
=== Pumpernickle is now known as Pumpernickel
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persiaScottK: Merry Christmas.07:05
=== Gri\nch is now known as Amaranth
ramviYou know when you go to Sound and choose what channels you want to change the volume of with your hotkeys? How can I set that option with a command?07:38
* Hobbsee suspects that's an #ubuntu question07:38
Hobbseeas it's support07:39
ramvioh right. sorry07:39
Kamping_Kaisercan someone tell me what "This bug is not recorded as needing to be fixed in xorg (Ubuntu). " means on bug 177870 ?09:59
ubotuLaunchpad bug 177870 in xorg-server "SGI licenced code in Xorg is non-free" [Unknown,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17787009:59
Kamping_Kaiseron reflection - is that a #launchpad question?10:01
persiaKamping_Kaiser: It's more of an #ubuntu-bugs question.  The main reason is that the xorg-server source package provides the xorg binary package.10:04
Kamping_Kaiserheh. new channel i'm not aware of :/10:04
Kamping_Kaiserpersia, thanks for the answer. i'll follow up in #ubuntu-bugs10:05
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* Hobbsee updates KmosReport11:58
slytherinpersia: thanks for uploading gnusim8085 package. :-)12:02
=== LucidFox is now known as Sikon_Stargate
=== Sikon_Stargate is now known as LucidFox
slytherinHi, does anyone know whether there will be an epiphany-webkit package?13:17
=== bigon` is now known as bigon
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about epiphany-webkit - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi13:27
persiaslytherin: Deferred.  Try midori13:33
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about midori - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi13:33
joejaxxHello All13:33
persiaNafallo: GTK + webkit.13:33
Nafallopersia: BDSM pornstar? :-)13:33
persia!info hardy midori13:34
ubotuPackage hardy does not exist in gutsy13:34
persia!info midori hardy13:36
ubotumidori: Fast and lightweight web browser. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.0.12-1 (hardy), package size 55 kB, installed size 208 kB13:36
* Nafallo likes the physical Midori better :-)13:40
=== bigon is now known as bigon`
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imbrandonjust poping in for a sec to tell everyone Merry Christmass, now time to open presents with the kiddos14:39
imbrandoneveryone have a good day /me is afk for the next ~24 hours14:39
jpatrickimbrandon: merry x'mas!14:39
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=== bigon is now known as bigon`
=== bigon` is now known as bigon
=== bigon is now known as bigon`
=== bigon` is now known as bigon
x-ip hi, i ask for help to make a package from this proyect http://wiki.aonx.com.ar16:00
x-ipits a gpl proyect, its in spanish and i can help to translate what is needed16:00
x-ipsome volunteer= ?16:00
crimsunx-ip: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Contributing#head-f4c6048b1531f4e4fe48f096350ea435d40ed9f517:01
tritiumMorning, crimsun.17:06
crimsun'morning, tritium'17:10
crimsunhmm, misplaced left ring finger17:10
tritiumMerry Christmas from Virginia :)17:12
crimsunthe same from the capitol area17:13
AnAntHello, I have a problem using update-alternatives, I issued this command: sudo update-alternatives --install  /usr/lib/usplash/usplash-artwork.so  usplash-artwork.so /usr/lib/usplash/usplash-theme-ubuntume.so 10, and I got this error:17:21
AnAntmv: cannot stat `usplash-artwork.so': No such file or directory17:21
AnAntupdate-alternatives: unable to rename usplash-artwork.so to /usr/lib/usplash/usplash-artwork.so: Invalid cross-device link17:21
dsop_ah good to know: You may announce your upload to #ubuntu-motu not more then once per day17:23
dsop_so here is my daily announcment: I'm searching for some motu to review my package gcutils http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?package=gcutils17:24
crimsunAnAnt: is that in your package's postinst?17:26
AnAntcrimsun: yes, also I tried to run it manually, still got the same problem17:26
AnAntcrimsun: so ?17:28
crimsundid you --remove it first?17:28
crimsunupdate-alternatives --remove usplash-artwork.so /usr/lib/usplash/usplash-theme-ubuntume.so17:28
AnAntcrimsun: why --remove ? I want to add /usr/lib/usplash/usplash-theme-ubuntume.so as an alternative17:28
crimsunAnAnt: to erase any existing links.17:29
crimsunit seems to work here fine for a bogus file17:29
crimsunyou're using hardy, not gutsy, correct?17:30
AnAntanyways I did that --remove line, still the --install didn't work17:30
crimsunpastebin `ls -l /usr/lib/usplash; update-alternatives --display usplash-artwork.so`17:31
AnAntcrimsun: http://pastebin.com/m4d108f8c17:33
crimsun(looking now)17:36
crimsunok, and `ls -l /etc/alternatives/usplash-artwork.so`?17:39
AnAntlrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 36 2007-10-02 09:17 /etc/alternatives/usplash-artwork.so -> /usr/lib/usplash/usplash-ubuntuME.so17:39
crimsunok, first it needs to be in auto mode17:41
AnAntwhy ?17:41
crimsunnext, --remove the usplash-ubuntuME.so one17:41
crimsunthen --install the usplash-theme-ubuntume.so one17:41
AnAntwhy auto and why remove usplash-ubuntuME.so ?17:41
crimsunbecause you need to tell the alternatives system to handle the link instead of assuming that the administrator wants it set to whatever s/he did17:42
crimsunthe remove is in place because the other templates I'm inspecting use it17:44
AnAntbut I don't want to remove the usplash-ubuntuME.so alternative17:44
AnAntcan't it have 3 alternatives ?17:45
crimsunsure, but it's on manual.17:45
AnAntonly 2 !17:45
AnAntI had to make it auto17:47
AnAntbut I don't have to remove usplash-ubuntuME.so alternative !17:47
crimsunif you want the alternatives system to choose automatically the lowest one, true.17:47
crimsuns/lowest/highest priority/17:48
AnAntso in manual mode I can only have 2 alternatives ?17:48
crimsunno, not at all, you're not limited17:48
crimsunI didn't understand that you want to keep more than one around17:49
crimsunaka, I thought usplash-ubuntuME.so was the obsolete version of usplash-theme-ubuntume.so17:49
crimsun(e.g., the various -artwork-usplash maintainer scripts I'm inspecting assume this latter use case)17:51
AnAntic, how to return to manual mode ?17:52
crimsunjust set it manually17:53
crimsun(from a prompt)17:53
x-ipthanks for the link crimsun, i'll check it and try out after a little rest17:53
=== bigon is now known as bigon`
=== MenZano is now known as MenZa
superm1crimsun, you still around?18:14
superm1i noticed something really odd on a laptop that i upgraded to gutsy with a usb headset.  it appears that the mixer controls are broken18:16
superm1and that audio will only come out one earphone18:17
superm1so i was looking to start to debug what was broken, but haven't the faintest where to start18:17
crimsunthe mixer applet should (and alsamixer may) exhibit that.  amixer is known to work correctly.18:17
crimsunwhat's the SSID of the usb audio device18:18
superm1hm okay. let me give skype a shot using amixer18:18
superm1how do i grab the ssid of it?18:18
crimsunlsusb -v18:18
superm1i dont see anything entitled ssid on that, here is the lsusb output however: http://pastebin.com/m5731904a18:20
superm1(its just for that device)18:20
crimsunSSID is the subsystem identifier.  You'll rarely, if ever, see it explicitly labeled as such.18:21
crimsunright, USB.  So you won't even have an SSID in many cases.  In that case you could go with the vendor:dev ID, which is 047f:c00118:22
crimsunSSIDs are mainly useful for other PCI devices in which the vendor:dev ID is too general.18:23
superm1so usually devices other than usb will have an SSID then18:23
crimsunno, sometimes USB devices have SSIDs18:24
crimsunISA and MCA devices don't IIRC18:24
=== kitterma is now known as ScottK2
crimsunsec, looking through device tables.18:27
crimsunah, excellent.18:27
crimsunI bet you need a usbquirk entry.18:28
superm1within the kernel module for usb audio?18:28
crimsunmake sure that both alsamixer and amixer don't control the mixer elements correctly, first.18:28
crimsunyes, it would be in sound/usb/usbaudio.c or sound/usb/usbquirks.h18:29
superm1crimsun, okay it appears i can modify the mixers together using amixer18:32
superm1but alsamixer and the applet both break when trying to change one or the other18:32
superm1additionally skype only works from one earphone no matter what the volume, but other apps seem to work fine, so i might be apt to just blame that on skype18:33
crimsuncan you work around that ("skype only works from one earphone") for now using amixer?18:33
superm1let me see.18:34
crimsunis the symptom reproducible using Hardy Alpha 2?18:34
superm1i wiped my hardy vm a few days ago to make some space, i'll have to rebuild it to see18:34
superm1has a quirk already been added for my device in hardy?18:35
superm1well it appears i can get skype to work from both earphones by changing the devices among hw:blahblah to plughw:blahblah in skype settings, so that isn't a worry.18:35
crimsunno, but I need to narrow whether it's a control layer regression (you're not the first to report such with a usb audio device, and I've experienced it myself in Hardy with my onboard HDA) or a driver issue18:36
crimsunthe relevant sources are alsa-lib and alsa-utils for the former18:37
jeromegsuperm1: hello, concerning your xfce4-terminal issue, I think it's worth ontaxting upstream18:38
superm1alsa kernel modules still aren't moved to lum it looks like.  eh, a git checkout of the whole kernel will take ages on the connection i'm on18:38
superm1jeromeg, any particular list to forward it on to?18:38
jeromegmaybe xfce4-dev18:38
crimsunsuperm1: lum in hardy will not have alsa; it remains in linux.18:39
jeromegi'll give you the adress in a minute18:39
crimsun1.0.15 is pretty stable18:39
superm1crimsun, for some reason I thought I recalled discussion of it being put into lum, but if its stable i guess there isn't any worries18:39
crimsunit would have required far too much hackery for linux-headers18:40
jeromegsuperm1: http://foo-projects.org/pipermail/goodies-dev/18:40
jeromegxfce4-terminal is part of the xfce goodies18:40
superm1jeromeg, okay thanks.  i'll see if i cant shoot a message up that way18:41
jeromegsuperm1: you cna contact benny directly i think18:41
=== txwikinger2 is now known as txwikinger
=== bigon` is now known as bigon
superm1crimsun, okay i just got a hardy based vm up and running, and using alsamixer appears to properly control the volume of both left and right at the same time19:24
crimsunexcellent, then it's not an alsa issue.19:25
crimsunSEP, as many would say ;)19:25
superm1makes it a bit harder for me to backport some sort of fix to gutsy in the interim though too :)19:26
crimsunnot really, just backport Hardy's alsa-lib and alsa-utils19:27
crimsun[what I really should have said above is "not an alsa issue in Hardy"]19:27
superm1good call.  easy enough19:29
superm1gah i must be a geek when i would rather type "ls -l| grep 12-25 | grep deb | grep -v ddeb | awk '{print $8}' | grep -v doc | grep -v dev | xargs sudo dpkg -i" than figure out what debs were produced from a pbuilder19:44
crimsunand you would be even more of a geek to combine those grep expressions, where applicable, into awk ones ;)19:45
kittermasuperm1 or crimsun: I just got my first iPod.  As a Kubuntu user, is Amarok what I want to manage it?19:49
=== kitterma is now known as ScottK2
superm1ScottK2, yeah that or gtkpod will do19:50
superm1which series however?19:50
superm1for the touch, and the new classic, you need the newer libgpod19:50
ScottK2It's the new nano.  I'm working on backporting the new libgpod right now.19:50
superm1ScottK2, i already did that19:50
superm1look on the ipod-touch ppa19:50
ScottK2Ah.  Cool.19:51
superm1also rebuilt amarok, gtkpod, banshee and a few others against it19:51
ScottK2Cool.  Saves me a lot of trouble.19:51
superm1yeah, everyone seems to miss that ppa, i'm not sure how to let more people know about it :)19:51
ScottK2superm1: You might write an Ubuntu wiki page about it.19:52
superm1i did19:52
superm1its on the iPhone & iPod touch wiki pages19:52
ScottK2As an iPod novice, I wouldn't have known iPod touch was what to look for.19:52
superm1ah yeah good point.  when i assembled the ppa, i didn't realize how many other devices it would be applicable for19:53
ScottK2superm1: Have you got a link for your wiki page.  I can't find it.19:54
superm1ipod-convenience is only needed for iphone and ipod-touch though19:55
superm1you just need to enable the ppa and update libgpod, and other related apps from the ppa19:55
ScottK2Cool.  Thanks.19:56
superm1have fun with it :)19:57
superm1wonderful.  newer alsa-driver/alsa-lib/alsa-utils does appear to fix it.  thanks crimsun20:01
ScottK2superm1: One comment on your version numbering...  2:1.4.8-0ubuntu1~gutsy1+ppa1 is a higher version number than an official backport might get.  I'd suggest something like 2:1.4.8-0ubuntu1~gutsy1~ppa1 for future efforts.20:01
superm1ScottK, well the goal was to make it higher than the backport20:02
superm1because the backport isn't rebuilt against libgpod320:02
superm1whereas this is20:02
ScottK2Understand.  Generally I think it's better to keep ppa versions lower than official ones.20:03
superm1agree to an extent20:04
superm1someone using a ppa will probably want the ppa to be a higher priority than a regular archive while they are on say gutsy20:04
superm1but when they upgrade to hardy20:04
superm1they'd like the hardy version to take priority20:04
superm1even if they still had the ppa one installed20:05
=== bigon is now known as bigon`
superm1so for example the other day when that amarok backport came through, there were posts on the forums of people not sure why all of a sudden "artwork stopped working when they did an update", but it was because the ppa was lower than the backport version20:08
ScottK2Right, but someone using a PPA had to set it up explicitly.20:14
ScottK2It might be useful to recommend someone installling from PPA not enable backports.20:14
ScottK2superm1: It all installed fine, but it doesn't seem to want to connect via Amarok.20:15
ScottK2I can browse the iPod just fine with D3lphin.20:15
superm1ScottK2, hm.  you can attempt gtkpod instead.20:15
ScottK2It asks me for a pre-mount command.20:16
superm1you shouldn't need one for the nano/classic20:16
superm1only the iphone/ipod touch need them20:16
ScottK2I'd like to get amarok working, so I'll fiddle with it a bit.  Thanks.20:18
ScottK2superm1: Do I need ipodslave?20:19
superm1ScottK2, ah i had assumed it was installed by default20:19
superm1in kubuntu20:19
superm1there is a kde io slave you need for it yes20:19
ScottK2OK.  It wasn't.20:20
ScottK2I don't think.20:20
superm1that's probably worth adding to the wiki pages20:20
ScottK2You mention it on yours.  That's how I knew to ask.20:21
ScottK2superm1: That did it.  Thanks again for all your help.20:26
=== bigon` is now known as bigon
superm1no prob20:28
superm1ScottK2, if you get a few moments, maybe can you make another wiki page explaining what is necessary for the newer nanos/classics then?20:28
sommermerry x-mas all, is there a debootstrap script for hardy?20:49
superm1sommer, yeah grab debootstrap from hardy repos and you can debootstrap into it21:03
sommersuperm1: ah... thanks man21:04
imbrandonScottK2 / superm1 : no i never got arround to filing the MIR for ipodslave21:23
superm1imbrandon, are you going to?21:24
superm1i suppose it would make sense to at least be a recommend on amarok21:24
imbrandonsuperm1: yea, i had planned to21:24
imbrandoninfact i might have even done the MIR for it but not the actual work21:25
imbrandonnot sure, i need to follow up21:25
=== santiago-ve is now known as foursixnine
=== foursixnine is now known as santiago-ve
jas01What would you recommend for someone who wants to get into ubuntu development? I mean as far as programming languages and a starting point?22:11
LaroseWhich package creates /lib/modules directory ?22:14
=== azeem_ is now known as azeem
Vorianmerry christmas :)22:20
Vorianhow can I fix this error? http://pastebin.com/m78929a0a22:20
awen_Vorian: are you sure you have your own key in the gpg keyring?22:27
awen_jas01: I just started contributing, and started by trying to fix some bugs... you can start by reading here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Contributing22:28
awen_jas01: but if you know a certain programming language i'm pretty sure, that help is needed, but i don't know that much about that... atm it seems the christmas quietness finally has arrived here ;)22:29
awen_Larose: run "dpkg -S /lib/modules" to see which packages you have installed which will create that directory22:30
Laroseawen_: ok! thanks :)22:32
jas01awen_: thanks22:33
awen_jas01: but if you are planning to learn some language, it seems that python programmers is highly needed for a lot of smaller configuration tools etc. both for kubuntu and ubuntu :)22:34
awen_Vorian: "gpg -K" lists the secret keys you have in the keyring; check that the emails you uses is on the list22:36
jas01awen_: i'm glad to hear that because I enjoy working with python. i assume that shell scripting is another large part of package development22:38
Kmosupdate topic.. REVU is back =)22:40
=== Kmos changed the topic of #ubuntu-motu to: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU | Want to get involved with the MOTUs? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Contributing | Unmet Deps time! http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/debcheck/ | QA resources from http://qa.ubuntuwire.com | REVU is back - http://revu.ubuntuwire.com
awen_jas01: haven't worked with it myself; so try to avoid bugs from python based packages atm :) ... but then i'm sure that something might be around22:42
awen_have you tried asking in the #kubuntu-devel or #ubuntu-devel rooms... might very well be someone better to talk to there22:44
Vorianawen_, aye, it't correct23:07
Vorian(sorry, stepped away for a moment)23:07
awen_Vorian: kan you do a manual debsign?23:09
Vorianyeah, it autosigned my .dsc23:11
awen_Vorian: so it signed it, but you still get an error?23:12
Voriannever mind23:12
Vorianfound the error23:12
awen_Vorian: okay :)23:12
Vorianbad Vorian23:12
awen_Vorian: can happen to us all... it's getting late, at least where I am ;)23:13
awen_night people23:56

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