at least worked in kubuntu11:48
scizzo-nothing at all?11:48
MegaVoltyes, restarted several times11:49
graabeinnothing at all, no11:49
scizzo-MegaVolt: asking again......did you restart the browser!11:49
MegaVoltbrowser and the whole system11:49
scizzo-MegaVolt: dpkg -l|grep flash11:49
scizzo-MegaVolt: using firefox 2.0.0?11:50
MegaVolt... fresh xubuntu 7.10 install11:50
graabeini tried installing openbox maybe that work11:50
scizzo-graabein: strange....11:50
MegaVoltwith the recent updates11:50
MegaVolti set it up yesterday11:50
scizzo-MegaVolt: and typing about:plugins in firefox address feild gives no result?11:50
MegaVoltyep, no plugins11:51
MegaVoltand the grep command is empty11:51
MegaVoltbut synaptic shows that libswfdec is installed11:51
MegaVoltas well as swfdec-mozilla11:51
graabeinit's not really a clean system, i kept /home from the previous install11:52
graabeinan earlier version of xubuntu i think11:52
graabeinanyway, thanks for answering, i'll try getting into openbox11:52
MegaVolti just also tried the flashplugin-nonfree package11:55
MegaVoltfirefox sees it as installed11:55
MegaVoltbut the about:plugins is still empty11:55
MegaVoltand flash doesnt work11:55
scizzo-MegaVolt: having it hard to belive that about:plugins or about:plugin does not show anything11:56
MegaVoltNo plug-ins are installed11:57
MegaVoltFind more information about browser plug-ins at mozilla.org.11:57
MegaVoltHelp for installing plug-ins is available from plugindoc.mozdev.org.11:57
MegaVoltthats what i get11:57
march... und tschüss :)11:57
MegaVoltmv@mv-laptop:~$ dpkg -l | grep flash11:57
MegaVoltii  flashplugin-nonfree                              Adobe Flash Player plugin installer11:57
MegaVoltnow after i installed that package ... before that it was empty11:58
scizzo-restart the browser and check plugins again11:58
MegaVoltno installed plugins11:59
scizzo-ls -l /usr/share/firefox/12:00
scizzo-in that directory do you have something called plugins or something?12:00
MegaVolta folder "searchplugins"12:01
scizzo-sudo apt-get install xubuntu-restricted-extras12:01
scizzo-if you install that package and restart the browser.....and go to about:plugins with no result then something is really wrong since it should work12:03
MegaVoltits downloading12:04
MegaVoltseems to take quite a while12:04
scizzo-MegaVolt: you are not using hardy are you?12:04
scizzo-however that package will install java also12:04
MegaVoltthe corefonts stuff takes forever12:05
MegaVoltlots of small downloads from servers that timeout12:05
scizzo-its a collection of non-free stuff12:05
MegaVolti got plugins ;K)12:07
MegaVoltall java stuff12:08
MegaVoltdont see anything about flash12:08
MegaVoltand flash doesnt work12:08
graabeingreetings, i found the file rights were all wrong12:11
MegaVoltgrats ;)12:11
predaeusMegaVolt, try locate libflashplayer.so12:13
predaeus"locate libflashplayer.so"12:13
scizzo-or even better: find /usr/share -name "libflashplayer.so"12:13
predaeusMegaVolt, are you running a 32bit or a 64bit install?12:14
predaeusscizzo-, I have it under /home12:14
predaeusdunno why.12:14
MegaVoltlocate no result but I didnt set it up yet12:14
predaeussudo updatedb12:14
scizzo-predaeus: installing it should also put it in main path12:15
MegaVoltthe find thingy also got no result12:15
scizzo-MegaVolt: find /usr/ -name "libflash*" -ls12:15
MegaVoltmv@mv-laptop:~$ find /usr/ -name "libflash*" -ls12:16
MegaVolt109520  216 -rw-r--r--   1 root     root       217540 Nov 28 02:33 /usr/lib/openoffice/program/libflash680li.so12:16
scizzo-or find / -name "libflash*" -ls12:16
scizzo-sudo find / -name "libflash*" -ls12:16
MegaVoltnothing in / either12:16
scizzo-try that instead12:16
MegaVoltexcept for lots of proc and tmp stuff12:17
predaeusanything in /home/yourname/.mozilla/plugins/ ?12:17
MegaVoltthere is no plugins folder12:17
MegaVoltin .mozilla12:17
scizzo-MegaVolt: .mozilla/firefox/plugins/12:17
MegaVoltmv@mv-laptop:~/.mozilla/firefox$ ls12:18
MegaVolt2b8r6yky.default  pluginreg.dat  profiles.ini12:18
predaeusscizzo-, MegaVolt looks like I installed it through Firefox or somehting. I haven't got the package installed either.12:18
MegaVoltpluginreg.dat shows the same as about:plugins12:19
MegaVoltnothing about flash, only java stuff12:19
scizzo-sudo apt-get remove --purge flashplugin-nonfree ; sudo apt-get clean ; sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree12:20
scizzo-now when the install starts try to see if it really downloads and installs the flashplayer12:20
MegaVoltgot the problem12:23
MegaVolt--13:23:26--  http://fpdownload.macromedia.com/get/flashplayer/current/install_flash_player_9_linux.tar.gz12:24
MegaVolt           => `./install_flash_player_9_linux.tar.gz'12:24
MegaVoltDownload done.12:24
MegaVoltmd5sum mismatch install_flash_player_9_linux.tar.gz12:24
MegaVoltThe Flash plugin is NOT installed.12:24
MegaVoltthere it is12:24
scizzo-right md5sum problem12:24
MegaVoltbut i have no idea how to fix it ;)12:24
scizzo-might be a workaround for it12:26
MegaVoltthe problem should not be xubuntu specific, right?12:27
predaeusMegaVolt, there doesn't seem to be an md5sum on the flash site. Maybe they updated the file and Ubuntu devs did not update the md5sum check.12:27
MegaVoltso waiting 1-2 days until the cheksum is updated should fix things?12:28
predaeushttp://www.adobe.com/shockwave/download/download.cgi?P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash gives the same link as above12:28
scizzo-I am trying a workaround12:28
predaeusI don't know if this is the cause. You could jsut download the tarball by hand and install it yourself.12:28
MegaVoltwont that mess up synaptic management?12:29
predaeusAnyway, I can't see an md5sum on that page. So the Ubuntu devs probably just calculated one themselves and compare to it. Which would fail if the version on the server changes.12:29
MegaVoltcant i somehow tell apt-get to skip the md5 chekc?12:30
MegaVolthm apt-get now thinks that the flash plugin is installed so installing it by hand won't mess with it, right? I'll go with that then12:32
scizzo-not sure how to go around it12:35
MegaVoltwell, it works12:36
scizzo-predaeus: no....its not the .deb md5sum12:37
scizzo-predaeus: its the flash package that is broken12:37
MegaVolti remember my gf had the same problem a while ago12:37
MegaVoltbut she never fixed it12:37
MegaVoltso it might be broken over a week now12:37
MegaVolti guess its the same cause12:37
predaeusscizzo-, I know. I see md5sum checks inside the package scripts12:38
predaeusscizzo-, I assume it is the cause. I am currently scanning through launchpad for the relevant bug12:38
ubotuLaunchpad bug 174438 in flashplugin-nonfree "md5sum mismatch install_flash_player_9_linux.tar.gz on Ubuntu 7.10 64bit (dup-of: 173890)" [Undecided,New]12:41
ubotuLaunchpad bug 173890 in flashplugin-nonfree "flashplugin-nonfree fails to install... new version?" [Undecided,Confirmed]12:41
scizzo-MegaVolt: still trying to get flash installed?13:33
OtakuMarkI have an AMD K-6 machine that has less than 128MB of RAM. What is the best lightweight linux distro that would work on this, and would be kid friendly? I am setting it up for an 8-year old girl.14:38
OtakuMarkit's 450mhz14:39
kenkenwhat packages from medibuntu do I need to run .avi in vlc14:55
Wizardis there any cpu-meter applet for xfce ?15:51
Wizardi mean cpu frequency meter15:51
PA2556Någon Svenskt??16:13
PA2556Någon här?16:17
WizardTa.. wszyscy Szwedzi16:24
PA2556Anyone here that can help out with xubuntu?16:27
Wizardi can try16:27
PA2556Thanx! Got a Thinkpad 600E, works fine, except the sound...:(16:28
Wizardhmm.. what kind of sound card?16:28
PA2556Built in...16:29
=== march is now known as billy_idle
Wizardwait a second.. i haven't used linux for ages..16:29
Wizardi have to check few things :P16:29
PA2556Cirrus Logic CS 4610/1116:30
Wizardhmm.. it should work..16:30
Wizardfirst, give lspci -v in terminal and see if os detects it16:31
PA2556Seen some helps where you should edit in some files, but I cant save them when I edit in them..:(16:31
PA2556Yepp, there I found what card it is16:31
Wizardnow, give lsmod, and locate modules with snd_ at the beginning16:32
billy_idleIs there a possibility to deactivate the screensaver in 7.10? Currently I can choose Blank Screen or Random.16:32
PA2556snd_cs46xx             85096  016:33
PA2556snd_cs4232             17684  016:33
PA2556snd_opl3_lib           11520  1 snd_cs423216:33
PA2556snd_hwdep              10244  1 snd_opl3_lib16:33
PA2556snd_cs4231_lib         26112  1 snd_cs423216:33
PA2556snd_ac97_codec        100644  1 snd_cs46xx16:33
WizardPA2556: great, modules are present and loaded16:33
Wizardso.. i think it's a problem with mixer16:33
PA2556snd_pcm_oss            44672  016:33
PA2556snd_mixer_oss          17664  1 snd_pcm_oss16:33
PA2556snd_pcm                80388  4 snd_cs46xx,snd_cs4231_lib,snd_ac97_codec,snd_16:33
PA2556Ok...and how to fix that?16:34
WizardPA2556: run xfce4-mixer now16:34
Wizardand check if volumes are set correctly16:34
PA2556Where do I find it?16:34
Wizardalt+f2 -> xfce4-mixer :P16:35
PA2556Ok! Just had xubuntu for a day...so..:)16:36
Wizardi have xubuntu for 30 minutes :]16:36
PA2556Ok...had linux version for a day...first time testing it at all16:36
PA2556xfce4 = Blank, nothing in the window16:37
Wizardwhat? run xfce4-mixer16:38
PA2556Did as you said, got a empty window opened16:39
Wizarduuh.. not good16:39
PA2556That I understand....lol16:39
Wizardok, so.. sudo apt-get alsa-tools16:40
Wizardit will install necessery tools, since i don't see them installed by default..16:41
Wizardthey don't take much space16:41
solsTiCehi. just a question. what's the diff between alternate iso and desktop ?16:41
vinzesoldats, desktop is graphical, that's the main difference16:42
vinzesolsTiCe, sorry16:42
solsTiCeah ok16:42
vinzesolsTiCe, so you can try out what it looks like16:42
PA2556Alternate do the installation in text mode...16:42
vinze!alternate | solsTiCe16:42
ubotusolsTiCe: The Alternate CD (available as of Dapper) is the classical text-mode installation CD. Use it if you wish to upgrade via CD, or for an "expert" mode install. For normal installs, use the Desktop CD, which is also a "Live" CD - See also !Minimal16:42
solsTiCei've just seen xubuntu recommended for an old pc with only 64Mo but the alternate16:42
vinzeI think it might run on 64Mb, but it won't be fun...16:43
solsTiCeyes. it's not for the fun ;-)16:43
solsTiCevinze: any idea ?16:43
WizardPA2556: oops, that packet is named alsa-utils :D16:43
solsTiCefluxbuntu ? or other distro ?16:43
vinzesolsTiCe, well, yes, I think you should go with the alternate cd for that16:44
vinzesolsTiCe, yes, you could try Fluxbuntu too16:44
vinzeOr perhaps something like Puppy Linux or Damn Small LInux or something16:44
* vinze isn't an expert at light-weight distros16:44
PA2556Ok...changed it, but seems like nothing happends....16:45
Wizardhmm.. but it lacks alsaconf..16:45
Wizardand without that tool we won't do anything..16:45
PA2556Back to square one....*sigh* LOL16:46
Wizardbecause i messed with this kind of stuff two or three years ago.. and i forgot many things..16:46
PA2556Found this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=974031&postcount=1216:47
PA2556...but how do I edit the files?16:47
Wizardsudo mousepad file for example :)16:49
solsTiCevinze: ok thnx16:49
WizardPA2556: and what? does it work?16:52
PA2556Nope, nothing happends16:52
Wizardthat method is a bit tricky :D but it may work..16:52
Wizardhave you edited blacklist file and rc.local as described in manual ?16:53
PA2556No, seems like I cant, doing the sudo thing nothing happends16:53
Wizardwait a second..16:54
Wizardfirst: sudo mousepad /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist16:54
Wizardand than you paste as described in howto16:54
Wizardthan, sudo mousepad /etc/rc.local16:55
Wizardand you paste as described in howto16:55
Wizardsimple even..16:55
PA2556Yes, if anything happends when I press run.....16:55
Wizarddo it from terminal16:55
Wizardit will ask you for password ;D16:56
Wizardok, upgrade to 7.10 done16:57
Wizardreboot :P16:57
PA2556So far it worked....got the changes done at least...:)16:59
PA2556So, time to reboot and hope for the best I guess?!?17:01
Wizardgood luck17:02
PA2556Anyway...thanx alot!!!!!!17:02
Wizardcome nad report if it worked17:02
Wizardyour welcome17:02
Wizardi didn't do anything actually :D17:02
vinzeJust being there enough ;-)17:02
vinze*is enough17:03
RandyboYHow can i reset my screen options? Im using my flat-tv as screen and now its shaking. I tried to change the graphics card and i didnt even get the "test" option and it choosed it. It just set some driver or something, and startet shaking.17:05
Wizardahh.. i forgot that this is 'noob friendly' vhannel17:05
predaeusRandyboY, if the output from the computer to the TV is fickering unplugging the antenna cable might help.17:28
predaeusor cables leading to other devices.17:29
RandyboYwell, it happended after i was doing that thing with the graphics card... before that it worked pretty good17:30
PA2556Hi again...17:45
Wizardhi again17:45
PA2556Wizard: No luck...:(17:45
* Wizard is out of any ideas17:45
PA2556Still no sound....17:45
Wizardtoo bad..17:45
PA2556Makes 2 of us....17:45
PA2556Yeah, but somehow I will get it to work...just dont know how...at the moment...17:46
Wizardso i can't help.. maybe somebody solved your problem already..17:46
Wizardgood luck :)17:46
PA2556Yeah, someone probably has, but...?!?!17:47
Wizardhmm.. i have to check gnash :)17:48
WyrmulI am trying to preven my windows drive from mounting when my linux drive boots.  Any ideas?19:03
Wyrmulyeah. but the windows drives are not listed in my /etc/fstab19:04
Wyrmul# /etc/fstab: static file system information.19:04
Wyrmul# <file system> <mount point>   <type>  <options>       <dump>  <pass>19:04
Wyrmulproc            /proc           proc    defaults        0       019:04
Wyrmul# /dev/hda119:04
TheSheepadd it with 'noauto' option19:04
WyrmulUUID=f97795a9-47e4-4a7d-9900-91e503a9b4d5 /               ext3    defaults,errors=remount-ro 0       119:04
Wyrmul# /dev/hda319:04
WyrmulUUID=658c7c81-8b31-4e15-a02c-b0bd4ffc49e6 /home           ext3    defaults        0       219:04
Wyrmul# /dev/hda219:04
WyrmulUUID=06731f6f-4f89-4955-9f17-1d5bdca3cecc none            swap    sw              0       019:04
Wyrmul/dev/hdb        /media/cdrom0   udf,iso9660 user,noauto     0       019:04
vinze!paste > Wyrmul19:05
stone[no]WYRMUL: a warning might have done it...19:05
stone[no]disregard last19:07
stone[no]thesheep: A warning might have done it...19:07
TheSheepstone[no]: want to discuss it on #ubuntu-ops?19:08
TheSheepstone[no]: warning wouldn't astop the flood19:08
vinzePerhaps should've told him to come back...?19:09
TheSheepvinze: I tried, he disconnected19:09
vinzeTheSheep, oh, too bad then19:09
stone[no]thesheep: Hey I know. But I guess he was a noobe and didn't know that pasting multiple lines will not show as one message...19:09
TheSheepstone[no]:sthis is really an OT discussion in here19:10
stone[no]thesheep: Yeah i know...*19:10
gerrohow would I set an icon for .odt files?19:11
gerroI mean none the other themes have something set so was curious as to how19:12
TheSheepgerro: put it in ~/.icons/hicolor/(size)/mimetypes/x-office-document.(png/svg)19:14
Wyrmulsorry about earlier.19:15
gerroumm can't I just put it in my icon theme under /usr/share/icons/19:15
gerrooh and would that give .doc and .odt different style icons?19:15
WyrmulDoes anyone know how to switch from the load screen to the boot dialloge?19:16
vinzeWyrmul, Ctrl+Alt+F119:16
TheSheepWyrmul: glad you're back :)19:16
Wyrmulwhile the while booting?19:16
gerroWyrmul: or edit /boot/grub/menu.lst and remove splash and quiet19:16
vinzeWyrmul, yes19:16
Wyrmulsheep: back propperly chastized19:16
TheSheepgerro: hmm.. probably not19:17
vinze...or just quiet, right?19:17
Wyrmulwhoo keen thanks19:17
TheSheepgerro: putting them in /usr/share would require you rebuild the icon cache19:17
TheSheepWyrmul: sorry, that's the only working method to stop the flood :)19:17
gerroTheSheep: which is as simple as reselecting my current icon theme under settings right?19:17
TheSheepgerro: no19:18
gerroI kinda just stuffed my own incons a in a theme directory and used that before.. what you mean icon cache?19:18
TheSheepgerro: you do it with gtk-update-icon-cache19:19
gerrohmm ok19:19
gerrocommand complete.. kinda quick and pointless19:19
TheSheepgerro: in the directory of thei con theme19:20
TheSheepgerro: also, you will have to do it eveyr time you update the icon theem from the repositories19:21
gerrotheSheep: is this something new to 7.10?19:23
TheSheepgerro: no, that's how gtk icon themes work in general19:23
gerroI'm doing that command in every directory as my user and root19:24
gerrostill just completes and exits19:24
gerroI think before I used a current theme and replaced all its icons19:25
gerroperhaps that is why I never ran into this problem19:25
TheSheepyou only need to run it in tbase directory of the theme19:26
TheSheepfor example /usr/share/icons/Tango/19:26
gerroahah I got the wrong file permissions...19:27
gerrothis time I didn't forget the ls -ln confusing it with ln -s :)19:28
gerroalright still no luck19:31
=== kikr is now known as kikr2
atarinoxSo I was testing the xubuntu cd on my family comp, and double clicked the cdboot file on the disk...and it said 'setup complete' and asked me to reboot. now when i reboot i get the option of entering ubuntu or windows.....how do i get rid of this? i was just testing it out21:56
mokokHi. I have a problem. I have three partitions on my ide harddrive, hda1 for windows, hda2 for linux and hda5 for swap. Now I would like to remove windows and get that hda1 partition for somekind of music storage or something at least. What should I do?22:56
s34nwhat are the ram reqs for xubuntu?23:53
YoquesHi, I speak spanish. I have a problem I can't resolve23:54
YoquesI need to see the fonts in "tty" smaller, but I don't know how, because I have problems every time I try to configure /boot/gurb/menu.lst23:56
s34nYoques: go ahead23:56
YoquesI have that:23:56
YoquesI tried things all the morning23:58
Yoquesbut I can't23:58
s34nAre you booting into runlevel 3 or 5?23:58
s34ntext or GUI?23:58
Yoqueswhat's that?23:58
YoquesI prefer text23:58
s34nwhich are you booting into now?23:58
Yoquesthat's the cuestion I delete the "splash"23:59
Yoquesdirectly enter, with no pass23:59

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