
=== mhb changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Welcome to the Kubuntu developers channel | Happy birthday Jonathan Riddell! | Merry Christmas to all | Next meeting: 2nd January
jpatrickhappy birthday Riddell!!!!00:00
Vorianwerd toma!00:00
cheguevaraHAPPY BDAY RIDEL!!00:00
nixternaldamn....I hit it 1 second to early00:00
tomaHappy birthday Riddell00:00
iRonRiddell: Heartily Congrats!00:00
Nightrosehappy birtday Riddell \o/00:00
VorianHAPPY BIRTHDAY Riddell!!!!111one one00:00
JucatoHappy Birthday Lleddir (leader... as mhb so creatively noticed)00:00
nixternalour young man is growing up...I am so, *chokes up* proud *wipes tear*00:00
RiddellI love you guys00:00
nosredna_ekimhappy birthday!00:00
Riddellgroup hug00:00
jpatrickand we love you!00:01
nixternalcongrats Riddell! and here is to many more great years!00:01
yuriyHappy birthday Riddell !!!00:01
cheguevarawe love you too :)00:01
mhbRiddell: check planet in a few minutes00:01
NickPrestaHappy Birthday, Mr. Riddell00:01
nixternalRiddell: hurry up and open your presents, there is still a lot of work to be done :p00:01
Riddellaww, thanks NickPresta00:01
* Jucato sneaks to the table to get some food instead00:01
tomaRiddell: how young are you now?00:01
mhbJucato: food at 01:00 am?00:02
Riddelltoma: a very mature and wisened 2600:02
Jucatoat 08:00 :)00:02
voyagerfelicidades  riddell00:02
Riddellvoyager: what are those?00:03
tomaRiddell: wow!00:03
mhbRiddell: všechno nejlepší ( my bets on you using non-UTF8 irssi again)00:03
Riddellmhb: I'll try and imagine those question marks as Czech characters :)00:04
nixternalI can see them mhb, so not all is lost :)00:04
JucatoI only saw "felicidades riddell"00:04
yuriywell then00:04
yuriyс днём рождения!00:04
nixternalooh, the one character in the yuriy looks like the little thing from space invaders00:05
cheguevaraс днём рождения :)00:05
nixternalsame with your cheguevara00:05
jpatricknixternal: rofl00:05
cheguevarawell its the same language lol00:05
nixternalman, I can't type00:05
nixternalya, I put that together after the fact :)00:05
iRonс днём рождения и от меня :-)00:05
nixternalok, now you just cussed me out I think :)00:05
cheguevaraheh we got quiet a lot of Russian-speaking people now :)00:06
yuriyrussians crawling out of the web-work00:06
Jucatomaligayang bati! maligayang bati!00:06
nixternalwhich is great, so when I have issues with kubuntu-docs building the russian translations, I know where to go for help :)00:06
nosredna_ekimone of you guys go find Nina Reiser..k?00:06
mhbRiddell: check planet.ubuntu.com now00:06
nixternaloh man, that was low00:06
cheguevarafunniest thing none of us actually live in Russia00:06
cheguevaranosredna_ekim: even if he gets freed Linus still won't accept it :P00:07
mhbRiddell: for your birthday present (well, sort of, but it was planned ahead so it counts)00:07
nosredna_ekimcheguevara: hehe00:08
yuriynixternal: there is a character inside of me that looks like a thing from space invaders?00:08
Riddellmhb: fantastic!00:08
nixternalnot you, but the line you wrote00:08
nixternalthis character here -> д00:08
cheguevarathat would be a d00:08
mhbRiddell: I'm glad you like it.00:09
yuriynixternal: i know :D < nixternal> ooh, the one character _in the yuriy_ looks like ...00:09
nixternalya, I can't type yuriy00:09
cheguevarathere u go00:10
tomaclaydoh: did you change the password?00:11
* claydoh forgot how different this 10 year old lappy's keyboard is00:11
claydohtoma: sure did00:11
nixternalhaha, that picture is great00:11
tomacheguevara: lol00:12
claydohwell the new wireless card works.........00:12
claydoh....in win2k lol00:12
* claydoh debates u buntu server over dsl/puppy for this 233mhz doorstop00:13
jpatrickwell I'm really off to bed now00:13
nosredna_ekimclaydoh: fluxbuntu00:14
jpatrickmerry x'mas everyone00:14
claydohnah, too heavy :)00:14
Jucatotwm? :D00:14
claydohbut flux wil be the wm I will use00:15
nosredna_ekimanyway.... Happy birthday... and good night everyone else :D00:15
jpatrickyeah, +1^^00:15
claydohanyhoo I gotta stop leeching off the 4 open wirelss points this picks up and turn on the wirelss in my router00:16
claydohnow that i have a card00:16
mhbRiddell: your website contents are awesome00:26
Riddellmhb: aren't they all horribly out of date>?00:26
mhbRiddell: do you remember talking about KDE4 just after Hoary was out?00:26
Riddelloh KDE 4 has been talked about for as long as I've been in KDE (almost)00:27
mhbfunny that you are a bit sad now that we're finally adopting it :o)00:27
nixternalbah! kdelibs5-dev patch didn't hit kdelibs5-dev on yesterdays update00:28
nixternalfixing and reuploading kdelibs500:29
mhbI keep looking at your old KDE screenshots, thinking from where we've come00:31
mhbI guess we should try and convince another distro to use the guidance confiuration tools00:31
mhbso there are more people actively maintaining it00:31
Riddellmhb: I know fedora were looking at packaging it00:31
mhbsome of the apps, like disks-admin, are quite a mess now00:32
mhberr mountconfig00:32
* mhb gets confused by the GNOMEy names00:32
mhbCarol Vorderman?00:34
* mhb looks her up00:34
Riddellrandom game show host00:35
mhbwell, I think our work is done00:37
=== Katze is now known as Shely
mhbwe've got nothing more on our TODO00:37
mhbexcept maybe a good APT frontend is still missin00:37
Riddelladept is very much better than what we had at the time00:38
txwikingernixternal: da Bears!00:39
nixternalabout time00:39
ScottK2Personally, I find apt to be a very good front end for apt.00:39
Jucatoclass TestApp ftw! :)00:40
nixternaltook me a second to remember what TestApp was from00:40
Jucatoadept/manager/app.h :D00:41
yuriyoh good to know i wasn't the only one befuddled by that one. i figured i was missing something00:41
Jucatoactually I think I might have been wrong.00:42
mhbooo, I know what we should get Riddell next year00:42
txwikingerwhat is wrong w3ith adept?00:42
JucatoTestApp isn't Adept's main class. it's an Adept Manager class derived from libadept's main class. class Application :)00:42
Jucatotxwikinger: hm... 'tis the season to be loving. so I'll refrain from saying :)00:43
Riddelltxwikinger: it's hard to maintain00:44
nixternalcould we use synaptic for the time being since adept isn't cutting it?00:44
nixternalI know it is gtk and what not, but it works well in Kubuntu00:44
Jucatoit's quite the beast, source code wise and UI wise :)00:44
txwikingerit took me a while to get used to adept's user interface00:45
nixternalg'nite Riddell00:45
Jucatogood night Riddell! happy birthday again! :)00:45
cheguevaranight Riddell00:45
txwikingersynaptic was more intuitive for me.00:45
txwikingernight Riddell00:45
cheguevaramhb, what?00:46
cheguevara(should we get Riddel)00:46
cheguevaraRidell even00:46
cheguevaraRiddell :P00:47
Jucato!tab | cheguevara00:47
ubotucheguevara: You can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.00:47
cheguevarayes i know00:48
nixternalcheguevara: I am stupid..I think I manually added your patch yesterday because of the merging and what not, and I forgot to hit up the kdelibs5-dev too00:48
mhbwell I can't say it here00:48
mhbhe might read it00:49
cheguevaramhb /query then :P00:49
nixternalkick him, and then say it :)00:49
cheguevaranixternal: nice one and I was wondering why its refusing to upgrade :)00:49
Jucatoor let's all go to a #channel-for-Riddell's-secret-gift :)00:49
nixternalya, I just went to install some build-deps and it yelled at me00:49
nixternalcheguevara: it should be updated within the hour I am guessing00:49
* nixternal needs something to eat..brb00:50
* Jucato needs someone to eat too00:50
Jucatolol did I just make toma leave? D00:50
mhbcheguevara: did you get my query?00:53
cheguevaraah crap msgs are blocked 'cause i am not identified00:54
cheguevarasorry didn't notice00:54
ubotuBy default, only registered users can send private messages - Information about  registering your Freenode nick can be found at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration00:54
Jucatobwahahah! )00:54
cheguevarabeen registered for time00:55
Jucato(why do I keep forgetting to put eyes on my smileys)00:55
Jucatoyeah. just felt like triggering the bot unnecessarily00:55
ubotuYou have lag, I don't have lag00:55
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mhbgood night folks00:56
mhbenjoy this special day00:56
mhbmerry christmas00:56
cheguevarayou too mhb, good night00:58
nixternal"Ubuntu (and its siblings Kubuntu, Edubuntu and Xubuntu) has smoothed most of Linux’s geeky edges while polishing it for the desktop."01:25
nixternalthat is from the economist...one of the most read business magazines in the US01:25
cheguevaranice :P01:27
uganixternal: I've read great stupidities from some of the most read newspapers in the US, so I'm nto sure if that's good ;)01:43
ugaI hope this is no such case :P01:44
nixternalnah, the economist is w/o a doubt one of the best mags there are01:44
nixternalnewspapers usually are crap, that's why I don't read them01:44
hardaRiddell: Happy Birthday, and thanks for all of your work on Kubuntu.02:06
yuriywhat's the difference beween adept/adept and adept/libadept?02:11
Jucatoyuriy: trying to wade through adept's code? just before christmas? highly discouraged :)02:15
yuriyJucato: nobody wants to go skiing with me on christmas so i'm making it a coding day02:16
Jucatowell skiing alone won't be as life-threatening as looking through adept's code :)02:16
Jucatothink of adept's source code as that circle in The Ring :)02:17
Jucatoyuriy: but imho, adept needs a sort of code review and lots of cleanup... *if* we're still interested in keeping it in the long run02:21
Jucato(although not really sure how that stands with mornfall)02:21
DaSkreechJucato: we could move to klik :)02:23
nosrednaekimI doubt adept is going to be rewritten in qt4..02:23
Jucatonah... :)02:23
Jucatonosrednaekim: ditto02:23
Jucatolet's keep klik as klik and not let it be confused as a full package manager :)02:24
Jucatoit will only hurt klik otherwise :)02:24
DaSkreechnosrednaekim: Why?02:26
nosrednaekimDaSkreech: because the code is a mess (from what I have heard) it would probably make more sense to port synaptic to qt402:27
Jucatoand depends on where Ubuntu will take us w/ packagekit...02:27
Jucatonosrednaekim: you can always download the source code and see for yourself :)02:28
Jucatodon't take our word for it :P02:28
DaSkreechGuess I'll look into packagekit agaimn02:28
DaSkreech that's the new saviour of Linux packaging?02:28
nosrednaekimJucato: I don't even know C++... so...02:28
Jucatomaybe... yes or no... depends on what you want02:29
ubotuDolphin, or more properly D3lphin, is the new default file manager for Kubuntu 7.10 Gutsy Gibbon. If you would like to make Konqueror your default file manager again, go to Konqueror - Settings menu - Configure Konqueror - File Associations and change the association for inode/directory and inode/system_directory to Konqueror at the top rather than Dolphin.02:29
nosrednaekimmhb: detests it <_<02:29
DaSkreechI like adept :-(02:30
Jucatolike it enough to fix it and port it to qt4? :)02:30
Jucato2 things are needed to "fix" adept: code cleanup and UI changes... basically making it a new app :)02:30
DaSkreechpossibly but if we are dumping the overall thing then it would just be a personal revolution02:31
yuriyDaSkreech: like it enough to help me get it to build with cmake?02:31
JucatoI think we're dumping adept more because it's hard to maintain... but if someone were to maintain it and transform it to something more maintainable :)02:31
Jucatoeeeek! good luck yuriy :)02:32
Vorianhow do you add your gpg key to the .bashrc?02:32
Vorianand hello :)02:32
* Jucato lights a candle for yuriy02:32
nosrednaekimVorian: why would you want to do that?02:32
DaSkreechyuriy: I could certainly look into it ;)02:32
DaSkreechI'd have to get back to my Linux machine though02:32
Jucatonosrednaekim: so that you won't have to be asked everytime you create a package?02:32
* DaSkreech mourns his long lost bird02:33
Vorianerm... autosigning :)02:33
nosrednaekimoh... my bad :D02:33
Vorianexport GPG #######?02:33
Voriannp nosrednaekim :)02:33
Jucatonosrednaekim: you thought he meant putting his secret key in there? :)02:34
* nosrednaekim shamefully nods his head02:34
Jucatoyay! perfect time for no water... hottest (and I mean the temperature) christmas evah!02:34
DaSkreechNot the new designer suits on the Lil Miss Elves?02:36
nosrednaekimJucato: do yu have any bottled water?02:36
nosrednaekimor anything to drink?02:36
Jucatoyeah fortunately we still have some...02:36
Jucatodon't know how long it's gonna last though...02:36
DaSkreechHow long have you had no water?02:36
Jucatothe village's (subdivision or whatever you call it there) water tank's transformer went poof02:37
Jucatosince this morning (3-4 hours ago)02:37
JucatoVorian: export GPGKEY=@#$@$#%@$ (you forgot the = sign)02:37
DaSkreechprobably should have that sorted in 2 hours02:37
Vorianty Jucato :D02:38
Jucatosorry took some time to look it up :)02:38
JucatoDaSkreech: you have no idea how things work/how long things take over here :)02:38
Jucatoand this is the day before christmas :)02:38
=== claydoh__ is now known as claydoh
DaSkreechWell it would take about a day here02:39
Jucato"To make sure debuild finds the right gpg key you should set the DEBFULLNAME and DEBEMAIL environment variables (in your ~/.bashrc for instance) to the name and email address you use for your gpg key and in the debian/changelog"02:39
DaSkreechignoring the holiday "strike"02:39
Jucato(from the packaging guide)02:39
* Jucato hates it that he has to basically relearn every packaging basics everytime he tries it... usually after 6 months...02:40
Vorianthanks a million Jucato :)02:40
* Jucato thumbs up02:41
Vorianstupid = sign02:41
Jucatohehe :)02:41
Jucatoin bash, you can't have any blank space around the = sign too :)02:41
santiago-venixternal, ping02:41
Jucato(annoying ain't it? :P)02:42
DaSkreechLearn perl :-)02:42
Vorianyes it is, every time02:42
* nosrednaekim barfs..02:42
* santiago-ve runs away... from the perl world...02:42
* Vorian steps aside02:42
Voriannew shoes02:43
* Jucato thinks of perl as an overblown regexp language :)02:43
* nosrednaekim hugs his Python02:43
* nosrednaekim keeps his python from hugging back.02:43
* Jucato hugs his int main(){}02:43
* Jucato is hugged back by Qt O.o02:43
Jucatoyeah right... in my dreams...02:43
nixternalsantiago-ve: pong?02:44
* santiago-ve is catched by PHP, and Python... and they place him on his QT bed 02:44
JucatoQT = Quicktime :)02:44
JucatoMac lover :P02:45
santiago-veok Qt ;)02:45
Jucatohahah :)02:45
nixternalfreakin' frackin' kdepimlibs502:45
DaSkreechawww Jucato  has a nice looking qt there02:45
* santiago-ve throws a rotten apple... yeahh mac lover02:45
Jucatorotten apple... and since Apple's logo has a bite... I pity the poor guy who bit from it :)02:46
Jucatooooh! I know what santiago-ve's rotten apple looks like, and I know who took a bite out of it!!02:47
Jucatoshiny radioactive apple! :D02:47
santiago-venixternal, first question.... why when i run sudo pbuilder build soprano_1.99~rc2-1.dsc02:50
santiago-vei always get soprano_1.98.0~rc1-1 in the /var/cache/pbuilder/result02:51
nixternalyou shouldn't...that could be in there from building a previous release02:51
nixternalthis is goooooofy02:51
Jucatogoof troop babababap babaloobab yeah!02:52
santiago-vewhat you're doing, what i am doing, or both?02:52
Jucatowhat *it* is doing (my guess)02:52
nixternalOK, if you have KDE 4 packages installed from our repos, tell me where FindKDE4Internal.cmake is located02:53
DaSkreechJucato: is the fire significant?02:54
DaSkreechIn the pic02:55
Jucatodunno. is the butterfly significant? I don't think so :P02:55
nosrednaekimlol, I love that picture02:55
DaSkreechMSN ?02:55
DaSkreechIt's the windows coloured butterfly02:55
DaSkreechThe stars would be Mandriva02:55
DaSkreechThe Fire looks strange enough to be a logo02:56
nosrednaekimfire might be pioneer linux?02:59
=== claydoh_ is now known as claydoh
yuriyDaSkreech: this is the first error that comes up trying to link: app.cpp:(.text+0x28ee): undefined reference to `_config03:13
yuriycryptic to me since it's not something in source and not a missing include or anything03:14
yuriyand then there are just tons of things like that03:14
DaSkreechyuriy:There is no app.cpp?03:14
yuriythere is03:21
Jucatoapp.h/app.cpp are the most used/recopied files in adept :)03:21
Jucatothere's one in every directory I think03:22
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* DaSkreech grins03:23
DaSkreechthat's helpful03:23
DaSkreechSounds like a rename is in order03:23
yuriywell this is about manager/app.cpp03:23
DaSkreechare they the same files? Or just the same name/03:23
Jucatoslightly different I think... but still doesn't help (a lot!)03:23
yuriythey are different, but each of them contain class TestApp03:25
Jucatowhich is derived from class Application :)03:25
* DaSkreech smells refactoring03:25
Jucatoin libadept/application.h(.cpp)  (or adept/application.h(.cpp)) :)03:26
yuriyanyways so it's a linking error that i'm getting, possibly to do with moc?03:27
* DaSkreech hops on Hobbsee03:29
DaSkreechand none of them call _config?03:30
Jucatowhere is it even defined? O.o03:30
Jucatoin apt-pkg?03:31
DaSkreechcan you trace tit?03:31
yuriyit's called from adept/adept/dpkgpm.cpp03:33
yuriybut i think all of adept/adept built fine03:33
yuriys/called/used in03:33
Jucatoit's used almost everywhere...03:33
yuriyJucato: ?03:34
Hobbseeheya DaSkreech03:34
Jucato_config is defined in apt-pkg/configuration.h03:35
Jucatolibadept/acqprogress.cpp #include <apt-pkg/configuration.h>03:36
Jucatoit might not be linking to APT libs?03:37
* Jucato shrugs... that's as far as my knowledge goes :)03:37
Jucato_config is an object of class Configuration, defined in apt-pkg/configuration.h03:38
DaSkreechHow are you Hobbsee ?03:38
Jucatohi Hobbsee03:38
HobbseeDaSkreech: i'm doing OK, but wondering why my irssi segfaulted.03:38
DaSkreechIrregular occurence?03:39
DaSkreechand it only breaks in one of the files so far yuriy ?03:39
DaSkreechIs that one any different from the other files?03:39
yuriyDaSkreech: what do you mean files...03:40
DaSkreechyuriy: Well _config is called from other app.c files right?03:40
yuriyi get the same errors for manager, installer, and notifier (if i disable the other components so it gets to them)03:40
DaSkreechand you said that parts have already been compiled03:40
DaSkreechso it might be somethign with the way this file is making the call03:41
yuriyit's probably something stupid i'm missing because i don't really know what i'm doing but wanted to give it a shot03:43
DaSkreechWell I'm getting ready for bed03:44
DaSkreech#kde4-devel might be able to provide a small flash of light03:44
* yuriy is confused between ept and apt-front03:46
yuriyhuh i think i got past that one by linking to apt-front in adept/adept03:52
yuriythe rest of the errors are still there, next one is:03:53
yuriycommitprogress.cpp:(.text+0x861): undefined reference to `vtable for adept::CommitProgress'03:53
Jucatoyuriy: that's still from linking adept/manager/app.cpp?04:03
yuriyJucato: umm.. i think. but i also think i'm confused04:05
Jucatome too :)04:05
Jucatoyuriy: maybe you left some components disabled when you were testing for the previous error?04:08
Jucato<-- nap04:08
Hobbseeand of course, someone brings up the debian style releases, and tells us that we should do it for kubuntu04:11
=== Shely_ is now known as Schneeflocke
DaSkreechDebian style releases?04:25
Jucato as in release once every 2-3 years?04:37
DaSkreechI thought they had one like every day?04:38
Hobbseehavent they figured out that that's just going to create mroe work?04:40
HobbseeDaSkreech: stable, unstable, testing, etc.04:40
Hobbsee+ hardy, gutsy, etc04:40
DaSkreechWhy don't they do that for Ubuntu?04:40
Hobbseenot enough people04:41
Hobbseeno point04:41
nixternalwhy should they do it? that is actually the better question04:41
Hobbseewe're not debian04:41
nixternalno need to do it since we release every 6 months04:42
nixternalthis debian merge for kde4 is really irritating me right now04:43
DaSkreechWe would only need this while we are doing crazy relelases04:44
nixternalwe already have it, it is called Debian04:45
DaSkreech Hobbsee do we have a kubuntu3-desktop or a kubuntu4-desktop for hardy testing ?04:45
Hobbseenot yet04:45
HobbseeDaSkreech: see the meeting logs04:45
Hobbseeand hte minutes04:45
nixternalDaSkreech: we probably won't start doing the meta packages until after the holidays04:46
DaSkreechKDE3 is the default upgrade?04:46
DaSkreechnixternal: I don't mean now I mean for later04:46
Hobbsee[15:44] * Hobbsee ponders writing an email sometimes on what it all means in laymans terms04:46
Hobbsee[15:44] * Hobbsee sees the kubuntu-devel mialing list is bikeshedding, again04:46
nixternalnothing has changed except for a) we aren't LTS04:46
DaSkreechwill we start testing beta KDE3 -> KDE4 upgrades at all?04:46
nixternalnot until 8.10 probably04:46
nixternalmaybe later04:47
Hobbseeand then blogging it04:48
Hobbseehopefully it'lls top the questions04:48
nixternalWHAT?!?! :p04:48
JucatoHobbsee: at least there's some life in there finally :)04:48
nixternalHobbsee: it won't stop them at all04:48
Jucato(kubuntu-devel list I mean)04:48
HobbseeJucato: that's true04:48
Hobbseenixternal: well, the ones who can't read should be shot.  this is simple.04:48
nixternalya, just ignore them like we usually do :p04:48
Hobbseeit's called darwinism.04:48
Hobbseesurvival of the fittest04:49
Jucatonixternalism then :)04:49
* Hobbsee must have worked too much retail recently04:49
nixternalremove the warning labels and let the stupid ones weed themselves out04:49
* Hobbsee needs to go there todya, too04:49
Hobbseenixternal: 'xactly.04:49
Jucatotodya... nice sound to that type :P04:49
nixternalthanks to Carlos Mencia for that line04:49
* DaSkreech prods nixternal04:52
DaSkreechget your blogs on pk.o :-p04:53
Jucatothat's not up to him already04:53
Jucatoit's a matter of clee responding :)04:54
Jucatowe should probably establish planet.nixternal.com04:57
nixternalheh, I could do that04:58
DaSkreechNo one would be worthy to geta visa04:58
nixternala blog aggregator just for my blog04:58
Jucatohahah :)04:58
nixternalthere is an issue with kdelibs504:59
cheguevarawhat is it04:59
JucatoNightrose: regarding your blog post about KDE4 on your old Sony VAIO, it would prolly be nice if you mentioned the specs for it. would be a great testament to the hardware that kde4 can (smoothly) run on. :)04:59
JucatoNightrose: oh, and hoppy halidays!04:59
Jucatoer.. I meant happy holidays04:59
* Hobbsee work05:00
JucatoHobbsee: on the day before christmas? O.o05:00
nixternalwhenever I try to build against it, it doesn't pick up FindKDE4Internal.cmake from the correct place05:01
HobbseeJucato: unfortunately yes.  i finish at 10.15pm05:01
nixternalit is something to do with the latest debian merge05:01
cheguevarahmmm thats not supposed to happen05:01
Jucatopoor Hobbsee :(05:01
nixternalI have gone through cdbs/kde.mk and everything looks good, but it isn't05:01
Jucatobut poor(er) nixternal :(05:01
* DaSkreech dubgs nixternal sir sheep05:02
* nixternal looks through kde.mk again05:02
nixternalthere is something I am missing that Debian put in05:02
crimsunheh, I have to work both days :-)05:02
nixternalsince they aren't installing into /usr/lib/kde4 like we are05:02
Jucatocrimsun: double ouch :(05:03
cheguevaradid you double check you got all our changes?05:03
nixternalcheguevara: got all of our changes05:03
Jucatocrimsun: I guess greeting you merry christmas might be pointless or insulting?05:03
cheguevarait finished building 2 hours ago05:04
crimsunJucato: hardly.  I'll be around for bits.05:04
cheguevaraam still missing kdelibs5 here05:04
nixternalkdelibs5 builds fine, but something is up, and I am wondering if it has to do with RPATH05:04
Jucatohm... I'm guessing RPATH has nothing to do with rPath?05:04
cheguevaraactually i am lying05:04
cheguevarakdelibs5: Depends: libgif4 (>= 4.1.4) but it is not going to be installed05:05
nixternalI hightly doubt it, RPATH has been around forever05:05
nixternalit works here05:05
nixternalI swear, I will throw my computers in the toilet05:05
cheguevaranixternal, thats right05:05
cheguevarabut somethign else depends on ungif05:05
cheguevarai cant figure out what05:05
nixternalforkin' libgif-dev does05:06
nixternalapt-cache rdepends libungif4-dev05:07
cheguevarahow does that work05:07
nixternalI have no idea, but something tells me that it is mistaken05:07
nixternalI am looking at libgif-dev and it has libungif4-dev as a conflict05:07
cheguevarait is05:08
cheguevarait conflicts/replaces05:08
cheguevaranot depends05:08
crimsunyou've just illustrated why I've said that you /don't/ use rdepends for that purpose.05:08
crimsunuse apt-cache show binaryfoo|grep ^blah05:09
nixternalhehe, thanks for telling me that now05:09
* Jucato learned about apt-cache showsrc only yesterday :D05:10
cheguevaracheguevara@cheguevara-laptop:~$ sudo apt-get install libgif4 kdelibs505:10
cheguevarawants to remove kubuntu-desktop05:11
nixternalthat is awesome!05:11
nixternalthat means it worked!05:11
nixternalBAH BAH BAH!#@!05:11
crimsunI hear you should get that new flashplugin-nonfree alongside it  ;)05:11
cheguevaranixternal, i bet you need to rebuild kdebase and friends against the new kdelibs05:13
nixternalI can't build anything against the new kdelibs, and that is what I am trying to do05:13
cheguevaraoh yeah05:13
cheguevarayep kdebase depends on ungif05:13
* cheguevara bets its not a build depends05:15
* Jucato curses the water company while watching these developers wrestle w/ kde4-debian madness05:15
cheguevaralol whats wrong with the water company05:16
Jucatowe have no water for....05:16
Jucatomore than 5 hours now :)05:16
Jucatoand 'tis the day before Christmas :)05:16
nixternalcrimsun: you have any info on CMAKE_SKIP_PATH=true and what issues that may cause?05:19
cheguevaranixternal: just blame stdin05:20
cheguevarasince he's not here he can't speak for himself :P05:20
nixternalI can't, he didn't have a kdelibs patch :)05:20
crimsunnixternal: what's the context?05:23
crimsun(I haven't been following kdelibs5)05:23
nixternalI merged with Debian, it builds fine, but for some reason, the linking isn't correct05:23
nixternalso when I try to build packages against it, it doesn't find the correct files05:24
nixternalI am going to comment it out and do a quick build and see if that fixes it05:24
nixternalheh, I was watching the news tonight, and right at the beginning of our Chicago newscast, some idiot decided to ram the news studio in his car, scared the crap out of the anchorman, he jumped up and ran off05:26
nixternalwatching Fox News, MSNBC, and CNN to see who says "It doesn't seem to be a terrorist attack at this time"05:27
nixternalI will go with either Fox or MSNBC05:27
nixternalthey have gotten so bad, that they now say they believe any weather is not the immediate results of terrorists :p05:28
* Jucato hugs his non-Debian, non-helpful, from-SVN kde4 :)05:29
Jucatoaw... so it was an accident?05:30
nixternalno, he did it deliberately05:30
nixternalsomeone pissed him off by telling him to move his car I guess05:31
nixternalso he moved it05:31
nixternalI would have been like, "dude, I thought it was a heated parking garage"05:31
Jucatomv car studio/05:31
nixternalonly a whopping -28c here05:32
Jucatomy hottest christmas evar!!05:32
Jucatoand having no water to take a bath helps :D05:32
Jucato86.3 F05:32
nixternalwe still aren't going to have a white christmast05:32
nixternalit was 11c here this morning05:33
Jucato(that's 30.2c)05:33
nixternalor 52f05:33
nixternalI figured I was the only luser using imperial :p05:33
Jucatoat this rate we'll *never* have a white christmas... ever...05:34
cheguevarawow its 5:40 am05:34
cheguevarasleep might be a good idea :P05:34
Jucatoit's a terrible idea. perish the thought!05:35
cheguevaradamn script kiddies05:35
cheguevaraDC where my server is is being DDoSed05:35
cheguevara5 GBit incoming05:35
ardchoilleThey just want you to see the next blockbuster hit :)05:36
cheguevaraand 2.4 GBit capacity....05:36
nixternalbbiaf, time to watch a lil tv while kdelibs5 builds again :)05:36
cheguevaravery crappy traceroute05:37
Jucatono tv!05:37
Jucatomerry christmas!!!!1111elevenone05:37
teKnofreakmerry christmas!05:38
KocKidwhen I open the Terminal, the computer restarts....can someone help me ?05:53
yuriymerry christmas!06:08
yuriyJucato: so much for mindless hacking, i'm going skiing.06:08
Jucatoyuriy: that will definitely be more fun that adept hacking :)06:08
nixternalyup, that RPATH was the issues06:54
nixternalRiddell: take a look at kdelibs5, kde.mk has CMAKE_SKIP_RPATH=true in it...having it this way messes up other packages building against it, if I remove it, then I can build against it...see if it is OK to remove it, or if there needs to be a change elsewhere and then I will get the rest of the packages build and uploaded in the morning07:01
* nixternal is crashing07:01
NightroseJucato: you are right - please remind me after christmas07:45
Nightroseand happy holidays to you all too07:45
Riddellnixternal: that can be removed10:36
Riddellhas to be because of our funny path10:37
JucatoHappy Birthday and Merry Christmas Riddell :)10:37
Riddellit's not Christmas yet!10:37
Riddellat least not unless you're apachelogger_10:37
Jucatohehe no... I just might not be here in 5 hours (when it starts) :D10:38
Jucatois Hobbsee going to be the first to have Christmas? :D10:38
ardchoilleRiddell: Your birthday is on Christmas day?10:38
Jucatoardchoille: no. today10:39
ardchoilleRiddell: Happy birthday :)10:39
Riddellthanks ardchoille!10:41
ugaJucato: happy birthday! =)10:50
Jucatouga: not me :)10:50
ugaJucato: well, you responded =)10:51
Jucatocat uga > Riddell10:51
ugaRiddell: let me know when you receive the MkIII I sent you10:51
doc__hi there10:55
Riddelluga: what's that?10:55
Riddellhi doc__10:56
ugaRiddell: the Canon 1D MkIII I sent to you for birthday present10:57
ugaouch, wrong channel =)10:58
ugawhy did I think I was at #photogeeks =)10:58
ugaRiddell: sorry, that's one of the most loved cameras ever by photogs =) around 7keur, iirc10:59
* uga recalls the packet and sends a konoqui puppet instead10:59
ugacheaper and more effective for a kubuntu geek10:59
Riddelluga: golly, thanks, I'll let you know when it turns up10:59
teKnofreakRiddell, happy birthday :)11:01
Riddellthanks teKnofreak!11:02
doc__Riddell: happy birthday :)11:15
mhband merry christmas!11:43
mhbooh, a nice long mail from Keybuk11:44
Jucatowb mhb. merry christmas to you too :)11:58
mhbJucato: thanks11:59
mhbJucato: to you too11:59
* Jucato doesn't know what to make of keybuk's response though...11:59
mhbit was a bit shuttleworthy12:01
mhb"It's the usual Shuttleworth strategy to keep everyone in hope as long as possible." from binner's post12:02
JucatoI don't think Canonical considered openSUSE's (or Mandriva's?) situations wrt KDE 3.5 either... (from binner's post too)12:03
Jucatothat would answer the 2nd main question (in keybuk's mail)12:03
Jucatooh well...12:04
mhbI'm not sure how it is possible that Canonical could support Dapper, but cannot Hardy, given that the number of devs working on it has stayed the same12:04
mhbit's at its all time low, but also at its all-time high :o)12:04
mhbJucato: also I remember you wanting to revive the testing community12:12
mhbJucato: perhaps you should go for it, I don't have time to do that and also my bandwidth is very limited (cannot download ISOs every day)12:12
Jucatomhb: sorry stepped out. and needed to step out again...12:16
Jucatoand my bandwidth is also very limited :(12:16
* Jucato willl try to think... but needs to go :)12:17
cheguevarawhere's this email12:20
cheguevaraKeybuk's one12:22
mhbcheguevara: ML12:23
cheguevarakubuntu-devel ?12:23
cheguevaraaaaaaah i've read it12:24
cheguevarai just realised Scott James Remnant = keybuk :(12:24
effie_jayxRiddell: happy b-day :)12:25
Riddellthanks effie_jayx!12:27
* jpatrick wonders how kmplayer ftbts on all archs apart from lpia12:27
=== \sh_away is now known as \sh
jpatricktag \sh12:30
\shOk, last time that I will go online during the celebration of Jonathans Birthday (oh I forgot, Jesus was born too ;)) ....12:30
mhbRiddell: sooo, did you get any presents yet?12:31
Riddellone so far12:31
mhbwhat's that?12:31
Riddellmhb: the Borat book12:32
Riddellgreat success12:32
\shSo, Happy Birthday Jonathan...may all wishes come true for you and happy holidays, merry christmas , Joyeux Noël. Happy Hannukah , or whatever will be celebrated all over the world in all timezones in all religious believes :)12:32
\shCarine and I are wishing all of you a very pieceful time :)12:33
=== \sh is now known as \sh_away
Riddell\sh: as a fundamentalist quaker I don't celebrate any religious days :)12:36
mhbno gifts for Riddell then12:38
Riddellooh, hang on, I could be persuaded to change religion if there were presents12:39
Jucatolate lol :)12:49
* Jucato sends out holiday greetings to everyone, whether they want it or not :)12:52
jpatrickJucato: it was calculated that if ubuntu-es.org sent an email with a 300kb image to all users, it'd result in a 45GB loss of bandwidth12:53
JucatoI can't send to all people in my addressbook though... not all celebrate the same thing, or celebrate anythign at all :)12:55
nosrednaekimah... now that was a nice clear email from Scott....13:56
nosrednaekimwell, at least it had some official reasoning in it...13:57
nosrednaekiminstead of all of these rumors.13:57
mhbit had some reasoning in it.13:57
mhbthe number of Canonical staff testing Kubuntu images is at its all time low, for example.13:58
mhbjust one person13:58
mhbhowever, it was the same for Dapper and nobody really objected13:58
Hobbseesure, but there were community people too13:59
* Hobbsee didn't test this time around13:59
mhbI am not really surprised though.13:59
mhbit's not a fun task to do.14:00
mhbbesides, you need a solid bandwidth with no limits, and such providers are rare here.14:00
mhbFor example, I cannot really download 700MBs every day.14:00
* nosrednaekim can't DL 70MB every day...14:01
* toma is happy to be his own provider14:01
mhbI still think tasks such as packaging and testing should be automatized mostly.14:01
Hobbseewell, i didn't mind14:02
* mhb dreams of virtual machine farms running a complex regression-testing evaluation script14:02
Hobbseemhb: there is rsync.14:02
Hobbseeit's not 700mb each cd14:02
mhbit can be 500MB14:02
mhbbut unless I have downloaded 0MB that week, my connection will be cut down to 64kbit14:03
mhbevil providers.14:03
Hobbseethat sounds even worse than au ones14:03
mhbperhaps Canonical could pay for our net connection so we could DL it more often :o)14:04
mhbmy point is: testing is eating a lot of bandwidth, and it's not much fun. Unless there are benefits, few will do it.14:04
mhbeither let machines do it or think of a reward.14:05
Hobbseethere are plans to get more of it automated.14:05
tomaeverlasting fame14:05
mhbyeah, or two free copies of Linux (as Linux once said)14:06
mhberr, Linus14:06
mhbHobbsee: if those plans come from Canonical, they don't involve Kubuntu at all.14:06
Hobbseemhb: or don't they?14:07
Hobbseemhb: qa helps with all of them, i thought14:07
Hobbseelike security14:07
mhbhas there been an occasion when a Canonical employee fixed a Kubuntu-specific security bug?14:08
mhbexcept the man celebrating today, of course14:08
Hobbseemhb: multiple ones, yes.14:09
* mhb doesn't remember14:09
Hobbseemhb: you probably don't see them, though, as we take their patches, and upload them.14:09
Hobbseeusually with other stuff too14:09
Hobbseethere are a fair few kdelibs / kdebase ones14:09
Hobbseekdelibs, in particular14:09
mhbpatched by?14:09
iRonAbout testing.. Hardy Alpha2 installation failed on my laptop.. Because of buggy linux kernel 2.6.24 :-(14:10
mhbHobbsee: I'd like to hear the name of the Canonical employee so I can thank him.14:10
mhbHobbsee: for fixing a Kubuntu-specific bug :o)14:10
Hobbseemhb: keescook14:10
Hobbseenice bloke.  met him twice.14:10
mhbstill, I don't see them do it quite often.14:12
mhbrather, the reactions on #ubuntu-devel are quite often negative, as in "who cares, it's not Ubuntu"14:13
Hobbseeyes, but are tehy from developers, or users-who-are-just-pretending?14:14
Hobbseeseeing as there are some in there, who sound like developers14:14
Hobbseebut really arent.14:14
nosrednaekimmost ubuntu users don't care (from the one's i've talked to on in my Loco)14:15
nosrednaekimiRon: well, it IS a release candidate..14:16
mhbHobbsee: well, developers are more careful with words.14:17
mhbI sense the gap between first and second class is increasing.14:21
mhbalso these secret decision in the middle of the release cycle remind of Novell, not Canonical of old.14:22
* mhb regrets saying this at Riddell's birthday,14:22
* Hobbsee suspects tehy've been discussing for a while14:26
Hobbseebesides - when did kde4 get the release date (final) announced again?14:26
mhbright, but UDS was for discussions.14:26
mhband secret decisions are not an honest way of interacting with a community.14:26
Hobbseeno, but you didn't answer my question14:27
Hobbseewhen did the final kde4 release date come out?14:27
* Hobbsee is fairly sure that was after UDS14:27
Hobbseebesides.  a lot of the canonical people were discussing other things at UDS.14:28
Hobbseelike they say, it's not really a community issue14:28
LureHobbsee: sure, but it was clear at UDS that kde4 will not be LTS material anyhow14:28
nosrednaekimI think Scott made a good point though. its the communities decision to have commercial support! i'm sure if enough comapnies clamoured for LTS, they might give it14:28
HobbseeLure: which is why they planned for dke3 only14:28
nosrednaekim*its NOT the14:28
Hobbseenosrednaekim: ah, yes.14:28
Hobbseenosrednaekim: if companies showed enough interest in it, then i suspect they might14:29
Lurenosrednaekim: agreed that it is Canonical's decision on what to spend their money, but as they base lot's of their success on comunity contributions too, they could ensure that things get communicated better14:30
Lurenosrednaekim: for example, it is still not clear if there will be another LTS in future and what will this mean for todays dapper users14:30
* Hobbsee wonders how long they've been sitting on the decision for14:30
HobbseeLure: what dapper users?14:30
LureHobbsee: there were even in k-d mailing list some reports of people waiting on dapper as they do not want 6-month upgrades14:31
LureHobbsee: those are for sure waiting for something more stable14:31
blizzzekat least there is one in our german community :D14:31
LureHobbsee: and hardy will not be that, as it is not clear what kind of future upgrades will be possible14:32
LureHobbsee: buit most likely only hardy -> hardy+114:32
LureHobbsee: and this is exaclty what they do not want - 6month upgrade14:32
HobbseeLure: i'd like to see some testing done from dapper --> hardy, command-line wise, just to check that it shouldn't bail14:32
Hobbseebut there's so much stuff to backport14:32
LureHobbsee: other aspect is message to the market, even more after Mark's invitation of OpenSUSE developers, which now looks even more out-of-the-line14:33
Hobbseeyeah well.  canonical PR....14:34
Hobbseewell, lets just say that i don't work for them, and i'm sometimes greatful for that fact.14:34
LureHobbsee: kubuntu will still be fine for hobbies and on-the-edge users, but I do not see it at all considreded for business deploymenet (unless there is another company behind - like French parl.)14:34
HobbseeLure: true, true14:35
LureHobbsee: actually no-LTS kubuntu is also opportunity for any other company to take over flagship kubuntu support from Canonical14:35
LureHobbsee: which would potentially result in Canonical droping shipit and other benefits unless there is some agreement14:36
HobbseeLure: true.  w'ell see, i guess14:36
LureRiddell: happy birthday!14:39
* Lure is reading backlog ;-)14:39
=== LongXmasStick is now known as GoldenPony
mhbah, everyone is gone15:46
mhbat least the "silent night" part is true :o)15:46
ryannot always15:47
* toma is around15:47
* Jucato is now round :)16:04
JucatoTue Dec 25 00:04:23 PHT 200716:04
Jucatomerry christmas to * (or happy hannukah or whatever you celebrate today)16:04
RadiantFirewhere do you live that its already christmas?16:05
JucatoPhilippines (Asia)16:05
Jucatothe aussies and kiwis had it first :)16:06
jpatrickno Hobbsee around tho16:07
Jucatoyeah :(16:07
Jucatohi jpatrick! feliz navidad16:07
jpatrickJucato: feliz navidad tio!16:08
Jucatoprospero año y felicidad16:08
=== uga is now known as uga|away
nixternalRiddell: did you upload a new kdelibs5?16:41
nixternalnever mind, that was me16:42
mhbwe've got christmas too16:47
mhbbecause we're the cool continental folks who celebrate just in time!16:47
=== never|mobi is now known as neversfelde|mobi
nixternalas a matter of fact, I think NORAD just said santa is in your area :)16:49
iRonyou are lucky.. in our country we have no christmas.. :)16:49
iRonwe only celebrating New Year on Dec 31-Jan 116:50
jpatrickwe have two christmases in spain16:51
mhbnixternal: ah, so that's why the Americans are installing the defense missile system in Poland...16:51
mhbnixternal: they want Santa Claus not to leave the USA, or they'll shoot him down.16:51
Jucatohah :)16:53
nixternalmhb: hahahaha, that damn santa is a terrorist...he climbs down chimneys16:53
nixternaland places mysterious packages under a tree16:53
Jucatono, he's a communist. he's all in red :)16:53
mhbwhy not both?16:53
nixternalwe are sick of calling the bomb squad to blow them up, only to find out I got my favorite doll, but now it is destroyed16:53
nixternalmhb: santa better have his visa! :p16:54
JucatoI hope santa sends me an N801 or an Eee PC... then I won't mind :)16:54
mhbthe communist terrorists company - threatening USA since 1945.16:54
nixternalJucato: if you are still awake and santa hasn't been there yet, he isn't coming...you have to be sleeping for him to show up16:54
Jucatothen again... 1. we don't have chimneys. 2. he'll die in this weather. 3. he'll get mugged even before he can step out of his sleigh. 4. His reindeers are on the menu :)16:55
nixternalmhb: here is what I don't understand about that whole visa mess and what really irritates me...16:55
mhbnixternal: imagine santa claus asking his elves to make the photo of him 5cmx5cm, because that's the format United States require.16:55
Jucatomhb: I doubt the U.S. Embassy will grant him a Visa, since he's from an unknown company on an unknown island :)16:56
nixternalwe have people from mexico jumping the border every day, yet our government is split...they are illegal, or they are good to go and received all kinds of free stuff..I support making them citizens as they tend to work and what not...I liked having our loose borders16:56
Jucato(sounds familiar though)16:56
nixternalone guy slips in from canada supposedly to attack NYC, and now we all have to pay for it...we hate it just as much as anyone else16:56
mhbwell the "golden years" of USA were all when the borders were open16:57
nixternalI used to easily go up into Canada for a few weeks..now I have to go through hell and back just to go16:57
nixternalI am hoping that will change one day16:57
mhbI hope so, too16:58
nixternalit was a cool country years ago, but now...I don't feel the true "patriotism" anymore16:58
nixternalat first, I couldn't understand why other countries hated us so much, and I was angered by it...but that has all changed as I see why16:59
mhbwell I think once the middle-east conflicts are settled, it will be a good place again.16:59
nixternaland you can really think the Linux community for that one...seeing as we are "international" you get to hear others comments about it, so you don't always learn geeky stuff around here :)16:59
mhbprovided the politicians stop scaring the voters with terrorism16:59
nixternalwell, we are a year away from a new president16:59
nixternalhopefully that will help17:00
nosrednaekimHilary or Guliani certainly won't <_<17:00
nixternalI will admit, I am a conservative (Republican) and voted for Bush twice, however if I had my choice again, I wouldn't vote for him again17:00
nixternalHillary is our next president, whether people want to believe it or not17:00
tomaas in Clinton?17:01
nixternalexactly my feeling :)17:01
tomawhat are you guys doing overthere?17:01
nixternalask the liberals that one17:01
* mhb is going back to celebrating, see you later17:01
mhbmy first family comes first, you know :o)17:01
nixternalI wouldn't mind Barack Obama, McCain possibly, or ...damn I forgot his name...17:02
nosrednaekimRon paul?17:02
nixternalmerry christmas mhb! have fun17:02
tomawasn't she the one that pushed the health system while her husband was in office?17:02
nixternalron paul is interesting to say the least17:02
nixternaltoma: yup17:02
nixternalyou watched sicko? :)17:02
nixternalif so, don't believe everything you saw in sicko...I don't have health care, yet I go to the dr. just like everyone else and I don't pay out the arse17:03
nixternalour health care system is a mess though, and just about everything else17:03
tomai did not see it17:03
nixternalmanchicken: tell them how much you love ron paul :p17:03
nixternaldudes, hide, he will blow a lid when he sees that17:03
nixternalman, what is the Morman guys name that is running? I cannot think of it for the life of me17:05
tomanixternal: will that be the first woman as president?17:05
jpatricknixternal: if you ask me, this whole place is a mess17:05
nosrednaekimMitt Romney?17:05
nixternaltoma: yes17:05
nixternalnosrednaekim: thanks, ya him17:05
nixternalI like him kind of17:05
effie_jayxnixternal:  hello from kubuntu gutsy17:05
nixternalooh, howdy effie_jayx17:05
effie_jayxI installed on my laptop.. and I am a gnome freak...17:05
tomaclinton wasn't that bad compared to bush though17:05
nixternalanyone who uses gnome is a freak :)17:06
effie_jayxI like KDE ;)17:06
nixternalclinton was a democrat/liberal that I actually liked17:06
nixternaleven if he is the reason for cutting my job in the military :)17:06
nixternalI would be 4 years away from active duty retirement if it wasn't for him17:06
nixternalvoting in the US though has gone from "voting who will be best for us" to "voting for who will suck less"17:08
jussi01nixternal: was it ever the first one anywhere?17:09
effie_jayxnixternal:  just about every country...17:09
tomanixternal: i thought there was a great system of pre-elections in the us17:09
nixternaltoma: there is, but I don't have any say-so in who goes further17:09
nixternalthe elections in the US are garbage, they are so easily cheated, which I think we saw from the 1st elections with Bush vs. Gore17:10
nixternalgotta give it to Bush though, he straight Tony Soprano'd that one :)17:11
jussi01effie_jayx: you got your menus sorted?17:11
RiddelliRon: same here17:11
jussi01Happy Birthday Riddell !!17:12
nixternalRiddell: uploading updated kdelibs5, and now I can get back to building17:12
nixternalwhat exactly does that CMAKE_SKIP_RPATH do that it causes an issue for us?17:12
iRonRiddell: doesn't work?17:13
RiddelliRon: we don't care for christmas, we have hogmanay17:14
nixternalRiddell: also, I am using the "feather" wp from the meeting, and I actually really like it17:14
nixternaleatin' some haggis today?17:14
iRonRiddell: oh.. i was thought you telling me about user disk mounting :-D17:14
Riddellnixternal: it stops adding an rpath, which we need because of our weird prefix (you could probably also use LD_LIBRARY_PATH or similar)17:14
nixternalOK, so I was on the right track then with it17:14
Riddellnixternal: "feather" wp?17:15
nixternalmy grandfather loved haggis, I wouldn't get near it17:15
Riddellnixternal: no, lobster17:15
nixternalmmmm lobster17:15
effie_jayxjussi01:  nah... been fighting with a bigger demon...17:15
effie_jayxtheme manager17:15
effie_jayxI like kubuntu17:15
effie_jayxand I am making it my  own...17:15
nixternalheh, everyone fights with theme manager, and I don't know why17:16
nosrednaekimyeah, I never could get the GNOME color manager working.17:16
effie_jayxbut I try to download themes from kde-look.org and kate tries to open them17:16
nixternalI think I like the crystal theme we use, just with a smaller top bar, and the default crystal buttons17:16
effie_jayxdunno if it is a konqueror bug...17:17
effie_jayxnixternal:  I like plastik...17:17
nixternalya, plastik is still my favorite, since I have been a "vanilla" kde type of guy for a long time17:17
effie_jayxnosrednaekim: color changing is not cool in gnome...17:19
* nosrednaekim like the desert color scheme with oxygen.17:20
jussi01effie_jayx: you just open those files from withtin the themem manager.17:22
effie_jayxjussi01:  I can't ... I click on download and kate firesup17:23
effie_jayxI have to wget them..17:23
effie_jayxnosrednaekim:  I am going to give it a look17:23
effie_jayxI wonder if anyone has the same problem...17:24
jussi01effie_jayx: so click save from kate...17:24
effie_jayxall the gibberish... won't it mess up the file?17:24
nosrednaekimeffie_jayx: thats for KDE4... but you can use desert with kde317:24
effie_jayxahhh :S17:24
* jussi01 still hasnt found a qt browser that he likes17:26
iRonjussi01: just code it :) it would be nice to have lightweight WebKit/Qt browser as an alternative..17:28
jussi01iRon: I guess you havent seen my coding skills...17:28
iRonSwift is a cross-platform Web Browser based on Qt and QtWebkit http://code.google.com/p/swift-wb/17:29
jussi01ohh, must have a look at that...17:30
iRonjussi01: for now it is nothing to look at.. it is in a very pre-pre-alpha :) but it works though.17:32
jussi01iRon: cool.17:32
jussi01iRon: is this the one created for android?17:32
iRonjussi01: no.. it just uses the same rendering engine -- WebKit17:33
jussi01iRon: yeps :)17:33
yuriyhow long should it take to do a bzr push to launchpad?17:34
nixternalseconds, but instead it takes a long time17:36
nixternalwhat are you pushing?17:36
nixternalif it is a couple of small files, it doesn't take long usually17:36
nixternaliRon: I have been playing with swift on my windows box..it is pretty slick17:37
yuriynixternal: i was playing around with adept, so that's what i'm trying to push. it's been >20 min17:37
nixternalhowever, they are copyright violation though17:37
nixternalbut hopefully Qt will be gpl v2 or newer soon17:38
Riddellit won't17:39
Riddellhopefully 2/3 though17:39
Riddellnixternal: is swift gpl 3?17:40
nixternalit has potential though17:40
iRonall code must be under BSD license :-)17:40
nosrednaekimyech... C#17:41
nixternalya, I want my code to make it into proprietary software...I don't think so, so BAH BSD17:42
nixternalw00t, keybuk cleared up a little of the confusion on the ml17:43
rouzicRiddell: happy birthday ;)17:45
yuriyoh wow it's done17:47
rouzici can't use flashplugin-nonfree in konqueror :s17:47
nixternalrouzic: nor can any of us until we fix konqi and xembed17:47
jpatrickfor some reason it works here17:48
jpatrick@ youtube at least, with gutsy17:48
crimsunyou're on gutsy.17:48
nixternalit is kind of working here17:49
jpatrickso's rouzic17:49
nixternalon hardy17:49
nixternalI can hear a flash video on youtube, but I can't see it17:49
crimsunnah, that's still broken17:49
nixternalprobably a reboot or restarting x might fix it17:49
nixternalit wasn't working before at all, it would just cause konqi to crash17:49
rouzicnixternal: gutsy17:50
nixternalnope, still broken in hardy...we have sound, but no video17:51
rouzicin firefox works flash17:51
Riddellthanks rouzic!17:51
crimsunah, Riddell's another year older.  'grats!17:52
nixternalnah, Riddell is special, he doubles in age every year now17:52
crimsunmy sympathies, then ;)17:52
nosrednaekimhey, I hope we are going with the simple menu for our KDE417:57
nixternalwhat is the simple menu?17:57
nixternalthe old menu?17:57
nixternallike the kde 3 menu17:57
* nosrednaekim detests kickoff17:57
nixternalwe will probably go witht he default one17:57
rouzicnixternal: old menu! :-D17:58
nixternalI do as well, but there are way more people who like it compared to those who don't17:58
nixternalfor a while, kickoff was probaby our #1 requested app to be packaged17:58
nosrednaekim[13:00] <HS^^> its close to kde418:01
nosrednaekim[13:00] <HS^^> and basicly rc2 is shit.  how can they fix this.18:01
nosrednaekim[13:00] <HS^^> the menu is SO big and so ugly18:01
nosrednaekim[13:00] <HS^18:01
nosrednaekim(thats from #kubuntu)18:01
nixternalthe menu is small, that is what I don't like about it18:01
nixternalI prefer Tasty Menu over it18:01
nixternalis there a way I can make debuild work across both cores? I just noticed my building is only on one core18:21
nixternalvia temperature reading that is18:21
yuriybuild 2 things at the same time ^_^18:22
nixternalI think it is time for a new cpu heatsink/fan18:23
nixternalon one core18:23
manchickennixternal: Are you trying to make me look bad? :P18:34
manchickenRon Paul is the devil and Mitt Romney is his love-slave.18:34
nixternalmy dad and I just watched a thing about mr. paul, and my dad pretty much said "is he mental"18:34
=== RadiantFire_ is now known as RadiantFire
manchickenThe answer to that is no.  He's not mental.  He's evil.18:38
manchickenI can't remember who it was, but one of the GOP candidates said that health care is a luxury.18:39
RadiantFirewell, everyone is entitled to an opinion, no need to bash them as evil for being misguided18:40
manchickenRadiantFire: No, Ron Paul is actually evil though.18:41
manchickenHe wants to repeal the 14th amendment to the US Constitution which would end birth-right citizenship.18:42
RadiantFireI got a flyer from him the other day, most of it seemed reasonable18:42
RadiantFireanyway, happy holidays everyone18:43
manchickenRadiantFire: They only tell you the nice parts.  Like I'm sure they didn't mention that he wants to remove all labor laws and environmental laws.18:45
manchickenOh, and the department of education.18:45
RadiantFiremanchicken: that has to be weighed against the fact there is no way he ever could do that, no matter how much he wants to18:46
manchickenRadiantFire: The EPA, Dept. of Education, and Dept. of Labor are all cabinet positions IIRC... putting them right under the Prez.18:48
nixternaljust the leaders iirc, not the actual departments themselves18:49
manchickenI'm pretty sure the president has the authority to disband or at least under-fund those groups.18:49
nixternaltoday he said "we need to abolish taxes"...and when asked about how do you knock down the debt, he had that dear in the headlights look..that is what caused the mental statement from my old man18:50
nixternalhe don't have a chance anyways, and the only way for him to get past the prelims is to run independent now18:51
nixternalI need to go get a cpu cooler, and I don't want to drive all the way to Frys or Tiger Direct18:52
nixternaldoes Best Buy or Circuit City have any in there stores?18:52
nixternalahh, CC might, best buy stinks18:52
nixternalBAH, not available in stores18:53
nixternalI can't have that when building18:54
manchickennixternal: That would make sense.18:56
nixternal78c wouldn't make sense18:56
nixternal60c tops on my lappy when building18:56
manchickenBut to that point I would say that he just omitted that he wasn't trying to abolish the debt at all.  I think he likes debt.18:56
manchickenI think he just wants something else to blame on Mexico.18:57
* nixternal wants open borders again18:57
* manchicken isn't a fan of borders at all.18:57
nixternalI wan mhb to come and visit me :)18:58
* effie_jayx prefers shopping in barnes n' noble... 18:59
nixternalso do I...I was there for a bit yesterday18:59
nixternaldid a kdelibs upload from there as a matter of fact18:59
effie_jayxI haven't been in the use for 3 years now...18:59
* manchicken misses his local coffee shop.18:59
nixternalhas anyone been to starbucks recently with a windows/apple lappy?19:00
manchickenNot me.19:00
nixternalit seems they try to push something down to your machine19:00
manchickenWould that surprise you?19:00
nixternalI don't know if it is that iTunes crap or not19:00
manchickenIt wouldn't surprise me :)19:00
nixternalwell I never had noticed anything until our local one did the iTune stuff19:00
nixternalas soon as I go to a website, I get a popup from Konqi that is empty, and then a crash19:01
nixternalwhat is wrong with the buildd's19:11
nixternalkicked back my kdelibs4 with chroot problems19:12
GNUroMerry Christmas to you all19:14
nixternalwhat can one do when the buildd fails to build due to a chroot problem? do I have to reupload?19:17
nixternalout of all of my uploads, I have never had a problem19:18
crimsunnixternal: ask for a give-back.19:33
nixternalcrimsun: can I have a give back?19:33
crimsunnixternal: if I were an archive admin, I would be happy.19:33
* nixternal bets all of the archive admins are on holiday19:33
crimsunhappy to^19:33
jpatricknixternal: well, I'm waiting for Hobbsee :)19:34
nixternalI just left a "pretty please" comment in ubuntu-devel19:34
crimsunI'm having tonnes of fun jumping wifi points here in the district.19:35
crimsunstupid holiday eve and retails closing earlier19:35
nixternalPotomoc Mills is open until 6 I heard19:36
nixternalat least they used to stay open until 6 on xmas eve...I always went there then, it wasn't as busy and I got all of my shopping done in like an hour :)19:36
daSkreechnixternal: can We have DE LTS ?19:37
nixternalwhat is DE LTS?19:38
nixternalerr, ;)19:38
daSkreechWell We are looking to delay our LTS by one release right ?19:39
nixternalwe are looking to delay out LTS until Canonical waves the LTS wand over us19:39
nixternalre: keybuks response on the mailing list19:39
crimsunmay I have an LTS wand, too?19:40
nixternalheh, it seems those are the hottest item this year :)19:40
nixternalCanonical is just scared that KDE 4 will kick arse and take over Gnome, so they drop the LTS so it pisses off users and prevents us from ruling the world19:40
nixternal^^ that was a joke, don't go around quoting me on that one19:41
daSkreechI won't cause that's retarded19:41
nixternaldaSkreech: is it? or is it true?19:41
nixternal^^ that wasn't a joke19:41
daSkreechIt's truly retarded :)19:41
=== kitterma is now known as ScottK2
nixternaluh oh, he is here, so shhhh19:41
daSkreechDang it19:41
daSkreechjust as I was about to blurt out too19:42
* daSkreech pouts and sulks in the Korner19:42
nixternalimbrandon: can I build 1 package across multiple cores? if so, teach me obi wan19:42
daSkreechHere’s the killer that makes this beta release amazing: more GTK support.19:44
ScottK2nixternal: imbrandon isn't online.  He just dropped me off at my Dad's house, so there's no way he's home yet.19:45
nixternaloh ya, you are in kc...forgot about that19:45
daSkreechSo we can't have a LTS till 2010 ?19:46
crimsunno, you can't have a PONY!!19:46
* daSkreech will have a GoldenHorse19:47
ScottK2There are no ponies.  Laserjock is keeping them all anyways.19:49
daSkreechSince we can't LTS just KDE We have to get all the stuff in Main LTsed right ?19:52
ScottK2Well it's not clear in the current model exactly what is covered by LTS.19:52
nixternaleverything non-KDE will be LTS19:52
daSkreechI'm asking if we can make just KDE LTS19:53
nixternaleverything non-Kubuntu as well19:53
nixternaldaSkreech: that isn't what Canonical wants19:53
nixternalsupposedly they aren't sure about the status of KDE come 201119:53
nixternalKDE 3.x that is19:53
jpatrickrock solid?19:53
nixternalwe couldn't LTS KDE 4 for probably another year or so19:53
ScottK2The real question is, is there enough community interest to support KDE 3.5 for 3 years.19:54
nixternaljpatrick: but will upstream be fixing the bugs, that was supposedly their key argument for their decision19:54
ScottK2If there is, maybe it could be long term community supported.19:54
nixternalScottK2: honestly, I think there is19:54
* ScottK2 too.19:54
nixternalbecause KDE is being asked the same things we are19:54
* daSkreech puts up hand19:54
jpatricknixternal: it's great as it is :) no word on 3.5.9 tho, but nm19:54
daSkreechSo we have no idea what the staus is for LTS ?19:55
ScottK2Well how many Gnome bugs in a 2 year old release get fixed?19:55
nixternalwell, they are making some small bug fixes in the 3.5 branch19:55
ScottK2That bit didn't make sense to me.19:55
nixternalbut none to worthy of a 3.5.9 release yet, or not worthy, just not enough from what I could see19:55
nixternalScottK2: apparently not many, because there is a lot of bickering of bugs that are 2+ years old in gnome that aren't getting attention19:55
ScottK2It seems to me that the biggest issue would be security support and that's not generally a big deal.19:55
ScottK2Right, so why is lack of upstream support an issue for Kubuntu?  Same problem in Gnome.19:56
daSkreechcan we LTS KDE against 8.04 packages ?19:56
nixternaldaSkreech: only if Canonical says yes19:56
nixternalit isn't in our hands at all19:56
ScottK2daSkreech: We can't LTS stuff.  Only Canonical can do that.19:56
daSkreechdo we know what it would take for them to say yes ?19:56
ScottK2I think they already said no.19:56
nixternalyes, KDE making a statement that they would support KDE 3 for another 3+ years19:57
ScottK2The repository will be there.19:57
daSkreechOh sorry :)19:57
daSkreechlet me be more explicit19:57
ScottK2So if some other company wanted to sell support contracts, they could ...19:57
daSkreechcan we get KDE4.1 packages shipping with 8.10 to be supported under 8.04 LTs ?19:57
daSkreechSo we backport them19:57
ScottK2Still not part of the release.19:57
nixternalwe can't do shiznit for LTS, we are dead to LTS until Canonical says otherwise19:57
ScottK2Backports is extremely not supported by Canonical.19:58
ScottK2Unless you want to do a startup to offer LTS contracts for Kubuntu.19:58
nixternalScottK2: hrmm :)19:58
nixternalthen again, if Canonical isn't getting them, I would be willing to bet a start-up wouldn't be either19:58
ScottK2A startup would have a different cost mix.19:59
nixternalI think it would be different if the French Parliament and the Canary Islands went with Dapper, but they didn't, they went with Feisty19:59
daSkreechwho do I pester to find out about what it would take for a Mid cycle LTS for KDE packages ?19:59
nixternalMark Shuttleworth19:59
daSkreechHe's not on19:59
crimsunfrankly feisty is a much stronger release than dapper.19:59
nixternalyes it was imho20:00
daSkreechit was stronger release than Gutsy :)20:00
ScottK2Dunno.  I think they each keep getting better.20:00
mhbI don't think Hardy will be strong. At least Kubuntu Hardy won't.20:00
nixternalHardy is looking up too right now I must say20:00
nixternalmhb: then that will be your fault :p20:00
* daSkreech ponders if he should write out a letter to Mark or just pounce him whne he logs in20:00
nixternalyou heard that, it is mhb's fault and not mine for once!20:00
* ScottK2 needs to run. See you all later.20:00
mhbWho's gonna fix D3lphin, who's gonna fix kde-guidance, who's gonna port all the Kubuntu apps to KDE4?20:00
nixternalfix D3lphin by getting rid of it20:01
crimsunarguably a lot can be done to make Kubuntu 8.04 stronger than even Ubuntu 8.04 LTS.20:01
nixternalI am not up on Guidance really, and I have heard mixed reactions on it..I leave the power stuff tot he power people20:01
mhbnixternal: guidance was great20:02
nixternalporting the Kubuntu apps to KDE 4 will of course happen over time20:02
daSkreechJust the bling on Hardy being thrown around is near KDE4 hype20:02
nixternalalthough, there aren't many to port, except for adept, which is scary20:02
daSkreechyuriy: ping20:02
mhbnixternal: when it first arrived, that is at 5.1020:02
daSkreechWe should have a wiki page of what needs to be done for Kubuntu apps -> KDE420:02
mhbsince then it hasn't been improved much.20:02
nixternalwell I know my battery only goes for about 1.5 hours with Kubuntu, and 2.5 hours with Ubuntu20:03
nixternaland that was tested with a Live CD though20:03
daSkreechnixternal: You got linked to from Digg :)20:03
nixternalFedora goes for about 2.5 hours as well20:03
nixternaldaSkreech: when?20:03
nixternalobviously wasn't important this go round as I didn't hear anything from Dreamhost :)20:04
daSkreechThe LTS mailing list post20:04
daSkreechyour website is the first thing on there20:04
crimsunhas any effort been made to merge efforts from guidance and gnome-power-manager?20:04
nixternalnot that I know of...I think JR would know best though about that20:05
crimsunerr, am I even asking about the proper thing?20:05
crimsun(from the Description, apparently not)20:05
crimsunI'm attempting to refer to the backend that handles power management for Kubuntu20:06
daSkreechDoes Solid do power for KDE4 ?20:07
mhbcrimsun: no and it's not planned.20:10
mhbcrimsun: guidance-power-manager is going to get dropped anyway20:10
mhbcrimsun: we'll probably use KDE4's own power manager, so go complain to them.20:11
daSkreechmhb: Is that Solid?20:11
mhbfrankly, with all the new Qt-dependent backends and GTK-dependent backends, I see no future in sharing code.20:11
nixternaldaSkreech: think of solid as a framework for media:/20:11
daSkreechIt doesn't manage hardware ?20:12
mhbdaSkreech: solid is more for plug-and-play devices, from what I understand.20:12
mhblike USB sticks and removable media.20:12
crimsunmhb: hmm, shame.20:12
daSkreechI recall some talk about Power management20:12
daSkreech can't think of what it would come under other than Solid20:12
mhbcrimsun: my point.20:13
nixternaldaSkreech: the reason you don't see power management talk much is because the distros have always implemented the power management20:14
nixternalpower management is different on Linux, BSD, Windows, and Mac, so it would be tough to have a slim and functional "one power manager for all" at this point20:14
daSkreechGood point20:20
daSkreechBut would it make sense to have a framework they tweak ?20:20
nixternalI would think so...but like I said, I leave the power stuff to the power people, as I definitely don't have a solid (no pun intended) understanding of it20:20
crimsunmost of the stuff is straightforward.20:21
crimsunas with sound drivers, you get shafted with manufacturer-specific quirks.20:22
crimsunmore along the lines of "here's a spec, now go and make lives miserable.  Thanks!"20:22
nixternalobviously sound drivers aren't straightforward enough for me, because if they were, I would have the correct stuff for sound with my Intel20:22
crimsunI've never gotten a straight answer from you regarding what precisely is/are wrong.  :p20:23
crimsunalso, ship me your actual laptop or one exactly like it, and I'll be happy to look at it when I'm off work.20:23
nixternalit wants to use pcm to control volume...the sound works, but not the way I would like it to20:23
nixternalyou had it work one time where my media keys worked with it20:24
nixternalif I set pcm as master, I can control vol +/- but the mute is goofy20:24
nixternalthen again, I haven't tried it in a while...doing so now :)20:24
crimsunwhat was the last Kubuntu release to "support the media keys properly?"20:24
nixternalactually that doesn't work either20:25
nixternaleither Edgy or Feisty20:25
nixternalEdgy I know it worked20:26
crimsunright, so l-s-2.6.18 or l-s-2.6.2020:26
nixternaland it isn't a Kubuntu thing either...it doesn't work with any distro that I have tried20:26
iRonAll media keys works for me on Gutsy..20:26
crimsuniRon: that doesn't mean anything WRT Rich's issues20:27
crimsunmedia keys are tied to either acpi or the sound driver itself.20:27
crimsunin the latter case, it's extremely codec-dependent and has nothing to do with the generic driver.20:28
crimsunnixternal: got an LP URL for it/them?20:31
nixternalbug url that I filed?20:31
crimsunor URLs, yes.20:32
nixternallooking now20:33
ubotuLaunchpad bug 120515 in linux-source-2.6.22 "Master volume control doesn't work, PCM only" [Medium,Fix released]20:33
nixternalthere is one marked as fix released20:33
crimsunlet's see if you've been bitten by alsactl.20:35
crimsunok, first test: sudo mv /etc/udev/rules.d/85-alsa.rules ~/20:39
crimsunthen reboot.  Let's take a look at the initial state.20:39
crimsun(man, I love people attaching completely unrelated comments to bug reports...)20:40
nixternalk, brb for a reboot20:40
nixternalk, back20:44
nixternalmoving those I only have Master | PCM in KMix now, which is different than before20:44
crimsun"those" being?20:45
nixternaldigital I think20:46
nixternalwhich didn't do anything20:46
crimsunpastebin your `amixer`, please20:47
crimsunok, please clarify whether in Edgy, adjusting "digital" adjusted the volume of speakers and/or headphones via media keys20:50
nixternalit did20:51
crimsunok, I meant "please tell what using the media keys did in Edgy"20:52
nixternalI have 3 volume related keys, volume up/down and mute20:52
nixternalthey did exactly as they were supposed to do on the Master channel20:53
crimsunnixternal: ok, so with `alsamixer` open in a Konsole, what do the media keys do in !Edgy?20:54
crimsunshame we don't have hwdep compiled in ;/20:55
crimsun[for HDA, that is]20:55
nixternalI don't even have edgy anything around here21:02
nixternalerr, !Edgy, got it21:02
nixternalmove master up and down, and mute master21:02
crimsunnixternal: err, they do the same things?21:08
crimsun(meaning, they controlled Master in Edgy and newer versions?)21:09
imbrandonnixternal: re:multi-core compile, you just use more -j # or make a cc wrapper21:16
imbrandonlike with 2 cores you likely want -j 421:17
imbrandonrule of thumb is cores*2 == -j #21:17
daSkreechHmm Linux uses TPM now?21:18
imbrandonScottK2: hehe yea JUST walked back in :)21:18
imbrandoncrimsun: Merry Christmass :)21:19
nixternalMerry Christmahanakwanzaka21:21
imbrandonnixternal: if your compiling packages in parallel though ther is a mail to the debian-devel reciently you might wayt to read, about %10 of packages fail when compiled like that21:27
imbrandonmaybe less, but its a signifigant number21:27
nixternalRiddell: if you come back around after eatin' some lobster, kde4libs 3.97.0-3ubuntu3 needs a give-back21:45
jjessehello nixternal21:55
nixternalhowdy jjesse21:56
jjessehappy christmas eve21:56
nixternalsame to you sir21:56
jjesseso i wrote some thoughts on kubuntu and 8.04 that currently has 96 veiws21:56
nixternalwhere at?21:57
jjessemy non-planet blug21:58
nixternalhow come you don't agregate that bad boy?21:58
jpatricknixternal: do you do latex?21:58
jjessenixternal: because i write a lot of non-linux and political stuff on that21:58
jjesseactually thinking about just agreating the ubuntu/kubuntu stuff21:58
nixternalyou can create a 'kubuntu' topic and agregate just it btw21:58
jpatricknixternal: do you know how I change all \section's to a colour?21:58
nixternaldepends on the theme you are using, or class21:59
nixternalare you using latex-beamer?21:59
jpatrickdon't think so21:59
nixternalwhat class if any are you importing into your document?21:59
nixternalsome classes have colors hardcoded22:00
jpatrickbasically I don't want to have to put \color{kubuntublue} everytime22:00
nixternal\section{\color{blue or whatever color you want}Section Name}22:01
nixternalthat is how I typically do it22:01
jpatrickyes, I don't want to do that :) want it to include it anyway22:01
nixternalyou can make up your own tag22:02
jpatrickah yes22:02
nixternalname it foobar and have it set to how you want it to look22:02
nixternalthen call it like \foobar{bar is foo}22:02
jjessehrmm if 077 is to open for my ssh key for bzr, what settings does it have to be?22:02
jpatrickok, thanks22:03
nixternal700 I thought jjesse22:03
* nixternal looks22:03
jjessethat did it22:03
nixternal-rw------- 1 nixternal nixternal  1743 2007-01-08 20:41 id_rsa22:04
nixternal-rw-r--r-- 1 nixternal nixternal   403 2007-01-08 20:41 id_rsa.pub22:04
nixternal~/.ssh is 70022:04
jjessethanks :)22:05
nixternalno problemo22:05
nixternalfunny you asked, because I setup another ssh key on my desktop today..that is how I knew it off the top of my head :)22:05
jjessegrumble now my bzr branch is locked, what is that command again?22:06
nixternalbzr break-lock?22:06
nixternalthere isn't a 'clean' like there is for svn22:06
jjesseyup that was it22:07
* jjesse was working on documentation today22:07
nixternaljjesse: do you think we should create some kubuntu4 documentation?22:07
jjessekubuntu4?  that would be kde4 for kubuntu?22:07
jjesseyes i think we should22:08
* jjesse has to re-write the kubuntu chapter in the official book somehow as well22:08
jjesse_sorry dropped connection at in-laws22:18
=== jjesse_ is now known as jjesse
nixternaldid you guys bet a buttload of snow?22:18
jjessehaven't been in GR since early sunday morning22:18
jjessein detroit at in-laws and they don't have much at all22:18
nixternalahh, ya I heard Berrien County got nailed22:23
jjesseRiddell: happy freakin birthday22:23
jjessethat's what i heard22:23
jjesseGRR (grand rapids airport) lost power for 13 hours22:24
nixternaloh wow22:25
jjesseyeah couldn't believe that22:25
jjesseit was averaging 45 mph for wind22:25
Riddellthanks jjesse!22:26
Riddellnixternal: I can't do give back22:26
Riddellnixternal: hobbsee can, or you can just do another upload22:26
Riddellnixternal: why did it need give back?22:26
jpatrickchroot problems22:26
jpatrickall packages seem to be affected22:27
nixternalRiddell: what jpatrick said22:27
nixternalonly i386 and ppc22:27
nixternaleverything else was fine22:27
jpatrickI had one on sparc22:27
nixternalI will just up the version and reupload22:28
Riddelloh well, poke infinity about that, but he'll be in the middle of christmas by now22:28
nixternalI need to see if any other i386 chokes happened first22:28
jjesse_grr kde4 freezes for me22:34
=== jjesse_ is now known as jjesse
jjessemakes it hard to work :(22:35
jjessefor those running kde4 can they run programs such as adept or add/remove programs/22:50
jjessei cant' get sudo to validate against them22:51
seezerjjesse: try "kdesudo adept_manager"23:01
seezeri think that worked for me23:01
jjesseseezer: yes it does, but starting anything from the menu that requires sudo rights doesn't authenticate23:02
seezerit does - but you have to use your root password23:02
seezerwhich is not set in kubuntu by default23:02
seezerdon't ask me why - haven't looked into that any further23:03
jjessewhen i use kdesudo it works, however just going to the menu -> Add/Remove Programs prompts for a password, which should be my password which has sudo priveliges right?23:03
seezerset a password for root (sudo passwd root) and use that - or find a way around the "problem" and notify me afterwards ;)23:04
mhbjjesse: has anyone answered your questions yet?23:08
jjessemhb: not yet, but heading out23:09
* jjesse heads to christmas eve servcixe23:10
seezermhb: can you answer that?23:12
nixternalhaha, out of all of the buildd's, only hppa and ia64 are working23:38
nixternalthat is awesome! bah!23:38
mhbseezer: most of it, but if someone else can handle that...23:40
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nixternalRiddell: if we go with stdin's patches, we can't do a full merge with debian then...so all I am going to do is grab the new cdbs/, use it, and keep the rest of our stuff..I was wondering why all of a sudden it would crash out on usr/share/applications/*.desktop23:56

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