
sourcemakerardchoille: Can I use the nvidia binary package with the last vanilla kernel?00:06
Dr_willisproberly not sourcemaker00:06
Dr_willisYou will proberly have to use the nvidia isntaller/drivers and install them specifically for that kernel.00:06
effie_jayxata1.00: exception Emask error when booting anyone00:06
ardchoillesourcemaker: I don't really know, I'm not the best person to ask about kernel stuff. I have never had to compile a kernel.00:06
Dr_willisat least thas how i used to have to do it.00:06
ubotuThe core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - For more: /msg ubotu stages00:07
ciperlonemerry xmas to you all!!!00:08
sourcemakerardchoille: I have read that the hardy repos is open... Can I use the kernel package from hardy?00:09
ardchoillesourcemaker: how much of "I don't know about kernels" do you not understand?00:10
biovoresourcemaker: In theory.. but going that direction could break alot of stuff..00:11
sourcemakerbiovore: Well... there is a lot of stuff break ... for me with kernel 2.6.2200:11
biovoreprobably best just to do a apt source and get the source for the hardy kernel and build it for feisty..00:12
ticat85hello, has anyone out there installed a Logitech Quickcam Messenger before on Linux?00:13
sourcemakerbiovore: I know this URL... http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/ but I can find any nvidia related stuff00:13
ticat85Dr_willis, I know you're  a wizard an this linux stuff any ideas?00:13
Dr_willisIve had 4 different webcams.. None of which worked under linux.00:14
ubotuInstructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras00:14
Dr_willisi dont even have a use for a webcam under linux.00:14
ticat85woot thanks, Dr_willis, even MORE reading00:14
Dr_williswell guess i could point it at my Fishtank.00:14
ticat85it shows up here as dev/video000:14
Dr_willisI got an EyeToy WebCam :)00:15
jhutchinsticat85: I think the short answer is "Yes", but I don't know who.00:15
ticat85aw :(, well I guess no webcam conference for xmas :(00:16
ticat85what's this about easycam... i didn't see that in my applications to install00:16
jhutchinsticat85: From what i've heard it's not hard to set that one up if you just follow the guides.00:17
jhutchinsticat85: However, if you blunder about first, you end up in that Windows situation where you plugged in a USB device before installing the software and it picked the wrong driver, which is blocking the right driver, etc.00:17
Evolution2how do I change the UUID of my partition to the correct one because I keep getting a superblock error00:18
ticat85oh :|00:18
ticat85so should i unplug it and try again?00:18
Dr_willisI think tune2fs can change the UUID00:18
Evolution2what's the command00:18
Dr_willistune2fs --help00:18
Dr_willis[-O [^]feature[,...]] [-T last_check_time] [-U UUID] device00:18
Dr_willisit says at the bottom00:18
ticat85jhutchins, where do i find "EasyCam"?00:19
ticat85sudo apt-get install easycam doesn't work :(00:19
Evolution2sudo -U uuid00:19
Dr_willistune2fs -U PUTINTHEUUIDHERE /PutThe/Device/Here00:19
jhutchinsticat85: Dunno, read the docs.00:19
Dr_williswith a sudo of course.00:20
jhutchinsticat85: Mine is a Minicam which doesn't work with linux.00:20
ticat85ahh :( this sounds so doomed, but I have to try !00:20
Dr_williswhat is everyone doing with these webcams anyway? :)00:20
ciperlonecan i see the real size of all folders in konqueror? how? thank you...00:20
Dr_willisreal size vs the unreal size?00:21
Evolution2oh what's not what I mean. when I boot up right before the filling kubuntu bar gets to the part where it mounts the partitions it gives me that it's the wrong uuid for kubuntu. so kubuntu is trying to mount itself on top of its old uuid. what's the command that lists the uuid of the partitions00:21
ticat85Dr_willis, cam-hos :) jk - I'm trying to use it to connect with my family over xmas00:21
Dr_willisI tend to use the View==>ViewMode===>FileSizeMode - it shows all the dirs/sizes in box's00:22
ciperloneDr_willis: the size that appears when one click properties in a folder00:22
vzduchciperlone: that would be the size of the folder's contents00:23
vzduchthe folder itself has no size00:23
Evolution2vzduch: a folder has a size of 0.01 Bytes00:24
vzduch(or perhaps it has.. but I don't know what that depends upon..)00:24
vzduchEvolution2: lol00:24
ticat85woot, got easycam2! now... to install00:26
ciperlonee.g.: i have a folder of 2GB, plus another one of 534Mb, and another one of 23Mb, and I want to see them in detailed view, showing the real size of each one instead the default value of 4,09600:26
ticat85Dr_willis, you use the PS2 EyeToy for yours?00:26
ciperloneis it possible?00:26
Dr_willisticat85,  i have one.. ;) its in a box in the closet..00:26
Dr_willislast i used it was on XP for the wife00:27
ticat85Dr_willis, pfft, well break it out and play some Dance Groove00:27
ciperlonecan anyone help please?00:28
biovoredu -h?00:28
Dr_willisticat85,  she liked the eyetoy games also.. but the PS2 is dead now.00:29
Dr_willisSo its Wii Bowling for now!00:29
Evolution2ciperlone: you just hover over them in dolphin00:29
ticat85Dr_willis, Wii is dangerous :| my friend broke his glass coffee table... twice00:29
Dr_willisWhat! dolphin actually has a Featuer! :)00:29
Dr_willisticat85,  wife almost gave me a Black Eye.00:29
unix_infidelyea, that's what happens when you move around and do stuff.00:30
* Dr_willis imagines telling people "the wife was playing with my Wii and gave me a black eye' 00:30
ticat85Dr_willis, did she burn the roast or?00:30
Dr_willisHeck she dances around playing Normal Games..   Leans to the side while driving in GTA and so forth..00:30
ticat85err i read that wrong nvm, she almost gave YOU a blackeye00:30
Dr_willisticat85,  :)00:31
unix_infidelDr_willis: she likey wont get mad at that statement.00:31
ciperloneEvolution2: how?00:31
ticat85Dr_willis, EasyCam2 debunked00:31
unix_infidelthe only part she'll get mad at is the *MY* wii part.00:31
ticat85and it's in french00:31
ticat85well no wonder... they arent using any real webcams :P00:32
=== rleeds is now known as tilgovi
ticat85french people *sigh* ;)00:32
ticat85QuickCam Web, QuickCam Express, and QuickCam Home are supported00:33
Dr_willisWhat! No QuickCam Home Web Express!00:33
jmm_wifisorry mates00:33
Dr_willisWhat! No QuickCam Home Web Express Spiffy Extra Title Uber Expresso >00:33
jmm_wifiwrong channel00:34
ticat85wait wait, Dr_willis, there is QuickCam Super Action Robot Web Express Squad Express - is that your camera?00:34
Evolution2ciperlone: I assume you have KDE 3.5.8 correct? just don't put all these "folders" under the same overall folder00:34
Dr_willisticat85,  almost.. I have the  'F@lla8ty' edition. :)00:34
ticat85:| i wish I was so good at videogames 11 year olds would buy my PC parts00:35
tilgovianyone on a thinkpad seen /proc/acpi/ibm/brightness go missing?00:35
Dr_willisticat85,  and get all kinds of Babes!00:35
Dr_willisticat85,  ok  - i Plugged in my eyetoy webcam00:35
ciperloneEvolution2: in dolphin i can't see the size of the real folders00:36
Dr_willislets see... what even uses the thing00:36
Dr_willisls -l /dev/video   video0   video24  video3200:36
ubotuInstructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras00:36
ciperloneis there a plugin or an option to enable viewing the real size of the folders in konqueror?00:37
ticat85Dr_willis, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/49509/00:38
Dr_willisticat85,  all my /dev/video* things are my TV Tuner cardit seems :)00:39
Dr_willisciperlone,  none that i am aware of, or have ever heard mentioned00:39
Dr_willisciperlone,  may want to ask in #kde00:39
Evolution2ciperlone: hmm maybe I am not understanding what you mean00:40
Dr_willisticat85,  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingEyetoyAsAWebcam00:40
ticat85Dr_willis, I know when I was in TVtime yesterday configuring my AverTV card - the logitech quickcam messenger came up as dev/video000:41
=== mark___ is now known as black_helicopter
limachow can i build a collection in amarock? i mean where to get the music from?00:42
Dr_willisticat85,  aparently the eyetoy has a nonstandard module.. lets see what other webcams i got.00:42
ciperloneEvolution2: i want this http://foldersize.sourceforge.net/ , but for konqueror! :)00:42
Dr_willisQuick Cam Messenger. :)00:43
vzduchlimac: you can use any (supported) audio files you have on your disks00:43
ubuntu_how do you set the compiz on the live cd?00:44
ticat85Dr_willis, so am i doomed?00:44
vzduchubuntu_: you don't, because the live CD doesn't come w/ 3D-enabled gfx drivers00:44
ubuntu_fudge i thought it did00:44
=== ubuntu_ is now known as i_is_two
vzduchi_is_two: it's a licensing issue00:45
limacvzduch: but I have none. so is there any website that i can downlado 'em from?00:45
Dr_willisticat85,  no idea. :) my QC Messanger is seen as /dev/video1 - but aint workign right either.00:45
i_is_twoso theres no way to get it working on the livecd at all?00:45
vzduchnot that I know of00:46
ticat85Dr_willis, well they mention some sources at: http://home.mag.cx/messenger/00:46
ticat85but I can't seem to load the page :(00:46
Dr_willisticat85,  lib/modules/2.6.22-12-386/kernel/drivers/media/video/usbvideo only has like 6 webcam modules.00:47
Dr_willislets look in my box and see what OTHER webcams i got.00:47
i_is_twothe installer on the cd does it conserve windows partitions and installs?00:47
Dr_willisHmm.. My CreativeNX is Missing..00:47
ciperloneubuntu_ i_is_two: what if you install it by synaptic? is it not possible to install packages in a live cd???00:47
ticat85Dr_willis, why do you collect webcams so?00:48
vzduchi_is_two: yes, if you use it correctly00:48
ardchoilleciperlone: I have installed packages in a livecd env, but they will be gone once you reboot00:48
i_is_twoi am used to the slackware installer on a blank drive and if its not blank then i wipe it00:48
ciperloneardchoille: of course...00:48
i_is_twoi'm assuming it displays the partitions and lets me decide what to do with them?00:49
ticat85Dr_willis, check it out: I have "quickcam_messenger.ko"00:49
ticat85so wtf can't I access it00:49
vzduchi_is_two: in expert mode, yes00:50
Dr_willisticat85,  thats what module loaded for my webcam also.. andit dident work00:52
ticat85Dr_willis, does Ubuntu hate us?00:52
notvdr_willis, i found this thread  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=41382600:53
notvis this useful at all in my situation?00:54
Dr_willisticat85,  i think we need MORE varity in webcams!@ :)00:54
ticat85Dr_wills, who do we bitch to about that?00:55
vzduchticat85: the webcam manufacturers?00:55
ticat85hmm... you'd think a company like logitech would make drivers for linux00:56
Dr_willisWhats amusing is that there aparently are modules/drivers for it.00:56
Dr_willisIt could be my TV tuner card is confusing things00:56
Dr_willisI get a /dev/video1 for the webcam - it just isent working right00:57
notvit looks like fedora has a patch for using an HTC cell phone as a modem. does that offer any hope for ubuntu or what?00:57
ardchoilleJust bought a 1Gb usb key. Can the Kubuntu live cd be run in a way that it reads from and writes to $HOME on a usb key to have persistent settings?00:57
Dr_willisnotv,  somthing that i 'might' be able to figure out how to do.. but patching the kernel.. is a bit over myhead.00:57
notvis that what it would entail to get the HTC 'modeming' for a laptop?00:58
Dr_willisardchoille,  not that i am aware of. The ubuntu lvue cd. is a bit lacking in that area. There are other live cd's that can install/do that from usb keys00:58
vzduchardchoille: take a look at Sidux for that purpose00:58
ardchoilleDr_willis , vzduch Thanks00:58
notvhave any of you used fedora?00:59
* vzduch has Fedora installed at home00:59
Dr_willisi like dsl, and puppylinux, and slax :)00:59
notvhow would you compare it to ubuntu?00:59
DerHessehi can someone help me with cedega?01:00
vzduchmore current pkg selection, some cutting-edge features (like e.g. darn PulseAudio), less handholding01:00
vzduchbut good config tools01:00
notvif im to convert a windows user to linux, i think handholding might be necessary01:01
Dr_willisI dont even try to 'convert' windows users any more.. I just do my own thing.. an amaze them.. and let them decide..01:04
Dr_willis"what do ya mean.. you never have to defrag?"01:04
Dr_willis"what do ya mean.. you never have to scan for spyware/malware/viruses?"01:04
Dr_willis"what do ya mean.. it INCLUDED all those programs?"01:04
Dr_willisheh heh.. THEN ya fire up compiz for the Kill!01:05
notvonce i got my firepod working on gutsy01:14
notvive pretty much dumped windows for good01:14
clfind Veruca Salt01:17
cl@find Veruca Salt01:17
crimsunquite a few Veruca Salt albums were posted on usenet lately01:18
crimsunperhaps you should look in a more appropriate place ;)01:18
vzduchcl, crimsun: in case you missed it, filesharing is an inappropriate topic in here..01:19
crimsunvzduch: I'm well aware.01:19
crimsun(It's also a blatant fib if you haven't caught my drift.)01:19
Pici#kubuntu seems like the most logical place to go if you were looking for something like that though...01:21
vzduchwho or what is Veruca Salt anyway?01:21
crimsunvzduch: random band01:21
crimsunPici: indeed.  I've been wondering why no one has helped me with my toaster, too.01:22
vzduchstyle?  comparable to anything known?01:22
vzduchcrimsun: hrhr01:22
crimsunmore slick and radio-friendly L701:23
crimsunanyhow, this belongs in -offtopic instead01:23
vzduchnever heard of either01:23
ubotuKubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion01:31
ticat85dr_willis eta on logitech quickcam messenger working?01:36
shaffycan someone tell me how to keep the same device name for my external hd every time i plug it in?  for example, sometimes it is sdb1, sdc1 or sdd1.  i need to keep it as one name so i know which device name to mount in ftsab.  thanks for any help.01:37
intelikeyshaffy use the  UUID01:38
shaffyintelikey: can you tell me how to find the UUID of my external hd please?01:38
Artimusshaffy: blkid will tell you the UUID's of all of your partitions.01:39
intelikeyshaffy it's not the "device" or the partition   it's the filesystem.  but yes that's how.01:39
shaffyintelikey: that's awesome dude.  i really appreciate it.  that solves so many of my problems.  :)01:41
shaffypeace bro. happy holidays. :)01:41
intelikeymerry Christ Mass to you.01:42
shaffyi like it01:42
shaffythat's what me and my buddy used to call it01:42
vzduchintelikey: Merry X-Mess ;)01:45
intelikeyvzduch you can't cross out the Christ,   they tried it already   :)01:46
shaffyi like that01:47
vzduchanyway, Christmas was an invention of the Roman Catholic Church to get their feet into heathen communities01:48
shaffywhatever it may be,01:50
intelikeyvzduch no doubt, however it is not what it started off anyway.       but this is very OT.  so  i'll shush for a change.01:50
shaffyit is what it is today.01:50
shaffyintelikey: OT?01:50
awen_anybody here that can help me how to make a backtrace?01:50
intelikey!ot | shaffy01:50
ubotushaffy: #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!01:50
Mat33guys when I type 'chmod -R uog-w /home/neo/firefox', I get the error, 'chown: `u+w': invalid user'01:51
Mat33guys when I type 'chown -R u+w /home/neo/firefox', I get the error, 'chown: `u+w': invalid user'01:52
vzduchMat33: pretty self-explanatory.. you didn't give a user nor group to change to01:52
intelikeyman chown    and   man chmod   you are confusing the two.01:52
Mat33No I know chmod is to change01:53
ThingusI'm trying to get wireless working on a CLI system. Card is a BCM4318. I've got ndiswrapper compiled from the latest source, and can see my wireless access point with iwlist. How do I connect to it?01:53
Mat33and chown for to give permission01:53
awen_Mat33: chmod is for changing permissions01:54
Mat33Ya I know01:54
Mat33I changed it first so that no one can write to that folder and then I want to change it back to give the right to write to the owner.01:54
earl_hey guys. I have some problems with my display - but only OUTSIDE of X.01:55
awen_Mat33: then you need to use chmod01:55
intelikeythen >>> <Mat33:#kubuntu> guys when I type 'chown -R u+w /home/neo/firefox', I get <<< must have been a typo.01:55
earl_that is, anything text based, like the startup screen, or a non-X terminal, shows up ridiculously large01:55
earl_like one letter of text is about a 5th of my screen01:55
earl_i can't even see the kubuntu logo at start up because everything's blown up so ig01:56
earl_and this is off a clean install of gutsy.01:56
earl_never had this issue with previous releases, or even when i upgraded from feisty to gutsy.01:56
Mat33It was the guide at ubuntu forums that got it wrong.01:56
awen_Mat33: link?01:57
earl_anyone know what i can do about it?01:57
intelikeyearl_ sure set a usable vga= in the menu.lst01:58
earl_menu.lst ....??01:58
earl_also, what is usable01:58
Mat33The section 'Installing Firefox (Quick and Dirty)'01:58
intelikeythat file that grub reads so you have a menu at boot time.01:58
earl_where is it?01:59
intelikeysee /boot/grub/menu.lst     usable might be  vga=0x0f0401:59
earl_k, i'll have a look01:59
awen_Mat33: and the command 'chmod -R uog-w /home/username/firefox' fails?01:59
intelikeyearl_ or maybe   vga=791   or even   vga=normal01:59
earl_how would i go about testing it out02:00
vzduchtrial + error02:00
awen_Mat33: can you point me to exactly what point in the guide that is wrong, so we can change it?02:00
intelikeyearl_ use the [esc]  select the boot option   [e] to edit  [e] to edit   and change it.  then [b] to boot.02:00
intelikeyat boot time.   ^02:01
earl_vga= only shows up once in menu.lst02:01
earl_and is commented out02:01
earl_any particular place it needs to go?02:01
ArtimusHeads up, there's a bug with vga= lines in Gutsy...02:02
intelikeyearl_ the      'kernel' line02:02
intelikeyArtimus ah   have info ?02:02
Artimussure, 1 second...02:02
intelikeyearl_ see Artimus02:02
ArtimusStupid slow Launchpad...02:03
earl_i'm listening02:03
vzduchgood night folks02:03
intelikeyvzduch and you.02:03
awen_night vzduch02:03
ArtimusMight just be hardy02:03
ArtimusBut I ran into a problem with it on a few boxes in Gutsy, might be unrelated to that02:04
earl_well this s great. but i don't have any VGA= lines at all02:05
earl_maybe i should put one in?02:05
earl_this is my kernel line02:06
earl_kernel          /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.22-14-generic root=UUID=b75eb9db-246a-490b-9771-57cd60f54c31 ro quiet splash02:07
awen_earl_: yes, you just add it add the end02:07
earl_i dont know what most of that stuff means02:07
intelikeywell that bug looks like it's the vidio card/chip not a kernel bug per'se   that is it's not going to affect all hardware.  i've seen that before.02:07
awen_anybody knows how to make a backtrace if no dbgsym package is avaible?02:08
intelikeyearl_   "kernel          /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.22-14-generic vga=0x0f04 nosplash02:09
intelikeyawen_  strace <command>  ?02:09
earl_okay i'm going to restart and give it a shot02:10
intelikeyawen_ ltrace if you need lots of debugging02:10
awen_intelikey: thx, i'll give see if that gives something useful02:10
intelikeyi offer only sujestions, and make no promiceses.   (apply the GNU-GPL disclaimer here)02:11
awen_intelikey: anything that might be better for kde apps?02:13
awen_got 61K lines... think it's a little to much to attach to a bug02:13
intelikeyawen_ ummmm i'm sure there is.  but i'm not a developer and don't even use a GUI   so....    idk.02:14
awen_intelikey: okay, thanks for the try02:15
earl_no dice guys02:16
intelikeyawen_ and i know what you mean about ?trace.   ltrace with the right filter will almost reverse engeneer an app by it's self02:16
earl_i had this line in menu.lst02:16
earl_kernel          /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.22-14-generic root=UUID=b75eb9db-246a-490b-9771-57cd60f54c31 ro quiet splash vga=79202:16
earl_and it did not work02:16
intelikeyearl_ so don't use 792     duh02:17
earl_well the thing is there was no difference...02:17
awen_intelikey: yeah, it can generate an awful lot of input02:17
nosrednaekimearl_: what doesn't work about it?02:18
earl_should i try vga=normal?02:18
intelikey earl  yes  or  788   maybe     or like i said force textmode on it.   vga=0x0f04 nosplash02:18
earl_terminal text is still really big, the splash screen doesn't show up02:18
nonewmsgsmy xorg.conf file is right about my moniter but kde is using its own resolution ~640x48002:18
nonewmsgshow can i make it so it uses the xorg.conf setting instead of its default setting02:19
nosrednaekimnonewmsgs: did you see what system settgins->monitor and display says?02:19
earl_okay i'm gonna give that a shot02:19
nonewmsgsyes but the last time i did it i it screwed everything up so all i had was 640x480 in gnome, splash screen, etc02:20
nonewmsgsthe bar is in th emiddle of the screen size02:20
nosrednaekimnonewmsgs: oh.... well, go back and set it back to normal.02:20
nosrednaekimset it to the right end02:20
nonewmsgsi pressed keep the new setting and nothing changed02:21
nonewmsgsthat means if i logout my login screen is now at the lower rez :(02:21
nonewmsgsand im sudo dpkg-ing again02:21
nosrednaekimhrm... I do wonder where those settings are stored... maybe .xsession?02:21
nonewmsgsthe problem is only with k.  under gnome it is fixed until i try to fix k's rez02:23
nosrednaekimnonewmsgs: do you have a .xession in your ~/ DIR?02:23
intelikeynosrednaekim or .kderc ?02:23
Daemon--Merry Xmas everyone :)02:23
intelikeyjsut a thought02:24
earl_yeah this vga= option isn't making a difference.02:24
nosrednaekimintelikey: possible02:24
nosrednaekimI never knew what that did anyway ;)02:24
nonewmsgsi have a .kde and a .kq02:24
intelikeyearl_ did you try it with "nosplash" or not ?02:24
earl_the text is still really big and the startup splash (although i can tell its showing up) is so big that the word kubuntu is off the screen02:24
nosrednaekimnonewmsgs: do you have a .xsession?02:24
earl_no, i didn't try that, but i'm almost certain its just going to give me startup messages that are still too big to be readable02:25
nonewmsgs.xine and then .xmms02:25
intelikeyearl_ well my very first sujestion was to test that,  and you've tried everything else....02:25
earl_might as well.02:25
nosrednaekimnonewmsgs: maybe i'll have to take a dive into that python code to see what it does :D02:26
nonewmsgsthanks i have to go afk for a bit02:27
nonewmsgsanything you think of just dont forget and either type it or ill ask again later02:27
nonewmsgsthanks for the help02:27
nonewmsgsand merry christmas02:27
intelikeyif earl comes back saying that it's now readable,   that proves it's a fbcon issue.    and he probably will.  and probably has ati onboard chip 64bit ....   just a guess02:27
nosrednaekimnonewmsgs: ok02:29
nosrednaekimintelikey: hehe :D02:29
=== intelikey is now known as Agent_bob
* Agent_bob hides02:30
nosrednaekimlol  ----- print "Houston, we have a problem: No screens found in configuration file, exiting. :("02:32
nosrednaekimfrom the displayconfig code :D02:32
Agent_bobi think i've seen that...02:32
earl_okay so at least with nosplash the text shows up at the right size and i can see everything02:33
earl_however, if there's a better solution, that'd be optimal02:33
nosrednaekimearl_: heh :D do you have an ATI, and are running 64 bit?02:33
Agent_bobnosrednaekim ^ you want to check the other assumptions ?02:34
earl_ATI yes. i'm not running a 64bit build of linux02:34
nosrednaekimAgent_bob: I think that was good enough :D02:34
earl_unless you recommend it, because i do have a 64 bit proc02:34
Evolution2so you recon KDE4 is going to blow away 2.2x gnome?02:34
nosrednaekimearl_: no... thats fine :D02:34
shaffydoes anyone know of a good compression program for kubuntu?  is it called ark or something?  i need to make rar/zip files02:34
nosrednaekimEvolution2: for some maybe, not everyone will ever be happy with it02:35
awen_shaffy: ark02:35
nosrednaekimshaffy: ark for teh win02:35
earl_i dunno if any of you guys use pidgin or not, but when i am in pidgin and i type backspace when there's no text to delete, my PC speaker makes a loud beep. how do i stop that02:35
awen_just install the right packages for zip/rar etc. and it can do allmost anything02:35
Evolution2you guys are all kubuntu users I take it02:35
earl_i don't think it's in the pidgin options02:35
Agent_bobearl_ there are known issues with ati onboard 64 bit   and fbcon   ont all chips but some just simply refuse to play nice with fbcon(kernel frame buffering used for usplash)02:35
earl_agent_bob: i see02:36
jttis anyone here doing voip with a headset successfully on gutsy02:36
awen_jtt: done it with kphone02:37
shaffyand can someone tell me a relatively good picture viewer other then Gwenview?02:37
jttawen_, on laptop or desktop02:37
shaffythanks awen_ and nosrednaekim for the ark information bytheway02:37
nosrednaekimshaffy: digikam? it comes with kubuntu..02:37
shaffyhmm thanks nosrednaekim02:38
nosrednaekimEvolution2: mostly.02:38
awen_jtt: laptop (ibm T43)02:38
Agent_bobearl_ if you don't have to have the eyecandy while booting,  the simple fix is to not use usplash and thereby not put the vidio hardware into vidio mode under fbcon supervision.    an alternative is to fine tune the fbcon/vga= to some working setting and then never try to access textmode dispaly.   i would recommend the former rather than the later.02:38
jttawen_, and one more question, what brand/model of headset please02:38
Evolution2nosrednaekim: thanks for helping me those previous time I forgot to thank you before02:39
earl_no it's fine... i dont neeeeeeeed the splash screen02:39
earl_i just dont like the idea that if i leave this alone, it could mess up something months from now02:39
=== Agent_bob is now known as intelikey
earl_anyone have any idea about the pidgin thing02:39
awen_jtt: i think it is plantronics02:40
nosrednaekimEvolution2: lol... I don't remember most of the people who come through here :)02:40
earl_i know that's a gnome program but it doesn't do that when i run it in windows...02:40
awen_earl_: it's the pc-speaker02:40
nosrednaekimearl_: trun off your pcspeaker in kmix02:40
Evolution2nosrednaekim: it was along time. my n00bs days are over02:40
earl_how do i do that nosred02:40
nosrednaekimEvolution2: good to hear :)02:40
jttawen_, thanks i was looking at them specificially the dsp 40002:40
nosrednaekimearl_: open up kmix, and mute the channel labeled PC speaker02:40
earl_doesnt seem to be one02:41
earl_master, pcm, capture mux02:41
nosrednaekimearl_: right click on kmix and select "channels"select pc speaker...02:41
earl_right clicking on kmix does not show a "channels"02:41
earl_there is "select master channel"02:41
awen_jtt: they are pretty nice :)02:42
earl_which brings up a dialog that, again, conspicuously leaves out a pc speaker option02:42
ScottGI have the same issue.. even with PC Speaker off I get the PC beep..02:42
Dr_willisxset b 0 0 0       will kill a lot of the beeps. :)02:42
earl_scottG - i've only noticed it in pidgin, if i press backspace without anyhting to delete02:42
ScottGI get it in Xchat.. which I'm using now..02:42
Dr_willisthat kills off the standard x beep.02:43
Dr_willisbackspace in xcaht dont beep here02:43
ScottGdoes here and I just tried Pidgin.. there too02:43
intelikeyScottG you can probably blacklist pcspkr if you don't like   echo -e "\a"02:43
* awen_ started to receive beeps from evolution after upgrading to hardy02:43
nosrednaekimearl_: I mean in the main kmix window... not the panel icon02:43
earl_Dr_willis xset b 0 0 0 stopped pidgin from beeping02:43
Dr_willisearl_,  :)02:44
Dr_willistheres some xset b off            or similer command also..02:44
awen_i think it is a strange new mail sound to use02:44
earl_again though, i dont like these quick fixes, i dont like to shove stuff under the rug02:44
Dr_willisb 0 0 0 sets th tone, duration, and frequency to 002:44
Dr_willisxset b      IS the way to set the X beep :)02:44
Dr_willisbeen that way for years and years.02:44
earl_for the record, nosred - if i go to THAT channels window, still no pc speaker02:45
bazhanghardy kubuntu will not be lts--perhaps the one after?02:45
intelikeybazhang perhaps.  but are you an LTS user ?02:45
nosrednaekimearl_: ah.. ok, then I believe there is a way to turn it off in systemsettings->sounds02:46
nosrednaekim*sound and multimedia02:46
bazhangintelikey: not really the issue, sorry for the offtopic02:46
nosrednaekimbut we would like to know how many LTS normal users there are02:46
earl_sound and multimedia...02:47
earl_that's not there either...02:47
earl_are we on the same operating system02:47
intelikeynosrednaekim i'll violenteer to count as seventeen of them02:47
earl_did i accidentally log into mac os x or something02:47
nosrednaekimintelikey: ok... then the follow up. would you use a non-LTS release?02:47
intelikeynosrednaekim i see no reason too.   so no.02:48
nosrednaekimearl_: "sound system"02:48
nosrednaekimintelikey: ok, but if you did find a reason, would you?02:48
intelikeynosrednaekim if this LTS expires without another ubuntu LTS i'll simply switch to debian02:48
nosrednaekimintelikey: well there will be a ubuntu LTS..02:49
nosrednaekimand a server LTS02:49
earl_no mention of pc speaker there either, though. =(02:49
Dr_willisi wonder how many people think.. "oh it has a LTS!, ill use that distro..."02:49
intelikeynosrednaekim i know it's planned.  things can happen.02:49
nosrednaekimearl_: try "notifications->system bell"02:50
intelikeyDr_willis i wonder how many think "oh it updates every six months, i'll use that distro"  ???02:50
Dr_willisintelikey,  vs.. oh updates every other day... ill use that one.. :)02:50
intelikeyno i should have said "upgrades"  sorry.02:50
Dr_willisi imagine most of the time its 'oh this one has Wiggly windows!' Ill use that one!02:50
nosrednaekimyeah... I would like a rolling release distro (like sidux)... but i'm kinda attached to kubuntu02:51
earl_it was unchecked, although i dont know if that's because of the xset command.02:51
intelikeyDr_willis indeed.02:51
Dr_willisTheres pros and cons to them all.02:51
nosrednaekimearl_: it could be..02:51
earl_i checked it and clicked apply, and i'm still not getting the bells.02:51
earl_so i doubt it.02:51
Dr_willisI rember with gentoo, by the time i updated my system... there was more updates...02:51
intelikeyDr_willis actually i though  "oh it has shipit, i'll use this distro"   (dialup and pressed for cash)02:52
earl_i checked it and then raised some of the bars and there they are again02:52
earl_so i'll just leave that unchecked.02:52
intelikeyDr_willis heh i do that with ubuntu dapper   lol02:52
earl_not sure if its good that i'll be fully system bell-less, but whatever02:52
* intelikey hates echo -e "\a" (system bell)02:54
* nosrednaekim wished they did shipt-it updates :D02:54
intelikeynosrednaekim careful typo that just a little differently and they will ban you for it...02:55
t1n0m3nI hear crickets chirping02:56
* Dr_willis sends Ctrl-G's02:57
t1n0m3nI finally gave up on 64 bit....  Installing 32 bit again... heh02:57
cahuezmerry christmas to all dear fellas..!02:57
t1n0m3nmerry xmas02:57
* Dr_willis jams to "Dogs Barking Jingle Bells.mp3"02:57
cahuezor the kats versions, hehe..02:57
wmsuhello everybody02:58
shaffyintelikey: can you help me with my fstab?02:58
=== wmsu is now known as Rodge
t1n0m3nits a diet drink for your filesystem02:59
Rodgehello everybody its christmas here in the Philippines02:59
cahuezlike /etc/fstab..02:59
shaffywell, i want to automount my external hardrive and this is what i have in my /etc/fstab  ------>>>  UUID=4701-C88B /0moon vfat defaults,utf8,umask=007,uid=0,auto,rw,nouser 0 102:59
shaffyhowever, it doesn't seem to be working02:59
cahuezcool Rodge, here at costa rica still waiting, hehehe..03:00
shaffyi goto /0moon directory and there are no contents03:00
shaffyso the mount is not working03:00
cahueztake a look at storage devices menu shaffy..03:00
Dr_willisshaffy,  you did actually mount it with 'mount -a' or mount /0moon ?03:00
cahuezkubuntu uses to mount it on the fly..03:00
Dr_willisIm not sure that Line is correct actually03:01
shaffyDr_willis: the only line i have in my fstab is UUID=4701-C88B /0moon vfat defaults,utf8,umask=007,uid=0,auto,rw,nouser 0 103:01
shaffyi'm not sure about the "defaults,utf8,umask=007,uid=0,auto,rw,nouser 0 1" part03:01
Dr_willisshaffy,  Only? You should have more then 1 line in /etc/fstab03:02
t1n0m3nare you sure that UUID is the right one?  Looks a bit short to me03:02
unix_infidelwhat time does doctor who premiere in the UK?03:02
Dr_willisI always remove the uuid type lines. and use /dev/whatever. :)03:02
shaffyDr_willis: sorry, i meant the only line for my external hardrive.03:02
shaffylet me check again for the UUID03:02
unix_infidelDr_willis: even when using a cifs mount?03:02
Dr_willisif the line is incorrect then sudo mount /0moon     should give an error.03:03
intelikeyshaffy i would change umask=007 to dmask=007,fmask=117  and drop the nouser   other than that it looks good.03:03
Dr_willisunix_infidel,  i use the fuse tools for my samba shares.  :)03:03
Dr_willisIs there a point in having 'defaults' and Other options?03:03
unix_infidelDr_willis: lol, why?03:03
intelikeyshaffy the mask assumes you only want owner(root) and group access.  denies world read/write03:03
Dr_willisunix_infidel,  i just find it easer for my ever-changing lan. :)03:03
shaffyDr_willis: blkid provided me with /dev/sdb1: LABEL="MOON" UUID="4701-C88B" TYPE="vfat"          ; so i just removed the " " around the UUID when i put it in fstab03:04
Dr_willisthats a very short UUID.03:04
shaffyintelikey: thanks, i will try that right now03:04
Dr_willisHmm /dev/hda1: UUID="C4CF0DF4CF0C50C" LABEL="XPBoot" TYPE="ntfs"03:04
shaffyDr_willis: not sure what to tell you?03:04
intelikeyDr_willis short but it is vfat03:04
unix_infidelanyone here in the UK?  when does doctor who come on where you are?03:04
Dr_willisguess windows partitions dont have the same kind of UUID as ext3 ones..03:04
Dr_willis /dev/hdd1: LABEL="public" UUID="f57f1362-abf9-4407-867b-ebd490ee67db" SEC_TYPE="ext2" TYPE="ext3"03:05
intelikeys/partitions/file systems/03:05
Dr_willisNever noticed that befor.03:05
nosrednaekimthats weird.03:05
shaffydo i have to Xrestart before fstab changes take place?03:06
intelikeyshaffy no.03:06
intelikeyshaffy  umount it and    mount -a03:06
Dr_willisfstab is read at boot time.  any changes you make to it afterwareds you must manually take care of by unmounting  and/or mounting manually. :)03:06
Dr_willislike intelikey  said. :)03:07
shaffyokay, so,03:07
Dr_willisHmm. I dont have any UUID entries in my fstab any more. wonder where they all went. :)03:07
biovoredid you eat them willis.. ?03:07
Dr_willisdoes 'sudo mount /0moon' give an error?03:07
shaffyDr_willis: first, i need to unmount it right?  how do i do that?03:08
Dr_willisumount :)03:08
Dr_willisnote the lack of an N...03:08
Dr_willisand no i dont know where it went. :P03:08
intelikeyumount <where it's mounted/>03:08
Dr_willisif its mounted the 'mount' command will mention it.03:09
unix_infidelDr_willis: got a link to a tutorial for smb + fuse03:09
intelikeysudo umount /dev/sd??    heh if one must...03:10
Dr_willisunix_infidel,  i installed it and read their docs. :) install the pacakge.. copy the example smbfuse.conf to ~/.smb edit it,   add the user to the fuse group, run the command.03:11
shaffyintelikey and Dr_willis:   this is the situation.  my fstab reads UUID=4701-C88B /0moon vfat defaults,utf8,dmask=007,fmask=117,uid=0,auto,rw 0 1            and i performed "sudo mount /0moon"  and now it shows that my folder is locked03:11
Dr_willisshaffy,  accessit from the shell and see what it says,03:11
Dr_willisalso see what 'mount' says about it.03:11
Dr_willisYour USER will see it as locked because its owned by root - is my guess.03:12
shaffyshell says permission is denied03:12
unix_infidelDr_willis: i dont see any samba docs on the fuse site03:12
intelikeyshaffy then you are not in the root group03:13
Dr_willisunix_infidel,  the smbfuse docs. fuse site has links to all the filesstems/things fuse can do.03:13
Dr_willis!find smbfuse03:13
Dr_willisor is it fusesmb03:13
ubotuPackage/file smbfuse does not exist in gutsy03:13
Dr_willis!find fusesmb03:13
ubotuFound: fusesmb03:13
intelikey<intelikey> shaffy the mask assumes you only want owner(root) and group access.  denies world read/write03:13
Dr_willisHalf the fuse tools are FuseSOMTHING the other half are SomthingFUSE03:13
Dr_willisshaffy,  use 'sudo ls /0moon'03:13
Dr_willisunless of course you want users to access it.. then you need to use the proper fstab optiuons03:14
intelikeyDr_willis he's not in the root group.   and the mask has him locked out.03:14
unix_infidelDr_willis: it looks pretty cool for the home lan.03:14
shaffyDr_willis: yes,i can see all the contents03:14
Dr_willisunix_infidel,  Yep.03:14
unix_infidelno messing with smb.conf every time i change a partition table.03:14
shaffyintelikey: so do i remove the mask?03:14
intelikeyshaffy if you want world read/write change the masks to dmask=000,fmask=11103:15
shaffyintelikey: thanks bro.03:15
Dr_willisshaffy,  where did you decide on all those options?  :)03:15
Dr_williswhats the point of the uid=0 also? wont that mess things up?03:15
shaffyDr_willis: i don't know :)03:15
unix_infidelif only i could get behind using linux.03:15
unix_infidelon the laptop that is.03:15
intelikeyDr_willis he did run them by me/us  eariler.03:15
unix_infideli spent 3 hours trying to configure a ubuntu-server from the ground up and i'm not even half way done.03:15
Dr_willisshaffy,  i think you went overboard on some of the options. :)03:15
shaffyheheh probably03:16
Dr_willisauto, is the default, uid=0 is the default i think also03:16
Dr_willismost of the time i just see umask=0002 or 0000 used.03:16
intelikeytrue dat.   but nothing wrong with specifing03:16
maduserhas anyone here got veoh tv to work with with wne?03:16
maduserhas anyone here got veoh tv to work with with wine?03:16
shaffyintelikey and Dr_willis thanks a lot!  perfect!  apprec!iate it so much guys!  have a great holiday03:17
shaffyworking perfectly now03:17
unix_infidelDr_willis: btw, lifetime powertrain is a joke.03:17
intelikeyya bez welcome, sho nuf03:17
unix_infidelno one goes up to a dealer and says my powertrain is broken :-P03:17
Dr_willisunix_infidel,   most warrenties are a joke.03:17
ubuntuhi every bopdy03:18
unix_infideli thought this one was particularly funny :-)03:18
Dr_willisits 'insurance'  not proof of a better product.03:18
t1n0m3nwhy does adept give "There was an error commiting changes" on the first update on a fresh install?03:18
t1n0m3nI know how to fix it... just curious on what causes it03:18
ubuntuI need a help regarding Kubuntu Installation03:18
madusert1n0m3n thats a command in the terminal03:18
madusersomthing like sudo dkpg -reconfigure -a03:19
maduserthats no it03:19
intelikeydrop the re03:19
maduserI almost had it03:19
maduser sudo dkpg -configure -a03:19
* intelikey shakes head.03:20
intelikeysudo dkpg --configure -a03:20
maduserI was close03:20
nosrednaekimon the CLI... close never counts03:20
t1n0m3nyeah, I already fixed it, but I was wondering why it happens03:20
madusernothing would have happened if he typed it it03:20
t1n0m3nmaybe a package update to dpkg or apt-get?03:21
madusera syntax error03:21
GideanMy desktop has an AMD64 cpu with intefrated graphics (the dreaded sis 760).  It's giving me hell; freezes the computer constantly.  Is it possible to add a cheap nvidia card to solve this problem, anyone?03:21
intelikeymaduser yeah dpkg would have errored out.   and i don't know what all the -c -o -f -i -g -u -r -e -a   options might have attempted to do.03:21
Dr_willisGidean,  open up the case.. see what slots ya got free03:22
intelikeyheh not likely.03:22
Dr_willisGidean,  Hopefully you got an AGP or PCIe slot open.03:23
t1n0m3nthe chipset has agp 8x or so says google03:23
Gideangonna crak open the case to check for open pci slots...03:23
nosrednaekimyou can still get PCI nvidia cards03:23
Dr_willisHope it has an AGP slot.. not pci. :)03:23
unix_infidelhope it has a pci-e not agp03:23
intelikeypci vidio   yuch.03:23
Dr_willisisa video!03:24
intelikeyDr_willis heh   yeah03:24
unix_infideli dont remember seeing any isa video cards.03:24
intelikeyunix_infidel pup.03:24
unix_infidelmost of them were just either integrated or pci.03:24
nosrednaekima sis isn't going to have pci-e03:24
intelikeyunix_infidel you probably don't remember when "pci" didn't exist.03:25
Dr_willisI rember when Keyboards dident have 'windows keys'03:25
Dr_willisand a 3 button mouse dident have a wheel.. and 3 buttons was rare.03:25
unix_infidelintelikey: i remember the apple II :-P03:26
nosrednaekimI have a keyboard without one! :D its one to a gPC03:26
intelikeyDr_willis and kbd was 83 keys03:26
* awen_ looks at his laptop keyboard03:26
unix_infidelintelikey: i've just never seen an ISA video card.03:26
Dr_willisand a ps2 conecector was the size of a quarter.03:26
intelikeythat wasn't ps2 that was at03:26
biovoreI have an ISA video card in a box behind me :-P03:26
Dr_willisback when CPU cooling fans were not needed03:26
nosrednaekimand it wasn't called ps203:26
unix_infidelDr_willis: I remember when cases had boxes with a cpu "turbo boost" button on there.03:26
biovoreAT Keyboard?03:26
awen_night everyone03:27
Dr_willisunix_infidel,  and red #'s on the front showing the speed.. in 2 didgets.03:27
nosrednaekimnight awen_03:27
unix_infidelDr_willis: night rider style!03:27
intelikeybiovore i still have one or two also.   i have a pair of tandy 1000xt 's   that still work sell.03:27
Dr_willisflip the 66 over.. you had a 99 speed machine! :)03:27
awen_Dr_willis: it was 16 and 25 was turbo :P03:27
t1n0m3nOr hacking the pins on the display to show whatever you wanted03:27
unix_infideli think the first cpu in the range of 66-99 was the 75mhz pentium03:28
shaffyDr_willis or intelikey :  when i unplug the drive, and the plug it back in, it doesn't seem to automount?  any answers?03:28
intelikeyheh my tandy's are 8mhz 80286's03:28
Dr_willisshaffy,  you just bypassed the automounting by putting an entry in the fstab.03:28
Dr_willisshaffy,  if you want automounting. then you dont want to mess with the fstab.03:29
Dr_willisUnless you want a user to manually mount/unmount the device03:29
intelikeyshaffy yes fstab wont do that.  you can issue mount -a to mount it.03:29
Dr_willisUnpluggin the drive while its mounted it.. not a good idea. :)03:30
shaffyyou mean "sudo mount -a /0moon"  for example03:30
intelikeyDr_willis his origenal concern was getting it to mount at the same point each time  iirc03:30
Dr_willismount -a = automounts all automountable entrys in fstab03:30
Dr_willisintelikey,  Hmm.. My external drives seem to do that.  based on their Label.03:30
Dr_willismagical? :)03:30
shaffygah, so confusing.  so there is no way i can get the drive to always mount when unplugging/plugging in?03:31
intelikeyshaffy no just "sudo mount -a"03:31
shaffywithout my manually doing it03:31
Dr_willisshaffy,  Hmm..  Mine do that.. i think. heh heh...03:31
shaffysee.. that's what i mean.. cause i'm pretty sure, in my previous install, i had it working where it would auto detect each time03:32
t1n0m3nMy USB HD automounts without any config on my part03:32
shaffyand mount to the same area03:32
GideanGood news:  I've got a PCI slot open.  Would the new card interfere with the integrated graphics contoller?03:32
intelikeywell his exact wording was more along the line of "how can i get the drive to be the same device each time i unplug and replug it?"   but that may not be an exact quote.    i could check my log file.03:32
shaffyintelikey: that's exactly what i'm trying to say.  thank you :)03:33
Dr_willisI guess my DEVICE is not the same.. but the system:/media  name is the same03:33
intelikey<shaffy:#kubuntu> can someone tell me how to keep the same device name for my external hd every time i plug it in?  for example, sometimes it is sdb1, sdc1 or sdd1.  i need to keep it as one name so i know which device name to mount in ftsab.  thanks for any help.03:34
Dr_willisHmm.. somthing seems wrong with that question.. :)03:34
nosrednaekimGidean: it may.. but you can disable it in the BIOS03:34
t1n0m3nhave you tried "LABEL=" instead of UUID?03:34
shaffyno, see my original problem was that the device name kept changing03:34
shaffyso i was then told to use the UUID03:35
shaffywhich i am using now03:35
Dr_willisThe fstab stuff will still NOT keep the device name the same..  it will make the mount point based on UUID the same.03:35
Dr_willisthe actual device can still differ.03:35
Dr_willisOr am i confused here.03:35
shaffyafter you guys helped me to modify my fstab line, it mount properly.  i just need it to automount every time i unplug/plug it in03:35
intelikeyDr_willis it will in the device by UUID section    no ?03:35
Dr_willisintelikey,  Not sure..  lets see... My extrnal usb hard drive. can be sda, or sdb, or sdc or whatever.. it always appears under kde as system:/media/NDASDISK since thats the disk's filesystem label.03:36
Dr_willisthe actual /media/whatever is /media/sda1  (right now)03:37
intelikeycheck   /dev/disks/by-id/03:37
Dr_willisActually wait a sec.. its NOT,, its   /media/NDASDISK right now..03:37
Gideannorednaekim: the bios says, Primary Video Adapter [PCI]. when I hit enter it gives me the choice of switching between PCI and AGP/Onboard.  If this thing doesn't have a video adapter how can it be set to PCI as default?03:37
Dr_willisSo the device name is unimporntant to me. :)03:37
nosrednaekimGidean: well, thats iff you put a PCI in.03:38
intelikeysorry  no s   /dev/disk/by-id/03:38
Dr_willisthis is a ext3 filesystem on the disk.. wonder if that matters.03:38
GideanI see, I see. So in theory, when I install the new card, it will use it before the AGP?03:38
=== ^A^kira is now known as ^A^way
shaffyanyway guys, i'll just have to mount -a everytime03:39
shaffythanks :)03:39
intelikeybios determines what card gets the boot time display   and then xorg.conf takes over when x starts03:39
intelikeyshaffy welcome03:39
dorkfaceHI all.  Where can I change the start up sound?  I've tried looking through "System Settings" but I can't seem to find anything.03:40
intelikeyshaffy you can make a launcher to umount /mountpoint and mount -a   for the desktop   they are handy that way.03:40
maduserits in the system settings03:40
maduserunder notifications03:40
dorkfaceoh, hehe03:41
dorkfaceThanks :)03:41
GideanThanks much for the help...03:41
Dr_willisHmm.. My little fat32 usb drive gets mounted to --> /media/disk  but im not sure where its getting that 'disk' name from.03:41
Gideanenjoy your day...03:41
Dr_willisits called 40G Media in system:/media/03:41
Dr_willisshaffy,  next time ya have that drive on a windows system. See what its disk label is.. Change it to somthing MeaningFull like "PornDisk" or similer. :)03:42
intelikeysexdisk ?03:43
Dr_willisshaffy,  it may start mounting to /media/WhateverYouLabledIt03:43
intelikeydoesn't dosfstools have something to change it ?03:44
shaffyDr_willis: lol.. thanks.  i will do that.  but can't i rename the drive in linux?03:44
intelikeythat's what i just said03:44
shaffylol cool03:44
Dr_willisshaffy,  proberly can.. but never tried :)03:46
shaffyhehe cool03:46
shaffypeace all.  have a great night.  :)03:46
shaffydon't forget to watch santa on norad03:46
Dr_willisI recall a lot of windows disks never getting labels ...03:46
shaffyhe's in Detroit, Michigan, United States03:46
shaffyright now03:46
shaffyfucker is on the move03:46
madusernear me03:47
intelikeyDr_willis i used to purposly not set a lable,  made it easy to fdisk the thing03:47
intelikey!language | shaffy03:47
ubotushaffy: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.03:47
shaffybtw, can someone tell me how to do a scandisk of my vfat external hd?03:49
Dr_willisMy wife often looks over my shoulder...03:49
* nosrednaekim is younger...03:49
maduseryour married?03:49
Dr_willisfsck.vfat /dev/whatever03:49
maduserI bet i am the youngest03:49
Dr_willisI think.. :)03:49
* Dr_willis has Pc's older then madar 03:49
* Dr_willis has Pc's older then maduser 03:49
maduserhow old is that?03:50
* Dr_willis wishes nick completion would put who talked last.. first in the list.03:50
Dr_willisI got a Timex Sinclare 1000 hanging on the wall.. and a Vic-20 :)03:50
Dr_willisI forget how old they are.. Im too old.03:50
maduserthats how old?03:50
* Dr_willis is almost the big 4003:51
Dr_willisSo Get off my Lawn!03:51
Dr_willisand Pull Your Pants up!03:51
maduserI'm in the group who would tp your house03:52
Dr_willisDont make me get my gun ya Young Wipper Snappers!03:52
maduserwhat kind?03:52
Dr_willisKids these days - No respect for their elders03:52
Dr_willisGive me my seinor discout!03:53
maduseryeah you are old03:53
nosrednaekimyeah... I know... sheees03:53
francohow are you?03:54
crimsunI'm both 3 and 83.  Beat that, suckers!03:54
t1n0m3nMy system beeps when I hold down shift for a while... is that an accessibility feature?03:54
nosrednaekimhalf way between those two..03:54
* Dr_willis is old enough to know better, and too old to care.03:54
Dr_willisWorking on my Grouchy old man routine now..03:55
nosrednaekimyeah... he has to be santa in about two hours..03:55
* Dr_willis demands a Senior Coffee, then complains that its too hot!03:55
maduserI'm not a coffee drinker03:56
maduserI don't need it to get up03:56
t1n0m3nima beer drinker03:56
maduserstill got 6 years for that03:57
nosrednaekimmaduser: you're still young... other..things replace coffee at your age.03:57
t1n0m3nOK... I did libdvdcss and w32codecs....  can anyone think of other restricteds I need?  Or a link?04:00
nosrednaekimt1n0m3n: avi/divx codecs....04:01
maduserthoes come MPlayer04:01
maduseror vlc04:01
t1n0m3noh yeah, thx nosrednaekim04:01
intelikeyjoogle hates me.    or is there just not any information on changing a vfat disk lable (file system lable) from within linux ?04:01
nosrednaekimjoogle.... no wonder it hates you...04:02
nosrednaekimcan't even spel its exalted name right...04:02
intelikeyfeeling is mutual ?04:02
intelikeyexalted  :)04:03
nosrednaekimok.. its late.... night everyone..04:03
intelikeylater nosrednaekim04:03
t1n0m3ntune2fs -L LABEL /dev/sdablahblah04:04
intelikeyt1n0m3n works on vfat ?      /me goes to see04:05
t1n0m3ndoesnt say04:05
intelikeysays  it's for ext# in the short description04:06
t1n0m3nyep I see that in the man page now04:06
t1n0m3nfor the lazy on that link above:04:08
t1n0m3nsudo mlabel i:my-ipod04:08
t1n0m3ndo this 1st: sudo apt-get install mtools04:08
intelikeyt1n0m3n does nothing for the actual disk lable tho04:08
intelikeyit's all pysudo04:09
=== neptunepink is now known as purpleposeidon
mrtimbohow do i get this autologin to work04:24
intelikeyin kdm ?04:27
intelikeyoh.   idk.04:27
se7en_systme settings--> advanced--> login manager-->convenience mrtimbo04:27
se7en_ok konversation ...04:27
intelikeyse7en_ heh..04:27
mrtimbonice i got it now04:34
iqagHello people. Can one set a keyboard shortcut to move in and out of the embeded terminal in Konqueror, Kate, etc?04:41
maduserits christmas!05:04
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots05:05
snarksterim trying to use a Zen Stone with Amarok anyone got any clues as to how to do that?05:08
Hawai`isomeone bought me a GeekSquad UPS..05:14
Hawai`ianyone had any experience with em?>05:14
Hawai`iw/kubuntu... I am run Gutsy Gibbon..05:14
david__is there a gui for ndiswrapper or do you have to do everything on the command line?05:24
flaccidhmm i dislike when dhclient fails for no reason05:30
Hawai`i250+ users here.. and all questions get is, 'hmm... i dislike when dhclient fails for no reason?'05:31
flaccidwell its xmas day here05:32
=== mrtimbo is now known as mrtimbo_
se7en_it's even xmas in asia :)05:34
flacciddang. but is it xmas in the US yet05:34
mrtimbo_guys on freenode are not the nicest are they05:38
sparr[how] can i make df not show --bind mounts (which are redundant)?05:38
Dr_willisnever noticved that many rude ones...05:38
Dr_willissparr,  let me see...05:38
Dr_willissparr,  my 'alias' for the 'ShowDisks' command is    df -h -x tmpfs -x devpts -x usbfs05:39
flaccidsparr maybe --local05:39
flaccidsee man df05:39
Dr_willisif you have redundant mount points.. Hmm. yea df has a lot of options..05:39
=== mrtimbo_ is now known as mrtimbo
Dr_willisi dont have any reduntand mount points. Why do you have redundant ones?05:40
sparrDr_willis: yours still shows binds05:40
sparrflaccid: tried man, nothing helpful  :(  was hoping for undocumented features05:40
sparri have redundant ones to help with organization05:40
Dr_williswhat the heck is a bind?05:40
Dr_williswhy not use links?05:40
sparrbecause links don't work correctly with relative directories that go up05:40
flaccidsometimes you need to bind mount hard05:40
Dr_williscat say that ive ever stumbled upon that issue then.05:41
flaccidum i guess you will have to filter it after via piping05:41
sparrive got foo/bar->/baz/bar and foo/blah->/something/blah05:41
sparrwhen im in foo/bar, and i copy something to .. or ../blah, i want them to go into the obvious places.  cant do that with links05:42
=== mrtimbo is now known as mrtimbo_
Dr_willisIm just in the habbit of using the full path too much i guess. :)05:43
sparrmy paths are WAY too long to do that05:44
sparrwell, for doing that to be non-tedious05:44
sparrthe drives/directories in question are my file storages05:44
Dr_willisactually.. i seem to recall a bash feature that can set up some sort of path alias's05:44
sparrthe guys in #bash told me i was SOL05:44
Dr_willisthat might of only been for the cd command.05:44
sparrso i use mount --bind05:45
sparrscrews up my df output, but it works otherwise05:45
Dr_willisi wonder if theres some FUSE tool that can get around all this. :)05:45
flaccidbut its not really screwing df. its just aesthetic05:46
sparrwhen my real df output scrolls off the top of the screen, its a problem :)05:47
flaccidoh ok i get ya lol05:47
Dr_willisThats a lot-o-disks :)05:48
sparrnot discs05:49
sparrjust directories05:49
sparri dont have just whole drives mounted05:49
flaccidfilter em out explicitly with the relevant commands05:49
=== mrtimbo_ is now known as mrtimbo
intelikeysparr can't do that with links ???   add trailling / ?05:55
sparrintelikey: no, read above for link problem05:56
sparri have /foo/bar->/baz/blah and my CWD is /foo/bar.  i copy something to .. and expect it to end up in /foo, but it ends up in /baz instead.  not helpful.05:56
intelikeysparr yeah i read,    didn't see what you were saying really.   easy answer use mc05:57
Dr_willisI alwyas get links backwards... :)05:58
sparri never got much into console file managers...  tried a clone of the thing mc is based on ages ago05:58
sparrbe interesting if this works in mc05:58
flaccidwhat you reckon is best console/shell file manager, sparr?05:59
intelikeyit does. i do it all the time.05:59
Dr_willisI use mc all the time.05:59
Dr_willisnot sure what using mc has to do with it.. but it is 1 am and im tired. :)05:59
sparrflaccid: i dont know, i dont use them05:59
intelikeyDr_willis i don't know exactly why mc handles the links differently  but it does.06:00
flaccidok then sorry i misread06:00
mrtimbogot it finally06:00
Dr_willisI think mc has a LOT of settings ive never gtwiddled with . :)06:00
intelikeyme too06:01
intelikeyand several i have.06:01
Dr_willisI do need to find out how to set the default copy/move options that are checked..06:01
Dante123I'm trying to install the program creox (real time guitar effects program) and I have given up doing this on puppy linux....I'm doing this on a PIII running at 450 mhz....I need KDE...is there a light distro somewhere that features KDE06:01
Dr_willisI need to Uncheck the [x] Perserve Atributes   - which is on by default.. in some cases..06:02
flaccidwhats the actual problem, Dante12306:02
Dr_willisit really can confuse things when copying to vfat filesystems06:02
intelikeyDante123 light and kde don't belong in the same sentance really06:02
Dante123Well, getting it to work under puppy was a problem when I came to the KDE headers etc.06:03
flaccid!find creox06:03
ubotuFound: creox06:03
flaccid!info creox06:03
ubotucreox: real-time guitar effects. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.2.2rc2-3ubuntu3 (gutsy), package size 285 kB, installed size 792 kB06:03
intelikeyDr_willis you get those error messages and have to confirm.06:03
flaccidinstall the package creox by your favourite package manager like adept :)06:03
Dr_willisintelikey,  yep. the thing trys to chown/chomode on the vfat filesystem.. and it cant. :)06:04
Dante123I guess I am asking for is the lightest distro that will be able to handle creox and necessary components of which kde is one06:04
intelikeyDr_willis i fixed that.   heh but i don't remember how.06:04
mrtimbo* hands nalioth a beer06:05
flaccidDante123: this is the kubuntu support channel, not distrowatch. creox is in the universe repos and can be installed if you would like. why not install and test the performance?06:05
unix_infidelanyone here using an IBM port replicator with Ubuntu?06:05
Dante123I ran xubuntu on this machine...but it ran much slower than puppy linux...and I even tried TinyMe (based on pclinuxOS) but it chokes on wifi whereas at least puppy linux had that working.06:05
naliothmrtimbo: the bar is in #kubuntu-offtopic  :)06:05
intelikeyit preserves ownership and perms but doesn't error out on vfat anymore.   so i know you can set that,  just did it so long ago06:05
LynoureDante123: Debian is easy to install light. More manual work, though. :)06:05
flaccidDante123: with the spec you mentioned, it should run fine on kubuntu.06:05
Dr_willis!find creox06:05
ubotuFound: creox06:05
Dante123I guess what I was looking for was a derivative of Kubuntu...maybe something lighter...06:06
Dr_williscreox seems to be in the repos...06:06
Dr_willis!info creox06:06
ubotucreox: real-time guitar effects. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.2.2rc2-3ubuntu3 (gutsy), package size 285 kB, installed size 792 kB06:06
flaccidDante123: why lighter, is there an actual problem?06:06
flaccidDr_willis: already did that :)06:06
Dr_willisSo.. whats the problem? i missed somthing.06:06
unix_infidelLynoure: you can do the same with Ubuntu06:06
flaccidyeah there isn't a problem as far as i can see06:06
unix_infideli did an ubuntu-server install and i've spent over 3 hours configuring.06:06
Dante123yeah, kubuntu (even xubuntu) seem to run much slower than other distros on this hardware.06:06
unix_infideland i'm not even half done.06:06
Dr_willisHow can you even benchmark/prove that?   if you can prove it/ find where its slow.. file a bug please. :)06:07
flaccidDante123: thats always going to be the case. pc-bsd will run kde faster than all of them... but yeah. this is the kubuntu support channel here.... goto off-topic06:07
Lynoureunix_infidel: yes, but then you have exotic setup that gets less support here. Just my opinion.06:07
flaccidDr_willis: i agree really. if it works, it works06:07
unix_infidelLynoure: i get support just fine.06:08
Dante123I can give examples.  Like when running Audacity in Xubuntu vs.  Puppy Linux.  The xubuntu will freeze for a second and mess up the recording.06:08
Lynoureunix_infidel: dude, you _are_ the support =)06:08
flaccidDante123: and how do you prove the problem is the operating system. do you have a proof of concept?06:08
unix_infidelLynoure: LOL, I havent had a *nix desktop in over 2 years.06:08
Dante123okay.  Just thought you could point me to a derivative that was smaller.06:08
flaccidDante123: you dont even know where the problem lies, so thats unlikely to fix the problem.06:09
intelikeyLynoure depends.   personally i don't like to support default setups06:09
Dr_willisthat sounds like a hdparm/dma issue to me..  Of course Puppy is using a different kernel.  i thought it was still using 2.4, they may be using 2.6 now.06:09
flaccidin your example Dante123, the problem could be audacity..06:09
Dante123I can't prove jack shit.  I'm just telling you gut feeling and observation....ubuntu and its offspring run slow on this machine.  But I will leave your channel.  Merry Christmas06:09
mrtimbowatch your language06:10
flaccidDante123: use somethine else then. thats your choice06:10
Dr_willis2.6.21.7  is used by puppy.. interesting.06:10
intelikeyDante123 too many daemons running06:10
flaccidunfounded claims are stupid06:10
flaccidthere are thousands upon thousands of variables to consider here06:10
Dr_willisactually for best 'audio recording' wouldent one want a 'real time kernel' ?06:11
intelikeyyep.   however i do tend to agree a default installation is slugish on a < 500mhz box06:11
LynoureI think it's ok to say what something seems or feels like without having numbers/specs yet. But this is not the best channel to get recommendations for other distroes.06:11
flaccidDr_willis: one would buy a new computer, not use a pentium III :)06:11
flaccidintelikey: agreed there too06:12
Dr_willisflaccid,  never noticed that comment. :) heh heh06:12
Lynoureflaccid: not an option for everybody.06:12
flaccidLynoure: thats irrelevant. hardware is physical limitation, yes06:12
flaccidand yeah i've tried audio on ubuntu, dante123 was right and so is intelikey. pentium 500mhz~ is sluggish with ubuntu. other distros its faster, but kubuntu is heavy, but that comes down to trade-off of features anyway06:13
Lynoureflaccid: it's totally not irrelevant for the people to who money is a physical limitation, but everyone of course gets to choose how much they want to support people on really old hw06:13
intelikeyflaccid  i know.     tweeked propperly a p1 100mhz feels fast06:14
flaccidwell not really, i for one support any hardware, but if it goes slow, you either change operating system and try something else or change hardware. we just support kubuntu here...06:14
intelikeyiv'e done it.06:14
flaccidintelikey: yeah but in those situations i go freebsd :p06:14
Dr_willisCP/M !06:14
flaccidmy ubuntu server is a p2 300mhz and suprisingly when it had a desktop it went well06:15
Dr_willisPuppyLinux is actually sort of amazing how well it works. :)06:15
flaccidi uses to use DamnSmallLinus instead06:15
Dr_willisI had Ubuntu on a Pent 1 100 laptop.  the install took like 2+ hrs..06:15
Dr_willisbut it ran. :)06:15
intelikeyflaccid nothing suprising about that to me.06:15
mrtimbopentium 1? dang06:16
flaccidtrue, i don't regard ubuntu as a server os at all but, i just have it for testing06:16
Dr_willisYep. it was a sad sad old laptop.06:16
intelikeyyeah,   are lappies really slower, or is it just me ?06:16
Dr_willisit even had a floppy disk.06:16
mrtimbomy laptop is way slower than my desktop but runs kubuntu just fine06:16
flaccidintelikey: um they can be slow and i reckon video driver makes a big difference, but 256mb laptops dont go that well as 512mb or 1gb06:16
flaccidlike if you do debian + kde , its so faster than kubuntu, and that kind of worries me a little bit06:17
intelikeyheh  did i mention the specs on that p1 box ?     p1 mmx 100mhz 64m ram 1g hdd  running ubuntu dapper with kde     not default of course.06:18
Lynoureflaccid: that's why I recommended it above...06:18
flaccidLynoure: recommended what sorry.. debian?06:18
Lynoureflaccid: yes, to the Dante guy.06:18
LynoureShocking, huh :)06:19
flaccidyeah true. nah i agree debian is far more stable you just miss out on features.06:19
intelikeywe often sujest other distros and even other os's   depends on what they specify they need/want06:20
effie_jayxflaccid: unless you run testing06:20
sparrquestion regarding apt, preferences, policy, pinning, etc.  http://rafb.net/p/XgNDbx80.nln.html help is appreciated06:20
flaccideffie_jayx: what does that mean06:20
effie_jayxflaccid: debian testing is rather stable... and offers recent packages...06:21
flaccidah yeah i forgot about that branch, hmm true. are they doing xorg 7 and compiz fusion in testing?06:21
effie_jayxflaccid: still got beryl06:21
flaccidoh dang06:21
intelikeysparr hmmmm06:22
sparrintelikey: yeah, thats about how far i got too  :)06:23
intelikeylatest version number is always slected ?06:24
intelikeyi'm guessing.06:24
intelikeysparr i'm going to say if they were the same version then the pin would dominate the choice,  but being a version differance that takes presidence06:27
sparri know thats wrong, ive seen working pin configurations for NOT pulling packages from ubuntu+1 or debian unstable06:27
intelikeythen not enough gap ?06:28
intelikey995 99606:28
=== goingtom1onbrb is now known as goingtomoonbrb
ThingusHrm... I'm having issues with a 3Com wired ethernet card on my laptop.06:29
flaccidthats no good06:30
ThingusIt's a CLI install from the Xubuntu Fiesty Alternate CD.06:30
flaccidwhat are the issues06:30
pastorhola a todos06:31
ubotuSi busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.06:31
Thingusflaccid: For one, slow boot times, another is that the device won't connect to my router.06:32
flaccidwhy won't it connect and connect in what sense?06:33
ThingusIt also likes to spew some seemingly random errors to my tty.06:33
flaccidwhat are those errors06:33
Thingusflaccid: Great walls of text that I can't readily paste... One moment.06:34
flaccidneed errors to help06:34
intelikeygive grapheti06:36
Thingusflaccid: The outstanding part seems to be "eth0: transit timed out" accompanied by a large portion of some sort of log.06:36
inteliwasphow do i undo a symbolic link?06:36
intelikeyinteliwasp rm it06:36
ThingusI had this problem before, and I can't exactly remember the fix...06:36
ThingusIt invovled adding an option to my menu.list.06:37
flaccidare you using dhcp on the lan?06:37
Thingusflaccid: Yes06:37
ThingusI think it's an issue with the card...06:37
intelikeyThingus so you had to specify an irq to some device that is conflicting with that card ?06:38
flaccidok so the card comes up as eth0 in ifconfig -a ?06:38
inteliwaspis there a special way to link directories?06:38
Thingusintelikey: No, it was a boot option... "irqdump" or "irqscan" or something...06:38
Thingusflaccid: Yes.06:38
intelikeyinteliwasp   ln -s dir linkname06:39
flaccidok what does sudo dhclient eth0 return ?06:39
flaccid(might wanna kill all dhclient first)06:39
inteliwaspintelikey: is that dir the destination?06:39
Thingusflaccid: One moment, rebooting it...06:39
flaccidThingus: also pastebin your /etc/network/interfaces please06:40
Thingusflaccid: Right.06:40
earl_i'm having major problems with ALSA. i'm not even sure where to start, so i'm just going to issue a general SOS.06:40
earl_it just... doesn't work.06:40
flaccid!sound | earl_06:40
ubotuearl_: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP306:40
flaccidthats about all we can offer without specifics, and im not that great at linux sound, not that many people are. intelikey i guess we need a process to check alsa/sound and restore06:41
fignewearl_: is the volume up/unmuted?06:41
ThingusThis takes abnormally long to boot... ><06:41
flaccidearl_: have you tried aplay /path/to/sample.wav06:41
ThingusIt's hitches at *Preparing restricted drivers06:42
flaccidThingus: so thats probably a video issue06:42
ThingusNo, not using an accelerated driver.06:42
flaccidearl_: you can try something like aplay /usr/share/sounds/alsa/Front_Left.wav06:43
flaccidwhich driver are you using for Xorg, Thingus?06:43
Thingusflaccid: neomagic06:43
intelikeyinteliwasp the path in the link can be either reletive or absolute    i.e.   ln -s .. ~/home      or   ln -s /home ~/home     both will work the same     assuming you live in /home/something   as is default   and i don't.06:43
flaccidthats the video driver? does X start ?06:43
ThingusI had a Xubuntu install working fine on this hardware before, but the harddrive failed.06:43
Thingusflaccid: Well, it's a CLI system, at the moment. I want to install fluxbox once I get networking up.06:44
earl_oh sorry about that. i was following that wiki article i was linked to.06:44
earl_no my volume is not muted. OSS works,06:44
flaccidThingus: ok then goto a tty, login and check ifconfig to see if dhcp worked, failing that provide /etc/network/interfaces and try sudo dhclient eth0 to do it manual and see problem06:44
flaccidearl_: how about the command i suggested, does it play06:45
inteliwaspintelikey: ya i just need a link so i can make a quick shared folder to backup my laptop06:45
earl_ALSA should work, it has worked better than OSS on every release i've fed this laptop up until now06:45
earl_ALSA lib pcm_dmix.c:864:(snd_pcm_dmix_open) unable to open slave06:46
flaccidearl_: i don't know that specific error, try googling06:46
flaccidsound buffs feel free to help earl_06:46
Thingusflaccid: Okay... So I insert my flash drive and it spams me with errors about usb devices. ><06:46
intelikeyinteliwasp one note on that.   the symbolic link will have permission 777 but that will not give you write permission  you have to have permission on the actual dir      just incase you over looked that.06:46
flaccidThingus: so?06:47
inteliwaspintelikey: the final dir has full perms for me alone06:47
earl_i'll give google a shot06:47
Thingusflaccid: So, I have no idea how I06:47
flaccidThingus: please do the two things i asked yeah ?06:48
Thingusam going to pastebin my config files.06:48
flaccidThingus: oh you will probably have to re type06:48
intelikeyk just pointing out that the links perms is irrelivent06:48
intelikeyheh first time i played with symlinks that pitched me for a loop...06:49
earl_so flaccid;06:49
earl_google comes up with a launchpad entry06:49
earl_they say to update the alsa-driver06:49
earl_is this trivial...?06:49
ThingusGod, I'm so ready to just chuck this laptop...06:49
flaccidearl_: i've never done it, does it say how, provide URI ?06:49
ThingusBut, I just spent $25 on a new harddrive for it, so I have to put forward an effort.06:50
flaccidThingus: i will help you get to the bottom of it, if you can get me what i need :)06:50
intelikeyah good i'm off in 1006:51
intelikeyfellows have a great big one. and enjoy what you can of it.   i'm went06:51
earl_looks like someone near the bottom provided06:51
earl_a deb*06:51
Zombocomhow do i use strigi?06:51
earl_not sure if i want to go installing random people's debs, though06:52
earl_and no one posted to say if it worked or not06:52
flaccidi guess thats up to you in this case, its not confirmed or released yet it seems but could work06:53
earl_after i install the debs i have to restart right06:55
flaccidum probably, not sure06:55
flaccidupgrade/install the deb then try the aplay command again to see if you can play without reboot06:55
earl_sigh one of the debs doesn't even dpkg right...06:58
ThingusI quit.06:58
earl_i get this message from it06:58
ThingusThis &$%^% laptop is utter trash.06:58
earl_dpkg-deb: file `alsa-firmware_1.0.15-1_i386.deb' is not a debian binary archive (try dpkg-split?)06:58
ThingusI'll try poking it with a few other tools, but I have my doubts.06:58
flaccidhmm weird, is the file intact? can you open it with ark, earl_?06:59
earl_the deb?06:59
mom_if you know your internet is working fine but webpages have issues loading from time to time is there something you can check in linux to make sure everything is working properly?06:59
earl_i can see two files in it07:00
earl_from ark07:00
earl_control.tar.gz and data.tar.gz07:00
flaccidmom_: ping a site from konsole eg. ping google.com and see if you have any packet loss07:00
flaccidearl_: hmm it seems ok07:00
flaccidearl_: what does dpkg -l | grep alsa-firmware return?07:00
flaccidim not familar with that error, lets google07:01
earl_maybe it's not even necessary07:01
earl_let me restart. the other one was an alsa driver deb07:01
earl_and it installed fine07:01
earl_dpkg -l | grep alsa does return an alsa-driver07:02
earl_so that might be all that's necessary07:02
mom_no loss, i feel like its something wrong with my computer resolving website names to ip addresses but im not sure about that stuff07:02
flaccidmom_: ok see how it goes doing dns lookup. host google.com07:02
flacciddo fresh hosts you have not looked up before so they are not cached in anyway07:02
mom_that seems fine too, maybe its just the machine07:03
flaccidnot sure, try dif browser maybe07:03
mom_dang i like firefox maybe ill try an uninstall and reinstall07:04
earl_no dice.07:05
mom_thanks for the help07:06
earl_what is pulse audio?07:09
earl_that is another thing that is being brought up on my google hits07:09
earl_one guy suggests removing pulse audio entirely07:12
earl_but this will break several kde packages07:12
earl_kaffeine, amarok for example07:12
earl_so what this issue comes down to, again, is KDE being a giant pain in the ass07:12
Zombocomguys how do I watch dvds in kubuntu?07:12
Zombocomeverytime I put a dvd in it says it cannot play it07:13
earl_Zombocom !dvd07:13
ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs07:13
Zombocomwhat the heck07:13
LynoureZombocom: license issues, that's why07:14
earl_i have a better link07:14
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earl_i'm so pissed off07:16
earl_i dont know what this pulse audio thing is but i dunno how they let it get into kubuntu when it pretty much just breaks everything07:16
bobitoHey yall, I can't get any of my programs other than firefox and konversation to connect to the internet, most importantly KTorrent.  I'm running Kubuntu gutsy 7.10, anyone have any ideas?07:19
sigma_123merry xmas all. hav a good day:)07:21
bobitoyou too sigma07:21
fulat2khi folks, been trying to compile pspvc on gutsy.  but got the following error when compiling: gcc is unable to create an executable file.07:22
fulat2kany idea what's missing?07:22
sigma_123gee the channel is pretty empty07:22
bobitoit is christmas07:22
sigma_123ubuntu is still pumping. over 1000 users. lol doesnt anyone logoff their07:24
=== ForeverZero is now known as sea4ever
earl_this sound problem is infuriating. is anyone familiar with the following error message07:43
earl_load-module module-alsa-sink device=hw:0,007:43
earl_ load-module module-alsa-source device=hw:0,007:43
earl_errr ignore that07:43
earl_ALSA lib pcm.c:2105:(snd_pcm_open_conf) Cannot open shared library /usr/lib/alsa-lib/libasound_module_pcm_pulse.so07:43
flaccidwhat does file /usr/lib/alsa-lib/libasound_module_pcm_pulse.so  returne07:44
earl_i think i just found the problem07:48
earl_i typed alsa into adept07:48
earl_there's a package calleddd07:48
earl_i installed that and the pulseaudio package07:49
earl_now alsa works07:49
flaccidok coolio07:49
earl_no need even for a reboot07:49
earl_this whole thing reeks of accidentally-left-out dependency07:50
flaccidim not sure i have just have libpulse0 and libasound207:50
earl_well whatever the case, it works now. thanks for your help07:51
marioI have a problem with mupen6407:52
marioMUPEN64, who has a problem with mupen64!07:52
Daemon--Merry christmas eveyone (in the voice of tiny tim)08:11
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Beren78merry christmas :)08:45
dsmith_merry kubuntu xmas09:07
Jay-Oh-Enhow do i slow down my mouse speed09:13
btsedrag slower09:13
KalElhi, is the "KDE4" ready for ubuntu so that i can start using it?09:14
Jay-Oh-Enbtse: ?09:17
Beren78installing KDE4 on a 3.x system will likely break it, so Kubuntu Hardy alpha2 is probably your best bet if you really want to use it09:24
khellli have installed openldap but i miss configured some options... when i tried to reinstall it , i couldnt get the configuration interface again, how shall i start installation from scratch ?09:24
Lynourekhelll: sudo  dpgk-reconfigure openldap09:33
Lynourekhelll: or you can just dig around in the configuration files manually09:33
khelllthanks laynoure09:34
Jay-Oh-Enhow do i slow down my mouse speed09:35
JeroiJay-Oh-En go to system settings09:45
Jay-Oh-Enok done09:45
Jeroithere is option keyboard and mouse09:45
Jay-Oh-En yeo09:45
Jay-Oh-EnJeroi: now what?09:46
Jeroihmm werad09:47
Jeroithere is no sensityve..09:47
Jeroimouse poiinste acceleration09:48
Jeroiit is defautl 2x09:48
Jeroislower that09:48
Jay-Oh-Enbut it doesnt slow down my mouse when i click apply09:48
Jeroimine did09:49
Jay-Oh-Enwait yues it does :]09:49
JeroiI did try higher it09:49
Jeroiand I did slower it09:49
Jay-Oh-Enit worked09:49
JeroiI think it should be Mouse sensitive09:49
Jeroinot acceleration speed09:49
Jeroiis there screenies about kde 4?09:53
lordofthepigsis there any guide that explains how to get suspend to work properly on my laptop09:54
Lynourelordofthepigs: not really, there are some guides on what to try, but it can be a really timeconsuming process at worst09:55
Lynourelordofthepigs: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=505890 is a good start09:56
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Lynourelordofthepigs: which laptop you have?09:57
lordofthepigsfujitsu lifebook u810, more of a minilaptop...09:58
sonianyone there09:59
Lynouresoni: try  /who #kubuntu   to see10:00
soniis there a good tool(for Ubuntu Linux) to search and fix hard disks? i have video that's hanging up. :f thank you10:01
Lynourelordofthepigs: A friend of mine won his suspend battle with fujitsu lifebook p7120, but I don't know how similar/dissimilar those are. I fight in burst with my HP NC8230, but have not won yet :/10:01
Lynouresoni: if it is just one videofile, first make sure it was not downloaded corrupt.10:02
soni<Lynoure> it wasn't it's been oing to lot of files lately10:03
Lynouresoni: you can check filesystems with fsck and disks with badblocks, I'd start with those.10:03
soni<Lynoure> i tried that said ti was all good10:03
Lynouresoni: Which? Both?10:04
soni<Lynoure> yes i trid fsck but it didn't even check10:05
Lynouresoni: try with e2fsck -f device10:09
JeroiI hope that Kngueror is removed from kde410:10
wiehanSerious Question: Do I need envy if I choose the "install proprietary drivers" in kubuntu?10:10
Jeroiis there a way to remove kngueror?10:10
JeroiI use dolphin for file browsing and console, and firefox for web surfing10:10
Jeroiwhat system you used before kubuntu?10:11
wiehanWell, win2k, XP, Vista10:12
wiehanpls can some1 answer my Q?10:12
Jeroime too10:12
Jeroiwhy do you want to install that?10:13
Jeroiis there some reason?10:13
wiehanbecause, when I started to install stuff like automatix, I immeadiatelly encountered graphics issues which caused me to reinstall kubuntu10:13
pagwiehan, don't use envy. 1) you don't need it. 2) it only causes problems10:13
jpatrick!automatix | wiehan10:14
ubotuwiehan: automatix is not recommended, supported or needed. See http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html and « /msg ubotu WorksForMe »10:14
wiehanwell, I had problems without it, the kind of problems that make me want to run away from linux!10:14
Jeroiwiehan like what?10:14
JeroiAre you trying to use windows software on linux?10:15
wiehanGraphics issues! I only see freaking green lines after I install software and restart my PC10:15
wiehanIt crippled my kubuntu10:15
pagJeroi, " sudo apt-get remove konqueror " should work for removing Konq. (Personally, I don't see the point of doing so, but it's your machine ;)10:15
wiehanno, not at all, only linux software10:15
Jeroipag it unstilla like whole kde in same time10:15
Jeroilike 32 packages10:15
JeroiI am aware that it will break up my kde10:16
Jeroiwas there a command that will remvoe konqueror alone?10:16
JeroiIt just kngueror is shit10:17
se7en_how do i unrar a paswd protectet rar file10:17
JeroiI dont use garbage like that :D10:17
Lynourekngueror is probably the cheap pirate version =)10:17
wiehanI'm new to Linux, and I need a quick fix of getting all essential stuff on my PC, Iunderstand Automatix does that...10:17
wiehanIf I can't use automatix, what else?10:18
llutzse7en_: unrar e -p file.rar10:18
Jeroiwiehan what are you trying?10:18
wiehanto just five my PC a more windowsy feel...10:18
Jeroiwiehan, it is kde10:18
Jeroino windows10:18
wiehanAnd I am freaking lost in the adept-manager and repositories10:18
Jeroiyou cant make it feel like windows10:19
pagwiehan, well... "windowsy" feel is best achieved only on one OS... and it's not linux ;)10:19
wiehanI know that, but you certainly know what I am trying to do10:19
Jeroiwiehan: sudo kate /etc/apt/sources.list10:19
Jeroithen edit that list10:19
se7en_thanks llutz forgot the e option :)10:19
Jeroiuncomment all reprosities10:19
Jeroithen you get more reprositions10:20
wiehanhow do I edit it?10:20
wiehanTo waht?10:20
pagwiehan, to install codecs, java, flash and things like that, just paste the following into Konsole " sudo apt-get install kubuntu-restricted-extras "10:20
wiehanWhat do I type?10:20
Jeroiwhen you see more good repsitories in web just edit that always10:20
Jeroisudo kate /etc/apt/sources.list10:20
Jeroiinto konsole10:20
pagJeroi, kdesudo10:20
pag!kdesudo | Jeroi10:21
ubotuJeroi: In KDE, use « kdesudo <program> » (Gutsy) or « kdesu <program> » (Feisty and earlier) to run graphical applications with root privileges when you have to. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)10:21
wiehanI don't understand at all10:21
wiehanwhat should I type to get the restricted extras?10:21
wiehanok, then what?10:21
Jeroiit opens commandline10:21
Jeroiwhere you can administrate your systemn10:22
wiehanjust tell me how to get the restricted extras working?10:22
Jeroiyou add programs by typing sudo apt-get install programname10:22
jpatrick!apt | wiehan10:22
ubotuwiehan: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)10:22
Jeroisudo apt-cache search restricted10:23
wiehanis that all, then I will have the restricted extras?10:23
onishidatohey guy, do we have any program can read the .iso file?10:23
jpatrickthat without sudo^^10:23
Jeroiwiehan no10:23
Jeroiyou search that software from that list10:23
Jeroithen type:10:23
wiehanjust please tell me waht I should type to get it pls?!10:24
Jeroisudo apt-get install program10:24
Jeroisudo apt-get install kubuntu-restricted-extras10:25
Jeroithat should do it10:25
wiehanshould I replace program with something?10:25
Jeroithere it is10:25
onishidatohey guy, do we have any program can read the .iso file?10:25
Jeroi[12:25] <Jeroi> sudo apt-get install kubuntu-restricted-extras10:25
jpatrickwiehan: if you haven't done the sources.list thing: download this file: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/2991/ and overwrite your /etc/apt/sources.list with it10:25
jpatrickonishidato: k3b?10:26
onishidatoit can't read10:26
Jeroidi find that program name with: sudo apt-cache search restricted10:26
Jeroiman wiehan you should read ubuntu wiki10:26
onishidatojpatrick: something can read inside the iso file10:26
jpatrickJeroi: help.ubuntu.com would be better10:26
Jeroiit it like manual for newbie to help you to start with linux10:27
Jeroior that10:27
pagonishidato, krusader should be able to (at least description says so ;)10:27
jpatricksince the wiki is for development10:27
se7en_onishidato: just mount it10:27
Jeroiwiehan just linux is not windows, you must leanr how you use linux.10:27
onishidatose7en_: we can't mount an iso file10:28
Jeroiforget your leanring with windows10:28
se7en_sudo mount -o loop you.iso file /media/yourfolder onishidato10:28
Jeroistart learning about linux10:28
Jeroithere is many help sites with ubuntu system10:28
ubotuTo mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.10:29
khelllhow shall i find the configuration files of openldap10:29
onishidatose7en_ ok ok10:30
onishidatose7en_ let me try10:30
onishidatose7en_ thks10:30
pagkhelll, " dpkg -L openldap | grep config " ? :)10:30
JeroiI think image monter should be included in kde410:30
Jeroior dolphin10:31
jpatrickJeroi: file a wishlist bug on bugs.kde.org10:31
JeroiI dont see it working10:31
Jeroithere is so many things that  think devs not reading them anymore10:31
JeroiI think10:31
khelllpag i got nothing10:33
onishidatose7en_: they say mo such file or directory10:34
Jeroiyour opening file in not correct direcotry10:35
Jeroiif you are at home10:35
Jeroilike /home/myhome/10:35
Jeroiand your file is at /home/myhome/Destop/MYISO.iso10:36
onishidatoi read the usb file10:36
pagkhelll, /etc/openldap/ldap.conf  ?10:36
onishidatoi use like this /media/sdg110:36
se7en_onishidato: you have to make a folder ... you can do that in you home like mkdir /home/onishidato/myiso/ that is your mount point ... and than sudo mount -o loop your.iso /home/onishidato/myiso10:38
Jeroisorrywrong channel10:38
maurihi all, in dolphin manager i'm not able to find my floppy disk icon10:39
maurihi all, in dolphin manager i'm not able to find my floppy disk icon10:41
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ScottGI don't have a floppy so I can't really help much with that.10:42
mauriScottG: ok thanks10:43
ScottGI'm sorry.10:43
ScottGIt is 5:43 AM EST in the US on Christmas morning so response may be a bit slow this morning.10:43
mauriScottG: mary Cristmas10:44
ScottGMerry Christmas to you too.10:45
Daemon--trying to get my head round the filesystem folloing guides to inderstand linux better. just wanted someone to clarify something for me please. would i be right in assuming anything in /proc is a system realtime file thats pretty much written to all the time?10:47
LynoureDaemon--: http://linuxgazette.net/issue46/fink.html puts it all quite nicely. They are not really files, as such, not on the disk anyway10:49
onishidatose7en_: ok let me try again10:50
Daemon--Lynoure - thx i'll take a look10:50
root_greets guys10:54
=== root_ is now known as Dyson
giuseppehi, I just download babytrans GUI and a english package10:54
giuseppehow can I install downloaded package?10:55
Dysonwhats the extension?10:55
flaccidgiuseppe: you could use adept or dpkg10:55
Dysonso my login screen, er, bootloader? doesnt work10:55
giuseppeflaccid: u mean adept manager?10:55
Dysonthe actual login screen doesnt load, it halts at "loading boot scripts".10:55
flaccidgiuseppe: yep10:55
giuseppewell, I used it to install GUI babytrans10:56
Dysonclean install, only installed the new Nvidia drivers10:56
mauriScottG: I've have to go.....see you soon (I hope)10:56
giuseppeflaccid: but when I run it, it says Error: /usr/lib/babytrans/eng... .dic: no such file or directory10:57
giuseppeflaccid: do u konw what I have to do?10:57
flaccid!info babytrans10:57
ubotubabytrans: Front-end to use the dictionaries from Babylon Translator. In component multiverse, is extra. Version 0.9.1-0.3ubuntu3 (gutsy), package size 55 kB, installed size 244 kB10:57
flaccidgiuseppe: have you read the manual on babytrans, ive never used it10:58
giuseppeflaccid: not yet...10:58
flaccidgiuseppe: according to http://packages.ubuntu.com/cgi-bin/search_contents.pl?searchmode=filelist&word=babytrans&version=gutsy&arch=i386 the comand to run is babytrans10:58
giuseppeflaccid: now I try to find it10:58
giuseppeflaccid: thanks10:59
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eagles0513875MERRY XMAS GUYS11:08
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=== ubuntu is now known as m00punt
m00puntwow.. I am love this new version11:14
mendeeHallo Leute11:20
wiehanQuestionL I just installed Automatix, and restarted my PC, what differences should I see?11:21
ubotuautomatix is not recommended, supported or needed. See http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html and « /msg ubotu WorksForMe »11:21
flaccidyeah we don't support it sorry wiehan11:21
eagles0513875what did it used to do11:22
simonewho is italian?11:23
flaccidmany things, its all in that article and other ones in google.11:23
eagles0513875!it |simone11:23
ubotusimone: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!11:23
eagles0513875what pkg should i download to get shockwave to work in firefox11:25
ubotuShockwave is currently only available for Windows. To run it under !Wine, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Shockwave11:25
eagles0513875flaccid: what other movie players r available11:26
flaccidi dunno i jus use kaffeine or xine11:26
RogueJediXeagles0513875: Try kmplayer. It uses the mplayer backend11:27
flaccidthere is also vlc11:27
eagles0513875RogueJediX: ok11:28
eagles0513875flaccid: ok11:28
eagles0513875merry xmas btw guys11:30
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=== nu is now known as nuu
senorpedrohi folks11:33
senorpedromerry x-mas 2 all11:33
ubotufirefox is the default web-browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion Installing plugins: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxPlugins11:33
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about firefox3 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi11:33
bazhang!info firefox-311:34
ubotuPackage firefox-3 does not exist in gutsy11:34
bazhangnot true!11:34
jussi01!info firefox-granparadiso hardy11:34
ubotufirefox-granparadiso: dummy upgrade package for firefox-granparadiso -> firefox-3.0. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.0~b1+nobinonly-0ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 59 kB, installed size 128 kB11:35
mog_i have a problme11:35
jussi01!ask | mog_11:35
ubotumog_: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)11:35
mog_i use kubuntu in dual boot with windows XP11:35
senorpedrothx bazhang & juissi0111:35
jussi01mog_: whats up?11:36
mog_ok, so11:36
mog_my probleme11:36
mog_is that11:36
mog_I use kubuntu in dual boot with XP and when i choose kubuntu in Grub, I have this message: Signal Over range11:37
eagles0513875mog_: j/w im guessing that xp was already installed on the machine first then u installed kubuntu11:38
mog_during the loading11:38
eagles0513875was the whole drive in ntfs format or did u reinstalll windows and repartitioned11:39
bazhangmog_: try not to use the enter key as punctuation11:39
BobSappHow do i set my resolution over 640x480 in KDE?11:39
eagles0513875BobSapp: go to system settings and then click monitor and display then click administrator mode and then type in ur root password11:39
BobSappI was previously using gnome with ubuntu dual screen 1024x768, then i used aptitude to install kde-base11:40
mog_my resolution is 1024X76811:40
BobSappeagles0513875: i am doing that, but it refuses to slide higher than 640x48011:40
eagles0513875BobSapp: did u install the restricted drivers for ur video card11:40
bazhangsudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg BobSapp11:41
mog_ya, all is correct11:41
BobSappim not sure, is that something i actually have to do?11:41
eagles0513875what im wondering is do graphics drivers transfer from gnome if u have them installed there or do u have to reinstall for kde use11:42
mog_What to do?11:42
mog_What to do?11:42
bazhang!repeat | mog_11:42
ubotumog_: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com  http://wiki.ubuntu.com http://www.ubuntuforums.org or http://www.kubuntuforums.net while you wait. Also see !patience11:42
mog_sorry , bug11:42
BobSappeagles0513875: as far as i understood it kde+gnome rely on xorg therefore the drivers should be of no relevance to the desktop11:42
mog_I'm sorry11:42
BobSapphowever kde does seem to use some compositioning which may be an exception11:43
flaccidBobSapp: what video card is it11:43
fortruthsomebody know which sofeware can edit audio file11:43
flaccid!info audacity | fortruth11:44
ubotufortruth: audacity: A fast, cross-platform audio editor. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.3.3-1build1 (gutsy), package size 2321 kB, installed size 6832 kB11:44
BobSappbazhang: your solution is correct11:44
BobSappmy cards a geforce 620011:44
ScottGI have that card.. actually 6200SE11:44
bazhangBobSapp: all good now?11:44
BobSappthe problem is that somewhere along the line my xorg.conf got written11:44
BobSappbazhang: not yet i want to recover my twinview settings if possible11:45
JeroiBobSapp when you have isntalled restricded drivers11:45
ubotuxinerama is an extension to !X to use two or more physical displays as one large virtual display. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo - See also !DualHead11:45
Jeroifor your gfx card11:45
fortruthubotu: thank u.11:45
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about thank u. - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi11:45
Jeroitype into konsole: nvidia-settings11:46
bazhanghe is a bot fortruth11:46
Jeroithen edit your resolution11:46
jussi01!thanks | fortruth11:47
ubotufortruth: You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)11:47
BobSapprighty o11:47
BobSappthanks Jeroi11:47
JeroiBobSapp you can recover your twinview settings also with nvidia-settings command11:47
Jeroiit is gui toll from nvidia11:47
fortrutha bot!?  realy!?11:47
Jeroiwhen you have edited your resolutions then hit ctrl+alt+delete to reboot your x11:49
BobSappctrl+alt+delete lol11:49
Jeroiand voila you have your resolution11:49
BobSappctrl+alt+backspace :)11:49
JeroiI meant that11:49
BobSappyeah that nvidia-settings tool is cool it detected my screens correctly11:50
Jeroisorry my homelanguake is finnish and when have our versions for keys11:50
eagles0513875whats the command to reconfigure the x server. i just rebooted my computer and it maxed the resolution for me and nothing is fitting on my screen11:50
eagles0513875i tried changing it in setting and it would work when i decrease it. it stays the exact same11:50
bazhangsudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg11:50
eagles0513875hope this works lol11:50
JeroiBobSapp it is werad that none nvidia help sites tell the proper way of doing it11:51
Jeroieven help.ubuntu.com tells how to edit your xorg by hand11:51
bazhangor the factoids11:51
Jeroibut only thing is to type nvidia-settings and edit that gui tool11:52
JeroiI say lol to help sites11:52
BobSappwell i think its more of a problem under kde11:52
BobSappgnome had no problem just going by the xorg.conf11:52
bazhangmore of a problem with documentation imo11:53
eagles0513875bazhang: that didnt fix anything what else could i try11:53
BobSappbut somewhere along installing kde xorg gets rewritten11:53
JeroiI could edit the help11:53
BobSappto some stupid specs11:53
Jeroiwheres that help site nvidia help?11:53
eagles0513875where is the xorg config stored11:53
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto11:53
jussi01!fixres | eagles051387511:53
ubotueagles0513875: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto11:53
eagles0513875jussi01: ty11:54
Jeroiit needs login11:57
Jeroiwhy the hell?11:57
flaccidwhat needs login11:57
flaccidcan you be any more vague11:57
stdin!language > Jeroi11:58
Jeroifixres site is awfull11:58
bazhangoh my Jeroi11:58
Jeroidoes any noob read that much of shit?11:58
Jeroimy bad11:59
JeroiI can see now clearly why getting resultion right in kde is very difficult for newbies11:59
Jeroiwhy dont any the sites tell the nvidia-config command?11:59
flaccidbecause you don't need it12:00
Jeroiit is the easiest12:00
flaccidim sure it is12:00
JeroiIt was the only way how I did get resolutions right with my monitor and 32 widescreen hdmi tv12:00
eagles0513875can any1 tell me y when i go into system setting and try to either increase resolution and hit apply nothing changes12:00
flaccidthe right way is to use restricted-manager and then set the resolution in system settings12:01
flaccideagles0513875: that sort of thing is pretty common12:01
Jeroieagles0513875 becuase kde is not good at it12:01
Jeroiit is coded badly12:01
Jeroior sum12:01
flaccidJeroi: prove it12:01
eagles0513875Jeroi: its better then gnome in my opinion and this is the first time this has happened to me12:01
eagles0513875flaccid: how can i fix it12:01
JeroiIf I coded it....12:02
flaccideagles0513875: i dont know. you can of course edit xorg.conf manually12:02
Jeroi1. I would code restricded driver into resolution change12:02
eagles0513875Jeroi: u should become an motu12:02
flaccidstill no proof12:02
eagles0513875Jeroi: and also if u really think u can code a better desktop go for it and start working on it12:02
Jeroiwhen you try to increase your resolution, it could then ask do you want to dl nvidia or ati driver for your gfx card12:03
flaccidyeah exactly. put your words into something tangible12:03
eagles0513875flaccid: where is xorg.conf stored12:03
flaccidin /etc/X1112:03
eagles0513875if had the programming expertise i would be putting what im saying into something tangible12:03
kenkkuhi, can you tell me where I could find a log that would tell me why X crashed?12:03
kenkkuor actually Xgl12:03
Jeroiwell, I was newbie12:04
flaccidthe video/driver issues is not simple, once you actually about the issues12:04
flaccidknow about12:04
JeroiMy problem was that kde didnt give me more that 1024*786 resolution12:04
JeroiI went to system settings12:04
flaccidJeroi: don't blame kde until you can prove the problem is kde..12:04
Jeroimonitor and display12:04
JeroiWanted to rise my resolution, not worked12:04
eagles0513875right now im only learning java as part of my degree im hoping to teach myself some more languages after12:04
Jeroithen I went to internet12:05
jpatrickkenkku: /var/log/Xorg.1.log12:05
eagles0513875Jeroi: ur having the same problem that i am12:05
flaccid!punctuation | Jeroi12:05
ubotuJeroi: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!12:05
Jeroithat told me install nvidia12:05
eagles0513875let me try reconfig x again12:05
jpatrickeagles0513875: I really recommend C++ and ruby :)12:05
schummelpilzi will install kubuntu 7.10 for the first time: i have a 250gb hdd here and i dont really know how to partition it correctly. im planning: 25gb for /, 2gb for swap (2gb ram), and the rest for /home. ill use ext3. thats ok or should i change anything?12:05
kenkkujpatrick: what's the difference between 1.log and 0.log?12:05
flaccidschummelpilz: thats fine12:05
jpatrickkenkku: ah, it's probably the 0 one12:05
pagschummelpilz, thet's pretty ok, bu personally I would drop / to 20GB12:06
kenkkujpatrick: it doesn't have any information regarding the shutdown, only starting12:06
eagles0513875jpatrick: right now im required to learn java as part of my degree. im actually part of a llinux group in malta and im talking with one of the guys whose in charge of it and im hoping sometime soon i can start working an a java based knock of of microsoft office groove12:06
eagles0513875i cant reconfig x i keep getting the following msg12:06
eagles0513875not that this debconf: DbDriver "config": /var/cache/debconf/config.dat is locked by another process: Resource temporarily unavailabl12:07
jpatrickeagles0513875: microsoft office? ...12:07
schummelpilzthanks, how should i partition my hdd? using qtparted from the live cd?12:07
eagles0513875no a spin off of msft office groove which is collaboration software12:07
flaccidschummelpilz: you can do it in the installer, it has a partitioner12:07
Jeroithe install proses have partition in it12:07
stdineagles0513875: try 'sudo fuser -vik /var/cache/debconf/config.dat'12:07
Jeroi*partition program12:08
pagschummelpilz, that would probbaly be the easiest way  (IMHO installers partitioner isn't the most intuitive one)12:08
eagles0513875stdin: ty it worked12:08
schummelpilzoh perfect, thanks to everybody. seeing forward to my first linux :)12:08
eagles0513875schummelpilz: good luck once u go linux ull never wanna go back to winblows12:09
eagles0513875whats support like for intel 965 video chipsets12:09
flaccideagles0513875: its ok12:09
flaccidvia the intel driver12:09
schummelpilzi know :) im using it at university and its soooo much better. ill just have to get 1-2 games running and then im fine12:09
eagles0513875flaccid: cuz im looking at getting a replacement laptop for the one i have and i was thinking at best buy for 1200 which is same price as mac book with same specs almost but bigger hard drive12:10
eagles0513875schummelpilz: what games cuz i can help ya in that regard12:10
kenkkuah but I use Xgl, does that make a difference?12:10
eagles0513875its suprised me it was a dell laptop being sold in retail stores what did i miss and when did they start selling their machines in retail stores lol12:10
khelllhow to find the java jdk ?12:11
eagles0513875khelll: in command line type apt-cache search java jdk it will pull all java related stuff12:11
schummelpilzeagles0513875: wc3 tft to play dota (and some tools like hotkey tools or gg client) and party poker with poker tracker and pokerace and some other tools will be the most important games for me12:11
eagles0513875and scroll through it till u find the jdk and then do sudo apt-get install name of pkg12:11
khellli have installed it but i dont know where ti resides in my pc12:12
eagles0513875!wine |schummelpiilz12:12
ubotuschummelpiilz: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.12:12
jussi01schummelpilz: partypoker has a browser client12:12
eagles0513875khelll: oh let me open net beans maybe i can find it in there for ya12:12
khelllhave netbeans also12:12
eagles0513875khelll: open net beans it shoudl tell u in there12:12
eagles0513875some where12:12
schummelpilzjussi01: yeah but that one is very crappy for multitabling and other usefull tools12:13
eagles0513875brb again guys need to restart x server12:13
flaccideagles0513875: nvidia still the bet imo. sometime you need to do extra config for intel12:13
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto12:13
eagles0513875flaccid: damn what kinda video card do macs have12:14
flaccideagles0513875: um can't remember, but you can check apple.com :)12:14
eagles0513875flaccid: u remember that issue i was having with WoW on my laptop12:14
flaccidnot really hhehe, i deal with a lot of issues12:14
eagles0513875flaccid: where i was getting really crappy frame rates after patching12:15
flaccidfair enough12:15
eagles0513875well it seemed like it was the video card12:15
eagles0513875im on one of my 4 desktop machines it has an nvidia 6600gt and it runs flawlessly aver bout 30-40 fps  and im on the 64bit version of kubuntu12:15
flaccidok cool12:15
eagles0513875brb restarting x12:16
flaccid!find sudoku12:16
ubotuFound: ksudoku, sudoku, vdr-plugin-sudoku, gnome-games12:16
eagles0513875lol now i have a really high resolution. is there a way i can just go into system settings and change resolution from there cuz its still when i raise or lower not changing the desktop resolution12:17
schummelpilz!find pentago12:17
ubotuPackage/file pentago does not exist in gutsy12:18
eagles0513875schummelpilz: open up the command line and run these 2 commands sudo apt-get update12:18
eagles0513875schummelpilz: and sudo apt-get upgrade12:18
schummelpilzeagles0513875 to have kubuntu up to date?12:19
flaccideagles0513875: does the same thing happen when you goto kdesu kcontrol then goto display12:19
eagles0513875schummelpilz: ya12:19
schummelpilzok thanks12:19
eagles0513875flaccid: let me try12:19
flaccidor you could use xrandr from konsole or ask the guys in #kde about the bug12:20
eagles0513875flaccid: then what i have it open12:20
eagles0513875flaccid: ill take a stab in there12:20
flaccidsearch for display and goto monitor and display and see if you can change it there12:20
flaccidits the same snap in but yeah going into it via kdesu and kcontrol12:20
eagles0513875same issue12:21
flaccidcan you pastebin output of xrandr -q and is this on gutsy?12:21
eagles0513875flaccid: gutsy x6412:22
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)12:22
eagles0513875flaccid: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/49525/12:23
eagles0513875flaccid: kde channel is no help its dead as dead can be in there12:24
eagles0513875in the mean time while we trying to get this sorted out im going to do some java practice hw i have lol12:24
flaccidbesides putting the desired resolutions in xorg.conf, you can change it with xrandr dynamically or install krandrtray12:24
eagles0513875let me try it with tray12:24
flaccid!info krandrtray12:25
ubotuPackage krandrtray does not exist in gutsy12:25
eagles0513875then how do i do it with xrandr12:25
flaccidi think thats in base. goto konsole and type krandrtray &12:25
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about xrandr - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi12:26
flaccidsee if you get the tray icon then right click it12:26
flaccidfailing that i will show you the command12:26
eagles0513875i can change it in the tray12:26
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about xrandrtray - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi12:28
eagles0513875flaccid: what was it to get the tray again12:28
eagles0513875flaccid: to get the xrandtray to come up12:28
eagles0513875i set the resolution i wanted how do i get it to stay this way12:29
flaccidedit xorg.conf. pastebin that if you like12:29
eagles0513875flaccid: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/49526/12:30
* flaccid moves it over to his 24in lcd12:31
eagles0513875lol trying to make me feel bad lol12:31
flaccidnah just havin fun12:32
flaccidim doing dual via xrandr only..12:32
eagles0513875i would give anything to hook this up to a 42 inch lcd tv12:32
eagles0513875what i wanna know is how i get it to permantly stick at that resolution12:32
eagles0513875in the xorg.conf where it lists all the resolutions do i delete all the other resolutions available12:33
flaccideagles0513875: what is your desired resolution. we will hard code one resolution and then you can just change dynamic.12:33
Jeroiegles are you usin older version than 7.04 kubuntu?12:33
eagles0513875Jeroi: gutsy x6412:33
eagles0513875right now with the display tray im at 1024x76812:33
flaccidwhich res you want when kdm starts12:33
eagles051387557hz refresh12:33
eagles0513875this one12:33
Jeroi"why dont you install nvidia-glx-new wich gomes with restricted drivers?12:34
eagles0513875Jeroi: already done12:34
eagles0513875this happened this morning that the resolution started acting up12:34
flaccideagles0513875: ?12:34
Jeroiso just type to knsole nvidia-settings12:34
eagles0513875i had this thing on all night bittorrenting went to play WoW and my toon wouldnt show up restarted and thats when this all started happening12:34
Jeroiyou casn edit your resolution as you like12:34
distingcan you use compiz on 7.04? if i use 7.04 is there any disadvantage? XD thank you12:35
Jeroiremember ty press apply button when you done12:35
flaccidno need. we want to see if putting one resolution in fixes the bug in the snap in. xrandr can do the res dynamic..12:35
eagles0513875flaccid: u registered12:35
distinghi i am using ubuntu 7.04 and i have 8500 gt but it sys i don't need any restricted driver for my card? what's going on please? thank you XD12:36
eagles0513875flaccid: let me sign in12:36
flacciddisting: you can use either the restricted or open driver, its your choice12:36
disting"Your hardware does not need any restricted drivers."12:37
flaccidcorrect disting12:37
flaccidyes Jeroi12:37
Jeroiapt-get install nvidia-glx-new12:37
Jeroithen type nvidia-settings12:37
eagles0513875Jeroi: i used the restricted drivers feature that comes with gutsy to install it its already done12:38
chaz_is there russians?12:38
eagles0513875!ru |chaz_12:38
ubotuchaz_: Пожалуйста войдите в #ubuntu-ru для помощи на русском языке  /  Pozhalujsta vojdite v #ubuntu-ru dlq pomoshchi na russkom qzyke12:38
flaccidJeroi: doing it this way is standard and i think he already has the driver installed. doing it this way also means if you want to use the open driver you don't have to change xorg.conf at al..12:38
Jeroiso he wants to use open "nv" driver?12:39
flaccidno he doesn't12:39
flaccidthis way is more extensible/generic12:39
Jeroiso whats hes problem then?12:39
eagles0513875Jeroi: i cant change resolution in system settings when ever i do it stays the same12:40
Jeroieagles0513875 it do not work12:40
Jeroitype into console-> sudo nvidia-settings12:40
Jeroior kdesudo12:40
eagles0513875Jeroi: the way flaccid told me to do it works fine im going to have to stay saving a new xorg.conf file each time i change it that way12:41
flaccideagles0513875: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/49527/12:41
Jeroibut nvidia wirutes new config12:41
eagles0513875jeroic take a look at this how much easier it is12:41
JeroiAsiaa sulle!!12:41
flaccideagles0513875:  then restart x, check that you can change res via krandrtray then check if you can do in system settings12:41
Jeroiand it will work everytime12:41
flaccidJeroi: thats what we want to avoid12:41
Jeroibut you do your way12:41
eagles0513875flaccid: ok12:41
flaccidJeroi: users can have their own resolutions with kdm uses a default one12:42
eagles0513875Jeroi: this is what i have now http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/49526/12:42
eagles0513875Jeroi: look at line 8312:42
eagles0513875then look at this ine 83 again12:42
eagles0513875line 56 in this one12:42
Jeroiso what do you want?12:42
Jeroihigher your resolution?12:43
Jeroiinto what?12:43
eagles0513875just want 1024x76812:43
Jeroiand you now got?12:43
eagles0513875if i restarted x now i would be at a much higer resolution and everything would be so small12:43
eagles0513875with krandtray i have 1024x768 the way flaccid has me doing it is going ot make it to where it doesnt change12:43
Jeroiedit modes12:43
JeroiModes "1024x786"12:44
flaccidso users can go to system settings and set their resolution without need for root. so basically its default res at kdm then they log in and if they have say a high resolution it will change to that dynamically. very flexible..12:44
Jeroicomment out rest12:44
eagles0513875/ the comments like in java12:44
Jeroi#####this was commented12:44
Jeroi#and this12:45
eagles0513875Jeroi: ty12:45
Jeroieagles I personally like high resolutons tho, much more icons and and web pages show more content12:47
eagles0513875Jeroi: this is an ancient crt monitor which used to be on our old computer i just inherit old stuff except for this machine lol12:48
effie_jayxHappy holidays t everyone12:48
effie_jayxhow odes one go about... ata1.00: exception Emask error at book12:49
nuxilhmm.. anyone know why i cant get on the Inet with gutsy. "Wireless" i can ping the router. but if i ping etc: google i get unkownen host. everything works fine in gutsy12:49
eagles0513875effie_jayx: how olds the hard drive12:49
effie_jayxI have tested the drive installing kubuntu 6.0612:49
Greeneryhow to make mic to work in mumble?12:49
effie_jayxeagles0513875: 4 years now...12:49
eagles0513875nuxil: did u enable the restricted wifi driver and restarted the machine12:49
eagles0513875effie_jayx: could be the drive is just bad12:49
effie_jayxeagles0513875:  the drive works with ubuntu 6.0612:50
JeroiGreenery write into Konsole-> alsamixer12:50
Jeroimove right12:50
eagles0513875effie_jayx: did u try disabling dma12:50
effie_jayxand I am testing two different drives...12:50
Jeroiwith "m" putton you can enable your mic12:50
nuxileagles0513875, im running a custom built kernel b|cos of some other driver issue..12:50
effie_jayxeagles0513875:  I did... dma=off12:50
Jeroithen with ESC*2 you close alsamixer12:50
eagles0513875effie_jayx: is one sata and other ide12:50
eagles0513875nuxil: what other driver issue12:51
effie_jayxeagles0513875:  both ide12:51
Jeroiwith command-> alsactl save12:51
=== emilsedgh_ is now known as emilsedgh
nuxileagles0513875, but the wifi driver is not the pproblem12:51
Jeroiyou save your alsa settings12:51
eagles0513875nuxil: ur video is the problem12:51
GreeneryJeroi:  i've got 3 mic input source12:51
effie_jayxeagles0513875:  I don't have them hooked together though... I first tried one... then the other...12:51
Jeroiopen them all12:51
Jeroias you never know when you use those inputs12:52
effie_jayxand It can't be that both do the same12:52
eagles0513875effie_jayx: are they still plugged into the motherboard when they rnt powered12:52
GreeneryJeroi:  how do i open them exactly?12:52
Jeroimove to them12:52
Jeroipress "M" key12:52
Jeroigreen GO should then come to the box12:52
Jeroiin the alsamixer atleast12:52
Greenerynothng happened when i press M12:53
Jeroiin the konsole aslamixer?12:53
effie_jayxeagles0513875:  I tend to leave the one alone.. I remove the other drive completely12:53
JeroiIt should12:54
eagles0513875effie_jayx: have u tried the alternate install option12:54
david_Jif I install spamassin and enable it in kmail if I mark it as spam I shouldn't see it anymore right?12:54
Jeroiatleast my aslamixer enables or disables sources with "m" key12:54
effie_jayxeagles0513875:  yes I did.. that's the one I use for installing12:55
Jeroiyou can use kmixer also12:55
effie_jayxeagles0513875:  the problem is booting up after the install12:55
eagles0513875effie_jayx: did u change any jumper settings on either of the drives12:55
nuxileagles0513875, why is it showing me Unknown Host when i try to ping something outside the Lan in gutsy. in feisty with same kernel. i dont get this problem.12:55
flaccidits kmix :)12:55
Greeneryok thanks12:56
wiehanI seriously need to talk to some1 which is not Biased and too idealist when it comes to Linux and its Disto's12:56
effie_jayxeagles0513875: no... they remain master and I don't use them together12:56
Jeroiflaccid does it save settings12:56
eagles0513875effie_jayx: try cable select12:56
flaccidkmix should save settings yeah12:56
effie_jayxeagles0513875:  it seems to be the newer kernels12:56
wiehanAny1 able to help me out?12:56
flaccidif it says unknown host, its failing dns lookup. try pinging the ip and work out why resolution fails12:57
effie_jayxeagles0513875:  I try feisty or gutsy... and It doesn't boot...12:57
wiehanok, will you listen to my plight?12:57
effie_jayxI try dapper and it works12:57
eagles0513875nuxil: also do u have ur dns enabled in ur router12:57
JeroiI am not registered...12:58
JeroiHow can I register myself?12:58
Jeroito ubuntu irc network?12:58
flaccid!register | Jeroi12:58
ubotuJeroi: By default, only registered users can send private messages - Information about  registering your Freenode nick can be found at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration12:58
eagles0513875effie_jayx: have u tried to boot into it using an older kernel12:59
eagles0513875effie_jayx: and then update any pkgs12:59
wiehanwho is the linux super expert in here?12:59
wiehanI need help12:59
eagles0513875!ask |wienhan13:00
ubotuwienhan: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)13:00
velhohello people! how can i kill a process?13:00
eagles0513875velho: do u know the process id number13:00
wiehanI did the Linux Chooser online test, It really is handy...13:01
nuxileagles0513875, what you mean my video is  my problem?13:01
eagles0513875wiehan: ok so whats ur problem13:01
Daisuke_Idoi prefer to drown them myself, but you can shoot them, stab them, make them wear concrete boots at the bottom of the river Ankh...13:01
wiehanBut, It came up with Ubuntu, Freespire, OpenSuse, and Mandriva13:01
david_J_wiehan: I need no test13:01
eagles0513875u said something about the normal kernel causing problems and i was guessing video issues with the normal kernel13:02
velhoeagles0513875: no and i cant find it with the top command13:02
=== Jeroi is now known as Jeroi2
david_J_wiehan: pick one and go with it... People say the Ubuntu variants are simpler than them all13:02
Jeroi2 /msg nickserv link Jeroi matias13:02
wiehanI don't want to hear that they are all good: I want to know which is best for a total noob, with the most software bundled, and to fully replace a WinOS13:02
Daisuke_Idowiehan: trust me, go with ubuntu at least at first.13:02
eagles0513875wiehan: kubuntu13:02
=== Jeroi2 is now known as Jeroi
eagles0513875!language |jeroi13:02
ubotujeroi: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.13:02
wiehanI have Kubuntu, and I hate it..13:02
velhowiehan: why?13:03
Daisuke_Idowiehan: then what the %*#@ is the problem?  use one of the others13:03
david_J_wiehan: lol then you are sol... It's open source software... The programs are the same all distros13:03
* Daisuke_Ido grumbles13:03
wiehanIt really is difficult for me to get around in, I don't understand the layout and I need to freaking type a lot to just install some simple things13:03
Daisuke_Idooff to do christmas stuff13:03
Daisuke_Idohaven't you heard of adept?13:03
david_J_wiehan: what's hard about apt?13:03
eagles0513875velho: open system in k meny and then click ksysguard find the pid of what u wanna kill then open command line and type suod kill the pid13:03
eagles0513875wiehan: u have a gui and u can search for pkgs u want and instll them that wya13:03
Daisuke_Idoeagles0513875: or... he could just right-click it from within ksysguard and kill it right there...13:04
eagles0513875Daisuke_Ido: sometimes for me though when ive tried that it wants root privs13:04
eagles0513875flaccid: u alive dude13:04
david_J_wiehan: any linux takes some reading the distros page13:04
eagles0513875wiehan: dont give up we r here to help ya give it some time dude13:05
david_J_Merry Xmas bte13:05
wiehanwhich is the total utmost best for some1 completly used to windows and has the most software bundled and I don't have to fiddle around to get mp3's working etc13:05
david_J_wiehan: you have to fiddle to get mp3's playing they are restricted formats..  You can play ogg as much as you want13:05
eagles0513875wiehan: if u use any others the performance is going to sux on them because they r system resource hogs13:06
wiehanI have 30Gb of mp3's I can't just convert them all...13:07
eagles0513875wiehan: then just download the lame pkg13:07
eagles0513875and that solves that13:07
david_J_wiehan: or install the restricted formats yourself13:07
david_J_wiehan: medubuntu repositories13:07
eagles0513875mp3 support u just need to download lame then u can play em in amarok13:07
wiehanhow do I donload lame?13:08
velhoeagles0513875: but i can't know the name of the process :( how can i activate that little skull to kill a process?13:08
david_J_wiehan: If you want to play a dvd, you'll need a restricted format some tiem13:08
david_J_wiehan: needs libdvdcss13:08
wiehanwhich distro comes with all that restriceted stuff standard out of the box?13:08
eagles0513875velho: i dunno:(13:08
eagles0513875i dont think any do but i could be wrong13:09
david_J_wiehan: well gentoo if you can call that out of the box lol13:09
david_J_wiehan: But I doubt you'll find that easy, and you may have to set a use flag or 213:09
david_J_wiehan: installing restricted formats isn't tough13:10
david_J_wiehan: just need to add a repository and get a gpg key13:10
wiehanbut that is difficult for me in kubuntu?13:11
david_J_wiehan: hold on13:11
wiehanI tried to enable the stuff, on the screenshot the Ubuntu one looks easier to do13:11
velhoeagles0513875: once upon a time i used to type "kill & exit" in the konsole. and all I had to do was click in the window that was opened. but now it's not working.... :( can anyone help me please?13:11
eagles0513875flaccid: any idea what the problem is with velho13:12
eagles0513875velho: i dunno i have never used it that way13:12
velhoeagles0513875: ok...thank you anyway,,,13:12
eagles0513875velho: sry13:12
velhoeagles0513875: no problema, you dont have to know everything ^-^13:13
eagles0513875velho: is there something bogging down ur system13:13
eagles0513875velho: is thats the case look at whats using the most percentage of system power then kill that process13:14
eagles0513875thats what i usually do13:14
david_J_wiehan: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormatshttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats13:16
david_J_wiehan: oops tapped the middle mouse twice13:16
david_J_wiehan: take it to the RestrictedFormats13:16
david_J_wiehan: click on the medibuntu link13:16
flaccidvelho: sorry whats the problem/trying to do13:18
wiehancan freespire, mandriva etc read ntfs straight out of the box?13:21
eagles0513875wiehan: anything u going to use requires getting used to the more u chang the long it will take to get used to something13:23
flaccidthis is kubuntu support channel13:23
david_J_wiehan: Any linux you use will require some work13:23
wiehanthen that's the reason Linux is Lacking behind Windows13:24
eagles0513875wiehan: not kubuntu13:24
wiehanwhat do you mean not kubuntu?13:24
david_J_wiehan: Uh no not exactly...  It is expecting linux to be Windows that is the problem..13:25
eagles0513875wiehan: the reason the ubuntu line of is so popular is its light weight out of the box not all the the bloat wear that other distros have13:25
flaccidthis aint #distrowars guys13:25
effie_jayxeagles0513875:  sorry I was afk... Yes...13:25
jussi01wiehan: please keep it ontopic13:25
david_J_wiehan: what eagles0513875 said13:25
eagles0513875effie_jayx: what was the last thing i said13:25
david_J_wiehan: there is a general linux channel13:25
david_J_wiehan: #linux13:26
eagles0513875wiehan: last thing im goign to say is this13:26
effie_jayxeagles0513875:  I tried the kernel in dapper and kubuntu13:26
effie_jayxand it worked...13:26
eagles0513875wiehan: any other distro ur goign to notice how bogged down ur machine is going to get13:26
effie_jayxbut I am afraid of upgrading.. cuz I know I'll get the same error...13:26
flaccidnot really. there are distros that are really small like dsl. but hey this is off topic os debate13:26
effie_jayxit's an old pc so dapper will do just fine13:26
effie_jayxI am afraid that hardy will definetely leave her out of ubuntu13:27
eagles0513875effie_jayx: im wondering what if u flash the bios13:27
jussi01Ok everyone, Please take the distros discussion elsewhere13:27
effie_jayxI am still to buy a new hard drive13:27
flaccidgutsy will go better than dapper. newer releases don't mean more weight13:27
effie_jayxeagles0513875:  Woowww... that's a bit hard core... :D13:27
eagles0513875effie_jayx: just buy a new machine13:27
eagles0513875effie_jayx: lol ya13:27
effie_jayxeagles0513875: too much money...13:28
effie_jayxI have to buy in parts...13:28
effie_jayxI am definetelly doing it13:28
eagles0513875effie_jayx: when was the last time u flashed the bios13:28
eagles0513875how olds the rest of the machine processor and mother board and what not13:28
effie_jayxlike ... never...13:28
eagles0513875and what size is the hard drive13:28
effie_jayxeagles0513875:  7 years...13:29
effie_jayxeagles0513875:  12 gigs...13:29
eagles0513875effie_jayx: how big r the hard drives13:29
effie_jayx12 and 20 gig13:29
eagles0513875flaccid any ideas as to effie's issue13:29
eagles0513875brb need to restart x13:29
flaccidwhats the issue13:29
eagles0513875flaccid: its going back to higher rez13:31
flaccidput the res at end and try, if not we are missing something here13:31
eagles0513875brb again13:33
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effie_jayxflaccid: I am getting ata.00 exception Emask errors on newer kernels..13:33
flaccid!bugs | effie_jayx13:33
ubotueffie_jayx: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.ubuntu.com/  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/products/ubuntu-bots13:33
flaccidsubmit a bug and see result13:34
jussi01eagles0513875: I missed your issue, did you get it fixed?13:36
eagles0513875im getting pissed off right now13:38
jussi01!language | eagles051387513:38
ubotueagles0513875: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.13:38
jussi01eagles0513875: whats the issue?13:38
eagles0513875jussi01: when i go into system settings and try to adjust my resolution it stays exactly the same13:39
flaccideagles0513875: what i would do is use that latest xorg.conf and then use autostart to change the resolution upon login or alternatively get krandrtray to 'save settings' for the user13:40
eagles0513875according to what u 2 gave me there is a gui what gui r they talking about13:40
flaccidit would usually be the snap in, which you can't access - you want to go system settings as user only,not root. but you could try the krandrtray13:41
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flaccidso xorg.conf sets max/default res and then the gui sets the user res when they login13:41
JeroiI tried to explain him that ubuntu is mostlikel very or easiest distro13:43
Jeroibut he wants out of the box windows linux13:43
effie_jayxflaccid:  there is a bug report...13:44
eagles0513875flaccid: how do i check which version of xorg im using13:46
flaccidgood question. perhaps just check the package xorg13:48
flacciddpkg -l xorg13:48
eagles0513875when it lists it what is the version13:48
flaccideg. mine is 7.2-513:49
eagles0513875flaccid: how do i do the following13:49
eagles0513875defining a PreferredMode in the configuration file13:49
flaccidin section monitor do  Option          "PreferredMode" "1280x1024"13:51
flaccidyou might need a modeline as well, not sure13:52
flaccidyou can check /var/log/Xorg.0.log to see if preferredmode gets used13:52
spaci76salut @ll13:53
eagles0513875flaccid: what does this mean(II) NVIDIA(0): Virtual screen size determined to be 1440 x 102413:53
flaccidyeah so thats the max virtual13:54
eagles0513875flaccid: the max size13:54
flaccidfor example i increase mine for dual display:                 Virtual         3360 105013:54
flaccidbut i need to use the open driver to be able to use the vga port for some reason13:55
ubuntu_hi, i got a question.... while trying to fix and xserver problem(i think that's what it was anyway) i seem to have broken /bin/sh i'm using a live cd right now in hopes of rescuing the system without formatting... i'm trying to run an update on the system but it seems hung on the installing part of the update... any ideas?13:56
flaccidnot that xrandr -s 0 sets it back to default13:56
giuseppeflaccid: sorry... I read much on line about babytrans13:57
giuseppeflaccid: I solved error message, but now when I launch babytrans does not happen anything13:57
flaccidoh dang13:58
giuseppeflaccid: have u got any idea?13:58
flaccidso what happens when you goto konsole and type babytrans <enter>13:58
giuseppeflaccid: nothing... happens nothing13:58
eagles0513875flaccid: im going to do a clean install13:59
flaccidas in it goes to the next line and you can type in another command, it doesn't output anything?13:59
flaccideagles0513875: i don't see why, but that system settings bug is annoying and i've had it many times13:59
giuseppeflaccid: correct, it goes to next line... I show u14:00
flaccidgiuseppe: what is in ps aux | grep babytrans14:00
giuseppegiuseppe@Giuseppe-mobile:/usr/lib/babytrans$ babytrans14:00
ubuntu_hi, sorry to interupt, does anyone know if upgrading the machine while using a live cd actually fixes the system? i can't access anything on my system without the live cd14:00
giuseppeflaccid: what do u mean? :S14:00
flaccidwhat does the command ps aux | grep babytrans output in konsole?14:01
giuseppeflaccid: this one: giuseppe  6356  0.0  0.1   2976   584 pts/1    R+   15:01   0:00 grep babytrans14:01
flaccidwhat does which babytrans return ?14:02
eagles0513875flaccid: would u recommend i dont upgrade from feisty when doing this14:02
eagles0513875flaccid: when doing clean install that is14:02
flaccideagles0513875: i don't know what you mean. i would go gutsy for a clean install14:02
eagles0513875flaccid: i had only feisty cd and then ddid complete distupgrade14:03
eagles0513875ill download gutssy and reinstall14:03
flaccidcould be where that problem came from perhaps14:03
eagles0513875then if it doesnt do it again ill file bug report14:03
giuseppeflaccid: when I type u suggested me appears this: giuseppe  6356  0.0  0.1   2976   584 pts/1    R+   15:01   0:00 grep babytrans14:03
giuseppeflaccid: anything else14:03
flaccidgiuseppe: which babytrans14:03
giuseppeflaccid: u mean revision?14:04
flaccidtthats the command: which babytrans <enter>14:04
eagles0513875flaccid: whats the best way to reformat an external hard drive14:05
hotgklubhttp://www.hotgirlclub.net.ms check out hot girl movies14:05
giuseppeflaccid: this is the answer: /usr/bin/babytrans14:05
flaccideagles0513875: qtparted14:05
flaccidone sec giuseppe14:05
eddieftwwhat's the way go get a list of the users in a chat when using IRSSI?14:05
eagles0513875flaccid: reformatted it in ext3 but its not showing up in media14:05
giuseppeflaccid: sure... thanks14:06
flaccideagles0513875: check sudo fdisk -l for a start14:06
eagles0513875flaccid: im an idiot lol i didnt format it14:07
flaccidah yep cool14:07
flaccidso partition then you format the partition to give it a filesystem14:07
flaccidmkfs or use gui.. depends on filesytem14:07
ramihi everyone14:08
eagles0513875flaccid: im just using ext314:08
flaccidgiuseppe: try this command: sudo apt-get remove --purge babytrans; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install babytrans; babytrans &14:08
flaccidgiuseppe: but i just tested babytrans it seems buggy and im not sure how to use it so im not sure else how to help14:08
eagles0513875flaccid: i cant fdisk it14:09
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)14:09
eagles0513875flaccid: nm14:09
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about babytrans - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi14:09
eagles0513875flaccid: what is it anyway14:09
flaccid!info babytrans | eagles051387514:10
ubotueagles0513875: babytrans: Front-end to use the dictionaries from Babylon Translator. In component multiverse, is extra. Version 0.9.1-0.3ubuntu3 (gutsy), package size 55 kB, installed size 244 kB14:10
jessy_jamestake the ktranslation14:10
giuseppeflaccid: so you had problems too?14:10
flaccid!find translation14:11
ubotuFound: pkgstriptranslations, psi-translations, trans-de-en, zope-plonetranslations14:11
eagles0513875kool kool14:11
flaccidgiuseppe: yeah but maybe we need dictionaries installed. but on mine at least the gui launched14:11
ramiardchoille: my paste is up14:11
giuseppeflaccid: well, I have dictionaire installed14:12
giuseppethe problem is that before dictionaire installed GUI started... but now not14:12
eagles0513875flaccid: its formatted now i still cant see it in storage its a usb external laptop hard drive14:12
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flaccidunplug it then plug it back in again then check dmesg and also /var/log/syslog and /var/log/messages14:13
flaccidthen check sudo fdisk -l to see if it is in there14:13
giuseppejessy_james: so, ktranslation is good?14:13
eagles0513875flaccid its not there:(14:13
flaccidwhat came up in dmesg14:14
eagles0513875nm it came up14:14
jessy_jamesyes,she do the pronunciation,14:14
MikeLowrey_14046someone can help me pls? i got a problem. here is a screen http://www.pennergame.de/ref.php?refid=925014914:15
giuseppejessy_james: cool, and u know if it support eng2ita?14:15
jessy_jamessi giuseppe14:15
ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!14:15
giuseppejessy_james:  but you know italian or u are using ktranslator ;-)  ?14:16
jessy_jamesuse the dictionary of babytrans14:17
eagles0513875flaccid: for some reason the files i want to copy im being denied access 214:17
giuseppejessy_james: well I c... u use babylon and suggest me ktranslator... cool eheh... by the way, I'm instsalling it14:18
flaccid!ntfs | eagles051387514:18
ubotueagles0513875: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE14:18
flaccid!fstab | eagles051387514:18
ubotueagles0513875: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions14:18
eagles0513875flaccid: just reformatted it in ext314:18
flaccidi would recommend and fstab entry with user option14:18
eagles0513875flaccid: its not even seeing the drive14:19
eagles0513875in fstab14:19
flaccidyou have to add it to fstab14:19
flaccideagles0513875: goto disks and file systems in system settings and see if you can enable it in there perhaps14:20
flaccidmay require an fstab entry there however14:20
eagles0513875flaccid: there is my problem didnt specify mount pt in qtparted14:21
flaccidah ok cool14:22
eagles0513875i love downloading at bout 640kbps14:25
eagles0513875flaccid: :) its working now14:29
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=== paolo__ is now known as paolo___
eagles0513875flaccid: is samba rather easy to setup14:29
flaccidyes and no14:29
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eagles0513875whats the no part lol14:30
flaccidthere are a couple of gotyas particularly in a mixed environment14:30
ubotusamba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT14:30
flaccidthere are many guides/resources on the net, and im familar with a lot of the common issues14:30
eagles0513875cuz i would like to access stuff i put on here especially since im goin to have to transfer all my data off my laptop14:31
eagles0513875have to take it in for an issue with one of the fans and i cant stay without it when i go back to europe for school. so my dad is going to buy me a new one14:31
eagles0513875flaccid: what would be necessary with apt and the dist upgrade to actually work without errors14:32
flaccideagles0513875: knowledge of the error14:32
eagles0513875lol like i have a feeling that that is probably what caused my issue14:33
eagles0513875what i dont get is why suddenly out of the blue when it was working fine yesterday14:33
flaccidhal and ubuntu are not perfect for starters14:33
eagles0513875flaccid: thats true but they have come a long way since edgy14:34
flaccidhard to say much difference there in this respect14:34
eagles0513875flaccid: when i first tried to do it from edgy to feisty it broke my whole setup at least now it works with some slight bugs14:35
flaccidum thats a big generalisation. there are a lot of variables to consider. i've done upgrades from all release, even from dapper to gutsy direct14:35
eagles0513875i thought u couldnt do that14:36
flaccidnah you can14:36
eagles0513875what i read when gutsy first came out on the wiki they said they dont recommend it14:36
flaccidput it this way, a lot of upgrades are not graceful, so you need to have pkg knowledge on how to fix problems and move on. i've done some graceful upgrades that are far apart in terms of versions. this is usually when have not installed any extra packages from base install14:37
eagles0513875i wish i had more time for linux14:38
eagles0513875especially being an IT major14:38
flaccidim a freebsd user preferably14:39
eagles0513875whats the performance like with freebsd14:39
sigmajust do a little everyday! im studying acounting and i make time for it:)14:39
eagles0513875sigma: whats harder is im only in usa for next 2 weeks until just after the new yr then i head back to europe for school.14:39
ubotu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!14:39
eagles0513875sry juss14:40
eagles0513875well im off for now to do a completely clean install14:40
eagles0513875and god willingly fix my rez issues14:40
flaccidexcellent performanced14:40
sigmadoes ubuntu studio have a irc channel?14:43
jhutchinssigma: well, #ubuntu14:43
jussi01sigma: yes, #ubuntustudio14:44
aroAnyone else timing out on us.archive.ubuntu.com repository?14:44
aroI can't even load ubuntu.com :(14:44
flaccidboth work for me14:45
aroUgh it's gotta be me then14:45
flaccidmost likely14:45
jussi01works fine here14:45
bahmanHi all, I'm a new user of Kubuntu!14:45
jussi01bahman: how can we help?14:45
flaccidheya bahman14:45
bahmanIt's my first time to connect to internet14:46
aroWeird though, I can visit any other page14:46
bahmanmy web browser dose not connected!14:46
bahmanhi jussi0114:46
sigmaaro: can u load packages.ubuntu.com? or http://mirror.ac.za?14:46
arosigma, nope14:47
sigmaaro: you can't load www.mirror.ac.za?14:47
RoeyI've just now upgraded to Gutsy from Feisty and notice that Direct Rendering in X has been disabled....what's with that??  (intel 810 graphics here)14:47
jussi01!dri | Roey14:47
ubotuRoey: dri is direct rendering infrastructure, a framework for allowing direct access to graphics hardware under the X Window System in a safe and efficient manner.14:47
arosigma, yes i can load that, but not packages.ubuntu.com14:47
sigmaaro: go to the ubuntu section in there - its a south african mirror of packages.ubuntu.com14:48
bahmanI couldnt connect to webpages with Konqueror?!14:49
bahmancould anyone help me please?!14:49
Roeyjussi01:   ah thanks, I know--what I'm trying to find out is why it's disabled here.  Intel_agp module has been loaded; drm kernel module is also loadded.14:49
poison__are u behind a proxy14:49
poison__can u connect using firefox14:49
bahmanI'm a new user!14:50
bahmanwhere is firefox?!14:50
bahmanI think I have not firefox14:50
Samybahman: sudo apt-get install firefox14:50
velho_bahman: kmenu>internet14:50
velho_its not there?14:50
sigmaits not installed by default14:50
Roeyoh, funny14:51
RoeyLimkor in hebrew  means "to sell"14:51
bahmanI have not firefox, and couldn't install it!14:51
Samybahman: sudo apt-get install firefox14:52
velho_bahman: sudo apt-get install firefox14:52
bahmanIt isn't anyway to connect with konqueror?!14:52
velho_bahman: open the konsole and type that line...14:52
bahmanI type it14:52
jpatrickbahman: there must be something funky with your config14:52
bahmanbut this smg:14:52
bahmansudo apt-get install firefox14:52
velho_and then use your pass14:53
bahmanReading package lists... Done14:53
bahmanBuilding dependency tree14:53
bahmanReading state information... Done14:53
bahmanPackage firefox is not available, but is referred to by another package.14:53
bahmanThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or14:53
bahmanis only available from another source14:53
bahmanE: Package firefox has no installation candidate14:53
jpatrick!paste | bahman14:53
ubotubahman: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)14:53
flaccid!info firefox14:53
ubotufirefox: lightweight web browser based on Mozilla. In component main, is optional. Version (gutsy), package size 8969 kB, installed size 26024 kB14:53
flaccidbahman: please do a sudo apt-get update14:54
flaccidif you have the same problem then pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list14:54
Samyany way not to have the nfs user as nobody?14:55
flaccid!nfs | Samy14:55
ubotuSamy: nfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.14:55
flacciddoes it say in there Samy ?14:56
Samythx ;)14:56
Samyanother thing: every network acces on my gutsy sever (ssh, ftp, vnc, ...) has a 10 seconds login delay... any idea?14:57
kaminixHmm... what ripping programs are there except k3b? It won't rip one of my CDs, and it doesn't give any errors.14:57
flaccidSamy: is that when using hostname or ip with the ssh command?14:57
Samyflaccid: both14:58
ubotuTo rip an Audio CD in KDE, put it in and then put audiocd:// in the Konqueror URL bar; it's configurable in system settings. Also see http://tinyurl.com/2x7qsh14:58
flaccidwhat about when pinging ?14:58
Samyflaccid: immediate14:59
flaccidso this is like on the local lan ?14:59
eshatwhere do i have to copy my homepage on my local server ???14:59
flaccid!lamp | eshat14:59
ubotueshat: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)14:59
flaccideshat: you want to run a webserver?15:00
eshatflaccid: yes15:00
flaccidsee above15:00
ubotuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)15:00
bahmanIs there anyway to browse internet with konqueror?! How could I online with this browser?!15:00
Samyflaccid: yes local lan15:00
flaccidbahman: what is the error konqueror returns15:00
flaccidSamy: pastebin a traceroute please15:00
Samyflaccid: don't know how to do that... :(15:01
flaccidsudo apt-get install traceroute to install it and then say traceroute
bahmanIt is:  An error occurred while loading http://google.com/:   Could not connect to host http://google.com/.15:01
kurthow to use .tcl files ??15:02
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about tcl - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi15:03
flaccidlearn tcl i guess15:03
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flaccidprobably need to install the package tclx8.315:04
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Samyflaccid: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/49535/15:06
Samyflaccid: nothing special...15:06
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flaccidand you say you have this delay when doing a ssh ?15:07
Samysomthing with ipv6?15:07
Samyor backward dns?15:08
flaccidnot sure. it does look like the problem is the dest computer, which is what ubuntu gutsy or something?15:08
flaccidit shouldn't use reverse dns i don't think15:08
flaccidmaybe disable ipv615:08
Samyi already did somethinglike that some time ago15:09
Samyhad latency in konqueror15:09
Samythen disabled ipv615:09
Samyand everything went ok15:09
Samybut remote connections logins areslow...15:09
flaccidnot sure what the problem is or how to troubleshoot :(15:10
Samyalsowhat about vnc beeing horibly slow?15:10
BluesKajHowdy Folks , just dropped in for a few mins to wish everyone a Merry Christmas ! and a Happy New Year!15:11
flaccidthats a mystery too i guess15:11
flaccidheya BluesKaj15:11
BluesKajhi flaccid15:11
bahmanHelp me, I really couldn't browse internet!15:11
BluesKajand if you don't celebrate christmas ...goodwill towards all15:12
shaffy_ho ho ho everyone15:12
SamyBluesKaj: can you ping www.google.com?15:12
adaranis anyone familiar with the way ubuntu starts/stops services (initd, upstart, sysv init?)15:13
Samyadaran: go ahead15:13
jussi01!anyone | adaran15:13
ubotuadaran: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?15:13
adaranwell i'm wondering how it works at the moment. if i'm right, upstart is in place and emulating sys v init?15:13
adaranjussi01: mainly because noone usually knows an answer to my question =)15:14
kurtwhere can i change the dosbox file15:14
ubotuUpstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/15:14
adaranjussi01: that's what i'm reading at the moment. it's a bit sparse though15:14
jussi01adaran: is there a particular reason you are wondering?15:15
jussi01adaran: is it for development of some sort?15:15
adaranmainly, i'm wondering if there's a clean way to disable services (prevent some daemons to be startet at runlevel X) in a daemon/packagea agnostic way (= i don't wat to mess with /etc/defaults on a per package basis) so that these settings persist15:16
jpatrickadaran: sudo update-rc.d <service> remove15:16
adaranso far i'm guessing i have to do it in a sysv way (because upstart does replicate its behavior)? a configuration option of "don't add anything to my startup sequence without asking" would be nice, too =)15:16
adaranjpatrick: looked into that - however, does that only remove the links from rc?.d15:17
jpatrickadaran: yes, but that removes it from boot15:17
adaranjpatrick: sometimes packages re-add those though15:17
adaranjpatrick: (i think) - usually, i remove those by hand, but sometimes (after dist-upgrade) they reappear15:17
adaranso, any suggestions?15:19
bazhangkurt: the dosbox file? you mean a game?15:20
kurti mean where i can change resolution and drive15:20
kurtor a good dosbox frontend is good too15:20
bazhangkurt: have you run  it yet? there is a builtin help system15:21
kurttoo complicated, i know there is a file to change it manually15:22
jussi01hi bahman15:23
bahmanIn Add/Remove programs15:23
bahmanI couldn't install a program, such as firefox!15:24
jussi01bahman: did it give you an error?15:24
Samybahman: K > System > Adept Manager15:25
bahmanNo, they are just inaactive!15:25
jussi01bahman: see what Samy said...15:25
bahmanI couldnt click on them!15:25
BluesKajbahman, installing browsers usually takes a reboot afterwards ...It's not supposed to but it seems to work15:25
SamyBluesKaj: never happened to me...15:26
BluesKajyeah, me neither15:26
BluesKajbahman try installing FF with adept pkg manager15:26
=== ForeverZero is now known as sea4ever
bahmanI open Adept Manager15:27
bahmanIt seems firefox is installed! but I couldnt run it!15:28
jussi01bahman: is it in k-> internet -> firefox ?15:28
jpatrickbahman: is it not in the menu?^^15:28
bahmanNo it's not there!15:28
Samybahman: alt+f2 > firefox15:28
BluesKajbahman , is it listed under 'internet' in the Kmenu ?15:28
timi installed kubuntu 7.10. whats the name of the package, which has all the important codecs like mp3 or xvid etc in it?15:29
TuxManit is in menu, just says when i run in konsole:15:29
TuxManezra@twister:~$ firefoxX Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 171  Major opcode:  149  Minor opcode:  3  Resource id:  0x0Failed to open deviceX Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 171  Major opcode:  149  Minor opcode:  3  Resource id:  0x0Failed to open device(firefox-bin:7780): Gtk-CRITICAL **: gtk_widget_get_parent_window: assertion `GTK_IS_WIDGET (widget)' failed(firefox-bin:7780): Gdk-CRITICAL15:29
TuxManULL' failed(firefox-bin:7780): Gtk-CRITICAL **: gtk_widget_get_parent: assertion `GTK_IS_WIDGET (widget)' failedSegmentation fault (core dumped)15:29
jussi01!paste | TuxMan15:29
ubotuTuxMan: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)15:29
bahmanNo, it is not listed in my 'internet' in the Kmenu!!!15:29
Samybahman: type "which firefox" in a konsole15:29
bazhangtim: kubuntu-restricted-extras15:29
jussi01!mp3 | TuxMan15:30
ubotuTuxMan: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats15:30
TuxManalso: I can't get KDE 4 running15:30
TuxManI installed the new packages15:30
TuxManbut KDE 4 didnt appear in kdm login screen15:31
jpatrickTuxMan: you have done everything the rc2 page says15:31
jussi01!kde4 | TuxMan did you follow these instrutions?15:31
ubotuTuxMan did you follow these instrutions?: KDE 4 is the next major release of the K Desktop Environment. For more information see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KDE_4 - The Release Schedule is available at http://techbase.kde.org/Schedules/KDE4/4.0_Release_Schedule - RC 2 packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde4-rc2.php15:31
TuxManok let me check if i missed any packages15:31
jpatrickTuxMan: you missed a command15:32
timi have a 5.1 soundsystem but just the "front speakers" work. what do i have to do to have full surround support15:32
TuxManthe export thingy?15:32
bahmanCould you tell me which OS is better for new linux users such as me (Ubuntu or Kubuntu)?!15:32
jpatrickbahman: they are both the same15:33
TuxManKubuntu is best because it is most like windows15:33
jussi01bahman: either - both have good and bad bits.15:33
bahmanI know15:33
BluesKajbahman , have you tried rebooting ?15:33
bahmanbut I couldn't browse webpages in Kubuntu!15:33
TuxManyou can use Konqueror, and not firefox..15:34
TuxManmore optimized for kubuntu15:34
bahmanthanks, I rebooting and then come back15:34
BluesKajkonqueror is a VG browser , actually safer than any others15:34
timi have a 5.1 soundsystem but just the "front speakers" work. what do i have to do to have full surround support15:34
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about easyapt - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi15:35
hydrogenwhats the auto generated sources.list factoid?15:35
BluesKajI use FF for some sites, due to the HTML code being weird, but very few require it now15:35
hydrogenfoubdn it15:35
TuxManack can someone please help me run KDE 4??15:36
adarantim: configure alsa =)15:36
TuxManI have all the dev packages but not listed in KDM!15:36
BluesKajtim , open 'alsamixer' in the konsole and unmute and set your vol ctrls there for center and surround15:37
timthanks. ill try that15:37
TuxManim gonna try to get on KDE 4.. brb15:38
timbrb rebooz15:39
TuxManno, it did not work!15:40
TuxManI cant dang boot KDE 4!15:41
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TuxMancan someone help me??15:41
TuxManIs there anybody out there...15:42
TuxManhuh? what?15:43
ubotuKDE 4 is the next major release of the K Desktop Environment. For more information see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KDE_4 - The Release Schedule is available at http://techbase.kde.org/Schedules/KDE4/4.0_Release_Schedule - RC 2 packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde4-rc2.php15:43
bazhangTuxMan: you might want to try the live cd15:43
TuxMani dont have any writable cds handy tho15:43
TuxMani'd have to go out and buy em15:43
BluesKajwhat's the kde help chat ?15:44
hydrogenTuxMan: whaats not working with it?15:44
TuxManI cant boot KDE4 from login screen (KDM)15:44
adaranTuxMan: what packages did you install from where?15:45
TuxManthe source on the kubuntu wiki...15:45
adaranTuxMan: that would be?15:45
TuxManppa.launchpad or sumtin like that15:45
adaranTuxMan: more exact?15:46
TuxManok wait15:47
TuxManhttp://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-members-kde4/ubuntu gutsy main15:48
TuxMan?_? bamboozled15:48
adaranTuxMan: can you do a $ dpkg -l | grep kde15:48
adaranTuxMan: and copy & paste the output to pastebin.com ?15:49
TuxManokey dokey15:49
eagles051387flaccid: im back everything seems to be back to normal15:50
TuxManposted it, adaran15:51
adaranTuxMan: well now you only need to tell me the link =)15:52
adaranTuxMan: you don't seem to have kde4 installed...15:53
adaranTuxMan: ah nevermind15:53
adaranTuxMan: there's like a gazillion different naming schemes there =)15:53
TuxMan... thats what repos are for =P15:53
adaranTuxMan: which meta package did you install explicitly?15:54
adaranTuxMan: that won't do15:54
TuxManand other15:55
adaranTuxMan: there should be a meta-package with all dependencies you need15:55
TuxManyeah. kdebase-bin installed like a thousand packages15:55
adaranTuxMan: kdebase-workspace kdebase-kde4 kdebase-runtime15:56
adaranTuxMan: those look more like what you need15:56
TuxMani installed those.15:57
adaranTuxMan: try installing those - if that does _not_ install extra packages, nevermind.15:57
adaranTuxMan: did you restart your x-server (you did, if you rebooted)15:57
adaranTuxMan: ?15:57
TuxManyes i did like 3 times15:57
maduserI can't boot kubuntu15:57
maduserI need to set grub back to the defult15:57
maduseris it hd1 insted of hd0?15:58
adaranTuxMan: $ ls /usr/share/apps/kdm/sessions/15:58
BluesKajmaduser , pastebin your /boot/grub/menu.lst15:58
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)15:59
adaranTuxMan: woups, wrong folder15:59
adaranTuxMan: $ ls /usr/share/xsessions/15:59
adaranTuxMan: see what's in there15:59
maduserthats the grub15:59
TuxMane-gnome.desktop  enlightenment.desktop  kde.desktope-kde.desktop    Enlightenment.desktop15:59
TuxManwtf i dont have enlightenment!15:59
TuxManbetter rm those enlightenment ones16:00
adaranTuxMan: bad idea16:00
adaranTuxMan: because you don't cp/rm/whatever outside of home =)16:00
adaranTuxMan: find out what put them there16:00
adaranTuxMan: then remove the package.16:00
adaranTuxMan: anyway - try opening a console, type in startk<tab> and see if there's another completion other then startkde16:01
adaranTuxMan: maybe startkde4 or something similiar?16:01
adaranTuxMan: wait a second, did you follow the instructions at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde4-rc2.php16:02
adaranTuxMan: ?16:02
adaranTuxMan: you didn't uninstall the packages though16:03
adaranTuxMan: ii  kdelibs5                               4:3.96.0-1ubuntu2~gutsy2~ppa116:03
adaranTuxMan: that's from your dpkg output16:03
TuxMan=O i still have that?16:03
TuxManOK its killing the old KDE 416:04
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about brokenkde - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi16:04
DragnslcrHm, what was that factoid16:04
maduserany ides?16:05
TuxManOK, well, it killed the old version!16:05
TuxMantime to redo those instructions16:05
ubotuIf you're having trouble installing KDE4, in a !Terminal run: « sudo apt-get --purge remove $(dpkg -l | grep "4:3.97.0" |awk '{print $2}') » then run « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » - After that install KDE4 as normal16:05
DragnslcrThere ya go16:05
adaranmaduser: what's your problem again?16:05
maduserThe grub won't boot16:05
maduserbut everything else is fine16:06
adaranmaduser: be a little more specific please16:06
maduserthe grub is set to another hard drive16:07
maduseri need to set it back to the internal had16:07
maduseri need to set it back to the internal hd16:07
maduserI am getting a grub error 2216:08
adaranmaduser: but the grub menu loads?16:08
TuxManBRB! time to check if KDE4 runs now!16:09
maduserit just gets an error 2216:09
jhutchinsmaduser: Which HD is your installation on?16:09
timhey, i have problems with windows fonts (dunno which exactly) in wine, how can i install them in kubuntu?16:09
jhutchinsmaduser: The /boot partition16:09
adaranmaduser: my guess is you need to reinstall grub16:09
jhutchins!fonts | tim16:10
ubotutim: Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer16:10
adaranmaduser: run grub as root, type in root (hdX,Y), setup (hdX)16:10
jhutchinsadaran: You're forgetting we don't generally run as root in ubuntu.16:10
adaranjhutchins: well, installing a boot loader is quite hard without root priviledges.16:11
jhutchinsmaduser: I thought you wanted help?16:11
madusernever mind got super grub16:11
jhutchinsWell, merry Christmas everybody16:12
|HellTiger|hi all16:12
maduserits a grub restor16:12
adaransuper grub?16:12
kurti want to add  an extra hdd to my pc for dos format16:12
kurtwhat would be the best way to do this please16:12
adarankurt: buy it and put it in?16:13
adaranmaduser: that looks a bit ... well, weird =)16:13
ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Kubuntu, go to System Settings -> Advanced Tab -> Disks & Filesystem. See also !fstab and !DiskMounter16:13
|HellTiger|i will install kubuntu now for my parents. the problem is they have at moment modem 65k internet with aol and crashed windows.  i have only the kubuntu CD, are there any more needs to install kubuntu? must i have some files before i can run this modem?16:14
adaran|HellTiger|: you won't be happy with 64k...16:14
kurtadaran: want to know for dual boot16:14
|HellTiger|adaran: they need it for email, not more.16:14
adaran|HellTiger|: still you'd want the occasional security update. but regarding your question: the ubuntu installation cd should suffice16:15
|HellTiger|is on the kunbuntu cd everything i need to install and run this modem? so like suse?16:15
adaran|HellTiger|: err kubuntu16:15
timin windows i used my audigy soundcard for everything but teamspeak, for which i used my onboard sound. how can i use onboard sound in kubuntu in teamspeak?16:15
adaran|HellTiger|: i'm pretty sure, but i've never owned a 64k modem, so i'm not sure =). don't expect it to be a piece a cake though (it may be, but 64k is quite rare and you'll probably have to mess with ppp and stuff)16:15
eshatwhere can i configure the steps of raising volume when I press FN+Up ???16:15
adarantim: configure alsa16:16
adarankurt: at the moment, you only have a single ubuntu installation, no windows, and now you want to put in a second harddrive and install windows on it?16:16
kurtno, i want to play doom, lxdoom , prboom, nothing works16:17
kurtcan't configure dosbox either16:17
adarankurt: and why do you want to buy a second harddrive for that?16:17
kurtso what else is left16:17
adarankurt: ah, you really do want DOS16:17
adarankurt: there's a linux port of doom, isn't there? =)16:17
kurti already have a hdd16:17
kurtwon't work16:17
kurtno linux doom works properly16:18
timadaran: how do i configure alsa and what do i have to do?16:18
adarantim: spend a few weeks hunting down the docs, write ~ 40 lines of cfg files, find out how to use the wrappers to make teamspeak use alsa (or rather, capture it's oss output and reroute it) and rejoice then it runs =)16:18
kurtif you know how to get it running with sound and full screen, please help me16:19
adarankurt: why doesn't dosbox work? i never used it though - i'm not into retro-doom =)16:19
|HellTiger|teamspeak runs nice with alsa-oss16:20
Bynwis there a way to put the hdd icon on your desktop? like it shows on a mac16:20
adarantim: seriously, it's quite complicated. it took me a few weeks to figure it out16:20
kurtconfiguring cdrom and mounting c won't work16:20
timadaran: sound pretty hard since i have kubuntu for about an hour now16:20
adarantim: hehe, yes. the problem is you want to do many things at once16:20
adarantim: you want to get an oss app to use alsa, and also configure alsa to use two soundcards properly16:20
kurtcan someone help me to configure  dosbox please16:21
timadaran: i just want to work/play as good as with win xp or better :|16:21
adarantim: you can do amazing things but you'll have to handwrite an asoundrc and such. it may or may not be complicated, also depending on your soundcard (for example, does it support hardware mixing? if yes, it makes things a lot easier)16:21
kurtit's installed but16:21
adarantim: with that attitude, you'll never be able to, sorry =)16:21
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dosbox - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi16:21
adarantim: seriously. i've "done" that, for about 2 years, played every (almost) every game i wanted on linux16:21
adarantim: it is a _serious_ effort though, getting all things to work and run16:22
adarantim: if you're not interesting in doing that work, go back to windows (not meant as a flame)16:22
adarantim: currently, i just dual boot, since i've got less time to make things work16:22
timadaran: hehe i will do my best to get things work, but its pretty hard for a beginner. i dont really know how to start16:22
adarantim: well you've picked the hardest part. most imported thing is getting to know your system. how /dev works, where you can configure alsa, what the difference between alsa and oss is, etc.16:23
|HellTiger|when i start the kubuntu cd in live version, it will conifg an internet connection. will it do it for an 65k modem too?16:23
adarantim: if you don't figure that out, everything will be voodoo to you. i have to say though, alsa's docs suck serious balls16:23
timadaran: is it so hard to integrate another soundcard for teamspeak. in windows it were 2 clicks :D btw i dont want to go back to windows ;)16:24
adarantim: i'm guessing it's because the only people that ever use the 'advanced' features are those that already know how to =)16:24
adarantim: there's OSS, the "legacy" sound system and ALSA16:24
|HellTiger|just install alsa-oss and then run in terminal "aoss teamspeak"  so u can run all oss apps with alsa16:24
adarantim: note, that's on the kernel layer, above there's backends such as xine and parallel/on top of that you can have sound daemons16:25
Jeroiteamspeak do not work with amd64 kubuntu16:25
Jeroiit usese alsa 32bit16:25
adaranteamspeak uses OSS, last time i checked16:25
Jeroialsa-oss 32bit library16:25
|HellTiger|this is better then teamspeak: http://mumble.sourceforge.net/16:25
Jeroiso amd64 useses alsa-oss 64bit16:25
Jeroiand teamspeak is not working with amd64 based ubuntu systems16:26
tim|HellTiger|:  does mumble support to connect on ts2 servers?16:26
adarantim: no, it doesn't. mumble uses it's own protocol16:26
Jeroibest coiche is to wait teamspeak3 or install 32bit if you dont already have it16:26
timi have 32bit16:26
Jeroithen you can get it working16:26
timsound good :D16:27
Jeroijust edit your teamspeak starting script16:27
adaranoh, this is going to be good =)16:27
khellli want to download skype, but i dont know what file to pick, debian Etch ,or Feisty Fawn16:27
Jeroiaoss teamspeak16:27
Jeroior try to open teamspeak with command aoss teamspeak16:27
Jeroiofcourse you need to have lib: alsa-oss installed16:28
timJeroi: ill try, im not used to linux. im sry brb16:28
adarantim: won't do what you need. that'll only (maybe) make it run on the same card everything else runs on16:28
adarantim: but if that's enough, give it a shot =)16:28
Jeroiand ofocurse you need to open kmix and make your mic not muted16:29
Jeroithis is just guessing16:29
JeroiI am using amd64 bit system16:29
Jeroiand I fought 1 day with teamspeak client16:30
timhm i actually wanted to use my onboard sound for ts2. i can use other sound drivers within teamspeak. will that help?16:30
Jeroicould not get mic and sound working16:30
Jeroiwhat is your problem?16:30
adarantim: no. but every 5 minutes some guy will tell you to 'just use aoss' =)16:31
adarantim: seriously, go looking for alsa docs, write an asoundrc. then see if you can get speaker-test to run on different devices16:31
adarantim: after that, cat some alsa devices nodes to ensure the mics work16:31
timi want to use onboard sound (-> headset) for teamspeak and the other (audigy2) card for the rest like games and music16:31
adarantim: then add dsp0/dsp1/whatever devices to the asoundrc16:32
adarantim: i have the exact same setup (onboard sound for teamspeak using headset, audigy 2 for sound output), it's possible, but, as i said a bit complicated16:32
adarantim: unfortunately, i'm not at home, otherwise i could send you the asoundrc =/16:32
=== erich_ is now known as erichj
timadaran: hm i guess at the moment thats too hard for me coz i didnt understand everything u said etc, can i use ur asoundrc or do i have to configure a lot myself? mb u could send me the file per mail16:34
adarantim: i won't be able to get hands on that file before jan 4th or so16:34
adarantim: you won't be able to use my aoundrc directly, but IF you knew how alsa worked, you should be able to figure out yourself, what to do - however, as i said, it WILL take hours for you to get anywhere =)16:35
timah k, then i will give my best to work it out myself :) hard day for me, the whole linux world opens for me16:35
adarantim: what game do you want to play btw?16:36
timwarcraft 3 (dota)16:36
adarantim: oh and one word of advice: never buy ATI cards =)16:36
adarantim: haha16:36
adarantim: that's funny =)16:36
adarantim: because that is EXACTLY what i do/used to do16:36
timhave a 7800gt nvidia16:36
adarantim: 2 soundcards, DOTA through cedega, teamspeak on onboard sound =)16:36
adarantim: well, okay, to be honest, mine is a _bit_ different, now that i remember it16:37
timhm then ure THE guy for me :D16:37
adarantim: i use the rear outs (surround) of the onboard sound for the headset, mic in for the teamspeak headset mic, the front speaker jack for the desktop speakers and the audigy only does 5.1 surround when watching movie on my TV16:37
adarantim: however, once you get all that set up, it's quite easy to move things around =)16:38
timadaran: do u have icq? would be nice to get youre nr to contact u in 1-2 weeks again16:38
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adarantim: i'd prefer jabber16:38
adarantim: can i query you?16:38
timadaran: y try, hope it works. i am not really used to konversation etc ^16:39
adarantim: ah well, nevermind, it's currently blocked due to spam =/16:39
adarantim: what instant messenger do you use?16:39
timcurrently i only have icq: 13558831816:40
jussi01!register | tim16:42
ubotutim: By default, only registered users can send private messages - Information about  registering your Freenode nick can be found at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration16:42
=== erich_ is now known as erichj
BobSappwhats that kdewizard that starts when you first run kde?16:50
BobSappi need to put my settings on the lowest level16:50
jpatrickBobSapp: kpersonalizer I think16:50
jpatrickBobSapp: but I think that was removed from Kubuntu for usability16:51
BobSappyeah thats it thanks16:52
BobSappI probably have it because I installed kde from a Ubuntu install16:52
jpatrickBobSapp: Kubuntu KDE packages are Ubuntu KDE package16:53
Jay-Oh-Endoes the iFlip work on linux16:54
BobSappah well :)16:54
Jay-Oh-EnMerry Christmas16:54
nosrednaekimyou can install it16:55
nosrednaekimapt-get install kpersonalizer16:56
BluesKajMerry Christmas , BobSapp, Jay-Oh-En17:01
Jay-Oh-EnBluesKaj: thanks you too17:04
jussi01!hi | hari_17:07
ubotuhari_: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!17:07
hari_I currently have Kubuntu 6.10 and would like to upgrade to Kubuntu 7.10 without downloading the entire CD image. Can somebody please tell me how I can do that?17:08
nosrednaekimhari_: you'd have to upgrade through 7.0417:09
limaca couple of days ago while I was using blender and there came a warning (something like slow keys or something) and I clicked ok, and from then on if i typed in anything, it wasn't showing up, so i had to re-install kubuntu. how can I fix this problem?17:10
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hari_ok so how can I do that?17:10
ubotuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes17:11
hari_ok let me check :)17:11
nosrednaekimlimac: you need to turn off slow keys..17:11
nosrednaekimlimac: I think its in accesibility.17:11
limacwhere's that?17:12
nosrednaekimin system settings17:12
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nosrednaekimNM... its not there17:13
limacso then where is it17:13
nosrednaekimlimac: try pressing shift for about 10 seconds.17:14
limacnosrednaekim: a dialog box shows up17:14
nosrednaekimlimac: is it the same dialog box?17:14
limacnosrednaekim; yeah, so what do i do in it?17:15
nosrednaekimlimac: do you still have problem with slow-keys?17:15
limacnot now17:15
nosrednaekimoh ok... well make sure you press no to that..17:16
limacbut used to before when the entire keyboard was like say deactivated17:16
MGalaxyHello, I need a TimeOrganizer software, could anyone help me?17:16
nosrednaekimlimac: yeah, I'm not sure how to get out of that mode.17:16
nosrednaekimlimac: pressing shit for a while may bring it the dialog up again17:17
TuxManhi adaran! It still doesnt work17:17
jotiGalaxy -> try kontact17:17
nosrednaekimMGalaxy: try Korganizer17:17
nosrednaekimwhich is in kontact....17:18
TuxManadaran: KDE4 RC 2 stil dont work17:18
TuxMan :-[  :-( I wna try KDE4!17:19
MGalaxynosrednaekim: joti: thx, sorry if asked noob question :D17:19
nosrednaekimMGalaxy: no problem.... the only dumb question is the one never asked17:19
nosrednaekimTuxMan: whats wrong with it?17:19
TuxManI still can't boot it from KDM, tho i got a lot of advice from adaran17:20
jotino prob17:20
nosrednaekimTuxMan: try this "touch .kde4/share/config/startupconfig"17:20
TuxManOK, should i pastebin it?17:21
TuxManno such file or directory.17:21
nosrednaekimyou ran that command?17:22
nosrednaekimTuxMan: do you have a .kde4 DIR?17:25
pastorhola a todos17:25
TuxMani dont think so, but i g2g. cya l8er.17:25
pastorkubuntu español?17:26
ubotuSi busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.17:26
hari_nosrednaekim thankyou for helping me I think this upgrade will be a long process...17:28
nosrednaekimhari_: oh it will. It'd probably be easier/shorter to just go and reinstall17:28
hari_I have one more doubt how do you get to play these mp3 files in Kubuntu?17:29
nosrednaekimhari_: sudo apt-get install libxine-ffmpeg17:30
hari_should I do that after the upgrade or can I do it now?17:30
limacnosrednaekim: thnx a lot dude!17:31
hari_ok thank you once again :-)17:31
nosrednaekimlimac: wat.... did... I do....17:31
limacnosrednaekim: u helped me remember, with the slo keys problem, i figured out the rest17:31
nosrednaekimoh.. ok17:32
nosrednaekimno problem then :D17:32
hari_ E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavail                                                              able) E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another proc                                                              ess using it?17:32
hari_ooops sorry17:32
hari_it showed the above error^^^17:32
nosrednaekimhari_: umm do you have adept open?17:32
hari_yes the upgrade one17:32
nosrednaekimyeah, you have to close that in order to get something with apt-get17:33
hari_ok so i will do it after the upgrade which is in progress :-)17:33
hari_I have to go now and get some sleep while the system updates thank you and bye :-)17:34
nosrednaekimok... bye17:34
sfearsdoes anyone know anything about banshee17:35
misslissa699626Does anyone have a good challenge for a semi-begining kubntu fan??17:39
misslissa699626I need a goal to work toward17:39
misslissa699626already figured out beryl17:39
alexbobpis there an easy way to make kde work with compiz-fusion yet?17:39
BluesKajmisslissa699626, then you may be able help those who haven't17:39
misslissa699626I am running kde and compiz works fine17:40
misslissa699626let me look up the web site i used17:40
misslissa699626do you already have it installed ALEXBOBP17:42
misslissa699626and just want to configure it17:42
misslissa699626and what exatly do you want to configure17:42
misslissa699626that site will help you install compiz17:43
alexbobpmisslissa699626: Yes, I have kubuntu and ubuntu and I can use compiz from gnome17:43
alexbobpI need to make it work with the kde17:43
alexbobpmisslissa699626: I have compiz-fusion installed from the repos right now.  should I uninstall that first?17:45
excapadeanyone there17:47
excapadei need some assistance17:47
alexbobpask your question17:47
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)17:47
excapadei cant get my atheros wlan to work17:48
alexbobpcan you be more specific?17:48
alexbobpdo you have a devfs device for it?17:48
excapademy wlan card on my laptop dosent work17:48
alexbobpexcapade: a start would be giving the model of laptop, the model of card, or the symtoms of it not owrking17:49
excapadei have an MSI laptop ER71017:50
excapadewith a atheros wireless card17:50
excapadebut i cant seem to get it to work17:50
alexbobpokay.  do you have a /dev/wlan0?17:50
excapade.....well..how do i find that out17:50
misslissa699626alexbobp here is another good web site to help you out17:50
excapadei tried using the madwifi but that dosent work either17:51
alexbobpexcapade: Have you tried knetworkmanager?17:51
alexbobpmisslissa699626: thanks17:51
alexbobpdoes knetworkmanager fail to recognize the device, fail to recognize any networks, or fail to connect to a network?17:52
excapadei get17:53
excapadecritical error17:53
excapadecannot find any wireless network interface17:54
excapadecode :-317:54
alexbobpexcapade: if you can't find Linux drivers, you can use windows drivers and ndiswrapper17:55
excapadefrom adept manager?17:55
alexbobpuse adept to get ndiswrapper and get the windows drivers from the manufacturer's website17:57
excapadei will do that17:57
excapadewill get back to u if it dosent work17:57
drofanHi!Does anybody know where i can get packages of kde4 built for svn?18:05
drofan>from svn18:06
madusermy removable hard drive thinks its swap18:06
madusercan I wipe a usb hard drive somehow?18:06
maduserwhen the device is not found?18:07
erichjkind of hard18:07
BluesKajmaduser, just delete the files18:07
erichjBluesKaj: if it's not mounted he cant18:07
BluesKajyeah, didn't catch that18:07
madusera remoavble usb drive18:08
maduserits mounted as swap18:08
BluesKajmaduser, got windows?18:08
erichjwhy in gods name would you do that?18:08
maduserI have no clue how it happened18:08
ubuntu_qualcuno italiano?18:09
ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!18:09
madusernow its using the hd as swap memory18:09
BluesKajdid you have the drive plugged in whem you installed kubuntu18:09
madusertried to install kubuntu on it18:09
BobSappis there anything like charmap for linux / kde18:12
_Angelus_how can i create /dev/kqemu?18:12
BluesKajmaduser, unplug it , repartition the internal drive to have a 2G or so, swap at the end of the drive18:14
jpatrick@hello | qemqemqem18:19
jussi01!hi | qemqemqem18:19
ubotuqemqemqem: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!18:19
jpatrickah, wrong bot :)18:20
qemqemqemhey, is there a way to update from Ubuntu 6.06 to 7.10 without reinstalling from CD?18:20
qemqemqemto Kubuntu 7.10, ideally18:20
jussi01qemqemqem: yes, but you need to upgrade to 7.04 first18:20
ubotuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes18:21
jussi01qemqemqem: you cant go edgy - gutsy in one go18:22
qemqemqemoh thanks18:22
qemqemqembut, I have to burn a CD for that18:22
ScottGnot necessarily..18:23
ThingusWhat port does NFS server listen on?18:23
dorkfaceOdd, the values between what I picked up on "/proc/acpi/battery/BAT0/info" and "/proc/acpi/battery/BAT0/state" do not match up with KDE's power manager18:23
qemqemqemanother question: I have an Ubuntu 6.06 CD (that I ordered) installing on a new laptop.  Is it normal for the installer to hang on partitioning for a while?18:23
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dorkfaceCLI says I have 91% left, power manager says I have 96% left18:24
jussi01qemqemqem: how long are we talking about?18:24
qemqemqem10+ minutes?18:24
jussi01qemqemqem: how large is your disk?18:24
jussi01qemqemqem: maybe then18:25
jussi01it is formatting and stuff18:25
qemqemqemthere's Vista sitting on the disk, I'd rather not erase that18:25
qemqemqemok, thanks18:25
malfiI installed a vanilla hardy alpha 2 and followed the instructions on http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde4-rc2.php except of using gutsy I added "deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-members-kde4/ubuntu hardy main". I ran apt-get update, apt-get dist-upgrade, and then the proposed command: apt-get install kdebase-workspace kdebase-kde4 kdebase-runtime ... first of all, I don't get a warning about the unsigned packages, so I wonder18:26
malfiif this repos is added correctly, secondly I get a "kdebase-kde4 has unmet dependencies... depends (a bunch of packages)"... any hint, what I did wrong?18:26
jussi01!brokenkde4 | malfi18:28
ubotumalfi: If you're having trouble installing KDE4, in a !Terminal run: « sudo apt-get --purge remove $(dpkg -l | grep "4:3.97.0" |awk '{print $2}') » then run « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » - After that install KDE4 as normal18:28
sfearsdoes anyone in here use grip?18:28
malfiubotu: gonna try that, but as it's a virgin hardy, I guess thare are nor preinstalled kde4 packages18:29
malfijussi01: & unbreakkde4?18:30
jussi01!bot | malfi18:30
ubotumalfi: I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots18:30
jussi01sfears: I dont, but whats the issue?18:30
sfearsi can't figure out where it's ripping the tracks to18:31
sfearsi've looked all thru the settings and don't see a path18:31
ubotugrip is a ripping player and has a minor bug which can be solved by doing this "sudo ln -s /dev/hdX /dev/cdromN" where X is your hard drive and N a number18:31
madusergot to look for a program that wipes a usb driev on boot18:32
malfisfears: you could always start grip with "strace -fe open grip"18:32
sfearsi will try.. what does that do?18:32
malfisfears: it will list all syscalls for opening files on the konsole18:32
malfisfears: so you get an idea which files is opened for reading/writing bei grip18:33
madusersfears that was for my problem not yours18:33
malfimaduser: dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/usbdrive ?18:34
sfearsalright so that opened grip how do i view the trace?18:34
sfearsit seems to have ripped & encoded but i'm not sure where it saved to18:34
malfisfears: well, you have to enter that command in a shell, like konsole18:34
qemqemqemso, what's the maximum time I should expect partitioning a 320GB HD to take?18:34
sfearsohh.. right right18:35
jussi01qemqemqem: it shouldnt have taken this long...18:36
sfearswtf.. that's way to much info in strace18:36
sfearsi just need to know where it saves to18:36
qemqemqemok, I'll ... try again18:36
sfearshow do i figure out what the location of my cdrom is?18:37
sfearsi don't see cdrom1 in lspci18:37
_Angelus_there's already a new version of kubuntu being developed?18:37
jussi01sfears: cdrom0 ?18:37
jussi01_Angelus_: of course18:37
sfearsyeah.. but how do i confirm18:38
BluesKajmalfi, have to state the obvious , but did you check your sources.list to make sure the repos are "hardy" and not 'gutsy' ?18:38
jussi01sfears: it should be in /media18:38
sfearsohhh yeah18:38
jussi01_Angelus_: there is always a new version in development18:38
malfiBluesKaj: $ grep launch /etc/apt/sources.list -> "deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-members-kde4/ubuntu hardy main"18:39
malfiBluesKaj: is there a apt-command that lists all packages provided by one repository?18:39
BluesKajmalfi or alt + F2 kdesu kate /etc/apt/sources.list18:40
ubuntu_hi all! I'm installing kubuntu 7.04. When I'll finish, could I upgrade to gutsy? (or will I upgrade feisty's packages ..then upgrade gutsy?)18:40
sfearsmy k3b isn't working.. keeps crashing when i open it... grip isn't working well for me.. kaffine only rips in ogg.. what other mp3 ripping programs are there?18:41
qemqemqemso I tried to create a partition 147.3 GB in size, and it says "failed to create enough space for installation".  Is this a common problem?18:41
spaci76ubuntu_ you can upgrade to gusty now...18:41
BluesKajubuntu , why not just install gutsy18:41
ubuntu_spaci76:  really?18:41
jotianyone tried to get uvesafb running with gutsy here?18:41
malfiBluesKaj: well, there is "deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-members-kde4/ubuntu hardy main"18:41
ubuntu_spaci76:  I'm installing feisty because I don't have gutsy cd -.-'18:41
spaci76then lets go :)18:42
ubuntu_spaci76:  how should I do it ?18:42
ubuntu_I'm installing gutsy (i'm on live cd...)18:42
jussi01!upgrade | ubuntu_18:42
ubotuubuntu_: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes18:42
ubuntu_:D feisty18:42
ubuntu_jussi01:  many thanks ;)18:42
BluesKajmalfi, any deb http... with # in front , delete the #18:42
BluesKajit's called uncommenting18:43
sfearscan someone help me figure out where grip saves files to?18:43
maduserhow could i wipe a usb drive at boot?18:44
malfiBluesKaj: uncommented all repos except the cdrom18:44
malfiBluesKaj: ran apt-get update, but kdebase-kde4 still has a bunch of unmet dependencies18:45
BluesKajowww, yer fooling with kde4 , sorry I can't help with that18:45
malfiDoes anybody know if the launchpad kde4 packages for hardy might be broken right know?18:46
spaci76jupp BluesKaj18:46
eagles051387question how do i make a copy of a conf file like my xorg.conf for instance18:47
ubuntu_eagles051387: using 'cp'18:47
eagles051387ubuntu_: cp then name of file then name of new file18:48
ubuntu_eagles051387:  cp file_to_copy /path/of/new_file18:48
spaci76cp source-file target-file18:48
ubuntu_uhm yeah18:48
eagles051387ok ty18:49
spaci76have anyone a umts connection with kppp ?18:49
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spaci76yes, umts exacting hsdpa18:53
BluesKajnot having seperate/ and /home partitions , i copy the file to gmail as backup18:54
giuseppeis there anyone that use amule?18:54
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about amule - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi18:54
BluesKajgiuseppe, yes ?18:54
BluesKajgiuseppe, I use amule ...what's your question ?18:55
FSHeroHi everyone: Merry Christmas!18:56
giuseppeBluesKaj: well, first of all I'm able to run it only by rooy18:56
BluesKajMerry Christmas , FSHero18:56
malfispaci76: you know your way around the config files in /etc/, you might want to use knetworkmanager to establish a ppp-umts-session18:56
spaci76dito ... FSHero ;)18:56
BluesKajgiuseppe, did you install it with apt in the konsole or with adept ?18:57
FSHeroThx; I thought I'd pop in to say hi.18:57
giuseppeBluesKaj: adept18:57
BluesKajgiuseppe, is it listed in the kmenu/internet18:58
spaci76my umts device is not listed by knetworkmanager.. i connected at the moment with pon18:58
giuseppeBluesKaj: by the way the problem is that when I try to download server list18:58
spaci76@ malfi18:58
giuseppeBluesKaj: it closes itself18:58
malfispaci76: create a /etc/ppp/peers/umts and /etc/ppp/peers/umts.chat then add "iface ppp0 inet ppp" "provider umts" to /etc/network/interfaces18:58
malfispaci76: restart NetworkManager and you should see it in the tray-icon of knetworkmanager18:59
BluesKajyeah, giuseppe you have to go to the amule site and download the server.met file from there18:59
spaci76uff ok ... sec18:59
giuseppeBluesKaj: please can u help me?18:59
giuseppeBluesKaj: u mean I have to add server.met in server list?19:01
giuseppeBluesKaj: done, I downloaded it19:04
giuseppeBluesKaj: and now?19:04
RogueJediXIs there a way to change the sound backend or whatever it is from artsd to something...better?19:04
BluesKajcopy it to the URL box19:04
giuseppeBluesKaj: I have a file called server.met19:05
giuseppeBluesKaj: what and where I have to copy...19:06
BluesKajgiuseppe, copy this to the URL  http://ocbmaurice.dyns.net/pl/slist.pl?download/server-best.met19:07
giuseppeBluesKaj: done, I pushed on download... and then the amule is closed19:09
giuseppeBluesKaj: I don't know why19:10
BluesKajrelogin giuseppe19:11
* dsmith_ wonders how many new people will show up here because of xmas purchases :/19:11
* BluesKaj wonders why I'm here on Christmas Day...think I need a life :)19:11
giuseppeBluesKaj: done19:12
dsmith_family is here, but talk about a bunch of screaming monkeys19:12
giuseppeBluesKaj: impossible to download server list19:12
ScottGmy little one is settling down a bit..19:13
BluesKajfamily is all over the place  , plan on a reunion next Christmas when they're all back in Canada19:13
dsmith_all my family moved away19:14
dsmith_well kinda19:14
dsmith_this is my extennded family19:14
jpatrick!ot | dsmith_19:14
ubotudsmith_: #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!19:14
dsmith_yes on topic19:14
dsmith_thank you jpatrick for reminding me19:14
BluesKajgiuseppe, ok, try adding the URL i posted into the "manual server add box" in the ED2K tab19:16
BluesKajjpatrick, hey it's Christmas ... Bah Humbug to offtopic !  :)19:17
jpatrickBluesKaj: hmm, yeah, merry xmas mate!19:18
biovoredsmith_: Is the maryland-ubuntu group still planning on meeting at the GBHC Hamfest?19:18
BluesKajmerry christmas to you too , jpatrick19:18
giuseppeBluesKaj: manual server add box?19:19
BluesKajgiuseppe, yes19:19
dsmith_biovore: I dont know..19:19
dsmith_what room are you guys in now?>19:19
giuseppeBluesKaj: and then?19:19
BluesKajclick the add button19:19
giuseppeBluesKaj: nothing19:21
SirChasmsweet, it works19:25
ubotuHi! Welcome to #kubuntu!19:26
SirChasmthanks, lol19:27
BluesKajgiuseppe, in the manual add server name : Main Movie Server , then in the IP/Port : then hit enter19:27
SirChasmsoo I got a bunch of questions, figure I might as well ask here.19:27
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)19:28
SirChasmFew days ago made the switch from XP to Kubuntu - not my first time using Linux, but it is my first time using linux as a home desktop. I have the 64-bit version installed, and I have a 32-bit Firefox with 32-bit plugins to work (although Firefox has no icon for it, which bugs me), buut my question is if right now it's possible to have a 64-bit firefox running with FLash and Java?19:30
BluesKajgiuseppe, also make sure you click on connect in top left19:30
giuseppeBluesKaj: just few seconds...19:30
BluesKajSirChasm, I'm running FF with no probs , but I also installed ia32-libs to run 32bit programs , just in case19:32
=== MetaBot-2 is now known as MetaBot
BluesKaj<-- 64 bit kubuntu19:33
giuseppeBluesKaj: well I added Main Movie Server and but it says19:33
giuseppeBluesKaj: server door not valid19:33
jussi01gah, sorry.19:33
cheguevaraadd tvu donkey server no1, since I run it :P19:34
SirChasmBluesKaj, so you're running the 64-bit Firefox?19:34
BluesKajyes SirChasm19:35
BluesKajno not sorry not 64 FF19:35
giuseppeBluesKaj: now I have to go. thanks a lot and see u nect time... Merry Christmas. Ciao!19:36
BluesKajoops , looks like I am...totally confused here SirChasm ...I've reinstalled so many times lately due to updates19:36
SirChasmhahah, ok19:36
SirChasmI just wanted to know if it was possible19:37
SirChasmI'm guessing you're using the nswrapper for the plugins?19:37
TuxManmy KDE4 install still isnt working!19:37
SirChasm(or whatever it was called)19:37
sparrI am having some trouble with package pinning.  I have added a new repository, from which I want to pull one and only one package.  That seemed to work, but now for some reason a different package is being pulled from that repository.  apt sources and preferences here: http://rafb.net/p/XgNDbx80.nln.html19:38
BluesKajyes SirChasm  i'm running  Linux x86_64; en-US; rv: Gecko/20071204 Ubuntu/7.10 (gutsy) Firefox/
TuxMancan sum1 help me get KDE4 up and running?19:38
TuxManI followed the instructions on kubuntu webby, but wont appear as a session in KDM19:39
ubotuKDE 4 is the next major release of the K Desktop Environment. For more information see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KDE_4 - The Release Schedule is available at http://techbase.kde.org/Schedules/KDE4/4.0_Release_Schedule - RC 2 packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde4-rc2.php19:39
ErtainHello everyone.  I'm trying to set up my computer as a router.  I'm using Firestarter to share a connection with my wireless connection.  The device which uses the connection is eth0.  Even though I can send information through eth0 the information doesn't come back.  My regular wireless connection works, though.  Any ideas?19:39
TuxManI know!19:39
* BluesKaj doesn't understand this fascination with kde4 , it's not stable and ready for primetime 19:40
ScottGget used to it :)19:40
asdzxci have problems with my wifi card19:40
TuxManI hate people who ask a bot with no human intelligance to guide me19:40
asdzxcIBM ThinkPad R5119:40
asdzxcthe wifi LED doesn't light up19:40
TuxManI know a lot about comps lol19:40
asdzxcand wifi isn't working19:40
jhutchinsErtain: Here's how to do it yourself without letting someone else make the security decisions for you: ttp://tldp.org/HOWTO/IP-Masquerade-HOWTO/19:40
asdzxcdriver ipw2200 is loaded19:40
asdzxckubuntu 7.1019:41
jhutchinsErtain: Use that and you'll know what's going on and why it is or isn't working.19:41
jhutchinsTuxMan: The bot is like a card file, it stores the URL's for guides and answers that are more elaborate than what we do here.19:41
jhutchinsTuxMan: If you don't like us helping you, go elsewhere.19:42
TuxMannot you, the bot...19:42
ScottGit can be difficult for people here to just give you a magic answer without knowing exactly what you've done..19:42
TuxManit just frustrates me =|19:42
cheguevarabut the bot is one of us....19:42
jhutchinsasdzxc: What does iwconfig say about the card?19:42
jhutchinscheguevara: Or are we one with the bot?19:43
cheguevara<insert evil laugh here>19:43
TuxManhere: I've done this. I installed the packages on kubuntu webby.. (A.K.A. kdebase-bin, kdebase-runtime, etc.)19:43
asdzxcjhutchins what exactly do you need to know ?19:43
asdzxcfor example, it says this:19:43
jhutchinswtf is a "webby"?19:43
asdzxcPower Management:off19:43
asdzxcunassociated  ESSID:off/any19:44
ScottGdid you update the package the instructions say to update?19:44
jhutchinsasdzxc: Well, that means it's seeing the card.19:44
asdzxcjhutchins but the LED doesn't light up19:44
TuxManoops! might have missed that! =P19:45
jhutchinsasdzxc: What does it call the card?  (eth1, wlan0)?19:45
asdzxcjhutchins in windows, this means it's powered off19:45
ScottGnm.. that was kdebase-binm19:45
asdzxcjhutchins eth119:45
TuxManboy am i stupid19:45
ScottGyou mentioned that..19:45
jhutchinsasdzxc: Ok, try iwlist eth1 scanning19:45
rhkfinHi! Does anyone know where to find the acl manager package (name) for konqueror? Tried apt-cache search & google etc..19:45
TuxManack one of my side repos isnt allowing me to update!19:46
asdzxcjhutchins interesting, it found my linksys router19:46
TuxManI have the non-main-repo version of wine, and that repo wont let me update!19:46
jhutchinsasdzxc: some of the Linux drivers default to the light being off to save power.19:46
TuxManI'll just remove the repo for now =|19:47
jhutchinsasdzxc: I followed the instructiosn for one that turned it off on an old smc card, and never got it to turn back on under anything!19:47
ScottGTuxMan: I was referring to the updated kdebase-bin which you've installed.19:47
jhutchinsasdzxc: If you can find the project page for the driver, you might be able to find the command to turn the light on.19:47
ScottGTuxMan: I assume you restarted after all this?19:47
TuxManit still wont let me do sudo apt-get update anyway19:48
TuxManI restarted three times lol19:48
ScottGok.. well that covers it :)19:48
rhkfinWhere to find QT UI for ACL?19:48
asdzxcjhutchins ok, thnks very much. can you advice me more wifi commands ? for example, how can i connect to my router ?19:48
asdzxcjhutchins i tried to config it via KDE-GUI-configurator19:48
asdzxcjhutchins but it doesn't work19:48
TuxManso Scott, any commands to run that would allow me to change the xsessions?19:49
asdzxcjhutchins is takes very strange IP from DHCP19:49
asdzxcand even if i config IP manualy, it doesn't work19:49
ScottGTuxMan: I have KDE4 installed.. I had to try a few times.. I removed everything and tried again.. it eventually worked..19:49
jhutchinsasdzxc: Well, there are the manpages for iwconfig and iwlist, and the man page for ifcfg will tell you what commands you can put in that file to store a permanent configuration.19:49
TuxManaha! I'll try that lol19:49
ScottGit should be in the list of choices, it is for me..19:49
asdzxcjhutchins great, thnx, i will try19:49
jhutchinsbasically you'll need to set the ESSID and Key with iwconfig, then run the dhcp client (I don't remember which one kubuntu uses).19:50
jhutchinsdhclient eth119:51
jhutchinsasdzxc: If you get the GUI working it is easier to roam. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs19:52
benbreadHey i've been messing around with my wireless network config (using KNetworkManager) and now it can't find any networks to connect to - i used manual configuration and would quite like it the way it was before i started fiddling, is there anything i can do?19:52
ubotuHi! Welcome to #kubuntu!19:52
_Angelus_Could not open '/dev/kqemu' - QEMU acceleration layer not activated19:52
TuxManah I had that problem too..19:53
TuxMani just go by without it. doesnt matter since im using it with win9819:53
tekteenbenbread: type alt+F2 then ...19:53
jhutchins_Angelus_: http://wiki.clug.org.za/wiki/QEMU_and_Ubuntu_Breezy19:53
tekteentype "kdesu /etc/network/interfaces"19:54
jussi01add kate tekteen19:54
jotidoes anyone have problems with sound&flash too ?19:54
tekteenbenbread: "kdesu kwrite /etc/network/interfaces"19:54
ubotuHi! Welcome to #kubuntu!19:54
tekteenjussi01: I tend to forget when I do it myself as well19:54
benbreadtekteen: I have the interfaces file up19:55
ubotuUbuntu 7.10 (Gutsy Gibbon) is the latest version of Ubuntu. Upgrading to Gutsy:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GutsyUpgrades - Downloading: http://www.ubuntu.com/download - New Features: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/710tour - Please use bittorrent to download if possible, see !torrents19:55
tekteencan u paste it to the pastebin19:55
tekteenbenbread: do u know what the pastebin is?19:56
benbreadtekteen: http://pastebin.com/m169a3cf219:56
jussi01!botabuse > TuxMan19:56
tekteenremove the line "iface ath0 inet dhcp"19:56
jotidoes anyone experience problems with geforce 7300gt with gutsy?19:56
tekteenthen save it19:57
jotiin 3d mode if got all kinds of misrenderings19:57
TuxMan=P jussi19:57
benbreadtekteen: done19:57
jotilike stripes and i looks all like triangles and is wrong colored - rest perfect, nvidia driver19:57
tekteensee if it works19:57
benbreadshall do, thanks :)19:57
jussi01joti: have you installed the restricted driver?19:57
ScottGyou know you want to use a bot command :)19:58
jussi01!opabuse | ScottG ;)19:59
ubotuScottG ;): leave the ops alone ktnxbye19:59
romunovhuuuum, open office seems to have problems when run under compiz19:59
biovoreromunov: yes it dose..20:00
TuxManIt's fun to sit in the middle of the information highway  :-P20:00
=== Delvien_ is now known as Delvien
jotiromunov its easy to fix20:00
jotithere is some setting in workarounds module20:01
jotilike old frame or old fullscreen mode20:01
tekteenAnyone else had a problem with compiz stopping shortcuts like Alt+F2 and Alt+Space (Katapult)20:02
benbreadOk looking good :) only problem now is it complains of no networks found when there are20:02
benbreadtekteen: Shortcuts working for me, maybe it's a problem with compiz plugins binding to those shortcuts?20:02
tekteenbenbread: it is a start20:02
ubotukatapult is the new application launcher for KDE, to be used with applications, bookmarks, and Amarok playlists. Once you have installed, hit Alt+f2 -> katapult, then hit Alt+Space, and type what you want.20:03
TuxMani didnt know what katapult was =P20:03
* joti likes katapult a lot20:03
tekteenbenbread: open a konsole20:03
TuxMani'll try it out =20:03
TuxManoops llol20:04
tekteenbenbread: type "sudo iwlist scanning"20:04
tekteenbenbread: does it see anything?20:04
benbreadNo scan results20:04
TuxManoo katapult IS awesome!20:04
benbreadkatapault is awesome ;)20:04
TuxManwe read each others minds...20:04
jpatrickgreat minds think alike20:05
TuxManI like KBFX way better than the K menu20:05
tekteenbenbread: do not worry I have had the problem (ESP) for a long time20:05
tekteenbenbread: everyone on this channel has ESP20:05
TuxManbecause great minds think alike../20:06
benbreadMaybe i'm in the wrong channel then ;)20:06
TuxManand its kinda hard to run linux without a great mind =P20:06
tekteenbenbread: There is a problem with linux using the wireless card20:07
benbreadtekteen: I had it working earlier, i guess i can't help but fiddle with things :P20:07
TuxManOh no I katapulted konqueror!20:07
tekteenbenbread: r u sure the wireless router is working?20:07
benbreadtekteen: Yeah another machine is connected to it and there are loads of other networks from other people i can usually pick up20:08
TuxManMMMM my hot cocoa is awesome20:08
ubuntunoob question: I'm installing Kubuntu on a new computer.  I'd like to partition it so I have room for both Linux and Vista.  I went with the manual partitioning, and can see sda1,2,3 and 5.  I'm not sure what those are.  Anyone have advice about what to change?20:09
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about katapault - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi20:09
tekteenbenbread: type "sudo iwconfig ath0 essid NETWORK ; dhclient ath0; ifconfig ath0 up"20:09
tekteenbenbread: what happened?20:09
TuxManlol its katapult20:09
TuxMannot katapault20:10
ubuntu: (20:10
benbreadtekteen: i'll pastebin it20:10
maduserI finally fixed my usb problem but now i am getting a hal-storage error20:10
madusernow the usb hard drive is nfts20:11
TuxManto IRC channel #supertux!20:11
tekteenbenbread: samething except sudo each command20:11
tekteensudo iwconfig ath0 essid NETWORK ; sudo dhclient ath0; sudo ifconfig ath0 up20:12
benbreadtekteen: ok pastebin again?20:13
benbreadmaybe try a complete reboot?20:15
romunovjoti: do you have any reading on this subject?20:15
romunovjoti: would be most thankful!20:15
jotihm. not quite20:16
jotijust the point that is works that way...wait20:16
maduserare there any good nfts tools20:16
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE20:16
ubotuntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions20:17
jotii came from there t the oo thing20:17
jotiromunov that is all, but the oo is quite common, just do search for it20:17
jotii ended disinstalling compiz as the windowmanager is a lot worse than kwin and its completly unstable20:18
jotiit just looks nice20:18
jotiand if i would have wanted only looks i would got an apple and a "dumb pill"20:18
jotimissing have20:18
tekteenromunov: I have compiz working20:19
tekteen!compiz > romunov20:19
romunovtekteen: i have compiz working as well, it's just that some programs still mess something up and lose their title bars20:20
tekteenromunov: I do not have that issue20:20
tekteenBut if u do, I agree with joti20:21
tuccican someone help with me sync my ipod - amarok fails to do anything and banshee claims to have put the music on the ipod already, but it isn't there20:21
ubotuFor information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto See !rockbox for information on liberating your iPod20:21
asdzxcjhutchins do i need to set encryption type ?20:21
TuxManno, the iPod just thinks that its raw data20:21
TuxManit only accepts music from iTunes20:21
asdzxcjhutchins i'm useing WPA2 Personal and TKIP+AES on my router20:21
TuxManor something that can COMPLETELY mimic iT20:22
tuccituxman: so it's not possible to sync the ipod with anything but itunes?20:22
TuxMan.. try sharpmusique20:22
tekteentucci: u can not sync itunes store songs20:23
tucciI'll try sharpmusique (and I've never bought anything from the itunes store)20:23
* tekteen does not have an ipod20:23
benbreadtekteen: You're a genius20:23
tekteenbenbread: ok20:23
benbreadThanks :D20:23
benbreadCan i bridge wireless and wired connections?20:24
TuxManactually... no-one in the world is technically genius.. there is always something smarter..20:24
* tekteen got a new laptop a week ago20:24
TuxManthe cycle goes on forever..20:24
tekteenbenbread: yes20:24
tuccituxman: is sharpmusique in a repository - i can't find it?20:24
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sharpmusique - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi20:24
benbreadBack to the comfort of my room for me :D20:25
TuxManill get some info for ya  ;-)20:25
tekteenbenbread: I am looking for the wireless brige guide20:25
benbreadtekteen: thanks :)20:26
tekteenbenbread: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/ShareEthernetConnectionThroughWireless?highlight=%28wireless%2920:28
benbreadAnyone know of a 3D benchmarker for LInux? Nothing in the repositories20:28
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benbreadtekteen: Sorry i think i'm using the wrong terminology - what i want to do is run eth0 and ath0 together so to get a total bandwidth equal to their combined bandwidths20:29
ScottGnot much of a benchmarker :)20:29
ScottGnot much of a benchmarker :)glxgears20:29
ScottGoops :)20:30
tekteenbenbread: there are 2 probs with that20:30
TuxManuh oh! I g2g! add me, tucci!20:30
tekteenbenbread: your internet connection would need to be that fast20:30
tekteendo u have an oct3 at home ;-)20:31
benbreadtekteen: what i really want it for is for filesharing across the LAN ;)20:31
TuxManyeah? I g2g, srry tucci_. add me!20:31
tucci_tuxman: i don't know what that means20:31
tekteenbenbread: I do not know how to do that (if there is a way)20:31
TuxManadd me to contact20:31
numpyhey all20:32
tekteenbenbread: i do not think there is a way20:32
benbreadThough if you've got some 154Mb/s internet connection going fancy sharing? ;)20:32
TuxManOh, wtheck.20:32
TuxMantucci_:cya l8er on this channel20:33
=== ForeverZero is now known as sea4ever
maduseryeah got my removable usb hd to work its a christmas miracle20:37
benbreadi wonder what bad things would happen if i were to format and use my USB storage drive as swap and then randomly unplug it....20:37
tekteenbenbread: nothing unless you activate it as swap20:38
maduserI just did that20:38
maduserand fixed it20:38
madusernow the driver is ntfs20:38
tekteenbenbread: swapon DEVICE ;-)20:39
BluesKajbenbread, not a good idea to use usb drives as swap20:39
maduserI now know why20:39
maduserI had a swap usb experience20:39
tekteenBluesKaj: that is mostly for flash20:39
tekteenalthough it tends to be slow20:40
BluesKajno kidding, tekteen20:40
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BluesKajif you have sufficient RAM (1G or more) , the swap partition is not avtive 99.9% of the time...unless yer gaming20:42
lexxusHi! What is the best application to use with ipod nano?20:42
poison__cant put flash to work with 64 bits kubuntu, anyone had any success?20:42
ScottGI'd say Amarok20:43
tekteen!flash64 | poison__20:43
ubotupoison__: You can run Flash, Real, and Java plugins in AMD64 bit computers with Firefox. see the steps to follow at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava20:43
ubotuAmarok is an audio player for Linux with an intuitive interface. The latest version is 1.4.7 (1.4.3 for Dapper LTS). Packages are  available for Kubuntu at www.kubuntu.org See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Amarok20:43
lexxuspoison__: you probably have to install the 32 bit FF20:43
poison__TY TEKTEEN20:43
lexxusScottG: Thanx, it seems that it need to be recompiled from svn... must compile libgpod too...20:47
ubotuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »20:50
ehcis there a tool to test a microphone?21:00
lexxusehc: I guess you can use audacity?21:02
nosrednaekimhey mrtimbo21:04
jpatrickmerry xmas mrtimbo21:04
mrtimboi tried to uninstall tiny-proxy and it ended up deleteing adept-manager and now i cant get apt-get to get online lol21:05
mrtimbowhat did i do21:05
nosrednaekimyou deleted apt-get?21:05
mrtimboi told it to sudo apt-get remove tiny-proxy and it was saying that21:05
mrtimboit was removing adept and all that21:06
nosrednaekimprobably something to do with proxy settings.21:06
mrtimboso i pulled the batt mid way and now i cant get it to do nothing lol21:06
nosrednaekimpulled the...21:06
nosrednaekimthat wasn't smart...21:06
mrtimbodidnt want it to keep uninstalling adept but i was too late21:06
nosrednaekimmrtimbo: thats why you look at what it is going to do FIRST.21:07
mrtimboso fresh install needed?21:07
Jeroiis it possible to setup 2 x:'s21:08
Jeroione is tv21:08
mrtimboi just installed tiny proxy last night so i didnt think it would cause this mess21:08
Jeroione is monitor21:08
nosrednaekimmrtimbo: well, apt-get doesn't work?21:08
JeroiI run media center linux on tv21:08
nosrednaekim!dualhead | Jeroi21:08
ubotuJeroi: Information about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama21:08
mrtimbo- connect (111 Connection refused)21:08
Jeroiand normal kde in monitor21:08
ehcin gnome you can go: System > Prefrences > Advanced Desktop Effects Settings where in kde is this?21:08
nosrednaekimmrtimbo: i've never seen that error before. you don't use a proxy do you?21:08
lexxusmrtimbo: dselect and aptitude is also gone?21:09
mrtimbowas just curious about them21:09
mrtimboone sef21:09
nosrednaekimehc: there is none by default... you need the compizconfig-control-center21:09
Jeroiech it was in gnome21:09
Jeroithrere is not one in kde21:09
nosrednaekim!info compizconfig-control-center21:09
nosrednaekim!enter | Jeroi21:09
Jeroionly normal editing in system settings21:09
=== konstantin_ is now known as kosy
ubotuPackage compizconfig-control-center does not exist in gutsy21:10
ubotuJeroi: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!21:10
mrtimbo Could not connect to localhost:4001 ( - connect (111 Connection refused)21:10
mrtimbois all i get when i use aptitude so now its something else21:10
nosrednaekimehc: oops, thats "compizconfig-settings-manager"21:10
nosrednaekimmrtimbo: why is it going to port 4001 of YOUR computer?21:11
ehc!info compizconfig-settings-manager21:11
ubotucompizconfig-settings-manager: Compiz configuration settings manager. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.5.2+git20070912-0ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 498 kB, installed size 3268 kB21:11
mrtimboi dont know21:11
ehcnosrednaekim, thanks21:11
nosrednaekimehc: the command to run it is ccsm BTW... that stumped me for a while21:11
nosrednaekimmrtimbo: were you messing around with apt-proxy?21:12
icheyneHi all. I have got a question about NFS. How come when I specify an IP address in /etc/exports it's ignored and I get "permisson denied" at the NFS client but when I specify * instead of an IP address it works?. All the guides say I should use a range like but that doesn't work.21:12
mrtimbono just that tiny one all i did was install it21:12
mrtimbothen uninstall it21:12
nosrednaekim!into tiny-proxy21:12
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about into tiny-proxy - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:12
mrtimboill just do a fresh install21:13
nosrednaekim!info tiny-proxy21:13
ubotuPackage tiny-proxy does not exist in gutsy21:13
jhutchins!find tiny-proxy21:13
ubotuPackage/file tiny-proxy does not exist in gutsy21:13
tuccicould someone help me with syncing my ipod? Is it even possible to do such a thing through linux?21:14
nosrednaekim!infor tinyproxy21:14
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about infor tinyproxy - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:14
nosrednaekim!info tinyproxy21:14
ubotutinyproxy: A lightweight, non-caching, optionally anonymizing http proxy. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.6.3-3 (gutsy), package size 64 kB, installed size 232 kB21:14
nosrednaekimtucci: yes, it is, using amarok21:14
tuccinosrednaekim: amarok doesn't work - I just let it spend an hour loading stuff on, and the ipod doesn't see any of it21:15
nosrednaekimmrtimbo: seems that it installed a proxy server on your computer?21:15
mrtimbodamn, i should of left well enough alone eh21:15
nosrednaekimtucci: how new is this ipod?21:15
tuccibrand new21:16
nosrednaekimtucci: ah.....there is the problem21:16
nosrednaekimAppleput a new encrytion scheme on the next-gen ones... its pretty annoying and i'm not sure about the state of the hack for it21:17
tuccinosrednaekim: fuck this is why I hate christmas21:18
ehcwhat is a lightweight sound player that I can have play sounds for something like xchat?21:18
nosrednaekimehc: mpg12321:18
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Xplicithow can i host a network for others from kubuntu21:19
DragnslcrXplicit- you mean an IRC server?21:19
Xplicitsorry i meant a wireless network21:20
=== kde-devel is now known as CheGuevara
Xplicitwired in then server a wireless network21:20
BluesKajhmm, it seems the Firefox64bit / 32bit workaround is somewhat iffy for my setup....think I'll stick with Konqueror ... working ok after adding the kubuntu-restricted-extras21:20
ehcwhat is the main compiz package?21:21
DragnslcrI think it's compiz-fusion21:21
BluesKajsome flash heavy sites weren't responding to konq til the kubuntu-restricted-extras pkg was installed21:21
DragnslcrNope, it's just "compiz"21:21
XplicitBluesKaj: the firefox 2 in gutsy is abit screwed the firefox3 betas are fairly good tho21:22
=== jbj is now known as jbj^
BluesKaj!compiz | ehc21:22
ubotuehc: Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion21:22
BluesKajXplicit, yeah was trying the FF3 beta2 , but it won't link to the desktop so I dropped it ...was working fine tho21:23
ubotusamba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT21:31
SJrXCan I move from edgy to gutsy?21:43
BluesKajnot directly21:43
BluesKajerr edgy-feisty-gutsy21:44
BluesKajif you wanna save data , otherwise just do a clean live cd gutsy install21:45
SJrXthank you my friends21:47
SJrXyour dedicated service on IRC is a testiment to the open sources movement and linux. Mr. Torvalds were surely be proud.21:47
BluesKajomigod !21:47
SJrXwhat is wrong my child?21:49
xzasedhiya folks. Does anybody know of a support group for moto4lin?21:49
BluesKajSJrX, your overly enthusiastic compliment made me blush  : )21:50
BluesKajxzased, check on google-linux21:50
sourcemakerI have build my own kernel... based on the current stable vanilla kernel... i have also installed the nvidia module... but this module is not loading... what's wrong?21:51
xzasedchecked, not so lucky. I installed everything, but Im looking on info on how to flash my mobile21:52
adrian__connect #sk8videos21:53
sourcemakerI spend two evenings... without success.... ;-(21:54
adrian__how can i connect to channel #sk8videos ??21:54
BluesKajadrian__, in the server textbox /join #sk8videos21:55
adrian__mhm thanks21:55
SirChasmquestion: if i'm on the 64-bit OS, and I compile a tarball, then I'm compiling it into 64-bit?21:56
BluesKajsourcemaker, I assume you've downloaded and installed the drivers for your nvidia graphics card21:56
sourcemakerBluesKaj: yes... I have21:56
BluesKajSirChasm, yes if you used the pkg managers , apt or adept21:57
sourcemakerBluesKaj: my kernel is working fine... but the installation of the nvidia module does not work.... I have used the installation guide from the kubuntu wiki21:57
BluesKajoops , can't seem to read properly today21:57
BluesKajSirChasm, you have to choose a 64bit version of FF21:58
BluesKajfrom the source21:58
SirChasmi guess there isn't a 64-bit version of FF3b2 then?21:59
BluesKajSirChasm, I din't have much luck with flash and java on my 64 bit FF , I'm afriaid21:59
SirChasmalthough my question was more general, as I was planning on compiling pidgin myself too21:59
sourcemakerBluesKaj: any hints? How to solve the problem... I go insane... :-=21:59
BluesKajsourcemaker, check which version you need on the nvidia site22:00
sourcemakerBluesKaj: I have the right version... I have checked22:00
BluesKajdo a search using your graphics card model22:00
=== adrian__ is now known as kryniu
sourcemakerBluesKaj: I have used the right installer... the installation process has been finished successfull...22:02
BluesKajSirChasm, i recommend using konqueror as aweb browser for 64 bit gutsy ...it's mature design now vs the silly workaround needed for FF to run flash and java heavy websites22:02
BluesKajsorry folks ...gotta have some turkey , BBL :)22:04
batis610how can i know current user name and his group??22:05
kryniuktoś tu mówi po polsku :)22:06
kryniuznam angielski ale czuję sie taki zagraniczny:D22:06
ubotuMozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl22:06
Dragnslcrbatis610- from a shell, whoami will tell you your username22:06
kryniuhahahaha thanks homie:D22:06
kryniua jest #kubuntu-pl???22:07
kryniuhahaha dzięki raz jeszcze22:07
Airforce5555hey i dont think i have drivers installed for my soundcard (static comes out whenever i load pages)22:07
Dragnslcrbatis610- K Menu -> Switch User should also show the user you're currently logged in as22:07
Airforce5555could i get help in trying to install them22:07
SirChasmBluesKaj: I'm leaning that way too I guess - if it can handle flash and Java without me jumping through hoops and ladders, all the better. I guess I'll just wait till Opera or Firefox releases a proper 64-bit version. It's taking 64-bit too long to catch on. I bought this laptop in 2004 ffs. 3 years and still software is struggling to become 64-bit.22:07
batis610and the group name22:07
erichjSirChasm: BluesKaj went to eat22:08
SirChasmi know22:08
SirChasmjust leaving him a message22:08
Dragnslcrbatis610- System Settings -> User Management will show you what groups each user is in22:08
kryniuhiya docks!!22:08
jhutchins!flash64 | SirChasm22:10
ubotuSirChasm: You can run Flash, Real, and Java plugins in AMD64 bit computers with Firefox. see the steps to follow at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava22:10
SirChasmi'll look into it thanks22:10
batis610Dragnslcr: i try to fix the 'Unable to save bookmarks in /home/laf/.kde/share/apps/d3lphin/bookmarks.xml.' message.... i found that it can be fixed by typing 'sudo chown your user ~/.kde/share/apps/d3lphin/bookmarks.xml' and 'sudo chgrp your group ~/.kde/share/apps/d3lphin/bookmarks.xml'... is there another way to fix it definitively??22:11
SirChasmdoes that work with all 32-bit firefoxes?22:11
jhutchinsSirChasm: I dunno, the people I refer to it don't come back asking questions though, so I assume it works somehow.22:12
jhutchinsThat or they give up on this channel as an authoratative source :)22:12
SirChasmhehe i see22:13
SirChasmi wanna try it with the new 3beta222:14
SirChasmand i guess i'll report back here, hehehe22:14
erichjit's amazing how much faster firefox is when you disable ipv622:15
SirChasmok, diff question: when you extract the tarball, don't you get the source? and therefore you need to compile the source before i can use it? I can see where in the example they extract the tarball, but i can't see which instruction compiles it22:15
SanneSirChasm: sorry for jumping in... what do you mean with "I guess I'll just wait till Opera or Firefox releases a proper 64-bit version."? Doesn't the 64bit Firefox work?22:15
SirChasmsanne, nnot sure, that's what i'm trying to figure out22:15
SirChasmdoes it work for you22:16
SanneSirChasm: as far as I know, it works fine. If you want proprietary plugins like Adobe flash, they are for 32bit only at the moment, but that's nothing Firefox can fix, but Adobe.22:16
SirChasmi'm aware - i wasn't really putting the blame square on firefox22:17
SanneSirChasm: ah, ok, just wanted to make sure there are no misunderstandings :)22:18
SirChasm<TB>  I was depressed last night so I called the Suicide Life Line.22:18
SirChasm<TB>  I reached a call center in Pakistan.22:18
SirChasm<TB>  I told them I was suicidal.22:18
SirChasm<TB>  They got all excited and asked if I could drive a truck22:18
SirChasmwrogn winow22:18
SirChasmbut i'm still confused about compiling tho - how does one compile???22:19
SanneSirChasm: usually you shouldn't have to22:19
jhutchins!build | SirChasm22:19
ubotuSirChasm: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)22:19
jhutchinsSirChasm: Technically, it's best to build your own deb file then install it, but most people don't bother.22:20
SirChasmSanne: i don't know about that - latest version of Pidgin needs to be compiled, as does the last beta of Firefox22:20
SirChasmjhutchins: which is exactly why i wanna learn how to do it22:21
jhutchinsYou might check out the repositories at http://seerofsouls.com - he used to keep fairly recent versions of some programs backported.22:21
SanneSirChasm: are you sure about Firefox? Usually it comes in a tar.gz with binaries in it.22:21
SirChasmahh, maybe22:22
SirChasmlemme check22:22
SirChasmahh yes, those are the binaries22:24
Sanneah, good, I was getting worried ;)22:24
SirChasmok then, so can i just run the 32-bit binaries in a 64-bit environment? or will I have to do something to them?22:25
jhutchinsAlso available as source tarballs though.22:25
SanneSirChasm: generally you can run 32bit on amd64, but you might have to install some 32bit support libraries.22:25
SirChasmjhutchins: do you know where they are?22:26
jhutchinsmozilla.com, I suspect....22:26
SanneSirChasm: generally, when you run a 32bit binary, any library that it needs has to be 32bit also22:26
khelllwhat to do to have media player extension for firefox???22:28
BluesKajSanne, FF 64 bit works but the flash and java plugins need a work around , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava22:29
dthackerkhelll: what type of media?22:29
khelllam using firefox and i got "click here to download plugin" and it redirected me to windows media player22:30
SanneBluesKaj: Yes, I followed that when I set it up some time ago, worked well, thanks (I was replying to SirChasm's questions).22:30
=== lorenzo_ is now known as urecia
dthackerkelll: there is a flash plugin, it currently has some installation issues, see the topic in #ubuntu for a link.  I do not know of a plugin that will play .wma files.22:32
BluesKajSanne, yes , I know that but the workaround is flawed on mysetup , so i wish 64 bit webusers would try konq ...at least it works natively in 64 bit22:32
SirChasmblues, with flash and java, and the whole shebang?22:32
BluesKajyessir. SirChasm22:32
SirChasmoh wow22:33
* SirChasm is impressed22:33
SanneBluesKaj: Konqueror is very nice and I use it also, but I'm very much used to Firefox and it's great extensions though, especially for web development.22:33
BluesKaji even got the Hallmark site work last nite sending ecards to relatives22:33
SanneBluesKaj: which flash plugin dies Konqueror 64bit use? Surely not the Adobe 32bit one?22:34
SirChasmok, I'm reading about nspluginwrapper: so does it only work for Flash, or all 32-bit plugins?22:34
BluesKajSirChasm, it's not really difficult , just gotta install the plugins first , then scan and use them in konqueror/plugins22:34
=== noname is now known as wsxdr
BluesKajSirChasm, for web browsing that is22:36
BluesKajSanne, well, i cheated and installed the ia32-libs pkg :)22:37
SanneBluesKaj: ah, hehe ;)22:38
SirChasmstill wondering about nspluginwrapper... :P22:38
BluesKajSanne, also the kubuntu-restricted-extras22:38
khelllhow shall i know what version of kubuntu i have on my machine ?22:39
Sannekhelll: lsb_release -a22:40
BluesKajSirChasm, that nspluginwrapper is already installed on konqueror22:40
SirChasmi'm wondering about teh firefox - they make it seem so esy tog et the 32-bit flash working with 64-bit FF, so i was wondering if the other plugins are the same22:41
blekoshello, i have enabled restricted drivers for my nvidia but when i start kubuntu i dont see nvidias logo22:42
blekosis that normal?22:42
jpatrickblekos: yeah, startup thing's aren't allowed in (k)ubuntu22:42
BluesKajdunno SirChasm , I gave up on FF : P22:42
blekoswhat exactly do you mean?22:43
blekosso, if i uninstall them and manualy install them will i get the the nvidia logo?22:43
SirChasmBluesKaj: if you can't tell yet, i am quite stubborn :p22:43
SirChasmblekos, why do you need to see the nvidia logo so badly?22:44
blekosi dont22:44
SirChasmso what's so bad about not seeing it? :P22:44
blekosbut since i am a newbie i dont know how to check if it is properly installend and have 3d accel.22:44
blekosonce i was told a command that i could run on terminal22:45
blekosi would see smg like gringes ?? (dont know the exact english word)22:45
blekosrestricted managers seems ok, does in the system menu->setings->screen etc22:46
BluesKajSirChasm, I hope you get FF working ...konqueror was a bit of fun to get setup right , but it isn't necessary to run 32bit plugins22:46
SirChasmblekos, i'm just saying when I run the command "restricted-manager" it shows me that my nvidia accelerated graphics driver is "enabled" and "in use" with a satisfying green light next to it. I generally trusted the system that it was installed properly when I saw that.22:48
CheGuevarablekos: glxinfo | grep direct22:55
blekosok i have direct rendering :D22:57
gfrwHello, I have a question: In which way I could deactivate the automatic freedb-request when I put any kind of media-file e.g. in my CD-device? Can you give me any tip, where I could get more information?22:59
CheGuevarablekos: means everything is working fine then :P23:01
blekosyes :D23:02
BluesKajgfrw, I'm not sure but you could check in system settings/notifications23:03
=== pierre__ is now known as PierreL
blekosdoes anybody know if in KDE4 can have 2 panels? (eg.one on top one on bottom)23:09
jotikde3 could that to23:09
jotigot that here23:09
jotikde3 could have 4 panels23:09
CheGuevaradoesn't mean kde 4 can :P23:10
sourcemakerhow often is the kubuntu mailing-list send a day?23:10
jpatricksourcemaker: holidays, not many people around23:10
gfrwBluesKaj : thx 4 your tip, but I doesn't found there anything usefull23:10
sourcemakerjpatrick: hmm... ok23:11
blekosi'm using kde3 and have 223:11
jpatricksourcemaker: however you can check out my mail of today23:11
CheGuevarablekos: what do you want to have on the second panel23:11
CheGuevarayou can just add the appropriate plasmoid i believe23:11
blekoson one panels i have shortcuts for applications and other desktops (top panel)23:11
sourcemakerjpatrick: is there a irc channel for kernel questions avail?23:12
blekosbottom panel is useful for seeing open progs23:12
CheGuevarasourcemaker: #ubuntu-kernel23:12
blekosdont like to have them squeezing all in one23:12
blekosand just wandering if kde4 allows u to have 2 panels23:12
CheGuevarablekos: it doesn't look like it, but you can remove certain plasmoids and then add them again and drag them to where you want them to be23:13
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pastbin - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi23:13
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)23:13
sourcemakerjpatrick: sorry... I did not remember the url23:13
blekosi've tried a few minutes with live cd but there were not much i could do...23:16
=== claydoh_ is now known as claydoh
m1k3How do you get the SanDisk Cruzer USB Flash Drives to work?23:16
m1k3on Kubuntu23:17
lexus_Hello everybody23:17
ubotuПожалуйста войдите в #ubuntu-ru для помощи на русском языке  /  Pozhalujsta vojdite v #ubuntu-ru dlq pomoshchi na russkom qzyke23:20
CheGuevaratoo late :P23:20
CheGuevarawtf is qzyke23:20
CheGuevarashould be yazyke23:20
CheGuevaraand not dlq, but dlya23:20
jpatrickchange it then23:21
CheGuevarahow :P23:21
jpatrick./msg ubotu !no, ru is <reply>Blah..23:21
m1k3I need help my Flash drive wont work23:22
m1k3When I plug it in23:22
m1k3It doesn't end up in the system:/media place23:22
CheGuevarathx jpatrick23:23
sourcemakerjpatrick: nice... the kernel channel could not help me ...23:31
blekoshi, i trie to install a new icon theme from kcontrol but i get this msgs23:34
blekostrying to create local folder /home/blekos/.kde/share/icons/.: Permission denied23:34
blekosQFile::writeBlock: File not open23:34
blekostried to google but didnt find smg relevant23:34
CheGuevara!hi | rebugger23:40
uboturebugger: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!23:40
theunixgeekWould GTK+ apps fit in well in KDE?23:43
theunixgeekI'm interested in starting GTK+ apps but KDE is so good....23:43
Delviengtk and KDE play nice with eachother if its nothing to do with kicker or gnome-panel23:44
Delvienpersonally i think QT apps are ugly unpolished pieces of dog doo, but thats just me23:45
theunixgeekBecause I got "Foundations of GTK+ Development" for Christmas today :P23:46
theunixgeekI just wanted to make sure that styles would be OK.23:46
unix_infidelcan anyone recommend a cross platform cue sheet generator?23:47
Delvientheunixgeek could always run gnome :P23:47
Delvientheunixgeek in a virtualmachine23:47
theunixgeekHow do I install KDE 4 on Kubuntu? I can't find any info online.23:48
theunixgeekThen again, I'm probably not searching well enough...23:48
Delvientheunixgeek: if you already have KDE installed :http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde4-rc2.php23:49
Delvienunder instructions23:49
theunixgeekDelvien: thank you23:49
Delvienits nice, but slow23:49
senorpedrohow can i install kde4 for testing? are there any deb packages or do i have to make the configure && make dancwe?23:49
senorpedro!help kde423:49
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about help kde4 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi23:49
ubotuKDE 4 is the next major release of the K Desktop Environment. For more information see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KDE_4 - The Release Schedule is available at http://techbase.kde.org/Schedules/KDE4/4.0_Release_Schedule - RC 2 packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde4-rc2.php23:49
Delviensenorpedro i just stated how to23:50

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