
towliei did do but it doesnt work i manually copied the files00:00
LimCorewhat the difference  compiz -vs- beryl?  which one have most effects/is best, on nvidia, on 64bit system00:00
fwaokdai have ndiswrapper and utils 1.900:00
munimtowlie: download the tar.gz and install.. not the rpm00:00
fwaokdais it sudo ndiswrapper -i /path/to/driver ?00:00
Malachifwaodka: Go to System > Administration > Synaptics Package Manager and find ndisgtk00:00
brabbitTheEagle, join the 2600 channels or sumpfing like that00:00
nickrudLimCore, compiz-fusion (the fusion of old compiz and beryl)00:00
towliemunim, i did it didnt work00:00
TheEaglebrabbit: where can I go? i don't want to develop a malicious program/ virus just a jokey sort of program to open a cd drive from a computer of my friends00:00
Malachifwaokda: Oh, you're comfortable with a terminal. Yes, then.00:00
TheEaglebrabbit: cheers00:00
nickrudLimCore, beryl is a dead branch now00:00
fwaokdaMalachi, k thanks :)00:01
TheEaglebrabbit: what are the 2600 channels?00:01
fluxyTheEagle:Could you, by any chance, be an overzealous 14-15 year old teenager?00:01
munimtowlie: hmm.. thats strange.. it worked prefectly for me00:01
LimCoreso that that was "beryl" is now called compiz again?00:01
fluxyTheEagle: type: /list00:01
MalachiLimCore: The newest is CompizFusion (a merge between Beryl and the old Compiz)00:01
TheEaglefluxy: Well.. Im 15 years old - 16 in jan00:01
nickrudLimCore, pretty much, yes. Emerald is still around, etc00:01
munimLimCore: its called compizfusion actually00:01
TheEaglefluxy: but - whats overzealous00:01
LimCoreoki.. and ALIGX ?00:01
MalachiLimCore: Google 'compiz fusion youtube' to see the new stuff.00:01
godzirraSo does anyone know if I can open a firefox as a different user in the same X session?  Its telling me GTK can't open the display when I type "su - name firefox"00:01
MalachiLimCore: AIGLX is definitely still around, but it's not the same as compiz or beryl.00:02
fluxyTheEagle: marked by excessive enthusiasm00:02
nickrudLimCore, stll needed in your video driver, or xgl with older ati00:02
Malachigodzirra: There you used to be a "run as different user" command.00:02
Malachigodzirra: Hold on.00:02
munimgodzirra: try gksu00:02
TheEagleI wouldn't say it was excessive00:02
KoRn3earlier on i got compiz working and enabled cube desktop... although dont actually see a cube when using ctrl-alt-left mouse button00:02
Malachi(Yeah, I use gksudo firefox all the time, godzirra)00:02
TheEagleor enthusiasm00:02
Klick__hey all, i run gusty and i have a folder shared, and Im running windows XP in VMWare, and I can see the share, but whenever I try to authenticate for it using my linux user/pass it always failes, any ideas why?00:02
TheEaglei just wan't to confuse my friend00:03
serenityUKgodzirra: you need to put the username ....    gsku username firefox00:03
towliemunim did you manually copy the flsh plugin or did you use adobe's installer ?00:03
ableWhere is -lXext these days? I thought it would be in the x11proto-xext-dev package but it's not. Where is it?00:03
TheEagleI don't event wan't a career in computing at all00:03
godzirraawesome.. thats exactly what I needed... I think00:03
MalachiKoRn3: It's not enabled by default; instead you get panes.00:03
KoRn3oh right00:03
MalachiKoRn3: Go to System > Admin > Synaptic Package Manager.00:03
godzirrahmm... that didnt start firefox?00:03
munimtowlie: i used the installer which came with the archive..00:03
LimCoreso AIGLX is only for ATI users, to get needed OGL support, then used by compiz-fusion?00:03
nickrudTheEagle, no one thinks you're out to break stuff, we just simply don't discuss it here00:03
MalachiKoRn3: Search for compizconfig-settings-manager00:03
=== brabbit is now known as B-rabbit_
munimtowlie: probably you didn't put the right path... /usr/lib/firefox00:03
FluxDHi, I have installed vncserver on a remote machine. I can connect fine. But the screen appears blank. What could be wrong?00:03
TheEagleim just a normal teenager from the uk - likes socialising, music, and stuff00:04
KoRn3thanks Malachi00:04
TheEaglenickrud: thanks - where can I go?00:04
godzirraIts /usr/bin/firefox... and no, that still didn't start it.00:04
nickrudLimCore, no, aiglx is a requirement at the driver level, since older ati don't support it, you'd need a special xserver running00:04
fluxyTheEagle: Let's allow these people to do their job (helping each other). This room isn't for small talk. Impress yourself, do something nice (http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Wikibooks:Programming_languages_bookshelf)00:04
MalachiKorn3: Then check preferences for an "Advance Desktop Settings" item00:04
TheEaglenickrud: someone mentioned the 2600 channels but I don't have a clue what they are00:04
munimgodzirra: hmm.. really don't know.. worked perfectly for me00:04
marek_may i have someones atention please00:04
godzirraahh there we go.00:04
godzirragksu -u name firefox00:04
nickrudTheEagle, google will be your friend there00:04
TheEaglethanks alot nickrud00:05
fluxymarek: you don't ask for attention, you simply say/ask what you need to.00:05
Malachitheeagle: If it makes you feel any better, I'm learning Python this very minute.00:05
godzirrahrm... it worked on my computer, but on my wifes laptop it still said it can't open the display...00:05
fluxyMalachi:and me c# =)00:05
hsteveplease what folders can i assign my program to start in the application window00:05
hsteveon startup00:05
kikwhat is the ubuntu/debian way to add a plugin in vim?00:05
Malachifluxy: I'm new to programming. Completely fresh.00:05
TheEaglewhat would you reccomend - C++ or C or Python00:06
munimgodzirra: just try starting the installer with sudo.. might work00:06
taconesomeone knows how to enable glade integration in anjuta ?00:06
towliemunim, ok i got it working thanks00:06
TheEagleI can use visual basic very well but its soo shite and doesn't let you do "fun" stuff00:06
fluxyMalachi: I don't like python (indentation stuff). I did a school project in vb.net so c# is great for me00:06
TheEagleits microsoft all over00:06
Zoe_TheEagle, python is an easier language to start with than C or C++. you might also want to look at perl or java as decent starter languages00:06
Malachitheeagle: Python.00:06
marvin4Enter text here...hi00:07
fluxyTheEagle: there's lot of vb stuff in ubuntu00:07
robdighsteve: system->preferences->sessions00:07
B-rabbit_TheEagle, i would recommend perl00:07
TheEaglefluxy: really?00:07
nickrudPerl? A starter language? What are you trying to do, scare him off?00:07
hsteve:) yikes00:07
munimTheEagle: windows forms applications in vb00:07
serenityUKZoe_: perl is a nightmare lol.. not for feint hearted00:07
kyu_fluxTheEagle: ruby!!00:07
towlieidont see a trash icon or a link to my home folder on my desktop. how do i enable it00:07
kyu_fluxsorry, I just had to throw it out there00:07
TheEagleye nicktrud - i started with it ages ago and i didn't like it one bit00:07
munimtowlie: you can add the trash applet to any panel00:07
Zoe_if you stick to the basic procedural content and stay away from regex, perl is super easy00:08
fluxyTheEagle: gambas (for vb6 style code) and monodevelop (for vb.net style)00:08
taconeI don't know how to enable glade integration in anjuta. anyone ?00:08
Malachifluxy: Yeah, I want to learn C# so I can work on Gnome Do.00:08
Zoe_of course, it's not worth anything without regex00:08
fwaokdamy wireless is titled eth1 instead of wlan0 how do i fix this so i can get it working?00:08
Malachifluxy: But that's some time away.00:08
B-rabbit_Zoe_, i agree00:08
nickrudTheEagle, I started with forth, I've sworn off all obfuscated dialects ever since00:08
KoRn3php might be a good intro to some basics00:08
godzirramunim: yeah.. its still telling her GTK can't open the display.00:08
serenityUKtowlie: look here is a turorial http://www.onderstekop.nl/articles/116/00:08
godzirraboth methods work fine on my setup.00:08
fluxyMalachi: I wanted to contribute to the MonkeyMessenger project. I got some more way to go tho00:08
TheEaglewell... which is the easiest to learn - and is most useful to use and to start learning another language with00:09
TheEagleand quickest to learn00:09
nickrudpython, TheEagle00:09
kikTheEagle: python and ruby00:09
serenityUKtowlie: that link shows you how to add MyComputer Icons home and trash to desktop00:09
TheEaglei read somewhere that ruby isn't used much at all anymore00:09
towlieok thanks00:09
fluxyTheEagle: I'd highly recommend learning vb.net00:09
=== rbs-tito_ is now known as rbs-tito
Zoe_TheEagle, quickest and easiest to learn? LISP. but it's in no way the easiest to get good at :)00:09
marvin4 i want speak freind   in  msn  my  email  love24_911@hotmail.com00:09
TheEaglei already have - well i kinda taught myself00:09
kikTheEagle: ruby is a bit harder, because of OO, but it has the advantage to lead to ruby on rails00:09
munimTheEagle: IMO, you can start with C00:10
fluxyTheEagle: ruby is a cool language but I don't like interpreted languages except for server side langs like php (my first love :P )00:10
TheEaglefluxy: can i learn vb.net on ubuntu - i thawt it was microsofts language00:10
TheEagleyes - i like php00:10
MalachiTheEagle: In summary, no one can tell you where to start. Make your choice and go.00:10
kyu_fluxTheEagle: if you choose Ruby, you'll get a kick out of reading Why's (Poignant) Guide to Ruby00:11
serenityUKZoe_: i do hardcore C++ template  but when i see perl do  something((;%^$£"££^>{>$))}  my breain hurts lol00:11
fluxyTheEagle: There are implementations of opensource .net framework00:11
kyu_fluxTheEagle: it was one of the more entertaining programming books that i've ever read00:11
LimCoreTheEagle: C is for geeks00:11
kikfluxy: i prefear C too, for sure, but i'm not sure managing pointer is a good point to start with :)00:11
serenityUKZoe_: brain*00:11
LimCoreTheEagle: C++ is good all purpose00:11
MalachiTheEagle: And by go I meant dive in and don't give up.00:11
fluxykik: i wanted to learn C but i got bumped at this point too lol00:11
LimCoreTheEagle: but python/rubby/etc is also nice, and other approach00:11
TheEaglethanks! i have an endless supply of languages to choose from!00:11
Zoe_serenityUK, lol, that's a great example of why everbody hates perl, and people keep using it :)00:11
fluxyTheEagle: I'd recommend C#00:11
LimCorefluxy: pure C is usually quite waste of time00:11
TheEaglehow long does it take to learn a language?00:12
kikfluxy: search on the net for pointer_is_fun.avi ;)00:12
marvin4 i want freind  girl00:12
LimCoreC is for geeks,  C# for MS bitches,  I recommend C++ obviously00:12
TheEagleor how long can it take to learn C++00:12
fwaokdahow can i get my wireless to go from eth1 to wlan0 ?00:12
munimTheEagle: if its your first attempt, it will take a while..00:12
TheEagleand python00:12
Malachimarvin4: What?00:12
McPeterhi ..00:12
MalachiI smell a troll.00:12
TheEaglemunum: how longs "a while"00:12
fluxyLimCore: am young, wanted to learn my computing history to become a real full fledged geek lol00:12
LimCoreTheEagle: year to be good, in any modern lan00:12
McPetermamat_, read your pv :)00:12
serenityUKTheEagle: about 5years00:12
MalachiThanks, PriceChild.00:12
LimCorewell with any language you always continue to learn00:12
munimTheEagle: it took me a month to understand c++ my first language00:12
kikfluxy: http://fr.youtube.com/watch?v=6pmWojisM_E00:12
TheEaglemuni,: thanks alot - where did you learn c++?00:13
fluxykik: thx am on it ;)00:13
taconeanyone using anjuta and glade here ?00:13
verb3kfluxy, c will soak your time00:13
LimCoreTheEagle: you want to be a lamer C++ developer, or real C++ developer?00:13
wolsmunim: lies make baby jesus kill a kitten. so don't do it00:13
munimTheEagle: school! in indian system of education, they teach you when you are 16 years old00:13
LimCoreTheEagle: if you dont want to be lame C++ devel, then learn  std and boost libs00:13
TheEaglewell... i want to learn it as a hobby00:13
fluxyTheEagle: if u come from vb background, i'd recommend vb.net/c#00:13
fluxyTheEagle: easier00:13
LimCorevb is for retards00:13
fwaokdahow can i get my wireless to go from eth1 to wlan0 ?00:13
atarinoxok, so I tried to boot the livecd, made sure my boot order was set to cd first, then it just seemed to read the disk a bit, and take a reallllly long time to boot into feisty. Why would you think this install disk is giving me so much trouble? bad burn?00:13
Zoe_TheEagle, or java00:14
wolsfwaokda: what?00:14
LimCorefluxy: use IE 6.00:14
TheEagleis java like JSP?00:14
fluxyam in for c# tho00:14
wolsTheEagle: jsp = java server pages00:14
rainwalkeratarinox: live cd can be really low, especially if you have a slow drive00:14
TheEaglebecause I read half a book about JSP and it sounded kinda fun00:14
fwaokdawols, my wirless is classified as eth1 and it needs to be wlan0 or whatever so it'll work00:14
TheEagleyes i know that wols00:14
LimCorefluxy: use IE 600:14
fluxyand .net framework makes life a lot easier for programmers00:14
TheEaglebut is it exactly the same language00:14
B-rabbit_TheEagle, plz join the ubuntu-offtopic channel....cause this is the ubuntu support channel, this channel is not ment for general conversations00:14
wolsfwaokda: that's wrong. it doesn't matter what its named. ever00:14
atarinoxrainwalker: I let the boot run it's full course though...just seemed to eventually boot off the hard drive00:14
vincenzTheEagle: start with a language like: python, lua or scheme00:14
Zoe_TheEagle, they are somewhat related00:14
verb3kTheEagle, C++ will soak your time, try python or shell scripting first until you learn the concepts...00:14
LimCorefluxy: use IE 6,  microsoft's quallified browser makes life much easier00:15
* wols agrees with vincenz 00:15
fluxylolz no thx00:15
vincenzpython, lua or scheme are all good beginner languages with al ot of poewr so they're -not- only beginner languages00:15
fwaokdawols, i think b4 i used two commands: sudo modprobe ndiswrapper && sudo depmod -a00:15
TheEagleok ill learn python first00:15
atarinoxrainwalker: should I disable harddrive boot altogether?00:15
fwaokdawols, i dont know if those commands are correct though00:15
TheEaglei need help - how can i install python00:15
serenityUKatarinox: if you press F6 at boot options and delete the word 'splash' it will hide the logo so you can read any error messages.. also small ram slows it down 128mb is impossible with livecd00:15
taconeTheEagle: python is better for an hobbist :-)00:15
LimCorefluxy: well you recommend C# and VB, so, since you are a noob, you might as well use IE 600:15
vincenzTheEagle: sudo apt-get install python00:15
rainwalkeratarinox: I don't know...but I wouldn't recommend it00:15
* verb3k slaps LimCore for promoting IE00:15
TheEagleand how do i compile?00:15
fluxyLimCore: not coz am a noob coz I understand that guy00:15
* LimCore hands verb3k a wikipedia article on sarcazm00:15
vincenzTheEagle: you don't need to00:15
vincenzTheEagle: just start 'python'00:16
wolsfwaokda: sequence is wrong. and you only need to do depmod -a once ever00:16
B-rabbit_TheEagle, when did you install ubuntu?00:16
fwaokdaso do the second then the first?00:16
TheEagleB-rabbit_: erm.... 2-3 weeks ago00:16
nickrudTheEagle, it's already installed, install diveintopython for a book, it'll be in /usr/share/doc/diveintopython00:16
* verb3k didn't know that LimCore was making an irony and therefore apologizes to him :)00:16
shawnHello, I'm trying to use a monitor on my Desktop with Ubuntu and I get a blank screen after logging in, but the login splash screen looks fine.  Also, I get an error when I try to use mplayer in the terminal:00:16
shawnvo: couldn't open the X11 display()!00:16
shawnHello, I'm trying to use a monitor on my Desktop with Ubuntu and I get a blank screen after logging in, but the login splash screen looks fine.  Also, I get an error when I try to use mplayer in the terminal:00:16
B-rabbit_TheEagle, ok...i would highly recommend learning the basic terminal command's first...before you start doing anything :)00:17
TheEagleB-rabbit: ok00:17
voshawn: ?00:17
fluxyTheEagle: go there: http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Wikibooks:Programming_languages_bookshelf00:17
vooh video output00:17
fluxyTheEagle:make ur choice and get started. enuf said.00:17
vincenzwols: I could tell him to learn Haskell :)00:17
shawnsorry vo00:17
atarinoxshould I be able to run the wubi-cdboot.exe file on the CD?00:17
TheEagleive made my choice00:17
serenityUKverb3k: that's why we have smilies.. his fault not urs00:17
TheEagleso python requires no compiling?00:17
vincenzTheEagle: no00:18
TheEaglewell, how does that work?00:18
fluxyinterpreted language00:18
TheEagleif i want to create a PROGRAM in python?00:18
munimTheEagle: its an interpreted language00:18
TheEaglewhats one of those00:18
MalachiSince we're way off topic and talking about programming, after you know the basics, what's the best way to practice?00:18
PhopsyHi all, I'm trying to back-up my hard-drive data from a Live CD but it claims some contents of my HDD are unreadable - is this a permissions thing, or is my HDD likely to be corrupt?00:18
* wols mentions psyco and pypy00:18
vincenzMalachi: by practicing :)00:18
nickrud!ot | TheEagle you should talk about this there00:18
ubotuTheEagle you should talk about this there: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!00:18
* fluxy bangs his head on the table00:18
vincenzTheEagle: I suggest asking on #python00:18
Malachivincenz: I mean, are there any good challenges or such? If it were a class, I'd learn quicker for the grade. But since it's not...motivation?00:19
LimCoreTheEagle: noobs prefer php, vb, etc;   It's like crack, awesome at first but then makes you misserable;    Pro use C++ (with std/boost!!) or java (both are simmilar);   less simmilar but also good are python,rubby   totally other approach but also good-excelent for some tasks  are functionall: haskel, erlang00:19
TheEaglehow do i add a new channel to XChat on ubuntu00:19
nickrudMalachi, recreate a program you like00:19
fluxywikipedia and google are great tools. USE them00:19
LimCoreTheEagle: C# is C++ for microsoft biatches, basicly00:19
B-rabbit_TheEagle, join the #python channel00:19
PriceChildTheEagle, /join #nameofchannel00:19
vincenzMalachi: well, depeds what sort o things you want to make00:19
serenityUKPhopsy: try  clonzilla  http://clonezilla.sourceforge.net/  it's a rescue CD meant for macking up partitions00:19
TheEaglethanks PriceChild00:19
serenityUKPhopsy: backing*00:19
TheEaglewill it open a new node? or will i lose this channel00:20
Malachinickrud: Another thing. How soon before I start Python + GTK?00:20
fluxynew node00:20
vincenzMalachi: do you wish to play with guis, then recreate some gui-program, do you want to learn about algorithms, then try some algorithm problems00:20
MalachiTerminal stuff kind of bores me, but I'm sticking with it.00:20
PhopsyserenityUK: Thanks. Is there anything else you could recommend?00:20
Malachivincenz: Ah, I see.00:20
fwaokdahow do i update my nvidia drivers?00:20
nickrudMalachi, as soon as you feel you have the basics down, how much experience you have in other programming.00:20
vincenzHow do I get more lines in my console?00:20
Malachinickrud: Zilch.00:20
PriceChildfwaokda, what's wrong with the ubuntu ones currently being used?00:20
MalachiJust spent two days on python, nickrud.00:21
fwaokdaPriceChild, studdering...00:21
PriceChild!offtopic | Malachi00:21
ubotuMalachi: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!00:21
nickrudMalachi, couple months at a 4 hours a day then00:21
fluxyTheEagle: http://www.irchelp.org00:21
MalachiPriceChild, yeah. I know. It's just, we were on this subject.00:21
vincenzI would suggest following, I think it was Norvig's, path00:21
vincenzLearn how to program in 10 years :)00:21
MalachiPriceChild, scroll up.00:21
* nickrud zips mouth00:21
serenityUKPhopsy: it's a bit hard without more info.. the livecd shoudl be enough00:21
EADGvincenz: increase your resolution and use a smaller font, ter-114b or lat15-vga8 for example.00:22
vincenzEADG: I mean terminal console, not in X00:22
shamashi guys, I can't seem to play MP3's in ubuntu00:22
shamascan anybody help?00:22
Malachivincenz: I'm 83... I don't have that long.00:22
PhopsyserenityUK: It should be, it just claims the contents of some folders in my /home/phopsy directory aren't readable, but fsck claims they're not broken00:22
fluxyshamas: install ubuntu-restricted-extras in Add/Remove00:22
munimshamas: download the codecs...00:22
TheEaglei am trying to join #python but i get this "#python :You need to be identified to join that channel"00:22
ubotuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs00:22
EADGvincenz: Yep, cli for me too, rarley use X myself.00:22
AutoMatriXHi folk, which programs should I use to 'voice control' my tablet pc ?00:23
MalachiTheEagle: You'll have to register, then.00:23
vincenzEADG: so how do you do that, then?00:23
MalachiAnyways, I'm off. And I'm not really 83.00:23
nickrud!register | TheEagle00:23
TheEagleMalachi: and how do i do that00:23
Malachinickrud just told you.00:23
serenityUKPhopsy: are you sure its not permissions.. have you tried using sudo?00:23
ubotuTheEagle: By default, only registered users can send private messages - Information about  registering your Freenode nick can be found at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration00:23
xenthrohello... im looking for a bandwidth monitor that can tell me my upload/download over the period of a month, any suggestions?00:23
TheEaglesorry - it took a while to come up00:24
nickrudTheEagle, send pm's means identify it this case00:24
EADGvincenz: join #eadg and I can walk ya through it.00:24
TheEaglenickrud: sorry, i don't understand00:24
* vincenz kicks his 'k' ke00:24
nickrudThecks, go to that page in the link, it'll walk you through00:24
dan_I have just mounted /dev/hda1 to /media/hda1 and /dev/hdb1 to /media/hdb1, how can i get them to appear in the Computer Section/On my desktop?00:24
nickrudTheEagle, go to that page in the link, it'll walk you through00:25
TheEagleok cheers00:25
Thecksnickrud: I wondered why I got pinged :P00:25
PhopsyserenityUK: *red face* Whoops. Some of the folders were accessible, is what confuzzled me.00:25
nickrudThecks, sorry, was hoping you were away :)00:25
shamasfluxy, I did that it's still not working...00:26
scragardan_: you could create a link to the directory for the mount locations, but unmounting won't remove the links..00:26
fwaokdaanyone here can help me set up my wireless? I've got the driver installed in ndiswrapper and everyathang...00:26
dan_scragar: i had mount-on-boot problems, i have now fixed them, but have yet to reboot, would a reboot with a fixed fstab file show them in the computer section?00:27
scragardan_: fstab works in real time, so I doubt it00:27
dan_scragar: if i pastebin-ed my fstab file, could you please check it?00:27
scragardan_: if you've edited your fstab just umount then mount them again, that'd proberly fix it00:28
shawnHas anyone had problems with Ubuntu hanging after login screen on a Dell Dimension 2400?00:28
fluxyshamas: which program you are using? (totem should be working fine - try using the 'gstreamer' filter in the Add/Remove program and see if the ones u need are installed)00:28
shamasfluxy, I'm using xmms00:29
scragardan_: oh, and yeah, pastebin it and I'll take a look.00:29
munimshamas: i think its xmms2-plugin-mad00:29
dan_scragar: i tried that, i got a error on umount: "/dev busy, /var/run busy & / busy" on mount -a i hear the harddrive thinking, but nothing happens, i get a print of the output as such: http://recoding.pastebin.org/1256900:31
adamif i were to ask a question about Mint, would i recieve support?00:31
PriceChildadam, #linux-mint or #linuxmint (i forget which)00:31
adamPriceChild, was only asking ^^00:31
serenityUKadam: mint is basically unbuntu it's ok to ask most things00:32
adamserenityUK, cause gentoo users didnt want to help me with sabayon00:33
* ArtistePorno ▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ █ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ █ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ █ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ █ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ █ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ █ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ █ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ █ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ █ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ █ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ █ ▀00:34
* LaMuncBa ▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄â00:34
* Dj_amtzu ▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█â00:34
* MarshMa ▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█â00:34
* Ti-aiTaiat ▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█â00:34
* GrupaMica ▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ █ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ █ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ █ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ █ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ █ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ █ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ █ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ █ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ █ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ █ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ █ ▀█00:34
* PahareBUrt ▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ â00:34
* ra34 ▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ █ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ █ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ █ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ █ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ █ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ █ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ █ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ █ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ █ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ █ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ █ ▀█▀▄▄00:34
* DrogatuGG ▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ █ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ █ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ █ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ █ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ █ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ █ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ █ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ █ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ █ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ █ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ █ ▀█00:34
* CellO2130 ▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ █ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ █ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ █ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ █ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ █ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ █ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ █ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ █ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ █ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ █ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ █ ▀█00:34
* norocel27 ▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ █ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ █ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ █ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ █ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ █ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ █ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ █ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ █ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ █ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ █ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ █00:34
* Alxx_buc` ▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█â–00:34
* W0LcUp ▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀â–00:34
* Facishow ▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄â00:34
* Adrian^34 ▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█â–00:34
* Dur3xu ▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄â00:34
* salomeea ▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█â00:34
* RadeMata ▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄â00:34
* no_ident ▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄â00:34
* ROERT_36 ▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█â00:34
* Ddi2004 ▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█â00:34
* roana-_ ▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ â–00:34
* amTotCEAm ▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ █ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ █ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ █ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ █ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ █ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ █ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ █ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ █ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ █ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ █ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ █ ▀█00:34
* ENemultumit ▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀â00:34
* GhiaraM ▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀â–00:34
* MarshMa ▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█â00:34
* Ddi2004 ▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█â00:34
* no_ident ▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄â00:34
* ENemultumit ▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀â00:34
* Ddi2004 ▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█â00:34
* MarshMa ▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█â00:34
* PahareBUrt ▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ â00:34
* ENemultumit ▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀â00:34
* no_ident ▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄â00:34
* luci10 ▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ █ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ █ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ █ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ █ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ █ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ █ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ █ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ █ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ █ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ █ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ █ ▀█▀▄▄00:34
* NetSpliter ▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ █ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ █ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ █ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ █ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ █ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ █ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ █ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ █ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ █ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ █ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ █ ▀█▀00:34
* CePRstE ▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄â00:34
* BazZZuKaBoy ▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█â–00:34
* NuSpunea ▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀â–00:34
* PahareBUrt ▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ â–ˆ â00:34
* NetSpliter ▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ █ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ █ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ █ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ █ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ █ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ █ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ █ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ █ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ █ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ █ ▀█▀▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ █ ▀█▀00:34
nickrudFloodBots to the rescue00:34
scragardan_: what I meant by umount was to just umount your two partitions that were causing the trouble: "umount /dev/hda1 /dev/hdb1" -- "umount -a" unmounts everything it can, which is the reason for your error.00:34
* vincenz wonders00:35
ubotuNOTICE - There is a lot of traffic in this channel at the moment. Please try to keep your sentences into a single message, avoid repeating the same question multiple times, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org for pasting, remember to mention the nickname of the person you're addressing, and join #ubuntu-offtopic for anything that is not Ubuntu support. Thank you for understanding!00:35
=== gouki_ is now known as gouki
Zoe_ok, ubuntu boots into a black screen, any suggestions?00:37
Pici!feeding the troll00:37
ubotuThe above mess was caused by someone who thought it was funny (they're gone now). Please ignore it completely, since discussing it and making a fuss will only make them think they've reached their "fun" goal.00:37
x_linkI just upgraded to the latest nvidia-driver and I guess my kernrel was upgraded to.00:37
x_linkBut now my sound doesn't work. I use an integrated soundcard.00:37
munimZoe_: try reconfiguring xorg00:37
PeloZoe_, boot the recovery mode and reconfigure X ,   sudo dpkg-recongure xserver-xorg00:37
x_linkAbit KN9S nForce 550 AM2 is the motherboard that I use.00:37
x_linkCan somebodu PLEASE help me with this?00:37
PurpZeYAnyone have any experience with USB Bluetooth Adapters/Dongles?00:37
dan_scragar: still no luck :( here is a pastebin of my fstab and the fdisk -l, http://recoding.pastebin.org/1257100:38
linxuz3rmy computer is making noise like its coming from a fan. i unplugged the fan but the noise is still there. it seems that the cpu is making the noise. what could be the cause of this?00:38
x_linkMy speaker next to the clock looks like that.00:38
PeloPurpZeY, specific questions are more likely to get you answers00:38
linxuz3rmy computer is making noise like its coming from a fan. i unplugged the fan but the noise is still there. it seems that the cpu is making the noise. what could be the cause of this?00:38
nickrudlinxuz3r, your cpu fan maybe?00:38
munimlinzuz3r: don't unplug your cpu fan.. it will heat up!00:38
linxuz3rits not the fan00:38
Pelox_link, check in menyu > system > admin < users ,  make sure your user has permission to use sound devices00:39
PurpZeYPelo: I am familiar with the protocol...I am really just looking to see if anyone knows a model that works well, I looked at the supported hardware list and it is rather small given what's out there, leads me to believe maybe it's out of date and there's other stuff that works00:39
linxuz3rwell i just tried to unplug it to dtermine whats the problem00:39
scragardan_: why don't you have anything set to mount to / ?00:39
munimlinxuz3r: probably some parts of your cpu are loose... tighten the screws up00:39
PeloPurpZeY, vesa should get you going , at least until you can figure something better00:39
nickrudlinxuz3r, maybe the bits are trying to escape?  (sorry, not a clue :)00:40
x_linkPelo: I'm in system now, but I don't find Admin?00:40
* Pelo wishes the ops would stop playing around with the bots00:40
Pelox_link, gnome or kde ?00:40
dan_scragar: i had a number of problems with it when i installed ubuntu, this is the best copy of the file i could find, if it is incomplete i am not suprised, could you please help me to fix it?00:40
* nickrud thinks Pelo shouldn't talk about them like they're 'other'00:40
PurpZeYPelo: Well, my intentions, hopefully are to add a blue tooth pointing device (Wiimote), but my laptop doesn't have blue-tooth, so I was looking for a model that would serve that function....00:40
x_linkPelo: KDE00:41
fluxyanyone knows how to edit mime entries in ubuntu? (like .docx from 'application/archive' to 'application/msword')00:41
scragardan_: for the moment run "mount" without any arguments to find out what is mounted where, pastebin it if you need help00:41
Pelox_link,  I don't know where to find the user permissions settings in kde, sorry,  you'll have to figure that part out on your own,  but usualy when you don'T get the volume control icon it is because your user does not have permission to use sound devices,  it is easily corrected,  if you know where to look00:42
linxuz3rthe noise is comming from the cpu00:42
Zoe_ok, after running dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg, it still boots into a black screen. any suggestions?00:42
x_linkPelo: Okey, thanks anyway.00:42
nickrudx_link, the people on #kubuntu probably could help00:42
PurpZeYPelo: Of course, I don't just want to go out and buy a USB/Bluetooth dongle w/o knowing if there's compatibility, so that's why I ask a general question00:42
x_linknickrud: They couldn't00:42
estethWow. Someone should advertise alt-F1 for menu more readily. I just chanced upon it, but wow! that gives me lots more panel space :)00:42
nickrudZoe_, how long do you wait for the X screen to come up?00:42
nickrudx_link, I was thinking about the permissions00:43
dan_scragar: this? /dev/hdb2 on / type ext3 (rw,errors=remount-ro)00:43
Zoe_nickrud, it's been about 1 minutes now. already had the sound cue for logon00:43
SomeName9929Hello. Are there any good ways to, in Ubuntu, convert video so that I can play it on my iPod?00:43
PeloPurpZeY, sorry, my last reply was not for you, I got confused, old age and lack of medication and all that , sorry00:43
x_linknickrud: Okey.00:43
phracSomeName9929: check out ffmpeg00:43
dan_plan b, i'll pastebin00:43
x_linkWell thanks alot anyway!00:43
x_linkGood Bye00:43
scragardan_: right, so you should edit fstab to set /dev/hdb2 to /, boot will fail without that :P00:44
nickrudZoe_, oh, that one. I did sudo dpkg-reconfigure -pcritical  xserver-xorg to get a true default.00:44
PurpZeYPelo: No worries, I figured Vesa wasn't....I was just looking to see if anyone had experienced one particular one working, or if there was a forum thread00:44
dan_scragar: thanks for saving my life :P00:44
nickrudZoe_, can you ctl-alt-f1 and get a console terminal?00:44
Ljorringplux: Im having trouble connecting to the NXT... could you give me a hint somehow, or is everything forgotten? xD00:44
Zoe_nickrud, yes, there right now00:45
estethSomeName9929: Yes. the ffmpeg command line tool should do it, and there should in theory be some GUIs for this task somewhere?00:45
Zoe_whats the -pcritical switch do?00:45
wyIs fdisk to old to be used to partition hds?00:45
dan_scragar: this is a pastebin of the mount output, and the modified fstab, please check, thankyou for your help :) http://recoding.pastebin.org/1257300:45
nickrudZoe_, it recreates your xorg.conf as if you were on a fresh install00:46
nickrudZoe_, asks zero questions00:46
Zoe_nickrud, this is a fresh install00:46
fluxySomeName9929: See the Add/Remove list. there is ireverter, altho i have never tried it myself00:46
munimfluxy: try looking at this: http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Specifications/AddingMIMETutor?action=show&redirect=Standards%2FAddingMIMETutor00:46
nickrudZoe_, what kind of video card do you have?00:46
Zoe_nickrud, nvidia geforce 7300 gt x200:47
=== N1pp00 is now known as Nippoo
scragardan_: you have /dev/hdb2 mounted twice...00:47
fluxymunim: thanx a lot00:47
nickrudZoe_, that should work straight out of the box with the normal nv driver. If it doesn't I'm not sure what your problem is. I don't have much experience with nvidia00:47
munimfluxy: no problem :-000:47
ConstyXIVanyone using a twitter client in ubuntu that they like?00:48
askandHrm how do I tell a bashscript to run the second command after a program starts and not as soon as the command to start the program is done?00:48
munimConstyXIV: i use twitter via IM from pidgin00:48
Zoe_nickrud, I've had a lot of problems with these cards before. before gutsy, I would have to run envy after every kernel update. now, no envy and they seem to hate me00:48
dan_scragar: my computer is funny like that..or is it the operator.. :( i hate it when i break things00:48
bulmeraskand-> check the exit status of the 1st script or command00:48
Piciaskand: man sleep00:48
Zoe_trying it with nvidia-glx now00:49
nickrudZoe_, if envy worked, then try editing /etc/X11/xorg.conf and replacing nv with nvidia00:49
scragardan_: first thing I'd do would be to reorder fstab to put /dev/hdb2 at the top, that way your sure it mounts first. then I'd proberly restart to get rid of your double, should also make the disk options appear on your desktop.00:50
Jahootyare there tools to recover files from an ntfs partition on a drive that's been formatted over with ext3 without needing to make an image first?00:50
thedoorPriceChild,  now its ok?00:51
PriceChildthedoor, yes00:51
dan_scragar: okay, i can do the first bit, but how do i enable disc options on desktop? [new to this stuff]00:51
thedoorPriceChild, can u help me?00:51
scragardan_: should work automaticly(did for me)00:51
dan_scragar: Okay, rebooting, thankyou for your help!00:51
PriceChildthedoor, ask your question and someone will answer if they know the answer.00:51
askandhow ?00:51
Pelothedoor, as you can tell from nickrud 's reaction , PriceChild  can't realy help anyone00:52
askandPici Then I need to know for how long the program is open..00:52
nickrudPelo, lol, wrong response I'm laughing at00:52
Pelonickrud,  I'll take waht I can00:52
Piciaskand: perhaps I'm confused.  You just want to run one program, then run another one when the first is done?00:52
thedoorsomebody can help me with my HD? he is to slow under linux =/00:53
Pelothedoor, just ask a specific question on one line00:53
thedoori have activated my DMA00:53
thedoorok Pelo00:53
askandPici: yea I want to run a program with a bashscript, and when I choose to quit the first program, the second command in the script should run00:53
Pelothedoor, do you mean hard drive or something else iwth hd for an initial &00:54
Zoe_ok, now I can't change tty to get a terminal :(00:54
YouKnowMeIs it possible to run an html script as a background?00:54
scragaraskand: command1 && command2 <-- works fine for me00:54
PeloYouKnowMe, probabaly00:54
Piciaskand: program1 && program2   should do that00:54
thedoorPelo, a hard drive, is a seagate st340810a00:54
YouKnowMePelo, idk how though.00:54
nickrudZoe_, sorry I can't help you with the nvidia, I spend far more time than I wanted learning the ins and outs of the recent ati stuff00:55
Pelothedoor, is this your primary hdd with ubuntu installed on it or a storage drive00:55
goukiAny idea on how to lock the screen on one monitor with a dual-head setup?00:55
askandPici: scragar thanks00:55
PeloYouKnowMe, google , www.ubuntuforums.org00:55
Zoe_nickrud, it's ok :)00:55
Zoe_anyone more familiar with the nvidia stuff?00:55
rainwalkerthedoor: seagate drives have problems with linux00:55
Pelo!nvidia | Zoe_00:55
ubotuZoe_: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto00:56
Picigouki: If they are both running on the same xserver it shouldnt be possible.00:56
Hex_101scragar: its dan_, yep all works now, thankyou very miught for your time and effort :)00:56
goukiPici, they are00:56
YouKnowMePelo, ok but google just brings up most web pages that mention ubuntu and the url end in html, and ubuntuforums search is suck00:56
kyleBAKEDcan someone take a look at this and let me know why my external harddrive isn't working: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/49367/00:56
scragarHex_101: glad to know00:56
=== kex is now known as adam
* Pelo needs to find aforum where they can tell him how to make is so the bottom crust of pies get cooked as well 00:56
PeloYouKnowMe, try alternate keywords00:57
Zoe_Pelo, do the 6.10 and earlier instructions work now? I have no access to system->administration->restricted drivers00:57
fatejudgerI'm trying to get my ntfs partition to have read access for the group "nobody", how can I accomplish this?00:57
PeloZoe_, you will mostlikely need to use the binaries then,  you can get them from the nvidia website,  just do a search on the site for your card model00:57
thedoorPelo,  he is what a call "my important data disc" he is not running ubuntu, the ubuntu is in another drive00:57
YouKnowMepelo, or maybe I could google ""html background" site:www.ubuntuforums.org"00:58
LimCorehelp, my font got all fucked up in Open Office00:58
taconeanyone here to help me with anjuta and glade ?00:58
thedoorPelo, i just usehim to save my projects,my musics and my porns uhaHUAhua00:58
Pici!language | LimCore00:58
Pelothedoor, what FS is this disk ?00:58
ubotuLimCore: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.00:58
thedoorPelo, a FAT3200:58
LimCorePici: in all languages - any national charracters are visible as strange characters...00:58
LimCoreunless they are bold O_o00:58
LimCorewhat ths is... some bug with font cache?00:58
PiciLimCore: I meant your cursing...00:59
suweidIs there a way to amplify sound? (I have a vide file with low volume, and want to hear it clearly)00:59
fwaokda:( my wireless isn't working its broadcom 43xx and I need some help00:59
LimCoresuweid:  mplayer -af volume=2000:59
LimCorePici: oh00:59
munimsuweid: you can amplify in vlc media player00:59
LimCoreanyway, what about that bug00:59
jadderhello smilevil00:59
thedoorPelo, english is not my native language, are you understanding me fine?00:59
smilevilhi everybody00:59
Pelothedoor, I think we found the culprite , fat32 is not all that fast,  you might do better with ext3,  also you might want to consider defragmenting it , not sure how from ubuntu how ever,  if you still hve windows installed on your comp, I suggest you do it from there00:59
suweidmunim, how? And I'll try Limcores solution00:59
MilotinMy Ubuntu doesn`t boot any more ... it get me to the Console.i doesn`t load the interface anymore but i can login to XServer as a root with : startx00:59
Milotinwhat should i do ?01:00
smilevili have a problem01:00
Pelo!br | thedoor  this might also help01:00
ubotuthedoor  this might also help: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.01:00
Pelosmilevil, and do you intend to share ?01:00
LimCoreMilupgraded sometginf recenbtky?01:00
meteI've a network prob. My linux server is behind a NAT. I've a port forward active on the NAT. but I can't access apache from the internet... NAT is correctly configured, because I can access other apache server in my network if I change the IP in the NAT. my network config: http://pastebin.us/?show=m5010cd3901:00
thedoorubotu, i tried this channels, but they can't help me =/01:00
smilevili will01:00
munimsuweid: i remember seeing it in the options somewhere... anyway try the other solution01:00
kyleBAKEDmy external harddrive suddenly stopped being detected, but it works fine on windows, can someone help me out with this?01:00
Pelo!enter | smilevil01:00
ubotusmilevil: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!01:00
goukiPici: Never mind. OpenArena is intelligent enough to lock the mouse :)01:00
Zoe_oh, nice, have to step back a level01:01
PelokyleBAKED,  check your fstab file see if it is still listed01:01
Zoe_anyone know how to get my nic working using terminal?01:01
Condoulohow do I disable xgl?01:01
Pelothedoor, ubotu  is a bot,  he just does what we tell it01:01
MilotinI can`t boot my ubuntu. when it boot it goes to the console ( as an MS-DOS window ) what should i do ?01:01
thedoorPelo, how he know the language i speak? Oo01:01
PeloCondoulo, edit the xorg.conf file and comment it out of the module section01:01
fwaokdahow do i go about getting my broadcom 4311 wireless adapter to work in Gusty?01:02
Pelothedoor,  he doesn'T checked your whois before triggering the msg01:02
LimCorehow to regenreate fonts cache?????01:02
thedoorPelo,  ah sure , lol01:02
Condoulothanks. Because XGL is taking up to 110MB of RAM. o_O Th01:02
kyleBAKEDPelo, it isn't, this is the ouput of my /var/log/messages: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/49367/01:02
thedoorPelo, you are from US?01:02
MilotinMy Ubuntu doesn`t boot any more ... it get me to the Console.i doesn`t load the interface anymore but i can login to XServer as a root with : startx01:02
poningrufwaokda: do an lspci01:02
poningruwhat chipset is it exactly?01:02
Pelothedoor,  no , from canada01:02
fluxySomeName9929: Check what I found: http://sive.sf.net (simple ipod video converter)01:02
munimMilotin: dpkg-reconfigure-xserver-xorg01:03
Milotinin the console ?01:03
Milotinand after that it should work ?01:03
thedoorPelo, hum, my english is very bad? :D01:03
fwaokdaponingru, Broadcom Corporation BCM94311MCG wlan mini-PCI (rev 02)01:03
Zoe_ok, silly question... how do I assign an adress to a network device, in terminal01:03
poningrufwaokda: you need ndiswrapper same as I have01:03
poningruthe rev 02 changed a bunch of stuff01:03
PelokyleBAKED,  this is a usb drive ?  unplug it , replug it in , make sure it is turned on and see what happens01:03
scragarMilotin: I have no experience in this area, but I do know that it always gives some form of error message, it might you find someone who can offer a fix to post it/pastebin it if it's large01:03
poningruit should start working in hardy01:03
Jahootywill the disk and filesystem settings in feisty's 'system settings' create partitions?01:03
munimMilotin: its the xorg display reconfiguration tool... it might help.01:04
fwaokdaponcho, so i need to sudo apt-get install ndiswrapper ?01:04
fwaokdaponingru, hardy?01:04
Condoulowhat would I delete from xorg to disable xgl01:04
poningrufwaokda: or you can get the b43 module and then patch it to get support for it01:04
poningrufwaokda: the next version of ubuntu01:04
Pelothedoor,  your english is fine,but you mention it wasn't your first language so I checked to see if we had a channel in your language I could direct you to01:04
Milotini`m quite down to 0 in this stuffs munim01:04
scragarJahooty: the disk option is dapper did that, so I'd guess yes.01:04
ubotuHardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu01:04
kyleBAKEDPelo, that is what i do, and i keep getting similiar outputs in my /var/log/messages01:04
Milotinin the reconfigureation tool what should i do ?01:04
fwaokdaponingru, well what do i need to do first here... i dont know shit about all this01:04
LimCorefor over 2 years, linux world fails to provide fonts.... will  that ever stop?01:04
smilevilimy english isn't very good, well, When i try to watch video on Youtube, i can watch it but i can't listen the sound, i've already tried to install again flash player, i've edited etc/firefoxcr even i've installed opera and i haven't could listen the sound01:04
poningru!ndis | fwaokda01:05
ubotufwaokda: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs01:05
poningrufwaokda: also please watch your language01:05
fwaokdamy bad :P01:05
PelokyleBAKED,  I assume you rebooted the comp to make there are no lignering tidbits intefeerring ?01:05
munimMilotin: try that command in the terminal and follow the instructions... most probably it will work01:05
thedoorPelo, thank you, now i will sleep a bit,wake and take a beer, and later i will be back to the work,im so tired of this computer ¬¬01:05
poningrufwaokda: the page ubotu just gave you has a link on how to compile the lates ndis01:05
kyleBAKEDPelo, i have done that multiple times since this issue started to occur01:06
Pelothedoor,  rest well01:06
thedoorthanks Pelo01:06
holotoneI'm trying to get moto4lin working with my new Razr v3a over USB, and in order to do this I need to get the ACM device mount point in the form of "/dev/blahblahblah". How do I determine which device the phone is so that I can enter the correct value?01:06
kyleBAKEDPelo, i've just been putting off getting it working until now when i need it01:06
PelokyleBAKED, menu > places > my computer,  do you see your usb drive listed there ? maybe it's jsut not getting mounted automaticaly01:06
Pir8how do I fully remove proftpd such that next time I install it, it would prompt me how I want it setup (inet/standalone) ?01:06
Pir8by mistake I installed it as inetd; (01:06
fwaokdaponingru, idk what any of this stuff means01:06
RenatoSilvaI'm trying to upgrade via Update Manager and got an error saying that GZip finished with an error code 1. What's the solution?01:07
RenatoSilvaI'm trying to upgrade via Update Manager and got an error saying that GZip finished with an error code 1. What's the solution?01:07
poningrufwaokda: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/Ndiswrapper?highlight=%28WifiDocs%2FDriver%29#head-c1ebf95637d110c5f01b9a1383d137f79d8cbddb01:07
poningrujuts follow that instruction01:07
fwaokdaponingru, can't i get ndiswrapper by doing sudo apt-get install ndiswrapper?01:07
Hex_101!repeat RenatoSilva01:07
Hex_101okay i cant remember the command >.<01:07
poningrufwaokda: hmm actually try that first01:07
poningrucause I think in gutsy it might work01:07
poningruit should already be there01:07
kyleBAKEDPelo, its not there. its not that it isn't getting mounted, its thats the hardware isn't being detected properly01:08
PelokyleBAKED, have you tried with other usb storage devices ? like mp3 player maybe or camera ?01:08
Odd-rationale!repeat | Hex_101 There you go:01:08
ubotuHex_101 There you go:: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience01:08
poningrufwaokda: yeah try this first01:08
smilevilimy english isn't very good, well, When i try to watch video on Youtube, i can watch it but i can't listen the sound, i've already tried to install again flash player, i've edited etc/firefoxcr even i've installed opera and i haven't could listen the sound01:08
LimCorewhy ubuntu failed so hard?01:08
scragarholotone: if you run: "cat /proc/partitions" before and after plugging it in you can see what device appears.01:08
Hex_101lol thanks Odd-rationale01:08
robdigPir8: apt-get remove package01:08
LimCoreto provide basic thing like fonts01:08
ubotuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash01:09
ubotuThe Flash plugin installation is currently broken. This is due to Adobe changing the tar file that the package downloads. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=636397 if you need to fix this immediately, but it's recommended to wait for an official fix.01:09
Pir8robdig, yes I did that, the second time I reinstall proftpd it configures it automatically as inet and does not ask01:09
Pelo!fonts | LimCore01:09
ubotuLimCore: Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer01:09
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP301:09
kyleBAKEDPelo, i don't have either to test it out with. my usb mouse is working on the same port and the harddrive will work on windows so its not faulty hardware01:09
Odd-rationale!flashissues | smilevil01:09
ubotusmilevil: please see above01:09
scragarLimCore: ubuntu provides tons of fonts, and you can install as many as you want to ~/.fonts01:09
LimCorescragar:  typical latin chars, it should work out of the box01:10
robdigPir8: how about apt-get purge package?01:10
CATANIACiao a tutti!!!01:10
LimCoreit worked for my untill this mornig... how to rebuild font cache?01:10
Hex_101 ?01:10
UbuntMeGuys, i have a problem.  I think i have a virus on my ubuntu 7.1001:10
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots01:10
EADGAnybody know why when I play a .mkv with mplayer in cli it's slow & choppy, but when I play it in X it runs fine?01:10
Pir8robdig, tried that as well. Same result01:10
scragar UbuntMe: very unlikly01:10
kyeI didnt think Linux get viruses? just things like root kits?01:10
poningruUbuntMe: you do not have virus on your computer01:10
PelokyleBAKED,  I find that in ubuntu having two usb divices connecte to the same inlet pair is not so good, try pluggin your hdd to a seperate pair then the mouse or other device, lke at the back fo the comp if you are using the front one, if you get me01:10
UbuntMeWell, heres what the virus does01:10
scragar UbuntMe: opnly one virus has ever been sucsessfull on linux, and it's long gone now01:11
UbuntMeMy friends say there getting messages on msn messenger that say stuff like "www.whatever.com ;) ) then i log off right when i say that01:11
Dr_willisand it was just a 'test virus' wasent it? design concept?01:11
smilevili can play mp3 on amarok, it's just youtube , google video, on internet, i can't listen to it01:11
Hex_101UbuntMe: what msn program are you using?01:12
UbuntMebut i'm also getting the same thing from one of my friends01:12
poningruUbuntMe: how are you accessing msn?01:12
Hex_101try using pidgen01:12
scragarDr_willis: I don't know details, just that it was named "serenity"01:12
poningruwhats the whatever.com?01:12
UbuntMeI am right now to talk to u guys01:12
CondouloI have a question about ATI drivers.01:12
Dr_willisUbuntMe,  could be theres some issues with msn network.01:12
fwaokdaponingru, ok i think i have ndiswrapper installed with utils 1.901:12
UbuntMeBut i like amsn better for taling with my friends01:12
poningruCondoulo: whatsup?01:12
kyleBAKEDPelo, i meant that the usb port itself is working because it works with my mouse, its not a faulty port or anything01:12
Dr_williswe all know IRC beats MSN :)01:12
windsor510Hi, anyone know anything about tunneling X-windows apps through an ssh session?01:12
poningrufwaokda: follow the rest of the instructions on that page01:12
kyleBAKEDPelo, i have both devices on seperate ports01:12
UbuntMeshould i use kopete or pidgen?01:13
Hex_101UbuntMe: same, but until we find out the problem, usse that :), what is the web address it advertises?01:13
Condouloponingru- On the most recent version it says it supports AIGLX. That means I don't need to use XGL anymore, correct?01:13
robdigPir8: how about dpkg-reconfigure package?01:13
thorwindsor510 what do you need?01:13
poningruCondoulo: yes01:13
PelokyleBAKED, lsusb doesn't bring up the hdd ?01:13
Dr_williswindsor510,  ssh and that feature is documented all over the place. :) in short.. ssh -X you.remote.machine   , then run the app.01:13
UbuntMehold on, you have it as well?01:13
windsor510UbuntMe: I think Pidgin is better01:13
poningruCondoulo: correct rather01:13
jadderPelo, my friend smilevil has a problem can you help him, please?01:13
scragarUbuntMe: kopete has a problem when running on gnome, so depends on if your running Gnome or KDE01:13
Hex_101UbuntMe: i have amsn yes, but not the 'virus'01:13
Condouloponingru- How can I tell if mines is the most recent?01:13
Dr_williswindsor510,  or ssh -Y,  assuming the enable x forearding is allowed for the server.01:13
Pelojadder, what is the problem i haven't notices his quesiton01:13
Pir8robdig, I shall try that. Thanks.01:13
UbuntMeYa, i use pidgin for this kinda chat, i guess i'll use it for everything01:13
poningruCondoulo: the ati driver?01:13
poningruwhere did you install it?01:13
fluxyHex_101: Same with me, maybe a rogue plugin?01:14
jaddersmilevil, say your problem to Pelo ,01:14
windsor510thor: I'll try Dr_willis' advice, brb. thanks, btw.01:14
robdigPir8: need to sudo it :)01:14
poningruCondoulo: err as in where did you install it from?01:14
Hex_101fluxy: im thinking that yea, im checking the ones on their site, and the ones i have,01:14
Hex_101just need to know what the whatever.com is01:14
RenatoSilvaDoes upgrade EVER work?01:14
Dr_willisssh is one of those awsome Multi-use tools. :) thats so handy.01:14
PeloHex_101, means just pick a url of your choice01:14
UbuntMeOk, heres somthing one of my friends sent me, there different sometimes though... "http://bkutusu.info ;)"01:15
Hex_101¬_¬ Pelo  lol01:15
Hex_101okay UbuntMe checking..01:15
PeloRenatoSilva, yes it does01:15
RenatoSilvaI'm just for 10 hours trying to upgrade feisty and I only got into BUGS01:15
Condouloponingru- So is AIGLX installed by default with the ATI driver?01:15
windsor510I'm using putty on a window$ machine, I have to see if it's got an option that's equivalent01:15
UbuntMeHex_101:  cool01:15
PeloRenatoSilva, what error msg if any are you getting ?01:15
fluxyUbuntMe: I've been having that from fwens, but am nt sending any of those01:15
LimCorehow to rebuild all font caches and related things?01:15
RenatoSilvaPelo: it does on the fairy stories!01:15
poningruCondoulo: no01:15
Dr_willisUbuntMe,  he sent you a URL of a RingTone Sales Site as a Log out message?01:15
poningruyou have to install that seperately01:15
CondouloPoningru- How would I install aiglx?01:15
ubotuAIGLX is a project that aims to enable GL-accelerated effects on a standard desktop. Supported cards: Nvidia: GeForce3 or newer; ATI: Radeon 7000 through X800; Intel: i810 or newer. Howto: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/AIGLX. For older Nvidia or newer ATI cards see !xgl01:15
poningruCondoulo: follow that01:16
PeloRenatoSilva, it did for me, on gutsy, but not on previous,  I recommend upgrading from the alt install cd  and not online , much faster01:16
fluxyUbuntMe: Do Account > Select Plugins and see what plugins u got installed01:16
Hex_101UbuntMe: im not sure how you get that..01:16
Hex_101do what fluxy said :D01:16
UbuntMeDr_willis:  friend loggs in and right away sends me a link and then logs out01:16
Pelosmilevil, , what problem are you having ?01:16
UbuntMefluxy:  ok01:16
fluxyUbuntMe: If you RECEIVE then your fwens got a prob, but if u also SEND then you might be having the problem01:17
smilevilPelo, i can't listen the sound of youtube and i've tried to reinstall flash, to edit /etc/firefoxrc, i don't think is about firefox because i've installed opera and is the same01:17
* Dr_willis wonders if this is the start of some MSN exploit/spam.01:17
RenatoSilvaPelo: the whole thing is so stupid that if I want to put you the error msg, I'd have to start the process again and wait about 5-10 minutes, because I'm on a dioaled connection and the stupid update tool always dowlnoad again something enigmatic01:17
* Hex_101 hopes it isnt01:17
fluxyMSN is riddled with problems01:17
Hex_101then again, IRC ftw!01:17
Pelosmilevil, how did you install flash to start with ?01:17
UbuntMefluxy:  but my friends only recive it from me01:17
UbuntMefluxy:  i have a plugin called powertool, dont know what it is01:18
PeloRenatoSilva, was it a grub error or someting else ?01:18
fluxyUbuntMe: what description does it give?01:18
Dr_willisInstalling amsn to see.01:18
Neodudemanis there a way to make your laptop into a wireless AP  in ubuntu?01:18
fluxyUbuntMe: Try disabling it and restart amsn01:18
Pelojadder, what is smilevil 's native language ?01:18
UbuntMethis plugin adds functionality for power users to aMSN01:19
smilevilPelo, the Flashplayer is ok, i think because i can watch everything that need flash01:19
RenatoSilvaPelo:  the LAST error was about gzip fisishing with error code 1 while downloading some Package.gz (impossible to remeber nthe URL)01:19
jadderwe are in ubuntu-es01:19
Arcusmayanyone help ?01:19
UbuntMecan disable it01:19
fluxyMy friends who use Windows Live Messenger often spam me or try to send me malware, but i found no problem with amsn so far01:19
jadderbut there is a few person01:19
RenatoSilvaPelo: int was on the 1st stage, "preparing upgrade"01:19
robdigNeodudeman: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WirelessLaptopInternetAccessPoint?highlight=%28WifiDocs%29%7C%28ManufacturerModel%29%7C%28AND%2901:19
RenatoSilvaPelo *it01:19
Pir8robdig, great thanks that worked :)01:19
Dr_willisHmm.. amsn cant even launch the browser to get me to the account creation site.01:19
Arcusmayim having trouble burning ubuntu to a cd...01:19
Pelosmilevil, the flash player is not ok , cause you don'T get sound,  mind you ... do you not get sound only in youtube ?01:19
robdigPir8: great01:20
Hex_101checking the Powertool, seems a normal plugin01:20
fluxyubuntMe: could be it, not listed on amsn site01:20
Neodudemanrobdig: Thanks. Sorry for making you fish for that, I just saw the link to the FAQ and was about to check there.01:20
Arcusmaycan someone plz help01:20
scragarArcusmay: what do you mean trouble?01:20
Zoe_how can I stop my xserver from running?01:20
fluxyDr_Willis: You need to set the commands for ur browser in preferences>advanced01:20
Milotinmunim : the error i get is : kinit: name_to_dev_ (/dev/disk/by-uuid/2d44c944-73f5... ) = sda8(8,8)01:20
smilevili've download flashplayer from adobe on in tar.gz01:20
Milotinkinit: trying to resume from (/dev/disk/by-uuid/2d44c944-73f5... )01:20
smilevilPelo, i've download flashplayer from adobe on in tar.gz01:20
jadderbut you had have it before to donwload01:20
Milotinkinit : No resume image , doing normal boot01:21
RenatoSilvaWhy can't I use Live CD to upgrade Ubuntu??????01:21
PeloRenatoSilva, ok when you get a stage one error, where it cna't find the kernel,  return to the grub menu, select the kernel you want,  hit e for edit,  usual you need to edit the root (hd0,0) line to return it to the correct partition whre /boot/grub/menu.lst is stored01:21
fluxyDr_Willis: Actually Account > Preferences > Others01:21
Dr_willisfluxy,  i hope thers some settings for the fonts also.. amsn looks... DISGUSTING.. :)01:21
Milotinand the command you gave me doesn`t work01:21
Pelosmilevil, , you should try installing it from the repos01:21
Pelo!flash | smilevil01:21
ubotusmilevil: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash01:21
ubotuThe Flash plugin installation is currently broken. This is due to Adobe changing the tar file that the package downloads. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=636397 if you need to fix this immediately, but it's recommended to wait for an official fix.01:21
UbuntMefluxy:  really? it says it from the Amsn team01:21
Arcusmayi add the file with my burner01:21
munimMilotin: oh. then i guess it was nothing to do with your display01:21
Hex_101Dr_willis: i had a look, cant find any, if you get any mail them to me :D01:21
Arcusmayit says add an iso image01:21
RenatoSilvaPelo: it has got nothing with kernel, but with some Packages.gz that gzip could not fetch01:22
Arcusmayand i selec the file again, and it loads, then says cannot be found01:22
fluxyDr_Willis: There are such options. Besides you can skin it :)01:22
Milotinso what do i have to do ?01:22
Pelo!enter | RenatoSilva01:22
ubotuRenatoSilva: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!01:22
fluxyUbuntMe: http://www.amsn-project.net/plugins.php01:22
Zoe_how can I stop my xserver from running?01:22
fluxyUbuntMe: Try disabling the plugin and then restart amsn01:22
Dr_willisFluxy too bad they dident include a skin that dosent make me want to stop using amsn befor i even start. :P)01:22
smilevilPelo, i have installed from repos and is the same problem01:22
RenatoSilvaPelo: justify your enter message01:23
PeloRenatoSilva, I can'T realy help with that I'M afraid,  for future use, I recommend you instal ubuntu with your /home folder on a seperate partiton, this will allow you to reinstall from scratch withouth loosing any data or settings if the upgrade does not work properly01:23
RenatoSilvaWhy can't I use Live CD to upgrade Ubuntu??????01:23
munimMilotin: hmm... sorry.. i don't know... try googling it01:23
PeloRenatoSilva, , my apologies,  wrong user, I got distracted by your post while i was typing01:23
UbuntMefluxy:  i think i might know the problem!01:23
RenatoSilvaPelo: ok01:23
fluxyUbuntMe: Shoot01:24
* Hex_101 huddles around UbuntMe awaiting the answer01:24
PeloRenatoSilva, you cna use the live dvd, I donT, know why the live cd doesn't work01:24
UbuntMefluxy:  ok, i added smartershild as a contact, you know the robot thing that u can chat with?01:24
RenatoSilvaPelo: but this upgrade fault is just stupid, and makes me thinking on Windows01:24
UbuntMewell, when u talk to it, it sends you links and stuff01:24
fluxyUbuntMe: Never heard of this one - I know spleak tho01:24
Hex_101yea i know of it01:24
scragarArcusmay: it's a problem with your burning software or download from the error message...01:24
frandavid100It seems I can't use the "at" command properly... can someone tell me how to (for example) launch totem at 02:30?01:24
Hex_101speak/smarterchoid have the same parents01:24
UbuntMei think this might be it01:24
fluxyUbuntMe: What's with him?01:24
ArcusmayMy cd burn software says Burn Succesfully burned. But the CD is still blank01:24
UbuntMei duno01:24
PeloRenatoSilva, feel free to return to windows,  linux is not a cult, ppl are free to come and go as they please01:24
Dr_willisWell.. msn wont let me use my hotmail email account.. and it says the answer to my password 'question' is too short.. I think i am giving up on MSN now. :)01:24
ArcusmayI downloaded it fromn the Ubuntu website01:25
Hex_101UbuntMe: the only thing that smarterchoid can do is send memos to other users01:25
fluxyUbuntMe: you tried disabling the plugin?01:25
RenatoSilvaPelo: are you being paid or just a FOSS religious?01:25
fwaokdaponingru, doesn't work says the driver is invalid :(01:25
PeloRenatoSilva, neither I just enjoy the product01:25
redd0thello everybody01:25
RenatoSilvaPelo: your comment is stupid01:25
UbuntMeHex_101:  Do u think that he might be masking his identity as me and sending links to my friends?01:25
fluxyDr_Willis: I wish I could do that (too many contacts bind me to msn tho)01:26
Hex_101UbuntMe: nope, its a bot, it couldnt do that01:26
voidmageIs there any way to remove window borders in metacity?01:26
fluxyUbuntMe: Besides it's just a contact, he shouldn't be able to control your client01:26
LimCoreBitstream* fonts are messed up in newest 7.10 amd64 apparently.  Who can I tell directly so he can fix it now?żółć01:26
RenatoSilvaPelo: would say: "really it's frustating, go to Launchpad and search/report this problem so that they solnve it faster!"01:26
Hex_101UbuntMe: have you tried in #amsn?01:27
UbuntMefluxy:  ya, i'm deleating him anyway just incase01:27
scragarArcusmay: I don't suppose you would know how to check the md5 sum of your download?01:27
RenatoSilvaPelo: btw is what i'm gonna do soon01:27
UbuntMeHex_101:  nope01:27
Hex_101UbuntMe: best to try there if the plugin idea doesnt fix it01:27
* jimd is showing someone something.01:27
fluxyUbuntMe: you might want to try MonkeyMessenger or tmsnc (text based) they are decent msn clients01:27
windsor510Dr_willis: Thanks, I got xming server working using putty (plink) to ssh to my home machine and get me back an xterm01:27
poningrufwaokda: what did you put in?01:27
ArcusmayWHen I go to burn the cd, it says select an ISO image to create. Do I select the ubuntu file?01:27
poningruthe .inf?01:28
scragarArcusmay: yes01:28
UbuntMefluxy:  i think i might use pidgin01:28
PeloArcusmay, if you want to burn the ubuntu cd yes01:28
poningruwhere did you get that?01:28
PeloArcusmay, hold on01:28
poningruits supposed to be bcmwl5.inf01:28
poningruthat was working perfectly for me01:28
ArcusmayI have been trying this and its just not burning :S01:28
PeloArcusmay, what are you using to burn the cd ? what app ?01:28
fluxyUbuntMe: I kind of hate pidgin, but use it if u must. Could you please try removing the plugin and telling us if it works?01:28
ArcusmayPelo - Express Burn01:29
Hex_101console based msn? *downloads*01:29
Zoe_when I kill my Xorg, it automitically restarts. how can I prevent this so I can install the nivida drivers?01:29
UbuntMefluxy:  alright, hy do u hate pidgin?01:29
fwaokdaponingru, k 1 sec01:29
ArcusmayPelo-I get the message, File to be written to disk is not found, etc.01:29
fluxyHex_101: It's ultra fast and never fails to deliver msg01:29
RenatoSilvaPelo: installing from scratch will erase all my apps and its configs, remeber that not all config keeps in home. I'd loose almost everything (well, it's not the end of the world, but I'm tired of pass hours reinstalling and getting back my specific packages and configuring a quite lot of stuff)01:29
scragarHex_101: what's a console based MSN? I will have to try and use it...01:29
Hex_101fluxy: *gets excited :D*01:29
PeloArcusmay, I don't know that one, but many apps have this option where you are creating a .iso image instead of burning to a cd, make sure you don't hae a burn to a file  option checked and that you are burning to a cd01:30
smilevilPelo, i've installed flash player from repo and is the same, i can't get sound01:30
fluxyUbuntMe: It tries to do everything and is lame at everything01:30
UbuntMefluxy:  oh, whats a good irc chat program?01:30
ArcusmayOHhh that sounds like waht it is doing Pelo, im trying to change that setting01:30
fluxyUbuntMe: XChat01:30
UbuntMefluxy:  is that what your using?01:30
Pelosmilevil, I can't help any further, you will have to wait untill the flash package gets fixed , or you might want to reisntall yet again , bur first ,  fine every file that contains the word "flash" on your hdd and delete them01:31
fluxyUbuntMe: XChat for IRC and amsn+tmsnc for msn (when my connection gets poor I use tmsnc)01:31
fwaokdaponingru, ok i got the l5.inf in there but it wont let me remove the l6.inf :(01:31
ArcusmayPelo, it says, Select enter an iso image to create. And it says save..if i try to save to the cd, it says i don't have permission01:31
poningrufwaokda: what do you mean wont let you remove it?01:31
fluxyHex_101: Hint you might want to use AllTray together with tmsnc to have it minimized to tray01:32
fwaokdain the windows there are two drivers there and i can't remove the invalid one01:32
PeloArcusmay, you are doing this from ubuntu ?01:32
UbuntMefluxy:  how do u add other rooms?  like say for example i wanted to go to a gaming chatroom?01:32
poningrufwaokda: go into a terminal and type in ndiswrapper -r bcmwl601:32
poningrusudo ndiswrapper -r bcmwl601:32
bastid_raZorif i'm trying to burn a music cd with K3b and it says mp3 not supported.. which package do i need to install to enable support?01:32
Hex_101fluxy: i jsut got lost in ..somthing in tmsnc and oin a mad panic attack i closed the console :(01:32
Zoe_can somebody please help me with this?01:33
ArcusmayPelo I downloaded Ubuntu from the website, now I am trying to burn it to cd01:33
poningruZoe_: whatsup?01:33
Pelo!mp3 | bastid_raZor01:33
ubotubastid_raZor: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats01:33
PeloArcusmay,  what os are you using right now ?01:33
fluxyUbuntMe: /join #chatroomname and /list for a list of chat rooms. see http://www.irchelp.org01:33
fluxyHex_101: huh?01:33
lukefluxy,   can u see this?01:33
fodaloany1 can run gameguard in Ubuntu??01:33
RD579What are boot screens referred to in Ubuntu?01:33
fluxyluke: ?01:33
Hex_101fluxy: i signed in, but i was online, so like 16 ppl talk to me, and i have no f..flippin clue how to use it lol01:33
Zoe_poningru, I need to install the video drivers from nvidia, which I cannot do while Xorg is running. every time I kill Xorg, it restarts01:33
bastid_raZorthanks Pelo01:33
Dr_willisRD579,  you are refering to some windows program? or what exactly?01:34
Dr_willisZoe_,  stop the gdm service01:34
poningruZoe_: you can install the nvidia driver while xorg is running01:34
lukefluxy,  never midn, this is ubuntme trying xchat01:34
PeloZoe_,   sudo /init.d/gdm stop01:34
fluxyHex_101: Lol. man tmsnc might help01:34
RD579The screen that says ubuntu beore you reach the login screen.01:34
fodaloany1 can run gameguard (4 mmorpg) in Ubuntu???01:34
fluxyluke: ah ok i do see it01:34
RD579In Windows that is refered to as the boot screen,01:34
PeloZoe_, sorry  sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop01:34
poningruZoe_: how are you trying to install the nvidia driver?01:34
Dr_willisZoe_,  you are isntalling the ones from nvidia.com? Why not the ones in the repos?01:34
Hex_101fluxy: and how do i go about printing it out? i find reading on paper better :)01:34
RD579I am trying to change mine but I cant fingure out how.01:34
lukefluxy, cool thanks'01:34
poningruZoe_: go into system->admin->restricted drivers01:35
poningruand install it there01:35
Zoe_repo drivers cause black screen on boot01:35
Dr_willisRD579,  i missread/ sorry. :) got your nick one line below what the other gyuy was saying.. heh heh..01:35
Soskelhello, when is the next ubuntu going to be released?01:35
poningruRD579: I am not sure you can change it hold on01:35
Zoe_system menu is not accesible to me right now01:35
Dr_willisZoe_,  and whats your video card?01:35
PeloArcusmay, I think you'll need to go in the settings for the ap you are using and select a burn device, it is very hard to tell since I don't know the app01:35
kyeI have a intergraded NVIDIA GeForce 6150 LE should i just buy another graphics card01:35
poningruSoskel: 04/0801:35
Zoe_Dr_willis, nvidia geforce 7300 gt x201:35
fluxyHex_101: man 'tmsnc >> tmsnc.txt' will output it in a text file. open it. print it.01:36
RenatoSilvaSoskel: i guess it's always on April and October (x.04, x.10)01:36
poningrukye: naah thats plenty enough for everything01:36
poningruunless you are going to be playing games01:36
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion01:36
ubotuAIGLX is a project that aims to enable GL-accelerated effects on a standard desktop. Supported cards: Nvidia: GeForce3 or newer; ATI: Radeon 7000 through X800; Intel: i810 or newer. Howto: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/AIGLX. For older Nvidia or newer ATI cards see !xgl01:36
fwaokdaok poningru, after i install the driver and it says its valid whats left to do ? because its still not working01:36
sinthetekfor some reason gutsy is taking forever to properly accept incoming tcp connections01:36
poningrufwaokda: you have to restart01:36
kyebut poningru when i play games there for the most part slow :(01:37
kyelike call of duty01:37
fodaloany1 can run gameguard in Ubuntu??.01:37
atlantiswho's got the alchohol?01:37
PeloArcusmay, it very probably wonT' be where you got to select the file to burn to that you were getting earlier,  , maybe you are using the wrong option in the menus,  if you are making an iso , this is not it,  you should be looking for burn image to cd or something similar01:37
Peloatlantis, wrong chanel01:37
sinthetekhas anyone else experienced any problems with network daemons in gutsy taking longer than they should to respond properly?01:37
atlantisnever the wrong channel01:37
poningrukye: those games are for windows... you cant play them on ubuntu natively (unless you use something like wine)01:37
* Pelo wishes he had ops right now 01:37
LjLPelo: you called?01:38
poningruatlantis: please dont troll here dude thanks01:38
NyaxMan, there are a lot of peeps in here.01:38
sinthetekseems all of my ssh and mysql connections are taking ~ an extra 5 seconds to complete01:38
NyaxA lot of peeps.01:38
atlantisdont troll....... here .... lol01:38
Zoe_poningru, I'm trying to install the nvidia drivers using the install script from nvidia01:38
chrometigerwhat folder is icon packs stored ?01:38
atlantisgive it a rest.01:38
poningruZoe_: dont do that01:38
PeloLjL, I did not , I was just wishng to be more , then I would show them, I would show them all01:38
poningruZoe_: that makes it unmanagable...01:38
nickrudPelo, rflol , power makes you crazy01:38
Zoe_poningru, well, I have tried nv and nvidia-glx from the repositories, neither works. any other suggestions?01:38
LjLPelo: well, you called as a matter of fact anyway01:39
poningruZoe_: oh well... then I guess go into ctrl+alt+f101:39
Zoe_poningru, done and done :)01:39
poningrudo a sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop01:39
Zoe_got that01:39
poningrugo to where you have the nvidia script01:39
Zoe_now it says...01:39
poningruwhat does it say?01:39
voidmageI have wine running in a 1280x1024 virtual desktop (same res as my monitor). Is there any way to get metacity or compiz to not draw the window borders?01:40
Zoe_I do not have the libc header files01:40
shachafWhat would it take to get xmonad 0.5 in the Ubuntu repositories before Hardy is released? Do they generally wait for a Debian package and use that?01:40
Zoe_those are in the repositories?01:40
poningruZoe_: do a sudo aptitude install build-essentials linux-headers01:40
poningruor something like that01:40
poningrushachaf: file a bug in bugs.ubuntu.com01:40
Zoe_poningru, no changes made01:40
nickrudZoe_, no s on build-essentials01:40
poningruZoe_: or something like that01:41
poningrufind the right package name01:41
Pelonickrud, build-essential01:41
poningrushachaf: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs?field.tag=upgrade01:41
shachafponingru: OK, thanks. :-)01:41
godzirrahow do I force reinstall a package and all its dependencies?01:41
dbmoodbhi after installing ubuntu it sets up grub *ubuntu* to boot from hd(1,0) which is wrong. it needs to boot from 0,0 (two disks sata is faster and is on 0 i believe - and is where i installed too)01:42
Pelog'night folks01:42
Zoe_poningru, couldn't find build-essentials01:42
poningrugodzirra: sudo aptitude reinstall package01:42
Zoe_oh, I see01:42
poningrugodzirra: whats wrong?01:42
dbmoodbi can change the grub menu.lst but how do i then apply those changes ?01:42
poningrudbmoodb: when you restart it should be applied01:42
thordbmoodb they get applied at the next bootup01:42
askandIf I put this in a bashscript "cedega -run programfolder program && sudo umount /media/cdrom0" it automaticly umounts the media before game starts.. can I fix this?01:42
dbmoodbok but when i update kernels it will ...01:42
dbmoodbnot do that will it ?01:43
dbmoodblike it will reset to 1,001:43
RenatoSilvathe upgrade gives this error: Failed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/feisty-updates/multiverse/binary-i386/Packages.gz Sub-processo gzip retornou um código de erro (1)01:43
godzirraponingru: I tried to install compiz using the GTI4 installer I foudn on the forums, and it didnt work, so I uninstalled then reinstalled compiz, and now when I try and start emerald, it gives me this error :01:43
RenatoSilvawhat's this??????????01:43
godzirraemerald: Could not acquire decoration manager selection on screen 0 display ":0.0"01:43
dbmoodbbecause another one is running godzirra probably01:43
godzirraAfter a reboot?  how do I check?01:43
sinthetekthere are no errors showing up in logs and although i'm familiar with how tcp/ip works in general, i'm not so great at reading pcap dumps01:44
heatmzzrwhy cant i play movies, tried totem, tried gxine, nothing will play a dvd?01:44
dbmoodbtry emerald --force ?01:44
poningru!dvd | heatmzzr01:44
godzirrahrm.. you're right.01:44
ubotuheatmzzr: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs01:44
thoraskand you can put in a sleep to delay things01:44
nickrudgodzirra, did you do emerald --replace  ?01:44
Zoe_there we go01:44
godzirranickrud: it just seems to hang when I do that.01:44
Zoe_poningru, thank you01:44
dbmoodbor not...01:44
poningruZoe_: I wasnt fully helpful sorry about that :)01:44
nickrudgodzirra, then you probably have some cruft left over from that other install ....01:44
poningruthanks should go to nickrud01:44
voidmageIs there ANY way to get metacity to not draw window borders for certain windows?01:44
askandthor: but then I need to know for how long I will run the program that particualr time?01:44
heatmzzryeah dbmood01:45
Zoe_lol, thank you all01:45
godzirranickrud: the uninstall -says- it uninstalled it all.  I think it mayhave removed something important to emerald as well though (that I didnt reinstall, or that apt doesnt know got removed)01:45
poningruvoidmage: I think you can do that with the compiz configuration manager iirc01:45
RenatoSilvathe upgrade gives this error: Failed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/feisty-updates/multiverse/binary-i386/Packages.gz Sub-process gzip returned an error code (1). What's the solution??????????01:45
Zoe_I haven't seen this ugly brown wallpaper for 7 hours now01:45
dbmoodbso when i get a kernel update won't grub just go back to hd(1,0) ?01:45
godzirranickrud: and lookign at the directories it installed stuff too, it seems like it uninstalled it all.01:45
nickrudponingru, no, I was talking with Zoe_ earlier & couldn't help, don't know nvidia01:45
sintheteki'm been grappling with this on and off a few days and if i cannot find a resolution i will have to downgrade back to feisty or switch my sister to another distro since her system doubles as db server and development webserver for our business01:45
thoraskand well if you want it to remain mounted unil you quit the game jus tput the umount command on the next line01:45
voidmageponingru: do you know the specific window rules?01:45
dbmoodbahaahahah - tis running ubuntu sin ?01:45
thoraskand the script won't finish til you finish the game01:45
poningruvoidmage: sorry dude :(01:45
richardcan someone give me a hand? using growisofs I get failed with SK=4h/ASC=08h/ACQ=03h  two out of three times...01:46
RenatoSilvanobody knows? can't believe01:46
nickrudgodzirra, I don't know that install method you're talking aobut01:46
godzirralet me find it again01:46
poningruRenatoSilva: are you sure you have internet?01:46
poningruare you on the same computer as this?01:46
dbmoodbi recommend debian etch :) -stable for you01:46
dbmoodbor long release ubuntu01:46
sinthetekdbmoodb: ? sister has been running ubuntu about 2 years01:46
sinthetekshe's 1301:46
godzirranickrud: http://elemongw.exofire.net/download/git4cf_auto01:46
poningruRenatoSilva: do a ping archive.ubuntu.com01:47
dbmoodbif its a webserver ...01:47
poningruin a terminal01:47
sinthetekdbmoodb: you are the one who thought it was funny01:47
dbmoodbwell if it is a webserver ...01:47
dbmoodbthen she probably shouldn't be touching it01:47
godzirranickrud: thats the link to the ubuntuforums for it.01:47
sinthetekahh, it worked fine as a webserver in feisty, just having problems with incoming connections in gutsy01:48
RenatoSilvaponingru: how do u think i'm talking with you? I'm an X-men?01:48
sinthetekdbmoodb: it's *primary* function is my sister's desktop01:48
poningruRenatoSilva: yes... probably proffesor X01:48
poningruor maybe jean grey01:48
RenatoSilvaponingru: uahushus01:48
sinthetekthough she could use it just as effectively in any distro probably since she only uses it for basic tasks01:48
nickrudgodzirra, ohhh, from version control ....01:48
dbmoodbmmm personally i would not be using a desktop as a web server if it is hosting something important and then let a 13 year old play with it01:48
RenatoSilvaponingru: open the link you'll see the file as a text!!! >>>>>>>>> the upgrade gives this error: Failed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/feisty-updates/multiverse/binary-i386/Packages.gz Sub-process gzip returned an error code (1). What's the solution??????????01:49
godzirranickrud: right...  didn't work so well, so I uninstalled via the same program.01:49
dbmoodb- power buttons01:49
sinthetekdbmoodb: i said 'development' webserver01:49
poningruRenatoSilva: what does the ping say?01:49
sinthetekdbmoodb: it is primary mysqld though01:49
dbmoodbthought you meant as in ..01:49
godzirranickrud: it seems to have uninstalled it all, but I think it removed something that was important that apt doesn't know is gone, so I can't say what it is.01:49
askandthor:  doesnt work :/01:49
poningrusinthetek: its taking too long for ssh and http?01:49
CondouloI downloaded the most recent version of my ATI driver from AMD, but it downloads as a .run file.01:49
nickrudgodzirra, did you reinstall emerald ?01:49
Condoulohow would I install01:50
RenatoSilvaponingru: open the file! click the link!01:50
dbmoodboh noes cond01:50
godzirrai had to uninstall libdecoration0 too.01:50
godzirrasince it was gone, but apt didn't know that.01:50
dbmoodbyou will have to use something other then dpkg01:50
godzirraerr, uninstall then reinstall.01:50
RenatoSilvaponingru: the ping archive.ubuntu.com...well...it pings!01:50
poningrucan you go to it in your browser?01:50
RenatoSilvaponingru: 64 bytes from prat.canonical.com ( icmp_seq=50 ttl=50 time=351 ms01:50
poningrufirefox or whatever01:50
sinthetekponingru: actually i haven't reinstalled httpd yet since i put gutsy on here01:50
RenatoSilvaponingru: r u talking to me?01:51
poningruRenatoSilva: yes01:51
poningrusinthetek: what does netstat -ta say?01:51
poningrusinthetek: can you do an ssh -vv and then try to do a connection out?01:51
sinthetekponingru: but based on response time of my site, and where the script seems to lag, it looks like mysqld connections are affected as well01:51
RenatoSilvaponingru: did you CLICKED the link?01:51
voidmageI found the window rule, but it still doesn't go above the bottom panel01:51
=== anthony is now known as tonyyarusso
Condoulohow can I run a .run file?01:52
nickrudgodzirra, I'd bet you have something left over you shouldn't, more like. I never cared much for those automated installs (like envy, etc) .01:52
dbmoodbopen up a terminal cond01:52
Old_GreggCan someone guide me on how to enable more than one window using my sound card?01:52
godzirraYeah, me either.01:52
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto01:52
sinthetekponingru: just confirmed it from mysql-cli...taking like 5 sec to establish connection01:52
godzirrabut I don't think I have something left over.  I looked in the directory that it copied stuff to.  I think I have something missing that I need.01:52
RenatoSilvaponingru: I'd say the Packages.gz is not zipped, right?01:52
godzirrahow do I find out what though?  as far as I can tell there's no logging emerald does.01:52
sinthetekponingru: ssh to or from the lagged host?01:52
thedoorRenatoSilva, você fala portugues?01:52
poningrusinthetek: both01:53
_blitz_i dont know whether it is appropriate to ask this question here.... pressing the multimedia keys on my keyboard causes my windows xp system to freeze.but not ubuntu.anyone got any ideas about what is going on please?.i am asking this here because i did not find any help from windows channel01:53
Condoulodbmoodb- the packages that it downloads doesn't show the new 7.12 version of the driver. It does not give me updates either01:53
ubotuThe #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat01:53
sinthetekponingru: just a min01:53
boomshakalakaHello, anyone here run the linux citrix client and have experience with certs?01:53
nickrudgodzirra, the only thing I can think of, is install apt-rdepends, and start working your way thru the list it will kick out01:53
poningruRenatoSilva: yeah I know dude thats why I asked to go get it from the web and unzip it then01:53
poningruerr gunzip it01:53
dbmoodbwell follow ati's instructions then, you have been warned against it01:53
RenatoSilvathedoor: of course rsss01:53
godzirraholy christ thats a long list.01:53
thedoorRenatoSilva, im on ubuntu-br01:53
nickrudwho's gonna follow ati's instructions and screw up their system?01:54
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP301:54
dbmoodbthere you go01:54
RenatoSilvaponingru: pleaaaaaaaaase, did you OPENED THE FILE???01:54
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about libdvd - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi01:54
poningruRenatoSilva: the upgrade gives this error: Failed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/feisty-updates/multiverse/binary-i386/Packages.gz Sub-process gzip returned an error code (1). What's the solution??????????01:54
bowen88500Anyone help me?01:54
poningrubowen88500: whatsup?01:55
nickrudCondoulo, a sec, if you must use the driver download from ati I'll give you a link that will keep your system from being fubar'd01:55
poningru!ask | bowen88500 for future references01:55
bowen88500I am a new user of this goods01:55
RenatoSilvaponingru: ?01:55
ubotubowen88500 for future references: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)01:55
poningruRenatoSilva: isnt that what your file said?01:55
poningrubowen88500: so whatsup?01:55
nickrudCondoulo, http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Gutsy_Installation_Guide01:55
el_cubanoHi.  I have been given an old laptop and I want to install Ubuntu.  However, I don't want to go through the whole live boot process.  Is there an option I can pass on the command line which will tell it to just install the system?01:55
dbmoodbfollow ati for nv lol01:55
dbmoodbops - bit tired01:56
Condoulonickrud- I am wanting to use the new drivers because it supports AIGLX01:56
dbmoodbwait do you want ati ?01:56
poningru!alternate | el_cubano01:56
ubotuel_cubano: The Alternate CD (available as of Dapper) is the classical text-mode installation CD. Use it if you wish to upgrade via CD, or for an "expert" mode install. For normal installs, use the Desktop CD, which is also a "Live" CD - See also !Minimal01:56
poningruCondoulo: I would just wait till hardy comes01:56
poningrusinthetek: hmm?01:56
sinthetekponingru: www.mentalcases.net/~sinthetek/netprob2.txt and netprob3.txt01:56
el_cubanoponingru: So, there is no way to have the standard CD to a text-mode install?01:56
nickrudCondoulo, I understand that, that howto will show you how to make managed packages that can be added and removed easily, and has workarounds to various problems01:56
poningruel_cubano: no sorry dude not yet01:57
sinthetekdebug2: we did not send a packet, disable method01:57
nickrudCondoulo, emphasize that *removed* , for the next release01:57
sinthetekdunno why that would affect mysql though..01:57
bowen88500I am a new user of this goods,and My English is very poor ,So it is a little puzzle for me01:57
Old_GreggOkay, now i need help.  I read through all three links and I can't find a thorough explanation of how to enable two programs to use my sound at once01:57
hockeyfan5000is there a command two join two avi files, ie. avi1 and avi2 into one file01:57
nickrudCondoulo, and thanks I hadn't noticed that there was a .12 , I'm still hoping for decent aiglx01:57
jatthockeyfan5000: avimerge01:58
thedoorCondoulo, can u help me?01:58
Condoulothedoor- With what?01:58
poningrusinthetek: that just means you dont have the public/private key setup01:58
godzirranickrud: any other ideas?01:59
thedoorCondoulo,  my HD, i activate the dma but is stills slowly =/01:59
poningruhockeyfan5000: have you tried with cat?01:59
poningruI would make a backup first though01:59
romistrubhey, anybody know what "market share" linux has with home users?01:59
poningrubowen88500: what problem are you having?01:59
jimdOld_Gregg: I think some of the sound daemons like esd act as mixers01:59
romistrubI know that windoz is hardcore with the business side01:59
romistrubso I mean for personal use alone01:59
Ron_Just installed a new ubuntu gutsy, and i'm trying to setup ssh key auth, but it only works if pageant is running, if i enter it into putty it says "Server refused our key". Any clues?02:00
bowen88500The people is this room is in the same country?02:00
Old_Greggjimd: I don't understand02:00
sinthetekponingru: www.mentalcases.net/~sinthetek/netprob4.txt02:00
romistrubI'm from Canada bowen8850002:00
hockeyfan5000poningru: I did but it look like garbled characters so I dont think that was working, but I didnt let it finish02:00
robdigbowen88500: no.02:00
Stormx2What's a nice tool for viewing the DNS servers of a domain, other than whois?02:00
hockeyfan5000I will try avimerge then to back to catenate02:00
bowen88500I am from china,nice to see you02:00
* A[D]minS is away: Sleeping 02:00
RenatoSilvaponingru: tha was upgrade error msg02:00
bowen88500I am a China boy02:00
romistrubhah... oh the internet, how I love thee02:00
RenatoSilvaponingru: BY THE POWER OF LOVE opne the file >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Failed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/feisty-updates/multiverse/binary-i386/Packages.gz Sub-processo gzip retornou um código de erro (1)02:01
robdig!cn | bowen88500: there is a chinese channel if that helps...02:01
Old_GreggDoes anyone know how I can configure my sound card to work with more than one application?02:01
poningruRenatoSilva: sorry I have no love :|02:01
Stormx2Old_Gregg: That should happen automatically if your applications are set to use ALSA02:02
RenatoSilvaponingru: I love you. SO open the file!!!02:02
ubotuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk02:02
poningruRenatoSilva: sorry dude I dont open files from random strangers...02:02
Old_GreggStormx2:  The two applications I care about are World of Warcraft and Ventrilo.  I don't know how to set them to use ALSA02:02
poningrujust tell me what the problem is02:02
jimdOld_Gregg: I think you need to configure something like esd or the ALSA daemon; then configure your applications to use that as appropriate02:02
poningruor use pastebin02:02
poningru!pastebin | RenatoSilva02:03
ubotuRenatoSilva: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)02:03
RenatoSilvaponingru: JESUS, the file in on Ubuntu DOMAIN!02:03
Aztec007I forgot my password to my gentoo machine02:03
jimdOld_Gregg: you have WoW running under Linux?02:03
Stormx2Old_Gregg: I can look it up. Are you running ventrilo natively or using wine for that?02:03
Old_Greggjimd: Yes02:03
RenatoSilvaponingru: it wasn't supposed to be a text file!!!!!!!!!!!!02:03
Old_Greggstormx2: natively02:03
poningruRenatoSilva: what file are you reffering to?02:03
jimdUnder Wine?  VMware, Xen?02:03
nickrudgodzirra, was reading the ati stuff, may try it again, supposed to fix suspend. Anyway, install that apt-rdepends, and reinstall packages. Shotgun approach. Alternatively, beg for intelligent help on #compiz-fusion02:03
Old_Greggstormx2:  they both are native, though both installed using CrossOver02:03
RenatoSilvaponingru: a .gz teorically could never be posted there!!!!02:03
teddy233when u download a file while on a proxy server, does it get stored in the server?02:03
Aztec007Is there anything I can do ?02:03
=== Ron_ is now known as Ron
jimdOld_Gregg: Then they are NOT native.02:04
rikstaHi I'm running drbd with lvm on top, I'm not too familiar with ubuntu's init system, and the problem I have is that lvm's init script is run before drbd which is not desired....how can i alter the script order?02:04
poningruAztec007: whats wrong?02:04
jimdCrossOver is not native02:04
RenatoSilvaponingru: I think I know more about Ubuntu than you!!!02:04
vidsanURGENT: Help! Can't get past fourth lvl in Penguin Racer!!!02:04
Old_Greggjimd: So does that mean they are running through Crossover?02:04
Stormx2Old_Gregg: I wouldn't consider it native if you're using an emulation layer like crossover02:04
RenatoSilvaponingru: grrrrrrr02:04
poningruRenatoSilva: cool02:04
Stormx2vidsan: Jog on.02:04
poningruvidsan: lol02:04
Old_Greggstormx2:  Didn't know it stuck around after you installed stuff02:04
romistrubhow does one use Compiz Fusion?02:04
RenatoSilvaFailed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/feisty-updates/multiverse/binary-i386/Packages.gz Sub-processo gzip retornou um código de erro (1)02:04
RenatoSilvadoes anyone know this error???02:04
poningruromistrub: what do you mean?02:04
Stormx2Old_Gregg: It's needed to run win32 applications, it's not just for installing.02:04
Aztec007poningru: I forgot the password to my gentoo machine is there any boot cd or command that I can do to crack it?02:04
Old_Greggstormx2:  Does that mean, if I configure CrossOver to use ALSA, any programs I run from it will use the sound properly?02:04
Stormx2Old_Gregg: Ubuntu can't run windows binaries natively.02:05
poningruAztec007: you are in ubuntu dude02:05
RenatoSilvawhat's this: Failed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/feisty-updates/multiverse/binary-i386/Packages.gz Sub-processo gzip retornou um código de erro (1)02:05
poningruAztec007: but yes there is use system-rescue-cd02:05
Stormx2Old_Gregg, that's right. I've never used crossover office myself, though02:05
poningruAztec007: and then chroot the hard drive02:05
poningruAztec007: and then run passwd02:05
romistrubponingru: I'm ... not sure02:05
vidsanomg wallhax... That worked02:05
pc22ave a problem with my space in harddisk. just last night is 5gb free now its almost zero and i havent done an ything02:05
romistrubponingru: I've seen all these demos...02:05
poningruromistrub: hmm?02:06
Aztec007poningru: oh ok, I'll definitely look that up02:06
romistrubponingru: I probably have to ... install it :P02:06
RenatoSilvaFailed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/feisty-updates/multiverse/binary-i386/Packages.gz Sub-processo gzip retornou um código de erro (1)02:06
poningrupc22: how big is your hard drive?02:06
Zoe_I hate this kernel02:06
Stormx2pc22: Might be temporary files, etc. If you use the disk usage analyser, under applications > accessories, that might shed some light on it02:06
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poningruromistrub: what version of ubuntu are you on?02:06
Aztec007poningru: Thanks for the help, I always forget to first join the appropriate forum before asking questions02:06
robdigpc22: check your logs directory to see if something is eating your space up.../var/log02:06
Old_GreggStormx2:  Any ideas on how to set that up?  I'm in the configuration, but it's kinda chinese to me02:07
poningruAztec007: np02:07
vidsannoob question: Does one ever have to compile the kernel after using synaptic?02:07
romistrubponingru: gutsy02:07
Stormx2Old_Gregg: No idea, sorry.02:07
Zoe_ever since kernel update, I have to compile the nvidia drivers *every time* I want to start X02:07
Stormx2Old_Gregg: Why not use wine, out of interest?02:07
CoasterMastervidsan, I don't think so02:07
chuckfvidsan, not normally02:07
Zoe_any suggestions?02:07
Aztec007Since I'm already here, I actually do have a question about UBUNTU02:07
poningruromistrub: go into system->pref-appearences02:07
poningruromistrub: and then switch to the last tab02:07
Malachi<romistrub>: System > Preferences > Appearances02:07
poningruand try to turn it to extra02:08
verb3k_RenatoSilva, do this in terminal:  sudo rm /var/lib/apt/lists/partial/*02:08
Aztec007I cant activate the desktop effects, how do I reconfigure the driver for my graphics card?02:08
poningruMalachi: naah dude02:08
jengc0ilhi verb3k_02:08
Stormx2vidsan: Chances are you'll never need to compile a custom kernel. I consider myself an advanced user and I've never needed to.02:08
Old_GreggStormx2:  Rumor has it Blizzard detects Wine as a 3rd party extension and there is a potential for getting your account banned.  For whatever reason, CrossOver does not.02:08
romistrubponingru:  Yeah, I did that... but...there weren't many options :P02:08
verb3k_jengc0il, hi02:08
MalachiAztec007: Have you used the restricted driver manager?02:08
romistrubponingru: whta happened to that crazy cube effect and the like?02:08
jengc0ilverb3k_: how to execute change my time and date02:08
Stormx2Old_Gregg, ah, I saw that on /.02:08
poningruromistrub: ah gotcha02:08
Aztec007Malachi: yes02:08
Malachiromistrub: To get more options, go to System > Administration > Synaptic Package Manager02:08
jengc0ilverb3k_: configuration cannot be loaded02:09
poningruromistrub: you have to go and install the compiz-configuration-manager02:09
romistrubMalachi: I searched compiz... soo many options. Which one?02:09
Malachiromistrub: Then search for compizconfig-settings-manager and install it.02:09
poningruand then use that to turn that stuff on02:09
romistrubAhh, okay02:09
poningruromistrub: what he said02:09
romistrubMalachi poningru ahh okay02:09
jengc0ilverb3k_: you not allowed to config02:09
=== DarthShr1ne is now known as DarthShrne
=== DarthShrne is now known as DarthShrine
vidsanLogon question: When (Running Ubuntu Gutsy)  cold-booting I get the Debian log-on screen, but when I ctrl-alt-backspace I get the ubuntu screen. How can I remove the debian logon so I only get teh ubuntu one02:09
MalachiAztec007: What's your card?02:09
Aztec007Malachi: ATI02:09
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots02:09
verb3k_jengc0il, what time and date?02:10
krammeranybody know what this is GLib 2.0 development headers ????02:10
MalachiAztec007: Oh, hm. Do you know any more about it?02:10
Dr_willisvidsan,  Debian Log on screen? You mean the GDM theme is saying Debian?02:10
romistrubponingru: done02:10
MalachiAztec007: Model or such?02:10
ironfootCan some help me with a problem with mysql  error #2002 can't find socket?02:10
jengc0ilverb3k_: cant setting time and date for my pc02:10
Malachiromistrub: Now go to System > Preferences > Advance Desktop Settings02:10
poningruromistrub: now if you go to preferences you will see a menu option02:10
Stormx2ironfoot: #mysql mate02:10
romistrubponingru: I see the "advanced desktop"02:10
poningruyeah what he said02:10
romistrubthanks a billion guys02:10
vidsanDr_Willis: Yup02:10
Dr_willisvidsan,  alt-ctrl-backspace kills the X server, putting you in the console.02:10
Malachiponingru: Sorry for robbing you.02:10
Stormx2Dr_willis: No, it restarts it./02:10
RenatoSilvaverb3k_: i did it. And now??????02:10
Dr_willisvidsan,  use a different theme for gdm if ya want.02:10
Aztec007Malachi: I'm not too sure, is there a way to get that information from linux?02:10
poningruMalachi: haha np all that matters is the user gets helped02:10
ironfootStormx2:I'm not understanding?02:11
Dr_willisStormx2,  it kills it THEN restarts it. :)02:11
poningrusam_: test failed we cant see you02:11
sam_hey can anyone see me?02:11
jengc0il!setting time and date02:11
Aztec007Malachi: I'm new to linux02:11
Stormx2Dr_willis, we're both right ;D02:11
vidsanDr_Willis: Yeah, I've tried, but nothing seems to happen02:11
Dr_willisactually it dies.. then gdm gets restarted since its a service.02:11
poningruAztec007: yeah do a lspci02:11
poningruin the terminal02:11
Dr_willisvidsan,  to get the gdm theme to change after setting it with some tool you MUST restart the gdm service.02:11
poningruAztec007: go to applications->accessories->terminal02:11
poningruand do a lspci02:11
Stormx2ironfoot: Join the #mysql channel and ask there.02:11
Aztec007poningru: oh ok,02:11
MalachiAztec007: Okay, there is a way.02:12
MalachiDo what he says.02:12
krammerGLib 2.0 development headers02:12
d4vegUbuntu 32bit will work fine if I have an AMD 64 bit processor? I've installed 64bit and love it but I have too many problems with java and flash plugins :(02:12
Dr_willisI think.. :) heh. actually i think theres a random gdm theme setting also.02:12
staykovmarinhi, i am using elinks, but i am unable to click on links and such. any suggestions?02:12
krammerhow can i get theM?02:12
sam_hey can you help me with easyubuntu?02:12
jengc0ilhi Stormx202:12
vidsanI'll give it a shot. Thx!02:12
Ljorringhow do I set a global enviroment variable in ubuntu?02:12
MalachiAztec007: You can also look at System > Preferences > Hardware Information02:12
Dr_willisLjorring,  depends on exactly what you are setting and for whom.02:12
MalachiAztec007: It's like Windows' Device Manager02:12
verb3k_jengc0il, sorry, I am a newbie like you ...really :)02:12
sam_ugh how am i supposed to get help here its so crowded02:12
LjorringDr_willis: for my own user02:12
Old_GreggAnyone use/using Crossover and know how I can configure it to have sound on more than one application at a time?02:13
jengc0ilStormx2: I CANT ADJUST time and date. configuration cant be load and you not allow to access that configuration02:13
LjorringDr_willis: I want a global variable set for my own user, and for it to be consistent on bootup02:13
Dr_willissam_,  easyubuntu has its own channel I think.. and its a script/tool thats not very well liked here. :)02:13
Aztec007Malachi: 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Radeon Mobility M6 LY02:13
sam_how do i join the easyubuntu channel?02:13
Dr_willisLjorring,  the users .bashrc or .bash_profile is most likely the proper place for that.02:13
ubotueasyubuntu is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. See http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/ - For help and or discussions about EasyUbuntu please join #easyubuntu02:13
sam_im only using it b/c i need mp3 help02:13
TheEagle!register | TheEagle02:14
geonerdi am about to install 7.10 - i am new to linux - need to know if I need to tweak anything to connect to my Belkin N1 wireless router?02:14
krammerhow can i get this GLib 2.0 development headers  ??02:14
LjorringDr_willis: ok, I will look into it02:14
jengc0il!cant be loaded02:14
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about cant be loaded - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi02:14
Stormx2jengc0il: Stop playing with the bot.02:14
Aztec007geonerd: I'm new to linux too!02:14
MalachiAztec007: While you're at a terminal, go ahead and type 'dmesg | grep direct' without quotes.02:14
Dr_willisLjorring,  you proberly dont need to use easyubuntu to get mp3 support. Most people dont need easyubuntu at all. :)02:14
TheEagle!register | TheEagle02:14
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about access - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi02:14
Stormx2Stop it.02:14
Stormx2Both of you.02:14
MalachiAztec007: Not really necessary, but will give me some information. Does it say Yes?02:14
Stormx2Investigate the bot in PMs please.02:15
Stormx2jengc0il: I assume you have the date/time plugin on the gnome panel?02:15
ubotuBy default, only registered users can send private messages - Information about  registering your Freenode nick can be found at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration02:15
Aztec007Malachi: ok....02:15
Stormx2TheEagle: Stop.02:15
krammerhow can i get this GLib 2.0 development headers  ??02:15
TheEagleStormx2: ive been trying to get the register message up02:15
TheEagleit wouldn't come up the first 2 times i tried - i need it02:15
fwaokdaponingru, ty for getting my wireless set up :)02:15
poningrufwaokda: awesome02:16
jengc0ilStormx2: yup gnome02:16
Stormx2TheEagle: /msg nickserv help register02:16
Dr_williskrammer,  fire up the package manager. search for glib, install anything that has -dev in it? :) thats the SHOTGUN approach.02:16
Aztec007Malachi: nothing happened02:16
krammeri tired that02:16
Stormx2jengc0il: Righto. and you're right clicking it and clicking "Adjust Date & Time"?02:16
TheEaglei have it now - but thanks anyway - and next time don't jump to conclusions02:16
EroickThis is wierd, I did a dist-upgrade from a Wubi install without realizing the problem with it. It resulted in an error that looked like "PCI: Cannot allocate resource region ..." once it got past grub. So I cut my losses and uninstalled Wubi and went to install ubuntu for real. I tried to use Unetbootin but when it got past grub, I got the same "PCI: Cannot allocate resource region" error......02:16
Eroick...What does this error mean? Im worried that I will install ubuntu and the error will persist.02:17
jengc0ilStormx2: cannot be loaded and dont have a access02:17
MalachiAztec007: I'm sorry, glxinfo | grep direct02:17
brooksbpif i have an application binded to port 11211... will the port be open?02:17
MalachiAztec007: A bit tired, forgive me. :\02:17
Malachibrooksbp: No.02:17
Stormx2jengc0il, open a terminal. gksu time-admin. What does that give, same error?02:17
Aztec007Malachi; dont worry about, you're being more than helpful :)02:17
Malachibrooksbp: That depends on two things: Your router (completely independent of the operating system) and the firewall (Ubuntu can solve this problem.)02:18
brooksbpMalachi: how do I make it open... I can't even telnet to my server... even though it's on a static ip address02:18
Aztec007Malachi: it said NO02:18
EroickIt seems that most people that have this problem still have their computer boot. Mine freezes at that error.02:18
Malachibrooksbp: Applications > Add/Remove  and search for Firestarter02:19
brooksbpMalachi: server ed02:19
MalachiAztec007: Then you don't have the right driver for your card.02:19
Aztec007Malachi: it also said that if you want to find out why, to set LIBGL_DEBUG = verbose02:19
Malachibrooksbp: Oh. Hm.02:19
Malachibrooksbp: One moment.02:19
Old_GreggHow do I start the Gnome Control Center?02:19
geonerdneed help with wireless when someone gets a chance thx02:19
MalachiAztec007: Don't worry about that.02:19
=== leagion is now known as leagion3
brooksbpMalachi: didn't install a firewall anyways02:19
Aztec007Malachi: so, dont set it to verbose?02:20
MalachiAztec007: Go to System > Administration > Restricted Driver Manager02:20
Malachibrooksbp: Firetables is preinstalled.02:20
Stormx2brooksbp: Ubuntu comes with ipfilters that default to no open ports.02:20
Aztec007Malachi: ok...02:20
MalachiAztec007: No.02:20
MalachiFiretables? iptables.02:20
sam_hi how do I get sound on ubuntu?02:20
MalachiThanks, Stormx202:20
MalachiMan, I need sleep.02:20
Old_GreggSimple question:  How do I load the Gnome Control Center?02:20
Stormx2Old_Gregg, lemme see, hold up02:21
MalachiAztec007: What options are there?02:21
Old_Greggstormx2: thanks!02:21
Dr_willisOld_Gregg,  try 'gnome-c<tab>'  from a terminal?02:21
Malachibrooksbp: What ports need opening?02:21
brooksbpStormx2: How can I open up a port then... it looks like even though I have a socket listening it wont read anything cause the port isn't publicly accessable02:21
Stormx2Old_Gregg: gnome-control-center02:21
Aztec007Malachi: just one option for my Modem02:21
Dr_willisGotta love gnomes rather verbose-names-method-of-naming-things02:21
TtechHi, how cam I get my Wifi icon on my Dell laptop to work?02:21
MalachiAztec007: Have you installed all updates?02:22
Aztec007Malachi: its giving me an option to enable it02:22
TtechDr_willis, heh02:22
brooksbpMalachi: I have a socket listening to port 11211... the machine has a static ip address... but a client can't connect to the port02:22
Stormx2brooksbp: If you're running graphically, firestarter is the way to go, as someone has already suggested to you.02:22
=== infil00p_b is now known as InfiL00p
Malachibrooksbp: I'm actually unfamiliar with iptables. The only way I know to open a port is Firestarter.02:22
brooksbpStormx2: server02:22
jengc0ilStormx2: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/49371/02:22
Peddycan someone help me? In a torrent, is it the more you upload, the faster you get it? (like if I make the cap higher)02:23
MalachiPeddy: No.02:23
Peddythe upload cap02:23
MalachiPeddy: But this isn't a torrent channel.02:23
Old_Greggstormx2:  No go on that.  "command not found"02:23
Aztec007Malachi: here's what happened, the other night I did a whole bunch of updates from synaptic not really knowing what I was doing.  *Blush*02:23
Peddymmmmkay sorry02:23
Stormx2Old_Gregg: sudo apt-get install gnome-command-center then.02:23
MalachiAztec007: But that's fine. Updates are supposed to be that way. You just install them.02:23
fwaokdais there a setting in Gusty to disable my mouse touchpad while typing to avoid the touchpad picking up in another location while im typing?02:23
Stormx2jengc0il: Weird. You might have fouled up su somehow. Perhaps... reboot?02:24
Ttechfwaokda,  probbably but it won't not be working without a restart02:24
Stormx2Can't believe I'm suggesting it, bleh.02:24
Aztec007Malachi: before I did those updates everything was working fine02:24
fwaokdaTtech, thats fine i dont mind restarting just wondering if it existed02:24
geonerdalso, what can I do (efficiently) to be able to play iTunes files in Ubuntu (again, i am new...sorry for the dumb ?s)02:24
Stormx2geonerd: DRM'd?02:25
NyaxHi, I'm having a problem.02:25
Ttechfwaokda, restaring Ubuntu?02:25
Stormx2!itunes | geonerd02:25
ubotugeonerd: itunes is not available on Linux, but there are many audio player alternatives (see !players). For Daap clients (sharing music with other iTunes clients on the network), install banshee02:25
Old_GreggSays I already have it02:25
Old_Greggstormx2:  It says I already have it installed and that it's current02:25
Stormx2Old_Gregg: What does dpkg -L gnome-control-center | grep bin say?02:26
EroickThis seems to be a problem with Acer computers like mine... The error is specific to the 386 revision of the kernel02:26
MalachiAztec007: Go to System > Administration > Screens and Graphics02:26
Eroickany ways around that while installing gutsy?02:26
Aztec007Malachi: ok02:26
Old_Gregga lot of stuff02:26
MalachiAztec007: Hit the driver tab.02:26
NyaxHey, half the time when I restart my computer instead of actually loading the OS, I get a screen full of short, horizontal lines.02:26
Aztec007Malachi: done02:27
NyaxAny idea what would cause that?02:27
Stormx2Old_Gregg: got it?02:27
RenatoSilvaverb3k_: I've GOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!02:27
NyaxIs restarting with the Ubuntu CD in the drive a bad thing?02:27
geonerdStormx2: thx, i don't know what DRM means lol...was going to use Rhythmbox or banshee.  but do i have to do anything to the .m4p files so that they will play?02:28
Old_Greggstormx2: Not sure exactly.  I went to gnome-sound-properties but I'm not sure that's the right place02:28
eth01nyax, not really.02:28
verb__RenatoSilva, good :)02:28
Aztec007Malachi: I'm gonna test the drivers one by one until it works02:28
=== ajmorris_|AFK is now known as ajmorris_
RenatoSilvaverb__:  now it's on the 2nd stage!02:29
eth01it depends if your bios sees it as a boot option automatically ;)02:29
Aztec007Malachi: I already tested one driver and it failed02:29
RenatoSilvaverb__: changing software channels02:29
NyaxBecause I've installed Ubuntu three times now and every time it's died within 24 hours.02:29
eth01if it *does*, then you'd probably be best keepin' it out the drive, or telling the bios otherwise..02:29
eth01nyax, run a memtest?02:29
Stormx2geonerd: Unfortunately apple's iTunes uses something called DRM. It's a technology mandated by overzealous wealthy and technologically-impared label chairs. It means that those files are tied down specifically to your copy of iTunes, and your iPod if you have one.02:29
eth01!tell Nyax about memtest02:30
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about memtest - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi02:30
RenatoSilvaverb__: but I've discovered I cant' upgrade from CD!!!!02:30
Stormx2geonerd: There are illegal ways to strip the DRM, which I won't recommend as doing illegal things is naughty. You can also burn CDs and re-rip them.02:30
verb__RenatoSilva, why?02:30
LjL!cn | ubuntu02:30
ubotuubuntu: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk02:30
NyaxOkay, I'm going to reinstall once more...02:31
NyaxLet's see how this goes.02:31
eth01Nyax, don't bother.02:31
eth01Nyax, sounds like dodgey hardware.02:31
verb__RenatoSilva, I've got to go now ... see you02:31
NyaxI'm trying to run it only a 10-year-old laptop.02:31
verb__!japan | ubuntu02:31
NyaxIt's not exactly the best of situations.02:31
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about japan - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi02:31
verb__!jap | ubuntu02:31
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about jap - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi02:31
LjLverb__: that's chinese, and i've told him already.02:31
geonerdStormx2: is the audio quality ok after the CDs are re-ripped?02:31
verb__LjL, I see02:31
Stormx2geonerd: It'll be worse, because it's been transcoded.02:32
NyaxWill re-installing Ubuntu multiple times cause it to partition my HD to hell?02:32
DaveBloorHello everyone02:32
NyaxOr does it write over previous Ubuntu partitions?02:32
verb__LjL, I've discovered it, it's  jp  :D02:33
LjLNyax: it depends on what you tell it to do, of course. the installer has options02:33
Stormx2geonerd, depends what your audio setup is like. I notice the difference, others don't.02:33
LjLverb__: yes02:33
RenatoSilvaverb__:  no!02:33
LjL!bot > verb__    (verb__, see the private message from Ubotu)02:33
werswhat can I do to the locate command for it to show hidden files as well? :)02:33
NyaxIf I just say use the whole drive?02:33
LjLNyax: it will format everything.02:33
MalachaiAztec007: Sorry, my computer overheated (had it on my bed....)02:33
NakedMoleRatis anyone familiar with InfraRecorder?02:33
MalachaiAztec007: Don't try everyone. Look for ATI.02:33
Soskelhi, do .mov's play in ubuntu? http://webtechmedia.net/wallace_type.mov02:34
RenatoSilvaverb__: I'll wait to see, but people told me CD could not be used to upgrade02:34
MalachaiSoskel: Yes.02:34
NakedMoleRatI am trying to burn ubuntu to a cd with InfraRecorder can anyone help?02:34
Stormx2Soskel: Seems so.02:34
Aztec007Malachi: ok02:34
Soskelthank you02:34
hockeyfan5000jatt Thanks that avimerge worked for me02:34
geonerdStormx2: ok thanks...i knew this was going to be a PITA :)02:34
Stormx2geonerd: DRM is I'm afraid.02:35
MalachaiAztec007: Are you still there?02:35
Aztec007Malachi: yes02:35
pitt0071gmail down? :S02:35
RenatoSilvacan I upgrade from Live CD??????????????????????????????????????02:35
Aztec007i was testing the ATI driver02:35
=== CO_panggil is now known as bajrey_boy
MalachaiAztec007: Try the Radeon02:35
MalachaiATI > Radeon02:35
tenexRenatoSilva: as long as you use plenty of question marks, of course02:35
Hammer89NakedMoleRat: actions -> burn iso... select your iso... and... burn it ;)02:35
Aztec007Malachi: I also tried the Radeon and it failed02:35
geonerdStormx2: guess i'll find out if it's too late to be on Santa's naughty list this year...thanks for your help02:36
MalachaiAztec: What do you mean, failed? Did you get an error?02:36
soroushhowto install skystar2 dvb card on ubuntu02:36
Stormx2RenatoSilva: One question mark is quite sufficient.02:36
Stormx2!upgrade | RenatoSilva02:36
ubotuRenatoSilva: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes02:36
Stormx2hi there.02:37
kyleBAKEDis there a gui application for ripping dvds?02:37
RenatoSilvatenex: some say yes, some say no. I'm confused02:37
Old_Greggstormx2:  I tried the two things I could find, but no luck.  I still have no sound in more than one application02:37
MalachaiAztec007: It should either be Radeon or Radeon fglrx02:37
Aztec007Malachai: the screen looked all fuzzy and02:37
RaDa-XFuckin english!02:37
RaDa-XI don't understand02:37
kyleBAKEDi've tried the way described in the forums using mplayer and mencode, but i get 'invalid NAVI packet' error02:37
RenatoSilva!upgrade | Stormx202:37
ubotuStormx2: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes02:37
LjL!language | RaDa-X02:37
ubotuRaDa-X: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.02:37
ozantürkçe bilende vardır burada belki02:37
Aztec007Malachai: I dont think I tried fglrx02:37
Stormx2RenatoSilva, don't push it.02:37
LjL!tr | ozan02:37
ubotuozan: Turk ubuntu kullanicilari, turkce yardim yada geyik icin #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde.02:37
ozanaramızda türkçe bilen var mı?02:37
RaDa-XNo discrimination02:37
Aztec007Malachai: I'll try that right now02:38
Stormx2Old_Gregg: It's specific to crossover. Unless you have a super-old soundcard, anything that uses ALSA will use dmix and will be mixed together.02:38
Old_GreggI'll ask again:  Does anyone know how to set it up so I can hear sound from more than one application.  I am using Crossover.02:38
RenatoSilvaMAY I or not upgrade from Live CD???02:38
Stormx2!ohmy | RaDa-X02:38
ubotuRaDa-X: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.02:38
LjLubuntu: ask in #ubuntu-cn02:38
Old_Greggstormx2:  Do you have any idea how I can configure crossover to do that?02:38
Stormx2RenatoSilva: Check the page that ubotu linked you to.02:38
Stormx2Old_Gregg: I already said no ¬_¬02:38
RaDa-XI'm from Argentina02:38
Stormx2RaDa-X: Fascinating.02:38
RaDa-XGo Argentina!02:38
LjL!es | RaDa-X02:38
wersin what folders can I find theme files other than my ~/.themes? :)02:38
ubotuRaDa-X: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.02:38
jadderRaDa-X, do you speak?02:38
kyleBAKEDdoes anyone have any recommendations on dvd ripping software?02:39
RaDa-Xgracias ubotu02:39
Old_Greggthanks anyway02:39
Stormx2!dvd | kyleBAKED02:39
ubotukyleBAKED: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs02:39
RaDa-XJadder: I speak spanish02:39
Stormx2Old_Gregg, a more specific question would be "how can I make crossover office output to ALSA"?02:39
Aztec007RaDa- X: que honda Rada02:39
ubotuThe #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat02:40
RaDa-XHola azteca02:40
RaDa-X¿Qué te pinta guacho?02:40
RaDa-X¿sos de México?02:40
RenatoSilvaStormx2: saying yes or no would waste less keys to you02:40
LjL!english | RaDa-X02:40
ubotuRaDa-X: please see above02:40
Stormx2Ffs. What is with people tonight? >.<02:40
Old_Greggstormx2:  according to what I've read, it's doing it already.02:40
spr0k3tno hablas a qui02:40
RenatoSilvacan i upgrade from live cd?02:40
Stormx2RenatoSilva: I don't know myself.02:40
Stormx2!repeat | RenatoSilva02:40
ubotuRenatoSilva: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience02:40
Aztec007RaDa-X: soy de mexico02:40
RaDa-XAdiviné : )02:40
Old_Greggstormx2:  Maybe I need to install alsa sound drivers?02:41
Stormx2Old_Gregg: Unlikely.02:41
jadderRaDa-X, puedes entrar en #ubuntu-es02:41
RenatoSilva!repeat | Stormx202:41
ubotuStormx2: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience02:41
jadderes una comunidad donde puedes hablar español02:41
=== monkey_ is now known as monkey99
HardDisk!es | jadder02:41
ubotujadder: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.02:41
LjLAztec007, RaDa-X: I've told you a number of times to please speak *English* here. use #ubuntu-es for help in spanish.02:41
TtechAny help?02:41
Stormx2LjL: Can you do something about RenatoSilva? When I direct an ubuntu factoid at him, he does it back, ignores it, and repeats his question.02:42
=== CO_panggil is now known as bajrey_boy
Josh1I have a question???????02:42
LjL!attitude | RenatoSilva02:42
ubotuRenatoSilva: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines02:42
MalachaiAztec007: It's okay if the Radeon driver looked fuzzy. Did you have the option to keep changes?02:42
RenatoSilvaStormx2: if you don't know the answer, don't try to tell it can't be asked02:42
UbunNoobanyone interested in helping me try and connect my linux box to the net?02:42
Aztec007Malachai: yes I did have that option I just didnt keep it02:42
MalachaiAztec007: If you did, I believe that's your driver (based on the forums)02:42
RenatoSilvaLjL: Stormx2: if you don't know the answer, don't try to tell it can't be asked02:42
Josh1I want to put a mirror of my ubuntu on my 2nd 20GB HD how do I do that?02:42
RaDa-Xubotu: You're a Hacker???02:42
Stormx2RenatoSilva: It can be asked. Just not so regularly, asking it so often doesn't help you, it just annoys people.02:42
MalachaiAztec007: Try keeping it. Then change your resolution.02:42
MalachaiRaDa-X: He's a bot.02:43
HardDisk!bot | RaDa-X02:43
ubotuRaDa-X: I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots02:43
Aztec007Malachai: Ok, I try and keep it02:43
Josh1My 1st HD is 160GB02:43
fwaokdaanyone have the patch for flash-nonfree or rather a link to it ?02:43
MalachaiAztec007: After your keep it, change the resolution to whatever your screensize is. (It should be on the monitor tab)02:43
RaDa-XMalachi: FUCK YOU!02:43
LjL!flash > fwaokda    (fwaokda, see the private message from Ubotu)02:44
fwaokdathanks Ljl02:44
ctothejI want to set up a RAID 0 volume for Media that can be read/written to in a multi-boot environment. Is this possible with software based RAID? Is fakeRAID the way to go?02:44
Aztec007RaDa-X: you keep that up and you'll be out of here, dont mess with Malachai02:45
jadderhey I have a tvcard, work with my ubuntu 7.10  I can plug consoles, but I can't watch tv, I have a vhs, to make some test, but say no signal02:45
ctothejactually, that's a raid 1 I want...02:45
zzxcIs there a method for creating an Ububtu live usb drive from a live cd image?  I got mount errors when attempting it manually with 7.10.02:45
DaveBloorCan anyone help me quickly with a permissions issue please?02:45
pgWhat is the "allow-hotplug" stanza in /etc/network/interfaces used for?02:45
LjLAztec007: if you scroll up, you'll see rada-x is out of here already.02:45
IndyGunFreakDaveBloor: just ask your question02:45
MalachaiRaDa-X: I don't approve. What was that for, anyway?02:45
Stormx2DaveBloor: State your issue02:45
Belkinze1Hi, I have a problem with mounting my windows NTFS drive(separate drive). I've tried Ubuntu Community tutorials, but they don't work for me. Although I can see the drive on fdisk. I can't get it to mount02:45
pgask | DaveBloor02:45
* Josh1 wants to put a mirror image of my ubuntu 7.10 on a 2nd 20GB HD but my first HD is 160GB can that be done?02:45
DaveBloorI ave user directories in the /home02:45
Stormx2Belkinze1: Have you tried ntfs-config?02:45
LjLMalachai: make sure the person you're trying to speak to is in the channel, before speaking to them :)02:46
DaveBloorThey are all readable but not writeable02:46
Eroickany ideas for that PCI: Cannot allocate resource region error? It seems that it is the one kernel verson that causes it02:46
scragarJosh1: depends, run du to see if your using under 20GB of space first02:46
MalachaiLjL: Oh. Didn't see him leave. Thanks.02:46
Belkinze1Stormx2: Off course02:46
MalachaiLjL: "leave"*02:46
Stormx2Belkinze1: Does it give you an error.. or?02:46
drkokolokoEroick: I have the same on ACER laptop, apparently some motherboard problem, or ACPI02:46
IndyGunFreakDaveBloor: what are the names of the folders?02:47
MalachaiAnyway, Aztec007: Did you change your resolution to the proper one?02:47
Belkinze1Stormx2: Well, I set the it in the GUI options to enable read/write on all ntfs drives02:47
Eroickdrkokoloko: its an acer problem02:47
tehhehhdoes dovecot require postfix to work?02:47
Eroickdrkokoloko: some thinkpads seem to have it to. any workarounds?02:47
DaveBloorthey are the names of the users, I only want the individual user to be able to browse/wtite to their folder if that makes sense!!02:47
=== Malachai is now known as Malachi
Belkinze1Stormx2: it doesn't recognize my mount points , or maybe I'm just doing things improperly02:48
Aztec007Malachai: sorry dude the phone rang I stepped away02:48
fwaokdahow long until the expected Hardy Release? is this something that is supposed to happen in weeks, months, "?02:48
MalachiAztec007: No problem.02:48
Malachifwaokda: April of 08.02:48
robdigfwaokda: in april02:48
FlannelDaveBloor: so remove read permission for others02:48
scragarDaveBloor: use chown to set ownership, then use chmod to set perms to only give owner perms02:48
Malachifwaokda: That's what 8.04 means. 8th year, 4th month.02:48
Aztec007Malachi: trying it now, btw, are you Malachi or Malachai?02:48
drkokoloko Eroick:Iam looking around and found MAYBE this http://acpi.sourceforge.net/dsdt/view.php?id=57702:48
fwaokdaahh k thanks02:48
MalachiAztec007: Malachi. Only Malachai because I disconnected and my nick was still active here.02:49
IndyGunFreakDaveBloor: just set it to where only your user can use it.. right clcik/properties/permissions tab.02:49
Eroickdrkokoloko: maybe lilo?02:49
Stormx2Belkinze1: If you run "mount" (no parameters) does it show up?02:49
Aztec007Malachi: oh ok, just asking cuz I copy and pasted Malachi:02:49
UbunNoobAnyone able to help me troubleshoot why my linux box is not connecting to the internet02:49
DaveBloorOK I will try, I am very new to linux so it is taking my time to get to grips with permissions etc !!!02:49
Belkinze1Stormx2: Yes02:49
drkokolokonope I had it before...02:49
Stormx2Belkinze1: What's its mountpoint?02:49
MalachiAztec007: It's fine. Did you get your resolution straight when using the Radeon driver?02:49
Belkinze1Stormx2: wait, no.....=/02:50
IndyGunFreakUbunNoob: what type of connection?02:50
Aztec007Malachi: trying that right now.......02:50
robdigUbunNoob: wired or wireless02:50
Stormx2Belkinze1: Could you make a pastebin of your /etc/fstab?02:50
FlannelDaveBloor: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions02:50
IndyGunFreakUbunNoob: DSL?02:50
kenanis there a command that can turn off my restricted drivers while i am in recovery mode?02:50
Belkinze1Stormx2: I sure can, one sec02:50
UbunNoobI've tried using auto configuration02:50
tony_mathWell, I tried upgrading to the latest version of the nvidia driver and now all my desktop settings are gone. Compiz will not work. No cube. Nothing. After 2 hours I've finally been able to get an acceptable display resolution to get back into the IRC channel. Anyone have a solution for this?02:50
UbunNoobIndy:yes DSL02:50
Stormx2UbunNoob: Can you see your router?02:51
Belkinze1Stormx2: http://pastebin.ca/82937202:51
UbunNoobStorm: No02:51
Belkinze1Stormx2: I set the mount point as /media/windows02:51
IndyGunFreakUbunNoob: well thats probably your prob. can't you just use network tools, and plug in yuour IP address?02:51
tehhehhdoes anyone know if dovecot needs postfix to work as a mail server or does it need it to function as a mail server02:52
Eroickdrkokoloko: what if we tried another kernel?02:52
Aztec007Malachi: ok here's the deal I selected Radeon(fglr) and I kept the settings but it didnt change the driver02:52
Stormx2Belkinze1: Does the /media/windows directory exist?02:52
UbunNoobIndy: I tried that and it doesn't work02:52
drkokolokoi have it ALSO with MS win02:52
Belkinze1Stormx2: In Nautilus?02:52
MrPiracyhello, anyone could point me to a tutorial on how to install AWN on ubuntu gutsy gibbon?02:52
Flanneltehhehh: define mail server02:52
drkokolokoeven without having UBUNTU installed02:52
Belkinze1Stormx2: No02:52
Eroickdrkokoloko: through GRUB?02:52
IndyGunFreakUbunNoob: i take it you have a router02:52
Stormx2Create it. You need to have an empty directory to mount into.02:53
tehhehhi want to send recieve mail thats all i dont really need imap02:53
Belkinze1Stormx2: I wish it did, otherwise i wouldn't be here =/02:53
Eroickdrkokoloko: can i msg you?02:53
UbunNoobIndy: I'm connected now with the same connection with my windows box02:53
drkokolokoi think it is ACPI / motherboard problem02:53
drkokolokosure !!!02:53
Stormx2Belkinze1: from terminal: sudo mkdir /media/windows02:53
Aztec007Malachi: whats up02:53
wyCan I change the window system's PATH in ubuntu?02:53
UbunNoobIndy: going from the modem through a SMC switch02:53
Stormx2Belkinze1: Then do a sudo mount -a02:53
tony_mathWhen I click on SYSTEM --> PREFERENCES --> GL DESKTOP and check ENABLE GL DESKTOP. The settings don't stay. When I return to that screen, the check mark is gone.02:53
macabro22Ubuntu won't always automatically recognize and mount my external firewire HD. Can someone assist me?02:53
Belkinze1Stormx2: I've done that, it says it already exists02:53
UbunNoobIndy: I tried sudo ifconfig and input the ip address02:54
kenanIs there a command where I can disable my ATI graphics card while I am in recovery move? if there is, what is it?02:54
Stormx2Belkinze1: ls /media/windows - anything inside?02:54
UbunNoobdoesn't work02:54
Malachikenan: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg02:54
Malachikenan: Set it to VESA02:54
UbunNoobwhen I reboot and look and look at the connection information everything has zeros02:54
MalachiAztec007, don't worry about direct messaging.02:55
Stormx2Belkinze1: If the command returns nothing, it's empty.02:55
Belkinze1Stormx2: Right, it's empty...02:55
Stormx2Belkinze1: Eck. I can't see the problem o.O02:55
Aztec007Malachi: I must sound like a total linux virgin02:55
IndyGunFreakdoesn't make a whole lot of sense UbunNoob02:55
Stormx2Belkinze1: sudo mount -a <-- that do anything?02:55
Belkinze1Stormx2: =/02:55
DaveBlooron my home directory the permissions are 0755 but I can't write to it02:55
MalachiAztec007: Since you have an M6, we'll install a certain card.02:56
=== soulrider_ is now known as soulrider
UbunNoobIndy: eth0 as of now has a wierd info in the ip address fe80::200:e2ff:fe33:95d902:56
MalachiAztec007: Go to System > Administration > Synaptics Package Manager02:56
Belkinze1Stormx2: Failed to open ntfs attribute: No such file or directory02:56
Belkinze1Failed to mount '/dev/sda1': No such file or directory02:56
Stormx2DaveBloor: Are the owner and group set correctly?02:56
Aztec007Malachi: ok02:56
Stormx2Belkinze1: Hmm.02:56
UbunNoobI know I'm a little frustrated to say the least02:56
Stormx2Belkinze1: ntfs-3g _is_ installed, right?02:56
Eroickdrkokoloko: you've gotta msg me back...02:56
MrPiracywhat's the best irc client for ubuntu? this GIMP is not so good ....02:56
MalachiSearch for xorg-driver-fglrx02:56
linxehUbunNoob: ipv6 ?02:56
IndyGunFreakUbunNoob: are you sure its seeing your ethernet device?02:56
Stormx2MrPiracy: GIMP is a graphics editor, not an IRC client ;D02:57
timandtomMrPiracy: Try XChat02:57
UbunNoobIndy: I've even connected the modem directly to the linux box to no avail02:57
Belkinze1Stormx2: Yes, NTFS-3g02:57
MalachiAztec007: Search for xorg-driver-fglrx. Is it enabled?02:57
MrPiracysorry i meant pidgin02:57
IndyGunFreakUbunNoob: that sounds like it might not have your ethernet device configured.02:57
Stormx2Belkinze1: Double check that for me: sudo apt-get install ntfs-3g02:57
Stormx2Belkinze1: Wait, hold up. Just re-read the error message02:57
Belkinze1Stormx2: 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 165 not upgraded.02:57
Stormx2Belkinze1: Looks like /dev/sda1 isn't your ntfs partition.02:57
Aztec007Malachi: ok, now synaptic is not loading, tell you what: I'm gonna log out and log back in on my machine and see if that fixes it,02:57
IndyGunFreakUbunNoob: type this w/o quotes.. "/join #indygunfreak"02:58
Belkinze1Stormx2: One second, let me post fdisk -lu02:58
MalachiAztec007: Okay.02:58
Aztec007Malachi: I'll be back02:58
TheEaglewhich is the best language to learn to program in02:59
Stormx2TheEagle: Depends what you're programming.02:59
DaveBloorStormx2 Im not sure to be honest Im learning as I go, user and group are the name of the directory02:59
nickruddeja vu all over again02:59
timandtomWhat ports should I probably have my torrents run on in Ubuntu 7.10? Or does it even matter?02:59
TheEagleStormx2: applications02:59
Belkinze1Stormx2: http://pastebin.ca/829379    /dev/sda1/ is the main NTFS drive for windows(it's physically separate), the other drive /dev/sdb/ is also NTFS but i'm not worrying too much about that(it's an additional HDD, with no OS on it, just backup)02:59
Stormx2DaveBloor: Yeah, but every directory has an owner and a group.02:59
TheEaglea sort of joke application02:59
TtechHow can  I  find a device light for Wifi and turn it on and off?03:00
DaveBloorThe owner is dave the group is dave the directory is dave03:00
Belkinze1Stormx2: can we PM? I'm quite with troubleshooting03:00
Stormx2Belkinze1: Mighty odd. Mount can't find /dev/sda1, yet fdisk displays it perfectly.03:00
dan_I have a logitech webcam, that i want to be able to stream, i have got so far, but now everytime i reboot, my cam light is on, and if i unplug, and replug it in, it doesnt come up in dev/video0, how can i findout/stop whats using it?03:00
Belkinze1Stormx2: yep, very03:00
Ttechdan_ heh your farther then me. ;(03:01
Stormx2Belkinze1: You need to be identified to services to receive PMs on Freenode.03:01
Belkinze1Stormx2: okay, one sec03:01
dan_Ttech: lol, try http://naaa.de/uvc_streamer.htm03:01
MalachiAztec007: Get Synaptic up?03:02
Aztec007Malachi: while I was loggin off, I realized it was in a different workspace03:02
zephyrus17Does anyone use Dell 1501 with the Ati Xpress 1150 card?03:02
MalachiAztec007: Ah. ;)03:02
zephyrus17What is the best way to install drivers? Envy?03:02
Aztec007Malachi: and yes I do have Xorgdriver fglrx03:03
fwaokdaif i can't find AWN in the repos how would i go about getting it installed?03:03
Malachizephyrus17: In Gutsy, no. Either the restricted drivers manager or System > Administration > Screens and Graphics03:03
robdig!envy | zephyrus1703:03
ubotuzephyrus17: envy is not needed or supported. Use the Resticted Manager to install binary drivers and see « /msg ubotu binarydriver »03:03
MalachiAztec007: Uninstall it.03:03
OmletteDownload the AWnpackage from getdeb.net.03:03
nickrudzephyrus17, no, use   restricted-manager in a termnal03:03
Aztec007Malachi: oh ok03:03
MalachiAztec007: But before you click apply....03:03
Aztec007Malachi: yes03:03
MalachiInstall libgl1-mesa-glx and libgl1-mesa-dri03:04
MalachiAztec007: And also xlibmesa-dri03:04
zephyrus17The problem is it's very confusing to install it. My D2 used to work full screen, then only windowed, and now, not at all.03:04
tony_mathfwaokda: you need to add a couple more repositories to synaptic. They are: deb http://download.tuxfamily.org/syzygy42/ gutsy avant-window-navigator and deb-src http://download.tuxfamily.org/syzygy42/ gutsy avant-window-navigator03:04
DaveBloorIm off to bed, thanks for the help !!!!03:04
zephyrus17I don't really understand where the problem lies.03:04
Aztec007Malachi: I need to step away, an emergency just came up03:05
fwaokdatony_math, how do i add them?03:05
Aztec007Malachi: is there a way to save this dialog?03:05
MalachiAztec007: Okay. Hope it goes alright.03:05
* Pelo hopes for a good resolution for Aztec007 's emergency03:05
MalachiCopy and Paste into the text editor.03:05
=== levan is now known as Levan|Sleep
MalachiAztec007: Applications > Text Editor03:05
OmletteAztec: Sometimes you can save it from your chat program, too.03:05
MalachiAztec007: Applications > Accessories Text Editor03:05
tony_mathfwaokda: open synaptic package manager. then select SETTINGS --> REPOSITORIES03:06
MalachiOmlette: Yeah, I'm saving logs through X-Chat now, and would like to know how to view them.03:06
Aztec007Pelo: thank you, I just got some bad news03:06
macabro22gutsy isn't recognizing/ automounting my  firewire external HD. How do I check whether it is there?03:06
Pelomacabro22, lsusb maybe03:06
TtechMalachi, you don't know how to view them?03:06
MalachiTtceh: Nope. O.o03:06
macabro22Pelo: it's a firewire device though03:06
Pelomacabro22, you might want to do a search in the forum for firewire  www.ubuntuforums.org03:06
tony_mathfwaokda: Then under THIRD PARTY SOFTWARE click on the ADD button and add the repositories.03:06
Pelomacabro22, I don't know of a command for listing firewire devices specificaly I'm assuming it might be covered under lsusb03:07
Malachimacabro22: It shoud just pop up...03:07
codeshahhey guys, I'm trying to copy a file from my ubuntu to my windows sda2 ... how can I do this ?03:07
TtechHow can  I  find a device light for Wifi and turn it on and off?03:07
PeloTtech, come again ?03:07
macabro22Malachi: I know.. sometimes it does. It hasn't lately03:07
romistrubthe flash install isn't working for me03:08
TtechPelo: its the shortest question I could come up with since I've asked here for 3 days!03:08
Peloromistrub, it's not workgin for anyone03:08
Malachi!flashissues | romistrub03:08
uboturomistrub: The Flash plugin installation is currently broken. This is due to Adobe changing the tar file that the package downloads. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=636397 if you need to fix this immediately, but it's recommended to wait for an official fix.03:08
TtechHow can I find a device the Wifi Light and turn it on and off?03:08
macabro22Malachi: do you know how to list firewire devices?03:08
TtechPelo How can I find a device the Wifi Light and turn it on and off?03:08
PeloTtech, I haven't been around for the past 3 days,03:09
MalachiNope, macabro22...03:09
macabro22ok, thanks03:09
TtechLOL No probolem. Anyoen?03:09
PeloTtech, I think what you want is the network manager , in the top pannel, but I'm probabaly wrong03:09
TtechPelo: heh yeah, no the light is on my laptop. But it does not work now.  Winowos it did. But now it does not.03:10
PeloTtech, much better info in this one,03:10
romistrubso Malachi, what's the ETA on a fix for that? :P03:10
robdigmacabro22: maybe sudo lshw -C disk03:10
bulmerTtech-> does it have an on/off switch? look around your laptop, sometimes they are obscured03:11
Malachiromistrub: No idea. If you need flash now, there's a package you can download: http://ubuntuforums.org/attachment.php?attachmentid=53648&stc=1&d=119803346603:11
PeloTtech, so what you want is for the wifi indicator light on your laptop to turn on and off, , this is probably driver related, if the driver does not support it , it is unlikely you will get it to work with an extra scritp of something similar03:11
dragonforce99i am trying to run EVE online and teamspeak at the same time... but I get no sound. can anyone help me,?03:11
ZephyrShould I uninstall the Envy installation and install the Resricted one?03:11
Old_GreggHello again.  What is the ubuntu command that is similar to "format c:"?03:11
dragonforce99I am using 7.103:11
Ttechbulmer, No, the light shows if hte wifi is on because the FN+f2 disabled or enabled Wifi, but the netowrk software with ubuntu does not show me anything.  It still thinks wifi is enabled. So I need the light because I can't find out a think.03:12
Old_GreggI basically want to format the computer and completely remove ubuntu.03:12
PeloZephyr, we are not very found of installer scripts here, so my guess is you might want to proceed03:12
macabro22robdig: nope.. it isn't listed ={03:12
TtechPelo, I tried installing the widows drivers but no effect. Or maybe I did it wrong.03:12
ZephyrI see. Thanks.03:12
dragonforce99Old_Gregg: use another OS to do that03:12
thorOld_Gregg are you going to reinstall windows or just format the partition that linux is using?03:12
ChuckFuhow do I fix this problem E: Could not get lock /var/cache/apt/archives/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)03:12
ChuckFuE: Unable to lock the download directory03:12
Old_Greggreinstall windows.03:12
dragonforce99Just reinstall windows Old_gregg03:13
thorOld_Gregg then when you start th einstall just tell windows to use the entire drive...03:13
TtechOld_Gregg: format?03:13
PeloTtech, ndiswrapper is a bandaid solution, not all options of the driver will work,  your best bet would be to search in th forum  www.ubuntuforums.org03:13
Ttechand reinstall.03:13
Stormx2Old_Gregg: How many hard drives do you have?03:13
romistrubOld_Gregg: you can format from the windows installer, no?03:13
robdigmacabro22: too bad, probably means it doesn't know its a disk...have you looked through dmesg or syslog (/var/log/syslog)?03:13
furthurwhy go back to windows??03:13
Old_Greggromistrub:  Not sure.03:13
TtechPelo: I did try that I used a tutorial, but it did not help.03:13
Omletteromistrub: yes, you can.03:13
bulmerTtech-> what are you trying to do? activate your wifi?03:13
Stormx2The windows installer can and will blindly remove your ubuntu partitions ;D03:13
Old_GreggStormx2: just one.03:13
macabro22rodbig nope. What should I look for?03:14
romistrubOld_Gregg: Boot from the windows CD03:14
Ttechbulmer: No but if I hit those keys and the wifi is on , I do not know if the Wifi is on Or off the netowrk icon jus stays the same03:14
Old_Greggstormx2:  I tried to run it from ubuntu, but it gave me an error.03:14
tony_mathChuckFu: Do you have another synaptic window open?03:14
robdigfurthur: to raise stress and frustration levels?03:14
Old_Greggromistrub:  That's what I thought03:14
Stormx2Old_Gregg, run it from ubuntu? Eh? you need to boot the cd.03:14
Old_Greggstormx2:  Yea, that's what I thought03:14
Belkinze1Stormx2: no success =/03:14
robdigmacabro22: look for any errors related to firewire or your external drive03:15
Belkinze1Stormx2: Can't do mount -a03:15
Stormx2Belkinze1, I'm completely out of ideas.03:15
timandtomWhen I use uTorrent, it makes my internet INSANELY slow(Yet, getting the same speeds/same number of connections on a Windows box affects me less). Any reason why that could be? Would changing what port I use fix it?(What port should I change it too then)03:15
macabro22robdig: let me pastebin for you... nothing seems wrong03:15
romistrubOld_Gregg: You going to XP or Vista?03:15
Stormx2Belkinze1, if you change "ntfs-3g" to "ntfs" in fstab?03:15
romistrubokay good :P03:15
ChuckFutony_math no03:15
Pelotimandtom, just lower your upload speed by 10 k03:15
romistrubI dual boot XP and Ubuntu, because I'm learning :P03:15
macabro22robdig: http://www.pastebin.ca/82938903:16
timandtomPelo: How would that help?03:16
Old_Greggromistrub: Vista is the devil.  I gave Linux a try, but just trying to run two programs (WoW and Ventrilo) seemed to be too much for it.  It took me 4 days just to get the video card working.  I don't have the time or patience for it anymore.03:16
robdigmacabro22: looking03:16
Omletteromistrub: I've been using Ubuntu since april, and I still do that. :)03:16
TtechOlg_Gregg: Wine, and Wow, works out of the box.03:16
romistrubOld_Gregg: I find that it's good to have that XP backup in case I need to do something mission critical, and I don't have the patience to get it working yet... it's a learning process :)03:16
furthurI dual boot but gonna clean install gutsy and scrap windows altogether... I havent used xp in ages03:16
Belkinze1Stormx2: Nope, but i think we can narrow it done to a fstab problem =/03:16
Old_GreggThanks for all the help guys.  Good luck.03:17
furthuryou can alwyas emulate windows..03:17
romistrubfurthur: I will do that, too, once I get the hang of it03:17
Pelotimandtom, a small amount of upstream is required for overhead ,  if you have your upload speed set to high or even to unlimited,  your computer cannot effectively communicate with your isp and other server and it slows down everything else03:17
macabro22robdig: actually there ARE errors related to iee139403:17
Stormx2Belkinze1, your fstab line is identical to mine03:17
Pelotimandtom, more or less03:17
Belkinze1Stormx2: Oh03:17
Nyax_Hey, how important are the software updates when you first install Ubuntu?03:17
Belkinze1Stormx2: Let me screenshot what Ntfs-3g says when i try to mount03:17
CarzandHey, I'm new to linux, what partition type should I use to install with?03:17
axjvDoes anyone know how to use mencoder or ffmpeg to convert from rmvb to avi?03:17
scguy318Carzand: ext303:18
furthurNyax : Some security fixes can be rather important03:18
CarzandAlright, thanks03:18
Stormx2Nyax_, important. they fix bugs, stability issues and security problems03:18
tony_mathChuckFu: is there a lock file in /var/lib/dpkg?03:18
robdigmacabro22: yup, firewire is ieee1394...03:18
furthurNyax : but I wouldent worry too much about it...03:18
kromagnoncan anyone recommend a compatible webcam to use with ubuntu?03:18
free1on the top right hand corner of gnome what are those 3 little vertical bars?03:18
PeloNyax_, there have been quite a few updates since the release of 7.10,  you don'T need them to use gutsy but most of them are secutiy and you should do them eventualy,  but if you are too bussy atm they can wait03:18
dragonforce99what is the command to list all processes?03:18
TtechSo should I just give up?03:18
furthurdragonforce : top03:19
romistrubI'm assuming most people here have experience with compiz... I think they should add "effects themes" for increase productivity and what not.03:19
timandtomPelo: Ah, makes sense. But my internet can handle more then what I'm using, and my Windows box runs torrents the same, yet loads pages in the browser faster03:19
Nyax_I'm not busy. It's just that every time I install them my computer crashes.03:19
PeloTtech, I would03:19
Belkinze1Stormx2: http://i11.tinypic.com/8714rnl.png03:19
Stormx2dragonforce99: ps, top, or gnome-system-monitor for a GUI03:19
Ttech:( ok03:19
Pelotimandtom, we are talking about the upload speed ,  did you follow the connection guide on the utorrent website ?03:19
PeloTtech, remain hopefull for a resolution in the future but don'T waste any time on it atm03:20
ChuckFutony_math what is the command to unlock03:20
macabro22robdig: what do you read from those errors? It's not very informative to me. Do you know what to do?03:20
Belkinze1Stormx2: Out of the 1052 people in this room, know anyone else that might have the slighest clue to the remedy of my problem?03:20
furthurcan you recap problem?03:20
Stormx2Belkinze1, most aren't here ;D03:20
Belkinze1furthur: were you taking to me?03:21
robdigmacabro22: looking03:21
CarzandAlright, here goes03:21
PeloBelkinze1,  it helps if you restarte your problem periodicaly,  and at different times on different days,  different crowds03:21
timandtomPelo:Yeh, I get torrents working great on my Windows box. The thing is, I have a torrent using X amount of bandwidth on my Windows box, and my browsers load pages FAST. But on Linux, my torrents use the SAME amount of bandwidth, but my pages load HELLA slow03:21
Stormx2Belkinze1, the fact that ubuntu a) didn't pick up on windows being installed and b) didn't add it to fstab automatically shows that there is some problem with the partition or the partition table.03:21
macabro22robdig: thanks. Ah, the HD works alright when plugged via an USB cord03:21
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|ns|nR8timandtom, cause your uploading more03:22
RandyboYCould anyone tell me why my SB Live sound card wount work in ubuntu? It worked in xubuntu... I have one 3,5mm jack in the card and two composite(red and white) in my amplifier in one cable.03:22
dan_My Computer tells me my cam is inuse, but it isnt, and this says it is inuse from bootup, how can i stop this? [if i unplug, and replug in, it then says it cannot be found]03:22
Pelotimandtom, does the problem go away when you turn off ut ?03:22
tony_mathChuckFu: There's not command that I know of to unlock. let me check and let you know what file you need to remove.03:22
Stormx2RandyboY, both xubuntu and ubuntu use the same sound drivers03:23
MalachiRandyboy: Have you looked at System > Preferences > Sound?03:23
timandtomPelo: Yeh. I wouldn't be worried, except for it only slows me down on Linux, not Windows, THERES the problem.03:23
xoqamy system freezes after starting blender.. this thread is similar to my situation.. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=177396  ..and i'm wondering if anyone knows of a similar situation.. ..currently, i'm removing blender and reinstalling... ...not sure what version i'm going to install... maybe a test or dev version? ..if that exist.03:23
windsor510timandtom: I have a situation where I'm using ndiswrapper instead of native drivers for my wireless card under linux (because they don't exist), and I notice a performance decrease in download / upload speed in linux.03:23
kromagnoncan anyone recommend a compatible webcam to use with ubuntu?03:23
Stormx2!webcam | kromagnon03:23
ubotukromagnon: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras03:23
Malachitimandtom: What app?03:23
xoqanot seeing another version03:23
cvdWhy  everytime i logon in ubuntu i dont have internet conection until i write in the terminal sudo ifdown eth0 && sudo ifup eth0?03:23
timandtomMalachi: uTorrent, running in wine03:23
Malachitimandtom: Hm....03:24
RandyboYStormx2, then its my brand new computer ubuntu doesnt like? Cause its the same card(picked it out of the xubuntu machine)03:24
furthurtimandtom : try deluge ;)03:24
timandtomwindsor510: AH! That MIGHT be it, that makes sense, although I think these are official drivers for my wireless. How would I check?03:24
timandtomfurthur: Whuzzat and why?03:24
Pelotimandtom,  I'M running ut in ubuntu , and I have no problems, I actualy found I could get a higher upspead in ubuntu then on windows if you can beleive it,  try and use one of the default setting sfrom the  speed guide settings manager in the options menu, in ut, see if that works better for you,  also ,  don'T forget to enable encryption03:24
RandyboYMalachi, yes i have. And there are no errors. And i have turned all options up a bit.03:24
Stormx2RandyboY, could be a motherboard issue I suppose03:24
kromagnonStormx2: and ubotu: thanks!03:24
MalachiRandyboy: Is it set on Alsa? Or your soundcard?03:24
Stormx2I can't help, I'm going to sleep03:25
pacman2If I have the sound driver I need in /lib/modules/2.6.22-14-generic/kernel/oss/via8233.ko and my sound isnt working03:25
pacman2what do I need to do?03:25
Stormx2!thanks | kromagnon03:25
ubotukromagnon: You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)03:25
RoDoXhi folks...once again i'm here to ask for some help. this time, its the neogeo/SNES emulator that doesnt work. can anybody help me?03:25
windsor510timandtom: not quite sure, I only found out after my wireless wasn't working and I found lots of posts documenting it.03:25
|ns|nR8RandyboY, do yo have a volume control  ?03:25
RandyboY|ns|nR8, not on the card itself, no03:25
|ns|nR8on the taskbar at top ?03:25
windsor510timandtom: try "dmesg | more" to see what the systems reports on bootup.03:25
RandyboYMalachi, seems to be a generic driver03:25
robdigmacabro22: don't see anything that jumps out...perhaps someone here knows more about firewire and can assist03:26
RandyboY|ns|nR8, yes. And ive turned it up to 50%03:26
Pelolater folks03:26
|ns|nR8RandyboY, i have one of those cards, this may sound weird but i had to change what plug i plugged the line out into03:26
|ns|nR8windows uses one line out on me sound card and ubuntu uses another03:26
timandtomwindsor510: Um... what does "dmesg | more" mean, and how do I do it? New to linux, haha03:26
RandyboY|ns|nR8, ive tried all the holes :-)03:27
macabro22robdig: thanks man... I will research some more03:27
robdigmacabro22: sorry couldn't help resolve it03:27
cvddont know?03:27
macabro22robdig: no problem man. I will find it sooner or later03:27
windsor510timandtom: you'll have to have access to a terminal, aka a shell. "dmesg | more" is a command you'll have to type in to the terminal (it's like a DOS window, in windows).03:30
windsor510timandtom: you should see the terminal application somewhere in ubuntu's 'start menu'.03:30
TheEagleis it possible to eject the cd rom drive of a pc with just their ip address?03:30
timandtomwindsor510: What do I look for after i type that?03:31
RoDoXhow can i remove a tar.gz/tar.bz2 package that was manually installed?03:31
kromagnonhas anyone used the "Logitech Quickcam Chat" successfully with Ubuntu 7.04?03:31
mortal1hello all03:31
ohsnaphi :]03:32
mortal1anyone here know what would cause a cpu fan to run constantly, even when the pc is switched completely off?03:32
mortal1I think it's either the mb or the power supply03:33
timandtommortal1: Plugged in wrong, or not actually off?03:33
Cpudan80mortal1: Something is feeding it power 24x703:33
|ns|nR8sounds like its going into standby and not switching off03:33
Cpudan80Are you sure it is plugged in the correct way?03:33
windsor510timandtom: if you're new to linux, you will probably not be able to glean too much information from the output, but basically you will see a list of all the hardware being detected, and usually your network interfaces will be given names like 'eth0' 'wlan0'. Keep an eye out for that.03:33
robdigmortal1: or bad temperature sensor03:33
timandtomwindsor510: Ah, well, theres nothing like that in here03:34
mortal1well, this just started happening on a 10 year old computer03:34
mortal1that I haven't messed with hardware wise in quite a while03:34
timandtomwindsor510:Scratch that, theres a more button, haha, sorry03:34
windsor510timandtom: I'd try to figure out what kind of network interface you have (get your PC's specs, or open it up and look), and then reference the hardware's chipset against some of the 'known supported' lists that are available online.03:34
kromagnonpossible bad mem03:34
windsor510timandtom: oh, yeah hit the space bar to scroll down =)03:35
kromagnonhas anyone used the "Logitech Quickcam Chat" webcam successfully with Ubuntu 7.04?03:35
sam_how do i install flash player for linux?03:37
timandtomwindsor510: 6.636000] eth0: Broadcom 4400 10/100BaseT Ethernet 00:15:60:c6:89:70 <<<Would that be what I'm looking for?03:37
tkrooanyone familiar with rdiff-backup? i'm trying to restore a single file from a previous backup and can't get the command to work.03:37
sam_im on adobe flash player site03:37
suweidheh, seems like every other question is about flash03:37
sam_just copy paste the answer03:37
windsor510timandtom: sounds like it. looks like a hard wired connection (not wireless).03:37
Jack_Sparrowsuweid: just trigger the bot03:38
timandtomwindsor510: Ah, ok, ill keep looking03:38
marcioapfi have a mp3-player but i just can't write to it: every time it mounts as read-only! I found some stuff about this at http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-hardware-18/usb-flash-drive-pen-drive-mounts-read-only-508524/, but the solution requires me to format it. Can anybody help me with that?03:38
Jack_Sparrowmarcioapf: What format does the player show up as?03:38
windsor510timandtom: are you trying to use a wireless adapter?03:38
|ns|nR8marcioapf, given the correct mount command it will let you write aswell03:39
timandtomwindsor510: Yup03:39
xoqacan someone help me?03:39
marcioapfJack_Sparrow, what do you mean?03:39
Jack_Sparrowmarcioapf: SOme of the ipods have been a problem, but the generics work fine03:39
xoqa~$ sudo aticonfig --initial03:39
xoqaWarning: Could not find configuration file03:39
xoqaPlease copy configuration file template to /etc/X1103:39
xoqaand before that it was "aborted: core dumped"03:40
timandtomwindsor510: Found it, 15.260000] ipw3945: Intel(R) PRO/Wireless 3945 Network Connection driver for Linux, 1.2.2mp.ubuntu103:40
marcioapfJack_Sparrow, ok, it's not an ipod03:40
xoqablender freezes my computer when starting03:40
Jack_Sparrowmarcioapf: THe plaer should show up as a generic drive?03:40
Jack_Sparrowxoqa: Please do not paste in the channel03:40
xoqaand i figure it's the graphics card since grid wars runs extremely on this computer. which it shouldn't because this is a 1.7+mhz processor and it ran fine once on another installation of ubuntu on this computer03:41
windsor510timandtom: you might want to familiarize yourself with the 'ifconfig' command, it will list the interfaces that your system knows about.03:41
EeeKayI am in the hunt for music files. i dont want to use a bit torrent. and p2p seems to be coded for windows.. so any other suggestions?03:41
Jack_Sparrowmarcioapf: If you type fdisk -l in a terminal with the player plugged in does it show up03:42
marcioapfJack_Sparrow, it shows as "Audio Player Music Player"03:42
sundarmy ktorrent gets firewalled..i have enabled UPnP plugin but no port forwarding happens...downloads are crawling..any way of resolving the issue?03:42
windsor510timandtom: and iwconfig also, that will give extra information about wireless adapters. but if you know the chipset now, you should check out articles and see if people are having issues with that particular chipset.03:42
Jack_Sparrowmarcioapf: Does gparted see it as well03:42
|ns|nR8sundar, manually set port forwarding03:42
timandtomwindsor510: Ok, thanks03:42
bazhang!piracy | EeeKay03:42
ubotuEeeKay: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o03:42
TtechOk,  Ihave another question. :P   How do I make the Menu Icon (not the menu bar one) larger more like the windows start menu?03:42
TheEaglecan you eject someone's cd tray remotely?03:42
Jack_Sparrowmarcioapf: you couls also post your fstab to the pastebin for reference03:43
TheEaglewith a python scritp03:43
EeeKayi never said i wouldnt pay for it03:43
TtechTheEagle, yeah03:43
marcioapfJack_Sparrow, shows as /dev/sdb103:43
sundarhow do i do it manually???03:43
windsor510timandtom: good luck!03:43
TtechTheEagle, using windows. :P03:43
marcioapfJack_Sparrow, on fdisk -l03:43
sundari did rescan...no devices were found03:43
TtechTheEagle, yeah03:43
|ns|nR8connect to your router sundar, what is your machine's LAN ip ?03:43
marcioapfJack_Sparrow, whats gparted?03:43
TheEaglewithout the other person knowing your going to do it?03:43
jeff__evening.  upgraded to ubuntu Gutsy Gibbon, now stuck with two printing systems, two printers entry in system menu.  which to uninstall?03:44
timandtomwindsor510: :D Thanks! Btw, it's normal to have some error'd and dropped packets, right?03:44
TheEaglelike my sister - if i wanted to randomly eject her cd tray?03:44
Jack_Sparrowmarcioapf: What system is shown for the partitions on it03:44
windsor510timandtom: on wireless, yea depending on the link quality03:44
sundarnR8 - I dont get you..03:44
marcioapfJack_Sparrow, sorry, i also dunno what is fstab03:44
Dregzanyone have experience with the closed x-fi drivers03:44
TtechTheEagle, No, there cd tray would open. But I'm not one to give people hacks. As I don't like hacking. You plant it on someone computer and run it. :P03:44
timandtomwindsor510: 85%, about 110k good packets, 4k bad03:44
|ns|nR8sundar, in your browser put iin
|ns|nR8anything happen03:44
Jack_Sparrowmarcioapf: Does fdisk show anything for the system typw03:44
=== Co-RaGiL_JoMbl0 is now known as refa_imoet
windsor510timandtom: nobody's perfect =)03:45
timandtomwindsor510: Haha, ok, thanks, just wondering if that was insanely high or anything03:45
TheEagleTtech - so your not going to tell me how to do it?03:45
haydenI have ubuntu 7.10 server installed atm, is there a way to install a bare-bones gui (without openoffice, games etc) ?03:45
timandtomTheEagle: I haven't been paying attention to what you've really been asking... But are you trying one of those things where the CD autoruns a program that ejects the CD?03:46
TheEaglehayden - you can install a gui and then uninstall the openoffice and games03:46
refa_imoetserver irc03:46
TheEaglei dont think so03:46
timandtomTheEagle: Ah, k, my mistake. I see a lot of people around the internet who try that03:47
TheEaglei want to be able to sit at my computer here - and type some code or press a few buttons and for my sisters cd drive to eject03:47
haydenTheEagle: ok thanks03:47
sundarnR8 - got the router page..it says the local ip as (thats router's i think) and starting ip on my dhcp server is
Old_GreggI'm back.03:47
windsor510timandtom: you could always experiment with it (move the machine around), or read articles online - I'm no expert in that, but I'd say it's acceptable.03:47
brokenHave a question, I got a few video clips on a ftp server for quick access, i am on my gentoo laptop and I was wondering is it possible to stream the video? Whenever i go to download it says (no video) and the stream doesn't start, I don't want to download to the laptop i'd prefer just to watch it stream, is this possible?03:47
TheEaglehayden - do you knwo how to do it?03:47
Old_GreggAnyone know if there is a terminal command to copy files to a CD?03:47
elkbuntuTheEagle, please stop asking how to do exploits03:47
jeff__broken> ftp does not stream.  http would be a proper transport for streaming.03:47
|ns|nR8ok sundar login to the router, default username and password is prolly admin admin03:47
haydenTheEagle: Is there meta-packages for openoffice and games?03:48
sam_how do i know if i have a 32bit or 64 bit ubuntu?03:48
brokenjeff__, hmm.. that sucks.03:48
kalpiksam_, uname -a03:48
marcioapfJack_Sparrow, that is what i got from fdisk: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/49375/03:48
|ns|nR8find port forwarding, look in your bittorent clinet, see what ports it uses and forward those ports to your machines LAN i03:48
IndyGunFreaksam_: lol, well what iso did you download?03:48
brokenjeff__, is ftp also slow?03:48
jeff__broken> let me rephrase that> ftp is not a proper transport for multimedia streaming.  it's a file transfer protocol.03:48
TheEagleim not sure - what id du is: run "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop"03:48
timandtomwindsor510: Ok, thanks for the help =]03:48
sam_um dont remember03:48
TheEaglethts a gnome03:48
sam_ill do what kalpik said though03:48
TheEagleif u want kde use kubuntu-desktop instead03:48
TheEagleand let it install03:48
jeff__broken> it is not the fastest transfer protocol indeed.  http is much better at fast streaming.03:48
Old_GreggIs there a command in terminal to write files to a blank CD?03:48
sundarnR8 - i'll try it..and let you know03:48
|ns|nR8sundar, you might find an option in there to enable upnp03:49
TheEaglethen use the package manager in the gui to uninstall office and the games03:49
|ns|nR8that might help also03:49
brokenjeff__, alright thanks. I guess I'll have to set up a small server on it.03:49
robdigOld_Gregg: cdrecord?03:49
TheEaglehayden: did you get all that?03:49
jeff__broken> that should help :)03:49
Jack_Sparrowmarcioapf: It is a one gig plaer with a fat16 partition...03:49
marcioapfJack_Sparrow, ok.03:49
haydenTheEagle: Yep, I already knew that. Was wondering if they had implemented a better server gui since I last used it.03:49
TheEaglei don't think so03:50
Old_Greggrobdig:  anything else on that command?  Like cdrecord filename ?03:50
qwerty121hi all! can someone tell me how to compile C programs in Ubuntu?03:50
jeff__old_gregg> it's a little more complicated.  you'll have to make your iso image first and then burn it.03:50
robdigOld_Gregg: it has a bunch of options, and it's been a while since i used it...03:50
jeff__qwerty121> you'll need to install gcc for that.03:51
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about compilers - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi03:51
|ns|nR8qwerty121, install a compiler like gcc03:51
ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)03:51
robdigqwerty121: install build-essential03:51
qwerty121jeff__ and |ns|nr8, it is installed03:51
jeff__old_gregg> Guis are a much better option, or else you'll have to do some reading.03:51
sam_i'm still not sure if i have 32bit or 64 bit, i didnt check when i installed with cd03:51
|ns|nR8whats the prob then03:51
Old_Greggjeff_:  Okay, so I have a folder on my desktop.  Inside of which are 6 files, and a folder with 5200 other files in it.  I want to put the folder from my desktop onto the CD sans the folder (like, the CD itself is the folder on my desktop).  I have tried with the gui, but it locks up03:51
jeff__qwery121> then gcc filename.cpp should do.03:51
jeff__old_gregg> which gui app was it you tried?03:52
kalpiksam_, what output did uname -a give?03:52
Jack_Sparrowmarcioapf: gksudo gedit  /etc/fstab03:52
qwerty121jeff__, but where are the conio.h and stdio.h files?03:52
Old_Greggjeff_:  the CD/DVD writer with Gnome.03:52
nickrudOld_Gregg, take a look at the cdw package, it's used on in a console03:52
Dregzso, no creative x-fi guys in here?03:52
sam_linux sam-laptop 2.6.22-14-generic03:52
sam_#1 smp03:52
Old_Greggnickrud:  I don't know what that means.  :(03:52
MrPiracycan anyone help me with AWN and intel video card? all help i find on the internet talks about nvidia ...03:52
kalpiksam_, the complete output..03:53
marcioapfJack_Sparrow, want me to pastebin?03:53
Jack_SparrowYEs please03:53
nickrudOld_Gregg, what part?03:53
Old_Greggjeff_:  Nautilus is what I'm using.03:53
inaetyhello, for some reason amaroK started saying that my sound device is busy and there are xine parameters.  how can i fix this without rebooting03:53
kalpiksam_, in the end does it say i686 or x86_64?03:53
sam_linux sam-laptop 2.6.22-14-generic #1 SMPdeb http://blognux.free.fr/debian unstable main03:53
marcioapfJack_Sparrow, here it is: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/49376/03:53
sam_oh wait03:53
Old_Greggnickrud:  Kind of all of it.  I know what a package is, but do I need to install something else?03:53
jeff__old_gregg> you might want to install GnomeBaker and give that a try, in case it's a software issue.03:53
sam_Linux sam-laptop 2.6.22-14-generic #1 SMP Tue Dec 18 08:02:57 UTC 2007 i686 GNU/Linux03:53
sam_there it is03:54
kalpiksam_, its 32 bit :)03:54
Old_Greggjeff_:  Can I just do sudo apt-get install GnomeBaker?03:54
sam_forgot i could copy paste03:54
sam_ok so that means it should be able to play flash..03:54
kalpiksam_, i686 is 32 bit and x86_64 is 64 bit03:54
jeff__old_gregg> that ought to do it.  if not, then Synaptic Package Manager might help.03:54
kalpiksam_, flash works in 64 bit too :)03:54
sam_oh but its easier with 3203:54
Old_Greggjeff_:  Got it.  Is it ran from a terminal?03:54
kalpiksam_, true03:55
sam_i have a hp pavilion laptop with dualcore processor 2gb ram03:55
jeff__old_gregg> synaptic and GnomeBaker are both gui apps, so you'll find them in the gnome menus.03:55
sam_but wasnt sure if it could handle 64bit03:55
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Jack_Sparrowmarcioapf: I dont see it in there... there is an option to mount removeable media.. I dont remember where it is in Gutsy and I am on a Feisty box at the moment03:55
MrPiracyhello, i receive error "could not acquire decoration manager selection ..."  when i try to run emerald -replace. Anyone could help me with this?03:55
kalpiksam_, it should support 64 bit03:56
sam_how can i get flash,java to work so I can view videos on youtube/google?03:56
Old_Greggjeff_: Sweet!03:56
Old_Greggjeff_: Gnomebaker ftw!03:56
marcioapfJack_Sparrow, don't understand. What do you want me to do?03:56
derlin1400 '<03:56
reportingsjrHow can I reinstall the codecs for videos? I did something and now it just shows a bunch of shades of pink..03:56
Jack_Sparrow!who > sam_03:56
jeff__old_gregg> nautilu03:56
jeff__old_Gregg> nautilu03:56
The_Doctor2How do I change the location where Screenshots go by default in Uubntu?03:56
ubotuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)03:56
jeff__old_Gregg> nautilus' cd writing code is known to be somewhat picky.. :)03:57
sam_!who kalpk03:57
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about who kalpk - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi03:57
thorThe_Doctor2 depends on the software you are using03:57
sam_!who kalpik03:57
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about who kalpik - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi03:57
TomaNeed a lil help. Im trying to get my wireless working again, but its not setting the mode to managed. Im using sudo of course, and using iwconfig. Im also using the ndiswrapper driver.03:57
Jack_Sparrowmarcioapf: Look for something in system preferences for removeable media03:57
The_Doctor2thor: The one that comes iwth Ubutnu \03:57
Old_Greggjeff_:  If I want to be able to load the disk from boot, do I need to do something different?  ie do I need to "only create image"?03:57
qwerty121jeff__, how can i access stdio.h and conio.h files with gcc?03:57
ubotuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)03:57
Old_Greggjeff_:  The disk already has an AUTORUN.INF on it03:57
marcioapfJack_Sparrow, found it03:57
kalpiksam_, lol.. what do you wanna know?03:57
thorThe_Doctor2 again...depends. There are at least three different window managers for ubuntu, and each will use different software03:58
zeeo2hey guys how can i edit  vino settings from ssh im trying to setup vnc access from ssh03:58
sam_oh well..theres alot i need to know but first: how can I get sound to work?03:58
kalpiksam_, just install ubuntu-restricted-extras from synaptic03:58
sam_oh yea did that03:58
reportingsjrDoes anyone know how to reinstall the codecs for all videos?03:58
Jack_Sparrowsam_: That link just says to put the name in your text of the person you are talking to to avoid confusion in a busy channel03:58
sam_someone told me that before03:58
kalpiksam_, which soundcard do you have?03:58
jeff__old_gregg> autorun.inf will not cause a disc to load on boot.  loading on boot requires a different disc image (i believe it is an option in gnomebaker somewhere though)  such discs are known as El-Torito discs.03:58
sam_kalpik_, not sure how do i find out?03:58
Jack_Sparrowthank you03:58
qwerty121how can i access stdio.h and conio.h files with gcc?03:59
jeff__old_gregg> look for an option like "bootable disc" in gnomebaker03:59
marcioapfJack_Sparrow, but it doesn't have many options... the only thing, on multimedia, is to choose wheter to play automatically or not.03:59
marcioapfJack_Sparrow, what exactly should i look for?03:59
sam_<kalpik> how do i find out which soundcard i have?03:59
kalpiksam_, lspci | grep audio03:59
jeff__qwert121> those are standard files, the path to which has to be set with the -I switch to gcc.03:59
The_Doctor2thor: Ubuntu Ubuntu, the one that uses GNOME. :P  What ever coems with it by default. Gnome-Screenshot I belvee03:59
sam_<kalpik> ok03:59
kalpiksam_, paste it at pastebin.com and give link here03:59
sundarnR8 - Thanks!! port forwarding on the router helped :)  I see uploading and downloading happening at a good speed..seeding does not seem to be happening!! not sure why...probably ktorrent setting04:00
Jack_Sparrowmarcioapf: Look at manually mounting it...04:00
Old_Greggjeff_: there is an option for "Only Create Image"04:00
robdigqwerty121: should be in /usr/include. if not, install build-essential04:00
qwerty121jeff__, can you gimme a link that describes it all?04:00
sam_<kalpik> pastepin.com says /home/pastebin/public_html/../posts/ needs to be a writable dir to use file storage engine04:00
jeff__old_gregg> that will actually take all your files, create what's called an "image" - that's the contents of the cdrom, sector by sector, and store that on disc.04:00
qwerty121robdig, thanks. they are there.04:01
jeff__old_gregg> you could use that option to prepare a disc to burn mutltiple times ahead of time and burn copies of that image repeatedly.  so not quite what you need. :)04:01
Old_Greggjeff_:  and that does not make it bootable?04:01
kalpiksam_, how mane lines is it?04:01
reportingsjrHow do I install video codecs? I don't know the name of them and somehow messed up the ones I have now04:01
kalpiksam_, its pastebin.com you can also try pastebin.ca04:01
Jack_Sparrow!restricted > reportingsjr04:01
bazhangubuntu-restricted-extras reportingsjr04:02
UbunNoobindygunfreak: that didn't work either04:02
reportingsjrThank you04:02
jeff__old_gregg> nope, making the disc bootable requires a special header at the beginning of the image.  looking up your answer, hang on...04:02
reportingsjrJack_Sparrow: Wait, what do I do with that?04:02
sam_<kalpik> not sure it gave me this link: http://pastebin.ca/82942404:02
IndyGunFreakUbunNoob: ok.. so i think this is probably gonna be an issue w/ your Ethernet device.04:02
thorThe_Doctor2 this is a guess as I don't use gnome...right click on the gnome-screenshot applet and see if you get a config menu04:02
Old_Greggjeff_: I'm looking it up too, thought not terribly successfully.04:02
IndyGunFreakUbunNoob: i really can't help you w/ that, as Google turns up nothing ont hat device.04:02
Jack_Sparrowreportingsjr: That is how you add the codecs that you wanted04:02
UbunNoobAnyone know how to manually configure an ethernet device04:03
The_Doctor2thor,  lol04:03
tarzeauUbunNoob: i know04:03
kalpiksam_, lol! run that command at the terminal, and paste the _output_ on pastebin.ca :P04:03
UbunNoobIndygunfreak: Thanks for your help04:03
thorUbunNoob change the lines in /etc/network/interfaces04:03
reportingsjrJack_Sparrow: Oh, ok.04:03
UbunNoobnot quite sure how to do it04:03
sam_<kalpik> running lspci | grep audio at the terminal didn't have any effect04:04
thorUbunNoob you can also do it from the command line using the ifconfig command04:04
thorUbunNoob  open a terminal and type 'man ifconfig' for details04:04
kalpiksam_, hmm.. that means your card isnt being detected by the kernel04:04
UbunNoobI'm getting ready to open a terminal04:04
Flughafencan somebody help me, im having some trouble with ntfs support04:05
sam_<kalpik> well I'm using a hp pavilion dv6000 laptop that was working just fine with vista04:05
sam_<kalpik> i accidently erased vista with linux :(04:05
alfermpsam_, Good04:05
kajeI know it says it is still broken in the channel header, but has there been any breakthroughs on the Flash plugin for Gutsy?04:05
reportingsjrJack_Sparrow: Umm, I think that's just for non-free formats. I somehow messed up the Ogg codecs :)04:05
The_Doctor2thor,  nope. that didn't work. :(04:05
kalpiksam_, i think that has the intel HD audio card.. which isnt supported well by gutsy.. you could try compiling a newer kernel04:05
Jack_Sparrowreportingsjr: You asked for video codecs...04:06
IndyGunFreakkalpik: mine works fine, you need to recompile alsa.04:06
sam_<kalpik> how do i do that?04:06
TtechJack_Sparrow,  LOL there the same thing. :P04:06
jbmigelsam_ it's lspci | grep Audio with a capital A04:06
Dr_willisThere is a page for compiling the newer alsa modules also.04:06
IndyGunFreak!intelhda | sam_04:06
ubotusam_: For fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto04:06
kalpikjbmigel, small a also works :P04:06
Old_Greggjeff_: Any luck?  I can't find anything04:06
kalpiksam_, follow what IndyGunFreak said04:06
jbmigelkalpik not on my machine04:06
reportingsjrJack_Sparrow: I asked how to reinstall the messed up ones I have now, but fair enough..04:06
sam_<kalpik> oh i got this: lspci | grep Audio04:06
kalpikjbmigel, hmm.. it works on mine! weird..04:07
sam_<kalpik> i mean: 00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 03)04:07
kalpiksam_, yea.. that's the HD Audio controller04:07
sam_<kalpik> ok just making sure04:07
TomaNeed a lil help. Im trying to get my wireless working again, but its not setting the mode to managed. Im using sudo of course, and using iwconfig. Im also using the ndiswrapper driver.04:07
IndyGunFreaksam_: thats the exact one i have04:07
Jack_Sparrow!lol > Ttech04:07
sam_<indygunfreak> you fixed your problem i guess?04:07
TtechJack_Sparrow,  heh.  Although, I think you've gone a little bot happy. :P04:08
tehm0nkwhat is the command to get into the nvidia-settings?04:08
IndyGunFreakyes... hang on a sec.04:08
thorThe_Doctor2 checking google...looks like gnome-screenshot should ask for a filename when you hit the button...you should be able to change the path there04:08
kajeAny word on when Flash is going to work in Gutsy?04:08
The_Doctor2thor: It does, but it alwasy goes back to the deckopt04:08
Jack_SparrowTtech: After 50 or so hours of helping people each week, the fingers get a bit tired04:08
kalpikkaje, use the manual installer by adobe.. it works04:08
reportingsjrJack_Sparrow: Any clue the name of Ogg codecs?04:08
IndyGunFreaksam_: what do you get when you put this in a terminal...   cat /proc/asound/card0/codec#* | grep Codec04:08
Jack_Sparrowkaje: no idea yet, but if you must have it use the workaround04:08
TtechJack_Sparrow,  heh. I do the programing, so I do a bit of both, techsupport and Programing, so I don't really get into the Ubuntu help because I don't have time. :P04:09
thorThe_Doctor2 and now you know why I prefer xfce and gkrellmshoot <smile>04:09
The_Doctor2thor,  I suppose, but I can alwasy just install kscreenshot. OR something like that. And mess around iwth it. But i'd have to uninstall gnome screenshot04:09
sam_<IndyGunFreak> I'm following the link you sent previously and right now the terminal is asking for a disk labeled ubuntu 7.10 gutsy gibbon04:10
thorThe_Doctor2 not necessarily...they can all coexist on the same system04:10
IndyGunFreaksam_: hold on just a sec, put this in a terminal, and see what your output is...   cat /proc/asound/card0/codec#* | grep Codec04:10
Jack_Sparrowreportingsjr: I need to eat dinner...   But not knowing what all you did or didnt do, I would start with the restricted formats, which is why I linked them.04:10
Jack_SparrowIndyGunFreak: See you next week04:10
IndyGunFreakJack_Sparrow: ?.. where you goin?04:10
Flughafenplease, i dont want to have to re-install and i checked online.  Does anyone know how i can fix the fact that ubuntu gutsy has stopped recognizing my other hd?04:10
thorI found nothing in google about gnome-screenshot config04:10
NullNameAnyone know an easy way to use an ssh client with an http proxy?04:11
zeeohey guys im at working trying to trun on remote desktop on my ubuntu box i have ssh access and the remotedesktop is truned on but i forgot to uncheck the mark that says Ask you for confirmation can i somehow uncheck this via ssh04:11
Jack_SparrowIndyGunFreak: to dinner, I usually try to avoid this place on the weekends04:11
IndyGunFreakJack_Sparrow: oh ok..lol, well see ya next week then..04:11
reportingsjrJack_Sparrow: Hope it's a good dinner :D04:11
Jack_Sparrowyou too..04:11
sam_<IndyGunFreak> Codec: Realtek ID 26804:11
sam_Codec: Motorola Si305404:11
UbunNoob1The problem I'm having is that I'm not able to connect to the net. I've tried a static IP address, auto config and nothing works so I think it is an issue with the configuration of my ethernet adpt04:11
FezzlerMy Update Manager stopped working.  It will notify me of updates, but not install them.  Any ideas?04:12
IndyGunFreaksam_: hmm, well, the Realtek is the same as mine, the other one is different though, mine is Conexant ID 2c0604:12
sam_<IndyGunFreak> does that mean you can't fix the audio?04:12
IndyGunFreaksam_: i don't know, i'll help you w/ it the way i did mine, but i won't guarantee success.04:13
sam_<IndyGunFreak> I'll try anything at this point04:13
IndyGunFreaksam_: type this w/o quotes.. "/join #indygunfreak"04:13
jeff__old_gregg> must fly, haven't found your answer but it's out there!04:13
kalpikIndyGunFreak, i guess compiling 2.6.23 works always..04:13
Old_GreggIs there a way to create a partition, put files onto the partition, set that partition as the boot partition?04:13
IndyGunFreakkalpik: maybe, i dont' know.. i've never messed w/ compiling kernels.04:14
kalpikIndyGunFreak, you should try ;) kernelcheck makes it VERY easy! kcheck.sf.net04:14
IndyGunFreakkalpik: lol, maybe some othertime, almost bedtime04:15
jimmygoonI want to be able to access my files from a server at home anywhere from a web browser, how would this be possible?04:15
FezzlerCan someone acknowledge this post as I'm not sure my connection is working correctly.04:15
bazhanghi Fezzler04:16
Fezzlerbaz : Txs04:16
Flanneljimmygoon: Sure.  Put them in ~/public_html and make them readable by www-data04:16
Flanneljimmygoon: then go to http://yourhost/~username/04:16
si0n do you guys know any good site or good book that has tutorials about linux system administration ?04:16
Flanneljimmygoon: or just move them to /var/www04:16
FireJammerIs there any known problem with window's boot manager not allowing GRUB to work?04:16
jimmygoonFlannel, yeah, that's what I said, he is looking for something more user friendly I guess04:17
bazhanghttp://www.yolinux.com/TUTORIALS/LinuxTutorialSysAdmin.html si0n04:17
Flanneljimmygoon: moving them to public_html is probably the most user friendly.  Any user can just drag his stuff there04:17
bazhanghttp://librenix.com/?inode=1917 si0n04:18
jimmygoonFlannel, yeah, alrighty, I'll talk to him again, thanks for the info04:18
si0nthanks bazhang04:18
bazhangno worries si0n04:18
UbunNoob1\join #prestonhelp04:18
FezzlerCan I reinstall the app that provides Update Manager?  It no longer works04:19
=== NoorIslam is now known as NoorulIslaam
jimmygoonFezzler, what doesn't work about it?04:19
jbmigelOld_Gregg you could do all that, though it's not easy... why would you want too?04:20
jbmigelOld_Gregg wouldnt it be easier to create a partition, backup your files there, then reinstall over the old one04:20
Fezzlerjimbo: I tells me there are files that need updating, but when I click Install, nothing happens.04:20
joanndoes any one know information of compiz programming? I am looking for some tutorials or websites to get started.04:20
Dr_willisFezzler,  try updateing with the command line yet?04:20
UbunNoob1lspci shows that it recognized my Ethernet controller but that's about it04:20
FezzlerDr. How04:21
reportingsjrAnyone know how I can reinstall Ogg codecs, I can't figure out how!04:21
UbunNoob1I've connected the dsl modem directly to the linux box and it still didn't connect04:21
rubydiamondHi people, I am not able to boot into ubuntu linux.. its saying some inode to inode block corrutped, only some shell prompt comes.. how to rescue ubuntu linux04:21
FezzlerYea, I click Install, it re-checks for Updates (Reading State) and goes back to main screen04:21
ares623can anyone give me a tutorial on how to setup dual monitors? I have an nvidia 6500 card04:23
rubydiamondHi people, I am not able to boot into member:ubuntu linux.. its saying some inode to inode block corrutped, only some shell prompt comes.. how to rescue member:ubuntu linux04:23
=== Yancho is now known as YanchoAWY
bazhanghttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/Media/Codecs reportingsjr04:23
CppIsWeirdi added the following to gnome-session-properties "x11vnc -rfbauth ~/.vnc/passwd" the command works when i enter it directly into terminal, and the service is up when the user logs in, however it keeps saying the password is wrong. so i have to kill it and start it manually. Anyone have any ideas why this is?04:23
FireJammersomeone please message me if you can help with the "error loading operating system" message.04:24
rubydiamondares623: hi04:24
ares623how do i setup dual monitors?04:24
firefox_baalguem do brasil?!04:25
FireJammerhe said "who's from brazil"04:25
FezzlerDr. / jimmy: Any ideas on my non-functional Update Manager App?04:25
IdleOne!br | firefox_ba04:26
ubotufirefox_ba: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.04:26
Flughafenplease, i dont want to have to re-install and i checked online.  Does anyone know how i can fix the fact that ubuntu gutsy has stopped recognizing my other hd?04:26
skullheadi have a problem with my pcsx emulator it seems to kinda freeze when i open up my cdrom plugin any suggestions???04:27
CppIsWeirdi added the following to gnome-session-properties "x11vnc -rfbauth ~/.vnc/passwd" the command works when i enter it directly into terminal, and the service is up when the user logs in, however it keeps saying the password is wrong. so i have to kill it and start it manually. Anyone have any ideas why this is?04:27
joanndoes any one know information of compiz programming? I am looking for some tutorials or websites to get started.04:28
FireJammeryou should start by reinstalling pcsx if you haven't already04:28
adriftwas wondering if someone could help me out. I installed dual booted Ubuntu 7.10 a couple months ago, and updated it today and um... i'm experiencing some issues for one, my grub bootloader now no longer has Vista in it (the OS that i dual booted Ubuntu with) and also, my Resolution is totally screwed up. I have a Nvidia Geforce 7600 and I had the resolution displaying 1280x1024 and before I updated, everything looked an seemed fine. I was04:28
adrift wondering if anyone could give me advice on getting back to where I was?04:28
IdleOne!compiz | joann try asking at the follwing link04:28
thorCppIsWeird if that is supposed to enable vnc so you can log in from elsewhere I don't think that will work04:28
ubotujoann try asking at the follwing link: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion04:28
Old_GreggFor the love of god, can someone help me?  I'm about to throw this POS out the window.  I have 6 files I want to turn into an ISO and burn onto a CD so I can boot from it.  I cannot get it to work for the life of me.04:28
bastid_raZorOld_Gregg:: possibly try poweriso to convert them.04:29
IdleOneOld_Gregg: dont think it will help if you throw it out the window. just relax and try poweriso like bastid_raZor just suggested04:30
Ryan52my laptop has x kind of messed up. In gdm the letters (where I type my user) are really big but they work fine in gnome. But now I switched to ion so in my terminal windows its like that too. Its so big that 3 lines of like 7 characters fit on my screen. Is there any way to fix this? I tried dpkg-reconfigure many times...04:30
Toma-I cant set the mode on my wifi card. Im using ndiswrapper and the r8180 driver. Any tips?04:30
Old_Greggpoweriso is windows though.04:31
Fezzlermy Update Manager isn't working.  Can I reinstall or update???? What?  That apt?  GNOME?  Nautilus?04:31
ryan_How do you guys feel about BitchX vs. XChat?04:31
bastid_raZoradrift:: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg may help you fix your resolution issues04:31
IdleOne!offtopic | ryan_04:32
uboturyan_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!04:32
IdleOneryan_: try them both and make up your own mind about it04:32
bastid_raZorOld_Gregg:: no it is available for linux. i use it in command line all the time04:32
joannthanks I'll take a look04:32
charlesgrnHi. I've got a bit of an issue.. Ubuntu is detecting my WDA-1320 pci wireless card, but it's not creating an ath0 interface. Does anyone have any idea what could be causing this?04:32
adriftRyan, I was curious, do you know what I updated that messed up my resolution and took away Vista out of Grub?04:33
skullheaddos any one know what would be the problem if i have no audio in any browser when i go to youtube and yes i have the fix and ive installed flash player 9 manualy04:33
Schiz0Hey, where can I find the changelog of packages? Like recently there was a security update for the kernel, and I'm wondering what was changed.04:33
ryan_I've got no clue.04:34
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adriftok, well thanks anyways :D04:34
Old_Greggbastid_raZor:  I unzipped it but how do I run it now?04:34
bastid_raZorOld_Gregg:: try poweriso -help04:35
joannthanks I'll take a look04:35
adriftis there anyway to go back to my previous install of ubuntu?04:35
Old_Greggbastid_raZor:  Command not found04:35
IdleOneadrift: fresh install04:36
IdleOne!backup | adrift04:36
ubotuadrift: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning04:36
adriftack IdleOne, any other way?04:36
bastid_raZorOld_Gregg::  right.. poweriso -? .. my mistake04:36
Old_Greggbastid_raZor:  Command not found04:37
skullheadhas any one fixed this whole flash player problem or is it just me still geting it?04:37
sundari am having slow speed on my ktorrent...i forwarded the port in router04:37
adriftIdleOne, is there specifically a command that will restore back to a previous install?04:37
IdleOneadrift: you could try the Restore to Previous version application. ( hmmm wait that doesnt exist )04:37
adriftor, at least, do you know of one?04:37
bastid_raZorOld_Gregg:: move the poweriso binary to /usr/local/bin then try .. or be in the same directory as the unzipped and use ./poweriso -?04:38
IdleOneadrift: no there isnt any. fresh install is your best bet backup your /home and anything else you might want or need and there you go04:38
adriftthat sucks04:38
adriftmy fear is that if I do a fresh reinstall I'll still have to figure out how to reconfigure grub to recognize Windows04:39
IdleOneadrift: I dont think it sucks. that is why sudo is required to install an app or upgrade. forces you to think of what you are doing and the implications04:39
adriftI mean, I've done it once, I just don't want to have to go through all of that again.04:39
IdleOne!fixgrub | adrift04:40
ubotuadrift: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto04:40
adriftgood point IdleOne, but I suppose I relied on the Gui version of update manager to do my work for me04:40
IdleOnethere you go04:40
IdleOneeven the gui asked for password04:40
Old_Greggbastid_raZor:  Okay, I got a list of commands.  I would like to turn the contents of a directory into an ISO file.  Would I go poweriso /home/greg/Desktop/Windows/*.* /home/greg/Desktop/WindowsXP.iso -ot iso  ?04:40
adriftwell i suppose there's that.04:40
IdleOnebut me telling you I told you so doesnt help.04:40
adriftwell thank you for the link04:41
Flughafencan somebody help me with a problem with my other hd?04:41
IdleOnenp adrift use the !backup and !fixgrub links you will be fine04:41
Old_Greggbastid_raZor:  And thank you very much for your help04:41
p1can somebody help me with installation problem please!!04:41
charlesgrnHi. I've got a bit of an issue.. my WDA-1320 pci wireless card is detected, but I don't have an ath0 interface.04:41
nomasteryodaFlughafen, just tell us what is going on with it ... and someone will offer help04:41
Old_Gregg!question | p104:41
ubotup1: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)04:41
IdleOnep1: insert cd and reboot04:41
Flughafennomasteryoda, i have and nobody has said anything04:42
Old_Greggwow, it worked.04:42
nomasteryodaFlughafen, try again.. i'm here for a bit04:42
Flughafennomasteryoda, ubuntu gutsy has stopped recognizing my other hd04:42
bastid_raZorOld_Gregg:: poweriso converts to iso it doesn't create them out of files :\04:42
Old_Greggbastid_raZor:  How can I create a bootable disc using the files I have in a directory on my desktop?04:42
Flughafennomasteryoda, well it recognizes that it exists but wont let me access any files on it04:42
yangerhi. having trouble changing association of extension to program.. right click on the file (for this, AVI) -> properties -> Open With tab -> and choosing MPlayer Movie Player (originally Movie Player selected) but this won't allow me to change it. The radio button sticks on Movie Player.. any ideas? happens to all other files as well...04:42
adrifthmm the link give me some info IdleOne,but it seems to depend heavily on me getting back into Vista. Unfortunately Vista is no longer an option in Grub04:42
nomasteryodaFlughafen, hmmm... lets see... try this command... "sudo fdisk -l" where -l is an ell04:42
FezzlerIdleOne: My Update Manager isn't working.  Any ideas?  It Shows Updates but if I click install, they don't install.04:43
SpudsterAnyone know if PHP can be upgraded from 5.2.3 to 5.2.5 with apt-get?  I'm running Ubuntu 7.10 Server.04:43
nomasteryodato see if it even shows up at hardware level04:43
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about 3g2 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi04:43
Flughafennomasteryoda, ok, now what?04:43
IdleOneFezzler: it might be broken at the momment. try using the command line sudo apt-get update04:43
nomasteryodaFlughafen, do you see the drive listed?04:43
Flughafennomasteryoda, yes04:43
IdleOneFezzler: I dont know why the update manager isnt working though04:44
IdleOneadrift: what link is that?04:44
Flughafennomasteryoda, it even shows up in my media folder04:44
Flughafennomasteryoda, it just shows up empty04:44
apallodoes anyone know if gutsy supports 3g2 format videos?04:44
nomasteryodaFlughafen, ah... is it NTFS?04:44
Flughafennomasteryoda, and no longer appears on my desktop04:44
swhalenHow can I tell waht service is using up a port?04:44
Flughafennomasteryoda, yea04:44
adrifthold on IdleOne, let me try something unrelated to the link you addressed04:44
Flughafennomasteryoda, i have ntfs support enabled04:45
nomasteryodaFlughafen, you need to manually try to mount it...04:45
p1help with installation problem about error Busybox tty not found04:45
newbieeeis monodevelop works in 256mb ram and in xubuntu?04:45
Flughafennomasteryoda, how do i do that?04:45
nomasteryodasudo mount /dev/sd?? ntfs-3g /media/yourdrivename04:45
charlesgrnHi. I've got a bit of an issue.. my WDA-1320 pci wireless card is being detected, but I don't have an ath0 interface. modprobe ath_pci isn't helping. Any ideas?04:45
nomasteryodaerr, put ntfs part befor the drive /dev/04:45
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Flughafennomasteryoda, so put ntfs/dev/...?04:46
nomasteryodahold on04:46
EADGcharlesgrn: have you tried ifconfig ath0 up ?04:47
Old_GreggGuys, I really need some help.  I have Windows XP installation in a directory on my desktop.  I need to get it to a CD so I can boot from it and install it.  How can I turn the files I have on my desktop into an El Torito iso on a CD-Rom?  please help, I'm desperate.04:47
charlesgrnEADG: I have. It returns "ath0: ERROR while getting interface flags: No such device"04:47
MuDBluRhi all04:47
nomasteryodasudo mount ntfs-3g /dev/sd?? /media/drive04:47
nullvoidhello, i was wondering if it was possible to resize my ubuntu partition and take 10 gigs away from my win part and add it onto my ubuntu.. is that possible?04:47
MuDBluRdoes anyone use OpenMPI with gusty ?04:47
nomasteryodareplacing the sd?? with your devicename04:48
MuDBluRnomasteryoda: u can use the gparted to do this04:48
MuDBluRnomasteryoda: don`t ?04:48
nomasteryodanullvoid, you should be able to do that from live cd04:48
nomasteryodaMuDBluR, yes04:48
IdleOnenullvoid: use gparted ( in repos ) make sure to defrag windows first04:48
nomasteryodaits on the Ubuntu live cd04:49
IdleOnealso on live cd yeah04:49
EADGcharlesgrn: I'm outta ideas, other than trying eth1.04:49
nullvoidIdleOne: apt-get gparted, defrag windows and resize with gparted?04:49
nomasteryodaya defrag is a must to make it work04:49
nullvoiddon't have a live cd... only install.04:49
nullvoidcan you run it over X04:49
nomasteryodanullvoid, the alternate cd? or the one where you get a GUI desktop with the install icon on it?04:49
IdleOnenullvoid: you are probably better off using the live cd to do it but defrag is a must like nomasteryoda said04:49
Flughafennomasteryoda, it didnt quite work04:49
nullvoidAlternate CD04:50
charlesgrnEADG: Oh well. Thanks anyway.04:50
nomasteryodaFlughafen, what error?04:50
SpudsterIs there a good way to install PHP 5.2.5 on Ubuntu 7.10?04:50
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khaotikcan anyone help me get my graphics card working04:50
=== aaabbbccc is now known as aaabbbcccddedfsd
nullvoidOn the Live CD, is it an app I run over X? or is it outside of X?04:50
apallokhaotic: what kind of card?04:51
nomasteryodaSpudster, search the repos in synaptic for LAMP04:51
khaotiknvidia geforce715004:51
Flughafennomasteryoda, no error, its just the same problem04:51
Flughafennomasteryoda, the drive is still in the media folder but nothing on it is accessable.04:51
nomasteryodanullvoid, its a gui04:51
Spudsternomasteryoda, thanks I'll check it out04:51
IdleOnenullvoid: runs over X if I understand you correctly04:51
apallooh, nm, i don't know much about those04:51
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto04:51
Old_Greggis there a way during start-up to force ubuntu to not load?  Like, is there a way I can just get to a command prompt?04:51
nomasteryodabut start from terminal sudo gparted...04:51
nullvoidok, thats all I needed to know... thanks, gents.04:52
scguy318Old_Gregg: System -> Admin -> Services (or is it prefs)?04:52
newbieeeis monodevelop works in 256mb ram and in xubuntu?04:52
nomasteryodaFlughafen,what does the mount command return?04:52
nomasteryodais it mounted?04:52
nullvoidi'll stick around in case someone needs my assistance04:52
scguy318Old_Gregg: then you uncheck gdm I think04:52
Flughafennomasteryoda, a lot of stuff04:52
khaotikeverything says its enabled but everytime i boot up ,my computer it says it running in safe graphics mode04:52
Flughafennomasteryoda, ill pastebin it04:52
FlannelSpudster: What about 5.2.5 are you interested in?04:53
=== nullvoid is now known as h3x
reportingsjrbazhang: Sorry for the really late response, but that link you gave me only has Audio and Lossy, no video :p04:53
khaotiki had it working fine but did a systems upgrade. could that have resetr the driver i was using04:53
SpudsterI wanted to avoid some security risks that Nessus identified in 5.2.3 that comes with Ubuntu04:53
Flughafennomasteryoda, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/49379/04:53
=== h3x is now known as h3x-01
sam_looking for indy racer or something like that04:54
sam_crap i forgot the name04:54
IndyGunFreaksam_: lol04:54
IndyGunFreaksam_: /join #indygunfreak04:54
miflycan awn at the left side or right not the default -- bottom??04:54
FlannelSpudster: stock 5.2.3 doesn't come with ubuntu,its been patched (for security) and such.  Six or so times to be exact, you can see here: http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/changelogs/pool/main/p/php5/php5_5.2.3-1ubuntu6.2/changelog04:54
SpudsterFlannel: Thanks, I'll check it out04:55
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nomasteryodaFlughafen, you need to run that command like so... sudo mount ntfs-3g /dev/sdb1 /media/DRV5_VOL104:55
mifly XAMPP Linux 1.6.4 52 MB Apache 2.2.6, MySQL 5.0.45, PHP 5.2.4 & 4.4.704:55
orbhi IndyGunFreak - i'm in Indianapolis too.04:55
nomasteryodasdb would be the whole drive with no partitions04:55
khaotikcan anyone help me???04:55
Flughafennomasteryoda, did i not?04:55
IndyGunFreakorb: really?.. what side of town04:55
nomasteryodanot according to the top line04:56
orbaround 38th street04:56
pgI can't make Linux automatically establish a connection by dhcp when I boot.  Ndiswrapper is inserted, but I have to run dhclient manually.  dmesg output is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/49380/04:56
nomasteryodathat is why mount tried to tell you what to do...04:56
IndyGunFreakorb: ok.. i'm in beech grove04:56
Flughafennomasteryoda, same result04:56
pgkhaotik: What's the problem?04:56
nomasteryodaFlughafen, pastebin the listing fdisk -l04:57
nomasteryodaerr, sudo fdisk -l04:57
orbIndyGunFreak, how's that ubuntu working out for you?04:58
khaotikmy restricted driver for nvidia is nabled. but i cant no longer access nvidia settings cuz it says command not there. i just want to change my screen resolution to 1280x80004:58
Flughafennomasteryoda, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/49381/04:58
IndyGunFreakorb: perfect, been using it for 2yrs.. :)04:58
orbah, awesome04:58
orbhmm, i'll bbl04:58
nomasteryodaFlughafen, so you have 2 ntfs drives....04:59
Flughafennomasteryoda, yes, one has windows on it, the other is for music and stuff04:59
nomasteryodai've got one partition that is such04:59
nomasteryodai gotcha04:59
Flughafennomasteryoda, i can no longer access my music and studd04:59
Flughafennomasteryoda, stuff*04:59
Ryan52how do I make xdm start ion3 enstead of gnome?05:00
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion05:00
nomasteryodaFlughafen,  so... if it is mounted... then try "ls /media/DRV5_VOL1"05:00
myke54142where can i see what req/min hardware requirements are?  i need to decide between xubuntu or kubuntu for a 800mhz pIII desktop05:01
calvinserver asdf05:01
wease|hello people05:02
Flughafennomasteryoda, did nothing05:02
EroickWow, ubuntu's installer wont even start. This is with the alternate CD. It gives an error about PCI: Cannot allocate resource on region 1...05:02
EroickIt seems to be an Acer problem05:02
Eroickstupid acer...05:02
khaotiki did a sudo apt-get upgrade. could that have messed something up?? i had it working fine this morning until i ran that command. is there a way to reverse what i done05:02
nomasteryodaFlughafen, so its not mounted...05:02
pgI can't make Linux automatically establish a connection by dhcp when I boot.  Ndiswrapper is inserted, but I have to run dhclient manually.  dmesg output is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/49380/05:02
nullvoidI have an Acer and I have no problems with Ubuntu05:02
nullvoidIt works right out of the box.05:02
Flughafennomasteryoda, well it is but it isnt05:02
Eroicknullvoid: what version?05:02
Flughafennomasteryoda, it was yesterday but its not today05:02
nomasteryodahas your system been restarted?05:03
Flughafennomasteryoda, it shows up in /media/ but i cant access it....many times05:03
pgmyke54142: I want to know the answer to that question too05:03
nomasteryodaya that is just a file pointer to mount it to05:03
Sir_SidWhere do applications install to? I just installed azureus and i want firefox to "open with" azureus instead of its default05:03
snurtleevening yall05:03
Flughafennomasteryoda, i can access it from windows fine so the drive is still in good shape05:03
Eroickthere's something about gutsy's kernel that this computer (and a bunch more acers) can't handle.05:03
nomasteryodaFlughafen, so lets try again.. sudo mount ntfs-3g /dev/sdb1 /media/DRV5_VOL105:04
THE_FCCmayday mayday05:04
nomasteryodaand report any errors05:04
RB2If I want to have a drive automatically mounted on boot, what's the easiest way to set that?05:04
Flughafennomasteryoda, same result05:04
EroickIt starts loading the kernel, gets to 100% and gives that error, ive tried noapci nolapci and still no dice.05:04
Sir_SidWhere do applications install to? I just installed azureus and i want firefox to "open with" azureus instead of its default05:04
EroickSame deal with Wubi install.05:04
Eroickso its not the liveCD05:04
nullvoidIs your Acer a 64 bit?05:05
Flughafennomasteryoda, no errors, same output05:05
nomasteryodasudo ls -al /media/DRV5_VOL1 will show anything listed there05:05
migmandoes anyone know how to tell which temperature sensor controls what in pwmconfig program?05:05
nomasteryodaFlughafen, try "sudo mount -a" just to let me see what it tries to do05:06
nullvoidSpeaking of which, is there anyway to downgrade from a 64bit Ubuntu to a 32bit Ubuntu.05:06
RB2Sir_Sid, I use: 'whereis <filename>' to find executables. Then, you can set it in your firefox preferences.05:06
Flughafennomasteryoda, it outputs 2 things that are not files05:06
nomasteryodashould mount all drives/partitions in /etc/fstab05:06
nullvoid... or at least preserve the data.05:06
Eroicknullvoid: nope05:06
Sir_SidThanks RB2, I got it. It was in /usr/bin05:06
aaabbbcccddedfsdlook at there05:07
Eroicknullvoid: i think its the Radeon graphics card05:07
nullvoidThat causes your error?05:07
pg!offtopic > gvtbs05:07
Flughafennomasteryoda, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/49382/05:07
nomasteryodaFlughafen, hang on... just leave off the ntfs-3g part... and try sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /media/DRV5_VOL105:08
michaelHow can I change the default fonts in Ubuntu 7.10?  After I installed the fonts from Automatix, everything is light and fuzzy05:08
nomasteryodaautomatix is not nice05:08
michaelI thought it would be, but now dissapointed05:09
Flughafennomasteryoda, same output as -a05:09
myke54142pg: http://linuxreviews.org/software/desktops/05:09
nomasteryodaand that mount point is there?05:09
myke54142i guess it'll be xubuntu then05:09
Flughafennomasteryoda, you mean /media/DRV5_VOL1?05:10
RB2michael, automatix is the devil incarnate. :) Go to System-->Preferences --> Appearance05:10
nomasteryodamyke54142, the gnome should work on there if you wanted to live with some slowness...05:10
nomasteryodayes Flughafen05:10
RB2michael, There's a Fonts tab05:10
Flughafennomasteryoda, yes, its in my filesystem already05:10
Flughafennomasteryoda, could it be a permissions thing?05:10
nomasteryodatry the command sudo umount /media/DRV5_VOL105:10
pgmichael: Have you tried System -> Preferences -> Appearance?05:10
nomasteryodaFlughafen, if you do a "sudo ls -al /media/DRV5_VOL1" there is no higher ... so you'd be able to see files in it if it was mounted05:11
pgmyke54142:: thanks.  I actually use Ubuntu (GNOME) on an 800MHz thinkpad fine05:11
Flughafennomasteryoda, its it says /media/DRV5_VOL1: not mounted05:11
nomasteryodayes .. more ram is better05:11
xcomthe latest version of ubuntu has good bluetooth support?05:11
rubydiamondxcom: yes05:12
Eroicknullvoid: thats my best guess.05:12
Eroicknullvoid: its an onboard card05:12
xcomrubydiamond: so it's got some kind of gui program that displays what devices it can see05:12
nomasteryodayour NTFS drive contains errors from that "sudo mount -a"05:12
xcomrubydiamond: and you can transfer files easilly?05:12
nomasteryodait shows them that is...05:12
nomasteryodamount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sdb1 /media/DRV5_VOL1 -o force05:12
pgmyke54142: And they say KDE4 beta is 40% faster than KDE3, so maybe you can use that in April05:12
EroickI guess my options are to go down to LTS or 7.04...05:12
nullvoidIt sounds like for now you have no choice but to try another distro and see if it works... unless someone here or on the forums has a solution. :s05:12
nomasteryodawill mount it, but i recommend checking for errors before doing so05:13
rubydiamondxcom: try #ubuntu05:13
nomasteryodaif you want to keep the info on it05:13
pgI can't make Linux automatically establish a connection by dhcp when I boot.  Ndiswrapper is inserted, but I have to run dhclient manually.  dmesg output is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/49380/05:13
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xcomoh, this is #ubuntu-unregged or #ubuntu?05:13
IdleOnexcom: same thing05:13
tehm0nkanyone here with dual video cards w/ dual X screens?05:13
nomasteryodamount tried to tell you that... i had to learn that myself... ntfs-3g was new to me with Gutsy...05:14
Eroicknullvoid: well, i know that older releases work05:14
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RB2xcom, also take a look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bluetooth and the links on that page.05:14
Eroicknullvoid: so its looking like that or PCLinuxOS05:14
Flughafennomasteryoda, i would love to keep everything on it05:14
=== Jon_ is now known as Cavisty
brokentireI have an HP notebook...I have sound...but I cant get the builtin mic to work any suggestions...pm me you may05:15
tehm0nkHas anyone had problems with compiz and ubuntu05:16
sancho___since upgrading to 7.10 (gutsy), i've been getting errors when i try to save files to disk in openoffice apps, gvim, maybe others...05:16
sancho___"Invalid file name"   "Invalid byte sequence in conversion input"05:16
presto101anyone here use envy05:16
W1ZrDAny tips regarding a good c++ editor?05:16
sancho___W1ZrD: vi(1)05:16
W1ZrDargh :)05:16
voidmageW1ZrD: i second vi05:17
W1ZrDeverything that starts with 'vi...' is....unf unf05:17
sancho___W1ZrD: if you want an IDE, that's a different story.05:17
Dr_willisi sort of like fte.. :)05:17
HardDiskpresto101, you really don't need envy.05:17
KyleS-homevi is the best :P05:17
xcomRB2: thanks, it looks good. I'm getting sick of having to hook my phone up each time i want to test stuff on it05:17
presto101i had a bit of trouble upgrading my driver and was wanting to discuss the issues i still have05:17
Dr_willisI second that.. envy = bad. :)05:17
nomasteryodaFlughafen, then you can defrag and it should fix your error and let it mount easily like before05:17
RB2W1ZrD, I haven't used it, but if you're looking for an IDE, I heard good things about Code::Blocks05:18
nomasteryodaapt-get install defrag05:18
RB2xcom, np05:18
presto101yeah it was my mistake i got impatient for the new 169. nvidia drivers05:18
W1ZrDRB2: thanks, I just wanted something else than vi :)05:18
HardDiskI would advise to either use the restricted drivers OR if you have to, use the binaries provided by the manufacturer ie ATI/Nvidia.05:18
presto101my nexuiz benchmarks are higher but my glxgears is lower?05:18
Dr_willisglxgears is not a reliable benchmark. :)05:19
Flughafennomasteryoda, now how do i use it?05:19
HardDiskdon't depend on glxgears.05:19
RB2W1ZrD, I rely on SciTE Text Editor05:19
Flughafennomasteryoda, is it a command line program?05:19
=== Jack_Sparrow is now known as Jack_Smirnoff
MrSmurfingI'm new to shell scripting... I have a variable $signal and it contains a number with a - in front of it... I'm trying to strip off the "-" character - so if signal=-65 then signal=6505:19
W1ZrDRB2: syntax highlightning?05:20
RB2W1ZrD, yep.05:20
W1ZrDNice, I'll take a look at that one then05:20
RB2W1ZrD, Support everything from HTML/CSS to C/C++, python... a huge range of language support.05:20
presto101HardDisk and Dr_willis so id trust the nexuiz benchmarks more than glx gears05:20
ericscHello all.  Anyone familiar with a Dell Inspiron 9300?05:20
W1ZrDericsc: it's a black box from dell?05:21
CavistyCould anybody help me out with my USB headset? Ive gotten the sound to work with like xmms, it wont work with totem, or firefox05:21
ericscW1ZrD.  Silver, not black notebook05:21
HardDiskpresto101, aye.05:22
W1ZrDericsc: ah, was a 50/50 :)05:22
HardDiskpresto101, speaking from a tux gamer myself :)05:22
presto101HardDisk thanks05:22
pgMrSmurfing: new=$(echo $signal | sed -r 's/^-//')05:22
presto101HardDisk i was a bit worried after i had some trouble05:22
ericscW1ZrD:  Running Gutsy, but have no sound from the built in speakers.  Fiesty had no problems.05:22
MrSmurfingpg: dude, I have no idea what that means, but I'll try it... thanks05:23
HardDiskif you have nexius on high settings and still getting over 80-100FPS you're alright :)05:23
pgMrSmurging: see also http://wooledge.org:8000/BashFAQ05:23
MrSmurfinggreat, thanks05:23
W1ZrDericsc: would that be the openal drivers then?05:23
pgMrSmurfing: man sed05:23
W1ZrDericsc: you get sound with plugged in speakers/headphones?05:24
ericscW1ZrD:  Don't know.  How would I check (I don't think I insalled anything special)05:24
HardDiskpresto101, speaking of games I know this is offtopic, BUT..try alien arena, urban terror, frets on fire and gridwars05:24
MrSmurfingwhich man sed what?05:24
Flughafennomasteryoda, ill defrag it from my windows partition05:24
presto101my nexuis benchmark went from 26/50/75 old to 37/60/92 new05:24
ericscW1ZrD:  Headset works fine.05:24
sancho___MrSmurfing: or ${signal##-}05:24
Jack_SmirnoffHardDisk: dont forget sauerbratten05:24
HardDiskwell yea :)05:24
pgI can't make Linux automatically establish a connection by dhcp when I boot.  Ndiswrapper is inserted, but I have to run dhclient manually.  dmesg output is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/49380/  It seems that the connec05:24
HardDiskbut the last two games I mentioned are not FPS05:25
pgit seems that the connection is dropped by NM05:25
romistrubAllo allo05:25
HardDiskI love gridwars, you HAVE to play it when you're not sober.05:25
HardDiskok enough of that, I have to go to bed, 7:30am05:25
presto101HardDisk ive tried most of those and like them quite a bit i mainly was useing nexuiz as a benchmark tool05:25
moDumasshey all05:26
moDumassany ideas on how to install a logitech quickcam communicator in gutsy?05:26
sancho___pg: good syntax to know ( ${name#pattern} and ${name%pattern} )05:26
HardDiskpresto101, understandable.05:26
Jack_SmirnoffmoDumass: the bot has a link for webcams , I dont have one...05:26
HardDiskmoDumass, I have one, and it works out of the box05:26
presto101one other question if i can HardDisk is there a way to make sure everything is good to go05:26
ubotuInstructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras05:26
HardDiskmoDumass, you can test it, but downloading an app called Cheese05:27
HardDiskbut = by05:27
HardDiskI really need sleep :)05:27
HardDiskwell presto101 check by looking at nvidia-settings (if you're nvidia) and got all your settings in order.05:27
HardDiskpresto101, and I assume you are using the restricted drivers?05:28
ubotuFor fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto05:28
moDumasshmm, what is the difference between easycam and easycam2?05:28
romistrubalright, so... I'm trying to settle myself into the "linux community" so to speak...05:28
HardDiskdifference of 105:28
HardDiskromistrub, you don't settle, you dive in.05:28
presto101HardDisk yes the brand new ones05:28
romistrubI want to help out... learn more....05:28
HardDiskpresto101, then you should be fine, enjoy gaming :)05:28
HardDiskthat's fine.05:29
romistrubHardDisk: You're not kidding :P05:29
Jack_Smirnoffromistrub: You are in the rihgt place to learn05:29
HardDiskthere are sites to help such as ubuntuguide.org ubuntugeek.com ubuntuhq.com05:29
presto101i checked everything and it looks good except im getting 2 errors when i start05:29
HardDisk2 errors when you start what?05:29
presto101nvidia settings05:29
W1ZrDericsc: not sure about that problem, but this might help https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Gutsy_Intel_HD_Audio_Controller05:29
presto101i start it from the terminal05:30
HardDiskdoes it load?05:30
ericscW1ZrD:  Thanks.  Will take a look05:30
HardDiskalso you may have to sudo nvidia-settings05:30
presto101yes it does05:30
HardDisknot just plain05:30
romistrubWell, the more I learn, the more I'm fascinated by it. From the very beginning, working with linux has made me gain a new appreciation for the work that goes into hardware and software. Used to take all of that jazz for granted. Hehe.05:30
HardDiskyou wont be able to save some settings without sudeo05:30
presto101no the full gui interface05:30
presto101here is the 1st error05:31
pgsancho_: it's cool, but I think it's more readable to use universal tools.  Less things should be implemented inside the shell, less special cases in bash scripts and more portability across shells05:31
presto101ERROR: Invalid display device CRT-1 specified on line 19 of configuration file05:31
presto101       '/home/preston/.nvidia-settings-rc' (the currently enabled display05:31
presto101       devices are CRT-0 on PC:0.0).05:31
FezzlerI just noticed, it is not my Update Manager that isn't working, it any GNOME Administration function.  Are my Permissions messed up?  How do I check?05:31
HardDiskpresto101, I know run sudo nvidia-settings rather than nvidia-settings alone05:31
ime3i'm trying to figure out what is wrong with this code... cat >> /etc/inittab << face="courier new">1:2345:respawn:/sbin/rungetty                (line2)       --autologin intel        (line3)   EOF                  and i get            ">" when i copy paste this into the terminal05:31
HardDiskpresto101, oh just ignore that05:31
HardDisknot a big deal05:31
Khisanthromistrub: many people would say that is a bad thing :)05:31
Jack_Smirnoffpresto101: Please use the pastebin to upload that.... then post the link to it in here05:31
presto101ok thanks i feel better05:31
presto101oops sorry your right i forgot05:32
HardDiskdon't you just hate people that do that?05:32
romistrubKhisanth: Well, I've always enjoyed poking around with things I didn't understand... this opens up a whole new world of those things ;)05:32
FezzlerId I'm user "Dad" and I'm the administrator, what command line instruction do I give to make sure "Dad" has administrator rights?05:32
kyehow can i make ubuntu auto mount /dev/sda1/WinXP when it starts?05:32
HardDisk" I've always enjoyed poking around with things I didn't understand..." I don't know if that's a good thing too :)05:33
pgHardDisk: s/that/who05:33
The_Doctor2Fezzler, there is only one "super user" and You can set user options fomr the users & groups menu05:33
HardDiskpg, my point exactly :)05:33
romistrubHardDisk: Hogwash :P... one of my favourite ways to learn!05:33
HardDiskhad a buddy who did that ALL the time with me.05:33
RB2Fezzler, it should ask you for a password when you launch administrative functions.05:33
HardDiskand I just totally ignored him.05:33
kyehow can i make ubuntu auto mount /dev/sda1 when it starts?05:33
HardDisk!automount | kye05:34
HardDiskhmm no automount?05:34
josh-nzHi all. I'm running Feisty and I need to compile Pidgin with dh_make. How might I do that?05:34
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about automount - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi05:34
Dr_williskye,  proper entry in the fstab.05:34
ubotuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions05:34
CavistyCould anybody help me out with my USB headset? Ive gotten the sound to work with like xmms, it wont work with totem, or firefox05:34
jediborgerDoes anyone know where the "Xclient Script" is for the default login session under GDM? I would like to know what commands it runs.05:34
Jack_Smirnoffjosh-nz: If you want pidgin in feisty I can help with that..05:34
romistrubHow many people do you suppose are working on linux at a time?05:34
FezzlerThe_Doctor2: I thought my Update Manager wasn't working.  Now I notice ALL Administration functions are not working.  So I can't use User & Groups05:34
kyelol @ romistrub alot05:35
HardDiskromistrub, you writing a magazine article?05:35
romistrublol no05:35
HardDiskwell no point in asking that question really.05:35
The_Doctor2Fezzler, that can be a problem. Did you forget your root password?05:35
josh-nzJack_Smirnoff: Sure, that'd be great. I tried a simple make but I got a string of errors.05:35
HardDiskunless you want statistics.05:35
romistrubMeh, juts a curiosityh05:35
The_Doctor2You do know I don't think you can reset that05:35
romistrubWell, not stats... but... seems like a massive project :P05:35
HardDiskromistrub, the answer is "many people"05:35
pgime3: have you tried05:35
ubotudri is direct rendering infrastructure, a framework for allowing direct access to graphics hardware under the X Window System in a safe and efficient manner.05:35
FezzlerThe_Doctor:  Nope.  Can run Terminal/Command Line perfectly05:35
pgecho -e "face="courier new">1:2345:respawn:/sbin/rungetty                \n       --autologin intel        \n   EOF                  " >> /etc/inittab05:35
ime3pg have i tried what?05:36
Jack_Smirnoffjosh-nz: This page has two debs.. that will do it all for you..  http://www.kalpiknigam.com/blog/2007/05/12/install-pidgin-200-on-ubuntu-feisty-with-all-plugins/05:36
romistrubHardDisk: True05:36
HardDiskeach distro has it's own set of people.05:36
HardDisksome interact, some don't.05:36
pgime3: I thought you were trying to append some text to /etc/inittab05:36
ime3pg ohh no05:36
Jack_Smirnoffjosh-nz: pidgin 2.0.2 and pidgin-data 2.0.205:36
ime3pg i have not.. i think that is what i'm trying to do. i'm not entirely sure. i'm reading a tutorial with that code.05:37
romistrubHardDisk: Context: I had an epiphane regarding "free" software05:37
FezzlerDoctor2: Is there a command line instruction I can use to check all users and their permissions and I'll report back what it says for user "Dad"05:37
romistrubWhich is why the questions are flowing05:37
HardDiskromistrub, well free software doesn't mean opensource.05:37
josh-nzJack_Smirnoff: Thanks. Do you know how to compile with dh_make, though? I should probably learn, and I'd like to install the very latest version if I can.05:37
romistrubHardDisk: Quoi?05:37
HardDisktechnically (and I have done it for client machines) you can have a windows xp workstation running entirely on free software, except of course for the OS05:37
bullgard4What is meant by 'parameter expansion'?05:38
seren6ipityHi. I'm a new ubuntu user. I'm experiencing issues with usb drive since I updated to Gutsy. Can some one help please?05:38
pgime3: I think the problem is that it is missing the delimiter EOF after << and before you start the text to be appended05:38
HardDiskseren6ipity, state the problem exactly.05:38
Jack_Smirnoffjosh-nz: you would be best to use what I linked until you get better at compiling05:38
pgHardDisk: where does the OS end and the rest begin?05:38
presto101HardDisk so glxgears being lower is nothing to worry about correct?05:39
HardDiskpg, it's almost 8am and I haven't slept, I can't discuss linux philosophies right now :) BUT I would gladly do so when I wake up.05:39
josh-nzJack_Smirnoff: Will do. Might google about for a howto on compiling, perhaps.05:40
seren6ipityThanks for your response, Harddisk. The issue is - A flash drive or any other device thru usb drive doesn't work properly. It might work or not...not sure when it does. Then after a few mins. The device gets disconnected and a message appears - use eject option for safe removal.05:40
ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)05:40
RB2Jack_Smirnoff, Are you familiar with any of the plug-ins for Pidgin? (development-wise)05:40
HardDiskpresto101, no. since glxgears is a fixed set of instructions. best way to benchmark is to use the games themselves like they do in the real world, when benchmarking videocards they base it on the actual games.05:40
pgI can't make Linux automatically establish a connection by dhcp when I boot.  Ndiswrapper is inserted, but I have to run dhclient manually.  dmesg output is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/49380/  It seems that the connection is dropped by network manager05:40
romistrubHardDisk: It mostly has to do with how one interacts with the community of devs and support. So much different than a corporate infrastructure.05:41
HardDiskseren6ipity, try this and tell me if it does the same issue, sudo rmmod ehci_hcd05:41
HardDiskbasically what this does is turns your USB 2.0 to a USB 1.0 connection.05:41
lumpynight all05:41
HardDiskI've had this issue with my microSD card reader, but no problems with my usb HD05:41
moDumasshey all, for me to get my webcam going i need to "Requires updated uvcvideo driver" im sorry that im a bit slow, but how would i do this?05:41
romistrubnight lumpy05:41
seren6ipityThanks, HardDisk. I'll try and get back to you.05:41
=== lumpy is now known as zzZlumpZzz
HardDiskseren6ipity, and when you want to get it back, do sudo modprobe ehci-hcd05:42
HardDisknotice the difference between _ and -05:42
ScoldogCan anyone recommend a decent way of synching to a network folder?05:42
HardDiskScoldog, rsync05:42
HardDiskand there's a gui for it05:42
ScoldogTried grsync, it doesn't seem to work for network drives05:42
ScoldogCan't locate them05:43
seren6ipityThanks, HardDisk. You rock :) It worked!05:43
HardDiskScoldog, sure does work, I think you may need to check your samba settings maybe?05:43
RB2Scoldog, Are they NFS drives or Samba shares?05:43
HardDiskseren6ipity, no probs, remember to get your USB 2.0 back is to sudo modprobe ehci-hcd05:43
moDumassso how do i update the uvcvideo driver?05:43
ScoldogI'll check them, BRB05:44
HardDiskseren6ipity, are you using a card reader?05:44
seren6ipityHarddisk. yes. I'll set it back. Am using an external cd writer.05:44
HardDiskseren6ipity, somehow some card readers have this issue, that's why I told you to do that.05:44
presto101HardDisk thanks for your help and be back in a bit gang05:44
HardDiskseren6ipity, ah, well that's why :)05:44
RB2HardDisk, I never knew there was a GUI for rsync. :) ty05:44
HardDiskRB2, np05:44
Timon_Crazyhello all!05:45
gstoryHas anyone had an issue the the 2.4.5 postfix backport and 4.46.2 mailscanner?05:45
gstoryOn Dapper I should say.05:45
seren6ipity:-) It works good with printer but with camera, flash drive causes problem05:45
HardDiskok well seriously guys would love to stay, but I REALLY have to sleep gotta take some people to show them the pyramids :)05:45
seren6ipityHave a sound sleep, harddisk. ZZZZ05:45
CavistyCould anybody help me out with my USB headset? Ive gotten the sound to work with like xmms, it wont work with totem, or firefox05:45
RB2HardDisk, gnight05:46
osxdudeNight all05:46
ScoldogI've got the network drive mounted as a samba share05:46
pgI can't make Linux automatically establish a connection by dhcp when I boot.  Ndiswrapper is inserted, but I have to run dhclient manually.  dmesg output is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/49380/  It seems that the connection is dropped by network manager05:46
sam_i keep forgetting05:47
IndyGunFreakno prob05:47
romistrubwhen I start up, I always get the wrong resolution... for some reason ubuntu isn't saving my settings05:48
romistrubalso, why are there two mechanisms to change the resolution? what are the differences?05:48
bullgard4What is meant by 'parameter expansion'?05:48
ScoldogDo I need to synch grsync with the samba drives mount point05:48
RB2Scoldog, Samba shares aren't my specialty. Are you mounting them to a local mount point?05:48
ScoldogDon't think so05:49
ScoldogI use "Connect to Server" in the places menu05:49
RB2Def. do that and then point grsync to the mount point.05:49
ScoldogStupid question, how do I setup a local mount point?05:50
RB2Scoldog, Not a stupid question. The prob. is that I don't have a Windows box up and running right now to run through the process myself.05:50
ScoldogOh, OK05:51
ScoldogJust so you know05:51
RB2Scoldog, Maybe someone else here knows it off the top of their head05:51
ScoldogI have a NAS box, not a second computer I am synching with05:51
ScoldogIt doesn't have SSH on it, so I couldn't use Unison05:51
roddyHi, I just bought a USB TV Tuner... I can see the device when i type "lsusb" , but it doesn't appear to be mounting/getting recognised from Linux (me thinks i have an incompatible device for Linux. I didn't want to install Windows just for that device)05:52
Scoldogsmb4k kept asking for a password to mount it even though I've set it up as free access for all05:52
ScoldogI'll have a gander around to web for a sec05:52
furthurroddy : it most likely needs drivers and usb tv tuners im afraid arent very supported :S05:52
furthurroddy : have a quick search online for the make and see if anythign pops up05:53
dibblegowhat's the standard method of upgrading feisty to gutsy?05:53
furthurdibblego : just go in system update05:53
roddyyeah, nothing seems to pop up for Linux. If i can see what the drivers are for Windows is there a guide out there to tell me how to write drivers for Linux? Or am i asking for the impossible? ;)05:53
dibblegoah right cheers; can it be done from the command line?05:53
furthur**update manager05:53
RB2Scoldog, Yeah, I just did a search for 'Ubuntu mount Samba Share' and came up with a lot.05:53
tehm0nkDoes anyone use Compiz here?05:53
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion05:54
CavistyCould anybody help me out with my USB headset? Ive gotten the sound to work with like xmms, it wont work with totem, or firefox05:54
RB2tehm0nk, I do, but you'll prob. get the best answer in #compiz-fusion05:54
tehm0nkno one is alive in there05:55
tehm0nkRB2 are you on dual monitors by chance?05:55
furthurlol ops wouldent really like this but... more details?05:55
RB2tehm0nk, I was for 30 minutes before it's crazy behaviors made me turn it off. :)05:55
* Dr_willis draws in fire on RB2 's screen05:56
tehm0nkwait what?05:56
gstoryIs it possible to go back to postfix 2.2.10-1ubuntu from 2.4.5?  Since my upgrade to 2.4.5, mailscanner is not processing the hold queue.05:56
=== chaky_ is now known as chaky
RB2tehm0nk, I might be able to help, what's the question?05:56
RB2Dr_willis, did I offend? :)05:56
furthurgstory :try fetching a deb online and downgrade?05:56
tehm0nkOk... both screens wont enable compiz...05:57
gstoryI thought of that but wanted to know if there were any pitfalls.05:57
tehm0nki'm running dual video cards, 1 monitor each, Dual X sessions...05:57
Dr_willisRB2,  Tidal Wave! :)  ripples!  Must enable them all!05:57
digeratiwhenever i put a new file or folder inside my shared folder, it doesnt automatically apply the folder shared permissions on them.05:57
digeratii have to reapply to have access from other machines05:57
RB2tehm0nk, I ran across an article addressing exactly that. let me see if I can dig it up05:57
RB2Dr_willis, I loved the dual monitors but had a lot of problems with it.05:58
ScoldogDo local mount points have to be in the root of the file system?05:58
Dr_willisRB2,  yep. I use 2 monitors a lot. some apps are just written badly and really mess things up05:58
digeratiis there a way to make files automatically inherit the folder permissions when moved to them?05:58
gstoryI would rather fix the mailscanner issue but so far have been striking out.  Dapper is still showing 4.46.2 for mailscanner.  One of the suggestions from the mailscanner irc and mail list was to upgrade mailscanner.  I found 4.55 on the mailscanner site in a deb package.05:59
RB2Dr_willis, I couldn't get a terminal window to work correctly. lol05:59
RB2Scoldog, They can be anywhere you want that has a valid directory. You could make a folder in your home directory and mount there when you want to access it.06:00
andre_plHas anyone got wpa encryption working in gutsy? I've got a linksys wrt54g funning the dd-wrt firmware and none of the wpa options work at all.06:00
ScoldogCool, thanks for clarifying that, RB206:00
NotSoGutsyis there a way to get device details like manufacturer and model ?06:00
ste-foyThx RB206:00
RB2tehm0nk, I can't find the article I was reading. But, search the Ubuntu Forums. That's where I found my best answer.06:02
FezzlerHMM.  So sudo adduser dad admin says I'm already admin  So why can't I get any Administration functions to run?06:02
RB2ste-foy, Did I help with something?06:02
ste-foyNo RB206:02
mikubuntui downloaded google earth package from synaptic, but it still does not appear in my menu, can someone tell me what other steps i have to take.  i seem to remember having to do some cli when i installed on another machine few months back...06:02
furthurmikubuntu : killall gnome-panel06:03
RB2Dr_willis, What video card are you using?06:03
furthurmiubuntu : (little refresh) if not you can edit the menus by right clicking on them06:03
joankii heard there is a software package i can install to use windows06:04
joankion linux06:04
Dr_willisRB2,  got a 5500 in one box, 6800 in this box.. 8800 in my main box. :)06:04
joankidoes anyone know a good one?06:04
furthurjoanki : qemu and virtualbox06:04
slavikjoanki: or vmware06:04
joankiwhich one is better?06:04
slavikvmware server is free :)06:04
joankiqemu and virtualbox cost?06:04
furthurjoanki : nope06:04
mikubuntufurther, killall gnome? why would you do that?06:05
ScoldogHmm, trying to mount the samba share to a local mount point via the command line, it keeps asking for a password for the network drive even though there is none06:05
furthuralthough virtualbox has a price for "better" version06:05
joankihow mcuh06:05
furthurso id recommend qemu06:05
furthuralthough you can also download a front end to make things easier06:05
furthurlike qtemu06:05
joankifurther, what do u thinik of vmware06:06
RB2Dr_willis, I'm using an 8800. The initial dual-monitor setup was easy and great, but nothing was quite right after that. I lost my window titlebars on the second screen and I couldn't load ff on it because it was "already running".06:06
RB2Dr_willis, I just didn't have time to play with it. Maybe I will soon.06:06
furthurand you can compile kqemu modules to make thing LOTS faster06:06
RB2Scoldog, What appliance are you using?06:06
ScoldogRB2, Sorry?06:06
furthurjoanki : vmware? never used... heard lots of good about it but it seems very commercial06:07
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about uvc - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi06:07
RB2Scoldog, What brand storage unit are you trying to access?06:07
ubotuInstructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras06:07
furthurjoanki : for easy quick one just apt-get virtualbox06:07
ScoldogI'm not sure06:07
slavikfurthur: vmware server is free and in case you need to use the commercial stuff, you have exposure :)06:07
moDumassman, i cant get this going06:07
Dr_willisRB2,  i noticed that i enabled the twinview with the nvidia tools. and it worked. sort of... but not right. untill i actally restarted the X server. Other then a few apps being dumb. I dont recall any other issues.06:07
ScoldogSeems to be a no-name brand I got a month ago06:07
furthurslavik : thx I never really read into it06:07
ScoldogIt's been a lot better than my last one though06:07
slavikfurthur: although IBM did virtualization like 30 years ago ... heh06:08
RB2Scoldog, Hmm... Do you have a Windows machine around you can try?06:08
RB2Dr_willis, I used the NVidia tools, but not the TwinView setting.06:08
ScoldogRB2 Just got around that username and password thing by putting a username and password on the folder I am trying to sync06:09
ScoldogNow it has mounted it fine06:09
RB2Scoldog, That's one way to handle it. Nice job :)06:09
P235Hi, this is probably an extremely newb question.  I am thinking of buying an AMD 64 Athlon X2 computer, but is this mean it is 64 bit?  I've only used an Intel 32bit processor and I don't know much about AMD's chips at all.06:09
domsterI have an external hardware modem (no winmodems here) that I'm trying to use in conjunction with a usb to serial adaptor. The usb/serial adaptor is recognised, and is working fine (lsmod shows pl2303, usbserial) and I can get the lights to flash with 'cat /dev/sda > /dev/ttyUSB0'. But I haven't had any luck getting the modem to dial from there. vwdialconf, for example, can't find the modem when it looks.06:09
cabrioleurP235: yes06:09
ScoldogThanks.  It just seems a bit silly to always expect a username and password.  It's the same problem I had with smb4k06:10
slavikP235: all dual core CPUs are 64bit :)06:10
domsterand when I'm not doing anything, the SD and RD lights are solid-on.06:10
slavikP235: and I mean ALL06:10
domsterany ideas anyone?06:10
P235slavik, ah, great.  So by default is winXP 32 bit?06:10
=== Thecks_ is now known as Thecks
ScoldogIt's also reminiscent of the problem I had with network manager in Fiesty06:10
slavikP235: the only WinXP version that is 64bit is the 64bit edition which you have to buy separately :)06:11
Dr_willisRB2,  to get the apps working right with 2 displays.. I always enable twinview, and disable xinerama06:11
HardDiskP235, you will only be able to use 64bit processing using 64bit apps ie, 64bit windows photoshop and autocad and a few high end apps.06:11
RB2Dr_willis, I'll give it a try tomorrow.06:11
RB2HardDisk, I thought you were sleeping. :)06:11
HardDiskI was just passing by getting some water06:11
HardDiskand saw you guys :)06:12
HardDiskim leaving now heeh :)06:12
RB2HardDisk, Couldn't help yourself? :)06:12
P235HardDisk, ah, I see, so there isn't much compatibility between 32 and 6406:12
HardDiskno I couldn't RB06:12
* slavik hasn't had any trouble with 32bit apps06:12
RB2HardDisk, I understand. hehe06:12
GattonP235: i have an athlon x2 64 bit and i'm quite happy running 32-bit everything :-)06:12
slavikexcept there is no 64bit java plugin06:12
RB2Hi SiroiSoriS06:12
fwaokdahow can i get my AWN to load on log in ?06:12
EdwardXPwhats the difference between 32 - 64 bit applications?06:12
SiroiSoriSthis is Daniel The Original Psci Muster06:13
mikubuntufurther, nope i'm not having any luck with the menu editor, either...06:13
EdwardXPis there really adifference in how fast they operate?06:13
furthurfwaokda : System > preferences> session06:13
HardDiskEdwardXP, processing math power, I would get into details but this is not the time or place.06:13
slaviknot really06:13
SiroiSoriSpleased to know you're good06:13
mikubuntui downloaded google earth package from synaptic, but it still does not appear in my menu, can someone tell me what other steps i have to take.  i seem to remember having to do some cli when i installed on another machine few months back...06:13
fwaokdafurthur, what would i type in the field for it?06:13
RB2Scoldog, Are you trying grsync now?06:13
EdwardXPfaster processors are for servers activity huh?06:13
furthurfwaokda : avant-window-manager06:13
RB2Scoldog, Let me know how it goes and then I'm off to sleep myself.06:13
ScoldogI can see it now,  just trying to figure out how to setup mulitple synchs06:14
ScoldogThanks for your help RB206:14
HardDisk32bit is still the way to go for any user, 64bit technically has an advantage for large, and I mean LARGE networks/processing applications.06:14
HardDiskok NOW i'm going to bed.06:14
fwaokdak i'll try that thanks06:14
furthurfwaokda : **avant-window-navigator06:14
ScoldogThanks for your help to HardDisk06:14
EdwardXPalright thanks HD06:14
fwaokdai have to put the ** b4 it?06:14
RB2Scoldog, np. Have a good night06:14
MrPiracyhello, could anyone help me with installing awn-extras? MAKE command i get "no target specified ..."06:14
P235I see06:14
P235thanks all06:14
fwaokdabrb gonna test it06:15
HardDisklater fellas.06:15
* HardDisk out.06:15
EdwardXPi wanna know how to install and uninstall new devices on ubuntu06:15
P235I thought I might have a problem if I bought a 64 bit PC, but I guess it's not a big deal afterall06:15
RB2Dr_willis, Thanks for the advice. I'm gonna' give it a try tomorrow.06:15
furthurmikubuntu : this is odd... shouldbe in menu... nevertheless you can simply add an entry with menu editor06:15
SiroiSoriSI half a requested question06:15
SiroiSoriS I've heard someone say something about The Isis Lamb Ofucking hell it's god! killing an Aryental every minute I sit here06:15
SiroiSoriS<SiroiSoriS> is that cunstitutional?06:15
Dev05Hey people. I'm just curious: Is there anybody having problem with the latest nVidia drivers? When I install them I get massively weird output.06:16
MikeyPizanois it possible to run office 2007 on linux?06:16
mikubuntufurther, i don't understand, how do i add an entry that will be linked to launching the program?06:16
slavikMikeyPizano: I tried once and it didn't work06:16
slavikMikeyPizano: OOo doesn't suit your needs?06:16
furthurmikubuntu : click New Item06:16
CavistyAny way to automount a disk when i boot up?06:16
MikeyPizanoall my files are docx06:16
HardDiskMikeyPizano, you're serious about office 2007? you can get office xp, MAYBE 2003, but openoffice is the future..heck european governments are going ODF's and dropping MS doc's06:16
slavikCavisty: edit the /etc/fstab file :)06:16
furthurmikubuntu : then add in command field : /usr/bin/googleearth %f06:17
HardDiskMikeyPizano, convert it back to doc, with MS's doc converter, it's free06:17
HardDiskok REALLY going to bed now06:17
MrPiracyhello, could anyone help me with installing awn-extras?06:17
MikeyPizanothat may be so but like i said all my files are docx and to be truthful i love office 200706:17
furthurmikeypizao : you can emulate seamlessly with kvm06:17
EdwardXPms office .doc is the future of windows, u drop .doc, everything will die newyork will go under and san francisco06:17
slavikMikeyPizano: have you tried using OOo to open them?06:17
moDumasshey, how do i update a driver?06:17
Cavistyslavik: What would it be named though? And do I just put it at the end like after the /dev/hda things (Cd roms)06:17
MikeyPizanoits a p3 750mhz06:17
RB2MikeyPizano, It doesn't look good: http://appdb.winehq.org/appview.php?iVersionId=779706:17
MikeyPizanono, it still has only xp on it06:17
HardDiskMikeyPizano, you can open docx in openoffice06:17
slavikCavisty: yes, you also want to read the manpage for fstab :)06:18
HardDisk!google docx openoffice06:18
HardDiskits like 5-6 steps06:18
slavikhmm, no man page?06:18
MikeyPizanomaybe ill just leave xp on it, i also have grown to love outlook 200706:18
furthurenough with this heresy!06:19
HardDiskhe's just a troll06:19
mariI have a Microsoft webcam and I am want to use it in Ubuntu Gutsy.... please help me install it!06:19
HardDiskok im leaving06:19
joankislavik, vmware is free?06:19
RB2HardDisk, uh huh06:19
joankisomeone else just told me it costs money06:19
MrPiracyhow can i get rid of this: make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found.  Stop.06:19
SiroiSoriS I've heard someone say something about The Isis Lamb Ofucking hell it's god! killing an Aryental every minute I sit here06:19
SiroiSoriS<SiroiSoriS> is that cunstitutional?06:19
EdwardXPi would like to know how i can install my webam06:19
slavikjoanki: vmware server06:19
EdwardXPwebcam too L(06:19
slavikbut you have to register for the cd key06:19
furthurjoanki : depending on version06:19
HardDiskjoanki, sudo apt-get install vmware-server its free06:19
slavikHardDisk: it's in the repos?!06:19
HardDiskbut virtualbox is better, in my opinion anyway..06:20
HardDiskyea slav06:20
Silver_FoxHow do i get different desktop wallpapers on all of my 4 desktops?06:20
joankiso evertyone thinks virtual box is better?06:20
stunatraVirtual Box rocks!06:20
furthurkvm is really nice if you get down and dirty06:20
joankisudo apt-get install virtualbox?06:20
joankiwhy's that further06:20
Dr_willisive had issues with some cases with virtualbox, and other cases with Vmware.....06:20
Dr_willisso try them both06:20
Silver_Foxwhats virtual box?06:20
HardDiskjoanki go to the virtualbox.org site to add its own repository to yours06:20
RB2HardDisk, I've been looking at virtualbox and vmware workstation, etc. What made you choose virtualbox over everything else?06:20
HardDiskso you get updates06:21
furthurkvm is basicaly a module you compile and based on qemu but has many options06:21
furthurseamless integration :p06:21
Cavistyslavik: So /dev/sda        /media/disk would work?06:21
MrPiracywhat's vmware repository?06:21
HardDiskRB2, personally, I found it ran multiple vm images faster.06:21
Gattonoh...i thought you meant a physical kvm lol06:21
Cavistyslavik: Or is it sda106:21
furthurvirtualbox freeware dont have that!06:21
HardDiskI ran 2 xp and 1 win2003 server simultaneously06:21
mikubuntufurther, ok, shows in menu now, lemme go test ... thanks06:21
pg!webcam | mari06:21
ubotumari: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras06:21
HardDiskfound vmware was slower06:21
slavikCavisty: 1, I would not mount it anywhere under /media as it is used for automounted stuff.06:21
voidmagestrange, now when I enable compiz it changes the window decorations06:21
Silver_FoxHow do i get different wallpapers on all of my desktops?06:21
RB2HardDisk, ahh, k. I really just need to boot a spare machine and try them all06:22
voidmageI'm pretty sure it's still using metacity themes, but it's using the wrong border06:22
Cavistyslavik: (I want it to automount)06:22
GattonHardDisk: did you ever get that water on your way out of here? ;-)06:22
furthurI always tend to lean towards completly community written and maintained apps :)06:22
slavikCavisty: 2. I don't know which device descriptor the kernel puts the drive under in your situation06:22
HardDiskGatton, :) haha funny funny06:22
slavikCavisty: automount as in hot pluggable stuff06:22
HardDiskit's an addiction I know.06:22
HardDiskcan't leave06:22
Cavistyslavik: Like if i mount it manually, it mounts to /media/disk06:22
slavikCavisty: 3. you should be using UUID anyway06:23
HardDiskit's like the keyboard doesn't want me to let go.06:23
Cavistyslavik: No clue what that is06:23
snurtlewhy is ubuntu better then fedora?06:23
RB2HardDisk, LOL... the scary part is that I can relate.06:23
SiroiSoriS I've heard someone say something about The Isis Lamb Ofucking hell it's god! killing an Aryental every minute I sit here06:23
Gattonthat linuxy goodness06:23
joankii think ubuntu is cooler06:23
slavikCavisty: 4. in my case, I created a /exs mount point when I added a 500GB drive to my system06:23
joankibut hey who knows06:23
Romestrick question: why is the etc directory named as such?06:23
joankii have problems with ubuntu06:23
Gattonuse what you like06:23
furthurbecause deb based distros PWN06:23
HardDiskI don't think ubuntu is better, I just think it's different.06:23
SiroiSoriS I've heard someone say something about The Isis Lamb Ofucking hell it's god! killing an Aryental every minute I sit here06:24
Cavistyslavik: This is a 500gig NTFS windows drive06:24
SiroiSoriS I've heard someone say something about The Isis LambS Ofucking hell it's god! killing an Aryental every minute I sit here06:24
slavikCavisty: /media is used by the automounter for USB/cdrom/floppy devices.06:24
voidmageRomes: let me guess, it's not named after etcetera?06:24
pgRomes: Wikipedia file hierarchy standard perhaps06:24
HardDiska distro is as good as it's developers/community.06:24
bullgard4What is meant by 'parameter expansion'?06:24
Romesvoidmage... is it?06:24
EdwardXPis there a way to star a video conference on ubuntu06:24
slavikCavisty: there is a wiki page for this. I don't remember the title, but it is there.06:24
joankiwow that was SO easy to install virtualbox06:24
HardDiskEdwardXP, skype.06:24
voidmageRomes: because it really is named after etcetera and you're trying to make me second guess myself?06:24
joankii'm thinking of scratching my xp altogether06:24
* Gatton is using ubuntu but it's mint flavored shhhhh06:24
furthurjoanki : yepp :)06:24
joankiis that a bad iddea?06:24
MrPiracywhat repository should i add to get vmware-server?06:25
EdwardXPHardDisk,  I want my thing to be like Reboot!06:25
HardDiskmm minty06:25
slavikjoanki: don't you love it when things work as they should (installing stuff is easy)06:25
Romesvoidmage: I'm a bitch that way :P06:25
joankii'm worried cuz my linux ubuntu gusty is a little iffy06:25
Gattonapt-get yay06:25
HardDiskReboot the tv show?06:25
EdwardXPthe cartoon series, i just ping someone, and something pops' up like a window out of no where, allow video interface06:25
joankii'm worried to make it my only op system06:25
SiroiSoriSkarren + bi sexual McFarlane have put a hit on you06:25
HardDiskman you know how many years ago that was?06:25
furthurjoanki : ??06:25
SiroiSoriS I've heard someone say something about The Isis LambS Ofucking hell it's god! killing an Aryental every minute I sit here.06:25
EdwardXPand I want the sound effect as well when i start my camera06:25
slavikjoanki: I've had windows as the only OS on my system ... I was fine06:25
pgjoanki: how often have you needed it in the last few months?06:25
EdwardXPit was a long time ago, and i want it hehehe06:25
joankiwell, pg,06:25
RomesMy friend had a brother that worked on Reboot.06:25
RomesTrue story.06:25
SiroiSoriSdo you confirm or deny the allahgateshawns?06:26
joankiu know that the new word docs are in a new format06:26
joankiand i can't open the new .xls and .doc files on linux06:26
cappicardRomes:  on reboot? sweet :)06:26
slavikjoanki: you know that OOo can open them?06:26
joankiit's like .docx now06:26
voidmageso would anyone know how to fix that when I enable compiz the window decorations are wrong?06:26
joankiwhat is OOo?06:26
Romescappicard: yup :D06:26
EdwardXPreboot is awesome, i think there's youtube tv shows of it06:26
HardDiskjoanki, google for docx openoffice, you CAN open them06:26
HardDiskjust add the plugin06:26
furthurvoidmage : emerald --replace06:26
joankiplushow do i get that,harddisk06:26
RB2I'll have to hunt down that plugin06:26
Danilhave this network russian users or chanals ?06:26
cappicardRomes: I liked watching that show06:26
HardDisk<- and 1 egyptian :)06:27
Romesand some other, less awesome, CG shows06:27
voidmagefurthur: I'm not using emerald though, I want to use my metacity theme06:27
slavikDanil, зайди в #ubuntu-ru06:27
voidmageIt works fine on my desktop, the problem is on my laptop06:27
pgjoanki: OpenOffice.org.  But even if you get a file you can't open, you can ask the person who sent it to you to send a different format06:27
SiroiSoriSAustralia is waring the world useing information logistics to instigate gorilla warfare useing civilians06:27
furthurvoidimage : or gtk-window-decorator --replace06:27
GattonDanil: let me know if you find them. my Russian classes start in a couple of weeks. I'll go in there and embarrass myself trying to speak ;-)06:27
joankiis it right for me to make 2 gb for swap, 14 gb for root and like the remainder 40 for home?06:27
SiroiSoriSnow you know it's the US guv06:27
EdwardXPI want my ubunutu to be reboot  style :(06:27
ciphercasthey guys06:27
HardDiskjoanki, that's fine.06:27
joankipg, thx06:27
RomesEdwardXP: What does that even mean? :P06:27
voidmagefurthur: That didn't do anything. gtk-window-decorator is starting fine06:27
SiroiSoriSi'm history06:27
joankii'm worried tho cuz my ubuntu doesn't like to hibernate06:27
pg!offtopic | SiroiSoriS06:27
voidmagebut it's using the wrong window controls06:27
ubotuSiroiSoriS: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!06:27
joankithat's the only thing that doesn't work , but it's a big deal06:28
voidmageinstead of human it's using something else that I don't know06:28
HardDiskok time for a cleanup06:28
RB2ok, I'm off before I pass out06:28
HardDiskme too06:28
cappicardjoanki: that's fine.  I have a 2GB swap, but my desktop rarely hits the swap06:28
furthurvoidmage : I dont quite understand06:28
RomesEdwardXP: You want all your games to be represented by glowing purple cubes??06:28
voidmagehere, i'll show you06:28
kittuhi in which folder are plugins for firefox installed ????06:28
voidmagelet me grab screenshots06:28
pgjoanki: have you tried s2disk?06:28
crimsunmari: did you read the URLs that pg had the bot, ubotu, send you?06:28
EdwardXPRomes, everytime i want to put up a firewall, i get to visually see it in action, a count down and everything, FireWall now UP!... and when i video interface with someone, I want to hear the sound effect poping sound... im being notified06:28
Gattonis 2gb swap necessary? i think i'm using like 500mb06:28
joankiwhat is that pg06:28
cabrioleurkittu: /usr/lib/firefox/plugins or .firefox/plugins06:29
joankiummm problem with my virtualbox download06:29
EdwardXPi think i should be a programmer' and make it a standard06:29
joankionce i download it do i have to install it?06:29
joankiwith the sudo apt-get install cmd?06:29
RomesEdwardXP: Lol. Awesome.06:29
maricrimsun: sorry I must have missed it06:29
furthurjoanki : you can simply grab from repository06:29
joankihow do i do that further06:29
cappicardif it's a deb file. just do sudo dpkg -i blah.deb06:29
joankisorry im'' new to linux06:29
maricrimsun: can you help me?06:29
furthurjoanki : sudo apt-get install virtualbox06:29
DanilGatton: #ubuntu-ru06:29
kittuthanks cabrioleur06:29
joankigot it06:29
GattonDanil: cool thanks06:30
cabrioleurkittu: sorry, the second one is .mozilla/firefox/something.default/plugins06:30
joankiwhat's the dif between virtualbox-ose and virtual box06:30
HardDiskjoanki, go down to Debian-based Linux distributions: Add one of the following lines according to your distribution to your /etc/apt/sources.list:06:30
pgjoanki: it's a new way to suspend. apt-get install uswsusp06:30
HardDiskon http://virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads06:30
HardDiskto add the virtualbox repository06:30
slavikbtw, anyone checkout the new nvidia driver? it's nice ^^06:30
joankiHardDisk, i dunnow how to get there.....06:30
furthurjoanki : use synaptic to help you with package management, it will tell you some information on each packlage06:30
Silver_FoxHow do i get different walpapers on each of my desktops???06:30
crimsun!webcam |mari06:30
ubotumari: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras06:30
joankigosh i dunno what synaptic is, further06:30
=== rob1 is now known as rob
Gattonslavik: how new is it?06:31
joankipg, if i install that, how do i suspend?  i want suspend to save my battery power completely06:31
slavikvery new06:31
voidmagefurthur: http://aeonslair.com/screenshots06:31
pgI can't make Linux automatically establish a connection by dhcp when I boot.  Ndiswrapper is inserted, but I have to run dhclient manually.  dmesg output is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/49380/06:31
ciphercastanyone sport the new intel GM965 gfx chipset?06:31
slaviknot even few weeks I think06:31
voidmageScreenshot.png is before, Screenshot-1.png is after06:31
Gattoncool. i will check it out06:31
slavikmaybe 2 weeks at most?06:31
slavik167.07 :)06:31
ciphercastI'm trying to get the os intel drivers working...06:31
ciphercastit's a bitch06:31
subfreezeHello, hello!06:31
mikubuntufurther, got error message: fail to launch child process /usr/bin/googleearth %f (no such file or directory)06:32
HardDiskjoanki, http://www.howtoforge.com/virtualbox_ubuntu06:32
furthurvoidmage : so you want back to first?06:32
EdwardXPAwweesome, that cmd line worked and it detected my Camera!!! Woot!!!!  "mplayer tv:// -tv driver=v4l:width=640:height=480:device=/dev/video0"06:32
subfreezeDoes anyone have a link to a howto for Ubuntu RAID setup for Sata drives? The ones I find are for some GUI-based install wizard, when I'm stuck on the LiveCD with the blue background step-by-step install.  Hard to follow the wrong style howto ;)06:32
voidmageyeah, I want to use the metacity theme06:32
voidmagebut it's using Screenshot-1.png's theme when I start compiz instead06:32
pgjoanki: you can run s2disk from the command line, or apt-get install hibernate and configure it to do that when you press a key combination or close your laptop lid.  I haven't done the last part.06:32
joankiproblem is, pg, i wouldn't know how to configure it06:33
pgjoanki: you should read some documentation and if you have problems, come here06:33
EdwardXPanyone wanna see me?06:33
furthurvoidmage : gtk-window-decorator --replace    should change to metacity window decorator...06:33
EdwardXPi mean how do people see me lol06:33
voidmagefurthur: I did gtk-window-decorator --replace06:33
voidmageand it's STILL using that theme06:34
GattonEdwardXP: yes but only if you aren't nude ;-)06:34
EdwardXPim not lol06:34
joankiok thx all06:34
furthurwhat did that command give you? do you have it installed?06:34
EdwardXPGatton,  can you be a tester06:34
Gattonyup yup. tell me what to do06:34
furthurvoidmage : sorry but I really dont see how else :S06:34
SiroiSoriS<SiroiSoriS> sure if that helps you pretend McFarlane's karren doesn't warrant you to keep your mouth shut while she sets ur pussy ablaZe.(or something bigger)06:34
SiroiSoriS<SiroiSoriS> appologies06:34
furthurmikubuntu : type googleearth in terminal06:35
mikubuntufurther, k lemme open06:35
EdwardXPGatton,  nevermind im on a wifi protect nat or something, and im not dmz...06:35
EdwardXPprotected,  hmm06:35
pg!offtopic | SiroiSoriS06:35
ubotuSiroiSoriS: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!06:35
furthurmikubuntu : if you dont get anything going then go in synaptic, look for google earth and make sure its well installed. If it is, then look in properties to try to find where the binary is06:35
joankiHardDisk, i did what u said06:35
joankibut it's disturbing to me that i would not have known that06:35
joankii woulda just sudo apt-got it06:36
voidmagei'm going to try purging my gnome config06:36
voidmagejust set this up on my laptop06:36
joankibash: libsdl1.2-dev: command not found06:36
mikubuntufurther, output = bash: googleearth: command not found06:36
joankithat's the error message i get HardDisk06:36
voidmagedidn't fix it06:36
GattonEdwardXP: ok. i gotta reboot anyway. i'm on the minty live cd. gotta get back on the HDD06:37
furthurmikubuntu : how did you get google earth06:37
EdwardXPGatton,  checkout stickam.com06:37
SiroiSoriSit's snuff n a lie!!!!!!06:37
SiroiSoriSkarren's got the fair maidens pussy's ablaZe06:37
mikubuntufurther, from synaptic, 'mark for installation'06:37
SiroiSoriS+ she's been waitin 10 years 4 it!06:37
SiroiSoriSit's snuff n a lie!!!!!!06:38
furthurwhat is this guy on?06:38
Cpudan80!ops SiroiSoriS06:38
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ops siroisoris - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi06:38
Cpudan80!help SiroiSoriS06:38
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about help siroisoris - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi06:38
VVeloxWhat is the name of that one program that provides a list of wireless APs and etc in the dock?06:38
furthurmikubuntu : then applied?06:38
andre_plhow can I boost the tx-power of my wifi card?06:38
mikubuntufurther, i just tried to download it anew with cnr, and it says, 'latest version for your distribution already on your computer'06:38
FezzlerNone of my System/Administration functions are working.  I have sudo rights and I am listed as adm and admin in /etc/group?????06:38
furthurvoidmage : do you get any messages running gtk-window thing06:39
mikubuntufurther, yes, applied06:39
voidmagenope, none06:39
furthurmikubuntu : right click the package and click properties, then goto the installed files tab06:39
mikubuntulet me see if i can find the 'properties' as you suggested, gimme a minute06:39
voidmagethe only problem is that it uses the wrong window borders06:39
speeddemon8803dangit, none of the moderators of the forum are in beginners talking and ive got a post that i would love stickied lol.06:40
furthurvoidmage : I understand... normally should change... will you use emerald? you can try uninstalling to give compiz no choice but to use gtk by default06:40
Dev05So, yes, the latest nVidia drivers are really broken for me. Did anybody run into any problems with them yet?06:40
ciphercasthas anyone messed around with the intel os drivers?06:41
furthurmikubuntu : look for /usr/bin06:41
speeddemon8803ciphercast: for what specific hardware part?06:41
EdwardXPi refuse to be on ubuntu because there no sound and eye candy for the live video and live voice is very low quality06:41
EdwardXPi'll come back in 10 years :)  j/k06:41
furthurmikubuntu : what is the exact name of the binary file of the application06:41
ciphercastspeeddemon8803: the GM965 chipset + gfx06:42
joankihow much memory should i allocate to the virtual machine?06:42
furthurjoanki : depends on your system memory06:43
voidmageah, i found it06:43
joankii have 80 gb06:43
furthurjoanki : 256 should be good06:43
joanki256 K/06:43
furthurjoanki : you mean space?06:43
CaptainMorganfolks, I just performed the recent updates that I was notified of... now my system - once logged in take even longer for my desktop to load, and as of few minutes now my on desktop-folders such as "Home" and others will not show. I turned off compiz weeks ago long before today... any idea why this is happening ?06:43
voidmageit was using using my cairo theme instead of metacity theme06:43
voidmagegconf/apps/gw/use_metacity_decorations was set to false06:43
voidmagesetting that to true fixed it06:43
sinthetekwhen i upgraded to gutsy, i backedup my mysql databases with mysqldump --all-databases and after upgrade used that output for the upgrade06:44
furthurjoanki : I though ram... normally xp should work well in 4gig although you might wanna put it to 7-8 depending on what you want to install and keep in the image06:44
joankican i do more?06:44
joankilike 15?06:44
joankior is that too much06:44
redd0thas anybody tried paint-mono06:44
furthurjoanki : remember, you can mount your actual drive inside06:44
joankican i actually store documents in the envnironment?06:44
mikubuntufurther, usr/bin/make-googleearth-package06:44
joankii dunno what that means further!!!!  i'm sorry!06:44
CaptainMorganis there way I roll back certainupdates that might be causing this?06:44
EnriqoloniusHello, I added in my old NTFS hard drive to my Ubuntu box, I got the c drive to force mount, the F drive mounted on its own, yet the D, E, and F dont want to mount or I cant get them to... Any hints?06:44
redd0tits suppose to be an alternative for gimp06:44
sinthetekapparently it broke something with ubuntu's mysql package because ever since it complains that some deb-inst-maintainer user doesn't have access06:45
furthurjoanki : you can have access ot your files on your computer when emulating windows06:45
joankioh wow06:45
joankiso if i give 10 gb to it, which i think is generous,06:45
CaptainMorganalso, I can't right-click anything on my desktop... to create a file or whatnot...06:45
furthurjoanki : size is not of concern, but remember that you are loosing space doing so06:45
ciphercastI'm trying to get this http://minipc.aopen.com/Global/spec.htm minipc set up as a media pc, but getting the digital audio and gfx to work is a pain in the ass06:45
furthurmikubuntu : try running that06:45
mikubuntufurther, after that the list reads, or entries start with usr/bin/share06:45
sintheteki tried re-adding the user with a password i found for it but i guess i didn't do it right. anyone know how to properly do it?06:45
joankithen that is equivalent to 10,000 mb, right?06:45
furthurmikubuntu : make-googleearth-package06:45
CaptainMorganit's as if Nautilus is broken.. or stalling... wtf06:46
ciphercastintel has released the src for their latest chipset, http://intellinuxgraphics.org/documentation.html06:46
sinthetekmysql still starts and runs but now i cannot complete system update06:46
furthurjoanki : well a megabyte is actually 1024bytes but yes roughly06:46
hanasakiRemotewhat is available for hdmi support?06:46
mikubuntufurther, what do you mean ezackly; type that in terminal?06:46
sintheteks/update/'full upgrade'06:46
joankifurther, sorry to bother you, but it says base memory size is recommended to be 192 mb06:46
furthurmikubuntu : yes06:46
joankishould i do that?06:46
ciphercastfurthur: I'm going to be a pc elitist, but that's actually a mebibyte06:47
furthurjoanki : as I was saying earlier, that is for ram06:47
mikubuntufurther, k, i go try06:47
EdwardXPwww.stickam.com works for Webcams :)06:47
EdwardXPIts' awesome06:47
joankioh confused06:47
=== FunnyHat is now known as FunnyLookinHat
joankiso... what should i do06:47
Silver_Foxcan someone please tell me how i can put different desktop wallpapers on each of my desktops?06:47
MrPiracyhow can i extract a gz file ... it says i don't have permition to do it06:47
furthurMrPiracy : need root?06:47
MrPiracyi dont know, i clicked it on file manager06:48
joankifurther, do i want to create a new hard disk image to be used as the boot hard disk of the virtual machine?06:48
edgyHi, How can I install a package from an http source in debian like I  used to do rpm -i http://server.com/package.deb?06:48
mikubuntufurther, nope. 404: not found.  Could not download Google Earth! (you may need to use --file)06:48
furthurMrPiracy : sudo nautilus, go down to where the file is located, right click to extract then right click the extracted files to change permission back to your user (or sudo chmod 777 it06:49
Silver_Foxcan anyone even here me?06:49
furthurjoanki : yes, this image will act as a hard drive on which you will install (this will have to be set to a few gigs and will reside on your computer as a normal file)06:49
joankifurther, dynamically expanding image or fixed-size image....?06:50
Dr_willisSilver_Fox,  yes.06:50
Silver_FoxDr_willis,  I dident think anyone could hear me06:51
joankisorry... i know im asking a lot of questions06:51
furthurmikubuntu : sudo wget http://www.medibuntu.org/sources.list.d/gutsy.list -O /etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list06:52
furthurmikubuntu : wget -q http://packages.medibuntu.org/medibuntu-key.gpg -O- | sudo apt-key add - && sudo apt-get update06:52
furthurmikubuntu : sudo apt-get install googleearth06:52
furthurjoanki : expanding will automaticaly expand the image size when you will need more space (probably best option)06:52
rikan jn06:53
mikubuntufurther, k lemme get this straight.  do i need to copy those two addresses into 'software sources' first, THEN sudo aptget install?06:53
furthurmikubuntu : no need simply copy paste in terminal06:54
furthurmikubuntu : should be all automatic06:54
mikubuntufurther, ezackly as you've shown, starting with 'wget'?06:54
furthurmikubuntu : yepp06:55
shawnHello, I just installed Ubuntu on my Dell Dimension 2400 2.5 GHz 512 MB RAM computer, and I'm getting some extreme lag, as well as no watchable video playback (massive lag).  Any suggestions anyone, please?06:55
hwildeHi I want to send some MP3s to my iPod.  I have gtkpod installed but it doesn't find it.  dmesg sees it attached06:55
ubotuFor information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto See !rockbox for information on liberating your iPod06:55
mikubuntufurther, k, i go try06:55
uboturockbox is an open source firmware replacement for audio players from Archos, iRiver, Apple (iPod), and iAudio. See http://www.rockbox.org/ to get started!06:55
bazhangshawn: have you installed the codecs?06:55
Vantage13Hi I've got a couple of compiz/ubuntu questions.  First one, when I turn on the desktop effects, I find I can't use most of the keyboard shortcuts.  Any one that is mapped to the super (windows) key doesn't work, because hitting that key opens the applications menu... any way around that?06:55
NeoGeo64Hello... anyone here familiar with DBAN06:55
shawnbazhang, I am almost positive I did, how can I make sure?06:55
shawnEven Youtube videos lag terribly06:56
bazhangshawn: open up synaptic and make sure ubuntu-restricted-extras is installed06:56
shawnbazhang, I will try this, thank you06:56
furthurhwilde : rockbox is a pretty big step if you just want to put mp3s06:56
hwildefurthur, dmesg sees it connected but gtkpod doesn't find it06:56
joankiok i'm gonna reboot everything - reinstall ubuntu and AX my XP06:57
furthurhwilde : have you tried amarok or rhythmbox?06:57
bazhangback in a bit..06:57
hwildefurthur, no but I have rythmbox somewhere on here06:57
subfreezeHey guys, can you add this to your repo of good links, if someone needs to setup SATA Raid, direct them to this: http://advosys.ca/viewpoints/2007/04/setting-up-software-raid-in-ubuntu-server/06:57
furthurhwilde : its default with ubuntu... havea try should recognise your ipod06:57
ciphercastsubfreeze: nice link06:58
hwildefurthur, it doesn't show up by default.. where does it recognize06:58
subfreezeciphercast: took forever to find a good walkthrough.  I'm installing ubuntu now, and it's all working dandy, albeit a bit slower than I'd like.06:58
staykovmarinhi, i am trying to install git06:58
staykovmarinand installed using apt-get06:59
staykovmarinwhen i run git it says command not found06:59
furthurhwilde : hmm perhaps there is a special package to have ipod support with rhythmbox06:59
subfreezeapt-get install git06:59
joankican virtualbox pretty much run EVERY windows program as long as it is small?06:59
joankii can even run ms word and ms excel?06:59
ciphercastits the software raid06:59
furthurjoanki : anything... you are emulating06:59
staykovmarinsubfreeze: i did that06:59
hwildefurthur, dmesg sees it [ 5654.194574] scsi 6:0:0:0: Direct-Access-RBC Apple    iPod             1.53 PQ: 0 ANSI: 206:59
subfreezeciphercast: Yep, slow as tar, ahh well.06:59
ciphercastsubfreeze: doing raid 1 i presume?06:59
furthurjoanki : depending on hardware,... might be slow06:59
mikubuntufurther, nope this isn't too long for channel: W: Duplicate sources.list entry http://archive.canonical.com gutsy/partner Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/archive.canonical.com_ubuntu_dists_gutsy_partner_binary-i386_Packages)06:59
mikubuntuW: You may want to run apt-get update to correct these problems06:59
subfreezeciphercast: Correct.  It's a mail server for a small company.  I'm ok with slower speeds for reading/writing.07:00
ciphercastnot ttl important07:00
ciphercastthe data's more important at that point07:00
subfreezenaa, as long as e-mail works and some very small demand websites work, I'll be fine.07:00
FezzlerHelp!  I have no System>Administration rights in GDM, but I have sudo and can execute Synaptic, etc. from command line??? Fix??07:00
subfreezeciphercast: When speed is an issue, I'll put in more servers with hardware raid5 and go from there.07:01
RunningBearEnter text here...listening07:01
ciphercasti'm working with this 400 employee company, who has their entire phone system on this little 2.5" laptop ide drive07:01
FezzlerI am listed as adm and admin in /etc/group07:01
* ciphercast sweats waiting on the inevitable...07:01
subfreezeciphercast; that's retarded. With a 20 person company I have a hardware raid storage device setup specifically for data, raid 5, over 5TB07:02
RunningBear<---noob here sorry....07:02
bullgard4What is meant by 'parameter expansion'?07:02
joankiwow you can even use virtualbox to run another type of linux07:02
Fezzler<<big time noob07:02
joankithat's pretty awesome07:02
RunningBearlooking for help building a website for minor hockey association07:02
joankii could have kubuntu07:02
joankior i could have open suse07:02
ciphercastbullgard4: in what regard?07:02
NeoGeo64Hello... anyone here familiar with DBAN??07:02
joankior fedora07:02
hwildeipod help anybody please?07:02
ciphercastsubfreeze: I guess that's why they came to me07:02
Gattonjoanki, you'll just find something wrong with them too ;-)07:02
RunningBear<---using mephis07:03
subfreezeciphercast: Good luck. ;)07:03
NeoGeo64I'm trying to DBAN my new Dell but it won't work on it.  It keeps saying its finished with non fatal errors and wont wipe the drive07:03
RunningBearLike Debian and derivties07:03
Gattonjoanki, you could try PCLinuxOS?07:03
subfreezewoop, back to the tutorial and setting up grub07:03
bullgard4ciphercast: bash expands parameters. I am interested how it deals with the PS4 parameter in executing sleep.sh.07:03
ciphercastsubfreeze: the guy that installed it doesn't know how to use linux...  so I'm most likely going to go asterisk on their ass07:03
RunningBearlooking for best CMS07:04
RunningBearopen source07:04
furthurhwilde : you can try other apps like hipo or even try amarok (I hear its quite out of the box with that app)07:04
subfreezeciphercast: That's ok, our new IT guy came in, and in 8 months, installed a corporation-sized microsoft server setup, the whole 9 yards, then put in his 2 weeks.07:04
furthurhwilde : (sorry I dont have an ipod :S )07:04
FezzlerDo I have to boot in recovery mode and adduser USERNAME admin even though I'm already there in /etc/group?07:04
subfreezeI tried to convince the boss to go with a linux environment, LDAP, etc.. but no, we had to shell out tens of thousands on microsoft stuff.07:04
RunningBearworld would be a beetter place with no Microsoft07:04
RunningBearthat is brutal, subfreeze07:04
subfreezeRunningBear: Yes, yes it is.. That's ok, in 2 months, I'm putting in my 2 weeks07:05
Gattonsubfreeze, i'm sure he has a "No one was ever fired for buying MS" kind of mindset07:05
fwaokdahow can i find out the path to my AWN ?07:05
subfreezeGatton: He has the "We're an MS partner and get software free, so because my big corporate buddies use MS, we should" type guy07:05
NeoGeo64I suppose no one can help07:05
NeoGeo64oh well not surprised07:06
furthurfwaokda : how do you start it normally?07:06
Fezzler<< no help :(07:06
RunningBearmy university does the same shit....  it is a racket07:06
ciphercastsubfreeze: ugh, m$?07:06
fwaokdaApplications > Acessories > AWN07:06
algorithmiccontrfurthur: hey07:06
RunningBearonly webCT, no moodle07:06
hairulfrI hate the rebates that ms give computer "manufacturers" for putting ms on their machines. It's cheaper buying with MS on it than without. Absurd07:06
subfreezeciphercast: Yep, MS everything, except for the Development server, and my computer - I won't let MS touch either of them, oh, and our three production servers are Linux07:06
jediborgerDoes anyone here have any info on the embedded initiative? Is there any dev code that can be tested or even a wiki page?07:06
ciphercastsubfreeze: that would have been my two weeks...lol07:06
furthurfwaokda : drag that on desktop and right click properties > launcher07:06
fwaokdak thanks07:07
fwaokdafurthur, the launcher just says "avant-window-navigator"07:07
subfreezeciphercast: I'm moving to another country taking a new job and doing it all the way it should be done. :) They'll get my 2 weeks notice, for sure.07:08
furthurthere ya go07:08
furthuras I though07:08
fwaokdathat doesn't tell me where it is installed though :(07:08
Gattonsubfreeze, cool. mind if i ask what country you are relocating to?07:08
mikubuntufurther, but Google Earth is in the menu now under internet, lemme test it07:08
fwaokdafurthur, or does it?07:08
RunningBearlooking to build a minor hockey website - all open source - any suggestions for a cMS?07:08
furthuralthough could have been different if you wouldof used bzr07:08
furthurmikubuntu : shoudl be as you actually have it installed :)07:09
subfreezeGatton: Canada07:09
ciphercastsubfreeze: go for it man, you have all the support of guys like us here07:09
Romeswooooo Canada07:09
subfreezeThe company is world-wide, though07:09
Gattonsubfreeze, cool. if you don't have a hockey team pick one before you go :-)07:09
burn_hi guys, newbie here, i am getting "Could not download all repository indexes" error message. Any help?07:09
Gattongo Canes!07:09
subfreezehahaha, it all depends on who's winning ;)07:09
ciphercastsubfreeze: a fellow IT guy mentioned to me thou, that in the long run, linux can be more expensive07:10
subfreezeI'm in Ontario07:10
furthurfwaokda : if you run avant-window-navigator in term it will launch... if want tot know where the files are then go in synaptics and right click properties, installed files07:10
Gattonor just pick the home team :-)07:10
ciphercastand I said, how the hell?07:10
Romessubfreeze, where in Ontario?07:10
Gattonunless you're moving to Winnipeg or something :-)07:10
RunningBearIn vancouver07:10
subfreezeciphercast: hahaha, if your IT guy sucks with linux items, sure. ;)07:10
subfreezeGatton: Windsor07:10
furthurwoot ottawa!07:10
RomesI'm in Waterloo07:10
mikubuntufurther, nope, COULD NOT LAUNCH MENU ITEM ... failed to execute child process "googleearth" (no such file or directory exists)!07:10
RunningBearthis an all canada roomm?07:10
Gattonisn't that a suburb of Detroit? *duck*  ;-)07:10
ciphercastbc having a fulltime it guy who knows the i/o of linux very well is hard to come by, and expensive07:10
ciphercastwhere m$ guys are a dime-a-dozen07:11
subfreezeciphercast: Eh, hire some software engineer, send them to training07:11
subfreezeciphercast: MS guys in the USA are hard to find, and charge six figures07:11
rrrhror hire me07:11
RunningBearI heard MS is setting up shop here in Vancouver (I just hate those guys)07:11
RomesYou guys should move to Waterloo. Best. "City". Ever.07:11
blazemongeranyone have scrollkeeper errors when doing updates07:12
ciphercastI guess in a way, who the hell in their right minds would want to fart around with AD07:12
subfreezehahaha, I'm surrounded by canadians!! I have to admit, canadian women sooo much better than american07:12
CaptainMorganfolks, can anyone assist? my window manager has crapped out... I just updated my system as I was notified to via the notification area icon. I updated and now things like transparency, my desktop background and desktop icons, and my panels are no longer visually correct07:12
ciphercastugh, SO many headaches07:12
CaptainMorgancan anyone help?07:12
blazemongersubfreeze: Canadians are fun07:12
fwaokdafurthur, im on "3a." here http://wiki.awn-project.org/index.php?title=Awn_Extras:Installation           I recieved the error there and am trying to figure out what to put in place of [PREFIX] but i dont have a clue...07:12
Romessubfreeze... Canadians don't suck07:12
subfreezeblazemonger: That's putting it lightly07:12
subfreezeRomes: I'm still American, I can hurt you07:12
RomesMy mom's american :P07:13
rrrhrit might be because your settings were not saved before you updated07:13
BelkinzedI AM ROYALLY SCREW.07:13
subfreezeRomes: Although, I like to say I'm "Alaskan", not "American"07:13
Romeshah, hardcore07:13
CaptainMorganfolks? can we get on topic here?07:13
bobboI'm installing Ubuntu on a new machine using PXE Boot.  How do I change the mirror to point to a local mount of the ubuntu cd instead of going out to the net?07:13
rrrhrcould cause big issues especially if you were using compizz or beryl07:13
RomesMet a guy from the Yukon the other day07:13
=== hans69 is now known as mmmmmmmm
subfreezeCaptainMorgan: Depends, how much of the captain have you had tonight?07:13
RomesI call him Yukon .07:13
=== mmmmmmmm is now known as hansr69
rrrhrlived in anchorage for 4 years07:13
GattonCaptainMorgan, if we help will you share some of your Private Stock?07:13
CaptainMorgansubfreeze, take your non-ubuntu chat to ubuntu-offtopic, thanks07:13
subfreezerrrhr: Nice! I'm from Wasilla/Biglake07:13
Romeshah, crazy07:13
blazemongerive wanted to live in anchorage07:13
Vantage13how can I stop the windows key from opening the applications menu?07:13
rrrhrnice love the wasilla girls07:14
subfreezerrrhr: There are Wasilla girls?07:14
rrrhrand your homes out there are eccentric!?07:14
rrrhryeah 5 of them07:14
CaptainMorganVantage13, check your xorg.conf file07:14
rrrhrthey hang out at the wal mart07:14
OmeHello Everybody :)07:14
RomesHiya Ome07:14
Vantage13CaptainMorgan: what would the xorg file have to do with gnome's behaviour?07:14
joankibb gonna axe my xp now =p07:14
blazemongeram i the only one that gets scrollkeeper parser errors when edoing updates07:15
subfreezebrb, hacking my interface file07:15
shawnbazhang, thanks a lot, working great now :)07:15
CaptainMorganVantage13, xorg.conf has settings for input devices - check it out07:15
furthurmikubuntu : thats odd... go check in synaptics for installed files like last time07:16
CaptainMorganwtf, why did ubuntu updates trash my system>>>??07:16
furthurmikubuntu : my install was googleearth... I dont know what to say.. especialy if it put up an item configure like that07:16
Vantage13CaptainMorgan: just a generic 105 keyboard layout07:16
jdlizardanyone know anything about playstation emulators and rom s07:16
moDumasshey all, anu idea how to get this green screen off skype07:16
marican someone help me get my card slot to work in gutsy?07:16
wolsAanyone | jdlizard07:17
burn_hi guys, i cant update: it says "Could not download all Repositroy Indexes07:17
blazemongeris there going to be a Ubuntu Subgenius Edition?07:17
jdlizardqols ?07:17
jdlizardwols ?07:17
noodles12i've installed gutsy and all the plugins and all my .avi files show a black screen and working sound.07:17
Romes"subgenius"... cute07:17
ubotuLove is like racing across the frozen tundra on a snowmobile which flips over, trapping you underneath. At night, the ice-weasels come.07:17
wolsjdlizard: ask a better, sane question07:17
jdlizardok sorry lol07:17
wols!anyone | jdlizard07:17
ubotujdlizard: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?07:17
fwaokdaim trying to do "3a" here http://wiki.awn-project.org/index.php?title=Awn_Extras:Installation    , but i dont know what to replace [PREFIX] with can someone plz help me ?07:17
blazemongerRomes: You're in the church of the subgenuii? :)07:17
KyleS-homenoodles12, use mplayer07:17
jdlizardsure sorry bout that07:18
subfreezebooyah, server online and workin'.. yea baby07:18
noodles12KyleS-home: mplayer, vlc, totem all have the same result07:18
KyleS-homeah...not sure then sorry07:18
Romesblazemonger: depends... how does one pronounce "subgenuii"07:18
subfreezehey guys, I need a moment of time.  I installed Software Raid in Ubuntu and now my server load is 2.89++07:18
RunningBearthis is smart chat07:18
jdlizardplaystation roms come as multible files , how do i use my emulator to run these files07:18
jdlizarddo i have to combine them07:18
rrrhrnoodles, are you having a codec issue? -just signed on07:19
furthurfwaokda : simply enetering export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="$PKG_CONFIG_PATH:[PREFIX]/lib/pkgconfig" in terminal didint work>07:19
blazemongeris Linus Tarvolds a Discordian?07:19
subfreezeAnyone know how to reduce the processor usage of software raid?07:19
rrrhruse hardware raid07:19
CaptainMorganVantage13, have you looked at your keyboard shortcuts menu?07:19
subfreezerrrhr: without getting a new server ;)07:19
fwaokdafurthur, i didnt try that because it says to replace [PREFIX] with something07:19
KyleS-homelol software raid ftl07:19
CaptainMorganwtf, why did ubuntu updates trash my system>>>??07:19
furthurfwaokda : ok07:19
jdlizardor if there might be a good channel for this kind of ? that would be good too07:20
blazemongerCaptainMorgan: did you have scrollkeeper parser errors?07:20
RunningBearsame thing happened to me capt07:20
fwaokdafurthur, idk what to replace it with though thats what i was hoping you could help me with07:20
CaptainMorganblazemonger, ?07:20
furthurexport PKG_CONFIG_PATH="$PKG_CONFIG_PATH:/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig"07:20
CaptainMorganRunningBear, what? are you serious?07:20
Vantage13CaptainMorgan: which menu would that be?07:20
fwaokdak... i'll try that07:20
CaptainMorganVantage13, System > Prefs > Keyboard Shorts07:20
RunningBearYeah.... I have up went to reinstall07:20
CaptainMorganRunningBear, omg07:20
CaptainMorganI don't believe this07:21
RunningBearI don't know much tho.....07:21
Vantage13CaptainMorgan: awesome.  Exactly what I was looking for.  Thanks!07:21
RunningBearyou will probably find a better answer.07:21
CaptainMorganVantage13, np07:21
subfreezeAny thoughts on how I can improve my system performance with software raid without hardware upgrades?07:21
CaptainMorgananyone else experience system problems from the last update ?07:22
furthurI did07:22
furthurtook me a little while to get it all working again07:22
CaptainMorganwish I could roll back somehow07:22
CaptainMorganfurthur, what happened to your system?07:22
wolssubfreeze: do you run a raid setup right now?07:22
furthurI cant name em all lol07:22
CaptainMorganfurthur, anything specific to desktop or panels... or general transparency issues ?07:23
Vantage13Is there a compiz plugin or ability that works like expo, but shows applications running instead of workspaces?07:23
CaptainMorganfurthur, nothing on my desktop shows07:23
KyleS-homehttp://tinyurl.com/3cmfdy <--instructions to roll CaptainMorgan07:23
CaptainMorgancan't even change the background07:23
mikubuntufurther, omg, now i can't open synaptic, got this error: E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.07:23
mikubuntuE: _cache->open() failed, please report.07:23
furthurcaptn morgan : killall nautilus07:23
CaptainMorganKyleS-home, get lost07:23
furthurmikubuntu : just run dpkg --configure -a07:24
CaptainMorganfurthur, yea... that'll log me out.. no?07:24
subfreezewols: I just setup the RAID 1 setup.  two 320GB SATA drives.07:24
RomesLMAO RickRoll'd on IRC07:24
Romesthought that was a Digg thing :P07:24
ciphercastsubfreeze: SATA I/II?07:24
KyleS-homesubfreeze, have the drives finished verifying?07:25
sintheteki found the cause of my problem, heh. my /etc/hosts had as it's second entry07:25
Gattonoh Rick Astley. You were so dreamy. Whatever happened to you07:25
subfreezeKyleS-home: I'm in a finished setup, running TOP with a load average above 2.9 consistant07:25
mikubuntufurther, i tried, and terminal says i need superuser privilege, as far as i know, i AM the superuser ... ?07:25
furthursudo in front07:25
sinthetekdon't know wtf it would affect *incoming* connections from *other* hosts or how it got there07:25
SuperQsubfreeze: is it done rebuilding?07:25
SuperQsubfreeze: cat /proc/mdstat07:25
mikubuntufurther, uh, ok07:26
ciphercastsubfreeze: what's the specs of the sys?07:26
noodles12 i've installed gutsy and all the plugins and all my .avi files show a black screen and working sound.07:26
subfreezeAhhhh, it's at 24% building07:26
sinthetekanyway, i thought i'd mention that in case anyone else has problems ith 5 second lag in all incoming connections07:26
SuperQsubfreeze: there ya go07:26
subfreezehigh server load due to it building the raid array07:26
SuperQsubfreeze: yep07:26
SuperQsubfreeze: how fast is it building?07:26
furthuralright well im off07:26
furthurgood luck people07:26
NullNameHELP! I'm having trouble monitoring ALL packets going through my wireless adaptor.  I've tried using wireshark, but was wondering if I could monitor a file or something from /dev?  Where is my wireless card running?  How can I view exactly what is going on behind the scenes?07:26
CaptainMorgananyone know the name of the specific update package that caused system problems ?07:26
SuperQsubfreeze: damn, not bad07:27
subfreezeSuperQ: 320GB total07:27
SuperQsubfreeze: SATA?07:27
wolsNullName: wireshark is the right app to do it. just run it on your wireless interface07:27
sintheteki may have done something wrong during install/setup but don't know how that could add 'localhost' as and the regular hostname as
SuperQyea, that's about as fast as I've seen any SATA disk go07:27
SuperQsubfreeze: SATA vs SATA2 doesn't matter much for speed07:27
subfreezeSuperQ: 133 vs 150'ish07:27
NullNamewols: it's only showing traffic for my network.  I need to see traffic for all networks07:27
mikubuntufurther, ok, this output: mikubuntu@marybuntu-desktop:~$ sudo dpkg --configure -a07:27
mikubuntu[sudo] password for mikubuntu:07:27
mikubuntuSetting up googleearth-data ( ...07:28
wolsNullName: then your wireshark filter expression is wrong07:28
SuperQsubfreeze: SATA 1 == 150mb/sec, sata 2 == 300mb/sec07:28
subfreezeahhh, I was off07:28
SuperQsubfreeze: as far as the cable specs go07:28
NullNamewols: I don't believe I'm filtering anything.07:28
SuperQsubfreeze: of course, you're limited to the disk speed of about 7007:28
subfreezeSuperQ: Suck07:28
furthurmikubuntu : should be good now07:28
mikubuntufurther, you mean synaptic or google?07:29
wolsNullName: then you don't use wireshark either. you always have a filter expression07:29
SuperQsubfreeze: eh, you get what the disk makers can build07:29
NullNamewols: I'll check it out..thanks...07:29
SuperQsubfreeze: best laptop drives I've got do 40MB/sec07:29
subfreezenow to see if I can SSH to it from another server07:29
subfreezeSuperQ: 7200RPM 2.5" Sata laptop drive?07:29
SuperQsubfreeze: yea07:29
RomesWhy is it that every time I get RickRoll'd, I can't help but listen to the entire song...07:29
SuperQoh, no, PATA07:30
SuperQbut still, not bus limited07:30
subfreezeRomes: Rickrolled?07:31
Romesalternative: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PIMrL4qXtJ0&NR=1 ;)07:32
_Casey_i plugged in some speakers earler, now that they are unplugged my sound wont work on my laptop07:32
_Casey_i cannot get the sound to function at all07:33
mikubuntufurther, when i open synaptic to google earth there appears a list of apps (i guess main and dependencies?) but when i click on 'installed files' properties i get this: The list of installed files is only available for installed packages07:33
Romes"now that I unplugged my speakers, I cannot get sound to work on my laptop"... have you plugged them back in? :P07:33
reportingsjrRomes: :p I think he means the built in speakers though.07:34
_Casey_no im on a laptop, but i got some new speakers07:35
_Casey_and i unplugged them and my sound wont work on the normal speakers07:35
Romesohhhhhhh, lol07:35
subfreezeI have Ubuntu installed, I have the router pointing port 22 to the server, but when I try to SSH to the ubuntu server, I get Connection Refused on port 22.  Any ideas?07:36
Evolution2hey guys, I had xmms running perfectly for a year now and it was able to play wma files no problems but it just stopped playing them all of the sudden. I did install w32codes and libdvdcss2 does it have something with it?07:36
subfreezecan anyone SSH to my IP address?07:37
Andycassshow to remove a certain url from sources? Like buntu.beryl-prject.org...07:38
dadehoogHi all, there are more than 7 different "encrypt your filesystem" documents in the wiki ... anyone know which is the best to use as a starting point ?07:38
subfreezeeveryone went away07:39
neo_here_now_thiim here07:39
cav3manAndycasss, edit  sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list07:39
newbieeehow do i get my panel back...by mistacally i deleted that from system manager07:39
subfreezenewbieee: Depends on your x-windows manager07:39
newbieeei'm using xfce407:40
subfreezeHmmm, anyone know of anything in Ubuntu Server that will keep people from SSH'ing in?07:40
subfreezenewbieee: Dunno, might go look up support for that one07:40
matrixsubfreeze: not really,he shoul know your opened port,has a account07:40
Schmicksubfreeze, ssh is supposed to be a Secure Shell.. so.. if ppl is ssh-in in... well.. they got a user and a password of your box.07:41
windoughxpHow do i get ubutuntu to recognize my intel g3100 video card?07:41
subfreezeSchmick: True, which is why I'll limit it to a specific IP address using iptables.07:41
Schmickof course..07:42
subfreezeI have the port open on my router, pointing to my server, but I am unable to connect to it07:42
subfreezeI am unable to connect VIA SSH to my server from a local machine, telling me it's something with Ubuntu Server not allowing SSH connections.07:43
Schmickhmmm.. telneting shows the port as open?... using port 22 arn't you?07:44
fwaokdahow can i remove avant-windows-navigator? i followed a bad tutorial and want to start over at the AVN wiki07:44
wolsfwaokda: depends how you installed it.07:45
fwaokdawols, i installed like this? http://www.ubuntugeek.com/howto-install-avant-window-navgator-in-ubuntu-gutsy-gibbon.html07:45
DerangedDingofwaokda: sudo apt-get remove --purge avant-window-navigator, if you installed from the repositories07:45
subfreeze22 is correct07:45
fwaokdanot from repositories07:45
fwaokdai dont think07:45
subfreezetry to ssh in, though,and it won't work -- ubuntu isn't allowing it07:45
DerangedDingoah, the guide installs from bzr source07:46
fwaokdaDerangedDingo, ok so that good or bad?07:46
Schmicksubfreeze,  .. and a normal telnet to port 22?.. I know it won't start a session, but i'll show if the port is open07:46
subfreezeahhh, I didn't install openssh-server07:47
iblicfhello :) , how to find some app_name(soft_name ) installed most recently , forget the name e.g.07:47
subfreezeok, now it works07:47
Schmickhmmmmm... lol.. without an engine.. the car won't start.. lol..  :) neat!07:47
subfreezeha ha ha07:48
Schmickgreat subfreeze ... it happens to everybody sometimes..07:48
subfreezeyea yea, I'm 'tarded07:48
boxemallhey folks. good morning to ya all!07:48
Schmickwell.. depending on the time zone.. good night boxemall ! (gmt-4)07:49
boxemalldoes anyone know where to find a goog tutorial on how to install gutsy on usb (persistent) in a way so i can use the stick for both windows and linux (data exchange)07:49
iblicfhi , how to find some app_name( pkg_name ) installed most recently , such as today ?07:49
boxemalloh i have i 8:50 in the morning. i juhst got up half an hour ago and im having my cup a coffee right now (yummy)07:49
fwaokdaDerangedDingo, if it installs from source then how do i know where it put it so i can uninstall it?07:50
DerangedDingofwaokda: it's fine. just means it's the most recent version of awn, from the main website. i think you could just overwrite the version of AWN with the version in the repositories by running "sudo apt-get install avant-window-navigator-bzr" and watching what happens07:50
subfreezehow do I uninstall Apache from apt-get?07:50
Evolution2fwaokda: it is installed in /usr/share/apps/awn07:50
reportingsjrsubfreeze: apt-get remove apache07:50
fwaokdathanks evolution207:51
subfreezeapache is not installed -- odd07:51
reportingsjrsubfreeze: I'm guessing it's apache2 though, so use apache2 instead ;)07:51
newbieeehow do i get my panel back...by mistacally i deleted that from system manager07:51
subfreezek, that works07:51
Evolution2fwaokda: just be careful you don't install them in 2 different directories07:51
fwaokdawell im trying to remove this one first07:52
Evolution2what's the tutorial you used?>07:52
Schmicksubfreeze, and now /etc/httpd is /etc/apache2.. just FYI07:52
subfreezewow, I'm downloading at 960k/s07:52
subfreezeerr, K/s07:53
fwaokdaEvolution2,  its not there...07:53
* Schmick thinks subfreeze is downloading from the CD.... :P07:53
subfreezedownloading zimbra from zimbra.com07:53
Schmickjust joking.. :P07:53
subfreezeusing wget07:53
DerangedDingofwaokda: both of them install to the same place07:54
NET||abusehmm, how do i copy an flv off youtube.. i want to ,,, ehem,, make a copy of the audio ..07:54
subfreezeso flippin' tired07:54
Polygon89Hey...i installed xfce (by compiling it myself) and now when im in gnome, and i go to places > home folder for example, it opens the folder in thunar rather then nautilus. how do i change it so nautilus is the default?07:55
SchmickI'm tired of my ATI.... geez.. can't get acceleration on compiz... Xv hates me.. :(07:55
cav3manSchmick, which ati ya got?07:56
subfreezefrom command line, how do I see a list of packages installed with a string value for comparison? I need to see all * apache* installs, since the remove apache2 removed something, but apache2 is still running07:56
GattonNET||abuse, i use Video Download Helper...firefox plugin. works for me07:56
Schmickcav3man, x1550... .. AKA x130007:56
NET||abuseGatton, hmm07:56
DerangedDingoPolygon89: right click a folder, go to properties, the Open With tab, and "Open Folder" should be nautilus in disguise07:56
Fezzlersomeone suggested I run "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade" and now I have no System>Administration access07:56
NET||abuseGatton, thanks i'll try that..07:56
cav3mani am using an old 9200se, and working great with the open driver07:57
Schmicksubfreeze, check man apt-cache... there is an --installed option or something... then grep the output.07:57
MyOriginalAlia1There a work a round for the flash bug?07:57
subfreezewill do07:57
Polygon89DerangedDingo, i see what you mean.... but i cant click it...its not letting me....07:57
subfreezeknow of a better webmail app than Zimbra?07:57
Schmickand video cav3man ?07:57
mikubuntufurther, if you're still here, THANKS, all up and running google now.07:57
cav3manbetter that fglrx for me07:58
MyOriginalAlia1So currently there is no workaround for not being able to install the flash plugin?07:58
wolscav3man: you can only use the open driver since fglrx won07:58
SchmickI'll give it a try... .. it uses Mesa3d?07:58
MyOriginalAlia1A manual install?07:58
wolswon't work at all for you07:58
=== noogen is now known as noogen_
=== noogen_ is now known as noogen
cav3manfglrx doesn't work for me after kernel 2.1807:58
Qhestionhi. i want to install kubuntu from dvd. when i boot from it, it starts up normal, but then the kde startup progress window (dont know how its called) is shown. 5 seconds later my monitor gets turned off.07:58
Qhestionis this normal?07:58
wolsQhestion: of course not07:59
Polygon89wtf i cant click the radio button to change it.....07:59
Qhestionwhen i hit [ctrl][f7] afterwards, i get a "normal" display, but it is set to 640x48007:59
cav3manand fglrx 8.28, but the open one works better on all fronts.  I can even tvout with xrandr07:59
Qhestionnow, what do i do?07:59
wolsSchmick: you can only use the fglrx driver. the open one wont work for you07:59
wolsSchmick: you need xserver-xgl installed08:00
wols!xgl | Schmick08:00
ubotuSchmick: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion08:00
Schmickgot xgl installed..08:00
ServiaQUESTION: 1) Which is the best and most comprehensive irc client for gnome - linux? 2) Network Monitor applet shows 0% signal strength. 3) Any network analysis software for looking at wireless performance?08:00
EthanIRC, I'm still partial to X-Chat08:00
Schmickbut I think Xv is assigned to the second monitor output.. read something of that sort a while ago.. I'll keep checking..08:01
Serviahow do you list the channels in X-Chat?08:01
Schmickby command ... type /list08:01
Qhestiontry /list08:01
Schmickby menu.. Window - Channel List...08:01
Fezzler<<no help?08:01
EthanIn the GUI click Window on the Menu bar and then Click Channel List..... but Qhestions answer is more universal.08:01
lonejackhi all, how can I deiscover where a binary files is? In detail, I would like to know where is located the firefox bin? Thx08:02
ronettajaIs this the right place to ask about iPod and ubuntu 7.10?08:02
lonejackronettaja, yes08:02
Schmicklonejack, to find any file... use      find / -name 'the_file'08:03
lonejackSchmick, thx08:03
Ethandoesn'e anyone use locate anymore?08:03
Schmicklonejack,  or use locate the_file .. but first build the file database with sudo locate -u08:03
Fezzleris this the right place to ask about missing Admin rights in GDM?08:04
Schmicklol.. that answers your question Ethan ?...08:04
noogenQhestion: have you try boot without "splash" option?08:04
Ethanand then you can pipe to grep....08:04
ronettajaYesterday I bought iPod nano 8gb. Now I'd like to transfer some music into it, but I can't.08:04
=== alain is now known as Servia
Ethanso "locate firefox | grep bin"  or some such08:04
ronettajaI can't use gtkpod08:04
cav3manEthan i use find / * | grep filename08:04
Serviaand, nothing about the 0% signal strength in network monitor ?08:04
Schmickcav3man, .. wow.. lot's of piping!08:04
cav3manor dpkg -l | grep filename08:05
Schmickwe got to love grep ehh?...08:05
nocturnHi all08:05
ere4siupdatedb && locate firefox_bin08:05
nocturnWhat happened to xchat-gnome in Gutsy?08:06
Serviaok thanks08:06
fonmaxhi all08:06
nocturnThe plugins no longer work and it wasn't installed by default08:06
nocturnis it replace with something else?08:06
bazhangronettaja: have you tried Amarok?08:06
ronettajano I haven't. I will try it now :)08:06
fonmaxi'm from far away Ukraine. have a great artefacts while trying wnidows behaviour to draw.08:07
joycecan anyonee tell me the terminal cmd to type to find out how my hard drive is partitioned?08:07
fonmaxdf -h?08:07
joycehm that one doesn't look familiar08:07
nocturnjoyce: cfdisk /dev/hda08:07
nocturndon't modify anything there08:08
fonmax&&killall the infos08:08
moDumasshey all, so i have my webcam working, it was hard but going, but in skype its just a green screen any ideas?08:08
boxemalltype fdisk -l08:08
moDumassor has anyone faces the greenscreen?08:08
boxemallit will show u your hd partitions08:08
fonmaxhave a great artefacts while trying wnidows behaviour to draw. how to dispatch them? nvidia + comipz..08:09
SchmickmoDumass, must be a v4l issue.. check on their web page for that sort of issues.08:09
joankithat did not work08:09
joankican anyone tell me how to find out how my hard drive is partitioned?08:09
Schmickbut what info regarding partitions do you want joanki ?08:10
cav3mandf should git er dun08:10
joankisorry df, could you give it ot me again08:10
sancasayuda con el inicio del sistema me sale error gruub 21 o algo asi08:10
sancashelp me!!!08:11
boxemallfdisk /dev/hdx -l08:11
lonejackSchmick, I did, thank you08:11
r0b-will someone here do me a favor08:11
boxemallx should be your harddrive joanki08:11
r0b-i need someone to burn me a CD08:11
r0b-and mail it to me08:11
Schmicksancas, la clave para la respuesta esta en el "algo asi".. ve EXACTAMENTE cual es el error..08:11
FezzlerUsers and Groups will not start?08:12
boxemalli most cases x should be a (hda) if u got ide disks attached08:12
bazhangr0b-: www.shipit.com08:12
Schmicknp lonejack08:12
r0b-its not the normal CD :P08:12
sancaspero... tengo q reiniciar y volver a cargar08:12
sancasxq estoy en un live08:12
EthanAnyone here play GW?08:12
bazhang!es | sancas08:12
ubotusancas: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.08:12
Schmickcorrecto sancas08:12
bazhangr0b-: no idea then08:12
sancasno hay nadie08:12
leftyfbr0b, they're not going to help you here either if you don't actually want the help08:12
bazhangsancas this is an English channel08:13
Schmicksancas, .. hablas ingles?08:13
joankii typed: cfdisk /dev/hda08:13
joanki and got a fatal error08:13
r0b-i need this http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/gutsy/main/installer-i386/current/images/netboot/mini.iso08:13
r0b-please bazhang08:13
boxemalljoanki what does it say?08:13
subfreezeAnyone here ever setup Zimbra before?08:13
Schmickok.. in english..08:13
boxemallis it virtual machin or host os?08:13
Gattonjoanki, fdisk -l didn't list all your partitions?08:14
bazhangr0b-: someone who lives near you with net access would be a better choice08:14
Schmicksancas, .. reboot.. and write down EXACTLY what error you get on grub.08:14
sancasi will restart it08:14
joankii get this:  FATAL ERROR: Cannot open disk drive08:14
joanki Press any key to exit cfdisk08:14
leftyfbbazhang : we already tried helping him in EFnet, he doesn't want help. Only argues08:14
bazhangleftyfb: thanks for the heads up08:14
joankigatton, it was blank08:14
leftyfbr0b : btw, you're not welcome in #ubuntu on EFnet anymore after your last comment.08:14
boxemalljoanki try "sudo su" and then type in your password.08:14
zakirshi iam unable to use gparted some lock is shown against my drive (i have ubuntu 7.10 installed)08:14
boxemallthen again try "fdisk -l"08:14
leftyfb<r0b-> ya know fuck this channel Freenode is so much better08:14
r0b-all i wanted is someone to burn that ISO for me08:15
joankiboxemall, there it is08:15
joankiit works now08:15
joankiso i need to be in root to do that?08:15
boxemallin most cases08:15
leftyfbr0b : go to the store, buy your own god damn cd08:15
HardDisksuch a lazy bum08:15
Gattonhey r0b newegg has burners for like thirty bucks dude08:16
leftyfband cheap08:16
keramwhen i plug in an external monitor and set it up with xrandr it makes hte primary monitor the external one08:16
bazhangleftyfb: just ignore; and please keep the place family-friendly :}08:16
pc22is there an app where in u can make movie subtitles in ubuntu?08:16
keramis there a way to switch primary with secondary?08:16
HardDiskbazhang, he's a LoCo team leader...08:16
leftyfbsorry bazhang  ... it's late he's exhausted my patience tonight. ...  going to bed now :)08:16
boxemallstill did anyone ever got ubuntu running from usb stick (pendrive)?08:16
joankii did a ubuntu install08:16
joankiit did not give me a home08:16
joankiit gave root08:16
joankiand swap08:16
bazhangleftyfb: my apologies08:16
HardDiskand he's right on what he's on about.08:16
joankiswap gets 3.6 gigs08:16
ronettaja<bazhang> I don't know how to use amarok08:16
joankiroot got everything else08:16
joankibut i wanted a home....08:16
bazhangHardDisk: I dont doubt it08:17
Schmickpc22, search on sourceforge... there must be one..08:17
boxemalljoanki are u talkin about partitions or folders?08:17
noogenjoanki: unless you setup, the default doesn't setup separate partition for home08:17
bazhangronettaja: open it and then find the side panel devices; insert iPod and then it should see it08:17
boxemallthats right! it does not setup home as default08:17
bazhangronettaja: I just got the nano 4G and it works like a charm :}08:17
joankican i add one NOW, or is it too late?08:18
noogenyou can08:18
joankiboth boxemall, now i am talking folders08:18
joankihow do i do it08:18
Gattonbazhang, watched any video on it yet? i'm thinking of getting a nano as well08:18
noogensummary - resize your partition, backup your home to somehwere else, create partition from extra space and map it to home08:19
bazhangGatton: yep--it is sweet--but this is way offtopic :}08:19
noogencopy home back from backup08:19
joankiit might just be easier for me to reinstall08:19
joankiand do it manually08:19
Gattonummm you know those videos you transferred from UBUNTU ;-)08:19
joankihow important is it that i have home?'08:19
joankiis root good enough?08:19
noogenit's good enough08:19
bazhangGatton: exactly :}08:19
noogenit's easier if you use another hd as home08:19
joankibut noogen, home is really just like an extra drive.... can think of it as a backup drive separate from the op system, right?08:20
joankilike in windows, usually you have c drive, which is like root08:20
joankiand then maybe an e drive as an extra backup drive08:20
joankiwould home be like that?Z08:20
joankiso it's not big deal if i do not have it, right?08:20
joankiafter all, if my laptop goes down, it's down08:20
cav3manjoanki, i just rename my home folder mv me bakup and then install and copy stuff i want back into my new home folder08:20
joankicav3man, sounds like for laptops it wouldn't really matter anyway08:21
joankifor a desktop it would be more oimportant08:21
noogenhome is like "C:\Documents and Settings" in Windows08:21
joankithen what is root like, noogen?08:21
joankiif you had to make a comparison08:21
joankibecause i like c:\documents....08:21
noogenif you backup your stuff to a separate hd, then it'll be the same almost08:21
joankii see08:21
noogenhome is important in unix because it's easier to have multi-user08:22
cav3mani always keep my home on a different partition, that way i can install any ol linux i feel like :}08:22
joankii see08:22
joankioh that's a good idea, cav308:22
noogenif you have a multi-user server then you want home separate because you don't need to worry about backing it up08:22
subfreezeok, so I have mail.domain.ca and mail.domain.com and I need all e-mail that goes to both to end up in the same mailbox (someone@mail.domain.ca == someone@mail.domain.com)08:22
joankiif i have multiple op systems, it might be useful to have home, too, right?08:22
subfreezemake both go to the same IP address?08:22
joankibecause if i had ubuntu and red hat, i would want both to access home08:22
CentHOGGhappy holidays08:23
joankii wish i had home!08:23
noogenbetter to have a separate hd for it anyways08:23
joankiyea true08:23
noogenin unix it's just a mapping (mount) so you can always map something to home08:23
noogenthe problem is to move the old stuff from home to there08:23
joankiis this easy to do: summary - resize your partition, backup your home to somehwere else, create partition from extra space and map it to home08:24
noogenso you have to back it up, then remap like I said before08:24
genesisMy internet is acting funny... the wireless is still working and all.... but when I look in the ndiswrapper there is now folder for my card but like I said it works08:24
joankiughhh i might just reinstall08:24
joankiit's late08:24
genesisshould I reinstall the file using ndiswrapper?08:24
cav3mannoogen, ya only have to do it once though, and you will be good to go08:25
ttt--hi, does vlc play xvid videos?08:25
Gattonall day long08:25
ttt--what can i try if vlc doesnt play this xvid video?08:25
cav3manttt--, so does mplayer i think08:25
CentHOGGanybody here use that GOM player.. it's pretty ok08:26
ttt--i tried both :(08:26
Slick`Hello :)08:26
noogenjoanski: it's very easy - example - http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/separatehome08:26
Slick`ubuntu is good OS ?08:26
cav3manttt--, did yu install all the restricted stuff first?08:26
noogenSlick`: you can answer that question yourself08:27
bazhangSlick`: this is a support channel08:27
CentHOGGSLick: what os are you comin' from08:27
ttt--what is restricted stuff?08:27
noogenif you ask it in this room, then you know what's the answer is08:27
cav3manSlick`, if you like gnome then yes!08:27
CentHOGGyeah gnome08:27
CentHOGGnever really tried KDE08:27
cav3manttt--, mediubuntu repository08:28
Slick`and drivers... where from i can download system drivers?08:28
wolsSlick`: drivers for what?08:28
Slick`for ubuntu08:28
wolslinux kernles come with (almost) all drivers you need08:28
Slick`ohh :)08:28
wolsthere is rarely something to download and if there is, it's in the ubuntu repositories like any other software08:28
wolse.g. nvidia or ati drivers08:29
joankii'm installing virtual box  to use windows xp ... it's asking me if i want ntfs or fats08:29
joankianyone know which one i want?08:29
Slick`Windows XP sux08:29
CentHOGGfats is the fs before ntfs08:29
CentHOGGlike dos and win9508:29
CentHOGGor a floppy disk08:29
Schmickttt--, restricted is for apps with no source code.. i.e. ATI drivers... (I got one.. *sob!*).. so.. there will be no help from the community as there is no information on it....08:30
joankiso i want ntfs08:30
joankigot it08:30
CentHOGGyeah ntfs has support for bigger partitions.. like more than 2gig logicals08:31
ken_kissakihei... i got same problem also ... but i used envy program08:31
auraxhello, i'm want to install few linux distros on secondary drive, i got ubuntu as my main installation and i want to add another physical drive partitioned for each distro, any good guide?08:31
ttt--does it matter what video card i have to play xvid's?08:31
CentHOGGbut fats is more universal.. good for transfers08:31
noogeni try to stay away from restricted, cause me several bootup failures08:32
joankinoogen, thank you08:32
joankii really appreciate it08:32
joankii'm gonna do it like tomorrow08:32
joankii'm installing xp on my virtual box now08:33
joankiit's awesome you can do that!08:33
joankii can't believe i have no more xp08:33
joankii've been a windows fan forever08:33
Schmickttt--, in fact, yes.. some cards don't support some colorspaces.. such as YUY2, YV12.. or others. soft and card must agree on the colorspace.08:33
mempmandoes anybody know how i can reload specific modules,.....i try using rmmod "mod_name" but i keep getting module is busy error08:34
ttt--oh, i see08:34
wolsmempman: use modprobe -r08:34
wolsmempman: and you of course mustnt use the device the module services. what module is it?08:34
cav3mani have been into xp for games, but i rarely play games though08:34
mempmancav3man: same error08:34
mempmandevice is busy08:34
Schmickttt--,  mplayer supports a broad range of colorspaces and accelerations08:34
joankicant u play games with virtualbox?08:34
=== iblicf is now known as i18n
joankialright time for this girl to go to bed08:35
joankinite and thx08:35
bazhang!wine | joanki08:35
ubotujoanki: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.08:35
Schmickjoanki, there is no 3d acceleration while virtualizing.. so .. if game requires direct access to 3d capabilites of the card.. you might be in trouble.08:35
tehm0nkwhat is the file browser called in ubuntu?08:35
mempmanwols: its my soundcore08:35
gnomeboyi got a question.i just installed ubuntu 7.10 y doesnt my loadin screen show08:35
bazhangnautilus tehm0nk08:36
Schmicktehm0nk, .. it¡s called Nautilus08:36
cav3manmempman, try blacklisting the module and rebooting08:36
noogengnomeboy: there's common problem with lcd, try booting without splash08:36
mempmancav3man: well i know a reboot will do it but, i jsut want to reload module without a reboot08:36
gnomeboyim on a crt08:36
wolsnoogen: disable all soundcard use and use modrprobe -r08:36
Belkinzedis there a way to Extract unallocated  blocks from a disk?08:37
mempmanwols: how do i disable soundcard?08:37
r0b-i have ano idea08:38
wolsmempman: make sure nothing is using its devices08:38
wolsBelkinzed: extract how?08:38
Belkinzedwols: extract to some other drive08:38
wolssure, with dd08:39
mempmanwols: im sure nothin is using it, but i keep getting the same error08:39
cav3manmempman, rmmod is not working?08:39
wolsbut why would you want to do it?08:39
mempmancav#man: i keep getting "device busy" error08:39
mempmanbut its not busy at all08:39
wolsmempman: lsmod. other modules use soundcore, remove them first08:39
Belkinzedwols: what?08:39
wolsBelkinzed: why would you want to "extract" it?08:40
=== i18n is now known as iblicf
humehi...I have a spound problem: certain programs cannot produce sound on a gutsy machine, getting error: magnus@vista5:~$ ALSA lib confmisc.c:1286:(snd_func_refer) Unable to find definition 'defaults.pcm.dmix.device'08:40
mempmanadnan@adnanslaptop:~$ rmmod soundcore08:40
mempmanERROR: Module soundcore is in use by snd08:40
mempmanadnan@adnanslaptop:~$ rmmod snd08:40
mempmanERROR: Module snd is in use by snd_hda_intel,snd_mixer_oss,snd_pcm,snd_seq_oss,snd_rawmidi,snd_seq,snd_timer,snd_seq_device08:40
Belkinzedwols: because i deleted the paritions and i can't even mount it, and i want to somehow extract data from it, and I don't think there isn't a troubleshooting step i haven't tried on trying to get it mounted it, i don't think it's physically corrupt it, just fucked up boot sectors08:40
wolsmempman: so you know what's the problem08:40
mempmanadnan@adnanslaptop:~$ rmmod -f soundcore08:40
mempmanERROR: Removing 'soundcore': Operation not permitted08:40
mempmanadnan@adnanslaptop:~$ sudo rmmod -f soundcore08:41
BelkinzedOPPZ I CURSED, SRYZ08:41
mempman[sudo] password for adnan:08:41
mempmanERROR: Removing 'soundcore': Resource temporarily unavailable08:41
wolsBelkinzed: use dd08:41
wolsmempman: stop that!08:41
BelkinzedBelkinzed: what's DD?08:41
wolsBelkinzed: man dd08:41
mempmanwols: there seems to be a complex relation of modules, is there a quick way i can just unload what i need to without having to figure out all the small stuff08:41
wolsBelkinzed: it takes an exact image of the sectors you tell it to "extract"08:42
wolsmempman: I told you. if you ignore me repeatedly I will do likewise. good day08:42
Belkinzedwols: MAN WTF IS DD? what's it stand for08:42
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dd - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi08:42
bazhang!info dd08:43
ubotuPackage dd does not exist in gutsy08:43
Gnea!google dd08:43
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about google dd - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi08:43
mempmanwols: im doing what u said08:43
mempmanto no avail :(08:43
Gneadata in/data out08:43
wolsmempman: if you are too lazy to run a simple command I told you about SEVERAL times, I will be lazy too and stop talking to you08:43
bazhangBelkinzed: how about easing up a bit? he is trying to help you--are you familiar with a prominent search engine?08:43
wolsBelkinzed: that goes for you too08:44
GneaBelkinzed: type this here: !google dd08:44
mempmanwols: i was asking about how i can unload a complex relation of modules08:44
mempmanwhat you suggested, i tired08:44
wolsbazhang: I told him man dd, he is too lazy to type in 6t letters08:44
ubotuTo install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto08:44
Gneathe answer will be revealed to you08:44
cav3mandd if= of= like for copying bin's to a floppy08:44
mempmanand it didn't work, repeadedly08:44
auraxhello, i'm want to install few linux distros on secondary drive, i got ubuntu as my main installation and i want to add another physical drive partitioned for each distro, any good guide?08:44
wolsmempman: you didn't. now please stop talking to me08:44
Belkinzedwols: is it similar to SpinRite?08:44
Gneawelp, you haven't typed it yet08:44
AxeManKevinhey<anybody> what's the best irc client for ubuntu 7.10?08:44
bazhangwols: you are overly patient. kudos to you08:44
wolsBelkinzed: no08:44
wolsBelkinzed: smartmontools is, but you said you don't have phys disk problems08:45
cindyafa     ibu       dora       12345678901112131415161718192208:45
bazhangmempman: why not get some sleep and come back when you can follow simple instructions08:45
Belkinzedwols: I can't mount08:46
wolsyou don't need to08:46
bazhangAxeManKevin: opinions vary, there is a wide selection available08:46
wolsyou have a device node08:46
Belkinzedthat i dio08:46
Milotini can`t boot to my user session ( the Desktop interfacesc ). I can`t boot to the console. When booting i got this error : kinit: name_to_dev (/dev/disk/by-uuid/2d44c944-73f5-49e8-8957....)=sda8(8,8)08:46
bazhangcindy please stop08:47
Milotinkinit: trying to resume from /dev/disk/by-uuid/2d44c944-73f5-49e8-8957....)=sda8(8,8)08:47
wolsAxeManKevin: use xchat. if you like console more, irssi is the best of all of course08:47
Milotinkinit: No resume image, doing normal bot08:47
AxeManKevinI know.. I just figured I'd get someone's favorite from here..  I'm on via xchat..08:47
Milotincan someone help me to solve the problem ?08:47
AxeManKevinseems cool enough.. is there a way to pin the user list up?08:47
wolsAxeManKevin: taking polls make baby jesus cry. so don't do it08:47
bazhangAxeManKevin: you did say gnome (kde=konversation)08:48
AxeManKevinyes.. gnome..08:48
GattonAxeManKevin, I couldn't figure out how to pin the user list so i went back to the regular xchat :-)08:49
Milotini can`t boot to my user session ( the Desktop interfacesc ). I can`t boot to the console. When booting i got this error : kinit: name_to_dev (/dev/disk/by-uuid/2d44c944-73f5-49e8-8957....)=sda8(8,8)08:49
Milotinkinit: trying to resume from /dev/disk/by-uuid/2d44c944-73f5-49e8-8957....)=sda8(8,8)08:49
Milotinkinit: No resume image, doing normal bot08:49
Milotincan someone help me to solve the problem ?08:49
bazhang!repeat | Milotin08:49
ubotuMilotin: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience08:49
cav3mani like bitchx when i am root window terminaling cus it's cool08:50
Milotini already did that bazhang :)08:50
myke54142irssi > *08:50
Gattongood old bitchx. haven't used that in some years08:50
bazhangMilotin: repeating it here will not get answered more quickly08:50
tehm0nkis there a way to throttle my upload speed system wide in ubuntu?08:51
AxeManKevin[ soaks in the comments ] - Thank you everyone for your input :)08:51
GattonAxeManKevin, next time you're here we'll /version you to see what you decided on ;-)08:51
bazhangtehm0nk: over a network, or just a single computer?08:51
ronettajahow will I mount my ipod :$08:52
noogeni'm on bitchx08:52
AxeManKevinGatton: heh, that doesn't hurt, does it?08:52
noogenthrough ssh on my xp08:52
Gattonnot if we take turns ;-)08:52
noogenubuntu has bitchx through apt-get hehe08:52
Fezzlerwhy have I lost ability to run System > Administration tools?  I have sudo?  I'm in sudoers and group???08:52
Gattonmmm yes let's get that bitchx on here08:52
cav3mantehm0nk, it mainly depends on your isp, usually has slower uploads unless you pay extra.08:53
Fezzlerplease help I'm very confused08:53
bazhangronettaja: be sure to open amarok first, then insert ipod; in devices it should show up08:53
Fezzlerbazhang: I've lost rights or permission to User and Groups08:54
FlannelFezzler: Are you in the admin group?08:55
cav3manronettaja, i have a walkman, and just plug it in, it shows up as a drive, and I drag files or directories over to it, and they are magically ready to play08:55
tehm0nkwell the reason i'm asking is because i'm downloading the wow client which is like 3.5 gb...08:55
FezzlerFlannel:  Thank goodness.  Yes!08:55
FlannelFezzler: type 'groups' in ther terminal, see if you're in admin08:55
tehm0nkand it's eating all my BW for uploading08:55
fwaokdahow do i change the font color on my menu bar?08:55
LimCoreI downloaded buttload of packages, they are in /var probably, how to give them to other ubuntu (same version/arch)? (to not waste bandwitch)08:56
FezzlerFlannel: Yes08:56
anathematichow do i apply permissions to subdirectories?08:56
tehm0nki know from experience my connection (for torrents) doesn't like to have the upload wide open08:56
FlannelLimCore: copy them from /var/cache/apt (I think thats where they are) to /var/cache/apt of the other computer08:56
fwaokda"buttload" is such a ghey term08:56
FezzlerFlannel: And I'm in /etc/sudoers and /etc/group08:56
FlannelFezzler: and sudo works?  for regular stuff?08:56
bazhangfwaokda: please stop08:56
ronettajabazhang: it does not work. amarok does not find my iPod08:56
noogenwant me to say stuff it in dey butt and take it over to the other ubuntu08:57
fwaokdabazhang, ?08:57
cav3mananathematic, chown hR08:57
FezzlerFlannel: yes, I'm confused08:57
anathematiccav3man: thanks08:57
fwaokdaoh my bad keep forgetting how pg this room is :( sry08:57
cav3mananathematic, chown -hR will get subdirectories in subdirectories08:57
FlannelFezzler: Try opening a terminal, typing "gksu nautilus" and see what happens08:57
LimCoreFlannel: mhm.. and is there some automatic solution for future, if I have say 10 boxes.. perhaps some proxy or something08:57
bazhangronettaja: hmm that is odd; you have it inserted and then you open amarok?08:57
Milotini can`t boot to my user session ( the Desktop interfacesc ). I can`t boot to the console. When booting i got this error : kinit: name_to_dev (/dev/disk/by-uuid/2d44c944-73f5-49e8-8957....)=sda8(8,8)08:57
Milotinkinit: trying to resume from /dev/disk/by-uuid/2d44c944-73f5-49e8-8957....)=sda8(8,8)08:57
Milotinkinit: No resume image, doing normal bot08:58
Milotincan someone help me to solve the problem ?08:58
noogeni don't think it's a problem08:58
LimCoreMilotin: you wait, wait, and nothing more happens?08:58
ronettajafirst I opened amarok and then i connected my ipod08:58
Fezzlergksu: error while loading shared libraries: libgtop-2.0.so.7: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory08:58
Milotinwell i can login to the console08:58
Milotinbut that`s all08:58
LimCoreFezzler: reinstall08:58
FlannelLimCore: yes, check out apt-proxy08:58
LimCoreMilotin: so X are not working08:58
bazhangronettaja: and then you looked under devices?08:58
=== macd_ is now known as macd
ronettajathere is nothing under devices08:59
Milotinand when i use : startX it send me in a root session similar with Safe Mode from Windows08:59
LimCoreMilotin: the X stoped working08:59
threefcatahi, is there a place where i can find the document on what each script in ubuntu does?09:00
LimCoreMilotin: /etc/init.d/gdm stop    and then the same but start at end09:00
cav3manronettaja, do you have to put it into file transfer mode?09:00
FlannelFezzler: Uh, thats an odd so to be looking for, but, try installing libgtop2-dev09:00
FezzlerFlannel: Any ideas?  For example, I can run synaptic from Terminal, but not GNOME09:00
Milotinit says there's no such file or directory09:00
PrometheusHello there09:00
threefcatahi, is there a place where i can find the document on what each script in ubuntu does?09:00
bazhangronettaja: have you activated it first via iTunes?09:00
PrometheusDoes anyone know of a work around from OSS in teamspeak?09:00
LimCoreMilotin:   /etc/init.d/kdm   then, and stop then start09:00
cav3manronettaja, i dont have an ipod so i dont know09:00
ronettajano i haven't09:00
Flannelthreefcata: `man [command]`09:01
FezzlerFlannel: what's the command line to install libgtop2-dev09:01
Milotinand if that doesn`t work ?09:01
FlannelFezzler: sudo apt-get install libgtop2-dev09:01
bazhangronettaja: aha09:01
LimCorePrometheus: why u dont use alsa but old oss?09:01
Milotincause i`ll have to quit windows to boot Ubuntu09:01
LimCoreFezzler:  try also the same but without -dev09:01
PrometheusLimCore, teamspeak is OSS by default09:01
LimCoreMilotin: then install  kdm or gdm and run that09:01
PrometheusOSS is evil09:01
bazhangMilotin: listen to him and give it a try09:01
ronettajashould I try to activate my iPod?09:01
LimCoreMilotin: it should show a graphic  login09:02
ronettajavia iTunes09:02
threefcataFlannel, thx but i want find what are the scripts that control default windows manager09:02
bazhangronettaja: you need to do that first09:02
PrometheusLimCore, I'm trying to get it to use alsa, but i don't know how09:02
LimCoreMilotin: then, you can also CHANGE SESSION to kde or gnome or something else... one should work09:02
threefcataFlannel, not the other way round09:02
Milotinwell what i have to loose anyway09:02
FlannelLimCore: there is no non -dev package09:02
bazhangMilotin: exactly09:02
Milotinand how do i change the session ? :P09:02
noogenthing is, i get the same message as Milotin but everything is working fine, i assume it just trying to resume but since I reboot and not suspend, there's nothing to resume09:02
pgI can't make Linux automatically establish a connection by dhcp when I boot.  Ndiswrapper is inserted, but I have to run dhclient manually.  dmesg output is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/49380/09:02
FezzlerFlannel: Done09:02
Flannelthreefcata: the default session is set by GDM or KDM, in those configs, or perhaps in your user configs you might be able to select.  Why do you need to know?09:03
E-muIs the dell 1505 wireless card working un Ubuntu 7.10? I believe its the 4358 chipset and its fairly new09:03
FlannelFezzler: And then does gksu work now?09:03
noogenpg, have you check the link i msged you?09:03
lonejackhi, I've the problem on shutdown. Many devices USB devs remain switched in on. So it seems a powerdown not a shutdown, my ver is a gutsy 7.10 64bit..09:03
FezzlerFlannel: we'll see09:03
LimCoreMilotin: there was a bug in GNOME - gnome always fails to start up for me;   If it is the case, install  kde or something (icewm) instead, and use this as SESSION (on grahoical login you can choose somewhere).    if it was the problem, then report the bug on page http://launchpad.net/09:03
LimCoreFlannel: ah ok09:03
Belkinzedhow do i set mount points?09:04
ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Gnome under Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For Edgy, see !fstab and !DiskMounter09:04
noogenGutsy bcm43xx cutter works great09:04
FezzlerFlannel: >>gksu: error while loading shared libraries: libgtop-2.0.so.7: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory09:04
noogeni don't have to use ndiswrapper09:04
FezzlerFlannel: Reboot required?09:04
Milotinwell i can`t install as soon as it boot only to the console09:04
Milotini can`t connect to the internet09:04
LimCoreFezzler: report that as a bug.. unless you broke it mnaually, btw09:05
threefcataFlannel, just want to try to set compiz instead of metacity as the default window manager, i mean start compiz right away, not first metacity then compiz.09:05
FlannelFezzler: shouldnt be, no.09:05
Belkinzedhey Flannel, it's be Algo09:05
Belkinzedit's me*09:05
bazhangCO_panggil: you have a question?09:05
FezzlerFlannel: I'm confused09:05
LimCorehow to run COMPIZ?  with compiz-fussion the kde is running on top of it or what?  and how to have the 3d cube desktops and other stuff09:05
=== CO_panggil is now known as gay_prob
FlannelFezzler: What version of ubuntu are you running?09:06
Belkinzedbazhang: I have a question09:06
E-muwho is the wireless king here on Ubunut 7.10?09:06
FezzlerFlannel: 7.1009:06
Belkinzedemo_ninja: help.ubuntu.com would be your source09:06
Flannelthreefcata: Ah.  Right, you should ask in #compiz-fusion, theyll have a better chance of knowing what to do09:06
* LimCore eyeballs @ gay_prob09:06
bazhangE-mu: he's on vacation :}09:06
LimCorelol emo_ninja09:06
ronettajabazhang: "sudo apt-get install itunes"?09:07
E-muah :p why do he go on vacation at a time like this?09:07
bazhangronettaja: sadly no :{09:07
threefcataFlannel, ok i'll try that..09:07
Guest16155hello, i have ubuntu desktop 64 bit on my computer, and i have 3 users account (admins) , when i log with user1 and try to write/create files/folders on /home/user2 i get error msg permission denied ?09:07
FlannelFezzler: Oh, sorry.  Try installing libgtop2-709:07
bazhangE-mu: just kidding; what is your question?09:07
E-muah ok09:08
FlannelGuest16155: Just because they have the ability to sudo (theyre admins) doesn't mean they can do anything by default09:08
ronettajabazhang: then how?09:08
FezzlerFlannel: >>libgtop2-7 is already the newest version.09:08
E-mubazhang I haev a dual boot Fedora 8 and the better flavor of linux Mandriva 2008 one. Fedora 8 is not supporting my 1505 Dell wireles card which is the 4358 chipset and is relativley new09:08
FezzlerFlannel: Isn't this something?09:08
E-muI don';t want to use ndsiwrpaper09:08
E-muIs Ubunut 7.10 supporting it09:09
pgnoogen: Yes, but I'm not sure how to use it.09:09
Guest16155Flannel: but i am using the main user account (admin) why i cant write files/folders in other users accounts such /home/user2 ?09:09
FlannelFezzler: try reinstalling it, sudo apt-get install --reinstall libgtop2-709:09
E-muI want to remove mandriva and put ubunut 7.10 in its place09:09
cav3manGuest16155, it's called security09:09
=== gay_prob is now known as co_arab
FlannelGuest16155: because there is no "admin" account.  Only accounts that can use sudo.  You'd have to use sudo to be able to write to their homedirs.  Since theyre only writable by that particular user09:10
lonejackhi, I've a problem on shutdown. Many devices USB devs remain switched in on. So it seems a powerdown not a shutdown, my ver is a gutsy 7.10 64bit.. Somebody know how to solve? Thank you09:10
FlannelGuest16155: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions09:10
Flannel!sudo | Guest1615509:10
ubotuGuest16155: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.09:10
FlannelGuest16155: that page might also be of interest09:10
pgnoogen: I think it suggested restarting NetworkManager as process to see its output.  I haven't tried that.09:11
BenalexHello all, How can I install KDE from live CD session?09:11
FlannelBenalex: you'll need the Kubuntu desktop CD09:11
noogenyeah it suggest to turn off networkmanager daemon09:11
Guest16155Flannel: can i use the chmod command to change this ?09:11
E-mubazhang either way Ubuntu is going on partition 2 or actually the second hard drive and removing mandriva 2008. but anyhow do you know if its supported yet?09:11
FlannelGuest16155: Yes, but you dont want to.  What are you trying to do ultimately anyway?09:11
FezzlerFlannel: You da man!  That did it.  What is libgtop?  What does it do?  How did I screw it up?09:11
ronettajahow can I install itunes on my 7.10 ubuntu?09:11
BenalexFlannel: Can't I do it from Ubuntu Desktop DVD?09:11
FlannelFezzler: no idea, and I dont know.09:11
FezzlerFlannel: :)09:12
FlannelBenalex: Uh, does the DVD have both?  I know it originally did, does it still?09:12
BenalexFlannel: I don't know, But I think so... I don't know how to tell09:12
FlannelBenalex: let me look09:12
antonio_una moglie bellissima09:12
E-mubazhang what happened to ya :P09:13
FezzlerThanks Flannel!  I've been working on this for hours.09:13
ronettajathx. bye09:13
Guest16155Flannel: i am trying to perl script whice making static calculations , and save them in other users accounts on the desktop (students accounts), so what is the easy way to let me write files in other users account ? chmod ?09:13
FlannelBenalex: I don't see it.  You could install a command line only install, and then simply install kubuntu-desktop ontop of it09:13
fwaokdais it possible to set a different background to each virtual desktop i have?09:14
bazhangE-mu: so you dont yet have an ubuntu install? :}09:14
FlannelBenalex: you dont really lose anything, since those packages (or most of them) all have updates anyway.  So you wont have to download more than you normally would to be up to date09:14
E-muI am going to install it09:14
E-mubut wanted heads up09:14
BenalexFlannel: you mean install Gnome, then KDE on top of it??.. won't this corrupt anything or get me into hassels?09:14
FlannelGuest16155: Is this perl script going to be run automatically withcron?09:14
bazhangE-mu: you mean the wireless broadcom card?09:14
FlannelBenalex: no, you'd install Ubuntu (the distro) without a GUI at all (Without Ubuntu (the DE) or Kubuntu (the DE)09:15
cav3manGuest16155, i think it would be possable if you were the first user created on the machine, it seems like you would be the poweruser of the machine and would be able to have special rights, see /etc/group09:15
E-mu505 os the modle 4358 bcm chipset09:15
BenalexFlannel: I got it ... Thank You!09:15
E-musorry 1505 dell part09:15
E-muI was told it fedora group it was way to new to be supported yet09:15
noogenlspci say bcm4358?09:15
E-muthat sound like a copout to me09:16
FlannelBenalex: there should be, at the boot menu, a way to install via command line, which is the alternate CD method (using debian-installer) and then also a way through that to install a "server" or "command line system"09:16
E-muhang on a sec09:16
pgOK, I have an even bigger problem.  When I use the wireless card, my computer periodically freezed for 2-5 seconds.  No input or output.  Then /var/log/syslog is appended with the line "kernel: [ 4361.588000] ndiswrapper (miniport_reset:72): wlan0 is being reset"09:16
BenalexFlannel: You are definitely right09:16
hairulfrBenalex: What about Kubuntu? Haven't been paying attention though09:16
gnomeboyim not sure what i did but all my windows no longer has tat panel for the minimize,max,close buttons09:16
noogen<Flannel> Benalex: I don't see it.  You could install a command line only09:16
FlannelBenalex: if theyre going to be run like that, they'll be run as root anyway, and you'll be able to save to their homedirs.  Just make sure you create them with the proper permissions, or they'll be owned by root, even though theyre on the users desktops09:17
noogenaccident mouse right click09:17
noogen /var/log/syslog is appended with the line "kernel: [09:17
noogen          4361.588000] ndiswrapper (miniport_reset:72): wlan0 is being reset"09:17
Benalexhairulfr: I just don't wanna do more downloads , and do more effort in trying to boot an image ISO file from harddrive... I have Ubuntu DVD, so why not doing it from here :)09:18
pgIt seems like a driver issue, but the Ubuntu list of wifi cards says this model should work with the Windows driver and ndiswrapper09:18
fwaokdais it possible to set a different background to each of my workspaces?09:18
gnomeboyim not sure what i did but all my windows no longer has tat panel for the minimize,max,close buttons09:18
hairulfrBenalex: I'd just install KDE the out Gnome, I guess :)09:18
Khisanthfwaokda: depends on your window manager09:19
E-muactually it sais unkow device and its 4328 not 58 have no ideaa why they told me it was a 5809:19
E-mulspci sias 4328 so thats the chipset right?09:19
fwaokdaKhisanth,  umm i think its just the one in gutsy09:19
E-muhttp://linuxwireless.org/en/users/Drivers/b43 sais my card is unsupported09:21
E-muyet its 100% supported right out of a fresh install of OSX I don't get it09:21
E-muI just googled search and even in ubuntu 7.10 they had to use a ndiswrapper09:22
E-muso I am out of luck for now09:23
hairulfrBenalex: I've had both gnome, kde, enlightenment and others, all that messes up is a lot more apps in your menus09:23
hairulfrBenalex: At the same time, that is09:23
Benalexhairulfr: I don't want to get used to Gnome, so when working on KDE to not be handycaped09:24
zubuntuum i have no programs in my menu bar, and i cannot launch the menu editor09:24
cav3manzubuntu, try sudo update-menu09:24
noogenE-mu: try the bcm43xx-fwcutter first in gutsy - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx/Gutsy09:25
hairulfrBenalex: Doesn't make a lick a' sense to me09:25
noogeni have bcm4318, fwcutter works great09:25
noogenrunning 64bit Gutsy09:25
E-mui did the harware gets put into network configurator just fine and when I add the device it adds it but when I try to activateit it sais no card present09:25
zubuntucav3man, command not found09:26
zubuntui will try to install09:26
E-muI used the b34 firmware not the bcm one09:26
Flannelhairulfr, Benalex: http://ubuntu-tutorials.com/2007/07/18/removing-kde-icons-in-gnome-remove-gnome-icons-in-kde/09:26
E-mushoudl i try the bcm one?09:26
cav3manzubuntu, try sudo update-menus09:26
E-muthere are two b34 and a bcm on309:26
zubuntusame output09:26
E-muok fedora listed tow of them ubuntu link you gave me just lisits the bcm firmware09:27
cav3manzubuntu, hmm, ive got a /usr/bin/update-menus09:27
noogenpg: first what wireless card do you have?  2nd, it might be conflicting with something like the usb09:28
=== Kwitschibo_ is now known as Kwitschibo
E-muhow can I remove an alias I have created in the /etc/modprobe.conf09:32
E-muI have to do that before alias'ing a different driver right?09:32
LimCorehow to run java applets in firefox?09:33
Flannel!java | LimCore09:33
ubotuLimCore: To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre09:33
wolsLimCore: do you run 64bit ubuntu?09:35
rbrtwhi, I'm using gutsy, I had compiz + fglrx working fine but video playback was a bit choppy sometimes, I tried installing the newer drivers from the ATI site, but they didn09:35
LimCorewols: yea09:35
optiqhello can anyone help me with a strange connection ?09:35
rbrtwhi, I'm using gutsy, I had compiz + fglrx working fine but video playback was a bit choppy sometimes, I tried installing the newer drivers from the ATI site, but they didn't work.  I've now downgraded to the officially supported drivers but compiz is running very very slowl09:35
wolsLimCore: then you need either a 32bit firefox or nspluginwrapper09:35
LimCorewols: damn this gets annoying :[09:35
rbrtwI've tried purging and reinstalling everything I can think of but no dice09:35
AndrewMIf i run 64 bit ubuntu, will ordinary .deb packages work for me, or do i need a different type?09:35
LimCorewols: can I easly run 32 bit firefox as a "separate application" (the doesnt interfear with my normal firefox)09:36
wolsAndrewM: .debs for 64bit will work and are used by ubuntu amd6409:36
FlannelAndrewM: you need to make sure theyre compiled for your arch.  But yes, theyre still .deb09:36
wolsLimCore: you can, but not easily09:36
* LimCore bitchslaps his bank for requiring java09:36
AndrewMCool, how do i tell what my architecture is, and how do i tell if a package will fot my architecture?09:36
AndrewMfit, not fot09:37
Zorro-ZorroHI! LAPTOP hp compaq 6720s - sound problem. don't work microphone input . can help me anybody?09:37
wolsAndrewM: what are you trying to install?09:37
AndrewMnot anything specific, i was just wondering09:38
Alp-i want to configure the diskcheck feature of ubuntu. i'm running a dual boot system with win xp and i use an ext3 driver to access my linux partitions in windows. but if windows crashes, my mounted partitions contain possible data erros and need to be checked at linux startup09:38
cav3manAndrewM, uname -a09:38
AndrewMcav3man , do i assume the i686 is mr architecture09:39
rbrtwhi, compiz is running really slowly09:39
Alp-this is quite annoying because one of the partitions is very big and it takes 20-30 minutes to check. is it possible to tell ubuntu to check the disk _after_ starting the x server and gnome?09:39
wolsAlp-: it will be checked automatically then sinec it's unclean09:39
rbrtwbut I appear to have direct rendering09:39
=== KnifeHat_ is now known as KnifeHat
Alp-wols: yep, thats the problem09:39
FlannelAlp-: `sudo touch /forcefsck` and reboot, and you'll fsck on boot.  Or in windows, just create the /forcefsck file in the root of your root partition09:39
hairulfrrbrtw: Like lag slowly or slowmotion like slowly?09:39
wolsAlp-: that's no problem, that's good09:39
stefanorbrtw, what graphics card do you have?09:39
rbrtwATI mobility X140009:39
cav3manAndrewM, that is what you have installed anyway09:40
rbrtwhair: not quite sure what the difference is09:40
AndrewMthanks for all your help09:40
rbrtwcompiz was running great, I upgraded to ATI's new drivers which didn't work, downgraded, now it's not working09:40
rbrtwso I suspect there's some crap hanging around09:40
Alp-wols: but did u read my problem with waiting 20-30 minutes?09:40
wolsAlp-: it's not possible09:40
optiqHello, I've noticed a strange connection with firestarter to   65489 anyone have any ideas?09:40
rbrtwbut I've tried re-installing everything I could see that has to do with fglrx, but no dice09:41
pgWhen I use my wireless card, my computer eratically freezes for 2-5 seconds.  No input or output.  Then /var/log/syslog is appended with the line "kernel: [ 4361.588000] ndiswrapper (miniport_reset:72): wlan0 is being reset"09:41
rbrtw$ DISPLAY=:0 glxinfo09:41
rbrtwname of display: :0.009:41
rbrtwdisplay: :0  screen: 009:41
rbrtwdirect rendering: Yes09:41
rbrtwserver glx vendor string: SGI09:41
rbrtwserver glx version string: 1.209:41
Alp-wols: i thought its maybe possible by not mounting it at startup and mount it later on in gnome09:41
rbrtwin the past, if direct rendering is working, compiz has run fine09:41
hairulfroptiq: Where do you live?09:41
E-mucan someone help me here , I want to unload the wireless driver(firmware) and remove the alias from /etc/modprobe.conf, how do I do that please?09:41
stefanorbrtw,what driver do you run?09:42
rbrtwstefano: fglrx09:42
optiqi dont live in jordan09:42
Flannel!paste | rbrtw09:42
uboturbrtw: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)09:42
wolsrbrtw: you don't09:42
hairulfroptiq: What is your isp called?09:42
rbrtwwols: I don't what, sorry?09:42
cav3manE-mu, rmmod -f ?09:42
pgW-mu: just rmmod09:42
wolsyou don't use fglrx09:42
rbrtwwols: I'm quite sure I am using fglrx09:43
stefanorbrtw, did you try "ati" as a driver? (setting driver "ati" in your xconf)09:43
pgE-mu: then edit /etc/modprobe.conf and remove the line for that driver09:43
rbrtwstefano: my system was running great using fglrx previously, I just want to get it back to that state09:43
E-muok but the alias is still there how do I remove that? from /etc/modprobe.conf or will rmmod remove the alias as well or do I have to manually edit the modprobe.conf file and remove it?09:44
optiqhairulfr: should i be worried or am i being paranoid?09:44
rbrtwam I allowed to paste two lines of log?09:44
wolsrbrtw: I am very sure SGI doesn't make fglrx. so you don't09:44
E-muah ok thanks you answers my question :P09:44
rbrtwbecause here is another clue:09:44
rbrtw(EE) AIGLX error: dlsym for __driCreateNewScreen_20050727 failed (/usr/lib/dri/fglrx_dri.so: undefined symbol: __driCreateNewScreen_20050727)09:44
rbrtw(EE) AIGLX: reverting to software rendering09:44
stefanorbrtw, two lines certainly09:44
E-muwhast the command to remove the driver? rmmod -f and "drivermodulename"?09:45
stefanorbrtw, seem like there is some sort of bug in this particular fglrx driver09:45
rbrtwwols: what should it say?09:45
stefanorbrtw, maybe some slightly older version would do it, could be there has been an update in the meantime09:45
rbrtwstefano: I've reverted to the version that was previously working fine09:45
pgWhen I use my wireless card, my computer eratically freezes for 2-5 seconds.  No input or output.  Then /var/log/syslog is appended with the line "kernel: [ 4361.588000] ndiswrapper (miniport_reset:72): wlan0 is being reset".  Ubuntu's wifi page says the Windows driver and ndiswrapper should work for this card.09:45
rbrtwstefano: I've reverted to the version in the official repos09:45
wolsrbrtw: dpkg -l|grep fglrx09:45
E-mupg whats is the command to remove the driver? rmmod -f and "drivermodulename"?09:45
pgE-mu: yes09:45
E-muok thanks09:45
rbrtwfglrx-kernel-source                        8.37.6+
FisherHi!! I have installed ubuntu 7.04 on a p2l97 and it just don't shutdown09:46
rbrtw xorg-driver-fglrx                          7.1.0-8.37.6+
pgE-mu: try without -f first09:46
pgread "man rmmod"09:46
wolspg: he should man modprobe. rmmod is NOT advised09:47
stefanorbrtw, there has been a kernel update a few days ago, did you get this particular update? and if so: did you try booting into your old(er) kernel?09:47
pgE-mu: sorry, use modprobe instead09:47
optiqHello, I've noticed a strange connection with firestarter to   65489 anyone have any ideas?09:48
pgE-mu: modprobe -r MODULENAME09:48
rbrtwstefano: it was working with the new kernel09:48
lonejackhi, I've a problem on shutdown. Many devices USB devs remain switched in on. So it seems a powerdown not a shutdown, my ver is a gutsy 7.10 64bit.. Somebody know how to solve? Thank you09:49
rbrtwany clues?09:49
stefanorbrtw, i see, anyways, you should try another driver. doesnt have to be the ati, but another version of fglrx, maybe you try a manual install of it from the ati website, that could help. otherwise it's something else troubling your graphics card09:49
optiqhairulfr: sorry about getting you kicked09:49
BubblegumTatewhat is the correct/easy way to set environment variables permanently in ubuntu?09:50
hairulfroptiq: No worries09:50
rbrtwstefano: I can get it working manually installing the one from the ATI website, but run into other problems09:50
FisherHi!! I have installed ubuntu 7.04 on a p2l97 and it just don't shutdown09:50
optiqany idea why i would have a connection to this company? firestarter doesnt list a service but it is listed as active09:50
cav3manrbrtw, have you tried envy maybe?  it might help09:50
stefanorbrtw, the ati drivers are really bad unfortunately, you normally have to test a few versions until you find one that works for you.09:50
belkinzedAny idea to why my NTFS drives are blank? and one doesn't even one show up09:50
stefanooh right, envy might help09:50
rbrtwthe officially supported ones were working for me :(09:51
ubotuenvy is not needed or supported. Use the Resticted Manager to install binary drivers and see « /msg ubotu binarydriver »09:51
wolscav3man: please NEVER ever suggest envy to users09:51
belkinzedwols: I got my NTFS drives to mount, but they're blank....09:51
cav3manok, sorry09:51
rbrtwjust a config file or a library or SOMETHING got mangled by manually installing the new ones, I just want to know how I can revert09:51
bazhangcav3man: seriously bad advice see !worksforme09:51
stefanobelkinzed, can you put files on them?09:51
wolsrbrtw: your glx got mangled and it uses mesa now09:52
kwaji have one problem, my synaptic package manager updates firefox to ver 1.5 only. How can i update firefox to 2.x then?09:52
rbrtwwols: what package do I need to reinstall?09:52
wolsaka software rendinring. as fo rthe AIGLX thing: ait doesn't support it. you need xserver-xgl09:52
belkinzedstefano: apparently, but i never formated09:52
rbrtwwols: I have xserver-xgl09:52
cav3mansoorryy, it's always worked for me :P09:52
belkinzedstefano: partitions are screwed up09:52
rbrtwwols: it's bizarre, I have no idea why it's using AIGLX, I have option composite "0" in xorg.conf09:52
Moultcan somebody help me troubleshoot why my printer is not working with Ubuntu?09:52
belkinzedstefano: eh?09:53
cav3manMoult, have you installed it under printers?09:53
bazhangMoult: what printer?09:53
optiqhairulfr: is there a way to identify what could be connecting or listening?09:53
stefanobelkinzed, oh that sounds scary, see if a file you put on there is still there when you unmount and remoiunt the drives. if so, your drive is probably empty.09:53
optiqi tried running wireshark but i dont see anything09:53
vannihi i have a problem with ubuntu 7.04. i have 4 western digital connected to an hpt 374 raid controller. if i don't create the raid array the os can see the 4 disks but also if i create a 0 + 1 raid array the system detects 4 disks instead than 1!!! please can someone help me?09:53
stefanobelkinzed, do you still have windows installed?09:53
Moultbazhang: laserjet 5L09:53
belkinzedstefano: It's gone09:53
belkinzedstefano: oh shit....09:54
belkinzedstefano: Yes, but the MBR is fucked up09:54
stefanooptiq, wireshark need to run as root. press alt+f2 and type "gksu wireshark"09:54
belkinzedstefano: and i can't boot into it09:54
Moultcav3man:  when i inserted the USB connection to my printer it was automatically installed i think09:54
optiqi ran it as root but i dont see anything particularly going to or from the strange connection09:54
cav3manlook under printers and see09:54
hairulfroptiq: Do you get the hits often09:54
stefanobelkinzed, but linux works fine and windows was on the same harddrive right?09:54
optiqnah i think my router's firewall is catching it09:55
stefanooptiq, did you choose the right interface?09:55
stefanooptiq, normally when you browse the web, a LOT of pachages should be captured09:55
belkinzedstefano: wrong, ubuntu doesn't work, cause Mbr overwrote grub, and windows won't boot, they're on separte drives, and i'm running off live session09:55
hairulfroptiq: Also, it might be identifying normal activity as "attacks"09:55
bazhangMoult: connected how?09:55
Moultcav3man: yes it is there...oh, i have not made it the default printer. let me check if that is causing it.09:55
Moultbazhang: via USB.09:55
optiqbut i had nothing going on09:55
optiqand its always there09:55
stefanobelkinzed, sorry now idea about that, the only thing thad would come to my mind in that situation is reinstalling ubuntu09:56
Moultbazhang: ok working now thanks anyway!09:56
rbrtwwhat package installs /etc/xdg/compiz/compiz-manager?09:56
belkinzedstefano: that won't fix anything09:56
Moultcav3man: Yes, that was what caused it! Thanks!09:56
bazhangMoult: good news!09:56
belkinzedit's okay09:56
optiqstefano is there a way to link a particular connection with a service whether its actively connected or just listening?09:56
stefanooptiq, explain that, i dont think i understand the question09:56
Fisherany ide of why ubuntu does not shutdown on an old p2 board??09:57
optiqtheres a strange connection showing up under the status section in firestarter but it has no service listed09:57
Fisheroops... any ide??09:57
pgWhen I use my wireless card, my computer eratically freezes for 2-5 seconds.  No input or output.  Then /var/log/syslog is appended with the line "kernel: [ 4361.588000] ndiswrapper (miniport_reset:72): wlan0 is being reset".  Ubuntu's wifi page says the Windows driver and ndiswrapper should work for this card.09:57
belkinzedstefano: know anyone else that can help me?09:57
fwaokdaall my workspace numbers got messed up some how... is there a way to reset them?09:57
optiqi tried to use wireshark to see if i could find anything but there isnt any related activity09:57
fwaokdawhere do i go to specify how many workspaces i have?09:57
stefanobelkinzed, maybe you find something in the ubuntu forums09:58
vannihi i have a problem with ubuntu 7.04. i have 4 western digital connected to an hpt 374 raid controller. if i don't create the raid array the os can see the 4 disks but also if i create a 0 + 1 raid array the system detects 4 disks instead than 1!!! please can someone help me?09:58
belkinzedstefano: =.09:58
cav3manoptiq, your bios are probably too old, and acpid cant handle them09:58
stefanooptiq, you can check for open ports with nmap if you suspect some service to be running that you don't know if09:58
kwajhow can i change the user to root in GUI. If i want to move files i get "permission denied message".09:59
optiqi tried that too but it reports closed09:59
uchazcoAnyone know how I can prevent fsck running on boot when i'm on battery?09:59
optiqi tried UDP too and nada.09:59
uchazcokwaj - Start a sudo nautilus (Alt+F2, gksudo nautilus)09:59
stefanokwaj, for temporary tasks you can run nautilus (the file browser) as root, with alt+f2 "gksu nautilus"09:59
stefanokwaj, however, you should never log in as rood or even work as root when not nessecaryy10:00
belkinzedstefano: i can't find anything10:00
optiq212.35.81.124   port: 65489  is still there in firestarter but it just doesnt seem like anything i should have showing up10:00
belkinzedstefano: that really suites my problem10:00
stefanosorry belkinzed, no idea :(10:00
pgfwaokda: I think you have to have the workspace switcher applet, then right click and select Preferences10:00
hairulfroptiq: the ip is handled by http://www.batelco.jo/index.php10:00
MilotinIt seems my sound is not working ... may someone help me a bit and tell me what should i do ?10:01
optiqhairulfr i was browsing that after you got kicked...it looks like an ISP should i ask their admin?10:01
vannihi i have a problem with ubuntu 7.04. i have 4 western digital connected to an hpt 374 raid controller. if i don't create the raid array the os can see the 4 disks but also if i create a 0 + 1 raid array the system detects 4 disks instead than 1!!! please can someone help me?10:01
stefanooptiq, did you ever hear of FIRSTNET?10:01
stefanothe ip adress you posted belongs to this company10:01
fwaokdapg, hmm i do that but it doesn't change10:02
MilotinIt seems my sound is not working ... may someone help me a bit and tell me what should i do ?10:02
cav3manMilotin, lsmod10:03
optiqwhat should i do?10:03
wolsMilotin: sure. google "smart questions" and read it10:03
Milotincav3man,  and what should i do next ?10:04
vannihi i have a problem with ubuntu 7.04. i have 4 western digital connected to an hpt 374 raid controller. if i don't create the raid array the os can see the 4 disks but also if i create a 0 + 1 raid array the system detects 4 disks instead than 1!!! please can someone help me?10:06
cav3mando you see anything about your soundcard?10:06
dolphin_noelsomeone knows why my ubuntu cd is not working in my personal computer to i can install it? :X10:08
cav3manare they plugged in and turned on :P10:08
rskdolphin_noel: how does it not wrk?10:08
bazhangdolphin_noel: gutsy live cd?10:08
dolphin_noelwell i don`t know star to run and after that in the midle when it is allmos done it .. and try to start the startx (i think) it goes down :x10:09
Milotinyes there are ...10:09
Milotini`m not that stupid you know :)10:09
bazhangdolphin_noel: it may be a burning issue, bad media, or you do not meet the system specs; you could also try the alternate cd10:09
optiqthanks for all the help10:10
dolphin_noelis strange because it is one not to much old but not recent graphic card :x and it allways work the ubuntu in this pc :x strange10:10
optiqi think i'm just going to call it a night10:10
BenalexIs there a download manager that can be integrated into FireFox?10:10
pgfwaokda: you opened the preferences dialog?10:10
dolphin_noelbazhang no i install here whith same cd in this pc ... in the other i install to but ... look in this last version it simple block and ... down :X10:10
bazhangBenalex: check the mozilla addons page10:10
christian_j #xbins10:10
dolphin_noelbazhang i have this problem here for burning need to burn again but this cd is ok10:11
bazhangdolphin_noel: cant really understand you10:11
schlonzohey guys, can anybody pls tell me how i can add a new session to my system? i want to choose from it when gdm starts10:12
fwaokdapg, yes10:12
fwaokdapg, i've got it all back to normal i think....10:12
dolphin_noelgrrrr ... ok i have one ubuntu cd that i install here so i'm try to put other old desktop working .... so i install ubuntu there like i allways used it there ussually but ... the ubuntu thta allways work in this pc in gutsy is not working simpele block i allready tyr the safe mode and nathing :x10:12
fwaokdapg, im gonna restart10:13
bazhangdolphin_noel: gutsy live cd?10:13
tim167schlonzo, disable autologin in your preferences ?10:13
vannihi i have a problem with ubuntu 7.04. i have 4 western digital connected to an hpt 374 raid controller. if i don't create the raid array the os can see the 4 disks but also if i create a 0 + 1 raid array the system detects 4 disks instead than 1!!! please can someone help me?10:13
hairulfrschlonzo: Like KDE or whatever? Just install it and it will pop up automatically10:13
dolphin_noeldisplay server has been shutdown 6 times in the last 90 seconds somethign bad is going on witing 2 minuts beford try again10:13
dolphin_noelbazhang yes live cd10:13
dolphin_noelthe ubuntu install cd10:14
bazhangdolphin_noel: the gutsy live cd? or an earlier version?10:14
schlonzoi have a laptop and want a new session to save power... without any compiz or something10:14
dolphin_noelbazhang i'm try to put the new version there the gutsy :x10:14
dolphin_noelthe same os i have here using the same cd that i install here10:14
dolphin_noelwhere i'm talking :x10:15
pgfwaokda: what version of Ubuntu are you using?10:15
bazhangdolphin_noel: you have ubuntu on this computer and want to upgrade? is that it? or is this a fresh install? a dual boot?10:15
hairulfrdolphin_noel: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg that should make it work.10:15
MilotinIt seems my sound is not working ... may someone help me a bit and tell me what should i do ?10:15
hairulfrschlonzo: Just install the new DE and it will be there in sessions10:15
dolphin_noelhairulfr and how can i make one sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg in the live cd ?10:16
dolphin_noelthis simple block and not go to the terminal :x10:16
hairulfrdolphin_noel: You press ctrl + alt + f2 to get a new session (terminal)10:16
bazhangdolphin_noel: would another language channel more suit you?10:17
dolphin_noelit works thank you very much lets me try this :x10:17
hairulfrdolphin_noel: It's your gfx-card that doesn't work with xserver, as far as I can tell. Gutsy has some problems regarding this. I've had them with a widely supported card. No problem10:18
martinwHow can I search my hard drive to show up every mp3? From the command line.10:19
_Johnymartinw, "locate .*mp3|less"10:19
crnifind / -name *.mp310:19
_Johnymartinw, Before using "locate" invoke "sudo updatedb", one time only10:20
dolphin_noelbazhang hairulfr look it is working now :) but it is strange because never happend in this pc to me whith ubuntu cd :x still running lets see if can finish to run the software :X10:21
bazhangjoin_FS: please stop10:21
join_FSd bn.vbhwasolrfmkc/shyajf/;A10:21
hairulfrdolphin_noel: I know, I had the same experience. It will work fine once ubuntu is installed10:21
martinw!ops flooding10:22
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ops flooding - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi10:22
bazhangjoin_FS: quit doing that10:22
zetheroois it common fault that the built-in card readers in laptops just don't work?10:23
dolphin_noelhairulfr lol :) yes the graphic configuration looks like working now hairulfr bazhang thank you very much :)10:23
hairulfrdolphin_noel: No problem :)10:24
kr00ldoes anyone here run BOINC?10:24
Benalexbazhang: Can't find any down managers :(10:24
zetheroohow do you get the built-in card reader to work?10:24
dolphin_noelwhat was making me confution was access to the terminal there in live cd :)10:24
BenalexI need something similar flashget10:24
bazhangBenalex: just a minute--let me look10:25
zetheroofor some reason it reads SD cards just fine.... but XD cards it does not ... why???10:25
bazhangBenalex: speed downloader, video downloader, page link downloader--there are a few--look under 'download management' in the addons section10:28
bazhanghttps://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/220 Benalex10:30
Benalexbazhang: checking10:31
philippe_bonjour a tous10:32
bazhanghi philippe_10:32
* Peddy wants everyone to read this http://www.hotubuntunews.com/blog_13.shtml even though it is not Ubuntu support related10:33
stdin!ot | Peddy10:33
ubotuPeddy: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!10:33
hairulfrOk all,vacation time. Take care.10:34
lesshaste_is xvidcap available for ubuntu?10:35
presto101i installed new nvidia drivers and in the nvidia settings on my color depth its set to 24 is that right or should it be 32?10:35
MrHippocampuspresto101: 24 is normal10:35
presto101btw i dont see the option for 3210:35
presto101ok good and thanks mrhippocampus10:36
presto101i used envy to grab the new nvidia drivers10:37
presto101i borked my video setup but got it fixed so now im parniod as i get things set up10:37
vbI am on laptop running Gutsy. My internet connection automatically drops after the laptop sits idle for a while :(10:37
bazhang!envy | presto10110:37
ubotupresto101: envy is not needed or supported. Use the Resticted Manager to install binary drivers and see « /msg ubotu binarydriver »10:37
MrHippocampuspresto101: basically 32 and 24 give you exactly the same amount of colour, the spare 8 bits on 32 dont really do much (when it comes to montiors that is)10:38
lordihi, my system (7.10) keeps locking itself up, like once a day. it looks like something is eating all the mem, or is 512 mb just not enough for 7.10? do you have any hints how do investigate?10:38
lordialso, my swap partition doesn't show up in "df -H"10:39
lordiis that normal?10:39
carlsomeone know what is the deamon who turns on keys deads for one laptop ?10:40
carlgnome of course10:40
buckylordi, mine doesnt as well10:40
lordibucky, ok10:40
buckylordi, you can run top to see if swap is used10:41
lordiits not used10:41
lordioh, yea, "cached", maybe it is10:42
buckylordi, if you running a fast machine probably dont need to use it10:42
buckyim running 128MB laptop 256MHZ ,use it all the time..10:42
MrHippocampuslordi: "cached" isnt swap10:42
=== ajmorris_ is now known as ajmorris|Nexuiz
lordiI'm running 512mb 1700Mhz10:43
lordiMem:    499740k total,   493020k used,     6720k free,    27244k buffers10:43
lordiSwap:        0k total,        0k used,        0k free,   227876k cached10:43
lordishould I do sth to turn on the swap?10:44
LimCorelordi: swapon -s   shows swapon -a  activates10:44
LimCoreG^Son: you failed10:44
=== ULTRADJ83___ is now known as ULTRADJ83
zasfanyone has problems with printing?10:44
lordiswapon: /dev/sda5: Invalid argument10:45
pgWhen I use my wireless card, my computer eratically freezes for 2-5 seconds.  No input or output.  Then /var/log/syslog is appended with the line "kernel: [ 4361.588000] ndiswrapper (miniport_reset:72): wlan0 is being reset".  Ubuntu's wifi page says the Windows driver and ndiswrapper should work for this card.10:45
lordimaybe thats the problem here, thanks I'll check it out10:45
presto101mrhippocampus thanks for the info one other question, with the new driver my glxgears fps is lower but my nexuiz benchmark fps is higher any ideas?10:46
=== cgunn is now known as Gunner_Sr
solmumahaanyone able to help me with mac mini and lirc? can't get lirc to recognize any other remote, apple's remote works fine. using appleir module10:47
MrHippocampuspresto101: if nexuiz is higher i wouldnt be compaining ;) (glxgears isnt great for benchmarking, games like nexuiz are much better)10:47
kurtis there an app that is very close to msn for linux (maybe like windows so i can play those little games too) ?10:47
buckykurt, you mean amsn?10:48
Tobias92Dear ubuntu people, I want to compile something and it seems I need "scons" for that. However, the script keeps complaining it can't find "libgtkmm" in the pkg_config_path variable. How can I fix this?10:48
kurtbucky: is that the closest to msn ?10:48
kurtthanks for answering : is amsn the closest ?10:48
MrHippocampusTobias92: install libgtkmm-dev10:48
Tobias92MrHippocampus, I tried that, it does not work :s10:48
buckykurt, i dont use msn...but amsn is should be close, try it..10:49
presto101mrhippocampus thats what id heard concerning glxgears i just use it to get a general idea of how things are10:49
kurtbucky: thanks10:49
MrHippocampusTobias92: do you have build-essential installed?10:49
Tobias92MrHippocampus, I do according to apt-get10:49
dn4 Is f(t)=x^2+t^2+(16); composed of fractal geometry?10:49
bazhangdn4: not in this channel10:50
MrHippocampuspresto101: same here, its so simple though that anything can cause a random fps drop in it10:50
lordiwow! swap not works! seems like the partition wasn't formatted as swap fs! thanks guys...10:50
MrHippocampusTobias92: hmmm, if you do pkg-config --list-all in a terminal does it show libgtkmm?10:51
=== desti_T2 is now known as desti
Tobias92MrHippocampus, it does not10:51
kurtis there a psp or another game rom renamer for linux10:52
damdamit is possible to see my ubuntu partition when i am on windows?10:52
kurtlike there is offlinelist  on ms10:52
MrHippocampusTobias92: did pkg-config show other libraries?10:52
bazhangkurt: for ubuntu?10:52
lesshaste_is xvidcap available for ubuntu?  I can't find it with apt-cache search which seems surprising10:52
Tobias92MrHippocampus, lots and lots of them so I had to use grep to filter10:52
damdamit is in order to download some data between windows and ubuntu10:52
kurtbazhang: yes please10:52
Tobias92damdam, you could write to your windows partition with ubuntu but windows cant read ext3fs, which is ubuntu10:53
bazhangkurt: not sure10:53
MrHippocampusTobias92: hmm, thats strange10:53
thordamdam windows cannot read or write linux partitions, but linux can read and write windows partitions10:53
damdamyes i know that ubuntu is ok with NTFS10:54
buckydamdam, you can get a driver that will enable windows to see linux10:54
MrHippocampusdamdam: you can get windows to read an ext2/ext3 partition if you install a program called ext2ifs10:54
damdamok :)10:54
damdamthank you10:54
MrHippocampusdamdam: thats install ext2ifs on windows, not ubuntu btw :)10:54
Dan_someone have a second?10:54
damdami test it now ;)10:55
damdamit is for my girlfriend10:55
presto101anyone here got a nvidia 860010:55
damdamme i use ubuntu and my girlfriend windows (nobody is perfect) and the ubuntu partition is bigger10:55
chazcoDoes anyone know if its safe to run powertop - ie, can everything be eaisly undone if it goes wrong?10:56
Dan_I'm trying to install ubuntu, I select install/run ubunto from the options, it goes to the boot image screen with the progress bar, and the bar stops.10:56
faliesonI can see my samba shares from windows but if I try to connect to them it says "path not found"10:56
MrHippocampuschazco: it is safe to run powertop, the program itself doesnt change anything, it just displays information10:56
Tobias92MrHippocampus, any idea how I could make it show up in pkg-config?10:57
chazcoHmm... it gives options which seem to do things (e.g. disable HAL for the DVD drive, change USB options etc)...10:57
thorfalieson sounds like you defined the shares incorrectly. Did you install swat?10:57
MrHippocampusTobias92: installing the -dev for libgtkmm should make it work, what program are you trying to install?10:57
Dan_I thought it might have been a bad download, so I downloaded and made a new CD for it, tried again, and it did the exact same thing10:57
buckyDan_, are you running a live CD?10:57
chazcoThe DVD option seems to stop the drive from working, so nauturally I dont want that permentant (although it did up the power supply)10:57
buckyDan_, or an alternate?10:58
Tobias92MrHippocampus, something very exotic, its a tool to flash my ASURO robot10:58
faliesonthor: swat?10:58
^sa^goodmorning everybody10:58
Dan_its a live CD10:58
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about powertop - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi10:58
MrHippocampusTobias92: that is exotic, i was thinking trying to get synaptic to install the source of a similar package (which would get all of the -dev dependancies)10:59
^sa^i need some help: i have to disable my touchpad mouse... i hate it :P10:59
buckyDan_, what VGA card?10:59
^sa^can anyone help?10:59
thorfalieson swat is a web based config system for samba. It takes a little work to get it up and running, but it is well worth it instead of doing the samba config manually10:59
Dan_radeon 925010:59
faliesonthor: I'm been using kcontrol10:59
MrHippocampuschazco: the dvd drive should still work, it just wont auto-detect inseted dvd's10:59
Tobias92MrHippocampus, that'd be handy indeed ;)10:59
chazcoAh, handy to know i think10:59
Tobias92MrHippocampus, it's a german company that made it though, so all packages they provide are .rpm, and heavily outdated11:00
chazcoThe trouble is battery life in Ubuntu is less than it was in Vista, so...11:00
thor^sa^ try this in a terminal 'synclient TouchpadOff=1'11:00
Milotincan someone tell that if it's normal this : yesterday my network connection didn`t worked but the sound yes. when i managed to solve my network problem the sound crashed and when i tried to solve the sound the network crashed11:00
matrixi run sudo ,it says i was not in sudoers,so i have to edit /etc/sudoers,but how?11:00
^sa^thor synclient TouchpadOff=111:00
^sa^it gives me an error11:00
^sa^Can't access shared memory area. SHMConfig disabled?11:00
chazcoIt'd be nice if powertop would explain what some options mean in more detail11:01
MrHippocampuschazco: the best thing to do is look at the programs in the powertop list and stop anything running taking up a lot of interrupts11:01
thorfalieson ah...ok. Check the share definitions and make sure you have the full path for each. for instance, use /home/falieson/shared instead of ~/shared11:01
buckyDan_, did you check the md5sum? and did you check the CD for errors?11:01
Dan_I'm downloading the 6.06 distro right now to see if maybe it's the download from the website is bad.11:01
^sa^thor what else should i do11:01
MrHippocampuschazco: if you browse www.lesswatts.org you will find a lot of power saving information :)11:01
|stalker| Go channel #chatplanet11:01
faliesonthor: yeah it's /storage/torrents not a lot more to be done with that11:01
Dan_checked the cD for errors, it said it was fine11:01
thor^sa^ ok...was worth a shot. It works in my suse install but wasn't sure as I need the touch pad in ubuntu and hadn't tried it11:01
matrixhi, i run sudo ,it says i was not in sudoers,so i have to edit /etc/sudoers,but how?11:02
buckymatrix, visudo11:02
thorfalieson do you as the user have permissions in that folder? might be a permissions issue11:02
Dan_I already pitched the cd though, so I'll have to wait will this new one DLs to check the md5sum11:02
^sa^so whatelse can i do11:02
faliesonit's 75511:02
MrHippocampusTobias92: hmmm, this is strange, ive checked on my gentoo and it doesnt list gtkmm in pkg-config even though I do have it installed11:02
presto101anyone here use a geforce 8 card11:02
faliesonthor: the permissions are 75511:02
|stalker|Hi lohi11:03
matrixbucky: visudo,there is a root all :all all ,then what i need to add?11:03
Tobias92MrHippocampus, I got through it now :). I needed libgtkmm-2.4-dev plus tweaking the gtk sourcecode a bit11:03
buckymatrix, your user name with the same arguments as root11:03
buckymatrix, like matrix all:all all...11:04
thorfalieson 755 only gives the owner write permission...who is the owner of the folder?11:04
leagrisHello, I have troubles with IPv6 radvd on router, my laptop does not get an IP from the range configured on router. See radvd.conf here http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/49399, can you help please?11:04
MrHippocampusTobias92: good to hear :)11:04
Tobias92MrHippocampus, thanks for the helping-out though :)11:04
Dan_I can install onto a slave drive, right?11:04
MrHippocampusTobias92: no problem11:04
faliesonthor: I am (falieson) but the permissions on it are rwxr-xr-x11:05
Dan_then set ubuntu into the boot selection?11:05
thormatrix...something wrong there. You should have been added to that list when you installed. Ubuntu really doesn't use root...automatically defines the first user as an admin11:05
kurtwhen i try to reach my msn e-mails with amsn i get this error11:05
thorfalieson and when you attempt to access the share from windows, are you using your userid and password from linux?11:05
Milotincan someone tell that if it's normal this : yesterday my network connection didn`t worked but the sound yes. when i managed to solve my network problem the sound crashed and when i tried to solve the sound the network crashed11:05
faliesonthor: yes11:05
BenalexI am trying to install VMWare player, and it says "VMware Player cannot be installed on your computer type (i386)11:06
BenalexEither the application requires special hardware features or the vendor decided to not support your computer type."11:06
kurtcan't execute application : mozilla $url. check preferences11:06
buckyDan_, the bootloader should add Ubuntu automatically even if its on the slave11:06
faliesonthor: and in kcontrol I added my user figuring that would help in some sort of way11:06
thorfalieson yes...you need to do that. Don't know if kcontrol does this automatically, but I also needed to add my password using smbpasswd11:06
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about laptop-mode - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi11:06
ubotuLaptop support information can be found on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportMachinesLaptops - http://www.linux-laptop.net/ - http://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam - http://tuxmobil.org11:07
faliesonthor: nm - kcontrol doesn't seem to have to retained that user thing11:07
Dan_I mean, I never got past the initial option selection screen, so I don't think that was the problem, just making sure11:07
pgWhen I use my wireless card, my computer eratically freezes for 2-5 seconds.  No input or output.  Then /var/log/syslog is appended with the line "kernel: [ 4361.588000] ndiswrapper (miniport_reset:72): wlan0 is being reset".  Ubuntu's wifi page says the Windows driver and ndiswrapper should work for this card.11:07
buckykurt, look in the amsn preferences ,maybe you need to set the default browser or something11:07
kurtbucky: ok i see to that11:07
=== ajmorris|Nexuiz is now known as ajmorris_
buckyDan_, i suspect your problem is either a bad CD or something to do with the VGA driver. Burn at slow speed and if it doesnt work, google for similar issues with Radeon11:08
ubuntuxhey, does someone know how to get sound working in vmware workstation?11:09
matrixbucky: i have some requirments,that when i sudo do something,it needs passwd for root to pass?11:09
kurtspeaking of sounds : is there a way to get sounds when opening or closing windows11:09
Dan_I have onboard video too. But, I already researched my hardware and have the fixes ready11:09
ubuntuxkurt, why, i guess its annoying11:10
buckymatrix, this is what sudo does.it asks for your password, not the roor password11:10
faliesonthor: so i did smbpasswd and still nothing11:10
Dan_and the display was set to just VGA,11:10
carlhow can I start "/usr/lib/gnome-control-center/gnome-settings-daemon" at the beginning of windowmaker ?11:11
panosruhi i have problem with evolution mail client, i have 7 mail accounts from the same mail server everywhere works fine except of evolution i always get the error: Failed to read a valid greeting from POP server11:11
carlthis give life for my keys deads :D11:11
pgWhen I use my wireless card, my computer eratically freezes for 2-5 seconds.  No input or output.  Then /var/log/syslog is appended with the line "kernel: [ 4361.588000] ndiswrapper (miniport_reset:72): wlan0 is being reset".  Ubuntu's wifi page says the Windows driver and ndiswrapper should work for this card.11:11
BenalexI can't install VMWare player... VMware Player cannot be installed on your computer type (i386)Either the application requires special hardware features or the vendor decided to not support your computer type.11:12
humboltodoes anybody run ubuntu gutsy as a Xen virtualization host in a production system?11:12
matrixbucky: ok thank you11:12
Guanacogood evening, I am new at XChat, can anybody give me a hand?11:12
buckypg did you try googling similar problems? or searching thr ubuntu forums?11:12
buckyGuanaco, welcome11:13
Guanacobucky thanks11:13
Guanacosorry to disturb11:13
BenalexGuanaco: go #xchat :)11:13
GuanacoBenalex thank you11:13
kurtcan someone  help to set up my amsn so i can look at my messages11:13
majakukohola alguien m puede echar una mano  con una sintonizadora de tv?11:14
ubotuSi busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.11:14
buckykurt, there is an amsn irc chanel11:14
Milotincan someone tell that if it's normal this : yesterday my network connection didn`t worked but the sound yes. when i managed to solve my network problem the sound crashed and when i tried to solve the sound the network crashed11:15
buckyMilotin, doesnt sound normal...11:15
Milotinnow i can`t remember the dns ip for my connection to make the connection again11:16
Dan__ok, I'm burning on 2x speed.11:16
xorghi all11:18
matrixxorg: hi11:18
buckyxorg, hi11:19
BenalexI can't install VMWare player... VMware Player cannot be installed on your computer type (i386)Either the application requires special hardware features or the vendor decided to not support your computer type.11:19
leagrisHello, I have troubles with IPv6 radvd on router, my laptop does not get an IP from the range configured on router. See radvd.conf here http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/49399, can you help please?11:19
pgbucky: I did, but the hits are not too similar.11:19
Moultcan somebody help me get apache and php working on ubuntu?11:20
DjViperMoult: lamp :)11:20
MoultDjViper: nah :) I like manual.11:20
antonio_natale in crociera11:21
antonio_natale in crociera11:22
buckypg, sorry i dont use ndiswrapper. I would imagine that googling your wifi card plus ubuntu or plus debian will yield the solution.11:22
sullei cant open Screens and grapich to change my resolution.. what can i do ?11:24
buckyMoult, www.debianadmin.com/ apache2-web-server-with-php-support-in-ubuntu.html11:24
buckypg, whats your card?11:25
Milotincan someone tell that if it's normal this : yesterday my network connection didn`t worked but the sound yes. when i managed to solve my network problem the sound crashed and when i tried to solve the sound the network crashed11:25
westdatawho are you?11:26
sulleI cant open Screens and grapich to change my resolution.. what can I do?. plz help me out.11:26
buckysulle, you probably need to edit the xorg.conf file. remeber to make a backup beforehand11:27
westdataThere are Chinese?11:27
westdataThere are Chinese?11:28
westdataThere are Chinese?11:28
westdataThere are Chinese?11:28
sullebucky: thats where i will get a problem. i dont know so much about how to correct the xorg file since i am not so familiar with Linux.11:28
buckywestdata, chinese people?11:28
sulleSry my bad english.11:28
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about h.264 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi11:28
Andycassscould somone pastebin the default /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/proxy.conf for me?11:29
buckysulle, my suggestion is to post your xorg.conf in the ubuntu forum.google for similar issues..11:29
sulleokok =)11:29
mortalwould you install kubuntu or ubuntu for a complete gnu/linux noob?11:30
buckymortal, ubuntu11:30
membrivebucky why ubuntu and not kubuntu ?11:31
buckymembrive, more support for gnome in the forums11:31
eshathey all,... my notebook hotkeys doesn't work properly,... if i press FN+Up or FN+Down i only see this symbol saying, that i switch volume between 0% and 11% but that does affect volume at all... mute and unmute works,... any ideas?11:31
reZoif i have two sound cards,  how do i set the default one in 7.10?11:31
Andycassscould somone please pastebin the default /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/proxy.conf for me?11:31
buckywestdata, i can read ,but cant type. qing jiang...11:32
membrivebucky, in my opinion, the problems for noobs are not the desktop11:32
=== ajmorris_ is now known as ajmorris_|AFK
buckymembrive, many instructiion would say gedit this and gedit that...11:33
iDopewell they are11:33
B-rabbit!Chinese | westdata11:33
ubotuwestdata: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk11:33
buckywestdata, shenme jiao QICO?11:33
westdata、I would like to LINUX installed OICQ below, but no appropriate customer11:33
iDopebucky is right on the matter of simple commands. noobs dont recognize something as a text editor they recognize "gedit" or a "kate""11:34
westdataA chat software11:34
iDopeand if that isn't found they are lost11:34
iDopeand frustrated11:34
buckywestdata, oh...buzhidao....shi zhongwen de ruanjian?11:34
solmumahaanyone able to help me with lirc?11:35
westdatawhere are you ?11:35
buckywestdata, shanghai\11:35
westdataOICQ  NI BU ZHIDAO?11:36
westdataqq  ni zhidao bu ?11:36
buckybu zhidao....xiang QQ ma?11:36
Andycassscould somone please pastebin the default /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/proxy.conf for me?11:36
westdatashi a11:36
westdatahehe ~11:37
westdatani de xitong shi sm banben?11:37
buckycha yixiua  zhonwen de ubuntu forums11:37
buckywo de SCIM you wenti....11:38
westdata我的计算机是WINDOWS 2003 SERVER   我在虚拟机上装的LINUX11:39
buckyni google yixia QQ + ubuntu.11:40
buckywestdata, deng yixia11:42
humboltohow is that now? xen 3.0.3 does not even support 64bit PV guests on a 64bit host? Only HVM?11:42
anquietasHow can I load a driver (.ko) manually?11:43
Guest16155hello, i installed ubuntu on my new computer , but i think the ubuntu didnt detect my network card , i cant get access to the internet or to the local network ?11:43
B-rabbitGuest16155, try disabling and enabling your network again11:44
buckywestdata, http://www.91linux.com/html/linux_pub/debian/20070320/1079.html#11:44
holycowbucky: just out of curiosity, what did he want?11:44
holycowbucky: that looked cool :)11:44
Moultwhat is the easiest way to install apache, php, mysql, zend optimizer and the regular server stuff on Ubuntu?11:45
buckyholycow, he wanted to install QQ on Linux11:45
buckyQQ is a Chinese chatting software11:45
holycowi was about to ask ... cool11:45
rskMoult: install LAMP11:45
holycowbucky: is linux becomming known in china?11:45
B-rabbitGuest16155, system>administration>Network  and then turn off and on the wired connection11:45
buckyholycow, no, everybody uses pirated XP11:46
Moultbucky: so do we here in malaysia :)11:46
holycowbucky: so in other words we stand no chance eh?11:46
iDopeand here in pakistan too11:46
* IndyGunFreak is one of the few left who still has a legit copy of XP.11:46
buckyholycow, the only place linux is succesful is in mobile phones11:46
iDopebut im using(or not using) the legit Vista Home Premium that cam with my laptop11:47
IndyGunFreakbucky: ?.. you don't deal w/ servers much do you11:47
holycowiDope: really eh?11:47
buckyIndyGunFreak, in China11:47
holycowbucky:  so no one cares about gpl or freedom or things like that eh?11:47
IndyGunFreakbucky: oh ok.11:47
buckyholycow, freedom?11:47
IndyGunFreakbucky: i didn't think you all were allowed on the internet in china.11:47
buckyholycow, in China!11:48
Cinhow does one tell firefox which sound device to use?11:48
iDopecurrently im on Linux Mint11:48
holycowlol, one would think it would be especially precious over there11:48
IndyGunFreakCin: firefox will use your system's default sound device11:48
buckyIndyGunFreak, allowed....but only on pirated XP11:48
IndyGunFreakbucky: whats the punishment if caughT?11:48
Cinindygunfreak: is it possible to change that on the fly or do i have to reboot when  want to change it?11:48
iDopeMoult: in regards to your question... http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=20959611:49
buckyIndyGunFreak, using a legal XP? death by hanging11:49
IndyGunFreakCin: you can change it, but i don't know about "on the fly".11:49
chronosxheheh to browse some wikipedia here in china, i pass the the url in translate.google.com, that do the trick for displaying pages :-D11:49
IndyGunFreakbucky: ?  are you serious11:49
Cinindygunfreak: by "on the fly", i mean, say, i close firefox, change my default sound card, then open firefox again11:49
buckyIndyGunFreak, never seen a legal XP in China. so i dont know11:49
Guest16155B-rabbit: how i disabling & enabling my network ?11:49
iDopelegal XP is a cardinal sin in China11:50
holycowbucky works for chinese police11:50
IndyGunFreakbucky: ok..lol11:50
B-rabbitGuest16155, system>administration>Network11:50
holycowbucky: thats neat.  how come you are using ubuntu?11:50
IndyGunFreakCin: i'm sure there is a way, but i'm not sure, other than changing the device in your sound settings, why do you want to do this?11:50
B-rabbitGuest16155, r u using wired connection or mordem?11:51
tarsinso, my cpu fan is running at full speed.  i  dont seem to have any options in /proc/acpi that allow me to control its speed, only to see its state: ON.. whats the best approach to finding out if i can control it?  do i need to be searching for things like specific motherboard support?11:51
buckyholycow, i am buddhist , i dont want to steal, i cannot afford 400 yuasn XP11:51
holycowbucky: v v cool11:51
IndyGunFreakbucky: whats that in US?11:51
holycowseriously cool11:51
iDopevery nice bucky11:51
buckyholycow, my russian friend introduced me to debian11:51
buckyIndo 7.3 yuan =us$11:51
Cinindygunfreak: because at night when my housemates are asleep i have to use my headphones, which is USB so it's recognised as a separate device. and during the day i want to go back to speakers11:52
Andycassswhat was the cmd to symlink11:52
holycowbucky: thats awesome, welcome11:52
iDopeln -s11:52
buckyIndyGunFreak, 7.3yuan=1$11:52
holycowiDope: your in pakistan? hehe thats neat too11:53
iDopeAndycasss: you still need the default proxy.conf ?11:53
iDopeyeah im in NWFP actually11:53
IndyGunFreakholy crap, if this conversion calculator is right, 400 yuan, is 2950 in US!11:53
IndyGunFreakthats insane11:53
iDopethe province closest to Afghanistan11:53
AndycasssiDope: No, i got it fixed - i think11:53
holycowIndyGunFreak: your doing it wrong11:53
Guest16155B-rabbit: still not working (network)11:53
buckyIndyGunFreak, you are wrong11:53
B-rabbitiDope, isn't Amir khan from Pakistan ?11:53
IndyGunFreakok, hold on11:53
FujitsuIndyGunFreak: Other way around.11:54
eshathey all,... my notebook hotkeys doesn't work properly,... if i press FN+Up or FN+Down i only see this symbol saying, that i switch volume between 0% and 11% but that does affect volume at all... mute and unmute works,... any ideas?11:54
B-rabbitiDope, the boxer11:54
holycow400/7 roughly11:54
buckyIndyGunFreak, close to 50$11:54
iDopethe boxer I guess he is11:54
iDopethe actor, no he is from India11:54
IndyGunFreakhmm, i think this conversion table is jacked up then, cuz it says 2947.20 in American, is the equivalent of 400 Chineese Yuan11:54
holycowiDope: how come you use linux? is linux at all known in pakistan?11:54
skoldhey when i want to restart the window manager from the virtual terminal, i have to export the display, i just cant remember how, can someody help me?11:55
iDopewell I am an engineering student and in these waters a mega-uber-geek11:55
FujitsuIndyGunFreak: Are you sure you're not reading it the wrong way around?11:55
IndyGunFreakFujitsu: either way, it should b equal amounts....11:55
iDopeso yes I use Linux, and spread it the best I can11:55
FujitsuIndyGunFreak: Why?11:55
holycowiDope: cool!11:55
IndyGunFreakno, there it went.. never mind.11:55
Guest16155can someone please help me. i installed ubuntu , but he didnt detect my network card.. i cant access the network11:55
IndyGunFreakwonder how that happened,11:56
holycowiDope: is linux known in pakistan at all? or is it like china, windows is free so people don't care?11:56
buckyIndyGunFreak, its about  50$, how much is XP in USA?11:56
iDopewell now they are starting to care11:56
IndyGunFreakbucky: full version, usually around 13011:56
iDopeppl actually want a licensed copy of windows11:56
MrHippocampusskold: 'DISPLAY=:0.0 windowmanager' minus the quotes should work11:56
Benalexholycow... Linux is known eveywhere!!... and Pakistan one of the most software developing countries... after India11:56
iDopeesp in corporate environments11:56
holycowiDope: heh, neato11:56
skoldMrHippocampus: thanks11:56
MrHippocampusskold: windowmanager being the window manager you want to run11:56
holycowBenalex: as i'm learning11:56
buckyIndyGunFreak, I see, but avarage salary in shanghai 2000yuan11:56
iDope90% still use pirated XP11:56
iDopemaybe 95%11:56
holycowno one is upgrading to pirated vista either?11:57
iDopebut the interest in having legit software is increasing11:57
janpeii've installed ubuntu yesterday11:57
holycowthats funny11:57
IndyGunFreakbucky: is that a year, a week, etc?11:57
BenalexiDope: ... nope... may be 95% doesn't want to purchase WinXP... but most people purchase it with laptops :)11:57
janpeii don't understand it11:57
iDopethose who are comfortable with years of pirated XP use don't want change11:57
buckyIndyGunFreak, month11:57
buckyIndyGunFreak, its the highest in the country, other provinces much lower11:58
iDopejanpei: Ubuntu is an Afrikaans word11:58
janpeii can't install the programs that i've downloaded from internet11:58
IndyGunFreakjanpei: well, "I don't understand it" isn't a very good description of a problem11:58
chickenFuegoIndyGunFreak, it there some state-supported linux developpement in india/pakistan? check http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_Flag_Linux11:58
IndyGunFreakjanpei: what program?11:58
holycowjanpei: what do you need help with?11:58
janpeican i install amsn?11:58
RicMarHello everybody. I'm having a big problem. I used ubuntu since the 6.4 version and I was satisfied. BUt once I've upgrade to 7.1 I'm having problems with the hardware11:58
B-rabbit!ubuntu | janpei11:58
ubotujanpei: Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com11:58
IndyGunFreakjanpei: you need to learn how to use the package manager.11:58
LimCorewhere to report general bugs?11:58
LimCorelike fonts are broken11:59
holycowjanpei: system/admin/synaptic11:59
iDopejanpei try using synaptic11:59
holycowyou can install tons of software from there11:59
IndyGunFreakjanpei: you can use amsn, but my understanding is, the linux version sucks.. most people use pidgin11:59
holycowjanpei: what IndyGunFreak said is good advice, use pidgin instead11:59
iDopepidgin is much better than aMSN IMHO11:59
IndyGunFreak!synaptic | janpei11:59
ubotujanpei: synaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto11:59
RicMarThe problem is: I shutdown but the system doesn't poweroff... Someone could help me?11:59
iDopeso holycow where are u from?11:59
janpeiok....i'm italian i don't understand all your word11:59
B-rabbitjanpei, https://help.ubuntu.com/12:00
LimCoreI was fucking right! https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-meta/+bug/2092112:00
LimCorestupid bug :[12:00
buckyjanpei, this is a good read http://monkeyblog.org/ubuntu/installing/12:00
ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!12:00
Myrtti!language | LimCore12:00
ubotuLimCore: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.12:00
holycowjanpei: try that12:00
eshatis there a way to blacklist a module in kernel paramter12:00
holycowmaybe those channels are more helpfull12:00
holycowjanpei: you are welcome12:00
IndyGunFreakjanpei: i doubt anyone is there right now, you might get lucky12:01
=== threefcata_ is now known as threefcata
ubotuTo blacklist a module, edit /etc/modprobe.d/my_blacklist and add « blacklist <modulename> » to the end of that list - To explicitly load modules in a specific order, list them in /etc/initramfs-tools/modules and type « sudo update-initramfs -u »12:01
holycoweshat: try that12:01
janpeithanx...i can't use windows....its rotten12:01
RicMarI have a problem: I shutdown but the system doesn't poweroff... Someone could help me?12:01
chickenFuegoeshat, check /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist12:01
buckyjanpei, pls read the link i sent you12:01
eshatholycow: no ,.,. i need it fot the live cd ,.. and for that i need to blacklist it in kernel paramter12:01
eshatchickenFuego: : no ,.,. i need it fot the live cd ,.. and for that i need to blacklist it in kernel paramter12:02
=== nefasto is now known as n3f4570
chickenFuegoI see eshat.12:02
Fujitsueshat: Can you not just remove it once you've booted?12:02
holycowwell you are going to havet remaster the cd if you want to permanently blacklist it12:03
holycowotherwise just sudo rmmod kernelmodule12:03
holycowthats it12:03
IndyGunFreakholycow: well if thats all..12:03
eshatFujitsu: i just don't want to turn acpi off,... cause my machine won't boot if a specific moduel is loaded,.. so there must be a way for to blacklist one in kernelparamaters12:03
eshatholycow: see what i told Fujitsu12:03
holycoweshat: knoppix allows to pass parameters on boot, ubuntu live cd MIGHT have that as well12:04
holycowi don't know tho12:04
Fujitsueshat: Try modulename.blacklist=yes12:04
RicMarI have a problem: I shutdown but the system doesn't poweroff... Someone could help me please?12:04
leagrisHello, I have troubles with IPv6 radvd on router, my laptop does not get an IP from the range configured on router. See radvd.conf here http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/49399, can you help please?12:04
MrHippocampuseshat: its possible to load no modules on boot with load_modules=off as a kernel parameter, but then it might not boot because of not finding other modules :(12:05
holycoweshat: unfortunately you will haveto google that, i've never had to do it yet on any live cd12:05
IndyGunFreakleagris: your pastebin is no good12:05
thedooresclavo, can u help me with my HDD?12:05
iDopehey by the way..12:05
buckyRichiH, what computer?12:05
thedooreshat, can u help me?12:05
leagrisIndyGunFreak, what you mean by no good, can't read it?12:06
Bassettsis there a way to see where a file is being downloaded from in firefox? like the full path of the file12:06
iDopeanyone know of a file copying utility which can resume broken transfers12:06
holycowthedoor: just ask the question plz12:06
IndyGunFreakleagris: it comes up invalid12:06
CaptainMorganis it possible to set up terminal to open to a new default size at program startup ?12:06
IndyGunFreaku sure the link is right?12:06
kopolovI am trying to create a connection between the Ubuntu login process and AFS authentication. If you know how to do it, please email me to kopolov@gmail.com. Thank you very much.12:06
iDopeby copying utility i mean something like cp/mv12:06
rglhi.  I'm trying to use aide with dapper, but it segfaults... any idea how to fix it?12:06
holycowBassetts: edit/preferences, check the download path.  or in the download manager check the download location at the bottom12:06
B-rabbitthedoor, people cannot know if they could help u unless u ask the question12:06
leagrisIndyGunFreak, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/49399/12:06
eshatthedoor: whats the problem ?12:06
FujitsuiDope: rsync?12:06
buckyCaptainMorgan, yes, check the user setting12:07
thedoorholycow, my HDD are so slowly on linux and i don't know why, the DMA is active and in the hdparm the speed are less tah 900k/s12:07
iDopedoes rsync work on local files?12:07
CaptainMorganbucky, if it's there, I'm not sure where.. as I've looked12:07
Bassettsholycow, I want to see the full path of where the file is coming from12:07
ajopaul_on my gutsy machine i compiled latest from svn with ./configure --enable-gui --enable-x11 but when play any files i dont get full screen12:07
FujitsuiDope: Yes.12:07
ajopaul_i.e mplayer12:07
buckyCaptainMorgan, which terminal, gnome?12:07
holycowthedoor: i wouldn't be able to tell you anything more than to turn dma on.  outside of that i wouldn't really mess with hdparm settings you can hose an hd very easily.  may i make a dumb suggestion?  try a different hd instead? it will probably save you lots of headaches considering hdparm deals with the mechanics of a spinning platter mechanism12:08
CaptainMorganbucky,  yes12:08
IndyGunFreakleagris: sorry, no clue on that one.12:08
Fujitsuajopaul_: You'll want to ask the mplayer folks about that.12:08
holycowBassetts: comming from?12:08
Bassettsholycow, I want to see the full URL of the file I am downloading12:08
ajopaul_Fujitsu, okie12:08
ShadowCallhey, why when i start up ubuntu Live CD do i get sound with a massive screeching over the top. But when i use the installed version it doesnt even recognise my sound card12:09
iDopei used to have Copy Handler on Windows12:09
holycowBassetts: well firefox isn't programmed to give you that interfaces, mostly because its useless.  if you want that i would recommend searching for an extension that allows for that feature ... i'm sure there are a good number already.12:09
iDopethe developer has been silent for a while now12:09
buckyCaptainMorgan, sadly i am using KDE now, but i rember you could set it in Gnome. edit>current profile I thinlk12:09
IndyGunFreakShadowCall: so you have no sound at all?12:09
ShadowCalli cant even12:09
Fujitsurgl: Does it look anything like bug #28444?12:09
ShadowCallchange the volume controls12:09
thedoorholycow, i don't have money to buy a new HDD =], the wirte on the drive is ok, but the read are so slowly12:09
IndyGunFreakShadowCall: open a terminal, and put in lspci and see how it identifies your sound device12:09
CaptainMorganbucky, my profile for the terminal is set to Default, .... within Edit > Profiles there's no settings for display width and height12:09
Fujitsurgl: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/aide/+bug/2844412:10
holycowBassetts: i think thats the only way  your going to enable that sort of info without doing the work your self.   you can also mouse over the link and look at the bottom of your browser to see the path.12:10
iDopeand I expected someone would write a Nautilus or Konqueror extension to give some similar functionality but I guess that hasn't happened12:10
ShadowCallIntel Corporation 82801G (ICH7 Family) High Definition Audio Controller (rev 02)12:10
IndyGunFreakShadowCall: thats why12:10
IndyGunFreak!intelhda | ShadowCall12:10
ubotuShadowCall: For fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto12:10
holycowBassetts: there is another option: install downloader for x and the install an extension called 'quick download' or something.12:10
CaptainMorganbucky, I know what you mean, it's not there... there's got to be a terminal.config text file somewhere where I can set this......12:10
ShadowCallive tried this tut before12:10
ShadowCallbut i dont understand it12:10
ShadowCallim new to linux u see12:10
IndyGunFreakShadowCall: well, the tutorial is fairly clear in its instructions.12:11
holycowBassetts: what will happen then is when you download files d4x will handle the download instead of firefox and it will give you the url of the link and a whole ton of other information12:11
holycowthat should actually do it nicely.12:11
ShadowCallyes it is12:11
leagrisIndyGunFreak, can you read my radvd.conf or no clue on the issue?12:11
IndyGunFreakso what did you not understand?12:11
Bassettsthanks holycow12:11
IndyGunFreakleagris: no clue on the issue...12:11
ShadowCallwhen it means ~/downloads12:11
ShadowCallwat that mean12:11
ShadowCallwere is that?12:11
holycowthedoor: :/ *hmm* stick around.  perhaps a hardware guru might show up12:11
Fujitsuleagris: Do you get link-local v6 addresses on your clients?12:11
rglFujitsu, yes.  I also found this http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/changelogs/pool/main/a/aide/aide_0.11a-4/changelog  which has a release for a segfault buf after the release we have on dapper.12:11
buckyCaptainMorgan,  cause I dont have Gnome i cant help you , but there arre many types of terminals12:12
holycowdon't forget most users are eu / us based, considering the time of day and the fact its the holidays you might need to be aptient tho12:12
holycowsorry i couldn't be of more help12:12
IndyGunFreakShadowCall: you're supposed to create it...  type this w/o quotes, and i'll get you to compiling the driver.. "/join #indygunfreak"12:12
thedoorholycow, is not a hardware problem, in the windows it works fine/12:12
leagrisFujitsu, Yes, link_local ok, get ipv6 route for the advertised block but no scope_global IP12:12
CaptainMorganbucky,  and anyone else willing to help, it's the standard terminal found in Application > Accessories > Terminal12:12
Fujitsuleagris: My radvd.conf is similar, but has the following underneath AdvSendAdvert:12:13
Fujitsu        MaxRtrAdvInterval 30;12:13
FujitsuIt may just not be sending them frequently enough.12:13
leagrisFujitsu, will try that12:14
ThiagoBrunogood morning12:15
buckyCaptainMorgan, i can do it easily in Konsole12:15
Bassettsholycow, where can I get "quick download"12:15
iDopeby the way anyone successful in starting Compiz with Xinerama on an nvidia card in Gutsy Gibbon ?12:15
holycowBassetts: well you will be searching for download extensions for firefox.  select tools / addons and go to that site12:16
ThiagoBrunowhat compile htb-tools in ubuntu 7.10 ?12:16
iDopeI had it working in the Fiesty based Linux Mint 3.1 (Celena)12:16
holycowBassetts: you will haveto do the searching your self and figure out how to hook it up to d4x, i'm not in the mood to do the work right now :)12:16
iDopebut now Compiz gives a seg fault when Xinerama is enabled12:16
FujitsuiDope: I do so at work.12:16
iDopeand TwinView isn't as good12:16
FujitsuiDope: Oh, right, not Xinerama. I use TwinView.12:16
Bassettsholycow, flashgot should do the job12:16
holycowflashgot thats the one12:16
holycowlol :) nice your fast12:16
holycowiDope: twinview is superior to xinerama12:17
iDopeTwinview shows all open windows in the task bar even though they are not on the current visible workspace12:17
iDopeyes but this little thing is pesky12:17
holycowif you have nvidia card you should be using twinview12:17
iDopeotherwise i do agree its more mature12:17
AceOfSpadesCan I use the awk command only for files, or can I use it with bash commands too?12:17
holycowthat has nothing to do with twinview12:17
RainCTmy PC gets often really slow after some hours of being on, but if I reboot it works fine again but I find a several MB big "core" file in my home. any idea what the problem could be?12:17
holycowconfigure your window manager to handle that properly12:17
martinwI googled quite a bit but I just can't find a simple way to convert flac to mp3. Which works.. How do I do it?12:18
iDopeany ponters holycow?12:18
iDopeits recognizing my workspaces right12:18
Fujitsumartinw: Try soundconverter (disclaimer: I maintain the package)12:18
holycowiDope: i'm on kde, you can configure it here, i don't remember on gnome tho :/12:18
buckyCaptainMorgan, try eterm, aterm or xterm12:18
iDopeim apt-getting kde as we speak12:19
chazcoCan anyone help me get Ubuntu to match the battery life my laptop has with Vista, or even XP?12:19
buckyCaptainMorgan, and try urxvt12:19
MrHippocampusRainCT: you get core.* files when a program crashes and the memory its using is written to a file. if you have a few of them some program is crashing a lot12:19
holycowwell i'm not saying you should use it12:19
d1me0Hi! i have read that's possible to upgrade from feisty to gutsy using an alternate installation CD: however i have an x64 and a 64bit ubuntu installation (not IA64), is there an alternate image for that flavor too?12:20
iDopeno I actually like KDE12:20
iDopemuch more than Gnome12:20
leagrisFujitsu, no lock, updated the pastes: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/49403/12:20
Fujitsud1me0: That's the amd64 alternate CD.12:20
iDopejust the thought of the many PROBLEMS i might face installing it on a GNOME based distro kept me at bay12:20
buckyd1me0, whatever you do .back up before you do anything12:20
iDopebut here I go then12:20
AndycasssDoes anyone know which ports need to be forwarded for Citadel to work?12:20
wonderwalwhich ubuntu livecds ship with the latest 2.6.2x kernel?12:20
d1me0Fujitsu, yes, but it's nowhere to be found...12:21
leagrisFujitsu, if I add an IPv6 to interface wlan0 manually it works though12:21
holycowiDope: there are no problems12:21
d1me0Fujitsu, there's the  IA64 only12:21
holycowyou install kubuntu desktop and on login you select which de you want to use12:21
d1me0bucky, thank you for the advice12:21
holycowits completely transparent12:21
dobribobhey folks, does anybody know how to improve rendering of the Monaco font?12:21
Fujitsuwonderwal: Ubuntu 7.10 ships with Linux 2.6.22. Ubuntu 8.04 Alpha 2 ships with a prerelease of 2.6.24, but it is strongly recommended that non-developers do not run it.12:22
wonderwalFujitsu: ok thanks12:22
stefan__somebody please i need to install realplayer on my kubuntu 7.1012:22
buckyd1me0, i also suggest creating a /home partition12:22
Fujitsud1me0: http://releases.ubuntu.com/7.10/ says otherwise.12:22
iDopeso do I add the Kubuntu Repos and install kubuntu-desktop or can I just apt-get kde?12:22
stefan__any deb packages around?12:22
auraxcan anyone help me out? i want to add new drive to my ubuntu server and install few distros there and being able to access them using grub12:22
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats12:22
iDopeas in will there be a difference?12:22
AceOfSpadesawk '{print $1}' screen -ls | grep DALnet <---- it says cannot open screen (no such file of directory)12:22
FujitsuiDope: Kubuntu uses the same repositories as Ubuntu.12:22
stefan__ok thanks12:22
iDopemy sources.list only has the default Ubuntu Gutsy repos12:23
CaptainMorganbucky, thanks, but none of those even have a menubar or appear to have a menu that I navigate to make configuration edits... besides, judging by the look of them, I'm going to stick with Terminal12:23
holycowiDope: no apt-cache search kubuntu-desktop12:23
holycowthat will pull in everything for you12:23
d1me0bucky, thank you (keep anyway in mind that im not a noob about linux in general ;-) (no offense taken anyway))12:23
FujitsuAceOfSpades: Perhaps you want `screen -ls | awk...'?12:23
iDopethanx a million holycow12:23
buckyCaptainMorgan, you need to edit files in .Xdefaults12:24
martinwSOundconverter looks perfect.12:24
RainCTMrHippocampus: I've only a big "core" file (called just like that, without the .<whatever>). Yesterday Nautilus was freezing constantly (I closed it, it asked me to force, and then it respawned and was frozed again lol) but I think the times this happened before there was no crash/freeze12:24
Fujitsumartinw: Aha, that's good.12:24
RainCTuhm.. might this be an issue with Hardy's kernel?12:24
d1me0Fujitsu, thank you... seems like there's a broken/outdated page then, the link i was looking at didn't listed that CD (and it's official): http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ports/releases/gutsy/release/12:24
d1me0(just to show im not completely dumb :-) )12:25
buckyd1me0, sorry....can never be sure12:25
FujitsuRainCT: You shouldn't be asking Hardy questions in here :)12:25
Fujitsud1me0: The key there is the `ports/' bit of the URL.12:25
AceOfSpadesFujitsu: Can I use the output from awk to another command?12:25
d1me0bucky, i understand and appreciated that12:25
FujitsuPorts are the unofficial architectures.12:25
AndycasssDoes anyone know which ports need to be forwarded for Citadel to work?12:25
RainCTFujitsu: I've Gutsy, but with Hardy's kernel (they asked me to install it to check if a problem I reported was fixed)12:25
d1me0didn't know that12:25
d1me0thank you Fujitsu!12:25
FujitsuAceOfSpades: Yes. `screen -ls | awk '{print $1}' | grep DALnet' should do what6 you want.12:25
RainCTwell I'll try uninstalling it12:25
AceOfSpadesFujitsu: screen -ls | grep DALnet | cut -f1 -d '.' | kill awk '{print $1}' <--- This is what I'm trying...12:26
AceOfSpadesFujitsu: I need to kill the process12:26
auraxcan any one help out with multiboot?12:26
FujitsuErm, you might need to stick a `-' on the end of the awk command line to make it read stdin.12:26
buckyCaptainMorgan, if Konsole doesnt have many dependencies - i would try that. it is easy to configure12:27
Sharpieif i want to delete everything in a directory, except for files that end in .avi, which pattern can i use? (i tried using rm ./*.!avi or something but it obviously didn't work)12:27
AceOfSpadesFujitsu: screen -ls | grep DALnet | cut -f1 -d '.' | kill awk '{print $1}' -  <--- Like this?12:27
FujitsuAceOfSpades: That won't work.12:28
FujitsuDo you mean:12:28
MrHippocampusRainCT: apparently if you do "file core" it will tell you the name of the program which dumped it12:28
Fujitsukill `awk '{print $1}' -`12:28
RainCTcore: ELF 32-bit LSB core file Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), SVR4-style12:28
d1me0One last question, does anybody knows if the Gutsy gibbon fixes the HP Pavillion dv6xxx/AMD problems? That's why im thinking about the upgrade...12:28
AceOfSpadesFujitsu: Okay, that works, thanks :)12:28
Fujitsud1me0: Which problems?12:28
FujitsuAceOfSpades: Great :)12:29
d1me0random freezes12:29
d1me0and ACPI/irq problems12:29
MrHippocampusRainCT: hmmm, doesnt look like theres anything useful there :(12:29
d1me0not a linux problem, of course, HP acpi implementation seem bogus12:29
Fujitsud1me0: Is it fairly new hardware?12:29
d1me01 year, more or less12:29
FujitsuIt's quite possible that the newer kernel will like it more.12:30
d1me0seem like that a lot of people (like me) are forced to run with irqfixup and noapic to get a stable system12:30
RainCTuninstalling the 2.6.24 kernel removed the /vmlinux file, do I need to run something to restore it?12:30
d1me0mmh... i had liked to know it for sure, but thank you. I'll try anyway12:30
FujitsuRainCT: That shouldn't kill anything.12:30
Sharpieif i want to delete everything in a directory, except for files that end in .avi, which pattern can i use? (i tried using rm ./*.!avi or something but it obviously didn't work)12:30
SAngeliHi, I just added to repository the deb link for skype but installed only ver. 1.4 How to install latest beta version that offers video?12:31
FujitsuSAngeli: Talk to the owners of that repository.12:31
RainCTMrHippocampus and Fujitsu: thanks12:31
buckySAngeli, go to skype.com12:31
FujitsuSharpie: I'm not quite sure how to do it properly, but you could move *.avi away for a moment, then delete everything...12:31
d1me0Fujitsu, since you seem to know a lot, do you know if using a CD for the upgrade will remove from my system the packages that cannot be upgraded from the CD?12:32
SharpieFujitsu: yeah, thought about that, but i'm still looking for a proper way to do it12:32
papagoosethats the link to the skype beta with video12:32
Fujitsud1me0: It shouldn't, but I haven't done it recently.12:32
d1me0ok, thank you!12:32
crush_groovemornin room12:33
FujitsuHi crush_groove.12:33
d1me0thank you all! Bye!12:33
SAngeliNobody is using skype on ubuntu?12:33
papagoosei am12:33
AceOfSpadesWhich file do I add an alias in, .bashrc?12:33
MrHippocampusSharpie: try rm *.[^avi]12:33
papagooseSAngeli, go to http://www.skype.com/intl/en/download/skype/linux/beta/ to get the video beta12:34
buckySAngeli, i am. i downloaded the beta from skype.com12:34
SAngelithank you12:34
SharpieMrHippocampus: nope12:34
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buckySAngeli, google {skype beta linux|12:34
papagoosehmmm is my xchat working?12:35
SAngeliIs there a how to or something that tells me how to install it once I downloaded it? Do I first have to uninstall what I currently synaptic has installed?12:35
Fujitsupapagoose: I can't here you.12:35
buckySAngeli, choose the deb file and just click on it, u dont need to uninstall12:35
SAngeliSo, I can use both the beta and the regular skype, correct?12:36
auraxso.. can anyone help me out with multiboot?12:36
buckySAngeli, no..it will update your skype to beta12:36
chris19jemand der deutsch spricht hier?12:36
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de12:37
chris19ahhh danke =) ;)12:37
AceOfSpadesalias killDAL='screen -ls | grep DALnet | tail -1 | cut -f1 -d '.' | kill `awk '{print $1}'`' <---- I added this in .bashrc, but it says alias: }` not found12:37
buckySAngeli, what version of Ubuntu are u running?12:37
FujitsuAceOfSpades: You've used quotes within the quotes.12:37
buckySAngeli, look here:http://www.skype.com/intl/en/download/skype/linux/beta/choose/12:37
SAngelilatest version, just installed yesterday12:37
FujitsuAceOfSpades: Escape the quotes around the braces with a backslash.12:37
AceOfSpadesah, okay12:38
papagoosethe beta does work on 7.10, just use the 7.04 link12:38
buckySAngeli, in that link choose `ubuntu`12:38
SAngeliI have downloaded it and am installing it as of now.12:38
iDopehey how do I switch between workspaces while using Compiz on Twinview12:39
E-muwho here knows a bit about ndiskwrapper for ubuntu 7.1012:39
MrHippocampusSharpie: this one shoud work "rm *.[^a][^v][^i]", a bit long but ive tested it and it works12:39
buckySAngeli, best to install by running the command sudo dpkg -i name_of_package.deb12:39
iDopeI just realizes TwinView treats the whole cube as one Workspace12:39
SAngelibucky: thank you I was not aware it was so easy to install it.12:39
iDopeand I have sent some of my open windows to another workspace12:39
SAngeliI have installed it and it works fine. Thank you12:39
iDopeanyone knows a keyboard sortcut to switch the workspaces?12:40
buckySAngeli, all the best12:40
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SharpieMrHippocampus: but then it won't delete .inf files (just a random example)12:40
SAngelibucky: Can you advice me a place where I can find some docs for learning more about ubuntu and how to tun it? Can I use www.gnome-look.org/ for making ubuntu nicer?12:40
AceOfSpadesFujitsu: It says alias }/` not found12:41
Hex_101I have ubuntu 64bit edition, anf for som reason my CPU is at 100% [according to System Monitor] But when i look in the processes, there is only max of 5% used, whats causing it?12:41
FujitsuAceOfSpades: That's a forward slash.12:41
papagooseSAngeli: Have you got desktop effects enabled with compiz-fusion?12:41
buckySAngeli, ,my internet is very slow so i cant send links. google `install everything in ubuntu`12:41
MrHippocampusSharpie, it works fine for me, the command just leaves all the .avi's in a directory12:41
SAngeliYes, i guess12:41
AceOfSpadesFujitsu: I tried the other slash and it's showing more errors12:42
buckySAngeli, also google `psychocats`12:42
papagooseSAngeli: So you have like minimising effects and fading etc?12:42
SAngeliNo, I have great effects as installed nvidia driver and xgl effects12:43
FujitsuiDope: Ctrl+Alt+(Left|Right)?12:43
SAngeliI am not able to make the cube and arrange my desktop but I guess I have to learn how to do so12:43
iDopethat rotates the cube12:43
iDopebut the workspace is the same12:43
iDopeso I cant find my windows12:43
blazemongerwhy do i get scrollkeeper parser errors when i update ubuntu gibbon?12:43
AceOfSpadesFujitsu: http://www.nomorepasting.com/getpaste.php?pasteid=880712:43
FujitsuAh, Compiz doesn't do workspaces.12:43
iDopeon Xinerama it does12:43
buckySAngeli, i suggest leaving the cube for later12:43
blazemongeris gibbon supposed to be this unstable?12:43
RoDoXhi everyone. can i get some help?12:43
iDopeon Xinerama each side of the Cube is one workspace12:44
Fujitsu!ask | RoDoX12:44
ubotuRoDoX: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)12:44
blazemongeri've tried disabling stuff too im on my fourth time installing gibbon.i'm wondering if ubuntu has gone downhill12:44
buckySAngeli, read `psychocats`12:44
SAngeliI see it12:44
papagooseSAngeli, if you want to make it look better, try installing emerald theme manager on top of compiz12:44
SAngeli I will read it. Thank you12:44
Fujitsublazemonger: I haven't seen such a problem on any of the systems I touch - and that's a lot.12:44
blazemongerfujitsu: really? on gibbon? why is it doing it to me?12:44
Fujitsublazemonger: I've no idea.12:45
SAngeliwhat about www.gnome-look.org/ Can I use it?12:45
Hex_101khubd is using about 80% of my CPU, what is it and can i kill it12:45
blazemongerall these parser errors12:45
IndyGunFreakblazemonger: downhill?.. gutsy is great.12:45
blazemongerare wierd12:45
FujitsuAceOfSpades: Can you post the entire command you're using?12:45
FujitsuSAngeli: You can use it, yes.12:45
blazemongerwell if it's full of shady scrollkeeper errors12:45
RoDoXFujitsu, i just installed assaultcube. when trying to join the application on ubuntu, nothing happens...does that has something to do with my video card?12:45
SAngeliok, now I must step out for a bit.12:45
AceOfSpadesFujitsu: alias killDAL='screen -ls | grep DALnet | tail -1 | cut -f1 -d \'.\' | kill `awk \'{print $1}\'`'12:45
buckySAngeli, you can use the search function in ubuntu-forums to find solution for many problems12:45
SAngeliThank you all for your kind help12:45
blazemongeris there a way to fix scrollkeeper parser errors? ive never seen this before12:45
buckySAngeli, all the best12:45
blazemonger*never* have12:45
blazemongerit got it in libpng and appkeeper i think12:46
blazemongeri'm frustrated right now so i apologize folks12:46
FujitsuAceOfSpades: Hm, possibly try using double quotes where you're using single quotes within the command.12:46
blazemongerwho here knows how to fix scrollkeeper parser errors?12:46
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blazemongerand i dont know if it's my bios config or what not12:47
Hex_101khubd is running on my ubuntu, i cant kill it and it is using 100% of my CPU, how can i fix this?12:47
AceOfSpadesFujitsu: Oh, that works :D12:47
ahmadhallo all12:47
FujitsuAceOfSpades: Great!12:47
FujitsuHi ahmad.12:47
buckyahmad, hello12:47
blazemongerHex: running Gutsy?12:48
Hex_101blazemonger: latest version, only intalled it 2 days ago12:48
blazemongerbucky: im having trouble with 7.10's updates12:48
blazemongerdid you to the updates?12:48
blazemongerwith *ZERO* scrollkeeper parser errors?12:48
ahmadi have a problem in amule so it can't connect to any server12:48
Hex_101blazemonger: i have done them when they came up yes?12:48
buckyblazemonger, what do you mean? todays update?12:48
ahmad i have a problem in amule so it can't connect to any server12:49
ahmadso can any one help me?12:49
blazemongeri just oinstalled ubuntu gutsy for the fourth time and every time i try to update it it gives me scrollkeeper parser errors12:49
blazemongercheck your logs bucky12:49
blazemongersomething tells me ubuntu has gone downhill12:49
blazemongerfiesty didnt have these scrollkeeper errors12:49
* Fujitsu begs to differ.12:49
IndyGunFreakblazemonger: omething tells me you have some sort of problem, i've never had a problem like that.12:50
blazemongerfor some wierd reason12:50
buckyblazemonger, cant help you. im on Debian Etch here...12:50
blazemongerlike what could the problem be?12:50
holycowblazemonger: ohhhh yes it did12:50
holycowi've run into problems every single release12:50
buckyahmad, i had the same problem12:50
blazemongeriim gonna have to go back to slack12:50
blazemongerubuntu'sw pretty but they need to get their bugs sort out12:50
IndyGunFreakwhy did you switch?12:50
blazemongerubuntu looked sexy12:51
ahmadok i use now emul using wine12:51
IndyGunFreakwell, you've done something wrong.12:51
blazemongertried debian stable and during install it asked me if i wanted to continue without a valid swap partition12:51
blazemongerand im not new to unix's12:51
blazemongerand  no matter what option i select whamo wo nt finish install12:51
buckyahmad, oh...i sont know about emule. i had that problem in Amule12:51
IndyGunFreakblazemonger: debian is quite easy to install.12:51
holycowblazemonger: they will never get the butgs sorted out12:52
blazemongeri know it is12:52
holycowtheir release cycles are too short12:52
Fujitsuholycow: Gee, thanks.12:52
buckyahmad you need to manually download the server file12:52
holycow6 months is simply way too optimistic12:52
blazemongerholycow: i would use debian12:52
ahmadi use now emule with wine but i need amule too12:52
holycowon top of that, they have 6 month SERVER release cycles of all things based on debian unstable12:52
blazemongerbut if these instrall errors keep coming up in the debian distros everythings gona get clusterscrewed12:52
Fujitsublazemonger: I'm failing to see the install error in Ubuntu here.12:52
buckyahmad do you get the same problem with amule?12:52
blazemongerholycow: whats this uspsw install thing12:52
ultimatszeh guys. anyone can tell me how to check if my harddisk is pata or sata?12:52
holycowoverally we are shooting for lts releases only, the inbetween stuff is great to watch hard to maintain tho12:53
holycowno idea, never heard of that12:53
IndyGunFreakholycow: its pretty easy for me, but i'm not maintaining a bunch of pC's either, just 312:53
ahmadwell let me tell you that emule work fine with wine but amule not12:53
blazemongeritSetting up libpng12-0 (1.2.15~beta5-2ubuntu0.1) ...12:53
blazemonger/var/lib/scrollkeeper/es/scrollkeeper_cl.xml:792: parser error : Extra content at the end of the document12:53
blazemonger/var/lib/scrollkeeper/es/scrollkeeper_cl.xml:792: parser error : Extra content at the end of the document12:53
holycowi'm up to 75 ubuntu desktops and counting12:54
ahmadi hope i can run amule instead emule12:54
buckyahmad did you install amule?12:54
E-muI just want to know if in my network configuration if it normal or not? I have the bcm4328 wireless only supported with ndiswrapper now but in the network configurator I see two pices of hardware the ndiskwrapper wlan1 configured and the broadcom b43 wlan012:54
ahmadyes i install amule12:54
FSHeroHello everybody; I used to use Xubuntu (Feisty), and whenever I used apt-get to install packages or download updates it used to ask me before downloading. How can I get the same behaviour in Kubuntu (Feisty)?12:55
holycownot ragging on ubuntu, its just important to understand the release cycles and the risk factors associated with each one and how to mitigate that for each kind of user profile12:55
FujitsuE-mu: Are you sure it's not supported by the b43 driver?12:55
buckyahmad,  can you connect to servers in amule?12:55
E-muand the b43 is active and the ndiswrapper is inactive and i do have wireless but why is both show up?12:55
E-muthe firmware is not supporting it12:55
E-mundiswrapper is12:55
ahmadno and that is the first problem12:55
buckyahmad do you see a server list?12:56
ahmad i try to download some server list files but this was very bad idea and still cant connect12:56
E-mumy wireless is working and I knwo I have unloaded the b43 module rmmod -f 43 and removed the alias in /etc/modprobe.conf12:56
E-muI havcenot removed any firmware from /lib/firmware though12:56
buckyahmad, you need to manually add a server12:56
ultimatszany idea how to counter ata1: port is slow to respond, please be patient problem?12:57
E-muIs anyone here running ndiswrapper12:57
ahmadi add it manually but nothing new12:57
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buckyahmad, which server did u add?12:57
ahmadi  get more than one (new) file from internet but no active conect12:58
buckyahmad, at the bar add this - server name:Razorbacks IP: Port:500012:59
lonejackabout development is this the right place12:59
ahmadwell  now i use emule (wine) but its bad idea to me to use non open sorce software12:59
buckyahmad, try to add the server I told you13:00
Fujitsulonejack: Not quite. What do you want to know?13:00
ahmadok give me a chance to try it13:00
neo123hi everybody13:00
FujitsuHey neo123.13:01
buckyneo123, hi13:01
neo123hi der13:01
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knoppixAmarok is listening to : Aleksei - October 07 Promo - [} } X T C . R A D I O . L O N D O N { { DJ Journeys Into The Underground]13:02
Fujitsuknoppix: Please turn that script of.13:02
ahmadits work now < many many thanks13:03
ciibrenis it really necesary to have a swap partition on a desktop system with 4gb ram ?13:03
blazemongerim having scrollkeeper parser errors right after fresh install of gutsy13:03
Fujitsuciibren: Probably not.13:03
buckyahmad, good!13:03
ahmadmy best regard to you13:03
buckyahmad, all the best to you13:04
FujitsuThough it really depends, and with that much RAM you probably have a big enough disk that a couple of gigabytes of swap won't matter.13:04
lonejackFujitsu: it is present a bug on kernel ubuntu-64 that regards usb puwer during power off. I would like to know when the new 7.10 will be updated?13:04
blazemongerwhat is causing the scrollkeeper errors13:04
MrHippocampusciibern: my laptop with 2GB ram has almost never used my swap, (apart from when acroead 8 decided to run off and eat all of it up for no reason)13:04
Fujitsulonejack: That is probably hardware specific. Do you have a bug number for it?13:05
ahmadand kad work too many thanks man13:05
blazemongerwhat distro do u folx use?13:05
buckyblazemonger, related to this https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/scrollkeeper/+bug/126514?13:06
lonejackFujitsu: yes, but at the moment I'm on XP, give me a minute...13:06
blazemongersimilar stuff13:06
buckyahmad, glad to be of help13:06
blazemongeri dont know how to do that13:06
ciibrenand how big does one need to make the / partition ? i read on the forums that 10gb should be sufficient ?13:06
buckyblazemonger, its a bug.13:07
blazemongeris there a fix?13:07
buckyciibren, 10G is enough, do you have a /home?13:08
buckyblazemonger, i dont think so. did you try Feisty?13:08
blazemongerit happens in libpng13:08
blazemongeronce i did13:08
blazemongeri then went back to windows13:08
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blazemongerwhere can i purchase ubuntu that works13:09
buckyblazemonger, XP?13:09
blazemongercuz the midi seq. software would actually work13:09
blazemonger(Logic Audio)13:09
buckyblazemonger, XP is good. try Debian Etch for a stabl;e Linux13:09
FujitsuOh my, Windows software working in Windows? I never would have guessed.13:09
blazemongerbad thing is..i lost my XP install that came with my putah13:10
buckyblazemonger, try Etch - very stable13:10
Leo1981Hi all. Guys, I have VPN connection. I have also installed Firestarter as my firewall. But VPN is not working anymore. How can I fix it?13:10
buckyblazemonger, Ubuntu Dapper is also stable13:10
blazemongerand the store won't install it and wants to sell me XP and i said im not paying $150 for a os13:10
blazemongerdapper? mm13:10
FujitsuLeo1981: What kind of firewall?13:10
Leo1981Fujitsu: Firestarter13:11
blazemongeris there anything that has all the audio sequencing struff already pre-configured with instrument plugins13:11
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FujitsuErm, sorry, what kind of VPN?13:11
buckygotta go...bye bye13:11
blazemongeri just need to do midi sequencing thas all13:11
Leo1981Fujitsu: PPTP13:11
blazemongerand a bit of frame-frame video sequence13:11
FujitsuLeo1981: Ensure that you tell Firestarter to allow traffic on the ppp0 interface.13:11
blazemongeris mint any good?13:11
blazemongerwill mint run rosegarden?13:11
Fujitsublazemonger: What is wrong with Rosegarden on Ubuntu?13:12
blazemongerit wont work right13:12
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about doesn'twork - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi13:12
Fujitsu!doesn't work13:12
ubotuDoesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.13:12
blazemongeri cnt get the synth plugins working13:12
blazemongerii dont understand how to mAke the synth plugins for rosegarden work13:12
blazemongerrosegarden seems pretty good if i can get some VST's to work13:13
blazemongerthat would be truely pimpin'13:13
FujitsuWhich synth are you trying to use?13:13
blazemongerstuff off sourceforge13:13
adanteanybody here use metavnc?13:13
blazemongeri tried instaling build-essential and i get make errors13:13
blazemongeron things ive goten from sourceforge13:13
blazemonger+im trying to find a mini-moog instrument plugin for rosegarden13:14
FujitsuYou may consider looking at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudioPreparation. Note that you should look for packages stuff before looking through SourceForge.13:14
blazemongeri have a licensed copy of logic audio but i cant run it in wine..id love to run it in ubuntu13:14
luckybambooi want to use my windows-fonts on ubuntu too. for this i copied the ttf-files into /usr/share/fonts/truetype, as i read several times in the net. but opening open office the fonts are still missing.13:14
luckybamboocan give me an hint?13:14
blazemongerhow do i fix that scrollkeeper stuff though13:14
blazemongerthats the error13:16
blazemongerfujitsu:is it possible to run logic audio in wine?13:16
Fujitsublazemonger: I've no idea.13:16
Fujitsublazemonger: Is the error causing any issues other than excessive terminal output during upgrades?13:16
blazemongeri dont know13:16
blazemongerwhat the scrollkeepr even does ive never heard of it13:17
FujitsuIt manages documentation.13:17
knoppixAmarok is listening to : Goblin - La Via Della Droga (Seq.1 - Main Titles) - [Secret Agent: The soundtrack for your stylish, mysterious, dangerous life. For Spys and P.I.'s too! [SomaFM]]13:17
blazemongerdocumentation? how do i fix it13:17
FujitsuIt looks like the upgrade completed successfully, which means all should be fine.13:17
Fujitsuknoppix: Please turn that script off.13:17
blazemongeris there a way to repair it? what documentation wont work?13:17
blazemongerlibpng of all things..m it seems wierd13:17
lonejackFujitsu: bug#48773, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.22/+bug/4877313:17
FujitsuI don't know.13:17
blazemongernot even the developers know a fix?13:18
blazemongerfujitsu: im trying to find the cause of this error13:18
blazemongerand in libpng of all things handling images?13:19
Fujitsulonejack: Ahem `Unfortunately in this case (from reading the bugzilla report) this bug is more likely the result of a faulty BIOS and not the kernel.13:19
Fujitsublazemonger: It's not a bug in libpng.13:19
Fujitsublazemonger: There are more than 20,000 packages in Ubuntu. Each developer doesn't know every one.13:19
blazemongerit mentions there is13:19
blazemongercomputers are wierd13:20
blazemonger+ the matrix even wierder13:20
lonejackFujitsu: I know, but the patch work fine, and on XP the problem isn't present...13:20
blazemongerXP doesn't use scrollkeeper?13:20
Fujitsulonejack: As Leann said, we are waiting for a response from the kernel team. That could be a couple of weeks away, due to Christmas and all.13:21
blazemongermm.im deciding between ubuntu studio and $150 for buying XP (which came installed on the refurbed pc 9i got)13:21
blazemongeris it legal (if x came with your computer) to use a copy of a friends xp pro if it came with your computer13:21
Fujitsublazemonger: If you have the license physically stuck to your computer case, yes.13:22
lonejackFujitsu: In any case I'll update the kernel...13:22
blazemongerI do13:22
blazemongerso i ca legally d/l xp from a torrent site and put xp on my putah13:22
blazemongerw/o microsoft sending me a virus13:22
thedoormy hard disk are slowly and the dma is active, what it can be? =/13:22
IndyGunFreakblazemonger: you can't be serious.13:22
IndyGunFreak!illegal | blazemonger13:22
ubotublazemonger: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o13:22
Fujitsublazemonger: I'm not sure about downloading it from a torrent site, but using a friend's media shouldn't be problematic, nor detectable.13:22
blazemongeri am IndyGunFreak13:22
blazemongeroh ok..shouldnt be problematic.. i mean ive gotten on the matrix with this computa with the install of  xp i had..i just dont feel like paying $150 for what came with system13:23
* Fujitsu heads to bed.13:23
blazemongerwhich i accidentally deleted due to drunkness heh13:23
dakovHow i can access to MBR of my 2º hDD13:24
blazemonger*&passes the jagermeister around the room*13:24
blazemongerto all the 24 hour drunks :)13:24
blazemongerFujitsu: + i wont be using windows for online use ill use ubuntu for my digital grafiti art+album art and windows for logic audio+studio work13:25
ahmad_dakov what do you need exactly (mbr)13:26
blazemonger(i may be a newbie to pc but i learned from other ppl at the skateparks i go to that the matrix isn't a safe place :) (some kid gave me a ubuntu cd)13:27
guccii need help on gconf-editor13:27
blazemongergimp should be renamed to pimp :)13:27
gucciany help?13:27
threefcatahi, is there any command that can check if a window with specific titlebar text is open?13:28
guccianyone ere13:28
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guccisudo gconf-editor cant save my settings13:28
blazemongergucci: u use gimp?13:29
blazemonger<-- workin on a digital graf. piece13:29
blazemongeru do graf. art?13:29
blazemongeri like this gimp prog13:29
blazemongerit's the best thing since sliced bread13:29
thedoorsomebody help me with my HDD please =/13:30
gucciok man but gconf-editor is my painlol13:30
dakovahmad_: erase windows vista boot records13:30
guccinobody solves it13:30
dakovand also grub...13:30
ahmad_fdisk /mbr13:31
blazemongerwhen i reinstall xp how hard is it to dual boot ubuntu13:31
udanwhat is gconf-editor?13:31
guccigrub problem?13:32
gucciam expert on grub13:32
gucciwhat is problem13:32
blazemonger<-- the gimp pimp13:33
=== iblicf is now known as icoming
udani have problem with 3D13:33
IndyGunFreakudan: short and simple.. gnome-configuration editor13:33
crush_grooveudan gconfig is the gnome version of the windows registry .. and the editor is ..well an editor13:33
dakovgucci: i have two HDD's and i have also two grubs on each one, then i want to erase one of them to start only one ...13:33
blazemongerIndyGunFreak:  how serious are those scrollkeeper errors?13:33
blazemongerthey seem pretty bad man ..is there a way to fix them13:33
IndyGunFreakblazemonger: don't know.13:34
sandrushi i was installing java and my pc crashed. now whatever i try to install says E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.13:34
sandrusE: _cache->open() failed, please report.13:34
blazemongeru get them IndyGunFreak?13:34
blazemongeryou use ubuntu and u never got a single one during update?13:34
blazemongerhow did you have your stuff set up ?13:34
IndyGunFreaksandrus: still haven't got that worked out?... that one has me perplexed13:34
blazemongerdid u use the custom cd? or the desktop cd?13:35
sandruswhat do you mean13:35
blazemongerwhy would one persong et scrollkeeper parser errors doing updates and another system doesnt..13:35
IndyGunFreaksandrus: was i helping you with this issue earlier?.. i wa shelping someone with the exact same prob earlier.13:35
sandrusnot me, sorry :P13:35
sandruswhat can i do?13:36
udanGeForce MX 4000 suport 3D?13:36
IndyGunFreaki thought it was you.. now that i think about it, his name might have been sam13:36
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blazemongerwhatr kind of effect does scrollkeeper have on a system?13:36
IndyGunFreaksandrus: well, he never got it fixed, did you try running that dpkg command?13:36
blazemongerthis is wierd13:36
IndyGunFreakand what happens when you try to open synaptic13:36
hasanhello to all13:36
sandrusit says i gotta have superuser rights or something like that13:36
hasani'm having trouble installing wine13:36
guccisandrus try sudo aptitude upgrade13:36
hasancan anybody help?13:36
IndyGunFreaksandrus: open a terminal and type this.. "gksudo synaptic" no quotes13:37
gucciyes hasan13:37
blazemongerIndyGunFreak: i'm kinda new to computers and man it's really crazy all the stuff that is made13:37
sandrussame problem13:37
danubebuddies, anyone can tell me why ping tells me: "operation not permitted"?13:37
blazemongerim learning thougrh13:37
IndyGunFreaksandrus: ok, try this...  sudo dpkg --configure -a13:38
MrHippocampusblazemonger: http://scrollkeeper.sourceforge.net/ basically it takes care of documentation information, any errors with it arent really important unless you need the documentation13:38
blazemongeri like to have documentation13:39
blazemongerwhat causes scrollkeeper errors ?13:39
blazemongerlike during something like updates13:39
blazemongerMrHippocampus: so anything related to scrollkeeper i can ignore?13:39
sandrusit's doing something:P13:39
sandrusok done13:39
hasannow i don't have a web connection on the machine i am trying to install wine on... so i have downloaded the files from winehq.org13:39
IndyGunFreaksandrus: ok.. now close that terminal, and try to open synaptic13:39
blazemongeri dont sree why a program would be needed for handling documentation13:39
crush_groovewhat distro blazemonger ?13:40
sandruserror changed13:40
sandrusnow it says (null)13:40
IndyGunFreakthats what i thought.13:40
MrHippocampusblazemonger: i would say yes, having problems with the organisation of documentation propbably wont screw up your system13:40
sandrusbut it loads the updates13:40
sandrusand programs13:40
blazemongerubuntu gibbon13:40
IndyGunFreakso synaptic opened?13:40
blazemongerfriend at skatepark gave me ubuntu cfd13:40
hasanhowever when i try to install the file i get the following "error: dependency not satisfiable :binfmt-support"13:41
blazemongerasked me if i had a fcomputer and if i liked doing digital art13:41
threefcatahi, is there any command that can check if a window with specific titlebar text is open?13:41
sandrusnow it says that the software index is ruined (sorry i'm reading it in italian. hope you understand me)13:41
blazemongerstarting a net digital graf crew13:41
crush_grooveblazemonger,  scrollkeeper error is a bug . please see this thread  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/scrollkeeper/+bug/15737013:41
IndyGunFreakhasan: did you download the .deb file or the .tar file?13:41
hasan.deb file13:41
guccihasan sudo apt-get install wine in terminal13:42
blazemongerhttp://rafb.net/p/HrapwJ32.html this is the output13:42
sandrusi wrote sudo apt-get install -f and it started again installing java13:42
blazemongercrush:is there a fix?13:42
gucciit will prob install dependencies to13:42
IndyGunFreaksandrus: ok.13:42
blazemongeri'm downloading the backport of scrollkeeper13:42
blazemongerthe latest off that site i was given (scrollkeeper's site013:43
sandrusand now i have a blue screen in the terminal with "configurating java" and all the licence document. at the end i have "ok" dut cant' do anything13:43
hasangucci could you walk me through it plz13:43
hasani'm new to linux13:43
blazemonger8ive been trying to learn how to program too13:43
IndyGunFreaksandrus: right, thats a good sign.13:43
blazemongerim new to computers hasan13:43
blazemongerwell PC's that is13:43
crush_groovesandrus,  use the "tab" button to tab to "OK"13:43
sandrushow long do i have to wait?13:43
IndyGunFreakblazemonger: i'm just curious, are you full of it?13:43
sandrusok i think i did13:43
sandrusit's installing now13:44
blazemongernope not full of it13:44
IndyGunFreaksandrus: ok.13:44
blazemongeri come from amiga world IndyGunFreak13:44
IndyGunFreakok... well, i beg to differ.13:44
anquietasUbuntu (7.10) still can't recognize my IDE HDD. It's interfaced with my main board using a PCI IDE controller based upon the ITE8212 chipset.  Aaand the hard drive is alive, as other OS'es can mount it... what causes this odd behaviour?13:44
blazemongerfew months ago got into more "21st century" stuff13:44
sandrusok you were great indigunfreak13:44
guccihasan applications>accesories>terminal13:44
blazemongerhad a computer store build me a machine with zero proprietary hardwafre..since i like tearing things apart13:44
ubotuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection13:44
rsmith16384can other13:45
IndyGunFreakanquietas: ubuntu probably isn't recognizing your PCI ide card.13:45
gucciopen  aterminal13:45
sandrusnow i'm using mercry but i dont have it on Applications - Internet. how can i put it there13:45
rsmith16384os access the drive>13:45
blazemongeri treat computers like i treat a skateboard13:45
IndyGunFreaksandrus: right click the men  edit menus, and add it.13:45
hasani have opened a terminal13:45
blazemongerIndyGunFreak: + i decided i was going to learn how to program13:45
gucciand write this sudo apt-get install wine13:45
anquietasIndyGunFreak, mhh, it does. My IDE HDD just doesn't anywhere...13:46
IndyGunFreaksandrus: *menu, sorry13:46
guccihasan ur connection is ok?13:46
sandruswhich menu?13:46
hasani have not internet connection on my other machine13:46
techqberthey guys this one guy sold me an openfiler box w/ supposedly two drives 300gb raid.  I understand it's raid 1 so it's mirrored but the disk is referred to as /dev/sda .. what's the deal?13:46
hasanthe one i am trying to install wine on13:47
IndyGunFreakany of them, they';re all the same on the panel, so just right click the menu, edit menu, then under applications/internet, add an entry for the program you want13:47
optxhi can somebody give me a link how to fix the 'running local boot script' on hardy please ?13:47
sandrusyou mean "edit menu"?13:47
blazemongerhoiw do i unarchive a .tar file?13:47
IndyGunFreaksandrus: yes, edit menu, thats what i said i thougth13:47
rsmith16384tech its 1 drive to your usb interface13:47
crush_groovetar -xvf <file>13:47
holycowtechqbert: well its a usb device isn't it?13:47
sandrusand where should i find the program?13:47
gucciu u must be connected tointenet13:47
IndyGunFreaksandrus: how do you start the program now, w/ a terminal command?13:48
hasani don't know how to setup an internet connection13:48
hasanusing ubuntu13:48
IdleOneright click and extract13:48
techqbertholycow: nope, VIA-based computer w/ openfiler, linux distro.13:48
gucciare u on ubuntu hasan13:48
holycowtechqbert: then they are just sata drives13:48
crush_grooveIndyGunFreak,  cd to file location then ./<app>13:48
blazemongerhoqw do i do it in console13:48
holycowand because they are raid1 you will only see one13:48
gucciubuntu automatically gets internet settings and connects13:48
sandrusi wrote sudo mercury indygunfreak13:49
optxno help 4 hardy here ?13:49
techqbertholycow: right, I think the s in sda denotes that.  oh okay =013:49
crush_grooveoptx no13:49
LjL!hardy > optx    (optx, see the private message from Ubotu)13:49
IndyGunFreaksandrus: ok, do this.. on the left, hightlight Internet, then on the right, click New Item... Type "Application in Terminal".. then Name it whatever you want, then in "command" write whatever command you put in the terminal to start it, then click ok13:49
techqberthow will anaconda installer handle that?  does it realize it's sata?13:49
gucciu must restart ubuntu13:49
techqbertsata raid rather*13:49
blazemongercompiling latest scrollkeeper13:49
IndyGunFreaksandrus: why does that program require root access?13:49
crush_groove!hardy > crush_groove13:49
rsmith16384tech, find instructions for usb memstick13:49
rsmith16384will work same13:49
gucciit will connect13:49
blazemongerhow do i make a deb package after i compile the latest scrollkeeper so i can fix the scrollkeeper error13:49
blazemongerconfigure: error: Couldn't find xml2-config please install the libxml2 and libxml2-devel packages13:50
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=== chronosx_to_surr is now known as chronosx
guccibut only u changed other settings13:50
sandrusi can't highlight internet and right click13:50
crush_groovemornin LjL btw13:50
blazemongercrush_groove: u know how to fix scrollkeeper?13:50
IndyGunFreaksandrus: listen, highligh internet on the left, then ON THE RIGHT, click New Item13:51
IndyGunFreakLjL: little busy?..lol13:51
sandrusok now it appared without doing anything. misteries about ubuntu... :D13:51
sandrustnx u a lot :D13:51
crush_groove blazemonger  I only know about the bug . I didnt experience .  read the documentation on the thread I gave you or with the fix you dled13:51
=== LjL-Temp is now known as LjLR
IndyGunFreaksandrus: does that program require root access to run?13:51
blazemongeri idnt see a fix13:51
sandrusand by the way, is there any reason because i can't activate visive effects?13:51
IndyGunFreaksandrus: if it doesnt require root access, then you shouldn't use sudo to start it13:52
IndyGunFreaksandrus: System/Preferences/Appearance/Visual Effects tab...13:53
sandrusit says i cant activate13:53
qwazmorning all13:53
sandrusafter a few seconts13:53
IndyGunFreaksandrus: then you need to install your video drivers.. what type of video device do you have?13:53
IndyGunFreaksandrus: uh, what chipset.13:54
sandrusbut i dont remember model13:54
blazemongerIndyGunFreak:  this is wierd..i did the update on ubuntu on my laptop and i didnt get the scrollkeeper error13:54
IndyGunFreaksandrus: in a terminal, put in "lspci" no quotes, then enter, and see  how it identifies your systems pci devices13:54
MindSparkhi, does anyone know how to trap a process that is doing random hard drive activity ?13:54
sandrusyou want me to paste it in pastebin?13:55
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)13:55
IndyGunFreaksandrus: or just paste the graphics card line, don't paste the whole thing, doesn't matter.13:55
sandrus01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS] 661/741/760 PCI/AGP or 662/761Gx PCIE VGA Display Adapter13:55
IndyGunFreakhmm, i'm not sure on that one sandrus13:55
hihow to change the run level  by using grub13:56
IndyGunFreaki think SIS needs ati drivers.. not 100% sure though13:56
sandrusyou mean i cant use effects?13:56
basvgI'm presently running gutsy with the visual effects set to medium. Is it possible to set all newly created windows to transperant (i.e. 'transset'), or to set all newly created windows of the type urxvt to transperant?13:56
sandruswe can try13:56
IndyGunFreaksandrus: i didn't say that, i said i don't know.13:56
Sharpiewhat's the name of that program that's a small white square that shows you the keys you press? (starts with an x i think)13:56
osotogarihello all. just wonder what is the best way to install a new image of ubuntu? should I leave my home partition as it is?13:57
hihow to change the runlevel by using grub13:57
sandrusin a guide i found sis driver but i cant understand what i have to do :(13:57
ubotuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection13:57
hihow to change the runlevel by using grub13:57
hihelp me pl13:57
MrHippocampusosotogari: if you just install as normal, but when you get to the partition set up, do it manually and select your existing home partition as the home parition and dont set it to be formatted (back up first though just in case)13:58
pais it possible to install ipcop on ubuntu?13:58
Sharpiewhat's the name of that program that's a small white square that shows you the keys you press? (starts with an x i think)13:58
osotogari@ MrHippocampus: thanks :)13:58
crush_groovehi please dont use that language in here13:59
IndyGunFreakljl:  you have to admit, that was clever13:59
sandrusindygunfreak http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Hardware/Video/SiS here's the guide i told u about13:59
LjLin a way13:59
IndyGunFreakmaybe my humor is jaded at 9am..lol14:00
crush_groovenuthin like gettin a chuckle b4 your escorted out the door eh14:00
osotogarihow is ubuntu hardware support for the Asus EEE?14:00
IndyGunFreaksandrus: i can't read whatever language that is.14:00
ubotuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection14:00
sandrusbut u can guide me using commands please14:00
osotogarithanks crush14:01
IndyGunFreaknot really, cuz i have no idea what its saying.14:01
=== GHOST_ is now known as GHOST
MrHippocampusosotogari: its ok with most of it, but the wireless wont work by default (you need ndiswrapper or compile your own kernel module), I think the network port works, and i think suspend/resume is broken without a modified kernel module (www.eeeuser.com is a good place to find information about the eee)14:02
AceOfSpacesI was told by someone on a forum to update to a newer version of alsa.. How do I do that?14:02
IndyGunFreakAceOfSpaces: what prob ar eyou having14:03
blazemongerpoh sco the scrollkeeper parser keeper stuff is a PHP bug14:03
AceOfSpacesIndyGunFreak: My laptop doesn't detect a headphone plugged in.. The audio is always through internal speakers14:04
GHOSTis anybody now why firefox crash with the flash pluging?14:04
IndyGunFreakAceOfSpaces: no clue on that one, sorr14:04
AceOfSpacesOkay, so how do I update alsa?14:04
MrHippocampusAceOfSpaces: what sound card do you have?14:04
GHOSTHello,anybody now why firefox crash with the flash pluging :(  ?14:04
newmanhow do i install ophcrack ?14:05
AceOfSpacesMrHippocampus: Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) HD Audio Controller14:05
ubotuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash14:05
ubotuThe Flash plugin installation is currently broken. This is due to Adobe changing the tar file that the package downloads. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=636397 if you need to fix this immediately, but it's recommended to wait for an official fix.14:05
GHOSTubotu ok tank u14:05
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ok tank u - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi14:05
IndyGunFreak!intelhda | AceOfSpaces14:06
ubotuAceOfSpaces: For fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto14:06
newmanhow do i install ophcrack on gnome ?14:07
IndyGunFreaknewman: is it in the repositories?14:07
IndyGunFreakand what does it do?14:07
IdleOnenewman: sudo apt-get install ophcrack14:07
IdleOne!info ophcrack14:08
ubotuophcrack: Microsoft Windows password cracker using rainbow tables. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.3.4~debian-1 (gutsy), package size 48 kB, installed size 228 kB14:08
SAngeliCan someone please explain what is about these repositories? "Gutsy  Feisty  Edgy  Dapper  " I am reading reference from http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/sources  and od not know/understand what to choose.14:08
IndyGunFreakSAngeli: are you havng repository problems14:08
IdleOneSAngeli: what version of ubuntu are you running?14:08
newmanindyGunFreak:this verison does not have that so i downloaded oph od there website14:08
bazhangSAngeli: the concept?14:08
AceOfSpacesIndyGunFreak: But why is the latest version not there in repositories?14:09
IndyGunFreaknewman: well, i'm not gonna help you install it... you'll have to figure that out on your own14:09
SAngelilatest version. Yes, what each one means to understand which to choose from14:09
IndyGunFreakAceOfSpaces: i really don't know, i've talked 2-3 people through compiling it just overnight tonight.14:09
IndyGunFreakit seems pretty common.14:09
crush_groovewonders why the bot even has that on it14:09
SAngeliexample: what Gutsy mean and is for? Do I need it? How to understand?14:09
IndyGunFreakSAngeli: what version of ubuntu do you have?14:10
LjLRcrush_groove: why wouldn't it? it's an Ubuntu package, in the official Universe component.14:10
newmancan anyone else tell me how to install ophcrack on gnome ?14:10
udani have 760 MB of RAM and Nvidia GeForce MX 4000 when i activate 3D effect it freeze desktop Why?14:10
bazhangSAngeli: gutsy is the latest release of ubuntu--you need its software sources to keep it up to date14:10
IndyGunFreakSAngeli: ok, so thats Ubuntu Gutsy14:10
LjLRnewman: sudo apt-get install ophcrack, or use Synaptic14:10
LjLR!software > newman    (newman, see the private message from Ubotu)14:10
bazhangnewman: repeating your question quickly will yield no better results14:11
IdleOneSAngeli: Gutsy = 7.10 it is a codename14:11
SAngeliI see.14:11
=== jashdkjsdhf is now known as AceOfSpaces2
crush_grooveLjL,  I guess I just get a lil confused when sum1 asks about Ares and you get a piracy chastisement and then you can get help for a pw cracker .. I get the fact that if its offered in the repo its OK . just seems a lil backwards to me14:11
SAngeliNow I understand why they write a release number next to it14:11
AceOfSpaces2IndyGunFreak: But I don't know how to uninstall it if something goes wrong14:11
SAngelithanks for now. Let me keep reading14:11
IndyGunFreakaceofSpacesusually sudo make uninstall in the source directory14:12
basvghmm... eog doesn't show the thumbs of a bunch of images in a directory. ANy idea why that is?14:12
newmanthis verison og gnome does not have apt-get command, but i have the zip of ophcrack, so do i install it ?14:12
LjLRcrush_groove, it depends really. few things are illegal per se - but if you state that you're going to use them for illegal purposes, you're unlikely to get help here14:12
bazhangeog is less than optimal? basvg14:12
komputesWhich log can I check to see at what time my computer was shut down?14:13
basvgbazhang: is it? thumb also doesn't show the thumbs14:13
IdleOnenewman: you running ubuntu?14:13
crush_grooveLjL,  understood14:13
GHOSTlol i forgot tat ubotu was a bot!14:13
bazhangbasvg: f-spot is my choice14:13
IndyGunFreakf-spot is pretty good14:14
IndyGunFreak!info f-spot14:14
ubotuf-spot: personal photo management application. In component main, is optional. Version 0.4.0-0ubuntu3 (gutsy), package size 1729 kB, installed size 8924 kB14:14
GHOSTubotu thats right :)14:14
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about thats right :) - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi14:14
basvghmm, might try that. But still, this ought not be a problem for the standard gnome tools14:14
IndyGunFreakactually you should have f-sot with a base install, its installed w/ a new install.14:14
LjLRkomputes, grepping "exiting on signal" in /var/log/messages should work, although i suppose there might be something more specific somewhere else14:15
basvghmm, guess my ~/.thumbnails is/was borked14:15
newmanidleOne:no, am running gnome14:15
FloodBot3NOTICE - If you couldn't speak to the channel during the past minutes, please try again now.14:15
FloodBot3NOTICE - If you couldn't speak to the channel during the past minutes, please try again now.14:15
vincenzIs it safe to install the latest updates?14:15
pidginDutchi try again14:15
lardarsevincenz: is it safe not to?14:15
bazhangdont repeat your question quickly fb314:16
IndyGunFreakvincenz: usually14:16
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats14:16
IndyGunFreakpidginDutch: whats the problem14:16
vincenzWell the issue is... I installed a new hd, two days ago.  (I had gutsy on my old system which worked fine).  Installed from livecd lts, then did an upgrade to edgy, feisty then gutsy.  Then it said about a partial upgrade I had to do, I did that, and suddenly I could not use X anymore.  So I had to download the installcd of gutsy and now installed it. I'm afraid if I now install the updates, my system will fuck up again14:16
newmani have ophcrack zip file how do i install it ?14:17
pidginDutchjust checking the new how to on resticted, whats new ...14:17
IndyGunFreakoh ok14:17
IndyGunFreakvincenz: uh, why not just download a Gutsy CD and avoid all that?14:17
lardarsevincenz: have you tried a new install from gutsy?14:17
LjLRnewman, you really don't listen, do you? ophcrack *IS IN THE REPOSITORIES*. do NOT install it from any ZIP file.14:17
komputesLjLR: I did cat /var/log/messages and theres only one line "restart" which is when i logged in today14:17
LjLR!packages | newman14:17
ubotunewman: You can browse and search for Ubuntu packages using !Synaptic, !Adept, "apt-cache search <keywords or regex>", the "apt:/" URL in KDE, or online at http://packages.ubuntu.com - Ubuntu has about 20000 packages available, so please *search* for an official package before installing things in awkward ways!14:17
vincenzIndyGunFreak: I had downloaded the wrong cd back then?14:17
bazhangnewman: unzip it and then follow the install instructions inside14:17
vincenzlardarse: I did, but now am afraid that instlaling updates from net will once more bork X14:17
IndyGunFreakvincenz: ok, all that time you spent updating, etc, you could have probably downloaded, burned and installed gutsy fresh about 2-3x14:17
vincenzI'd log into gdm, and then get gnome, the bars at top and bottom would flash a few times and then dissapear14:18
LjLRkomputes, logs are rotated daily, so the actual shutdown could be in /var/log/messages.0 or /var/log/messages.1.gz (depending on when you shut it down)14:18
lardarsevincenz: i clean install with the latest version will work better than an upgrade14:18
blazemongerIndyGunFreak: that scrollkeeper error i was told it was php error not scrollkeeper14:18
udani have 760 MB of RAM and Nvidia GeForce MX 4000 when i activate 3D effect it freeze desktop Why?14:18
vincenzIndyGunFreak: well that was actually my second install, I had done a debootstrap before, couldn't get grub to work after swapping HDs, and then someone ini here told me to use livecd14:18
tim167hello, i have a cdrom with errors on it, how can i recover from it what's still readable ? the errors are 'I/O error' on ubuntu, and 'crc check failed' on windows...thanks14:18
newmanbazhang:i did it didnt work14:18
lardarse!info ophcrack14:18
ubotuophcrack: Microsoft Windows password cracker using rainbow tables. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.3.4~debian-1 (gutsy), package size 48 kB, installed size 228 kB14:18
vincenzSo I'm wary of installing updates14:19
IndyGunFreakvincenz: so you have two hard drives now..d o you plan to use both of them, or what?14:19
bazhangnewman: it didnt work or you didnt follow the instructions correctly?14:19
vincenzIndyGunFreak: one is dying14:19
IndyGunFreakvincenz: ok, do you dualboot?14:19
vincenzIndyGunFreak: not anymoore14:19
IndyGunFreakthen grub shouldn't be an issue, let Ubuntu have the whole drive, and it will put grub on the mbr14:19
=== LjLR is now known as LjL-Temp
luckybambooi want to install fonts for all users globally. that is why i installed the ttf-files: sudo cp /mnt/data/ttf /usr/share/fonts/truetype and did a fc-cache -f. but starting OpenOffice the fonts are not available.14:20
luckybamboowhat could be the reason?14:20
SAngeliI followed instruction on how to update and expand repos and got errors which I posted in paste. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/49416/  Can someone tell me if I just need to remove those repos that gave me errors?14:20
reverHi I have a .dv file donwloaded from my camcorder. Is there any program I can install that will convert it to a 1080p mpeg4?14:20
komputesLjLR, great, that did it. I take it messages is recycled daily and appended to messages.0, but then messages.0 can contain many days/lines before it spools off to messages.1 .2 and so on, correct?14:20
bazhangSAngeli: which repos?14:20
reverat the very least convert it to mpeg?14:21
vincenzIndyGunFreak: Well, since I couldn't get that to work and someone said "why don't you do it simple and use livecd!" I did the livecd thing, that borked X, then I got the gutsy inistallcd, installed, it's working fine now, but like I said, wary that updating will leave the system to the same state after the upgrade I did from LTs14:21
SAngelibazhang: look at the url link14:21
bazhangSAngeli: I cant load that page for some reason14:21
IndyGunFreakvincenz: so you have gutsy now.. is it a clean install of gutsy, or one you've upgraded to?14:21
vincenzclean install14:21
dubiagohas anyone had the problem of, after updating vlc, the volume controls disappear?14:21
SAngelibazhang: "Enabling Extra Repositories"14:21
tim167how can I recover files from a cdrom with 'I/O errors' on it?, some files are still readable, others are not, but i need a way to read them. copying with filemanager requires me to click 'Skip' for each bad file, which is not doable...thanks!14:21
IndyGunFreakvincenz: you should be fine..14:21
IndyGunFreakvincenz: *should*..14:22
bazhangSAngeli: which repos gave you errors14:22
blazemongerhow do i fix scrollkeeper parser errors?14:22
SAngelibazhang: If you cannot see the link, I try to paste here some: Err http://archive.canonical.com gutsy-commercial/main Packages                  404 Not Found14:22
SAngeliErr http://medibuntu.sos-sts.com gutsy/free Packages                             404 Not Found  Err http://medibuntu.sos-sts.com gutsy/non-free Packages                         404 Not Found  Err http://medibuntu.sos-sts.com gutsy/free Sources                              404 Not Found14:22
LjLkomputes: to be honest, i don't entirely know how the rotation is scheduled14:22
udani have 760 MB of RAM and Nvidia GeForce MX 4000 when i activate 3D effect it freeze desktop Why?14:23
SAngelibazhang: you cannot see this?  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/49416/14:23
IndyGunFreakSAngeli: i've never saw that medibuntu.sos repository14:23
bazhangSAngeli: the medibuntu ones? which packages did you want to install?14:23
komputesdoes anyone have a good guide on which files to backup and how to restore them when doing a clean install?14:23
vincenzIndyGunFreak: right  but I don't want to ris another install14:23
SAngeliBesides, I got these info from http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/sources14:24
vincenzIndyGunFreak: I still don't get why it behaved that way, it wasn't gnome  since if I used wmaker, that'd simply quit back out ot gdm14:24
SAngeliwhere it said to just cut and paste what is there for Gutsy14:24
bazhangSAngeli: go to www.medibuntu.org and set it up there14:24
IndyGunFreakvincenz: i really don't know, i would think you should be fine, but no way to know w/o trying.  if X fails again, jsut run the reconfigure x command, and see if that fixes the prob14:24
vincenzIndyGunFreak: thx for tip14:25
* vincenz tries14:25
bazhangSAngeli: what packages do you want from medibuntu?14:25
blazemongerDear Eris, please fix scrollkeeper14:25
IndyGunFreakvincenz: just remember, if you do end up reconfiguring X.., take generic defaults, to get you back to the GUI, then worry about setting up drivers, etc.14:25
SAngelibazhang: it is not that I want a specific package. It is that I am trying to expand the choice of packages available so that I can pick and try14:25
DaveMckevening :D14:25
IndyGunFreakvincenz: this i the command you'll need if X fails after the update...  sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg14:26
IndyGunFreakand remember, generic defaults14:26
SAngelibazhang: I am having troubles with adobe flash under firefox where first of all it is at ver. 7  second I cannot hear sound14:26
bazhangSAngeli: best to play it safe in that regard--if you dont explicitly need a repo, then best not to enable it--I got two packages from medibuntu without using their repos14:26
vincenzIndyGunFreak: ok14:26
vincenzIndyGunFreak: well purginig and reinstalling it didn't do anything14:26
LjLkomputes: good? afraid not. the official page is https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem though. in a nutshell though, you usually want to back up 1) /home 2) /etc 3) /usr/local 4) /opt 5) /srv if things were like they're supposed to be, but /var/www in actuality. you would also want to save your list of installed packages, so that you can reinstall the same packages again without hunting for them. you want to restore all the directories i14:26
LjLmentioned, most likely, except /etc, which you might restore on an as-needed basis, especially if you're upgrading to a newer distribution.14:26
SAngeliI see14:27
IndyGunFreakpurging and reinstalling what?14:27
bazhangSAngeli: did you read the channel topic? regarding flash that is14:27
IndyGunFreakoh, purging and reinstalling Gnome?14:27
LjLkomputes: just remember it's pretty important to preserve permissions when you back up... i guess most backup utilíties will do that for you, but if you just use "cp" manually, use "cp -a --preserve=all"14:27
blazemongerIndyGunFreak: do i need to reinstall Ubuntu?14:27
blazemongerto fix the scrollkeeper parser error?14:27
IndyGunFreakblazemonger: i have told you like 10 gazillion times, i don't know anything about that error, yet you keep repeating it to me.. I DO NOT KNOW14:28
|thunderhey all, whats the easiest way to search for files with a "containing text" constraint ? like, search the text IN the file.14:28
vincenzIndyGunFreak: xorg-server14:28
komputesLjL do you keep a file of custom packages, or does synaptic keep one for you?14:28
IndyGunFreakvincenz: are you at a GUI now/14:28
vincenzIndyGunFreak: yep14:28
SAngelibazhang: yea, I read about. I know flash is at ver. 9 but I have 7. I am able to view but not hear and question if it has anything to do with perhaps settings I do not know14:28
IndyGunFreakvincenz: ok, do your updates.14:28
pais it possible to install ipcop on ubuntu?14:28
vincenzIndyGunFreak: doing so14:28
blazemongerIndyGunFreak: I apologize14:28
|thunderSAngeli; where is your flash plugin located ?14:29
LjLkomputes: see the private messages you have got from ubotu - Synaptic (APT, actually) keeps a list for you, and you can dump it to a text file (and then use that text file as input later). I guess Synaptic might have similar functionality, but i only know the CLI way, as ubotu has it14:29
blazemongerAnyone else here know anything about scrollkeeper14:29
DaveMckgot something of a newbie question, i think :D i'm trying to get a RAID partition to mount on startup14:29
SAngeli|thunder: I do not know14:29
IndyGunFreakvincenz: if when you restart, it fails on restart, you'll boot to a CLI.., then run that sudo dpkg reconfigure command i gave you... and just take generic defaults, that should ge tyou back toa  GUI, then you should be able to setup any special drivers you have.14:29
* vincenz only has the restricted ATI ones, and those weren't there after that long upgrade frm LTs, since it was a clean install14:30
IndyGunFreakvincenz: the key when running reconfigure, its generic defaults... if you have an ATI card, don't choose ati, or nvidia if you have nvidia, just choose vesa, and let it boot a generic driver, then when you get the GUI, you can set it up(at least that always works for me)14:30
vincenzIndyGunFreak: switching xorg.conf to 'vesa' did not fix the problem the other day14:30
MrHippocampusblazemonger, the errors you are getting in scrollkeeper really arent critical and you probably woldnt realise if ubuntu didnt notify you of the errors. If you are desparate to get rid of them, reinstall ubuntu.14:30
|thunderSAngeli; thats the problem then. get the latest zip from adobe for linux, its 9.0.115, and copy libflashplayer.so (i think it is) to /home/*yourname*/.mozilla/plugins14:30
IndyGunFreakvincenz: how did you switch it?14:31
|thunderSAngeli; restart firefox and you should be golden14:31
DaveMcki can get the drive to mount myself, manually, but i'm struggling to get it to mount automatically on startup14:31
noodles12i have a dell 700m running on gutsy w/ an intel graphics card. I had problems withplaying video and suspending so i installed the xorg-driver-fglrx and the video was fixed but now my suspend and hibernate buttons disappeared from the thing for the button at the top right... ( used to have suspend, shutdown, restart, hibernate)14:31
IndyGunFreakvincenz: gotta go... good luck.14:32
IndyGunFreaklater all.14:32
SAngelibazhang: best of all, is it good idea to remove all those repos where I get those errors and live what I currently have as shown here http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/49417/14:32
vincenzikonia: thx14:32
blazemongerMrHippocampus: What is the cause of it?14:32
SAngeli|thunder: let me thy14:32
blazemongerremove the updates?14:32
pidginDutchcan the intel i810 video card have 3D accel?14:32
bazhangSAngeli: better to play it safe until you understand the system workings better14:32
blazemongeryup pidginDutch14:33
blazemongeri use a intel i810 card14:33
SAngelibazhang: so, what to do then, at this point? Did you look at the link? Can I keep what I currently have, which runs fine?14:33
MrHippocampusblazemonger: i have no idea, it looks like something screwed up the xml in a scrollkeeper file and now its invalid xml, unless you want learn the format of the file and fix the errors yourself, the only other way would be to reinstall14:33
blazemongeri've reinstalled 4 times14:33
blazemongerit happens when i install the updates14:34
blazemongerlibpng causes it to screw up14:34
bazhangSAngeli: remove those repositories first as a source, and barring anything major, carry on14:34
DaveMckso... if anyone's got any ideas. I've tried just adding the partition to /etc/fstab, but it craps out because the md service isn't running at that point.14:34
pidginDutchblazemonger is that an onboard ( i have it on a dell optiplex gx11014:34
blazemongerand in apparmor14:34
bullgard4What do the square brackets mean in the sleep.sh output line "++ '[' -x /etc/acpi/resume.d/85-anacron.sh ']'"?14:35
blazemongerpidginDutch: its on a ibm thinkcentre14:35
bazhangSAngeli: good idea to keep backed up though--just in case :}14:35
MrHippocampusblazemonger: then your just going to have to accept it, as I said preivously, the errors are very unlikely to cause any problems14:35
pidginDutchdid it work out of the box?14:35
ubotuWays to automate installation of Ubuntu on multiple machines are described at https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/ubuntu/installation-guide/i386/automatic-install.html - See also !cloning14:35
manal hi14:35
manal i cant install my webcam14:36
manal who can help me14:36
manal my camera is JVC GC-A5014:36
LjL!enter | manal14:36
blazemongerlibpng causes scrollkeeper parser errors(in the updates and apparmor causes it too14:36
ubotumanal: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!14:36
LjL!webcam > manal    (manal, see the private message from Ubotu)14:36
Zionad_I have a network at my house in which i set up one computer (from hereon called computer A) as a DHCP Server for netbooting. I have recently deleted dhcp3-server from computer A but the rest of my network is STILL trying to connect to computer A for an IP address, when they try to connect to computer a, they get some false Ip address and do not gain access to the inter net. They DO connect to the router and get the proper IP address14:37
Zionad_ ONLY when computer A is not on the network. How do i stop Computer A from giving out IPS and how do i stop the other computers from connection to computer A14:37
blazemongerMrHippocampus: : it happens on the exact same two updates every time i reinstall..libpng and apparmor14:37
LjLkomputes, do you need to compress the stuff you back up (for instance to put it on a CD)? it makes a difference whether you do or don't. if you don't, you can just use "cp", otherwise "gzip" or a dedicated backup utility might be a better choice14:37
TheEagleZionad_: im not sure about this - but have you tried setting up the other computer's ip addresses manually?14:38
MrHippocampusblazemonger: if you really feel that strongly about it, file a bug on launchpad14:38
=== efeferg is now known as minus
komputesLjL: if I don't tar.gz, the permissions will be gone...right?14:38
TheEagleZionad_: what os are the computers using?14:38
Zionad_TheEagle: yes, sometimes the choose to use what i have put in, sometimes they still look at computer A for an IP14:38
Zionad_TheEagle: Both ubuntu and windows14:39
blazemongerMrHippocampus:  is it php causing it?14:39
komputesLjbecause CD is ISO9660 and no permissions are allowed on CD's14:39
LjLkomputes: if you backup to a non-POSIX filesystem (such as to a CD if you aren't careful with wodim/cdrecord), yes.14:39
MrHippocampusblazemonger: I have no idea14:39
hasssnahow do i set up my internet connection with ubuntu14:39
komputesLjL thanks14:39
TheEagleZionad_: so each computer is running both windows and ubuntu?14:39
J_Laptopwith iso format, you need to enable rockridge14:39
LjLkomputes: well, the RockRidge extensions can be used to implement permissions. But i do believe it would be better to make a tar14:39
J_Laptopthen it'll hold your permissions, at least to some extent14:39
Zionad_TheEagle: sorry no, 1 i on windows, and about 4 are on ubuntu14:39
DaveMckwow, its freaking busy in here14:40
J_LaptopI think rockridge will still take out the "w" permission14:40
komputesLjL: I thing tar is testted and true, so i'll stay oldschool14:40
SAngeli|thunder: I am unable to find the adobe zip file. I can only find http://www.adobe.com/shockwave/download/download.cgi?P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash but the tar does not work. Can you help me finding this file, please?14:40
blazemongerMrHippocampus: so keep reinstalling until it decides to actually stop spamming me w/ scrollkeeper14:40
|thunderhow do i do a 'contains text' file search ?14:40
LjLkomputes: no reason not to.14:40
|thunderSAngeli; sry, thats what you want14:40
|thunderSAngeli; the tar.gz14:40
TheEagleZionad_: which os is Computer A running14:40
|thunderSAngeli; my bad14:40
LjL|thunder: i think Tracker can do that, and faster than other methods if your files have been indexed by it (which they should be, if you're on Gutsy)14:40
Zionad_theeagle: Ubuntu14:40
SAngeliyes, but can you make it work, when you click on the link? I cannot. Can you please try and let me know?14:41
|thunderLjL; thanks, ill have a look14:41
hasssnaanyone know where i can find information on setting up an internet connection on ubuntu?14:41
newmanhow do i install ophcrack-2.4.1 ?14:41
LjL!rootirc | newman14:41
ubotunewman: It's not technically our business, but we'd like to tell you that IRC'ing as root is a Very Bad Idea (tm). After all, doing anything as root when root is not needed is bad, and especially bad with software that connects to the Internet.14:41
TheEagleZionad_: what version of windows is the one pc running14:41
TheEagleZionad_: xp?14:42
|thunderLjL; guess ill use the console ver. tracker gui tool is ..  lacking14:42
aacan anyone help me? I'm new on scripting, and i want 2 customize pidgin account login dialog using scripts from pastebin.com, but each time i follow the link i end up in texts sound like this /home/pastebin/public_html/../posts/ needs to be a writable dir to use file storage engine..... anyone can help me?14:42
DaveMcksooo... mounting a RAID partition at startup. Anyone an expert?14:42
DaveMckgod i feel like a whiny kid14:43
MrHippocampusblazemonger: if it continues to happen after a reinstall as you have said, file a bug on launchpad.net/ubuntu14:43
|thunderDaveMck; ive been there14:43
LjL|thunder: the relevant package for that is tracker-utils14:43
|thunderDaveMck; with a mac partitoon14:43
TheEagleZionad_: you might have already tried this but - go to Start->Connect To then right click on your network connection and goto properties - Double Click on TCP/IP and enter manual ip addresses14:43
crush_groove I think you can go from ubuntu to kubuntu pretty easy . can you do the opposite ?14:43
blazemongerMrHippocampus: it only happens in updates14:43
bazhangDaveMck: fakeraid?14:43
|thunderLjL; i have it , thanks14:43
DaveMckno, software. mdadm14:43
DaveMckjust really simple stuff14:43
J_Laptopcrush- sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop14:43
LjLnewman, follow the instructions that come with it. a version of ophcrack *is* available in the repositories; you either install that, or you're on your own.14:43
blazemongeronly thing i dont like about ubuntu is gnome is too much for me14:43
blazemongeri want sometjhuing more text based14:43
pidginDutchany admins around?14:43
zarac-how / where do i change my default sound device?14:44
MrHippocampusblazmonger: something going wrong with updates is still a bug14:44
DaveMcki dont trust my fakeraid controller, it's destroyed data on me in the past :(14:44
J_Laptopblaze - might try something like fluxbuntu14:44
Zionad_TheEagle: i COULD do that, but i dont know my ISP's DNS servers, which windows XP requires to make the computer have a static IP and route14:44
SAngeli|thunder: you are correct, from terminal, with wget I got it. Through web not. Funny14:44
TheEagledo you have a router14:44
pidginDutchi tested the install of the nonfree flash for gutsy, there is an md5 checksum error14:44
crush_grooveJ_Laptop,  does that uninstall kubuntu and replace it or does that simply gimme another dt to login to14:44
pidginDutchthats not good14:44
LjL!flash > pidginDutch    (pidginDutch, see the private message from Ubotu)14:44
Zionad_THeEagle: Yes my router i want to ACT as a dhcp server to the whole network14:44
SAngeli|thunder: now, what should I do? Just extract it and cp the file you told me into the firefox plugins, and restart firefox?14:44
TheEagleZionad_: which router have you got14:44
J_Laptopcrush - Idon't think it'll remove KDE, but I think your default would become gnome14:44
pidginDutchok thanks14:44
Zionad_oh darn, A Netgear wireless one, Im not near it right now so i dont have the model14:45
crush_groove J_Laptop  ty . Ive done that14:45
Zionad_but it IS set in the control panel to be a DHCP server i know that14:45
Andycasssis there a way to chmod 777 a dir just for one user?14:45
|thunderSAngeli; yes, into that exact folder i specified earier. it may not exist yet. but thats ok14:45
SAngelilet me see14:45
J_LaptopAndy - your question is impossible14:45
LjLAndycasss: uh? no, there is a way to give any set of permissions to the *owner* of that directory, though.14:45
jasonis it just me or is the flash plugin installer thing broken?  not a big deal cause the manual install worked.  but just curious in case my newbie friends start calling :)14:45
J_LaptopLJL beat me14:45
LjL!flash > jason    (jason, see the private message from Ubotu)14:46
TheEagleZionad_: hold on a minute or two ill be back14:46
komputesLjL: I was reading up on RockRidge, it's pretty cool, allows long names and unix permissions to be kept, I take it otherwise, the names will be truncated to 8.3 or something fil~01293.ext14:46
Zionad_TheEAgle: ok thanks!14:46
AndycasssLjL: how?14:46
LjL!permissions > Andycasss    (Andycasss, see the private message from Ubotu)14:46
bazhangdoes no one read the topic? oy.14:46
LjLkomputes: indeed they would.14:46
Zionad_!permissions > Zionad_14:46
blazemongerMrHippocampus:  how safe is it to use ubuntu without installing updates14:46
thormHmm someone can help me how to install azureus on ubuntu?14:47
LjLkomputes: do just use tar, though, i really can't guarantee rockridge won't give you surprises14:47
blazemongerthat way i can be sure not to get the scrollkeeper bug14:47
TheEagle!permissions | Zionad_14:47
ubotuZionad_: An explanation of how files and directories are organized on Ubuntu, and how they can be manipulated, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxFilesystemTreeOverview14:47
Zionad_hah, cool14:47
MrHippocampusblazemonger: I wouldnt recommend not updating14:47
D3How can I analyze the crash dumps I get...14:47
DaveMckbazhang: it's software RAID, and I can create it and mount it no worries. I just can't get it to happen at startup, I have to do it manually after logon14:47
blazemongerMrHippocampus: well the updates are causing the bugs14:47
komputesLjL, do you know what happens if you put a rockridge CD is put in an old standard linux 2.4 machine without rockridge?14:47
LjLkomputes: you see the 8.3 filenames with the wrong permissions.14:48
MrHippocampusblazemonger: then file a bug on launchpad so the developers know about it14:48
blazemongerthey prob know about it14:48
komputeswrong permissions, whoo, thank doogness noes14:48
blazemongeris it really a bug if it's onl yhappening to two updates?14:49
Milotincan someone tell that if it's normal this : yesterday my network connection didn`t worked but the sound yes. when i managed to solve my network problem the sound crashed and when i tried to solve the sound the network crashed14:49
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots14:49
ShadowCalli had a clean ubuntu install, and i had sound but had screeching noise over the top of it that hurt my ears14:49
B-rabbitGeneral Q: What's the diffrence between VMware workstation & VMWare server....don't they do the same job....what's the advantage and drawbacks?14:49
ShadowCalli had did some updates and then had to reboot14:49
MrHippocampusblazemonger: a bug can happen on one update or one hundred, its still a bug14:49
LjLkomputes: note that, to confuse matters further, RockRidge is *not* the set of extensions that's used by Microsoft Windows, so if you make a RockRidge CD, Windows users will still see 8.3 filenames. you have to tell your burner to use Juliet extensions too, to cater for Windows. Probably doesn't matter to you right now, but just FYI14:49
white_eaglehow to enable the multimedia keys on my laptop?14:49
ShadowCallwhen i rebooted t odesktop it didnt recognise my sound card14:50
DaveMckwhite_eagle: what keyboard?14:50
thormhow do i install applications on ubuntu? put the .jar in usr?14:50
LjL!mediakeys > white_eagle    (white_eagle, see the private message from Ubotu)14:50
blazemongersomeone else will report the bug14:50
LjLthorm: wha? no. i assume you meant to say *Java* applications anyway?14:50
TheEagleLjL: its not > its |14:50
LjL!bot > TheEagle    (TheEagle, see the private message from Ubotu)14:50
blazemongeri just want to figure out the cause+effect :)14:51
thormYes i mean java like azureus, LjL .. can you help me?14:51
SAngeli|thunder:  as usual, you guys in channel are great."!  It worked14:51
blazemongeri'm looking through the source code14:51
LjL!azureus > thorm    (thorm, see the private message from Ubotu)14:51
komputesMilotin: what kind of network card/sound card are they both PCI or are they built in?14:51
TheEagleo right14:51
thormthank you LjL14:51
SAngeli|thunder: now, how to add more plugins under firefox, at lest the most important ones?14:51
juano__thorm: use synaptic to install those applications, you should install .deb packages14:51
zubuntuso this is bizarre, I seem to have lost the applications section of my menu they don't show up under the main menu, and i added the menu bar, and the application drop down is empty14:51
LjLthorm: anyway, you should be able to install 'azureus' by just typing « sudo apt-get install azureus ». it's a package that's available in the repositories.14:52
TheEagleZionad_: as a temporary solution as i can;t find the exact cause - just get the DNS from your router14:52
thormOh ok14:52
thormi'll try that then14:52
blazemongerwhats wrong with apt?14:52
blazemongerdo i need to install the backports too?14:53
bazhangSAngeli: do it via firefox tools--addons-extensions14:53
SAngeliwill do so.14:53
SAngelithks for now14:53
crush_groovewhat command will five you dns ?? route -n?14:53
zubuntunothing on the forums about it, has this happened to anyone else?14:53
crush_groove give you14:53
=== joerg is now known as SnaTch
thormthx it worked, juano__ and LjL :)14:54
TheEagleZionad_: do you know how to do that14:54
juano__thorm: np14:54
LjLthorm: remember to *always* search for packages in the repositories before installing them in other strange ways (which are likely to break your system).14:54
thormyes.. :)14:54
=== joerg is now known as SnaTch
thormim just pretty new to ubuntu.. but seems sleek and efficient!14:55
juano__thorm: your second step is if it isnt in the repositories, search for a .deb file of that app14:55
bazhangthorm: and the support is top notch :}14:55
thormoh yeah bazhang :) takes virtually seconds to get great support in here.. thumbs up14:55
LjLjuano__, thorm: better make sure it's a .deb for Ubuntu, though, and not a .deb for Debian, because that may reserve ugly surprises, too, especially if it's a back-end or library instead of an end-user application14:56
DaveMckso, like I was saying... trying to mount /dev/md0 at startup. I've tried a few things, like adding it to /etc/fstab, but that's no good because the md service isn't running at that point. It was also suggested to try mounting it in rc.local, but that hasnt worked for me either...14:56
juano__LjL thorm: right ^^14:56
|thunderSAngeli; goto applications then add/remove and search for mplayer, install it and the mozilla plugin packages. then search gstreamer and install all the ones that say gstreamer. thats what i did. everything works great for me.14:57
zobbanhi i have ubuntu 6.10 can i upgrade it even more or thats ok14:57
B-rabbitdo u have to register some where to send private messagees (on IRC) to people ?14:57
|thunderSAngeli; ohh ya, search for restricted as well14:57
LjL!register > B-rabbit    (B-rabbit, see the private message from Ubotu)14:57
SAngeli|thunder: ok, thks14:57
arcadeWho should one contact about buggy packages in multiverse?14:58
bazhangSAngeli: more specifically install ubuntu-restricted-extras14:58
B-rabbitLjL, thnx14:58
thormoh yeah my torrents now work! great..14:58
bazhanghttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=610857 DaveMck14:58
LjL!bugs | arcade14:59
ubotuarcade: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.ubuntu.com/  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/products/ubuntu-bots14:59
bazhangSAngeli: also two packages from www.medibuntu.org you likely will want are libdvdcss2 (for playing dvd's) and win32codecs--no need for repos--isntructions on the site15:00
arcadeFound a bunch of bugreports for it :915:00
arcadeSo no need to file another one15:00
SAngeliok, thks15:00
zobbanhi i have ubuntu 6.10 can i upgrade it even more or thats ok15:01
joachiDoes anyone know how I can analyze the .crash files in /var/crash directory...15:01
LjL!upgrade > zobban    (zobban, see the private message from Ubotu)15:01
bazhangzobban you can15:02
zobbanwhat is the latest ubuntu15:02
LjL!gutsy | zobban15:02
ubotuzobban: Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy Gibbon) is the latest version of Ubuntu. Upgrading to Gutsy:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GutsyUpgrades - Downloading: http://www.ubuntu.com/download - New Features: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/710tour - Please use bittorrent to download if possible, see !torrents15:02
bazhang7.10 zobban15:02
zobbanso is it difficutl to upgrade from 6.10 to 7.1015:03
LjLzobban: a bit, because you need to go through 7.0415:03
LjLyou can't upgrade directly15:03
zobbanok i thought i just du apt get upgrade15:03
joachiapt-get upgrade is only available from 7.04 to 7.10.15:04
LjLapt-get upgrade is NOT the recommended method to upgrade, in any case.15:04
zobbanso what to do to upgrade or not i am on 6.1015:04
LjLzobban, you were sent instructions15:05
zobbanyes it shows instructions but i dunno to upgrade or not15:05
LjLzobban, we can't decide for you.15:05
zobbanwell what do you think is it better to upgrade or not15:06
kurt_is it possible to run some nice graphix games on virtualbox ?15:06
zubuntuum i don't want to be a pain, but a lot of new people have come in the channel, so i seem to have lost my application list, i can still run them through the run dialog, bit the dialog won't list my known apps, or rather it lists none just white space, and they also don't show up in my main menu, or in the menu bar (i added it to check)15:06
LjLkurt_: it won't let you use 3D games at anything close to an acceptable speed.15:06
zobbandont use virtualbox its so slowly to run virtual box i never like to have virtualbox15:06
kurt_can't get a game running on cedega transgaming15:06
san|I have an FTP connection with GnomeVFS. This works but gedit can open files only in read only mode.. scribes (another text editor) can modify these files... anyone a clue why?15:06
LjLkurt_: tried plain WINE?15:06
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kurt_tried to install a game via wine but installing takes forever15:07
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kurt_crossover works too but for some games it does not find an aspi layer15:07
DEadPuNkhello can anyone help to install ntfs-3g please15:08
bazhanghttp://appdb.winehq.org/ kurt_15:08
alemonesHi Guys, I would need help with getting Wide-screen res 1280x800 on a laptop. Can anyone help me?15:08
MrHippocampus!ntfs3g | DEadPuNk15:08
ubotuDEadPuNk: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions15:08
kurt_btw i own the game spellforce , i know it excist for linux too but is it possible to add some files too my pc version of the game so it runs in linux15:09
kurt_like they did with quake 2 i believe15:09
LjLkurt_: VMWare may be a better option than VirtualBox, since it has (experimental) Direct3D support. However, VMWare is not available in the official repositories... VMWare Server is in Canonical's commercial repositories, but i don't think it supports Direct3D (couldn't swear on it). VMWare Player does, i don't know if anybody provides a package for it.15:11
ubotuVirtualBox is open-source virtualization software for x86, with a proprietary "enterprise" version sporting additional features. Packages for Ubuntu are provided by the makers at http://www.virtualbox.org/ - Setup details at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/VirtualBox15:12
benzsscan anybody name a wireless adapter which is almost 100% guaranteed to work with gutsy?15:12
benzss'cos i'm just going to buy it. getting mine to work is too much agro.15:12
kurt_sure ralink 250015:12
kurt_that is not a brand15:12
benzssyeah doesn't work15:12
benzssnor does rt7315:12
bazhangintel benzss15:12
benzssboth drivers are still really buggy15:12
kurt_it works out of the box15:13
kurt_i have one like that15:13
kurt_from msi15:13
benzssworks out the box for about 5 minutes ;)15:13
white_eaglebenzss: mine works out of the box: atheros ar241315:13
benzsswhite_eagle: isn't that a laptop thing?15:13
benzsswhite_eagle: pretty sure i have that in this acer laptop i'm using atm (which i daren't touch with ubuntu)15:13
timmy_Wie heeft er L.Mint15:14
DEadPuNkthanx ubotu15:14
white_eaglebenzss: why?15:14
kurt_anyone know how to add an aspi layer for codeweaver app15:14
benzsswhite_eagle: i don't like to sit down for hours figuring out why my laptop won't suspend properly, or why my touchpad won't work, etc15:14
benzsswhite_eagle: anyway i think this is actually th wrong channel for this... oops15:14
noogenget a wireless gaming adapter15:14
white_eaglebenzss: except suspending, everything else works fine with my toshiba laptop15:15
noogenconnect through your regular ethernet and you don't have to install driver hehe15:15
brobostigonhi, good afternoon15:15
Jack_Sparrowbrobostigon: Good Morning.. TIme is Relative..:)15:16
Shimfshi everyone15:16
white_eagle00h, 12 MB downloaded for 30 min :(((15:16
alemonesHi Guys, I would need help with getting Wide-screen res 1280x800 on a laptop. Can anyone help me?15:16
JoeThomasHi, I'm getting some errors on boot, "ata 2.01: failed to set xfermode(err_mask=0x4)" 4 of them.15:16
white_eaglealemones: xx''?15:16
Jack_Sparrowalemones: Have you been through the help page for setting res?15:17
ShimfsI have just installed Ubuntu on my Laptop, but when i load it now, right after isntallation. The screen remains blank. but i can hear it works15:17
juano_1alemones: system > preferences > screen resolution15:17
white_eagleShimfs: I have that problem, wait and it will boot15:17
alemonesno, I'm a total beginner, what and where is that?15:17
timmy_Ik zoek raad over LinuxMint (mag ik bij Mint de Backports aanvinken ?.15:17
Shimfswhite_eagle, okay15:17
Shimfswhite_eagle, thanks15:17
Jack_Sparrow!res > alemones15:17
Shimfswhite_eagle, right now im using recovery mode15:17
white_eagleshimfs: lolz15:17
bazhangdutch timmy?15:17
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto15:17
Jack_Sparrowalemones: Once you have read through that we would be happy to help you with anything you are having trouble with15:18
danubeanyone can give me a hint why i'm not even with sudo permitted to ping my designated DNS?15:18
timmy_Kan geen engels ben een dikke zestiger15:18
white_eagleShimfs: got it?15:18
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.15:18
Shimfswhite_eagle, no, doing a reboot right now15:18
Jack_SparrowShimfs: Do you get to a cli in recovery mode15:19
white_eagle|_ocke: what a funny nick15:19
alemonesthx guys! I have the tab at sight, will work on it. FYI I have been fighting with 915resolution for the last 2 days!!15:19
white_eagle|_ocke: no offense15:19
ubotuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows15:19
ShimfsJack_Sparrow, i get to the point where i am logged in as root. Nothing else, in text mode15:19
white_eagleShimfs: didn't reboot?15:19
Shimfswhite_eagle, i chosed to reboot15:19
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white_eagleShimfs: wait longer, when I first installed ubuntu it booted for 5 minutes with a black screen15:20
|_ockewhats funny about Locke?15:20
Jack_SparrowShimfs: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-sorg   is the basic way to set the vidoe and get to your gui15:20
DaveMckanyone know how to get the mdadm 'service' running at bootup?15:20
Shimfswhite_eagle, okay :S15:20
ShimfsJack_Sparrow, thank you15:20
|_ockei've had this nick since 1994 when final fantasy 3 US came out15:20
Jack_SparrowShimfs: For failsafe... set the card to vesa and max res or 1024x76815:20
|_ockecourse, someone on EFnet already had Locke, so i got |_ocke15:20
noogendanube: maybe your dns has firewall blocking for icmp flood protection15:20
white_eagle|_ocke: oh jeez15:21
|_ockeand thats what i've been ever since15:21
ShimfsJack_Sparrow, i shall try that. Thank you15:21
danubenoogen: how to get behind that?15:21
|_ockeso this nick is more than 13 years old15:21
kurt_does anyone know where to download aspi layer for linux15:21
vincenzOk, I confirm, there is -definitely- something wrong with the latest update to gutsy15:21
Milotini can`t start my networkd connection because my dns ip are not good15:21
minusEhm.. I have a page on my server that is set to charset UTF-8. If I set Firefox in ubuntu to use UTF-8, all the special chars are questionmarks instead. Why is this?15:21
Milotinhow may i find out what dns to use ?15:21
white_eagle|_ocke: I've got 16 years15:21
Shimfsjack_sparrow. It says xserver-sorg is not installet15:21
vincenzI intsalled from the gutsy cd and everything worked fine.  Then I updated to the latest pacages, and I'm getting the same bugs again as yesterday, when I log in, gnome flashes and then I get hdd15:22
|_ockewhite_eagle, really? i thought that IRC has only existed since 93..15:22
minusI used "ISO-8859-15" as charset on the page and Iso 8859-1 as decoding in firefox, and then it worked.15:22
minusBut I want UTF-815:22
Jack_SparrowShimfs typop.. hold on15:22
ShimfsJack_Sparrow, ahh ok :P :)15:22
brobostigonmilotin: your dns servers are define in /etc/resolv.conf, and some other places but cant rememeber.15:22
Jack_Sparrowsudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg15:22
|_ockeso what server were you on in 1991?15:23
ShimfsJack_Sparrow, ahh that worked :P15:23
Milotinin etc/resolv.conf are the dns from my past connection the one with the static ip15:23
Jack_SparrowShimfs: Sorry, typing with one hand and trying to get down my first cup of coffee..  my bad15:23
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Milotinbrobostigon can you please try remember where else should they be ?15:23
Jack_Sparrow|_ocke: Please avoid the offtopic discussions15:23
Milotinbrobostigon i know someone told me the dns from my terminal...15:23
|_ockemeh :P15:24
ShimfsJack_Sparrow, ahh okay :P then you must be from america or something like that :P15:24
zubuntui have been searching the forums, and i can't find anything relevant to my problem, is there anywhere else I can go for support?15:24
SAngeliis it sage to use xorg-edit to edit and better my nvidia gpu settings? I am using Ubuntu 7.1015:24
brobostigonmilotin: its one of the config files for dhcp, have a look in /etc/dhcp*, i cant remeber15:24
Jack_SparrowShimfs: Something like the Americas yes15:24
brobostigoni  think??15:24
Milotinso they should be the same ?15:24
bitsbamhey gents, i have to replace a cratered hard drive on a compaq/hp notebook, do they use standard hardware like what i can get at newegg, or do i have to get one special from hp?15:24
taufikhallo all15:24
vincenzDoes anyone know why updating to the latest gutsy makes X behave so strangely?15:24
Milotini found them in /etc/ppp15:25
taufiksomebody can help me15:25
brobostigonmilotin: i dont know, not sure.15:25
ShimfsJack_Sparrow, ahh white eagle says that the first time he booted ubuntu with gusty, it took 5 minutes with black screen15:25
MrHippocampusDaveMCK: have you made sure the mdadm service starts at boot time? "update-rc.d mdadm boot" i think15:25
taufiki have i problem15:25
DaveMckMrHippocampus: Yeah, just looking at that now!15:26
SAngeliis it sage to use xorg-edit to edit and better my nvidia gpu settings? I am using Ubuntu 7.1015:26
Jack_SparrowShimfs: depends on your hardware...  But that command I gave is golden for when you make a res change and cant get back in15:26
DaveMckMrHippocampus: I don't have an /etc/init.d/mdadm file though15:26
DaveMckMrHippocampus: so i just get "update-rc.d: /etc/init.d/mdadm: file does not exist"15:27
Jack_SparrowSAngeli: NOt sure what you are trying to do, but make sure you have a copy of your xorg.conf first15:27
nmbookerhello all15:27
MrHippocampusDaveMcK: if you look at the file list in http://packages.ubuntu.com/gutsy/admin/mdadm it says it should be there15:28
Jack_Sparrowbitsbam: Only some of those are propietary.. not sure of that particular one.15:28
taufiki have a problem with sound15:28
TheEagleis it possible to run microsofr office 2007 on ubuntu with wine?15:28
SAngeliJack_Sparrow: I have my monitor setting at 60Hz but ubuntu shows 50. So, i thought to set it up properly15:28
taufikmy soundcard is not work15:28
Jack_Sparrow!find mdadm15:28
brobostigontheeaglr: i think it should wrk, not tried though??15:28
vincenzFor some reason, when I sintall gutsy from the gutsy install cd, everything works fine.  But when I update to the latest updates, my X starts acting relaly odd like the problem I had last night.  So it's definitely something in one of the update packages.15:28
ubotuFound: mdadm15:28
Shimfsi am reconfiguring my xorg15:29
bitsbamJack_Sparrow: thanks, Jack15:29
Shimfsnow i am going to chose a mouse port15:29
Shimfsbut i use a synaptic touchbad15:29
Jack_SparrowSAngeli: np just make a backup before you start, and know how to restore it with cp or sudo nano from cli15:29
larson9999TheEagle, i doubt it.  older versions, yes.  i bet if 2007 runs it has lots of bugs15:29
brobostigontheeagle: not sure, but should work, not tried though.15:29
bullgard4I do not understand line 340 in http://ubuntuusers.de/paste/23981/. Why is it necessary to test the existence of the file 85-anacron.sh instead of simply trying to run it?15:29
nmbookeri've got one of these iitronics MP3 players from Argos, and I copy some MP3 files to it, but the ID3 data (title etc) is displayed with Chinese characters and the usual generic "Box" character.  Any ideas why?15:29
taufiki'm new15:29
Shimfsis that, psaux, ttyS0, tts0 or gpmdata15:29
SAngeliJack_Sparrow: sure15:29
Jack_SparrowShimfs: just accept the defaults for anything else...15:29
wandaWord hier alleen Eng Ge  chat15:29
vincenzwanda: ja15:29
MrHippocampusDaveMcK: when I installed mdadm on my desktop (other side of the country atm unfortunately) it automatically worked on boot up15:30
ShimfsJack_Sparrow, there was no default, its a drop down kind of list15:30
nmbooker(on the player's display that is, not on the PC)15:30
ShimfsJack_Sparrow, but i pick mouse then15:30
Jack_SparrowShimfs: You should just be able to hit tab and enter15:30
wandadan kan ik dus dit chat program weer verlaten15:30
TheEaglebecause I have an installation of it on my otyher hard drive running windows and i have tried to run "wine WINWORD.EXE" and i get a message saying "fixme:actctx:parse_depend_manifests Could not find dependent assembly L"Microsoft.VC80.CRT"15:30
TheEagleerr:module:import_dll Library MSVCR80.dll (which is needed by L"Z:\\media\\disk\\Program Files\\Microsoft Office\\Office12\\WINWORD.exe") not found15:30
TheEagleerr:module:LdrInitializeThunk Main exe initialization for L"Z:\\media\\disk\\Program Files\\Microsoft Office\\Office12\\WINWORD.exe" failed, status c000013515:30
TheEagleandrew@ubuntu:/media/disk/Program Files/Microsoft Office/Office12$15:30
Jack_Sparrowwanda.. english only please15:30
TheEaglesorry - i should have used pastebin15:30
ShimfsJack_Sparrow, ok thanks15:31
vincenzDoes anyone know why the latest updates break x?15:31
wandawanda zegt goodby for ever15:31
noogenvincenz: the update mess me up too... I couldn't boot.   had to do a recovery boot from cd and fix it.15:31
vincenznonix4: I can boot fine, it's just that when I log into gdm, it borks15:32
Jack_Sparrowwanda are you dutch?  We have channels in other languages15:32
alemonesHi guys, thanks, I already identified the problem: I have version 6.06 and only from 6.10 I can use the higher resolution of 1280x800, because I have intel 915 graphics...15:32
T1m0thyGood thing I haven't updated.15:32
DaveMckMrHippocampus: Thanks, I didn't install the ubuntu package, i got mdadm from the source website. I'll try with the correct package :D15:32
vincenzwanda: try ubuntu.nl ?15:32
zubuntuis there a way i can refresh/recreate/rebuild my application list?15:32
alemonescan I upgrade from 6.06 to 7 without big mess?15:32
wandaja ik ben dutch graag een link15:32
Jack_Sparrowalemones: No, you must do them in order15:32
MrHippocampusDaveMck:Ah, that would explain it, yes, the ubuntu package automagically detects and sets them up :)15:33
noogenyeah sometime updates overwrite your original configuration files or rename it to like .bak15:33
ubotuFor at få support til Ubuntu på Dansk bedes du venligst gå til #ubuntu-dk. I denne kanal tales kun Engelsk.15:33
vincenzwanda: /join #ubuntu-nl15:33
ubotuNederlandstalige ondersteuning voor Ubuntu (en vers gezette koffie) is te vinden in #ubuntu-nl15:33
noogenjust has to know what you update to fix hehe15:33
Jack_Sparrowvincenz: thanks... thats the one I wanted15:33
alemonesThanks JACK, then I need to burn the ISO image and start from scratch?15:33
Shimfswhite_eagle, you said the first time it took 5 minutes before your screen would show anything. How did you make sure it did not take that long, the second time?15:33
DaveMckMrHippocampus: What would have been the correct way to obtain mdadm?  I searched through the add/remove packages thing to no avail, which is why I ended up installing manually15:33
white_eagleShimfs: I haven't done anything15:34
TheEaglecan someone help me with wine15:34
vincenzIs it a known problem that updating breaks X?15:34
Shimfswhite_eagle, okay15:34
Jack_Sparrowalemones: Fresh installs always work better, but if you really want to save your setup you upgrade one by one..15:34
TheEaglewhite_eagle: i know what wine is - i just need some help with something15:34
TheEaglei keep getting a message when i try to run an exe15:34
TheEagleill paste in the pastebimn15:34
Jack_Sparrowvincenz: Occasionally yes, but easy enough to reset your res X from cli recovery mode15:35
alemonesJACK - thanks a lot, what do you mean one by one? download all the updates?15:35
vincenzJack_Sparrow: how?15:35
MrHippocampusDaveMck: the synaptic package manager lists all of the packages, the ones in add/remove are typically just GUI ones15:35
Milotin can someone tell that if it's normal this : yesterday my network connection didn`t worked but the sound yes. when i managed to solve my network problem the sound crashed and when i tried to solve the sound the network crashed15:35
vincenzJack_Sparrow: even dpgk-reconfigure does not fix it15:35
Milotini guess is some sort of conflict between them15:35
Milotincan someone help me fix this ?15:35
ShimfsJack_Sparrow, apparently, it just takes a LONG time to boot. because after some minutes the screen was no longer black. But we are talking very much above average boot time for any OS :P15:35
bullgard4I do not understand line 340 in http://ubuntuusers.de/paste/23981/. Why is it necessary to test the existence of the file 85-anacron.sh instead of simply trying to run it?15:35
mrbrdohey, i have a small problem with XSP2 and MONO. It works fine if i start with "xsp2", but when i start with "/etc/init.d/mono-xsp2 start" it doesn't work. why?15:35
caravelwould anyone be so kind to look at this kernel log ? gutsy froze the other night, caps lock was blinking on this Asus V1S laptop, had to hard-reboot: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/49280/ thanks15:36
mrbrdoi don't know any log file to look15:36
DaveMckMrHippocampus: Aha!  I learn things.  Thanks heaps!15:36
Shimfswhite_eagle, now it works :S :P15:36
noogenShimfs: have you try without splash and with irqpoll?  that speed it up for me15:36
Jack_Sparrowvincenz: then you are not getting the settings right, set it to vesa mode 1024 max to get back basic gui... then you can up the res and setup your correct video card etc...  Usually ATI have that problem15:36
Shimfsnoogen, and how to chose that?15:36
T1m0thyI should not update to the newest kernel, correct?15:36
noogenactually i don't know about the desktop livecd15:37
TheEaglei have downloaded the MSVCR80.DLL but have no idea where to put it15:37
noogeni don't think it has the option15:37
noogeni use the server livecd15:37
MrHippocampusDaveMck: glad i could help :)15:37
noogenhehe sorry15:37
vincenzJack_Sparrow: hwo does that explain the mad hdd behaviour15:37
Jack_SparrowShimfs: Then something is hanging it up.. you should be able to remove quiet from boot/grub/menu.lst and see what the problem is15:37
ShimfsJack_Sparrow, okay15:37
noogenoh so you still having problem with boot?15:37
Jack_Sparrowvincenz: look n the wiki for an issue on hdd for some laptops15:38
=== borsanza is now known as BorSanZa
Jack_SparrowTheEagle: #winehq can help with those questions15:38
vincenzJack_Sparrow: the issue is not with X, gdm works fine, the issue only appears after logging in15:39
TheEagleJack_Sparrow: cheers15:39
vincenzJack_Sparrow: and how can I go look on wiki if I don't have x.15:39
white_eagleShimfs, so...15:39
vincenzbrowsing the web in 25 rows = impossible15:39
Hestv4_oh no15:39
Jack_Sparrowvincenz: a different computer, a live cd there are ways..15:39
Hestv4_I do it just for fun15:39
* vincenz pffts15:39
vincenzThis is the second time I get this problem15:39
vincenzSomething's borked in a package15:39
white_eagleShimfs, it works after waiting?15:40
Jack_Sparrowvincenz: Post a bug report and identify your hardware...15:40
* vincenz has other priorities, and a borked system is not helping15:40
Shimfswhite_eagle, yes. I am trying to get it to boot faster now15:41
Jack_Sparrowvincenz: FYI, I keep a second linux install, basic everything, not upgraded on my drive for testing and backup purposes, I dont suppose you have any sort of backup to of your system15:41
Sentencesomeone can recommend me an irc client for x windows with gui mode?15:41
underdawgis FLASH still broken?15:42
Sentencei tried xchat, konvesation, ksirc, anything else?15:42
Jack_Sparrowunderdawg: yes from what I have heard15:42
white_eagleShimfs: I tried that also, but can't get it to boot faster :(( stopped trying the second day15:42
nonix4no, browsing the web in 25 rows isn't impossible... nor is fragging noobies w/ ttyquake, although 50+ rows is preferable15:42
Shimfswhite_eagle, so you wait so long each time?15:42
underdawgJack_Sparrow: thx for responding15:42
ubotuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash15:42
ubotuThe Flash plugin installation is currently broken. This is due to Adobe changing the tar file that the package downloads. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=636397 if you need to fix this immediately, but it's recommended to wait for an official fix.15:42
white_eaglewhite_eagle: no, I usually wait for 3 min.15:42
Jack_Sparrowunderdawg: You can use the workaround... if you really must have flash...  but please backup first15:43
ShimfsJack_Sparrow, a guy said i should try to start the system without  splash and with irqpoll. how to do so?15:43
white_eagleShimfs: no, I usually wait for 3 min.15:43
nmbookerhi all again I think I've solved the problem with my MP3 player and ID3 tags -- I re-built the tag in easytag and it worked fine (english characters).15:43
* underdawg is telling his teen to wait15:43
nmbookerThe question is how can I do this from the command line?15:43
simoneciao a tutti15:43
simonescusate ho un problema15:43
Shimfswhite_eagle, okay :(15:43
white_eagleShimfs: I have an older laptop thats why, but windows booted 3 times slower15:43
simonenessuno mi puo dare una mano15:43
Jack_SparrowShimfs: from gui gksudo gedit  /boot/grub/menu.lst15:43
ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!15:43
ShimfsJack_Sparrow, thank you15:43
simonec è nussuno?15:44
SAngeliHow to add 60 Hz to my Xorg config file, so that resolution is at 60 Hz ?15:44
Jack_Sparrow!es > simone15:44
newbieeemy panel is not working....how to get it back....i'm used xfce4-panel but again it disapear when i boot.15:44
alemonesHI GUYS, I have 6.06 version. When I download all updates, do I get 7.10?15:44
bazhangalemones: no15:44
nmbookeralemones: You just get the latest updates for 6.06.15:45
worldcitizen09hi everyone15:45
Jack_Sparrowalemones: update and upgrade are different15:45
worldcitizen09Can you help me with a problem?15:45
white_eaglejoin #xchat15:46
worldcitizen09My wine crashes the system and i cannot do anything after that15:46
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)15:46
SAngeliHow to add 60 Hz to my Xorg config file, so that resolution is at 60 Hz ?15:46
Jack_Sparrowworldcitizen09: How did you install wine and where did you get the wine you installed15:46
worldcitizen09i think this is because of my gigabye motherboard display driver via unichrome15:46
alemonesbazhang: Hi, thx 4 your reply. The help says if I have 6.06 and a Intel 915 graphics, I can't use full screen.. So I want to get a higher version, but not reinstall all15:47
newbieeemy panel is not working....how to get it back....i'm used xfce4-panel but again it disapear when i boot.15:47
worldcitizen09Jack through automatix15:47
zubuntuNO, do not use automatix!15:47
Jack_Sparrowworldcitizen09: Then insert the livecd and reinstall Ubuntu.. what you did messed everything up15:47
bazhangalemones: well you can upgrade via the web, but it is a long haul...15:47
ubotuautomatix is not recommended, supported or needed. See http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html and « /msg ubotu WorksForMe »15:48
Ranpha1Hi i just found my Sierra card which is a built in but it has to be somewhere in de /dev/ttyUSb* but i can't find it, is there a way to make a list?15:48
DavidMcKMrHippocampus: Just tried a restart, RAID partition mounted just like it should - automagically. TY again15:48
alemonesbazhang: If I download the 270 MB of updates, do I get to Ubuntu 7.x?15:48
alemonesfrom 6.0615:48
Jack_Sparrowalemones: no15:48
alemonesand to 6.10 at least?15:48
bazhangalemones no15:49
Jack_Sparrowalemones: update and upgrades are different15:49
alemonesok, then I should reinstall all...15:49
bazhangalemones: first back up15:49
MrHippocampusDavidMcK: good to hear :)15:49
Jack_Sparrowalemones: I would dl 7.10 before trying to upgrade through all the releases15:49
worldcitizen09Jack fine, went to the page15:49
worldcitizen09How should I install wine then?15:49
nonix4zubuntu: how do I get rid of everything medibuntu on my sys?15:50
alemoneshm.. I was looking forward to show it in full to my wife for Xmas... maybe Xmas 2008!  Thank you anyway JACK and Bazhang15:50
TheEagleis it possible to run office 2007 on ubuntu?15:50
bazhangalemones: lots to back up?15:50
Jack_Sparrowworldcitizen09: WIne is in our repos... very easy to install it .. the right way... You cant JUST install it the right way now.. Your system has been comprimised15:50
ubotuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.15:50
worldcitizen09I did this through usual method as you suggested15:51
Jack_SparrowTheEagle: No.. even crossover office does not support that yet15:51
kbrooksJack_Sparrow, do u mean hacked, or?15:51
Jack_Sparrow!info wine15:51
worldcitizen09Still the same problem and with picassa too15:51
ubotuwine: Microsoft Windows Compatibility Layer (Binary Emulator and Library). In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.46-0ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 33097 kB, installed size 103228 kB15:51
newbieeei'm not able to  see my Panel...how to get it back....i used xfce4-panel but again it disapear when i reboot.15:51
Jack_Sparrowkbrooks: not hacked.. trashed.. by automatix15:51
rsa___hi i installed kxmame but i cant play any of the games15:51
alemonesbazhang: I have no prob downloading 270 megs; I want to avoid the hassle of reinstalling all15:51
andreas_hello i have a question15:51
alemonesbut only if I get out of 6.06/!!15:51
bazhangalemones: you loads of personal data to back up?15:52
vishalHi, Can some one help me install realvnc please15:52
Jack_Sparrowworldcitizen09: You did not do what I said which was to reinstall ubuntu...15:52
kbrooksalemones, you will not.15:52
worldcitizen09Jack did you get the message about Picassa15:52
alemonesbazhang: not by now15:52
nonix4alemones: usually smaller hassle than upgrading multiple releases... well, in general :)15:52
Jack_Sparrowworldcitizen09: You also did not read what automatix does to your system15:52
andreas_i have a folder on my windows partition, the permissions for others are forbidden, and i want to delete the folder but i can't. Can anyone help me?15:52
alemonesmaybe I'll do it then...15:52
bazhangalemones: a reinstall is very quick, ie installing gutsy over all15:52
TheEagleJack_Sparrow: If I already have an installation of Office on My other Harddrive is it possible to run the EXEs via WINE?15:52
alemonesThank you guys!15:52
todd_is there an easy way to make a movie my screensaver (.flv and I'd like it to loop)?15:52
Jack_SparrowTheEagle: no15:53
alemonesLast one , 7.04 or 7.10 better?15:53
worldcitizen09the  system hangs and i reinstalled  a few times already but the same issues remain whatever way i installed wine15:53
TheEagleJack_Sparrow: Why Not?15:53
todd_TheEagle: Try OpenOffice... its much better15:53
worldcitizen09I forgot about screen savers15:53
bazhangalemones: definitely in time for this xmas :}15:53
Jack_SparrowTheEagle: ask in winehq... it does not work that way and does not support that release of office anyhow15:53
ShimfsJack_Sparrow, i have tried to find the  splash and with irqpoll things in the menu.lst but i cant find them15:53
Milotin can someone tell that if it's normal this : yesterday my network connection didn`t worked but the sound yes. when i managed to solve my network problem the sound crashed and when i tried to solve the sound the network crashed15:53
alemonesbazhang: :) I hope so!15:53
Milotini guess is some sort of conflict between them15:53
worldcitizen09they too give a lot of problem and many of them dont display well or hand the system.15:53
Milotincan someone help me fix this ?15:53
TheEagletodd_: i prefer microsoft office15:54
TheEaglebut ill take a look at it15:54
Ranpha1How can you see which device connects to where?15:54
bazhangalemones: and come back tomorrow to get it set up :}15:54
alemonesbazhang: so should I go for 7.04 or 7.10?15:54
RoDoXpeople, where are the firefox-favorites pages stored on ubuntu?15:54
noogenTheEagle: virtualbox might be a compromise15:54
vishalHi, Can some one help me install realvnc please15:54
todd_TheEagles: Your bet bet, install it again through wine15:54
bazhangalemones: what hardware? ram?15:54
Jack_Sparrowalemones: I like 7.0415:54
nonix4alemones: well the approach I prefer is installing new releases alongside in another partition and moving the useful data over...15:54
Jack_Sparrowtodd_:  he tried that it didnt work15:54
TheEaglenoogen_: is it free15:54
TheEagletodd_: yes i tried it15:55
worldcitizen09Jack I had 7.04 and 6 versions earlier but there was no problem wih wine on the same system15:55
alemonesIt's a Sony Vaio laptop, 512 Ram, Centrino 1.6 Ghz, 80 GB, got win Xp too15:55
nonix4... but then again I have separate /home partition so that is mostly trivial :)15:55
Jack_Sparrownonix4: I agree...15:55
worldcitizen09i think there is a problem with gusty15:55
alemonesJACK thanks15:55
todd_Jack_Sparow: If that dident work,... you are going to have a HARDER time with your other HD15:55
noogenTheEagle: yes, but it's virtualization, will need you to install windowsxp15:55
Jack_Sparrowworldcitizen09: sorry.. you have used automatix.. end of story.. it isnt something you can uninstall or easily fix...15:55
Pir8Folks I have a question. Since yesterday I started getting a problem where after I boot into ubuntu, the pc just freezes.15:56
TheEaglenoogen: i already have xp on another harddrive - does that count15:56
noogenTheEagle: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=43335915:56
bazhangworldcitizen09: automatix is the problem15:56
Pir8Is there any log files etc that I could maybe look at that could identify why it freezes ?15:56
alemonesBye guys15:56
Pir8what other checks/verification could I do ?15:56
alemones& THx15:56
todd_is there an easy way to make a movie my screensaver (.flv and I'd like it to loop)?15:56
vishalTheEagle: why dont u just dual boot?15:56
worldcitizen09Alright but the screen savers too give the same problem15:56
worldcitizen09Without wine15:56
TheEaglevishal: i know i can do that - but i just wondered if it was possible15:57
Jack_SparrowTheEagle: crossover office works very well.. but only up to 2004 if I remember correctly15:57
ShimfsJack_Sparrow, one moment, going to use my wired internet on the laptop15:57
vishalTheEagle: i tried the same with success but a sligh problem in windows15:57
TheEagleJack_Sparrow: what is crossover office15:57
vishalTheEagle:  how ever it does work15:57
todd_TheEagle: yes it is, but that is a huge project... Dont recomend it15:57
estethHow do i give a user access to a bunch of files without changing who owns them?15:57
Jack_SparrowShimfs: Post your boot grub to the pastebin15:57
=== NoorIslam is now known as NoorulIslaam
Jack_SparrowTheEagle: It is not free.. google it up for the best and latest info, or they also have a channel15:58
todd_esteth: man chgrp, and man chmod15:58
vishalTheEagle: have u heard of vmware?15:58
TheEagleim completely new to linux15:58
Jack_Sparrowesteth: Put them in or under their /user/ folder15:58
vishalTheEagle: there is a few player version available which allows u to run a virtual windows15:59
todd_TheEagle: you will have a much better time if you use linux versions of apps on linux, just a suggestion15:59
Jack_Sparrowvishal: vm will not run office 2007 either15:59
estethJack_Sparrow: I can't move these files. They're the /dev/input/event files15:59
vishalJack_Sparrow: i've got mine working, i use vmware to boot into a windows drive and then use office16:00
Jack_Sparrowesteth: then you are going to need to change permissions16:00
vishalJack_Sparrow: works a charm16:00
vishalTheEagle: what verion of windows have you got?16:00
vishalTheEagle: xp what? oem or retail?16:00
todd_TheEagle: try QEMU!16:00
SAngeliDoes anyone have a Samsung SyncMaster 206CW monitor running under ubuntu?16:01
Jack_Sparrowvishal: INteresting.. I have not heard of anyone getting it to work with any degree of functionality16:01
TtechJack_Sparrow, Why didy ou set ubot on me for saying lol when I never did? Yesterday?16:01
TheEaglevishal: i don't know16:01
SAngeliI wish to ask to share xorg.conf if possible16:01
estethJack_Sparrow: Thanks, i've changed permissions now16:01
vishalJack_Sparrow: yeah it works perfectly, its just an activation problem16:01
mrbrdoanyone knows when VBNC will be included in mono package?16:02
Jack_SparrowTtech: because it is used way too often as the bot said.. and you were wrong to begin with about codecs16:02
bazhangTtech: these are hectic channels at times16:02
taconemrbrdo: VBNC = ?16:02
Milotin can someone tell that if it's normal this : yesterday my network connection didn`t worked but the sound yes. when i managed to solve my network problem the sound crashed and when i tried to solve the sound the network crashed16:02
Milotini guess is some sort of conflict between them16:02
mrbrdovisual basic . net compiler16:02
Milotincan someone help me fix this ?16:02
vishalJack_Sparrow: when i switch from vm or direct boot because of a new set of hardware it kills the activating and i need to activate again16:02
WorkingOnWiseis there a way to install a video codec for x32 Windows on amd64 Gutsy? It is the EnSharpen codec which afaik is not in any repos.16:02
vishalTheEagle: are you in windows?16:02
Jack_Sparrowvishal: That isnt a major problem, glad you got it working.16:03
TtechJack_Sparrow,  but I was never talking about codec.16:03
* esking slaps esking around a bit with a large trout16:03
kurt_how can i search for something that is installed16:03
Leo1989Guys, how to allow users to manage VPN connection? I mean <pon> command without sudo. How to do it?16:03
kurt_or searching whatsover16:04
vishalJack_Sparrow: yh its not major, slighly slow because it not an awesome pc, but works never the less. i heard there is a limit on activating so im just not gonna use it on VMware16:04
Jack_Sparrowkurt_: you can make a list of everything installed with info from the bot on cloning your syste,16:04
* nonix4 frowns on them trouts that don't seem to know better... yet16:04
bullgard4I do not understand line 340 in http://ubuntuusers.de/paste/23981/. Why is it necessary to test the existence of the file 85-anacron.sh instead of simply trying to run it?16:04
bazhangkurt_: apt-cache search package or related will yield what your repos have16:04
Shimfs_hmm i have just installed ubuntu for the first time. I have finally made it to the desktop. I have tried the broadcom Offline (0.3.2)Installer16:05
Jack_Sparrowbullgard4: This isnt the place for programming help16:05
Shimfs_i did not work. Instead my mouse hangs every 3 sec or so as long as i have wireless enabled16:05
Shimfs_but i cant even get internet when i plug in my stationary computers wired cable16:05
Shimfs_it wont work .S16:05
kurt_and if i just wanna look for something, in this case i installed some game with crossover but don't find it16:05
vishalshimfs wireless is a problem when it locked to full speed16:06
kurt_can' i do a simple disk search ?16:06
Ranpha1I need to find to which TTY my sierra moden is connectd to how do i do this?16:06
Shimfs_vishal, how to unlock it then16:06
Jack_Sparrowkurt_: as in places serach for file?16:06
kurt_Jack_Sparrow: that i do not understand16:06
vishalshimfs by default retours come with the setting of only the highest speed, but you need to reduce it16:06
vishalshimfs what router have u got?16:06
nealmcbI'm upgrading gutsy with apt-get , and just saw this very odd question:  Parsing Found/Fixed information... Done   serious bugs of linux-libc-dev (2.6.22-14.46 -> 2.6.22-14.47) <pending>   #435700 - keepalived: FTBFS: conflicting types for 'loff_t'     Merged with: 434040   #429064 - linux-libc-dev: <linux/types.h> conflicts with <sys/ustat.h> Summary:  linux-libc-dev(2 bugs) Are you sure you want to install/upgrade the above packages? [Y/n/?/...]16:06
Shimfs_vishal, but i got a fast router, and 10mbit connection16:07
Jack_Sparrowkurt_: click on places, click on search for files?16:07
nealmcbthe bug numbers seem to be debian bugs....16:07
Shimfs_vishal, apple airport extreme16:07
kurt_Jack_Sparrow: yes as in places search for file16:07
Shimfs_vishal, and im on a WPA2 encrypted network.16:07
noelferreirahi have a pda (qtek 9100) and i want to synchronize it with gutsy. What should i do?16:07
Jack_SparrowRandyboY: Find the modem by going to a terminal and typing dmesg | grep ttyS16:07
estethcan i tell ubuntu to give a group permission to access everything inside a folder, even if a new file is added to that folder, i should get permissions on it?16:08
vishalshimfs the problem isnt the router but the computer. because it cant keep up to the top speed its routing all its power to boost the speed, the computer then loose power for other resources which causes it to hang, to by reducing the spped on the router it will not want the computer to connect at top speed16:08
crush_grooveesteth,  chmod --help in terminal16:08
vishalshimfs try turning of the encryption and see if that helps16:08
worldcitizen09Jack one last thing, how can I register my name with password at this channel16:09
vishalsorry guys gonna go check on my lunch, shimfs message me when im back if you need more help16:09
ubotuBy default, only registered users can send private messages - Information about  registering your Freenode nick can be found at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration16:09
Shimfs_vishal, but then i cant use the router. because it requires that encryption, and its not me that controls th router16:09
Shimfs_vishal, ok thanks vishal16:09
noelferreirahi have a pda (qtek 9100) and i want to synchronize it with gutsy. What should i do?16:09
TheEaglevishal: no16:09
kurt_i installed games with crossover, search for file cannot find them16:10
TheEaglebut im trying vmware now16:10
TheEaglecan i run rpms on ubuntu16:10
Jack_SparrowTheEagle: no16:10
bazhangTheEagle: no16:10
TheEagleok, cheers16:10
Jack_SparrowTheEagle: and alien is not a good sloultion16:10
TheEagleWhat's alien16:10
soroushhi, where can i restart apache or other service in Ubuntu?16:10
ubotuRPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous)16:10
vishalTheEagle: find out what version your using. when in windows go to start run, type in "winver" without the quotes, and find out weather it xp home, professional or media center, and also find out if its OEM or Retail16:11
vishalTheEagle: grab me what i come back after lunch16:11
todd_is there an easy way to make a movie my screensaver (.flv and I'd like it to loop)?16:11
TheEaglevishal: OEM, Home16:11
vishalTheEagle: kk i'll be back soon16:11
Shimfs_how to get my WIRED itnernet to work. :S16:13
Scusio`sleepbuy a cable :')16:13
Shimfs_yeah, i got one, and its plugged in16:13
Shimfs_but i cant get a internet connection16:13
lmosherI'm trying to play some AVI files, and I get an error saying the file indicates it's a plain text file - does this sound like file corruption (I burned to DVD...) or lack of codec?16:13
Jack_Sparrowlmosher: were you able to play them before you burned them?16:14
lmosherJack_Sparrow, On a windows PC, didn't try on Ubuntu16:15
noelferreirahi have a pda (qtek 9100) and i want to synchronize it with gutsy. What should i do?16:15
Jack_Sparrowlmosher: then it may be how they were encrypted back to dvd...16:15
soroushi got dc.16:15
soroushwas there any answer to my q:  how can i restart apache or other service in Ubuntu?16:16
lmosherJack_Sparrow, I just used nero to burn, but perhaps the it didn't work - I didn't check. But it doesn't sound like a codec problem?16:16
sergiuhallo, salut, priwet, salam16:16
rvega_argsoroush: /etc/init.d/apache2 restart16:16
J_Laptopare there still scripts in /etc/init.d now that ubuntu uses upstart?16:16
Jack_Sparrowlmosher: To may possibilities any of which could have done it..  If it plays in windows.. then it is code c if not, it was the encryption or other burning issue16:17
rvega_arg hi everybody!!! somebody had problems with amule in ubuntu? The last part of my files always is corrupt and i can't find nothing in Google16:17
worldcitizen09hi there16:18
AndycasssHow to chmod 777 including subdirs?16:18
bazhangrvega_arg: I recall seeing something in the forums--perhaps you could look there16:18
soroushrvega_arg, what about other services? i used yast2 in OpenSuse?16:18
worldcitizen09Jack and all, many thanks for your help16:18
rvega_argAndycasss: dhmod -R 777 dir16:18
Andycasssrvega_arg: thank you16:18
Shimfshmm still wont work with wired internet either16:18
soroushwhat is used in Ubuntu? , rvega_arg16:19
rvega_argsoroush: you want something like a service manager?16:19
Jack_Sparrowworldcitizen09: Sorry it was not a better answer.. but automatix.. is never the solution16:19
zorg_the_falseq. any ssh user around ? i got 2 ubuntu and do ssh between the 2. but after some time the connection freeze. any hint on how to fix that ?16:19
soroushrvega_arg, yes.16:19
rvega_argsoroush: System > Administration > Services16:19
edgyhi, any one had a Dell XPS 1330 here?16:19
lmosherJack_Sparrow, Hrm I'll try in vbox...16:19
J_Laptopzorg - there's a keep-alive option in /etc/ssh/ssh_config, IIRC16:20
rvega_argsoroush: but maybe there is another tool more advanced that i don't know16:20
crush_groove wow good info J_Laptop16:20
J_LaptopI've run into the same problem16:20
lmosherJack_Sparrow, Dunno why I didn't think of that earlier - file plays just fine in media player classic with CCCP codecs (for anime). So now, any ideas why it won't play in mplayer?16:20
Andycasssalso, how to check current permissions (chmod) on dir?16:21
soroushrvega_arg, the one in system menu can't restart the services. thanks anyway16:22
storeis there a way that I can make my computer's power button do nothing when pressed. right now it asks me what to do.16:22
Jack_Sparrowlmosher: That sure helped identify the problem eh..  I suggest you go through the links on restricted...16:22
lmosherJack_Sparrow, I think I have all the nonfree codecs installed and such. Is there a big list of all the packages I should install somewhere?16:23
Jack_Sparrow!restricted > lmosher16:23
WorkingOnWiseis there a way to install a video codec for x32 Windows on amd64 Gutsy? It is the EnSharpen codec which isn't available for any flavor of *nix16:23
noelferreirahi have a pda (qtek 9100) and i want to synchronize it with gutsy. What should i do?16:23
crush_grooveJack_Sparrow, the carrot makes it a pm ?16:23
WorkingOnWisenoelferreira: what OS is on it?16:24
caravelWorkingOnWise: I used synaptic to install the meta package on amd64, working straigth forward16:24
Jack_Sparrow!lol > crush_groove16:24
Jack_Sparrowcrush_groove: Sorry could not resist16:24
WorkingOnWisecaravel: what meta package?16:24
caravelWorkingOnWise: hold on16:24
lmosherJack_Sparrow, ok -this- is weird. In console I get an I/O error when trying to copy the files, yet it plays fine in windows? What on earth?16:24
MrPiracyhow can I install Google Earth package on a gutsy x64 using an Intel video card?16:24
crush_grooveDOESNT reply"LOL"16:25
noelferreiraWorkingOnWise, windows mobile i guess.16:25
jackcan anyone help me with updating firefox?16:25
caravelWorkingOnWise: non-free-codecs (on medibuntu repository)16:25
komputesDoes anyone know why Wine is not removing files to my gnome trash?16:25
WorkingOnWisenoelferreira: youl need to know for sure. there a couple solutions for you but they are OS version specific.16:26
Jack_Sparrowlmosher: ugh.. not sure..16:26
komputesor, better yet, which dir does wine send trash to16:26
lmosherAnyone know why a DVD w/ avi files would give an I/O error when trying to copy, yet works fine in vmware?16:26
noelferreiraWorkingOnWise, windows mobile 516:26
WorkingOnWisecaravel: it has an ensharpen codec?16:26
MrPiracyhow can i install vmware on a fresh install of gutsy gibbon?16:26
caravelWorkingOnWise: no idea, sorry :)16:27
jackhow can i update firefox?16:27
ubotuVMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player", not available for Gutsy, only Feisty and Edgy), and http://www.easyvmx.com/easyvmx.shtml can create VMs for it. Instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware - See also !virtualizers16:27
WorkingOnWisenoelferreira: then syncce/multisync and Evolution should work nicely. I have used it for my WM 2003 befoer, and say then that WM5 was also a go.16:27
WorkingOnWisenoelferreira: synce16:27
caraveljack use synaptic16:27
lmosherMrPiracy, with the installer? Are you having any issues with it?16:28
noelferreiraWorkingOnWise, can you give me an howto?16:28
MrPiracyubotu: thanks16:28
ubotuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)16:28
MrPiracylmosher: yes, won't install16:28
jackcaravel: is totally lost ... lil more help please?16:28
brobostigoncrush_groove: if there is an update to firefox in the ubuntu repos, sudo apt-get upgrade will update it.16:28
lmosherMrPiracy, Hrm I had no issues. You're trying to install vmware workstation?16:28
WorkingOnWisegoogle "sync evolution Windows Mobile "16:28
crush_groovepasses that to Jack16:29
MrPiracylmosher: yes16:29
komputesVMWare only works on gutsy, if you compile it yourself16:29
dickfacemanxhow do i look up my system specs???16:29
caraveljack which version of firefox from/to do you want to upgrade ?16:29
T1m0thyShould I upgrade to the latest kernel? I've heard it breaks the system..16:29
noelferreiraWorkingOnWise, i was thinking on install a fresh install of windows mobile in the pda. can i perform it using synce?16:29
lmosherMrPiracy, What error are you getting?16:29
Jack_SparrowT1m0thy: If in doubt , hold off for a couple days16:30
T1m0thyJack_Sparrow: Thanks.16:30
dickfacemanxhow do i look up my system specs???16:30
BlackBi installed the latest ati gfx drivers (7.12) on my Ubuntu 7.10. everything worked out fine, i just can't see any opengl-output, like when running glxgears. anyone else has issues with 7.12 drivers?16:30
MrPiracylmosher: hold on, i'll try to install it again16:30
WorkingOnWisenoelferreira: u want to reinstall WM on you pda?16:30
crush_groove Jack_Sparrow  is there any compelling reason to update your kernel at all so long as you are within a few versions of the newest stable version ?16:30
noelferreiraWorkingOnWise, yes16:31
Andycassshow to check current permissions (chmod) on dir?16:31
noelferreiraWorkingOnWise, i'll need windows?16:31
rvega_argAndycasss:  ls -la dir16:31
Andycasssrvega_arg: thanks16:31
Jack_Sparrowcrush_groove: other than security issues.. I would not think so..   I usually hold off a bit on them16:31
rvega_argAndycasss: yw16:31
steelmolehow do I fix a broken package, it's stopping me do anything with apt-get or synaptic, the package is linux-image-2.6.22-14-generic16:31
caravelwould anyone be so kind to look at this kernel log ? gutsy froze the other night, caps lock was blinking on this Asus V1S laptop, had to hard-reboot: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/49280/ thanks16:31
WorkingOnWisenoelferreira: for that u just do a hard reset. Wont need a pc at all. google your pda modle and "hard reset" together, or look in the index or the user manual.16:32
WorkingOnWiseGotta go. bbl16:32
noelferreiraWorkingOnWise, what is the name of synce package?16:32
MrPiracylmosher: i guess I dont really know what to do with this file vmware-install.pl16:32
vishalim back16:32
Jack_Sparrow!info rsync16:32
ubotursync: fast remote file copy program (like rcp). In component main, is standard. Version 2.6.9-5ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 256 kB, installed size 516 kB16:32
lmosherMrPiracy, Make it executable (chmod +x filename). Then "./vmware-install.pl"16:32
MrPiracylmosher: ok, hold on16:33
soroushwhere are configuration files and default htdocs for my apache16:33
soroushi installed it using synaptic package manager16:33
Jack_Sparrowlmosher: You cant say Pearl without smiling...16:33
noogenMrPiracy: what ubuntu version? 7.10 gutsy?16:33
vishalCan someone help me instal realvnc16:34
brobostigonsoroush: most config files are in /etc16:34
MilotinMy sound doesn`t work , what can i do ? I run Ubuntu 7.1016:34
MrPiracynoogen: yes16:34
soroushmoreover, however i installed php too but php doesn't work for me16:34
vishalMilotin: do you have onboard sound?16:34
Milotinyes , as far as i know16:34
soroushbrobostigon, thanks but configuration files look strange for me on ubuntu16:34
soroushi feel their names differ16:35
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vishalMilotin: so you have both onboard and a soundcard?16:35
noogenMrPiracy: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=59173216:35
brobostigonsoroush: in my experience most config files are the same as the sytem i used to use, debian.16:35
MrPiracylmosher: This version of "VMware Workstation" is incompatible with this operating16:36
MrPiracysystem.  Please install the "x86_64" version of this program instead.16:36
nealmcbMy question about apt-get upgrade and " Parsing Found/Fixed information" turns out to be some pretty confusing output of apt-listbugs.   sigh....16:36
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Milotinvishal,  i don`t know ...16:37
noogenget vmware server, you running 64bit server?16:37
lmosherMrPiracy, If you're running 64-bit ubuntu you'll need 64bit vmware16:37
Milotini know that is a Via VT82xx Realtek ALC 660 , i guess it isn`t onboard16:38
Milotinit`s a sound card16:38
vishalMilotin: on the top panel, where it shows the time, double click the sound icon16:38
MrPiracynoogen, lmosher: will vmware server version allow me to create/edit VM's and run them?16:38
noogenyes it does16:38
vishalMilotin: then go to file > change device and check if your soundcard is number 016:38
lmosherok this is REALLY weird: I have a DVD I burned with avi files. I can't copy the files in ubuntu (I/O error), but I can run vmware and copy the file from the VM to ubuntu and it will play fine. Any ideas why I can't properly read from my DVD?16:39
ReS|UKHeya I am trying to install Ubuntu 7.10 and I am having some problems getting the cd to boot, just wondered if someone could help me please.16:39
edunaginI use UbuntuStudio 7.10 and I am trying to get IBM's ViaVoice running. I get  an error which says I need  libdb.so.2,but I do not have it and can't find out how to load it. Apt-get does not solve this for me. any ideas?16:39
Milotinvishal it says No volume control GSteamer plugins and/or devices found16:39
MrPiracynoogen: ok, i'm gonna try it later, but i have another question now, i guess vishal is responding it to milotin16:39
steelmoleReS|UK: have you looked at any settings for boot order in your bios?16:39
ubuntuxsomeone know a nice tool to print cd covers with?16:40
ReS|UKYeah, sorry, it boots the cd but then hangs after I choose to Install Ubuntu from the splash screen.16:40
vishalMilotin: give me a second i'll find you a link16:40
vishalMrPiracy: do you get the same error message?16:40
steelmoleReS|UK: is it the 64 bit version?16:40
Milotinok vishal16:40
ReS|UKsteelmole: No it's the 32 bit version. It gets stuck and the message is16:41
Sharpiefor some reason bootchart stopped working. any ideas?16:41
ikoniaSharpie: bootchart ?16:41
Chris_ubuntuWer hat lust mir beim Thema "ndiswrapper" zu helfen?16:41
MrPiracyvishal: not an error message, i have both onboard (intel hd audio) and a soundcard (c-media), both installed correctly (i guess), but i want to turn SDA as default audio device16:41
Sharpieikonia: bootchart.16:41
ikonia!de > Chris_ubuntu16:41
ReS|UKsteelmole: Buffer I/O error on device sda, logical block 1954108816:41
bazhanggerman Chris_ubuntu?16:41
ikoniaSharpie: are you using it as an application ?16:41
vishalMrPiracy: give me a second16:41
Sharpieikonia: do you know what bootchart is?16:41
ikoniaSharpie: yes, maps your boot process16:42
Sharpieikonia: right, and it's not working.16:42
steelmoleReS|UK: what state is your harddrive in? no partitions? windows partition?16:42
Chris_ubuntuOh sorry - Yeah - I will go into a german room16:42
vishalMilotin: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting?highlight=%28sound%2916:42
ikoniaSharpie: ok, so are you launching it as an application, or setting it to log / generate at boot time16:42
ikoniaSharpie: and define "not working"16:42
Sharpieikonia: not doing what it's supposed to do. as in, generate the image.16:42
ReS|UKsteelmole: It currently has a windows partion on it. Working fine.16:42
vishalMrPiracy: do both devices produce sound?16:42
ikoniaSharpie: ok, so what happens ?16:42
Sharpieikonia: nothing16:43
noelferreiraWorkingOnWise, what packages of synce should i install ?16:43
soroush_brobostigon, for example httpd.conf is empty. btw, Don't you know any solution for enabling php on my system16:43
soroush_it is already installed16:43
steelmoleReS|UK: Hmmm, I'm not sure then16:43
MrPiracyvishal: i didnt try the c-media cos i have nothings attached to it, but i guess SDA is working properly16:43
ikoniaSharpie: so it luanches ok, and it has just stopped generating images ?16:43
Sharpieikonia: bootchart doesn't launch |:16:43
vanderekhello @ all16:43
MrPiracyvishal: login screen's beep comes out of SDA16:43
ikoniaSharpie: ok - so it doesn't launch, this is what I mean about reporting things correctly, rather than "not doing what it's supposed to"16:43
MrPiracyvishal HDA, sorry16:43
ReS|UKAnyone else have any idea why I am getting that error?16:44
ReS|UKsteelmole: Thanks anyway.16:44
ikoniaSharpie: what happens when you launch it from a terminal16:44
vishalMrPiracy: try the c-media, and btw SDA is ur harddrive i think16:44
Sharpieikonia: i mean, bootchart doesn't launch at all16:44
Sharpieikonia: you can't launch bootchart from a terminal :/16:44
ikoniaSharpie: right - so the problem is "boot chart doesn't launch"16:44
ikoniaSharpie: what happens when you launch it from a terminal  ?16:44
* chtank is looking in on you from his old Dell 486 machine running Ubuntu 5.0416:44
Sharpieikonia: are you being serious here?16:44
vandereki have a notebook with ati x1400 and installed the lates ati proprietery driver 8.443.116:44
MrPiracyvishal:  i meant HDA - High Definition Audio from intel onboard (946-gz)16:44
ikoniaSharpie: yes, I'm being serious16:44
vishalMrPiracy: HDA is also harddrive16:45
Sharpieikonia: bootchart runs at boot, it can't be started manually :/16:45
vishalMrPiracy: check if ur c-media produces sound16:45
ikoniaSharpie: ughhhhh, thats why I asked earlier if you where launching it as an application or at boot time16:45
Sharpieikonia: it simply isn't the type of program you launch from a terminal16:45
=== carave1 is now known as caravel
ikoniaSharpie: it can be used as an application to probe the init scripts16:45
vandereki've read that the catalyst 7.2 now support suspend and hibernate16:45
MrPiracyvishal: yes it's playing right now16:45
ikoniaSharpie: thats why I was asking you how you where using it16:45
Sharpieikonia: ok. boot.16:45
vishalMrPiracy: sorry, what are you trying to do?16:45
ikoniaSharpie: right, so has it every worked ?16:45
vandereki tried but it wont wake up from suspend correctly16:46
Sharpieikonia: yup16:46
ikoniaSharpie: what changed to stop it working ?16:46
ikoniaSharpie: eg: any updates16:46
MrPiracyi'm trying to get linux and all other programs to use onboard sound instead of c-media16:46
Milotinevery website sends me to http://www.alsa-project.org/main/index.php/Matrix:Main16:46
Sharpieikonia: if i knew that i wouldn't be here16:46
ikoniaSharpie: tell you what, help your self. I'm tired of your smart answers while I'm trying to get any sort of facts out of you16:46
Milotinwhere i should search my soundcar manufacture16:46
mularhey I have two soundcards installed, general system sounds are working from the right one (soundblaster card) but wine insist on using the internal.. any ideas?16:47
vishalMilotin: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting?highlight=%28sound%29   ready the section under general help16:47
Sharpieikonia: you're simply asking me if i know why the problem occures, if i knew that i wouldn't have come here :/16:47
vishalMilotin: it talks about the sound device not found16:47
=== XSource is now known as XSource_
vandereknow i look at the catalyst informations and there is the correct driverversion but the catalyst control center version is 1.716:47
ikoniaSharpie: no, re-read what I said, eg: any updastes applied etc16:47
vleonim out of ideas, i installed the latest catalyst driver, ad 7.11 wich worked fine with a good xorg.conf (my manual configuration) and both composite and aiglx worked, now i removed it and installed all the latest kernel updates and on them the catalys 7.12 and it doesnt recognize my resolution 1680x1050 and compiz doesnt seem to work16:47
vanderekand not the 7.216:47
MrPiracyvishal: i'm trying to get linux and all other programs to use onboard sound instead of c-media16:47
MilotinFailure - You will have not found the driver for your soundcard chipset. (at the moment I cannot help you, but stay tuned!)16:47
ikoniaSharpie: as you are unable to report any technical details I'm attempting to pull them out of you16:47
vanderekcan anybody help?16:47
Sharpieikonia: but i don't know when it stopped working exactly, and there obviously have been updates sometime during its installation16:48
vishalMrPiracy: so you want to stop the c-media from giving out sound?16:48
bazhangvleon: that only works with red hat and suse16:48
ikoniaSharpie: right so the answer is "I don't know when it stopped working"16:48
ikoniaSharpie: not the trying to be smart attitude you're giving me16:48
Sharpieikonia: alright :|16:48
MrPiracyvishal: i have a cordless phone attached to c-media so i use it only with programs like skype or msn or icq, all other sounds i want to come out from intel's HDA16:49
* chtank sees this place has too many users to be of any help to anyone, I shall go elsewhere16:49
vleon<bazhang>: i used this guide: http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Gutsy_Installation_Guide16:49
MrPiracyvishal: my HDA onboard has my speakers attached to it16:49
bazhanghttp://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Gutsy vleon look here16:49
bazhangno problem16:50
ReS|UKQuick question is sda the hdd?16:50
bullgard4I do not understand line 340 in http://ubuntuusers.de/paste/23981/. Why is it necessary to test the existence of the file 85-anacron.sh instead of simply trying to run it?16:50
vishalMrPiracy: hmm im not sure, sorry16:51
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about rootkit - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi16:51
Milotinvishal, at one Step i have this : Failure - You will have not found the driver for your soundcard chipset. (at the moment I cannot help you, but stay tuned!)16:51
MrPiracyvishal: is there a way to choose with soundcard linux will use to play sounds?16:51
Milotinsome the website can`t help me16:51
lmosherI can't get an AVI file to play. I have restricted/nonfree drivers installed, but when I play I just get an ugly green screen. What's strange is the icon shows a good image?16:52
vishalMrPiracy: sorry, im actually new to linux aswell, just started last wednesday lol16:52
bazhanglmosher compiz running?16:52
vishalMilotin: hmm, hold on16:52
lmosherlmosher, Yeah. I've never seen that as an issue before?16:52
brobostigoni have used linux for 7 years in various ways.16:52
Sharpieikonia: btw, how can you run it manually?16:52
bazhanglmosher try disabling it first16:53
ikoniaSharpie: you need to setup a process that probes the init script links16:53
lmosherbazhang, Yeah I'll give that a shot16:53
=== XSource_ is now known as XSource
mularany idea how to set a default soundcard with the program wine? if I disable onboard sound wine uses the right one but I like using skype with my onboard sound and everything else soundblaster card - but wine won't obey system sound preferences?16:53
vishalMilotin: type this into your terminal: aplay -l16:53
lmosherbazhang, nope, same thing16:53
vleon<bazhang> the guide said nothing16:53
Sharpieikonia: nvm, anyway i manuallt update my initramfs, i'll reboot and see if it works16:53
vishalMilotin: and tell me what it says16:53
Sharpieikonia: manually* updated*16:53
MrPiracyvishal: oh ok, no problem .... i'm gonna try to figure it out16:53
ryker_can anyone help me, i applied updates, and now my file associations in gnome are all gone system wide16:53
Milotinoot@master:/proc/asound# aplay -l16:53
Milotinaplay: device_list:205: no soundcards found...16:53
vishalMrPiracy: sorry about that16:54
bazhangvleon: the 7.12 does not work with ubuntu iirc16:54
vleononly 7.12?16:54
bazhangvleon: 7.11 worked right? stick with it then16:54
ubotuYou can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.16:54
lmosherI'll brb16:54
vleonwell thanks anyway16:55
estethHow do i tell nautilus that i don't freaking care if an application is currently using this device. I want it ejected. I don't want it to tell me i can't. I just want to eject the CD.16:55
ikoniaesteth: I can guess you start by dropping the lanaguage16:55
ikoniaesteth: there is no need for "freakin care"16:55
MrPiracyvishal: lol it was soooo easy, just got into SYSTEM / PREFS / SOUND16:56
MrPiracyvishal: just like windows16:56
mularso no one knows if you can set a default soundcard with wine?16:56
ikoniaesteth: in regard to your problem, an application is using the device so it won't allow you to eject the cdrom as it's in use16:56
estethsorry, i wasn't aware most people treated that as "language" It's just a term for exaggerated anger here.16:56
sas3hey. im looking for a remote backup soloution that i can also control and verify that its backed up... i saw backuppc .. is that good enough or what is the most popular software for linux today?16:56
ikoniaesteth: it's totally uncalled for attitude16:56
dagon^hay guys16:56
ikoniamular: some guys in #winehq will know off the top of their head16:57
mularah ok thanks for the tip16:57
luckybamboocan someone please take a look at his folder /usr/share/fonts/truetype and tell me who is the owner of the subfolder and which rights?16:57
estethikonia: Sorry. I'm just getting frustrated. I want the CD to eject regardless of what's using it. Let that program crash if it needs to, but i want the CD back :S16:57
ikoniasas3: there are many backup programs, search through synaptic16:57
vishalMrPiracy: and it lets you select what application can use the souncard??16:57
ikoniaesteth: thats not possible as the OS puts a lock on it16:57
sas3yeah. there is too many. i dont know what is the best16:57
luckybambooi changed mine and forgot the original rights/owner16:57
ikoniasas3: thats personal opinion, it's hard to say what's the best16:57
Sharpieikonia: still not working16:58
estethikonia: Is there any way to find out what's using the CD and kill it myself?16:58
MrPiracyvishal: it will let you choose which sound device you want to use for playing audio or for video conferencing16:58
ikoniasas3: you can range anything from tar through to say veritas netbackup and everything between16:58
ikoniaesteth: fuser /dev/$your_cdrom_device ?16:58
sas3what are you guys using?16:58
ikoniasas3: doesn't matter what we are using our needs may be different16:58
morphlesis there any way to see what applications are accessing hdd ?16:58
morphlesand how much/how often16:59
ikoniamorphles: accessing it what way ?16:59
vishalMrPiracy: yeah, i just saw, thats a good future reference, glad you got it working16:59
ikoniamorphles: Hmmm quite hard to be that granualar16:59
morphlesjus reading/writing16:59
MrPiracyvishal: i'm also new to linux, so i didn't even know there was a sound icon under prefs16:59
MrPiracyvishal: ;)16:59
Sharpiemy bootchart isn't working (doesn't generate image at boot). any ideas?17:00
morphlessometimes i getwierd hdd activity and id like to know what is responsible for that i just had one aind i gues it was clamav but i wish to be sure17:00
bazhangmorphles: use top in the terminal17:00
luckybamboohey, please tell me your settings of /usr/share/fonts/17:00
ikoniamorphles: ok - so I can suggest running iostat 2 in a window on boot, then when you start getting funny behaviour see if you can see what is happening on your disk17:00
ikoniamorphles: that's a good way to start17:00
MrPiracyanyone know of a irc client better than xchat?17:01
morphlesi checked with htop but it does not show hdd access o i couldnt tell17:01
ikoniamorphles: xchat, bitchX, irrsi17:01
ikoniamorphles: you pick17:01
ikoniamorphles: try them17:01
ikoniamorphles: one step at a time17:01
crush_groovenone are really better .. just different17:01
=== Moniker8241 is now known as Moniker42
Sharpieikonia: he asked for a client better than -xchat- and you offered him -xchat- :|17:01
ikoniamorphles: sorry, that was for MrPiracy17:01
ikoniaSharpie: yes,17:01
morphlesirssi is good :D17:02
ikoniaSharpie: there are multiple versions of xchat17:02
Sharpieikonia: anyway, any ideas about the bootchart issue?17:02
ikoniaSharpie: I don't really want to debug it with you due to your attitude17:02
Sharpieikonia: omg noez =[17:03
ikoniaSharpie: I don't appriciate getting attitude from someone who is incapabable od detailing a problem then gets an attitude with me dor dragging the correct info out of him. Sorry17:03
MrPiracyikonia: would you please repeat what you said? xchat .... ?17:03
ikoniaMrPiracy: xchat (not xchat-gnome) irssi or bitchx - there are others but they are the mains17:03
bazhangMrPiracy: konversation17:03
SAngeli2 questions: 1) How to make application start automatically when I turn my pc on? 2) What is a good package for picture (from digital camera) management? I have been using under kubuntu digikam. Now that I switch to ubuntu, anything similar but better for gnome?17:03
MrPiracyikonia: ok, thanks17:04
morphlesargh silly me, that hdd probably was jus rtorrent in screen...17:05
ikoniamorphles: well spotted17:05
phademaybe anybody got the perl llama ebook?17:05
estethikonia: Thanks. That command should have worked i think but didn't display anything. I got wine to do it with "wine eject"17:05
SAngeliAnyone, any idea?17:05
ikoniaesteth: ahhhh so your cd is being controlled under wine ?17:06
ikoniaesteth: it's probably wine as an application that's locking your cdrom17:06
ikoniaesteth: probably17:06
SharpieSAngeli: 1)add it to Sessions (under Preferences)17:06
MrPiracyikonia: sorry, i'm 200% new to ubuntu, could you also tell me other good programs for torrent and a good audio player (does winamp work with linux?)17:06
KaZeRhi there17:07
SharpieMrPiracy: my favorite music player is banshee, and azureus is good for torrents. deluge is good as well17:07
KaZeRFatal server error:17:07
KaZeRNo valid FontPath could be found. -> can anyone help?17:07
ikoniaMrPiracy: mplayer, sound juicer, xmms - all audio players, there are many for you to try17:07
ahmad MrPiracy use amule17:07
estethikonia: I'm doing a multi-disk install under wine, but i was thinking perhaps wine was making a process that was blocking the CD-Drive or something. Obviously i didn't want to kill the installer itself. Maybe i should have been more specific with my original question17:07
ikoniaMrPiracy: torrents, Hmmm, rtorrent seems to be a solid tool17:07
ikoniaKaZeR: look in /etc/X11/xorg.conf and you'll see a path to fonts, if none are valid, X won't start17:07
KaZeRrtorrent is very nice17:07
SAngeliSharpie:  how to find the application if I only know the name of it? Example: I wish to autstart Pidgin. How would I go?17:07
bazhangtransmission MrPiracy17:07
StoneNoteif you're using kde, I recommend ktorrent17:07
KaZeRikonia, what should i do to add thoses fonts? (i guess i'm missing a package)17:08
ikoniaesteth: yup, wine looks a likley candidate, and yes, better to be up front in future, but no big deal17:08
ikoniaKaZeR: is this a server install by any chance ?17:08
m1whenever i turn on compiz, i cannot move a window above my screen. what do i need to do, so i can move windows to the top of my screen again?(using alt+drag window up)17:08
SharpieSAngeli: use its bin name, for pidgin it's pidgin. if you wanna look for anything else you can look at the shortcut in the menu editor.17:08
SAngeliI see17:08
MrPiracysharpie, ikonia, almad, bazhang: thanks17:08
KaZeRikonia, kubuntu, install text-only, then installed xorg-server17:09
bazhangMrPiracy: no worries :}17:09
ikoniaKaZeR: so your using a server install17:09
ikoniaKaZeR: why are you using a server insall ?17:09
MrPiracyalmad: is amule something like emule for windows?17:10
KaZeRikonia, because i just need X, and a specific app. nothing else17:10
ikoniaKaZeR: the desktop CD will be fine, your making it over complicated for yourself for no-reason17:10
ahmadyes amule like emule17:10
ubuntuxsomeone know how i can print a cd cover ??17:11
MrPiracyalmad: ok17:11
ikoniaubuntux: print as in on to paper17:11
KaZeRikonia, i don't see why i should install 100 packages if i don't need them..17:11
ubuntuxikonia, har har, i need to print it at the right sizes etc17:11
ikoniaKaZeR: because it's clear you won't be able to run the machine without the apporpirate tools17:12
crush_grooveubuntux,  create it on your desktop .. use your printer software to crop or edit and print17:12
ikoniaKaZeR: you'll find it easier to install the desktop, and it's not hundreds of packages, there are only a few between the server and desktop17:12
crush_grooveubuntux,  you can import into gimp and edit also17:12
edgy_hi, any one had a Dell XPS 1330 here?17:12
ikoniaubuntux: what format is the cd cover in, I suggest looking at inskape17:12
osotogarihas anyone installed xbuntu on an Asus EEE?17:12
ikoniaubuntux: inkscpae has an option for cdrom covers17:12
ikoniaedgy_: yes, on one now17:13
KaZeRikonia, i just seem to lack a font package. you really can't jump from console to X install?17:13
edunaginIs this for UStudio?17:13
ikoniaKaZeR: you'll have to downloads 100's of megs worth of packages to get a working desktop17:13
ahmadwhat is the bist pci dail up modem  we can use on ubuntu17:13
ikoniaedunagin: you can ask or try #ubuntustudio17:14
ikoniaKaZeR: as I said, it's less effort and pain to use the desktop cd17:14
edunaginHow do I do that?17:14
ikoniaKaZeR: rather than download 100's of megs of packages to get a desktop17:14
ikoniaedunagin: ask your question here or type "/join #ubuntustudio"17:14
crush_grooveikonia,  nice app reference this inkscape17:15
=== laptop is now known as nelsonuwp
ikoniacrush_groove: no problem, it is solid17:15
KaZeRwell. i find that not really convenient. i don't see why it doesn't work. it should work. but thanks anyway17:15
Sharpiemy bootchart isn't working (not generating image at startup). any ideas?17:15
ikoniaKaZeR: it doesn't work because your missing packages as I've said17:15
nelsonuwpis linuxmce the best media center for linux?17:15
KaZeRthat what is the dependency system for in that case?17:16
osotogarihas anyone installed xbuntu on an Asus EEE?17:16
ikoniaKaZeR: to get a working desktop you'll need to download 100's of megs of packages17:16
ikoniaKaZeR: no xorg doesn't depend on fonts, but desktops do, and you've not installed a desktop yet17:16
bazhangosotogari: join #eeepc17:16
KaZeRikonia, matchbox?17:16
ikoniaKaZeR: matchbox ?17:16
osotogari@ bazhang: thanks17:16
ahmadi need to use a dial up modem on ubuntu ? so some unfo about modems please?17:16
KaZeRi don't want kde. matchbox or fluxbox will be fine17:16
complexitycan someone tell me the solution for multi key press bug.. when I type something, it repeats the key and apt-get becomes appppppppptttttttttt---ggggeet17:17
ikoniaKaZeR: then install all that then17:17
ikoniaKaZeR: again, overkill on a server install17:17
shamotHi, I have some serious problem getting ubuntu-7.10-desktop-amd64.iso boot. I downloaded ISO, checked MD5 sum, burned it, checked if it is burned OK (md5 again), but when I am trying to boot it, it hangs on squashfs, no error output. Any idea? Or is there any way to switch 32bit version to 64bit version?17:17
KaZeRikonia, this is an embedded system, i want to keep it light17:17
mboldiscI have a problem with bash at the command line. I try running something like eclipse and it fails with the following error: bash: ./eclipse: No such file or directory.  Yes, the eclipse executable is in my directory.  Any ideas?17:17
ikoniaKaZeR: an x86 embedded system ? I think not17:17
googlebyteahmod-the only dial up modems that I've been able to get to work are external serial modems.17:17
KaZeRikonia, media center on epia sp17:18
ahmadis there any winmodem(pci )17:18
ikoniamboldisc: unless eclipse is in your current working directory, just type "ecplipse" not "./eclipse"17:18
ompaul!winmodem | ahmad17:18
ubotuahmad: You want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto17:18
ikoniaKaZeR: epia is not embedded, it's just low voltage cpu17:19
mularanyone else find that firefox uses tons of your cpu occasionally?17:19
ikoniaKaZeR: and the desktop version will not run much different to a server install (that is not meant for epia systems)17:19
taconemular: try disabling all plugins.17:19
ikoniaKaZeR: I strongly recommed using a desktop system and change the desktop if you're that bothered17:19
J-E-L-L-0So I have a server unning 7.10.. i added 2 320GB hdds to it, but im  not sure how to mount adn format those...  i want them all one partition (if theres nothing wrong with that approach) so each drive is a separate storage drive17:20
noolnessanyone know how to get openoffice to use the subpixel smoothing?17:20
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!17:20
mulardon't really have any pluggins17:20
mboldiscmboldisc@computer:~/pdt$ ls eclipse17:20
ikoniaJ-E-L-L-0: use fdisk or gparted to partition them. then mke2fs -j or gparted to format them17:20
ikoniaompaul: thanks17:21
ompaulikonia, np17:21
Sharpiemy bootchart isn't working (not generating image at startup). any ideas?17:21
vishalcan anyone help me with a hibernate issue?17:21
mx92sorry I've no ideas17:21
ReS|UKWhat do I add to the boot options line on the cd to force ACPI?17:21
shamotdoes anyone else have problem booting gutsy AMD64 live CD?17:22
noolnessi enabled subpixel rendering in ubuntu and everything renders with subpixel font smoothing other than openoffice...is there a way to get openoffice to use subpixel font smoothing too? :)17:22
_hufi_is there a tool to crack wlan passwords with a brute force attack?17:22
mx92@shamot maybe you've download the normal live CD17:23
bazhangofftopic _hufi_17:23
KaZeRikonia, i understand you reasons, but i really don't like this way of doing things17:23
crush_grooveSharpie,  are you on a dell ?17:23
ahmadhow can i mount bin image in ubuntu ?17:23
Sharpiecrush_groove: nope17:23
ikoniaKaZeR: then you should know how to set things up17:23
KaZeRahmad, bin2iso, then mount -o loop?17:23
shamotmx92, no I didnt, I checked that17:23
ikoniaKaZeR: it's important to understand what your doing if you're going your own way17:23
KaZeRikonia, i'm new to ubuntu. so i miss some things17:24
_hufi_is there a tool to crack wlan passwords with a brute force attack?17:24
mx92sorry but I can't help you17:24
KaZeRikonia, i fully agree. but trials and errors are also a way to learn :)17:24
ahmadthanks ,17:24
jvm123hi. i use xorg v4.1 at the moment and never updated, because 4.2 broke my dual head configuration. now i tried ubuntu 7.10 on the live cd, because i heard of the new configuration tool. it detected both my monitors, but the options for using both of them at the same time are grayed out. any hint why?17:24
ikoniaKaZeR: if you're new, all the more reason to take advice. I promise you the server install will not differ from the desktop, but the desktop will run better and be easier to maintain17:24
vishalcan anyone help me with a hibernate issue?17:24
Sharpie!ask > vishal17:25
ikoniajvm123: are ou sure it's 4.1 ?17:25
ahmadbut is there any open sorce software like damon on cd  in windows to mount image cd/dvd17:25
KaZeRikonia, i might try that then.17:25
vishalSharpie: when i load up from a hibernate, the screen is grey17:25
ikoniaahmad: mount it look back file system17:25
jvm123ikonia: at the moment its v4.1 under a debian system. i want to upgrade to ubuntu 7.10 with xorg 4.317:25
ikoniaKaZeR: once you've got it installed I'll help you shutdown anything extra you don't need17:25
ikoniajvm123: xorg 4.3 doesn't exist17:26
ikoniajvm123: xorg is currently on release 7.X17:26
ahmadsoory ? what do you mean ?17:26
jvm123ikonia: sorry.17:26
jvm123ikonia: s/4.1/7.1/17:26
ikoniaKaZeR: once you've installed the destkop I'll help you tune it down to a smaller footprint17:26
jvm123ikonia: s/4.3/7.3/17:26
KaZeRikonia, thanks17:26
ikoniaKaZeR: easier to sort that then help you do a crazy install17:27
KaZeRbtw, i tried to hibernate, but network wasn't resumed after boot. what can i do?17:27
ikoniajvm123: ok, so what's the worry ?17:27
Sharpieahmad: sudo aptitude install gmountiso17:27
ikoniaKaZeR: wirless lan by any chance ?17:27
mx92I've a problem about the fglrx-kernel to install the restricted drivers of ATI17:27
jewbileeIm trying to follow reacords AWN installation but every time I try to install it I always get dependency errors, can anyone helP?17:27
mx92can someone help me?17:27
jibwnI have an 8GB usb flash drive. I want it to be able to store large files. Do not need it to be accessible under a Windows OS. What is the best filesystem to use on it? ext2?17:27
zoemy main panel has rearranged itself, and the move option is greyed out for all buttons. any suggestions?17:27
ahmadmany thanks all.17:28
vishalSharpie: i cant see a thing, i have to click the power button and then click switch user, but im just guessing where these buttons are,17:28
KaZeRikonia, not yet. regular eth17:28
jvm123ikonia: the ubuntu 7.10 configuration tool recognizes both monitors, but does not allow to use both of them at the same time. i can only choose between "default screen" and "disabled".17:28
Sharpievishal: it's a common problem, i have no idea how to fix it17:28
bazhangjibwn: any others like mac though?17:28
jibwnnope, just linux17:28
Milotinvishal i couldn`t done anything with my sound card17:28
Milotincan you help me ?17:28
vishalSharpie: kk thanks17:28
ikoniajvm123: what video card do you have17:28
jvm123ikonia: when i choose default screen both monitors display the same image.17:28
bazhangext2 or ext3 then jibwn17:28
jvm123ikonia: ati radeon something17:28
jvm123ikonia: wait a second17:28
ikoniajvm123: thats where my knowledge ends, ati isnot my thing17:29
jvm123ikonia: thank you...17:29
jibwnthanks bazhang17:29
ikoniajvm123: you'll be better trying to use the ati dual head config options17:29
KaZeRikonia, can i upgrade from server to desktop without reinstalling everything?17:29
ikoniajvm123: called something like desktop clone17:29
bazhangno problem jibwn17:29
ikoniaKaZeR: no, sorry, re-install only17:29
ReS|UKWhen busybox starts on the Ubuntu CD I get errors that start with ata1.00 can anyone explain what they are?17:29
vishalMilotin: open ur terminal and tell pastebin ur results when u type in aplay -l17:30
zoeikonia, you can get the ubuntu-desktop from repositories, which is all he needs17:30
noelferreiracan i install i386.deb pakages in amd64 system? if not, can i convert them?17:30
ikoniaReS|UK: ata1 is normally your cdrom17:30
jvm123ikonia: i wrote the xorg.conf i use at the moment by myself, but i thought i would try this easy tool that comes with ubuntu :)17:30
ikoniazoe: I know this, and it's not what he needs as he's running the server install which is more than "no desktop"17:30
zoeKaZeR, sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop17:30
TIRC_6455ciao a tutti17:30
LjL!it | TIRC_645517:30
ubotuTIRC_6455: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!17:30
Xigbarhi guys17:30
zoebut it has the essentials17:30
ikoniaReS|UK: the warning your seeing is "normally" just a warning that th cdrom can't be written to (which is fune)17:30
Milotinvishal,  : root@master:/proc/asound# aplay -l17:31
Milotinaplay: device_list:205: no soundcards found...17:31
Xigbarthere are any italians here?17:31
ikoniazoe: no - the server install is not appropriate for him,17:31
LjL!it | Xigbar17:31
ubotuXigbar: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!17:31
vishalMilotin: what soundcard is it?17:31
Sharpievishal: it's a common problem, i have no idea how to fix it17:31
blobplease the ubuntu italia channel??17:31
Sharpiemy bootchart isn't working (not generating image at startup). any ideas?17:31
LjL!it | blob17:31
ubotublob: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!17:31
vishalSharpie: kk thanks for trying17:31
Sharpievishal: it was an accident :/17:31
jewbileehow do i get a newer version of libpango?  I need 1.18.3 but I can only find 1.18.217:32
vishalSharpie: lmao no worries m817:32
ReS|UKikonia: So errors that say ata1.00: exception Enask 0x0 SAct 0x0 SErr 0x0 action 0x0 are fine?17:32
LimCorejewbilee: for what u need newer?17:32
Sharpiejewbilee: does 1.18.3 exist?17:32
ikoniaReS|UK: normally yes17:32
Xigbar@ubotu I know it, I only want if there are any italians here.17:32
Milotinvishal Via82xx Realtek ACL 66017:32
jewbileeAccording to a dependency error from AWN, i need 1.18.317:32
ReS|UKikonia: Also why do I get Buffer I/O error on device sda?17:32
zoeikonia, ok, well, I don't know what is appropriate for anyone17:32
vishalMilotin: thats onboard right?17:33
ReS|UKikonia: that error is followed by, logical block and a number.17:33
Milotini installed alsa again and it seems i still don-have alsa-base file in /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base17:33
Milotinvishal,  i guess so17:33
ikoniaReS|UK: at a guess I'd say it's because your cdrom is on the same bus as your disk (just a guess)17:33
LimCorerecent update gayified all my fonts - they are now very thin, is this a known problem?17:34
ReS|UKikonia: There on different IDE cables.17:34
ikoniaReS|UK: same bus17:34
ikoniaReS|UK: is sda your disk or cdrom17:34
LjLLimCore: i don't think there is such thing as heterosexual fonts. please try to use technical, or at least normal, language.17:34
LimCorejewbilee: try from upstream17:34
Tidusanyone can help me about the restricted driver of ati?17:34
ikoniaReS|UK: just to be clear17:34
jewbileelimcore: what do you mean?17:34
ReS|UKikonia: I am not sure.17:34
LimCoreLjL: looks like if they are now much thinner, and with too strong anti-alias17:35
luckyonejoin #openwrt17:35
ikoniaReS|UK: fdisk -l /dev/sda17:35
ikoniaReS|UK: see what that looks like17:35
erUSUL!ati | Tidus17:35
ubotuTidus: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto17:35
LimCorejewbilee: upstream - the actuall authors of given things17:35
NotSoGutsyI'm having some troubles with bonobo-activation-server17:35
noelferreiracan i install i386.deb pakages in amd64 system? if not, can i convert them?17:35
zoemy main panel has rearranged itself, and the move option is greyed out for all buttons. any suggestions?17:35
vishalMilotin: sorry i'll be back shortly17:35
ReS|UKikonia: I get fdisk not found17:35
LjLLimCore, try changing from Full Hinting to Medium, or vice versa. i'm not sure how that's done in GNOME though, as i'm on KDE. should be in the preferences.17:35
wols_noelferreira: you can create a chroot userland17:35
ikoniaReS|UK: sudo fdisk -l /dev/sda sorry17:35
LimCoreLjL: Im also in kde17:35
wols_noelferreira: basically a 2nd install mostly17:35
noelferreirai see17:36
XBehaveif i have a pentium 4 can it fix any Socket 423 / 478 LGA 775 ?17:36
wols_noelferreira: what package?17:36
ikoniaXBehave: this is not a hardware support channel17:36
wols_XBehave: no17:36
ikoniaXBehave: this is for ubuntu operating system support only17:36
ReS|UKikonia: Still not found, I am trying to install Ubuntu when getting the errors if that clears things up, only got as far as Busy Box17:36
wols_XBehave: each socket and CPU must have the same amount of pins17:36
LjLLimCore: then System Settings / Appearance / Fonts / Configure17:36
TidusI've already seen the italian guide but I've some problems17:36
noelferreirasynce-software-manager_0.9.0-2_i386.deb wols_17:36
ikoniaReS|UK: ooog, you've not actually get ubuntu installed yet17:36
ReS|UKikonia: Sorry, I probably didn't make it clear.17:37
Milotinhi guys , can you help me in a sound problem ?17:37
Milotinroot@master:/proc/asound# aplay -l17:37
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto17:37
ikoniaReS|UK: ok - first thing to do is boot the cdrom and use the "check cd" option17:37
ompaul!sound | Milotin17:37
ubotuMilotin: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP317:37
ikoniaReS|UK: verify that the cd contents are fine17:37
ReS|UKikonia: Right, what if I still get the same errors?17:37
ikoniaReS|UK: same error ? what during the cdrom check17:37
XBehaveikonia: its pre-installation support, like i blew up my mobo which is causing sever problems with the operation of ubuntu, whats the ot chanel of ubuntu?17:37
ReS|UKikonia: YEah17:38
ReS|UKikonia: I see some message about acpi as well before the splash loads.17:38
erUSUL!offtopic > XBehave17:38
papenghttp://svz2008.comphost.info/?id=21970 <<< hrhr those damn fakers17:38
zoemy main panel has rearranged itself, and the move option is greyed out for all buttons. any suggestions?17:38
KaZeR<zoe> KaZeR, sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop -> no need to reinstall?17:39
SpiffyBalakhey guys, can anyone help me with this problem? sometimes when I plug in my USB flash drives, it won't unmount until I log out and in again17:39
wols_noelferreira: is it open source? can you get its source? if so build the amd package yourself?17:39
SpiffyBalakthe error happens at random17:39
noelferreirawols_ i can't find the source but yes i think it is opensource17:39
atrophicTwo of my hard drives (1 large ext3 partition on each) show up as unallocated space when I boot into my installed OS (gutsy).  However, if I run a gutsy live CD I can mount them and they work fine.17:39
LjLSpiffyBalak: make sure you don't have any Nautilus windows open inside the drive, or any shell either. or any program with files from the drive still open.17:39
SpiffyBalakLjL: thanks17:40
noelferreirai think it is part of synce project17:40
zoeKaZeR, that will give you the ubuntu-desktop functionality. you will, however, still be running the server install, which may not be the best for you17:40
ReS|UKikonia: I am running the cd check now and still getting the Buffer I/O error on device sda17:40
KaZeRzoe, then what's your advice? upgrade or reinstall?17:40
zoeKaZeR, honestly, unless you need the server, I'd say reinstall17:41
KaZeRok thanks17:41
zoenow, I wonder if anyone can help me w/ my problem17:41
=== B|around is now known as benzss
zoemy main gnome-panel has rearranged itself, and the move option is greyed out for all buttons. any suggestions?17:41
papenghttp://svz2008.comphost.info/?id=21970 <<< pls i need 12 people to click on that link :D17:42
atrophiczoe, do the icons have "Lock to Panel" checked?17:42
skullheaddos any one know how to get a psx emulator working??17:42
brobostigonpapeng: why??17:42
KiD_ChAoSwhen i bootup my computer now i don't get the gui anymore. i get a command line login so i login and type startx and i get a fatal error 'no screens found'17:43
tarzeauany of you play sauerbraten?17:43
KiD_ChAoSwhat do it do17:43
Sharpiemy bootchart isn't working (not generating image at startup). any ideas?17:43
zoeatrophic, lol, they in fact do17:43
LjLskullhead, i suspect pcsx comes with instructions17:43
KiD_ChAoSmaybe set things back to default17:43
atrophicpapeng, not the right place for that17:43
Smurf-SlayerHi! I'm over in Kubuntu with a Pidgin problem, and they are telling me I have to come here because it is a GNOME problem?17:43
* zoe has the complete lack of attention17:43
erUSULKiD_ChAoS: reconfigure your X server try 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg'17:43
KiD_ChAoSok one sec erUSUL17:43
rangerguy39where can i get the version of ubuntu for older computers?17:43
atrophiczoe, well I can't say why they rearranged themselves, but I at least you can uncheck that and fix it, right? ;)17:43
kefkaHey... I just did an upgrade to gutsy from edgy and I'm getting a strange video condition... everything BUT the mouse is distorted and jumping side to side (horizontal roll) style. Also, one of the monitors is DVI so it's not a VGA problem. I tried reconfiguring X, but nothing happened17:43
skullheadLijL: ya but it seams to freeze every time i go to configure the cdrom plugin17:44
zoeatrophic, mhm. thanks for reminding me :)17:44
papenghttp://svz2008.comphost.info/?id=21970 <<< no only 8 clicks left ;)17:44
kefkaATI radeon 920017:44
rangerguy39where can i get the version of ubuntu for older computers?17:44
=== shaffox_ is now known as shaffox
Sharpierangerguy39: xubuntu17:44
atrophicrangerguy39, are you talking about the alternate CD?17:44
mularwith 7.10 gutsy.. is it bad to be using a hyperthread processor? is there something special I need to do to enable support?17:44
rangerguy39anything that will work with older computers17:45
Sharpierangerguy39: xubuntu....com?17:45
rangerguy39the normal cd freezes a lot17:45
erUSULmular: no and no ;P17:45
rangerguy39is that normal?17:45
papenghttp://svz2008.comphost.info/?id=21970 <<< no only 8 clicks left ;)17:45
papengpls i need u guys17:45
mularerUSUL, thanks, just trying to figure out why videos are soo slow in firefox17:45
KiD_ChAoSerUSUL , then what? try to run x again?17:45
mularand I constantly have high cpu useage with firefox :(17:45
ReS|UKikonia: You still there?17:45
brobostigonwhy does papeng ask such a strenge request??17:45
sas3guys, i remember in the year 99' there was eggdrop for irc that protect the channel that programmed in tcl.... is that thing exists ? where i can get the code?17:46
atrophicrangerguy39, Same place as the regular CD.  http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download  Just check the box that says "Check here if you need the alternate desktop CD."17:46
mularas a test in windows I can have like 5-6 windows playing videos.. no slowdown in ubuntu if I have two it crawls.. which is odd because generally ubuntu runs faster17:46
erUSULKiD_ChAoS: yes17:46
skullheaddos any one know wat to do if the pcsx emulator freezes when i go to configure cdrom???17:46
abionnnnman the ATI drivers piss me off17:46
erUSULmular: what video driver do you use?17:46
Sharpie!ohmy > abionnnn17:46
rangerguy39whats the difference between ubuntu and xubuntu?17:47
ryansmithdoes anyone know how to mount a drive that anyone can read?17:47
atrophicrangerguy39, no, freezing isn't normal.  The alternate CD uses a text based installer, which is much better for computers with less memory.17:47
KiD_ChAoSerUSUL ok i have x now, perfect. what might have happened?17:47
mularnvida ones17:47
atrophicrangerguy39, ubuntu uses Gnome, xubuntu uses xfce17:47
mularI think the restricted17:47
rangerguy39atrophic, where can i get the alternit cd?17:47
atrophicrangerguy39, read my previous message.  I gave you a link, and you'll have to mark a checkbox17:47
mularI have a nvidia 7800gt17:48
PointyThingsHurtDo I need to install drivers if i want Compiz-Fusion with an ATI card?17:48
eric2087who here can watch youtube videos? i need help making this work plz17:48
Sharpieeric2087: are you using 64bit ubuntu?17:48
eric2087i know flash install is broken..17:48
white_eagleis the solution17:48
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto17:49
atrophicryansmith, What type is the filesystem?17:49
eric2087ok, i'll try gnash17:49
ryansmithatrophic: it's ntfs17:49
white_eagleeric2087: instead of adobe flash install gnash17:49
ryansmithatrophic: I'm trying to get firefly media server to work, but it needs to have read access for "nobody"17:49
brobostigoneric2087: i use a mac, no flash, except gnash, and for me gnash doesnt work at all, i use miro to watch youtibe vids.17:49
xcasexbrobostigon: dude.17:50
bullgard4English help wanted. The key combination Alt+F2 will call a dialog window. What is the English name of this dialog displayed in the first line? Is it 'Execute an application' or what is the exact English name?17:50
Smurf-SlayerCan someone here help me with a problem with Pidgen, where the GUI's don't show up?17:50
xcasexbrobostigon: hairy har^K hardy heron does flash-nonfree ootb for me on my mbp santarosa17:50
whaleybullgard4: Run Application17:50
bullgard4whaley: Thank you.17:50
atrophicryansmith, use chmod to give permissions to everybody.  You can type "man chmod" to get a feel for the syntax17:50
brobostigonxcasex: flash-nonfree doesnt exist for linux-powerpc17:51
ryansmithatrophic: won't I have to do that after every reboot?17:51
il12I have a question (obviously) whenever you get a sec.17:51
ryansmithatrophic: there's no way to just edit /etc/fstab to mount it with the necessary permissions?17:51
xcasexbrobostigon: ah. sorry to hear :(17:51
LjLskullhead: quite true. file a bug17:51
LjL!bugs > skullhead    (skullhead, see the private message from Ubotu)17:51
mularused envy to install my videocard driver now.. hopefully that helps17:51
brobostigononly gnash17:51
PointyThingsHurtso for an ATI card, its best to use the restricted driver?17:51
mularI have p4 3.2gig and 2gigs of ram.. and a nvida 7800gt.. wouldn't think i have any slow down in ubuntu17:52
atrophicryansmith, yes, there is.  Check out the man page for the mount command, it's analogous to the options that go in fstab17:52
nonix4How do I tell compiz to show the z-depth of the apps when middle-button rotating the cube?17:52
qwazif im running fetchmail as a daemon, can i pass any arguments to it? like...'fetchmail -d -k 600?17:52
brobostigonuse miro if flash doesnt work, thats my solution,may not be for everyone, but thats mine.17:52
atrophicbullgardd, "Run Application"17:52
=== Dretches is now known as Dregz
rangerguy39atrophic, how does the text-based installer work?17:53
KiD_ChAoSerUSUL, does that mean that i chose the wrong screen in screens and graphics?17:53
atrophicrangerguy39, it's a little more advanced than the graphical one, but default options will work the vast majority of the time.17:53
rangerguy39is there a guide i can go by? im not good with advanced stuff =]17:54
pacman2can someone please help me with a via82xx AC97' card? I have no sound17:54
brobostigoni prefer the text installer, it much easier and quicker for me,17:54
erUSULKiD_ChAoS: no; that's an xorg.conf missconfiguration... but i dunno why.17:54
Sharpiepacman2: are your speakers on?17:54
atrophicI have a weird hard drive problem.  Two of my hard drives (1 large ext3 partition on each) show up as unallocated space when I boot into my installed OS (gutsy).  However, if I run a gutsy live CD I can mount them and they work fine.17:54
qwazif im running fetchmail as a daemon, can i pass any arguments to it? like...'fetchmail -d -k 600?17:54
pacman2I am on a laptop with intigrated speakers17:54
Sharpiepacman2: did you check it's not muted?17:54
pacman2Its not muted17:54
eric2087after installing gnash it doesn't look like my about:plugins has changed17:55
atrophicrangerguy39, probably, but I don't have a link to one.  Google it.  If you run into trouble and have a separate computer there's always help available in this channel17:55
abionnnnwhatever you do, don't try and use the latest ATI drivers :(17:55
il12I need help with my sound as well.17:55
antonskyhi, ive installed alsa on my old feisty with selfcompiling17:55
antonskythan ive updated it to gutsy but alsa doesnt work anymore17:55
rangerguy39atrophic, when i start the install, can you private message me and help a little?17:55
Old_GreggDoes anyone use Crossover?17:56
pacman2can somebody please help me? I have been looking for 2 days stright for the issue17:56
skullheadLjL; ya i see it sorry should i run it in terminal and try and get it there or just tell them whats going on?17:56
eric2087i go to youtube, i click a video and a popup saying i dont have the right plugins happens17:56
atrophicrangerguy39, I can't promise that.  I won't be on the computer long.  As I said though, it's still a relatively easy process, and people in here can help you if you're unsure of a choice.  If in doubt the default is probably best though.17:56
eric2087i just installed gnash17:56
eric2087what do i need to do now?17:57
Sharpieeric2087: nothing17:57
LjLskullhead: yes, and include that output in your bug report17:57
eric2087ok, well its not working so... what do u recommend?17:57
guerbyhi, what's the best way to do an ubuntu repository mirror (for my extended LAN)?17:57
pacman2can somebody please help me with my sound?17:57
qwazif im running fetchmail as a daemon, can i pass any arguments to it? like...'fetchmail -d -k 600?17:57
brobostigoneric2087: try miro, that works for me,as i cant get flash to work, you can download and wathc youtube vids with it.17:57
kmacpacman2:  I had the same issue.  I had to use the PCM and headset volume controls on one PC.17:58
eric2087oh, so u cant watch vids in the browser with gnash?17:58
tehm0nkis there any channels for gaming?17:58
giuseppehi, is it possible to see NTFD partition with kubuntu 7.10?17:58
brobostigoni cant17:58
newbieeemy windows are appearing in all the pager...how do i fix them?17:58
erUSUL!ntfs | giuseppe17:58
ubotugiuseppe: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE17:58
atrophicpacman2, please don't beg.  Just state your problem and anybody that is able to help will.  Have you checked the forums?  If you ask your question there more people will see it, it just takes a little longer for a response.17:58
qwazif im running fetchmail as a daemon, can i pass any arguments to it? like...'fetchmail -d -k 600?17:58
Sharpie!repeat | qwaz17:59
ubotuqwaz: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience17:59
pacman2I have checked everywhere17:59
pacman2and posted on the fourms17:59
erUSULqwaz: how do you launch it?17:59
teimupacman2, have you checked out http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=205449? the "comprensive sound guide"?17:59
Dr_willisqwaz,  i imagind theres a fetchmail config you can set that stuff up in. Or check the fetchmail service  rc script.17:59
il12My sound is working little to none. Is there a recommended site for me to use in order to download the drivers for my sound?17:59
pacman2ill look, I might have17:59
qwazerUSUL: fetchmail -d 60017:59
ubotuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines17:59
qwazSharpie: I wasn't repeating quickly, thanks though17:59
brobostigon!sound | il1217:59
ubotuil12: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP317:59
Smurf-SlayerWhere can I go to get help with Pidgin GUI not showing up.  I'm useing Kubuntu 7.10, but #kubuntu says it is GNOME and that I have to get help here.17:59
eric2087this is seriously pissing me off18:00
atrophicqwaz, it was one minute apart :p18:00
erUSULqwaz: and have you tried to add the other options you need?18:00
qwazastro76: ok thanks18:00
brobostigoneric2087: use miro,18:00
ryansmithatrophic: I see how to change which persons are able to mount the drive, but the uid and gid stuff isn't thoroughly explained, which I assume is what I need to change to get the necessary permissions18:00
brobostigoneric2087: use miro to watch and download youtube vids.18:00
qwazerUSUL: Yah, I just want to leave mail on the server with -k...and I can't tell if my blackberry fetching it is removing them for the server or if default fetchmail -d is18:01
newbieeemy windows are appearing in all the pager...how do i fix them?18:01
ryansmithatrophic: or is it the umask?18:01
Old_GreggI have alsa enabled.  I have oss enabled.  I have followed the CrossOver instructions on enabling ALSA in CrossOver, yet I STILL have no sound.18:01
eric2087installing miro...18:01
teimuwhen trying to perform an ssh forward, the last output i get is "connecting to ...", then it times out in 20 seconds or so. Am I connected during this time? In other words, I am expecting some kind of connected message, but not seeing one.18:01
erUSULqwaz: you can add those kind of things to the .fetchmailrc file iirc18:03
buzz-cpis anyone proficient with fluxbox?18:03
Old_GreggDoes anyone know anything about CrossOver and/or sound?18:03
il12I have another question: I would like to install Wine and I follow the ReadMe instructions, but it does not work that I can tell.18:03
qwazerUSUL: ok...digging into that, thanks18:03
brobostigonold_gregg: sorry, dont use crossover, i use wine18:03
estethHow would i flush the dns cache on ubuntu?18:04
atrophicryansmith, the uid/gid stuff will mount it as a particular user or group (and thus they'll have owner permissions).  That's probably your best bet.  The umask sets up default permissions on new files.18:04
buzz-cpil12: try wine /path/to/windows/file.exe18:04
eric2087this miro looks good only thing is i dont know how to get the videos from youtube18:04
Old_Greggbrobostigon:  have you had any problems with it not letting more than one application use the sound driver at once?18:04
eric2087i dont see a way to d/l the vids18:04
ryansmithOld_Gregg: I think crossover office has their own support system18:04
steveireHi. I installed phpmyadmin and assumed it would put stuff in /var/www, but it didn't. How do I use it now?18:04
il12buzz-cp: I'm afraid I've only begun to use linux a few days ago. Where do I enter this? in a terminal window?18:04
eric2087plus its pretty lame u gotta d/l everyone then open it in a different app18:04
eric2087but thats fine18:04
buzz-cpil12: yes18:04
il12buzz-cp: ty18:04
Old_Greggryansmith:  That's kind of a joke.  When I go to their website and look up how to fix a problem, it's answers are like "You need to enable ALSA" and then goes on to the next question.  It's like.. uh, okay, how?18:05
bullgard4What is the terminal command to call the 'Run Application' dialog? (Alt+F2 equivalent)18:05
buzz-cpalso you might get an ubuntu book or O'Reilly Linux in a nutshell.  these are handy18:05
basvghi all. Is there an easy way to make all newly created windows transperant... or to make all newly created urxvt's transperant? Running Gutsy here with 'visual effects' set to medium18:05
brobostigonaric2087: at the bottom of miros window, you should be able to change the search to youtube, and then search.18:05
ryansmithOld_Gregg: don't they have a support line though? It's a non-free program.18:05
Kevin`what do I have to do to be able to play encrypted dvds in ubuntu?18:06
pacman2teimu, I think you may have solved my issue18:06
buzz-cpok is anyone good at fluxbox?  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=647959 <-- my thread18:06
pacman2Its still working, but it seems like it should work18:06
eric2087where is the d/l video link on youtube?18:06
eric2087when i click the picture it doesn't seem to take me to a point where i can d/l anything18:06
MoheroHi all.18:07
il12ok. I entered wine /path/to.windows.file.exe into the terminal. it said it wasn't installed, said to install type sudo apt-get install wine. I did that. it is asking for my admin password but won't type it. What do I need to do?18:07
il12and that's path/to/window/file.exe**18:07
eric2087youtube video download... how?18:07
buzz-cpil12: as you type the admin passwd it is hidden from view18:08
bunky24where do i go to change the color of the text on my menu bar?18:08
il12buzz-cp: so I wouldn't even get asterisks?18:08
il12or bullets?18:08
buzz-cpil12: correct18:08
teimupacman2, good luck18:08
il12ok. good to know18:08
brobostigoneric2087: have a look on packages.ubuntu.com, there are a few youtube download progs.18:08
Moheroeric2087 you can't download video's on youtube, but we're not really here to help with that :)18:08
Ol1Hi everybody! I have installed Ubuntu Studio 7.10 and have spent some time trying to figure out why it is so slow. It takes 15 seconds just to start up a simple program like Pidgin, Firefox or the file browser. It takes very long time to scroll. I have a 3.2Ghz CPU and 1GB RAM is this to little? Have I missed to do some nessesary tweaks?18:08
Carb0neric2087: aptitude install youtube-dl18:08
Carb0nMohero: yes you can!18:08
humancan anyone help me with wine soft18:09
buzz-cpil12: do you understand what I mean by /path/to/windows/exefile ?18:09
Moherocarb0n: i'll go quiet again then. :)18:09
humancan anyone help me with wine soft??18:09
buzz-cpOK so no fluxbox users?18:09
eric2087i actually dont want to d/l them... but it seems to be the only way to watch them with miro18:09
Carb0nMohero: hey, no offence.18:09
eric2087or am i missing something...18:09
il12buzz-cp: I'm afraid not. but this is working this far to install Wine. is there anything I should know about this before using it?18:09
pulihi guys is there any way to convert linux based pdfs to windows based pdfs18:09
crush_groovebuzz-cp, /join #fluxbox18:10
buzz-cpcrush_groove: thanks!18:10
Moheroin Miro, you just click the video to watch it eric208718:10
humancan u help how to install it18:10
buzz-cpil12: you should have a better understanding of getting around in a shell / terminal window18:10
eric2087yea... but how do u get the video there to be able to click on it?18:10
dagon^human; what's the problem dude? :)18:10
steveireThere doesn't seem to be an ubuntu-lamp package in ubuntu. Is this right?18:10
Carb0neric2087: In the newer view click details to see the link!18:10
buzz-cpil12: which is why i suggested Linux in a nutshell18:11
jaxt0rpuli: pdf's are OS independent, no need to convert18:11
humanis wine in the installer or i have to download it18:11
Carb0neric2087: last I checked, it was on the upper right corner.18:11
Moherohuman: sudo apt-get install wine18:11
buzz-cplet's suppose your windows file is here:  /media/sda1/Program\ Files/winamp/winamp.exe18:11
bullgard4Ol1: I cannot give you an exact answer. May be the network connection waits for a timeout. Reboot your computer without a network connection and see if it becomes faster. This would give a hint if its slow response is due to your network connection.18:11
dagon^human; have you done the 'sudo apt-get install wine' then eveything should be fine18:11
Carb0neric2087: and don't forget youtube-dl package.  You need it to download the videos.18:11
il12buzz-cp: ty. I will definitely look for that. Christmas money put to good use. ;) will it work for most Linux distro's?18:11
Moherohuman: it'll ask for your password, but doesn't "echo" anything back as you type it.18:12
buzz-cpil12 yea it's a general book18:12
buzz-cpan ubuntu book is good too18:12
eric2087i dont understand... in the newer view of what?18:12
bullgard4What is the terminal command to call the 'Run Application' dialog? (Alt+F2 equivalent)18:12
eric2087ok... i'll get that package18:12
Carb0neric2087: Can you open YouTube?  Or are you just following a blind link?18:13
humanthis is the first time i am going to install linux18:13
FurryNemesishuman, good luck18:13
humani dont know anything18:13
basvghmm, guess hacking compiz is trickier than I thought :p18:13
humani just know how to install18:13
il12buzz-cp: ok. will def. look for that, too. and from my understanding Ubuntu is the 'mother' to kubuntu and xubuntu and edubuntu, yes? so an ubuntu book would be pretty good for those as well?18:13
FurryNemesishuman, I suggest you back up everything first18:13
Ol1Thanks bullgard4 I shall try that.18:14
cav3manhelp!! all my icons in my top bar keep jumbling up out of order!! make it stop!!! every time i start up :P18:14
kmacsteveire:  I don't know of a complete lamp package in ubuntu.  Since you installed phpmyadmin, I would assume you already have apache and mysql installed, though...18:14
dagon^human; it's easier to help you if you highlight18:14
humanbut what is apt?18:14
FurryNemesis!apt > human18:14
buzz-cpil12: yes an ubuntu book.  those are really just sub-distros.  they're all basically the same18:14
brobostigon!apt | human18:14
ubotuhuman: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)18:14
eric2087no, i'm going to youtube... it shows the pictures for the vids that u usually just click on to launch the video... unfortunately the picture is a link to a watch.html18:15
eric2087ok... youtube-dl installed18:15
il12buzz-cp: yay it's unpacking Wine now. ty so much. and I will definitely look for those books.18:15
steveirekmac: Yes. I have them installed, and I can see the default apache website phpmyadmin did not create anything in /var/www so http://localhost doesn't list it. I can't access it.18:15
ubotuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)18:15
caveman24cane I get a few rcomendations for TV tuner cards that work in linux?18:15
Carb0neric2087: Can you see the description of the video on the upper right corner?18:15
nickrudsteveire, if you've installed phpmyadmin, you should find it at localhost/phpmyadmin18:16
dagon^caveman24; hauppage WinTV18:16
buzz-cpil12: also here is the wine main site: http://www.winehq.org/  you should know that wine is not a graphical tool--it's a command-line tool18:16
bunky24anyone know how to change the menu bars text/font color?18:16
Carb0neric2087: if yes, click on the details (or more) link18:16
caveman24does it get HD?18:16
dagon^don't know18:16
steveirenickrud: Hmmm, how does that get there without a symlink in /var/www?18:16
dagon^caveman24; haven't installed mine yet18:17
il12buzz-cp: meaning... I would be able to only run the more simple command-line based applications with it?18:17
buzz-cpwell everyone is apparently asleep in #fluxbox18:17
buzz-cpil12: no it runs graphical windows programs, but you run wine from the command line.18:17
humanbut what i will have do with apt to get apt18:17
Old_GreggI have an on-board soundcard I am using because there is no driver for my other one18:17
caveman24setup isnt a problem, I just want hardware that works, ill look into that one, dont need HD, but it would be nice18:17
il12: aha.18:18
Old_Gregghow do I tell what soundcard it is in Ubuntu and how do I tell if I have the correct drivers for it?18:18
brobostigonhuman: apt is already in the base installation18:18
eric2087this is exactly what i'm looking at... if u go to youtube right now... the top video is a beer xmas tree video... to the top right of the picture it says, "Beer Tree: The Ultimate Christma..." is this what u are talking about?18:18
dagon^caveman24; according to my research Hauppage WinTV is great for linux, has better drivers and such18:18
Old_GreggI have an on-board soundcard I am using because there is no driver for my other one.  How do I tell what soundcard it is in Ubuntu and how do I tell if I have the correct drivers for it?18:18
il12buzz-cp: so, it says ldconfig deferred processing now taking place. So I just wait? because it has the il@il-laptop:-$ line up..18:19
dagon^Old_Gregg; I just run alsa and it works, I'm no linux-geek but that's how I've done all the time18:19
nickrudsteveire, it's defined in /etc/apache2/conf.d/phpmyadmin, it uses apache's directives to remap that address18:19
buzz-cpil12: wait until you get the prompt back18:19
Old_Greggdagon^:  I have been doing that, but it's very grainy.18:19
Carb0neric2087: No. and I can't browse youtube now.  I ask again, what is it that you want to do?18:19
il12buzz-cp: I thought this was the prompt, but then again I know next to nothing on this system.18:20
humani have motorola v360 which i use as a modem of internet is there any modem dirver on this set is included on apt ?18:20
humani have motorola v360 which i use as a modem of internet is there any modem dirver of this set is included on apt ?18:20
il12buzz-cp: I don't mean this window. but the il@il-laptop: was the prompt, or so I thought.18:20
Carb0neric2087: what is it that you want to download?18:20
eric2087i just want to watch the videos... preferably in the browser to minimize the number of steps18:20
Old_GreggDoes anyone else have 5-10 second lock-ups when they are running WoW and anything else?  When I have World of Warcraft running and anything else open in the background, every few minutes, Ubuntu locks up for about 5-10 seconds.18:20
eric2087click and watch... that is my goal18:20
eric2087ie... the way its "supposed" to work18:20
steveirenickrud: I see. Thanks18:21
buzz-cpil12: il@il-laptop:  is your prompt18:21
Carb0neric2087: OK. gotcha.  You need to install flashplayer-nonfree18:21
brobostigoneric2087: thats if flash works.18:21
buzz-cpil12: if you know the location of your windows executable, then you can launch it with wine.18:21
humani have motorola v360 which i use as a modem of internet is there any modem dirver of this set is included on apt ?18:21
eric2087since i cant seem to watch them... and since u said to use miro... and since miro seems to require that u have the video d/l therefore i was asking about how to d/l the video so i could watch it in miro18:21
il12buzz-cp: so this means it's finished and I can just enter the directory, etc and launch it?18:21
brobostigonhuman: have a look at the forums and then packages.ubuntu.com18:22
eric2087flash player install does work at the moment18:22
eric2087does NOT work18:22
humanok chacking18:22
Carb0neric2087: I didn't say to use "miro" (what is that?).  Someone else did.  I thought you wanted to download flash videos.  sorry.18:22
eric2087oh... its a video watcher18:23
eric2087really i just want to watch the vid in the browser18:23
Carb0neric2087: like totem?18:23
eric2087that would be fine18:23
dagon^eric2087; what's your problem man? :)18:23
dagon^can't watch youtube?18:23
eric2087this is what happens18:23
eric2087i open firefox18:24
eric2087i go to youtube18:24
eric2087i click a video18:24
eric2087another page opens up... and a popup says...18:24
erUSUL!caps | Old_Gregg18:24
ubotuOld_Gregg: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.18:24
Dr_willisOld_Gregg,  thers no need to yell.18:24
Dr_willisOld_Gregg,  and a lot of people do.18:24
eric2087additional plugin required to display all the media on this page18:24
Old_GreggerUSUL: Clearly not, been asking for WoW specific help for 3 days.18:25
dagon^eric2087; FF should prompt you to install flashplayer and you should be able to click yes a few times to install it18:25
Dr_willisOld_Gregg,  if you have a question about Wine and WoW - you may want to check out the various wine forums. and the Wine channels.18:25
Old_GreggDr_willis: How did you install it?18:25
eric2087i cant seem to get it to install the plugins needed18:25
Carb0neric2087: aptitude install flashplugin-nonfree18:25
erUSULOld_Gregg: maybe noone has encounter your problem so they do not know how to help you18:25
Dr_willisOld_Gregg,   I copied the WoW dir over from my windows install.18:25
Old_GreggDr_willis: I am using CrossOver to install it, should I use Wine?18:25
dagon^my problem with flash is in Opera18:25
erUSUL!patience | Old_Gregg18:25
Dr_willisOld_Gregg,  I would use the latest wine or Cedega.18:26
Carb0ndragon^: Is flashplugin-nonfree in medibuntu or what?18:26
ubotuOld_Gregg: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines18:26
Dr_willisCrossover is tweaked for Office and other apps. not games.18:26
buzz-cpil12: if you know the path to your windows exe yes18:26
dagon^Carb0n; please tab the nicks, I haven't got a single 'r' in my nick :)18:26
Old_GreggDr_willis:  Are you busy?  I am brand new to linux and have not been able to use my $900 computer since I bought it last weekend.  I just want to play WoW and run Ventrilo.  That's it.18:27
eric2087md5sum mismatch install_flash_player_9_linux.tar.gz18:27
eric2087The Flash plugin is NOT installed.18:27
Carb0ndagon^: my mistake.  sorry.18:27
Dr_willisOld_Gregg,  I dont play WoW any more.. and Im not sure how well wine supports Ventrillo.18:27
dagon^Carb0n; no need to excuse :) common mistake :P18:27
erUSULeric2087: see the topic18:27
NewuserrCarb0n: flashplugin-non free doesnt work18:27
Dr_willis!appdb | Old_Gregg18:27
ubotuOld_Gregg: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org18:27
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about flashprob - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi18:27
Carb0nNewuserr: What do you mean "doesn't work"?18:27
eric2087erUSUL: what is the work around?18:28
Carb0ndagon^: :)18:28
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dosentwork - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi18:28
Newuserrwell i installed it but i couldnt play streams on youtube.com18:28
erUSUL!brokenflash | eric208718:28
ubotueric2087: The Flash plugin installation is currently broken. This is due to Adobe changing the tar file that the package downloads. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=636397 if you need to fix this immediately, but it's recommended to wait for an official fix.18:28
NewuserrCarb0n:well i installed it but i couldnt play streams on youtube.com18:28
dagon^patience dudes :)18:28
Carb0nNewuserr: What browser are you using?18:29
iDopehello can anyone summarize in a few lines what to sed and awk do?18:29
NewuserrCarb0n:firefox, but it working now on my computer18:29
Old_GreggDr_willis:  Thank you.18:29
iDopea stream editor is too vague an explanation18:29
iDopeit has something to do with text parsing and inline editing right?18:29
Carb0nNewuserr: I use flashplugin-nonfree on my laptop in firefox just fine.  What is the problem? (I use Feisty)18:30
Dr_willisiDope,  they take the data comming in.. change it.. spit it back out.18:30
basvghmm, what is the 'gl desktop' entry for in the system->preferences menu?18:30
NewuserrCarb0n:yes there it was working well i am using ubuntu 7.1018:30
Dr_williscat foo | sed stuff | outputstuff Its in the middle of th stream of data18:30
erUSULiDope: sed is a text editor and awk is a programming language oriented to tabuated data processing18:30
dagon^does anyone have problems with installing flash to Opera?18:30
iDopewell I have a little problem here.. I have a stream of data coming in and i am looking for say a certain pattern18:31
Dr_willisiDope,  awk is rather amazing in what it can do. :)18:31
Carb0ndagon^: Are you manually unpacking the tar.gz or installing using apt?18:31
iDopeonce I find that pattern I need to look for a certain other pattern which occured just before it18:31
Old_GreggDr_willis:  I know how to run CrossOver, but not Wine.  How do I start the install?18:31
iDopecan they help me do that?18:31
Dr_willisiDope,  this is ascii/text data?18:31
dagon^Carb0n; apt didn't work so I tried manually but didn't work18:31
Dr_willisOld_Gregg,  wine whatever.exe18:31
papenghttp://svz2008.comphost.info/?id=21970 <<< no only 7 clicks left ;)18:31
papenghttp://svz2008.comphost.info/?id=21970 <<< no only 7 clicks left ;)18:31
iDopethe yes18:31
Newuserrdoes anybody know a good portsanner?18:31
bullgard4I do not understand line 340 in http://ubuntuusers.de/paste/23981/. Why is it necessary to test the existence of the file 85-anacron.sh instead of simply trying to run it?18:32
basvgiDope: can you give an example?18:32
Carb0ndagon^: Why doesn't apt work?18:32
brobostigonNewuserr: search packages.ubuntu.com , i am sure there are plenty.18:32
Newuserrdragon^: perhaps use it with sudo18:32
FloodBot3NOTICE - If you couldn't speak to the channel during the past minutes, please try again now.18:33
Old_GreggDr_willis:  Okay, I got it started, but the font is all messed up.  In CrossOver it always downloaded a bunch of fonts before starting the install.  Is there a way to do that in Wine as well?18:33
FloodBot3NOTICE - If you couldn't speak to the channel during the past minutes, please try again now.18:33
iDopei do a tcpdump with a grep on "GET"18:33
dagon^Newuserr; I might be a noob but not _that_ noob :)18:33
iDopeand it gives me the URLs which are being retreived18:33
Carb0ndagon^: :-)18:33
Newuserrdragon^: lol18:33
iDopebut not the retreivers IP18:33
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iDopethat comes a bit before the GET18:33
Montego How do I change different backgrounds of each side of cube?18:33
dagon^Newuserr; I recommend you to tab the nicks too to avoid misunderstandings18:33
soldierboynmap is a good port scanner18:34
erUSULiDope: on the same line?18:34
Carb0ndagon^: What's breaking apt from installing flash?18:34
puliguys i have printed a page as pdf on linux not able to open it on windows can any one hlp pls18:34
iDopethats the whole problem18:34
iDopeits never on the same line18:34
Silver_FoxMerry almost Christmas eve everyone!18:34
Dr_willisOld_Gregg,  ive never needed to mess with fonts under wine. You have installed the ms fonts on your linux box18:34
iDopeits always a variable number of lines before the GET line18:34
dagon^Carb0n; can't remember right now but i complained, doesn't matter anymore :)18:34
brobostigonadobe is breaking flash from installing using apt.18:34
Dr_willis!info mstcorefonts18:34
ubotuPackage mstcorefonts does not exist in gutsy18:34
basvgiDope: you may want to write a small perl/ruby/python thingy for that18:34
Dr_willisHmm what is that package..18:34
dagon^Carb0n; I was just curious if anyone else had problems18:34
puliguys i have printed a page as pdf on linux not able to open it on windows can any one hlp pls18:34
Old_GreggDr_willis:  I'm not sure I understand.  Are you saying I have or that I need to install MS fonts?18:34
iDopeif it was fixed it would have still been do able18:34
buzz-cpcan I just say, I LOVE UBUNTU!?!?!?18:35
Carb0ndagon^: I don't seem to.  Try enabling medibuntu repo for a change and see what happens.18:35
Dr_willisOld_Gregg,  install the 'ubuntu-restricted-extras' package for a start. I think it installs the proper MS fonts packages18:35
MontegoAlso anyone know how I can stop the flooding in here. What commands do I use18:35
eth01heh, it's not that great -.-18:35
jewbileedoes anyone know where OpenOffice keeps its icon files?18:35
soldierboywow in wine ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=12061518:35
erUSULOld_Gregg: msttcorefonts is the package for MS fonts18:35
Old_GreggDr_willis:  sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras   ?18:35
Dr_willisMontego,  depends on your irc client18:35
dagon^Carb0n; ok, I'll try that, when I've got more time :)18:35
Dr_willisOld_Gregg,  yes. or use the pacakge manager.18:35
Montegoxchat-gnome 0.1818:35
Cpudan80jewbilee: /usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/18:36
Old_GreggerUSUL:  Thanks.  Sorry I was grumpy earlier.  I'm very frustrated with linux.18:36
Carb0ndagon^: Take your own time. Best of luck. :)18:36
iDopeI know python and was thinking about doing that, just wanted to check if there was a simpler way using grep/sed/awk18:36
pulihi there any one to help me pls18:36
dagon^Carb0n; thx :]18:36
buzz-cppull: what's up18:36
Silver_FoxHey, I'v got a question.  How do I put different desktop wallpapers in each desktop18:36
MontegoDr_Willis xchat-gnome 0.1818:36
iDopewell off to my little script then18:36
dagon^puli; shoot18:36
Carb0ndagon^: Anytime.  Thanks to you for teaching me the tab-the-nick tip! :-)18:36
Dr_willisMontego,  you may want to try out the normal xchat program. Not the xchat-gnome18:36
erUSULOld_Gregg: no problem we all have been through some less than reguarding experience with linux or computing in general18:36
dagon^Silver_Fox; Settings -> Wallpaper18:37
pulii have printed a page as post scrit on linux , i am not able to open it with acrobat on windows18:37
Dr_willisOld_Gregg,  You are grumpy with WoW and Wine.. thats not technicially 'linux' :)18:37
buzz-cppuli: post-script is not the same as pdf18:37
Old_GreggDr_willis:  Actually, just CrossOver.18:37
MontegoHow do I stop Joins And leaves? Should be a switch for that18:37
Carb0npuli: You need Adobe distiller to convert it into PDF18:37
buzz-cppuli: apt-get install cups-pdf18:37
Carb0npuli: Or you might have forgotten the .ps extension.  Which one?18:38
Old_GreggDr_willis:  I have to switch the disks, but it won't let me open it.  In CrossOver, I had a screen where I clicked "Eject CD" .  I'm not seeing one for Wine...18:38
pulii have got wdobe writer is it the same with distiller18:38
Dr_willisOld_Gregg,  using the wrong tool for the job >:)  Then again - dont expect windows apps to run flawlessly under wine either.18:38
Carb0npuli: not the same.18:38
puliii printed this page after installing cups18:38
MrPiracyhow can I find out where an specific program is installed on my system?18:38
Carb0npuli: goto commandline  -- type ps2pdf <filename.ps>18:38
Dr_willisOld_Gregg,  i told ya earlier - i just copied all the data files from a Windows INstall. You could copy all the disks contents to one dir.  THEN run the installer from that dir. Theres often issues with wine and multi-cd installers18:38
Silver_Foxdagon^, how do i get to the wallpaper settings?18:39
brobostigonold_gregg: wndows apps dont even tun properly unser windows18:39
MontegoI'm Using Ubuntu 7.10. Does anyone know how to use different backgrounds On the cube? How18:39
MrPiracyi need to know where amule is installed so I can add a protocol handler for firefox18:39
Old_GreggDr_willis:  I just want to play WoW and listen to my friends on vent.  That's all I built this machine for.  The guy at Fry's said Linux was faster, more stable, and just as easy to install.  Faster, maybe.  More stable, I agree.  Easy to install?  HA!18:39
puliis there any way out without using command line18:39
dagon^Silver_Fox; do you run kde/gnome/fluxbox?18:39
Silver_Foxmontego` thats exactly my question...18:39
kane77I like to hibernate my computer, but after few days of usage & hibernation I always have lots of programs (showed by ps -A) that are marked as <defunct> what do I do about them? because some programs then won't work...18:39
Silver_Foxdagon^,  well, i want it to work on compiz fusion18:40
Old_GreggDr_willis: I actually figured something out on my own!18:40
Old_GreggDr_willis:  cdeject from terminal for the win!18:40
Carb0npuli: yeah.  ask someone to do it. :)18:40
Dr_willisOld_Gregg,  you should do more research. the OS is faster and more stable.. and easy to install.. YOu are having issues with a very very very specific thing.. that  a lot of people have working.. but is not linux specific18:40
dagon^Silver_Fox; ah ok, sorry then. I'm not a big fan of BlingBling2007 ;)18:40
pulii am not a techie acrbon18:40
Carb0npuli: Neither am I.18:40
pulijust started learning ubuntoo18:40
Old_GreggDr_willis:  Patience is a virtue and I'm not one you could call virtuous.18:40
Dr_willisOld_Gregg,   i hate to even think how big of updates you are going to have to do once you start up WoW the first time.18:40
Silver_Foxbling bling?  o.O18:40
kyu_fluxOld_Gregg: I love your nick =)18:40
Carb0npuli: It's Ubuntu!18:40
Dr_willisOld_Gregg,  go back to windows then.. or you may want to try out cedega.18:41
Old_Greggkyu_flux:  Thanks18:41
MontegoSilver_Fox Yea I have the Compiz config open but dont see the option in it?18:41
Dr_willisOld_Gregg,  or learn some patience.18:41
humanthanks all18:41
Carb0npuli: anytime18:41
Dr_willisOld_Gregg,  you will have a lot of time to read up on linux while WoW Updates i bet. :)18:41
=== ForeverZero is now known as sea4ever
humansee u soon18:41
dagon^Silver_Fox; yeah, compiz is a blingbling-program :P but it should be the same, on the startpanel 'Settings -> Wallpaper'18:41
Silver_FoxMontego,  theres an option on Beryl settings, but i think you have to have another thing or somthing, because i tryed it and it dident work.18:41
Old_GreggDr_willis:  very much so.  took 2 hours last time.  I had it working, but I couldn't have vent and wow running at the same time and have sound on both.  I followed the CrossOver instructions and it borked my sound completely.18:42
Silver_Foxdagon^,  theres no settings on the ubuntu start panel18:42
Old_GreggDr_willis:  How do I copy the installation files to my computer to run it from there?18:42
dagon^Silver_Fox; hmm, weird18:42
MontegoSilver_Fox Yea it's confusing Theres like 3 different editors.18:42
fluxyHello. I am unable to update my mime database. It says I don't have the permissions, despite me running it as root. Any ideas please?18:43
TheMafiadoes the commercial repo of vmware-server work on gutsy?18:43
BL4VALcan someone help me get my sound work? i'm new to ubuntu.18:43
dagon^BL4VAL; what's the trouble?18:43
Carb0nfluxy: running as root. Big mistake. :(18:43
Dr_willisOld_Gregg,  put cd in the disk.. access it.. copy files over to a dir..  eject cd.. put in next one.. repeate.18:44
fluxyCarb0n: I know, but I just need this dang thing to work.18:44
MontegoSilver_Fox Found the Caps for the top and bottom of the cube though18:44
godzirraQuick question, I hope...  I've got suspend to ram working on my laptop when I hit the power button then hit suspend to ram, but how do I get it to suspend to ram when I put the lid down... or at least hibernate when I put the lid down?18:44
thormIs there any .IMG burner, like the ISO Burner in UBUNTU? i have searched synaptic with no good answers!18:44
brobostigon!sound | bl4val18:44
ubotubl4val: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP318:44
Carb0nfluxy: sudo to the rescue.18:44
Dr_willisOld_Gregg,  sound may still be an issue depending on your sound card.18:44
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about img - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi18:44
ubotuTo mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.18:44
Old_GreggDr_willis:  Same directory or should I make a CD_1 directory, CD_2, etc.18:44
Silver_FoxMontego,  ya, thats a cool feature18:44
Dr_willisput them all in the same dir Old_Gregg18:44
thormAnyone can help me on this?18:45
fluxyCarb0n: Tried, in vain. Doesn't get update-mime-database to work.18:45
godzirrathorm: Do .img files allow you to just right click them and click write to disk like iso's do?18:45
Old_GreggDr_willis:  okay.  Thanks again.  And as far as sound, does Wine intuitively enable multiple applications to use the driver at once?18:45
Dr_willisOld_Gregg,  You still have the install from the Crossover in a dir somewhere? or is it gone also?18:45
mboldiscI'm having trouble installing the 32-bit JDK on AMD-64-bit Gusty.  Anyone have similar problems?18:45
Carb0nfluxy: Why do you need to update mime-db in the first place?18:45
thormno they do not godzirra18:45
Old_GreggDr_willis:  completely removed18:45
mboldiscI'm using the self-extracting file from Sun.18:45
Carb0nfluxy: if it is to add some file format, do it in ~/.mime18:46
godzirrathorm: Sorry... thats all I had. ;)18:46
Dr_willisOld_Gregg,  sound and multi apps - can be an issue dependiong on the soudn card.. wine adds further  complexity to the issue. Ive not had issues with this and my  Creative cards. Onboard cards May be an issue18:46
fluxyCarb0n: to allow .docx be recognised as application/msword instead of application/zip18:46
fluxyCarb0n: ok thx. i'll try that18:46
thormand i cannot get the "open with another program" to work godzirra.. u know how to choose DVD/CD BURNER application?18:46
eric2087ok, my flash is working... thanks for all the help18:46
Dr_willisOld_Gregg,  heck when i was playing WoW. I kept a 'clean' install - backed up just so i wouldent have to reinstall the game.18:46
joankii just put virtual box on my new ubuntu - it's AMAZING!18:46
jewbileeUsing SSH, whenever I run emacs with a file on a host machine, my client machine will not open it up as a windowed program, it puts it in the terminal, how do i get it to run in a seperate emacs window?18:47
godzirrathorm: I have no idea to be honest.  I just stick in a blank disk if I want to record normal files to a disk, or I right click an iso and click write to disk if its an iso.  No idea on .img's.18:47
eric2087where can i write down what i did to help out other people who need flash help18:47
TheMafiawhere are the vmware-server-kernel-modules located?18:47
brobostigonthorm: packages.ubuntu.com search the for a ne cd dvd buner18:47
joankiquick question.... if my ubuntu op sys works fine, then does that mean i do not need to install the drivers on my virtualbox windows xp?18:47
eric2087there gotta be millions18:47
godzirraQuick question, I hope...  I've got suspend to ram working on my laptop when I hit the power button then hit suspend to ram, but how do I get it to suspend to ram when I put the lid down... or at least hibernate when I put the lid down?18:47
pulican i convert post script to pdf18:47
dagon^eric2087; nano18:47
thormim gonna try that then brobostigon18:47
eric2087no i mean... where can i post what i did to get flash working18:47
Old_GreggDr_willis:  I have a kick ass sound card, but Creative Labs only released a buggy 64-bit driver for it.  I tried doing Ubuntu 64-bit, but then I had all kinds of other problems.  I've decided to stick with 32-bit and just use the onboard.18:47
eric2087so others can do the same18:47
godzirrapuli: apt-cache search pdftops.18:47
fluxyCarb0n: Umm..Which file do I have to edit exactly?18:47
godzirrapuli: or maybe its pstopdf.  Search.18:47
dagon^eric2087; my bad :P18:47
dagon^eric2087; try the ubuntuforum18:48
Carb0nfluxy: touch ~/.mime18:48
Old_GreggDr_willis:  and won't the files copy over themselves if I put them all in the same directory?18:48
eric2087k... thx alot guys18:48
Dr_willisOld_Gregg,  you have a xi-fi card eh...  Yep Creative dropped the ball on that one. sadly.18:48
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eric2087i'll post right now18:48
Carb0nfluxy: edit ~/.mime -- add the format you wish to add18:48
Dr_willisOld_Gregg,  No idea..  they proberly have different names.18:48
fluxyCarb0n: xml format?18:48
kyu_fluxanyone know of a better last.fm player than the official client?18:48
Dr_willisOld_Gregg,  ive installed dozens of games by copying th files to dirs that way.18:48
Old_GreggDr_willis:  Yea, I should not have blindly listened to the guy at Fry's.  I'm usually much better about these sort of things, but I got lazy.18:48
dagon^does anyone have trouble running monodevelop?18:48
malnilionkyu_flux, how about amarok?18:48
dagon^I can't seem to get simple projects to work18:49
malnilionIt's not better, but it integrates it.18:49
Dr_willisOld_Gregg,  if the guy suggested Linux AND a Xi-Fi Card.. he really was not up to speed.18:49
kyu_fluxmalnilion: i'll give it a try. thanks. =)18:49
Dr_willisOld_Gregg,  of course suggesting Linux for a 'power gamer' is also not  a good idea.18:49
Old_GreggDr_willis:  He also said all I had to do was put the CD in and it would install everything just like windows.18:49
malnilionkyu_flux, plus amarok is my favorite audio app for linux :P18:49
Carb0nfluxy: refer /etc/mime.types for the format18:49
Dr_willisOld_Gregg,  this is when the buyer should do his own research.18:50
kyu_fluxmalnilion: awesome, I've been looking for a better player as it is anyways. can't really stand totem...18:50
fluxyCarb0n: Thank you very much18:50
Dr_willisOld_Gregg,  the ubuntu linux installer works amazingly well. :)18:50
Carb0npuli: Did you try ps2pdf. Or are you afraid to tread hot waters?18:50
Old_GreggDr_willis:  Yea, I regret it.18:50
Dr_willisOld_Gregg,  it installs better then windows does for me.18:50
Carb0nfluxy: my pleasure.18:50
Old_GreggDr_willis:  It does for putting Ubuntu on there.  But for configuring everything it seems to be all by hand.18:50
Dr_willisOld_Gregg,  i dual boot to windows to play Crysis and other games on my machines.18:50
pulicarbon i tried searching with synaptic updater18:50
pulidid not work out18:51
J-E-L-L-0ikonia: how do i know which device the drives are?  like sda1 or sda218:51
Dr_willisOld_Gregg,  thats not linux's fault you are doing some rather 'out there' things. :)18:51
hotbard7با سلام18:51
romistrubDr_willis: You can play Crisis -.-18:51
oixwho can tell me what I have to do to install Medibuntu?18:51
kljbHi, since my update to Gutsy, one of my two soundcards isnt working anymore, hopefully someone can help me. Here are some details: http://ubuntuusers.de/paste/17909/18:51
Dr_willisromistrub,  I dont play it under linux.. i boot to windows18:51
fluxyJ-E-L-L-O: fdisk -l18:51
hotbard7دوستان من وقتی این مسیر انتخاب می  کنم کامپیونتر قفل می کنه18:51
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PriceChildoix, do you know what medibuntu is?18:51
PriceChild!en | hotbard718:51
ubotuhotbard7: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are english only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat18:51
romistrubhotbard7: Wo... wah.... wooaahhh...18:51
Old_GreggDr_willis:  I have XP pro installation files, but I can't get them to burn to a CD properly.  In a perfect world, I can create a windows partition, install XP on the partition from Ubuntu, and make the windows partition the primary boot partition.  Problem solved, and I'm a happy duck.  Do you know hot to do that?18:52
romistrubhotbard7: Arabic?18:52
oixI think that I know, yes PriceChild18:52
PriceChildoix, medibuntu is just a repository18:52
fluxyhotboard7: interesting. i only know how to pronounce nt the meanings =)18:52
Dr_willisOld_Greg go to #kubuntu and chat with tehm0nk hes also using WoW and Linux and wine. i think.18:52
oixoki, I want to download its packages18:53
basvghow do I prevent the notification of 'To run a command as administrator (user "root"), use "sudo <command>"' every time I start a shell ?18:53
Ranpha1Hi what is a good GUi program to dial for a umts connection?18:53
Dr_willisOld_Gregg,  Im Not using the stuff any more.. so :)18:53
PriceChildoix, have you read their howto on their website?18:53
PriceChildoix, could you link me to the howto that you're reading, and tell me what you don't understand?18:53
Old_GreggDr_willis:  It is possible to create a windows-capable partition from Ubuntu though, right?18:54
DPi1i need help dual-booting windows. I'm getting an NTDLR not found18:54
kljbHi, since my update to Gutsy, one of my two soundcards isnt working anymore, hopefully someone can help me. Here are some details: http://ubuntuusers.de/paste/17909/18:54
oixI have a command line to execute in the terminal, I executed it, but I have no results18:54
dagon^kljb; take it easy :) look at the english ubuntuforum, this is a common problem I think18:54
godzirraWhat the heck is the name of the python image library called?  I can't find itr in apt...18:55
PriceChildoix, and the link you are reading? (in linux, no output often means success)18:55
DPi1can someone help me dual-boot? I keep getting NTLDR not found18:55
oixPriceChild this is the link http://doc.ubuntu-fr.org/depots#medibuntu it's in french18:55
J-E-L-L-0wait.. gparted is the graphical tool right?  I have no X server on this machine18:55
thormthere was none18:56
thormwhat is the name of the default dvd/cd burner?18:56
thormsoftware that is18:56
PriceChildoix, so have you added the first black bit here: http://doc.ubuntu-fr.org/depots_gutsy#depots_medibuntu to your /etc/apt/sources.list file?18:56
TheEaglewhere are the C header files that match my running kernel?18:56
PriceChildTheEagle, not installed by default18:56
Old_GreggDoes anyone know how to create a windows-capable partition from Ubuntu?  I'd like to install Windows from Ubuntu (not a boot CD) to a second partition.18:56
oixI'm with Feisty18:57
fluxyJ-E-L-L-): use-> sudo fdisk-l18:57
TheEaglehow do i install them18:57
PriceChildTheEagle, sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r)18:57
TheMafiadoes gpilotd crash in gutsy for everyone?18:57
kyu_fluxmalnilion: awesome, i'm giving amarok a try now. I think I like what I'm seeing so far...18:57
PriceChildoix, replace any "gutsy"s with "feisty" then18:57
DPi1Old_Gregg: use gparted on the live CD to crate a ntfs partition18:57
Old_GreggDPi1:  Forgive my ignorance, but how do I do that?18:58
J-E-L-L-0fluxy: i did to create the partition.. now i need to format it and mount it18:58
Carb0npuli: you still there?18:58
DPi1well, first, you'll want to backup your data18:58
DPi1it's always important to have a backup of your data18:58
fluxyJ-E-L-L-0: to format use-> sudo cfdisk18:58
puliyes carbon18:58
DPi1...i learned that the hard way-- you don't want to18:58
Old_GreggDPi1:  I have no data.  Pretty much clean Ubuntu install.18:58
SoteriouLoucasi have a problem unistalling kde session18:59
DPi1well then just pop in the liveCD and go to system>admin>partition editor18:59
Carb0npuli: what do you get when you type ps2pdf in the commandline?18:59
Carb0npuli: Ubuntu will suggest the container package -- usually.18:59
dagon^SoteriouLoucas; use Synaptics19:00
dagon^search for 'kde' and remove everything19:00
fluxyJ-E-L-L-0: to mount -> sudo mkdir /media/<dirname> and then -> sudo mount <dev> -t <type> /media/<dirname>19:00
TheEaglePriceChild: why -$(uname -r)19:00
TheEagleI see Now19:00
Carb0npuli: I guess it comes with gs-common19:01
TheEaglesorry, momentart lapse in brain functionality19:01
oixit doesn't work!!! :s19:01
DPi1can someone help me fix my NTLDR not found problem???19:01
fluxyJ-E-L-L-0: for more info on mounting and filesystem types, see man mount. you can try the option '-t auto'19:01
godzirraQuick question, I hope...  I've got suspend to ram working on my laptop when I hit the power button then hit suspend to ram, but how do I get it to suspend to ram when I put the lid down... or at least hibernate when I put the lid down?19:01
fluxygodzirra: Preferences > Power Management is your friend19:02
godzirrafluxy: thanks.19:02
fluxygodzirra: np19:02
fluxyJ-E-L-L-0: np19:02
atarinoxI just installed gutsy on my IBM thinkpad, now everytime I try to configure the network settings everything freezes and I have to do a hard reset. Any idea what the problem could be?19:03
godzirrafluxy: One more question... it says "when the computer is inactive" does that mean when I don't type anything for a while?  i.e. it will happen if i'm downloading something?19:04
mboldiscDid they remove all 32-bit libraries from 64-bit Gusty?19:04
J-E-L-L-0fluxy: i did sudo cfdisk and it sees the partition there, but doesnt give me an option to format it.. do i have to format it like you do a windows partition or is it formatted as soon as the partition is created?19:04
SoteriouLoucasdagon thanx a lot:) i think i am sleeping thanx works19:04
DPi1Is there anybody who can help me with getting my dual-boot to work?????19:04
badkittyDi1: sure19:04
soldierboyDPil what problems are you having?19:05
badkittyDPi1: what is the problem19:05
DPi1badkitty: thanks, i keep getting an NTLDR not found19:05
lbeAnyone but me having problems with installing flashplayer-nonfree?19:05
soldierboybeen a while, doesn't 'fixboot' fix this?19:05
LjL!flash > lbe    (lbe, see the private message from Ubotu)19:05
soldierboyhaven't' used windows in ages19:05
badkittyDPi1: hmm... yah im not sure are these both new installs, or how did you try to setup the dual boot19:06
il12what's the difference in the CD version of Ubuntu/Kubuntu and the DVD besides their size?19:06
Flannelil12: the DVD is the Desktop CD and the alternate CD combined (plus some more extra packages in the repository)19:06
fluxyJ-E-L-L-0: change type and then write do confirm changes19:06
DPi1they're on two separate HDDs Ubuntu is on the master, windows is on the slave. ubuntu is a fresh install19:06
fluxygodzirra: I am not sure, but I think it is when you're not typing19:07
cocoxhi there ppl i've been googling about compiz and beryl and its quite confusing... one merges with the other but with is the latest??? in some web sites says that beryl is compiz continuation and in wikipedia says that compiz fuze is the latest...19:07
Flannelcocox: compiz-fusion is the latest19:07
soldierboyDPil, use windows CD to boot into console and type 'fixboot' to see if that helps you19:07
il12Flannel: is there any significant difference? well, a better question: is there somewhere perhaps that has an 'official' list of the differences?19:07
godzirrafluxy: ok... thakns.19:07
DPi1soldier boy, do i risk losing data if i do that?19:07
cocoxFlannel, and what about Xgl or AIGLX, which one is the latest??19:07
godzirraLast question... what is the name of the python image library?  I can't find it in apt...19:07
Flannelil12: those are the official differences.  What do you mean signifigant?  since, including both is rather signifigant.  What are you asking for?19:08
badkittycocox: Use compiz-fusion :-)19:08
Mba7ethhi guys ... .can i download the whole dictionary that come up with linux , ?i want to use it offline19:08
fluxygodzirra: Set Put Computer to sleep when inactive to never and display to sleep to something you like (it will only turn screen off i think)19:08
Flannelcocox: Neither is later really, they're different approaches to the same problem19:08
godzirrafluxy: thats what I did. :)19:08
godzirraThen I set lid close to hibernate.19:08
godzirraso if i'm downloading I can just leave the lid open.19:08
badkitty DPi1: have you read this? http://www.computerhope.com/issues/ch000465.htm19:08
oixPriceChild, it donesn't work, I found the link to the Feisty page, but it's the same, I have no results19:09
cocoxFlannel, badkitty do you guys have some interesting link about how to move from compiz to compiz-fusion?19:09
fluxygodzirra: I prefer it on Blank Screen (I close the lid when people get in my room =P )19:09
atarinoxcan anybody recommend a size for my swap, root, and home partitions if I have a 30gb hd?19:09
il12Flannel: sorry, I'm not quite sure how to ask what it is that I want to know. I just started with Ubuntu a few days ago. working on getting some Ubuntu and Linux books. Ok, so is there a list of the extra packages in the repository?19:09
Flannelgodzirra: Like python-gd? or what?19:09
cocoxbadkitty, Flannel Xgl or AIGLx which one could you recommend me ??19:09
badkittycocox: You are using compiz right now?19:09
Flannelil12: do you have an internet connection on this machine?19:09
murchadhHi all! I can't log in from kdm as some of my keyboard keys aren't recognised. Switch to terminal and they're fine. Any ideas? I posted in #kubuntu but no joy. I have the same problem if I use gdm.19:09
fabio_OpenPGP key19:10
fluxyatarinox: swap depends on the ram u have (or atleast you think you may have for the next months you will be using ubuntu)19:10
il12Flannel: I'm using it now.19:10
fabio_any one knows?19:10
badkittycocox: what version of ubuntu are you using?19:10
Flannelil12: The packages on the DVD are only really useful if you need to install them without the internet.  *all* of the packages are available in the online repositories.19:10
atarinoxfluxy: i've got 256mb ram19:10
Flannelil12: the DVD and CD images install an identical system19:10
il12Flannel: alright, thank you, just wondering if it would be beneficial to deal with the 2 day dl for the DVD. Thank you. :)19:11
fluxyatarinox: home and root ....depends on u. u can have only root (and no dedicated /home partition) if u unsure how much space ur home dir gonna need (better if u have only one OS - ubuntu - and plan to use it for a very long time)19:11
il12but that answered my question.19:11
Flannelil12: No, definately not19:11
eric2087if anyone asks about how to get flash working... send them to this link... http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=64835619:11
godzirraerk.  Anything that someone said to me I lost.19:11
eric2087its written super simple so its easy to follow19:11
cocoxbadkitty, im using gutsy with compiz19:12
Glichtotem 2.2 crashes when I play rm files such as: http://mfile.akamai.com/7870/rm/mitstorage.download.akamai.com/7870/8/8.01/f99/videolectures/wl99lec1-300k.rm........................when I run in terminal it comes out as: totem19:12
GlichSegmentation fault (core dumped)19:12
godzirraFlannel: I dunno... I'm trying to install this program and it just says: "!!! Python Imaging Library ...  Not found" ... the readme doesnt say anything about it.19:12
Flannelcocox: No, you're using gutsy with compiz-fusion19:12
badkittycocox: regular compiz? Did you upgrade to gutsy?19:12
godzirraBut yeah, I'm just trying to get different wallpapers on each side of teh cube, as well as keepign the desktop icons.19:12
fabio_OpenPGP key how to create one?19:12
eric2087hey, dudes with the yellow channel name... send flash people to this link... http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=64835619:13
fluxyatarinox: try this page: http://www.newlinuxuser.com/explanation-do-i-need-a-swap-partition-and-if-so-how-big/19:13
Flannelgodzirra: Well, GD is the image library that a lot of things use.  Do you have python-gd installed?19:13
eric2087its what i did to get flash working... and it will get people to the solution quickly19:13
sam_hey can someone help me fix an error on the synaptic manager?19:13
dcrewsCan some help me set up IRC in Pidgen?19:13
Flannel!gpg | fabio_19:13
ubotufabio_: gpg is the GNU Privacy Guard.  See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GnuPrivacyGuardHowto and class #8 on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ClassroomTranscripts19:13
joankianyone think virtual box is the best free program to run xp on my computer?19:13
godzirraFlannel: Yeah, it was apparently python-imaging.  Hence why apt-cache search python | grep image didn't work.19:14
fluxyatarinox: I have 512mb ram and 1024mb swap. works ok for me (hdd 40gb)19:14
badkittyjoanki: Yes19:14
Glichcould I have help with totem?19:14
badkittydcrews: isn't pidgin already have irc setup?19:15
dcrewsYes but I need to know how to set up the channel19:15
atarinoxFluxy, yeah i've got hard drive space to spare, i'll prob just make it a gig19:15
fluxyGlich: What's ur problem?19:15
Glichtotem 2.2 crashes when I play rm files such as: http://mfile.akamai.com/7870/rm/mitstorage.download.akamai.com/7870/8/8.01/f99/videolectures/wl99lec1-300k.rm........................when I run in terminal it comes out as: totemSegmentation fault (core dumped)19:16
fluxyatarinox: don't overdo it, as the article says, 1.5/2 times ur ram should be fine19:16
atarinoxany idea how the ratio to / and /home should work? should I make /home a bit bigger?19:16
sam_hey can someone help me fix my synaptic manager?19:16
badkittyyeah! backtrack finished downloading!19:16
cocoxbadkitty Flannel yes i did upgrade, how could i see if it is compiz-fuzion??? gutsy comes with it?19:17
badkittydcrews: set up the channel.. what exactly are you trying to do, join a channel automatically every time you start pidgen??19:17
fluxyGlich: I dunno much, but you got the codecs installed?19:17
Glichit worked once but then didn't and I duno what I did19:17
mc_do you know any decent bittorrent client that I can use on my server(so without X11). I'm currently using the bittorrent and bittornado package,but both of them do not support distributed tracking which sucks.19:18
eric2087quick question... how come when i post in ubuntu forum my subject line is not bold like everyone else?19:18
crdlbmc_: rtorrent19:18
eric2087even if i put bold tags on it19:18
badkittycocox: Yes compiz-fusion i believe is the default eyecandy for gutsy... to check I suppose you could look in synaptic or view your splash screen19:18
Tilllinuxheya :) is there a plugin/script/whatever which enables media-players (like rhythmbox, audacious...) to paste their now playing info into some kind of clipboard, so that you could paste the np info with a shortcut?19:19
godzirraSo is the only way to get different desktops on different cube walls (As well as keeping your icons) changing away from nautilus to KD?19:19
mc_crdlb: does it support distributed tracking?19:19
crdlbgodzirra: it can't be done in kde either19:19
godzirraWell crap.19:19
godzirrahow can I do it then?19:19
cocoxbadkitty thank y19:19
crdlbgodzirra: unless you patch kdesktop (there are patches for nautilus too)19:19
godzirraYeah, I tried to install them and had issues.19:20
manny_Can anyone give me some advice on installing drivers for a Nvidia 6800 GT, i've done everything in the support Docs and when i try them i get stuck in low graphics mode19:20
godzirraLike nautilus source couldnt find all the packages I already had installed to support it.19:20
crdlbmc_: not sure, but I have to go19:20
crdlbit's much better than bittorrent in every way though19:20
godzirraBut thats the only option is patching nautilus?19:20
badkittymanny, are you on gutsy?19:20
godzirraThis seems so trivial. :/19:20
manny_I am on 7.1019:20
crdlbgodzirra: if you want desktop icons, yes19:21
godzirrableh.  Guess I'll go read up more on that.19:21
godzirraIs there a good how to on doing that on gutsy without screwing up everytthing else?19:21
badkittymanny: when you installed the drivers, did you follow a script or did ubuntu prompt you to install the drivers19:21
BL4VALcould someone help me get my sound working?19:21
manny_i followed a script, i can get you the exact guide actually19:21
badkittymanny: Gutsy hasa script built in to install restricted drivers for nvidia and ati19:22
BL4VALi have a realtek soundcard19:22
manny_yes, i tried the restricted drivers program as well19:22
badkittymanny: thats what I used this time and it went perfect, i forget if there was a repository to add or not though, but it was very easy19:23
Tilllinuxmanny_: if reallyreallyreally nothing works, try envy *hide * (don't kill me ;D )19:23
danubeanyone can help me? i've killed my ethß19:23
manny_lol, i'm about to try it19:23
Glichif a program exits in the terminal with: Segmentation fault (core dumped)19:23
danubecannot ping my dns19:23
Glichhow can I see the dump?19:24
sam_can someone help me with my synaptic package manager19:24
LjL!helpme | sam_19:24
ubotusam_: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !patience19:24
BL4VALMy sound doesn't work and im new to ubuntu :C. please help me19:24
sam_thats what i did..19:24
manny_badkitty: the restricted drivers manager broke my install last time, X wouldnt start at all19:24
Tilllinuxwhat's wrong with your synaptics?19:24
ubotuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience19:24
manny_now i'm just stuck in low graphics mode19:25
fr00dI'm using xorg and having problems with my resolution. In xorg.conf http://rafb.net/p/OTK4kd61.html is just 1440x900 defined, but Xorg.0.log http://rafb.net/p/6X7dVx23.html says that edid and the data in xorg.conf is damn and 1024x768 is much prettier. I don't think so. How can I change this?19:25
chronic1anyonw here having trouble with flash not passing a MD5 check19:25
RequinB4Can anyone tell me how i can find the model of my laptop?  I looked in bios, I ask because i need to know if a given tutorial will work19:25
badkittymanny: hmmm and you tried to reconfigure x? Have you look at your settings in bios (aperature size etc..)19:25
fr00dWhere else are resolution data saved?19:25
Tilllinuxmanny_: try installing displayconfig-gtk and change the resolution / drivers to use... but i don't know if that'd help19:25
chronic1RequinB4: is there not a sticker on the bottom of the computer?19:26
h-townhey guys, i formated my vista partition into an ext3 file structure, it's empty and whenever i try to access the partition it says I am not authorized to access it.. any suggestions?19:26
chronic1h-town: mount it with differen permissions19:26
CaptainMorganhow do I get flash player installed if it already attempted to install when I clicked on the "install this plugin" green icon... after a restart it hasn't configured and when I tried to reinstall it a popup with "already installed" shot up.. any ideas?19:26
YaGonnah-town, how are the permissions19:26
h-townwould I do that from gparted19:26
fluxyh-town: chown it?19:26
manny_Tilllinux: i tried it, and it works for my monitor but as soon as i restart Xserver it goes back to low GFX mode19:26
B0GDANThere's one thing I need to ask and is not related to Ubuntu at all. I need to ask some US guy. The question is: where can I find a simple chat IRC server? Chat off-topic, not related to anything, just chat?19:27
h-towni'm not sure, i didnt worry about it when i formated it haha, i'm a very casual computer user19:27
YaGonnah-town, no you would do that froim /etc/fstab19:27
manny_badkitty: by reconfigure X you mean xorg.conf right?19:27
badkittymanny yah19:27
h-townwhat is /etc/fstab?19:27
YaGonnah-town, it's the file where all mountpoints are configured19:27
manny_badkitty: yeah i did dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg19:28
YaGonnah-town, how did you try to mount this partition?19:28
ompaulB0GDAN, chat in #ubuntu-offtopic  or freenode's #defocus19:28
domhi all19:28
B0GDAN¤ ForeverZero ¤ hi, question: r u from the US?19:28
YaGonnahi dom19:28
B0GDANompaul thx19:28
=== ForeverZero is now known as sea4ever
RequinB4chronic1 - it is faded19:29
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!19:29
domany ideas why GDM isn't showing any users in the chooser?19:29
manny_badkitty: is 7.10 an unstable release of ubuntu, i'm reading this other guide that is for "stable versions of ubuntu" and it doesnt include 7.1019:29
badkittymanny: No 7.10 is stable19:30
drgebdom did u set it up in gdmsetup19:30
ompauldom, system administration login wind - do it there19:30
=== toma_ is now known as Ovidiu20
Flare183Why do get this error: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/49431/19:30
Flare183I do in fact have it installed19:31
YaGonnaFlare183, try ./debhelper19:31
chronic1RequinB4: well....then you just have to look at the specs of your machine and match it to something on the website19:31
Flare183YaGonna: nope19:31
domdrgeb, ompaul: i'm looking under the Users tab, and include all users from passwd is checked19:31
manny_badkitty: alright, i guess i've got nothing left than to try envy19:31
il12ok, another question: Are there any particular advantages/disadvantages of using Ubuntu over Kubuntu?19:31
YaGonnaFlare183, is your $PATH including the path to the directory where debhelper is installed?19:31
h-towni'm sorry i had to answer the door19:32
h-towni unmounted it from gparted and then formated it to ext319:32
chronic1RequinB4: my personal experience is that models within a specific class (3000 vs. 3000X) don't really make a difference on drivers19:32
ompauldom, so have you restarted x since you did that>?19:32
RequinB4chronic1 - yeah, did that and it matches like 3 models... thanx anyway, i was just double checking something, the tut i was using should work but it doesn't and its bothering me19:32
groutanyone know where i can find a urban terror deb?19:32
YaGonnah-town, how did you try to access it in linux?19:32
MacongaWhen I Open the Terminal the computer restarts. How can i stop this ?19:32
chronic1RequinB4: if you don't mind...what are you trying to do19:32
domyes. and i've tried manually adding users to the "include" list19:32
h-townplaces/computer and then double clicked it open19:32
fr00dResolution Problem: xorg.conf http://rafb.net/p/Z5dsn490.html Xorg.0.log http://rafb.net/p/S96MWo76.html Why is 1024x768 instead of 1440x900 used?19:33
h-towni get this lost and found folder with an x on it19:33
BL4VALCan someone help me too get my sound work?19:33
taconeanyone here can help me compiling monodevelop  ?19:33
RequinB4chronic1 - trying to get sound.  There is a specific bug for my model of computers so it works with acpi=off, but not normally.  I found a modified kernel that is supposed to fix it but it isn't19:33
YaGonnah-town, so what is 'ls -la /mounted_partition' show?19:33
chronic1RequinB4: what kind of sound card do you have?19:34
h-townwhere would i look at that?19:34
drgebdom no idea19:34
chronic1RequinB4: and what is your model19:34
domompaul, yes. and i've tried manually adding users to the "include" list19:34
RequinB4RequinB4 - hold on19:34
domit's edubuntu 7.10, btw19:34
RequinB4i'm going to get the link19:34
Flare183YaGonna: the pathname is correct19:34
ompauldom, check http://launchpad.net  to see if a bug of such a sort has been added19:35
YaGonnaFlare183, are you allowed to execute the file?19:35
drgebdom can u upload your gdm.conf on  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org19:35
RequinB4chronic1 - its a p105(# string)19:35
Flare183YaGonna: let me try running it from /usr/bin19:35
RequinB4and i'll get the exact sound card19:35
YaGonnaFlare183, or use the full path like /usr/bin/debhelper19:36
RequinB4chronic1 - Intel Corporation 82801G (ICH7 Family)19:36
h-townyagonna: how would i look into ls -la/mounted_partition? terminal?19:36
manny_how do i remove my CDrom from my list of dependencies?19:36
domdrgeb, in /etc there's gdm-cdd.conf, gdm.conf, gdm.conf-custom19:37
Flare183YaGonna: look at this: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/49432/19:37
YaGonnah-town, yes. you start a terminal and type 'ls -al /path_where_the_partition_is_mounted19:37
Flare183YaGonna: that's really weird19:37
Flare183manny_: put a19:37
domsorry, /etc/gdm/19:37
YaGonnaFlare183, there is no debhelper at all19:38
manny_falre183: put a?19:38
sllinessanyone else having http: file transfer problems in 7.1019:38
drgebdom yep19:38
domwhich is it actually using19:38
taconequalcuno ha compilato l'ultimo monodevelop ?19:38
Flare183manny_: put a "#" in front of the line19:38
jewbileeEverytime i try to install the flashplugin-nonfree, i get an error saying the md5sum is mismatched and that the flash plugin is not installed, what do i do?19:38
YaGonnaFlare183, at the moment i have no linux here. try to search it in /usr/sbin19:38
dagon^tacone; read the topic19:38
Flare183YaGonna: k19:38
taconedagon^: sorry, wrong channell :-)19:39
manny_where is the file though, sorry, i should ihave been more specific19:39
drgebdom I believe it is using both gdm.conf and gdm.conf-custom19:39
dagon^tacone  :)19:39
sllinessmaybe it is just with firefox?19:39
h-townis dev/sda2 my partition location?19:39
nickrud!brokenflash | jewbilee19:39
ubotujewbilee: The Flash plugin installation is currently broken. This is due to Adobe changing the tar file that the package downloads. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=636397 if you need to fix this immediately, but it's recommended to wait for an official fix.19:39
h-townthe end of what you typed?19:39
YaGonnaFlare183, ?19:39
Flare183YaGonna: nope not there either19:39
taconeI need help to compile the latest monodevelop, anyone ?19:39
jewbileethanks nikcrud19:39
YaGonnaFlare183, what says 'dpkg -S debhelper'?19:40
drgebdom I am currently having problems with my greeter where if I use themed it crashes in the tty type I have setup for Xgl use19:40
manny_flare183: Sorry, i should have been more specific what is the file name/location19:40
simion314hi,please HELP i have a winrar archve , i extracted it with  rar e file.rar but i can't find the files, where can them be? are not in the local dir19:40
domdrgeb, here's gdm.conf http:/paste.ubuntu-nl.org/49434/19:40
BL4VALCan someone help me too get my sound work? i have a realtek hd soundcard.19:40
YaGonnah-town, /dev/sda2 is your partition, but you need to mount it somewhere19:40
domwell i don't get any crashes19:40
tgelterso how could I keep the system from controlling a usb device while still sending it power?19:41
YaGonnah-town, just like: sudo mount /dev/sda2 /my_new_partition19:41
Flare183manny_: /etc/apt/souces.list19:41
manny_flare183: thanks19:41
Flare183manny_: no problem19:41
doodoosomeone is advanced in Perl?19:41
domdrgeb, here's gdm.conf-custom http:/paste.ubuntu-nl.org/4943519:41
Flare183!repeat > BL4VAL19:41
simion314hi,please HELP i have a winrar archve , i extracted it with  rar e file.rar but i can't find the files, where can them be? are not in the local dir19:42
drgebdom what you can also do is look inside /var/log/gdm to see what these files say19:42
gabbahhello! I'm installing kubuntu on a second partition from the livecd, but i get the message "error executing grub(hd0)" after it as copied all files to the partition... any advice?19:42
badkittysorry was afk19:43
gabbahso that is the second install of ubuntu on the same drive19:43
alex_hey guys. this might not be the best place to ask, but does anyone know how to import all window media player music ratings into amarok/rhythmbox?19:43
domdrgeb: the logs are pretty clean19:43
domdrgeb: <20 lines19:44
=== YaGonna is now known as YaGonna|AFK
Flare183alex_: not possible (As far as I know)19:44
alex_Flare183, ya that's what it begins to look like to me as well. Damn me and locking myself in with that shitty app. =\19:45
Flare183!away > YaGonna|AFK19:45
badkittyWhats the best way to burn an .iso image to disc? I want it to be bootable19:45
Flare183!language > alex_19:45
taconehello, I need to add an EXPORT command to a .desktop launcher. anyone can help me ?19:45
=== YaGonna|AFK is now known as YaGonna
RequinB4badkitty - any burning program works - are you in ubuntu or windows19:45
YaGonnaback again19:46
Drixxmy close, minimise n maximise bar has gone n it says that windows manager not installed ... what to do ??19:46
Flare183!iso > badkitty19:46
robdigbadkitty: if you're in ubuntu, right click it and select burn19:46
badkittybobdig: Ok and it will burn bootable? I hate it when it burns and it is a cd of the iso19:46
RequinB4badkitty - yes, when it asks burn the image, not hte file19:47
=== efeferg is now known as minus
Tilllinuxif you want an 'extra program' badkitty, you could try gnomebaker19:47
ubotuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo19:47
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots19:47
Ahmuckrealise should be spelled realize19:48
badkittytillinux: yah I have gnomebaker19:48
Ahmuckfor ubotu19:48
robdigAhmuck: depends on what country you're in :)19:49
Ahmuckubotu need to go to the spelling bee school19:49
drgebdom are u using gutsy ?19:49
domdrgeb, edubuntu 7.1019:49
RequinB4how do i update my bios19:49
drgebdom did  u start from fresh install or upgrade ?19:50
TilllinuxRequinB4: motherboard?19:50
nickrudhooray! suspend with fglrx works, finally!19:50
RequinB4Tilllinux - ?19:50
badkittyOk I tried burn cd image... I think that should do it. I have a printable cd for baacktrack and I wanna make sure I dont waste it19:50
robdig!it | federico-linux4e19:50
ubotufederico-linux4e: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!19:50
federico-linux4eCome on Italian people!!19:51
BL4VALcan someone help me get my sound to work. it's a realtek HD soundcard,i also need help to install the drivers for my ati radeon hd 2400 graphiccard19:51
=== ForeverZero is now known as sea4ever
TilllinuxRequinB4: well if you know your motherboard, you could have a look at the motherboard's homepage, they often provide tools for flashing the bios... asus has got a nice tool, you can even add a bios-splash image to the bios ;D19:51
domdrgeb, it was a fresh install. i tried a couple of different themes too, thinking it might be that. but no use19:52
nickrud!hdaintel | BL4VAL19:52
ubotuBL4VAL: For fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto19:52
nickrud!ati | BL4VAL19:52
ubotuBL4VAL: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto19:52
Tilllinuxbut dont flash the bios too often, if it doesn't work, you're f* up19:52
no_gatez_fanor power burps19:53
redd0tcan sombody explain what '!' means in !ati19:53
nickrudredd0t, it's a flag for the channel bot to respond19:53
ompaulredd0t, it is a "bot" command19:53
redd0tokay thanks19:53
bullgard4redd0t: Where does the string '!ati' appear? In this channel?19:54
RequinB4Tilllinux - sorry, bit of a noob in this area, i'm told to upgrade my bios to a certain version19:54
nickrud!ubotu | redd0t19:54
uboturedd0t: I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots19:54
ompaulRequinB4, changing bios is not trivial - unless you have got really good reason don't19:55
drgebdom I am trying to learn this I am not an expert at it trying to learn how this works19:55
domdrgeb, well any help is appreciated. i went through the gdm.conf files last night and couldn't get anything working19:55
=== laptop is now known as NelsonUWP
domdrgeb, i also seached google for a while but didn't turn anything up19:56
RequinB4ompaul - well i'm looking here - http://www.linlap.com/wiki/Toshiba+Satellite+P10519:56
NelsonUWPhas anyone in here built a media center pc with linux?19:56
NelsonUWPhtpc rather?19:56
ompaulRequinB4, you should take a look at some of the links there: Note, this project is deprecated. The development is switched to the iwlwifi project (no binary daemon required!).19:58
cosmodadI just wanted to create a movemail account using Thunderbird, but apparently I have no such option in the account creation wizard. Can anyone else confirm this?19:58
NelsonUWPhas anyone in here built an htpc with linux?19:58
nickrudoh heaven, even suspend works19:58
ompaulRequinB4, my advise is back away, very quickly not trivial, not for a new user19:58
nickrud*hibernate, that is19:58
ompaul!br | samiam19:58
ubotusamiam: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.19:58
ompaul!br | samukbr19:58
ubotusamukbr: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.19:59
kannonskihow every body is doing ?19:59
ompaulubuntu_man, got a network problem?19:59
badkittyoh just swell kannonski19:59
arnathanyone know how to get a menu like this? http://gnome-look.org/CONTENT/content-pre1/71314-1.jpg19:59
NewBuntuUser007dang it stupid adobe. is there a way i can issue command from terminal that will get the "ubuntu-restricted-extras" instaled from one of the older versions ? (perhaps, say, feisty?)19:59
nickrudNewBuntuUser007, those are broken as well20:00
Shimfshi everyone, i got a little problem. I cant get my wireless to work, but thats not the main concern. The problem is, it wont even work with wired internet :S20:00
domarnath: is that gdesklets?20:00
NewBuntuUser007oooOOoo  =(  that's a bummer!@ Gaaaahhh OK ty20:00
Ryan52In ion3 how do you switch tabs without using the mouse?20:00
nickrud!brokenflash | NewBuntuUser00720:00
ubotuNewBuntuUser007: The Flash plugin installation is currently broken. This is due to Adobe changing the tar file that the package downloads. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=636397 if you need to fix this immediately, but it's recommended to wait for an official fix.20:00
arnathdom: not a clue20:00
arnathdom: all i know is that instead of the original topmenu with 3 buttons, this guy seems to have the bottom menu which looks way neater :P20:01
il12ok. I have a question about Wine. I am trying to open an application through it but nothing shows up in my C:/ directory when I try to browse it in order to open something through WIne20:01
ubuntuxhey, how do you get sound working in vmware workstation?20:01
domarnath: well you might check out some of the gdesklets20:01
NewBuntuUser007OH luckily I read about it and i saw that installing the restricteds would install the flash20:01
NewBuntuUser007so i hesitated. ill check back. good lookin out tho thx 4 the heads up20:02
badkittyubuntux: you have vmware working in ubuntu... did they fix their repos finally? I use virtualbox20:02
arnathdom: ok, but will the gdesklets also get rid of the original menu? :) or is that setting in ubuntu somewhere?20:02
domarnath: if you're using gnome (standard w/ ubuntu), you can just delete the panel20:02
arnathdom: ah ok :)20:02
ubuntuxbadkitty, i duno, just installed it myself with the vmware installer20:02
il12am I going to have to go through the terminal window and the directories there? Wine already has notepad saved as under it's 'programs' folder.20:02
Romessomething I don't understand about the linux FS20:02
NewBuntuUser007i was in her the other day. i should jus lurk sum. i'm having boxbox fun right now.20:03
ubuntuxbadkitty, without using vmware-any-any patches or whatever20:03
Romesif you mount something that already exists on a partition, what happens?20:03
Romesso let's say I try and mount a partition as /home20:03
Shimfsweird. I cant get my laptop to make the | symbol20:03
Shimfsquite annoying :S20:03
chronic1NewBuntuUser007: sorry about that...didn't mean for that to me a message20:04
ubuntuxsomeone else using vmware workstation?20:04
Shimfscan anyone tell me how i get my WIRED internet connection to work :S i cant access the internet with the lan cable in :S20:04
bulmerRomes-> try and it and see the effect20:04
Romesbulmer: I would, but I don't have any extra partitions20:05
bulmerShimfs-> can you tell us how your network layout is? whats connected to what?20:05
Romesplus it sounds dangerous :P20:05
bulmerRomes-> huh? what extra partitions?20:05
Shimfsbulmer, how exactly do i find that? is it the lspci command?20:05
badkittyShimfs: what does ifconfig bring up20:05
bulmerShimfs-> you have to explain what are the physical devices connected in between and such20:05
Shimfsbadkitty, it says the command was now foudn20:06
Romesbulmer... don't I need another partition to mount it?20:06
Shimfsbulmer, i have my lan cable to my apple airport extreme and then to the internet20:06
orgy`hey, whats the easiest way to make video screen capture of compiz?20:06
ubuntuxShimfs, do /sbin/ifconfig20:06
Shimfsbadkitty, the command was NOT found20:06
ubuntuxShimfs, and do /sbin/route -n20:06
bulmerRomes->you can mount a partition to another..no problemo20:06
domdrgeb, any ideas?20:06
Shimfsubuntux, /sbin/ipconfig says the destination was not found20:07
bulmerShimfs-> okay find out if you have an ip address assigned via ifconfig  or ip a20:07
badkittyShimfs: ifconfig is not found huh.. thats a large indicator of your problem20:07
ubuntuxShimfs, its /sbin/ifconfig not ipconfig read20:07
wols_Shimfs: there is no ipconfig anywhere on ubuntu20:07
Shimfsubuntux, and the route -n gets me a list like this: Destination, gateway, genmask, flags metric ref and use iface20:07
ubuntuxShimfs, what gateway do you see for route
Shimfswols_, how am i then going to get access to the internet20:08
Shimfsubuntux, none, the list is empty20:08
wols_Shimfs: by reading more carefully what people tell you20:08
ubuntuxShimfs, so your eth isnt configured20:08
Shimfswols_, i do? and i try everything they suggest -.-20:08
nickrudShimfs, you should put the output of    ifconfig     and     route -n     on http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org so people can see them20:08
wols_Shimfs: as several people already told you you haven't20:08
bulmerShimfs-> yes try what we suggest to you20:08
DARKGuyHey, does anybody know how do I do for making Audacious/XMMS enqueue the new media they get instead of replacing the whole playlist? :/20:09
Shimfswols_, bulmer i have tried everything you said. the /sbin/ipconfig, /sbin/route -n, ipconfig and so on20:09
ubuntuxShimfs, do you know what DHCP is, or some basic about network config?20:09
nickrudShimfs, ifconfig   not IPCONFIG20:09
bulmerShimfs-> read carefully  it is ifconfig  not ipconfig20:09
wols_Shimfs: iFconfig! for the fscking last time20:09
wols_Shimfs: and I didn't say anything20:09
ubuntuxlol everytime said it now :)20:09
Shimfsubuntux i know that it is the one that sets the ip up automaticly20:09
ubuntuxShimfs, yes, does your router or other network device supports that?20:10
wols_Shimfs: run /sbin/ifconfig -a20:10
ubuntuxthen do20:10
ubuntuxShimfs, sudo dhclient eth020:10
domanyone have any ideas why no users show up in my gdm chooser?20:10
Shimfsifconfig says eth0 is the ethernet up broadcast. eth1 is also ethernet :S and lo is local loopback20:10
=== LjL changed the topic of #ubuntu to: The Official Ubuntu Support Channel | Please be patient and read the FAQ: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions | Support options: http://www.ubuntu.com/support | IRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRCResourcePage | Pastes to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org | Adobe Flash plugin installation is currently broken, see « /msg ubotu flash »
sam_hey can someone help me with getting java?20:11
LjL!java > sam_    (sam_, see the private message from Ubotu)20:11
wols_!java | sam_20:11
ubotusam_: To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre20:11
wols_sam_: do you run 64bit ubuntu?20:11
sam_nope 32bit cause its easier20:11
Shimfsubuntux it says no DHCPOFFERS recieved20:11
sam_<wols> i just need the synaptic manager to work20:11
ubuntuxShimfs, so or you dont patched eth0 to your network device, or your router doesnt support it (read has it enabled)20:11
sam_<wols> but its been giving me this error20:12
il12Ok. On my system it tells me that a program is already running on my system, when I have never opened it before.20:12
nickrudil12, which one?20:12
il12nickrud: LastChaos20:12
Shimfsubuntux, hmm, im not sure, but i think its connected with the fact that not even WIRED internet works for me :S20:12
bulmerShimfs-> okay tell us what is the ip address assigned on eth0?  ifconfig will tell you20:12
DARKGuyHey, does anybody know how do I do for making Audacious/XMMS enqueue the new media they get instead of replacing the whole playlist? :/20:12
sam_<wols> are you there?20:12
ubuntuxShimfs, because you dont have an ipadress and a route to a gateway, so of course your internet doesnt work20:13
nickrudil12, I've never heard of it20:13
sam_<wols_> are you there, i mean20:13
LjL!tab | sam_20:13
ubotusam_: You can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.20:13
il12nickrude: it's an MMORPG by AeriaGames.20:13
=== ub3r is now known as eth01
redd0teth01: interesting name choice20:13
sam_<LjL> well can you help me then?20:13
Shimfsubuntux, eht0has no IP assigned. it only shows me the mac address. and then some packet and error stuff20:13
LjLsam_: perhaps if you tell us which error it is that you talked about.20:14
eth01i'm eth01 ;)20:14
ubuntuxShimfs, and if you put your cable in eth1 and do sudo dhclient eth1 ?20:14
nickrudil12, I've found it ..   you could try killall LastChaos  (if it's uppercase in ps -A)20:14
sam_<LjL> sure, my synaptic manager: E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.20:14
sam_E: _cache->open() failed, please report.20:14
Shimfsubuntux, i will try that, brb in a minute (only got one cable -.-20:14
LjLsam_: open a terminal and type « sudo dpkg --configure -a ».20:14
Morbiddoghey ive got a qustion about booting to the live cd20:15
il12nickrud: it says 'LastChaos: no process killed'20:15
LjLil12: ps aux | grep -i chaos20:15
Morbiddogwhen i try to boot to the live cd i get a message telling me that it has to run in low graphics mode so i hit ok20:15
XimalOk ... I just converted a family member to Ubuntu ...20:15
Morbiddogand when i hit ok it simply doesnt do anything20:15
nickrudil12, and the case will matter20:15
Drixxwhen i increase the no. of colums or rows in compiz ... nothin happens ... it only switches b/w 2 windows .... what to do ??20:15
XimalIs there a way guys ... Do download all the games and programs I have installed to a repository cd for him to use initially ?20:15
SpookyETHas anyone used unison instead of rsync?20:16
il12LjL: I feel dumb asking this but how do I need to make the straight vertical line?20:16
sam_<LjL> can we talk in #LjL?20:16
=== handerek_ is now known as vanderek
LjLil12: that depends on your keyboard layout. can't you just copy and paste?20:16
Morbiddogcan anyone help me20:16
il12LjL: yes, I'm an idiot. -_- sorry! attempting now20:16
LjLsam_: if we talk here, other people may be able to help too. but if you like20:16
ubuntualguem sab o brasileiro! br?20:16
sam_<LjL> oh ok20:17
LjL!br | ubuntu20:17
ubotuubuntu: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.20:17
sam_<LjL> when i did what you said this is what i got: This package is an installer package, it does not actually contain the20:17
sam_JDK documentation.  You will need to go download one of the20:17
sam_    jdk-6-doc.zip jdk-6-doc-ja.zip20:17
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)20:17
Drixx when i increase the no. of colums or rows in compiz ... nothin happens ... it only switches b/w 2 windows .... what to do ??20:17
il12LjL: the purpose of this was to show what the executable file is for LastChaos?20:17
LjLil12: it was to show if it was already running somewhere.20:17
Drixxneone there ??20:17
Drixx when i increase the no. of colums or rows in compiz ... nothin happens ... it only switches b/w 2 windows .... what to do ??20:17
Flare183!repeat > Drixx20:18
LjLsam_, i'm sure you get more than just that... please place the whole thing into the pastebin20:18
il12LjL: alright...it gives me numbers and a directory.20:18
Drixx when i increase the no. of colums or rows in compiz ... nothin happens ... it only switches b/w 2 windows .... what to do ??20:18
LjLil12: paste what it gives20:18
sam_<LjL> can you give me the pastebin link?20:18
nickrudDrixx, I set the rows to 1 , columns to whatever, works here20:18
LjL!pastebin> sam_20:18
DrixxFlare183: kk let me try20:18
Shimfs_ubuntux, found another LAN cable, and is doing the sudo dhclient eth1 right now20:19
DrixxFlare183: no luck ... rows set to one n columns to 4 .. but only two columns are there ...20:19
Shimfs_ubuntux, same result as with eth020:19
sam_<LjL> well i pasted it but duno what its supposed to do20:19
il12LjL: ps aux | grep -i chaos20:19
il12il        6679  0.3  1.3 2666652 14152 ?       S    15:13   0:00 /media/SQ00412620:19
il12il        6714  0.0  0.0   2976   824 pts/0    R+   15:16   0:00 grep -i chaos20:19
Drixxnickrud: no luck ... rows set to one n columns to 4 .. but only two columns are there ..20:20
Flare183!paste > il1220:20
LjLil12: it's running already. type sudo kill -s 9 667920:20
RequinB4ompaul - yeah, i figured, but i'd just like sound + ACPI on the same kernel.  My model (P105S6117) isn't listed there anyway20:20
nickrudDrixx, do you have compizconfig-settings-manager installed?20:20
Drixxnickrud: yes20:20
il12LjL: thank you. And I apologize for not using the pastebin, I didn't know.20:20
nickrudDrixx, then go to general options, desktop tab, try changing your settings there20:21
il12LjL: it says I have to install Gecko.20:21
Drixxnickrud: kk20:21
cosmodadI just wanted to create a movemail account using Thunderbird, but apparently I have no such option in the account creation wizard. Can anyone else confirm this?20:21
sam_<LjL> I'm not sure how to use the pastebin, i pasted and submitted it but nothing happened20:21
DARKGuyHey, does anybody know how do I do for making Audacious/XMMS enqueue the new media they get instead of replacing the whole playlist? :/20:21
wols_sam_: the url on top changes to one with a number. paste that url here20:22
Shimfs_what is the command to configure your network. it says that eth1 is not configured20:22
cosmodadDARKGuy: with xmms, I think you use -e.20:22
Shimfs_and neither is eth020:22
ubuntuxShimfs_, okay, then probably your router doesnt provide dhcp address, then you have to configure it manually20:22
ToddEDMhey guys, i got a USB stick that i want to format... im using Gparted, but it has a lock on it... any suggestions?20:22
sam_<wols_> http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/49437/20:22
Flare183Shimfs_: use ifconfig20:22
ubuntuxwith networkmanager, in the bottomright corner of the taskbar20:22
cosmodadDARKGuy: try -Q alternatively (xmms --help)20:22
Shimfs_ubuntux, okay20:22
Drixxnickrud: what to change there ??20:23
Shimfs_Flare183, and when i do that, i just get eth0 and then a macaddress and some other stuff (no IP) and the same with eth1 just another macaddress and lo20:23
Drixxnickrud: i tried rebooting ... but it does'nt help ...20:23
nickrudDrixx, horizontal Virtual size is what you would change20:23
Flare183Shimfs_: in the terminal type in man ifconfig20:23
BL4VALcan someone help install drivers to my ati radeon hd 2400?20:23
il12LjL: I let it install Gecko, it ran the program, it opens the update window and I click 'start' and it gives me the same errors.20:24
Drixxnickrud: it is set to 2 ...20:24
Flare183!ati > BL4VAL20:24
nickrudDrixx, change to 420:24
Shimfs_Flare183, thank you20:24
Drixxnickrud: thnx dude ...20:24
Flare183no problem20:24
sam_can someone help now that I got the link from pastebin? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/49437/20:24
Drixxnickrud: thank you .... :)20:25
fiXXXerMetWondering if anyone here has installed Ubuntu on an IBM xseries 225?  I am trying to do so now and it is not detecting the raid controller/disks.  It uses a LSI53C1030 controller.20:25
cosmodadsam_: why don't you just install the sun-java6-doc package?20:26
Flare183sam_: download the file and then run gksudo (file manager name)20:26
DARKGuythanks cosmodad :D20:26
ToddEDMcould someone lend me a hand for a minute , im trying to format a USB stick, with Gparted, but i guess i dont have the proper permissions20:26
sam_<cosmodad> the problem started b/c i tried to install the sun-java6-doc package through synaptic manager20:26
wols_sam_: do what the helpful message says?20:26
Flare183sam_: then put the files in the /tmp folder and then right click them, click properties20:26
cosmodadsam_: what problem?20:26
Flare183sam_: then set the permissions20:27
Flare183ToddEDM: you can't do that20:27
ToddEDMdo what20:27
Drixxnickrud: last time i installed awm after compiz ... n none of em worked ... can u suggest from where shud i install awm .. n shud i or not ...20:27
Flare183ToddEDM: gparted can't do that20:27
sam_ah wait ill just listen to Flare183 what he said first20:27
ToddEDMformat a USB stick20:27
Flare183ToddEDM: yes20:27
cosmodadcould anyone using Thunderbird under Feisty please confirm/deny that there is no movemail account available when creating a new account?20:27
ToddEDMhmmm.. what would do that then?20:27
sam_<Flare183> ok what file do I download/where, and how do i run gksudo?20:27
HardDiskthe easiest thing to do was to sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras20:27
booI've been having some problems with my windows partition in ubuntu. I havent used windows in about 4 months, but i tried to boot it yesterday to play a game. but i got a BSOD before anything booted, so i tried fixboot and fixmbr in the winxp recovery console, then it said ntldr is missing.  i reinstalled grub, tried to mount the device and its not working. i've tried force mounting it and everything20:28
HardDiskthat will install flash, java, codecs etc20:28
Flare183sam_: do what the message says to do download those files first20:28
omegaweoponIm getting an error with rosebud that says Rosegarden was unable to find a high resolution timing source for MIDI performance.  Im running 7.10, any ideas?20:28
nickrudDrixx , I'm not using awn, so no opinion on it20:28
boofdisk shows the partition as ntfs, but the winxp boot cd shows it as fat1620:28
handerekanyone can help me to fix this? http://www.onlyfree.de/php/pasteservice/show.php?id=498620:28
ToddEDMFlare183:  what program would format a USB stick?20:29
HardDiskboo, you have to boot from the windows XP cd, go into prompt then do Fdisk /mbr   IF it's a windows xp partition20:29
sam_<Flare183> sorry but what message? do you mean the sun java thing?20:29
boowhat does Fdisk /mbr do?20:29
Flare183!format > ToddEDM20:29
HardDiskfdisk /mbr is the proper way to fix your ntldr issue via xp cd20:29
Flare183sam_: http://java.sun.com/javase/6/webnotes/install/jdk/install-docs.html20:29
cosmodadcould anyone using Thunderbird under *Gutsy* please confirm/deny that there is no movemail account available when creating a new account?20:30
boowill that screw up grub again?20:30
Flare183sam_: the message the one that you pasted into the pastebin20:30
HardDiskboo, it will, ONCE you do that, then you just add grub afterwards and use the mount point for xp20:30
nickrudboo, fdisk /mbr will screw up grub.20:30
booalright,    could a screwed up mbr make the contents of the disk look random?20:31
HardDiskboo, no20:31
gabbahanyone using the latest nvidea driver with a geforce 8800 card? I just installed it and now the fan is running full blast constantly! :/  Anyone know a fix for that?20:31
HardDiskboo, that is a completely different problem altogether.20:31
boowhat could cause that?20:31
HardDiskboo, in that case you have a fux0red partition table.20:31
Flare183sam_: and yes the java message thing20:32
booit didn't look completely random, there were words in the filenames20:32
boohow would i fix that?20:32
sam_<Flare183> sorry I seem to be a total noob at this, I don't understand the link you sent me20:32
HardDiskwhat could cause it, many things such as, electrical power outage, a faulty harddrive, partitioning and not completing it by restarting pc etc.20:32
Flare183sam_: here you need both of the files20:32
HardDiskboo, also running fsck while the drive is mounted.20:33
boowhats fsck?20:33
Flare183sam_: So i guess i'll do the hard part and just give you place you can just download those files20:33
booi think i remember doing that a while back =/20:33
HardDiskboo, fsck is equivelant to chkdsk20:33
Tezasaurushi, I'm having problems getting Flash movies to work correctly in Firefox under Gutsy20:33
sam_<Flare183> sorry, just got ubuntu yesterday20:33
booah, file system check, ok20:33
nickrud!flash | Tezasaurus20:33
ubotuTezasaurus: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash20:33
ubotuThe Flash plugin installation is currently broken. This is due to Adobe changing the tar file that the package downloads. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=636397 if you need to fix this immediately, but it's recommended to wait for an official fix.20:33
HardDiskboo, what I would do, is boot from a livecd, first check your data is intact, backup what you can then work on fixing your partition table.20:33
Flare183sam_: no problem just let me find where the files are at20:33
Tezasaurusthanks, nickrud20:34
HardDiskboo, if you have jumbled files and folders, fixing it may create more data loss20:34
boohow could i check that its not corrupted from a live cd?20:34
rainwalkerhow to I access my hard drive using the live cd?20:34
amerioi have a problem with my mouse .. its working but multimedia buttons arent working .. any idea?20:34
HardDiskboo, fsck20:34
Shimfs_what to do if ifconfig eth1 reveals that i have no ipaddress whatsoever. only a inet6 address20:34
Flare183sam_: https://sdlc6d.sun.com/ECom/EComActionServlet;jsessionid=8A17F2BCED2403AC6B56C88479620F5A#20:35
booalright, im going to boot from a livecd20:35
booill be back20:35
HardDiskboo, OR if you are new to linux20:35
HardDiskboo, I would use something like Hiren's boot cd20:35
sam_<Flare183> I downloaded it to my desktop20:35
booinstead of booting from the livecd?20:36
HardDiskit has tools to help you fix these things20:36
Tezasaurusshould I go with the official version of Flash or a free alternative?20:36
Flare183sam_: which one?20:36
HardDiskfirst boot from the livecd and check first.20:36
sam_well there was only jdk6doc20:36
nickrudTezasaurus, the free alternative is still a work in progress, won't play newer flash formats20:36
HardDiskTezasaurus, the opensource one sucks to be quite honest.20:36
nickrudsucks is a harse term20:36
sam_<Flare183> well there was only jdk6doc, the other one was japanese20:36
booso fsck when i get into the livecd,  any arguments?20:37
Flare183sam_: ok20:37
HardDiskthe truth can be harsh sometimes.20:37
HardDiskboo is it ntfs or fat?20:37
Flare183sam_: already done downloading it20:37
Tezasaurusshould I just install "flashplugin-nonfree" then? There doesn't seem to be specific instructions for Gutsy on this page20:37
Flare183me says sorry for the enter20:37
* Flare183 says sorry for the enter20:37
HardDiskTezasaurus, sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras20:37
HardDiskboo, in that case forget about fsck, go with the hiren boot cd as I mentioned.20:37
Dr_willisis the flash installer still broken?20:37
nickrudTezasaurus, yes, it has a link to a working package there, the ubuntu-restricted-extras has a broken installer20:38
Flare183Dr_willis: yep20:38
Dr_willisFlare183,  egads. :)20:38
sam_<Flare183> What should I do next?20:38
Flare183Dr_willis: yeah i know20:38
Tezasaurusnickrud: okay, that's what I thought, because I did the restricted-extras and it's been wonky20:38
nickrudDr_willis, seems to be opera and konq problems are holding up the fix20:38
Dr_willisnickrud,  interesting...20:38
Flare183sam_: press alt+f2 and type in "gksu nautilus"20:39
Dr_willisnickrud,  and here i was thinking the fix was just the changing of a filename in the installer script20:39
rainwalkerwait what's wrong with the flash in restricted-extras>20:39
HardDiskapparently it's broken.20:39
Dr_willisrainwalker,  /msg ubotu flash    and it tells ya some info20:39
Flare183sam_: then navigate to the / (root folder)20:39
Tezasaurusso "sudo update-flashplugin" then to fix it?20:39
ubuntuxDr_willis, just install flash with the adobe installer, that works fine20:39
Borg5575I have intstalled Linux Mint 4.0 and it seems to work much better out of the box and has less bugs, and Flash works20:39
Dr_willisthe flash guys changed some things.. that broke the flash installer package. :(20:39
sam_<Flare183> i think im in the root folder20:40
Flare183sam_: does it have bin. boot, etc?20:40
Dr_willisubuntux,  i have it installed. :) from ages ago..20:40
Cobra_Fastis there a gnome/gtk tool for editing a selinux-policy? (like SEEdit)20:40
nickrudDr_willis, you can read https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/gutsy/+source/flashplugin-nonfree/+bug/173890 if you  have an hour to spare :)20:40
rainwalkerDr_willis: ok, so if I installed restricted-extras back when I first installed Gutsy, I'm good right?20:40
boowhat should i do once i boot from the cd?20:40
sam_Flare183: no only desktop but it says root - file browser on top20:40
Flare183sam_: press the up button20:41
HardDiskI think they did it deliberately20:41
ubuntuxDr_willis, ah okay i thought you had troubles installing it20:41
chazcoHi... how can i make my laptop battery last as long as it did with XP when using 7.10?20:41
ubotuGParted is a !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted-livecd.tuxfamily.org/20:41
sam_Flare183: ah i see20:41
Flare183sam_: that the root folder "/"20:41
Flare183sam_: now double click the tmp folder20:41
sam_Flare183: sorry i lost you at the folder "/"20:42
sam_<Flare183> oh nvm in tmp folder now20:42
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about battery - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi20:42
pedersencatoI'm trying to install Ubuntu 7.10 on my sister's Dell Latitude cpx H500GT, but when I go to do so get a message saying "VFS: Cannot open root device "<NULL>" or unknown-block(104.1)" followed by "Kernel Panic - not syncing VFS: Unable to mount root fs..." Can anybody help me?20:42
ProN00bwhy is everyone using rm -rf, rm -r sounds safer to me20:42
nickrudchazco, we could wish for that ...20:42
ToddEDMFlare183:  why did you tell me that Gparted couldnt format a USB stick?20:42
chazconickrud - ?20:43
RequinB4chazco - what process do you have20:43
nickrudchazco, better battery support20:43
rainwalkerDr_willis: what is this all about then? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=64835620:43
* nickrud is going to listen to RequinB4 and hope20:43
chazcoRequinB4 - It has a Centrino Duo (i think)20:43
booHardDisk, what should I be trying to do once I boot from hiren's cd? chkdsk? something like that?20:43
RequinB4chazco - download powertop - that program has saved me hours of battery20:44
Flare183sam_: ok now drag the jdk-doc file to that folder20:44
chazconickrud - I though linux had at least as good as XP/Vista power wise20:44
chazcoRequinB4 - I've tried it... says it should get about 20 mins more power20:44
nickrudRequinB4, will that work with amd64 ? Or do you have a suggestion for it?20:44
sam_Flare183: ok done20:44
RequinB4nickrud - no, powertop is only intel - the company made it for linux, not the other way around20:44
HardDiskboo, well there is a section for partition utilities, check first that the partition itself isn't damaged. also I'd do a physical check as well.20:45
chazcoRequinB4 / nickrud - Under XP i got ~5/6 hours power (good laptop)... Ubuntu gives me at most 4 hours20:45
Flare183sam_: now go back and try to install the sun-java package20:45
booa physical check?20:45
Flare183sam_: again,20:45
Flare183sam_: ok?20:45
RequinB4chazco - check brightness? all the usual stuff20:46
nickrudchazco, darn good laptop, I get 2 hrs tops linux, 3 or so on vista20:46
sam_Flare183: Synaptic manager gave me the same error20:46
chazcoRequinB4 - done everything common sense wise... XP/Vista used to switch off the DVD drive, which may have helped20:46
Flare183!permissions > sam_20:46
RequinB4chazco / nickrud - i get the same for both, about 2.5 hours20:46
chazconickrud - Most laptops i've seen are like that... this is an ultraportable that actually seems to be practical :)20:46
zimnyxAlt-SysRq-K instead of killing all processes connected to current console, changes loglevel to 2. Any Ideas why? (btw Alt-SysRq-1..9 doesn't change loglevel as it should be)20:47
Flare183sam_: then go back to the file manager and setup the permissions20:47
Flare183sam_: sorry forgot that step20:47
sam_Flare183: umm ok ill try that20:47
sam_Flare183: ?20:47
Flare183sam_: I forgot that step20:47
Flare183sam_: sorry20:47
chazcoRequinB4 - At 75% battery powetop says i have 2.2hrs remaining, at a rate of 15.9W usage20:47
sam_Flare183: i mean where is the file manager again?20:47
esteth What's the command to access the menu editor in GNOME?20:48
=== Lump|AFK is now known as Lumpy
Shimfs_what to do if ifconfig eth1 reveals that i have no ipaddress whatsoever. only a inet620:48
rainwalkeresteth: right-click on the menus and choose "edit menus"20:48
Flare183sam_: you know the one that why opened up by running "gksu nautilus"20:48
rainwalkeresteth: or system > preferences > main menu20:48
Flare183sam_: you know the one that why opened up by running "gksudo nautilus", i mean20:48
chazcoUsing all of powetops suggestions gets me 2.6 hours RequinB420:48
estethrainwalker: thanks :)20:48
HardDiskboo, yes20:49
ProN00bchazco, power saving compatibility isn't exactly a thing hardware manufacturers can be proud of... they just do what they want and make sure it works on win xp20:49
chazcoAnd 12.6W usage20:49
zimnyxesteth: Alt-F120:49
sam_<Flare183> ok the file search thing20:49
Flare183sam_: i guess20:49
RequinB4chazco - yeah, i'm not sure what to say at this point - windows kind of makes deals with the hardware manufacturers20:49
boowhat's a physical check? you don't mean taking out the actual hdd?20:49
HardDiskboo, no20:49
HardDiskboo, as in a physical hd check with the utilities20:50
RequinB4chazco, then again powertop is telling me i have 33.3 hours left20:51
eth01ssh: connect to host localhost port 22: Connection refused ?20:51
sam_Flare183: the file permissions link is very interesting, but not sure what I'm supposed to do with it..20:52
amerioguys I have problem with my mouse driver .. any1 can help?20:52
underdawganyone experienced with installing hamachi?  I don't have /etc/hamachi after following the forum guide for installing hamachi/vnc20:53
underdawgI type sudo -c hamachi-init /etc/hamachi and get nothing as a result20:53
techqbertI have a VIA VT6420 fakeraid, how can I implement software RAID?  what do I change inside the BIOS?20:53
Flare183sam_: you have to use that link to change the group and user permissions for the java-doc file to root-root20:53
* Flare183 says if someone know how to change the permissions using chmod please let me know20:54
sam_Flare183: does it involve using the terminal?20:54
booalright, when i do fdisk -ls, i see my ntfs partition, (it says hpfs/ntfs), but when i try to mount it, i get "NTFS signature is missing. Failed to mount '/dev/sda1': Invalid argument The device '/dev/sda1' d"oesn't have a valid NTFS.   am i correct in thinking its a mbr AND partition table problem?20:54
Flare183sam_: one sec20:54
underdawgFlare183: !chmod20:54
ubotuAn explanation of how files and directories are organized on Ubuntu, and how they can be manipulated, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxFilesystemTreeOverview20:55
LynXwould ubuntu do good on P3 256MB RAM .. ? ?20:55
Flare183sam_: ok another sec20:55
vla1привет всем20:55
IndyGunFreakLynX: it should.. what type of video device?20:55
GHOSThello is anybody no why firefox crash with flash content (youtube) ?20:55
underdawgLynX: it would be okay, just a little sluggish due to ram20:55
underdawgjust a litlte20:55
Dr_willisLynX,  it also depends on what you want to do. :)20:55
LynXdon't know..20:55
LynXnothing more than surfing and listening to music20:56
vla1Подскажите плз какойто хороший онлайн переводчик надо с русского на украинский перевести текст20:56
IndyGunFreakLynX: it'll be fine for that.20:56
underdawganyone experienced with installing hamachi?  I don't have /etc/hamachi after following the forum guide for installing hamachi/vnc20:56
Dr_willisFind more ram in the bargin bin. :) heh20:56
vincenzHello, so one of the recent updates is making X not work, so I'm trying to slowly find out which package it is, by installing single update at a time20:56
vincenzAny suggestions?20:56
HardDiskLynX, why not boot from the livecd and try it yourself.20:56
IndyGunFreakLynX: get on Ebay, and get some bargain ram... and max it out, and it will be a powerhouse.\20:56
vincenzcan I roll back updates so I don't have to reinstall from scratch each time?20:57
HardDiskvincenz, sudo apt-get install -f20:57
HardDisktry that.20:57
IndyGunFreakHardDisk: live cd will barely run on 256mb Ram, it will crash most likely20:57
vincenzHardDisk: what is -f?20:57
vla1вы что подурели здесь чем вам русский язык не нравится?20:57
Dr_willisunderdawg,  often theres a example config installed with some packages. you could look in the hamachi docs dir. or try a 'sudo updatedb' then 'locate hamachi' looking for an example config20:57
GHOSThello is anybody no why firefox crash with flash content (youtube) ?20:57
HardDiskIndyGunFreak, not really.  But if you want to get picky, xubuntu then :)20:57
Dr_willisunderdawg,  or use the package maanger tools and see what all it installed. May be a example config somewhere.20:57
HardDiskGHOST, read topic20:57
vincenzHardDisk: I don't want to install all updates at once20:57
IndyGunFreakHardDisk: even that live disk won't run well.. trust me, been there done that.20:57
vincenzHardDisk: I don't want to risk having to reinstall from scratch20:58
HardDiskIndyGunFreak, yes, but your case does not necessarily apply to the genpop.20:58
booDoes anyone know a way to easily combine and or cut video files?20:58
HardDiskboo, avidemux20:58
IndyGunFreakLynX: well, if it was "just my case", i wouldn't be sittig here talking about it.. i've helped others w/ the same issue.20:58
boodoes it have a GUI?20:58
* Flare183 says can someone please explain to sam_ how to change the permissions to the file:jdk-6-doc.zip to root-root?20:58
LynXthanks ppl...20:58
HardDiskboo, yes.20:58
IndyGunFreakFlare183: why should he change it to root:root?20:59
Dr_willisFlare183,  you mean the ownership? and why does it matter?20:59
Tezasaurusare there similar problems with DivX movies in Gutsy like the Flash bug? It seems to be giving me similar problems20:59
sam_IndyGunFreak: its for the sun java thing yesterday20:59
Flare183IndyGunFreak: because synaptic has to have it as root20:59
HardDiskhe doesn't need to change the filename permissions to root.20:59
IndyGunFreaksam_: ok...20:59
Dr_willisTezasaurus,  ive never seen any divx movie issues under gutsy.20:59
IndyGunFreakFlare183: well he does'nt need it as rot.20:59
IndyGunFreaksam_: where di dyou download it?20:59
Dr_willisTezasaurus,  i watch/download from stage6.com all the time.20:59
underdawghow do i rm a directory?20:59
Flare183IndyGunFreak: from the java site20:59
underdawgrm what?21:00
Dr_willisrm -rf DIRNAME21:00
amerioFlare183 can u help me :)21:00
Dr_willisor use 'rmdir' if its empty21:00
HardDiskrm -rf /dirname/21:00
sam_IndyGunFreak, website, forgot the link though21:00
IndyGunFreaksam_: the instructions are right on their site how to do it.21:00
Flare183amerio: I can try21:00
amerioFlare183 : I have a problem with my mouse driver .. its working but cannot get the multimedia buttons work21:00
sam_IndyGunFreak, would that fix the synaptic manager though?21:00
IndyGunFreaksam_: so you downloaded the bin file, correct?21:00
Dr_willishttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/Training       - a 400+ Page Book on Ubuntu. In PDF format. thats free. :) a must get/bookmark/look at thing...21:00
Flare183IndyGunFreak: his paste is: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/49437/21:00
Dr_willisWe need that in a factoid.21:00
IndyGunFreaksam_: i highly doubt it..  your synaptic problem is something ic an't figure out...21:01
TezasaurusDr_willis, watching works, but the volume bar won't go away if I click on it, and the seekbar doesn't move so I can't jump around the movie21:01
IndyGunFreaksam_: worth a try though, did you download the .bin file?21:01
Flare183amerio: ok let me look one sec21:01
sam_IndyGunFreak, I'll probably forum it I think21:01
amerioFlare183: take your time :)21:01
sam_IndyGunFreak, I downloaded something let me check21:01
Dr_willisTezasaurus,  ive noticed seeking messed up with different videos. not just divx. I think its an issue with the movies themeselfs at times.21:01
LynXhow abt xubuntu is it on KDE environment or Gnome.. ?21:02
sam_IndyGunFreak, jdk-6-doc.zip inside the tmp21:02
Dr_willisTezasaurus,  as for the volume bbar..  not sure what ya mean with that. Try a different player perhaps.21:02
IndyGunFreakLynX: neither, its on xfce21:02
underdawgwhats the bash command for find?21:02
Flare183amerio: look:https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MultimediaKeys21:02
Dr_willisunderdawg,  'find' is a bash command.21:02
scguy318underdawg: find? :P21:02
LynXI like gnome more..21:02
TezasaurusDr_willis, How do I change the player that Firefox is using?21:02
Tezasauruswhen I'm viewing in the browser21:02
Dr_willisTezasaurus,  not sure. I just installed that totem plugin an i never see any issues.21:02
IndyGunFreakLynX: well, what type of ram do you have in that system, and how much can it hold?21:03
Dr_willisTezasaurus,  got a url thats messed up?21:03
LynX256 mb21:03
IndyGunFreakLynX: and believe it or not, Gnome and Xfce have a lot of similarities...21:03
TezasaurusDr_willis: http://www.stage6.com/G4TV/video/1943742/NEW-Grand-Theft-Auto-IV-Trailer-Move-Up,-Ladies21:03
Flare183amerio: ok?21:03
IndyGunFreakLynX: its maxxed out at 256?21:03
amerioFlare183: thats for keyboard shortcut , my mouse is wireless21:03
Flare183amerio: oh crap sorry21:03
vincenzIndyGunFreak: !21:03
vincenzIndyGunFreak: you're the guy that was helping me before, right?21:03
LynXyes guess so21:03
rainwalkerDr_willis: you said flash was messed up; what's this about then? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=64835621:03
IndyGunFreakvincenz: maybe.. what with?21:04
vincenzIndyGunFreak: so a clean install, and after updating to the latest packages, I get the sme error21:04
vincenzIndyGunFreak: I am certain it's a bug in one of the updates21:04
amerioFlare183: I'll give u the guide I followed ok ?21:04
vincenzIndyGunFreak: I'm slowly updating package by package (there's 140 of them tho)21:04
vincenzIndyGunFreak: to find out what it that is causing x to go awry21:04
Flare183amerio: ok21:04
IndyGunFreakvincenz: were you the one installing the java, and got the package manager error?21:04
Flare183amerio: lets here it21:04
EADGanybody know the keyboard short-cut to get window boarders back in KDE?21:04
vincenzIndyGunFreak: no, it was me that had the gnome bars flashing and my hdd go crazy21:04
amerioFlare183 : http://daemon.prozone.org/~david/projects/lmpcm_usb/21:04
vincenzand X not working21:04
vincenzthough gdm works21:04
vincenzmaybe there's a leak somewhere21:04
IndyGunFreakvincenz: oh ok.., right, dpkg reconfigure21:04
vincenzIndyGunFreak: even then it has same issues21:05
vincenzIndyGunFreak: even when I switch to vesa21:05
=== max41 is now known as max329
IndyGunFreakvincenz: thats what i told you to do21:05
Flare183EADG: which window manager?21:05
vincenzit's not gnome based and it's not card-driver based21:05
vincenzIndyGunFreak: right21:05
LynX<IndyGunFreak> thanks21:05
sinnloswie bekomme ich nozomi source zum laufen ? das ist installiert, aber tut nix21:05
Dr_willisrainwalker,  no idea.. you are reading it.. :) whats it about>21:05
thormHello.. i just installed gISO but i cannot find it in my menu.. what do i do?? Please help21:05
IndyGunFreakLynX: no prob, to see pics of Xubuntu.. look at the screenshots at http://www.xubuntu.org21:05
EADGmax329: KDE21:05
IndyGunFreaksam_:  i can't find that file you downloded21:05
IndyGunFreakhav eyou done anything to it?21:05
Dr_willisrainwalker,  looks like its about trying to fix the flash breakage21:05
LynXthanks hope to see u later21:06
rainwalkerDr_willis: I'm not sure, apparently someone got flash to work, but I don't know if it's the latest version or how they did it or what21:06
skullheaddos any one know how to get a psx emulator working cuase i cant seem to make any of them work????21:06
Dr_willisrainwalker,  and because it worked for them.. it may not work for everyone..21:06
MacongaI have a problem, i cant delete anything, I just ran out of Hard Drive Space ..... What do i do now ???21:06
HardDiskthorm sudo killall gnome-panel  it'll refresh your app menu, check it then.21:06
Dr_willisrainwalker,  someone said theres still some issues with Konqeror and other browsers.  But i dont even knw what version of flash I have.21:06
sam_IndyGunFreak, its ok im trying to ask on forum right now, keeping watch on this chat makes my eyes hurt21:07
Paddy_EIREMaconga, you dont backup?21:07
IndyGunFreaksam_: well we can try to install java if you want, thats no big deal.21:07
thormHardDisk just did it..21:07
Flare183amerio: have you added the keyboard shortcuts to the mouse events?21:07
vincenzIndyGunFreak: on another note, do you know anything about booting xp from external hd21:07
rainwalkerDr_willis: true...I guess I shouldn't bother with it, my flash works (not as well as I'd like it to) and I've learned the hard way no to mess with stuff that's not broken...21:07
HardDiskthorm, should be in your system tools21:08
thormbut it still isnt there HardDisk.. do you know where it should be?21:08
Paddy_EIRE!windows | vincenz21:08
ubotuvincenz: For discussion and help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and !equivalents21:08
amerioFlare183: I dont know how .. I just followed the the guide and just installed it21:08
HardDiskif not, edit the menu and check it21:08
scguy318Dr_willis: about:plugins should tell you21:08
sam_IndyGunFreak, i just want to fix the synaptic manager, once thats done im sure i cant get java through it21:08
HardDiskyou can add it manually, Gmount-iso21:08
amerioFlare183: after that i didnt understand anything21:08
HardDisknotice Capital G21:08
MacongaI just copied some big files too my flash drive, and i cant delete them from my hard drive21:08
sam_indygunfreak, i mean can get21:08
tomek_hello, I am using Ubuntu Gutsy and I get nothing when I login with GDM to Gnome. This happens with new users too. What to do?21:08
vladhello, can somebody help in this topic: accessing an usb device. like CD writer; it gets listed in the /proc filesystem but... do i have to create a /dev file for it?21:08
IndyGunFreaksam_: true, but usually that command you ran to reconfigure your sources, will fix that.21:08
Flare183amerio: I know same here i don't get so i'm going to research it21:08
caelwhat is the default charset in ubuntu? utf8 (unicode)?21:09
tomek_I get only the desktop wallpaper21:09
OmegaNineSO i installed swf Viewer, and its taken over Fire Fox, and it runs slow as hell.  When I try to uninstalll it it tells me that there are dependency issues.  Anyone have any idea how I can A) uninstalled it B) tell fire fox not to use it?21:09
scguy318skullhead: the pSX emulator requires a BIOS ROM dump from a PlayStation, but that's all I know on the subject21:09
IndyGunFreaki wonder if you could sudo apt-get remove synaptic, then sudo apt-get install synaptic.21:09
EADGAlt+F3 incase anybody was wondering :)21:09
skullheadsxguy218: ya i have one21:09
IndyGunFreaksam_: remember, synaptic is just a GUI front for apt-get.21:09
amerioFlare183: I've searched the ubuntu forums and didnt find anything21:09
IndyGunFreakso maybe it got corrupted somehow.21:09
Dr_willisscguy318,  aha! i always forget about about: :) Shockwave Flash 9.0 r4821:10
MacongaFailed to copy "/home/jj/Desktop/1198441636015-integrated.jnlp" to "trash:///1198441636015-integrated.jnlp".                        Error creating directory '/home/jj/.local/share/Trash/info': No space left on device.21:10
Dr_willissounds like someones hd is full21:10
Macongait is ....21:10
scguy318Maconga: just directly rm it21:10
HardDiskempty the .Trash21:10
Dr_willisand your question is? ":)21:10
RequinB4empty the trash :P21:11
underdawganyone experienced with installing hamachi?  I don't have /etc/hamachi after following the forum guide for installing hamachi/vnc21:11
DemonSaxMy new Ubuntu install has no sound, and my meager skills seem unable to resolve the issue.21:11
Flare183amerio: now that's weird21:11
scguy318underdawg: the last time I tried the guide Hamachi wouldn't start at all :(21:11
scguy318!alsa | DemonSax21:11
Dr_willisi always seem to get stuff in .local/share/Trash that never wants to get deleted21:11
ubotuDemonSax: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP321:11
Macongathe trash is empty ......21:11
underdawgIt did fine for me but I'm doing this all through ssh21:11
underdawgtha tmay be why21:11
scguy318Maconga: just rm the file directly instead of moving to Trash then deleting from there21:11
sfagmenosgood evening21:11
scguy318Maconga: liek Shift+Delete21:11
amerioFlare183 : its all Logetich company , their products dont support Linux :@21:12
rb2kdid the gpg keys for the hardy packages change?21:12
MacongaTHANKS !!!!!!21:12
tomek_i get only the wallpaper after logging in for my old and clean users, I didn't install anything. what could happen?21:12
rb2kI get complaints when trying to upgrad to alpha221:12
Flannelrb2k: #ubuntu+1 for hardy support21:12
IndyGunFreaksam_: i have an idea... join me in #indygunfreak.. "/join #indygunfreak"21:12
scguy318Maconga: that combination happens to work on Windows too :P21:12
Macongalol im new too ubunto21:13
Macongai hate windows now21:13
Flare183amerio: i see but all mice have worked in the past I have a mouse that came with my dell computer and its like a "internet" mouse21:13
Flare183amerio: it works fine21:13
mw-homehey -- i have a really old laptop running xubuntu.  it has a functioning battery, according to acpi.  but when i pull the power cord, it shuts down.  i wonder if it isn't configured correctly.  i have no ideas where to look. anyone in here know?21:13
amerioflare183: its working with me , but the media buttons arent working21:13
Flare183amerio: found one hit http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=51713621:14
thormHardDisk -> when i type "apt-get install gmountiso" it writes following:  Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), are you root?21:14
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots21:14
HardDiskthorm, sudo21:14
scguy318thorm: need to prefix with sudo21:14
mw-homethorm: yeah, what he said21:14
HardDisksudo apt-get install gmountiso21:14
boowhat does the swap partition do?21:14
HardDiskboo, swaps.21:15
ubotuswap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info21:15
thormoh thx21:15
scguy318boo: its the partition where Linux will page to as needed21:15
underdawgwhats the bash command to go "up" one level in the directory?21:15
MacongaIs there a way too search for big files on my Hard Drive ?21:15
Flare183!swap | boo21:15
ubotuboo: please see above21:15
amerioFlare183: thanx I'll try it now :)21:15
booso its like the pagefile?21:15
scguy318underdawg: cd ..?21:15
DemonSaxscguy318, I've played with the usual settings, yet I still have no sound.21:15
Dr_willisunderdawg,  cd .. - you MAY want to go find a bash tutorial or 221:15
Flare183amerio: ok21:15
HardDiskMaconga, grep or locate21:15
speeddemon8803its cd.. undedawg21:15
HardDiskboo, yes.21:15
scguy318DemonSax: what chipset is your sound?21:15
scguy318speeddemon8803: that would work on Windows but not on *nix :P21:15
Kragneracbash or tcsh? Hmm..21:16
Dr_williscd with a SPACE then .. :)21:16
speeddemon8803you sure? it works every time for me :)21:16
DarKModei need some help21:16
scguy318DemonSax: hmm, you probably should eye installation of the latest ALSA tarball, it may resolve your issue21:16
Dr_willisi have seen systems with 'cd..' aliased to 'cd ..' somehow. :)21:16
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about extended - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:16
thormHardDisk -> can you please tell me how to add a new folder (to mount in) in /media folder?21:17
sfagmenoswhat ubuntu shoud i use for Phenom21:17
DarKModei killed some aplication and i stoped the sshd21:17
DarKModewhat can i do21:17
scguy318DarKMode: to restart the sshd?21:17
DemonSaxThis box was running Fedora3, and it didn't have troubles with the card.  I can't think it would be a driver issue...21:17
Shinhi all :)21:17
noelferreiraany solution for firefox in amd64 and flash? or will i need to install firefox 32 bits?21:17
DarKModeit server21:17
scguy318DarKMode: sudo /etc/init.d/ssh restart21:17
DarKModenow im out i cant login21:18
MacongaIs there away too find files on my Hard Drive ?21:18
scguy318noelferreira: Flash works via ndiswrapper, flashplugin-nonfree (when it was working) automates this21:18
HardDiskthorm, you don't need it with Gmountiso21:18
* Milotin My sound doesn`t work , can someone help me ? i run Ubuntu 7.10 and i've got a Via Vt82xx sound card. I just reinstalled alsa but something is not ok 21:18
Dr_willisMaconga,  the find command, or locate command are handy21:18
MilotinMy sound doesn`t work , can someone help me ? i run Ubuntu 7.10 and i've got a Via Vt82xx sound card. I just reinstalled alsa but something is not ok21:18
HardDiskGmount will do that for you.21:18
speeddemon8803Willis yeah, my space bar was goofing21:18
speeddemon8803Sorry folks!21:18
speeddemon8803I had something stuck underneath it and didnt see my goof till you corrected me :)21:18
Flare183Maconga: use locate21:18
amundseni've installed flashplugin-nonfree from the ubuntu repositories, but firefox doesn't recognize it21:18
amundsenany idea about this ?21:18
Flare183!enter > speeddemon880321:18
scguy318amundsen: because of an outstanding bug21:18
Macongaim new to ubunto so tell me how to do thAt21:19
Flare183!repeat > Milotin21:19
=== Neskaya is now known as hugglehug-gone
fannagogannahi y'all21:19
speeddemon8803I didnt put my questions on multiple lines.21:19
scguy318amundsen, noelferreira: see https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/17389021:19
Milotinyea yea Flare183  i know21:19
speeddemon8803Thanks for watching though.21:19
Milotini did a mistake with /ame21:19
Flare183what it21:19
verb3k!flash | amundsen21:19
ubotuamundsen: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash21:19
ubotuThe Flash plugin installation is currently broken. This is due to Adobe changing the tar file that the package downloads. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=636397 if you need to fix this immediately, but it's recommended to wait for an official fix.21:19
spideymanwhat is a good alternative to k9copy?21:19
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots21:19
Flare183sorry about the enter21:19
DarKModescguy318, the problem that in connected to this server with ssh when i killed the sshd i deconnected21:19
ouellettesranyone know how to make evolution run in the background?21:20
scguy318DarKMode: oh...21:20
speeddemon8803Flare, please, I have been in this room for almost a month now I know what most of the rules are but thanks for letting me know :)21:20
noelferreirascguy318, it is the bes way? i think sometimes it works for me. but not in sites like flyordie.com, for exemple it runs the applet but then i get a gray screen21:20
verb3kamundsen, the flash package is broken21:20
ubotuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash21:20
ubotuThe Flash plugin installation is currently broken. This is due to Adobe changing the tar file that the package downloads. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=636397 if you need to fix this immediately, but it's recommended to wait for an official fix.21:20
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP321:20
rainwalkerwhy doesn't the vlc plugin for firefox give me a progress bar for my place in whatever I'm watching, but the totem plugin does?21:20
scguy318noelferreira: yeah, unless you want to try Gnash or 32-bit Firefox21:21
DarKModescguy318,  what can do21:21
HardDiskI guess people stopped reading topics for chat rooms.21:21
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about xdvdshrink - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:21
scguy318DarKMode: you'll probably have to restart it at the console of the remote machine or gain some other way of access, unfortunately21:21
scguy318DarKMode: how did you kill it anyway? I get an operation not permitted when I try to kill the sshd running on this machine21:22
noelferreirai use 32-bit firefox or almost one year in my amd64 machine. i thought there was a better solution now scguy31821:22
scguy318DarKMode: has to be done as root21:22
spideymandoes xdvdshrink work well?21:22
DarKModei was connected with nxserver21:22
scguy318noelferreira: that's pretty much it until Adobe actually releases a 64-bit Flash21:22
fiXXXerMetWondering if anyone here has installed Ubuntu on an IBM xseries 225?  I am trying to do so now and it is not detecting the raid controller/disks.  It uses a LSI53C1030 controller.21:22
DarKModeand i stoped it21:22
scguy318noelferreira: or Gnash, or nspluginwrapper21:22
noelferreiraok, i guess i'll use firefox3221:22
ubotuYum! Err, I mean, APT!21:22
FezzlerCan Ubuntu sync with Win CE device?21:23
scguy318DarKMode: well, I'm thinking you're a bit out of luck unless you have some other way of connecting in or actually restart it at the physical console21:23
noelferreiraother question, does ekiga have suport for web cam?21:23
Flannelnoelferreira: yes21:23
speeddemon8803You get overworked and underpaid I think Ubotu, theres a snack for ya bud ;)21:23
tomek_i get only the wallpaper after logging to the ubuntu... please help21:23
HardDiskFezzler, i've been successful with a jasjar21:23
DarKModescguy318, i have http access i put some kind of php shell console and i have the access with apache21:24
HardDiskFezzler, between evolution and wammu21:24
factboy818181anyone know what avahi-daemon does and if it can be disabled?21:24
noelferreiraor wich are the best web cam solution for ubuntu? not talking about amsn of course21:24
scguy318factboy818181: I think it does zeroconf services21:24
Flannelfactboy818181: avahi is a service discovery tool, yeah you can disable it.21:24
noelferreiraok Flannel21:24
amundseni'm having the same problem with the sun-java plugin from the officia repositories21:24
TtechIs there anyway to get Sribus working correctly under Kubuntu? The redo/undo buttons do not work21:24
HardDisknoelferreira, skype?21:24
vanderekdoes anybody have the latest ati driver 7.2 running?21:25
factboy818181scguy318, Flannel: thanks :D21:25
scguy318DarKMode: if you could, you could try restarting through those interfaces, but yeah21:25
despineiraMSI M670 notebook21:25
sfagmenossomeone to help me with rhnom prossecor21:25
noelferreiraHardDisk, Does skype has web cam support now?21:25
tomek_am i readable? :)21:25
Flannelnoelferreira: What do you want to do with said webcam?21:25
despineirasuspend works but resume hangs21:25
HardDisknoelferreira, yea21:25
despineiraany clues?21:25
DarKModescguy318,  i try this command  echo "pass" | sudo -u root -S /etc/init.d/sshd restart but dont work21:25
noelferreiraFlannel, just chatting with my mother? Both having ubuntu. not messenger21:25
DarKModescguy318,  i try this command  echo "pass" | sudo -u root -S /etc/init.d/sshd restart but deosnt work21:26
noelferreiraHardDisk, does the version of skype for ubuntu supports web cam?21:26
HardDisknoelferreira, just go to the skype.com site, it has the ubuntu deb 2.0 beta21:26
faliesonis there a command to tel the applications menu to remake itsself?21:26
ubotuTo install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto21:26
noelferreiraHardDisk, do you think it will be better than ekiga21:27
amundseni've installed sun-java6-jre from the ubuntu repositories, but firefox doesn't recognize it. any idea about this ?21:27
scguy318DarKMode: mm, why the -S?21:27
=== tomek_ is now known as x32hamba
HardDisknoelferreira, you cannot compare.21:27
Flannelnoelferreira: ekiga will probably work.  Its equivalent to netmeeting, it actually works with netmeeting.  But, GAIM is probably more reliable.  I... believe theyve successfully figured out the protocol stuff.  Problem with ekiga/netmeeting is its sorta lower level, not a lot of fluff to make it user friednly21:27
verb3kfalieson, what do you mean remake?21:27
HardDiskekiga uses open sip sources, skype does not.21:27
lonejackhi, when I launch synaptic manager, after the password, the program appear for 1 second then it closes. in auth.log I've: Dec 23 22:24:27 claudio-desktop sudo:  claudio : TTY=unknown ; PWD=/home/claudio ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/usr/sbin/synaptic. 'TTY=unknown' is a problem?21:27
zvezdichkoOK, now what?21:27
zvezdichkoErrors were encountered while processing:21:27
zvezdichko /var/cache/apt/archives/linux-image-2.6.22-14-generic_2.6.22-14.47_i386.deb21:27
zvezdichkoE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)21:27
Flare183!java > amundsen21:27
Flare183!paste > zvezdichko21:27
faliesonverb3k: recently installed applications show up in 'other' or not at all, I would like it to sort them out and add appropriately (I know fluxbox has a cmd like this)21:28
scguy318DarKMode: unfortunately I wouldn't know too much :(21:28
x32hambahi, I get only the wallpapera after loging into ubuntu21:28
noelferreiraFlannel, you meen pidgin? i thought gaim has ended21:28
x32hambaplease help. it happens for new users too21:28
DarKModescguy318,  -S  The -S (stdin) option causes sudo to read the password from the standard input instead of the terminal device.21:28
Flare183yes it has21:28
Flannelnoelferreira: I do, yes.  Gaim is now pidgin21:28
ubotuThe Instant Messenger Client Pidgin (formerly Gaim) (http://help.ubuntu.com/community/GaimHowto) supports MSN, Jabber, AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ and IRC. See also !kopete21:28
verb3kfalieson, hmm I am not really sure21:28
HardDisknoelferreira, you wanted something, I answered, check it out.21:28
noelferreiraFlannel, are you pifgin has web cam and sound support?21:29
Dsitclik on it21:29
scguy318DarKMode: ah21:29
HardDiskand pidgin doesn't do webcam21:29
Flannel!ops | Dsit21:29
ubotuDsit: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok or Pici!21:29
ubotuUnsure how you should behave on this channel? See (in a private message with the bot, /msg ubotu <keyword>): !AskTheBot, !CoC, !Guidelines, !Offtopic, !Language, !Attitude, !Repeat, !Enter, !Paste, !NickSpam - and most importantly, use common sense...21:29
DarkElfI have a samba server set up with security=share, and a share set up to allow guest access as read-only and a single user to have write access. This has worked for a long while, and has suddenly stopped allowing that user write access. How would I go about diagnosing the cause of the problem, and how do I fix it?21:29
faliesonI'm trying to start teh vmware server console, but it's not in the appliccations menu and  I don't know the cmd for it21:29
Flare183told ya'll21:29
Flannelnoelferreira: No, I'm not.  But I thought I remember reading something about thm getting Yahoo's webcam working.  Maybe I made that up.21:29
noelferreiraFlannel, how can i install that version of pidgin with web cam? it is already available?21:29
n00biedoes rubyripper have a irc site?  (i've tried googling with no luck)21:29
HardDiskyou did make that up.21:29
PriceChildfalieson, type vmware, then press <tab>21:29
n00biedoes rubyripper have a irc channel?  (i've tried googling with no luck)21:29
Flare183!repeat > n00bie21:30
HardDiskget the facts straight.21:30
noelferreiraFlannel, i need a stable solution for mother to work. do you recommend pidgin?21:30
TtechIs there anyway to get Sribus working correctly under Kubuntu? The redo/undo buttons do not work21:30
DarKModescguy318, apache@myserver:>su   standard in must be a tty21:30
juano__DarkElf: in my experience security=share with samba isn't pretty good, i would suggest security=user and then use smbpasswd to add local users to the smbpasswd file21:30
verb3kFlare183, you're using ubotu a lot :)21:30
HardDisknoelferreira, you wanted webcam, I suggested skype. if you don't want webcam, pidgin is fine.21:30
n00bieFlare183: i was just rewriting my question21:30
Flannelnoelferreira: Obviously not.  Since it doesnt work.21:30
DARKGuyHey, how do I change the default app for .txt files from gedit to leafpad?21:31
DarkElfjuano__: Well, it's sort of a hybrid as it is. Guests can access the share read-only, and now Windows machines can't log in as the write-access user, and the logfiles aren't giving any hints21:31
noelferreirai see21:31
Flare183verb3k: yes i do, in fact i wish i was operator because of that21:31
noelferreiraok HardDisk i see21:31
erUSULDARKGuy: right click on a txt file properties open with21:31
HardDiskwishing for ops is so 80's :)21:31
Flare183n00bie: sorry i didn't see that my fault21:31
vandereksomeohne managed to make the ati 7.2 driver running correctly?21:31
DARKGuyerUSUL: I just did that, but when I doubleclick it again it opens gedit (though leafpad appears as secondary option above "Open with...")21:31
juano__DarkElf: paste me (*use pastebin*) smb.conf21:32
DarKModesome one have any idea ?21:32
DarkElfjuano__: In fact, it seems like, no matter what login details I give on the Windows side, it uses the guest account21:32
verb3kerUSUL, is there a centralized way like a control panel for all types of files?21:32
vanderekwhere can i get help to config my ati card?21:32
nickrudvanderek, 7.12 ? yes, use http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Gutsy_Installation_Guide21:32
erUSULverb3k: no afaik21:32
Flare183!ati > vanderek21:32
scguy318DarKMode: restate your question, someone else might have a better idea than I21:32
Flare183vanderek: i think that might help21:33
vandereki already used it, and have trouble21:33
DarKModeok thx anyway21:33
verb3kguys is there a centralized way to  control panel for all types of files?21:33
speeddemon8803Ubotu is a great tool, it can be abused and overused though so if you dont know how to use it with the proper commands, read the ubotu help page at: http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi Thanks :)21:33
dagon^vanderek; what's the problem man? :)21:33
juano__DarkElf: the files you share from ubuntu some are read-only and others read-write, to windows boxes right ?21:33
speeddemon8803Dont think about banning me for that, I was reposting Ubotu's command database :)21:34
vandereksuspend/hibernate doesn't work and i got the following errors in dmsg http://www.onlyfree.de/php/pasteservice/show.php?id=498621:34
DarkElfjuano__: http://pastebin.org/1265721:34
shaiguitarcan anyone help me run mount on startup?21:34
DarkElfjuano__: It's only one share, that has two different levels of access. There's the one allowed login, darkelf, that grants read-write to the sahre, and then "everything else", which is read-only21:35
juano__!msg ubotu !mount21:35
Brian_can anyone suggest an avi to vcd converter?21:35
erUSULshaiguitar: mount on startup?21:35
erUSULBrian_: ffmpeg21:35
vandereki've read in different forums that suspand works without any trouble withe latest driver21:35
juano__DarkElf: oh i understand now21:35
skullheaddos any one know how to install espxe???21:35
speeddemon8803!mount | shaiguitar21:35
ubotushaiguitar: Partitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Gnome under Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For Edgy, see !fstab and !DiskMounter21:35
HardDisk!mount | shaiguitar21:35
nickrudvanderek, and if you use the acpi-support settings at the bottom of http://blog.vaxius.net/?p=19 you'll also get suspend21:35
Brian_erUSUL: THNX21:35
shaiguitari wanted to know if there is a way to mount a filesystem on startup so i don't have to run21:35
HardDiskthat was the syntax21:35
speeddemon8803heh hard disk beat you to it ;)21:35
DavGerm4can someone help me with ubuntu install21:36
shaiguitarmount /mnt/windows (which is where i defined it in my fstab file)21:36
erUSUL!fstab | shaiguitar21:36
HardDiskwell seeing im on three other networks21:36
astro76!fstab | shaiguitar , entries in your fstab are mounted on startup21:36
ubotushaiguitar: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions21:36
ubotushaiguitar , entries in your fstab are mounted on startup: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions21:36
DarkElfjuano__: And it usually works just fine, but now, Windows boxen are only recognized using the guest account, nobody21:36
HardDiskcan't blame ya :)21:36
shaiguitarevery time i want to run it21:36
Marfishaiguitar, fstab21:36
BertoHi - which Ubuntu download do I want for a Core Duo laptop?  64-bit or 32-bit?21:36
vandereki'll check, thx so far21:36
speeddemon8803Yikes, ubotu's flooding21:36
Flare183Berto: 64bit best bet21:36
HardDiskBerto, 32bit21:36
MarfiBerto, 3221:36
DarkElfjuano__: [2007/12/23 14:16:54, 1] smbd/service.c:make_connection_snum(1033)21:36
DarkElf  silversurfer ( connect to service TV initially as user nobody (uid=65534, gid=65534) (pid 14044)21:36
DavGerm4has any1 installed ubuntu on the PS3?21:36
noelferreiraHardDisk, i can't find a deb for 7.10 but only 7.04. there's any tar.gz with source?21:36
BertoFlare183, uh oh, two others said 32bit21:36
HardDiskstay away from 64bit, Unless you know what you're doing.21:36
DarkElfjuano__: And that's with the proper login details given on the windows side21:36
MarfiDavGerm4, i read an article a while back about it21:37
=== monshin3 is now known as monshin
JarlLapif the machine doesn't have a network connection when fstab is processed, and you only connect to a wifi after you've logged in, can you make samba shares mount automatically ?21:37
DavGerm4well when I put in the liveCD when it loads the Ubuntu screen, it's like cut in half21:37
HardDisknoelferreira, remind me again deb for what21:37
DarkElfjuano__: I can mount the smb share fine from the same linux box, and the access rights and log files are correct21:37
DavGerm4it only shows half of the screen21:37
scguy318Berto: 64-bit is fine, but running proprietary stuff that demands 32-bit like Flash/Java can be problematic21:37
BertoHardDisk, i use 64-bit on my desktop, and it works fine and I have flash and all that going.  if 64-bit will work, i'll download AMD64 style i think21:37
Shimfs_Hi guys. i have just downloaded a .deb version of wcid. But it says it conflicts with network-manager, even though i have uninstalled it?21:37
kyu_fluxHardDisk: why stay away from x64?21:37
Shimfs_how to make sure its completly gone21:37
=== Shimfs_ is now known as Shimfs
sadoes anyone have a gps nav system ?21:37
Bertoscguy318, yeah i've been there already... thanks.  Just wasn't even sure what Core Duo had in it21:37
MarfiDavGerm4, http://psubuntu.com/21:37
kyu_fluxHardDisk: the only problems i've had are with firefox, but are there other things I should be aware of?21:38
DarkElfjuano__: And I can't figure out what changed recently to cause this sort of change21:38
Shimfswhats the terminal command to uninstall a thing21:38
speeddemon8803apt-get remove21:38
DarkElfShimfs: sudo aptitude remove21:38
juano__DarkElf: so from the same ubuntu box, you can access all sorts of files just like before, the problem is windows ?21:38
Flare183Shimfs: sudo apt-get remove21:38
HardDiskkyu, only because for beginners at least 90% of the time they run into major issues, the most logical step to run something stable, get used to the system then work on the other ones.21:38
faliesonis there a command to tell the applications menu to resort itself using it's own discretion?21:38
DarkElfjuano__: yeah21:38
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about acpi - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:38
noelferreiraHardDisk, That's because i'll need a amd64 version. i see the last version is 1.421:38
juano__DarkElf: windows XP, or 98 ?21:38
speeddemon8803sudo aptitude remove or sudo apt-get remove21:38
ubotuPlease ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit AND help you. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude.21:38
DarkElfjuano__: xp21:38
ShimfsFlare183, and DarkElf thanks21:38
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about power - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:38
Flare183Shimfs: no problem21:38
Rumpsteak; /me waves!21:38
ubotuAPT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)21:39
DarkElfjuano__: It treats any and all logins from the XP boxen as guest, no matter the credentials given21:39
* Marfi waves at Rumpsteak 21:39
ProN00bkyu_flux, various proprietary 32bit programs don't work unless you spend some time setting up a chroot21:39
kyu_fluxHardDisk: fair... I guess it just eliminates one more source of problems21:39
kyu_fluxProN00b: can you give me an example of one such proprietary program?21:39
juano__DarkElf: if you go to "see workgroup computers" in windows , you get to the ubuntu box, double click it, does it prompt for user and pass or just enters everything with guest account ?21:39
scguy318kyu_flux: Flash21:39
kyu_fluxsorry if there is a web site with this, I just looked over at the wrong time21:39
noelferreiraHardDisk, That's because i'll need a amd64 version. i see the last version is 1.421:39
scguy318kyu_flux: and the Java plugin21:39
OmegaNineI am getting there error "md5sum mismatch install_flash_player_9_linux.tar.gz  The Flash plugin is NOT installed" then when I try to install it again, it tells me its already installed.  Is there an MD5 known issue with flash ATM?21:40
HardDiskI have nothing against 64bit ubuntu, I don't recommend it to any of my clients first if they are the ones maintaining their own computers/networks and I know they don't have the skills to fix them themselves.21:40
DarkElfjuano__: Wow, ok, I'm dumb. It's just this one windows box...the other's working fine. Of course it's a windows problem ;)21:40
HardDisknoelferreira, ok.21:40
DarkElfjuano__: Thanks for the help anyway. Sorry to take up your time21:40
shaiguitari had to take off the noauto option21:40
kyu_fluxhahah, I guess you guys are right... I thought java was already installed correctly (with firefox32) but I guess it's not =)21:40
shaiguitarthanks all ;)21:40
shaiguitarfor the mount advice21:40
juano__DarkElf: hehe ok np21:40
juano__DarkElf: anytime21:40
HardDisknoelferreira, should be fine.21:40
erUSUL!brokenflash | OmegaNine21:41
ProN00bkyu_flux, teamspeak server21:41
ubotuOmegaNine: The Flash plugin installation is currently broken. This is due to Adobe changing the tar file that the package downloads. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=636397 if you need to fix this immediately, but it's recommended to wait for an official fix.21:41
DarkElfjuano__: Should have expected the from the begining, no? ;)21:41
juano__DarkElf: heh21:41
kyu_fluxmaybe it was just something temporary. strange... but right on21:41
Shimfsthis is driving me nuts. i cant get a wired or wireless connection going21:41
juano__DarkElf: well , anyways we can try fix it, but better join another channel21:41
kyu_fluxProN00b: right on, thanks...21:41
juano__DarkElf: ubuntu-offtopic21:42
OmegaNineerUSUL, Thanks big man.  But yeah, need it now, the net without flash is...creepy...Now a days21:42
Shimfsi have tried disabeling IPv6 and i have blacklsited it, tried to use wcip instead of network-manager21:42
vincenzThis is really odd, on my old system on my hd, I have gutsy updated to the latest and it works fine21:42
DarkElfjuano__: I'll just assume it requires some number of restarts and be done with it21:42
Shimfsbut i cant get the god damn connection :S :P21:42
vincenzbut on a clean install and upgarding to the latest makes my x hang21:42
erUSULOmegaNine: no problem :)21:42
juano__DarkElf: well, restarting usually works under windows :P21:42
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about lanaguage - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:42
ubotuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.21:42
noelferreiraHardDisk, skype sorry. the one with web cam support21:42
juano__DarkElf: for almost *everything*21:42
juano__DarkElf: ;)21:42
Shimfsit wont find me an IP address :S21:43
HardDisknoelferreira, well 1.4 doesn't do webcam, 2.0 does21:43
Shimfswicd just cant get it going, neither could network-manager21:43
speeddemon8803Heh, all of us are scrambling to get the commands up in ubotu :P21:43
HardDiskyou can install 32bit on it tho21:43
noelferreiraso HardDisk where can i download it?21:43
HardDiskclick download, and choose feisty fawn's link21:44
HardDiskthey just didn't rename the link that's all21:44
noelferreirathanks HardDisk21:44
HardDiskbut it will work21:44
kyu_fluxdamn, I must say... i'm pretty impressed with this so far... I didn't think i'd be this satisfied with a debian-based distro21:44
fluxyHardDisk: Have you tried audio/video with skype? Is it good?21:44
HardDiskfluxy, very good actually.21:45
noelferreiraHardDisk, nice :)21:45
HardDiskthat's all I use.21:45
juano__Shimfs: wireless ?21:45
fluxyHardDisk: cool, I've been missing audio on linux for voip. I'll get it21:45
Shimfsjuano__, cant get that to work either. but its the wired internet that is my main concern atm21:45
HardDiskquality's as if I'm in my parent's living room talking to them :) and they're in virginia, I'm in egypt.21:45
dag_dgwhen trying to install from the ubuntu debootstrap, what would be an equivalent command for base-config new?21:46
juano__Shimfs: are you connected to a router ?21:46
Shimfsjuano__, yes21:46
juano__Shimfs: are the network cards on roaming mode ? is the dhcp server enabled in the router ?21:47
fluxyHardDisk: I've used skype on Windows, but didnt try it since I moved to Ubuntu. thx for the info =)21:47
Shimfsjuano__, dhcp must be enabled because it worked when it was a windows machine. and im not sure with roaming. I chosed wicd instead of network-manager, but it did not work with either dhcp or roaming when i were using network-manager21:48
n00biecould someone help me with a problem on rubyripper? when i try ripping an audio cd i get the following error:21:48
juano__Shimfs: system > administration > network , check to see if they are on roaming mode21:48
HardDiskfluxy, np21:48
Shimfsjuano__, i have set my wired connection to dhcp21:49
Shimfsjuano__, i will try to change it back to roaming21:49
juano__Shimfs: try roaming21:49
juano__Shimfs: are u sure you had dhcp set for windows ?21:49
Shimfsjuano__, weird, the roaming option has dissapeared21:50
fluxyHardDisk: know any repository which I can get to dload Skype using apt (and have updates...etc later) ?21:50
Shimfsjuano__, i am on a windows right now, is there anyway i can check if it is on dhcp or manually set21:50
h4ngedm4nmy ubuntu computer can ping ip's and load websites, but cannot resolve dns. I've tried using "host google.com" (opendns) and that doesnt work either21:50
juano__Shimfs: yes, go to control panel, my network connections, right click your network adapter, select tcp/ip then properties21:50
Shimfsjuano__, i cant find the roaming option anymore, i can either disable the wired, or use dhcp, IPv4 or static21:50
HardDiskfluxy, yea21:51
Shimfsjuano__, its set to, get automatic IP which i think is dhcp21:51
juano__Shimfs: sure is21:51
DARKGuyHey, how do I change the default app for .txt files from gedit to leafpad? I've already used "Open with..." but when I double-click the .txt file again it opens gedit! I want leafpad as default!21:51
shaiguitari tried the auto option and it doesnt work! (mount)21:51
HardDiskfluxy, but no point, since at the end it's the same, and the last time skype did an update was like a few years :/21:51
Shimfsjuano__, okay. I have read some forum posts about my problem, and i am not the only one with it. But their solutions does not work for me :(21:51
handerekyeah! my ati is running great, thx for help21:52
HardDiskthe repo won't be official, more like divineo's etc21:52
shaiguitararen't i supposed to see some disk icon on the desktop as soon as i log in?21:52
juano__Shimfs: ok leave it to dhcp, go to a terminal type sudo ifconfig21:52
HardDiskbut trust me, this release is mucho stable.21:52
juano__Shimfs: when your on ubuntu that is21:52
speeddemon8803DarkGuy go to system->preferred applications :)21:52
Shimfsjuano__, done21:52
juano__Shimfs: do you have an ip address asigned?21:52
DARKGuyspeeddemon8803: Okay I'm there21:52
Shimfsjuano__, i get a eth0 with no inet address or bcast21:52
fluxyHardDisk: uh could you pass me the addr still? am kind of crazy about apt and distro integration =)21:52
Shimfsjuano__, and i get a eth0:avah WITH inet21:52
shaiguitaranyone a mount maestro21:52
Shimfsjuano__, and ofcourse lo21:53
despineiraMSI M670 notebook21:53
despineiraany clues?21:53
despineirasuspend works but resume hangs21:53
juano__Shimfs: you have wireless and wired on that pc ?21:53
Shimfsjuano__, yes i have both things. its my laptop21:53
dickfacemanxcan someone send me a copy of Cedega ?21:53
despineirasuspend works but resume hangs on MSI M670 notebook21:53
juano__Shimfs: do a sudo iwconfig, see which is the wireless21:53
juano__Shimfs: eth0 or eth121:53
Shimfsjuano__, its eth121:54
=== z34nt is now known as yos3ph
fluxynemesynemesy: hello21:54
despineirasuspend works but resume hangs on MSI M670 notebook21:54
dickfacemanxcan someone send me a copy of Cedega ?21:54
HardDiskfluxy let me get it sec21:54
DARKGuyspeeddemon8803: but none of the tabs say anything about editing what I need :po21:54
HardDiskdickfacemanx, no, cause it's $$ and this isn't #warez21:54
juano__Shimfs: ok, lets start first with the wired connection, if that pc is already hooked up to the router, try typing sudo dhclient eth021:54
shaiguitaranyone help regarding mount?21:54
despineirasuspend works but resume hangs on MSI M670 notebook21:54
juano__Shimfs: to see if you can gain an ip address21:54
dickfacemanxi should not have to pay money just to play my games...21:54
speeddemon8803Oh wait, disreguard that last comment from me, go to this website darkguy21:55
HardDiskdickfacemanx, use wine21:55
dgjones!piracy | dickfacemanx21:55
ubotudickfacemanx: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o21:55
dickfacemanxwine is trash.21:55
HardDiskso is your nick21:55
HardDiskisle of whitey21:55
Newuserreh guys have a serious problem my apt-get doesnt work and synaptics :( what should i do to make it work again?21:55
dickfacemanxubuntu needs to better support games.21:55
Shimfsjuano__, i dont get anything, and it sends to
PriceChild!doesn't work | Newuserr21:55
ubotuNewuserr: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.21:55
Dr_williswhine whine.. :)21:55
PriceChild!offtopic | dickfacemanx21:55
HardDiskdickfacemanx, has noting to do with ubuntu21:55
ubotudickfacemanx: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!21:55
despineirasuspend works but resume hangs on MSI M670 notebook21:55
Shimfsjuano__, it recieves nothing, and says no working leases in persistent database - sleeping21:55
DavGerm4OK I can't figure out why Ubuntu is doing this21:56
HardDiska regular troll aren't ya :)21:56
h4ngedm4njuano__, Shimfs, I'mma follow along with your dialogue since my problem is somewhat similar if you dont mind:)21:56
DavGerm4I've nver had this problem before21:56
PriceChildHardDisk, please ignore :)21:56
fluxydickfacemanx: nice name *sigh*21:56
juano__h4ngedm4n: sure21:56
apecatmm, what's the keybind for jumping to a line # in gnu nano?21:56
DARKGuyspeeddemon8803: xD okay, what website?21:56
speeddemon8803why am i lagging in firefox but not in pidgin?21:56
Shimfsh4ngedm4n, no problem :)21:56
Shimfsjuano__, h4ngedm4n has the same problem, so he is folowing our dialogue21:56
speeddemon8803sorry darkguy I am seriously lagging in firefox21:56
despineirasuspend works but resume hangs on MSI M670 notebook21:56
DavGerm4when I doubleclick on install for installing Ubuntu, it brings up the install screen, but it doesn't show the whole box21:56
HardDiskPriceChild, I never ignore, I love trolls, eat em for breakfast I do21:56
speeddemon8803trying to find it for you buddy.21:56
Newuserreh guys have a serious problem apt-get  and synaptics dont work :( what should i do to make it work again?21:56
dickfacemanxyour all a bunch of fucking pussies.... linux will fail. no wonder windows rules the desktop you guys suck! fuck you!21:56
DavGerm4my screen is screwing it up or something21:56
juano__Shimfs: emm, ok maybe there is a driver issue, what laptop you got? is the restricted driver enabled ?21:57
scguy318Newuserr: what doesn't work...21:57
HardDiskand apparently so do you :)21:57
DavGerm4please can some1 help me21:57
dagon^"linux will fail" yeah right21:57
scguy318DavGerm4: I'm assuming your res is too low?21:57
Dr_willisGee.. i never saw THAT rant comming.. :)21:57
Newuserrscguy318: well neither apt-get nor synaptics starts to download packets dont know why21:57
DavGerm4ya it's at like 524x300 or something like that21:57
DavGerm4it won't let me change the res at all21:58
speeddemon8803crap can someone else help dark cuz my firefox will not pull up what i need it to.21:58
scguy318Newuserr: check your System -> Admin -> Software Sources and repos?21:58
Shimfsjuano__, it is a HP pavillion 5000 series. ANd under the restricted drivers i can see my ATI acceelerated driver (not in use) software modem driver (not in use) and firmware for broadcom 43xx chipset (not in use)21:58
DARKGuyspeeddemon8803: x.x it's ok I can wait21:58
speeddemon8803i am extremely sorry dark for throwing you to someone else, but I cant do it.21:58
scguy318DavGerm4: try using the alternate installer or reconfigure X21:58
scguy318!install | DavGerm421:58
ubotuDavGerm4: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate21:58
DavGerm4how do I do that21:58
Newuserrdickfacemanx: best example is Vista lol very popular i think21:58
Shimfsjuano__, a loooong time ago, i had ubuntu shortly on the computer too, and it worked back then21:58
juano__Shimfs: heh21:58
fluxyhe's gone21:58
Shimfsjuano__, the wired of course, never got the wireless to work.21:58
juano__Shimfs: you have to enable the broadcom one21:58
scguy318DavGerm4: you may use: alternate install CD, or UNetBoot for alternate installation21:58
DavGerm4does it matter that I"m installing it on a PS3 and that it's connected through Component21:58
Shimfsjuano__, for the wired connection to work? :S21:59
speeddemon8803Someone? Anyone? *throws sign in front of dark with change default text editor* :P21:59
h4ngedm4nShimfs: hm i thought bc43xx would be a wireless set tho, and the problem is with the wired?21:59
despineirasuspend works but resume hangs on MSI M670 notebook21:59
MrHippocampusShimfs: have you tried noting down your ip in windows and setting the same ip as your static ip in ubuntu?21:59
scguy318DavGerm4: oh. http://psubuntu.com/ tells you that you have to perform an alternate install21:59
DavGerm4I'm on that page21:59
DavGerm4but I don't see anything about alt install21:59
juano__Shimfs: emm nope, that is the wireless, for wired one... try typing lspci21:59
speeddemon8803dark needs help doing that and i dont remember exactly how, i was gonna grab a website but I cant get my firefox to work right.21:59
juano__Shimfs: maybe we can see the details for the wired one there21:59
Shimfsjuano__, its the wired i want, and that is not working21:59
speeddemon8803heh sorry dark im trying to get someone for ya :)22:00
ShimfsMrHippocampus, i dont have windows on the ubuntu machine anymore22:00
juano__Shimfs: lspci ?22:00
scguy318DavGerm4: http://psubuntu.com/installation-instructions/ <-- links to alternate install CD, which is what the installation instructiosn refer to22:00
mark__hi, can someone help me with ubuntu wireless networking?22:00
garuhi everyone22:00
Newuserrscguy318: yes did that already :(22:00
DavGerm4k thanks22:00
robdigmark__: maybe, ask your question and see if someone knows22:01
scguy318Newuserr: try, say, unchecking CD-ROM repo?22:01
despineirasuspend works but resume hangs on MSI M670 notebook22:01
speeddemon8803Can someone help me figure out how to change the default text editor in Ubuntu?22:01
garuI'm having a problem...whenever I plug in my headphones or external speakers on my laptop, i get no sound.can someone help me out please?thanks22:01
Newuserrscguy318: sorry dont understand what u mean22:01
wraundspeeddemon8803: easy22:01
Shimfsjuano__, lspci -v shows the 06:06.0 ethernet controller: realtek semiconductor. subsystem, HP unknown device, flags: bus master, medium devsel, latency 128, IRQ 22 i/O ports at a000, memory at b020a400, capabilities: <access denied>22:01
wraundspeeddemon8803: just right click a text file and do open-with22:01
scguy318Newuserr: in Software Sources, uncheck the CD-ROM repository?22:01
h4ngedm4nShimfs: not sure if this was covered already, but you already tried setting dhcp with network manager and it didnt work? did you make sure there weren't multiple network manager windows open?22:02
despineiraspeeddemon8803: go to gnome conf editor22:02
speeddemon8803Wraund, im not the one who wanted to know but nobody else was helping out ;)22:02
Shimfsh4ngedm4n, yes i did, and it did not work22:02
cinevahello everybody! is there someone to help me with mysql settings?22:02
despineirasuspend works but resume hangs on MSI M670 notebook22:02
wraundspeeddemon8803: then choose your text editor and select 'always use this application' or something at the bottom22:02
Shimfsh4ngedm4n, i am no longer using network-manager, i use wicp right now22:02
despineiracan i get some attention here?22:02
wraund!repeat despineira22:02
despineiracan i get some attention here?22:02
h4ngedm4nShimfs: did not work, as in you didn't even get an ip assigned right22:02
wraund!repeat | despineira22:02
despineirasuspend works but resume hangs on MSI M670 notebook22:02
ubotudespineira: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience22:02
mark__robdig, okay. I have a wireless setup that I can only start with the programm "network-admin". I would, however, prefer to have it started automatically by script, and I tried "iwconfig" and "ifconfig", but without success. I suspect that "iwconfig" somehow mishandles the wpa key.22:03
ubotuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines22:03
speeddemon8803Wraund, thanks but my friend who wanted that info left before I could get it to them :P22:03
speeddemon8803oh well!22:03
wraundspeeddemon8803: tell them later :P22:03
Shimfsh4ngedm4n, exactly22:03
cinevahello everybody! is there someone to help me with mysql settings?22:03
speeddemon8803I will if they come back, which they will if they didnt figure it out on their own.22:03
DARKGuyspeeddemon8803: oO I'm here22:03
speeddemon8803Thanks for help though!22:03
speeddemon8803You are! yay!22:03
DARKGuyhaven't left heh22:03
eroickHow do I make a non-root user capible of running things in realtime?22:04
speeddemon8803I saw dark left...dark ELF not guy oh lol22:04
Shimfsjuano__, any thoughts on it?22:04
speeddemon8803did you see how to do it?22:04
robdigmark__: what do you do to start it up?22:04
juano__Shimfs: mm it seems as a driver problem22:04
DARKGuyspeeddemon8803: yeah kinda, gnome conf editor would be gconf-editor no?22:04
juano__Shimfs: im googlin it out22:04
garuneed some help with sound on my laptop.I have no sound when I try to use headphones or external speakers.can someone help?22:04
Shimfsjuano__, okay. its just weird it worked on a far older ubuntu release. and i have also tried ubuntu and the forums. i am not the only one with the problem22:05
h4ngedm4nShimfs: i cant see it being a driver problem. what does forcing an ip do?22:05
speeddemon8803Yes DarkGuy22:05
Shimfsh4ngedm4n, how to do so, and i dont know which ip i should choose, i use dhcp usually22:05
mark__robdig, I tried "iwconfig eth1 essid myaccesspoint key s:mywpakey"    Im not sure if iwconfig properly recognizes the wpa key22:05
juano__Shimfs: yea, well that sort of happened with other stuff, in feisty my webcam worked out of the box and now it doesn't22:05
speeddemon8803That answer I knew, but had to get a refresher.22:05
h4ngedm4nShimfs: well, on your router it has a dhcp range somewhere, just pick an ip not in that range22:05
speeddemon8803its been a LONG time since ive had to use it.22:05
h4ngedm4nShimfs: in my case, are dhcp, so i just pick or something to test away from dhcp22:06
DARKGuyspeeddemon8803: "speeddemon8803: then choose your text editor and select 'always use this application' or something at the bottom" <- well I don't have that option22:06
Shimfsh4ngedm4n, and i dont have access to the router -.- hate it :P22:06
speeddemon8803gconf-editor, looking up where its at though :)22:07
h4ngedm4nShimfs: well... i guess for temporary purposes, you can brute force ping the local network until you find an ip not being used :)22:07
bunky24is there a keyboard shortcut to minimize all windows?22:07
juano__Shimfs: try assinging static ip22:07
Shimfsh4ngedm4n, okay -.- :P22:07
Shimfsjuano__, ok22:07
h4ngedm4nShimfs: then when you get that ip, assign it, and see if you can reach the internet22:07
robdigmark__: think that works for wep, but think you need to do some other stuff to get wpa working...here is a link that may help https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WPAHowTo22:07
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about gconf-editor - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi22:08
Greevousbunky24: Ctrl + Alt + D22:08
bqmasseywhat do you folks recommend for a newsreader?22:08
speeddemon8803you dont know the best configuration editor for ubuntu?! what up with that?22:08
Shimfsh4ngedm4n, okay will do22:08
h4ngedm4nbqmasseyif: you like console, i liked slrn22:08
ubotuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose among a number of different applications, depending on your preferences, the features you require, and other factors.22:08
juano__Shimfs: but if your router is serving dhcp , you shouldn't use static ips22:08
DARKGuyspeeddemon8803: XD hey I'm on it now, it's like regedit :p22:08
bunky24Greevous, nice... hmm closes my AWN too though22:08
Shimfsjuano__, no, but i must try, nothing else has worked so far :P22:08
speeddemon8803Yeah it is ;)22:08
juano__Shimfs: sure22:09
DARKGuyspeeddemon8803: and I've gone to gedit-2 and nautilus and there isn't nothing similar to what I need22:09
h4ngedm4njuano__: yeah its just a temporary thing to see if we're looking at a dhcp problem or something else22:09
mark__robdig, okay thanks. Thing is that it actually works when I configure and start it with "network-admin". If I only knew what that tool does in "the background"22:09
Greevousbunky24: I don't know much about AWN, sorry22:09
juano__h4ngedm4n: yea, i guess it can be driver cause if the dhcp server is enabled and also under windows it worked fine using dhcp settings for the adapter, sometimes it can be driver issue22:10
bunky24Greevous, np thanks for the shortcut22:10
bqmasseyi said news reader.. i meant feed reader.. recommendations?22:10
h4ngedm4njuano__: yeah for wireless, driver issue is common, but i havent heard of any driver issue for regular ethernet for some time22:10
erUSULbqmassey: lifearea? i use google reader22:11
bqmasseyerUSUL:  thanks22:11
[1]fallenhey hey22:11
[1]fallenhow are u?22:11
ZooWhat's a better unup server than gmediaserver - it doesn't seem to share movies or pictures, just music.22:11
h4ngedm4nZoo: well, I can share you videos of family vacation, and pictures of the neighbors dog if you want ... :P22:12
juano__h4ngedm4n: yea, he must be missin something under router settings probably22:12
Zoojuano__: works under xp22:13
Zoowith windows media connet22:13
DARKGuyspeeddemon8803: see: http://img295.imageshack.us/img295/8230/imglx0.jpg22:13
juano__Zoo: nope, talkin bout someone else ;)22:13
=== __Dave2__ is now known as Dave2
Shimfsh4ngedm4n, when i try a static ip, what should the submask and gateway eb?22:15
juano__Shimfs: netmask same as router and gateway routers ip22:15
Shimfsjuano__, h4ngedm4n ahh, it inserted its own values22:15
NewuserrShimfs: ifconfig22:16
juano__Shimfs: well it does cause it supposes default values22:16
speeddemon8803oh your desktop is PURDY darkguy :)22:16
h4ngedm4nShimfs: for me its /, pretty common settings22:16
juano__Shimfs: after asigning an ip , try pinging router22:16
erUSULShimfs: gateaway -->your router || netmask --> usually
Zoothats common for linksys22:16
Zoonetgear uses
DARKGuyspeeddemon8803: thanks XD if you want something from it I can share lol :p22:16
speeddemon8803nah thats ok bud :)22:16
juano__h4ngedm4n: erUSUL well that will always depend on router settings22:16
h4ngedm4nyeah lots of common settings hehe:)22:16
ZooDARKGuy: I wanna see it :P22:17
h4ngedm4ni just thought it would be helpful to see some sample #'s22:17
speeddemon8803Thats the best dam linux pic ive seen so far!22:17
[gquit]bombadilwhat's the best snes emulator for linux?22:17
Shimfsjuano__, it just says unknown host when i say ping google.com22:17
ShimfserUSUL, ok22:17
juano__Shimfs: the router22:17
juano__Shimfs: ping the router22:17
Mba7ethguys !!! how can i change shell font ?22:17
ZooHmm. So, any other unup servers other than gmediaserver22:17
Shimfsjuano__, which is the gateway address right?22:18
juano__[gquit]bombadil: zsnes22:18
juano__Shimfs: yes22:18
ZooMba7eth: Its in the profiles22:18
erUSULShimfs: mu router uses and netmask is
minusMba7eth, In a TTY or a terminal?22:18
Shimfsjuano__, host is unreacabhle22:18
juano__[gquit]bombadil: sudo apt-get install zsnes ;)22:18
DARKGuyspeeddemon8803, Zoo: Wallpaper -> http://img208.imageshack.us/img208/8651/srnew31024x768ds9.jpg ^^22:18
juano__Shimfs: ok, so static doesn't work :)22:18
[gquit]bombadiljuano__: thx :)22:18
Mba7ethminus: the default for ubuntu22:19
h4ngedm4nis the cable ok?22:19
juano__Shimfs: can you see your router settings ?22:19
speeddemon8803nice :)22:19
Mba7ethminus I guess terminal22:19
juano__h4ngedm4n: worked under windows, should be ok :P22:19
h4ngedm4nyeah well its a laptop, maybe it got plugged back in loose22:19
^Useless^hi. i have a problem with ffmpeg on gutsy, encoding to ogg vorbis. basically it ignores the audio bitrate and always encodes to ~64 kbps22:19
speeddemon8803is it kde or gnome dark?22:19
Shimfsjuano__, i can try, one moment22:19
minusMba7eth, Edit -> Current Profile -> Un-check the "use the system fixed width font" -> Pick your own font.22:19
Shimfsjuano__, what settings do you want me to look at?22:20
speeddemon8803Ive got my gnome so where it looked like kde after I got done was just asking if you did the same lol.22:20
il12the download + install command is sudo apt-get install {insert prog. name} correct?22:20
DARKGuyspeeddemon8803: gnome ^^22:20
speeddemon8803you did heh22:20
juano__Shimfs: your router settings, usually you can see them typing this in firefox:  http://<routerip>22:20
speeddemon8803yes il12 it is :)22:20
il12ty speeddemon22:20
erUSUL^Useless^: why not use the original oggenc??22:20
speeddemon8803Your welcome.22:21
juano__Shimfs: depends on the router, what router you got ?22:21
voidmageI'm having trouble getting tracker search to work. I put in search queries for things I know exist but get no results.22:21
Shimfsjuano__, apple airport extreme22:21
^Useless^erUSUL, no particular reason. i just think that if ffmpeg claims to support ogg vorbis, it just should work correctly :)22:21
Mba7ethminus: thanks a lot22:21
erUSUL^Useless^: what command line are you using?22:21
speeddemon8803brb, gonna go install ubuntu studio from the repositories...maybe..if it doesnt wipe out my freakin wireless again.22:22
minusMba7eth, no problemo :)22:22
^Useless^erUSUL, ffmpeg -i rnrrobot.wav -ab 160k -vn rnrrobot.ogg22:22
skullheaddos any one know how to install epsxe properly every time i try to start it in terminal nothing happens????22:22
Shimfsjuano__, hmm cant get access to the router22:22
DARKGuyspeeddemon8803: good luck :)22:22
speeddemon8803it did it the last time, i seriously hope that it doesnt do it again.22:22
^Useless^erUSUL, it picks the bitrate correctly, and displays it. but then uses a different one when encoding22:22
DARKGuyHey, how do I change the default app for .txt files from gedit to leafpad? I've already used "Open with..." but when I double-click the .txt file again it opens gedit! I want leafpad as default! I don't have the "Use this as default application" checkbox as you can see in here (http://img295.imageshack.us/img295/8230/imglx0.jpg) so I'd greatly appreciate some hel22:23
juano__Shimfs: mmm, how do you configure it from windows ?22:23
erUSUL^Useless^: well everything seems ok dunno why it fails... maybe there's some ffmpeg specific channel...22:23
voidmageDARKGuy: Check under properties for any .txt file22:24
juano__Shimfs: did it come with a software or something ?22:24
voidmageThere should be an option to change the open with behavior22:24
^Useless^erUSUL, yup, but they don't support packaged versions22:24
^Useless^so it's rather an ubuntu bug22:24
robbierhello everyone22:24
Shimfsjuano__, yes, a software i cant get atm. i will propably just try in 2 days time. or pehaps find an older ubuntu release, where my network DID work.22:24
DARKGuyvoidmage: where?22:24
damien__me ?22:25
voidmageright click on any .txt file and select properties22:25
robbiercould someone please help me with an ubuntu question?22:25
^Useless^erUSUL, take a look at http://pastebin.ca/83035722:25
Shimfsjuano__, do you know where i can get feisty or something like that, since i have only heard people with this problem in gutsy22:25
voidmagethen the "open with" tab22:25
strong_soulhello4 all22:25
LuitvDI guess my ALSA stopped working... is that possible?22:25
speeddemon8803darkguy, being that its in spanish...you might wish to try the #ubuntu-es channel, maybe they can help out more.22:25
DARKGuyvoidmage: hey, that works perfectly! :D22:25
strong_souli'm 25/m/br22:25
^Useless^erUSUL, see at line 13, it says 160 but then at line 17 you see the actual bitrate22:25
damien__i am from france , and i am looking at a tool who can clean my firefox screen22:25
speeddemon8803or...listen to void hehe22:25
DARKGuyspeeddemon8803: Yeah I usually try in there and #ubuntu-ve , but those channels are usually lifeless most of the time :(22:26
juano__Shimfs: http://releases.ubuntu.com/7.04/22:26
voidmageI'm having trouble getting tracker search to work. I put in search queries for things I know exist but get no results.22:26
crush_grooverobbier,  you dont have to ask to ask . state your question22:26
Shimfsjuano__, thanks22:26
Shimfsjuano__, will try to install that tomorrow22:26
speeddemon8803I was just suggesting because it was in a non-english language heh :)22:26
juano__Shimfs: mm sorry but i hope it gets to work22:26
juano__Shimfs: :)22:26
speeddemon8803Since you say they dont talk in there there would be no use though lol.22:26
Shimfsjuano__, thanks, and so do i ;) else i guess i wil have to revert to windows :(22:27
DARKGuyOh XD22:27
CreedIs there any way I can see why my sound isnt loading? I saw something about "port not specified" regardin my CS43xx chipset during startup but it flashed by too fast for me to remember fully.22:27
robbierWhenever I start ubuntu, i get the loading screen, it loads up, then i get the orange screen with the white spinning cursor, but nothing happens...every 3 minutes a black command line screen pops up for 2 seconds, but then im back at the orange screen with the white spinning cursor.  Any help please?22:27
strong_soulhey here is a chat room?22:27
Shimfsjuano__, well good night22:27
LuitvDmy sound stopped working from one boot to the other... how is that possible?22:27
DARKGuyI've seen screenshots in here of interfaces in chinese and german so I don't see the problem x)22:27
juano__Shimfs: hehe... ok, well anytime, good night!22:27
toymachineis kernel framebuffer support on vt1-6 still not functioning?22:27
robbierWhenever I start ubuntu, i get the loading screen, it loads up, then i get the orange screen with the white spinning cursor, but nothing happens...every 3 minutes a black command line screen pops up for 2 seconds, but then im back at the orange screen with the white spinning cursor.  Any help please?22:27
speeddemon8803I guess if you can understand english by all means use what you got :)22:27
il12ok, I just installed Adept and opened it and it tells me that I have to have admin (root) priviledges and won't be able to make any changes. it says please run through root or through kdesu or sudo programs. Is there a way to fix this?22:27
erUSUL^Useless^: i've done a little research you have to use "-aq n" with n between 10 and 30 -ab will be ignored by the ogg encoder22:28
erUSUL^Useless^: ffmpeg -i input.wav -acodec vorbis -aq 50 output.ogg22:28
Creedil12, run it as root? :)22:28
strong_soulah i think here is only about linux22:28
LuitvDmy sound stopped working from one boot to the other... how is that possible?22:28
^Useless^erUSUL, can you give a me link where it says that? i've been looking for 3 days!22:28
Creedil12, either make a shortcut and add gksu before the command to start adept or open a terminal prompt and do "sudo adept"22:28
h4ngedm4nsorry to ask again on my network problem, but any ideas for what to do when dns doesnt work? This ubuntu machine has had working dns before22:28
eyyYoI have two soundcards. One integrated on the motherboard, and one pci-card. I want every application (Ubuntu also) to use the pci-card. Now Ubuntu uses the motherboard soundcard, and every application uses different soundcard. Is there a way to fix this?22:28
ZooAnyone familiar with ushare?22:28
strong_soulhey anyone help me plz22:28
erUSUL^Useless^: i've just closed the firefox window... hold on22:28
speeddemon8803gksu, is gnomes alternative for root, you can try using gksu command :)22:29
speeddemon8803then typing in your password22:29
speeddemon8803it bypasses root.22:29
damien__ubuntu rocks , but it's difficult to know what "code"(?) i need to do what i want !22:29
voidmageI recently switched to gnome from kde and tracker doesn't want to index my existing files. It's been about 24 hours and searches for files I know exist don't work.22:29
robbierWhenever I start ubuntu, i get the loading screen, it loads up, then i get the orange screen with the white spinning cursor, but nothing happens...every 3 minutes a black command line screen pops up for 2 seconds, but then im back at the orange screen with the white spinning cursor.  Any help please?22:29
nickrudeyyYo, try disabling the onboard in the bios, since you don't use it22:29
strong_soulhey anyone help me plz22:29
booHardDisk: are you here?22:29
il12Creed: i started using Linux last friday. haha. this means I'm a dummy, and it also means I'd have to have what running it as a root means explained to me. ahh, ok. ty.22:29
LuitvDmy sound stopped working from one boot to the other... how is that possible?22:29
eyyYonickrud: Yeah, thats possible. :)22:29
speeddemon8803NOBODY in here is a dummy! :)22:29
juano__robbier: live cd or installed ubuntu ?22:30
il12Creed: using the command 'sudo adept' doesn't work.22:30
robbierinstall cd, the "alternate cd"22:30
Creedil12, running programs as root is granting that program FULL access to your OS. Its not recomended but some programs do require it, so its still there.22:30
speeddemon8803Some of us are just slower at the punch than others, but thats ok, we hold hands very well in here ;)22:30
tuckermI'm runnig ubuntu edgy and i'm having a problem. Once and a while my ethernet dies but if I let it sit for a couple months (i dual boot hdds) it'll be fine.22:30
booI'm in Hiren's boot CD and I need to fix my partition table and or my mbr.  does anyone know how i could go about doing this?22:30
h4ngedm4nLuitvD: that has happened to me before, sometimes the volume controls mute themselves for some reason22:30
strong_soul shit dont ignor me22:30
bunky24is it difficult to make a program amd64 compatible if i have the source code to compile?22:30
juano__robbier: have you tried the live cd ? , what pc is this, video card , ram ?22:30
nickrudCreed, you should suggest gksudo with gui apps, it sets up the environment better22:30
HardDiskboo, yea22:30
HardDisksort off22:30
erUSUL^Useless^: http://www.hydrogenaudio.org/forums/lofiversion/index.php/t48898.html22:30
PriceChildstrong_soul, ask your question22:31
Creednickrud, heh forgot to add the do to my gksu.22:31
Creedil12, do gksudo adept22:31
LuitvDh4ngedm4n: the strange thing is, I can't get ALSA to make a sound at all, and OSS does work22:31
robbierI have installed ubuntu 7.10 successfully before, and everything went fine.  I re-installed the ubuntu 7.10 OS because just like every other time I reinstalled Ubuntu, and this happened22:31
booI'm at the menu in Hiren's boot CD, but there are tons of options and I didn't see any documentation on the website22:31
LuitvDh4ngedm4n: but ALSA did work before22:31
CreedIs there any way I can see why my sound isnt loading? I saw something about "port not specified" regardin my CS43xx chipset during startup but it flashed by too fast for me to remember fully.22:31
h4ngedm4nbunky24: that depends on the program! i remember having issues in C where sizeof() was different on amd64 and regular x8622:31
tatar111JOIN #pclinuxos-pl22:32
il12creed: this means I type it into the terminal command or....?22:32
erUSUL^Useless^: they say that the quality of the encoder is low... you are better using oggenc22:32
tatar111join #pclinuxos-pl22:32
PriceChildtarzeau, put a / before it22:32
^Useless^erUSUL, thanks *a lot*, that helps a lot22:32
nickrudCreed, you could probably see that in either /var/log/dmesg or /var/log/syslog22:32
Creedil12, yes terminal or create a shortcut of adept and add it there.22:32
HardDiskboo, go to the harddisk ones and do a physical check first22:32
tarzeauPriceChild: not me!22:32
h4ngedm4nLuitvD: yeah just double check it didnt re-mute it self.  if that wasn't the problem, then i don't know how to help :(22:32
PriceChildtarzeau, sorry :)22:32
Creednickrud, thanks.22:32
HardDiskunder the harddisk tools, choose the brand of harddrive you have22:32
PriceChildtatar111, put a / before it22:32
HardDiskie if you have maxtor, use the maxtor tools22:32
LuitvDh4ngedm4n: right...22:32
LuitvDh4ngedm4n: thanks anyway, but I slammed the volume slider up and down numerous times22:33
booeh, i didn't build this comp, (im on my laptop) so im not really sure what the hdd is22:33
juano__robbier: any changes at bios level or hardware at all from last install ?22:33
godlinescould anyone help me with vsftpd and ssl?22:33
LuitvDh4ngedm4n: maybe it's the kernel...22:33
il12Creed: gksudo did nothing... even when I tried reopening the program. And I'm afraid I'm terribly horrible at commands knowing very little about them. So if it isn't much trouble could you explain what you mean by creating a shortcut of adept and adding it there? I can make the shortcut, but adding 'it', it being what, and how?22:33
LuitvDh4ngedm4n: no other updates could be changing ALSA's behaviour22:33
robbierjuano__: No, everything is exactly the same.  I even double-checked the MD5 sums.  Shoud I reinstall yet again?22:33
LuitvDgonna check that...22:34
h4ngedm4nLuitvD: no no, not the slider, doubleclick the speaker icon and check the bottom row of icons22:34
bunky24h4ngedm4n, im trying to get handbrake installed... but all they have on the site is a x86 verison22:34
Khisanthboo: you could use hdparm or check /var/log/message for that22:34
h4ngedm4nive had PCM mute itself in the middle of a movie, was bizzare22:34
Creedil12, Im on a Windows box at the moment but right click on the shortcut and go to properties, I believe its under the Launch or Laucher tab.22:34
ConstyXIVin xchat-gnome, is there any way to change the sound that goes off when someone says your name?22:34
juano__robbier: try waiting a bit longer for cd to boot-up usually delays a couple of minutes22:34
^Useless^ok, so another question: is there a way to get gnome to place every new window it opens *centered* on the screen, instead of at the top left corner?22:34
HardDiskboo, its most probably a toshiba, or samsung22:35
LuitvDh4ngedm4n: I'll try22:35
=== dmitrig01_ is now known as dmitrig01|afk
il12Creed: no worries, and tyvm, I'm just glad to have -any- insight as my friend that's very Linux-savvy hasn't been online in weeks.22:35
inSanity_hi ppl22:35
HardDiskcheck each one anyway, it will detect your drive22:35
robbierThis is not the LiveCD, i have just installed the OS onto the Hard Drive via the alternate install CD22:35
inSanity_I am unable to put my laptop screen to the maximum resolution22:35
eyyYonickrud: Yeah, thanks. That worked :)22:35
juano__robbier: oh.. ok22:35
vbI am depoting my music files to my ssh server that has good speakers connected to it, I will directly play music files from this server using my laptop that is connected to it via wired network, how can I make my laptop play the files, so that the speakers are used, I googled to find out mpd is using for this purpose, can anyone help me achieve this ?22:35
Creedil12, heh the #ubuntu and ubuntuforums.org community will be more than glad to help you with any issues you may encounter :)22:35
inSanity_1152x768 is the maximum whilst 1440x900 is the maximum of the monitor anyone a clue?22:36
juano__robbier: i think you should try the regular installation from the normal live cd22:36
il12Creed: okay. have it open to the Launcher tab.22:36
robbierOK, thank you.  I have to get going now, thanks for your help.22:36
inSanity_Using ATI Radeon X120022:36
juano__robbier: ok np22:36
LuitvDh4ngedm4n: looks like the ALSA mixer slider got reset, which can't be changed with the media-keys22:36
Creedil12, do you see a field somewhere that says adept? An editable field, where you can change the contents of the field?22:36
LuitvDh4ngedm4n: it works now...22:37
LuitvDh4ngedm4n: I never use the mixer window :P22:37
Creednickrud, any idea as to how to go about fixing this issue? ALSA /usr/src/modules/alsa-driver/isa/cs423x/../../alsa-kernel/isa/cs423x/cs4231.c:78: cs4231.0: please specify port22:37
il12Creed: I'm going to assume you mean the 'command' field. it says 'adept_manager'22:37
nickrudinSanity_, you need to go to system->admin->restricted driver manager, and enable the ati driver, the default doesn't have good support for that card22:37
nickrudCreed, no, I know very little about alsa22:37
vishalCan someone help me install realvnc please?22:37
LuitvDh4ngedm4n: thanks :) bye22:37
inSanity_nickrud > thanks, I shall first install the packages for that22:37
Creedil12, yup thats it, now before adept-manager, add gksudo, close the window and run the shortcut, it should bring up a box for you to enter your password.22:38
Creednickrud, thanks anyway :)22:38
MacongaWhats the command to delete a file when the hard drive is full ?22:38
vishalI think it needs to be compiled/made but i dont know how22:38
vbvishal: hi22:38
speeddemon8803oh crap im laggd again.22:39
vishalvb: hi22:39
vbvishal: good to see indians helping out in ubuntu irc's22:39
il12Creed: Ahhhh, thank you very much. Works fine now.22:39
Creedil12, glad to help!22:39
booalright, finally found out what brand it was.22:39
chaosrlif anyone could help, i'm getting this message every time i try to start vmware: vmware is installed, but it has not been (correctly) configured for this system.22:39
vishalvb: I try when ever i can, but i just started with ubuntu on wednesday lol22:39
speeddemon8803vishal do you really need realvnc or would you like tightvnc...another open-source vnc alternative to real-vnc?22:40
chaosrlit then asks me to run /usr/bin/vmware-config.pl, which i do to no avail22:40
vblol, you can add me on pidgin for assistance22:40
vishalspeeddemon8803: never heard of it, i use vnc servers on my other machines as they run windows, and i need a client to connect, not to botherd what client as long as it connects22:41
Creedchaosrl, when you installed vmware (server Im assuming), the installation didnt complete fully either due to some patch failing to apply or missing deps. Try running the install again in terminal and see if it spouts our any errors.22:41
il12Creed: maybe you can help me with something else quick. :s Adding a codec to Amarok? It won't play my MP3's and I've looked all through the config menu for it to see if there was a way to add them through there.22:41
chaosrlCreed, i actually was installing vmware-player using the tar package from vmware.com22:41
godlinesdoes anyone use vstfpd with ssl?22:41
chaosrlif that's any help?22:41
vishalspeeddemon8803: I did try vncviewer in the console and it came up with a app but it couldnt connect because of the security22:41
Macongawhats the commant doo open the terminal  ?22:41
trondhello, i have a noob q about ubuntu.. ;)22:42
fluxytrond: spill22:42
vbtrond: go ahead22:42
erUSUL!cli | Maconga22:42
ubotuMaconga: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal22:42
Creedil12, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats should help you out.22:42
speeddemon8803go to applications->accessories->terminal maconga :)22:42
vishalMaconga: go to application > accessories then Terminal?22:42
booAlright HardDisk there werent any problems with the hitachi disk fitness test.22:42
erUSUL!mp3 | il1222:42
ubotuil12: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats22:42
Macongaif i do that the computer restarts..... i have too enter through something else22:43
trondor more linux in general..how to access my umm windows partitions in a easy way22:43
erUSUL!ntfs | trond22:43
ubotutrond: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE22:43
garuneed some help with sound on my laptop.I have no sound when I try to use headphones or external speakers.can someone help?22:43
nickrudchaosrl, there's a vmware-server available fro the repos now, add    deb http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu gutsy partner     to your sources.list, sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude install vmware-server22:43
=== ajmorris_|AFK is now known as ajmorris_
Slartaren't the windows driver mounted automatically these days? I can't remember22:43
ubotuVMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player", not available for Gutsy, only Feisty and Edgy), and http://www.easyvmx.com/easyvmx.shtml can create VMs for it. Instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware - See also !virtualizers22:43
Creedchaosrl, in any case, try installing it again or grab it from the repos, its been there for a while now.22:43
nickruderUSUL, that factoid is out of date now ...22:44
robdigMaconga: try ctrl+alt+f2        use ctrl+alt+f7 to get back to gnome22:44
Macongaalt+F2 then i type something like "xfce" i dont remember what it is22:44
vishalspeeddemon8803: where can i get tightvnc and can it connect to a realvnc server?22:44
HardDiskboo, ok, round two, is to try to repair the partition, BUT I WARN you, the xp partition you will try to repair I cannot guaruntee you will recover it, since I don't know what extent the problem is, but you can use any of the partition tools to "check and fix" it such as partition magic which is first on the list.22:44
booyeah, there22:44
chaosrlCreed, i checked synaptic and couldn't find it there; i have the multi and universe repos allowed22:44
erUSULnickrud: it must be edited then...22:44
nickrud!info vmware-server22:44
ubotuPackage vmware-server does not exist in gutsy22:44
speeddemon8803You can get it using Synaptic Package Manager and yes it can.22:44
inSanity_808nickrud : that doesn't seems to affect the maximum resolution22:45
nickrudherm, I see it in apt-cache policy22:45
HardDiskboo, I would try to create an image first of the xp partition, or even try to recover data from it, by using the data recovery tools before you try to repair.22:45
boothere's nothing important on there anyways.  what specific program should i use to check and fix the partition table.  also, will is endanger linux?22:45
ubotuVMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player", not available for Gutsy, only Feisty and Edgy), and http://www.easyvmx.com/easyvmx.shtml can create VMs for it. Instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware - See also !virtualizers22:45
Slartvishal: when you do that you get the lowest common feature set.. but the basics will work.. you might not be able to transfer files and other bling bling22:45
nickrudinSanity_808, did you do the reboot?22:45
ubotuThere are several solutions for running other operating systems (or their programs) inside Ubuntu, while using the native CPU as much as possible: !QEmu (with !KQemu), !VirtualBox, !VMWare, as well as !WINE and !Cedega for Windows applications22:45
inSanity_808nickrud: yes I did22:45
Creedchaosrl, apt-get install it using CLI? I'm indisposed of a GUI at the moment.22:45
inSanity_808nickrud: do you need my xorg.conf ?22:46
vishalspeeddemon8803: thanks22:46
inSanity_808I can paste it22:46
chaosrlCreed, excuse my ignorance, but what's CLI?22:46
inSanity_808If it helps22:46
Creed!CLI > chaosrl22:46
vishalSlart: Yeah not botherd as long as i can use the machine lol22:46
nickrudinSanity_808, sure, I can look. Can't hurt, maybe help22:46
ubotuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal22:46
vbcan anyone help me with MPD22:46
Slartvishal: hehe.. then you'll be alright22:46
livingdaylightUbunteros! tengo una pregunta22:46
DARKGuy!es | livingdaylight22:46
ubotulivingdaylight: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.22:46
livingdaylightifi install withapt-get cani remove with aptitude?22:47
chaosrlCreed, thanks, i'll give that a try. one more quick question, would Automatix be a good idea to try?22:47
DARKGuylivingdaylight: solo hablamos aca ingles :p22:47
Creedchaosrl, you will of course have to type "sudo apt-get install vmware-server" as installing requires root.22:47
Slartlivingdaylight: yes22:47
livingdaylightSlart, gracias22:47
DaveG|hey, i'm trying to install a webcam under 7.10. the kernal does detect the camera but if i do v4l-info it just says No space left on device.22:47
nickrudinSanity_808, also, put up a copy of /var/log/Xorg.0.log and the output of   lspci | grep -i vga22:47
Slartchaosrl: no22:47
Creedchaosrl, heh last time I recomended Automatix I got based for it, so I would go ahead and say no.22:47
Slart!automatix | chaosrl22:47
ubotuchaosrl: automatix is not recommended, supported or needed. See http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html and « /msg ubotu WorksForMe »22:47
booHardDisk:  any particular program for fixing the partition table?22:47
vishalvb:  What is MPD22:47
chaosrlhaha, alright, thanks22:47
erUSUL!info gpart | boo22:47
ubotuboo: gpart: Guess PC disk partition table, find lost partitions. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.1h-4.1 (gutsy), package size 35 kB, installed size 112 kB22:47
TheEaglewhere are the C header files for my running kernel stored?22:48
wols_vishal: music daemon22:48
erUSUL!info testdisk | boo22:48
ubotuboo: testdisk: Partition scanner and disk recovery tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 6.6-1 (gutsy), package size 668 kB, installed size 2624 kB22:48
* nickrud bashes Creed again, he missed out on the first time22:48
wols_TheEagle: in the linux headers package22:48
vbvishal: music player daemon22:48
livingdaylightSlart, so i don't need to have installed with aptitude to benefit from the plus of aptitude cleaning up?22:48
CreedHey I said no! lol22:48
Slartlivingdaylight: huh? does aptitude do extra cleaning up?22:48
vishalvb: wols_ kk thanks22:48
TheEaglewols_: I have done sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r) and its installed22:48
inSanity_808nickrud: http://www.pastebin.biz/messages/show/id/166/title/xorg_conf22:48
TheEaglewhere are they stored22:48
booerUSUL: im on hiren's boot cd right now, do you think it would be better to try to fix my windows partition table from linux?22:48
fluxySlart: sudo apt-get autoremove22:48
wols_TheEagle: dpkg -L <package>22:49
nickrudinSanity_808, did you see my last, about the log?22:49
Slartlivingdaylight: you can purge, remove packages, resolve dependencies etc in both clients.. they both use the same system.. apt22:49
wols_livingdaylight: are you running ubuntu or debian?22:49
livingdaylightSlart, yes... aptitude cleansup all the orphane packages when removing an application22:49
livingdaylightwols_, ubuntu22:49
Slartlivingdaylight: that's apt doing that.. not aptitude22:49
erUSULboo: the partition table is of the whole disk there is no a windows part table and a different linux part table.22:49
Slartor.. however they are linked.. I don't know what's going on behind the scenes with aptitude, apt-get and that gane22:50
nickrudinSanity_808, did you try installing the driver from ati?22:50
livingdaylightSlart, i thought aptitude that where apt-get didn't which is why some people prefer aptitude22:50
vishalspeeddemon8803: Slart: is it tightvnc-java that im looking for?22:50
wols_livingdaylight: then stop asking #debian please. and for the future: #ubuntu only as long as you run ubuntu22:50
inSanity_808nickrud: yeah I did22:50
livingdaylightwols_, ??22:50
nickrudinSanity_808, a big boo boo :)22:50
inSanity_808nickrud: tail of xorg.0.log >> http://www.pastebin.biz/messages/show/id/167/title/tail_of_xorg_0_log22:50
livingdaylightwols_, are you out of your mind?22:50
inSanity_808nickrud :)22:50
wols_livingdaylight: sorry. misread. mea culpa22:50
Slartlivingdaylight: afaik they are the same.. only difference is the gui.. but ask around.. I might be wrong22:50
wols_livingdaylight: how did you notice?22:50
Kaotixhi guys :)22:51
booerUSUL: if my partition table was messed up, would i be able to boot into linux?22:51
Slartvishal: hmm.. don't know about that.. it might the web browser java thingy22:51
wols_boo: no22:51
erUSULboo: i do not think so...22:51
livingdaylightwols_, it became quite apparent, lol22:51
inSanity_808nickrud: >> 01:05.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Radeon X1200 Series22:51
nickrudinSanity_808, I need to see the whole thing, not just a tail ..22:51
chaosrlok. that didn't work. what's the difference between using apt-get and aptitude install?22:51
wols_boo: you could load the kernel from elsewhere, e.g. a CD but then the kernel wouldn't find /22:51
ubotuAPT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)22:51
Slartchaosrl: none afaik22:51
erUSULboo: try gpart to recover it... you may find a how to on google...22:51
HardDiskboo, no particular program22:51
vishalspeeddemon8803: Slart: there;s only 2 tightvnc packages the java applet and the server22:51
wols_chaosrl: right now: nothing really22:52
livingdaylightwols_, can't remember the last time i've in #debian22:52
=== Kaotix is now known as Uberazor
barfoo365Hi all, might sound a bit newbish but im struggling to install wireshark on ubuntu gg22:52
chaosrlk thanks22:52
HardDiskboo, sorry I reply late, but I've got other people who needed help :)22:52
booAlright,  well then something is wrong with my windows partition in itself.   some partition viewers see it as fat 12 (ive never even heard of thaT) and others see it as ntfs,  but when i try to boot, it says ntldr is missing,  also i can't mount the trive in ubuntu22:52
Slartvishal: ok.. try installing that java-thingy then.. see what it does22:52
booyeah im just glad you're helping :)22:52
trondwhat media player do you guys recommend for linux?22:52
barfoo365i have the .deb file on a usb stick but cant get any further22:52
wols_barfoo365: apt-get install wireshark22:52
CreedIs there a easy to manage firewall for *nix that shows me all ports that are listening for connections? Or automatically opens all ports that are listening but closes those that arnt and lets me configure it more deeply later on?22:52
Slarttrond: vlc works for me22:52
trondfor music mostly22:52
HardDiskCreed, firestarter22:52
bootrond: i use rhythmbox for music and totem for movies22:52
Creedbarfoo365, are you familiair with the cli?22:52
Milotini need to get snd-hda-intel loaded with model=3stack-660 to make my sound works , can tell me anyone how i may do that ?22:52
HardDisktrond, vlc, totem22:52
SlartCreed: netstat does that I think22:52
barfoo365wols_ : the laptop has no internet22:52
resubhey all, can anyone help me with a problem that seems to totally crash my laptop?22:52
wols_boo: use a windows rescue mode and run "fixboot". but this is a ##windows topic22:53
barfoo365creed - no sorry22:53
CreedSlart / HardDisk Duh! Wow can't believe I just had a brain fart that big.22:53
erUSULboo: so the other partitions on the same thisk are ok? the only one broken is the windows one?22:53
wols_!tell barfoo365 about aptoncd22:53
Creed!cli barfoo36522:53
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about cli barfoo365 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi22:53
wols_!aptoncd | barfoo36522:53
ubotubarfoo365: APTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers22:53
Creed!cli | barfoo36522:53
ubotubarfoo365: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal22:53
boowols_:  ive tried fixmbr and fixboot, but they dont even recognize that windows is installed there22:53
booerUSUL:  yes22:53
wols_boo: fdisk -l. what does this say?22:53
Creedbarfoo365, open a command prompt and type "sudp dpkg -i LOCATION_OF_.DEB"22:53
wols_sudo fdisk -l rather22:53
booim not in ubuntu right now, hold on22:53
nickrudaptoncd is nice, except for the fact that ubuntu limits the archive size22:53
Milotini need to get snd-hda-intel loaded with model=3stack-660 to make my sound works , can tell me anyone how i may do that ?22:54
inSanity_808nickrud : http://www.pastebin.biz/messages/show/id/168/title/xorg_0_log22:54
wols_nickrud: use apt-zip then22:54
inSanity_808nickrud : that's the complete log22:54
erUSULMilotin: edit /etc/modprobe.d/options and add a line like "snd-hda-intel model=3stack-660"22:54
Creedwols_, its 1 program that hes trying to install, wouldnt it be easier just to use dpkg to install the package and be done with it?22:54
vishalSlart: hmm, i installed it and its not on the gnome menu, so i dont know how to run it? through the terminal?22:54
TBZhey guys, what's the ps3ubuntu chan?22:54
wols_Creed: yes. IF all dependencies are already fulfilled. if not. dpkg won't install it22:55
Slartvishal: try that.. try typing tight and <tab>.. see if you get anything22:55
DaveG|Hi, i've tried installing my Webcam with the OV51x drivers, i've compile the drivers and checked to see if they are being used with lsmod, and if i now use v4l-info it just says /dev/video0 not enough free space22:55
Creedwols_, ah, didnt know that :)22:55
KinkyBlackGoatTBZ: uhm.. I'd imagine a channel dealing with people who get ubuntu running on their ps3..?22:55
MilotinerUSUL, but when i :  rmmod snd-hda-intel i get this : ERROR: Module snd_hda_intel is in use22:55
vishalSlart: no luck, not there22:55
Slartvishal: if you want a vnc client for gnome there is one installed by default I think.. gnome remote something.. or krdc if you like kde22:55
wols_Milotin: modprobe -r. and look at lsmod output. other modules will use the hda-intel module22:55
TBZKinky: um, ya, ya think? I'm asking for the channell name not what is it22:56
erUSULMilotin: you have to remove first the modules that depends on  snd-hda-intel22:56
Milotinnothing happens when i modprobe -r22:56
holdenHello...is the Remote Desktop activated by default on gutsy? I think I might have found a bug on vino22:56
vishalSlart: i use gnome, just started so leaving it as is,22:56
erUSULMilotin: when you do lsmod you can see the list of that modules22:56
boowols_:  hold on, switching comps22:56
astro76holden, nope, have to enabled it22:56
vishalSlart: i'll look for the gnome remote thing22:56
Milotinbut there are a lots of ...22:56
holdenastro76: ok thanks22:56
vishalSlart: the add/remove progs says i have Kvnc or something install and its for KDE22:57
Milotinhow do i know which is output ?22:57
nickrudinSanity_808, actually you got a good install with the ati, but for some reason it's claiming that your virtual size is 1152x864 , that's what the lcd is reporting22:57
Slartvishal: I'm looking too.. I had it installed for a while before going with krdc22:57
il12ok, this is very sad. Is there a way that I can create two rows of taskbar icons so that mine don't have to continually shrink?22:57
erUSULMilotin: maybe it is quiker just reboot the machine22:57
vishalSlart: Yh i think its Krdc that i have install but i use gnome22:57
CreedVNC uses the TCP protocol correct?22:57
Milotini rebooted and the same thing i get in the terminal22:57
wols_Creed: yes. port 590022:57
Slartvishal: oh.. why not use krdc then?22:57
Creedwols_, thanks22:57
Milotinsnd-hda-intel still in user22:57
Milotinsnd-hda-intel still in use22:57
boo__wols_, http://pastebin.com/m2cec8bb922:57
wols_Milotin: by what other modules?22:58
inSanity_808nickrud: that's what I also thought22:58
vishalSlart: can i use it even though i am using gnome(i think)22:58
Milotini don`t know22:58
Khisanthvishal: you can still use krdc :)22:58
Slartvishal: yes, you can22:58
inSanity_808nickrud: I did it on 32bits the same and that worked22:58
erUSULMilotin: example "processor              34596  2 powernow_k8,thermal" to remove processor i haveto remove powernow... and thermal first22:58
Milotinwhat should i look for ?22:58
Xera^I have an 8800GT, when trying to boot the Ubuntu 7.10 LiveCD I cannot get X to start.. I get an error about low graphics so I click continue then nothing happens, I type startx and it says no devices found..22:58
vishalKhisanth: Slart: so I can use KDE application on gnome22:58
Xera^Anyone know how to fix it?22:58
Khisanthand vice versa22:58
inSanity_808nickrud: now using 64 bits, but I had that working before22:58
Slartvishal: I think tsclient does vnc too.. that's the gnome one I was thinking of22:58
wols_boo__: if you are unlucky your SDA1 now has a FAT bootsector22:58
Milotini have this at via82xx : via82cxxx              10372  0 [permanent]22:58
TBZSo. I'm trying to get sixaxis support for the ps3 controller atm, I have it recognized and such, but, I'm not getting any button feedback. Anyone care to help please?22:58
erUSULMilotin: that's a line of my lsmod output; but as i said you are better of rebooting the machine22:59
Milotinsoundcore               8800  1 snd22:59
KinkyBlackGoatTBZ: you might want to try wording your question in a non-ambiguous matter before getting snippy at someone misunderstanding it :)22:59
Slartvishal: yes.. it will install some kde libraries and such but it will work nicely22:59
boo__wols_, what does that mean?22:59
erUSULMilotin: no you have to look at the line with snd-hda-intel22:59
boo__well, i know what it means, but what are the disadvantages22:59
Slartvishal: the open source world mostly plays nice with each other =)22:59
Milotinlibata                125168  3 pata_marvell,sata_via,ata_generic22:59
MuDBluRXera^: boot without a graphic interface, and change the org.conf file to use vesa...22:59
nickrudinSanity_808, run amdcccle  , see if you can alter the screen size there22:59
TBZKinky: I'm fine, I speak just fine, thank you22:59
TtechHi, whats the link to the information on how to play dvd's?22:59
ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs22:59
wols_boo__: boo__ that it's a windows probelm and you should ask in ##windows. he it's OT22:59
=== dgold is now known as d|v
nickwebhey folks, whats the best resolution to run a HDTV on? i have it hooked up to my pc as a primary monitor and it can handle 1080i.. Any ideas? N23:00
nickrudinSanity_808, the newest driver you're using now worked on i386 ?23:00
MilotinerUSUL,  i have this : snd_hda_intel         293792  423:00
Milotinsnd_hwdep              10628  1 snd_hda_intel23:00
DARKGuyHey, what's a good program for printing game covers?23:00
KhisanthSlart: what other features does it offer? tight and realvnc were not quite up to it, it didn't send the alt and ctrl keys23:00
CreedStrange...lspci shows cs4231 as my sound chipset, but alsa wont work with anything but cs4236...23:00
KoffHello, for some reason when i change the driver settings in winecfg, apply and then press ok, the settings isnt saved, when i go back into winecfg its back to default.. anyone know what might be wrong and/or how to fix it?23:00
inSanity_808nickrud: yeah it worked fine!23:00
HardDisknickweb, as high as it supports it.23:00
MilotinerUSUL,  is that what i have to look ?23:00
crush_grooveDARKGuy,  Inkscape23:00
erUSULMilotin: just reboot and be done with it the alsa subsystem is to complex23:00
vishalSlart: tsclient wont connect because it wants a username and its currently setup to only a password lol23:00
CreedKhisanth, GIMP (if you need to do touchups such as rotating the cover, adding textm etc).23:00
inSanity_808nickrud : I have a Dell Latitude D53123:00
erUSULMilotin: you will not be able to rmmod the module easily23:01
nickrudinSanity_808, then you've probably hit a bug in the 64 bit driver, your best bet is the ati support23:01
HardDiskDARKGuy, or get openoffice cd cover templates.23:01
SlartKhisanth: krdc you mean?.. well.. it had a nice "scale" feature none of the others had23:01
KhisanthCreed: I am not sure how GIMP is going to help with vnc features ...23:01
inSanity_808nickrud: I had it working before using 64bits23:01
MilotinerUSUL, so after reboot what would i have to do  ?23:01
Slartvishal: did you tell it to use vnc and not some other protocol?23:01
kitofhawaiinickweb: 1920x1080 is native resolution for 1080i23:01
inSanity_808nickrud: A week ago or something23:01
DARKGuycrush_groove, HardDisk: But will they print them real-size? they're for DVD plastic cases 7mm slim23:01
Slartvishal: but nevermind with tsclient if you have krdc..23:01
nickwebHardDisk: its quite high - 1920x1080 - is there a program that auto creates an xorg config file for it/23:01
DARKGuyand I don't wanna waste tint, it isn't cheap23:01
CreedKhisanth, heh wrong person.23:01
HardDiskDARKGuy, as long as you use proper templates.23:02
erUSULMilotin: nothing if you added the line to /etc/modprobe.d/options with your options the nest time you reboot the module will be oaded with that options23:02
HardDisknickweb, you on nvidia card? sudo nvidia-settings23:02
Xera^Anyone managed to boot 7.10 with an 8800GT?23:02
nickwebnah, its a built in intel chip on the mobo 9its on the list of things to buy.. lol)23:02
vishalSlart: yeah i set it to vnc, but the password field is blank, im just reinstall Krdc23:02
inSanity_808nickrud: I'll try another monitor, see if that works23:02
DARKGuyHardDisk: Alright I'll look into them, thanks23:02
nickwebHardDisk:  ^^23:02
Khisanth1920x1200 :)23:02
nickrudinSanity_808, if you just downloaded from ati again, the driver came out on the 20th23:03
Slartvishal: ah.. ok..23:03
resubmy laptop seems to completely crash on suspend, and sometimes on shutdown. does anyone know what might be wrong?23:03
crush_grooveDARKGuy,  both are configurable23:03
boo__Is it a problem if I have Grub on an ntfs partition?23:03
HardDisknp guys23:03
MilotinerUSUL,  which line ? this one ? snd-hda-intel model=3stack-66023:03
DARKGuycrush_groove: okay, thanks :)23:03
vishalSlart: yeah i uninstalled it thinking that i cant run it lol, im such a noob hehe23:03
Creedboo__, if you had Windows on that partition it is most likely unbootable now.23:03
Creedboo__, other than that no issues.23:03
boo__does unbootable mean unable to ever be booted?23:04
guideXhow's ubuntu vs suse linux23:04
erUSULMilotin: yes; have you been paying attention to me? ;P that was the first thing i told you23:04
erUSULMilotin: XP23:04
HardDiskguideX, both are good23:04
guideXi've tried ubuntu already, it's great.. but is suse greater?23:04
HardDiskguideX, use them both, try them, and see23:04
erUSULguideX: what ansewr do you expect on a *ubuntu* support channel??23:04
MilotinerUSUL, can`t you see what`s here ... before i can read what someone said to me another 2 pages appear23:05
nickrudHardDisk's answer :)23:05
HardDiskI used opensuse for years till I went and started to use ubuntu, I use both at home and work.23:05
MilotinerUSUL, to much activity :)23:05
inSanity_808nickrud: that was the problem, putted it to Dell generic laptop screen with the right resolution23:05
SlartguideX: one's from Germany I think.. the other one's from.. south africa? =) try the live cd's if you want to try the touch and feel of them =)23:05
erUSULMilotin: no worries ;) just add that line and reboot23:05
inSanity_808nickrud : thank you very much for your time and energy!!23:05
nickrudinSanity_808, yw, I guess :)23:06
=== ajmorris_ is now known as ajmorris|Nexuiz
vishalSlart: hmm no luck, wont connect, can you help me install realvnc, i've got it downloaded23:06
Slartvishal: then something else is wrong.. changing client wont work23:06
Slartvishal: is the server listening on the real interface? not just localhost ?23:07
simmerzI'm trying to install the flashplugin-nonfree package, but the md5sum doesn't match up. is there a new version of flash that hasn't been added to the repositories yet?23:07
Slartvishal: is the server started?23:07
* Creed jumps and screams like a kid in a candy store *SOUND FINALLY WORKS AGAIN!*23:07
vishalit works fine when im using the included java applet23:07
mattiIs there any way to override this protection, that protects you from installing GRUB on XFS?23:07
LjL!flash > simmerz    (simmerz, see the private message from Ubotu)23:07
erUSUL!brokenflash | simmerz23:07
ubotusimmerz: The Flash plugin installation is currently broken. This is due to Adobe changing the tar file that the package downloads. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=636397 if you need to fix this immediately, but it's recommended to wait for an official fix.23:07
[gquit]bombadilhow do you empty all the trash for nautilus?23:07
mattiI want to install 7.10 and then manually install GRUB from LiveCD.23:07
* nickrud felt like Creed when he got suspend with fglrx and aiglx23:07
vishalthe server, runs on 2 ports, 1 is the actual vnc server and the other is a web server with houses a java client and that works23:07
Slartvishal: perhaps there's some other settings you need to configure.. like port or screen or.. something else23:07
simmerzerUSUL: thanks23:07
PurpZeYIs there an updated list of Bluetooth devices/Dongles, it appears the Wiki was last updated in 2006?23:07
DaveG|Hi, i've tried installing my Webcam with the OV51x drivers, i've compile the drivers and checked to see if they are being used with lsmod, and if i now use v4l-info it just says /dev/video0 not enough free space23:08
alfermphello everyone i need i little help to install scribus on ubuntu gutsy, Tk u23:08
erUSULsimmerz: no problem23:08
vishalSlart: so the realvnc java applet can connect with no problem. i think its because of the security keys and stuff23:08
boo__alright, my ntfs partition shows up as fat16 in gparted (with a flag that says its unable to read it), and  hpfs/ntfs in fdisk -l,    what can i do to mount the drive to see if anything is there?23:08
fjfalconhello everyone, can someone help with script. I need to start it every minute, how can i do that?23:08
Slartvishal: I don't think vnc uses security keys.. it's a pretty unsecure protocol23:08
Benalexmatti: you can.. but you should know how to write the conf file :)23:09
Slartfjfalcon: crontab23:09
MilotinerUSUL, didn`t worked23:09
astro76alfermp, sudo apt-get install scribus23:09
[gquit]bombadilSlart: there's tightvnc23:09
il12Question: if I add a panel will some of my applications automatically have taskbar icons in the new panel as well as the old?23:09
^Useless^erUSUL, well, thanks again for your help, i am making some tests and oggenc actually encodes much better. plus i am really surprised by the Vorbis quality even at very low bitrates!23:09
erUSULalfermp: go to system>Admin>synaptic search for scribus and install it23:09
vishalSlart: we'll its always going on saying its generating security keys and stuff23:09
erUSULMilotin: :(23:09
fjfalconSlart: can i see example about crontab, in man only description23:09
MilotinerUSUL, after reboot i went directly to the console and done : rmmod snd-hda-intel23:09
astro76il12, if you add the "notification area" applet to that panel23:09
nickrudil12, no, not unless you add the applet that does that23:09
mattiBenalex: You mean I need to write some sort of kick-start file?23:09
MilotinerUSUL, ERROR: Module snd_hda_intel is in use23:09
MilotinerUSUL,  : root@master:/home/alex# modprobe snd-hda-intel model=3stack-66023:09
il12astro76: ty23:10
Creedheh nickrud, its been over 3 months since it broke and finally got it to work...No idea why it works once I tell alsaconf to use ccs4236 instead of cs4231, since cs4231 is whats in my system and what it worked with when I first installled.23:10
il12nickrud: ty23:10
ubotuFor instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup23:10
MilotinerUSUL,  WARNING: /etc/modprobe.d/options line 7: ignoring bad line starting with 'snd-hda-intel'23:10
mattiBenalex: For the time being I am installing entire system with /boot and /, then merge it and tar-copy over the network to its destination.23:10
Benalexmatti, no I mean write a file that grub reads at startup to show you the list of OSs to boot23:10
Slartfjfalcon: try man 5 crontab.. there are examples there23:10
mattiBenalex: Works fine, but it takes too much time.23:10
mahoonhey guys fsck is trying to run a check on one of my hd's but it crashes at 65 percent and my system wont boot. can i make fsck not run or cancel it?23:10
mattiBenalex: Well I do know how to do this.23:10
Slartvishal: hmm.. might be a special realvnc thingy...23:10
PurpZeYAnyone have a USB Bluetooth Dongle that works, that they would suggest?23:10
erUSULMilotin: my bad the line should be "options snd-hda-intel model=3stack-660" sorry23:11
vishalSlart: and when i use the standard vncviewer it says it couldnt connect because of the security23:11
HardDiskmahoon, is this during boot or your running fsck manually?23:11
MuDBluRPurpZeY: use it well...23:11
erUSUL^Useless^: glad to be helpfull XD23:11
PurpZeYMuDBluR: Eh?23:11
HardDiskmahoon, also if you are running manually, NEVER run fsck while the HD is mounted.23:11
nickrudCreed, things change, I guess. My sound card was snd-hda-intel for a while, then snd-intel8x0m, then back to snd-hda-intel23:11
checkershi all, I'd like to run a tracert on the IP of every use that connects to my sshd. is this possible, and if so how?23:11
MuDBluRpunzada: what kind of problems do u have ?23:11
astro76PurpZeY, most do... Iogear gbu221 here works fine23:11
alfermpastro76, n erUSUL got it th u23:11
mahoonHardDisk: during boot23:11
Creednickrud, lol strange little world we live in.23:11
PurpZeYastro76: So, if I go down to the local compu-supply whatever I pickup should work?23:11
vishalSlart: yeah, thats y i wanna try install realvnc but i think i have to build the installer or something and i dont know how to23:11
MilotinerUSUL, : still in use23:12
astro76PurpZeY, walmart has a gbu221wm which is the same thing and a good deal23:12
mattiBenalex: That's why current installer is getting on my nerves :)23:12
mahoonHardDisk: i just wanna boot so i can get important stuff off the harddisk23:12
MilotinerUSUL,  i got this in lsmod : snd_hwdep              10628  1 snd_hda_intel23:12
astro76PurpZeY, err mostly but I'd probably check first ;)23:12
Milotinsnd_pcm_oss            43008  023:12
Milotinsnd_pcm                80644  2 snd_hda_intel,snd_pcm_oss23:12
Milotinsnd_page_alloc         11656  2 snd_hda_intel,snd_pcm23:12
mattiBenalex: Because there is an option, that allows you to skip installing of bootloader.23:12
HardDiskmahoon, during fsck ctrl-c23:12
boo__ok can anyone tell me why my ntfs partition shows up as fat16 in gparted (with a flag that says its unable to read it), and  hpfs/ntfs in fdisk -l ?23:12
CreedAny way to FULLY reinstall GDM/ubuntu-desktop? Ive tried apt-get removing/purging, aptitude remove, pretty much every way to remove (even manually), but once I reinstall gnome/ubuntu-desktop I come back to the same desktop with missing menu items.23:12
Slartvishal: are you running this over the internet? or just on your local LAN?23:12
mahoonHardDisk: i've tried ctrl-c is doesn't work23:12
MilotinerUSUL,  and this : snd                    56708  11 snd_hda_intel,snd_hwdep,snd_pcm_oss,snd_pcm,snd_mixer_oss,snd_seq_oss,snd_seq,snd_timer,snd_seq_device23:12
vishalSlart: local LAN23:12
Slartvishal: is there a special reason for using the extra security?23:12
Benalexmatti: I don know whats ur prob exactly... but I hope you are doing fine :)23:13
nickrudCreed, what's missing?23:13
vishalSlart: I use it over the internet aswell23:13
PurpZeYastro76: I have the list, but the list is last updated 2006...Figured there might be more supported...Is there are particular "protocol" or something I need the dongle to support?23:13
mattiBenalex: Heheh.23:13
Creednickrud, one second, let me take a screenshot.23:13
MilotinerUSUL,  and this snd_hda_intel         293792  123:13
erUSULMilotin: as isaid you can not rmmod a module that is in use and trying to rmmod all the snd related modules ono by one is tedious and complex so the best option to make the changes to take effect is to reboot the machine23:13
PurpZeYastro76: HCI version?23:13
HardDiskmahoon, I'd suggest booting to a recovery mode or live CD and running fsck manually on the partition, then it will be marked as checked, and boot should continue normally.23:13
mattiBenalex: I want to override ubuntu installer and skip installing boot loader.23:13
astro76PurpZeY, no it's a matter of chipset support in the Linux kernel23:13
vishalSlart: so its password protected and its using 128 bit encryption23:13
Slartvishal: as far as I can tell from the realvnc site their free client doesn't support the encryption stuff23:14
Benalexmatti: Are using GUI installer or text based installed?23:14
mahoonHardDisk: the problem is fsck is stopping on 65 percent, i imagine the same thing will happen from a live cd23:14
MilotinerUSUL,  but i rebooted and after the reboot i didn`t opened anything but the terminal and the snd-hda-intel was in use23:14
PurpZeYastro76: Got it....Well, I am going to see if I can't find something on the list....see what happens.23:14
mattiBenalex: There is such an option there, but somebody change how "continue" button works when Ubuntu installer is kindly informing you about possible problem with XFS and grub.23:14
mattiBenalex: Yes.23:14
HardDiskmahoon, it's different from a livecd since you'll have more parameters23:14
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mattiBenalex: I mean - GUI.23:14
Slartvishal: if you really want something secure I'd start looking into using vnc over ssh or something like that... but that's out of my league23:14
mattiBenalex: I don't have alternate.23:15
mahoonHardDisk: ok i'll give that a go23:15
erUSULMilotin: what are you trying to do by rmoding the module??23:15
mahoonHardDisk: cheers23:15
vishalSlart: thats weried, mines always giving me messages about generating security keys23:15
Slartvishal: take a look at freenx too.. that's another way of doing it23:15
tilgoviI thought I installed ubuntu 64bit but I'm trying to install a .deb that's labeled amd64 and it says amd64 does not match my architecture (i386)...how do I figure this out?23:15
Benalexmatti: at the last step in GUI installer there is advanced button... click it.. unchecll install grun to (hd0)23:15
vishalSlart: i would but i need something for both windows and linux23:15
mattiBenalex: Yes, but you cannot do that.23:15
Slartvishal: the server might be doing it.. but the free client doesn't support it..23:15
IndyGunFreaktilgovi: if you installed 32bit, be thankful...23:15
Benalexmatti: why?23:15
nickrudtilgovi, uname -a , paste the output of that line23:15
tilgovinickrud: Linux vissarion 2.6.24-2-generic #1 SMP Thu Dec 20 17:36:12 GMT 2007 i686 GNU/Linux23:16
mattiBenalex: If you already specified / to be on XFS and you don't have /boot on ext3.23:16
Slartvishal: I don't know what tightvnc does.. they might have some security features ..23:16
nickrudtilgovi, 32bit23:16
MilotinerUSUL,   rmmod snd-hda-intel23:16
vishalSlart: when i run it in windows it is able to connect23:16
nickrudtilgovi, the i686 is the giveaway23:16
erUSULMilotin: but why do you want to do that??23:16
HardDisktilgovi, you've got i38623:16
vishalSlart: cant find tightvnc23:16
HardDiskie 32bit, stick with that23:16
mattiBenalex: There is a warning message with two buttons - Go back and Continue.23:16
Milotinso i could : modprobe snd-hda-intel model=3stack-66023:16
Creednickrud, http://image.bayimg.com/daigjaabg.jpg23:16
Benalexmatti : XFS??... mm this is beyond my knowledge :)23:16
tilgovinickrud: but I have a /lib64 directory.  I feel as though I installed 64 bit version originally.  Is there a possibility that upgrade switched me somehow? (I'm currently on Hardy dev branch)23:16
mattiBenalex: :)23:17
HardDisku cant upgrade 32bit to 64bit23:17
mattiBenalex: I never said I am n00b.23:17
vishalSlart: can you walk me over install realvnc so i can see if that works23:17
reginoldrrHey guy's im using UBuntu gusty but when i load firefox and load youtube it wont play the vids... i installed flash-nbonfree?23:17
MilotinerUSUL,  so i could : modprobe snd-hda-intel model=3stack-66023:17
Slartvishal: I have no idea how to install it.. never used it on linux23:17
nickrudCreed, start by right clicking the menu, select edit, see if they're deselected for display23:17
erUSULMilotin: if you add the line i said to /etc/modprobe.d/options that command will be issued at startup so you do not have to do it yourself23:17
tilgoviHardDisk: Damn...I could have sworn I'd installed 64bit....I guess I go back and reinstall23:17
vishalSlart: its one of those packages where you have to make it i think23:17
Slartvishal: you got the package from the realvnc site?23:17
erUSULMilotin: that's the whole point of the existence of that file23:17
IndyGunFreaktilgovi: why?.. 32bit, if anything, is easier...23:18
vishalSlart: yeah23:18
ubotuTo install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre23:18
MilotinerUSUL, after you gaved me the right one didn`t i rebooted too ?23:18
il12has anyone tried installing Ubuntu onto a USB connected external HDD? if so, how well has this worked for you?23:18
HardDiskforget easier, it's safer :)23:18
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Creednickrud, oy, I feel like an idiot now.23:18
MilotinerUSUL,  my bad if not ... guess i forgot too :P, brb23:18
nickrudtilgovi, and for hardy, ask on #ubuntu+123:18
Benalexmatti : The Expert in some field is a person who made all mistakes in this field :)23:18
Slartvishal: ok.. try this then.. open a terminal.. cd to the directory where you unpacked the files23:18
tilgoviIndyGunFreak: Because I have a 64bit processor and I feel it's ridiculous not to run 64bit.  Not everyone agrees, but you have to understand I'm coming from a past of running a tricked out, custom gentoo 6423:18
HardDisktilgovi, that is total nonsense.23:19
erUSULMilotin: well i dunno if you rebooted or not...23:19
IndyGunFreaktilgovi: if you say so....23:19
Creednickrud, actually, they are deselected, but reselecting them does nothing. The checkbox appears then a second later disappears.23:19
vishalSlart: yep in there23:19
Slartvishal: you did get the sources, right?23:19
Slartvishal: or did you get the x86 packages?23:19
HardDiskyour comment totally shows you have no clue what 64bit is or what you need it for.23:19
HardDiskbut at the end of the day, it's your choice.23:20
tilgoviHardDisk: Please, dude.  Don't accuse me of something crazy like that.23:20
vishalSlart: i believe so23:20
tilgoviHardDisk: I did say "not everyone agrees"23:20
HardDiskthe OS itself won't give you the boost, it will support the 64bit applications that you will require.23:20
il12OK. question: the time on my computer keeps going an hour ahead and I have 'fixed' this multiple times.23:20
Slartvishal: ok.. try running this "./configure"23:20
nickrudCreed, what's the permissions on ~/.local/share/applications directory?23:21
vishalSlart: i got this package: vnc-4_1_2-unixsrc23:21
vishalSlart: so i think thats a source23:21
joycei just installed ubuntu gutsy all over again... is there any way to check that everything is OK?  this time, it's been acting a bit buggy.... i don't want to reinstall again unless i know something's wrong... THANKS23:21
HardDiskunless you do mesh networking, or some form of high mathematical equation calculations or running for CGI, it's pointless since most of the apps you're running will be 32bit anyway.23:21
tilgoviHardDisk: Believe me, I know.  I'm clear on the advantages/disadvantages23:21
vishalSlart: no configure folder23:21
tilgoviHardDisk: 64bit is what I want23:21
HardDiskfair enough.23:22
Slartvishal: hmm.. ok.. hang on23:22
Creednickrud, drwxr-xr-x 3 ron ron 4096 2007-12-23 15:17 applications23:22
Slartvishal: you did type in "./configure" right?23:22
sjoerdHardDisk: Actually on x86 that isn't true as 64 mode gives you a few extra registers23:22
nickrudCreed, hm, what about the contents, are they owned by you as well?23:22
erUSULtilgovi: install the 64 bit version then i'm using it right now without mayor issues23:22
vishalSlart: i check the gui and its not there23:22
vishalSlart: i only have comman and unix23:23
HardDisksjoerd, but not enough to be used as a comparison benchmark.23:23
reginoldrrHey guy's im using UBuntu gusty but when i load firefox and load youtube it wont play the vids... i installed flash-nbonfree?23:23
MilotinerUSUL, ok , i give up ... i don't get it. i rebooted , done rmmod snd-hda-intel and still in use23:23
HardDiskunless you will use applications as I mentioned earlier.23:23
Creednickrud, yup, owner and group are me.23:23
Slartvishal: ok.. check the unix folder.. there is a file there called README.. look in that23:23
erUSULMilotin: but does the sound works?23:23
vishalreginoldrr: have you restarted firefox?23:23
MilotinerUSUL,  no23:23
Creednickrud, it did this after my upgrade to 7.10 from 7.0423:23
nickrudCreed, that is odd. Try removing all the stuff in there23:23
boo__how can i force-mount an ntfs partition that might be corrupt?23:23
oxeimondoes anyone here have a ibm t61 15-inch widescreen with a 6-cell battery?23:23
vishalSlart: yeah im in the readme files23:24
joycei just installed ubuntu gutsy all over again... is there any way to check that everything is OK?  this time, it's been acting a bit buggy.... i don't want to reinstall again unless i know something's wrong... THANKS23:24
Slartvishal: ok.. cd into that unix folder.. and then run this "./configure"23:24
nickrudCreed, unless you have some custom launchers23:24
HardDiskbecause 80% of the time I get amd64 users who want to install 64bit ubuntu and world of warcraft and a few other apps.23:24
vishalSlart: sudo?23:24
joyceis there a check i can do to make sure everything is ok?23:24
erUSULMilotin: you do not have to rmmod if it havn't worked rebooting then passing that option from command line wouldn't work either afaics23:24
Slartvishal: nope.23:24
joycethis is like the fifth time i reinstalled23:24
astro76joyce, there is no check for "everything", what is the problem exactly?23:24
nickrudHardDisk, you mean I can't wow?!?23:24
reginoldrrvishal, ofcourse23:24
joycewhen i tried to install my nvdia drivers, it crashed the first time23:24
tilgoviHardDisk: Nah.  I'm a programmer and kernel hacker.23:24
joyceit worked the second time23:24
HardDisknickrud, :) of course you can.23:25
Slartvishal: just "./configure"... lower case.. including the slash and the dot.. no sudo.. in that folder.. nothing more, nothing less23:25
MilotinerUSUL,  and what should i do?23:25
joyceand then when i tried to install my virtual box it kept not recognizing it23:25
joyceuntil suddenly it did23:25
HardDisktilgovi, I believe the term is kernel modder.23:25
vishalSlart: yeah its doing something23:25
erUSUL!intelhda | Milotin23:25
ubotuMilotin: For fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto23:25
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!23:25
joyceastro76, you think that's not a big deal?23:25
Slartvishal: it's checking your computer configuration and software.. to see how it's going to compile the software.. this is very common23:25
vishalSlart: ok its finished what it was doing23:25
tilgoviHardDisk: Fair.  I don't generally tend to edit code, but rather play with patches and whatnot.23:25
tafsenIs anyone here using Torrentflux-b4rt?23:25
MilotinerUSUL,  it`s working but i`ve got such a awful sound23:25
Slartvishal: here you'll get warnings if something is missing, something is wrong etc..23:25
Slartvishal: no errors?23:26
MilotinerUSUL,  the speakers distors like hell23:26
vishalSlart: seems fine23:26
HardDiskthere is no need to hack into the kernel, since it's sources are available.  Unless you hack windows kernels, then that's a whole different hacking :)23:26
astro76joyce, well it shouldn't require a reinstall23:26
joyceastro76, you there?23:26
joyceit did not23:26
Slartvishal: ok.. next step is compiling the software.. we do this by running the command "make".. no sudo no slash and no dot this time23:26
joyceit just kept saying my user wasn't recognized23:26
HardDisktilgovi, you tried the realtime kernels?23:26
vishalreginoldrr: try install abobe flash player, and then restart firefox should work23:26
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HardDiskit's quite popular with the fedora people23:26
Slart!flashbroke | vishal, tilgovi23:26
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about flashbroke - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi23:26
joyceare ubuntu installs usually ok?  meaning i should just assume it's ok?23:26
Slartoh.. it's unbroken now?23:27
joycei'm just worried i'll move all mjy stuff over and the suddenly it's not working later23:27
* sandr- is away: [eat/sleep/out]23:27
vishalSlart: just type in make when in that foldeR?23:27
reginoldrrvishal, whats the package called?23:27
Slartvishal: in that same folder23:27
erUSULMilotin: on the wiki page i gave they use /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base instead of /etc/modprobe.d/options you can try it but i think it is the same23:27
FezzlerAny irssi users?23:27
seekerX5hi I'm having a problem23:27
ubotuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash23:27
ubotuThe Flash plugin installation is currently broken. This is due to Adobe changing the tar file that the package downloads. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=636397 if you need to fix this immediately, but it's recommended to wait for an official fix.23:27
nickrudCreed, also, make sure you can read the contents of /usr/share/applications23:27
erUSULFezzler: me ;P23:27
vishalreginoldrr: when u go on youtube it tells u, that you need to install a plugin to make it work, its in that list23:27
Slartreginoldrr: flash is broken.. check topic and a few lines up..23:28
tilgoviHardDisk: Hmm...I don't remember specifically trying it.  I do remember having real time mode of jackd working a while back when I was doing some audio stuff23:28
vishalSlart: its doing something again23:28
joyceastro76, you still there23:28
FezzlererUSUL: How do I create a separate window that displays folks coming/going?23:28
Slartvishal: it's compiling the software.. this might take a while..23:28
Creednickrud, would these permissions be ok? drwxr-xr-x    3 root root 12288 2007-12-22 16:10 applications23:28
il12ok I went to install last.fm onto my computer and the package installer says that there is an older version and it's recommended to use that one since it is usually more supported. Should I go with the recommended or the latest version?23:28
tilgoviHardDisk: But I don't know if you're referring to something newer with more true real time abilities than that required23:28
MilotinerUSUL, i`ve done it \:d/23:28
boo__how can i force-mount an ntfs partition that might be corrupt? (mount tells me that the NTFS signature is missing23:28
joycei don't know if i should do another install23:28
vishalSlart: yh seems to be doing lots of junk, maxing out my processor lol23:28
joyceit took forever to do23:28
nickrudCreed, yeah, the last r-x is you, make sure the contents have the same23:28
tilgoviHardDisk: I know I was running some subset of the rt patches for a while23:28
BenalexseekerX5: Say it!!23:28
FezzlererUSUL: I like irssi but it is hard to learn23:28
seekerX5thanks benalex23:29
erUSULFezzler: never tried to do shuch a thing... dunno if it's possible i just ignore part msgs on this channel23:29
MilotinerUSUL,  in the alsamixer at the Channel option was set "2ch" , i changed to "6ch" and now is working fine23:29
HardDiskyea tilgovi, hey you do audioapps right? well i have a friend who has protools, I guess that doesn't work under linux does it?23:29
MilotinerUSUL,  thanks god , and thank you23:29
erUSULMilotin: congrats ;)23:29
MrHippocampusboo__: try and fix the ntfs partition with testdisk first, then try to mount it23:29
Slartvishal: and some more general info.. when you type "./configure" we ran a script in that folder.. the ./ thing is used to run the file that is in this directory.. not somewhere else.. like the ls command and such..23:29
FezzlererUSUL: It's possible.  But thanks for responding23:29
tilgoviHardDisk: No, sadly.  That's one area where we're really behind and it's the reason I keep a windows partition around.  Makes me die a little inside.23:29
vishalSlart: it died with an error23:29
Creednickrud, yup I have read permissions to everything inside as well.23:29
nickrudCreed, that is, the last is r-- , not executable is ok23:29
MilotinerUSUL,  after 35 hours of trying , it was about the time :))23:29
HardDiskhaven't tried it yet or read on it, he's a musician with a studio and wants to get into linux...so going to do that for him next month23:29
Slartvishal: ok.. paste the one line with the error here.. just that one line..23:30
boo__MrHippocampus, there any websites for documentation about testdisk?23:30
nickrudCreed, then I'm not sure why it won't allow you to enable them, I've no problem and see the proper changes in ~/.local/share/applications23:30
vishal/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lXtst23:30
tilgoviHardDisk: Ardour is supposedly really good, but I haven't tried it.  It's probably not a protools replacement though.23:30
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)23:30
Slartboo__: there is a wiki.. google for testdisk wiki23:30
seekerX5I just installed ubuntu and set it to update via update manager.  It started downloading 165 updates.  I had also set it to hibertnate after 10 minutes - and I went for a walk.  When I came back, computer shut down...and when I start it up, I can login, but afterward, the screen stays at the lightbrown screen with nothing showing up.23:31
Slartvishal: hmm.. one sec23:31
HardDisktilgovi, yea gonna get that stuff for him on a trial box and check it out23:31
nickrudCreed, I'd ask on the ubuntu-users mail list, some really smart people there.23:31
Creednickrud, alright, thanks heh23:31
tilgoviHardDisk: I've heard great things about ubuntu studio for that sort of thing.  That'd be a good trial box maybe?23:31
vishalSlart: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/49442/            there's the last few lines23:31
HardDiskalso I downloaded another audio iso, not ubuntu tho, one is based on suse23:32
HardDiskand the other..not sure23:32
estethCan anyone think of a reason that the driver for my nostromo n52 (gaming mini-auxiluary keyboard) will let a button act as the ctrl or shift key, but doesn't work when i tell it to make the button an alt key?23:32
HardDiskah the other based on dynabolic23:33
crush_grooveesteth might be a keybinding conflict23:33
reginoldrrhow do i get youtube videos to work then!|?23:33
crush_groovereginoldrr,  add the restricted codecs23:33
estethcrush_groove: Ok. Any idea how i would debug this kind of problem?23:33
crush_grooveesteth not really23:34
crush_grooveesteth I am sure there is a way . Im just not familiar with it23:34
estethcrush_groove: Ok, thanks for the clue :)23:34
salahIs there any spanish ubuntu channel?23:34
LjL!es | salah23:35
ubotusalah: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.23:35
Xera^Can anyone help me getting 7.10 to boot up with an 8800GT?23:35
seekerX5Anyone can help me?:  Set to install 165 updates and computer shut down in middle of it (due to hibernation settings), and when I restart computer, the screen goes blank after I login23:35
boo__MrHippocampus, testdisk says my ntfs partition is fat1223:36
seekerX5^^^ probably due to hibernation setting (I'm guessing)23:36
CreedHow do I save alsa settings?23:36
vishalSlart: there was a vncviewer app in the vncview folder so i ran that, its the same and the standard 1, but didnt work23:36
Slartvishal: try this "sudo apt-get install libxtst-dev"23:36
Slartvishal: and then from the top "/configure" and then "make"23:37
vishalSlart: counldn't find the package23:37
BenalexseekerX5: is this a fresh install of ubuntu?23:38
Slart!info libxtst-dev23:38
MrHippocampusboo__: try the method listed under "recovery of formatted partition" here http://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/Data_Recovery_Examples23:38
ubotulibxtst-dev: X11 Record extension library (development headers). In component main, is optional. Version 2:1.0.2-1ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 14 kB, installed size 76 kB23:38
Slartvishal: typo? try again23:38
seekerX5Benalex:  yes, I installed several days ago - 7.1023:38
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about 8800 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi23:38
Slart!nvidia | Xera^23:38
ubotuXera^: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto23:38
Slartsee if there is anything there23:38
Xera^"The easiest way to install binary drivers is to use the built in Restricted Driver Manager from System -> Administration -> Restricted Driver Manager in Ubuntu ."23:39
erUSULseekerX5: i will reboot in recovery mode and finish the update with 'sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade'23:39
seekerX5erusul:  thanks, will do23:39
reginoldrrXera^, cat /etc/services | grep 880023:39
BenalexseekerX5: if I were you, I wud reinstall... although there might be another solution.. but I don't know any other ways.. and this will save much time23:39
SlartXera^: yes.. good advice.. the latest nvidia driver has the fan going 100% ... very annoying =)23:39
Khisanthvishal: are you sure you are using the correct address and port for the servr? :)23:39
Xera^I do not care about noise :P23:39
Xera^reginoldrr: How will that help23:39
Xera^X says "No devices found"23:40
vishalKhisanth: yep, saying no matching security types23:40
Xera^After giving me the low graphics warning23:40
Khisanthvishal: which server are you using?23:40
seekerX5erUSUL - is command joint - as in "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade" or do one then the other23:40
vishalSlart: its made it? now?23:40
reginoldrrXera^, it will tell u what service runs on that port23:40
seekerX5(I ask because I will have to disconnect from here to get online there)23:40
vishalKhisanth: free server23:40
Slartvishal: try "sudo make install"23:40
Xera^uh.. what? :|23:40
Khisanththere are several free servers, that doesn't answer anything :)23:40
vishalSlart: sudo now?23:40
astro76seekerX5, does the second only if the first succeeds23:40
Slartreginoldrr: I think he was looking for info on the nvidia 8800 graphics card.. not what uses port 8800 =)23:41
erUSULseekerX5: is do the first and if the first succeed do the second one23:41
seekerX5astro/erUSUL:  thanks23:41
vishalmake: *** No rule to make target `install'. Stop.23:41
maybeway36vishal: since you're installing, you need root rights23:41
cocoxdoes anybody have a good link with instructions to install aiglx on gutsy ?? im currently running compiz fusion... i've been googling for some tutorials but without luck... =(23:41
reginoldrrSlart, thats what I get for not reading my buffer :p23:41
CondouloWhat is a good video card that is nvidia that will allow me to install Ubuntu 7.10 from LiveCD23:41
Slartvishal: yes.. because now were installing it into our system.. it needs sudo23:41
ubotuA list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines23:41
Xera^I cannot get internet access to download and install nvidia-glx23:41
vishalSlart: should i just do sudo install?23:41
Slartvishal: no.. "sudo make install"23:41
Xera^Unless it will auto configure the LAN23:42
vishal"sudo apt-get install libxtst-de23:42
vishalmake: *** No rule to make target `install'. Stop.23:42
vishalSlart: not working23:42
Slartvishal: ok.. "sudo ./vncinstall" then23:43
ubotuAn open source flash replacement.  It is still beta software. For current status or for more info http://www.gnu.org/software/gnash/23:43
saxartistI'm getting 60*C on my proc.running starcraft in Wine, and it has me concerned23:43
vishalSlart:  just checked the gui and there is no install23:43
Xera^http://www.nvidia.com/object/linux_display_ia32_169.04.html I can download this now and leave it on my C partition but how do I mount that from Ubuntu?23:43
MikeHMy sound occasionally will go crackly, now I'm unsure of what it is, but a reboot fixes it, is there anyway I can restart/reload the sound stuff without a reboot?23:43
saxartistit's a core 2 duo 2.0 ghz23:43
vishalmake: Nothing to be done for `vncinstall'.23:43
reginoldrrsaxartist, dont be lazy dual boot windows for games.  linux was not made for gaming!!!!23:43
CondouloWhat is a good video card that is nvidia that will allow me to install Ubuntu 7.10 from LiveCD? Because I am looking into getting a new video card soon.23:43
Uberazorreginoldrr - lies, you can game on linux23:44
UberazorI have WoW working 100%23:44
CreedHow do I save alsa settings?23:44
saxartistreginoldrr: I happen to disagree23:44
saxartistTeam Fortress 2/ Half life 2 work fine23:44
Slartreginoldrr: how dare you call supertux a non-game.. I'm most upset ;)23:44
reginoldrri wanna play wow thru linux23:44
astro76saxartist, that's not very hot23:44
MikeHor can anyone tell me what the default sound server is under ubuntu?23:44
estethreginoldrr: wine23:44
Uberazorreginoldrr - plenty of how tos on google.23:44
saxartistThey say 70 is hot23:44
reginoldrrWoW is the best game in the world23:44
chronic1reginoldrr: i think cedega has that capability23:44
Uberazorand yes, using WINE23:44
SlartMikeH: still alsa23:44
CreedMikeH, ALSA23:45
UberazorI have WoW running perfectly using WINE :)23:45
vishali found that i get a lower fps on game when running from linux23:45
fistikuffs_Hi i tried to install awn-curves using this guide http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=572019. It all went fine but now my desktop and panels are corrupt and i can't access files and folders through a GUI. I've completley removed awn and awn-curves but the problem is still there. Do i need to re-install?23:45
Uberazorvishal - you mean higher? as in better?23:45
reginoldrrvishal, correct.23:45
saxartistI get better FPS in wine than in vista, for valve games23:45
Creedvishal, strangely I get higher FPS in linux than in windows23:45
MikeHthanks Creed / Slart23:45
reginoldrrwindows == better for games23:45
Uberazorreginoldrr,  - i disagree, i get twice the framerate on linux in WoW :)23:45
vishalyeah a higher fps in windows23:45
saxartistSo you're saying 62 isn't hot for a core2 duo?23:45
MikeHUberazor, really?23:45
Uberazoryes mike.23:45
reginoldrri doubt that23:45
vishali run about 5 fps on linux, and 12 on windows23:45
vishali was shocked23:45
Uberazorand thats with only 1 of my video cards, i don't have SLi configured atm23:45
MikeHThat's awesome, is wow OGL Uberazor ?23:45
Creedsaxartist, farenheit or celcius? 62C is normal for a 2core proc.23:45
Xera^saxartist: Mine goes up to 60~ while running Crysis with a lot of physics going on23:46
estethDoes anyone know if there is any way to debug keybinding conflicts? In particular, alt won't work on my secondary keyboard device.23:46
Slartcome one.. go to offtopic and discuss temperatures and Wow =)23:46
UberazorMikeH - i use opengl, yeah, because normal doesn't work, it freezes, but opengl is fine.23:46
Uberazori average 120fps on WoW23:46
saxartisthaha Celsius Creed.  62 Fareinheit would be :023:46
astro76saxartist, 75 would be hot, 70 would be warm, 65 is safe23:46
reginoldrresteth, don't be greedy.23:46
vishalSlart: thanks for the help, doesnt seem to work, i think i'll just use the java applet provoded23:46
saxartistI figured23:46
astro76saxartist, so you are normal under full load23:46
estethreginoldrr: I don't understand23:46
MikeHUberazor, I'm willing to bet DX games would give you a reduction in performance though.23:46
Slartvishal: ok.. stay with the stuff that's supported on ubuntu.. you'll sleep better at night23:46
MikeHunder linux that is.23:46
saxartistI'm still curious as to why a simple 2D game in Wine is "full load," not even TF2 is23:47
reginoldrrDX games?23:47
saxartistoh well23:47
MikeHreginoldrr, Direct X23:47
UberazorMikeH, yeah, more than likely, but WoW still runs very nicely with OpenGL, and in my opinion, it looks nicer aswell.23:47
reginoldrrwhat r dx gamez|23:47
saxartistDirect X23:47
Slartsaxartist: some stuff in wine is very badly optimized.. it's getting better but there is still a long way to go23:47
vishalSlart: lol, yeah im still trying to get away from windows lol, just moved on wednesday lol23:47
Uberazorreginoldrr - mmm.. you don't know a whole lot do you? :\23:47
saxartistoh well23:47
saxartistI love that it works at all23:47
vishalSlart: im only sticking around because of compiz fusion23:47
Slartsaxartist: but this is a discussion for #winehq.. go there23:47
saxartistI ---hate-- Vista, used it for a month23:47
saxartistoh thanks23:47
fistikuffs_can anyone help me? my ubuntu is screwed23:48
vishalSlart: if it wasnt for that i'd be bak on windows a long time back lol23:48
reginoldrrvista is cool23:48
saxartistdidn't know there was a wine channel23:48
MikeHUberazor, That's a little harsh. You knew fuck all once upon a time :)23:48
Uberazorfistikuffs_ - whats the problem?23:48
Creedfistikuffs_, wrong wrong with it?23:48
UberazorVista is utter crap :\23:48
ubotuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.23:48
NightIs "CodeRED: Alien Arena" free and how to I install it?23:48
Slartoh.. no irc-channel info there..23:48
* Slart suggests #winehq for wine discussion23:48
vishalboy if wine could run office 2007 i'd piss on windows23:48
joseHello evreyone...23:48
CreedSlart, #ubuntu-offtopic or #wine-hq23:48
skullheadcould anyone help me with the psx emulator epsxe????23:49
vishali dont think i could every use something other then MSsoft office23:49
nickrudfistikuffs_, define screwed23:49
[gquit]bombadilvishal: what do you need from office 07?23:49
Creedvishal, runs office 03 fine, whats so special about 07?23:49
MikeHHrm, rebooting alsa-utils doesn't seem to have sorted my crackling sound problems, anyone got any other suggestions?23:49
Slartthe ribbon? =)23:49
vishal07 is amazing23:49
saxartistFor a home user, I hate office 2007.  My cousin explained why it was better for enterprise type stuff, but I hate the interface23:49
Creedvishal, why cuz its shiny? :P23:49
vishalthe ribbon is wicked23:49
nickrudCreed, my office uses 200723:49
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!23:49
joseI just installed 7.10 on my desktop and while Iºm happy for the most part, Iºm getting some odd window behaivior...23:49
fistikuffs_my panels are corrupt like half the default colour and half black my desktop background has dissapeared and i can't use the any of the "places" links on my top panel23:49
vishalnop its soo much easier to use23:49
RandyboYI have a SB Live sound card. When i have it in a xubuntu machine it works perfectly, but when i change it to the ubuntu machine it will not work. Any known problem? Ive tried googling and tried some of the suggestions, but no luck. In lshw it comes up twice(i only have one card) one with "product: SB Live! EMU10k1" and one with "product: SB Live! Game Port". The first one under *-multimedia and second under *-input. Any one up for trying to23:49
josethe top pannet will sometimes invert colors...23:50
Creednickrud, get the plugin from microsoft that lets you export in the 07 format and 03 is perfect, I personally don't like all the shinyness that comes with 07.23:50
vishalbit strange when i first started but its a delight using it once your used to it23:50
chronic1RandyboY: i have that card in ubuntu working fine out of the box23:50
nickrudfistikuffs_, that's screwed alright :) But I don't have an answer, maybe someone else will23:50
joseor sometimes there will be a white bar23:50
joseanyone else experience this_23:50
vishali think if it wasnt for 07 i wouldnt have a dual boot windows23:50
LjLis this ##windows?23:50
RandyboYchronic1, not here obviously :-)23:50
fistikuffs_jose: its not just the panels though23:50
vishalyeah i went as far as setting up windows under vmware and got it working lol23:50
reginoldrrhow do i change plugins in firefox23:51
reginoldrrlike switch between flash plugins?23:51
Peloreginoldrr, check in tools extensions, maybe23:51
Creedvishal, was just about to say virtualize it :) I virtualize anything I need from windows that wont work under wine/*nix. Even my work PC is linux with vmware apps for anything I need.23:51
fistikuffs_should i re-install?23:52
skullheadis it best to use the nvidia drivers that ubuntu supplys or the ones from nvidia23:52
* nickrud agrees with creed, vmware-server from the ubuntu partner repo is a lifesaver23:52
Creedfistikuffs_, if you have nothing to lose a reinstall would be the quickest fix.23:52
vishalCreed: only problem is its runs slightly slow, and because im new to linux i didnt want to get rid of windows totally23:52
Peloskullhead, if the restricted driver works use that one23:52
reginoldrrPelo, there is no extensions in there23:52
vishalCreed: so i got it dual booting and then setup vmware to run on the same windows, but activate is playing me around23:52
Slartskullhead: stick with the ones from ubuntu.. unless you are very sure you need the ones from nvidia.. and you can't wait until april23:52
Creedvishal, ah, yeah took me a while to ditch windows completely. With vmware workstation (costs $$) there is hardware virtualization, which is pretty damn close to native speed.23:53
nickrudskullhead, I'm just repeating the others, but you will find using ubuntu packages exclusively will make your system far more stable23:53
fistikuffs_creed:ok thanks for the help back to xp for christmas!23:53
Peloreginoldrr, you install some then, but that's not for flash and such, I realy don't knowhow you would change that, maybe they can tell you in #firefox23:53
SlartCreed: you get 3d hardware acceleration?23:53
vishalCreed: because of the 2 different sets of hardware virtual and actual, activation blows up and wants to be activated again23:53
CreedSlart, I wish lol23:53
skullheadok thx23:53
josejust the panels23:53
vishalCreed: i wouldnt mind but there is a limit23:53
MilotinHow do i mount and iso image on Ubuntu ? anyone knows ?23:53
Pelo!iso | Milotin23:53
ubotuMilotin: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.23:53
Creedvishal, XP? Mine works fine with hardware profiles, no need to mess with WGA.23:53
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SlartCreed: bah.. same as qemu then.. it's really cool to have a small windows desktop in a window.. but I couldn't run much23:54
vishalCreed: yeah i have hardware profiles but it still blew up lol23:54
HighlifeDoes anyone here have an intel 394523:54
vishalCreed: what version are you running?23:54
Creedvishal, weird lol I tried it at work, school and home and had success. Guess its random.23:54
Creedvishal, Im using vmware workstation which might have been why.23:54
estethDoes anyone know if there is any way to debug keybinding conflicts? In particular, alt won't work on my secondary keyboard device.23:54
^Useless^thanks for your help, bye23:54
PeloHighlife, just state you problem , trowing hardware serial numbers at us does little23:54
vishalCreed: what windows have you got?23:55
vishalCreed: im using home OEM23:55
tumbleweed__I'm using xubuntu23:55
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Creedvishal, XP Pro / Corp23:55
Pelotumbleweed__, there is a channel for ppl like you , #xubuntu23:55
Creedvishal, cant stand home :(23:55
left1can someone help me flash doesn't work! I've never had this problem before lol I thought gutsy makes it easier than before?23:55
HighlifeWell I have problems with random disconnects and my card is slow to reconnect and sometimes freezes up my system23:55
tumbleweed__that's racist, Pelo23:55
vishalCreed: well there oyu go lol, corp doesnt need actiivation23:55
ubotuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.23:55
ubotuThe Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org23:56
Creedvishal, pro does though, corp I used at work since they wouldnt let us install non-company windows.23:56
joseI just installed 7.10 on my desktop and while Iºm happy for the most part, Iºm getting some odd window behaivior...23:56
vishalCreed: home is a bit ch and im not paying lol23:56
Peloleft1, the most recent flash from adobe has someting wrong with the package,  it canT' be installed you'll have to wait or install from the tar.gz on the site23:56
josethe top panel will sometimes invert colors...23:56
Creedvishal, at home and campus I used pro. Heck I think I even did Home the first time around without issue.23:56
Creedvishal, which guide did you follow?23:56
joseanyone else experience this?23:56
Pelojose, don'T use the enter key for punctuation , it make you difficutlt to follow,23:57
vishalCreed: there was one which i got the vmdk file from and i had to dd the MBR23:57
Creedjose, have you enabled Desktop Effects?23:57
deadlockIf i were to get a 3rd monitor would I be able to hook it up to my orginal ON board card, and use 3 PC, or how would that work23:57
Pelojose,  are you running compiz ?23:57
Creedvishal, yep thats the one I used, weird issue23:57
left1oh ok thanks pelo23:57
_-XPERT-_deadlock: Should work if you can get the card run together23:57
vishalCreed: yeah, i havent activate my windows yet as i havent been in for 3 days lol23:58
josehaving trouble -msging23:58
Creedvishal, your virtual must not be able to see the proc directly. That is the only thing that ever made my VM want to activate again.23:58
joseone moment please23:58
vishalCreed: see the proc?23:58
Creedvishal, all my VM's see my proc as what they are in the physical machine. So if the host system has a AMD 3200+, the VM see's a AMD 3200+. If for some reason the VM see's a different proc (somtimes it shows up as a Intel P4) it wants to be activated again.23:59
zkjellbergQuestion: I am trying to give my computer a static ip address, but once it gets the static ip, the internet does not work. Yet I can ping the desktop from another machine.23:59
Creedzkjellberg, have you set the correct gateway?23:59
vishalCreed: how did you that?23:59
Creedzkjellberg, sounds like youre missing the gateway so no addresses outside your local network can be reached.23:59
vishalCreed: i think mines all virtual23:59
vishalCreed: are you using vmware server?23:59

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