
LaroseI've made a module for linux, I'm trying to create a package. I've followed the instructions on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/Basic (debhelper). When I do "sudo pbuilder build ../*.dsc". I've got the following output:00:19
Larosemake[1]: Entering directory `/tmp/buildd/toshlcd-0.1'00:19
Larosemake -C /lib/modules/2.6.22-14-generic/build M=/tmp/buildd/toshlcd-0.1 clean00:19
Larosemake: Entering an unknown directory00:19
Larosemake: *** /lib/modules/2.6.22-14-generic/build: No such file or directory.  Stop.00:19
Larosemake: Leaving an unknown directory00:19
Larosemake[1]: *** [clean] Error 200:19
Larosemake[1]: Leaving directory `/tmp/buildd/toshlcd-0.1'00:19
Larosemake: [clean] Error 2 (ignored)00:19
crimsunI presume you're build-depending on the appropriate linux-headers-$(uname -r) package?00:21
crimsun(FWIW, you may wish to take a look at how various foo-source packages work; e.g., bin:alsa-source from src:alsa-driver)00:21
LaroseWhen I do a "make install", (with the source tarball), it works. Is there something special to change to the makefile ?00:26
crimsunI'll take a look when I get home00:28
Laroseok, thanks :)00:29
=== awen- is now known as awen_
=== persia changed the topic of #ubuntu-motu to: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU | Hardy Alpha 2 released. | Want to get involved with the MOTUs? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Contributing | Unmet Deps time! http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/debcheck/ | QA resources from http://qa.ubuntuwire.com
imbrandongziped irc logs for 2007 are 550mb02:07
nixternalI am afraid to even see02:08
nixternal6% of my hard drive :)02:09
nenolodright now, src:audacious-plugins contains pulseaudio support in -extra. i will make a debdiff to move it to the main package and also patch up the fixes i have made to audacious' pulseaudio plugin.02:32
nenolodthat's part 2 of fixing pulseaudio in audacious in ubuntu ;p02:33
bddebianwb persia :-)03:04
persiahey bddebian03:08
nenolodhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/audacious-plugins/+bug/164048 -- this is the other part of fixing pulseaudio in audacious -- it needs to be uploaded too.03:11
ubotuLaunchpad bug 164048 in audacious-plugins "[patch] Fix stuttering with large fragments, move Pulse to audacious-plugins" [Undecided,New]03:11
persianenolod: When you have multiple patches against multiple packages to address a single issue, consider using multiple bug tasks in a single bug to ease review and testing.03:12
nenolodpersia, noted for the future. :P03:12
persianenolod: Thanks :)03:12
* nenolod is used to doing things the Debian way.03:12
LaroseI'm trying to create a .deb for a kernel module. During pbuilder, I've got the following error: "make: *** /lib/modules/2.6.22-14-generic/build: No such file or directory.  Stop.".... Is it because I only have the kernel headers installed (not kernel sources) ?03:17
nenolodpersia, at any rate, that's all i have for now. ;)03:17
persianenolod: I'm sure you'll have lots more improvements as the hardy cycle continues,and will want to get audacious in hardy to be the best ever released :)03:18
nenolodpersia, to some extent, yes. because the better the package is, the less people bother upstream03:19
nenolodalthough apparently blogging about bugs instead of reporting them is becoming popular03:19
* persia fails to see how that is useful03:19
* nenolod too03:20
nenolodbut at least now the audacious packages in hardy are in sync with the rest of the goals for sound in hardy03:21
=== Igorot_ is now known as Igorot
* imbrandon yawns03:31
* StevenK tries to get motivated to fix apt-mirror03:32
imbrandonwanna see a total waste of time parsing 550mb of irc logs ?03:34
imbrandon( not perm location or format , just testing phase ) http://people.ubuntuwire.com/~imbrandon/web/ircstats/2007/03:34
imbrandonhrm actualy 4.2 gb of logs, 550mb gziped03:36
minghuaJudging from imbrandon's statistics, persia is the king of this channel. :-)03:39
imbrandonminghua: heh yea03:39
imbrandonseems that way :)03:39
persiaminghua: Look at months like February :P03:39
imbrandoni made the top 10 except jun and jul iirc03:39
persia(or september)03:39
* minghua admits only having checked Oct., Nov., and Dec.03:41
DarkMageZyay, i even get mentioned 3 times =D03:41
imbrandoneventualy i'll make it for 2004 to 2007 and all channels that irclogs.u.c loggs03:43
imbrandonbut i wanna tweak it a bit more first, thats about 2 hours of tweakin03:43
imbrandoni think i'm gonna take the nick url's out though, that will be a monster to maintain and if any are added or changed the whole thing needs to be regenerated03:44
nenolodimbrandon, nickurls?03:45
imbrandonsee on the stats how my nick points to my LP page, thats a manual config option03:45
imbrandonfor each nick03:45
imbrandon( thus only 3 in the testing )03:45
* nenolod waits for launchpad to catch up with his massive bug triage of audacious{-plugins}03:47
nenolodpersia, at any rate, if you could look at the -plugins part, it'd be appreciated. ^_^04:12
nenolodyuck. i just used an anime smiley.04:13
persianenolod: Why me?04:13
* persia doesn't tend to play prerecorded audio, and uses JACK more than pulse04:14
nenolodpersia, well anyone will do. the debdiff is fine.04:23
nenolodi just need someone to upload it ;p04:23
persianenolod: Best for that is the sponsors queue.  Likely to be a bit of the delay between the date and the apache migration currently pending there.04:24
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persiaAre there any good free PKI implementations other than newpki?  Am I asking the wrong question?05:20
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harrisonyyay revu's back up05:44
persiaharrisony: Be warned that the environmental conditions are such that this may be temporary.05:46
harrisonywhat happened it that made it go down before05:47
imbrandonserver room got too hot05:47
harrisonypoor server05:47
* harrisony wants to know if anyone is in the mood for a quick review of a package05:48
imbrandonsorry not me, i'm in no mindset to be revuing, i'm barely doing my own pet projects untill after the 25th05:49
persiaharrisony: Chances are low today, but if you said which package and posted a URL, chances would be slightly higher (although still not high).05:49
harrisonythats why i asked, since i was guessing the chances would be near none - http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?package=ttf-liberation05:50
minghuaHas the licensing situation been cleared up for Liberation fonts?05:52
harrisonyon the launchpad bug for it there was discussion it could get in since the larabie fonts are completly non-free but are still included05:53
crimsunmeaning, multiverse candidate?05:55
harrisonywell i hope not since its got a real good chance for getting into main and getting included by default05:56
minghuaI hope it goes into main/universe too, but it seems Redhat is not interested in licensing discussion (last time I looked).05:58
crimsunif you're referring to ttf-larabie, however, it's in multiverse.05:58
minghua... and speaking of fonts, my firefox fonts became horrible after gutsy->hardy upgrade.05:59
harrisonyreinstalls ftw :)05:59
crimsunminghua: only FF?06:01
minghuacrimsun: Yes.  I have a ~/.fonts.conf, so the "Sans", "Serif", and "Monospace" aliases are okay; it seems just the "Times", "Helvetica", and "Courier" settings got changed (due to the new fontconfig, probably), and many web pages uses those fonts.06:02
persiaWasn't there an update to fonts hinting that was supposed to make firefox and evince look more similar?06:05
nenolodi thought the liberation fonts were GPL07:17
=== LucidFox is now known as Sikon_Stargate
joejaxxnenolod: GPL + exception08:00
joejaxxLicense Exception: http://pastebin.ca/830800 ref: ttf-liberation08:04
joejaxxpersia: yes :P ref: pki08:07
joejaxxwell i am going to retire for the evening08:09
joejaxxGoodnight All08:09
=== Sikon_Stargate is now known as LucidFox
=== LucidFox is now known as Sikon_DeathNote
=== Sikon_DeathNote is now known as LucidFox
Kmosthe package: libapache-requestnotes-perl shouldn't be removed ?10:40
Kmosit depends on libapache-request-perl10:40
Kmosthat doesn't exist10:40
=== nuu is now known as nu
=== nu is now known as nuu
bluekujaFujitsu, around?11:25
Fujitsubluekuja: Sort of.11:26
bluekujaFujitsu, did you upload qtdmm?11:26
bluekujaFujitsu, it was assigned to a contributor :)11:27
FujitsuHm, I don't recall doing it recently...11:28
* Fujitsu checks.11:28
bluekujaFujitsu, nvm, it seems he doesn't care about it, so I gonna close the bug as far as the package it's already in the archive :)11:30
Fujitsubluekuja: Sorry :(11:33
bluekujaFujitsu, don't worry :) he didnt answer since days...he disappeared11:34
bluekujaclosing the report11:34
warp10Hi all!11:47
=== bigon` is now known as bigon
Kmoshi warp10 !11:54
warp10morning Kmos! :)11:55
Kmosmorning! :)11:55
=== LucidFox is now known as Sikon_Stargate
=== bigon is now known as bigon`
=== \sh_away is now known as \sh
\shalso to you all...happy holidays, Joyeux Noël, Merry Christmas, Happy Hannukah or whatever you celebrate these days :) Have a peaceful time :)12:36
=== \sh is now known as \sh_away
Super\sh_away: Merry Christmas12:45
=== bigon` is now known as bigon
=== Sikon_Stargate is now known as LucidFox
pochuIcedove is Thunderbird's equivalent, right?13:08
MenZasounds like it13:10
Kmospochu: http://packages.qa.debian.org/i/icedove/news/20071025T191717Z.html13:15
* Hobbsee waves13:44
=== tritium_ is now known as tritium
Hobbseebug 17574413:45
ubotuLaunchpad bug 175744 in compiz "Hardy freezes when using compiz" [Unknown,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17574413:45
persiajoejaxx: Yes to there being a replacement so the old package can be removed, or yes that I'm asking the wrong question?13:45
* persia wants nouveau soon. Xid is annoying, bad, and persistent since Dapper.13:47
Hobbseewow, that bug is fixed. yya!13:48
Hobbseewell, so they say13:48
persiaWhich bug?  175744?  I can trigger that type of error with lots of different GL stuff, for several different cards.13:49
geserHi Hobbsee13:49
bluekujaHobbsee, heya :)13:49
bluekujaHobbsee, did the equalizator plugin depends/recommends get added to exaile?13:50
Hobbseebluekuja: no idea, i don't think so, with somerville32's upload13:51
bluekujaHobbsee, let me see13:51
Hobbseewhich i fixed.13:51
Hobbseeoh grrr13:51
* Hobbsee brb in a sec - no caps lock again13:51
bluekujaHobbsee, it seems not13:51
persiaKmos: re: bug #178424.  Have you tested with all the rdepends of octave2.9?13:53
ubotuLaunchpad bug 178424 in octave2.9 "Please sync octave3.0 3.0.0-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17842413:53
Hobbseeright, back13:54
bluekujaHobbsee, what was the name of the plugin?13:55
Hobbseebluekuja: equaliser, iirc13:56
bluekujaHobbsee, yep, wrong word sorry13:56
bluekujaHobbsee, maybe gst-plugin-bad?13:57
bluekujaHobbsee, and do you suggest to add it as a direct depend or just a recommend?13:57
bluekujaHobbsee, or even suggest13:57
Hobbseebluekuja: probably a recommend13:58
Hobbseeit'll never get to main, if it was wanted, as a depends13:58
Hobbseeand it's probably of questionable legality, etc, in some countries13:58
bluekujaHobbsee, ok perfect, gonna add it as a recommend then13:58
persiaErm.  Universe can't Recommends: multiverse.  Maybe gst-plugins-bad-multiverse0.10 ?14:00
Kmospersia: the xmds, octave-epstk and octplot?14:01
persiaKmos: Also shogun-octave, qtoctave, octave-sp, and maybe octave-forge, if that is a different source (I haven't looked).14:02
Hobbseepersia: oh, recommends get installed by default soon, don't they?14:03
Hobbseebluekuja: suggests then14:03
persiaHobbsee: even aside from that, debcheck complains14:03
Hobbseewell, let it :)14:03
bluekujapersia, yeah, it should be gst-plugins-bad-multiverse0.1014:04
* persia bashes Hobbsee for QA failure14:04
Hobbseepersia: wait.  it complains about something !universe being a recommends, or a suggests?14:04
Hobbseeuh oh, mum's up14:04
persiaHobbsee: Recommends:  I don't care about suggests, even if debcheck does.14:04
Kmospersia: they work with 2.9.18 and 2.9.19, but I need to check more carefully that ones with 3.0, but they should work.. that bug is in progress.. i'll change it status14:04
bluekujapersia, I'll add it as a suggests then14:05
Hobbseepersia: ah right.  i thought you were only talking about suggests there14:05
bluekujapersia, the package name is gst-plugins-bad-multiverse0.1014:05
bluekujaas you pointed out before14:05
persiaKmos: Thanks.  It looked confirmed, and ready for push to the sponsors on review, and I wanted to kick it back before others complained.  Please document your testing carefully: 3.0 would be a nice feature for hardy.14:05
* Hobbsee celebrates the lack of sponsors bugs.14:06
Kmospersia: yes.. it will =) i14:06
persiabluekuja: Sounds fine to me.  I don't even really know what the subject is: just saw something about questionable legality and Recommends, and wanted to point out the multiverse source :)14:06
Kmospersia: I'll look at it before set it to confirmed and subscribe my mentors.14:06
bluekujapersia, the exaile's equaliser requires that plugin to work14:08
bluekujapersia, that was the subject we were discussing :)14:08
persiaKmos: Thanks.  Best to look at these things before opening the bug, as many people subscribe to packages or review bug traffic, and may think it is more ready than it is.  If you want to use a bug as a indicator you are investigating, it doesn't hurt to add that in the description: you can always edit it later.14:08
Kmosthe package: libapache-requestnotes-perl shouldn't be removed ? it depends on libapache-request-perl that doesn't exist and it's Apache v1.X14:08
persiabluekuja: Ah.  OK.  Please fix it (just in multiverse) :)14:08
Kmosit's also removed from Debian14:09
Kmoslibapache-request-perl doesn't exist even on Gutsy14:09
bluekujapersia, what do you mean with "just in multiverse"?14:10
bluekujapersia, exaile is in universe actually14:10
bluekujaDarkSun88, gonna take of Bug #178440 in a while14:11
ubotuLaunchpad bug 178440 in postgrey "FTBFS: postgrey 1.31-1 on hardy-i386" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17844014:11
DarkSun88bluekuja: Don't worry14:12
bluekujaDarkSun88, ;)14:13
DarkSun88The bug is there, doesn't run off :D14:13
bluekuja^^ :)14:14
persiabluekuja: In that case, I don't care.  As I said, I was reacting to "...it's probably of questionable legality, etc, in some countries".  If it's in universe, then I'm not worried, and Recommends is acceptable.14:14
bluekujapersia, ok perfect, we'll have a universe package recommending that multiverse plugin then14:15
bluekujapersia, finishing in a while14:15
bluekujaHobbsee, setting it as a recommend then14:16
persiabluekuja: What?  universe can't Recommends: multiverse!  If the plugin is in multiverse, it has to be Suggests:14:17
Kmosbug 14556314:17
ubotuLaunchpad bug 145563 in libapache-requestnotes-perl "[UNMETDEPS] libapache-requestnotes-perl has unmet dependencies" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/14556314:17
bluekujapersia, yes, that's what we said before14:17
Kmoscan someone look at this one ?14:17
bluekujapersia, I told you the package (exaile) is in universe, the plugin is in multiserve14:17
bluekujapersia, you misunderstood :)14:17
Hobbseebluekuja: yeah, but recommends are getting installed by default soon14:18
persiabluekuja: I misunderstood.  universe can suggests multiverse, but can't recommends multiverse.14:18
Hobbseebluekuja: and you can't have a universe package installing a multiverse package by default14:18
Hobbseebluekuja: with the old system, that would have worked.  but nto now14:18
bluekujaHobbsee, yeah, right...plus it seems we have a main and a multiverse variant of that package14:19
bluekujaHobbsee, e.g gst-plugins-bad-multiverse0.10 and gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad14:19
Hobbseeyeah - i'm not sure if it's just -bad14:21
Hobbseei don't remem;ber anymore14:21
bluekujaHobbsee, yeah, it seems its just gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad14:22
bluekujaHobbsee, which is in main...14:22
bluekujaHobbsee, so we are able to add it as a recommend, what do you think?14:23
bluekujapersia, any idea?14:23
Hobbseebluekuja: recommends is fine, if it's in the right package, and in main14:23
bluekujaHobbsee, actually installing gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad package we get the equaliser working14:23
bluekujaHobbsee, so it should be the right option14:24
Hobbseeah, goody14:25
persiaI thought someone said something about legality and multiverse.  I'm shutting up now, but I'll be unhappy if debcheck complains.14:25
bluekujapersia, there are two options: 1) gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad (main) and 2) gstreamer-plugins-bad-multiverse0.10 (multiverse)14:26
bluekujapersia, and it seems the first option installs the right package for exaile14:26
bluekujapersia, so gonna recommend it :)14:27
persiabluekuja: universe recommending main is nice and clean.  Thank you :)14:28
bluekujapersia, yep, np, thanks to you and sorry for bothering14:28
persiabluekuja: No problem.  Thanks for checking.14:28
=== bigon is now known as bigon`
=== RainC1 is now known as RainCT
jonnymindhello ppl and Merry Christmas14:41
jonnymindis REVU still down?14:42
jonnymindseems not.14:42
persiajonnymind: Merry Christmas.  Isn't it easier to open a browser than ask on IRC :)14:42
jonnymindYes, but I had the xchat win opened and I wanted to hail...14:43
Hobbseelazyness is the key to everything, it apperas14:44
jonnymindso, as it's up, I updated and kindly ask for check on 17447014:44
jonnymindbug 17447014:44
ubotuLaunchpad bug 174470 in ubuntu "Package for the Falcon Programming Language" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17447014:44
persiajonnymind: On the other hand, REVU day was cancelled this week.  There's still time to prep for next week, but mid-week reviews will be light, as this is a holiday break in the Hardy calendar.14:44
jonnymindOk. No rush anyhow.14:45
jonnymindAgain, Marry Christmas!14:45
manchickenLet us not forget that laziness is the purpose that software serves ;)14:45
* Hobbsee wonders where revu went14:47
bddebianHeya gang14:47
=== LongXmasStick is now known as GoldenPony
imbrandonheya Hobbsee bddebian persia and *15:06
Hobbseeheya imbrandon15:06
imbrandonMerry Christmass :)15:06
bddebianHi imbrandon and Merry Christmas :)15:06
imbrandonHobbsee: it got too hot and shutdown the other day15:06
imbrandonit was down ~48 hours because sire*tart also happen to be ill when it happened too unfortunately :(15:07
* Hobbsee --> bed. merry christmas all!15:07
imbrandongnight Hobbsee15:07
imbrandonScottK: round ?15:08
=== asac_ is now known as asac
=== bigon` is now known as bigon
=== bigon is now known as bigon`
ScottK-palmimbrandon: U there?17:21
norsettooh, well, now I have seen them all, when will we have the honour of ScottK-Cray ?17:23
ScottK-palmDuuno.  Palm IRC doesn't work so well.17:24
norsettoScottK-palm: have a nice xmas you and your family anyway17:24
ScottK-palmimbrandon and I are attempting to meet for lunch today.17:24
norsettoNice, I didn't know brandon lived in the states17:26
ScottK-palmleonel: I don't have the bug handy, but I set up a bug against all the packages needing rebuilding due to the libclamav transition.17:27
ScottK-palmnorsetto: even better he lives in the city I grew up in.17:28
leonelScottK-palm: I'll search for it  and  add my comments there17:30
ScottK-palmleonel: Good.  Also close that bug in the debian/changelog of any uploads you prepare.17:31
leonelScottK-palm: found it   bug 17837317:31
ubotuLaunchpad bug 178373 in python-clamav "Package needs rebuild/fixing for libclamav2/libclamav3 transition" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17837317:31
leonelScottK-palm: Ok i will17:32
ScottK-palmleonel: Klamav needed a small patch to build.  the rest I've just rebuilt.17:32
ScottK-palmYes.  That's it.17:32
ScottK-palmYou'll see I got a reasonable fraction of them done already.17:33
leonelI see  I got some time to do that today17:34
ScottK-palmnorsetto: That bug might also be a useful one for one of your hopefuls to work on.  if they do, they can ping me for sponsoring.17:35
ScottK-palmI need to run.  Chat with you all later.17:36
* norsetto wonders what "one of your hopefuls" means17:37
LaserJockhi MOTU Land!17:44
effie_jayxLaserJock: merry christmas17:45
LaserJockeffie_jayx: merry Christmas to you!17:46
bddebianHeya LaserJock17:50
LaserJockhow are you?17:53
bddebianHanging in there thanks.  You?17:53
LaserJockpretty good17:53
LaserJocksplurged yesterday and bought a new laptop17:54
LaserJockprobably can't afford it17:55
crimsunyou phd candidiates and floating wads of cash, sheesh.17:55
crimsunthe rest of us sods have coal in our stockings!17:55
LaserJockbut it's my "pre PhD ... need new machine to finish PhD" present17:55
LaserJockcrimsun: yes, so much cash .... I don't even know what to do with it17:55
LaserJockmy "old" laptop is 4-5 years old and actually my wife's17:56
LaserJockso I gave back to her ;-)17:56
crimsuntime for u-u-s queue.  Who's doing it already?17:56
crimsun(And who's jumping in?)17:56
* bddebian is knee deep in wx2.6 conversion :-(17:57
LaserJockway to go bddebian17:57
crimsunmm, what fun and games it is in wx2.6 conversions!17:57
crimsunheya zul17:58
bddebianNo, it's kicking my ass :'-(17:58
norsettocrimsun: I have an hour to spare before dinner if you need help17:58
zulhey crimsun how is it going?17:58
crimsunnorsetto: I'm diving in now17:59
crimsunzul: not bad, you and the young one?17:59
zulcrimsun: he was quite litterally kicking my ass today but he is napping17:59
LaserJockzul, norsetto: hello17:59
crimsunhehe, nice17:59
zulLaserJock: hey18:00
norsettoLaserJock: heya LaserJock18:00
LaserJockzul: man, I was trying to keep up with my 3-year old niece on Saturday18:00
LaserJockso much energy18:00
LaserJockI didn't last very long18:00
LaserJockUncle Jordan needs a nap18:00
zulLaserJock: i meant by kicking my ass he was slapping me18:00
LaserJockzul: yes, I figured something along those lines18:02
LaserJockI figured the other meaning was probably warranted as well, from most kids I've seen ;-)18:02
LaserJockmy gosh, so much spam!18:05
jdongLaserJock: oh oh guess what! I managed to end up with a B in chem! *hugs uncle Jordan*18:07
LaserJockjdong: \o/18:07
LaserJockgood news18:08
NafalloLaserJock == Jordan?18:08
LaserJockNafallo: yes, sorry18:08
Nafallothought so :-)18:08
LaserJockI should change my nick like the rest of the world18:08
jdongLaserJock: now I'm just waiting for the news fairy to deliver my math and bio grades :)18:08
crimsunpfft, Nafallo has been around long enough to know that ;)18:08
Nafalloexactly :-)18:08
jdongwhich I don't think will be nearly as bright.18:08
Nafallojust wanted to make sure ;-)18:08
LaserJockjdong: I was actually watching gen chem MIT lectures on my ipod not long ago18:09
Nafallothe 'uncle' part confused me a little ;-)18:09
LaserJockjdong: well, it's MIT, Bs are ok ;-)18:09
jdongLaserJock: this term I'd just be happy to end up with all C's :)18:09
jdongnever every try to cram all the institute graduation requirements into one term!18:10
jdongprocrastination always beats dying of stress.18:10
LaserJockdo I have to be running a 64bit Ubuntu to make a 64bit pbuilder?18:10
LaserJockI managed to get a laptop with core 2 duo, intel graphics, and intel wireless18:12
jdongLaserJock: yeah you need a 64-bit kernel to do so18:12
jdongLaserJock: or use VMWare which can virtualize a 64-bit guest from a 32-bit host18:12
LaserJockjdong: ah, I see18:13
* jdong is surprised this airport wifi is holingng up18:13
norsettojdong: you may want to check bug 178267 before the wifi gives up ?18:18
ubotuLaunchpad bug 178267 in hardinfo "Hardinfo crashes during processing the Benchmarks." [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17826718:18
leonel<ScottK-palm> leonel: Good.  Also close that bug in the debian/changelog of any uploads you prepare.  <--   This in the debdiff  ???18:18
LaserJockleonel: that should be in the debdiff18:19
LaserJockman, this 12cell battery is huge, but it sure lasts a while18:20
leonelLaserJock: ok18:30
=== norsetto is now known as norsetto_limbo
crimsunember_: I've fixed the get-orig-source rule (use of .. in symlink)18:42
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groohi/2 all...19:15
groocould anyone help me with a reject from the PPA server?19:16
Kmosgroo: what it says in the mail ?19:17
grooMD5 sum of uploaded file does not match existing file in archive19:18
grooFiles specified in DSC are broken or missing, skipping package unpack verification.19:18
grooKmos: the problem is that the orig.tar and the packages uploaded match the MD5.. i suspect that a orig.tar.gz from the original (first) upload, wasnt deleted after the forced upload, ence the md5 mismatch19:19
grooi?  not a newbie to dput or ppa... i have a lot of packages there, and always worked.. today i got rejects for two diferente packages.. don't know what's wrong, since the md5s that i run by hand mtach the ones in .dsc19:20
grooKmos: any ideas?19:20
grooKmos: how much time does is take for the ppa server to delete a reject orig.tar.gz?19:22
Kmosgroo: you can forget the upload.. dput -f *.changes19:28
grooKmos: tried that.. same error19:39
=== kitterma is now known as ScottK2
=== norsetto_limbo is now known as norsetto
Gunner_Srhi persia20:26
totopalmaRainCT, hi :)20:45
imbrandonnorsetto: yup I'm in the USA ( Kansas City, Missouri to be exact ) :P21:19
norsettoimbrandon: right!21:20
norsettoimbrandon: have you guys had launch already?21:20
imbrandonyup just got back21:21
imbrandonwalked back in the door aobut ~10 minutes ago21:21
* Fujitsu appears.21:22
imbrandonGates BBQ ftw :)21:22
imbrandonheya Fujitsu21:22
Fujitsuimbrandon: What are you doing up?21:23
imbrandonFujitsu: i was about to ask you the same thing :)21:23
imbrandoni just met ScottK for lunch21:23
imbrandonso i had to be up early today :)21:23
FujitsuIt's 0823 here, so I'm allowed to be up.21:23
norsettomerry xmas fujitsu21:23
FujitsuYou too, norsetto.21:24
imbrandonFujitsu: i never rember is it the 25th there now i guess ? get any new toys ? hehe21:24
Fujitsuimbrandon: It is, yes.21:24
FujitsuNo, no.21:25
RainCThi totopalma21:34
Kmosmerry xmas!21:40
bddebianMerry Christmas km21:41
FujitsuHm, have we had a mass-giveback? Looks like it.21:41
* persia believes this to be further evidence of Santa Claus21:42
* Fujitsu kicks kohnen21:43
FujitsuIt gets a Christmas kick from me :)21:43
FujitsuYay, the give-back killed 2/3 of the i386 FTBFSes.21:52
nxvlnorsetto: hi!21:53
nxvlnorsetto: how are you doing?21:53
norsettohi nxvl, fine and you?21:53
nxvlfine, waiting for the night to get dinner with my family21:53
bddebianpersia: I was trucking along with jugglemaster, now I just broke a Debian patch.. :(21:54
norsettonxvl: its a special dinner tonight?21:54
nxvlnorsetto: christmas dinner21:54
persiabddebian: What did you break?21:54
norsettonxvl: yes, so you eat special food ?21:54
bddebiansome patch to src/jmdlx/newsemaphores.cpp21:55
* Fujitsu thought he was ahead of most of the rest of the planet.21:55
nxvlnorsetto: turnkey21:55
FujitsuOr do you crazy people celebrate a day early?21:55
nxvlnorsetto: and some other christmas stuff21:55
nxvlnorsetto: well i need to go, i only wanted to wish you a very nice christmas21:55
norsettonxvl: you and your family too. Have a fun xmas!21:56
persiabddebian: You know that you're supposed to be editing the files in a patched environment, right :)  Anyway, it's just an if wrapper: should be simple to reapply.21:56
persiaDid you get it from wxT("Semaphore") ?21:57
* Fujitsu sees `wx' and runs away.21:57
* persia notes the date in Victoria, and suggests not even wx should be shunned :)21:59
bddebianpersia: Aye, I've fixed quite a bit already.  There's a guy in #wxWidgets that has been super helpful22:02
bddebianAnyway, gotta jump in the shower, bbl22:02
Fujitsupersia: Bah, humbug.22:03
persiabddebian: I'll be idle when you return, but don't wrap the constant unless it is being transformed to wxString.  JML_CHAR* takes a C string normally.  (and that upstream is particularly annoying).22:03
=== davro is now known as davromaniak
RainCTmerry christmas :)22:30
RainCTand good night22:31
=== DarkMageZ_ is now known as DarkMageZ
persiafrenchy: congrats on me-tv :)22:40
frenchypersia: Hi there, yes Me TV has just made its way into sid.  Thanks for archiving.22:50
RzRhi  i have an issue while uploading to PPA22:52
RzRit's a 9mb source arvhice22:52
RzRand fails :22:52
RzRError '(22, 'Invalid argument')' during ftp transfer of coccinella_0.96.4.orig.tar.gz22:52
ScottK2persia: Merry Christmas.22:57
norsettog'night all23:20
frenchyRzR: Still there?23:47
RzRoui mr la grenouille23:48
frenchyRzR: Hahaha, seems like all the people that know stuff aren't here anymore.  Maybe someone at #launchpad might be able to help.23:50
RzRactually my prolem is fixed23:52
RzRii suppose this is a timeoutt issue23:52
frenchyOh, ok ... Monsieur Grenouille, out.23:53

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