
catfactshi, can someone help me set up a bzr+launchpad branch00:07
catfactsnvmd im getting some :)00:08
ubotuNew bug: #178536 in soyuz "Preinstalled Build-Depends not properly detected" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17853601:45
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=== Peng_ is now known as Peng
=== Peng_ is now known as Peng
=== Peng_ is now known as Peng
=== Peng_ is now known as Peng
kripkenAny intention to allow integration with google analytics, or some other way to see page traffic on project pages?09:19
ubotuNew bug: #178569 in launchpad "editemails form submission" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17856910:06
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PengHow often are vcs-import branches updated?13:16
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thefoxxI have a problem with the PPA service13:30
thefoxxwhen I try to upload a package (problem only with one special package) I get a failed md5 sum check error mail:13:30
thefoxxMD5 sum of uploaded file does not match existing file in archive13:30
thefoxxFiles specified in DSC are broken or missing, skipping package unpack verification.13:30
thefoxxbut all md5 hashs listed in dsc file are correct13:31
thefoxxand I have build the same package with another PPA13:31
thefoxxI tryed to rebuild with as new version in debian/changelog but same problem...13:32
Hobbseethefoxx: which package, and how did you upload it?13:37
Hobbseethefoxx: your package is likely different to th eone in the current ubuntu archives, where the .orig.tar.gz now gets copied over13:37
thefoxxits devede 3.6 build using cdbs, I build it with debuild -S -sa -kMYKEY and used dput to upload it (dput team-ppa package.changes)13:38
thefoxxthank you for this I try to use the orig.tar.gz from the ubuntu archives13:39
thefoxxit could be true becouse it could be that I downloadded it as tar.bz2 and rearchived it as tar.gz and the md5 sum is not the same...13:39
thefoxxno that can not be the problm.... the version on the ubuntu archive is 2.13 (also in hardy) and I packaged 3.613:40
thefoxxbut I try to redownload the version from the devede homepage and recreate my orig archive13:41
Hobbseewhat is the version in debian/control, and what is the name of the tarball that you've created?13:45
Hobbseethefoxx:     devede | 3.6-0.0ubuntu1 | http://archive.ubuntu.com hardy/multiverse Sources13:46
Hobbseethefoxx: it is in hardy - it just didn't build.13:46
Hobbseeer, because of a problem with the buildds currently, it apperas13:46
Hobbseethefoxx: try downloading the tarball from the hardy archive, using that instead of your created orig.tar.gz, and then rebuild your source 13:47
thefoxxthank you I will try that13:48
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thefoxxbig thanks it works now!13:55
thefoxxgood to know ;)13:55
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=== bigon is now known as bigon`
=== bigon` is now known as bigon
=== bigon is now known as bigon`
=== bigon` is now known as bigon
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``Cubehello, im a tango artist. is there a project that needs an icon?19:22
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``Cubebesonen_mobile7_: are you on a mobile phone right now?19:24
GTswaggerIs it acceptable to open a new Launchpad project that exists solely for development of a website and areas of that website?19:52
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=== bigon` is now known as bigon
forsakenanyone who can talk me through registering a project, or how to do the SSH keys and stuff?   I've registered the project, and I registered a branch, but I'm trying to figure out how to get it to accept my ssh keys and/or PGP keys, I'm trying to commit my initial code20:57
forsakenhttps://code.launchpad.net/~eric-holscher/lyricscaper/main 20:58

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