
peanutbi have installed edubuntu server on an extra computer, but i cant seem to get the dhcp server running05:46
peanutbah. i havent configured a subnet yet05:48
Burgundaviapeanutb: you need to configure a subnet wherein the static IP of one of the nics is in that subnet06:15
peanutbBurgundavia: after some looking, i slapped myself ont he head for forgetting to set an ip for eth206:21
Burgundaviano worries06:25
Burgundaviasometimes it is the simplest stuff that gets you06:25
Burgundaviawhat are you using LTSP for?06:25
peanutbjust messing around with it06:48
peanutbmy school already has a laptop program, so it would be sorta useless here06:49
peanutbedubuntu would be great06:49
peanutbbut the netadmins are macheads06:49
peanutbBurgundavia: do you know if the lockdown manager needs something special for the settings to take affect06:50
Burgundaviait should just work06:51
Burgundaviayou need the profile editor as well06:51
johnnysabayon has some bugs in it that prevent it from being that useful tho06:51
johnnyi have reproducible crashes all over the place06:51
johnnyi do have some patches for them tho06:52
peanutbit seems to be letting the test account change its own lockdown privlages and doesnt implement them at all06:52
johnnywere you trying to run the lockdown thingy inside the profile session?06:52
johnnyor in the containing window06:52
peanutbin the Thin client manager06:52
johnnythin client manager? that has options for lockdown?06:53
Burgundaviajohnny: sabayon really truly needs an upstream maintainer06:53
johnnyi'd suggest you just go in the menu in your ubuntu install06:53
peanutbdoesnt seem to work very well tho06:53
johnnyBurgundavia, i'm applying for an svn account06:53
Burgundaviaafaik, peanutb, that only works in the running session06:53
Burgundaviaie: it does not save it06:53
johnnyfederico vouched for me06:53
johnnywe'll see06:53
johnnyi don't know if i want to be the "maintainer"06:54
johnnybut i am going to make it work06:54
johnnyand apply all the patches i've seen06:54
peanutbohh maintaining is easy... you just get others to do the work for you06:54
johnnyand my own06:54
johnnysure.. but then you get yelled at for not doing any work :)06:54
johnnythis is more like a serial patch spree06:54
johnnyocne it gets up to where i need it to06:54
johnnyi prolly won't have time.. as then i need to focus on other junkz06:55
johnnyour lil organization is pretty tech06:55
Burgundaviajohnny: have you chatted with federico?06:55
johnnyhe wouldn't have vouched for me otherwise now would he :)06:55
johnnywe rely on tech.. but don't have enough techies06:56
johnnymakes me a bit sad06:56
johnnyworking on it06:56
Burgundaviawhy does working on it make you sad06:57
Burgundaviabecause nobody else does?06:57
johnnyi wasn't speaking about sabayon..06:57
johnnyi mean in general06:57
johnnythe required skillset is pretty deep06:57
johnnyto be ableto float around to the different areas that need taclked at any given time06:58
* peanutb shakes his head06:58
peanutbterminal doesnt seem to want to be locked06:58
johnnydid you to to System | Administration | User Profile ... | Lockdown ?06:59
johnnynot just System | Administration | User Profile Manager06:59
johnnynot just System | Administration | Lockdown Editor06:59
johnnyit's very rare to find folks who have deep experience in so many areas Burgundavia07:00
johnnybasically.. up and down the OSI stack :)07:00
peanutbhmm... error starting gnome settings daemon07:01
johnnyyeah.. i get that in the profile editor sometimes07:02
johnnythat's something i'm going to work on07:02
peanutbdespite my trials, i cannot block terminal07:02
johnnyaha.. didn't notice that07:02
johnnycuz we don't block terminals07:02
peanutbi know07:02
johnnyonly locking the panel07:02
peanutbim going for a theoretical situation where the admins are nazis07:03
peanutbaka my school07:03
* peanutb mumbles about how they are going to block all websites not on an allow list next semester07:03
johnnythat'll be impossible to maintain07:04
johnnythere will be a riot07:04
peanutbthats what i am thinking... but we shall see07:04
peanutbthose are the very words i told the net admin07:04
* peanutb is a pseudo intern with them07:04
johnnythere are tons of pages out there that will be asked to be added07:05
johnnythey won't be able to keep up with the demand07:05
peanutbmy point exactly07:05
Burgundaviapeanutb: sabayon needs to have a white/black list of allowed apps07:05
peanutbbut of cource the staff get less restricted access because they will be on a different subnet07:05
johnnyand then if they rely on kids to ask teachers for access to certain websites, how is the teacher gonna know the site isn't exploited to pull you right out via some browser in a browser technique :)07:05
peanutbBurgundavia: exactly07:05
peanutbits only on the teacher's encrypted wifi access07:06
peanutbBurgundavia: OSX 10.5 does that really well, signing all applications07:06
johnnyyour school is going to be training the next generation of hackers for real07:07
peanutbthey already did07:07
johnnyexcuse me..07:07
johnnymy bad07:07
peanutbthats actually how i got the pseudo job07:07
peanutbit was by association07:08
peanutbbut others figured out that there is a vnc server running on every laptop and cracked the password for it07:08
peanutbit was hellish for a week or so07:08
* peanutb decides to reboot so the new image will take affect07:09
peanutbits not regualr vnc its apple remote desktop but same difference07:10
* peanutb stops rambling07:13
peanutbhas anyone gotten x11vnc working?07:14
johnnynot in gutsy07:15
johnnythere's another way07:15
johnnythe thin client manager thing is outmoded07:15
johnnyfrom  my understanding07:15
johnnyitalc is the new thing or something07:15
johnnybut i haven't read the details07:15
peanutbmmm more time consumeing setup07:25
johnnyall i noticed was that it required a daemon07:26
johnnyso i ignored it for no07:26
peanutbi cant seem to find helpful docs07:27
peanutbits getting late07:29
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