
=== Martinp23 is now known as Martinp23|coup
=== Martinp23|coup is now known as Martinp23
ubotuNew bug: #178393 in launchpad "chopped announcements at main page" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17839304:10
gustavonareaHi. Is Lauchpad Free Software or is it developed closed-doors? Thanks in advance.11:02
Fujitsugustavonarea: It is currently proprietary software, though the intention is to eventually release all of it under Free terms.11:08
gustavonareaFujitsu: Thanks for your answer. Why does a company that "claims" to support Free Software develop a tool that would come in handy for more people in the community, but doesn't share the code? I, as a K/Ubuntu contributor, hate to contribute to a company that takes advantage of Free Software, but doesn't share the code of a very useful tool. I hate lock-ins, and I expected you did too. It's unacceptable for a company like 11:21
gustavonareaCanonical (whose business model is supposed to be oriented toward Free Software).11:21
PengBecause they're really owned by Microsoft.11:22
PengLaunchpad is written in .NET.11:22
gustavonareaPeng, are you serious?11:23
Fujitsugustavonarea: Note that I'm not a Canonical employee, merely an Ubuntu developer.11:23
Fujitsugustavonarea: Launchpad is written in Python, using Zope 3.11:23
PengHow do you really know for sure . . .?11:23
FujitsuPeng: I've seen tiny portions of the code, and errors.11:24
gustavonareaFujitsu: As a Ubuntu developer, how do you feel about being a volunteer of a company with double face? On one hand they take advantage of existing products and of the community to improve them, but on the other hand, they develop a powerful software, but don't give it back to the community its business depends on.11:31
Fujitsugustavonarea: I feel that some of Canonical's reasons for keeping the source closed are potentially quite valid, at least for the time being.11:32
FujitsuIt is unfortunate that it is this way, and it does get most irritating at times that we are unable to fix issues in it, but there are reasons, and we know it will eventually be Freed.11:33
FujitsuI respect Canonical's need to generate a revenue stream from Launchpad, and that its proprietaryness is a necessary evil for that at the moment.11:36
kripkengustavonarea: Historically, 'free software' was always intended to mean the software a person runs on his/her computer. It is less relevant for software running a server far away from you. This applies to both Launchpad as well as to basically all Google services. I think that, perhaps, a time will come when we care about server code being free, but it might be in a different way. See e.g. the current debate about the Affero GPL 11:37
gustavonareaFujitsu: You seem to be aware of those reasons, but I am not. Where can I learn more about them? We, the community backing Canonical's business, deserve an explanation, and I guess Canonical has already explained so but I'm not aware of that11:38
Fujitsugustavonarea: See the `why is Launchpad proprietary?' question on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/openweekfeisty/askmark.11:40
FujitsuAlso see the Launchpad question further up.11:41
Fujitsu(you'd probably get some better answers from Canonical employees who are Launchpad developers, but they're all on holiday at the moment)11:46
gustavonareakripken: Aside from the debate about web services/applications being freed (http://www.ariadacapo.net/blog/the-operating-system-is-disappearing/), the fact is that Canonical has our support (mostly) because of the freeness/openess in development/enhancement of the software products, and they should be coherent with that philosophy at any moment, but they don't.11:49
gustavonareaFujitsu: Thanks for the link11:51
kripkengustavonarea: To some extent I agree - I'd like Launchpad to be free, for the reasons you mention. However, I am willing to give them the benefit of the doubt for now. The same goes for Slashdot, lwn.net, SourceForge, etc. (although I believe some of these release source code, at least partially?)11:51
=== bigon` is now known as bigon
PengSourceForge has public code (GForge, I think). I don't know if it's completely complete. Slashdot too (Slashcode).11:54
LarstiQgforge being an ooold fork, but yeah11:55
kripkenthanks for the info11:55
FujitsuOld with lots and lots more `o's.11:55
LarstiQgustavonarea: what would you do with the launchpad code if you had it?11:55
PengLarstiQ: Ah.11:56
PengPublic code would make me feel a bit better about relying on it.11:56
gustavonareakripten: it sounds sentible11:56
PengI guess the data is even more important though...11:56
Pengs/even more important/the important part/11:57
FujitsuThere will be ways to retrieve the data soon.11:57
* Fujitsu celebrates the coming API.11:57
PengThat'll be nice.11:57
LarstiQPeng: agreed, but I can't really point to a practical reason for me feeling better, just a fuzzy "it's the right thing". Actual bugfixes will still need to be rolled out into production, and I sincerely believe more than one lp instance is harmful11:58
LarstiQnow if someone were to have a brilliant idea for the distributed version, that would be great11:59
gustavonareaLarstiQ: Good question. In a few years, I'd probably have a free software company and I'd like to customize the look and feel of Launchpad, according to my company image11:59
FujitsuLarstiQ: Mhm.11:59
PengLarstiQ: Right, but fuzzy feeling are nice.12:00
LarstiQPeng: oh yes :)12:01
LarstiQgustavonarea: Right, that has merits. But for me the access/migration of data and easier workflow between upstream/downstream is more important than look and feel.12:01
FujitsuHaving all bugs able to be shared easily is a great goal, which would be completely destroyed by having multiple Launchpads. However, I feel that most upstreams won't consider switching until it isn't entirely controlled by one commercial entity. Particularly distributions, as Canonical sort of has a bit of an interest in one in particular.12:03
FujitsuWe'll see, I guess.12:03
PengHg support in Launchpad would make me feel better about Canonical too.12:04
gustavonareaLarstiQ: Right, but another reason is that development of the software products will be the most important thing in the company. If it relied on Launchpad.net, basically my entire company would be on Canonical's hands. In my opinion, descentralization is extremelly important.12:05
* Peng wanders off.12:06
LarstiQFujitsu: yeah, that is an issue12:07
LarstiQgustavonarea: it is, but it12:07
LarstiQ's not easy12:07
FujitsuI've regularly pondered how a distributed Launchpad could work.12:07
gustavonareaFujitsu: That would be wonderful12:08
kripkenI think that decentralization of Launchpad should *eventually* be done, but I don't blame Canonical for postponing this for now. There are more important things.12:08
PengLP uses all of those different subdomains (and even an entire separate domain). I wonder how easy it would be to make it more portable?12:08
* Peng wanders off.12:08
FujitsuPeng: It's not meant to be at all portable.12:08
PengIf it was made open source, that'd be kinda important.12:09
* Peng wanders off!12:09
PengGood night.12:09
LarstiQI'm not sure how that effects portability.12:09
FujitsuLarstiQ: Somewhat harder to set up, I guess.12:09
* Peng wanders off.12:10
=== bigon is now known as bigon`
gustavonareaPeople, I have to leave. It's been a pleasure to talk with you. Happy holidays!12:15
FujitsuYOu too, gustavonarea.12:15
LarstiQPeng: are you a marathonrunner by the way? ;)12:15
kripkenHappy holidays to you as well :)12:16
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=== \sh is now known as \sh_away
=== bigon` is now known as bigon
``Cubeim a tango artist, does any project need an icon?14:21
kripkenany project whatsoever, or do you have standards?14:22
``Cubeany project14:22
``Cubeill try to create an icon that follows the tango guidelines14:22
``Cubeor what do you mean by standarts?14:23
kripkenwell, my project would welcome tango icons, but it is a pretty unimportant project ;)14:23
kripkenThe project is a lightweight PDF viewer, https://launchpad.net/valence14:23
``Cubeit doesn't matter how big the project is :P14:23
``Cubeany idea how the icon could look like?14:24
kripkenno, I'm not too good at that stuff...14:25
kripkenPerhaps a document of some sort, with a hint of it being lightweight somehow14:26
``Cubeim sorry, I was away14:29
``Cubewell, the problem is the metaphor for lightweight :S14:30
kripkenyep :)14:30
kripkenwings? transparency? (probably bad ideas)14:30
=== bigon is now known as bigon`
``Cubewings wouldn't be that bad14:33
``Cubeas well as transparency14:33
``Cubebut, you know, they should be easy to distinguish14:33
``Cubeperheps something with a V inside?14:36
``Cubeso that a little bit of your old icon stays14:36
kripkenThat's fine, but I don't mind a completely new icon, I just made that one in 2 minutes14:36
``Cubehehe ;)14:37
``Cubehmm ok, wings were a good idea, but its not possible to implement them14:39
``Cubeit wouldn't be distinguishable14:40
``Cubeand transparency14:40
``Cubeperhept something with PDF?14:41
kripkenbtw, the word Valence means "extract, preparation." So perhaps something liquid, or a waterdrop14:42
``Cubewhat language?14:46
``Cubewell, I created an icon14:46
kripkenI think old English14:46
``Cubebut it reall sucks14:46
``Cubeah ok14:46
kripkenprobably from latin I guess14:47
``Cubeyeayea, I know that word from somewhere14:48
``Cubefrom chemistry14:48
``Cubebut nevermind 14:48
``Cubethe icon (which sucks) is ready14:48
kripkenyeah, today its used in chemistry14:48
kripkenok, lets see. Send it here: thoughtcube@gmail.com14:48
``CubeI won't even publish the link here14:48
``Cubeill send it in pirvate chat ok?14:49
kripkenok sure14:49
``Cubedon't get a shock14:49
``CubeI can do better things :P14:49
``Cubeone second14:49
kripkenok :)14:49
``Cubedid you get it?14:50
``Cubekripken: ?14:50
kripkenyeah, I see. Very good14:50
kripkenyou made it just now?14:51
``Cubeyea ;)14:51
kripkenwell, I am seriously impressed, that was fast work and I like it14:51
``Cubeheh ;)14:51
``Cubewell, ill edit the shadow a little bit14:51
``Cubeone second...14:51
kripkenbtw what size is it?14:51
``Cubeyou need 192x192 and 64x64, right?14:52
=== LongXmasStick is now known as GoldenPony
kripkenLaunchpad needs 14, 64, 19214:52
``Cubeor just a typo of 16x16?14:53
kripkenit says 14x14 :)14:53
``Cubethat's small as hell14:53
kripken"A small image of exactly 14x14 pixels and at most 5kb in size, that can be used to identify this project. The icon will be displayed next to the project name everywhere in Launchpad that we refer to the project and link to it."14:53
``Cube16x16 already is14:53
``Cubecan you give me an example?14:53
kripkenI think this is used for really really tiny thumbnails on Launchpad lists14:53
``Cubeah ok isee14:54
``Cubenono, got it already14:54
``Cube3 minutes for 14x14, 4 for 64 and 5 minutes for 192 is?14:54
``Cube12 minutes, and your icons is ready14:54
kripkenthanks :)14:55
``Cubeok 192 is ready15:08
``Cubemaybe took lil bit longer15:08
``Cubekripken: want it?15:08
``Cubehehe :D15:08
kripkensame place?15:09
``Cubedid you get the file transfer?15:09
kripkenno, I didn't get a file transfer15:09
kripkenno wait, maybe I did15:09
``Cubeits in the folder now15:10
kripkenfile transfer won't work15:11
kripkenthey look good :)15:12
kripkenI added the 192 to the site15:13
kripkenstill waiting for 64 and 14 ;)15:22
=== bigon` is now known as bigon
=== bigon is now known as bigon`
``Cubekripken: !!!18:20
``CubeI had to go18:20
``Cubebut now im back18:20
``Cubeand the icons are all ready18:20
kripkenheh, no problem :)18:20
kripkenyeah? great18:20
``Cubegonna upload'em18:21
``Cubethis one now18:23
``Cubeehm :D now this part: will I be metioned somewhere in the project?18:23
``Cubeperhaps in the page, or the about file in the project files?18:23
kripkenI have even already added your name, my friend :)18:24
kripkenin the about dialog18:25
kripkenbut let me also add you to the README18:25
kripkenDo you want your full name there or just ``Cube?18:26
``Cubefull name would be better18:26
``Cubelol its all already there18:26
``Cubesomething is wrong with 64x6418:27
kripkenI need your full name, then :)18:28
kripkenIf you are looking at the icons in the project, I didn't upload your icons yet, those are ones I scaled myself... ignore them18:28
``Cubeaah ok :P18:31
kripkenso, full name?18:31
``Cubetype /whois ``Cube18:32
kripkenok, cool18:32
``Cubegot it?18:32
``CubeI see, you updated them18:32
``Cubevery good18:32
kripkenthey are very nice icons, thanks again18:33
kripkenok, pushed the latest icons to the repo, with the updated credits18:34
``Cubeif you want, you can link to my blog entry18:36
``Cubewas the previous icon bad?18:36
kripkenI can add a link if you want, no problem18:36
kripkenok, I have to go, ttyl18:37
``Cubewow cool!18:37
``Cubedoes anyone else need an icon here?18:37
groohi/2 all..18:53
somerville32Is there a reason why this link doesn't work?: https://edge.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/hardy/+source/xfce4-mixer/1:4.4.2-2ubuntu118:53
somerville32I get an indefinite redirect18:54
grooany ppa developers around here? or is there a specific channel for ppa?18:54
``Cubeim a tango artist, does any project here need an icon?18:57
grooanyone here is having problems in uploading packages to PPA?18:59
``Cubeyes, its #launchpad-ppa19:01
``Cubehehe groo :D19:11
ubotuNew bug: #178502 in malone "Lack of permissions when viewing expirable-bugs" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17850221:10
Fujitsusomerville32: Bug #13147821:11
ubotuLaunchpad bug 131478 in soyuz "Epoched DistroSourcePackageReleases redirect eternally if using a /distros URL" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/13147821:11
somerville32Fujitsu, jthanks.21:17
Fujitsusomerville32: So, just drop the distros/ from the URL. You got there from Seveas' feeds?21:20
somerville32Fujitsu, aye21:20
FujitsuGood. I haven't seen another source of distros/ URLs in a while.21:21

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