
=== BasicMac is now known as BasicOSX
=== n2diy_ is now known as n2diy
``Cubejelmer: the icons are ready!09:28
``CubeI updated them!09:28
``Cubeand all sizes09:28
``Cube192x192, 144x149, 48x48, 32x32, 22x22 and 16x1609:28
``Cubealso, I doesn't seems like I got your cc09:30
jelmer``Cube: Hi!11:16
``Cubedid you get the link, jelmer?11:16
jelmer``Cube: No11:16
``Cubejelmer: I mean did you get my last messages11:17
``Cubecheck this out11:17
``CubeI fixed the issue you told me yesterday11:18
jelmer``Cube: thx11:18
``Cubehow do you like themß11:18
jelmeryep, this is what I meant11:19
``CubeI didn't get the mail you wanted to cc me?11:19
``Cubeoh ok, I got it :P11:21
``Cubejelmer: but it would be nice if you used my real name instead of that nick11:22
jelmer``Cube: I didn't know your real name, that's why I used your nick11:46
``Cubesure of course!11:46
``Cubeno problem, just for the next time11:46
jelmer``Cube: sure, will do11:50
jelmer``Cube: Btw, nice work on the icons. I like them (-:11:50
``Cubejelmer: thanks. what do you think, will they become official?11:50
jelmer``Cube: It would be nice to get some input from the other bzr-gtk team members11:51
``Cubejelmer: hmm yes, you're right11:52
``Cubejust subscribed to the list11:53
``Cubejelmer: you might send the pictures I did attached or just send the link to the mailing list for the people to get a general idea and to be able to decide whether this is worth consideration or not12:02
``Cubeor should I do this?12:02
jelmer``Cube: Sorry, I'm usually a bit slow replying on IRC12:05
jelmer``Cube: Either would be fine with me12:05
``Cubehehe ;) no problem12:06
``Cubeyou mean, its ok if I do it, but you wouldn't have a problem doing it yourself?12:06
jelmer``Cube: I'd be happy to send the icons, but it may also be a good way for you to introduce yourself :-)12:06
``Cubehehe :D exactly what I wrote :P12:06
jelmeryep, whatever you prefer12:06
``Cubeill introduce myself, ok?12:06
``Cubejelmer: can I attach images to the email I send to this mailing list?12:07
jelmer``Cube: Yep, that's fine12:07
``Cubeis there any size restriction?12:09
jelmerNot sure, I think it's a couple of hundred kb12:16
``Cubeoh ok12:16
mlhwhois ``Cube12:46
``Cubeits me12:46
mlhhadn't seen you here before12:46
``CubeI'm kinda new here12:46
mlhconverting from some other vcs or just thinking?12:47
jelmermlh: ``Cube is helping us (bzr-gtk) out with some icons12:48
mlhI just 'updated' in fedora712:49
``Cubeehm, is there anything else then bzr-gtk here?12:49
mlhgot bzr 1.0, bzr-gtk 0.93  bzrtools 1.0.0 .. good work!12:50
``Cubeanyone got my mail?14:02
jelmer``Cube: I did14:02
jelmernone of the other bzr-gtk folks appear to be here atm14:03
``Cubecould you reply something?14:03
``Cubehmm ok14:03
jelmerit's usually more busy14:03
``Cubeok ;)14:04
=== bigdo1 is now known as bigdog
aadisdoes pull need a destination?14:30
CardinalFangaadis, It's usually the present branch.  I don't think it even makes sense from outside a branch.14:31
aadisyeah. all the examples never mention that you have to specify the full path the first time14:31
aadisI meant, source to pull from14:32
CardinalFangaadis, And if you don't, the default is the place from which you cloned that branch the first time, yes?  (I may be wrong.  I'm pretty new to Bzr, but I've used others.)14:32
aadisi don't think that works.14:33
aadisi just did a checkout, and then immediately a pull. fails.14:33
aadis@areia:~/src/pentaur/argus $ bzr pull14:33
aadisbzr: ERROR: No pull location known or specified.14:33
luksif you have a checkout, use 'bzr up'14:33
bob2the default will be set for branch, not pull14:34
bob2er, not co14:34
CardinalFangaadis, Ah, that's it.  Don't use "checkout".  That's the command for Svn users who don't know any better.14:35
* CardinalFang lurks.14:36
aadiswell, that's what the docs suggest14:36
aadisfor doing distributed development14:36
aadissince chekcout allows you to do local commits without --local all the time :)14:36
bob2it's the other way round14:37
bob2unless you co from a local repository, then co and branch don't need --local14:37
bob2er, "local mirror of a remote branch in a local repository"14:37
aadisah, ok. so it seems.14:43
aadisif i create a local branch (ie i have checked out trunk and branch from it)14:43
aadishow do i ensure my branch also gets committed to the server? (so two people can work on one feature branch)14:44
bob2you can bind it to the server (cd branchdir ; bzr bind sftp://host/branch)14:45
bob2then it acts as if you did a co sftp://host/branch14:45
aadisah. so when i commit it goes to server.14:46
bob2as well as the local branch, yeah14:46
bob2you can "bzr unbind" to disable it14:46
aadiscool. thanks bob214:53
aadisbob2: and i'm assuming sftp://host/branch already exists? or someone needs to run bzr init for it?14:53
aadisok, so someone will need to do "bzr init branch" on host?14:56
bob2maybe it works over sftp etc now14:57
bob2appears to14:57
aadiswe'd be using bzr+ssh anyway, so smart server might be able to do it14:58
aadisdoesn't seem to work for me, over bzr+ssh15:01
aadis@areia:/tmp/sandbox/test-1-branch $ bzr bind sftp://a@pr0n/home/p/bzr/sandbox/test-1-branch15:03
aadisbzr: ERROR: Not a branch: "sftp://a@pr0n/home/p/bzr/sandbox/test-1-branch/".15:03
bob2oh bind15:04
bob2does "ssh a@pr0n ls -la /home/p/bzr/sandbox/test-1-branch/" show a .bzr dir?15:05
aadisah, i see your point. I need to do bzr init sftp://a@pr0n/home/p/bzr/sandbox/test-1-branch first15:07
* aadis is slow today15:08
aadisthough http://doc.bazaar-vcs.org/bzr.dev/en/user-guide/index.html#using-checkouts says:15:09
TFKyleheh, nice machine name15:10
aadisit's also cnamed to cocaine.company.com15:10
aadisand also dev.company.com for the suits ;)15:11
TFKyleaadis: not sure if I understand the situation fully, but wouldn't you want to bzr push to the remote location not init it? (unless you havn't created the branch locally yet I guess)15:14
aadisi'm *very* new to bzr, so i'm trying to figure the right thing15:14
aadiswe're following the distributed model15:15
aadisso when i'm hacking on a local branch and also want to share it with other people15:15
TFKyleok, that typically means that you have a local branch of the project and then push to a place that other people can pull from manually15:15
aadisis bzr push the right idea? /home/p/bzr/sandbox was created with "bzr init-repo sandbox"15:16
TFKylethough if you have a local server I guess having a bound branch to it works too15:16
aadisi think we'd do a bind/commit/push/unbind would be done very infrequently15:16
aadisTFKyle: so should we do a bzr init && bzr bind ; or bzr push?15:17
TFKyleaadis: not sure, have you created the repo locally already?15:18
aadiswhat do you mean by locally? my machine or the server?15:18
TFKyleyour machine15:18
aadiswhat i did was. bzr init-repo; bzr branch sftp://server/trunk; bzr branch trunk fix-branch15:19
aadisso i think yeah, the repo is created locally15:19
TFKyleok, and you want to put that branch onto another server? if so then you probably want to bzr push it to that server then optionally bind to the branch on that server (not sure how repos work really though, havn't looked at them much)15:24
CardinalFangHi all.  I want to write a plugin trigger that runs only for one project.  Any suggestions?15:25
TFKyle(if you bzr init'd another branch on the server it wouldn't have any commits your local branch has currently)15:31
aadisTFKyle: ah, i see. good point.16:39
CardinalFangNo one has ideas about making a plugin trigger run for only one kind of project?17:08
CardinalFangI could insert some sort of test at the beginning, I suppose, and exit if it fails.17:09
CardinalFangMaybe require that a specially-named file exists.  What would that be?  "if not master.repository.path2id("foo"): return False"17:14
radixCardinalFang: sounds like you want a configuration directive17:23
radixCardinalFang: branch.get_config().get_user_option("foo")17:24
radixCardinalFang: then people can put "foo = whatever" in their ~/.bazaar/locations.conf under the appropriate path17:25
CardinalFangradix, I have more than a hundred people to give this to.  Giving a file is fine.  Telling them to customize it is not.17:35
radixunfortunately there's not a branch-hosted configuration mechanism yet :\ you could definitely come up with something ad hoc.17:35
CardinalFangIt would be cool and useful to safe the changeset (and file) commit messages saved at "uncommit" and inserted as the default for the next commit.18:19
micr0c0smWould anyone care to look at a design document for a new distribution I am going to make as part of a University project?20:32
micr0c0smYou know, shoot some holes in any of the design/implementation issues that are probably there before I start coding something impossible.20:32
gianmtguys, kind of dumb question but... how do I set the bookmarks in bzr-gtk?22:02
gianmtafter a couple of minutes fighting I gave up22:02

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