
sourcemakerardchoille: I have 2 GB ram :-)00:00
Olof[M]Um. question not regarding linux or ubuntu.00:02
ardchoillesourcemaker: Not sure about that, but you might look into cutting down on unnecessary services00:02
Olof[M]Is it bad to have your monitor next to a TV? Mine is flickering alot..00:02
sourcemakerardchoille: ok thanks00:02
ArtimusOlof[M]: I'm not sure, but in any case, it's always annoyed me enough to find a way to separate them.00:02
Olof[M]Artimus: so it's a given fact the monitor won't work good next to a tv?00:03
sourcemakerArtimus: my pc is working fine... next to the tv00:03
Olof[M]not the pc. the monitor00:04
Olof[M]side to side, old CRT ones.00:04
ArtimusDepends on the frequency of both the monitor and TV.  Basically, I'd recommend moving it because it's annoying to have the picture flicker...  No idea if it's actual damage.00:05
ArtimusI'm not a fan of things dancing around on my desktop.  Compiz annoys me for this reason...  Flicker does the same thing...00:05
Olof[M]I'm a fan of having things dancing around my desktop..00:07
ThingusCompiz can be very elegant if you spend the time configuring it.00:07
ThingusI have a rather professional-looking desktop for my PC, right now.00:07
ArtimusI've come to a set of settings that I like...  They will not change until Kde4, probably00:08
Coldwar55Does anyone know if the Open Source Radeon drivers runs Compiz/AIGLX decently?00:10
* tolecnal throws kde and keytouch out the window and realises that he has to do this manually00:11
DeadJonesanyone else having problems with mountconfig?00:11
DeadJonesi cant load the disk and file systems module / mountconfig00:11
pros922how do I get a list of all ubuntu channels on freenode?00:12
tehm0nkhow can i easily find a file that i know the name of but not where it is?00:21
DaSkreechtehm0nk: Search :)00:21
DaSkreechPriceChild: sounds painful00:22
tehm0nkDaSkreech: i was hoping for a terminal command?00:22
DaSkreechtehm0nk: you want to locate something ?00:22
DaSkreechtehm0nk: try locate :)00:25
ubotuHi! Welcome to #kubuntu!00:27
x_linkI just upgraded my nvidia-version, the kernel was upgraded to I think.00:28
x_linkDaSkreech: Thanks =)00:28
x_linkBut now my sound doesn't work.00:28
x_linkI use a onboard soundcard.00:28
x_linkCan somebody please help me with this+00:28
tolecnalas frustrating this is, I guess I'll be able to live with this minor annoyance00:29
x_linkCan somebody please help me?00:29
tehm0nkx_link: nforce motherboard?00:29
biovoreprobably intel HD sound :-)00:29
tehm0nkprobably Nforce HD sound :-P00:30
biovoreI noticed that the generic kernel on amd64 dosn't ahve the intel HD sound driver compile from some reason..00:30
tehm0nki wonder if ... his volumn is just turned down like mine was...00:30
x_linktehm0nk: Yes.00:30
x_linktehm0nk: Abit KN9S nForce 550 AM2.00:30
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP300:30
DaSkreechtolecnal: Problems?00:31
x_linkDaSkreech: It's not that.00:32
tolecnalDaSkreech: short version; special keys (multimedia), dell keyboard. adjusts master volume, rather than PCM. can't find where to change the default KDE behaviour, tried with keytouch too, which does nothing (not even with a manual amixer command, and a custom defined keyboard using keytouch-editor).00:32
x_linkI have a red thing over my speaker next to the clock.00:32
DaSkreechtolecnal: Ah I had that problem till just before gutsy went final and something fixed it and apprently broke multimedia keys for everyone else  :(00:33
DaSkreechx_link: Mute?00:33
x_linkDaSkreech: Not that either.00:33
x_linkI tried that.00:33
tolecnalDaSkreech: you know what causes it? and is there a workaround? I hate such minor issues, when I know the cause, but not the solution00:34
DaSkreechtolecnal: No but #ubuntu-devel might shed some light they would be the packagers00:35
DaSkreechOh wait no it's KDE keys00:35
=== DeadJones is now known as \dEAD
\dEADthe module disk and file systems could not be loaded ... ive searched everywhere for a fix to this. seems lots of ppl have this problem, yet no fix00:35
x_linkSo nobody can help me with my sound-problem?00:37
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tehm0nkx_link: i can't remember the command to check sound settings00:39
Coldwar55Has ANYONE used the 7.12 Drivers?00:39
DaSkreechtehm0nk: alsamixer00:43
tehm0nkDaSkreech: he left...00:44
DaSkreechtehm0nk: Ah well :) at least now you know00:44
DaSkreechtehm0nk: Still online though I could message him ....00:45
DaSkreechI have to run though00:45
tehm0nkbut it wasn't that that i was thinking about either00:45
tehm0nkthere is something that you can type in terminal00:45
tehm0nkto show sound settings or something00:45
tehm0nknot a mixer00:46
=== tehm0nk is now known as tehm0nk-f00d
firecrotchtehm0nk-f00d:  amixer ?00:50
dettoaltrimentii installed the flash-nonfree package, but youtube videos still won't play. what am I doing wrong?00:58
crimsunare you using gutsy or hardy?01:00
\dEADi found it!  finally!01:01
crimsundettoaltrimenti: that's likely due to the md5sum mismatch.  Use the hardy package.01:01
\dEADif you get the error for Disk & File systems that some 3rd party crap, that it cant run,  .. do you have an ipod connected?  disconnect it and VIOLA it works again01:01
crimsundettoaltrimenti: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/multiverse/f/flashplugin-nonfree/flashplugin-nonfree_9.0.115.0ubuntu2_i386.deb01:02
dettoaltrimentithanks crimsun01:02
dettoaltrimentican i install that straight from the command line? sudo apt-get install http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/multiverse/f/flashplugin-nonfree/flashplugin-nonfree_9.0.115.0ubuntu2_i386.deb ??01:02
\dEADu dont know how happy i am.  was thinking i was gonna have to reisntall from scratch.01:02
DaSkreechVery few reasons to do that01:03
DaSkreechThere is one though01:03
DaSkreechKDE4! :)01:03
* DaSkreech dances01:03
Dr_willisdettoaltrimenti,  apt-get dosent work that way. You could grab the file with wget, then use dpkg -i thepackage.deb01:07
Dr_willisdettoaltrimenti,  but i think that package actually downloads the actual file.01:08
tolecnalOkay, I've tried now with both keytocuh and klineakconfig/lineakd to get my keyboard special keys to function, but they they "fail" to work. Meaning, KDE takes control over the keys and their use. They keys are not defined in xmodmap, so I'm at a real loss as to where KDE configures these keys as I can't find them under keyboard layout in kcontrol either.01:13
DaSkreechcrimsun: Quick question about that01:14
crimsunDaSkreech: "that" being?01:14
DaSkreechcrimsun: What binds the multimedia keys to a channel in the mixer01:15
crimsunDaSkreech: depends.  It can be exposed via acpi or directly in the driver.01:15
DaSkreechfor a while in the Gutsy run up when I pressed the multimedia vol Up/Dn buttons it was moving something other than my master and I couldn't figure how to bind them back to the master chan01:15
hydrogenright click on kmix01:16
hydrogenchoose set master channel01:16
DaSkreechhydrogen: that worked for the mousewheel but not the keys01:16
DaSkreechthe keys still moved whatever channel01:16
tolecnalhydrogen: in my case, that doesn't work. it still uses master channel, even if I set it to 'PCM'01:16
hydrogencheck out kmilo then01:17
DaSkreechit suddenly flipped back to correct a week before gutsy shipped but I never got what made them do that01:17
tolecnalhydrogen: after I stopped kmilo, it worked (had to restart KDE though, since stopping kmilo also effectivly stopped the keyboard for some reason)01:27
tolecnalhydrogen: you are officially my hero of the day.. thanks, and thanks to the others who beared with me01:27
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=== administrator_ is now known as administrator
tehm0nk-f00dis there a way to only show the buttons on the taskbar of the windows on THAT desktop only?01:30
intelikeyright click and configure kicker01:31
Dr_willisyou have to right click in the right place to get the right config menu. :) i recall...01:31
intelikeythe 'show windows from all desktops' box,  detic it.01:31
Dr_willisConfigure Panel --> Taskbar --> at the bottom01:32
Dr_willisOh wait thats not it..  where was it01:32
Dr_willisX box's at the top. :)01:32
Dr_willisAha! thats where you enable that window list button! :)01:33
tehm0nk-f00dno that isn't what i mean...01:34
tehm0nk-f00di mean... i have 4 virtual desktops...01:34
tehm0nk-f00dif i switch to other desktops... the same buttons are there01:34
tehm0nk-f00dit makes almost no sense to me why the buttons would be there...01:35
* intelikey wonders what a button is01:35
Dr_willisI perfer it that way.01:35
Dr_willisSame buttons? you are refering to the 'buttons' showing the running apps?01:36
Dr_willisI have 2 desktops. one has xchat, and firefox, #2 has vi amd a terminal.01:37
Dr_williswith that Check box at the top iof the settings. I ONLY see the  vi/term buttons when i am on desktop 201:37
Dr_willisi see xchat and others on desktop 1 when i am on #101:37
tehm0nk-f00dand you click them to switch01:37
tehm0nk-f00dwhats the point in that.01:37
Dr_willisto change to vi from xchat  i have to go to desktop #2, Then click on the vi button.01:38
Dr_williswhich i dont like.01:38
Dr_willisI have the panel thing show them all. :)01:38
tehm0nk-f00dto me... if you have 1 desktop with multiple things on there01:38
tehm0nk-f00dthat are maximized01:38
* intelikey wonders how that is in any way better than just running them in one desktop...01:38
tehm0nk-f00dhaveing 1 desktop with all the icons on it, it LITERALLY the same as 4 desktops with all them maximized on each...01:39
tehm0nk-f00di mean you could even Alt tab easier01:39
tehm0nk-f00dwith 1 desktop01:39
=== tehm0nk-f00d is now known as tehm0nk
Dr_willisI tend to use all my apps maxamized anyway. so  the only time i make use a 2nd dekstop is if i have sevral terms, or file manager windows laied out in a way i want to keep01:39
Dr_willisso #1 has all my maxed apps. #2 has like 2 terms side by side, and a file manager.01:40
tehm0nki would like to be able to use differant virtual desktops to do differant sets of things...01:40
Dr_willisjust getting people to Maxamize their apps seems like a THing i am Constantly Hammerign into 'beginners' when i teach them the desktop basics...01:40
tehm0nklike web windows/text stuff/wine for stuff i'm doing on one thing... and on a differant desktop whatever else like chatting programs or whatnot01:40
Dr_willisthey are looking/scrolling this ittby window all the time.. im like wanting to slap them in the head.. 'use the max button fool!' :)01:41
tehm0nkbut the deal is... having all the running application buttons on the taskbar just creats clutter.01:41
Dr_willisThen set it to not show them.01:41
Dr_willisI want them seen. so i can switch easier. You dont..   theres a setting that makes us both happy01:41
* intelikey doesn't do desktops.01:42
tehm0nkDr_willis: appearantly LOTS of mac folks dont really minimize they're apps01:42
tehm0nkand right now... konversation isn't maximized either lol01:42
Dr_willislots of mac folks are... well.. we wont go there..01:42
tehm0nkintelikey: why not?01:42
tehm0nkyeah well i agree there tho Dr_willis01:42
Dr_willisWith 2 wide screen monitors. I dont use virtual desktops much any more these days'01:42
Dr_willisI got conky running on monitor #2. and a terminal  . and thats about all. :) other monitor is my main workspace.01:43
Dr_willisthen i got MythTV on the tv out.01:43
Dr_willisOh wait. thats 3 monitors..01:43
tehm0nkwind0ws >linux > mac (Until, they figure out direct rendering and whatnot so things like Photoshop... etc)01:43
intelikeytehm0nk i just grew away from the gui.01:43
Dr_willisI cant say that i have a need for Photoshop.. sorry.01:44
tehm0nkyeah i have 2 monitors 201:44
Dr_willisThis years Must have thing/app/tool is next years... 'i rember using that ages ago'.. :)01:44
ubotuInformation about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama01:44
Dr_willisI rember when Mac's  'hypercard' was the big deal.01:44
tehm0nkwell there is a million things linux *can not* do that i would like it to...01:45
Dr_willisThen there was the Desktop Publishing stuff..01:45
tehm0nkAutodesk Inventor01:45
intelikeyDr_willis ^5  :)01:45
tehm0nkwould be one01:45
tehm0nkand Mastercam, not sure if that would run either01:45
Dr_willisit could do it. IF the companies would write the software.. thats not linux's fault.. but this discussion is heading to a pointless argument.. so. Im going to go play with the grandson. :)01:45
Dr_willisGet him all hyped up on cookies befor he has to go home.01:45
tehm0nkthere is tons of things in my life that hold me from full linux-ization :-P01:46
intelikeymrtimbo just jump right in.   these guys will get back on topic if you ask a question01:46
mrtimboim just here to listen, its been a while since i have been in here01:46
Dr_willisHay mrtimbo01:46
Dr_willisSame old stuff. :)01:47
Dr_williswhats the latest Kubuntu.ubuntu news.. lets see.. flash ahs been causing people fits...01:47
tehm0nkLOL thats hilarious about the grandson01:47
mrtimbowhat is flash doing?01:47
Dr_willisand wasent there somthing screwy with the last batch of updates? somthing with grub breaking?01:47
mrtimboworks fine here01:47
tehm0nkand flash movies ?01:47
Dr_willismrtimbo,  they updated, and i think they dident fix the md5 file. so that confused the installer.01:47
Dr_willisbut it hasent affected me.  so havent paid attentioon. :()01:48
mrtimboso how is the second alpha release ?01:48
mrtimboi seen it on distrowatch01:48
tolecnalyup, that's the problem. easy to fix, though, what I find funny is that even though the installer fails, apt still sees the package as installed :)01:48
Dr_willisI also saw some news that the New Dell Linux machines come with Ubuntu that has the Nvidia drivers, and dvd playback allready installed/included01:49
intelikeytolecnal nothing odd about that.   as far as apt is concerned it is.01:49
intelikeytolecnal all apt is installing is a script.   the script is there.01:49
Smurf-SlayerIf my desktop configuration shows I'm at 1024x768, and the bar won't go to the right, how do I know that ubuntu knows that is as high as it will go?  I'm sure it will go higher?01:50
tolecnalintelikey: well, I can see your point. but you would think there would be some error check involved :)01:50
intelikeyone might say that apt installs the flash installer.01:50
tehm0nkdell sells linux boxes?01:50
intelikeytehm0nk yes01:50
Dr_willistehm0nk,  yes. :) have for like.. 6 mo?01:51
Dr_willisthey recently started releasing Gutsy Based ones.01:51
tehm0nkwhich means they support linux? as in customer support?01:51
Dr_willistehm0nk,  i belive so..01:51
Dr_willisNot that i can understand what 'support' ever actually does. :P01:51
tehm0nkmust be nice to learn linuz with uber support?01:51
Dr_willisYou dont call up dell and ask how to mount your ipod do ya? :)01:51
Smurf-SlayerHi Dr Willis01:51
mrtimbosupport = please restart your computer and refer to manual01:51
intelikeyDr_willis that's the guy that points you to this channel isn't it ?01:51
tehm0nkuhm... sometimes you really need someones attention to really get a problem fixed01:52
tehm0nkand i hate to say it01:52
Dr_willistehm0nk,  also news check out the 400+ Page FREE ubuntu book at -------->  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Training01:52
tehm0nkbut i'm on Kubuntu cause... #ubuntu was just NUTS.01:52
Dr_willisintelikey,  I think so. :)01:52
Dr_willisI tend to RTFM. :) and google and read...01:52
* intelikey pets his dell pinguin01:52
Dr_willisStep #1 - learn how to learn, and research the problems.01:52
Dr_willisI may get a Dell laptop for my next laptop.01:53
Dr_willisbut my current one is doing ok.01:53
downixDr_willis:  I wouldn't.  We bought one, it had the power regulator die01:53
Dr_willisI hate to buy a laptop with out actually see/feeling it in the store.01:53
tehm0nki try to read as much as possible i'm not that bad with computers actually...01:53
downix$400 for the part, which is not covered under warranty01:53
tehm0nkbuilt the last 4 that i've owned, the last one was twin loop water cooled...01:53
Dr_willisdownix,  given how complex pc's are these days.. im suprused any of them last more then a month.01:53
mrtimboI have an acer that i bought at walmart for 700, it had vista home premium, I dual booted for a while and when gusty came out i just erased it and only have kubuntu now01:54
downixDr_willis: And yet, my Amiga and Commodore are still chugging....01:54
Dr_willisfor every company that makes anything.. you can  proberly find a few lemons...01:54
Dr_willisdownix,  i have a few of those as well. :)01:54
tehm0nkbut my recent problems, even google was spitting garbage about dual videocard setups01:54
Dr_willisdual video cards? or a single card with 2 video outs? :) 2 video outs is easy.01:54
=== johnnyb is now known as cyborjohn
downixDr_willis: I'm trying to get AROS onto a SPARC, to see what the SPARCmiga would have felt like.  (Sun tried to license the Amiga in 1990)01:54
intelikeymrtimbo yeah shame you can't get your 300 back that went to the vesta license01:55
tehm0nkyeah 2 8600GTs01:55
Dr_willisdownix,  i think everone tried to do everything to the amiga back then.. and well.. lets say that i still cry at times over it all. :)01:55
mrtimbono kidding01:55
tehm0nkand heh i had fun figuring out to NOT use the nvidia-glx drivers... but the -new ones...01:55
=== zakame_ is now known as zakame
downixDr_willis: Indeed.  Sun, DEC and HP to name 3 I know off the top of my head.01:56
Dr_willisusing 2 8600's with a monitor on each?  Or trying 2 monitors on each? dont they have dual dvi outs?01:56
Dr_willisdownix,  and every so often you hear of the amiga revival.. and .. well. it never happens.01:56
downixDr_willis: The Amiga community has given up on corporate revivals.  The OS is cloned, and now the hardware is too.01:57
tehm0nkdual outs01:57
Dr_willisdownix,  i do recall some  "OS" that was a lot like the amiga OS. but ran on top of a primary OS.   But i can never rember its name. :) it even had things like diskname: and stuff: and lib:01:57
tehm0nk1 on each01:57
tehm0nki *could* quad monitor... but uh nty01:57
downixDr_willis: AROS, and it's now native on x86 and PowerPC.01:58
Dr_willistehm0nk,  what are you doing that actually needs that much video card? :)01:58
Dr_willisdownix,  it used to be non-native? perhaps tahts what im thinking of.01:58
tehm0nkDual monitor setups and gaming SUCK unless you dual card...01:58
tehm0nki Doubled my FPS in wow by putting in the second and putting the other screen on it...01:58
Dr_willistehm0nk,  im trying to think of any games that actually support dial moniotrs.. but then again. I dont do MMORPGS..01:59
tehm0nk(i actually bought it to do SLI until i found you CANT SLI + dual monitor)01:59
downixDr_willis: Yes, it still can run hosted on Linux as well.  A lot of people run it that way for compiling.  http://www.aros.org01:59
tehm0nkthe point isn't have dual monitors for the GAME01:59
=== cyborjohn is now known as johnnyb
downixI loved my triple monitor Doom setup01:59
tehm0nkbut ... one monitor for stuff like thottbot.com to look up quests and stuff haha01:59
=== johnnyb is now known as cyborjohn
tehm0nkwth triple doom?02:00
Dr_willistehm0nk,  Hmm thotbot.. an stuff.. I rember why i quit wow now.02:00
intelikeytriple doom 3D ?02:00
Dr_willistehm0nk,  I do know a lot of people that have a 2nd pc just for that stuff. :)02:00
tehm0nkwhy's that?02:00
downixtehm0nk: You could network 3 systems together, and have each of them running the same game, but one looking forward, one right and one left, gave you a 270 degree field of view.02:00
Dr_williseverquest addicts with 5 pc's in one room.02:00
tehm0nkyeah my buddy said... "I'm gonna but a really cheap lap-top and name it 'Thottbot'"02:01
tehm0nki about died laughing...02:01
intelikeyDr_willis i resemble that remark !02:01
* downix looks at his setup02:01
downix2 PC's, 2 SPARCs and a C64.....02:01
intelikeydownix yeah.  you hold him and i'll kick him.02:02
downixnot counting the 3rd PC I use as a DVD player02:02
intelikeyor the gateway that serves as a router02:03
downixforgot that one02:03
haskearwhy does firefox lock up so often? :(02:03
* intelikey was talking about his own...02:03
intelikeyhaskear cause it's junk ?02:04
Alcherag'day ... started receiving an interesting message when i run  ksystemlog >> You do not have sufficient permissions to read '/var/log/syslog'02:04
Alcherawas ok until last night02:04
haskearintelikey it never does it on xp02:04
intelikeyhaskear no it's xp that crashes insteed.02:05
intelikeyno i really don't know.02:05
intelikeyAlchera did you update any software sense ?02:06
cyberloungehay alguien?02:06
Alcherainstalled NUT is that's any help .. a nighmare as well lol02:06
ardchoille!es | cyberlounge02:06
ubotucyberlounge: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.02:06
Alcherabut nothing should really have caused it02:07
Alcheracurrently perms etc are root:root -rw-r02:08
intelikeyAlchera -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 519637 Dec 14 20:36 /mnt/hda2/var/log/syslog <<< looks like it's naturally readable.   what's yours ?02:08
intelikeyAlchera you mean   -rw-r-----  ?02:09
LjLintelikey: -rw-r----- is what it ought to be02:10
intelikeyLjL i haven't altered that one.02:10
intelikeythat's ubuntu default02:10
LjLintelikey: well, it's like that here02:10
intelikeydapper release02:10
LjLintelikey: mine is an upgrade from Edgy though02:10
LjLah. uhm02:10
ardchoilleMine is a Guts install (no upgrade) -rw-r----- 1 syslog adm 2.9K 2007-12-22 17:53 /var/log/syslog02:11
Alcheramine allows owner & group to read02:11
intelikeyLjL and judging by his complaint. i'd say his was -rw-r--r--  until yesterday02:11
intelikeyAlchera wait.  look at the ownership. ardchoille's example.02:12
intelikeythat would let adm group read it.02:12
Alcherasyslog adm02:13
intelikeycheck your groups02:13
Alcheraam using fiesty02:13
Alcherai have root & adm in my list of thingies02:13
intelikey"list of thingies" ?     groups ?02:14
Alcheragroups lol02:14
Alcherasorry .. that was meant for dalnet02:14
intelikeyoh it's a dalnet thang    i C++02:15
Dr_willisdalnet people cant handle the high-tech-terms. :)02:15
Alcheraadm:x:4:alchera admin:x:118:alchera root:x:0:alchera02:15
Alcherai use "thingie" a lot on there lol02:15
* intelikey refers to the pointy clicky thingy some times...02:16
ardchoilleAlchera: Why are you in root's group?02:17
Dr_willisPC 101 Class: 'use the Mouse thinngie with your hand thinggie. and your finger thinggie to thinggye the mouse'02:17
Alcherai actually have no idea LOL02:17
ardchoilleDr_willis: You missed a "whatsit"02:17
Alcherai am assuming something screwed when adding nut group user to myself and root02:17
* Dr_willis puts the mouse on the floor and uses it as a Pedal.02:18
ardchoilleAlchera: What was the exact comand you used for that?02:18
Alcheraadduser root nut02:18
intelikeysure it wasn't addgroup ?02:19
Alcherafinding an enlightened how-to for that program was a dead end02:19
Alcherai'll check02:19
intelikeygrep root ~/.bash_history02:19
Dr_willis!info nut02:20
ubotunut: The core system of the nut - Network UPS Tools. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0.5-3ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 1066 kB, installed size 2584 kB02:20
intelikeythat assumes bash but in ubuntu it's a fairly safe assumption02:20
Alcheraadduser root nut02:20
Alcherai never picked that up02:20
Alcherai just checked the page i followed .. same >> adduser02:21
=== ubuntu is now known as ubuntu_
Alcherabut i then started again using the official docs ... and it seems i may not have undone a couple of things02:23
intelikeyif i'm understanding the man page  "adduser root nut"  would add the root user with the nut group !   ( adduser [options] user group )02:23
intelikeywhich is not what you wan't.   root already existed02:24
Alcheratell me about it lol02:24
happytigerwhich channel do I ask kde4 kubuntu related questions??02:24
intelikeyhappytiger this one prolly.  but not me.02:25
happytigerSo here we go02:25
Alcheraok ... i do need the nut user & group .. and have added the nut group to myself02:25
happytigerIn KDE4 rc2 kubuntu i use nvidia-settings to change the resolution of my screen to 1600x1200 but it is stuck at 1280x1024. If i switch it using nvidia-settings it changes resolution but only the 12080x1034 part of the screen has the desktop the rest of the areas is grey and when I drag windoiws there they garble02:27
intelikeyi have always just used   useradd   which predates adduser and is standardized02:28
Alcherak.. just removed root from me (not sure how that got there anyway)02:28
happytigerEven saving asking nvidia-setttings to save /etc/X11/org.conf and reboot renders me back in 1280x102402:28
intelikeyyou don't typo as much when actually doing the configurating do you ?    if so then that's the problem.02:29
intelikey@ happytiger02:29
intelikey12080x1034 two there... /etc/X11/org.conf one there...02:30
intelikeythere are more.02:30
* intelikey is or at least was typo king in here. 02:31
happytigeri removed all other resolutions other than 1600x1200 from my xorg.conf02:31
intelikeyi'll have to abdocate if you stay...02:31
happytigerand rebootet02:31
intelikey           ^02:31
intelikeyhappytiger and the results were ?02:32
happytiger1280x1024  and 1600x120002:33
intelikeyLjL or Dr_willis you guys help this fellow.02:34
intelikeyi'm way to out of date with the LTS to help on a gutsy02:34
happytigerAlso one other thing bugs me. I fuxored the colour settings of my good old kde 3.5.8 gutsy ... So if I want clean slate on it for my user can I just delte ~/.kde dir completly to get rid of all old setting? And then login again and kde will generate new .kde with standard settings?????02:34
intelikeyhappytiger yes and no.  you need to nuke ~/.kderc  also i think02:35
Alcherathink it's all solved ... set syslog (and its archives) >> -rw-r--r--  root root02:35
uoaphyswtf i wonder why they didn't put all of it in ~/.etc02:35
happytigeroki so kille those to and it will generate all new default when I login again?02:36
intelikeyAlchera that's what dappers was naturally02:36
happytigerto = two02:36
intelikeyAlchera so it shouldn't cause any problem.02:36
Alcheraunless it develops a mind of its' own lol02:36
intelikeyhappytiger yes.02:36
happytiger:-) lol thx02:36
intelikeyAlchera that's called   "just works"  in the ubuntu realmn02:37
Alcheraand dmesg | tail shows that i (apparently) have NUT setup properly02:38
Alchera[18382.780000] usb 1-2: new low speed USB device using uhci_hcd and address 602:38
Alchera[18382.960000] usb 1-2: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice02:38
Alchera[20207.688000] usb 1-2: usbfs: interface 0 claimed by usbfs while 'bcmxcp_usb' sets config #102:38
happytigerSo how soon does one dare to switch to Kubuntu Hardy Alpha 2 does it still crash daily or far along is it?02:38
intelikeycrap. shots fired.02:39
BluesKaj'evening all02:40
mrtimboi think they have a live disk happytiger02:40
ctothejI want to set up a RAID 1 volume for Media that can be read/written to in a multi-boot environment. Is this possible with software based RAID? Is fakeRAID the way to go? I have RAID capability in my mobo (not full hardware managed RAID though).02:46
=== soulrider_ is now known as soulrider
clintc_homeWhen I start konqueror, I get two blank tabs... anyone know how to get back to the default behavior?03:07
purpleposeidonhallo, how do I change what command is run when my laptop runs out of battery?03:07
sfearswhere do i set up display thru my svideo cable?03:10
BluesKajsfears, in or out ?03:10
sfearstv display03:11
purpleposeidonsfears: have you looked in system settings?03:11
Alcheraclintc_home: tried resetting your view?03:12
sfearswhich system setting?03:12
clintc_homeAlchera: no...how do I go about doing that?03:13
Alcherayou don't have a menu at the top ?03:13
clintc_homeAlchera: yes, there is a menu at the top03:13
Alcheraclick on View03:14
giuseppeHi, can I use kopete to connect myself with msn contacts????03:14
clintc_homeAlchera: ok, what next03:15
Alcheratry view mode clintc_home .. fiddle and see what happens03:15
sparrsince installing the mythbuntu packages (which i never managed to get working), i have mythbuntu startup and shutdown and login screens.  how can i get my kubuntu stuff back?03:15
Alcheraif all that fails just simply delete .kde/share/apps/konqueror03:15
giuseppeAlchera: I have a problem when I try to connect with my msn profile03:16
Alcheraand restart konqueror03:16
sparrgiuseppe: yes03:16
Alcherai use Kopete with msn & icq .. no dramas03:16
giuseppesparr: can you help me?03:16
sparrgiuseppe: tools, settings, accounts, new, MSN Messenger, your msn account info03:17
giuseppesparr: already done, but when I try to launch kopete appears a form03:17
giuseppesparr: The application 'kopete' has requested access to the open wallet 'kdewallet'.03:17
clintc_homeAlchera: we are on to something here... when trying to view with khtml I get an error message that says: Could not start process Unable to create io-slave: klauncher said: Unknown protocol ".03:18
giuseppesparr: what does it means?03:18
sparrgiuseppe: it means your msn password was stored in your kde wallet.  most kde apps store passwords there.  its probably asking for the wallet password?03:18
clintc_homeAlchera: given that do you still recommend the delete03:18
tl2686hey all03:19
se7ensomebody know how i can check if the build in bluetooth on my laptop is realy started because i can't see my nokia phone with bluetooth203:19
Alcherai think it might be an idea clintc_home ... you're not deleting konqueror itself03:19
tl2686googled this question with no luck:03:19
sfearsis there an nvidia system setting somewhere to change svideo settings?03:20
sparrse7en: id start with lspci and lsusb03:20
giuseppesparr: I see. But then appears: the KDE crash handler03:20
se7ensparr: i used lspci | grep blue* with no luck03:20
tl2686If I back up files from a virus infected windoze box (pics, music, word files...) and then install kubuntu on said box and copy those files over....03:21
sparrgiuseppe: thats bad.  try searching ubuntu bugs on kopete, then try kde's own bug tracker, then id suggest #kde03:21
giuseppesparr: the application kopete crashed and caused the signal 11 (SIGSEGV03:21
tl2686am I risking damage to the external or the linux box?03:21
sparrtl2686: no03:21
sparrtl2686: afaik, no non-executable virus forms on windows are a danger on linux03:22
tl2686sparr:  Sweet!  Thanks!  I'm setting up a buntu box for my father.  FINALLY convinced him to try *nix...03:24
se7enwhy do i get d-kined or k-lined in allmost all chat rooms including #kubuntu when i connect my laptop with my moblie phone using it as a gprs modem03:25
sparrse7en: you don't get "d-lined" or "k-lined" from rooms.  those terms apply to whole servers.  and you should read the messages.03:25
BluesKajse7en, you may be flooding the server with unwanted data thet is seen as spam03:27
Alcherathere's actually a reason for that se7en which escapes me atm .. chat to an ircop03:27
se7ensparr yes sorry server the massage is you are d-lined trying to reconect and that goes on for ever ... no problem here with adsl03:27
clintc_homeAlchera: ok, I can see this is a settings directory for konq... when you say delete it do you mean the whole directory or the contents of the directory 'konqueror'03:28
se7enAlchera: where would i find a ircop for this kubuntu03:29
BluesKajdelete konq and you delete kubuntu-desktop03:29
BluesKajit all goes03:29
purpleposeidonse7en: #freenode03:29
Alcherase7en: freenode ircop03:29
purpleposeidonse7en: be nice. :P03:29
Alcherait's possibly something to do with identd .. you should read the message03:30
sparrse7en: its possible the entire isp is blocked.  probable, even03:30
clintc_homeBluesKaj: we are talking about deleting .kde/share/apps/konqueror not konq itself03:30
Alcheraclintc_home: it's only a data folder .. just close konqueror .. delete that directory and reload03:31
BluesKajclintc_home, good03:31
Alcherait then should be ok03:31
BluesKajjust checking03:31
clintc_homeAlchera: ok... here goes03:31
Alcherai have to do it with amarok when it screws up .. and tbird03:31
sparrAlchera: i havent had to delete a settings folder in over 2 years, using kubuntu and before that debian+kde...  you should look into why they are getting screwed up03:32
Alcheraamarok once (so far) and it's apparently not abnormal ... tbird soon as it does have dramas according to what i have read03:33
sparrive had a similar problem with tbird on windows, but never on linux03:33
clintc_homeAlchera: that did fix it.. one other thing that I was hoping would get fixed along with this but did not... when I click a link in konversation I get a bouncing konq icon, processor maxes out, konq eventually dies03:34
=== nightfire is now known as nitefire
Alcheracurrent "problem" is it crashes when doing a hyperlink in an email03:34
Alcherai don't use konversation clintc_home .. so i really have no idea03:34
clintc_homeI think this would be links from anywhere but I'm not sure03:35
Alcheramaybe make sure that another instance isn't still running ?03:35
inaetyhello, for some reason amaroK started saying that my sound device is busy and there are xine parameters.  how can i fix this without rebooting03:35
clintc_homeAlchera: no.. this works fine on my computer at work... seems to be a problem handing the link to konq03:36
clintc_homeand I usually have several konq processes going there03:36
Alcheraokies clintc_home .... i don't use it so really cannot help with that03:36
BluesKajclintc_home, you've tried setting the default browser : sudo update-alternatives --config x-www-browser03:37
Alcherais it still doing it now that you have fixed the other?03:37
clintc_homeBluesKaj: have not tried that03:37
clintc_homeAlchera: yes03:37
AlcheraBluesKaj seems to have the answer :)03:37
clintc_homeBluesKaj: trying now03:37
Alcherai only use konqueror for drive browsing03:38
Alcherasparr: we've had the odd power failure and always in the middle of my doing something .. ungraceful exists definitely cause dramas .. which is why i finally got a UPS last thursday03:39
nitefireanybody here using Open Office with a Conexant HSF Fax Modem to do faxing ?03:39
BluesKajthat command sets the browser globally...well usually :)03:39
clintc_homeBluesKaj: ok, done.. selected konq... I'm going to have to kill x to get out of this hang03:40
clintc_homeBluesKaj: unfortunately, that did not fix the problem03:43
BluesKajdunno. maybe you have to config konq , not sure03:44
clintc_hometo recp: click link in konversation, mouse becomes rapid bounce konq icon, xorg pegs cpu at 100 percent03:44
BluesKajI'm nodding off here , sorry , gonna hit the sack...won't be much help anyway , nite all03:45
clintc_homeBluesKaj: thank you03:45
bazhang!cn | wangwentao03:57
ubotuwangwentao: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk03:57
bazhang!hi | kirk03:57
ubotukirk: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!03:57
wangwentao呵呵   终于有人了03:58
bazhangwangwentao: this is an English channel03:58
Hirvinen!ch | wangwentao03:59
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ch - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi03:59
wangwentao oh  i am sorry03:59
bazhangno worries04:00
Hirvinen!cn | wangwentao04:00
ubotuwangwentao: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk04:00
wangwentaothank you04:00
HirvinenGrrt. Too few rows visible on the Nokia 9500 screen. Sorry.04:01
Oldehow do I make the icons in Thunar all pretty instead of bland04:02
Oldethey still look like they did in Gnome04:03
bazhangthunar with Kubuntu?04:03
Oldeisn't thunar the default file manager for kubuntu?04:04
Oldek, which one is04:05
Oldeok so how do I set the default to dolphin04:05
ardchoilledolphin - kde, nautilus - gnome, thunar - xfce04:05
ubotuDolphin, or more properly D3lphin, is the new default file manager for Kubuntu 7.10 Gutsy Gibbon. If you would like to make Konqueror your default file manager again, go to Konqueror - Settings menu - Configure Konqueror - File Associations and change the association for inode/directory and inode/system_directory to Konqueror at the top rather than Dolphin.04:05
Oldeweird, ok04:07
se7enhow can i check if my on board bluetooth is working04:08
Dr_willistry connecting to your cell phone?04:09
se7enDr_willis: :) that's exactly what i try to do and can't ...04:10
BrOSsardchoille: are u there?04:10
se7enso i was guessing either kubuntu has problems with bluetooth2 or my laptops on board bluetooth is not working Dr_willis04:11
Dr_willisI havent messed with the bluetooth stuff in ages.04:12
Dr_willisI do recall editing some pin file in /etc/ ages ago04:12
ubotuFor instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup04:12
se7enDr_willis: lspci | grep blue* should find my bluetooth device or?04:13
ardchoilleBrOSs: I am04:13
Dr_willisNo idea. I dont have one to test.. and the ones i did have were USB based. so not sure if they show on lspci or not.04:14
BrOSswhich is the page for the kubuntu/ubunty forum?04:15
ardchoilleBrOSs: Ubuntu forums?04:15
BrOSsardchoille: yeah04:15
ardchoilleBrOSs: http://ubuntuforums.org04:15
BrOSsardchoille: some day before u gave me a page04:15
BrOSsardchoille: let me see if that is the one04:16
ardchoilleBrOSs: The kubuntu forums are at a different location, tho04:16
BrOSsardchoille: that was the page I was looking for, tks man04:19
BrOSsardchoille: man.. i got a big mess, 3 days ago I posted my question in the forum, but just one guy tried to help me and didn't work04:27
ardchoilleBrOSs: What's the problem?04:28
BrOSsardchoille: i'm gonna try to explain myself, my english is not the best.. so, pls waitme04:29
ardchoilleBrOSs: I'm English.. and my English isn't the best :)04:29
BrOSsardchoille: when I boot the system.. there are like 6 different option to choose04:30
ardchoilleBrOSs: What are the choices?04:31
BrOSs4 are kubuntu 7.10 with their respective recovery mode04:32
BrOSsardchoille: one is kubuntu 7.10 also but spanish version04:32
BrOSsardchoille: finally, is windows vista recovery04:32
ardchoilleThat does sound like a mess.04:32
BrOSsardchoille: it is man..04:33
sfearsdo i need to play with my xorg.conf file to get video out on svideo.. or is there a gui panel i can play with?04:33
BrOSsardchoille: the sony vaio recovery boot isn't working04:33
ardchoilleUnfortunately, I don't know how to help with that. Al of my computers have only one OS on them.04:33
BrOSsardchoille: it says that the partition is gone04:33
BrOSsardchoille: i want to do this.. format every partition, erase all the kubuntu versions and install winxp, then install kubuntu 7.10 again over winxp04:35
ubotuDual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MacBookPro https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot04:36
ardchoilleBrOSs: ^^04:36
BrOSsardchoille: zup?04:36
ardchoilleBrOSs: See the dualboot post by ubotu, that is the info you need for setting up a Win/Kubuntu system04:37
BrOSsardchoille: haha I'm dany04:37
BrOSsardchoille: do u remember?04:37
ardchoilleBrOSs: yes04:37
BrOSsardchoille: x) thks 4tha help..04:38
ardchoilleyw :)04:38
BrOSsardchoille: by the way.. where're u from?04:38
sundarneed help with ktorrent...04:41
sundarit does not seem to be seeding at all!!  though upload happens for torrents that are downloading...there is no upload while seeding....not sure what the problem is...04:42
Dr_willisHmm.. That sounds like that ISP Blocking Torrent thing i heard about a few weeks ago04:50
Dr_willisactually that sounds EXACTLY like what i rember04:51
Dr_willisas a test - you could try some other torrent client to see if it also works.04:51
Dr_willisI think insight here. is now owned by comcast also.. that will suck.04:51
Dr_willisYep. GOt a letter in the mail. Insight is soon to be owned by comcast. :(04:52
surgyhas anyone here ever used innotek virtual box? or is there a seperate channel for it?04:57
Dr_willisIve used it befor.04:58
Dr_willisand Yes. theres proberly its own channel here some where. :)04:59
surgywell im having a few driver difficulties04:59
surgythen i will not talk off topic here if it bothers you guys, but i do need help04:59
ThingusOkay, so this is annoying.05:00
ThingusI'm trying to watch videos on Stage6.com, a video sharing site similar to YouTube. It says, "For Linux support try Mplayer." I have mozilla-mplayer installed, but Firefox still tells me I'm missing a plugin. Any ideas?05:01
=== scott_ is now known as Sylphid
ubotuKubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion05:02
Dr_willisI use stage6 all the time. :)05:02
Dr_willisyou need hmm.. let me check.05:02
Dr_willistotem-plugin-viewer   - is what i seem to be using05:03
Sylphidhow can i use the output of a command in the syntax of another command on the same line?05:03
Dr_willisand of course I proberly got the w32codec stuff installed.. not sure what else05:03
Dr_williscommand1 | commandd205:03
Sylphidthats not quite what im looking for05:03
ardchoilleSylphid: That's called piping05:03
Dr_willisor ya mean  command1 $(commmd2)05:03
Dr_willisecho $(ls)05:04
Dr_willisI think i got that rught.05:04
Sylphidkk ill try that ty05:04
Dr_willisthe $() is also seen as using the BACKTICK. ` ` ` ` :) but thats not as readable05:04
Dr_willisBut a lot of older docs/guides use the backtick.05:04
Dr_willisor backquote, or whatever ya want to call it.05:05
Sylphidthat did the trick Dr_willis ty much05:05
Dr_willisBash Basics 101 :)05:06
ThingusBACKTICK is supposed to be depreciated by a lot of shells, anyway.05:06
Dr_willisYea - its really easy to missread and books often missprint it.05:06
Dr_willisHmm.. the 6 yr old - is beating all the adults at Bowling on the Wii.... :)05:10
Dr_willisExcept for the remote he tossed behind the tv.. hes doing real good.05:10
ganjamaniaci need a traffic shaper with 0conf05:15
Dr_willisBoth are things ive never messed with.. sorry.05:18
dsmith_lol Dr Willis05:19
Dr_willisI sort of. kind of,, almost. know wht zeroconf does. :)05:19
Dr_willisI just dont think i have anything that actually uses it. :)05:20
dsmith_I was laughing at tossing the wii05:20
Dr_willisdsmith_,  :) yep.. darn kid. tossed the remote right over, behind the tv05:20
Dr_willishe was small enough he could go get it. I gotta go buy some of those rubber bumpper things for it tomorrow05:20
maduserstrap broke?05:20
Dr_willisIS there a better game then Bowling>05:20
Dr_willisStrap..! bah! who needs that.. :) Well.. he does..05:21
Dr_willisthen the wife almost gives me a black eye.. she had the strap on at least.05:21
maduseroh god what did she do?05:21
ubotu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!05:22
dsmith_ok no more wii talk05:22
* maduser sighs05:23
Dr_willislike i said.. she swung and about knocked me out. :)  Hmm IS the wii actually using Linux?  I seem to recall that rumor..05:23
maduserBut no ones on the offtopic channel05:23
Dr_willisOr was that just a 'wii linux'  project?05:23
dsmith_wii linux hmmm05:23
maduseripod liunx05:23
ThingusThere is a Wii Linux project, that I've heard of.05:24
Thinguswww.wiili.org is one such site.05:24
ganjamaniacyeah so you can see a marlino05:24
ganjamaniacand a luigix05:24
=== Kubuntu is now known as BoBaFeTT
Dr_willisPeople ask at work. whats so impressive about Linux.. the sort of get baffled when i tell them that it can run on a Nintendo DS, and Wii and PS3 and PS2.. and.... :)05:25
ganjamaniaclegends of zeltux05:25
Dr_williswell at least you can get the basics of it to run. :)05:25
dsmith_I tell them it gives you full control over your system05:25
dsmith_dont like the way something looks, change it05:26
maduserdon't mess with xorg.conf05:26
dsmith_haha duh05:26
maduserthey would have to block it in the wii05:27
maduseror they would get alot of complaints05:27
dsmith_my system still locks up if I am away from it after like 45-mins05:28
dsmith_the window titlebar disappears.. and then you cannot click on anything05:28
Dr_willisUsing compiz?05:29
dsmith_I did try to implement that sometime ago, but to my memory it was doing it before I tried installing it05:29
Dr_willissort of sounds like a video card driver issue.05:29
dsmith_could be05:29
dsmith_its an oldr laptop I am not that worried about it..05:30
dsmith_ati 920005:30
dsmith_i set it to start in verbose as it would just have a blank screen, no splash05:30
Dr_willisif its  doing it on a regular (testable) basis you could try like the vesa or some other driver.05:30
dsmith_everything else works out of box. I am not complaining05:30
Dr_willisthat would let ya prove its some how ati related.05:31
dsmith_yea, after ~45 mins it locks up when I step away from it05:31
Dr_williscould be some sort of pic/apci/ sort of issue also.05:31
Dr_willisstep away - a interesting clue.05:31
dsmith_someone mentioned the apci issue beforehand05:31
Dr_willisas long as you twiddle with it.. it works.. you leave it alone - locks up.05:31
Dr_willisThat does sound like a powersaving thing, or similer.05:32
dsmith_thats what I was thinking05:32
dsmith_I have powersaving turned off05:32
Dr_williscould be something in the laptop bios,  could also try the noapci, kernel optuiion05:32
Dr_willisthat will really really hurt your battery life i bet.05:32
dsmith_i can run this for about 4 hours05:33
Dr_willisthats impressive.05:33
dsmith_at least I can adjust the screen brightness05:33
dsmith_and wireless works05:33
Dr_willisthose new Asus EEE's i think only get 2 or so hrs.05:33
dsmith_I could care less if it acts funcky a bit05:33
dsmith_heh, I saw that05:34
dsmith_I intend to replace this drive with a ssd05:34
dsmith_mtron makes the fastest05:34
dsmith_thier not cheap though05:34
Dr_willisYep. the fact they are getting affordable is a good sign. :)05:34
dsmith_I'll wait another year05:35
Dr_willisI need a new HD for my laptop.. but its not worth the $100 or so investment r for my needs05:35
ganjamaniacok what should i try to install?05:35
dsmith_its fun taking a P3 machine and install *buntu and giving it back to someone to use05:35
dsmith_ganjamaniac: ?05:35
ganjamaniacor shaperwuff?05:35
Dr_willisshapermoo !05:36
ganjamaniaca traffic shaper, it just needs to shape ack's05:36
tehm0nksup people05:36
dsmith_ACK, thats like Invaders from Mars speak05:36
ganjamaniacacknowledgments , at first priority05:37
Dr_willisAwk Awk! Sed! ... Grep grep!05:37
tehm0nkso are any of you traders and on ubuntu?05:37
dsmith_im on many *buntu's05:37
InvertigoI like my KDE... :P05:37
tehm0nkdsmith_: how good are you with ubuntu?05:38
dsmith_I prefer kde05:38
tehm0nki wanted to try out avant....05:38
dsmith_I deployed over 50+ machines05:38
Dr_willisIf i install Kubuntu, ubuntu-desktop, xubuntu-desktop, geubuntu-desktop, geos-dfeskttop and MythBuntu - does that count as 1 or 5?05:38
Dr_willisor was it 6? :)05:38
dsmith_geos yuck05:38
tehm0nkdsmith_: were any of those dual video card + dual monitor?05:38
dsmith_geubuntu *shrug*05:38
Dr_willisor whatever they call that GoS thang. :)05:38
dsmith_need a dual head card05:38
dsmith_and edit your xorg05:39
Dr_willis:) i mean05:39
dsmith_one of these days I will do that05:39
tehm0nkdsmith_:  i have 2 dual head cards, and 2 monitors05:39
tehm0nkdual-heading on one monitor = performance LOSS05:39
dsmith_you should only need one card05:39
tehm0nki dont know why that doesn't sink in to people.05:39
dsmith_hmmm nm I thinkI understand now05:40
tehm0nkif you throw a Graphic intense app on one screen05:40
tehm0nkthe other will lag05:40
tehm0nkwith two cards...05:40
tehm0nkthat wont happen05:40
dsmith_yea, that makes sense now I am thinking about it05:40
Dr_willisThe things people bend over backwards to do.. :)05:40
tehm0nkin windows i can run WoW @ 45 fps (with all the uber settings) and have the other monitor open browsing the net :-P05:41
Dr_willisIve seen way too many arguments about sli/dual card/montitors and so forth. to even want to get this started05:41
dsmith_hmmm I have seena  few dual haed cards on windows pc, those never lagged05:41
dsmith_but thats another OS05:41
tehm0nkbefore i put my second video card in, that was like 14-20 fps...05:41
dsmith_you can run triple sli now05:41
tehm0nktriple SLI?05:41
tehm0nki hadn't even heard of dual05:42
dsmith_three cards in parallel05:42
tehm0nki've heard you can SLI + optional extra monitor...05:42
Dr_willisthe latest attempt to get more $$ from rich gammers. :)05:43
dsmith_well with SSD drives coming to fruition it will spead things up05:43
tehm0nkmy motherboard can do that i think05:43
tehm0nkbut... i think that is just rediculous...05:43
tehm0nkto buy 3 videocards...05:43
Dr_willisI dont think the 3 sli mb's are even out yet.05:43
tehm0nki mean yeah i bought 2 but it DOUBLES my perfomance..05:43
dsmith_i caught that last week, I am not a serious gamer but I thought it was interesting05:43
tehm0nkDr_willis: Agreed.05:43
tehm0nkhence no Dual monitors in SLI05:43
tehm0nkall about $$$ lol05:44
tehm0nk"shhhh dont tell them we're never gonna even TRY to do that... cause then we'd lose money!"05:44
tehm0nkAnyways here's the deal05:44
dsmith_I read about a report last night that a group ran (6) mtron ssd drives in raid 0 that had I/O of ~650mb/s05:44
Dr_willisInfo i saw said 3 cards in sli = 280% increase05:44
tehm0nki had a bit of an issue with this in Kubuntu as well tho05:44
dsmith_Dr_willis: yea, thats it05:44
Dr_willisOf course..  a lot of the SLI/Power stuff dont matter much at the common res that a lot of people use05:45
tehm0nkif i Try to enable Compiz screen loses bars05:45
Dr_willisBut the price of these higher res/24+ inch monitors are getting better.05:45
dsmith_sli = serious gamers..05:45
Dr_willissli = people with more $$ then sence. :P05:45
Dr_willisvodka = Serious Drinkers.05:45
tehm0nklol not even05:45
tehm0nkmy video cards are now like 120 bucks?05:46
tehm0nkthat is Nothing05:46
tehm0nkand you know it lol05:46
Dr_willisActually compiz uses opengl.. that could use SLI. Hmm05:46
tehm0nk8600 GT05:46
dsmith_yea I just bought one for the gf05:46
Dr_willisya could take your 2 cards out.. toss thm out.. buy a newer card thats faster then the 2 combined. :)05:46
tehm0nkTimes 2 right?05:46
Dr_willisOr just turn off some eye candy.05:46
tehm0nkand put it in SLI mode...05:46
tehm0nkand throw away one monitor05:47
tehm0nkand CONFORM05:47
* Dr_willis dosent want to start the argument about why a MMORPG needs such high FPS...05:47
tehm0nkbecause you can see page flipping at less than 30 FPS?05:47
Dr_willisdoes it matter.. You are just mindlessly bashing macro keys anyway.. :P05:48
tehm0nkand when there is 40 players on your screen at once you better have the right rig or either you die, or you get to kill more...05:48
Dr_willislook down at the ground.. and just watch your party health bars..05:48
tehm0nkevery class can't be macro'd :-P05:48
Dr_willisYou get the impression i play healers a lot? :)05:48
tehm0nki have a 70 priest :-P05:48
tehm0nkdropped healing at 6005:48
tehm0nknever went back05:48
Dr_willisMy G15 Keyboard - that i DO have working under linux - can even show the health bars ion its lec.. :)05:49
tehm0nkplayed for a long time before the BC patch05:49
tehm0nkyeah i heard about them things05:49
tehm0nki trust my micro. natural 4000 and my mx rev...05:49
tehm0nkwonder for Cs too heh05:49
tehm0nkthis compiz thing is killing me again05:49
Dr_willisI dumpped WoW. and dont care  for most MMORPGs any more.   so have fun. :P05:49
tehm0nki just dont get it05:50
tehm0nkmaybe my dri is messed up or something?05:50
Dr_williscompiz is still very much a work in progress at times.05:50
maduserIts a beach05:50
tehm0nkright but i just had it working sweet on kubuntu, now in ubuntu i can't do the same thing to make it work right...05:50
Dr_willisof coruse that can also be said for the state of nvidia and ati drivers under linux  - sadly05:50
maduserI have it working fine i just never use ot05:51
tehm0nkmad... why?05:51
maduserIts good to show off to friends05:51
tehm0nkthe cube is nice to me, just in general05:51
maduserWhen you wan to do a full screen youtube video in compiz05:51
maduseryou can't05:52
tehm0nkaww darn?05:52
maduserno fox05:52
Dr_willisI find the cube proberly one of the most useless features of compiz. :)05:52
tehm0nklike it doesn't get jacked up fullscreen anyways...05:52
maduserno fix05:52
Dr_willisEven the fire is more a more usefull gimmic! :)05:52
tehm0nkLOL how is the fire useful?05:52
tehm0nki mean05:52
Dr_willisDraw on the screen... "Dont Touch Me!"05:52
tehm0nkonly if you're bored05:53
Dr_willisand it scares people off.05:53
tehm0nkthats pretty good actually05:53
maduserI just run a shell program05:53
Dr_willisHad someone in here who accidently enabled fire.. and couldent turn it off.05:53
maduserthat makes a scrart image pop up if they type the wronf password05:53
maduserthat makes a scrary image pop up if they type the wrong password05:53
Dr_willisOnly compiz things i regually use is that "show a preview/mini window' in the  taskbar, and the zoom05:53
maduserIts great05:54
maduserme too05:54
maduserCan you run frets on fire in compiz?05:54
Dr_willistry it and see i guess.05:55
Dr_willisproberly can. :)05:55
maduserI fear the images will be all messed up05:56
maduserwho here has tried puppy?05:56
tehm0nkDr_willis: it's too nutty in #ubuntu05:56
Dr_willistehm0nk,  never noticed..05:56
awag22i think it is generally a good idea to quit compiz before running a game05:56
Dr_willisI hang out in there all the time05:56
maduserthats my idea05:57
Gast258moin allerseits05:57
Gast258irgendjemand da?05:57
tehm0nkit's hard to get help there05:57
maduseris that german?05:57
surgywhen i plug in my mp3 player it doesnt automount, it shows the icon on the desktop like it should be mounted, but it doesnt actually mount untill i click on the icon, the same thing happens when i put a cd in the cd rom05:57
surgyis there a fix?05:57
tehm0nkyou guys here have helped me a LOT more than they could have05:57
Gast258yes it is05:58
tehm0nkthis time is the FIRST time i've been acknoledged in there05:58
Gast258where is the german help chat ?05:58
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de05:58
maduserwow the ubuntu channel is chaotic05:58
Dr_willisit helps to ask good questions. :)05:59
tehm0nkDr_willis: you got any ideas why my stuff could be screwy? i'll post my xorg real fast...05:59
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)05:59
Dr_willistehm0nk,  im not even sure what your problem actually is.05:59
madusernever mess with xorg05:59
tehm0nknever mess with xorg huh...05:59
maduserdo you have the defult?05:59
tehm0nki have to Just to make the live CD boot05:59
tehm0nkand i have to to make my monitors work right ...06:00
tehm0nkAt all even06:00
maduseryou could replace it with the defult06:00
tehm0nklol if i replaced it with default i'd lost 1 monitor...06:00
madusermy advice chmod 600 xorg06:00
tehm0nkand when i would turn on my pc, it would start to boot on one monitor...06:01
tehm0nkand then ask me to login on the other...06:01
tehm0nkthere is a seriously problem there...06:01
Dr_willisThats from the twinview/dual screens not agreeing on what monuitor was primary06:01
Dr_williswhich is a bit of a issue with the nvidia driver also making it a hassle.06:01
Dr_willisWant more fun?  enable a single monitor nvidia system.. Power down.. plug in a tv to the svideo up.. DONT turn on the tv..06:02
Dr_williswhen you boot up - some of my nvidia systems default to the TV out.. with No Monitor output once X starts.06:02
Dr_willisI saw the pc boot.. saw the messages..  heard gnome start sounds.. then blank06:03
Dr_willisHowever... same setup.. No pc moniotr.. i had to do nothing to get tv out working.06:03
Dr_willisI could even install  ubuntu , without a pc monitor. just a tv.06:03
Dr_willisThis Does seem to depend on what card you have also.06:03
maduserdo you have a repalce ment or defult?06:04
maduserlike xorg-defult.conf?06:04
tehm0nkdo i have a backup?06:04
tehm0nkbut... THAT would break my PC06:04
tehm0nkbefore i rebooted from installing i EDITED it to make it work...06:05
tehm0nkif i booted again06:05
tehm0nkit'd cry and say something like oh no! no screen found!06:05
tehm0nkthe default does that to me... on a Clean install :-P06:05
=== ghost is now known as SteamMachine
maduserit would boot into console06:05
maduserI hate that06:05
tehm0nkand i'd have to refix it :-P06:05
SteamMachineHi all.06:06
SteamMachineI wish to disable kde wallet.06:06
SteamMachineIt's rather annoying and I don't need it.06:06
SteamMachineI'm not sure how to though.06:06
SteamMachineI've actually uninstalled it and it still ... appears. O_O06:06
maduserwhat is it used for?06:06
maduserpasswords, wep?06:07
SteamMachineFor kopete mostly.06:07
maduserIf you did not have it you would have to retype the passwords every time06:07
Dr_willisMy xorg.conf for tv out :) and dual screen - http://pastebin.ca/82949706:08
Dr_willisif anyone wants to look.06:08
tehm0nkDr_willis: in kubuntu it uses Emerald to theme it or something... someone had me put "emerald --replace" in the command option of window decoration in CCSM06:08
SteamMachinemaduser: i just told kopete to remember the password. >_>06:08
Dr_willisemerald can be used to get the window decoration,06:08
Dr_willisor you can use the KDE window decoration thing, or even the gnome one.06:08
tehm0nkand then i ran "compiz --replace" and it worked...06:08
tehm0nkwhat is the gnome one?06:09
Dr_willisi forget its name. Its mentioned at the compiz-fusion homepage. :)06:09
SteamMachineAlso, I wondered if there were any plans to make a more... kde-compatible firefox?06:10
Dr_willisgtk-window-decorator --replace,06:10
Dr_williskde-window-decorator --replace, or06:10
Dr_willisemerald --replace06:10
Dr_willisSteamMachine,  none that i have heard of. I think a few people have started.. but got very little done.06:10
SteamMachineMm. It seems like that. What with Konquefox and the like.06:11
SteamMachineA shame really. I adore firefox - but the gnominess of it bugs me.06:11
SteamMachinestill, there's enough tweaks to make it bearable.06:12
Dr_willisnever noticed really....06:12
Dr_willisI just put in the few extensions i like.. and surf away06:12
tehm0nknow they're broke in Both screens lol06:13
maduserwhen you mess with xorg06:15
biovoreit bites back.. :-)06:16
maduserit messes with your head06:16
maduserlike the DMV06:16
tehm0nki didn't change my xorg.06:17
tehm0nkall i didn was run metacity --replace and compiz --replace a couple times lol06:17
maduserwhat did you do?06:17
tehm0nkcan i install that emerald theme manager thing on ubuntu as well?06:19
tehm0nkDr_willis: do you know?06:20
ubotuKubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion06:21
Dr_willisYes.. that page details it all. :)06:21
tehm0nkcompiz is actually not engaging at alll...06:21
Dr_willisAnd that page is proerly the full extent of my compiz knowledge. :()06:21
tehm0nkcause you're a lucky one06:22
tehm0nklol ok i installed emerald...06:24
tehm0nkand got window decration....06:24
Dr_willisinstall some emerald themes also to play with. :)06:24
tehm0nkit just happened to be on the one i wanted already haha06:24
tehm0nkand compiz is now working...06:25
maninderwhats the super button?06:25
tehm0nkwindows key06:26
tehm0nktook me a while to figure that one out...06:26
maninderthe button next to crt06:26
maninderand alt06:26
tehm0nkAKA Start06:26
tehm0nkit's got the windows logo normally06:27
manindergot ya06:27
maninderthe water effect is so usless yet fun to watch06:27
tehm0nksame with fire06:28
Dr_willisTidal Wave!06:30
=== rob1 is now known as rob
tehm0nknever tried that06:31
maninderi have like multiple bugs on my linux06:31
maninderi just feel like doing a new installation06:32
sparrare there any projects that bring newer packages to existing ubuntu releases?  i moved from debian to ubuntu, and having to wait 6 months for new versions of things is my biggest complaint.06:32
crimsunwell, yes, the MOTU "project" works on the latest development branch and caring for security errata and bugfixes for the currently supported stable packages in universe.06:33
ardchoillesparr: You can always compile06:33
tehm0nkanyone know how to make the cube transparent always?06:34
sparrtehm0nk: even when youre looking at a 2d desktop?06:34
tehm0nki had it like that before06:35
Dr_willisthe backports repos may have updates also.06:46
=== FunnyHat is now known as FunnyLookinHat
tehm0nksparr like that06:48
tehm0nkbut that was on kubuntu06:48
sparrbut doable, i think06:49
sparrisnt there a checkbox "always render cube"?06:50
sparror "only render when rotating" (which you would uncheck)06:50
tehm0nkthere we go06:52
tehm0nkgot it06:52
voidmagedoes anyone know the default font for amarok's osd?06:53
tehm0nkthis is weird... i set a setting06:56
tehm0nkthen click back then go back to the setting and it's back to default06:56
LinkCanabicohi can someone point me in the right direction to create a livecd that boots directly into a game i am programming06:56
sexy_noobcould anyone help with some pretty straight forward monitor problems? I accidently changed my monitor model to digital when it was set as analog and now starting x leads to a black screen. :( How do i change it back with the command line?06:57
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto06:57
Dr_willislets see...06:57
Dr_willisThats not it.. Hmmm..06:57
ubotuTo reconfigure your X server, open a console and type « sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg » - To configure only the driver and resolution, type « sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh » - See also !FixRes06:58
Dr_willisthats it. :)06:58
LinkCanabicosexy_noob in grub set the kernel option to init 306:58
Dr_willisactually if X is borked.. and booting him to the console..   he can just login, use the sudo command. then test with 'startx' I think06:59
sexy_noobi just need to change the monitor model setting back? i dont think x is broken06:59
ardchoilleYeah, or just ctrl+alt+f1 and log in there06:59
LinkCanabicoardchoille is right06:59
Dr_willisYea. He may be getting X started.. it sjust not usign the right settings06:59
ardchoilleDr_willis: Isn't that type of setting kept somewhere in ~/.kde/share/config ?07:00
Dr_willisThen theres the 'rescue/recovery' entry in grub. :)07:00
Dr_willisI dont think the  monitor settings hes referign to are.  the user keeps their modes, and res. But not the model.07:00
Dr_willisplus if its killing kdm. then its been set in the xorg.conf wrongly.07:01
Dr_willisthats My logic at least.07:01
LinkCanabicoalso gdm and kdm are not configured by the user07:01
ardchoillesexy_noob: Did you use sudo (admin) to change that?07:01
tehm0nkDr_willis: is it possible to get the same screenshot thing as in Kubuntu?07:01
sexy_noobone sec i had to start07:01
Dr_willistehm0nk,  what screenshot thing? :)    proberly is possible...07:02
tehm0nkare you on kubuntu right now?07:02
tehm0nkpress printscreen07:02
Dr_willisOn Kubuntu. :)07:02
tehm0nkthe one in Ubuntu Sucks.07:02
Dr_willistehm0nk,  ok.. You are asking how to use the KUBUNTU screenshot tool. in Ubuntu...07:03
Dr_willisThats a little more clear then. :)07:03
tehm0nkwhat is it's name07:03
ardchoilleDr_willis: PM?07:03
LinkCanabicowich tool Ksnapshot?07:03
tehm0nki'll see if it's in the install thing07:03
ardchoilletehm0nk: ksnapshot07:03
Dr_willisksnapshot seems to be its name. :) yes.07:04
Dr_willis!find ksnapshot07:04
ubotuFound: ksnapshot07:04
Dr_willisThere it is.07:04
Dr_williswell its 2 am.. and i am going to ZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzz.........07:04
Dr_willisnight all.07:04
ardchoilleGood night07:04
sexy_noobyay! something worked!07:05
LinkCanabicosexy_noob thats a start07:06
sexy_noobthe gamma settings are blinding me but as long as it turns on07:06
GideanJust inherited an amd64 'puter.  Should I run the 64bit OS or stick to i386?  I just want it to work as soon as possible and be my net/media workhorse...07:08
ardchoilleI'd stick to i386 if I wanted it to work in the quickest time and with the least amount of work07:08
LinkCanabiconet/media use i38607:09
ubuntuhow do I set the root password?07:09
ardchoilleubuntu: You don't, use sudo07:10
ardchoille!sudo | ubuntu07:10
ubotuubuntu: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.07:10
ubuntuyes I do need to07:10
ubuntuI need to be loged in as root to do some of the work I need to do in the terminal07:10
ubuntusudo won't cut it07:10
ardchoilleubuntu: Sudo can do anyting root can do07:10
ubuntubut it asks for a root password07:10
ardchoilleWhat asks for root passwd?07:10
ubuntuI put in sudo alsaconf07:10
Gideanthat's what I figured...On a different note:  I use 6.06 LTS on my lappie and am very happy.  Is there an advantage to 7.10?07:11
ubuntuand it asks for the root password07:11
ardchoilleit's asking for your user passwd07:11
ananth123ubuntu: try the user password07:11
ubuntuI did07:11
ubuntuit rejected it07:11
ardchoilleThen you mistyped or something07:11
ubuntubut like I was originally asking how do I change my root password?07:11
ardchoilleubuntu: You don't, use sudo07:11
ubuntuThanks Gidean07:11
LinkCanabicowell you can try sudo passwd07:12
jinxhow do i install my 3d accelerated video card drivers ati07:12
ardchoillePlease do not teach people how to enable root.07:12
ardchoilleIt's neither necessary nor supported07:12
ubuntuThats pretty restricting07:12
Gideanit's knowledge...07:12
se7ensomebody know a good and easy terminal mail client?07:12
ubuntuGidean when I put in passwd it says current UNIX Password:07:13
ananth123ubuntu: its a feature, by design to protect newbies from doing silly things...  most experienced users can work around the default settings to even add a root acc07:13
LinkCanabicoardchoille its part of the philosophy "You decide what you want to do on your PC"07:13
ardchoilleubuntu: If you feel that is restive, then you really should read the sudo wiki page and learn about sudo07:13
ardchoilleLinkCanabico: yes, but this is an official support channel and we follow the recommended methods here.07:13
ubunturecommended methods?07:14
ananth123or try some other distro07:14
ubuntuoh so there are more advanced distros?07:14
ananth123its not more advanced (or less).... its what suits your taste!07:14
ubuntuHow about Ultumix? Some people have told me it's great.07:14
ananth123try it out.07:14
ananth123whats good for me may (or not) be good for you07:15
se7ensomebody know a good and easy terminal mail client?07:15
ananth123pine... mutt07:15
se7enthanks ananth123 ...checking07:16
ubuntuGidean I can't PM you07:16
ubuntuIt says I need to register07:16
ubuntuI'm registered07:16
ubotuBy default, only registered users can send private messages - Information about  registering your Freenode nick can be found at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration07:16
ubuntuhow do I change my user name07:17
ardchoilleoh, sorry07:17
ardchoilleubuntu: /nick newnick07:17
=== ubuntu is now known as newnick
Gideanany current 6.06 users?07:18
newnickI'm trying to install LinuxMCE :) I found that their download for Kubuntu is not working right07:19
newnickSo I got the same version from the mirrors on the Kubuntu site07:19
newnickWorks much better now07:19
ananth123Gidean: yeah07:20
foibleshi there, im using teamspeak in linux and my sound won't go through07:20
newnickHopefully after I update Kubuntu and install the Linux MCE disks it will recognise my TV card07:20
foiblesits using OSS by default, but thats the problem07:20
newnickMythTV seems very TVCard unfriendly07:20
newnickI have a TV2000 XP Expert WinFast TV card07:21
newnickIt works with other TV Tuner Card Programs07:21
newnickI don't get it07:21
ananth123under linux ?07:21
ananth123which program ?07:22
newnickWell Any of them in the repo exept MythTV07:22
newnickMythTV just goes crazy07:22
foiblescan anyone help me out?07:22
newnickand freaks out07:22
foiblesanyone used teamspeak before?07:22
newnickwell gota reboot07:22
GideanBTW: Is the 'sudo' protocol a *buntu invention or didi t start in debian?07:25
crimsunit started back in OpenBSD.07:25
ananth123Gidean: its probably a few decades old iirc07:26
ardchoilleI've been using sudo for years and never had to enable root. I love it.07:27
GideanDon't get me wrong, I have no problem using sudo...07:27
Gideanbig fan..07:27
justin__Back after the reboot07:27
justin__I survived07:28
Gideanjust thinking...07:28
Gideanquestion: the idea is that your everyday use is done a a user and when needed you can execute commands as root using sudo, correct?07:29
ardchoilleWell, there are some definite advantages to using sudo, one being that you can't brute force a locked root account and you can't brute force user accounts if you don't know the usernames07:29
justin__Thats not an advantage07:29
justin__to me07:29
Gideanles risk of muck things about when you don't wield ultimate power...07:29
Gideanmaybe not an advantage but a nice precaution..07:30
GideanI know I've been saved a few times thinking back07:30
justin__I've never ran into a problem using root when I should not have07:31
justin__just lucky I guess07:31
justin__Evil_DuDe is scarry. He hasn't droped his connection since 12/15/2007. I think he has his eyes on us!07:33
GideanEF! think Opera was resposible for making my sys unresposnsive...had to restart X07:35
justin__./join #Ultumix07:36
GideanSo again, I ask humbly for opinions: is 7.10 worth upgrading to?  I'm happy with 6.06 but just inherited a desktop....07:37
justin__I think so07:37
Gideanand why is that?07:37
ananth123its better to do a fresh install of 7.10 on the laptop than an upgrade07:37
ananth123for one, the latest version of the packages would have fixed some bugs07:38
ardchoilleGidean: I installed 7.10 (coming from Dapper) and I have loved it enough to get rid of my Dapper images.07:38
GideanIt would be for my desktop but that brings up another question: versions don't share repositries?07:38
ardchoilleIt's not good to mix repos like that, no07:39
GideanI see, I see...07:40
ardchoilleGidean: Is this a system that will be upgraded to Gutsy from Dapper?07:41
anakin_when i try to login to the location with a valid username and passwd into smb://hostname, i keep getting the authentication message over and over07:42
anakin_Is this something to do with the authentication protocol in smb.conf?07:42
ardchoilleanakin_: I get that sometimes and I found it's always on a folder that isn't shared07:43
GideanThank you all....happy holidays07:43
jessy_jamesardchoille™ take the dapper ,no upgraded to Gutsy,counsel o advice form the 7.0407:46
ardchoillejessy_james: I didn't quite understand that07:47
jessy_jamesthe 7.10 is not stable07:47
ardchoillejessy_james: 7.10 is the current stable release, yes07:48
jessy_jamesthe 7.04 is stable07:49
ardchoillejessy_james: It's been stable for me on 11 machines, but I guess it depends on many factors.07:49
jessy_jamesthe software for the 7.04 is goof07:51
jessy_jamesexperience say :)07:56
=== Katze is now known as Shely
Qhestionhi. i want to install kubuntu from dvd. when i boot from it, it starts up normal, but then the kde startup progress window (dont know how its called) is shown. 5 seconds later my monitor gets turned off. is this normal?08:01
Qhestionwhen i hit [ctrl][f7] afterwards, i get a "normal" display, but it is set to 640x48008:02
Qhestionnow, what do i do?08:02
JeroiQhestionyes it is normal08:03
QhestionWHAT ? how can that be normal?08:03
Jeroijust wait when kde starts it brings your dekstop view right a way08:03
Qhestionno it does not.08:04
Qhestioni did wait ~10 minutes08:04
Jeroidosent show you the text in the monitor like windows does08:04
Jeroitho windows uses some progress bar08:04
Qhestionyes, but i cant see that because my monitor gets disablde08:04
Qhestionnot only for ~2 seconds08:05
Jeroiso you get kde loading stage?08:05
Qhestionquote: ""but then the kde startup progress window (dont know how its called) is shown. 5 seconds later my monitor gets turned off. is this normal?""08:05
Jeroithats not normal08:05
Qhestionalso, what i did afterwards: "when i hit [ctrl][f7] afterwards, i get a "normal" display, but it is set to 640x480"08:05
Qhestionand i cant change it to higher resolutions08:05
JeroiI tought you meant at first when bios loads after that monitor goes balack and off08:06
Jeroiyou got weard prob08:06
Jeroiis you gfx properly setuped?08:06
Qhestioni am installing.08:06
Qhestionfrom the dvd.08:06
Qhestioni did nothing!08:06
Jeroidid you isntall your kubuntu already?08:07
Jeroiso why do you need bigger resolution?08:07
Qhestionturn computer on -> boot from dvd -> wait -> wait -> crap08:07
Qhestionwell, i am a little bit frightened08:07
JeroiImo I would install in textmode08:07
Jeroinot going to kde at all08:08
Qhestioni dont want to install kubuntu just to see that it cant run higher than 640x48008:08
Jeroifaster, quite easy too.08:08
Jeroiwhat gfx card you use?08:08
Qhestiongeforce 8600 gt08:08
Jeroisame than me :)08:08
JeroiI fought with it alot08:08
ananth123try passing video res as boot parameter...08:09
Jeroithe best way is, to go k-menu->system settings08:09
Jeroithen to advanced tab08:09
Qhestionit only shows "640x480" as availbale resolutions08:09
Jeroithere is restricetd drivers08:09
Qhestionehh uhh... ok08:09
Jeroithen install nvidia-glx-nev as dialog shows you08:10
Jeroithen you should get your resolution after you edit your config08:10
Jeroithe best way to edit is typing nvidia-settings into console08:10
Jeroiyou get gui program from nvidia08:11
Jeroiit is kind of same looking than in windows08:11
Qhestionwell, i am coming from opensuse ;)08:11
Jeroihmm, yes good choice toi try kubuntu08:12
Qhestioni thought so too, but in opensuse "it just works", while kubuntu seems not to like me08:12
Qhestionwell, i will try it08:13
JeroiQhestion, ubuntu dont install any restricted drivers at all08:13
Jeroithis means, drivers that some companies have rights in them08:13
Jeroiso ubuntu is legal distribution08:13
Jeroiubuntu tho dont cotrol what users install into it08:14
Jeroiso you get all working just fine08:14
Qhestionok i will try it then08:14
Jeroialtho it needs a bit fixing this and that and meanwhile you get bored without help08:14
Jeroibut in end of the day, it gives good warm when you sugges in something08:15
Qhestionyes, but i prefer not learning while i install an os08:16
JeroiI feel you08:16
Qhestionafterwards ok, but that is a damned critical phase08:16
Jeroibut some times things just arent like windows08:16
Jeroiwindows install with like singel button and typing your name etc08:16
Qhestionthey should be better... but they are not08:16
Jeroibut then again: the real compete comes when installing some codecs and programs08:17
Qhestioni think that one is fairly easy08:17
Jeroiand indeed apt-get is nice piece of software in debian based systemsa08:17
JeroiQhestion btw08:18
Qhestionthat was the main reason i wanted to try kubuntu.08:18
Qhestioni just dont trust yast anymore08:18
Jeroiyou dont get to dl anything from net wihtout editin your sources list08:18
Qhestionis it like in opensuse?08:18
Jeroimain reason to this, is that you are using live cd08:19
Jeroiso you sources are your cd08:19
Jeroiyou need to disable cd sources from /etc/apt/sources.list08:19
Jeroiand enable internet sources08:19
Jeroisudo kate /etc/apt/sources.list should do the trick08:20
Jeroiif kubuntu asks password just hit enter08:20
Qhestiongood that i get to know this *before* i go into runlevel 2 or so...08:21
Qhestionit is what happened with opensuse08:21
Qhestionand there i was, not knowing any texteditor besides vim08:21
JeroiI'we used kubuntu now 3 weeks fulltime08:21
Qhestionand unfortunately, all i knew about vim was that you can exit it with :q!08:22
Jeroibefore gutsy, I installed edgy08:22
ganjamaniachow can i run this firefox flash plugin?08:22
ganjamaniacbecause its weirianistic08:22
Jeroibut when upgraded to feisty I managed to destroy my kde somehow08:22
Jeroiganjamaniac I have made fix for that08:22
Qhestionok am now off, trying "it"08:23
Jeroiit has md5 checksum error08:23
Jeroibecause aplle has new plugin giving wrong md508:23
ganjamaniacdid apple aquire adobe?08:23
Jeroiyou using 32bit?08:24
Jeroior 64?08:24
ganjamaniacno i use 64 bit08:24
ganjamaniacand i use 8bit08:24
ganjamaniacso do i have to get the fix in your repo?08:25
Jeroiinstall that ganjamaniac08:26
Jeroijust download it to desktop08:27
Jeroiand run with packet installer08:27
pagganjamaniac, Jeroi; just FYI - that update will break Konqueror's and Opera's Flash support08:28
Jeroibut flash wont work even with firefox, or konguereor when you first install kubuntu08:28
Jeroithat is the only way for amd64 kubuntu firsttime users to anable fashsuport atleast for firefox08:29
ganjamaniacndiswrapper whatever08:29
pagJeroi, you can download older version and install it manually...08:30
ganjamaniaci hope such crap like flash didn't continue08:30
JeroiThen again I dont use konqueror08:30
Jeroiso I dont bother08:30
Jeroiwhen the apt version of that comes, I wil then download that08:31
=== gryc_ is now known as gryc
Jeroiand your konqueror is happy08:31
mempmandoes anybody know how i can reload specific modules,.....i try using rmmod "mod_name" but i keep getting module is busy error08:34
ganjamaniacdepmod or something08:34
mempmanlet me give that a shot08:34
mempmanganjamania: that won't do it08:35
Linux_Galoremempman: insmod module_name08:36
mempmanill try that08:36
mempmanLInux_Galore: im not tyring to install a module08:37
mempmanim trying to stop the current module, then restart it08:37
mempmanstopping is the problem right now08:37
Linux_Galoremempman:  rmmod then insmod08:37
mempmanLInux_Galore: i have tried rmmod but i keep gettin "device busy" error08:38
Linux_Galoremempman: lsmod  will list the modules loaded08:38
mempmanLinux_Galore: yes it will, and i can see the loaded modules08:38
Linux_Galoremempman: then something is using it08:38
mempmanhow do i stop it08:38
mempmanthere is no playback08:38
mempmannothing is playin anything08:39
Linux_Galoremempman: stop the process that is using the driver/hardware08:39
Linux_Galoremempman: sudo ksysguard08:39
JeroiAfter installing the flash plugin, you have to tell Konqueror. Go to configure konqueror > plugins > 'scan for plugins', or you can check the box ' scan..startup'. Make sure the '/usr/lib/firefox/plugins' is in the list of directories to scan.08:40
Jeroiso there08:40
Jeroiyour kongueror is happy08:40
mempmanadnan@adnanslaptop:~$ rmmod soundcore08:41
ganjamaniaci use knome08:41
mempmanERROR: Module soundcore is in use by snd08:41
mempmanadnan@adnanslaptop:~$ rmmod snd08:41
ganjamaniaca gnome based on kde08:41
Linux_Galoreif you install the adobe flash package you dont have to do anything08:41
Jeroiwas not that bad to fix kongueror flash after that update08:41
mempmanERROR: Module snd is in use by snd_hda_intel,snd_mixer_oss,snd_pcm,snd_seq_oss,snd_rawmidi,snd_seq,snd_timer,snd_seq_device08:41
mempmanadnan@adnanslaptop:~$ rmmod -f soundcore08:41
mempmanERROR: Removing 'soundcore': Operation not permitted08:41
mempmanadnan@adnanslaptop:~$ sudo rmmod -f soundcore08:41
mempman[sudo] password for adnan:08:41
mempmanERROR: Removing 'soundcore': Resource temporarily unavailable08:41
mempmanwhoops sorry08:41
Linux_Galoremempman:  eeer sudo08:41
Jeroimempman nopaste for long pastes I think is recommended08:42
Linux_Galoremempman:  a user cant change a system process, use sudo08:42
mempmansorry bout that08:42
Jeroimaybe 4 lines of pasting to irc is proper paste thump rule08:42
mempmanadnan@adnanslaptop:~$ sudo rmmod soundcore08:42
mempmanERROR: Module soundcore is in use by snd08:42
mempmanjeroi: sorry bro08:42
Jeroidont mind tho08:42
Linux_Galoreudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils stop08:43
Linux_Galoresudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils stop08:43
Linux_Galoreor sudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils reset08:44
mempmanLinux_Galore, i will try that08:44
Linux_Galoremempman: sounds like the sound server crashed08:45
mempmanmaybe ...08:45
INFOEXCLUDEDpulse audio08:45
Linux_Galoremeh, phonon08:46
mempmanim sleepy08:47
Linux_Galoremempman: if sound is jammed it usually means a process is stuck, oft not the sound server but an application, ksysguard will show all the running processes and allow you to kill the one that is crashed08:48
mempmanlet me give that a shot......08:49
mempmanwhat exactly is PCM in mixer setting?08:49
Jeroihopely qhuestion dit use ctrl-alt-delete to restart x08:49
Jeroinot restart whole livecd08:49
Jeroias then his settings get deleted08:49
Jeroihey anyone knows here about amarok?08:50
INFOEXCLUDEDuse top to see what processes is hogging the computer and kill it08:50
Jeroimy amarok dont remember my settings08:50
JeroiI mean lists08:50
JeroiI want after reboot that amarok should play my last playlist before reboot08:51
Jeroisaving playlist dont help neither08:51
JeroiI need to scan my playlist from media, to load it back to playlists08:51
Jeroiit is really frustrating08:52
bazhangJeroi: did you tell amarok where to scan for music? that does the trick for me08:52
INFOEXCLUDEDa friend of mine tells me RIAA has dosnnted alot of money to amarok08:52
Jeroifrom where?08:52
Jeroiproblem may be, that my music is on ntfs partition08:53
JeroiI have 5 ntfs partitions08:53
Jeroi1 ext308:53
Linux_GaloreINFOEXCLUDED = troll08:54
=== suriel is now known as Bicubic
Jeroibut windows dosend have any problems if you isntall ext3.dll08:54
bazhangsure is08:54
Jeroiit sees ext3 disks like normal windows partitions08:54
Jeroior was it ext2.dll08:54
Jeroidont remeber08:55
Bicubicum. How do I get kubuntu to actually restart and not reopen previous apps?08:55
Jeroisystem settingsd08:55
bazhangJeroi: do you have read and write permisiions to those ntfs partititions?08:55
Jeroithere is kde session handling08:55
Jeroioption, dont load last session on startup08:55
Linux_GaloreBicubic: log out properly ie log out of the session and in the login screen select shutdown08:55
bdgraueim trying to file a bug in klettres-kde4 but i don't find any project in launchpad that matches :(08:55
Bicubicokay thank you08:55
Jeroibazhang yes08:59
JeroiI do08:59
Jeroibut ftp program cant login users, if users have ntfs partiton home folder08:59
Jeroiid says: cannot give anonymous privlidges09:00
Jeroiand you cannot chmod ntfs drives?09:00
Jeroior does ntfs partitions use somekind of chmod ruling?09:00
Jeroiif set ext3 folder09:01
Jeroithen I can chmod 7777 it09:01
Jeroiand then my users can login09:01
tmskedoes anyone have a working Broadcom Corporation BCM94311MCG wlan mini-PCI (rev 02)? I found tutorials but they only seem to work for rev 0109:01
Linux_Galorewtf, why are you using NTFS in Linux09:02
Jeroibecause I have windows also09:02
JeroiAn dused windows like 12 years09:02
Linux_GaloreJeroi: yes so, Linux doesnt need to be NTFS09:02
Jeroifrom 3.1 in school do xp09:02
JeroiLinux_Galore my linux is on ext3 drive09:02
Jeroibut my storage drives are ntfs09:03
Linux_GaloreJeroi: ok fine09:03
Linux_GaloreJeroi: aaah yeah the drive permissions have been set09:03
Linux_Galorehave not*09:03
Jeroican I give permissions to ntfs drive?09:04
=== sivaji is now known as ksivaji
Jeroiwith chmod command and chown09:04
Linux_Galoresudo konqueror    then just go the /media  click on the right click on the driver -> properties    then set the permissions09:04
Linux_Galoresudo konqueror    then just go the /media  directory then  right click on the drive -> properties    then set the permissions09:05
JeroiMy other problem is taht ftp server dont allow my local users password, if they have group anime-fan, but it allows if my users have group ftp09:05
LimCorehow to run COMPIZ?  with compiz-fussion the kde is running on top of it or what?  and how to have the 3d cube desktops and other stuff09:05
ubotuKubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion09:06
JeroiIf I keep group in ftp, I should be ok09:06
Linux_GaloreLimCore: should wait for KDE 4 that has a compiz-fusion manager09:06
Jeroias ftp program sets homefolder anyway09:06
Jeroifor that partical local user09:06
Jeroiand restricts their right09:07
LimCoreLinux_Galore: and before that?09:07
Linux_GaloreLimCore: before then you have allot of stuffing around09:07
sigraanyone know how to install xine..I using adept package manager in kde but xine is greyed out so i can not select it for install?09:07
Jeroiwhats good in compizfusion?09:08
Linux_GaloreJeroi: have you got a decent video card for starters09:08
Linux_GaloreJeroi: just use normal Ubuntu then09:08
se7enLimCore: it works fine even in kde309:08
JeroiBought this because it is cheap, but can manage htcp signals better than 880009:09
LimCorese7en: hmm so howto...?09:09
sigraanyone else have xine working on kde 409:09
ubotuKubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion09:09
ubuntu_There is any alpha / beta with kde4 ?09:09
sigraKDE 4 is at rc 209:09
Linux_GaloreI think there is a Kubuntu hardie image with kde 409:09
Jeroias I watch alot videos thrue my compt to lcd09:10
ubuntu_I use this image now, but here is 3.5.809:10
Linux_GaloreJeroi: you dont need compiz for video09:10
JeroiI know09:10
Linux_GaloreJeroi: in fact it slows it down09:10
JeroiI used that beryl with edgy09:10
Jeroibut it freesed alot of normal using09:10
Jeroiso it sucked totally09:11
sigraI have KDE 4 RC2 on kubuntu 7.10 but i cannot get flash or xine work with it.09:11
Linux_GaloreJeroi: compiz-fussion is beryl09:11
Linux_GaloreIve already tried compiz-fussion, cpu runs hot and UI is unstable09:12
sigracompiz-fussion runs excellent on my machine09:12
Jeroiwell I dont need that much eye candy09:13
* ksivaji 09:13
JeroiI ust need working gui for starters09:13
Linux_GaloreIm happy to wait for kde 4.1 with better compiz/plasma integration09:13
Jeroithat said, I hope that  kde4 brings not laggy window moving, not laggy firefox scrollbar starting to move09:14
Linux_GaloreI remember kde 2.0 and kde 3.0 releases, train wrecks09:14
se7enLimCore: if your graphic card driver is working just sudo apt-get install compiz-kde compiz-fusion-plugins-main compiz-fusion-plugins-extracompizconfig-settings-manager emerald librsvg2-common and than compiz --replace09:14
awag22anyone ever had firefox suddenly stop letting you restore sessions after a crash?09:15
awag22i have the option enabled in settings09:15
awag22to restore on start09:15
Linux_Galoreawag22: yes,  run   killall -9 firefox-bin09:15
awag22what does the -9 do?09:16
Jeroior go to kde system settings09:16
Linux_Galoreawag22:  kills the process without being nice about it09:16
Jeroiif you use kde09:16
awag22yes i use kde09:16
JeroiBut that command is faster09:16
awag22and after i do this i should be able to restore my previous session?09:17
Linux_Galoreevery now and again firefox jams up on me and wont restart so I use the killall -9 firefox-bin  command09:17
Linux_Galoreawag22: it will ask you if you want to restore the last session - yes09:18
se7enJeroi: just to understand what would he do in kde system settings?09:18
awag22ok i'll try it in a minute, but why will this suddenly make firefox want to let me restore sessions again? i can start firefox no problem after it crashes, it just automatically goes to a blank page, with no prompt for session restore09:20
awag22even though i have restore on start enabled09:20
Jeroibecause you already have firefox session09:21
Jeroithat is crashed09:22
Jeroifirefox assumes that you just open new window to that session09:22
Jeroior that is what I believe09:22
awag22ah, that makes sense09:22
Jeroiwhen you kill all firefox, then open firefox, it should ask to open last session09:22
Jeroiif you lost your session09:23
Linux_Galoreawag22: if it doesnt ask to open your last session it means the old session is still running and broken09:23
Jeroifirefox wont ask it09:23
Jeroiuntil you have colsed firefox next time with sites on tabs09:24
awag22thanks guys, i'll try this as soon as a finish using my current firefox session09:24
awag22and i guess since kdm saves my kde sessions09:24
awag22i keep having that rouge firefox session running in the background even when i restart?09:24
JeroiI removed session loading from kde09:24
Linux_Galoreawag22: no09:24
JeroiI truly hated that09:25
Jeroilike 5 programs starts on startup suddenly when I want to open texteditor just to take phonenumber to textfile09:25
Linux_Galoreawag22: it will start firefox yes but a new session on a restart09:25
awag22hmm, shouldn't that new session give me the option to restore the session that was there when i restarted ?09:26
PennycookI've got a BASH question; is there any nice way to go through all the files in a directory and rename them if they meet a certain criteria?  I've tried using for i in $( ls ) ; do, but some of the file names have spaces in09:26
Linux_GaloreJeroi: heh, I wrote a script that open a little QT query window noting what i still running and do i want to kill it09:26
kub^awag22:  i think what you need for that is an addon called tab mix09:27
llutzPennycook: use find + xargs09:27
JeroiI want that too09:27
Jeroibut does kde have servicehandling?09:27
Linux_GaloreJeroi: windows 95 had it I cant understand why kde hasnt got it09:27
Jeroione thing about kde tho09:28
llutzPennycook: if you use" for i in ..."  then use "$i" to work with spaces in names09:28
Jeroithe sessiond handling dosent remeber some of the program closings09:28
Jeroiif in this session I close 1 program, kde opens taht program on reboot anyways09:28
Linux_GaloreJeroi: only if you dont log out09:28
PennycookI'll try that.  Thanks llutz09:29
JeroiI shut always from l-menu-logout, reboot09:29
Linux_GaloreJeroi: shutdown in KDE is really poorly implimented09:29
Linux_GaloreJeroi: you can actually tell kde not to start certain apps09:30
Linux_Galoreto work around it09:30
Linux_Galoreit in kcontrol09:30
JeroiI shutdown the session handling from kde09:30
Jeroiit helped a lot09:31
Linux_GaloreI have a long list of stuff noted not to be automatically started by kde09:31
Linux_Galoreits very easy to setup09:31
JeroiI am happy that some command that I typed to save alsa settings worked09:32
JeroiI just noticed that spdif works after reboot09:32
Linux_GaloreJeroi: yeah, another thing I dont like is the lack of a good scanner config tool and what is available makes BeOS look good09:33
Jeroiit is most stupid thing to have alsa-mixer, that dont save your settings when you close it09:33
llutzJeroi: use alsactl store to save it09:33
Jeroithat command it was09:33
Linux_GaloreJeroi: I ended up writing my own program to manage a few network scanners I have09:33
JeroiWhy dont you publicy them?09:34
Linux_GaloreJeroi: because they are hacks and centric to my hardware setup ie I dont offer much in the way of configuration09:35
Linux_Galoreimagine hacking the code to define the hardware parameters09:35
JeroiLinux_Galore do you knoiw what was huge problem to me with kubuntu install?09:36
Linux_GaloreI cant see a normal user doing that09:36
Pennycookllutz: for file in $( find /music );... with an echo $file still gives me broken filenames at spaces; am I missing an argument to find?09:36
Linux_GaloreJeroi: what09:36
Jeroi1. 1 ata133 disk09:36
Jeroi2. 2 x SATA2 drives09:36
llutzPennycook: echo "$file"09:36
Jeroimyt mobo presumes default that ata133 drives are primary09:37
Jeroisata2 drives come secundary09:37
llutzPennycook: find /music -name abc*  -exec rm {} \;09:37
Jeroiat insatller, installer presume that my windows is on disk009:37
Linux_GaloreJeroi: yeah, heard about that09:37
Jeroiwithc not true09:37
Jeroias my windows is disk1.009:38
Jeroiso grub is installed into disk009:38
Linux_GaloreJeroi: unplug the drive09:38
Pennycookllutz: Sorry, that was a typo on my part, with "" it doesn't work either.09:38
Jeroiright after operating system starts to use disks09:38
Jeroimobo starts to use sata2 primary09:38
Jeroithen ata133 secundary09:39
Jeroithen when I am at grub09:39
JeroiI must edit the grub to sotart linux from 0,409:39
Jeroinot 1.409:39
Jeroithats a evil thing09:39
Jeroian evil09:39
Linux_GaloreJeroi: I never dual boot'09:40
Pennycookllutz: Problem with using -exec rm is that I only want to delete the .mp3 file if a .wma file already exists.  soundKonverter messed up and I've got 5300 .mp3 files floating around with no sound09:40
JeroiI am buying my 3rd sata2 drive soon09:40
Linux_GalorePC's are cheap why bother09:41
Jeroiso I unplug my ata133 drive then09:41
JeroiI should not have problems anymore09:41
dsmith_hello room I have an issue: mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock09:43
dsmith_I copied the fstab lines verbatim fromone machine to the other09:43
dsmith_i keep getting an error09:43
dsmith_here is a line from my fstab: /media/DawnNAS2 nfs rsize=8192,wsize=8192,timeo=14,intr,rw,user,auto 0 009:44
kristjan_how to recover "$HOME/.bashrc file"?09:44
dsmith_look ok?09:44
ubotuIt's the middle of the night in the US and Europe, and surrounds.  This means that a lot of people are likely asleep, therefore there are less potential people who can answer your question.  Please be patient, and consider asking at a time when more people will be awake.  This is particularly true in the quieter channels.09:47
dsmith_bazhang, and your point being? lol09:48
dsmith_sup man09:48
bazhangdsmith_: surely someone will help you as soon as they get up09:48
dsmith_i'll figure it out in time09:49
Lynourebazhang: heh, "US and Europe and surroundings" is most of the globe09:49
bazhangdsmith_: sorry but that is way above my knowledge level :}09:49
dsmith_how long you been using linux now?09:49
bazhangLynoure: true dat09:49
bazhangdsmith me?09:49
dsmith_yes u09:49
bazhangyear plus09:50
dsmith_aren't you new in here?09:50
bazhangnot really--just mostly hang in #ubuntu--lots easier over there :}09:50
pagdsmith_, do you have nfs-common installed?09:51
dsmith_let me check09:51
dsmith_that may explain09:51
dsmith_heh nope09:51
dsmith_been awhile since I poked with nfs and a server09:52
dsmith_no wonder....duh09:52
dsmith_pag: thx alot man09:53
pagdsmith_, np :)09:53
dsmith_see,if I am not actively using something. I tend to forget about it09:53
dsmith_i hooked up my Gf's NAS and copied over her fstab files to my lappy09:54
dsmith_I was like wtf.. is going on09:54
dsmith_again thx again and MErry Xmas09:54
PennycookIs there any way to make a bash script wait?  I think it's running my awk on a partially complete file09:56
NickPrestaPennycook, `man sleep`09:57
se7eni need some help with kmobiletools ... i get a signal level an a battery level and thats about it phone book doesen't work and nothing else09:59
PennycookThanks NickPresta10:00
gapshi an alle10:00
bazhanghi gaps10:02
PennycookSomething keeps going wrong. >.<  Whenever I run my awk command it gets rid of most of the file: awk '{gsub("wma", "mp3", $0); print>FILENAME}' wmas.lst10:05
se7enanyone use kmobiletools10:05
cj_how do i install video codecs on kubuntu10:14
cj_and also where are the desktop effects?10:14
pagcj_, open konsole and type " sudo apt-get install kubuntu-restricted-extras "10:15
pag!compiz | cj_10:15
ubotucj_: Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion10:15
cj_is kubuntu lagging behind ubuntu?10:15
stdinno, compiz just doesn't work that well with kde10:16
cj_how about kde 4?10:16
pagcj_, kde4 will have effect of its own10:16
stdinand nice ones too :)10:17
cj_how safe is it to install the packages in the /topic? last time i tried using it after installing from a beta gutsy install cd it hosed apt10:18
stdinsafe, as long as you *read* the instructions ;)10:18
cj_stdin, that i did10:19
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cj_file collisons, perhaps the install cd had files in different places10:19
stdinthere are only file collisions if you don't remove the old packages first (which it says to do in the instructions)10:20
cj_so, kubuntu ships with kde4 libs already?10:20
cj_i only never uninstalled as i had never previously tried kde4 on this system10:21
stdinas long as you do what the instructions say, you won't get errors10:21
cj_i'll give it another go. cheers for the inspiration stdin10:22
DreadKnightis anyone using hardy with kde4 allready?10:23
stdinDreadKnight: yes (but hardy discussion in #ubuntu+1 )10:23
DreadKnightstdin: ok, thanks :010:23
ehambergIf I add a new repository and install package foo (newer version than the one in the default repositories) and then remove that repo, how can I downgrade to kubuntu's version?10:24
llutzaptitude install package=version.number10:25
stdinfind what version kubuntu has "apt-cache policy foo" and then install it with "sudo apt-get install foo=old-version"10:25
ehambergstdin, llutz: worked like a charm. Thanks10:27
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anakin_why am i getting this message "tree connect failed: NT_STATUS_BAD_NETWORK_NAME" when i try smbclient -L hostname?10:37
heksaany idea what codec i'm missing in kubuntu, because none of the players (vlc,mplayer, xine) wont play standard xvid file. it only shows rainbow colors. but the file still works in unbuntu-desktop in my friends computer. i have installed w32codecs and kubuntu-restricted-extras. still no go :/10:38
pagheksa, try installing libxvidcore410:39
tid-wavehello. after upgrading some packages, arts got broken and amarok failed to start whenever the kde sound system was active. If I go to the system settings and re-enable the sound system it says "Starting sound system" and the dialog never closes.10:40
tid-wavethe progress bar goes from 0 to 100% again and again .. any ideas about how can I fix this?10:41
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heksapag: installed allready10:42
heksajust strange that never the less i have all the needed codecs installed, still it shows rainbow colors. even reinstalled players, no go10:44
FuttAnyone tested KDE4rc2 on Gutsy?10:48
DekansFutt: I did10:49
FuttOK, work out OK for you?10:51
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FuttBeen having some weird issues, like missing icons and just a gray  bar instead of the "kicker"10:52
Dekanskicker was almost working10:52
FuttScreenshot: http://bayimg.com/JaIEJaabG10:52
DekansI had a K menu \o/10:52
FuttHeh yeah me too, K menu and a clock10:52
FuttBut the rest was just a huge dark gray slab covering 1/6 of the screen or something10:53
Dekansbut I did not managed to use corrrectly the widgets10:53
FuttNo can't get widgets to dock in kicker, just on the desktop10:53
Dekanswith the first alpha I could move the clock from desktop to systray10:54
Dekansand vice-versa10:54
FuttNo 3D accel on this puter thou (old IBM laptop with a Savage gfx card) - could be plasma barfing or something10:54
FuttIf I turn on desktop effects it goes completely wonky10:54
Dekanswith 3D accel, openGL is very slow10:55
Dekansand Xrander is a minefield10:55
Dekansand I don't have all the activated effects10:56
Dekanslike thumbnails10:56
FuttNo I turned off all effects, kicker still doesn't work thou10:56
FuttWidgets seem fine, except they wont dock in what should probably be the kicker...10:56
Dekanswaiting for KDE 4.1 :p10:57
FuttHehe yeah - bring on SP1 :P10:57
DekansI don't know if plasma wil be ready in 3 weeks10:57
FuttNo things seem pretty shaky for a release candidate if you ask me...10:58
FuttLooks like they adopted the Microsoft terminology.. RC=alpha, release=beta, SP1=RC, SP2=release etc10:59
FuttAlso - could be because of the other issues - but why is everyting so friggin huge?11:00
DekansI think 4.1 will be a complete release11:00
Dekansbut it looks like vista yes XD11:00
FuttGuessing the kicker isnt supposed to take up 1/6 of the screen but still11:00
vbgunzanybody install the latest nvidia driver from nvidia? 169.07?11:01
FuttFisher-Price "My First GUI" :P11:01
vbgunzhas it destroyed your games e.g., warsow, foobilliard, etc?11:01
vbgunzdid you fix it somehow, how?11:02
Xcellcoleco was my 1rst11:02
FuttParents bought a C= 64 sometime in the mid 80s... When was the Coleco out?11:03
FuttHeh I was 1 year old then :P11:03
Xcellping pong11:03
Xcell1 was 1511:03
Xcellim still 3911:04
DekansI was -10 :p11:04
FuttYeah I'm 29 :P11:05
FuttStill love my C= games too11:06
FuttThough I must say I felt pretty stupid playing Frogger on my XBox 360 heh11:06
FuttAnd got me a GP2X just to run Frodo11:07
FuttGood times11:07
FuttWhat's the new "kicker" called anyway? Apparently not kicker ;) Is it just another widget?11:09
ristowhat text editor you guys use ???11:11
Futtor vim if console11:12
cj_whats the best way of uninstalling all the kde4 packages in the /topic?11:14
Futtapt-get remove the manually installed ones11:15
Futtthen do an apt-get autoremove to nuke unused dependencies11:15
cj_cheers Futt. sure beats grep install /var/log/dpkg.log | sed -n '3181,3468p' | cut -d' ' -f5 | xargs apt-get remove11:16
FuttI dunno, personally I am a big fan of overcomplicating things :P11:18
travkinIs there users, who use Kubuntu 8.04 alpha 2?11:19
travkinI have problem: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=64809911:19
travkinGTK isnt working, no theme using :/11:20
cj_Futt, still seems to be lots of cruft11:20
Lynouretravkin: try #ubuntu+111:20
Lynouretravkin: that's the support channel for the upcoming release11:20
travkinOkay, thank you.11:20
Futtcj_: hm what's left?11:22
Pennycookbazhang: Was it you that recommended qtparted to me yesterday?11:27
eshathey all,... my notebook hotkeys doesn't work properly,... if i press FN+Up or FN+Down i only see this symbol saying, that i switch volume between 0% and 11% but that does affect volume at all... mute and unmute works,... any ideas?11:28
PennycookAnybody else at all experienced with qtparted?11:32
pagPennycook, I've used it couple of years ago..11:33
gapskennt jemand ein gutes freebook von apache 2.211:35
gapshauptsächlich konfiguration11:35
Pennycookpag: Okay.  I've got a 250GB HDD with several partitions; one is my /swap, one is my / and another is an ntfs partition mounted at /media/sda6.  I wanted to format sda6 as ext3 but qtparted says I have to unmount the entire drive before I can partition it11:36
Lynouregaps: if you have a configuration problem, there are plenty of people that can help you, if you can ask in English11:36
Lynouregaps: then there is also #kubuntu-de and #ubuntu-de, for German.11:36
gapsoh sorry11:37
gapsim change the channel11:37
pagPennycook, sounds reasonable. just start you computer with LiveCD11:37
* Pennycook facepalm.11:38
ax1sanyone else here having a problem changing the default webcam port with Kopete11:38
PennycookOf course.  Thanks11:38
ax1splease check out the bug i filed and see if we can get this rolling11:38
=== ax1s is now known as gr1dlocked
Lynoure8.04 Kubuntu will not be LTS?11:40
pagLynoure, afaik no it won't11:40
Lynoureand the next LTS version is when?11:41
gr1dlockedisnt 6.06 supported till 201011:41
pagLynoure, erm.. 9.04 maybe? :\11:41
LynoureThere are some systems that were supposed to go from LTS to LTS, and waiting till 2010 for the next one is quite long...11:42
gr1dlocked!info pinning11:42
ubotuPackage pinning does not exist in gutsy11:42
Lynouregr1dlocked: supported yes, horribly ancienty by then, unfortunately yes, too11:43
Lynouregr1dlocked: it's a technique, not a package11:43
ubotupinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto11:43
gr1dlockedi think gutsy is using SVN release of kopete11:43
gr1dlockedand 0.12.7 breaks changing incomming webcam port11:43
gr1dlockedalso anyone know what i should select when the package update breaks on libqt3-mt11:44
gr1dlockedLynoure: Is 6.06 still using the old firefox?11:46
dreamcodershould i use 64bit kubuntu or 32bit?11:47
paggr1dlocked, 1.5.x, iirc.11:47
gr1dlockeddreamcoder: how much ram do you have11:47
gr1dlocked1.5 .. :/11:47
dreamcoder1gb at mo i kno i wont be getting more than 4gb for a while11:47
gr1dlockeduse 32 for now IMO11:48
pagdreamcoder, if you do not *need* 64bit, then you'll be better off with 32bit11:48
Lynouregr1dlocked: old being how old? :)11:48
gr1dlockedless hassles, plus i've looked up benchmarks and haven't seen any gains11:48
dreamcoderi was going to use 64bit just because i encode videos alot and wondered if it wud be a speed increase11:48
gr1dlockedLynoure: Well you couldn't download half the themes on firefox.org :/11:48
Lynouregr1dlocked: I would not recommend LTS -> LTS paths for people wanting to theme a lot of stuff :)11:49
gr1dlockeddreamcoder: Lookup benchmarks, but from my research I haven't seen any real gains11:49
dreamcoderokie thanks11:49
gr1dlockedLynoure: True..11:50
dreamcoderi have been using 64bit for a while now... only thing that was annoying me is cant get frostwire to work11:50
gr1dlockeddreamcoder: If you can get a 64 bit system up and running, that would be great, put more pressure on developers to start moving to6411:51
dreamcoderi have it all ready n working apart from the frostwire java problem11:51
dreamcoderand thus was going to go back to 32bit11:52
gr1dlockedi'm not familiar with how, but can't you emu 32 bit web browser/java11:52
dreamcoderyes i have a 32bit browser installed11:52
jackcyhi there, anybody who can help me with python tutorial?11:53
dreamcoderbut frostwire is just really annoying lol i have chose the 1.4 java sun and it still refuses to see my java....11:53
eshathey all,... my notebook hotkeys doesn't work properly,... if i press FN+Up or FN+Down i only see this symbol saying, that i switch volume between 0% and 11% but that does affect volume at all... mute and unmute works,... any ideas?11:54
gr1dlockeddreamcoder: what is frostwire for?  i think p2p but what  network11:54
gr1dlockedlimewire eh11:54
posingaspopulargr1dlocked: limewire11:55
posingaspopularjackcy: i know a little python, i can try11:55
gr1dlockeddreamcoder: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-477363.html   <-- looks like sambehera fixed it11:57
dreamcoderi have just fixed it myself hahaha eee thanks though!11:57
gr1dlockednice one brotha11:58
dreamcoderi tried using 32bit java and it worked a treat !11:58
dreamcoderfrom java 1.7 isnt that supposed to be 64bit compliant?11:58
gr1dlockednot sure %P11:59
gr1dlockedi am waiting for official java 6411:59
eshati ll try the hardy alpha now ,... :D11:59
dreamcoderwhen is that due for releasE?11:59
eshatis there a way to blacklist a module with kernel parameters ?11:59
gr1dlockedis there any point in registering bugs for release or should i just try the lates beta12:01
posingaspopulargr1dlocked: register the bugs12:02
posingaspopularbut helping test teh alpha/betas is great too12:02
gr1dlockedanyone here using the latest alpha/beta for kubuntu ?  do you know which version of kopete it includes12:04
ebaadhello, need help with gallery2 please12:05
noaXesshi all12:05
ebaadcan somebody help me with gallery2 seeetup12:05
paggr1dlocked, " Version 4:3.5.8-1ubuntu3 (hardy) "12:05
noaXesscan't watch a dvd in my dvd drive.. have tried kaffeine and vlc..12:05
gr1dlockedpag: but which kopete version is that12:06
noaXesskaffeine means source seems encrypted12:06
gr1dlockedpag: 0.12.#12:06
ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs12:06
gr1dlocked!info kopete12:06
paggr1dlocked, hmm.. probably .7?12:06
ubotukopete: instant messenger for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 4:3.5.8-0ubuntu2 (gutsy), package size 7140 kB, installed size 19708 kB12:06
ebaadI'm running latest kubuntu and just tried to install galler2 but could not bring up the index.php configure window12:07
jackcylibdvdcss2 for dvd support can easily be installes with: sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread3/install-css.sh12:07
gr1dlockedpag: have you tried to receive any webcam stuff?12:07
Kopfgeldjaegerwhere can i set the bitrate for my mp3 files (want to rip them from an audio cd) in k3b?12:08
paggr1dlocked, I'm on gutsy... last time I did try, it worked fine... but it's been a while since I did, so I'm not even sure which Kopete version I was running then12:08
gr1dlockedpag: well changing the default webcam port has worked fine in all previous versions .. just seems like its stuck at 6891 on 0.12.712:09
gr1dlockedi am waitinf for ppl with webcams on my list to wake up so i can see if reverting to 0.12.4 fixes12:10
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gr1dlockedreverting to an older version didn't fix.. gonna re install feisty and see if the issue persists12:16
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voonteWhat's the recommended way to install KDE4 (latest trunk) in Kubuntu (hardy alpha)?12:28
chris19halloooo =)12:32
chris19spricht zufällig jemand deutsch hier?12:32
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chris19anyone who speaks german?12:34
Hamrai havea question about the kde 4 live cd mentioned in http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde4-rc2.php , can way install kde4 from it, or just try it?12:44
FSHeroHello everybody; I used to use Xubuntu (Feisty), and whenever I used apt-get to install packages or download updates it used to ask me before downloading. How can I get the same behaviour in Kubuntu (Feisty)?12:48
gr1dlockedamsn freezes when logging in12:53
gr1dlockedwhy did gutsy break msn12:53
gr1dlockedgutsy.. taking 2 steps forward, 3 steps back12:56
gr1dlocked4 steps back even12:56
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ristois there pacage for eclipse to install PDT?13:10
kadargohy folks13:16
kadargoi got a small problem with ubuntu gusty...... its about libqt3-mt...13:17
gr1dlockedyeah i'd like to know too13:17
gr1dlockedi filed a bug13:17
gr1dlockedseems pretty wack for a release to have that happen eh13:18
kadargoyes ;)13:18
gr1dlockedi'm starting to wonder if they even test before releasing anymore13:18
gr1dlockedalso gutsy breaks changing default webcam port.. ?????? .. uhg13:18
kadargoi think yes... debian users seem to have the same prob13:18
kadargoBUT: why cant i find a solution on the net ??? i hate those kinds of problems13:19
gr1dlockedyeah.. i can't find anything13:19
gr1dlockedand everybody is playing with kde 4 and Hardy13:19
gr1dlockedlike fix the release first13:19
kadargo<--- wonders why nobody response with a solution... ;)13:20
gr1dlockedi might revert to feisty13:21
kadargodoes it work with feisty ?13:21
gr1dlockedyah, beautifully13:21
kadargobig deal13:21
gr1dlockedi've also removed this version, and installed the old version...13:21
gr1dlockedof kopete.. and that did not help13:21
gr1dlockedi think it relates to the qt3 issue13:21
jpatrickgr1dlocked: that bug is fixed in gutsy-updates13:21
gr1dlockedjpatrick: kopete not changing port, or qt313:22
kadargohy jpatrick.. you know a solution for the libqt3-mt update issue ?13:22
jpatrickgr1dlocked: ah, I thought it was the kopete crashing bug13:22
jpatrickkadargo: nop, haven't had a problem with libqt3-mt13:22
gr1dlockedjpatrick: have you installed a fresh install of gutsy?13:23
gr1dlockedand tried to update?13:23
jpatrickgr1dlocked: I upgraded from feisty13:23
gr1dlockedif you install fresh it bugs out13:23
gr1dlockedthe sources.list get messed up and everything13:24
jpatrick:| weird..13:24
kadargogreat.. update works.. but a clean fresh install not ;)13:24
gr1dlockedso weird13:24
kadargoand nobody here who knows something about it13:25
gr1dlockedhave you tried hardy?13:25
gr1dlockedi wonder if the same thing happens with that13:25
gr1dlockedi don't have many blank cds tho13:25
gr1dlockedi'm running out of options %P13:25
kadargoits alpha2... i have to work with my machine ;)13:25
gr1dlockedi bet the kopete issue is still there, but i wonder if the libqt3mt thing is still there13:26
kadargowhats the kopete issue ? what happens ?13:26
gr1dlockedkadargo: did you get passed it through console?13:26
gr1dlockedkadargo: You know where you can change the default webcam port?13:26
gr1dlockedkadargo: Well you can change it, but for some reason kopete INSISTS on using 689113:26
kadargoi tried some howtos i find on the net... but nothing worked13:26
gr1dlockedkadargo fix your sources.list       --> /etc/apt/sources.list13:27
gr1dlockedthen just upgrade again from console sudo apt-get upgrade13:27
gr1dlockedafter updating13:27
gr1dlockedit'll go through, but you have to put in YES or nO13:27
kadargoi dream of a world where i can install linux without handwork ;)13:28
gr1dlocked:/ i know.. buntu was SO CLOSE13:28
kadargo6.06 was close ;)13:28
ristois there pacage for eclipse to install PDT?13:28
gr1dlockedi don't know what eclipse or pdt is13:28
gr1dlockedmercury msn is nice, but it won't detect my webcam at all :/13:29
gr1dlockedand amsn just freezes trying to connect13:29
gr1dlockedto server13:30
gr1dlockedyeah 6.06 uses less power too .. feisty makes my hard drive click13:31
gr1dlockedi think i'm going back to 6.0613:31
gabbahhello folks. I want to create an img of my linux installation, and put it on another partition. How can i do that?13:31
gr1dlockedunless i can get someone to show me how to install gentoo :)13:31
kadargogentoo is easy now ;)13:32
kadargothey got livecds ;) otherwise try sabayon ;)13:32
kadargosabayonlinux is gentoo based13:32
kadargoand well preconfigured ;)13:32
gr1dlockedthen how come you are still working with buntu ;D13:33
gr1dlocked(just outta curiousity)13:33
kadargogentoo is.....bleeding edge......... i have to trust my system ;)13:33
gr1dlockedoh right13:33
gr1dlockedthat is what any non lts release feels like tho13:33
kadargomaybe i try (hmpf) opensuse 10.3........ my last suse ver was 7.00 ;)13:34
kadargofedora got quite some long boot times13:34
gr1dlockedwhat about opensuse ? you lieked it?13:34
voonteGentoo isn't that bleeding-edge if you don't use ~ARCH13:35
gr1dlockedi went from freebsd/openBSD to slackware, to redhat, to madrake, to buntu13:35
kadargothe old one... yes... but till 10.2 the boot time was very long... but now with 10.3 they said its much faster ;)13:35
kadargomandrake is cool... i like metisse ;)13:35
gr1dlockedwell it was mandrive when i used it13:35
gr1dlockedlong time ago13:36
kadargoyeah...ok .... mandriva13:36
kadargomandrake was the old name13:36
gr1dlockedsee i already forget13:36
kadargobefore merging with connectiva13:36
gr1dlockedhrmm.. i am going to try open suse13:36
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kadargobe  carefull... new artwork is green ;)13:37
gr1dlockedi like green13:37
gr1dlockedgreen like the special herb13:37
kadargoi dont know what you mean (roll eyes...cough cough ;))13:38
kadargoyes.. try live ;)13:38
gr1dlockedwell i think i'm gonna play some nexuiz while this downloads13:38
kadargoi will log out now.... trying 10.3..... nice to met you ;)13:39
gr1dlockedu 2 man .. see you round :)13:39
fudusI managed to uninstall the updater :P13:39
fudusgo me13:39
fudushow do i get it back? :P13:40
gr1dlockednice one13:40
fudusi also uninstalled libc13:40
fudusthat was fun13:40
fuduslesson: purge is bad13:40
gr1dlockedwhat was it called .. did you uninstall it via terminal or the gui13:40
fuduspurged cupsys13:40
fudusended up removing everything13:40
fuduslibc adept udpater :P13:40
gr1dlocked*goes back to game of nexuiz13:41
romunovhaha, check out the xmess card: http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/IMAGES/wrhcard.jpg13:44
fudusgoing to stay in add/remove progs now like a good linux newb :(13:44
fudushow do i stop join/quit showing up in kopete?13:49
posingaspopularhey all i installed some program to monitor my traffic in and out on my computer, but i cant remember what it's called. it's not wireshark, but can anyone guess?13:51
FSHeroposingaspopular: I don't know if this is what you need... but I use bmon. It's a command line based monitor of network interfaces.14:00
FSHeroI use it to monitor my wireless network speeds and the data transferred.14:01
posingaspopularworks for me14:09
posingaspopularthanks FSHero14:09
virtualhow can you set it so that the mouse wheel scroll always goes one page down?14:09
virtualAll i can do is set it to 12 maximum, and i'd like it to scroll a page down always14:09
posingaspopularvirtual: you mean for desktops?14:09
FSHeroposingaspopular: np; glad I could help!14:10
virtuali mean like in windows control panel/mouse/wheel there is an option to set wheel to "one screen at a time"14:10
virtualall i can do in kubuntu is set it to 12 max14:10
FSHerovirtual: I don't know about pages: but I bet you could change some sort of configuration file. Which one I don't know, however. Sorry.14:11
virtualhow can i add kcontrol to the kde menu?14:12
virtuali don't like settings in kubuntu14:12
FSHerovirtual: I guess that you could right-click the K-menu, click Menu Editor, then choose a category on the LHS into which you want to place the shortcut...14:13
FSHero... then click File --> New Item --> Type a name e.g. "KControl", then click next...14:13
FSHero... In the command box for the newly-created item, type kcontrol and finally click File --> Save.14:14
FSHeroDoes anyone know how to change the 'sensitivity' of the mouse? Not the acceleration factor (I turned acceleration off anyway), but how much the pointer moves for a given mouse movement.14:15
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BluesKajHowdy all : )14:15
FSHeroHi BluesKaj14:15
FSHeroSay... you're a clever Kubuntu dude aren't you...?14:16
BluesKajgood news for nVidia owners http://www.nvidia.com/object/linux_display_ia32_169.07.html14:16
usr002Heya mates14:16
usr002merry xmas14:16
FSHeroBluesKaj: you mean for (rich) Geforce 8800 owners ;)14:16
usr002to all14:16
BluesKajwell, i wouldn't use that word FSHero14:16
FSHeroChristmas... oh yeah, forgot about that! Merry XMas14:16
FSHeroBluesKaj: which one? "clever" or "rich"?14:17
FSHeroBluesKaj: I kid, I kid!14:17
FSHeroOkay, question time: Does anyone know how to change the 'sensitivity' of the mouse? Not the acceleration factor (I turned acceleration off anyway), but how much the pointer moves for a given mouse movement.14:17
BluesKajyeah Merry Christmas To All !14:17
bazhangyou too!14:18
usr002Well mates after trying to install ati proprietary drivers for my radeon hd 2400 hd14:18
BluesKajFSHero, ... both , I'm an old retired guy on fixed income so i belong to the ATI onboard graphics club , no fancy schmancy stuff for this guy :)14:19
usr002and reading the forums and wiki and i don't know what14:19
BluesKajwhat isn't working , usr002 ?14:20
virtualhow can i run as sudo all the time so i don't get any prompts anymore?14:21
llutzvirtual: you don't want to do that14:21
llutzvirtual: if, sudo -s14:22
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lightmanhi room, anyone know what error 2 is for the grub loader14:24
posingaspopularhi farooq_m2314:24
hannes_how can I gain root rights in desktop mode? I mean if i want to edit config files or something like that14:24
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BluesKajAMD releases Catalyst 7.12 drivers, but only for Redhat and Suse14:24
posingaspopular!sudo | hannes_14:24
ubotuhannes_: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.14:25
paghannes_, for configfiles: kdesu kate /path/to/file14:25
ubotuIn KDE, use « kdesudo <program> » (Gutsy) or « kdesu <program> » (Feisty and earlier) to run graphical applications with root privileges when you have to. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)14:25
hannes_so I can only do it in terminal or what?14:25
lightmananyone know how to fix grub loader for dual boot system, i get error 2 on boot up...14:26
hannes_if I browse to the files in dolphin there's no way of opening them by double clicking and then editing it?14:26
bazhanglightman: want a factoid on that?14:28
paghannes_, if your dolphin is opened as root user (which it shouldn't ever be) then (double?)clicking will open in root editor - otherwise kdesudo kate  is probably one of the easiest ways14:28
lightmanwhats that bazhang14:28
bazhang!grub | lightman14:28
ubotulightman: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto14:28
hannes_okay, thanks14:29
lightmanok thanks will have a read...14:29
paghannes_, in konqueror, if you right click on text file, there is "edit as root" option in Actions.. maybe Dolphin supports that as well..14:29
DreadKnightyes, dolphin has edit as root action14:31
hannes_I don't think dolphin has that feature14:31
hannes_it has?14:31
DreadKnightyup, use it all the time14:31
hannes_but I don't see it by right clicking on files14:31
Hamrai have a question about the kde 4 live cd mentioned in http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde4-rc2.php , can we install kde4 from it, or just try it?14:31
fudusin konqueror how can i do sesssion restore like firefox?14:31
hannes_oh, my bad, it's there alright :)14:32
DreadKnightfudus: well, in kde4 konqueror has the undo close tab feature..14:32
Jeroiwhy peeps want to use kde4 so hard?14:32
JeroiWwwhy cant wait for the official package14:32
DreadKnightJeroi: because people suffer from the "quiet desktop syndrome"14:32
fudusI'm enjoying kubuntu much more than ubuntu so far :P14:33
DreadKnightfudus: me 2... made the switch a while ago14:33
Jeroiyou enjoy kde then not gnome14:34
DreadKnightJeroi: thinking myself to get hardy and kde4 actually xD14:34
JeroiI will upgrade to hardy when apt will inform mee distro update14:34
Jeroithen it will be official update14:35
JeroiI just wonder how much programs will be better with kde4 or does they get developed at all14:36
PennycookOkay, really need help as I've gotten myself into a huge mess.  I deleted /home/john, but had updated /etc/passwd to point at my new home folder.  I can log into the console no problem, but trying to startkde results in an error telling me to check my installation.  Help?14:36
Jeroikde has alot to do in my opinion, before it starts to compete explorer14:37
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DreadKnightwell, hope kubuntu will still have amarok.. juk is nice.. but i prefer amarok..14:37
Jeroithey are making amarok214:37
JeroiI thinks14:37
DreadKnightwhich will be cross platform14:37
DreadKnightbut not sure if amarok will be in the kde-multimedia package..14:38
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JeroiI think no time when you install it yourself14:38
VotaNесть тут хоть один БЛЯ русский?!!!!14:38
JeroiI just want virtualdub clone into linux14:38
Jeroiand avisynth14:38
Jeroiavisynth would be fantastic tbh to port into linux14:39
jpatrick!ru | VotaN14:39
ubotuVotaN: Пожалуйста войдите в #ubuntu-ru для помощи на русском языке  /  Pozhalujsta vojdite v #ubuntu-ru dlq pomoshchi na russkom qzyke14:39
Hamra!ru | votan14:39
ubotuvotan: Пожалуйста войдите в #ubuntu-ru для помощи на русском языке  /  Pozhalujsta vojdite v #ubuntu-ru dlq pomoshchi na russkom qzyke14:39
VotaNesty tut hoty odin  kto govorit po 4elove4essky????14:39
Jeroithey are making it14:39
VotaNTY BOT???14:39
Jeroiavisynth 3.014:39
Jeroifor win and linux14:40
DreadKnightJeroi: never used avisynth before...14:41
DreadKnightjust hope they will use QT not GTK for the gui xD14:42
Hamrahi, what is avisynth?14:43
Jeroiavisynth has never got gui14:43
Jeroiit is framserver14:43
Jeroiyou can gut, join to efects add subtiltes to video via textfile14:43
tolecnaldamn kde + firefox + flash + compiz.. those four don't mix too well :/14:44
Jeroiyou then open this textfile as "videofile" to mediaplayer14:44
virtualhow do i get the winkey to open the kde menu?14:44
Jeroiand mediaplayer plays that textfile like it was real avi file14:44
DreadKnighthmm.. would be nice for the winkey to open katapult (alt+space)14:45
Jeroiand that new texfile is like 0.01kt where can be joined 3 movies, removed adds, added some text like tranlsations of some japanese signs14:45
DreadKnightJeroi: sound neat :)14:46
JeroiI love it14:46
Jeroiit is very usefull in encoding14:46
Jeroiyou build your own videofile with avisynth script, then open that script to encoder and encode it to myfile.avi14:46
jpatrickDreadKnight: I tried that but qt doesn't support Winkey alone14:46
DreadKnightjpatrick: that's... too bad... i need to clean the key to get rid of the "win" logo xD14:48
DreadKnightJeroi: I'm looking more into it :)14:48
Hamrais there keyboards designed for linux? :P no winkey, maybe some other key(s) ? would be nice :D14:50
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llutzHamra: check cherry-keyboards, they offer a linux-one14:51
DreadKnightHamra: i've seen people blogging about ubuntu-keyboards14:52
Jeroiwhy cant windows keyborad fit with *buntus's?14:54
DreadKnightthat key should just be called "super" and should have "spr" on it ... same principle as ctrl, alt, shift..14:55
JeroiDreadKnight if just, MY main reason for sticking with windows was encoding, it is really hard in linux, as it misses avisynth.14:55
Jeroibut when avisynth comes, it helps encoding alot.14:56
DreadKnightJeroi: well, on linux i'm pretty much using mencoder14:56
Jeroiyeah, but wait when you get hands on avisynth14:56
Jeroiyou just need a encoder then14:56
Jeroiavisynth does the rest14:56
Jeroifilters I mean14:56
Jeroiremove interlace14:57
DreadKnighti usually record from desktop xD14:57
Jeroiwell I some times make backups from dvd:s14:57
Jeroiavisynht is great when doing really super quality avi files from dvd14:58
DreadKnightnah.. life moves on :D14:58
Hamrathe spr key sounds a good idea, but i dont think M$ monopoly will be happy about it. ubuntu keyboards? thats good, we can fianlly get rid of this nasty dirt on the bottom keys :P14:58
* DreadKnight is scratching the "win-logo" keys14:58
Jeroiyou just rip, dvd with indexer14:59
* DreadKnight is scratching the "win-logo" keys14:59
Jeroiindexer makes mpeg file14:59
Jeroiyou can "mount" that file into avisynht script and edit it like the original source was a avi file14:59
Jeroiyou can trim scenes off the video15:00
Jeroiadd your own video to start or end or middle15:00
Jeroiresample audio15:00
Jeroido it all15:00
Jeroiwhat you need15:00
DreadKnightv3 has an ETA? :D15:00
Jeroino I think15:01
JeroiI just wait it.15:01
DreadKnightxD damn15:01
Jeroiwhen it comes, I really start to think do I need windows anymore?15:01
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DreadKnighti haven't used windoze for at least one year15:01
virtualhow do you add a trash can to the desktop?15:02
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Jeroiwell, I am mainly tied into because I run anime fansub group, and mainly do encoding and typesetting15:02
Jeroiand because linuc has been bad with encoding choiches you are bit tied down to microsoft15:03
JeroiI would want uTorrent also ported into linux15:03
DreadKnightktorrent is my fav15:04
Jeroibut meanwhile kTorrent is good also.15:04
DreadKnightliked uTorrent very much15:04
bazhang!info transmission15:04
ubotutransmission: free, lightweight BitTorrent client. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.72.dfsg-1 (gutsy), package size 7 kB, installed size 56 kB15:04
DreadKnightliked deluge on gnome, way better than transmission15:04
Jeroitransmission? website?15:04
Jeroiis it good15:05
DreadKnightbut the default from ubuntu/gnome is ugly... no multiple downloads in the same window15:05
DreadKnightfor GTK both :P15:05
* DreadKnight runs away from GTK+15:05
JeroikTorrent seems to do same thing than uTorrent, but I prefer uTorrent because some features not included in kTorrent15:05
DreadKnightJeroi: check out the ktorrent plugins..15:05
BluesKajI still use windows due to poor results kooka gives on documents and photos vs the windows equivalent  which gives excellent results15:05
DreadKnightfor example what features?15:06
DreadKnightthe scaner application..15:06
JeroiI have scanner15:06
BluesKajkooka = linux scanning software15:06
JeroiI never use it tho15:06
DreadKnightme 215:06
DreadKnightit's not even supported on linux15:07
Jeroimy gf has windows laptop, I sacan with it then :D15:07
DreadKnighti have no use for it15:07
BluesKajerr sorry kde scanning software15:07
Jeroipoor results?15:07
Jeroiwhat do you mean?15:07
BluesKajmy tv wonder pro gives a better picture on my monitor then tvtime does as well15:08
DreadKnightplay around with settings ? :P15:08
BluesKajon windows15:08
* DreadKnight is going to upgrade* to hardy and kde4 xD15:08
JeroiFortunately I have nvidia15:08
DreadKnightme 215:08
Jeroino problmes with gfx in linux15:08
JeroiI even played steam in linux15:09
Jeroihalf life215:09
BluesKajpoor results = illegible docs , and very dark jpegs15:09
DreadKnighti play wc3.. too much... dota15:09
Jeroino problems15:09
DreadKnightbe back later hopefully.. xD15:10
Jeroiis hardy btw out?15:10
Jeroior alpha version?15:10
DreadKnightif i will still be able to start a session15:10
DreadKnightrc2 i think15:10
JeroiI dont install then15:10
DreadKnighti am doomed15:10
DreadKnightoh well15:10
JeroiI have still other problems with linux than installing new versions of software that works already with the older version15:11
Jeroihopely they make my suggest in konversation that middlebutton closes tabs15:12
DreadKnighti forgot where to find sources.list15:12
DreadKnighthehe neat15:12
DreadKnightah right ^^ thanks15:12
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meeowzersHey, where can I find an Ubuntu package for the newest nvidia drivers?15:23
djdarkmanhello, I just bought a webcam, wich program do I need to set it up?15:24
pros922the applets and stuff are in wierd places and have to be copied to your /var/www but it works great15:24
BluesKajmeeowzers, dunno if this will help : http://www.nvidia.com/object/linux_display_ia32_169.07.html15:24
BluesKaj!nvidia | meeowzers15:25
ubotumeeowzers: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto15:25
meeowzersBluesKaj: I want the beta drivers though15:27
BluesKajmeeowzers, try a google-linux search15:30
Jeroialsa store15:30
Jeroiwhat command was that?15:30
Jeroialstls store15:30
Jeroialsatls store?15:30
meeowzersBluesKaj: bleh. I will just download it off nvidia's site and install it the old fashioned way.15:32
andreas_hello i have a problem15:33
andreas_anybody ?15:33
meeowzersyou didnt ask a question15:33
andreas_ok so when i try to delete a folder from dolphin, it can not delete it15:34
bazhanghi andreas_15:34
bazhangwhat folder?15:34
andreas_i don't get an error msg, just that dialog for deletion, and it stays at 0%15:34
andreas_well the folder is in the windows partition15:34
andreas_i didnt create it on linux15:34
andreas_if i create  a new folder in linux i can delete it, but i can't delete the windows folder15:36
andreas_probably ntfs15:36
bazhang!ntfs | andreas_ probably this is your solution then15:37
ubotuandreas_ probably this is your solution then: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE15:37
andreas_i don't get it15:38
andreas_so what am i supposed to do?15:39
bazhangandreas_: do you have a web browser?15:40
andreas_lol yes i am reading now...15:41
ubotuntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions15:41
bazhangsee above andreas_15:41
bazhang!permissions > bazhang15:42
inciner9Are the KDE4 RC2 packages that are in the repositories stable enough for day-to-day use?15:42
bazhanginciner9: how stable is stable by your definition?15:43
andreas_so !ntfs-3g is a program?15:43
inciner9bazhang: Usable; Occassional crashes are tolerable.15:43
hydrogeninciner9: they are stable.. but rc2 is still missing a good deal of stuff15:43
bazhanginciner9: I would wait, but that is just me15:43
hydrogencurrent svn is a bit better15:43
inciner9hydrogen: What's missing?15:43
bazhang!info ntfs-3g | andreas_15:44
ubotuandreas_: ntfs-3g: read-write NTFS driver for FUSE. In component main, is standard. Version 1:1.913-2ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 23 kB, installed size 116 kB15:44
hydrogeninciner9: some of the more useful parts of the desktop were still a bit behind at that point15:44
hydrogenI forget exasctly what15:44
inciner9hydrogen: They're in svn though?15:44
inciner9hydrogen: So you would say that SVN has all the components of a usable desktop environment?15:45
andreas_well i don't  think you get it then15:45
andreas_i can read the files15:45
andreas_i can't delete them though15:46
bazhangread write permissions andreas_?15:47
inciner9I think I'll just try the Kubuntu LiveCD first, just to avoid having to compile from source... I want to be able to update and all using apt.15:49
andreas_for others it is forbidden15:50
andreas_only the owner can read & modify15:50
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andreas_so do i have to change the permissionS?15:52
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andreas_bazhang: are you there?15:54
bazhangandreas_: yes?15:54
andreas_i thought you were trying to help15:55
bazhangandreas_: you want my attention? use my nick--I am in other channels as well :}15:57
andreas_bazhang: ok then what am i suppposed to do?>15:59
bazhangandreas_: do you have permissions issue with those folders?16:00
Jeroihow can I test my front input mic16:03
JeroiI edited alsamixer to go for front mic16:04
JeroiI am trying to get teamspeak2 to work16:04
Jeroiinstalled alsa-oss16:04
Jeroiand starting teamspeak with aoss command16:04
NickPrestahello, Selfarian16:06
SelfarianAnyone has an idea for me:16:07
Selfariani have kubuntu, my gf has windows16:07
Selfarianand i want to play mp3 from her sharings16:07
bazhangnetworked computers Selfarian?16:07
awag22isn't samba automatically installed with ubuntu?16:10
awag22eer, kubuntu16:10
bazhangSelfarian: via samba?16:10
Selfariani can access it16:11
Selfarianwhen i click on an mp3, amarok couldn't play it16:11
bazhangSelfarian: via samba?16:11
zorg_the_falseq. any ssh user around ? i got 2 ubuntu and do ssh between the 2. but after some time the connection freeze. any hint on how to fix that ?16:12
Selfariani was in the amarok channel and they told me to mount it, but i don't know how :/16:12
bazhangSelfarian: mount the windows computer?16:13
Lynourezorg_the_false: most common reason for freezes is that the network connection is choppy. How are these ubuntu's located in respect to each other?16:13
zorg_the_falseLynoure: the connection is fine. i got 20ms latency between the 216:13
Selfarianmount the sharing16:13
Selfarianvia samba16:13
* bazhang is not sure if this is a ntfs-g or a samba issue16:14
HS^where can i set keybord layout16:14
ubotuTo switch your keyboard layout on GNOME: System -> Preferences -> Keyboard (GNOME) - KDE: K -> System Settings -> Regional & Language -> Keyboard Layout (KDE) - Xfce: see https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/xubuntu/desktopguide/C/switch-keyboard-layout.html - See also !Shortcuts16:14
zorg_the_falseLynoure: moreover tcp is supposed to handle that without issue. and if i keep using the ssh, the connection is find without any trouble. i smell like a buggy timeout/keepalive16:15
Selfarianis there a function like map network drive under linux?16:17
bazhang!info nmap16:17
ubotunmap: The Network Mapper. In component main, is extra. Version 4.20-2 (gutsy), package size 732 kB, installed size 2640 kB16:17
awag22bazhang: does that work for windows shares as well?16:18
Selfarianbazhang: is it also able to map windows sharings?16:18
awag22or do you have to use smbmount for that?16:18
bazhanghaha no idea awag22 Selfarian16:19
Selfarianis there a good tool for painting?16:19
bazhangawag22: smbmount sounds right though16:19
Selfarianmaybe gimp? or is it better for photo editing?16:19
bazhang!info tuxpaint16:19
ubotutuxpaint: A paint program for young children. In component main, is optional. Version 1:0.9.17-1ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 149 kB, installed size 388 kB16:20
Selfarianyoung children? ;)16:20
bazhanghaha sorry16:21
bazhangfirst thing that came to mind :}16:21
awag22man, i hate apple, my ipod works great with amarok, artwork and everything uploads correctly16:22
awag22but if i plug it into my girlfriend's computer and use itunes with it16:22
awag22it automatically rapes my artwork16:22
awag22so that i have to go back and redo it in amarok16:22
Selfariananyone could tell me, how i can change the standardbrowser?16:24
Selfarianthat, when i click on a link, firefox opens instead of konqueror?16:25
giuseppenoobuntu: Hi, do u know why sometimes appears this message:16:26
giuseppeUnable to save bookmarks in /home/giuseppe/.kde/share/apps/d3lphin/bookmarks.xml. Reported error was: Permission denied. This error message will only be shown once. The cause of the error needs to be fixed as quickly as possible, which is most likely a full hard drive.16:26
giuseppenoobuntu: :)16:26
NickPrestaSelfarian, in a Konsole: sudo update-alternatives --set x-www-browser /usr/bin/konqueror16:26
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giuseppehi, is there anyone can help me?16:28
kub^giuseppe: i have had that error and i needed to change the permissions on the bookmarks.xml16:28
SelfarianNickPresta: when i click a link, konquerer opens :/16:28
giuseppenoliobed: correct... but do u know how I can change permissions?16:28
NickPrestagiuseppe, https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/dolphin/+question/1588116:29
NickPrestaSelfarian, isn't that what you wanted?16:29
NickPrestaSelfarian, oh, I misread your question. :)16:29
noliobedim having problem installing things here in ubuntu16:29
NickPrestaSelfarian, in a Konsole: sudo update-alternatives --set x-www-browser /usr/bin/firefox16:29
noliobedim using kde16:29
noliobedcan someone help me?16:29
NickPrestanoliobed, what is your problem?16:29
noliobedhi nick16:30
noliobedi want to install xchat and have an mp3 support for my amarok16:30
noliobedi was looking at some forums about my problem16:30
noliobedall i saw was about the gnome ubuntu16:30
noliobedi installed kubuntu16:31
NickPrestanoliobed, to install xchat, using the terminal, you can do: sudo apt-get install xchat16:31
noliobedCouldn't find package xchat - this is what showed up after i did that16:31
SelfarianNickPresta: i tried to klick on the faq url and konqueror opens :(16:32
noliobedprobably i need to add some repositories16:32
noliobedhow can i do that?16:32
Selfariando i have to reboot?16:32
noliobedsorry im such a dummy16:32
gabbahhow can i move my ubuntu installation to another partition_16:32
noliobedits my 1st time to use this16:32
kub^Selfarian: you can also set the default browser in system settings | default applications i think16:33
Selfariankub^: works, thanks ;)16:34
giuseppeNickPresta: thanks for URL... solved my problems...16:34
NickPrestanoliobed, that's okay. Everyone has to start somewhere :) Go to your KMenu > System > Adept. Put in your password. Then click on "Adept" and "manage Repositories". Make sure the (universe) and (multiverse) lines are checked off. If they aren't, check them off and restart adept. You should see xchat now16:34
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noliobedthanks nick, ill try it then go back to you after i do it16:35
Selfariananyone know where firefox safes the bookmarks?16:36
noliobedi have another problem16:36
noliobedmy adept manager is not opening16:36
NickPrestanoliobed, it takes a moment to open.16:36
noliobedok ill try to wait16:37
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padlefothow do i enable compiz with kde? (kubuntu)?16:37
NickPrestaSelfarian, I would imagine: .mozilla/firefox/RANDOM.default/bookmark* would have what you want,16:37
NickPresta!compiz | padlefot16:37
ubotupadlefot: Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion16:37
noliobedit didnt open16:38
padlefotand i guess emerald is outdated now that compiz is back instead of beryl, so how do I change window decos?16:38
padlefotNickPresta, thx16:38
noliobedi waited and the icon with my pointer disappeared16:38
noliobedplus the one at the taskbar16:38
awag22padlefot: what window dec do you want to use? kde-window-decorator --replace & will give you this kde window dec16:38
padlefotno id like to use emerald16:39
padlefotso many nice themes for it16:39
NickPrestanoliobed, I have to run for a little bit but try using the terminal to open up adept: kdesu adept_manager16:39
awag22i don't use emerald, so not really sure :)16:39
NickPrestanoliobed, then follow my Adept instructions.16:39
padlefotok :) ill google around16:39
SelfarianNickPresta: didnt16:42
Selfarian'find it :(16:42
=== MistaGee is now known as mistagee
voonteHow can I install Kubuntu and not install the extra applications I don't need?16:43
noliobedit still didn't work:(16:43
hdevalencevoonte: what do you mean?16:43
bazhangminimal install voonte?16:43
awag22what does it dell you?16:44
awag22dell = tell16:44
Smurf-SlayerDoes anyone know why GAIM was replaced by Pidgin?  My GAIM worked fine, and now neither of them work...16:44
kurt_can someone help me to install virtualbox or al link to do it on kubuntu, it's already installed but get that kernel dev error + i have to get usb working16:44
awag22Smurf-Slayer: aol sued i think16:44
noliobednick this adpet manager is making me nuts16:44
hdevalenceSmurf-Slayer: GAIM --> Pidgin16:44
awag22noliobed: what does adept tell you when you try to start it?16:44
bazhangnoliobed: use konsole instead16:44
Smurf-SlayerAhh... That figures...  Anyword on how to get Pidgin to work?  It tries to start, and the head bounces, and then nothing...16:45
voontebazhang: Exactly, a minimal install. I just tried the "Alternative CD" of Kubuntu, but apparently it doesn't work very well unless you have a CD.. Any other way?16:45
bazhang!minimal | voonte16:45
ubotuvoonte: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD16:45
voonteBut if the installer is like the one on the Alternate CD, it won't work...16:46
Selfarianah got it with importing ;)16:46
voonteThanks though16:46
hdevalencelike the debian netinst?16:46
jussi01!netinstall | voonte16:46
ubotuvoonte: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues16:46
Smurf-SlayerDoes anyone here have Pidgin working?16:46
bazhanghdevalence: a bit similar to netboot for debian16:46
giuseppeis there anyone can help me for using kopete like messenger???16:46
voonteThanks! I'll try that.16:46
giuseppewhen I try to connect it says: the application Kopete crashed and caused the signal 11 (SIGSEGV)16:47
hdevalenceSmurf-Slayer: If you can't find anyone here, you might try #ubuntu pidgin is a GNOME app16:47
bazhangSmurf-Slayer: try launching it from the konsole and tell us the error messages (dont paste them here)16:47
hdevalencegiuseppe: I had the same problem16:47
hdevalenceguiseppe: try running the adept updater and then try kopete again16:48
hdevalenceguiseppe: something about the encryption library16:48
giuseppehdevalence: hi, wgere I find adept updater???16:49
Smurf-SlayerIt says failed device 15816:49
NickPresta!baddevice | Smurf-Slayer16:49
ubotuSmurf-Slayer: If you are receiving an error similar to "X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 168", it can be safely ignored. If you want to get rid of the error messages then please visit this page: http://seerofsouls.com/wiki/How-Tos/BadDeviceErrors16:49
kurt_what is that line i have to add for getting usb support16:50
Smurf-SlayerI just typed pidgin and that is what I got16:50
giuseppehdevalence: or u mean adept manager?16:51
Smurf-SlayerSo if the error can be safely ignored, why doesn't the application start?16:52
NickPrestaSmurf-Slayer, post the complete output in a !pastebin for when you start pidgin16:55
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)16:59
Smurf-SlayerNickPresta - it is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/4942417:00
Smurf-SlayerBut the erroe information is useless, from what I can see.17:00
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althairHi! Does someone know if it is better for the perfomance to not include modules in the kernell, installing only the things that you really need?17:01
althair(desactivating the option of having modules in the kernel configuration)17:01
llutzalthair: that only saves some diskspace, the kernel only load modules it needs17:02
Smurf-SlayerNickPresta - Did you get a chance to look at that?17:02
sigma_123havent heard of that b4. sounds a bit dangerous. did u google it?17:03
althairyes, but checks if you need a module or not when linux is loading17:03
Artimusalthair: Won't be worth enough performance to waste your time.  compile things as modules.  Setting your exact processor in the kernel config is probably going to be better...17:03
althairI will recompile the kernel setting my exact processor, yes. because of that I am thinking of removing all the things that I dont need17:05
althairbut, ok. I will not spend more time on it17:05
sigma_123why would it load things it doesnt need?17:05
sigma_123its not windows. lol17:06
llutzalthair: removing all stuff and testing costs much more time you ever win with a personified kernel :)17:06
cj_how do i get compiz on kubuntu gutsy17:06
giuseppeSorry...anyone for help me???17:06
acee1234can someone tell me why xgl is eating 500mb of ram?17:06
llutz!ask | giuseppe17:07
ubotugiuseppe: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)17:07
ubotuKubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion17:07
giuseppewell, I don't know how solve problem connection with kopete17:07
giuseppemy version is 0.12.717:07
DreadKnighthow the heck to i install kde4 on kubuntu hardy? :|17:08
sigma_123hey did u guys here that *nix based systems cant keep a date past 19 jan 2038?17:08
giuseppeWhen I try to connect it says:17:08
giuseppeQt: 3.3.717:08
giuseppeKDE: 3.5.817:08
giuseppeKopete: 0.12.717:08
giuseppewhen I try to connect it says17:08
llutzsigma_123: welcome in reality17:09
DreadKnightsigma_123: i've heard it's because of the 32bits thingy...17:09
sigma_123perhaps we should file a lauchpad bug 4that :)17:10
llutz2038 story at http://www.deepsky.com/~merovech/2038.html17:10
giuseppekopete crashed and caused the signal 11 (SIGSEGV)17:10
llutzsigma_123: positive thing is: we never had a year 2000 problem ;)17:10
giuseppellutz: any idea?17:10
llutzgiuseppe: using msn-account?17:10
sigma_123llutz: lol. so true17:10
giuseppellutz: yes17:11
paggiuseppe, update your system. alt+f2 -> konsole -> "sudo apt-get update ; sudo apt-get upgrade "17:11
al-mestar_pls i need audio codec for mp317:12
giuseppepag: I'm updating it...17:12
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats17:12
sigma_123llutz: but why does it end at such a weird date? and which sad sad person actually discovered that:) would have been funny if no one did. then the internet would have shut down!17:13
paggiuseppe, wait 'till it's updated completly and restart KDE (log out and back in)17:13
llutzsigma_123: read link above, it's described there17:13
=== ubiq__ is now known as ubiq_
giuseppepag: well, after a little time it says impossible obtain lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)17:13
giuseppepag: etc..17:14
giuseppepag: any idea?17:14
DreadKnightgiuseppe: you probably got adept opened17:14
bazhang!aptfix | giuseppe17:14
ubotugiuseppe: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »17:14
DreadKnightgiuseppe: restart and try again17:14
sourcemakerI am sorry, but the lastest kernel 2.6.22-14-generic is a flop. How can I update without compiling my self?17:14
giuseppepag: u are right...17:15
NickPrestasourcemaker, I don't know of a way to 'update' without doing it yourself. What is the problem?17:15
giuseppepag: I finish downloading firefor and then I try like u told me17:15
giuseppeal-mestar_: u mean u are not able to listen to mp3 files?17:16
ubotuKubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion17:17
complexityan someone tell me the solution for multi key press bug.. when I type something, it repeats the key and apt-get becomes appppppppptttttttttt---ggggeet17:17
sourcemakerNickPresta: Well... I have installed the last kubuntu gusty version on my dad's workstation. The WLAN is not working => Kernel panic! Today, I have tried to rip 3 audio cd's... One cd is scratched => Unable to read media => kernel panic.17:18
nosrednaekimcomplexity: systemssettings-> keyboard and mouse17:18
complexitynosrednaekim: after that ?17:18
melkorKonquror has a new feature that makes it unuseable.  When I fill in a form and it prompts for auto complete it doesn't let me keep typing is there a way to change this?17:19
nosrednaekimcomplexity: its in there somewhere under keyboard, sorry not running kde3 right now.17:19
nosrednaekimmelkor: this in KDE4?17:19
DreadKnightnosrednaekim: do you also have hardy?17:19
sourcemakerNickPresta: In my opinion... Kernel Panic's are inadmissible.... for this kind of minor problems... :-)17:19
complexityyeah.. in that there is an option called enable keybord repeat. and it is enabled.. now I disabled it..17:20
melkornosrednaekim yes17:21
complexitynosrednaekim: thanks. the problem seems to have gone away :-)17:21
NickPrestasourcemaker, well, I don't know of any bugs off hand which relate to your situation. Perhaps you could create a topic on the Ubuntu forums and/or submit a bug report (if it is indeed a bug). Aside from compiling your own kernel, I don't know of another solution. =(17:21
nosrednaekimcomplexity: I thought there was also a setting for how long before the keyboard auto-repeated17:21
complexitynosrednaekim: but why in the first place should it auto repeat ? I dint understand this17:21
nosrednaekimmelkor: yes, I noticed that. I use firefox though, so didn't really bother me.17:21
melkornosrednaekim I turned off the form complete and it works much better.17:22
nosrednaekimmelkor: ah.. ok17:23
ubotuKubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion17:23
nosrednaekimcomplexity: most people prefer keyboard auto-repeat17:23
sourcemakerNickPresta: Well, I am using Linux since 5 years... but over the years... the kernel is getting more and more unstable... So... ok... I will compile the kernel my own... back to the root ... nice :-)17:24
complexitynosrednaekim: any specific reason ? I mean I don't find any specific usage for turning apt-get to appppppppptttttttttt---ggggeet17:24
nosrednaekimcomplexity: not everyone holds down their keys for several seconds before moving on to the next one....17:25
sourcemaker!ping !ping17:25
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ping !ping - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi17:25
ubotuYou have lag, I don't have lag17:26
ubotuPlease investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubotu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids.17:26
ubotuPlease don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks.17:26
white_eagleoh, sorry17:26
DreadKnightwho can help me out installing kde4 on hardy?17:26
complexitynosrednaekim: I am not holding it for several seconds.. I type the normal way as others do..17:26
white_eagleI forgot17:26
complexitynosrednaekim: :-)17:26
giuseppepag: sorry, I tried what u told me, but it says: 0 to install, o to update17:26
nosrednaekimcomplexity: hmm well, then somerhing is probably funky with your keyboard.17:26
giuseppepag: any idea?17:26
paggiuseppe, have you already restarted KDE?17:27
complexitynosrednaekim:   I think this has some meaning https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdenetwork/+bug/8215617:27
complexitynosrednaekim: :-D17:27
jussi01!kde4 | DreadKnight17:28
ubotuDreadKnight: KDE 4 is the next major release of the K Desktop Environment. For more information see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KDE_4 - The Release Schedule is available at http://techbase.kde.org/Schedules/KDE4/4.0_Release_Schedule - RC 2 packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde4-rc2.php17:28
giuseppepag: not yet... u mean I have to turn off and turn on my PC?17:28
paggiuseppe, just log out and log back in - that should be enough17:28
giuseppepag: another thing... I don't know if it's important... I'm on line using my mobile phone17:28
Smurf-SlayerNickPresta - Did you get a chance to look at my Pidgin error?17:28
Smurf-SlayerNickPresta - it is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/4942417:29
paggiuseppe, if it had an effect, it would have it on much more programs than only Kopete17:29
giuseppepag: ok... now I try... see u later :)17:30
Smurf-SlayerCan anyone help me get Pidgin working?  GAIM worked fine, upgraded to 7.10 and now it appears GAIM was replaced by Pidgin, but it won't start up.17:30
LimCorerecent update gayified all my fonts - they are now very thin, is this a known problem?17:31
DreadKnightjussi01: already tried that17:31
complexitynosrednaekim: So now only I realized that disabling key repeat will make me press backspace a thousand times before I delete a line.. now what shall I do, enabling key repeat brings me back to my old problem.. and this bug has been discussed in lot of forums with no answers17:32
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)17:32
nosrednaekimcomplexity: is this just a run-of-the-mill ps2 keyboard?17:32
acee1234can someone tell me why xgl is eating 500mb of ram? mempry leak?17:33
complexityno its a laptop keyboard.. HP laptop.. and believe me its not a keyboard problem.. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdenetwork/+bug/8215617:34
nosrednaekimcomplexity: in system settings,right below "enable keyboard repeat" there are two sliders to let you adjust your keyboard repeat...fiddle with them a bit17:34
jussi01DreadKnight: and what went wrong?17:34
nosrednaekimcomplexity: turn the delay ll the way up and the rate all the way down17:34
complexitynosrednaekim: Ya I tried both of them nothing helps..17:34
giuseppepag: well, the first thing it asks is: the application kopete has requested to open kdewallet... is it ok right?17:35
nosrednaekimcomplexity: thats odd, does GNOME do the same thing or is a it a KDE issue?17:35
complexitynosrednaekim: but thats the same as disabling the keyboard repeat17:35
paggiuseppe, yup. it is the expected behaviour.17:35
complexitynosrednaekim: I am having kubuntu fiesty17:35
DreadKnightjussi01: broken packages (dependecy problems)17:35
jussi01DreadKnight: did you have kde4 previously?17:36
BluesKajwhat's the setting for konq to download rather than open a download in a textfile ?17:36
giuseppepag: sorry, the password is msn password?17:36
nosrednaekimcomplexity: can you upgrade to gutsy? the problem might be fixed.17:36
DreadKnightjussi01: never17:36
nosrednaekimBluesKaj: can't you right lick on it and "save as"?17:36
BluesKajnosrednaekim, it's asks to 'save the link as'17:37
complexityIf so how should I do..  but I am using it in a Virutal Machine from windows.. I had this problem during my previous installations.. but they used to happen only once.. this time its not stopping at all17:37
giuseppepag: required password for KDE wallet is msn password?17:37
nosrednaekimBluesKaj: whats the difference?17:37
NickPrestaSmurf-Slayer, sorry for the late reply. As I said before, that isn't a Pidgin error. It's an error due to your xorg.conf have entrys for wacom devices. You can ignore them. Information at !baddevice17:38
paggiuseppe, erm.. the password for KWallet has to be set manually.. there's no defaults for thet17:38
Smurf-SlayerMore info on my Pidgin problem... I have AIM running on a windbloze box, and I got a message from someone, and it popped up here too...  But I can't see the main Pidgin window to start a converstation, or see who is on, etc...17:38
BluesKajok nosrednaekim ,I see it now17:39
giuseppepag: same error17:39
nosrednaekimSmurf-Slayer: pidgin is a GNOME program, go to #ubuntu for that17:39
paggiuseppe, what, kopete still crashes?17:39
giuseppepag: yes17:40
Smurf-Slayernosrednaekim - What does that mean?  Does that mean that GAIM was Ubuntu, or KDE or something, and now it was replaced by something that wasn't?17:40
paggiuseppe, strange.. you could try rebooting, but I'm not sure if it helps.. I should've worked already :\17:41
giuseppeeventually I try with amns... online I read many people had problems with kopete17:41
giuseppepag: eventually I try with amns... online I read many people had problems with kopete17:42
Smurf-SlayerW/B Dr Willis17:42
sigma_123how come kde4 is default in kubuntu now?17:44
awag22it is?17:45
sigma_123hardy i mean17:45
sigma_123yeah i read a article online saying it was17:46
hackstacyI have a quick question17:46
dreamcoderi have justr used devede to encode a video, but it hasnt give me an iso or .bin file so how do i make the .mpeg file and the .xml file into a iso to burn to dvd17:46
hackstacydoes anybody know what type of hash this is ENC96a28b5b7a147477891e4e90c1b17:46
ubotupong is an old atari game. It's fun!17:46
DreadKnightsigma_123: users will get to choose in 8.04 betwork 3.5 and 417:46
sigma_123i thought it was 2unstable17:46
DreadKnightsigma_123: betwen17:46
sigma_123but dreadnight why isnt it lts anymore?17:47
DreadKnightsigma_123: i have kubuntu hardy, i can't manage to get kde4 installed :(17:47
althairDoes someone know if the ICH-M configuration in the kernel (wich says that it is for ICH-2, 3 and 4) works for the ICH7 Intel southbridge (Core2Duo)17:48
Yorokobisigma_123, have you read the IRC log from the #kubuntu-devel meeting where they decided on going with two CD images for 8.04?17:48
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killer_question: what happened to /etc/inittab?17:49
crimsunalthair: yes, it will.17:49
crimsunkiller_: see upstart.17:49
althairok, thanks crimsun17:49
ubotuUpstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/17:50
DreadKnightkde4 packages seem broken, even the ones from the PPA :(17:50
ArtimusIf I find a bug in the Kubuntu Installer, under which package do I file the bug on Launchpad?  I'm thinking kubuntu-live...17:51
Dr_willisHmm. Somthing ive never figrued out yet. K3b starts to burn. top Info box says Writing Speed 16.4x The Lower  "Estimated Writing Speed" then goes from 4x to 9x..  Why are the #'s so different17:52
sigma_123whats the bug?17:52
Dr_willisthe DVD+Rs are 16x - is that what the upper box is reporting?17:52
Artimussigma_123: Can't create new partitions if the drive doesn't have a parititon table.  You can create a new partition table, but never any new partitions.  This is under manual partitioning, guided is fine17:52
althairIts better to let the bios recognize the pci devices, or letting linux doing this?17:52
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crimsunArtimus: ubiquity.17:52
=== ubuntu is now known as chemicalvamp
=== substitute is now known as Ieatkebabs
chemicalvampi need help installing grub to a windows computer (for using my linux installation on usb key) i have a 100mb partition for it.17:55
sigma_123dr willis: is dma on?17:55
Dr_willissigma_123,  well lets see..17:56
Artimuscrimsun: Thanks17:56
Dr_willisusing_dma     =  1 (on)   - So thats a yes.17:56
Dr_willisIt can burn a 4.4 gb DVD in about 10 min...17:56
Dr_williswell k3b says 12 min now..  :)17:57
Dr_willisso is that about normal? Ive never really paid attention to the times much. I tend to get it burning then go do somthing else.17:57
Dr_willisBut today im sitting at the machine watching it.17:57
Dr_willisI just moved this dvd burner out of a USB bay, to internal also. the burn times seem about the same. So i thogh  it was odd that the ide wasent a lot faster.17:58
sigma_123i had that prob when dma was on. only when i forced it in hdparm.conf did my writer use ful speed17:59
tehm0nkDr_willis:  something is wrong then...17:59
tehm0nkif you went from USB to Internal...17:59
sigma_123forced it to be on that is17:59
tehm0nkand you didn't see any differance something is def. wrong :-P17:59
Dr_willisor i just wasent paying attention17:59
Dr_willis4 gb disk in  12min. it seems.18:00
tehm0nkNumber wise.... there is a HUGE differance in transfer speeds between hardwire and USB18:01
killer_bash: upstart: command not found18:01
Dr_willistehm0nk,  yes.. but its not usb any more. so the question what SHOULD the time to burn a 4gb disk be... 12 min? 5 min?18:01
Dr_willis!upstart | killer_18:02
ubotukiller_: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/18:02
killer_what replaced /etc/resolv.conf?18:02
Dr_willisMy internel burner was actint weird then stopped working. I had external set up to use untill today.18:02
Dr_willisi still have a /etc/resolov.conf18:02
llutzkiller dhclient, avahi18:02
tehm0nkif i remember right, i've burned 8gb dual layers in 16 minutes i think18:02
killer_it's quite a bit of work after installing gutsy fresh on my laptop, to get wifi, ifup/ifdown no work18:03
chemicalvampI need a hand installing grub to a 100mb partition (for using my linux installation on usb key) Ive done it before maybe a year ago. sudo grub-install --root-directory=/mnt/hda1/ /dev/hda says a file cant be read correctly? Ive updated grub to latest version..18:03
tehm0nkwhat kind of wire is it using in the computer?18:03
Dr_willisIDE Internal dvd burner.18:04
tehm0nkDr_willis: there is multiple types of IDE cables :-P18:04
tehm0nkata150, ata100, etc18:04
Dr_willisshoul be ata150 i belive.18:05
tehm0nkreally thin flat cable?18:05
nosrednaekimchemicalvamp: that will install it to the MBR...18:06
tehm0nki know it sounds trivial, but if my burner was freshly stuck in my computer, and it didn't seem to be burning the right speed, i'd check to make sure it's the right cable, and then check the bios settings18:06
chemicalvamphello again :) had to go xmas shoppin yestarday :)18:07
chemicalvampi need it to install to the MBR and keep its files on my hda1 partition18:07
tehm0nksup nosrednaekim18:07
nosrednaekimNM tehm0nk.18:07
tehm0nknosrednaekim: i've got things working, twice over again lol18:08
nosrednaekimchemicalvamp: so do you already have its files on HDA1?18:08
tehm0nkon ubuntu now...18:08
nosrednaekimtehm0nk: :(18:08
tehm0nki wanted avant window manager...18:08
nosrednaekimyou can have that in Kubuntu.... kinda18:08
chemicalvampnosrednaekim that command copies a few and says "The file /mnt/hda1//boot/grub/stage1 not read correctly."18:08
=== JohnFlux is now known as JohnFlux_
nosrednaekimchemicalvamp: right, because its looking in that partition for al of the grub files, which probably aren't there unless made that /boot when you originally installed18:10
chemicalvampso open qtparted and try again?18:10
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nosrednaekimchemicalvamp: no.... qtparted won't do you a bit of good. you need to find your existing /boot and copy the files from it to hda1 or reinstall and mount hda1 as /boot18:11
chemicalvampthis computer has windows on it. nosrednaekim i think i may just be using the wrog command.. i dont remember the one i used last time18:13
chemicalvampwhat would grub-install /dev/hda0 do?18:13
nosrednaekimchemicalvamp: what are going to be booting linux from? where is / going to be?18:13
chemicalvampmy usb flash drive18:13
nosrednaekimchemicalvamp: and how are you installing it there?18:14
=== JohnFlux2 is now known as JohnFlux
chemicalvampits already installed18:14
chemicalvampi can boot it without grub18:15
chemicalvampi mean can't18:15
nosrednaekimchemicalvamp: where did you install grub to when you installed it to the flash drive? or is it a persistent install.18:16
chemicalvampit was installed on the usbkey18:17
nosrednaekimchemicalvamp: then copy the /boot from there onto hda118:17
chemicalvampit still has windows mbr then wont it?18:17
nosrednaekimof course, you are going to have to fiddle with alot of things in the grub.conf18:18
nosrednaekimchemicalvamp: what will18:18
chemicalvampthe harddrive18:18
nosrednaekimchemicalvamp: yes18:19
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE18:22
tehm0nkis it possible to run 2 Firefox Browsers?18:23
tehm0nkin seperate X sessions?18:23
nosrednaekimtehm0nk: knowing firefox, probably not <_<18:24
nosrednaekimtehm0nk: two konquerors should work fine tho ;)18:25
chemicalvampnosrednaekim i have a few commands written down, i know one of them must have been what i used18:25
nosrednaekimchemicalvamp: well, I'm just saying, there is nothing there right now that can be installed, so that one command isn't going to do you a bit o good18:26
=== gryc_ is now known as gryc
chemicalvamp#grub-install /dev/hda0 and #grub-install --root-directory=/boot /dev/hda18:26
chemicalvampall it took the last time was one command18:26
tehm0nkdude konq sucks.18:26
nosrednaekimyeah.... but you already had your /boot on the hard drive!18:27
chemicalvampno i didnt18:27
nosrednaekimyou NEED /boot and all the files that go there on hda118:27
nosrednaekimyou must have.18:27
nosrednaekimand there is no such thing as hda018:27
nosrednaekimwell,then I have no clue how you did it18:27
chemicalvamphda0 for frub is master channel first partition18:28
nosrednaekimumm thats "hd0,0"18:28
tehm0nkanyone with fakeraid able to mount an NTFS partition or windows ntfs partition?18:28
ubotuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto18:28
nosrednaekimtehm0nk: someone was just asking about that18:29
Dr_willisaha - If i make the .iso file first then burn it.. :) it burns a lot faster.18:29
jussi01DreadKnight: did you get your kde4 fixed?18:32
jussi01!brokenkde4 | DreadKnight18:32
ubotuDreadKnight: If you're having trouble installing KDE4, in a !Terminal run: « sudo apt-get --purge remove $(dpkg -l | grep "4:3.97.0" |awk '{print $2}') » then run « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » - After that install KDE4 as normal18:32
ubotuntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions18:33
chemicalvampwell whatever all these commands where copied out of the grub manual. i know one of then worked, i just need to figure out what im missing18:35
nosredna_ekimchemicalvamp: as I have said about 20 times, you need files in your /boot18:37
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=== ForeverZero is now known as sea4ever
NovellHi, I'm trying to compile a kernel but I'm getting this error: /root/epia/linux- Cannot open 'initramfs'18:41
chemicalvampnosredna_ekim just to check.. i copied all the files in /boot/ from another working install.. and it still says the same "The file /mnt/hda1//boot/grub/stage1 not read correctly."18:44
chemicalvampand the installer creates the file too.. i dont know what the deal is18:48
tehm0nkwow files copy WAY faster on linux than windows for some reason...18:48
chemicalvampext file systems are more efficient18:49
tehm0nkit's going from EXT to NTFS tho18:49
tehm0nki can actually Hear my HD working...18:49
chemicalvampsmarter kernel :)18:49
tehm0nki wish i could DL a decent wow installer at speeds18:50
tehm0nkintead of... 40 KB/s or something stupid18:50
tehm0nkfor a 3.5gb file...18:50
nosredna_ekimchemicalvamp: yeah, I don't have a clue I think it would be better to reinstall, moun hda1 as boot and write grub to hd1 from the installer (hd0 would be your flash drive)18:51
tehm0nkok gonna go brave windows vista... and install wow on there ....18:51
tehm0nkbe back later guys18:51
Dr_willistehm0nk, Hmm.. given up on wine?18:52
Old_GreggAnyone running WoW and Ubuntu?18:53
Dr_willistehm0nk,  some guy in #ubuntu is fighting with Wine and WoW. :) told him to come here and Chat with YOU! :) Live up to your rep!18:54
Old_GreggHe's here.18:54
Dr_willis thers an downloadable installer/ no need to swap cd's ? he18:54
tehm0nkwhich method of install are you trying to use Old_Gregg18:54
Dr_willisthat would be handier..18:54
tehm0nkyeah it's a HUGE file tho18:54
Dr_williswell if it includes all the updates..18:54
tehm0nkand you have to download the Normal installer and the BC patch18:54
tehm0nkwell i'm thinking the normal installer gets you Further than normal wow CDs18:54
tehm0nkit's wow 2.018:55
Old_Greggtehm0nk:  I was using CrossOver, but the sound was borked and now it won't recognize disk 5, so Dr. Willis suggested Wine.  Tried that, and it won't install over multiple disks, so now I'm copying the files to a folder on the desktop18:55
Dr_williswell I dont do WoW.. so i am out for a while.18:55
tehm0nkwoah i'm sorta new here lol :-P18:55
tehm0nkso you lost me there18:55
Old_Greggtehm0nk:  do you know how to create a windows-capable partition from Ubuntu?18:56
tehm0nkright now i was about to try to unzip the wow installer i DL'd from a differant source than the blizzard downloader18:56
Dr_willisOld_Gregg,  why do you want to do that?18:56
tehm0nkwindows capable?18:56
tehm0nki finally figured out how to have a shared partition18:56
Dr_willisOld_Gregg,  i though you had no windows installed at all on that box.18:57
Old_GreggDr_willis:  I don't currently18:57
tehm0nki'm gonna go into windows and install wow from there... then run it off there i think18:57
Old_GreggDr_willis:  I have the installation files on the Ubuntu desktop18:57
Old_GreggDr_willis:  I can't get them to burn to an El Torito CD18:57
prasoonhi there.. does anyone know how to detect my battery  under kubuntu?? after installing kubuntu on my laptop.. it is not recognizing my battery at all18:58
Dr_willistehm0nk,  i always kept a clean bbackup of my isntalled wow dir. :) learned that one time that WoW update was trashing peoples installs. heh18:58
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE18:58
Dr_willisOld_Gregg, You seem to be Jumpping all over the place here.. what does burning stuff to cd have to do with this?18:58
Old_GreggDr_willis:  The end goal:  Windows XP on the computer again.18:59
Dr_willisOld_Gregg,  you planing on removing Linux ? or dual booting?18:59
Old_GreggDr_willis:  I have the installation files ready to go, but I can't run it except from a bootable CD, because Ubuntu owns my only partition.18:59
Old_GreggDr_willis:  Death to linux.18:59
Dr_willisOld_Gregg,  fire up k3b then. i doubt if the files will fit on cd. may need a dvd.19:00
Dr_willisunless the files have some amazingly freaky names.. they should burn.19:00
Dr_willisLets see.. reinstalling xp. then wow. then the updates..  Your weekend is full.. :)19:00
Old_GreggDr_willis:  what's k3b?19:01
ubotuk3b is a feature-rich and user-friendly burning application for KDE (and, as all KDE applications, works fine on GNOME). For a guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/K3BHowto19:01
Dr_willisthe cd burning app for Kubuntu :) i dont know what gnome uses19:01
Dr_willisgtoaster perhaps..19:01
noaXesswhat kde tool to use for creating and formatin partitions?19:01
Old_GreggI was using GnomeBaker, but it can't make bootables19:01
jussi01noaXess: qparted19:01
Dr_willisOld_Gregg,  WHY do you need the data files for WoW to be BOotable?19:02
jussi01Old_Gregg: try brasero19:02
tehm0nkhe i need to reboot19:02
noaXessjussi01: okey..19:02
* Dr_willis is just geting more and more lost.19:02
Old_GreggNot WoW19:02
Old_GreggWindows XP19:02
prasoonhi there.. does anyone know how to detect my battery  under kubuntu?? after installing kubuntu on my laptop.. it is not recognizing my battery at all19:02
Jeroidoes anyone know how to get teamspeak klient work with alsa?19:02
JeroiI have installe alsa-oss19:02
jussi01Old_Gregg: if you burn an iso, it should be bootable anyway...19:02
Jeroiusing amd64bit19:03
Dr_willisOld_Gregg,  You have a copy of xp disk 'files' in a dir. and you want to create a bootable cd from them? Or do you have an iso file?19:03
noaXessjussi01: you mean qtparted?19:03
Jeroistarting teamspeak aoss19:03
* Dr_willis wonders at the legality of this.. but......19:03
Jeroibut my headphones and mic is muted19:03
jussi01noaXess: yeah19:03
Old_GreggDr_willis:  Exactly.19:03
Old_GreggDr_willis:  No ISO.  Need one.  Can't make one.19:03
Jeroiamarok plays fine on my headphones19:03
DreadKnightjussi01: i tried that a while ago and still nothing19:03
Old_GreggDr_willis:  Tried all day yesterday until I got pretty angry.19:04
Jeroibut teamspeak dont19:04
murchadhHi all! I can't log in from kdm as some of my keyboard keys aren't recognised. Switch to terminal and they're fine. Any ideas?19:04
Old_GreggDr_willis:  See, this is the problem I have with Ubuntu.  The link you gave me, the "K3B Howto", shows how to install it.  THAT'S IT.  The lack of support is appalling.19:04
Old_GreggDr_willis:  not meaning you.19:05
Old_GreggDr_willis:  you are my hero.19:05
Old_GreggDr_willis:  Okay, so I am running k3b.  Do I do "New Data CD Project" or "Burn CD Image"?19:06
jussi01Old_Gregg: go install k3b, then start it from the menu, click help -> k3b handbook. how is that hard?19:06
Dr_willisOld_Gregg,   you aparently cant bother to look at the actual program docs eh? :)19:06
Old_GreggDr_willis:  How do I know where there are any?19:06
Dr_willisOld_Gregg,  k3b is rather straight forward.19:06
Old_GreggDr_willis:  Understand, until last weekend, I'd never heard of Ubuntu19:06
Dr_willislist of files at top. buttons at bottopm for type fo disk to make.19:07
Dr_willisdrag from top to bottom. click burn19:07
jussi01Old_Gregg: usually pressing f1 when you are in a program will give you the help for it19:07
Dr_willisMAKING a xp bootable iso however.. is somthing ive never done.19:07
DreadKnightOld_Gregg: new data cd project means you wanna make a custom compilation cd, burn cd image means you want to burn an .iso or some cd image19:07
Old_GreggDr_willis: And that will create the CD as El-Torito?19:07
Dr_willisI have xp iso image files ive.. lets say.. aquired.19:07
Old_GreggDr_willis:  email it to me?19:08
Dr_willisthere is a XP slipstreaming howto out on the net. that proberly details it.19:08
Old_GreggDr_willis: :D19:08
Dr_willisI dont even have xp on this box19:08
Old_GreggDreadKnight:  If I have the files I want to make an El Torito (I think ISO) on my desktop, can I copy them as such to a CD to make it bootable?19:08
Dr_willisactually i cant recall ever making a bootable cd from scratch19:09
DreadKnightOld_Gregg: what the heck is el torito? xD19:09
Dr_willisYou need to find the boot floppy image i recall. and use it somewhere.19:09
Old_GreggDr_willis:  Done it in windows countless times.19:09
Dr_willisI cant recall ever needing to do it. :)19:09
DreadKnightOld_Gregg: if the .iso image is designed to be bootable, you just need to burn it to a cd ;) nothing more19:09
Old_GreggDreadKnight:  Okay, I want to be able to put this CD into the drive, boot up the computer, and have it run from the CD.19:09
DreadKnightOld_Gregg: operating system cd images are made to be bootable, just burn..19:10
Dr_willisOld_Gregg,  if you just copied all the 'files' from a cd.  its highly likely you did not copyover the 'boot file' needed. since its normally not accessable from the cd.19:10
DreadKnightoperatin system virtual images* i mean19:10
Dr_willisI think.. I may be wrong on that.19:10
Old_Greggwell... the catch is I don't actually have the image.  Just the files.19:11
DreadKnightOld_Gregg: then don't bother19:11
JeroiOld_Gregg then just burn those files into cd19:11
JeroiI dont get teamspeak work19:11
Old_GreggWell, if I create an NTSF partition in Ubuntu, can I copy the XP files into it and run them on it from Ubuntu?19:11
Dr_willisJeroi,  oh? i use that all the time.19:11
Jeroimu headphones and mic is muted19:11
Dr_willisOld_Gregg,  you want to run the windows installer files with wine? DOnt think thats a good idea.19:12
JeroiI have but go for front mic, backmic and mig boost19:12
Jeroiin alsamixer19:12
JeroiDr_willis can you help me?19:12
Old_GreggI want to install windows on this computer on a seperate partition, make it bootable, and boot from it.  I do not have a bootable windows CD, but I have the installation files.19:12
JeroiI use mobo audio19:12
Dr_willisJeroi,  ick. :)19:13
Jeroi7.1 channels19:13
Jeroiamarok works19:13
Jeroiwith alsa19:13
Dr_willisOld_Gregg,  you may want to do some googling for that.. I imagine its possible.. but it may be easier to just go get a xp disk somewhere.19:13
Jeroitrhue mu head phones19:13
Jeroiand same time movie players work19:13
DreadKnightOld_Gregg: just download an iso from all over the internet and burn it, install it on a separate partition. this is what it's called dual booting19:13
Jeroibut teamspeak is oss19:13
Dr_willisJeroi,  yep. I have no issues with it on my Creative card. but onbosrd cards often dont want to share the audio as well.19:14
Jeroion windows they do19:14
Jeroimobo sound works perfect19:14
DreadKnightOld_Gregg: so if you have windows installed and ubuntu/kubuntu on a cd, you can still make dual boot..19:14
Jeroiand all the alsa apps work perfect also in linux19:14
Dr_willisJeroi,  windows also has actually drivers from the company.. :) and all the apps have aggred on how to do it. Unlike Alsa vs OSS.19:14
Dr_willisthe issue is the old OSS apps :)19:15
Jeroido I need to do something?19:15
JeroiI am on amd64 also19:15
ubotuThunderbird is a free email client, capable of close cooperation with Firefox (both by the Mozilla Foundation). To make Thunderbird links open in Firefox, see http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=6042719:15
Dr_willissound under linux used to use the OSS 'way' - now everything is changing to the ALSA way.  I guess ya can say19:15
Jeroithere was teamspeak amd64 packages in apt19:15
sigma_Riddell: i read on downloadsquad.com very recently that kubuntu 8.04 won't be lts, is this true?19:16
DreadKnightJeroi: since when is teamspeak oss? O_o19:16
Dr_willisDreadKnight,  thats what i was wondering also...19:16
Dr_willisDreadKnight,  but ive never noticed. :) its always worked for me.19:16
Old_GreggDreadknight:  Any idea on where I can DL an ISO?19:16
Jeroiinstalled teamspeak-client and server19:16
Dr_willisBest "Sound" Advice.. get a decent sound card. Heh heh..19:16
DreadKnightOld_Gregg: yeah, mininova.org is a popular tracker19:17
DreadKnightOld_Gregg: isohunt.com also19:17
Dr_willisOld_Gregg,  and if we say more.. we may get in trouble..19:17
DreadKnightDr_willis: right :D19:17
Riddellsigma_: seems to be19:17
Jeroiteamspeak default configuration is oss /dev/xxx19:17
Jeroior something19:17
* DreadKnight goes to check out about teamspeak ...19:17
mc_do you know any decent bittorrent client that I can use on my server(so without X11). I'm currently using the bittorrent and bittornado package,but both of them do not support distributed tracking which sucks.19:18
Dr_willisOld_Gregg,  if you are planing on dual booting. I find it a Lot easier to have Windows on the first HD. and linux on its own seperate hard drive.19:18
Old_GreggBut I bought the disk19:18
Dr_willisOld_Gregg,  then legally I Gues syou can call up MS and ask for a replacement.19:18
BluesKajOld_Gregg, http://www.kubuntu.org/download.php19:18
Old_GreggI legally purchased windows.  Made a back-up, in several moves, lost the original and have always just used the back-up19:18
Old_Greggnow that I have linux, I can't.19:18
Dr_williswhat backup are you refering to?19:18
Old_GreggDid that when I lost the original.19:18
sigma_Riddell: it also said that it will only have kde4 (well thats if i read correctly), I thought kde4 was considered too unstable to be the default desktop in kubuntu?19:18
Old_GreggThe CD I have the installation files on.  I was stupid and didn't make it bootable19:19
Old_Gregghence my problems now19:19
Dr_willisand How did you 'use' those befor?19:19
Old_GreggRunning Windows, I just popped in the CD and ran the installer19:19
Old_Greggor, from a C:/, I'd go to the D: and run the installer19:19
Old_GreggLinux won't let me.19:20
Dr_willisso you 'reinstalled' the os.. over the existing os. :)19:20
DreadKnightwell, i checked out... teamspeak is not oss, it's just free for non-commercial use19:20
Old_GreggYea, basically19:20
Riddellsigma_: that's not right19:20
pros922I think I've been unfairly banned from #ubuntu. Can anyone here help me?19:21
Dr_willisLinux isent stopping you. :) its just not doable at all with your setup. Stop blaming Linux. :) If you had a totally blank/new HD.  and Dident have Linux at all.. you wouldent even be here chatting with us getting help. Heh19:21
sigma_Riddell: which part of it? kde4 being the default desktop or it being too unstable?19:21
jussi01pros922: please join #ubuntu-ops19:21
JeroiDreadKnight what you mean?19:21
Jeroithat teamspeak dosent use oss sound system?19:21
Riddellsigma_: "only"19:21
sigma_pros922: what do you guys do to get banned? you are the second guy to say that19:21
DreadKnightJeroi: i mean it's not oss19:21
Old_Greggdr_willis:  lol!  But if I had a blank/new HD, I wouldn't NEED to be chatting with you getting help.19:21
DreadKnightJeroi: open source software19:21
Jeroiatleast  I checked that I have latest v2 installed19:22
Old_GreggDr_willis:  How do you utilize a torrent in Ubuntu?19:22
Dr_willisOld_Gregg,  how so? if your HD was empty..you have no XP to install to it...19:22
Old_GreggDr_willis:  you make a good point.19:22
Dr_willisOld_Gregg,  theres a bittorrent client installed by default.. UNLIKE windows..19:22
ArtimusOld_Gregg: Open the thing in ktorrent?19:22
Dr_willisktorrent is for Kubuntu, some other one for ubuntu.19:22
JeroiDreadKnight if your teamspeka works, what have you done to get it work without sound and mic muted?19:22
sigma_Riddell: ok but kde3 and kde4 will both be on the shipit cd for the user to make a choice hey?19:23
Dr_willisOld_Gregg,  Im suprised the guy at frys dident try to sell you a Uber-Vista-edition claminguit would run your games 4% faster19:23
DreadKnightJeroi: eh.. haven't used teamspeak for years :\19:23
cplusplushi how could i install libcurl?19:23
Artimussigma_: I don't think they've figured that out yet.19:24
Old_GreggDr_willis:  the torrent has 581mbs to install... at 1.7kbs/sec.  Will take about 2 days to get it all....19:24
jussi01cplusplus: Go to adept, search for curl and install it.19:24
Old_GreggDr_willis:  I don't want Vista.  Adamently refused it.19:24
Riddellsigma_: kde 4 mostly19:24
cpluspluswhat about the packetmanger?19:24
cpluspluscurl != libcurl19:24
jussi01cplusplus: adept is the package manager19:24
Artimuscplusplus: adept_manager is the program, not sure what it's called on the KDE Menu19:25
Dr_willisOld_Gregg,  shame that its going to get forced on you in the next year or so.. but thats MS's way.19:25
DreadKnightcplusplus: press alt+space to launch katapult and start typing adept..19:25
Dr_willisOld_Gregg,  now ya see why so many of us perfer linux with its quirks over windows. :)19:25
ArtimusThat's the openssl version19:25
Old_GreggDr_willis:  Hence why I wanted to do Linux.  I haven't completely given up on Linux.  I just need some help.  I bought a big book, but it's chinese to me.19:26
Artimuslibcurl3-gnutls is also a choice19:26
sigma_Artimus: it would make sense to, that is if they want lots of people to test it, after all its not going to be a lts release19:26
maurikeffeine is not able to read a dvd movie19:26
* Dr_willis has a link for Old_Gregg for FREE books.. :) just a sec19:26
Old_GreggDr_willis:  So how good at Linux would you say you are?19:26
Dr_willisOld_Gregg,  theres very little i Cant do with it.. that i need to do. :)19:26
cplusplusDreadKnight i only have ssh now19:27
Dr_willisOld_Gregg,  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Training19:27
Old_GreggDr_willis:  Guide me.  I want to do 2 things.  That's it.  Run WoW and Ventrilo.  That's all.19:27
Artimussigma_: At this point, it's all politics to me.  I jump from release to release.  I'm currently working on finding and fixing bugs in Hardy.  I'll leave the LTS politics to the people that are involved.19:27
BluesKaj!dvd | mauri19:27
ubotumauri: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs19:27
Dr_willisFree Ubuntu "student/teacher" books like for a Class on Ubuntu -->   https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Training19:27
mauriBluesKaj: yes, i re-installed kubuntu 7.10 and now i'm not able to see agian the dvd movie19:27
Dr_willisThats a must bookmark link . to give out to the various new users.. too bad its ubuntus specific. :(19:27
Dr_willisOld_Gregg,  You were doing that earlier..  You know the basics.. its all the quirks with the game thats the issue.. theres more to life and PC's then games.19:28
=== mrbc is now known as mrbc_
Dr_willisOld_Gregg,  if you had kept your earlier WoW install.. you would proberly bee playing it now.19:28
Old_GreggDr_willis:  That's all I want this machine to run.  I have my other computer set up as my home office.19:28
=== ForeverZero is now known as sea4ever
Dr_willisOld_Gregg,  Ok.. lets back up here. with what you just said..19:29
Old_GreggDr_willis:  I lost my sound.  Can't play it without sound.19:29
sigma_Artimus: well it dont make much difference to me, when theres a upgrade, i upgrade! lol. its probably only about 5% of users that hang onto dapper, mainly those who are supported by canonical i guess, i doubt anyone is running dapper in this forum19:29
Dr_willisOld_Gregg,  with a xi-fi card - you are not going to have sound under linux anyway. at least not at this time on 32bit.19:29
mauriBluesKaj: libdvdcss2 is not found by adept19:29
Artimussigma_: Heck with LTS people, I want KDE4 :P19:29
Old_GreggDr_willis:  Right.  I'm exchanging the card at Fry's, if I stay with Ubuntu.19:29
BluesKajread the whole post , mauri19:30
Dr_willisOld_Gregg,  if you have a 2nd windows machine. You could install WoW on it. then copy over the Installed Dir. to the linux box.19:30
DreadKnightArtimus: want kde4 too, can t manage to install it19:30
ArtimusI had it installed at one time.  It was very very unfinished19:30
DreadKnightArtimus: damn broken packages :(19:30
Old_GreggDr_willis:  Installing WoW wasn't the problem.  I had it installed, up and running and everything was peachy.  I just couldn't have vent running with sound and WoW running with sound.19:30
ArtimusDreadKnight: I had no issue with them being broken, just unfinished software19:30
k4everhi all.  i'm using kubuntu 7.10 and i'm having trouble with compiz fusion.  is this a good place to ask for help?19:31
Old_GreggDr_willis:  I followed CrossOvers guide on how to make it do that, and then I had no sound whatsoever.19:31
jussi01!compiz | k4ever19:31
ubotuk4ever: Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion19:31
DreadKnightk4ever: kwin will have compositing features in kde4 :P19:31
ArtimusDreadKnight: Been here yet?  http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde4-rc2.php19:31
BluesKaj!compiz | k4ever19:31
Old_GreggDr_willis:  Hey wait a minute... I can make a boot disk from my windows machine and use it on the linux machine, yea?19:31
pros922k4ever what kind of video card?19:32
k4everok will go there19:32
DreadKnightArtimus: yes, dependencies issues => broken packages19:32
Dr_willisI dont use crossover so cant tell ya how good they do things. If you want to be serious about running WoW on Linux . you may want to check out Cedega. its a coemrcial version of wine with focus ong ames.. and a very large forum on wine/Wow/Othergames issues.19:32
k4everpros922:  nvidia geforce fx 770019:32
BluesKajDreadKnight, do you have synaptic installed ?19:32
Dr_willisOld_Gregg,  No idea on the windows boot thing. :) CAN you do it? :) you are the Leet-Windows-haxor.19:32
DreadKnightBluesKaj: adept19:32
jussi01DreadKnight: did you try the remove command? even though you never had it before?19:32
pros922k4ever. You're in great shape then. NVIDIA works very easily. Minimal configuration compared to ATI19:32
ArtimusDreadKnight: Bummer.  I'm sticking with KDE3 for now...  I'll be messing with KDE4 in Hardy, though...  I've got it installed in vmware19:32
DreadKnightjussi01: yes19:32
=== mistagee is now known as MistaGee
Dr_willisOld_Gregg,  for a sound card. You might want to get a Creative Audigy 2zs or similer.. they are older cards.. but mine works like a champ19:33
DreadKnightArtimus: virtual machine get's stuck ... 512 ram.. hmm19:33
Dr_willisOld_Gregg,  not sure how well some of the newer creative cards are supoported.19:33
scartanybody know where to turn for a compile error in kdebase in KDE 4.0?19:33
ArtimusDreadKnight: I've got a gig.  384 for the VM19:33
BluesKajDreadKnight, try synaptic ,..it has an option to fix broken pkges under it's edit tab19:33
Artimus...  We really need to fix adept and borrow some features from Synaptic19:34
sigma_Artimus: lol same here, the screenshots that the kde devs are uploading are making me drool, lol. I don't have a high volume i-net connection so can't download the live cd's, all i got ahold of was the opensuse one and it was hopeless :), i think it was the suse backbone and not kde!19:34
k4everfor some reason the compiz settings manager will not store my changes when i log out.  i select "png" so i can use the splash and cube caps but when i log back into kde the splash is not there.  i go to ccsm and png is not select.19:34
DreadKnightBluesKaj: it's more a dependency issue... :| heh.. think i ll have to wait19:34
Dr_willisk4ever,  check the following19:34
ubotuKubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion19:34
Artimussigma_: The one I used was pretty bad...  The applications were great, Konqueror definitely looks better, as does Dolphin.19:34
Old_GreggDr_willis:  I'm tempted to yank the one out of the old computer and put it in here.  And Cedega appears to want me to subscribe in order to DL their software.  I'm not big on a monthly subscription fee.19:34
Artimussigma_: But the actually "shell" so to speak is bad.19:34
Dr_willisk4ever,  kde/ccsm/compiz has an issue with one of the ways ccsm stores the settings.19:35
il12ok. question: Are there any particular advantages/disadvantages of using Kubuntu over Ubuntu?19:35
Dr_willisk4ever,  i think the 'flat file' setting is what you need.19:35
BluesKajthat's what synaptic does, it uninstalls the broken packages if the dependencies aren't met19:35
Artimusil12: KDE instead of GNOME19:35
Artimusil12: Only real difference, really.  Look at screenshots and see what you like more.19:35
Dr_willisOld_Gregg,  You just said somthing really odd.. You play WoW but said ' I'm not big on a monthly subscription fee.'19:35
BluesKajDreadKnight, sorry for repeating myself, but that's what synaptic does, it uninstalls the broken packages if the dependencies aren't met19:35
il12Artimus: ty. SO it's just the GUI that is the difference?19:36
DreadKnightil12: i started with gnome... and converted recently  xD hated kde... but now i just love it19:36
Old_GreggDr_willis:  Wow is worth it.19:36
Dr_willisOld_Gregg,   thats debateable...19:36
k4everdr_willis:  i'm using flat file backend19:36
Dr_williscedega has a Demo I recall also.19:36
pros922Agreed on WoW. Been a while, but what a great game19:36
Dr_willisk4ever,  im out of ideas then. sorry.19:36
Old_GreggDr_willis: Consider for an entire month of WoW, I spend less than a single night at the movies, and get a whole lot more enjoyment.19:36
pros922Anyone here do second life?19:36
Artimusil12: Correct.  They share the same packages for the other software19:36
DreadKnightBluesKaj: hmm :)19:36
jussi01!ot | pros92219:36
ubotupros922: #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!19:36
il12Artimus: tyvm.19:36
aslamcan i downgrade from 64bit ubuntu to 32bit19:36
Old_GreggDr_willis: 6 months of WoW costs less than a single date night.19:36
cj_hi. how can i tell which package a file is from?19:36
Dr_willisof course theres the 'issue' i hear of - with Blizzard every so often Banning accounts using WINE/WoW.19:36
Artimusaslam: Nope, reinstall, sorry19:37
jussi01aslam: with a full reinstall19:37
llutzcj_: dpkg -S file19:37
mauriBluesKaj: it told that the dvd is crypted and that i'm not allow to see it19:37
Dr_willisOld_Gregg,   if you play WoW enough. You dont ever have a date also! ;)19:37
Old_GreggDr_willis: True.  That's the goal.19:37
Old_GreggDr_willis:  :D19:37
Dr_willis1 Month of Cedega = Big Mac and Fries.19:37
pros922Big Mac sounds good right about now19:37
aslamis there anyway i can backup all my settings and programs and transfer it to my new install?19:37
Dr_willisI will stick with my LordOfThe Rings Online and its Lifetime accont i have.. :) I dont feel i have to play it every day19:38
k4everdon't worry, i'm asking the question in the #compiz-fusion channel now19:38
Dr_willisPlus my brother plays it more then i do.19:38
Dr_willisk4ever,  yea compiz - is such a... well.. work in progress19:38
Artimusaslam: You could copy your home directory to a flash drive19:38
cj_llutz: cheers19:38
DreadKnightaslam: um.. leave the home partition intact ? :P well, won't save the programs, just the settings19:38
ArtimusDoes Kubuntu make a home partition by default?19:39
sigma_Artimus: which live cd did you try? funnily enough alot of people have told me that the base was perfect19:39
aslamArtimus: wat about settings in the modprobe.d folder?19:39
Artimus(I always manually partition)19:39
Artimussigma_: This was a while ago19:39
_Redondos_I installed the nvidia driver and enabled the tv out with dual view. The tv works fine, but in the pc monitor I see like the screen is higher than the monitor and when I move the cursor to the borders it "raises" to show me the complete screen...why that?19:39
Dr_willisaslam,  you may want to archive the home dir. then copy the archive to a other drive. then restore it fromt he archive.. permissions Might get messed up otherwise19:39
mauriI tried to see a dvd movie but kaffeine told that the dvd is crypted and that i'm not allow to see it19:39
Artimusaslam: Oh, those will be gone...19:39
Old_GreggCan you run an ISO from a CD-RW?19:39
Artimusaslam: You could try to copy /etc over.  It'd probably mostly work...19:39
Dr_willis_Redondos_,  thats desktop panning. so you dont have dead zones  :)19:40
aslamArtimus: thanks19:40
mauriOld_Gregg: no is a origina dvd movie19:40
DreadKnightOld_Gregg: if you mount it to a virtual drive or if you burn it to a disk19:40
Artimusmarui: You need to install libdvdcss2.  Someone gave you a link to it.19:40
_Redondos_Dr_willis: aha...19:40
_Redondos_Dr_willis: yes Desktop  panning...19:40
Dr_willis_Redondos_,  I normally have tv out + pc monitor. . want my xorg.conf?19:40
Old_GreggDreadKnight:  Right, so I can burn the iso to a CD-RW and it will work just as well as a CD-R?19:40
_Redondos_Dr_willis: yes please19:40
Artimusmauri: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu19:40
Hamrahi, im installing kde4, and was following the instruction at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde4-rc2.php , im installing xserver-xephyr, after that, what should i do to run KDE4 as a full session? the commands mentioned are to be run in KDE? or with KDE not running?19:40
cj_Old_Gregg: mount it on a loop19:40
Old_GreggDreadKnight:  And when I tried to burn to my CD-RW last night, it said the disk was protected.19:41
_Redondos_Dr_willis: do you understand what's my problem? because my english is not well19:41
DreadKnightOld_Gregg: re-writable disks are slower, but heh, you got plenty of time :P19:41
Old_GreggDreadKnight:  ass.  :P19:41
sigma_Artimus: ah i see, ya the one i tried was also one of the first ones, rather horrible, the icons were even missing (well most of them). at least the kubuntu devs will have a while to play with it between when the final comes out and hardy is released19:41
Dr_willis_Redondos_,  I dont have that issue on my setup. I have the tv set to one res. and the monitor set to another. Yours may be trying to be smart. hers is my xorg.conf ---->     http://pastebin.com/d1e30c7dc19:41
DreadKnightOld_Gregg: perhaps you re-write it too many times ?19:41
cplusplussudo apt-get install openssl? i need lcrypto....does openssl include that?19:42
Old_GreggDreadKnight:  Is there a limit?19:42
Dr_williswell off for food.. back in a few hrs.19:42
DreadKnightOld_Gregg: yes, you can't rewrite the same re-writable cd for ever :D19:42
Artimussigma_: Fair enough.  I hope to see good things in Hardy19:42
BluesKajmauri , install the medibuntu repository on your sources.list or open adept , click on adept/manage repositories/kubuntu software "x" all the boxes , then open the third party tab and 'x" all the boxes there as well.19:42
_Redondos_Dr_willis:  ok. well I have enabled "dual monitor" from systemsettings "monitor" section19:43
BluesKajmauri , then you can install libdvdscss219:44
sigma_Artimus: dont we all. not too sure what gutsy did, dolphin was rather sad, along with strigi, and for some reason gdebi was trying to crash the hdd;s on my intel pc's. but on the brightside it did stop my laptop hdd from clicking at shutdown and reading the drive every 5secs during use19:44
BluesKajmauri,  libdvdcss219:44
Hamracan anyone help me?19:45
sigma_and that im rather grateful for19:45
BluesKaj!ask | Hamra19:45
ubotuHamra: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)19:45
Hamrai already asked :  im installing kde4, and was following the instruction at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde4-rc2.php , im installing xserver-xephyr, after that, what should i do to run KDE4 as a full session? the commands mentioned are to be run in KDE? or with KDE not running?19:45
DragnslcrHamra- if you want to run KDE4 as a normal session, select it on the login screen19:45
Hamraok thnx19:46
Old_GreggDreadKnight:  How utterly depressing.19:46
sigma_oh guys, if my cdrom is known as "scd" and my hard drive "sda" does this mean that they are both sata devices?19:46
DreadKnightHamra: you lucky....  i could't get to install kde4 xD19:46
_Redondos_Dr_willis:ahh but you used nvidia-xconfig19:46
_Redondos_Dr_willis: I used nvidia-glx-config to setup the card19:46
sigma_DreadKnight: tried the live cd?19:46
_Redondos_Dr_willis: and then systemsettinmgs to set dual view19:46
jussi01DreadKnight: I assume you have: sudo apt-get install - f19:47
DreadKnightsigma_: nope, perhaps i'll just do that :\19:47
DreadKnightjussi01: that too19:47
DreadKnightjussi01: trying with synaptic in a minute19:47
SchuenemannI unzip a superkaramba file, edited one file and zipped it back, now I can't open it: "Could not read config file". What's wrong?19:47
covererI've just successuflly insalled kubuntu 7.10 and now having problems with mp319:47
sigma_DreadKnight: sometimes its better to not install alongside kde3, may cause some issues with kde319:47
jussi01!mp3 | coverer19:47
ubotucoverer: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats19:47
DreadKnightsigma_: hmm... yeah..19:48
mauriArtimus: thank you very much. It had been easy with your help19:48
mauriOld_Gregg: : thank you very much. It had been easy with your help19:48
Old_Greggmauri:  I didn't do nothing.19:48
Old_Greggmauri:  But you're welcome.19:48
covereri cant't use only free formats - i have a lot of disks with mp3 files19:49
jussi01coverer: check the first link.19:49
mauriOld_Gregg: just a question...is ti 7.10 a stable versions or you had find some problems?19:49
Old_GreggAlrighty, in about an hour, Ubuntu DIES!  :D  Thanks for your help DreadKnight and Dr_willis.  Have a great day!19:49
BluesKajmauri, it was me who helped you :)19:50
=== ForeverZero is now known as sea4ever
mauriBluesKaj: sorry sorry19:52
mauriBluesKaj: thanks you19:52
mauriBluesKaj: I made a mistakes with the name19:52
mauriBluesKaj: : just a question...is ti 7.10 a stable versions or you had find some problems?19:53
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Schuenemannoh, well, the problem was solved not zipping it back19:55
Gast263can someone help me plz?19:55
jussi01!ask | Gast26319:55
ubotuGast263: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)19:55
Gast263ok sry, well, i ve just installed wine but it always shows that i havent a c: drive19:56
Gast263and i want to run WoW with wine19:56
DreadKnightGast263: in your home  under /.wine you have a folder drive_c19:56
covererone more kubuntu 7.10 problem... i've tried "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-restricted-extras" command as suggested, but got a message that kubuntu-restriced-extras not found...19:57
Gast263how can i check this?19:57
Gast263cause . means that it is invisible, aight?19:57
jussi01Gast263: view -> show hidden files19:57
DreadKnightGast263: indeed :), if using dolphin, you have a button the edit the location, go from there (auto completion very helpful) of just reveal the hidden files from the view menu19:58
Schuenemannyes, the dot means hidden19:58
Gast263ok, well19:58
Gast263i have the folder .wine but it only contains system.reg and user.reg19:59
DreadKnightGast263: sudo apt-get purge wine19:59
DreadKnightGast263: sudo apt-get install wine19:59
DreadKnightGast263: hope that will fix it19:59
Gast263which one first?19:59
DreadKnightGast263: that order20:00
covererone more kubuntu 7.10 problem... i've tried "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-restricted-extras" command as suggested, but got a message that kubuntu-restriced-extras not found... where can I add external packages sources and where can I find the list of those?20:00
jussi01Gast263: before you do, have you run winecfg yet?20:00
jussi01coverer: in adept - manage repositories20:00
Gast263yes and if i try to make a C: dir with the cfg, it works, and when i restart wine again the c: dir is disappeared20:01
jussi01Gast263: follow DreadKnight 's instructions then :)20:01
Gast263just doin it20:01
Zvezdichkohello, I have the following problem: I bought a new LCD monitor, Kubuntu is fine, X runs fine20:02
BluesKajcoverer ,install the medibuntu repository on your sources.list,  or open adept , click on adept/manage repositories/kubuntu software "x" all the boxes , then open the third party tab and 'x" all the boxes there as well.20:02
Zvezdichkobut during load when I have to see kubuntu splash screen it says: Please, change your resolution to ... and refresh rate to 60 Hz20:02
Dr_willisDreadKnight,  Purging wine will NOT remove the users configuration files.20:02
Zvezdichkowhere can I do that?20:02
Dr_willisat least Id hope it wont.. :)20:02
=== ubuntu is now known as MrBlah
Gast263ok now i resintalled wine20:03
jussi01Dr_willis: isnt that what a purge is supposed to do?20:03
Dr_willisjussi01,  SYSTEM config files.. Not user config files20:03
Dr_willisit would really suck if the package manager started messing in the /home dirs of every user20:04
NeoFaxHello everyone20:04
Gast263now i started the config and recieved a few warnings, is this normal?20:04
Dr_williswhat if you removed say.. kde with purge. would that get rid of every .kde* dir  that all the users have? :)20:05
LjLDr_willis: well, being able to track who created which config files wouldn't be a bad thing, though20:05
jussi01Dr_willis: point taken ;)20:05
Dr_willisLjL,   it does.. for the system settings. :) but then again.. what happens in /home stays in /home :)20:05
Dr_willisif you want  the users /home/whatever/configfile to be updated syste wide. I gyuess ya could make links from it to a system config.20:06
LjLDr_willis: yes i don't see anything against the *user* being provided with a command to purge *their own* applications' config files20:06
Dr_willisor edit /etc/skel so new users get the right settings.20:06
Gast263however it doesnt work20:06
Dr_willisThere is getting to be way way way too much config cruft in my home dir sadly. :(20:07
Dr_willisevery little program wants its own .configname dir or .configfile20:07
LjLDr_willis: that's why such a facility as i mentioned would help, imo.20:07
Dr_willisof course getting a decent 'standard' discussed would be good also.20:07
LjLit doesn't have to be black or white, where black is "a purge by root removes everything", and white is "home files are never ever touched"20:08
Dr_willisTheres some progress.. but i still see a lot of cruft. and redundantcy20:08
Dr_willisHeck. I dont think the default theme for Ubuntu is even saved in a theme file. I recall.20:08
Dr_willisits setup that way.. if a user changes themes. they cant easially go back to the original. (that may bee changed now however)20:08
Dr_willisIs Kubunu default desktop/theme the same way? i never noticed.20:09
cpluspluswhat is /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lidn ?20:10
ardchoilleDid /usr/bin/find change recently?20:12
Schuenemannwhere is kubuntu's temperature info stored? I need that for a karamba theme20:14
jpatrickcplusplus: I think you have to install libidn1120:14
cpluspluswhats that?20:15
nosrednaekim!sensors | Schuenemann20:15
ubotuSchuenemann: You might find something useful at: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SensorInstallHowto20:15
cpluspluslibidn11 is already the newest version.20:15
jpatrickcplusplus: no idea then :/20:16
Schuenemannnosrednaekim, is there an overhead for enabling those sensors?20:16
Schuenemannnot taking karamba into account20:16
nosrednaekimSchuenemann: if you have anything over a 100mhz computer,you certainly won't notice it :D20:17
Schuenemannhmm looks good20:17
Schuenemannnosrednaekim, This is usually safe though <- I hate this message20:19
nosrednaekimwhat? yeah, it can't hurt your computer20:20
Schuenemannthen, why USUALLy safe, not ALWAYS safe? :p20:20
nosrednaekimwhere is that?20:20
nosrednaekimif its on the howto... i've never read it ;)20:21
SchuenemannSome chips are also accessible through the ISA I/O ports. We have to20:21
Schuenemannwrite to arbitrary I/O ports to probe them20:21
Schuenemannoops, sorry20:21
Schuenemannwell, it's on the sensors detection itself20:21
nosrednaekimah ok20:21
nosrednaekimI have NEVER heardof it harming someone.20:22
nosrednaekimdon't worry ;)20:22
Schuenemannthanks... btw, have you ever tried it? :p20:22
rinaldi_when i try to access my second hard drive (containing my other OS) in konqueror, i get the eroor message "hal-storage-mixed-mount-all-options refused uid 1000". why would this be and how can i fix it?20:22
nosrednaekimSchuenemann: several times on several computers20:22
Schuenemannhehe alright20:23
nosrednaekimrinaldi_: you need to either mount it as root, or change the mount permissions20:23
nosrednaekimrinaldi_: change the mount permissions can be done from system settings->advanced->disks and filesystems20:23
rinaldi_nosrednaekim: ok thanks20:24
JMgood evening folks! .... Anyone know when KDE4 is going to be released? Any good web sources please?20:24
nosrednaekimJM: january 17 I think20:24
ubotuKDE 4 is the next major release of the K Desktop Environment. For more information see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KDE_4 - The Release Schedule is available at http://techbase.kde.org/Schedules/KDE4/4.0_Release_Schedule - RC 2 packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde4-rc2.php20:24
NeoFaxJM: In Jan 0820:24
DragnslcrJM- last schedule I saw was for January 1120:24
Dr_willisof 2050 :)20:25
JMbrilliant thanks peeps20:25
Schuenemannis anyone using RC2? is it stable?20:25
nosrednaekimSchuenemann: been running it for 3 weeks20:25
NeoFaxSchuenemann: I have tried it.20:25
nosrednaekimSchuenemann: rock solid20:25
Schuenemannhow's it look?20:25
Schuenemannheh cool20:25
NeoFaxIt is missing some features that 3.5.8 has, but a much better foundation I think.20:25
DragnslcrI tried it a bit. Seemed like a lot was still missing, especially in the configuration area20:26
nosrednaekimSchuenemann: looks great. but yeah, alot of things aren't configurable (yet)20:26
JMis it a good idea 2 use as a production environment or wait for a few release hence20:26
nosrednaekimJM: wait.20:26
SchuenemannI'd wait20:27
DragnslcrProduction environment?20:27
NeoFaxJM: I would wait until 4.1 for a production system.20:27
Schuenemannin his work computers :)20:27
DragnslcrLike company workstations?20:27
ardchoilleHow do I get konqueror to download a .pdf file instead of displaying it?20:27
nosrednaekimI'm only using it only because I need to be prepared to help people with it when everyone goes to it.20:27
JMprithass it ... where ur life would depend on it :o)20:27
NeoFaxardchoille: Right vlick and save as.20:27
Schuenemannnosrednaekim, you're part of the development team?20:27
DragnslcrI always think of "production environment" as servers, but I guess that's just me20:27
ardchoilleNeoFax: The right click tried to save a .php file20:27
rinaldi_nosrednaekim: im in disks and filesystems yet can't find how to change permissions...20:27
JMproduction environemnet i mean ... whwere ur life would depend on it20:28
nosrednaekimSchuenemann: not really, more of a over-dedicated community support member :D20:28
NeoFaxardchoille: Sorry, I don't know.  In firefox I use an extension for PDF's that aloows exactly that.20:28
SchuenemannJM, you use it in a hospital?20:28
DragnslcrI wouldn't think that "where your life would depend on it" would be running a generic version of Kubuntu anyway20:29
ardchoilleNeoFax: ok20:29
nosrednaekimrinaldi_: select te disk you want to mount. and select edit on the bottom of the page (you may need to be in admin mode)20:29
theunixgeekHi. I just installed the Apache server software on a Kubuntu box; how do I get it up and running now?20:29
NeoFaxDragnslcr: Why not?  Linux is just as good or better in most instances than Windows.  Especially Real Time setups.20:29
ubotuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)20:29
JMScheuenemann: of course not in a hospital env :o) .... just as a main day o day desktop env20:30
DragnslcrNeoFax- Linux != off-the-shelf Kubuntu20:30
SchuenemannJM, you're very dramatic :-)20:30
DragnslcrI would expect a place like a hospital would run a highly customized distribution20:31
NeoFaxYes, you can use OTS Kubuntu and change it how you want.  Linux is the kernel., everything else is a compilation that a distribution decides to bundle.20:31
JMyes sorry. its sunday night and ive had a bad day :o)20:31
theunixgeeknosrednaekim: I only want the A  in LAMP tho20:31
NeoFaxThere is software specifically for hospitals and I know of clinics that do use linux distros as their work environments.20:32
Schuenemannardchoille, why do you use konqueror?20:32
NeoFaxtheunixgeek: Apache is already pre-setup with a generic config.  To start it just do sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 start.20:33
theunixgeekNeoFax: thanks20:33
ardchoilleSchuenemann: It's part of kde, it's not as bloated as firefox, it doesn't have the many memory leaks as firefox, it runs faster?20:33
jpatrickSchuenemann: it rocks? :)20:33
theunixgeekNeoFax: ok. now what? like where do I put my webpage?20:33
theunixgeekNeoFax: what directory, that is20:34
ardchoillejpatrick: :)20:34
JMi read recently that Kubuntu 8.04 will not be deemed a LTS editions due to the new KDE4 being included. wonder why?20:34
Dr_willisWe talking about Opera? :)20:34
SchuenemannI think it sucks as web browser20:34
NeoFaxtheunixgeek: In /var/wwww20:34
emilsedghyes, the answer is 'It Rocks'20:34
jpatrickJM: help us develop KDE4?20:34
Dr_willisWhen in doubt take the cautious approach for LTS  editions. :)20:34
JMi cant sorry. not a developer unfortunatley otherwise i would no question20:34
NeoFaxJM: It will be a LTS distro.  The KDE4 will be an additional CD.20:34
theunixgeekNeoFax: thanks20:34
jpatrickJM: maintaining KDE3 and KDE4 versions of hardy would be hard20:35
theunixgeekNeoFax: would someone by able to access it by ip address?20:35
cheguevara__NeoFax, who sai that20:35
jpatrickNeoFax: it won't20:35
ardchoilleNeoFax: 8.04 won't be LTS20:35
JMwhat u mean take a cautious apporach? sorry should have mentioned, I'm a new linux user and want to move from vista asap20:35
NeoFaxtheunixgeek: If you open your router to point to that IP20:35
jpatrickNeoFax: because Canonical has decided not to support it20:35
theunixgeekNeoFax: what do you mean?20:35
NeoFaxcheguevara__: Jonathan Riddel on his blog20:35
Dr_willisJM,   when comming out with New products  that your company will be supporting for several years.. its good business sence to be very.. conservitive.20:36
JMdr_willis: i see thanks20:36
Dr_willisIm suprised they even put compiz in by default in Gutsy. :) but there was such a demand for the eye candy.20:36
NeoFaxcheguevara__: Check out this website:  https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/kubuntu-devel/2007-December/002066.html20:37
Dr_willisWiggly windows addiction!20:37
JMjpatrick: i see also. good point. didnt think of it like that20:37
jussi01Can we keep this to Kubuntu support? If you want to chat, please head to #kubuntu-offtopic20:38
jpatrickNeoFax: nop, Kubuntu Hardy won't be LTS20:38
JMi got compizfision working in ubuntu (cant remember how) but would love to get it working in kubuntu. can someone point me to a good site that explains all?20:38
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about lt - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi20:38
ubotuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server.20:38
NeoFaxtheunixgeek: The system you are using needs to be accesible to the internet for people to see it.  If you are behind a router that NATs your address, you will need to open the ports to forward to your system.  Also, if you want people to go to your website without using a long revolving IP, use a dunamic DNS service.20:38
ubotuKubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion20:38
=== cheguevara_ is now known as CheGuevara
executarkadaşlar kubuntu kullanıyorum bir problemim var20:45
executyardımcı olabilecek bir arkadaşım varmı?20:45
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about tu - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi20:45
ubotuTurk ubuntu kullanicilari, turkce yardim yada geyik icin #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde.20:46
NeoFaxTo all; I am sorry for the previous statement about the LTS release.  I assumed Kubuntu 8.04 would be an LTS version based off of some statements I had read on plaet.kde.org, but jpatrick corrected my assumption.20:46
nosrednaekimturkish? wouldna guessed :D20:46
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about tk - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi20:46
Schuenemann!tr | execut20:46
ubotuexecut: Turk ubuntu kullanicilari, turkce yardim yada geyik icin #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde.20:46
=== _roconnor is now known as roconnor
Schuenemannoops, someone already did it20:47
Dragnslcr8.04 was supposed to be an LTS version20:47
DragnslcrThis is actually the first time I've heard that it won't be20:47
jpatrickplease take all LTS talk to #kubuntu-offtopic20:47
intelikeyDragnslcr whence is the information "<Dragnslcr> 8.04 was supposed to be an LTS version" ?20:48
Dr_willisthe most ive heard talk about LTS in ages.. :) i wonder if anyone in here is actually running the LTS version?20:48
nosrednaekimintelikey: !!!! welcome back!!!20:48
Dr_willis:) we still suport the old lts  here at least. :)20:48
Dragnslcrintelikey- just what I kept hearing from everyone around here20:49
DragnslcrI can't remember where I first saw it20:49
intelikeynosrednaekim :)20:49
Dr_willisDragnslcr,  in #ubuntu+1 they were discussing it. and on the forums20:49
nosrednaekimhows the world of two bit color?20:50
intelikeyDragnslcr hmmm ok.    but wouldn't the place to check be the distro page ?20:50
ubotuUbuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 18 months to 5 years. More info at http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases20:50
Dr_willis5 years,, thats like.. eons! in Comptuer time. :)20:52
Dr_willis5 Years ago. where were we..20:52
jussi01Dr_willis: Please take it to Offtopic!20:52
Dragnslcrintelikey- https://wiki.kubuntu.org/HardyHeron20:52
nosrednaekimWindows ME20:52
Dr_willisOk ok.. :) has ubuntu even been around for 5 years? Time to check the book at   https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Training20:53
intelikeyDr_willis no.  but almost.20:53
Schuenemannubuntu is the best invention since the wheel20:53
intelikeySchuenemann heh. the wheel was an invention  ubuntu is and adaptation.20:54
Dr_willisand Kubuntu is the Wheel with Nice treads.. and Compiz is the Wheel with those useless spinning Hubcaps!20:54
executThis backtrace appears to be of no use.20:56
executThis is probably because your packages are built in a way which prevents creation of proper backtraces, or the stack frame was seriously corrupted in the crash.20:56
execut(no debugging symbols found)20:56
executUsing host libthread_db library "/lib/tls/i686/cmov/libthread_db.so.1".20:56
jussi01!paste | execut20:56
ubotuexecut: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)20:56
executim sory20:56
SchuenemannI don't think he'll read that20:56
intelikeyit's like fishing for improved-brim   more flounce per ounce but more work before you can eat...20:56
=== rommel is now known as vortex
=== vortex is now known as plasma1
Bardamuexecut has this message when he close kde21:02
Bardamuand he can't change the system's language21:03
intelikeyinstall the needed language pack ?21:03
=== plasma1 is now known as noctivago
intelikeyas to the "crash" i'm like the message it's writen in.   "there is no useful information there"21:04
Bardamuit's a crash of kde when he try to install needed language pack21:05
bentob0xhow do you 'disable' fonts  you have installed without deleting them?21:05
ubotuFont installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer21:05
=== noctivago is now known as Rommel
ardchoille!nickspam | Rommel21:05
ubotuRommel: You should avoid changing your nick in a busy channel like #ubuntu - it causes unrequired scrolling which is unfair on new users. The same goes for using noisy away messages : use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently - See also !Guidelines21:05
intelikeyBardamu kde4 ?21:06
=== Rommel is now known as noctivago
intelikey!ot > intelikey21:08
* intelikey was anticipating21:08
Bardamu kde 3.5.821:08
intelikeyBardamu hmmm.   and adept brings down the xserver when installing language*pack*21:09
=== noctivago is now known as Rommel
=== Rommel is now known as Noctivago
Bardamuintelikey: yes21:11
nosrednaekimhey paRaDoX21:12
intelikeyBardamu drop to a console and use    apt-get install    on the same package.  it will show any error messages that might be pertanant.21:12
paRaDoXnext version of kubuntu will use KDE 4 ?21:12
intelikeyBardamu you do know about linux console/tty  correct ?21:12
Bardamuintelikey: what is the name of language package for turkish ?21:13
intelikeyBardamu  apt-cache search turk21:13
Bardamuintelikey: i know ubuntu a litle , but yes i know about linux console/tty21:13
intelikeyshould list what's apropose21:13
paRaDoXKDE 4 in next kubuntu ?21:13
nosrednaekimpaRaDoX: yes21:14
paRaDoXnICE !!!!!!!!!21:14
intelikeypaRaDoX i'd say it depends on when kde4 is officially released relative to when the package inclusion is "frozen" for the next release21:15
intelikeyalways works to figure it that way.21:15
Bardamuintelikey: it's fixed i believe. It worked after updating the system21:16
intelikeyBardamu tov21:16
Bardamuintelikey: what does it mean "tov" ? :p21:17
BardamuOk, i'm french , thanks for your help21:18
Dr_willisFrench! Egads! :)21:18
Dr_willisSo is my brother in law..21:18
intelikeyoh.  well i started to say   "be nice"  but in that case you probably have plenty to say....21:19
Dr_willisHes a good sport about all the kidding we give him.  Of course he calls us Fat Lazy Americans. and we are all real real skinny.21:19
intelikeyflab  ^21:19
Dr_willishe got stopped for speeding.. so he dident speak any english on purpose.. he got off with a warning. :)21:19
ubotu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!21:20
* intelikey anticipated to early.21:20
Dr_willisHeh.. he IS a real French Chef also.  How sterotypical is that.21:20
Dr_williswell back to reading.21:20
Dr_willisOn a Ubuntu Topic - anyone else been reading/checking out the books at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Training21:21
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about i - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:21
BardamuUsing host libthread_db library "/lib/tls/i686/cmov/libthread_db.so.1".21:21
intelikeysilly bot.    i wish ubotu would ignore single char calls.21:22
Bardamui spoke so far , for kopete it's not fixed :p21:22
jussi01!u > intelikey21:22
intelikeyjussi01 !i  :)21:22
intelikeyjussi01 if you are a code haxor then !i is the only way you can remember to say "not me"  :)21:23
gabriel__hello, i have geforce 8800 and have the latest driver installed. Now i just need to actually active compiz fusion... but i still don't get any wobbly windows :(21:24
=== mistagee is now known as MistaGee
gabriel__what do i need to check?21:24
nosrednaekimgabriel__: you ran "compiz --replace?21:24
Schuenemannwho maintains ubotu's list of commands?21:24
gabriel__hmm i did compiz config BEFORE i installed my new gf card though..21:24
gabriel__nosrednaekim: so maybe i need to configure compiz once again?21:25
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots21:25
nosrednaekimgabriel__: maybe... you may have disabled wobbly windows.21:25
yourihello all21:25
gabriel__nosrednaekim:  wow it worked21:25
intelikeyBardamu you installed both the language-pack-tr and the language-pack-kde-tr as well as kde-i18n-tr   ?21:26
Dr_willisall bow down to the power of the Wobbly Windows!21:26
gabriel__nosrednaekim: so how do i automate that?21:26
jussi01!autostart | gabriel__21:26
ubotugabriel__: To make programs autostart with your KDE session, you can make a link to it in ~/.kde/Autostart. The package 'kcontrol-autostart' makes a kcontrol item for handling items in that directory.21:26
nosrednaekimgabriel__: you need to add compiz --replace to your !autostart21:26
intelikeyBardamu you probably want each of them.21:26
Schuenemannnosrednaekim, what does that "suggest" mean?21:27
intelikeyBardamu there is also  language-pack-gnome-tr   if you use gnome any...21:27
gabriel__aha thanks.. i thought that would be more automated :P21:27
Bardamuhm.. Ok21:27
SchuenemannYou can also suggest new factoids to ubotu21:27
nosrednaekimSchuenemann: what suggest?21:27
nosrednaekimSchuenemann: yeah, I don't know how to do that21:27
nosrednaekim#ubuntu-bots should have more info21:27
Dr_willisHow about a factoid for the Training books ... --> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Training21:27
Schuenemannnosrednaekim, there is the syntax there, I just wonder what is  that "suggest" exacly21:28
intelikeyBardamu if that doesn't get you fixed up.  maybe Dr_willis or someone can help you trubble shoot,    i have to go now.21:28
jussi01Schuenemann: start a pm with ubotu  and then do !facoid is <reply> suggestion21:28
Bardamuintelikey: ok thanks no problem excit it's gone also :p21:28
intelikeytre bon chance with it.21:28
jussi01Dr_willis: Ok, we know about the training books...21:28
Dr_willisIm trying to figure out how to order a few copies for friends at work.21:29
Bardamumerci :)21:29
Schuenemannjussi01, well, now they'll have to bother with a useless test factoid :)21:29
conrad_hey, anyone know what's up with apt-get only checking the cd for packages, not the internet?21:30
jussi01Schuenemann: please dont do that to us...21:30
Schuenemannjussi01, it was your fault. You told me to21:30
jussi01!botabuse > Schuenemann21:31
gabriel__gaah.. i can't close the adept notifier now that i'm running compiz!21:31
conrad_can you kill it?21:32
NeoFaxconrad_: Change your /etc/apt/sources.list file to add the internet based repos21:32
Schuenemannjussi01, aw, come on. I just wanted to know how the factoid was supposed to be added and you told me to add one.21:32
conrad_oh. i feel dumb, thanks neofax21:32
jussi01conrad_: or even easier, use the manage repositories in adept21:32
jussi01conrad_: just untick the cd in there21:33
=== MistaGee is now known as mistagee
conrad_ah. crazy graphical UIs!21:33
conrad_heh, didn't know about that one. thanks guys21:33
il12Is there a codec I can get for Amarok so that it will be compatible with MP3 files?21:34
jpatrickil12: install libxine1-ffmpeg21:34
NeoFaxgabriel__: In ccsm there is a extension that allows you to tell compiz what programs to not mess with.21:34
ubotuTo enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy), install 'compizconfig-settings-manager'. A new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion21:35
gabriel__ok that i have21:35
jussi01Schuenemann: no, I told you how to add one...21:35
il12so I need to find libxine-extracodecs?21:36
Schuenemannjussi01, I already knew that, it is in the wiki21:36
conrad_what's the best way to find packages? I've always been using google and apt-get install, is there a nice graphical program to do this with other than adept (too messy)?21:37
ardchoilleconrad_: open konqueror and type:  apt:/21:37
NeoFaxconrad_: sudo aptitude search xxx21:38
Dr_willisapt:/ is such a handy feture. :)21:38
conrad_yeah i've never seen that before21:38
conrad_that's awesome21:38
ardchoilleI love kio slaves21:38
Dr_williskio slaves - the overlooked neetness under kde :)21:39
Dr_williswhere did i see that list of all the kioslaves at. some setting tool.21:39
Dr_willisor was it in the help docs21:40
ardchoilleconrad_: man:/ and info:/dir  work in konq too21:40
gabriel__NeoFax: do u know what i should look for?21:40
conrad_i feel like a little kid in a candy store with apt:/, haha21:40
HirvinenWhoa! I just love KDE more and more.21:41
Dr_willisHelp Icon -> Contents --> kioslaves21:41
Dr_willishas a list of them21:41
NeoFaxgabriel__: Not exactly, as I haven't used compiz in a long time.  You can try the Place extension, but I am not 100% positive this is it.  Also, you can ask on the compiz forums.21:47
DreadKnighthey is there a way to downgrade from hardy to gutsy without actually reinstalling... ?21:56
sourcemakerNeoFax: compiz slows down the pc... :-)21:57
gabriel__ok thanks NeoFax :)22:04
michael__shalom everyone22:04
unix_infidelanyone recommend a foobar2000 clone?22:04
NeoFaxsourcemaker: That is not the reason I don't use compiz.  The reason is KDE does not work well with compiz.  Many apps just error like what gabriel is experiencing.22:04
gabriel__sourcemaker: maybe not if you have a gf 8800gt card?22:04
michael__I have a sound issue that it seems no one can resolve22:05
michael__I just switched from Suse, but it looks I may be switching back if I cant get my sound working22:05
jack1im trying to do a system upgrade via Adept; however, the "Installing the upgrades" part stays at zero22:06
jack1michael_: what is your soundchipset?22:06
michael__I hear sound in the backgroud, but masked with heavy static22:06
jpatrick!sound | michael__22:06
ubotumichael__: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP322:06
michael__yeah, I tried them links22:07
jack1im trying to do a system upgrade via Adept; however, the "Installing the upgrades" part stays at zero22:07
michael__but I'll try the 4th time22:07
jack1i should say that i don't have any internet connection problems, its just that system upgrade halts at this point22:09
jack1its really annoying.....anybody can help?22:09
ganjamaniachow can i change the CPU Gore Clock? i have ubuntu satanic edition and a core2duo22:10
ganjamaniacthe gore clock utility swears about my cpu22:10
ganjamaniaci have no glue whats wrong with this gore utility22:11
sourcemakerNeoFax: ok... I did't know...22:11
ganjamaniacmaybe intel weedstep is messed up22:12
sourcemakerNeoFax: I have only tested the performance and usability of compiz22:12
michael__is the SB Audigy es considered an 'old sound card'?22:12
biovoreAudigy was the last card from creative that worked worth 1/2 a hell..22:13
ganjamaniaci dope old stuff should work better on this system22:13
Dr_willisI have an Audigy2zs here.. runs like a champ22:14
jack1im trying to do a system upgrade via Adept; however, the "Installing the upgrades" part stays at zero and does not increase whatsoever22:14
ganjamaniacthis 3d accelerating crap cards22:14
ganjamaniaci considder a M-Audio22:14
michael__I love it, but my 7.10 hates it22:14
michael__I get sound, but the static (and background whine/buzz) makes the 'good' sound almost enaudible22:16
michael__cant make out anything22:17
michael__no one has been able to figure it out and being a newbie doesnt help matters22:17
jack1im trying to do a system upgrade via Adept; however, the "Installing the upgrades" part stays at zero and does not increase whatsoever22:18
marco__hi, if I run Kinfocenter is "empty", but I've found all the icons and programs that are in "lost & found" K menu... any clue about how to solve?22:19
michael__I have been told that upgrading that way has yet to be reliable22:19
marco__and how can I tell what package a certain program belongs to?22:19
marco__jack1 clicki details button, probably you have a question to answer22:20
marco__(maybe you installed apt-listbugs)22:20
michael__I just built a new system and I cant get 7.10 to even boot22:20
michael__looks like it will be windows only22:20
marco__jack1: I've no idea then... I just told you so because happend to me 1 hour ago22:21
jack1marco: thnx neways22:21
michael__AMD dual core 6000+, 2 gig of dual channel ram, 500 gig HD22:21
nosrednaekimmichael__: can you get to the cd menu?22:22
jack1does anybody here have NVidia MCP51 Audio Chipset?22:22
michael__(I used allot of distros) but yes I think it did get there22:23
nosrednaekimnot on this computer... but another one, I may22:23
nosrednaekimmichael__: so what did it stall on? graphics?22:23
michael__booting into kde.... ended up being just a black screen and stayed that way22:24
nosrednaekimmichael__: did you try safe graphics mode?22:25
michael__I cant remember (kinda hectic)22:26
michael__looking for the live cd now22:26
michael__found it22:28
* jinx is away: Gone away for now.22:29
=== jinx is now known as ^Jinx^
michael__this is the fastest machine I have ever seen/touched22:29
nosrednaekim!away| ^Jinx^22:30
ubotu^Jinx^: You should avoid changing your nick in a busy channel like #ubuntu - it causes unrequired scrolling which is unfair on new users. The same goes for using noisy away messages : use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently - See also !Guidelines22:30
nosrednaekimmichael__: oops sorry.22:31
nosrednaekimdid you try booting safe graphics mode?22:31
NeoFaxmichael__: Have you tried swapping the vard to a different pci slot?22:32
nosrednaekimmichael__: nothing? what graphics card?22:32
michael__onboard video22:32
michael__still trying to boot22:32
nosrednaekimwhich is....22:32
tsdgeosnosrednaekim: how does that !ping thing fit into the "about unrequired scrolling" rule?22:32
michael__nvidia  geforce 610022:33
nosrednaekimtsdgeos: sorry, I thought my internet had died, and since no-one was talking, I couldn't tell, so I did that.22:33
michael__n force 40522:33
nosrednaekimmichael__: ah.. ok, that shouldn't have problems with safe graphics mode22:34
michael__monitor power light is blinking irraticly22:34
michael__black screen22:34
nosrednaekimhmmm does "ctrl+alt+f2" show anything?22:35
maurihow to convert dvd9 to dvd522:35
michael__I'm at the command prompt22:36
ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs22:36
Dr_willisk9copy perhaps.22:36
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP322:36
NeoFaxmichael__: Try this. Soft reboot the system.  when you get to the "Starting GRUB" little blurb hit ESC to actually see grub.  Change the quiet to verbose and put -noapic -nolapic at the end and see where the kernel or X is dying.  This is one reason on install disks graphic boots should be verbose.22:36
ZombieDo any of you use LDAP Authentication?22:36
nosrednaekimmichael__: ok. soo, what you need to do is from there do "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" and select vesa for your driver(all other settings leave as deafult). then run "sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart"22:37
nosrednaekimNeoFax: this is a liveCD22:37
NeoFaxnosrednaekim: Designed as an install CD as well.22:37
maurihow to convert dvd9 to dvd522:38
NeoFaxI would have checked Xorg.0.log first to see exactly what is erroring.22:38
michael__NeoFax: dude, I'm a noob, so I have no idea what you just said      lol22:38
nosrednaekimNeoFax: ah never mind, I didn't see that one sentence of yours..:D22:38
NeoFaxmichael__: You could have done grep EE /var/log/Xorg.0.log to see where the X server is dying.22:38
nosrednaekimNeoFax: shees, where have you been for the past few months?we can use more brains like yours :D22:40
michael__it says no such file or dir22:40
michael__when I do the grep thing22:40
NeoFaxnosrednaekim: Also, I was wrong with the soft reboot as it is just a X error and not a kernel failure.  Trying to cut the leg off for an ingrown toe nail ;^)22:40
nosrednaekimmichael__: "cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | grep EE"22:40
maurihow to convert dvd9 to dvd522:41
nosrednaekimnotice that that is a pipe,not a "i"22:41
maurihow to convert dvd9 to dvd5?22:41
NeoFaxmauri: k9copy22:41
mauriNeoFax: is it able to convert also a protected dvd22:42
michael__same thing22:42
NeoFaxmauri: Should with libdvdcss installed.  Granted, if you are in a country that bans this, you will be breaking the law.22:42
NeoFaxmichael__: What did the grep show?  Please use pastebin if the error is really long22:43
mauriNeoFax: it is allowed to have a backup cpopy22:43
sigma_123if u hav dvdcss installed yes. but thats in medibuntu22:43
NeoFaxmauri: You are correct, but the DMCA forbids this in the US22:43
michael__same thing22:44
michael__no such file or command22:44
sigma_123shame poor people in the US:)22:44
__-osh-__Can someone come up with a nice/quick idea to unload all sound-related modules and then reload them again. Other than rebooting or doing it manually, one by one? They all depend on each other so it's a mess. :-/22:45
michael__I cant see where I'm typing it wrong22:45
NeoFaxmichael__: Do cd /var/log, then ls -l and look for a file that starts with Xorg.0.log22:45
NeoFax__-osh-__: Couldn't you just sudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart?22:46
mauriNeoFax: what is DCMA22:46
sigma_123osh: just restart alsa22:46
NeoFaxmauri: It is a piece of sh!t law written in the US by whore-mongering lobbyist for peon congress-people to erode my rights.22:47
__-osh-__NeoFax: I could. But it doesn't bring back the sound.22:47
sigma_123yeah that one osh. its easier22:47
__-osh-__sigma_123: It would be, if it worked. Unfortunatly it doesn't. I don't think it unloads the modules. Does it?22:47
sigma_123NeoFax: how would they know?22:48
NeoFaxmichael__: That should be a zero not the letter "O".22:48
michael__know what that might be a  zero rather than a "o", eh?22:48
__-osh-__Nope. doing an alsa-utils stop still shows all modules loaded.22:48
michael__ok, that was it then22:48
sigma_123osh: it restarts the whole sound system. why exactly do u wana do that?22:48
michael__so I just type that in there now?22:49
michael__what is the command now that I'm in the dir?22:49
__-osh-__sigma_123: I have no sound and watching a movie then is slightly dull. So I want sound. And for some reason I don't have it. :-(22:49
NeoFax__-osh-__: See with lsmod what all of the snd- modules connect to.  Normally a snd module.  Kill that by doing sudo rmmod snd(or whatever) and then sudo modprobe snd-cmipci(this is my chipset, so change for your setup)22:50
NeoFaxmichael__: cat Xorg.0.log | grep EE22:50
sigma_123osh: what card? linux is dam gud with sound. mine doesnt work on xp with drivers but works in linux just with alsa22:51
maurii'm not able to see my floppy disk mount in dolphin22:51
NeoFaxmauri: It won't you would hav to manually mount it22:51
__-osh-__NeoFax: Yeah, I've done that. I've got about 20 or so sound related modules. All depending on each other so removing one means removing a lot of others, but first I have to find one that have no dependancies and it's just too much work if this is the only way. A reboot would be both quicker and simpler in that case.22:51
michael__says this.. EE) AIGLX: screen 0 is not DRI Capable22:52
NeoFax__-osh-__: On my system bringing down the main one kills all of the others.  I don't have to do it one-by-one.22:52
__-osh-__NeoFax: Not that I think that such a simple thing as sound should need a reboot, there should be a quicker way to fix it.22:52
michael__does that mean monitor?22:52
NeoFaxmichael__: Do cd /etc/X1122:52
__-osh-__NeoFax: I'll try to find the main one then. Hang on.22:53
NeoFaxThen sudo nano xorg.conf22:53
nosredna_ekimmichael__: sorry! power outage!22:53
michael__wow, no prob22:53
Schuenemannwhat is the command to unzip?22:53
mauriNeoFax: the stange thing is that if i remove xorg.conf from /etc/X11 the floppy icon is present in the desktop22:53
sigma_123anyone here tested kde4 rc2 lately? if so how did it run?22:53
NeoFaxScroll down and look for the driver section for your video card.  It should say driver   "nvidia". Change that to "nv"22:53
ardchoilleSchuenemann: unzip22:53
nosredna_ekimSchuenemann: for a tar.gz, "tar xvzf <arvive name>"22:54
nosredna_ekimsigma_123: yes, I have22:54
__-osh-__sudo rmmod snd22:54
__-osh-__ERROR: Module snd is in use by snd_emux_synth,snd_seq_virmidi,snd_emu10k1,snd_hwdep,snd_seq_oss,snd_via82xx,snd_mpu401_uart,snd_seq,snd_rawmidi,snd_seq_device,snd_via82xx_modem,snd_ac97_codec,snd_pcm_oss,snd_mixer_oss,snd_pcm,snd_timer22:54
Schuenemannnah, it's a zip22:54
michael__NeoFax: was that sudo nano thing meant for me?22:55
__-osh-__Nope. removing snd isn't that easy... :-/22:55
NeoFaxmichael__: Yes22:55
sigma_123nosrednaekim: yeah i know u have :)22:55
nosredna_ekimSchuenemann: humm well, read the tar man age22:55
nosredna_ekimsigma_123: I can't remember who all works.22:55
Schuenemannwhat's wrong with unzip?22:55
NeoFax__-osh-__: Kubuntuism it seems.  It works fine here on Sidux.  I just tried it.  Let me look around.22:55
michael__ok there22:56
__-osh-__sigma_123: I've run kde4rc2. It's a good start. Not ready to replace 3.x-series yet, still pretty cool.22:56
sourcemakerSchuenemann: unzip is working fine22:56
NeoFaxmichael__: Do you see where the driver section is located with the nvidia string?22:56
mauriNeoFax: are you still there22:56
nosredna_ekimSchuenemann: never used that... in fact, I hardly ever use zips ;)22:56
Schuenemannsourcemaker, what does "inflating" mean?22:57
NeoFaxmauri: Does the floppy icon always show? Or is it a recent thing?  Try doing sudo mount22:57
Schuenemannnosredna_ekim, why not?22:57
__-osh-__Schuenemann: blowing up. like blowing up a life-raft.22:57
nosredna_ekimSchuenemann: becuase.... I... just don't... lol22:57
sigma_123osh: what did u find lacking in it?22:57
ardchoilleSchuenemann: Using Linux, most of the archive's one finds will be .tar, .tar.gz or .tar.bz222:58
michael__NOTE... I am on a live cd and not an install22:58
nosredna_ekimmichael__: yeah, you will be able to safe this file long enough to install it ;)22:58
Schuenemannardchoille, but, why? Isn't zip a free format?22:58
mauriNeoFax: no, no icon is shown22:59
Schuenemann__-osh-__, I know that, but, how does that suit an unzip command?22:59
ganjamaniaci hope linux will be more usable in the future22:59
sigma_123i hapen to think its more usable than windows22:59
sourcemakerSchuenemann: just use unzip filename... that's all22:59
__-osh-__sigma_123: configuration tools. polish. applicatons that work. applications that don't crash. drag-and-drop. lots of things. Still, I understand that the first version can't be "perfect" so I still say release it and let the app-devels have their time with it. It will be good eventually. KDE3 wasn't such a bit hit when it came out either.22:59
nosredna_ekimmichael__: so you found that section where it says Driver "nvidia"?22:59
ganjamaniachoundrets of installers and such crap23:00
__-osh-__Schuenemann: it means that it's expanding the files to their orginal sizes.23:00
ganjamaniaci need to toast a kernel now23:00
Schuenemannsourcemaker, I did it before and it worked, thanks23:00
ardchoilleganjamaniac: If you have a support question, then please state it. But, that kind of complain really has no place here.23:00
nosredna_ekimmichael__: very sorry! I have to go eat too... hopefully NeoFax is back soon!23:00
Schuenemann__-osh-__, oh, well, never heard that expression in uncompressing files before23:01
michael__it lists... as "Generic video card"  driver "vesa"    BusID "PCI"23:01
ganjamaniaci apologize my complains, but i am going to get crazy with my nvidia gfx card23:01
sigma_123ganjamaniac: thats what i thought as well. but it actually is more efficient than windows23:01
sourcemakerSchuenemann: Bust most unix archives are using tar, tar.gz, tar.bz223:01
ganjamaniaci don't talk about windows23:01
__-osh-__Schuenemann: well, uncompress and inflate have almost the same meaning...23:01
ganjamaniaci talk about usability, like a graphic driver setup, thats really messed up for beginners23:02
NeoFaxOK, I'm back.  Kids were misbehaving.23:02
michael__it says nothing about "Nvidia"23:02
ganjamaniacyou have to download the kernel sources and such stuff, to install a graphic driver, thats kinda na23:02
NeoFaxmichael__: OK, what does it say?  fglrx, vesa, nv, ati...23:02
sigma_123ganjamaniac: how are u trying to install it? i installed one package an my card worked perfectly23:02
michael__it lists... as "Generic video card"  driver "vesa"    BusID "PCI"23:03
ganjamaniacyeah it works perfectly , after boot it doesn't regconize the card23:03
sigma_123ganjamaniac: no u dont not 4 nvidia23:03
covererSomebody, help! Mozilla FileFox doesn't work, and if works, opens only pages previously opened in Konquerer23:03
ardchoille!nvidia | ganjamaniac have you seen this page?23:03
ubotuganjamaniac have you seen this page?: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto23:03
NeoFaxmichael__: Change that to nv instead of vesa and then CTRL-x and save the file.  Then do startx23:03
ganjamaniacthe card will not be regconized after reboot, i have to use the installer23:03
mauriNeoFax: no, no icon is shown23:04
ganjamaniaci used the installer stopping kde then sudo sh Nvidia-blah-pkg2.bin23:04
sigma_123ganjamaniac: use the glx drivers in the repo23:04
michael__how?  this looks like a read only file23:04
ganjamaniacthis drivers aren't compatible for cuda computing23:04
ardchoilleganjamaniac: You really should have used the repository package, it works.23:04
NeoFaxmauri: OK, then for it to show in dolphin just do sudo mount /dev/fd0 /media/floppy23:04
sigma_123ganjamaniac: even i cudnt do that!23:05
ganjamaniacthe driver works, until next reboot23:05
michael__just type in "nv"?23:05
ganjamaniaci saved the xconf files in the X11 dir23:05
covererWhat can be done to solve this problem?23:05
ardchoilleganjamaniac: Did you install Gutsy?23:05
NeoFaxmichael__: Replace the vesa with nv23:05
michael__lol, duhh23:05
ganjamaniacyeah a ape called gibbon23:05
Schuenemannnv or nvidia?23:05
sigma_123ganjamaniac: the glx drivers or the ones from nvidia?23:05
NeoFaxcoverer: Remove firefox and reinstall23:05
ganjamaniacof cours423:05
michael__does it matter ? (nv or nvidia?23:06
mauriNeoFax: thank, it is mounted now, but it still not exist an icon in dolhpin manager. Do you know the reason why?23:06
covererNeoFax, i did it for two time with the same result23:06
sigma_123usually the drivers only activate after a restart23:06
ganjamaniaci think the installer didn't set a path$ var23:06
NeoFaxmichael__: I don't think the LiveCD has the nvidia drivers on it23:06
ganjamaniacor something23:06
ganjamaniaci don't know whats wrong whatever23:07
sigma_123ganjamaniac: did u install the package we told u to get from the repos?23:07
ganjamaniacfirst i installed that, then i upgraded to a new driver23:07
NeoFaxmauri: In kcontrol there is a config to show mounted partitions and drives change this and it should work.  For dolphin, I am not positive, but all of the files will be in /media/floppy now.23:07
ganjamaniacbecause the repo driver doesn't support the cuda stuff23:07
sigma_123get nvidia-glx from packages.ubuntu.com23:08
michael__I have no option to save23:08
sourcemakermichael__: yes... nv is the nvidia driver... nvidia is a fallback dummy driver23:08
ganjamaniacno, i really need CUDA computing on this machine for FFT calculations23:08
michael__thanks sourcemaker23:08
ganjamaniacand the repo driver doesn't support cuda23:08
ardchoillemichael__: nv is 2d, nvidia is 3d acceleration23:08
sigma_123huh isnt nvidia the prop driver and nv the opensource one?23:08
NeoFaxmichael__: Just hit CTRL-X and then it should prompt you to save.  Type y and it will save the file23:08
sigma_123yeah thats wat i thought23:09
mauriNeoFax: sorry...where is kcontrol23:09
NeoFaxardchoille: nv does 3d as well, just not as good as the nvidia driver.23:09
michael__keep file name I guess right?23:09
NeoFaxmauri: Alt+F2 and then type kcontrol23:09
NeoFaxmichael__: YES23:09
michael__go it23:09
ganjamaniacmaybe duke nukem help me23:10
sigma_123nv dont do 3d as far as im concerned. geting ther slowly tho23:10
ganjamaniacbut duke in dn3d forever23:10
sourcemakermichael__: is wrong: nv is 3d acceleration and nvidia is 2d... I am using a nvidia graphics card... with 3D *g*23:10
sigma_123ganjamaniac: does that even work in windows?23:10
michael__I get a fatal error23:11
sourcemakermichael__: I am wrong----23:11
michael__fatal server erro actually23:11
sourcemakermichael__: nvidia is 3D :-)23:11
ardchoilleNeoFax: Ah, good to know23:11
NeoFaxmichael__: nvidia is the proprietary NVIDIA built module.  Which is the best 3d you will get on Linux.23:11
sigma_123sourcemaker: no he isnt. i play 3d games with nvidia and can barely browse my computer with jerks with nv23:12
NeoFaxmichael__: When you start X?23:12
sourcemakersigma_123: Yes...I know... I was wrong.... I already wrote23:12
michael__server is alredy running for display 023:12
sigma_123sorry missed it23:12
NeoFaxmichael__: OK, do sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart23:13
michael__if server is no long running, remove /tmp/.XO-lock and start again23:13
michael__it said no such file or dir, then restated into X23:15
michael__its looking perdy23:15
NeoFaxmichael__: Congrats!23:15
michael__thank you sir23:16
il12has anyone tried running Kubuntu from an external USB-connected harddrive? if so, how well does this work?23:16
michael__so after a install, it will reboot to x?23:16
mauriNeoFax: ok thanks23:16
Schuenemannmichael__, pray so23:16
Lispershould I add any repository to install compiz-fusion on kde (kubuntu gutsy)23:17
michael__well, I am install on a 500 gig drive with XP23:17
Schuenemannmichael__, backup your xorg.conf in case X can't be started23:17
NeoFaxmichael__: No, what you will need to do is remember after the install to change the vesa to nv again.  There is a way to do it, but it requires chrooting and such.23:17
sigma_123Lisper: no. just use the ubuntu repos23:17
Lisperso I just apt-get install compiz and I'm ready to go, right?23:18
sigma_123Lisper: instructions at help.ubuntu.com23:18
Lisperdrivers are in place23:18
NeoFaxLisper: !compiz23:18
michael__lol, I have no idea what I just did23:18
ubotuKubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion23:18
sigma_123check out the site to see which ones2install. kde needs more packages23:19
sigma_123yeah thats da link23:19
sigma_123i always 4get how2do dat23:20
noaXessis it normal that i can't create a vfat hd with 180GB?23:20
sigma_123why not ext 3 it?23:20
NeoFaxnoaXess: What is the error?23:20
sigma_123can anyone tel me wats so good bout reiserfs?23:21
LisperI'm using Gutsy so there's no need to add any repository but compiz-kde is not there23:21
NeoFaxsigma_123: Nothing now.23:21
noaXesssigma_123: i work with qtparted, i can create the vfat partition but if i format it, it says unknown fs type..23:21
michael__hey swap file should be double of your memory?23:21
michael__I forgot23:21
sigma_123oh i got that 2. giv me a sec il tel u wat to do23:22
NeoFaxmichael__: That is what I do. Some say 1.5 of your memory.23:22
michael__working with 2 gigs23:22
LisperNeoFax: could you help me a second please?23:22
NeoFaxnoaXess: Try using cfdisk.23:22
nosredna_ekimsigma_123: generally, rieser is good for a lot of big files23:22
michael__ok thanks23:22
NeoFaxLisper: OK, but I haven't used compiz in a while.23:23
sigma_123noaXcess: try clicking the format button23:23
noaXessNeoFax: okay..23:23
il12has anyone attempted to run Kubuntu from an external USB HDD?23:23
nosredna_ekimil12: yes23:23
sourcemakerNeoFax: Do you know... where I can find the .config file from the current kubuntu kernel for compiling the lastest my own?23:23
nosredna_ekimNeoFax: fixed michael__' s X?23:23
NeoFaxnosredna_ekim: I wouldn't use reiser anymore.  Ext3 has caught up and passed it. Also, it is no longer supported other than critical bugs.23:23
il12nosredna_ekim: how well has this worked for you?23:23
killer_w/o init.d how do I change the runlevel?  I'm reading upstart.unbuntu.com.. not obvious yet..and "man upstart" fails to produce on-server documentation23:23
nosredna_ekimil12: works great23:23
NeoFaxnosredna_ekim: Yes23:24
LisperNeoFax: In the help.ubuntu.com site, it says that if I have feisty I have to add  another repo, but not if I use gutsy. Still, there's no package called compiz-kde in the gutsy repo23:24
nosredna_ekimil12: as long as your computer can boot from USB23:24
il12nosredna_ekim: ty23:24
NeoFaxsourcemaker: It should be in /usr/src or in /boot23:24
sigma_123didnt that guy that designed reiser fs get charged 4the death of his russian mail order bride?23:24
il12nosredna_ekim: yes, it can, and I've got four USB ports so if I can't then there's something seriously wrong with my computer. haha!23:24
noaXesssigma_123: it won't :(23:25
nosredna_ekimsigma_123: thats pretty much the story.23:25
sourcemakerNeoFax: It's in boot thanks23:25
NeoFaxLisper: This is my own personal opinion, so take with a grain of salt.  I would use t3vno's packages for compiz.  That is what I used like 6 months ago and they were kept updated and very few problems.23:25
KkValetekKhello people :)23:26
killer_This task guesses what the "default runlevel" should be ... "guesses"??23:26
sigma_123oh well at least he finished designing the filesystem:) i didnt know people actually ordered brides off da internet. thought it was a joke. lol23:26
greythaneNeoFax: where can I find t3vno's stuff. I have use the gusty stuff without problems but are interested in checking23:26
NeoFaxgreythane: Lisper: See this:  http://forum.compiz-fusion.org/showthread.php?t=101223:27
killer_could someone highlight why event.d is better than previous runlevel controls?23:27
nosredna_ekimsigma_123: well, thats not what happened really.. but lol23:27
sigma_123he was probably framed!23:28
Lispergotta restart x23:29
sourcemakerNeoFax: Is there a difference between kernel.org and the kubuntu kernel...?23:29
NeoFaxsourcemaker: YES, very much so.  There is a big difference between distros as well.23:29
sourcemakerNeoFax: so I should install the lastest kernel?23:30
sourcemakerNeoFax:  should not23:30
sigma_123guys we are lagging. the ubuntu channel has more than 1100 people! lol. need to drum up the support somehow23:30
nosredna_ekimsigma_123: don't!I like it quiet :D23:30
NeoFaxsourcemaker: Depends on your reasons.  I upgrade to the latest as I am a updater whore.  The only real reason you should is for hardware support.23:31
sourcemakerNeoFax: The WLAN Card is not working... the problem has been solved in 2.6.23.x23:31
il12Ok, question. I want to install lastfm on my computer but when I go to do it it says an older version is open on a software channel and it's recommended to use this one since it is more likely to have support for it.23:32
killer_ok.. /etc/event.d/rc-default script guesses wrong, it starts in GUI mode23:32
sigma_123fair enough. the main message window on ubuntu. just keeps flying down. its crazy! but no fair cos they hav more devs23:32
sourcemakerNeoFax: Compiling the lastest stable version from kernel.org with the kubuntu .config.... is this safe? Or are there more kubuntu changes... in the sources?23:32
il12So do I go with the recommended and find it in a software channel (whatever this happens to be........ I am very new to this), or just go with the latest version that I've just downloaded the packages of?23:32
nosredna_ekimsigma_123: :D23:32
NeoFaxsourcemaker: That is why you should.  However, as K/X/Ubuntu does drivers differently than anyone else, I would weigh the reason before jumping down the rabbit hole.23:32
nosredna_ekimil12: you know, Amarok has full support for last.fm23:33
Dr_willisHmm anyone know of a rather simple command/tool to convert a bunch of mpg's i recordded with mythtv to somthing a lot smaller.I got a script for avidmux - but its not working. :(23:33
NeoFaxsourcemaker: Yes it is safe, but see my previous response.  There is alot of ease you give up by doing this.23:33
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about runlevel - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi23:33
nosredna_ekimDr_willis: yeah..... there is a perl script out there, forget the name23:33
sigma_123well neva fear when then see the light they'll switch to kde:)23:33
nosredna_ekimDr_willis: it was in a Linux Journal23:34
sourcemakerNeoFax: ok... well I Gentoo ... is was much easier.. to update the kernel version... ;-)23:34
il12nosredna_ekim: Ok, my apologies. I had thought it did but when I looked on last.fm it hadn't shown my playlist history even after refreshing, but it does now. Ty! sorry to bother23:34
nosredna_ekimil12: no problem :D23:34
NeoFaxsourcemaker: In every other distro it is.  K/X/Ubuntu has their proprietary deb package that kills this.23:34
Dr_willisnosredna_ekim,  heh, ok googling around a bit.23:35
Dr_willisIm niot sure why my avidmux script fails some times23:35
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about inittab - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi23:35
NeoFaxDr_willis: Why not use mencoder and use a little bash script?23:35
NeoFaxkiller_: what is the problem?23:35
sigma_123well im out. its way past bedtime:)23:36
Dr_willisNeoFax,  thats it- trying to figure out the command lines. :)23:36
NeoFaxkiller_: Ubuntu doesn't use a inittab BTW23:36
Dr_willis12 differnet tools with 10000  optuions.23:36
Dr_willisheh heh23:36
killer_problem is I installed kubuntu gutsy, then tried to edit /etc/inittab to change the runlevel23:36
killer_so now I"m lost23:36
nosredna_ekimDr_willis: and a million line long man page :D23:36
Dr_willisi can do them one at a time with Avidemux  - but for some (@*&*@&*@!@ reason the script i have some times fails.23:37
Dr_willisguessing a typo/space somthing issue23:37
NeoFaxDr_willis: Use mencoder on one to see what options you like and such and just do a loop command to loop thru each file.23:37
il12Is there a way for me to install Kubuntu onto my external HDD without having to burn it to a cd first..? I can unpack the .iso file if need be.23:37
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about persistent - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi23:37
nosredna_ekimil12: yes... there is a way.23:38
noaXessany idea, why i can't format a vfat hd.. and my system won't know it..23:38
Dr_willisNeoFax,  excet  i got no cluie what half the options do. :)  I just need them Anything smaller then the 2gb+ size each one is now23:38
Dr_willis!find transcode23:38
ubotuFound: xfonts-100dpi-transcoded, xfonts-75dpi-transcoded, gtranscode, transcode, transcode-doc (and 1 others)23:38
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE23:38
NeoFaxkiller_: K/X/Ubuntu only uses 1,2,6 and S.  3,4 and 5 are not really used.  It is a debianism they picked up.23:38
Dr_willisAha! gtranscode!23:38
nosredna_ekimDr_willis: it was the GTK curse... ;)23:38
Dr_willis!find ktranscode23:38
ubotuPackage/file ktranscode does not exist in gutsy23:39
Dr_willisi need to figure out some day how to make mythtv recode these things23:39
il12nosredna_ekim: it would install the same or a similar way without me having to format the drive? it would just partition or I could use Ubuntu to create a partition on the drive for it to use to install Kubuntu onto?23:39
nosredna_ekimDr_willis: check out mythburn23:39
sourcemakerNeoFax: Can I install only one package from the unsupported list? For example my kernel?23:39
killer_NeoFax: only concerned w/ gui/multiuser and NONgui/multiuser23:39
nosredna_ekimil12: either should work.... search google for "persistent ubuntu install"23:40
il12nosredna_ekim: alright. but, I have to ask, why 'persistent'? so that it won't give me the info for the livecd?23:40
NeoFaxkiller_: In /etc/inittab put 5 in the inittab line.23:40
killer_there is no /etc/inittab23:41
nosredna_ekimil12: no... thats a sort of installation where you can take the USB drive anywhere to any computer and it will redetect your hardware23:41
NeoFaxsourcemaker: I wouldn't.  You are asking for trouble.  However, I compile my own kernels and do away with most of the ubuntu proprietary modules crap anyway.  The reason is I only have a few modules that need the restricted modules support so compiling them by hand is easier for me.23:42
killer_NeoFax: the missing /etc/inittab is kinda what started my issues today23:42
il12nosredna_ekim: ahh, ty. sorry. I just started with Ubuntu on friday.23:42
nosredna_ekimil12: yeah... no problem :D23:42
killer_NeoFax: "man runlevel" does not explain the runlevels supported23:42
A|i3NYO anyone here know anything about using a Sprint Mogul phone with Kubuntu 7.10??!?!!?! I use it on windows for my internet and I want to use it with linux also23:43
NeoFaxkiller_: So, you have a missing inittab and are currently in kubuntu?23:43
Dr_willisHmm..  WARNING: non .avi file (we only support multiple avi files in gtranscode) Is_It_Real____2007_10_20__2_00_AM___Chupacabra.mpg23:43
michael__is it grup that is the non graphical dual boot screen?23:43
Dr_willisWonder if that means they MUST be named .avi  ... heh heh23:43
michael__I mean grub23:43
il12nosredna_ekim: will this work for an external HDD? it's 500GB and I've got 300GB+ free so I know that having room on it wouldn't be the issues.23:43
tuxwulf3Do I post questions about dolphin here? or in offtopic?23:43
ubotuDolphin, or more properly D3lphin, is the new default file manager for Kubuntu 7.10 Gutsy Gibbon. If you would like to make Konqueror your default file manager again, go to Konqueror - Settings menu - Configure Konqueror - File Associations and change the association for inode/directory and inode/system_directory to Konqueror at the top rather than Dolphin.23:43
Dr_willis:) depends on the q. heh23:43
nosredna_ekimil12: yes, the procedure is the same23:43
killer_NeoFax: yep, fresh install of gutsy23:43
nosredna_ekimil12: though I think it needs to start off empty...23:43
il12nosredna_ekim: wonderful! tyvm23:43
cahuezhiya there..!23:44
sourcemakerNeoFax: Nice to know!  So I am waiting... and waiting... and waiting... for the next kernel update from kubuntu.... :-)23:44
nosredna_ekimil12: of course... you can try to install it the normal way...23:44
nosredna_ekimsourcemaker: its not going to happen until April23:44
tuxwulf3Yes thank you but that was not the question...23:44
killer_I've been SA'ing *nix systems since 96 and found nothing missing from SysV init23:44
il12nosredna_dekim: Will it let me choose which HDD I use?23:44
sourcemakernosredna_ekim: oohh...23:44
sourcemakernosredna_ekim: that's bad23:45
nosredna_ekimil12: yes.... just don't use the automatic partitioning23:45
nosredna_ekimsourcemaker: you can download the Hardy Alpha..23:45
tuxwulf3Right. The question is how to change default views in dolphin - how to set them so they are always the same23:45
il12nosredna_ekim: and I am supposed to do this how? I'm sorry, I don't even remember -having- that option when I originally installed Ubuntu...23:45
nosredna_ekimil12: its on the partitioning step... select "manual"23:45
sourcemakernosredna_ekim: Well... using aAlpha software is not an option...23:46
il12nosredna_ekim' tyvm.23:46
nosredna_ekimil12: for safety, you can unplug your internal disc first.23:46
tuxwulf3Konversation in 710 is also ... not remembering settings, it seems...23:46
NeoFaxsourcemaker: Yes, unless you want to compile one yourself.  Since you've been on Gentoo, it should not be hard for you.  Just remember, if you need to install a kernel module package, you will have to do it yourself.23:46
sourcemakerNeoFax: ok... this should be easy23:46
il12nosredna_ekim: it's a laptop, so I'll pass on that bit. ;) I'll wait and see if I can get a USB flash/thumbdrive that's clean and try it then.23:47
NeoFaxnosredna_ekim: I thought the Hardy kernel was just one step up from Gutsy and not
nosredna_ekimNeoFax: actually.. its 2.6.24rc2!23:47
crimsunnosredna_ekim: no, it's -rc5 plus a larger delta.23:48
nosredna_ekimyeah... well <_<23:48
nosredna_ekimI'm behind a little :D23:48
NeoFaxsourcemaker: So, if this is the case, then just use Hardy's kernel.  It keeps the ubuntu ease and provides the module you need.23:49
sourcemakerNeoFax: how can I download this kernel?23:49
NeoFaxnosredna_ekim: Don't feel bad, I didn't even know they were using the .24 series ;)23:49
NeoFaxsourcemaker: Go to the hardy repos and download it then sudo dpkg -i23:49
tuxwulf3... But I guess I will ask for Konqueror back as my default file manager. Why it changed to dolphin, no idea. Bad choice23:50
NeoFaxAnd before anyone suggests adding Hardy's repo and installing from there don't!!!23:50
firecrotchI'm curious as to how the "Check CD for Defects" option on the Live CD works... can anyone shed some light on that one for me?23:51
nosredna_ekimfirecrotch: hmm I'm not sure really.23:51
NeoFaxfirecrotch: md523:51
biovoreprobably MD5 sum of the disk image23:51
firecrotchThat's what I thought, but how can you have a CD image that knows what it's own md5 sum should be?23:52
sd132is ther a way to adjust the desktop position in kubuntu?23:52
biovoreyou know what you wrote.. there on there site..23:52
NeoFaxfirecrotch: It has the md5 in a file on the cd.  The program runs md5 and then checks this against the fiel23:52
A|i3N8mogul, Kubuntu, and USB phone as modem anyone know anything bout setting it up? Using 7.1023:53
firecrotchNeoFax:  So the md5 sum is in a separate file on the CD, apart from the image?23:53
sourcemakerNeoFax: Can you give me the URL?23:54
firecrotchOkay, I think I get it....23:54
NeoFaxA|i3N8: Check this out: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=52260023:54
covererMozilla firefox opens only pages previously opened in Konqueror :(23:55
NeoFaxfirecrotch: When you burn the CD it is no longer a image.23:55
firecrotchNeoFax:  Right.  I get how it works now23:55
NeoFaxcoverer: sudo aptitude remove firefox && sudo aptitude install firefox.23:55
A|i3N8i'm new to linux kinda used kubuntu before and liked it so i dual booted it. I was SOOOOOOOO surprised when i installed it on my vista system and it resized my HD, made a partition, installed and dual booted without a hitch lol amazing23:55
jpatrickor... sudo aptitude install --reinstall firefox23:56
nosredna_ekimA|i3N8: yup :D23:56
cahuez<A|i3N8> yeap, i did it too..!23:56
nosredna_ekimA|i3N8: as for phone modems... there is a factoid around here somewhere..23:56
firecrotchA|i3N8: have you tried to boot back into vista? because when I used the kubuntu live CD to resize a vista partition, it screwed it up23:56
nosredna_ekimyeah... you should resize from within vista..23:57
Schuenemanndoes conversion to FLV to MPEG lose quality? (not sure if the question suits the channel)23:57
cahuez<A|i3N8>, are you able to boot back vista again..!?23:57
nosredna_ekimSchuenemann: to FLV to MPEG............. from what?23:57
A|i3N8yea i'm in vista now i have no internet on linux till i get this figured out and figure out how to DO it once i find the instructions hehe23:57
tuxwulf3Yup ... I never trust automatic partitioning...23:57
Schuenemannfrom FLV to MPEG, sorry23:57
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about phone - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi23:57
NickPrestaSchuenemann, the mpeg video can only be as good as it's source. FLV is (usually) pretty low quality.23:57
cahuezinside vista you can resize the ntfs parts..23:57
ubotuYou want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto23:57
sourcemakerNeoFax: Do you know the repos url ?23:58
SchuenemannNickPresta, is it as good as the source?23:58
A|i3N8so far from what i'm finding i gotta have a bluetooth adapter23:59
NickPrestaSchuenemann, basically, your (converted) mpeg video can only be as good a quality as the source video is (the FLV video). You can't get quality out of nowhere. If you want to ask more questions, #kubuntu-offtopic please =)23:59
A|i3N8I don't have dialup access hehe23:59
A|i3N8i use my sprint mogul23:59
NeoFaxsourcemaker: http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/hardy/main/23:59
A|i3N8thank you for pointing me in the right direction to search for it though :)23:59
nosredna_ekimA|i3N8: yeah... but the methods are pretty close. i'm digging up a tutorial for you23:59

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