
mrtimbomerry xmas everyone00:01
Delvienand to you as well mrtimbo00:02
sourcemakerYeah.... I have installed the vanilla kernel with the last nvidia driver... everythink is working well... ;-)00:05
pierre__could anyone help me ?00:14
pierre__I just installed kubuntu 7.10 (I'm beginner with linux)00:14
pierre__and I can't download anything with adept because I got an error00:15
pierre__There was an error committing changes.00:15
pierre__Possibly there was a problem downloading some packages or the commit would break packages.00:15
pierre__and none of the solutions I found on the web worked00:15
unix_infidelpierre__: try using apt-get or aptitude.00:15
unix_infidelaptitude install [package name]00:16
pierre__ok thanks00:16
claydohyes, using apt-get or aptitiude will at least give a better error message00:16
SilouckRiddell: ping00:17
Riddellhi Silouck00:17
unix_infidelpierre__: you issue those commands in a terminal like aterm, xterm or whatever.00:18
unix_infideljust like in windows with cmd.exe00:18
pierre__Possibly there was a problem downloading some packages or the commit would break packages.00:19
pierre__I tried00:19
pierre__apt-get install chemtool00:19
pierre__it told me:00:19
pierre__E: Unable to open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock -open -13 permission denied)00:20
unix_infidelsudo apt-get install chemtool00:20
unix_infidelthen enter your password when it asks for it.00:20
pierre__E: Unable to lock the administation directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), are you root ?00:20
pierre__another error:00:20
pierre__it dont ask me my password00:21
intelikeywhat doesn't ?00:21
unix_infidelintelikey: sudo.00:21
unix_infidelpierre__: that's fine, it should install then.00:21
dmHello. Can anyone tell me how to compile a kernel module? I get "linux/config.h: No such file or directory" ...00:22
pierre__E: Unable to lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock -open (11 Resource temporaril unavailable)00:22
dm... on 7.10 with default kernel00:22
intelikeysudo will not ask the password if you have just used sudo and the timmer hasn't expired yet,     and not at all if you are in the sudo group00:22
pierre__E: Unable to lock the administation directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it ?00:22
unix_infidelpierre__: you need to quit adept first.00:23
ardchoillepierre__: Close any other package managers you have open00:23
_Angelus_what would you recomand as a good program to install a  virtual os? vmware qemu or virtualbox?00:23
intelikeyinfo for pierre__    ^00:23
pierre__ok... but is there a way to fix adept ?00:23
dm_Angelus_: qemu is easy, vmware is fast00:23
_Angelus_on my pc vmware is slow :/00:23
intelikeyqemu is easy  but doesn't work for the one thing i installed it for00:23
_Angelus_for what?00:24
_Angelus_i want to play mmorpg games00:24
claydohpierre__: make sure you don't have adept open while you try apt-get00:24
pierre__ok apt-get is working when I close adept00:24
pierre__but I'd prefer adept to the konsole :/00:25
intelikeyyou'll get over that.00:25
claydohI do as well, until there are problems00:25
pierre__and how do I get a list of available packages with the console ?00:26
claydohthats where a gui helps over the cli00:26
dmpierre__: with aptitude00:26
_Angelus_does qemu become faster then vmware when using full virtualization of the kqemu kernel module?00:26
intelikeyapt-cache search <something here>00:26
dm_Angelus_: I don't think so00:27
intelikeydm or dselect   ;/00:27
sebbyhow can i set my apt get to list all the softfare wich can be downloded  for eg  i won to have gcc and a list of ircds00:28
pierre__now adept works...lol00:29
intelikeyapt-cache search <something here>      details can be displayed with   apt-cache show blah00:29
intelikeyapt-cache search ^gcc       wild cards and regex are nice...00:30
sebbyhow can i find all apt get`s commands00:32
CheGuevaraman apt-get00:32
sebbyi foud for eg gcc with command wich u said00:32
sebbybut now i have to get it00:33
intelikeyman man00:34
intelikeysebby you probably want build-essential00:35
intelikey!b-e | sebby00:35
ubotusebby: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)00:35
pierre__I got the them error when I try to download the language package...00:35
nevilleHappy Boxing Day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!00:36
intelikeyoh how cute,  a troll00:36
=== ForeverZero is now known as sea4ever
dmI have installed the packages linux-headers and linux-source. The module's sources are in /usr/source/modules. Any idea what could be the problem here?00:37
dmlinux/config.h: No such file or directory00:37
intelikeydm !i.  i try to avoid building source unless    well there is no unless...00:39
dmintelikey: And how do you insert new kernel modules?00:40
intelikeydm i don't need any.00:41
intelikeydm or are you asking about the "modprobe" command ?00:41
dmintelikey: No, the module isn't built yet00:42
rredd4kde ubuntu, fiesty... will not mount my external sd card automatically.  (it does mount auto in gnome), what is the mount command for this and how do i get the sd card to mount auto?00:42
intelikeydm  my nvidia card isn't supported so i have nothing that needs "modules built"00:42
rredd4its vfat00:42
ubotuThe Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org00:43
intelikeyrredd4   sudo mount /dev/<device> /mount/point/here -o umask=00000:43
pierre__big thanks to all, by00:43
rredd4intelikey, ty00:44
intelikeyrredd4 fdisk -l   or  cat /proc/partitions    either might reviel the device node name.   and the mount point is arbitrarry00:44
intelikeyrredd4 also unplug/replug and dmesg   might show the device node name.00:45
intelikeyfood for thought  ^00:46
rredd4intelikey, mount point is  /media/KODAK00:49
intelikeyrredd4 as i said that is arbitrary00:50
intelikeyit's totally at your own discretion.00:50
* intelikey doesn't even have a /media dir. and uses /disk/* for all mountpoints other than /00:51
rredd4ok, ty... going back to kde!!00:52
SirChasmhas anyone had luck with getting java/MPlayer plugins to work in the 64-bit FF?00:53
jumpkic1kde4 is broken on the hardy haron A2 disc00:54
=== litbang is now known as riefzu
jumpkic1"_: Entries in K-menu:" ... yuck00:55
ardchoillejumpkic1: What did you expect, kde4 and hardy are both beta atm.00:55
jumpkic1ardchoille: I expected that KDE4 would at least be installed / installable...  I didn't expect it to work pefectly00:55
jumpkic1it's not even installable00:56
ardchoilleAh, ok00:56
intelikeyardchoille hardy is already beta ?00:56
intelikeyi was thinking...00:56
ardchoilleintelikey: Has hardy been released as stable yet?00:56
intelikeyardchoille not even as beta yet.00:57
jumpkic1new kernel detects my Nv680 sound card, that's good at least00:57
ardchoilleintelikey: Ah, good point :)00:57
jumpkic1kmix is all messed, but it was all messed in Gusty too00:57
jumpkic1as far as volume control00:57
* claydoh has had better luck with kde4 in gutsy at this point00:57
claydohat this stage, hardy has a lot of changes very often00:58
claydohwhich is prob why kde4 is often uninstallable00:58
jumpkic1claydoh, I hear ya... I wanted to install hardy because Phorienx said pulse audio was the default sound server00:58
jumpkic1which is not true00:58
ardchoilleclaydoh: Good point, any OS will have problem while it's still in the creation/tuning process.00:59
jumpkic1it's installable, but not the default00:59
jumpkic1they should stick to what they do best, worthlessly benchmarking ati and nvidia drivers...  20.4 fps woot!01:00
jumpkic1I'm so bitter...   :P01:00
jumpkic1Merry Christmas everyone!01:00
intelikeyjumpkic1 yes. a happy birth day to the Christ01:01
* claydoh has spent the day distro hopping on a 233 mhz 10 y/old thinkpad :)01:02
biovoredid anything new work still?01:02
Silouckanyone knows anthomy marcatante nick?01:02
Silouckmena Anthony Mercatante01:02
claydohpuppy linux was best, dsl was ok01:03
tolecnaldm: did you get your config.h matter resolved?01:03
intelikeyclaydoh then debian should work fine.   both were based on it, so basicly anything they can do it can do01:03
dmtolecnal: No01:04
claydohfluxbuntu install is overheating the thing tho :)01:04
jumpkic1control panels' broken missing libpython2.5.so...01:04
jumpkic1time to go back to gutsy01:04
jumpkic1hardy is a mess01:04
claydohdebian is too much work :)01:04
intelikeyin a rudamental conception of course.01:04
claydohpuppy/dsl just plain work :)01:04
[ka]killerlol, im sticking with gutsy till hardy gets all the kinks worked out xD01:05
tolecnaldm: having the same issue here, and it turns out after a google search that the 2.6 kernels don't use config.h. a source suggested just doing a 'touch config.h' inside the /usr/src/linux directory, but that didn't work for me.01:05
claydohI did a full gentoo on the thing a few years back01:05
[ka]killerfrom festy go gutsy f**ked me all up01:05
* intelikey likes to think that he helped to inspire dsl 01:05
tolecnaldm: trying to find a fix for this, but so far my searches hasn't yielded any results01:05
=== Huahua is now known as Shely
tolecnaldm: if you find a fix, please let me know01:05
jumpkic1tolecnal: what are you trying to build?01:06
tolecnaljumpkic1: the ov511 module01:06
Jack3whats the difference between the kubuntu 7.10 dvd and cd?01:06
intelikeyjack3 the dvd obviously won't boot on a cd drive  and has more packages/options01:07
senorpedroman kde4 sucks....01:09
senorpedroeverything changed01:10
intelikeybehold: it sucketh!  sayth he.01:10
senorpedrosucketh...sucks...whatever, its worse than kde301:11
intelikeyi like kde3    but there are a lot of things about kde3 that i don't like.   ;/01:12
senorpedroyes me too01:12
jumpkic1how does one fix kmilo?01:12
jumpkic1volume 0 - 11 on the OSD, not in anyway related to kmix01:13
jumpkic1very strange01:13
intelikeyi have found one thing that i don't like about blackbox    "no context menus"   i could probably add them but i'm too lazy01:13
tolecnaldm: hmmm, with the module I tried to install, uncommenting out the #include <linux/config.h> in all the source files worked nicely01:14
DragnslcrI think KDE4 will be good, but I really don't think it deserves to be called a Release Candidate yet01:14
tolecnalthough, why they would ship module source packages that fail to compile without manual edits to the source files is beyond me01:15
jumpkic1Dragnslcr: I agree01:16
jumpkic1there's little chance this will release on Jan 11 from what I've seen of it01:16
jumpkic1it needs 6 more months01:16
intelikeyit probably will01:17
DragnslcrIt might, but it won't be as bug-free as it should be01:17
DragnslcrI think 4.0.1 will follow pretty quickly01:17
intelikeythey will release it just for the sake of saying "new version is out"  like ubuntu has done a time or two.01:17
jumpkic1intelikey: that's a pretty dumb way to do it, people will upgrade to it and get very pissed off01:18
intelikeyjumpkic1 yes.   and your point is ?01:18
jumpkic1they are better off to keep calling it alpha01:18
intelikeyoh you don't like change for the sake of change either ?01:18
jumpkic1I'm all for change for its own sake, but not if your going to piss off a large user base01:19
jumpkic1it will be very discouraging to recieve that much bad feedback01:19
intelikeywell i'm not for change for it's own sake.   i'm only for change when it is useful.01:20
* intelikey is an "if it aint broke, then don't fix it!" kinda guy.01:21
jumpkic1it will be useful, but it won't out way the downside in this case01:21
jumpkic1the new stuff they add won't make up for all the broken shit that goes with it01:21
DragnslcrI just hope they get rid of that ridiculous K Menu01:22
intelikeyWE are off topic and your language is off colour,   so we best drop this like a hot potato tho.01:23
ubotu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!01:23
ScottGno one chats there.. bring it there.. I'm always there01:23
* intelikey never uses it. thanks.01:24
* jumpkic1 will shut up now01:24
blekoshas anyone come up with the problem not to be able to install icon theme, themes etc?01:24
sourcemakerHow can I disable the system bell? set bell-style none?01:28
ScottGI'd be interested to hear this, for some odd reason even with PC Speaker off in Kmix I hear it in apps like Pidgin and Xchat01:29
intelikeyyeah in x/kde there is gui way   and  xset -b  i think    in the console you can black list pcspkr module01:29
claydohin system settings, under Notifications I think01:29
claydoherr maybe not01:30
sourcemakerno... without using kde... on the default linux prompt01:30
tolecnalhah, got my web cam to work :)01:30
intelikeysomething like kcontrol sound and multimedia system bell or alert or sumfin01:30
sourcemakerintelikey: no... not in kde... default linux console01:31
sourcemakerintelikey: STRG+ALT+F101:31
intelikeysourcemaker as i said  black list the module  pcspkr01:31
sourcemakerintelikey: ok01:31
intelikeyyou can   echo -e '\a'  all day if the pcspkr module is not inserted you wont hear a thing01:32
intelikeysourcemaker no need to reboot you know.   just sudo modprobe -r pcspkr01:34
* intelikey assumed you knew.01:34
sourcemakerintelikey: i know... thanks... it is working fine01:34
* intelikey turns alert on and off at will with the modprobe command. has for years.01:35
ganjamaniachouston i got a problem01:40
ganjamaniacor should i say, pretoria i got a problem01:40
ganjamaniaci got some zuluistic issues with buntus01:40
ganjamaniacmy gibbon freaks out because i've installed a newer nvidia graphics driver01:41
intelikeysourcemaker     setterm -bfreq $Q     you could squelch it that way too  or set it to something more paletable  :)01:41
sourcemakerintelikey: ok... nice to know01:41
intelikeysetterm -bfreq 440     heh.01:42
sourcemakerintelikey: my system now... is getting perfekt... just installed the new kernel ;-)01:42
sourcemakerintelikey: because my wlan was not working with the current kubuntu kernel01:42
ganjamaniacheh, i need to toast a new kernel , it doesnt' detect core2duo speedstep stuff01:42
intelikeyganjamaniac modules inserted ?01:43
ganjamaniaci don't remember, but if i do a lsmod it shows a module called cpudyn o rsomething01:43
intelikeythe correct acpi stuff for your board   and the cpu "thingies" too01:44
sourcemakerintelikey: it is always the same problem with the linux kernel... :-) In windows it's working...01:44
blekos_hello, could someone tell me his/hers ~/.kde/share/icons folder to which group it belongs? (root or user?)01:44
blekos_thank you01:44
sourcemakerblekos_: my own group01:44
sourcemakerblekos_: my user not root01:45
intelikeyown our home.01:45
intelikey    y^01:45
ganjamaniacsstrange.. i can't even install those lm-sensors01:45
ganjamaniaci can see lm-sensors supports my ahrdware, but i can't load them into the kernel01:46
intelikeysensors-config  ?01:46
sourcemakerbye bye guys...01:47
ganjamaniacyeag i did a sensors-confiture01:47
intelikeysorry my bad.   sensors-detect01:47
ganjamaniacit will ganjarate modules loaded to01:48
ganjamaniacthe required modules01:48
ganjamaniacor something01:48
intelikeyyeah or something01:48
* intelikey wonders what language "ganjarate" is... it's not cajon...01:49
intelikeyPricey must have fell asleep on the keyboard01:50
ganjamaniacfail fail fail01:54
intelikeyi don't think this board/cpu has thermal a sensor    </blinks>01:55
ganjamaniacyeah i think i have to stick my fingers into the heatspreader01:56
intelikeyi'm not it's lisdexic a typing problem is01:57
ganjamaniacnow it works01:58
ganjamaniaci had to add modprobe stuff to sudo01:59
ganjamaniacthen sudo the holy ruler of the sysop let me in to the astonish grail of unixed penguins01:59
intelikeyroot is too weak,  i'm init!02:00
ganjamaniacyeah you are god02:02
intelikeyno.   but i know Him   :)02:03
ganjamaniaci come from the hempire of ganjania02:03
AlethesI am the BIOS02:03
intelikeyspeaking of.  i hear that one can write the linux kernel to bios   or as a bios replacement.02:04
Alethesthere is a linux bios02:04
Alethesdon't think it's ready for prime time02:05
intelikeywould beet this dell bios02:05
intelikeyi like the hardware.  but the bios is...    let's not go there...02:05
ganjamaniacdell the bios02:08
ganjamaniaci can't disable this shadowcrap02:08
ganjamaniaci believe i have to hack this phoenix bios somehow02:08
SirChasmhas anyone had luck with getting java/MPlayer plugins to work in the 64-bit FF?02:11
=== ForeverZero is now known as sea4ever
SirChasmin other words, has anyone got a fully-functioning 64-bit Firefox?02:11
Aletheswow, that's being really picky isn't it? :P02:14
intelikeyheh.  fully-functioning Firefox02:15
SirChasmis it really?02:15
AlethesI'm kidding02:15
AlethesI use firefox, but I'm not blessed with 64 bit goodness02:15
SirChasmso is it possible?02:15
Alethesor hassles :)02:15
Nicholas_Valtierhey guys02:15
SirChasmheh, i know02:15
Nicholas_ValtierCan I get some help with installing kubuntu?02:15
Nicholas_Valtierits a rather wierd situation revolving around the difficult instillation02:16
SirChasmwhat is the problem?02:16
flaccidNicholas_Valtier: whats the actual problem02:16
Nicholas_Valtierok there is no os on the computer as it is02:16
Nicholas_Valtierthere is no floppy drive02:16
Nicholas_Valtiernor cd/dvd drive02:16
Nicholas_Valtierand we are trying to boot from a usb drive.02:17
flaccidcan't do it then unless you copy livecd to usb drive somewhere and use that02:17
Nicholas_Valtierwe have hp boot drive utility02:17
flaccidthe standard desktop cd is a live cd02:17
Nicholas_Valtierhm so the kubuntu iso i have is useless then.02:17
Nicholas_Valtierany idea where I can dl the livecd?02:18
flaccidNicholas_Valtier: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent02:18
ardchoilleNicholas_Valtier: http://www.kubuntu.com/download.php02:18
Jack3is the kde4 rc2 messed up for installing?02:18
flaccidhave fun :)02:18
Jack3it didnt install any network drivers for my computer...02:18
Nicholas_Valtieri greatly appreciate it02:18
ubotuThe Alternate CD (available as of Dapper) is the classical text-mode installation CD. Use it if you wish to upgrade via CD, or for an "expert" mode install. For normal installs, use the Desktop CD, which is also a "Live" CD - See also !Minimal02:22
ubotuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate02:22
intelikeyhttp://www.ubuntu.com   for the dl's02:23
rredd4how do i get my   minimize, maximize and  close (X) buttons back, they are missing when i open any window, they are missing.02:27
DragnslcrAre you using compiz?02:28
DragnslcrAnd emerald?02:28
=== ForeverZero is now known as sea4ever
rredd4can't seem to find emerald02:29
rredd4looking in ccfm02:29
DragnslcrEffects -> Window Decoration -> Command02:30
rredd4command line is empty02:31
DragnslcrIf you minimize and restore the window, do the buttons come back?02:32
rredd4no minimize buttons to click on02:32
DragnslcrYou can minimize and restore by clicking the taskbar item02:33
rredd4yes that works, how do i restore the button?02:34
DragnslcrIs it just the buttons, or is the entire window border missing?02:34
rredd4entire border02:35
rredd4cannot see the name of the window02:35
DragnslcrDo you have an nVidia card?02:35
rredd4or move the window, if it was smaller02:35
rredd4geforce 202:35
* intelikey has kde running in a window before... 02:36
DragnslcrIs a GF2 even capable of running compiz?02:36
intelikeyrredd4 alt+click/drag doesn't move the window ?02:36
rredd4intelikey  yes02:36
etfb!compiz > me02:37
rredd4the buttons were there a while ago, not there now02:37
intelikeyheh then undo what you changed   lol02:37
rredd4i was mounting the sd card02:37
intelikeysorry   couldn't resist.02:37
rredd4thats it02:37
Chemicalvamphow do i change my 1280x800 booting splash screen to 1024x768?02:38
DragnslcrThere's a specific option that usually fixes the missing borders, but I can't remember offhand what it is02:38
ubotuTo select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto for adding your custom artwork02:39
intelikeyChemicalvamp ummm the  vga= to 791 ?02:39
rredd4Dragnslcr  oops geforce 2 is laptop, sorry geforce 402:39
intelikeyChemicalvamp in the /boot/grub/menu.lst02:39
Dragnslcr<<FusioBot>> To fix your compiz window decorations (titlebars) with an nVidia graphics card, run « sudo nvidia-xconfig --add-argb-glx-visuals -d 24 », then restart !X.02:39
Chemicalvampits ubuntu not grub02:39
DragnslcrCould try that, rredd402:39
Chemicalvampi installed it on a computer that has a res of 1280x80002:40
Chemicalvampand moved the harddrive into another laptop with 1024x768 so now my boot screen is really offest02:40
intelikeyChemicalvamp boot splash is kernel frame buffer   controlled by the  vga=  in the grub menu.lst02:41
Chemicalvampso it should be what again? 79102:41
ganjamaniaci have a problem with my 3dfx graphic card, wine doesn't regconize it02:41
intelikeyChemicalvamp if you are talking about xorg  then it's not a boot issue.     and the answer is    sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -plow02:41
ganjamaniacis there a way to add glide to wine?02:42
rredd4Dragnslcr  that did it.. !02:42
rredd4Dragnslcr  what exactly did if do?02:42
ganjamaniaci have a few hempy games from the past, and i would like to play them, stuff like pandemonium o02:43
DragnslcrI think it has to do with the bit depth of something. Not sure exactly what02:43
ganjamaniacr unreal02:43
rredd4it works... ty02:43
DragnslcrNo prob02:43
AlcheraJoyeux Noël02:44
rredd4unable to find the solution in google..02:44
intelikeyganjamaniac maybe   #winehq  or is it  #wine-hq02:45
ganjamaniacwhat the heck is sysfs?02:45
intelikeyi would assume and acromyn for system file system02:46
ganjamaniacsomeday gnome and kde goes to knode02:46
etfbWow, Compiz seems to be totally broken.  I just installed it, and all my KDE task bar menus and window widgets are broken, messed up or just gone.  Is this really supposed to be used with Kubuntu?  Has anyone used it successfully?02:47
etfbAlso: what02:47
intelikeygrep sysfs /proc/filesystems02:47
etfbAlso: what's with not including the settings manager in the compiz dependencies?  Did anyone actually test this before they released it???02:48
Alcherai have an irritation .... all to do with dl dvd's >>> attempt to access beyond end of device02:48
ganjamaniacyeah this is supposed02:48
ganjamaniacbecause you have to feel how it feels to be without a gui02:49
ganjamaniacits something like you lost your slaves or something02:49
* intelikey doesn't use a GUI02:49
ganjamaniacthose little icons doesn't serve anymore02:49
ganjamaniaci remember to 1984,02:50
rredd4i had a coco02:50
rredd4color computer..02:51
etfbganjamaniac: what are you talking about?  This is the #kubuntu channel.02:51
ganjamaniaci don't know02:51
rredd46800 processor... had to hack in programs02:51
etfbganjamaniac: Sounds like your user nick is a little too accurate...02:51
* intelikey remembers to 1970 no computers. well not for the private sector02:51
ganjamaniacif you had a computer at home in 1970 it was something like you had a chemical plant in your hom02:52
intelikeywell actually no.  we had a chem plant  but no computer02:53
ubotu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!02:53
intelikeyetfb yeap   i guess so.02:53
intelikeyhow do you like that.   crys ot at us and then leaves.02:55
intelikeynot very poetic...02:55
Chemicalvamplol i forgot wheres xorg.conf located?02:58
intelikeywhy are monakers so different.   some you can set bright and contrast both to 0 and they are still to bright  and some you can set both to 100% and they are still do dim    ?!!?..!?03:01
Chemicalvampintelikey well i dont understand why that didnt fix it.. you know what screen im talking about right? with the loading bar that moves accross03:02
intelikeyChemicalvamp yes.  that's the vga=   also you might need to rebuild the initramfs.img   it may be loading incorrect modules.03:03
Chemicalvampi went into menu.lst and it says 79103:03
intelikeyDragnslcr i don't make fun of the way you spell your nickname  ;/03:04
DragnslcrHeh, I have an excuse though03:04
Chemicalvampintelikey how do i rebuild initramfs?03:04
intelikeyChemicalvamp try  788   but i think thats  800x60003:04
intelikeyChemicalvamp    sudo update-ini[tabkey]03:05
DragnslcrEFNet still has the stupid 9-character limit, and when I came over to Freenode, a few people got confused when I tried putting all the vowels back in03:05
intelikeypoint being we both misspelled on purpose.   this is irc where spelling counts u no.03:06
Chemicalvampintelikey ok updateing initramfs, if thats a no go i'll try 78803:07
ErtainHello everyone.  I'm trying to turn my Kubuntu set up into a router of sorts to use the online functionality of my Xbox 360.  I've been trying for hours to make it work but to no avail.  I've tried Firestarter, looking at iptable configs, and have tried Shorewall, but nothing works.  My computer uses a wireless connection, btw.  Any ideas?03:07
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs03:08
intelikeyno idea here.03:08
ChaosMachineHow can I get grub to wait indefinatly for me to select an OS?03:08
* intelikey is networking illiterate03:08
etfbChaosMachine: That's probably in /boot/grub/menu.lst somewhere.  Let me check...03:09
etfbChaosMachine: I suppose if you change the timeout value to something very large, that would have the effect you want.  Dunno what happens if you comment out the timeout completely; it may default, or it may wait forever.03:10
ChaosMachineetfb, thanks, I can try it. :)03:10
etfbChaosMachine: It's one of those rare cases where you really do need to reboot to fix something.  Pretend you're playing in Windows!03:11
ChaosMachine:p haha03:11
intelikeyChaosMachine set the timeout to none   ?03:11
intelikeyChaosMachine or comment out the     timeout    setting.03:12
intelikeyi think the later is the prefered methood03:12
etfbintelikey: Does "none" work?  It'd be nasty to mess up the menu.lst file and not be able to boot...  (yeah, I'm paranoid)03:12
* intelikey hides from etfb 03:13
ChaosMachineintelikey, thank you.03:14
intelikeyhow would messing up the menu.lst prevent booting etfb ?03:14
intelikeyChaosMachine np03:14
etfbLike I say - paranoid.  Some things I'm happy to mess with; other things I like to be VEEEEEEERY careful with.  Grub's settings file is one of the latter kind of thing.03:14
etfbProbably <<info grub>> or <<man grub>> will reveal a safe path...03:15
intelikeyi mean you can boot with out a menu.lst  ....  </shrugs>03:15
intelikeyand commenting out the var is a safe path03:15
se7enis there a way to see when my box was turned off (log files)03:16
* etfb types <<sudo apt-get install grub-doc>> and is enlightened03:16
intelikeyse7en /var/log/syslog should have it.03:17
ganjamaniacspeedstep won't work03:18
ganjamaniaci don't know why03:18
Chemicalvampintelikely nope03:18
intelikeyChemicalvamp which was that attempt ?03:18
intelikeywhat's you vidio card/chip ?03:19
intelikeypastebin the output of     lsmod    for me03:19
Chemicalvampbios and everything up to OS boot (usually) is in 800x60003:20
intelikeyummm and   cat /proc/cmdline03:20
intelikeyChemicalvamp ^03:20
theveranthi all, any ideas on how I can undelete a fat32 CF Card?03:22
ganjamaniacturn the time backward03:23
intelikeydos undelete.com    ?03:23
sebbyhow can i have make om my pc?03:24
Chemicalvampintelikey http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/49565/03:24
intelikeyiirc all M$-DO$ did was remove the first letter of the file name   and they were considered deleted03:25
intelikey!b-e | sebby03:25
ubotusebby: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)03:25
Chemicalvamplol isnt it true that dos means dirty operating system?03:26
nevilleYeah, back with QDOS03:28
nevilleQuick and Dirty Operating System03:28
intelikeyChemicalvamp disk operating system     anyway.  the command line says there was no vga=  in the startup sequence.   and the lsmod says nothing about fbcon   which should probably load at post via the initramfs03:28
Chemicalvampintelikey im gonna try one more thing brb03:29
Chemicalvampintelikey defoptions=quiet splash vga=791 correct?03:30
fsckrive downloaded a game with an .package extension can anyone tell me how I install that. I have never seen that extension b403:34
Agent_bobfile name extentions mean nothing to us.03:35
Agent_bobfile thatfile.package and see what it is03:35
fsckrwell usually i see a .run but this one is a .package03:35
Agent_bobfile blah.package03:36
fsckr Bourne-Again shell script text executable03:36
Agent_bobsh blah.package03:36
Agent_bobor   bash blah.package03:36
=== vaughn is now known as vaughn123
Agent_bobit does specify bash.  so better use it.03:37
fsckryea im gettin somewheres now ty03:37
Agent_bobremember that and you can help others when they ask.03:38
fsckrmost certainlwill thx03:38
DaSkreech!helpersnack | Agent_bob03:40
ubotuAgent_bob: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!03:40
Agent_bob!botsnack | self03:40
ubotuself: Yum! Err, I mean, APT!03:40
masterkhey guys I boot into kubuntus live cd and after its dont with all the text I just have a blank screen03:41
masterkwhy is this?03:41
dthackermasterk: how much RAM in your box?03:41
masterk1.1ghz celeron03:42
Agent_bobmasterk one of two probable causes.  bad burn of the disk   ot vidio hardware not very well supported03:42
masterkI have 2 video cards in03:42
DaSkreechcan you jump to terminal one ?03:43
masterkand the one I am using is dual monitor03:43
masterkjump to terminal?03:43
Agent_bobmasterk that's probably the cause.03:43
GideanHello everyone...03:44
Agent_bobmasterk when it boots you might swap to the other card to see if it is inadvertantly using the wrong one03:44
GideanMerry Xmas...03:44
masterknothing shows on the other card when I boot03:44
GideanSometimes the sound goes away on my Gutsy Kubuntu Laptop.  It returns when I reboot.  Anyone have a clue why this may be?03:45
Agent_bobmasterk i said after it boots.  when all you have is a blank screen03:45
masterkoh I switched the monitor cable to the other card it didnt show03:46
masterkI am trying safe gfx mode now03:46
Agent_bobmasterk ok.03:46
Chemicalvampok intelikely how do i add vga=788 to that command?03:46
Agent_bobChemicalvamp the kernel= line that you boot03:47
Agent_bobChemicalvamp in the /boot/grub/menu.lst03:47
Chemicalvampok so i was putting it in the wrong line03:47
mrtimbothis is the first time that i had to reinstall kubuntu and having a partition as /home saved most my settings and stuff03:48
Agent_bobChemicalvamp you can test them with the edit feature of grub   select the boot opetion and hit [e]  then the kernel line and hit [e]  and add what you will    vga=791   for example03:48
masterknow after it loads the disk all I have is a blicking command cursor03:49
Agent_bobChemicalvamp then  [b]  to boot03:49
Myrth[home]hi, is there anything to do about this: Setting up kdm (4:3.5.8-0ubuntu2.1) ... dpkg: error processing kdm (--configure): subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 103:49
masterkand it just shut down03:49
Agent_bobmasterk can you type into it ?03:49
masterkno it shut down when I pressed control alt and delete03:50
masterkoh I actually have 384 mb ram03:50
Agent_bobboot it with   nosplash   and see what the text message that it ends with is03:51
masterkhow do I do nosplash?03:51
CheGuevarawhen on the grub menu, press e03:51
Agent_bobyou add that word to the end of the boot line    select the safe gfx and then add   nosplash03:51
CheGuevararemove nosplash and press enter03:52
Agent_bobremove ?03:52
CheGuevarai need sleeps03:52
Agent_bobremove splash   or actually change it to  nosplash   is what he needs.03:52
masterkwhat am I supposed to see?03:53
CheGuevarayeah thats what i meant to say03:53
masterkI still see the kubuntu icon and the loading bar03:53
Agent_bobthat's not it.03:53
Agent_bobyou are gone to far if that's what you are seeing03:53
=== darky00 is now known as darky000
Agent_bobit's at the boot menu03:54
CheGuevaramasterk: did you select the safe boot03:54
Agent_bobselect != and enter03:54
masterkI can type into that screen btw03:54
masterkbut nothing happens when I do03:55
masterkI typed login03:55
masterkbut nothing happened03:55
CheGuevarano where you select safe boot03:55
CheGuevarayou need to press e03:55
CheGuevaraadd " nosplash" at the end of it03:55
CheGuevaraand only then press enter03:55
Agent_bob[e] != [enter]03:56
CheGuevarayeah e as in the letter e03:56
masterkno line is popping up when I press e03:56
masterkdo I press f6 for other options?03:56
masterkacpi: invalid PBLK length [5]03:58
masterkso far03:58
masterkand sdc assuming...03:58
Agent_bobnot a problem   so far03:58
CheGuevaraoh this is a live cd03:58
* CheGuevara blushes03:58
CheGuevarasorry :(03:58
Agent_bobCheGuevara yes03:58
CheGuevarathought we were talking about an installed system here, hence the grub instructions :P03:59
DaSkreechCheGuevara: Goooo to sleeeeep goo to sleeeeeep03:59
Agent_bobCheGuevara it's chemicalvampire that has that issue03:59
CheGuevarai will, i will DaSkreech its almost 4 am03:59
masterkok it is like not loading anythign else form this point04:00
Agent_bobyou westerners,   with your late mornings....04:00
Agent_bobmasterk what's the last message ?04:00
masterkStarting K Display Manager: kdm.04:01
masterk* Running local boot scripts (/etc/rc.local) [ok]04:01
masterkthen the screen blinks and I'm still here04:01
Agent_bobmasterk ok.  try [ctrl]+[alt]+[f2]   see if you get a login prompt04:01
Mr_Sonomaif i wanted to format a disk in NTFS format, what command would i use?04:02
masterkyes I do04:02
Agent_bobshould say you are "ubuntu"04:02
ganjamaniacwhats backports?04:02
masterkI have ubuntu@ubuntu:~$04:02
Agent_bobmasterk sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -plow04:02
masterkok I have a text mode screen04:03
masterknow what?04:03
masterkit asks me if I want to audo detect04:04
Agent_bobmasterk  "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -plow "04:04
masterkI pressed enter04:04
masterknow it asked me what I want to use for the x server driver04:04
masterknow what?04:05
masterkI forgot the name of the card...04:05
Agent_bobdoesn't matter  just try the   vesa04:05
masterkit asks me to identify it04:05
masterkit has generic video card in it right now04:06
masterkhold on I have the video driver cd right here04:06
Agent_bobarbatrary input   you can call it what you will04:06
masterkshould I look in the cd to find out?04:06
Agent_bobjust call it bob and move on04:07
Agent_bobhow many ways do i need to say it ?04:07
masterkit asks for a pci bus identifier04:07
Agent_bobhit enter04:08
Agent_bobit will find the bus04:08
Agent_bobor a bus04:08
masterkuse the kernal framebuffer device interface?04:08
Agent_bobmasterk do you have more than one monitor hooked up ?04:08
Agent_bobmasterk no no framebuffer04:08
masterkno only one04:08
masterkkeyboard model???04:09
masterkit says pc105 right now04:10
Agent_boboh yeah leave that04:10
masterkmouse port?04:11
masterkI have usb04:11
Agent_bobok just hit enter04:11
masterkxorg server modules?04:11
masterkbtw I also have a tv tuner04:12
Agent_bobfor now just hit enter04:12
masterkmethod for selecting monitor characteristics?04:13
masterkok I finished04:13
masterknow what04:14
Agent_bobtype that04:14
masterkno sceeens found04:14
Agent_bobdid the screen ever blink ?04:14
masterkits an old screen04:15
masterkeven windowsz never shows it but it stilldisplays04:15
masterklike with monitor detection on my video card, it never shows up but I still get display out of it04:15
Agent_bobshouldn't matter linux should work with the monitor   it's the multiple vidio cards that are probably confusing it04:16
=== mikedomo is now known as linuxdomo
=== ubuntu_ is now known as bruno_renostro
masterkshould I try to disable the onboard video?04:16
Agent_bobmasterk probably.   and if need be you can walk back through the xorg configuration  you now know how.04:17
Agent_bob!es | bruno_renostro si ola;04:18
ubotubruno_renostro si ola;: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.04:18
linuxdomomerry christmas04:19
masterkI cannot disable to onboard video04:19
Agent_bobDaSkreech you got this channel ?   i'm getting pretty busy here04:19
DaSkreechI was just heading to bed :-(04:20
DaSkreechclearing it now04:20
DaSkreechI can hang out for an hour or so04:20
ehcaudacity will play a song but I don't hear anything. I can listen to amarok fine though.04:20
Agent_bobmasterk lspci can reviel the bus address  and you can go back through the config and set that propperly   you have other consoles you can use for checking things like that  alt+f1 --- alt+f604:20
Agent_bobDaSkreech k.  i'm out.   just do what you can.   some one else will pick up the slack04:21
DaSkreechehc: What is audacity using to play?04:21
DaSkreechAgent_bob: thanks a lot man get some rest04:21
ehcDaSkreech, I don't know, just the defualt I assume04:22
Agent_bobi wish.   it's work pressing.04:22
unix_infidel  /quit04:22
=== linuxdomo is now known as mikedomo
DaSkreechehc: Ahmm. Not sure I've not used audacity.04:23
DaSkreech#ubuntustudio might be another good place to ask04:23
ehcDaSkreech, okay04:23
CheGuevarai bet it uses gstreamer04:27
=== root_ is now known as se7en
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about img - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi04:29
backupphow to burn a .img file into a cd in kubuntu? i tried k3b but it doesn't accept .img file..04:29
ChemicalvampI need to boot a CD image extracted to a USB flash drive. how do i tell grub to boot it? same as a windows partition?04:29
erichjbackupp: should get you where you need to be http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=21538604:30
se7enhow do i check if my hdd is broken04:30
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about fdisk - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi04:31
CheGuevarabackupp: have you tried Tools, CD, Burn ISO image and Tools in k3b04:31
CheGuevaraumm i mean04:32
CheGuevaratools burn iso image04:32
erichjbackupp: you can also download i.e. 'sudo apt-get install ccd2iso' to convert the img file to an iso and then burn it04:33
CheGuevarase7en: best way would be to run a hard drive checking tool from your hard drive manufactures04:33
backuppCheGuevara: yup that's what i did but it doesn't accept my .img file..04:33
CheGuevarase7en: if you let me know which make of hd it is, i'll link you04:33
backupperichj: oh ok..i'll try04:33
se7enCheGuevara: seagate04:34
CheGuevarabackupp: try sudo apt-get kiso04:34
ardchoilleCheGuevara: Does kiso works with .img files?04:35
erichjbackupp: and to do that just open a terminal where the .img is and type ccd2iso <img file> <whatever.iso> and you should be good. from everything i remember ccd and img are the same thing and i have never had any issues converting img files with that tool04:35
CheGuevarase7en: http://www.seagate.com/www/en-us/support/downloads/seatools/04:35
CheGuevaraardchoille: yeah it does04:36
CheGuevarawell it will convert to iso not burn04:36
ardchoilleCheGuevara: That's good to know04:36
ubotuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate04:36
se7enthanks CheGuevara can you scan with fdisk for badblocks as well04:37
CheGuevarase7en: no fdisk is to format partitions04:37
Dragnslcrse7en- you may want fsck04:37
ChemicalvampDaSkreech thats not what i need04:37
masterkin lspci it says the bus is 01:0e.0 do I put in 1:0e:0 into the xserver config?04:37
Chemicalvampi need to know how to boot a flash drive as if it where a cd/dvd04:38
DaSkreechChemicalvamp: The last link04:38
se7enDragnslcr: yes thats it ...04:38
backupperichj: ccd2iso doesn't work.. but i found out it must be done using mkisofs.. i think it will work! thanks anyway04:38
CheGuevarase7en: if you want to check under linux, man badblocks04:39
masterkAgent_bob: in lspci it says the bus is 01:0e.0 do I put in 1:0e:0 into the xserver config?04:39
DaSkreechChemicalvamp: as far  as I know your MB has to support boot from USB04:39
CheGuevarafsck is more for checking for file system corruption, not bad blocks04:39
DaSkreech!info badblocks04:40
ubotuPackage badblocks does not exist in gutsy04:40
CheGuevaraits part of e2fsutils04:40
se7enfsck.ext3: Unable to resolve 'UUID=3a1ce555-dc1c-4624-8668-66133584e4a3'04:40
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mkisofs - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi04:40
ardchoille!info mkisofs | backupp04:41
ubotubackupp: mkisofs: Creates ISO-9660 CD-ROM filesystem images. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 10:2.01.01a33-0ubuntu2 (gutsy), package size 338 kB, installed size 1296 kB04:41
CheGuevarae2fsprogs that is04:41
dwidmannHmm, I've got a question, if anybody knows of course. I'm not quite sure what controls my laptops volumeup key, but does anyone know what might? And if so, how to adjust how much it adjusts the volume by?04:42
CheGuevarase7en: whats the command you typed in04:42
masterkdoes anyone know the format to put into the xserver sorg video card bus identifier? I need to put what showed up in lspci in which is 01:0e.004:42
se7enCheGuevara: fsck -p and fsck -c come both back with fsck.ext3: Unable to resolve 'UUID04:42
CheGuevarase7en: add /dev/sdx at the end04:43
CheGuevarawhere x is some letter probably a04:43
dwidmannmasterk: BusID           "PCI:0:2:0" is what my line looks like04:43
ChemicalvampDaSkreech well that is what i needed.. just backwards. i need to know how to boot a windows cd from grub04:43
Dragnslcrdwidmann- I don't know where that might be in the normal settings, but you might be able to do it with keytouch04:43
dwidmannDragnslcr: do tell04:44
DaSkreechChemicalvamp: Put it on your hard drive and point grub at it04:44
ubotukeyboard shortcuts can be set in K -> System Settings -> Keyboard & Mouse. Try also "Input Actions" in KControl. If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try the 'keytouch' package, explained at https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KDEMultimediaKeys - See !Keyboard for changing layouts04:44
masterkyeah but lspci shows 01:0e.0 so how does that put into the xorg configuration?04:44
se7enCheGuevara: fsck.ext2: Bad magic number in super-block04:44
ChemicalvampDaSkreech just root hd0,0? nothing else?04:44
CheGuevaraoh crap thats supposed to be a partition04:45
CheGuevarasorry :P04:45
DaSkreechChemicalvamp: read the site :)04:45
dwidmannmasterk: hm, if all else fails, experiment. I'd try it without the e first.04:45
CheGuevarase7en: /dev/sda1 try that04:45
se7enCheGuevara: that was fsck -cp /dev/sda1/04:45
ChemicalvampDaSkreech i did, it tells you how to boot a linux install CD from a partition on your harddrive04:45
DaSkreechand what's the problem?04:46
Chemicalvampi need grub to boot a windows cd04:46
CheGuevarase7en: probably wrong partition then04:46
DaSkreechChemicalvamp: is the CD bootable?04:47
CheGuevaradwidmann: http://pastebin.ca/832413 something like that04:47
DaSkreechThen it works the same way04:47
DaSkreechno magic04:47
se7enCheGuevara:  i have one hdd 2 partitions sda1 is the system and sda2 my data04:47
CheGuevarasorry wrong nick04:47
CheGuevaramasterk: http://pastebin.ca/83241304:47
CheGuevarase7en: if you are deffinetely sure that its the right partion, then your partion might be messe up04:48
Chemicalvampwell than where on this windows MCE CD is the vmlinuz and initramfs.img?04:48
masterkCheGuevara I will try that04:48
se7enCheGuevara: that was the answer i was not hoping for ...04:49
CheGuevarase7en: why did you want to check your hard drive in the first place?04:49
masterkstill no screens found and the screen did blink04:50
CheGuevaramasterk: post your /var/log/Xorg.0.log somewhere04:50
CheGuevarasomewhere = pastebin04:51
se7enCheGuevara:  because i can boot and work for about 10 min and than everything falls apart ... like ls comand not found04:51
CheGuevaragood question04:51
DaSkreechChemicalvamp: it would look like a normal Windows partition bootup line. No need for those04:51
CheGuevarase7en: have you backed up all your important data  yet?04:51
se7enCheGuevara: there was a black out last night ... i am backing up right now04:52
masterkwhere do I get the log?04:52
CheGuevarase7en: there's a way to fix that bag magic number error, but i hate messing with file systems04:53
CheGuevaramasterk: it should be in /var/log/Xorg.0.log04:53
se7enjo thanks anyway you have been a great help i guess i have to install new ...04:54
CheGuevarase7en: one sec04:54
CheGuevarawhat does tune2fs -l /dev/sda1 say | grep 'Block size'04:54
CheGuevarawhat does tune2fs -l /dev/sda1 | grep 'Block size'04:55
CheGuevarasay :P04:55
masterkit says in the log that the video card I want is pci:1:14:0 should I use this?04:56
CheGuevaramasterk: what are the errors in the log file04:56
CheGuevarathey will have (EE) in brackets before them04:57
masterkoh snap I used that pci instead and now I have it loading04:57
masterkI see a mouse04:57
masterkand a blue scren04:57
masterkand now a spalsh04:57
CheGuevaranice :P04:57
se7enCheGuevara: i can't even backup dolphin doesn't start and in the terminal cp: cannot stat `.mozilla': Input/output error04:58
CheGuevarase7en: yeah i recomen a re-install, you can try messing with fixing the file system, but it rarely ends good04:58
se7enthanks CheGuevara :(04:59
CheGuevaranp se7en, sorry for the unhappy news04:59
se7enwell the sys is up and running since 1.5 years so i guess its time :)05:00
CheGuevaraDaSkreech: you cool here if i got to sleep?05:02
DaSkreechCheGuevara: seems so05:02
ganjamaniacheh amarcock works fine05:03
ganjamaniacbut someone knows a digital tv watching program like progdvb?05:03
CheGuevaraamarcock? :P05:04
earthcreedI've been looking around for help on a click-to-focus issue.  I am running Gutsy and I have installed compiz-fusion as per the instructions on wiki.ubuntu.com.  I like my focus model to be click-to-focus, but it is currently set to focus-follows-mouse.  I have tried changing the settings in both compiz-config-manager and kcontrol and neither setting seems to take effect.05:04
DaSkreechWell if you are running Compiz it would be a compiz issue05:06
ubotuKubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion05:06
DaSkreechI'm assuming those are the instructions you followed?05:06
earthcreedThose were the instructions.05:07
earthcreedHrm, I have one question that might be better answered here.05:09
omarGuys how do I deal with tar.gz files??05:09
earthcreedI followed the above instructions, and then I tried to uninstall compiz, by removing the shell script in my ~/.kde/Autostart/ directory.  Unfortunately it still autostarts.05:10
taii can barely type because my computer is running so slow.  can't get compix to work with my ati card.... i need to revert back to what originally came with kubuntu05:10
earthcreedOh, goodie, a second to my question.05:10
CheGuevaraomar: just open them from the file browser05:11
CheGuevaratai: can't you just deinstall the compiz packages05:11
omarCheGuevara: No compression tools needed here?05:13
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE05:13
ubotuntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions05:13
CheGuevaraomar: tools to open tar.gz will be installed by default on kubuntu05:14
earthcreedomar: It is called Ark and it is integrated into the system05:14
ubotuKubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion05:14
omarearthcreed: Yes I know Ark, I tried to use it but it failed to extract the file05:15
NickPrestaAny idea how to provide all processing power to the ffmpeg decoder so I can watch a high res, mp4 video?05:15
CheGuevaraman renice05:16
NickPrestaCheGuevara, yes, I know of nice-ness but I'm playing the video in VLC. Would I renice VLC?05:17
CheGuevaraam really of to sleep now05:17
CheGuevaragood night05:17
DaSkreechomar: try tar xzvf <filename>05:17
omarDaSkreech: in the terminal?05:18
DaSkreechomar: yes05:19
prot01hello all05:22
taiim super new to this and i don't know how05:22
naliothhi prot0105:22
prot01I have a query on partiotions05:22
nalioth!tell prot01 about fstab05:22
DaSkreechtai: how?05:22
naliothprot01: i assume you already got the !ntfs message?05:22
prot01yes....i got it ..but mine doesnt show it as NTFS05:23
prot01i am not able to access it at all...even though it has around 20 gb of space05:23
DaSkreechtai: Ah how to uninstall? Are you comfortable with the command line?05:23
naliothprot01: open a terminal, please05:23
prot01yes I will do that....sorry for annoying nalioth..05:24
prot01u mean new chat terminal here or on my kubuntu machine...05:25
naliothprot01: open a konsole on your machine in question05:25
prot01i have already opened a terminal..05:25
prot01yes i have..05:25
naliothprot01: type "sudo fdisk -l" and put the output in a pastebin, please05:26
prot01sure nalioth....05:27
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)05:28
earthcreedSo just removing the Packages worked great to remove Compiz05:28
earthcreedI was worried that it would break things if I removed it without setting my window manager back to default.05:29
DaSkreechearthcreed: you can type kwin --replace to get back kwin  :)05:30
pete__merry christmas05:30
mrtimboyou too pete_05:30
pete__im jewish05:30
pete__but ty05:30
* earthcreed Thanks DaSkreech!05:30
prot01i am back with the result here : http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/49569/05:31
prot01I am trying to access sda6, it shows as linux....05:31
naliothprot01: then adjust your fstab to make it so05:32
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE05:32
prot01but thats not my active partition05:32
prot01i wish to format it05:32
ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Kubuntu, go to System Settings -> Advanced Tab -> Disks & Filesystem. See also !fstab and !DiskMounter05:32
naliothprot01: then use qtparted05:33
prot01and access it05:33
prot01thanks i will give a try05:33
naliothflaccid: it works better if you !tell NICK about FACTOID.  randomly filling the channel doesn't work real well05:33
ThingusAnyone know if there is a new 2.1.2 deb for Freeciv?05:33
ThingusOr, do I have to compile the new version?05:33
flaccidnalioth: indeed. but im lazy and don't care05:33
naliothThingus: i suspect #freeciv holds the answers05:34
fildoill cheers to that05:34
naliothin busy channels like #ubuntu, that method saves a lot of trouble for everybody05:35
Thingusnalioth: Thanks05:36
flaccidthis is not #ubuntu05:36
naliothflaccid: but it is still very random.  at least, do !factoid | NICK to get folks' attention05:36
flaccidnalioth: what if i say no?05:37
* Hobbsee looks in05:38
ardchoillehi Hobbsee05:38
Hobbseeheya ardchoille05:39
DaSkreechThingus: try getdeb.net05:41
* flaccid goes to get a beer05:43
masterkwhat is the default user and pass for apache?05:44
Hobbseeflaccid: if you say no, then none of us have to reason with you, in keeping with the "lazy and don't care" attitude, and can give you a permanent kickban.05:45
ardchoilleWhen I type "about:konqueror" into konqueror, a nice webpage comes up. Where is that page located? I'd like to use it as a template for a bookmarks page on my box.05:45
Hobbseeflaccid: because we'll just use the "lazy and don't care" attitude right back on you, when you come and appeal it.05:45
Hobbseeflaccid: just a FYI05:45
flaccidHobbsee: dude there is no issue here. people can help how they wish, this is freenode05:45
flaccidif i have broken an official rule please provide a URI05:46
lainhi guys how do I setup my tv tuner?05:48
DaSkreechardchoille: I'd bet /usr/doc/something05:49
ardchoilleDaSkreech: Aha, didn't think to look there05:49
NickPrestaardchoille, check out: /usr/share/apps/konqueror/about. They apparently use a template sort of system so you have to think a bit but it's fairly self-explanatory05:49
DaSkreech!coc | flaccid05:49
ubotuflaccid: The Ubuntu Code of Conduct to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/05:49
flaccidDaSkreech: specifically? i mean i feel offended so is that a breach of coc. do we really have to be trivial?05:50
Hobbseeflaccid: it falls under "use your common sense"05:50
Hobbseeflaccid: and !msgthebot, etc05:50
flaccidright, can you please leave me alone, that is also common sense05:50
earthcreed!tell earthcreed about !coc05:51
Hobbseenot really, because i care about useful information provided to the channel.05:51
Hobbseeearthcreed: no second !05:51
Hobbseewhich is not by giving out random factoids05:51
flaccidand Hobbsee, im a frequent helper, so i would have to say i do as well05:51
Hobbseewhen you're not trolling, sure.05:52
flaccidhave a look at logs and see how many times i did it correctly yesterday..05:52
naliothearthcreed: you can also use !tell me about FACTOID05:52
naliothearthcreed: or even /msg ubotu FACTOID05:53
prot01I have done partition but i am not able to enable it...please help me ubotu05:53
naliothprot01: ubotu is a bot05:53
prot01ohh sorry nalioth05:53
nalioth!tell prot01 about mount05:53
prot01i have formatted using qparted05:53
Hobbseeflaccid: btw, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines - the section on bot abuse.05:53
prot01but now it is in disabled state05:53
Hobbseeflaccid: if you must require rules for everything05:54
flaccidHobbsee: i've already read them many times in the past. can i please ask you to adhere as well by showing some respect05:54
prot01so how do I enable the partition for me to access it...05:54
flaccidi don't believe i've breached anything05:54
* Hobbsee notes no ban since october 3005:54
ardchoilleDaSkreech: I didn't find anything in /usr/share/doc, but I could have been looking in the wrong place05:55
flaccidcan you also note, the hundreds of hours i have spent helping people in this channel, Hobbsee?05:55
naliothprot01: did you read the latest info ubotu sent you?05:55
NickPrestaardchoille, did you see my message?05:56
naliothflaccid: the point of the bot having so many service vectors is to make it easy on the helped05:56
* Hobbsee restarts X05:56
prot01no not completely....but since I partitioned linux to fat32 i am in a new territory altogether...05:56
prot01however i am doing that now again...05:56
flaccidnalioth: i know how to use the bot. you are welcome to check the logs to see that.05:56
flaccidsay the last 6 months would be a good cross section05:57
nalioththen if you know, flaccid, where does the 'lazy' part come in?05:57
flaccidnalioth: its boxing day and i forgot twice, and in 1 second i have 2 people coming down my back05:57
flaccidwhy make a big deal out of something so small?05:57
naliothsmall things add up.05:58
flaccidthey do?05:58
flaccidwhat other small things are you talking about nalioth?05:59
ardchoilleDaSkreech: It's in /usr/share/apps/konqueror/about :)06:01
flaccidi have to reboot brb06:01
NickPrestaardchoille, I told you that 7 minutes ago ;)06:02
ardchoilleNickPresta: Sorry, I must have missed it06:02
naliothNickPresta: you know kids these days, they never listen  :P06:02
NickPrestanalioth, heh. I'm sure it was an honest mistake =)06:03
ardchoilleNickPresta: It it was a PM, I never got it :(06:03
NickPrestaardchoille, nope. I said it in the channel, twice. heh. Oh well. At least you found the location.06:04
SirChasmIs it possible to get other plugins besides Flash (i.e. Java and MPlayer) to work in the 64-bit Firefox?06:04
naliothSirChasm: if they're open source plugins, surely.  proprietary ones, i suspect you'd be out of luck06:05
ardchoilleNickPresta: Ah, ok, thank you for the info :)06:05
NickPrestaardchoille, I'm actually curious about the template system, type thing, that is used in those HTML documents. All the "content" is replaced with "%1" but the actual content is in a comment right next to the "%1". Strange.06:06
SirChasmsorry guys, back06:06
Triggerhey guys if i dl an iso to a flash drive and set the flash drive to boot up as a dvd drive06:06
SirChasmapparently closing a chat window in pidgin quits the whole program 0_o06:06
Triggercan I get a comp with only a bios to run kubuntu06:06
flaccidTrigger: you could do https://wiki.kubuntu.org/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent06:07
krawekSirChasm: http://gwenole.beauchesne.info/projects/nspluginwrapper/06:08
ardchoilleNickPresta: And the way they put it together makes it difficult to figure out06:09
NickPrestaardchoille, I'm sure there is a method to the madness. There usually is. Although it seems to be it would be easier to just write the actual content in the document. It isn't like it is difficult to change or update.06:09
SirChasmkrawek: they exclude Java from the compatibility list. Do you know what to do about Java?06:10
ardchoilleNickPresta: True06:10
naliothSirChasm: java is in the repos06:11
flaccid!java | SirChasm06:11
ubotuSirChasm: To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre. Please don't use Adept to install Java if you are on Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy) or earlier.06:11
krawekjava is not supported ?06:11
* flaccid winks @ nalioth06:11
ubotuYou can run Flash, Real, and Java plugins in AMD64 bit computers with Firefox. see the steps to follow at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava06:11
krawekSirChasm: kubuntu-restricted-extras06:12
flaccidDaSkreech: hey you didn't seem to direct that to anyone!06:12
SirChasmholy, ok, one at a time :p06:12
DaSkreechflaccid: Didn't know who asked originally06:12
SirChasmDaSkreech: I have that page open already, and it outlines the steps for the 32-bit FF. I'm interested in the 64-bit FF. For the 64-bit they only talk about the nspluginwrapper for flash, and that's it. Hence my question abou the other plugins.06:13
DaSkreechSirChasm: that would be correcy06:13
flaccidDaSkreech: check your log first then. i just got in big trouble for that06:15
flaccidim off06:16
se7enCheGuevara: looks like the sys was screwed up ...06:16
SirChasmdamnation! he left before I finished asking my question.06:16
SirChasmmaybe someone else can answer06:17
SirChasmok, suppose I have the nspluginwrapper, 64-bit FF, and sun-java5-jre package. From there, how do I get FF to understnad that Java is installed, or will it be automatic?06:19
naliothSirChasm: java is available for all arches of kubuntu, if you visit the page DaSkreech poked out of the bot, it'll explain a bit06:19
naliothSirChasm: it should be automatic upon a restart of firefox06:19
SirChasmnalioth: so I'll have to create a link like that page says to the sun-java6-jre package, and that's it?06:21
naliothSirChasm: just like it says :)06:22
SirChasmhmm ok06:22
SirChasmso then it's technically possible to run a 64-bit FF06:22
SirChasma fully-functioning 64-bit FF, I should add06:23
sn00zerhello, I changed my external hardrive icon manually via right click->properties, how do I make it so that it goes back to default, then changes when I change icon themes?06:23
Linux_Galoresn00zer: exactly the same way06:33
SirChasmheh, I installed Synaptic Package Manager, and now I don't remember why06:34
homercyclesI need to add "mbmon -r -P 61234" to the system startup so that GKrellM's sensor monitor will always read the sensors. What's the best way to add this to my "autoexec.bat" in Linux?06:36
biovorerc.local in /etc/rc.local is probably the simplest way..06:37
biovoreget run everytime the run-level changes06:37
biovoreand on boot06:37
homercyclesand it'll be run as root?06:37
biovorepaste it in before the "exit 0" line.. should work..06:38
homercycleswhat if I exit X Windows, that changes the runlevel? will it run another mbmon?06:38
biovoreNot sure on the new init system on ubuntu iwhe nit gets loaded..06:38
homercyclesexcellent. thanks for your help.06:39
biovoreon kubuntu you only change run levels if you force it with init <runlevel number>06:39
biovoreor you shutdown.. but I don't think it runs rc.local on shutdown or reboot..06:39
biovorethe only runlevel kubuntu uses is 2.. I think..06:39
biovore0 -- system start06:39
biovore1 -- kernel loading (single user more, no network)06:40
homercyclesthanks. I switched to Linux (for good, I hope) only a few days ago. I'm documenting what I've done here: http://marcfearby.com/computing/the-migration-of-a-fussy-windows-user-to-linux06:40
biovore2 -- full multiuser system06:40
homercycles5 is X Windows, IIRC?06:40
biovoreon redhat, suse it is..06:40
DaSkreechhomercycles: :)06:40
homercyclesI've dabbled in Linux before... it just never took06:40
biovoreI believe is runlevel 2 on ubuntu, and debian.06:40
NickPrestahomercycles, you might consider KMail instead of Thunderbird. I find it is a much better alternative.06:43
homercyclesI may eventually do that but, for now, I want something that I'm familiar with and still provides the option of use on any operating system. I don't want to totally divorce myself from Windows just yet :-)06:44
homercycleslast time I used Thunderbird, but then decided to give Outlook a try, I had to run an "mbox2eml" program to convert it, load it into Outlook Express, then get Outlook to import it. Switching email programs is not very pleasant, to say the least06:45
=== ets is now known as ets77
=== ets77 is now known as etsanta
homercyclesI remain impressed with Kubuntu and other KDE offerings, though, especially K3b and KTorrent06:46
etsantaKubuntu 7.10 has a nice theme according to me  out of the box-06:47
DaSkreechwhat are you not impressed with lets start getting that to irresistable status06:47
NickPrestahomercycles, about your OOo issue. Check out: http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/Dictionaries06:47
=== ubuntu is now known as licea
NickPrestahomercycles, then in OOo, go to Tools > Option > Language Settings > Languages. Make sure you have everything setup correctly. In that same sub-menu, click on Writing Aids. Make sure you have "check spelling as you type" and such enabled. Make sure you have your OOo dictionaries checked.06:49
homercyclesNickPresta: going to file, wizard, install new dictionaries in Writer actually crashed OOo :-(  very strange06:49
NickPrestahomercycles, I remember having this problem with Debian so there is a solution. It just isn't very intuitive.06:50
NickPrestaand as for the Firefox issue, the reason why you don't get updates all the time or right away, is because sometimes there is no need to. For example, some updates for Fx are fixes for Windows related bugs. Obviously there wouldn't be that version in the repo because it is no different from the previous version.06:51
ardchoilleNickPresta: That is an excellent explanation06:52
ardchoilleI'm going to use that.06:52
homercyclessince installing FF it still doesn't render the occasional web page, so I guess was good enough06:52
NickPrestaardchoille, well, that, and the fact that new releases aren't pushed into the repos on the same day due to testing and the MOTU being human and all ;)06:53
biovoreactive X == Evil06:53
NickPrestahomercycles, which web pages? Flash-intensive pages?06:53
ardchoilleNickPresta: Yeah06:53
homercyclesNickPresta: I just edited my blog entry on Kubuntu then hit refresh and it wouldn't reload, even though it went through the motions as if it was reloading. The scroll bar doesn't work when this happens, too. There's no flash on my blog06:56
K`zanHi folks, suddenly my .wmv files quit playing back - get audio but no video.  Any thoughts appreciated.06:56
NickPrestahomercycles, I don't know what to tell you. *shrug* My installation of Fx is very reliable when I'm not dealing with Flash related stuff. Is this behavior unique to Fx or do you notice it in Konqueror or another browser?06:57
homercyclesI haven't used Konqueror enough to know for sure but what I do know is that if I load the same recalcitrant page in Konq then Konq loads it fine06:57
homercyclesI haven't installed Compiz or anything crazy like that, either :-)06:58
NickPrestahomercycles, hmm, strange. Overall though, your issues seem fairly minimal. I'm sure a couple more days of tinkering will fix everything.06:59
homercyclesNickPresta: I'm not sure what kind of tinkerage might resolve my Firefox issues but, on the whole, my move to Linux this time has been much more pleasant07:00
homercyclesThe threat of Vista has probably helped, too :-)07:01
NickPrestahomercycles, that's good. If you're having a consistent problem with Firefox (write down specific pages so other Fx users can test them too), you might want to make a forum post on the ubuntu forums so you can be helped or directed to file a bug report.07:01
NickPrestahomercycles, heh :)07:01
homercyclesKubuntu doesn't load the screen saver after the configured 5 minutes, either. I haven't dwelled on it but maybe there's something else I have to enable?07:02
homercyclesif FF gets annoying I'll do that because this can't go on07:02
NickPrestahomercycles, does the screensaver not start or it doesn't put up a "screen" or what, specifically, doesn't work?07:02
homercyclesif isn't really needed for Linux then should I go back to the deb package? If I did that then everything that looks for Firefox will be happy again, I guess07:03
homercyclesthe screen saver just never shows up. no error message, no blank screen, no nufink07:03
homercyclesI tell a lie. I just set it to 1 minute and now it shows up. I swear that it was never on if I left the room for half an hour and came back when it was set to 5 minutes07:05
NickPrestahomercycles, I sometimes have that problem. There is a bug filed for this (https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdeartwork/+bug/155490) so it should be resolved relatively soon07:06
homercyclesI've taken to turning off my monitor when I leave the room for extended periods now07:07
homercyclesit's nice to know it's a bug and not just me, though. thanks07:07
NickPrestahomercycles, well, I usually lock my session, which starts my screensaver, and then turn off the monitors.07:08
homercycleslocking the session for me simply leaves a snapshot of my desktop and apps. I don't get a screen saver07:08
K`zanGonna try the m$ fix, it was working so perhaps a reboot...07:09
NickPresta!es | gustavo07:21
ubotugustavo: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.07:21
ubotuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke07:23
momalDoes anyone know how to change volume for just front speakers with 5.1?07:26
ubotuThe #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are english only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat07:26
arkaitzalguien habla castellano?07:47
se7ensomebody use kmail with different pop3 accounts? all 3 accounts end up in the only one inbox i have ...07:47
ardchoillese7en: You can change that in the accounts tab07:48
ardchoillese7en: Settings > Configure kmail > Accounts, click on the account > mocify > Destination folder07:49
ardchoillese7en: iirc, you have to create the new folder first, tho07:50
se7enok destination folder was my first guess but i have only inbox to choose from07:51
ardchoillese7en: You have to create the new folder first, once it's created, it will show up in Destination folder list07:51
se7enjo thanks ardchoille done :)07:52
ardchoillese7en: yw :)07:52
kristjan_hey, how do I configure kde so that copied files from "cdrom" to $HOME won't be write-protected?08:00
ehcwhen I am running compiz my computer is really slow and crashes every now and then. How can I check if I am using all of my computers capabilities and this problem is due to hardware inadeqcies? I have a dual core processor and 2 gb ram, but I am using 256mb allocated to my onboard nvidia video card. I should have the proprietary drivers for the nvidia working,08:00
kristjan_ehc: since the drivers are closed source - your best bet is nvidia forums http://www.nvnews.net/vbulletin/forumdisplay.php?f=1408:02
ubotuKubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion08:03
rdvonHello, I was about to take out one of my hdd's, But it's the one with ubuntu installed so I wasn't if it would ruin the grub setup and not let me boot into windows again. so How would I take grub off?08:15
ubotuKubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion08:21
ehckristjan_, okay I think that might have helped, I added some stuff to my setup. However when I ran compiz I noticed that XGL wasn't present. What is XGL and do I want/need it?08:22
jessy_jamescat viena un cancar a tuti08:23
=== michael is now known as michael___
ubotuKubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion08:26
michael___hello everyone season greetings... i not to long installed the kubuntu os and i ran the adept update and it was doin its thing ...then whenever i use adept and install a package i keep getting this message http://www.pastebin.ca/83253208:30
michael___i google it but i keep pointin me to app error with opera and i don't have opera browser installed08:33
=== Jack is now known as Jack3
ardchoille!ghost > Jack308:35
unix_infidelardchoille: why have the bot do that?08:36
ehcis there a way to completely set a app back to its beginning default settings without removing it and redownloading and installing?08:36
unix_infidelehc: which app?08:37
ehcunix_infidel, audacity08:37
unix_infideliirc, audacity has an ~/.audacity folder.08:37
ardchoilleunix_infidel: Because I don't feel like repeating something that the bot can do faster :)08:37
unix_infidelardchoille: lol, just alias your client commands :-P08:38
unix_infidelehc: To answer your question more directly...08:38
ardchoilleunix_infidel: I think you misunderstood :)08:38
unix_infidelrm -rf ~/.audacity08:38
ardchoille!ghost > unix_infidel08:38
ehcunix_infidel, thanks08:38
unix_infidelardchoille: ahhh08:39
ubotuleave the ops alone ktnxbye08:39
ardchoillejussi01: I'll have to remember that one08:40
Alcherai have an irritation .... all to do with dvd's (dl & rw's) when trying to access (text) files as an example playing movies isn't a drama >>> attempt to access beyond end of device08:47
Alcherafiles have a zero byte size when copied to hdd08:47
=== Jack is now known as Jack3
youknowwhohi, i have a problem regarding kde 4 live rc209:05
youknowwhohow can i log in?09:05
youknowwhoall i got is a console with "busybox" in it?09:06
MilhousePunkRockHello everyone!09:06
MilhousePunkRockHow can I install a certain version of the nvidia binary drivers, that is not in the repos?09:07
MilhousePunkRockIn the simplest and cleanest way...09:07
youknowwhocan someone answer me?09:08
MilhousePunkRockyouknowwho: What was the question?09:08
biovorekde 4 is beta.. and not support09:09
youknowwhoi can't log into the kde4 live cd rc209:09
biovoreno clue.. I don't mess with kde 4 atm..09:09
youknowwhoall i got is busybox something09:09
biovoreMilhousePunkRock: nvidia driver, not from repos..09:09
youknowwhooh , i know is beta just trying, that's why i downloaded the livecd09:09
biovoremaybe, graphics adapter not support by that live cd..09:10
MilhousePunkRockbiovore: Do I have more than these two options? Getting the install script directly from the nvidia site or using that nasty envy thingy?09:10
biovoreMilhousePunkRock: I install from nvidia's site..09:11
youknowwhoi don't know much, but try envy09:11
biovoreyou need to get the kernel sources and build-essential.. then run the installer...09:11
biovorealso you will need to kill X before running the nvidia installer09:11
youknowwhowith envy i would be a hell of a lot better than installing it from the nvidia site09:11
youknowwhoi've done it, envy's flawless on my system09:12
biovoreenvy.. is that alberto's script?09:12
MilhousePunkRockIt does not look like envy lets me choose a particular version though...09:12
ubotuenvy is not needed or supported. Use the Resticted Manager to install binary drivers and see « /msg ubotu binarydriver »09:12
youknowwhoyes albertoo's script09:13
biovorewell I install using nvidia's install guide lines.. work great here..09:13
MilhousePunkRockbiovore: I've read that factoid, it scares me...09:13
youknowwhoof course, but if you need the latest nvidia driver you could use it at your own risk09:13
Alcheraenvy works every time09:14
youknowwhoinstalling the nvidia driver in envy would automatically install the latest version09:14
biovorehttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=57368 <-- basicly the same thing as envy does..09:14
biovoreI havn't used envy here.. so I can't tell you if it works or not..09:14
biovoreor what is does09:15
ardchoilleI installed nvidia drivers with "sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx && sudo nvidia-glx-config enable" and it worked great on 11 machines.09:15
biovoreyup same here..09:15
youknowwhoi've done it the nvidia way, it was fun, but a little complicated09:15
biovoreI don't know if I would call 5 cli commands complicated...09:15
youknowwhoi installed using the restricted driver manager, but i needed the latest version09:16
youknowwhoso that i could play wow the burning crusade, envy worked09:16
youknowwhoi know but for a begginer is difficult, not like envy or the restricted drivers manager09:17
MilhousePunkRockWell, I have the latest version from the repos right now, but it has a bug which gives me a pink screen in MythTV every now and then, 100.14.11 is supposed to not have it09:17
youknowwhoremember that he asked for the simplest way09:17
MilhousePunkRockyouknowwho: I have compiled stuff myself and have nearly two years of linux experience. But I prefer not to mess up the package management, or at least only as little as I have to...09:18
youknowwhoi took my chances because i have mandriva 2008 on another partition09:18
youknowwhotho, in the begining i've installed the nvidia driver, back in 6.1009:19
youknowwhowith the nvidia instructions09:19
youknowwhoit's risky but not so much as automatic, it worked flawlessly on my michine09:20
se7enwhere does the system log that you connected to the internet09:21
youknowwhodownloading another live cd of kde4 to try it, thank anyway09:22
benjaminhi, does flash work on x86-64 maschines?09:22
youknowwhosorry for my english, i'm from argentina09:23
benjaminI did try to install the adobe flash plugin but there was an error message09:23
MilhousePunkRockbenjamin: Read the channel topic09:23
MilhousePunkRock!flash | benjamin09:23
ubotubenjamin: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash09:23
ubotuThe Flash plugin installation is currently broken. This is due to Adobe changing the tar file that the package downloads. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=636397 if you need to fix this immediately, but it's recommended to wait for an official fix.09:23
se7eni would need to know when my box looses the internet connection and when its coming back online so i would need to know where this events are loged09:23
benjaminah thanks09:24
youknowwhook, bye everyone09:26
sd132is kleansweep safe to use?09:26
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kleansweep - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi09:27
ardchoillesd132: Well, the bot doesn't post any warnings09:27
sd132ardchoille: ok thanks09:27
ubotuwebmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system09:27
ardchoillesd132: An example of a warning ^^09:28
ardchoillesd132: That's not to say kleansweep is absolutely safe, there's no substitute for being careful.09:29
sd132ardchoille: true09:29
fdovingjust after reading http://www.kde-apps.org/content/show.php?content=28631 i'd say it looks OK, i would be a little scared if i started using the 'orphaned files' option.. i belive i would stay away from that actually.09:29
sd132just wondering if anyone has had problems  with itt09:29
ardchoillesd132: I'm here quite a bit and have not heard anything bad about it09:30
sd132ardchoille: ok  thanks again09:30
ardchoillefdoving: Thanks for that link09:31
sd132fdoving: thanks09:32
MilhousePunkRockHa, using the script from nvidia took about 2 minutes09:36
uwohi all - how do i reset kde4 settings (make all custom settings back to default)?09:39
se7enwhy do i get ppermission denied on a watch /var/log/syslog command?09:40
ardchoillese7en: Because of the permissions of that file, your user doesn't have permissions on that file unless you use sudo.09:42
se7enno sudo watch /var/log/syslog same error09:42
ardchoillese7en: I get the same error09:43
se7enwatch is the right command ????09:44
ardchoillese7en: You could use: sudo tail -f /var/log/syslog09:45
ardchoilleIn fact, that's what I would use09:45
se7enyes i did ardchoille it's just weird that watch doesnt work09:45
llutzse7en: watch needs a command to execute, so use: "watch tail /var/log/messages"  or besser ardchoiles advice09:46
ardchoillellutz: Ah, thanks for that09:46
se7enahhhhh thanks llutz09:46
ardchoilleThat amkes sense09:46
se7enare you german?09:47
llutzi am09:47
ardchoillese7en picked up on the "besser"09:47
llutza tired one, so excuse for typo09:47
se7enkein problem :)09:48
=== [3]Jack3 is now known as Jack3
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pulseaudio - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi09:51
jumpkic1is there a howto for installing pulse audio on kubuntu/gutsy?09:52
Alcherak.. my problem is a bugged kernel :P09:55
jussi01hei all. im having an issue with my bcm 4312. i have followed the ndiswrapper instructions but no card is shown in network settings or ifconfig.09:58
Jack3im getting an error when burning the dvd iso i downloaded, is there a way to verify it in windows?10:01
posingaspopularJack3: the md5 susms10:03
=== profoX_ is now known as profoX`
posingaspopularcheck here http://releases.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/gutsy/10:03
posingaspopularno problem, good luck10:04
=== Shely is now known as iPersistent
nevilleIs it possible to start a seperate X session, without KDE running?10:13
nevilleAnd, if so, is it possible to tack on commands to the end of that?10:13
senorpedrohola the woodfairy10:14
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kde-4 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi10:14
ubotuKDE 4 is the next major release of the K Desktop Environment. For more information see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KDE_4 - The Release Schedule is available at http://techbase.kde.org/Schedules/KDE4/4.0_Release_Schedule - RC 2 packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde4-rc2.php10:14
JayCCan someone help me, my 320GB Hard drive is only showing up as 128GB in Gparted/qtparted it is unfromatted btw10:26
gyebrofinger kats10:40
nevillehow can I start a seperate X session, without KDE running, and have a command like, say, wine /path/to/program/progname.exe tacked onto the end?10:43
dysonGreets gents. any definative guide for setting up a Logitech mouse (to get buttons 4 & 5 working) .10:45
gyebroHost/Kernel/OS "gyebro-desktop" running Linux i686 [ Unknown distro o_O ]10:45
gyebroCPU Info       (1) AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core 4200+ 512 KB cache flags( sse3 nx lm svm ) clocked at [ 1000.000 MHz ]10:45
gyebro               (2) AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core 4200+ 512 KB cache flags( sse3 nx lm svm ) clocked at [ 1000.000 MHz ]10:45
gyebroVideocard      nVidia G70 [GeForce 7600 GT]  X.Org 1.3.0  [ 1024x768@85.0hz ]10:45
gyebroNetwork cards  nVidia MCP61 Ethernet, at port: d48010:45
gyebroProcesses 37 | Uptime 3:17 | Memory 461.2/2027.0MB | HDD ATA SAMSUNG HD501LJ,ATA Maxtor 6Y120P0 Size 623GB (5%used) | GLX Renderer GeForce 7600 GT/PCI/SSE2/3DNOW! | GLX Version 2.1.2 NVIDIA 169.07 | Client Konversation 1.0.1 | Infobash v3.0110:45
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)10:46
gyebrook, thanx10:48
lumprichhi, is this a german channel?10:54
jpatrick!de | lumprich10:55
ubotulumprich: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de10:55
lumprichubotu: vielen Dank10:56
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about vielen dank - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi10:56
maurisomeone know how to see the floppy icon in the dolphin menager11:08
se7en__mauri: i guess system settings > bookmarks > add new bookmark > and than browse to floppy i cant test because i have none11:14
jumpkic1so pulseaudio is NOT enabled on kubuntu hardy A2 eh?11:16
jumpkic1despite what the press release for Ubuntu says11:16
jpatrickjumpkic1: just because it's in ubuntu doesn't mean it's in kubuntu11:18
jpatrickjumpkic1: ubuntu press release says new gnome, I don't see that in kubuntu anywhere11:18
jumpkic1jpatrick: you don't think its perhaps a bit misleading that the second download link is for Kubuntu? ( http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/hardy/alpha2#head-1b141d134159de0880483e58246a17d4834cfd10 )11:21
jpatrickjumpkic1: read: "Some non-GNOME applications still need to be changed to output to pulse/esd by default and the volume control tools are still not integrated"11:21
jumpkic1so kubuntu is not in scope, got it11:24
jumpkic1I read that paragraph you quoted as meaning, most stuff works...11:25
jumpkic1there are some things that don't11:25
jpatrickjumpkic1: or kubuntu changes still need to be made, I dunno11:26
jumpkic1jpatrick: neither do I...11:27
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=== nicolas is now known as p2s
jpatrick!hi | marc0s11:33
ubotumarc0s: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!11:33
marc0si'm playing with the kde4 packages available for kubuntu gutsy and i'm having problems with kopete and the qca tls lib... but i have it installed ... do i need something more? or a not-deb-packaged version maybe?11:34
marc0sexactly i have installed libqca2- libqca2-dev- (from ppa) and qca-tls-1.0.3build111:36
nuxilhi all11:42
nuxilwhat do i need to do to get mp3 support ?11:42
nuxilsudo apt-get install -f kubuntu-restricted-extras ?11:42
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats11:44
nuxilARR.. adept sucks.11:46
jpatricknuxil: so.. fix i11:46
JayCcan someone assist me? My 320GB external USB drive is only showing up as 128gb in windows AND linux11:47
nuxilwith adept.. instrall onething.. break anothre thing11:47
etfbJayC: How's it formatted?  FAT32, EXT3, NTFS, ...?11:47
jpatrickJayC: hmm, what does your BIOS show it as?11:47
nuxiljpatrick, im trying to install mp3 support.11:47
nuxilis  kubuntu-restricted-extras the right pak?11:47
jpatricknuxil: libxine1-ffmpeg should do that and the kubuntu-r-e too11:48
JayCetfb: its not11:48
disturboresiduowhen i restart kubuntu all applicationts that aren't close are started automaticaly at new login. why11:48
jpatrickdisturboresiduo: KDE does that11:48
jpatrickdisturboresiduo: you have to close them before logging out11:48
etfbJayC: ie it's a new disk?  In that case, formatting it for FAT32 is the way to go.  Let me see if I can find out how I did it.11:48
JayCjpatrick, etfb, to also clarify it has nothing to do with bios new comp..everuything like that11:48
nuxilbut with  kubuntu-restricted-extras i tryed to dl some sun jave crap and broke adept.- well i ger error now and adept wount startup.. dpkg --configure -a didnt help11:49
JayCetfb: its not formatted...absoloutely non-allocated11:49
jpatricknuxil: tried just installing libxine2-ffmpeg?11:50
JayCetfb: is there any command to "Fuck this disk" and wipe it fresh new no tables nothin?11:51
nuxiljpatrick, jes. i try.. but adept wount let me cos kubuntu-r-e broke something.. and now nothing will install in adept.11:51
jpatrick!pastebin | nuxil11:51
ubotunuxil: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)11:51
jpatricknuxil: please put the console error there11:52
etfbJayC: Try formatting it using mkfs.vfat and see if it will let you format all 320GB of it.  If it will, it was just a weirdness in the way it shows up to the bios.  IF it won't, it's broken and needs repair.11:52
jpatrickJayC: install qtparted and format?11:52
JayCetfb what do you mean try formatting it with mkfs.vfat11:53
etfbjpatrick, JayC: yep, that'll work too.  I prefer to do things on the command line, but you're not losing any data so it doesn't matter either way really.11:53
jpatrickJayC: make sure you format the right thing!11:53
etfbJayC: What's your level of unix/linux expertise?  I don't want to talk triple-dutch if you're still working out how to spell "ls", but I don't want to be verbose if you're secretly Linus...11:54
nuxiljpatrick,  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/49578/ its in norwegian tho11:54
JayCetfb i would consider myself a power user11:54
jpatricknuxil: tried apt-get install -f11:54
nuxildidnt help11:54
nuxilsame error11:55
nuxili even trued dpkg --configure -a11:55
jpatricknuxil: apt-get install sun-java6-bin?11:55
JayCetfb: im honestly stumped by this one....it worked in windows...asked me to set partition table in windows i used the defaults and now its fucked11:55
nuxillet me try11:55
jpatrick!language | JayC11:55
etfbJayC: OK, makes it easy.  The Linux commands for formatting disks are all mkfs.SOMETHING, where SOMETHING is the file system you want.11:55
ubotuJayC: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.11:55
etfbJayC: (I recommend using the word "ruddocked" instead of the anglo-saxon verb.  It means the same thing.)11:56
JayCetfb: arg give me a break...11:56
etfbJayC: So mkfs.vfat will format it in vfat, which Windows/DOS calls FAT32.  LEt me check the syntax...11:56
nuxiljpatrick, yes it looks like that pak is installing11:56
jpatricknuxil: yay11:56
JayCetfb: explained this a good 10x ive alredy formatted it fat...it just doesnt show up with 300gb11:57
nuxiljpatrick, it looks ok now. kubuntu -r -e looks like its installing now. ;)11:57
jpatricknuxil: smashing. glad that's fixed11:58
etfbSorry - I only showed up at 22:45 my time, 12 minutes ago.  If you've been talking about this before, I missed it.11:58
nuxiljpatrick, thanks for tha help :D11:58
jpatricknuxil: you're welcome11:58
etfbTake me through what you did.  Start with taking the HD out of its plastic bag, spilling polystyrene all over the floor, and plugging it in...11:58
JayCetfb: i dont want to sound like a record...but ill try to explain this best i can, I dont care about what its formatted ive tried formatting it evry which way tried to format it....tried everything i can i dont care how its formatted i dont care about what OS im using this is a noobish way of putting it but i just want to see 300gb there instead of 128gb11:59
etfbOK - what hardware do you have to hand?  One machine dual-booting Kubuntu and Windows, or two machines running one OS each, or what?  Paint me a picture, here.12:01
JayCetfb: I have a desktop with windows i have a laptop dualbooting vista(EVIL)\Kubuntu 7.10 - Hard drive is 3.5" in external enclosure12:03
* etfb keeps pressing the wrong keys, but is back now12:04
JayCetfb: I have a desktop with windows i have a laptop dualbooting vista(EVIL)\Kubuntu 7.10 - Hard drive is 3.5" in external enclosure12:04
etfbJayC: This would be easier in 1:1 chat.  Can you remember the IRC command to open a private chat?12:04
JayCetfb: this channel does not allow 1:112:05
Greeneryhwo to check version of wine using konsole?12:05
=== schiste__ is now known as schiste
jpatrickGreenery: wine -v ?12:05
joheyHow can I make my kwallet passwordless, meaning that it will run in background without ever asking me for my password?12:05
Greenerydoesnt work12:05
jpatrickJayC, etfb: /query, /msg ?12:05
funcrushmy password for root miss matched in KDE 4 (I upgraded from kde 3.5.8 to kde 4)12:05
funcrushHow can I fix this problem?12:06
jpatrickfuncrush: kdesudo is yet to be ported, use kdesudo <app>12:06
funcrushjpatrick: Thank you:)12:06
JayCetfb: i got your message but i cannot send msges back12:06
etfbJayC: Meh.  Can't get it to work here either.  OK, we'll soldier on.12:07
jpatrickJayC: you need to register12:07
etfbJayC: Ah, that'd be it.  Type /msg NickServ IDENTIFY yourpreferredpassword12:07
JayCetfb: it works just fine but i cant message u back and this is irritating12:10
funcrushIs KDE4 request high graphic card?12:10
etfbJayC: Never mind then.12:10
=== JayC is now known as Ellojello
etfbJayC: On your Windoze box, go to Administrative Tools.12:10
funcrushI use Nvidia Geforce Fx.550012:10
jpatrickfuncrush: should be fine12:11
etfbJayC: I'll have to check where, but there's a disk management tool that will give a 100% definitive answer on the actual size and arrangement of your disk partitions.12:11
funcrushjpatrick: But some effect of window are slow12:12
Ellojelloetfb: this is JayC did you get my message?12:12
etfbJayC: (I'm just going to VPN into my work PC and remind myself where it is.  You did say WinXP on your desktop machine, didn't you?)12:12
jpatricketfb: s/JayC/Ellojello/12:12
jpatrickfuncrush: it's not finished yet12:12
funcrushjpatrick: ah I see. thank you for answer:)12:12
Ellojelloetfb: This is JayC are you there?12:13
etfbEllojello: Yes I did.  That's you then, and not some evil interloper trying to groom me for internet porn or something?  (Can't be too careful, I'm a very attractive 38-year-old boy)12:13
bobdhicksI have a dual boot laptop. I boot from a 250gb usb drive where grub and kubuntu reside. Is it possible to access the c drive on the laptop which has Windows Vista from within Kubuntu?12:21
posingaspopularbobdhicks: it should be doable12:27
posingaspopulari don't personally know how to do it though, sorry ;/12:27
bobdhicksposingaspopular: Thank you for letting me know it possible. I know where to go to be taught how to do it I just didn't want to appear too stupid there. I'm prone to ask a lot of silly questions on my learning curve12:29
posingaspopularsilly questions are encouraged. you'll find that most linux people want to share their knowledge if people are willing to learn. my suggestion is to just ask in here again a bit later.12:31
posingaspopulargood luck though12:31
sigma_how many people +- are actually involved in developing kubuntu?12:32
jpatricksigma_: depends, kubuntu team, or the whole ubuntu thing?12:33
sigma_jpatrick: well how many for each?12:33
jpatricksigma_: well, in the end we're both the same12:34
sigma_thats true i guess, so how many on average is it?12:35
jpatricksigma_: ~50 kubuntu devs12:35
ardchoillejpatrick: Are they paid? They shold be :)12:36
jpatrickardchoille: hehe12:36
sigma_i know u told me Riddell is paid12:37
posingaspopularfrom my understanding, Canonical is moving towards paying more Kubuntu devs, but we'll see how that goes12:37
jpatricksigma_: you're free to join if you want12:37
posingaspopularimho, they are a bit too tight with their wallets on the whole Kubuntu work12:37
sigma_jpatrick: not the programming type im afraid, closest i get to that is web design, im better in implementations12:38
jpatricksigma_: there are several ways to help12:39
sigma_canonical could break even if they really wanted to, they don't really have to make a profit12:39
sigma_jpatrick: whats on offer? i've been looking for ways to help (since my business does rely on kubuntu and kde), ive applied to be the kde press officer for south africa, but what other ways besides programming can i help kubuntu?12:40
jpatricksigma_: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/HelpingKubuntu12:41
sigma_documentation looks like the only thing, would do testing but dont have the bandwidth12:43
=== schiste__ is now known as schiste
jpatricksigma_: sure packaging doesn't tickle your fancy? :)12:47
romunovwhere in kubuntu can i install a printer?12:47
jpatrickromunov: system settings -> Printer12:48
romunovno, i don't have that12:48
romunovthat's why i ask12:48
jpatrickI have it12:48
sigma_jpatrick: do you need a good internet connection for that?12:49
romunovany ideas what package in need to install?12:49
jpatrickromunov: nop, I got it by default12:49
jpatricksigma_: kinda12:49
jpatrickso does doc..12:49
romunovseems a bit odd that printer is not incorporated (by default) here12:50
llutzromunov: try kde-print, cups12:50
judgementhelp please: kdm or gdm for kubuntu? i already installed ubuntu gnome and want to try something new,,,12:52
jpatrickjudgement: kdm12:52
judgementty! :)12:53
sigma_jpatrick: why does doc need alot?12:53
jpatricksigma_: no, not as much, but downloading it, sending patches12:54
romunovllutz: thanks, installing kdeprint worked12:55
sigma_i see12:55
TimSHow can I find out my DVD drive speed?12:58
Abbascan someone please tell me, how to alert users in Jabber chat rooms like this:13:15
=== Quitix is now known as Tuiq
=== _roconnor is now known as roconnor
khelllhow shall i know if the bluetooth is working or no??/13:37
llutzkhelll: sudo hcitool scan13:40
khelllDevice is not available: No such device13:40
llutzhcitool dev13:41
khelllllutz it gave me empty list13:42
khelllit means my bluetooth is not working13:42
llutzkhelll: lsmod |grep blue13:42
khelllbluetooth              57060  4 rfcomm,l2cap13:43
khelllwhat does it suppose to mean?13:43
llutzkhelll: "dmesg|grep -i blue"   plz paste at pastbin, not here13:43
llutz!pastebin | lh13:44
ubotulh: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)13:44
llutzkhelll: ^^13:44
khelllllutz http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/49584/13:47
llutzkhelll: bt seems to be loaded... sry no idea what's wrong then13:47
TuiqI've got a question, I'm using a Logitech diNovo system (keyboard and mouse, (+mediapad)) and I need to take off the stick and put it in again. Else, the keyboard and mouse wouldn't work. In BIOS and GRUB (and xp), it works fine, but kubuntu live-cd and this installed seems to have got problems with it. Any soulutions?13:50
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)13:54
ubotuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.ubuntu.com/  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/products/ubuntu-bots13:57
=== plgh4 is now known as Manyfold
Tuiqreturned. Can anybody help me now with my problem, the bluetooth-thing, or is it impossible?14:07
alex_Can anyone tell me, how i could change my bootmenu, that windows starts, if i change nothing?14:12
Jeroiedit grub14:13
CheGuevarachange "default         0"14:14
llutzsudo nano /boot/grub/menu.lst   set "default" to the win-entry, starts counting with "0"14:14
CheGuevarato whichever number windows is14:14
CheGuevarayeah :P14:14
llutzso +1 for every "title" tag14:14
carnage__hy all14:15
alex_ok, thank you...14:16
Tuiqdoes the "Other operating system:"-entry count, too?14:16
llutziirc only "title"14:16
TuiqtitleOther operating systems: <= :D14:16
llutzthen yes14:16
llutzsry, don#t have that :)14:16
Tuiqis anyone here who use a logitech desktop system?14:18
JeroiHow do I make windows automatically the highlighted operationsystem on grub start when booting up?14:18
llutzJeroi: see above14:18
Jeroionly default?14:18
Jeroinothing more?14:19
Jeroi# This entry automatically added by the Debian installer for a non-linux OS14:19
llutzwrite a letter to your mother/gf/somewho if you want to do more14:19
Jeroi# on /dev/hda114:19
JeroititleMicrosoft Windows XP Professional14:19
Jeroiafter chainloader I write default?14:19
llutzJeroi: sudo nano /boot/grub/menu.lst   set/change "default" to the win-entry, starts counting with "0"14:19
JeroiDefault "0"14:20
Jeroiloke that?14:20
TuiqDefault with the ""?14:20
llutzthere's a default-entry in the upper part of the file , just change it14:20
llutzJeroi: add the number corresponding to the win-title entry14:21
Jeroithat do not work14:21
Jeroilinux kernel update breaks the number14:21
carnage__it's pr0bably 514:21
Jeroias it adds new boot up options before windows14:21
carnage__or 414:21
TuiqHere it was 444414:22
Jeroiso If I know add 4 to that14:22
TuiqStupid mediapad14:22
Jeroithen next kernel update adds 2 operating systems more14:22
carnage__man just put default 514:22
Jeroithat number will be then 614:22
Jeroiso I will need everytime change the number manually14:22
carnage__0 1 2 are kubuntu entrie14:22
carnage__3 is "other operating system"14:23
carnage__4 is Xp or Vista (in my conf)14:23
Tuiqmine too.14:23
TuiqDoes anyone know why I always have to take my USB Bluetooth Stick (or dongle) off and then put it in again only that I can use mouse and keyboard in kubuntu?14:24
Tuiq(just say 'dunno' and I would be happy :I)14:26
llutzTuiq: be happy, dunno14:26
carnage__I want to install Compiz in Kubuntu with XGL but when i install Xgl i get very small fonts? anyone installed Compiz with no problems ? Mind share?14:27
jhutchins_wk!compiz | carnage__14:30
ubotucarnage__: Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion14:30
carnage__thanks alot man14:31
Jay-Oh-Enare there any video editing programs for linux like sony vegas?14:31
carnage__there is Kino14:32
yvan_how do I use a pen-drive connected to a ltsp client? I plugged it in and nothing happened...14:32
=== pjo is now known as b
carnage__Kino for video editing got that?14:32
yvan_carnage, try the program. Maybe you like it...14:33
Jay-Oh-Encarnage__: ill try that out14:33
ukwizI am trying to install kubuntu 7.10 from cd, but it seems to hang at 82%414:33
Tuiq.oO(I'm not really happy now, but, okay.. thanks..)14:33
yvan_ukwiz, in wich step is your installation?14:34
nosrednaekimukwiz: is it "scanning mirrors"?14:34
Jay-Oh-Encarnage__: i cant find that in the repositories14:35
ukwiz82% in apt-get.14:35
ukwizyes, scanning mirrors.14:35
yvan_are you downloading from the net? Maybe your broadband limit is reached...14:35
carnage__wait i will give you a link14:36
nosrednaekimukwiz: ok, well then let is continue for a while... if it does fail(or keep stalling).... pull out your network cable and restart the install14:36
Jay-Oh-Enok carnage__14:36
ukwizthere doesn't seem to be any feedback on what is going on14:36
carnage__there you go14:36
yvan_is someone here familiar with ltsp under kubuntu?14:37
nosrednaekimthats thin client, right?14:37
Jay-Oh-Encarnage__: ill try that14:37
nosrednaekimyvan_: over at #edubuntu they are a bit more familiar with that I would think.14:37
yvan_ok... See you later folks.14:38
carnage__Jay-OH-En Kino it's in the repository14:39
yvan_there isn't much tallk on #edubuntu ...14:40
Jay-Oh-Encarnage__: nope its called pivit14:40
Jay-Oh-Enanyways does anybody know any good games for linux14:40
yvan_yeah, supertux is FUN14:40
carnage__a good shooter14:40
carnage__shooter too14:41
ScottGAlien Arena14:41
yvan_dooom exists for linux...14:41
ukwizis ubiquity the installation process? top shows it continually at 100%14:41
nosrednaekimUrban Terror14:42
TuiqI mean. I googled for my problem before I joined this channel, but everything I found about "bluetooth kubuntu OR linux diNovo logitech" was a few millions of reports about the great keyboards :[14:42
nosrednaekimukwiz: yeah, ubiquity is the installer14:42
ukwiznosrednaekim, is there anything that would show what is happening?14:43
oktoukwiz: it happened to me bofore, i use a dirty hack by killing the apt-get process, it should continue the install14:44
=== ubuntu__ is now known as hdevalence
=== hdevalence is now known as hdevalencealence
=== hdevalencealence is now known as hdevalence
=== Deviance is now known as TimS
hdevalenceI can't install kubuntu from the alternate cd ecause the installer either goes all funky and is messed up or it hangs at 33% of creating ext3 filesystem  and then says failed to create ext3 file system14:49
nosrednaekimhaha.... lots of people must have gotten computers for christmas... never seen this big of an influx of installer problems :D14:50
nosrednaekimhdevalence: can you install from the liveCD?14:50
hdevalencenosrednaekim: I could, I suppose, but I want to set up encryption14:51
nonamenosrednaekim: I think tis is well for Kubuntu, or?14:51
nosrednaekimhdevalence: I THINK the liveCD installer now supports encryption... but i'mnot sure.14:51
TuxManI still cannot get KDE4 working!14:52
nosrednaekimTuxMan: :(14:52
jpatrickTuxMan: it is still in beta14:52
nosrednaekimnoname: I should think so :)14:52
hdevalencenosrednaekim: I feel really stupid because I had a working kubuntu system and then decided to switch to debian and then it didn't work and I realized that I don't want to have to go around fixing alll the problems, so I switched back14:52
TuxManjpatrick: I know!14:52
nonameencryption ist afaik only in textbased installation standart.14:53
hdevalenceTuxMan: the people in #kde4-devel might be able to help14:53
nosrednaekimhdevalence: yeah...14:54
hdevalenceyeah, the way I have it is that I have a 25GB NTFS partition (so I can't do the guided encryption option), then a 255MB /boot ext3 partition, then a 95GB encrypted volume14:55
nosrednaekimhdevalence: and its failing on the encrypted ext3... hmm. And I suppose you can't "preformat" because its encrypted.?14:56
hdevalencebut you can only do one patition per encrypted volume so in order to have swap I need to set up LVM or have two encryped volumes but if I set up LVM I get the failed to create filesystem error , if I have two encryped volumes the install crashes14:56
TuxManAH! #kde4-devel says they can't help me just because its Kubuntu! ****14:57
hdevalenceit crashes on the 'configure encrypted volumes' bit14:58
TuxManbtw, how do i get iceweasel?14:58
ubotuIceweasel's homepage is http://www.gnu.org/software/gnuzilla/ with more detailed information at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iceweasel14:58
TuxManthank you, BOT!14:58
ubotuYum! Err, I mean, APT!14:59
nosrednaekimTuxMan: maybe because its RC2.... which is a bit old.14:59
TuxManso.. RC3 is out? lol kiddin14:59
nosrednaekimwell, they are all busy over there with SVN.14:59
nosrednaekimRC2 is the stone age to them ;)15:00
TuxManOog Agg15:00
TuxManme eat jaguar!15:00
ubotugnome is a project that provides two things: The GNOME desktop environment, an intuitive and attractive desktop for end-users, users, and the GNOME development platform, an extensive framework for building applications that integrate into the rest of the desktop.15:01
TuxMancurse the GNOMEs =P15:01
hdevalencei notice that kubuntu has been rather stagnant of late b/c everyone is working on KDE415:02
TuxManI started with reg Gutsy Ubuntu, but when I converted it to Kubuntu I had to purge like 1,000 packages15:02
ubotupurekde is If you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureKDE »15:03
Tuiqoh. I may know why my keyboard won't work. I think the dongle is broken, but why can windows it use then without stick out-stick in?15:04
hdevalencealso, if I have 2GB of RAM, do I need swap space?15:05
nosrednaekimhdevalence: yes15:05
nosrednaekimyou should ALWAYS put in swap.15:05
nosrednaekimits handy for other things (like suspend to disk)15:06
Pici(when that works)15:06
hdevalencenosrednaekim: that's what I thought, it's just that the installer seems to not like multiple encrypted volumes15:07
nosrednaekimhdevalence: hrm.... why do you have to encrypt it? you can encrypt individual files.15:07
TuxManheehee makin pure KDE15:07
TuxManpureKDE is awesome15:08
hdevalencenosrednaekim: it's easier to encrypt everything15:08
nosrednaekimis it ? ;)15:08
hdevalencenosrednaekim: also, if my laptop is stolen, they can't read any data from it15:09
TimSHow come I cant change the icon for my K750i phone? It shows what looks like an Ipod which isnt on the setting anywhere15:09
nosrednaekimhdevalence: ah..yeah, true.15:10
nosrednaekimmaybe your CD is bad (if it worked for you before)15:10
nosrednaekimhey pawan_15:10
khaije1is there such a thing as raid 3, or did i conveniently imagine that?15:10
pawan_whats up15:10
nosrednaekimthere probably is...15:10
ubotuPlease read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic15:11
nosrednaekimpawan_: did you have a problem?15:12
nosrednaekimmost people who come here have problems :D15:13
hdevalencenosrednaekim: also if more people encrypted their data we wouldn't have so many stories about 5 million people's account data leaked.. etc.15:13
pawan_how to update konversation15:13
nosrednaekimtrue true...15:14
hdevalenceany ideas on why the installer would not be able to create a filesystem?15:14
sigma_why do gtk apps have to be so slow in kubuntu>15:14
nosrednaekimpawan_: there is probably not a new version of konversation out.15:14
TuxManOompa loompa doompa dee doo15:14
hdevalenceit also gives me: i/o error during read on /dev/sda15:14
pawan_but the site say there is one15:14
nosrednaekimsigma_: because.... gtk apps are ALWAYS slow ;)15:14
nosrednaekimpawan_: konversation site?15:14
* hdevalence detects fanboyism15:14
* nosrednaekim slaps it in hdevalence's face15:15
sigma_nosrednaekim: is it like that in gnome as well?15:15
nosrednaekimpawan_: its probably not in the repositories.15:15
sigma_is there any decent kde substitute for gimp (feature wise)?15:15
nosrednaekimsigma_: i'm really just kidding (kinda) I don't like gtk apps as a rule (synaptic is an exception)15:15
nosrednaekimsigma_: krita might do what you want.15:16
Jucatopawan_: there is no new version out yet15:16
Jucatothe latest *released* version is still 1.0.115:16
pawan_i am using 1.0.115:16
sigma_its lagging a bit too much for my liking. at least my firefox ported browser doesnt lag that much15:16
* nosrednaekim tries to remember what "merry Christmas" was in Filipino15:16
pawan_but there is 1.1 release15:17
Jucatonosrednaekim: Maligayang Pasko :)15:17
nosrednaekimwith a capital K XD15:17
Jucatopawan_: where?15:17
=== tmske__ is now known as tmske
nosrednaekimhey stamen15:17
stamenhow to fix this http://pastebin.com/d6e78f62f15:17
stamenand marry christmass to all15:18
stamenwhy the pipe is broken15:18
Jucatopawan_: reread it "what we're currently working on is a last release for KDE 3.5, Konversation 1.1".. "working on" means "not yet released", "in progress", etc.15:18
jpatrickstamen: did you remove the older kde4 packages?15:18
pawan_ur right sorry15:19
nosrednaekimstamen: uninstall ALL  previous kde4 packages.15:19
stamenI think I have removed them15:19
stamenhow to check15:19
nosrednaekimstamen: "kde4multimedia-data" apparently hasn't.15:19
stamenso I have to remove it?15:19
nosrednaekimstamen: just search for "3.96" for version15:19
nosrednaekimand remove all packages that have that version #15:20
stamenas I understand, I have to remove my older KDE or?15:20
nosrednaekimno, you do not need to remove kde315:20
JeroiMy biggest wantings fro dolphin: image resizer15:20
Jucatostamen: no. only older *kde4*15:20
JucatoJeroi: which one do you mean?15:21
Jeroimy biggest wanting for konversation: middlebutton suport fot hotkey15:21
stamenso I have to remove kde4multimedia-data15:21
Jeroimouse suport for hotkeys15:21
jpatrickstamen: or do: sudo dpkg -i --force-all /var/cache/apt/archives/kde-icons-oxygen_4%3a3.97.0-1ubuntu5~gutsy1~ppa3_all.deb15:21
JeroiJucato: slecet images, right click->modify->resize image(s)15:22
=== pawan_ is now known as pawan12
Jeroithen type resolution value and dolphin resizes images automatically15:22
stamenjpatrick: it worked with forcing15:22
stamenthank you15:22
JeroiI often take images with digicam15:22
JeroiThen I dl the pictures into folder15:22
jpatrickstamen: do sudo apt-get autoclean later15:23
=== pawan12 is now known as pawan
JeroiAnd would want to lower their resolution into 1024*76815:23
Jucatothat works in Konqueror?15:23
Jeroisorry again for puncutation15:23
Jeroithat neither15:23
* Jucato shrugs15:23
Jeroifor gnome there is nautililus image resizer plugin context menu15:32
Jeroibut for dolphin there is not any15:32
Jeroior for kde15:32
hdevalenceJeroi: I think digikam does that15:33
Jeroiplugin for dolphin?15:34
JeroiI dont want to use any softawre15:34
JeroiI want context menu to dolphin, that there is image resize15:34
Jeroibut I cant get all what I want tho, it seems15:35
sigma_i just installed firefox (from a deb package), when i click run command and type in firefox it says "KDEInit Could Not Launch /home/sigma/.firefox/firefox/"15:35
sigma_but firefox isnt even installed there15:35
sigma_how do i tell it to stop looking there?15:35
Jeroidid you try opening firefox from kde?15:35
khelll is there a way that i can connect my cell phone to my laptop?15:36
sigma_Jeroi: its not on the K-Menu15:37
JucatoJeroi: search through Konqueror Service Menus in www.kde-apps.org15:37
Jucatosigma_: how did you install Firefox?15:37
sigma_even so the K-Menu would link to the same command15:37
sigma_Jucato: downloaded the deb from packages.ubuntu.com15:38
JucatoJeroi: some Konqueror servicemenus could work in Dolphin15:38
Jucato(but not all)15:38
Jucatosigma_: hm...15:38
Jucatosigma_: when you run firefox from Konsole (command line) does it give that same error?15:39
sigma_Jucato: ok amazingly that opened up firefox15:40
jhutchins_wkkhelll: What kind of connection do you want?  It may mount as a USB storage device; if you want to sync contacts I think you manage that from kdepim.15:40
waltercool_eeehi there, someone know a good app for record webcam video?15:40
=== chief is now known as sundown
=== sundown is now known as sunwards
Tuiqif I post my dmesg, can that help you to help me with my bluetooth-problem..?15:46
Jeroihow I install *.sh files?15:48
trappistJeroi: you run them.  try sudo sh filename.sh15:49
Jeroiroot@Jeroi:~/mount-iso-0.9.1# sh install.sh15:50
Jeroiinstall.sh: 146: function: not found15:50
JeroiCouldn't find !15:50
JeroiType the full path here or press "Ctrl+C" to abort:15:50
PiciJeroi: use bash, not sh.15:50
PiciJeroi: so bash install.sh15:52
Jucatobash: so: command not found15:52
* Jucato runs away :P15:53
* Pici chases Jucato 15:53
Jeroihave to make cdemu15:59
Jeroiin order to get image mounter to kde15:59
Jeroibecause binary packagers are i386 only16:00
JeroiHow do I make deb packages?16:02
JeroiIf I want to make working builds for amd64 when project dont have binary for amd64?16:03
llutzJeroi: https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/ubuntu/packagingguide/C/index.html16:04
ubotudeb is the Debian package format, also used by Ubuntu. To install .deb files, simply double-click (in Ubuntu) or click (in Kubuntu) on them to start the GDebi utility.16:06
Jeroiwhat happens if I install gnome-common?16:06
Jeroidoes it install gnome then?16:06
TuxManit tries to install the whole gnome.16:07
Jeroithis program autogen.sh wants to have gnome-common installed16:07
dhqis there anyone here with a DELL XPS16:07
dhqcould anyone suggest me a best laptop to run linux16:07
Cheone that has most intel components :P16:08
dhqbazhang well DELL HP tOSHIBA SONY VIAO16:08
bazhangdhq: what Che says16:09
=== AndrewYoung is now known as Vaelen
JeroiI need some gnome user to compile this thingy16:09
llutzdhq: skip vaio :(16:10
Jeroiis there way to repackage x386 package into x364?16:10
jpatrickJeroi: aren't they the same? (-ish)16:10
Chewhats x364 :P16:10
CheJeroi: you need the src deb16:11
JeroiI have dl'ed svn16:11
Jeroibut it's autogen.sh needs gnome-common16:11
PiciWhat program?16:11
waltercool_eeeexist a good method for record video and audio of a webcam??16:12
JeroiI guess16:12
Jeroiyou can mount iso, cue, nrg files with easy rightklick contextmenu16:12
Jeroisame like daemon tools in windows16:12
BluesKajJeroi, you can run some 3 bit apps on amd 64 , which I have as well, by installing ia32-libs pkgs in adept or synaptic16:13
BluesKajerr 32 bit apps that is16:13
JeroiI have that16:14
BluesKajJeroi, there ia32bit apps for java and kde16:14
Jeroipackage installer says not correct architehcture16:14
Jeroibut it is kinda stupid, that kde context menu plugin, needs gnome components for svn version building16:15
hdevalence_I can't seem to launch any applications16:17
hdevalence_Xlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server16:17
hdevalence_Xlib: Invalid MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 key16:17
hdevalence_konqueror: cannot connect to X server :0.016:17
llutzhdevalence_: stop trying it to start as root16:17
Cheor at least use kdesu :P16:19
=== Che is now known as CheGuevara
_hdevalenceand irssi keeps freezing16:20
Jotihello all :)16:21
Jotii've got some small question - did anyone try to update gutsy with the most current drivers from nvidia.com for geforce cards?16:21
mot_how do you install login screen themes?16:22
spawn57you have the theme manager installed?16:24
mot_spawn57,  i dunno16:26
mot_i changed my splash screen already16:26
mot_but not the login screen16:26
mot_what theme manager?16:26
spawn57use adept to install kdmtheme16:26
mot_then where does it appear in kcontrol?16:27
spawn57appearance I think16:27
spawn57oops nope, system administrator16:27
BluesKajmot, system settings/login manager16:30
Jeroiconfigure.ac:56: error: possibly undefined macro: AM_PATH_SDL16:37
Jeroiwhat lib I miss?16:37
Dr_willisHmm.. theres a dozen SDL-Dev type libs.  You are compiling from source?16:39
Dr_willisnormally ./configure gives a differetn message when you are missing a lib.16:40
TimSJucato: Do you have any idea why my phone (k750i) shows an Ipod as its icon and it wont change no matter what it is set to.16:41
Dr_willisI have wonderd how kde decides what icons to use for removeable media like that.16:41
JucatoTimS: ipod icon = no idea. charging = no idea either, but it doesn't matter much what icon is used. what's more important is how the system sees it16:41
Dr_willisit gets my SD card right, and the Other media cards. :)16:42
Dr_williswhich suprised me.16:42
* Jucato shrugs...16:42
TimSit gets my memory stick right16:42
Jeroiautogen.sh: line 8: gtkdocize: command not found16:44
Jeroihmm what lib I miss now?16:44
LynoureJeroi: not a lib... gtk-doc-tools16:45
Dr_willis!find gtkdocize16:45
ubotuFile gtkdocize found in gtk-doc-tools16:46
=== hdevalence__ is now known as hdevalence
TimSJucato: It calls it mime-type camera, as it is essentialy a memory card, but the picture is an ipod, is it possible an application like amarok is interfearing and changing the icon?16:46
marioho effettuato al connessione con kppp, ma konqueror non naviga, c,é qualcuno che sa dirmi perchè?16:47
maybeway36when you plug an ipod into windows, it says its a camera16:47
Jucato!it | mario16:47
ubotumario: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!16:47
marioI start kppp, but konqueror don't work. Is there someone that tell me why?16:50
Dr_willisclarify 'dont work'16:52
bazhangor see !doesntwork16:52
maybeway36what are the other KMenus for KDE3 called?16:52
Dr_willisand as for kppp.. You mean to say you are using a dial up account, using kppp, and the web browsing feature of konqueror is not going to web sites?16:53
maybeway36i want to try one out16:53
Dr_willisif so.. do other browsers work?16:53
Dr_williswell bbl.. take care.16:54
Jucatomaybeway36: kbfx, tasty menu, kickoff (the one from suse)16:54
maybeway36Jucato: thanks16:54
Jeroiwhat I miss?16:59
Jeroiwhat package do I need to install?16:59
tekstacyWhat command do I use to check the physical health of a hdd?16:59
JeroiI manged to build libmirage16:59
Jeroibut now cdemu-daemon configure says:17:00
Jeroichecking sysfs/libsysfs.h usability... no17:00
Jeroichecking sysfs/libsysfs.h presence... no17:00
Jeroichecking for sysfs/libsysfs.h... no17:00
Jeroiconfigure: error: can not find libsysfs headers17:00
hdevalenceMy sound doesn't work17:00
Jeroienable your sound: kmix17:01
hdevalenceJeroi: it is enabled17:02
tekstacyGo to the sound system tab in kcontrol and check that it is enabled and the hardware is set right17:03
hdevalenceit is enabled and the hw is set on autodetect17:04
tekstacyWhat kind of sound system?17:04
hdevalencetekstacy: what do you mean?17:04
tekstacyWhat kind of computer are you using?17:05
hdevalenceInspiron 1420. The sound card worked on a previous kubuntu install (7.10)17:06
CheGuevarahdevalence: you running the .24 kernel?17:07
tekstacyIf it worked in 7.10, I have no idea why it wouldn't now. Sorry.17:07
hdevalenceCheGuevara: I'm running 2.6.22-1417:08
CheGuevarahmm weird17:09
CheGuevarai would understand why it don't work under .2417:09
* hdevalence is upset that apt-get update wants to download 208MB of files17:09
CheGuevarathats not that much :P17:10
hdevalenceit'll take like 20mins17:11
dmHello. I have a usb webcam 0c45:602c which is supported by the ubuntu included gspca driver. When plugging it in the driver is loaded and /dev/video0 is created. But I get error messages when trying to use it: xawtv says "X Error of failed request:  XF86DGANoDirectVideoMode", camorama "Could not connect to /dev/video0". Any idea?17:13
JeroiI did build cdemu17:13
Jeroidamn I'm goog17:13
Jeroifor amd6417:13
Jeroiman that needed alot of libs17:13
CheGuevaradm: nvidia video car?17:15
tuccii'm trying to share a folder on my lan, with one of my roommates Macs - I think it's all set up, but the other computer isn't seeing it - anyone have any hints?17:27
_gtt_tucci: NFS or samba?17:28
tuccigtt: nfs17:28
effie_jayxinstalling kde icon themes... is fun...17:29
effie_jayxI could get drunk If I keep following instructions like these...17:30
Jucatowhat instructions?17:30
effie_jayx4. open a terminal there, 5. run ./buildset, 6. get a beer17:30
Jucatoblame the icon theme maker :)17:30
effie_jayxJucato: I love browsing kde-look.org... and If I install 18 themes... I'll be drunk as hell :D17:31
Jucatoinstalling a normal/sane icon theme on kde is easy :)17:31
effie_jayxJucato:  theses are hard to find... in kde-look.org they have got a mess...17:31
Jucatokde-look is a mess :)17:31
effie_jayxJucato:  good stuff but I just cannot tell the tar.bz2 from the tar.gz or other untill I start downloading...17:32
effie_jayxJucato: ahhhwww I see...17:32
effie_jayxJucato:  I do not complaing about the instructions.. though17:32
effie_jayxI may have to run to the licor store...17:32
Jucato.tar.gz or .tar.bz2, it doesn't matter. it's what's inside that will make it easy or hard to install the theme17:33
Jucatonormal icon themes don't involve doing anything on the command line or even extracting the contents of the tarball17:33
Jucatooh well... bed :)17:33
sigma_123i like tar.bz2 .its nice and compressed17:33
nosrednaekimbye Jucato17:34
dmCheGuevara: [webcam] No, it's an ATI card.17:34
hdevalencehey, anybody know where I could obtain a gutsy libdvdcss2 for amd64?17:34
dmhdevalence: medibuntu17:34
hdevalencedm: i thought medibuntu only worked for feisty &earlier17:35
Jucatoyou'll have to check with them. they might have packages17:35
ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs17:35
nosrednaekimhdevalence: it really doesn't matter, just find the individual .deb17:36
sigma_123it does work on gutsy17:37
sigma_123anyone here tried kubuntu on a eee pc yet?17:37
sigma_123how does it perform?17:38
nosrednaekimanyone tried KDE4 on a eeepc?17:38
bazhangwell, but no wireless17:38
frojndHello there: is there any tool for recovering dvds ? like thisone for wins: http://www.softplatz.com/Soft/Utilities/Backup/Recovery-Toolbox-for-CD-Free17:38
SSJ_GZnosrednaekim: There's a clip somewhere - one moment.17:39
bazhangjoin #eeepc17:39
SSJ_GZnosrednaekim: http://www.jespersaur.com/drupal/node/3617:39
nosrednaekimbazhang: can't you use ndiswrapper with the windows driver?17:39
bazhangnosrednaekim: sure :}17:39
Jeroiomg it dont work17:40
Jeroiafter making 4 makes17:40
JeroiI got every libs builded amd64, still it made context menu only to desktop17:41
Jeroiany other context menus do not work17:41
sigma_123bazhang: shouldnt da wireless work if it works on da xandros that comes with it?17:41
tuccii'm trying to upgrade to gutsy but it fails partway through, seemingly unable to connect to Medibuntu (my internet connection is working fine though) anyone able to help?17:41
frojndanyone know any recovery tool for recovering DVDs on linux platform ?17:42
tuccitucci: to clarify, I'm apparently getting 404 errors when connecting to medibuntu17:42
nosrednaekimsigma_123: proprietary kernel module17:42
bazhangsigma_123: they use this weird atheros_swan card so ndiswrapper is the only way last I checked sorry for the offtopic17:42
nosrednaekimtucci: "sudo apt-get update"17:43
sigma_123ah i see. so wats da point?17:43
sigma_123i thought it was a fully oss laptop17:43
tuccinosrednaekim: same thing, 404 errors with medibuntu17:44
sigma_123bazhang: what fps does it giv u in glxgears?17:44
nosrednaekimtucci: well, when you are upgrading. its advized to remove all extra repositories17:45
bazhangsigma_123: tried it, but not with all the effects--just the live cd17:45
tuccinosrednaekim: oh it's not necessary at all? let me try that17:45
al3x4ndr3 where can i get the Gutsy repostory which contain Strigi 0.5.7?17:47
StargazersCan someone help me with KDE4 installation?17:47
stdinal3x4ndr3: either use the PPA repository from the RC2 announcement or use gutsy-backports17:48
* Tm_T slaps Stargazers 17:48
nosrednaekimStargazers: sure... did you read the wiki already?17:48
Tm_TStargazers: please don't make metaquestions17:48
al3x4ndr3ok thanks :)17:48
Tm_T!helpme | Stargazers17:48
ubotuStargazers: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !patience17:48
Stargazersnosrednaekim: Well.. Let me see. Have to switch back to graphical.17:48
limacdoes anyone here know a good blender tutorial  ( video) for face modelling)17:49
StargazersTm_T: Ok ok :)17:49
tuccinosrednaekim: thanks, appears to be workin17:49
nosrednaekimtucci: cool17:49
Tm_TStargazers: btw if you like, I have some time today, jabber etc ->17:50
StargazersTm_T: Actuallu, I was looking for you.17:50
Tm_TI knew it17:50
StargazersTm_T: Ok, come to MSN. I have forgot (or someone has hacked) my password in jabber,17:50
BluesKajsuomalainens ! : )17:51
StargazersBluesKaj: Hmm?17:51
hdevalenceI'm having problems with the mounthelper17:51
BluesKajhehe, just kidding the finlanders17:51
hdevalenceumount: only root can unmount /dev/scd0 from /media/cdrom017:51
StargazersBluesKaj: Ok :P17:51
nosrednaekimhdevalence: are you in admin mode?17:51
nosrednaekimhdevalence: wait, the mount helper in system settings?17:52
nosrednaekimor the unmounter that you get when you rightclick on a device....17:52
hdevalencewhen i push the eject button on the cdrom drive17:52
nosrednaekimhdevalence: ah... how did you mount the device? "sudo mount...."?17:53
hdevalencethe cd was in the drive when I booted17:53
nosrednaekimhdevalence: ah.... ok do "sudo umount /media/cdrom0"17:54
nosrednaekimapparently your Fstab mounts the CD by default... and in root mode <_<17:55
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stdinshouldn't if it has "user" in the options17:57
stdinand "noauto" ofcourse17:57
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dmHello. I have a usb webcam 0c45:602c which is supported by the ubuntu included gspca driver. When plugging it in the driver is loaded and /dev/video0 is created. But I get error messages when trying to use it: xawtv says "X Error of failed request:  XF86DGANoDirectVideoMode", camorama "Could not connect to /dev/video0". It's an ATI video card (if that matters). Any idea?17:58
BluesKajdm, does the webcam driver show up in system settings/monitor & display/hardware? You may have to use admin mode to see the driver being used .18:03
dmBluesKaj: `lsmod` tells me it's there and uses videodev which uses v4l2_common ...18:05
kyewhats the difference between ubuntu and kubuntu one is KDE and the other is GNOME?18:08
jpatrickkye: yep18:08
kyei just installed the kubuntu desktop and i like it.. kind of makes a lot of mess since i had ubuntu so im going to do a fresh install now..18:09
jpatrickso you want just kde?18:09
kyewhat does it mean by supported until 2008?18:09
kyethey will not making updates for it in 2008?18:09
jpatrickupdates and security things18:10
kyewanted that make it rootable if they stopped?18:10
kyepeople coming up with root kits to root a unsecured ubuntu server since there are no more updates?18:10
kyeim just trying to understand why they would stop making security updates18:11
jpatrickkye: you can support something forever18:11
sebixanybody speak in spanish18:11
pag!es | sebix18:11
ubotusebix: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.18:11
kyejpatrick, so after 2008 will they release another kubuntu with more support?18:12
sebixthis node not run18:12
kyeIm using ubuntu but i installed the kubuntu desktop18:12
jpatrickkye: yeah, you can upgrade to the next version whose support expires at a later daate18:13
jpatricksebix: /join #kubuntu-es18:13
kyesince i did that im having to reinstall everytthing like compiz-fusion18:13
kyeso i might as well just format to kubuntu18:13
kyethank you very much, jpatrick!18:13
jpatrickkye: no problem...18:13
pagkye, actually you can just remove ubuntu-desktop packages and have "clean" install without reinstallation of Kubuntu. see http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purekde for more info ;)18:15
kyepag.. ty18:15
kyepag so that means i will still be running ubuntu 7.10 which is supported until 2010 i believe but will be using pure KDE18:18
jpatrick!purekde | kye18:18
ubotukye: purekde is If you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureKDE »18:18
pagkye, you will be running a system, that is identical (assuming you havenät made any changes) to the system you'd get by installing Kubuntu 7.10 from a cd18:19
paghaven't I mean ;P18:19
wershow do i delete search history in konqueror?18:20
pagwers, like.. in google?18:21
wersyes pag18:21
jpatrickwers: F9->History thing -> clear history18:22
pagwers, right click on a entry field (where you type your searches) and choose "clear history"18:22
wersthanks pag18:22
wersjpatrick, i changed my F9 hotkey18:22
werswhat's supposed to come out?18:22
jpatrickthe left sidebar18:22
wersthanks :)18:23
kyepag, thank you! and you as well jpatrick!18:23
pagnp :)18:23
werskye, having the same problem?18:24
ShadzMerry Xmas :-)18:24
Shadzmy friend needs to repair her comp... so I don't have time to really search..18:24
Shadzdoes Kubuntu now support writing NTFS?18:24
pagShadz, it does. I'm not sure, if it does so by default though18:25
kyeShadz,? dont you just mount the ntfs driver18:25
Shadzif not.. is it possible to install the Linux-NTFS files into it?18:25
kyeShadz, i mount my XP partition all the time18:25
Shadzwell, i was using K6.0418:25
kyeedit fstab18:25
stdinit does as long as you mount as "ntfs-3g" not "ntfs"18:25
Shadzand before, it can only read18:25
stdinntfs-3d is the driver with write support18:26
Shadzwhat version of Kubuntu is that from?18:26
Shadzi don't remember seeing that18:26
stdinit's installed by default from feisty on18:26
Shadzand I've never noticed it?!18:26
* Shadz kicks himself18:26
pagstdin, it is? :O (personally I haven't noticed it, but it's just me :D )18:27
stdinpag: yeah, it's a recommends of ubuntu-standard18:28
Shadzso you just mount as usual, just as NTFS-3g, instead of the normal NTFS that I'm used to?18:28
stdinbasically, yeah18:28
ubotuntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions18:29
stdinthat has some examples18:29
stdinerm, it *did* anyway18:30
effie_jayxhey all .. I played a flash video on firefox, I closed firefox and now amarok won't play .. It read audio device unavailable18:31
stdinyou can install "ntfs-config" for a gui for it (it's GTK+ but it works)18:31
Shadzso Kubuntu 7.04+ is also NTFS-3g compatible yes?18:31
ShadzI do prefer Kubuntu to Ubuntu :-P18:31
stdinyeah, ubuntu-standard is installed on all ubuntu variants18:32
stdineffie_jayx: see if you can find what's blocking it with "lsof |grep /dev/dsp"18:32
Shadzthanks stdin, gatekeeper18:33
trappistor just lsof /dev/dsp18:33
stdinI don't know why, but sometimes that doesn't show the thing that's blocking it, but grep does...18:33
effie_jayxno output18:33
stdintry restarting amarok, I don't know if it will try to open the audio device again if it was blocked18:34
trappistalso next time you buy a sound card, get one that does hardware mixing, like an audigy, and this won't be an issue18:35
effie_jayxstdin: I have restarted amarok18:35
effie_jayxI get the smae error18:35
effie_jayxtrappist: not much option when It comes in a laptop ;)18:35
trappisttrue :)18:36
trappisteffie_jayx: ps aux | grep arts18:36
padeydoes anyone know how to get the old kde 2 icons for kubuntu 7.1?18:36
awarringwhen i start kubuntu, my network connection doesn't work. To fix it i go to System Settings->Network Settings->Network Connections, and disable eth0 and then re-enable eth0.....does anyone know why i have to do this everytime my system boots?18:36
Tm_Tpadey: you mean hicolor or what?18:37
effie_jayxtrappist: valles   31366  0.0  0.9  64556  8236 ?        Sl   08:22   0:05 /usr/bin/artsd -F 10 -S 4096 -s 60 -martsmessage -l 3 -f18:37
trappistawarring: can you pastebin you /etc/network/interfaces?18:37
trappisteffie_jayx: try killing it, then restarting it18:37
padeyI'm not sure, I was a gnome user until recently :P18:38
pete__so i've heard all these things about linux being SO stable, but since I installated it last night i get constant notifications saying nsplugin viewer has crashed18:38
effie_jayxeffie_jayx: killall ??? arts18:38
jpatrickeffie_jayx: yes18:38
trappistpete__: linux is stable.  not all software written for linux is automatically stable.18:39
pete__i cant even open konquerer or konverstaion without kubuntu crashing18:39
pete__well, i figured progs stocked wqith it would be somewhat stable18:39
pete__and when i try to use the add programs app, it crashes as well18:39
pete__so i have to manually install every package18:39
Banana_Joehello :) i have got 1 question. how to remove the Workspace switcher in the panel? i dont need it there ;)18:39
trappistpete__: for most people, they are.  sounds like you've got something "up" with your system.18:39
effie_jayxit doesn't do it18:39
trappistBanana_Joe: should be able to right-click it18:40
pete__um,. its dual booted with xp, xp runs great18:40
sigma_123it is stable. actually more so than windows18:40
effie_jayxI killall artsd18:40
trappisteffie_jayx: same error?18:40
Cannoliwhat does this error mean in fdisk18:40
CannoliPartition 1 does not end on cylinder boundary18:40
effie_jayxtrappist: yes18:40
pete__xp runs circle around kubuntu on my system18:40
trappisteffie_jayx: and what was that error again? (I wasn't paying attention when this came up)18:40
Picipete__: Do you get an error when things crash?18:41
Banana_Joetrappist: no i try it but i wont get away. there is no option for it18:41
pete__yeah, nsplugin viewer has crashed18:41
effie_jayxtrappist: Audio output unavailable : Device busy... in amarok...18:41
pete__it happened just now while i was typing, lol18:41
BluesKajpete__,  sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop18:41
pete__and that will install kubuntu again?18:42
BluesKajjust the desktop18:42
trappistpete__: have you updated the flash player?18:42
trappistpete__: I see your bug on launchpad.18:42
trappistpete__: https://bugs.launchpad.net/nspluginwrapper/+bug/17434318:43
trappistpete__: the new flash plugin is incompatible with konqueror18:43
pete__how can i uninstall it?18:43
trappistlooks like there's a patch available to fix it.  see the bug.18:43
sigma_123well theres da problem right there18:43
trappistyou'd have to rebuild some stuff though.18:44
sigma_123just use da older version18:44
pete__it looks like it18:44
trappistpete__: you can get rid of your libflashplayer.so and replace it with an older one in the mean time18:45
pete__im not real familiar with linux, i thought ubuntu was easy to install/uninstall programs18:45
effie_jayxtrappist: looks like a reboot can do...18:46
pete__i could've just installed slackware, haha18:46
effie_jayxI can't reboot now... I am in the middle of compiling... thanks anyway18:46
trappistpete__: for the most part, yeah.  but you get into dangerous territory when you install software without using the official software repos (like by upgrading flash :))18:46
effie_jayxpete__: slack current is an option ...18:46
pete__yeah, konquerer prompted me for the install18:46
effie_jayxpete__:  use firefox...18:47
pete__see, i want firefox, but it wont install18:47
pete__and i cant use apt get to install it18:47
trappistpete__: why?  it should already be installed, actually18:47
pete__it isnt18:47
pete__package firefox has no installation candidtae or something18:48
jussi01pete__: have you updated18:48
jussi01sudo apt-get update18:48
awarringtrappist: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/49615/18:49
pete__hmmmm 1b of updates, lol18:49
awarringtrappist: sorry for the delay18:49
jussi01pete__: also, do you have the universe repo enabled?18:50
trappistawarring: you need a line that says 'auto eth0'18:50
pete__i havent disabled anything18:50
Pici!rootirc | intelikey18:50
ubotuintelikey: It's not technically our business, but we'd like to tell you that IRC'ing as root is a Very Bad Idea (tm). After all, doing anything as root when root is not needed is bad, and especially bad with software that connects to the Internet.18:50
awarringtrappist: can it go anywhere?18:50
intelikeyPici tov18:50
BluesKaj!repositories | pete__18:51
ubotupete__: The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu18:51
jussi01pete__: just check anyway ;)18:51
pete__where shall i check?18:51
trappistawarring: put it above the 'iface eth0...' line18:52
awarringthanks trappist!!18:52
pete__therre was an error downloading updates18:54
jussi01pete__: error?18:55
jpatrick!paste | pete__18:55
pete__i was using adept to get mozilla firefox18:55
ubotupete__: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)18:55
jussi01pete__: it helps immensely if when you have an error you tell us exactly what it is - we dont have crystal balls ;)18:56
pete__im working on it18:56
pete__thats my update error18:57
pete__ive got a myriad of errors i could post18:57
pag!aptfix | pete__18:57
ubotupete__: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »18:57
jussi01pete__: just close adept first18:58
pete__adept is closed18:58
jussi01pete__: run the command fromthe bot first18:58
intelikeydon't you wish all issues were that simple...18:58
pagintelikey, I wish there woudn't be those isuues either ;)18:59
SirChas1umm, question, has anyone had problems with their mute not working in kubuntu?18:59
Tm_TSirChas1: sure some does18:59
intelikeypag this channel would then evaporate18:59
BluesKajpete__, open adept package manager, On the menu of that screen you will want to click on Adept -> Manage Repositories, click the kubuntu software tab, check all the boxes "X",m same goes for the third party software tab, close and then in the terminal "sudo apt-get update" . Now you have more sources for applications other then the defaults that came with Kubuntu.19:00
Tm_TIRSeekBot: ping19:02
intelikeylots of lag   heh19:03
intelikeyor maybe he's down ...19:03
pete__so, is there an easy way to install firefox?19:03
intelikeyapt-get install firefox ?19:04
intelikeydid they change the name like they did gaim ?19:04
pete__nope, it works now19:04
pete__whats gaim19:04
pete__gaim's name now?19:04
jussi01pete__: have you tried kopete?19:05
pete__yeah, its alright19:05
BluesKajpete__, you can install firefox with adept19:05
pete__im in the process of installing it now19:05
BluesKajcool :)19:05
pete__you guys are great help, firefox hasn't crashed yet ;)19:05
intelikeyjust enable all the "plugin crap" and it will  :)19:06
=== A_Very_XMass_NDP is now known as NDPTAL85
intelikeyooops.  /me is showing his colours again.19:07
pete__so, no one uses bitchx anymore?19:07
pete__its been a while since ive used linux19:07
_gtt_speaking of kopete.19:08
jussi01irssi ftw19:08
intelikeypete__ /ver me19:08
_gtt_i can't get it to connect with my MSN account19:08
jussi01_gtt_: have you just installed?19:08
_gtt_recently installed gutsy on a laptop, yes.19:09
_gtt_i don't have moblock or any other firewall to my knowledge on it.19:09
jussi01_gtt_: updated recently?19:09
pete__im an unregistered user, i vant verson u19:09
_gtt_immediately after install... only got it installed on monday19:09
jussi01_gtt_: there was a bug but it should be fixed with an update...19:09
_gtt_lemme try an update today19:10
intelikeypete__ oh.  well it would have said that i am using bx19:10
SirChasmaand i'm back19:10
pete__can i apt get bx?19:10
_gtt_0 updates19:11
jussi01_gtt_: hrmmm19:11
jussi01_gtt_: got all the repos on?19:12
SirChasmok, can anyone help me with the following problem: Kmix is separating "master" from "headphone". I have my laptop connected through the headphone jack to a sound system, and I want "master" volume to affect all channels, not just my laptop speakers (which is what master is at right now). How can I do this?19:12
intelikeyi have a command i run as soon as i install a system    apt-get install mc bitchx elinkx sox ssh       sometimes i add to it.  but never subtract from it.19:12
intelikeyerr elinks  sorry19:12
jussi01SirChasm: right click kmix icon -> select master chan?19:12
BlowYourMindhello there was a key combination ctrl+ <some key> that opens up a dialog box in xchat which allows me to change the color of my msg what was it?19:14
jussi01SirChasm: you _may_ need to select pcm19:14
SirChasmjussi01: but then I'd have to have the laptop speakers muted all the time19:14
_gtt_jussi01: yes.19:15
SirChasmthere's no way for kubuntu to understand when i ahve somethign plugged into the headphone jack that this means i want all sound to come through the headphone jack?19:15
flaccidcommon problem how you have to select pcm19:15
dmHello. I have a usb webcam 0c45:602c which is supported by the ubuntu included gspca driver. When plugging it in the driver is loaded (says dmesg and lsmod) and /dev/video0 is created. But I get error messages when trying to use it: xawtv says "X Error of failed request:  XF86DGANoDirectVideoMode", camorama "Could not connect to /dev/video0". It's an ATI video card (if that matters). Any idea?19:15
jussi01SirChasm: it should understand that by default..19:15
LimCorehello,  how to rebuild the kernel that I have (in 7.10 amd64 bit) but exacly for my amd64 (not generic) SMP,  and while aplying to it grsecurity patch? (so perhaps it will be other version like 23.9)19:16
flaccidSirChasm: that can sometimes be hardware switching as well ie. when you plug it in changes output from speakers to headphones19:16
SirChasmjussi01: then it doesn't :p Any way to force it?19:16
SirChasmis it maybe cause i had "headphones" plugged in from the very beginning?19:16
SirChasmeven when i was installing?19:17
BlowYourMindokay another question how can i set back konqueror to be the file browser, not internet browser i use firefox for that but i sincerely hate d3lphin19:17
_gtt_d3lphin suggz19:18
_gtt_ok, i got 0.12.17 of kopete, and pidgin connects my MSN account but kopete doesnt19:18
_gtt_yes... suggz19:18
BlowYourMinddont know what that mean19:18
flaccid_gtt_: #kopete or !bugs19:18
jussi01!dolphin | BlowYourMind19:18
ubotuBlowYourMind: Dolphin, or more properly D3lphin, is the new default file manager for Kubuntu 7.10 Gutsy Gibbon. If you would like to make Konqueror your default file manager again, go to Konqueror - Settings menu - Configure Konqueror - File Associations and change the association for inode/directory and inode/system_directory to Konqueror at the top rather than Dolphin.19:18
Fudushow can i bind the winkey to open the kde menu?19:19
proximoowhats the command for opening the KDE control panel ?19:19
flaccidproximoo: kcontrol19:20
proximoothanks :)19:20
intelikeythat's so criptic   heh19:20
proximoohehe, well it doesent open anything on linux mint ><19:20
BlowYourMindomg jussi01 thanks19:20
intelikeymaybe you don't have it installed19:20
jussi01!variant | proximoo19:20
ubotuproximoo: The following are some examples of Ubuntu derived distributions that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes, please consult their websites for more information: Linux Mint, LinuxMCE, Ubuntu Ultimate.19:20
jussi01BlowYourMind: :)19:21
proximoohepp, not asking for support though =)19:21
proximoointelikey: very possible, thanks for the tip =D19:22
=== _roconnor is now known as roconnor
clyadamsis it true that Linux does not need any anti-virus?19:24
intelikey!virus | clyadams yes19:24
ubotuclyadams yes: A/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2119:24
proximooclyadams: no not entirely true19:24
trappistclyadams: it's pretty much true19:26
clyadamsi will read that link19:26
limachow can we change an object's front view to make it so that it's side view thru gimp?19:27
Piciditto trappist19:28
Picilimac: What?19:28
intelikeyif you put any trust in wikipidia articals (however the sources they provide may be good)   http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Linux_computer_viruses  is a good read19:29
limacmake an object that is in front view and make a side  view of the same object19:29
limacPici ^19:29
clyadamsit says something called BLISS is the only known Linux virus19:29
intelikeyclyadams see above ^19:30
trappistlimac: I'm still not sure I understand what you're asking, but since gimp is for 2d image manipulation, make an image with the appropriate dimensions and call it a side view, I guess19:30
clyadamsit says Linux is a hostile environment for virus, they cannot survive19:30
trappistclyadams: it would be really hard to make a successful linux virus.  it would have to exploit a vulnerability that would probably have been fixed long before the virus saw the light of day.  if you keep up with your security updates you'll be in good shape.19:32
clyadamsis there any WINE emulator that DOES allow Windows programs real well? Does Linspire, known as Lindows, work good?19:32
limactrappist; like for blender, you need two views for an oject 9front and a side view), so i am getting the front view from the internet, but not the same object's side view. so is there any way to make a side view of that object?19:32
trappistlinspire uses wine.19:32
flaccidclyadams: all depends on the application and there is the wine db for that19:32
trappistlimac: blender does 3d.  gimp does 2d.19:33
BluesKajSirChasm, alsamixer in the terminal , right arrow to "phone" , use the up arrow for a vol of about 70% , that should be sufficient.19:33
clyadamsthanks for tip19:33
jussi01clyadams: crossover or cedega are ok for what they do19:33
jussi01!appdb | clyadams19:33
ubotuclyadams: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org19:33
trappistclyadams: check out codeweavers.com for an "enhanced" wine that'll run more stuff.19:33
intelikeyclyadams you may also want to look at cedega19:33
trappistnot free, though19:33
limactrappist: thx19:33
flaccidif you wanna spend money buy crossover or cedega which are not free19:33
=== ForeverZero is now known as sea4ever
flaccidthey have dbs as well to check19:34
trappistor buy both, since they both kinda rock19:34
clyadamsgood tip, i will write it down19:35
clyadamshow much do they cost?19:36
trappistcedega last time I checked was $5/month with a 3 month minimum.  I think crossover is like $6019:36
clyadams20 or so?19:37
Cannoliis it possible to restore my ipod in linux?19:37
Cannolikubuntu to be specific19:37
trappistCannoli: restore it?  from what?19:37
Cannoliwell on windows itunes can reformat the entire thing and reset it to factory defaults19:37
Cannolii was wondering if i can do that in linux19:38
trappistCannoli: oh I dunno, there are several pieces of software to access your ipod.  one or more of them may have that feature.19:38
trappistmy guess is no.19:38
Cannoliim going to try gtkpod then19:39
Cannolithank you19:39
pete__ubuntu is starting to win me over now that im over my issues19:39
trappistpete__: that usually happens once it occurs to people that their problems might not be the distro's fault :)19:40
hussainany geek can help please?19:40
pete__it was kde's19:40
pete__i miss windowmaker :\19:40
hussainI need to know if there's a possibility to chat from shell directly19:40
sparr_wafter upgrading to [k]ubuntu gutsy, i cant print from openoffice apps.  there is no indication of failure, the documents just dont come out of the printer.  every other app prints fine.  help?19:40
trappisthussain: on what network/protocol?19:40
BluesKajhussain, install irssi19:40
hussainI heard about  it....is that it? you install it and then?19:41
BluesKajyou chat from the TTY or shell19:41
trappisthussain: then run it, then say /connect irc.freenode.net, then /join #kubuntu19:41
macohi there :) anybody willing to help me install KDE4 on Hardy?19:41
hussainyeahhhhhhhhhhh thx19:41
macoproblem : kdebase-runtime-bin-kde4: Depends: kdebase-runtime-bin but it is not going to be installed19:41
trappistmaco: don't do it!  I smashed through the dependency hell and found that kde4 just isn't there yet, and had to go through a much *worse* dependency hell to make kde3 work right again.19:43
BluesKajearly adopters , can't wait for stability19:43
trappistmaco: if you want to try it, grab a kde4 livecd19:43
macotrappist: I would like to install it on the testing machine tho19:43
trappistmaco: with that particular dependency problem, just install what it's complaining about.  in this case, sudo apt-get install kdebase-runtime-bin-kde4 kdebase-runtime-bin19:44
TuxMandoes anyone know if there is something (kubufox) that would be like ubufox, allowing firefox to download its plugins from repo??19:44
macoI have been going through dependency hell many times already - im running testing version of Ubuntu for some time now, however this is something I am not able to solve19:45
intelikeyhussain that is not exactly "chatting dirrectly from the shell"  but you run an app in the shell which you then chat in.    there are several infact.  irssi bitchx epic xchat-text to name some of them.19:45
trappistmaco: the kde4 packages have a lot of dependency issues that still need to be worked out.19:45
macotrappist: thanks, hopefully ill find a way how to work around it19:46
TuxManack will someone answer my question?19:46
TuxManhm ill try this...19:47
intelikeyTuxMan i'll answer.  not me.19:47
macois there an apt-get flag to deny REMOVAL of installed paclage during 'install' command ?19:47
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kubufox - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi19:47
intelikeyjust so you know you aren't being ignored19:47
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots19:48
TuxManooo it has a brain...19:48
OuZohi, how can i switch my file manager back to Konqueror? thanks (i dont like dolphin)19:48
intelikeyheh systemicly speaking of course19:48
trappistmaco: nope.  some packages conflict with others, and apt will insist on removing the conflicting packages.19:48
intelikey!dolphin | OuZo19:49
marc0ssomebody has kopete working from the kde4 ppa repositories? mine complains about qca tls library when connecting to jabber ssl-enabled servers19:49
marc0si have qca-tls package installed and libqca2[-dev] as well19:49
TuxManmarc0s: ha! I'm using it to message you right now!19:50
ubotuDolphin, or more properly D3lphin, is the new default file manager for Kubuntu 7.10 Gutsy Gibbon. If you would like to make Konqueror your default file manager again, go to Konqueror - Settings menu - Configure Konqueror - File Associations and change the association for inode/directory and inode/system_directory to Konqueror at the top rather than Dolphin.19:50
TuxManI like D3lphin bettter19:50
marc0sTuxMan: but are you using some jabber ssl-enabled server? I can connect to MSN without problems, the problem is when using ssl on jabber19:51
TuxMan... who died?19:51
TuxManI guess the server downstairs has jabber on it19:51
TuxManand ssl19:52
OuZothanks intelikey thats better19:52
flaccidi think it needs the tls plugin19:52
intelikeyOuZo np19:52
flaccidqca-tls is usually what is needed19:52
TuxManto KDM to see if KDE4 works now! bum buh dum!19:52
marc0sflaccid: i have qca-tls (1.0-3build1) and libqca2 ( installed19:54
marc0sdo you think i need something more?19:54
flaccidmarc0s: whats the actual error returned19:55
marc0sflaccid: "SSL support coul not be initialized for account user@server. This is most likely because the QCA TLS plugin is not installed on your system"19:56
trappistmarc0s: iirc that's a separate package19:57
sparr_wafter i apt-get source a package, and modify the source, how can i build it with the same parameters as the original package?19:57
marc0si know, and i have it installed19:57
marc0si have qca-tls (1.0-3build1) and libqca2 ( installed19:58
flaccidmarc0s: google that error thoroughly, otherwise the problem could actually be the setting for the account or maybe you need libgnutls13 not sure19:58
flaccid!info libgnutls1319:58
ubotulibgnutls13: the GNU TLS library - runtime library. In component main, is important. Version 1.6.3-1build1 (gutsy), package size 306 kB, installed size 812 kB19:58
marc0si did it already, but nothing found but to install he qca-tls package19:58
flaccidhmm thats important anyway19:58
flaccidmarc0s: which jabber server is this, your own?19:59
flaccidcheck the logs to see what happens on the xmpp server when it tries the tls handshake19:59
marc0si can try with a gmail/gtalk one also19:59
pete__anyone ever tried using a Zune w/ ubuntu?20:00
marc0swell it's my own and not, it's on my own domain but its at dreamhost actually20:00
pete__or amorok more specifically20:00
jussi01pete__: yep... no luck20:00
pete__that sucks20:00
pete__my creative zen will work, ubt not the zune, im sure its not a coincidence20:00
flaccidmarc0s: give gmail a go, if that works then could be the xmpp server. its weird this probably is usually 1) need the tls pkg 2) incorrect account setting eg.port20:01
=== adhi is now known as kuya
marc0sdamn, same error with the gmail accoung20:02
marc0si'll search for the gnutls package...20:02
flaccidi would try a purge and reinstall of the package and/or kopete packages and then reboot and then try. if it doesn't work after that, then wtf20:02
marc0si have gnutls installed...20:03
kuyahelp me please20:04
kuyamysound card not detected20:04
flaccid!sound | kuya20:05
ubotukuya: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP320:05
flaccidsomeone got a puppy for christmas and its been crying all night can't sleep heh20:08
flaccidhi white_gecko20:08
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kismet - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi20:08
flaccid!find kismet20:08
ubotuFound: kismet20:08
flaccid!info kismet | lascar20:08
ubotulascar: kismet: Wireless 802.11b monitoring tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 2007-01-R1b-1.1 (gutsy), package size 950 kB, installed size 2452 kB20:08
lascarI have it installed, but does anyone know how to operate kismet effectively?20:09
white_gecko!find grub20:09
ubotuFound: grub, grub-doc, ggz-grubby, grub-disk, grub-efi (and 5 others)20:09
macolascar kismet hes very nice documentation on their homepage20:09
macowww.kismetwireless.net (i guess20:09
kuyaok tank's alot20:09
white_geckoi have problem with grub i think20:09
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white_geckobecause grub wasn't installed correctly after kubuntu installation20:10
lascarmaco: thanx20:10
white_geckoand there is also no menu.lst20:10
white_geckohow do i get a suitable menu.lst for grub?20:10
white_geckoi'm now runing on a livecd20:10
white_gecko(a kubunut livecd)20:10
intelikeywhite_gecko sudo grub-install /dev/hda   or sda as case may be20:11
intelikeyoh wait.  live cd20:11
white_geckojust on the livecd without anything else?20:11
intelikeyfirst mount the install and them add the  --root-dirrectory=/mountpoint/20:11
intelikey!grub | white_gecko it's all here20:12
ubotuwhite_gecko it's all here: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto20:12
white_geckoah thx20:13
white_geckoi'll take a look20:13
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white_geckois it maby good to do it with dpkg-reconfigure?20:18
jussi01hiya pete___20:20
pete___haha, bx20:20
jussi01pete___: any more issues?20:20
pete___none whatsoever20:20
jussi01pete___: great!20:21
intelikeywhite_gecko that's excessive but will work.20:21
TimSIs it possible to change the Mime-type of a device?20:23
kdubeverytime i open the adept manager i get an error something about apt in use but im not using it and it wont let me install packages20:23
ubotuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »20:24
jussi01kdub: ^^^^20:24
kdubthank you.. i will try it now.20:24
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about fuser - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi20:26
flaccidw0a kde4 is weird heh20:26
kdubjussi01: working great now. thank you!20:27
jonatanalguien ha utilizado crossover?20:30
kdubwhere do i go to access the resticted driver options20:30
jhutchins_wk!es | jonatan20:30
ubotujonatan: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.20:30
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about expo - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi20:31
icewater1anis there a smart way to disable updates of the slocate db?20:31
flaccid!info restricted-manager-kde | kdub20:31
ubotukdub: restricted-manager-kde: manage non-free hardware drivers - KDE frontend. In component restricted, is optional. Version 0.33.1 (gutsy), package size 64 kB, installed size 288 kB20:31
flaccidkdub: install that package if you are on gutsy20:31
=== icewater1an is now known as icewaterman
intelikeyrestricted = non-linux non-free freedom hating money loving, greedy bastards software.20:31
intelikeyoh sorry.20:31
white_geckodo i also use (hd0,2) for /dev/sda3 ? or is it only for /dev/hda3 ?20:32
Cannoliwhy cant i change the permissions to a folder in kdesu konqueror?20:32
ehcare there some window switchers and desktop switchers like expo (for desktop switching) that are more lightweight than compiz? compiz slows my computer to much.20:32
Cannoliim in the properties for that folder but its not letting me change the access permissions20:32
intelikeyCannoli probably because it has no permissions bit ?20:33
Cannoliwhat do u mean?20:33
intelikeyCannoli is it on an M$ file system ?20:33
intelikeythen it has no perms.20:34
intelikeycan't change what isn't there.20:34
Cannoliits on fat3220:34
intelikeyyou can however change the psyudo perms for the fs with the mount optios20:34
flaccid!ntfs | Cannoli20:34
ubotuCannoli: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE20:34
flaccidcheck mount options and perms on the mount point20:34
intelikeymount -o remount,umask=000 /mount/point/20:35
intelikeyyelds full world access   ^20:35
Cannolihaha this is my ipod so i dont wanna screw arround with it too much20:36
Cannoliits ok i got a solution20:36
Cannolithanks :)20:36
intelikeyobviously he doesn't understand psyudo permissions.20:36
LynoureCannoli: those do not change anything on your device, just how it can be accesses on Kubuntu. So no screwdriver needed.20:38
jonatanno puedo cambiarme de canal?20:38
jonatanno se ingles20:39
jpatrick!es | jonatan20:39
giuseppewhere can I download server.met for amule?20:39
ubotujonatan: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.20:39
jonatanno los encuentro, supongo que estan en archivos20:40
jpatrickjonatan: /join #kubuntu-es20:40
intelikeyflaccid why perms on the mountpoint ?20:41
intelikey<flaccid> check mount options and perms on the mount point <<< i'm failing to see what the perms on the mountpoint has to do with it...   sorry.     unless you are talking about 'while it's mounted' that is.20:42
jack333hey, i just installed kubuntu 7.10 with the DVD, and almost all my start menu items start with "_:Entires in K-Menu"20:43
giuseppesorry, why when I close dolphin appears: Unable to save bookmarks in /home/giuseppe/.kde/share/apps/d3lphin/bookmarks.xml. Reported error was: Permission denied. This error message will only be shown once. The cause of the error needs to be fixed as quickly as possible, which is most likely a full hard drive.20:44
giuseppecan you tell me which command I have to type to solve it? chmod...20:45
Flare183giuseppe: it's a retarted bug in dolphin I would suggest you use konqureror20:45
rioneri wanna ask something20:45
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)20:45
flaccidintelikey: they can affect the mount depending if you give options or what options you give. its a good practice to set the ownership and perms on the mount point when creating the mountpoint20:45
rionerwhat's the command for compress a file with split20:46
rionerI have a folder 4 G, i wanna compress it and split to 100 MB every fils20:46
giuseppeFlare183: I know it's enough to change permission on bookmark.xml but I don't remember command line: chmod...20:46
rionerI have a folder 4 G, i wanna compress it and split to 100 MB every file20:46
rionerwhat's the command :D20:47
adhiacl885 not detected20:47
Flare183giuseppe: well as you keep using Dolphin it keeps doing that, it will revert back to "deinable"*20:47
flaccidtry google or #bash rioner20:47
adhimy soundcard not detected20:47
Flare183sorry i can't spell20:47
adhimy sound card not detected20:48
ubotuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com  http://wiki.ubuntu.com http://www.ubuntuforums.org or http://www.kubuntuforums.net while you wait. Also see !patience20:48
intelikeyflaccid hmmm i have never noticed mountpoint perms affecting default mount options    i'll have to look into that.20:48
flaccidits hard for me to remember exactly what but from memory it helps with mounting vfat filesystems without having to specify aditional options, just rw for example20:50
flaccidno uid stuff, it uses the owner iirc, but hey i could be wrong, i think its like this on bsd hard to remember20:51
sourcemakerMy system is down.... Grub Error 17... I do not how to solve the problem.... I am using the live cd... to enter the irc channel20:52
intelikeyk  i'm testing with it now for more info.   but also busy.   so it will take a while to conclued20:52
intelikey!grub | sourcemaker20:52
ubotusourcemaker: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto20:52
intelikeyfirst link sourcemaker ^20:52
sourcemakerI have reinstalled grub...20:52
flaccidintelikey: sweet as, if im wrong, i'll test and see if its freebsd im used to20:52
intelikeysourcemaker when you get all the info right it should work.   check your boot/grub/devices.map and boot/grub/menu.lst   the error may well be in one of those.   or you may have just changed the bios order of the disks  that will throw an error 17 too20:54
intelikeywhat error 17 is telling you is that it can't find the fs20:54
intelikeyi.e. wrong address.20:55
=== pierre__ is now known as PierreJH20
sourcemaker- the bios order is ok... checked20:56
sourcemaker- menu.lst ... checked20:56
sourcemaker- device.map check... everthing is ok... or seems to be so20:56
BluesKajhey joe__20:56
sourcemakerintelikey:  grub-install does also not solve the problem20:56
flaccidi would press 'e' in grub and edit the hd(x,x) entry and press 'b' until you get the right one and it boots..20:56
joe__hi im anewbie need some help with this20:56
sourcemakerintelikey: using the manuall way... root/setup.. also does not work20:56
sourcemakerintelikey: I am working since 2 hours... nothing worked20:57
flaccidalso i have found with gutsy its changed logical names for the partitions on me a couple of times hda5 changed to hda6 twice without partition change on disk!20:57
BluesKajjust ask , joe__20:57
Schuenemannhow do I submit translation errors?20:57
albatross27Can I ask a question?20:57
Schuenemann!ask | albatross2720:57
ubotualbatross27: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)20:57
flaccid!ask | albatross2720:57
albatross27My code isn't compiling :)20:58
alexbobpoh, don't gang up on him...20:58
joe__loaded kubuntu after updates adept dont run:(20:58
albatross27Thanks, alexbobp20:58
alexbobpalbatross27: come on, I know you can be more specific than that.  :P20:58
flaccidalexbobp: im sure thats not the case. people reacted at the same time20:58
=== pierre__ is now known as Pierrot20jh
albatross27alexbobp: well, I'm trying to write a Hello World program in C.20:58
uzytkownikhello, I'm new person20:58
alexbobpflaccid: I know, I was joking20:58
flaccidoh sorry no tone on irc..20:58
alexbobpalbatross27: the first thing is to install the build-essential package if you haven't yet20:58
flaccidalbatross27: try going to like #c20:58
Schuenemanngang up heh20:58
albatross27albatross27: but it gives me way too many errors :(20:58
albatross27*alexbobp: it gives me....20:59
albatross27etc etc20:59
sourcemakerhow can I solve the problem grub error 17... there is no futher error message...20:59
sourcemakerLoading Grub20:59
sourcemakerError 1720:59
intelikeyflaccid the ownership and permissions on the mount point have absolutely no affect on the default mount command     tested   mount /dev/hdb1 /mnt/win98   <<< vfat   with user ownership and with non-standard perms   no change defaults to  drwxr-xr-x 10 root root 4096 Dec 31  1969 /mnt/win98  every time.20:59
Schuenemannhow can I submit translation errors?20:59
BluesKajjoe__, pls explain "adept don't run" ?20:59
flaccidwhat was the fstab or mount command you used for that intelikey ?20:59
uzytkowniki dod'nt know, that this program is ok ...21:00
flaccidi think you will find it different when its a user mount situation intelikey, we can test that21:00
uzytkownikis here someone from Poland??21:00
intelikeyflaccid the mount command is listed ^  and the fstab is commented out so it's not reading it.21:00
Schuenemann!pl | uzytkownik21:00
ubotuuzytkownik: Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl21:00
BluesKaj!pl | uzytkownik21:00
joe__well goes into read mode and then saves a file but always says its open already21:00
albatross27alexbobp: I don't know why it keeps giving me errors. :(21:00
flaccidintelikey: did you mount under root or normal user?21:00
albatross27alexbobp: http://rafb.net/p/DFaoBx83.html21:00
intelikeyflaccid root21:01
sigma_123wonda wat da kubuntu after hardy will be called? is there even a animal that starts with the letter i21:01
Cannolii have a partition /dev/sdc1 mounted in /mnt/asd21:01
Cannolihow do i unmount it?21:01
Schuenemannalbatross27, you'd be luckier in a C channel, your question does not involve kubuntu21:01
alexbobpalbatross27: I'm no c programmer, but you're using the wrong bracketing21:01
BluesKaj!adeptfix | joe__21:01
alexbobpI was too late...21:01
ubotujoe__: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »21:01
flaccidintelikey: see i think its dif when its user mount, for example you can have an fstab entry that has user option and any user can mount it but you can lock certain users out etc.21:01
flaccidthats without the need for further mount options/masks21:02
=== uzytkownik is now known as Gunsa
joe__sorry blueskaj is that a command?21:02
flacciduser mount is preferable particularly for removable media21:02
adhithis the error massege.. Another process is using the packaging system database (probably some other Adept application or apt-get or aptitude). Please close the other application before using this one. what it is21:02
flaccid!adeptfix | adhi21:03
ubotuadhi: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »21:03
BluesKajjoe__, copy and paste this into the terminal :  sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a21:03
intelikeyflaccid nosuid system.  users can't mount here.   but i understand what you are saying.   just noting that default mount is not affected by mountpoint blah21:03
alexbobpI want to download deb packages to install on a non-network-connected computer.  Is there an easy way to get a list of everything that needs to be installed for a specific package?21:04
joe__blueskaj asks if i must keep current version ?21:04
intelikeyalexbobp if you have tweenkey systems (same os same packages) the easy way is to; apt-get clean && apt-get -d install blah   and copy everything from /var/cache/apt/archives over21:06
adhimy kubuntu can't play .mp321:07
intelikeyalexbobp but you can (on the target box) run apt-get install blah    and copy the list of packages it wants to install21:07
sigma_123no standard kubuntu install can21:07
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats21:07
intelikeyalexbobp then use the apt-get -d install `that list here`    and copy everything from /var/cache/apt/archives over21:08
Cannolihow do i view ./ files :S21:08
intelikeyless ./filename21:08
Cannoliwht if its a folder?21:09
intelikeyor do you mean view a list of the file in ./ ?21:09
BluesKajjoe__, make sure you don't have adept or apt open in the terminal , or if it is still trying to update21:09
jack333how do i tell what version i am using?21:09
intelikeyCannoli ls ./21:09
Cannoliwell i have a folder called ./asd  and i want to copy it but i cant see it21:09
Cannolibut in the adress bar i can access it21:09
jack333how do i tell what versino kubuntu im using?21:09
=== amanda99 is now known as amanda99x
=== amanda99x is now known as amanda99
adhihow to play mp3 in kubuntu21:10
joe__not open that i can see lol should i paste the screen ?21:10
crimsunjack333: lsb_release -a21:11
intelikeyCannoli i like;    ls -Ash --color=auto `find ./ -iname asd`      if you want to view it's contents21:11
sigma_123!mp3 adhi21:11
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mp3 adhi - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:11
intelikeyand if you are savey   that answers two questions   ^  :)21:11
sigma_123adhi: !mp321:11
jack333okay weird, i definitely am running 7.10, but adept package manager is saying there is a version upgrade available and it starts downloading 7.10 gutsy packages21:11
adhihow to play !mp3 in kubuntu21:12
sigma_123ok that didnt work:)21:12
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about upgradebug - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:12
Dragnslcr!mp3 | adhi21:12
intelikey!mp3 | adhi21:12
ubotuadhi: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats21:12
intelikeyDragnslcr heh.21:12
DragnslcrI win!21:12
* intelikey conceeds21:12
vbgunzanybody know what can cause multimedia applications to act up? e.g., Amarok and Kaffeine do not want to play anything, they freeze instead...21:12
alexbobpintelikey: thanks, but that didn't work, because somehow the target system forgot it21:13
alexbobp's list of packages21:13
crimsunvbgunz: well, does audio work at all?21:13
BluesKajjack333, there's an adept notifier/upgrade bug...anyone ?21:13
crimsunvbgunz: e.g., `aplay /usr/share/sounds/*up.wav`21:13
sigma_123codecs . also da sound system21:13
flaccidintelikey: yeah i'll give it a bit of a test later y021:13
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about adeptbug - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:13
jpatricksigma_123: you still interested in docs?21:14
intelikeyalexbobp ummm copy your /var/lib/apt*   over ?21:14
vbgunzcrimsun: no, nothing coming on, command line look frozen too :(21:14
OuZois there a kommander script downloader?21:14
alexbobpanyway, I tried installing ndiswrapper by downloading http://linuxappfinder.com/package/ndiswrapper, and then the target system said that ndiswrapper_utilsblabla depends on ndiswrapper_utils21:14
alexbobpintelikey: I'll try that.21:14
crimsunvbgunz: ok, pastebin `dmesg|tail`21:14
alexbobpintelikey: will that cause problems if this system has things installed that the target doesn't?21:15
awarringAfter I installed Kubuntu, I found that my sound card isn't supported in linux (stupid creative). So i turned on my onboard sound, which is RealTek ALC850 on an NForce4 board. Sound doesn't work. In KInfoCenter, I get Card config: ---no soundcards---, as well as a bunch of NOT ENABLED INCONFIG messages. Anyone have any Idea how I enable my soundcard?21:15
vbgunzcrimsun: http://pastey.net/7961921:16
awarringI can put into pastebin my lspci and lshw if that would help21:16
crimsunawarring: download http://trilug.org/~crimsun/alsa-info.sh and run it via bash.21:16
BluesKajawarring, to find your soundcard : cat /proc/asound/cards21:17
intelikeyalexbobp shouldn't   apt is what keeps track of what is installed   it keeps track of what can be installed.   dpkg is what keeps up with installed stuff21:17
crimsunvbgunz: please download http://trilug.org/~crimsun/alsa-info.sh and run it via bash.21:18
trappistawarring: if your other card is an x-fi, and if you don't mind going 64bit, there's a beta driver from creative21:18
awarringcrimsun: doing so now21:19
joe__hey bluesKaj ??21:19
awarringtrappist: I dont really want to redo my linux install :(21:19
BluesKajawarring, choosing your default card : sudo asoundconf set-default-card "name of soundcard21:19
awarringBluesKaj: checking21:20
awarringBluesKaj: it says --- no soundcards ---21:20
BluesKaj"name of soundcard " ..the quotes are required21:20
trappistawarring: asoundconf list to get a list of names21:20
BluesKajjoe__, ??21:21
vbgunzcrimsun: give me some time, I will get back to you asap21:21
alexbobpintelikey: I replaced the apt directory.  "apt-get install ndisgtk" still gives "can't find package"21:21
crimsunerr, please don't use sudo asoundconf21:22
joe__yes  must i choose y or i   or  n or o    or d   or z ?21:22
intelikey!info ndisgtk21:22
ubotundisgtk: graphical frontend for ndiswrapper (installation of Windows WiFi drivers). In component universe, is optional. Version 0.7.2-1ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 18 kB, installed size 172 kB (Only available for i386 amd64)21:22
awarringtrappist: doesnt' give me any names...maybe I didn't enable it right...21:22
alexbobpintelikey: ah, I'll try enabling the universe repo21:22
awarringtrappist: although before, in kinfocenter, it listed nothing, and then when i enabled my onboard sound it listed the NO CONFIG stuff21:23
trappistawarring: it may well be a driver issue.  you can get drivers from realtek: http://www.realtek.com.tw/downloads/downloadsView.aspx?Langid=1&PNid=14&PFid=23&Level=4&Conn=3&DownTypeID=3&GetDown=false21:23
intelikeyalexbobp may need apt-get update   too.   i forget.   and yes i know that will error because of no network   but stilll21:23
crimsun(`sudo asoundconf` semantically gives you /root/.asoundrc and /root/.asoundrc.asoundconf, which is most definitely different from a non-privileged user's ~awarring/.asoundrc and ~awarring/.asoundrc.asoundconf)21:23
trappistawarring: though I dunno, that says it's just the ac97 codecs21:23
BluesKajno soundcards  usually means , no drivers  :(21:24
padeycan someone please help me install flash player in konqueror, don't really want to install firefox because of the speed :/21:24
intelikeyofftopic chat is not alloud in #kubuntu-offtopic   if it's offtopic on irc.freenode.net    heh.   oh well.21:24
awarringcrimsun: i did it as both my user and sudo21:24
crimsunawarring: what's the URL that the script generated?21:24
intelikey!flash | padey21:25
ubotupadey: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash21:25
ubotuThe Flash plugin installation is currently broken. This is due to Adobe changing the tar file that the package downloads. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=636397 if you need to fix this immediately, but it's recommended to wait for an official fix.21:25
padeythanks ubotu :)21:26
awarringcrimsun: i'm having an problem getting the script ot run21:26
intelikey!thanks | padey21:26
ubotupadey: You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)21:26
crimsunawarring: did you download it to your Desktop?21:27
crimsunby "download" I mean "save onto"21:27
awarringyes, is that an awful mistake?21:27
crimsunno, you should save it onto ~/Desktop21:27
awarringi did21:27
crimsunafter you've saved it, open a Konsole and type: bash ~/Desktop/alsa-info.sh21:27
Xplicithow do i host a network using networkmanager21:28
awarringcrimsun: http://pastebin.ca/83300021:28
awarringcrimsun: sweet script btw!21:29
crimsun(not mine solely)21:30
adhiinstall flash player to my konqueror21:30
crimsunsec, I need to check the source21:30
awarringi didn't run it as sudo btw, should i?21:30
flaccidXplicit: host what kind of network?21:30
adhihow to install flash player to my konqueror21:31
awarringk, didn't think so, since it does network interaction :o21:31
BluesKajcrimsun, whynot sudo ?21:31
Xplicitflaccid: i want to host a wireless network for a wii to connect to21:32
=== jack_ is now known as holyyguyver
crimsunBluesKaj: for which command?  (I've already explained why one shouldn't use `sudo asoundconf` above.)21:33
flaccidXplicit: goto manual configuration from knetworkmanager or edit /etc/network/interfaces  . learn networking in google and ##networking21:33
BluesKajcrimsun, I was informed that choosing the default soundcard required permission21:33
awarringBluesKaj: DOn't run list as sudo21:34
awarringi need to list to get a name before i can choose i suppose?21:34
crimsunBluesKaj: not unless the user is actually logged in as root.21:34
BluesKajls , no I guess not21:34
holyyguyverHow do I compile a program from source?21:34
crimsunsudo asoundconf set-default-card != asoundconf set-default-card21:34
sourcemakerPlease help... I can't sove my grub problem21:35
Xplicitflaccid: is there no easy gui way to do it?ive been trying manual stuff but i end up loosing net conection and then Networkmanager doesnt work21:35
sourcemakerI habe 3 dics (sda1/sdb1/sdc1) and I habe installed kubuntu from the live cd to sda121:35
crimsunawarring: you likely have a resource conflict.  Please pastebin `cat /proc/interrupts`21:35
awarringcrimsun: on it21:35
ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)21:35
sourcemakernow... nothing is booting... Grub Loading... Error 1721:35
crimsunawarring: in any case, there is no Free driver for your X-Fi model21:35
crimsunawarring: I would remove it, physically, in an attempt to use the onboard.21:35
crimsun(alternately, you're welcome to try OSS 4.0 with PulseAudio)21:36
awarringcrimsun: http://pastebin.ca/83300921:36
holyyguyver!Thank you21:36
ubotuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)21:36
flaccidXplicit: no there is no easy gui way to do it, you need networking knowledge21:36
sourcemakeranggr... grub not working... fresh gusty install !21:36
flaccidwireless complicates things as well as it has the encryption layer21:37
crimsunawarring: right, neither driver was able to claim resources21:37
sigmawhy can i not make a multisession dvd with a lg dvd writer using k3b?21:37
BluesKajawarring, you could disable the pci card in the BIOS-peripherals and enable the onboard21:37
crimsunawarring: any PCI devices you can disable in bios?  parallel port?21:37
sourcemakerintelikey: grub not working... fresh kubuntu install... what's wrong....?21:37
awarringI can just yank the card out...should i disable anything other than the x-fi card?21:38
crimsunawarring: say, the parallel port if you're not using a parallel printer.  The onboard modem.  etc.21:39
awarringok, i'll see you guys on the flip side!21:40
hdevalenceMy sound isn't working21:41
flaccid!sound | hdevalence21:42
ubotuhdevalence: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP321:42
hdevalenceatrs ruins teh sound21:42
LimCoregood job providing 100% unusable applications like amule21:43
Xplicitflaccid: does NetworkManager mess with manual configurations or can i leave it runing? and is it messed upo by changed to .../interfaces21:43
TuxManjust thought I'd drop by and sit in the middle of the information superhighway while KDE4 compiled.21:45
XplicitLimCore: thanks we try21:45
TuxManah, the splendor of the superhigh.. *SMASH*21:46
TuxManInformation car hit me.21:46
crimsunget off my lawn.21:46
jussi01paperfunk: can we help?21:47
paperfunkit's pete_21:47
ses59i was trying to install google earth on gutsy but it get error code x11 but there are so many x11 files i was not sure what to load21:47
paperfunkim just lurking21:47
alexbobphow can I get a list of the ports my computer is listening on and what programs are listening on them?21:47
Schuenemanncan anyone tell me how can I submit translation errors?21:47
ubotuFor instructions on how to set up port-forwarding (for games, torrents, webservers) see http://portforward.com - also see !firewall21:47
SchuenemannLimCore, well, I use amule all the time. Have you got a better ed2k client?21:48
alexbobpTuxMan: portforwarding is not my problem, my problem is "Starting DNS forwarder and DHCP server: dnsmasqdnsmasq: failed to create listening socket: Address already in use"21:48
ses59i think that the video card might be to old but not sure21:48
ubotuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).21:48
TuxManalexbobp:forwarder.. sounds like a forwarding problem to me21:49
sigmaoh so there is a kde firewall app21:49
jussi01alexbobp: guarddog...21:49
TuxManah, dont listen to me. I'm Noobish.  :-P21:49
=== Gunirus_ is now known as Gunirus
alexbobpdoes guarddog do internet connection sharing?  that's my current goal.21:49
TuxManhm, connection sharing? I do mesh =P21:50
jussi01alexbobp: i think so, but not certain.21:50
TuxManDon't remember how I set it up though.21:50
dmHello. I have a usb webcam 0c45:602c which is supported by the ubuntu included gspca driver. When plugging it in the driver is loaded (say dmesg and lsmod) and /dev/video0 is created. But I get error messages when trying to use it: xawtv says "X Error of failed request:  XF86DGANoDirectVideoMode", camorama "Could not connect to /dev/video0". It's an ATI video card (if that matters). Any idea?21:50
TuxManIdk, try Digikam21:52
TuxMandm: sudo apt-get install digikam21:52
joheydm: ATi driver does not support xv (hardware video scaling) if I remember correctly.21:53
trappistalexbobp: sharing your internet connection is pretty easy: http://linuxkungfu.org/files/scripts/ics21:53
TuxManOw another Information Supercar hit me21:53
TuxManOMG it says M$ Windows Vista!21:54
TuxManlol no surprise there =P21:54
TuxManM$=reckless drivers21:54
TuxManCan't wait to get KDE4 up and runnin21:55
intelikeysourcemaker sorry. was busy.   what error does grub puke out ?21:55
TuxManew puke21:55
BluesKajLimCore, having probs with amule connecting to servers ?21:55
intelikeysick pinguin TuxMan21:55
paperfunkwill it be easy to update to kde4?21:55
jussi01!overshare | TuxMan21:56
ubotuTuxMan: Um thanks... We *really* did not need to know that...21:56
intelikeyyes it just wont be easy to get everything working paperfunk21:56
paperfunkheh, i see21:57
sourcemakerintelikey: Can you help for my grub problem? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/49631/21:57
intelikeysourcemaker maybe.  looking21:57
TuxManDo not defy me, mortal!21:58
sourcemakerintelikey: this would be amazing... I have spent a lot of time... without success...21:58
jussi01TuxMan: please...21:59
BluesKajLimCore, copy this into serveradd name box on the ed2k tab : , port box :5000, click add then connect21:59
intelikeysourcemaker one more thing i need   can you pastebin the output of   cat /boot/grub/device*21:59
=== |GuS| is now known as [GuS]
sourcemakerintelikey: there is only the device.map21:59
intelikeyor   cat /<mountpoint of the installed>/boot/grub/device*    if from a live CD22:00
dmTuxMan: hmmm, digikam looks like an image management app. Are you sure it could help me getting my webcam working?22:00
intelikeysourcemaker yes i'm only expecting one file  but you might have made a copy   so i wild carded it22:00
TuxManhm. weird. last time I checked it was a camera app22:00
sourcemakerintelikey: yes... I have checked... /mnt/boot/grub/ there is only a device.map+22:00
TuxManweird, yeah. somehow Digikam is now an image manager.22:01
intelikeysourcemaker can you pastebin it for me ?22:01
jussi01!webcam | dm have you looked at?22:01
ubotudm have you looked at?: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras22:01
sourcemakerintelikey: it is all in one: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/49631/22:02
hdevalencethis is weird. i can hear sunds like login, warning, etc, but can't hear music from amarok22:02
intelikeyoh are you saying line 16 through 18 is that file ?22:02
intelikeysourcemaker ^ ?22:02
* jussi01 goes to bed, night all.22:03
sigmahow do i share my internet connection using guarddog?22:03
BluesKajnite jussi0122:03
sourcemakerintelikey: the first is the output of the grub install... 2. the device.map... 3. fdisk -l /dev/sda 4... menu.lst22:04
ubotuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).22:04
alexbobptrappist: that script doesn't seem to have worked.  When I connect the computers, the other one can ssh to this computer, but it can't connect to the internet.22:04
alexbobpAny way to make all of kubuntu's apps use a socks proxy?22:04
intelikeysourcemaker yes.  and is that from the installed system ?  or did you fdisk it from a live cd ?22:04
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about socks - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi22:04
TuxManstupid bot22:05
ubotuMany Ubuntu IRC channels prohibit access from !proxies such as !TOR due to a high level of abuse. You can however obtain a hostmask cloak: see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#cloaks22:05
sourcemakerintelikey: Just the device.map http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/49633/22:05
TuxManthat was... useless.22:05
intelikeysourcemaker yes.  and is that from the installed system ?  or did you fdisk it from a live cd ?22:05
thedjatclubrockIs the kubuntu GUI diffrent than ubuntu22:05
TuxManyes, It is KDE3.?22:05
ubotuKDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . Latest KDE version is 3.5.8 for Gutsy and Feisty, 3.5.6 for Edgy, and 3.5.5 for Dapper. See http://kubuntu.org for more information.22:06
sourcemakerintelikey: it's the fdist from the installed system22:06
intelikeysourcemaker i'm just trying to gather all pertanant information so please be patient.22:06
intelikeyok sourcemaker is that an sata hd ?22:06
brush01ukGreetings Everyone22:06
sourcemakerintelikey: yes... sata22:07
intelikeyor ide   pata  scsi  ???22:07
intelikeygive me a sec.22:07
sourcemakerintelikey: is was working... since the last installation22:07
sourcemakerintelikey: after installing the kubuntu to sda1.... the bootloading was not working22:08
sourcemakerintelikey: on sdb1.... I have feisty... on sdc1... I have gusty... current version... ... but I have comment out sdb1 and sdc1 from menu.lst... so that it should be easier to solve the problem22:09
intelikeysourcemaker you are in the system on sda1 atm ?22:10
intelikeychrooted in or something ?22:10
sourcemakerintelikey: no22:11
sourcemakerintelikey: just using the live-cd22:11
intelikeyok  try editing the  device.map file and changing the  sda to hda   and test it.22:12
sourcemakerintelikey: it is always sda... I am using kubuntu since 3 years...22:12
sourcemakerintelikey: I am not using hda22:12
intelikeyok.   let me look some more.22:12
intelikeyi'm not seeing anything that should error out.22:13
sourcemakerintelikey: I am too....22:13
sourcemakerintelikey: is there a debug output possible...?22:13
sourcemakerintelikey: I have comment out sdb1 and sdc1 and I will try again22:15
intelikeysourcemaker maybe.     try this   mount /dev/null /mountpoint/proc -t proc && chroot /mountpoint/ grub-install /dev/sda     see what that yelds   [mountpoint] means the place where sda1 is mounted.22:16
adhiupdate kernel22:17
adhihow to update kernel22:17
intelikeyapt-get dist-upgrade22:17
intelikeyor roll-your-own ?22:17
sigmaok ive enabled everything in guarddog (yes not the cleverest thing to do i know) but it still refuses to share my internet connection, is there anything i must setup on the client pc?22:18
intelikeyin linux you need to enable ipv4 forwarding   and on the client you have to point at the linux server as gateway to internet22:19
intelikeyi don't do windows.22:20
sigmayeah im only using linux, kubuntu on both machines22:20
intelikeyback in a few.   if sourcemaker needs more help    i'll be back in about 20minutes22:20
sigmai set the default gateway as
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sigmaon the client22:21
sigma(thats the local ip of my server)22:21
sigmahow do i enable ipv4 forwarding?22:21
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ipv4 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi22:21
hdevalence"Impossible to start aRts with realtime priority because artswrapper is missing or disabled"22:26
LimCoreBluesKaj: I added that to22:27
LimCoreServers tab of ML Donkey22:27
LimCoreI click Add Server and... nothing!!!!22:27
LimCoreis kubuntu full of unusable software?22:27
paperfunkhas anyone eever played wow on ubuntu?22:28
TuxManI don't play WoW.22:28
TuxManRuneScape ftw22:28
paperfunki think wine will make it very slow22:29
hdevalencepaperfunk: I myself remain clean, but I've heard it's possible22:29
Xpliciti have a wired conection managed by NetworkManager22:32
TuxManM$ \/\/ind0\/\/s = crap22:32
dmjussi01: Yes, I've read all this. The camera is listed there as supported by the gspca driver loaded by the ubuntu kernel. Any idea what could be wrong here?22:33
Xpliciti have a wired conection managed by NetworkManager, and a wireless not managed by them, im using firestarter to bridge the 2  but my wii wont connect through it, is my stup wrong or my wii?22:33
alexbobpXplicit: NetworkManager just starts the connections and then watches them, it doesn't really "manage" them22:33
Xplicitwell it cant pickup any device ive manually configured22:34
flaccidi think you need to learn networking22:35
TuxManeeee \/\/ii is awesome22:35
Xplicit:( but i dont wanna learn netowrking or iptables i jsut wanna play22:35
* Xplicit cries22:36
flaccidi would suggest learning static and dynamic (dhcp) configuration of interfaces, Xplicit22:40
sigma_ok i enabled ipv4 forwarding, set the default gateway on my client machine to that of the server but the internet sharing is still not working, why?22:43
sigma_i also used guarddog to enable everything possible with regards to the firewall22:44
dmHello. I have a usb webcam 0c45:602c which is supported by the ubuntu included gspca driver. When plugging it in the driver is loaded (say dmesg and lsmod) and /dev/video0 is created. But I get error messages when trying to use it: xawtv says "X Error of failed request:  XF86DGANoDirectVideoMode", camorama "Could not connect to /dev/video0". It's an ATI video card (if that matters). Any idea?22:46
TuxMandm: you keep saying that, administrator of the Department of Redundancy Departments22:51
dmTuxMan: Sounds a bit like Monthy Python. Am I right?22:53
TuxMan... w00t Monty Python!23:01
TuxMan So, logically, if she ways the same as a duck, she's made of wood. And therefore, A witch!23:01
intelikeyways and means commity23:02
paperfunkis compiz fusion worth trying?23:04
intelikeysure,  it's just not worth keeping23:04
paperfunkhaha, ok23:04
intelikeybut do try it....23:04
TuxManwhat???!? I've been using CompFus since I started using Linux!23:05
TuxManIts awesome!23:05
paperfunkcan i install it with apt get?23:05
TuxManpaperfunk: sudo apt-get install compiz compiz-kde compizconfig-settings-manager emerald23:06
TuxManpaperfunk: sudo apt-get install compiz-fusion-plugins-main23:06
* intelikey posts the standard disclaimer "this mans comments are not necessary"23:07
TuxManand some others, search "compiz" on adept23:07
TuxManis it true that compiling QT4 can take days?23:09
SSJ_GZTuxMan: Depends on your hardware.23:09
jpatrickI recommend just getting the dev23:09
* intelikey can make apt-getting dash take days...23:10
fdovingit won't take days on fairly recent hardware.23:10
paperfunkwhat is automatix?23:10
TuxManwith a 2.4 GHz processor and 512MB of RAM?23:10
ubotuautomatix is not recommended, supported or needed. See http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html and « /msg ubotu WorksForMe »23:10
paperfunkthats what i thought23:10
intelikeysounds like something i would use doesn't it...23:11
fdovingTuxMan: not very long, an hour or two maybe, or less, not days.23:11
TuxManOkey Dokey, thanks for the confirmation  (H)23:12
TuxManI mean23:12
TuxMan (H)23:12
intelikeypronounced   ache23:13
TuxManmm dinna time.23:13
paperfunkso how do i hax0r gibsons with ubuntu?23:15
paperfunki heard you could23:16
paperfunki gotta get a sweet hack, like one of those gibsons23:16
intelikeygibson guitar ?  mel gibson ?   can you narrow that down for us23:17
paperfunkits on the movie hackers23:17
paperfunkbut i might hack mel gibson too23:17
paperfunkusing a backdoor trojan23:17
intelikeywell i havent see that movie so i'm ignorant to what you are talking about23:18
paperfunkyeah, you're missing out23:18
intelikeyi doubt it.23:18
paperfunkit has angelina jolie in it, mmmm23:18
ubotu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!23:19
intelikeywho's that ?23:19
numpyhey all23:19
numpyso how is everyone?23:20
intelikeyfine as frog hair split four ways... and you ?23:21
DreadKnighti am depressed23:23
numpyno bueno23:23
intelikeyi guess that sourcemaker didn't need any more help...   well i'm about to make last rounds.  so laterZ  @ *23:24
Schuenemann@now bahia23:24
ubotuCurrent time in America/Bahia: December 26 2007, 20:24:14 - Next meeting: Edubuntu meeting in 6 days23:24
intelikeycongradulations   at least you are something  :)23:24
intelikeyanyway cheerio  tata and all that rah23:25
adhihow to mount drive ntfs23:26
adhihow to mount drive ntfs23:26
numpyadhi: know the dev name?23:27
numpy/dev/sdx or /dev/hdx .. so on23:27
numpyadhi: make a directory (like /home/*username*/drive and type #sudo mount -t ntfs /dev/sda1 /home/*username*/drive23:29
adhiok.. i try23:30
adhierror messege Could not enter folder /home/adhi/drive23:35
TonrenKDE 4 is coming out in 15 days... how will that affect Kubuntu?  Will KDE 4 be in the repos within a few weeks after that?23:35
adhierror messege Could not enter folder /home/adhi/drive what it is. after i mount drive ntfs sda123:36
ArtimusTonren: KDE4 will be in Hardy, the next release23:37
BluesKajArtimus, is that an official anouncement , cuz i haven't heard that23:38
numpyadhi: did you "make" the directory /home/adhi/drive ?23:38
TonrenArtimus: So, it won't be available for Ubuntu (unless it's manually installed per-user) until April '08?23:39
numpydid you make it using sudo ? or your normal user?23:39
ArtimusBluesKaj: I've got nothing to do with the Kubuntu project.  Not sure where anything "official" is, it's more common knowledge, mailing list, etc23:39
ArtimusTonren: Assuming that's when the next release is (I really have no idea when Hardy comes out), yes23:40
numpyadhi: ..that means your "normal" user does not have permission to view it23:40
TonrenArtimus: Canonical tends to make a new release every 6 months.  Since the most recent was 7.10, the next is likely 8.04.23:40
Artimus8.04, yeah23:40
TonrenArtimus: Where can I look at a summary of some changes that will be made between KDE currenta and KDE4?23:40
ArtimusTonren: Good question...23:41
ArtimusI don't think I've ever seen a complete list...  I'm not sure if everything is really going to be ready.23:41
adhi? Maybe.. But I don't know..23:41
numpyadhi: so make a new one, or change the permissions on the existing one to allow others to view/list/write to it..23:41
TonrenArtimus: Hmm... what kinds of things are they working on?  I mean, are they overhauling the GUI?  Are they changing Qt versions?  Are they changing printer support?  You know--what are some of the big targets?23:42
ArtimusThere's the new Oxygen icons, a new audio/video system, little desktop widgets that replace SuperKaramba, a nice fun new KMenu (Vista menu done right, basically), updated apps23:42
ArtimusTonren: Well yeah, KDE4 uses QT4 :P23:42
BluesKajArtimus, AFAIK the default desktop for Hardy's release is still KDE323:42
alexbobpI added a wireless driver with ndiswrapper.  ndisgtk agrees that the driver is installed and hardware is present.  ifconfig and the kubuntu network configurator don't think I have wireless hardware, even though ifconfig -a shows a wlan0.  Is there a step I'm missing?23:42
ArtimusBluesKaj: That's still a mess, not sure about the whole LTS thing23:42
Alethesthere's also built in compositing23:42
Alethesfor 3D desktop stuff23:42
TonrenArtimus: It's a shame that KDE4 came out right after the latest Ubuntu release--that means us Ubuntards have to wait almost five or six months after KDE4 comes out to actually use it "officially".23:42
ArtimusBluesKaj: Last time I read, they were throwing around the idea of 2 CD's.  Not sure what they'll actually do.23:43
ArtimusOne way or another, I will have KDE423:43
AlethesI'm gonna wait til 4.1 heh23:43
Alethes4.0 is probably gonna be disappointing compared to the hype23:43
ArtimusI have no problem reporting bugs.  If something annoys me enough, I'll fix it myself.  Or at least report it23:44
BluesKajArtimus, well, let's hope Hardy has a bit more to offer us 64bit users23:44
TonrenBluesKaj: Flash 9 still doesn't work in Linux 64, does it?23:44
numpyits like anything.. it needs to be used, abused, and worn in, before its useful.. hell KDe3 just reached "decent" lol23:44
ArtimusBluesKaj: Flash is going to suck no matter what, I'm sorry...  As will 64-bit codecs23:44
ArtimusTonren: It runs as 32-bit in a wrapper...  Sound becomes an issue23:44
TonrenArtimus: Big hassle.23:45
ArtimusPretty much23:45
TonrenArtimus: For things like web browsing, I really need my OS to "just work".23:45
ArtimusUntil flash is 64-bit, flash is going to suck under AMD64...23:45
ArtimusNot a whole heck of a lot Ubuntu can do, or any of the distros23:45
ArtimusThis is why closed source is bad23:45
BluesKajTonren, if yer using FF , no ...seems to work ok in konq , altho I may have the older version23:45
TonrenBluesKaj: I use FireFox.  I keep trying to switch to Konqueror or Opera, but I can't get used to them.23:46
BluesKaj<---has the ia32-libs installed so that could be the reason23:46
paperfunkkonquerer sucks23:46
TonrenArtimus: Do XP/Vista and OS X have Flash because Macromedia actively helped MS and Apple?23:46
paperfunkimho :P23:46
TonrenArtimus: That's been confusing me, really.  Why do Windows and Mac have Flash under AMD64 and Linux just doesn't?23:47
ArtimusBecause Macromedia thought it was worth their time and money?23:47
ArtimusI've never actually tried flash under a 64-bit version of Windows.23:47
BluesKajkonq is a darn good browser ... it's the crappy websites that don't do HTML right that suck23:47
ArtimusAlso, is there even a 64-bit OSX?23:47
Artimus(I really don't know)23:47
ArtimusTonren: Try this for KDE4 features...  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KDE423:48
TonrenArtimus: I assumed, but now that you mention it, it may not exist.  But, what I'm asking is, did Macromedia help Microsoft with AMD64 Flash 9?  Is that why Windows has it and Linux doesn't?23:48
unix_infidelArtimus: OS X is based off of freebsd.23:48
unix_infidelerm, BSD*23:48
ArtimusTonren: Define "help".  If by help you mean "Macromedia wrote the thing themselves", then yes23:48
TonrenArtimus: Yeah, that's what I meant.23:49
unix_infidelso it would be quite easy to hack a 64-Bit Implementation.  That being said, youd need 4GB + to make it work while.23:49
TonrenArtimus: It's really too bad that Linux has such generally poor 3rd-party support.23:49
Artimusunix_infidel: There very well may be a 64-bit Darwin.  Does Apple actually *ship* one?23:49
unix_infidelArtimus: yupp.23:49
TonrenWhoa... this Wikipedia article says that they're porting KDE4 to WINDOWS?  HUH?23:50
unix_infidelNot on their consumer line though.23:50
ArtimusTonren: Blame the companies...  Things change quickly in the linux world, closed source can leave you in the dust.23:50
Artimusunix_infidel: The server or something else?23:50
unix_infidelArtimus: X Serve.23:50
ArtimusOpen source yo ur stuff and someone will probably eventually fix the bugs...23:50
unix_infidelArtimus: only if it's useful.23:50
ArtimusIf it's not useful, it's not going to get far closed source either23:50
TonrenArtimus: Yeah, but as long as closed source has such a stranglehold on the business world, open source will be stuck in their dust!  It's a difficult stalemate.23:51
ArtimusTonren: That's when you fork stuff or reverse engineer it.  Look at Samba.  There's some open source flash plugins.  Unless Adobe open sources flash, they'll always be playing catchup23:52
ArtimusStill, works for most people with Samba...  Flash is no different23:52
ArtimusIt's not like Adobe is likely to sabotage open source flash plugins like Microsoft does Samba23:52
TonrenWow... it looks like KDE4 is going to be a big, awesome change.23:52
ArtimusTonren: Expect breakage :P23:52
TonrenArtimus: Of course!  It's open source, after all.23:53
SSJ_GZBig, awesome breakage ;)23:53
ArtimusTonren: I expect breakage in closed source stuff as well...  Standard of quality in the business world is non-existant without support contracts...23:53
ArtimusThe only difference is in one case I have the option to take matters into my own hands.23:53
* BluesKaj wonders if it will run on wifeys old xp pc 23:53
SSJ_GZBluesKaj: Specs?23:54
ArtimusKDE4 uses less memory than KDE3, supposidly23:54
BluesKaj366mhz. 256Ram23:54
SSJ_GZArtimus: No, that was found to be false.  It actually uses a lot more, atm23:54
SSJ_GZBluesKaj: Ouch :)23:54
BluesKajbarely runs xp23:54
SSJ_GZBluesKaj: RAM is fine if you're not going to multitask too much.23:55
ArtimusSSJ_GZ: It's actually just QT4 that does, right?  As in, same app, QT4 vs 323:55
fdovingcurrently all versions are compiled with debugfull, taht bites.23:55
ArtimusSSJ_GZ: Obviously, they're not the same apps anymore...23:55
paperfunkkde3 bogs down my quadcore with a geforce880023:55
SSJ_GZArtimus: There's probably inefficiencies all over the stack :)23:55
BluesKajSSJ_GZ, wifey just surfs. emails and plays solitaire23:55
SSJ_GZBluesKaj: *Probably* won't be too horrendous, then ;)23:56
ArtimusBluesKaj: I've got a 333mhz box with 128mb of ram.  Xubuntu works well with Epiphany as a web browser23:56
ArtimusI don't like GTK, but there's probably some light little GTK solitare app23:56
BluesKajArtimus, no way will she switch to Linux ... too set in her ways ...I'm praying for the thing to die , so we can get her a more uptodate pc23:57
BluesKajwifes' pc is 9yrs old ...was a real screamer on w98 when we bought it in Nov '98 :)23:59
unix_infidelif you're on a wpa encrypted network, people already associated with the AP see unencrypted packets right?23:59
TonrenArtimus: I appreciate the ability to "fix it myself" in Open Source, but practically, it's never going to happen.  I just don't have the time.  I like knowing that a closed source company's business and financing depends on its code being bug-free.23:59

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