
=== n2diy_ is now known as n2diy
svgHi Folks - I'm looking for some opinions on the sizing of an edubuntu server - anyone around on this?12:41
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)12:41
svgKamping_Kaiser: I know, just not if this is the proper channel12:42
Kamping_Kaiserdont see why it wouldnt be ;)12:42
svgwell, I guess I went around too much channels with bofh style people :)12:43
svganyway, need to make an offer for an edubuntu server project - school with classroom of about 30 clients, for a total of maybe 200 user accounts12:43
svgwith possible growth to a second 30 clients classroom12:44
svgmy take, I'll need lots of RAM, not sure if going 64bit is a good idea, as tis server is "desktop oriented" and students might want to use flash and other stuff12:45
svgnot sure if SCSI is a must, not sur how to size processors12:45
svgas far as I'm told, pupils will use pretty much only the default edubuntu installed software12:46
svgfirefox being the most important app12:46
Kamping_Kaiserimho you want to over engineer it if your budget allows.12:47
Kamping_Kaiserwith 30 concurernt users, probably 4-8gb of ram would be desired. if flash is involved that number could go up (no idea, we dont allow flash where i am)12:47
Kamping_Kaiserwell, much flash12:47
Kamping_Kaisersomeone else can probably comment on flash support under 64 bit, but it would be ideal to use 64 bit cpus. probably 2 (a dual core would do i expect)12:48
Kamping_Kaiserscsi isnt a 'must', but if theres lots of disc work, its a 'nice'12:48
stgraberaccording to the handbook, RAM should be : 256+(60*x), I'd personally go with : 512+(60*x)12:49
stgraberso 4gb should do it12:49
stgraberdual-CPU is also a good idea especially bi dual-core CPU (so 4 virtual CPUs), 64bit is fine but will need some hack to have firefox running correctly (nspluginwrapper)12:50
Kamping_Kaiserno, dual dual core is 4 physical cores. nothing virtual about them.12:51
ubotuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash12:52
ubotuThe Flash plugin installation is currently broken. This is due to Adobe changing the tar file that the package downloads. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=636397 if you need to fix this immediately, but it's recommended to wait for an official fix.12:52
Kamping_Kaiserwaho. double entry?12:52
svgok, thanks for that, this confirms my own general first idea12:58
svgI'll definitely wil go to multicore12:58
svgactually, I'm using Intl serevrs with quad cores already12:59
svgfyi, i was told also to look here, which looks quite complete: http://wiki.ltsp.org/twiki/bin/view/Ltsp/ServerSizing13:01
svg64bit sounds like a big plus, and flash seems apt-get-eable since gutsy13:05
ericb2FYI, I do represent OpenOffice.org project, Education projet exactly13:39
ericb2and I wanted to say we'll add your project on our mainsite13:40
Kamping_Kaiserericb2, not sure who to talk to about that13:42
Kamping_Kaiserriched, when hes around i guess13:42
ericb2Kamping_Kaiser: ok, thank a lot.  Anyway, we'll keep a link for edubuntu on our site13:43
ericb2Kamping_Kaiser: the current website is old and crappy, but we are working for a new one13:44
Kamping_Kaiserericb2, hope it helps :)13:44
* Kamping_Kaiser is only slightly involved in this project, so cant really talk for it13:45
ericb2Kamping_Kaiser: no problem. I'll be back soon here.13:45
* ericb2 wishes a Merry Christmas and a Happy new Year to all of you . Bye :-)13:46
YoP_YoPbye :)13:46
paolob-parroquiahi ogra! Could you tell me if I can use two nics with two groups of clients with the same edubuntu server?14:30
Kamping_Kaiseri'm not ogra, but i dont see why not14:35
pygihello folks14:59
pygihow ya all doing? :)15:00
das-t_kind of relaxed and well ;-)15:18
pyginice :)15:20
das-t_hope you are too ;-)15:26
pygiofcourse, just a bit busy :)15:28
svghi all - if i'm running 64bit edubuntu server - what's the consequences on the clients? can i mix 32 bit clients with 64 bit clients? do the 32bit clients benefit?16:37
johnny_hell.. 64bit clients hardly benefit16:43
johnny_the concensus so far is that nobody benefits16:43
johnny_it just turns out to be more hassle than its' worth to use 64bit mode at all for desktop apps on linux16:44
johnny_or windows for that matter really ..16:58

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