
* kitofhawaii sends a hawaiian happy holidays and a merry christmas to all the ops http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FV_BGqgbxdc and a huge mahalo for your help :)00:22
Jack_SparrowAloha Kit...00:28
jdongAmaranth: is that the new GDM backend in Fedora 9?00:29
Amaranthno, that's glib+dbus+consolekit :P00:30
Amarantheverything has to use dbus00:30
jrattner1Question: I'm on port 8001, and I still can't get into #ubuntu because of the "router bug"00:52
naliothjrattner1: stand by00:53
jrattner1nalioth, thank you00:53
naliothusing your usual nick would be less confusing (no bans under jrattner1 there)00:54
jrattner1what do you mean?00:54
jrattner1this is my usual nick00:54
LjLnalioth: which is why there was a * in the ban. let me check the tracker.00:54
naliothok, then you were using another variant that got banned, jrattner100:54
naliotheither way, the ban is removed00:54
nalioththanks for putting up with us00:55
jrattner1thank you00:55
ardchoilleHow do I know when I have access to bantracker?03:35
Hobbseewhen @login returns something you can access03:36
ubotuscguy318 called the ops in #ubuntu (Acetylcholine)05:03
NeoGeo64why did i end up here05:03
NeoGeo64i am trying to get to #Ubuntu05:03
ubotuHardDisk called the ops in #ubuntu (Acetylcholine)05:03
crdlbNeoGeo64: change your ident05:03
NeoGeo64i love that word05:03
NeoGeo64thats what i named my box05:03
NeoGeo64ubuntu runs nice on my quad core05:04
naliothacetylcholine took the 11 o'clock K train05:04
NeoGeo64i had to enable port fwdimng05:08
NeoGeo64to 11305:08
NeoGeo64now it shows my ident05:08
NeoGeo64instead of email05:08
naliothNeoGeo64: no05:14
naliothNeoGeo64: you had a rather nasty ident earlier05:15
AfterDeathnalioth: yes, but since he turned on port forwarding freenode saw his identd so his ident changed05:24
MyrttiI'm getting a funny feeling about kahrytan again06:47
ompaulit is about to happen06:48
Myrtti/me puts her emp cannon to the recharging dock06:49
ompaulfire at will06:51
Garykahrytans LUG partner is nice though07:21
ompaulGary, now now it is before 7:30 am07:21
ompaulor was that the nine pm watershed07:22
ompaulwho knows07:22
GaryI dunno what he looks like, but he is nice and chatty and helpful, and scared kahrytan07:22
ompaula wake up call is needed by some people now and again07:23
* ompaul prepares to head for work07:23
ompaulback in a few07:24
tomawwork on christmas eve?  poor you.07:36
Garyit's like "a christmas carol" all over again07:37
ompaulGary, topothemornintoya07:39
=== no0tic_ is now known as no0tic
ubotuFujitsu called the ops in #ubuntu (MangoMentor_)10:48
ubotuIn #ubuntu-offtopic, rodserling said: !hate is mine12:17
draremit seems I am banned from #ubuntu?13:01
Picidrarem: Were you forwarded to another channel?13:02
draremi was flake anonymous,  tried /join #ubuntu, then registered as me and tried again, says i'm banned13:02
Picidrarem: actually, nevermind, hold hon.13:02
Picier, on.13:02
Picidrarem: You came into the channel talking about usb switches and was told that it was offtopic13:04
PiciDo you remember that?13:04
draremright, and I went to a hardware channel13:04
PiciRight, I just want you to understand that #ubuntu is for Ubuntu questions only, not hardware support.13:05
draremoh yea, I smarted off and just said that it was related to ubuntu cause that's what i was for.. yes I understand13:05
Picidrarem: Okay, you're all set.13:06
rufuswhy am i banned in #ubuntu?13:17
jussi01rufus: please be patient - someone will be along to help soon - its almost christmas and not many people are around.13:19
* jussi01 elbows Pici 13:19
rufussoon? i have a problem13:23
* Pici arrives13:29
Picirufus: let me take a look at the logs, hold on please.13:29
=== rufus is now known as rangerguy39
rangerguy39my nick was rangerguy39 when i was banned13:31
PiciSo.. you know why you were banned?13:32
PiciOkay, sorry for the wait, the one log wasn't active when you were banned, checking another source13:33
Picihm..  I see the ban... but not a reason why.13:39
PiciLjL: ping.13:39
rangerguy39so, will i be unbanned?13:42
Picirangerguy39: not until I can talk with the op that banned you, sorry.13:42
=== tritium_ is now known as tritium
Picirangerguy39: Most likely away due to holiday stuff...14:03
rangerguy39okay, thanks anyway14:03
Picirangerguy39: But since I dont see anything in the log, I will at least temporarily unban you.14:03
Picirangerguy39: And then speak to the op about it...14:04
rangerguy39which op14:06
Picirangerguy39: LjL14:06
rangerguy39okay, thanks14:06
=== pleia2 is now known as psleigha2
=== psleigha2 is now known as pleia2
=== pleia2 is now known as psleigha2
MyrttiHyvää joulua!14:14
PiciFeliz Navidad?14:15
psleigha2oh me and my naughty nickspam14:15
LjL!test | ljl14:19
PiciLjL: Afternoon, have a few?14:20
LjLrangerguy39: yesterday you had a script that replied to ! commands. it seems to be turned off now - make sure it remains so14:20
LjLPici: yeah14:20
LjLgod jul to you too14:20
PiciOh, was going to ask you about that, I didnt see anything important in my logs, and ubotu didnt catch it.14:20
LjLPici: yeah, i mentioned it in here, but the bantracker missed it14:20
LjLanyone wants to hear me sing in swedish? :P i decided to be annoying to my neighbors today.14:21
LjLno attack yesterday night... losers, i've stayed awake waiting for them and they didn't come14:22
Garyaww poor LjL14:27
Myrttimorsgrisar är vi allihopa, allihopa, allihopa...14:28
Myrttimorsgrisar är vi allihopa, hopa! du med och jag med, du med och jaaaaggg med14:29
LjLMyrtti: is that what you sing in your ASL channels?14:29
Myrttinå men ju de döva måste ju...14:30
LjLjultroll, mmm14:31
LjLhey i was thinking14:35
LjL(since i need some new bot to write)14:35
LjLyou know when people ask "what's the best player" etc, and we give !best, but they insist they want opinion?14:35
PiciI dont get it either.14:35
LjLcould put a bot in #ubuntu-trivia (which is mostly unused now i think) to make polls about software categories14:35
LjLwhat's the best player? everyone gives their best, etc14:36
LjLthen you can ask for the statistics on things14:36
Jack_SparrowThat would be cool14:36
Jack_SparrowMorning ljl14:36
Jack_SparrowArgh.. throw some beer gut into it14:37
PiciI think that whatever comes out of it should be used in a supybot plugin though.14:37
LjLPici: ahahah. ah.14:37
LjLme writing python14:37
PiciLjL: I'll write it then, just get the data.14:37
LjLPici: what data? the data will be given by the people who feel like shouting about their favorite X. bot just needs to have a list of valid ubuntu packages14:38
* Pici thinks14:38
Jack_SparrowWould there be a way to keep people from doubling up on their favorite?  ONe vote per registered nick or anything like that14:39
LjLPici: commands could be like this14:39
Pici!best irc xchat14:39
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about best irc xchat - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi14:39
LjL!start poll about best <category>14:39
LjLthen for 15 minutes, people can just type "amarok", "rhythmbox", etc14:39
LjL!best <category> is <package>14:39
LjLto give a single opinion without actually making a poll14:40
PiciI'll remember that LjL14:40
LjLand then !best <category> would give: "The BEST! <category> is <package>, with <x> votes (<y>%). Then come in order: ..."14:40
PiciI think its a great diea14:41
Piciidea (/me fixes fingers)14:41
LjLPici: i'm even thinking it could be useful. we'd get nice lists of software packages for various think, without making any effort to research them ourselves. would make writing bot factoids much easier :)14:42
Jack_Sparrow[06:41] <Phobos> deadlock, rm -R /*   in ubuntu14:42
LjLJack_Sparrow, was banned already14:43
Jack_SparrowSorry, a little slow yet this am14:43
* Pici gives Jack_Sparrow glasses14:43
Jack_Sparrowand more coffee14:43
* Gary steals jacks coffee14:44
LjLPici: http://supybot.sourceforge.net/docs/plugins/Poll.html14:44
LjLnot quite what i had in mind though14:44
PiciIts not extremely complicated anyway.14:45
LjLif one knows supybot, it should be trivial14:45
PiciFunny that you word it like that.14:46
PiciI wrote a trivia bot plugin for supybot called Trivial.14:46
LjLPici: that isn't what ran in -trivia though?14:46
PiciLjL: Nope.14:46
LjLPici: if you write that i suggest you don't waste much time trying to interface to APT like ubotu does (and does pretty slowly). just dump the entire APT package list to a text file and use it or put it in sqlite...14:48
* Pici cowers in fear14:50
* LjL doesn't fear14:51
PiciFear is the mindkiller?14:51
LjLno, fear is what makes the -ot people behave14:51
LjLand i don't behave14:52
=== LongXmasStick is now known as GoldenPony
GaryI want a pony!!!1!14:54
LjL!pony | Gary14:54
ubotuGary: Tomorrow. Some patience, gee.14:54
Garywho changed it :-)  well done14:54
LjLi, just now14:55
=== Myrtti is now known as PinkPony
Hobbseehaha :)15:08
PiciAlthough... I didnt know that ponies could do that with their... arms(?)15:08
PinkPonyI wanna pony15:08
ubotuTomorrow. Some patience, gee.15:09
ubotupony has no aliases - added by LjL on 2007-12-24 15:54:3915:09
* Hobbsee --> bed15:09
Picibye.. okay.15:09
* Pici waves to GoldenPony 15:10
PinkPonyham, carrot and gabbage casserole and salt-cured salmon on rye bread15:10
PinkPonyI'm stuffed15:10
ardchoilleYou're stuffed and you made the rest of us hungry15:11
Picigabbage? Sounds like how someone from long island, NY would say garbage.15:11
PinkPony@now Helsinki15:11
ubotuCurrent time in Europe/Helsinki: December 24 2007, 17:11:24 - Next meeting: Edubuntu meeting in 8 days15:11
PinkPonyPici: I don't like Finnish Christmas casseroles that much, so they've got cabbage for me15:12
PinkPonywith minced meat and carrot15:12
PiciSounds good, I guess.  I'm not a big fan of cabbage though.15:13
Picideuryte: can we help you?15:13
deurytemaybe, every time I try to get into kubuntu-offtopic,  I end up here ??15:14
Picideuryte: let me take a look, hold on.15:14
Picideuryte: I see the bans... let me see if there is a Kubuntu operator around.15:21
PiciTm_T: ping.15:22
naliothPici: there usually is one around15:23
* Pici wanders into the Kubuntu channels15:23
naliothPici: what did you need?15:23
Picinalioth: It was to take a look at deuryte's bans15:24
naliothdid you see one?15:24
PiciBut since he left, I really dont care anymore.  He seems a bit of a troll.15:24
PiciYes. two.15:24
nalioththat is why he's forwarded here, i expect15:24
PiciLjL: Thanks.15:57
ubotuIn ubotu, underdaw1 said: !hamachi is Gutsy has issues with hamachi-init but if you go to the Synaptic package manager and search for "upx" and install both packages, you will be able to proceed and use hamachi16:19
=== PinkPony is now known as Myrtti
ubotuIn ubotu, underdaw1 said: !hamachi is Gutsy Gibbon (7.10) has a known issue with Hamachi where nothing happens after you input hamachi-init in the console.  You need to install upx and follow the directions here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=341441116:28
* Pici wonders if a factoid is needed for that.16:28
PiciHowdy ompaul16:30
ubotupici is stuck in a factoid factory! Help!16:30
ompaulPici, having missed totally what you are asking, could you repeat it please16:31
Pici11:28:20 <ubotu> In ubotu, underdaw1 said: !hamachi is Gutsy Gibbon (7.10) has a known issue with Hamachi where nothing happens after you input hamachi-init in the console.  You need to install upx and follow the directions here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=341441116:31
ompaulPici, hamachi is what?16:33
ompaulI can find the others using apt-cache search16:33
PiciIts a tool for doing vpn peer to peer connections iirc.16:33
ompaulI have been looking at the google results16:38
ompaulit seems that it is an option for upx16:38
forsakencan i be tested for the router bug? (i'm connecting to port 8001)16:41
Piciforsaken: hold still please.16:41
Piciforsaken: you appear to pass, give me a moment.16:42
forsakenok, thanks16:42
naliothAriel_Eran: you can discuss that in here, if you don't mind  :)16:42
Ariel_Erannalioth: sure, thanks.16:43
Piciforsaken: Alright, you're all set.16:43
forsakenPici, cheers16:44
Ariel_EranHi all, a couple of days ago we've talked with nalioth, PriceChild and a couple of other people that were in the channel about IRSeek16:44
Ariel_EranTo bring you up to speed, after speaking with Christel, we've made several modifications to our service, and we are going to bring the service up (with Christel's blessing - http://blog.freenode.net/?p=68), and we wanted to get your approval to log the ubuntu family on channels :)16:46
Ariel_Eranfamily of channels, that is, sorry.16:46
ompaulyou can't have them all in one go - we may own the name space but the locos are "owned by the loco teams" they would need contacts approval afik, not all ubuntu- channels that are part of the ubuntu- space would not want to be logged but in general I would think it is not a bad idea i16:48
Ariel_EranPriceChild suggested that we speak a couple of days later after you guys get a chance to think/discuss this over. I was hoping you guys had a chance to consider16:48
ompaulno pricey to ask16:49
ompaulLjL, ?16:49
ompaulelkbuntu, ?16:49
naliothompaul: i have the answers16:50
ompaulnalioth, good :)16:50
ompaulnalioth, by mail or via irc?16:50
* ompaul grins16:50
naliothAriel_Eran: please limit your logging to channels that have ubuntulog in them.  If you desire to log a channel that does not have ubuntulog, please contact us here16:50
Ariel_Erannalioth: thanks, how can I tell which channels are logged by ubuntulog? (whois doesnt reveal anything)16:51
ompaul#ubuntu+1 #ubuntu-ops #ubuntu-motu #ubuntu-devel #ubuntu16:52
ompaulthird line of ubuntulog16:52
ompaulsecond even16:52
naliothAriel_Eran: when you join a channel, you look for ubuntulog16:52
Piciompaul: It only shows the channels that you share with it.16:52
* ompaul head desks16:53
naliothAriel_Eran: what cloaks or other identifying marks will your bots have?16:54
Ariel_Erannalioth: it will most likely be called IRSeekBot (and Christel said she'll take care of the cloaking in the next few hours) - the bot is not up yet anyway16:54
Ariel_Erannalioth, others: thanks a lot, we really appreciate it.16:55
LjLAriel_Eran: i'm particularly concerned about LoCo channels. please, make sure you really don't put the bot in there without the channel contacts' consent (you may find some of the contacts in #ubuntu-irc)16:56
LjLi really don't want them to blame us for ACKing the bot while we didn't... so just thought i'd make this clear16:56
Ariel_EranLjL: Sure.  Do you know of ubuntulog is present on those channels as well?16:57
LjLAriel_Eran: actually, simple procedure for checking if the bot is ok in: 1) /chanserv info #channel  2) /whois ubuntulog.   if #channel is owned by UbuntuIRCCouncil and ubuntulog is present there, the bot can join16:58
ompaulif it is #ubuntu-TLD then take it as read you need to ask the channel contact16:58
LjLAriel_Eran: ubuntulog is not on those channels, other logging bots are. However it's really not up to us whether independent logging is considered acceptable there16:59
PiciWhere TLD = 2 letter country-code16:59
LjLAriel_Eran: in that case, /chanserv info #channel and send a memoserv note to the person listed as main contact (or a message if they or the alternate contact are online)16:59
Ariel_EranLjL, ompaul: alright, sounds good, thanks!17:00
ompaulbut yes cos we don't do -net -com -org -biz but then again maybe we should :-)17:00
ompaulAriel_Eran, they are effectively independent, and at the risk of making the point again, please make this point very clear to those who work with you ;-) thanks17:01
Ariel_Eranompaul: will do.17:01
PiciIf you have any questions about who might own a channel, don't hesitate to ask.17:02
* ompaul increments Pici 17:02
Ariel_EranPici: thanks, I'll keep it in mind17:06
ompaulPici, you changed my topic so I had revenge by proxy ;-) I thought kaot feels incremented was great17:07
PiciI didnt change that.17:07
LjLPici: you changed it from happy easter to happy halloween17:08
PiciI just changed Happy Easter to Happy Halloween17:08
Picioct 31 = dec 2517:08
LjLompaul: i changed it to begin with though :)17:08
white_eagleehh, ompaul17:28
white_eaglewhy have you banned me17:28
ompaulcheck your pm17:28
Myrttia doubter17:29
PiciWhy doth thou protest?17:30
Myrtti/me takes her emp cannon from the recharger dock17:31
* Pici doesnt even know what play thats from, nor any of the context.17:31
jussi01Hyvää Joulua Myrtti and Everyone!17:32
Myrttihyvää joulua jussi0117:32
LjLää you too17:32
* Pici wishes everyone happy holidays17:34
tonyyarussoMyrtti: /me thinks someone should acquire the nick Joanna for use in Ubuntu channels :P17:34
PiciMyrtti: I enjoyed your EMP alias the one time you used it. ;)17:35
ompaulgive me hope joanna etc17:35
jussi010/me is completely lost17:36
PiciNickserv>  Joanna -  Last seen 1 year 6 weeks 3 days17:36
ompauljussi01, be happy, don't worry17:36
tonyyarussoPici: more than 60 days17:37
Picitonyyarusso: Yes, just a bit.17:37
naliothwhat's an EMP ?17:41
PiciElectromagnetic Pulse17:42
naliothwell, no duh17:42
nalioth1198517701 11:35 <+Pici> Myrtti: I enjoyed your EMP alias the one time you used it. ;)            <<< how bout this one?17:42
PiciWhy did you ask then?17:42
* Pici looks in logs17:42
Myrttianyone wanna try?17:44
jussi01Myrtti: ummmm....17:44
* jussi01 shakes in boots17:45
* jussi01 hates windows... but PuTTy is a life saver!!17:45
Myrtti empcannon  /say /me takes out her emp cannon and points at $0;/wait17:46
Myrtti          100;/say *BWUUUUUP*;/wait 50;/msg chanserv op $C $N;/wait 50;/quote17:46
Myrtti          remove $C $0 :http://xkcd.com/322 *KABLAM*;/msg chanserv op $C -$N17:46
PiciI couldnt copy it out without messing up the formatting anyway.17:46
jussi01Myrtti: LOL17:47
jussi01Myrtti: Can I grab those aliases off you again? since I put irssi on the server I didnt copy them over...17:47
MyrttiI've not removed them17:48
jussi01Myrtti: linkki again?17:49
* jussi01 apologises that he is on the windows box... :(17:50
Picijussi01: http://pastebin.com/f4a33154117:50
Garywhen did the topic change in -offtopic ?17:50
PiciWhen you werent looking17:50
GaryI nearly wet myself laughing17:51
Garyoh I am so sad17:51
PiciI see no BWUUUP in that17:52
* jussi01 hugs Myrtti 17:53
Myrttithat's later17:53
Pici/alias hug17:53
=== no0tic-local is now known as no0tic
=== _Dave2__ is now known as Dave2
=== crd1b is now known as crdlb
PiciLjL: excess floodin again fyi.18:45
naliothwe're gonna catch him one day18:46
LjLyeah i noticed18:49
LjLmy server shut down my SSH connection as well18:49
LjLand i hadn't saved the file i was editing18:50
LjLthe cool thing is there isn't a mention of anything in syslog18:50
sysdefLjL: use vim18:52
sysdefvim will restore your work if you loose your connection and reopen the file18:54
sysdefLjL: or better: use screen18:54
no0ticwho flooded him? And.. why only him, apparently?18:58
PiciI donut know18:59
naliothhe's flooding himself18:59
LjLblearg, my sister had the wrong IP set up for her stupid computer19:05
LjLi bet it was that yesterday too19:05
LjLanyway... the computer still thinks i'm connected and the nano process is still running, is there any way i can attach to it?19:05
naliothlikely story, you troll  :D19:05
naliothLjL: if you used screen, type "screen -d -r"19:05
LjLno i didn't19:05
naliothif you didn't use screen, you're SOL19:05
Tm_TPici: hi19:13
Tm_TPici: he's been pushing the limits for awhile, after he did start make provokes with nick I counted his sinlist being full enough ;)19:14
Tm_TPici: see bans with his host too19:15
Tm_Tanyway, I'm away from any pc once again ->19:15
UtakaPlease can you uban me, sorry if I was a nuisance20:35
ompaulyou just changed your nick again - you can't do that in #ubuntu20:35
UtakaI apoligse ompaul will not do it again20:35
ompaulthe place is busy as all get out20:35
ompaulright - I'll lift it - please be aware that it is unfair on your fellow irc users in particular if they are not used to IRC the scrolling is too fast for them to deal with20:36
Utakathanks ompaul.20:37
ompaulMenZa, wb20:48
ompaulI am a bit late there20:48
=== tomaw is now known as t
=== tomaw_ is now known as tomaw
white_eagleompaul, you haven't taken the ban yet?21:42
white_eagleif you think21:42
white_eaglethat it should stay21:42
white_eaglelet it be21:42
ompaulits removed - please bring your common sense to the channel and don't do things that will invoke censure21:43
white_eaglethanks dud21:43
white_eaglewon't happen again21:43
ardchoilleIs #kubuntu the proper place to be for linuxmce support?22:14
LjL!no best is <reply> Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose among a number of different applications, depending on your preferences, the features you require, and other factors. If you really insist on getting people's opinions, join #ubuntu-bots and ask there.23:31
ubotuI'll remember that LjL23:31
ardchoilleLjL: Is #kubuntu the proper place to be for linuxmce support?  I'm not sure exactly what LinuxMCE is23:34
LjLme neither23:34
MenZaLinuxMCE is a media center distribution I guess23:38
ardchoilleMenZa: Ok, but should we be supporting it in #kubuntu?23:39
ardchoilleI don't want to provide instructions and have it mess up their LinuxMCE system23:39
MenZaIt's a different distribution23:39
MenZaSo no23:39
MenZaits core is Kubuntu23:39
ardchoilleWell, Ubuntu is based on debian too, but..23:40
ardchoilleAh, ok23:40
ardchoilleMenZa: ty :)23:41

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