
RiddellCheGuevara: milk with tea or coffee is an English thing00:03
Riddellnot done where I come from00:03
RiddellI hear they put ice in their whisky too00:03
CheGuevaranah milk with coffee is everywhere00:03
Riddellgoodness no, defeats the point to dilute the taste00:03
Riddellalthough in the Canary islands they use condensed milk which is quite nice00:04
CheGuevaracoffee and cream may be00:04
Riddelltalking of English curiosities..00:04
CheGuevarai wouldn't know i hate coffee in any form00:04
=== Riddell changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Welcome to the Kubuntu developers channel | Merry Boxing Day to all | Next meeting: 2nd January
=== Huahua is now known as Shely
Hobbseefirefox had a qt port02:30
Hobbseeit was just unfinished02:30
CheGuevarahmm really?02:30
CheGuevarawhen was this02:30
Hobbseeages ago02:31
Hobbseefirefox 1.x02:31
CheGuevaralooks like trolltech started working in it, but stoped02:33
jas01 02:41
jas01lol i was cleaning my keyboard02:47
DaSkreechHobbsee: !03:45
DaSkreechJucato: !03:45
DaSkreechHow are you?03:47
Hobbseegood :)03:47
CheGuevarahey DaSkreech03:47
DaSkreechhi CheGuevara03:48
rouzicHi all! :-*03:51
DaSkreechHobbsee: makes no sense to pester Ubuntu-devel about LTS does it ?03:52
HobbseeDaSkreech: no03:53
* DaSkreech waits to pounce sabdfl03:54
DaSkreechHobbsee: how is Alpha 2 looking?04:01
CheGuevarano point of looking at it, until kde 4 is there :P04:01
HobbseeDaSkreech: of?04:01
HobbseeDaSkreech: oh, hardy?04:01
Hobbseeworks reasonably well04:01
Hobbseeexa on intel drivers is still slow04:02
DaSkreechwell Hobbsee  is on Gnome a lot these days04:02
DaSkreechso I was asking impressions of that04:02
CheGuevarathats because the new drm is not gonna enter official kernel tree any time soon04:02
CheGuevarathe new memory manager branch that is04:02
DaSkreechIBM has TPM in linux now?04:03
CheGuevarano TTM until .2504:09
CheGuevarawhich means not until ubuntu 8.1004:09
=== rouzic is now known as rouzic_ausente
santiago-vewhat an injustice... here... a cinema line says that they will show AVP-r on the 28th... and the other one (my favorite) say that they wont... until next year >.<05:36
ardchoilleWhen I type "about:konqueror" into konqueror, a nice webpage comes up. Where is that page located? I'd like to use it as a template for a bookmarks page on my box.05:59
Jucato /usr/share/apps/konqueror/about06:00
ardchoilleJucato: Ah, I was looking in the wrong place.06:01
ardchoilleJucato: ty06:01
Jucatoit seems to also make use of stylesheets that aren't located in that directory06:01
Jucatogeneric KDE stylesheets (like those used in the KDE Handbooks/Help pages)06:01
ardchoilleThat's too bad, I was hoping to use that06:02
Jucatoyou can. just have to figure out where to get them and how to piece them all together ;P06:02
ardchoilleWill do :)06:02
Jucatowb Hobbsee06:07
santiago-veGuys im soffy for the offtopic... do you know any took for data recovery? just deleted an important text file on my pc06:09
Hobbseei'ts not ni the recycle bin, etc?06:10
santiago-vei usually delete with shift + delete...06:11
santiago-vebut accidentally selected another file... (which was the one that i wasnt supposed to delete)06:11
Hobbseeoh dear06:11
teKnofreaksantiago-ve, from now, have important files under version control ;)06:12
DaSkreechsantiago-ve: Which Filesystem?06:13
DaSkreechcan't get it back06:14
santiago-vewieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee means i have to start over...06:14
DaSkreechuSe Version Control :)06:15
santiago-vethis might sound funny06:16
santiago-vebut i didnt saw the "need" for using version control for this stuff... until now..06:16
santiago-ve(its just a doc plain text file)06:16
teKnofreakIIRC, version control started with plain text files ;)06:17
santiago-veoh well... just 305 functions to document06:19
santiago-vei still cant get why some PHP programmers (Specially in Venezuela) know anything about Documentation techs~06:20
ugasantiago-ve: DaSkreech: it _is_ possible to recover ext3 fs deleted files06:29
DaSkreechTeach me o great one06:29
ugathere's both tutorials based on fs-recovery on the net and even commercial tools to do so06:30
santiago-veye comercial tools... but which one of it works06:30
ugasome that attempt recovering whole trees on the disk06:30
santiago-vetested 2 before coming here06:30
ugaI haven't used commercial ones, but recovered reiser-fs files using the first method06:30
ugasantiago-ve: ah06:31
ugasantiago-ve: http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/repairing-reiserfs-file-system-with-reiserfsck.html06:32
ugaI recovered the reiserfs files using that method06:33
ugajust do as if you were recovering a broken partition06:33
ugaand you recover lots of lost crap06:33
santiago-veim not that desesperated xD06:33
ugawell, it worked. I recovered the whole of my /home =)06:34
santiago-veim already going again with the work06:34
santiago-veanyways (puts that on his delicious)06:34
* santiago-ve wants to sleep06:37
santiago-vebwahahha almost done07:10
ardchoilleI wonder if krusader is safe enough to make as the default file manager07:14
Jucatosafe enough?07:20
Jucatoand whose default file manager? yours or Kubuntu's?07:20
ardchoilleWell, it's a file manager, but I don't know the software well enough to say it's safe to use as the default.07:20
ardchoilleMine in kubuntu07:20
ardchoilleI've never had a problem in kubuntu so I don't wanna go doing something that will end that trend07:21
Jucatoit's safe as in stable. it's older and more polished than d3lphin (note d3lphin)07:21
Jucatobut it sort of does require that you know how to use a twin-panel file manager or at least willing to learn how to use one07:22
ardchoilleOh, I love krusader, been using it a while07:22
Jucatohm.. ok... I don't understand your question then :)07:23
ardchoilleSafe, as in safe to set as the default on file associations (inade/directory)07:23
* Jucato doesn't see why not.07:23
* Jucato finds "but I don't know the software well enough to say it's safe to use as the default." and "Oh, I love krusader, been using it a while" a bit conflicting :)07:24
ardchoilleI'll switch it then07:24
ardchoilleI don't know what all is required to be "default file manager" by the system.07:24
santiago-vehmmm Jucato so D3lphin isnt a "mispelled" name?07:26
santiago-veor it is?07:26
ardchoilleJucato: When I set krusader as the default fm in File Associations, and then click on System > Home Folder, krusader doesn't launch. <-- that's what I was talking about.07:27
ardchoillesantiago-ve: dolphin is a symlink to d3lphin07:27
ardchoillesantiago-ve: file /usr/bin/dolphin07:27
Jucato!d3lphin | santiago-ve07:29
ubotusantiago-ve: Dolphin, or more properly D3lphin, is the new default file manager for Kubuntu 7.10 Gutsy Gibbon. If you would like to make Konqueror your default file manager again, go to Konqueror - Settings menu - Configure Konqueror - File Associations and change the association for inode/directory and inode/system_directory to Konqueror at the top rather than Dolphin.07:29
Jucatoit isn't misspelled ;)07:29
Jucatodolphin and d3lphin are 2 different things07:30
santiago-vegood thing im still with feisty :p07:30
santiago-veJucato, enlighten me07:30
ardchoilled3lpjin is an ld fork of dolphin and no longer developed07:30
ardchoillethe dolphin in kde4 is much beter than d3lphin07:30
santiago-vejust dont tellme dolphin is MDM (Mysql desktop manager)07:30
Jucatosantiago-ve: http://enzosworld.gmxhome.de/download.html07:31
Jucatosee the note there07:31
santiago-veseen read and understood07:32
santiago-vety for the info07:32
santiago-vehave fun guys07:34
santiago-veim off to slee07:34
=== apachelogger_ is now known as apachelogger
apacheloggergood morning my currently most favorite dev team :P09:23
=== Shely is now known as iPersistent
Chealsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such device11:19
apachelogger_pokerth 0.6 has been released -.-11:43
* apachelogger_ now has to start all over again11:43
=== wolfger_ is now known as wolfger
jpatrickVorian: I see you've applied for kubuntu member thingy, prehaps you should add yourself to the meeting page?12:37
ardchoilleI have an idea for the next Kubuntu Tutorials Day12:56
ardchoille"How to make a proper patch"12:57
ardchoilleI"ll be honest, I don't even know what exactly a patch is.12:57
jpatrickdiff -Nurp origfile.diff file.diff12:58
ardchoilleI assume it's a small piece of code that the devs can integrate into an app.12:58
ardchoilleWell, that was a short class :)12:58
jpatrickardchoille: I'm going to have to give lines..12:59
CheGuevarabetter class would be applying patches in deb packages13:09
=== jpetso_ is now known as jpetso
ardchoilleCheGuevara: I agree13:12
ardchoille"How to make a patch and then apply it"13:12
jpatrickCheGuevara ardchoille: same thing13:39
jpatrickjust do debian/rules apply-patches13:40
CheGuevaracould use cdbs's system13:42
jpatrickit does13:43
ardchoillejpatrick: Ah, ok13:43
Jucatothe arcane art of packaging...13:43
Jucato2 years into Kubuntu (about 1 or more into trying development) and I still haven't gotten even the basics right :D13:44
jpatrickthe patch just needs to be in debian/patches/13:44
jpatrickJucato: http://people.ubuntuwire.com/~jpatrick/tutorials/kubuntu-tutorials-day-packaging.pdf13:44
Jucatojpatrick: downloaded it laredy :P13:44
jpatrickah, ok13:45
ardchoilleThat ,ust have been the fastest wget I've ever done13:45
Jucatojpatrick: it's just that I don't really do packaging as my main activity (I'm sort of a bit more inclined towards coding, so manually applying patches, not relying on package management systems, etc.)13:46
Jucatoso everytime I try to fix or add something in Kubuntu (that's really the only reason why I try to learn packaging) i have to relearn everything :)13:47
Jucatobecause it only happens every 6 months :P13:47
jpatrickchange is the only constant13:48
ardchoillejpatrick: This tutorial is very well done. I had problems following the irc logs due to too much activity in the channel. This pdf is awesome :)13:48
jpatrickardchoille: you're welcome13:48
Jucatojpatrick: what's worse is that I keep on losing the notes/reminders to myself that I've made about packaging everytime :/13:49
ardchoilleJucato: sudo apt-get install basket  :)13:50
jpatrickJucato: knotes > *13:50
Jucatobasket isn't really helpful if you've rm'ed your /home :)13:50
jpatrickwell, that isn't helping in any case13:50
Jucato(the first time... the 2nd time I just rm'ed the file accidentally :P)13:50
ardchoilleJucato: ouch!13:50
Jucatoardchoille: you can say that again (but please don't)13:51
ardchoilleJucato: There are a couple of realy neat apps, cron and tar, that you can use to tar up $HOME and put on a 2nd drive13:53
* ardchoille ducks13:53
* Jucato reaches for the gShotgun :)13:53
jpatrickJucato: use zsh, it warns you if you're about to rm something important13:53
Jucatothe most cruel death/torture you can inflict on someone... kill/hurt them with a gnome/gtk tool/weapon :)13:54
Jucatojpatrick: will it work even in a chroot? (which is how I accidentally rm'ed my home)13:54
jpatrickJucato: if you use it as shell, yeah13:55
CheGuevarawhy can't it be kShotgun :P13:55
JucatoCheGuevara: [21:54] <Jucato> the most cruel death/torture you can inflict on someone... kill/hurt them with a gnome/gtk tool/weapon :)13:55
CheGuevaramissed that lol13:55
JucatoI guessed so :)13:55
CheGuevara+1 then lol13:56
Jucato+1 gnome-shotgun of pain... what a deadly weapon to inflict cruel and unusual punishment :)13:57
=== apachelogger__ is now known as apachelogger
=== tmske__ is now known as tmske
=== Che is now known as CheGuevara
kenkkuwhere am I supposed to put the application icon when packaging?16:26
jpatrickkenkku: does the programs build system not do that itself?16:29
kenkkujpatrick: nope16:29
jpatrickwhat package?16:29
kenkkujpatrick: the program doesn't actually even install itself16:30
kenkkujpatrick: nothing you would know, it's just a program I'm packaging for a small audience16:30
jpatrickaha, and it's not make, make install stuff?16:31
kenkkuonly make to compile one binary16:31
kenkkuno make install16:31
kenkkuit would be possible to make one, though16:31
jpatrickkenkku: icons should go to /usr/share/icons/hicolor/16:33
kenkkujpatrick: thanks. I'll have to ask the developer about this, he's doing it mainly for mac, but it's qt so it works on linux too16:33
kenkkuso I guess he doesn't really know how the practices go on linux. it's such a small program, too, so it's not very important yet16:34
kenkkuthis might be a weird question but.. why does debuild run make clean? :S16:45
jpatrickyou using cdbs?16:45
jpatrickis "make clean" mentioned in debian/rules?16:46
kenkkuI mean it runs the clean in debian/rules16:47
kenkkuwhich includes make clean16:47
jpatrickkenkku: never make clean from rules, if you do not wish to run it16:47
kenkkuhmm, so it is supposed to run at that point?16:48
jpatrickit is to make sure the package is free of binaries before upload16:48
kenkkuooh. I see.16:48
kenkkui got a bit distracted since it says "# Add here commands to clean up after the build process."16:48
jpatrickyou wouldn't happen to be reading my tutorial? :)16:49
kenkkuI don't know, which one is it :P16:49
jpatricknm then16:49
kenkkuI'm reading the PackagingGuide in the wiki16:49
Jucatojpatrick: would you be so kind as to add the link to your tutorial in the channel topic? :)16:49
jpatricklo effie_jayx16:49
kenkkujpatrick: do you have a better tutorial then? ;)16:49
jpatrickJucato: which channel? it's not that good ;)16:50
Jucatohere :)16:50
Jucatoit's good enough to have been the material for the tutorials day :)16:50
* jpatrick dunno16:50
Jucatopfft :P16:51
jpatrickkenkku: http://people.ubuntuwire.com/~jpatrick/tutorials/16:52
kenkkuthat looks better16:52
jpatrickI could be a writer one day :o)16:53
effie_jayxjpatrick: lo!!?16:54
jpatrickeffie_jayx: hello -> 'lo -> lo16:54
kenkku"warning: Version number suggests Ubuntu changes, but Maintainer: does not have Ubuntu address"17:00
kenkkuhow should I name the package? I'm only probably distributing it through PPA17:00
jpatrickyou can ignore that if you want17:01
kenkkuok, I thought that would be the case17:02
jpatrickCheGuevara: yeah, but if it's personal, and not for Ubuntu: ignore17:03
CheGuevarayeah i am just saying for educational puposes :P17:03
jpatrickeducation? what's that o.O17:03
=== kitterma is now known as ScottK2
kenkkuwell, pbuilder does everything nicely and then says "dpkg-deb: building package `qutescoop' in `../qutescoop_0.1.8-0ubuntu1~ppa1_i386.deb'." and does some stuff.. but the package is nowhere to be found17:14
jpatrickis it in the directory above?17:15
kenkkuwell, I wouldn't be saying this if it wasn't there :)17:15
stdinkenkku: pbuilder puts them in /var/cache/pbuilder/result17:15
kenkkuweird, I tried packaging a few times before and it did appear where I though it would be17:16
ScottK2Or in ~/pbuilder if you're using the pbuilder script in ubunt-dev-tools17:16
kenkkuwell, I found the package now17:17
jpatrickno you can 'lintian' it for errors or just install :)17:17
kenkkuin /var/cache/pbuilder/result17:17
kenkkuhmm or is it.. the time is too old, so it's not the one17:18
kenkkuit appeared in the directory below the sources (where the original tarball is) before, but not now17:19
jpatrickok, looks like we lost Riddell17:25
kenkkuok, NOW I got the deb17:26
* Jucato runs around like crazy, like a chicken with its head cut off17:26
jpatrickkenkku: yaya17:26
kenkkuit was indeed in the /var/cache/pbuilder/result dir17:27
nosrednaekimhe's over in #kubuntu still17:31
jpatrickinvite: "You need to be a channel operator to do that"17:33
Jucatohe'll notice... eventually... :)17:33
ubotuHelp! Riddell, haggai, amu, imbrandon, Hobbsee or Mez17:34
imbrandonjpatrick: ?17:34
jpatrickimbrandon: /invite Riddell ;)17:35
imbrandondone, he must not have autojoin on17:36
imbrandonwhy would i need to invite him ?17:36
jpatrickremind him17:36
jpatricksince he's everywhere else ;)17:36
* Tm_T hugs Jucato 17:48
Tm_Tjpatrick: yes?17:49
Tm_Tjpatrick: just joking :)17:50
jpatrickah right17:50
* Tm_T hufs jpatrick 17:50
Tm_Thugs even17:50
=== ubiq_ is now known as lucifaint
kenkkuwhat is the best way to install the desktop file?19:07
jpatrickkenkku: put it in /usr/share/applications/19:09
kenkkuhmm, what's the preferred way to install files? :P19:11
apacheloggerwith a package :P19:11
jpatrickkenkku: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/3023/19:18
jpatrickfor example19:18
jpatrickerm, that's for cdbs19:20
_StefanS_Jucato: always online, eh ? :)19:31
kenkkuhmm, another weird question, where in the source package should I put the .desktop file? is it ok if I put it in debian/?19:43
mhbgood evening19:43
kenkkuI just noticed that I'm an idiot.20:06
manchickenSo I wonder how Swedish these Swedish Fish candies are.20:09
manchickenkenkku: Don't take it so hard.  It's a common ailment.  The trick is to just use really big words so that people don't ever notice.20:09
=== kozz_ is now known as kozz
jpatrick_StefanS_: does kdmtheme work on hardy?20:11
jpatrickkenkku: don't worry, we're all learning :)20:12
kenkkuyeah, I just stated that :) even though I'm CURRENTLY an idiot, my idiotness is decreasing - rapidly20:12
mhbwhat's up, docs?20:41
jpatrickI thought you didn't like docs20:41
mhbooh, you remember! :o)20:42
mhbhow nice of you.20:42
jpatrickhmm, we're still Riddell down20:42
jpatrickthat's up :)20:42
mhbhmm, he's still sleeping off the Christmas&birthday celebration?20:43
jpatrickno idea20:43
apacheloggerall this alcohol -.-20:48
apacheloggeroh how awesome it could have been...20:48
kenkkuhey, can you version a package as a date instead of the normal x.y.z?20:51
kenkkuI have a data package that's periodically updated20:51
jpatrickkenkku: what version does it have now?20:52
jpatrickwhat revision control system does it use?20:53
kenkkujpatrick: well, basically svn. in the original form it's in a directory in the source archive, but I'd like to make it a separate package so that the application itself doesn't have to be updated every time the data is (which might be monthly)20:54
kenkkujpatrick: the data itself doesn't change *radically*, it's just something that recieves some corrections over time20:54
kenkkuso it's kind of funny to use the conventional version system for it20:54
jpatrickkenkku: I recommend: 0.0+svn20071226 - as in svnYYYYMMDD20:54
kenkkujpatrick: is there any guide/guideline on these?20:55
jpatricknot that I know of20:57
jpatrickbut with that^ in the next release users will easily upgrade20:58
kenkkuyeah, that sounds like an ok solution20:58
jpatrick0.0 -> 0.1, 1 etc20:58
jpatrick20071231 is greater than 2007122620:59
jpatrickfor example20:59
jpatricknew year: 20080102 > 20071216: true20:59
kenkkuthis is actually a fairly nice solution21:00
crimsunI recommend ~, actually21:01
mhbapachelogger: ya, too bad we were not invited :o(21:01
kenkkusince it's possible (yet unlikely) that the data format changes over time in the core application, so maybe I'll use the core app version plus the date21:01
crimsundpkg --compare-versions 0.0 gt 0.0~svn20071226 ;echo $?21:01
crimsunjust in the very, very off chance that some upstream actually wants to release a "0.0"21:01
kenkkuwhat does the ~ mean in the version, then?21:04
jpatricknot much, it's just a seperator21:05
jpatrickbackports uses it21:05
crimsunit's a specific "lesser than" separator21:05
iRonis there anyone who has installed hardy on laptop?21:43
iRondunno why, but my Alt key works like Enter, and Left key works like Alt21:44
iRoni've installed hardy with aptidute safe-upgrade.. not from cd :)21:45
iRoninstallation from cd failed for me because of buggy `release candidate' linux kernel 2.6.24 :(21:48
crimsun2.6.24-rc6-git2 and newer are better21:51
iRoncrimsun: you've compiled it by yourself?21:52
crimsunLinux Box 2.6.24-rc6-git2 #1 SMP PREEMPT Mon Dec 24 07:49:37 EST 2007 i686 GNU/Linux21:53
mhbis anyone using kde4 here?21:53
mhbit seems to me that everything is insanely huge, especially the font sizes.21:54
iRoncrimsun: vanilla linux? whithout ubuntu patches?21:54
crimsuniRon: correct.21:54
crimsunI'm attempting to git-bisect a resume-from-* bug21:54
iRonmhb: i'm on kde4 from daily svn build21:55
mhbiRon: is everything so huge as well?21:55
iRonmhb: no.. only taskbar fonts..21:56
mhbiRon: is the taskbar blinking when windows ask for attention?22:02
mhbiRon: such as new kopete message in a chat window or so22:02
mhbnixternal: chixternal my friend, how are the KDE4 builds?22:03
mhbnixternal: I wonder whether they'll be some new stuff soon.22:03
nixternaljust got back today...can't build them on the buildd's until the buildd's are fixed22:04
nixternaland they are just rebuilds of rc222:04
iRonmhb: hm.. no.. everything else looks fine.. but i've yesterday build.22:05
mhbI'd like to test something new, but I'm either too lazy to build it myself, or I'd like to see new Kubuntu packages.22:06
fdovingkde4 from svn works nicely for me. it's nice to just svn up and do a recompile, it's faster than installing all those packages :)22:07
mhbthe plasma widgets never worked well for me that way ... the files always ended up overwriting the older versions and it was a huge mess22:08
fdovingit is improving every day.22:08
iRoni've never used any plasma widgets on desktop..22:09
mhbsomehow, OS X is making a much better impression when it comes to the amount of space on the desktop.22:09
fdovingI have the battery thing, and my kde3 desktop icons (4 .desktop files, launchers) got merged somehow.22:09
mhbjust two rxvt windows can fill it all22:10
mhbnixternal: wow, someone's in for a wave of rebuttals.22:13
fdovingthe new kmahjongg is amazing.22:14
iRonmhb: when i first installed kde4 -- i was thought i'm working on OS X.. don't know why :)22:14
crimsunI like Boost for some things.22:15
crimsunI like EA's STL for some things.22:15
crimsunMostly I like pie.22:15
mhbiRon: unfortunately KDE4 keeps reminding me it's not OS X.22:15
iRonmhb: try etoile (etoile-project.org) :)22:16
mhbiRon: at least until we drop the kickoff menu, finally get rid of the tray metaphor etc :o)22:16
fdovingmhb: you can use the older meny style. i do.22:17
mhbfdoving: I'm fine with krunner or what's it called.22:17
mhbkickoff is really silly; for some reason, it doesn't know I have a "rxvt" installed and it insists I look up "rxvt" via Google when I write it into the search bar.22:18
fdovingyou need the 'menu' package :)22:18
nixternalmhb: wave of rebuttals?22:19
mhbnixternal: yes, you're one of the unlucky guys that like boost and say it in public :o)22:19
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nixternalboost is groovy...show me a date function/class that can do what I asked in a) less lines or equal lines of code, and b) faster22:21
nixternalplus, some KDE 4 apps now use boost, so no better time than now to learn it22:22
iRoni heard that some boost classes 'll be in next с++ standard library22:23
nixternalI think Google announced it in a C++ tech talk22:23
nixternalI heard some might make its way into Python 3000 or whatever the hell they are calling it22:23
fdovingstdlib needs some love, really.22:24
crimsunit does.22:25
crimsunit's very nice, but...22:25
mhbC++ should eat my shorts. Get me a Python compiler!22:25
iRoni like objective-с :)22:25
crimsunwell, I think I said above with EA's STL.22:25
iRonobjective-c + cocoa :)22:26
mhb( give me a language as beautiful as Python that can be both interpreted and compiled and I'll be happy.)22:26
fdovingi like one-letter languages only.22:27
iRonfdoving: `c' ??22:27
fdovingyeah, i don't count ++ as letters :)22:28
nixternalfdoving likes A, B, C, D, and J22:28
fdovingyeah, rename python to P and i'll think about it :)22:28
nixternalI have been going through these Project Euler problems, and once you solve them, you can go into the forums for the ones you solved and see other people's code....some languanges look nuts22:28
nixternalie. Haskell22:28
nixternalx86 of course22:28
manchickenHow is a package on us.archive.ubuntu.com not trusted?22:29
mhbif P were both compiled and interpreted, I'm game.22:29
nixternallike J22:29
mayecoI'm trying to build trunk/extragear/multimedia22:30
mayecobut I get this error22:30
mayecoCMake Error: kcddb was not found. Need to install from kdemultimedia22:30
nixternalmayeco: I have no clue, unless they upgraded the key maybe, but I find that one hard to believe22:30
mhbnixternal: hmm, J? of course, interpreter must not eat 2 GB22:30
mhbnixternal: that leaves J out.22:30
nixternalya it does22:30
mhbnixternal: and what is that compiled code?22:30
mhbnixternal: you mean what gcj does?22:30
fdovingmayeco: you need to compile trunk/KDE/kdemultimedia/libkcddb first i guess.22:30
nixternalI have no clue, I just seen the source of it22:30
* mhb has never tested it ... are you able to compile the byte-codey hell into true binaries, not just some parodies with the interpreter packed in?22:31
nixternalextragear/multimedia was broken the other day, and has been broken for a bit, so you will probably have to cmakekde the apps separately22:31
mayecolet me try fdoving22:31
fdovingk3b ftbfs here.22:31
fdovingamarok builds.. those are the two items i've checked out from multimedia.22:32
nixternalg++ -O0 -g3 -Wall -c -fmessage-length=0 -MMD -MP -MF"src/main.d" -MT"src/main.d" -o"src/main.o" "../src/main.cpp"22:32
nixternalthat's all I need22:32
nixternalthere are still a few problems I need to work out that are slow on getting the answer(s)22:32
nixternalthough about 15 of the 22 I have completed this far, provide answers in about 1 second22:33
nixternaliRon must be a Mac fan22:34
nixternalisn't object-c and cocoa mac things?22:34
nixternalthere is a guy in the lug who gives talks about them every now and then22:34
fdovingplasma is macish.22:36
fdovingthe super-nice "present windows" effect, dashboard and all.22:37
mayecothanks fdoving that was the problem22:37
fdovingmayeco: you're welcome.22:37
* mhb looks forward to the new window decorations for KDE4.22:40
fdovingmhb: seen any mockups?22:41
mhbbut Oxygen windeco is too big for me, I'd like to see something really minimal.22:42

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