
neztitiguys how i can get gbox works with gusty???00:42
neztitiAndrewB: how i can get gbox works with gusty???00:43
neztitiAranel: how i can get gbox works with gusty???00:43
neztitiAishiko: how i can get gbox works with gusty???00:44
MenZaneztiti: stop spanning00:44
ubotuthe official ubuntu support channel is #ubuntu. Also see http://ubuntu.com/support and http://ubuntuforums.org00:44
MenZaThis is for Hardy support.00:44
MenZaANd discussion00:44
neztitiMenZa:  ok help me man :P00:45
MenZaI wish I could.00:48
neztitiMenZa:  ok thank u00:49
MenZaIs flashplugin-nonfree broken on Hardy, too?00:52
tumbleweed__doesn't work at all in firefox-3.000:53
tumbleweed__hard to get working in 2.000:53
NeonmageKHello everyone01:56
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ganjamaniachow can i update to hardon?05:05
ganjamaniacfrom gutsgib?05:05
Hobbseeganjamaniac: see /topic05:06
DanaGI'm trying to post to the Hardy forum, but keep getting "not logged in or do not have permission to access this page".06:46
* Hobbsee suspects you wanted #ubuntuforums06:49
DanaGThat's a channel?  Cool.06:50
nenolodopenoffice.org transition is broken from gutsy -> hardy on x8607:04
nenolod(not that i care :D)07:04
DanaGAnd the kde4 metapackage is broken.07:05
nenolodwho cares about kde :P07:06
nenolodpersonally i see kde being broken as a feature ;)07:06
DanaG!info kde407:07
ubotukde4: the K Desktop Environment version 4 official modules. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0 (hardy), package size 2 kB, installed size 36 kB07:07
=== Tomcat_` is now known as Tomcat_
DanaGSLuggish Hardy.09:39
DanaGOh yeah, and something cool: my 7200rpm drive definitely DOES make a difference in disk throughput.09:39
DanaGWell, it doubles the maximum, but I don't know how to measuer the average.09:41
DanaGTime to fsck 27 gigs on old drive:  273 seconds.09:45
DanaGoh wait, that's the time for 60 gigs on new drive.09:46
DanaGTime for 27 on old drive: 215 seconds.09:46
boxemallhi there i just updated from gutsy to hardy. after restart no gdm i found myself under console. x does not start. i already tried sudo su restart x but does not work. what is wrong can anyone help?09:47
boxemalli already tried db_shared/default-x-server did not work either09:48
boxemallsorry meant db_get shared/....09:48
boxemallit says command not found09:48
DanaGLook for a log in /var/log/Xorg.0.log09:49
DanaGAnd the way to restart GDM is this: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart09:50
DanaG(or sudo invoke-rc.d gdm restart)09:50
boxemalloutput on restart is: /etc/gdm/failsafeXServer: line 47: [: too many arguments Warning: Could not retrieve EDID because get-edid is not installed (1): error: this program does not know how to configure the "10 shared/default-x-server doesn't exist" X server warning: could not generate /etc/X11/xorg.conf.failsafe for vesa driver09:53
DanaGThat's odd.09:54
DanaGThat "10 shared...." thing looks like something's broken.09:55
boxemallhmm i had hardy running uder virtualbox and drivers were properly installed.09:57
boxemallsorry meant gutsy09:57
DanaGRight now I'm grepping everything in /usr/ for 'default-x-server', to see if anything even refers to it.09:57
DanaGI'll do the same in /etc/.09:57
DanaGAah, looks like debconf screwed soemthing up.09:59
DanaGI'm not quite sure what's the best way to fix it.  I usually just purge the package while forcing dependencies, and then reinstall it with aptitude.  However, that might be like taking a .... where's a good idiom? .... Oh, like using a sledgehammer to drive a nail.10:01
boxemallsounds like much work eh? so whats there to do for me now. i am not very good at cmd line,...10:02
boxemallbut wait i just changed xorg.conf and put in vesa under "device" then ini 6 and whoa there it is again. gdm is back10:03
DanaG6 is reboot, actually.10:03
boxemalli guess now i have to reinstall drivers again10:03
boxemalli know.10:03
boxemallsimilar liek that it was10:04
boxemallSection "Device"10:04
boxemall        Identifier      "NVIDIA Corporation NV34 [GeForce FX 5200]"10:04
boxemall        BusID           "PCI:1:0:0"10:04
boxemall        Driver          "nvidia"10:04
boxemallchanged to10:04
boxemallSection "Device"10:04
boxemall        Identifier      "NVIDIA Corporation NV34 [GeForce FX 5200]"10:04
boxemall        BusID           "PCI:1:0:0"10:04
boxemall        Driver          "vesa"10:04
boxemalland then rebooted10:04
DanaGoh yeah, watch the pasting.10:04
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)10:04
boxemalloh yo are right  i just gto my message from ubotu,... arghhhhh10:05
DanaGManual NVIDIA is a pain because you also have to edit /etc/default/linux-restricted-modules-common10:06
DanaGI also disabled the failsafe-X because I'd rather be dropped to a console, frankly.10:06
boxemallafter reboot i had no mouse10:10
boxemallso i did sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg10:10
boxemalli just rebooted wonder if mouse is back on10:10
DanaGOh yeah, something useful to note: with nvidia, if you have a valid EDID then you likely won't need the "modes" section.10:11
boxemalli tworks again. now i can start to reinstall drivers i hope10:12
DanaGThat reference to 'default-x-server' still seemed odd to me.10:13
DanaGI see, it was failing with nvidia due to driver being missing, and then failing to start the failsafe due to the failsafe being broken.10:14
DanaGAnd the second part is what gave that cryptic error.10:14
boxemallnever thougt that i could fix it on my own. man im starting to get used to it,... ;-)10:15
DanaGOh yeah, if you do 'aptitude changelog xserver-xorg', there are some interesting notes in there.10:19
boxemalli just forgot command to find out which kernel is used. culd u tell it to me?10:20
DanaGuname -r10:20
DanaGor -a for more info:10:20
DanaGLinux GLaDOS 2.6.24-2-generic #1 SMP Thu Dec 20 17:36:12 GMT 2007 i686 GNU/Linux10:20
boxemallok thnx folks thats it for now. thnx for helping out! bye,...10:27
DanaGGaack, my damn nvidia card is blinking again!10:38
jhasseHi there! Hardy heron doesn't boot anymore. I only see the splashscreen and the scrollbar is moving from left to right until (after a long time) i end up in busybox and it tells my that /dev/disk/by-uuid/blabla couldn't be found. Can someone help me?10:43
pvandewyngaerdejhasse:   did you edit the disk-layout in some way ?10:50
jhassepvandewyngaerde: no, i just updated hardy.10:50
pvandewyngaerdeyou need to find the  UUID of your  / - filesystem  and compare it with the UUID value that is mentioned in grub10:51
pvandewyngaerdels -l /dev/disk/by-uuid/  < maybe this can help you10:54
jhassepvandewyngaerde: but if this uuid wasn't correct, i wouldn't see the splash screen at all, would i?10:54
pvandewyngaerdegood point10:54
albert23jhasse: the splash is in initrd, it does not need the root file system10:55
jhassealbert23: ah okay. I will check the uuid10:56
jhassehm.. i just checked and it was correct10:57
pvandewyngaerdemaybe its your mountpoints10:58
pvandewyngaerdecheck your fstab10:58
DanaGNVRM: Xid (0001:00): 6, PE0000 1818 42080000 0000238c 00000000 0384000011:03
travkinWho know how to fix this? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/17823412:54
ubotuLaunchpad bug 178234 in ubuntu "GTK themes doesn't work." [Undecided,New]12:54
Abbascan someone please tell me, how to alert users in Jabber chat rooms like this:13:02
ubotuLaunchpad bug 178234 in ubuntu "GTK themes doesn't work." [Undecided,New]13:17
Hobbseetravkin: yes, adn?13:19
travkinHobbsee: do you know how to fix this bug?13:19
IdleOneHobbsee: that means you need to jump on that bug and fix it now!13:19
Hobbseetravkin: no.  and i didn't the last 5 times you came in and spammed us with it, either13:20
IdleOnesee :)13:20
th_what's the ati's driver version in hardy? i see versioning has changed totally between gutsy and hardy...13:20
th_gutsy's drivers are marked as 8.xxx but hardys seem to be 7.xx .. what's the deal with that?13:21
Picith_: From what little I have looked at it, it seems that ATI does some weird dual version numbers. The 7.xx number is the Catalyst version while the 8.xx number is the fglrx version.  I'm not sure if they both increment at the same time though.13:25
th_okay, little birds notified that ati has synced versioning with windows drivers or something like that13:27
th_.. not that it helps anything, i don't have windows anywhere :-)13:27
th_just wondering if upgrading to hardy would fix driver issues with ati..13:28
Picibug 17366313:29
ubotuLaunchpad bug 173663 in linux-restricted-modules-2.6.22 "compiz will not launch with fglrx driver - falls back to metacity" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17366313:29
th_yes... windows drivers seem to be 7.12 too13:30
PiciProbably not yet ^ if you want it to work well :/ Plus theres this nice big "AMD UNSUPPORTED HARDWARE TESTING USE ONLY" watermark in the lower right hand corner of the screen.13:30
th_oh, compiz is not an issue, it works wit xserver-xgl13:30
th_but all 3d-games have corrupted textures (with gutsy's default driver). even without xgl13:30
th_and installing 7.12 breaks the resolution13:31
hit<th_> just wondering if upgrading to hardy would fix driver issues with ati..13:34
hitmy gutsy was superfine but now in hardy i have random screen lock ups13:34
hitfreezes or amth13:35
hit= something13:35
th_hit: well. this one is X1600 (macbook pro) mobile version... compiz for example works just fine with xserver-xgl package installed, but all games are no-go. they run fine but all textures corrupted13:36
PiciI'd hold off on Hardy if you want things to work.13:36
th_i think newer drivers should have aigxl support and such goodies, just wondering if they'd fix textures too13:36
hithavent tried any games in hardy except supertux, whitch is fine13:36
th_well, guess i'll keep gaming on nvidia machines. annoying still whatsoever13:37
scizzo-will be interesting to see what the new nvidia drivers will do13:42
scizzo-since the 8 GPU development is in the new once13:43
IdleOnegot a new digital video cam and it is not auto detected. when running  tail -f /var/log/syslog /var/log/messages this is what I get after plugging in the camera http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/49582/ any help would be appreciated13:45
VadiWhat can I do when even ndiswrapper fails in hardy? :/13:55
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HobbseeVadi: compile it from source, see for any difference13:57
VadiHobbsee: Hm.. is built-essential one .deb?13:58
PiciVadi: It should be on the ubuntu cd, so use that as a source.  And no, its a metapackage that depends on other packages.13:58
ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)13:59
Hobbseeits' a list of packages13:59
VadiAh, ok.13:59
Hobbseewell, it's a metapackage, which installs other packages13:59
HobbseeVadi: which card?13:59
VadiHobbsee: Belkin F5D7010, v 7. Realtek 8185 chipset. The vendor has linux drivers on their website even.13:59
VadiI couldn't set them up though myself. So I used ndiswrapper, but support for that degrades with every version :(14:00
Hobbseendiswrapper is tempramental, yes14:01
VadiOkay, I'll reboot and check it out.14:01
VadiOkay, not all is lost. "sudo modprobe ndiswrapper" got it working at the end this time.14:26
Vad1The add/remove program just crashed on me, and offered to submit a report. I said okay, but now it tells me "You are not allowed to access this problem report.". What?14:33
Vad1(and it just crashed the second time)14:34
humboltoAnybody here working on Xen for hardy?14:59
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alex_mayorgaHi, anyone seeing unbootable system similar to https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/kubuntu-users/2007-March/015087.html on latest Hardy?18:09
alex_mayorgaI get dropped to a busybox 1.1.3-5ubuntu918:10
alex_mayorgaany ideas?18:10
infinitycircuitalex_mayorga, that bug report seems to suggest that the uuid set in the /etc/fstab is out of date18:12
pvandewyngaerdei saw this some 9 hours ago too18:13
alex_mayorgait happened "out of the blue" to me18:14
alex_mayorgawhen I chose the 386 option in grub it happens18:14
infinitycircuitalex_mayorga, i'm actually installing hardy heron on a brand new comp so i will see if i can replicate the problem18:14
alex_mayorgaI'm just fine when I pick -generic18:14
alex_mayorgasorry on the lame english18:14
alex_mayorgaseems like https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/initramfs-tools/+bug/67256 croping again or something18:15
ubotuLaunchpad bug 67256 in initramfs-tools "Failure to mount root filesystem, cause unknown" [Undecided,Confirmed]18:15
infinitycircuitalex_mayorga, is it because the 386 kernel switches to sda naming for pata drives?18:15
alex_mayorgaplese let me know what I can I do to confirm it18:15
alex_mayorgaalso the -386-recovery option doesn't help18:16
alex_mayorgainfinitycircuit, might be, I'm not yet at that level of OS comprehensio :(18:17
infinitycircuitalex_mayorga, well older kernels would name ide/pata hard drives as /dev/hdaX but they now use /dev/sdaX in the newer kernels18:17
alex_mayorgapvandewyngaerde, how did you fix it?18:17
alex_mayorgaI have to run, please post any suggestion or whether this is a know one, BRB18:20
Vad1Which kernel does alpha 2 has?18:20
Vad1Or use rather.18:21
infinitycircuitVad1, 2.6.24-2-generic18:21
Vad1infinitycircuit: Ah okay, thank you18:22
pvandewyngaerdealex_mayorga:  i didnt have the problem18:22
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alex_mayorgainfinitycircuit, so I should regenerate initframs18:58
infinitycircuitalex_mayorga, well if the generic kernel works you could stick with that18:58
infinitycircuitalex_mayorga, what is the output of ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid18:59
alex_mayorgainfinitycircuit, where's pastebin?19:00
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)19:00
alex_mayorgainfinitycircuit, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/49618/ the last entry is the one blammed on crash when I see the busybox promt19:02
infinitycircuitalex_mayorga, so does /etc/fstab and /boot/grub/menu.lst agree with those uuid values19:02
alex_mayorgainfinitycircuit, they're the same19:06
alex_mayorgasomebody seeing this: nautilus crashed with SIGSEGV in gtk_widget_get_toplevel()19:07
alex_mayorgainfinitycircuit, I can consistently crash nautilus, when I right-click a windows patition on the desktop, click properties and then click close19:11
alex_mayorgais this related?19:11
infinitycircuitalex_mayorga, i don't know...let me try it19:12
infinitycircuitalex_mayorga, i get no error when i try that but you should still file a bug report on launchpad19:13
alex_mayorgaBug #17876819:17
ubotuBug 178768 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/178768 is private19:17
alex_mayorgaBug #17876819:17
ubotuLaunchpad bug 178768 in nautilus "nautilus crashed with SIGSEGV in gtk_widget_get_toplevel()" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17876819:17
infinitycircuitdoes anyone know how to enable uswsusp in hal in hardy heron?19:26
infinitycircuitin gutsy you had to change /usr/lib/hal/scripts/linux/hal-system-power-suspend-linux to contain "/sbin/s2both" but this no longer works in hardy19:26
swx_Someone knows how to fix the gdm hang up after login? It seems that xserver wont start after login, however I am able to start it in console with startx, someone had the same issue ?21:06
swx_Is there discussions about.. technical problems in here sometimes.. hem?21:34
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)21:35
swx_Someone had problems with gdm login.. screen stay blank and no desktop appear after logon, however I am able to start the session with startx in console21:37
swx_Nvid 8600GT + ubuntu strandard 38621:37
swx_anyone knows about it ? thanks21:38
=== Dana1 is now known as DanaG
swx_of course I am under 8.04 Al2 version21:40
=== Spec is now known as x-spec-ting
joost_ophi all22:06
joost_opjust wanna feedback some stuff here...22:06
joost_opBeen toying with the broadcom fwcutter, on both b43 bcm43xx22:06
joost_opnow i know for sure the bcm43xx should work on this lappy22:07
joost_opanybody know of a procedure to make it work?22:07
joost_opalso, nice to see my sound touch keys working22:07
joost_opok to be little more specific.. standard install uses b43, but dmesg|tail says it cannot assign irq=022:09
joost_opi also wanna note that i needed to get the CD running using boot param acpi=off or else it was a dark dark world22:10
crimsunbcm43xx should be deprecated, actually.22:10
crimsunb43 is much, much better.22:10
joost_opthats what everybody says, i know22:10
joost_opbut i never got it to work tho22:10
crimsun02:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM94311MCG wlan mini-PCI (rev 01)    Subsystem: Hewlett-Packard Company Unknown device 136322:11
joost_opi'm in windows, didnt copy my lspci.. damnit22:11
joost_opbut i it looks vey much the same22:11
crimsunyou can use device manager to inspect the data22:11
joost_opi'm no windows hero22:12
joost_opbut lemme try22:12
crimsun02:00.0 0280: 14e4:4311 (rev 01)      Subsystem: 103c:1363  if you need -n22:12
joost_opisnt there a CMD command to see this?22:13
joost_opdamn i hate this GUI22:13
tumbleweed__die now22:13
joost_opdie now?22:14
tumbleweed__wrong channel22:14
joost_opwhat are ya smoking?22:14
tumbleweed__happened to me 4 times already today :/22:15
joost_opwell i just went curious on ubuntu, to see what broadcom driver they are using..22:15
joost_opbut i notice the firmware was absent to begin with22:16
joost_opwhy is that?22:16
joost_oplegal stuff?22:16
tumbleweed__I have a 432822:16
tumbleweed__I have to use ndiswrapper22:17
tumbleweed__fwcutter doesn't work with it22:17
joost_opi've been using sabayon 3.4F for a time, it got my wireless working out of the box22:17
joost_opit uses the bcm43xx driver and firmware22:18
tumbleweed__lspci | grep -i "broadcom"22:18
tumbleweed__try that22:18
joost_opi'm in windows as we speak22:18
tumbleweed__poor you22:18
joost_opso i figured.. getting firmware (wich i did) and rmmod b43 && modprobe bcm43xx && depmod22:18
tumbleweed__just use ndiswrapper22:19
joost_opswitching to that driver, nm-applet isnt very nice22:19
tumbleweed__I gave up using the firmware22:19
joost_opwell ndiswrapper is the easy path22:19
joost_opthe goal is, getting this working22:19
tumbleweed__doesn't work with kismet though22:19
joost_opbrb, getting a beer22:20
* joost_op opens a beer..cheers22:21
joost_optumbleweed_ : ndiswrapper-common isn't installed by  default i noticed22:21
tumbleweed__I saw that too22:22
joost_opwhat options people have if all fails..22:22
joost_opget a .deb somewhere...get a windows driver22:22
joost_opit would be nice if it was pre-installed imho22:23
joost_opbut then, maybe, legal stuff22:23
joost_opi'm not really used to the legal stuff22:23
joost_optumbleweed_ : ever gave sabayon 3.4f a shot?22:24
tumbleweed__any good?22:26
joost_opwell you should maybe give it a spin then, i cannot be objective onj that22:26
joost_opas i help out on that distro22:27
tumbleweed__it builds itself from source, right?22:27
joost_opits a binary build gentoo system22:27
tumbleweed__but it's based on gentoo, right?22:27
joost_opwith several kernel tweaks22:27
joost_opinsert and go, just like ubuntu22:27
tumbleweed__not for me22:28
tumbleweed__I use the alternate install disc :P22:28
joost_opbut it by default supports mp3,divx,flash..etc22:28
joost_opand has compiz-fusion and such22:28
tumbleweed__I use xfce22:28
joost_opgreat choice22:28
tumbleweed__If I were a minimalist, I'd use flux or JWM22:29
joost_opbeen testing kde4 lately22:29
crimsunb43-fwcutter seems to work...?22:29
joost_opomg, its so gay22:29
joost_opthe cutter works allright22:29
tumbleweed__the cutter has never worked for me22:29
tumbleweed__I guess it's just my model22:29
joost_opbut after installing firmware.. it cannot asign irq22:30
joost_opthats what dmesg is crying about22:30
joost_opthe cutter just extracts the firmware22:30
crimsunwhat's the SSID?22:30
DanaGI still wonder why Broadcom doesn't let people redistribute the firmware.22:30
tumbleweed__because they are evil nazi-clowns22:31
joost_opso its legal stuff DanaG?22:31
DanaGI can understand not open-sourcing it, but I see no valid reason for not allowing redistribution.22:31
tumbleweed__yeah, I think I'll give sabayon a whirl22:31
tumbleweed__as long as I can use my old /home22:32
tumbleweed__professional edition?22:32
joost_opsabayon doesnt shp with xfce422:32
joost_opno the 3.4F you want22:32
joost_opits a DVD22:33
tumbleweed__what's different about the professional edition?22:33
joost_opits on the stable branch22:33
tumbleweed__what about 3.5 r1?22:34
joost_opits the test release22:34
tumbleweed__any good?22:35
joost_opthat one i wouldn't suggest22:35
tumbleweed__very well22:35
joost_optested it here22:35
tumbleweed__I was on debian for a while, but etch won't install on my laptop22:35
tumbleweed__too new\22:35
joost_optoo new?22:36
tumbleweed__my laptop was a week old when I bought it22:36
joost_opthen surely dont do sabayon22:36
tumbleweed__and etch is the stable version22:36
joost_opi though debian was too new22:36
tumbleweed__no, debian's all about the stability22:36
joost_opi hope you got a nvidia video inside22:37
tumbleweed__7150, I think22:37
joost_opati/amd is still way behind22:37
tumbleweed__I have a dual core turion22:37
tumbleweed__with 2 HD's22:37
tumbleweed__this thing is pimped22:37
joost_opgot a Turion64 X2 here22:37
joost_opand a Q6600 for dekstop22:38
joost_opQuadcore FTW22:38
joost_opbeen using ubuntu since the first version22:38
joost_opbut i slipped into sabayon a year ago22:39
tumbleweed__I see22:39
joost_opnevertheless i follow progress on the ubuntu proect22:39
tumbleweed__I dropped XP the first time I used ubuntu22:39
tumbleweed__haven't used it since22:40
joost_opwell even before XP i was using linux, but i never dropped it22:40
joost_opalthough i'm near 30, i love gaming22:40
tumbleweed__it runs in WINE or I don't play it22:41
=== bigon` is now known as bigon
joost_opthats drastic22:41
* tumbleweed__ shrugs22:41
joost_opno Crysis for you mate22:42
tumbleweed__I'm far too lazy to boot into XP22:42
tumbleweed__no crysis for me indeed22:42
tumbleweed__I've had incredibly crappy computers for 14 years22:42
joost_opwell yeah, i love XP for gaming22:42
tumbleweed__I have tons of other games to catch up on22:42
tumbleweed__first time I've had a video card that wasn't PCI22:42
tumbleweed__and the PCI card came 2 years ago22:43
tumbleweed__and I don't mean pci-e22:43
* joost_op uses 8 series22:43
joost_opi need a good PC to work with, hahah22:43
* tumbleweed__ is always just farting around in the terminal22:44
joost_opthumbleweed__ : i'm not advertising here, but sabayon comes with allot of 3d games default22:45
joost_opgoogle earth..picassa stuff like that22:45
joost_opthats why its a DVD22:46
joost_opit also has the  video drivers pre installed22:46
joost_opkinda ready to go after install22:46
tumbleweed__dunno about including the games, but that sounds alright22:46
joost_opnot sure if its legal though22:46
tumbleweed__I'm in Canada, no laws against libdvdcss2 here22:47
joost_opI'm in Holland no laws against weed here22:47
* tumbleweed__ sobs22:48
rskwine actually runs in crysis22:48
rskcrysis actually run in wine22:48
tumbleweed__speaking of weed, there was so much resin in the pipe I bought that I thought it was purple (it's clear), but that's a story for another day.22:48
joost_opYeah i shot allot of wine bottles allright22:48
tumbleweed__5 hours soaking in rubbing alcohol ftw22:49
joost_opthanks for reminding me22:49
* joost_op gets another beer22:49
joost_opi never guessed it would be nice in the ubuntu chan22:49
joost_opi never was here before either22:50
tumbleweed__why's that?22:50
tumbleweed__this isn't the debian channel22:50
joost_opyah well i usualy hang in the #sabayon channel22:51
joost_ophelping out people and stuff22:51
tumbleweed__I should make a channel where everyone is an asshole22:51
joost_opi once went to the fedora channel.. discussing MP3 support22:52
joost_opand why they kinda suck22:52
joost_opOMG, register at a ecommerce to get the RPM22:52
joost_opfuck that22:52
joost_opit still works that way22:53
joost_opnow the gentoo channel is even worse22:53
joost_optotal L337 people lost touch with reality22:53
joost_opsame goes for the HAL channel22:54
joost_opwell last time i was there22:54
joost_opanyway, ndiswrapper to get things going you say22:55
joost_opthat sucks22:55
DanaGOh heck, speaking of crysis:  It needs a ridiculously high-end system to run well.22:55
* joost_op has a quadcore system22:56
* joost_op a 8 series nvidia card and 3 gig RAM22:56
DanaGI ran it at the Medium setting suggested by "find defaults for system", at 1024x640, and it literally went as low as 0.5 FPS in the opening.22:56
* tumbleweed__ has 2 hard drives running in a RAID 0 array.... in a laptop22:56
joost_opits heavy yes22:56
joost_opwell if you like to play a game with a good engine, call of duty 422:57
DanaGYou know how after you're on a boat for a long time, you adapt to the rolling deck and then are unstable when back on land?22:57
joost_opCOD4 FTW22:57
DanaGThe same thing happened to me with the horridly lurchy (2FPS) game.22:57
joost_opto bad its a short story22:57
tumbleweed__I had a crappy computer, so I'm used to playing games at 4 fps22:57
tumbleweed__I just crank up the graphics22:57
joost_opi always have new stuff22:57
crimsunI have a crappy computer.  I'm used to not playing 3D games.22:57
joost_opbut hey... i need it for work22:57
tumbleweed__crimsun : quake 2 is pretty fun22:58
joost_opcrimsun: freeciv FTW22:58
joost_opor dune2 in dosbox22:58
crimsuntumbleweed__: not when you use vesa it's not.22:58
joost_opvery nice22:58
* DanaG has Core Duo 1.83GHz, with 1 gig of RAM, and a 128MB (damn you, Gateway!) GeForce Go 7600.22:58
tumbleweed__crimsun : ....nethack?22:58
crimsuntumbleweed__: I don't play at work :)22:59
joost_opi bet you do play flash games, when boss is gone22:59
crimsunI bet I don't. :)22:59
tumbleweed__I wish I could, flash is broken on my laptop22:59
joost_opok you are the boss22:59
crimsun(not to mention I can be fired for it)23:00
DanaGSomebody oughtta' make a racing game or an Uru-like game in the Crysis engine.  Crysis makes my whole system cry out as if being tortured.  (not literally, it's a joke.)23:00
joost_opi'm my own boss anyway23:00
joost_opi'm such a good one23:00
tumbleweed__my boss has adapted to the fact that I'm lazy.23:00
tumbleweed__speaking of nethack23:01
* tumbleweed__ opens nethack-gnome23:01
joost_opspeaking of lazy: explains ndiswrapper23:01
crimsunI'm just happy I got a holiday that I couldn't use ;)23:01
joost_opso, any devs in here? or is +1 just symbolic for community?23:02
tumbleweed__this is the hardy heron alpha room23:02
tumbleweed__#ubuntu is the main channel23:03
tumbleweed__hardy herron == beta23:03
tumbleweed__so devs are in here23:03
joost_opwell yeah23:03
crimsunyes, there are devs in here.23:03
joost_opi was about to talk to a dev when i entered the room23:03
joost_opasking about the broadcom23:03
joost_opare ubuntu devs in tough with the people?23:04
joost_opor is it all PR dont talk now?23:04
bardyr!info linux-image-generic fesity23:04
ubotulinux-image-generic: Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (hardy), package size 25 kB, installed size 52 kB23:04
bardyr!info linux-image-generic feisty23:04
ubotulinux-image-generic: Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (feisty), package size 23 kB, installed size 52 kB23:05
joost_opubotu: reboot yourself23:05
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about reboot yourself - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi23:05
joost_opdamn bots23:05
joost_op!info hairs on my head23:06
ubotuPackage hairs does not exist in hardy23:06
joost_opbald ftw23:06
xtknightya this distro is a bald eagle23:06
joost_opDo devs ever interact with its users lately?23:07
xtknightwell im not sure there's a ton of direct collaboration but there users/dev communicate mainly on launchpad in fixing bugs23:08
xtknightand there are blueprints and suggestions on the public wiki, for next version of ubuntu23:08
crimsunjoost_op: yes, there are.23:08
joost_opnice, but not personal23:08
bardyrdoes anybody have any idea if/when a new version of network-manager is coming, i hear so much great stuff about the 0.7 release23:08
xtknightwell i dont know.  if you can get together people to get your idea in the next ver of ubuntu, the devs are prolly willing to accept it23:08
crimsunyou'll find that most of the paid Canonical staff are very, very busy.23:08
crimsunmost of us who aren't paid Canonical staff tend to have a tiny bit more time.23:09
xtknight(lowlings such as I)23:09
DanaGThat reminds me... I need to go off and file that bug about sluggishness.23:09
joost_opits not out yet, networkmanager23:09
crimsun(meaning: there are a handful of volunteer, non-Canonical devs here)23:10
joost_opCanonical isn't that a paid call / PR centre?23:10
bardyrjoost_op, oh, i thought it was released23:10
crimsunjoost_op: It's the company that pays for Ubuntu development in addition to those.23:11
joost_opwhat are devs being paid for excactly?23:12
crimsunto develop software, do QA, etc.23:12
crimsunnot weird at all.  They're software engineers, mostly.  There are a handful of marketing and managerial types.23:13
joost_opi mean i know a distro that has as much as 2 devs, and does run things out of the box23:13
joost_opnah i'm not flaming, but the money is uggly23:13
DanaGFor a kernel bug in 2.6.24 kernel, what package do I attach it to?23:13
DanaGDespite only 2.6.24 being affected?23:14
crimsunjoost_op: employment aside, no one's perfect, mistakes happen, and mistakes are fixed.23:14
crimsunDanaG: linux-source-2.6.x (pre-hardy) -> linux (hardy)23:14
joost_opcrisun: like everything in the world..money gets to managers who dunno shit23:15
joost_opjust talkers23:15
joost_opahwell, nevermind me sayin that23:15
crimsunjoost_op: I can't speak for the managerial types at Canonical, but I know at least two who are knee-deep in the development guts23:15
crimsuncjwatson/kamion and keybuk are well known for their contributions in F/LOSS.23:16
joost_opwell it kinda sometimes surprises me inovation on ubuntu is SO slow with this ammount of money23:16
crimsun"this amount of money" is somewhat misleading, IMO23:16
joost_opguess i  just don't understand the whole23:16
crimsunit costs bundles to maintain the Canonical presences in data centres23:17
joost_opjah, trust me, i love ubuntu23:17
joost_opno question23:17
crimsunI don't /think/ any Canonical staff are in it solely for money, either.23:17
crimsunI know I'm not, because I'm not employed by Canonical. :)23:18
joost_opi dunno that much about that really23:18
crimsunanyhow, most Ubuntu dev<->user interaction occurs via Launchpad23:19
crimsunyou can reach us via #ubuntu-devel, too, but the signal:noise ratio is enforcably higher23:19
joost_opi think the distro doesnt reach like 90% of its users23:21
crimsunthat's plausible23:21
crimsunfor instance, I don't frequent the Forums.23:21
joost_opwhy not dekstop link a get help irc chat thing on the desktop?23:22
crimsunaside from community presence?23:22
joost_opor get in touch, whatever23:22
joost_opjust a thought23:23
crimsunI think relying on paid Canonical devs should be avoided unless you purchased a support contract.23:23
joost_opwell, paid support should be there for a company having X desktops23:24
joost_opbut for the home user23:24
crimsunfor the home user, there are the Forums, IRC, answers.LP, etc.23:25
crimsunand of course, that's not to say that some devs don't hop on IRC after work hours23:25
joost_opwell i like the thing sabayonlinux did, putting a get help icon on the desktop23:25
crimsununderstandably they want a break from their paid job ;)23:26
joost_opit auto connects to the IRC23:26
crimsunjoost_op: yes, that's the case with Kopete's and Gaim's IRC presences23:26
crimsunerr, well I guess the latter is Pidgin now...23:26
joost_opits just a great way to kinda encourage people not to give up if they have trouble23:27
joost_opthats the greater goal23:27
crimsunI agree23:27
joost_optalking to people / other users / devs direclty really shortens things23:28
joost_opso why not do that?23:28
crimsunyou have been for the past while if you haven't noticed ;)23:28
joost_oplul means dick in dutch23:30
joost_opthank you23:30
crimsunanyhow, I need to catch the train (since I missed the last one!)23:31
* crimsun detaches23:31
joost_opcheers man23:33
joost_opguys, tumbleweed__ : nice talking to ya23:36
joost_ophardy looks promising, keep it up23:36
DanaGDetaches?  Aah, screen over ssh, perhaps?23:48
ubotuLaunchpad bug 178807 in linux "Severe sluggishness under 'nice' load in 2.6.24 kernels" [Undecided,New]23:51
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