
mhbhey folks, anyone awake?00:10
mhbnixternal maybe?00:11
crimsunidle     : 0 days 1 hours 16 mins 25 secs00:12
mhbanyone else?00:12
Riddella bit00:13
mhbhmm, no, don't want to bother you :o)00:13
Riddellmhb: you could try the kde4* metapackages in hardy00:13
mhbRiddell: should I test something or was that related to my previous questions?00:15
mhbRiddell: aanyway, for a good night picture, take a look at: http://img125.imageshack.us/img125/889/restrictedmanagerkde4tz5.png00:15
Riddellprevious question00:15
Riddellching ching00:15
Riddellnice restricted manager00:15
mhbpitti is working hard on a new upgraded version, so I figured before I create a KDE frontend for it, I might as well do a KDE4 frontend for the current one.00:16
DaSkreechLInux ! :)00:19
vorianonly one more working day till christmas!1!100:30
DaSkreechMy company has been unoffically off for a while00:30
vorianmust be nice :)00:30
vorianI'm a retailer00:31
mhbnow we have Konquered the Planet!00:37
mhbtoo bad it's just planet.ubuntu.com00:38
DaSkreechWe did?00:38
DaSkreechwhat happened/00:38
mhbjust take a look00:39
DaSkreechI've been out of the loop for like two weeks00:39
DaSkreechThat is a lot of Blue posts00:42
mhbDaSkreech: so you were out for two weeks?00:43
mhbthat means the news have not hit you yet00:43
DaSkreechnixternal was saying last night(?) that we are shipping both on the next release?00:44
mhbDaSkreech: the current plan is, we're going to have to CD images00:44
mhbone of them will be the "stable" one, with KDE3 as originally planned00:45
mhbthis one will be fully supported00:45
mhbon the other hand, the second CD will be with KDE4 desktop (and some KDE3 apps), that would be only community-supported, but we'd ship the KDE4 one via ShipIt00:45
DaSkreechAnd one with KDE4 which is "community supported'00:45
DaSkreechThat's interesting00:46
DaSkreechWho OKed that?00:46
mhbSeriously. Unless someone changes our plans again.00:46
mhbwell, we had a meeting today.00:46
mhbso the whole team, basically.00:46
DaSkreechShipit eh?00:46
crimsunmhb: hmm, so there will be a Kubuntu 8.04 LTS that ships 3.5.x?00:47
DaSkreechWhat about corporate requests?00:47
DaSkreechDo they get KDE4 or 3 by default ?00:47
mhbwell I guess we cannot really ship two kinds of CDs00:47
DaSkreechcrimsun: far as I recall that was always the idea00:47
mhbbut they can download the KDE3 image.00:47
mhbcrimsun: well, it won't be called "LTS"00:47
DaSkreechKDE4 doesn't slay KDE3 upon stepping on the red carpet00:47
crimsunmhb: ok, so just the more common 18-mn support?00:48
DaSkreechAs it probably shouldn't be00:48
mhbcrimsun: yes, but we'll still pretend it is an LTS.00:48
* DaSkreech laughs00:48
mhbcrimsun: you know, it wasn't the Kubuntu team who decided that we won't have an LTS.00:48
DaSkreechin terms of polish?00:48
mhbI hope so.00:49
DaSkreechThats going to be nasty00:49
DaSkreechwe have our butts being toasted by a KDE4 release AND framework00:49
DaSkreechhow are we going to get place for polish?00:49
mhbI'm more interested in the KDE4 side of things, but others would like to have a really polished KDE3.00:49
DaSkreechmhb: That's the point Eyes are on the KDE4 release but people really want to use the KDE300:50
DaSkreechand Gutsy wasn't that grand >_<00:50
mhbDaSkreech: many of the KDE3 apps will have to be present on the KDE4 cd.00:50
mhbDaSkreech: like adept, amarok, kaffeine, digikam...00:50
DaSkreechIs that quantative or just a personal note00:51
DaSkreechDigikam in 4 isn't usable ?00:51
crimsunmhb: I prefer the technical bits to the political bits. :)00:51
mhbcrimsun: hehe :o) me too.00:51
mhbgood choice.00:51
mhbDaSkreech: it's not ready.00:51
mhbfrom what I've heard00:52
DaSkreechcrimsun: aren't we discussing the technical now?00:52
DaSkreechmhb: Well maybe see how much needs to be done before next year april ?00:52
DaSkreechAmarok as well00:52
DaSkreechadept and kaffeine I'll go with00:52
DaSkreechthough it would be grand if we could get a tiny community around adept simply because of a Qt4 port00:53
crimsunDaSkreech: (that was in response to "it wasn't the Kubuntu team who decided..."00:53
mhbthe problem with KDE3 is, the more we polish it, the more we are going to regret it later00:53
DaSkreechIt's needed love for a long time this would be a good time to get 4 or so people really involved00:53
DaSkreechcrimsun: Ah right. well regardless which we shipped it should not be an LTS00:54
DaSkreechwe can do an LTS for 8.1000:54
mhbit's like when I had to choose whether buy a MacBook now or wait for the newer model ... if I bought it right away, I would have been happy ATM, but later I'd regret it.00:54
* DaSkreech shrugs00:54
DaSkreechNot that big a deal00:54
mhbright, but some people prefer to wait00:55
mhbthat's why I prefer porting apps to KDE4 over polishing KDE3.00:55
DaSkreechYeah and I'm saying that they will be in anycase so we should look to capitalize on it :)00:56
DaSkreechIf adept is going to be rewritten it might as well be slightly rethought00:56
DaSkreechand if it's going to be rethought then it might as well have a meeting of minds00:56
mhbDaSkreech: well we're not really set on rewriting it00:56
mhbwe are still hoping PackageKit would have a Qt4 frontend00:57
mhbwhich can be used00:57
* DaSkreech still isn't sold on packageKit :(00:57
* mhb neither, but that's the plan00:57
mhbactually I think package management should be done over the Internet00:57
mhbsearching for the packages online in a web app, then clicking on a link like apt://install/konqueror and the backend would do the rest.00:58
DaSkreechYou mean Klik:/ don't you ?00:58
mhbnot really.00:59
mhbI dislike the model where you actually have to download the app from an untrusted source.00:59
mhbrepositories are a good thing.00:59
DaSkreechKlik2:/ then01:00
mhbthis way, it is the equivalent of running "sudo apt-get install konqueror", but you'd click it01:00
mhbklik2 is not known to me01:00
DaSkreech:-) Well it's roughly that you want01:00
DaSkreechor KGHNS :)01:01
mhbDaSkreech: you know, try apt://thunderbird/ in Firefox or Konqueror hardy sometime01:01
mhbyou might be surprised01:01
DaSkreechDid in Konqui have not tried in firefox01:01
mhbfirefox should do it too01:02
DaSkreechWell it's a KIOslave so maybe not01:02
DaSkreechFirefox and Adobe are kinda stick in the muds01:02
mhbwhat I wanted to say is that I don't see any future in the traditional package management01:04
mhbweb offers flexibility (translations, pictures, videos, comments, use cases, whatever)01:04
mhbso the old searching via Adept is a thing of the past.01:04
DaSkreechI like the searching in adept01:04
mhbyou are a strange man01:05
* mhb goes to sleep01:05
* DaSkreech smiles. As has been noted. mhb thanks I'll catch up with you next year01:06
mhbI was just joking, you are alright01:07
DaSkreechI get to reinstall01:08
DaSkreechThis is wonderful01:08
DaSkreechDoes anyone know of anything delayed beyond KDE 4.1 ?01:10
DaSkreechmhb: ping01:11
DaSkreechok hopefully someone will be awake by the time I get home01:13
DaSkreechI just wanted to know what will be the procedure for the Hardy testing/dev cycle should we be doing a kubuntu3-desktop or a kubuntu4-desktop ?01:18
DaSkreechin much fewer otherwords what should be tested as the default ?01:18
* DaSkreech prods nixternal to get his posts on drakeplanet 01:20
nixternaloy vey, to much to drink01:41
* claydoh wonders how long KDE will support 3.5x01:59
* claydoh can't remember how long they supported 2x in the migration to kde301:59
nixternalthey didn't support 2 to long after 302:09
claydohI wonder if that is an issue02:12
claydohI also remember wanting kde over kde2 (was a Lycoris user back then) :)02:13
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santiago-veyay! finally an updated system03:23
Knightlustarrgghh, dec22 alternate build fails on select and install software, i think i need to use alpha2 to install my hardy03:30
santiago-veKnightlust: can you please open a dolphin window and tellme what the title bar says?03:31
santiago-veit says d3lphin here <.<03:31
Knightlustsantiago-ve: i have an unusable system, gotta wait before i have my alpha2.. will update you when i do03:32
santiago-venvm... its a bug i guess...  gonna report03:33
santiago-veKnightlust: that makes 2 of us... i cant use my desktop pc...03:33
Knightlustheh, i wonder who else has an unusable system...03:34
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\shnixternal, thanks for uploading08:40
\shhmm...if kde4 is released on 11th of January..this would be cool...turning 37 and kde4 hopefully released11:37
mhbI guess at kdedevelopers.org only KDE developers can reply, right?12:34
\shmhb, no...you need to register though12:46
\shmhb, want to comment on beineris post?12:46
mhb\sh: well I registered there once, then my account was deleted like within seconds12:48
mhbso I guess they didn't want me there.12:48
mhbhis theories may be right, but he says that we are going to have an alternative "KDE4", and that is incorrect.12:49
mhbwe are actually having a main "KDE4" and an alternative "KDE3".12:49
\shmhb, I think you didn't understand beineri...what he meant is that "why can't we do an LTS with KDE3 as default for 5 years, while having kde4 on board as alternative for developers...waiting for kde4.1 as real replacement for kde3"12:50
mhbI know what he was trying to say12:51
mhbbut he actually misinterpreted what we announced.12:51
\shmhb, as I said yesterday...what was announced sounds like crap...and will be misinterpreted by many more people and companies and institutions...marketing is one area where Canonical needs to improve their skills imho12:54
\shmhb, s/crap/excuse/12:55
mhbI understand.12:55
mhbit's their fault, they actually forced Riddell to announce it, and have not had any official announcement done by the press team.12:55
\shmhb, that's why beineri was writing "Am I the only one who sees a growing discrepancy between Mark Shuttleworth, Patron of KDE as individual and who promised last year at LinuxTag to not treat KDE second class to GNOME, and what his company Canonical is actually doing?"12:56
\shmhb, we had this discussion during LT2006 in Wiesbaden with the whole board of KDE e.V. and mark sitting at the round table to stop treating kde as second class citizen12:57
mhbwell he's right at this12:58
mhbI'm not criticising him for that, I said at the beginning: "his theories may be correct"12:58
\shmhb, I'll add a comment12:59
mhbI want the users to know that we're shipping KDE4 on the "official" CD and KDE3 as an alternative13:00
mhbthat's it13:00
mhbotherwise, I'm fine with discussing Canonical's approach13:00
mhbI actually agree with some of the points13:00
mhb\sh: I wrote him an email, let's see what happens.13:01
mhbhi jpatrick13:01
mhband hi Jucato13:01
jpatrickhey mhb13:02
jpatrickwhat's up?13:02
mhbthe news about Kubuntu not being LTS spread13:03
mhband many people misinterpreted what we said13:03
mhbfor example that we're shipping KDE4 as default on the official CDs.13:04
jpatrickaren't we?13:04
\shmhb, I just add a comment13:04
Jucatohi mhb13:04
Jucatothis whole LTS/KDE4/KDE3 thing seems to be sending different (confusing) signals to people...13:05
* Jucato thinks we need to make an official announcement soonish...13:05
\shJucato, "we" can't make an official announcement13:05
Jucatoso what can we do?13:06
Jucatowell, an announcement of our KDE4 and KDE3 plans for Hardy. (not necessarily on the "no LTS" part)13:07
\shJucato, force Canonical to announce it officially...and pushing all the blame to the Canonical Management ;)13:07
Jucatoah heheh :)13:07
Jucatothat woul13:07
Jucatowould be great :)13:07
\shna seriously ... from the marketing PoV it would be better we would do the LTS release...even with KDE4 in main, Canonical can stop the LTS support for special packages in main with the release announcement and in their contracts13:08
\shthis would be no problem..it's just a sales issue13:08
mhbstill, an announcement on kubuntu.org regarding our approach to KDE4 would be rad13:10
mhbso people stop saying we only ship KDE4 as an alternative13:10
Jucatowhat I really find ironic is that all these theoretically doesn't really change the KDE4 plans we had (IMHO). It has always been the plan to have a "special" KDE4 release/CD iirc, alongside the regular KDE 3 release. The only thing that changed is that now we have the chance (a.k.a. excuse) to focus more on KDE4 :)13:10
Jucatobut now it's like everyone's saying "yay! Kubuntu's going to have KDE 4. a nice christmas gift!"13:10
\shthe real problem is, IMHO, that there are not enough (paid) resources for supporting KDE in Ubuntu at all, that's the only point which I could agree on for this decision13:10
Jucato\sh: I don't think there was any to begin with... :(13:11
\shJucato, when you think about how long it took to get kde3 mature enough for production use..kde4 will have a long way ahead13:12
mhbI wonder what our wise leader thinks13:12
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Jucato\sh: even the devs emphasize that. but of course they are also very eager to just get KDE 4 of the ground first :)13:12
\shJucato, during the beginning of Kubuntu, it was meant to be only as community driven release of Ubuntu with KDE...since hoary it was settled to have an official release of Ubuntu with KDE as default desktop13:12
mhbhehe, Riddell sounds a bit like leader backwards13:12
Jucatonice one mhb :)13:13
Jucato\sh: so I've read/heard. I was 2 releases late into the history of Kubuntu (only started w/ Breezy)13:13
\shJucato, well, hoary was the first official release of kubuntu, when I remember correctly..during this time chris halls and amu left canonical as paid devs13:15
\shanyways, there is no way of being p*ssed off with anyone...not even Canonical. because the decision to not make an LTS now is correct, regarding the fact that the support will be in a critical state13:17
JucatoI'm not really annoyed at the decision per se. but at how it was arrived at or communicated to us13:17
JucatoI respect the TB's/Canonical's authority on this, but it would have been really nice if they had given us a heads up :)13:18
mhbdo you know whether Tonio will port the kdesudo to KDE4?13:20
Jucatohm... I was meaning to ask him, specially since I saw a bit of discussion about changes in kdesu a while back13:21
\shhmm..what needs to be ported to kde4 still? especially our self made kubuntu apps ?13:22
Jucatoalthough it would probably be nice if upstream's kdesu is the one that should support both su and sudo properly...13:22
Jucatokde-guidance I think13:22
Jucatoadept (ew?)13:23
Jucatoat least system settings has been lifted from our shoulders :)13:23
mhbnot adept13:23
Jucatogoodie... (or not)13:23
mhblet's keep Adept in KDE3 and hope that for Hardy+1 PackageKitQt will be ready13:23
Jucatoor something else that's better....13:24
\shmhb, +1 :) I don't like adept ;)13:24
Jucatooh wait, kpackage is getting updated/maintained again iirc13:24
Jucatoimho kpackage is actually good/better than adept if it were only maintained...13:24
mhbkde-guidance, kdesudo, gdebi (kind of my task), restricted-manager (mine again)13:24
* Jucato likes the fact that you can do simple browsing w/o having to sudo in kpackage13:25
mhbit'd be lovely if somebody actually did the other two :o)13:25
Jucatohm... adept wouldn't be half as bad if it had cleaner code and a better UI...13:25
Jucatohm.. that basically means rewriting it :)13:25
* Jucato still can't get over the fact that Adept's main/most important class is called TestApp :D13:26
Jucatoor Application. depends on which file you look...13:26
\shah hell13:26
Jucatoit's really a piece of work. I greatly admire the patience and talent of those who maintain it :)13:27
\shadept is also known as a paradoxon ;) a package manager written by a RH employee ,-)13:27
Jucatoa DEB package manager :)13:27
\shfor .deb based distros ;)13:28
Jucato(although iirc mornfall's last attempts were to add RPM-support)13:28
Jucatoheh which is one of the things I liked about kpackage. it supports deb's and rpm's (not that rpm's matter much to me)13:28
\shwell, it's likely easier to add a kde ui for smart then to add rpm-md/zypper repos to adept ,-)13:29
Jucatoheh :)13:29
Jucatowhatever happened to smartpm? O.o13:29
\shJucato, well, it works ;)13:29
Jucatohahah :)13:29
\shI used it during maintaing some opensuse 10.2 installations13:30
\shfor SLES9 I used yum still...which was a pain in my bum, but nice thing is, that fai knows now about yum and smart ,-)13:30
Jucatoah yes. during the zmd times? :)13:30
\shJucato, during my times at combots13:30
Jucatooh mhb, just read your blog post now. nice :)13:31
mhbJucato: thanks13:32
mhbdoing a similar one (I mean showing another ported app) would make me happy, too13:32
\shis pykde4 ready for using it in real projects? :)13:32
Jucatoafaik yes... but Sime (where is he anyway?) would probably know bitter13:33
Jucatoer.. better...13:33
Jucatodiskconfig in guidance really needs some work and love. right now users are reporting that there seems to be some inconsistencies between diskconfig and fstab entries... (it also probably needs some "marketing"... nice/useful utility but quite unknown...)13:34
mhbwell all of them need it13:35
mhbnobody really works on it and that's bad13:35
\shJucato, I just had a look at gutsies kde-guidance/userconfig ... it needs some qtdesigner love13:35
mhb\sh: I've got a screenshot for you13:35
\shdo we have a bzr repo for it?13:35
\shI think my free time in january will be busy ;)13:36
Jucatohm. free-busy time? kinda oxymoronic isn't it? :)13:37
Jucatomhb: wow! )13:37
Jucatothat was quick :)13:38
mhbguidance apps are actually pretty well written13:38
mhbso except for displayconfig they should be easy to port13:38
* Jucato has actually never had any luck in making displayconfig work... even with just changing resolutions...13:39
\shlooks good :)13:40
mhbtoo bad I'm not in high school anymore13:41
\shJucato, yeah sounds like the crack pipe is coming to visit me during these days13:41
Jucatoheh :)13:41
\shwell, another crack pipe and a good laugh is this http://fakesteve.blogspot.com/2007/12/im-feeling-little-bit-better-now.html13:43
mhbif I were in high school I'd actually have a free week now13:45
mhband I could port most of kde-guidance to KDE413:45
mhbalas, I'm not, and I don't :o)13:45
Jucatobut you will :)13:46
Jucatothat's the best part :D13:46
\shmhb, well, I'm not in highschool...but our company had a shut down forever...so we were forced to leave companies building and sitting on our asses for the rest of the year and january...and I finally start a new career on 1st of Feb13:46
mhbJucato: no, I won't.13:47
mhbthat's the worst part13:47
Jucatoaw :)13:47
jpatrickmhb: sweet13:51
mhbjpatrick: and so am I .o) what did you mean?13:52
jpatrickmhb: the image, looks good13:53
mhbjpatrick: I wish I had the time to finish it and all the dozen other projects I wanted to13:56
\shhmm...I'll try to upgrade from gutsy to hardy on my second station14:09
\shhmm...what to do to install kde4 on hardy?15:58
Knightlust\sh: use the ppa, wasn't able to install kde4 until i added the ppa16:04
Knightlustand it's as buggy as hell for me, everything is so grainy16:04
* \sh just needs some dev environment16:04
Knightlustwell, i hope you can get your dev env up, it's hard to work if yours is like mine; http://knightlust.com/grainy.png16:06
Knightlusthope it gets updated soon16:07
buzthat looks like a graphics driver issue to me16:08
buzlike you have only 16colors or so16:09
Knightlustbuz: thanks, will check on my drivers16:10
buzcan you copy xdpyinfo output to pastebin?16:12
nixternalthat's not 16 colors for sure16:12
nixternalKnightlust: what video card do you have?16:12
Knightlustnixternal: the onboard intel16:12
buzbut its dithering in plasma16:12
nixternalhrmm, so do I and I have no problems whatsoever16:12
buznot in the rest though16:12
buzthis is weird to say the least16:13
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Knightlustbuz: here you go: http://pastebin.ca/82991616:19
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buzlooks ok16:48
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nixternalnosrednaekim: #ubuntu-derivative17:45
nosrednaekimthanks nixternal17:54
nosrednaekimthere a meeting goin on now... or should I just hang out there.17:54
nixternalthey were looking for me I guess earlier17:56
nixternalsomeone in another channel told me I should hang out there17:56
nixternalcurrent daily (alt) doesn't install :(  grabbing alpha 2 to install instead17:57
nixternalneed to get my screenshot machine up and running17:57
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Riddellnixternal: did you upload kde4libs?18:42
nixternaldid I break the world by doing so?18:43
Riddellnixternal: not that I know of18:43
Riddellnixternal: are you going to upload the rest of kde4?18:43
nixternalI can work on that today18:43
nixternalare we merging from Debian on everyone?18:43
Riddellnixternal: ideally yes18:44
Riddellnixternal: better now than for the 4.0 release18:44
nixternaldo I need to wait for kdelibs5 to build out, and such for each upload (kdepimlibs5 and kdebase-kde4)  before moving on to the others18:45
Riddellnixternal: no shouldn't have to18:45
Riddellnixternal: so you can just do it in batch18:46
Riddellfor package in kdepimlibs kdebase-workspace kdebase-kde4 ...; do apt-get source ${asdf}; done18:46
Riddellfor package in kdepimlibs kdebase-workspace kdebase-kde4 ...; do apt-get source ${package}; done   rather18:46
Riddellfor package in kdepimlibs kdebase-workspace kdebase-kde4 ...; do patch -p1 < stdin's patch; done18:46
nixternalya, asdf and package aren't the same18:46
Riddellfor package in kdepimlibs kdebase-workspace kdebase-kde4 ...; do cp kde.mk ${package}-*/debian/cdbs/; done18:47
iRonRiddell: hi! what to do with new patch for ntfs mount? do we need to reopen user disk mounting bug in LP?18:50
RiddelliRon: a debdiff would be ideal if you know how to do that18:52
iRonRiddell: man debdiff :)18:52
RiddelliRon: get the latest kdebase (4:3.5.8-2ubuntu8) add the patch to debian/patches  run dch -i  and add a changelog18:53
Riddelldebuild -S; cd ..; debdiff old.dsc new.dsc18:53
RiddelliRon: http://kubuntu.org/~jriddell/tmp/kdebase_3.5.8-2ubuntu8.diff.gz18:54
nixternalRiddell: what was the chroot trick with dbus?19:05
Riddellnixternal: rm /var/lib/dpkg/info/dbus.postinst  in my experience19:06
nixternalinside the chroot though correct/19:06
nixternalroger...I couldn't remember how to get around that19:07
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jpatrickRiddell, iRon : kdelibs needs bug 17823319:37
ubotuLaunchpad bug 178233 in kdebase "Kdebase 4:3.5.8-2ubuntu7 FTBFS" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17823319:37
jpatrickarg, already done, sorry :)19:38
iRonRiddell: What to write in changelog: " -- Jonathan Riddell <jriddell@...> ..." ?20:05
iRonRiddell: or it doesn't metter?20:06
jpatrickiRon: your name and email20:06
nosrednaekimouch... http://www.kdedevelopers.org/node/3167?page=120:10
ardchoilleI'm getting an rkhunter warning on /usr/bin/find. Has that file changed recently?20:16
ugaguys, do you know if kubuntu adjusts gamma settings somewhere?20:48
nosrednaekimuga: systemsettings->monitor and disply20:48
uganosrednaekim: on the system level, that goes where, xorg.conf?20:48
ugaI'm having problems with gamma in a kde4 setup (installed from svn)20:49
nosrednaekimuga: I think... really don't know.20:49
ugait's much darker than the kde3 desktop, and I cant' see why20:49
ugait's completely unusable for photography20:49
nosrednaekimcan you adjust your monitor brightness (with hardware)20:50
ugayes, but I'm not changing it myself20:50
jpatrickjussi01: and they carry on..20:50
ugajust switching from vt7 to vt820:50
nosrednaekimah... I see20:51
ugaand one shows the photo much more washed out, as if brightness was bumped20:51
nosrednaekimwhy don't you adjust the gamma controls in the kde3 system settings until it looks like the kde4 one, then adjust the hardware...20:52
ugaI could do that, thanks20:52
ugaI'd prefer knowing what kubuntu does though, because I don't see it in xorg20:53
ugait does something nice, because it's properly callibrated (more or less)20:53
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uganosrednaekim: okay, I opened the gamma settings option, didn't change anything, just applied again21:02
uganow both desktops show the same gamma21:03
uganosrednaekim: thanks. I only need to figure out where the setting goes21:03
ugaand what changed it to make it right ;)21:03
uga(kgamma or similar, possibly)21:03
uganosrednaekim: thanks for the help21:03
iRonjpatrick: is there any public ftp or some other service where i could upload my kdebase_3.5.8-2ubuntu9.diff.gz/dsc ?21:12
CheGuevaralaunchpad :P21:13
iRonCheGuevara: in code ?21:13
CheGuevaraopen a bug21:13
jpatrickiRon: debdiff kdebase_3.5.8-2ubuntu8.dsc kdebase_3.5.8-2ubuntu9.dsc > kdebase-superfix.debdiff21:13
iRongot it..21:14
CheGuevarathen reference that bug in your changelog like (LP: #xxxxx)21:14
CheGuevaraand attach in the bug21:14
CheGuevaraso the bug will auto closed when it gets uploaded21:14
mhbjust one and a half hour till my next blogpost!21:35
jpatrickanyone porting apt:/ ?21:39
CheGuevarathe kio? don't think so21:40
iRonoh, i'm a god in kioslaves programming now :-)21:44
iRondo we need some new kioslaves? ;-)21:44
mhbjpatrick: to KDE4? not yet, I guess.21:45
CheGuevaraiRon, apt:/ kioslave needs porting to KDE 4 :)21:45
CheGuevarawhat are we using as a package manager on kde 4?21:46
iRonCheGuevara: no problem.. right after i finish bullet-proof-x :)21:46
* CheGuevara hugs iRon 21:47
ugaokay, I found what's going on... it seems kubuntu's systemsettings directly alters xorg.conf (and breaks other settings I had done manually, btw)21:47
ugabut then some external app is altering gamma settings differently for kde4 and kde421:48
ugabut then some external app is altering gamma settings differently for kde4 and kde321:48
jpatrickiRon: I think Eduardiyo would like to help out with that :)21:48
iRonjpatrick: with bullet-proof-x? or apt:/ kio?21:49
jpatrickiRon: bullet-proof-x21:49
iRonEduardiyo: have you started with ^^^ ?21:50
ugaI wonder if that's lprof or kgamma21:50
jpatrickiRon: he's a new hopeful21:51
CheGuevarabullet-proof-x affects kdm right21:51
iRonCheGuevara: yes it does21:52
CheGuevarawas just thinking about kdm 3 vs kdm 421:52
iRonCheGuevara: there is no much difference between kdm 3 and kdm 4..21:54
iRonCheGuevara: checked already21:54
CheGuevaraah cool21:54
\shdamn...I'm still listed to be responsible for some gentoo ebuilds...21:57
iRonRiddell, jpatrick: Bug #178351 (debdiff included)22:14
ubotuLaunchpad bug 178351 in kdebase "failed to mount ntfs user disk with kiomedia" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17835122:14
jpatrickiRon: subscribe ubuntu-main-sponsers - I'm not core-dev :)22:15
iRonjpatrick: oh.. :)22:15
jpatrickiRon: may one day... ;)22:16
RiddelliRon: looking22:17
=== \sh is now known as \sh_away
RiddelliRon: uploaded, thanks22:21
iRonRiddell: yw!22:21
=== \sh_away is now known as \sh
=== jpetso_away is now known as jpetso
=== uga|away is now known as uga
=== \sh is now known as \sh_away
EduardiyoiRon: i not started whit this because im new like develop in linux, see you tomorrow :P22:36
iRonEduardiyo: ok22:37
mhbhey RadiantFire22:41
cheguevarahmmm did somethign in kdelibs fail22:42
cheguevarathey've been kept back for a while now22:42
Riddellcheguevara: which kdelibs?22:43
jpatrickcheguevara: it might be that soyuz bug22:43
cheguevarajpatrick, the one that eats binaries?22:44
Riddellcheguevara: probably the libgif transition22:44
cheguevaraduh (says the one who did that change)22:44
Riddellcheguevara: poke nixternal to see when he plans to upload the rest22:44
cheguevaraRiddell, i am going through rdepends posting debdiffs, done quiet a lot so far22:45
cheguevarabut i wanted to ask22:45
cheguevarasome dont build-depend on ungiflib, just run time depend, so there are no changes to control22:45
cheguevarahow do i go about those22:45
Riddellcheguevara: they must bring it in somehow, something it build-deps on much itself depend on libungif22:47
cheguevaraah right22:47
nixternalI am redoing my build box22:48
* nixternal did a booboo22:48
cheguevarawhat did you do22:48
nixternalrm -rf'd the wrong directories :p22:49
nixternalI thought I was in the chroot, but I wasn't22:49
jpatricks/wrong directories/root22:49
nixternalpretty much so22:49
cheguevaraworst thing i've done was deleted my /home/cheguevara22:49
cheguevarano back ups whatsoever22:49
nixternalI usually change the bash prompts to a different color to know that I am not in a chroot, but I hadn't done that on my build box22:50
nixternalluckily for me though, I have daily backups22:50
yuriyhow do i build adept from bzr? (there's no makefile or configure.in ... )22:50
nixternalalthough there was nothing really on my build box worth saving, except all of the directories under / :p22:50
jpatrickyuriy: I think the lastest code is apt-get source adept22:50
cheguevarathere's a Makefile.in22:51
cheguevaraand m4 macros22:51
cheguevarahmm *trying to figure out what depends on ungif*22:53
yuriycheguevara: where do i go from there? (i don't know how to work automake, in my little experience kdevelop has done it for me)22:54
jpatrickyuriy: make -f Makefile.cvs work?22:54
Riddellyuriy: make -f debian/rules buildprep22:54
Riddellwhich will do what jpatrick says but apply patches first22:54
yuriyah thanks Riddell22:54
cheguevaraaclocal && autoconf && automake22:55
cheguevaraexcept aclocal is already there22:56
cheguevaraand there's no configure.ac :P22:56
yuriymake -f debian/rules buildprep22:59
yuriytest -x debian/rules22:59
yuriytest "`id -u`" = 022:59
yuriymake: *** [testroot] Error 122:59
yuriyoh, i have to sudo to build it?22:59
mhbso, how is KDE4 working for you?23:14
Riddellyuriy: use fakeroot23:19
Riddellooh ooh, I'm a year older where you are mhb!23:19
cheguevaraare we all signing the bday song soon :)23:20
yuriyRiddell's a year older? uhoh we can't ask him so many questions anymore, the senility might start kicking in23:21
mhbRiddell: do you have to spoil everything?23:23
mhbRiddell: cant you see I am waiting for your time zone?23:24
mhbRiddell: no presents before 00:00 in your TZ :o)23:25
Riddellbut there's all those presents on top of the wardrobe!23:29
Riddelljust wanting to be opened23:29
nosredna_ekimitsn't it nice having your B-day this close to Christmas? you get double...the.... oh.. never mind :D23:30
mhbyou will be a year closer to your 30th birthday, the day when you stop being young23:31
RiddellI do enjoy getting older23:34
mhbaccording to the Goverment of Tasmania, you are young just until 25.23:34
Riddelloh in most places in Africa you're young up to about 5023:34
Riddellgave us great problems during the World Gathering of Young Friends23:34
Jucatonosredna_ekim: actually it's worse having your birthday close to Christmas. people will give you gifts that serve both as your birthday present and christmas present :)23:34
iRonmhb: my laptop with kde4 is very heated all the time.. so i switched back to kde323:34
nosredna_ekimTasmania isn't in Africa...23:34
nosredna_ekimJucato: I know... I was being sarcastic ;)23:35
Riddellnosredna_ekim: I know, just a similar example23:35
mhbit has its advantages23:35
mhbfor example, I remembered Riddells birthday23:35
nosredna_ekimRiddell: ah.. ok :D23:35
mhbof course, he has it easy, being the number one23:36
* mhb should go create his own distribution23:36
mhbwell I would go, if yours was not that awesome :o)23:37
nixternalRiddell: Happy Birthday (somewhere in the world)! :)23:39
mhbcome on people, cant you wait?23:40
* mhb waits 2 hours now for it23:40
nixternaljust in case I am not around, better than a belated23:40
* toma prepares champagne and cake23:40
JucatoMaligayang Kaarawan Riddell from the Philippines (which is usually ahead of everyone else...)23:40
* nixternal ate the cake23:40
mhbthe cake is a lie.23:40
Jucato(in timezones of course... technology wise, we're always behind)23:40
Riddellthere's 20 minutes yet!23:40
* toma pulls out another cake23:40
* nosredna_ekim gulps it down23:41
* toma grabs an axe23:41
* mhb eats it23:41
nixternal18:00 CST == Riddell->increaseAge(1);23:41
Jucatoeating the axe? now that's something you don't see everyday23:41
Jucatostrawberry coated axe. hm... why does the strawberry taste very salty and not sweet? O.o23:42
mhbiRon: that is bad to hear ... any specific reason? strigi going to 100% perhaps?23:42
nosredna_ekimJucato: it has high iron content... don't worry, its good for you23:43
iRonmhb: no.. system is even 99% idle23:44
mhb fifteen minutes left23:44
Jucatoyay! nice pre-Christmas gift! no water for the day :)23:44
RiddellJucato: why's that?23:48
Jucatodunno. water suddenly got cut off. we're still waiting for some explanation :(23:49
toma10 minutes23:49
* nosredna_ekim higs his well23:49
nosredna_ekim*hugs! man! why can't I type correctly.23:49
* Jucato looks up the definition of "hig"23:49
Jucatoum.. because you're you? :D23:49
nosredna_ekimI'm me.... oh... what a complement23:52
mhbhuman interface guidelines23:52
mhbthat's hig23:52
Jucatoah yes! how could I have forgotten :)23:52
* Jucato never realized nosredna_ekim was so HIG compliant :)23:53
nosredna_ekimha? me? you don't wanna see my guis :D23:53
jpatricknosredna_ekim: however bad they are, trust me, they are nothing compared to the UIs I see done at my school23:54
Jucatoha! you can't see mine. (because they only exist in the hard disk known as "My Brain")23:54
mhbI am ready23:54
jpatrickJucato: I thought that meltdowned ages ago...23:54
nosredna_ekimall except for the Jucato Data Core23:55
JucatoI managed to save parts of mine. but that does explain why I'm missing a few things :)23:55
mhband then there were five23:55
claydoh_233mhzmsg nickserv ghost claydoh 07Savannah23:57
jpatrickclaydoh_233mhz: change pass quick!23:58
mhbyou've got a few minutes before it is stored in the logs.23:58
nosredna_ekimah...my clock is right on time :D23:58
mhbmine too, I just synchronized with the local NTP server.23:59
tomaVorian: just in time!23:59
* Riddell feels young23:59

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